#this movie had a lot more iffy content than i remembered
bittwitchy · 3 months
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gif count: 014. all gifs made by me. pls like or reblog if you find this helpful!
MAY BE USED FOR: roleplay purposes, 'crackships', relationship pages, turned into gif icons WITH CREDIT for original gif listed. MAY NOT: claim as your own, edit without permission, reupload, use on sites other than tumblr. CONTENT WARNING: Weddings
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kingofthewilderwest · 3 years
As of this month, it’s been ten years since I graduated high school. Been thinking about what those ten years have meant, and in the process, I stumbled across Linked In profiles (among other things) of old classmates who I didn’t stay in touch with. 
Given as I was one of the AP crowd, most of my old friends were academically motivated, science-oriented folks, and their current occupational achievements look impressive. PhDs, conferences, awards, scholarships, fancy jobs, yada yada, you name it, my classmates are doing it.
I was valedictorian. Very success-driven at the time. I struggled to make friends for many reasons, including the fact people often saw me as my grades rather than a person to befriend. People (including myself) expected me to charge off and become one of those Successful High Achieving Folks in the adult world.
That’s how my college journey started, but it’s not how it ended. During the first year of my PhD, I realized I was miserable and had resigned myself to a lackluster fate. I had panic attacks every week. I hated conducting research, I was overburdened teaching college courses, I didn’t relate to my colleagues, and I felt like I had to sell my soul to science to continue my academic path. 
But I didn’t care enough for my own field to dedicate my life’s energies to it. Linguistics was “cool,” but I’d picked it because it was “cool enough” I’d be able to have a career in it without becoming bored... not that I was obsessed about learning the latest novel discoveries. I was driven to traditional notions of career success primarily because I wanted a stable income, a stable life, but I realized academia was wearing me out and infiltrating my happiness rather than allowing a secure future I’d be happy in. Financial and career stability meant nothing if it meant this painful psychological instability. Even career stability looked iffy in the extremely competitive, often poorly paid scholastic world. At the time I’d believed I was hard-working enough I could bludgeon my way through unlikely statistics, but I’d be working my ass off for peanuts, if I was “lucky.” My psychological well-being wasn’t worth this.
So in early 2016, I flunked myself out of my PhD program and quit.
I’d always been prideful, too prideful, and in leaving academia, I left behind the core source of my pride. I was humbled. I struggled. I was a mess. I rethought my identity. I changed a lot. My values and priorities changed a fuckton. Sometimes I was miserable, I constantly fought mental illness, but in all this, I knew I felt better than I would have if I’d stuck with the PhD program.
It’s true academia still got me to where I am now, but what I have now is nothing special, glamorous, noteworthy, awards-worthy, or impressive. Compared to my old high school buddies, I am very “unimpressive.” I have been working remote linguistics contracts as my income. The job is “lower rung,” doesn’t require much thought or attention. But that allows me to spend all my spoons on other things I love. I can think about and engage with hyperfixations. I can spend time reading books on other subjects than my job (something impossible to do when I was in grad school). I can listen to music or watch movies in the background in my pajamas gorging on M&Ms and I can choose my schedule, meaning I can sleep in every day as late as I fucking want, and take breaks or walks or days off any time I spontaneously feel like it. I don’t spend time with other hardcore scientists or academics. It’s really completely out of my life.
I used to shut people up and one-up them by my academic “betterness.” I used to try to gain power over people that way. Every once in a while that shitty habit reemerges, but it’s increasingly less often. Now I don’t want people to know my background at all. I barely remember it, and I get weirded out when I remember all those college degrees I chased after. I can’t call them meaningless sheets of paper because they got me my current job, but they’re the next thing to meaningless sheets of paper as far as my values are concerned.
I’ve found what I need and I’ve found what I like. When I was a kid, sometimes I wished I was “normal” academically because then I wouldn’t have felt ostracized from classmates or unable to relate to them. I’ve found that normal. Everyone else is more skilled than me, more honed, more accomplished, and that’s okay. I’m nothing special and I truly believe it. I’m nothing special and I’m comfortable and content with it. I’m just a lower middle class bloke fighting rent like everyone else in this fucking town and that’s all I need to be. 
My life is enriched by many hobbies, banjo and record collecting and music research and video gaming and doing art and text roleplaying and more. My life isn’t about my job at all, and my job has very little pressure or stress. I’m increasingly happier and stabler every year.
When I see my old classmates’s impressive records, I feel slightly uncomfortable. There’s a few small twinges of anciently-ingrained jealousy, but those twinges don’t last long. Mostly, I feel discomfort that that is what I could have been, and it looks... undesirable. I’m colliding against a culture I profoundly don’t relate to anymore.
I feel like I dodged a big damn fucking bullet.
I’m not what people thought I’d become, and that’s the greatest relief ever.
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faterpresources · 3 years
Do you have any advice on how to start an rp blog? I feel like there's so much to do and so many specific things, it looks intimidating, but I really want to get into it (and your blog seems like a safe space to ask as a baby in the matter)
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Hi! Thanks you for asking and for trusting. I do admit that rping on tumblr can look daunting and there is a series of things that are considered “etiquette” that might not be obvious for newcomers. And the only way to learn is to ask, right? As I’m not sure if you would like something more specific or a step-by-step, I’m going to go through the whole process.
note: this is a repost from an ask in a more reblog-friendly format
1.       Setting up the blog
You might want to make a new e-mail account for each blog you want. I recommend making a gmail/google account, so you may be able to use other services and associate them with your blog. I’ll go into more details in a minute.
Some people would rather have a personal blog and then making the RP blog as a side-blog. Or a “hub” blog and many side-blogs so they have everything centralized. The downside is that you can’t follow people with side-blogs, only the main – and some rpers are a little suspicious of personal blogs, so if you intend to go this route it might be a good idea to state somewhere in your blog that you have a RP blog.
Tip : It isn’t said too often, but I recommend saving your blog’s e-mail and password somewhere, maybe a flashdrive or even google drive. This way, if something happens you will be able to retrieve your account.
When picking the URL, for a very long time tumblr had problems tagging URLs with a hyphen ( - ). I’m not sure if it has been fixed or if there are still some issues, so I recommend only using letters and maybe numbers. Other than that, pick anything that sounds nice to you!
Themes are nice, but not entirely necessary. Not everybody has photoshop skills and all that. Some people do have commissioned themes, but if you want to try your hand at it my first stop is usually @theme-hunter  or @sheathemes . They reblog many themes from many creators, so there are always many options that might suit your needs.  Some creators offer very newcomer-friendly themes that you can configure a lot of things without much hassle but some might require basic HTML knowledge – a few creators have guides on how to properly set up their themes and are willing to and answer questions, so don’t be afraid to contact them! You can also send me an ask, I’m not a specialist but I can certainly help walk you through the basics.
Tip: @glenthemes have very good themes and a basic installation guide here.
When fiddling with the options, try to pick colors that have nice contrast and are easy to read. If you are bad at picking colors or have problems in finding the code for them, I recommend trying this link. There is also this one that auto-generate palettes.
Tip : If you mess with your theme, remember there is the Theme Recovery.
Tip: If you use Chrome or Firefox you can set up different profiles and associate each with a different blog, so you don’t need to log out from any of your accounts.
There are two pages that I recommend having: one is an about your muse. If they are an OC, it is always a good idea to have at least some information out there to make things easier. If they are from a canon source, not everybody is familiar with the material so it might be a good idea to state. For example, if you are going to roleplay as Altria/Arturia, it is a good idea to have a “RP blog for Saber (Altria Pendragon) from FGO/FSN “ somewhere visible. The other page that is a good idea having is a rules/guidelines page. This one can be a little intimidating, but it is usually a way to communicate important things. For example: are you comfortable writing violence? Do you have any personal triggers? There is something you absolutely won’t write? There are things you may figure out along the way and it is absolutely ok to fine-tune this session every now and then. Some people also credit source for their icons and graphics in general in their rule/guideline page.
If you are using the tumblr default themes, when you create a new page you can turn on the option to show a link to the page. If you are using a custom theme, most of the time you will have to link it manually.
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Oh, and if you are planning to do a multimuse, it might be a good idea to list which muses you have. The same goes for a hub blog; list the muses and link to the pages.
Icons aren’t necessary but are considered commonplace. You can find some icons I’ve done here but there are plenty of other sources. If you want to do your own icons, keep in mind to don’t make them too big, as a courtesy to your mutuals.
Tip: Anything larger than 300 pixels will be stretched to fit the post. As of today ( 4/29/2021 ) the posts are currently 540 pixels wide. This can be useful as making banners for your blog.
Tumblr allow users to “pin” posts. This mean that they will always visible if you access your blog, even on dash/mobile. You can use this to set up a post with basic links for mobile users or something else. For example, if you are out on vacations and won’t be able to do replies, you can pin a hiatus notice and then remove the pin once you are back.
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2.       Introducing yourself
Time to officially join the fun! (insert a “Hi, Zuko here” joke) Don’t worry if you don’t have a fancy promo graphic or anything, most people make their initial introduction with a simple post.
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(as you can see, I’m not very good at saying ‘hi’)
Try to introduce yourself in a few lines, but make sure to state which muse you RP as. Some people also like adding their pen name/alias and establishing a brand. Follow as many people as you want that reblogged or liked your post, and tumblr is going to start recommending other blogs that are related to the tags you use normally or have any relation to the people you follow. You can put as many tags as you want, but tumblr will disregard more than 6 tags in their system. Try tags like “<fandom> rp” and “<fandom> roleplay” along with the media, such as “movie” “video game”, “anime” and so on.
It might also be a good idea to follow a few RP memes blogs. They often have options to break the ice, like one-liners that your mutual can send you.
Tip: Don’t forget to turn on the asks and the anon
3.       Practical advice
Alright, now that you have a few mutuals, it is time to get to some general tips:
Tumblr can be a little “iffy”, and a great quality of life extension for RPers and navigation in general is installing the New Xkit extension. They offer a number of options to enhance your tumblr experience, but the ones I consider essential are the “editable reblogs”, “quick tags” and “blacklist”. Get it for Chrome or Firefox.
As a rule of thumb I recommend writing your RPs using Google Docs before posting or replying. By doing this you can do some spell check and if your browser crashes for any reason you can easily recover your work. You can also use Word, Open Office, or any text editor you feel like.
Because I’m a bit of a perfectionist, I also have Grammarly ( Chrome / Firefox ) installed for an extra layer of spell/grammar check. There is a subscription option, but the free one works perfectly fine.
To make things easier to locate, always tag the URL of your RP partner when doing a reply. There are other useful things you can tag, such as open starters, memes, and such.
Risking being obvious here, but when you are not interacting as your character it might be a good idea to tag as “ooc” or “out of character”.
Some people like making google docs with basic info and other useful stuff for easier access on mobile. It is a recent trend, it might be easier to edit as opposed to going through tumblr page editor and dealing with the HTML.  You can find some templates here and here.
Tumblr’s activity can be unreliable, so don’t be afraid of contacting your partner to see if they have gotten your reply after a few weeks. However, some people also enjoy using the RP Thread Tracker in order to be on top of things. It might be a good idea to check it out.
Because of Tumblr shadowbanning and shenanigans, it isn’t unusual for people to have NSFW sideblogs (sometimes referred as ‘sin blogs’). If you want to write smut, it might be a good idea to consider making one.
Some people don’t like replying to asks, as Tumblr won’t let you remove the initial ask. It has become common to see people making new posts to reply to asks.  This is a simple example:
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As you can see, I used the mention to have the RP partner notified then I copied and pasted their question on my post and used the quote to indicate it. You can also have fancy graphics, like a line to separate the contents, just do whatever you feel like with the formatting or keep it simple.
To make sure your partner got the answer, I recommend copying the link to the post and pasting on the ask and then replying it privately.  An example sent to my rp blog:
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4.       Basic Etiquette
Ok, this is a little subjective most of the time but here are a few things that are considered universal courtesy.
Never reblog someone else’s headcanons. If you enjoy it, maybe it should politely contact the author and ask if it is ok to write something based on their original idea but you should never downright copy or lift something from another creator. It is considered rude, or even theft in some cases.
Don’t reblog threads you are not involved with. It is ok to leave a like, but never reblog. This is because Tumblr can mess up the notifications and disrupt the flow of the RP.
Don’t copy other people’s graphics. It is very rude and sometimes they commission (aka: paid) for it.
Trim your posts. What does that mean? Every time you reblog with a reply, the post tends to get longer and longer, and it can cluster your and your mutuals’ dashes. This is why the New X-Kit’s “editable reblogs” is an almost must-have tool. If for some reason you can’t install X-Kit (if you are on mobile for example), then remove the previous post or ask your partner to trim for you.
Never take control of your RP partner’s muse. This is called “godmodding” and it is heavily frowned upon. It is ok to control your muse and the possible NPCs that you inserted, but never seize someone else’s character. Likewise, it can also be very upsetting if you use what people call “meta-gaming”, applying knowledge that your muse shouldn’t know about the other. For example, let’s say your RP partner’s muse is a vampire, but they have never disclosed that information to your muse, who also doesn’t have an excuse to know that (for example, being a vampire hunter) so it can be quite jarring sometimes. When in doubt, contact your partner.
This should go without saying, but RPing sexual themes with users under the age of 18 are illegal. It doesn’t matter if the age of consent in your location is lower, once you join Tumblr you are abiding by their user guidelines and the law of the state they are located in. If you are an adult, don’t engage minors with these topics, maybe a fade to black would be a better option. If you are a minor, don’t insist or you might cause a lot of legal problems for others.
Try to tag anything triggering. Violence, gore, NSFW. Both Tumblr and the New Xkit have options to block keywords.
When picking PSDs or graphics for your blog, you should avoid templates that change the color of the skin of POCs muses and try to pick the right race/ethnicity of the muse you are going to RP as. I won’t go through a lot of details, as it is a rather lengthy subject in an already lengthy conversation but keep this in the back of your mind.
Some RPers don’t like when you reblog memes from them without sending anything. Try to always reblog from a source or to interact with the person you are reblogging from, it can be rather disheartening to be seen as a meme source rather than a RP blog. This isn’t a rule and some people don’t mind, but it is always a good idea to try to do this.
This might be more of a pet peeve of mine than proper etiquette, but it is ok to use small font. What is not ok is use small font + underscript. Some people have disabilities that might make it harder for them to read it, so it might be a good idea to refrain from using it. Maybe if you feel like doing something fancier every now and then, but I wouldn’t recommend making this a habit.
Mun and Muse are different entities. Remember that it isn’t because a muse does something (especially a villain one) that the mun condones something. Never assume anything about the mun, when in doubt talk to them.
Be mindful of your partners and treat them the way you would like to be treated.
As a rule of thumb, always talk to your RP partner. It is only fun as long both of you are enjoying it.
5.       Closing Words
This got longer than I expected.
Despite all of that, don’t be too worried about not being very good at first. I assure you that you will get better with time, so don’t be afraid of experimenting as long you feel comfortable. And don’t be afraid of saying “no” if something bothers you.
My inbox is always open to questions and ideas, so feel free to contact me anytime!
