#this made me laugh so hard i went into a coughing fit
m1kkorin · 5 months
still thinking abt the person who reblogged my oc with #transgender... i hadnt even indicated it in the post... they just knew. ty.
0 notes
chuluoyi · 5 months
✎ sick days
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- gojo satoru x reader
who holds the fort when you fall sick? of course, it's your lovesick husband and baby!
genre: fluff, fluff, fluffff. basically, your baby is adorable, gojo is your husband and not only is he lovesick with you, he humors your baby so much it’s making me— sighs
note: based on this post! hi hi chu is back from vacation and here’s another dad!gojo fluff indulgence and we stan domestic men okay🤭
a part of gojo's love entries
series masterlist | oneshot masterlist
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It's plain sight that Gojo Satoru is a highly attractive individual, and now that he has a son, it's fair to say that he’s the hottest dilf on the block.
With one hand twirling a famous brand of flu medicine box and the other propping his baby son at his hip, he garnered curious eyes, even in drugstore near his home.
“Hmm, why is it so cheap? Suspicious…”
Satoru let out a light hum, studying the orange and pink boxes, as well as glancing at the other purple box with bold labels claiming its effectiveness in halting cold symptoms, and then looked at his son.
His baby's big, crystal blue eyes blinked in wonder at the vibrant colors, and he reached out with grubby hands towards them. “Bwah!”
Suddenly, he got an idea.
“Hey, kiddo. Which do you think is better for mama?” he asked the baby, gesturing at the all three medicine on the rack with his jaw. “You choose.”
As if on cue, the little ball of fluff that was his son immediately reached out for the purple box, the more expensive out of all three displayed before him. Without missing a beat, he also seized both the orange and pink boxes in quick succession, holding them close to his chest.
Satoru broke into a hearty laugh, a wide grin split his face, as he affectionately tousled the boy's head with pride.
“That's my boy! Splurging is allowed—after all, we're rich!”
When the first signs of cold manifested in you, Satoru was already worried. He had warned you to take more rest, but typical you, you brushed it off as a mere fatigue.
And when this morning, you woke up to sudden coughing fits and hot-and-cold spells, which ended up with kicking him out of your shared bedroom in fear of spreading the virus, like the doting husband he was, Satoru promptly headed to the pharmacy with your baby in tow to get you some help.
"Oh my, sir, your son is so adorable!" the female cashier gushed when he got over to pay, finally voicing what other customers thought in their heads. He could sense the discreet glances from those around him even now.
As the baby clung to his shirt, Satoru tightened his grip on him and responded with a self-assured grin, ensuring those nearby heard his words, "Of course he is! My wife is pretty as heck too, shame she's down with fever today."
"Aww! Such high praise, you must adore your wife!"
Ah, so he still has a wife. The other customers went about their day, some disappointed that the dilf was still evidently devoted to his wife. They could only wonder just who could the lucky woman was.
Moving on— after the short trip to the drugstore, Satoru went back home. He promptly checked on you in your master bedroom, inquiring, "Hey, how are—"
But he immediately halted upon seeing you nestled so comfortably under the blankets, sleeping soundly. For a moment, he simply stood, blinking and observing your serene slumber.
Strange that something inside him both softened and lurched at the sight. You were just that precious in his eyes. Stupid as it was, he was quite miserable to go through the day without your nagging and nitpicking. And above all, he never liked seeing you in any kind of discomfort—it made his protective instincts soar.
Hence his thought— there is nothing I wouldn’t do for you, even if it means sacrificing heaven itself.
“Myah!” A hard shove on his arm and his baby’s babbling snapped him out of his trance. Satoru shifted his baby to his other hand, let out a questioning hum, and affectionately pinched his mochi-like cheeks.
“Hmm? You can’t be hungry, I—oooh,” a sheepish expression of realization appeared on his face, his blue eyes widened slightly as his baby glared at him. Then, chuckling like the goofball he was, Satoru patted him on his head to appease his grudge, “I haven’t fed you since this morning, eh?”
“Pfft! There, there… Me is sorry~ Now let me whip something up for you and mama, yeah?”
Now, he wouldn't claim to be the best chef, but he could certainly cook to save himself. Rolling up his sleeve, he went to the kitchen after leaving and stuffing his baby boy with a pacifier on his high chair.
“Hmmm, baby food for the minion and… congee? Yeah, congee should be good.”
Next task was feeding his already seething baby after he mixed together his baby food. He was a fussy eater—mostly with him, but surprisingly not so much with you (apparently, that's just his way of showing who he favors between his parents, heh). But when he managed to get the food in, with every spoonful, his son’s smile gradually widened, and so did his happiness.
Satoru thought then that he was the cutest thing he had ever created. His son was clearly a mini-him, but his reactions were definitely so you.
“Is it tasty? It is, isn’t it?” he cooed with baby voice, earning a delightful giggle in response from his son. Pushing his luck, he added with a suggestive grin, “Papa is the best, isn’t he?”
“Bwah...” The joyful expression on his baby's face faded instantly, dissolving into an unamused pout, prompting Satoru to righteously click his tongue.
“Why are you so against me?!”
After he was done with his fill, Satoru picked your baby up to the master bedroom to bring you something to eat. Seated on the opposite edge of the bed, he silently adored your sleeping form once again.
Right at that moment, the baby in his arms wriggled, reaching out for you. Acting on a sudden impulse, he put him on the bed, facing you.
“Now, go to mama, would you?” he whispered gently, grinning and giving his bum a light pat. “Go!”
Your son was also Gojo Satoru’s son, therefore he was an adept crawler even at barely seven months old. With remarkable agility, the little soldier steadily moved towards you, his diapers jiggling with each motion. He stopped right in front of your face, clearly recognizing you as his mother.
And your husband swore that even his logic-driven heart melted at the sight of your cute baby suddenly leaned in and clumsily smooched your nose.
Simply just the two most treasured loves of his life.
“Mm?” you let out a soft grunt, feeling the dryness in your throat as you cracked your eyes open, surprised to find yourself face-to-face with your baby. “Oh… why are you here? Don’t get too close…”
“He’ll be fine.” Satoru picked your son up, placing him on his knee and steadying him with one arm. Having moved next to you on the bed, he brushed hair from your forehead. “What about you, hmm? Feeling better?”
Your eyebrows creased into a frown. “Yeah, I think, but more than that, Satoru, I’ve told you, don’t let him—”
“Yes, yes, sweetheart. He won’t get sick, look, he’s as healthy as he can be~” and to make a point, he turned his baby over and lightly smacked his bottom, prompting a whimper from the little one and a gasp from you.
“Don’t spank him!”
“Ehh? Then can I spank you instead?”
“Satoru, you’re a little piece of—!”
Just you and him, as well as the little treasure that was your son. This little family was enough reason to live. To win.
And Gojo Satoru once again thought, that being the strongest didn’t really mean that much anymore because with his world in his hands, nothing else matters.
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“You’re so silly, why did you buy so many?” you grumbled at the sight of three different brands of cold medicine your husband displayed in front of you. “One is enough, do you want me to overdose?”
Satoru snickered. “Don’t blame me, blame your kid. He’s the one picking all of them.”
You totally didn’t get what he meant at all, but yeah, your husband was the silliest human ever and that’s that.
“Hey, don’t you think it’s a bit smelly here?” Satoru suddenly asked, wearing a quizzical expression.
You took a sniff of the air, glancing at your baby blinking innocently and sitting calmly on your husband, and a realization struck you. “Uh, Satoru...”
Following your gaze, as if sensing an omen, Satoru hastily scooped up his son, letting out a bewildered gasp as he felt a slight wetness where the baby had been sitting on him.
“Did he just poo on me?!”
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bisexualiteaa · 1 month
Make-Up Sex
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Cooper Howard x Fem Reader (SMUT!!)
CW: NSFW MDNI!! Rough sex, riding, Cooper getting tied up, p in v, p0rn w/o plot, irradiated cream pie x2, mention of needles, cursing, established relationship, slight OOC Cooper, slight deviance from show
AN: I’m really enjoying writing for asks! Thank you to those who have submitted any, my ask box is always open so feel free to send in more! I will do my best to get to them as I can, and to the Anon who asked for this one, I hope I did your ask justice! Enjoy our favorite cowboy getting tied up and railed. Save a horse, ride a cowboy y’all. 🤠 apologies if it seems rushed, I wrote it at like 2am and post this on my way to work 😭
Synopsis: Cooper Howard is one stubborn man, and after a while of getting on your nerves, you finally find a way to make him apologize.
He had been getting on your nerves all day. First instance was when you two were out scavenging after finishing a bounty hunt, your supplies were running a bit low after being out for three whole days longer than you’d anticipated. You were getting ready to shoot one of the bandits that managed to get a stray bullet to graze your cheek when he killed them before you could even get a chance. You evil eyed him as he said “ain’t fun havin’ your kills stolen from ya, is it sweetheart?” He asked, making you roll your eyes and give a groan as you sifted through the raider’s pockets for anything useful. No such luck. A whole three bottle caps, and a plastic fork. So you drug your feet as you both carried on towards home.
Second instance was when you both were surprised by some radroaches and radscorpions after opening the door to what looked to be a vacant rest stop to get supplies from. A few wasted bits of ammo later, you make it inside and he made fun of your screams for a whole two hours. “Ain’t afraid of raiders, needles, nothin’ but bugs” he would say as he’d laugh so hard he’d go into a coughing fit while your face burned bright red with anger and embarrassment as he’d use his inhaler.
The third instance was where you drew the line. He was sifting through his bag trying to find his canteen of water after not finding shit at the rest stop. “Motherfucker” he said to himself, upon not being able to find it or anything really to have to drink. So instead of asking, he just went into your bag when you were busy trying to scavenge more bodies, took yours and drank it dry without telling you, and you had at least three more hours on foot until you made it back to the settlement. So when you went to go get a drink of water, the horror and plain rage on your face when you felt that it was empty was immeasurable. “How in the fuck is this thing empty? I JUST filled it yesterday!” You said, turning to look at Cooper as you both walked and the look on his face was all you needed as an answer. “You drank all o’ my water? What ‘n the hell happened to your canteen?” You asked, your southern drawl becoming more evident the angrier you got. “Must’ve forgot it” he said, making you look at him like he just spoke a whole different language. “You forgot it?” you asked, wondering how in the hell the deadliest motherfucker in this wasteland was traveling with you and just forgot his water. “Oh you gotta be shittin’ me….You know what, I don’t even wanna know how you managed that. We’re almost back to the settlement, I’ll refill it when we get there” you said angrily, moving ahead of him a little to prove that he’d pulled the last straw on your patience.
When you made it back to your settlement and back to the place you called home, you organized all the supplies you’d gotten, (which wasn’t much) putting them where they all were supposed to go, refilling canteens of water, and changing into more comfortable clothes as night began to fall. It was around dinner time that Cooper finally noticed that he really managed to piss you off.
You’d hardly ever given Cooper the cold shoulder in the time you two had been together, he was married before so he wasn’t ignorant to what being given the cold shoulder meant, but Cooper Howard was a stubborn man, one set in his ways so when he feels there’s no need to do something, he will not do it. “You gonna sit here ‘n ignore me all night?” He asked, and all you did was cross your arms in response, making him shake his head. “I’ll take that as a yes, but we’ll see how long that lasts, ya always come around somehow” he said arrogantly, only adding fuel to the fire and he knew it, it’s just how he was. He was an asshole, he was when you met him and apparently that charm never fully left. He was partly right however which is what you didn’t want to give him credit for. Even when you were really mad at him, you always came around at some point. His mouth got him into a lot of trouble, but it also managed to get him out of it too, his charisma and smooth talking always landing with some kisses to open you back up or make up sex to help you forget. You never were the kind of girl to let good dick sway you out of being mad but it was attached to a man that cared about you in ways no one else ever did, so you supposed he was at least a good exception. “You’ll come ‘round when that ache sets in, when you realize your dainty lil’ fingers can’t do anything close to what mine do to you” he said by your ear as he stood up from the dining room table, working you up and trying to get you to sleep with him to forget about your anger, but just as he was stubborn, you were just as set in your ways too. Though he knew it was a tough decision for you, you’d both gone a whole two weeks out there in the wastelands collecting caps from bounties and scavenging for supplies without any time or a means to sneak away and be with one another, so you were both pent up and he knew it. It was half the reason for your attitude to begin with, although you supposed he likely knew that too.
You got up from the chair in the kitchen a few minutes after he moved to the bedroom, getting ready for bed. You stopped him as he’d just taken his boots off, finally ready to be on speaking terms again but they were your terms. “Here’s how this is gon’ work. You, are gonna lay on that bed, and let me fuck you like I hate you because right now, I am doing everythin’ in my power not to hate you, and you ain’t been makin’ that an easy feat” you said, your eyes looking straight into his as if you were staring right into his soul, if he still even had one. “Yeah? And what makes you think I’m just gonna let you get away with that, lil’ lady?” He asked in a condescending tone, making you chuckle. “Because I know damn well you’re as pent up as I am, so if you want any, and wanna get back into my good graces, this is how it’s gonna happen. And I will accept that as an apology for the shit you’ve done” you replied as you stepped closer, not caring that you had to look up at him when you spoke, the venom in your words was enough to prove the point you were trying to make. Your response making him huff a short, dry chuckle, impressed by how well you stood your ground, so he awaited your orders. “Now take your damn clothes off” you said, making him grin as he did as he was told, he could get used to you bossing him around like this. Your accent got a little thicker when you were mad, and the way you barked orders and told him what to do with a quip ready for whatever he had to say in response, he had to admit was a side of you he liked seeing more than he’d ever admit to. He shook his duster from his shoulders, then worked at his shirt as you pulled yours off and over your head, then moved to unclasp your bra and dispose of it on the floor, not caring where it went. Your eyes raked each other’s frame with almost visible tension as you stood a few feet apart from each other. Enough space to keep him from using his hands to get you to submit, but enough to also allow you to close the gap when you felt comfortable enough to. You both worked at undoing your pants, tossing them aside to be forgotten about until morning. “Get on the bed” you ordered, leaving the room to grab his rope from his saddlebag in the kitchen. When you returned, he noticed the item in your hands, giving you a wicked grin. “Gonna tie me up, sweetheart?” He asked in that condescending tone, making you chuckle as you tied his hands to the rungs of the bed frame nice and tight. Tight enough to keep him in place, not too tight to hurt too much, he was an asshole sure but he was still your asshole. “Sure am. Gonna need to earn the right back t’ touch me, and you ain’t earned it yet” you replied, straddling his lap as you ground your slick pussy against his cock. He gave a groan at the feel of you, watching as your hips moved against his to coat him in slick for when you’d line him up to your entrance. Key word there was when because you wanted to make this torturous. You moaned as you bucked your hips against him, his head bumping your clit as you used him for your own pleasure. “Think I could use you just like this. Mmm…make myself cum then leave you here achin’ for more” you threatened, running your hands along your figure and toying with your breast to tease him extra, hearing groans leave him each time your pussy would glide along his cock. “Now that ain’t very nice of you” he replied, making you grin. “Never said nothin’ ‘bout playin’ nice sugar. Still waitin’ for you to say you’re sorry” you responded, making him grunt as you continued to play with yourself and moan all sweetly. “I ain’t apologizin’, no need to” he said, making you click your tongue. “A shame, looks like you ain’t cummin’ tonight then” you said, continuing your movements as you got closer and closer to letting that knot snap inside you. He wanted- no he *needed* to feel your gummy walls wrapped around his cock, so the fact that you were using it in a way that couldn’t afford him that, was already working his nerves.
“What’s wrong? Don’t like what I’m givin’ you? Should be thankful I’m even touchin’ you with how mad you made me” you said, going a little quicker now with your movements so he tried focusing on that, focusing on the way your clit would bump that spot right under his tip over and over. So when you came from grinding against it rather than seating on it and *ruined*that chance of still getting to finish, he gave a disgruntled grunt.
“Aww what’s the matter? Did I stop somethin’?” You asked in a deeper, condescending tone that had his dick throbbing in need. He’d never seen this evil of a side of you before, but you had only just started. “Whatchya want Cooper? Go ‘head, tell me” you said, making him grunt. “Want you t’ shut up and ride me already” he said, making you chuckle before landing a harsh slap across his face, the sound of your hand meeting his cheek rang through the room. “You ain’t in the position to be givin’ orders sugar. I thought you had manners” you said as he turned and looked back at you, astonished one by the power behind that smack and two, by the tone you were getting with him. “I’ll ask you one more time, what’dya want me to do to you, hmm?” You asked, and knowing now what power you had behind just one of those smaller hands of yours, he relented. “Ride me, please” he grunted, making you smile and lay a soft kiss to his cheek to try and soothe where you slapped him. “See? Not so bad now is it? Now if ya just apologize, I’ll take some RadAway and let you cum” you said, and judging by the look on his face, you could say that wasn’t going to happen. “Fuck you” he spat, making you chuckle. “Oh I am gonna fuck you, don’t you worry” you said as you lined him up to your entrance, sinking down on him inch by torturous inch. You were having way too much fun with this, and he didn’t like that he couldn’t have his way for a change. His hips involuntarily bucked up to try and shove more of himself into your tight cunt, but you moved to where it wouldn’t happen, making him grip the bed frame where he was tied to. “Someone’s gettin’ antsy, best keep them hips steady if you want this to continue” you said, making him growl under his breath before giving a groan once you were fully seated on him. You gave a moan as his tip nudged the apex to your cervix, moving your hips back and forth to where you would get off, but not do much for him. He gave you an angry look that made you laugh. “What’s the matter honey? Ya asked me to ride you already, it’s what I’m doin’” you said, making him grit his teeth as he did his best to hold his bearings. “But I guess you were good and didn’t move after I warned you so I’ll throw a bone atchya” you said, moving up and down on him, earning a groan from him once more that mingled with the moans falling from your lips. “Fuck…” he breathed, making you chuckle and smirk in that bratty way that he wanted to fuck off your face already, but he couldn’t. Despite his expressions and reactions, he was enjoying this too much but he couldn’t let you know that.
