#this is like the 3rd or 4th time in the past week that ive just gotten home @ like 10 and eaten aljttke bit and then like.
zexalmonth · 10 months
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Zexal Month 2023's coming up! From August 1st to the 31st, we’ll be celebrating our 7th Zexal Month! We're doing a Tarot theme!
All our prompts are based on the 23 Major Arcana! You can follow the written prompts or just draw something based on the actual arcana for the day!
For those who are with us for the first time, we have prompts with some suggestions attached to them. You can focus on characters, concepts or OCs, as long as it’s somehow Zexal related and we'll reblog it if it's tagged with #zexal month 2023. In addition to the daily prompts, we have a list of alternate prompts at the end of the list! We hope you have fun with it.
Week 1: Welcome to the Kingdom
1st: The Fool upright | Beginnings, innocence, spontaneity, a free spirit The king calls you all to introduce yourselves. Hello, fools! Who are you and how did you get into Zexal? 2nd: The Magician upright | Manifestation, resourcefulness, power, inspired action Duel monsters are the manifestation of the soul, so show us your favourite duel monster or card! Alternatively, show us your favourite Numbers Card! 3rd: The High Priestess upright | Intuition, sacred knowledge, the subconscious mind Music can do miraculous things to the subconscious mind. You can make something based on the soundtrack or themes/motifs you like. As a challenge, put on one of the Zexal soundtracks and try to make something before the song ends! Show it to us! 4th: The Empress upright | Femininity, beauty, nature, nurturing, abundance The empress summons you to talk about someone you truly care for. What makes your favourite character your favourite? If you have an OC, feel free to talk about them! Also, we love women, so if you want, show some female characters appreciation!
Week 2: Secrets of the Royal Court
7th- The Emperor upright | Authority, establishment, structure, a father figure All hail the barian emperors! Show us a piece about our favourite alien warlords and/or Don Thousand. You can also show us a non-barian Character as a Barian or something else Barian-related. Alternatively, an upright emperor also represents a father figure. Kazama? Faker? Tron? An OC or self-insert? Show us daddy issues something inspired by them! 8th- The Hierophant reversed | Personal beliefs, freedom, challenging the status quo The reversed hierophant means freedom and non-uniformity, so it’s dress up day! Put a Zexal character (or OC) in a new set of clothes they would/wouldn’t wear! Historically accurate clothes for Barians’ past lives? Mini skirt IV? Droite in her wrestler attire? Astral in a tutu? Just show us fashion!  9th- The Lovers upright | Love, harmony, relationships, values alignment, choices Time to spread the love! OTPs? OT3s? BROTPs? Character x Reader? Character x OC? The lovers card is all about ‘belonging’. What relationships do these characters have?    Draw us your ships, friendships or your favourite group of characters (Number’s Club, Sanyuushi, Arclights etc.) enjoying each others’ company. You can also show us the families of your favourite characters and create relatives for them if you prefer.  10th- The Chariot reversed | Self-discipline, opposition, lack of direction Sure, we have a “plot” but Zexal has lots of filler episodes and fun, zany detours! Show what sort of sports or hobbies the characters would get involved with in their spare time. 11th- Justice upright | Justice, fairness, truth, cause and effect, law Time to put a Zexal character on trial! What crimes are they charged for? What is the verdict? What is the punishment?  Feel free to get silly with this (Phoenix Wright, anyone?) or be as grim/morbid as you like. Will Vector finally pay for his transgressions? Up to you!
Week 3: Into the Woods
14th- The Hermit upright | Soul-searching, introspection, being alone, inner guidance As you are banished into the woods for your hot takes, you’re able to reflect on a long-forgotten friend. Make something based on your favourite obscure or minor character. Give those one-shot duelists some love! 15th- The Wheel of Fortune upright | Good luck, life cycles, destiny, a turning point Let’s just put your favorite characters on a game show. Can you imagine a Family Feud with Arclights vs Tenjos? Does anyone get lucky?  What sort of entertainment (outside of card games) do you think you’d see in Heartland City? 16th- Strength upright | Strength, courage, persuasion, influence, compassion Fight! Fight! Fight! In a contest of pure strength, who would win? Who do you NOT want to face in hand-to-hand combat. Who would you duel? If you want to keep yourself out of the fight, show two characters in a fight/duel! Bonus points if they haven’t canonically fought before.  17th- The Hanged Man upright | Pause, surrender, letting go, new perspectives A change of perspective! Is there any character you didn't like at the start, but ended up loving, or vice versa? Who is it and why?  Alternatively, what relationships do you wish we saw? What interactions did Zexal deprive us from? 18th- Temperance upright | Balance, moderation, patience, purpose Sometimes, your friends get on your nerves and you have to be patient with them. But it’s really hard when they’re mostly middle schoolers. How do you think characters would spend a Boys/Girls’ Night Out? What about a slumber party instead?
Week 4: Exile
21st- The Devil reversed | Releasing limiting beliefs, exploring dark thoughts, detachment Show us your villains or your favourite character(s) as a villain. Does their deck change as well? 22nd- The Tower upright | Sudden change, upheaval, chaos, revelation, awakening Show us your favourite punching bag hurting emotionally (whether from a death, tragedy, breakup or something else), in physical agony, or just having a good cry. Zexal is no stranger to angst, after all (we got how many death montages at the end of the series?).  If there are triggers or graphic themes/visuals, remember to tag them! 23rd- The Moon reversed | Release of fear, repressed emotion, inner confusion Some parts of Zexal were confusing and some plot points were forgotten. What do you wish you could have seen MORE of? Alternatively, is there something you didn’t like in Zexal? What and why? Show us what you would have preferred/thought was interesting! Explore a scenario that could have drastically altered Zexal. e.g. What if Kaito died of space cancer at the end of season 1? 24th- The Star upright | Hope, faith, purpose, renewal, spirituality Let’s change the tone of this week. Zexal is full of mythology and spirituality. Show us some of your favourite themes/lore in the show!   25th- The Sun upright | Positivity, fun, warmth, success, vitality The sun represents warm feelings as much as it represents treasure/wealth. Give your favourite character a cursed weapon or treasure. How do they react? What do they do with it? If you want a challenge, grab an image of Yuma’s room and pick a treasure/object. Draw it and/or give it a story. III definitely would love to hear you talk about it! 
Week 5: Court of the Dead
28th- Death upright | Endings, change, transformation, transition How’s the future for Zexal characters? Show us what you think a Zexal character (or several) are doing post-series or how they look when they grow up? 29th- Judgement upright | Judgement, rebirth, inner calling, absolution Zexal ended a long time ago but it’s time to give it a bit of new life. It’s crossover day! How would a Zexal character look/act in the world of the fandom you're into now (or vice versa)? 30th- The World upright | Completion, integration, accomplishment, travel Scenery appreciation! (Tell us what’s your favorite location in Zexal). Alternatively, show us a location where the Zexal characters you like would go on vacation or for an adventure. 31st-  The Deck Summarise your Zexal Month 2023! What did you like? What didn’t you like? Any shout-outs you want to give?  
Alternate prompts
As per usual, alternate prompts are meant for ANY day and you can do as many or as few alternate prompts as you like. I can’t stop you if you want to do prompt 10) thirty-one times during Zexal month. 
Holding back/recklessness
Manipulation/poor planning
Age-swap/younger days
Parallel worlds / Fused world
“But there is only one bed…”
“Can you explain why I have to bail you guys out of jail AGAIN?”
A heist!
Middle school/High school AU
Lunchtime shenanigans
Fantasy/Fairytale AU
Hygge: A very strong feeling of cosiness, of a special moment, alone or with friends, where you feel utterly content, secure, reassured, comforted, and even kinship if you’re among loved ones. 
Verschlimmbessern: To fix something but only make it worse
Backpfeifengesicht: A face badly in need of a fist.
Body Swap/Soul swap
As usual, feel free to do whichever prompts you like in whatever order you want. These prompts are a guideline, rather than a hard rule, and you can make art, write fanfiction, make amvs/animatics or just talk about it! Just do what you can manage! No need to do all of them if you don’t want to.
Also, we have a new mod on the team to join me and Iris. Welcome mod Fla!
We can't wait for this August to see what you share with the fandom! Please share this around and spread the Zexal love!
Love Mod Pyra
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eldritchmochi · 9 months
okay so, to have a place for consolidated information for the next little bit, since i'm sure folks have QUESTIONS given my incredibly aggressive gallows humour
if you got here via a link, follow this link instead for the latest update here's updates 1.5, 2.0, and 3.0 !
tldr ive been getting a number of recurrent small bowel obstructions located in my duodenum (first part of the small intestine, connecting the stomach to the rest of the bowel) due to external pressure on the duodenum around the 3rd to 4th (of 4) section. what's causing the pressure?? no clue actually ive done a bazillion scans and none of them have been quite clear enough for a real confident dx so i get to have surgery about it at some point in the near future
current theory is the pressure is from some sort of non-cancerous tumor mass and the plan is to cut me open nice and big, look about, and remove both this mass and the affected section of the duodenum (.5 of an organ) at a minimum, but may involve fully bipassing the duodenum when my guts get hooked back up to my stomach which could (would???) also require removing my gallbladder (1 and 2 organs respectively) (i'm having so much yanked out of my abdomen this summer jfc)
atm i'm still waiting for scheduling to give me a call to set things up. surgeon's estimate was 4-5 weeks from now (8/17 when he called). from that point i'll spend a week-ish in the hospital to make sure all hoses are firmly affixed, and then i'll have a month at a minimum before i'm reasonably healed and can go back to normal life
i have good insurance and the luck (????) of being incredibly ill at the best of times, so i've already hit my out of pocket max and thus this WHOLE THING even back dating to my first er visit end of june will cost a whopping 189$ that i've already paid. i also should qualify for my states paid medical leave and my wife will get a hefty chunk of change for living expenses via student loans. however, both those things won't hit until late september at the earliest
long term, im not expecting much of a financial burden, but short term we could use a hand with groceries and similar while we wait for my backpay and my wife's student loans
for venmo and paypal: i am @/sumomomochi for both and either is fine, though pp is labeled as a business account so pls mark f&f if you can
i also have this amazon wishlist ( https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/N1NSTH3JPCX2?ref_=wl_share ) that is like 90% meal replacement shakes and bulk shelf stable snacks, but also has a couple of other useful things like bathing wipes since i am unlikely to be able to shower well post surgery, pj pants for when it cools down (i went up a size with t because my ass and thighs got just so beefy and thus have one pair that fits rn lmao), and cat food for the penni (gotta keep my nurse well paid)
uuuh what else
like i said, i'm incredibly ill at the best of times so i am a champ at weathering this sort of stuff its nbd. "i'm sorry"s are not helpful, i'd much rather have people ask direct specific questions, either about my health status or things i'm doing to keep busy (ie "any new and fun things causing tummy issues?" or "hows your battle vest coming?" or "whats your fav line youve written this week?"). engagement and entertainment is Important to keep me from climbing the walls but i swear i will bite at straight sympathy
things ive been doing to keep me out of the er include: laying on my left side or stomach (The Digestion Position; helps get food past the squished part); eating a semi-liquid diet (hence ensure, jello, pudding, the like, though its important that i also eat solid food as much as is tolerated, which is such a delicate balance. this is why i cannot currently work); going on stupid little walks for my stupid digestive health (honestly the most important thing i can do, which im mad about, because it requires pants, but not only encourages guts to digest but also will help me not decondition, which i have already done a lot of :I)
things YOU can do to help (because i know *i* am a helper but also what is actually helpful??): financially with the above deets (no pressure); asks, comments, and other conversational interactions (i am absolutely chill with basically any kind of question and i dont mind dms if youd prefer privacy, just dont pedestal me i promise i am just A Dude); fanart for my fics (i do not care if you "cant draw" i will still love it); prompts for fandom but not necessarily fic projects (wardrobe moodboards/meta for characters, playlists/songs, smut writing how to questions, cosplay progress/plans qs, those "what was x's pov in this scene/what specifically happened between x and y in this fic?" qs andor other ask meme things idk dude i haven't been able to do shit for almost three months im booooored)
in conclusion
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nurse penni says do not worry about herb patient, he is in good hands, just be sure to offer regular enrichment
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spaceageloveblog · 2 years
Jimmy retired to his 'baronial life' in the art-and-antique-filled boathouse with a new girlfriend, Charlotte Martin, an arresting French model and ex-lover of Eric Clapton's, to whom he'd been introduced by Roger Daltrey.
