#these two are like the sun and the moon for me
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"You said you love me exactly the way I am"
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sodavizz · 2 days
Incorrect Quotes (/w Alastor)
* ☽ ・ 。゚・ ☾ *
Tried the incorrect quotes shit, it was pretty fun (just wanted to show my results as well haha...)
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Reader: Smart is attractive. Educate me on something I don't know!
Alastor: The mouth of a jellyfish is also an anus.
Reader: Stop.
Reader: Since we're in a relationship now, your clothes are my clothes too. Don't ask me why I have your shirt on, this is our shirt.
Alastor: Fine, but when I come strutting in with your fuzzy socks I don't want to hear shit.
Alastor: Do you want to explain the text you sent me last night?
Reader: It was autocorrect.
Alastor: Autocorrect wrote "You're so hot. Please step on me."?
Reader: Yes.
Reader, looking at a selfie of Alastor’s: I hate this photo.
Alastor: I’m cute as fuck in that photo! I’m smiling kindly.
Reader: You’re not smiling kindly; you look like you’re up to something.
Alastor: Up to kindness.
Reader: ...
Reader: Kindness my ass.
Alastor: We should be partners.
Reader: You mean like, partners in crime?
Alastor: Yeah... that’s precisely what I meant.
Alastor: Go fuck yourself.
Reader: Come over here and fuck me yourself you coward!
Reader: Go to hell!
Alastor: Oh! I’ve been there, thank you. I found it quite lovely.
Alastor: Father, I have sinned.
Reader: Daddy, I’ve been naughty.
Reader: Stop doing that.
Alastor: Stop doing what?
Reader: Saying things that make me wanna kiss the hell out of you.
Reader: How much did you spend on this date?
Alastor: $1400. But all of it's on credit cards, so it's like $5 a month for the next 2,000 years.
Reader: *nudges Alastor at 3am* Pretty fucked up that we depict the moon as a girl and the sun as a boy. They're just floating rocks in space. Alastor? Wake up, Alastorr! Listen! They're sexless!
Alastor: The sun isn't a rock, go back to sleep.
Reader: What do you want to be for Halloween?
Alastor: Yours.
Reader: …yeah, that would be pretty scary.
Reader: That was so hot, Alastor.
Alastor: I literally called the person who just flirted with you a degenterate dog and told them I hope they get dragged through the streets.
Reader: I'm so in love with you.
Alastor: Hey, about that love letter you sent me-
Reader: *blushes* What are your thoughts?
Alastor: The fourth sentence-
Reader: Yeah, that’s where I got really emotional and I-
Alastor: It’s “you’re” not “your”.
Reader: My hands are cold.
Alastor: Here, let me hold them.
Reader: My lips are cold too.
Alastor: *covers Reader's mouth with their hand*
Reader: So... what would you do if you were in bed with me?
Alastor: Depends. Is your bed comfortable?
Reader: Yes.
Alastor: I'd sleep.
Waiter: What would you like?
Reader: Bring a milkshake with two straws.
Reader: *blushes*
Alastor: *puts both straws in their mouth* Watch how fast I can drink this!!
Reader: I'm trash.
Alastor: As someone who's environmentally conscious, it's my duty to pick you up. Does 7 work for you?
Reader: ...
Reader: You smooth motherfucker.
Reader: And yes it does.
Alastor, watching Reader: Ah yes. The mysterious and beautiful Reader, so demure…
Alastor: …I wonder what sort of melodic sounds this wonderful being makes?
Reader: *screaming*
Reader: We’re getting married, bitches!
Alastor: And we're about to make it everybody else's problem.
Reader: I think I just figured something out. I got to go.
Alastor: Aren't you forgetting something?
Reader: Uuh...*hesitantly kisses Alastor's forehead before running out.*
Alastor: No, pay your bill! Damn, who raised you?
Alastor: Reader and I are so close we even share a toothbrush.
Reader: You brush your teeth?
★⟣—— ——⟣★
cant think if anything to post so just take this!
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luvlystarr · 2 days
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Prompt: Your husband, John Price, came home from work.
Content: Fluff & comfort (Check the end for a little note!)
・゜・。. .・。.・゜ The sun had already fallen below the horizon and was replaced by the moon, paired with the dark sky. There was a slight breeze in the air, it wasn’t too cold and it was just perfect.
You had just arrived home, completely brunt out from work. It was to the point you didn't even have enough energy to change clothes. Instead, you laid down on the couch, motionless.
Thankfully, it was the end of the week. The past couple days felt like absolute hell. All you did was paperwork upon paperwork and deal with your crappy co-workers. Not only that but you've been waiting days for your husband, John Price, to return back home from yet another mission. There's always something going on in the world that forces him to leave you for multiples times within the span of a few months.
After thirty minutes of staring into nothing, you decided it was time to make some dinner. As much as you didn't want to cook you knew it was the best option since you've been eating takeout for so long.
You looked around the pantry before finding a box of pasta and tomato sauce. As you began to cook your simple meal, you decided to play some music.
The loud melodies completely blocked off your awareness to your surroundings. You didn’t even hear the door open and the sound of footsteps approaching you.
While you were humming along you suddenly feel a pair of arms wrap around your waist and someone's face bury itself into the crook of your neck.
Your heart leaped out of your chest as a loud shriek left your lips. You quickly whipped your head around only to realize it was just John
"John, you scared me!" You exclaimed, your heart still pounding.
"Sorry, love, I missed you," John murmured, his voice more gruff than usual.
A soft smile appeared on your lips as he nestled closer to you. He only showed his vulnerable side to you. “I thought you said you would spend the night with the boys to celebrate,” you say as you turn around to fully face him.
John sighed deeply, his arms holding onto you for dear life, almost like he was afraid you would slip away. “It's been almost three weeks, I had to see you,” he mumbled. A small laugh left your lips. You knew John definitely used 'the missus needs me' excuse again. He always used that excuse to get away from certain situations, even though he knows you're perfectly fine. He just doesn't like being away from you for so long. But how can you blame him? You also can't bear spending time away from him.
After another minute, John lifts his head up. The dim lighting was still able to illuminate the exhaustion etched on his face. “What’re you making?” He asked, looking over to see the boiling pot on the stove.
“Pasta, nothing special. Oh! We need to go grocery shopping soon, there’s barely anything in the pantry,” you reply.
It was such a simple meal but John was craving anything that wasn’t MREs. He desperately missed eating your home cooked meals.
“Give me the list, I'll take care of it tomorrow,” he says as he kisses your cheek.
You instantly shook your head in disagreement. "It's fine, I can do it! You just came back from a mission and you need to rest," you protested.
Suddenly, John kissed your lips softly. “At least let me help you with dinner tonight,” he said pulling away.
Your lips curl into a smile at the short yet sweet kiss you two shared. “Yeah, you can help out.”
You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him into another kiss.
This was the first kiss you two had in what felt like eternity. You could feel your heart fluttering at the feeling.
John’s hand left your hips and gently cupped your cheek, his thumb rubbing it slowly.
Oh, how you two missed each other’s touch.
A simple kiss from one another basically washed away all the tension and exhaustion from both of your bodies.
The two of you pull away after a moment, eyes still closed while still holding each other closely.
“I couldn’t stop thinking about you during the mission.. I kept thinking how much I missed being here with you,” John whispered.
“I missed you too, hun,” you respond as your head leans into the palm of his hand.
The sound of water boiling rapidly caught your attention. You were so caught up in the moment that you completely forgot about the pasta.
“Shoot, I overcooked the pasta!” You quickly let go of John and turned the stove off. A small huff left your lips while you watched the bubbles slowly die down.
You turn back to John with an apologetic smile. “You don’t mind overcooked pasta, right?” You chuckle, earning a laugh from him.
“I’m fine with anything as long as you made them,” he replied.
He then opened one of the cabinets, pulling out a pot. “I’ll help you with the sauce, yeah?”
You nodded your head, smiling broadly. “That’d be great! Thanks, hun.”
It didn’t take long for dinner to be served. The rest of the night was filled with chatter and laughter. John was glad he spent the night with you instead.
・゜・。. .・。.・゜
Thank you so much for the support on my last post, I’m really happy that you guys enjoyed it!!
If you have a request please keep in mind that I am busy outside of tumblr so I may not respond to your requests immediately, but I will try! Also read my guidelines before making a request. 🤍
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Wouldn't it be funny if, with your idea of Rumble and Savage being spirit monkeys that just sorta latched onto Macaque, if they were among the group of clones who keep pinning Wukong down... they just really, really want a hug and keep purring and cuddling up to him when they do so. They're the only ones that get left unharmed by Wukong, too, because something in his monkey brain registers them as cubs, and it confuses the hell out of him because those are clones??? And the reason they're so cuddly with Wukong is because they hear Macaque eating lyracle about him all the time, bemoaning how his mate turned against him and "betrayed" him to become the pet of the gods and protect some human monk for months, thinking they were just clones. Hearing how their new monkey papa is heartbroken about losing his mate and then getting to see their estranged "mama" and es obviously having a baby, which means they're gonna be big siblings, they couldn't help trying to get close
Prev SlowBoiled idea.