“Mmm, Cooper…” you moaned sweetly as you bounced on his cock, his name sounded heavenly when it fell from your lips, he could hardly get enough of it. He watched as your tits bounced up and down with your movements, the way your thighs jiggled as you moved, god how he wanted to grip them so bad right now. To hold you down and buck up into you until your eyes were rolling back in your head and you were screaming, but this was your show to run. You picked up the pace a little bit, going faster and angling where his tip would brush against that sweet bundle of nerves deep inside. He felt the way your walls started to close around him, sucking him in each time you’d come down, and fluttering around him. You were close. You were so caught up in chasing that feeling that you almost missed what he said. “Fuck- ‘m sorry” he spoke softly, finally apologizing to you. “What was that? I don’t think I quite heard ya there” you said, making him grunt. He should have known that you would milk the shit out of this. “I said I was- fuck- sorry” he repeated, making you hum but it wasn’t enough, not yet. So you stopped. “Sorry for what?” You asked, and he didn’t seem very happy at the fact that you stopped moving all together when he was so close to cumming yet again. “Dammit, wadn’t sayin’ sorry enough? I fuckin’ apologized like you wanted” he snapped, making you slap him across his cheek once more, this one stinging a bit more because it landed in the exact same spot as the last one. Though the tingling sensation of pain never lasted very long, it was enough to make his dick throb while inside of you and he prayed you wouldn’t notice. “Lose the attitude before I hop off and take care of myself then leave you tied up here all night” you said, making him huff in response. “Fine” he replied gruffly through gritted teeth. “Good, now I wanna hear you say it. What are you sorry for?” You asked as you started your pace back up, making him groan again as your hips and ass slapped down against him harshly. “Sorry f’ bein’ an asshole” he grunted out. “And?” You asked, needing just a little bit more before you were satisfied. “And f’ makin’ you mad” he finished, and you were content with that. “Happy?” He asked, making you hum and pretend to contemplate if you were for a minute before finally answering. “Yeah, I’ll take that” you said, placing your hands on his chest as you bounced up and down on him once more, earning a relieved sigh from him. “Just like that sweetheart, fuck…” he groaned before you leaned down, pulling him into the first kiss you’ve shared in a day and a half. You moaned into it as you started to near your peak, finally able to chase it after all the time spent putting it off to deal with his attitude. “Gonna cum- Cooper…!” you moaned into the crook of his neck and that was his undoing. You hid your face into his neck as your walls squeezed him tight, your orgasm washing over you like a tidal wave. Your legs shook as his hips bucked up into you, trying to work the both of you through your high as he pumped you full.
What he wasn’t expecting was you to keep moving, earning an almost pained groan from him as you ground yourself against him. “I never gave you permission to cum inside me” you stated, apparently he wasn’t out of the dog house just yet. He was plotting how he would get you back for this on another day, how he’d wreck you and make you remember just who it is you’re doing this to. You smirked as you had the wonderful idea of giving him a taste of his own medicine. “Perk about it bein’ a minute? I can go all night” you teased as you set that steady pace once more, needing more, needing to feel him after being so long without. His hands gripped the bed posts, white knuckled as he hissed through his teeth from the overstimulation. “You are one evil woman, ya know that?” He asked playfully, making you chuckle. “Don’t act like you don’t fuckin’ love it” you replied, and he certainly couldn’t argue with you there, not when it felt this good. “You can give me one more, can’t you sweetie?” You asked in a sickly sweet tone, using the same line he’d always use on you anytime he’d overstimulate the hell out of you just to see the faces you make and hear your moans. He recognized that line, making him grunt and groan as you moved your hips. “Fuck…” was all he could get out, mind foggy of any thoughts, just how good your walls felt as they massaged his dick. Maybe he should piss you off more often. “Look at those pretty faces, you like this, don’t you?” you asked, making him damn near whimper at your tone and he never does that shit. You gave an evil laugh at the pathetic sound. “Oh you sweet thing, I’m gonna fuckin’ ruin you” you said, leaning down and biting into his shoulder as you picked up the pace a little bit, earning a lewd groan from him. You laved your tongue over the spot, watching it heal instantly before sitting back up, fully seating yourself on him. You reached behind you to cup and fondle his balls, moving your hips back and forth to grind your clit against him to both work you to your end. “C’mon baby, give it to me. I can tell you’re almost there” you said, making him tilt his head back at all the feelings you were giving him, it was too much yet not enough all at once and it was torture. Your free hand came to his cheeks, pulling his head down to face you. “Eyes on me” you ordered, and his eyes looked into yours for a moment before flitting down to where your bodies were connected, giving a groan when he’d see himself disappear and reappear slightly and the way his cum was sticking to your thighs and his lower stomach. “Cooper…” you moaned softly once more, that was almost always your sign, the way you’d sigh his name so deliciously paired with your walls milking him for everything he could give you drove him mad. “Cum with me honey” you pleaded, and felt as his hips bucked up into you three or four times before you both were sent over the edge once more, a cacophony of moans slipping from both of you as he spilled inside of you and you came on his cock.
After laying there for a few minutes, enjoying the peaceful after glow of your orgasms, you sat up, accidentally seating yourself fully on his dick again and he gave a pained groan. “Not again…” he whined, making you laugh as your hands came to the rope binding his wrists. “Relax, I’m just undoin’ ya. I’m mean, but not that mean” you said through giggles. “You okay though? I know I was really rough but I didn’t go too far…did I?” You asked skiddishly, a complete 180 of the attitude you had just moments ago and it made him laugh. “Wasn’t expectin’ it outta you sweetheart but I’d be a damn liar if I said I didn’t like it. I’m alright, you did good” he assured, making you relieved as you laid on top of him, littering his lips, cheeks, neck, shoulder, and chest with kisses as his hands rested on your back and hips. “I love you Coop. Even when ya piss me off, you’re still the only person in this god forsaken wasteland I could ever see myself with” you spoke, making him chuckle. “I love you too, sweetheart. ‘m sorry for makin’ you upset, wasn’t right. But I’d say you did a damn good job of puttin’ me in my place” he said, making you giggle. “No hard feelings?” You asked, looking at him with eyes that held so much worry for one person, eyes that held so much care. His hand came to the back of your head, pulling you into a loving kiss. “Never” he said into it, pressing his forehead against yours after you both parted for air. You gave a contented hum, happy for things to be all right again. “Remind me to piss you off more often, you got a good swing on ya” he said, breaking the peaceful silence with a grin, making you laugh. “Please don’t, I like moments like this so much more. I hate bein’ mad at you, love you too much” you replied, making him kiss the top of your head, wondering what he ever did to deserve someone like you.
“C’mon, let’s get ya cleaned up and get some RadAway in ya, don’t wanna ruin that perfect skin just yet” he said, making you giggle once more but it was cut off by a hiss as he moved you off from his softened dick, grabbing a wet rag and cleaning you both up as he got the IV started. He kissed your head once more, holding your hand like he always did as you got the needle in, got it all hooked up and a good flow going, coming back to sling his arm around you and hold you to him. Between the warmth of his body and the comfort of the bed, you couldn’t help but let your eyes flutter shut, a soft smile resting on your lips as you fell asleep peacefully against him. You always felt safe when you were with him, no matter where you were, and he’d always protect you no matter what. And that, is what love in post apocalypse looked like, he swore it.
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ultram0th · 3 months
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“I’m telling you, Dude,” Justin Howells vented to his workout bud as the both of them ran on the treadmills for cardio day, “his staring is getting to the point where I’m thinking about talking to the owner.” 
Justin was annoyed about how when he’d walked into the locker room because he’d forgotten his reusable water bottle, he’d spotted Dave near his stuff. It wasn’t that Dave was a bad guy or anything. The 40ish year old man had been a competitive bodybuilder back in his prime, but after years of no longer competing, he’d grown a sizable muscle gut that gave him more of a bearish appearance— and he’d made it clear that he found the fitness influencer very attractive.
Justin carried on, not only pissed that he’d been under the impression that he’d caught Dave trying to mess with his stuff (he didn’t have any proof unfortunately), but that the ex-bodybuilder was across the gym at the barbells, not even trying to hide the fact that he was blatantly staring at Justin as he ran.
His friend, Mike, just grunted, too focused on his run than anything.
Justin went on though, mainly so that he could clear his head of all the rage he was feeling. “And the fuckin’ weirdo tries to play it off all cool,” he huffed, feeling his meaty pecs bouncing as he continued to run shirtless. “I tried to confront him, but he shoved my water bottle at me, as if he’d known that I’d go back for it.”
“…yeah, isn’t that something…” Mike panted.
Justin rolled his eyes as he grabbed his water bottle, unscrewing the top as he ran so that he could keep his heart rate up. “No lying, man, next time that roidhead messes with me…” he trailed off and took a sip from his water bottle, the cool liquid sending an odd tingling sensation throughout the stud. He ignored it and swallowed, his mouth feeling like he’d just licked a D battery.
He noticed Dave’s smile growing larger.
“Next time, what?” Mike teased.
Justin cleared his throat and grunted. “I’m gonna…” he coughed and felt his mouth twitch and his tongue seemingly move on its own, “…suck his cock.”
He paled at the words that left his mouth, having had absolutely zero intention of saying anything even remotely close to that. He’d wanted to say that he’d kick his ass.
Mike flinched and cocked his eyebrow. “Huh?” he asked, slowing down the smallest bit.
Justin Howells shook his head and cleared his throat again, even rubbing at it with a muscled hand. “Um,” he stammered, “I said that I was gonna… suck his big cock so hard until he shoots his fat load down my throat!”
The stud nearly fell off the treadmill in shock and horror. Not only had his mouth seemingly forced those strange words out by itself, but he even shouted it out loud, garnering the attention of a couple of other gym goers who gave him weirded out looks.
“Keep it down!” Mike hissed. “You can’t be joking like that so loudly. People are gonna think you and Dave are some kinda thing.”
Justin struggled to regain his footing, his heart racing in his bare chest. He locked eyes with Dave, who was red in the face as he tried to stifle a laugh. However, the second their eyes met, Justin winced internally as he felt a stirring in his cock.
Dave gave the mortified stud a knowing wink as he performed bicep curls, his massive, hairy muscles bulging with power. He then stood up and began to waddle back towards the locker room, his broad back swaying to and fro.
At the sight of such masculine power, Justin’s cock started to plump up. “Wh-what the fuck… is wrong with my slutty body?” he hissed to himself. He frantically looked around the gym, wanting to wail out as he noticed that the stirring in his loins calmed down whenever he looked at anyone else in the gym, but the second his eyes landed on the older bodybuilder, his cock twitched excitedly and he felt himself flex his asscheeks.
“Justin, you okay?” Mike asked as he looked at the other man’s pale face.
Justin turned to his friend, desperately wanting to tell him that something was horribly wrong— that he couldn’t control his words and that he was getting hard just by looking at Dave. Unfortunately, when Justin opened up his mouth, his mortified ears heard himself say, “I’ll be even better as soon as that muscle daddy fucks my tight hole.”
He didn’t wait for a confused response from Mike. Instead, Justin hopped off the treadmill and stomped his way over towards Dave, his hard cock tenting out the front of his shorts. He knew that something was wrong and based on the knowing look that’d been on Dave’s gruff, handsome, chiseled, stubble-covered face, Dave knew what it was. He rushed into the locker room and stopped right in front of the older bodybuilder and tried to lean over him in a threatening way,  but his his eyes hungrily taking in the sight of the older man’s hairy pecs barely covered by his tank top ruined it.
Dave just smirked back at the red-faced man. “Can I help you, Bud?” he asked in his baritone-filled voice.
At the sound of the deep, manly bass emanating from the bodybuilder’s plump form, Justin felt his cock twitch and start to leak pre-cum. “Your sexy ass better tell me what you did to me,” he hissed, trying to keep his voice down and wincing when he’d outwardly referred to the man as ‘sexy’.
Dave tried to look innocent, but the chuckle that escaped his full lips gave him away. “What do you mean?” he asked. “And you really find me sexy?”
Justin wanted so desperately to lash out at the older man, to demand that he fix whatever the hell was happening to him. His body, however, had other plans.
“You better shove that thick cock up my ass right now!” he barked, his eyes widening at the gay words that left his lips. Straining, he tried again, even clenching his jaw as he struggled to control his own words. “Wh-what… what the fuck d-did… did you do… me… Do me, Daddy!” He stomped his foot in frustration.
“Yeah, maybe later,” Dave winked, making the other man shudder. “First, I’m gonna let you suffer for a bit— I’ve always heard every time you’d talked shit about me in the gym. Well now, I think you’ll find it hard to say anything negative about me at all from now on.”
Justin paled at what Dave had admitted. He had no idea how, but somehow the muscle gut-having bodybuilder had cursed him, forcing him to constantly vocalize his need for the man’s cock, making him sound like some perpetually horny slut. He imagined himself at work or even the grocery store, unable to say anything besides how badly he wanted a man’s huge, veiny cock in his mouth or ass. Worse was that he couldn’t take his eyes off of Dave’s hairy muscles, his own cock painfully hard now.
“You gotta fix this, Daddy!” he begged, even bringing his hands in front of himself. “Please, fuck me in the mouth and let me swallow your cum.” He coughed and tried again. “Let me be your little muscleslut! N-no, fuck my tight hole… lemme suck those muscletits…” He trailed off, starting to feel hopeless. 
Dave stood up and started to head out of the locker room. “I’ll fuck you after my workout,” he promised. “In the meantime, why don’t you go out on the floor and finish what you were doing.”
Justin’s heart raced, but he found his legs moving on their own accord as he strutted back out onto the gym floor.
Mike found him and hurried over. “You alright?” he asked, concerned for his friend. “You rushed off so quickly, I thought you’d gotten sick.”
Justin could feel it bubbling up in his throat. He pleaded with himself to stay quiet, but his mouth started to move all without his say so.
“I’m great, Stud,” he chirped. “I just had to admire Dave’s huge, sexy muscles. They’re so big and manly, especially his massive cock. After my workout I’m gonna let him wreck my tight hole, and then I’m gonna suck him off and ask him to tug on my nips…” The words just kept pouring out of the humiliated stud, and Dave couldn’t help but smirk as he overheard.
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phntmeii · 9 months
Slashers and Hanahaki Disease
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[SFW + No Gendered Terms]
Hanahaki Disease: A fictional disease in which the victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. It ends when the beloved returns their feelings (romantic love only; strong friendship is not enough), or when the victim dies.
Characters: Poly!Ghostface(Billy Loomis, Stu Macher), PreMichael!Corey Cunningham, Hannibal Lecter(TV Ver.), Jason Voorhees, RZ!Michael Myers
General Warnings: Mainly fluffy w/ happy endings, Mentions of death, Mentions of vomiting/gagging
A/N: Half the listed characters will have Hanahaki disease while the other half the reader has Hanahaki disease. Some other notes, I sped up how quickly Hanahaki affects people to a few weeks at max and included what type of flower I think would best fit in these situations :) Most are related to heartbreak, loss, death/rebirth, unrequited love.
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Poly!Ghostface - Billy Loomis and Stu Macher
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Flower Type: Purple Hyacinth
You had taken some days off of class, feeling too sick to go. Your parents didn’t believe you but you looked the definition of ill.
And heartbreak was just the cherry on top for you. Whether you had feelings for Billy or for Stu was already confusing but on top of that, you felt like you weren’t either of their types.
You had seen the people they went out with over the years and you were just never like them. Your own love life was failure after failure but it's not like they were offering themselves up in their place.
You were just the bestfriend in your mind. That’s all. And soon enough, violet petals were being thrown up into the toilet bowl every few hours and you could feel your lungs filling, getting hard to breathe over time.
Both Billy and Stu thought it was weird you skipped class. You’d at least give a heads up beforehand. Billy was more worried than Stu was.
He visited through your window at night to check in on you just to catch you in a pile of violet flowers across your bed covers while you laid there, casually watching a movie while you occasionally coughed some more up.
“What the fuck is that? Are you okay? Me and Stu thought you up and died.”
Looking over, you gave a weak smile in response. “Feels like I am.”
Soon you heard some clanging from the window Billy came in from and found Stu stumbling in, nearly knocking some things down before he hopped back up.
Stu gave a goofy smile as he held up some bottles before Billy looked at him with unamused eyes and snatched the bottles out of his hands as if to say, “Not now.”
Sitting down with you, asking what was wrong. You tried to explain but it sounded so silly. Throwing up flowers? And for seemingly no reason.
“Well… There’s diseases that are caused by stress? You think it’s something like that? Come on. You’ve been acting like shit for the past few weeks.”
You sat there between them and could think of one main thing but… How stupid that sounded. You didn’t want to say it.
Stu shook your shoulders playfully before getting smacked in the back of the head by Billy. “Come on! Tell us! What’s so embarrassing~?”
You sighed and reluctantly explained. You had a crush on them—your bestfriends—and you were definitely not their type. You were completely embarrassed, covering your mouth as you coughed up a few more violet petals.
Billy and Stu stared at each other after you said that, as if silently communicating to one another. Billy slowly smirked while Stu started laughing and wrapped his arms around you from the side.
“Seriously?! Holy shit, dude! You seriously haven’t noticed we were totally into you too?!”
You couldn’t even process what Stu said with how tight he squeezed you with his hug. By the time you finally noticed, you were once again distracted when you felt two different hands holding your jaw as Billy leaned in from one side while Stu leaned in the other and kissed your cheeks.
