#vs just some follower who wants me to shut up
gglitch1dd · 10 days
Us & You Pt 1
DILF Kirishima Eijiro X Teacher FEM!Reader
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Context: Kirishima Eijiro has done everything to forget Bakugou Katsuki in his life and just focus on his daughter, his amazing and loving daughter. The light of his eye. Due to an incident, Eijiro meets you, a teacher at his daughter school who he can't help but fall for. However, as his daughter grows older and questions start being asked, it feels like the peace he tried to cultivate is slipping through his fingers.
Note: Bullying, Discrimination, Angry Daddy Eijiro, Single dad Eijiro.
PLEASE NOTE BEFORE READING THIS SHORT SERIES: There will be some deep discussions about morality, children, abortion arguments pertaining to Pro life vs Pro choice as well as the father's role in raising a child/conceiving a child. It also deals with the struggles of being a single parent. It's very messy and very much real life. Katsuki is Trans in this story (mostly cause I couldn't find another character to be Sachiko's mom and you'll see why).
!!HAPPY 7K Followers to me!!
[PART 2]
Eijiro happily snored in bed as he lay face first in bed. The large black-haired man was happy to stay in bed without a single care in the world. The sound of soft padded feet were heard as a little girl walked over to the giant bed that belonged to her father. She stood to the side closest to where he was with a huff. The black haired girl pushed against his bare back using all her force. She knocked herself against him, trying to get him up.
“Daddy!” She whined out again. “Wake up! I’ve got to go to school.” She reminded him.
Eijiro let out a load groan, his eyes squeezing shut as he turned away from the ten year old “Where’s… where’s Miss Hanako…” He mumbled barely awake. “Miss Hanako… take… school.” He let out in a tired drawl.
The little girl sighed before tilting her head to the side. “Miss Hanako is on maternity leave.”
… right.
His personal assistant was on maternity leave. Something he had forgotten about despite reminding his daughter that he would be taking her to school for the next couple of weeks just the night before. With a deep sigh, Eijiro slowly sat up from bed with messy long thick black hair. He scratched his head as he let out a deep big yawn, almost like a giant lion. “What time is it?” He asked still disorientated as he looked towards his side table.
“It’s seven.” She told him.
It took Eijiro a moment to recall what time that was. Suddenly his eyes opened wide as he looked down at her surprised. “It’s seven?” He asked shocked. She nodded her head. “Sachiko, why didn’t you wake me up earlier?” He quickly jumped out of bed and raced into his bathroom. “Did you shower!?” He asked loudly as he switched on his shower.
“Yep.” She told him as she moved to leave his room, not surprised that he didn’t notice that she was already in her school uniform.
Eijiro raced into the shower, reminding himself of the meeting he had been preparing all night for that he had at half past eight. However, if he were honest with himself, he wasn’t surprised that he woke up late nor that his daughter woke him up. Ever since she learned to walk, she always came to his room first thing. It was something Eijiro loved. Even now as she grew older and started to learn to do things for herself, the fundamentals didn’t change and he was grateful for that.
It was just their dynamic. It had always been them. Eijiro and Sachiko. Of course, they had the entire of the Kirishima family at their back and never really were alone with how much of their family was engrained in their lives constantly, but when it came down to it, it was always father and daughter. Even now, as Sachiko just closed the bento she made for him. It was a task that she wanted to learn to do and one she had been succeeding in. It was one of the many things he loved in his day that reminded him of his daughter.
Eijiro picked up a muffin as he walked into the kitchen, he took a bite of the warm baked good. He let out a groan at the taste, nodding at the muffin he was holding. He gave her a thumbs up making her smile as she moved around the kitchen making sure her own bento was ready and packed away. Eijiro walked over to fridge, looking at himself in the reflective surface. He adjusted his tie and gave himself a look.
Sachiko tapped his shoulder. Turning to face her, knowing that she was more the stylist between the two of them, she reached up on the tips of her toes and took off his tie, opening the first few straining buttons. She tilted her head, before nodding and taking her tie with her. “You finished your presentation, Daddy?” She asked him as she moved to place it on the sofa back.
Eijiro nodded his head. “Yes, just before midnight actually.” He told her as he moved to grab his daughter’s blazer off the wall.
Sachiko grabbed her bag and her father’s bento. She took off her apron, moving to hang it in the kitchen. She quickly moved to the foyer where her father was. She placed his bento down into his backpack. She set her own bag down.
Eijiro motioned for her to turn around which she did. He carefully slipped on her blazer onto her shoulders, slipping her arms through. He fixed her appearance for a moment, moving a strand of her hair back out of her face.
He smiled down at her, cupping her soft face in his large hands. She looked up at him, the two undeniably related looking so much alike. “You said your prayers?”
She nodded her head as he raised his eyebrow. “Yes, Daddy.”
“Good girl. Did you do your affirmations?” Sachiko hesitated, earning a pointed look from her father. She gave him a bright smile, trying to distract him. Eijiro couldn’t help but chuckle. He shook his head with tsks. “Come on, you know the words.”
Sachiko sighed as she closed her eyes for a second before opening her crimson eyes again. She put her hands to her chest. “My name is Kirishima Sachiko, daughter of Kirishima Eijiro. I am constantly growing and developing into a good person. I am beautiful, I am strong, I am smart and I am talent. I know my values. I am as strong as a mountain and as proud as a dragon. I am a Kirishima, worthy, loved and true.” She finished with a gentle smile.
Eijiro looked down at her with a proud smile. He leaned down closer to her face. He placed his forehead against hers for a second. Sachiko placed her hands over her father’s with a smile. He placed a kiss on her forehead. “Okay... lets go.” Taking her smaller hand in his own, the two of them left the apartment into the elevator.
Sachiko stood in the elevator with her father, holding on to his hand as the elevator descended down the tall building. “Daddy, I added my equestrian competition to your calendar.” She told him as she looked up at him. Sachiko was still much smaller than her father, but it wasn’t much of a surprise to Eijiro. She was still young and whether she grew taller like her Aunt Akari or stayed shorter like her other aunt, Tamami. He didn’t really care much.
“I saw. You don’t mind if I invite your grandma and grandpa, right? They’ve been hoping to see one of your competitions for a while now.” He asked her, honest.
Sachiko shook her head, her locks of black hair moving with her. “Of course, I don’t mind. I’d love to have them there.” She said sweetly with a bright smile.
“Perfect, because your grandfather has been on my case about it.” Eijiro moved to take his phone out of his pocket but paused. It was then he noticed that Sachiko’s hair was curled. Long curly thick locks of black hair that fell to the middle of her back. He paused as he tilted his head to the side. “You curled your hair?” He asked surprised.
Sachiko put a hand to her curls. She nodded her head shyly, a soft blush on her face. “Yah… I thought I could do something different today.” She spoke softly, clearly a bit self-conscious about it. She flicked her eyes back up at him. “Is… is it okay? Does it look nice?” She asked worriedly.
Eijiro let out a soft breath, before giving her a genuine smile. “You look perfect, sweetheart.” He gave her hand a squeeze as he shoved her softly. “My precious little diamond.” Sachiko brightened up, her posture straightened up as she smiled up at him happily.
The elevator door opened and Eijiro led the two of them out into the underground parking. It wasn’t a very usual thing for Eijiro to drop his daughter to school, normally his personal assistant would drop and pick up Sachiko back into Eijiro’s care but with her on maternity leave it meant a new routine. It was, however, not exactly unwelcomed from the pair so it wasn’t too much of an adjustment.
Eijiro opened the door for her, allowing her to enter the door first before getting in himself. Sachiko watched as he put on the engine and slowly started to reverse out of parking. She looked at her father for a moment before putting on the radio to listen to the news. Her grandfather often told her that it was important to hear about your world at least once a day, whether it be on the news or radio or some other way. She tried to stick to that as best she could, because she trusted in her grandfather and how he got to be the man he was.
Eijiro focused on the road as the radio host spoke on the morning show. Suddenly the mention of a certain name pricked his attention. “…the trendsetters in fashion, the Bakugous, have once again broke barriers in the fashion industry with their new more affordable line for spring season. Bakugou Katsuki has talked about expanding branches out of Japan for the family own deal-”
“Hey, sweetheart.” Eijiro started, “Mind putting on some music this morning?” He asked her rather nonchalantly.
Sachiko shook her head as she looked to her father for a moment before moving to media. Eijiro held the stirring wheel hard but focused his attention on getting his daughter to school and making it through the horrible morning traffic.
Finally making it to the private prestigious middle school that was nestled not too far out of the city. Eijiro smiled as he looked to Sachiko who grabbed her bags and undid her seatbelt. “Okay, Daddy, remember that I finish at four. I added it to your alarms so that you know when you should leave the office. Don’t forget to eat your lunch and good luck with your presentation.” She spoke, moving to place a kiss on his cheek, before opening the door as the car came to a still.
He chuckled. “Thank you, Sachi. Have a good day at school, sweetheart. I love you.”
Sachiko paused at the door, holding the door open still for a second before putting on a soft smile. “I love you too, Daddy.” With a wave of goodbye, she closed the door and easily found her way to her friends that stood near the entrance waiting for her.
Eijiro let out a soft breath as he watched her leave. She reminded him so much of himself as she talked with her friends with a broad smile on her face, her red eyes bright and happy. It was as if every day she was growing more and more and it scared Eijiro half to death. He knew he was an old sap but he couldn’t help but beam in pride at the sight of her. His daughter. She was his everything and he hoped she would always remember that.
Eijiro sat behind his monitor screen, his eyebrows furrowed as he had his phone to his ear as he typed away at his keyboard. He listened to the phone call he was on as he absently typed at the document he was working on. “Yah… yah of course.” He nodded his head to the person on the other side of the line. Walking into his office was his older sister who also just so happened to be his boss. Eijiro nodded as he leaned back in his chair. “Send it our way and we’ll take a look at it. Alright, thank you.” He put down the phone, moving his phone back down onto his desk. He let out a breath.
“You look stressed, Eijiro.” Eijiro flicked his gaze up to his older sister, Akari as she walked over in her black heels over to his desk. She moved herself to sit on the edge of his hard wood desk, crossing her long legs as she folded her arms over her chest. The tall woman looked down at her younger brother amusedly. “When was the last time you had fun, hm? Go to the bar, get a drink, or maybe even get laid.”
He rolled his eyes as he leaned back in his black cushioned chair. “I don’t have time right now.” He told her, moving to look at his calendar on his widespread monitor. “Without Hanako picking up and looking after Sachiko, I can’t let loose right now.”
Ever since him, Eijiro stopped much care about romance and finding love. It was a sad thing, however it allowed Eijiro to focus on the single most important thing in his life, and that was his daughter. Nothing else mattered to him. She was the reason that he worked so hard, the reason he stopped dyeing his hair and accepting himself how he is so that she would never need to feel different about her own, she was the reason he was so engrossed in his family once again in order to raise her.
Akari rolled her ruby eyes at her younger brother’s excuses, not surprised at all. “Yah, it’s probably for the best.” She stated, making Eijiro nod his head in agreement. “We can’t handle another one of your accidental baby mamas.” At that comment, Eijiro looked up with a glare making her chuckle. “Kidding, kidding.” She stated putting her hands up in self-defence.
“Don’t you have better things to do Akari, other than bully me?” Eijiro asked as he pushed himself out of his chair and moved to grab a drink from his mini fridge.
Akari looked at her manicured nails. “Well of course I do, Eijiro, being CEO to a multi-million-dollar diamond industry is a lot of work as well as being next Head of the family by default. However,” She tilted her head, her soft black locks brushing her forehead just slightly as she smirked at him. “Tormenting you is what helps me sleep at night.” Eijiro rolled his eyes as he moved over with a can of soda, handing it to her. She chuckled easily opening it. “You are my favourite employee.”
“You just say that because you’re allowed to abuse me more than the others.” He spoke plainly.
She nodded, not denying it as she took a sip of the grape flavoured drink. Eijiro sat down as he sighed shaking his head. “Come on, Eijiro, you’re so dramatic. Even more dramatic than my surrogate and she’s pregnant with my child.” She reminded him.
Eijiro turned to look up at her. “How is she?”
Akari immediately put down the can and took out her phone. “Absolutely glowing. She looks gorgeous with my child inside of her, look!” She swiped to a photo of said woman, shoving the phone screen in Eijiro’s face to see. “She’s great, being pampered at home because she doesn’t know what it means to take a break. The doctor said that everything’s great with the baby and my new little girl should start moving around soon.” She swiped showing Eijiro the ultrasound scan.
