echo-does-art · 4 months
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"Little Void"
My last piece that was completed during Invisobang for @ventisettestars's awesome fic!
I love alternate writing systems, so when AGIT came out and gave us one I knew I had to do something with it :)
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rayan12sworld · 6 months
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Lan Wangji, generally speaking, did not make note of people. Of course there were exceptions, once faced with special kindness or distaste, but most often others left an imprint so light that it would fade from his mind in only a few days, if not minutes.
He didn’t feel right in his skin for the rest of the day after meeting Wei Wuxian.
or, lwj cannot remember wwx
he still remembered his brother, their childhood together. Mother’s smile, the gentian house. The suffering of war, the joy of raising a son. He had kept the important memories, so it was of no consequence. A few details lost meant very little in the grand scheme of things.
The line of his mouth flattened. “Xichen-ge?” “Yes, yes, your brother, the First Jade of Lan, the sect leader, a good friend of mine,” the man replied, waving his hand with the words. “A good friend,” Lan Wangji said and wished desperately that the sourness in him could not be heard through his voice. Brother had not mentioned their relationship was this close.
...Not that it mattered. Wei Wuxian could spend his time smiling at any disciple he wanted or calling Lan Xichen familiarly as much as he wished. It was no business of Lan Wangji’s.
“I’ve been spoiled rotten, I know,” Wei Ying said, and then his voice softened into something almost too gentle: “I just miss my husband very much.”
Lan Wangji’s fingers tightened around the box of buns until there was a small crack. For a long moment, he felt like the only thing he could hear was the blood rushing in his ears. Then, he took a step forward. Another one. Like that, step by step, he left the voices of his brother and Wei Ying behind him, unable to focus on anything but the word ‘husband’ echoing in his mind, over and over.
Wei Ying was here to break a love curse. Wei Ying had worked tirelessly for months, looking through spells and curses and making notes, like his life depended on it. Wei Ying had ignored his own health in order to work more, work faster.
Wei Ying had pulled back the moment he’d noticed Lan Wangji’s feelings. Like he hadn’t wanted to give him hope. Because he had a husband.
Something ugly and desperate in Lan Wangji wanted to confess, still. Wanted to make Wei Ying know, wanted to make him consider the life Lan Wangji could give him.
He’d sleep with him every night, would bring him breakfast, would hold him whenever he so wished. Brush his hair in the evenings, buy him anything he wanted, take him
night-hunting, love him and cherish him and give him his absolute, unwavering devotion. He would give Wei Ying anything he asked, if only – But marital vows were ones not taken lightly. That someone else had been lucky enough to be the first vying for his attentions
successfully, could Lan Wangji blame him for it? And this person was someone dear to Wei Ying. Someone whose death Wei Ying had prevented, who Wei Ying tirelessly wanted to cure to have back that married life he’d clearly loved.
The ache in his chest grew into a full-body feeling, raw nerve exposed to the world that did not fear cutting him.
Lan Wangji had fallen ill and lost memories months back, during the time that Wei Ying’s husband had been cursed. This timing, surely it was not a coincidence.
Not once had he considered the memories lost anything important. He had not realized a love this deep, this all-consuming could be taken from him. It felt like something integral already, a part of him that would, if taken, feel like a missing limb.
He had memories of Wei Ying from before. He had a life with this man he knew nothing of. He was married.
Lan Wangji buried his face in the side of Wei Ying’s neck, breathed in his scent, no longer restricted by his sense of propriety or the thoughts of other men getting to do it. There were months of frustration simmering under his skin. Had his self-control not been what it was, he might have surrendered to this need. Were they not married, after all? Was Wei Ying not his?
“I remember everything I should.”
Their first meeting. The first kiss, stolen during a hunt. The war, the fear, the death, and the resurrection. The sound of laughter breaking the monotony. The feel of soft lips against his. Three bows, not taken during a ceremony, and the three bows that were, when they’d been clad in red.
Each version of Wei Ying there had been, and each version of himself that had been there to witness them.
Wei Ying smiled at him, still. His love, his heart. “Good. And you better not forget.” He would not.
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worstloki · 1 year
Fics where Thor/Loki are surprised at each other’s d*ck size like they weren’t raised together.... u can’t fool me I saw what kind of daywear normal pants they had on through Thor 1
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theblackestofsuns · 3 months
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Human Diastrophism (2007)
Gilbert Hernandez
Fantagraphics Books
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ctrly · 1 year
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howifeltabouthim · 2 months
In New York the things you hate are the things you do.
Lisa Taddeo, from Ghost Lover
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blastburned · 5 months
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battle environment damage... Hm
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gabygirl1243 · 6 months
Undead Unluck, capítulo 2. Comparación del anime con el manga
Este capítulo abarca los capítulos 2 y 3 del manga.