“ We’ve been into you forever…” Those small words felt like they made room within your lungs again.
PreMichael!Corey Cunningham
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Flower Type: Red Salvia
Corey had met you in passing and you didn’t mind becoming friends with him. He was an awkward nerd and it was a trait you found charming to be friends with.
But to Corey, it was hell when he discovered the petals that soon formed and flew out of his mouth.
He had developed a crush on you immediately when he met you. You were simultaneously his heaven and hell. Someone so nice to him and yet the reason he found it harder and harder to breathe.
He avoided you for a week or so. He was so used to self-isolating himself when something went wrong. Deal with it himself as he always did.
Corey figured it was connected to you. It started the day after he felt those feelings rise in him. To make sure, he visited the doctor’s and found the term: Hanahaki Disease. And it was because of you.
He didn’t want to say anything about it. His fate was sealed in his eyes. But… maybe?
He decided to send a text to meet up. Better to talk about it in person even if it made him nervous to.
“Hey… I- I really didn’t want to y’know bother you or anything-“ “Corey, you don’t bother me. It’s alright. What is it?”
Corey shyly looked down and smiled to himself. God, it hurt to think that you wouldn’t like him. You were so perfect for him.
“I know this is gonna sound weird and if I'm honest I thought it was weird too. I-I’m… dying. From uh… Not having requited love...” As if on queue, he coughed, revealing red petals flying out of his mouth to the ground.
You were obviously immediately worried. To hear such heavy words from Corey made your heart drop. You had to ask who. Maybe he could still convince them to share the same feelings.
Corey scratched the back of his head, looking away. He didn’t want to say it. Especially since he didn’t want to leave you with the news that it was because of you that he had an expiration date coming soon.
“It’s… you. It’s always been you.”
A few whole Red Salvia flowers came out of his mouth after the confession. He grew increasingly embarrassed, wanting to take back his words already. Maybe he shouldn’t have said anything. Just let his life take its course and end quick without you knowing.
But then, those moments of silence were interrupted by you approaching and placing a gentle kiss on his lips. His lips were slightly chapped from nerves and his overthinking made him think he should’ve done something about them sooner but he was more focused on how soft you felt. His heart swelled at the touch while his hands went to your cheeks, deepening the kiss further out of pure need.
Hannibal Lecter
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Flower Type: Red Spider Lily
Hannibal was not one to ever be sick. It rarely happened, if ever. He took care of his health perfectly.
When he started to feel himself grow ill, he immediately knew something was wrong. Coughing was one thing but it was a completely different thing to find himself feeling the urge to vomit and finding flowers fly out of his mouth.
Staring at the red flowers in the toilet bowl, he already knew it wasn’t something normal. In fact, he already knew what it was.
The knowledgeable man he was, Hanahaki was a term that came to mind but with a sense of confusion.
He didn’t necessarily care for people like others did. His “care” for other people was a mask of feigned empathy. Not real.
But if he had this disease, something was different. And it was love of all things? It complicated everything.
There was only one person that came to mind that could possibly fit the supposed feeling he felt: You. His patient.
He kept it hidden still. Suffering in silence because falling in love was not something he was interested in. It would cloud his emotions.
And yet, he began asking about your love life during your sessions. Previous relationships, expectations of love, etc. A collection of information to mold himself into what you wanted.
He invited you over for dinners more and presented you with flowers each session. Each bouquet with meaning and cleanly composed together.
You were his muse. The focus of his musical compositions and the focus of his sketches when he had free time.
His eyes even sparkled softly toward you sometimes if you looked close enough.
But Hannibal knew his days were numbered and he had to say something before the flowers filled his lungs and killed him.
Eventually, he couldn’t take it. His vomiting became more frequent and he could feel how difficult it was to breathe.
After one of your dinners with him and he was walking you to the door, he stopped you. Taking your chin between his fingers, he gently tilted your face to look at him.
“My dear… Please indulge me in my desire for you. It’s grown insatiable.”
He started to lean in toward your lips. He’d memorized the shape a thousand times over through his sketches by now. Each quick line put to paper was a written wish to feel them on his own. “I’ll grow mad without knowing what you taste like.”
His eyes met yours when he was centimeters away from your lips, breath mixing into one another’s. “Tell me you wish the same.”
His eyes looked to you with a slight desperation to them. Once he received the confirmation, that soft whisper of a “Yes…”, he leaned in, pressing his lips to yours and felt like life had been breathed into him.
Jason Voorhees
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Flower Type: Lily of the Valley
Jason hadn't thought about romance much in his life, not thinking he'd be fortunate to experience it. He thought he had a face only his mother could love after all.
Finding you, you were never mean to him. If anything, you were solely kind to him and he was happy at the treatment.
Then worry set in when he noticed you weren't coming to the cabin as often. You usually visited and left some meals for him and candles to dedicate to his mother.
He worried heavily. Jason automatically believed he was in the wrong. Maybe he had scared you or had done something wrong. He was never good at social cues or interacting with people.
He sat there, waiting for you to come back. You wouldn't completely leave right? Or maybe something happened to you? What if you were dead?
Jason could only find his worries settled when he heard footsteps and saw you again. He immediately rushed out and hugged you.
He signed, "Where have you been?? I was so worried!"
Jason noticed you seemed paler than normal and you looked exhausted. "Are you okay? Are you sick?"
He didn't know how to take care of someone who was sick. His mother always took care of him. But he was willing to try.
"I... Yeah. I'm sick, Jason. I've been sick for a week or so now. Vomiting and all."
You couldn't see his expression but he was certainly concerned. He placed a hand on your shoulder. "I'll take care of you."
Whether you wanted to or not, Jason was already dragging you inside and sitting you down. He didn't know how to help, only that he wanted to help.
That's when you coughed and small white petals flew out of your mouth and into your lap. Jason tilted his head at that. Flowers? He had never heard of someone coughing up flowers before.
Jason forcibly kept you in the cabin until you could get better. You were his only friend. The only one who treated him like a person. He didn't want to lose that.
Few days pass and nothing. Petals had become full flowers with stems needing to be yanked out. You gagged each time you had to rip out the flower by its stem.
You thought you might die. A sickness you had never heard of along with it getting quickly worse? You couldn't help but recognize where this was going.
You laid beside Jason at night. He was attached to the hip with you in your stay. You figured now was a better time than never saying it at all.
You took his hand into yours, something that made Jason give you his full attention. "Jason. I just wanted you to know that... I love you. I need you to know that."
Jason could feel his heart jolt at that confession. It was said in a more sad tone than a happy one but all the same, it was the words said that mattered. "Do you mean it? Are you sure?"
Nodding your head with a weak smile, you placed a kiss on the cheek of his mask. Jason could feel his face heat up at that. No one had ever treated him like that before.
He grabbed your hands, maybe a bit too strong in his grasp, as he signed rapidly in excitement. "I love you too. You're the only one who likes me. I want you to stay. Please."
You felt slight pain in your lungs as the stems that had begun taking root in them slowly retracted and dissipated. He was your cure.
RZ!Michael Myers
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Flower Type: White Rose
Michael had inhabited your home for some time. He needed a home base to return to when he wasn’t stalking for victims.
You couldn’t say much against it, fearing you’d be next. And he wasn’t the worst guest?
Besides blood needing to be cleaned, he was silent. You could barely even notice him there if it wasn’t for his giant size.
Over time, you noticed how he grew closer to you. Literally. He loomed over you while you cooked or cleaned. You’d get jumpscared by how you’d turn a corner and see him standing there. He also started preventing you from leaving if he was there.
Michael would stand in front of the door, staring you down until you understood to stay home. Seeing you listen, he gave the most affection he’d ever show: patting your head.
And you grew an odd attachment to him. You’d worry if he was out for too long and worried if he ever came back injured.
You two were attached. In what way, you couldn’t answer that question but you didn’t mind being close to him. Even if he never showed affection or attachment, you knew he felt something. Otherwise, you would’ve been dead already.
Michael never spoke nor gave indication of what he was feeling ever. You could only ever notice the extremes. And when you noticed Michael in his room for longer than normal, you wanted to help even if he always pushed you away.
You knocked but no answer. Knocked twice and still nothing. You took that as a “no entry” and sadly turned away.
Right as you did, the door opened and Michael looked to you with his same deadpan stare you always knew. His hands littered with white rose petals. You didn’t understand until he coughed again, more petals coming out.
You didn’t know how to react to it other than to grow concerned. His hands dropped the petals and grabbed your shoulders, squeezing them. His eyes looked to you and for the first time, there was a slight hint of fear there.
It was odd to see such a large man who had survived hell and back to show fear now. You guided him to the couch, wanting him to feel comfortable.
You grabbed his hand, forgetting how he was a murderer, forgetting how his hands were responsible for the deaths of so many. “Michael…”
He exhaled in response, looking at you through the strands of hair covering his face. He forcibly grabbed your hand, pulling you to him. Ending up in his lap, he held onto you, still silently staring. He buried his head in your chest, squeezing you tight. He didn’t want to let go.
You let your arms hold him to you, caressing the back of his head. You placed a small kiss to the top of his head.
“Michael… It’s okay. I’m here.”
Michael couldn’t take finally having an affectionate touch after so long. Restraint was something he never knew and letting himself have an ounce of it was like opening Pandora’s box. He pulled away and slammed his lips into yours. He pushed you down on the couch, placing his hands on either side of your face, trapping you there.
And yet, you didn’t deny him. You matched his desperate, sloppy kiss. And Michael could feel the air in his lungs return only to be immediately used from his kissing and grunting. And you knew where this was going when you felt his slight runting against your leg.
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⤷ divider credits: @cafekitsune
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burstinn · 7 months
Eldritch Octo! K��nig x Male reader
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I want an x male reader with eldritch König. I always find x female :(( so I made one for myself.
Can be read as Gn! reader but targeted audience is male or people with he/ him or he/ they
Warning: Translated German, Non-con?, Forceful relationship/ toxic relationship.
Striking and sliding your legs out of the wreckage of your teams ship. Coughing out blood and sea water as you suck in a breath.
Burying your head in the sand of an island you managed to get onto.
The sand was cold. So was the air. You were cold. You turn your body to look at the wreckage or what's left of the wreck. A few scraps float to the island you sat on.
There were no other survivors or none you could see. You didn't even know why and how this happened.
You were just down at the docks then you heard an alarm go off making you sprint upstairs to the main deck. Seeing the panic and screams of your team running around.
You tried to ask what's happening but no one answers. All to consumed with whatever happened to make them panic this hard. They we're all scrambling around. You could hear some Shooting rounds some shouting orders others running past you to get downstairs.
Then everything went blank you couldn't remember what else happened. Just a loud bang and you wake up floating on some scrap then you saw this island. You must've passed out. It's a miracle your even alive I mean you were unconscious the whole time.
Did an enemy pull out a surprise attack? That could be possible. Was there something wrong with the ship? Also possible..
You let out deep shaky breaths. You were probably the only survivor on that ship. You tilt your head from side to side looking at this lone island you were in. Behind you looked almost like a jungle you couldn't see past the bushes and trees contributing to how it was night. It was eerie
Weird. It looked like a huge island. It could possibly fit a colony or small village. He couldn't remember seeing this on the map.. Is this an unmapped island?
You stay silent. That's odd...no sounds of animals not birds, not predators or prey hell not even crickets. How could an island be this big but no animals?
Your thoughts were cut short when you hear someone walk on the sand. You flinch swiftly tilting your body to see who it was an enemy? A teammate? A wild animal?..
You sit up. Wait.. That's not.. Right..
It's a 6'10 man walking towards you. Wearing military uniform? A hood hiding his whole face only showing his eyes.
"W-What the-"
You mumble out. Was there a search team already? Why was a lone military man in this island?
"Hello, schatz. I finally get to see you"
He spoke with an Austrian Accent. He spoke with familiarity like he knew you. But you didn't know him. You shakily stood up when he was close to you. Carefully balancing yourself and getting a position to run if this man tries anything.
"Wh-Where is your team? Where are the other soldiers? Who are you? Are you a search and rescue?"
You quickly asked narrowing you eyes in suspicion. Which only made the man before let out a gutteral laugh.
It made him smile seeing you look so strong and cautious even getting in position to sprint away from him. Adorable he doubts you'd even have the time to process what he would do before you could even start running.
"No no schatz, I'm not here to rescue you. I'm here to finally make you mine!"
The Man says normally a glint in his eye. Enthusiasm in his voice as he steps closer.
"Excuse me? This is no time to fucking joke- who the fuck are you?! I swear if I-"
"I'm König" he cuts you off, "there's no need to tell me your name I already know everything about you, bitte come here. Let me finally hold you"
You step back as the man.. Named König held out his arms expectantly waiting for you.
"What the fuck are you talking about?! No! Where are your soldiers?! W- How do we get out of this damn island?!"
You hiss. Screaming at König the hint of authority, anger and fear in your tone. Which made König's enthusiasm fall. He didn't like that tone you were giving him.
He hoped you'd be more submissive.. More cooperative with him. You can see under his mask, his mood shifts.. So did König's tone something more mocking, angry, sinister.
"Ruhige Schlampe, You don't leave the island. I won't allow you too meine liebe. You are confused, it's sad you don't remember what happened"
He responds. Chuckling as he doesn't waste no time to quickly walk over to you and grabbing your arm.
"Das ist traurig Schätzchen, it's okay I'll tell you. I destroyed your ship. I killed everyone. So I can finally have you."
König cooed in your ear. Placing his gloved hand in your cheek.
Your stood frozen.
Is this guy joking? There's no way- but he
"Nein, I am not joking. I can feel you are scared do not worry I will take care of you. I will keep you here in this island.. With me.. Forever"
König hummed as he wraps his arms around you. He just read your mind.. Just when you were about to open your mouth.. To scream, to tell him that this isn't some funny joke.
You felt something wriggling under König's mask. Then something wet and sticky hit your face then multiple wrapping around your face.
You let out a yelp being quickly muffled as you look down and see tendrils.. Octopus like tendrils wrapping your face.
After an agonizing moment of feeling wet slimy tentacles slink around your face some even going in your mouth.. And you felt something touch your lips.. This felt so uncomfortable.. It felt so.. Disgusting..
Then König pulls back leaving circle like marks on your face. You let out a sharp gasp you couldve pushed König but He was holding onto you. You couldn't even move.
You screamed so pathetically. It was music to König's ears he had dreamed of this day for so...so long. To hear you whine under him. To make you be his. He knew you'd put up a fight that's what he likes about you.. So strong, brave... He go on and on about why you even had the privilege to get his attention.
But he did this for you. Making an island and killing off anyone who'd get in König and your romance life. This was enough of a testament for his love for you. And you would understand it. You should be grateful.
He deserves you now that he'd shown his deep adoration for you! He'd make sure you will.
"Do not be scared schatz, we can be together of you just let me do this. Bleiben wir zusammen"
König pulls you closer to him. Burying your face in his chest muffling your protests even as you pushed and pulled away and at König he wouldn't budge. He didn't even care if your wet body soaks his clothes.
"You are cold yes Mein Mann?, do not fret I will make you a viable house you can live in"
He smiles under his mask. You could tell by the way König insanely looks down at you.
His arms around you felt crushing even as he forces you to lay at the sand with him.
"Is this island nice for you? I made it for you. nur für dich, let me keep you warm. You must be so tired."
Note: so like first post.. Nice.
But if I wrote something wrong or missed something about the German.. Tell..
And idk if I'm making part 2 I'm laaazzzyyy.
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toji-girl · 17 days
since you brought up dark content asks... 🤭
step brother!draken hates when you flirt with his friends!!! he can't let his precious baby sister be corrupted by them...
who better than big bro?
18+ only content - mdni
full fucking stop because this is so yummy I am gagged
tags: fem reader + dark content + step-bro trope + incest + explicit smut + size difference
Why must you insist on irritating your big brother?
Do you enjoy the way he rolls his eyes and scoff when you come bounding down the stairs with your tits all but hanging out, bouncing with each step you take and that skirt? You bend over and everyone will see your fat puffy pussy straining against the thin string.
Your panties or the material you bought never hid anything from their prying eyes either, you enjoyed it, the looks and whispers even though you're Draken's little sister they want you in the worst way.
It felt like a personal hell when they came over only to be greeted with hugs that smelled like vanilla and caramel making them want to sink their teeth into you for a bite or two, you'd let them anyway, right? God does Draken hate that more than anything.
"You really let her dress up like that?" It was a question that all the guys around Draken asked, well not all of them, at least not the ones that wanted to keep their teeth in their mouth.
When you flirt with his friends none of it really seems personal until it comes to Mikey or Mitsuya because you take it a step too far by perching on their laps when they sit on the couch in the garage while they pass a cigarette. "Can I have a hit please?" You asked Mikey.
Dark eyes met darker ones as they sized you up with a scoff and shake of his head. "No, you don't need that stuff in your lungs," Draken told you earning a pout and foot stomp that made all the guys laugh, it was cute watching you push back against him.
"Me sitting here is enough, and you're not my daddy. I already got one of those." You told with pink glossed lips that puckered as you blew him a kiss before you grabbed the white stick only to gag and cough as smoke spilled from your mouth earning laughs around.
Mikey patted your back gently letting the tips of his fingers graze the underside of the crop top you put on earlier that showed off bare skin that you sprayed with glitter, it was an intoxicating scent of peaches and cream that made the dark-haired man hard under you.
Draken snatched the cigarette from your hands making you pout again. "Why are you so mean to me? I'm just trying to fit in with you and your friends." You whined and scoot back on Mikey's lap feeling how hard he was under your ass that was pressed against him.