Eijiro looked up at his sister as she started to ramble on about the new baby yet to be born and all that. Akari already had three boys that she carried herself when she was married to her husband, however after her husband died of cancer, she never really wanted any other man after that. He was her one and only and even if she did find someone else, they would never take the place he had with her or her sons. She always did want another baby, but she didn’t want to get off of work. Eijiro thought she was probably scared about being put back in a time in her life where she had her partner to support her.
Akari was the type of woman to work hard to where she was today. She worked hard as the eldest daughter of Kirishima Takeo to prove to him and the other family members that she could head the company after his retirement. She proved that she could do it all. She could be a mother, she could be engaged in her family life and she can do her job without feeling weak about it. Even when she was pregnant, her other siblings were there to fill in the gaps like they always were in the Kirishima family.
Eijiro was proud of her and admired her a lot more than he would ever say to her face. “I’m glad. You ever need me or Sachiko’s help, we would be more than willing to be over.”
Akari moved to slide off his desk, standing up straight in her black jumpsuit. She put a hand to her broad hips as she waved her other hand down. “No, it’s alright. Ma already has her bags packed for when it’s the third trimester. She’s determined to be there for the boys and I.” Even though she rolled her eyes, Eijiro could see the appreciation behind those eyes.
Before Eijiro could comment, his phone rang. He raised an eyebrow at the unknown number but moved to answer the phone. “Kirishima Eijiro, speaking.”
“Kirishima-san, this is your daughter’s home room teacher Ms T.” Eijiro perked up at the voice. “Unfortunately, we need you to come to the school, Mr Kirishima. Your daughter was in a fight.”
“A fight?” He asked confused as he tilted his head confused. It didn’t sound like his Sachiko at all.
“Yes sir. We will tell you more when you get here.”
“Is she alright? Is she hurt?” He asked quickly as he got up from his desk. Instantly, Akari looked worried at what Eijiro was saying.
The homeroom teacher hesitated for just a second and that was enough to have Eijiro worried beyond belief. “She’s fine, Mr Kirishima. We just ask you to come as soon as possible.”
“Okay, I’ll be there soon.” He put down the phone and immediately moved to switch off his monitor. His movements were rushed and yet pretty accurate for having his mind clouded with all possible scenarios. “Sachiko was in a fight.” He spoke out without Akari needing to ask.
The older woman had her eyebrows raised in surprise. “Oh my goodness, is she okay?” She asked as she followed him as he slipped his laptop into his bag.
“I don’t know. I’ll have to be exc-”
“It’s alright, Eijiro, just go.” She dismissed automatically as she followed his hurried footsteps out of his office. She glanced at him, watching the way he frowned, a scary sight that reminded her so much of their father. Almost something mixed with worry and yet almost anger. Akari knew it wasn’t aimed at his daughter, but at the poor soul who decided they could touch his daughter. “You need me to come with you?”
Eijiro shook his head as he pressed the down button for the elevator. Some employees watched in interest as the two Kirishima seemed to be in a rather bad mood today. Nothing was ever good when two Kirishimas were upset together. “No, it’s fine. I’ve got this. I’ll call you later.” He notified her just as he stepped into the elevator. “And don’t tell Abba, not until I know what’s going on.”
Eijiro slammed his car door as he moved towards the school entrance with large strides. Standing at the entrance was his daughter’s homeroom teacher, Ms T. He had met her only twice before, once at the beginning of the school year and another time at a parents association meeting. He didn’t mind her all that much.
At the sight of him, she bowed at the waist, always being instructed to do so with such high paying patrons of their school. “Mr Kirishima.” She greeted, before leading him inside.
“Where’s my daughter?” He asked not caring much about pleasantries or caring enough to take the time to look around at the school and its impressive clean hallway or foyer.
Miss T, tried her best to keep up with him at his large strides as she scurried forward, her heels clacking against the marbled floor. “She’s in another teacher’s office as we speak, but I’m taking you to the principle’s office.” She looked up feeling his gaze on her. He had an unimpressed look on his face, a single black eyebrow raised up at what he hoped was not a teacher joke. She looked away from him, clearing her throat. She led him up a flight of stairs before reaching a door that led into the principle’s secretary’s space before walking into the principle’s office.
The principle, an older gentleman with a frown on his face as a woman seemed to be basically shouting at him from across his desk as she sat in her cushioned seat. The older thin-haired man seemed rather exasperated from her rambling. Standing in the corner was another teacher who kept to herself beside the other woman.
The principle, Mr Tanaka, upon noticing Eijiro immediately stood up from his chair. He bowed. “Mr Kirishima, it’s a pleasure to see you again.”
Eijiro nodded his head at best as he moved to sit down in the other free chair beside the other woman. The two teachers decided to step to the side, almost like silent spectators as the door was closed and finally the issue could be addressed. Mr Tanaka cleared his throat as he put his hands in front of him. “Kirishima-san, your daughter as well of Mrs Fujihara’s daughter were in a bit of a… dispute.” He put kindly. Eijiro had his arms crossed over his chest as he sat up straight. He didn’t say a word as he kept his eyes on Mr Tanaka. “Miyu and Sachiko got into an argument, some words were said and Miyu ended up pushing Sachiko.” He explained slowly. “Which resulted in Sachiko spraining her wrist.”
“What you’re telling me is my daughter was assaulted.” Eijiro summarised frankly.
Mr Tanaka hesitated for a moment, but Mrs Fujihara didn’t seem to have the same restraint. “My daughter did not assault anybody. She can’t commit assault in the first place, she’s eleven.” She spoke boldly and loudly, trying to stand up for her daughter who Eijiro considered lucky she wasn’t here.
Eijiro glanced down at her with a scowl instantly raising the tension in the room. Eijiro effectively ignored her as he looked back to Mr Tanaka. “What were the girls arguing about?”
Immediately everyone in the room seemed to not have an answer for him. He looked to the principle who looked through the report that was given to him not even five minutes ago. Mrs Fujihara also suddenly seemed to be at a loss for words as she turned to look away from Eijiro with a huff. He raised an eyebrow as he looked to his daughter’s home room teacher who also seemed not eager to answer his question.
“Mr Kirishima, I can assure you that it was nothing serious and has been resolved amongst the girls-”
“That is not what I asked, Tanaka.” Kirishima said with a roll of his eyes. “I asked about what were the girls arguing about.”
“Mr Kirishima I can assure you that-”
“Sir.” Taking Kirishima’s attention was the teacher who was already in the room when he had entered. You were dressed professional and yet cute as well. Eijiro looked at you, not remembering ever being introduced to you before nor hearing your name. You kept your eyes down away from him as you bowed deeply and lowly. “I was the teacher on duty when this happened and I sincerely apologies for what transpired. I was busy helping another student and if only I was more attentive this could have been avoided.” You started, your voice sincere and almost filled with sadness about what had happened. “To answer your question, Miyu was teasing Sachiko about her parentage, sir. Specifically, the fact that she… she only has one.” Eijiro went still at the words you said. “Sachiko proceeded to speak about supposed allegations concerning Mr Fujihara and Miyu then pushed Sachiko off her chair. I was just able to separate the fight before anything else could happen.”
The room was silent after you finished speaking, no one truly knowing what to say. Mrs Fujihara cleared her throat as she motioned to you. “As you can see, your child, Mr Kirishima is-” Her words stopped in her throat as dark ruby eyes flicked to look at her. Eijiro’s face was emotionless as he hadn’t said a word since you had started speaking. She swallowed down hard as she decided against speaking again.
Eijiro’s eyes than flicked to Mr Tanaka. He let out a breath as he tried his best to relax in the chair he dwarfed. He kept his hands on his lap, his grip tight. “I send my daughter to your school, and this is the type of actions you allow to take place here?” He asked lowly, his temper only increasing the more he wanted it to diminish.
Mr Tanaka put on a nervous smile as he chuckled, sweat appearing on his forehead. “Sir, that is-”
“What’s so funny, Tanaka?” The principle went stiff. Kirishima didn’t smile, glaring at the man opposite him. “You find my daughter being bullied funny?”
The other parent in the room turned to Eijiro shocked. “My daughter,” Mrs Fujihara started. “Is not a bully. She-”
“Such incidents don’t happen in isolation. Tell me, have the girls fought before? Physically or verbally?” He asked, dismissing Mrs Fujihara all together as he stared at the principle. Mr Tanaka was at a loss for words, not entirely sure on what to say or how to comment. He scratched the back of his head. Eijiro’s jaw tensed in annoyance. This was getting him nowhere. He turned to you. “Has this happened before?”
You hesitated, glancing at your boss he seemed rather adamant about you not saying anything. You looked back to Eijiro. The large man had hard ruby eyes but behind them all you saw was slight fear. “Yes... It has. Verbally with light shoving and all that, nothing major. We have talked to Mrs Fujihara about her daughter’s behaviour to other students before.” You told him honestly.
“And yet nothing was communicated to me?” He asked lowly, glancing back to look at Ms T, his daughter’s homeroom teacher. She was silent as she lowered her demeanour almost not wanting to face him. “I see...” He folded his legs over one another and faced Mr Tanaka. “Considering that communication is so lacking in this school’s community, you shouldn’t be surprised if communication about the Kirishimas’ sudden leave as a main sponsor to this school is also... lacking.”
Mr Tanaka sat up in worry. “Mr Kir-”
“What punishment is Miyu receiving?” He asked straight to the point.
Mr Tanaka paused for a moment. “Suspended for three days and on detention for two weeks.” He notified him confidently in the punishment they were giving to her.
Eijiro was silent once more as he took a moment to think it over. He huffed with a nod. He turned to look at you, startling you slightly. “Where is my daughter?”
“I-In my office.”
With a grunt, Eijiro stood up. Your eyes widened at the pure size of him. With him standing right in front of you, it made you feel so small just looking up at him. He radiated the same presence he did when he first entered, power and control. He looked rather stern and other than in looks (which he looked identical to his daughter in), you wondered how such a man could raise such a sweet girl. “Please take me to her.” It was more of a demand than a request. You nodded your head as you motioned towards the door once more.
Mr Tanaka cleared his throat as he too stood up. “Mr Kirishima, we’ll talk more about this over the phone.”
Eijiro ignored him as he followed you out of the room. You walked by his side, your small body trying to lead the way through the halls as he followed beside you. He noticed your hurried steps trying to make sure to keep up with him. He slowed down for a moment, allowing you to take the lead at a better pace for you.
You noticed it almost instantly, which you smiled at as you led him down the corridor. Then you paused. You turned back to him with a bow once more. “I… I have to once again apologize, sir. Really, I wish this never occurred. I apologize for my negligence.”
“Please, you aren’t responsible for other people’s actions.” Eijiro reminded you with a stern look with a stern look as he folded his arms over his chest. He let out a sigh as he looked to the side. “I apologize for my behaviour. You are all trying to do your jobs and here I am-”
“No.” You quickly stepped forward closer to him, catching Eijiro by surprise. You looked up at him with urgency in your eyes and yet something kin to understanding. “You don’t have to apologize. You are a father worried for your child. It is only to be expected.” Eijiro’s eyebrows raised in surprise at your words. It was the last thing he was expecting from a teacher, especially with what he had just said to all of you. You gave him a training smile, gentle and easing. “Besides, I’ve seen worse parents.”
He let out an amused scoff. “I bet you have.” He spoke out lowly, the tone of his voice sending a shiver down your spine as you tried your best to keep your composure. “I’m sorry, I don’t think I got your name.”
You perked up at that fact. “Oh! I didn’t introduce myself.” You bowed at the waist, your hands in front of you as you closed your eyes. “Ms L/N, but Ms Y/N is just fine, the kids prefer to call me that.”
He smiled and for the first time since you knew him you saw something just like his daughter. That beautiful smile. “Ms Y/N...” He said your name trying it out on his lips. “Kirishima Eijiro, Sachiko’s father.”
You giggled, which made the edges of Eijiro’s mouth tilt upwards. “I know who you are Mr Kirishima. Your daughter talks a lot about you.” You revealed to him, as you motioned for the two of you to keep moving.
Eijiro raised an eyebrow in intrigue. “Really? What does she say?”
You shook your head with a smirk. “That’s between Miss Kirishima and I.” You kept your lips sealed.
Eijiro chuckled at the statement. He raised a single eyebrow in intrigue, glancing down at you amusedly. “Between you and Sachiko, huh?” He asked you amusedly. You nodded your head agreeing with his statement. He hummed not convinced which only made you giggle. “So you and Sachi must be close to be gossiping about me.”
