#tw: mutilation
mi-xin · 2 months
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just like humans.
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marskiiii · 2 months
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wipppppp :)
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wild-magic-oops · 4 months
I like to hc that Durge heals abnormally quickly but now I also think he should be able to regenerate body parts just to make him even more unsettling due to what he is. He knocks out a tooth and it just grows back the next day. A finger? No problem. Bigger parts like a whole hand take longer to regenerate but so far anything that wouldn't kill him will grow back just fine.
I've seen some hcs that Durge acts like a cat and leaves Gortash body parts and whatnot, and what better present than his own child-of-a-god bodyparts?
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cinematicnomad · 3 months
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THE TERROR ▸ 1.09 the c, the c, the open c
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Various SelfAware GenshinAU Ideas
Kind of an Imposter!AU, but instead of someone else taking the role, the true Creator gives you the role because they didn't want it.
Imposter!AU where Teyvat itself wishes to enact vengeance on those who have hurt you and falsely made you out to be a monster. To make those who have made you, the lands most beloved God, suffer suffer in turn. You are the only thing holding back the fury of the world itself.
The Creator is reborn/isekaied into the Genshin world, but there's a smaaaaall hiccup in the system and you wake up as what essentially amounts to a level 0 commoner with no skills at all, beyond what you were already bringing to the table. You have powers, sure! You just... can't quite figure out how to get them to work? You also can't understand anyone? It's a bit of a mess.
Villian/Imposter!AU where the true God is chased all over and eventually taken in by the Abyss Order.
The Creator is reborn/isekaied into the Genshin world but there's a different smaaaaaall hiccup in the system and you... don't have a body? The vessel creation/transfer went haywire and now you don't have a set form. Instead you can only change into other creatures, or people.
For whatever reason, when God wakes up no one recognizes them. Instead of taking on their role as 'The Creator' or whatever, they decide to plant crops instead, a la Harvest Moon style.
Imposter!AU/ Villian!God summons forth chained Gods and imbues them with their power to help teach them about the world, and wreak havoc and vengence. Osial, Beisht, and Azhdaha in a team of four with the Villian!God.
Imposter!AU God who, instead of being outright killed once they've been apprehended, is mutilated beyond recognition for being an imposter and 'wearing the face of god'
The Creator and "God" are two different entities
I really like the idea of taking common SAGAU tropes and concepts and turning them on their head.
Special blood that sprouts flowers, or Ley Line blood. The cost of being an all knowing entity is your eyes. Taking common powers and giving them a cost. 180-ing on what's 'normal', it's funnnn! >:D
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animepopheart · 2 years
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★ 【rsef】 「 War Devil 」 ☆ ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on instagram
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troblsomtwins829 · 18 days
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You ever wonder what happened to the other test subjects of the DWP?
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princesssarisa · 20 days
The next series of Donkeyskin tales from Heidi Ann Heiner's Cinderella Tales from Around the World come from Central and Southeastern Europe: the Czech Republic, Romania, Austria, Croatia, and Serbia.
*In a recurring theme in variants from this part of the world, the heroine was born with a golden star on her forehead, which her mother also has. (Or, in the Austrian tale of Besom-Cast, Brush-Cast, Comb-Cast, it's a golden cross.) After her mother dies, her father refuses to remarry unless he finds a bride with the same mark on her forehead, and when he finds that no one has it except his daughter, he resolves to marry her. A few versions have the variant more common in other countries of "no one but the princess can wear her mother's ring," but the star on the forehead is more common. In one Croatian version, the heroine gives birth to twins in the end, a boy and a girl, and her daughter has a golden star too.
*First on the list is a Czech tale from the collection of Božena Němcová (she of Three Wishes for Cinderella fame): The Princess with the Gold Star on Her Brow, which inspired the 1959 Czech film The Princess with the Golden Star.