Everyone watched with bated breath as you stood up to poke Draken's chest but due to the height difference, you stabbed at his stomach with a manicured nail instead. "You're too good for us princess, I think maybe you should get going." Baji teased you.
Your eyes cut to the man and rolled your eyes before turning around to face Mikey to run your fingers through his hair bending over to show all the guys the globes of your ass that peeked out from your skirt. "Come by later Manjiro, I'll show you what else I can suck on."
All the guys heard you including Draken which only served to piss him off for the rest of the night, when it ended and everyone went home he was sure to tell Mikey not to come by because you were in trouble which only raised an eyebrow because you're a grown woman.
Yet somehow you ended up being pulled over Draken's lap when the house was quiet, the only sound that could heard was the soft tick from the clock and your heartbeat that started between your legs.
His palms groped your ass over your skirt before he slid them under the denim material. "You wanted this, acting like a cat in heat and telling Mikey what you're good sucking, why don't you show your big brother how much you can suck a cock." Draken snarled and ripped your panties hearing the loud rip, his free hand slapped over your mouth when you gasped and whined softly.
"You ass! Those were my favorite!" You squealed which was only muffled, and despite your weak attempts to fight him, it was clear you wanted this when you scrambled from your position to kneel between his legs which he manspread watching you with a smirk.
Draken settled back more into the couch sinking into the cushions as you pawed at his sweats, an image of you wearing cat ears made him chuckle, and the way you pouted and looked at him reminded him of a stray kitten he saw a few weeks ago, so needy and such a crybaby.
You both had a lot of the same qualities and that's why he brought the kitten home gifting it to you while acting like it wasn't a big deal.
Your manicured fingers wrapped around his pretty cock, the girth perfect with the length to make you feel like he was going to reach your throat or your stomach when you gagged on him.
He watched with darkened eyes as you took him in your mouth swirling your tongue around the tip and collecting the cum that oozed from the slit, your spit dribbled down the sides as you moved closer to take him in deeper until you gagged around him wetly.
Too bad all his friends weren't here to see how much you loved sucking your big brother's dick.
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cstlez · 2 months
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warnings ; explicit language, smoking, kissing, use of y/n,
"She's been in a daze for the last fifteen minutes I don't know how to get her back."
"Have you tried sticking a straw in her ear?"
"Why the hell would I do that?"
"You're no fun Georg—"
"Fine i'll do it!"
"What the hell dude!" I yelled, My ear tickled, I watched Tom bend over and start laughing,
His body shook as he laughed, I slumped further into the chair, watching as Georg silently laughed.
"I told you it'd work!" Tom yelped, his body soon settling into a chair beside me, he flicked my forehead, making me glare at him.
"Alright—" Georg took a deep breath as he stopped laughing, sitting beside me as well.
"What do you two want?" I asked, noticing how they both looked at me with a stern look, I raised a brow.
"Why'd you come over if you are just going to day dream all day?" Tom asked, digging into his pockets for what i'm assuming is a pack of gum.
I bit the inside of my cheek, "I'm not!- I'm not daydreaming.. I'm just thinking." I murmured.
"Womp womp.."
"Same fucking thing."
I rolled my eyes, rubbing my arms as I felt goosebumps grow over my skin. My entire body quivered as memories from Thursday replayed in my head over and over again.
"Can we head down to the studio later, we want you to fix up some of Bill's lyrics and maybe tweak around with my guitar, I just don't know how to make it match the new song." Georg asked, making me cough.
"oh— wait.. you want me to fix up some of Bill's lyrics?" I asked, wiping my mouth.
"Yeah?.. You've done it before.." Georg questioned, I glared at him.
"Is Bill gonna be there?" I asked, pushing some of my hair away from my eyes.
"Obviously he's part of the band yeah?.." I bit my tongue.
"Okay fine ye- yeah." I mumbled, nervous to see Bill because of the way we'd left things at the rink.
I stood up and grabbed my bag, scurrying to slip on my shoes.
"You're leaving already?" Tom asked, folding his hands over each other.
"Yeah- yeah I.. pfft... I forgot about an uh assignment due uh.. today! Yeah today!" I exclaimed, rushing to the door.
"Why is she acting so fucking weird?" Tom asked, Georg laughed.
"Your twin is why." Georg mumbled.
"Why would Bill have anything to do with her acting like a total idiot?" Tom asked, his hands now digging far into his pockets for a stick of gum.
"They have a bit of situation ship, it's been going on since last year." Georg mumbled.
"Eh- what?" Tom asked, regaining his breath.
Tom's eyes went white.
Georg laughed.
"I think it's about time you knew since no one told you." Georg mumbled.
"You guys are unbelievable. I can't believe no one mentioned it. Especially Bill!" Tom complained, grumbling as he chewed on his bottom lip.
"We thought you pieced it up by now." Georg mumbled.
"Oh come on don't get so prissy now!"
"Prissy are you serious!?"
— "Why is her head so far up her ass recently?"
"Don't say that.."
"Bill you have no say in this."
"Someone just snap her back I need her help with this next line."
"You do it!"
"Fuck off Tom!"
"I'll do it just shut it."
"Hey, y/n, Georg needs your help with something." Bill mumbled, shaking me lightly.
I blinked a couple times, slightly jumping as I saw him face to face with me, he smiled softly.
"Hey.." He mumbled with a smile. I swallowed hard looking from his eyes to his lips.
I bit down on my bottom lip, I could've sworn my face heated up.
"Hey, yeah sorry i've just- i've been lost in thought." I mumbled. Bill nodded, He stepped away to go scribble more things into his notebook and I made my way beside Georg.
"Okay.. What do you need." I asked him.
Georg scoffed, "I need your head in reality not wonderland. Just talk to him if your head is so far up your ass."
I glared at him, snatching his music sheets away from him.
"He doesn't even know what he wants so what's the point." I mumbled, looking over his notes.
"Georg a whole note wouldn't fit here use an eighth note instead." I mumbled, erasing it and replacing it with another note.
"He knows what he wants y/n." Georg mumbled ignoring my correction.
I shook my head, reading over his other notes.
" He just has an inability to express his feelings. "
"Big words you chose to use there." I muttered, licking my lips as I corrected a couple more things and even annotated to show how they match the lyrics.
"Come on you need to grow a pair too." Georg mumbled, looking over the now freshly annotated sheet, strumming his guitar as he looked at the notes.
"Shut up." I muttered, throwing his pencil at him. I stood up and began walking towards the back doors, I grabbed my coat and beanie and made my way out the door. I sat on some nearby bricks, digging into my pockets for a pack of camels.
I dug further into my pocket finding my lighter, carefully I pulled out a cigarette and lit it, licking my lips slightly before putting it in my mouth and shoving the pack and lighter back into my pockets,
I shivered softly, taking a long drag from the cigarette, letting out an exasperated sigh as the smoke left my lips.
"Since when do you smoke?"
His voice echoed through my ears, I swallowed hard, taking another drag from the cigarette.
"College.. Just stresses me out more than high-school ever did." I mumbled, Bill chuckled softly, sitting beside me his beanie making his hair stick to his face.
Bill licked his lips, gently grabbing the cigarette between my lips.
"May I?"
I nodded, he grinned, taking the cigarette away and putting it between his lips, taking a long drag before letting the smoke leave his lips, gently dusting off some of the ash.
"Are the guys stressing you out?" Bill asked, I sighed, but I nodded softly.
"Yeah. A little."
Bill chuckled, I nudged him.
"Fine.. A lot. Just been pretty serious lately." I mumbled.
I took the cigarette away from him, taking another long drag, I looked at him for a second before blowing the smoke out of my lips.
I rested my head on his shoulder, he was startled I could tell, But after a couple seconds he settled down, he began wrapping one of his arms around me, his nails tickling me slightly.
He took the cigarette back and took another drag, blowing the smoke out slightly. Somehow he didn't react to the cold that much. It may just be because he's used to it.
I admired how red his face was. It suited him.
Looking at him for this long felt wrong, but It also felt so right. He was my poison, He hurt me but the admiration and love only grew.
My heart yearned for him.
I watched him take another drag of the cigarette, His eyes shut momentarily.
The smoke slowly left his lips.
He looked so pretty under the moon, he had this glint in his eyes, this shine to his face, his pale skin made him even more alluring.
Every second with him was worth something to me. It was worth everything.
I watched his hand fall, the cigarette being put out by the snow, He turned to look at me and without warning, He cupped my face gently, his other hand slowly tracing up and down my back to finally cup my face.
Both of his hands held my face, his eyes, looking away, back at me again, and then at my lips.
I opened my mouth to speak, but he shook his head, I swallowed hard, my body ached.
His hands still felt warm despite the cold, His breath hitched.
"Just let me look at you for a moment yeah?"
My heart almost instantly started to race.
I swallowed hard, my eyes darting left to right avoiding his eyes.
He didn't say anything, He just looked at me, one of his hands dropped, tracing all the way down my neck and landing on my shoulder.
He squeezed it slightly, I watched him bite down on the inside of his cheek, he leaned forward, his breath tickling my neck.
Was all he mumbled, and before I knew it his lips had connected with mine. My breath hitched slightly, my eyes shutting slowly.
His hand tightened on my arm, making me deepen the kiss even further, he pulled away momentarily, catching his breath before he pushed his lips onto mine even harder.
I felt his tongue slip into my mouth, making me gasp slightly, his other hand dropped, roaming my torso.
He mumbled, making my whole body ache.
I swallowed hard, bringing my hands to surround the nape of his neck.
I felt all his hairs, small goosebumps trailed all over him, he pulled away kissing my cheek gently, his lips quivered slightly.
His tongue collided with my neck, swirling around for a second, he planted a small kiss before beginning to bite gently with his teeth, sucking softly.
An involuntary whine left my lips. I gripped his hair gently, not to hurt him but for some sort of support.
"It's- going to be noticeable.."
"Shh.. I know—"
My breath grew heavy, I shut my eyes to gain some sort of composure, my hands weakly gripping his clothing.
He pulled away from my neck, smoothing out the spot, he looked me in the eyes, they were filled with desperation and desire.
He bit his lip gently, connecting our lips yet again. This time it was more slow and gentle, he was trying to regain his own composure.
"What the fuck you said you'd get her not make out with her!"
Bill pulled away, my face slowly hiding behind him, I palmed my hands over my face embarrassed.
"Hey Georg.." I mumbled.
"Don't fucking ' hey ' me get your ass inside I need you to put some knowledge into Tom's brain!" Georg complained.
I rolled my eyes, I could see Bill's gentle smile, I smiled at him, I kissed his cheek, before standing up and walking back into the studio.
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linorachas · 1 year
Hello!^^ I have an sudden idea for request, but if it's too specific, you're completely free to reject it.%) Reader is introduced to Stray Kids (ot8), they are talking (basically, "Give me your TMI" irl), and reader is "ticking checkboxes" unknowingly in Bin's head about ideal type. Like, they have a tattoo, they are gym lover, they are passionate, and so on. And, when reader says "I love food, both cooking and eating", Bin suddenly blurts out "Marry me". The rest is up to you.💕*wink*
it's hereeeee weeeeee i hope you like it!!!!!
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"Guys, this is Y/N."
Changbin looks up from where he was mindlessly scrolling on his phone just to have his breath hitch. You walk in with Chan, shyly waving your hand, but your eyes were bright with excitement, endearing Changbin to no end. Didn't help that you were drop dead gorgeous too.
Chan introduces you to the rest of the boys one by one, and by the time he gets to Changbin, Changbin's a little dazed when you meet his eyes and smile at him.
"Hi, Changbin." You say in a soft voice, and Changbin's heart rabbits in his chest.
Oh. He really likes the way you say his name. He thinks he'd like to hear you say it again.
And as if that wasn't enough, you fit into their group seamlessly. You crack jokes with Jisung, get along well with Seungmin, and at one point even managed to fluster Minho, which practically made you a god in Changbin's books.
Then at one point in the night you get a bit hot, so you take off your jacket. And when Changbin spots the tattoos on your skin, he chokes on his drink. Literally.
"Are you okay?" You ask, worried and startled at how Changbin was hacking and coughing for his life.
When he finally gets to breathe, Changbin frantically nods his head. His eyes were teary as he reassures you, "I'm fine, I'm fine, It just- went down the wrong pipe. You, uh- you have nice tattoos."
"Oh!" You exclaim, looking so much like an excited puppy that Changbin feels himself grin. "Thank you so much! I'm really proud of them."
And Changbin opens his mouth, about to ask the story of each tattoo and how you came to decide to get them so you just talk and talk and talk to him, but then Hyunjin is grabbing your attention and calling you over before he can say a word. Changbin tries not to huff.
You send Changbin another soft smile before you go though, and it eases him a little. Just a little.
For the rest of the night, Changbin watches as you coo at Felix and play games with Jeongin, fitting in with the group like you've been there for years already. And when it was time to eat, you weren't shy, constantly gushing about how good the food was. But even as you stuffed your mouth, you never forgot to take care of the younger kids and made sure they were full.
Changbin was slowly but surely falling in love.
Something about you just made Changbin want to know more and more about you. He wanted to know what made you happy, sad, annoyed. What you liked to do before bed and if you had any weird rituals. He wanted to talk with you all night, under the covers, in the quiet night of a room.
He just wanted to know you.
The final nail in the coffin happens immediately right after dinner. You're all full, right on the verge of a food coma, bodies scattered all over the floor. Content sighs can be hear everywhere.
You stretch like a cat as you sit, pat your tummy, then say, "I'm going to have to work twice as hard in the gym tomorrow."
Changbin freezes. Chan notices his wide eyed look and snorts.
Changbin slowly turns to you, lips parting in disbelief. You catch his eye and innocently tilt your head in question, as if you didn't just say the one thing that sealed the deal for him.
Just as you were about to ask Changbin if something was wrong, Changbin sputters out, "Marry me."
This time, it's your turn to freeze.
Minho and Jisung almost fall off the couch laughing. Chan is chuckling beside them. Felix and Jeongin have that wide eyed, startled look on their faces, while Hyunjin was pulled out his phone to record. Seungmin is making cheering noises. Changbin is as red as a fucking tomato.
That wasn't what he wanted to say!
Well- kind of. He did want to marry you, just not... now. When you haven't even started dating yet. When he hasn't even told you he likes you and would want to get to know you more! When he- it's-
It's hopeless. He's hopeless. He's thinking off all the things he wants to say but not a single word comes out of his mouth, stunned to silence as you and him stare at each other.
And then, just when Changbin starts to think he just fucked up whatever chance he had with you, you start to blush.
A pretty pink blush that starts at your ears and goes to your cheeks then all the way down to your neck.
Oh. Now you were red all over, and Changbin's heart jumpstarts with hope again.
You squirm in your seat, shyly meeting Changbin's eyes and stuttering as you say, "A-at least take me out on a date first?"
That's... not a rejection.
The rest of the kids make loud, teasing cheers, and somebody shoves Changbin, but he can't take his eyes off you. You were brushing so prettily and yet you never broke eye contact with Changbin, still facing him head on. It gives him the courage to get his act together.
So Changbin snaps out of his daze. He clears his throat and fixes his posture. He's been trailing after you like a lost puppy the entire night, eyes full of heart but never making a move.
Now that he knows he's got your attention, he's doing everything on earth to keep it.
He grins handsomely. "Lunch after gym tomorrow?"
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hotpinkstars · 4 months
-> hospital beds and romaritime flowers
synopsis -> after getting pummeled by a ruin gaurd, your girlfriend, furina, pays you a little visit.
warnings -> bone breaks, mentions of injuries, hospitalization, reader does have a vision, mostly fluffy
w/c -> 1.2k
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it’s around 6:00 PM at night when you hear footsteps coming down the hallway to your assigned room. they sounded rushed. you could only imagine it was your girlfriend, considering she called ahead of time to tell you of her visit. 
“what did you even do??” furina frantically makes a halt at your doorway, immediately clearing her throat, changing to a calm and semi-carefree tone. “i-i mean… why are you here?” 
you sighed, showing her what the scans said. you were lying in your hospital bed, due to an injury from a mission the traveler asked of you. it was more like a mini favor, but somehow you got hurt. the scans showed a fracture in the spine, and a bone break in your tibia. 
“how did you do that? you have a vision, so unless you fell from, like, the palais mermonia-” you cut furina off, shaking your head due to the fuss she was making. your body felt 50 times more sensitive, and your head was pounding. noise in general seemed to piss you off even more at this point. 
“no, furina, i did not fall from that. that would be death.” you giggled slightly, toying lightly with the tube that attached your IV to the IV pole. you looked up at the fluid bags hanging over you, and then back down at the IV in your hand. “i did the traveler and paimon a slight favor, and underestimated the strength of a ruin guard. thats all..” 
furina rested her shoulders, finding no more need to be tense. yes, a spinal and tibial injury is horrible, but at least you’re alive. she sees you trying to tilt your head, realizing your pain, and then putting her head down, looking at her feet and then at the flowers she discarded on the back counter by where the curtain closes. she slowly inches back and grabs them, putting them on your bedside table. you smile, moving your hands to signal that you want them to be put on your lap. 
she cautiously puts them in your grip, allowing you to get a better look at them. Once you see them, you smile widely before gripping her hand. 
“my favorites,” you whisper, before having furina help you bring them to your nose to smell them. you exhale before slowly setting them down on the counter, bringing her hands in yours once more. “thank you, mon cheri.” 
furina can sense a slight blush forming on her cheeks, and she is quick to laugh a little bit. 
“ah, you know it’s no issue, i was just out and i saw them, that's all… and i got them because i know they’re your favs, obviously!” she continued to giggle, bringing a smile to your face. you were too tired to tease her further, the urge to tell her that there was certainly another reason than just coming upon them. you could only assume she panicked, and wanted to make you feel better with your favorites- a bouquet of romaritime flowers. 
