#twst hanahaki
viviraptor-art · 8 months
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cringetober day 20: hanahaki disease
this condition does not exist in twisted wonderland. azul is just a liar.
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mochinomnoms · 8 months
A Floral Inconvenience
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You came into Twisted Wonderland with nothing but the clothes on your back, a literally fiery cat, and an immune system not conditioned to handle the foreign antibodies in the air, earth, or water. It was honestly a miracle that you hadn’t caught some sort of incurable disease, probably because most diseases here required magical output to survive, like plants and water. You weren’t immune to your own feelings though, and magical disease and illnesses have a funny way of adapting themselves to their potential host. It was then that you found yourself prepared for springtime hay fever and allergies, after all pollen was pollen no matter where you were at. What was unexpected, and thus not prepared for, was the disease known as hanahaki, or the flower sickness. Long ago, there existed a family of mages that lived in a small mountain village deep within a jungle that was established by a family of mages. The family protected their village with fantastical and magical abilities, each unique and extraordinary as generation from generation grew. One of those mages, the Flower Bride, had the ability to grow a magnificent array of flora with just the wave of her hand! Flor de mayo, jacarandas, figs and vines all made their home with the Flower Bride. She had a heart so full of feelings, love for her home, family, and her beloved, of course, that her very emotions affected how dazzling those blooms were. The Flower Bride then decided that others should be able to demonstrate their love in the same beauteous display as she did: after all, who wouldn’t want their love developing into only the most lovely blooms? As such, hanahaki was born. Some see it was a blessing, a push, an opportunity for one to confront their feelings. It’s a realization that what they’re feeling is indeed true, the type of love that can only be achieved in fairytales. Others saw it as an inconvenience: after all, sometimes it just wasn’t the right time to confess your love, or they’d be coughing up petals mid-speech, kind of annoying honestly. Yet the sickness would continue until they acknowledge their feelings, the love died down, or it became a chronic illness. Officially dubbed hanahaki by researchers in the East, the disease was also referred to as the flower sickness, being twitterpated, and sometimes even the lovesick florae by the general population. The most commonly afflicted persons fit into two categories: the positively, without a doubt, enamored sort, the twitterpated or lovesick sort of folk. Or, they were the kind to bury their feelings deep deep down and just one day die. It wasn’t unique to any singular species either. It had adapted to afflict humans, beastmen, and even merfolk. Why, not even fae were immune despite their natural immunity to magical disease. Really, it shouldn’t have been any surprise that the emotionally stunted students of Night Raven College would be prime targets for their own bout of hanahaki.
An event to christen the creation of my blog! Please feel free to request or use for your own!
Requests Close 10/20/2023
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Anyone can use this event and prompts on their own blog! Tag me in so I can read all your stories!
This event will be for TWST on my end, others are free to use for whatever they'd like!
All request will be up to 2000+ words, with a max of 3 characters per request.
Chose up one prompt for each character and indicate if you want romantic or platonic. You can also indicate if you want fluff, hurt/comfort, suggestive, etc.
No NSFW for this event (on my end at least, everyone else go nuts)
Reader will default to gender-neutral unless asked otherwise
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Dialogue Prompts
“Why is your trash can full of flower petals? Are you secretly a botanist, or is there something you're not telling me?”
“So, I hear you've been coughing up daisies lately. Got any plans to enter the flower business?”
“You know you have it bad when you start sneezing petals every time your crush walks by. At least it's a colorful allergy!”
“I can't believe you're faking a cough just to get some attention. And you're using fake flowers for the petals? That's commitment!”
“I think the local florist is in love with me. Their shop is making a killing off my Hanahaki. Do you think they'll give me a discount?”
“You've got to stop sending secret admirer bouquets to yourself. The delivery guy is starting to think you have a dozen secret admirers.”
“I've heard of wearing your heart on your sleeve, but wearing petals in your hair is a whole new level of fashion statement.”
“I have a steady, loving partner. you on the other hand have a left hand and a sunflower cough.”
“Why'd I have to get a nose full of lilies? I'm allergic, this is so unfair.”
“You think with all the lavender on my head I could make my own syrup out of it?”
“No, I've been practicing my sleight of hand! Watch as I make a bouquet of tulips magically appear—ACK!”
“No, I haven't been growing marigolds out of my ass. Why would you even ask that?!”
“Here, your favorite flower! Hmm? Where'd I get them? Uh, I just found them, around…”
“I'd rather have the thorniest, pesticide ridden roses grow in my mouth before I'd ever admit having any sort of affection for them!”
“Sooo, are you gonna apologize for puking dahlias all over my breakfast?”
“I've never heard of a flower sickness, are you talking about seasonal allergies?”
“Look, even if confessing would let me get rid of the poppies, I'd rather not. Maybe I'll just learn how to make poppy seed muffins or something.”
“Is this normal here?” “Only for the emotionally unavailable folk.” “Ah, so it is.”
“Dude, are your freckles turning into baby's breath?” “AHH!”
“Aren't lotus flowers really good for your skin? Babeeey, I'm set for life—” “NOT WHEN THEY'RE GROWING OUT OF YOUR EARS!”
“Look, I care for you and want you to get laid, but imagine all the money we'd save on tea if you kept growing chamomile from your head.”
“Blehhhg…” “You know I always knew I'd be holding your hair back as you puked your stomach out at a party, I thought it be from the alcohol though, not flowers.”
“You know, some people pay a lot of money for Hanahaki bouquets, have you considered—OW! It was just a suggestion!”
“I'm so happy that you confessed first.” “Why?” “If I had to dig out another hydrangea petal from my teeth, I was gonna lose it.”
“Man, sunflowers have got to be the worst to be puking up.” “Nah man, it's roses and their thorns! They scrap up all up your gums, my dentist bill after was ridiculous!”