“We don’t gossip, sir. We just comment.” You reasoned earning a scoff from Eijiro. “You’re daughter and I…” You hesitated and yet Eijiro saw a soft expression on your face, gentle and calming. “Your daughter is real special. She’s such a good girl, always doing her work and trying her best in her classes. She’s such an interactive learner too, which makes her such a pleasure to teach last year. She’s very respectful and kind. You raised her well, sir.” You reported to him, sincere and true.
Eijiro looked down at you for a while before a proud look went to his face. He smiled. “Thank you and please, don’t call me sir. You’re making me feel old.”
You giggled lightly. “Old? There’s nothing wrong with being more mature than others.”
He rolled his ruby eyes at your wording. “Don’t compare me to wine. You seem rather…” His eyes caught on you as you walked beside him. You looked up at him with wide eyes attentive and capturing his very soul. His ruby eyes trailed your body for a moment. His breath caught in his throat as he chastised himself for checking out the young cute teacher that was leading him to his daughter. He closed his eyes and held his hands behind him, gripping his hand hard enough to try and distract his thoughts to more pure ones. “You’re way too young to understand.”
You chuckled with a shake of your head. “I am not that young.”
“How old are you?”
“Jesus.” Eijiro let out as he looked away from you, making you laugh. “Now you’re making me really feel old.” He commented.
You paused at the door of a classroom, looking at him with a smile that held something behind it. “Well you know what they say about wine, Mr Kirishima.” You leaned forward slightly exposing a bit more of your chest to him unbeknownst to you. “It tastes better the older it is.” You moved to open the classroom entering first.
Eijiro had to pause for a moment, briefly closing his eyes for a second. He took a breath, praying he can get through this without having the urge to pound into you on the closest desk.
He recollected himself and entered in following you. The classroom was brightly lit, decorated in a way that showed your personality so well. It was bright with colour and personality, it seemed like an enjoyable place to learn. He looked around surprised at the whole format of the middle school classroom, however he tried to remain focused as he watched you move to a door not too far from the entrance of the classroom. You motioned for him to follow you.
You opened the door. Inside was a small office space with shelves on the walls and a multitude of maths textbooks. So you were a maths teacher? However, taking all of his attention was his daughter who sat in the cushioned chair behind a desk drinking from a cup of tea and eating biscuits. The girl looked over to the two of you. Her eyes widened at the sight of him. “Daddy...”
“Sachi!” He quickly moved towards her, forgetting everything around him. He crouched down at her side, his ruby eyes moving to the wrist brace that was on her left arm. He gently moved to touch her arm, his eyebrows furrowed in worry,
Sachiko quickly saw the worry in his eyes. She forced a smile onto her face. “I’m fine, Daddy. I managed to land on my left arm so I can still write. I’m okay, it was nothing bad. I’ll be alright.” Her words were laced sweetly with a smile on her face and yet you watched her father not smile. You moved to close the door, wanting to make sure that anyone who came into your class wouldn’t disturb the two of them. You stood outside the door, giving them the room.
Eijiro frowned as he looked up at her. He reached a hand up to her face, caressing her cheek as he looked up at her. “My sweet little miracle...” He spoke lowly. “They’ve been hurting you, haven’t they? Why didn’t you tell me?”
Eijiro watched as Sachiko kept her smile for a moment, looking at her father. Suddenly her smile started to waver as she looked to him, her beautiful crimson eyes becoming glossy and filled with tears. Her smile was replaced with her frown as she bit her bottom lip trying her best not to sob. Small whimpers left her mouth as she squeezed her eyes shut.
Eijiro quickly picked her off the chair and held her to his body, holding her head gently and rubbing her back. He shushed her sweetly, but it only made the girl cry harder. She clutched onto his back harshly as she cried in his arms. Eijiro held her tightly as she cried. “It’s okay, my little miracle. Daddy's here. Daddy’s always here.” He comforted her, placing a kiss on her head. The sound of her crying made Eijiro tear up. “I'm sorry Daddy wasn't there to protect you.”
She sniffed as she turned her head trying her best to breathe through it. “Daddy... they... they were so mean to me. I didn’t wanna cry, Kirishimas don’t cry.” She shook her head as she tried her best to stop her tears.
“Oh sweetheart,” He moved to angle her head up to look at him. He gave her a gentle smile, his own eyes being glossy. “Even dragons cry.” That only made her face break as she buried her face in his chest. Eijiro let her cry as much as he wanted, patting down her hair and allowing her to compose herself on her own. “I know that people can be really mean, and they say awful things, but that’s why we have affirmations. We have to affirm who we are and that we aren’t what people say we are.”
“But what if we are what people say we are?” Eijiro grew stiff for a moment. Sachiko looked up at him with a frown. “Daddy... I don’t have a mommy like the other kids.”
Eijiro tried to keep his composure, he knew this would come eventually. “That doesn’t make you any less than them.” He reminded her. “It doesn’t make you any less my little miracle. Yes, you don’t have a mother, Sachi, but that doesn’t define you as a person. You are a kind and loving young lady and you are so loved by me, your grandparents, your aunts and every single person that has the pleasure of knowing you. Okay?” She nodded her head as she wiped her face. Eijiro took his handkerchief and wiped her nose making her whine in annoyance. He chuckled. He pat down her hair before cupping her face in his large hands. “I love you, Sachi.”
She gave him a gentle smile. “I love you too, Daddy.”
Eijiro gave her a kiss to her forehead before scooping her up. While she dusted off her skirt with her good hand, Eijiro pushed in the black cushioned chair. “Hey sweetheart, Ms Y/N is she one of your teachers?”
Sachiko shook her head as she watched him. “Not this year, but she was last year. I ended up in a different maths teacher’s class this year, unfortunately. She’s so nice, Daddy. She lets me sit in here sometimes whenever Miyu and the others pick on me during lunch when I’m not with my friends. She even let me eat her cookies sometimes too.” Sachi spoke with a smile on her face.
Eijiro nodded his head as he put a hand on her shoulder, leading her out of your office. You stood in front of the door, almost as if you were keeping watch, making sure no one would disturb them. The gesture was noticed and appreciated by Eijiro. You turned at the sound of the door opening. You smiled.
Sachiko moved to stand in front of you. She bowed to you. “Thank you for everything Ms Y/N.”
You chuckled waving a hand down. “It’s no problem, sugar.” Surprising you, Sachiko moved in for a hug, which you happily took up. You held her tight in your arms, squishing her with a light laugh. Eijiro stood watching with a smile on his face, finding the action cute. You let go of Sachiko. “Don’t worry about maths homework. I told your teacher and he said he’ll have you catch up in class tomorrow.”
“Thank you!”
You hummed with a smile. Eijiro smiled with a grateful nod. “Thank you for taking care of my girl.” He spoke sincerely.
“It’s a pleasure, sir.” You bowed. “Now, excuse me but I need to prepare for my next class. Sachi you can show your father the way out, right?”
She nodded her head dutiful. “Yes, ma’am.” With a wave to you, the two of them left you alone in your class.
Ever since then, Eijiro couldn’t really get you out of his head. The cute, nice teacher that his daughter seemed to really like. He couldn’t blame her. You were really pretty and he couldn’t stop about how soft you seemed. Eijiro half thought himself a creep for crushing on you. You were ten years his junior for goodness sake. And yet... that didn’t stop his thoughts.
It sure also didn’t help that close to two weeks later there was the Parents Association meeting at school and you were there too. He was shocked to find you there.
Eijiro stood talked to the head of the PA, discussing the next fundraising event for the school when something caught his eye. He glanced to the side and saw you. You stood with another parent, having a rolling bag beside you as you spoke leisurely with a kind demeanour. Once again you were somehow dressed modestly and yet you were so eye-catching. Eijiro could barely focus on what he was in a conversation about.
“Yes, I think if we can raise about 10% more than last year-” You bowed your head to the parent and gave her a wave before moving towards the exit of the school building. Suddenly Eijiro felt rushed for time. “Right. Of course, well lets talk more about it over email. I’ll see you soon.” Eijiro said his goodbyes and tried not to act as if he was running towards the exit after you.
You stood outside, the sky already dark as you looked around for a moment, almost thinking about what you were to do now. Eijiro paused somewhere behind you, trying to get the balls to approach you right now. He let out a breath and stepped forward closer to you. “Ms Y/N.”
You turned to look at him, wide eyes staying on him. You smiled and Eijiro thought he would trip over his entire being. “Mr Kirishima, good evening.” You bowed over to him, standing pretty in your short, heeled shoes.
“I didn’t know you were part of the PA.” He started as he moved closer to you, his hands in his pockets.
You paused before chuckling. “I’m not. I was just working late. I really do want to attend but it often inconveniences me in travel, like right now.” You expressed with a sigh as you looked away from him for a moment.
Eijiro raised as eyebrow. “What’s wrong?” He asked.
You turned to him, noticing the concern in his ruby eyes. His eyebrows furrowed as he looked down at you. You shook your head with a soft smile. “Nothing, it’s just that I have to get an uber to take me back home. That or I get to the bus stop, but I think the buses have stopped for the day.” You spoke as you took out your phone to check the schedule again.
Eijiro fished out his keys, unlocking his car. The huge Ford track flashed up to life, making itself known in the dark parking lot with a low rumble. “Come, I’ll drop you home.” He spoke as he took your bag for you and started making his way to his Ford Raptor.
Your eyes widened at the action and you quickly scurried after him. “It’s alright, sir. I’m okay. I can travel home myself.” You tried assuring him.
Eijiro waved a hand down. “It’s okay. What type of man would I be if I let you go home without making sure you were safe?” He asked rhetorically.
He moved to put your bag inside the back seat leaving you to stand beside his truck in surprise. The vehicle looked extremely expensive. A bit too expensive for your standards. You weren’t surprised though. This wasn’t just any private school you worked for. The parents here were wealthy with enough connections to the government to keep the media out of the face of the school. You weren’t surprised at all and yet you still felt flustered at the sight. Eijiro closed the back door and walked over to you. He opened the door for you, offering a hand to help you into the large Ford that was much too big for you to get into normally.
You chuckled. “Thank you.”  You took his hand, his large warm hand that was more gentle than it seemed, so certain in helping you. You slid inside, allowing him to close the door after you. As he closed the door, you took out your phone and texted your best friend who also was your roommate. You sent her your live location. Rather be safe than be sorry.
Eijiro got into the driver’s seats easily without a second of difficulty. He started up the engine and easily started to ease his way out of the parking lot. “You’ve got someone waiting for you at home?” He asked you as he focused on getting out of the school parking manoeuvring his larger than life car that suited him come to think of it.
You nodded your head. “Yes. My best friend Melissa.” You informed him.
“I want you to send her your location, also punch in your address into the GPS.” You looked to him in surprise that he would suggest it. He glanced at you and smirked in amusement. “I’m not going to kidnap you, but you can’t always trust people instantly.” He reminded you. “I’d want my daughter to do the same thing the moment she’s allowed to travel by herself.”
You were a bit surprised that he was thinking about your safety, and to be honest it made your face feel hot. You nodded your head. “I already did.”
“Good girl.” He spoke. You froze at the praise, trying to fight the heat to your face as you tried to focus on anything else. You watched him easily drive like it was second nature out of the school. He kept one hand on the steering wheel at all times, his sleeves pushed up to his elbow, exposing his forearm to you. “So… how was school?”
You couldn’t help but laugh at the question. The sound of your laughter made him grin at the cheesy question. “It was fine.” You informed him honestly. “Have to grade some papers so it might be an even later night for me, but that’s alright.” You told him. You turned to look at him. “How was your day?”
He shrugged. “Boring work stuff.”
“Well, I’d love to hear about your boring work stuff.” You told him genuinely, looking at him.
Eijiro glanced at you unsure but let out an amused scoff. “I had to secure a sale of some products that we’re dealing with. That went surprisingly well. I was expecting more of some difficulty.” He expressed to you.
“Really? That’s great news. What products do you deal with?” You asked him, interested in more than you were just told about him.
Eijiro hesitated. Now it wasn’t that he wanted to lie to you, it was just that he had been through enough situations to know to be cautious about talking about what he did when especially since you didn’t know what he dealt with. It was a bit relieving actually. “Just raw materials.” He told you rather casually.
“Did you always want to go into business?” You asked him casually.
Eijiro slowed down as the two of you hit a red light. “Not really.” He told you honestly. “To be honest, I didn’t think myself as much of a corporate guy. Did you always want to be a teacher?”