“you don’t have to justify yourself, dear. i understand your intentions.” you smiled. you didn’t know if she smiled back or if you hit a playful nerve by pointing out that what she said was a cover up to what she truly did it for. 
“well, i told you my intentions! they were only because i found them. if i didn’t come across these, i would’ve gotten you something different.” she went into a coughing fit, likely choking on her spit, making you laugh a little bit. 
“h- cough hey! Don’t- cough laugh!” her flustered and slightly embarrassed look made you laugh even harder- or at least as hard as you could without triggering some pain. she turned away, pretending to drink a small cup of water she poured from the sink, but instead smiling. 
“can you sit with me?” she heard you whisper, and after she gulped down the last sip of water, she twirled over to your bed, plopping down on it almost perfectly, without hitting you at all. you giggled a little more, seemingly impressed with what she just did. 
“i wish i could do that. this bed hurts my tailbone… people weren’t kidding when they said these cots feel like sleeping against a brick wall with a weird gravitational pull. i wanna leave.” you sighed, wishing you could go back to normal, where in any instance like this you’d teasingly let your head fall onto furinas shoulder or lap to spike a reaction.
“i want you to leave too. whatever shall i do without my y/n unable to assist me at work?” she laughed, making you smile before locking eyes with her. you always admired her eyes- the one shined a beautiful blue, like the fontainian ocean in the midst of the night, and the other looked like the shimmering blue sky mixed with white, fluffy clouds. 
“you’ll live for a little while..” you smiled even brighter. “it’s not like i’m in hospice and it’s my last days alive. if that were the case, then this situation would certainly be a lot different.” 
furina nods, looking at the nurse entering the room to check how your back and leg is doing, and giving you more information on what day and time your surgeries will be taking place. 
“well, good news is, we only have to replace one spinal disk. but the bad news is, we’re gonna have to do a full tibia repair. the spinal one will happen in a few hours from now, and the tibia one will be sometime tomorrow afternoon. i just need your spouse to sign these papers, understanding that she likely knows of your medicinal history and if you’ve had any other significant injuries or surgeries in the past,” the nurse gave furina the clipboard and a pen before sitting down on a hospital stool, rolling it towards you before slightly turning your head to face her. “is this position okay, or would you like me to turn you?” 
you thought for a moment, and then nodded. “please turn me, but nothing too significant. i just need relief to my tailbone.” 
the nurse nods and slowly but surely turns you to a more comfortable position, redoing your pillow arrangement and adjusting the back brace before focusing on your legs. after she turns your legs, she walks out, putting the call remote back up by you.
at this time, furina was almost done signing the medical papers. she just had one more to go, occasionally asking you questions she didn’t have too much background information on, and then signing off her name at the end of each. you looked out your window, being able to see the center of the city, and smiling at the bright lights contrasting the darkness of teyvat. 
she leaves the papers on your side table, seeing the visiting hours were almost up. she couldn’t believe how fast time went- she got there at 6, and now it’s 8:30. 
“i have to leave now, but i promise i’ll be back tomorrow, my love,” furina giggled, getting up and walking with a little pep in her step over to where your head is. “sleep as well as you can. i know you’ve got a surgery coming up pretty soon, but try to sleep until the anesthesia guy comes in. everyone needs their beauty sleep, hospital or not!” she kissed you on the lips.
“bye y/n! i’ll be back soon!”
you said a bye back, slightly waving, before drifting off into a rather uncomfortable sleep.
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meo-on-prairie · 10 months
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Gojo Satoru x Reader
Prompt: “You know there's many different ways that you can kill the one you love // The slowest way is never loving them enough”
Words count: 2844
Tags: ANGST, SO MUCH ANGST, fluff if you take out the James Webbs Space telescope, pain train all the way, not a happy ending, mention of blood and death, idiot to lovers a little too late, it’s not happy, highschool au, hanahaki au
Rambling: if you see this fic as “Pulmo flower” this is the revamp of that lmao, I posted it years ago and deactivated my entire account cuz i was insecure about my creativity, but i’m working on that. By re-releasing what I think is my proudest work. Please listen to “High Infidelity - Taylor Swift” and “Heather - Conan Gray” for this fic. 
XX03 Daisy: innocence 
He gave me a Daisy when we first met— a wildflower he picked at the entrance of the playground, shoving it in my face as I sat on the swing. Grinning from ear to ear when he asks, “will you be my friend?”. And every birthday from then on, without fail, Daisies would be shoved to my face. Those damn Daisies occupied my lungs, took my breath away. 
XX09 Sunflower: unconditional love 
We’re inseparable, attached by the hip. It’s easier to count the times where we’re not together. I don’t know when it started, but he became my air, although sometimes it was hard to breathe, it’s hardest to breathe when he isn't near. The pressure in my chest became so great that it often forced out violent coughing fits. They are often violent and painful, sometimes unbearable, they feel like my lungs are trying to force something out that is incapable beyond reach. Until one day, those violent coughs forced me into unconsciousness. 
White. The first color that I saw when I opened my eyes. Cold and harsh white of the hospital room. the color white, it’s in everything I hate. White is the color of the hospital room glaring at me mockingly, laughing at the fact that I have a weak body. White is the color of snow signaling the arrival of winter and the freezing uncomfortable cold. White is also the color of his stupid hair, a painful reminder of someone I can never have. I hate the painful white color. 
But maybe the color white isn’t so bad if it allows yellow to shine so brightly. The Sunflowers on the table caught my attention from the corner of my eyes, the flowers warmed up the whole room instantly, funny how a speck of yellow can warm up the cold white room. The small note of the familiar handwriting attached to one of the flowers makes the flowers shine even brighter. "Get well soon! :( love and miss you a lot ~ Satoru". Slowly, painfully, I can feel the sunflowers blooming, occupying another space in my lungs, making it harder to breathe, especially without him. 
XX11 Cornflower: young love
Legend has it that Cornflowers were worn by young men in love; if his love was returned they would remain bright and fresh, if not they would wither away quickly. He gave me Cornflowers during freshmen orientation. Everything about cornflowers was annoying, the color was too bright and it hurt my eyes. It's a weak flower and dies easily, withering in two days. It reminded me of how similar I am to it, weak and annoying; both wither away when our love is not returned. But at the same time, it gave me hope… 
“Why Cornflowers?”
“They just look bright and pretty, something vibrant for a new chapter in our life right?”
“Right… of course.” 
Of course, there wouldn’t be any deep meaning to them. Hope is for fools.
XX14 Heather: admiration
November brings around the freezing cold of winter, I have always disliked the cold, it made breathing harder than it already was. When the bell for lunch rang, I quickly packed my bag to go meet up with Satoru, Suguru, and Shoko at the cafeteria.
To my surprise, Satoru wasn’t with them. The three of us went to get food anyway since all the good foods will be all gone if we’re late to the line. Satoru arrived at the cafeteria a few minutes later, with an unfamiliar girl trailing behind him. 
“Sorry I was late, I was trying to convince someone to join us” he explained quickly before turning his body sideways, “We got paired together for a project for Physics, she just moved here so be nice to her.”
“Hi, I’m Areum” she spoke softly, her shyness written all over her face. She was absolutely gorgeous, the soft curls of her long hair framed her face perfectly. She has a small figure, the clearly oversized sweater she’s wearing made her look adorable, a sight for sore eyes. Compared to her I’m not even half as pretty.
“Hello Areum, I’m Suguru, I see you’re wearing Satoru’s sweater,” he said with a smirk, clearly enjoying the blush that quickly appeared on both Satoru’s and Areum’s faces. 
“S-She looked like she was about to freeze over in that room alright?!” Satoru defended hotly. 
“Sure thing buddy” Shoko joined Suguru on the teasing-Satoru-bandwagon before smiling at Areum, “My name is Shoko, by the way!”
I reached my arms out to flick Suguru and Shoko on their forehead, “stop teasing the poor girl!”
“Hi Areum, I’m Y/n, Satoru’s childhood friend, sorry you got stuck with that doofus for a Physics project of all thing” I joked, offering her a gentle smile while ignoring Satoru’s pouty complaints of something along the line of he’s not that bad at Physics.
Areum let out a shy giggle at my comment before sitting down to join our table. The four of us quickly settled into a comfortable atmosphere as we got to know Areum better, asking her the reason for her transfer so late into the school year, among other things. 
The entire time, Satoru’s eyes never strayed away from Areum’s face. His smile got wider every time she laughed. His gaze toward her made my stomach somersault and me feeling nauseous. They’re the same gazes I had toward him. It slowly gets harder to breathe as pressure builds up in my throat. I forced the cough that threatened to escape down, I was probably overthinking it anyway. 
But that feeling of nausea never went away. It only gets worse as the week comes and goes, especially when almost all of the conversations between me and Satoru had always led to her. I started to see him less and less since he always declined invitations to hang out with: “Sorry, I promised Areum that I would study Physics with her.”
Ever since Areum joined our little group, she got Satoru mesmerized. They’re practically attached by the hip, never one without the other. It was suffocating to see them together all the time. But how could I hate her? She was an absolute angel. Always speaking softly and gently, always kind to everyone around her. Hell, she noticed whenever I started to struggle for air when no one else did. I wish I could hate her even just a little bit, maybe then it wouldn’t be as painful.
XX15 Rose: romance  
February 14th, probably the most annoying day of the year. The school ground is littered with pink and red, people carrying flowers, balloons, chocolate, and stuffed animals in different sizes around, blocking up the already crowded hallway. 
Some couples walk around, others busy sucking each other face off in a corner, and god knows what some of those freaks are doing in the bathroom stalls. I wish this day would be over already, everything is suffocating. I make my way through the hoard of people professing their undying love to each other in the schoolyard. Finally, I reached my first-period class, reaching my hand out to tug open the door when I heard my name being called. I turned around to see Satoru with one hand waving in the air like a madman and the other carrying a single pink rose. 
“Y/n! Hi!” He greeted me after coming to a stop in front of me.
“Good morning to you too, Satoru,” I said with a smile.
He shoved the pink rose he’s holding to my face with the bunny smile gracing his lips, “Happy Valentine’s Day!”
I guess some old habits die hard after all, “Thanks, Satoru” I chuckled lightly as I accepted the flower. 
We stood there for what felt like forever until he started, “Y/n, so I----” the bell ring cutting Satoru off.
“Shit, gotta go, my first class is on the opposite side of campus, I’ll see you after school okay? Bye Y/n” He said quickly before running off. 
What was he about to say? Curse that damn bell, I swear that thing has the worst timing. I look down at the pink flower. The pink petals look soft and fluffy, a small pink rose starts to bloom in my lungs along with budding of hope. “No Y/n, you idiot, didn't you say that hope is for fools? Stop it before you get hurt!”. But I know it's already too late, I can't seem to control the smile that's growing on my lips and the fluttering of butterflies in my stomach. 
Maybe... Just maybe... he feels the same way. Maybe I was wrong about his feelings toward Areum. After all, he gave me a rose, the one flower that shouted “love” louder than any other flowers. This could be my chance to tell him how much he means to me. Suddenly, Valentine’s day became the most exciting day of the year. Bringing the rose closer to my nose, I can't wait to see him after school...
When the last bell signaling the end of the day rang, I practically bolted out of the room to meet Satoru at our usual spot. Excitement filled my body, I felt lighter than ever, but also nervous at the same time.
I arrived at the schoolyard to see a huge group of people crowding around in a circle blocking the way to our usual spot. I rolled my eyes as I prepared mentally to push through the crowd. 
With great difficulty, I started to join the crowd and maneuvered myself through the hoard of people while repeating "excuse me" over and over again. Eventually, I reached the other side of the human barrier, I breathed deeply and prepared to do it once again before looking up. The sight that greeted me when I looked up filled me with dread. My stomach dropped and I felt nauseous. The flowers in my lungs are multiplying, making it harder to breathe. I can feel my heart tighten up in my chest. 
Standing in the middle of the circle of people is Satoru, holding a bouquet of red roses, looking as handsome as when I last saw him. Light pink coating his cheeks, there is nervousness in his eyes as he stands in front of Areum, who is having both hands covering up half of her face. Surprises grace her beautiful form. Standing behind them are Shoko and Suguru, they're both holding up a giant sign that reads "will you be my Valentine?" with a glittery cursive font. Both of their faces show excitement as they look at Satoru and Areum. 
I held my breath as I prayed for whatever deity above for her to say no. Unfortunately, they seem to hate me with a burning passion. I watch as she nods slowly before exclaiming "yes!". I watch as Satoru lets out a sigh and then smiles brightly. The same smile that can light up the whole room. The same smile that makes me fall hopelessly in love with him. I watch them walk toward each other as people around them cheer loudly. I watch as Satoru shyly gives Areum the rose and she accepting them just as shyly. I watch as they embrace each other with wide smiles gracing their lips and people hollering and wolf-whistling around them. 
I can't breathe. I can't breathe. I can't breathe. The flowers are multiplying too quickly, filling up my lungs, making it almost impossible to breathe. I need to get out of here. I turned around abruptly, forcing my way through the crowd of people. Once I'm out of the circle, I break into a sprint. I ran and ran and ran and ran. I don't know where, I just want to be as far away from that crowd as possible. My lungs were burning from the lack of oxygen, but I kept running until I could no longer hear the cheering of people and dropped down to the ground. 
I tried inhaling to no avail. It hurt so much. Every time I try to inhale or exhale it would feel like needles are being scraped against the walls of my lungs. It's painful, no, fuck that, it's torturous, everything hurt like hell, the pain is agonizing. It makes me want to rip out my heart and lung and throw them far away to ease the pain in my chest. 
Pressure slowly builds up in my throat and it gets itchier and itchier forcing me to let out a cough. That cough is followed by another one, and another one, and another one until I'm coughing uncontrollably. My body doubled over and shook violently as I wheezed for air. I covered my mouth with my hands as I coughed into them. I choked violently before I felt wetness on my hands. 
I pulled my hands away from my face and looked down on them, holding back another cough. In my hand, a pool of blood and flower petals. The warm yellow of sunflowers, the cold white of daisies, and the gentle pink of roses are being dyed by the red of blood. Tears blurring my vision as I throw myself into another coughing fit. More blood was forced out of my body along with more flower petals. 
Suddenly my lungs started to burn even more. I cough harshly as something bigger than the petals force its way out of my throat and onto the floor, joining the existing puddle of blood. A pink rose. Soon enough the more flowers and blood forced their way out of my body to join the puddle of blood under me where the rose and flower petals lie. It hurts like hell with each cough, but... It became easier and easier to breathe after each time. 
When the last daisy fell into the pool of blood, the coughing fit stopped. The burning stopped along with the pain in my chest. The numbness I felt was almost exhilarating. My body felt lighter than ever, it felt like I was floating on clouds. I take in a deep breath and slowly exhale as darkness takes over me. 
XX16 Tiger Lily: “Please love me”
A figure of a man holding a bouquet walks silently toward the cemetery. His lean frame is adorned with a thick jacket to protect him from the harsh cold of winter, his form feels lonely as if a part of him is missing, gone from this world completely. The sun is setting over the horizon, coloring the sky in bright orange and pink. But Satoru couldn't care less, his world has lost all of its colors a while ago. The beauty of this world only appears dull to him, nothing can be pretty in a world without her. 
He walks solemnly through the cemetery, passing by the countless headstones. Until he reached one in particular. The headstone looks relatively new compared to the ones surrounding it. The writing on it read: "Y/n, XX97 - XX15, 'Loving you silently'". 
Satoru kneels in front of Y/n's grave as tears slowly spill from his eyes, blurring his vision. He placed the bouquet of Tiger Lilies in front of her grave, joining the other flowers that were already there from visitors earlier that day. He sat there regretfully silent as tears spilled from his eyes. 
"Hey Y/n, How have you been?" he greets.
"I hope you’re doing well.” He lets out a forced chuckle, "Everyone has been missing you. Especially your mom, she cried everyday for months after you’re gone. She has been doing better now though, so you don't have to worry too much, I’ll take care of her in your stead."
Satoru let out a shaky breath as more tears spilled out from his eyes, “I miss you every damn day, I miss you so much that it’s hard to breathe. Fuck, I can’t look at daisy flowers without crying anymore!"
“I miss your smile that brightened up the whole room. I miss your eyes that held the universe. I miss your comforting voice” he said while choking up as tears fell harder from his glistening blue eyes, "But more than anything, I miss you who felt like home...”
“I’m sorry for being an idiot and realizing when it was already too late, you deserve so much better than my pathetic self” He sobs pitifully.
Satoru sat there with his back hunched over as tears fell endlessly from his eyes. At that moment, he looks small and fragile, as if we would break from a single touch. With each passing minute, it got harder and harder for him to breathe. His lungs begin to burn as the pressure slowly builds up in his throat, forcing him to violently cough up flower petals and blood. When the coughing fit died down, he pulled out a handkerchief to wipe the blood off of his lips. Slowly, he stood back up before glazing at the headstone longingly. 
“I’ll see you soon, Y/n,” he whispered with a bitter smile as he began to walk away.
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certifiedskywalker · 10 months
How You See Me - Aemond Targaryen
Anonymous asked: hi i love you're writings so much, you have a way with words that makes you're stories so mesmerizing, i dont know if you are accepting requests right now but if you do will you write an angst one with aemond targaryen or daemon somerhing that has to do with betrayal or choosing the other side of war thank you.
You have always seen Aemond, seen past his title, and, for a moment, you thought he was finally seeing himself too...