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🌸 a floral inconvenience masterlist 🌸
gardenias & peonies: silver x f!reader – #13
stargazer lilies: sebek zigvolt x f!reader – #5
dahlias; zinnias & cosmos: ruggie bucchi, trey clover, [separate] x gn!reader - #15, #1
teonanácatl mushrooms: jade leech x gn!reader - #18
lavender roses: floyd leech x gn!reader - #14
lavender: azul ashengrotto x gn!reader - #18
marigold: vil schoenheit, platonic!ace trappola x gn!reader - #7 & #12
blue hydrangeas: idia shroud x f!reader - #24
baby's breath & red roses: riddle rosehearts x f!reader - #14 & #19 [QUEUED]
amaryllis: lilia vanrouge x gn!reader - #1 [PENDING]
carnations: leona kingscholar x gn!reader - #18 [PENDING]
asters; purple hydrangeas: ace trappola, jamil viper [spearate] x gn!reader - #22, #24 [PENDING]
gerbera daisies: trey clover x gn!reader - #3 [PENDING]
orange poppies & water lilies: azul ashengrotto x gn!reader - #17 [PENDING]
sunflowers: jack howl x gn!reader - #8 [PENDING]
chrysanthemums: jamil viper x gn! reader - #1 [PENDING]
green roses: malleus draconia x gn!reader - #13 & #14 [PENDING]
pink poppies & cala lilies: jamil viper x gn!reader - #17 & #22 [PENDING]
sunflowers: leona kingscholar x f!reader - #8 [PENDING]
azaleas, cornflowers, & white roses: ace trappola, deuce space [poly] x gn! reader - #6, #3, & #22 [PENDING]
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A Love Long Forgotten|𖦹๋࣭ ⭑ᡣ𐭩⊹ 𖦹๋࣭ ⭑
WARNINGS: Angst!|Disociation|Hanahaki
Everything was hazy, even while digging up previous memories, the ones that always left a warm feeling in the pit of your stomach and made your heart squeeze in the best possible way. Though the memories that previously left you feeling all warm and fuzzy now left you with a sense of dread, or rather their lack of presence did. Leaving you with a looming dark cloud as if prophesying what was to come. Why weren't they there? Why couldn't you recall those.....wait were they happy times? Who were you with? All the figures were...not blurry but vague as if you couldn't recall what they looked like anymore, imagining different ethnicities, clothes, hair, skin, eyes, face shapes, noses, but nothing seemed to click. As if the very essence of your loved ones were slipping away, and with the memories of past experiences and people slipping away so was your spirit and will.
Who were you anymore? Were you still the same? Scratch that you obviously weren't the same. Were you even a person anymore? Looking down at your hands they didn't look like yours anymore.....hell nothing truly looked like you anymore. This world had changed you so much....too much. Body, mind, and soul it had ripped into the very fiber of your being torn apart and then flippantly tried to piece you together like a broken puzzle.....You couldn't even dress the way you used to or wanted to, forced to live in the few uniforms and whatever you could find in the lost and found. How long had it been since you arrived in this twisted wonderland? Six? Seven? Maybe eight months? Hell it could have even been a year. It had been April when your shit show of a life began...well your “life” in wonderland at least......why were you here? What was the point?
Not everything had been bad though. The people you had met had been wonderful…at times…some of them had at least, some more....challenging than others but all beautiful and talented in their own right that was the one thing you could confidently state you didn't regret.
Though with even the most wonderful people came scars, mother the time it's in a metaphorical sense but unfortunately for you it had been quite literal as soon as you were thrust into this world. Fighting for your life metaphorically and physically as you barely scrounged by. Becoming a friend, therapist, reliable constant in your friends lif-…no. In the schools. Slowly reassuring, validating and guiding all the mentally crippled students into a slightly better mentality bit by bit while ironically your mental health eroded away…
Not minding because they were friends. I mean they would do the same in return right? They appreciated your efforts, right? Even if they didn't understand your references or jokes at times they still cared.
“I'm so glad we're friends.”
The pause in his actions hurt more than any slap across the face or outright rejection ever could have. Maybe it was wrong. You shouldn't have blurted it out. Just being stupidly sentimental while rolling cookie dough into balls, maybe that was the reason, maybe the small action made you feel like a kid again. Less damaged, less broken, lifting your heart in a way that it hadn't in a long long time. It may have been wrong to blurt something so sentimental out, but it just felt so right as you helped him bake a plethora of deserts for the upcoming birthday party. Though the apologetic smile he gave you afterwards taking a brief moment to let his eyes linger on you before he pushed up his glasses and turned back his gaze down to the counter, working wordlessly made it so much worse.
One by one your casual small acts of service, gifts, and company were being rejected so casually by everyone you offered them to. As the memories seemed to flood you squeezing at your heart as a reminder of how little your so called "friends" truly cared as you leaned over the toilet bowl hacking and coughing into it the petals and blood that seemed to form in your throat and get thicker at like a unwanted metallic sludge clogging your throat. It was a massacre with how many differing types of flowers, succulents, and even a form of mushroom species you had clogging your throat, shaking around painfully in your lungs, hitting the walls with painful thuds while you coughed. A painful and bitter reminder of your predicament: Getting out as much as you could before flushing the toilet.
Using the edges and what little strength remained to push yourself up from your kneeling position. Wobbly staggering over to sink to wash off the blood and petals that suck to you from around you mouth and dripping onto your chin with the freezing water that snapped you out of your dazed.
No one had even taken notice to your wobbly steps or how you covered your mouth to cough into your hands at least twenty times an hour as the Hanahaki got worse with each passing day. Though you would have thought that Vil, Riddle, Rook, or even Malleus's astute eyes should have noticed…The thick but now familiar feeling of something gathering in your throat started once again, signaling once more that another coughing or rather choking fit was near. Covering your mouth once more as the petals filled your hands. Though unlike the last few times, it didn't stop. The build-up becoming worse as the attempt of getting the pesky beings out of your airway failed. Your vision darkened suddenly as a wave of nausea and dizziness hit worse than it ever had before. The cold feeling of the tile making contact with your knees causing the thud to ripple throughout the empty halls as the flowers blocked your airway and filled your lungs.