I would also ask my followers: there is advice I missed/overlooked? Anything you would like someone have told you when you first started? Add your thoughts so I can update this.
Happy RPing!
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smokeybrandreviews · 3 years
Fly By Night
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Black people don't care about Superman but making him Black in the next series of films, isn't going to solve that the problem. It's his upbringing, the cultural touchstones which define him. Clark Kent is intrinsically White. He looks White, definitely, but he was raised in Kansas, too. That's a Heartland State, places notorious for their aggressive intolerance and laughably disproportionate ethnic breakdown. Eighty-four percent of the people who live there are White and, while that's a stark cry from, say, Idaho's Ninety percent, only five percent of the populace is Black. How the f*ck can Clark BE full-on Black; ethnically, mentally, and culturally, when he's surrounded by so much White?
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The short answer is that he can't. He doesn't have those values or experiences. How can he? He'd be part of five percent in two million. What is that? One hundred thousand, spread out across an entire state? I mean, at that point, he's more Kansas than he is Black so what does "fighting for truth, justice, in the American way" mean to someone from Kansas? A State as Red as a baboon's ass? A State where Trump won fifty-seven percent of the vote in both 2016 and 2020? A State that seems to support the same people that refuse to accept Joe Biden won that race, even after several recounts on their terms, several court cases lost to their judges, and a whole ass attempt to overthrow the government because they didn't like all those L's piling up? Never mind the question of raising a demigod with those incredibly problematic "values", how can a Black person come up in that level of racial animosity, cultural alienation, and abject disdain based solely on how he looks, possibly be all of America's Superman?
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At the end of the day, JJabarams wanting to make Clark a Black man in this next run of films, is just a tone deaf, performative, dog whistle for all the little Blue Checkmark, fake woke, twatter asshole to fellate themselves over. I don't know a single Black person who is gassed that Clark will look like us. Dude basically represents everything wrong with America, to us. Clark is an out-of-touch White guy, born with unheard of power he didn't earn, imbued with a f*cked up savior complex, raised on a steady supply of zealous Patriotic ideals which borders on straight up Nationalism, in the cultural vacuum of Smallville, Kansas. Turning him Black without fixing that origin is tantamount to throwing Blackface on some White actor to play T'Challa instead of casting Chadwick Boseman. Imagine how THAT should would have gone over with the Blacks. Exactly.
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You can't separate Clark from his cultural identity as the Whitest motherf*cker not from this Earth. You can't. It literally defines his entire worldview. Clark's Whiteness is intrinsic to who he is as a person. However, there are alternatives to that which ring truer to a Black Superman, to the Black experience, one of which has a dope ass backstory. Val-Zod, son of THAT Zod, took up the mantle of Superman in nu52 Earth-2. That version of the character could work because his race is intrinsic to his character on both sides; The Kryptonian and the Earthling. He is vague enough of a character to play around with content wise but recognizable enough for literally everyone to not lose their sh*t over Blackfacing Clark. Another lesser known option, the one i would personally pass on, is Kalel of Earth-23. He's a blank slate because no one remembers anything about the dude. Calvin Ellis' last appearance was in 2009 so, you know, have at it, i guess? Both of these options are much better than forcing a White Kent into a Black Peg.
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I'm not usually one to be so uppity about bent characters, be they gender or race. They're just another take on an established fandom and i think that's great, as long as that alteration is respected and adapted into the character properly. Superficial sh*t like turning all of the ginger characters into Black people, just because they're going to be onscreen in some form or another, is f*cking ridiculous to me. Sometimes it doesn't work out all that well, like Iris West in the DCEU. Kiersey Clemons had, like, a minute of screentime in The Snyder Cut so why the f*ck was she even in there? I get you need to establish her as part of The Flash's lore but wait for his actual film if that's all we're going to see of her. Other times, it works very well, like with Mary-Jane and Zendaya. That case was a little more tricky as, at the time Homecoming was in development, Marvel didn't have the rights to the Mary-Jane character so they had no choice but to create Michelle. She's a brand new character who fills the role of MJ but in a completely unique, standalone, fashion. I adore that chick. She and Pete have this adorkable energy together, chemistry attributed to Zendaya and Holland. Ms. Coleman really sells MJ as a proper “MJ” and that's because her MJ is her own “MJ”. And, while we're on the topic of Spider-Man, Miles Morales is exactly how you racebend an established character with any hope of success.
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Mile Morales is the blue print you need to follow in order to make your ridiculous reach at altering such an established persona, in such a drastic way. Miles is, from top to bottom, Black as f*ck. Every ounce of that character resonates with the culture. Early on in hi genesis, it was a little iffy but, as the character has grown, his swagger and identity has become much clearer. It's more defined and rings truer to what we, as Black people, see in the world. Hell, his movie, Into the Spider-Verse, is arguably the best Spider-Flick ever made and it is properly Black as f*ck. From the swagger, the cultural language, the music, the animation style, the tagging; All of it is too Black for words and the country ate that sh*t up. I saw SO much of US in that film and it really lent itself to giving comic Miles the boost necessary to really come into his own. Not to slight his Puerto Rican heritage at all, you get a bit of that, too, but, for all intents and purposes, society at large sees Miles as Black and Spider-Verse leans into that, heavy. Because Miles has no choice but to so as well. Pete had a lot more going for him growing up in Queens thank Clark's halcyon experience in f*cking Kansas, so he was already accepted in the community. You don't do the numbers Spider-Flicks consistently do at the box office without them Black dollars, but Miles was whole ass embraced by the culture. No one is mad at kid now that he is finally himself in the suit. He's not a legacy, he is a Spider-Man. That's how you do it. That's how you make racebending such an intrinsic character to the American zeitgeist, work. You don't dress Michael B. Jordan up as Clark and tell me he's my Superman. That's a lie and everyone is going to see through it. Everyone already has. You don't need x-ray vision for that.
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i couldn’t utter it, i couldn’t whisper it (my love for you was silent); ii
Chapter Two - Run Back Home
rating: its a gen fic for The Umbrella Academy
Previous Chapter
warnings: physical assault mention - its a blink and you’ll miss it moment
a/n: I blame @sam-writes​ for pretty much all of this!
Summary: In one world, the young teenager hid when she abruptly found herself pregnant and she gave birth in secret, left the baby on a random doorstep, and never looked back. Unfortunately, this isn’t that world. In this world, Reginald Hargreeves finds her and takes her baby. It doesn’t end well.
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After Charlie finished everything she needed too downstairs, she turned off the lights and headed to the apartment upstairs. Knickknack was nipping at her heels so she guessed that it meant they were hungry. Greedy little thing didn’t like the generic cat food she had downstairs for the actual stray cats that came through her doors, not for Knickknack. No, they wanted the good stuff she starting keeping upstairs for them.
When she got up to her kitchen, she refilled the small water and food bowls she had taken to keeping out for this exact reason. After she was sure Knickknack was content, she started on her own dinner.
When everything was finished cooking, she platted everything, poured herself a generous sized glass of wine, and moved to her bathroom. One full bathtub later, and she was satisfied. This was she needed after today - which she actually classified as successful. No one else had died, there was very little maiming, and only a little asshole like behavior. Her siblings were really on their best behavior today.
As she finished her dinner, she leaned back into the tub and just floated. She liked to float because it allowed her the illusion that her hearing was only muffled from the water and not just completely gone. It was one of the few things she could do to make herself feel better about it.
Charlie’s ears rang. Everything else hurt, though. She had never been in the middle of a fight between Luther and Diego before and she wasn’t planning on doing it again. One dodged punch left her flying across the room.
Pogo had helped her up and out of the room. Left sitting on the main stairs, Pogo went to find Grace to patch up her cuts. She waited for him to turn the corner to the kitchen before she got up and walked out the doors. She had moved out of the Academy years ago, and while Dad wasn’t currently home, she didn’t want to risk it - staying in the Academy longer than she already had.
She was only back because Luther had called a Family Meeting to talk about what they should do about Vanya’s book. It had spilled a lot of personal and security details about the Academy and Luther wanted to have a discussion on their options for getting it taken off the shelves or discredited.
Charlie knew she only really came to see that her brothers were still alive - Luther was easy to watch what with the missions he was still running for Dad. He was still in the news if you knew what to watch for. Diego was also semi-easy to find. His vigilante activities were not the best-kept secret and Charlie had enough people from the streets come through the store that were willing to admit they saw the ‘Off-brand Batman’ slinking about most nights. It was mostly Klaus that she had trouble keeping track of - and he was the one she was most worried about. Although she helped feed a lot of the people who called the streets home, she wasn’t one of them so they hesitated in telling her anything about one of their own. Charlie had only barely managed to track him down after she opened The Flower Shop. She figured that Ben was still haunting him - in the literal sense - and she hoped that Ben was still there even if Klaus was high. She wanted Klaus to have a set of keys to her building - both the apartment on the top floor and the main shop floors that she had stocked with homeless supply bags and had access to the Tree. The Tree was her greatest Growth. A massive 2 story tree ripe with all the fruits, veggies, and nuts that she could get seeds for, the Tree helped feed the people who came through her store. She allowed most people to take a piece or two for free but allowed the homeless and hard-hit people to come in before or after her official hours to take as much as they wanted. And while she did like helping those who needed it, she mostly had the idea so she might be able to make sure Klaus was doing ok. After she had been open for a while without seeing him, Charlie had made copies of her keys, spent 2 weeks tracking him through various dealers, johns, and the homeless, and slipped them on a chain around his neck while telling Ben, hopefully, what the keys were for and where the shop was located.
But now Luther had called a Family Meeting for the siblings still in town.
So Charlie had put on her big girl panties and made the trip home.
She had known before that Allison wasn’t going to be coming - the latest gossip magazines put her in New Zealand for her newest movie - and she guessed that Vanya wouldn’t be welcomed or even invited to the meeting that was for talking about her fuck up. Luther would obviously be there - he called the meeting - but she wasn’t sure about her other 2 living brothers. Diego might not come just because it was Luther who called the meeting. He might also come cause he wanted the Book gone. Klaus was iffy. If Luther even got a hold of him, if he was sober enough to come, if he remembered it was today…Charlie believed he’d come if only to gather stuff to steal and sell.
She didn’t know if she really wanted to be the only voice of reason amongst her brothers. Klaus would be angry but he wouldn’t really voice it to anyone except flippantly - jokingly. Diego would be furious at Vanya but he’d also want to disagree with everything that Luther would say. And Luther would be angry that nobody was agreeing with him straight up, he’d be annoyed by Klaus’ thrifty fingers and Diego’s attitude.
Apparently she had been right to be cautious about returning home. No one wanted to hear her theories about why Vanya would write the book. Nor did they even want to talk about her. And Charlie’s insistence on talking about her got on Luther and Diego’s nerves - on top of each other. It had erupted into a fistfight fairly quickly. She was the only one in the house who could step in and stop them. It was to her detriment, however. One of them threw a punch, the other one dodged it, and she caught it in the head. It had sent her flying into the wall near the doors. She felt Pogo help her to her feet and let him lead her out of the library and sat down against the stairs.
She sighed.
While this was the first time most of them were together, she knew that they no longer wanted her there.
Apparently, supporting your sister in an obvious cry for help was enough for them to cut the ties between her and them. She really shouldn’t be as surprised as she was. Throughout their childhood, the higher numbers were a close-knit group with Diego occasionally dropping them to cling to Mom, Klaus and Ben were attached at the hip, and Five and Vanya orbited each other more often than not. She just floated between all of them as needed or wanted. They were not as close as she wanted them to be so the fact that they felt comfortable enough to do that? to shut her out like they did - it hurt but she shouldn’t be so surprised.
But then Five disappeared, Vanya shut everyone out, Ben died, Klaus dove headfirst into the drugs he had only been flirting with before, and that was it for her. She waited it out till she was 17, storing up cash and items to sell, then was third to actually leave. Klaus bolted just after they all turned 16. Allison left the night before they turned 17. She left the morning after their birthday. She knew that Vanya left soon after her and that Diego held out longer than she thought he would. She knew that Luther would never actually leave. And she was right. They were full adults and here Luther was, still sprouting dad’s words as his own.
Once she was sure that Pogo was gone, she left the house slowly. She now really understood how little she was wanted there and between the missions, the meal-time tapes, and the first-aid lessons she had been taking lately, she felt confident enough to say that she could treat herself at home.
But her ears wouldn’t stop ringing. And it was getting worse.
She had decided to walk home, to help her clear her head - she didn’t want to believe any of the things that her siblings had said.
Her ears hurt.
The farther she got from the Academy, the worse the surroundings got. But her store and apartment were cheap because of the reputation of the area.
As she was passing through the last alley before she got to her street, she failed to notice the figures standing in the shadows.
Her ears were ringing, there was a hand covering her mouth, and an arm across her waist.
It was as she was getting out of the tub that she felt the disturbance.
She was always connected to the Green in her apartment when she was close enough, she could use it as a safety blanket because it allowed her to get a better sense of who was around her when she couldn’t hear them. And her sense was telling her that there was someone now in the living room.
She finished drying off and slipped on her robe, then went to see who was bothering her this late at night. She had a pretty good guess on who it was already because she hadn’t felt any of the windows or the door open.
As she stepped into her living room, she took a glance around and saw him going through her kitchen. Her best guess? He was still looking for coffee. She went to grab it for him.
As she was reaching for it; Five stepped up next to her, covered her eyes, and stopped her. A few seconds later, he dropped his hand and she saw he was frowning at her. Then he started to sign at her.
What happened? Why can’t you hear? How bad is the loss?
She frowned at him, debating on whether or not she actually wanted to talk about this with him. But she guessed that his time in the future only made him more stubborn, not less.
Bad. The hearing is a complete loss. So is the voice.
At that, he switched his focus to her throat. She grabbed his hand and ran it along the scar that took her voice years ago. It was very well hidden underneath her butterfly tattoo and most people couldn’t even see it when they knew to look. Five tilted her head back and crowded her so he could get a closer look and then his eyes finally seemed to catch the extreme color that lined both her arms, her collarbone, and her throat. He shook his head and that seemed to drag him back into focus.
But what happened?
It was an accident that led to an attack years ago.
They proved they were siblings when the next part of their conversation happened entirely with their eyebrows. His was telling her to give him the complete story and hers was telling him to forget about it.
So complete hearing loss and mute, huh? And the others don’t know do they? You kept them in your sights all day.
You don’t have to keep signing. I can read lips extremely well. As long as you’re facing me.
“And the others? Do they know?”
No. It happened after Vanya’s book. They weren’t very appreciative that I supported Vanya writing that thing and they almost completely shut me out afterward. I do believe today is the first day that they’ve seen me since.
“They’ve seen you? So you’ve seen them?”
Occasionally, yes. I try to go to Vanya’s concerts when I can. I've gotten called to help Klaus at rehab and the hospital a few times, sometimes I’ll post Diego’s bail, I've seen all of Allison’s movies. But no - I don’t think they realize that it's been me helping them.
What did you want Five? Not that I’m not happy to have you here - you’re always welcome here and to everything I have - but you seemed like you were in a hurry earlier.
