#these ladies have super interesting stories and a lot of love poured into them
merilles · 2 months
some beautiful elves belonging to folks on my Tolkien OCs discord server~
alphes for @toasterdrake 💚🌿
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curunis for @linden-leaf ❤️🔥
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mentelossë for @elanna-elrondiel 💙🌻
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oliveroctavius · 7 months
Thoughts on Lily Hollister?
Oh man, I've been thinking about her a lot recently. She's from a period of ASM that I do not always like or understand but she fascinates me as a character.
I remember my first impression of her and Carlie being a cynical "Okay, MJ and Gwen 2.0". I still think she was introduced as part of a "back to basics" push to assemble a neo-CBG, but I have no hard feelings there. Parallel civilian drama is always a plus in a Spidey comic and they are quite cute.
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But—as a big HarryMJ fan—this isn't really a rehash. (And not just because Harry is now also meant to be a ditzy glamorous party guy.) MJ was just a teenager dicking around while Lily's non-party goals are political and focused. Note that this "love triangle" kicks off when she realizes Peter is an insider at a paper that opposes her dad. I wasn't reading the letters, but—surely someone guessed Menace's identity the moment "he" turned out to be backing Hollister, right?
She's definitely pulling Harry's strings on the politics side, but isn't emotionally avoidant and spends a lot of private time with him. (If we believe her later, worry about his well-being triggered her origin story.) It seems fair to say she appreciates familial devotion.
ASM #586 is my favorite flavor of Spidey Reveal. The villain is someone we knew and almost trusted, and when we look back the seeds of motivation are there, paralleling our protagonist for dramatic tension! Your dad whose reputation you're curating loves your roommate more than you, you say? He always wanted a son, you say?
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There's a deliciously Lady Macbeth flavor to this whole speech.
That which hath made them drunk hath made me bold. What hath quenched them hath given me fire. My hands are of your color, but I shame To wear a heart so white.
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Come, you spirits That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here And fill me from the crown to the toe top-full Of direst cruelty!
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"Okay, you won't be jealous?" she asks seemingly genuinely, in a voice so deep and a body so muscular that everyone has he/him-ed it up until now. The ongoing goblin theme of violence = power = masculinity is blinking neon here. Obvious jokes about Harry's taste in women aside: what kind of philosophy does a woman have to have to be attracted to what the Osborns represent, thinking she's special enough to not be chewed up and spit out?
And she does say she still loves him! You could read that as a manipulative lie, but to me it's more interesting if she does like Harry in her condescending way.
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After all, she seems to love her dad similarly, going behind his back to "support" him in ways he'd never want.
It's too bad that this super-intense characterization of Lily is mostly only retrospective. ASM #588 and the jig is up.
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Hie thee hither, That I may pour my spirits in thine ear And chastise with the valor of my tongue All that impedes thee from the golden round, Which fate and metaphysical aid doth seem To have thee crowned withal.
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It's very possible that the gender element is writers being weird about a black woman as a love interest. (I have a whole thesis on how Black side characters are compared/contrasted to the Osborns somewhere.) But I believe that just a little weirdness can add flavor. It seems significant that Menace, as Lily's fantasy of power denied to her, reads as a nonblack male, as though she hopes that becoming an Osborn will grant her whiteness, too...
Unfortunately, I don't think anything has lived up to that reveal. It kind of feels like nothing has even tried.
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[sighs extremely deeply] American Son. Throwing out her whole villain speech to have her bear a super-soldier goblin son for Norman to use as the next Real Osborn.
Macbeth once says to Lady Macbeth:
Bring forth men-children only, For thy undaunted mettle should compose Nothing but males.
But that's right after Lady Macbeth says she'd murder her own baby with her bare hands if it was personally politically advantageous. Why is Lily "if you want something done right, steal your man's role and do it yourself" Hollister now an obedient heir-producing accessory? And that to a guy she beat the crap out of in ASM #571 for being a waste of rich white dude advantages?
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We have gone all the way to the other side of Weird. Where did her jealousy and personal ambition and all the weight behind it go? Where's her guilt for ruining her relationship with her father for good? Why is she calling Norman "babe"?
Origin Of The Species (ASM #642-6) makes some attempt to reconnect to the original character threads with the whole friend group banding together to deal with the fallout of Lily's decisions.
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But she still feels mostly like a plot device, and her guilt is more wet blanket than "out, damned spot" levels of satisfying. (She jumped to murder to bolster the name of someone who would never have wanted that! Are we ever going to come back to that part!)
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Protecting her child from Norman should redefine her allegiances, but she just... got dragged back to bit-part appearances as an accessory to whichever goblin is the biggest deal at the moment. And got memory wiped for a while and became a black cat ripoff.
I feel like this wouldn't have fallen so flat if Bill Hollister hadn't vanished right after her reveal. Did he ever know about his grandson? A severely underrated element of the classic CBG is how many of their parents/mentors knew each other independently of the kids. The larger web of political + financial + circumstantial connections meant that interpersonal family shockwaves stuck around after the first arc, doubled back, mirrored each other in interesting ways. These should've! This should've.
God this post got long. TLDR crazy first arc that nothing else has even remotely lived up to in my mind yet; it would have to follow up on her bonkers family relationships and deeply jealous personal philosophy (or whatever's left of it).
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arcplaysgames · 1 year
okay with THAT dissertation done, the rest of the shit I've done so far, which is finishing up a lot of SLinks! I have now completed Temperance, Sun, Moon, and Death. Let's go over them.
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who me? what? don't know WHAT you could be implying Kawakami hahaha anyway how about this weather, btw i'm super happy for you. wow what a crazy random happenstance! you deserve it, i love you.
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When asked how she figured out, she points out that the thing with Takase's guardians worked out way too well for her and Reverie was the only person she told. Which... yeah, that makes it p5retty fucking obvious huh.
lmao as if Reverie going "I need their names," in the previous scene wasn't a massive flag. I am not playing this subtle but also Kawakami is smart and I adore her.
Her SLink is complete!!!! So far, she's the best one in the game, to my utter astonishment. I'm glad I muscled through the awful start because this SLink has everything: mocking the player's teacher-maid fetish, an incredibly mouthy cool millennial lady, a genuinely tragic backstory without being soap opera-y, sympathetic portray of sex workers. IT'S GOT IT ALL.
Kawakami was kind of a very Standard portrayal of Temperance. It's not a super interesting card, it's just about having the emotional strength to find the path forward and to find balance in yourself spiritually and materially. It's often portrayed as an angel passing water between two cups-- cups are the suit of emotional intelligence. And they're my favorite suit, personally.
Kawakami starts the arc solidly in a reversed Temperance, she can't balance anything, the goblets are overturned, and all of her emotional strength is just pouring out onto the floor because she is so overworked, there is no well for her to draw from. Through the arc, she actually shares her troubles with Reverie, which in of itself is a show of emotional strength, and with his help manages to rebalance herself. Finally, she can take her eyes off the cups and look ahead to her future.
I haven't been recapping it because it's.... genuinely not a link that's easy to summarize bc its a lot of politics and small moments, but I finished the Sun too!
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Yoshida was this failed politician who got disgraced twenty years ago in a finance scandal, now returned to try and take office again. His whole arc is about his new ideals of empowering the youth and taking care of the elderly, and with the rise of the Thieves, he acknowledges them as a symptom of a broken system that needs massive reform.
You follow him through some intra-party political issues and his recurring thing is that he sticks to running instead of being someone else's right hand man, even when doing so would clear his name from the finance scandal that ruined him.
I'm NOT gonna lie, his final speech is good. He speaks about Reverie, "a certain young man" he met who is aspiring to change the whole, and though Yoshida cannot follow the same path as this young man, he hopes they will meet again at the top of the mountain they are both climbing together, separate.
It's really good honestly. And for the curious, Yoshida is a very interesting Sun to me. The Sun comes at the end of the Star-Moon-Sun sequence and those three cards are basically their own mini-journey. The Star is the herald that the story isn't over and you must continue. The Moon is the darkness that follows, full of illusions and distractions and madness you have to navigate. And the Sun is the light that comes after, is exuberant and joyful, and more than anything it is certain in itself. In the light of the Sun, all is revealed and laid bare. (Which is why it leads into Judgement soon after.)
Yoshida works for the Sun really well because the twenty years of scandal and shame have already happened to him, and he has made it out to the other side. Now, his ideals and purpose are illuminated under the Sun and he never strays from his path.
It's good! Eight out of ten on him!
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DEATH! Goth Doctor!
lmao she figured it out too. I guess that's just the joke of every max rank, huh?
Anyway, I loved Tae for The Unnamed Arcana. She's great. I love that she's actually a goth, actually has a very morbid sense of humor, actually talks about death a lot. They really leaned into the whole vibe and I appreciate that.
Also her look is impeccable obviously.
Tae's whole thing is that she's undergoing the process of Death, the transformation the card deals with. With the lost of her prestigious position at the research hospital, she is stuck working in a small back-alley clinic.
She definitely goes through a period of real mourning for her past self, resisting the forward motion of her life. But slowly she begins caring for the locals around her and builds a new patient base. Really, the drama with her past patient and the miracle cure for her is an afterthought; the Death aspect is definitely rooted in Tae herself. And by the end of the link, she is still dour and morbid, but there is life to her voice again.
She's great. Seven out of ten.
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So Mishima.
SIGHS. Okay. I hate Mishima as a character and I think he represents everything that is bad about the Phantom Thieves and it's his actions (which were completely unasked for and unprompted) that leads the plot to the clusterfuck we're about to enter with Okamura's imminent death. Fuck the phansite and fuck this phuckboy.
yeah he's a half-decent Moon? It's complicated, actually.
So his set up as the Moon is pitch-perfect. The Moon card is a place a person comes to after great upheaval in their life. It's a dark, quiet place for contemplation and reflection. Best case scenario is that it's a stepping stone in your journey towards the new dawn and the Sun.
But there are strange images in the reflection and the reflected light of the Sun in the Moon can lead a person astray and into madness.
Again: the Moon is an environment of possible madness. The Hanged Man is a risk taken that might led to madness. The Hanged Man goes into the deal eyes open, knowing the stakes. The Moon doesn't know the danger around them and has to keep from lingering.
So as the Moon, Mishima goes from being Kamoshida's punching bag into this dark, quiet place where he doesn't know what to do with himself, only that he needs a purpose. He settles on the Phansite.
Now, I think the game is arguing that running the Phansite gives Mishima direction and purpose, letting him move forward in his path.
I think that's undercut by how much the game itself points out Mishima's actions led to various fuck ups. Remember when Reverie had to be the one to tell him to give back the fucking money he'd collected from "donations"? Honestly, most of the conversations in this SLink are just trying to drag Mishima away from his worse impulses.
Which... also kinda works! I say the game's intended portrayal of the Moon is dumb, but my own is just as valid. I don't think Mishima has moved on and grown at all. I think he's been dazzled by the false, reflected light of the Moon (metaphorically, the allure of his nebulous fame re: the Phansite and his repeated misunderstanding of how to use it without being a malicious prick) and instead of continuing on his journey, he is staring slack-jawed into the illusion.
Sooooooooooo.... Nine out of ten, honestly!
But also I hate Mishima.
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ladyloveandjustice · 3 years
Spring 2021 anime overview: Quick Takes
Now for my Spring 2021 anime thoughts! I’ve decided from now on if a season’s like, 20- to-24 episodes I’m just going to wait ‘til it’s done to review it unless I feels super passionately, so though I watched To Your Eternity (it’s good!) and MHA (eh), I’ll comment on them next time. Also, for the record, I watched the first eight eps of Joran: Princess and Snow of Blood but I dropped it because it had clearly crossed the line from entertainingly dumb to boring dumb. 
I will probably give Supercub and some other stuff a shot later, this was a stacked season! May give updates on all that later, but this is what I have for now.
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Quick Summary: A mild mannered middle-aged walrus taxi driver is drawn into a case involving a missing girl, yakuza, Youtube clout-chasers, manzai comedians and idols with big secrets.
It’s rare to walk away from media and be like “that is a singular experience I will definitely never see repeated again” but ODDTAXI is definitely one of those. A tense noir thriller murder mystery starring cartoon animals that spends an entire episode detailing the one (cat)man’s very fall into darkness triggered by addiction to gacha games and an online auction for a novelty eraser? Also there’s a porcupine Yakuza who speaks entirely in rap? Also there’s tons of meandering conversations about stuff like manzai comedy and the struggle to go viral on Twitter?
Admittedly, I had a hard time getting into the first episode, the dry meandering humor not being enough to hold my attention while I was sitting still, but once I watched this while I was working out at the end of the season, I found it an easy binge. A ton of characters with dark secrets or dangerous ambitions, each with their own part to play in a tableau of intersecting events- and it all actually comes together really well.(As for the female characters, it’s a pretty dude driven story, but they do get nuanced characterization and even some good heroic moments from one of them.)
 It’s a great example of a carefully planned narrative paying off, with all the twists appropriately seeded and foreshadowed to reward viewers who paid attention. Even when it ended on a perfect “OH SHIT” moment and denied me closure, I couldn’t help but respect it. If you that all sounds interesting to you, definitely check out the first couple episodes and see if you like it- you’re likely to have a memorable, satisfying experience!
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Shadows House
Quick Summary: Emilyko is a ‘living doll’ who’s told she was created to act as the ‘face’ of her shadow master, Kate. The shadows and their ‘dolls’ all reside on the mansion and are required to pass a ‘debut’ to prove they’re a good pairing. If they don’t pass, they might be disposed of. And so the mystery of the Shadow mansion grows...
This slice of gothic intrigue was my favorite of the season, tied with ODDTAXI. With an interesting premise, slightly tense undertones and a strong focus on character building and relationships, it kept me hooked the whole way through. And for any squeamish fans put off by the hype about it, don’t worry, while there are some suspenseful elements, I wouldn’t qualify it as horror. I thought the relationship between Kate and Emilyko might end up being a completely sinister one, but it’s thankfully a lot more complex than that and it’s really interesting to follow how both their characters and relationship grow. The focus of the show is, unsurprisingly, on the “dolls” slowly discovering their autonomy and personhood as they struggle under the rigid system imposed on them by the mysterious elders of this weird Victorian mansion. Can they develop a more equitable relationship with their shadow “masters” (who are also shown to suffer under this system)? There’s a lot to dig into there, and the show has the characters develop through learning to understand and appreciate each other, which is pretty heartwarming. Our hero, Emilyko, is the typical plucky ball of sunshine (they even nickname her sunshine), but she’s also shown to be clever in her own off-the-wall way and she bounces off the far more subdued and cynical Kate well, not to mention the other ‘dolls’ she ends up befriending. 
What’s more, the show spends plenty of time to developing several other character pairings and combinations, and they all have their own interesting dynamic that makes you want to see more of them. Same-gender bonds are at the forefront of this show, and many of them are ripe for queer readings (I definitely appreciated the healthy helping of ladies carrying ladies), but even outside that it’s nice to see a show where a strong, complex bond between girls is at the forefront. My only real complaints about the show are the anime original ending is noticeably a bit rushed (though it’s not too bad, and leaves room for a season 2) and I wish the animation used the whole “shadow” theme more strikingly (like the opening and endings do)- instead the colors are a bit washed out which makes the shadows blend into the background sometimes. The “debut” arc also drags a bit in places, but it makes up for it by having a lot of good character integration.
I hope to check out the (full color)! manga soon and see more of this quirky, shadowy story. There’s some physical abuse depicted, sad things happening to characters and naturally the whole “oppressive familial system” thing, but otherwise not much I can think of to warn about. I give this one a big rec, especially If you’re a fan of gothic fairytales and stories of self discovery.  
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Zombie Land Saga Revenge
Quickest summary: In this sequel season, everyone’s favorite zombie idol group must claw their way back into prominence after a disastrous show- the fate of the Saga prefecture LITERALLY depends on it!
This was a fun follow-up to the first season- if you liked the first zombie-girl romp, you’ll probably enjoy this one. In fact, there were a couple areas it improved on- namely, Kotaro failed, ate crow and embarrassed himself a lot more this season, which made him more likeable (as did the fact the girls gained a lot of independence from him). This season also shed more light on what the ‘goal’ of this zombie raising project is and what kind of shit Kotaro got involved with to make this happen, and it’s appropriately off-the-wall and ridiculous. We finally got some backstory for Yugiri too! I wish it had focused on more of her interiority, but she got to be a badass in it, and it was a treat to see this zombie idol show turn into a period piece for a couple episodes (also her song ruled).
 Tae also got a cute focus episode and there was a particular SMASHING performance early on! Also That revelation last season that had the potential to turn creepy hasn’t yet, and hopefully never will. The finale was heartwarming with big hints of more drama to come- I’m definitely down for more zombie hijinks!
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Vivy: Flourite Eye’s Song
Quickest Summary: A songstress AI named DIVA (nicknamed Vivy) is approached by another AI named Matsumoto, who says he’s from the future and they must work together to prevent AI exterminating all of humankind 100 years from now.
This show is absolutely gorgeous visually with some really nice action scenes, but when it comes to the story my feelings basically amount to a shrug. It’s fine! I guess! Vivy starts out as an interesting layered character- and I guess still is by the end- with her stoic but stubborn determination bouncing off her fast-talking bossy partner Matsumoto well. She never listens to him, which is delightful. The way the show took place over the course of 100 years was an interesting conceit as well. However, it bought up a lot of themes and then sort of... dropped them. For instance, Vivy interprets her mission (PRIME DIRECTIVE if you will) as protecting humans at all costs, no matter how destructive said humans are or what their fate is supposed to be, and is perfectly willing to murder her fellow androids to do this, showing she inherently thinks of androids (herself and her own people!) as less worthy. Which is a little alarming! There’s a very dramatic point in the show where they bring this up as a potential conflict for her character but then it’s sort of...dropped. Pretty much.
Actually, despite the premise, the show doesn’t dip into the “AI rights” as much as you think it would with the main theme being more about Vivy’s search to find her own creativity and discover what it means to ‘pour your heart into something’. Vivy herself doesn’t actually care if she has rights or anything. Which is in some ways fine, because ‘AI as an oppressed class’ has been done to death, but IT’S ALSO KIND OF IN THE PREMISE, so that means that the show just shrugs really hard at a lot of the questions it brings up  basically just going “humans and AI should work together probably” and that’s it. There’s a lot that feels underexplored. The antagonists in the show also either have motivations that don’t really make sense or have boring hackneyed motivations. In the finale in particular, it feels like a lot of things happen “just because” and it falls a little flat.
I also have to warn that one of the arcs focus on a robot ‘pairing’ where the dude-coded robots actions toward his partner are straight up awful and rob her of her autonomy, but it’s played like a tragic love story. I suppose you could read it differently too, but it definitely made me go ‘ew’ the story seemed to want me to sympathize with this robo dude,
Overall, I wouldn’t anti-recommend this show, it’s an all right little sci-fic romp (and definitely SUPER pretty). My favorite element was definitely the episodes where Vivy develops an entirely new (an loveable) personality, because it played with the idea of of an AI getting “rebooted” really well and interplay between her two “selves” was done really well. But there are a lot of other parts of the show that just feel...a little underexplored and empty, making me have an ‘eh’ feeling on the show overall. It’s definitely an ambitious project, and while it didn’t quite stick the landing, there’s something to be said for a show that shoots for the stars and falls short over a show that just languishes in mediocrity.
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Fruits Basket The Final
Quick summary: The final season of that dramatic drama about that weird family with a zodiac curse and the girl who loves them.
It’s very weird that after not cutting a lot out, they kinda sped through some material for, you know, the finale. I guess they thought they couldn’t stretch this final arc to 26 episodes? Or weren’t cleared for another double cour? However, though there were a couple places that felt awkward, despite being a bit condensed it mostly held together pretty well for a D R A M A T I C and ultimately heartwarming conclusion. I was really disappointed they kept the part where Ritsu cut their hair for the ‘happy ending’, I thought  their intro episode not showing them in men’s clothes meant the anime had decided their presentation didn’t need to be “fixed” but WELL I GUESS NOT. That was the only big upset for me though, otherwise the adaptation went about how I expected, sticking to the source material. Furuba has a lot of bumps, from weird age gap stuff to ...gender, but it also has a lot of important feels and great character arcs. It was a gateway shoujo for many and has its important place in animanga history, so I’m glad it finally got a shiny, full adaptation.
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the-purity-pen · 3 years
PTC: part v
Pairing: Marcus Moreno x Fem!Reader
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gif by @pascalsky
Word Count: 2,312
Rating: PG
Warnings: sweet moments, little bit of angst.
A/N: here’s the next part! some reveals. did you guess correctly? @creativekat and i are having a blast writing this and we really do love this story and these characters!
Series Masterlist
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You looked around the large rented ballroom and shook your head nervously. You had brought up the idea of taking the kids out on field trips to facilitate their learning and the Heroics school board had decided to hold a fundraiser to help take this from an idea to reality. You hadn’t imagined that they might opt to raise said funds by auctioning off dates with the Heroics themselves. Since the event would be opened to the public, it couldn’t be held at HQ (a logistical nightmare) so a local Events Center had been the next best option. Now, as you watched the room beginning to fill with people you could see why. This was, apparently, the event of the century. 
Soft classical music was being piped in from speakers in the corners of the room as people mingled, getting drinks from the bar. Your students were all wearing black outfits and acting as greeters and coat-checkers so the gathering masses would see just who their money would be helping. You quickly realized, for some here, it wouldn’t matter where the money was going. A night on the town with one of the Heroics was a hot commodity. 
Glancing over at Marcus, surrounded by half a dozen women, you understood the appeal. The urge to go over and rescue him from his adoring fans was strong, but you couldn’t do that. For one thing, as the teacher of his daughter and the other Heroics’ kids it was inappropriate. For another thing, you’d spotted your brother in the crowd and you just knew he’d have an opinion on your feelings for Marcus Moreno and you just didn’t want to hear it. 
Wearing a suit and tie was really nothing new but wearing it that evening made Marcus super uncomfortable. Not that the women who were flocked to him would have complained. A few of them tried chatting him up casually but there were a few making comments about what their ideal date night would consist of. One of them even tried slipping him actual cash to try to rig the auction.