Unrequited love really hurt, but it would be fine. You'd love them all even if it killed you. After all, wasn't it fitting you put your life on the line for them one last time.
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llondonfog · 3 months
diasomnia month // prompt 09 — love language
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Every morning, Lilia finds a vase of fresh flowers on their small dining table, their bright and cheery faces facing towards him as if in search of the sun.
The colors and variety are ubiquitous— sometimes a bouquet of yellow roses, perky against the cozy wooden enclosure of their home. Often, a spray of alstroemerias, blushing pink and purple as they sigh their sweet fragrance into the dawn light. He's run the pads of his fingertips over the fluffy buds of chrysanthemums, the broad faces of sunflowers, and the round heads of zinnias, bobbing up and down in the morning breeze.
Once upon a time, he might have shunned their ephemeral beauty, scoffed at the fragile way they were born into this world simply to reach for the unobtainable light above them, and perish in the mud.
But now— how even lovelier they have become, a faint smile on his face as Lilia admires the latest arrangement of vibrant daisies, to know that Silver must get up before his father to arrange such a gift that they can both delight in. He must have help from the little woodland creatures who were so fond of his son, and Lilia can picture it easily— how the blue birds, squirrels, and even deer deposit their floral bounty at Silver's windowsill, waiting patiently for their sleeping beauty to wake and reward them with praise for their thoughtful deeds.
Humming merrily and with a spring in his step that makes him feel centuries younger, Lilia rattles the dishes in their kitchen, rather inspired to share in this bright morning with a flavorful contribution of his own.
"Breakfast will be ready soon, dear!" He calls out, before disappearing into their pantry in search of ingredients with which to commit a small war crime.
In his bedroom, Silver coughs lightly into his palm, wiping away the slick, dainty petals as he swallows the bitter taste lingering on his tongue.
"I'll be there in just a moment, Father."
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sbek-zigvo1t · 20 days
What if…
What if Sebek had hanahaki disease.
Like hanahaki disease doesn’t always have to be about your crush or what even not liking you back, it could be about unrequited familial love. I mean Sebek would probably feel left out already. He joined Mallus, Lilia, and Sliver later on after the three created close bonds.
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miss-nandini · 8 months
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Wild Flower
(I only added the song because I am in love with it.)
Flowers... goddamned flowers...
What is it that his heart yearns for?
It all started a month ago. He was hopelessly, helplessly, way too obviously in love with you. At first, Malleus didn't know what to do with this newfound information. You didn't feel the same way, he was sure. Well, no problem. He was ready to take his feelings to the grave. What can possibly go wrong?
Things started going horribly wrong with him. At this point he doesn't remember when he started coughing up bloody flower petals. Wild, nameless flowers...He wasn't stupid, he knew the meaning behind it. But he didn't want to destroy what you two already have. Sure, he is a powerful mage. But, even he can go so far only...
He told Lilia. Obviously, the older fae told him to straight up confess like a man. But, let's face it, Malleus Draconia is old and wise but he acted like a cinnamon roll and honestly he didn't have the guts to confess.
So his health kept deteriorating...
The first one who actually noticed the signs were Leona. Yeah, good grief for you overgrown lizard. Leona was seriously tempted to say that. But something stopped him.
"Who is it?"
"Wha—?! Kingscholar, why did you sneak up on me?"
"Just answer the damn question."
"It doesn't concern you."
"Is it the herbivore?"
"So, it is."
Slowly, more people were becoming aware. They just didn't want to believe it. Really? The prince of Briar Valley can fall in love? They can't picture that even in their wildest dreams.
You eventually heard about it from Ace and Deuce. Malleus stopped showing up for a long time and you just couldn't contact him. When you heard your best friends talk about it in such an exaggerated way, you couldn't help but get more worried.
So, you decided to corner Lilia.
"Khe khe khe, you are quite the bold one, aren't you prefect?"
Lilia gave you a mischievous smile and disappeared almost immediately.
That night, Malleus finally showed up. He looked like he had been run over by a patrol tanker. When you told him exactly that, he just looked more crestfallen.
"So, you finally decide to show up? I was so worried about you!" You huffed.
"I apologize."
"Really, that's all you are gonna say?"
"What else do you want me to say, child of man?"
He was agitated for some reason. You could guess why but— really, why is he so hard on himself? It irked you. You wanted the best for him and you wanted him to be honest with you."
"Malleus, I didn't see you for ages. You look like you ran a marathon for a whole damn year and your cryptic answers aren't helping."
"Why do you care?"
"Why do you think?"
"Don't answer a question with a question."
"...Is it true?"
"What are you talking about?"
"The rumors, are they true?"
"I don't know what are you talking about, (Y/N)."
"Alright, since you chose the hard way, I will elaborate and phrase it out exactly the way the others did to me. Is it true that the future king of Briar Valley, The most powerful mage in NRC Malleus Draconia is in love with the magicless prefect from another world?"
"Child of man—
"I'm tired if playing this stupid game of hide and seek."
"You either be honest or we end whatever we have this instant, because you clearly don't trust me."
He looked so hurt that you almost back-pedaled. But, the words were already out in the open. There is no taking them back.
"Fine, you want to hear the truth? Then let's be it. Yes, the rumors are true. I, Malleus Draconia, the future king of Briar Valley, the best mage in NRC is in love with you, the magicless prefect from another world as they like to phrase it. You are the reason I found a reason to be happy. You cured my loneliness. You listened to me when there was no one to listen. You stuck with me like glue when everyone avoided me like the plague. So, yes, I'm so hopelessly in love with you that it hurts. It hurts to know that you want to end things. It hurts that I can't hold you in my arms even if I want to. It hurts....that you will never reciprocate my feelings... You will never be mine...."