Here he paused. Charlie could see the conflict in his eyes. She only raised an eyebrow at him. She wasn’t letting him leave without some kind of answer.
He sighed, sat down on her couch, and started his story about the results of his time travel and the end of the world he ended up in.
As she focused on his words, she really wished she had more to drink than her single glass of wine.
When it seemed like he was done, she asked him,
What can I do to help?
“Honestly, I’m not sure. I don’t even know what I’m looking for really,” he heaved a giant sigh and pulled something from his pocket. “This was in Luther’s hand, in the end. It’s been my only clue all these years. My plan right now is to head to this company and find who owns it now.”
He opened his hand to show her a false eye.
An eye? Well, I don’t believe I’ll be much help getting your information but you know where to find me when you need some manpower. And you can sit right back down. I don’t care how old you actually are or how old you look. You’ve been on the move all day and probably even longer than that. I guarantee you that the company isn’t going to be open right now. It's midnight. So, I'm going to make you some dinner, you're going to take a shower, and then you’re going to get some sleep. When you inevitably wake up before me, you’re going to take some food for breakfast - not just coffee. Do you understand me you little shit?
He frowned at her but Charlie could see that she was making sense to him. He, reluctantly, nodded his head and stood up. She pointed to her bathroom and made her way back to her kitchen. He needed protein and energy, plus she was going to make him some easy breakfast or she knew that he would only make some coffee before he split.
She knew she had been correct by the look on his face when she showed him the breakfast sandwiches on the top shelf of her fridge. She just flicked his ear, trapped him in a quick hug, and planted the most obnoxious kiss she could on his temple. She laughed when he put up a minimal struggle but allowed him to push her away.
Those sandwiches better be gone when I get up tomorrow. And if you take my blue mug, you won’t have to worry about the apocalypse cause I’ll kill you myself. Let me know when I can be of any help. Goodnight Five… I’m really glad you’re back.
“Goodnight,” he told his dinner more than her but she’d take it.
She threw a couple of blankets and pillows on the couch, then she finally left for her bedroom.
As she completed her evening routine, she heaved a sigh and resigned herself to a busy week filled with her siblings. And she thought she could get away with just a day of them.
She was first to the dinner table, coming as she had from the kitchen. She had helped Mom with dinner tonight, growing the vegetables fresh for tonight’s roast. As she took her spot between Ben and Vanya, Charlie took a second to listen to what survival tape they would be listening to tonight. Climbing? Interesting and a step sideways from the underwater fighting from yesterday.
Her siblings finally finished their parade into the lower dining room and they all waited for Father to allow them to sit and start dinner. When he finally told them to sit, all that could be heard was the scrape of the silverware against the dishes and chewing.
But there was a tense feeling to the meal and it seemed to be coming from across the table from Five. She subtly watched her siblings. Luther and Allison seemed to be wrapped up with each other. Diego had a knife in his hand and was carving something into the arm of his chair. Klaus was focused on his joint, a recent addition that seemed to help him calm the ghosts that haunted him. Ben was reading the new book that she had got him. Vanya seemed to be going over her newest violin piece, something fast based on her faint humming. But Five was staring, intently, torn between his meal and Father.
And she saw the moment that it finally boiled over.
He stabbed his knife down into the table and glared at Father.
“Number Five?”
“I have a question.”
“Knowledge is an admirable goal, but you know the rules. No talking during mealtimes. You are interrupting Herr Carlson.”
“I want to time travel.”
“But I’m ready. I’ve been practicing my spatial jumps, just like you said. See?”
While his first outburst had garnered the attention of everyone at the table when Father told him no, most everyone went back to their previous activities. Most didn’t even look up when Five Jumped to Father’s side.
She kept her focus on him. He was extremely serious this time. She could see it in the lines of his body. He was going to Jump today - regardless of what Father told him. Vanya tensed up beside her and she knew Vanya sensed the seriousness of the moment as well.
“A spatial jump is trivial when compared with the unknowns of time travel. One is like sliding along the ice, the other is akin to descending blindly into the depths of the freezing water and reappearing as an acorn.”
“Well, I don’t get it.”
“Hence the reason you’re not ready.”
“I’m not afraid.”
“Fear isn’t the issue. The effects it might have on your body, even on your mind, are far too unpredictable. Now, I forbid you to talk about this anymore. Number Five! You haven’t been excused!”
While he did glance at the rest of us, most of his attention was on Vanya but even she wasn’t enough to stop him. He had chosen his path.
Charlie heard the front door open and that was the last they saw of Five.
Diego dropped Klaus off at a 24-hour diner and made his way to Griddy’s. This was just what he needed - some normal crime to get his head away from his family. He’d rather have to deal with humanity’s messed up behavior than try to wrap his head around his family and their crap.
God. Diego just shook his head. He just wanted to get back into his normal routine where he could get scumbags off the street and not have to see or talk to any of his siblings. Including Klaus for right now - although he was his closest sibling, Diego could only take small doses of him at a time.
Unfortunately, he had the feeling that he wasn’t done with them yet.
However, for the time being, he was going to focus on this murder scene and the faint hope he’d seen Eudora again.
He slid his way around the cops already on the scene to get inside. He wanted to talk to the worker that was in the building during the attack and hear what she had to say.
“Ma’am? I have a couple of early questions for you about the attack. Do you think you could answer a few of them?”
She only gave a faint nod, but that was enough for him. He started off with his usual questions, trying to get the shape of what had happened.
It was after he got most of his questions answered that he saw Eudora arrive on the scene. He thanked Agnes for her help and slid out the back door. He didn’t want her to see him too soon. She might actually shoot him if he was the first thing in her sight. 
Ben was reading his book and sitting on a chair in the downstairs library, so he knew when Klaus was coming around. It was always hard to tell when Klaus was finally sober enough to believe that Ben was real. But when Klaus jerked up Ben figured he was good.
“You know you talk in your sleep?”
“There’s no point, you’re out of drugs.”
He got more comfortable in his seat. He knew that Klaus couldn’t take no for an answer so he would be searching for something else to take. Either some kind of drug or something from the house he could pawn off.
“Shut your piehole, Ben. Said with love.”
Ben only rolled his eyes. As much as he wanted better for Klaus, Ben knew it wasn’t going to happen today. He could still try though.
“I’ve got a crazy idea. Why not try starting your day with...a glass or orange juice or some eggs?”
That had always been his favorite meal growing up, other than their Birthday Breakfast.
“Can’t smoke eggs. One of these has gotta be gold-plated right?”
As Klaus jumped from Pogo appearing in the doorway, Ben smiled to himself. It would serve him right. Then Pogo told Ben, inadvertently, that Klaus had already stolen from dad. Ben only heaved a sigh. Of course he had. Ben was only curious that Pogo was so worried about just a single box.
“Drop Dead.”
“Low blow.”
“Would you shut up!”
“Excuse me?”
Ben laughed to himself. He loved getting Klaus in trouble like that. Obviously people couldn’t see him, and so when he could get Klaus to utter things like drop dead or shut up, the people surrounding Klaus believed that he was speaking to them.
When he heard Pogo tell Klaus that he wouldn’t worry about the actual box if he got the contents of said box, Ben could suddenly foresee his future. It involved following Klaus’ steps from yesterday and probably a lot of dumpster diving.
Ben started to ignore whatever antics Klaus was getting up too and thought back to yesterday. He was extremely glad that Klaus had made the decision to attend the funeral. Ben knew that it was going to be hard and that there was a very high chance that Klaus would be hitting some of the extreme drugs again soon but Ben was still happy he got to see his siblings. It had been too long. He wasn’t very surprised by Luther or Diego - not much had changed with them aside from Luther’s inexplicable growth spurt but they were at their cores still Numbers One and Two. But it was his sisters he was excited to see. Ben was glad to see that motherhood had mellowed Allison out somewhat. He was really happy that she now had someone who she could give her unconditional love to. She was always better when she could love someone like that.
It had been over a decade since Ben had seen Vanya - he left with Klaus when they were 17 and the only other time that either of them had seen any of their siblings were at the Family Meeting about Vanya’s book or the one time Charlie had tracked them down with keys for Klaus. But despite the time separating their meeting, Vanya was just the same as she had ever been. Small, hunched into herself so the attention wouldn’t be on her, quiet so no one would hear her. Ben had hoped it would have gotten better through the years but as it was, Vanya looked the same. Charlie though - she had gone through quite a transformation. She had shot up from their teenage years - she could almost be mistaken for Klaus except for her hair, she was so much quieter than she had ever been, and was sporting quite a collage of colorful tattoos spanning across her arms and collarbone. He wished he could have talked to her about them - he knew she didn’t mind it so much when they got their umbrella tattoo when they were young but he never would have thought she’d go for the full sleeves let alone a throat tattoo. And Five! Ben was ecstatic to see that their missing brother was in fact just missing and not dead like they had feared for so many years. He was still the short sarcastic rude little shit that had ran out the door to time travel, now he just had apparently close to 50 years of trauma.
Ben wished for a lot of things following yesterday but most of all he wished that he could have held and helped his sibling through the years. Everyone in this entire family could use a goddamn hug and Ben wanted to be the one to give them one.
As Vanya woke up, she wondered about what Five talked about last night. She didn’t know whether or not she believed him. She didn’t think she did. If he was gone for so long, who knew what had happened to him in that time. She got up out of bed, composing questions for Five as she went, and left her bedroom for the living room. She wanted to believe Five but she had a lot of questions for him before she could.
“Hey, Five.”
She wished she could say she was shocked that Five didn’t stay but she wasn’t. Why would anyone stay for her?
He didn’t even sit on the couch.
Five finished the last of his breakfast and stood to take care of his dishes. He didn’t want to leave a pile of dishes that Charlie had to take care of when she finally woke. She had given him a bed for the night, food to eat, and allowed him to use her shower. Plus she was a good listener - not that she could hear anymore.
Five had to shallow down a rush of anger. He had only spent an hour with her yesterday and he knew almost right away that she was deaf. And according to Charlie she had been deaf for years and not one of their other siblings knew. If he had more time, he would knock some of their hard heads together and hope that it might knock of sense into them. He decided to add that to the list right after ending the apocalypse.
When all the dishes were put away, he grabbed the eye and the directions Charlie had written out for him, then left for MerriTech. As much as he wanted to stay here and continue their conversation from last night, he had a mission and he wasn’t going to pause it any longer.
The white walls and large glass windows were annoying. They allowed a lot of light in but they also posed a very big security risk. He could think of half a dozen different ways he could use the floor plan for his own advantage right off the top of his head and he wasn’t even putting much thought into it. He was only out here in the reception area because he was waiting for a doctor to approach him.
“Uh, can I help you?”
“I need to know who this belongs too.”
“Where did you get that?”
“Why do you care?”
Five was annoyed yet again that he got the calculations wrong. Almost everything that he’d done in the last 24 hours would be so much easier if was even just 5 years older. But he had to be stuck in his young teenage body.
But this time he decided to try to use it to his advantage. Most people would like to help some young man help return an eye that was lost. He could really play up that angle and try to get some sympathy help that way.
“I want to return it to its rightful owner.”
“Aww. What a thoughtful young man,” the sectary just proved his point.
Five should have known that it wouldn’t be that easy. Of course, the doctor would use patient confidentiality to try and take the eye away from him.
And then he might have let his building irritation out and he might have been a little rough with the moronic doctor who was standing in his way for the information that could help save the end of the world.
He needed a goddamn drink.
When they started calling for security, he just shoved the doctor away and left.
Of course, it wouldn’t be that easy.
He needed a new plan.
When Charlie woke up that morning, she laid in bed for a while, thinking about everything that had happened just in the last 24 hours. Dad’s death, family reunions, the looming apocalypse. She didn’t know what she was going to do about any of it but she knew she was going to help Five in any way that she thought she could. He seemed to have an idea of what needed to actually happened. That was better than Charlie who had no clue what was happening.
She reached out for the Green when she was finally ready to get up for the day. There was nobody other than her in the apartment but she could sense that Zara was opening the shop downstairs. She had to remember to talk to him this morning. With everything that she could sense was about to happen she had to let Zara know so he could take on more responsibilities within the store.  She didn’t think she would have enough time to play a mediator between her siblings, help Five with whatever he had in mind, and manage her store at the same time.
Zara was a good friend, however, and he was used to her leaving most of the actual running of the store to him. She just had to let him know that he was dealing with everything for the next week or so.
Plans already running through her head, she got up out of her bed and made her way to her bathroom. Shower, food, and then she’d start adulting for the day.
She was happy to see that the breakfast she had made for Five was gone though. He might have been so much older then she was but she was glad that she could give him even a little bit of help.
After her conversation with Zara, she left for the Academy again. If she knew Five, he would be using it as a home base for his operation this week. And though she didn’t really want to spend more time in that cursed place, she did want to show Five that she meant it when she said she’d help him. Thus - her plan to camp out at the Academy for the next week.
When she finally saw the Academy doors, she slowed. Vanya was entering the main doors and after their last conversation - even if it was years ago - she didn’t want to crowd her. Vanya had made her opinion of Charlie very clear and even as much as she loved her siblings, she wasn’t going put herself through unnecessary pain.
Charlie knew if she gave Vanya a couple of minutes head-start, they wouldn’t run into each other. And she was right, having reached for the Green to track the people within the house. Vanya had made her way up through the hallways, brushing against the various vines lining the doorways, windows, and railings throughout the Academy. She could sense that Five was in his room, Allison was moving about near the kitchen with Mom, and Pogo was just leaving his room.
Father had made her Grow them for her training, having her use them to track her siblings - she first started with them all in one group but by the end Charlie could track all 5 (living) siblings, Mom, Father, and Pogo through the house without much thought or issue.
She still used that ability still - so she might be able to have a somewhat thankful thought to dear old Reggie. Maybe.
Charlie entered the house through the front doors and made her way to the bedrooms. She was ready to duck into any of the open rooms if any of her siblings but Five came along - she might have resigned herself to dealing with them for the week but she wasn’t going to hang around them longer than she had to.
Five had made his way back to his room at the Academy. After his failure at MerriTech, he needed to regroup and to come up with a new plan of attack. And then he had an idea.
It was a horrible one but it might just actually work.
He’d use Klaus.
…he was already regretting this decision.
He found Klaus wandering around the upper floors and dragged him back to the bedrooms. He wanted to remove all possible distractions from Klaus’ eyesight so they could get through the conversation in relatively short order.
“You’re going to help me with something this morning.”
“I am?”
“I’ll pay you.”
“And what will I be helping you with?”
“Go put on something professional!”
Five left Klaus alone in his room so he could change into something more professional and less…Klaus.
He was pacing the hallway when he heard Vanya calling for him from the front room. He Moved back into his room and shoved Klaus into his closet when he heard Vanya come up the staircase closest to their bedrooms. He didn’t want to worry her. She was ordinary and he didn’t want to burden her more than he had already - he knew she didn’t believe him. Not like Charlie had.
He would have brought her with him but she both wasn’t here and he would need someone who could hear and speak.
“Oh thank god. I was worried sick about you.”
“Sorry about leaving without saying goodbye.”
