#this show gave me psychic damage as a child!
merrivia · 1 year
Thinking today about Damen, trauma and the symbolic use of water in Captive Prince...
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I was talking to @zumurruds about this, and she mentioned that we understand Laurent’s trauma as readers, but that Damen’s trauma can seem elusive to us. Which is very true, and got me to thinking about how these things might work in terms of Damen’s psyche as constructed by Pacat, especially taking into consideration Akielos is a version of Ancient Greece (with some Roman influences).
Edward Tick is a fairly influential psychotherapist in the field of trauma, especially post-traumatic stress and how it affects soldiers, and he has particularly looked at Ancient Greek rituals (and other classical and indigenous practices!) for answers as to how to heal the psychic wounds of conflict.
Firstly, this is a nice overview of some of Tick’s ideas:
“[Tick’s] argument is that in classical and native American tradition, serving as a warrior was an archetypal experience characterized by initiation of young men and, then, later, rituals of purification and cleansing that help them to undergo a sort of psycho-spiritual re-birthing process and return to civilian life, not just as civilians, but as individuals who’ve gone through a profound transformation. And that transformation was acknowledged by the wider society.”
Some (not all) of these “rituals of purification and cleansing” are literally ones that use water. And I think this can maybe helps us to understand more deeply the use of water in the novels and how it connects to trauma (Damen’s in particular).
More after the jump:
Before going into more depth I will say one thing. I think the reason Damen has coped well with being a soldier, has a lot to do with his initiation into warriorhood in Akielos. 
When it comes to war, specific rites and training would transform you psychologically. As Tick says:
“The study of worldwide mythology and the work of historians, anthropologists, and archaeologists show us that cultures in almost all times and places have deemed it necessary to have a warrior class of citizens. The formula is simple: the preparation is specialized training; the proving ground is battle. Risking death for the protection of one’s people transforms a boy into a warrior. Successful completion of the transformation makes him a man.”
What this does to you then is accelerate growing up. Interesting inversion there, as the Regent tries to keep the adult Laurent a child, and child Damen would have been thrust into adulthood early. Did that damage Damen? Depends on your perspective (I think yes and no), but it certainly gave him strength and resilience.
There is an interesting, revealing moment of Damen’s, when he has been flogged and still finds the wherewithal to speak back to Laurent:
“He felt raw, as though a protective outer layer had been stripped away; the problem was that what had been exposed was not weakness but core metal.”
“Core metal”. That’s what lies at the heart of Damen, even with the warmth of his heart. 
Tick then quotes the philosopher William James:
“War and adventure assuredly keep all who engage in them from treating themselves too tenderly. They require such incredible effort, depth beyond depth of exertion . . . that the whole scale of motivation alters. Discomfort and annoyance, hunger and wet, pain and cold, squalor and filth cease to have any deterrent operation whatever. Death turns into a commonplace matter. . .”
Damen has gone through all this; this is what forged that “core metal” in him. He is a warrior, in a militaristic society. He understands well what it is like to have courage against death and to physically endure discomfort and physical pain. I think this is why he is able to take his circumstances as a slave in Vere, and survive. Every time Damen is hurt, he compares it to his training or to his past experiences, and simply withstands it, as he knows he got through it before. He endures and endures. Even the flogging. That is what warriors do; it was what he was trained to do.
This is one of the reasons his trauma is hidden away from us; at first, Damen seems to just cope with it.
The idea of warriors, too, is so different to modern soldiers, where I think a lot of our contemporary ideas around trauma come from.
Damen has killed on the “sawdust”, suggesting he has accidentally killed when training, and he has killed in battle. He also killed Auguste. The weight of those deaths were expiated somewhat by his role- he was not shamed but made elevated by them; when he returned from Marlas, he was honoured and given a hero’s welcome. Some of the trauma Tick describes modern soldiers go through, comes from them being shoved to one side and forgotten about. 
Interestingly, another aspect of the trauma around modern soldiers, is the impersonal nature of killing. As Tick says:
In its ancient and ritual forms, warfare was often personal. Enemy combatants often knew each other by name, and the victor’s status was partly based upon the status of the enemy he had defeated. Homer’s Iliad records numerous tales of individual combat between contending champions whose families, histories, and reputations were well known to each other. But modern war is impersonal. Whom you fight, what their battle experience and status in their culture is, and how they are armed are all matters of chance.
Though we may think knowing who Auguste was makes it worse, from Tick’s perspective it is better. It becomes a matter of personal combat, a duel of honour- it is essentially meaningful. Damen fought Auguste to help end the battle, and symbolically, it was two princes fighting for victory. There is no disgrace or evil in that.
The problem comes with Laurent and with spending time in Vere, where Damen is no longer seen as a hero-warrior but a villain- someone immoral and shameful. One of the first things Laurent does to Damen in the baths is (very unfairly) make him feel ashamed for killing, and Damen has to protest and say it was “battle” and that “there were deaths on both sides” (which is true- Laurent conveniently forgets all the people Auguste would have killed on the Akielon side). That is a lot of what Damen has to battle through psychologically during the novel. He has no words to describe what he’s going through, was not trained for this, and again, this is why his trauma remains hidden to us. 
In normal circumstances also, after he had been freed, Damen would have returned home, and would go through a process of restoration there that would help him process the trauma he went through in Vere. But by falling in love with Laurent and tying himself to him, Damen is forever in a liminal state- he cannot return home, as the two countries are one which the two kings will rule together, and he is always going to be both lover and brother-killer (he now carries the guilt of killing his brother-in-law, not an enemy prince). This contradiction needs to be resolved.
Additionally, what happened to him in Vere did not carry the honour of battle. Damen could not fight back. It was pure victimisation. That is also where the trauma lies, as well having to process how Laurent is both lover and torturer (Laurent also, needs to confront this, and what he did to Damen).
So let’s talk about water.
There is a symbolic weight that water always carries in texts- life and rebirth, purification and cleansing, rejuvenation and destruction, amongst many other things. But when considering water’s cleansing and restorative processes in conjunction with classical ideas of healing and surviving trauma, I think it becomes even more interesting.
The books abound with water. The trilogy starts with Damen in baths at Akielos, and ends the same way, a deliberately cyclical structure. A rebirth. Damen and Laurent bathe frequently; sometimes this leads to violence, such as the flogging, and sometimes it is cleansing.
However, it is The Summer Palace where the richest, most definitive moment of water is symbolically used.
In the short story, Pacat shows this complex interplay between past and present; of all of what lies between Laurent and Damen. There is no forgetting of the killing of Auguste or of Kastor, or of the flogging. The two move between deep romantic desire and discussions of their painful past, fluidly.
Another quotation from Tick feels resonant here:
Ironically, doing violence to another can be a profoundly intimate act. Larry, a captain in Viet Nam, said his life’s most intimate encounter had been when staring into the eyes of a North Vietnamese officer as they grappled, their hands locked around each other’s throats. Many veterans who have survived hand-to-hand combat talk about the erotic nature of the death struggle. The violence of battle can thus constitute a kind of reverse intimacy. 
There is that strange irony at work with what happens between Damen and Laurent. Laurent, so damaged and isolated and cut off from others, first becomes close to Damen through the intimate act of violence- that’s why it’s important that he sits in front of Damen, close to him, and watches him as he is flogged in CP. It’s why Laurent deliberately baits Damen into hitting him in PG, by telling Damen Kastor killed Theomedes- afterwards his eyes are described as “glittering with triumph” as “his lips are smeared with blood” (a highly disturbing kiss with a fist, which he engineered). It’s why when they fight one another in the training room in KR, it is an important part of the carthasis they must go through in order to truly become lovers. Through violence is physical contact and those moments cut down the walls Laurent has built around himself. 
But there are of course, huge consequences for that. 
Damen admits he has not allowed himself to acknowledge much of what happened to him, particularly at the hands of Laurent. A lot remains behind a “closed door”. Yet what has been locked away must start to be acknowledged, for healing to take place. And this is done through water.
The idea that soldiers be purified when returning from war exists in many different cultures and has been practiced for centuries, including in Rome where “vestal virgins would bathe returning soldiers to purge them of the corruption of war”. For the Greeks, water in general was healing. What I think is interesting is how Pacat has (intentionally?) rewoven these strands of healing that comes from Ancient Greek culture and incorporated it into the texts. Water rituals restore and spiritually cleanse those who suffer harm- hydrotherapy of sorts. A lot of this, appears to be through gods and through dreams, water that is blessed that then touches the psyche. 
This is how Tick describes such processes:
The mysterious process behind the whole tradition was called "temple sleep" or "incubation." Those in need of healing, from the highest to the humblest levels of society, cast off the garments of their roles in the outer world, bathed ceremonially and donned white robes, and presented themselves to the therapeutes, the first "therapists," the healing priests of the temple of Asklepios..... The god was believed to visit the supplicant through a dream, or in his theriomorphic (animal-shaped) form, as a snake or a dog. Through the theophany itself (the apparition of the god) or through one of the first "prescriptions"—for instance, "after fasting for three days, the supplicant should immerse himself in the pool of Parthenius, though it be winter, and pray to Artemis"—the healing would come. 
So with no temples, gods or priests, Pacat finds an alternative.
Laurent bathing Damen, in the baths of Lentos. 
It is a restoration for them both. By doing so, Laurent is putting himself into the position of a slave (giving himself the role enforced onto Damen, an eye for an eye), putting his pride to one side (kneeling, an act he also finds difficult due to trauma) and, most importantly, confronting the consequences of his actions in having Damen flogged nearly to death. 
When Laurent washes the scars on Damen’s back, it is a transformative moment:
Nothing could wash away the past, but this took them both there, touching a painful truth, acknowledging it. 
It was gentler between his shoulders than it had been against his chest. Flesh and self were linked. The cleansing was slow, attentive, drizzling water, then soaping his skin. It was healing something he hadn’t known needed to be healed. Like breathing, it was necessary, even as the tenderness of it was too much, gentleness where he had never expected Laurent to be gentle. 
He had been braced against the lash for so long. Where he had been flayed, he was now open.
I would argue, with the absence of gods, there is only Damen and Laurent’s love, which exists as something higher, sacred, perhaps even numinous. It is a stand in for divine power, which is perhaps even more meaningful. Their love allows them that healing and rebirth, and allows them access to something higher than can move them forward. Perhaps that will keep being a journey that they do together, but it starts with this, with symbolic purification through water, and with the healing not just Laurent, but Damen, desperately needed.
War and the Soul: Healing Our Nation's Veterans from Post-tramatic Stress Disorder, Edward Tick
Warrior's Return: Restoring the Soul After War, Edward Tick
The Practice of Dream Healing: Bringng Ancient Greek Mysteries into Modern Medicine, Edward Tick
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mufflerly-juu · 21 days
An Alien Stage Ramble/Analysis, in light of Round 6 Happening (and my alnst friend not being awake yet):
Beware for spoilers!
Even though I'm pretty sure that MiziSua are my favorite pairing overall, I can't deny that Ivan and Till caught my eye quite effectively. I haven't had much contact with the fandom, so I can't really speak in detail about how the intricacies of their relationship are portrayed in fanon, but from what I've seen... I think there's a key element that people miss. Round 6 depicted this very brutally and I can't stop thinking about it, so I will now go into detail about my perception of IvanTill in ALNST canon. It's relevant to me because I took psychic damage!
Putting it very simply, IvanTill are a mirror of MiziSua. They're a onesided MiziSua, and the unrequited love between them is the core of the relationship. While Mizi and Sua's theme is loving and losing (and making that loss into fuel), Ivan and Till's is the tragedy of having eyes for someone else. Ivan may have been the one to hold the heavier share of unspoken feelings, as acutely aware of his impossible desires as he was, and he may have also been the dead one in the end; but Till is the victim of this tragedy. Till is the most hopeless character in Alien Stage, as it currently stands, and I find that quite interesting.
I've been fascinated by Ivan ever since Black Sorrow dropped, in no small part because I'm a sucker for utterly hopeless, unrequited love. Ivan's character complements this quite nicely: since he was a child, the idea of something bigger than him was what made him feel alive, as shown by how mesmerized he was by the meteor shower over him, at the very first flashback in the Black Sorrow MV. Till's always been rebellious and aggressive, larger than life in many ways, so it's no wonder Ivan loved him so much. Even when Till rejected the bold idea of leaving with him, Ivan still loved him. Even when Till willingly cages himself and makes both of their fates worse, Ivan still loves him and wants to stick by him. In my opinion, this consistency proves that Ivan's been resigned to dying in Alien Stage since that night Till went back. He knows that the boy who gave him a reason to live won't leave, so he won't leave, either. He knows his love is not reciprocated, but it keeps him alive, so he keeps going. To be hit by Till and to hit Till is all he can realistically hope for from him, so he provokes Till. Down to the very end, he didn't even care about finishing the song or increasing his chances of survival. He knew time was up, and so, he fulfilled his one and only wish. He could never hold Till, so he grabbed him by the neck until his very last breath. He kissed the boy who never loved him back, but it didn't matter that he never loved him. All that mattered was that single moment, the single moment he had to make Till see his love. In the end, Till still tried to push him away, but he couldn't have cared less. He died satisfied. That was the best way his life could have ended in such a cruel world.
And Till... was left standing in the rain, shellshocked. Ivan's blood was spilling out next to his shoes. From his reaction, it seemed like he didn't see it coming at all. He didn't know about Ivan's true feelings. He had a few lingering moments of his hands around his neck to show for them, but it was enough to leave him stunned in front of Ivan's corpse. If not for the sudden revelation, then for the loss of those same feelings. There is no love strong enough to survive Alien Stage's cruelty.
After that, though, what is even left for him? Being alive just means that the aliens can toy with him more, it just extends the miserable life he finds himself in without the presence of Mizi. If he wins the next round, then he'll be the new winner of Alien Stage. The winner of a contest he despises. He'll be on top of the system that's enslaved him his entire life, he'll get to live to be thrust into another contest again. He'll get to live to become an empty shell, with Mizi out of reach.
The difference between him and Ivan is how aware they are. Till doesn't give up, time and time again, because Mizi is what drives him forward. There is no indication of him knowing how deep Mizi and Sua's relationship really went, so it's highly likely that he thinks he can get her to like him back. Till's love allows him to keep going, but without Mizi, he doesn't have a purpose. His expression is dead for most of Cure, and the Mizi he sees is one that doesn't exist anymore. He's chasing after ghosts, and it's just a matter of time, until we see what will become of him when he realizes this. There's good outcomes in all of this, but they're not many. Till is locked into a position he never wanted, all for the love he held for Mizi.
Till is the victim of the story. He just doesn't know it yet.
Either way, I wanted to close this off by going back to my main point. I'm not putting this onto any tags just yet because I'm too afraid of the internet, but I still wanna say my piece. Round 6 cemented just how onesided IvanTill is, and I think that's a very important detail to keep in mind. I'm not saying that shipping IvanTill is stupid, but that you should keep their dynamic in mind. It's a crucial part of how they function in the narrative, since ALNST is such a character driven story. You could play around a lot with how to make Till like Ivan in that way while still keeping the initial unrequited love relevant.
I don't even know why I wrote all of this! Thank you for reading. IvanTill toxic doomed yaoi 2024
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What Is the in-Universe Justification for Azula Being Able to Dual Wield Fire and Lightning?
