#toji fushiguro slow burn
ponderingmoonlight · 1 month
Scenes in "Opposites Attract" I can't wait for
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For reference, this is what the heat is about
Reader meeting Toji for the first time
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Imagine her realizing that Toji is her fucking cousin, meeting him when he pierces through Gojo after she only knows him from a few pics and stories.
"A Zenin brat, huh? Good for ya you're decently skilled."
2. Reader kicking the Elders for Maki
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Imagine reader when she finds out that Maki is stuck with rank 4 because of her family, confronting the Elders about it.
"So, are you really shitting your pants over that old fart?"
"You are talking about Naobito Zenin, foolish girl. As his daughter, you should be aware of his powers."
"Nah, I'm the one you should be afraid of."
3. Reader making Naoya regret all the things he did to her
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Imagine her finally beating the shit out of him, digging her heels into his chest while smiling dirty.
"So, who's laughing now, lousy brother?"
4. Gojo x reader spice
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Hehe nice try guys, remember they hate each other
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dilvei · 3 months
SILENT SOLACE [part one]
pairing: fushiguro toji x gn! reader
genre: angst, fluff, hurt and comfort
synopsis: After her death, it didn't take long for him to crumble back into his former self. Gambling the meager remains of their wealth, aimlessly drifting from one woman to another, all while neglecting the child they had brought into the world together. But things changed when he met you, once again.
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It troubles you sometimes when people say everything works out, that everything will fall magically into place, that all will be fine and none of us needs to worry because everyone will eventually find their purpose in life.
You have found no such purpose. And that scares you.
It scares you, as time mercilessly moves on, marching forward without any regard, indifferent to our struggles and desires.
It scares you, that so many people die, alone, every day and no one will bat an eye.
It scares you, because the world is a harsh and terrifying place, and you are but one of the powerless creatures amidst the vastness of humanity that can do nothing but watch.
You feel trapped, a mist covering your thoughts into nothing but a chalky haze.
Somewhere, deep inside the unconscious of your mind, you wonder if one day, you too can find a purpose. If you too can find meaning before your time in this world inevitably runs out.
Because everyone and everything that lives will always share one common fate.
Because death links all of us together. Because death smiles at us all, and all we can do is smile back.
Your first meeting with Toji was not much of an eventful one.
It was a cold evening in the winter of January, and in your desperate attempt to fend off the biting cold as you walked your way home, you visited the nearest convenience store in hopes of purchasing a hot pack to thaw your nearly-frozen fingers.
Like you said, uneventful.
As you waited in line to pay, a string of irritated murmurs and curses could be heard from the people behind you as you silently watched the snow fall outside the glass doors. They were annoyed, glares fully directed towards the man standing in front of you who was clearly taking his sweet time.
Peering your head behind the man's wide shoulders, you realized why exactly that was. He seemed to be a couple of yen short. Your gaze flickered to the side, taking in the small array of everyday items the man intended to purchase—a toothbrush, some heat packs, two bottles of water, and a couple of packets of instant ramen.
Without a second thought, you stepped forward. 
"Want me to pay the rest for you?" The words slipped from your lips softly before you glanced up at him, and in that moment, you truly saw the man's features for the first time. 
Eyes of a warm, dark green met yours, framed by straight black hair that reached to his ears. A scar marred the corner of his right lip, adding a rugged charm to his otherwise smooth features.
Somehow, an urge to touch it welled up within you, though you resisted the impulse as quickly as it appeared.
Faced with such a frank question, the muscular man in the too-tight black shirt all but blinked at you. 
You blinked back at him before turning your gaze to the lady behind the register with a small smile on your lips. "Here, this should cover the rest of his items, right?" you asked, taking out the exact amount of money needed.
"Do I know you from somewhere?" the gruff voice of the handsome man beside you asked, regarding you with his narrowed eyes. "Of course not." You shook your head, and a faint furrow formed between his brows.
After a beat of silence, the man sighed, gathering his items before wordlessly exiting the convenience store. But he didn't exactly leave, no.
Once you had finished paying for your own items, you stepped outside to find him waiting for you, gaze fixed upon the falling snow as he took a sip from the water bottle in his hand.
You raised a brow, the soft crunch of snow under your feet echoing in the winter night as you slowly walked towards him. "It's pretty cold tonight, isn't it?" Your voice was a quiet thing, but he nodded.
"I'm curious," he said, a half-smirk playing on his lips. "Why'd you help me out? A stranger, no less."
"I just felt the need to," you replied with a shrug, a small chuckle escaping your lips. "It was no trouble at all. Besides, it seemed like a lot of people were already pretty pissed at you behind me."
He hummed in response.
"Who knows what they would've done if you took any longer, huh?" you quipped, a playful tilt in your tone as you massaged the hot pack in your hands, eager for it to quickly warm up.
This time, it was the man himself who chuckled at your words. It's a nice sound, you thought to yourself.
"I would've been fine. You can trust me on that," he replied, finally turning to look at you, gaze steady. "Say, what can I do to thank you? You couldn't have just done all that for nothing, could you? Got too much money on your hands or something?"
You gave him a wide smile. "Just consider it as a random act of kindness."
"Really now?"
You nodded in response, barely containing the urge to burst into laughter as the man appeared momentarily stunned into silence. You were being truthful though, it was simply a random act of kindness on your part.
And, to be completely honest, he had hit the nail on the head with his last question.
With your wallet being the way it was—bulging with cash, to be precise—covering a stranger's purchase at a convenience store wouldn't even make a dent in your finances. It was only a mere drop of water in the ocean of your wealth.
The man took a step toward you, followed by another, leaning down slightly to meet you at eye level. "Thanks a lot then," he said, gratitude evident in his tone as he offered a small nod of appreciation. "I'll pay you back someday. Name's Toji, by the way."
"No last name?"
"...No," Toji answered back, gaze heavy with unspoken weight. You thought it best not to pry, it was clear that Toji didn't want to discuss the circumstances of his family, a sentiment you understood all too well, given your own family history.
"All right then," you said, extending your hand for a handshake. "You can call me [Name]. A pleasure to meet you, Toji."
Toji shot your hand a long and silent stare, cautious, as if waiting for something to happen, and when no such thing happened, well, a handsome smirk tugged at the corner of his lips. "Likewise, [Name]."
His hands weren't warm, but they weren't cold either. The perfect temperature to hold on to, one you wouldn't mind not letting go of if you had to be completely honest.
As you felt the calluses scattered on Toji's palm, you couldn't help but wonder. What kind of hardships had the man in front of you endured that had left such marks on his hands?
"So, no last name either, huh?" he asked, smirking down at you, eyes fixed on your lips.
You laughed, and wiggled a brow at him for good measure. "Interested in me that much?"
"Don't push your luck, [Name]." An exasperated laugh escaped his lips. You felt his hot breath touch the tip of your nose. "I'm just a curious man, that's all."
"A curious man, huh?" you repeated before you both let go. "Well, if we happen to meet up again, I'll be sure to tell you what it is, Toji."
"Looking forward to it then," he casually answered back, and so you reciprocated by giving him a small nod in return.
The two of you parted ways soon after, exchanging phone numbers without even a wave goodbye. It was a fleeting encounter with a stranger, a random act of kindness done for no particular reason.
It wasn't until six years later that your paths would cross once more.
He hasn't changed much since you last saw him, at least from what you remember years ago anyway.
The man called Toji still exudes the same indifferent aura to those around him, his ruggedly handsome face adorned with a hint of stubble. His choice of attire too remains predominantly black, just as you recall it to be.
"Seat next to you taken, Toji?" you say as you approach him.
His ears catch the sound of your footsteps against the floor loud and clear, but it's the call of his name that causes him to slowly whip his toward you.
You expected those calculating green eyes to be clouded with confusion and lack of recognition, but to your surprise, it's only one of those things. A smile tugs at your lips involuntarily. "It's been a long while hasn't it?"
He scoots away to make room for you to sit down, and you gladly take the seat next to him. Despite sensing a hint of familiarity behind his eyes, he then asks you with a smirk on his face, "Sorry, do I know you from somewhere?"
You play along with him, a playful glint in your eye. "Forgetting me already. Maybe you'll recognize me by the time this game is over, hm?" you say, cocking your head towards the field in front of you both.
Despite the night sky casting its dark hues above, the horse race being held on the field is as lively as ever, excitement palpable everywhere by the chorus of cheers in the air.
You flicker a gaze down, directed to Toji's hand. "Betting on the public's favorite today, aren't you? I thought you more of a gambler than this," you remark.
He narrows his eyes at you, but you sense no hostility, only amusement evident in the smirk on his lips. "Hey, now. I'm just making money with money here. Why would I bet on a losing party?" he retorts.
You laugh. "I guess we'll see who wins then."
The two of you exchange no further banter as you wait for the race to end, and when it finally does, you shoot the familiar man a smirk of your own, a stark contrast to the cute scowl on Toji's face.
"I guess I'm the only one between us bringing home some money, huh?" you say, teasingly waving the betting slip in your hand in front of Toji's face. "I'm sure we could've changed that if we had reunited sooner."
Toji rolls his eyes, then casually inclines his body to rest on the chair, one arm hanging off with an air of nonchalance. "Well, go on."
"You came here knowing exactly where to find me. And I'm guessing you're not here just for small talk. What do you want?" Toji's tone carries a blend of suspicion and intrigue.
You blink slowly at him, carefreely resting your chin on the palm of your hand. "I'll pay you back someday. You told me that last time we met. Do you remember, Toji?"
"Six years is a long time, [Name]."
Your heart beats a little louder, its rhythm echoing in your chest. "You didn't answer the question, so I'm assuming that you do remember. How sweet," you say, a genuine smile gracing your lips.
"It's not every day a stranger helps me out in the convenience store, out of all places, especially when people tend to stay away," he adds, a note of genuine appreciation underlying his words.
Your gaze finds itself on the ground, avoiding his piercing gaze. After a moment of silence, during which you fiddle with the betting slip in your hand, you sigh softly.
You extend your hand, offering him the paper.
Toji arches a brow at your gesture, but he takes the betting slip nonetheless, turning it around in his hand with a thoughtful expression. "You paying me or something?"
The chair creaks as you push your body to stand up, your eyes locked on the expansive field before you, now gradually thinning out as the people disperse. "Something like that," you answer quietly, your voice barely above a whisper.
Toji waits in silence, his gaze burning hot against the view of your back.
When you're finally ready, when you've mustered the courage within your heart, you turn back to face him, your voice finally found, steady and resolute.
"I need your help. I need you," his eyes lock onto yours as if the two of you are the only ones here, "to kill someone for me."
The smirk he sends you is answer enough.
< next part >
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d3adlyromb3ar · 2 months
✰ sinking lily pads
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— synopsis. he thrived in the sorcerer world, she was forced into it. how could two people that strayed so differently from each other become so close?
— pairing. gojo x oc!fem!reader (main), toji fushiguro x oc!fem!reader
— word count. 5.1k
— contents. mentions of child abuse, neglect, abandonment, angsty asf, injuries, blood/gore, depressing thoughts, dissociation, mentions of death, jjk violence/fighting
— notes. first post ♡
series masterlist
✰ chapter one. moon dair
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March 10th, 1999
The young girl had been gripping her Father’s pants, the fabric balling up in her tiny fist as she observed the group of people standing in front of her. All of them glaring down at her, some faces scowling, some with sinister smiles. She shivered underneath all their gazes, the pounding of her heart the only thing she could hear. The conversation above blocked out by her own fear. 
“We are holding up our end of the deal, now it’s time for you to do the same.” 
The girl’s Father sighed in relief, muscles untensing as he realized that his family were finally free. Finally safe. Well, at least the family he cared about. His gaze shifted down to the shaking girl beside him, his eyes narrowing at her tight grip on him. He reached down, gripping the girl’s hand and peeling it from his pants. The girl whimpered, trying to reach for him again, but he had crouched down and held her shoulders. Keeping her a safe distance away from him. 
Despite her glossy eyes, the way her bottom lip quivered– he stared at her with no emotion. No words were spoken at first, only the sound of heavy breathing as the young girl searched desperately into her Father’s eyes for an answer to the end of this nightmare. 
“Do you love this family?” He asked her, his stare intimidating as to warn her that there was only a right answer. 
The girl switched from eye to eye, her heavy pants filling the moments of silence. It was a simple question, one that could be easily answered. Of course she did. Despite the years of abuse, the torturous nights of correctment. Her heart would have room for her family, something that she couldn’t control. Even in the moment that she realized what her Father was doing, she still had room in her heart for him. For her Mother, her siblings. Everyone. 
“Yes Father.” Her voice was barely a whisper, but it was loud enough for him to hear. 
“Then you’ll make us proud. You’ll do this family right by doing your part.” He told her, leaving no room for her to interrupt. 
Your part. 
The sound of someone clearing their throat had the girl jumping, forgetting that there was an audience. Sneaking a glance to her left, she shrunk into herself at the stares from the group. Her Father didn’t say another word to her as he stood upright, grabbing her shoulder and shoving her to the groups feet. The young girl didn’t have time to react, didn’t have time to utter a sound as she was already being gripped by the strangers hands. 
The whole ordeal, she hadn’t shed a tear. Her lash line desperately collecting them, holding them back as she tried to keep it together. Her strength vanished though the second she saw her Father’s backside getting farther away, the way he didn’t look back once. Despite her sick assumption that he wouldn’t turn around, she kept her eyes unblinking– watching his form all the way until he was no longer in sight. 
It was then, the first tear was finally shed.
She felt paralyzed in a weird position. She wasn’t sure whether to do it for herself, prove to herself, that she was worthy— that she could make her family proud. She also didn’t know if making her family proud would even matter by the end, clearly evident that they had left her and were never going to come back for her.
Had things really come down to it? Where she had to be the one that carried the burden of this impossible task, this wild deal. Was she really the one that could bring her family peace?
But at what expense, her happiness? Was she a filler for everybody else’s lives?
What was her purpose? She wondered.
Was her only purpose, proving to only the ghost of her family now— that she could do it?
The room she was kept in was dull— blank of any personality. The rationing of food was little, but she learned quickly not to complain to take anything that she got. The air was always thick with tension like she had to tiptoe around these people— these strangers.
It wasn’t often when people would speak to her, days going by without anybody even recognizing her existence. I guess in a way she was glad for that, as she also learned quickly that too much attention ended in bad endings.
Despite her age, she knew full well that she was being used for something greater than she could understand.
She had known that she was different all her life, her family, mocking and reminding her every day that she wasn’t like the rest. Rather than reassurance, she was taunted for it— for being different. For being powerful.
For that, she was powerful— one of the most powerful that would ever walk the Earth. Though, she didn’t know it yet.
It was on a rainy Tuesday after she received her minuscule lunch— that she recognized a young boy around her age sitting on a bench outside. Immediately he had peaked her interest, as she recognized, he was letting the rain drench him without a care in the world.
Who was he? She wondered.
The lack of children that wandered this place, it added to the magnetic pull she felt towards him— she had to know him.
But despite her curiosity, she stayed put in her room, only watching him from her window.
The boy was pale, jet black hair covering his head. She could tell he was built, which was odd, considering he was only a child— just like she was.
She was curious as to what his face looked like, what his expression was. But all the times that she would see him outside, sitting on the same bench, whether it was raining or sunny— she never got a decent look. Perhaps that was the push that she needed— the push to seek him out one day.
She had lost track of what day it was, her chaotic mind and her thoughts, taking up all her headspace.
It was fairly a nice day when she wandered outside, and, despite her allowed to do that— she was tense and on edge. She waited to be punished for doing absolutely nothing wrong.
A bad habit perhaps.
She didn’t try to quiet her steps as she approached the boy on the bench, giving him sound queues to know that she was approaching. She wondered if he heard her approaching, giving that he didn’t care to turn to investigate.
The closer she got, the more evident it became that he was lost in his own thoughts.
“Go away.” The boy mumbled, surprising the girl with how gentle his voice sounded.
Her curiosity ignored his comment, deepening her interest with him.
The boy must have sensed her lack of understanding, as he turned to see her rooted in the same spot. It was his turn to furrow his brows in curiosity, studying her watchful gaze.
He known of someone new arriving, wondering deep down if she had come willingly— or rather than. But he hadn’t found himself to care enough to seek her out— meet her. He assumed she’d be like the rest that had come and gone, never to leave their trace again. All while he stayed trapped here. But despite his inner voice telling him to walk away, he spoke to her again.
Her silence was intriguing.
“You’re new here.” He stated, not needing her confirmation.
The girl nodded, ignoring his discomfort and taking a seat on the bench next to him— but sitting far apart, almost falling off the edge.
The boy noticed her effort to not touch him, and whether it was because she was hesitant of him— or rather trying to respect his space. His heart couldn’t help but beat a little faster, kind gestures foreign to him.
“What do they call you?” He asked.
She thought for a moment how odd of wording it was to ask for one’s name.
“Moon dair.” She whispered, her tone unsure.
The boy tried to smile, but found himself exhausted to do so. All he could manage was a nod of recognition.
“Cool name,” he commented, “I’m Toji.”
The corners of her mouth turned up slightly, happy to finally put a name to the boy. 
The boy watched her face light up, and he wondered what the cause of that was. Did he dare ask? Did he care?
“You’re quiet.” He said instead. 
She made no reaction that his comment bothered her, suppose she was quiet. It wasn’t often she was asked to speak, or that she was spoken to. With her family, she was practically a ghost. Even now in this foreign environment, she didn’t feel the need to talk– nor did she feel like she should. 
“I’m not used to it.” She admitted quietly. 
Toji furrowed his brows, studying her expression as he noticed her small smile had vanished. 
“Not used to what? Talking?” He asked.
She nodded, shrugging her shoulders– fiddling with her fingers in her lap. 
“That’s weird.” He said, not caring about his bluntness. 
She frowned this time, crossing her arms. 
“It’s not my fault.” She defended herself. 
Toji chuckled, surprising her with the sudden sound. 
“Hey, that's the loudest I’ve heard you yet.” He joked, running a hand through his hair. 
She rolled her eyes and tried to hide her smile, admitting to herself that it was kinda funny. 
It was quiet for a bit, the relaxing ambience of the outside calming the two. The wind caressed their faces, as their hair floated in the breeze.
It was a comfortable silence, they both thought. 
It was the silence that gave Moon time to get lost in her thoughts.
“What are you doing out here?” She asked quietly.
Toji turned to her with furrowed brows, and despite his confusion– his expression was gentle. She could almost get a read of him, the longer she looked into his eyes. He seemed… tired. 
“I didn’t know sitting here wasn’t allowed.” He uttered. 
“You are, I just see you out here a lot,” She stated, “Guess I’m just curious.” 
Toji chuckled again, and he wondered when the last time he laughed so much– let alone crack a smile. 
“Oh, you’ve been stalking me?” He joked again, chcukling again when he watched her cheeks flush red in embarrassment. 
“N-no–I just– my window looks out to this bench so… I’ve seen you here before. A lot actually.” She stumbled over her words, trying not to seem creepy. 
It was too late though, she realized how weird her words sounded. 
While it was entertaining to see Moon so flustered, he couldn’t keep torturing her. 
“It’s quiet and calming here,” He told her truthfully, “A little escape from… things.”
She listened and tilted her head at the end, the vague answer peeking her interest even more. 
“Escape from what things?” She wondered. 
Toji looked away from her this time, instead focusing on the trees swaying from the wind. Truthfully he didn’t care too much about the view, he was just afraid that she’d see the answer within his eyes. He noticed her observant gaze immediately, and despite him oddly trusting her already– he knew better than to disobey his family. 
“Family drama.” He told her instead, risking a glance at her. 
Despite his unsure tone, she seemed to believe him and took her turn to gaze at the trees. He noticed her face losing its light, the mention of his family hitting a nerve within her. 
Why? He wondered. 
“I’m sorry, I get it.” She said instead. 
Toji leaned forward and tried to get a good look of her face, and he was shocked to find such a vulnerable expression upon her features. 
While his family drama wasn’t a complete lie, he felt a little bad that she was trying to relate.
“What happened?” He asked, curiosity eating at him. 
She took a deep breath before facing him again, but her eyes couldn’t hold his gaze for too long. He noticed. 
“I’m here. That’s what happened.” She whispered, relaxing her awful situation once again. 
Toji didn’t quite understand what she meant by that, but also found himself staying quiet as he felt bad. He didn’t want to push her, and didn't want to upset her further. 
Why do I care? He thought. Odd. 
“Toji. Come now.” A stern voice called from the building doors. 
She watched as Toji stiffened up at the sound of his name falling from the man. She couldn’t help her own body tensing up, feeling like she’d been caught doing something– when it was the complete opposite. She was doing nothing wrong, so why did she feel ashamed for sitting here. 
Toji sent her a look that she couldn’t understand in the moment, and watched as he said nothing else and left. Walking with his head down into the building, avoiding the harsh glare from the man. 
All too soon, she was left alone with her thoughts. Gazing at the trees, it didn’t feel relaxing anymore– and she wondered why. 
It felt colder all of a sudden, the wind biting into her cheeks. The bench felt harder, more uncomfortable than before. It wasn’t relaxing at all– but why now?
All these thoughts quickly got overpowered, the only thought running through her mind being Toji. He was the first person to recognize her existence, to show even a sliver of kindness. It was nice to finally talk to someone, without worrying about their judgmental stare. 
She didn’t know why she missed him as much as she did, she had just met him. 
It was easy to grow attached to the nice things in life when surrounded by bad. She figured. 
Where did you go Toji?
8 years later…
The feeling of her lungs burning, begging for untouched air was the first thing that came to her. The rubble of the fractured wall weighed down on her, her legs trapped underneath destruction. She whined in frustration, her mind hazy– her body exhausted. 
9 lives was an incredibly powerful technique, letting her cheat death even in moments where she shouldn't of. But of course, with the good always comes the bad. The outside perspective only saw the person coming back to life, but to her– it was the most excruciating feeling she’d ever experience. Yes, she would be alive once again– but she was forced to feel her body heal. All the hurt she endured to lead to her first death, she could now feel reversing– she almost wished she could die at this point. Her enemy hadn’t realized she had the 9 lives technique, unaware that the cause of her death would happen to them as well– a mirror defense. 
Slowly she was able to crawl out from under the rubble, using her growing strength to lift the wall off of her body. Her lungs squeezed painfully, gulping in the dusted air– desperate for breaths. Her body wracked with violent coughs as she was on her hands and knees, hunched over and retching blood clumps out of her system. It was quite a nasty technique– but it was rare that anyone was around to witness her healing process. 
8 lives left. 
The realization wasn’t as rewarding as she thought– quite the opposite. She was closer to her permanent death that she knew would eventually come. Her eyes stayed unfocused on the ground in front of her, her nose burning and her throat tightening with the harsh reality of it all. Although she was immortal to an extent, the mental toll of dying didn’t lessen as she hoped it would. She was stuck in this odd transition, her mind not catching up with the truth that she was indeed still alive. She didn’t feel connected to herself, she felt as if a part of her soul had truly been destroyed– as if a piece of her was left behind. 
Her phone buzzed within the rubble, the distorted sound snapping her back to the present. She reached under a piece of the fractured wall, pulling her phone out to see who was calling. 
The name lit up her dull features, before the phone gave up– the screen shutting off. She didn’t have time to answer, letting the broken phone fall back into the rubble. Not letting herself give him another thought, she stood finally– doing her best to guide her way out of the destruction. She knew he’d be confused as to why she didn’t answer, but she didn’t care– not right now. 
To her, the relationship between Gojo and herself– it was confusing. Despite her obvious distaste for the man, he continued to stick around. She thought he was incredibly annoying, getting on her nerves quicker than anyone she’d ever met before. She couldn’t stand him, just the thought of past teasing and mocking he had done, it had her blood boiling. She learned quickly that her efforts to push him away– they were pointless. It was evident that he didn’t listen to a thing she said anyway. Her pleads for him to leave her alone were practically said to deaf ears. 
Taking a deep breath, she felt frustrated with herself. Although she had just promised to not think about him– that's all she was doing. Even when he wasn’t around, he still managed to bother her. She didn’t like being so hateful, but after everything she had been through– she refused to let herself get close to anyone ever again.
She also couldn’t deny her raging jealousy she had for the white haired sorcerer. She was jealous of his upbringing, the way he had everything he ever wanted growing up. How he was born from riches, living in luxury to this very day– never worrying about the struggles to survive.
She continued walking, in no rush to make it back home. She didn’t want her peers to see her so disconnected. She was alive and well now, body healed– no evidence that she had ever gotten killed.
So why did she still feel dead inside?
“Why the sad face?” Geto’s voice had startled her out of her, not realizing she arrived back at the school. “The mission was successful, was it not?”
He sat all relaxed on the stairs, where he usually was after a long day. She assumed it was to watch the sun set, she really didn’t know.
She nodded, making her way over to him and sitting down on the stairs near him— but careful to not sit too close. Geto narrowed his gaze, always wondering why she did that.
“Then why the long face?” He pushed.
She sighed, letting her elbows rest on her knees— holding her face in her hands.
“Just tired.” She mumbled through her palms.
Geto hummed, but wasn’t buying it.
“Seems like you’re always tired, hm?” He pointed out.
She raised her head from her hands, glancing over to him with a really look.
“Maybe I’m just a tired person.” She came up with.
Geto just stared at her, slightly offended that she would think he’d believe these lies— and trust him. He knew she was a terrible liar— the worst actually. Yet, she continued to try.
“You know, it’s okay to not be okay.” He started, his features softer. “You don’t have to be so strong all the time. You’re still a person underneath being a sorcerer. You’re allowed to feel.”
Geto’s words had struck within Moon. She knew he was right but she didn’t want to admit that to herself. Sure, she could show how she was truly feeling underneath the act— but then she’d be vulnerable. Weakness only ends up with people getting hurt. She couldn’t do that.
She wouldn’t.