My favorite sentence (so far) from Bob Spitz’s biography of Led Zeppelin, possibly the most rock ‘n’ roll sentence I’ve ever read
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(It’s on page 219, I’m currently on page 265 of 575, so maybe there’ll be better sentences to come)
I started reading this book a few weeks ago and subsequently started listening to their albums. I really only previously knew their big songs. I listened to a lot of classic rock when I was younger but for whatever reason never was really into Led Zeppelin.
Well, I’m not breaking anything here, but they are really good.
Their 1st album is like a 9.5 out of 10. Just great. Been listening to “Dazed and Confused” nearly every day for a few weeks now. I hear Kanye West in this song:
Their 2nd album is a straight up 10 out of 10. I mean, “Whole Lotta Love” is arguably the best rock song of all time. This one of the few Zeppelin songs I would have said I was a fan of before I started this bender a few weeks ago. But it’s also got “Ramble On” and “Heartbreaker,” a song I guess I heard before but have likely listened to more in the past few weeks than the rest of my life combined. I am listening to it as I type this and my whole body sort of just moves along to it.
Their 3rd album is a miss in my opinion. I liked “Tangerine” though.
Their 4th album is another perfect 10 out of 10. How awesome would it have been to be 16 years old in 1971, having loved the 1st 2 albums, been a tad confused by the 3rd, then listen to IV for the 1st time?
You hear “Black Dog” and “Rock and Roll” and think to yourself, OK, Led Zeppelin is back! Then “Battle of Evermore” comes on, you sort of dig it, but it is a change of pace. But “Stairway to Heaven” starts slowly and you’re like, well, shit, back to this mellow thing again, is this going to be the last album all over again? 
Only to have the back half of the song kick in and your mind get blown.
The next two albums both have names and both are good. Neither as good as II or IV. Both definitely better than III. I think I like the 6th, Physical Graffiti, better than the 5th, Houses of the Holy, but not by much. Maybe they are better than the debut. But the debut is the debut and is special. I need to listen to them a few more times each probably.
There’s only a few albums left, which I’m sure I’ll listen to the coming weeks. And I’ll probably find their concert movie, The Song Remains the Same, streaming somewhere and watch that. But I will eventually finish the book, and this phase will pass. I am already pre-sad that it will all be over soon.
And I feel like I need apologize to those friends and acquaintances from high school and college that tried to warn me about Led Zeppelin but I didn’t listen. I remember VH1 advertised The Song Remains the Same incessantly when I was living in my freshman dorm room in 1997 and it seemed absurd. But one of my roommates was really into Zeppelin and didn’t understand what I found to be absurd about it. But we bonded over Oasis, so that was fine.
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faerun · 1 year
this is like the 3rd or 4th dream I've had in the past few weeks where I just scream-cry at my mom over something trivial. in this one I was trying to show her around my new house and she wouldn't get off her phone and was ignoring me so i just ripped into her and it felt cathartic as fuck but also upsetting at the same time bc ive never yelled at my mom irl. a psychologist would have a field day with me
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pepprs · 5 years
this is so sad can i PLEASE stop falling asleep as soon as i get home from school
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violetnotez · 4 years
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Omg I know anon poor baby is always getting hurt! 🥺 I’m sorry this took so long, but I hope you like it!
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Genre: Fluff, PG
Word Count: 2951
Warnings: none!
Summary: Izuku expects to find himself with Recovery Girl after he gets hurts in training yet again. How surprised he is to find it’s actually you who gets to take care of his wounds.
Prompt: #2, “You wanna get out of here?” for the @bnhabookclub Provisional Licensing Event!
(Here’s the link)
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Izuku’s leg jumped as he waited impatiently in the sterile white room. 
This was now the 3rd time he was in the nursing office this week alone, and it was beginning to exasperate him how easily his body could get damaged in simple training.
He had to work to be harder. Faster. Stronger.
And he couldn’t do that without getting a little torn up and beaten up-it’s the fact he didn’t know when to stop that was the trouble.
Recovery Girl had told him that multiple times since he had became a regular visitor in her office, even threatening to speak to Aizawa-Sensei and revoke some of his training hours. 
That was the very last thing Izuku ever wanted to happen: he had to train. But he laso had to put everything into it: if he didn’t, how wouldnt ever get better.
Izuku heard a door inside the office open, looking up to meet Recovery Girl with a sheepish grin. 
But to his surprise, it wasn’t Recovery Girl-it was a student. 
They didn’t seem to notice him at first as they began to rummage in filing cabinets, their fingers nimbly searching through the organized folders.
Izuku stared with reddened cheeks-they were pretty cute.
But where was Recovery Girl? Maybe they were her assistant, but no, he was in the nurses office so much he would have known-
“Um, excuse me? Are you injured-do you need help?” The attractive person asked, their eyes looking down at him. They were right in front of him now, staring at him with an amused smirk as he thought out loud.
Izuku yelped, realizing a moment too late that he was mumbling again. His whole face became enveloped in red, his freckles much more prominent as he looked up.
“No-actually, um-yes, yes, I am hurt, just not badly,its really just a scratch -“ he was rambling again, instantly stopping as he realized how silly he sounded. His cheeks were on fire, and he was feeling so sheepish and dumb. Why couldn’t he form a single sentence correctly? This person was just too attractive, he couldn’t think straight-
He was surprised to here the person chuckle, their body bending down to be at eye level with him.
“Why am I not surprised Izuku Midoriya is in the nurses office again?” You grinned at his clearly shocked face, his green eyes wide with bewildernment.
“How-how do you know my name?” He asked, his eyebrows knitted in confusion.
You smiled at the nervous boy, your eyes drinking in his face-he was pretty attractive, his cheeks dusted with pink and his freckles scattered around his face like stars. His eyes were a pretty shade of forest green, his messy hair matching it perfectly.
You knew you should be checking for his vitals and any obvious injuries that were life threatening, thats what you’ve been taught after all-but if he had enough blood to blush that hard a few moments ago, he was more than likely fine.
“Well, your practically a honorary resident in the office at this point” you smiled playfully.
You remember him? That made Izuku’s heart soar, knowing somebody as cute as you could actually recall who he was.
Izuku felt a twinge of guilt though, because if you had seen him so many other times, why was this his first time seeing you?
“I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be rude, really,” he stuttered out, “but I don’t-seem to remember you-“
“Oh, don’t feel bad!” You comforted him, “Ive only just started interning with Recovery GIrl these past two weeks,”
“My name’s y/n.” you gave him a warm smile, making Izuku’s insides feel fuzzy.
You began to rummage in the cabinet on the wall, pulling out a small first aid- kit.
“You just happen to hear alot of things once your around teachers more,” you answered his question happily, opening the kit on the bed Izuku was sitting on.
“Like-like what?” he was a little concerned by that- were the teachers in some way talking negatively about him?
You noticed the way his expression changed to worry, giving him a calm smile.
“Its nothing bad, dont worry,” you reassured him, “Recovery Girl actually has quite a soft side for you- its just shes worried about how hard you work yourself.
“You definitely have a reputation for getting yourself pretty banged up, dont’cha?” you giggled at the way Izuku gave you such a guilty, sheepish grin as he fidgeted with his scarred hands.
He chuckled along with you, “More a less- I guess…”
He watched you pull out items from the white box:soft gauze, a vile of clear liquid, fluffy cotton balls, brand new bandages-
“If you dont mind me asking- is Recovery Girl not here today?” he asked
“Nope! Shes on break right now,” you explained, pulling a chair from under the bed he was sitting on, “so you got me for today,”
You scouted the chair in close, so you were practically in between Izuku’s legs and looking right up at him. He felt his body heat up from the sudden closeness-you seemed so calm, collected, and in control, while he was feeling like nervous wreck from how close you were..
“So, you injured your side, right? On the left?” you asked, looking at the torn clothing on his abdomen.
He gave you a curt nod, his green curls bouncing slightly.
 You looked up at him suddenly, his breath stopping in his chest.
“Mind if I look?” you asked, your voice sweet like honey.
“Uh, sure go ahead- just, be careful- its pretty, bruised-”
“Oh, dont worry ‘Zuku, Ill be gentle,” you sent the boy a wink, making his head spin.
Wait- were you flirting with him?
He felt your hands gingerly prod against his PE shirt, the fabric practically worthless around his injury. Your hand left a ticklish feeling against his skin, like kisses trailing along the surface. They sent his stomach into a frenzy, making it felt like it was made out of cotton. 
You hand reached lower, towards his 4th rib bone, prodding slightly as you went along. Izuku instinctively hissed in pain as you touched a certain spot- that was the most tender area by far.
 You gave him a worried expression, a quiet sorry spilling out of your lips as you retracted your hand.
You rested your chin against your fingers, your lips pouted out slightly as you sat there deep in thought.
“You definitely got a good injury there-” you concluded, “but Im not too worried about it. A couple bandages and maybe something for the bruising….and you should be good to go!”
Izuku breathed a sigh of relief, being careful to not exhale too much in order to not irritate his wound.
“Thats a relief!”
You looked down, your teeth catching your bottom lip in nervousness by what you were going to say next. You had to heal it, but the only way to do it would need Izuku to get a little bit more comfortable with you.
“But….in order for me to properly heal it-
“Your gonna have to take off your shirt Izuku.”
Izuku could barely breathe now- take off his shirt- in front of you?? 
He could have gotten a cut anywhere- his arm, leg, shoulder- but no, he got it on his stomach. Where you, this pretty nurses assistant, would have to see him close to naked. 
He know he shouldn't be so worried, this was your job after all, you probably seen plenty of have naked students come and go due to injuries- it just felt strange.
“Are-are you sure, I think Ill be fine, you dont have to, its okay Ill just-” he began to ramble, his mouth making word soup as his anxiety kicked in.
“Izuku,” you sighed calmly, “you wanna get out of here, right?”
He nodded numbly, his green eyes full of concern and sheepish from the turn of events.
“Then your gonna have to trust me,” you placed your hand on his knee, leaning into his body softly.
God- you were- so- close.
Izuku felt his face heat up, unable to think properly. How were you so okay with being so close? You seemed so unfazed by being this near him, your voice calm and reassuring. He, on the other hand, was practically shaking from shock and nervousness.
“I wont judge you for anything, I promise,” you gave him a cheeky grin, letting your eyes trail to his torso, “-and I don’t think you have anything to worry about,” 
The boy was always training, non-stop- at least that’s what you heard from the teachers. 
You were practically certain this boy was only made of hardened muscle, watching how is arms ripples with each movement and the built muscle move under your fingertips.
 If he was worried he wasnt in the best physique to be near a girl shirtless, you were quite certain he was sorely mistaken. 
And if giving him some praise was going to make him feel a little comfortable-you would give him as much as he needed.
Izuku shuffled in his seat again, crinkling the thin paper on the bed.
“O-okay then-I trust you,” he said, trying to sound a little more confident, “Do what you have to do.”
“Awesome!” You exclaimed softly. “I have to go get a few more things..:in the mean time, try to take off that shirt, Kay? Be gentle-and don’t be afraid to call me if you need help,”
You gave him a reassuring pat on the knee, rising from your chair to get larger bandages from another cabinet. You turned your back to Midoriya, walking over to another cabinet and rummaging through the boxes until you found the perfect size bandages.
You felt your hands shake slightly, your heart beating feverishly against your chest. 
Why were you nervous? Was his hesitancy rubbing off on you now? You shouldn’t be scared in any way-you were quite accustomed to this, already working on a handful of other students since interning with Recovery Girl. This shouldn’t be a such a nerve-wracking problem-you has seen countless shirtless boys-
But you had never seen Izuku shirtless-and that was a first.
You willed yourself to take a calming breath, trying to coax your stampeding heart to lull to a normal pace. You had to be comfortable for him at least-he was so beet red in the face from worry he practically looked like a he had a fever.