Honestly the Eclipse Twins being baby Spiritual Monkeys who stowed-away on Macaque's revival could be an Au in of itself. (maybe "Penumbra au" since it refers to the outer plane of shadows of the moon?).
In this S3 concept art, it looked like the creators had toyed with the idea of the two being actual characters in the chase for the Samadhi Fire; but they ultimately had Macaque focus on MK, Mei, and Sandy for the split-up. In the lego set they also have a "shadow" version of the delivery tuktuk, so it would have been cute if they had tried inconveniencing MK by stealing his main means of transportation.
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By the time of S2; Macaque is starting to notice that these two "clones" are a little too independent... and they revert to much smaller cub-sized shadows when they think he can't see them. He still often vents to him about his and Wukong's history, and how his dearest Hero, his Peach, his Sun, had left him for the Journey. The twin shadows chirp with little confused smiles at these stories - did Papa's mate leave with another troop and that's why he's so sad/mad all the time?
Rumble & Savage are ultimately orphans, clinging to their new caretaker and his extended "troop". Even if said troop includes people who their new "Papa/Bama" has beef with.
A whole S1/2 episode could be done where the Noodle Gang keep getting harassed by what they think is Macaque or his clones (MK warned them), only to notice that;
It's only ever the two "clones".
They only ever seem to cause harmless mischief, or chaos out of curiosity. i.e; stealing food from Pigsy, knocking over books in the library when Tang is reading, trying to take the tuk-tuk and Mei's bike for a joyride, leaving colourful paw-prints all over Sandy's ship when they got into his art supplies etc...
MK's gold-vision tells him that these "clones" true forms are in-fact; baby monkey-sized. MK is startled and very confused.
(*MK finally manages to stop the "shadow clones" after they stole the tuktuk with all the deliveries inside*) MK, eyes glowing with Gold-Vision: "Finally! You have been driving me nuts all week, Macaque! Now-!" Rumble & Savage, true forms: (*confused chirping and fluttering noises?*) MK: "Uhhhh... you guys are a little... smaller than normal." Rumble & Savage: (*look between themselves and MK, chattering excitedly*) Rumble & Savage, in monkey-language: "Other stone monkey!" "Smells like Wukong-mama!" "Mama's cub!" "BIG BROTHER!" (*MK is tackled by the two super-fluffy and purring baby monkeys*) MK, still a little shocked: "Aww..." (*sees all the destroyed/eaten deliveries*) "I'm still in so much trouble..." Rumble & Savage: (*burp!*)
Pigsy was equally confused by MK coming back with two clingy shadow hanging on his back. The two quickly return home, chattering to Papa about how they've broken the ice with "Mama's troop!" - Macaque is even more confused than the heroes are.
In the SlowBoiled au it's certainly a situation of the twins sensing that Wukong is a pregnant mother of their kind, and wanting him to adopt them, but aren't sure how to go about it. Papa seems to want them to tackle their new Mama? Is that right? He does seem to be really sad to not be hugging him...
At some point they do get frustrated with their clone facade, and just run up to Wukong in their true baby-monkey forms demanding uppies and kisses. Most likely during S3 when the situation with LBD gets dire. Wukong at first thinks it's a weird joke Macaque is pulling, but his own Gold-vision tells him the truth...
Wukong, holding both twins: "Macaque! Why didn't you tell me you had cubs!?" Macaque: "I didn't know either! They just sort of... appeared!" Rumble & Savage: (*happily purring and nuzzling Wukong since they've managed to get "Mama and Papa" talking again*) :3
The Shadowpeach situation now has two super-powered baby monkeys trying their best to pull their new caretakers together, Parent Trap-style.
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nianeyemystic · 1 day
♾️ Pallas Synastry Observations ✨
"I belong here with you" type of love. 💕💘😍✨😮‍💨
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disclaimer: I am not a professional astrologer, I have studied astrology for 4+ years and these are my own observations. Take what resonates, not every astrology placement will resonate. Enjoy !
Pallas/Sun ☀️
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Pallas conjunct sun is powerful. Sun person will be magnetized to the inner masculine/feminine vibrations of the partner. ultimately like harnessing the power of intellect and collaboration. Pallas acts as a magnet for the opposite sex. Duality is expressed here. yin/yang energy.
I love this placement so much because Pallas illuminates the sun person, which enhances creative expression. It is a muse type of reciprocal energy. Pallas person find Sun persons confidence and identity inspiring, seeing them as a constant source of inspiration.
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Pallas is a pattern weaver. Sun conjunct Pallas says you have the right personality for your partner to begin liking you more as they get to know you. This chemistry is electrifying. Think of it like Pallas exploring the identity of the sun person is an art form to them. Sun person will appreciate the effort Pallas makes to get to know them.
Pallas person serves as a guide for Sun. The confidence of the Sun is increased with the Pallas as their partner. This is a couple that is aided by their desire to get to know one another, and exchange information. Intellectually stimulating dynamics. Learning together may be a turn on.
Pallas/ Mars ♥️
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Pallas conjunct Mars is extremely passionate, you two will ignite each others passion, desires and dreams. This gives me power couple dynamics, a dream team energy. Mars person energizes Pallas person, and promotes their vision and goals.
Pallas understands Mars ambitions and encourages them to pursue them. You may find a joint mission spiritually and intellectually that connects you to one another. This is a power couple energy because you ignite each other to be productive. Pallas brings the intellect to the connection, while Mars encourages and drives the shared vision.
Pallas/ Moon 🌙
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Pallas sextile Moon is how you two ignite the need to nurture each others goals. This is a beautiful blend of taking each others strengths and combining them to accomplish goals. especially as they relate to home, business and family.
Moon person helps Pallas person to bring comfort and nurture to how they implement life plans. Pallas has a soft spot for the moon here, its a complementary energy. Pallas allows the moon person to become more confident in themselves, with their ambitious nature. Love this placement so much in charts.
Do you have any of these ?
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cirilla-fiona-riannon · 17 hours
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Vampire Wedding Part 1
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors and inaccuracies.
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Drake: "I'm home!"
Drake returned from a spontaneous outing late in the evening.
Mitsuki: "Welcome back. You're late. Where have you been?"
Drake: "Well, I stopped by a tavern and got into a lively conversation with some folks there."
After saying that, he grinned and looked at me.
Mitsuki: "Is something wrong?"
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Drake: "Nah, I just thought you looked as beautiful as ever, little fawn."
Mitsuki: "Hehe, what's with the sudden compliment? Do you need a favor?"
Drake: "Not a favor, more like an invitation."
Drake: "How about a date on the sea at night?"
Mitsuki: "Eh, date?"
Surprised by the unexpected invitation, he deepened his mischievous smile.
Drake: "I met a generous guy at the tavern who let me borrow his ship."
Drake: "I thought we could have a fancy night cruise. What do you say, Mademoiselle?"
Mitsuki: "Wow, that sounds wonderful! I'd love to go!"
Drake: "That's the spirit."
Drake: "Then, let's go tomorrow. There's something I want to show you."
Mitsuki: "Something you want to show me?"
Drake: "It's a secret."
He winked meaningfully.
Drake: "It's my special treat, so look forward to it."
Mitsuki: "Hehe, got it. I'm really looking forward to it!"
After chatting about various things, I fell asleep without realizing it.
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I awoke to a sensation of something touching my cheek.
Drake: ".........."
When I groggily opened my eyes, I saw Drake peering at me, gently stroking my cheek.
Drake: "A blood oath, huh?"
Drake murmured.
(Blood oath?)
I was curious, but my consciousness soon drifted back to sleep.
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The next day, I hurried to finish my chores, and by evening, I headed to the port where we had arranged to meet.
(What will a night cruise be like? And what could Drake's special surprise be?)
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Vlad: "Bonjour, Mitsuki."
Suddenly, I heard a voice and turned around to see Vlad pulling a flower wagon.
Vlad: "The sun is about to set. Are you going out now?"
Mitsuki: "Yeah, I'm going on a date with Drake tonight."
Vlad: "That sounds great. Have fun."
As he smiled, the words I heard last night crossed my mind.
Mitsuki: "Hey, Vlad. Do you know what a blood oath is?"
He looked surprised for a moment, then smiled softly.
Vlad: "Of course."
Vlad: "A blood oath is a traditional wedding ceremony in the vampire world."
Mitsuki: "A wedding ceremony?"
Vlad: "On the night of the full moon, the groom pledges 'eternity' by biting on the bride's ring finger."
(I never thought it held such significance.)
(But today was definitely a new moon, so it doesn't matter, right?)
Mitsuki: "Thank you for telling me. I should go now."
Vlad: "Yeah, have a good night."
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As the sun completely set, the ship smoothly sailed through the dark sea.
Leaning on the railing and gazing at the pitch-black surface of the sea, Drake, who was standing next to me, gently pulled me closer.
Drake: "I've got to hold you so that you don't get pulled into the sea."
With a mischievous grin, Drake made me recall the word "wedding."
(I hope Drake and I can experience that someday.)