Okey, empecemos con las diferencias entre el anime y el manga.
Para empezar, de nuevo el anime no agregó a civiles caminando por las calles. Si hay algo de lo que me quejo de esta adaptación es que toda la ciudad parece vacía, que a aparte de los protagonistas y antagonistas no hay absolutamente nadie.
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Otro cambio es que en el manga no te dan fecha de cuándo sucede este capítulo, pero en el anime aclara que ocurre el 2 de agosto (el día siguiente de lo del capítulo anterior).
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Un cambio sin importancia, rediseñaron la armería de Andy e hicieron más grande el almacén (es de esos almacenes donde rentas un espacio para guardar tus cosas).
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En el manga en la autopista no se ve que pasen muchos autos (pero sí pasan). En cambio, en el anime la ausencia de autos en la autopista se debe a que la vía está cerrada por la demolición del edificio. Por eso las calles estaban vacías aquí.
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La autopista no está sobre el agua como en el anime. en el manga están en la ciudad pues a los alrededores de la calle se ven edificios, y la calle está bardeada en su totalidad.
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En el anime Fuuko se queda con el chaleco puesto, en el manga se lo quita de repente. Me alegra que se lo dejaran, estuvo raro que se lo quitara en el manga.
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Ni idea de por qué agregaron lo que sea esta madre de secuencia, supongo que sólo para las risas, pero en el manga no estaban en esa posición jajajaj
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En el manga, cuando Fuuko lo llama, Andy por un segundo se queda pensativo pues el nombre "Andy" es nuevo para él y tardó en darse cuenta que ella se dirigía a él.
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Cuando Fuuko pregunta por qué la organización no está persiguiendo a los que mandaron a capturarlos, el manga deja claro que Void (así se llama el de la armadura) la escuchó. Por eso Void a continuación quiso interferir en la conversación entre ella y Shen.
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Me encanta los detalles que le agregó el anime a la mesa redonda; esa maquinaria y ese sonido de tic toc es algo que no existe en el manga, pero el anime le da ese toque para que parezca más un reloj. Que la mesa tenía forma de reloj era más cosa que se teorizaba al principio para los lectores de manga, pues como ven, sólo hay 10 números en lugar de 12. Con el tiempo fue claro que era un reloj, pero en el anime es obvio desde el principio.
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En el manga la conversación entre Shen y Void (mientras Fuuko dice que no está enamorada) son sólo dos líneas, mientras que en el anime es más larga y repetitiva. En el manga se dan cuenta al mismo tiempo que Andy de que viene un camión.
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En el manga también vemos sus reacciones al camión.
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El anime muestra el camión vacío, sin conductor. Dejo en claro que en el manga no se ve si hay o no conductor, pero en un extra se ve que al parecer el conductor saltó antes de estrellarse.
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Después de la explosión del camión, en el anime dan un gran salto hasta llegar a un edificio; aunque en el manga también saltan muy alto, el edificio está considerablemente más cerca de la autopista puesto a que como mencioné arriba, la autopista está en la ciudad en el manga.
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Para alcanzarlos, Fuuko le pidió aventón a otro camión que pasaba.
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El anime agregó una buena presentación para Void "Unavoidable". En el manga el nombramiento de su poder fue sólo en un globo de texto sin más entre el dialogo, pero aquí realmente lo destacaron con letras en grande y todo. Espero que las presentaciones de los demás poderes sean parecidos.
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En la explosión del edificio, se ven a los trabajadores celebrando, también ellos hicieron el conteo para la demolición. Una vez más, el anime no anima a los civiles También se ve que Fuuko se baja del camión y agradece a quien la llevó, aunque al conductor se le hace raro que ella quiera bajar en un edificio recién demolido.
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En el anime Shen se espantó al ver a Void muerto, por el contrario en el manga se mantuvo tranquilo. Un cambio pequeño, pero me alegra, al inicio del manga parecía que los de la Union (la organización) eran crueles y no les importaban sus compañeros, cosa que no es verdad. También, en el manga parece que Shen toma las amenazas de Andy como a juego.
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En muchas partes donde en el anime Shen tiene los ojos cerrados, en el manga los tiene abiertos. Posiblemente el mangaka aún no pensaba bien en la forma en que funcionan los poderes de Shen y esto fue arreglado en el anime.
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Cuando Fuuko llega al lugar, en el manga hay gente curiosa viendo también.
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Es todo. Los cambios se mantienen al mínimo Pero sigue molestándome que no animen transeúntes. Hasta con gente estática me conformaría. Pero es mi única queja.