“I appreciate whatever you’re trying to prove here, but like I said— I’m just tired.” She told him, standing up and leaving to her room.
Leaving Geto on the stairs, missing the concerned look he sent her as she walked away.
What’s happening in that head of yours Miss Dair? He thought hopelessly.
She knew it would’ve been too easy to make it back to her room without anymore interactions. She had thought she did however, until she heard the all too familiar voice calling out for her.
The sound making her ears ring, the exhaustion causing any noise at all to make her wince.
“Look who’s found their way back home.” The white haired sorcerer called out.
It was funny to her that he referred to this place as such. Was it? If so— why didn’t she feel the same way?
She hummed in response, digging her hand in her pants pocket, searching for her keys.
“Heard the mission was a success. I’m impressed really, thought you would’ve struggled a bit more.” He told her, trying to get under her skin.
Instead of feeling offended from his words, she wondered how the hell the word spread so fast that she completed the mission. She had just gotten home— the only person she told and not on purpose, being Geto.
“Geto told you that, huh?” Moon asked quietly, not really interested in an answer.
“Told me, maybe I asked— who knows. All I know is that you’re alive and well.” He shrugged his shoulders, walking closer to her until he was at her doorframe.
One thing about Gojo: he didn’t respect personal space. Boundaries? Didn’t know it.
Her fingers finally grasped her key ring, pulling it out and swiftly unlocking her door. Without giving him another glance she entered her room, moving to shut the door with her foot— but of course Gojo snuck in before she could shut him out.
“Gojo, I’m tired— don’t want company right now.” She mumbled, throwing her bag down and shimming off her jacket.
He tilted his head down, letting his eyes peek over his glasses that sat low on his nose.
“Hmm, why does it feel like you’re trying to get rid of me?” He wondered, already knowing the answer.
Throwing down her jacket, she made her way to the small kitchen area— pouring herself a glass of water. Not realizing until now that her throat was incredibly dry, aching dully.
After taking a moment and letting the cool liquid soothe her throat, she glanced back to the lanky man.
She was caught off guard when she was met with such a concerned look. She only got a quick glance of his furrowed brows, the way he was almost studying her— that was until he straightened back up, putting back on his teasing expression.
“What are you thinking about Nines?” He wondered out loud.
A causal nickname that didn’t hold its true meaning anymore. It was then Moon wondered when she should tell him— or anyone for that matter, that she now only had eight lives left.
She chewed on her bottom lip, getting stuck in her head. Should’ve been an easy question to answer, but her mind wasn’t kind.
Gojo of course noticed, he noticed almost everything about her. The tics she’d fall to when stuck in her head, the way she could almost forget someone else was in the room with her. Her micro expressions that she thought nobody saw— he did. He always did. Even then, he found her the hardest person to read— thus why he was always asking the question.
“What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?” He asked again, quieter— more sincere.
She ignored his attempt at flirting almost instantly, knowing he would try again and again to get some kind of reaction. She saw nothing significant about the pet name— he did it with practically anyone.
“Wouldn’t you like to know.” She whispered, turning her glass upside down and placing in the sink.
His six eyes followed her movements, glancing back up to her eyes.
“I asked didn’t I?” He teased, but frowned when you still hadn’t cracked a smile.
Not that you ever did anyway— but every now and then he could.
One thing that Moon despised, was being vulnerable in front of others– especially Gojo. Although there was something about his aura that made her want to lay everything out, really tell him that she was suffering in the hell that was her head– confess everything that kept her up at night. The doubts, the horrors that plagued her when she closed her eyes. But if she was anything– she was stubborn. She wouldn’t allow the words to pass through her lips– not without difficulty that is. 
“I…” She started, staring at a random spot in the sink, “I don’t know.” 
Moon heard the familiar sound of glasses folding, the metal scraping the sides of his pockets. Glancing up, she was met with the incredible glow of his blue eyes. She had to take a deep breath, blinking rapidly to avoid getting hypnotized. It was often she’d get lost in his eyes, the way they could almost speak for themself. If Gojo didn’t have words to speak– his eyes certainly did that for him. 
“Ah, but you do know. You’re just really bad at this whole… talking thing. Wouldn’t you agree?” He called her out, blunt as ever. 
She couldn’t bring herself to care– or be offended by any means. He was right, as always. She thought quickly that maybe that’s another reason for her hatred for him– he seemed to know her better than she knew herself. 
She hummed in agreement, walking past him to get to her couch. She felt exhausted the longer she stood– needing to sit down to relax her muscles. 
Gojo eyes her figure, all the way to the couch– before moving to follow and taking a seat next to her. 
Moon thought suddenly, the eight lives that she had left. Surely, Gojo deserved to know. Not because of his worry for her well being– because yeah right. The right that he know strictly professional– she worked with him. It was important he knew. 
The white haired sorcerer sat, body facing her– waiting patiently and quietly for her to speak. For someone for easily labeled as annoying– he was pretty silent at the moment. Only because he was so lost in thought, trying to figure Moon out if she wasn't going to talk. That was why he often found himself mute, too focused to strike up conversation. 
“Eight.” She whispered, finally breaking the silence. 
His blue eyes examined her expression, trying to understand such a vague statement. His brows pulled together, his tongue jutting out to wet his lips. 
“Huh?” He wondered, “Nines, what are you tal–” 
“You need to stop calling me Nines.” She told him, her voice louder than the last time she spoke. 
For a moment she watched his face grow more lost, his expression confusion. But with the long look at her pain stricken face– he knew almost instantly what she meant. His body suddenly tensed, and his hands felt colder. It was odd that the first emotion he finally felt was anger, his hands tightening into fists. His eyes narrowed at her, his jaw clenched tightly– almost positive she could see the flexing from her spot. 
He adjusted himself, leaning forward with his elbows supported by his thighs, still facing her small form. 
“So what the fuck happened on the mission?” He growled out. 
She swallowed, and stared at her hands down on her lap. She didn’t want to see the disappointment in his eyes– and she knew she would. His eyes were so expressive, it might as well be written in them. 
“Things happen, you know that.” She defended, still staring at her lap, “I have The Nine Lives Technique for a reason.” 
Gojo kept quiet, his teeth grinding together in attempt to keep his true thoughts inside. He nodded his head, despite him not agreeing or being okay with this situation. 
“Answer this for me then,” He started, his voice still stern, “Were you ever gonna tell anyone?” 
She looked up finally, surprised when she saw nothing but concern painted in his eyes– despite his angry expression. She felt guilty knowing her answer, but her intentions weren’t to hurt anyone– she just didn’t think anyone would care. She didn’t think anyone should care. 
She shook her head, too tired to voice her response. 
He lowered his gaze to his lap now, seeming to get lost in thought for a moment before he glanced back up– the anger slowly vanishing from his features. 
“Are you okay?” He asked, taking Moon by surprise with the sudden switch up. 
She glanced from eye to eye, swallowing through the thickness in her throat. She waved a hand to herself lazily. 
“I’m here, aren’t I?” She whispered.
Gojo was silent after that, her tone so unsure it made him uneasy. Yes, he saw her sitting in front of him– seeming to be in perfect condition. But it wasn’t the physical aspect that he was worried about.  
“That doesn’t answer my question.” He pointed out.
Moon narrowed her eyes towards him, hating the way he was trying to pick apart her brain. The way he was trying to pretend he cared so much. She couldn’t be easily fooled like that— not anymore.
She’d give him this, he was very convincing.
“I’m fine.” She rushed out, her voice tired yet stern.
Gojo couldn’t help the roll of his eyes, not understanding just how bad someone could be at lying. Despite her efforts, she’d never be able to lie to him. Almost everytime she did— he never asked her why she thought she had to lie.
He could feel the familiar twitch in his cheekbone, the frustration moving its way to his face.
“Get some rest… Nines.” He mumbled, walking to the door without another glance in her direction.
Moon opened her mouth to say something, but found herself silent until he had disappeared through the door. The familiar click of the lock and then the eerie silence of her room. The only sound being her slow breathing.
The sorcerer confused her with the amount of effort he put in to see her, talk to her. She couldn’t understand how someone could be so drawn towards someone else that clearly had a distaste for them. Did he see the signs?
She knew she was being difficult at best— but it was only the way she grew up that had her acting as such. She’d never let anyone hurt her ever again. People couldn’t leave her life, if she never let them in.
The thought should’ve been comforting, but it never was.
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— ending notes. feedback is appreciated 🤍
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birdier · 4 months
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Chapter 2 is Re-done, re-edited and ready baby!
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rafs13 · 6 months
Gojohime/Gouta fanfic
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Here’s a k pop inspired fanfic idea of gojohime for anyone who’s interested. I’ve had it in my mind for a while now.
It’s called Sweet Debauchery.
It will include be a reverse harem romance where a lot of the characters are pinning for Utahime giving Gojo competition It’s slow burn, fluff, flirting, loss of innocence, angst, kissing etc in chapters to come.
Sweet Debauchery is the newest hottest sensation in Japan, a boy band that has taken the world by storm. The billion-dollar group consists of 6 members who have the world to their name with riches and fame. Gojo Satoru is known as the Face of the group with his infamous nickname ‘’Baby Blue’’, known for charming ladies, wooing, and breaking hearts. He lives on the edge, on the high and fast life fueled by exhilaration, however, everything changes when he accidentally comes across paths with a lady named Lori Utahime. A poor lady with humble ambitions to become a professional baseball player ends up applying for a job as a personal assistant for the group to save up and fund her dreams.
Here’s the prologue
Prologue -D Day
Sunset had peaked at its zenith, and the sky shined a blood-red orange with dark hues creeping in. It was the eve of summer in the year 2020. After 7 years of tremendous preparation, 1 million auditions, and vigorous training, JJK Records, Tokyo’s most prestigious record label finalized their first official boy band. The idea to debut a new boy band came to fruition in 2013 when the boom of boy bands rose again in Japan. Before that year the interest in boy groups from Japan had declined with the Japanese audience as international groups (specifically in the States) dominated the music charts. However, a shift occurred in 2013 when a Japanese solo artist from JJK records named ZER0, debuted with his hit song ‘’Lost In Paradise’’ which charted number 1 on the Billboard Charts and went viral worldwide. The world was now interested in new talent found in the depths of Japan, it was a new world for a new audience to discover with curiosity. The culture and spin on music were fresh and unexplored territory.
This wave of change was dubbed ‘’The New Gen’’.
‘’Are you all okay with the conditions?’’
Six contracts were placed on a sleek metallic table in a horizontal line, all printed and ready to sign by the six young men standing before two male figures. The six young men all were found muttering to themselves in a small circle as minutes before they had, had the time to look over the contracts. The most they did was skim through the first couple of pages as the excitement to debut was too hard to contain. Behind the two men was a huge widespread fine glass-tinted window giving a view of Tokyo at sunset. It was a Friday so traffic, city lights, fumes, and people were buzzing on the scene. The city chaos outside was a huge contrast to what was going on. The six young men were in the office of the CEO of JJK Records, being offered to sign with the company as a six-membered group. Each contract presented to the group is seven hundred and three pages long, but out of all the pages, page seven clause three point one is the most important. This page included a list typed out in thick red capitalized words that stated the following:
The Ten Unbreachable Rules
‘’Think carefully. Once the ink is dry you’ll belong to us.’’ joked the older male playfully, the man looked ancient as if he had passed his life limit spotting sunken eyes that were hollow you could barely see through them, due to being cast over by thick black shadow. The elder was sat down hunched in his chair with his slender weak hands resting on the table for support. This man was named Yoshinobu Gakuganji who owned JJK Records, he was notorious in the music business for making dreams come true for up-and-coming artists. Gakuganji made stars such as platinum two-time seller Mei Mei, a ballad/soul singer who debuted last year and is now gaining international fans. Teen pop sensation Momo also busted onto the scene debuting earlier that year in 2020, but has been actively promoting in Korea & Thailand outside of Japan. Plus Gakuganji hit it big with ZER0 which gave him huge credentials for his record label to the point that American labels are looking to do business with JJK Records in a partnership.
Gakuganji smiled at the view of the six young men speaking upon themselves, despite doing so he already knew they would accept the offer. These young men were desperate to debut, it was too easy for him to know that as they wouldn’t have trained for so long to debut. It made it easier for him to set his traps…
Aside from Gakuganji the other man now stood up placing a hand on his hip and waiting for an answer, in contrast to Gakuganji this man was middle-aged, presumably in his late 30s, and was bulky in stature with tanned sun-kissed skin. The man wore black thick shades of sunglasses, spotted a spiky dark brown undercut, and was clad in dark purple shiny clothing. His name is Masamichi Yaga, he is currently the CEO of JJK Records, he specifically is responsible for scouting potential trainees, all auditions that take place to select trainees, and the whole training process. He would drop trainees like flies if he believes they are too lazy, weak-minded, and fail to progress/improve. For one to make it to debut is a testimony itself, because the training period is madly chaotic and built for the Marines.
The fact that literally 10-year-olds are trainees is astonishing as it can make (lead to debut) or break (become cut after years of sacrifice to train) a person. Both sides of the coin are tainted.
‘’So…do we have a deal?’’ Yaga spoke up, and the group split quickly after hearing Yaga’s voice. The names of the six young men were as follows: Kento Nanami, Satoru Gojo, Suguru Geto, Ryomen Sukuna, Toji Zenin, and lastly Choso Kamo.
The first to get scouted and join the company as a trainee was Toji at the age of 15 years old. He originally got scouted to be a child actor under the acting division of JJK Records after a talent scout saw him and thought he would make a good child villain in a TV show. But he was a terrible actor, he could never remember his lines and later got transferred over to train after showing promising skills in rapping. By blood, Toji is a part of the Zenin Clan, one of the most prestigious families in Tokyo known for being elite in talent. Every member was exceptional in something and had built an empire. Still, Toji was VERY average and couldn’t make a name or make a living for himself independently leaving him banished from his family. As a member of the Zenin Clan, Toji inherited the family's good looks with raven dark hair and spiky tussled bangs, emerald shiny tinted eyes, and a lean long muscular build, but was still seen as average to his family in terms of their standards. But Toji still had a huge share of female admirers from girls to women. He trained for 10 years, working normal odd jobs to get by while he trained watching other trainees debut before him left him bitter and filled with jealousy. Despite his hardships, Toji learned how to pull on his strengths, being born with a lot of strength in his bones and body, he used that ability to hone in on acrobatic skills. This was a skill no one else had which kept him from being cut as a trainee and eventually led to his debut at 25 years old being the oldest member.
Toji was extremely jealous of Gojo Satoru though, even though he had come to like him after training with him for some time, Gojo had trained for 6 months and was chosen to debut so fast. Gojo Satoru was the golden boy, the be-all and do-all, the Ace who could do almost everything well without much effort. Dancing, singing, performing, you name it. Like a Chameleon Gojo could copy, rinse, and repeat anything taught to him. His brain works at an advanced level and his eyes can scan and picture anything he sees just like a camera. Many things about Gojo made everyone fond of him, he dripped charisma and charm without even trying, and his undeniable aura drew whoever was around him to him like a magnet. Guys wanted to be his friend and be him, girls wanted to date him, and old women wanted their daughters to marry him for him to become their son-in-law. At 6 feet 5, with messy silver-white hair undercut, and cerulean crystal orbs of blue eyes that looked like an image of the sky trapped in time, it was very easy to fall for him or be jealous of him.
One look at his baby blue eyes and dreamy lopsided smile was enough for any girl to be under his love spell. Let's just say his rizz is insane. The world was at Gojo’s fingertips and he loved it, he was ready for the fun of the music world, and choosing this life meant he was free from his family’s rules. Like Toji, Gojo was from a wealthy family/clan, but he decided to pursue a music career to gain independence, so getting a shot at living the high life as a celebrity didn’t hurt.
Gojo was hungry for it and would devour every part of the experience.
Nothing would bring him down.
Gojo accidentally got scouted after his best friend Suguru Geto got scouted at the mall for an audition at JJK Records. Geto had told Gojo about being scouted and was convinced by his other best friend Leiri Shoko to do the audition as she saw the huge opportunity Geto had. Geto only agreed after Shoko asked him to do it because he had a huge fat crush on her then. All 3 of them went to Geto’s audition, Geto and Gojo saw it as a fun joke to kill time. But Geto passed his audition with flying colors by singing (never expecting to make it that far), and Gojo was scouted without an audition based on his looks alone. Shoko wasn’t offered anything but was okay with it as she already dreamed of becoming a doctor.
Like Gojo, Geto is exceptional but his strongest traits are singing/songwriting. You see his voice brought liquid gold out of the ears of whoever heard it. His voice is sultry, breathy, and husky in tone, but the control and power over it is strong. Geto could hit high notes like nothing after months of training, his whistles were insane and his voice could go dangerously low to the point that other female trainees could not stand around the guy without falling in love. It didn’t help that he had long long sleek luscious jet-black hair that he loved to tie in a bun or half bun leaving the remaining hair out. Or his attractive androgynous facial features and nose and ear piercings that set the bill. With his lax but sweet charming behavior, Geto was a genuinely nice guy to be around. Geto also trained for six months but truly fell for being a music artist once he saw how his voice moved the room whenever he sang at evaluations/in practice. From then on his dream was to move people with his voice and help others with his songs, he wanted to share his gift with the world. He like Gojo debuted at the age of 23.
Likewise, Kento Nanami shared the same conviction as Geto, using his gifts to help others in the world. Nanami got scouted in a bathroom at a dance competition where he competed and won 1st prize. At the time Nanami was going through an emo B-Boy phase after being tired of dancing at contemporary/ballet competitions and always winning 1st prize. To challenge himself he decided to learn breakdancing for fun in one week and compete, but to his dismay, he was amazing and defeated all the competition. Kento had been dancing ever since he was three years old, he would be what you classify as an abnormal dancer. The art ran through his veins, it was like breathing to him. He mastered tap, jazz, contemporary, ballet, hip-hop, alternative dance, and Afro-fusion, at the age of 13 years old, and mastered breakdancing at 19 where he became a trainee. You see Nanami could have debuted earlier but didn’t because he kept leaving and returning to the company, his training period lasted for 3 years as he took many hiatuses to find his true purpose in life.
Other trainees didn’t have this luxury but Nanami was given the grace because he was simply too good of a dancer to let go. JJK Records even had plans to debut him as a soloist, as he also is an amazing singer but he turned them down because he was still searching to see if dance was his true purpose. Nanami even had a normal job for a while as a stockbroker but found no purpose in that and left. His reason for returning to train at JJK Records was that he danced to cheer up a sad girl at a bakery after she was having a bad day. His dance lifted her mood completely and the light in her eyes returned, that hopeful look she gave was something he drew out with his dancing, and from there on Nanami knew his purpose.
When dancing Nanami’s body flowed like water, moving slowly and smoothly like a pouring stream of water at the riverside. Peaceful and serene. But then he would bring up the tide of the water and go hard with a splash, leaving the audience quenched with thirst for more. Girls couldn’t get enough of him. You could not take your eyes off of him. His hips were a danger zone because the way he could move them was unhuman-like. He was incredible. Nanami's biracial heritage was also another insight that drew him admirers from many female trainees, he is Japanese and Danish and the perfect blend of the two. With a rich champagne blond undercut neatly parted and styled, stunning cheekbones sharp enough to cut glass, a tall build and defined long jawline, warm chocolate brown eyes, and creamy beige skin, you’d think he’d be a model on the page of Vogue (he also declined the chance to model for them years ago). The humble, caring, and honest character traits of Nanami are something Yaga couldn’t let go of regarding this group. He cared for other trainees and was often one to help out a trainee if they were stuck, his best friend Haibara was cut and that devastated him but Nanami told Haibara he would debut for him. Nanami debuted at 22.
The last two members Ryomen Sukuna and Choso Kamo debuted under sad circumstances. Sukuna lived the ghetto life, he was born in the slums of Japan and was involved with the Yakuza from the age of 10 years old. He committed crimes like stealing money from stores, participating in drivebys, and selling drugs on the corners of the streets at night. Despite his struggles, Sukuna would rap to escape it and taught himself how to do so by watching old-school rappers such as 50 Cent, Nas, Tupac, and Notorious B.I.G. He even learned English from studying their videos and watching their interviews over and over again. Rapping and MCing were something that Sukuna could do to express himself and the hardships he was facing, he was a lyricist who could play on words well and could rap extremely fast.
JJK Records came across Sukuna after hearing a mix tape of his on an underground radio station, as soon as the company was aware of him they searched to find his whereabouts and asked him to train with the offer of being in the company's boyband. His position was already secured, and Sukuna accepted with the hopes of becoming a rapper/MC who could be respected internationally. He was scouted at 20 years old and trained for 4 years. The company needed someone who had a gruff, hard exterior, someone who could bring the smoke, and Sukuna had that. He’s crazy, unpredictable, and deadly you never know what he’s thinking and will bring the fire. His hot pink hair, face tattoos, bulky body, handsome face, and somewhat sadistic character brought a darker edge to the group. He had many female admirers too like the others because of the list mentioned before, and he would often flirt with them despite not being allowed to. Sukuna debuted at 24.
Choso Kamo is the boy lolita type, a little dim-witted, shy, and innocent and he is the youngest of the bunch. Choso trained for 2 years and was scouted at the age of 16 years old. Before becoming a trainee he was living in a foster home with his other friends who he took as siblings. When it came to talent Choso could sing well, his voice was great for harmonies and blending with other voices. His talent lay in his voice being used as an instrument to amplify and invoke a feeling/vibe. He was the only member who knew of JJK Records before auditioning and attended an audition of his own free will. Choso barely passed his audition due to his huge stage fright but spent 2 years overcoming that. However, he still comes off as shy and unsure of himself but tries his best. Yaga decided to debut Choso because he believed his talent for harmonies with any other voice/vocal was needed for the group. In addition, Choso also carries a cute, meek relatable persona which would be easy for the audience to relate to and crush over. Choso was adorkable, he wore sweaters and jeans that were too big for him and tied his black spiky hair with two puffs. His talking voice was sweet and earnest, and his pale shiny skin, toothy smile, luminous violet eyes, and purple eye shadow made him look like a cute luscious vampire. He is too cute for his good but when he gets serious another mature sexy side of him comes out.
Choso won the popular junior trainee award after 1 month of training, and most of the votes were from junior trainee fangirls.
All six members had spent time training together and forming a genuine bond despite fighting at times. They had hoped to debut together because they all got along. Despite Toji’s secret jealousy of Gojo, he did respect his talent and drive to show up and work. Everyone loved Nanami’s leadership Geto’s support, and Sukuna’s will to stick up for others especially when it came to Choso who got bullied by other trainees. But from now on the group's relationship would be truly tested. Once they debuted there was no going back.
‘’Yes, Yaga. We’ve all talked it through since we got the news. We’ve taken a little time to look at the contracts but we trust we are in good hands.’’ Nanami spoke kindly, Gojo brushed past the group and went up to Yaga leaning his hands on the table before the contracts. Gojo groaned like a kid in the candy store, his patience was running thin.
‘’We’ve gotten all of the formalities out of the way now. Let’s sign and move on to the good stuff.’’ Gojo groaned now bouncing up and down like a manchild. Geto shook his head and Nanami laughed in agreement. They both knew Gojo couldn’t contain his excitement.
‘’What I wanna know is what our group name is gonna be, it better not be cringy or some crap like that.’’ Sukuna deadpanned shoving his hands in the pockets of his camo pants.
‘’It’s not gonna be cringy, if so we’ll just force them to change it.’’ Toji chimed now stretching his arms and legs as all the other members laughed, before he and the other members went to sign their contracts.
Choso signed his contract slowly with a small smile on his face, ‘’I can finally get my siblings and me out, we can have a better life.’’ he whispered sadly, Geto placed a warm hand on Choso’s shoulder as a sign of comfort.
‘’You should be proud of yourself Choso. And don’t worry you and your siblings will be fine.’’ Geto reassured Choso
‘’You did good kid,’’ Sukuna says giving Choso a small punch on the arm, before Gojo whines and groans again loudly slouching down his body for dramatic effect. ‘’Stop with the waterworks already, we should be celebrating we just got signed,’’ he whines
All the contracts are signed and Yaga takes them off the table as Gakuganji stands up to leave the room bidding the group a small wave on his way out. Yaga then turns his back towards the group with his hands behind a serious feel to the atmosphere.
‘’Congratulations to you all. You’ve worked hard. Celebrate if you must, but that will only be for a short while. All 6 of you have a lot of work ahead of you. Once you debut everything will change, but you must stay grounded’’ Yaga started ‘’But first things first. I will reveal to you the group name.’’
Finally, Gojo thought to himself as he could see his friends look up in anticipation to hear what it was, the name of this group would be its trademark to the world. It had to be catchy and work well with the public. If not the group won’t hit well with the public and Gojo would have to kiss goodbye to his independence and chance at the high life.
‘’So what is it Yaga we don’t have all day?’’ Gojo yelled
‘’Watch it Satoru…Anyway…All six of you will debut next year. The name of your group will be…..’’
Late 2020
Lori Utahime sat in her bedroom faced with an old Mac laptop in front of her, the room was very small and cramped, there was only enough space for a bed and mini wardrobe. Plain and bland were the words to explain how the room looked, it was grey and beige with minimal decoration or color. That’s the kind of person Lori was, she didn’t care about the vanities of the world, what mattered to her was the important things, the little things.
The only thing she cared about was her little dream. The dream wasn’t much but she just wanted to play baseball as an official athlete in the women's league. At age 11 she fell in love with the sport after watching a group of teens play baseball at her school, how they all worked as a team and achieved victory as a unit. Lori was often alone and isolated from others as a child, her interests often didn’t align with the other girls her age. She was into baseball, rock climbing, cartoons cosplay, and geeky stuff, while every other girl was growing up, being in love, and starting their life as a young woman. Boys saw her as weird for not being girly enough, they also judged her for the huge scar she has on the bridge of her nose, calling her names.
She wasn’t an attractive girl in her eyes, just a bland one.