“Hey Midoriya, you doing alright-“ you began as you turned around, trying to sound as cheerful as possible until your eyes feel on Izuku, your breath hitched in your throat.
This boy was built like a god.
His arm muscles gleamed in the fluorescent lights, almost sparkling as they slumped gently with his breaths. His pecks protruded our nicely, and his abdomen was a sight to be seen. Your hands itched to run along his abs, each one perfectly rounded and built. His v-line made you blush as it set deep into his skin, barely pecking out from his pants.
You could now fully see the injury, the only thing that was disrupting the masterpiece that was Izuku’s body. The red Cuts and purple bruises looked shallow as they encased around his 4th and 5th ribs.
“Is it-that bad?” he asked timidly,’his green orbs staring intently at your shocked face.
You shook your head of your stare, your cheeks inflamed-you couldn’t just be so blatantly enraptured by him. You secretly thanked that Izuku was kind of clueless and thought you were freaking out over his wound, because any other person would have known you were really just checking him out.
“Oh no! Your injury is fine,” you gave him a sheepish grin, placing the boxes on his bed.
His injury was easily fixable, and not at all serious- you were just so confused. How could someone so cute and endearing be so HOT.
“You really do train hard, huh, Midoriya?” You gave another glance at his abdomen, making Izuku chuckle nervously.
You pushed the chair you had sit in under the bed, deciding it would be easier to work on him if he was standing.
Oh geez-youd be the death of him-
you were now standing in between his legs, your hands ghosting the skin on his knees as you stared at him with those pretty eyes of yours.
He gave another small chuckle, his hand going up to scratch the back of his neck. The movement didnt react to well with his injury, a sharp pain crawling up his body. He winced, instinctively holding his side as you looked at him with worry.
“Is it alright if I-” your hands went to lightly touch his side, but he moved to block it away from your touch.
He realized his movements might have looked rude to you, his eyes growing wide with worry.
“I-I’m Sorry, I didn’t mean to-“ he began to feverishly apologize, but quickly stopped once he felt you place your hand on his lower thigh.
“It’s fine, Izuku, really, I’d do the same thing to,” you gave him a soft smile, squeezing his thigh gently.
That action made his whole body feel like jello, his mind only focusing on the way your hand was so gentle against his skin.
“Do you still trust me, though?”
“O-of course!” He exclaimed, his eyes wide.
“Alright then-I promise I’ll be as gentle as possible, Kay?” You said softly, your voice so soothing to Izuku it felt like a lullaby in his ears.
He nodded his head, his curls cascading over his eyes slightly as you took your hand off his leg, his eyes watching your every move.
Your fingers gently ran against the bruised skin, making sure to be as soft and gentle as you could with the infliction. 
You didn’t want to cause him any type of unnecessary pain, but sometimes it was necessary to get the job done.
“I-uh-I have to clean your wounds,” you looked up at Izuku, surprised to see how gentle his eyes were as he looked down at you. He seemed to be much calmer, but the way he looked so dazed and in bliss made your heart thump painfully in your chest.
 “It might sting a little, but I promise after that, it won’t hurt any more than it does.”
“That alright, I-I won’t take any offense, your doing what you have to do,” he grinned slightly at you, his freckles like stars against his cheeks.
You returned the sweet gesture, trying to focus back on his wound and not the way  Izuku was making you feel.
 He was so sweet and so adorably awkward, you couldn’t help but feel something towards the boy that was more than just a friendship feeling. He really was different than any other boy you had ever talked to.
You began working on his cuts, sterilizing each one, and making sure they were completely clean so they wouldnt get any type of infection.
Your heart went out for this poor boy-he really was strong. You had always hated this part whenever getting an injury, and he took it like a champ.
He only hissed once, his eyes and nose scrunched up, reminding of you when a bunny sniffs something it didn’t quite like. He body tensed for a split second, his hands curling around the bed. You placed your hand gently on his, making sure that he knew you were still there. You gave him an apologetic expression, his eyes looking down at you delicately, reassuring you that it was alright.
The room was deathly quiet, yet it was comfortable-you focused solely on Izuku, placing an ointment on the open flesh in order to help it heal. You made sure to keep your hands clean in order to not spread any possible infection, walking away to clean your hands at certain times.
Midoriya hated when you left, missing the warmth your body radiated off. It was intoxicating, really-you were so incredibly gentle and sweet with him. Your hands were so soft and light he sometimes couldn’t even feel you working to heal his injury. He was cherishing each moment: the way he could almost feel your heart rate from your wrist against his skin, the way your fingers would brush against the inner side of his arms by accident, sending a tingle to shoot up throughout his body. He loved how your voice was so soothing and tender, and the way you took time to make sure he was comfortable, asking him if this area hurt the most, if he felt the bandages were too tight, if he needed anything for the bruising.... You were so kind and considerate it made his heart soar with how much you cared for him in this moment.
His chest exhaled sadly when you moved away from him for the last time, realizing you had finally fixed him up.
You stared at your handiwork, your hands a little firmer this time as you moved in quickly, wrapping your fingers against the thick bandages.
“Does this feel fine? Do you feel this? Is it too tight?” You asked for what seemed like the uptenth time, making Izuku chucke sweetly.
He really didnt mind all your questions: he found it quite endearing actually.
“Yep! I’m fine, honestly, you don’t have to worry,” he gave a sheepish grin, gently trying to move to get off the bed.
You instantly rushed to help him, your hands gingerly finding a place in the crook of his elbow and his waist, guiding him off the bed.
He smiled up at you, your heart soaring as the freckled boy gave you such a warm look of appreciation.
You fidgeted nervously, sadly letting go of your hands on his body and tucking a hair behind your ear.
“Your free to go if you want Izuku, it was really nice meeting you!” You gave him one last smile, his heart dropping sadly as he smiled back.
“It was really nice meeting you too, it’s-too bad we don’t have any classes together, you seem, well, really nice!” He was practically stuttering again, yet your warm laugh made him feel a little at ease.
“Oh don’t worry about that Izuku, I’m sure you’ll be back in here in no time! I hope you don’t be too beat up then, but I look forward to it,”
“Me-me too”
And with one last smile, he walked out the door, his heart beating feverishly in his chest.
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@birds-have-teeth​ @yuueimagines​ @orokayagi​ @leeeah-loooser​ @freckledoriya​
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secretsniper2 · 3 years
A Walk in the Park
Morning, another dreary day ahead, usual routine, put my robe on, brush hair and put in ponytail, bit of makeup. Downstairs for something to eat and some coffee when i see it by the front door, a letter. Bit strange, i don't usually get letters but its addressed to me so why not check it out?
“Dear Emma, Our scouts saw you a few weeks ago and we believe you would be a perfect fit for our next event, you'll receive fair compensation for your time and equipment will be provided on arrival. we hope you accept.”
Looking over the letter again its as simple as its written, it even has a address, time and date, 5pm this Friday? well its not like im busy or anything, i was going to go to the movies with some friends but they bailed on me, and my account is getting rather empty.. sounds interesting.
“At least i now have something to DO in 3 days!” i chuckle to myself.
Sitting around the house with nothing to do, i think ill check out this address today while its broad daylight, its on the other side of town so i can walk through the park on the way and have some fresh air.
Sliding out of my robe i opt for a white shirt with black pants, always a good combo and some typical shoes for the park and walk. Busy today as usual as people rush in every direction on their way to wherever they are going, after a few brushes with clearly eager hands with 1 cupping my ass i manage to get to the park and take a breath, “pretty handsy today” i think to myself as i run my hand over my freshly groped ass. Another breath in and i continue away from the hands on crowd and move on.
Its quite impressive, iv walked past this building a few times before but this will be the first time i actually see the inside, its usually for high end events the kind of which id never enjoy, the high arches over the front door, the marble columns and statues lining the outside. what kind of job will it be anyway? im not good with food.
i shrug as i walk back through the park, longer route than i need but its a nice day to wander.
As i sit on a bench i can hear something i dont think iv ever expected to hear in a park, someone is moaning, quiet enough to not draw much attention but loud enough to hear if you get too close.. like me. Curiosity has me by the tits now as i turn to the bushes behind my chair and look around a large tree. Red hair swaying back and forth as right on the other side of the tree some girl is getting fucked, hard by her restricted moans, a red ballgag wedged tight in her mouth and a blindfold over her eyes, the man wont see me if i stay behind the tree but with his eyes closed he couldn't see the girl his cock is ramming.
The girl has some small clamps on her nipples with her blue minidress pulled down under her breasts and pulled up over her hips, its nothing more than a loose corset right now, 6 inch heels padlocked to her feet and a collar locked around her neck. Rose red cheeks almost glowing with heat as her moans escape the gag, on closer look the man has his cock buried not in her pussy, its her ass he is stuffing, her pussy is vacant but there's something covering it that has a few wires running up her back leading to a purple remote.
My adrenaline skyrockets as the man starts looking around for observers but luckily looked away first so i leaned back around the tree and was not gone as far as they knew, my own cheeks red now after watching what's going on, my own pussy pulsing as arousal sets in, i slowly look around the tree and the man is gone, the redhead is still there, on all 4s and shaking in a euphoric bliss.
A hand, grasping my shoulder and neck, squeezing tight my surprise wasted on a sharp inhale rather than a scream for help, im spun around and his eyes are staring daggers into mine, normally i would be thrashing by now but the sheer surprise, this man who was just fucking the other girl places a wet hand over my mouth. fear over the cause for the wetness keeps my lips sealed as my eyes lock to his own. The remaining hand which had spun me around was already working on my pants, pushing under and into my long since wet panties, his large fingers pushing in without a moments hesitation as his knuckle grinds into my clit.
I orgasm, faster than iv ever cum before, what takes minutes for me with my vibrator took this man seconds with 2 large fingers, 2 large fingers which are now moving like pistons as im spun around yet again, my back to him as his hand that was over my mouth leaves his mark on my lips as my neck is grasped. led from behind to the other girl who is now sitting up, blindfold off and eyes gazing at me, my body under the command of another's forceful insistence.
The hand that had been massaging me close to another orgasm withdraws as he trails my own juices up under my shirt and pinches my nipple through my bra. The man commands and the girl responds by crawling up and begins to pull my pants down, white panties soaked and stuck to my pussy in full view to this woman as my pants are pulled down to my knees. A little giggle from the woman reveals shes removed her gag, handing it to the man who then lowers to the ground, my body falling after him, the woman crawling under my pants and looks up, face now between my legs as my panties are dragged aside by her thin fingers.
As i open my mouth to beg her not to continue i see a flash of red and my mouth widens in surprise, the gag the redhead was wearing, biting and drooling on was now buckled into my own mouth, biting instinctively against the situation the man begins pulling my shirt and bra up over my head. Im helpless and exposed, 1 arm from this man is holding both of mine behind my back and i cant beat his strength. His remaining hand cupping my breasts 1 at a time as his friend peals my panties off my pussy.
“She looks so tasty! how much can i have?” the redhead gleefully says like a child talking about chocolate.
“Till i say so” the man responds in a deep throaty voice.
Its all she needed to hear as her face sinks into my sex, her lips locking with my won and her nose presses against my clit, her tongue working my walls over and then sinking in for a better taste.
To say im the loudest moaner would be natural, of course iv never been gagged and eaten out by another woman before, her nose running back and forth as i cum right on her tongue which she slurped up with a desperation iv never seen on anyone before. the sounds of her moaning into my pussy sending shivers up my spine, why couldn't i just ignore the sounds?
Eyes shooting open at the thought, what if someone else is now watching me cum at the tongue of this woman with a gag in my mouth? ill be seen as the pervert here more than these 2! The hand that had been working my breasts moves again, this time to my gagged mouth, covering it easily he pinches my nose as well, i cant breathe! and this woman has doubled her effort, at this rate ill cum for a 3rd time in as many minutes!