There was a mixture of passion, anger, love, hurt and emotions you couldn't point out in his stare. The look he gave you was enough to sweep you off your feet and pull at your heartstrings in a dangerous way. Your eyes softened.
"Stop... I don't want to hear your rejection..."
"Who said I didn't feel the same...?
You stepped closer to him. This conversation proved that you felt the same way and you wanted to say it right away.
"Malleus Draconia, tell me who are you to steal my heart and then assume that I don't feel the same way as you?"
His eyes widened comically. You would laugh if the situation wasn't so serious.
"Y-you love me?"
"Always did."
"I love you too!"
He pulled you almost instantly in his arms and captured your lips with his own trembling ones. He was desperate, yet so gentle at the same time like you were some fragile glass. It left you speechless and craving for more. For now though you wanted nothing more than to comfort your adorable dragon as he whimpered in your arms.
This may be wild love. The fae prince and the normal human from another world? Sounds so wild and insane, right? Well, this is the kind of wild love the both of you craved desperately as you two stood there in the middle of the night with unspoken words and newfound love.
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4kutagawas · 1 year
Me explaining why people should write more Hanahaki disease AU RookVil, because of how close they are. Rook basically worships the floor Vil walks on, but Vil is insecure in such an intimate and specific way, that he thinks his love for Rook is unrequited, because of the existence of Neige. Rook used to be emotionally reserved as a child until Neige entered his life, showing him the vague meaning of "beauty" in his eyes. While Rook treasures Vil so much more, Neige saved him as a kid, so Vil thinks Rook would choose Neige over him, despite Rook only being thankful to Neige for giving him this vague understanding of beauty, so now he can love and care for Vil in such a delicate and intimate way. Neige showed him the vague definition of beauty, while Vil showed him the definition of being enamored and captivated by someone and being devoted to them, while still being free. But Vil, because of his insecurity and warped perception of self doesn't realize this making it so much more devastating.
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vanilla-poisons · 8 months
(Reverse hanahaki) The non angst version would be Jamil waking up in the middle of the night to find the guy he serves just absolutely chowing down on flowers from the garden and just standing there in shock Bc wtf and then Kalim explains everything like “I’m so in love with you I need to consume flowers like rn-“ and it’s like “Kalim what no huh?!! Stop!!!”
And then they kiss the end
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svaints · 8 months
Anon asked:
Ok, so. This isn't exactly a request. I mean, you can write if you want to, but I NEED to just spill my brain juice on someone or my head's gonna explode. So, Hanahaki Disease. The fanfic trope where someone starts growing symbolic flowers in their heart and lungs when they feel unrequited love for someone. But- hear me out- but what if this trope?? With Rollo??? Like- it's the City of FLOWERS and I haven't seen ANYONE try to do anything with that obvious connection??? PLUS ONE OF ROLLO'S HOBBIES IS GARDENING??? Bruh??? What if it's a disease from the reader's (i.e Yuu) homeworld and after masquerade they've fallen for someone who doesn't like them back (who isn't Rollo), Rollo (Who kinda-sorta has a massive crush on reader but is in big denial over it) visits NRC and notices Reader is not doing well (Maybe he finds some blood stained flowers too??). After a while of gathering clues, he confronts them. He is horrified by what he learns. And just to add another layer to this cake of tragedy is the fact that this is a disease from an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT WORLD, so the hanahaki surgeries that conveniently exist in fics DON'T exist in twst and the flowers are completely unaffected by twst's magic since they originate from a magicless world. So. Does Rollo save Reader's life with true love's kiss? Or does Reader die a painful, thorny death with Rollo feeling haunted by guilt at never having confessed his feelings after he just fully realized them? ...Idk, you can decide that. Srry for the text dump. I'mma go to sleep now..
He'd most likely either realize way too late unless someone else tells him how blind he is, which since when did Rollo need to hear someones opinion on his actions, or last minute outright confess to the reader himself. Which is unlikely. It's just not in him, to me, that he admits he's wrong. He'd even dwell on it until a new person comes along. It'd serve him a lesson
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yarnnerdally · 1 year
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Hanahaki Headcanons
Because I like making readers hurt.
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Idia Shroud:
He noticed you coughing while playing an MMO. You were teamed up to make it through a particularly tough dungeon.
"That was incredible! The way you managed that buff at the last second- h-hey, you okay?"
You assure him you are. You continue playing.
He gives you praise again. More coughing. You excuse yourself for the night, apologizing.
Idia worries about overstepping boundaries but has Ortho casually scan to see if anything is amiss. He doesn't find anything.
At least, he doesn't tell Idia he found anything.
Ortho makes it a point to make sure he goes to class to check on you.
You tell him to not worry about you.
He's a good boy. And now he's worried.
Idia is worried that he hasn't heard from Ortho.
The next day Ortho finds you in the hallway between classes, in an alcove and coughing violently. You can't exactly escape as soft, off white flowers escape your mouth.
He rapidly searches the information network for information. His heart(?) aches.
"You love my big brother?"
Your eyes water, a mixture of the burning in your chest and the sadness you feel.
You make him swear not to tell anyone.
He tries to reason with you. The coughing worsens and Grim finds you. The next half hour is a blur as you end up in the infirmary at the insistence of the small creature.
You pull out your phone and sigh softly. You had ignored Idia's text last night. 'Hey. How's your cough?'
'It's gotten worse. I'm at the infirmary to see if there's anything to do about it. Not sure, but it'll all be okay! :)'
That was a lie. You hated lying.
You were online less. Idia even went to a class in person to see you. He didn't know how to deal with this and typed everything out in a rant.
He never meant to send it. He even called you the stupid stupid stupid nickname he had for you in his head: his moonflower.
He panicked, rapidly sending another message of how he didn't mean to say any of that and he didn't know where it came from and to just ignore him forever.
He doesn't know what else to do as he sees that you've read the messages but he doesn't see you respond.