That was okay with her, she was content with that.
Lori’s dream to compete in baseball professional was on the verge of a breakthrough, she worked hard at practicing in the batter position and was good enough to eventually be scouted by the women's Tokyo team for training. However, due to financial issues, Lori couldn’t afford to pay the fees and had to help out her family with the bills. She came from a poor family and times had gotten much harder since her dad got ill, therefore more financial burden fell on her. To help with the burden Lori left her baseball training behind to get a normal office job, it paid okay but it was a temporary role and now she desperately needed a new job.
The laptop screen was on the Indeed job search website, numerous jobs had been applied to but Lori just kept scrolling applying for any job she felt suitable for.
A buzzing sound came from Lori’s jeans pocket, it was her phone ringing, and in quick haste, she answered.
‘’Hello, this is Lori Utahime. May I know who’s speaking?’’ Lori spoke in a professional relaxed tone
The call was from the Human Resources & Administration Team of JJK Records, Lori had interviewed for a position as a Personal Assistant and had not heard anything in 3 weeks. The interview went well so she was hoping she’d get the job.
‘’Thank you Lori Utahime for taking the time to attend the interview for this position. We are truly amazed at your credentials and skills. Congratulations, we would like to offer you the role of Personal Assitant. Please let us know if you’d accept this offer.’’ said the voice from the other side of the phone.
Lori stood up slowly, gave herself a small congratulatory pat on the back, and gave a small smile before answering.
‘’Thank you, Nitta, I’d be delighted to take the offer.’’
I have uploaded this on my A03 account (my username there is different-Mint Bunniez)
You can find it here
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koyukilove · 26 days
IMPURE(part one) Toji x Reader TW: None, just fluff and the introduction to our favorite deadbeat<3
As you walked up the path to the Fushiguro residence, you couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and nervousness. You had been hired to watch Megumi, the young son of the family, for a few months so the family could evaluate your skills, and you were determined to make a good impression.
As you entered the house, you were greeted by Megumi, who was sitting in the living room, engrossed in a book. You smiled and introduced yourself, and Megumi looked up at you with a curious expression.
The evening passed quietly, with you reading Megumi a bedtime story and helping him get settled into bed.
You had always loved taking care of children. You had been babysitting since you were 12 and had always felt a sense of fulfillment and joy when you was surrounded by little ones. So, when you had saw the ad for a babysitter for a 5-year-old boy, you had practically jumped at the opportunity.
The boy's name was Megumi, as you know, and he was a sweet and curious little soul. You quickly fell in love with his bright smile and playful nature. But it was his father, Toji, who was a different story.
Toji was a single father ever since his wife, his sunshine, his life, had died and from the moment you met him, you could sense that he was a man who didn't do emotions. He was cold and distant, and you found yourself feeling a little intimidated by him. He had a big build and whenever you came to babysit him, you found him overshadowing you with his tall, sexy, handsome- never mind, moving on.
Despite your initial reservations, you were determined to do your best job for Megumi. You usually spent hours playing with him, reading to him, and taking care of him. And as the days turned into weeks, you started to notice something about Toji. You noticed that he wasn't as cold and distant as he seemed at first glance. You noticed that he had a soft spot for his son, and that he was fiercely protective of him.
As you continued to babysit for Megumi, you found that you were growing more and more attracted to Toji. You couldn't explain why - maybe it was the way he smirked at his son when he thought no one was looking, or the way his eyes lit up when Megumi did something cute. But whatever it was, you couldn't help but feel a flutter in your chest whenever Toji was around. But Toji didn't seem to notice your deep feelings. He treated you with the same level of coolness that he had treated you with from the start. And you began to feel like you were reading too much into things - maybe you were just imagining what wasn't there..
One day, while you were babysitting Megumi, Toji came home from work early. He walked into the house without knocking, and you felt a sudden jolt of nervousness. You quickly got up from your seat on the couch and tried to compose yourself, fixing up your skirt which had gotten a bit wrinkled and your hair which Megumi had been holding onto when you let him sit on your shoulders.
"Hi," Toji said gruffly. "Sorry I didn't give you any notice. I had an unexpected..meeting."
You nodded, trying to hide your embarrassment. "It's okay," you replied. "I'm just glad you're here to spend some time with Megumi."
As they sat down on the couch together, you felt a sudden sense of closeness to Toji. Maybe it was the way he was smiling at Megumi, or the way his little lip scar turned upward when he smirked. Whatever it was, You felt like you were getting closer to him.
One evening, as you two were putting Megumi to bed, Toji turned to you and smiled. "You know," he said, "I really appreciate you taking care of Megumi. You're doing an amazing job." He said, walking behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist from behind.
Your heart skipped a beat as you met his gaze. "Thank you," you said shyly. "I love spending time with him."
Toji’s eyes held yours for a moment before he looked away. "Yeah," he said gruffly. "Me too."
And then, in a moment that took your breath away, Toji reached out and brushed a strand of hair out of her face. It was just a small gesture, but it sent shivers down your spine.
From that moment on, you knew that you were in love with Toji. And as they sat on the couch together, watching Megumi sleep peacefully in his bed, you felt like you had finally found what she had been searching for all along - love with a man who cared for her deeply.
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tojisbbygworl · 4 months
Kiss Me I’m Bleeding update next week
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tonycries · 2 months
A Picture Lasts Long (But Not As Long As That D*ck)
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Synopsis. Smile for the camera - as best you can when you’re being absolutely wrecked in all sorts of ways underneath them anyway!
Pairings. [SEPARATE] Gojo x Reader, Choso x Reader, Nanami x Reader, Geto x Reader, Toji x Reader
Content. MDNI, fem! reader, exhibitionism (Toji’s), mutual másturbation, phone séx, créampie, oral (female + male receiving), vibrators, bóudoir, manhandling, marking, Gojo is a menace, fíngering, dp, face-sitting, some HEINOUS things, pet names, swearing.
Word count. 3.8k
A/N. Was gonna add Sukuna but I feel like he’d hate modern technology.
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♡ TOJI FUSHIGURO - The internet sensation
“Whaddaya say, you horny fuckers? Think she deserves to cum?”
Now, Toji Fushiguro is always one for extra cash. Who wasn’t, really? So when you approached him with a devious idea, well, how could he ever say no to his pretty girl?
He just didn’t think he’d be here - your bare legs splayed out on his lap, dripping cunt spread so shamefully, buzzing vibrator deafening over your pretty moans - all in front of that blinking camera. And the hundreds of thousands behind it.
“T-Toji, wan’ cum. Wanna cum so bad, please.” you mewl. Big, fat tears dripping down your cheeks at the way he’s been teasing you for so long now. You can barely make out the rush of comments flashing across the screen.
The camera captures everything so sinfully well. The way your cunt is completely soaked, clenching desperately around nothing as Toji slides the vibrator along your swollen folds. Circling your needy hole, just grazing your swollen clit. Teasing them just as much as you. 
Pathetic fuckers, he thinks, but entertains their desperate comments anyway.
“Hmm, they’re saying I should let you cum, pretty.” he whispers in your ear, low and hoarse with need. “Saying I should be ‘nice.’” 
He brings the vibrator - now glistening with your slick - to his lips. Licking a long, languid stripe up it, collecting your sweet juices on his tongue. Turning it ever-so-slightly towards the camera to show off what the fuckers behind it will never get, he hums dangerously, “What do you think, my girl?”
You gasp out a sob, uselessly trying to buck your hips toward where you needed him the most. “Please, Toji. Wanna cum, I’ll do anything.” 
“Oh yeah?” he chuckles, spreading your legs open even further with a feral groan. 
In one, fluid motion, he buries the vibrator deep in your dripping cunt, relishing the surprised yelp that leaves your swollen lips. “Then show ‘em how much you like it, pretty. How much you love me not being ‘nice.’”
And that’s all that is said before he’s fucking you into you at an urgent, sinful pace. Pulling out all the way till the buzzing tip just circles your swollen folds, ramming into you with no care or concern for the burning stretch. Toji knew you liked it - besides, it was half the size of him anyway.
“C’mon, smile for the camera, pretty.” he grunts into your ear, “Tell ‘em how I make m’girl feel.” 
You can barely choke out, “Ah! Oh- shit. S’good. Hngh-”
Blood rushes straight to his cock at the way you were taking it like such a good girl. Head lolling against his muscled shoulder as Toji pushes the vibrator in and out in and out in and-
“Yeah? Who makes you feel this good?”
Angling it just right to expertly hit against that one spot he knew would have your eyes rolling to the back of your head. 
“Ngh- Ah! You!” you whine, thighs quivering at both the burn of being so spread open and the electricity coursing through your veins at Toji’s relentless pace. Mind spinning, vision blurring, you barely register the hand snaking its way down down down.
A harsh thumb pressing down hard on your throbbing clit. “Wha- Toji hah-” you squeal as he starts drawing slow, tight little circles on it. Lazy and languid where he was fucking into you mercilessly like you were his lil’ toy right below. 
“Tha’s right, my girl. Say it for all those lonely little fuckers behind the camera to hear.” He doesn’t stop thrusting the vibrator into you, instead speeding up his movements impossibly at the lewd squelches filling the heady air.
“You. No one- else- hngh-” you moan softly hips bucking up in tandem with his hand. “M’gonna- Ah ngh- m’gonna-”
“Say my name, pretty.”
“T-Toji! Hah-” you squeal deliriously, cumming desperately around the buzzing vibrator. Walls clenching as he continues to fuck you through it. A smug little smirk on his face as he watches the way your eyes flutter closed, body bowing jerkily into his. 
Ah, you look so pretty like this. Those losers behind the screen were probably at the gates of heaven already. 
In the haze of your orgasm, you barely hear the low murmur from above you. “Now, you horny fuckers. Think her pretty hole can take my cock at the same time?”
♡ GETO SUGURU - The secret album
Geto Suguru doesn’t let anyone touch his phone - especially his photo gallery. Always turning off the screen from prying eyes, pocketing it safely before flashing an innocent grin. 
But why? That one time Shoko stole his phone while he was in the bathroom revealed only a few blurry, aesthetic shots of you, the sky, and you. So what did that man have to hide?
Well, what she didn’t know is had she scrolled down just a bit more - before Geto ripped the phone from her hands - she’d have come across the treasure trove named with a simple “Love.”
Not one, not even tens - but hundreds upon hundreds of videos of you all falling apart underneath him.
Most of them favorited, all of them sorted so meticulously according to his tastes in a way that showed he spent an obscene amount of time looking at all the ways he ruined you. But it wasn’t enough to capture your perfection. It never was. 
Which is probably why Geto had you sitting prettily on his face, juices spreading so lewdly across his mouth as he tonguefucked you into insanity. 
The video was shaky, focusing in and out of the way your bruised lips dropped into a soft oh! as he bullies past your swollen folds. 
It zooms in on the dazed expression on your face, eyes miles away. “Oh, Suguru. M-more” your broken moans crackle through the speaker. Just barely capturing the soft ah! ah! ah! escaping your lips each time Geto’s tongue dips into your sloppy hole. 
Oh, this video was definitely going in his favorites.
“Take the phone, love. Show the camera how good I make you feel.” he murmurs into your dripping cunt, words hoarse with desire. 
And Geto might love you on film - but this was your favorite part. When the camera flips and you see him in all his disheveled, sinful glory. “Ah- y’look so pretty under me, Sugu.”
Dark hair splayed out on the pillow, stray strands sticking to his forehead as he looks at you with hazy, pussy-drunk eyes. His ringed fingers holding your thighs apart in a bruising grip. Lips glossy and swollen as they continue their abuse on your ravaged pussy. 
Flattening his tongue along your swollen folds, sliding teasingly between them. Your slick glistens in the dim lighting, dripping down down down the lower half of his face. 
And Geto, well, looks like he’s absolutely in heaven. Eyes rolling to the back of his head as he licks at his girl’s pretty cunt, tipping his head back further just to let your sweet juices slide down his throat. 
You’re so focused on how pretty he looks that you almost miss the long fingers deftly snaking their way along your thigh. Spreading your swollen folds apart with his thumbs, he whispers raspily, “Shit. No video in the world can capture how pretty you look like this, love.”
The pure look of admiration has the camera shaking, and you sputtering out, “Wha- Suguru what nonsense-”
“Shhh, my girl. Lemme take care of it.”
And with that he’s sinking knuckle-deep into your pussy, while his ruby lips wrapping around your swollen clit. Zooming in desperately on the way he rolls his tongue harshly along it, sucking so sensually. Like a man starved. 
“Ah- hngh, Sugu. Feel s’good.” you gasp as he starts thrusting his fingers inside you. God, you don’t know how you don’t drop the phone at this point, white-hot jolts of pleasure running up your spine from where Geto was making out so sloppily with your cunt. 
Tears sting your eyes as he curls his fingers just right to brush against that one spot that has you bucking into his mouth for more more more- Hitting it over and over-
Fingers tangling in his silky hair, the video grainy with movement as you use it as leverage to grind deeper into Geto’s face. Chasing your high with an almost-embarrassing neediness. Close. So close. 
A muffled, “Cum f’me, love. Cum for the camera.”
And then you’re cumming. Stars behind your eyes, and Geto’s hungry gaze searing into your brain - and the video - as you chase peak after peak on his pretty face, grinding down desperately. Your vision is hazy, head spinning. 
But Geto’s is decidedly not as he quickly skims through the obscene video, lips still attached with yours. 
Ah, damn these cameras. No matter how high quality, he could never quite capture the delicate trail of drool decorating the corner of your lips. Or the exact pattern of the neat crescents that your nails leave on his chest. 
They could ever quite capture the perfection that was you.
But it’s fine. 
That’s what multiple takes are for, right?
♡ NANAMI KENTO - The photographer
Nanami Kento wasn’t into photography - which didn’t quite explain the tripod and hefty camera set sitting in the corner of his office. 
No, he was more into absolutely fucking ruining you in front of the camera just to capture a semblance of how heavenly you look for him. Which, well, explains the countless framed photographs decorating the walls of his often-locked office. Nothing extremely explicit - but enough to make a stray onlooker blush and look away.
And well, how could you say no? Especially when he had you bent over his desk, leaking tip dragging teasingly along your swollen folds, camera aimed right at the way you lean into his cock. 
Cold tabletop digging into your skin, his fingers warm on your pulsing clit. Drawing tight, methodical little circles. So like him.  
“C’mon, darling. Arch your back more f’me like a good girl.” he murmurs lowly, breath hot against your ear.
As if on autopilot, you press further into his swollen cock. Sliding it deftly between your folds, just aching for any bit of friction. “K-Kento, please-.” you babble, delirious from him and his piercing gaze and him. 
“Mhm, spread your legs more f’me. Yeah, jus’ like that, darling.” he mutters, voice steady with the audacity of someone that wasn’t grinding his rock-hard cock into your dripping cunt. Hips moving in shallow, mindless little motions despite himself. Yet, holding back so agonizingly. 
So, you take matters into your own hands. 
Slowly, purposefully, you lift yourself higher, arching so desperately into Nanami’s throbbing cock. The soft little bump! bump! bump! of him pulsing against your walls a tempo that you were losing your sanity to. And if you were in any better state of mind, you’d be almost embarrassed by how needy you were acting. “Kento! Wan’ you to fuck me alre-”
You don’t get to finish the sentence, because Nanami only takes a second to snap back his hips before pressing into your dripping cunt. The stretch of your walls absolutely addictive.
Ah, there was the perfect shot. 
All the blood rushes to Nanami’s cock at what showed on the screen - the exact moment that he split you apart on his cock. Your eyes wide, mouth parted ever-so-slightly, such an obscene mixture of shock and ecstacy painted across your face. 
His girl was so beautiful. Especially when she was stuffed full of his cock.
“This is what you wanted, right?”
One hand steady on the camera, the other pulls you deeper onto his cock as Nanami begins to move inside you. Pulling out all the way till his leaking tip is just circling your sloppy entrance - only to ram his length into you mercilessly. 
“My girl wanted to be full of my cock?” he hums darkly, “S’full she can barely even speak?” Hungry eyes devour the way your pretty pussy was milking him so greedily, barely even letting him pull out to fuck back into you harder than before.
“Ah! Yes- hah-” you breathe out, “”Wanted hngh- s’bad-”
He maps every curve and dip of the way you grind down onto his cock, taking in the obscenely heavenly sight of his cock disappearing into your pretty pussy - and so does the camera. 
Another one - your eyes locked onto Nanami’s. Dripping cunt just barely in the frame as he continues ravaging you from behind. 
Back arched, such a sinful little expression on your face as you buck your hips wildly to meet his thrusts. As frantic as the hasty little movements of his thumb on your throbbing clit - not even circles anymore, just sloppy, sinful motions to get you off. 
“Hah- please Kento,”
Click! Click!
Oh, if Nanami had it his way these photos would decorate every hallway of this house. For everyone to see.
“Wanna- hngh- wanna cum, Kento.” you mewl, ass stinging from where Nanami’s toned pelvis smacked yours at a ceaseless, maddening cadence. Clit now ravaged from both his ruthless abuse and the heavy balls smacking against it with each thrust.
Click! Click! Click! 
“Then cum, darling.”
You see stars behind your eyes as you cum - or maybe that was the unforgiving camera. Capturing each and every detail of the way eyes, dazed and fucked-out, lock onto Nanami’s. Swollen lips dropping into such a pretty oh, Kento! Pushing yourself from the desk on shaky arms to arch so sinfully as Nanami goes over the edge as well. 
Camera shaky for the first time as he twitches inside you savagely, before pumping thick, hot ropes of cum into your quivering walls. Trickling down your legs so lewdly, pooling at the sterile floors below - a problem for later. 
Click!  Ah, another gem for his walls.
♡ CHOSO KAMO - The urgent calls
When Choso video calls you, you know never to answer in public. Why? Well… 
“Cho, what is- Oh.” Your words catch in your throat as you take in the absolutely sinful sight on your screen, cunt clenching in anticipation as you slowly bury deeper into your covers.
Legs spread on the bed, such a pretty blush dusting his face, throbbing erection leaking furiously on his toned abs - your boyfriend was an absolute vision. 
“Baby…” he whines, sending a jolt of pleasure right down to your cunt. “Was missin’ you today.”
Ah, you can’t help but tease him a bit. Raising a brow, “Oh really?” 
Despite his absolutely ravaged state, Choso finds it in himself to scoff, “M’serious. Jus’ thinking about that slutty pink bra you had on today. How much better it would look on my bedroom floor.” 
A large hand makes its way on screen, deftly snaking down his milky skin - down, down down all the way from his abs, resting just at the tufts of black hair at his toned pelvis. Waiting. Teasing. 
Now it was your turn to scoff, pussy twinging impatiently at the way he was so stubbornly waiting for you to break first. Well, two can play that game.
Unbuttoning your shirt slowly - so agonizingly slowly - revealing just a flash of that pink he wanted so bad. That rips a low groan out of Choso, precum smearing on his palm as he squeezes his swollen cock. Success. 
“C’mon now, baby, don’t tease. Be a good girl f’me.”
Batting your lashes mockingly, “You first.”
You always did know how to get what you want, huh? Because with an impatient little grunt, Choso spits a steady stream of saliva once, twice onto his furiously red cock. 
Your mouth waters as he grips the base tight, so achingly hard and flushed your favorite shade of pretty pink. Precum leaking down his glistening veins, pooling at the heavy balls that twitch at the mere sound of your voice as you mutter, “Oh. You really did miss me.”
“Mhm, your turn.” he gets out through a low hiss, desperation bleeding through your speakers and into the heady air. Starting to pull on his cock in shallow, mindless little tugs - just the way you do it.
Finally relenting, you slip off your top, reaching for the clasp behind your when-
“Keep it on. Now spread your pretty legs for me, baby.”
Choso’s greedy eyes are locked on the screen as you flip the camera, showing off your already-soaked panties. Oh, you little minx. 
“Shit. You don’ know what you do to me, baby.” he groans, movements getting jerkier. Fist flying up and down his cock - just wishing his hands were yours. Ah, how yours would be softer, prettier, straining to cup his thick cock. “C’mon now, my girl. Show me you wan’ me just as much.”
God, Choso thinks he could cum right on the spot as you hastily remove your wet panties, delicate trails of slick connecting them to your pretty cunt as you slide it down your legs. Yet, he manages to find it in himself to grit out a low, “Touch yourself the way I would, baby.”
And, well, you don’t need to be told twice. 
Bullying your fingers through your swollen folds, thumb just grazing your throbbing clit. Purposefully teasing yourself - purposefully not giving in to what you craved so bad. No, you were too entranced with what was onscreen. 
With the way Choso was fucking his fist so desperately. Like he was trying to fuck something delicious out. Harder on the base, featherlight on his flushed head. Thumb teasing under the slit just the way you would.
“Shit- Oh, baby,” Choso groans, his hips bucking wildly as if he could somehow close the distance between you. His grip on his cock almost painful as he pounds into his hand. Ah, how you wish that was your hand instead.
Your fingers dip lower, rubbing your entrance. A thrill running through you at the way Choso’s eyes widen as you slide a finger inside yourself with a whine of his name. 
“Need you here with me, need to feel you around me,” you pant, rubbing against your clit in time with his fist, eyes locked on the way his throbbing cock twitches in his hands at the mere sound of your voice. Palm running up and down up and-
“Choso, just come here an’ fuck me already.”
You catch a glimpse of his eyes flickering closed, breath slowing, a satisfied smile curling his lips and then- thick spurts of cum covering his toned abs. Glistening so deliciously in the dim lighting as Choso strokes himself through his high. 
You on the other hand…
“Cho~ Can’t cum without you here.”  you hum coyly, slightly whiny yet not desperate - not yet.
“Get ready, baby. M’gonna be there in five.” Ah, how you loved when Choso video calls you.
♡ GOJO SATORU - The wallpaper fiend
Gojo Satoru loved to show off his wallpaper, babbling about his “beautiful girlfriend” as he flashed the picture to any and everyone he came across. 
It wasn’t anything strange, really - just a slightly blurry photo of the upper half of your head, eyes slightly scrunched like you were in the depths of laughter. It’s only when someone stares too hard, finger pressing just a bit too long that Gojo snatches back his phone with an unreadable little smirk. 
Because if they had they’d notice it was a live wallpaper. 
One that - despite being so proudly the great Gojo Satoru’s wallpaper - was for only his eyes to see. One where the camera shifts ever-so-slightly downwards to show you splayed out deliciously on your mattress, pale, sculpted thighs straddling your face - zooming in on the way your swollen lips bulge wraps so lewdly around his throbbing cock. 
“Oh, sweetheart, jus’ look at you.” his voice rumbles from above, voice hoarse with desire. “Taking my cock so well, huh?”
All he gets are muffled groans, tears glistening in your eyes as Gojo shoves his length deeper down your throat. He chuckles lightly, fucking into your hot mouth in small grinds of his hips, “Oh yeah, forgot you can’t speak sweetheart.”
Ah, what a smug bastard. And despite the dick lodged in your throat, you find it in yourself to stare up defiantly into his greedy gaze, moaning sinfully around him. That makes that confident facade crumble a little, the camera is shaky as Gojo lets out a broken little, “Sh-shit. You’re really asking for it.”
And maybe you were a mastermind - maybe you were an idiot. Because Gojo pulls his hips back till his leaking tip is just kissing your kiss-bitten lips. Smearing his precum around your glossy mouths. Only to slam back into you mercilessly, forcing you to relax your throat - because Gojo’s had enough of playing game
His searing grip on your scalp just out of the frame as he fucks into your mouth like his personal toy. Not stopping till your nose is pressed into the snowy white tufts of hair at his pelvis. 
Camera scrambling to capture the way your throat bulges so obscenely as he fills you up, starting to fuck into you in shallow, mindless little thrusts. “Mmm, ngh. Fuck, sweetheart. Can feel me inside you right…” A large, veiny hand makes its way into the video as it wraps around your throat, squeezing. Tight. “...here.” Gojo rasps over your choked-up moans. 
Tears were streaming down your face now, nails digging desperately into the hand wrapped around your throat. But it seems Gojo had no care in the world for them. Because he coos mockingly, “Awww, don’ cry, sweetheart. Jus’ look at that slutty mouth of yours, sucking the fucking soul out of me.”
And as the screen grows grainier, the camerawork more shaky - Gojo’s hips grow more frantic. 
Cock hitting the back of your throat at a maddening cadence in a way he wishes the camera could pick up. Hand tightening around your throat as he fucks into you faster and deeper. Hip chasing the feeling of your tongue wrapped so deliciously around his throbbing cock. Delicately tracing the veins along the side, flicking his sensitive slit just the way you know he likes. Over and over-
The screen flashes white - or maybe that was just Gojo’s cum. Shooting thick, endless spurts of his seed that paint your pretty face white. And oh, this was his favorite part, how you take it so well. 
Your tongue darting out to catch the stream of cum that gushes out of him, pooling it on your tongue before letting it slide to the back of your throat. Eyes gazing up so eagerly into his as you stick your tongue out to show, well, nothing. Taking him up so greedily. 
And if Gojo was any less of a man, he’d be showing this off to everyone he knew. And in the end, before the wallpaper goes back to that seemingly innocent picture of your face - if he turned up the volume real high - Gojo could hear his voice in the background, breathing out through ragged gasps. “C’mon, sweetheart, I wanna make a few more wallpapers.”
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A/N. LMAO this came to me when I thought about how Gojo is the type to have a polaroid of your tits behind his phone case. 
Plagiarism not authorized.