**As Heiner points out in a brief introduction to this tale, the 1959 film removes the incest theme, and instead adds a villainous king from another kingdom who wants to marry Princess Lada. But in Němcová's original tale, it's her father who wants to marry her.
**The attempted incest seems faintly more plausible in this version than in others, because Lada's father didn't raise her. Her mother died in childbirth, and like the grandfather in Tattercoats, her father refused ever to look at her. But after many years of traveling the world, searching for a new bride but finding no one who looks enough like his late wife, the king comes home and meets his now-grown daughter for the first time. He sees that she looks just like her mother, and has a golden star on her forehead just like her mother did, so he resolves to marry her.
**Lada requests gowns like the sun, like the moon, and made of gold-crested wrens' feathers, and then, at the advice of her mother's spirit in a dream, she runs away disguised in a mouse skin cloak. From then on, we have the standard story beats: she works as a scullery maid at the prince's castle, attends three balls, is given a ring by the prince, and when the prince falls ill with love for her, she slips the ring into his cup of medicine. Now suspecting her identity, the prince recovers, secretly spies on her, and sees the star on her forehead when she takes her headscarf off to wash her face. In the end, she also reunites with her father, who repents because his wife's spirit rebuked him in a dream, and she forgives him.
*The Romanian variant, The Emperor's Daughter in the Pig Stall, gives the princess gowns of silver, gold, and diamonds, and a coat of louse skin. Her father suspects that she'll try to run away, so he ties one end of a string to her hand and holds the other. But she secretly ties the string to a goat's horn instead. When the emperor pulls the string to summon her, he finds the goat instead, and the princess's nurse (who's in on the plan) convinces him that God has turned his daughter into a goat as punishment for his wicked desire.
*As usual, not all versions include an incestuous father. In one Austrian version, the princess's parents abuse her while favoring her sisters, which drives her to run away. In another, she's just a poor orphan in search of a home, who meets a mysterious green hunter in the woods who shows her a magic oak tree that contains beautiful gowns and gold coins.
*In some of these versions, the heroine's father is a count instead of a king or emperor, while in others, her eventual husband is a count or a lord instead of a prince or king.
*The popular running gag of the prince throwing objects at the disguised heroine, and her alluding to them in her finery, is sometimes included, sometimes omitted. Most notably it's included in a literary Austrian version, Besom-Cast, Brush-Cast, Comb-Cast, where it gives the tale its very name.
**This version also has the unusual detail of giving the heroine, Adelaide, a faithful manservant, Gotthold, who joins her when she runs away, pretending to be her uncle, and settles in a small house near the castle, where he secretly stores her gowns.
*The themes of the three gowns are typically "sun, moon, and stars" or "silk, silver, and gold," though in one Austrian version, they're simply a blue gown, a red gown, and a white gown. She sometimes hides them in nutshells, sometimes in a secret place outside the castle, and sometimes she wears all three of them all the time, with her louse or mouse skin coat over them. (How uncomfortable!)
*Like so many Italian Cinderellas, the Austrian versions have the heroine throw gold coins to distract the prince's servants when she leaves the balls or the church. Austria's shared border with Italy probably led to this common detail.
**One Serbian version, The Devil's Dresses, reads very much like an Italian version as a whole, with the devil helping the father acquire the fantastical clothes his daughter demands, and the heroine disguising herself with a full-body wooden suit. I assume this is explained by Serbia's fairly close proximity to Italy.
*As in so many countries, the prince or young lord typically gives the heroine a ring the third time they meet in her finery. Then, when no one can find her afterwards and he falls ill with longing for her, the heroine sends him broth, milk, or a fried cake, and slips the ring into it. Then he sends for her and she appears wearing one of her gowns, revealing the whole truth.
*One Serbian tale, How an Emperor's Daughter was Turned into a Lamb, is especially odd. To escape from marrying her father, the princess commits suicide, but her father has an enchantress bring her back to life. Then she cuts off her hands to dissuade her father, but he has the enchantress restore them. Finally, she finds a way to turn herself into a lamb, and the spell is unbreakable. So she lives as her father's pet lamb for the rest of her life.
