#trans medicine
uncanny-tranny · 1 month
The interesting thing about medically transitioning is how you might just be treated with the wrong framework.
When I get my hormone levels checked, for instance, they check it against the wrong type of person, so everything is flagged. Did you know that testosterone encourages hemoglobin production? Well, my hemoglobin is perfectly in line with male levels, but my levels are checked for the wrong endocrine system. Before I realized this, I was really confused as to why my hemoglobin was two grams over the range given, and was confused as to why that happened, and worried about if I should be worried about that. But it was a normal consequence of my testosterone levels, which are also flagged though they are well-within the range that is typical for my age and health categories.
The way we treat and measure for trans people and trans patients will affect the treatment and education they receive. There are ways in which hormones especially can influence how one's body operates, and with that in mind, you also have to change the way you interact with a trans person. With my testosterone levels, if you were to measure them against the incorrect endocrine system, you would fail to treat me in reality - that being the way my body has changed and maintained homeostasis since being on T.
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geek-22 · 18 days
Trans men and enby's,
Testosterone does not work as birth control.
Your doctor may tell you this, a nurse might, but it DOES NOT.
For the love of god, wear protection
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she-is-ovarit · 7 months
Trans medical history and its origins in Nazi medicine focused on sterilizing gay people.
Curiously, I am unable to seem to be able to find my last post I made in sharing Malcolm Clark's posts; it seems to have been removed. I would like to share Tumblr's anti-terrorism clause: "We don't tolerate content that promotes, encourages, or incites acts of terrorism. That includes content which supports or celebrates terrorist organizations, their leaders, or associated violent activities". I would also like to take a moment to recognize that Tumblr promotes and supports quite a lot of "gender affirmation" and trans healthcare related content. As a lesbian who is Jewish, I would also would like to express my appreciation for Tumblr's anti hate speech clause, which describes not promoting violence and hatred among several groups, which I hope includes homosexual people and Jewish people. I hope that Tumblr staff are not removing anti-Nazi posts made by homosexual and/or Jewish people that educate people on some of the origins and horrors of the Holocaust and conversion therapy.
Moving forward, I as a Jewish lesbian would love to share with you important history regarding the oppression of Jewish people and same-sex attracted people as described by Malcolm Clark:
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(Link: https://www.sfgate.com/opinion/article/Eugenics-and-the-Nazis-the-California-2549771.php)
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Link: https://web.archive.org/web/20181226033626/http://www.transmediawatch.org/timeline.html
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Edit: Here is an archived webpage of Malcolm Clark's thread: https://web.archive.org/web/20230925022852/https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1662967081191497728.html
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trans-guy-talks · 2 years
Introducing: The Guide to Bottom Growth
Quick warning as I will be using anatomical terms, and I will include anatomical diagrams.
What is bottom growth and what does it look like?
Bottom growth is a common term for the enlarged clitoris, after taking T.
When you take testosterone, it induces growth in the clitoris. The growth can be pretty significant. When it grows, it comes to resemble a cis penis, on a smaller scale. It has a shaft, retractable foreskin, and head.
The clitoris and the penis- how are they related?
So, when a fetus is growing, they all start out female. The clitoris is the same bit as the glans or "head" of a cis man's penis. The growth into a penis is influenced by testosterone.
Can I prevent bottom growth?
No. Whether it grows a lot or a little is dependant on genes and your dosage, but it will happen.
It is also irreversible. While some have claimed that it has shrunken after stopping T, this is unusual and may be dependant on your genes.
What are some other names for bottom growth?
This is all up to you, based on your personal preference. Some people stick to calling it their clit or clitoris, some call it a T-Dick, some call it their bottom growth and some refer to it as a cis man would, using terms like dick, cock, penis, etc.
How big does it get?
It varies, just like with penis size. On average, most people end up with around 1-2 inches. Some people can end up with more than 3 inches! Like cis penises, they get bigger when aroused.
Can I stand and pee from it?
No. Your bottom growth is located above the urethra. While some people have enough growth to guide the flow of urine along the bottom of the shaft, this is highly dependant on your personal anatomy and can be really messy!
A surgery like *metoidioplasty can be preformed in conjunction with a urethral lengthening, which would then allow you to stand to pee using your bottom growth.
*Metoidioplasty, or meta, is a type of bottom surgery that releases the bottom growth from the labia minora. It is typically preformed with urethral lengthening, scrotoplasty and a vaginectomy. However, not everyone chooses to have each of these surgeries.