You nodded your head. “It’s a calling. You have to do it if you have a calling, the else there’s no point.” You told him, truthfully with a fond smile on your face. “I like the thought of making an impact in someone’s life, even if it’s just for a short time. There’s so much more to teaching than just a syllabus. There’s caring for a child and ensuring their welfare and that they are able to learn in a productive and safe atmosphere. I just love the job cause I get to be surrounded by things I love.”
“Like maths?”
You couldn’t help but laugh at that. “You and your daughter are just the same.” You pointed out. “You really need to stop that mindset of you can’t do maths. It’s affecting her.”
Eijiro shrugged almost as if he couldn’t help it. “Kirishimas can’t do maths. I mean, we multiply pretty well but-” You gasped as you looked at him shocked. That made him laugh at your expression as he continued on forward. “It’s true. I have nine sisters, there’s ten of us in total.”
“You’re the only boy?” You asked with furrowed eyebrows in shock.
“That’s what shocks you?” He asked amusedly. “Not the ten kids?”
“Families come in all shapes and sizes.” That made him chuckle, but he nodded his head to your reasoning. “So what did you want to do if you didn’t want to go into corporate?” You asked raising an eyebrow.
Eijiro sighed at the question. He glanced at you, flexing his thick fingers. “Don’t laugh.” Automatically a smirk pulled to your face making him grumble. He let out a sigh as he decided to say it. “I wanted to start a gym.”
“Really?” You asked with a disbelieve chuckle. However, it made sense to you especially with how fit he seemed. His body was built like a brick house, showing he must be strict when it comes to his work out regime. “Why didn’t you?” You raised an eyebrow.
The dark-haired man beside you let out a breath as he dragged a hand through his hair, moving to the left. “I had just graduated with my business undergrad when Sachi was born. I could have followed my dreams, but dreams aren’t certain. My parents own the business I currently work for and my sisters also worked for them too. I wanted to ensure that Sachi got every opportunity and every single fund possible to ensure that should anything happen to me, she had it. Dreams might make me happy, but it might not ensure her happiness.”
You watched his face carefully. Worry lines on his face and yet you saw the phantom smiles as well. It was clear that he worried about his daughter a lot, that he was dead set on ensuring a future for her and yet he seemed to also love every second of that journey. Almost as if nothing, not even his dreams would come in the way of how important his daughter was to him.
You couldn’t help but have an adoring smile on your face at the sight of it. Eijiro glanced at you, his eyebrows raised in surprise at the look on your face. You hummed. “You’re a good father, Mr Kirishima.” You expressed, your voice gentle. “Sachi’s very lucky to have you.”
He paused for a second before letting out a gentle scoff. “Actually… I’m lucky to have her.” He took a moment before clearing his throat. “So when you aren’t teaching what do you do?”
Talking to Eijiro was almost as easy as breathing. He made it so easy almost as if you weren’t talking to someone you barely knew. It was almost as if you were talking to a friend. Sooner than you had hoped, you had arrived at your apartment building.
Eijiro peered up at the building. It wasn’t in the safest part of town but it was good enough that he wasn’t too concerned about you and your safety. He moved to exit the car, you tried pushing open the big heavy door. By the time you opened the door, Eijiro pulled it open the entire way, offering you a hand out. You gratefully took it, standing on your own two feet. He got your bag out for you which you were very much happy to receive.
“Thank you so much, Mr Kirishima. You’ve saved me and my pocket a bunch.” You spoke sincerely with a bow at the hip. “I don’t know how I could repay you.”
Eijiro shrugged keeping his hands in his pockets. “Give me your number.” It was a simple statement, closer to a demand than a statement but it still made your heart stop for a moment.
You raised an eyebrow with a smirk. You stepped closer to him, keeping your hands in front of you as you stared up at him, doe eyes in tow. “Rather demanding now, aren’t we? What do you want to do with it?”
“I want to talk to you some more.”
Eijiro’s ruby eyes never left your form, his heated gaze slowly moving up your figure making the pit of your stomach twist and burn in need. He let out a breath and smirked. “I know what I want.” He answered simply. “And you’ve intrigued me.” He took his phone out and handed it to you.
You looked up at him, not breaking eye contact, you took his phone. You focused on punching in your number before handing it to him. You looked him over before letting out a hum. You took the handle of your bag and turned to leave. You gave him a small wave. “Good night, Mr Kirishima.” You spoke simply, leaving him for the night.
It was late when you finally decided to wrap up marking for the night. You were tired and also way too drained to continue. The numbers were starting to look like sentences, and you saw that as time for bed. When you had just got yourself cosy in the covers that’s when you noticed the notification on your phone.
Eijiro: Hope you got up to your apartment safe.
You couldn’t help but start grinning like an idiot as you shot him a reply back.
You: The stairs gave me a bit of trouble, but don’t worry, I got them handled.
Eijiro: Careful now, never say never.
Eijiro: They trip you up when you least expect it.
You tried to bite back your giggles at the cringey dad joke, a voice at the back of your head telling you that you wouldn’t sleep tonight.
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noneorother · 7 months
I went dumpster diving into the posters for Good Omens Season 2 and found a few pearls.
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I found it odd that this season had SO MANY official posters. Hours and hours of work and real dollars from Amazon went into the production of these things. This one won a freakin Clio award. I know Neil confirmed he didn't have a lot of control of what went into these 21 (Or 22 depending on whether or not you count the umbrella piece that was made before season 2 shooting began. Personally I don't!) pieces, but I will leave no stone unturned, so here we go. I combed through every single season 2 poster I could find so you don't have to. Here's everything I've found so far:
1. The allegiances poster
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After having watched season 2, knowing what we know now, this poster seems very much to me like a Game of Thrones style family at war image. We have a perfect mirror down the center, with Aziraphale/Angels/Nina&Maggie on Aziraphale's traditional left side, and Crowley with Beelzebub & Jim as reflections of Maggie/Nina, and Shax and Michael(?) as reflections of the three angels on the other side of the mirror. It seems unbalanced, unless you count the floating white head (conveniently watching in the background) as The Metatron...
Which means Michael is... not on the same side as Uriel and Saraqael? She's also grouped in with the Metatron and Shax, on the side of the demons. How very odd. Gabriel & Nina also have a mirror in that they've both turned their backs to the crowd. Gabriel is willing to go live with Beelzebub in hell, and shut down Michael's plan and the Metatron's scheming for a second Armageddon, so that literal turn towards Beez and away from everyone else makes sense to me. The Nina one however? Not so much from what we've seen. Why is she turning her back on the angels & demons? 2. The individual posters
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Interestingly, the individual posters all line up pretty much exactly with the all the allegiances this season. You just have to look at the way the characters are slanted vs. how the backgrounds behind them are slanted. All 3 bookshop posters and all 3 street posters are slanting left, with their characters also slanting left. They are who they say they are, and they're on the same side.
Michael and Uriel have right slanting backgrounds, so odds are heaven is supposed to slant right. Uriel is following the rules and slanting right, but of all the characters on the posters, Michael is the only one really betraying the background slant, and is slanting left against her background. Something's up with Micahel. They're not on the same side as they claim to be. Saraqael is more mysterious, as the only one sitting straight, and the only angel to have a left slanting background. Shax seems to be slanting left with a left slanting background, which puts her in the same pose as Uriel, but mirrored. While Beelzebub is weirdly slanting right with a right slanting background, making them a bit of a traitor, like Michael. Shax, Saraqael and Michael have some explaining to do. Lastly, and I think mostly obviously, there's clearly a missing poster in the set. Why doesn't hell have a third green poster? Is it supposed to be the Metatron, and they didn't want to spoil the surprise? Furfur maybe? Why wouldn't poor old Furfur get a poster when he has more screen time than Uriel? I don't think this is very important other than it's funny : everyone single person is holding something in their right hand, except for Shax and Crowley, who are holding things in their left hands, and Muriel, who's holding fucking NOTHING. Poor baby Muriel lolsob. One thing I do think might be important is that there are 21 posters in total + 1 missing one. So maybe 22 posters for season 2? How appropriate. 3. The triple phone box
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In both the Nina street poster and the group street poster, there's are a set of 3 red phone boxes down the street. We never see phone boxes in series 2. Seriously, not once. Every other detail in these ones is from Whickeber street footage: gumball machine, post box, newspapers, coffee sign, puddle, walking extras... The only thing out of place is those blasted phone boxes. As far as I can tell it's literally the only thing in all 21 posters that never appears in the show in some form, and this background plate is used for all the street posters, so the phone boxes are in quite a few of them.
4. Crowley is showing his good side, Aziraphale is always facing away from Crowley.
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Crowley is always shown with his head tilted to his right this season, body tilted towards Aziraphale and always with long sideburns. Even in the illustrated poster his default is head to the right, sideburns long.
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EXCEPT for this poster. This is the only time he's looking away from Aziraphale, and his snake tattoo is visible. And his sideburns are short. Either nobody noticed this or they refused to fix it. There's also the matter of Aziraphale facing his body away from Crowley in every single image except the allegiances poster, where they face each other. So cute.
5. The sneaky details posters
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This one has: 1. Pride & Prejudice 2. Treasure Island 3. A tale of two cities 4. The Crow Road 5. Catch-22 9.
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AND whatever the hell this photoshop artifact/invisible thing coming out of the scroll on Aziraphale's desk. I checked every version I could find of this poster and it's always there. It looks like someone tried to edit out something that was there and sort of got it mostly right. Which is completely ludicrous given the amazing amount of flawless photoshopping and collaging going on in this image. These are the magicians linking rings from the 1941 magic shop. Mystery solved!
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This one has the yellow book on the bookstand, the record, and : 1. Only one clock hand on the grandfather clock, facing 6. 2. A feather duster on the floor (but weirdly it's grey not yellow). 3. The dark horse statue with Crowley's old sunglasses on it. 4. Aziraphale's bowtie ON THE FLOOR. What. Why. I can only conclude that in this poster either A) Aziraphale and Crowley have left these things behind (meaning no more bowtie for Aziraphale in season 3) B) They are currently not wearing these items somewhere else in the bookshop....
_____________________________________ I ran out of images. So the dome poster will have to be it's own post!
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mopopshop · 20 days
Can you do Emily and reader doing those cute couple TikTok’s?
Emily X Reader Couple Tiktok’s
emily doesn’t like making tiktok’s but she’ll do them for you
refuses to do the dances tho����
you’ll do little grwm’s and emily will poke her head in any chance she gets bcs she doesn’t need ur followers thinking ur single (even though you never shut up about her)
outfit transition tiktok’s like this one
doing the “saying my gfs favorite words” trend on her LMAO example
“my gf does my makeup voice over” trend 
You had filmed a tiktok of you doing your makeup and wanted Emily to try that voiceover trend, the two of you were sitting next to each other as she held your phone. You’d opted to sit next to her while she did it just to help out some.
“Alright so she wants me to do her voiceover for this get ready with me thing, so first she’s gonna put a headband on to keep her hair out of her face”
“Starting off she’s putting on.. moisturizer? Skincare?” She turns to you with a chuckle “I’m already fuckin confused” 
“It’s primer babe” you smile 
“Primer, right right. She’s rubbing the primer on her face, next step is brows so she’s taking a little baby brush and combining through those thick ass eyebrows of hers” she laughs again and you scoff smacking the side of her head.
“Then she’s taking fou-foundation?” Emily turns to you again to double check and you nod approvingly “Okay wait period, ate that up. Anyways she puts that stuff on then blends it with a blender. Remember to beat the fuck out of your face with it, key step” you burst out laughing from beside her as she talks into the phone.
“Then concealer, I know that one for sure for sure, and puts it under her eyes and on her chin, remembering to punch herself in the face with that sponge thingy”
“Okay next is this um? brown… cream.. thing” 
you whisper to her “Contour”
“C-Contour and she puts it on her nose and cheeks to you know.. accentuate the lower part of her face. Did that sound smart?” she looks at you again for assurance.
“Not even close Em but keep going��� You continue to laugh, as you haven’t stopped since you started filming.