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tojisun · 6 months
the first time it happened, he’s rendered speechless.
big man, known for his indisputable strength, and yet there he is – bundled in the softest blanket you own, tucked in the sofa while you warmed up some soup that frankly got his stomach grumbling.
he is still overwhelmed, slow blinks and quiet rasps of breath replacing his usually sharp focus. the clamour on the coffee table would have usually yanked him out of the fog, and yet there he remains, drowsy as he turns his attention to you.
he tips his head up just enough to watch you place a bowl of soup in front of him, your furrowed eyes shifting towards him in to check if he is still awake, and he doesn’t know what it was that you saw to have the worry fizzle into something tender. replaced with something so soft it almost made him ache.
a pretty smile graces your lips, and his lungs burn. he tries swallowing the lump lodged in his throat as he ducks his head down to avoid your eyes, unusual shyness thrumming underneath his skin, because this can’t be real.
you can’t be real.
“c’mere, baby,” you whisper, falling beside him with a tiny hum, shorter arms reaching towards his bulk to pull him towards you.
his eyes flutter close at the first brush of your fingers through his hair; the tips of your nails – pink acrylics, he catalogues – scratching his scalp just as gently.
he ignores the way his lips wobbled when he feels you press a kiss on the side of his temple. it was a quick brush, just another reminder of your softness, but it was enough for his senses to pick up on your scent. he doesn’t know what it is exactly but it is something so familiar. something that feels like home.
“y’r okay,” you tell him. he breathes in deeply, holding it, before exhaling with a tremor. your arms tighten around him. “y’r okay,” you repeat.
he remembers the tiny box hidden in his drawer, stuffed underneath his clothes, and promises, soon.
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— simon (ghost) riley, toji fushiguro, aizawa shouta
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screampied · 3 months
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ᡴꪫ‎ synopsis. on your life, you swore you hated him. that stupid smirk that curled against his lips, you loathed toji fushiguro. but how does a single kiss change that? is this hatred you feel—or is it romantic denial?
wc. 8.4k
warnings. fem! reader, arranged marriage au, slow burn (?), sharing one bed, unrequited love, degradation, praise, edging, size difference, fingering, semi public, implied multiple orgasms, unprotected sex, cunnilingus, impact play.
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“ya just gonna stand there or,” toji raises a brow, and you gave him the biggest glare imaginable. it was late at night, about a quarter past eleven and you were exhausted.
you had a long day, and the last thing you’d wanna come back home to was a guy on your bed. toji was sprawled all out, stretched all over your side of the bed, and he gives you a teasing grin. “so y’er the brat i’m supposed to marry.”
“you’re not sleeping here.” you grouse, making an attempt to shove him but it gets literally nowhere. toji stays put, glancing up at you and his facial expression was purely amused.
he hums. “oh? says who?”
“says me. now move before i—,” you chastise, crawling into the bed to move him before with quick reflexes, he gets ahold of you — and stupidly, you fall right into his chest, a sudden oof sound departing from your lips before he snickers.
“now we’re both scared, princess,” toji rolls his eyes, and you’re all propped up against his chest. he was so warm, and oh how he smelled so good..
toji’s got the biggest smirk on his lips as you’re awkwardly laid on his lap. the both of you share an intense gaze that felt like forever - and once he finally breaks the silence, he mutters, “quite a brat but i gotta admit, y’er real pretty up close.”
you shift your eyes away, and you let off a soft gasp once a hand of his brushes against your waist. toji continued to speak, and his tone was a bit more pitchy and stern. “glare all ya want dollface, ‘m not moving.”
“fucking bastard..” you grumbled underneath your breath, crawling off from his lap before he pulled you back into him. 
“who’s gonna marry this bastard though,” and then he clicks his tongue, adding a snarky, “uh huh. exactly. but at least come up with better insults than that,” and it’s a long awkward pause. toji finally looks up at you again, his tantalizing grin fading before darkened irises of his lock onto yours.
it was intimate.
the eye contact was, strangely sensual… you wanted to know more about this man. 
you’ve heard countless stories, especially the ones where he was known for being notorious but you’ve always pondered. out of any random guy, you got paired up to be betrothed to the infamous toji fushiguro. 
he ends the silence with … a deep kiss. 
everything moved at such a speed, you didn’t even realize you were kissing him until you felt his tongue run down yours. he had such a flavor, your eyes briefly closed, returning the gesture and he cups yours face. a low grunt could be heard from him, and despite it being seconds…toji was definitely addicted to your sweetened taste. 
it took you a long moment before you pull away, strands of spit departing and you stutter out a timid, “w-what was that for?”
“why’d you kiss back?” he eyes you down, and he brings a thumb up to your lips, swiping against it and it was unintentionally sexy—toji stares down at your lips, as if he wanted to kiss you again, but his eyes then flicker back up towards you. “if we’re gonna be tied together, you should know how to kiss,” only to then he replies with a sassy, “…you could use some work though.”
“…shut up,” you groused, a cute pout forming on your lips as you scoot away to shove a pillow at him. “whatever. i’m going to bed. we have stupid rehearsal tomorrow.”
toji runs a hand through his hair as he snickers, watching your frustrated obvious embarrassed state. you reach to turn off the lamp, getting comfortable underneath the fat silk covers. 
“aren’t ya gonna ask for a goodnight kiss?”
“fuck you, toji.”
“heh. one day, girl.”
with furrowed eyebrows, you didn’t get what he meant, and once you did—you were glad it was pitch dark so he couldn’t see your visible abashed expression. 
momentarily, the two of you ended up sleeping. you’re all the way on the other side of the bed, yet due to toji being a rough sleeper apparently, he finds himself getting close to you.
regardless of being crazy in bed whilst in a deep slumber, he surprisingly didn’t snore. 
you found yourself tucked right in his strong arms. you felt safe—secure. leaning into his warmth, you suddenly feel a cold sweat wash over you. 
beat after beat, your heart raced and what your mind processed. it felt so surreal.
you felt a mixture of both, hot…cold…. a plethora of feelings. 
once your eyes shot open, your first reaction was to wake up toji. of course, you’d ignore your feelings and go back to sleep. but something deep inside you was telling you, you need him. 
“wha—” he grumbles, his tone was hoarse due to him waking up abruptly, it was around probably three thirty in the morning. he was about to reply with a usual teasing remark before he spots you, hovering over him with tears stinging in your eyes. “hey. hey…what’s the uh… matter?”
his tone suddenly went tender, you stare at toji, observing his face with blurred eyes from the tears. your eyes met towards his relaxed face, his perfectly structured chin, even his slanted scar that ran across a part of his lip. 
“i— it was…” you sniffle, but for some reason, the words got trapped into your throat. sealed, preventing you from muttering another word. 
“shh…it’s okay, it’s okay,” he repeats, bringing you close towards his chest. you tried to relax within his grip, he’s so gentle and drags a hand down your back soothingly. “easy, girl. i’m…here.”
judging from the continuous pauses in toji’s tone, you could tell he didn’t know what to say — what to do, but he knew he had to at least hold you.
you felt insanely vulnerable, all to a man you’ve only known for maybe what…a few hours. 
his voice, it was relaxing and soft, despite its roughness. the rhythm his hand had, stroking back and forth against your back, you let off a low sigh. his cologne wafts against your nose before you slowly look up at toji, and he’s already staring at you. 
“…you good?” he mutters, an eyebrow slightly raising. 
“y-yeah,” you mumble, a tiny pout glossing on your lips again. it was cute — he was about to comment on it, yet you watch him start to shift away. you wrap your arms around his waist, briefly doing a head shake. “stay still, toji.”
“ooh. first name basis now?” he hums, fully complying with your request. his thumb lightly grazes near your back before you feel his chest jerk a bit from a chortle. “but okay, we can stay like this princess.”
you felt your face get hot at the pet name, why—?
just him calling you ‘princess’ was enough to make you feel such intensity. he brushes a hand back and forth swiftly. it was tender, you let off a soft sigh, any signs of nervousness leaving you completely. 
“…don’t call me that.” you grumbled, your eyes shifted up at him and he rolls his eyes. 
“and yet y’er still talking,” he chastised, this time a pout forming on his lips, it was cute.
the way the scar that ran across the edge of his mouth tugged together solely from the movements of his facial expressions.
toji catches you staring at him before he breathes out, “i don’t even get a thank you,” he nudges you, an attempt to lighten the mood—to perhaps earn out a smile out of you, and that he did. “get some sleep though, brat. got me hugging you, tch.”
it was a drag. reality coming to you that not only had you have to marry this man, but you had to live with him also..
multiple days passed, the two of you practically pretended each other didn’t exist.
toji was almost always working . .
albeit, he’s never told you specifically what his occupation was.
you knew he was a feared man—for whatever strange reason, but you decided to not comment on it. perhaps that was a good thing. 
sooner rather than later, your wedding date was approaching. everything felt like it was going at a rapid speed.
toji was, well . . . a private man to say the least. you tried to get to know him, but he was like an empty canvas. there was something he didn’t want to tell you. 
ex-wife, ex-girlfriend..? 
you couldn’t help but ponder. sure, he was an attractive man. quite very much easy on the eyes. such striking features, heavily intimidating. if only he didn’t have such a huge ego. he was practically insufferable to live with. the two of you were total opposites in terms of personality. 
he’d often tease you every chance he got, poking fun at you for even the smallest things. 
“…wow,” toji muttered, leaning back against his chair. the moment you stepped into the room in nothing but a pretty silk dress, his eyes roamed and roamed. 
it was a pretty long a-line dress. it was perfectly sewn on, hugging your curves tightly, the sash that ran across your waist. toji for once was speechless, his eyes lingered towards your entire frame. your figure—it was forever gorgeous in his eyes. for a moment, you saw a sudden look in his irises, as if he’s been in this moment before. 
he has. judging from his past, but you didn’t know that. 
toji dismisses a sudden flashback before focusing his attention back towards you, standing up from his chair, uttering a, “c’mere. i wanna get a closer look.”
“was that a good wow or a bad wow?” you puff out, sliding your feet across the floor towards him. you swallow to yourself, can’t help but feel a certain butterfly stir up inside you.
toji’s eyes were on you the entire time. his eyes linger down your body and seeing how the way it fit perfectly before he mutters. 
“it’s whatever you want it to be, princess.”
“why can’t you just reply like a normal person?” you furrow your eyebrows—visibly trying to hide your embarrassment.
toji snickers. “you look gorgeous,” and he looks as if he wants to touch you, but he halts, tugging on his tie before trying to maintain a neutral gaze. “is this the one?”
“yeah,” you mutter, and that’s when for a brief moment. the two of you just stand there. toji’s hands were buried in his pockets, and he’s got that annoying simper resting on his face.
this man.
it was as if his irises were a mystery — pools of complete mystery. you could never read him. 
toji brings a hand towards your face, and he strokes your chin with the pad of his thumb. “you know,” he starts in a rough voice, feeling how claustrophobic it almost was . . the two of you cramped up in a dressing room like this, you tried to dismiss any dirty thoughts. “i keep noticing how bad you are at eye contact, princess. you have a habit of staring at my lips instead of my eyes. 
“…shut up.” you mumble, practically leaning into his touch despite your stubbornness. he smiles, derisively raising a brow. 
“if ya want another kiss from y’er husband, just say that.” toji murmurs, his strokes went towards your lips. he’s the one who looks at your lips this time, almost witnessing the whine that was about to leave your mouth. 
it suddenly felt hot . . . scorching. 
the gaze he had on you, such a meaningless yet seductive look. as if he was forevermore captivated by your beauty, and in this case he was.
“…toji,” was all you let out, a soft pout going against your glossed lips. he looked so handsome up close. darkened strands of hair that ran down his eyes briefly, it was ruffled. 
you loathed feeling like this, that stare he gave you. it started to make you feel a certain type of way, between your legs.
“yeahh?” he slyly remarks, leaning up close. just inches apart, he was so close to kissing you. you smelled mint with a slight tang of alcohol run on his breath, he knew what he was doing. “needy girl. look at that pout, so cute.”
“kiss me, toji.” you breathe, not even intending to sound so whiny.
it killed you, seeing how desperate you were for another one of his kisses. you craved it though. the way whenever his lips would hit against yours, it felt you were the only person in the world. he knew that’d be the only way to shut you up. 
“look at you using your words,” he hums, sliding his thumb against your bottom lip for a final time. toji then leans in, tilting your chin a bit and his lips gently press against yours.
your lashes fluttered, feeling a certain feeling stir up inside you. you couldn’t describe it . . . again, this man. 
you made it known to yourself that you wouldn’t get like this for anyone. feel this …. weak. yet with toji, he had you wrapped around his finger. 
it was that easy. 
just from a kiss. 
a stupid kiss. 
toji grips your chin, and you move back until you’re pinned against the wall. the pure feeling of the cold mirror frame skimming against your back. 
toji grunts in your mouth, his tongue colliding against yours throughout each second. his hands started to roam up your body, as if he was waiting to touch on you.
graze his fingers down every inch of your pretty physique. you moan, feeling a rough hand of his slowly lift your leg up. 
the soft fabric of your dress ruffles against his thigh, and your leg ends up wrapping around him.
he chuckles, deepening the kiss, you felt the very edge of his scar tickle against you. “fuck, y’er something else,” he says between kisses, and he feels you tugging on his tie. 
in the background played some catchy tune — a random popular song, you felt the warmth of toji’s body grind against you.
so incredibly good, the tips of your ears started to heat up. his hand trails lower and lower until your breath hitched, feeling the tips of his fingers dance against your skin.
“you do realize we’re in public, right sweetheart?” toji whispers, breaking his lips away to kiss near your neck. he smelled intoxicating, a perfect mixture of cologne—surprisingly not a cheap kind. it smelled worth a hefty value, and it made you gnaw on your lip. “are you-”
“you talk too much,” you chastise, grabbing onto his wrist. he snickers, watching you take a hold of his grip. you drag his hand between your legs, letting off a puff. “i just—i don’t care. i want you to touch me. you— you tease me all day, ‘n i- i just want—”
toji stares at you, you’re still making his hand go down until it’s right between your thighs. raising up your dress that wasn’t paid for, his fingers brush against your panties. “…oh,” he purrs, arched brows pressing together. “you’re kinky. but okay, if my pretty wife wants me to touch her, then i’ll touch her.”
“i’m…not your wife, idiot.” you pant. 
“don’t worry, girl. you will be,” he mumbles, bringing his lips towards the side of your neck.
he sinks his teeth gently, nipping at the sensitive skin to hear you moan.
you were so close to him—the way his touch sent you into a complete frenzy. toji slides your panties to the side, and you let off a whine, feeling him feel the slickness that stuck against your folds. “aw. were you wet this entire time we were out?”
you felt your face heat up. oh, you were extremely embarrassed. 
he had you like this, soaking wet. you couldn’t even explain why. this man had you like this… so feral. 
to think you were gonna walk down the aisle with him pretty soon. at this particular point, you didn’t care about feelings. by now, you weren’t even sure of what you felt towards toji. you just knew that you wanted him to touch you. 
“so impatient,” toji murmurs, making you lean back against the wall. he was such a tease, staring daggers, sexual daggers right at you.
toji stares as you tug on his pants, you don’t even know what came of you—it was as if your body craved him. “we just had one more store, princess. you couldn’t wait?”
“…toji,” you’d pout. pulling on the thin fabric of his tuxedo. he looked so handsome. you only started to imagine what he’d look like once the two of you officially got hitched. he raises his brows, leaning towards you before you gasp once he brushes a finger towards your exposed clit. “i- i can’t fucking wait anymore. please, just—”
“watch that mouth of yours,” toji sneers, and he cuts you off with a deep kiss. 
you moan, feeling entirely hot once he slowly inserts a finger inside. “nasty girl. walkin’ around this wet,” he’d grumble, your arms went over his neck as you bit your lip. “easy. relax, thereeee we go. good girl,” and his praises went straight towards your cunt.
he had such a way with words, his fingers had quite a length to it not to mention. all throughout, you felt him prod against your walls and you whined for more. “i knew we’d get along.”
“s-shut up.”
“s-shut uppp,” he mocks your tone, a raspy snicker following. he grins at the cute scowl that went on your lips before you mom again. he reached so deep, and then he added another finger inside. toji watched as you glossed lips parted, you were heavily panting. “such a mess down here. just filthy.”
he was so gentle with his strokes—a simple bowling ball grip that made your maw practically drop. it felt so good, gingerly caressing your clit. your chest heaved and heaved, and you started to whimper against his ear. 
he loved whenever you did that. the sweet pitches your voice would make, it was almost melodic.
“f-fuck,” you’d sigh, trying to focus on your breathing patterns. you had to remind yourself the two of you were in public.
in a secluded dressing room.
the circular motions he created made you practically squeeze your plushy thighs together. he was so good with his hands, it made your eyes start to roll back dramatically. “right there, t-toji.”
“squeeze around me so good—wonder how you’d be with me doin’ the real thing, princess.” and the way he’d do that thing, pitching his voice into a husky rasp. it made you feel a surge of tingles coarse all throughout your body. you were essentially hugging him, your unbought dress lazily pulled up. “tell me how’s it feel, talk to me.”
his words… it was so sensual, he goes right up against your ear as he spoke. licking against your earlobe before it turns into brief nibbling. he knew what he was doing, getting you all hot and bothered.  
you swallowed thickly, and he has a perfect tempo. not to fast, not too slow. by this point, both of his fingers that was shoved into your pussy was covered in your sweetened slick. 
“good, f-feels good,” you’d whine out, pant after pant. your breathing became erratic—mind swollen with nothing but filthy thoughts. just the sheer reality of being fingered like this, it made you a little wet. no, it made you incredibly wet. 
toji’s stimulating your clit, his formation was forever euphoric.
it was like a drug, the way you wanted his fingers slid in and out. he purposely grew quiet so you could hear the sloppy squelches your cunt made in retaliation. “listen how she just… talks back, no fuckin’ manners just like you.”
your bottom lip quivered, his dirty talk… 
each word going straight between your thighs. with your back arching, you felt yourself clamp around him, a big squeeze.
it was like with the tips of his fingers, he knew how to reach every crevice, everywhere inside your folds. “the way y’er voice always gets high once i get to this spot. such a sensitive baby.”
curling and curling, toji’s fingers was going in and out of you. by this point, you were completely drenched. he was using his entire wrist, you felt the cold hand of his watch skim against your skin in the process. “i-i’m getting close, toji fuckkk.”
“yeah. bet you are,” he nips at your neck, speeding up his fingers just a bit. you felt dizzy, forevermore trapped in your mind—chasing a powerful incoming orgasm. it was no denying, your legs were just trembling by this point. he knew the anatomy of your pussy perfectly, as if he was skilled in it professionally. “i want you to do somethin’ for me.”
“huh?” you whined, still propped up against the mirror. he’s still trapped with your arms wrapped around his neck, right between your legs just barely. 
toji sneaks a kiss near the inner part of your neck before mumbling, “i want you to make a mess on me. can ya do that?”
as your eyelids droop, becoming lower and lower, you pathetically nod, whimpering out a sweet shaky, “okay, okay.”  
toji felt the texture inside of you…easily stretching your walls a bit with just two slender fingers. his fingers was thick though, your mouth hung open with not even coherent words coming out. just cacophonies of, “toji,” and “f-fuckk,” with many others. 
he kept a gaze on you the entire time, he wasn’t sure by this particular point what he felt towards you. the noises that escaped from your lips, he wanted to hear more of it, maybe even drag out a sweet scream from you. 
“t-toji, ‘s gonna…” you slur out your words, sounding like you were running a marathon.
he maneuvers circles against your clit with two fingers, tickling against your opening and you let off a whimpering, “oh my god, oh my g-godddd.”
“…y’er so loud,” he rasps, leaning in to shut you up with a kiss. it was passionate—a tang of sloppiness to it. his tongue ran against yours, and you felt a coil within you abruptly snap. 
once you orgasm, it was far more than you expected. because you felt even more soaked. you shivered, a muffled orgasm pouring into his lips before toji slows his fingers down. 
pulling away, he’s watching with sly eyes of the stringy cobweb of saliva depart from both lips, he huffs. “girl, did you just squirt on me?”
your nerves, you whimpered once he slide a thumb against your pulsating nub, taking his fingers out to gawk at it. how you effortlessly coated his fingers with your slick. you didn’t reply, you’re in the midst of catching your breath before toji hums.
“yeah. you fuckin’ squirted on me,” he answers his own question, about to lean in for another kiss. yet that’s when the door knocks obnoxiously. 
it’s an older lady, and she’s got quite the vexed voice. “excuse me sir, the store’s closed. can you two please—”
“yeah, yeah we’re coming,” toji rolls his eyes, and you’ve never been more embarrassed.
he peppers a kiss against your forehead before glancing down at your dress with a smirk. “you’ll be a doll and pay for that, right? it’s a little damaged but i'm sure you’ve got that covered, baby.”
cheap bastard. 
it’d always be moments like this between you two. except, the both of you never went all the way. toji liked to take his time with you. he wanted to make you wait—it irked you. 
he was a professional at getting on your nerves, making your eyes roll to the very depths of your skull.
it was like the more time you spent with him, the more you started to feel this … feeling. 
you didn’t know what it was. you couldn’t describe it. all you knew was that it felt weird.
not so much in a weird way, more of a … natural way. you can’t remember the last time you’ve felt like this. 
perhaps calling it love was foolish, then again you hated not being able to describe this feeling. whatever it was. 
toji started to grow attached to you — whether he was too stubborn to realize it or not. 
it would be small things, calling you while he was at work just to tease you, help you get things from the top shelves… feeling him against you, just fantasizing about that made you start to throb. 
preparations for the wedding felt like it was taking centuries — everything had to be perfect.
eventually, you picked out a dress. it fit perfectly, and toji hasn’t seen it yet. 
sooner than you knew it, it was the day of the wedding.
the arranged marriage.
truth be told, you still barely knew the gist of everything. it’s probably been about a good half month before the day eventually comes. the two of you ended up going separately, not together. 
alas, you and toji end up running into each other near the entrance of the venue. 
“toji,” you’d mumble, words being caught way back in your throat.
he was suited up, so handsome. slicked down with a tuxedo. with hands buried in his pockets, his head was slightly tilted down as he gifted you with the same gaze. “we aren’t supposed—we aren’t supposed to see each other before the ceremony,” and your words trail the more he trods towards you. “it gives us bad luck.”
“hey girl,” he murmurs in that familiar rasp. his naturally ruffled hair was slightly slicked back, a few strands poking through. “you look like my wife already,”
and you felt your heart race, hearing him say that, ‘my wife.’ it made your eyebrows slightly curl in puzzlement before he strokes your cheek. “i’ve been meaning to see you anyway. this wedding is gonna last us all day.”
you stare up at him, a tiny glimmer in your eye before breathing. “…well yeah, the after party and everything. why do you-”
“the more i stare at your dress, the more i wanna tear it off,” he uttered, his voice pitches a deep low. he swipes his thumb directly next to your chin. leaning into his touch, you returned the same eye contact, and he sighs. “i don’t want any other eyes seeing this but me.”
“so take it off then,” you mutter, watching the scar slanted against toji’s lips curl into a playful grin. “it’s about time, toji.”
with an eye roll, he grabs your wrist lightly, pulling you into one of the fitting rooms of the venue.
scattered everywhere was a bunch of preparations for the wedding. multiple dresses, cakes, and even presents. yet, the two of you could care less about that. 
“we gotta work on that annoying ass attitude of yours,” he breathes, not wanting to waste a split second. toji lifts you up, moving you towards the table. you wrap your arms around him before gasping. 
“don’t ruin my dress, toji. ‘n ‘i’m not gonna pay for it again.” you say against his ear, hearing him smack his lips in reprisal. 
“yeah yeah. i won’t ruin it, baby,” he rolls his eyes, carefully reaching beneath your back.
he slowly unzips it, watching the fabric drag down your chest before you’re almost exposed. his eyes roamed, making you feel a sudden heat pulse between your legs. he had one of the most intimidating gazes ever known to man. 
once toji helps you fully get out of your dress.
his eyes avert towards between your thighs, squeezed tightly shut. “…girl,” he rasps, making your legs part briefly before flickering his eyes right back towards you. “were you really gonna walk down the aisle with no panties? 
“i— i forgot,” you huff out, running a few fingers through his hair. if you weren’t mistaken, you could hear a purr come from toji’s lips. the way you massaged his scalp with such ease, your touch was everlastingly gentle. “i was rushing earlier and-”
“nah, you didn’t forget. you did this for me, didn’t you princess?” he whispers, leaning in to plant a kiss near the inner part of your neck. 
his lips were so soft.
with a loud clank towards the wooden floor, your heels fell to the ground with an abrupt thud. toji was so touchy, his rough textured hands wandered all over your body. such shivers coming out of you. “y-yes,” you’d drag out, desperately longing for him to just be inside you already. 
you’ve fantasized about this particular moment in more ways than you could count…
likewise, you were far too embarrassed to flat out ask toji to please you.
except for the moment between the two of you at the mall, that was the closest you’ve ever gotten. as mentioned before, he liked making you wait. he figured the wedding day would be the best day to show you how to deal with a real husband. 
in more ways than one… but specifically - the bedroom.
he couldn’t keep his hands off you, it was impossible. you took the chance to gnaw on your lip, feeling him touch all over you. such rough hands, yet so tender. he starts off with kisses near your lips, chaste ones near the corner of your mouth, beneath your chin, your neck…
as he inched lower and lower, you intake a sharp breath, feeling a few strands of his hair tickle against your skin.
“pretty body all jus’ for me,” he’d murmur, an almost coo escaping from his lips. you’re propped up on the table before toji sprawls your legs apart. he leers at the way your legs, the fishnets that purely decorated it. 
with his teeth, he starts to tear them off before you whine. “toji— i have to keep these.”
“y’er dress is long, baby. no one’s gonna be looking at my girl under here,” he replies, such a deep tone hovering underneath his wordings by defeault. 
again, the way he addressed you as ‘his girl,’ it pathetically made you throb. a weird feeling throbbed inside of your heart ; the same feeling you always failed to describe. 
to think you weren’t so fond of this egotistical arrogant man, and now—you were happily drenched for him.
time felt like it went by so fast. those two months you’ve gotten to know this man felt like two seconds. mayhaps that unfamiliar that continued to reside in your chest was…love? 
just imagining that made you almost gag, but perhaps that was it.
could it be that you were falling for a guy you were arranged to spend the rest of your life with? you remember a conversation with toji, telling him that you had a bit of commitment issues. 
so did he. 
that caused the two of you to bond, and toji even opened up to you a bit. about his ex-wife.
he was really selective with his words, but whenever he spoke about her, his eyes always lit up.
toji knew what it was like to be in love already. you didn’t. 