Below- Metoidioplasty, credits:
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Can I use it for sex?
Yes. You can preform oral sex on bottom growth, just like with a cis penis. You can use toys on it- vibrators, fleshlights, strokers, etc. Whatever works for you.
Can I use it for penatrative sex?
Short answer: yes. If you have enough growth, you may be able to penetrate a vagina. However, to my knowledge, anal penetration is not possible with just bottom growth.
Do I need to clean it?
Yes. This can be done easily by pulling the foreskin back and cleaning any buildup out with a wet q-tip. This area may be sensitive- clean at your own pace.
Below- Bottom growth diagrams, courtesy of emisil.com
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Image 1: A is pre-T, B is post-T
Image 2: Depicts the clitoris pre-T, low dose/flaccid bottom growth, and large/erect bottom growth
As always please feel free to ask questions, I will answer to the best of my ability.
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vavandeveresfan · 19 days
Rowling on the Cass Review.
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One of those doubling down on the lies.
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llyfrenfys · 19 days
Actually, I should get out that information re: the transphobia in 1960s-80s British trans care.
It's only 9 but I have several books which talk about and touch on the topic, including Trans Britain (ed. Christine Burns), Understanding Trans Health (by Ruth Pearce) and The Transgender Issue (by Shon Faye).
But to paraphrase them-
Trans medicine in the 60s-80s in Britain was a battleground between trans friendly doctors and trans hostile doctors. However, the trans hostile doctors were also actively involved in a lot of British gender care at the time. Most notoriously, Dr Randell.
Dr Randell was part of that anti trans faction of doctors who saw trans people as inherently disordered and would allow transition for very few people - not motivated by helping them, but by 'correcting' them. Mainly, conventionally attractive and gender conforming trans women. Julia Grant - the trans woman featured in the 1979 documentary A Change of Sex, saw Dr Randell.
There was another faction of doctors who were trans friendly and disagreed with Randell and the rest of the anti trans faction. However, at a medical conference, there's evidence to suggest the anti trans faction used the conference to push their harsher form of gender care and suppressed the trans friendly forms.
The anti trans faction was afterwards able to influence all trans healthcare in the UK. This is why our gender care system is Like That.
Reading the reports on the Cass Review - it's eerily similar to what went down with Dr Randell.
I might make a more detailed post later but that's a general synopsis.
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kuebikome · 8 months
Trans meds should be released into the Alaskan Wilderness and hunted for sport. Literally the trans gender version of Andrew Tate and pick me girls.
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yngsuk · 1 year
“The fractures wrought by reducing trans children to a reservoir of racial plasticity persist into the present day, as scholars’ work on the contemporary pediatric endocrine clinic shows. Claudia Castañeda argues that it is precisely the liberal edge of pediatric trans medicine that leverages children for ends other than their own, promising through puberty suppression therapy a form of transition at an early age that is aimed against those trans people who transition as adults. In this developmental framework, visible trans difference produced by transitioning after puberty is increasingly cast as an atavistic relic, so that adult transitioning “becomes a kind of lesser version of transgender—because less completely trans-gendered in a bodily sense” than the child who pauses puberty. While there is no inherent reason to confine puberty suppression therapy to this particular narrative, Sahar Sadjadi and Tey Meadow’s important ethnographic work in the contemporary clinic shows how the desire and extreme pressure to find a biological etiology for trans life by locating gender’s development “in the brain” has packaged profoundly normalizing rhetoric as scientific and progressive. An early and gender normative transition has become valuable insofar as it uses children’s exceptional plasticity to promise a future that erases trans visibility itself, a disturbing reconsolidation of the sex and gender binary that also evokes eugenic echoes of the “proper” racial phenotypes of human sex from early twentieth-century endocrinology. Rather than resisting a binary system, in this case plasticity continues to reinforce and even strengthen it.”
Jules Gill-Peterson, Histories of the Transgender Child
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rqpositivity · 27 days
i love transmedicine people
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gaslightgallows · 3 months
At my teaching appointment today, the RN at my endo would not show me how to self-administer T in the thigh because the office's/hospital's "best practices" for intramuscular injections are to use the gluteus, despite me being physically incapable of delivering an injection into my own ass (I am 340 lbs, not flexible, and have short arms).