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starii-lins · 8 months
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Day 10: Hanahaki disease
not rlly proud of this but ehh (this is supposed to be familial btw, the platonic hanahaki disease trope hurts a lot more imo :3)
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rrasado · 2 years
Mind if I ask a pt.2 of this?
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⸢From Blooming Sanguine⸥
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Other notes ➽ It only occurred to me now how long ago that thing was :headinhands:. Ah my dearest, how grave of a mistake you made by not specifying if thee wished for a good continuation or a bad one, but I digress!- the bad ending will follow in another post because I'm a woman who craves angst without comfort 🍵
Featured Characters ➽ Leona, Azul, Jade and Floyd
Trigger Warnings ➽ Mentions and implications of Blood, Death, Coughing and possible comatose.
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Summary ➽ When you contract Hanahaki disease (Good Ending).
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The first few weeks were simply horrendous on Ruggie's terms. Despite the unspoken concern Leona harbored— he refused to come near you due to the faint scent of blood that latched onto your body.
He didn't like it one bit, the scent cruely reminded him of his bed ridden father. That scene of helplessness and confinement was slowly being associated with your face instead. Just how many people does he need to see suffer; more so in a state he can't help.
That separation gave room for various thoughts, some knocking on the beating organ in his chest. But knowing his pride he doesn't do anything besides snap at those who ask him about you. It varies between dismissal to denial and even possessiveness if you squint hard enough.
The things you do to him just by not being there are unexpected, no one actually notices until the most later weeks where he carelessly steps on any stray flowers he comes across. Leona is usually not one to carelessly throw fits but blood and flowers start to hold a new meaning for him
If anything you're more of the last straw than the powder keg itself, being away from his own family for more than needed softened his perception of terminal illness but now there was someone who he used to interact with on the daily? You reopened buried realizations and even brought new ones. One of them being how he cared for you more than he'd like to admit.
It's funny, he thinks. Only in anguish does he grasp what he holds dear. Which is faster I wonder, his unspoken love or the flowers from your lungs?
"You, of all damned times you just had to sleep before I do... way to make me feel special Herbivore..."
On his birthday, he swallowed his pride and spent the night at your room inside the infirmary, pulling the visitor's chair close while he dumps a paperbag of meat dishes on the table side, most likely his breakfast for the next day. Leona sleeps next to you without even realizing the disappearing scent of blood.
In the middle of the night a final petal fell on his nose, irritated by the contact Leona almost didn't notice your figure sitting perfectly upright, breathing back to normal and had the moon been present he would've seen your dried tears.
"You've got some nerve leaving me just like that, stay with me from now on... is that really too much even for us.?
What happens in the morning will be left behind closed doors, where whispers of love finally exchanged as flower wilt with the pain.
Leona Kingscholar loves in a way he thinks is right. It's a process he's stubbornly clutching on but if it means making those flowers a distant nightmare, he'll grip your hand all the way.
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Azul would never admit it to anyone, not even the twins— but he accidentally let the helplessness get to him, at least from what Jade observes. Those bags under his eyes were pathetically concealed with his glasses, his notes and research were starting to become unrelated to class.
I can safely say he's someone who's reason-dependant, a fragile sort that gets thrown off by the unforseen, your sudden illness was far from his line of deduction. He'll think of something right? He's the infamous Dorm Leader of octavinelle for great seven's sake—
Why can't he even grant his own wish? As a matter of fact, since when did you slip into his wishes? Did your health's risk made him rethink what he treasures?
He's only ever been caught off guard few times during his school life but that image of your bloody floral self takes the cake. He did his best to not let the intrusive thoughts affect his academics but he wasn't as engaged with his extra curricular as before; too preoccupied with finding the root of those wretched flowers in your lungs.
Perhaps he can seek out his grandmother’s advice? Maybe his step father's counsel? Surely someone with connections in the justice field know cases regarding these unexplainable blooms.
After racking his brain only then did he realize how cowardice of an approach he was doing, it was like back then wasn't it? Him making excuses with himself to not face his problem head on, then again maybe it was because he's afraid of you not wanting his help in the first place— the same way those blasted voices in his past taunted him in his moments of weakness.
It was a reflection of his lowest point in life huh, him unraveling in his frustration all because he feels helpless; what can he even do? He's learned his lesson before... perhaps seeing you face to face can provide new insight besides those intrusive thoughts. That's what he did the next day.
"You're awake? I'm relieved... I mean it, you've been unresponsive for weeks and... great seven, I think you owe me back my attention..."
He sits down beside you, the white sheets of your bed had very faint drops of red but the bin beside you lacked those full flowers he last remember pouring out your lips, they seemed to quiver as if wanting to say something but can't.
"You'll have to let me go first because great seven knows how much I've pent up over the weeks. It may not mean much, in hindsight- it's pretentious of me to claim I share your pain when all I'm dealing with is this ensnaring feeling... how did you do it.?"
The silver haired dorm leader never liked showing his vulnerability but it seems it's precisely what saved him a trip of heart ache, when your condition became significantly better he promised to himself that he'll charge this to experience until the day those flowers simply become a bouquet in sincerity to you.
Azul Ashengrotto loves by giving what he knows he can give, should a day come he runs out of things to offer, let him give himself to you the way your heart gave its blood in yearning for the silver haired Dorm Leader.
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He knew he hurt you more than just what those flowers did, as calm and elusive Jade is, he's equally aware of his surroundings and the effect his every calculated action makes. The only difference this time around was that his lack of sincere display was a coping mechanism instead of the usual aloofness.
Unlike the two dorm leaders above, Jade chose to stick close to you even if it meant witnessing that forlorn expression in your eyes, the way you felt disappointed with his assistance even if he didn't understood 100% what he did besides discarding signs of sincerity.
If Jade could count the amount of words you've spoken in the first two weeks confined in the infirmary, he'd only need his two hands. Any question he threw was met with curt words, a far cry from how passionate your talks were before that incident at the hike.