I know a lot of people don’t like the comics, but I recently came across the Smoke and Shadow omnibus cover, which has left me with even more questions about what is possible with firebending, and just how strong post-comics Azula is.
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For the comics gave Azula the following new abilities: quick charge lightning; instant lightning; the ability to wield lightning like a bootleg chidori; the ability to make lightning spheres; the ability to make lightning zaps; lightning redirection; instant area of effect lightning; the ability to control and spilt her lightning stream after she has fired it; concussive lightning; faster fire jets; and, most controversially, the apparent ability to psychically generate and manipulate smoke.
But even with all these new abilities, at least you could argue that Azula was far from being a team buster, and that there are people who could give her a credible fight aside from serious Avatars, sprit fusions like Yun, and Yakone’s bloodline, people like comics!Toph, comics!Katara, and maybe even bloodlusted comics!Zuko and Iroh.
But with Azula’s apparent ability to dual wield fire and lightning, am I crazy to believe that Azula’s only real matches are serious Avatars, sprit fusions, and Yakone’s bloodline?
For wasn't comics!Azula’s biggest issue is that none of her lightning, except for her fully charged, have anything other than concussive, stunning, and/or clothing damage effects at best?
But if she can dual wield fire and lightning, doesn't that get rid of her biggest weakness since she can use her lethal firebending to supplement her non-lethal lightingbending?
Also, does anyone have any ideas as to how this is possible in-universe?
Cause I know LoK says that lightingbending very is taxing on chi-reserves and even a professional athlete like Mako can’t spam lightning. And while I know that Azula was specifically bred to be the ultimate firebender, I can’t shake the feeling that that Azula dual wielding fire and lightning breaks some unspoken rule about benders not being able to use normal bending plus a sub-element at the same time…at least while not being amped.
For Sozin’s Comet Ozai did dual wield fire and lightning, but even then, he just using his fire jets while lightningbending.
Anyway, I guess what I am trying to say is does anyone have a good explanation for what the cover is trying to imply other than the out-of-universe answer of Bryke trying to credibly make Azula into the final villain of Aang’s era, and therefore have to give her massive buffs so she remains a credible threat as the Gaang, who are all child prodigies and masters by the end of the TV show, enter adulthood, and thus their physical primes?
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ssj2hindudude · 1 year
Potatoes Rap Cypher
Aru: Let's Go!
Lightning child, lying, wild,
Feral when you get me riled
Took legendary hero title
Don't make me bury you under Palace's tiles
Leader of the new Pandava crew
Took on demons, deities, and my father too
Got my sisters on my side, nothing we can't do
Now see what happens when my Vajra hits you
Pandava Arjuna, daughter of Indra, ended the war between devas and asuras; spread out the amrita, sided by Krishna, fly with Subala, leading the Nairrata;
Smartass as Krithika, Drip hero pajamas; Ping pong be playin' ya, Rich so they call me Shah; Rook at me charge, hero at large, strike the boys so hard, I'm dating an apsara.
Terrified, but not for me
Worried for your health when you mess with my team
Daughter of Death, your soul will reap
Beg my father for life, you won't get my mercy
Dee-Dee in hand, didis' my clan
Making illusions and blocking your mans
Indian-Filipino, two worlds at my command
Cats-eye glasses looking down on the land
Stared down a giant, nearly made him cry
Say I look like Dora, ok fine
I'm just prepared, couldn't beat me if you try
Piss me off and you might just die.
Riding nightmares straight outta dreams
Killing it out here, save your begs and pleas
Healing the game, nothing can touch me
Oh you're afraid of snakes? Their prince calls me his queen.
Killing you all like my name on your tongue
Flows like the wind, you better run
Get me enraged and you're all done
Oh by the way, my brother's Hanuman
Gave me a mace because I am smashing
Hulk wishes that he could have my level of thrashing
The blows that I'm landing, the deaths I am handing,
Bodies falling and crashing
Rakshasa blood because I am a savage
Baddie in the kitchen, causing fire damage
Shapeshifter, cannot touch me when I ravage
Ask Ammamma about all of my wrecked havoc
Eating your armies like platters of Pira
Ask Gunky and Funky, I'm the one to fear-a
Only calm when I'm with my baby Hira
Don't mess with the greatest wind war-rea (warrior)
Nikita and Sheela:
*with soul*
Floral fashionista breaking your scheming
Taking us down? You must be dreaming
In five seconds, vines have you screaming
Begging for mercy when the eyes start gleaming
Tiara on point 'cause I am a royal
Wearing the PJs 'cause I win in my sleep
Critique your outfit as you're buried in soil
Got the future in my sight, man we can't be beat
Boss from Guyana, should've dawned on ya
Psychic wonder child, just call me Anya
Walking like a model looking down on you peasants
Spilling tea of the future in the past and present
Underestimate us 'cause we have no myths?
We'll just sneak up on ya, you won't know what hit.
Mess with our squad, you'll be feeling the trouble
When we're done with you, you'll be seeing double, oh.
Prince charming shows up, now start the dance
When the scimitars come out, you won't even stand a chance
Taking out full armies in a camera flash
I'm a Shadow, facts, finish it with one slash
Ladies fall as I hit them with the smoulder
Fighting as I bear burdens you could never shoulder
Make you regret the battle, you don't wanna start this
Striking without mercy, you can call me heartless.
Heroine troll loves a snob like me
Love her more even if she's the death of me
'Cause they tried to kill me twice, came back every time
I'm the baddest Wifey you'll ever find
Draupadi incarnate, Pandava adjacent
Got BB's fire inside, doesn't matter who I'm facing
Hear my voice and what I'm 'bout to do
As I take the title of best husbando AND waifu
Rudy: Oh yeah. Alright! Ok! Let's go! Uhhh... You know what, screw it.
*throws rock* *autotune*
Bringing in the Naga Prince; Fangs sharp enough to break the skin; Scales on my face glistening; Underwater kingdom, always dripping
Black and white vision 'cause you're all old news
Made two ancient snakes dance to my tunes
Barely need to try so I often just snooze
Why bother steppin' up? I just can't lose!
Turning pale, they flail, they bail, they wail, they run the second they see the tail; It's fun, you're done, I've won, so run, snipe with my bow like it's a gun.
Strike like a serpent 'fore you take a breath (hiss)
When I'm through there ain't nothing left (hiss)
Reckless, risk taker, rushing ahead
Got my dark queen with me so I don't fear death
Sun's out, daughter's in
Burning, brazing, fury blazing
Calling you out for all your sins
Turn them to ashes, don't think I'm playing
Deus ex machina, dictionary
More knowledge than Alexa, visionary
Tired of the toxic, making me weary
Pulling out Sunny, show you pain that's searing
Killed the Sleeper first, made him feel his curse, showed him I can hurt, took down the worst;
Forgot it all, can't make me fall, standing tall, can't play this doll;
My fire inspires, burns all of the liars, sitches turn dire, I'm lighting your pyres; Down to the wire, Aiden, my ire, rising higher, burning brighter.
Trident I'm armed, I'm bringing the harm, you're not even warm, my climax has formed, sided by Rama, ending the drama, fulfilling my dharma, that's Karna's karma!
Cypher List (in case I do this again)
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thrushforreal · 1 year
It all happened so fast, the Joker escaped from Arkham, Barbara Gordon was shot damaging her spine - effectively putting Batgirl out of commission - the Joker gone in the wind not to soon after. The twins nightly rooftops jaunts left them with more violent pictures of Robin in action. And as the days go on the more violent and uncontrollable Robin becomes in his anger, until one night Robin wasn’t out.
Only a few days after did Bruce Wayne leave on a trip with his son Jason to Ethiopia, a trip that would last only a couple weeks and end in tragedy. Gotham mourned two deaths, or what they thought were two deaths, their own Robin, and Jason Todd-Wayne. Both caught up in an explosion set by the Joker, who was the reason that Batman and Robin were in Ethiopia.
The days and weeks that followed made it clear just how deeply this had affected not only Bruce but Batman as well. Withdrawing from his company and going out more as Batman. Trace has lost track of the number of times the two of them had to call an ambulance for common thiefs that he would catch.
This continued for three months until Tim couldn't do it anymore. He had already stopped taking pictures of the masked vigilante.
Trace decided to stay home to keep an eye on the Bat during his patrol, as Tim got a bus to Bludhaven. Richard Grayson had been hanging out around Halys Circus, so that's where Tim was going.
Tim basically ambushed Grayson at the circus, appearing after he heard something about a mystery that needed to be solved. He helped Richard, "Dick, just call me Dick," with his problem and was able to make his case.
"Batman needs help. He needs a Robin."
"I can't be Robin again, kid. I can't go back to being a sidekick."
"But he's getting harsher! Sending more people to the hospital! If he doesn't have Robin, he's going to cross a line he can't come back from!"
"I agree that he needs help, and I will help. As Nightwing, not Robin."
"You don-"
"Go home." And as Dick said that, he turned and left. Tim, while not completely failing, he hadn't exactly done what he set out to do. So home he went.
In the following months, things did improve slightly. Trace was happy to report back to Tim that the number of times they called 911 had dropped. Tim was refusing to go out, couldn't get good pictures of your heros if they weren't really acting like heros.
He did go out once with Trace, and despite his twin whisper yelling at him not to let the Bat see him, he went straight up to him. He confronted him on his actions the past months and told him that he needed a Robin because that was what kept him alive. Batman refused. He wouldn't be responsible for putting another child in that costume. For another child dying on his watch. Especially one that reminded him so much of Jason.
Then, six months after Jason's death came something the twins had worried about. Two-face had launched an attack on Gotham City and, in doing so, had somehow managed to trap both Batman and Nightwing.
Because of their nightly activities, the twins had been able to figure out where they were being held, but they were unable to contact the police about it before their doorbell rang. Trace got up and opened it to show that it was Mr. Alfred Pennyworth, the Wayne's Butler. "Ah, Mx. Trace, I do believe that you and your brother can help me with a dilemma." And first of all, how did he know that Trace used Mx instead of Ms? Was he psychic?? And second, Trace definitely knew what was in that suitcase he held. So they let him in and watched as he gave Tim a Robin suit.
"You'll have to forgive me for giving you an old suit, yours is still being made."
"Old suit... wait, mine? What do you mean by that?"
"I don't think that we have time for this chat Mr. Timothy, Masters Bruce and Dick are in need of help." That got Tim moving, putting the suit on and racing out to save the two. "Now Mx. Trace, if you would come with me. I am going to need help preparing the medical bay in the Cave"
Trace helped set up but left back to Drake Manor before the others got back. Only one teenaged vigilante needed to be chewed out tonight. A couple week later, two suitcases appeared on their doorstep, one with Tim's new Robin uniform and the other containing one that was identical on most everything expect color scheme, a bandana, and a red cross where the R was on the Robin suit. That night, Gotham welcomed another Vigilante to go with Batman and Robin.
The Vigilante Thrush.
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skinslip · 1 year
I hate the Jeff Jarrett character with my whole soul
Look. You don't fucking understand. I have suffered through Jeff Jarrett for 30 fucking years. Suffered. Agonized.
Double J and the fucking Roadie had go away hate from me. He was awful, the music video gave me psychic damage, just so fucking cringe to my child brain. I was an 11 year old wishing death on a man I didn't know.
Then I start watching WCW around Nitro time and everything is great. I got introduced to a lot of really great wrestlers, fell in love with the art of wrestling (though my kid brain couldn't articulate that at the time).
THEN FUCKING JEFF JARRETT SHOWS UP AND UUGHH. I suffer through him again. but not for long because it's only like a year. But... but... **blood vessel threatening to pop** WHAT DOES HE DO??
GOES BACK TO WWF AND WORKS WITH ALL MY FAVORITES AND UGH. He even made me dread an Owen Hart match when they tagged together! Ugh!
Anyway. I was mostly free of him except when I decided to willingly watch TNA (which was often because I was a SUCKER for the high quality tag and x-division matches)
I will cry tears of joy at his retirement. I will be so happy. The world will seem brighter, more joyful.
I wish him good health, I just want to not see him on my TV anymore.
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leverage-ot3 · 3 years
*asks you about The Mentalist because I've meant to watch for years but never got around to it*
I got a bunch of asks about my shows thank y’all so much for letting me vent
the mentalist follows a team of murder investigators in the cbi, the california bureau of investigation
let’s go through the characters:
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patrick jane
the mentalist. grew up as a carnie in the circus as a (fake) boy psychic wonder. basically, he’s just really smart and good at analyzing things so he got away seamlessly pretending to be a psychic. at one point he became pretty famous and was getting rich from it.
everything came to a head when he went on tv arrogantly talking about this serial killer, red john. he did the whole psychic bit analyzing the killer, then went home to see that his wife and daughter had been murdered by red john because of it.
there’s a backstory episode about it, but basically he ends up joining the cbi as a civilian consultant helping them solve murders (with the motive to eventually hunt down and kill red john). the show takes place a couple years after he joined the team.
he’s very good with people and charismatic, and a total chaos gremlin. he always goes off and causes some trouble on investigations but because of it his team closes every single case they have. he’s been described by multiple people as the smartest man they’ve ever known.
he’s VERY adamant that there is no such thing as psychics. after all, pretending to be one got his family killed.
he also makes himself tea at almost every crime scene because he’s just Like That™
I’m barely into men but I am head over heels for patrick jane and that’s a fact
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teresa lisbon
grew up in chicago as the eldest child with three younger brothers. had to take over being the parent after her mother died and father gave up being there for them (I think he was an alcoholic???). she was very strict with them, which causes friction in a couple episodes when her siblings are involved
she’s the head agent in their cbi team, and for all intensive purposes, jane’s partner. she is logical and wants to follow the rules (and supposed to “keep jane under control”) but accepts his hijinks as necessary in order to solve the murders. she just wishes he’d tell her what the fuck he’s doing so she can do damage control at the very least.
she’s totally the team mom. she loves and cares for her three children teammates.
I’m in love with her, your honor
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grace van pelt
team newbie. great with tech. starts out as optimistic and bright-eyed but adapts to the harsh world they live in. very compassionate and kind.
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wayne rigsby
a simp for van pelt. legit puppy eyes for her. fell in love with her day one.
NEEDS to know how jane does his tricks. like, he will go insane trying to figure out how he does his coin tricks
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kimball cho
was in a gang when he was a kid before joining the military. kinda stoic but also SUPER witty/sarcastic. bitch queen. “that’s impressive. the best I can get with one call is a pizza”
lets jane do whatever the fuck he wants because he gets things done but also secretly thrives on his chaos
other important/notable things:
the found family vibe you crave? it’s There™
your ships are definitely endgame
I can’t think of any storyline that was handled badly
every episode is decent if not really good
the red john aspect actually keeps you on the edge of your seat. every time you think it might be X, all of a sudden Y looks like the better candidate and so on, etc
the openings/beginnings are usually funny
example a: jane messing with a sheriff playing rock paper scissors
example b: “I don’t have to run faster than a tiger. I just have to run faster than you” *sprints*
example c: “I’ll bet you... 35 cents”
there is blood and gore, but it’s a show about investigating murders so I feel like that’s warranted
there IS one kinda slightly major character death towards the end of the final season. (note: NOT any of these main five!!!) I don’t think it was fair even though the person playing the role said they were brought on knowing they were going to die but it still majorly sucked. I cried. HOWEVER, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t watch it. yeah, it sucked and I wish they didn’t do that but I love the show too much to hate it for that
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Michael After Midnight: Superman vs. the Elite
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Superman is one of the greatest heroes ever conceived, if not the greatest. He is a man born with god-like powers but raised in the most humble environment possible, where he learns the value of human life, love, compassion, and all that good stuff. This all instills him with a desire to do good, but also to never use the unstoppable force he is gifted to enforce his will on others and play judge, jury, and executioner. He is the living embodiment of the American Dream, he is the living embodiment of freedom and righteousness, he is something to aspire to be…
And goddamn do so many people miss the point. I think the best/worst example of this is Bill in Kill Bill, who gives a really great monologue about how Clark Kent is Superman’s critique on the human race. It’s all well and good until you realize, no, Clark Kent is not a secret identity, Clark Kent is who he is, Superman is the secret identity. This man was born and raised by humble Kansas farmers and you’re gonna tell me the Clark Kent persona is the fake one? Go in the closet and think about what you’ve done, David Carradine! But yeah, a lot of people don’t really get what the Supes is all about.