Marcus shook his head with a forced polite smile as he got more uncomfortable until his gaze looked out and found you. “Ladies, I have to go do my part in helping set up,” he explained with a slight lie as he gently pushed through them and walked over to you. His smile changed from forced to nervous as he approached you and leaned in to speak to you.
“What else is left to set up? Please tell me there’s something so I can keep myself busy,” he added with a soft chuckle as his eyes did a very quick, brief scan over your scan to take in your outfit. “You look beautiful by the way,” he commented quietly as he attempted a smile at you.
At his compliment you couldn’t help the heat that rushed to your face. You didn’t feel beautiful most of the time. Cute, sure. But beautiful? No.  But, if Marcus Moreno was saying it maybe you needed to believe it. You shook off the exhilaration of the moment to focus on what he was asking. “Ummm, do you want to add the raspberry sorbet to the punch?” 
The two of you walked to the end of the table where several pints of fruit-flavored frozen goodness had been softening and you handed him an ice cream scoop with a smile, “Thank you.” You giggled before adding quietly, “You look really good yourself. I’m sure you’ll bring in a lot of money.” You were surprised when Marcus blushed. A little thrill shocked your spine realizing you were the cause. 
Missy cleared her throat getting the attention of you and her father, “We’re done getting all the coats hung up. We were wondering if we could get some snacks?” Marcus looked at you for the answer since you were the one in charge for this event. Nodding, you said, “You guys have done more than enough. You’ve earned a break.”
As she walked away, Marcus leaned closer, asking, “Are you going to bid on me?” His smile nearly melted you.
With a nervous laugh, you replied, “I don’t think that would be a good idea.” Marcus’ brows knit together in a frown as he scooped some of the sorbet into the punch bowl, watching it fizz as the softened dessert melted more into the liquid.
“Why’s that?” he asked, trying to conceal the slight disappointment in his voice. He was excited to participate in something that would help raise money for Missy and her friends and the school but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t see this as an opportunity to finally have you on a date night with him.
Just then, a clearing of a throat and a slap to Marcus’ shoulder caused both of your attention to break from one another. “Well, well, well,” Miracle Guy’s voice broke your concentration on Marcus and caused you to turn to look at him. You forced a smile as the blond male continued talking, “Looks like we’ll be in some pretty heavy competition tonight huh Marcus?” 
The question seemed playful in nature but Marcus, and you, knew better. Any chance that Steven could show up Marcus, he would absolutely try to. You shook your head slightly and went to the other end of the table, suddenly feeling tension in your shoulders. 
You absent-mindedly straightened a stack of napkins that were already pristine and watched as the two men finished their conversation. Was it too much to hope Steven wouldn’t press the subject with you? You watched as Marcus handled the other Heroic smoothly, then Miracle Guy, also known as your older brother Steven, approached you. Again, you molded a wobbly smile onto your face. 
“How’ve you been?” The question was ignored as Steve glanced around before casting his imperious gaze on you. 
“So, are you and Marcus Moreno going out now?” He said the other man’s name through clenched teeth. 
With a shrug you replied, “No. What gave you that idea? Why would you think that?” Inwardly you cringed. You were never very good at hiding your feelings.
Steven picked up a small plate and helped himself to a couple slices of cheese, “I overheard the kids talking. Wheels seemed to think you were interested.” He popped some gouda into his mouth and then, “I just don’t want you to get hurt… and getting your hopes up that a Heroic like Marcus would… well, I’m just worried he’ll get bored, that’s all. I’m looking out for you.” 
You scoffed. The way your fists clenched around the napkin you were currently holding, crumpling it should have been a sign that you wanted to punch your brother for being so rude. The guy hadn’t even had a serious relationship and yet he still managed to have a son by a woman he so-called loved. What did he know about love or relationships or even what it was like to be with you in a relationship? He had no right.
His name was called across the room and he gave you a pitiful smile. Your nostrils flared, trying to calm yourself before Miranda came up to remind you that it was just about time to start. You nodded, thankful that she had broken your frustration towards your brother. You walked with her towards one of the front tables as she kept walking to get onto the stage and welcome everyone to the event.
Marcus had watched as you and Miracle Guy talked, narrowing his eyes when you clearly got agitated. But, then Miranda had interrupted and the blonde hero had walked toward the stage. He yearned to go to you and take your hand, to make sure you were okay, but the event was starting and he had to join the other Heroics at the table reserved for them. 
Miranda introduced the emcee for the evening, a local newscaster, and joined you at your table while the rules of the date auction were explained. Reaching across the table, she grabbed an open bottle of red wine pouring two glasses, “You look like you could use a drink.” She knew your family history, since she’d been on the interview committee when you’d gotten hired and you appreciated her support now. 
Taking the glass, you smiled, “I shouldn’t let him get to me. I’ll be fine.” You glanced over at the Heroics table and saw Marcus looking at you. He smiled and you couldn’t help but smile in return, your heart fluttering in your chest. Your attention was again diverted when you heard the emcee announcing that Miracle Guy had pulled in $870 for the school and then Marcus’ name was being announced. Your stomach turned while the women around you all cheered wildly. You felt jealous of whoever won this date and watched Marcus walk up to the stage. 
Marcus fiddled with his tie as he made his way onto the stage. His face felt hot even before he stepped under the hot stage lights. The cheering and hollering didn’t quiet down until the emcee shushed the crowd at least four more times. Marcus was smiling but he felt his palms get a bit sweaty. For a man who was constantly in the news saving the world, being in front of a crowd to be auctioned off for a date seemed to make him nervous.
His eyes squinted as he adjusted to the light and when he scanned the room, his eyes landed on you for a long moment. His breath caught in his throat, secretly hoping that you would bet on a date with him. Everything in his mind was trying to telepathically tell you to bid.
The emcee barely got his words out to start the bidding before the first few hands rose up, shouting $100, then $150 and $200 in rapid succession. There was a murmur of giggles and whistles as the emcee shouted out the bid numbers and kept trying to explain what a date night with Marcus would entail.
Your eyes couldn’t leave Marcus even after he had caught your gaze a few times. Your heart was hammering as you thought about the real possibility of someone else going on a date with him. The bids had gotten up to $700 and it was down to two people. Both of the women in question had been acting especially thirsty when talking to Marcus earlier. 
Throwing caution to the wind, you raised your hand, “$750!” Every eye in the room seemed to turn in your direction with varying reactions. Miranda’s eyebrows shot up, but she grinned at you. The two other bidders glared in your direction. Your students all shared happy grins (especially Missy and Wheels). Steven looked disappointed and aggrieved. But, the only person who mattered to you in that moment was Marcus and he looked relieved and happy, a wide grin forming on his face. 
There was some more bidding back and forth while you did math in your head trying to figure out how much you could actually afford. You really didn’t want to lose this. Finally, you bid $1390 and everyone in the room waited to see if either of the other two women would raise the stakes yet again. Finally, the emcee announced, “At $1390, the highest bid of the night so far, a date with Marcus Moreno to the lady at Table 4!” 
Breathlessly you leaned back in your seat then gasped, “Oh my God… what did I do?” Marcus was just as breathless as he heard the applause and watched your face as he finally stepped down from the stage.
As he approached your table all eyes were on him and subsequently, you. He stood in front of you, towering over your sitting frame and you audibly gulped at the impressive broadness of him. "So a date it is," he said quietly as he sat down in the chair next to you.
His heart was hammering as he placed his hand over yours and patted it gently before looking back to the stage to see Mrs. Vox coming onto the stage to be bid on.
Off to the side, Steven was furrowing his brow at you and Marcus, trying to see if he could study what your lips were saying to each other. His nostrils flared slightly as seeing how relaxed and comfortable Marcus was around you. Almost as if you had been together already.
You could feel your brother’s eyes on you, and you were sure he suspected you’d lied to him about your relationship with Marcus earlier, but you ignored his glares. You had bigger things to worry about right now. Like the fact that you’d just paid an overwhelming amount of money to go on a date with the parent of one of your students. You’d never crossed the line like that before and the fact that you’d done it this time had you reeling. 
Not to mention the fact that he was a Heroic!  Growing up powerless in a family full of superpowered people had always made you feel like an outsider in your own home. And they hadn’t done anything to dissuade you of that notion. If anything they’d made it worse, amplifying the sense of inadequacy you’d experienced. 
Glancing over at Missy, who was trying to hide an enormous grin, you remembered the talk you’d had with Marcus at the Parent/Teacher Conference. She was, essentially in the same place you’d been back then. But, Marcus made her feel loved and accepted for who she was. As you moved your gaze away from your students your eyes met Steven’s and you gave him a determined tilt of your chin before turning back to Marcus. 
Leaning forward you whispered, “I can’t wait.” Then kissed him on the cheek.
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Perm Tags: @creativekat @sxtansqueen @phoenixhalliwell @gallowsjoker @dindjareen @justanotherblonde23 @n3ssm0nique @autumnleaves1991-blog @aasimarr @lovingramsey @buckysalefty @ladylothlorien @moonlight-prose @crystalized-drumming @stardust-galaxies @flightlessangelwings @Doloreschanal @artsymaddie @agirllovespancakes 
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janicho88 · 3 years
Falling For You -Part 6
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Pairing- Dean xJo,  Eventual Dean x Female!Reader, Past Reader x OMC Justin, mentioned.
Word count-6777  
Warnings- REMEMBER SLOW BURN! We'll be interrupting the fluff you have had to bring you angst this chapter, along with unrequited feelings, heartbreak, and two morons who need to learn to talk to each other.  Possible language, there is a dash of fluff. Seriously thought a lot of angst in this one. Sorry! 
A/N- I had an idea for a one shot, and giving a backstory to Dean and the Reader meeting took on a life of its own. This story is AU  Thank you to @waywardbeanie and @whatareyousearchingfordean for helping me keep these 2 characters in line, letting me bounce ideas off of you, and send you random messages when something pops in my head. 
I debated about posting today with everything with the finale last night.  If you aren’t up to reading right now that’s perfectly fine.
Summary- After being burned before you had sworn off finding love for now. Coming home from work one night there is a strange man pounding on your door.  Neither of you knew what this meeting would lead to. 
The New Year’s Party and its ramifications.  Remember how we left the last chapter?  Sorry!! I am going to try and have the next one out on Monday.  Until then I think I’m going to go hide.   
Series Masterlist
Nine days, since you have seen Dean.  He sent a text this morning about getting together tonight, you have an appointment with Meg, but should be able to meet up with Dean first.  You can’t wait to see him again.  Just after your lunch break your phone beeps with a text. ‘Sorry Sweetheart, I’m going to have to stay late tonight.  Tomorrow maybe?’
Of course he’s been away for a week Jo must be there today and he wants to spend time with her.  Texting him back ‘Sorry I can’t tomorrow’ you return to your work.  Charlie notices the change in your demeanor and comments on it.
“What happened to you?  You were an unbearable rainbow of cheerfulness this morning, now it looks like someone stole your pot of gold?”
“Nothing, I’m fine.”
“Yeah and I’m dating the fairy queen. Spill.”
“I had dinner plans with Dean, he just canceled.  It’s nothing.”
“Okay, but I don’t think you really believe that.”
That night at Meg’s dress fitting she wasn’t in the best of moods because her dress was a bit tight.
“Meg,” you tried to reason with her, “you scheduled this for days after Christmas, too many sweets over the weekend.  You will be fine.”
“Nope time for bridal bootcamp.  Diets and exercise in the New Year, no more random baking.  We are going to look killer in April.”  
“Am I to assume I’m doing this with you?”  She just stared at you, Meg wasn’t the type of friend to beg.  “Fine, at least I work out already.  You are the one who’s going to have to get used to the gym again.”
Wednesday you got out of work at three and headed home to finish your deserts, get yourself ready and head out by 6 to help Meg set up. Knocking on the door Cas lets you in taking the orange cranberry cake from you.  Following him to the kitchen Meg looks over when you enter. 
“Are those deserts?” She raises her brows giving you a hard look as you set them out on the table.
Taking your time in replying, you turn back to her, “Yes, Bridezilla they are the two you asked me to make a few weeks ago.  You have the round orange cranberry cake for good luck and the raspberry parfaits in wine glasses, they just need whip cream on top along with a cherry. 
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 You said bootcamp starts in the new year, that’s tomorrow enjoy tonight. ”
“Who’s going to bootcamp?”  Dean asked as he, Sam and Jess just joined you in the kitchen.  
Jess walks over to check out what you brought and to give you a hug while Meg explains to Dean about her bootcamp.
“You are the best man Winchester, maybe you should join us.”
“I don’t think so, Meg.  I just got a coupon book for Christmas and I fully intend to use it.”  He looks at you with a big smile on his face, you send him back a small one.  Okay maybe you were a tiny bit upset about him staying at work with Jo Monday.   
Cas calls the guys into the other room while you and Jess help Meg, before he leaves Dean walks over to you.  “I’m sorry about Monday.  I was looking forward to seeing you.  Can we talk later?”
“Sure Dean.”
When they leave Jess digs into her bag and hands you and Meg both a box.  “Sam and I were talking today and I realized I had completely forgotten to give these to you guys when I did them last month.  In my head we were already past this.”  You and Meg looked at each other then Jess, not sure what she was getting at with the boxes.  “Come on, open them!”
Carefully unwrapping and opening the box you just stared at its contents not sure what to say yet.
“Oh look,” exclaimed Meg, “the wino gave us wine!”
“You really want me to be your Maid of Honor?”  You whispered.  Meg’s request to be hers wasn’t a shock to you, Jess’ was. 
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“Yes I really do.”  We’ve gotten to be great friends this last year, and I want you up there with me.  We both know Meg won’t do it.”
“Nope, we have already had this discussion planning your wedding, I’m no one's bitch.”
You both shook your head at Meg and Jess started speaking again. “I have a cousin who will be in the wedding and a friend from work, but I’m not as close with them.  I don’t have a sister yet, but I have a feeling one day soon I will.  So yes, I want you. Please, don’t make me get Sam in here with the puppy dog eyes.”
“I would be honored Jess, I’ve had plenty of practice with Megzilla over there.”  Meg stuck her tongue out at you before heading to pour you all a shot to toast with.  “This is super cute by the way.”
“Thanks, how did Meg ask?”
Well, when Meg asked me she handed me an envelope with cardstock inside that said something about I was the only person she likes, will you be my Maid of Honor?”  
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“It’s true.   According to my mother I had to have my two cousins in the wedding, but no way was I dealing with one of them as my MOH.”
“How did you ask them?  You never did tell me.” 
“Hey sluts you’re going to be in my wedding right?”
Looking at her a moment before you said anything, “I’d ask if you were joking, but I’m pretty sure you’re serious.”
“I am. Your ask was as fancy as I was getting. Okay enough wedding talk for the night, time to get the party started!”
It wasn’t too big of a party, besides the six of you a few of Cas’ friends from work were there, his brother Gabe, sister Anna both of whom had come up to visit Cas, and Charlie. 
Later that night the guys are watching some competition in the living room while the ladies are hanging out in the kitchen.  Charlie who was one of the last to arrive, looks over at you and asks “So is this infamous Dean here tonight, do I get to actually meet him?”  
The punch you had just taken a drink of flying right back out.  Meg grins looking over at you before turning to Charlie.  “Has she been talking about one green eyed mechanic at work?”
“Practically every day, you should have seen how down she got Monday when he canceled dinner with her.”
Jess joins the conversation next, “Is she as in denial with you as she is with us?”
Finally finding your voice, “I’m not in denial.”
“You mean about how they are just friends, and she wasn’t moping at all last week when he was out of town. Or how she was fine when she wasn’t going to see him on Monday.”
“I wasn’t moping and I WAS fine on Monday.”
“Oh” Meg starts talking, no one is paying attention to you. “Have you seen the way her face lights up when she gets a call or text from him?”
“It does not.”
“Yes,” answered Charlie, “and you don’t even have to ask who it is, the face says it all.”
All three turn to look at you, “Oh are you actually going to acknowledge I’m here now?  For the millionth time, we are just friends.”  They all start laughing, rolling your eyes you turn away.
Jess comes over and puts her arm around your shoulders, “Come on Y/N, we are starting a new year shortly let’s start it honestly.  How do you really feel about Dean?”
“Guys, I don’t know how to be any clearer.  Dean and I are friends, simply friends.  There will never be anything more.  We are never going to date, or get married, please just drop it.”  
Dean’s point of view
Checking my watch it’s after 11,  I haven’t had a chance to talk to Y/N alone yet.  If I’m going to sort everything out before midnight I need to go find her.  Cas had come back into the room a few minutes ago so I asked him where the girls are and he directs me to the kitchen.  Grabbing my beer I head that way.  Standing in the hall near the door I can hear them laughing, but I don’t hear Y/N’s laugh.  She has the cutest one.  Then I hear Jess start talking and she asks Y/N about me.  This could be perfect timing to what I want to talk to her about.
 “Guys, I don’t know how to be any clearer.  Dean and I are friends, simply friends.  There will never be anything more.  We are never going to date, or get married, please drop it.”  
Her words were a knife through my heart.  I guess it was the perfect time to realize I would be damaging our friendship if I told her how I felt.  So much for mom’s intuition.  Turning back  around quickly, I head outside for some time alone.
Standing out in the cold with the snow blowing around so many thoughts running through my head.  I was really hoping my mom was right about Y/N, I didn’t realize how much I had imagined she was and what was going to happen next with us.  Then my thoughts unfortunately go to everything Lisa has thrown at me.  Maybe she’s right and no one is going to really want me for me.  Y/N knows so much about me, she’s really the first person I let in in a long time.  I thought I could be myself around her but she saw who that was and  she doesn’t want to be with me.  She just made that perfectly clear.  Hearing a car horn in the distance I think about work and what Benny had said this week.  Jo doesn’t really know me, maybe it’s not too late to change for her to stay interested.
Back in the kitchen
Everyone was looking at you and you continued to pretend the floor was extremely interesting. 
“If that were the truth and you really felt that way, you would be looking at us and saying it, not explaining it to the floor.”  Meg tells you.
“Why do you keep insisting there is nothing there?  We’ve seen the two of you together, and you were totally pouting at the party when he was late because of Jo. Your eyes were greener than Dean’s that night.  What’s really going on, it's time to be honest with us.”  
“You want the truth? Yeah, Dean is an amazing guy, probably the best one I’ve met.  I’m not the girl for him.  He deserves someone so much better than me.  He likes to go out and do things, he likes horror movies and haunted woods. He needs someone who doesn’t get scared easily. Someone who isn’t going to hold him back and ruin his good time.  Someone he can be proud to be seen out with.  We all know that’s not me.”  You turn away as you finish to hide the tears threatening to fall. 
Meg and Jess exchange looks before Meg walks over and gives you a hug. “See this is where we don’t let Justin win.  It’s time to move on and be happy.”
Jess appears on your other side, “Dean is nothing like Justin. If something scares you he’ll be there for you just like at the Halloween party.  He won’t belittle you for it.  He would be very proud to be seen with you.  I’ve known Dean a long time Y/N, I haven’t ever seen him as happy as he is when he’s spending time with you.  We aren’t kidding when we say we see the two of you together.” 
“Thanks ladies, will you give me a minute.”  Heading to the restroom to regroup you clean up smudged makeup and try and calm yourself down.  Jess and Meg were right, it was time to move on.  You also needed to stop wrestling your feelings for Dean down.  You weren’t going to find a better guy than him anywhere. 
Walking back down the hallway you saw Dean coming in the front door, his face looked a bit red must have been cold out there.  Giving him a smile you walked his way, “Hey Dean you said you wanted to talk.”
“Oh yeah, it wasn’t important.  I was just going to see how your week is going. I really want to see if this guy makes the jump I’ll talk to you later.”
“Okay,”  You watched him head back to the living room.  A feeling in your gut told you something in that short conversation wasn’t right. 
11:50 you helped Meg and Jess carry in glasses of champagne to the living room getting ready for the countdown.  Meg made Cas turn on ‘Rockin New Year’s Eve Countdown’ that you all had been watching in the other room. 
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 10..9..8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1.Happy New Year!! As you watched the couples around you kiss their significant other you turned to look at Dean who had walked away when you stood next to him before the countdown.  His eyes briefly met yours before quickly turning away.  You wished Charlie a Happy New Year before moving on to Meg and Jess, Dean had left the room before you reached him. Finally finding him in the kitchen with a beer.
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“Happy New Year, Dean.  I hope you have a much better one than last year.”
“Yeah well it’s off to one hell of a start,” he snarled out.
“I’m sorry you feel that way.”  You weren’t exactly sure what was going on with him.  You were only minutes into the new year.
“Well I guess there is a lot I shouldn’t be feeling.  See ya Y/N.”  With that he grabbed his coat from the back of the chair quickly exiting the room, leaving a stunned you behind.
Starting the clean up in the kitchen you didn’t feel much like going back out and joining the rest of them.  Meg found you a little while later most of the food cleaned up and put away.  
“What are you doing in here?”
“Just picking up, I didn’t want you to worry about it.”
“You and Dean both disappeared; we thought you’d be making out somewhere.”
“Nope, just me,  He grabbed his coat. I don’t know where he went.”
Over the next week you tried to make plans to meet up with Dean, but he either ignored your calls and texts or sent one word replies.  It seemed he was too busy to get together with you right now.  That Saturday you were heading back to your apartment with Charlie when you ran into Sam and Jess in the elevator.  
“Hey Y/N, where’s Dean?” Sam asked you looking around.
“I haven’t seen him since the New Year’s party.  He’s been acting a little weird. He's not with me, I don’t know. Why do you think I’d know where he is?” 
Sam looked over at Jess before continuing, seeing her frown and shrug he reluctantly answered you.  “He said he had a date tonight.  We both thought it was with you.”
“No, not with me.”  You are fighting to keep a neutral face and not break down when you answer.  “Guess this goes to show we were only friends.  I got to go, talk to you guys later.”  Quickly exiting the elevator when it opened you rushed to your door with Charlie following behind.