“always trapped up in those pretty thoughts of yours, huh,” toji snaps you back to reality.
he’s made sure not to ruin your fishnets, swiftly peeling them down with his teeth before you don’t even realize he’s already got you more soaked than you were before.
your cunt drooled for him—aching for more of his touch. the second you felt his breath fan against your entrance, he’s toying with you by blowing against your pussy. 
you whined, starting to pant with your eyes flickering straight down towards him. “f-fuck. our marriage’s gonna get bad luck, toji.. wasn’t supposed to see me y-yet.”
“i’m gonna marry you tonight, princess,” he reassures you. and for a split second, he has this stare as if he’s entirely joking with you.
however, his tone always sounded deadly serious. 
that rasp to it made you squeeze your thighs shut together in desperation. “nothin’ is gonna happen. we won’t get bad luck.”
and you moaned, watching him smear a thumb down your swollen clit.
it’s pulsing, and he doesn’t wait to lick a long stripe against your folds. his tongue made you swallow, already your legs started to quaver. 
he lays the base of his tongue flat against your pussy, and you bite your lip, feeling the edge of his scar swipe by your entrance. 
you liked that, a lot. a bit more than you should because he notices. gathering a wad of spit before he spat on your glistening folds. “ooh. ya like feelin’ my scar like that, princess? how’s it feel when i rub against you like this?”
“good...goooood,” you whined, burying your fingers into his hair. dragging him all across your folds, he laps up your slick that started to run down his chin before you whimper. “your scar. it-tickles, toji.”
his lashes close for a brief moment, and you moan once he slides a finger inside, gingerly easing his way inside, feeling you squeeze around him. “aw,” 
he purrs lightly, pressing a teasing chaste kiss alongside your clit. lowering his tongue, he makes sure it’s going right underneath your sensitive nub. 
toji was precise - his tongue knew every direct spot to make you sob out his name.
you didn’t even bother being quiet this time—you whimpered and mewled until your pretty voice was strained. “keep lookin’ away ‘n i’ll stop givin’ this pussy attention.”
you’re panting, heaving and heaving as your eyes trail back down towards toji.
the tip of his nose prods up against your folds, the fact that he’s nose deep…not a care in the world. 
his tongue continues to loll out, lapping up every drop of your sweetened slick. it carelessly coated his mouth, the few specks of facial hair that was barely visible. it ran all over the under part of his chin. such a messy eater. but you and him both knew that. 
“eyes down here, yeahhh. that’s it,” he coos, applying extra amounts of pressure with his tongue. he lies it flat down, and he was so sloppy.
gathering up strings of his saliva, flickering his eyes back towards you to give you a cocky grin. “pull on my hair some more…fuck, jus’ like that. yank it.”
toji gets hard feeling you roughly grip onto his darkened black locks. it gets tangled within your fingers, and you start to briefly massage his scalp, earning a low groan from him. 
toji could eat you out for hours, without a single care in the world—just his tongue between your legs, eating you out like a starved man.
as his tongue moves upwards, you whimper out a “s-shit,” that echoes throughout the room. his thumb skims against your entrance before you feel his tongue slide its way upwards, backwards. an entire zigzag of letters. “oh my goddd, toji. ‘m gonna c-cum.” 
“such a nasty fiancé. was about to walk down the aisle with no panties. the fuckin’ nerve,” he grumbles. 
a pout curls against your lips once you feel his tongue slow down.
gradually, you start to move your hips by his face and he shoots you a glare that makes you pulse. toji breaks away, pressing kisses near your inner thighs now. he’s taking attention away from your clit, and you whimper. “awh. what’s with the pout? don’t like waiting huh?”
“t— toji…” you weren’t fond of being edged, of waiting. toji raises his brows, a thumb toying with your clit, stroking it before even giving it a sweet nibble. “p-please. don’t kiss my thighs, jus’ finish. wanna cum..”
“pretty please,” he corrects you, purposely slowing his pace down just to watch you squirm in such desire. your legs. “say it girl. speak to me in that pretty voice.” 
it shook, vigorously. 
all from the rapid strokes of his tongue. your breathing patterns became so irregular it had you gasping for hair.
the way he made sure to suck and lick over every spot. chills, shivers and a plethora of other feelings run down your body before you moan, feeling him lightly nibble against your slit.
with a shaky breath exiting your throat, you mewl out a whiney, “pretty please toji. pleasepleaseplease.” 
“good girl,” he says in a smooth tone, making you let off a moan solely from the way he spoke to you. 
toji lowered his words, pronouncing in such a silky way that it made you pulse. he takes a concise slurp near your g-spot before mimicking a technique with his fingers.
unhurriedly, he slides a finger into your slick entrance, still hovering his tongue all throughout your pussy before you’re just nearly about to break. 
with your maw dropped wide, you came with the most tumultuous orgasm imaginable. he brushes his tongue against your slit as you ride out your orgasm, body growing limp abruptly over the table before you whine once he gets up. 
“open that mouth,” he utters, getting right between your trembling legs. without even a split question, you part your lips - unaware of the kiss that he planted right on your mouth. 
toji picks you up, the pretty anklet you were just idly brushing down his back. he carries you towards the sofa, still tongue tied with you—you moan in his mouth, tasting the sweetened tang of alcohol on his tongue. 
“y’don't know how bad i need you,” he gruffs, breaking between kisses, strands of your own saliva departs, and the more he shoved his tongue down your throat, the more you tasted yourself. swiftly, you move your tongue beneath his bottom lip, tasting how sweet you were and it made you whine. 
toji’s words rang throughout your ears like church bells. he practically treated you like a rag doll. your dress was off—and you were all exposed with just a pretty bra. 
“tell me you want me,” he mouthed, getting directly between you. toji was between your legs, hovering over you with bulky arms just stretched near the sides of you. he leans in, cupping your chin, stroking your thumb. “tell me you want me, and i’ll give you all of me.”
“i— i want all of you, toji,” you pant, your eyes focusing directly on him and only him. toji was still in his tuxedo. he was so handsome, there was certainly no denying. with matching black slacks, he reached for his tie—giving it a firm pull before snickering at your answer. 
“good girl,” he praises you, and you’re so impatient. with a few shuffling you hear the commotion of him unbuckling his pants — he's intentionally going slow, dragging things out to see that sweet pout form across your lips again. “goin’ as fast as i can, sweetheart. don’t give me that look.”
he was always such a tease. you kissed your teeth in annoyance, averting your eyes towards the ceiling before he’s finally through. 
toji stares down, using his right hand to pry your legs open a bit. his left hand to give himself a few pumps. you glanced down, and nearly moaned at the sight of his length. he was so thick, veins ran all the way down and you were almost drooling. 
he grunts, spotting you gawking at him and it only gets him ten times harder. taking a deep inhale, you stare at his happy trail. speckles of black hair decorating near his abdomen. it was sexy, toji was a well trimmed man surprisingly. 
“f-fuck, look how hard you make me,” he huffs out, and that’s when he makes you turn over on your back. you were staggered a bit at the sudden change of position—yet before you could react, that’s when you felt the plump tip of his dick prod against your entrance. “damn. she’s all excited for me. fuck this wedding, i just want you princess.”
his words…there came that same feeling brewing up inside you. a soft whine escapes from your lips as you’re dumbly arched beside the sofa, sucking in a breath. he finishes gently aligning himself. 
once he starts to go in, you let off a, “f-fuckkk,” that reverberated across the entire fitting room. he was big. saying toji was big, an entire understatement.
his girth had you nearly choking on your own saliva. with a single hand, he grips onto your waist, watching you gradually swallow him. “toji, you’re so b-big. ‘s really big.”
“perfect size just for you, baby,” he sighs, already feeling droplets of sweat race down the sides of his forehead. 
toji’s heaving, he licks his lips at the sight of you arching for him. as each inch sinks in further and further—you could feel him stretch you out even better than his fingers ever could.
your pussy squelched, longing for him to keep going. start up a pace, do something.. 
“easy girl, easy,” he murmurs, just barely halfway in. you try to bear around him and he smiles, running a hand down your spine to make you whimper. “relax for me. that’s it. good fuckin’ good.”
“t-toji..” you’d moan. each set of praises he gave you made your head spin, your heart raced, thinking was so hard for you. especially with such a size as big as his. “oh my g-god, ‘m gonna cum.”
he clicks his tongue, almost in before caressing your ass. “no baby, y’er not gonna cum yet,” and then he titter’s underneath his breath. “cute little drama queen.”
he was right in some way—you weren’t gonna cum so soon, but it did feel like it.
your face lowers against the cushioned pillow, flat down and you hug against it. biting your lip, your eyes rolled into the very depths of your cranium once toji presents you with a single rough thrust. 
one thrust. 
one thrust was all it took to make you let off the most sweetest melodic whimper imaginable. toji wanted to hear it—again, and again, and again. if it was anything he knew, he was slowly becoming more and more addicted to his future wife’s voice. 
“i just want you to feel all of me,” he starts, speaking between thrusts. your lips, spit-glossed and quavering. you whimper out, feeling his body weight press against you. 
it was so provocative. so arousing, this particular position.
doggystyle but with more depth.
he’d be able to reach more in a deeper angle to where you’re barely able to formulate comprehensible sentences. “i wanna reach you in spots no one’s ever reached before, princess,” he continued, leaning right up close to you—you let off a whine, feeling his cock stretch you out with such simplicity. “will you let me do that?”
“yes, yes. please..” you immediately spat out, feeling yourself coat the lower part of his shaft with your slick. you were already drenched, so soaked from before. being propped up over the armrest of the sofa. it made you feel so lewd. 
your cunt gripped all against him, gummy walls tugging back and forth tightly that it makes you whimper out. “toji, i want you. i- i want you too.”
“yeah girl. i know you do.” he replies with sass, giving your ass a brief smack—only to quickly caress it shortly afterwards. the sting, you licked your lips before letting off a sweet whimper. just a simple action as that made you throb. 
toji was a big guy, once he started up a rhythmic pace, you immediately fell in love. not with him, with his strikes, his mean thwacking hits against your cunt. 
or was it …?
only time could tell. 
you were far too dumb to comprehend anything. all you could even fathom was how big he was. stretching your cunt out as if it was some sort of elastic band. 
toji’s cock reached every crevice, you felt his tip prod against spots you didn’t even know could be reached. 
“o-ohhh my fuckin’ god, fuckkk,” you’d gasp, feeling him lower his weight against you just a bit further. by this point, he was smacking his hips roughly against you.
it was hypnotizing. the way he rolled his hips at such a titillating speed, so deep. you were almost drooling—you wanted more, and more, and more. “right there, ‘s too good. fuck me right th—”
“don’t tell me how to fuck, princess.” he groans, making you lie back against the wooly arm of the sofa. his tone was so raspy and mean, you were aching each time he spoke to you. 
toji’s favorite part was seeing your ass go back against him, it made him kiss his teeth everytime. the recoil.
your ass had him locked hard. just jouncing back against him. he pivots his hips before you moan once he starts to shift a bit. 
“need to go deeper,” he groans, and you don’t know what he means before you feel him lean right up against you. you whimper, feeling the back of toji’s sock suddenly make contact with your neck. 
“deeper ‘n deeper,” he huffs out, and you moan at the soft fabric brushing near your skin. he was fucking you with a foot pressed lightly against your neck. this angle—it was filthy.
if you weren’t drooling, then you certainly were now. he groans, each time you clamp down against him it makes his jaw tighten. “waited so long jus’ to have ya underneath me like this, baby.”
the more toji spoke, the more you disassociated. his dick did wonders.
each stroke had you gasping for air. his hits against you, the way he had his foot right by your neck. pretty lashes of your continued to flicker and flutter whilst he was fucking you insanely stupid. 
“m-more, please. getting close, tojiiii.” and he finds it cute. the way you drag out your words in such a obscene way. he’s making jerk back and back against him—it elicits out the honeyed sounds from you. 
“fuck back against me ‘n i’ll think about it,” he puffs out. you whine pathetically, making a cute attempt to move back against him.
it was barely any movement due to toji’s foot pressed up against your neck but you tried. he cackles roughly, teasingly sliding fingers down your back before cooing. “a for effort, baby. i’ll take it from here, yeah?”
and he does, like the true gentleman he was. 
toji keeps you in that same position for a good thirty minutes until your legs were close to essentially giving out. 
you came a lot, repeatedly. constantly. 
over and over again until the word cum was forever the only existing word engraved into your dumb little brain. you were speechless, fundamentally losing track of your orgasms he gave you. you shuddered, each position making you covet for more. you didn’t want to stop. 
not now, not ever.
“fuckin’ look at her grip on me so sloppy like,” he nips at his tongue, currently having you laid on your side. he pistons his dick in and out of you at such a tempo…it was so amorous. 
he was referring to the way the strings of his and your own cum stringing together.
back and forth, so messy. he watched in awe, sliding his tongue amongst his lips before groaning. “can only imagine what our honeymoon would be like, sweetheart. i’d probably fuck around ‘n get you pregnant. maybe gift you with a kid or two.”
“t— toji,” you’d moan, and a rigid grip goes against your waist. whilst he was giving you vigorous shots from the side, you’re just hugging him tightly with your squelching walls.
the sounds your cunt made from its impact was so loud. it earned a hiss from him before he slowed his thrusts down. “do it.”
“silly girl,” he laments, a thumb stroking against the softness of your side. he was pumping you full of inches, you’re just taking it with your tongue lolled out—it felt so good.
each spot, he hit it deeply. the curve of toji’s dick, it had somewhat of an upward curve that made him reach a more thorough angle inside of you. “f-fuck, but ‘m gonna stuff you full again. ‘s that what you want? a plump pretty belly jus’ for me to see?”
you whimper, nodding your head ardently. 
“use those words.” he huffs out, deepening his strokes against you. while feeling your ass jumar and clamp back by him. your walls hugged him solidly like a vice. it’s got his head spinning in circles, on a constant loop. 
“give it to me t-toji, wan’ you to fill me up again,” you’d hiccup, and then he suddenly makes you lie down on your back. he gives you a smile, dark green irises staring right into you before he pulls out briefly—just before plugging himself back in. 
toji swallows thickly, his jaw clenching steadfastly once he ends up cumming again. he poured such thick ropes into you.
it was warm. the way it trickled into you, he makes you grow quiet so you can hear it. 
“…f-fuckin’ hell,” he husked, his head going back as he raises your leg up to give it a soft kiss. you milked him so good to where his voice started to become a bit more shaky. even a bit whiny.
toji stuttering was something new to you—and you’d be a liar if you said that didn’t turn you on. “take it all princess, saved all this jus’ for you….damn.”
he utters the last part underneath his breath, his abs flexing before he grabs ahold of his dick. it was swollen. throbbing from the stimulation before he pulled out again, this time smearing his cum all across your entrance. “always… always liked myself a messy girl.”
eventually, the two of you nearly ended up missing your own ceremony. dozens of guests came to show their support for the new soon-to-be wedded couple.
toji helped clean you up, as promised, not a damage was done to your costly dress. 
the venue couldn’t have been anymore perfect. the surprise was a bit ruined figuring the two of you had seen each other right before the official wedding. 
toji’s hair was a bit messed up. he runs his hands through it whilst the entire crow stands up once you start trodding your feet down the aisle. 
that generic traditional wedding piano tune plays, and you’re walking with your father, the train piece of your wedding dress flowing down throughout each step. 
toji has this gaze on you the entire time, hands buried in his pockets and his eyes linger. it made you nervous—something was telling you something, but you chose to ignore it. did you love him? or did you not? 
once you finally made it up near the stand with toji, he grabs your hands with the most sleaziest grin. he strokes against your hands as the priest started to recite the same broad speech, “dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the holy union of…”
as he spoke, the two of you kept eyes on each other the entire time. toji towered over you, and he genuinely looked in love. he had a softness to his face, yet a smug look that never went away. your gut was telling you something—yet you couldn’t figure out exactly what. 
the priest continued to speak before focusing his attention towards you. “do you take this man to be your husband, to live together, to love him, to honor him, to comfort him, and to keep him in sickness and in health—forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?”
“i do.” you mutter without hesitation. 
the priest then turns towards toji before letting off a sigh, staring back into his book. “sir. do you take this woman to be your wife, to live together, to love her, to honor her, to comfort her, and to keep her in sickness and in health—forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?”
toji stares lovingly into your eyes, tilting his head before he leans up close to you—you’re caught by surprise once he kisses you early. it was a deep kiss, you kissed back, wrapping your arms around him before he pulls away.
yet before he can say, “i do,”
toji makes your heart come to a stop, murmuring out the fatal words against your lips, “sorry baby, i can’t.”
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lemonlover1110 · 3 months
Toji Fushiguro
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Pairing: Toji Fushiguro x f!Reader
Summary: Toji Fushiguro is the worst possible boyfriend, luckily he isn't your boyfriend but someone else's.
Warnings: MDNI, Cheating (Toji cheated in the past on reader and is cheating now with reader), Smut, Vaginal Fingering, Oral Sex (f. receiving), Vaginal Sex, Nipple Play, Daddy Kink, Spitting, Creampie Some Angst (No Comfort), Toji is just a little asshole (but we love him bc he's Toji)
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He’s so intoxicating when his lips are on yours, it makes it hard to notice how his fingertips burn up your skin. His hands go under your shirt, tracing up your stomach until he decides that your shirt is getting in his way and he wants it off you. He pulls away from your lips, as he lifts up your shirt, and you’re worse because you help him. You allow this to happen.
“Toji, we can’t do this.” You say in between kisses, but you don’t do anything to stop him. You let him go down to your neck while his hands reach behind to unhook your bra. He slides your bra off and his lips kiss down to your breasts. Toji puts you down on the bed before his tongue circles around your nipple. His tongue plays around, flicking your nipple before his mouth wraps around it and he begins to suck.
You bite down your lip as his other hand begins to pinch and play with your other nipple. He unlatches from your boob, a string of saliva connecting his lips to your nipple. He kisses the valley between your breasts until he gets to your other tit, where he does the same thing.
This is how you always end up with him. You barely get a word out before you’re down each other's throats. If you cared to talk much, you would still be together but you aren’t. Toji isn’t a good person to talk to, but he’s a great fuck. That’s one of the reasons you broke up and decided to remain as friends–
Well, you and Toji didn’t decide to remain friends, and you aren’t exactly on amicable terms. Truth is, you hate his guts. You hate him so much because he was the worst boyfriend you could ever have. You found yourself scrolling through his phone late at night, inspecting who he was talking to. It was no one at first, letting you believe you were going crazy, that you were just overthinking everything that he did.
Until you found the messages, the pictures, the videos. You argued, and he told you he wouldn’t do it again but he did. Toji didn’t take your relationship seriously, until you left. He asked you to work things out, but when you refused, he started dating the woman he was seeing behind your back.
Now he’s doing with you the same things he did with her… Although he swears he never got physical with her. You don’t care about the limits, all you care about is getting the sweet taste of revenge on your lips. Maybe that’s why he’s so intoxicating. You get a sense of satisfaction when you do the same things she did, although you shouldn’t because Toji ends up winning in all of this.
But you don’t care too much when his tongue glides over your tits. His teeth graze your soft flesh before he bites down on your nipple, making you moan out of pain and pleasure. Toji hums against your boob, his way of telling you how much he loves this. The man could come simply from sucking your tits.
“You’ve got perfect tits.” Toji tells you as he unlatches. He kisses your puffy nipple a couple of times before he completely undresses you. He begins to kiss down your body. He makes sure to love every part of your body, something he never really took advantage of when you were together. 
He kisses down to your lower abdomen, slowing down when he approaches your pussy. He spreads your legs as his tongue licks through your folds. He loves the taste of you on his tongue, and nothing can really compare to you. As much as he hates to think of it, he misses you. 
His tongue teases your entrance, a smirk on his face when he hears your breathy moans. He spits on your cunt before his tongue focuses on your clit. His tongue begins to flick your clit, and you can’t help but shut your eyes. There’s nothing Toji loves more than to eat you out. You used to have to beg him at first but after the first time, he began to beg you to let him go down on you.
Two of his fingers run through your folds, gathering your slick before he pushes his thick fingers inside. He’s not doing much, but you’re softly moaning his name, praising his every move, “Oh, daddy, that’s so good.”
The pace of his tongue and fingers match, as one speeds up, so does the other. He kisses your cunt before humming against your cunt, “Fucking love your little pussy so much.”
He curves his fingers just right, making your hands grip the bed sheets. You’re turning into putty with every touch and movement from him. Your legs squeeze around him, and the man is on cloud nine at the mere thought of being suffocated by your thighs. 
“Oh, daddy!” You moan. Toji is’t a great boyfriend, but he’s always a great fuck. He takes his fingers out of your pussy, his tongue going down to your entrance. The tip of his tongue teases your entrance, so close to pushing it in, and just as you anticipate it, it goes back up to your clit. “You’re so good to me, daddy–”
Toji spits on your cunt again, but instead of continuing to eat you out, he gets up from the floor, leaving you unsatisfied. He lays down beside you, grabbing your head and forcing you into a sloppy kiss. He feels your soft fingers go under his shirt, tracing every inch of his well toned torso. He begins to suck on your tongue while his large hands cup your breasts. 
You pull away from the kiss, getting on top of Toji before your lips go straight to his neck. You go for the sweet spot that makes the man weak to his knees, and you begin to suck on it. A soft moan leaves his lips before he comments, “You just want to show her, huh, pretty girl?”
You go to another spot in his neck, making sure to leave a mark. Toji’s hand roams down your back and to your ass, grabbing a handful of it. Toji doesn’t really care that you’re leaving evidence of his doings. He doesn’t care enough, plus, as you know, Toji is willing to sacrifice just anything for momentary pleasure.
He pulls down his sweatpants, breaking his cock free from its confinements. He spits in his hand before stroking his cock. You’re too busy with making hickeys on his skin to care about the poor man’s needs. But in your mind, he doesn’t get to be satisfied– It’s your dumb idea of revenge towards him.
“I’m gonna put it in, okay, baby? Need to feel your sweet pussy around me.” Toji’s voice sounds needy. You hum against his skin, and he runs the tip of his cock through your folds before pushing himself in. He curses as he feels your pussy wrap around him, “Oh, fuck, baby– You feel so fucking good.”
You stop sucking on his neck, pecking his lips as you begin to bounce on him. Your nails dig into his biceps, moaning as he fills you up. One thing you hate about him more than anything? You doubt you’ll ever feel this good with anyone else. Although the feeling is mutual, which is why the man randomly knocks on your door at a random hour. The main difference between the two of you is that Toji decided to fuck everything up for a future together.
You don’t dwell on it, though. As long as you get to use his body, you’re fine. You can find someone else to fulfill your emotional needs.
“Love your cock, daddy.” You moan before your teeth dig into the skin of his shoulder. Toji almost chuckles at the fact that you’re making sure to mark up every part of his body that you can get access to. He’d be a liar if he said he didn’t love it. You sit up, your hands resting on his chest for support as you move on his cock. 
“You’re so fucking beautiful.” Toji comments, as one hand goes to your tits, pinching and playing with your nipple. You grab his free hand, moving it to your cunt, leading you to say,
“Please touch me there, daddy.” And Toji doesn’t waste a second before rubbing your clit. You throw your head back, moaning as you’re consumed with pleasure. You bite your bottom lip to not get too loud as you move slowly on his cock. 
The hand that plays with your tits goes up, cupping your face before forcing you to look down at him. He loves this position for many reasons: you set the pace which makes you enjoy yourself more (he loves watching you struggle after a minute), and because he gets to admire your face as you take him. He can’t properly look at you when you’re throwing your head back.
“You look so pretty when you’re bouncing on my dick. You like taking my cock, baby?” Toji asks as your walls begin to squeeze his cock. He’s making your body feel too good. That’s his issue, he always makes you feel so good.
You’re telling yourself that you’re getting revenge for what she did to you, even when Toji is the one that wins in the situation. Well, you win as well when you reach your climax, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as you make a mess all over him. And you finally moan his name, something that he never hears anymore, “Fuck, Toji!”
Toji begins to move his hips, setting a much faster pace than the one you had set. He’s driving you insane as you ride out your high. Toji is chasing his own release, with much little care about you at this point.
Maybe you should tell him to pull out as his thrusts get sloppy, but you can’t. Your body yearns for his warmth in every way, and you smile when Toji grunts as his warm cum fills up your cunt. Toji holds you down so you can’t get off him just yet.
“What do you want me to do? Send her a picture of you like this?” Toji has a smirk on his lips, and you return it. 
“Or should I send her a picture of you like this? Would she go insane?” You respond, the smirk fading away as you remember when you were in her spot. She can go to hell, and Toji can as well. At least he can fuck you good.
“I’d leave you for her in a heartbeat, just say the word.” Toji says, and at first you thought it was just his post sex brain talking, but you know he means it. Maybe that’s your revenge toward him, letting him get his hopes up for a relationship and then not letting it get past sex.
You get his hands off you and lay down beside him. He takes a deep breath, staring at the ceiling. Not completely satisfied– He’s satisfied sexually but not emotionally. He knows he can’t ask for too much, but it’s worth a try.
“I’ll go clean up.” You get off the bed and begin to walk to the bathroom. He fixes himself up as well, about to leave the place because conversation after everything is just stale since you don’t want to talk. But just as he begins to leave, he hears your phone ring which makes his ears perk up.
He knows he shouldn’t look, but he walks to the nightstand to grab your phone. His blood begins to boil at the cutesy test from a man. Who have you been talking to? You haven’t told him anything. 