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He brought the rain in with him. Puddles gathered on the floor of his chambers, channeled in grooves between the packed stone brick. The little rivers rushed toward you from where he stood by the ironwood door, the peaks of his frame cast in the dark of the dim-lit space. If not for the shine of his silver hair and the ghastliness of his pallor in the torchlight, he would have been unrecognizable. Even sure that it was him, you found yourself calling out warily.
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His name fit in your mouth too well. You liked the feel of it, how it felt rolling off your tongue. In a place like King’s Landing where all sensations, sights, and smells, were new, Aemond felt familiar. Perhaps it was simply the shock of seeing another child at court. Let alone seeing a child with an eyepatch. 
“Prince.” At the sound of his stern whisper, you peered up at your father, a decorated Lord, in question. “Prince Aemond. Title comes first, just as we practiced.”
You nodded quickly, nervously, as if you got caught sneaking a sweet past curfew. “Yes, Prince Aemond.”
“And,” your father continued, “the Princess Helaena to the King’s left. It seems that Prince Aegon is absent from court. A strange thing for— Oh! Now, remember.”  
His rushed, last-minute tutelage was cut short as the Lord and Lady in front of you moved from the sword-studded start of the Iron Throne. In their place was a spot for you and your father to greet the members of the Royal Family present. You swallowed hard at the sight before a guiding hand set on your back and pushed you forward. 
The closer you got, the more you saw of King Viserys’ mangled features: his grey face sunken in the cheeks and eye sockets with sores dotting his every stretch of skin. Though, it looked as though his maesters went to some effort to obscure the bloody splotches with salves made to match what you assumed was the pale color of his flesh before sickness claimed it. When the King opened his mouth to greet you and your father, you saw that his teeth were grey too, at least where they weren’t missing.
“By the Gods! How good it is to see you! The last time, I do believe, you were still Daemon’s squire, yes? And— Why, is this your little one?”
“‘Tis indeed, your Majesty.”
King Viserys beamed and you stayed as still as stone, unwilling to show fear despite the state of his smile. “Well,” he continued, “I do hope our children will grow close, strengthening the bond between our great Houses. Hmm?”
“Yes, yes, your Majesty, as do I.” Your father nudged you and your mouth immediately went dry. It took everything you had to wrench your gaze from King Viserys and look to the left. Helaena seemed unresponsive, light eyes dancing about the room, looking everywhere save for you.
“It’s customary to bow.”
Your eyes shot to the right, to Aemond. Prince Aemond. He was scowling at you, his face turned up in seeming disgust; but unlike the visage of his father, Aemond’s face, the jagged scar, still red with relative freshness, did not frighten you in the slightest. Your father, on the other hand, made a mortified rasping sound.
“Already a stickler for pageantry, my Aemond,” Viserys flattered.
“Prince Aemond,” you corrected. “Title comes first.”
The King laughed, though, with his throat full of phlegm, it came out more of a cough. “Why, what a match you two are already.”
At his father’s words, you watched on, pleased, as Prince Aemond’s scowl faded, albeit slowly, away.
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You called out to him again, stepping towards his shadowy figure. Closer now, you saw his eye gleaming in the limited light, how it was fixed on the floor, the racing drips in the tile. He did not raise his head as you grew close enough to touch. The untraceable distance between you was suddenly insurmountable and it made your stomach twist.
“What is it? What happened?”
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Even after eight years of it, you never bored of the dance: sneaking through the Red Keep, tracing alleys down to the training yard. Your spot was always saved by the squires, who, faces ruddy with work, were too worn and watchful to make note of your presence. Hidden enough behind their slim shoulders, you could safely watch the Sers spar. Though, it was not for their cacophony that you made such moves.
It was for the music made by Aemond’s singing blade.
“Can you see back there?”
“Yes,” you hissed, barely looking at the squire in front of you hoping he would hold his craning neck back with the ask, likely assuming you were some other yard hand watching on. You perched yourself on the tips of your toes and caught a glimpse of racing silver. The crowd rose up in turn and you heard the dull, heavy thud of a leather-armored body hitting the packed dirt. Hoots and hollers resounded about the yard, bringing a wide smile to your lips.
“Aemond fell Boric the Beast?” You asked, already knowing the answer.
“Prince Aemond,” the squire corrected, his head turning to look at you, eyes wide in appalled surprise. You noted the scarlet cloths he adorned, the scattered ten pellets that echoed the growing reach of House Cole. “The Prince fell the Beast.”
“Yes, Prince Aemond,” you echoed, suddenly feeling a bit too seen and far too memorable as the squire studied you with disgust. He had marked your face for the ‘offense’ you committed against the royal family, but before he could tag you for it, the ramble of the crowd swallowed him whole. The men bounced and bobbed, eager for the next match, shouldering one another towards the center. You took advantage of the bustle and slipped back into the shadows of the Red Keep.
You set your back against the sun-baked brick and took a trembling breath. Eight years and simply slip of a name could—
“What are you doing here?”
On instinct, your body straightened, ready to greet a man of higher rank, to put on airs of simply being lost somewhere unfit for one of your station. You watched as the shadowy visage approached, all slow and suspecting. Quick to please by the grace of your father’s lessons, you bowed, folding your nerves in your stomach until they were nearly nonexistent.
“My Lord,” you said, dipping your form. “I find myself a touch turned around and-”
“I’m no Lord.”
Prickling fear licked your face until it started to sting. “I-”
“I’m your Prince.”
The figure grew close, allowing the stink of sweat and blood and smoke filled your nose, filling you with a strange sort of relief. “Aemond.”
You immediately melted in him, so fluidly that he had to quickly raise his arms up around you. The leathers of his armor squeaked slightly as Aemond moved, just as the sharpness of nerves eeked out of you with a sigh. At the sound, his hold on you tightened.
“I did not mean to frighten you, only play.”
“No, no,” and as you spoke, you finally met his eyes. With your head craned up against his chest, you were greeted with his jaw and lips first. That was, until, that he tilted his head down, and his bright blue eye drank in the sight of you. For a moment, you forgot you were speaking. “I- Cole’s squire, in the yard…he saw me.”
Aemond raised a brow, lips pursed in question. “And?”
Before you could respond with a biting urgency, he cut you off with a kiss, a ravenous thing that had you backed up against the brick once more with Aemond’s hands guiding your hips. You gasped at the roughness but found yourself leaning into it, letting any worry melt in the warmth of his mouth. Aemond nipped at your lower lip before trailing down the column of your neck.
“I will have him dealt with,” he grumbled, pulling away. “Even if he decides to feed the rumor mill, who will the people believe? A nameless face from a lowly vassal or the Prince?”
He held your gaze as the question floated in the limited space between you both. You thought of the squire, House Cole, your own family. A lowly vassal. The Prince. Yes, who would the people believe?
And it was like you were small again, standing in front of the Iron Throne, looking up at ten-year-old Aemond as he, so high upon the unreachable steps, scowling down at you.
Only, in the present, the wound that took Aemond’s eye was no longer raised and red. It was as pink as his post-kiss flush that roared in his cheeks. You reached out and let your fingertips trace the right peak of his face. Immediately, Aemond tilted into your touch. His lips grazed your palm, his eye closed, and you were back in yourself, all too aware of the tightening in your chest.
“My Prince.”
Aemond opened his eye slowly and a smile made his mouth into a curl. 
“My love,” he corrected.
“My love,” you echoed in a sigh, welcoming the easy breath.
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Your hand reached up to Aemond’s cheek, but he jerked his head from your reach. 
He was already crossing the room away from you, his pace leading toward the small table nearest the window. There, perched on the marble top, were chalices and bottles of wine that glimmered crimson in the torchlight. You saw how his pale hands wrapped around the neck of one of the bottles and pour the Arbor Red into the nearest cup. You saw how his pale hands trembled as he took a drink.
“My love, you are soaked to the bone, let me undress you and-”
“No,” he barked, turning his back fully to you. “I need you to-”
He made a choked sound and shook his head, the damp, silver strands cascading down his shoulders. You watched his arm move, bringing the chalice of wine back to his lips. His hesitation made your stomach twist painfully and your breaths grew shallow.
“What do you need from me?”
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“It’s nearly dawn.”
Aemond moved then, his bare chest pressing against yours as he propped himself up on his hands to loom over you. Pinned between him and his bed, everything felt like silken sheets. “Do you answer to the sun?”
You bit back a laugh when Aemond ducked his head into the crook of your neck, his breath tickling the sensitive skin there before he kissed it. With him in such good humor, your reply was a teasing one: “I answer to no one.”
“Mmm, no one?” Aemond asked, pulling back. His head is cocked to the side, a smirk playing on his lips so deliciously. “I recall you answering to me last evening.”
You grinned and pressed a hand against Aemond’s shoulder, trying to push him off. He doesn’t budge, and his smirk widens with all the mischief of a young man enraptured. “But that is you.”
“The Prince.”
You push again, but Aemond stays still and smiling. Seeing no other recourse, you craned your neck up and kissed him. He hummed again, and you pushed in time, letting his bare back fall against the sheets. There was no sound of surprise, no break in your joined mouths. When you did pull yourself from him, Aemond tried to hold you close, your hips against his.
Any move you made was a move he allowed. “Aemond,” you pressed, warningly.
“My love,” he replied, his tone mimicking yours. You shook your head at his teasing, blamed yourself for letting his play chip away at the moment.
“I love you,” you said, redirecting your mind by focusing on his eye, how the blue shown in the early slivers of sun. “Not the Prince. You, Aemond. You know this.”
“Dōna run,” he breathed, High Valyrian dripping easily from his tongue. “How charming it is that you see the two as separate.”
“They are. You are different at court, in the yard, with your family. With me you are honest and unrehearsed,” you brushed your thumb along his lips, tracing his expression, “true.”
“True.” He chewed on the word before frowning. “Then, I fear I do not recognize myself.”
“Well, I see you.”
You leaned down and cupped his face in your hands. His jaw was hard against your palms and itchy with silver stubble. With your thumbs, you pushed Aemond’s lips into a smile before you let the corners of his mouth fall again. After a second time, the smile stuck without your holding it in place and you laughed.
“There you are.”
Aemond flexed his abdomen beneath you and moved to sit up, capturing your lips with his in a searing kiss. His hands rose up from your bare hips to your sides, before racing up to your neck. Against your thighs, you felt his body roll up towards you and the sensation sent a shock through you. A gasp parted your lips and had Aemond grinning like a fool.
“There you are,” he echoed, before kissing you again. “Now, tell me how you see me.”
His hips ground against yours as his mouth continued on with the teasing the skin of your neck. “Aemond.”
“Listen to your Prince- your love.”
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You watched as he took another gulp of wine before he threw the empty chalice to the cold floor. It clattered and your stomach lurched in fright. Wine droplets dripped off the lip of the cup and melded into the rain storm Aemond left on the stone tile. Rivers of red raced about the room then, echoing gruesome tourney’s past. Or those to come.
“Leave,” Aemond said at last. “Go back to whatever middling plot your father was gifted by my King Father to buy his silence regarding my Rogue Uncle’s doings and leave.”
In a rush of silver, he spun on his heel and faced you. His eye was bright blue, burning from within itself as if dragonfire were his flesh. Through bared teeth and with a pointed finger, he growled, “do not. Do not- Address me as befitting your station or I will have the guards remove you.”
An ache filled you and tightened about your chest. “Ae- My Prince, have I done something to offend you so that you wish for my absence?”
Aemond’s flared nostrils shrank with an unsteady breath, as did the twitching of his eye. He dropped his pointed finger and straightened his stance. How different he seemed from himself moments ago, though, even then, unrecognizable.
“I am to wed a Lady of Storm’s End.”
Tears sprung from your eyes. “Do you not even know her name?”
Aemond answered with silence and the ache grew inside you like a tree. Its thick roots anchored you to the floor and wrapped around your throat. All you had was your mind and it was tangled, trying to find reason when there was none. You could not even find Aemond’s gaze as he kept it fixed to the ground, waiting for it to fall out from under you, you imagined bitterly.
“What,” you choked out, shaking your head, your tears adding to the small flood. “What happened? Please, let me see you.”
After a long beat, Aemond lifted his head then, his eye, no longer ablaze, found yours. “I am ordering you to leave.”
The ache began to change, burning itself into a plague of frustration. You dared to step towards him, and when he did not say a word, you took another. Then, another, until finally you could feel his shallow breaths and smell the storm that clung to him. “Let me see you.”
He took a breath and you saw his shoulders sink slightly as he replied, “war is brewing, and you- I need you to leave.”
“And your marriage secures the Baratheons as your allies,” you realized, taking a step back. “You’re playing Prince again.”
“I am not playing Prince,” he growled, his brows furrowing and anger returning to fill out his deepening voice. “I am the Prince, I was born for this. You simply elected to be blind to it, to my duty. Blind to this,” he gestured between the two of you, “and its predestined end.”
You nodded. “A lowly vassal.”
“When the Cole squire saw me, you asked me who the people would believe: a lowly vassal or the Prince. I believed in you.”
“The me you thought you saw,” he spat, stepping towards you, closing the gap. You could feel the heat of him emanating off of him like the stink of a feral boar.
“I saw you,” you reached out with a shaking hand and pressed your palm against his chest before you brought yourself closer with one last step. “And I fear I always will.”
You leaned up on the tips of your toes and pressed a kiss to the corner of his mouth. When you backed away, you saw red in the whites of Aemond’s eye, a glimmering threat of tears. Tears you knew he would not let fall, even after you had gone. Yet, you still believed in him, that maybe he saw himself, who he could be, and would allow himself the grace to move.
“I wish you good fortune in the days that come,” you murmured and made your way towards the door. As you stepped out into the halls of the Red Keep for the last time, you heard the thud of knees against stone and a bitten-back cry.
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pityslash · 1 year
TW: villain deku, reader is called pretty + doll, enemies to lovers but not really, attempted murder (right?), obsession.
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you weren’t supposed to be here, he wasn’t supposed to be here. your blood went cold the second you heard the heavy footsteps from behind— you knew the reason he sought you out, he must have seen the news.
it was before midnight, dark clouds blocked the moon but you saw the glint in his eyes. before you could even think of running, he was already in front of you, arms wide open.
“ah-ah-ah, why do you wear such a face, doll, not excited to see me?” he cooed, noticing the way you avoid his gaze as you stumble over your words. “izuku, i—“
“this isn’t the way to make people love you.” he said, a hint of frustration in his voice. izuku had the most violent, uncontrolled temper that sent him insane when he was annoyed.
he had blood on his hands; now on yours, forcing you to look up as he towered over. “if you loved me then you wouldn’t have tried to betray me... you love me? say it.”
you flinch when he yanks on your wrist, rough as if you’ll pull away, fingers ran through your hair and your cheek fits right in the palm of his hand. “i.. love you, izuku.”
“and you want me to love you so bad, it makes you look stupid.” izuku says, leaning forward until you feel his breath. “how pathetic.”
you didn’t want to give up heroics but god, he was right. high off the smell of rain but you knew this had to end, you’d have to continue patrol like normal and he would disappear again without a trace.. just like promised.
“please,” you plead. there was a flicker of a smile, and his gaze never wavered. “please? oh, i love it when you say that.” izuku tipped your head upward.
your heart beat to the tune of don’t do it again do it again don’t do it again do it again as izuku made you look him in the eye before giving you what you wanted.
the kiss was anything but chaste, everything you’ve craved. he stole your breath away and left you desperate for more. izuku held you up when your knees wobbled, grabbing onto his shoulders.
“you’re mine,” he left trails of fire with every brush of skin and you wonder if he felt the sparks too, scared to ask so soon. “right?”
he was your enemy, so capable of breaking your heart and only you were to blame for it. he finally pulled away, deep marks on skin and your chest heaved, searching izuku’s face for something and it dawned on you.
“then say you’ll never lie to me again.” it was like something snapped, his voice was full of anger and frustration.
strong, murderous fingers were around your neck in a second, nails digging in and you couldn’t even catch a deep breath before it was forced out of your lungs.
izuku’s jaw clenched when you continue to struggle, tears in your eyes. it was a trick to make you stay, and it worked. your feet almost leave the ground as he oh-so easily held you over the edge. with city lights and traffic down below, you panic.
“i’m begging you—“ “are you?” izuku laughed at that, fondly even, and you tried to turn your face away but he loosened his grip as a warning. “but if you were begging, you’d be on your knees.”
you choked, shaking from the adrenaline and claw at his wrist as if your life depended on it. because it did. a chuckle escaped his lips, breaking his hard demeanor.
izuku midoriya was a mess of gorgeous chaos and you finally see it. “you look so pretty when you have that look in your eyes, doll.”
his hands were scarred with murder, but you still trusted them completely. even as they threatened to throw you off this building, to be a red mark on the pavement forgotten by tomorrow’s paper. you made him do this..“i love you! swear, i- i won’t lie to you ever again!”
izuku was silent for a moment. “i love you, too. i love you so, so much.” his voice was softer, slapping your tear stained cheek before throwing you back to safety.
“but remember, i’ll kill you if i have to.”
you continue to cough, sobbing, moving away from the villain you won’t ever be able to escape until you die by his hands.
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holdupjack · 10 months
Pairing: Hermione Granger x Fem!Reader
Hermione's P.O.V:
7th Year
I wasn't surprised when my girlfriend didn't show up for breakfast, it happens many times due to her very bad sleeping habits.
So, I didn't think much of it as I studied for the test in an upcoming class and ate my toast.
After breakfast, my Friday morning went on normally as I zipped from class to class.
When lunch rolled around, I did find it immediately strange that Y/n was nowhere in sight when I entered the Great Hall.
"Hermione! There you are!" I hear, and I see Y/n's dorm mate walk up to me.
"I've been looking for you all morning! Y/n wanted me to tell you that she's not going to classes today" they say and I furrow my brows in confusion.