Joe Kelly is not one of those people. His comic “What’s So Funny About Truth, Justice, and the American Way?” took Superman and asked the all-important question: Are Superman and his ideals still relevant in the Dark Age of Comics, where anti-heroes who kill their enemies are the norm? The answer, of course, is yes, because Kelly understands Superman better than most, and in the end his idealism beats back the cynicism of the edgy Elite. In a stroke of genius, they decided to have Kelly write for the animated adaptation of his own comic, and that brings us to Superman vs. the Elite.
This is, without a doubt in my mind, the best Superman story ever. It really does just capture the core of why Superman works, and why heroes who kill are just not feasible. The Elite, for all their posturing and good intentions, ultimately come off as a bunch of bullies. Menagerie kills a dog for barking at her, Hat is an alcoholic, Coldcast… well, he’s honestly the most level-headed one there, he gets a pass, and ooh boy Manchester Black. That boy is a sniveling little hypocrite when it comes down to it. Mister Psychic Mind Blast is all about “Might makes right” up until Superman starts slapping him around like a redheaded step-child, and then he breaks down crying and pissing his pants about how unfair it is and how Superman shouldn’t do things like that. It doesn’t help the Elite actively make things worse, what with their collateral damage, disregard for civilian casualties, and violent escalation of conflict to the point that they murder two dictators and create a massive power vacuum the film doesn’t really address.
Superman counters their argument for heroes who kill brutally and efficiently in the endgame. I really don’t want to spoil it, because it is one of the most chilling and awesome sequences in any of these DC animated films, but it’s really hard not to since it’s probably the most famous part of this film; if you know of the movie, you know what happens at the end. Let’s just say that Superman should never, ever sound like George Newbern’s other most famous role (Sephiroth), because it is fucking terrifying. You will get chills when Superman shows just how utterly nightmarish it would be if he played by the same rules Manchester and his buddies do.
I think the only real issues I have is that the film is a tad too short, being barely over 70 minutes, and that it cuts a few things and alters a few things that make Superman seem like a cunt. In this movie it isn’t made clear that he temporarily deactivates Black’s power; if you’ve read the comic or at least are aware of what happens in it, you know Superman just gave him a super-conucssion, but if you don’t know that why would you think Supes didn’t lobotomize him like he claimed, especially since it seems the logical third option between killing and tossing in jail? And then there’s the whole “I’ve had your friends depowered” bit, which would be whatever if not for the fact he didn’t do this for Atomic Skull, a supervillain who was walking around turning people to ash. Kind of skewed priorities there.
Still, I genuinely think this is the best Superman we’re ever gonna get, because at its heart it understands why Superman is great, and it also understands that arguments that heroes like Supes should kill are fucking stupid and only limp-dick morons believe it. It’s a tale of hope and optimism standing in the face of reckless cynicism and telling it to fuck off (but politely), and really highlights the flaws of works like Man of Steel all the more. If nothing else, this is the best movie Superman has been in with some form of “Vs.” in the title!
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miniyrds · 3 years
it’s time to talk about andrew’s syntax
(finally, I hear you scream. in reality, it is just me screaming)
so I answered this ask a few weeks ago and I've been sitting on talking about my other examples for a while because I am lazy
I also feel the need to say that I don’t think this is that deep, but more so Nora writing Andrew how people would talk in these situations. in my head, she gave Andrew such a distinct tone that I didn't fully realize until I read the physical copies. if you read these scenes out loud to yourself, I hope you can see where im coming from
example one: andrew’s attack on allison
in case you forgot, Aaron had just said “Seth was a one off then” to neil and Allison slapped Aaron which was a big no no. Andrew currently has Allison in a combo of a chokehold/arm grip (??? I don’t know fight moves)
“Andrew, it’s just Allison. Okay? It’s just Allison.”
“It is not ‘just’ anyone when she lays a hand on what’s mine.”
“You failed. You should have been faster.”
this is andrew’s near-rage talking. he’s losing control. a part of his brain knows that if he doesn’t keep some semblance of control, he’s going to lose it and seriously hurt Allison. he’d be taken away and couldn’t hold up his promises. in my head, the lack of contractions shows Andrew thinking through the things he’s saying. read andrew’s lines through gritted teeth and it adds to the effect.
“that’s enough, Andrew”
“you don’t get to decide that”
“I didn’t promise that”
Andrew's mouth gave a violent twitch, a grimace he forcibly repressed, and he finally looked up. The darkness in his stare almost took Neil's breath away.
then, neil steps up and interrupts Andrew’s flow. (this is important later too). this throw’s Andrew off and his rage subsides slightly. he’s distracted by neil. he’s still angry, as the description shares, but he is in control enough to not have to dedicate so much energy to keeping himself in check. neil is able to get through andrew’s rage just enough to distract him. ultimately, it is Aaron who speaks up and gets Andrew to let go
“you asshole. you could have seriously hurt her!”
“you do not have the right to act surprised. That is the second time in as many weeks one of you has forgotten yourself. You should have learned your lesson the first time. You do not get to take offense when you force my hand.”
must remain Scary Andrew even when his rage is eating at the last semblance of control that he has. it doesn’t help that the upperclassmen don’t know when to back down. at least neil has that intuition (wymack too, I believe)
Don't," Andrew said, with a calm Neil didn't believe for a second. Andrew tapped his finger to his lips twice, warning Matt to silence, and pointed at him. "A privileged child like you has never seen the real world. Don't speak of it like you understand.
this is actually the paragraph that got me to go back and look at andrew’s dialogue in the first place. you’d think he’d still be speaking in his contraction-less sentences, but now he’s mocking Matt. he knows what he’s doing and he doesn’t have any rage left. I suspect his adrenaline is fading fast and now he’s exhausted. you can see that in how easily he agrees to go with wymack
example two: aaron’s promise
incase you forgot: they’re all sitting around while Andrew is confessing to killing tilda and Aaron is being all defensive bc he didn’t realize what he was getting into
“She was nothing and no-one to me," Andrew said. "Why else would I have killed her?"
It took Aaron a minute to find his voice again. He still sounded angry, but there was a muted edge to his, "You wouldn't even look at me. You wouldn't say a word to me unless I said something first. I'm not psychic. How was I supposed to know?"
"Because I made you a promise," Andrew said. "I did not forget it just because you chose not to believe me. I did what I said I would do, and fuck you for expecting anything else.
neil picks up on andrew’s rage here as well. in the past I just brushed past this line but neil says that he saw a glimpse of andrew’s infinite anger at his core. he knows what Andrew is doing. how he’s forcing himself to keep it together and not lose it on Aaron. I personally think Andrew is really hurt to be confronting this truth here which is why it shows up as rage
Aaron’s line and andrew’s rage in response plays into people just not knowing how Andrew works which is a whole other topic
A heartbeat later Andrew's expression went dead. Neil regretted his intervention immediately. No one could let go of that much rage that easily; Andrew had simply buried it where it could hurt only him. It was too late to take it back, so Neil dropped his hand to his lap in defeat
distracting Andrew is a good way to give his brain something else to focus on to dull the extreme rage that is coming too close to the surface. however, as neil notices, it doesnt go away, it just gets re-buried which only does more damage to Andrew. I'll take unhealthy coping mechanisms for 200 pls
that got a little off track but you see how Andrew was near a breaking point in the way he was speaking, neil noticed and stepped in, and then learned a little more about how Andrew treats his emotions
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batarangsoundsdumb · 3 years
yet another ask dump yeehaw!
do you ever think that jay's mother was one of those bitch who believes in horoscope and tarots and things like that and so he believes in these things too, or it is just me projecting?
sheila haywood took one look at jason's birthchart said 'nah this won't do' and left.
Wait, but what happens when the justice league does find out that Bruce and John fucked? Lmao it sounds like it would be hilarious, really, I don’t want a justice league that doesn’t make fun of Bruce for like his entire life.
barry runs out of the meeting immediately and comes back with an entire sti testing kit. diana fully seriously wants bruce to get tested while bruce is sitting there like 'come on guys, you're being ridiculous, i already checked twice'
john is standing in the corner clearly offended while bruce is just like 'don't even say anything, constantine, you fucked a shark'
tim was like "i'm drake now" and everyone was like ahh so your fursona is a dragon and tim was like pffffft no. ducks.
on the one hand, good for him, on the other hand, bro, how do you still have a secret identity when your superhero name is just your last name,,,,
Your fic on ao3 was GOLD PLEASE CONTINUE I loved Dinah's cameo btw ( @purple-vixen
thanks so much! i already continued but this ask is like 10 years old because i'm a notorious procrastinator (also yes! i love dinah so much aahhhhhhhhhhhh)
I've FINALLY been watching the Batman animated series and I gotta say, after watching "the gray ghost" I am CONVINCED that Batman is a closeted super hero geek who was 100% freaking out the first time he met Superman and is just REALLY good at hiding it.
bruce internally: holy fuck holy shit holy fuck holy shit holy fuck holy shit holy fuck holy shit holy fuck holy shit bruce externally: get out of my city, alien
AHHH ur multimedia fic is the only thing that brings me happiness anymore continue it forever pls
uhh thanks, but can't continue it forever because my attention span is that of a toddler on crack on a good day and i can't function without at least 10 things going on at the same time and music in the background
Oi, so I'm getting into dc and watching batman the animated series, and they use fruitcake a lot. Which I thought was very funny and wanted to share w you - Denilla
wait like fruitcake (food) or fruitcake (derogatory) ?
young justice 🤝 teen titans slut shaming batman
tim drake and dick grayson to their respective teams 'you guys stop it, that's my dad'
Happyhoganon: If an eighty year old Batman had fought crime in Gotham City for decades and the only threats to him and the city lately are a wheel chair bounded Penguin, your usual purse snatchers and a few con artists popping up every now and then, how well could the Dark Knight do in maintaining the peace in Gotham despite him being just somewhat fit to do that as an elderly man (which says A LOT given how old he is)
uhh he'll probably do what my grandpa does and that is ruthlessly prank them until they die of shame.
in the death in the family interactive movie there's an ending where Jason is tasked with raising Damian and he decides he's gonna raise Damian to take down the waynes and al ghuls which uh maybe isn't great BUT the idea of Jason raising Damian... PRICELESS. CHAOTIC. I just need more people to know about this :)
yes i saw that wow holy shit but jason would accidentally drop damian on his head one (1) hour in and jason just yeets him into the lazarus pit.
Headcanon: The Penguin has a really hard time fighting any of the Robins because of his avian obsession means there's always a small part of his mind that's like "Birb. Child. Protect" ( @subspacecadet )
as soon as dick becomes nightwing the penguin is like 'you know what, fuck this dude' and shoots at him.
Y'all talking about King Shark dating Constantine, let's not forget about John literally hooking up with Satan
listen there's a clear difference between monsterfucker and satanfucker in that king shark is literally a shark and satan still looks like a normal dude
Does everyone in Gotham think Batman is a teen dad?
everyone in gotham thinks batman has been around since gotham was founded, but they do think that bruce wayne is actually a teen father and dick grayson's biological dad.
why. why would you do that fancast when you know it will only hurt people
what? i loved my fancast it was really well done. i did it with good representation in mind and i really managed that with alfred pennyworth being ✨italian✨
Seeing james charles a jason gave me psychic damage how dare you i need to wash my eyes
well that's a you problem isn't it?
do you think dick grayson thirst tweets about nightwing just to annoy his family/cause problems on purpose in general?
he thinks nightwing is hot, next question.
holy jiminy cricket batman, its as cold as the good lords ass crack in here!!
i- what? this is why i don't fuck with english expressions it's way too goddamn weird
Brooooooo, your teen dad!Bruce au is soooo good. I've got brainrot.
Honestly if you ever write anymore, I'd read that shit twice. Sign me the fuck up. Good stuff, Good Stuff.
uh yeah i'm thinking about writing a fic, but i have exams coming up and i don't wanna fail because that would suck. but after i'll certainly be writing more tho
your teen dad AU is so great! bruce acting like a big brother for all of like a week before he's telling everyone about his son. what if in the AU dick meets the JL because they need to rescue him? maybe he's in trouble/kidnapped at a gala and bruce starts calling for JL. clark finds him and has to fly with dick to bring him home - that's how dick and clark meet and superman becomes dick's fave hero. he goes around the manor thinking he can fly with a red blanket draped around him like a cape.
actually- if you want a young dad! bruce fic with like that kinda stuff(just with damian) go check uhh- in for a penny by cdelphiki. it's really good and bruce is like 24/25-ish. (and dick's there!!!)
This account has solely convinced me that Tim is a trash goblin ( @hamilcat-and-magic-turtle )
because he is. that boy has slept in dumpsters on multiple occasions even if he is the son of a billionaire.
Okay but when you said victory dance I did think of the whole justice league defeating the big bad and then they all start flossing
well that's exactly what hal jordan does and that's why batman uses a gun now. no but the victory dance in my opinion is like the 'we're all in this together' dance from high school musical.
The horrors in Invincible s1 was nothing compared to the comics, I cant wait for s2
oh well okay, i mean i personally react to horror and violence by laughing awkwardly so i can't wait to be called a monster for accidentally laughing at a mass murder.
I'm currently watching Batman: The Brave and The Bold and- Bruce is just talking about Oliver like he's an old love (@nightwings-kid)
okay im going to watch that lmao that's totally and completely in character for him tho.
The invincible comic is like super gratuitous with its violence so much so I'm shocked the show was able to adapt it in a faithful way! Anyway had the show been live action it absolutely wouldn't have the same impact as it does as an animated show and I'm so glad so many people agree with me on that
also because a live action casting would've been like uhh amanda stenberg for amber, the dude- the guy from the supernatural but with a mustache for omni-man, and scarlet johanssen for debbie grayson
Debbie grayson is a milf, yes. You're welcome for the invincible propoganda, now you can questions your life. Bruce def seems like the perfect father next to Omni-man. Like they really took a rip off justice league and I was like well, now I'm attached even tho I was like hah I know who they're supposed to be. And then bam- death gore death gore gore gore sad Mark grayson just had to have daddy issues. Why does every character have daddy issues. I'm sick of the attacks
because daddy issues make a person arguably funnier, that's why i'm not even remotely funny (haha good dad flex). i liked that it was dark contextually, but not in the colouring, bc i hate when it's like 'uh yeah graphic murder and now a shot so dark you have to sit in a dark room and squint at the screen to faintly see the characters. (like dcau ugh)
About the Wayne insurance, for a moment I thought you would put the video with moans over the waves.
i mean- i could've done that, but rick rolling seemed more family friendly.