Coming up next: Donkeyskin tales from the Middle East and South Africa.
@ariel-seagull-wings, @adarkrainbow, @themousefromfantasyland
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Whump Prompt #1064
Submitted by Anon - thanks!
Vivisection. Being experimented on and cut open while still alive. How would rescuers get whumpee out? When whumpee is being carried,  every step hurts because their wounds are getting jostled.
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analoghorrorexplained · 11 months
Analog Horror Review: UrbanSPOOK
[ Warning, this post will contain spoilers for the work of media mentioned in the title. This review will also contain mentions of upsetting topics such as the SA and SA of a minor. Please read at your own risk]
It has been awhile since I have made an analog horror review since, well, there have not been many series I have seen that has caught my eye. But, while I am not really “dazzled” by the newer content being put out there (minus Vita Carnis). But... despite me not really finding much of what is being released right now interesting... I found myself unable to not say anything about the series above. 
UrbanSPOOK is an analog horror series detailing the exploits of an extremely violent serial killer who leaves paintings at the scenes of his crimes. That is it. The horror from this series is actually a little different than what we are used to since instead of something paranormal or extraordinary happening all of what we are seeing happen is caused by a presumably normal (although extremely deranged) man with no other extraordinary traits. In a way, this makes urbanSPOOK more realistic than some other series. Things like this could very well happen (and probably are happening) in our real world. This is more or less the extent of the plot. Each video is set up to be a VHS recap of the crimes of this serial killer recounting in detail how this serial killer murdered these people in the most violent way they could. And in each video, the paintings left behind by this person are shown. 
I watched the entire series which was not hard to do since each video was under 5 minutes long. And I did not like what I saw.
For one, as many others have said, UrbanSPOOK does not really use the actual genre of analog horror that well. While I can tell the creator put some serious effort in those paintings along with research involving the methods of killing: the series itself is more reminiscent of a slideshow. There is no reason this could not have been any other type of horror or even just a series of twitter posts providing backstories for these paintings. These videos dont seem like PSAs since they do not state what organization they originate from or any other specifics like the dates these murders happened, approximate locations, or any other details that really give us a time or a place. With the analog format, you are supposed to be using analog formats of media to tell a story. This can take the form of a channel hijacking, old TV ads, old children's shows, PSAs, or radio broadcasts (among others). While the channel says the videos we are being shown are from supposedly “old VHS tapes”, they do not even show the old VHS grain or distortions most tapes have and, again, lack a lot of the information we already went over. There is no time frame for events other than “2 months ago” or “4 months ago” nor is there a location, or even any organizations we can trace things back to.
If this is supposed to be a PI or a family member of a victim raising awareness, why are they detailing the killings in such crippling detail when the focus should be on catching the guy doing this? If this is meant for police eyes only (which would explain the graphicness) why is there a number at the end of the video? If this was made by the killer, what would be the point in doing this when they are already leaving behind paintings at the scene? And if this is a news network: all of the above is still true but why is there no secondary voiceover? Why are they showing the paintings when those paintings do not help identify the victims and are evidence? Why are no specific locations being mentioned other than “the lighthouse” or “a mine”. At least with series like Gemini Home, Vita Carnis, Local 58, and Mandela, we have some sort of base location we get to be familiar with. We know why the story is being presented in analog format. It makes sense because the story is set in a time where that is the only format available. We have clues. This isnt giving us anything other than the phone number. And the phone number only tells us that the series takes place in Louisiana, near New Orleans, and is sometimes during of after 2001 since that's when that area code was introduced. And even then, DVDs were introduced in 1996 and surpassed the sale of tapes by 2003. This isnt to say people did not use VHS after 2001 but by 2008 everything was mostly switched over to the DVD format. 