Pueden ver también mis comparaciones con el manga del capítulo 1.
Después subiré mi análisis del opening y ending.
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razreads · 8 months
Sometimes, Heiress, all you can do is recognise which way the wind is blowing and plot a course.
Jennifer Lynn Barnes, The Final Gambit
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fooltofancy · 1 year
speedrun solo mountain goats this year apparently
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fur-bee · 1 year
fugo definitely constantly got told that he was an old soul as a kid
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echo-does-art · 4 months
2023 IN REVIEW :)
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It's crazy to think that all of this happened during this year! I tried to compile just a few pieces to summarize the last twelve months, but it wasn't easy :)
Coquí, Amphibiuary
Cujo, Green With Envy Phandom Event
Green capybara (one of many), Capypril
Little Void, Invisobang
Skeletal Shenanigans, Ecto-Implosion
Here's to another year of art on our favorite hellsite!
Happy New Year!
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shroudandsands · 2 years
Prompt #28: Vainglory
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The smoke fell from his lips as he sighed. The cigar crunched under his boot. The clockwork of his knife unfolded.
“Tell me, boys, what’s the difference between you and me?” He sized up the three men before him. Masked in typical fashion. His own lay idle at his hip- though he was at least kind enough to leave his eyes visible. These ones? Inscrutable. Nothing but the designs that spoke of who they were and where they were from. An innocent mistake? An intentional warning? Or a false lead? He didn’t particularly care. All he had was a knife, a cocky tilt of his head, and a small smirk that donned his lips. “See, between you and me, you don’t have much of a purpose. You sent-” He pointed between each of them with his free hand, an idle gesture. “One, two, three... For little old me. But you know that already. You were warned, yeah? You were told to approach with caution? That you might just need to back off if you came right at me? So.” He took in that smell of seaborne air. The quiet click of clockwork. The small bootprint of ash he left behind as he stepped forward once. A gun drawn, a sword drawn, twin daggers. He put his hand up with a wicked smile. His green-drenched eyes flashed in the low light.
“So where are the rest? I have to know. Waiting higher up? Hoping for an easy shot? Or maybe you’re thinking you’ve outsmarted me?” Nothing. No response. Merely waiting. Raised weapons stayed as they were. Stances remained rigid. No thoughts displayed on their inscrutable masks. He sighed. “Right. Not talking. It’s no fun when you don’t talk back. I didn’t practice this routine for moons for there to be nothing at all. So. Do we want to get this over with? Or are you going to just-” The gunshot fired into empty shadows as the first throat was slit, steel was already on the floor as the second felt a knife pierce his abdomen then fold through it until it tore through flesh. The third caught his knife with his own two- her own two, going by the grunt- but the steel shattered as his blade clamped closed and allowed him to slash her from stem to stern. The bodies dropped in short order. Not a drop of blood adorned him. He wiped the sweat from his eye. Then it hit him.
First the pommel that glanced across the side of his head, still struck but barely dodged unconsciousness; The second, then, the blade itself as it white-hot screamed across his face. It took everything in him not to scream as he kicked out- bone shattering under his boot as his attacker screamed in turn- and he scrambled up to take their sword for himself. To pierce them through. To run him through as Dugald’s world rocked with the sea. To cup at his eye as it bled and bled and bled onto the cold white stone. Four bodies. Assassins. What were once clear markings were now marred as his sight fractured in front of him. He couldn’t make out details. He couldn’t make out distance. All was blood and white. He gasped and grunted as he fell backwards against the wall. As he tilted back his head to try and see the stars.
He clutched at his eye. That dry and ugly laugh didn’t fit him as he shoved himself up. The wall supported him even as the world turned with the agony. “...’ow am I s’posed t’ be pretty like this... Bastards...”
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quantumofawesome · 1 year
"Oh, so he's a SEXY ballroom dance instructor."
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eric-sadahire · 1 year
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When I see a cat, I say "hello cat" When I see a chicken, I say "hello chicken" When I see a rat, I say "hello rat" When I see a human being, 
I quickly avoid eye contact and hope they don't talk to me.
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As unpredictable, I can get posting a puppy was tempting and too exitable to just ignore. I wanted to find the perfect puppy in the perfect background to see how adorable and loving this miniature sized dog can be. The white fuffly blanket with the puppy laying on top was so easing and comfortable for the puppy to lay on was something I needed you all to see. You can even see his eyes twitching, and when a puppy does that, it means it's sleepy. That's when it gets even more adorable. 🤩🥰😍 also, I just wanted to add it's winking with its eye. I just wanted to prove a point. But either way, it's too adorable. 😇😇😇
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