Mind begging for air, brain screaming for it as my eyes fall on the mans face, his cold expression telling me that it wont end soon, muscles tensing as my pussy shakes with a tongue and fingers working hard, another orgasm slurped up by the hungry redhead and still the man holds tight, the woman now focussing on my throbbing clit which, till now has only been rubbed by her nose on occasion, hot lips tight at the base as her tongue caresses as she sucks hard.
a 4th orgasm tears through my body, iv never had 4 in a row, most iv had till now was 2 in a row. These 2 are pushing me and they don't care if i break! Air rushes in as the man releases my nose, waiting for the exhale he pinches again, the woman pressing fingers deep inside, my G-spot being massaged as my clit is sucked.
“Enough Cunt” the man says, loud enough to be heard by just us as the woman breaks away from my throbbing pussy, her handiwork was leading me to a 5th, release the man has taken away as the source of pleasure slides out from between my legs with her face glistening in my pleasure, a smile on her face and eyes on mine. the lights dim as im forced to pass out.. not here, with them.
“nooo..” i weakly say into the gag.
Cold, wet, exhausted.. My eyes open and im alone, in a small, secluded alcove of bushes, no one would find her here but why am i here? im in another part of the park entirely! did they really move me while i was unconscious? at least my clothes are all back on, a bit forced, but with a noticeable difference.. my panties are gone, bra too.. my soaked pussy in my pants and rigid nipples rubbing against my shirt, its already chafing and i have barely moved!
“Home is.. that way” i think to myself as i shamble out of the bushes, my pants occasionally making contact with my hypersensitive pussy, my muscles jerk or twitch in response as it takes me 15 minutes to walk 3 minutes with me constantly looking over my shoulders, occasionally looking at others and becoming very aware of my nipples making their presence known to any who would look my way.
Safe, i think. Doors locked as i check the clock on the wall, iv been gone all day! how long was i out? did they do anything to me while i was unconscious? ill have to give my body a look in my room, walking up my stairs i look completely different compared to this morning, my neat hair in a ponytail? now a utter mess, my white shirt not missing a button and my nipples pressing through the thin fabric, my black pants now dirty and panties missing with a soaked pussy just underneath.
Stripping in my room i turn to my mirror, my breasts have bruises, my pussy burning red, clit still throbbing. looking at my soaked pussy my mind drifts back, i could have ran! i could have screamed! but i just watched and wanted and then joined them. was i really that needy? that pent up?
My hand already beating my mind to the punch as my fingers circle my clit, sitting on my bed i fall back as i work hard, my need burning again, harder than usual. My fingers clearly not up to the task i roll over to my bedside table, my toys will scratch this itch as usual, at least to release.
Why? WHY?! why did i enjoy what they did?! the man pinning me with 1 arm and the woman, that redhead, her mouth.. her lips, the skill and determination.. why did i love every second of her attention, rolling over, closing my legs, locking my vibrator against my clit it isnt enough! its always worked before,
“my favourite position and toy have never failed me before” i plead in my head as i curl into a ball as the vibrations stir me into a frenzy, memories of what happened still fresh in my mind, nipples pinched, clit sucked, pussy devoured.
“nnnngh! Cmmmm NNNNNNN” i grunt into my pillow!
why wont it work! i need to, i want to cum! why why whyyy! my mind racing with desire when a thought rose up. Moving my arms behind my back i grab my elbows with my hands and squeeze hard, i bite my pillow and moan as a colossal orgasm tears my pussy to pieces on its way out! the single largest orgasm iv ever had and my arms race to the vibrator and turn it off with tears in my eyes, i know what they did to me.. but what did they do to me?
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ramabear · 3 years
Trustfall Update Time: Edited
First off: we have 11 ish weeks until posting starts! how exciting!
if you’re unaware, my posting plans are as follows: I’ll be posting every saturday morning (central time) (starting on JULY 3rd September 4th) on a weekly basis until chapters run out. at this point i have over 50 chapters for trustfall alone (yeah theres some other stuff thats gonna sneak in) and so i’ll be posting, at the very least, a full year of fic starting THIS WEEKEND in september.
(there is a scheduled trustfall break next february, where we’re going to get a brief pause for another fic, but with how ive scheduled it we won’t be stopping in the middle of anything, just at the end of act one) I don’t know how this is panning out now with the changes in update but i’’ll probably still wait until february for the railcar sequel
secondly, here’s a wordcount update! o(*°▽°*)o
trustfall act 1 part 1: 37k
trustfall act 1 part 2: 32k
trustfall first intermission: 29k
trustfall act 2 part 1: 56k
trustfall act 2 part 2: 50k
trustfall second intermission: 8k
trustfall act 3 part 1 (ongoing): 28k 36k
That puts our total at 248k! and act 3 is looking like its gonna be a doozy so, it might have three subsections? after all, it’s going to include the sport festival arc and some of the bit after that
to be honest, i’ve been having a little trouble focusing on working on trustfall because i’m having some doubts about things, but hopefully i can work past those. slow and steady wins this race :)
that’s it for this update! i’ll hopefully be back soon with act 3′s further update :) 
if you have any questions, feel free to ask :)
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secretsniper3 · 3 years
A Walk in the Park
Morning, another dreary day ahead, usual routine, put my robe on, brush hair and put in ponytail, bit of makeup. Downstairs for something to eat and some coffee when i see it by the front door, a letter. Bit strange, i don't usually get letters but its addressed to me so why not check it out?
“Dear Emma, Our scouts saw you a few weeks ago and we believe you would be a perfect fit for our next event, you'll receive fair compensation for your time and equipment will be provided on arrival. we hope you accept.”
Looking over the letter again its as simple as its written, it even has a address, time and date, 5pm this Friday? well its not like im busy or anything, i was going to go to the movies with some friends but they bailed on me, and my account is getting rather empty.. sounds interesting.
“At least i now have something to DO in 3 days!” i chuckle to myself.
Sitting around the house with nothing to do, i think ill check out this address today while its broad daylight, its on the other side of town so i can walk through the park on the way and have some fresh air.
Sliding out of my robe i opt for a white shirt with black pants, always a good combo and some typical shoes for the park and walk. Busy today as usual as people rush in every direction on their way to wherever they are going, after a few brushes with clearly eager hands with 1 cupping my ass i manage to get to the park and take a breath, “pretty handsy today” i think to myself as i run my hand over my freshly groped ass. Another breath in and i continue away from the hands on crowd and move on.
Its quite impressive, iv walked past this building a few times before but this will be the first time i actually see the inside, its usually for high end events the kind of which id never enjoy, the high arches over the front door, the marble columns and statues lining the outside. what kind of job will it be anyway? im not good with food.
i shrug as i walk back through the park, longer route than i need but its a nice day to wander.
As i sit on a bench i can hear something i dont think iv ever expected to hear in a park, someone is moaning, quiet enough to not draw much attention but loud enough to hear if you get too close.. like me. Curiosity has me by the tits now as i turn to the bushes behind my chair and look around a large tree. Red hair swaying back and forth as right on the other side of the tree some girl is getting fucked, hard by her restricted moans, a red ballgag wedged tight in her mouth and a blindfold over her eyes, the man wont see me if i stay behind the tree but with his eyes closed he couldn't see the girl his cock is ramming.
The girl has some small clamps on her nipples with her blue minidress pulled down under her breasts and pulled up over her hips, its nothing more than a loose corset right now, 6 inch heels padlocked to her feet and a collar locked around her neck. Rose red cheeks almost glowing with heat as her moans escape the gag, on closer look the man has his cock buried not in her pussy, its her ass he is stuffing, her pussy is vacant but there's something covering it that has a few wires running up her back leading to a purple remote.
My adrenaline skyrockets as the man starts looking around for observers but luckily looked away first so i leaned back around the tree and was not gone as far as they knew, my own cheeks red now after watching what's going on, my own pussy pulsing as arousal sets in, i slowly look around the tree and the man is gone, the redhead is still there, on all 4s and shaking in a euphoric bliss.
A hand, grasping my shoulder and neck, squeezing tight my surprise wasted on a sharp inhale rather than a scream for help, im spun around and his eyes are staring daggers into mine, normally i would be thrashing by now but the sheer surprise, this man who was just fucking the other girl places a wet hand over my mouth. fear over the cause for the wetness keeps my lips sealed as my eyes lock to his own. The remaining hand which had spun me around was already working on my pants, pushing under and into my long since wet panties, his large fingers pushing in without a moments hesitation as his knuckle grinds into my clit.
I orgasm, faster than iv ever cum before, what takes minutes for me with my vibrator took this man seconds with 2 large fingers, 2 large fingers which are now moving like pistons as im spun around yet again, my back to him as his hand that was over my mouth leaves his mark on my lips as my neck is grasped. led from behind to the other girl who is now sitting up, blindfold off and eyes gazing at me, my body under the command of another's forceful insistence.
The hand that had been massaging me close to another orgasm withdraws as he trails my own juices up under my shirt and pinches my nipple through my bra. The man commands and the girl responds by crawling up and begins to pull my pants down, white panties soaked and stuck to my pussy in full view to this woman as my pants are pulled down to my knees. A little giggle from the woman reveals shes removed her gag, handing it to the man who then lowers to the ground, my body falling after him, the woman crawling under my pants and looks up, face now between my legs as my panties are dragged aside by her thin fingers.
As i open my mouth to beg her not to continue i see a flash of red and my mouth widens in surprise, the gag the redhead was wearing, biting and drooling on was now buckled into my own mouth, biting instinctively against the situation the man begins pulling my shirt and bra up over my head. Im helpless and exposed, 1 arm from this man is holding both of mine behind my back and i cant beat his strength. His remaining hand cupping my breasts 1 at a time as his friend peals my panties off my pussy.
“She looks so tasty! how much can i have?” the redhead gleefully says like a child talking about chocolate.
“Till i say so” the man responds in a deep throaty voice.
Its all she needed to hear as her face sinks into my sex, her lips locking with my won and her nose presses against my clit, her tongue working my walls over and then sinking in for a better taste.
To say im the loudest moaner would be natural, of course iv never been gagged and eaten out by another woman before, her nose running back and forth as i cum right on her tongue which she slurped up with a desperation iv never seen on anyone before. the sounds of her moaning into my pussy sending shivers up my spine, why couldn't i just ignore the sounds?
Eyes shooting open at the thought, what if someone else is now watching me cum at the tongue of this woman with a gag in my mouth? ill be seen as the pervert here more than these 2! The hand that had been working my breasts moves again, this time to my gagged mouth, covering it easily he pinches my nose as well, i cant breathe! and this woman has doubled her effort, at this rate ill cum for a 3rd time in as many minutes!
Mind begging for air, brain screaming for it as my eyes fall on the mans face, his cold expression telling me that it wont end soon, muscles tensing as my pussy shakes with a tongue and fingers working hard, another orgasm slurped up by the hungry redhead and still the man holds tight, the woman now focussing on my throbbing clit which, till now has only been rubbed by her nose on occasion, hot lips tight at the base as her tongue caresses as she sucks hard.
a 4th orgasm tears through my body, iv never had 4 in a row, most iv had till now was 2 in a row. These 2 are pushing me and they don't care if i break! Air rushes in as the man releases my nose, waiting for the exhale he pinches again, the woman pressing fingers deep inside, my G-spot being massaged as my clit is sucked.
“Enough Cunt” the man says, loud enough to be heard by just us as the woman breaks away from my throbbing pussy, her handiwork was leading me to a 5th, release the man has taken away as the source of pleasure slides out from between my legs with her face glistening in my pleasure, a smile on her face and eyes on mine. the lights dim as im forced to pass out.. not here, with them.
“nooo..” i weakly say into the gag.
Cold, wet, exhausted.. My eyes open and im alone, in a small, secluded alcove of bushes, no one would find her here but why am i here? im in another part of the park entirely! did they really move me while i was unconscious? at least my clothes are all back on, a bit forced, but with a noticeable difference.. my panties are gone, bra too.. my soaked pussy in my pants and rigid nipples rubbing against my shirt, its already chafing and i have barely moved!
“Home is.. that way” i think to myself as i shamble out of the bushes, my pants occasionally making contact with my hypersensitive pussy, my muscles jerk or twitch in response as it takes me 15 minutes to walk 3 minutes with me constantly looking over my shoulders, occasionally looking at others and becoming very aware of my nipples making their presence known to any who would look my way.