Its the first time in forever that im surpise rickrolled, i usually expect it. Congratulations (i really should know better this is tumblr)
i get rickrolled so often but i actually like the song so i dont really give a fuck
Actually, my information about Damian and John's kids is outdated because it was revealed that the old men telling the kids stories about the Supersons were actually Jon and Damian the whole time. I was blinded by my thirst for Grandpa!Bruce Wayne but I was wrong... I liked my version better, tbh (@artemisa97)
fair enough. but i'd honestly like to see damian and jon getting together, just because it's a really fun dynamic and their friendship was really cute when they were kids. (also idk maybe it would be nice to have one (1) main batfam/superfam character that's not cishet)
How am i JUST finding your blog skdskfkd you're so fucking funny and ur takes are hot
i thought u were calling me hot :( but youre not :( crime detected (but lmao thanks)
So I have depression and I swear that your memes are one of the few things that have made me laugh so thank you 💛🥺 (@katekanebadass)
aw you're welcome, and i hope you're doing okay!
The metropolis memes are so funny, I love them 💀😌
i think metropolis is also so fucking funny it deserves more attention imagine having your entire police force being upstaged by an alien from kansas and his kids
as an american i feel your complete lack of knowledge of us geography is just so sexy (platonic) ❤️
thanks so much (i also don't know any other geography, i'm not kidding, like you can tell me you're from hungary and it will just blank, there will be nothing that comes to mind)
In the DC universe they don't say "Can't have shit in Detroit" they say "Can't have shit in Gotham"
this just reminds me of that guy whose porch got stolen like the steps to his door, and i'm thinking of people living in gotham and waking up without a front door and going "can't have shit in gotham"
honestly all i know about chicago is the bean, so. what would gotham's famous sculpture be?
gigantic gargoyle statue in front of one of the police precincts because a villain thought it was a smart way to keep the police inside, but it's too heavy to move.
why tf do people go on about how batman "works alone" or how he's the "lone wolf" when he like 38290202 members in his family
bc people think it's cool that a grown man in his 30s has no friends or family instead of calling it what it is (sad)
Bruce is gotham's sugar daddy
why would say something so controversial yet so brave.
my favorite batfamily fanfictions are the ones where they use their shitty codenames, unironically, in any context
dick: gerard way are you in position, gerard way are you in position
tim: for the last fucking time, my codename is 'totally not count olaf' this week, abbafan 3000
dick: shut up my codename isn't 'abbafan 3000'
dick: it's 'abbafan number 1' and you know it
I have a feeling Tim drake is ur favourite batfamily member but okay u don't have favs if u say so ok
i mean he is, i won't deny it. but i love each and every one of the batfam just the same, i just have a weak spot for short dumbass nerds, because i'm a short dumbass nerd.
Omg i fuckin love boy meets world too fam shsjkfk
bro boy meets world was the shit!!! it was just fire and awesome and so fucking great like bro. it was so good im not even going to be accepting criticism
you know I find the whole "joker completes batman" thing a bit disgusting considering the horrendous stuff the batfamily went through because of the joker and let's not get started on the "joker has a point" thing like yeah he's this cool complex villain but he's absolutely batshit crazy
like yes! i get what you mean the joker just fucking sucks man he doesn't do shit for batman's character or the batfam he's literally just annoying as fuck. like the joker has a point' shit is so stupid. i will accept 'magneto was right' because he fucking was and i think he didn't do anything wrong, but joker? he's just like that. he's not even cool and complex he's just a weirdo with a bleach kink at this point.
thanks bestie, i'm glad you agree.
in today's essay of why I think cass should become batman- I was thinking Tim would probably be the most efficient batman in many ways but I also think he wouldn't want to be batman tbh none of the batfamily members would want to be batman because they're trying to outgrow him but cass is the one who wants to represent the symbol that is batman
absofuckinglutely i will say it again and again that cass represents the batsymbol more than anyone in the batfam, in batgirl (2000) she literally didn't care about anything else than bruce's oath to not kill, she thought the batsymbol was more important than anything in gotham. she's just an excellent character because her motivation to not kill is not 'i'm scared i can't come back from it' or 'well my dad says no murder so i'll go along with it' but that she's killed somebody as a young child and she never wants to kill a human ever again and that's so fucking beautiful for a new batman like yes.
need more cass, duke and tim inclusion in gothamite memes
yes yes, a tall order of cass, duke and tim coming up in 1-14 business days
oldest to youngest batfam members cus I'm confused as shit
okay order of being taken in: dick, jason, tim, cass, damian, duke order of age: alfred, bruce, dick, cass, jason, tim, duke, damian (though cass and jason are around the same age general consensus is that cass is a little older)
I'm so confused Steph is a redhead?? like how was it that hard to get this right? the source material is literally right there and free
cw is jared, 19
do you receive anon hate? if so, how do you deal with it
uh no, i'm not remotely popular enough to get anon hate and i also don't say a lot of things that would attract anon hate, but i do send anon hate to @the-real-peter-parker because he forgot about the specialists from winx club
Wait how many languages do you speak??
uhh- 5 if you include latin, but that's a dead language and i'm really bad at it. but english, my native language, german, and french also, tho german and french not fluently.
You can mix aguaepanela with aguardiente 😈 and is tasty
okay but now i'm curious if the liquor deserves the 😈 emoji or if that's a you problem. but i googled it and it looks like something you'd take one sip of and then not remember the rest of your evening.
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dragynkeep · 3 years
Small backstory: Pretty recently I saw a post discussing whether or not Ironwood is a veteran and how it affected the narrative based on your culture. I pointed out that he wasn't alive for the war 80 years ago and another random internet user mentioned the faunus wars, which were mentioned in the first valume... never again. When I asked whether they knew the exact dates those were happening and they responded with "Sometime after the war", so I to prove my point of James not being engaged with any human on human/human on faunus conflict I decided to use Ghira of all people for comparison in age... I think they're about the same age if we look at the material given us by the show itself... So none. I just think they're about the same age.
Anyway I said that if Ironwood fought in those wars so did Ghira, which would put a lot of his actions and character traits under question. Such as his pacifism and naive attitude towards the human-faunus conflict. And if he didn't... Well... Let's not forget that his family has a giant mansion in manajerie and that's already very sus. Him not fighting in the war while Ironwood did would make him and his family seem even more privileged compared to other faunus.
And then they responded with and I quote "Orrrr, ghira’s valor in the war is what earned him the title of king of furry island. Guy fights pretty good for a pacifist, and he could avoid conflict because he knows that as bad as things are now for the Faunus, it’s nothing compared to before the war. But that’s just a theory, *A Game Theory*" I know this isn't that serious but when I read this I snapped for unbeknownst reasons.
And I'm just gonna paste the stuff I responded with because I'm not typing that again-
That only raises more concerns to his weird optimism and naivety towards humans and their intentions. As well as puts his intelligence and how he precieves violence under question. Let's not forget that he, and everyone else in his group would have probably died and thrown in a ditch somewhere by the road if it weren't for Adam killing their attackers (ONE of their attackers). And after the encounter he only chastised Adam for his actions without much explanation, after being shot at by the humans (and possibly wounded by them, his aura seemed to crack and he flinched but that was it), the ones who treated their kin as slaves and just now threatened their lives. And they have definitely killed faunus before, from how the guy that shot Ghira had spoken. And Adam didn't even act on his own, he looked at Sienna who gave him permission... Sienna was Ghiras second in command at that moment if I recall correctly, and still Adam was the only one chastised.
I like their take but Ghira is just way too sus for me to believe that to be honest.
...I wish we were given more actual worldbuilding and lore in the series.
And the more I think about it the more I hated both Ghira and that response with a passion.
Anyway Ghira is an awful leader and person in many ways and the take that "He earned his place as the furry king on the island by his valor in the war" only makes him worse.
I realise that I stumbled into this conversation myself and dealt psychic damage to me myself (let this be a lesson for me) but what's done is done.
And all this over bad writing....
In any case I probably repeated myself several time through this rant and my english might not be as good as I think so sorry in advance if this turns out as a waste of time
this absolutely encapsulates why i hate the bellaparents; because they don’t enrich the world in anyway & actively make blake’s storyline worse, as well as those connected to them like sienna, adam & ilia.
i don’t think ghira was “made king of furry island due to his valour in the war” because we see pictures of some belladonna ancestors in the mansion; they’re obviously not ghira or kali but look enough like them to be related. meaning this is an inherited position of power & actually represents a monarchy much more accurately than what the person you were debating with actually said, kings aren’t elected. they’re chosen by birthright, nothing they actually did & ghira ... does nothing. menagerie is so dangerous but the only defence force we see is situated in his home. his people are suffering in tiny huts on a squished island but we see him in a massive mansion that is never seemed to be used for any just cause like a government building; nor do we ever see that he seems to try & improve anything for the faunus.
he allows blake to blame faunus on their isolated island for the actions of a radicalized diaspora he’s responsible for; his inaction led to the radicalization of the white fang & he did nothing about them until they put their problems on his front door by harming his child. until his own family was brought into it, ghira canonically was more than content enough to do nothing about the organization he spearheaded & then let fall to ruin. all because of his own limp wristed pacifisim that is just as harmful as the radicalized ideals of the current white fang.
now they’re back in his hands & i don’t see how this time it’s going to be different when he’s still the same privileged faunus with outdated ideals on how to deal with humans who are still violent & dangerous.
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True Intentions
So, the latest Pokemon Masters event gave me Feelings, and therefore I had to write something for it.
Needless to say, this contains Pokemon Masters event spoilers, verbal/mental abuse, and one reference to physical child abuse.
And in case the “read more” breaks, this is also tagged as a long post.
N stepped into the cave, his heart thudding. He could see the oh-so familiar cloaked figure in the distance, and he swallowed hard. He was not alone, for which he was very grateful, but companionship was not doing much to assist his nerves. 
‘You’re sure about this?’ his companion dubiously asked. In Nate’s opinion, N was making a huge mistake, and it was not yet too late to turn back.
‘Yes. This is the answer I’ve come to. I’m sure,’ N insisted, and Nate held back a sigh. Damn it. ‘...Thank you for coming with me, though.’
‘It’s fine,’ Nate replied. ‘I wouldn’t want you to go and see him alone.’
‘Mmmm,’ N murmured. He knew only too well that Nate had a point. ‘We need to be careful when dealing with a man like… him.’
N had tripped over his words. He was uncertain how to refer to the man they were meeting. “Ghetsis”? “Father”? As much as he wanted to call the man “Father”... it was too soon. Much too soon for that.
‘I’m still a little worried,’ N confessed, after a pregnant pause.
‘Yeah, well no matter what happens, I’m on your side,’ Nate promised.
‘Thank you…’
Any further conversation was cut off,  by a sudden interruption. 
‘N! You’ve come to see me!’ a voice called out. For a moment, N froze; when they entered, Ghetsis had his back to them. His and Nate’s conversation had been in whispers, and he had assumed Ghetsis had not seen them yet. 
He shook himself out of his reverie, his face calm, stoic, as he turned to lock eyes once again with the man he called Father, his abuser.
At least in appearance, Ghetsis had not changed. N sincerely hoped that was the only thing that remained static. Incredibly tall, Ghetsis towered over those he met, and his own son was no exception. He still used a cane. N’s gaze lowered to the gloved hand that held onto it, as his mind helplessly wandered to thoughts of what was hidden beneath the cloak. Was Ghetsis’ health the same? Had it improved? Or perhaps worsened?
That was the most likely scenario; Ghetsis always had a great love of expensive wines, scotches and other such alcoholic drinks, and it had taken its toll on him. Combined with one arm, the nerves permanently damaged by his Hydreigon, Ghetsis was an incredibly unhealthy man. 
N lifted his head, staring his father in the eyes. One was still covered, and the other just as vividly scarlet as he remembered. It was difficult for him to maintain eye contact, but he forced himself to push through it. 
‘I’ve come to let you know my answer,’ N declared. He had taken a quiet, deep breath in before speaking, to ensure his voice would not wobble, nor crack.
His head had been spinning, ever since Ghetsis initially approached him. Wanting to be a father to him again…
Though in order for him to be a father “again”, he had to have been one before. N knew that, deep down. But it was a thought he tried to keep pushed to the back of his mind. 
‘Let’s send out our Pokemon,’ N added, when Ghetsis remained silent, just observing him. 
Zekrom and Kyurem were both released from their Pokeballs, two thirds of the Tao Trio coming eye to eye with one another again for the first time in years. 
‘Well? What’s your answer?’ Ghetsis demanded. Still so impatient. 
‘...I don’t think it’s possible for us to become a true father and son so easily…’ N cautiously replied. His nerves were threatening to spill over, and he grabbed the brim of his cap. Something to focus on, while under his father’s scarlet gaze. ‘But… if you’ve really had a change of heart, and are seriously prepared to face people and Pokemon, then… maybe one day, it will be. That’s why I need you to show me that you have love in your heart -’
Ghetsis, the lower half of his face hidden by his incredibly high collar, clenched his jaw together tightly. How the fuck was he going to do that?
‘- through battle!’
Oh. The former Plasma leader relaxed. That was alright, then.
‘Father!’ The word escaped N’s lips, as he called out to the man before him. Ghetsis’ eyes slid shut.
‘I am grateful you’ve given me this opportunity…’ he started, his voice soft. N’s demeanour changed a little - Ghetsis was accepting what he said? Then maybe, just maybe, he had been telling the truth, after all! If Ghetsis could work on his issues, and treat those around him like human beings, and N himself like one, instead of an extension of Ghetsis, then -
‘Thank you for this chance.’ Ghetsis’ voice pulled N out of his thoughts again. The Plasma leader’s face twisted into a wicked grin, as he leant forward on his cane, a malicious glint in his eye. ‘To capture Zekrom for myself!’
No. No, please, God, no -
‘What?’ N gasped. The words left him winded, as though Ghetsis had struck him with his cane.
And it was a feeling he remembered all too well.
‘Now! Restrain Zekrom!’ Ghetsis commanded, his voice thunderous, as N tried to wrap his head around what was going on.
How could you be so stupid? Of COURSE Ghetsis was going to betray you, it’s what he DOES! the former king mentally chastised. How could he have been taken in so well? How, even now, with years free from Ghetsis’ influence, could he still be so easily manipulated? 
As Ghetsis slammed his cane down on the rocky ground, several unfamiliar figures in black and white masks suddenly leapt out, having been waiting for Ghetsis’ signal. More Pokeballs were flung into the air, as more Pokemon were sent out, between N and Ghetsis. 
Crackles of electricity zapped around Zekrom, the giant legendary held in place. N had frozen up again, feeling helpless, lost for what to do. 
‘Zekrom!’ he cried. 
‘It can’t move,’ Ghetsis said, a sinister chuckle coming forth. ‘I took special measures to use Pokemon that can hold it in place.’
N’s hands clenched into tight fists, shaking. How could I be so stupid? The entire thing had been a scam. Not only had Ghetsis prepared his Hydreigon to counter his team, not only had he made sure the Shadow Triad had Pokemon that could take down Zekrom, he had now done the same thing again on Pasio, to ensure he got what he wanted!
And like a fool, I fell for it, N’s mind traitorously whispered. 