"The poor thing has caught that nasty chest flu that's been going around! She moved herself into the spare dorm so no one else would get sick" they say as their eyes seem to catch someone behind me.
"Tell Y/n I hope she feels better, bye!" They say as they disappear into the sea of students coming and going.
I bite my lip and walk over to the space between Harry and Ginny.
"You look anxious," Ginny says as I take a bowl and fill it with the daily soup that is made as a lunch option.
"I'm not anxious, it's just Y/n is sick with that dreaded chest flu," I say and Ron snickers like a little kid.
"You two have been dating for two years, yet you still get nervous about a simple cold" he laughs out and I roll my eyes as I grasp a small plate for myself.
"Pardon me, for caring about my partner," I say and he just continues to chuckle.
"That chest flu is rough though, Neville has it," Harry says and I hum sadly.
I know it's just a cold, but I can't help but feel bad for my Y/n.
"It should only last for a couple of days," Ginny says and I sigh softly.
"That's good, I'll see you guys next week then," I say and Ron furrows his eyebrows.
"What? Aren't you coming to our Quidditch match Sunday?" He asks and I roll my eyes again as I use a quick flick of my wand to have the dishes float and follow me.
"If Y/n feels better, then maybe," I say and he groans.
"She's seventeen Hermione, she's not a little kid that needs to be taken care of" he grumbles and I glare at him.
Ron quickly shuts down and pushes his food around with his fork.
I hum and bid the other two farewell as I walk out of the Great Hall, the food following me close behind.
It didn't take me long to get to the empty dormitory that Y/n was using. I could sadly hear her when I walked into the common room.
As I got closer to the room, a loud coughing fit erupts from behind the door, I wait patiently until she was done.
I can't help but grimace from how hard and airy her cough is.
When she was finally done, all I hear is a soft:
I knock on the door and hear Y/n clear her throat.
"Come in"
I open the door and peek inside to find my Y/n laying on one of the beds and I frown.
"Hello my love," I say as the food floats past me and onto the side table next to her.
"You didn't have to bring me food," she says as her voice cracks and disappears throughout the sentence.
"Shush," I say as I close the door behind me and take a seat on the desk chair next to the bed.
"I don't want you to get sick" she mumbles, her eyes small and glossy as I lean down and peck her forehead.
"I have a much better immune system than you, my lovely" I whisper back as I sit back up.
"No, you don't! I hate when you get sick, you get pinchy and bitey" she mumbles and I laugh.
"Bitey?" I ask as I hold the soup out for her to take, she sits up with a small groan.
"Yes, bitey! You kept chomping on my open skin when I was taking care of you during your strep throat episode! It was like fighting off a feral cat" she grumbles and I can't help but laugh.
"I'm sorry my lovely" I mumble as she takes the food from my hands.
"You know I love you, even with your sick-biting antics" she mumbles back and I chuckle.
"You can bite me back this weekend," I say without thinking, and Y/n smirks as she takes a spoonful of the soup.
"Don't threaten me with a good time" she sniffles out and I roll my eyes playfully.
"How are you feeling?" I ask as I place my bag, filled with my work and books, onto her desk.
"Like I got punched in the lungs and smacked with a steel pan on my head" Y/n coughs out as she covers her mouth and looks away from me.
I lean over and run a hand through her hair as I scoot the chair closer to the bed.
"I'm sorry you feel so crummy my dove" I mumble as she puts down her soup on the desk.
"You should eat," I say and she just hums, laying back down and letting my hand wander through her hair.
"Later" she whispers as her eyes shut immediately.
I smile as I lean down and kiss the top of her dozing head, letting it linger for a moment before sitting back up.
Time seemed to go by fast, as a few minutes turn into an hour, of me running my fingers against her scalp.
But, a part of me needed to do something. I can't just sit and stare at my girlfriend all day.
Even if it is my favorite activity.
After another moment of staring at her chest, to make sure she's still breathing, I stand up and begin to clean up around the bed.
Picking up tissues and a bottle of water she had probably dropped, I throw it all into the bin.
Taking a seat back on the desk chair, I take out some of my books and tried to work on something to pass the time.
Yet my eyes kept shifting over to Y/n's sleeping form as I eat a grape from the plate of food I grabbed for myself.
I flip through the pages I marked and scan the material.
Another hour must have gone by with my failed attempt at studying and my eyes continuously flicker back to Y/n.
Eventually, I did get sucked into the chapter.
Until I feel fingertips land on my thigh, which caused me to smile.
"Watch those hands Ms.Y/l/n" I chuckle out and she groans unhappily.
I laugh and slip my hand into hers, she immediately pulls it towards her face and rests her cheek on the back of my hand.
Trapping me in an uncomfortable sideways leaning position.
"My love?" I laugh and she just groans again as her other hand comes out from the blanket.
She grabs the bottom of the chair and pulls it right up against the bed, which at least saved me from begin hunched over any longer.
As I look over at my, now far away, studying material; I feel a sudden pain that causes me to hiss.
"Ow! Y/n! Did you just bite my hand?!" I ask in surprise and she laughs, into a hard cough obviously, and she turns away from me quickly.
I pull my hand away and rub the small bite mark on the side of my hand.
"You said I could!" She wheezes out between coughs and I roll my eyes.
"Not like a hungry carnivore," I say and she turns back to me with a grin.
"All have you know, you taste like hand sanitizer and that coco butter you put on your skin...which no carnivore is trying to eat" she mumbles and I laugh softly.
She lays back down and holds out her hand for me again, which I ignore.
"I'm not getting bit again, it hurt"
"How do you think I feel?"
"In my defense, I don't remember biting you," I say and Y/n rolls her eyes.
"Hermione, stop fighting the sick." She says and I hum softly, stupidity taking her hand.
"If you bite me again, I'm punching the sick," I say and she just laughs.
"Yada, Yada, Yada" she mumbles as my hand goes back to being trapped between her head and hand.
Y/n was quick to fall asleep again as I was figuring out how to use my one hand to move everything to the edge of the desk.
I sigh and mindlessly let my fingers rub the side of her head, as I try to study again.
Luckily, by the time dinner rolled around, I had somehow gotten free and was trying to wake her.
"Y/n? Dove? Are you hungry?" I ask as I stand up and grab my plate and the old cold soup from lunch.
She gives me a quiet 'no' and I frown.
"What if I got some of the elf's handmade crackers? And some juice? Then will you eat?" I ask and she just hums.
"I'll take that as a maybe" I whisper as I walk over to the door and look back at my girlfriend.
My heart squeezes lightly as I look at her poor body shaking under the mountain of blankets.
"I'll be back my lovely," I say, and I just get a small snore in return.
I quickly make my way out of the dorm.
Y/n's P.O.V:
When I awoke, it was pitch black in the room.
"I've gone blind" I whisper in a panic, until I see a soft glow of the night sky shine as the curtains flap open for a moment.
"Never mind, I've gone even more stupid" I whisper as I sit up with a groan.
I rest my back on the headboard and sigh softly, my adjusting eyes scanning the room.
It's freezing in here.
Freezing like a winter snowstorm.
Snow turns into water.
Water goes back into the clouds.
Then it rains.
Now I have to pee.
"Damn my thought process"
With another groan, I swing my legs onto the side, and let my feet hit the cold floors.
"Here we go" I whisper as I push myself up into a standing position.
Only to fall back onto to bed just as quickly.
"I've aged sixty years" I sigh as I try again.
This time I find success!
My hand lands on the bedpost as I slowly make my way toward this dormitory bathroom.
Thank Merlin I thought about toiletries before moving myself in here.
As I make my way to the center of the room, my head gets lightheaded and my legs feel weak.
"Ope, going down" I whisper as I slowly lay my body on the ground.
I sigh as the cold floor feels nice against my burning skin.
Still cold though.
"Guess I'll lay here" I mumble as my eyes shut.
When my consciousness awakes to the sound of a door opening.
"Bloody hell, Y/n? Love! Are you alright?!" I hear fast footsteps approach me and a hand checks my pulse.
"Not dead, dizzy" I mumble and a sigh of relief hits the back of my head as they lean down and kiss the top of my head multiple times.
"You're Hermione, right?" I question, the ringing in my ears causing me to be unsure.
"No, McGonagall"
Definitely Hermione.
I laugh softly as she presses one last kiss to my head as she rubs my back.
"Are you ready to get up?" She asks and I shake my head.
"Then, may I join you?" She asks, and I nod.
My throat hurts too much to talk.
It's like I deep-throated a pineapple.
Now that would be an impressive party trick.
I hear Hermione stand up and walk around the room for a minute or two.
A blanket is draped over me, soon she sneaks under the blanket and rests her head between my shoulder blades.
It's quiet as Hermione's fingertips trace the spot in front of her face. I almost fall asleep, until her voice rings in my ears.
"Get better, quicker" she mumbles and I chuckle.
"Getting tired of me already?" I whisper back.
"I like taking care of you my dear, I just don't like that you're not okay," she says as I hum.
"I love you" she whispers so quietly, that it almost seems like she was afraid that her words will make me worse.
"I love you too" I whisper back as her arm wraps over my back, and squeezes me.
"You know I'm not going to sleep, right?" She asks and I hum again.
"You know that I'm not going to stop breathing, randomly in my sleep?" I ask, and she just sighs.
"In my brain, I know that, but my heart and gut say otherwise" Hermione whispers as her lips reach up and kiss my neck, before going back to their original position.
"Thank you for caring," I say as my hand reaches down and rubs her back slowly.
"I'll always take care of you, my love," she says and I chuckle as I trace shapes softly on her back.
"Even if you are Minister of Magic?" I ask and a soft laugh comes from her lips.
"Do you think I'm just going to stop loving you if I ever get that position?" She asks and I laugh as well.
"Well I don't know, maybe you'll get it on with your secretary," I say and she snorts as her body vibrates against mine.
She laughs out a little and I could feel her smile form against me as she nuzzles her face against my back.
"Thank you for the laugh," she says and I hum.
"Will you promise to sleep?" I ask as my head pounds from the laughter.
"I'll try" she mumbles.
No one's P.O.V:
She didn't.
Instead, Hermione counted how many breaths Y/n took and how many seconds were in between each one.
5,873 breaths (give or take some missed)
6-7 seconds in between.
Why did Hermione do this?
Who knows, all she knew is that it made her feel better.
Even though her girlfriend was just sick with a simple cold, it still calmed her to know Y/n was still breathing.
I guess it's just a common thing to do though, right?
When you love someone, you can't help but worry when they're sick.
People even go as far as watching, or hearing, to make sure the person they love is still breathing.
Hermione has done this multiple times also.
Her parents.
Harry and Ron.
Hell, even Crookshanks at one point.
But, she's NEVER stayed up and counted breaths.
Then again...
This is her girlfriend.
Her other half.
Her soulmate.
Even years later, still at each other's side, after fighting every kind of cold imaginable.
Hermione still counted breaths.
And Y/n still told her to go to bed and stop putting her death into the universe.
Hermione would just laugh and go about her night, taking care of her lover the best she could.
Y/n eventually caught on to her counting habits, and would just stay up with her.
As you can imagine, this didn't help with the cold.
And sleeping during the day, when Hermione was at work, freaked her out more than Y/n imagined it would.
So, Y/n didn't stay up again.
Instead, she let her wife take care of her the way she always had.
With nothing but love and care.
And a little bit of anxiety.
Even after all those years, Hermione loved her more than anything.
And Y/n couldn't help but smile when a cough or sniffle came from her body.
It meant that her wife would show her so much care, even though she was never awake to witness it.
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dantakeyoman · 10 months
𝐍𝐀𝐈𝐋𝐒 | 𝐣. 𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐞
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♡ 𝐣𝐨𝐡𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦! 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
♡ *𝒐𝒉, (𝒚/𝒏)? 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒐𝒕, 𝒔𝒉𝒆'𝒔 𝒕𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒏 𝒂 𝒃𝒂𝒈 𝒐𝒇 𝒏𝒂𝒊𝒍𝒔, 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒘𝒊𝒄𝒆 𝒂𝒔 𝒎𝒆𝒂𝒏, 𝒕𝒐𝒐. 𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒔𝒉𝒆'𝒔 𝒂 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒍 𝒅𝒐𝒍𝒍 𝒐𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒈𝒆𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒉𝒆𝒓. …𝒊𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒖𝒓𝒗𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝒆𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉. *
♡ 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐠𝐨𝐫𝐞, 𝐟𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬, 𝐦𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝, 𝐢𝐧𝐣𝐮𝐫𝐲, 𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐮𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐬, 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐞𝐱, 𝐥𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬, 𝐣𝐨𝐡𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐝𝐢𝐞, 𝐞𝐭𝐜.
♡ * 𝒔𝒑𝒐𝒕𝒊𝒇𝒚 - 𝒑𝒐𝒗: 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒐𝒖𝒕𝒔𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒔 *
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"Look who's graced me with his presence," you sighed, a small smirk playing on your lips as Dally hopped the hand-rail to the Nightly Double, obviously not paying.
"How ya doin', Nails?" He smiled, sitting down in the empty aisle seat next to you.
"Peachy...'til you got here," you teased, "Slide me a cancer stick."
He sighed, rummaging in his pockets for a moment before pulling out a single one, handing it to you, "You better smoke it good, that's my last one."
"Yeah, yeah, keep your pants on," you rolled your eyes, kicking up your feet and whipping out your bright, red lighter.
A gift Johnny gave you for your thirteenth birthday.
You placed the cigarette in your mouth, checking out the scar on your lip through the reflection of the trigger.
It had been two months since you got jumped by the Socs, your encounter leaving you with a faint scar on the right side of your lip, stretching from right under your nose to right under the curve of your bottom lip.
And, unsurprisingly, things between the Socs and the Greasers had gone tremendously bad.
There was a fight nearly every other day, and despite the No Jazz rule you and Darry had tried to put into effect, the Socs were just making it too hard to keep a cool head.
Fightin' words, slashing tires, jumping.
It really made you wonder who were the real hoods.
"Hey, (y/n/n)," Johnny greeted, walking up to the rail and hopping over it just like Dally did a minute ago.
You quietly gasped and dropped your lighter, nearly inhaling your cig and setting yourself on fire in the process.
You squeaked and scrambled to pick it up, Dal letting out an obnoxious laugh as Johnny quickly rushed over to you, patting you on the back to clear up your coughing fit.
"You alright?! What happened?" He asked, concerned as he took his seat next to you.
You sat up, turning to Dally and shooting him a sharp glare, him returning it with his very punchable smirk.
"Sorry, Johnnycake. You just startled me is all," you cleared your throat, rummaging in your pocket and grabbing some change.
"S'all right if you could go to the stand and get me some water?"
"Sure," he nodded, taking the money and standing up, walking over to the concession stand to wait in line.
Once you were sure he was out of earshot, you let Dally have it.
"Bastard! What the hell?! You didn't tell me Johnny was coming!" You whisper-yelled, smacking the man in the arm.
"Cool it, would ya. You two need this," he scoffed, your attacks not even phasing him.
"I'm sick of all the puppy dog eyes and the blushin' and shit. Everyone and their mother knows that you two like each other."
You flushed with embarrassment, slightly taken aback.
'That couldn't be true, right?'
You and Johnny went back to the sandbox, and for as long as you can remember you've felt some type of way about him.
The way his hair fell in his face, the way certain things would bring a small sparkle to his brown eyes, the way you could catch hints of his true smile if you were paying attention.
The way the two of you could talk about nothing and yet everything when you where alone.
Of course, you firmly believed that all of these feelings were one sided.
"The stupid excuses like I gotta go to the DX or I was gonna meet up wit' Pony is not gonna get you two outta this, so here's how it's gonna go."
He quickly turned around to make sure Johnny was anywhere near, but the poor boy was still at the very back of the large line.
"When Johnny comes back with your water, I'm gonna go get some popcorn and never come back, leavin' you two alone to start to get to business. You guys'll talk, do all the little sappy shit, and then right in the middle of his sentence, you're gonna grab 'im by his collar and kiss 'im. Boom. Match made."
You were gagged
'This guy's got jokes.'
"What happened? You turn into a comedian since the last time I saw you?" You asked sarcastically, rolling your eyes and turning around to face the movie.
"I'm not doin' that shit."
"Aw, c'mon, Nails. Johnny's too chicken shit for this, it's gotta be you," he whined, throwing his head back in annoyance.
"Besides...me and Soda made a bet with Two that says we get two packs each if you break first."
"Ah hah! That's what this is all about. You don't want me and Johnny to get together, you just want a couple free cigs," you scoffed, shaking your head in disbelief.
"Not entirely. I am tired of seein' you two make goo goo eyes at each other and not doin' nothin' about it. So if I get you two to cut it and a couple of free packs, o' course I'm gonna take advantage of the situation," he corrected, pausing his smoking to take a quick swig of beer.
"(y/n/n) and Johnny are gettin' together?!" Ponyboy exclaimed out of nowhere, hopping the rail and sitting down next to you.
"Will you shut up?!" You hissed, nervous that Johnny might've heard.
"Aw, what the hell are you doin' here?! You're messin' up the plan, Pone," Dally groaned, shooing away the boy with his hand.
"The plan? What plan?" Pony cocked a brow, confused.
"The one I discussed with the boys. I thought you were there, too?" Dal answered, scratching his head.
"Everyone else is in on this shit?!" You whipped your head around to Dally.
"Well, s'not my fault. Johnny was the one who asked me to come with 'im," Pony shrugged, turning to look at the movie.
"You'd think you two were attached at the hip," Dally sighed, turning around to get an update on Johnny's whereabouts.
"Doesn't matter now. The kid's walkin' back over,"
'Thank God.'
"Gotchu your water, (y/n/n)," Johnny stated, handing you the cup and your money back.