Sam watched you go, he saw the hurt you were trying to hide and he felt so bad when he saw your face fall.  My brother’s an idiot he thought to himself.  
Once inside the safety of your apartment you paced from the living room to the kitchen and back again trying to calm down.  Charlie was standing by the door watching, waiting to see what you were going to do next.   Ten minutes later you were still pacing and Charlie answered the knock at your door.  Meg entered not noticing what you were doing yet.  
“Okay, I’m ready to talk about the groom's cake, Castiel is extremely excited you agreed to make that one.  I want you to know, I am fully expecting you to go home with the best man after my wedding.”
At that you lost the little composure you were holding onto throwing yourself down on the couch grabbing a throw pillow and screaming into it, before those screams turned to tears.
“Okay, I thought we were past denying our feelings for Dean.”
She couldn’t understand your blubbering through the tears so Charlie translated.  “She just found out from Sam that Dean’s on a date tonight.”
Meg picked up her phone dialing someone, “Are you home?  Then get over here now.  Y/N’s.”  Turning to Charlie still standing by the door, “Will you open that?”
Confused, Charlie did as she was asked pulling it open, just as Jess came rushing in.  Seeing you crying on the couch she rushed over to give you a hug.  “I’m so sorry, Sam and I were sure it was you.”
You cried into her shoulder trying to once again push down the emotions you had finally admitted for Dean.  Meg walked over to sit on the other side of you.  “When did this happen, and who’s the chick?  I texted Cas and he doesn’t know anything about it.”
“Sam asked Dean if he wanted to come over tonight and Dean said he had a big date tonight and couldn’t.  He didn’t mention a name so we both thought…”  She trailed off but looked down at you before looking back at Meg.
“What is he thinking? He’s..”
“It’s fine,” Your shaky voice cut Meg off before she could keep going.  “I’m just over reacting anyway.  I told you guys he didn’t see me as more than a friend.  He told me he didn’t want to get back out there and date.  I guess he just meant he didn’t want to date me.”   
Taking a deep breath you continued, “Justin was right I’m not worth it.  I would have just ruined things between us anyways. I ruin everything, that’s probably why Dean is dating someone else.  He’s tired of me ruining things for him.”
“What do you think you ruined?”  Meg wants to know.
“I don’t know but obviously something.”
“Oh honey, that’s not true at all, Dean couldn’t do any better than you.” Jess said, giving you another hug.
“It’s okay. This will be for the best.”
“Do you really believe that?”  Jess asked you.
“Eventually I will.”  Giving her one more hug you get up to get yourself a drink of water.  You glance at the picture frame sitting on your end table, laying it flat as you go by, willing the tears to stay away.  Blowing your nose before heading back you try to act like you have it put together.  Fake it till you make it right?
“You came over to talk wedding Meg, let’s talk about something happy.”
“It’s okay it can wait for another day.”
“No, I can wallow in my own self pity when I’m alone, it’s fine.”
The girls try their best to distract you for the evening and you let them think they are.  They don’t need to know that every other thought is Dean on a date with someone else.  You know this means things are going to have to change for you.  
Over the next week Jess and Meg both tried to get you out of your apartment in the evenings, but you kept finding excuses to avoid them.  One night you even had to leave your apartment so Jess would believe you actually were going out.  Granted you sat in your car for an hour in the parking lot, but at least she left you alone the rest of the night. You just didn’t feel right hanging out with them right now.  Yes, they were your friends, but you had gotten used to spending time with them along with Dean.  That wasn’t an option any more.  Dean was Sam’s brother and Cas’ best friend.  He wasn’t going to stay away from them.  You couldn’t handle seeing him with his new girlfriend right now so you stayed away.   Not to mention you would be the odd one out now, everyone else being in a relationship. 
 Speaking of the man, you never heard from him this week.  Nothing since Friday when you asked him if he wanted to come over or go out and grab dinner.  All you got was a text back with ‘Can’t.’  This was the longest you've gone without talking since you met.  You really missed your friend, but it looked like you would have to get used to that. 
The weekend after you found out about Dean’s new girl you were sitting on your couch watching Hallmark movies.  Why couldn’t things in your life work out like that.  Meet a great guy, he actually likes you, maybe there was a smidge of drama then happy ever after.  But your life wasn��t a romantic comedy.  You didn’t think you would ever get that happy ever after.  A knock interrupted your pity party for one.
Meg, Jess, and Charlie were on the other side, great they were teaming up now.  This meant you couldn’t use one of them as an excuse to the others.  Before you could even say anything Meg pushed the door open.
“Hi, we’re coming in.  Apparently you have been using the three  of us to tell the others you have plans with the other.  So if we are all together, you can’t avoid us.”
“I just wasn’t up for anything this week.”
“Well at least you got out of the here Thursday with Charlie,”  Jess remarked smiling at you. 
“No she didn’t,”  cut in Charlie.
Jess turned to look at you with raised brows and you looked at the floor.  “I may have gone and sat in my car so you would think I left.”
You just shrugged and walked back to the couch.  Jess and Charlie sat on either side of you while Meg stood in front of you.  “You need to get out of here and get your mind off of Dean.”  
“I do get out of here, I go to work.  I’ve even been to the grocery store and the gym.”
“Doesn’t count.  We are dragging you out of here tonight, nothing drastic, just dinner and friends.  Go change.”
“Do I have a say?”
“You can pick the restaurant.”
“Fine, give me a minute.”
As much as you didn’t want to admit it the girls were right.  You enjoyed the time out with them, and they successfully got your mind off of what’s his name.  Then Meg started talking about Jess’s birthday.  You completely forgot that it was coming up, and that she shared a birthday with Dean.
“We are having a get together at his house since it’s bigger.  Mary and John are coming up for the weekend, too.  We both have friends from work coming.  You three will all be there right?”
The other two readily agreed, you took a moment to think about it.  Besides Meg, Jess was your best friend, and at one point Dean was too.   It was actually his thirtieth birhday.  You really should go. “Yes, I will be there.  Is there anything you want me to bring?”
“I’d love anything you wanted to bring.”
“Okay, I’ll come up with something.”  
With the promise of attending the party the girls let up on you over the next week, letting you do your thing.  Going through your recipes you found the perfect dessert to take for Jess.  You knew the girl loved blueberries.  Deciding to play nice you even made something for the birthday boy.
Arriving at the party you knocked on the door and luckily Sam was the one who greeted you.  Giving you a genuine smile he hugged you before ushering you in.  Taking one of the desserts and gifts from you he led the way to the kitchen. Jess and Meg inside finishing up the food when you entered.  The Birthday girl rushing over to hug you.
“I’m so happy you came!”
“Happy Birthday Lady! I told you I would.”
“Yeah, but we weren’t so sure you would actually make it.”  Sticking your tongue out at her you went to set the deserts up. 
A few minutes later you heard Dean walk in followed by Mary.  She came over giving you a great  big hug.  
“So good to see you again, hunny.”
“It’s good to see you also Mary.  How have you been?”
“Good, good.  How about you?  Anything new, anything to share?”
“Not really, things are okay, just been working lately.”  She gave you a strange look before smiling at you.
Seeing Dean watching you from behind her you said hello.
“Y/N, hey.”  Walking closer, he looks at the table, “Did you bring pie?”
“Yeah, a cherry and a blueberry.”
“Oh awesome! Thank you.”
“No problem, Happy Birthday.”
Others started to arrive shortly and Jess and Dean both went into the living room to greet people.  As the party was underway you noticed a blonde attached to Dean’s side.  That must be the girlfriend, you thought.  Meg came up beside you, “I heard her name is Jo.  I guess he met her at the shop.”
“He’s mentioned her before.   He was with her the night of the Christmas party, but he told me they were just friends.  Guess that was a lie.” 
Doing your best to keep your distance you tried to enjoy your night.  Sam introduced you to Dean’s coworker Benny.  He seemed like a nice guy.  The two of you talked for a bit before he moved on.  Not realizing how close you were to Dean you hear Mary ask him who the girl was.  Turning you saw Jo walk back over then.
“I’m Jo, Dean’s girlfriend.” If you had been facing them you would have seen Dean’s eye go wide. 
Quickly walking off to find Jess you miss the rest of the conversation.  Finding your friend you wish her a happy birthday again, but claimed a bad headache and told her you will be heading out.  Grabbing your coat from the office you make a hasty exit before anyone can stop you. 
Dean’s Point of View 
I was surprised to see Y/N in the kitchen, but if I’m being honest it was really good to see her.  It hurt to know how she really felt about me.  Because of that, yes, I have been trying to distance myself, but I missed my friend.  I had not talked to her in two weeks.  Walking over to see what she brought I’m betting it something for Jess.  I wasn’t expecting to see the pies, oh my mouth started watering.  Missed that girl's baking so much, along with well pretty much everything else about her.  The doorbell started ringing so I headed out to answer it, not sure what else to say to Y/N.
Jo shows up shortly after the party starts.  She immediately attaches to my side.  I wish she would give me a little space. She has been like this since I asked her out.  I was supposed to have a boys night with Sam, Cas, and Benny last week.  We were at the sports bar downtown watching the game, had just ordered food.  Probably only been there twenty minutes. The next thing I know Jo is standing beside me.  When I asked her what she was doing here, she said she was just passing by and wanted to check in with me.  Honestly a simple text would have worked if that’s what she wanted, not that it was needed.  I thought she would leave after I introduced her to Sam and Cas, but she ended up sitting down on my lap and sticking around. Probably why they both left at half time.  Benny stayed a little longer, even he made a comment to Jo about finding her own seat.
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 When I tried to make plans with Sam one night when she was closing the bar she insisted that I come in with her instead.  Apparently there is some creepy guy who comes around.  Hangs around outside some nights by her car.  Makes her really nervous.  I asked if she has called the cops, but she says he’s never around when they show up.  Every night she has worked I’ve ended up going in with her.  She told me how happy Bobby and Ellen were that I was around so nothing would happen.  I guess that’s what you do when you are dating someone right.  I don’t want her to think I’m useless.   
I watch Y/N as the night goes on, it seems like she is trying to avoid me.  I’m not really sure why she would be upset with me.  Every once in a while I will see her glancing over, but she quickly looks away.  I wonder what’s going on with her.  Heading into the kitchen for another drink, Jo follows close behind.  
“Here do you want a cookie?”  
She tries to hand me some store bought thing, “No, thank you. Y/N, made me pie. I’m going to wait till we cut into those before I have dessert.”
“You aren’t dating her, why would she be making you something?  I’m sure these cookies are better than some pie anyway.”
“She’s a good friend, she was being nice.  Actually nothing tops…. that cookie, I’m sure.”  If she wants me to eat that stupid cookie for some reason, I guess I will.  I assume I never mentioned my love of pie to her.
When I’m alone mom comes over and asks about who the girl with me is.  Before I can say anything Jo is right back here calling herself my girlfriend.  When I finally get over that shock I manage to respond.  “We have just gone out a few times.”  
“A few times?  Dean, honey we spend most nights together.”  I didn’t realize we were counting all the nights I had to sit at the bar to keep the guy away as dates.  
We have been together for two weeks, I didn’t realize it was going to be this much work.  Looking around I don’t see Y/N anywhere.  When Jess ushers everyone to the kitchen for cake, pie, ice cream and singing I still don’t see her.  I ask Meg as soon as I get the chance, I guess she told Jess she wasn’t feeling well and went home. 
I went to grab a slice of pie as mom was cutting everything and Jo pulled me away. “You don’t need that, I got us a piece of cake to share.”
“Cake, yea!” I’ll just grab some after she leaves.
Presents followed shortly.  Most of mine were over the hill, prank gifts.  
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Jo gave me a ‘I have the best girlfriend’ shirt, and a picture of her, just awesome.  Do I really have to wear this?  The last  gift I opened was from Y/N.  I was again surprised after how I was avoiding her that she got me anything.  That’s just the kind of person she is, always thinking about others.  Opening it I found the blue ray box set of All Saint’s Day,  The DVD set I had was ruined by Lisa one night when she got mad at me.  I knew Y/N wasn’t a fan of the movies, but had offered to try and watch one of them with me when I came back from Kansas at Christmas.  We never got to do that. 
“My gift was your favorite right?”  Jo asks, wrapping herself around my arm.
“Ah, yeah, yeah it was.”  Giving her a smile I nodded my head not trusting to say anything else.  
As the party wound down and everyone except for my parents, Sam and Jess, had left I couldn’t be happier to have everyone out of the house.  Cas and Meg were some of the last to leave, usually they’d stick around but Cas said they needed to get going.  I think Meg is mad at me for some reason.  I don’t know if I’m frustrated or happy that Jo didn’t stick around to help clean up.  Deciding on happy for a bit of peace, I go to grab me some pie.  Looking at the table and in the refrigerator I can’t find it.  “Hey, where is the rest of the pie?”  
“Gone, it was very popular.  I have Y/N’s dishes in the dishwasher.  There is cake, the cookies your girlfriend bought and a little of the blueberry fluff Y/N made left.”  Mom answers, I swear her tone changed when she said girlfriend.  Nah, I must have been imagining it.
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“Seriously, none left? I’ll take the blueberry, you can toss those cookies.” 
Sam and Jess left shortly after and dad went up to bed, leaving me in the living room with mom.  She sits across from me on the couch in silence.  Something's coming I can just tell, ten bucks says it has to do with Jo. 
“Well that was a surprise.”
“What’s that mom?”
“That girl being here, connected to your side.”
Ten bucks to me!  “I asked her out a couple weeks ago.  Her stepdad owns the shop I work at.”  
“When you told me you had a date last week, I was expecting Y/N.”
“Yeah that’s not going to be happening.”  She starts to say something else.  “Just drop it mom.  Please.  You were wrong about her.”   With that I went up to bed. 
Your apartment that night
You came home from Dean’s house grabbing the container of ice cream from the freezer and turning on the television.  You had no idea what you were even watching, you weren’t focused on that at all.  How could you be so stupid to fall for a guy that you were never going to be good enough for.  He only saw you as a friend, and that was just until he found a girlfriend. Now with the way he had been acting, you weren’t sure if he even needed you as a friend anymore. Putting the ice cream back in the freezer you were headed back to the couch when your eyes landed on Scooby.  The plush was sitting on the table next to the couch. He was a big reminder of what you couldn’t have.  Talking him into the office you set him in the closest with spare bedding. 
 “Sorry buddy I just can’t look at you right now.”   Leaving the room you went back and curled up on the couch with your blanket, ending up crying yourself to sleep there.   
A knock woke you the next morning, you were slightly disoriented from sleeping on the couch. Without thinking you headed for the door first, extremely surprised to see Mary Winchester on the other side.  
“Morning, oh honey are you alright?”
“Hi Mary, yeah I’m okay.  Are you here for me, or Sam and Jess?”
“I was bringing your dishes from yesterday back, and wanted to chat.  We didn’t get much of a chance yesterday.  Are you sure you’re alright?  You look upset.”
Oh yeah, how could you forget all the crying you did last night. No wonder she’s worried about you.  “Yeah, I’m sure.  Come on in.”  
Mary walked in ahead of you noticing the blankets on the couch like you had most likely slept there.  Pushing them to one side you gestured for her to sit down.  “Thank you for bringing those back, that was really nice of you.  I don't have any coffee, but can I get you juice, milk, or water?”
“No, I’m fine but thank you.”
“Okay, I’m going to go brush my teeth real quick I’ll be back.”  She chuckled as you rushed into your room.  Quickly brushing your teeth and splashing water on your face you grabbed a different sweatshirt to throw over your tshirt and headed back out to the living room. 
“Sorry to stop over unannounced, I didn’t mean to wake you up. John and I are leaving today and I wanted to talk to you first.”
“I was a little surprised to see but you’re fine, don’t worry about it.”
“I was surprised last night also, I had heard Dean was dating someone.  Honestly I thought it was going to be you.”      
Picking up a blanket to fold you used that as an excuse not to look at Mary.  “Dean doesn’t see me like that.  I was just a friend.  Trust me Dean deserves a much better girl than me.  I hope Jo can be that for him and make him happy.”
Mary wasn’t sure what to do with you, you were as negative about yourself as Dean.  But she was pleased to hear that you worried about Dean’s happiness. “Wait what do you mean was a friend?”
“Things have been strained between us since New Year’s Eve for some reason.  Then yesterday was the first I saw or talked to him since he started dating Jo.  I don’t think he wants me as a friend anymore.  Maybe that’s for the best right now.  It really hurts to see him with Jo, or anyone else,”  you finished your sentence in a whisper.
“Y/N, do you have feelings for Dean?” 
Out of blankets to fold you looked for something else, finding nothing you sat down on the couch.  “Yes, but I’m not going to do anything to mess up his relationship.  I know I’m the only one with them.”
Coming over and giving you a hug Mary whispers, “I’m not sure what’s going on with Dean right now.  I don’t ever want to hear you say you aren’t good enough again.  My son would be very lucky to have you.  Don’t write him off just yet.”
“Thank you Mary.”  A short while later she left having to get back to Dean’s.  You had a quiet rest of your Sunday at home, getting ready to start your work week.  The week seemed to drag on a bit.  You were really missing the random texts Dean used to send you.  They always made your day a bit brighter. 
Meg came over Friday with magazines notes, and a list of websites to go through.  Apparently as maid of honor your duty tonight was to try and help her find the best wedding favors.  Or at least narrow it down for her to show Cas.  Jess joined you a short time later.  You ordered a pizza and put in a movie while coming up with ideas for Meg.  You might not get married or find Mr. Right, but you could live vicariously through Meg and Jess these next few months.  
The wedding things put away you three were on the couch when Meg spoke up.  “Cas said he barely talks to Dean anymore.  Sees him even less.”
“Sam is so mad at him.  They have made plans to get together or hang out and Dean either has to cancel because Jo needs him, or she ends up tagging along.  When Dean asked him to come out tonight Sam told him he was too busy.  He didn’t want to have to put up with her.  I only met her at the party, but Sam’s not very fond of her.  Apparently she has some stalker-like guy who hangs around the bar, and she needs Dean to be there whenever she’s working so the guy won't try anything.”
“Why not call the cops or get a restraining order?  Cas is hoping it ends soon too.  He says Dean has been acting really weird since he started seeing Jo.”  Both turn to you for your opinion.
“Dean and I don’t talk anymore so I wouldn’t know.”  
“Wait,”  Jess sits up to look at you.  “I knew things were a little strained between you.  But you don’t even text anymore?  You guys were always going back and forth.”
“Other than briefly on your birthday, we haven’t talked since he started dating her.  It hasn’t been like it used to be between since New Year’s.”  Getting up to head into the kitchen you pause to get your emotions back in check.  It doesn’t matter one way or another to you if Dean keeps seeing her or not.  When you can believe that lie you will be all good. 
Thank you for reading!
Part 7
Tags  @talesmaniac89 @katehuntington @winchest09 @flamencodiva @whatareyousearchingfordean @waywardbeanie @deanwanddamons @smol-and-grumpy @emoryhemsworth @anathewierdo @malfoysqueen14 @superfanficnatural @jensengirl83 @atc74 @sandlee44 @akshi8278  @fantasydevil2002  @nervousfandom
Falling For You tags- @halesandy @abuavnee @hearteyesj2   @vicmc624​ @440mxs-wife​ @wonder-cole @maralisa124 @krazykelly @unicornqu33n17@bobbie3939 @cutestdolans @supernatural-love14 @dean-winchesters-gardian-angel @waywardwifey
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sidigtal-anim · 3 years
NEW AMPHIBIA EPISODES!! (Trailer spoilers and speculation! DUH!)
Y’all have NO CLUE how excited I am!! After that huge mid season finale drop, Amphibia fans all around have been waiting for the second half of the season! I did a Speculation post based on the episode titles, and another one based off of the episode loglines for the March drop!
Check them out, cause I will be referencing them as we go!! I’m first gonna do a scene by scene breakdown, then I’m gonna see if my predictions were right, or wrong. So many theories!!! I will also be mentioning the episode titles Matt released in the AmphibiaDirect, so if you don’t want to know, leave now!
If you haven’t seen the trailer yet, click here to see it all!!! Let’s begin shall we!
00:00–00:21: Completely old information and clips from Season 2A that we’ve all seen before with the music box and Sasha-Angst. One thing I did not expect was that this trailer would be so Sasha heavy. I expected her to kinda fade into the background and we’d focus a lot more on the temples, so this makes me have theories I may not have had before.
00:22–00:26: Marcy’s new bird (as teased in the Amphibia-Big City Greens promo). We have two shots with them, one where they are flying down with only a bunch of books that would last a lifetime, or a few minutes with Marcy. The second shot is them flying in the air with Anne and Marcy riding through the sky. I am trying my absolute hardest to not hope for gay then to be disappointed, but c’mon!!! Has no one seen How to Train Your Dragon?!!?!? But Hop Pop is being held in the second shot by the Bird’s talons so I think this is a little more Marcy and Wartwood kind of situation. Maybe somewhere around “Ivy on the Run” with Marcy and her bird being the B Plot.
00:27–00:31: The First Temple. We know from the colours and the shape from the book that it is the First Temple. It seems to have water flowing out of Frog statues’ mouths, and on the temple’s walls there are imagery of brains and a vague Newt Shape reading a book! Definitely talking about wit here! Even all the mushrooms are green, and we know how much Amphibia loves to use colour.
00:31–00:33: The Second Temple! We don’t actually see the Temple, just the archway leading to the Temple. Marcy seems to have the charged green gem on the music box, which is pointing them in the direction of the Temple, very Onyx Equinox-esque.
00:34–00:36: The entrance to the Third Temple. Lava pouring everywhere and pink statues of buff Amphibians? Definitely Sasha, no questions asked. I have no other thoughts about this shot other than the jagged rocks atop of the cave, seems like it could collapse in on itself and cause people to get hurt.
00:36–00:37: Ivy and Sprig jumping on treetops, I think this is from “Ivy on the Run” where Ivy is running from her mother’s strict rules, and Sprig is trying to talk her out of it. They’re so cute! It makes me wanna hold onto them and never let go.