Instead, I was offered two options:
Have my spouse come in next week so they can show him how to administer T (thereby rendering me reliant on him for a medically necessary injection), or
Have me come into their office every week and have them administer T (meaning I can never be out of town on a Wednesday).
This strikes me, in layman's terms, as really fucking stupid.
Like... Fat trans people exist? Fat trans people with mobility issues exist? As do fat trans people who live alone and don't necessarily have partners or friends or family that they trust to poke a needle into their butt?
To say nothing about the assumption that it would be easy for me to keep a long-term weekly T appointment. I'm fortunate enough to have a car and a very easy-going job, but if I didn't? If I had shift work? There is no reliable public transit in my area.
This is (mostly) a vent post. I can find another practitioner to at least show me how to safely do a thigh injection. I'm just very disappointed and frustrated; I don't care if they think this is "best practice," it's not a good standard of care to assume that all of your patients can thrive under the same type of care.
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thetetra · 3 months
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So my friend works in an optometrist office. and she takes no fucking prisoners.
love her for this.
edit: I should mention that "stupid religious nut" is her bigoted coworker who has a history of dead naming trans people
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itisiives · 9 days
So, what I'm reading is that when we figure out how to edit or remove these two specific genes, trans women will have their testes turn into ovaries.
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mbrainspaz · 1 year
Goin’ to the doctor like ‘hello yes as a totally cis person I would like testosterone for completely cis reasons relating to my desire to pass as my assigned gender—you see, my great grandmother famously had a naturally occurring mustache and I’d just like to speed the process along.’
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vavandeveresfan · 19 days
I hope all KidLit sees the light.
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As a KidLit writer I left Twitter when the madness became very bad in 2015, and I was blasted for not liking the book "George," about a trans child. Everything I've published since then has been under various pseudonyms (different ones for the different genres I write in).
I'm lucky. Other authors and illustrators were blacklisted, or their publishers were harassed until the authors' books were canceled.
I hope after the Cass Review and all else that's happening now revealing the truth about the harm of medical and psychological transitioning children is finally being heard, KidLit will come to its senses. Though how long that'll take, I can't guess.
I also hope Rachel Rooney's book is reissued and becomes a stellar hit.
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llyfrenfys · 2 months
Mis Hanes LHDT+ 2024 / LGBT+ History Month 2024
Mis Hanes LHDT+ Hapus 2024! Heddiw yw diwrnod olaf y mis, ond dwi'n dathlu’n hwyr gyda fy hoff lyfrau sy'n dylanwadu ar fy ngwaith.
Happy LGBT+ History Month 2024! Today is the last day of the month, but I'm celebrating late with my favourite books that have influenced my work.
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Y llyfr heddiw yw 'Understanding Trans Health' gan Ruth Pearce, a gyhoeddwyd yn 2018
Mae'r llyfr hwn yn hollbwysig i unrhyw un sy'n astudio pobl draws yn y DU yn yr 21ain Ganrif. Yn llawn hanes traws a meddygaeth draws, mae'r llyfr hwn yn disgrifio'r dirwedd feddygol y mae pobl draws a meddygon CHR yn ei hwynebu yn y presennol. Roedd y llyfr yn ddefnyddiol iawn ar gyfer fy ngwaith israddedig y llynedd.
Today's book is 'Understanding Trans Health by Ruth Pearce', published 2018.
This book is essential for anyone studying trans people in the UK in the 21st Century. Full of trans history and trans medicine, this book describes the medical landscape that trans people and GIC doctors face presently. The book was very useful for my undergraduate work last year.
Ydych chi wedi darllen y llyfr hwn? / Have you read this book?
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vultureboi · 11 months
I need help real quick.
If you take food from someone, lock them in a room full of people that hate their guts, and they die. Is that murder or manslaughter? Because you technically didn’t “plan” on them dying but at the same time what did you expect to happen?
Politicians are taking away medical care from trans people and then trapping them with people who hate their guts. What do they expect is going to happen?
It’s already a well known fact that a lot of suicides are from not being accepted when you’re lgbtq+. So now, you’re basically saying: “okay, I guess you can kill yourselves then”
You didn’t outright say it, but what do you expect to happen to these teens? Teenage suicide rates are high. And you’re just adding to them.
My dad said something really great. “It’s not matter of if they win, it’s how many people we’re going to lose along the way”
They’re killing us off. Not just with flat out murder anymore. Nope. Now they’re attacking our kids and waiting for us all to die off.
What kind of cruel people want kids to kill themselves because they’re different?
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