He grabs the phone and unlocks it, luckily knowing your password. Toji isn’t exactly the man to respect your boundaries or wishes, so of course he’s going to scare whoever this is away. He can’t have you, but this idiot can’t either. 
So he takes a horrible selfie and sends it to whoever it is. He then types the first thing that comes to mind:
This is her boyfriend, who’s this?
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toji-girl · 3 months
i stalked your blog to no end today T-T the way you write soft Toji is exactly how i imagine him. If you're taking reqs, may i request an nsfw hc on shy reader x bf toji's first time? cud be any length (ty for the cute fics <3)
wait - did you mean it was readers first time with Toji? kjdfbket if so I am sorry zdknbj also R.I.P to readers pussy for having him for the first time though also this is so rushed and not the best but I love him! thank you so much 🥺🥺 I love soft! Toji so much well I love every single side of that man lmaoo and ofc!!! no, thank you for the sweet compliment ♡
tags:18+ only content - mdni + fem reader + explicit smut + first time having sex with each other + soft and sweet! Toji who has a third leg + I did this drabble style because it's my fave :3
Being with Toji Fushiguro meant a lot of things, but one thing you knew for certain was a lot of people would stare at the man who stood over six feet tall and was nothing but pure muscle, paired with that scar and smirk your boyfriend was sex on legs, you knew it, he knew it and so did everyone else.
You were always sure to lavish him with compliments and praise although he'd tch and mumble a damn woman under his breath he'd never pull away and let you pepper his face in sweet honey kisses while gushing about how handsome and funny he is.
However, on the outside, you came across as shy, always offering someone else to take the lead, letting Toji talk in most situations, and letting someone greet you before you even said anything to them.
But Toji knew the truth.
When it was just the two of you behind closed doors you were a needy little thing, always stammering and trying hard to hide your flustered look when you asked him if you could give him a blowjob.
But little did he know you were scared of having sex with him, with the length and girth he would be considered to have a monster cock, and in all the videos you've seen the women did not look comfortable taking one that big, and sure you've had sex before but not with a man like Toji.
However, you loved feeling him throb under your touch when you wrapped your fingers around the shaft giving it small squeezes as you leaned in to kiss him unable to help yourself when it came to him.
It was the idea of actually letting him fuck you that made your face burn, and it doesn't matter how many times he's been knuckle deep inside you or his tongue you stopped him each time you thought you were ready, you were afraid of disappointing him.
You have some experience but nearly not enough like Toji does which you felt each time he brought you to the edge of ecstasy making you cum over and over for him while you struggled to suck his dick.
But to him, it didn't matter, he went at your pace, making you feel good was his number one priority and Toji knew you'd always sink to your knees to give back for what he's done like a good girl.
Now that it's been a week since you two haven't been able to see each other you were all over him as soon as he walked inside your apartment ready to sink onto the couch when you all but tackled him.
That's how you ended up in bed naked and spread legs wide open with the fat mushroomed tip of his cock playing with your pussylips before he let the weight of himself slap your pussy with a smirk.
"Ya sure?" Toji asked as his eyes shifted down to where he was so close to pushing inside you and he knew he'd have to work you up before this, and time spent on you is never time wasted for him.
With a nod, you held his hands as he pushed inside splitting you in half what felt like as your back arched off the mattress mewing his name as tears pricked your eyes letting him ease in and out until he finally bottomed out making his eyes roll to the back of his head.
Toji kept a slow pace as you sought his mouth in a passionate kiss stroking your tongue along with his with each roll of his hips making love to you as his hands slid down your legs to hook them around his waist carefully as he pinned you to the bed with his body weight.
He kisses away the tears that spill down your cheeks. "Shh, I'm right here, let me make you feel good." His voice was soft as he cooed in your ear feeling you clench around him so deliciously.
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dilvei · 3 months
SILENT SOLACE [part two]
pairing: fushiguro toji x gn! reader
genre: angst, fluff, hurt and comfort
previously: "I need your help. I need you," his eyes lock onto yours as if the two of you are the only ones here, "to kill someone for me." The smirk he sends you is answer enough.
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You've always had it easy in life, or at least, that's what people around you constantly say. It's a heavy reminder, for lack of a better word, one that echoes in your head incessantly, sometimes irritating you to the point of exasperation.
Your mother would always tell you to pay them no mind, and you did, to some extent. You ignore them as best you can, keeping your mouth shut even as a scowl paints your face. But, your mind is a different matter entirely.
You've never met your father—the man who brought the Fujiwara Company to unprecedented heights—because he passed away months before your mother gave birth to you, and the only image of him you have in your mind is the extravagant portrait you see every time you take the first step inside your family's mansion.
Sometimes, you wish you had a father.
You have no brothers or sisters, and being the only child that you are, the family business, the company, is practically guaranteed to be in your hands. It's a suffocating reality to confront, the weight of owning and navigating such a large company in the future, and it never gets easier to face.
Sometimes, you wish you had siblings.
Many others in the Fujiwara Company—namely your greedy uncle and his two children—do not like the fact that the company will fall into your hands, and they don't bother trying to hide it, most of the time. 
They would praise you, shower you with affectionate pats and sharp practiced smiles, but deep down, you know the truth is clear. Behind those greedy eyes of theirs lay only envy and hate, a wish for you and your mother to vanish completely.
You would only nod in reply,
Because sometimes, you feel that you'd do just about anything to feel a little less alone.
After graduating at the top of your class, littering your room with medallions of gold from every competition you won, you choose to stay by your mother's side at the Fujiwara company, diligently learning her methods and everything else important.
Your uncle and cousins always have much to say whenever you get even the slightest thing wrong, but as you grow older, you've come to learn that simply moving past them is best. After all, you don't want to start a fight when it will benefit neither you nor your mother.
And things would have continued that way for a long time until you eventually assumed the role of the main face of the company. You accepted that.
But things took an unexpected turn when your mother collapsed one day.
In the morning, your mother lies deeply asleep. In the oversized hospital bed, her breaths are steady.
By midday, she remains asleep. She does not wake, not even to your tears and screams.
Evening descends. Her heart rate is slowing, and there is no cause, no remedy in sight.
With the setting sun, the flatline's mournful hum fills the room.
Your mother is gone.
And amidst the sorrow, you realize you can't even remember her last words to you the day before.
"You must be [Name], right? Fujiwara [Name]?"
"I thought that'd be obvious enough by now, wouldn't it?" you quietly snap back before turning your eyes to the source of the voice. It is a familiar man with short black hair and a thin mustache dressed in all black, a man whom you've seen conversing with your mother some months ago in her office.
You don't know his name.
"I'm sorry for your loss. Your mother was a nice lady, a good friend of mine actually."
You give him a mirthless chuckle. "That's what they all say," you reply as you cock your head toward the crowd of people conversing in the ceremonial hall.
The funeral was conducted swiftly, almost too swiftly, as if everyone around had been anticipating her death except for you, her own child. "You aren't the first one to say such a thing, you know?"
The man hums in agreement, taking a seat right next to you, overlooking the ceremonial hall from outside. "Aren't you going to go inside?"
"I've done my part already, so they don't have a reason to complain when I'd rather stay here rather than with them. Although, it seems like you didn't get the memo," you retort, your tone edged with bitterness.
He raises an eyebrow. "I see. Want me to leave?"
"No, it's okay. You came here to say something, didn't you? Spit it out. What's it about? Business-related stuff?"
Instead of answering you immediately, the man reaches into the pocket of his business suit and retrieves a card, presenting it to you with a half-smile. You take the card into your hands, squinting your eyes.
"...Shiu Kong? Yeah, I still have no clue who you are. Sorry."
Shiu Kong chuckles, reaching into his pocket again to take out a piece of cigarette. "That's fine, your mother probably never told you about me then. Anyway, want one?"
If you were in your right mind, you would have rejected the idea of smoking a cigarette immediately, but today, you find yourself accepting one. Shiu Kong leans in to light it up, and as you go to inhale, you quickly cough to the side, tears welling in your eyes.
"That tastes awful," you manage to say after a series of coughs. You notice multiple pairs of eyes looking at you, but you ignore them, focusing instead on the man beside you.
Shiu Kong smiles at you, amusement in his eyes. "You inhaled way too much there."
You narrow your eyes at him. "It's my first time, give me a break."
After a breathy sigh, you lean back on the chair, gazing down at the lit cigarette caught between your fingertips. "My mother probably wouldn't like me smoking like this," you mutter.
Shiu Kong laughs. "You're right. She probably wants you to at least smoke properly."
"Get on with what you came here to say before I leave," you retort, clicking your tongue, shifting the heels of your feet on the ground, impatience creeping into your tone.
A moment passes before Shiu Kong answers you in a whisper, one that only the two of you would hear. "Fujiwara [Name]. Tell me, what do you know about curses?"
You blink. "Sorry, but what? What're you talking about?"
Shiu Kong inhales smoke into his lungs and exhales. 
A circle of white-gray smoke appears in front of you, hanging in the air like a veil, and through its hazy embrace, you can see the people chattering inside the ceremonial hall, sneaking glances at the two of you with narrowed eyes.
"Here's a better question then," he begins again. You gaze back at him, waiting. "Do you think there's anything strange about your mother's death?"
A blank look passes over your face. "What are you trying to say...?" He gives you a patient smile, waiting for your answer, not your question.
You look away from his gaze, glancing down at your shoes. "The answer is obvious, isn't it? Everything about it is the very definition of strange. She collapsed and died all in one day, and not even the doctors know the reason why."
A bitter laugh escapes your lips. "It's probably a genetical disease, they say. Well, too bad for them, but I don't believe them one bit. I don't need a degree to know when someone's blatantly lying to me."
"Heh, how smart of you. But I expected nothing less from her child," Shiu Kong remarks, a flicker of respect.
Pushing himself up to stand, Shiu Kong then fixes his gaze on you, a cigarette dangling between his lips, both hands tucked into the pockets of his pants.
"Call me when you're free, okay? I'm sure you understand this already, Fujiwara-san," he suggests, his voice low, carrying a hint of gravity. "But things like this are better to be discussed in private, right?"
You give Shiu Kong a subtle nod in agreement, your expression a mask, revealing nothing to the sneaking glances, betraying no hint of your thoughts that swirl beneath the surface. And silently, you watch as Shiu Kong bids you farewell, his departure leaving you to grapple with the weight of his words.
"...Mother," you mutter softly, leaning back further, gaze drifting up, noting the heavy clouds gathering overhead. "What should I do...?"
After the crowd had dissipated, the two of you decided to venture to a nearby restaurant that miraculously remained open despite the late hour.
And now, before you, bathed in the soft, warm light from above, sits Toji, leisurely enjoying one of the numerous pieces of sushi you generously provided. And by many, you really do mean many—there's quite a spread.
"Enjoying your meal that much, Toji?" you quip, his name slipping past your lips in a teasing tone. Hearing it, a glint of amusement dances in his eyes.
Toji swallows the food down, and even from a distance away, you can see the clear movement of his throat. You lean in on the table, resting your chin on the palm of your hand as you watch him gulp down bite after bite.
He gives you a smirk, chopsticks already poised to pick up another piece resting on the plate at the center of the table. "I'm getting your money's worth by savoring every piece. You're welcome, by the way," he says, tone playful as he continues to indulge in the meal you provided.
"It's good to hear that, Toji. Do tell me when you've had your fill," you reply, meeting his piercing gaze directly. "After that, well, we can start talking further about this new job of yours. I don't believe Shiu Kong has mentioned anything yet, am I correct?"
"Shiu Kong, huh? So, it seems our reunion wasn't just a stroke of coincidence or fate," Toji responds.
You arch an eyebrow at him. "Fate?" a chuckle escapes your lips. "Were you hoping it was?"
"Well, I wouldn't complain, that's for sure."
His remark tickles you, sending you into a fit of genuine laughter. "Is this your strategy for negotiating a higher fee later on, Toji?"
"Is it working?"
You hum in agreement as you nod at him. "I have to admit, it's working. But, you didn't need to do that. I was already going to sweeten the deal for you, Toji. I'm aware of your little situation. Shiu Kong mentioned to me that you're currently unemployed."
Toji's face immediately contorts into an ugly scowl, but rather than being scary, you find it funny instead.
He clicks his tongue to the side. "That guy talks too much sometimes," he mutters before turning his attention back to you. "You're being quite generous with your money, [Name]. Just who the hell am I supposed to take down here?"
You clear your throat and for the first time in your entire conversation, you look away from Toji. "I know I told you I needed you to kill someone, but... that's not the whole story."
"The thing is, I don't exactly know who it is."
You hear Toji set down his chopsticks with a clink, followed by a heavy sigh. "So, you want me to kill... but you don't have a specific target in mind?"
After a brief moment of silence, you nod, turning to face him again. Toji looks slightly baffled, blinking rapidly. "I won't know who it is until they come and attack me," you answer, voice steady.
"So then, I'll be your personal bodyguard as well as your assassin?" Toji asks with half a smirk dancing on his lips. "I can see why you're already buttering me up with all this food and money."
You smile appreciatively at his understanding tone. "As if you aren't doing the same to me, hm?"
Shifting in your seat, you raise one of your fingers to him. "One: I need you to protect me as best as you can while we wait for them to strike." You raise another. "Two: I need you to take out the bastard who thought it was a good idea to try and kill me."
"What's number three?" Toji looks at you carefully, something unknown lurking behind his gaze. You meet his look with a satisfied smile, keeping your cards close to your chest.
"Three: Entertain me with your delightful company," you quip with a playful tone.
At your words, Toji swiftly rises from his seat, crossing the room with easy, confident strides. Following suit, you stand up as well, meeting him halfway. As he reaches you, he takes your hand in his.
Toji's hands are warm as they envelop yours. You gaze up at him, meeting his green eyes that seem to hold an ocean of intensity. "You've got yourself a good deal, [Name]," he declares.
Toji leans in, his warm breath tickling your ear as he whispers softly, "I'll happily accept, as long as you promise to be delightful company yourself."
You give him a practiced chuckle in response, ignoring the slight warmth flushing your cheeks. "Don't worry. I'll make sure to keep you thoroughly entertained," you reply with a playful wink.
"Looking forward to it," Toji murmurs, almost melding his body with yours, voice low and firm as he whispers again, "[Name]."
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thank you very much for the reblog and hearts <3 makes me happy that people here enjoy reading this silly thing. here's more toji for u silly folks!! (i wish gege gave us more shiu kong content tbh)
taglist: @maskedpacific
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d3adlyromb3ar · 2 months
✰ sinking lily pads
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— synopsis. he thrived in the sorcerer world, she was forced into it. how could two people that strayed so differently from each other become so close?
— pairing. gojo x oc!fem!reader (main), toji fushiguro x oc!fem!reader
— word count. 4.1k
— contents. mentions of child abuse, neglect, abandonment, angsty asf, injuries, blood/gore, depressing thoughts, dissociation, ptsd, mentions of death, jjk violence/fighting
series masterlist | previous chapter
✰ chapter two. lives left
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He would’ve preferred to leave Moon’s room in a better mood, but the reveal that she had died on her previous mission had his blood boiling. 
All of a sudden he was seeing red, wishing to resurrect the creature that had killed her— just to kill them again. This time slowly, giving him time to make this evil being suffer. 
I have this technique for a reason.
Her words echoed in his head, and logically he knew she was right. She wielded the 9 lives because she was strong enough. She was meant to. Although, it never brought him comfort. He rather her never having to use the 9 lives technique at all. 
Despite all that had happened in the past with Moon and himself— he never stopped caring for her. He wished it could be like that, a switch that he could turn off. All too quickly, he knew that weren’t to be true. He’d always care about her, no matter how hard she tried pushing him away. 
Besides, he always knew there was something deeper to her. Something that had her thinking as such. He didn’t need the Six Eyes to recognize the pain she hid underneath her facade. 
He didn’t even know where he was walking, letting his feet guide him aimlessly through the school. His mind was empty of a destination, and instead forced him to remember that day. The one he remembered all too well. 
(Flashback to a year)
The sun shining through the treetops mixed with the cool breeze, it couldn’t have felt more perfect outside. The distinct smell of the flowers blooming, the sweet aroma filling the air. It was addicting, almost easy to let yourself get lost in the moment. 
Gojo had his glasses pushed up into his hair, the object being used as a makeshift headband. He leaned back on his arms, letting his face point towards the golden rays. It felt heavenly on his skin. 
“God,” Moon’s voice whispered next to him, “Feels so perfect outside.”
The white haired sorcerer tilted his head in her direction, giving her a smirk when they met eyes. 
“Of course it's perfect. I’m here after all.��� He said. 
She rolled her eyes, fighting down her smile as she finished off her sandwich. Using the back of her hand to wipe off the crumbs from the corner of her lips. 
“You know, not everything is about you.” She told him, taking a sip from her juice. 
Gojo held a hand to his chest, gasping dramatically with mock hurt. 
“So mean!” He whined, “And here I thought we were having a nice time.”
She giggled at his antics, setting down her drink and leaning back on her arms– matching Gojos posture. He smiled to himself, the sound of her gentle giggles like music to his ears. Somehow he made it a mission to himself to always draw that sound from her. Whether it was because he just wanted to make her laugh, or maybe he just adored the sound so much. The way her eyes would crinkle– her smile contagious as he always found himself mirroring her. 
“We are having a nice time, just making sure I keep you in check.” She told him, glancing over at his smug expression. 
He tilted his head curiously. 
“Keeping me in check huh?” He wondered with an amused tone. 
She nodded her head as if what she was implying was so obvious. 
“Yup. Gotta keep you humble.” She told him. 
It was his turn to laugh, the hearty sound echoing in the distance as he fell all the way back– hands clutching his stomach. Moon couldn’t help herself from laughing at the sight. 
“Nines you kill me! You know that?” He managed to get out. 
“Ah see, already showing me how humble you really are. Admitting that I can kill you– because you’re so right.” She stated proudly. 
This had his laughs dying down, the dominance shifting from his aura to somewhere in between the two of them. Although it wasn’t fear he felt, not even a threatening feeling– he felt challenged if anything. If he was anything, it was arrogant for knowing he truly was the strongest. 
“Is that so?” He asked, sitting up and scooting closer to you. 
She watched him scoot closer, not thinking twice about the action. 
“Mhmm.” She hummed, running a hand through her hair. 
“You think you can kill me?” He asked her, his eyes focused on hers.
She leaned closer this time, getting inches from his face as she held his gaze confidently– no faltering. Gojo held his breath, letting his eyes dart from one to the other– her hazel ones capturing him in a trance. Her eyes always were unique to him– the inside always looking like a blooming flower or some beautiful explosion. He could sit and stare all day– depicting where the green stopped and where the yellow started, morphing into a gorgeous dark blue. 
“You know I could.” She whispered. 
Maybe he should have felt threatened. Maybe he should have felt the frustration that someone challenged him of his all powerful role. But he couldn’t find it in himself to care. He admired her power, because he knew full well that she was. He respected her strength, the abilities she possessed. She was magnificent, and he was truly captivated by her. He didn’t know if it was the power that first pulled him towards her– excited to meet someone that could keep up with him. All he knew is that he wanted to be around her– know her. He didn’t want to live a life without her involved in it. 
He’d never felt such a pull towards anyone in his life– therefore why he wanted to stick around. 
He felt himself getting lost in the moment, his eyes glancing down to her lips– watching her tongue wet the pair. The pink, plump flesh trapped him in his stare. The only thought swirling through his mind was how badly he wanted a taste. 
Moon saw the way his gaze traveled down to her mouth, the sudden realization of what he was thinking hitting her. She always had that weary thought in the back of her mind, but she never believed it would be true. If only she could have the true strength to submit herself to her own desires– but she didn’t. She already let herself slip up by letting a mere friendship bloom between her and the white haired sorcerer. But now in this moment, physically seeing the emotion speak within his eyes as they traveled back up to hers– she knew she had to stop. 
She’d never let anyone get close to her… again. 
She leaned back and turned her head back in front of her, facing away from Gojo completely. The sudden movement pulled him out of his trance, leaving him to attempt to mask the hurt he felt from the rejection. Even if it wasn’t spoken– he knew. Although he ignored his own feelings when he noticed the far away look she suddenly sported in her eyes. 
“Moon?” He tried. 
She took a deep breath, willing herself enough strength to walk away. Learn to stick true to her word and stay away from people. She knew it was unfair to him, but she couldn’t feel that pain again– the same pain that never left. After all these years, the wound still bled– and she never had the power to stop it. 
“I gotta… I’m gonna go–” She rushed out, gathering her things.
“Hey, hey, what's the rush?” He asked, sitting up straighter. 
Uncomfortable with the sudden shift in the mood. 
“I just… I just remembered I have to meet with Yag–” 
He furrowed his brows at her rushed movements, the way her hands slightly shook when trying to zip up her bag. He couldn’t help the worry bubble within him. 
“Did I do something?” He voiced out loud, wondering if he was the cause for her sudden distress. 
Her chest twinged with pain, her guilt doubling at the thought that he was already trying to blame himself. Her lips twitched with the urge to tell him otherwise– to scream out to him what she really felt. But she couldn’t, and would never. 
She faced him, trying to keep her face neutral.
“Not at all, just forgot I had something to do.” She explained casually, and hoped he bought her lie. “Gotta go, see ya.” 
Without another glance towards his beaten down expression, she hurried off to the steps of the school– making her way towards her room. She needed to be alone right now– she needed to think. 
Although she had thought she lied well to him, she didn’t realize that while she looked at him– he could see the pain written in her expression. 
He was left sitting under the tree by himself, letting himself get lost in his thoughts. All at the same time, feeling hurt and concerned. 
His feet carried him towards the school stairs, and he gladly took a seat– letting himself come back to reality after the memory. 
It wouldn’t have been such a painful memory if things hadn’t changed drastically after that. She had isolated herself almost completely from him, everyone even. She didn’t talk as much as she did– although she was never that talkative to begin with. She kept her distance– staying calculated about the time of interactions. Gojo was the first to bring it to his friends' attention. Shoko and Geto barely saw it as an issue at first. 
She’s just going through something. Maybe she needs her space. They both told him.
For a while, he supposed he believed them. Perhaps that was easier than thinking it was something he did. If he scared her off or if, she truly didn’t feel the same way he did. The rejection was harder to accept, so he stuck with believing you just needed time. 
Now almost over a year has passed, and you still keep yourself far from everyone– from him. 
“With how hard you’re thinking, you’re gonna end up hurting yourself.” A smooth voice called out from behind him. 
Gojo already knew it was his dear friend Geto, making his way down the stairs. 
“I ain’t thinking that hard.” Gojo mumbled into his palm that he rested his head on. 
“I can practically hear it.” Geto joked, earning a chuckle from the white haired sorcerer.
His laughed died down, going back to staring aimlessly at the stairs that descended in front of him. The long haired sorcerer gazed with watchful eyes at his friend, curious as to what was bothering him so.
“Yaga’s been hinting at a big mission soon. I’m curious if that’s what got you so preoccupied.” Geto wondered.
Gojo had heard the same whispers of the same mission, but it definitely wasn’t what he was stuck in his head about.
“Nah. It’s Moon.” Gojo admitted, knowing when it came to Geto— he wouldn’t judge.
He was his best friend for a reason. Always able to calm him down when he felt slightly out of control.
Geto hummed and ran a hand through his hair, fixing some strands that fell out of place from the light breeze.
“Did something happen?” He asked his friend.
Gojo sighed, and glanced towards Geto with a disappointed expression— not directed at him of course.
“Did she tell you what happened on her mission?” He wondered. 
Geto shook his head with a chuckle.
“Do you think she would? Doesn’t seem like her style to come to me and vent.” He pointed out, although he wished she would. 
Geto cared for her, and knowing something was bothering her– it bothered him. He felt useless sitting on the sidelines, waiting for the day she’d finally express herself. When would that be?
Gojo scoffed, knowing he had a point– but disappointed nevertheless. 
Geto saw the worry etched into his friends features, and grew serious all of a sudden. 
“What happened?” He asked, despite not wanting to know the answer. 
“She lost a life.” Gojo whispered, his eyes dropping back down to the stairs. 
Geto felt his stomach knot up slightly, concern for Moon growing more intense by the second. He knew a great amount about the 9 Lives technique– knowing how traumatic and difficult that was to possess, to experience. Knowing she had gone through it, all alone. It made him feel sick. 
Gojo lifted his gaze back up to his long haired friend, the silence making him wonder where his thoughts were. By the look on his face– he almost knew what he was thinking. 
“Oh Miss Dair…” Geto trailed off, frustrated that you didn’t come to him– or anyone for that matter. This was serious and you were trying to isolate yourself. “Does Yaga know?”
Geto glanced to his friend, watching the white haired sorcerer shake his head. A part of Geto wanted to tell Yaga, not to get you in trouble– but to bring awareness to your odd behavior. 
“He should know about this.” Geto stated, irritation lacing his tone. 
“She wouldn’t want that, you know. She’d be furious with us if we told him.” Gojo told him. 
Geto scoffed, shaking his head this time.
“She already acts indifferent with us– would it really matter?” Geto questioned, genuinely offended, how Moon treats them. 
Gojo again couldn’t argue, knowing Geto had a point.
“I hope she’s okay.” Geto suddenly softens, his worry overcoming his frustration. “Losing a life is like losing a piece of your soul, I can’t imagine what she had to go through.”
Gojo perked up at that information, swallowing with difficulty through his tight throat. A thought suddenly popped into his head, and despite him truly not wanting to know the answer— he found himself asking.
“What happens when she only has one life left,” He whispered into the air, glancing over to Geto’s unfocused expression. “Will she be… herself?”
He watched closely, narrowing his eyes when he saw the long haired sorcerers eyebrows twitch. The silence was killing him, although it had only been a mere few seconds of it.