00:38–00:39: Bessie jumping over a ravine with Sprig and Polly at the reins, which is from “Night Riders”, the first episode we’re seeing this Saturday!
00:39–00:40: A First Temple Puzzle where you have to solve a cube to enter the next stage. Seems like Marcy is in “her own little bubble” (heh. sorry i had to) and as she’s solving the cube, the room also moves on its own, with the Plantars being shifted to another side. Kinda like Wulfric’s gym in Pokemon X and Y. This sets interesting character work for Marcy, since she’s known to have issues with connections, but she’s so into knowledge and smartness that she may not realise the issues she’s causing to the people around her.
00:40–00:41: MADDIEEEEEE!!!! Definitely from “Maddie and Marcy”. I feel like they would get together and Marcy would be so into learning about Maddie and creepy magic that they will form a bond. This is how nerds make friends everyone, they find something the other is SUPER invested in and they learn about it. Either that or an extrovert claims them both, and they know each other via association.
00:42–00:43: Giant chicken bat for “Return to Wartwood”. Don’t ask me how I know, I just do. Seems like the Plantars set up a banquet for them, and they’re running away. So shenanigans!
00:44–00:45: Okay, so I initially thought Sasha’s next episode was gonna be in episode 16 (”Toad to Redemption/Barrel’s Warhammer”) and I initially thought that it would be Toad to Redemption, because y’know... Toads. But with Sasha’s pink powers shown in her using that giant warhammer, I think it’s going to be either one of the two, but Sasha is definitely showing up in 216. They don’t seem to be on a train, but the Earth is moving very fast for some reason. 
00:45–00:46: The Newt Lady from the Bizarre Bazaar seems to be activating the tippity-top of the Second Temple, with Anne near her. The position of this is high above the clouds, and there is a blue glow coming from the writings/symbols on the ground. Perhaps this is the charging method for the gems on the box.
00:47–00:48: More First Temple stuff! Writing’s on the wall (man these visual puns just write themselves y’know!) and they are in the inside of the temple. Interestingly enough, the main floor is green like the rest of the temple, but the other side (puzzles) seems to have red and blue squares, perhaps representing the heart and strength (blue and pink) which is what the wit lacks.
00:49: The Newt Lady from the Bizarre Bazaar opens a Scroll with the Music box, the three gems (which seemingly came before the box) and three people in coats almost praying to it. This is definitely “After the Rain” with the story of the Music Box being revealed. Cause we still have no idea what “After the Rain” is gonna be about.
00:50: GENERAL YUNNAN!! Scourge of the Sand Wars! Defeater of Ragnar the Wretched! The youngest Newt to ever be named General in the GREAT NEWTOPIAN ARMY!! (Can you tell I stan her? because I stan her.)
Anyways, she seems to be in the first temple or King Andrias’ throne room. I’m mainly assuming this because the temple because the building is blue or because the spires from King Andrias’ throne room are in the way back there, but there are several Toads there defeated on the ground. Either these were people to protect Marcy at the Temple, or this is an episode where all of Grimes’ command are trying to take over Newtopia under Sasha and Grimes’ command. Quite the plausible amount for theories and plot just from a one-second Yunnan shot.
00:51: A chess board with Frog knights shooting lasers at Marcy. Another one of the First Temple’s tricks, or it could be King Andrias’ plot, since we saw him with Chess pieces of Anne and Marcy at the end of “Marcy at the Gates”, so this clip could either be “The First Temple” or “True Colors” and either or are exciting!!
00:52-00:53: A mole comes out of the ground as Mayor Toadstool walks around seemingly trying to please Newtopian guards and soldiers. “Toad to Redemption” now makes complete sense! I called that it would either be Anne and Marcy helping a battle-hardened Toad, or it would be a Sasha episode. I think its the first part, where Newtopian inspectors are coming to suprise visit Mayor Toadstool and inspect if he’s doing a good job taking care of Wartwood, to no one’s surprise find out he’s embezzling money from the town. The episode would be Marcy and Anne helping Toadstool to become better so he doesn’t lose his job as Mayor.
00:53–00:58: We have three shots here, one of each of the girls. Anne looks back in the rain, almost distraught. This is definitely “After the Rain” and I’m not ready for the angst. Marcy is visibly frustrated over chess pieces, this is either a challenge from the Temple or she’s found out about Andrias’ plan. As much as Option 2 is interesting, I think the first one is more realistic. Sasha in the Third Temple, activating her Colour Power and breaking the ground underneath her to a circle. I am constantly terrified by and for Sasha.
00:58–1:00: Polly and Sprig’s silhouettes running in the rain. Also “After the Rain” but still nothing much to say here.
1:00–1:01: Giant tentacles grab Sprig and the Plantars. I have no idea what this is, but it also appeared in the “Night Riders/Return to Wartwood” trailer/promo, so I’m assuming it’s from that episode.
01:02: Sasha is facing off against a giant golem! Probably the Third Temple’s trial.
01:03: Newt Lady from the Bizarre Bazaar reveals the secrets of the Music Box. Definitely an “After the Rain” episode. I did not expect Marcy to be there though, that’s interesting now. 
01:04–01:06: Two shots from the Third Temple. First one being Anne having a moment of realisation, and the other with the Golem roaring in front of Anne and Sasha. This freaked me out because wtf??? Sasha and Anne together?? Are they solving it together too??? Interaction equals resolution/conflict/character drama.
01:07–01:12 & 01:17–01:22: So how are we integrating baby Marshanne into this??? As for which episode, I have no idea! But some interesting details in this is that Sasha seems to have been the last out of the three to have joined. Since Anne and Marcy are together crying, while baby Sasha is one on the slide standing up (hehe) for them. Between the first clip and the second, Sasha has a bruise on her forehead, so she may have gotten hurt trying to protect them. They introduce each other and that’s the end of the clip. I’m assuming this is finale material, because otherwise I have no idea where this is coming from or going to.
01:13–01:16: Anne pulls the Plantars in for a hug. Still not sure where this is for, but it is a thing.
01:23–01:28: Two shots of Sasha and Anne, which seemed to have been slowed down to around half speed. Shot one has Anne standing, almost distraught wearing what seems to be Newtopian armour, with Sasha’s foot in the foreground. The second shot is Anne holding her sword at the top of the Newtopian Walls to Sasha who is weaponless and has her hands up in surrender. Smoke is rising from the land below, and Anne looks visibly angry. I have no idea what is happening, but this definitely has to be finale material.
A title card shows Amphibia returning 6th March!! Hype.
01:34–01:45: Of course we need happy stuff to counter ANGST! So we have a bizarre sequence of Frobo making a garden and growing flowers in a matter of seconds. Hop Pop is enthralled by this and welcomes him to the family, and Polly looks at him knowingly. This is a very big development played very casually, since we know nothing about the robot besides his goofy self being able to do this. Frobo is the most cryptic thing this season besides the King’s basement, we also have no information on Frobo so this is a striking change. This will take place in “Friend or Frobo?” and I am stupid hyped!!! I don’t know anything about Frobo and I want to know more!! Also Wartwood is on fire. It’s just a normal Tuesday everybody. 
That ends the trailer breakdown!! But I did have some more general theories and thoughts I’ll include here.
Something I did want to mention before we started was the music in the beginning of the non-speaking part of the trailer. To me, it sounded like an epic reprise of John Legend’s “All of Me”, and I’m thinking there’s one of two things happening: one is that the finale song that we’re all crying to is “All of Me” by John Legend, like how Reunion’s was “Lean on Me” by Bill Withers; or, I’m just theorising like a mad person. Who knows!
Also another general observation is the puzzles and how we’ve been prepped for them by “Family Shrub” where each one has puzzles and riddles each person who fits a specific role must solve. Each girl with each of the Temples, and they need each one to deal with their own Temple. Meaning Sasha being at the Third Temple means some form of resolution/character interaction.
As for Sasha, I don’t know if she’s gonna be redeemed necessarily, but I think she might go to the good side and Marcy goes to the bad side. I don’t wanna believe that cause I love Marcy to death, but Season 2 finales are always horrifying before Season 3 finales wrap up nicely. So I’m expecting even more drama than the Season 1 finale. I want all the girls to be happy, and it’s not happening this season for sure. So much excitement!!!
That concludes all my thoughts on the trailer for Season 2B! Let me know what you’re excited for, your thoughts and theories, and if you agree or disagree with what I’ve said here!! So excited!!!!
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recurring-polynya · 3 years
@trulytaka​ asked: um i’ve always dreamt about a tattoo artist!renji falling for a client AU. it’s okay if you can’t come up with anything, just a suggestion!
How is it even possible that I have never read a Tattoo Artist! Renji AU?? (If there is one, please, send it to me immediately). Anyway, I got way too enamored of this idea, this is not even remotely a drabble, it is 4400 words and it is incredibly self-indulgent, I am absolutely not sorry.
It takes place in America and everyone is Japanese-American, because I am way more comfortable writing about American tattoo culture. I have never actually read a Tattoo Artist AU, I don’t know how they are supposed to go, this is just based on my own experiences getting inked. It’s mostly a story about Rukia and Renji being incredible nerfballs, there are not nearly enough stories about Rukia being a nerfball around Renji.
Read on ao3 or ff.net
💀     🛹     💕
Izuru Kira found Renji Abarai in the break room, simultaneously trying to cram a burrito into his face and read a Hellboy comic. He was holding the comic open with his elbow in an attempt to avoid spilling guacamole on Abe Sapien.
“Your two o’clock is here,” Izuru informed his distinguished colleague.
“Oh, great!” Renji replied, creasing the foil wrapper into a spout so that he could pour the last of the salsa drippings into his mouth.
“She’s waiting in the consult room,” Izuru went on, watching Renji toss the crumpled foil ball across the room, completely missing the trash can. “Look, have you met her before? A Miss Kuchiki?”
“Just exchanged a few emails,” Renji replied, as he scrubbed his hands at the sink. “Why? Is she scary?”
“Not in the usual way of Abarai clients,” Izuru replied. “I was just… wondering if she was... in the right place.”
“Her request was very specific,” Renji replied, scooping up his comic and the manila folder underneath it. “In fact, I am quite proud of what I came up with for her.” He whipped the folder open.
Izuru stared at it for a moment. “That is so specific.”
“I honestly think this is one of the best tatts I have ever designed. I hope she’s a real weirdo, because not just anyone deserves a masterpiece of this caliber.”
“Mmm,” Izuru agreed. “Yeah. Anyway, if there’s been a, uh, miscommunication, see if you can just… redirect her. Both Momo and I are in today, okay?”
Renji scoffed and stuffed his comic in Izuru’s hand as he marched down the hall toward the consult room. A miscommunication. Renji wondered what was wrong with her. She was probably mousy and wore glasses. Izuru always assumed girls like that would rather have a sad poem about the sea or a sprig of herbs inked on her wrist (conveniently, his specialties). Plenty of mousy girls with glasses would rather rock some fangs or dripping daggers, in Renji’s professional experience.
“Knock knock!” he announced, as he slid the door open. He took one step into the room and stopped dead.
Rukia Kuchiki was not mousy. She did not wear glasses.
Renji didn’t know much about suits. He did not happen to own one himself. But he guessed that Rukia Kuchiki’s suit was expensive, in part because it fit her perfectly, despite her tiny frame. It was jet black, and didn’t have a single speck of lint or cat hair on it. Her perfectly manicured hands were folded neatly on top of her crossed legs. She was wearing very tall, very pointy heels. Their soles were bright red, which Renji had learned from television meant that they were super expensive. He realized that he probably shouldn’t be looking at her legs, even though they were very nice to look at. His eyes snapped up to her face, but that honestly wasn’t any better.
Renji wasn’t often attracted to women, but she had probably the most interesting face he had ever seen-- heart-shaped, with big, dark eyes, a sharp chin, the cutest little nose. Her make-up was subtle and professional, and her hair was swept up with a clip, although it must be fairly short, because a few pieces hung down in front of her ears, and a thick lock dangled between her eyes.
She looked like a mean lawyer from a movie, one that would drive a fancy sportscar like an act of violence. Scary, for sure. But not in the usual way of Abarai clients, who tended toward the large and beefy, not that sharp and sharklike.
That nose, though.
Suddenly, her face split into a big grin. “Hi,” she announced brightly. “I’m Rukia Kuchiki.” She had a deep voice, a very beautiful voice. “You must be Renji Abarai.” Her eyes flicked to his arms. “I mean, of course you are, who else would have those arms? They’re so cool.”
“My arms?” Renji said stupidly. “Are they… famous?”
Rukia’s cheeks flushed. “Oh, well, I follow you on Instagram, and you don’t have any pictures of your face, but your arms are in a lot of the shots and they’re, well, they’re kinda distinctive. Do you think, um, would you mind if I looked at them?”
Renji’s eyebrows shot up. It’s not like he wasn’t used to having his arms checked out, but most people were more… subtle about it. Oh, well, it was her dime. “I didn’t do them myself, obviously,” he pointed out, rolling up the sleeves of his t-shirt so she could see the baboon skull on his left shoulder. A skeletal arm traced down the rest of that arm, complete with an outline of his own hand bones. On the right side, a snake spine coiled around his bicep, ending with a hissing skull. “I mean, it was my design, but my friends-- the other three tattoo artists here-- all helped ink me up.” He plopped down in the chair that sat catty corner to the couch where Rukia was sitting, and held his arms out. “We’re sort of a full-service studio. I’m the skeletons and monsters guy. Izuru, the guy you met on desk duty today-- is good at calligraphy and watercolors and little, itty bitty tattoos. Momo is our nature girl, she specializes in flowers and animals, and she’s great with bright colors. The snake skull was all her. Shuuhei is really into classic tattoo art-- you need a hula girl or a heart with an arrow through it, he’s your man. He’s also incredibly talented at revamping old regret tattoos, there’s good money in that.”
“Mm,” Rukia agreed, finally tearing her eyes away from his forearms to look up at his face, and abruptly turned even pinker. A lot of people fantasized about getting a tattoo and then got a bad case of nerves when it was time to make the leap. Maybe all this was way out of her comfort zone. Renji was trying his best to be friendly and chatty, which usually helped, but he was not used to dealing with this class of lady. He hoped he wasn’t coming off as too familiar.
“Actually,” Rukia went on, pulling on her fingers nervously. “I picked this place specifically because of you. For your work, I mean. I’m kind of a big fan. I saw some of your paintings at an exhibition over at the Fine Arts College, and I just, you know, fell in love. I’d always thought I’d like to get a tattoo someday, and when I found out that you were a tattoo artist, I knew it had to be you. I’ve been looking forward to this for a long time, and I’m babbling and I’m really sorry, I’m just very excited.”
Renji blinked. “You’re not babbling,” he replied slowly. He was sort of hoping she might say some more things about how much she liked his art in her beautiful voice. “Wait, an exhibition at the art school? That must have been at least three years ago, when I was doing my MFA.”
“Er, right,” Rukia looked a little sheepish. “A friend of mine had some work in the same exhibit, you probably don’t know her. My favorite one of your paintings was the one with the Black Lagoon creatures eating hamburgers at a diner, but I also really liked the one that was like a huge monster with a big bone mask stalking through a city, the way you did the shadows was just incredible.”
That particular painting was currently wrapped in brown paper and stuffed behind Renji’s couch. His last boyfriend had told him it was “creepy.”
“Uh, glad you liked it,” Renji managed. “Who was your friend?”
“Her name is Inoue. Orihime Inoue.”
“Oh, the robot girl!” Renji exclaimed. “Er, I mean she drew robots. Constantly. For every assignment. I didn’t mean to imply she was… robotic. In any way.” Jeez, Abarai, pull it together, he chided himself. “Yeah, I remember her. I didn’t know her well, but she sure could draw some tight robots. Is, she, uh, doing well?”
“She’s doing storyboards for a stop-motion animation studio,” Rukia replied.
Renji smiled. “That sounds perfect for her.”
Rukia bit her bottom lip and Renji’s throat went dry.
“So, um, you said in your email that you would have a design for me to look at?”
Renji realized that he was gripping the folder like a doofus. “Right! I did a couple of variations,” he explained, passing it from one hand to the other. “But you explained the concept pretty clearly, and I’m really happy with how the first one came out. I mean, obviously, it’s your tattoo! Please give me any feedback you have, you won’t offend me, even if you hate it! Tattoo designs often take a few iterations, it’s very normal, don’t hold back.”
She was staring at him, those big eyes wide and sparkling. “Can I… see it?”
“Oh! Right!” He shoved the folder at her.
Rukia opened it up and gasped.
“I especially love the way you draw skeletons,” Rukia’s email had read. “Do you think you could tattoo a grim reaper doing a sick kickflip on a skateboard onto my outer bicep? I do lift, so I am pretty jacked, if that makes a difference.”
“It’s perfect,” Rukia sighed in a tiny voice.
“Um, in the first variation (that’s page 2) I added some sunglasses, and in the second one, the grim reaper is flipping the bird and also its head is on fire. I guess I thought that grim reapers should be gender neutral but now I’m wondering if you would have preferred more of a… lady grim reaper?” Renji yammered absently.
“Oh, no,” Rukia murmured softly, flipping through the pages. Renji wasn’t even sure she had listened to a word he had said. “These are amazing. I love the sunglasses, but I also like the way you put little flames in the eye sockets in the first one…” She waved a hand absently. “Oh, and don’t worry, I like a non-binary skeleton.”
A small problem had just occurred to Renji. “Hey, um, please don’t take this the wrong way, but I… may have overestimated the size of your arms.”
“Oh?” Rukia asked, and abruptly shucked off her expensive suit jacket. She was wearing a pale purple sleeveless silk blouse underneath. She held one arm out experimentally, and then flexed. The muscle definition on her bicep made Renji take an involuntary swallow, but the fact that she was wicked cut did not buy him much in the way of real estate.
“I’ll just shrink it down maybe 25%,” he reassured her. “I’ll have to simplify some of the detail on--”
“No,” Rukia frowned, her eyebrows drawing together. “Don’t do that.” She thought for a moment. “I’m not committed to having it on my arm.” She uncrossed her legs and hefted one high-heeled foot onto the coffee table in front of her. “What do you think? Is my thigh big enough?”
Renji tried to make words come out, but it just wasn’t happening.
“Er… sorry,” Rukia said slowly, tugging at her hem. “I forgot I was wearing a skirt today.”
“Huh?” Renji scrambled to recover. He needed to say something. She looked really embarrassed. Say something! Say something professional about her leg! “Sorry, I was, uh, thinking!” Good, good, now keep going. “Don’t be self-conscious, I see people’s bodies all the time. Bodies are no big deal, we all got ‘em, right?” This was true in the abstract sense, but he knew these were blatant lies as they exited his mouth. Most people’s bodies were no big deal. He had only known her for five minutes, but was certain that Rukia Kuchiki’s thighs were a very big deal. He studied her leg, stroking his chin, like he was some kind of anthropologist of thigh tattoos. Mostly he was trying to figure out what would seem like an appropriate amount of time to look at a person’s thigh, a person who was your professional client that you most definitely did not have the hots for. “There’s certainly plenty of room,” he declared. “But, you know, people are going to see it less. Which is a selling point for some people! It’s just a personal decision that you’ll have to make. It sounds like you had a big vision.”
Rukia gingerly placed her foot back on the floor. “I had actually been wondering if maybe the upper arm was too public, anyway,” she admitted. “The fact is, I just got full access to my trust fund, and this is sort of a celebration, but I may have been a little overeager to piss off my big brother. He’s very stodgy.” She contemplated the area of her leg that was covered by her pencil skirt. “But so are a lot of people in my field. I can wait until I’m running my own company before I get started on the full sleeve of my dreams, right?”
“Worked for me,” Renji replied, utterly lost by whatever she was talking about. “What… field are you in?”
“Oh, finance,” she dismissed.
Finance. Of course. Renji tried to shoo away the weight of disappointment that was settling in his stomach. He was talking to a friendly client who was clearly loaded, loved his work, and was contemplating thousands of dollars worth of future business. He should be thrilled. He should probably be trying to sell her one of his old paintings-- they were only gathering dust, anyway. Renji would never break the studio policy about hitting on clients. The fact that she would surely laugh at him if he asked her to his favorite burger joint ought to make things easier, right?
“This is so hard!” Rukia declared, and Renji was shaken from his reverie. She was just contemplating his draft designs again, though, flipping back and forth between them.
“You don’t have to decide right now,” he reassured her. “You can think about it and email me. If you’re happy enough, we can schedule your session, and we’ll work out the details between now and then. Chat it over with your pal MechaHime, she’s got good opinions.” He paused. Momo always said he was too nice during consults, they were running a business, but he couldn’t help it. “Or you can just call back when you’re ready. No pressure.”
Rukia slammed her fist down on her knee. “No! Let’s schedule it! Do I pay now?”
“20% deposit. Let’s go out front, Izuru will ring it up.”
“Perfect.” She looked longingly at the drawings again. “Can I take these with me? You’re absolutely right, Orihime will know what to do.”
Renji wrinkled his nose. “It’s actually against studio policy but…”
Rukia’s face suddenly became very serious. “Then it’s against policy.” She winked at him and smiled. “You should take care of your intellectual property, Mr. Abarai.”
“I never get over to this part of town, to be honest,” Rukia admitted as they walked back up to the front. “Is the taco place across the street any good?”
“Oh, yeah, it’s great,” Renji agreed. “Momo and I painted a huge mural on their wall, so they give us free churros.”
“Are tacos a good post-tattoo celebratory meal?” Rukia asked curiously.
“Well, you actually want to eat beforehand,” Renji pointed out. “It’s important to keep your energy up. I don’t estimate yours should take very long, I’m gonna book you a two-hour slot.”
“Ah, okay,” Rukia agreed, and Renji realized belatedly that...maybe… she had been asking him out? No. Surely not. His brain scrabbled for a response, but then he stepped into the reception area and his brain shut down entirely.
“It’s DONE!” Shuuhei bellowed. “Behold my work, ye mighty, and despair!”
Tetsuzaemon Iba, serial client, yakuza enthusiast, and assistant manager at a doggie day care, was flexing. He was not wearing a shirt.
