#tv : Political Comedy
beauty-funny-trippy · 4 months
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beansterpie · 1 month
rewatching LoK, i'm being reminded how much I dislike the.... the brothers, mako and bolin, yanno? they're such underwhelming characters on basically every level. it'd almost be impressive if they weren't in every episode and didn't annoy me so much ugh
#bean talking into the void#also this show in general is very flawed lol#cool things about it but the choice to structure it more like a#prestige tv show#as in each season follows One Story#is... i wouldn't say it was a bad choice but i feel like you can see the growing pains#switching over from the episodic structure of ATLA#s1 while flawed is solid#it knows what it's trying to do even if it doesn't always stick the landing#season two feels like a season-long filler episode LMFAO#which is hilarious because a lot of world-building stuff happens#but tonally it's all over the place#serious political plots interspersed with the B Plot following Tenzin and his family#on vacation???#so fucking random#but anyway back to roasting the brothers#i find bolin just annoying in general his brand of comedy totally doesn't work for me#but at least he has like#a personality that's consistent#mako is sooooooo blah#the writers have no idea what to do with him and he comes across as having a strikingly boring personality#with no defining traits other than being wishy washy (and a boot licker)#it FEELS like he was meant to remind viewers of Zuko#at least in appearance if nothing else#another broody pretty boy to latch onto#but he has literally nothing interesting to actually get invested in#sure he's got his tragic backstory and he's the 'older brother who took care of his younger brother after their parents died' boo hoo#but that's all just exposition and it's barely shown in a way that feels illustrative or emotional in any way that matters#(other than him comforting bolin in s1 after he KISSES THE GIRL HE KNEW BOLIN HAD A CRUSH ON lmfaoooooo)#(what a good big brother lmfao)
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rosalie-starfall · 4 months
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Selina Meyer & Minna Häkkinen
Veep - Oslo
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georgefairbrother · 1 year
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The Challenge was a series III episode of Yes Minister (1982), in which Jim Hacker’s Department of Administrative Affairs assumes general oversight of local authorities. As Ludovic Kennedy (playing himself as BBC interviewer) points out, Hacker is now ‘Mr Townhall as well as Mr Whitehall’.
Echoing the Thatcher government’s zeal to reform the local government sector, Hacker is determined to make councils more efficient and to curb their extravagance. The Cabinet Secretary and Sir Humphrey are not so keen, worried that any reforms, such as direct financial accountability for the success or failure of council projects, could be extended to the civil service as a whole.
To deflect his attention, Jim Hacker is urged to tackle the largely ridiculed and tricky business of civil defence, in particular the provision of public fall-out shelters by local authorities, and is sent to confront the leader of the London Borough of Thames Marsh, Ben Stanley, over their anti-nuclear activism and budget blowouts. Stanley was reportedly based on Ken Livingstone, leader of the ill-fated Greater London Council.
There are a couple of interesting cameos, aside from Ludovic Kennedy, and Moray Watson as a BBC controller. Ian Lavender (Private Pike from Dad’s Army) plays Dr Cartwright, a departmental economics boffin doomed to spend his entire career as a middling undersecretary. “I fear I shall rise no higher,” he explained sadly to Jim Hacker, “Alas, I’m an expert.”
Ben Stanley, the unilateralist leader of Thames Marsh Council is played by Doug Fisher (Man About the House), and is unimpressed by Cartwright’s suggestions on how to save ratepayers' money, which include closing the feminist drama centre, abandoning plans for a leisure centre featuring an artificial ski slope and jacuzzi, closing the gay bereavement centre, selling the Mayor’s second Daimler, and cancelling a councillors’ fact-finding junket to the Caribbean.
The episode lampoons the council’s hypocrisy in taking an anti-nuclear stance while providing fall-out shelter space solely for the leader and some senior councillors. Paul Eddington himself (Jim Hacker) was a Quaker pacifist, and in a later interview recalled that he was very uncomfortable with the way the writers (Antony Jay and Jonathan Lynn) had ridiculed the anti-nuclear issue and peace activism, and that they had allowed their own political bias to influence the story. Eddington objected, and some moderating changes were made to the final script.