I couldn't help but swoon as I dreamed about a future where the two of us were pledging our eternal love.
(Drake probably doesn't want to willingly enter into a blood oath. Besides, the night of the full moon would be difficult due to the bloodlust.)
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Drake: "Hey, little fawn? Is something wrong?"
Mitsuki: "Ah..."
Drake's hand gently tapped my shoulder, snapping me out of my thoughts.
Drake: "Pay attention. The show's about to start."
Mitsuki: "Show? What are you...?"
As I tilted my head in confusion, a streak of pale blue light illuminated the dark sea.
Mitsuki: "Huh?"
The light swiftly spread where I was looking, and the sea surface, which had been pitch black until just now, was now enveloped in a faint glow.
Drake: "This is my special surprise. Beautiful, isn't it?"
Mitsuki: "Yeah, it's amazing. Truly beautiful, but what’s actually happening?"
Enthralled by the waves of light washing over us, I nodded dreamily multiple times.
Drake: "Sailors say that these lights represent the souls of our departed comrades, scattered into the sea."
Drake: "When they spot a ship sailing at sea on a moonless night, they guide it safely back to port."
Mitsuki: "So they're watching over us?"
Drake: "Yeah."
Drake: "And for us, this light holds another special meaning."
Mitsuki: "Another special meaning? What's that?"
Before he answered, he gazed deeply into my eyes.
Drake: "Within this light, sailors traditionally propose to their loved ones."
Mitsuki: "Huh?"
Drake’s eyes, as he gazed at me, lacked his usual carefree demeanor.
Drake: “Mitsuki. I want to make you my treasure.”
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Drake: “Will you marry me?”
I nodded with a smile, feeling my eyes well up with joy and love at the earnest words that reached straight into my heart.
Mitsuki: “Of course, I’ve been yours for a long time already.”
Mitsuki: “Please always stay by my side.”
Drake: “Mitsuki.”
As he called my name with deep emotion, he embraced me tightly.
I wrapped my arms around his broad back and felt his warm breath.
Drake: “I wish I could say you’re mine forever now, but there’s one more thing we need to do.”
Drake: “We still have something to do on the night of the full moon.”
His words made my heart race.
Mitsuki: “Are you going to make a blood oath?”
I asked nervously, and Drake blinked in surprise.
Drake: “You knew?”
Mitsuki: “Yeah. But are you sure about this? You don’t have to force yourself.”
Drake: “Thanks, Fawn. But there’s no need to worry.”
Drake put his forehead on mine and smiled.
Drake: “I’ll do as I please.”
Drake: “You just have to wait for me to whisk you away.”
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Part 1 ╎ Part 2 ╎ Premium ╎ Epilogue
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cardboardheartss · 1 day
NEWJEANS D1 Chart Analysis
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NEWJEANS! In their D1 Chart these girls have a Bharani (Aries) stelium in their 1H. Rahu, Mars, Uranus and Moon. This major stellium obviously makes the girls nakshatra be in Bharani aka Venus Nakshatra. This all makes sense because all of the member have their own unique beauty, they don’t need a visual hole in the group!
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Bharani’s are known to represent “breakthrough” and in musical terms we can reword it as “breakthrough artist.” NEWJEANS honestly had one unique debut and the achievements they’ve been having ever since… it’s honestly mind-boggling.
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Mars in astrology represents dancing as well, and mars is in Aries. Aries represents intensity/energy and I believe we have all seen NEWJEANS choreography. I noticed that people with Aries stelliums, Rahu/MC, and Vertex are also good dancers, and I picked up on this by looking at Jam Republic members' D1 and D10 Charts.
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Back to NEWJEANS, i checked out all their charts and what actually shocked me was how they all have major aries placements in their personal D1 charts! I won’t share too much because i don’t want to spoil their charts yet lol!!!
NEWJEANS have an aries moon at 16 degrees, which is a cancer degree. The girls may seem very firey and bold on stage, and when they’re on stage they truly look like they want to be there and are present in their moments. The cancer degree really showed out this month with the whole Min Hee Jin vs HYBE fiasco. The sunbaenims of the industry really went out and showed their support to NEWJEANS, majority of the idols/celebs supporting NEWJEANS were females too!
NEWJEANS Aries Uranus also makes sense, the girls had an unconventional way of debuting as i had mentioned in the beginning. We did not know one member or actually the group overall! NEWJEANS concepts are also what make them stand out the most, we’ve seen every era, they bring out something different that sets them apart from this industry. The collaborations, merchandise, dancing, music material and etc.
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NEWJEANS have Ardra and Punaravasu (Gemini) placements in their 3H. The planets/placements consist of Venus, Lilith, and POF! The 3H represents the VOICE (singing), texting, social media, coworkers and etc. On the one hand, I will have to mention that people, in general, enjoy NEWJEANS music, the girls are really talented vocalists and they all individually get praised for their live vocals as well! Thanks to ador, we actually get to see the members sing live on By Jeans!
and NEWJEANS are also quite active on an app called Phoning, and doesn’t phoning require you to talk to someone/people and they have luck with that app because they have structured rules and regulations you follow to avoid chaos on that app.
Gemini also represents the youth, and remember majority of us who are young enjoy texting… Gemini also represents a connection, and that is how NEWJEANS connect with Bunnies, through “calling” or “texting” them.
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Since Gemini represents two sides, now I have to go onto the negative part. Lilith, the Lilith placement here makes sense. The cyberbullying these girls will have to go through will surely be difficult to deal with. Remember how I mentioned how Gemini represents youth, guess what people always bring up in NEWJEANS fan-wars? Their ages… every single time. What is also so ironic is how today, there is more drama surrounding NEWJEANS again…
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Their Sun and Mercury are in Pushya (Cancer), and it is in their 4H. One thing i would like to mention is how much Hanni and Danielle always talk about their life back in Australia.
The girls all share their childhood memories to a certain extent and one thing i would also like to bring up is how the members always thank Min Hee Jin, who in this case was their mother figure for a while, and also not to mention how NEWJEANS biological mothers also fought and protected their daughters while their debut was being delayed.
The 4H represents home/native land/country, and the Sun and Mercury emphasizes how much NEWJEANS are loved and cherished in South Korea. Which is why they’re called the “Nations Daughters” “Nations Princesses” “Nations Granddaughters” and etc.
Have you also not noticed how much the rest of the industry has shown love to NEWJEANS for the past month too?! Once again… majority of the celebrities who spoke up about NEWJEANS and shows love to them were female celebs!
6H Hasta Virgo, these girlies know how to work practically and are also very hard workers. They know how to stick to the routines, and this makes sense because they share schedules and had/have to still spend at least half of their lives together. Since they are also dancers, Virgos always look to make something perfect, hence why their moves may be different in one choreography they still have really good synchronization.
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Now for their Dhashnitha Saturn in their 10H, astrologers always say saturn is in a good place here and they’re right… in a way lol! We all finally know the truth about NEWJEANS delayed debut, and i guess that delay gave them the upper hand to plan and train together, because i mean look at the end result of that situation. They are talented and are also great performers and i truly applaud all the members for that, i believe it was not easy for them to almost not acheive their dreams and to see how much they have a achieved despite that obstacle makes me proud!!
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Now for their last planets in Pisces Neptune, Purva Bhadra, Jupiter Uttara Bhadra, and Chiron Revati. The girls could go through a lot behind the scenes, in terms of their bond as a group and the overworking in the industry.
Some members could get injured a few times during their career, like Hyein with her foot.
Luckily, for NEWJEANS, they have Jupiter in their 12H, and 12H in Vedic represents abroad travel/faraway lands, and its ruler, Sagittarius is in the 9H of foreign land, higher courts, and media. I almost forgot to mention how much love NEWJEANS receive internationally!!
Welp! That was A LOT of writing… looking foward to posting more analysis soon!!!