From behind the reception desk, Kira was wearing a dour frown and shaking his head.
“It’s a masterpiece,” Renji declared. “I admit I was skeptical, but it looks fantastic, man. You happy with it?”
“It” was a massive tattoo, covering the wide landscape of Iba’s broad back. It featured a lucky cat, grinning maniacally, its paw held high. It was on fire. The kanji for “lucky charm” was incorporated somehow. It was a disaster. It was perfect.
“How could I not be?” Iba boomed.
“Whoa,” a tiny voice behind Renji said.
Iba’s face went pale when he realized that he was being Peak Iba in front of an elegant, professional woman whose shoes probably cost more than his entire net worth. “Gimme me my shirt!” he demanded of Shuuhei.
“That’s… amazing!” Rukia exclaimed, her face lighting up. “Wow, how long did that take?”
Shuuhei blinked slowly as he passed Iba his shirt. “Five sessions.”
“Well, it’s so cute!” Rukia announced. “You must love cats.”
Iba lifted at the same gym as Renji and watched Momo’s Pomeranian on Tuesdays and Thursdays. He was a regular fixture at the tattoo studio, and all four of them liked to drag him, but no one, none of them, had ever roasted him this hard. Renji cursed that no-asking-out-clients rule, because he wanted to buy Rukia Kuchiki her own body weight in tacos and then ask her to be his wife.
“He’s more of a dog person,” Shuuhei supplied.
“Great with dogs,” Izuru added.
“Shut up, you jerks, I am a lover of all animals,” Iba grumbled as he pulled his Hawaiian shirt over his shoulders. “Is this your lawyer, Abarai? Did you finally get arrested for that hairstyle?”
“I have an MBA, actually, not a JD,” Rukia replied matter-of-factly. “And I am his client. Can you show that large man my tattoo design? Is that allowed?”
Renji chuckled, and pulled out his drawing.
“That,” Iba declared, “is a wicked tatt.”
“Oh, you showed me that email!” Shuuhei recalled. “It came out great.” He regarded Rukia. “He was really excited about that one, you made his day.”
Rukia just beamed proudly.
“Are we booking a session, then?” Izuru asked hopefully.
“Yeah, two hours,” Renji nodded.
“Let me just finish ringing up Iba, and I’ll see when you’ve got an opening,” Izuru replied.
“This your first one?” Shuuhei asked Rukia conversationally.
“Mm-hmm,” Rukia nodded.
“Well, you made a good choice. Clean design, mostly black with just a few color pops, should go on quick and easy, and it’ll hold up really well, too.”
“This is Shuuhei, the one I was telling you about, who fixes a lot of bad tattoos.”
“I have never had to fix an Abarai tattoo,” Shuuhei declared. “He’s great with first timers. Very gentle. I’ve fallen asleep while he was inking me.” Shuuhei pointed to the pair of crossed scythes gracing his upper arm. “This is one of his.”
“Oooh, neat!” Rukia agreed.
“You’re being embarrassing,” Renji informed his friend.
“Always,” Shuuhei agreed. “Nice to meet you! I hope I get to see the finished product.” He waved to Iba as he headed off toward the back. “Don’t forget to moisturize!”
“Everyone’s so friendly here,” Rukia said softly to Renji. “This isn’t at all like I pictured it.”
Renji stretched his arms behind his head. “Nah, we’re just a bunch of goofballs who like drawin’ on people. Very lowkey.”
“I guess I’ve thought a lot about the getting tattooed part of getting tattooed, but I never thought of it as… a job. That people have.”
“It’s a great job,” Renji replied. “I love it. I’m just lucky that Izuru over there has enough business sense to keep the other three of us from running it into the ground.”
“That’s certainly the truth,” Izuru agreed, as Iba headed out the door. “Two hours, you said? Renji’s got a 4-6pm block open on a Wednesday, three weeks from now. The 24th, how does that work for you, Ms. Kuchiki?”
“Do you think that’s enough time to settle on a design?” Renji asked. “If you come up with changes, it should only take me a day or two to incorporate them.”
“Oh! Yes, three weeks should be fine. I thought… it might be a little sooner,” Rukia replied, sounding a tad disappointed.
“Abarai’s a busy man, three weeks is actually pretty quick,” Izuru explained.
“Right, of course!” Rukia nodded. “Yes, I’ll take the 24th!”
She then paid her deposit, a process which involved her taking approximately ten thousand items out of her purse, including a full-sized drawing pad, a single fingerless glove, and a Pez dispenser with a duck head. She was the most contradictory person Renji had ever met, and he just wanted to know everything about her. But instead, they were going to exchange a couple of emails about a grim reaper on a skateboard, he was going to spend an hour and a half two inches from her naked thigh in a state of intense, non-sexual concentration, and then he would likely never see her again.
“Okay, I guess that’s it!” Rukia said, stuffing the last of her worldly belongings back into the purse. “Three weeks, then!”
“Three weeks it is,” Renji agreed. “Unless we happen to run into each other at the taco place.”
Rukia blinked. “Oh!” she exclaimed. “Right. Ha, ha, of course!” She’d been walking backwards toward the door, an impressive feat in those heels, and she spun suddenly to pull it open.
“It’s a push,” Renji and Izuru chorused together.
“Ha, ha, of course it is!” Rukia laughed nervously, and ducked out.
Izuru stared pointedly at Renji. “Wow,” he said.
“I don’t know what you have against her,” Renji scowled. “So she’s professional. She was really nice. She’s a big fan of my work.”
Izuru cocked his head. “She’s clearly also a big fan of you.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Renji said.
“Look, I’m sorry I implied that a person who drives a Lotus Exige would not be interested in having your weird skeleton doodles permanently placed on her body,” Izuru held up his hands, “but did you really not notice the little hearts and singing birds floating around her head every time she gazed longingly at you?”
“Since when do you know anything about cars?” Renji snapped.
“It looked fancy and I asked Shuuhei what it was, okay!”
On cue, Shuuhei burst back into the reception area, Momo close on his tail. “Are we talking about the hot client who has a crush on Abarai?”
“Did you ask her out?” Momo asked breathlessly.
“She’s not really his type,” Izuru mused. “Very corporate.”
Renji frowned. Did he have a type? If his type excluded people like Rukia Kuchiki, he might need to get a new type.
“Who cares, she was adorable!” Momo insisted. “I woulda asked her out.”
“Renji, if you go out with her, can you get me a ride in the Exige?” Shuuhei added.
“I’m not gonna ask her out!” Renji protested. “What happened to the no-hitting-on-clients rule?”
“The rule is no creeping on clients,” Shuuhei correctly. “This is different. She’s clearly into you, big time.”
“Also, she seems non-terrible, unlike the questionable human beings you usually take up with,” Izuru pointed out. “We could relax the rule if it netted you an actually decent partner for a change.”
Renji scowled judgmentally at Izuru, as if his own dating history had been remotely better before he and Shuuhei finally hooked up.
“Oh!” Momo waved her phone. “Speaking of which, I googled her, like you told me to, Izuru--”
“Izuru!” Renji protested.
“--and you were right! She’s not just one of the Kuchikis, she’s the granddaughter!” Momo thrust her phone in Renji’s face. It was some article about some fancy charity event, complete with a picture that was clearly Rukia, dressed in a dramatic black and gold evening gown.
Renji wanted to push Momo’s hand away, but he also didn’t want to stop looking at Rukia in that dress. “The who?” he asked.
Izuru and Momo sighed dramatically in synchronized exasperation.
“Embarrassingly rich old money family? I don’t know what they actually do, but they’re always in the newspapers, donating money for something or other--”
“Billionaire philanthropists,” Shuuhei intoned in a fake deep voice.
“--I heard they’re descended from some famous clan of samurai back in Japan,” Momo ignored him. She jerked her phone back and started tapping at it frantically. “I’m sure you’ve seen pictures of the grandson-- Rukia’s brother, I guess. He always makes those lists of top ten hottest bachelors.”
“He’s dreamy,” Shuuhei seconded.
“Impossibly dreamy,” Izuru thirded.
Momo flipped her phone around again, to reveal a picture of a very serious, and very handsome man in a classic three-piece wool suit. Renji supposed “impossibly dreamy” was not an inaccurate description.
“Yeah, I think I’ve seen pictures of that guy before,” Renji shrugged. “He’s okay. Rukia has a more interesting face, I think.”
Momo and Shuuhei exchanged raised eyebrows.
“You do like her, then?” Izuru asked, his face brightening. “You’re wrong, by the way, Byakuya Kuchiki has the face of an angel.”
“Rukia says he’s stuffy,” Renji shrugged. “And fine. I like her. She’s cute and nice and had good taste in tattoos. What’s not to like?”
“Are you gonna ask her out, then?” Momo pressed.
“Absolutely not,” Renji replied. “She’s my client. Besides, as you just pointed out, she’s loaded. What’s she want with a scumbag like me?”
All three of his friends groaned.
“You have good delts and sexy hair,” Izuru pointed out.
“You give amazing hugs!” Momo declared.
“You draw fantastic skeletons,” Shuuhei added. “Which, apparently, is relevant to her interests, and not a thing you usually find on Tindr.”
“Also, we’ve already established that she does like you, regardless of whether she has a valid reason for doing so,” Izuru concluded. “So, if you’re at all interested, you really shouldn’t let that stop you.”
“I think you should go for it,” Momo encouraged.
“Me, too,” Shuuhei agreed.
Renji grimaced. She was an amazing girl, too good to be true probably. If she had any sense at all, she would certainly turn him down. But maybe… just maybe… she didn’t have any sense. “Okay,” he grudgingly agreed. “I’ll do it. But not until I’m finished the damn tattoo!”
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monsoonblooms12 · 3 years
It's time for Pooja and Ethan to play round two of our favorite game ;)
Here we go!
For Both
What’s the most embarrassing childhood story you know about your spouse?
What did they want to be when they were younger?
What was your spouse's favorite band in high school?
Describe your spouse in high school using memes or/and gifs only.
How old was your spouse when they had their first kiss? Who was it with?
If you two were the same age and had met in college, how would you have met? Would you have liked each other? Dated? Eventually married?
Which of your spouse's friends is the most attractive?
Who was your spouse's hero when they were growing up?
Can you name all your spouse’s exes before you?
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Bree, thank you so much for these! I loved answering them (and got a little carried away, hehe😅)! But seriously, thank you and love you❤️!
1. What’s the most embarrassing childhood story you know about your spouse?
Pooja: (Evil Laughter)
Ethan: Anything except that Teddy Bear tale.
Pooja: Anything?
Ethan: Why does that scare me?
Pooja: Because I do have some good stories to share about you (winks)
Ethan: My God.
Pooja: This story is around the time when he was 10 or 11. This man was quite an aspiring chef when he was young, I must say. So, it was the first time he was going to make pancakes and he was super enthusiastic about it. He was like, "you just put the batter, flip them and tada!"
Ethan: That's not true.
Pooja: Keep convincing yourself, sweetheart (giggles)
The preparation was going really nice, he had the batter made perfectly, all ready to pour. And then he switched on the stove, placed the pan and poured the batter in it. In the goddamn cold pan.
Ethan: Ugh.
Pooja: And then when he realized that the pancake was taking much longer than it should to get prepared, he put it on high flame and went to drink water. Safe to say, by the time he returned, the poor pancake was all black. 27 years after, he still cannot make them (chuckles)
Ethan: At least I try.
Pooja: (still chuckling) Definitely, I give you a point for that.
Ethan: Pooja's story is more about her trying to be a mini detective when she was 7.
Pooja: Oh no!
Ethan: Oh yes. It was her mother's art exhibition, and she, like the perfect kid she was, she walked all around the place with her mom. One lady, was very curiously gazing at one of her mom's paintings and then started taking pictures of them. Little Poo thought that she was going to carry out a heist and steal all the art pieces, so she took out her faux phone, went close to the lady, and said as loudly as she could, "Hello 911? One lady is trying to steal my mommy's art."
Pooja: She was being suspicious, I couldn't help it.
Ethan: Mini detective (chuckles)
2. What did they want to be when they were younger?
Pooja: Ethan actually wanted to be a chef until he pancake burnt up to ashes. After that, he wanted to be a detective.
Ethan: She wanted to be a private investigator too, later it was forensic investigator.
3. What was your spouse's favorite band in high school?
Pooja: Ethan's favorite was Snow Patrol, and I am glad to be married to a man with superior music taste.
Ethan: Pooja was not much of a band person. She was and still is, an old classic Bollywood music lover. But if I had to choose, Silk Road & Sanam, both Indian bands.
4. Describe your spouse in high school using memes or/and gifs only.
Pooja: Ah, yes, love this question.
Ethan: I will never understand this craze over gifs or memes or whatever they are called.
Pooja: Well, it's quite easy to guess, because I don't think there is much difference between this Ethan & that Ethan.
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Ethan: Pooja has two very clearly distinguishable moods, one when she is hyper productive,
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And the other when she is super lazy.
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Pooja: I- You just described my entire life with those two.
Ethan: I just know you well, Rookie.
5. How old was your spouse when they had their first kiss? Who was it with?
Pooja: He was almost 15 when he kissed his Highschool sweetheart, Eva. He wanted to make his first kiss a special occasion, with a date and all, but it just happened and I don't think he regrets it.
Ethan: She wasn't my high school sweetheart, we just liked each other. And I do wish that my first kiss was you.
Pooja: Aww, stop (blushing)
Ethan: (After giving Poo a cheek kiss) Pooja's first kiss was actually an accident.
Pooja: And here I was relaxed thinking you won't bring it up after the embarrassing story question.
Ethan: (Whole-hearted chuckle) But technically it was your first kiss, accidental or not.
Pooja: (Totally embarrassed) Whatever.
Ethan: This was when she was 14. There was guy in her class who liked her, and wanted to date her. One day, Pooja slipped on a puddle of water, and he, trying to help, held her hand. The next moment, he was on the top of her, lips touching.
Pooja: (in a pleading tone) Please, Pleease, Stop. It's too embarrassing!
6. If you two were the same age and had met in college, how would you have met? Would you have liked each other? Dated? Eventually married?
Pooja: Oh, most definitely! Honestly, I feel like us falling in love is inevitable.
Ethan: I do not believe in soulmate stuff, but it's unimaginable for me to not fall in love with you.
Pooja: (lays her head on his shoulder as he gives her a kiss on the forehead) I think we would have met as opponents at a debate competition. We would be the only two yelling till the end of the competition, trying to prove the other wrong, until the judges got fed up and asked us to stop. Even after the competition, we would still meet in the corridors and tell the other how wrong they were.
Ethan: After sometime, we would become friends over shared interests, and after getting to know her, I would naturally start to fall for her.
Pooja: Me too! I would be totally like, "No matter how much he yells and how wrong he was, he is still cute. And not a totally bad guy." We would gradually become best friends.
Ethan: I would be the one to comfort her when she discovers her crush is in relationship with someone else.
Pooja: And you would realize that you are in love with me (gives him an elbow nudge)
Ethan: (softly smiling) Maybe I would. And I would imagine you falling in love with me not much later.
Pooja: And then we would be sitting alone, talking about random stuff. Suddenly we look at each other's eyes, and before we realize it, we are kissing.
Ethan: We would start dating afterwards, all through med school and residency. I would definitely want to marry her, have a future with her. I like to imagine that I would be lucky enough and she would agree to be mine.
Pooja: No matter which universe, I would always agree to marry you. Every time.
(They share a soft kiss, heart full of love for each other)
7. Which of your spouse's friends is the most attractive?
Ethan: All her friends are quite attractive, even if she the only one who catches my eye.
Pooja: I am assuming that you mean all my current friends and not ex-friends. Or Landry.
(Ethan's face scrunches up in disgust and Pooja's question is answered)
Pooja: For me, it's Tobias.
Ethan: (Rolls his eyes) Him out of everyone else? You could have said Mark.
Pooja: Mark is attractive, for sure, but he has become more of my brother over time. Also, if he got to know it, he would never let me live it down (chuckles)
Ethan: But still, Tobias...
Pooja: You are jealous, aren't you? (Winks)
Ethan: (Quickly straightens his face) No, Of course not. I don't get jealous Rookie, don't forget.
Pooja: Sure thing, E, sure thing.
8. Who was your spouse's hero when they were growing up?
Ethan: Pooja and I have similar opinions on this. We don't have a hero or an idol. Yes, there are quite a few people who have inspired us, but we both don't have any hero. For Pooja, it was her parents, especially her mother. Later on, it was Kadambini Bose, the first woman from India to practice medicine and (gives a striking smile, bubbling with happiness) of course, me.
Pooja: (Mimicking him) Of course, me.
Ethan: (in a teasing tone) Is it not true?
(Pooja just rolls her eyes)
Pooja: For Ethan, it was his father and Naveen.
Ethan: You too, Rookie.
Pooja: (With genuine curiosity) Me?
Ethan: You have inspired me to appreciate the little things in life and to love myself. You have played a big role in making me the man I am today.
Pooja: (Sniffles) Did you come here with an aim to make me cry, Dr Ramsey?
Ethan: (Smiling at her) It's the truth and you should know it.
9. Can you name all your spouse’s exes before you?
Ethan: This is probably the easiest question for me to answer. She has had three relationships in total. A lot of crushes, but very few actual relationships. One was during her middle school, I guess his name was Shresht. The second one was with her best friend, Ayaan and lasted all through med school. The last one, is Me.
Pooja: The ones I know are Eva and Rosalie in high school, Renia in med school and Harper during his residency and after. Ethan has a number of casual and serious relationships and honestly, I am not surprised. Everyone wants to be with a man like him (Winks)
Ethan: You are the only one who can have me.
Pooja: (Places a hand over her heart) I am honoured, Dr Ramsey. And lucky, so damn lucky.
Ethan: I am lucky one here, love. (Gives her a forehead kiss)
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avengerscompound · 4 years
Running to a Standstill - 2
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Running to a Standstill: A Captain America Fanfic
Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Buy me a ☕ Character Pairing:  Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers x F!Reader
Word Count:  2342
Rating:  E
Square filled: None for this chapter
Warnings: none
Synopsis: While on the run from an unknown organization trying to take your son, you meet two super-soldiers.  While they try to help you get to the bottom of who is hunting you and your son, feelings come out and admissions are made that make your personal life even more tricky.
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Chapter 2
Steve had expected to meet you out somewhere casual.  He hadn’t really been thinking about this as a date-date.  More a casual meeting to try and get to the bottom of what you were hiding from.  He’d agreed to let Natasha and Clint organize the venue and convince you to meet him there because they knew you better.  He’d been given the address and name of the restaurant and he’d dressed in his usual casual wear of a blue button-down and tan slacks and when he’d shown up, he suddenly felt very underdressed.
The restaurant was lined in hardwood, and decorated with pots of fresh herbs and copper cookware, giving it a rustic farm feel, but the floor to ceiling wine racks that took up three walls and the fact most of the guests were wearing suits or cocktail dresses said that it was anything but homey.
He arrived before you and was taken to a booth table under some wine barrels, that’s boxed seats were covered in cushions.  He was just looking over the menu of items - some of which he’d never even heard of before and all had prices that made him glad for the 60 years of back pay the army had owed him -  when you arrived.  You were wearing a champagne cocktail dress with a gold lace overlay and around your shoulders you had a red wool shawl.
Steve stood and greeted you with a kiss on the cheek, waiting for you to sit before he did too.  “You look beautiful,” he said.  He realized that it probably sounded ingenuine - the kind of thing you just say to someone on a first date - but he meant it.  He’d thought you were attractive the day he met you, even in the hoodie and jeans that were stained with grass and had a patch where it looked like either you or Geo had dropped ice cream.  Tonight you looked stunning.  The dress was flattering to your figure and you looked radiant with your hair and makeup done for a night out.  Mostly he loved the way you smiled.  You seemed excited to be out on this date with him, though a little nervous.
“Thank you,” you said.  “I can’t even remember when I last went out on a date.  I was surprised when Natasha said you were interested.  So I wanted to make the effort.  Who knows when I will get to again?”
“Hopefully it won’t be that long,” Steve said genuinely.  Not exactly meaning that it would be him that took you out, but realizing that’s exactly how it sounded when you smiled and picked up your menu like you were trying to hide how excited you were.
Natasha and Clint had obviously made you think this was a real date and even though he hadn’t come here tonight thinking the same thing, he decided that he should treat it the same way.  Besides, maybe Clint and Natasha knew something he didn’t and the two of you might be a good match.  Maybe you’d be able to distract him from his crush on Bucky that was never going to go anywhere at the very least.
A waiter came over to take your drink orders and with a little discussion, the two of you decided to share a bottle of Merlot.
“So you haven’t been out with anyone for a long time?”  Steve asked as he browsed the menu.
You shook your head and looked up at him over your menu.  “Not since before Geo was born.  I bet you date a lot.”
He shook his head.  “You know,” he said.  “I think this might be my first real one.  I mean… don’t get me wrong, I’ve had relationships, but they always came out of my work and we never made it to the dating part.”
“Wow, no wonder you picked this,” you said.  “Of course you’d want to make it special.”
“Oh,” he said. “This was Clint and Nat.  I guess they’re playing match-maker.”
You laughed.  “This is so not a Clint and Nat place.”
“No,” he chuckled.  “Well, maybe Nat, but she’d be working an angle.”
You laughed and the waiter returned with the wine.  He poured a small amount for Steve to try.  He had no idea what made a wine good or not, so when it didn’t taste like vinegar Steve gave a small nod and the waiter topped off both glasses.  He took both your orders.  Steve went with a dish that had ham, mozzarella, and truffles, followed by a steak because at least he recognized what they were.  You were a little more daring ordering spugnole as a starter, followed by tagliatelle.
“So why don’t you date?”  You asked, taking a sip of the wine.
Steve let out a breath and shook his head.  “Time mostly.  Never had the time to actually date,” he explained.  “But it’s not only that.”
You put your hand on his and smiled softly.  “What else is it?”
“I’ll tell you what,” Steve said, giving your hand a small squeeze.  “I’ll tell you my story and you tell me yours.”