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nerdby · 11 months
Yes, that's right before he was Marvel's badass vampire hunter Blade Wesley Snipes was a QUEEN👑
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Watching this for the first time tonight😄
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tvs-coach · 5 months
Part 1 of a reoccuring series of sketches from Series 10 of Spitting Image, "The Making Of Major"
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taxusbaccata6 · 2 years
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canadachronicles · 8 months
It's almost not a parody, eh?
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felineprodigy · 11 months
I really wish I had an amorphous white blob right now
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lifewithaview · 10 months
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Yes Minister (1980) The Right to Know
Once again, the Minister, Jim Hacker and the permanent Secretary, Sir Humphrey Appleby, clash over the Minister's role in running the Department.The Minister instructs his senior civil servant to keep nothing from him and he is promptly flooded with everything under the sun. For Sir Humphrey, the Minister's meeting with constituents concerned about saving a local den of badgers is exactly the kind of work he should be doing. When he learns that Hacker's daughter will stage a nude protest over her father's decision on the badgers, Appleby must come to the rescue.
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11 12 20
Thank you darling!!
Archduke Franz Ferdinand:
11. What is your favourite portrayal of them in fiction (e.g. movies, novels etc.)?
My own play
No but really, I don't think I have a favourite fictional portrayal of him bc most media that deal with him are way more focused on, well you know, the assassination and resulting war and all that than on him as an actual person. The only one that comes to mind is that Christopher Plummer movie and they bimboified him which. Literally 0/10 like have u all seen this man he's supposed to look like Taxidermy Fox.
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that being said this novel is funny as hell idk if it's my favourite per se because it's SO MEAN to him but the way they were just making up Depressed Bitch thoughts for him..... Iconic. So really, in this media desert I've been stuck with....
12. Let us know the three best books about your favourite historical figure!
a. The Assassination of the Archduke by Greg King and Sue Woolmans was genuinely a great read!! Sensitively written, with a very narrative flow, it was more than a little biased towards him but you know what, it makes up for every other piece of literature out there that is extremely biased //against// him, so I say screw it. Just keep that in mind and take the more flattering bits with a pinch of salt and you'll be grand.
b. Archduke of Sarajevo by Gordon Brook Shepherd - I'm only halfway through it proper, but it seems promising so far & from the skim I've given it, which is why I'm even here reading it in the first place djhdkdkdkdks
c. So this isn't one I've actually read YET, but Alma Hannig's biography is also said to be very gracefully written and I'm dying to get my filthy hands on it. School library i am BEGGING you ((derogatory))
20. What is your favourite possession that refers to your favourite historical figure (e.g. statue, book etc.)?
Ok sorry for the absolute degeneracy but
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UHM LOOK AT THIS EXTREMELY LITTLE MEOW MEOW I MADE?????????? 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 ISN'T HE JUST STUNNING ((listen I don't //own// any ''''official'''"" merch or whatever which is a crying shame, like I couldn't find anything in Vienna even :( not that I'm too surprised, but desperate times call for desperate measures -))
#Notes to the opera populaire#Re the book one ive DEFINITELY read other books but they dont really stand out as books //about him// which is why#I picked a book i havent read over them...... I WILL attain it. I WILL attain it. I w#Anyway other notable mentions are the archduke and the assassin by lavender cassels which is decent#Esp in the first half where shes writing him but it doesnt quite hit after - gets more political abt the pre war situation than biographica#The secret of sarajevo satisfies my sweet tooth but it is VERY airy-fairy so i cant say it's like. Objectively good djnsksbdjkshc#And re the media question i think theres an austrian tv series which hes in???? Im mad curious about that one#Bc the guy playing him looks like he's done comedy from stalking his Instagram page and theres like one (1) photo he looks franzi enough#((i mean not q there ofc bc. Truly 👁️👄👁️ BUT))#he also does look sufficiently awkward in one of the behind the scenes shorts and im optimistic!!1!1!1 i have to be bc there is NOTHING 💀#Anyway. Yeah i am also trying to get my hands on that I'm deadass the let me in!!! Meme @ everything#aLSO..... RE STUFF I ALSO. HAVE UHM. A MASK WITH THE ASSASSINATION ARTICLE ON IT & A GRAPHIC TEE & A STICKER OF MY ICON aka my sisters joke#History#Edit: he doesn't look like franzi would it kill to give ur actors light blue contacts at least or like the right hairstyle ffbfjfjdjdjdjdk#Edit 2: hitler and the habsburgs started out promising and i liked whatever they had to say about franzi!#The author even picked up that he was ND in some way and i was like yeah...... But then the writing got increasingly subjective#And there were no footnotes/in text citations to boot either which :///// anyway i couldn't even finish it just got too annoying sO