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Here for something with Mr Lenney pls🙏🏼
Spent the evening binging his react to Love Island vids and now just wanna be sat in the sun on holiday with him. Maybe a group holiday with other YouTube lads and they’re all single so it’s reader on a lads holiday essentially but Will does little things like making her breakfast, taking her on little dates away from the lads (particularly if their all hungover from partying the night before), napping together before getting ready for dinner (also together). Idk that’s all just suggestions, I just want Will on holiday, by the ocean and in the sun so I can fulfill my willne and moana dreams at once so do anything you like with that!! ☀️🌺🥥
ohhh, that's so cuteeee! this is definitely someting we can talk more on! the scenario of the boys being on holiday, in any of the stories, has me weak.
she considers herself 'one of the lads'.
the lads consider her as 'one of the lads'.
whenever they hang out, they always made sure to invite her so she didn't feel left out and they always made her feel welcomed into the group by including her in conversations, letting her partake in any of their silly drinking games that they played, and they let their softer side to come out when teasing her - no horrid nicknames that made her feel small or belittled, no taking the piss out of her when she did something or said something that they found funny, no singling her out for their own humour and for the benefit of their out laughter. she was like a little sister to them; and she always felt comfortable and safe around them.
so, of course she was going to be invited to their annual trip abroad.
much to her excitement... and much to will's liking.
four months is how long they'd been secretly 'seeing' each other.
they weren't scared of what their friends would say about them being a couple... if anything, they'd be over the moon knowing that their two friends were finding happiness with each other. they just enjoyed the secrecy of no one having a clue that they were spending time together, alone, on the days that they'd not all hang out together.
sending silly and flirtatious texts every so often when they missed the other, staying over at each other's flats most nights of the week and spending their days off together, going on secret dates in the parts of london they knew they'd never get seen, and keeping calm and very collected when they were out together to not give anything away.
wedged between calfreezy and chip on the flight to croatia, because cal had insisted he had the aisle seat so he could stretch out his legs and chip hadn't been willing to sit anywhere but in the window seat... as much as she wished she was sat beside will, who was in the row of seats to her right and squeezed in between harry and chris, she was happy to have had some peace and quiet and some time away from the geordie accent she'd been listening to for the last twenty-four hours. having stayed at his place the night before they were due to fly from heathrow airport, the two of them insisting it was easier to get picked up from the same place and go together opposed to her being a solo traveler to meet the rest of them at the airport since she lived the furthest away... although, that's what they told the boys... which they were surprised they'd understood as a valid reason.
reev and callux, and theo baker in the middle of them, were sat in the row behind her and she could hear them either talking to a camera as they vlogged their trip away or informing their instagram followers on how they'd pulled the short straw in sitting next to theo for the next few hours. much to her amusement.
once they landed, heading straight to the villa that they'd rented for the next ten days, the lot of them were eager to get settled in before heading out to find a supermarket for their necessities and to scope out the local bars and restaurants that they were going to spend their nights in. all yn wanted was a shower, and her cleansing products, as the plane air felt sticky and gross on her skin.
with their rooms dibsed by the time they walked through the front door, their suitcases and bags thrown on the beds to claim them as their own, it didn't take long for the boys to ready themselves with a spray of their deodorant and a spritz of aftershave and a splash of water to their faces to clear the sweat building from the humidity.
much to yn's appreciation, who wanted the shower first.
she stood in her room once she was feeling fresh, having stood under the shower head from a couple of minutes so she felt cooler and a lot more cleaner, air drying as she rummaged through her suitcase for a more suitable outfit for taking a walk in the twenty-degree heat.
"just give us a text when you're ready. we'll go find a good lunch spot. i think we're all starving," calfreezy's voice echoed around the empty villa and yn couldn't help but pinch her brows together in confusion as to who he was speaking to, "no going to sleep for six hours. the jetlag is nothing."
"you have my word."
it was will's voice that echoed back and there was a tingle in her belly that made her feel weak at the knees. and when the door closed, the voices of the guys trailing off in the distance as they made their way down the main road outside their villa, it wasn't long before she heard his footsteps rushing up the stairs. his shoes scuffing the cool and tiled floor which lined every room in the house.
"what do you reckon? an hour to ourselves before they get suspicious of us?" will questions as he steps foot around the door to her room and sees her standing in her towel, "was hoping to hop in with you, save water and all that."
"you snooze, you lose," yn grins cheekily at him and he rolls his eyes in a dramatised fashion, "i was fine meeting you guys in the town, you know? it's not that far of a walk for me to do by myself in daylight."
"i know but i wanted to keep you company here," he perches himself down on the edge of her bed and watches as she pulls out different articles of clothing to see if they went together, "fancy going out for dinner one night this week? me and you?"
"won't the guys get a bit suspicious if we go off together?"
"i don't really care," he admits and she glances at him, "what?"
"nothing, i just," she sighs softly and sets a pair of denim shorts and a cropped white t-shirt on her bed, pairing it with an oversized shirt that was decorated with stripes that she was going to wear over the top and knot at the front, "i like the sneaking around. the enjoyment and the excitement of almost being caught. all that goes out of the window when they know."
"but we could kiss and hold hands in public," he reminds her and she drops the towel to her feet, her underwear already clinging to her skin having done that when she got out the shower, "we could be a proper couple."
"are we not now?"
"of course we are," he laughs softly, "but i get to show you off. i get to bat away the boys who stare at you and not sit back and get jealous because we have to pretend not to have any feelings whatsoever. i get to brag about you."
the room is filled with silence as she slips her clothes on and finishes off getting ready, pairing her outfit with a pair of nike socks and her comfortable white trainers, but she can't ignore the eyes that watch her from her bed.
"the last night," she suggests, "we'll find a place, we'll dine, we'll wine and we'll come clean to the boys."
"yeah," she nods and he grins widely, standing to his feet and pressing a kiss to her forehead, "if they find out before then they find out before but... yeah, the last night of our holiday should go out with a bang."
"a bang i can get behind," he smirks and she smacks his arm playfully with the palm of her hand, "i'm sorry, i'm sorry." xx
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sillybruja · 2 days
Synastry Observations: Frenemy/"enemy" edition part 1
DISCLAIMER: I am not a professional astrologer, this purely my observation based on repetitive patterns I notice within the signs, placements, houses etc. Take what I say with a grain of salt and understand not every astrology observation will resonate.
↳Heavy 8th House Synastry and/or negatively aspected 2H synastry↴
This one is a doosey. Personally, I never had 8H synastry with anyone that I have ever considered a friend, but I have seen this play out with other friendships. This synastry can suggest an imbalance of give and take, as well as a friendship that can be "obsessive". Feelings of jealousy, envy, and even resentment build over time. I've seen this also manifest as jealousy over the person's other friends, family, and sometimes even romantic partners. Very karmic & a difficult bond to break, but it could also be very emotionally harmful. It also highly depends on the emotional state of the people involved, especially the emotional state of the house person as they seem to be the most "reactive" in this situation.
↳Sun/Moon/Mercury/Venus in 12H↴
These placements can definitely indicate secrecy created in a friendship dynamic. Either the friendship itself is kept secret, or one/both parties feel suspicious of the other, no matter how much time has passed or trust has been earned. Another heavily karmic synastry aspect to have. Usually the planet person is more aware of the pain each other causes, but the house person also feels the intensity. A lot can be ruined due to misunderstandings with this placement, but in the same regard -- this placement does also indicate two people who are magnetically connected, but eventually have their perception of each other morphed over time into something more negative. Truth be told, both parties see each other in a more "tainted" and deluded way as time goes on because both parties are secretive about their suspicions. Suspicion left undiscussed only has room to grow. Not always the case, but when this manifests in an "ex-friendship" or in a synastry chart of frenemies, its easier to see the ways either one or both have deceived each other in a connection. I've also noticed specifically with Moon/Mercury (sometimes venus) in 12H synastry shows how one person "prys" in the other's life. For example, having Mercury in 12H synastry could mean that one person oversteps and over-inquires about the other. Maybe this person listens to, inspires, encourages, or spreads misinformation about the other. Or, this person generally feels "superior" in the themes of mercury like communication, travel, intelligence, logic, etc. It also gives "pick me" vibes, or like those female friends you have that enjoy laughing at you or embarrassing you around others for validation. Icky.
↳Chiron conjunct personal planets and/or the nodes↴
These aspects are the definition of fated to me. When this is present in the chart of two frenemies, I know these two really hurt each other in various ways. When its chiron conjunct sun/moon for instance, I see a lot of damage to the ego, and self-confidence when dealing with each other. One person feels massively insecure in the presence of the other, and in enemy cases, its almost as if one person (usually chiron person) clings onto sun person even if chiron person harbors hate, bitterness, or resentment towards the sun person. Chiron conjunct personal planets can bring a lot of instability on so many levels -- on a soul level, physical / material level, emotional level, 3D, 5D etc etc. These connections are usually very painful because at one point in time, these two individuals could have been very close or trusted each other, and things took a left turn when both began to trigger each other. I've also seen this in complicated friendships where the two are not exactly true friends, or honest/genuine friends to each other, but there's a weird sense of loyalty toward one another. Maybe you two are in secret competition, and you feel the other person does not like you. Typically you would end communication with someone like this, but with this person, you find excuses for them and reasons to remain in their energy. kinda odd tbh. Chiron conjunct the nodes says all the same but speaks more so to the soul missions of the individuals. This could mean you both agreed to be here to have problems and to learn lessons together lol. But with chiron conjunct NN/SN, the connection will feel very electric but will most likely fizzle out over time.
↳Busy 3H synastry / lilth 3H / Chiron 3H / Pluto 3H / Neptune 3H↴
Ugh, the gossip. The lies. The bullying. the fakeness. This synastry is like toxic sibling rivalry except they're supposed to your friend. When you have this synastry with a frenemy, you will experience a lot of bs from them and vice versa. These placements also suggest heavy gossip about each other and usually what's being talked about involves the rough stuff. I am talking, the stuff you told this person with confidence that they'd never tell a soul. These people can hit below the belt when they're scorned. I've seen these enemies being very direct towards each other as well, so not only is there open gossip involved, this person will also own up to it! They're the type to be like "yeah b!tcH! I said that. Do you want me to repeat myself??" very confrontational, which could also lead to yelling matches or serious mutual moments of rage. Lilith in 3H is roughest when it comes to exposing the other person's darkness when scorned. When you have this aspect with someone, you should probably be cautious of what you tell them because you might think they forgot, but really, they just stored it in the back of their mind to use for later. Pluto 3H will force one or both people to evolve in terms of how they communicate -- harsh lessons about communication, connection, community, and even relationships with others come from this aspect. Chiron in 3H (and even Neptune 3H) will really put you through the ringer. You will have to go through hardships that can constantly trigger your communication and intelligence wound with this person. One last thing I have noticed is that these people were (or still are to a weird degree) typically close to the point where their families are very intertwined with one another. This can manifest as one or both of them getting each other's families (specifically cousins and siblings) involved with their drama, or "picking sides".