My point is: the story does not make a lot of sense in the format it is. Either the creator is having this take place in the early 2000s which... I guess can work but then begs the question of the phone number. But if its before then: the phone number itself is a massive continuity error. 
That is not the only issue I have with the series though.
Sexual assault, themes of genital mutilation, and pedophilia are also pretty common or at least are openly displayed in the series. Grant it, these are traits the killer is shown to possess. These are not things being inherently endorsed or promoted. However, what I do take issue with is the fact that the series lingers a little bit too long on describing these acts and the violence that results from them and not really much else. While the series creator has stated multiple times on now-deleted tweets that he does not view himself as “having limits” in regards to his series and makes this mostly for shock value: I do not think this should excuse just how haphazardly the subject of SA is handled. Almost every episode of the series has something that is either blatantly rape or can be interpreted as a form of rape somewhere in the episode. And a lot of these scenes also involve children, mutilation, or the abuse of animals as well. This is in almost EVERY SINGLE EPISODE. And once again, these are all described in sickening detail. 
Other than being “gross and disturbing” it serves no narrative purpose just like it being on a VHS doesn't. If this was supposed to make us hate the villain: we already have gotten to that point I think. If anything, we have gone well past it. But what also bothers me is that these themes also pop up in the creator's other work. This same issue is a near-constant thing with the other work they put out. I am not accusing the creator of anything, lets be clear on that, but it is not a good look to admit you make content for shock value, have SA be a main theme in your work, and then make a lot of art also about SA and the SA of kids while also selling the painting your in-world serial killer made of a SAed murdered child as merch. 
If you want to address some dark real-world subjects, do that, other places have (for example the SCP foundation or Mandela). But doing that and describing the most graphic rape scene you can think of are not the same thing. Not only is it lazy, it just makes your series into torture porn. It serves little purpose. And when that is a majority of what you talk about: I am inclined to think you have more of a darker connection with that topic beyond using it to simply advance your art. Again, this is not an accusation, just an observation from what is public. 
Overall, between the fact this series fails to really live up to what “analog horror” actually is and lacks any story beyond “here is this guy, he kills people in really violent ways, he leaves paintings behind, and did I mention he does fucked up stuff with their genitals” and it does not progress beyond that. It is edge-fodder without a coherent story or point for existing beyond being disturbing. The only thing that makes this series interesting is the fact its a person doing this and not a monster but after recent episodes even that is questionable. The fact that a teenager who spends a little bit too much time on Liveleak could have written this tells me its not worth following further. The horror here is the fact that something this seemingly loved by other people is this terrible in terms of execution and its ability to convey a point other than “look, a mangled human body I may or may not have SAed, be afraid”. 
Over all I give this a “For the love of god try harder, and no not in that way/10″. While the art is well made, I have no idea why this series gets praise when it fumbles this badly at everything it tries to do. This could have been so good, why is it so bad?
And analog horror community, get better standards if this is the “new standard” of the genre. This is laughable. 
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withered--s0uls · 10 months
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PART [1/2]
Part two
A patient lost control and led to numerous casualties in White-Sand-Street Asylum. Fortunately, such patient didn'ttry to escape. [...]"
This took me 6 fucking hours and idek how I feel about the finished piece- oh well here you go
IDV Lore incoming (possible mentions of all prior CW experiments & other Robbie Deductions)
Okay but I genuinely adore Dolores as a character so much, she and Robbie deserved so much better. They were so happy with their parents and then lost them so suddenly, Robbie not even being aware they are dead. His second deduction implies Dolores arm was removed by force, I wonder if it's connected to their parents death? Then the following months she did everything to protect Robbie as he's all she has left and she cares about her little brother; throwing out the meds used on him (and if shes unable to, taking them herself), repeatedly asking to share a room so he won't hurt himself climbing around the building, not telling him whatever happened to their parents... and then the night of his death she wasn't there to protect him. She was taken away to a room, implied to be under the influence of the amnesia "meds" we find in-game (not recognizing Robbie at the time), he wants to check on her because he hears his older sister screaming but the window frame is too broken and next thing she knows her little angel is gone. "Since they've lost their humanity and the asylum is basically hell, I may as well bury everything here!" I'm convinced she's the one who attacked staff & possibly other patients, as a way to make WSS pay for especially Robbies but also other patients/children's deaths...