He kept the conversation going as he worked on the plan for the next part of his day. He needed that information about the eye. He needed to know who was going to cause the apocalypse. He needed to stop them to save his family.
…she wanted him to see a therapist?
He went to close the door after Vanya left - he didn’t want her to be able to hear the end of the conversation with Klaus.
“That’s so…touching, all that stuff about family and Dad and time! Wow!”
He was regretting his choice of siblings again - even more than before.
“Would you shut up? She’ll hear you!”
“I’m moist.”
“I told you to put on something professional.”
“What? This is my nicest outfit.”
That was his nicest outfit? It looked like a clown puked onto a shirt and called it fashion. He only sighed and rolled his eyes.
“We’ll raid the old man’s closet.”
“As long as I get paid.”
“When the job is done.”
When Klaus continued to talk, his regret just grew and grew. He wished that he had a better choice - he was almost tempted to track down Charlie and make do with her.
Which of course meant she came from her bedroom right as he was leaving Klaus in the hallway.
Charlie was very tempted to laugh. The look on Five’s face when she popped out of her room…
She almost started signing at him when she spotted Klaus coming up from behind him. She knew that he was in the house and was even in Five’s room earlier but she hadn’t put it together - that they would be working together.
She dropped her hands and raised an eyebrow at Five. His response was only a sigh and a shrug.
She accepted Klaus’ hug but continued to watch Five over his shoulder. He had something planned.
“Klaus is helping me with something, Charlie. I’ll stop by your apartment later. A smaller group is going to be better for this.”
She released Klaus and nodded at Five. Running a hair through her hair, she placed a kiss on both her brothers’ cheeks and went to leave the Academy. She knew that Five had a better idea about what needed to be done at Merritech so if he thought that Klaus was going to be able to help him more than she could she’d believe him.
She’d grill him all about it later but she’d believe him for now.
As she turned to go down the staircase she came up - she paused. She felt Allison and Vanya were on the landing beneath her. That was where the phone was - she made a guess and thought Allison might be calling her family back in California. Charlie had seen her pregnant in some magazines a couple of years ago but really didn’t know much more than that.
Charlie was weighing her options - hide out in her room until Allison was away from the phone (Charlie didn’t think she’d like an audience for her phone call) or just power her way through it - when Allison came up the stairs in her direction, making her choice for her.
Charlie frowned - Allison looked upset. She chose to lean against the wall out of Allison’s way - that way she could stop and they could talk or Allison could ignore her and go on her way.
Allison made her way back to her bedroom to unpack. Patrick and the courts made it clear that she couldn’t see her daughter yet so what was the point of going home? And she needed something to do to calm herself down after her talk with Vanya. How could she say that Allison was better off here in New York away from her daughter? And to still be blaming everything on Dad? After all these years? She needed to grow up.
Allison was halfway down the hallway to her room when she noticed her other sister staring at her.
She flinched back, “How long have you been there?”
Charlie just pointed to Five and Klaus leaving in the opposite direction. Allison frowned at their backs - she wasn’t sure leaving those 2 to their own devices was the best plan but she supposed there wasn’t much she could do beyond Rumoring them. She turned back to Charlie and shook her head.
“Whatever they get up to isn’t my fault. And I’ll see you later - I decided to stay longer to help get things in order with Dad’s affairs.”
Allison turned away from Charlie before she could start her response. As much as she did want to see her family again - she wanted a cooler head (and probably a cigarette) before she attempted to talk to any of them again.
As the Taxi drove him away from Klaus, Five had to admit it wasn’t the worst decision he’d ever made inviting Klaus to MerriTech. He had an excellent poker face and was good at improv - if only it wasn’t just because he wanted drug money. But that was about the only good thing to happen today.
What was he going to do now? The only clue he had - the one thing that he kept on him to keep going through the years was completely useless still. A week until the apocalypse and he was no closer to stopping it then he was when he first Jumped.
He knew that he said he’d visit Charlie to explain to her his plans and what he did today but there was something else that he had to do - Charlie would understand.
But he needed to find Delores and he thought it would take a while to track down where she was living before the end. He knew vaguely where they found each other but with all the living people still walking about plus everything still in one piece…he thought that it might take all day to narrow his search.
He’d visit Charlie when he was done.
Allison took a deep breath as Pogo left the room. This was weird as hell - watching old security camera footage of her and her sibling growing up but it was exactly what she needed.
She watched a couple of different screens, trying to match the video with her memories - here she and Luther made lunch and ate it together after she spent the morning Rumoring him. Here Ben and Charlie were reading in the library. Here Diego was trying to hit moving targets. Here Klaus was painting her fingernails. There Vanya was playing her violin alone in the study.
They were all so young - and small! She couldn’t remember ever being that small.
She wished she had more than security videos to remind her of their childhood but she’d make due.
When she got up to find another video to insert, one on top of the TV bank caught her attention.
When she finally started it up, she had to gasp.
This changed everything.
Five just looked around. He could hear nobody around him. There was only death and destruction and falling ash as far as he could see. There was no more Academy. But maybe there was still a chance that his siblings were still alive…
As he looked around what was left of his home, he spotted a hand holding a false eye with the body buried under a pile of rubble. When he walked over to grab the eye, he leaned over to see if he could recognize the man holding it. It almost looked like…but it couldn’t be. He wouldn’t…
Five leaned back and stood up to continue to look around. He was determined to find other bodies or even some living people. When he spotted another body through some ruined rebar, Five blinked harshly - the ash was getting into his eyes pretty bad.
When he was close to his bro- to the body, he tried to shake him awake. That scar almost reminded him of- but then he spotted another body buried in the rubble. She looked like she was around the same age as the other two…she looked like Allison.
His sighed almost sounded like a sob. Because if this was Allison - it couldn’t be it wasn’t not his family not them not them not them - then Diego and Luther were also dead.
Five pulled himself together. He didn’t have to panic or worry because of course they weren’t his siblings. It couldn’t be.
He stood up and moved to try to find where his actual siblings were resting. Obviously, they had worn themselves out trying to stop whatever this was and now they were just resting and regrouping to figure out what to do after. Obviously these dead bodies weren’t his siblings.
He froze when he rounded a broken corner of the building. There was another body lying face down in the rubble but this one was the worst. He could no longer dismiss the resemblance he was spotting.
This body was sporting the distinct umbrella tattoo that only 7 people had. This was one of his brothers. This was Klaus. The other three were Allison, Luther, and Diego. He only turned his head a little but then he spotted the giant garden overtaken the back of the house. It was really the only spot of color that he could see. And right in the middle was a wave of vibrant red hair. Charlie…
He spent the next couple of hours trying to find his missing brother and sister to no luck. They weren’t anywhere he could see.
He continued to stifle his sobs as he buried his siblings. He couldn’t just leave them in the open like they were. He needed to care for them now.
One, Two, Three, Four, and Eight…when he was done with burying them he just sat down next to them.
He looked up at the sky. He didn’t think that it could rain like it was currently.
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secret-engima · 4 years
Are you in the One Piece Fandom? Wait what fandoms are you in? Overlord?? Akatsuki No Yona?? (THAT ONE IS A GREAT READ AND WATCH TBH—its so underappreciated!!) Undertale?? (Throws hands up)
Uhhhhhhhhh depends on your definition of “in”. If by “in” you mean “have consumed the canon content enough to know what’s up” then I am in a lot less fandoms than you’d think. If you mean “have absorbed enough of the canon and fanon via osmosis to kinda get the gist and enjoy the fanfic while ignoring the actual source material” then I’m in … enough fandoms I literally can’t remember them all off the top of my head but here’s a list of what I can think of rn:
Transformers (Animated, Prime-verse, Bay-verse, SORTA G1 but only for like- two fanfics and a couple one-shots)
Final Fantasy XV (obviously)
Final Fantasy 7 (this is one of those osmosis ones, the only canon content I have actually owned is the Advent Children movie. Have watched Crisis Core walkthroughs tho)
How to Train Your Dragon (movies only)
My Hero Academia (manga, anime, and vigilantes but I’m not up to date so no spoilers pls)
Katekyo Hitman Reborn (osmosis that led to watching some of the show. The fanfics are better. Hands down. Still glad the show exists tho, otherwise the fanfic would not.)
Harry Potter (solely via crossovers, I don’t tend to enjoy straight HP fanfic, but yeeting Harry into fandoms I do know is funny)
Naruto (I have watched exactly three eps of the original and up to the Diedara mocking Naruto with Gaara’s body in Shippuuden. Everything else is pure fandom Osmosis.)
Boruto (counting this as a separate thing because Naruto fans tend to be mean over the show (????). Which is a shame cause I adore it. Ninja school/youth slice of life with end of the world drama thrown in for flavor? Heck yeah. Also Mitsuki is My Bby Boi™ and I will hear no dissent)
Akatsuki No Yona (anime, slowly collecting the manga, it is The Best™)
One Piece (pure fandom osmosis. Have watched maybe the earliest eps before I got a headache from the animation/voice acting, after that I quit and live in fanfic only)
Undertale (have never played the game, no desire to, have absorbed plot through wiki entries and fanfic osmosis. Mostly I just adore the concept of a character who knows about save points and uses them for good or evil, as well as the whole “different runs” thing and the potential Angst and Hurt/Comfort having a Frisk with multiple runs under their belt could bring. Also Papyrus and Sans are the cutest things and I love them even though I hate skeleton characters as a general rule).
Sword Art Online (this is the anime that got me into fantasy anime. Period. My Fairy Tail fanfic would not exist without this anime making me interested in non-Case Closed and Detective School Q anime. SAO Progressive Light Novels are *chef’s kiss*.)
Log Horizon (anime is fun. I like the more political/economic take that makes it so different from SAO. Also the potential Shenanigans between Adventurers and Landers and the Lander POV potential is cool).
Star Wars (I have watched all the movies at least once barring Rise of Skywalker so no spoilers, am working through older Clone Wars seasons and gleefully have enjoyed Rebels and several of the games. I do NOT write for this fandom as a general rule because I have no desire to get involved in the flame wars, especially since the original trilogy was not my entry point? So I actually really enjoy a lot of the characters and shows outside the original trilogy and apparently my ability to like content that isn’t *raises imaginary holy grail* “the OG trilogy” is a crime against Star Wars and nature and possibly humanity. Let me enjoy my blind jedi and his crew of misfit pseudo-kids you puritans. Also Rey.)
Fairy Tail (anime, have yet to watch the last season, love this show with all my heart).
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood (have yet to watch more than a few eps on the show, for all its on my reading list, so most of what I know is fanfic osmosis).
Fruits Basket (I … actually have not read fanfic of this? But I adore the books with all my heart and am so stoked to see the remade anime).
Case Closed/Magic Kaito (anime and fanfic. Treating these as the same since they’re in the same universe and spot of timeline, just have different MCs and premises).
Detective School Q (My first anime! Thank you youtube for the collection of pirated anime eps I got to binge before they all got deleted. As far as I am aware, there is no fandom still living for this show, which is a shame because it was good).
Rurouni Kenshin (the original anime! Never got past the arc with the burned villain but I still enjoyed it up to that point. No idea what the arcs after it are like. Don’t really care.)
Hobbit/LOTR (read the Hobbit, have watched all the movies. AU fanfics ftw.)
Bleach (this … is pure fanfic osmosis. I blame @wolfsrainrules @north-peach and @akaluan they got me curious. Still a little iffy on the show itself but like- I enjoy the fanfic. I’m a sucker Akaluan’s Dragon Eclipse fanfic especially.)
Princess Tutu (haven’t been in the fandom in forever? But I have a few fav fics and the show is *chef’s kiss*).
Voltron: Legendary Defender (started with the fanfics out of accident and curiosity, then hopped over to the show because the crossover potential it had with TF got me interested. Am currently in the second season so pls no spoilers).
Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes (show, fanfic, I enjoy crossovers. Someone did the world’s most epic TF:P crossover with this show and I have loved it ever since.)
MCU (osmosis that led to watching the movies. I think I liked all of the ones I watched barring Guardians of the Galaxy and Antman. Tellingly, I have made a point not to watch Endgame, Infinity War, GoG 2 or Antman 2. I can tell that the first two are just- no. I haven’t seen a fandom go up in fire that fast in years I have no desire to experience WHY.)
Edit: AVATAR. Why did I forget Avatar: The Last Airbender? hgdhgf. Anyway I like both A:TLA and Korra.
Uhhhh that’s all I can think of atm. I’m definitely missing some but yeah. Brief rundown of fandoms I am able to at least hold a basic conversation about and a brief bio of how/why I know them.
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aceeddiekaspbrak · 4 years
I honestly cannot wait for the supercut only because I know they filmed so much with the arcade scene and after that? Connor is like an iffy character to me but it'll be interesting to see more with him, mainly just because I know that they had to film a lot more with him because that character has a name even though it's not said in the movie. Not sure if it's just an alternate take sort of thing or like a deleted scene but it'll be cool to see more content when the supercut happens lol
YEAH most of what im excited for it the hope of more bowers gang content? Like a lot of the pennywise / losers stuff that i wish was there i dont see fitting in (audra and tom in derry, ben in the bar, etc) or being put in if it wasnt already there (egg boy getting to crush Its eggs, steve kissin richie (at begining or end of film im not picky!), mike interviewing people) BUT theres like all of henrys ride back to derry we dont see! I need him at least talking w hockstetter the way he did with belch in the book, if not having the whole gang zombified.
Also i wouldnt pass on extended arcade scene/bowers gang chasing richie after it (ya boy belch was lookn a snack), is there like, confirmation that the scene was longer or do we think just cos he has a name? it would make sense tho. like if they did chase richie, like they were in the book b4 he sees paul come to life, one might yell out to their cousin about something. I would also love to see Butch interact with family other than henry, bc as far as i remember we dont see that in the book ever... though with status book and movie butch are very different men. Book butch is publicly fucking nuts yknow, movie butch has to have some amount of normal front. It would be interesting for them to run in to butch outside the arcade or something, maybe
tbh i didnt know connor had like, ‘fans’, and its a little odd for me, but i guess teen me mightve seen the appeal there, current me is a little ‘meh’ could take it or leave it if they have more content of him.
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secret-time-is-here · 5 years
A still shining star
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“Oh. Hey, Error, how have you been… since- well, everything.” A strangely familiar voice rung in his ears, although he couldn’t remember where he heard it from, “I… wasn’t expecting you to still come to this spot. Thought it’d bring bad memories.” It continued, trying at some friendly small talk.
Error looked over to the owner of the voice, it was Outer, his starry attire and fluffy jacket on like always. A sympathetic look was held on his face, one that held consoling and care, it made the destroyer want to gag.
“Doesn’t help I don’t remember I guess,” Error started turning back to his work, finishing the star scarf he apparently started long ago, “You were my best friend or something… right?” The destroyer continued, not bothered by the fact Outer was watching him work or the fact the resident sans wasn’t leaving.
“Yeah, I was; I guess,” Outer spoke, quiet. “I’d still like to be if that’s okay with you. I’m sure Blue would too.” He spoke again after a pause, deciding to sit down near Error, but not too close.