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pit-and-the-pen · 3 hours
ACOTAR Zodiac Signs
I’m just doing Sun (because this would turn into a full dissertation if I did rising and moon but I might do them in the future This is obviously just my opinion and for funsies. Please be nice if you disagree. Also, the book I use is called “The Complete Guide to Astrology.” It’s on kindle unlimited if you want to look into it! (there’s also 13 characters I’m doing here so some will be repeats)
Also, thank to @milswrites and @prythianpages for suggesting for me to write this all out <3 I'm happy to be your go-to for astrology.
Azriel: Scorpio. ““It is often said that a Scorpio man can be obsessive, possessive and vindictive, but the truth is he can also be loyal, supportive, compassionate and incredible in bed. This man has to deal with unusual emotional depth, leading to his extreme sensitivity and his need to close his heart in order not to get hurt. The only reason he becomes vindictive is in his deeply emotional nature and his incapability to forgive the depth of his injuries.” (this is the only one that didn’t come from the book and I can’t find the website I pulled it from) This one seems pretty self-explanatory but Azriel holds his emotions close to his chest for sure. I’m not convinced he doesn’t feel deeply and just has closed himself off to letting others feel his emotions. 
Cassian: Taurus. Embodies an animal like wisdom in that they have finely honed senses and are sensual, practical, and loyal. Inwardly, they are deeply grounded, patient and steady, but this can also lead to the tendency to be stubborn or bullheaded and overly materialistic in the pursuit of security. Others can see taurus as stable and lacking pretense.”  Despite everyone thinking he’s a bit dull, Cassian is a rock to all of those around him. He might not be the smartest in a scholarly way but out of the IC I think he has the most emotional intelligence despite not being able to read the room all the time. But he’s definitely stubborn.
Elain: Virgo. Analyze is the primary word for virgo. Virgo energy embodies the principle of service, as they love to feel useful in the world. Virgos are attentive to detail and very analytical. Their inner world is often self-critical and they are worriers. They tend to servitude rather than service and forget to take care of themselves in the process. Others see virgos as ethical and organized, though it’s a bit of a myth to say that all virgos are naturally tidy. This is, in part, because their perfectionist tendencies can lead to analysis paralysis. I think this really describes pre-fae Elain. She might have not been the best at protecting Feyre but she was really the only one that saw what everything was doing to her. She also loves gardening which feeds into the nurturing part of virgos. Idk she just gives me virgo energy.
Eris: Okay, bare with me on this one. Pisces. Their primary word is believe. They are seen as highly sensitive, creative and mystical beings. Pisces often struggle with boundaries and extreme empaths, which can cause them to fall into the role of victim or martyr. LIke the symbol of fish swimming in two directions, it’s the lesson of pisces to live in the realms of the manifest and mystical. If they can become comfortable with being agents of change they will avoid the escapist and addictive tendencies they may turn to on occasion. Like I said, bare with me. We never truly get to see Eris for who he is. We only get to see the mask that he puts on while Beron is alive. But even then, he’s willing to risk his life to help out the night court. He became their inside man and we get to see little bits of his personality. I think Eris is rules far more by his moon than his sun but I also think that who he presents as is mainly because of the abuse he’s suffered from Beron. 
Emerie: Libra. Balance is the primary word for libras, because they try to find the middle ground and harmonious balance in all that they do. Libra is the diplomat and mediator of the zodiac. Because of that, they can come across as indecisive, vacillating and even passive-aggressive at times. Generally, Libra comes across as fair, peace-loving and creative. Inwardly, they are focused on others and relationships (not always romantic) Emerie was the first person to see Nesta for who she is. And she is fiercely loyal to those she picks to be apart of her life. But she does seem to be in the middle of what little spats there are in her group, but as the most sensical one if that makes sense? We don’t get a lot of Emerie in the book (a crime if you ask me) but I think this is the closest to her character.
Feyre: Sagittarius. (actually confirmed by the book). Wander and wonder are the primary words for Sagittarius because they like to wander-physically and mentally- and they often live in a state of wonder at the world. Sagittarius is the seeker of truth and freedom and loves exploration of all kinds. They are seens as naive, inspirational and eternal optimists. Spiritually oriented and visionary, they have the ability to see the big picture of life. If Sagittarius embraces life as a quest for experience and truth their tendies towards naivete can become higher wisdom. I don’t fulllllyyy agree with all of this, but since her birthday is on the winter solstice she would be a Sagittarius and I can see it in bits and pieces. She’s always been very creative and literally see’s the bigger picture in life in the way can see the art she wants to create. But she’s also very self-sacrificing which I think adds to seeing the bigger picture. She’s able to look past her own wants and desires and do what she needs to do for the sake of everyone else.  
Gwen: Taurus, (see Cassian)
Helion: Leo. Leos are born to lead, and that is their primary word. Whether king, queen or leader in their own home, leos are born to shine and charm. They crave attention and tend to be melodramatic and superior when in shadow. Otherwise, Leos are dynamic, self-confident and playful. At their best, they are magnetic and affectionate and light up the lives of those around them because they carry the sun’s radiance within (I swear, hand on the bible, that’s what my book actually says and I didn’t read the whole thing before I made my choice on this.) This is an other self-explanatory one but even without all the sun references. Helion is kind and charming, but also a great leader. 
Lucien: Cancer. Feel is the primary word for cancers, they are all emotion and intuition. Cancer is the nurturer of the zodiac and are very traditional and family oriented. Inwardly, the sign is extremely sensitive and can tend toward being insecure and giving too much to the point of ignoring their own needs. Others see them as responsive and loving but they can also be moody. Lucien feels a lot of stuff. He’s written off as being snarky but I think it’s because he can see through peoples bullshit because of how much he truly  feels. He was there for Feyre. And regardless of what you ship, he was the only one to think of giving Elain something to cover herself with. 
Mor: Gemini. Gemini is the thinker and symbolizes the mind, voice and communication. Their inner life is curious, observant, often scattered and may be highly strung. Geminis are seen as socially verbally expressive but can sometimes manipulative and duplicitous. All I can say for this is SJM ruined what she had going for Mor and focused too much of the manipulative side of her. Mor had so much potential but this is still her sign. 
Nesta: Aquarius. Aquarians are the individuals of the Zodiac and their primary word is “know”. Aquarians are socially conscious and are dedicated to causes and reform, but they can also be emotionally distant and even anarchistic at times. Because they often feel alienated from those around them, they are sometimes tempted to betray their convictions to fit in, but their path is to embody their personal truth no matter what. Nesta is at her very core, loyal. She cares deeply for the people she’s let into her life, regardless of how much she will fight them as they try to get close to her. But she stands by her morals for sure. She is also willing to do what she needs to do when she thinks it’s right. I think that arrogant, cruel facade is the very conviction she was forced into. She was raised as nothing more than a way for her family to marry up and she took it in stride, despite how much it obviously affected her.
Rhysand: Leo. (See Helion)
Tamlin: Capricorn. The primary word for Capricorn is achieve. Capricorns are focused on climbing the ladder of achievement but may have a tendency to do so based on the expectations of the outer world rather than based on a foundation of self-trust, which is where the tail of the fish comes in. Capricorn is seen as responsible and determined but also, at times, controlling and fearful. Inwardly, although Capricorn is hardworking and law-abiding, there is often an underlying fear of never being enough. Their commitment and leadership qualities are their strengths. Tamlin is actually a good leader, he just lets himself be ruled by the fear he has of things happening to the people he loves.
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dira333 · 2 days
Of Swings and Snakes - Matsukawa x Reader
part 1 - this is the angsty start, for someone who likes angst to fluff, leave a note so I can tag you in part 2
Warning: Angst, Relationship ending, failed communication
tagging: @lees-chaotic-brain and my angsty Mattsun Anon
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The old swingset creaks loudly as you push yourself forward. It’s the only noise in the park and it would probably be creeping you out if your thoughts weren’t occupied as is. 
You barely have enough energy to push yourself forward, but you cannot stay in place either and the loud, whining creak is enough to cut a little slice out of the gloom that’s been settling heavily into your skin.
“This seat taken?” 
You don’t look up. Makki settles in the swing next to you without waiting for an answer.
For a while, there’s just the sound of two swings creaking, the soft sound when your feet hit the floor to push you forward just a little more.
Eventually, though, you come to a stop. Makki follows, puts his feet down so hard dirt flies through the air. 