‘What d’you think you’re doing?!’ Nate angrily snapped. He looked as though, if the Pokemon were not there, he would run at Ghetsis and try to physically attack him. 
‘I can’t believe you’d actually do such a thing…’ N’s voice was flat, hollow, belying the deep sense of betrayal that was rooting him on the spot. 
‘Of course I would!’ Ghetsis taunted, cackling. In typical Ghetsis style, he seemed to be relishing rubbing salt into the wound. When he spoke again, his voice was a disdainful sneer, not making the slightest effort to mask his contempt for his own child. ‘I only put on that ridiculous act so that I could get my hands on Zekrom! That is all you’re worth to me! As if we could be a true family! Me? With a freak like you?!’
N’s jaw was clamped tightly shut, only barely managing to contain an outburst of pain at Ghetsis’ words. He had heard that insult too many times.
“He’s nothing more than a freak without a human heart!”
He had lost count of just how many times that word had been wielded like a weapon against him throughout his entire life. Every time he had attempted to talk to his father, particularly about his ability to talk to Pokemon, it had always gone the same way.
And that was no doubt the reason why, as an adult, he was still being called a freak. Because Ghetsis had always refused to believe his claims. 
The fight had left N, and he did not bother to counter his father’s harsh words. But Nate was livid. 
‘How dare you play with N’s feelings like that?!’ he yelled, launching his Pokeball into the air, Braviary bursting from it. ‘I’m going to help N protect Zekrom!’
With an instruction to attack, and N still paralysed, Nate began to battle the Team Break grunts that had gathered under Ghetsis’ command, and easily took them down. As the last opposing Pokemon fell, Ghetsis’ expression twitched, ever so slightly. 
‘...Not bad,’ he conceded. ‘I can feel your anger!’ And it fuelled him.
‘Next is the pair holding down Zekrom!’ Nate declared. The Team Break trainer in question looked concerned as Nate attacked again. 
‘That’s enough.’
A new, commanding voice interjected, as yet another Pokemon appeared. The sleek, yet threatening form of Mewtwo landed between Ghetsis and Team Break, and N and Nate, pushing the latter two back. Mewtwo extended one arm, launching a hard blast of psychic power, taking Braviary down. Trying not to panic, Nate recalled his Pokemon before it could hit the ground, as N gawped at the newcomer.
‘Is… is that…?’ His voice trailed off, his eyes wide in horror when he recognised his father’s ally. 
‘Stay out of my way,’ Giovanni warned, his voice a low snarl. He looked almost exactly as N remembered. He had not seen anything of Team Rocket himself, not even on the news; Ghetsis had done too good a job when Team Rocket were around, of keeping N secluded and ignorant of the outside world. But the boy had heard things from his sisters, and done his own research since escaping Team Plasma. 
This Giovanni did not look too dissimilar to the man he had seen in photos. Perhaps a little older, his face slightly more lined. A few flecks of grey in an otherwise jet black head of hair. But the biggest difference, was the symbol emblazoned on the breast of his jacket. Not a red R, but multicoloured. Reds, yellows, greens and blues, one colour transforming into the other. 
Rainbow Rocket Giovanni rolled up a sleeve. In doing so, he revealed not just the fact that his arm was so heavily tattooed that his skin colour could not be seen, but more importantly, the Mega Bracelet enclosed around his wrist. 
‘Giovanni?’ N questioned, as the man in question approached, coming to a stop beside Mewtwo. ‘W-What are you doing here?’
The realisation that an already bad situation had just gotten worse caused N’s voice to crack. Which in turn made Ghetsis smirk. N was afraid. Good.
‘I just so happened to meet Ghetsis, while recruiting Team Break members,’ Giovanni explained. The apparently leaderless team had been like a gift for him. Already organised, already with their own Pokemon, all they needed was someone to take them under their wing. Someone to guide them.
And who better than Giovanni?
‘He told me all about his plans. And if he’s able to get his hands on your Zekrom, then that works out perfectly for me.’
In just getting him this far, this Ghetsis had already proven himself to be much more useful than the one he had already met and recruited into Rainbow Rocket. But, Giovanni was a smart man. He knew that the Rainbow Rocket Ghetsis had already tried to manipulate him, and was absolutely prepared for the current Ghetsis to try and do the same. Ghetsis no doubt had his own hidden agenda, but he was certainly not the only one. 
‘Yes, so I should thank you for gathering these pawns, and sharing your information with me,’ Ghetsis smirked. ‘I’ll be sure to return the favour. Now, our preparations are complete! I will soon possess a legendary that combines two powers!’
‘No…!’ Nate gasped. 
‘The fusion of Kyurem and Zekrom…’ N murmured, the memories of the exact same thing happening before flying through his mind. 
‘Watch this moment closely!’ Ghetsis cried out, as he approached the trapped Zekrom, Giovanni keeping close behind him. 
‘Zekrom!’ N called.
‘Ghetsis, don’t do it!’ Nate added. He knew too well that there was no way Ghetsis would listen, but without his Pokemon and badly outnumbered, there was not much else he could do. 
‘Kyurem! Absorb Zekrom, use Absofusion!’ Ghetsis ordered, an unhinged, determined grin set upon his face. 
‘Now’s my chance,’ Giovanni quietly said, watching the scene intently. He snapped his fingers. ‘Do it.’
Mewtwo reappeared, floating in the gap between the two other legendaries, facing Kyurem down. 
‘What the -?’ Nate spluttered. N looked similarly taken aback.
‘They stopped them from fusing?’ he questioned, not entirely certain whether he believed what he was seeing. 
‘What do you think you’re doing?’ Ghetsis spat, glowering at Giovanni. He slammed his cane on the ground again. ‘Giovanni!’
‘Well, you see… I too have a plan,’ Giovanni replied. ‘I know how you operate, Ghetsis. Perhaps a little too well, and the way I see it, once you have both of these legendaries under your command, your next move will be to secure more pawns to make use of. And as these Team Break members answer to me, I know that it’d be me you target next.’
Ghetsis remained silent, teeth bared. As Giovanni observed him, he could see that he had been completely right. Granted, it would not have been out of character for Ghetsis to lie, and claim he had nothing of the sort planned, but he surmised Ghetsis would only have done that if he were calmer. And the ex Plasma leader, as he was currently, looked apoplectic with rage. 
Ghetsis’ raging, hateful silence was the only answer Giovanni required.
‘So, I intend to take Kyurem and Zekrom before that can happen!’
‘How cunning,’ Ghetsis hissed. ‘But it’s too little, too late.’
More masked members of Team Break appeared, again, on Ghetsis’ cue, standing beside him, as Giovanni’s eyes widened, just for a second. 
‘You are not the only one who has a talent for convincing people to join you,’ Ghetsis gloated. ‘I am more than capable of that, too! A faction of Team Break is already under my command!’
Oh, shit. This was not what Giovanni had in mind. He knew exactly what Ghetsis was planning, yet the son of a bitch still out-witted him!
Despite his inner panic, the Rainbow Rocket leader’s expression continued to be a smug grin, as though it was all a game they were playing. He would be damned if he was going to let Ghetsis know that he was rattled.
‘I guess I underestimated you after all,’ he admitted. ‘In that case… Mewtwo, get them!’
‘Rise! We must defeat Giovanni!’ Ghetsis roared. 
‘...So they’ve broken their alliance,’ N mused, as more Pokemon were sent out. With the attention mostly taken off Zekrom, N felt he could breathe a little more easily. ‘...I suppose they were never actually allies in the first place… 
‘I want to help Zekrom, but there are way too many Pokemon over there…’ Nate fretted. 
‘Go, Volcarona!’ 
Another new voice entered the fray, as a familiar Volcarona appeared over N’s head, striking the Team Break Pokemon. As they were knocked out, N and Nate spun around on their heels to see the former champion, Alder Castillo, striding forward. He was staring directly at Ghetsis, his expression set into a look of grim determination, with a young redhead behind him. 
‘Alder! Silver!’ Nate greeted, a wave of relief washing through him to have some backup. 
‘I had an unpleasant feeling that something bad would happen,’ Alder stated. The sensation of foreboding had been with him ever since he learnt Ghetsis was back. He knew that N had been ambivalent about forgiving him, and having a proper father and son relationship with the man again. And Alder did not want to completely squash his hopes of that happening. He had been direct with stating that he did not trust Ghetsis, but seeing the look of utter defeat in the young boy’s eyes, Alder had to wonder just what he had missed. That maybe he had not been severe enough. Perhaps he should have explicitly told N not to trust his despicable excuse for a “father”, even for the faintest fraction of a second. ‘I’m glad we made it in time. We took care of the Team Break members at the entrance, but reinforcements are on their way right now! We need to get out of here!’
Silver, the young redhead, was not paying any attention to Alder. Nor was he even paying any attention to Ghetsis. No, his gaze was firmly on Giovanni, and his expression was one of hatred. 
‘Oh?’ Giovanni questioned, glancing over. He was uncertain how to react, so he kept the same usual smug demeanour. This boy was not his Silver, but was a Silver. And clearly things had gone the same way between him and his Giovanni, as they had in the Rainbow Rocket leader’s timeline. 
‘I have more important things to worry about right now, than him,’ Silver declared, without giving one single fuck about the fact that his voice was loud enough for Giovanni to hear. Not that Giovanni seemed bothered. He was used to it from his own Silver. ‘Come on, hurry up!’
Now freed, N turned back to the rest of the group to see Zekrom land before him.
‘I’m so glad you’re okay…’ he murmured, relief sparkling in his eyes.
‘Let’s get out of here,’ Nate urged. 
Sensing that the situation was no longer in their favour, the Team Break grunts who had followed Ghetsis began to retreat, much to his annoyance.
‘Tch… Worthless fools,’ he growled. 
‘Now that a former champion has arrived, I suppose I have no choice but to give up on Zekrom,’ Giovanni decided. For now. ‘Kyurem, on the other hand, will be mine.’
‘I warned you before…’ Ghetsis started, his voice dripping with rage, before suddenly ramping up to a scream, ‘NOT TO UNDERESTIMATE ME!’
The cane struck the ground, as Kyurem roared. Alder winced at the noise, but Giovanni seemed unbothered. A snap of his fingers later, and he was gone, along with Mewtwo. Alder glanced back, seeing N approach, and noticed how the boy looked mentally exhausted. It was no surprise, Alder guessed that N must felt like he had been put through the wringer.
Because he had been. He was about to speak up, to try and reach out to N, when Nate interrupted with another insistence that they should leave. He was right, the less time they spent in the cave, the better. Giovanni might have been gone, but there was still Ghetsis to contend with. 
N stopped before he reached Alder and Nate. And, without breathing a word, he turned his back, and strode over to his father. 
‘...What?’ Ghetsis questioned, a look of annoyed confusion on his face. N refused to clarify, but stayed by his side. 
‘What are you doing? Just leave him!’ Silver irritably told N.
‘Yes, what are you doing?’ Ghetsis agreed, clearly as baffled as his son’s friends. 
‘...I want to save Kyurem, regardless of whose Pokemon it is. Even if that means I have to help you...’ N finally answered, without looking at any of them. Part of him had to wonder what the hell he was doing, siding up with Ghetsis, after how Ghetsis had betrayed him, insulted him, and openly laughed about it. He told himself that he was not doing this for Ghetsis’ sake, or even his own.
This was for Kyurem.
‘...I won’t call you my father, Ghetsis.’ That was fine with the Plasma leader. His skin always crawled when that word left N’s mouth. Disgusting. N turned and looked at him. ‘But if you co-operate, I’ll help you get out of this!’
‘I see. Very well. That’s convenient for me,’ Ghetsis replied. No “thank you”, but of course not. N had never gotten a “please” or a “thank you” from Ghetsis in his life, and he definitely did not expect that to change now. ‘Let’s take him down, N!’
‘N and Ghetsis, standing side by side…’ Nate muttered. The idea left him unsettled. It was wrong. He brought the Pokeball with his unconscious Braviary in it up to his mouth, whispering to it, as he used a revive. ‘Just a little longer, we need to help N…’
‘Hey!’ Silver called out, as Nate and Braviary took off. 
‘It’s too late to stop them. Let’s just make sure that they have a safe escape route,’ Alder told the redhead. 
‘The plan is to hold off Mewtwo until he can’t come after you any more, alright?’ N told his father.
‘Yes,’ Ghetsis crisply agreed.
‘Well, why don’t we put it to the test?’ Giovanni questioned, as he was joined by his own Team Break grunts again, now they had recovered from the previous fight. ‘Let’s see what your little father-son team up can do!’
Nate’s Braviary, and the two other legendaries opposing Giovanni started the battle, fighting ferociously against the Rainbow Rocket leader and his underlings. It was not long until it was just the legendaries against each other, and with Mewtwo outnumbered, it was Giovanni’s team that fell. 
‘...Hmph, I suppose that does surpass my expectations,’ he reluctantly confessed. 
‘After him!’ Ghetsis then commanded. 
‘No! You remember what I said earlier, don’t you?! We’re getting out of here!’ N countered. 
‘What?’ Ghetsis hissed, angry that N spoke back to him. But he could see that this time, N was not going to be moved. ‘Fine.’
‘Too bad,’ Giovanni said to himself, as the others left. ‘This would have been so much easier had you stayed here...’ He glanced to the cave exit. ‘Go after them.’
Giovanni had assumed that it was just him, Mewtwo, and his underlings left. That the others had all left with Ghetsis and N. So he was surprised when he saw himself suddenly face to face with his son.
‘That’s enough. Your plan failed,’ Silver glared. ‘Let them go, or else!’ 
To Giovanni’s surprise, the Pokemon that Silver released was none other than Ho-Oh. 
When did Silver obtain a legendary of his own? Giovanni thought, as Ho-Oh flapped its wings and released a loud cry. 
‘...Change of plans,’ Giovanni decided, recalling Mewtwo. ‘We’re leaving.’
His decision confused his underlings, who had been readying themselves for another fight. 
‘B-But sir…?’ one hesitantly questioned.
‘The more people you command, the harder it is to control them. I think learning that much is enough for today,’ Giovanni replied. He tilted his head, glancing to the side at Silver. ‘Besides… I’m very pleased by what I’ve seen today.’
Silver pulled a face, and blinked. Was Giovanni complimenting him? For standing up to him? Obtaining Ho-Oh? But once the shock quickly wore off, his expression turned back to angry. He was not going to be taken in, be swayed by Giovanni’s words! This man had no idea who Silver was, if he thought a few pretty words could appease him.
It was probably a lie, anyway.
Silver headed outside the cave again, where the rest of the group - unfortunately, still including Ghetsis - were waiting for him.
‘I think they’ve stopped coming after us now,’ Silver declared, without offering any explanation as to why he had stayed behind. None of them needed to know about him challenging Giovanni. Or what Giovanni had said to him. 
‘I see. In that case…’ Alder pointedly looked back at Ghetsis.
‘You want to come after me, now? I can’t allow that to happen,’ he warned. ‘Perhaps we can come to a truce for today. What do you think, N?’
‘...I know that you haven’t changed, at all,’ N said, and Alder was relieved. He had been concerned that siding with Ghetsis to protect him might have caused N to start reconsidering, again. He wanted nothing more than for N to have a father he could be happy with, but as long as his father was Ghetsis, that was just not possible. ‘If you do anything to harm the people or Pokemon here, I will be the first in line to stop you!’