Error froze for a second, someone wanted to be friends with him? Willingly? Nightmare only wanted him as an ally, the whole friendship thing happened after they started to get to know and help each other, it was all on accident really.
“Whatever floats your rock, star.” Error chuckled a bit at the pun and nickname, he was surprised they called him and Outer and not Star, he was literally in an Au dedicated to the bright shapes. Although, most the Sans’ are named after their Aus, so that’s something.
“You’re more a star than me, Error.” Outer laughed along with the destroyer, getting along with him just like he had before the destroyer had lost his memory. “You shine brighter than anything here, anyway.”
A blush appeared on the glitched skeleton’s face, and he gave Outer a weird look, before sighing and going back to finish off the last few purls on the scarf and handing over the finished project to Outer.
“That name will never leave me, will it? Anyhow, I think I remember wanting to make this for you or something, I’m not sure.” Outer gave him an unbelieving look, “If you don’t take it it’s going to sit in my AntiVoid for the rest of time, might as well put it to use.”
Hesitantly, Outer took the scarf and then wrapped it around his short neck. It was soft and warm, almost like there were layers to it. There was a subtle pattern of stars and general Outerspace phenomena. Here and there you could see a planet, another place you could see a bright new star, somewhere else you could see a comet or asteroid, and there was also the occasional constellation too.
It was so well made. You could almost feel the care in each stitch.
Outer sighed contently into it, already cherishing the gift. He whispered out a soft thank you to the renewed destroyer, but he was already gone.
Why was he doing this? Maybe because he thought that it was worth it? Or did he just want to please Outer? He couldn’t decide which hurt his pride more.
Slowly, Error knocked on the door of the house underground; and almost instantly, the door flung open.
“Error! Thank the stars you’re alright! Are you okay? How do you feel? I hope Ink didn’t scar you or anything- have you seen Outer in the past months? Answer me!” Blue rambled as he jumped on Error, hugging him and checking over him.
“Do you want to come inside? I can make some feel better cookies and tacos! Or would you rather some tea or something-”
“I don’t remember anything from my relationship with Ink. I only know about it because I hunted him down for answer’s and Nightmare explained what happened to me, I came to get some answers from you too.” Blue stood still, trying to process the information- but once he accepted Error’s words, he yelled out why didn’t you say so sooner? Typical Blue.
After being dragged inside by the swap sans, he was sat down at the green couch and told to wait. As he waited he couldn’t help but look around, somehow, he remembered being here many times before.
Maybe he might remember for himself one day.
“I’m back with tea!” Blue yelled out, running into the living room with a plate of tea-that he almost dropped due to his speed- and put it down on the coffee table in front of the couch. Why did he remember making that with Blue? “So, what would you like to ask the magnificent Blue?”
“...I guess, how was it like being best friends with an ex-destroyer?” Error tried, somewhat nervous. After all, he had a right to be, the last time he could fully remember being in Underswap he forced Blue to attack Honey- so, yeah maybe he was a little scared for his hide.
“Actually it was a lot of fun!” Blue answered, taking Error off guard, “You were great at cooking and you helped me out a lot, I was starting to learn to knit from you too! Speaking of which-” Blue rushed off to his room, a few crashes and loud bangs sounding from there, and then he ran back down holding something in his arms.
It was a finished scarf with a beautiful gradient of blue and black with occasional white blocks on it. It almost looked like Error himself. Blue started to wrap the scarf around Error’s neck, explaining that it was for him. Error replied with a flustered thanks, this being the only time he could remember getting a gift- although he does slightly recall getting a bunch of presents at one point.
“Something wrong?” Blue asked, confused to why Error had slanted his eyes in concentration
“I haven’t ever gotten a present- but I kinda remember getting some before.”
“Oh, is your memory coming back?” Blue asked. Error gave out an iffy gesture, “Well, you might be remembering Christmas or the birthday party we threw for you- it was a big surprise party. You had been hanging with Outer and after our signal, he brought you back here, when you walked in we surprised you- but the bigger surprise was one us!” Blue eagerly explained, going across the room to a bookshelf and grabbing something out of it.
When Blue sat back down next to Error again he had a scrapbook open in his arms, pictures of preparing the birthday party and celebrating it with the destroyer. Blue pointed out each one and told the different stories behind them.
“After we yelled out ‘Happy birthday’ you stood there and then asked what a birthday was, it shocked all of us. Ink stepped forward and had to explain it to you, and once we did you cried tears of happiness, and hugged each of us one by one- saying thankyou after thankyou- it was adorable really.” Blue explained further, showing pictures of him hugging different people with tears in the corners of his eye sockets.
“Blue I’m home!” Papyrus’ voice rang out as he walked through the door, making Error nearly jump out of his seat, “Huh? Something wrong Error?” Paps asked, not knowing the situation at hand.
“Uh, Error doesn’t remember anything from his time with Ink- so he doesn’t remember you two becoming friends either. The last encounter he probably remembers with you was… isn’t good.”  Blue corrected himself as he explained everything to his papyrus, Error trying to calm his breathing in the background “He remembers somethings but they’re blurry. He came to get some answers.”
Paps nervously scratched the back on his skull, and then extended a covered hand, knowing of Error’s haphephobia.
“If that’s the case, then, Error, just know that we’re cool. ‘Kay? No hard feelings, and I won’t hurt ya.” Paps explained still holding out a covered hand, expecting the errored skeleton to not take it at all- but was pleasantly surprised when a light boney hand landed on his covered one. There wasn’t any real grip and instead just gentle weight down then up, like a mix between a high five and handshake.
“Same to you too, then. I guess.” Error replied, slowly pulling his hand back and putting it back in his pocket.
“Wanna stay for dinner?” Blue excitedly asked, interrupting the peaceful confrontation, “I’m making tacos!”
“Hey, Blue, are you here?” Dream voice rang as he walked into the Swap SkeleBro’s house, but he stopped looking around as he saw the skeleton he was looking for and Error watching a movie on the couch. The latter staying absolutely still like if he didn’t move he wouldn’t be seen.
“Uh, Hey Dream-”
“You okay Error?” Dream interrupted, making the glitched skeleton squeak and close in on himself. “Right- you don’t remember… um. We’re on good terms-”
“I don’t remember but I still know.” Error cut off, still curled in on himself, but not liking be treated like a child, “I got some answers from Ink and Nightmare- and Blue too.”
“So you know what happened?”
“Yeah, but I don’t really remember, it’s slowly coming back, but only when it’s triggered.”
“Do you forgive-”
“It sounds like Ink was the one that wanted to cheat- so, sure. I don’t really care, I just want to know what happened and move on.” Error concluded, putting his full focus back in the movie.
“Anyways- what did you need Dream?” Blue asked, wanting to fill the void of silence, “Need help with something?”
“Uh, yeah. I need some backup, Nightmare’s demolishing an Au.”
“Alright-” Blue said, getting up from his blanket cocoon, “Do you wanna continue the movie another time Error?” Blue asked once more, to which Error nodded and left through one of his portals.
Maybe he’ll fully remember one day.
Dream and Nightmare belong to @jokublog
Outer and OuterTale belong to @outertale
Error belongs to @loverofpiggies
Underswap belongs to the undertale community
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Rules: Answer these 21 questions, then tag 21 people you’d like to get to know better.
Tagged by @tovlia wow! Thanks so much 😍 I love answering questions, I feel so honoured ❤️
Nickname: Cas.
Height: It says 168cm on my ID, so we’ll go with that. (5″6?)
Last Movie I Saw: Oh god ahh... The last movie I remember watching is Mr Glass, but that was three weeks ago and I’m positive I’ve since watched more. 
Last thing I googled: What’s the best wet cat food? (I ran out of dry and I couldn’t get to the store where they sell the kind my baby eats.)
Favourite Musician(s): That is the hardest question ever to answer. I like Bon Iver and City and Color I guess, atm I’m super into leikeli47. Mostly though I like songs rather than artists. 
Song stuck in my head: I don’t really have one stuck in my head rn, I often get Cherry Wine by Hozier stuck in my head though, and earlier I had Tic Boom by Leikeli47. 
Other blogs: I have my main obviously, and a private one I share with my cousin @carmillized that’s basically the blog of a character in a novel we’re (trying to) writing. It’s a lot of black and gay aesthetics, as well as lots of art history, some writing stuff and just generally pretty pictures. It was supposed to help us develop her character, it’s kind of become its own thing though...
Do I get asks? I get a few, yes. I’d love to have more though, honestly makes my day whenever you guys send me asks. 
Following: Too many, dear lord. Sometimes I go in and clear out blogs that are inactive, but for the most part, I only unfollow blogs if I repeatedly see content on my dash that I’m actually opposed to seeing. Like even if someone changes their interests and they no longer align with mine I’m unlikely to unfollow them. 713 if you want the exact number. (it was down from 670 to 550 this spring, and now we’re back up again, YEET)
Amount of sleep: Not enough. Or too much. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten the recommended 8 hours, it’s usually 3-5 or 9-12. 
Lucky number: 3! My birthday is 03/03/1999. 
What I’m wearing: lulu lemon on the fly pant (I had a gift card and they’re super comfy???) and an off white mock neck jumper (I basically live in turtlenecks, even during the summer.)
Dream job: I have no idea. I’m probably going into education, I’d like to work with high school kids, but I also considered psychiatry (again, with kids and teens). Being a novelist would be dope af too I guess, but I probably wouldn’t feel fulfilled if I only did that. (I’m literally in Fine Art but it has almost nothing to do with my future plans?
Dream trip: I’d love to travel to Irland and Scotland, but not like, the big cities, I want to see the small towns and learn about local culture and traditions from locals. I’d also love to visit Trinidad and Tobago and some of the other islands. 
Favourite food: Curry probably, maybe roti, but in the end, it amounts to the same thing doesn’t it?
Play an instrument? I did a couple of guitar lessons, and I’d love to finish learning, maybe piano too, but no, sadly, I just admire music from afar. 
Languages: English and French (although, I don’t think I’ve held a full conversation in French in two years so like... that’s iffy.)
Favourite songs: That’s an even harder question. Cherry Wine by Hozier?  Darkness and light by John Legend, Comptine d’un autre ete; l’apres midi by Yann Tiersen, My Lady's House by Iron and Wine, Brown Sugar by D’ Angelo, Ain’t Misbelivin’ by Fats Walter. 
Random Fact: I have Hyper Mobility Syndrome. Basically, I’m really fucking flexible and none of my ligaments do what they’re supposed to. Shoulders? Dislocate, then pop right back in with no warning. I can hold my hands and rotate my arms from front to back. I can touch my head to my ass, I get a head rush now, but it doesn't hurt per se. Splits are childs play. My whole body hurts all the time, though that might be the 10+ years of gymnastics. I’ll probably have arthritis but the time I’m 35. 
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: New Books, the smell of chai tea, soft sweaters, cool socks. Jean jackets and overalls and turtlenecks. Am I a Lesbian or Art Student? Paint stained hands and oil paint smell. Colour coded notes. cool Autumn afternoons, but warm summer nights. Spicy and Sweet. 
Honestly, just an enigma of a person. 
I don’t know if I have 21 people but let’s see... 
@dmxlfoypotter @pukingpastilles @slytherthicc @hufflepuffs-deserve-love-too
@goldentruth813 @mothermalfoy @drarry-imagines There’s more but I can’t remember their urls. 
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smokeybrand · 3 years
Fly By Night
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Black people don't care about Superman but making him Black in the next series of films, isn't going to solve that the problem. It's his upbringing, the cultural touchstones which define him. Clark Kent is intrinsically White. He looks White, definitely, but he was raised in Kansas, too. That's a Heartland State, places notorious for their aggressive intolerance and laughably disproportionate ethnic breakdown. Eighty-four percent of the people who live there are White and, while that's a stark cry from, say, Idaho's Ninety percent, only five percent of the populace is Black. How the f*ck can Clark BE full-on Black; ethnically, mentally, and culturally, when he's surrounded by so much White?
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The short answer is that he can't. He doesn't have those values or experiences. How can he? He'd be part of five percent in two million. What is that? One hundred thousand, spread out across an entire state? I mean, at that point, he's more Kansas than he is Black so what does "fighting for truth, justice, in the American way" mean to someone from Kansas? A State as Red as a baboon's ass? A State where Trump won fifty-seven percent of the vote in both 2016 and 2020? A State that seems to support the same people that refuse to accept Joe Biden won that race, even after several recounts on their terms, several court cases lost to their judges, and a whole ass attempt to overthrow the government because they didn't like all those L's piling up? Never mind the question of raising a demigod with those incredibly problematic "values", how can a Black person come up in that level of racial animosity, cultural alienation, and abject disdain based solely on how he looks, possibly be all of America's Superman?
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At the end of the day, JJabarams wanting to make Clark Black in this next run of films, is just a tone deaf, performative, dog whistle for all the little Blue Checkmark, fake woke, twatter asshole to fellate themselves over. I don't know a single Black person who is gassed that Clark will look like us. Dude basically represents everything wrong with America, to us. Clark is an out-of-touch White guy, born with unheard of power he didn't earn, imbued with a f*cked up savior complex, raised on a steady supply of zealous Patriotic ideals which borders on straight up Nationalism, in the cultural vacuum of Smallville, Kansas. Turning him Black without fixing that origin is tantamount to throwing Blackface on some White actor to play T'Challa instead of casting Chadwick Boseman. Imagine how THAT should would have gone over with the Blacks. Exactly.
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You can't separate Clark from his cultural identity as the Whitest motherf*cker not from this Earth. You can't. It literally defines his entire worldview. Clark's Whiteness is intrinsic to who he is as a person. However, there are alternatives to that which ring truer to a Black Superman, to the Black experience, one of which has a dope ass backstory. Val-Zod, son of THAT Zod, took up the mantle of Superman in nu52 Earth-2. That version of the character could work because his race is intrinsic to his character on both sides; The Kryptonian and the Earthling. He is vague enough of a character to play around with content wise but recognizable enough for literally everyone to not lose their sh*t over Blackfacing Clark. Another lesser known option, the one i would personally pass on, is Kalel of Earth-23. He's a blank slate because no one remembers anything about the dude. Calvin Ellis' last appearance was in 2009 so, you know, have at it, i guess? Both of these options are much better than forcing a White Kent into a Black Peg.
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I'm not usually one to be so uppity about bent characters, be they gender or race. They're just another take on an established fandom and i think that's great, as long as that alteration is respected and adapted into the character properly. Superficial sh*t like turning all of the ginger characters into Black people, just because they're going to be onscreen in some form or another, is f*cking ridiculous to me. Sometimes it doesn't work out all that well, like Iris West in the DCEU. Kiersey Clemons had, like, a minute of screentime in The Snyder Cut so why the f*ck was she even in there? I get you need to establish her as part of The Flash's lore but wait for his actual film if that's all we're going to see of her. Other times, it works very well, like with Mary-Jane and Zendaya. That case was a little more tricky as, at the time Homecoming was in development, Marvel didn't have the rights to the Mary-Jane character so they had no choice but to create Michelle. She's a brand new character who fills the role of MJ but in a completely unique, standalone, fashion. I adore that chick. She and Pete have this adorkable energy together, chemistry attributed to Zendaya and Holland. Ms. Coleman really sells MJ as a proper “MJ” and that's because her MJ is her own “MJ”. And, while we're on the topic of Spider-Man, Miles Morales is exactly how you racebend an established character with any hope of success.