His left hand moves over to take yours, folding around your cold fingers holding the cold metal.
“I’m staying with you, okay?” He says, “You’re not going to be alone.”
Finally, your tears start to flow.
When you’re dating in high school, the reactions are always the same.
There are the ones who think it’s cute.
“Youth,” they’ll say with a wistful smile. “To be young again.”
There are the ones who think you’re too young. 
“You’ll regret this later, trust me. Don’t bind yourself to someone else too early.”
And there are the ones who look like their heart breaks just at the thought of it.
“I wish you the best,” your mother had said when you brought home the news, “I hope it turns out better for you.”
You hadn’t thought to ask then, what she meant. Would you have decided differently, if you had? If you’d heard about her own love story at seventeen? How she loved and lost in much the same way?
Or maybe you’d have told yourself that you are different. 
Only to realize that you are not.
“Please welcome our new manager to the team.” 
You wave shyly as the boys turn toward you. Your Middle School Volleyball Club was way smaller.
There’s talk of them making Nationals this year and you do your best to help.
“Oikawa made a name for himself in Middle School,” they say like he’s the Messiah that will bring new life to their hopes and aspirations.
And he’s good, that’s easy to tell. But where your Senpai seem to forget that Oikawa isn’t the only first year, you can see all of them gleam and glitter in the background, like Stars, unable to outshine the moon with their light.
Iwaizumi is a little shy, but you stay back to help him practice his spikes sometimes. 
Hanamaki and Matsukawa, or as they ask you to call them, Makki and Mattsun, tend to goof off most of the time during training but it’s not hard to call them to attention. Watching them play together is something you will not get tired of.
“Hey, Manager, can you help us?” Makki calls out to you, “I wanna practice blocking with Mattsun.”
You don’t make it to Nationals this year. Shiratorizawa has also gained a new star and if Oikawa is the moon, outshining the stars, Ushijima Wakatoshi is the bright midday sun, burning away all memories of the night.
“You are a good manager,” he finds you in the hallways later, face set in a passive frown, “you should come to Shiratorizawa.”
And you’re sure it’s a compliment, in a way. But there’s no question of your loyalty.
“I wouldn’t be half as good as you think if I’d just abandon my team the moment someone asks me to.”
There’s surprise evident on his face that soon falls away.
“Come on, Ushiwaka, we’re going to be late,” a redhead calls for him just as Mattsun appears at the corner, waiting for you.
“We’ll meet again,” Ushijima promises and you shrug before turning around. You suppose there’s nothing you can do about it.
“Mom, can you give me my water bottle?”
Silence falls over the Gym, then laughter.
“What?” Watari asks, hackles rising.
“You just called our Manager Mom,” Sawauchi points out.
“No, I didn’t!” Watari defends himself and you pity the poor first year.
“It’s okay, I don’t mind-” 
“You don’t mind?” Makki leans heavily onto your shoulder. You don’t know how he could appear so fast out of thin air. “Mattsun, did you hear that?”
“Hm, I did.” He leans heavily on your other shoulder, winking down at you when you look up at him. Mattsun’s so close you can see every single one of his unfairly long lashes and the slow growth of his lazy smirk. 
He’s terrifyingly good looking and you suspect he knows it too.
“Mom!” Kyoutani yells through the Gym a few weeks later, the Nickname stuck like glue.
“Coming,” you yell back, emergency kit ready. “Jeez, you guys need to stop being so rough. Everything okay, Watari?”
“Yeah,” the Libero’s clutching his nose, blood dribbling out from under his hands. “Just managed to receive with my face.”
“Thanks for calling me, Kyoutani,” you tell the other boy who nods gruffly before returning to the court as if nothing happened.
“Come up,” you say, but he stays on the floor, growing paler. 
“I don’t feel so good,” he mutters and your head flies around, looking for someone, anyone who can help.
“I’m here,” Mattsun calls out immediately, already by your side. You didn’t see him come over, nor do you know why he decided to do it, but you’re too thankful to think about it now. 
Together you manage to get Watari out of the Gym where he empties his stomach into a nearby shrub.
“Let’s get you to school nurse,” Mattsun decides before looking at you. “That okay?”
“Yeah, thank you.” 
With Watari supported on your left and Mattsun’s right arm, the walk is more than a little wobbly - height difference and all - but your mind is going elsewhere, unable to focus on the first-year’s health.
Mattsun’s arm rests under yours on Watari’s back, warm and steadfast and safe.
He smiles softly, reassuring, whenever your eyes cross.
He doesn’t have to say anything, he just has to be there.
“Hey, I was wondering…” Mattsun’s rubbing the back of his head and you stop to give him some time to think.
A pink blush grows on his cheeks. You wonder if this is really what you think it is.
“I really like you. A lot. And I was thinking… if you’d want to be my girlfriend.”
You swallow thickly, look around for any signs that this is a prank.
“Are you being serious?”
“When have I ever not been- scratch that, yes, I’m serious.” He stretches out his hand as if this is a business offer, realizing half-way how weird it looks.
But it’s too late, you’ve already clamped both hands around his and shook it.
“I want to be your girlfriend,” you blurt out, just as awkward in your affection as he is.
A wide, satisfied grin spreads over his face and the blush intensifies to your delight.
“Wait,” Makki calls out from somewhere behind him, “Does that make Mattsun my Dad? I’m veto-ing!”
“You don’t get a say,” you declare just moments before Mattsun pulls you in, face mushed into his chest.
“If we run now,” he whispers, “we can outrun him.”
“If you miss this serve, you’re buying Ramen!” Makki declares.
“I want mine with pork!” Mattsun immediately adds on.
Oikawa rolls his eyes, but it doesn’t matter. They might be playing an important game, but this team knows better.
“I want mine extra spicy,” you call out from the side, waving when both Mattsun and Makki give you a thumbs up for the order.
“What are you going to do now?” Kindaichi asks after their loss.
“What do you mean?” You ask back.
“Are you still going to come to practice? You’ve got your exams coming up.”
“Are you trying to steal my girlfriend?” Mattsun hooks his head over your shoulder, trying to stare Kindaichi down.
“NO! No, no, I just… it will be different without you there.”
“Yamagata-chan will be helping you just fine,” you assure him, smiling at your feisty first-year manager. “I’m not sure yet, it depends on how well I’m getting on with studying.”
“Lies,” Mattsun whispers into your ear when Kindaichi turns his back on you for a second. “You’ll be back. You care too much.”
And isn’t that the truth?
“Where’s he staying?” You ask, your hand curled around the doorframe. Even from this distance you can tell that Mattsun’s missing.
Later you’ll find your suitcase missing, along with his suits and a few sets of underwear. He’s never been a materialist.
“I-” Makki pulls his head in as if to avoid the question. 
“He’s staying with Kyoutani for the moment,” he sighs, moves as if to hug you but pulls back when you step out of reach.
“I’m staying with you, okay? You won’t have to be alone.”
“What if I want to be?”
Makki cocks his head to the side, eyeing you curiously. “No, you don’t.”
“Fine,” you sigh, “but you’re making Dinner. I’m going to take a bath.”
“Don’t drown.”
You flip him off.
Though when you’re sitting in the hot water, surrounded by remnants of this lost relationship, you can’t help but weep.
“What’s this monstrosity?” You ask when Mattsun drops his hands from your eyes. There, on the shower curtain, is a giant cat in Seijoh colors, flying through space.
“Do you like it?” Mattsun asks, giggling, “Kindaichi ordered it.”
“No, he didn’t.”
“No, he didn’t, Kunimi ordered it. But Kindaichi paid.”
“Poor guy,” you huff, “but I suppose we can’t get rid of it now.”
“You always wanted a cat.”
You snort. “Yeah, and I guess I got one now.”
“And look, Kyoutani got us this kitten soap dishes to match. Isn’t that thoughtful?”
You sigh. “It is. At least now I’m glad I had the foresight to steal towels during my time at Seijoh.”
“You didn’t,” Mattsun gasps, “I’m dating a criminal!”
“You do,” you sling your arms around his shoulders and press a kiss to his jaw, “gonna kill you if you sing.”
He laughs, dips you like you’re dancing. 
And yes, your apartment is barely big enough to fit the two of you, but it doesn’t matter. Not as long as you’re together.
“What’s for Dinner?” Makki asks, closing the door behind him with a snap.
“I wanted to make Lasagna but I only had Ramen Noodles left, so I don’t know what to call it,” you announce from the stove.
“Oh, LaRamna, my favorite,” he chirps, going straight for the snack drawer until a well-aimed spoon cuts him off.
“No chocolate before Dinner.”
“You can set the table.”
“Fine,” Makki huffs, sticking his tongue out at you. “I brought wine with me, by the way.”
“Oh, how classy of you. Are we pretending to be something other than College Kids?”
“Who’s pretending what?” Mattsun’s still in the door, wet hair hanging into his eyes.
“Oh baby,” you coo, walking over. “Did you forget your umbrella again?”
“Mhm,” he leans down to kiss you, leaving droplets of cold running down your skin. “Missed you.”