‘I’ll keep that in mind,’ Ghetsis replied, tone thick with sarcasm. Clearly he did not believe N to be a big enough threat to him. ‘Then, farewell.’
‘Wait, Ghetsis!’ Nate then called. Ghetsis paused, not turning back around to face them, but instead peered over his shoulder, to see what Nate wanted. ‘I hate you. I’ll never forget what you did in Unova! But you’re still N’s father! You raised him, and spent all those years together!’
Ghetsis had no idea where Nate was going with his tangent, and neither did N. N’s childhood had been spent cooped up inside one room. A very spacious room, admittedly, but still locked away from the rest of the world, and fed only whatever information Ghetsis deemed worthy of him knowing. As much as N longed for change, he was no longer blind to the horrendous circumstances that stole his childhood. 
So why was Nate bringing it up?
‘Are you really going to say you felt nothing when the two of you were fighting side by side?!’ Nate demanded. ‘It’s not too late to change your ways! Please, at least think about it!’
Oh. N braced himself. He was certain that Ghetsis was going to scoff, laugh hysterically at such a ridiculous notion, and he knew it was going to hurt. 
‘Nate…’ N began. 
‘Ghetsis!’ Nate repeated, when he got no reply. And N’s heart sunk to his stomach, when sure enough, Ghetsis began to chuckle. At last, he turned back properly to face them, and erupted with laughter.
‘You naive fool! Our relationship is nothing more than that between a master and his tools! What happened here changes nothing!’ he barked, before turning his evil scarlet gaze onto N. ‘As long as I can keep using you, I don’t care what you call our relationship! I do whatever I please! I am not your ally, not your friend, and I am certainly not your father!’
In unison, N and Nate both tugged on the brims of their headwear. Nate in embarrassment, and upset for N, and N to try and cover his face. He was attempting to be as expressionless as he could, but the hurt shone in his eyes.
‘How dare you -!’ Silver began, readying to go into a full force rant. 
‘Despicable,’ Alder quickly interjected, unwilling to let the youngster draw too much of Ghetsis’ attention. ‘You’re the one without a heart!’
‘If that’s all,’ Ghetsis sneered, their anger and words bouncing off him. With another - but more sardonic - farewell, Ghetsis was whisked away by Kyurem, leaving them free of him at last.
‘I had a bad feeling this might happen,’ Alder sighed. ‘N, my apologies. I think I should have stopped you before you went to help him.’
‘Don’t apologise,’ N said, to Alder and Nate. ‘It was my decision. Please, don’t be sad on my behalf.’
‘...Nate, are you crying again?’ Silver questioned. He looked embarrassed.
‘You truly have a kind heart,’ N gently told Nate, ‘one that resonates with others. You got angry for the people of Unova, you yelled at Ghetsis for me… and now, you’re even crying for me...’
‘I can’t help it! It’s just all so messed up!’ Nate wept. ‘You’re not asking for anything special! You just want a normal relationship with the man you call your father! It’s not asking for much! Why can’t you have that too?!’
‘Nate… It’s okay.’ It was a lie, but a lie told for N’s own sake as well as Nate’s. Right now, he felt like being strong for his friend distracted him from his own pain. ‘I may not have a father, but I have good friends like you.’
‘N…’ Nate sniffled.
‘Yeah, you can survive without a father,’ Silver chimed in, and N nodded in agreement.
I’m blessed to be surrounded by such kind people and Pokemon. That’s enough for me. I suppose… a father figure was just never meant to be.
...But it was nice to hope for it.
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vaguely-concerned · 3 years
The Mandalorian Chapter 11 reactions; the ‘the sea is a harsh mistress’ edition
- on first watch this wasn’t really one of my favorite episodes. I think it’s something to do with... one of the many things I love about the mandalorian is how it made the star wars universe feel HUGE. big and surprising and unknowable, there could be fucking anything out there man we don’t know. so having first bo katan show up and then ahsoka being set up right after (quite aside from who’s rumoured to play her, which is an entirely different can of wormy beans) in additon to opening the season on tatooine... eh. I’m not that into it, it feels like shrinking the world. we haven’t even gotten to see any other type of force user yet. it is only early/mid season tho so they’re probably going to pull some unexpected twists on us 
my opinion might change with rewatches too, that happens quite a bit with this show!
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honestly I had kind of a hard day yesterday and watched this the next morning and kept pointing tiredly to the crest like ‘it me tho’ 
- I was unreasonably happy about seeing the calamari flan again hahaha he’s been keeping that shit in his pockets for a season and a half now (didn’t he pay with some at one other point too?)! also the sound effects for them are SO EXCELLENT, I keep thinking about how well this show does texture which is wild considering how it’s filmed 
- the warm pat din gave frog lady’s arm when he thanked her and said goodbye 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I love the small ways he’s thawing 
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my heart ached so much for him at this point, he just looks so small and tense and lost, like a kid who’s lost his parents in a supermarket
(he keeps his hand on the blaster the whole time too so he knows this is a bad scene but now they’re right out in the middle of the ocean already soooo) 
- din’s very very very dry sense of humour is so blessed. ‘a bowl of chowder for my friend’ faklhfsadkjlfhsadkjhfsd
the baby’s look when he poked the squid thing with his knife too -- yodito’s like ‘dad is a wizard??’ haha. some good baby & dad stuff in this one 
- oh din... side quest boy, side quest booooooyyy
- the shot when bo katan helped him out of the water is perfectly mirroring the scene of bb!din being pulled up to safety by the mandalorian in the flashback, which seems Very Intentional
I Extremely Do Not Trust Her in the larger scale tho. I think it’s important that din knows now that he was raised in a very specific offshoot of the mandalorians ant that there’s some Stuff he hasn’t been told, but I also think it’s crucial to remember that her pov is not unbiased either and she, in fact, already has an established tendency to selectively share information with him to manipulate him into fulfilling her goals. (which he realizes because he keeps saying ‘that is not my mission, my mission is the child’ and I could not love him more). hell, I’m not sure exactly how ‘the children of the watch’ were positioned within death watch, but she was fucking death watch too for the longest time! and she hardly left for particularly noble reasons, she just didn’t like maul! she already lost mandalore like twice, do we just have to trust that third time’s the charm or what! 
she lied to him about the scope of the mission to force him into a position to do what she wanted (fully knowing he’s responsible for a child!!) and she called that ‘the way’ just as easily as the thing about not letting his bravery be forgotten! big red warning lights, NO! I think the thing is that din is having to find his own ‘way’ of being mandalorian (/how does one be a person exactly help?? relatable content, and he’ll get there in the end I’m sure he’s so good), but her way is no less fucked up to me than the children of the watch from what we’ve seen so far. she’s good at killing imperials though which is of course a mark in her favour
(considering that the episode gives her the epithet ‘the heiress’... yeah that’s probably a hint that she’s loyal first and foremost to her entitlement, getting the position she considers hers by right of inheritance. guess we’ll see if the text agrees with her)  
- ‘mandalorians are stronger together’ yeah that’s probably why the cosmic balance makes sure they’re mostly engaged in being at each other’s throats lol 
- so I might be feeling kind of sketch about these guys but on the other hand... when that one lady saved the baby and then promptly took off her helmet to reveal she looks like t h i s ?
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you better BELIEVE I was ready to fall down on one knee and propose right then and there holy shit
- ...wow if he didn’t have the jet pack din probably would have just sunk like a rock and drowned there huh 😨 that armour’s pretty heavy, turns out
- in happier news: din has become so good at reading what the child is expressing and responding/labeling the feeling for him! that’s so important to his development! ‘I know you’re hungry’ and both telling and showing him there’s a solution! still a bit of an issue that he thinks he can inform the baby of things like it’s a reasoned adult and have it understand, but we’re getting there we’re getting there lol
- that poor lady guiding them in for landing and sounding more and more worried fhkasjdlhfkjsdlahf (and he fucking TURNS OFF THE RADIO or whatever he’s using to talk to her through sdkfhaksdfhjs he takes a precious split second just to cut her off asfdjhaslkdfsdfhsda I love my salty dad) 
- when the fisherman asshole tells mando he knows where to find more of his people there’s the tinkling bell sound in the background music, I think it’s meant to convey almost childlike longing for belonging and connection, for finding someone who’ll know what to do? 
- when they took off their helmets and baby looked up at din like ‘???dad what the fuck? can you do that???’. (or like he just sensed his father taking a shitload of psychic damage all in one go)
- the way din didn’t start breathing again until they got the baby up from the water and he had him in his arms... the way he held him... sladfhasdklfhsjakdhfjsakldhfsakjldhfsjkadhfjaskdhfskajdhfjsdakhfslakhfskladhfsakljdhfjskadlhfkjsld
that whole scene was like a nightmare, so desperately unpleasant, in a way it mirrors the way the mandalorians have been hunted down and pummeled these last few generations, this must sort of be what it feels like to him subconsciously 
- din isn’t particularly inflexible as a person, after the initial kneejerk rejection he did listen to what they said and is carefully considering it (he did say ‘this is the way’ back at the end!)   
- the baby’s babbling when he wakes up and looks around in the beginning sounds half like ‘baba?’ and I almost had a heart attack
- loved how greasy and awful and dumb all the empire dudes were (and the comedy on board the ship too it was good for me) 
- the boob plates huh. shit they’ve shown with the armorer that they don’t have to do that in any way shape or form and they still brought the boob plates back :/ I guess it’s so they match up with the rebels/clone wars look, evoking that ~*era*~ and everything, but I don’t have to like it lol  
- I feel so validated in my theory that the razor crest is symbolic of din’s sense of self  (now with beautifully added commentary!) after this haha (and also so so scared now they might be ditching it for a new ship eventually). it’s in pieces, his world view is going to pieces and can’t be patched together the way it was before, from what he knows he’s about to deliver the baby to someone else who’ll understand/love/deserve him better (I do think that feeling is still in him) and he doesn’t even have the certainty of the code anymore to fill the void. oh buddy. 
the discomfort I felt when we got back into the cockpit -- into where it’s supposed to be familiar and safe! -- and saw all the ocean junk lying around, making it feel weird and changed and dirty (it probably smells like rotten seaweed in there now :( no likey)... I mean it was also very funny to see the pilot’s chair held together with a literal fishing net, but please favreau leave my dad’s car/ego alooooone 
- baby laughing his little bum off at din catching the small sea monster before it got him and then munching it......... the ‘there’s nothing in this world my dad can’t fix’ safe energy.......... I’m so scared we’re coming up on something din can’t fix 
- knitwear in star wars: I didn’t know I wanted it, but I am ELATED with having been given it
- moff gideon’s amazing evil voice... back in our ears, in our hearts, I gleefully hate him 
- at least din’s armour is clean again after that (awful) swim? one must appreciate some silver linings along the way I suppose
- din goes straight for the main pilot’s seat once they get the imperial out of it, so he must feel really secure that he’s probably the best man for the job; he is genuinely a good pilot! (and after this I am wondering even MORE who taught him. who raised you within the mandos din??)
- even while everything is new and scary and falling apart we can live safe in the knowledge that at least frog lady and frog husband had a good day and will have a good and happy frog life together with their frog children
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couple goals tbh 
(I don’t necessarily know how it works for frog people but I uh. guess they got busy quickly huh hahaha good thing mando didn’t turn up again until later)
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ayankun · 3 years
WandaVision episode 6
Whenever I go back to pause things for clues, and find exactly what I’m looking for, I don’t feel justified, I feel that much more insane:
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It’s really hard to make out, but I had an alright look at it on my folks’ QLED, and it’s definitely a flying saucer doing an alien abduction on what looks to be a person inside an old CRT TV (with some kind of robot head/boombox on top???)  There are secret aliens in this show, you guys, the facts don’t lie.
HmmmMMMM I wonder if Agnes is as innocent as she looks:
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Also, I didn’t see that she was wearing the brooch in this ep, and I was majorly disappointed in that.
Two things here:
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No, that’s not a twins joke.
Another Moonmen Confirmed
I know green is his color or whatever, but that hat is literally 10 years ahead of its time
Also, I took the playing-DDR-at-home scenario at face value, and only on the first rewatch did I realize it was a very pointed turn-of-the-century reference.  I am an Old.
There’s a good, subtle Rule of Threes in this ep.  The Setup:
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The Sokovian Halloween flashback works on so many levels.  It’s so funny:
The fact that they went trick-or-treating at all
The “speaking Sokovian”
The treat being a fish
They have to share the fish
The concept that this event gave them an infectious disease
“You probably suppressed a lot of the trauma” -- it’s a good sitcom joke but.  the trauma is the joke.  The joke IS THE TRAUMA!!!
Elizabeth Olson is a dream with all her wonderful faces she has this ep.
Vision’s unsettling passive-aggression-sitcom-cooperation whiplash is WOW, consider me unsettled!!!!!!  “Be. Good.”  UGH.
(Just noticed one here, but there are a number of continuity errors in this episode, enough to be distracting later on, and is this a deliberate choice?  Please let it be deliberate.  I didn’t watch a whole lot of Malcolm in the Middle, is it known for its continuity errors?
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“It’s their first Halloween.” LOLOLOL they are TEN YEARS OLD and this is their FIRST halloween I LOVE IT
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Agent Jimmy Woo accidentally identifying himself as the sassy best friend added 20 years to my life.
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Found.  FOUND.  Not “created,” “manifested,” “willed into being using my insane witch powers.”  Third Party Confirmed.
I like that it’s the 90s and we can swear on TV now.  “Hell” “kick-ass” “damn it” “fu---dge”
I think the most biting part of Vision finding the whacked out folks is that the soundtrack just kind of ... ignores that anything’s wrong.  Yeah, it’s kinda-spooky Halloween music, but it’s still 100% in-world kinda-spooky-sitcom-Halloween-episode music. 
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As a 90s child, let me tell you, this is a blisteringly accurate representation of children’s marketing from the period.  The shark is wearing sunglasses AND he has a surfboard!!!  And he’s selling you yogurt of all things!!!!!  This is the supreme distillation of what being a child in the 90s was like.
How disappointed I am that they went with crab instead of lobster.
Heard it through the grapevine that this is a representative of Wanda’s imprisonment on the Raft.  That happened in Civil War, right?  So the next ad is The Snap?  We’re running out of iconic decades, too. so, hold on, new thought.
90s: Civil War
00s: Infinity War
10s?????: Endgame???? or?????????
??: Whatever happened between Endgame and WandaVision, given that the ads are stepping forward through Wanda’s IRL life events!!
I don’t want to know how many episodes are planned/announced, but I don’t know what to expect from the format after they run out of decades from which to draw.  Maybe there are only one or possibly two “sitcom” episodes left.  Maybe after that it just breaks down and they can pick and choose from the worlds/styles we’ve already established.  That’d be p neat.  A very unique kind of chaos.
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god she’s so cute
Okay, somebody explain to me Pietro.  I honestly walked away from last week thinking he was just some townsperson chump, but then I was reminded that this is the Quicksilver actor from all those X-Mans movies I never watched, soooo people are saying Multiverse Confirmed?  But, if this is X-Mans’ Pietro, then why did he die the same as MCU Pietro?  Or is he literally MCU!Pietro’s corpse, given that he looked all dead same as when she saw Vision’s corpse?  If MCU!Pietro, then why different face???
Also I found him highly suspicious, what with all the questions he was asking.  But the only sort of person who would truly want to know the answers to those questions would be someone who already had them ... so I think he was just asking on behalf of the audience, and the delivery was all wonked out.