“Now for some white powder and she’s just gonna pat that all over her face until she looks like a pretty little powdered donut”
“Then we brush it all off and put on blush. Look at her lookin all cute y’all, with the pink cheeks” She literally smiles at the phone 
“Now for mascara, the only thing I actually use and then she’s gonna take this… overpriced spray bottle-“ 
You elbow her to whisper out “setting spray”
“Oh excuse me,” she says sarcastically, laughing “setting spray and to finish everything off she puts some lip gloss. That’s all and she looks fine as fuck with or without it so don’t be in my girls comments trying some slick-“
You quickly take the phone from her, shoving her arm and finish the video “bye everyone!” and you click out of the voiceover tab.
she lets you do that one coquette trend where you tie a bow around her bicep and she flexes😭😭she’s very shy and  embarrassed by it btw 
comments begging her to make her own acc 
when will emily make her own acc🙏🙏🙏🙏
ynaccount replied
“i’m never doing that shit” direct quote from emily herself 
doing the “spin 15 times then try to kiss” trend
there’s multiple videos like this on your page cus ur a certified horndog 🙏🏾🙏🏾
this one’s so cute too omg
comment’s definitely are filled w ppl being “jealous” of y’all’s relationship 
the way she looks at you MY GODDD 
parting my hair w a chainsaw ❤️
so me and who
so many tiktok’s of emily just chilling under your shirt 
showing off ootd’s together but she’ll literally stand in front of you if you turn around cus ain’t nobody need to see your ass but her LMAO
this is so her
you guys do the “your spinning me around, my feet are off the ground” trend and that’s the ONLY “tiktok dance” she’ll do
WILL respond to ppl who thirst over you in her comments 
please don’t hate there’s so many links in this one bcs i wanted y’all to have like visual representations of what i’m saying 😭
also couldn’t decide between a fic or headcannons so i tried to do both, snuck a lil drabble in there
and lastly this might be my favorite one out of all the ones i’ve done so, very proud of it and hope you enjoy!🫶🏾
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kyleoreillylover · 8 months
𝙋𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙙 𝙤𝙛 𝙮𝙤𝙪 ♡
Rhea Ripley x Dominik Mysterio x Fem!Reader
Summary: You lose your NXT Women’s title, and Rhea and Dom are here to pick up the pieces.
Warnings: Cursing, typical wrestling violence, anger, etc.
Word Count: 3,138
A/N: We all saw what happened on Raw, so I just wrote this as a lil comfort fic for myself. Hope you enjoy!
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You shut your eyes as you held your side, trying to block out the sound of Becky Lynch’s music playing in the air, trying to ignore her standing over you, a smirk on her face as she held your title. That was yours! You were so close to winning, so close to putting Becky away and making her eat her words that she’d been spewing for the past few weeks, make her regret her stupidity by making this match an Extreme Rules match.
Just a couple minutes ago, both of you were fighting, and you wee bruised and beaten, blood gushing from your face. Becky wasn’t doing much better, her arm bleeding and her elbow was fractured early through the match when you hit it with a crowbar. You were fighting in the crowd, beating the absolute hell put of each other with kendo sticks and anything you can get your hands on.
You tried to fling the kendo stick at her again, but she dodged it, and it clattered onto the floor. Your eyes widened at the angry look she was giving you; like this was the beginning of the end and you knew if you wanted any chance at winning you needed to stay away from her direct line of fire.
You bolted down the stairs, taunting her to follow you and she gave into the bait, hurrying right behind you as the crowd got louder with anticipation, wanting her to beat your ass.
You rolled into the ring, maneuvering over the chairs sprawled out but you didn’t get very far because she punched you from behind, taking you down with hit after hit after hit, her anger consuming her as she beat you into the canvas. You laid there limp, your mind hazy until she got you to your feet, trying to set you up for the manhandle slam.
You panicked, pushing her away and kicking at her elbow to make some room between the two of you. She fell to the floor, yelling out in pain. You spotted your title next to you, still in the ring from when you tried to hit her with it before. You saw Becky starting to get up, and you knew it was now or never.
You slammed the title against her face the minute she stood up, following that up with a ddt on the chairs. She was knocked out, and you smirked as you went on top of her for the cover, ready to finally prove to her that you were the better women.
“1... 2... 3-” The ref was about to slam the mat for the three count when you felt yourself getting dragged out the ring. Your groaned when your body hit the floor hard, but anger overtook the pain. You had her beat!! Who the fuck did that?!
You got your answer when you looked up and saw no one other than Tiffany Stratton standing over you, a smirk on her face as she stared you down. “That is supposed to be my title!” She screamed at you, her high pitched voice grating on your ears. “It was supposed to be Me vs you! But you chose Becky, and now you’re gonna pay bitch.”
You stood up, making your way to her with the nastiest glare she’d ever seen on your face. “Don’t blame me because your an untalented blonde bitch who can’t wrestle to save her life!” Tiffany took a step back but it was too late, you punched the taste out of her mouth. She fell to the floor, clutching her cheek as she tried to get away from you. Clearly she didn’t think this through.
“Now you’re gonna pay, bitch!” You yelled at her, enjoying the look of fear on her face as you stalked her. She bolted for the ring, and you chased after her.
You were right on her heels, running into the ring determined to beat her plastic face in when you ran right into a steel chair striking you square in the face, sending a jolt of pain surging through your skull.
Your vision blurred for a moment as you stumbled backward, clutching your throbbing cheek. Becky had a wicked smirk on her face as you collapsed to the floor, the taste of blood lingering in your mouth. You had no strength left to defend yourself as she hit you on the head, in the ribs, anywhere she could get the chair on you, over and over again. Eventually she lifted you up, hitting the manhandle slam on you onto of the steel chairs.
You groaned when your back made contact with the chairs, barely able to see through the haze of pain as Becky covered you for the three-count, the cheers and boos of the crowd sounding like a distant echo. The referee's hand slapped the mat, and your heart dropped when you heard the bell ring.
You lost. Everything you've worked so hard for, everything you've wanted for so long, slipped through your hands in three seconds.
Three. Fucking. Seconds. The number repeated in your head over and over again as you left the ring, storming backstage. It's where Dominik found you, pushing past wrestlers and crew members yelling at the ones who gave you pitying looks. "What are you looking at?" You screamed at a screen tech, who froze in fear as you pushed past him.
"Baby!" He yelled, trying to get your attention. You heard him but you didn't turn to him, you couldn't bear to look at him and the look of disappointment and anger he would be wearing on his face. Why wouldn't he be disappointed in you? You just lost in the fucking main event to one of your biggest enemies, and now your title is in her dirty little hands. He was probably disgusted with you right now. And Rhea. God, Rhea was probably repulsed by you right now. You ignored him calling you and quickly made your way to the Judgment Day locker room.
Your fists clenched, and you threw anything within reach—chairs, bags, water bottles—across the room, all while cursing loudly. The sound of your frustration reverberated off the walls, and the locker room atmosphere grew tense. "Fuck!" you shouted, sending a chair flying across the locker room. "This should have been mine! I had her!"
"Mi vida, it's okay! You did your best," Dom finally found you and walked in, trying to console you, his voice gentle, but you whirled around, your eyes blazing with anger. "Okay?! Did you see what just happened out there? I lost! I let everyone down!" Your voice trembled with frustration and regret.
"You didn't let anyone down, mi amor! Especially not me!-"
"Stop lying Dom!" You spat at him, throwing another bag at the wall. "I fucked up, now you and Rhea can go leave me now that I don't have a title. So stop acting like you care!"
Dominik walked closer to you, eyebrows furrowed at your words. "I'm not fucking lying! I don't know who the hell told you this shit, but Rhea and I would never leave you, title or no title." He grabbed your hand before you could throw another bag, ignoring your glare and wrapping his arms around you. "Let go, Dominik!"
"You need to calm down, mi corazon!"
"You should listen to him." The two of you stopped arguing and looked in the direction of the voice. JD Mcdonagh was standing in front of the door, giving the both of you a wry smile.
"Excuse me?!" You asked him with a scowl. Who gave him the audacity to interrupt a clearly private moment between you and Dom?? Dominik tightened his arm around you, giving you a warning glance that you ignored. JD was either oblivious to your attitude to chose to ignore it, acting like he heard nothing from you.
"What do you want JD? We're busy here." Dominik asked with an exasperated sigh.
"I saw what happened out there love."
"So did thousands of fans here and at home. What's. Your. Point." You questioned him, your piercing stare making JD falter for a second before he continued again, and Dominik prayed he didn't say anything stupid. JD already had Priest almost beat him up, he didn't wanna add you to the list.
“I just wanted to tell you have nothing to be ashamed of, honestly." He walked closer to you, a sympathetic look on his face. "And that it's okay, everyone loses sometimes. Some more than others, but not everyone is good enough to win all the time," he said, and Dom facepalmed internally. He might've been Finn's friend, but god was he dumb as shit. Dominik knew this wouldn't end well.
You went silent for a moment, narrowing your eyes at him and removing yourself from Dominik so he didn't get hurt before you hurled a table across the room and advanced on JD, shoving him against the wall.
J.D. tried to stutter out an apology, but your angry glare cut him off. "Mind your own business!" you spat, your voice dripping with venom. "Stop getting in my business! Stop acting like you're a part of Judgment Day! You never will be, you short piece of—"
“Baby, calm down!” Dom stopped you, trying to hold you back before you killed JD. "Calm down, amor.” Dom urged, his voice soft but firm.
You glared at JD for a moment longer before finally letting him go and taking a deep breath, your anger wavering and the sadness you had been trying to ignore consuming your mind. Dom noticed the change in your demeanor and gently put his hand on your face, his fingers grazing your cheek. You looked up at him, and for a moment, all the anger and frustration melted away as you met Dominik's caring gaze. He wiped away a tear that had escaped your eye and whispered, "It's gonna be okay, mi vida. We're here for you, no matter what."
But you turned away, unable to accept his comfort just yet. You didn't deserve it. "I don't want to hear it, Dom," you muttered, your voice choked with disappointment. "I lost. That's all there is to it."
Dominik sighed, his heart aching for you. He knew you were taking this loss hard, and there was nothing he could say to make it better. But he couldn't stand seeing you like this. "I'm proud of you, you know," he said softly, his hand gently turning your face back toward him.
You shook your head, tears threatening to spill over again. "Don't, Dom. Please."
He gave you a disappointed sigh, but he didn't push you any further. "Come on, I'll wait out here, you grab your stuff and we'll go," he said, wanting to do nothing more than wrap you in his arms and take all your sadness away from you. You nodded, and he made his way out of the room while you got your stuff. He quickly pulled out his phone, texting Rhea, who was back at the hotel.
Rhea<3 Were gonna be at the hotel soon, mami. How bad is it, baby? I saw it on the TV. She didn't look okay. It's bad. She's not doing too good. Physically or mentally?
Both, but mostly mentally. I've never seen here like this. She's about to come out the locker room, see you later mami. I'm gonna kill both of those stupid pricks for hurting her. Drive safe, baby <3
You slid out the room, your bag in hand and a look Dominik couldn't read on your face. "You ready?" He asked, grabbing your bag from you. You nodded, and he wrapped his arm around your shoulder, guiding you out of the room.
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The drive was mostly silent, with you staring out the window, lost in your thoughts, and Dom stealing worried glances at you.
When you finally arrived at the hotel, you both entered the elevator in silence. You felt Dominiks stare burning a whole through your skin, but you couldn't bring yourself to meet his eyes. You felt like you had let everyone down, especially Rhea. She had been your biggest supporter, and now you had lost the title she had helped you fight for.
The elevator doors opened, and you both made your way to your room. You hesitated for a moment in front of the door, not sure how to face Rhea. But Dom encouraged you to go in first, his hand on the small of your back leading you into the room. As you entered the hotel room, you were met with the sight of Rhea sitting on the couch, her eyes filled with worry. "Baby, are you okay?" Rhea rushed up to you, concern etched on her face. She reached out to check on your injuries, but you pulled away, unable to meet her eyes.
"Leave me alone, Rhea," you muttered, heading toward the bedroom, trying to avoid her touch and gaze. You were sure she was disappointed in you, and it hurt too much to face it.
Rhea followed you, eyes never leaving you as you avoided her gaze, "I know you're probably hating me right now," you muttered, your voice trembling. "You and Dom must be so disappointed. Just break up with me already; I know you want to."
Rhea's face fell, and she motioned for you to sit next to her. You hesitated but eventually sat down when she gave you the look that meant she wasn't playing around. She pulled you into her lap, wrapping her arms around you tightly. She examined the bruises on your face, her fingers gently tracing the marks. "That's not true," she whispered, her voice filled with a softness that few people heard her speak with. "I could never hate you, and we could never leave you, not for something like this. I love you, and I always will."
"I lost, Rhea. I lost the title," you mumbled against her skin, feeling defeated.