“Missed you too,” you hum back. Mattsun leans in to kiss you again though this time he stops, turns and “Makki, no Chocolate before Dinner!”
“You good?” Makki asks, pushing an open bar of chocolate in your direction.
“Yeah,” you hum, doodling yet another heart into your book.
“You don’t look it.”
“Just lonely, I guess,” you admit, “I’m not used to Mattsun staying out this late.”
“How long is this course going?”
“Two weeks,” you groan, rubbing your eyes.
“That’s not that long.”
“No,” you shake your head. “It’s not.”
But the gloominess doesn’t really go away that night.
“Another course?” You ask, focus on the carrots you’re cutting.
“Yeah,” Mattsun’s at the table, going over the bills. “This one’s not mandatory but I’d get ahead much faster. My uncle said I could start working part-time for him as soon as I’ve got through this one.”
“You wanna work for your uncle?” You ask, turning to look at him.
He purses his lips, taps the table with his pen.
“I mean, it’s honest work, right? I don’t really have any passion to follow and it pays good money.”
“Yeah, but what if you realize you hate it?”
“I’d figure it out then, wouldn’t I?” He cocks his head to the side to look at you. “Do you think I wouldn’t like it?”
“I don’t know. It’s just… I don’t like those late classes.”
“I know,” he coos, getting up and walking over. “I know you hate falling asleep without me.”
“That too,” you huff and lean into him. “I just… I didn’t know growing up was this hard.”
“It won’t be for long, I promise.”
The numbers on your alarm clock are a bright, annoying red and a slap in the face.
It’s two hours past midnight yet the other side of your bed is cold and empty. 
There are no new messages on your phone as you slip out of bed and stalk around the room, chewing on your lower lip as you consider your options.
Call the police? Call Makki? 
You call Mattsun, because that’s always been your go-to if you needed help.
The familiar ringtone cuts through the silence, muffled only by the closed door.
When you open it, you’re greeted by the dim lights over the stove and a long body stretched out on the Couch. 
He fell asleep waiting for the Microwave to get done and though you want nothing less than to curl up beside him, he looks far too exhausted for you to wake him up.
So you tuck him in the best you can before you slip back into the bed he should be sharing with you, unable to get rid of a chill that has started creeping in.
“Instant Ramen?” Makki’s stopped halfway to the fridge, staring at your choice of Dinner. You shrug and dig your chopsticks into the meal.
He looks like he wants to add something, but instead, he picks a pack out of the drawer Mattsun pretended to hide them in. A few minutes later he’s sitting across from you, blowing on his own bowl of Ramen.
“I thought they’re not healthy.”
“They’re not.”
“Period incoming.”
“Had it last week.”
“Hm.” Makki squints, takes a first sip, and curses when he burns his mouth.
“Okay,” he huffs finally when even that doesn’t make you smile, “Spill. Why are we eating Instant Ramen instead of the usual healthy stuff you like to make?”
“I hate cooking for one person.”
Makki stops, chopsticks halfway to his mouth.
“But you’re not cooking for one person,” he says, confused, “You always cook for-”
You stare at him until he breaks off in the middle of his sentence.
But Makki wouldn’t be Makki if he could be convinced to shut up by a glare alone.
“It’s only a few more days until the course is over.”
“I think he’s cheating on me.”
Makki’s chopsticks drop into his bowl, spraying broth everywhere. But you don’t care. Not about that, at least. 
You eat on, try to stare a hole into the wooden tabletop, right there, where you usually put Mattsun’s bowl when he sits down for Dinner.
“You wouldn’t-” Makki stumbles over the words. “He wouldn’t- Why do you think-”
“Working late,” you count on your fingers, “coming home later than the course needs him to, smelling like perfume. Do you need me to go on?”
“Did you talk to him about it?”
“Yes,” you nod sharply, “but apparently it’s a secret I’m not supposed to know.”
Makki sighs. “It really is, I know it and it’s supposed to be a surprise.”
You freeze. Makki dares to show a small smile and you look up at him, surprised at your own feelings.
“I was actually kinda relieved,” you admit, voice hollow, “because that would have explained why he doesn’t want to spend time with me anymore.”
It’s hard, getting up in the morning after your first - and worst - breakup.
It’s hard, getting through the day and coming home again only to realize that this is it. This apartment will never be filled with life again, not in the way it was supposed to be. 
Makki only leaves your side for work, sleeping on the Couch as if it’s his bed and not a torture instrument created to destroy your back muscles. 
You think it’s sweet of him until you realize that Mattsun’s probably camping out in Makki’s apartment now. 
All the friends you have are tied to the two of you.
And while none of them pick sides, you kinda want them to.
You want them to tell you that this is wrong. That you should have stayed, that you should have tried harder. 
Because if everyone’s just sympathetic, doesn’t that mean you don’t have any chance to mend this? To have a future with Mattsun in it?
You’re not home when Mattsun comes to pick up most of his things.
All those feelings come back up again at the sight of empty spaces where his things should have been.
The mountain of blankets because he likes to wrap himself like a Burrito. His movie collection. The sweaters you loved to curl up in when he wasn’t around.
But he left the shower curtain and seeing that still hanging feels like the worst betrayal, a knife straight to the heart. 
You’re not doing the best job taking it down, but you’d rather spray water everywhere than look at it again, be reminded of what could have been but didn’t.
This time he wakes you up.
Makki must have told him, managed to get a hold of him between classes and work and this stupid course. You can see it in his face, can feel it in the way he holds you, not too close but never too far.
“I’m not cheating on you,” he assures you, shadows under his eyes from not sleeping enough, hair disheveled and sweaty, “I swear, I promise, I’d never do something like that.”
And maybe it’s the late night or the loneliness, watching him be so nonchalant about all the time spent apart, or something else you haven’t yet faced, but the words slip out like snakes, quiet, quick, and unstoppable.
“I want a break.”
“A break?” His voice is high, frightened, like that time he dragged you to a haunted house and realized he’s so much worse at getting through them than you are.
“A break. I can’t go on like this. I don’t see you anymore. I don’t… I don’t know if I love you anymore.”
Mattsun sinks into himself, shrinks until he’s barely tall enough to look at you. 
This is what you did to him, you think, this is what he did to you.
“A break like Rachel or a break like Ross?” He asks, voice wavering.
You stare at the wall behind him, at the absence of a mess in the bedroom because you keep it tidy and he falls asleep on the Couch more often than not.
“Like Ross,” you say because you’ve always believed in clean cuts over jagged edges.
The worst thing is that he doesn’t fight.
Mattsun doesn’t argue with you over the end of your relationship.
If he had, this might have turned out differently.
But he doesn’t, he just sneaks back to the Couch in the living room, curls up in the blankets like a dog that’s been banished to his corner.
He doesn’t even wake up when you sneak outside, unable to sleep, unable to stay in one place.
It’s not Mattsun who finds you at the swingset, the place you always go to when you have to think.
It’s Makki.
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cagedcats · 2 days
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Temptation of the Sun
New Sol design is really fun for me
Still trying to figure out a Moonpaw I do like. Yoinked colors from her parents wiki sprites for here.
Since I kind of yoinked colors from a solar eclipse for Sol maybe a lunar eclipse could work for Moonpaw.
Also random rant under readmore
Also I’m still a little miffed of all cats they made her the kid of two cats that are cousins three times at least. When there is… oh idk… five to six cats that have little to no blood connection to anyone else. Two of which that are mates.
Daisy and Mousewhisker which yeah mother and son, but the only kin they have is other then each other is Cherryfall and Molewhisker. Stormcloud who has done nothing. Twigbranch and Finleap who are the mated pair. And now Sunbeam.
tho tbf to TwigFin I think Twig may be Childfree but idk! Just! Anyone else but the family wreath! Make her the kid of one of them. Or even do something with the implied StormCherry. Or NightSun, anyone please.
So you can have…
Daisy X Someone
Mouse x Someone (Minnow? It was a cute crush)
StormXCherry since it was implied
TwigFin but maybe not if you want to keep em child free
NightSun it would be expected and I can see not doing it, but it would be the easiest.
Or just have her as a random kid that stumbles upon the Clans. Could be fun.
May make Moon designs based on each. But if The Five Clans AU (which I still need a name) ever came to fruition she’d probably be one of these couples kids instead of… ThriftBay.
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reticent-writer · 2 days
Hear me out. Hear me tf out. A reader who is Tomioka’s fraternal twin and got separated from him when he ran into the mountains, with the relatives failing to find him but catching her. Anyway, she suddenly jumps out of the infinity castle during that one moment in the first episode of the Hashira training arc. Like, just as the door is about to close, this lady just appears and uses the demon as a stepping stone to jump out, and once it closes the momentum has her slamming onto the ground and rolling a couple of feet. And she just kind of lies there before rolling over and staring at the sky, before starting to laugh and cry at the same time, babbling about how she made it, she’s alive, she’s out of that place. Now, Sanemi and Obanai have no idea who this lady is, but they want answers as to why the hell she just jumped out of that place. She’s covered in scratches and had torn her kimono to knee-length for more mobility in there. Anyway, the Kakushi bringing her to headquarters to get her treated and during the Hashira meeting Sanemi or Obanai just mention this girl who was there in their mission and who is getting checked over by the butterfly girls, but she might have important information. Pls make a fic of this.