You seemed to mull the question over for a moment.  “I’m worried that if you know, that will attract their attention.”
“You know that doesn’t make any sense don’t you?”  Steve reasoned.
“Maybe.  But,” you said taking your hand away.  “This is the longest we’ve ever managed to stay in the same place.  I’m expecting them any moment and if you decide to try and find them, then they’ll know it’s because of him.”
“We can keep you safe.  And Geo.  It’s what we do,” he said.
You let out a breath.  “You go first.”
The waiter came out with the starters and when he left again, Steve took a bite of ham and chewed it slowly, focusing on the smokey, salty taste.
“Are you avoiding?”  You asked as you collected some mushrooms onto your fork.
“Maybe a little,” he said.  “I guess there’s a lot of factors.  I don’t know how much you know about my past but I wasn’t always this.  I was small.  Really small.  And sick.  I had a long list of medical issues.  I was bullied a lot.  No one really looked at me as a possible romantic partner.  And I suppose I did go on dates back then, but they were double dates Bucky organized and there was always this supreme look of disappointment on the face of the woman he brought them to meet me.  Like they expected me to look like him.  I was a letdown.  I think it affected me in a lot of ways.  When women look at me now - like …’
“...They used to look at Bucky?”  You suggested.
“Yeah,” he agreed.  “That.  Well, I can’t help but think about back then.  And then I wonder if they like me for me.  I need time to get to know people and that doesn’t work out in the real world.  Only with people in mine and then work gets in the way.  Plus…”
He stopped talking and considered if he had it in him to admit this last piece.  The bit about how he had feelings for his best friend.  He hadn’t admitted that to anyone.  Not Bucky.  Not Nat.  Not even Sam.  He had said he’d tell you his if you told you yours, and it was only fair to keep his side of the bargain if he wanted you to do the same.
“I have had a crush on Bucky for a very, very long time,” he said.
“Oh my god,” you said, dropping your jaw.  “Does he know?”
“No,” he said quickly.  “I didn’t want to make him feel awkward.  He was always a real ladies man.  And now… he’s healing and I doubt his sexuality has changed,” Steve explained.  “And please know -” he reached over the table and touched your hand again.  “I like women too.  The relationships I’ve had have been with women.  It’s just… you know?”
“No,” you said. “I mean, yes.  I get it.  It’s okay.  I know how you feel.”
He let out a breath he didn’t even know he was holding.   “So… it’s unrequited. But I think I do a lot of comparing people to him, which isn’t healthy.  A couple of people have made the cut, but in the end, things weren’t meant to be.  So maybe I’m not supposed to have that.  Which I guess is another thing.  I once had someone tell me that I was nothing if I couldn’t be a soldier.  And I think it got to me.  This here -” he gestured around him. “- is a level of normal that I don't often allow myself to have.”
You nodded and took a drink from your wine.  Not a small one either.  You swallowed the dark liquid like it was water and when the glass was drained you filled it again.  “You didn't hold back did you?”
“I said I'd tell you mine if you told me yours,” Steve said.
You nodded and leaned back against the back of the booth.  “Yes.  I suppose you did,” you agreed.  “It’s long.”
Steve shrugged.  “For once, I have time.”
“When I went to college, I did lots of stupid little things for money.  I sold blood.  I tutored high school kids.  Just any little thing to give me some money to cover my bills.  One day the biology department had these posters up for an experiment.  It paid a lot.  You got $100 if you were accepted.  And if you made it to the end they'd give you $7500.  So I signed up.  I figured that whatever they were doing was probably safe if it had gotten to the human trial stage,” you explained.  Steve couldn't exactly criticize your reasoning.  He'd signed up for some pretty extensive human experimentation himself.
“I was accepted and once a week I'd go in with a group of about thirty other people and we’d have some injections and then we’d be tested.  It was a little odd.  The injections were painful and the tests were strange.  They'd ask us to try and reprogram a computer. Then try and guess what cards they were holding up.  We’d go on a treadmill for a bit and lift some heavyweights.  Then we'd be sent home,” you explained.  “I made friends with most of the other people but I also met the man I'd end up marrying.”
You stopped talking when the waiter approached and cleared away your plates and didn't start again until he'd bought out the entrees.  Steve waited patiently.  He knew there was no point in rushing the story.  “After about six weeks things started to happen.  John, my husband was running much faster than should be possible.  And I was guessing every single card correctly.  It never lasted.  By the following day we were back to normal, but every time we had an injection it was more.  By the end of the experiment, I'd get those shots and be able to hear every single thought of every person in the building.  Even the ones people don't want you to hear.  The intrusive thoughts you don’t even want to be having.  John could run at the speed of light.”
You drained your glass again and topped it off again and Steve leaned over and took your hand.  “What happened?”
“Project got canceled and we were told we were free to go.  We got paid our money,” you answered.  “Only one day I heard… In my mind… These people… I think they were government agents, coming to take us.  The injection hadn't completely worn off yet.  I told John and he packed a backpack, scooped me up into his arms and we ran.
“It was fine for a while.  We changed our identities.  Got cash-in-hand work.  No one came for us.  Then I got pregnant and when Geo was born the equipment went haywire.  When he cried it broke every machine on the floor cried along with him.  They wanted to keep him there to be tested but we knew what would happen so we ran again.  Only those people found us.  They killed John.  I got away.  But I've been running ever since.”
“Do you know who they were?” Steve asked.
You shook your head.  “I have no idea.  They never thought of anything that linked them to an organization.  Just things that made them seem like authority figures.  Official.  You know?”
Steve nodded.  “I understand.”
“If they're official, like the CIA you can't help me,” you said with pain in your voice.  “You're a private militia.  You have no authority.”
“I see my role in this world as exactly the person who steps in when the government is mistreating its people,” Steve said.  “I promise.  We won't let anything happen to you or your son.”
You nodded and seemed to make yourself smaller.  “I wish I could believe that.”
“You can trust me,” Steve said.  When you didn't say anything Steve caressed the back of your hand with his thumb.  “Do you know what Geo’s powers are?”
“I think they call it technopathy,” you explained.  “He has an affinity with machines.  Sometimes he can even communicate with them.  It’s come in handy actually.  I don't like using him like that but he can make ATMs give us money.  Change car titles to our name in the system.  Have our names changed.  Erase record of us.  In emergencies, it has helped us get away.”
“He would love meeting Tony,” Steve said.  “Maybe the two of you should move to the tower for a while.”
You shook your head fervently, “No.  No.  Too high profile.  I feel safe where I am.  Clint and Nat keep it safe and it's just some apartment block.  No one looks twice at it.”
Steve nodded and drained the last of his wine.  There was a lot to process and a lot of work to do.  He'd need to find out who was after you first and foremost. He just wished there was a way he could convince you the safest place you could be was under his watch.
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capri-ramblings · 4 years
Yandere Vil, Malleus and Leona there S/o is really good at using all kinds of posions from flowers she grows herself and comes super close to using deadly posion on them mixing it into there tea or Food giving her the chance of getting away
Oh my god this was hard cause Vil and Malleus are Characters I still need to grasp on,but I hope this isn't so bad! (╥﹏╥) I really liked the concept given, although with these three Characters,I don't think it would be very easy to poison them since all three of them are the kinds who seem to overseer a lot of things in situations •́ ‿ ,•̀ what scary men but here you go! I hope you like it (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
Warning: Mentions of abuse and non-con/toxic relationship.
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Vil Schoenheit
- "Tell me, my dear, what kind of rotten heart would scheme up a plan to poison the one that loves them above all else?"
- You've never seen Vil as crossed as he was now, standing right before you in his room. The way the light of the chandelier brought to life the wrath in his gaze frightened you and you regretted what you did. Or at least attempted to do
- "To think my little pearl would do such a vile thing..." His eyes glistened like wildfire, and before words could even reach you, Vil hurled the fine porcelain cup against the wall near you. It shattered,much like your composure, and once tears escaped you, Vil is already on his knees, his hands cupping your face.
- "Mein Liebling, forgive me. Are you hurt?"
- Vil's soft, soothing words bellied the way he gripped your face to look up at him. The tender hands that you were so used to now a force that overwhelmed you completely.
- You thought he wouldn't notice the small red berries you'd crushed and mixed in with his tea. You made sure he wasn't even there to see it, but when he didn't attempt to even taste the tea you made for him, you already felt dread knotting around your conscience.
- He wasn't an idiot, you took that well into account, but you overlooked the fact that he was a person who valued beauty above all else, someone who was always particular of their own surrounding.
- "My small,idiotic, pearl, of course I noticed your pathetic excuse for poison in my tea. The fragrance alone gave it away"
- "You thought there wasn't a smell, did you? You thought that just because you Excell in that mediocre talent of herbs of yours you could use it against me?"
- Vil didn't hesitate to grab hold a fist of your hair,yanking you up until you stood on your tiptoes just to look up at him with those teary eyed expression on your face.
- "My sweet, daffodil. Who do you think I am?"
- He was Vil Schoenheit. Dorm Leader of Pomefiore, and the embodiment of beauty and grace.
- He was Vil Schoenheit, the senior who took interest in you and entangled you in his hold and the suffocating toxin draining you from life.
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Leona Kingscholar
- "Ha? What's this?" Leona's lazy gaze drifts from the bowl of meat stew in front of him to your awkward as ever figure sitting opposite of him on the bed.
- You stare at him, for a brief second forgetting what to say, until Leona lets out a sigh and picks up the wooden spoon.
- You'd worked hard for this moment, collecting the leaves of the dumbcane plant you'd stumbled upon when Leona allowed you to accompany him during a short stroll wasn't a small feat to be achieved. Not with a male like Leona watching your every move.
- "I made it because the other day I overheard Ruggies saying you used to eat meat stew when you were younger" Your attempt at sounding as timid as you always do around him succeeded though you were sure it was simply out of instincts to put your head down before the beastly prince
- On his lips, a ghost of a smirk appeared before he looked up at you, teeth bared just slightly.
- "That so? Then, why don't you share it with me?" He held the bowl towards you, and something like dread wrapped itself around your nerves.
- "I...I'm not that hungry" You didn't know how you could still look him in the eyes, but would looking away really save you? Leona was never the forgiving type just as much as he wasn't the type to be bothered with the fact he'd imprisoned you as his mate.
- "Dumbass. It was a rhetorical question" He said grinning before his expression darkened, and his voice lowered into a growl. "Eat it."
- You were fighting back tears just as much as you were fighting the urge to run away. To push yourself up from the bed and jolt out of the room that held so many of your tortured memories. You never wanted this, you thought. Why couldn't he just let you go when you said you weren't interested in being with him?
- You bit your lip, gaze casted down. "I don't want to"
- Leona laughed and with one swift movement, he had pushed you off the bed and pinned you to the floor. Your breathing hitched and the back of your head throbbed from the fall.
- "I didn't fucking ask", he growled so close to your face then, you felt the raw aggression seep through your skin and your senses blurred.
- "Get off me! Get off me!" You struggled against him but as Leona held you down firmly, your resistance was useless.
- "What? You thought I wouldn't catch onto your stupid plan? Hah! Who do you think I am,huh?"
- You opened your mouth to scream but Leona grabbed your throat and poured down the stew straight into your mouth. The extra excess of it dripping onto your clothes. You gagged,throat burning from the heat and tears brimmed with tears.
- "Dumbcane, am I right? The ones you stole glances at whenever we passed that den of bushes outside. I didn't think you'd be so dumb to think you could trick me into eating poison."
- You coughed up the remaining stew lodged in your throat but Leona clamped his hand on your mouth, pressing onto it with every inch of anger he could manage
- "You're swallowing it whole, mouse." He snarled,watching as your vision blurred and tears slid down your cheeks, glistening as if they were symbols of your regret. He wanted to laugh at you for realising only now that you could never outwit him, nor leave his side at all, but betrayal tasted bitter and he seemed lost for words to describe it.
- "Huh, tell me, little mouse, you know why this plant you schemed to have me digest is called Dumbcane?"
- Of course you knew.
- "So let me get this straight, you planned on poisoning me but not kill me? Is that why you went for a plant that could only cause extreme nausea and vomitting? You worked something in that small head of yours and thought you could get away from me if you made me sick?" The laugh that came afterwards seemed to screech in your ears and before you realized it yourself, you were sobbing, the insides of your mouth burning and swelling. Leona's gaze raked your trembling body beneath his and a sense of dominance washed over him.
- It was nice, seeing you all helpless like this, since all you ever did was fight back.
- "I swear this is why you herbivores don't last long in the wild", Leona released his grip on you, his gaze mellowed down as a smirk curled on his lips. "If you wanted to get away from me that bad, you should've went for my hide, cause as long as I'm alive, you're never getting away"
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Malleus Draconia
- Malleus's lips against yours was tantalising,his tongue caressing your inner cavern with the utmost attentiveness that had you arching your back and limply grabbing at him.
- The dark Fae had a habit of marking his possessions and you were no exception. From bite marks to slight burn scars.
- Today,you noticed,he was acting a bit more needier than usual. His touch held less aggression and was more like he wanted a sense of reassurance.
- By now you'd learned that if and when you disobeyed him, nothing good ever came from it. Especially when you'd throw words at him in attempt to hurt him.
- So, when he sought after you as usual, you opted to be as submissive as you could. If today was a day he'd let his guard down even for a moment, you would take it to ensure your plan succeeded.
- "You're well-behaved today,my little raven" Malleus said right after pulling away, his lips finding the crook of your neck almost immediately. When he blew briefly against it,a shiver ran up your spine.
- "Are you trying to hide something from me?" Latching onto your skin, Malleus began suckling on your sweet spot,his hands gripping your waist.
- You tried speaking but Malleus lifted his gaze and for a brief second,it was as if you were trapped in a trance.
- "Tell me,young one, do you know the story of Leander and his hasty affection towards a young Lady?"
- "No." The words came in a gasp, as if you were compelled to say it, and Malleus smiled. A slow, deliberate smile before he shifted and had you sitting on his lap,his cold arms wrapping around your waist once again.
- "It is an ancient story, one from the Greeks, and it tells the story of how a young man dies in an attempt to woo the ever so beautiful maiden that had captured his heart." His voice seemed distant then,as if he was recalling thoughts from a life he lived too long ago to remember clearly, you watched as his still expression slightly shifted and his brooding gaze of emeralds, glistening deeply in thought. Malleus then, resembled an old God, and you realized why Lilia and the others seemed to worship him. Why you could never find a way to truly be free from him.
- "Are you listening,little raven?" The depth in his voice then,nudged you from your thoughts,your widened gaze locking instantly with his. You found yourself nodding in sync with the smile growing ever more evidently on his lips.
- "You see,the story starts with Leander swimming across a great lake, vast and wide, every night to be able to be with his lover who lived atop of a tower. In turn his lover lit up a lantern to help guide him through the nights."
- "One night,however, he had stumbled upon a flower, captured by its beauty, he decided to take it to his love and as he swam, a storm passed by, blowing out the lantern left out as his guidance. Thus, Lenader was lost and eventually drowned."
- Malleus then shifted his attention back to you, sitting still on his lap. Your breathing had turned shallow, somehow fearful of the story's ending. He let out a small laugh then, leaning in to steal another kiss. It tasted somewhat like driftwood and pine.
- "Do you what happened in the end?" He asked, a rhetoric question you were smart enough to detect. Your eyes almost averted itself from his but when Malleus's gaze darkened,you knew better to hold your wits together.
- "When his lady love came out onto her tower and saw he was not there as promised, she cried out to him; 'Leander, O Leander' , and when she came down from her tower to the lake and there found his dead body washed out onto land, she caught the glimpse of the beautiful flower clutched in his hands."
- The dark hues of green spiralling in his eyes then struck fear to your heart, the way he lowered his lid and momentarily strayed from you told you something was off, and you struggled to breath.
- "The symbol of charm and passion for the people of the Greeks, the infamous Desert flower. Named after the tragic story of a love sparked a bit too wildly by the embers of youth; Oleander."
- Malleus lifted his gaze and without a coherent thought in your head, you stumbled off his lap, falling to the hard cold floor with a hollow thud. Your eyes seemed glued to the mystic male as he arched his brows and stared down at you.
- "My,my,did my grip loosen?" He let out a dark chuckle, a rumble of shadows blanketing over an overcast of mountains. "Forgive me,my pet. I hope you're not injured"
- "Never" You managed despite being so shaken up, "I..I know you would never hurt me.."
- It was a lie. You had physical proof of it, but what good did it come with you trying to make him feel bad of what he's done to you? If he had any shred of humanity in him,you wouldn't have been stuck here in the first place. Placed up in a tower of thorns where no one but him could ever find you. Trapped in a world where you meant to pleasure him as he liked. So you lied and you lied until you couldn't anymore. Until only one thought rang clear in your head.
- "Oleander holds more than just beauty, did you know?" Came the question from Malleus who still sat on the chaise earlier,he had a simple smile curled on his lips, but the wrath in his gaze faltered not.
- However, he didn't wait for you to respond.
- "Like how it played a part in the death of young Leander, it also holds a toxin harmful enough to cause death." Another laugh, another shred of fear clawing up your skin.
- "Isn't that interesting?".
- When you kept quiet, Malleus tilted his head and the air in the room seemed too thin to grasp with your lungs and you were no longer looking him in the eyes.
- "He knows" the thought screamed in your head. But you were so sure. You held back so many things that could've made him notice. How?
- "_____." The sound of your name being called out so coldly,had you bowing your head. Malleus only ever called your name once, and that was when he asked you to be his companion. The day you rejected him.
- "Malleus, I—"
- "Quiet. If you try to talk your way out this I'll make that pretty mouth of yours disappear." The growl was evident in his voice and you couldn't deny the truth behind his accusation.
- "So,when were you planning to do it,my small lovebird? This afternoon? Tonight? I'm sure you've planned this out quite well. You've always been such a thinker, always wondering."
- Malleus loomed over you now, you hadn't moved from where you fell. Couldn't really. Your legs felt frozen to the floor. Helpless.
- "But to think you'd used such a thing as Oleander. Were you going to use some kind of magic to heighten it's effects? Surely you should know by now that I've lived long enough to not be so easily killed, even if by a lover's hands." The last words were hissed, seething with a rage you didn't want to face.
- "Slip it into my tea before I sleep and running away right after..."
- Malleus rose his hand ever so slightly and an invisible force flung you right across the room, your back colliding with the stoned walls. Your mouth opened but no sound came from it as your lungs painfully constricted.
- "I'm disappointed,really" Malleus's dark drawl brought you out of your haze, although your vision seemed to blur,you could still make out his prominent figure striding towards you. "Here I thought my raven was smarter than most. Were you turning a blind eye to the fact I have more than just my gaze following you, or are you simply as naive as to think you'd get away with such a petty plan?"
- When you lifted your head, Malleus rose one finger and pointed it towards you. Instantly,your throat felt wrung up tightly and a scorching ring of fire encircled it.
- You screamed,eyes wide and body hunching over. Your hands tried clawing at the ring but ended up getting burned instead as the fire slowly ate away at your skin.
- Malleus sighed,heavy and shaky. You swore you could've heard his voice tremble if it weren't for your own screams overlapping them.
- "You've brought me great sorrow,_____. If poisoning me gave you hope of leaving behind all that we've built together, then perhaps, for our future happiness, I will burn all sense of hope you have left."
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finn-ray-nal-beads · 3 years
Two thoughts for your garbage fire extraordinarie!
I would love hear your worst holiday lines for your unholy trinity! “Santa’s not the only packing a big sack,” etc!
Or, if you want a break from that shit lol. Here’s one of my personal Clyde HCs that you use as you please! Since you asked...
So, I’m not not super into dad kink myself, but I totally see Clyde as been like super dominant, but polite about it lol. Things like “maybe if ya tell me real nice why you think ya deserve to cum, I’ll let ya.” Or “now, ya just know how much I hate doin’ this to ya, darlin,’ but ya had to keep goin.’” “Ya know good n’ well that a lady’s supposed to say ‘please’ when she’s askin’ for my cock.”
I also think he’s a freak in the sheets with one of the filthiest mouths and I think he has a breeding kink! He’s gonna give you a lot more than just a present under the tree and he’ll make sure “your Christmas is gonna be extra white this year, lil’ darlin.’”
I feel ashamed.
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Favorite one liners from our holy trinity....
The first being our resident Sea Fury, Capt. Flip SS “Blowhole” Zimmerman BDE, who now that I think about it must not really know what Xmas is, given that he sails the seas constantly and could give a rat’s ass about holidays in general. After all, he’s got treasure to find for himself and no time to dilly dally with stupid festivities such as Christmas. 
Sure, there’s an occasional snow storm on the high seas, which freeze him and his crew’s dingle berries to raisins when it blows through, but there’s no lights surrounding the massive Jolly Roger, no festive music of any kind because he runs a tight ass ship, clean as a fuckin’ whistle at all times with no fuckin’ funny business, except in the case of fuckin’ around with you that is. 
On the eve of the 25th, pirate time, the both of you are settled in your dining hall, a feast of succulent seafoods, baked to perfection via the resident cook on the ship, lay before your starving eyes. 
Your clad in one of your synched corsets, hardly able to gulp down the wine he’d poured because the waist is knotted so damn tight, causing your tits to practically explode onto the table, like he would so badly welcome at this point. 
He sits perched in his captain’s chair, dressed in his finest buccaneer garb, feathered hat and all, swirling his chalice as he devours your body with his eyes in the candle light. 
Watching your every move as you choke down the drink, throat moving to push down the liquor as you take a deep inhale, expanding your gravid chest as you push your self more into the seating. 
Noticing your boobs bounce with every motion you make to add food to your plate, the ebbs and flows of your soft tits as they beg to be set free from their cage. 
His cock twitches in his pantaloons as he catches himself boring into your chest, clearing his throat to take a swig of his wine as well, before gathering himself back into reality. 
“Where did ya go sailor?” chuckling as you watched him chug his spirits down his gullet, watching his Adam’s Apple bob as you salivated thinking about sucking a huge bruise on the appendage. 
He forced the glass on the table, shaking the food as he exhaled from his gulps, gathering his thoughts for a moment and then turning back to your position, eyes darkened with mischief. 