Perhaps that unresponsiveness began taking a toll on him, come the third week he's starting to fill that silence with his own mundane chatter. The events outside the infirmary, the lounge's affairs, all to get a different reaction from you besides that conflicted look.
The fourth week wasn't any better, his topics became more personal, more private, is this his way of vying another reaction out of you? Did..did bleeding out flowers felt unsatisfactory to the calm sadistic eel?
What you failed to notice was his seeping desperation for a genuine answer, one out of interest or and not out of fear. You didn't know how he charmed into your affections but it took an infirmary trip for you to realize just how untouchable Jade Leech felt.
The later weeks he's tired, not as bad as you but there was a faint shiver in his palm when it rested on top of yours, he didn't look at you knowing how vulnerable you were when he's looking— maybe it was a blind shot in the dark but he felt unsure why he was going to such lengths in the first place.
"I miss your gaze, I won't demand it, I've taken it for granted too much... and yet, that selfish urge to ask for a piece of you even if..."
Jade was a smarter man who's pride never endangered him, he knew why but he couldn't admit it until he was cornered by his own amusement. Had you been some past time enjoyment then he should've moved on by now, right? Find another play thing to see how one acts.
"The things you do to me. I want you to see the artistry you did to my very being. See here... that pulse rate, you're responsible for more things than I'd like to admit."
The Vice dorm leader fell into his own trap of experimentation, these feelings so foreign yet so formidable gave you your leeway to see how Jade Leech wasn't as unreachable as he shows himself. It's your leeway to see how he's the one reaching out to you with no deceit attached.
Jade Leech loves in a way he didn't think he's able to, finally convinced in looking at himself after intertwining with your all. He was a private man and it took a broken string for him to tie that hollow feeling you instigated.
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It's undoubtedly messy with Floyd's case. He made it everyone's problem whether intentionally or not. He didn't know how to handle that ick of a feeling he gets whenever he hears a single cough in the halls. Scarlet liquid, varying flowers, a sickly symptom— they remind him too much of you.
That's the curse of a one tracked mind locking onto what it wanted, no matter how hard he tried to redirect his focus he can't even go one minute without getting that sinking feeling in his chest.
He doesn't do his work as efficiently as he did before, neither Azul nor his twin could get a hold of his mood especially when someone mentions you in the room. Floyd was snappier than usual and he was aimlessly going back and fourth between different sources from books to the internet to people.
That wretched disease you contracted was a thorn to his side. He can't register the possibility of loosing you to some pesky flowers growing in your lungs. The more those thoughts resonated with him the more he's starting to feel as breathless as you whenever a coughing fit ensued.
He wasn't so fixated on anything like this in a long time, he's seen and witnessed losses in the coral sea right? What made you any different to the fallen merfolk?
You had a hold on his heart, that was a fact he wholeheartedly accepted a little late, he couldn't pin point what he felt towards you nor could he explain why his chest ached as if he was sharing your ongoing pain. The only thing he's sure of is the fact that he really wanted to ease that pain.
"Koebi-chan it's me, y..you missed me right? Well I missed you lots so I brought you some stuff! Must be boring being alone here everyday. Guess I'll just have to help ya out on that huh."
It was like watching a child scurrying to the TV for his favorite show, Floyd without fail visited you every day bringing trinkets and stories so that you can momentarily forget any lonesome pain festering in your body.
One day when your coughing was worse than usual he gripped your shoulders for dear life as if you'd dissappear if he dared to let go, he didn't give a single care when the flowers stained his shirt red because what presided on his mind was to hold you close.
"Don't- Koebi-chan don't even think about leaving me ya hear?!- H-hey hey hang in there I'll get the staff just hold on for me hold on for yourself- please just-"
He loved you it sank in the last minute and he loved you too much to even leave you when the infirmary staff arrived, not once did he leave your side even staying the night after changing out of the bloody shirt. The next day was just filled with him hiding you close and when you got a little better his smile became more genuine than hedonistic.
Floyd Leech loved in a way he knew he wanted to. Chasing those days where you're in his arms; without the ominous fear of your disappearance. He may wear his heart on his sleeve but Floyd never minded it one bit if it meant you realizing he loved you even if you never grew those flowers.
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Taglist :: @citirusu @sherbet-shark @luvielle @anevilbunnyinthehat (tag for bunny-senpai because Leona👉👈)
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fairytalewonders · 2 years
Hanahaki Disease || Silver || Short
Briefly, my eyes glanced over towards the boy that was sleeping in the courtyard. Surrounded by birds, squirrels, and small animals of all sorts. Looking almost ethereal by the glow of the day light. 
Silver. That was who was sleeping in the courtyard under one of the many apple trees by the wishing well. Dozing away. Completely ignorant to the world. Ignorant to the way my eyes always seemed to stray towards him.
“Hey-!! Henchmen! Hurry it up, I’m starving here!!” Grim yowled. My eyes traveled towards my short grey companion. The one whose stomach I could hear growling. 
“Alright. Let’s get going to lunch.” I smiled as Grim cheered. Having to chase after the small monster to keep up.
My throat was unbearable itchy. 
Grim groaned complaining about the fact that the two of us were delivering a bunch of water bottles to Riddle. For his equestrian club. As well as a large bag of sugar cubes.
Grim wasn’t even the one doing the heavy lifting. And I had constantly reminded him that it was the least we could do since Riddle didn’t have to invite us to any of the Unbirthday parties. Grim had been quiet only for a singular moment before he started up again.
Though that was probably because he knew Riddle wouldn’t stop inviting the two of us over one small favor. In fact, I was almost certain the reason the redheaded boy invited us to every one was because he knew Crowley wasn’t exactly suppling us with a lot of food and he wanted to make sure we ate. At least if the way Trey tried to shove all of those treats off on us was any education. Or perhaps that was just Trey. Or the both of them.