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(Player just arrived in twst. (I do not know why but player ended up sounding really yanderism and lowkey a bit manipulative. It's in Writing your heart out category. I love your work ❤️)
Très cher Rook,
I am disappointed in you.
Back in my world you were my favorite. I loved your unique way to view the world, how much you loved beauty in all it form, and how entertaining and sociable you were.
And when I arrived, I thought I had shown you that you were still my number one. I spent almost all my time with you, shower you with praises and affection, and dote on you more than anyone. And this is how you repay me ?
You follow me ? Far from minding it, I took it as a compliment and your way to show your devotion to me. I even went as far as posing for you, smiling at where you were and blowing you a kiss or two. Nevermind that since we weren't together I shouldn't have. You had always been the bold and passionate type, so I naively thought that you just couldn't resist it anymore. And I was glad for it ! Finally you were going to court me after !
But you didn't. You acted like everything was perfectly normal. Like I didn't give you the highest honor, the most profound and sincere sign of my love, trust, and affection for you. Worse. You went and followed someone else. Did you think I wouldn't remark ?! Ah ! How foolish I am ! To believe that your beautiful and tender gaze was meant only for me ! That your sweet words of how much you liked me and I was special were true !
If only words could convey how heartbroken you made me ! Maybe I should favor Vil or Epel instead.....at least now I could be sure that my love wouldn't be so easily taken for granted and disdained ! And yet, my heart can't let go of you mon petit chasseur. Despite how cruel you were, silly me still love you to the moon. I would do so much for you, love you so much more than anyone and anything.
But I am willing to let go of you. Even if it break me to do so. I refuse to be less important in your eyes than someone else. So I will give you one chance. Une seule. And if you fail I will go to the fae in Diasomnia and ask them to erase every feelings and memories I have of you !
You will understand if I do not have the strenght to see you in person yet.
So send someone to give me your response if you do not wish for our love to end on such a tragedy. Next time, I expect you to court me properly. Woe me and show me how I am so much more important than anyone else for you. Prove me that I was right to give you this chance.
Or else you know what to expect.
Ton oiseau qui se demande s'il devrait volait loin de toi mon amour.
Self-aware au
I do not take any responsibility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from!
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, obsession, possessiveness, stalking, murder, blood, mutilation, unhealthy relationship
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Rook Hunt-Straying from the right path
Feeling someone tapping your shoulder you looked at the one behind you. Epel stood there nervously as if you would rip his head off any moment. Handing you a letter he apologized multiple times before he turned around and ran away. Was this the response to your letter? You would have never imagined that it would be this extreme.
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Mon amour,
I deeply apologize for everything that I have done!My affection belongs to you and you only! When I diverted my attention towards them I was always also watching you. I was worried that I might offend or make you uncomfortable by being close to you. My heart can handle others telling me that I frighten them by me investigating them but you, non, you are perfection in person! How could I ever dare to make you feel that way? I would rather rip my heart out and present it to you! The fairest queen ordered her hunter to bring her Snow Whites heart, now you shall have mine.
When we were still separated I was honored to be the one who received your affection and attention. C'était plus que je ne pourrais jamais rêver! My entire life I had always dreamt of just getting a glimpse of you! Your might, your wisdom, your grace and your perfection! La muse parfaite! And then I dared to turn my gaze towards the path of ignorance! But I shall correct my mistakes if you were to allow me. I am your loyal hunter! Unlike the one which betrayed the queen so long ago I will follow every single of your orders. Would you want the snow-white skin of Neige, the fairest of our generation, or the red color of his lips, his blood? Tell me and I will deliver them to you. As a hunter I have more than enough experience how to take certain body parts from former living beings.