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Mile Morales is the blue print you need to follow in order to make your ridiculous reach at altering such an established persona, in such a drastic way. Miles is, from top to bottom, Black as f*ck. Every ounce of that character resonates with the culture. Early on in hi genesis, it was a little iffy but, as the character has grown, his swagger and identity has become much clearer. It's more defined and rings truer to what we, as Black people, see in the world. Hell, his movie, Into the Spider-Verse, is arguably the best Spider-Flick ever made and it is properly Black as f*ck. From the swagger, the cultural language, the music, the animation style, the tagging; All of it is too Black for words and the country ate that sh*t up. I saw SO much of US in that film and it really lent itself to giving comic Miles the boost necessary to really come into his own. Not to slight his Puerto Rican heritage at all, you get a bit of that, too, but, for all intents and purposes, society at large sees Miles as Black and Spider-Verse leans into that, heavy. Because Miles has no choice but to so as well. Pete had a lot more going for him growing up in Queens thank Clark's halcyon experience in f*cking Kansas, so he was already accepted in the community. You don't do the numbers Spider-Flicks consistently do at the box office without them Black dollars, but Miles was whole ass embraced by the culture. No one is mad at kid now that he is finally himself in the suit. He's not a legacy, he is a Spider-Man. That's how you do it. That's how you make racebending such an intrinsic character to the American zeitgeist, work. You don't dress Michael B. Jordan up as Clark and tell me he's my Superman. That's a lie and everyone is going to see through it. Everyone already has. You don't need x-ray vision for that.
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tramsstudyblr · 4 years
Korean (& Korean-related) Favorites
To boost my own motivation to continue studying Korean. Here’s a couple of lists of some of my favorite things. (under a cut because otherwise this will be too long!)
Favorite youtube channels (language resource related):
All things Korean (Only been making videos for about a year, but has a lot of really informative videos both in regards to language but also culture)
Talk To Me In Korean (They have so many videos + a whole website, of language resources. Everything from grammar to pronounciation, and miscellaneous other topics. Also they have been producing a ridiculous amount of content these past 6 months on their youtube channel, so it can be a bit overwhelming/daunting, but I really recommend this channel)
Learn Korean with GO! Billy Korean (a lot of grammar lessons, as well as general advice and reccomendations for studying, videos about culture. Has a livestream every sunday where he does an indepth lesson on a grammar subject. Splits everything into beginner, intermediate and advanced learners. Has a new series of videos for beginners. Also practice videos for intermediate and advanced learners)
K-waterbottle (not really a language resource as such, but he explains korean memes)
There are a lot more channels out there, Billy Go has two videos recommending other youtube channels. But I haven’t gotten around to checking them out.
Favorite youtube channels (other):
영국남자 Korean Englishman/Jolly (In theory they could I guess be used as a language resource since they have subtitles that are both in English and Korean. But mostly, they are entertainment. English guys introducing Korean food and culture, also Ollie is trying to learn Korean, and that is frequently hilarious. They are super funny and I adore their channels.
Some South Korean vloggers I follow to:
Mejoo and Cats
수린 suzlnne
이욜 eyol
하루한끼 one meal a day
Favorite variety shows:
The Great Escape (Three seasons of a group of Korean celebrities taking on the most ambitious elaborate escape “rooms” you’ll ever see. The budget for this show must be astronomical. Its one of my comfort shows actually, I love this show. Its funny and delightful)
New Journey to the West (My most favorite variety show. I love and adore it! Group of Korean celebrities, dress up, travel to places [though for the most recent seasons been confined to Korea for various reasons] and play games. Its a heartwarming as well as funny show, and the castmembers feel like they are family. Some of them have actually worked together for almost 20 years, including the producer, so they really do have a familiarity with each other, but even the newer kids are welcomed in the family). It also has spin-offs!
Kang’s Kitchen (The cast get to run a restaurant, with all the ups and down. It’s a bit more serious as they really do focus more on doing their best instead of being funny, but they still do manage to be funny, no the least because of the ways they mess up. Its actually even more heartwarming and a comfort show for me)
Various shorter spin-offs, featuring different pairings of the cast on their youtube channel 
(one of the writers on NJTTW is also a writer on the drama Hospital Playlist, so there are also videos related to that show on this youtube channel, but I haven’t watched that drama so idk much about them) 
I Can See Your Voice (Okay, so the synopsis of this is a bit... iffy I know. But the actual show actually manages to be geniunely uplifting at times, despite it. The general idea is that, celebrity guest, along with an expert panel have to guess who in a line-up of complete strangers, are the tone deaf and the talented singers. And everyone in the line-up then gets to perform. And I know it sounds like its just a set-up to laugh at the people who can’t sing. But all of the tone deaf performers just seem so game for it and getting to perform on stage on TV must be a powerful incentive. I started out just watching it for specific guests, but then the last two-three seasons I watched all episodes regardless of guests, because of the interviews with the people participating, its very refreshing after mainly idol/celebrity focused things I’ve watched, to listen to ordinary people and their stories)
Favorite K-drama:
(disclaimer: I have a bad habit of starting to watch a drama and then quitting before I’ve watched all episodes. But I do have a few I finished!)
Memorist (I finished this one recently. Crime drama with a lot of twists [some more expected than others] I appreciated it for its focus on plot and not really having a explicit romance angle since I wanted to watch something for the mystery. Anyway it was really quite good and entertaining)
Because This Is My First Life (I love love love loved this drama! A romance I could really get invested in)
It’s Okay That’s Love (You ever watch a kdrama that deals with mental ilness in a way that isn’t wildly offensive? This one is actually pretty good)
Moonlight Drawn by Clouds (I love this drama. Or do I love the way this drama played out in my head more? Tricky question. It’s a great drama either way [though the one in my head is slightly better].)
Favorite Korean Movies:
Masquerade (2012)
The Good, The Bad, The Weird (2008)
Jeon Woochi The Taoist Wizard (2009)
Parasite (2019)
Spellbound (2011)
The Handmaiden (2016)
The Man From Nowhere (2010)
The War of Arrows (2011)
The Grand Heist (2012)
The Merciless (2017)
Train To Busan (2016)
#Alive (2020)
Assassination (2015)
Secretly Greatly (2013)
The King and The Clown (2005)
Favorite Korean Music:
(I will not link to youtube music videos because then we’ll be here for an eternity and this will never get done. But I will list some songs) I got into kpop/kvariety all of this two years ago, but I was for some reason mostly drawn to groups that had been around for some time.
Block B (Don’t Leave, Yesterday, One Way, A Few Years Later, Toy, Her, Jackpot, Very Good, Movie’s Over, Be the Light, Romantically, Mental Breaker, Walkin’ In The Rain, Like This)
Winner (Millions, Ah Yeah, Remember, Well, Raining, Movie Star, We Were, For, Air, Fool, Love me Love me, Island, Really Really, Immature, Baby Baby, Don’t Flirt, Color Ring)
Sechskies (Road Fighter, pom saeng pom sa, Come to Me Baby, Couple, Yegam, Heartbreak [original and remastered versions], Reckless Love, Round & Round, Something Special, Smile, Backhug, Drinking Problem, Be Well, Vertigo, It's Been A While, Sad Song, Three Words)
Super Junior (Make You Smile, Ahora Te Puedes Marchar [okay so neither of those two is in Korean, but I love them!], Animals, One More Time, I Do, This is Love, Stars Appear, Islands, Evanesce, Bonamana, One More Chance,)
Buzz (Thorn, Tree, Coward, My Love, Don’t know Men, The Love, The First Summer in 8 years, Just One, Travel to Me)
Dreamcatcher (Chase Me, Good Night, Fly High, You and I, What, Deja Vu, Scream, R.o.S.E BLUE, Boca)
Speed [Sadly disbanded before I even found them, but I spent like a week obsessively watching every youtube video of them performing Don’t Tease Me. And after listening to some more of their songs I found I liked them] (Don’t Tease Me, Pain the love of heart, One Day, It's Over, That's My Fault, Luv Ya, Never Say Goodbye, Why I'm Not)
Miss A [sadly also disbanded before I found out about them] (Hush, Bad Girl Good Girl, Only You, Good-bye Baby, I Don't Need a Man, Breathe)
Park Kyung (of Block B. He has like 10 solo songs, I love them all and are by far my most played songs. So I could list all of them, or just leave it at this)
Kassy/케이시 (Listen to This Song[seriously, do listen to it, its so comforting], True Song, Tock Tock, The Day Was Beautiful, Story of Nightfall, When Love Comes By, Let it Rain)
Eun Jiwon (of Sechskies [and many variety shows]) (I'm On Fire, Hooligan, Same, Hate, Worthless, Trauma, 8t Truck, Never Ever, Adios, While Buzzed/Fuddled)
Bonus (random songs I like)
Park Hyoshin - Wild Flower
Park Hyoshin - Snow Flower
Sejeong - Flower Way
Twice - What Is Love?
Crayon Pop - Bing Bing
Vixx - Error
Zico - Human
Zico - The Language of Flowers
Zico - Being Left
Zico - Balloon
Wonder Girls - Why So Lonely
Wonder Girls - Nobody
Seventeen - Clap
BTOB - Way Back Home
g.o.d - The Story of Our Lives
g.o.d - A Funny But Sad Day
Gaho - Start
Lee Hi - Breathe
Urban Zakapa - I don't Love You
IU - Love Poem
Crush - Beautiful
Ailee - I Will Go To You Like The First Snow
J-Walk - Frappuccino
Melomance - Gift
I could probably spend another week or two adding songs to this list, so lets cut it short now.
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laylainalaska · 6 years
Hi! For the ask game - 7, 23 and 16 :^)
Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?
Hmmm! This is kind of a hard one because I fall in and out of fandoms all the time, so what I'm into now usually isn't what I was into five years ago. My favorite tropes and the general character types I like are fairly consistent over time (found family, h/c, etc ...) but the fandoms themselves change. I've had a few cases where I started hating something for reasons usually to do with the fandom, but that tends to fade eventually, once I've been out of the fandom for long enough to remember whatever made me fall in love with it in the first place. And there are shows that disappointed me so hard in their later seasons that it left an eternal bad taste in my mouth, but I can usually still enjoy the earlier seasons before everything went to hell (e.g. Heroes). I’m having that happen with Flash right now -- I loved season two, enjoyed season three with caveats, but I’m noping out really hard on season four.
Unpopular character you love?
Jack Thompson from Agent Carter, probably? He's not as unpopular as he once was -- I'm actually really happy at how much of the fandom likes him now! But there's still not a lot of fic and vids and stuff for him. It always makes me a little sad to see an AC vid that ostentatiously omits him and Daniel, or to have him thrown into a fic as a background baddie.
Prior to season 2 of Stranger Things, I would've said Steve Harrington, but then S2 happened and the whole fandom collectively fell in love with him. (It was absolutely fascinating to watch, because I loved him from the end of S1 and lurked on his tag a lot, and it was super quiet, rarely any new content and some of that new content was people hating on him -- for valid reasons! But then after S2 it just EXPLODED in the most delightful way.)
Oh, and Sarah from Dark Matter. I think there are only two fics featuring her in all of AO3. But I love her and I am still sad that the cancellation means we never got to find out where her storyline would’ve gone. I also really love that she was played by an older actress who wasn’t conventionally attractive, because her introductory storyline as the The Beloved Lost Girlfriend is something that’s usually given to a different sort of actress, but it made so much more sense for the character to be a little older and have been around a bit more, and I went from being kinda iffy about her storyline to just loving how all of that worked out. Basically I
If you could change anything in the show, what would you change?
Does Agent Carter not being cancelled count? *coughcoughahem*
I still really want Yondu to come back in the MCU. I'm actually kind of glad it's not up to me, because I get all the arguments about why he needed to die and why he should stay dead, and I think they're RIGHT. The end of the movie is a thousand times more powerful than it would be if he'd lived. And I get not wanting to cheapen his death scene by bringing him back somehow. But I just ... really want him to come back. ;___;
Oh, wait, Stranger Things - I would not have had the kid characters kiss. I really wish they hadn't done that; the puppy-love shipping is okay, though not entirely to my taste, but the kids kissing really squicked me and I wished they hadn't shown it. There's something extra squicky about knowing that the kid actors had to kiss in front of a camera and that was probably their first kiss for most of them. So yeah, I'd undo that in a hot minute.
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iohourtime · 7 years
Yamada Ryosuke x Murakami Nijiro x Kanichiro Crosstalk (Translation)
Popolo 2017.10 & An excerpt from TV Guide 2017.10
OK, this translation is more iffy than the others since I couldn’t find something to beta against.  There are a couple of spots I’m not too sure about, although, I don’t think it affected the context too much even if I got it wrong.  So, please let me know if you see any glaring errors. I bumped the scanned crosstalk in the post below.  I can’t remember where I got the scans from, but they are most likely from MoMozzz32 and/or 草莓要配白巧克力 on weibo.
<Kanichiro is also getting a lesson in how to post with chibis.>
"Big brother" Yamada and his cute little brothers' real talk!
"I will do this? This is my first experience!" Just like brothers.  The 3 buddies’ “Childhood friends” TALK
The "Childhood friends" trio  gather thoughtful feelings!
During the film, "letters" were used to connect the "feelings" of various people. This time, we arranged for a letter exchange to strengthen the bonds of this “reborn” trio.
✍️To Yamada-kun:
Let's "communicate" in the game! Let's talk!
From Kanichiro 🔝
Okay (laughs)!
By Ryosuke
✍️To Yamada-kun:
On set, Yamada-kun and Kanichiro-kun had been talking about games the whole time. I had not been able to join in for a long time (laughs). Recently I also got into game, so please put me in a group.
From Nijiro 🔝
Nijiro, you were always reading books (laughs). I'm very happy. Let's do it now!
By Ryosuke
✍️To Kanichiro:
I do not want Kan-chan to have a friction mark. To be dignified, there is only goodness in Kanichiro, I want you to keep that goodness forever!
From Ryosuke 🔝
I will keep it!
By Kanichiro
✍️To Nijiro:
Please act more childish (laughs). You are 20 years old but is unexpectedly like an adult. I want you to act more like a child (laughs)!
From Ryosuke 🔝
When Yamada-kun was twenty years old, weren’t you also like an adult (laughs)?
By Nijiro 🔝
Busted (laughs)!
By Ryosuke
The characters we played are just like ourselves
Yamada: Playing the role this time, difficulties were.…..non existent!
Murakami: Basically I am just like that. I felt like I can just get into the role [as myself].
Kanichiro: That's right.
Yamada: Kanichiro is just like the character of Kohei! You are very shy. Nijiro is not afraid of anything, just like Shota. I played Atsuya, and along with Shota and Kohei, we were able to keep the atmosphere between us intact within the film.