Rhea tilted your chin up, forcing you to look into her eyes. "And you'll win it back. I'm not mad at you, love. You did your best. It took two of those bitches to put you down." She stroked your cheek, her anger rising looking at the bruises on your beautiful skin. " I'm angry at Becky and Tiffany, and I promise you, I'll deal with them. But I couldn't never be mad at you, baby."
"But I-"
"No buts." Rhea cut you off, giving you a serious look and tightened her grip around you. "It's not your fucking fault, you hear me?" You nodded, but she shook her head at your action. "I need to hear words, love."
"It's...not my fault." Rhea knew you were still hurting and trying your best, so she didn't push you for more. She gave you a kiss on the cheek and glanced over at Dominik. The two shared a look, communicating without a word. Dominik quickly got up to your side and helped you up. "C'mon hermosa, you'll feel better with a bath. You wanna walk or you want me to carry you?" You didn't say anything, just walked into his arms, making the both of them chuckle as Dominik carried you to the bathroom, his strong arms making you feel safe.
He filled the tub with warm water and returned to help you undress, gently tending to your wounds and bruises. The warm water eased the pain, and you let out a sigh of relief as you sat down. As you soaked in the warm water, Dominik joined you, sitting behind you and gently massaging your shoulders to help ease the tension in your body.
Dominik carried you to the bed afterward, making sure you were comfortable. Rhea joined you on the bed, her fingers expertly massaging your tense muscles. You closed your eyes, feeling the tension slowly melt away under her touch.
"Go to sleep love. We'll be here when you wake up." Rhea whispered to you, stroking your back. You hummed back as answer, and Dominik smiled at your tired state and kissed your forehead. You smiled at the gesture and relaxed into Rhea's arms as you slowly went to sleep.
Rhea gently brought you into the covers, trying to not wake you as she tucked you into the bed. She made sure you were completely asleep before turning to Dominik, her voice changing from sweet to threatening. "I am going to kill Priest."
"Don't mami me. Your injured. Finn's injured. He was supposed to be there for her. I told him to have her back, and he failed." Rhea hissed out, standing up and clenching her fists. She gave him one job, and he couldn't even do it. Didn't even show up. How pathetic.
Dom was quick to sit Rhea back down, trying to calm her anger down. "I know you're mad mami, I'm pissed off too. He left her hanging."
Dom held his hands out, and Rhea immediately slipped her hands in his slightly larger ones. He brought them to his lips and kissed them, relishing in the small smile Rhea gave him. "I know you want to deal with him, but please, for her sake... wait until Raw." 
Rhea sighed, looking away and biting her lip in thought. Dom grabbed her face, gently turning her back to him, meeting her eyes.
She gave him a resigned look and nodded at him. "Fine. You're right, Dom Dom. I don't want to overwhelm her." She turned to you, staring at you sleeping peacefully, looking like every bit of the angel that you are. "But Monday, I'm putting him in his place, and you can't stop me. Got that?" Dom nodded, knowing he couldn't fight her on this even if he tried. Once she wanted to do something, she'd do it no matter what.
"You can deal with him, but you need to get some sleep first, mami." She nodded at him, getting up and going to the bathroom to change into her pajamas. She came back to the sight of Dominik already in his pajamas, sleeping soundly and cuddling into you. She smiled at the both of you before slipping into the bed as well onto your other side. She laughed when you immediately pulled her into you, Dominik stretching out his long legs and throwing it around both of your waists. She cuddled up to you as well, stroking your cheek as she watched the rise and fall of your chest.
Her anger rose as she looked over your bruises and your face swelling at all the hits you took. She forced herself to calm down for you and Dom, grounding herself by caressing your skin. She'd let sleep overtake her later, but as she looked at you, she promised herself one thing.
Everyone who hurt you was gonna pay.
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majimemegoro · 6 months
Kamurocho dashboard simulator
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🏵 tojoc0re Follow
nishiki was 27 years old???
🏵 tojoc0re Follow
he shouldnt have been made a patriarch the dragon of dojima would of been better at it :/
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📸 daily-mac-photos Follow
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#kamurocho #tokyo #tenkaichi street #japan landscapes #photographers of japan #travel #cyberpunk #not as zesty as my usual subject matter but #lmao pls reblog this i almost got beat up by color gang members taking this photo
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🦢 chinpiraposting Follow
my hungry ass can't be left alone with staminam x i suck those bad boys down like juice
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🚲 wackycyclist Follow
#the entitlement i see on this site sometimes is disgusting #y'all will just post about having easy access to bicycles??? #some of us had our bicycles wrecked in fights??? #vent #do not rb
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🗡 koinodiscoqueen Follow
I've talked a lot about this already on this blog, but I want to have everything collected in one post so next time some dipshit with a hannya hand icon slides into my inbox to call me a liar I can just link to this post. tl;dr shimano futoshi made my cousin feel realy unsafe while she was shaving his head, and here are the receipts:
Keep reading
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🚡 matsushigeboss-deactivated30190547
fr we need to stop letting twunks be in charge of anything
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🍜 i<3kazama Follow
i stg if one more of you tells me the old yakuza way is dying I KNOW ALREADY shut UP
#feel like pure shit just want cold noodles
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📖 kamuroscamwatch Follow
today's scam: Aha water (again)
Was walking down pink street when I got stopped by a barker who promised that all my problems could be solved..., long story short, anyone remember Aha water from the 80s? Well, they rebranded as AHA water (subtle, I know) and they''re back at it. I stalked the people who make it and they literally collected puddle water from the champion district to put in the concoction. I didn't really feel well after drinking it, but the overall experience was good because they totally tapped into that nostalgia. Overall a really solid scam. Stay safe out there kamurocho.
4/5 stars
#scamblr #aha water #1980s #scams #scam rating #safety #scam review
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👺 hannya69 Follow
batting center is a normal place to get nastay in reblog if u agree
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🚗 thepocketcricuitfighter Follow
Does anyone here still play pocket circuit? :)
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📈 reglarsalaryman Follow
wtf this guy just ripped off his shirt in the street and started whaling on some guys?? everyone else started clapping and cheering and I just went along with it lmao 😅 am I missing something????
#this is right after he sang a song and saved a couple from jumping off a building #he was glowing too.... #average night in kamurocho
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🐛 majimaunderlingbaddiebracket Follow
🔘 shinji-deactivated30190303
here y'all go again pitting two bad bitches against each other
🌀 jingusforehead Follow
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🌊 thugbaby Follow
everyone who voted minami is an arson apologist #nishidasweep
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🔥 businessboi Follow
fuck my job so much. everyone manifest an attack on millennium tower so I can go home.
🔥 businessboi Follow
by talos this can't be happening
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justmystical · 3 months
The Forgotten-2
Pairing: Lucifer X Butterfly!fem!reader
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel x Star vs the forces of evil
Warnings: this takes place before Season 1, Alternative Universe,
One| Two |Three |Navigation
A few months has passed since you met a man under a tree, now knowing his name as Lucifer Morningstar. You instantly became friends with him because of some shared interest.
You always sneak out of the Castle because of this.Loving spending time with your new friend.
Always meeting up under the Apple tree and tell stories about your day. Well sometimes there were day's he didn't show up and you never questioned it , after all he didn't say anything about his life and you didn't tell about yours. Only about neutral things.
Another days ,you just got back from the Earth Dimension and still no sign of your Beloved friend Lucifer.
You sighed
"Princess (Name) Butterfly!" You heard someone call out , you turned around to see Glossaryck and felt sweat drip down on your face.
"hey Glossaryck"you smiled awkwardly and did gunfingers to him. You didn't attend your lessons today and ran away to meet up with Lucifer unfortunately he wasn't there.
"running away are we Your Highness? learning magic is important as Princess of Mewni blah blah"he said but the end you felt your ears shut down to see your sister and you heard Glossaryck sigh
"Eclipsa!"you said running and waving hand to her as Glossaryck,She smiled when she spotted you.
"hello (Name)"You smile faltered, Your sister doesn't call you by your name,only your Nickname that was given to you by your Father.
"My Queen"Glossaryck bowed
"ahh Glossaryck can you give some privacy for a moment?"he looked at you with hesitation "Don't worry Glossaryck I won't run off somewhere " you explained and he sighed but nodded.
As Glossaryck left ,you and your sister were alone in the hallway.
"ok,tell me what got you down?"you saw a her having an inner battle in her head.
"what do you mean (Name)?"she asked faking her confusion.
"Eclipse, I'm your Little sister and one of your closest friends . infact your only friend so , i know when something upsets you" You told her and she bit her lip. You waited patiently for answer.
"well umm , it's just that..."she hesitated "as you know our family has the tradition to pass the wand down to an heir and-"
"YOUR PREGNANT?!?"You cut her off and saw her laughed.
"heaven's no! But the people were wondering when will there be introduce to another Princess in the Palace..."
"A new heir...?"you questioned
"wait with Shastacan?"you saw her face pale.
"well who else would be..."
"uhh, he's such a narcissist!" You ranted about how bad her Husband is and Eclipsa face grew paler than before.
You noticed this and stopped "Sorry Eclipse..."you felt bad for her she didn't even want to marry Shastacan but it was your mother's dying wish.
After that, you were about to go Glossaryck for your lessons but you passed a familiar room.
The Rooms of Queen Tapestry.. eh you didn't really know what this was room was called.
You walked in, seeing all of your ancestors and you uncle,your uncle became king when you mother died. Since you and Eclipsa are still very young,he took over for awhile. Next to his was...
Your Mother.. Solaria the Monster Carver.
You did miss you mother Truly, you didn't even felt Keekee transform and now she was comforting you.
"mother, hopefully you had a good reason for Eclipse to marry Shastacan,right?"you told her but no one answered.
You felt bad when you found out about this dying wish of your mother. You knew Eclipsa was inlove with someone else but didn't know who?
You wanted your sister to marry and have children with someone she loves, not someone who she was forced with. You walked around to see your sister's Tapestry about to be begin.
A Lot of people were confused of why it hasn't even begun yet when Eclipsa became Queen. You eyes widened as it as being made.
Does this mean Eclipsa's fate has been written?
Keekee followed you as you meet up with Glossaryck, you were learning some spells and read about a butterfly form.
"i thought we we're done with that mewberty butterfly form ?" You asked.
"that is , well how do i explain this to...ehh basically different from Mewberty and it's more powerful when you are in this form" Glossaryck explained.
More powerful?
Can only unlock in time of need?
You feel like this could help you defend your sister from monsters."I'll keep you safe Eclipse..."you muttered
After another day you snuck out and went back to earth.
And finally you saw him
"Lucifer Morningstar! Where have you been?!"he heard you and flinched.
"hey n/n"he smiled awkwardly as you walked to him with arms crossed on your chest.
"okay before you kill me..."he said grabbing something from his bag and it was a...
"i was making this for you,i made it to looked like you a little also putting some details like the marks on your cheeks-" you cut him off with a hug.
"thanks Luci"he was stunned and now very red.
"y-your w-welcome"he stutter and tried to hides his blushing face from you.
"are you blushing?"
"am not"
"yes you are~"
A/n: sorry if its short , and has little Lucifer content but don't worry in the future 🥹
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afro-hispwriter · 6 months
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Season 11
Summary- it all started with the dress
Warnings- grinding, groping, semi-public sex, oral(f receiving, fingering, p in v sex, language, choking, squirting, missionary, side fucking, Daryl is OOC, implied breeding kink if you squint
A/n- I know I'm not one to describe the reader figure but for this story's sake reader has a curvy figure after having a baby:)
The Commonwealth seemed like a godsend of a place just like how Alexandria was. 
But it was too good. To good for it to have worked for so long. Everyone there lived like it was back in the old world. From what you could tell it was Poor vs Rich again. 
"I don't like this place." You say as you look out the window to the civilization, Daryl sighs
"Me neither but we gotta try, for Victoria, Judith, and RJ." He walks up behind you and wraps his arms around your figure. 
"I met Pamela, I think she likes me because she invited me as her special guest to the party tomorrow night." You turn around in his arms and he scoffs.
"Mercer goin make me work the party." He says and leans his forehead against yours. 
"Aww, now you won't get to see me in my new dress. Its tight, low in all the right places, and has easy access." You nibbled his exposed collarbone then trailed up to his earlobe and tugged at it. Daryl groaned and started pushing his body close to yours.
"Ya should put it on now." He whispers but you smirk.
"I can't, you're just going to have to wait until tomorrow, can't let you ruin the dress." You pat his chest and walk away but you feel a smack delivered to your backside. "Hey! Don't you have work?"