Rule of Threes - The Reference:
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Ok, real talk, whenever computers/networks/data/encryption/servers/mainframes et al come up in mainstream media, I just look away.  I don’t need the kind of psychic damage that comes with such egregious mishandling of the topic.
That being said, does Hayward having eyes through the barrier mean that he could possibly be involved in getting it set up?  Because look.  If Hayward-after-Hayward’s-Villianous-Ends is one antagonizing force, then is there really room for the Third Party (Confirmed) antagonizing force that’s lurking in the negative space silhouette of the Inciting Incident?  With Wanda as the Red Herring antagonizing force, that’s just.  There’s just too many villains, alright?  We gotta start merging these plotlines.
(then again, when I just said “eyes” I realize probably understanding the true nature of his new secret “CATARACT” project will clear a lot of things up.  I’ll wait for enlightenment)
Agnes’ license plate in this episode is 0A1-B2C, which I think is a reference to the way reality is getting pared down to bare bones at the edge of town.  Note that this is not the same license plate number as seen last ep.
ALSO, I drove home behind a NJ plate just an hour ago, and was staring at it for a long time, trying to fit it into the puzzle before A) realizing that this was Real Life and not part of the show and B) WTF is a NJ plate doing in front of me in California.  In any case, I can confirm that NJ plates do not appear to have this number-letter repeating format.
So let’s talk Agnes.
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Demonstrated knowledge of the situation in ways others haven’t (”There’s the star of the show” “kids, you can’t control ‘em”)
Shows up when needed most (explained as being Wanda’s doing, but is it)
When Wanda was having her babies, though, who was trustworthy enough to be summoned?  Was it Agnes?
Wanted to babysit REAL BAD
Was in the opening credits framed possessively with the twins
Doesn’t appear to have an IRL identity according to Jimmy’s crime board
Keeps talking about her husband but we’ve never seen him.  Highly unlikely that he’s real
Was the one to find Sparky “dead” - internet thinks she was lying to Wanda about how or possibly if he was dead (I’m trying not to read the theories, so idk exactly what the angle is there)
In an episode where everyone is wearing their original comic outfits, Agnes is dressed as (and laughs like!) a witch
She name-drops Wanda as the one controlling everyone; Norm (or the guy playing Norm) only said “she” and “her” -- meaning Agnes?
So we’re 99% sure Agnes is Agatha Harkness, right?  I never read no comics, so I’m taking the internet’s word for it, but from what I can tell, I think we must be right.  If that’s the case, then I’m thinking it’s not impossible for her to be pulling some strings around here (giving Wanda a justification for her “that wasn’t me” doorbell ring, for example, and pulling a double red herring on the fact that she shows up whenever the narrative Wanda her nefarious scheme calls for it).
To devil’s advocate myself, though, we also have Monica’s word that it was Wanda in her mind, lessening the impact of Agnes falsely confirming what Norm only implied.  Also she’d have to be acting for Vision’s sake (and ours) and, if so, then what did Vision’s brain-touch really do, and how did she know he’d find her there, and what did she intend as the result of that interaction etc etc.
If Wanda’s (or Wanda + Third Party Confirmed (Agnes??)’s) powers aren’t enough to sustain the simulation of life on the edges of town, how much worse is it going to be now that there is even more area to try to control???
I don’t know if this is strictly an intended read, but the idea of Halloween as a fun, scares-for-entertainment’s sake type holiday, the rounding off the edges of concepts like “skeletons and ghosts are what people are after they die, let’s decorate the town with them and have a good time” kind of is a haunting parallel to the nature of Wanda (et al) covering up the horrible truth of the situation with this happy-go-lucky sitcom glamour.
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How much does one hate seeing Vision giving his life for the greater good (the greater good) for the second time?  In other news, I think I’m seeing some specifically Mind Stone type energy-colors coming off of him, and very little Wanda type energy-colors.  Third Party Confirmed.
Also, I was thinking from last week that perhaps Hayward’s Villainous Ends included capturing the reanimated Vision to be one of those Sentient Weapons his organization is all about, but I Do Not Think his reaction to seeing that sought-after prize disintegrate in front of his eyes really matches up with that theory.  Again, will be patiently waiting for Jimmy to check his email to see what CATARACT is all about!
Rule of Threes - The Payoff:
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Also, anyone ID the movie playing in the background?
Ok, final thought.  I watched this about four times today, and on the big-ass TV at my parents’ house finally paused and got up close to see what that white shape is in the reflection.  Thought it might be a skull, but, it’s worse.
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These caps do not contain enough data to verify my claim, but I PROMISE YOU it’s a TV
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A square old thing with a round screen and antenna on top. 
I SWEAR to you, when I looked into the TV, into Wanda’s eyes, only to see the reflection of a TV, of her looking at me looking at her I had a visceral fear reaction.  Like.  LEGIT nauseous skin crawl.
(All the other episodes have ended with our POV as the fourth wall, from the general (or exact!!!) position their household TV is known to be.)
This is my favorite show Of All Time.
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thelittlesttimelord · 4 years
The Littlest Timelord: The Fall of the Eleventh Chapter 24
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TITLE: The Littlest Timelord: The Fall of the Eleventh Chapter 24 PAIRING: No Pairing RATING: T CHAPTER: 24/? SUMMARY: Elise Smith is now a teenaged Timelord. In addition to losing the Ponds, the fields of Trenzalore are calling. But first they have to figure out exactly who Clara Oswald is.
The Doctor stormed into the TARDIS and pulled the monitor around. “She's just a girl. How can she be?”
The monitor showed them the girl from the Dalek Asylum, along with a number of different photos from the current Clara’s past.
“She can't be. She is. She can't be.” He shoved the monitor away. “She's not possible.”
“We’ll figure it out. We always do,” Elise reassured him.
They picked up Clara and set off on her first real adventure.
“So we're moving through actual time? So what's it made of, time? I mean, if you can just roll through it, it's got to be made of stuff, like jam's made of strawberries. So what's it made of?”
“Well, not strawberries. No. No, no, no. That would be unacceptable.” The Doctor straightened his bowtie.
“And we can go anywhere?”
“Within reason. Well, I say reason…” He’d ended up in a myriad of odd places.
“So, we could go backwards in time.”
“And space, yes.”
“And forwards in time.”
“And space. Totally. So, where do you want to go, eh? What do you want to see?”
“I don't know. You know when someone asks you what's your favorite book and straight away you forget every single book that you've ever read?”
“No. Totally not.”
“Well, that's a thing that happens.”
“And? Back to the question?”
“Okay. So…So…So…” Clara ran towards the doors. “So I'd like to see…I would like to see…What I would like to see is…” She spun around. “…something awesome.”
The Doctor ran around the console and then led Elise and Clara out of the TARDIS.
Clara had her eyes closed.
“Can you feel the light on your eyelids? That is the light of an alien sun. Forward a couple of steps. Okay. Are you ready?” the Doctor asked Clara.
“Yes. No. Yes.” Clara opened her eyes.
“Welcome to the Rings of Akhaten.”
The Rings of Akhaten was an asteroid belt orbiting a huge star.
“It is. It so completely is. But wait, there is more.”
“More what?”
“Wait, wait, wait.” The Doctor looked at his watch. “In about five, four, three, two…”
The asteroids parted to reveal a golden pyramid.
“What is it?” Clara and Elise asked.
“The Pyramid of the Rings of Akhaten. It's a holy site for the Sun Singers of Akhate.”
“The who of what?”
“Seven worlds orbiting the same star. All of them sharing a belief that life in the universe originated here, on that planet.”
“All life?”
“In the universe.”
“Did it?”
“Well…it's what they believe. It's a nice story.”
“It’s beautiful,” Elise said.
“Can we see it? Up close?” Clara asked.
The Doctor held out his hand.
Clara took it and they ran back to the TARDIS.
Elise stood there looking at the star.
Clara grabbed her hand and pulled her into the TARDIS.
They stepped out into a marketplace.
It was filled with a wide variety of alien species, some of which Elise had never encountered before.
“Where are they all from?” Clara asked.
“Oh, you know, the local system, mostly,” the Doctor said.
“What do I call them?”
The Doctor started to point out the different alien races. “Well, let's see. Ah! There go some Pan-Babylonians. A Lugarlirakush. Some Eukanians. A Hooloovoo. Ah!” The Doctor walked up an alien and started speaking a language that sounded like gibberish to Elise and Clara. “That chap's a Terraberserker of the Kodonian Belt. You don't see many of them around anymore. Oh! That's an Ultramanta! Do you know, I forget how much I like it here. We should come here more often.”
“You've been here before?” Clara asked.
“Yes, yes, yes. I came here a long time ago with my granddaughter.” He grabbed Elise’s hand and pulled her over to a stall. “I brought you and Amy once.”
Elise furrowed her brows in confusion. “Did you?”
“You don’t remember?”
“I think I would have remembered this place.”
The Doctor shrugged.
Clara caught up to them.
He picked up a basket of blue orbs. “Exotic fruit of some description.” He scanned them. “Right. Non-toxic, non-hallucinogenic. High in free radicals and low in other stuff, I shouldn't wonder.”
Clara and Elise took a bite of it.
Clara shook her head, but Elise on the other hand felt like she’d tasted it before. The Doctor said they’d been here before so maybe she ate one as a child? The memory was there. She could feel it, but she couldn’t remember it.
“Do you like it?” the Doctor asked.
Elise nodded and the Doctor handed her the basket.
“You actually like it?” Clara asked Elise.
Elise shrugged. “Alien food.” Elise pointed to herself. “Alien.”
“So, why is everyone here?” Clara asked the Doctor.
“For the Festival of Offerings. Takes place every thousand years or so, when the rings align. It's quite a big thing, locally, like Pancake Tuesday.”
They kept walking and Clara ran into an alien who started snarling at her. “Oh! Er, Doctor!”
The Doctor walked up and started barking at the alien.
“What's happening? Why is it angry?” Clara asked.
“This isn't an it. It's a she. Dor'een, meet Clara and my daughter Elise. Elise, Clara, meet Dor'een.”
“Loose translation. She sounds a bit grumpy but she's a total love actually, aren't you? Yes, you are. No, actually, she's just asking if we fancy renting a moped.”
Clara barked and the Dor’een barked back. “So, how much does it cost?” Clara asked.
“Not money. Something valuable. Sentimental value. A photograph, love letter, something like that. That's what's used for currency here. Psychometry. Objects psychically imprinted with their history. The more treasured they are, the more value they hold.”
“That's horrible.”
“Better than using bits of paper.”
“Then you pay.”
“With what?”
“You're a thousand years old. You must have something you care about.” Clara walked off.
The Doctor took out his sonic screwdriver and shook his head, putting it back. He looped his arm threw Elise’s and they ventured back into the marketplace. The Doctor watched Elise marvel at all the wares around her.
“I always thought I loved it on Earth, but you know what? I think I like this more,” Elise told him.
“Because it reminds you of Gallifrey?”
Elise’s steps faltered for a second. Never let him see the damage. “We may look human, but we never will be.”
The Doctor patted her hand.
They kept walking until they found Clara near the TARDIS.
“What have you been doing?” the Doctor asked her.
Elise grabbed Clara’s arm and dragged her along with them.
“Where are we going now?”
They entered an amphitheater that was facing the pyramid.
The ceremony had already begun, so they quickly took their seats.
“Are we even supposed to be here?” Clara asked.
The Doctor hushed her.
“But are we?”
The Doctor hushed her again.
The girl on the pedestal turned around and smiled before starting to sing.
A song was coming from the pyramid too.
The Doctor pulled out a brochure. “They're singing to the Mummy in the Temple. They call it the Old God. Sometimes Grandfather,” the Doctor explained.
“What are they singing?” Clara asked.
“The Long Song. A lullaby without end to feed the Old God. Keep him asleep. It's been going for millions of years, chorister handing over to chorister, generation after generation after generation.”
Everyone around them held out their hands.
“What are they doing?”
“These are offerings. Gifts of value. Mementos to feed the Old God.”
The offerings dissolved as everyone around them started to join in with the song, including the Doctor.
Hearing the Doctor try to sing along brought back many happy memories of him singing her to sleep. Elise set her head on her father’s shoulder.
There was a rumbling noise and the singing stopped.
An energy beam grabbed the little girl and pulled her towards the pyramid.
“Okay, what's happening? Is that supposed to happen?” Clara asked.
“Help!” the little girl screamed.
“Is somebody going to do something? Excuse me, is somebody going to help her?”
The Doctor and Elise got up, running back into the now empty marketplace.
“Why are we walking away? We can't just walk away. This is my fault! I talked her into doing this,” Clara said.
“Listen. There's one thing you need to know about traveling with us. Well, one thing apart from the blue box and the two hearts. We don't walk away.” He walked over to Dor’een and talked to her for a second, before turning to the two women. “I need something precious.”
“Well, you must have something. All the places you've seen, there must be something,” Clara said.
The Doctor pulled out his sonic screwdriver. “This. And I don't want to give it away, because it comes in handy.”
“You're a thousand years ole and that's it? Your spanner?”
Elise rolled her eyes and took off the bracelet she was wearing, the one she never took off for anything.
The Doctor grabbed her wrist. “No.”
“We need a moped and you don’t want to give up your screwdriver, so what else do you suggest?”
“Your mother gave you that. Do you really want to give up the last thing tying you to your family?”
Before the two could argue about it even more, Clara took off one of the rings on her hand and dropped it in the box.
The two Timelords stared at her.
“It was my mum’s.”
The Doctor released Elise’s wrist and refastened the bracelet. He placed a hand on her head and kissed her temple, before Elise shoved him away from her.
She looked at the bracelet, trying to conjure up memories her parents. But she couldn’t. Nothing existed before her life with the Doctor.
There was nothing tying her to her birth family. She only wore the bracelet because it like it was a part of her.
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ahatintimestorybook · 4 years
A Voice in Time- Timeless Jade Chap.1
Finally!! I had the time to get working on the 2nd story of a Voice in Time! Sorry for the long wait for it, I was stuck on the outline and I didn’t want to work or post when I only had one chapter outlined, so I had to wait till Chap. 3 was done being outlined before working on this.
Other than that I’m excited to share the next part of my Pokemon AU with you all!
Also thank my beta reader, ReaderDragon!! She’s the best and deserves all the love!!!
A year has passed since Harriet, a.k.a Hattie had traveled to the past and met up with her mom and dad, and rescued Celebi. Afterwards, Hattie was living her life watching trainers battle her father, the gym leader watching them win and earn a gym badge or lose. Now she was finally 10-years old and with the help of her mom and dad, she was able to get her Trainer ID and badge case to take on the Johto League.
This was it!
A new journey was starting for Hattie, and now she can finally do something she always wanted to do; Battle!
“Hattrem, use Disarming Voice!” Hattie commanded.
Hattrem shouted a pink voice, which Mu’s Meowth dodged. That’s right, Hattie and Mu could have their official battle now that they are both trainers, and now rivals. “Meowth, use Bite!” Mu commanded back.
Meowth pounced on Hattrem and bit on her hat, which the psychic and fairy type Pokemon tried to remove. Luckily, due to the fairy typing, it didn’t do much damage. “Quick Hattrem, use Psychic to remove Meowth!”
Hattrem glared, as her eyes glowed blue. The glow then surrounded Mu’s Meowth as he was lifted up into the air and threw him into a tree. Mu’s Meowth slid down, but shook himself off.