Murakami: Because Atsuya was like an older brother! Our relationship in real life felt like that as well. Obviously, I didn’t mean Yamada-kun is like Atsuya (laughs).
Kanichiro: Everyone was really suited to their respective roles. Although there were things I came across after I read the script, I wanted to try and play the role just as I was.  [We can] simply use [our] natural and friendly relationship [during filming].
Yamada: It didn’t feel like we had discussed and created this, right? We did have 3 days of rehearsal time.
Murakami: Oh yeah. Every morning, we gathered and rehearsed. That was the daily routine.
Yamada: While we cherished the “just as it is” atmosphere between the trio, it was our homework to make the "air" [between us] resemble people who grew up together; that we sounded natural and not like we were reading from the script, right?
Murakami: Although we weren’t told directly that we had to “work on the atmosphere between the trio”, there was an "atmosphere to create the atmosphere" (laughs).
Kanichiro: Surely (laughs). I was shy, so I thought I could not get to that place. But since Yamada-kun and Nijiro were able to do it, I was worried.
Yamada: So scary! Don’t worry about it (laughs).
Kanichiro: That's it (laughs).
Murakami: But in reality, there were only a few staff with us at the rehearsal. Even the manager was requested to go outside.
Yamada: It was such that we could concentrate. But you were like "are we doing all this?" (laughs).
Murakami * Kanichiro: (Laugh).
Yamada: Because I did not remember how far we went [in the script], there were a lot of “wait a moment” on location (laughs).
Murakami: All of a sudden, it felt like a rehearsal.  The concept of “script reading” had thus far been destroyed (laughs).
Yamada: In addition, although not much was shown in the movie, the director had also conceived the trio’s backstory.
Murakami: For us as well, we thought about our origins properly, right?
Kanichiro: Yeah. Even for those who will watch the movie, it may be interesting to think about the kind of persons these three guys are.
Murakami: You cannot think of us as just the bad guys. We have our own justification for what we did.
Yamada: I think it is also the charm of the work that the story connects more and more from there.
The great times the trio spent together in Oita
Yamada: In Tokyo, we were filming inside the grocery store, then in Oita, we were pretty much filming all the running scenes, right?
Murakami: It is true (laughs)!
Kanichiro: I don’t think I have physical strength, so I am not really good at running. So I thought I might annoy these two.
Yamada: That's it! I remembered that.  There was a video of Kanichiro sleeping soundly with his mouth open during breaks in filming (laughs).
Murakami: I was sound asleep for sure.
Yamada: When I saw that figure, I thought it was really Kohei (laughs).
Kanichiro: I did not notice!
Yamada: By the way, Nijiro also slept with his mouth open ... (laughs).
Murakami: My eyes were open too (laughs).
Yamada: Even during the off time, our camaraderie did not change.
Murakami: Kanichiro and I went out several times in Tokyo, but Yamada-kun was busy and could not go.
Kanichiro: So, for the first time since Oita, we are going out to eat together as a trio.
Yamada: While we were shooting in Oita, I went to eat with the team. Ono Machiko-san got this "older sister!" vibe, it was a great time.
Murakami: There was one time when Kanichiro and I went to eat at a soba restaurant, we bumped into Yamada-kun there by chance!
Yamada: Well I thought "That’s a familiar voice", and it were these two (laughs).
Kanichiro: The three of us ate soba together. It was very tasty!
The story’s key point is "Letter".  What letter [did you receive] that left a strong impression on you?
Yamada: Do you two get letters from your parents?
Murakami: I do occasionally. They are mostly from my mother. When I studied abroad, when I left home, when I worked, when I reach milestones of my life, etc. Because she has a lot to say (laughs).
Yamada: Do you write letters yourself?
Murakami: In Japan, people become adults when they are 20 years old, right? Well, I was 18 years old when I graduated from high school, and I felt like I [already] became a member of society. So on my 18th birthday, I did not wait for the first "congratulations" to arrive.  I sent an email saying “Thank you for giving birth to me"!
Kanichiro: That's nice.
Yamada: That's a good son!
Murakami: Only then (laughs). My father replied with a very simply "Congratulations”. From my mother, I got an incredibly long, poetic email. I got two emails, but basically it was my mother who sent me a letter.
Kanichiro: Me too.  I only received letters from my mother, I have not gotten many letters from other people.
Yamada * Murakami: That's right!
Kanichiro: My mother also has many things to say, and she sends me a letter every year for my birthday.  While they are filled with rather long sentences, the content almost does not change from year to year (laughs).  But I'm happy anyway.
Yamada: Do you have that letter?
Kanichiro: I think so!
Yamada: You respond like a comedian (laughs).
Kanichiro: ...... I think that it is somewhere in the room (laughs)!
Yamada: Of course I got letters from my parents too, but I also received a letter from Suzuki Kyoka-san, who played my mother in the drama "Risou no Musuko”.  It was addressed to "Son". I was very happy since the letter did not say "To Yamada-kun” but "To Son".
Murakami: That's amazing!
Yamada: Sometimes, when we occasionally met, she would go "Oh son~!".  At that time, I was about 18 years old and now I am 24 years old, and I am happy to see that she still sees me as “her son”.
Kanichiro: Is that so!
Yamada: So, I still feel like I am [her] son.  Because I got the letter when we cranked up, I have not yet been able to reply. I’d definitely reply to the letter if I have the chance.
Excerpt from TV Guide 10.2017
I am skipping the rest of this crosstalk since it is basically a rehash of the above.
If you write a letter ...
Yamada: "Nijiro turned 20 years old, let's go drinking." I'm not good at alcohol, right?
Murakami: I still don’t know the taste of alcohol. Therefore, I want to eat delicious food for the time being.
Yamada: That's cute. I guess I like yakitori.
Murakami: Well, I like yakiniku or yakitori. Then I would like to go to Yamada-kun's house.
Yamada: I wonder if we will talk about something bad (laughs).
Kanichiro: I want to talk about something bad. Talking about games.
Yamada: Games, I like very much.
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bluueejay · 5 years
mcu wanda is an adult, she is not “just a kid.”
She’s in her late teens (18+) in AoU, that is not a child. Yes, she’s young. Yes, she grew up in a small country that, from her childhood on, was brimming w civil war and chaos. Yes, her childhood and young life were filled to the brim with horrors and destruction. She’s young and unsure, afraid even, but she’s not a child. The ‘borderline’ infantilization of her throughout the movies, though it’s mostly prominent in CW (and hell, if ya wanna get specific about it, AoU too) is fucking weird. It’s odd. She’s old enough to be in the field, fighting, and training w the others. She’s old enough to be a legit, living-on-the-avengers-compound-property, avenger. She’s old enough to be going into other countries on missions, she’s old enough to be mentored by The Black Widow and Captain America, she’s old enough to fight battles, she’s old enough for all of that: but the minute something goes wrong or she’s faced w something less than pleasant, it’s a bout of “oh come on, she’s a kid! How dare you, she’s a kid!” When absolutely no? No, she’s not? She’s young, traumatized, and learning, absolutely. but not a child.
Let’s get technical for a sec, aight? When you go to the mcu maximoff’s wiki and scroll down to their AoU section, it reads as such, quote,
“When the twins reached adulthood, (....) Wanda and her brother took part in various riots to drive the foreign forces out of their streets. (....) The Maximoffs were approached by List who offered them a way to achieve the power needed to drive war out of Sokovia. Although she was initially skeptical, Wanda was convinced by Pietro to agree to the experiments to gain new powers.”
When they reached adulthood, (read: 18+) Sokovia had fully fallen into its civil war and that’s when the Twins were approached by List. (Idc if you want to argue about them thinking it was SHIELD/if they knew it was hydra, I don’t care. The main point being presented is that they underwent voluntary human experimentation. Another thing, because this was mentioned in AoU by I think Steve? A civil war is not the same as an external war. A civil war is not typically where you are fighting for your country, more you’re fighting for who controls your contry. Got it? Cool, moving on.)
She is not a child.
Treating her as such within the movies and then having certain chunks of the fandom push that belief only snowballs the iffy as fuck storytelling mistake that is the ‘as long as my intentions are good, any mistakes made are excusable’ mentality present within the MCU, but especially so in cacw. It’s fucking weird.
Take Clint’s line durint the compound, where after she’s said she’s caused enough problems and that it’s likely better for her to stay (content, not dialogue) he casually manipulates asks her into joining the fight by insinuating that the only way for her to make amends is to fight more, but he refers to their age difference w that high school comment. I can’t remember it word for word but paraphrased it’s essentially ‘if you want to make amends, you get off your ass. You wanna stay here and mope, you can go back to high school.’ Now obviously, we’ve learned thru mcu Clint’s meegar character development that he’s absolutely the type to refer to anyone significantly younger than him as a ‘kid’, he’s presented as that type of a character, that kind of a guy. Many people allege that his words are in reference to their pseudo familial connection but ehh, that’s up to personal speculation.
My longwinded point is that Clint and Steve have shown a repeated habit of infantalizing her, despite her adult age. Idc if it’s because she’s younger or bc of a sentimental connection between the lot, she’s in her early 20’s come cacw, the repeated comments about her being w kid (I know the high school moping comment was made more in reference to her behavior, rather than her age, but the phrasing is absolutely off for what they were going for and it’s still weird so)
Whether that be bc of their age differences, their sentimental affections, the mentor ship relationships towards her; whatever, it doesn’t really matter, because in the end: they’re still treating this then 18+ now 20+ year old woman like she’s a 14 year old. That’s,, that’s weird. It’s weird.
If you follow the mcu timeline and the information present, she and pietro are already 18, if not older, in the end credits scene for TWS. There’s about a year jump between TWS and AoU, putting her at about 19 in AoU, if you want to be a bit handwavy. (I’m personally of the idea that because the twins were already adults before list approached them about the experiments, they’re likely closer to 19 in the TWS end credits scene where it’s apparent that they’ve been with List long enough for their powers to manifest/start manifesting but it’s eh) That may be a little on the nose but for the sake of this, we’re gonna be a little on the nose. Alright? So she and pietro are at about 19 in AoU, young but by no stretch of the imagination are they children. Then, we jump from AoU to CW. There’s another year jump between AoU and CW, which is putting her in her early 20’s, let’s say 20 exactly for semantics sake.
CW specifically is where a lot of the infantilization and weird shit comes into play, which is even weirder to me specifically bc in this film, she’s absolutely not a child? She’s not a teenager or a weak-willed infant, she’s 20! And then again, we jump from CW to IW, where there’s a 2 year jump in time. That puts her at 22. 22! (On the nose again, I know, it’s likely not exactly year by year, but still) We jump again from IW and endgame, w the 5 year jump and even more semantics, she’s in her late 20’s. 27ish, to be a bit more specific. From her introduction to the latest film presented, she’s isn’t nor has she ever been a child.
So why are people (specifically Clint and Steve lmfao) so fucking insistent that she’s a kid?
(The time jump confirmations I’m using are coming from interviews and statements Joe Russo has given in the last year plus or so lmao, so don’t @ me about my stretching the timeline to fit my agenda or some shit)
Just all around, it’s a fucking weird story aspect to have at play, especially for as long as it was (mostly between AoU and CACW with contextual stuff scattered in IW, not much of note but it’s kinda there). It infantilizes this (currently) 20+ year old character to a near dangerous state, which brings us all the way back to that childish as fuck statement made in CW, the ‘you locked me in my room’ one. Your room.. you mean the several multi-million dollar facility with hundreds of amenities and your robo-boyfriend? And yes, her situation should have been explained to her much more throughouly, that’s something I absolutely stand by but also.. she was watching the news. She knows people are angry, going for the jugular, Steve’s little ‘we can’t save everyone’ speech absolutely doesn’t change the fact that the public is afraid and that they know her face. “Mr. Stark would like to prevent the possibility of another public incident” yeah, like say if she had gone to the store and had people come after her, something like that? She wasn’t even under official house arrest, she was making dinner with her boyfriend and hanging around. That “you locked me in my room” Comment is something I’d expect to hear from my 11 year old niece, an actual child, not a 20-something year old woman who also happens to be the mcu’s Scarlet Witch. It’s.. weird and iffy as fuck, a really bad writing choice, and something that shouldn’t have been done but oops it was and now we’re left w all this shit to pick and poke at while we cry about other shit. Nice.
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edge-lorde · 7 years
I want to content create but I won’t have much time tomorrow probably so I think I’ll rate every Neanderthal based piece of popular media I remember consuming.
Parameters ARE: 1) believability. writers love to give Neanderthals special abilities that no real animals have ever ever had. These once-living creatures absolutely would not have had the ability being ascribed.
2) characterization. The Neanderthals are written as real characters and not like a monolith or like a one-dimensional movie monster.
3) hybrids. Neanderthal/modern human hybridization plays an important role in the story.
4) interspecies sex. Almost always linked to #3. a higher score in this category or #3 does not necessarily indicate a greater quality piece of media. in fact, i personally dont prefer a lot of sexual content in the media i consume. however, these concepts show up so often in neanderthal stuff, its basically part of the genre. 
5) accuracy. The attempt to accurately portray how Neanderthals and modern humans are different, and the quality of it’s execution.
1st up: clan of the cave bear by Jean M. Auel.
Brief summary: a modern human girl is found and raised by neanderthals. 
Believability: 5. Book was obviously well researched, but was published in the 60’s and a lot has changed since then. Also they can remember the their ancestors memories. they also have limited ability to learn new things and life in strictly hierarchical societies based around biological sex, and have a universal language they are all born knowing. 
Characterization: 9. 99% of characters are Neanderthals.
Hybrids: 8. Birth of hybrid baby very important to story. 
Interspecies sex: 2. warning, non-graphic description of rape. Modern human/modern human Sex plays huge role in second book in series, hybrids/ interspecies sex was discussed also but never happened. Did not read past second book because of the sheer quantity of porn, but very little of that was in the first book.
Accuracy: 6. Does good job of differentiating Neanderthals from modern humans but once again, the science has changed since the book was published.
Neanderthal by John darton
Brief summary: scientists find secret location where neanderthals have survived to the modern day, journey to the center of the earth style.
Believability: 2. They are psychic and can see through each other’s eyes. Characterization: 3. The Neanderthal characters don’t speak/ are more allegories for the progression of man or some shit.
Hybrids: 0. No mention or implication of hybrids.
Interspecies sex: 1. One iffy scene.
Accuracy: 4. Good differentiation between modern humans and Neanderthals. Good criptid vibe. But is it accurate? Hard to say.
Neanderthal parallax series by Robert j. Sawyer 
Brief summary: neanderthal quantum physicist from an alternate universe where neanderthals survived and we did not falls through a portal to our world. 
Believability: 4. They all supposedly see the most logical solution to a problem and just do it without making mistakes, because they just do. Also they're immune to the Pavlov’s dog learning test thing in psychology so they can all be atheists and it effects them in no other way. Come on now. 
Characterization: 9. Many Neanderthal characters written as individual people. 
Hybrids: 7. the conceiving of a hybrid child very important to last book.
Interspecies sex: 6. One sex scene in the second book, because there had to be one apparently. 4-6 more that are fade to black.