"Ya but who cares when ya got this at home." Says Daryl and he grabs your ass and pulls it back against him. He kissed your neck all around and nibbled your skin. 
"Daryl work, and don't forget to stop and get dinner after, because if not we are going to have 4 ravenous kids." You gently push him off and he huffs. 
"4?" He asks as he walks to the door and you follow him.
"Ya the Grimes' kids, our little one and Dog."
"Whatever, see ya later." Daryl kisses you softly.
You had to explore the rest of the Commonwealth. So you plopped your little girl, Victoria, in her stroller that was gifted to you and set off with Judith, RJ, and Dog. As you walked all the kids wanted to play with dog and he was happy to receive all the attention. 
"Y/n!" You hear a voice exclaim and you see Pamela approaching you. You turn the stroller around and smile at her. 
"Pamela hey." She smiled at you and looks down at Victoria who was fussing in the stroller. 
"She's adorable." Says Pamela and reaches down to pinch her cheeks softly making Victoria giggle immediately. You glared at her and tightened your jaw.
She's lucky I don't take her hand off.
"Thank you." 
"So did you like that dress I sent you?" She asks and you nod.
"I love it, definitely something I would not have been able to wear before all this." 
"Well you'll get used to it, I can tell you have something special, something that can help us be better, and that's what we need here." Pamela sounded like someone you knew, but you just couldn't place a name. 
"Maybe." That's all you said before she bid you goodbye and left. You tipped the cover for the crib up and smiled down at Victoria and she smiled up at you with her two teeth. "Oh, baby what did mommy get herself into."
Daryl was back from his shift and was carrying dinner platters all the way up the old stairs. He made his way inside the apartment to see you all on the floor clearly waiting for him.
"Did you get lost?" Asks Judith and Daryl shut the door.
"Nah long line." He says and you take the plates. "They had some baby food." He says and you smile.
"That's good." You say and set the jars to the side and give RJ and Judith their plates. 
"Daddy!" Victoria stumbled across the apartment to reach her father and show him her new toy. Daryl smiled widely and picked her up. "Look bird." 
"Ya, that's a pretty cool bird." Says Daryl and kisses her head. He sets her down opened up Dogs and his own but instead of eating his own food Dog began eating Daryls.
"Hey no." Daryl shoves Dog away and you giggle.
"Aunt Y/n, Uncle Daryl, can I have an allowance?" Asks Judith and you stop eating and look at Daryl.
"Uh, let me and Y/n get our jobs goin and we'll talk about it." He says and you nod in agreement. A small conversation picks up about Judith making friends and how Daryl's first team building excise went while also talking about the prick Sebastian. You alternated between feeding yourself and feeding little Victoria who keeps running away and only comes back when she wants more food. 
Dinner was over and it was time to send everyone to bed. When the last child fell asleep you slipped into your own room and laid down on the bed. The shower was going, so you assumed Daryl was actually taking a shower. He came out of the shower with the towel low around his waist, water droplets falling down his skin and dripping down through his v-line.
"Oh, that's a sight to see." You say and twist your body and prop your head on your arm. Daryl scoffs and grabs a shirt and pants to slide on. You slide off the bed and wrap your arms around his bare torso and bite his shoulder softly. "We should do a challenge, we should go to bed naked and see who can take it." Daryl looks over his shoulder and looks down at you and shakes his head.
"Yer crazy." 
"You're no fun." You playfully pout and sit on the bed. Daryl finished sliding on his clothes and turned around to see you staring at him. He walked towards the bed and laid down behind you with his arms under his head. You crawled over to him and swung your leg over his hip and rested yourself on his lap.
"You look so beautiful." Says Daryl and lifts himself up to capture your lips. You wrap your fingers into his hair and tug making him groan deeply. His hands trailed down your body as you continued making out. He kneaded your sides then trailed down to grope your ass. He slid his hands back up your body and grabbed your breasts. You began grinding your core against his making you both moan. 
Daryl scrunches up your shirt and revealed your braless breasts and moaned. He took a breast in his mouth and sucked softly. Your nipples hardened and you arched your back to him. You felt him push his hips up to you and you smirked and pushed him away. He flopped on the bed dramatically and expected you to take control but all you did was slide off of him and lay down.
"Tomorrow love." You kiss his cheek and he looks at you in shock.
"Ya can't just leave me like that." He mumbles, accepting he wasn't getting anything until tomorrow,  well he hopes he does. You chuckle as he stands up and grabs his crotch, he then slides back in the bathroom and turns on the faucet so you wouldn't hear him.
"When do you have to be there?" You ask Daryl and he looks at the clock on the wall.
"Bout half an hour." He says and looks at you as you get ready. 
"Pamela mentioned something about a whole red carpet and cameras, not sure how I feel about it." You sigh and look at yourself in the small mirror. There was makeup all over the table, its been years since you've ever thought of using any. 
"Ya gotta try, for the kids, and their future." 
"I know, I know you said. I just wish Pamela would stop seeing me as 'someone who can change this place for the better'." You bunny-eared the last part with your fingers and Daryl took your hands in his.
"You're gonna do great, I'll be there the whole time, we just gotta see what this place is plannin then go from there." You smiled at him puckered your lips up to him so would kiss you.
"I just realized, I remember when we first came to Alexandria, I was the one who had to convince you that Alexandria was a good place. Now look at you, 7-8 years later now it's you convincing me this is a good place." You pulled him down to your lips again. His hands went to your face and gently held you.
"We both gotta watch out for each other." He pecks your lips again and walks to the door. "Carol came to me and said she can take care of the kids, said she and Ezekiel need some happiness or sum shit." You nod in understanding, they've been through a lot. 
"Ya that's good, and it's really good because that means we'll be alone." You bite your finger and Daryl cocks an eyebrow.
"Not teasin me are ya?" 
"No my love, we're going to fuck all night long." Now you look at the clock. "You're going to be late." 
"Alrigh, I'll see ya."
"See you."
You've most likely have wiped your hands on your dress over a 100 times over the nerves. You saw the flashes of cameras and felt nausea fall over you. 
"You got this." You told yourself and straightened yourself out. The dress you had on was black, had a split in the middle that revealed your cleavage and it was tight enough to show off every curve of your body. The heels you were wearing made you stumble quite a bit.
You were getting closer to the building and you heard gasps so you looked up. The camera was now pointed at you and people started complimenting you.
'She's gorgeous
'I love that dress'
"So sexy'
"You go, girl!" You turned to see Princess cheering for you and your face heated up.
Then they started clapping and smiling at you, the anxiety was too much but you continued looking ahead, smiling. And when you saw him. 
Daryl was in complete aw. He drowned out all the noise and could only look at you. You slowly walked to him until you were in front of him.
"What do you think?" You ask him, and all he did was raise a hand to the back of your neck and pull you roughly towards him, pulling you into a kiss. The kiss lasted only a few seconds before he pulled away.
"So fucking sexy, shit." His hand slid down to your ass and gropes it roughly. You placed your hands on his chest and tugged his shirt.
"Hey, we can't do it here." You giggle and he lets you go. "I'll see you inside." You kissed him on the cheeks and slowly walked away. Daryl leaned against the door's entrance and his eyes trailed down your body, staring at your ass the whole way. And even leaning forward to try and continue looking once you were almost out of sight.
"You're eyeing her like a piece of meat." Says Rosita and Daryl turns back to look at her.
"How can I not when ma girl looks like that?"
The party was in full swing, there was food and drinks. You were currently on your third glass of champagne and your nerves were officially gone. Daryl was standing by the entrance, ever so often you would lock eyes. You then slowly made your way to him and leaned against the wall in front of him.
"How's your night been?" You ask and he shrugs and looks you up and down. 
"S'been good, better now." You smile at him and push yourself off the wall and made your way to lean on him.
"This party is so boring, and this dress is getting really scratchy."
"I can think of a way to make it better." Daryl slid his arm around your waist and slowly started dragging you away.
"Daryl we're in public." You giggled and look back to Rosita who was looking away, choosing not to acknowledge what's about to happen. Daryl turned the corner and pushed you right up the wall.
"Not my goddamn concern right now." He says and grabs the skirt of your dress and scrunched it up in his hands. "Fuck, not wearin any panties?" Daryl cupped your mound making you gasp. He stuck his middle finger out and swirled it along your folds. Your stomach tensed and you began grinding yourself on his fingers. He dipped his finger inside and curled it pushing against something spongy inside of you. You gasped and grabbed his hair.
Daryl then dropped to his knees and dipped a second finger inside of you. With his right hand, he grabbed your calf and slowly brought your leg up to his shoulder, making your knee hook over. Daryl kisses your thigh, then went up further up your leg until his breath hit your finger-filled cunt. Daryl was thrusting his two fingers slowly, curling them to hit that spot. He licked at your folds and took your clit in between his lips.
"Daryl fuck." You pushed your lower half closer to him as the intense feeling of an orgasm was brewing. You slapped the hand that wasn't in Daryl's hair against the wall. Daryl squeezed your thigh and caressed it. He shook his head in your folds making you gasp. His tongue swirled, licking up everything. He then pushed his face deeper in, making his nose brush against your clit. He curled his fingers deep inside of you once again and made sure to thrust them against the spongy spot.
"I'm cumming." You threw your head back against the wall and bucked against his mouth. Daryl moaned deeply when he tasted your cum. 
Daryl pulled his finger out and kissed all-around when you heard gasps. 
Your head shot to the noise and you saw two women with their hands up to their mouths. They saw you out of breath with a hand still in Daryl's hair while he still had your leg over his shoulder. Daryl glared at them and they immediately left. Daryl looked up at you and let go of your leg so he could stand up. 
"Sorry, nobody shoulda seen that." You raised a hand up to his face and pulled his down for a kiss.
"It's okay." As another kiss was about to happen when screams were heard clearly coming from the party. 
"Come on." Daryl holds his hand out to guide you. Once you both got there you saw in the distance a waiter holding up a knife to a woman you've seen, Stephanie. Mercer was trying to talk him down and you see Rosita and a few other guards trying to go around. Daryl let go of your hand and went to help just as the waiter threw Stephanie to the ground and ran away. Daryl immediately ran after the waiter and you went to go check on Stephanie when Pamela's little prick son started yelling at Mercer.
"You're just going to stand there. GO AFTER HIM!" He yelled, Mercer then huffed and left. 
Sebastian, came with the waiter, Tyler, with Daryl in tow. The people started cheering for Sebastian for catching him. They entered the closed of section where you stood with Pamela. Daryl looked at you and you could tell he was clearly annoyed by something. You pouted your lips at him and he shrugged.
"Resist the Commonwealth!" You turn your attention back to see Tyler being dragged off. Pamela whispers something to Lance and he answers back, then they leave. You stood at the entrance of the currants and looked at both Daryl and Rosita and sighed. You turn to Daryl and wrap your arms around his torso to bring him into a hug.
"Let's go home." You kiss his cheek and he nods. "The parties over." You nod at Rosita and give her a small smile. People were already starting to leave so you made a quick escape. 
As you walked down the road in hand with Daryl your feet started to hurt.
"Shit my feet are killing me." You stopped for a second and huffed. Daryl stopped as well and let you hold onto his shoulder so you could slip the heels off your feet. "Ok come on, let's go hone do you can tell me about what happened." Daryl scoffed and you gave him a side glance.
"We goin be doin anythin but talkin." He says and raises a hand behind you to deliver a smack on your ass. You yelped and brought your hands to cover your ass and looked at Daryl in shock at his boldness. 
"There are still people around." 
"Guess we better get home." 
Daryl pushed you up against the wall right beside the door to the shared apartment. Daryl was kissing you hard while he had his hands on your waist. He reached over and opened the door but didn't stop kissing you all over as you entered the small apartment. Daryl began kissing down your neck, to the shoulders, then moving around to face you so he could kiss around your chest. You threw
"Help me take the dress off." You say and Daryl reaches behind you to unzip the dress. You started to unbutton his shirt as the dress fell down. Daryl pulled his shirt off then helped the dress come off completely when it got stuck around your hips. Daryl then bent down and threw you over his shoulder. You giggled and hit Daryls back playfully. 
"Continuin what we started." Daryl tossed you on the bed and crawled over you. His hand trailed down your body to your pussy and felt. "Still wet are we?"
"All for you." Smirking up at him made his dick jump. He slid off the bed and took his boots off. Then unbuckled his pants and let them fall down his legs. He was completely naked now(he doesn't wear boxers), his cock was hard and sticking straight up. You licked your lips and moaned at the sight. There was pre- cum leaking down his cock, he wrapped his fist around it and started jacking himself off. He climbed back on the bed and climbed in between your legs.