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haroldgross · 1 month
New Post has been published on Harold Gross: The 5a.m. Critic
New Post has been published on https://literaryends.com/hgblog/fallout/
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[3 stars]
Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy (Westworld) are back with another layered and dark fantasy, this time riffing on one of the greatest RPG video games of all time. I say “riffing” because they do take some liberties to collapse several releases of the game plots as well as their own spin and additions to adapt a story to a single narrative. But in this I am not a purist. They’ve completely captured the production design of the games. And there are easter eggs throughout the show if you’ve played before (and nothing to miss if you haven’t).
Fallout is also a perfectly timed piece of political fodder. Not that these ideas haven’t been around for 70 or more years. Our view of government trust shifted with the invention of the A-bomb and the subsequent wars, but there is a wry edge to it all that resonates nicely.
The story is primarily supported by three main actors, who each represent different points of view of the post-apocalypse. Ella Purnell (Arcane) brings the naiveté and Pollyanna view of the Vaults without ever coming across as weak. Aaron Moten provides a ground-level survivors view of the new world. And Walter Goggins (Tomb Raider) creates the bridge between the past and present. How these three get tangled up is the main thread of the first season.
In addition, there are some great smaller characters. Moises Arias (Jockey), Leslie Uggams (American Fiction), and Dave Register bring some extra to the series beyond what’s on the page. And there are dozens of other fun guests and performances to enjoy throughout.
The show was renewed before it even aired, so we know it will continue. As with Westworld, Nolan and Joy have my trust, even if I don’t think they quite got the tenor of the game yet. The show leans a little too hard into the violence (which is necessary in this world) but misses a lot of the dark humor that kept the game rolling along. But they have enough of it to keep it all afloat and not an exhausting drudge.
Where to watch
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pablolf · 6 months
All the stories I’ve read about a man who’s been accused of using his power to belittle, subdue, or assault people — no matter who it’s about, no matter which industry it happened in, no matter when the alleged incident(s) took place — have one thing in common. They all feature victims who were intimidated, bullied, or outright forced into leaving their dreams and ambitions behind while the men responsible moved forward. They all feature a graveyard of potential cut short by careless cruelty. It’s true that a lot of great art will now forever be marred by disturbing subtext concerning its creators — subtext that might hinder your enjoyment of it. But what about the people they targeted, whose resulting trauma affected their chances or ability to advance their careers and pursue their dreams? What about the great art we lost?
Instead of mourning great art tainted by awful men, mourn the work we lost from their victims
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rosalie-starfall · 2 months
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Minna Häkkinen
Veep - Oslo
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thesquireinvictus · 9 months
If you're very into a culture that is outside of the one into which you were born, what initially drew you to that culture?
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droppedculture · 11 months
The fellas take a break from monkeying around with movies to have a very important discussion. Dan and Brock get in to everyhing from poor marketing decisions made by major corporations to the inner workings of the legendary FartWish! Also, they started a future hotline! Be sure to call in! We'll be sure to share the number when it is published...in the future. All the places: [email protected] Twitter/Facebook/Instagram www.droppedculture.com
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