Safe, i think. Doors locked as i check the clock on the wall, iv been gone all day! how long was i out? did they do anything to me while i was unconscious? ill have to give my body a look in my room, walking up my stairs i look completely different compared to this morning, my neat hair in a ponytail? now a utter mess, my white shirt not missing a button and my nipples pressing through the thin fabric, my black pants now dirty and panties missing with a soaked pussy just underneath.
Stripping in my room i turn to my mirror, my breasts have bruises, my pussy burning red, clit still throbbing. looking at my soaked pussy my mind drifts back, i could have ran! i could have screamed! but i just watched and wanted and then joined them. was i really that needy? that pent up?
My hand already beating my mind to the punch as my fingers circle my clit, sitting on my bed i fall back as i work hard, my need burning again, harder than usual. My fingers clearly not up to the task i roll over to my bedside table, my toys will scratch this itch as usual, at least to release.
Why? WHY?! why did i enjoy what they did?! the man pinning me with 1 arm and the woman, that redhead, her mouth.. her lips, the skill and determination.. why did i love every second of her attention, rolling over, closing my legs, locking my vibrator against my clit it isnt enough! its always worked before,
“my favourite position and toy have never failed me before” i plead in my head as i curl into a ball as the vibrations stir me into a frenzy, memories of what happened still fresh in my mind, nipples pinched, clit sucked, pussy devoured.
“nnnngh! Cmmmm NNNNNNN” i grunt into my pillow!
why wont it work! i need to, i want to cum! why why whyyy! my mind racing with desire when a thought rose up. Moving my arms behind my back i grab my elbows with my hands and squeeze hard, i bite my pillow and moan as a colossal orgasm tears my pussy to pieces on its way out! the single largest orgasm iv ever had and my arms race to the vibrator and turn it off with tears in my eyes, i know what they did to me.. but what did they do to me?
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gdwessel · 3 years
NJPW 49th Anniversary Show - 3/4/2021: New Japan Cup Begins, Final IWGP Heavyweight + Intercontinental Defenses; Wrestle Grand Slam Dates Include Tokyo Dome Show 5/29/2021; FinJuice Challenge For Impact World Tag Belts at Sacrifice 3/13/2021; Scurll Not Appearing in NJPW Following Reports
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Strong Style Story Podcast Episode 73 on PWOM Podcast Network
Today is the day New Japan Pro Wrestling observes its 49th Anniversary, and you can see it now on NJPWWorld. The traditional day is usually March 6th at Tokyo Ota Ward Gymnasium, the date and location of the very first NJPW card in 1972, and indeed, Saturday's New Japan Cup show will happen there. The final IWGP Heavyweight & Intercontinental defenses took place here today, as well as the opening two matches in the New Japan Cup 2021. NJPW 49th Anniversary Show - March 4, 2021, Tokyo Nippon Budokan (NJPWWorld)
Hirooki Goto [CHAOS], Tomoaki Honma, Gabriel Kidd & Master Wato d. Taichi, Minoru Suzuki, Zack Sabre Jr. & DOUKI [SZKG] (Goto > DOUKI, GTR, 10:39)
EVIL, KENTA, Chase Owens, Jay White & Taiji Ishimori [Bullet Club] d. Hiroshi Tanahashi, Juice Robinson, David Finlay Jr., Toa Henare & Ryusuke Taguchi (EVIL > Taguchi, EVIL STO, 7:39) 
Kazuchika Okada, Tomohiro Ishii & SHO [CHAOS] d. Shingo Takagi, SANADA & BUSHI [Los Ingobernables] (SHO > BUSHI, Shock Arrow, 9:13)
New Japan Cup 2021 1st Round: Jeff Cobb [United Empire] d. Satoshi Kojima (Tour Of The Islands, 11:50)
New Japan Cup 2021 1st Round: Great O-Khan [United Empire] d. Tetsuya Naito [Los Ingobernables] (Referee Stoppage, 20:20)
IWGP Heavyweight & IWGP Intercontinental Championships: Kota Ibushi ©© d. El Desperado [SZKG] (Kamigoye, 20:36) - Ibushi succeeds his 3rd & final Heavyweight defense - Ibushi succeeds his 4th & final Intercontinental defense
Kota Ibushi defends the titles in their last hurrah, and will now be the inaugural IWGP World Heavyweight Champion, which, we have yet to see that title belt. Post-main, he begged Hiroshi Tanahashi at ringside, to watch as Ibushi upholds his promise of broadening and expanding the world of wrestling, and not just in NJPW either. The United Empire had a good day at the office, with Cobb and O-Khan beating Kojima and Naito respectively. Cobb moves on to face EVIL, whilst O-Khan will get the winner of Toru Yano v. Bad Luck Fale tomorrow. Those matches will take place on 3/11/2021. I'm sure a segment of the internet was upset at Naito's loss but I chose to live in peace today rather than find out. Otherwise, we had prelude tag matches for New Japan Cup matches, with FinJuice and KENTA returning to action in Japan. More on FinJuice below.
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During the intermission, NJPW announced two major shows for May, under the banner of Wrestle Grand Slam. The first one will be on 5/15/2021 at Yokohama Stadium, another outdoor baseball stadium show, following the success of Summer Struggle in Jingu last August at Tokyo Jingu Stdiuam. This will be NJPW's debut at this venue. 
The other date is on 5/29/2021 at the Tokyo Dome. This will be the first time NJPW has run a Tokyo Dome show outside of the traditional January 4 rally, since Toukon Souzou New Chapter on 10/8/2005. I don't mind telling you that the headlining match of that show, which saw Brock Lesnar beat then IWGP Heavyweight Champion Kazuyuki Fujita and Masahiro Chono in a three-way match to win the title, was one of the worst matches in NJPW history, and would eventually lead to Lesnar legitimately stealing the belt and giving it back to Antonio Inoki when Inoki formed Inoki Genome Federation. That aside, there was a time when NJPW, and indeed other companies, would regularly run the Tokyo Dome, although AJPW and NOAH did so less frequently than NJPW. Now only NJPW does it, once per year, however that seems to be changing now. More updates on these new shows as they happen.
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FinJuice featured once again on Impact Wrestling this past Tuesday, teaming with the Good Brothers ("Machine Gun" Karl Anderson & Doc Gallows) to defeat the combined tandem of XXXL (Acey Romero & Larry D) and Reno Scum (Adam Thornstowe & Luster the Legend), with the Impact World Tag Team champions getting a win after a Magic Killer. The Good Brothers and FinJuice argued post-match, and in the end, Doc Gallows challenged FinJuice for a title match at Impact's Sacrifice event on 3/13/2021, in a battle of former IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team champions. I'm going to guess that match has already been taped, since both Juice and Finlay are in Japan for the New Japan Cup. That wasn't the only mention of NJPW, as AEW owner Tony Khan namedropped the company during one of his "paid advertisement" segments that he's been doing ever since this NJPW-AEW-Impact co-promotion has started.
Last week we reported that Marty Scurll was backstage at the lastest round of NJPW Strong tapings, and had even filmed an angle with Rocky Romero. Yesterday, the Twitter account of rival podcast Super J-Cast reported that "according to sources," those plans have been dropped and Scurll will not be featured on NJPW programming anytime soon. I am pretty sure the outcry against using a sex pest is what caused this. So good for us. NJPW don't usually take notice of things like fan outcry, but it would seem in this case they did. Fightful.com's Sean Ross Sapp posted further that several of the backstage talents were not happy Scurll was there, and would not have worked the tapings had they known. Whatever the case, it looks like NJPW Strong will be Scurll-free for the immediate future. And good riddance, too.
Tomorrow starts the New Japan Cup tour proper, with two more first-round matches. This will be live on NJPWWorld.
New Japan Cup 2021 - 3/5/2021, Tokyo Korakuen Hall (NJPWWorld)
Tomoaki Honma, Gabriel Kidd & Yuya Uemura v. Minoru Suzuki, Zack Sabre Jr. & DOUKI [SZKG]
Hiroshi Tanahashi, YOSHI-HASHI [CHAOS], David Finlay Jr. & Tiger Mask IV v. EVIL, Yujiro Takahashi, Chase Owens & Taiji Ishimori [Bullet Club]
Hiroyoshi Tenzan, Satoshi Kojima & Master Wato v. Will Ospreay, Jeff Cobb & Great O-Khan [United Empire]
New Japan Cup 2021 1st Round: Toru Yano [CHAOS] v. Bad Luck Fale [Bullet Club]
New Japan Cup 2021 1st Round: Hirooki Goto [CHAOS] v. Taichi [SZKG]
Strong Style Story Podcast Episode 73 on PWOM Podcast Network
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pokechars · 5 years
Too late for a Trainer Class Tuesday this week, I’m lagging with updates again. To compensate for that, let’s have a Trainer Class Tuesday that is a special feature.
Core-game Trainer Classes in side series games... You all probably remember the Gym Leader Castle and various Cups in Pokemon Stadium series, where you battled all core game Trainer Classes in the way to the top. Also, several generic Trainers (among them a Gentleman, Swimmer or Beauty) appeared on your way in the much-beloved Pokemon Puzzle Challenge. Later came the GameCube games Pokemon Colosseum and XD, which featured a fair number of Orre-exclusive Trainer Classes, with only a few of them being the same as the core game classes (e.g. Cool Trainers, Sailor, Beauty). That’s known to all avid Pokemon gamers. However, what Pokemon fans in the west are missing is the Japanese-only arcade game Pokemon Battrio, which relies on special pucks that allow you to challenge virtual opponents in unique cel-shaded graphics. Just like in Pokemon Stadium, you’ll also meet various Trainer Classes, much like these from core series. Their designs are strongly based on their Diamond/Pearl depictions (as the game comes from the Gen IV era), yet very unique.
The scan below includes a (probably) complete list of generic Trainer designs from Pokemon Battrio.
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They are (from right to left, as this is the order they’re supposed to be read): 1st row: Youngster, Lass, Camper, Picnicker, Hiker, Aroma Lady, SwimmerM 2nd row: SwimmerF, TuberM, TuberF, Fisherman, Beauty, Rich Boy, Lady 3rd row: Gentleman, Socialite, CyclistM, CyclistF, BreederM, BreederF, Collector 4th row: Pâtissier (original class), Veteran, Snow Kid (original class), Ace TrainerM, Ace TrainerF, Scientist, Softballer (original class) The characters in subsequent rows are Battrio-exclusive characters (mostly Boss Trainers), with the two first ones from the right in the 5th row being Riders (the masked one is male, the blonde female), a Trainer Class known from Pokemon Colosseum and XD. The material about these Trainers is scarce and it’s practically impossible to find good versions of their artworks. Fortunately, Animesque sent me some more scans from Battrio-related materials (of varying quality). Here they are:
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The character on the top is a Battrio-exclusive Boss, named Battrio Leader Dai.
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However, I am still looking for more material with these classes, as full-body and as high-quality as only possible. There are a number of Japanese-only guidebooks for Battrio but I’ve no idea what’s inside of them, so I can’t really tell whether they’re a good buy or not (and which ones). They were also sometimes featured in press such as CoroCoro and Famitsu back when the thing was new. Also, the situation is further complicated by the fact that there were several versions of Battrio (Battrio Super, Zero, V etc.) which feature slightly different artwork, so there are multiple versions of these arts. It’s obscure and poorly documented material but if we aim to create a Pokemon character archive spanning all core and spin-off games (or ideally, all officially-licensed material), then characters from Battrio (as well as its successors, Tretta and Ga-Ole, which don’t have core series characters but I’m still interested in them, like all Pokemon obscurities) are inevitable for it to be complete.
Thanks Animesque for the scans (except for the first one, which comes from my collection - I believe the source was Filb.de, as it used to have a CoroCoro scans gallery [removed awhile ago for reasons unknown]). And if anyone has more of (and bigger/better quality) Battrio character artworks, I encourage to send them to me, I’ll certainly make a good use of it. But there is one more reason why I’m posting this now. As everyone probably knows, we’ll soon see core series Trainer Classes in a spin-off game once again. This time it’s a mobile app named Pokemon Masters, which allows the players to battle various famous Pokemon Trainers from the past in the whole new format. While I'm still not convinced about that “gacha” format, I’m certainly looking forward to seeing all those iconic characters in full 3D. The first trailer indicates that we’ll see a mixed bag of Trainer classes from various generations, which sure got me curious about this new side title and I can’t wait to see more of it, as we wait for Sword and Shield.