Not to mention, it wasn’t like me taking up this favor was an entirely selfless act either. Since I knew a certain silver haired knight would be there.
“Why do we have to do this anyway? Couldn’t he have gotten Trey to do it for him?” Grim asked. I rolled my eyes at Grim, considering we had already made it to the stables.
“Trey has his own duties as part of the science club. We aren’t apart of any club Grim.” I reminded.
“Well than maybe we should become apart of one. That bozo Crowley already gives as all those tasks! We shouldn’t be running around doing even more!!” Grim exclaimed. I couldn’t help the smile on my lips or the light laughter that fell out at his words. Crowley was certainly an....interesting sort. Though, I’m more than positive that Grim would still be complaining even if the Crowley didn’t give us any absurd tasks.
“Grim, Prefect, you’re here.” A voice spoke up, and I turned to see the familiar face of Riddle.
“Hey Riddle! Do you think this will be enough? Or do you need us to go and get more?” I questioned.
“What!? No way we’re doing this again after how long it took the first time!! You can go get your own water and sugar cubes after this!!” Grim yelled in frustration.
“Grim, don’t be rude.” I sighed.
“There’s no need to worry. This is plenty enough. Would you mind helping me carry this all the way to the stables?” Riddle asked.
“Not at all!” I cheered, hoping to catch of glimpse of someone.
“Oh, c’mon!!” Grim complained, but he still followed after me and Riddle. Listening to Riddle talk about the horses, or more specifically, Vorpal. And while Grim engaged with the conversation, I was mostly silent. Giving only obligatory responses when needed.
In the end, I barely caught a glimpse of Silver before he was gone from my sight once more. Forever unknowingly elusive.
“Lets get going, Henchmen. Maybe we can go and bother Ace!!” Grim cheered, probably wanting payback for a certain prank Ace had played on the small monster earlier.
“Don’t go getting into trouble. And don’t drag any of my dorm members into it. Ace already gets into enough trouble all on his own, as is.” Riddle lectured.
Before I could respond to either of them, I started coughing violently. Placing my hands to my mouth. Grim gasped in surprise as Riddle sprung forward and patted my back in an attempt to help me.
“Are you alright?” Riddle inquired once the coughing had finally settled down.
“I’m fine-” I began, only to be caught off by a certain monster.
“Like hell you are. You’ve been coughing like that for awhile now.” Grim commented. I barely restrained myself from glaring at the little monster. Grim had never been one for tact.
“If this has been going on for awhile now, you need to go to the infirmary. With your situation, it wouldn’t do for you to get sick.” Riddle pointed out. My situation. My being from another world. My body wasn’t used to the illnesses of this world, so anything could be deadly to me.
“I will, don’t worry!” I reassured Riddle and Grim with a smile.
I never did go to the infirmary. The petals of bloody bluebell flowers clutched in my hands, hidden from sight.
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minimallyminnie · 11 months
Suffocating Love
I have made regrets and mistakes but you have never been one.
Jaxon Crowley belongs to @ryker-writes. I only wrote this for funsies! Riddle belongs to Twisted Wonderland
This is an ending to the Despite it All JaxRid fic I wrote a while ago. To sum up, bleh flowers
Tw: Hanahaki, blood, depictions of throwing up flowers, I think panicking, hurt/comfort
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“I’ve made my choice.”
The doctor looks at him with surprise
“Oh my, that fast dear?” She asks him
Riddle looks at Jaxon, holding his hand tighter
“Pardon my language and don’t bring my mother into this but. I want to fucking kill him myself if he manages to wake up. How dare he not tell me.” It’s said with all bark and no bite, tear streaks on his face
The doctor puts a hand on his shoulder. “So, you’re going to be talking to him is what I’m guessing?”
Riddle nods. The doctor smiles at him before she adjusts some of the machines near Jaxon
“Good luck then dear. I’ll tell his friends outside what you’ll be doing and give you some privacy.”
The sliding door shuts and a click and it’s just him and Jaxon again
He takes a moment to breathe for a second.
He doesn’t know what he’ll do if Jaxon doesn’t wake up.
Taking a deep breath, he says everything on his mind.
“You…you inconsiderate, selfish, ignorant, heartless, dishonest bastard…how could you not tell me?” Riddle lays his head down on the bed while holding the calloused hands. Without his gloves, Jaxon’s hands feel right in his…
“I miss you. I miss your annoying face and that stupid grin you had when we argued. I want to feed the animals with you again. I want you to come back. I don’t care if you don’t love me if you wake up, I just…I just want you back alive.” Riddle can feel new hot tears leak down his eyes
“Sincerely, I have no idea how you could contract a Briar Valley disease. But with your luck, I can’t say I’m surprised. Besides the prefect, you have some of the worst luck here in school.”
Memories flash in the red head’s mind, of Jaxon just…being there for him. Understanding him when nobody else can. Teaching him to let loose and break a few rules, feeding a goose for seven’s sake
“I…I should’ve told you. You were there for me when…when crap went wrong. When I fought with Trey or when my mother started to try and dictate what I do at school. Jaxon, goodness, you were by my side and I hadn’t even noticed how much I depended on you. When we didn’t argue about something everyday, it felt…wrong. I looked for you without even knowing. Jaxon…I want to study with you, get to know you better, I want to watch you play your guitar, I want to—“
Riddle runs out of breath for a second.
“I want to stay by your side.”
He can feel himself gripping Jaxon’s hand tighter
“Please…please wake up…I don’t know what I can do without you…I miss you. I miss your voice and your smile. I want to see you smile even more. Just…for me…Please, please, please…”
“I love you.”
Even as Riddle is openly crying, he can’t feel Jaxon move. His heart feels heavy in his chest
Why couldn’t he be better. He should’ve just told him. Now he’s going to leave him alone just like everyone else will and Riddle doesn’t know if he can handle the one person he fell in love with do that to him. Is he going to be alone forever? Watching everyone find someone or be happy by themselves while he’s alone with nobody? He should’ve just let the doctor do the surgery, at least Jaxon would be ali— “You’re…suffocating my hand you know?