Dally stretched his arm over your shoulder and flicked Pony in the ear, getting him to move a seat over and allow Johnny to sit next to you again.
"Thanks, Johnnycake," you smiled, taking a sip and counting your change as the boy looked up at the screen to take away from the buzzing feeling in his stomach.
When you finished counting, you realized it was the exact amount of money you gave him.
"Wait, didya-." "I paid for it," he answered, already knowing your question, keeping his eyes trained on the screen.
"You ain't hafta do that, Johnny," you turned to him.
You were the one with the job. It was your responsibility to pay for your things.
"I know," he turned to you.
Your eyes met, and you looked at him through those thick lashes with those (e/c) eyes that sparkled in the projector light.
He swallowed thickly.
"S-S'least I could do. Wanted you to be all right."
You smiled, his heartbeat picking up twice as fast.
"I-." "What movie is this?" Pony asked, oblivious to the scene unfolding next to him.
Dally cursed under his breath, grumbling about how that boy was thicker than a brick.
That is, until a couple of Socs girls took the seats in front of you, and took his attention elsewhere.
"What's he grumblin' about?" Johnny asked in a low voice, turning to face the movie.
"I dunno. He's been weird tonight," you sighed, watching the movie as well. He nodded, his face turning confused when he saw someone get hit in the back with a baseball bat.
"Pone was onto somethin'. What is this movie?" He asked, nosed scrunched.
You chuckled, "Who knows. I think it's somethin' beachy."
He smiled, "Be nice to go to a beach one day...see the ocean."
"No kiddin'," you agreed, "I'd settle for anywhere outta Oklahoma."
"Forget Oklahoma. I'd settle for anywhere outta the neighborhood," he scoffed.
You sighed, resting your head on his shoulder, not noticing that the poor boy went stiff as a board at your touch.
"I could never do it, though. Don't got the guts," you dismissed.
Johnny was taken aback.
No guts? You had more guts than half the gang combined.
You'd toughed out situations that grown men'd never dream of.
No guts? "Whatchu talkin' about?" He asked, turning to look at you, confused. "You got a ton of guts, and you're plenty smart, too. If any of us is makin' it outta Oklahoma, it's you." "I'm not makin' it outta anywhere," you scoffed, looking up at him seriously. "I could never leave (b/n/n). I could never leave the gang."
You paused.
"I could never leave you, Johnnycake."
Johnny's stomach flipped so much, he nearly thought he'd flip, too.
It was as if you knew every little thing that could set him off, every little thing that had him at your beck and call like a lovesick puppy.
You had him wrapped around your finger, and he knew this, and had no problem with it.
"You guys are my family. No place'd be worth going without y'all."
He smiled, approvingly, turning to face the movie, "Thanks."
The two of you focused back on the screen, staying in comfortable silence as you watched the movie, Dally and the two Soc girls started to get a little loud.
You were about to say something, until you felt your entire body let out one violent shiver, remind you that you were outside with nothing but a tank top and jeans.
Your breath hitched, and you hoped Johnny didn't notice, slowly looking up to face him.
Only to see that he was already looking at you, disapprovingly.
"Why ain't chu wearin' a coat, (y/n/n)? S'freezin' out here," he asked, concerned, as he began shimmying off his jean jacket, trying not disturb your head.
"I'm fine, Johnny. I just came from the DX so I didn't have time to grab a coat for nothin'," you sighed, pushing his jacket back on.
"I'm not cold, promise."
"Warm people don't shiver," he cocked a brow. 
"Maybe that'll cool you off, Greaser! When you learn to talk and act decent, I might cool off, too!" The redheaded Soc girl suddenly shouted, splashing a drink all over Dally's face.
He had moved his seat from your row to hers, and had seemed to have been harassing her the entire time.
'Probably why those two were getting loud earlier. Fuckin' Dallas.'
"Fiery, huh? Just the way I like 'em," Dally smirked, grabbing her and pulling her close, much to her protest.
"Get off me!"
"Dally, leave 'er alone," you ordered firmly, sitting up off Johnny's shoulder.
But he ignored you, continuing touch and shove her around, a smile on his face.
"C'mon, Dal, you heard 'er. Leave 'er alone," Johnny chimed in, sitting up straight, too.
You were quietly shocked.
Johnny would never so much as stick a toe out in front of Dallas, let alone raise his voice at him.
He practically worshiped the ground he walked on.
"What'd you say?" Dally's smile fell, almost instantly, and he stopped his advances, turning to glare at Johnny.
"What'd you say to me, you little shit? What'd you say to me?"
"C'mon," Johnny sighed, his eyes pleading Dal to cool it.
And Dally picked up on this, sucking his teeth before roughly stuffing his hands in his pockets, standing up out the chair.
"Wise ass," he grumbled, walking up the ramp and out of the Nightly Double.
You, Johnny, and Pone, let out a sigh of relief you didn't even know you were holding, the three of you knowing good and well that you dodged a bullet.
"Now you blew it," Pony grumbled to the two of you, knowing that all you did was postpone Dally's blow out for later.
"Thank you. He had me scared to death," the redhead turned around, releasing her own sigh of relief.
"Sure didn't show it," Johnny shrugged, "Ain't nobody talk to Dal like that."
"Well, I saw you do. And her, too," she smiled.
That's when it hit you, "Hey, ain't you that cheerleader from school? Cherry?"
"My real name's Sherri, but my friends call me Cherry 'cause of my hair."
Yeah, you knew Cherry. 
Cherry, the cheerleader. Cherry, the Soc girl.
Cherry, Bob's girlfriend. Cherry, girlfriend of the guy that nearly knocked your lights out.
Yeah, you knew Cherry.
Call it childish but two months ain't a long time, and it's hard to forget with a permanent reminder plastered on your lip.
"Why don't y'all sit with us, so you can protect us?" Cherry's friend suggested with a smile.
The boys turned to each other, Pony giving Johnny a nod.
But Johnny turned to you, realizing that you were back to watching the movie, disengaging from the conversation before you said something you'd regret.
He noticed this, and knew he wanted to stay with you through it.
Not that he was gonna get up and move, anyway.
"Imma stay back here," he stated, sitting back into his seat, your head reclaiming its spot on his shoulder.
Pony shrugged, moving to sit next to Cherry and starting up some conversation with her.
"You think Dal's gonna be mad?" Johnny asked, tiredly resting his head on top of yours.
You waved it off, "Dally's drunk. Give 'im some time to cool off and he'll be alright."
Feeling another shiver coming, you nuzzled closer to the boy, kicking up your legs on his as you relished the warmth that his jacket provided.
He let out an easy sigh, before allowing his body to ease itself into you, both of you molding together as if you were puzzle pieces.
It was so comfy, you nearly fell asleep right there.
𝒋 𝒐 𝒉 𝒏 𝒏 𝒚 𝒄 𝒂 𝒌 𝒆
"God, I'm so dog-tired I could drop," you groaned, trying to rub the exhaustion off your face as the five of you walked home.
The boys agreed to walk the Soc girls back to theirs, and at first you were completely against it, opting to walk yourself home rather than help them.
But all Johnny had to do was flash you a quick smile and ask a sincere, "Please," and you were putty in his hand.
"Did you work another double again?" He asked, though he already knew the answer.
You winced, "...Maybe, but that's only because they offered some extra cash if I stayed longer."
"You just did a double yesterday. And did a triple a day or so ago. I told you about takin' breaks, (y/n/n)," he scolded, though not really.
He could never be mad at you.
"I know, I know, but I jus-." "Now I remember," Cherry realized, turning away from her talk with Pony to face you.
"You're the greaser girl that works at the DX, right? That's where I know you from."
You cocked a brow at her description of you, the boys quietly wincing at the reminder.
No matter how long they talked, or how deep the conversation, you were still Grease, and they were still Soc.
Noticing the quiet, she caught herself, slightly embarrassed "Sorry.....force of habit."
Just then, the sound of moving gravel snapped you all out of conversation, and you turned around to see two mustangs pull up behind you.
'Damn. ...Them's some tuff cars.'
"Oh, they're coming! What're we gonna do?" The other girl, who you learned to be Marcia, nervously whispered to Cherry.
"Just act normal," she whispered back.
"Who're these clowns?" A familiar voice asked, stepping out of the car.
'You've gotta be kidding me.'
It was that Soc bastard, Bob.
"Johnny..." you whispered, uneasy
"I know," he sighed, resting his hand in his right pocket, the pocket where he always kept his blade.
"Cherry! What's goin' on?!" Bob exclaimed, storming over with another Soc boy.
"Just because we got a little drunk, doesn't mean-!" "A little?!" Cherry interrupted.
"You call reeling and passing out in the street a little?! Bob, I've told you before, I'm never going out with you when you're drinking, and I mean it!"
"That's no reason to go walking the streets with these bums," the other boy chimed.
"Who you callin' bums, pal!" You glared, pointing harshly at the boy.
"You!" He spat back.
"(y/n/n)," Johnny warned lowly, getting more anxious by the second.
Your fire might've been what drew him to you at first, but one of these days it was going to get you killed.
"Listen, we got two more of us in the backseat," Randy whispered, getting up close and personal. 
You quickly picked up a beer bottle, smashing it against the fence and then tossing it to Pony, whipping out your own blade as well.
"Fuck the backseat!" You spat, pointing the tip of it at his throat.
"If you're lookin' for a fight-." "Hell, yeah, I'm lookin' for a fight!" You didn't back down.
"Let's go! Put the knife down!" 
"Let's go, then! C'mon!" 
"Put the knife down!"
"You got your guys, I got my knife, pal!" 
"Stop it! Just stop it!" Cherry shouted, stepping in between you two.
"We'll go with you. Just give us a minute."
"Why? We ain't scared of these bastards," you looked the two boys up and down, disgusted.
"I hate fights, all right. I hate 'em," she sighed, raking a nervous hand through her hair.
She walked over to Ponyboy, wishing him a quick goodbye, before her and Marcia hopped in the Socs car, driving off.
"Greaseball!" Bob shouted out the window, drunkenly.
"Fuck you!" You shouted back, roughly flipping off the car as Johnny threw an arm over your shoulder.
Quite literally being the only thing keeping you from chasing after them.
"C'mon, (y/n/n), let's go," Pony sighed, the three of you turning around to walk back home.
𝒋 𝒐 𝒉 𝒏 𝒏 𝒚 𝒄 𝒂 𝒌 𝒆
"I hate those damn Socs. Who do they think they are thinkin' they can talk to us like that?" You grumbled, curled into yourself as you lay down on a disposed couch.
Pony had gone back to the Curtis' house, no doubt getting chewed out for coming home so late.
And you and Johnny had decided to sleepover in the lot for the night, since neither of you wished to be home at the moment.
"And who are they to say that Cherry girl couldn't hang out with Pony."
Sure, you didn't exactly like her, but you could tell Pony did. And all you wanted for that boy was for him to be happy.
Lord knows he's been through enough already.
"S'cause we're greasers, (y/n/n)," Johnny sighed, finishing up the fire before standing up and dusting off his pants.
"He might've hurt her reputation or something, that's all. Don't worry about it."
He walked over to the couch, plopping himself down next to you and smiling at how quick you were to snuggle up under him.
Despite his jean jacket, you were still cooler than an ice cube, and he was still, surprisingly, very warm.
"I guess," you sighed, resting your head on his chest.
He paused for a moment, trying to come up with a way to bring your spirits up.
"Man, that was a tuff car, huh," he started, remembering how you were eyeing Bob's car just as much as he was.
"Mustangs...they're tuff."
You let out a tired exhale, appreciative of the gesture, but just not in the mood.
That is, until the sound of Johnny's parents started to ring in the lot.
They were arguing, way louder than usual.
To the point where most of the curses could be heard crystal clear, as if you were in the house with them.
You could feel Johnny's breath become heavy, and you looked up at him, his expression dropping by the second.
"I don't think I can take much more of this, (y/n/n)," he caved, raking a frantic hand through his hair.
"I'll...I'll kill myself or something. I don't know."
The second those words came out his mouth, you nearly went catatonic.
Johnny? Kill himself?
There was no way.
You couldn't even fathom what your life would be like without your best friend, your favorite guy.
Your one true love, and the subject of all your affection.
Or something Shakespearean like that.
"Johnny Cade, you will do no such thing, you hear me?" You ordered firmly, placing both your hands on his face and turning him to face you.
"No such thing."
"I gotta do somethin'," he cried, his face easing into your hands.
With a sigh, you laid back in the chair, bringing him with you, and letting him rest his head on your chest.
"It seems like there's gotta be a place without Greasers and Socs," he sniffled, nuzzling closer "Must be someplace...with just plain, ordinary people."
You nodded, gliding your hand through his hair carefully, "S'like that out in the country. Away from all the big towns."
Feeling him begin to relax already, you decided to continue.
"The people are friendly and the houses are few and far between. There's room to stretch your legs and night are quiet...real quiet. Not to mention the animals."
And you continued on just like that, until eventually, the two of you were lulled asleep, welcoming dreams of the paradise you described.
"I love you, (y/n/n)," Johnny muttered, half asleep and barely above a whisper.
But you were already out like a light, no memory of the boy's words at all.
𝒋 𝒐 𝒉 𝒏 𝒏 𝒚 𝒄 𝒂 𝒌 𝒆
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mqsi · 1 year
Pedri x reader imagine in which he’s secretly dating ferran’s sister (idek if ferran has a sister) so they’re going behind his back & sneaking out. Eventually ferran catches them doing the nasty & gets mad at them so ignores his sister but sira his gf talks him into apologizing to them & accepting that his sister has found love & someone who treats her well esp after dating trash men
Hey, thanks for requesting. I tried to fit everything you asked for in,but not make it too long, so I hope you like this!
warning: slight smut
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How you ended up in a secret relationship with your brother’s teammate? You would also like to know. Sneaking out every other night so you can sit in a certain green car was your life in the past few weeks.
But that doesn’t matter now, what matters is that Ferran, your brother, had invited quite a few of his friends over for a pool party. Which of course includes Pedri. You two were now on a mission of pretending you don’t wanna rip each others clothes off in front of everyone.
Pedri and Gavi arrived together and Ferran asked you to go offer them drinks.
“Why can’t you just go? Those are your friends”
“What? Are you shy all of the sudden? You got along pretty good up until now, just go there” Ferran replied.
Yeah, exeptionally good with one of them, you thought to yourself. The boys were sitting next to the water and you approached them slowly. You felt Pedri’s gaze on you, you were wearing a swimsuit but pulled on a pair of shorts. As you stood in front of them, Pedri looked to the side and let out a fake cough.
“Hey, long time no see” you said and Gavi tried to hold in his laugh.
“I hope you’re only referring to me, I’m pretty sure you pulled down the passanger seat in the Mini last night,it was more far back when I sat in it this morning?” Gavi said, making Pedri glare at him from the side. You went pale, switching from looking at the two boys.
“Pedri” you whisper yelled and he put his arms up in defense. “I had to tell him, he’s the only one that knows”
Gavi just smirked proudly.
You sighed and composed yourself.
“Alright I came here to ask you what you wanna drink, now act normal” you said. The boys nodded, telling you their drinks of choice and you went back inside.
The party was going good, you played volleyball in the pool, made coctails etc.
“What the fuck Ferran!” Pedri suddenly yelled when Ferran poured beer on his shirt.
“Shit, sorry bro, someone pushed me. You can get a shirt from my closet”
You were following the whole conversation and quickly jumped in.
“Yeah I can show you where they are” you said, smiling at Pedri before looking at Ferran. He nodded, making you rush inside the house.
Pedri and you got upstairs and before you knew it, his dirty shirt was on the floor and he pushed you up againt the wall in the closet.
“Fuck you and that teasing swimsuit” he said, hands roaming all over your body.
“It was just for you Pedro” you replied before he slammed his lips against yours. His fingers were quick to pull your bottoms aside, slipping a finger in.
“Fuck” you moaned against his mouth and felt him push in another. Just then, the door opened.
“What is taking you two so-“
You jumped, pulling the bottoms back in place. You didn’t have time to think of an excuse when Ferran slammed Pedri against the wall.
“Are fucking kidding me right now?” He yelled in his face.
“Hey I can-“ Pedri tried to explain himself but to no use.
“You can’t do shit Pedro” he continued now, yanking hard at his shoulder. Gavi rushed in the closet as well, pushing Ferran off of Pedri and standing in between them.
“So you knew about this too?”
Gavi nodded slowy. Ferran laughed and looked at you, then back at the two boys.
“So the whole team knew Pedri was fucking my sister and no one even thought about telling me?”
You had to jump in and defend yourself.
“This is the exact reason why I didn’t tell you anything! First of all you can’t decide who I fuck or not and Pedri and I have something more going on here. I love him and you can’t do shit about it” you said before leaving outside.
Ferran’s night ended with his girlfriend, explaining her the whole situation.
“I don’t get it” she said
“Yeah I don’t get it either” Ferran replied.
“No, I don’t get you? She’s obviously happy with him plus you two are friends and you know Pedri’s a good guy. What is the problem?”
“The problem is they’ve been fucking behind my back!”
“So what? You can’t stand the fact that your sister loves somebody and makes love to them? How old are you, 2 or 3?”
Ferran kept quiet.
The next morning, he called Pedri.
“Hey” Pedri said, his voice serious.
“Hey, I just wanted to apologize for reacting the way I did, I’ve got nothing against you two being together”
“I’m not the one who should hear that, make sure you let her know” Pedri replied.
After that, Ferran made sure to have a nice talk with you.
“yeah you can be together, I have no word in there. And I’m sorry” he said,finishing his speech and hugging you.
You hugged him back before slapping his head.
“You’re an idiot”
a/n: Gavi stopping a fight is definietly the biggest fiction part here
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