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icanny5883 · 4 years
Blog Post #3
 8th March, 2020
Dear Edgar Allen Poe,
Just had a chance to read your piece “The Cask of Amontillado”. I am a huge fan of the story and enjoyed it thoroughly. The characters, plot and writing style all come together to form a great piece of literature.
 Between the two characters, I relate to Montresor most. Sometimes I can overreact, although no where near to the extent displayed in the story. 
My favorite part of the story would be the climax, when Fortunato gets buried. It is very spooky. 
I have two questions for you:
1. What inspired you to write the story?
2. Which character do you relate to the most?
Feel free to get back to me whenever’s convenient, I can only imagine how busy you are. My mailing address is 6000 W. Olive Ave. Glendale, AZ 85302.
Thanks for your time,
Ian Canny
I. What do you think of Italy?
“Few Italians have the true virtuoso spirit”
II. Who was Fortunato to you?
“Someone who had given me a thousand injuries”
III.  Why did you murder him?
“When he ventured upon insult, I vowed my revenge”
IV. Did you really care about Fortunato’s cough?
“I insisted on us returning to the carnival”
V.  Did you enjoy wine as much as Fortunato?
“I was skillful in the Italian vintages as well and bought largely whenever I could”
VI. Did Fortunato have any reason to suspect you wanted to take his life?
“Neither by word nor deed had i given him caused to doubt my will”
VII. What was Fortunato like?
“Fortunato, like his countrymen, was a quack”
VIII. Why did you wait until the Carnival?
“Everyone would be drinking, paying no attention”
IX. How did you remember so vividly 50 years later?
“How could you forget murdering somebody in catacombs”
X. What catacombs did you bury him in?
“The Montresors”
A. Today I was simply minding my own business, purchasing food, when Fortunato came to me. He boasted his wealth and said I knew nothing of wine. That angered me because the Italian arts are one of my greatest passions. It seems as if every time I encounter this unhealthy fool he has some diminishing statement to tell you. The world would be better off without people like that. Nobody would even remember him if he happened to disappear. Interesting. 
B. I plan on killing that ridiculous Fortunato. I told everyone to leave my property, making sure there will be no witnesses for tonight’s events. He has given me a thousand injuries. I may be exaggerating but that is no matter. He believes he can use derogative terms without consequences? To me, a great Montresor? I think not. Nobody will remember this old fool by the time this carnival ends. He is direly ill as well, likely to pass away soon. I need to enact my revenge now.
C. If you’re reading this I have likely died. I Murdered Fortunato today. It is 1846. I lured him down into the catacombs while giving him alcohol. Once we reached a hole in the wall I chained him up and began burying him alive. His screams were extremely annoying. I had to mock him one last time before his death. What a wimp, who would beg for their life like that. I have no remorse for killing him. He was extremely annoying and the world is much better off with him dead.
1st: Fortunato hurts Montresor a thousand times.
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2nd: Montresor wants revenge, he wants it to be permanent.
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3rd: The carnival celebration begins.
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4th: Montresor meets a very drunk Fortunato there.
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5th: Montresor lures Fortunato into his catacombs by saying he had a barrel of amontillado.
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6th: Despite Fortunato’s illness, they go deeper into the catacombs.
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7th: Montresor gets Fortunato even more drunk by offering him wine.
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8th: Eventually, Fortunato walks into a man sized hole in the wall of the catacombs.
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9th: Montresor chains him up and burys him in the wall.
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10th: It is revealed that these events happened 50 years ago and that Montresor got away with the murder.
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08 March, 2020
Dear Mr. Montresor,
I have been informed you murdered Fortunato in your catacombs during Carnival. Frankly, I didn’t like the guy either, but he did have some of my money. 
I’m a private investor and had given him $400,000 as a private loan for one of his rental properties. Now that he’s disappeared so has my money. I don’t plan on reporting you to the authorities as long as I receive what's owed.
I’d prefer to take payment in cash but would even be willing to take assets. I’d like to work with you to get this resolved as smooth and quickly as possible. Looking to hear back from you. Thanks.
Ian Canny
“Fortunato!” I yelled once more. No reply yet again. I sealed the wall up for good and grabbed my shovel. I turned around and headed back out through the dank catacombs. I emerged from the darkness, startled to see Luchesi standing at the entrance. “What are you doing here?!” I said.
“I knew I’d be able to find you here” said Luchesi. “Seems like you’ve been down here with that shovel of yours for the past week. What’re you looking for down there anyways?”. 
“Closure” I said. 
“I don’t know how to put this any other way so I’ll be straight forward. The police have figured out who murdered your son.” said Luchesi, erupting with awkwardness. 
“Well who do they think killed him? Because if I know nothing I doubt they’d have the slightest clue” I said.
“They believe it was Fortunato, they were going to arrest him at carnival but he was nowhere to be seen.”
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the-colony-roleplay · 5 years
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For a moment—a tortuously fleeting moment—things appeared to be looking up for Col22 citizens.
It actually mildly surprised medical staff when, by the afternoon of Wednesday, January 5th, the third day of sickness, some of the fevers were very slowly starting to subside earlier than expected, and for a handful of the Colony’s sickest, the worst of it seemed to be rounding the bend behind them. Sickness lingered, as it would and was expected to for at least another three days, but some citizens had seen the peak of what their illness would become, and could look forward to feeling progressively better as the days went on and they were finally able to keep down fluids and some less-solid foods. Finally not dry-heaving long enough to actually get a few hours’ much needed rest.
But much like the onset of the sickness, this new beast started slowly—picking off a couple individuals at a time, going unnoticed at first, and largely unreported—then rearing its head and taking over all at once.
Wednesday night was the first time someone put a voice to fears they’d juggled with since the morning: something was very, very wrong with their so-called ‘Infection’. In fact, by nightfall, they weren’t able to use their infected ability at all.
As it would turn out—they were not the only one. There were others who’d started to notice these symptoms as well, but hadn’t yet said it out loud, be it for fear it was not but their imaginations, or that it was not likely to get worse—or perhaps for fear of making it real. For fear of what it could mean.
By Thursday morning, however, the putting off of acknowledging it changed nothing: all Infected citizens were reportedly experiencing fluxes of control with their Infections—having to strain to use their ability in even the simplest form with a sputtering in and out of results; like an electric engine puttering in a desperate wheeze, well beyond time for a recharge, trying in vain to press forward—until it chugs to a pathetic, whining and whirring stop.
And so is how it went with the infections, as well. When Thursday night at Colony 22 falls, all evidence of any Infected citizen having any unnatural or ‘evolved’ power at all has been wiped away. No strength to move without touch, no speaking without tongues, no invasive tapping into the emotions of others. Even the Deluded cease to experience ‘symptoms’ of their delusions, though each case where they are concerned is a little different, due to the nature of their unique so-called ‘abilities’.
It would appear as though the Infected have been stripped of whatever it is that makes them different—and naturally, it sends everyone into a panic. Even the NWRF. Some might say especially the NWRF.
Thursday Jan 6th, through Saturday the 8th, Infected citizens of all subclasses are spending hours upon hours each day undergoing emergency testing—blood tests, scans, MRIs—absolutely any kind of data collection lab researchers (both NWRF aligned and otherwise) can get their hands on, because no one knows what this means, how exactly this could have been caused—or how long it will last.
Could this possibly be a permanent change? Was there something in the parasite that ate away at whatever it was the mysterious gasses of both Fallings changed in so many of the remaining human race? Were the ‘Evolved’ simply no more? Or is this a temporary side effect? Would the Infections return, and if so, when, and would they be just as they were before, or would they evolve again in some way? Grow stronger, even?
Was this sudden absence of Infection something that could be replicated? Bottled? Sold?
The questions were endless, as were the tests. Lab researchers, techs, medics and scientists would lose sleep over the next three days, up into all hours of the night pouring over results and data, trying to piece together meaning, uncover answers never before uncovered.
Meanwhile—the Infected and all their supporters try in vain not to panic. For the question remains: is this a beginning or an end?
A/N: There you have it darlings! Part 2 of this new, 2019 plot drop. And though you will see updates as this stage progresses and unfolds, plus a wrapping of sorts down the road when the timeline moves forward, etc, this will be the last of the time-constrained ‘event-style’ portion of this drop, at least for a while. But more on that later—for the time being:
Welcome to: ☭ FEVER STATE: COMPROMISED SYSTEM ☭ { stage ii } !!
This post marks the beginning of stage two, and shifts the timeline forward to January 5th through January 8th. This means that though you may continue all old threads, you may not start any new threads from stage one.
All NEW threads must be between Wednesday morning, January 5th, and Saturday night, January 8th. There will be no exceptions to this. But, as always, and to reiterate, you may continue all old threads as long as you need!
This time window will continue until you see a post here on the main with updates to this portion of the plot line and officially moving the timeline forward. Once this stage is ‘complete’, the RP timeline will open back up to the regular vague and approximate week-by-week approach, relatively open and flexible until such a time that the next plot drop is released, which might not be a for a while.
Here is a quick summary of events so far regarding the Fever State drop. In bold, is what is currently open to start new threads about.
MONDAY, January 3rd - All citizens start to get sick to varying degrees throughout the day, regardless of what was or wasn’t eaten. The sickest are kept in the infirmary for close monitoring and hooking up to IVs, and those whose fevers are not as high and who are able to keep down more fluids are confined to their houses instead, mostly tended to in their dorm rooms by rotating medical staff.
TUESDAY, January 4th, 11:00am - Colony Wide Recall Notice; informing citizens of flour recall, details regarding what can be expected of the parasite symptoms and that it should run its course within the space of roughly seven days.
WEDNESDAY, January 5th, morning - Some infected start to experience inconsistencies and strange ‘brown outs’ with their Infection abilities.
Wed, Jan 5th, night - The first official reports about fluctuating control of Infection abilities arise, word begins to spread.
THURSDAY, January 6th, morning - All Infected citizens (Deluded included) are experiencing a gradual and unpredictable ceasing of control/strength of their Infection abilities, to varying degrees. Some of them stopping completely. 
Thurs, Jan 6th, all day - emergency lab testing for the Infected commences
Thurs, Jan 6th, night - By the end of the day, all Infected abilities are seemingly gone.
FRIDAY, January 7th through SATURDAY, January 8th, inclusive - Testing continues. Standard symptoms of parasite have started to subside across the board. People are released from the Infirmary, classes and chores are slowly reintroduced. Uninfected slowly begin to feel normal again. The Infected, however, though they start to feel less sick, still have no traces of their infection abilities.
Currently, you may not RP past Saturday night.
Additionally, as with previously, new threads must be TITLED somehow to reflect the current stage (Stage two). Again, that can be done in a variety of ways, including somehow indicating the “Fever State” plot drop and the stage number, or indicating the stage title itself, so in this case “Compromised System”. Remember you have the freedom to indicate this however you wish, so long as you DO indicate it somehow. For examples from the first stage, which would apply similarly to this stage, please check out this post.
On the main blog we will continue to us #col22feverstate for all posts regarding this plot drop, and we will also be using #col22FScomp for posts regarding this stage. You can use these tags for your personal posts and organization as well if you want, but you are not required to (just remember to keep titles of your threads clear!)
Like last time, it’s up to you to decide the details surrounding how/when your character is affected by these new developments, so long as they remain congruent with the canon narration and timeline provided above. For characters of any status, you can decide when they start to feel a bit better, though this is bound to fluctuate dramatically across the board, and some will still be pretty darn sick even as the weekend approaches.
For Infected characters, you can decide if they were one of the ones who noticed changes earlier on Wednesday, if they were one of the ones who reported it to an Official that night, or if they maybe heard about it that night but kept their mouths shut. Alternatively, maybe they didn’t notice anything with their own abilities until Thursday. However, by Thursday morning, all Infected are noticing these effects in some way.