“I don’t want to lie to you, my friend. Though I am not positive what will be the outcome, I doubt she will be the Moon we know now.” He admitted solemnly.
Gojo tensed from his words, running a hand through his white locks. It was all theories— he knew that. But it didn’t calm him from his anxious thoughts. How much longer did he have to live his life being concerned to death for his friend. It was exhausting— yet completely out of his control.
“Don’t let my words alarm you Satoru,” Geto placed a hand on his shoulder in comfort, “This is Miss Dair we’re talking about. She’s a strong one.”
The white haired sorcerer nodded, but couldn’t find the relief that his words meant to bring.
“We all have an ending, and she won’t be meeting hers any sooner than she’s meant to.” Geto assured him.
Gojo wanted to ask how he could possibly know that— but couldn’t bring himself to.
Geto gave his friend’s shoulder a squeeze before standing up— brushing off his robes.
“You should get some rest. Our lives are about to get much busier.” Geto suggested.
Gojo knew he was right— again. The sorcerer life wasn’t one of relaxation. He knew all too soon there would be a mission to keep them occupied.
“Now— get some rest.” Geto called out as he walked away.
Leaving Gojo alone on the stairs, still stuck in his head. He needed to push all these worries away for now— there were bigger things at hand. He needed to focus.
Not too far from the school stairs, Moon stood in front of her bathroom mirror– staring intensely at her reflection. She couldn’t figure out what bothered her so much about what she saw– although there was indeed something. An evident change in her appearance– 
No… I look the same… yeah. She argued with herself. 
She gripped the edges of the sink, leaning closer to her reflection’s tip of her nose. It wasn’t until she focused harder on her eyes, when she finally recognized the unfamiliar haunted look in her gaze. 
With a frustrated huff, she pushed off of the white porcelain– stumbling backwards from her reflection and into the door with a thump. Her chest started rising and falling faster– her breathing erratic as she felt herself losing control. 
Her eyes squeezed shut as a violent image from her most recent fight came flashing. The destruction, the loud screech from the monster as it ruptured her ear drums. Last of all, the indescribable feeling of death. The anxiety when your senses start to dull. The last thing she faintly heard was the struggling pounding of her weak heart– attempting to keep her awake for a few more seconds. It was all too much.
The thought came and went like a fleeting shadow, but nonetheless it appeared. 
Sometimes I wish I could’ve stayed dead. 
Her hands gripped her hair, pulling and squeezing as she shook herself out of the images, the memories of what she had gone through. It would haunt her– it haunted her now as she struggled to keep sane. 
Her chaotic state had her stumbling around the bathroom, her body leaning harshly against the shelf next to her shower– causing the furniture to tip over and smash against the tub. The sound rang and echoed throughout the porcelain walls, the noise causing Moon to flinch back– stumbling back into the bathroom door. 
She was overwhelmed, feeling helpless as she couldn’t do anything but let herself succumb to the panic she was trying so desperately to fight off. She cried out as she held a shaking hand over her chest, the pain suddenly sticking out to her. Her lungs felt constricted, like someone was squeezing the air out. 
The pounding intensified in her head, causing her to miss the knocking coming from her main door. 
Geto stood patiently outside of her door. He just needed to see for his own eyes that she was okay before he let himself fall asleep. The talk from earlier– the reveal that she lost a life. He needed to check on his friend for himself. 
After waiting another minute, he started to wonder if she had fallen asleep. Disappointed that he wouldn’t get to see her, he started to walk away– making it a goal first thing tomorrow to see her. 
Before he could take his first step to leave, he heard the faintest cry coming from her room. He furrowed his brows in confusion and leaned his ear closer to the wood– listening again for something. 
Perhaps he’d heard something that wasn’t actually the–
His thoughts were interrupted when he heard another cry, louder this time. Immediately he grew tense and knocked again– more urgent this time. 
“Moon? It’s Geto, I heard something in there. Everything okay?” He called out, listening again when he didn’t hear her answer. 
Although he could hear lots of noises, and what had sounded like whimpers– her whimpers. Her broken sounds panicked Geto– making him wonder if you were hurt. 
Geto sent a hurried text to his friend, not even a second later– the white haired sorcerer was appearing before him. 
“What’s going on?” Gojo asked, his voice stern and serious. 
“I heard distressing sounds coming from inside, but she wouldn’t answer me when I called for her. I’ve been knocking for a bit, and she won’t answer.” Geto rushed out, worried deeply for his friend. 
Gojo thought quickly and mumbled under his breath before placing his hand on Geto’s shoulder.
“She’s gonna hate me for this.” 
Before Geto could ask, Gojo had teleported the two of them inside her room. The sounds of her whimpers louder and so clearly coming from the bathroom. The noise broke both the men, the two giving each other a look before moving towards the bathroom. 
“Moon, are you okay in there?” Geto asked, seeing as Gojo grew suddenly silent. 
The whimpers died down, the shuffling almost stopping immediately. The two men glanced at each other– trying to figure out what she was doing. Before they could talk amongst each other– the door suddenly opened. 
Moon walked out, glancing at the two standing before her in her room. 
“Yeah I uh… my stomach’s been off. Must’ve been something I ate.” She explained to them, keeping her gaze on the floor as she walked towards her couch and plopping down. 
Her episode had tired her out, and she felt ready to pass out at any moment. 
Geto was the first to study her, his eyes trailing up and down for injuries– but stayed stuck on her pale and clammy face. Her skin looked a little sickly. 
“Sorry to hear that, and sorry to barge in– we just wanted to make sure you were okay.” He explained this time. 
She waved him off, giving him a weak tired smile. 
“I appreciate it, but I’m fine.” She assured him. 
Geto wasn’t entirely convinced, but he was happy to at least see her with his own eyes. No injuries were enough to keep him relaxed for now– but he was still worried about her. Always would. 
The long haired sorcerer glanced over to Gojo, who was gazing intensely at Moon. His blue eyes exposed and studying her features, memorizing every freckle– every inch of her skin. 
Moon lifted her gaze to Gojo, swallowing nervously when she became aware of how deeply he was looking at her. It was an overwhelming sensation of feeling seen– like someone could finally see her pain written all over her body. The pain that she refused to reveal. 
Despite Gojo having so much to say, to ask– to know. He stayed silent and followed Geto as he said goodbye and left her room. 
Moon sighed in relief, a part of her grateful that they hadn’t caught her in such a state. Although the other part of her longed for them to stay– for him to stay. She wanted to tell him everything, but instead she kept telling him nothing. The way it should be.
The two sorcerers walked in silence next to each other, both too lost in their thoughts to create small talk. It was almost as if they knew they were both thinking the same thing, or at least they had the same ideas– same theories about what exactly was going on with Moon. 
Geto was the first to break the silence, after taking note of the concerned look on his friends face. 
“Satoru…” He started, but was quickly interrupted. 
“Don’t worry about me. I’ll be focused for the mission.” He rushed out, running a hand through his white strands. 
Geto frowned and stopped walking, causing Gojo to turn and study his friends expression. 
“Let’s not shut each other out, okay? We already have that issue at hand.” He started, his tone stern but his expression soft. “I just need you to be honest with me. I’m worried about her too– so I need you to talk to me if you feel there's something wrong.”
Gojo’s eyes softened and his shoulders slumped, knowing he was right. It was easier to ignore the issues– ignorance was bliss. Although, he knew all too well that it would only be worse at the end. 
“I just want our friend back.” He whispered, his gaze dropping to the floor.
Geto let his hand rest on his friends shoulder, giving it a comforting squeeze– bringing Gojo’s attention back on him. 
“Our Moon is very much there Satoru… we just have to keep being there for her.” He reassured him.
Geto wasn’t pigheaded, he knew very well that Gojo was blaming himself heavily for this whole situation. Despite it being completely out of his control– he knew Gojo well enough to know that wouldn’t matter. 
“I feel like I’m not doing enough.” He expressed, his voice weak.
Geto gave his shoulder another warm squeeze before removing his hand from him completely. 
“You are, my friend.” He promised him.
The dark haired sorcerer left in the direction of his room, leaving Gojo alone with his thoughts. But he knew there wasn’t much else he could say to comfort him. Geto knew he would just have to keep reminding him he was doing enough, until Gojo believed it himself. Meanwhile, maybe his own words would convince himself too. 
Gojo did feel comforted by his friends words, but he knew that all too well that the pit in his stomach wouldn’t stray away. 
Where’d you go Nines… Gojo thought lastly before heading to bed. 
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ending notes. hmm, now we are starting to see the two different perspectives of why they aren't close anymore. poor miss moon is kinda a mess 😭 feedback is appreciated as always 🤍
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teddybeartoji · 2 months
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on a hunt for supplies, you stumble across someone's belongings. a little bit of theft is fine, right? the cold barrel of a gun at your temple says otherwise.
☆. contains: toji fushiguro x gn!reader; apocalypse au; horror, detailed descriptions of blood and death, slow burn, crack, reader is simultaneously a scaredy-cat and a baddie, toji looks scary oh nooo
☆. word count: 6k
☆. note: the world is based on tlou!!! i am soooo into this fucking concept like i'm officially sucking my own dick here. tagging my beloveds @staryukis & @awearywritersworld bc omfg apocalypse ideas!!!!!! and also @dollsuguru @venusiansilk @twentyfivemiceinatrenchcoat @mossmurdock i love you guys so so much thank you for all your support<3333333
+ here's the masterlist
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in a world so fucked up – it's easy to get lost in the darkness.
when the infection took over, everything changed. everything. people aren't people anymore – they've become hosts for a type of fungus known as the cordyceps. it grows all over the brain and takes control of the body, turning the person into something they're not.
if anyone were to ask you how many have you killed, infected or not, you'd be devoid of an answer.
it's hard to find your way when just about everything is out to get you. infected or not – there's always something ready to tear you into pieces, to sink their teeth into your soft flesh – that's just the way things are now.
but you're used to it. used to the feeling of adrenaline pumping in your veins as you run from a horde, used to the feeling of a blade at your throat, used to the feeling of a punch, of a slap. used to the constant grumble in your stomach, used to the sore legs and shoulders, used to cleaning off blood from yourself and your clothes, from your weapons. you're used to the gurgling and clicking, the crying and sobbing, the begging and pleading.
but no matter how much you tell yourself that you've grown used to the horrors of the new world, you cannot escape the anxiety that hides under every inch of your skin. it's always with you – holding your clammy hand as it drags you into the depths, into the shadows. you try to fight it but it's hard.
it's hard forcing away the only thing that holds you so tight, the only thing that truly cares for you. it's is a suffocating blanket that hides you from the cruelty of the world, trying its best to shelter you from it all. it's better to stay inside. it's better to stay away. they're going to hurt you. something is here. just stay here with me, under the warm blanket. they're coming. it's going to hurt. let's stay here forever.
don't you want it to stop?
being torn apart by the cold crippling fear and the warm rotting hands – it's getting harder and harder to breathe. but you've learned how to keep them at bay over the years; always in the line of sight, always on your mind. there's no rest for the wicked.
moonlight leads the way as you make your way to a shopping mall. the wind howls in your ears and sends a shiver down your spine. moss and ivy cover the walls of the massive building, swallowing it bit by bit, making it a part of the nature as the time passes.
the axe in your hand feels heavy, but right nonetheless. the handle is stained with blood; it has seeped deep into the wood and now acts as an extra weight to the blade. a small 9mm handgun sits pretty in the holster around your thigh, a knife hides in its leather sheath on your belt, a bow rests on your shoulder and a few arrows peek from your bag.
despite the armory, your bag hasn't been this empty in a while. the blame falls on a group of men you ran into a week or so back. precious ammo and resources were spent on the bastards, and while the blood reward was good - the lack of food and meds is now becoming concerning. your shoulder still hurts from the fall, a big dark bruise transforming your skin into a painting of the midnight sky.
you shake the flashlight on the strap of your backpack and listen to the batteries bounce around inside it. you give it a stronger shake and it turns on. the broken glass shines as you carefully step inside the big atrium and take a look around. your little light forces back the creeping shadows, now showcasing you the infected bodies that lay dead on the ground before you.
pools of blood conflux together and paint the tiles a dark shade of maroon; the ichor flows in between the cracks and disappears under the soles of your boots when you step further inside. they're fresh. light reflects off the liquid as you squat down to take a closer look. none of the three bodies seem to have bullet wounds – one of the runner has a slit throat while the other leaks from a hole in the side of the head and the clicker... it's head has been completely bashed in, making it hard to even recognize it as one.
beating up a clicker is not easy by any means; though the fungus growing on their face and head blinds them, it also acts almost like armor. they can take a bullet to the head and still keep coming – the call of death rippling through their body as they run at you, hands reaching out to grab, to pull, to hold.
the fact that they did this, either with their bare hands or some other blunt object, just means that they're good. it also begs the question whether they didn't have the bullets to spare or they simply decided not to use them. you just hope you won't bump into them.
standing up, you take another look around. a trail of bloody footsteps leads right up the escalators and you decide that you won't be going there yet. there are a few more bodies, two runners, sitting limp against the crumbling walls as you step down one of the hallways. the broken tiles and the glass cracks below your feet and you cringe at the noise.
never letting go of the axe in your hand, you stroll past the first stores seeing as they're completely ran through. with a sigh, you make your way over to one of the clothing stores. it's almost pitch black in there and you almost jump out of your skin when a mannequin suddenly falls at your feet. muttering out a row of whispered curses, you lower your axe with a shaky breath and adjust your flashlight. the shelves are pretty empty but that was expected; still, when you open up a cupboard door under one of the mannequin stands, you find a stack of perfectly fine sweatshirts. you check the other side of the piece of furniture and find... nothing. scoffing to yourself, you just bag the a sweatshirt and a pair of pants from another shelf before moving to the next store.
glass breaks and you hear shuffling – head whipping towards the sounds, fingers tightly gripping the axe, you take a step back and bump right into the shelf behind you. pieces of clothing fall onto the floor and a cloud of dust rises from the impact; you pay it no mind as your eyes are still glued to the counter, to where the noise came from, but when after a few second absolutely nothing jumps at you, you let your shoulders relax a little.
a stalker, maybe? but they don't tend to live in open spaces like malls, or so you think at least. the majority of them you've ran into in places like office floors and a fucked up basements – meaning they like to lurk everywhere where it's extra dark and where there are places to hide behind. yeah, they do that. little shits, taking cover behind desks and walls, playing a game of hide and seek that you never agreed to. you're never forgiving yourself for taking that wretched route.
you peek over the counter and look all around it but find jack shit. it's the darkness – it's what it does to you, to everybody. the shadows start to speak and move, the floors creak and crumble, and the growths on the wall whisper your name, no matter, how much you tell yourself that they aren't actually doing any of that that.
it's just the old building crying out from loneliness, the haunted ghosts simply looking for company as people pass by, as the infected pass by. you have to keep your head straight. faint blood marks stain the floor but it's too hard to tell whether those've been there for years or less.
you hastily knock on your flashlight when it begins to flicker, leaving you in the dark for just a blink but it's enough to have your heart thumping loudly in your ribcage.
making your way out of the store, you scour for your next location and ah-ha!
a pharmacy.
two bottles of antibiotics rattle in your bag but those aren't enough. you'll always need more of those, you'll always need more of gauze, painkillers, of everything – going in there is a must.
a metal roll-up door closed mid way is going to make this harder, but as if that isn't ominous enough – the quiet cries coming from behind it only makes the situation worse. a runner. but luckily, it isn't making too much noise and you make an educated guess of it not moving around. they do that when there's nothing to catch and tear apart, when nothing has caught their attention. they stay in random spots and whimper and cry to themselves. it makes them an easy prey.
the thought of the metal door sliding shut just as you're trying to pass under it, is making your stomach churn. and so is the thought of you making too much noise by accident and attracting the runner when you're still down on the ground. stop being a pussy. there could be emergency kits in there, pills, there could be a feast of medications in there and you're holding back. it's unacceptable.
you slowly kneel down to the cold floor and inhale sharply before lowering yourself further down. the only light in the room is yours and it immediately finds the twitching runner.
it is cowering in the corner.
you're just fucking glad they don't react to light as much as they do to noise, otherwise you'd be fucked already.
you crawl in the dust as quietly as you can, careful to not touch any of the furniture beside you that seems to be holding up the door. the last thing you'd want is to get locked in here. or get cut in half. you clench your teeth and push yourself up and to your knees the second you can do so and take a second, as you wait for him to turn around and lunge at you. but he doesn't. his back is still turned to you as he waits for you, sobs for you; his body trembling, hands folded in front of his chest – almost like he's hugging himself.
quietly holstering the axe, you pull out your knife instead. it's quieter. you grip the handle, fingers molding into the dents that have formed over time. another step and the light goes out. it's complete darkness. you hear your own heartbeat in your ears and the miserable cries of the infected just a few feet away. your eyes widen as you try to focus on your surroundings. your hands grow clammy in a matter of a few seconds and panic seeps into your body.
you shake the flashlight a few times and it turns back on. your breath is still stuck in your throat as you try to compose yourself. stupid old thing. the light paints the runner's shadow onto the wall in front of him, making it look like he's a part of some shadow play.
one more step and you're with him, a breath away. your hand goes around his chest, holding his hands and body in place as you sink your blade into his neck. it sinks into skin and flesh like butter, soaking you in the dark red ichor that hides underneath as he gurgles something at you (a thank you perhaps).
yanking the knife back out, the splattering ichor coats your skin and you immediately wipe it off against your shirt. his body falls with a thud! and another big dust cloud rises from the contact and your nose itches— it's— it itches— achoo!
your eyes are an inch away from escaping your head as you spin around, making sure that nothing is jumping at you for making a noise that loud. but surely enough, nothing seems to be interested. exhaling deeply, you rub your nose and force down the embarrassment that's crawling on your skin before starting your hunt for supplies.
it doesn't go as well as you'd hoped – only bagging a few stitching kits and a bottle of painkillers. better than nothing.
ecstatic to get the fuck out of a closed, pitch black room, you crawl back out from under the metal door and dust off your clothes.
strolling through some more stores, you're met with more dead infected. two clickers and two runners, no bullet holes. ignoring the corpses, you manage to find yourself a few nice t-shirts, a pack of boxers and a box of 9mm handgun ammo from under the cash register.
when you've gone through most of the wrecked stores on the first floor, you finally decide to take a look upstairs. the bloody footprints haven't left your mind but the fact that it's been so quiet, makes you think that maybe they did really just pass through here.
the moon light your way as you drag yourself up the escalator. the stars in the sky are barely visible because of the dirt on the ceiling window and you frown.
in front of you there are two hallways with stores on the sides and in the middle. the prints lead to the left side and towards the a lonely door at the end of the coridor; the signs on the walls don't indicate what room it might be – a security one, maybe? shaking your head, you focus on the stores ahead of you. the shop in the center is a big sports one; most of the mannequins have fallen over and their limbs are scattered all over the floor, pairless sneakers rest on top of each other and the shelves are a push away from collapsing into tiny little pieces.
stepping over the bloody clothes, you view the baseball caps on the rack when your light goes out again. you feed on the faint moonlight that's coming from the hallways as you scramble to shake the thing again. steps, you swear you heard steps. the last standing mannequins stare at you from the shadows, laughing at your misfortune. a hand touches your hip and you can't hold back the yelp that slips from your lips. you turn and bump into another statue. the light flickers three times before it actually turns on and you find yourself inches from an eerie smile. intinctively, you give it a firm push as you take a step back, hands shaking as the panic settles down once more.
no one else is here. you can't see whoever could've made the noise and by now you're sure that if something or someone is really hiding in the dark – it would've already made a move if it wanted to. stalkers don't play for that long and neither do humans.
a row of protein bars hide in a drawer in the staff room of the store and you happily throw them in your bag, along with some weird looking granola bars.
the right side of the second floor only offers you a new lighter, three pairs of socks, a can of soda, a simple necklace and a broken watch. what's the point of it if you can't tell time? it looks cool. no other reason.
heading over to the left side of the building, you keep a keen eye on the door. the remaining shops are forgotten the closer you get to where the prints lead and you officially commit to checking out the place.
the blade of your axe shines in the moonlight, your steps extra light as you creep up on the door. readying your weapon, you press down on the handle and quietly push it open. it swings all the way and thumps against the wall. the room is lit up, the windows letting in the natural light. you're greeted with rows of computer and tv screens on the tables, three black duffel bags and some lockers and cabinets next to the walls.
you check the corners of the room and let out a relieved sigh when you don't find anything hiding. closing the door, you carefully step around the broken glass on the floor. it seems to be originating from what used to be a glass case showcasing various medals. awards for the best security guards. how silly that sounds now.
the lockers have been cleared out, the only things left behind being two lovely couple's phots with hand-drawn hearts above their heads. you leave them there. the cabinets don't have anything good either. you glance back at the door for good measure before kneeling down in front of one of the bags on the ground. you pull the zipper and are met with treasure – multiple bars of chocolate, the same sweatshirt you found from the floor below, various cans of canned food, two water bottles and a small knife.
your eyes glint and the corners of your lips twitch upward, your body has a mind of its own as it immediately reaches for the chocolate. glass breaks and your eyes flick to the now ajar door as you reach for the gun on your thigh but when you feel the cold metal of a gun barrel resting against your temple... you freeze.
your stomach drops, eyes glued to the bag in front of you. the voice is deep and it's rasp, confident and sure of himself; the metal against you doesn't move, it doesn't shake.
you hold your trembling hands out, fingers spread to show that you don't have any intention of grabbing your weapons. a deep breath in and a deep one out. you try to turn your head towards him but he just presses the gun deeper into your skin, forcing your gaze right back down.
his big stature looms over your smaller one and you feel like an ant that's about to be stepped on. he lets you soak in the threatening silence, the only sound being your own racing heartbeat.
"s'rude to steal, y'know."
the man doesn't sound angry, he doesn't sound mad or upset. he sounds... annoyed, if anything.
"i asked you a question."
"i– i wasn't stealing." you stammer out.
he scoffs. "wasn't stealing? just fondling my shit for fun then?"
the teasing tone makes your eyebrows furrow and you try to turn to look at him again, your body slightly raising from your knees but the gun on your head keeps you down. funny, how heavy a piece of metal can suddenly feel.
"it was empty in here! i didn't know these belonged to anyone! i–i'm sorry! i'll leave, i'll leave!" it's a pathetic slur of words accompanied by a pleading tone and you hope that it'll do the trick.
there are strategies for dealing with people and this is simply one of them.
and it does work because the next thing you know, he's lowering the weapon. you let out a shaky breath before turning to him and fuck.
he's... terrifying.
towering over your kneeling body, he's massive. big chest and broad shoulders, he looks like he could snap your neck with his bare hands. the moonlight is only making him more menacing – his dark hair falls in front of his eyes as he stares down at you; there's a scar on his lips and streaks of blood cover his skin, from his cheek to his jaw and down his neck.
dark clothes and a dark jacket – he looks like he belongs in the shadows. the fact that you didn't hear him until it was already too late is making your skin crawl. he probably only let you hear him. for the fun of it.
the terrified look on other's faces can be addicting. the big eyes and the wobbling lips; how they shake and beg – you're no stranger to it, you've had your moments, too.
other than the gun in his hand, there's a second one holstered around his big thigh just like you do. a serrated knife sits his belt and it keeps winking at you, the flashlight reflecting from it as you pull in big breaths of air.
"you're saying i oughta just let you go?" he scoffs, yanking you from your thoughts.
"please..." your stomach grumbles on cue, helping you look meeker than you really are.
you're sure you just saw him wince as he squats down beside you but the thought is brushed away immediately when the man cocks his head to the side and scratches his temple with the barrel of the gun. his scarred lips stretch into a big wolfish grin, showing off his sharp canines and his eyes glint from behind the black strands of hair, making him even scarier now. the big bad wolf.
he's taking you apart with his eyes, dissecting you and your thoughts with a smug expression while you're fending off the waves of fear and try to look as composed as you can. though you feel like it isn't working at all.
"d'ya find anything good from the pharmacy?"
"why were you stalking me?" your bark comes out sharper than you intended and his eyebrows raise an inch, eyes shining with something teasing.
"kind of hard to miss ya when you're making so much noise, sweetheart. and yer in my spot, anyway." he sigh with an eye-roll.
your lips part in a small gasp. "i was not making that much noise! and– and what do you mean 'your spot'? it's a fucking mall, i need things, too!"
"clearly." he motions to the duffel bag resting at your feet and you swallow your next snarky comment.
"what was that?"
just glaring at him, you hate how amused he seems. the fear in you dissipating fast and something akin to annoyance is starting to grow in it's stead.
"i didn't even fucking take anything!"
body leaning forward, fists balled up and eyes on fire – he's thoroughly entertained by your barking and you immediately purse your lips.
"relax, little lamb, will ya? tell me... what'd you find in there?"
you scrunch your nose at the stupid nickname. despite how non-threatening he's being right now - you're still planning on running. you'll give him whatever he wants and you're getting the fuck out of here.
"nothing much. stitching kits and painkillers."
he's hums disappointedly and you can't help but wonder why. is he looking for something in particular? is he hurt? "what do you need?"
"forget it."
"i have antibiotics, if that's what you need."
at that, his ears perk up. "is that so?"
you nod at him.
"well, c'mon then, show me what ya got."
you stare at him for a moment before peeling off one backpack strap. you pull the bag onto your lap and feel his heavy gaze on you as you dig around the thing. it doesn't take you long to find the right bottle, pulling it out and handing it to him.
the floor creaks and it has you both turning towards the sound in an instant. he has the door in his sights but nothing is there. your heart is hammering in your chest again and you can taste the bitter anxiety in the back of your throat again.
you've never seen anyone hold their gun so steady as he does. no shake, no tremble; he's not even really squeezing the thing, he's just holding it. there's no pressure, no anxiety – it's simply an extension to his body. he's comfortable with it, and he looks good with it. a bead of sweat rolls from his temple and mixes with the drying blood on his skin before disappearing under his clothes.
his breathing is normal, he's calm as he lowers the gun back down and starts observing the bottle in his other hand. your eyes are still on the door, still wary of the ghosts that lurk around.
the man squints his eyes at the miniature text on the bottle in the dark and you hold back a laugh.