Every single bit of your attention that you gave me was a sign to me that my pursuit of beauty was not in vain. Your shining eyes were the most beautiful things I had ever seen in my entire life. However, I also asked myself if I was even allowed to look just look at you. A mere commoner like me is nothing in comparison to you. So I wasn't only afraid of making you feel uncomfortable but also questioning whether I was ever worth being in your presence.
There are no words that could express how much I regret my behavior. I belong to you. From the tip of my hat to the skin which touches the ground, I am yours. If you wish to punish me then please do not hold back. Mes fautes sont irréparables!
But now I know that this was a grave mistake from my side. Mom amour, la perfection incarnée, I would be honored if you allowed me to court you. As it seems like you were waiting for that and thus, I shall do exactly that. If you are angry at me for not realizing that sooner then I will happily hand you my best hunting knife. Maybe it would be the best for both of us for me to let you do the deed of taking what keeps me alive from my chest.
But at the same time, please give me that chance you are talking about! I couldn't bear seeing you with Epel or Vil! I would rather drive my best arrows through their hearts than let them take you away! You have something much more important to survive than me after all. You have taken a piece of my soul. So don't leave me! Let me be yours!
I cannot express how grateful I am to receive this second chance. I will not disappoint you this time. There is no need for you to erase your feelings and memories. Je n'arrive pas à croire que tu ressente cela pour moi. I have an idea! Why not poke my eyes out so that I only have your memory left? Like that I will never stray away from the right path, your path, ever again!
I am awaiting your response. Let me repent for my actions!
Always yours,
Rook Hunt
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bunchum · 4 months
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animepopheart · 2 years
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★ 【玛雅G-画集発売中】 「 田中脊髄剣 」 ☆ ⊳ asa mitaka // chainsaw man ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on twitter
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comatosebunny09 · 2 years
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Summary: Everything about him was just too good to be true.
Genre: Romance (?), Horror
Warnings: Decapitation, Dismemberment, MDNI!
It's spooky season. Which means spooky things are amiss. Thank you so much for reading. ❤️
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You were used to them, the terrible men floating in and out of your life who would treat you as if you were lower than dirt. A trophy, a sex doll, a maid. At some point, you believed that you had nothing else to offer. So, when he came along, all saccharine smiles and chivalrous intentions, you couldn’t contain yourself. Couldn’t believe it.
He was perfect in every way. Held doors for you. Cooked meals in your tiny kitchen. Cleaned your dinky apartment and showed up to your job with savory, home-cooked meals every day. Took care of your car, helped you with your homework, got along famously with your friends—a feat within itself. He never judged you. Never pressured you into doing something you weren’t comfortable with. Listened intently whilst you poured all your wants and fears into the atmosphere, and he sang words of encouragement in response. He housed all the patience and gentleness in the world in his bones, and for that, you were grateful.
Although, sometimes, he seemed a little too good to be true.
Nevertheless, you decided that after a year of dating, you wanted to make him something...more. Wanted him to meet your parents and siblings; that’s how serious you were about him. And he was more than happy to appease you, offering to drive you across the state to meet your family.
You hopped into his Challenger. Drove from city to city with you grinning like a fool and him squeezing your thigh possessively. All the while, he still wore that effervescent smile. He was perfect. His words were perfect. Squeaky clean, as your bestie had put it. Designed by the Gods specifically for you. You couldn’t help mulling over how fortunate you were to have found someone so wonderful.
Even as he stuffed your rotting, decapitated body into his trunk. Shoved your severed limbs into his backseat in a black trash bag. Still donned that crooked grin like a mask, chortling jovially as he held your mangled head in his lap whilst shifting gears.
Regardless, you couldn’t help thinking that he was the epitome of perfection.      
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