“I was... thinking,” he cooed, spreading his thighs wide, showing the mast that had erupted in his pants, “I heard the men conversing about this day being a special one of sorts,” taking his hat from his head to run his thick fingers through his hair. 
“And?” you paused from taking a bite of shrimp before he continued further, “what does this have to do with what you were staring me down for Phillip?” cocking your head to the side as he watched your tits waver from your motions. 
“I was thinking of making it a special one for us as well, my sweet siren,” cooing as he leaned himself closer to your side of the table, “what do ya say ya sit on ol’ captain’s mast and tell him your deepest desires?” coaxing a finger to lead you to his thick meaty thighs as you blushed, thinking about him impaling your pussy on his whale cock. 
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Now onto our noble land warrior, This Is Sparta... 
I had to do some digging on this one because I know the Spartan’s had several festivals they celebrated because of their many Gods and Goddesses they worshipped and made sacrifices to... So, the closest I found was the tradition of Gymnopaedia (or the festival of naked youths as it’s translated) which is celebrated for over a week and honoring the three mythical beings Apollo, Artemis, and their mother, Leto and showcased bachelors and their marital and athletic capabilities (similar to the Olympics but naked) to the single women of the city of Sparta. 
The streets were fraught with nude and glistening warriors of all abilities. Their bulging muscles, thick meaty thighs, and their endowments on display for all the thirsty women of the city to pick and choose their best suitors. 
You sat perched in your spot as you surveyed the music and majesty before you. A face in a crowd of hundreds of hungry women, each devouring their male counterparts, itching to be filled with their potent seed as they tossed discus and arrows to show their strength and protective capabilities. 
None of them were catching your eyes, however, even if they all were desperate for the attention, demonstrating their wares for the most beautiful woman in the village. 
Each begging to be the apple of your eye, practically injuring themselves as they showcased their endurance and stamina to get you to pick one of them from the crowd of body oil and testicles. 
You sighed, shooing away the suitors one by one, earning scoffs and side eyes from the other women, telling you to stop being so picky or else your womb will dry up from your negative outlook on the sea of cocks clouding your vision. 
You craved something. You weren’t sure what it was, but you desired a man whom desired you in the least desperate sense. Who cherished your independence, your thoughts, your body, and your soul. None of these suitors were capable of fulfilling your womb in that sense, so you kept with the shooing as you searched for your perfect mate. 
Suddenly, a valiant warrior appeared from the crowd, his muscles rippled and his cock swinging at attention as he made his way to the front of the line of men. 
His hair and inky frame over his chiseled face as he bent over to grip the disc laying in wait, encircling the rock with his humongous hands as his back and legs flexed from him lifting the weight above his head. 
Your womb ached as you watched him effortlessly throw the object further and more accurate than any of the other boys present during this festival of games, the heat causing a bead of sweat to form over your heaving tits clasped under your white robes. 
He huffed as he descended from his perch, moving his way to the crowd of hungry women, each fawning over his size and strength as they clawed to get his attention. 
He paid them no mind, zeroing in on your goddess-like posture, not giving him a single indication that you were interested, even if inside you wanted to scrape the ever loving fuck out of his thick pectorals. 
Your eyes met as he trudged through the seas of desperate cries and declarations of love from the girls below you, pushing them off like flies as he came to your eye level. 
You crossed your legs, pushing your chest out like the lady you were, not breaking eye contact with the brave soldier before you. 
“Y/N,” he muttered out amongst the music and cheer, his face the picture of seriousness as he spoke it to you. 
“Phillip,” you recanted back, smoothing your garment over your midsection, only to look back up to see his cock, half hard and leaned to the left, precum leaking from the tip as his pecs rose and fell from his glistening chest. 
“Will you join me in a dance?” moving a large hand in front of him as he begged you with his darkened eyes, to move off your throne of sorts, “please,” his voice changed slightly in desperation for your delicate hand. 
You sat there, taking in the moment as it came, moving a hand to envelope in his as you lifted your effervescent figure to come to his nude form, feeling his cock press against your thigh as he took you in his arms. 
“This way my dove,” he calmly led you through the mess of scowls and scoffs from the other bachelorettes, knowingly irritated at the fact that you’d bagged the hottest and most fertile warrior in the city. 
It was the best festival week of your entire life, ending with the betrothal between the both of you, sealed by the Gods themselves. 
(I’m sorry there’s no funny catchphrase I couldn’t find a way to weasel it in this kind of story lmao, but I did say cock a lot so there’s that!)
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And last but certainly not least, the Holy Ghost himself, Rootin’ Tootin’ Shootin’ Cowboy Rustler Flip Zimmerman (Huckleberry) 
It was a good ol’ fashioned country Christmas on the homestead, complete with snow, ice, and of course you tied up on the dining room table being stuffed seven different ways to Sunday like a holiday honey ham. 
You’d already sustained your precious cowboy mercilessly face fucking you, cumming an unholy amount deep in your throat, the remnants mixing with your saliva as you laid spread wide open on the wood furniture. 
Your breath heaving from your chest as you begged for Flip to continue his holiday quest of stuffing you full of him for Christmas. 
“P-please Phil!” you begged, exhausted and wishing he’d touch you in the spot you so badly craved, “I-I!” stammering as he chuckled above you, lighting a cigarette, with is cowboy hat atop his head, and his naked hulking body heaving from his attack on your precious mouth. 
“Ya know I love it when ya beg ta be stuffed like a Christmas stocking ma sweet vixen,” inhaling a drag of sweet nicotine as he watched your cunt gasp for his cock, dripping in anticipation as he made himself hard again watching your asshole pucker from the air in the room. 
“Yer lil’ pussy’s beggin’ for me ain’t she?” he exhaled a cloud, gripping his half hard dick, smearing the remnants of your spit on his girth as he threw his head back form his own touch, “beggin’ to be stuffed like that damn turkey in the oven,” he cooed, ashing his filter in the tray by the doorway, rubbing his hands together as he surveyed your pretty figure, laid out for him. 
“She o-only wants y-you,” whining as you tried to wrench your head around to see where he’d found himself, hoping he was mere inches away from your heat as you writhed in your restraints. 
“Mhmm,” he mused, running his thick hands on your ass, smoothing the skin as he reared one hand to slap it with all the might he could, the ripple from the heat of the blow causing an instant five-star to bloom on the pristine cheek. 
“I love these honey hams a yours darlin’,” he cooed, slapping the other cheek to match its twin, “there so, juicy,” eyes growing dark as he drank in your whines from the pained blows you’d sustained. 
Stilling your hips to prod his thick cock at your weeping hole, the pressure causing you to lose your ever loving mind as you felt him penetrate your walls with a painfully slow motion, making your cunt eat him centimeter by centimeter. 
“P-Phil!” screaming out and begging for more friction, trying to break free from your expertly knotted ties on the legs of the table. 
“Uh huh darlin’,” he tsked, still inching himself in as you cried out into the living room, “naughty girls don’t get presents, don’t ya remember how the song goes sugar?” he chuckled, stilling himself for what seemed like hours before he started his assault on your tight little hole. 
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The End of Year Awards Are Back... and This Time, It’s Personal!
And so we approach the end of 2020, the year that never really began. On paper, at least, it looked incredibly promising. There were lots of great movies slated to come out; culture seemed slightly less paucity-riddled and pointless than usual; good things were in the air. Then COVID happened, and basically fucked everything. Actually, that’s not quite true: my personal year has been fucking spectacular. I’m in a long-term relationship with a gorgeous woman for the first time in forever- no more abrupt trysts and stolen moments for yer humble narrator: I’ve got a sumptuously plus-size lady-friend who actually wants to spend substantial amounts of time me (and has knockers you could sled down, were you so inclined). I also started a Youtube channel where I upload performances of magic tricks I’ve designed and a few people seem to quite like it. Oh, and I’ve written four novels, with a fifth well on its way to completion. Unfortunately, that’s my life, not the life of our civilisation and culture as a whole. The fact that bugger all happened in that makes this end-of-year round-up a little hard to write. With that in mind, I’m going to hand out the gongs for 2020, but I’m also going to do my usual dodge of giving end-of-year awards to things that I discovered in 2020, even if they came out the year, decade or century before. It’s not like any right-minded person gives a hoot about my opinion anyway. Right then, everyone clear on the rules? Then let’s roll up our sleeves and plunge elbow deep into the fetid trough of our decaying society to ferret out the best and worst of the Things That Humans Have Done Recently.
The ‘I Like It Because It Confused Thick People’ Award for Best High-Concept Sci-Fi Movie... … Goes to the sterling Tenet, a spy film that used entropy inversion and symmetric, opposite-direction timelines within the same physical space the way most spy films use hacking and guns. Christopher Nolan films are always intricately constructed and meticulously-executed, but this one must have had Japanese Master Puzzle-Box Makers crying into their breakfast cereal. Is breakfast cereal a thing in Japan? I honestly I have no idea. For some reason, all I can imagine is a sort of dry kedgeree where all the ingredients that aren’t rice have been removed. But I digress. For all its intricacy, Tenet is actually really easy to follow once you’ve grasped the basic premise that there’s a machine that lets people move backwards through time, and that this makes them appear to move in reverse to the rest of the world while they perceive the rest of the world as moving in reverse. Nolan maintains a mastery of cinematic visual language that makes even the most abstruse concept easy to wrap your head around. Nonetheless, following Tenet’s release, dumb people took to the Internet on mass to complain that the film was confusing and stupid, never once realising that their inability to conceptualise time in non-linear ways was their own failing, not Nolan’s. I find that refreshing. It’s nice to see a sci-fi film that’s actually made for smart-cookie sci-fi fans and doesn’t give a hoot if it alienate thickos.
The Award for Most Inexplicably Compelling Web Comic… … Goes to Questionable Content. I originally started reading Questionable Content because I’d heard that the female lead and love interest was a plus size lassie and that shit’s my jam. However, the art style makes everyone look like a skinny indie-type, regardless of their actual, in-universe size, so it doesn’t do much to titillate my Fat Admiring Titillation Centres. And yet, I’m over five hundred ‘episodes’ in and still reading. The thing is, I couldn’t tell you why for the life of me. Maybe it’s the hope that the art style will evolve to the point where the people look like actual human beings with different body types (but then, why would I care unless I was invested for some other reason). Maybe it’s the fact that when I get one of the many, many obscure band or pop culture references, I feel a little buzz of kinship with the writer. Maybe it’s the fact that it takes place in a universe where robots and superheroes are things that regularly happen, yet most of the strips are just normal people chatting shit in a coffee shop and the slice-of-life narrative/sci-fi setting appeals to my sense of juxtaposition. I don’t know, but I find it really compelling to the extent that I’ve pissed away entire days reading it. I have a horrible feeling that it’s a short step from this to really angsty hentai. If I start singing the praises of that, somebody please shoot me in the crotch.
The ‘Forest Gump Debating Peter Andre’ Award For Most Sustained or Elongated Instance of Stupidity… … Goes to Donald Trump. I was tempted just to award this gong to his entire presidency, but that wasn’t just stupid: it was also venal, corrupt, horrifying and punctuated by terrible moments of low cunning. So, instead, this award goes to his ‘soup’ rant. For those of you who missed it, the former President of the United States spent a really, really long time (in the run-up to the election) wittering on about protestors throwing cans of soup at police. What was dumb and weird about it was that he appeared to be extolling the virtues of soup as a siege weapon, going into really specific detail about how it was better than a brick because it could be thrown with more force, finishing with the utterance that protestors would just argue that “this is just soup for my family” if they were caught with the cans… which is phrased wrong in such a subtle and inhuman way it’s hard to imagine that anyone actually ever said it, at least in those words. I have no idea if protestors in America were throwing soup cans at police (which would be entirely justified considering how many innocent people American police have murdered in cold blood quite recently) or if this was a fantasy dreamed up by the former president in the cloudcuckooland that is his diseased little brain. Either way, the connected rant was balls deep in dumb.
The Most Disturbing Unintentional Impression of Vincent Price Award… … Goes to the narrator from One Step Beyond, a Twilight Zone-esque anthology of weirdness that purports to be based on true events and has to be seen to be believed. The stories are oft-disturbing instances of spooky-inflected human drama and can occasionally be quite disconcerting… until they’re book-ended by a dude who sounds like Vincent Price reading a children’s book in a really earnest voice. It’s weird and no, it didn’t hit our screens in Space Year 2020, it dates back to Ye Olden Times of the 1950s or 60s, when men were men, women were women and technincolour was a distant dream that could get you strung up for witchcraft. Nonetheless, I only encountered it this year, so it’s getting its prize. I warned you I was going to pull this shit, but you foolish fools didn’t listen.
The ‘It’s Not Gay If I Don’t Clench’ Award for Cognitive Dissonance… … Goes to Amazon Prime, the content-making branch of evil, tax-dodging, anti-monopoly-law-breaking megalith Amazon. You see, while Big Daddy Amazon is off being incredibly sinister and worrying, like a shifty vampire hanging off the economy’s throat, the creative people at Amazon Prime are busy making or acquiring some of the flat-out best TV ever committed to a streaming-service, from the extra-weird slice of fun-pie that is The Tick, to the entertainingly horrifying cultural dissection of The Boys to the utterly unique Carnival Row, to the superbly adapted American Gods. It’s a bit like discovering that Geoffrey Dahlmer single-handedly created a body of artistic work to rival Vincent Van Gogh’s when he wasn’t pouring acid onto the brains of emotionally vulnerable young adults. It gives me a headache.
The Clint Eastwood Award for Most Effective Older Gentlemen… … Goes to Joe Biden, for unseating dipshit in chief Donald Trump with the casual badassery of a Wild West gunslinger shooting a baddy (probably played by Leonardo Di Caprio) in the balls. I mean, he’s not the best Prez America could ask for but a) as a Brit I don’t have to care and b) anyone who ousts Trump gets mad props from me.
The ‘It’s a Pity Everything Else is Shit Now’ Award for Best New Ongoing Series… … Goes to my own Youtube series, Victor The Magician, in which I claim to be a reality-hopping, interdimensional wizard on an endless quest to… perform magic, basically. I’ll admit that the quality is super-variable (Youtube algorithms and their constant demand for fresh content be a harsh mistress, etc., etc.). However, when I’m good, I’m really good. If you’re looking for a punch-line other than the fact that this whole bit is a self-promoting plug, it’s this: my Youtube series really was the best thing to come out this year. Not because I’m great or anything, just by default. A promising year really did turn into a cultural wasteland the moment COVIDius Rex reared its scaly head.
The Zombie Ian Curtis Award for Most Crushing Disappointment… … Goes to Rick and Morty Series 4. As I think I’ve said before, it was still good, but it just didn’t reach the dizzy heights of nihilistic lunacy achieved in series 1-3. I think the problem is that the audience is meant to learn something from Rick’s poor choices, even if he doesn’t, because the creators saw the amazing success of Bojack Horseman and decided they wanted a slice of that sweet, tangy deconstructionist pie. It worked up to a point in the climax of Series 3, but having made their point, the showrunners probably should have moved onto a different point. They forgot that the appeal of Rick Sanchez is his combination of ‘entertaining car-crash of a human being’ and ‘unstoppable superbeing’. Push him through an arc and you risk breaking the thing that makes him and the show so endlessly watchable. Rick, unlike Bojack, just wasn’t built for heavy introspection. Also, the team hired on new writers who were less than familiar with the characters, setting and subtext, and that’s always an invitation to disaster.
The Special Sir Mixalot Award for Posteriority… ...Goes to… my girlfriend and glamorous assistant, Mystic Miss Terri, who’s arse is gorgeous and majestic.
The ‘Are They STILL Making That?’ Award for a Show You Forgot Existed And is Now Back… … Goes to Supernatural, which never technically went away and whose final series is apparently being broadcast on one of the 4 channels (though who knows which one, any more), It’s kind of nice to realise it’s still out there and be reminded that there are still people who care deeply about what happens to it. It’s like when you remember ‘oh yeah, [insert cute animal here] actually exists and isn’t just an internet meme. That’s nice’. Also, it’s good to see Jared Padelacki working steadily. It can’t be easy to find acting gigs when most producers just want to shoot you and mount your antlers over a fireplace.
The Irritating Magician Award for Something That Just Won’t Fuck Off… ...Goes to this blog entry, which is three pages long in Word. Good grief. Bye y’all! See you next year, assuming that the last few days of 2020 don’t culminate in a civilisation-destroying attack by giant space-ants. If that seems worryingly specific, let’s just say that- as Leonard Cohen would say “I’ve seen the future and, brother, it is murder”… by giant space-ants.
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abdicatedarchive · 3 years
Cherish’s House Party || Chase and Savvy
𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍: cherish’s house party // 15th of january.
𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: chase x savvy ( @savvy-cassidy ).
𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐑𝐒: underage drinking.
𝐃𝐄𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐋𝐒: two cheerleaders playing ping pong and having a good time gossiping
Chase had come over to find beer pong in the kitchen and no one to play with until he saw Savvy. "Savvy, I challenge you to a game of pong" he said as he pulled her over to the table lightly. "That is if you can take the heat" Chase teased as he racked up the cups. Gabrielle was off doing something, and he always enjoyed talking to Savannah. Maybe he would even hear some good gossip out of it. 
Savvy was, as usual, sipping on her drink and mingling around the party. That is, until she was ushered over to the beer pong table. "when have i ever not been able to take the heat?" she scoffed and finished off the drink in her head. "good thing i get better at this game the more i drink," the brunette was already a bit tipsy. 
"I mean that's just the science behind it" said Chase laughing a little, "once you have double vision then you get two cups at once" he joked. Once the cups were racked he grabbed two balls and washed them off in the sink. "Ladies first" he said as he handed her the ping pong balls and went to his side of the table. "So tell me, have you seen anything interesting at the party so far?" Chase asked.
"i think i just try harder when my vision is blurry so i really work twice as hard on trying to have good aim," she commented with a laugh. "how polite of you. not too many of the males around here have manners," she joked. taking the ball she took her shot, seeing it bounce off of one of the rims. "off to a great start. hm. ive been in two bedrooms and neither were occupied at the time i stumbled upon them, i thought that was pretty interesting because that never happens. also, staci poured a full beer down sara's shirt when she told her to be careful not to spill it."
"Well, I was in the cheer chat during the men suck discussion, so I'm on my best behavior" he said sarcastically, he didn't mind. Especially when it came to all the girl's boyfriends being kind of shit. There had been a lot of newly single moments recently on the team in general. He was happy with his girlfriend so hating on men was definitely an option, it kept him in line with his own relationship. Chase caught the ball when it bounced off the rim and held it while he waited for her to throw again. "Well Sara had it coming with that comment, and you never tell someone with a full cup to do anything" he joked, "Staci's got low impulse control that's for sure". "to be fair, i think we all have our moments of sucking so dont worry it isn't just men," although they did seem to have far more moments, but that was beside the point and she didn't feel the need to bring it up. on her next attempt, she sank the ball, "yesss hopefully now im getting somewhere. and you're right on both of those counts. what about you what interesting things have you seen thus far?"  Chase took the ball out of the cup and chugged the whole thing. "Well" he said catching his breath, "I saw one guy constantly changing rooms, so I investigated a little" he said throwing his first ball and it sinking into the cup. "And it turns out he is talking to two girls at this party, and I am 30% sure they are texting each other about this cute mystery guy that they're talking to" Chase said as he tried the other ball and missed. "So I cannot wait to see how that turns out"  Savvy lifted her brows as he took a breath, knowing that whatever he was about to say was probably quite the story. Lifting up the cup, she took out the ball and chugged the liquid, something a good friend of hers had taught her to do well over the years. "dont they know that the circles around here are small? its like we've all slept with each other by association."
"Everybody is sleeping with everybody" said Chase letting a small laugh fall from his lips as he waited for her to throw again. "Speaking of, who is your newest conquest? I have to live vicariously through others now that I'm back with Gabrielle" he said, intrigued to know what the girl was up to. She was one of the most beautiful girls in school, it only made sense that she had guys at her beck and call.  "That is putting it lightly," she chuckled, setting down the now empty cup and setting up her next shot. it circled the rim of the cup a couple of times before finally sinking inside. "conquest? you mean like, have i hooked up with anyone tonight? chase. im a lady. you think i do that kind of thing at a party where there are loads of people who could walk in at any moment?" the girl was rambling playfully before eventually answering, "jet." mostly because everyone likely already knew anyway, it happened at most parties. it was like knowing that someone was going to end up throwing up in the bushes, jet and savvy were going to hook up. "how is that going?"  "A lady never tells" said Chase, knowing full well that there was always Jet. He was hoping there was maybe some variety in there, but Jet was ... well he was kinda it. He was that guy in town for sure. "Oh that's still going?" he said with a smile, "He is super hot, and I heard he's very good in bed. Good for you" Chase replied. Chase chugged the cup and put it to the side before continuing. "It's going great, it's a race right now to see who is the drunker one and who is in charge of getting us home. I'm hoping she's the responsible one tonight, but who is to say at this rate. She could be off taking shots with Juliette right now, and they're both so tiny they'll be on the floor in minutes" the boy said with a laugh.  "We have a nice arrangement. It's very convenient. Plus, I wont have to worry I won't get off, which is definitely a big plus. Like an old, yet reliable habit." Savvy had to laugh at her own description, the alcohol definitely making her sound a little ridiculous. "Maybe someone else will get a turn, i just dont really want it to be when i have beer goggles, because ew." Crinkling her nose at the thought she shook her head. "so who do you think is winning? how drunk are you?"  "I get that, what you know is better than something new. And if it works for you, then why bother with anything else" said Chase, completely understanding. That was something about being with Gabrielle that he loved, it was always good because they had been at it for so long. "She only drinks liquor so probably her, but it has been me before and I am working my hardest at it" said Chase laughing a little, he didn't mind taking care of her at the end of the night. It was fun when she took care of him though. "Knowing her, it's who she is with. She can either drink a lot because she's having a really good time or a really bad time. But if it's in between she won't be drunk at all ... just a little buzzed"  “Something new can be exciting, if it’s the right something new,” Sav pointed out with a shrug. “It is always nice to have a safe option though too.” Because who didn’t like options. “Yikes she could be going pretty hard right now. So that will not be a fun morning for her. “  "It can be, but I am a sucker for the classics. Only one girl out there for me" said Chase with a small smile. He was soft for Gabrielle like that, sure he would be having a great deal more fun as a single guy at this school, but there was nothing that beat to comfort of being loved. "She'll be fine. No matter what I'll make her breakfast, even if I'm about to yak" said the boy. 