 Accuracy: 4. You can tell the author did a lot of cursory googling, but large swaths of plot are based on incorrect assumptions. The author comes up with cool mechanics based on googleable theories, but the full implications of them are always half-baked. 
 The goblin reservation by Clifford d. Simak.
Brief summary: future college professor must solve mystery surrounding a dying alien planet in a sci-fi + fantasy setting. involves time travel. 
Believability: 10. No fantastical powers ascribed. 
Characterization: 10. There is one Neanderthal character in the book and he’s the best character in the book. Love him. Hybrids: 0. No mention or implication of hybrids. 
Interspecies sex: 0. No mention or implication.
Accuracy: 5. The one Neanderthal character is treated as a character first and well written. However, it’s doubtful that the author put much effort into accuracy because the only differences between the Neanderthal and the other characters seem to be cultural. But the book was also published in the 60’s and he still holds up as a character, so maybe that’s a good thing. Could be accurate. 
SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS!!! The secrets of the immortal Nicolas flamel series by Michael Scott 
Brief summary: a set of teen twins get caught up in saving the world from ancient mythological gods and shit. there are immortal humans too. sorry i remember very little of the overarching plot, but damn that twist ending.
Believability: 10. There’s magic in this series but Neanderthals don’t have it by virtue of being Neanderthals. 
Characterization: 10. It is revealed in the end of the last book that the main teen boy in the series was a Neanderthal the entire time. There was zero indication of this before hand, so he is written as well as any main character in a teen fantasy novel. 
Hybrids: 1?. It’s implied that Neanderthals are as much human/were absorbed into the modern human population eventually, but it’s pretty irrelevant to the story. 
Interspecies sex: 1. Implied the way hybrids are implied. I don’t think the kid ever even had a girlfriend throughout the series either. 
Accuracy: 2. no indication the author even knew Neanderthals are supposed to look a little different. The kid ends up being immortal and legendary, all kinds of crazy time powers and shit, all of it having more to do with being human than homo neanderthalensis. Being a Neanderthal is inconsequential to his being a normal angsty teen, legendary hero, and literal god. i doubt any neanderthal research was done, or at least it was not taken into account when writing the character.  
 Hominids by Jordan kotzebue (webcomic).
Brief summary: all species of hominids live in a jungle together. maybe the doing of sci-fi stuff? :o
 Believability: 9. Neanderthals don't seem to have any special abilities. We will see what the sci-fi genre has to offer once the comic is finished..
  Characterization: 8. Many Neanderthal characters, but writing isn't as strong as it could be in general. 
 Hybrids: 8. Hybrid pregnancy. We will see how it pans out, once again the comic is ongoing. 
 Interspecies sex: 5. Definitely happens at least once, but not an explicit comic (no porn). we will see if its important to the plot later on.
 Accuracy: 8. Major differences between Neanderthals and modern humans are cultural. Also Neanderthals are drawn with waists. Experts agree that they were shaped like little barrels. does go out of its way to include other types of hominids though, so its a little educational.
and last but not least Neander-chan by Lemniskate on deviantart
Brief summary:  neanderthal girl falls in love with modern human boy and attempts to stop their clans from killing each other. looks like the whole thing stemmed from a simple pun.
Believability: 8. they arent ascribed any wild abilities that couldnt also be ascribed to modern humans in the story. i dont think a ton of research was done though.
Characterization: 9. many neanderthal characters with differing personalities. 
Hybrids: 2. definitely implied/foreshadowed as a thing that COULD happen should the story continue, however the comic might be complete as-is.
Interspecies sex: 7. definitely happens and is important to the story, but the comic is never explicit.  
 Accuracy: 5. has a bit of modern humans killing off neanderthals narrative, but the story is not designed to educate. the neanderthals could be replaced with a rival group of modern humans and the story wouldnt change.  
neanderthal media i am aware of but have yet to consume:
the kroods (film): gotta get in on that nic cage action.
The Ugly Little Boy: originally a short story by Isaac Asimov, later expanded with collaborator Robert Silverberg. time travellers take a neanderthal boy away from his family to the present but he has to stay in a specialized room by himself all the time i think. gotta get in on that shit but could not find at library. 
if you are aware of any other neanderthal-based media not listed anywhere in the above text please contact me at http://edge-lorde.tumblr.com/ask 
thank you
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cryptoriawebb · 7 years
War for the Planet of the Apes: review
There was a lot I loved about this movie. A lot. That isn’t something I say so easily. Especially with trilogies. Over the last couple of years, sequels and “threequels” as they say haven’t have been all over the movie map. Some have leapt levels above their predecessors, while others miss the mark by such length it’s all you can do not to cringe. Still, some hang squarely in the middle, neither good or bad, memorable or forgettable. This is especially true for reboot films: X-men, Star Trek and now Star Wars come to mind. Ironically, all three serve both as reboot-prequels to three iconic franchises. You can argue til the cows come home which of these is more successful (much less which are better in terms of content and characters) and maybe one day I’ll write up my own thoughts: I think it’s pretty obvious who the winner is.
I mean, of course, Planet of the Apes (like I said, one day I’ll do a comparison; that day is not today.) I don’t know how these movies manage to maintain their ongoing success…I mean, I do, but it’s so rare to see in Hollywood these days.  So many movies rely on the same, tired plots, conflict and cardboard character chemistry. More often than not I find myself walking into a sequel on eggshells: will it be good? Will it maintain its predecessor’s pace? Will it exceed my expectations? Will I remain engaged and attached to these characters? This movie checks off every box. Well…most of the boxes, but even so, this is the one trilogy I trust to deliver the same excitement promised in its trailers. I’m honestly awed by that, even all these years later. So many of their predecessors got it wrong: the original sequels, Burton’s remake…how, I wonder, how have they managed to get it right after so long?
(I ask because I’ve lost a lot of faith in Hollywood, not because I don’t understand creative mechanic.)
Right, staying on track—this is about War, not the franchise overall.
I absolutely adored the opening text sequence. Paired with the ambience, it was so subtle and eerie and immediately sucked you into the mood. The lingering words (rise, dawn and war) didn’t feel corny or excessively enforced, either. Actually, the summaries themselves remained on screen long enough to read through without rushing—I would know, I rushed through the last segment fearing it would fade before I finished. It didn’t, so shout out to the editor.
Personally, I’ve never been a fan of opening a movie with battle sequences but it works very well for this setting and storyline, especially given how the last one ended. It didn’t last too long either. In my opinion, fight scenes and battle sequences should be like cinnamon to French toast: included to enhance the flavor without overpowering it.  I will say it took me a little while to figure out why there were apes fighting on the human side but that’s probably because I haven’t seen the previous film in some time. I really liked the whole ‘donkey’ concept, too…although ‘like’ isn’t the right word. Sad, maybe, to see how these traitors chose to survive and knowing despite what they’ve been told they likely won’t be spared.
That’s an odd thing about this movie: yes there were a few standard Hollywood plots but the way they were presented prevented them from feeling stale. To watch Caesar struggle with the death of his wife and son, this empathic leader who never wanted war…it’s so different from watching, say, Magneto give in to heartache, or Logan, or Spock in the new Star Trek films. Caesar carries himself with a different weariness, one that isn’t guarded or hesitant and mistrusting. He’s a different kind of survivor, a leader aware of his importance without letting it go to his head. He’s good. Genuinely good and despite the biblical parallels circulating these movies that goodness feels grounded, tangible and vulnerable. Capable of wavering if pushed too far…yet even when it was, it never shattered completely. I felt I could see the conflict swarming him throughout this movie: that part blinded by rage and grief that seemed to give up on everything but revenge, and that goodness that kept him going, kept him from falling completely into self-centered destruction.  I’m in awe of Andy Serkis; each time he takes on Caesar his performances get better and better. While I must confess there were a few times I felt the camera lingered a little too long on his face (which of course isn’t his fault), he never wavered, and gotta throw a shout out to the visual effects department because they outdid themselves again. We might still live in an era where CGI characters look distinctly computerized, but technology has come a very long way, and each year past closes that gap a little more.
Maurice definitely came into his own as well. He was starting to in the last movie, from what I remember, but here I really felt like I learned who he was as an individual. Like Caesar, he too, possessed an emotional heart, yet more rational and empathetic, able to maintain a neutral outlook when needed. Doing this helped highlight Caesar’s diminishing ability to do so as time went on, and while, again, it brought up points used often in films, it worked without feeling tired. The more I think about it, the more I realize these tropes actually help this budding world: a second civilization rising to prominence, dealing with self-doubt and personal loss and shaken loyalty—humans have dealt with for centuries. I adored his relationship with Nova. It reminded me a little bit of Zira and Taylor from the first film, although with far less strain and a lot more trust. It’s both sweet and sad, knowing where the relationship with apes and humans will ultimately go—where it’s heading already. On a slight side note, part of me worried Maurice would die; I’m glad he didn’t, he’s always been one of my favorite side characters.
Speaking of Nova, I’m super curious about her character and possible future development. I’ve heard more films are in the works, I’m just not sure how far ahead they’ll jump. I hope not too far. I want to see this new civilization before we launch to Charleton Heston’s time, and like I said, I want to see what happens to Nova. Will she regress into a primitive state? I’m not sure how long Nova lost her voice before the apes found her. The Colonel devolved so quickly part of me wonders if Nova might be some kind of exception. If not, then she’ll probably become the first example of apes coexisting with animalistic humans.
I’d also like to see what happens to Cornelius. One thing I can’t tell about these films: if these names (Bright Eyes, Nova, Cornelius) are designed as a throwback favor to fans or if these characters are meant to grow into the ones we see in the original movie, however closer to modern time it is. Maybe their significance are important to characters and become popular and circulated in their society centuries after their original use…I hope the former is true, only because this new world is a little more interesting than the popular 1960s “NUCLEAR WAR DESTROYED ALL THE THINGS” post-apocalyptic settings.
I think if there’s any character I’m iffy on, it’s Bad Ape. You know, the hermit who learned to speak while living in a zoo. I did find the outsider angle interesting—we really don’t know how apes in other parts of the world have evolved since the Simian Flu outbreak. I also loved the nod to their future society’s uniforms (which I initially didn’t catch; it’s been a long time since I’ve seen the first film.) I just wasn’t sold on the humor. It felt very out of place in an otherwise intense movie. I kept getting a “Disney dopey sidekick” vibe from his antics—added to lighten a mood I don’t believe needed lightening. I mean, it wasn’t so jarring it completely severed the tone, just nudged at it, created a small ripple and I didn’t particularly like it. I liked Bad Ape as a character, though. His past, like I said, made him unique and an outsider in different ways than Koba’s followers. He and Nova both stand as interesting parallels: she can’t speak but understands (at least somewhat) sign language, while Bad Ape doesn’t understand it but can speak almost as well as Caesar.
As far as characters go, I think the Colonel is the last one worth nothing. I only vaguely remember Rocket from the last film and I have no recollection of Luca or Winter. Blue Eyes, I had hoped, would play a larger role, given his significance in the last film, but I suppose his character arc could only go so far without fading to the background or losing someone close to him…at least in the Hollywood handbook. Even for a franchise like this one. Although the love interest, side note, I kinda felt was shoe-horned in there. I realize two years have passed, but it’s hard to engage in so short-lived a relationship, on-screen.   There was one soldier I took interest in, too, the survivor at the beginning of the film. What was his name, Preacher? I thought he’d play a larger role, apart from the wary observer. Perhaps that’s all he needed to be. Either way, I’d have liked to see more development.
I’d like to go back to the Colonel again: he, too, followed the same “similar yet different” pattern the rest of the characters maintained. I’ve seen a lot of movies over the years, and ‘General Badass who believes the different species is expendable’ is no stranger to the silver screen (Avatar, anyone?) I almost wrote him off, during that scene he spoke with Caesar. If there’s one thing I can’t stand it’s cardboard villains (alright there are a lot of things I can’t stand but this really irritates me.) Imagine my surprise when I learned the intent of his to-be wall. He wasn’t the commanding force of all or most survivors at all, but rather the boxed in outsider trying to survive. I don’t agree with his methods of course, much less the treatment and execution of his men but it was interesting, from that sort of psychological perspective: how far fear will push someone. Fight or flight and all that.
His final scene with Caesar broke my heart. I knew what had happened of course—admittedly not as early as I’m sure others did but certainly from “where the hell is he?” I also admit I thought he was going to use his remaining humanity to kill Caesar (both at first and then when Caesar put his gun down.) Begging for death and killing himself spoke more of his own humanity, and I use that term in reference to the humanness in him, rather than compassion towards others. The tight shots of their faces didn’t help. Part of me wonders if that was intentional, beyond capturing the emotion. I believe it was the Colonel who noted that Caesar’s eyes were almost human: in those final scenes, the eyes were front and center and you could see the almost animalistic terror in the Colonel’s, while tortured conflict filled Caesar’s. I still maintain the close-ups lingered too long but it was an interesting contrast nonetheless.
I’m not sure how I feel about the Simian flu reverting people to animalistic creatures. It’s certainly an interesting take, but it almost feels like a plot device, as opposed to regressing naturally which I believe happened in the original film? The more I consider it the more I wonder if these reboot prequels will shorten the distance between present day and ‘Planet of the Apes.’ Instead of, what was it, two thousand years, crunch it down to two hundred, if that. This does, admittedly, heighten the horror, and I do like that…but I also like my continuity (ignoring the original disastrous sequels.) I guess we’ll see what happens.
Let’s see, what else…
I took particular note of the score, something I don’t always do. One of those things where, at least in my case, it tends to weave its way through the brain as part of the mood, subconsciously. Rarely does a score jump out at me unless it’s either unusual (Tron Legacy, for example) or I make a point to listen. I’m not sure what about the music stood out to me, this time around. I will say now that I have noticed I found the choice for the more humorous elements worked—not too subtle, not too loud or excessive—but still felt a little out of place.
The set design, too, I feel worth mentioning. While I haven’t watched any behind the scenes I’m assuming it was, in large part, computer-generated. I tend to be partial towards practical sets; it speaks to the creative individual in me, always marveling over how it manifests in others. That isn’t to say I didn’t appreciate them as they were, especially as someone with a fascination towards abandoned buildings. The gift shop stands out as my favorite of the ‘human’ sets, although my favorite overall has to be the ape society before the ambush. Not only did I love the design, but found it practical and appropriate for the skills developed by the apes since the flu broke out; still primates, but more and more human with each day gone by. It’s amazing and fascinating to see how they’ve developed and knowing where they’re ultimately headed.
I think the last thing I want to mention is Caesar’s death. I thought Blue Eyes said the distance from their home to the desert was a long one…I realize since then they resumed their journey from a different location, but I find it a bit odd Caesar managed to survive with a bleeding wound. If their new home is far enough away from human life, how far did they have to go from the facility? It really is just a minor quibble I have; I wouldn’t have had him go any other way. I’m going to miss him though. Caesar and his journey are half the reason I enjoyed these films, he’s such a compelling character. I hope whatever comes next can hold together without him.
All in all, really liked this movie, would definitely recommend. I think the first two were better, but I was far from disappointed. RIP Caesar, I’ll miss you.
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