Never in his life has Riddle perked his head up so fast, the neck can regret it later but he sees Jaxon’s topaz eyes blink tiredly at him, his coy yet soft smile sh across his face.
Riddle’s eyes tear up again as he tackles him to the bed with a hug
“You-you asshole! You scared me so much!”
“A-ah…Riddle—“ Jaxon starts coughing and Riddle pulls off of him with worry
The doctor rushes back in the room when she feels his heart beat quicken again through her magic grabs a bowl for Jaxon
“Just cough it up, it’ll help.”
The blue haired continues coughing up full bloomed flowers, dripping with blood and vines with thorns until he finally coughs one more time and reveals the seed connecting to the vines
He plops his head back on the pillow once he’s done, panting softly from the excruciating pain
“W…what the hell was that?”
“Is he ok? Is the disease still there?!” Riddle panics for a second before Jaxon grabbed his hand to soothe him quietly
“Nope! Hmm…What did Vanrouge tell me? Oh yes! One of the cures to Hanahaki is confessing to the one the disease based itself off of. And luckily for you two,” She smiles at them “You both reciprocated each other’s feelings. I’m going to have to guess right now that these things are just remnants of Mr. Crowley’s—“
“Oh my apologies, Jaxon’s hanahaki. The seed was the source and it bloomed into deadly flowers. I’ll have to ask Vanrouge later. I’m sure your friends will be delighted to hear that you’re awake!”
She then takes the bowl away and slides the door back. Riddle looks directly at Jaxon
He sits up again and held both of Riddle’s hands
“Shut up. You didn’t tell me and I didn’t either. I…was so scared that you’d die. Why didn’t you tell me..?” Riddle felt Jaxon cup his cheek with one of his hands and brush his stray tears away. He laid his hand on top of Jaxon’s, leaning into his hold
“…I…I rather lose my own life than someone who I…love. I didn’t want you to avoid me or hate me.
Jaxon still looks at Riddle with adoration
“You’re an amazing person Riddle. It’s a bit surprising that I liked you considering how different we are. Someone like me with you. Reminds me of a story of a beautiful towngirl falling for a beast. I just…couldn’t believe that you’d like me either.” He laughs softly at the end
“Haha…considering you blocked the whole Heartslabyul dorm from speaking to me in the first half of my year here…”
“I…I’m sorry…”
“No, I can see why. I mean the head mage did make it a rule before my overblot.”
“But you’re a human too. Not a monster.”
Jaxon’s breath hitches as Riddle just tells him that. After his expulsion, he ingraved in his head that he was a monster. But for Riddle to just say it earnestly…
Oh he really fell head over heels for him
“Collar me if you don’t want this.”
“My apologies, repeat that aga-“
Jaxon pulled Riddle up to him, kissing him
Riddle lets a squeak out in surprise but closes his eyes leaning into the embrace
They pull apart quickly and Riddle’s face turns red, hiding his face in his hands
Jaxon laughs as Riddle then lays his head down on the bed
“I cannot believe you just did that…”
“Can’t say I did it when you did too.”
“You’re insufferable…”
Riddle looks up at Jaxon, his face mirroring Riddle’s to have pink dusted cheeks
“And? You still loveee mee~”
“S-shut up!” Riddle covers Jaxon’s mouth with his hands
The next time Jaxon has flowers for Riddle is on their first date together
For once, Jaxon seems to be at peace with himself as he gave the bouquet of flowers to the happily surprised red head
“Apple Blossoms, baby’s breath, roses…mind telling me?” Riddle asked as he held the bouquet in his hands
“Mmmm…I had to ask for the apple blossoms from the Feimer student in Pomefiore. Their dorm has so much strong flower smells by the way. Perfume fanatics or something. Don’t you know what it means?”
“I can’t put a finger on it…” He playfully says as Jaxon bends his head towards Riddle’s face
“Preference are Apple blossoms, everlasting love for Baby’s Breath, and finally roses mean I love you of course. Put it all together and what do you get…?”
Riddle blushes as Jaxon inches closer
“I prefer you because I’ll love you forever.”
In the shade of a building, the two privately kiss.
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I am so head over heels for these two idiots
Like good job Ryker, you raised your Raven son right (better than Crowley—)
I was gonna make a sequel for bad end too…but honestly I just wanted to make a happy one
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llondonfog · 8 months
@melveres is to blame for the devious tag of "#au where lilia does successfully leave after the farewell-party and finds out his son DIED from hanahaki months after the fact" how could you put that there and NOT expect me to rabidly obsess over it
his son had died thinking that he had been unloved.
it is enough to drive him mad if he lets the thought fester long enough inside his mind, a nameless grief already blurring the edges of a reality that had relied solely on the knowledge that his boy's happiness was secure, untainted by the sorrow a decaying fae''s unnecessary presence would bring. he feels he might be headed that way anyways, for surely a world in which his son was not beloved by all who met him was a world which had gone mad from the start.
the parchment frays precariously in his trembling hands as the ink begins to bleed and the queen's raven croaks anxiously from its place on the lone chair within the humble shack, wings fluttering as if in comfort, but neither of these things matter— his son had died, had suffered in private misery and died a lonely, suffocating death as flowers clawed their way up his throat and through his lips until he choked on their endless nauseating sweetness, because he believed that lilia had never truly loved him.
faded blue petals tumble to the ground from the folds of the letter, and a wild, tormented shriek tears through the isolated mountain; the hunters in the valley far below gaze at each other in wonder and murmur as to what kind of creature had been so grievously wounded in one of their traps.
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inkstaindusk · 11 months
My idea for a twst hanahaki au is that for obvious reasons every single person who overblotted has hanahaki but also so do Cater and Kalim and their cases are arguably worse because they don't even get to overblot about it
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