“Oh isn’t that just adorable,” to be fair, there was a time when Savvy may have thought the same thing, when she was dating someone she liked to think it would be for the long haul but that was rarely the case. “Breakfast too? Damn you really are one of the good ones.”  "Yeah the perks of her family taking me in, we get to spend every morning together no matter what rooms we sleep in" said Chase with a proud smile. He also treated her very well, just going above and beyond whenever he could. It made him feel like he was repaying a debt to her family. "What do your mornings with Jet look like? Or is it purely a party affair?" he asked, curious to know more.  “That is a pretty unique situation so I guess you should enjoy it as long as possible because you lucked out there. Do they let you stay in the same room though?” Sav was glad that her friend was happy though it seemed to be going well and that’s what was most important. Her brows raised at his question “we usually have each other for breakfast,” she answered as if it was nonchalant. “And then go out for pancakes because were fucking starving.”  "Yeah, I am milking it as much as physically possible" said Chase in all earnesty. He was certain they would not separate for college, but if they didn't get into the right schools then they would be screwed. Having a child together, even though it was a secret bonded them past the usual high school relationship, but it was hard to explain that to anyone because he couldn't. "That's a hearty breakfast, lots of vitamin d in that one" Chase joked, proud of himself for that one. "Pancakes is always a good dessert after a hearty breakfast"  “I can’t say that I blame you, I think most people would do the same thing. But hey im glad that it works out for you and you’re both happy with it, that’s honestly all that matters,” the girl nodded with a shrug. She couldn’t help but chuckle, “vitamin d, good joke. Best of the night so far. But agreed pancakes are the best. A nice way to refuel.”  "You can tell who at this school has a major vitamin d deficiency" said Chase with a small chuckle as well. There were a lot of people who just needed some kind of release, any kind. Whether it was a boxing class or getting laid, people needed to do something. 
Savvy couldn’t help but chuckle and nod in agreement, “you are correct about that, I wish them all the best, honestly. Might help some of their piss poor attitudes.” "I think that might be our big ticket to victory this cheer season" said Chase feeling the alcohol start to hit him. He hated to admit it, but a lot like his girlfriend he was a light weight. 
"everyone getting laid? you might be on to something with that," she chuckled and nodded in agreement, "you down for the count on this game, or what? i can already see your eyes getting glassy, you're sucha lightweight," she teased him.  "I did some shots earlier, but I think it's all kicking in now" said Chase, the room was a little spinny. "All I am is bone and muscle, there's nothing to absorb the alcohol" he said to defend himself, but it was the honest reason he couldn't handle too much to drink.
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xoxardnekoxo · 4 years
Movie Review: Mulan (2020)
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Ah, Mulan. One of my all-time favorite Disney movies. I loved it so much I had a life-size plush Mushu, a Disney Beanie Baby talking Mushu, a Mulan Barbie, every action figure made, a chirping Crikee, and even a Mushu/Crikee alarm clock. It’s no surprise that when Disney announced a live action version of this movie, I was all over it. The three-time delay in theaters due to the pandemic was disappointing, but then again, so was having to pay $30 on top of a monthly fee I already pay for Disney+.
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When the movie was first announced, we knew right away that three things would be lacking that were in the beloved cartoon:
1. Mushu 2. Shang 3. Songs
I immediately jumped on this band wagon at the announcement of no Mushu:
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Supposedly the actual country of China strongly disliked Disney’s animated interpretation of an actual legend from their homeland. I don’t know the full details, but I do know that with that in mind, Disney wanted to make the live action version of the movie more authentic to the actual story. This really wasn’t meant to be a remake of the cartoon, but a more accurate take on real events.
I know it’s Disney and that usually means music, but honestly, I’m okay with no songs. I outgrew musicals 15+ years ago. I was even okay with no Shang (but it makes no sense when there is an obvious, if unfulfilled, love interest in this version as well).
Much as I love Mushu, I was still eager to see this movie because I’m a fan of Asian culture in general and was curious to see how this movie would play out. Imagine my surprise when I learned that this version would consist of a phoenix and a witch.
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How is that any different than a dragon? Is it because dragons are kind of sacred to the Chinese? A phoenix is similar - it’s a bird that is reborn from fire. And a witch? I highly doubt that actually happened in the original story. Did it? I don’t know, but my point remains.
Unlike the cartoon, Mulan in this adaptation knows quite a bit about combat already. We can see her as a child using her skills quite often, and her father tells her to contain her (strong) chi. Speaking of chi, it’s mentioned quite a lot in this movie. Apparently what makes Mulan such a strong/good fighter and leader is her strong chi. Chi is mentioned so much all I could think of was this:
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(Chobits anime)
Mulan doesn’t have her dog (Little Brother) in this movie, but she does have a little sister. Interestingly enough, the original story depicts her as having a younger brother, but he was too young to fight. So if Disney was going for accuracy, they still could have gone that route and stayed true to the source material.
As with the cartoon, Mulan does meet the matchmaker, but she doesn’t go in alone. She goes in with her mother and sister, the latter of which is terrified of spiders. Instead of a lucky cricket causing a catastrophe during this “audition,” a spider decides to scurry in and scare the younger sister, prompting the cacophony. So really, it’s the sister’s fault Mulan brings dishonor in the matchmaker’s eyes.
Mulan’s father is frequently chastised by her mother for encouraging her boy-like behavior. “She is your daughter, not your son.” Rude. But remember, this is a different era. The only way a female could bring honor to her family was to be a good wife and bear sons. Still, harsh.
So we all know what happens next. One man from every family has to join in a fight against some turd determined to take over the empire, in this case one who is using a witch to help him, and Mulan takes her father’s place since she fears for his life. But she has good reason to - the poor guy needs help walking and even her mother said he won’t return from battle this time. Way to sugar-coat it, lady.
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So we get to the men’s camp... no wait, first, we get lost and a phoenix (symbolic, since it appears no one else is able to see it at all) shows up to guide Mulan to where she needs to go. Yes, instead of asking the ancestors for help, her father asked the family guardian (phoenix) to watch over her. Okay.
Eventually we get to a large tent shared by all the soldiers. Yes, this time, they don’t all get their own individual tent. And of course, all the men are running around half dressed, throwing things at each other, rough-housing, you know the drill. It’s especially amusing when one of them loses his towel and Mulan immediately closes her eyes and cringes.
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Then the commander asks for a night guard volunteer. Mulan proceeds to volunteer for this every night to avoid having to shower with the men. Too bad they all start to notice the smell. Funny, in the cartoon, Mulan absolutely did not want to smell like a man at all. It takes her quite some time before she’s able to sneak into the river to bathe. Too bad one of the guys decides to follow her in and she has to hide herself. :D
During training, rules and penalties are revealed, and the penalty for pretty much doing anything wrong is death. Except one thing - dishonesty. Dishonesty brings expulsion from the army as well as dishonor to the family. Don’t talk to a woman or you’ll die, but pour out some water to make the buckets lighter during a strength exercise and get humiliated.
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So we eventually get to a big battle scene with all the flying arrows, and Mulan, of course, winds up by herself fighting the witch. The witch can obviously tell that Mulan is hiding her true self, so she’s all, “You’re going to die pretending to be something you’re not.” Then something pierces the wrap Mulan uses to hide her chest and she decides the best course of action is to go back to her comrades as her female self. The whole “big reveal” scene is her taking her hair down (which she does not cut with a sword by the way - in fact, she doesn’t cut it at all) and walking out of the fog and introducing herself. To me, that was very anti-climactic.
The cherry on top of that is when, after being expelled from the army for dishonesty (weird though, another rule was to not consort with women at all and yet she actually IS a woman and isn’t killed), she returns to the camp and the men immediately accept her for who she is because she’s all, “The emperor is in danger and I know how to save him.”
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So the commander allows her to lead a group of men into the Imperial City to save the emperor, who is quite a warrior himself - he breaks out his armor to fight the Hun (not Shan-Yu, I don’t even remember what his name is this time), then Mulan shows up and of course she and the witch team up because, hey, why not? They’re both misunderstood women always being told to stay in their place, except the witch is controlled by the Hun and Mulan is free.
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The witch can transform into a hawk or something like that (probably a shout out to Shan-Yu’s pet from the cartoon) and she actually flies in front of Mulan to save her from getting pierced by an arrow. So of course she dies in our protagonist’s arms and is all, “Take your place.” And of course, as expected, Mulan saves the day. And let me just say, how many times can one possibly kick an arrow and send it flying straight toward a designated target? It happens at least five times in this movie, and just once is a one in a million shot. Yeah, cool effect, but totally not accurate, Disney. I thought that was the whole point of this movie - more accuracy to the source content. And you also wanted to appease China. Too bad it didn’t work this time around, either.
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The movie ends with Mulan being offered a position on the emperor’s army (nice cameo by Ming-Na Wen, the original voice of Mulan from the cartoon!), but she chooses to go back home - where her sister has been matched to someone who isn’t afraid of spiders.
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Yay! Then Mulan’s commander and some other guys show up and offer her the same job the emperor did, only in front of her entire village, so everyone knows she has now brought honor to her family and the country, prompting the matchmaker to faint because she was proven wrong.
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So then she does take the job after all, and that’s pretty much the end. Shang isn’t in the movie but there is one fellow soldier she seems to have fun with in practice combat, and he’s super eager to accept her as a woman, even saying she’s the best soldier they’ve got. But nothing comes of that - the two part ways as friends, but honestly, I think it’s okay in these circumstances. Throwing a love story into this rendition just wouldn’t work.
So all in all, not a bad movie, but I think I probably should have waited until it was available on regular Disney+ or DVD instead of spending $30 on premiere access. But I would have spent that going to the theater anyway, so I guess it’s not so bad. I do know a lot of people absolutely hated this movie and it’s gotten bad reviews. I didn’t mind it, but I think my favorite live-action Disney movie so far is Aladdin. This one is probably in second place, though. I think the reason people dislike it so much is that there are so many things missing that were in the cartoon. But again, this is not meant to be a remake of the cartoon - it’s meant to be a more accurate version. But you just can’t make everyone happy.
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Overall, I’d give the movie a 7/10. It could have been better, could have been worse. I still prefer the cartoon but it was interesting to see this version as well. Now to see what other live action movies get made... and we’ll see if The Little Mermaid can beat this with a black Ariel. I think I should audition for the role of Snow White - I have the short hair, pale skin, and am always talking to animals. If Ariel can be black, Snow White can be fat!
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btswishes · 4 years
Are you for real?
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Kihyun  (Vampire Au)
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A/N:  Here we go ladies and gentlemen. Part3, sorry for any mistakes made and I hope you like it.
Requested by: Anonymous
Request: “ Hi! I was wondering if you could do a Kihyun vampire au? It can honestly be about anything! I love your work btw!  “
Word count:   2,431
Warnings: Swear words, blood, organs mention of death.
  During the ride home Hae didn’t say a word. He looked deep in thought and you didn’t know what to say to him. That night he asked you to sleep in his room just in case that thing comes back. You did feel more calm and comfortable in a room with a locking window and a brother to keep you safe. You were so relaxed that the next day you woke up later than usual.
  Breakfast was the same, nothing to serious. You went to study in your room, but the door was constantly open and your brother would check on you a few time in an hour. After the sun started setting around 5, you got up and started thinking what to wear. It was almost time for the unexpected and sudden date you had. 
  There was this cute winter dress that you loved so much. You paired it up with thick leggings and high-heel boots.It felt warm and comfortable. Fixing your hair a bit and putting the tiniest amount of makeup, you took a look in the mirror. 
  You were happy, your face was shining bright.In a way it felt like there was some kind of meaning now to your life.It wasn’t just living and studying. You were excited for once. You were going out with someone interesting and kind, you wanted to enjoy this time and remember it for the next 100 or more years. As long as the memory lasted.
  There was a small knock on the door frame, when you saw your mother leaning on it. Her arms were crossed in front of her chest and she was looking at you with loving eyes.
“You look amazing sweetie.Going out I presume ?” 
“Yes. I think it’s a date...” you mumbled the last part as you looked down at the floor.Your mother pushed herself off the wood and reached out to fix the lose strand of hair trying to run from the elastic. 
“You think?”
“Well, he said it’s a date, but I didn’t mean it like that.” you moved side to side a bit uneasy as this was new to you
“If he said it’s a date than it is.Don’t worry about it, just enjoy it.” you turned towards your mother and asked her how you looked “I told you already. No matter what you do ,or what you wear ,you will be beautiful in my eyes. Even if you weren’t who you are, you will still be the prettiest person.” 
  You ran downstairs to get your boots on. Tightening the coat belt, you took a deep breath.
“Have fun honey.” your mom smiled at you “Oh and...” you looked at her waiting for the end of the sentence “Make sure you have as much fun as you want. Moments like this one don’t last long for us, but the memories we build are always going to be a part of who we are. Enjoy yourself.”
 “I will mom.” you waved to her and ran our of the door. The plan was to catch the bus and go to the cafe. But you were surprised when a car stopped next to you.The window rolled down slowly and a boy stepped out. The moon popped out from behind a lonely cloud and illuminated his face. In a way he was reflecting the light around himself, making it look like he was glowing.
“Kihyun?” you were a bit shocked “Why are you here?”
“Well it’s pretty dark outside and I thought I should come pic you up. “ he walked over to you and opened the door, making sure you were sitting comfortably in the car, before jumping in the driver’s seat “ Truth be told I didn’t want you to walk alone at night.Especially when you look this good. That color suits you very well.” you blushed unintentionally and flashed him back a smile 
“Thank you.I was going for a warm look.It’s absolutely cold outside and usually I am warm only home.” you placed the seat belt on and Kihyun drove off.
  In the meantime your mom had already locked the door. Your dad walked passed her and stopped in his tracks, his head moved side to side before he spoke.
“Why do I smell the faint sent of a corpse?” he looked at your mother with a raised eyebrow 
“Don’t look at me like that, there is meat in the fridge.” she slapped his shoulder, when your brother walked down the stairs, hearing the conversation 
“Corpse?” he grabbed some milk from the fridge and sat on the table, pouring out some in a glass “Speaking of potential corpses, where is Y/N?” Hae looked around but you were nowhere to be seen
“She went out.”your mom giggled to herself.Your brother’s eyes squinted and he crooked his head to the side, focusing on your mother.
“With who?” 
“On a walk.”
“Mom” Hae was focused on her “We have been over this so many times.Why try to lie in the first place?”
“Ok,ok. Your sister is on a date with someone, but I don’t know who he is.” she shrugged, lifting her arms in front of herself in a defensive position.
“Date!?”Both your brother and dad almost jumped out of the house, through the roof
“Fuck!” Hae cussed out as he ran to get his stuff “That rotting son of a bitch came all the way here! So he was the one who busted in her room!”
“Hae what are you talking about?” your mom started panicking a bit after her son’s reaction “You know the boy?”
“Yeah, I know that ass and he is in deep shit when I find him.I will send him 5 feet under ground where he came from!” 
“Will you tell us what is going on?” your dad jumped in the conversation as the air was getting tense around the room
“Hae sit down and calm yourself. What is going on!”the table shook after your mother hit it with all her force. Hae stopped running around and decided that it was best to tell the truth from what you told him.
 The car ride with Kihyun was very pleasant. You were making small talk when a sudden silence hit the atmosphere. Looking outside the window you saw the same poster as the one on your way home from the supermarket.
“They still have them up?”you asked out-loud and that peeked Kihyun’s interest 
“Them?” he asked
“Oh, I was talking to myself, sorry about that.”
“No no. I am actually curious now.”
“Well lately there have been these sightings of some creature ,that apparently hurts people and all that jazz. I was just surprised that the posters the media put up of the this story are still hanging on the trees and buildings. “ you said looking at the night sky
“Do you believe in them?” Kihyun was staring at the road, but this question was pretty serious to him
“Do I believe in the media about this story?Yeah I do, all kinds of creatures exist in the world and most just want to live away from the public’s eye. Do I believe it hurts people? I do believe it could be harming them, but then again I haven’t seen it myself and i don’t know the full story.”
  Kihyun was staying quiet, listening closely to your words and thoughts. 
“Humans haven’t exactly proven themselves as the calm and peaceful type of creatures.They bully their own kind and even in literature try to kill or exile them as far away as possible-.”
“You know that most eat people right?” he cut you off 
“Yes, we are talking about mythology and stories, but have any of the people saying these things actually talked with a creature of the particular kind?No.Plus that there are supermarkets these day.If they wanted meat or blood you can find it online too. We don’t live in the old days anymore, where you had to go to the forest and hunt during the night so you wouldn’t be seen.”
“You are saying that if the creature wanted a particular organ, it can go to a butcher shop?” his voice was higher than usual since he was particularly shocked by your words and way of thinking.
“Well I mean yeah.It’s easy and it’s clean work.Livers, hearts, brains all those things are super easy to buy, since they are a delicacy to a lot of humans.” you were talking and talking when the car suddenly stopped. Your eye’s landed on the parking lot you were at today with your brother.
  Kihyun leaned onto the steering wheel and began laughing his heart out. You didn’t know how to react ,so you just waited for him to calm down. It took some time but he ended up relaxing. 
“You are an interesting one indeed.I haven’t met anyone like you before in both my lives.” he leaned slowly towards you and for a moment you were expecting a kiss, when he unclasped your seat-belt. 
  You panicked because of your thought and rushed out of the car, making him smile since he knew what you were expecting. In his own way he was actually enjoying teasing you.
  The cafe was still open but there weren’t many people inside. You walked in and the orange haired boy greeted you two.
“Wonho, bring out the cake I made an hour ago.It should be chilled enough.” the boy swiftly stepped inside the kitchen and disappeared from your view. You found a nice cozy place next to the window and sat there.Looking outside you got lost into the moon the same way Kihyun didn’t notice his eyes focusing onto you. It felt strange to him. He would usually have many dates in a week, but this was the first time he couldn’t look away. 
  Your hair reminded him of the many days he had seen during his life, your face reminded him of the bright sun he used to hide from in the past ,in fear of burning. For a split second he didn’t mind turning into ashes if he had to. During the years he has spent on this earth he had seen many beautiful flowers ,that withered in his arms in one night, leaving their life force with him. Yet this was the first time he didn’t want to harm such a beautiful creature. Kihyun was worried that if he even so as touched you, you would crumble in his hands.Maybe, he thought, if you sat in the moon light you would grow more and stay longer with him. 
  “Kihyun. Kihyun!” Wonho patted his friend’s shoulder
“Uh?” he looked up at the strong boy with eyes lost in a far away place
“I...I brought the cake you asked for.” Wonho couldn’t speak clearly, confused as to what was happening in front of his eyes. 
“Thanks, put the rest back in the fridge or it will melt.”
“Sure.”he was about to leave, when he turned towards his friend again “Weren’t you going to take her to that place?” he was hinting at something you weren’t understanding, but obviously Kihyun did ,as the look in his eyes changed.”You have to, it’s been too long.” Wonho emphasized on the time aspect. 
  There was a moment of silence before Kihyun looked at your shining eyes.His hand rubbed his chest, grabbing onto the talisman necklace. 
“Kihyun?” his name echoed in the empty cafe
“We can go there next time. It’s too cold, she might catch a cold.”
“A cold? When is next time then?” the orange haired boy became a bit aggressive, there was anger in his voice mixed in with worry 
“Is something wrong?” you finally broke your silence. Wonho was about to say something, but Kihyun’s words cut him off fast and pretty rude.
“Everything is fine. We were just arguing about something.” he looked at his friend noticing the concern “You can go now.”
“Fine,” turning his back on you two, he placed the empty tray under his arm “Just keep in mind that the cafe is empty, no one is here.” and he left
“Don’t mind him, he has always been like that. Bites hard like a dog.” he passed over the fork and encouraged you to try the cake “I know that it sounds a bit strange, but it kind of reminded me of you.Sweet and smooth like the cream.” he leaned onto his hand waiting for you to say your judgment.
  The cake was really good. Not too sweet, nor to bitter it was the perfect balance between textures and flavor. Pulling the fork away from your face, the corners of your lips curved up into a smile. Your pearly teeth peeked from under your lipstick and you turned to face Kihyun.
“It’s super good!” it was so tasty that you couldn’t describe it
“Is that so?” he smiled back at you “ Have more, I made if for you actually.”
  You didn’t hesitate to take another bite and another one, you just couldn’t stop yourself. While you were enjoying yourself, in the distance you were being watched by Wonho. 
“I just don’t know what is happening!” the boy sighed ”This is out of character for him.”
“Calm down Wonho.” a tall and well build man placed his hand on the boy’s shoulder “It’s strange to me too, but do you have it in you to stop this?”
“Shownu is right.”Jooheon was standing in the darkness observing with everyone “ He looks...happy.”
“He does, but for how long?It’s been days since he last ate anything.” Wonho hit his hand onto the table almost spilling the glass of water
“We all have a choice here.” another boy spoke out “ We can A/ let him enjoy this and watch as he slowly dies, or B/ we can intervene saving him and watch him live his life is sorrow and pain. Which one do you chose?”
“We have been through a lot of things together as a family, we can deal with this too.” Wonho said 
“ It’s because we are a family that we can’t do this. What proof do you have he won’t tear that talisman and jump in the sunlight, or starve himself after we quote on quote save him?” Shownu was the oldest in this group and the wisest. 
“Wonho.”Jooheon tapped him on the back “Deep down you know Shownu is right.I know how you feel, it pains me too.But let’s just let it happen.” 
“Fuck!” the boy yelled out turning his back on the whole lovely scene. What a mess happened just by one fateful meeting.
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