If you have a deluded character, feel free to get creative with how their ‘delusion’ is affected, but remember it is about stripping the ‘symptoms’ of their delusion away, or their so-called ability. So, for Orson, it’s not that he suddenly believes his Delusion was untrue all along, but that he stops actively seeing visions of death when he touches someone. For Roy, perhaps he stops hearing Death’s voice in his head. For Annie, maybe she still believes she’s in a nightmare of sorts, but she doesn’t experience the ‘tells’ of her sleeping state anymore. But these are just examples—you can decide for yourselves how you want to play it out, and feel free to run stuff by the mods if you want guidance!
As already mentioned, the return of normal colony schedules will be very gradual. Lots of people are still sick, but the infirmary will slowly thin out as Saturday approaches, and though some group classes/therapy sessions etc may be reinstated, not all will be at this stage. Additionally, there will be a considerable amount more testing going on for Infected citizens, and the general environment of Colony 22 will be rather frenzied, chaotic and tense due to the new developments and panic, but also somewhat sluggish, do to lingering illnesses and lack of regular schedules. Lab techs and researchers will be working day and night, rumours will be spreading, Colony officials will be tight lipped and reluctant to release information before it is confirmed, or to speak out of turn. NWRF reps will be a bit manic, dealing with lots of back and forth between other local reps, other colonies who were subjected to this parasite, and Headquarters.
This time window will continue until you see further updates from the main blog. As always, please bring any and all event-related questions to the MAIN BLOG ASK. Additionally, if you have any ideas or things you want to contribute with regards to this plot and your character, feel free to come to us! We are more than happy to help and there is some room as this plot develops to incorporate member contribution of ideas!
Alright, happy plotting friends! Ta for now!
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Crush </3
Okay, so. My first post is going to be able the girl Trinity. I have the BIGGEST crush on her. So like I asked her for her number in a note one day after 4th period, which we have together. Then she wouldn’t even look at me in 6th ,which we also have together. Then the next day came and I was walking around school like I do every morning before classes start and I made eye contact with her. And I have a habit of smiling at people when I randomly make eye contact with them. She flipping turned her head so fast that she could have broken her neck. At that point, my little bi heart broke. Like, my husband, who doesn't know he's my husband, but has been my husband for like 10 years now, WHO DOESNT EVEN KNOW MY NAME, smiles back. Anywho, I sit by one of her friends, who kinda my friend, in 3rd period and asked her about it. She told me that Trin might have just been shocked because I don't come off as bi. First of all, HOW THE HECK DO YOU COME OFF BI. And second of all, IVE TALKED ABOUT A PAST GIRLFRIEND BEFORE. Then she said that this was probably the first time something like this has happened to her. And then I was like, its understandable not to respond if something like this is new to someone. So I was like, I’ll just wait a few days and see what happens. This was last Thursday, like the 21st of February. So like a class project happened the next Wednesday and I was cracking jokes to the class about the project, and I had been cracking jokes all week, and she finally laughed at one. So I was thinking that you know, maybe she would talk to me, since it had been about a week. 6th period came, NOTHING, NADA, ZIP, ZERO happened. At this point I was ready to cry, the. I was thinking, maybe she doesn't even like girls. So the next day in 3rd, I asked her friend about her sexuality, and she was like, “Yeah, she’s as gay as gay can get. You know FULL rainbow.” So like, I was going to go up to her talk ask to talk at lunch. THEN SHE WASNT EVEN AT SCHOOL. So the next day was Friday, and by this point I knew I probably should give up, but I'm too stubborn for that so.... I drew her some picture. I do costume design for theatre tech so I drew some of her outfits. She has kind of a vintage style and she a couple of pieces that really stand out so I drew them and wrote her a sappy vintage love note. And at the bottom I put my number, and it’s been over 24 hours since then and NOTHING, NADA, ZIP, ZERO. So that was my week, how was you guys’? Sorry for the long post. Talk to ya next time.
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flakandforay · 5 years
The Truth Untold Theory
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overall: interesting that bangtan decided to have a song called ‘전하지 못한 진심’ = The Truth Untold in one of their more recent comebacks which would be ‘Love Yourself: Tear’ with their title track called: Fake Love. 
warning(s): mentions of death 
⇝ theory masterlist 
theory: now delving deeper inside this, if you look closely at the lyrics of the song, it exactly depicts the story of Smeraldo which were released on blog posts 2 years ago when they have the comeback of Love Yourself Her - a smeraldo blog was set up as such and they actually told the story and history of the smeraldo flower and its relationship to the florist ( the owner of the shop ) 
but what was interesting was that later on before the comeback of Love Yourself Tear, this smeraldo blog was taken down and the latest post was that they are currently renovating and would come back soon, as it was meant to be a blog to show the opening of the store around August but was delayed. 
170903 // 2.06AM KST
we are shutting down everything temporarily
due to personal circumstances, the opening of the flower shop and blog operations would be temporarily postponed. to the people looking out for us, we want to give our thanks and apologies to you.
( trans: the smeraldo blog is put on hold for now and seemed to have deleted the other blog posts )
now, fast forward to the upcoming comeback of the Love Yourself Answer, the smeraldo blog was somehow magically brought back to life, as if it was back in business but rumours had it that the blog posts were slightly altered, but the gist is remains quite the same ( hence the idea as though they are time travelling etc; the idea of changing events ). 
comparing the content of basically the smeraldo blog, the same posts were being uploaded just a year later. ( as if they went back into time )
anyway, in the past before i could even translate everything, i managed to translate a few of the blog posts before it was taken down. ( masterlist here ). 
the 1st blog post mainly introduces about the blog and about the florist’s adventures into finding the smeraldo, mainly saying that it’s a flower that is part of a love story. 
170709 // 4.21PM KST
[1st ever story] the fate of smeraldo, the prologue story
hello. im ‘testesso’ the florist.
i started this blog because i wanted to introduce the flower, smeraldo. i just want to let you know in advance that i am preparing to open a flower shop that specializes in smeraldo in the middle of september. however you might think of it, this blog may be seen as its meant for publicity, i think ive ever met that this smeraldo ( shop ) is not a simple business.
my first connection with smeraldo dated 5 years ago. during that time, i was studying abroad in north dakota, in far north america. while in america, we participated in the academy’s <Flower 2012> that opened in virgina for a week. it takes a flight that is more than 5hrs from north dakota to virginia and no less than 7hours from my dorm to school.
[TSA’s caption: The Smeraldo Academy (TSA) that researches and specializes in the smeraldo. Beneath it is the academy’s facebook link]
but when i entered the distant event hall, I discovered a placard that said 'the origins of playing cards’. <Flower 2012> had already ended last week at the event of the academy at the time of america’s playing cards. i wrote the wrong date in my diary. at that time, it’s absurd to think that all are connected if i look back at it. i was so tired that i couldn’t afford to move anywhere else so i sat down and listened to the speech. fortunately, the speech was interesting as it was talking about future career of a florist and the connections between flowers was very exciting. of course as expected, it’s… 'smeraldo’
as you know from seeing the picture, the smeraldo carries a warm feeling. the romantic petals that are magical and subtle colours, and don’t you think there’s some kind of sad meaning behind it? that’s right. smeraldo is a flower with a passionate and heartaching story behind it. the story can be said by “non potevo dire la verità”, that means 'inability to convey sincerity’ in italian. speaking of flowers in love stories, can you guess whether it was sad?
in the future, through this blog about smeraldo, let me unfold the story about this flower gradually in the playing cards.
the 2nd blog post mainly talks about how the florist wishes to bring in Smeraldos for his shop etc 
the 3rd blog post talks about how the Smeraldo was first discovered so there is nothing much here. 
it is the 4th blog post that it becomes more important.  
170720 // 1.56PM KST
[4th story] the smeraldo legend
everyone, can you confidently say that you're beautiful? in the past, i was blinded by a door that said 'i am beautiful.' ive also been blinded by a door that said 'im not beautiful' and to some extent, you can choose which door to pull and enter. everyone, what do you think you would do? im going to tell you something now, starting the entangled love story of smeraldo.
the story of smeraldo is estimated to have begun from 15th century-16th century, in a rural village in northern italy. there's a small solitary castle in 'Sita Di Smeraldo' (La Città di smeraldo). there was a man with a really ugly appearance living there.
▲ the estimated village of 'Sita Di Smeraldo' in northern italy
there was not quite as much information about the man. 'the illegitimate child of the duke of Florence, the duke who fell in love with the gardener's daughter who gave birth to an illegitimate child, the man's mother died at the time of childbirth, and the wife and children of the man tried to kill the man, and so the duke sent the man away.' though there were full of rumours, none of them were claimed to be true.
the man alone hid himself in solitude at the old castle. because of the hatred and jealousy he received upon his birth and growing up, he didn't open his heart to anyone, when anyone tried to approach him, he would hid himself away angrily. his only joy was to grow flowers in his garden. one day, a woman appeared near the vicinity of his castle. the shabby woman picked up the heels of the garden fence, climbed over it and stole some flowers. the man was furious at first, and spent all night protecting his garden. but when he fell asleep for a while, the woman started to pick flowers again. the nights continued like that night, the man pretended to be a joe and observed the returning woman. curiosity killed the cat. the man waited for the woman, and one day decided to follow her. with the woman wrapped in a cloak, the man followed her to a place, the man found out that the poor and sickly woman was selling the flowers to earn a living.
the man wanted to help the woman. he wanted to teach the woman personally how to grow the flowers, and how to grow beautiful flowers. but he couldn't get ahead of her. the woman herself would be scared of him, it was obvious that she wouldn't love his ugly appearance. in the end, all he could do was to plant and grow flowers so that in a matter of time, she would stay in the garden.
the man decided to make a flower that does not exist in the world. the woman started to sell the expensive flowers that she made. after many consecutive failures, the man finally succeeded in making a flower that does not exist in the world, filling his garden with those flowers.
but when he started on this, the woman stopped showing up. no matter how long he waited, the woman did not appear at his garden, the troubled man went down to the village. and so the woman was found to have died.
and up till here, this is the story of smeraldo. i don't know if this really happened, but whoever saw the flower does not know whether it's made up. but every time i look at the smeraldo, i recall the story of it and think of it. if the man had the courage, would he have shown his face and expressed his sincerity? of course, the woman might have been scared and run away, even get mad. to have bravery is easier said than done.
actually, i have a similar experience. it's about the friend that i met at the playing card event at the academy in the previous post. i actually had a crush on him. he was a very bright, cheerful person. after hearing the news of the discovery of the smeraldo, he received the story related to the flowers, and promised me that we would go together to Sita Di Smeraldo. he told me to go with him if he really didn't mean anything to me.
even now, i recall and think about that day. the expression on his face that was full of courage and expectation, with big, short and quick steps and strapping on a knapsack, he excitedly grabbed an opportunity to reserve a plane in schedule.
i will never ever forget that moment. and even though a lot of time has passed, it is still a raw wound that will not heal.
this is of utmost importance. because it is exactly what is being relayed in the song ‘the truth untold’. 
the most important post of all is the 7th one. the story of the florist being almost identical to how the Smeraldo flower was made and then put into a song by bangtan. 
170813 // 2.02PM KST
[7th story] ‘the truth untold’
Actually, I'm not from a very wealthy family. I also had a hard time studying in America. I was a foreigner, henceI was not fluent in English, and I couldn't afford to have a great future.
On the day we promised to go on a trip to Italy, I waited for that friend at the airport and saw her get off the bus with a handsome and wonderful man over the glass door. I hid myself right away. Why did i do that? I don't know...I just hid myself reflexively and turned around and walked away. 'That's it then. I couldn't have tried to make her to go on a trip to Italy with me. For her, I was just a poor foreigner who didn't know anything.' That was my feelings then.
She called while I was walking, but I didn't answer. I stared at my face in the mirror in the airport toilet. Then, I turned off my cell phone and got on the plane. I booked the same flight, so I thought she would be there with him somewhere on the plane, but I didn't find her. I just wished for it. I don't know how much I wanted her to look for me around the plane. But until the plane crossed the Atlantic and landed in Italian airspace and got off at the airport... No one came to see me.