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I liked writing this it was fun. Thank you for requesting ヾ(≧▽≦*)o
It felt like an eternity since you were kidnapped by Douma but you remember your life before. You remember running with your sister and brother, only stopping when reaching a clearing in the forest. Your sister urged you and your twin to keep moving but when you tried to stand you found yourself in an unfamiliar place.
The Infinity Castle.
It's been years before since you've seen the sun but you didn't lose hope. Your sister and brother were out there, hopefully. They become your reason for living.
"Awww look at you. A rare beauty but so playful... please come out, I'm not gonna hurt you." Douma laughed.
You held your breath as you hid from the demon. Quietly maneuvering through the infinite rooms in vain. You've been playing hide n seek for hours, without food or water your body is sure to give out any minute now.
"I think I really lost you. Come out please, you'll be dead if Master finds you. Besides all that I know you're hungry, you haven't eaten in a few days. You won't last long if you keep with up." He pleaded, his voice becoming quieter the more you moved but you couldn't tell if it was a good thing or a bad thing.
As you walked through one of the rooms you saw a demon falling from what seemed to be different from the rest of the castle's terrain. It was an opening. Something that you had been tortured with, he would make an opening far enough way so that you would have to run to get to it. Of course, he was always faster and he wouldn't even let you get close.
But this time he didn't know where you were plus he didn't open it.
This was your chance to escape and you didn't waste it.
luckily for you the room you were in was close enough to make it even with your limited stamina.
You ran as fast as you could, taking the demon by surprise and using your momentum, propelled yourself through the opening right as the demon slayer stabbed the ground.
You made it.
You got as far away from the opening as you could. you laid on your back looking up at the moon. It finally hit you, You really got out. After years of being in that horrible place, you finally escaped.
You start to smile as tears welled up in your eyes. You gasped for air but a strained laugh left your lips when you exhaled. It quickly developed into deranged and uncontrollable laughter as the crocodile tears wouldn't stop.
The two demon slayers stared at you not knowing what to do.
"Hey, what were you doing in there?" Sanemi questioned as he pointed his sword at you.
It took you a moment to calm youut as you were about to speak you passed out.
*two weeks later*
"Her injuries are minor but she has so many of them that she lost a lot of blood. Judging by her physical condition she's malnourished and has been sleep-deprived for a while. It's better to let her rest for now." Ubuyashiki's son read out Shinobu's note at a hashira meeting.
"Sanemi, you and Obanai found her while in pursuit of a demon correct? Was there anything unusual about her?"
"Yes sir, she jumped out of the infinity castle as a demon went in. She was hysterical before she passed out." Sanemi explained as everyone listened intensely.
"When she wakes up I would like to talk to her with all of you present."
The rest of the meeting was uneventful.
Shinobu personally looked after you while you were recovering. You didn't wake up for another week and when you did, Shinobu ensured you were healthy enough before bringing you to a meeting.
She gave you new clothes and a nice meal before leading you to the demon slayers' headquarters.
You were met with a kind smile from the master which you returned. You sat on the gravel in front of the master.
None of the hashira had arrived yet.
"How are you feeling?" Ubuyashiki asked.
"I'm feeling much better. Thank you."
"That's good to hear. Do you have any plans after this is over?
"Hmm... I haven't thought about it. I have no home to go back to and my fam- I don't know what happened to my family." You muttered the last part.
"That's ok, we can talk about that later."
One by one the hashira arrived and sat in their usual positions.
"Hello, my children it's nice to see all of you in good condition. Now to the matter a hand, Ma'am can you tell us how you got into the demons domain." Ubuyashiki opened the floor for you to talk.
"I honestly don't know, one minute I was running with my brother and sister then the next I was in a room."
This caught Giyuu's attention.
"What was it like in there."
"Torture. I could barely eat, sleep, or even breathe without being watched. And the place was never-ending and constantly changing."
"DID YOU SEE KIBUTSUJI?" The wind hashira barked.
"Muzan Kibutsuji. The demon king." Ubuyashiki explained.
"Oh, Douma kept me away from him. He said if the master saw me he'd kill me. Douma is a demon with long blonde hair, a golden fan and colorful eyes."
"Did he have a number engraved in his eye? If so what was it?"
"Number 2."
"Forgive me for being so rude but I forgot to ask for your name."
"It's Tomioka Y/n."
i hope you like it
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residentficdm · 2 days
By Morning’s Light: Part 1
Charred wood crackles and bursts beneath his feet as David treads through the once-familiar Hollow. Beneath the thick shrouds of blackness lies a town he almost recognizes. The soft shape of the house he was born in peeks through the shadows—an invitation beckoning him. It’d be invisible if it weren’t burned into his brain.
He reaches a hand out into the darkness, finding grasp on the front door handle. Inside, lying face-down on the floor, is a woman. It’s almost too dark to see the brown curly hair he gave her, but despite the obscurity of the night, he knows who she is. He’d know her without touching his shaking hand to turn her over, know she’s dead without feeling her empty pulse.
He does it anyway.
Help them, Dae’valdin, is the last thing he hears in his mind before his vision goes white.
David shoots up from his bed, chest rising and falls rapidly, sweat on his chest glistening in the moonlight.
Third night in a row waking up this way. Third night in a row with the same dream.
Third night in a row having his mother’s dead body flash through his mind.
You cannot keep ignoring me, Dae’valdin, a voice sighs through his head, though no one is actually speaking.
David squeezes his eyes tightly. He’s felt inklings of this presence before, almost-thoughts lingering in his mind, but never with this much presence.
“It’s David,” he corrects the voice, dragging his palms down his sleep-numb face. A quick glance out the window tells him the sun is about to rise. No point in going back to sleep now. Might as well get an early start on the day’s chores before Snyder decides to chew him out. “And I can ignore you as long as I damn well please.”
You’d be wise not to speak to me like that, lest I revoke your gift.
“Fine by me,” he retorts, slipping into his work trousers. The so-called gift has caused him nothing but trouble.
Though, the voice is right. It’s more than simply unwise to mouth off to a goddess, it’s downright stupid. But David can’t find it in himself to swallow down the bitter ball of Why me? Selune has hundreds of devout servants across Faerun, maybe even thousands. Dutiful followers who can afford to sacrifice half their dinner plate into a fire as an offering to the moon goddess, clerics all but raised in the purest of monasteries.
And yet she has decided that David—a poor farmhand who can barely afford dinner most days—must be the one to shoulder this burden.
Trust in me. I have a plan for you, comes Selune’s voice through his mind, as if she can detect David’s thoughts.
“I would love for you to get out of my head.”
And I would love for you to show me a hair more reverence. And yet here we stand.
David’s plan of getting an early start on chores proves more difficult with a voice ringing in his head all morning.
Selune’s nagging accompanies him as he collects eggs from beneath sleeping chickens, mends some boards of fencing in the goat’s pens. By the time the sun’s properly risen, he’s collected six pints of goat’s milk and two dozen eggs.
He keeps two—for Sarah and himself—and stashes them in the kitchen while he goes out searching for kindling.
The stars are still out, perforating the navy early dawn sky like dollops of precious stone. Sinking down into the horizon, the moon is still visible. Selune’s domain.
Radiant, isn’t she?
David startles and drops the pile of wood he’s gather. “Holy fuck, I forgot you were there.”
Such divine language in the presence of a goddess.
“Apologies. It will likely happen again.”
I only jest. I have much more pressing matters than monitoring, much less caring, if my devouts swear.
David bristles at being called one of her devout. There are clerics, out in the city temples, who have dedicated decades of their lives to Selune’s cause. He doesn’t think he’s earned the right to be considered at the same level as them.
A full ten minutes pass by without the goddess intruding into David’s thoughts. In his reprieve, he sets the kindling he found ablaze and starts a breakfast for himself and his sister. Because he’s nothing if not a good brother.
“You didn’t wake me,” Sarah’s groggy voice calls behind him. The porridge he’s whipped up falls into the two serving bowls with a splat.
“Couldn’t sleep,” he says, taking the bowls to the table. It’s not a complete lie. “Thought I might as well put my insomnia to good use. Get an early start to chores.”
He digs a wooden spoon into his breakfast, careful to avoid Sarah’s studious gaze. A single strand of her unbrushed hair falls in front of her face, and she tucks it back behind her shoulder, but David still isn’t free from her scrutiny.
“No,” she finally decides. “There’s something you’re not telling me.”
David releases a labored sigh from his lungs. If he brings up his dream—the Hollow, their mother—Sarah will never let it go. David isn’t sure he wants to deal with that just yet.
On the other hand, if he lies to her and she finds out—and David trusts she will, either through her uncanny ability to read him or some twin telepathy—she will be equally as insufferable.
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tamanegi-san · 1 month
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I'm never gonna get over them
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meagancandraw · 7 months
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You ever think about how neither of them got to say goodbye?
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