“You okay?” Mu asked her Meowth. Mewoth mewled and ran back to the battlefield. “Your batting skills are getting better, Hattie!” Mu complemented.
Hattie laughed, “Thanks Mu! You’re getting better yourself!” She said back. Mu smiled at her best rival friend and continued on with the battle. “Now Hattrem, let’s finish this with Disarming Voice! Hattie shouted.
“Hata.” Hattrem said before yelling and releasing a loud pink voice towards Meowth. Meowth braced himself and got hit, but regardless was knocked into a tree.  As he opened his eyes you can see the swirls showing he had fainted in battle.
Mu gasped and ran to her Meowth. “Meowth no!” She yelled. Hattier and Hattrem gave a small cheer and high fived each other. However, their celebration ended early seeing Mu going towards her Meowth. The blonde haired girl held her Meowth, “are you okay?” She asked. Soon enough Meowth blinked his eyes and nuzzled on Mu’s chest. She smiled and pet her starter Pokemon seeing he was alright.
“Is Meowth okay?” Hattie asked.
Mu looked up at her friendly rival, who looked worried for her and her Meowth. Mu gave a small smile as she stood up holding her Meowth. “Meowth is fine, just needs some rest.” She reassured her friend.
Hattie sighed in relief. “That’s good.” She was glad she and Hattrem didn’t go too far this time unlike their previous battles with other trainers.
“You and Hattrem are getting stronger than ever.” Mu commented. “Guess that comes from being the daughter of a gym leader and elite four member.”
Hattie and Hattrem shared a giggle. They know they have been getting stronger. Lucas gave his daughter lots of battling tips that will help her in battle, and Vanessa’s Pokemon trained Hattrem helping her use her special and physical attacks as a combination in battle.
“Well.” Hattie chuckled. “I don’t mean to brag, but-” Hattie was cut off when a familiar voice called out to her.
“Huh? Did you hear that?” Hattie asked, turning to where the cry was heard.
The other girl tilted her head in confusion, “Hear what?” Mu asked back.
“Brii Bii!”
Mu gasped hearing the cry. “You mean that?” Mu asked. Hattie nodded in reply. The two girls stood there and listened for the cries once again so they knew where to go. Once the cry happened again Mu and Hattie ran south of their battle location.
In the forest, a group of brute men were searching high and low around the forest looking for something or someone. “Keep looking boys, the boss said a mythical Pokemon is around here.” One of the brutes said. As the brutes looked around the forest Celebi stayed hidden inside the tree, they would have called out for help again, but had to stay quiet till the brutes left.
One of the brutes stopped hearing something coming towards them. They chuckled and released their Pokemon. Mareanie, Rattata, Spearow, and Krabby stood poised ready to strike. “Get ready.” One of the brutes said. The Pokemon growled and got ready to fight whoever was coming towards them.
After a moment of waiting, Hattie and Mu appeared out of the bushes. “I heard the noise coming right here.” Hattie said.
“Rattata!” The brute’s Rattata growled at the two young girl’s. Hattie and Mu jumped back as the brute’s Pokemon growled ready to attack if the girls took one step. The brutes laughed as two of them walked towards the girls.
“Well. Well. Well. I wasn’t expecting two little brats in the woods.” One of the goons said rubbing his hands together. Mu glared at the brutes and marched towards them.
“Who are you, dumb brutes?” Mu asked.
The goons chuckled. “We are Team Mafia and we're here to look for mythical Pokemon.” The other Mafia goon explained.
“Mythical Pokémon?” Mu questioned. Hattie started to sweat knowing what these dumb brutes were talking about. She had to hold from speaking so she wouldn’t bring up Celebi.
“Was Celebi the one calling out to me earlier?” Hattie asked herself. Hattrem floated by and rubbed Hattie’s shoulder to comfort her. Hattie smiled and nodded to her Pokemon telling her she’s fine.
The Mafia grunt laughed, “yes a mythical Pokemon, child. There’s a Pokemon here called Celebi and the Mafia wants the Pokemon.” He explained.
Hattie glared at the goons, she remembered last year when Celebi took her to the past she had to take down some goons who wanted Celebi as well. “For what?” Mu spoke up. Hattie turned to her friend, giving a gulp hoping her friend didn’t interrogate them any further.
One of the Mafia grunts walked forward towards the blonde haired girl and went up to her face. “Why do you need to know, brat?” He growled.
Hattie chuckled grabbing Mu and holding her back. “I think that’s enough for today, w-we better get going.” She nervously said, pulling her friend away. After a few steps the Rattata and Mareanie blocked their way out growling at them. Hattie nervously chuckled and walked back only to see Krabby and Spearow in front of them. The Mafia goons laughed seeing the girls surrounded by the grunt’s Pokemon.
“Looks like you're going nowhere child.” One of the Mafia grunts laughed. Hattie tried to think of what to do now that her and Mu were surrounded. Soon enough Hattrem and Meowth tried to keep the Mafia Goon’s Pokemon back.
“Y-you guys want to battle?” Hattie asked.
“Hata. Hata.” Hattrem replied.
“Meow! Meowth!” Meowth mewled.
Hattie and Mu looked at each other, and Mu smirked. “I’m psyched for another battle!” Mu shouted. The other girl wasn’t so sure. Mu just had her battle with Hattie and she now wants to battle again!
“Mu, are you sure? We just had our battle.” Hattie inquired with her friend. She was worried her friend would get crushed in battle since Mu just had a battle with her.
Mu chuckled as she pulled out another Pokeball, “Don’t worry I got this.” She replied.
“So,” one of the Mafia spoke up. “If it's a battle you want. It's a battle you get.” He growled. “Go Spearow!” The flying type Pokemon cawed ready to battle the young girls.
Mu smirked as she threw her Pokeball, “Go! Totodile!” She shouted. Soon enough the water type Pokemon, Totodile came out of the Pokeball squirting some water into the air. Hattie was surprised Mu caught another Pokemon, she’d always seen Mu with her Meowth.
“A Totodile, huh?” The Mafia Goon questioned before roaring in laughter. “This will be easy. Alright Spearow, use Peck!” He commanded. The tiny bird Pokemon flew into the air and gilded towards Totodile as Spearow’s beak glowed.
Totodile and Mu yawned at the same time waiting for the tiny bird Pokemon to strike. Hattie looked back at her friend, her new Pokemon, and the Spearow ready to attack and saw Mu was doing nothing. “Mu! Hurry!” Hattie shouted.
Mu held her hand in front of Hattie, “Wait for it.” Mu reassured her friend. Spearow was just an inch away, and soon enough Totodile opened his eyes. “Now, Water gun!” She commanded. Totodile launched a spray of water towards Spearow and launched it towards Rattata and Mareanie slamming the three Pokemon to a tree.
The Mafia were shocked as they turned towards the hooded girl who smiled proudly at her strategy. Hattie wasn’t surprised, yet relieved all the same. She forgot Mu has tricks up her sleeve when it comes to battling. Same old Mu.
“Who's next?” Mu asked, crossing her arms. Soon, the Mafia’s Krabby was right behind Mu ready to attack her with a Crabhammer attack, but Hattrem used Psychic on the crab Pokemon and threw it towards a tree.
Celebi opened their eyes and took a peek. They smiled seeing it was Hattie and her friend who were battling the goons. The Time Travel Pokemon laid low for a bit and decided to wait after the battle to appear.
Mu looked behind her and back at the Krabby before turning towards Hattie who gave her Hattrem a high five. “Just helping out my rival.” She said, giving a wink. Mu giggled at her friend before the two turned towards the Mafia, who were now upset over the two young girls.
“You girls pissed off the Mafia for the last time.” The Mafia grunt growled.
Another grunt then stepped forward, “We’re going to teach you little girls how we handle brats like you! It's a Pokemon battle, Mafia style!” He explained.
“Ha!” Mu laughed. “The battle started when my Totodile blasted your Spearow with a Water Gun, but since you mentioned it I’m ready to battle Mu style!” She beamed.
“Same here!” Hattie added, now joining in on the battle. She and Mu turned to each other with a smile. They know their battle is going to be interesting as it's their first time taking on an evil team. The girls Pokemon we’re also ready to take down some Mafia members as well, Hattrem being the most excited.
“Krabby, Bubblebeam!” The one Mafia grunt shouted.
“Mareanie, use Sludge Bomb!” The other Mafia Grunt commanded.
The two water-type Pokemon launched bubbles and brown sludge respectively towards Hattrem and Totodile before the two girls shouted, “Dodge it!” at the same time. The girl’s Pokemon moved out of the way and now it was the girl’s turn to attack.
“Hattrem! Use Psychic on Mareanie!” Hattie commanded.
“Totodile, use Bite on Krabby!” Mu commanded.
Totodile took a bite on Krabby’s claw as the crab Pokemon tried to shake off the other water-type off of him. Hattrem used Psychic on Mareanie making the water/poison Pokemon float before being slammed into a tree. Due to how super effective psychic moves are on poison types like Mareanie, the Brutal Star Pokemon was defeated.
Hattie and Hattrem called out in joy as they gave each other another high five over the first victory. The Mafia member puts Mareanie back into its Pokeball as the rest of his comrades decide to defeat the girls themselves. Starting with the Mafia grunt who owned the Krabby.
“Remove that big mouth Pokemon now!” The Mafia Grunt commanded. Krabby tried to shake off Totodile from its claw, but the Big Jaw Pokemon held on to its bite tightly. The grunt growled seeing how annoying Mu’s Totodile was becoming. “Krabby use your Crabhammer on Totodile!”
Krabby’s claw started to glow, which gave Totodile the signal to let go and jump back as Krabby slammed his claw on the ground. Dust from the ground spread around the Mafia and the girls as they coughed from the attack.
This in turn gave Celebi a chance to escape the tree and quickly hid in Hattie’s bag before the dust settled. Once the dust faded, The Mafia Grunt’s Krabby got its claw stuck in the ground. The crab Pokémon struggled to get its claw out, but no luck.
Mu chuckled knowing she has a chance, “Now Totodile, Tackle!” Mu shouted. Totodile smirked as he ran towards Krabby and tackled the other water-type Pokemon out of the ground. Krabby struggled to get up as the Totodile’s Tackle was strong.
“Come on! Get up!” The Mafia grunt yelled at his Krabby. Finally, Krabby got up and glared at Totodile. “Now use Metal Claw!” He shouted.
Krabby made its way towards Totodile as the claws turned silver ready to attack Totodile. “Dodge it!” Mu shouted. Totodile jumped up and missed the attack.
“Keep using Metal Claw till you attack that brat’s Pokémon!” The Mafia Grunt commanded.
“Hattrem, use Disarming Voice to protect Totodile!” Hattie commanded her Pokémon.
Hattrem went in front of Totodile and yelled out a Disarming Voice towards Krabby, quickly knocking it out. That was two of the Mafia’s Pokémon down just two more to go.
The other two Mafia growled and commanded their Pokemon to attack next. “Rattata, use Quick Attack!”
“Spearow, use Peck!” The other Mafia grunt commanded. The bird and rat Pokémon ran and flew towards the two Pokémon by command.
“Hattrem, use Brutal Swing!” Hattie commanded.
“Totodile, use Water Gun!” Mu commanded.
Hattrem flew by the Spearow and smacked the Spearow with her pigtails knocking it out. Then Totodile used his water gun and sprayed water at Rattata knocking it out as well.
The Mafia Grunts were surprised and looked up at the young girls giving a smug look, their Pokémon giving the same look.
“Alright you girls asked for it.” The one Mafia Grunt started. What he said next surprised the girls, “RUN AWAY!” He shouted. The rest of the grunts screamed in fear as they ran off.
The girls laughed seeing the Mafia run off like a bunch of Psyduck. Celebi in turn laughed as well shaking Hattie’s bag. Mu and Hattie stopped laughing as they turned towards Hattie’s bag.
“Hattie, your bag was laughing?” Mu told her.
Hattie turned towards her bag and the bag went quiet. Celebi held their breath and stayed silent. Hattie picked up her bag and opened it. She let out a gasp when Celebi sticked their head out of the bag.
“Brii. Bii?” Celebi questioned.
Mu gasped seeing the Time Travel Pokemon inside her best friend’s bag. “H-Hattie is that?”
Hattie turned to her friend and nodded. “Yep this is the mythical Pokémon those goons were after.” She answered. Celebi looked up from the bag and slowly came out.
Mu walked towards Celebi and stuck her hand out to pet it. Celebi shivered and quickly hid back in the bag. Hattie looked down at Celebi and gave a smile.
“It’s okay Celebi. She’s a friend.” Hattie reassured the mythical Pokémon. Celebi looked at Hattie who then flew towards Mu.
Mu led her hand out again as Celebi braced themselves, but felt comfortable as Mu’s pets felt nice. The mythical Pokémon beamed and nuzzled on Mu’s cheek. The blonde haired girl smiled seeing how kind the Pokémon was.
“It’s adorable Hattie!” Mu beamed. Hattie smiled back as Celebi flew back to her. “H-how do you know about this?” Mu asked.
Hattie sighed and explained to Mu about her time travel adventure last year. Celebi took her to the past and she met two young kids, Hattie’s parents which Hattie decided not to tell to keep it simple. She and the kids took down some goons who tried to steal Celebi and she and the kids stopped the bad guys and saved Celebi.
Mu and her Pokémon blinked taking all of this in. “Wow, you time traveled?” Mu asked. Hattie nodded. Mu’s face transformed into a smile and jumped up in glee. “That’s crazy!” She exclaimed.
Hattie chuckled. “It was.” Celebi smiled and went back inside Hattie’s bag. “Celebi?” Hattie asked.
“Hata. Hat?” Hattrem asked.
“I think.” Mu started, “Celebi likes being with you?” She questioned.
Hattie frowned. “Guess the Mafia scared them.” Hattie thought. The two girls frowned and wondered what to do next.
Soon Mu came up with an idea. “Hey now that you're a trainer, have you collected any badges?” She asked.
“Well, no.” Hattie replied. “I just started my journey yesterday, Mu.”
“So why don’t we travel together and collect badges together!” Mu suggested.
Hattie blinked in confusion. “How does that help with Celebi?” She asked. Sure, Hattie wanted to take on the gym challenge, but how does collecting badges help protect Celebi?
“Easy. You and I can grow stronger, beat the Mafia and we can protect Celebi together!” Mu explained.
The other girl and Celebi were surprised. “Y-you want to help?” Hattie questioned.
Mu smiled and put her arm on Hattie’s shoulder. “You're my best friend. I’m going to help you protect Celebi no matter what.”
Hattie smiled at her friend, “thanks Mu.” Mu smiled and took her friend’s hand.
“Well, let's go then!” Mu beamed.
“Go where?” Hattie asked.
“To Violet City!” Mu shouted. The two girls ran off to the said city so Hat could get her first badge. Hattie smiled knowing her journey in Johto was getting interesting.
Meanwhile, on the opposite side of Violet City a slightly older girl just arrived in the city with her Cyndaquil following right next to her. The young girl wore a long sleeved yellow and grey T-shirt with a pair of black overalls right over them, black boots and wore a pale yellow cap. Her hair was short, black, almost making her look like a boy with her hat on.
“Well Cyndaquil.” The girl started.
“Cynda?” The fire-type Pokemon questioned looking up at his trainer.
“Are you ready to take on the gym?” She asked.
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