▲ Pictures taken while waiting for her at the international San Francisco airport in America
Sita di Smeraldo remains a painful and happy memory for me. The flowers were so beautiful that I cried. And that night something strange happened. I woke up with a strange sound while sleeping in a private house. There was a bed just below the window, and I could hear someone knocking on the window. The room was on the second floor and it was quiet outside. The time was past midnight and the curtain was pulled down so I couldn't see what was outside the window.
It wasn't scary or fearful, but it was still strange. I thought I'd woken up and open the window on the second floor, but I didn’t. I was forced to sleep, thinking that it would be better for the branches to shake in the wind and hit the window, but I couldn't sleep very well. I laid still for a long time listening to the sound, as if holding something back.
It was around lunch the next day that she called. No, it wasn't her who called. It was her brother. She had an accident at the airport where she was chasing someone in a hurry, and her breathing became unstable a little after midnight last night, and she ended up leaving the world.
Before I left my dorm that day, I opened the window next to my bed. The sunlight came in, and there was a colony of Smeraldo flowers. As I looked at the flowers and felt the wind passing by in the sun, I felt as if I was standing next to her by the window looking at Smeraldo.
▲ Painful and happy memories, the beautiful scenery of Sita di Smeraldo.
On my way home from the United States and from the airport, I heard some news that I had been looking forward to for a long time had been achieved. It was the fact that the Smeraldo flower shop in Korea was approved by the Smeraldo Society. Because Smeraldo is a rare species, the association strictly manages its overseas sales and so on, and it was approved by me to apply to the association later on. Later, three years have passed since the opening of the Smeraldo flower shop in Korea, but I decided to think that the news from the conference was the last message she gave me.
And that's how she gave me the (non-potevo de la verità) and went to a different world. This is the special relationship that I talked about in the first post.
but for easier reference, i have also placed the lyrics of the song right here. 
This garden is filled With blossoming loneliness I tied myself To this sand castle filled with thorns
What is your name? Do you even have a place to go? Oh could you tell me? I saw you hiding in this garden
And I know Your heat is real Your hand picks the blue flowers I want to hold it but
This is my destiny Don’t smile on me Light on me Because I can’t go to you There’s no name to call
You know that I can’t Show you me Give you me I can’t show you my weakness So I’m putting on a mask to go see you But I still want you
A flower that resembles you Blossomed in this garden of loneliness I wanted to give it to you As I take off this stupid mask
But I know This can’t go on forever I must hide Because I’m ugly
I’m afraid So pathetic I’m so afraid In the end, will you leave me too? So I’m putting on a mask to go see you
What I can do is To make a pretty flower That resembles you Blossom in this garden, in this world Then breathe as the person you know But I still want you I still want you
Maybe back then If I had just a little more Courage And stood before you Would everything be different now?
I’m crying At this sandcastle That’s disappearing And breaking down As I look at this broken mask And I still want you
But I still want you But I still want you And I still want you
Reference: Colour Coded ©
now, let’s look at each section of the song one by one. it is exactly the story of the Smeraldo legend in which the man whose appearance he refused to show to the woman who he grows to love ( despite her stealing his flowers ), he wears a mask so not to scare her away etc. 
the idea of the man just out of reflex hiding from the woman as such and the ending that she died before he could even confess that he loved her - that’s the truth untold. 
yet, if you compare with Fake Love, there is some semblance of the Smeraldo flower here as well. 
널 위해서라면 난 슬퍼도 기쁜 척 할 수가 있었어 널 위해서라면 난 아파도 강한 척 할 수가 있었어 사랑이 사랑만으로 완벽하길 내 모든 약점들은 다 숨겨지길 이뤄지지 않는 꿈속에서 피울 수 없는 꽃을 키웠어
If it’s for you I can act like I’m happy even when I’m sad If it’s for you I can act strong even when it hurts Hoping love will be perfected with only love Hoping that all my weaknesses will be hidden In this dream that won’t ever come true I grew a flower that couldn’t be blossomed
Reference: Colour Coded ©
just like the man in the Smeraldo legend, he created a flower that couldnt be blossomed by anyone else. that was how much effort and love he has for the woman that he barely knew the name of. he only knew her as someone who was sick and sold flowers for a living. 
now, see this is related to a whole love story, not so much of the HYYH period, and remember the articles posted regarding the highlight posters were meant to talk about love, in a way this is an extension of the HYYH era but now the idea of love, relationships and dating is now involved and not so much between the brotherhood that we all thought it was just about before especially with Prologue. 
[Photo Source] Bighit Entertainment  Credits: maxine ☕️ DO NOT REPOST ©
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the59er · 3 years
2021: March
Holy macaroni, March has ended!
So as per usual, recapping my life for my future self.
1st Mar 2021 One of my ways of picking myself up is by buying myself flowers.
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Do I sense an episode coming? Or am I just hormonal? It’s too early to tell. It’s 10mins past midnight as Im typing this and I feel like something is missing.
2nd March 2021 Surprisingly mellow day. Heard some tea from work :( Distracted and calmed myself down by photoshopping this foto we took on my birthday back in Jan lol
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3rd March 2021 Had significant progress on the deck that I was supposed to be done with, 2 weeks ago. Also impulsively ordered cookies from twili......
4th March 2021 J’s birthday! & not to blow my own trumpet BUT I actually love this foto I took of him lol:
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Earlier today I played chauffeur for my Dad to and fro UMMC. So thankful. Next month when Im finally back to WFO, I wont have this much excess time with my folks again 😢
5th March 2021 Some work mishap enabled me to only start working after lunchtime. Dentist day. COD my shoes to my carousell buyer afterwards. Received cookies I ordered 2 days ago. Delicious but fat and tomorrow is my weigh-in :(
6th Mar 2021 Hospital. Managed to not gain from my previous visit. Grabbed groceries while waiting for Mars to finish class & we bumped into Naqi! 💙 Lunch was fatbirdramen 😋 I spent my night doodling & trying to sell myself to illustrate for Y’s book! My last commission for a book was for TJ how many years ago.. Im praying this will turn out well 😅
7th Mar 2021 Stayed home because I felt my mood going down so I wouldnt want to ruin it for others through my forced socializing. So stoked that Ocean’s 11, 12 AND Thirteen are now on Netflix! 
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I love the team! Cant decide whether my favourite is “the mormon twins”, Basher, Rusty or Rueben? Or maybe even Danny himself!
8th Mar 2021 Finished my very first drawing with my apple pencil 😊
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Im not sure how it looks like on other people’s eyes but I personally love it primarily because it was a fun experience 😊😊
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However as usual I do not gain as much traction on my instagram anymore. Id be lying if I say Im not sad about it, because I am. I use instagram to share my story to broader people because a) I dont have that many friends in the first place so I can’t be bugging these same few friends all the time otherwise they’d be annoyed 😅 hence instagram to dump my stories and doodles in; and b) Because of point a), I quite enjoy making new friends albeit online. BUT due to the new algorithm, no traction = no engagement from my online buds ☹️
9th Mar 2021 I ordered taco from some random taco place I found while searching for “taco” on Grab and realised it’s Taco Tuesday!
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10th Mar 2021 Im still on my Kings of Leon binge.. I am obsessed. They make me feel young and hopeful, just like how I felt back in uni, when everything was easy. Roads felt wider. I was carefree. 
11th Mar 2021 I can’t recall what happened :(
12th Mar 2021 My work email was acting up all morning so couldn't get jackshit done. Left for lunch at teppan which tasted “healthier” due to lack of MSG (I assumed). Came back to 90 emails in my inbox 🤯 so as soon as I clocked out I went out again for my usual gtl & whitebox because I deserved it! Spent my night browsing for handbags that can fit my ipad..
13th Mar 2021 Hospital follow up from last week. Lost a kg 😊 We went to Gardens for lunch and I sort of accidentally bought a bag 😳 It ticks off my important criteria of fitting the ipad 😊 BUT I still feel a bit guilty about dropping a significant sum even though Ive worked hard for it ☹️
14th Mar 2021 Met up with DLN! Always nice to see the face you used to always see every other weekend, again 😊 
15th Mar 2021 Succumbed to fever 🤒 So I just spent my Monday taking it easy. Received the cookies that I ordered from twili (again!) but this time I also ordered for J which I plan to deliver via goget tomorrow!
16th Mar 2021 Packed up the care package for J’s belated birthday 🥳 Runner was late, but he drove fast enought to reach J’s place at the end of the world in less than 30 minutes 😳 I wished I had taken a picture of the care package, it was really fun to do!
17th Mar 2021 I think few days ago I sent my first draft to Y for her book and I am currently progressing on the next chapter. Praying so hard she actually likes it and not just take it because she has paid a deposit for it 😩
18th Mar 2021 Slept really late because was trying to be as free as possible since I will be on leave tomorrow.
19th Mar 2021 Wasted my off day on a work call that lasted all morning ☹️ Was late to COD my dress to my carousell buyer. Brought my office laptop out with me so I can work while I lunch.
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OU was quite empty and it never fails to make me feel 16 again. Unfortunately the shop I meant to go to for my Mom’s handbag had shut down ages ago when I asked the concierge where it was 😔 As soon as I got home, I immediately ordered the bag online.
20th Mar 2021 Happy birthday to Nadow 😊 & happy birthday to my bionic self! I had my scoliosis corrective surgery more than 10 years ago and until now it’s one of the best memories in my life. 
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via rubyuzi
Vacuumed our living room before leaving to see J! We had a 5-hour lunch 😂
21st Mar 2021 Aqiaqi dropped by ❤️
22nd Mar 2021 So the bag that I ordered for Mom arrived, UNFORTUNATELY she finds it too big. I knew my first choice (which she eschewed in a flash) was the actual RIGHT choice for her, which kind of made me proud with the fact that I know her taste better than she knows her own taste 😂. But it’s still a very good looking, sturdy bag:
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(Mom and I have a weakness for croc-effect bags lol). I did think about keeping this for myself but I already bought a bag last week! 
23rd Mar 2021 Budget meeting. Later that night my brother came back with bulletproof coffee which was apt because I had to get more work done.
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I crashed at 130am which in my opinion isn’t that bad. I honestly thought the coffee would keep me up all night.
24th Mar 2021 Woke up to a very annoying email reply from his highness. & Im not sure if it’s placebo effect or not but Id like to think that last night’s bulletproof coffee gave me more energy today. 🤔
25th Mar 2021 Thanks to Sephora sale, total of the skin stuff I bought did not feel as daunting. 20% sounds little but it’s actually quite significant. 
26th Mar 2021 Off day! Also our budget meeting next Monday is canceled 🎉 Spent the day with @nevermind-doesntmatter​ ! Finally put the birthday gift card I received from my brother & spent them on office shirts & a pair of cord pants which I was initially very excited about until I tried them on at home and it’s SUPER high waisted (my rib cage does not bode well with it ☹️). Other highlight of the day was my parcel from Espanyol arrived 🎉 It’s the other new bag for Mom!
27th Mar 2021 After a year+, Mom finally got to dress up & go for kenduri today & she used the new bag so it was perfect timing that it arrived yesterday 🥰 Lunched & coffee at copper pot.
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28th Mar 2021 Errands Sunday. Sent my carousold, dropped off old clothes at the clothes bin, got my matcha & HH suggested we go visit afiq @ movement. I love afiq’s coffee but since I was still sipping on my matcha, I had to forego his fix.
Also today made me look at the calendar and...
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..I still have no idea what I plan to do with my life. I also dont think I have achieved anything since the past 3 months 😕
29th Mar 2021 Tehj’s birthday! 🎂  However, not feeling very excellent (mood wise) but forced my way through.
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Slapping the frown away via rubyuzi.
30th Mar 2021 Bit annoyed with someone at work for not understanding my definition of a mockup. Dont you hate it when you get scolded over something that is NOT your fault? 🙄
31st Mar 2021 Dad off to kebun leaving me & Mom to lunch just the both of us. Got pretty bummed over something at work but I guess it’s just not my time..
..which was not a great ending to my March. Typing this at 1:34am on April fool’s day. I hope my April wont end up being a joke 🙏🏼
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