"need me to read it for you, old man?"
"watch your mouth." it's playful at best, no real sternness behind it whatsoever and it makes you roll your eyes. you're about to ask what he actually needs the pills for but something in the corner of your eye draws your attention.
a pair of dull, grey eyes. staring right back at you. dark veins run all over her face and neck, her shoulders and her hands and she peeks from behind the doorframe.
one second. no more, no less. your sharp intake of air gets his attention just as the stalker lunges from the dark hallway, but she is met with a hole in her forehead before she can even take a proper step inside.
small pieces of brain splatter onto the wall behind her and she falls limp to the ground just a few feet from you. he's waiting for another one to pop up, his eyes still glued to the door and you know that this is your moment. he has the meds, so he shouldn't chase you down anyway. you have to go now.
scrambling up from your knees, you try to speed past him but immediately choke when the collar of your own sweatshirt sharply cuts into your airways. his grip on the material is strong and he pulls you right back into him, back into his arms. he's mere inches from your face but before he can do anything else – he feels a blade against his throat.
you really aren't the little lamb he thought you were.
he's comparing you to a feral cub in his head – big wild eyes, snarling and showing your teeth, trying to act tougher than you are, but when the sharp edge of your blade sinks deeper into his skin, he realizes that maybe you're not actually in over your head.
he already expected you to run, he was waiting for that but he thought it'd end up with you you crying and begging or something. he didn't see this coming – you're definitely craftier than he thought, faster too.
"now... why would you do that-"
you don't let him finish. "are you gonna hurt me?"
"you're the one with the knife at my throat. i should be asking you that." he rolls his eyes as your knife grazes the soft skin below his adam's apple and you're thinking about actually cutting him just out of annoyance.
"you have the pills, why not let me go?" you bark back.
"you're hungry, aren't ya?" he questions calmly. his gun hand is lowered, he's not pointing it at you but his other hand stays on your back, fingers still digging into your sweatshirt. it's warm, his body is warm.
"so what? you gonna feed me like some stray cat?"
"y'don't want to eat?" he deadpans.
you bite into the soft flesh of your inner cheek. of fucking course, you want to eat.
"y'can take two cans from the bag. i mean, y'were eyeing them anyway."
"for being my entertainment tonight."
the blade on his throat finally draws blood and a drop of it runs down his skin, disappearing under his shirt.
"i oughta kill you for putting a gun at my head."
"yeah?" he cocks his head closer to you, the blade moving with him, making a few more droplets dribble from the tiny wound. "go for it, sweetheart."
his eyes are green. they're green like the leaves that sprout from between the cracks in the asphalt on a sunny day, green like the moss that flourishes on the trees in the forest, green like the ivy that is trying to swallow the world. you feel his heart beat a; calm and steady while yours is amped from the sudden proximity. he sounds so arrogant, like he knows you're not going to hurt him.
(you aren't.)
when you lower the knife to push at his broad chest with a scoff instead, he lets you. his hand falls from you as you take a step back, your face now illuminated by the moonlight. scars litter your skin, bumps and cuts – just like him.
"are you done?"
you hum with a pouty lip and put away your knife, eyes following his figure as he holsters his gun before picking up the fallen pill bottle. when he steps by you, he plucks your flashlight from its place on the backpack strap with way too much ease and proceeds to head over to one of the duffel bags that sits on the table behind you, carefully stepping over the broken glass on the floor.
he shushes you and your fists tighten beside your body. you look at the dead body that lays next to the door with a perfectly centered hole in her forehead. the blood pools around it, soaking her clothes and the ground below her.
you used to think about the infected more, used to ponder about how long they've been like that and whether the person they used to be is still... in there.
it doesn't matter.
you've come across people, who talk about not wanting to kill them – what if they really are still in there? but isn't that exactly why one should kill them? you can't even begin to think about how it'd feel to be stuck inside your own body as the infection takes over, making you into something you're not. how it'd force you to tear your loved ones apart just for the sake of it, how you'd turn into a bigger monster with every passing day, every passing second. you just hope that if you were to get infected, you'd still have the mind to end it. or have somebody do it for you.
you don't want to end up like her.
"i didn't realize there were stalkers here." you mumble to yourself as you tear your eyes from her. "other than you, of course. fucking creep."
he starts digging around in one of the bags and you take the moment to really observe him. his back is almost twice your size and you're sure his one bicep is bigger than your whole head.
the man scoffs. "thought i got them all but... oh, well. should've let ya handle it – was your fault anyway."
"how the fuck was that my fault?" your voice raises at his claim and you regret it, knowing exactly what his response will be.
"you are fucking loud, sweetheart."
"fuck you."
he just hums out a mhmmm. he pulls a piece of paper out of his bag and uses your flashlight to examine the text on it. his eyes. he waves at you over his shoulder. "you know where the cans are."
simply scoffing as a reply, you kneel back down to the bag but his voice cuts in again.
"and don't you dare take that chocolate." he doesn't even turn around, completely focused on comparing the information on the paper to the info on the bottle of pills. you roll your eyes again and curse him under your breath. "i wasn't gonna take your stupid fucking chocolate..."
when you've bagged your goodies, you push yourself up again. the trees dancing in the wind outside catch your eye, they look so carefree. just living from the sun and the moon and the rain, they have nothing to fear. nobody will harm them, no infected, no people. you can't wait for nature to take back everything it deserves. the cities and the buildings; it'll swallow the corpses and the living alike and you're happy for her.
he rustles with the paper, twisting it around a few times and you're about to ask what he's looking for but he cuts you off.
"why not make a run for it earlier?"
you stare at his back with a confused look. "what do you mean?"
"you gave me the pills and then tried to run. antibiotics are hard to find, y'know." he sounds curious. or patronizing.
"i know that... i had to wait for the right moment." you admit, fiddling with your fingers. "i was going to give them to you anyway, old man."
"not a lot going on in that little head of yours, huh?"
you let his audacity waft over you before biting back. "oh, i'm sorry... for... being a... good person?"
he turns around and leans his ass against the table, folding his arms over his big chest as he mocks you with his annoying smug grin. "i pointed a gun at you and you still wanna share your little precious belongs with me? that's cute, i guess."
"yeah. you just look like you fucking need them, alright...."
"so, you agree that you're a fucking idiot?"
your lips part in shock. "hey! look– do you want anything else or can i go now?"
"can i have my flashlight back?"
"wha— " you take a step toward the man and he raises his brows. "but it's mine! how do you expect me to go outside without it?"
"no manners whatsoever."
your jaw drops again. "excuse me? wha– what's that supposed to mean?"
"first, i catch you stealing— "
"i already apologized for that— "
"—then you try to kill poor old little me, and now you're asking for things without the magic word... tsk-tsk-tsk." he closes his eyes and shakes his head in disappointment.
"i'm not gonna fucking beg for my own flashlight back, bitch."
he barks out a laugh.
a loud one, from deep within his stomach. his head falls back and a pout forms on your lips, heat crawls up your neck involuntarily and you avert your gaze. "you're terrible, just terrible, sweetheart."
he takes your prized light and tosses it to you before pulling out his own from behind his back. you flip him off. "funny though, i'll give ya that..."
you grumble a yeah, thanks under your breath as he blinks the light at you twice. "may i go now?"
he stares at you before answering. "yes, you're dismissed."
at that, you knock your heels together and sharply bring your right hand to your temple – imitating a military salutation. "yes, sir!"
something sweet.
he tastes something sweet on his tongue. he wipes the drying blood from his neck and his cheeks hurt.
you're some random feral cub and yet, you've peaked his interest like nothing else. no cries and no wails, no begging and no tears – scared but alive. ready to part with valuable meds just because he apparently looks like he needs them. tch! growling at him even though he's caught you red handed, cutting him even though you weren't in danger anymore.
he hasn't felt this alive in a long time, either.
"don't let me see you again, old man."
playful, at best. you're matching his tone and the corners of his lips are reaching back behind his ears. you bite your inner cheek; despite everything – he's the most normal person you've met since the end of the world. he's not mean nor is he aggressive; everybody points a gun at a stranger these days. he made jokes and he gave you supplies – it's more than anyone has done for you in a while.
you look at the wolf in the shadow and he looks at the lamb in the moonlight. the wolf that offers food and protection and the lamb that cuts and steals.
the wolf that bleeds and the lamb that holds the blade.
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derangederensimp · 1 year
Fitness trainer Toji one shot
Toji Fushiguro x Fem Reader
CW: Suggestive comments, Toji is always horny for you, masturbation, teasing, fingering, choking, hickeys, biting, rough sex, spanking, praising, size kink, stomach bulge, mating press, and Creampie. Not proofread tbh sorry
Masterlist | Coworker Toji Part 1 & Part 2 | Your Roomate Toji
“Come on, you're doing so good. Finish up this set and I’ll reward you” He said, his arms crossed. He must’ve purposely worn this tank top clearly a size too small, his muscles protruding from them flexed as he glared at you.
“With what” you huffed
“Something that’ll make your legs shake more than this”
“F-fuck you” you said, finishing your set and resting. Toji always said things right as they came to his mind even if what he was saying was not appropriate. Or he’d say something like this that was a complete tease and fluster you. Your cheeks already pink from your work out, which hid your now blushing face.
“Wish you would” he held his hand out to you to help you up from the floor. Pulling you to your feet you stared at him speechless, your mind already replaying his words trying to comprehend if you heard the right thing come past his lips. That grin taunting you as he looked you up and down.
“Yea-uh I’ll see you tomorrow” you said, walking to the girls bathroom to wash away the sweat before you headed home for the night. Your muscles were sore as you laid your head against the tile letting the hot water pelt your back. His words repeating over and over again sighing to yourself. How long has it been since you got laid? Shaking your head you turned the shower off and dried off. Getting dressed and walking to your car to head home.
Once you got home you ran yourself a bath, your mind again returning to the thought of Toji. His arms caging you in against a wall, his breath hot against your neck as he spoke so roughly about how badly he wished to fuck you. One hand traveled down your body reaching your clit, your index finger moving in slow circles. Your mind going deeper as you imagined Toji pressing his lips against your neck leaving red marks behind. His tongue going up your neck, his hand squeezed on your jaw pushing your head up more. Hearing your whines at a specific spot he returned to it suckling on it.
Your finger going faster and faster adding pressure to your clit making you put your head back. You couldn’t help but think about how his rough fingers would feel on your body. His wandering hands feeling around your soft skin. Adding a finger inside you sighed wishing it was his, his fingers definitely could’ve satisfied you just well enough till he decided you were wet enough to take his cock. Recalling his dick print in those sweatpants he didn’t often wear, he looked huge there so what would it be like hard? Moaning out his name aloud keeping your pace.
Would your hand fit around it? “F-fuck” you moaned aloud as the pressure in snapped. Finally getting a release but you weren’t truly satisfied. Your cheeks burned red sorta being embarrassed that you got off just by the thought of him. You hoped that tomorrow you wouldn’t think about it once you see him.
Your hands were sweaty, avoiding eye contact like the plague. One look at him and you were done for, your brain replaying what you desired most. You tried to focus on your hip thrusts but you couldn’t help but take a glance at him. He was sitting on the bench across from you, his eyes looked like they were racking over you. An almost hungry facial expression is what he wore, his body leaned forward, his arms resting on his knees. “There you go, just a few more” he praised.
His voice alone had your knees buckling, wanting to just pounce him right there. Finishing your set you moved onto your last work out, Squat pluses. He stood behind you watching your form making sure you were doing it right. You heard him let out of puff of air before you finished your last rep. Turning around you saw his hands in his pocket “you ok?” You asked, puzzled by his cheeks looking sorta flushed. “Just perfect. Good job today y/n” he said, usually he’d say something about your ass but no comment. Today he wasn’t super talkative like he usually was, but you do recall he usually doesn’t talk much when it’s leg day…
You looked down at his hands in his pocket again and looking back up, his cheeks looked more red. The cogs in your brain started turning as you were curious if he was hard just from watching you do some squats. “Are you hiding something Toji?” You teased not expecting him to grab your hand and rush towards the bathrooms. “T-toji what the fuck I can’t be in here with you” you tried pulling away but before you could he pressed your hand against his pants.
Your eyes went wide at the feeling, a heavy sigh left his lips before he spoke “You drive me fucking insane. Can’t take it anymore” He stared into your eyes, his pupils blown black with lust as he eyed you up and down. “Can I touch you?” He asked, all you could do was nod, your throat not allowing words to come out.
“Why exactly are you working on this again? Isn’t it big enough” he grunted, his fingers squeezing on your ass. Moving his hands around and watching it jiggle in the mirror “T-toji gentle pl-please I’m sore”
“Mmm do you really like things gentle? The look on your face looks like you are desperate for me to just ruin you” he teased, his hand now resting on your waist. It was like he was reading your mind, his eyes went soft as he stared down at you.
His other hand coming to your jaw and holding it still gently lifting your chin up to get a better angle. “Kiss me” he said, the spot between your legs was starting to get hot from just his touch. His lips meeting yours went from soft pecks to hungry kisses, your tongues pushing against each other, his hand slide down to your throat softly squeezing making you let out a soft moan. Toji couldn’t help but grin against your lips. He was going to have his fun with you finally after all this time, countless nights of him fisting his cock to you and he'd imagine you’d sound moaning on his cock. Pulling away a string of saliva connected the two of you.
His hand on your waist slid down your curves and under your waistband, his hand felt so big. Spread out he was able to cover your cunt, his fingers slipped through your soaked lips collecting your juices on them before he thumbed circles into your clit. “So fucking wet and I haven’t even really touched you. You’ve been fantasizing about this have you y/n? You aren’t so innocent like you try to act” Toji scoffed, softly chuckling at how your body was always shaking. Your hands gripped at his biceps, trying to keep a loud moan inside so no one heard you. Toji didn’t like that he wanted to hear what you sounded like. Thrusting two fingers inside and hooking them he pushed continuously on your g spot. Squeezing your thighs together to try and restrict his hands moment, staring up at him tears were starting to form in your eyes trying to void off s your orgasm but it was no use.
Your body gave it away to him, he felt your walls clenching around his fingers beautifully unable to keep his own moan to himself at the feeling wishing it was his cock instead. “You ganna cum already sweetheart? It looks like you needed this more than me huh? Go ahead, make a mess on my fingers” he commanded. Your body reacting to his words as he pumped his fingers in and out his thumb picking up the pace on rubbing your sensitive nub. Your thighs shook under you as you got closer and closer to your orgasm, you grabbed at Toji’s shoulders digging your fingers into his back making him grunt. Your pussy gushing all over his fingers, he kept pumping them in and out letting you ride out your high before he pulled them out.
“Lick them clean” he stared down at you, a sadistic look you haven’t seen on him before appeared on his face, his grin drove you insane. His mouth agape as he watched you opened yours, your tongue lolling out to lick his fingers clean just like he told you too. Sucking his fingers clean he kept them in your mouth, reveling at the sensation of your tongue.
“My place isn’t too far from here. Want to take this over there?” He stared hungrily at you. “What about my car?” You asked, Toji just chuckled “Sweetheart, I don’t think you’ll be going home tonight when I’m finished with you” his comment making your cunt clench around nothing.
He was right his place wasn’t far from the gym but still far away in terms of not being able to keep your hands off him. After he closed the door for you and got into the driver's seat, buckling up your hands were already all over each other again. He was trying to be a tease rubbing his hand up and down your thigh getting closer and closer to your throbbing cunt but when you palmed at his cock through his pants he couldn’t deny your clit some pleasure if you were pleasing him. He was half tempted to just pull over and grab you into his lap and fuck you right there but he fought off that thought.
Finally arriving to his condo he quickly got out and opened your door. Picking you up your legs wrapped around his waist, feverish kisses shared between the two of you as he walked towards his door. Your head wedged between his neck giving him kisses and bites all over making him groan. His sounds were so gruff, it made your cunt tingle. Suckling on the spots to leave behind red marks like he had on you as he fiddled with unlocking his front door. “I want you so bad” you whispered into his ear making his cock twitch in his pants.
Stepping inside you looked around at the dim lit place as he kept walking further into his place and into his bedroom. His scent filled your nose as he laid you down onto his mattress. His body fitting perfectly between your parted legs he hung his head above yours before dipping his lips down to yours. He only parted away from your lips to lift your shirt above your head and tossing it to the floor, leaning up some he worked at undoing your bra and slipping it off your arms. He couldn’t help himself but to stare his hands coming to your breasts squeezing them between his fingers.
Watching your nipples harden he licked his lips starting at his scar. Your cheeks were beet red with how he was marveling over another part of your body. Taking one into his mouth the other he played with between his fingers pinching it to gain a soft moan from your lips. Letting your nipple go with a pop before he spoke “There you go sweetheart, now you can be as loud as you want” he praised.
Leaning up from your body he hooked his fingers around your waistband and yanked your leggings and panties off in one motion. You instinctively went to cover your body up but his big hand stopped you pulling away your arm “you look so beautiful, don’t you hide from me y/n” Toji said. Letting your wrist go he sat up on his knees pulling his shirt off revealing his muscles he purposely went slow to watch the way your eyes went all over his chest and his abs all the way to his v-line. “Like what you see?” He teased.
He rested beside you putting his arms behind his head as he watched you sit on your knees in front of him. “You want to help me out y/n?” He looked down at his pants, the obvious tent made you gulp seeing just how big it looked. You nodded your head, reaching your hand over to his bulge palming it before he put his hips up some to let you pull down his pants and boxers, his cock springing out, hitting his stomach. He was pleased to see your reaction. Exactly what he expected it to be, shocked from his length and girth he knew that look on your face was you wondering if he would even fit “don’t worry I’ll get you ready to take all of me” he reassured you.
He played with your clit as you wrapped your hand around the base of his cock going up and down pre coming from the tip. He loved the sight before him how small your hand looked compared to his cock. Closing his eyes he was in pure bliss finally having you wrapped around his finger, he knew after tonight there was no going back with you and he’d still help you train but knew you’d definitely end up in his bed right afterwards. How luckily he felt that he got to you before one of the many guys who had their eye on you.
Adding two fingers into your pussy he massaged at your walls, hooking his fingers up to touch your g spot. Opening his eyes he was met with your face, cheeks all flustered pink as you pumped at his cock faster. “The pace you were going at was good sweetheart. Go slow” Toji said, placing his hand around yours and moving it slowly. Tossing his head back at the feeling “good girl”, turning his head he licked at your neck. He felt your body finally relax to his fingers making him grin “think you are ready for me?”
“Mhm” you said, staying on your knees you got into your favorite position putting your ass in the air and your face down. Toji bit the inside of his cheek at the sight. Getting behind you he took his cock into his hand and rubbed the tip at your entrance coating himself perfectly in your slick. He softly groaned at the feeling of the entrance of your cunt trying to take him inside already. Teasing your entrance with his tip slipping only part of it inside before pulling out of you “ You’ll be good for me won’t you? I want to hear you cry my name out. If it gets too much just tell me ok sweetheart? Don’t want to break you right away” Toji said, waiting for your response but nothing clicking his tongue to his teeth at your lack of response.
The tip of his cock waited at your entrance, His palm hit the side of your ass making you whine “Don’t make me repeat myself. You understand what I’m saying right? I’ll even give you a safe word. How about oranges”
“Yes T-toji. Please just fuck me already”
“Mmm I see. Impatient” his hips slammed into your cunt. Bottoming out inside you, filling you to your hilt, he stayed still. His hands gripping on your hips kept you where you were, you wailed his name into the sheets. He was the biggest you’ve ever been with, your cunt squeezed at him tightly as it tried to adjust to him. “A-ah fuck- y/n are you on birth control?” Toji asked quickly, he was already starting to lose control just by how beautifully your cunt hugged him but he needed to know.
“Y-yes why?” You questioned but already putting the his answer together in your head making you bite your lip. “I’m going to fill you up, that's why”. His pace started off slow, not fully pulling himself out of you still letting you adjust to him. His balls hit against your cunt each time he was flush against your ass. “You are taking me so well sweetheart” he groaned, putting his head back at the feeling. Your cunt was swallowing him whole and he couldn’t get enough of it. His pace picking up as he leaned down on your body, his hand groping at your breast. His breath was hot on your ear as he panted “a-so uh good. Fuck”.
The sound of your bodies slapping together and your moans filled his practically empty condo. He was glad none of his neighbors seemed to have been home but he didn’t mind the idea of someone hearing your moans telling them how good he was making you feel. His other arm wrapped around your waist adding pressure to your stomach, a loud dragged out moan came from you as you turned your face into the pillow. Your knuckles going white gripping his sheets.
His tip hitting your g spot repeatedly made your legs start to shake, your walls clenching around him. Toji took it as a sign to change the position up a bit, resting on his knees he pulled your back up straight pushing your legs apart before bringing your back to his chest. Aligning himself back up with your entrance he put a hand on your stomach while the other trailed up to your neck softly squeezing it. “T-toji-“ huff huff, “I know sweetheart you need to cum. Cum for me” fucking into you from below your cunt spasmed around his cock pulling a low groan from the man.
His mouth feverishly went over your collarbone and neck as his fingers inched towards your mouth, you opened wide allowing him access, his fingers rested on your tongue. The pressure in your stomach finally burst cumming all over his cock, your juices soaking the sheets as he continued fucking into you. “That’s my good girl” he said aloud, slowing down before pulling out.
Making you lay on your back he got between your legs and shoved himself back inside you quickly. Angling himself just right for his tip to hit your g spot over and over again, your moans of his name was like music to his ears. “S-shit y/n your cunt is squeezing me so tight a-ah need to slow down before I finish too quick. That would be pathetic” Toji groaned, slowing down his thrusts. His head sinking into the crease of your neck, his teeth grazed your skin making you let out a strained moan.
You were losing it, so sensitive and he just kept going, blinking back tears. It felt so good, better than you have ever experienced. You stared up at the devilish smirk he had on his face when he picked his head up from your neck. He was getting off on seeing you cry, his thumb swiping away a tear that going to fall down your face. “You think I can give you one more orgasm before I finish sweetheart? Just wanna make you feel good.” He said, his arms flexed beside your head as he slowed his pace even more, almost coming to a stop, waiting for you to say something.
“Yes” you moaned, already feeling the next wave would be coming soon. Kissing your lips quickly before sitting up, hooking his arms around your legs he brought your body to him meeting each thrust. Your mouth hung open, no sounds being able to escape as he hammered into your body. Throwing his head back in pleasure as he felt your orgasm approaching “there you go y/n” he praised. Your hands grabbed at his arms squeezing them as your body shook cumming all over his cock and stomach.
Your chest heaved up and down as you came down from your high. His cock was still hard, pre leaking from the tip. Toji’s chest moved at a slow rhythm, his chest glistened with sweat. He has been holding himself off from finishing wanting to be selfish and keep you beside him as long as he could. “My turn, then I’ll let you rest” He stared at you with hooded eyes. Nodding your head in compliance he pushed your thighs to your chest putting you into a mating press. Tapping the tip onto your entrance he started at how wet you were before pressing into you, his balls clapped against your ass with each thrust. He was burying himself inside of you, keeping your legs pressed down to your chest with his hands.
His name in the air over and over again encouraged him to continue at his fast pace. His cock twitching inside you as your cunt squeezed him tightly. “Can’t get enough of your cunt sweetheart. It’s like you were made for me” Toji spoke in between his grunts. Bottoming out he pumped his cock in and out of your cunt hitting your already extremely sensitive g spot. His own release coming up “need to cum sweetheart. Last chance, do you want me to cum somewhere else?”
“N-no inside. Please. Please” your pleas sending him over the edge. Slamming his cock into you one last time before hot ropes of white painted your walls. Toji moaned your name over and over again, tossing his head back. His cum made you feel so warm inside, pulling over when he felt his cock twitch one last time Toji couldn’t get over how much of his cum seeped out of you. A ring around his cock as he pulled out seeing his seed spill down your ass and onto his sheets. He couldn’t take his eyes off of you, his eyes tracing over every curve of your body lost in his own thoughts before you tried to wiggle out of his grip he had on your thighs.
“Let’s get you washed up. You did so good. I’m surprised you came as much as you did and not tapping out” he pecked your cheek. His praise made you blush. He helped you out of bed but seeing your legs wobble, he lifted you over his shoulder and carried you over to his shower, turning it on before he sat on the bench with you sitting on his knee. Letting the water wash away all your sweat and juices he massaged your legs before spreading them to wash away his cum leaking from your cunt. He slipped his fingers between your folds making sure you were cleaned off. He helped wash the rest of your body and hair before you did the same for him. He was smiling like an idiot proud that he made you unable to stand on your own.
“Looks like no workout for you tomorrow sweetheart” he teased.
He couldn’t help but laugh at your pouty face you made in response to his comment. He did not feel guilty in the slightest. “I’ll make you a killer breakfast tho to replenish your energy” he piped up. Standing up he turned the shower off, holding onto your waist taking a towel and drying you off before himself. Walking back into his room he set you back on his bed. You sat up looking at him pick through his drawers trying to find a shirt for you to wear and sweatpants that would also fit you and not fall off.
A caring side of him that you didn’t see of him often, as your trainer he would always push you to your limits. Praise you when you reached a PR but that was his job with how he was caring for you now was different. Maybe he wasn’t as mean as you thought he would be behind closed doors. All you knew was that you never wanted to leave his condo.
Taglist: @coffee-on-a-rainyautumn @kazscara @liliorsstuff-blog comment below If you want to be apart of the tag list 🖤
Taglist: @coffee-on-a-rainyautumn @kazscara @liliorsstuff-blog want to be apart of the taglist? Comment below.
Masterlist | Coworker Toji Part 1 & Part 2 |
Masterlist | Part 2 🤔 |
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