"Gonna make you cum so hard," Daryl says and lets go of his cock to grab your legs and place them over his shoulders. He reached back down and grasped his cock and brought the tip to your entrance.  He slowly pushed in making you both gasp. 
"Fuck please." You choked out and Daryl leaned forward so he can take a breast into his mouth. Once he was pushed all the way in, he started to thrust into you. Your pussy was making squelching noises after each thrust. 
"Love that fucking sound." Daryl groans as he pulls away from your breasts and shakes his head to move the hair out of his face. You grab the sheets and arch your back as an orgasm was building up. You started to match Daryl's slow but hard thrusts by thrusting back against him. Daryl fell forward but caught himself on his arms, he then kissed you while continuing his thrusts. He lifted your legs off his shoulders and let them wrap around his waist. 
"Harder Daryl, please make me cum." You whimpered and gasped when his cock hot something devastating inside of you. Your face tightened when you felt as if you were going to pee. "Daryl wait im-." You felt a gush leave your body and you screamed Daryl's name. Daryl felt the wetness splatter everywhere and groaned as your pussy tightened around his cock. He slowed down and pulled back but didn't pull out.  
You were breathing heavily and when you saw Daryl looking at you in both shock and lust, embarrassment filled your body.
"Daryl." You whimpered.
"Hey, you ok?" He asks and leans down to kiss you softly. 
"That's never happened before." You say and take a deep breath. 
"We can stop." Says Daryl and moves to pull out but you wrap your kegs around his waist to keep him there. 
"No we don't, make me so it again." You smirk up at him and Daryl felt his heart race. He nodded and got down to his previous position. He slowly started thrusting again, making sure to pay attention when he finds the spot. 
And he found it almost instantly.
He hit that spot repeatedly harshly until you lifted your hips as you squirted again. The for e pushed Daryl's cock out and he immediately grabbed it and brushed it along your clit to make you jump.
"Fuck." Daryl looked down at you again. A little bit of makeup was running down your cheeks, you were out of breath and sweaty. "Daryl you need to come." You lifted yourself up on shaky arms and kissed his chest. 
"Ya need a break." He starts but you shake your head but get an idea.
"Let's go on our sides." You propose and Daryl smirks at the thought. Fucking on your sides was one of your favorite positions to have sex in while you were pregnant. It was the position you felt the closest to each other. 
Daryl immediately went onto his side and so did you. Your back was pressed against his chest and he grabbed your left leg and hooked it over his leg. You grabbed his cock lightly but Daryl still groaned at the touch. You guided him to the entrance and Daryl pushed his hips forward making him sink into you. Daryl grabbed your leg that was over his and held it up while the one by your head snaked around and grab your neck. 
He squeezed his hand and you already felt dizzy. You pushed your hips back to give Daryl a signal to move and he did. His balls started slapping against your pussy. Your boobs were bouncing wildly at each thrust. You then reached back to grab the back of Daryl's head and grabbed his hair to bring his head closer so you could pull him into a sloppy kiss
Daryl let go of your leg and grabbed your waist instead so he had more control. He lifted his leg and thrusted even harder than before. You pushed your back against his chest harder that you could hear his heart beating harshly. Daryl was groaning loudly in your ear and those sounds brought butterflies to your stomach.
"F-fuck such a good girl, s-squeezin ma cock." Daryl moaned and dug his head in your shoulder. All that was heard were your high moans, skin slapping, and Daryl's deep groans. The same feeling you felt a while ago was coming back. Your vision went blank, you screamed loud. The force pushed Daryl put and you collapsed out of breath in your stomach.
Daryl growled and pushed himself onto his knees and settled behind you. He grabbed your hips and pulled up so you were ass up. He slammed himself in and started using your body to find his high, you loved it. He was going insanely fast and you felt him even hit your cervix make you groan. Daryl gripped your hips harshly as his own hips stuttered as he came deep inside of you. 
"Fuck." His groan came out deeper than usual as he finished. He then grabbed your hair and tugged you back and kissed you harshly. He pulled away out of breath and pulled out of you, he leaned back on his calves and watched his cum start to drip out.  
"Ya ok?" He asks and tries to catch his breath. You nodded and dug your head in the pillow. Daryl felt the urge to push his cum back inside of you, so that's what he did. He scooped up his cum with his fingers and pushed back in. You let out a huff and your thighs shook at how sensitive you became. "Sorry just- didn't want it comin out." 
"It's ok, I'm just tired." You say and yawn. Daryl grabbed his boxers and slide them off and was handing you a shirt but you were out cold. Daryl smiled slightly and settled in beside you. He covered both of you with a blanket and Daryl pulled you in tightly. He felt you dig your face in his neck and throw a leg over his to keep him trapped. 
"I love you, you're the most amazing and beautiful woman I've ever seen and ever will." Daryl kissed you softly when he saw your lips were puffed up. "I'd follow you anywhere." 
A/n- I could not figure out a goddamn ending, everything was so cringy but i just couldn't think of anything else.
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All Star (Millie Bright x GN Reader) Featuring WSL + BPL players
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Warning: Swearing, Mature content
Sam Kerr XL VS Erling Haaland XL
A massive day in English football that was arriving. The Women's Super League and The Premier League were in a agreement to have a All Star match. Both teams made up from Stars of the WSL and the PL and the week would draw a lot of inspiration from the NBA all star week, Contests, Celebrity match, etc
Even though their was some concerns about the players playing too much, the game would be in off season and players had a choice to play if they wanted too. The idea of playing with some of the best in the country and friends was a exciting idea so when where contacted to be apart of Pep's side you jumped at the chance
Much Excitement was gathering for the event, especially since you was contacted to be apart of the Haaland XL and would take on the Kerr XL. The days following up to the event was press, media and training with the teammates for the match. The likes of Haaland, Mead, Foden, Son, TAA, Leah Williamson, Walker and more. Whilst the other team would have Sam Kerr, KDB, Russo, Millie Bright, Daly, Ederson and more.
During training camp you met with friends like Mead, Leah and Heung Min Son and new like Haaland, Lauren Hemp, Thiago Silva just to name a few.
Training camp was filled with banter, fun and energy. You loved being around the league's top stars that sometimes it you had to pinch yourself to see if this was real.
"Ok team, this will be the line up for the game. everyone will have time on the pitch. Even though this is a game of fun, I'm sure we all don't like to lose" Pep said in a light hearted tone which was responded with smiles and head nods. The slide would show the line up and you study it.
GK - Mary Earps
DEF- Walker, McCabe, Le Tissier, Sliva
MID - Williamson, Son, Foden
ATT - Y/N, Haaland, Hemp
You smiled at the line up, This team looked good and the bench was good too. You felt a nudge behind you to see Haaland and received a high five turned into a fist pump. Hemp who was sitting next to you also did the same. Leah, Son and Foden would just be magic. the back 4 screamed hard work and aggression and Mary had that passion to motivate the entire team. You, Hemp and Haaland is a dangerous trio. Hemp with her pace and quick thinking, Haaland is well Erling Haaland and you were the Top Goal scorer in the F.A cup and Champions league last season. This Team was powerful.
The meeting went on as Pep gave game plans and who would most likely deal with who. Like the defence and Mary having to hold off Sam Kerr and Salah. Midfield up against Rice, KDB, Cuthbert and Toone.
"Y/N, Hemp,Haaland. You will most likely be up against Trippier" You rubbed your chin, he can be a challenge "Steph Houghton" You lean forward excitement filled you as you go up against a lioness legend "Harry Maguire" You smirked at the easy challenge "And Millie Bright" Your smirked turned into a full blown evil smile, Not only would you a Arsenal Striker go up against a Chelsea captain but you LOVED challenges and Millie fitted that category. You looked at your attacking teammates who also looked intrigued and ready untill "I got a tenner on F/N making one of them break" you hear McCabe say from the back who made the room laugh, you turned to her with you smile on show. What did McCabe mean by her bet? Well you had a reputation..............for being one of the biggest shit talkers there is.
Whenever you were marked by a defender you just talked...and talked.... and talked until you were in their head or made them so irritated that they would try and two foot you and not be able to focus most of the time you catching them off guard and finding yourself through on goal
One thing that everyone knew about you when playing
No one could shut you up.
"I SAY TWENTY!" Hemp shouts taking the bet on you gave an eye roll
"THIRTY AND A ROUND OF DRINKS ON ME IF IM WRONG!" You had to double take as Son jumped in on it which threw you off "SONNY!" you said flabbergasted as the rest of the team were taking that bet
"HUNDRED!" You turned to Pep and gave him a really look
"I HAVE ONE FOR YOU F/N!" you turned back to Leah " Millie is a tough one and won't be easily broken" You tilted your head a little bit, interest building "If you can get Bright to break, I will be your assistant for a 24 hours" The room filled with oohs as you crossed your arms leaning back, biting your tongue, feeling a nudge from Hemp as Son put his hands on your shoulders and shock you "Go on!" Son said "Yeah you can make her suffer" Hemp said You smiled at your friends
"And if I don't?"
"You would my assistant for a full day" You smirked and leaned forward "And then McCabe's for another 24 hours" Your smirk dropped god knows what Katie would make you do. The Team were enjoying every moment of this after the brief thought, You knew you were the best at it when it came to cracking people. You turned to Katie who had the most terrifying smile you have ever seen in your life and past lifes. Leah walked over to you with a smug and extended her hand "do we have an accord" she said in a posh accent
"I Accept" You stood up and shock to the team clapping and voicing excitement. As Leah back to her seat you gently pulled her towards you with a evil smirk "Sonny!" You said gaining the Korean's attention "Yes?" "You don't happen to have a spare Tottenham shirt i can borrow right?" You asked in a innocent voice to which Leah's grin dropped and the blood drained from her face as the room started to giggle. "Yes i do, Why would you need one" He said smiling innocently "Just thinking Leah suits white and black clothing" Leah gave you a glare before returning to her seat.
The bet was on!!!!!
After many training sessions, interviews, social media posts, recordings for tv and youtube
The day was here, The team arrived at a sold out Wembley Stadium. Fans were on a high to watch football, see interactions they thought they would never see. The whole team was excited and determined to have a great match.
The team would go out for the last training session on the field before the game, it was there you would see the other team on the other side of the pitch and there she was. Your challenge Millie Bright, you looked at the Lioness she was quite the looker and you shamelessly checked her out. But then had an idea that hopefully would work, It was simple. She just needed to look at you. and thankfully she did.
She caught you looking at her and she nodded at you but frowned at little when you didn't nod back. She waved but all you did was smirk and went back to warm up. You were all ready trying to get inside the Chelsea captain's head.
The match was about to start, you walked out to the field with your team and waiting to shake the enemy teams hand and say good games and such. As you looked around you had to admit. Being in Wembley, on the pitch in front of that crowd was something.
You felt like a immortal everytime you played there, the cheers, the atmosphere. To you Wembley was the stage where legends made. And you know that after you scored the last minute goal for arsenal in the F.A Cup final against West Ham last season. You loved it here.
You were shaken out of your thoughts as you saw Sam Kerr approach you, clasping your hand and both winking at each other before saying "Have a good game" and this would continue down the line until you held Millies hand and gave a smirk which made frown a little bit.
As the match kicked off, you went to your position and found yourself marked by Millie. You glanced at Hemp who gave you a smile and raised her eyebrows at you
"This gonna be a great match" you said to Mille "Yeah it's crazy it's happening" She said in a happy voice
"Too bad i didnt get the male chelsea captain to deal with"
"Ooh is that How's it gonna be?" Millie replied in a amused voice as she glanced at you as you just gave a smirked.
A couple minutes later, you would find yourself running through on goal and was heading towards goal as you feel Millie trying to push you off the ball as Eddison was ready to challenge you. As Millie tried to kick the ball away she ended up dragging you down but you got a kick out of it but Eddison's fingers tip skimmed the ball enough to divert it to the post.
Next thing you knew you hit the ground hard as you felt someone fall on you. You looked at who was on top of you and was Millie "Sorry if that was a bit rough, you ok?" She said with her own smirk trying to get back at you. You couldn't help but get hot under the collar feeling her hot breath fall on you as she was on top of you but you remained composed
"Nah I'm good. I like it Rough, especially in the postion" you said in a flirty voice as you looked Millie up and down who responded with a flabbergasted face before she quickly got up and brushed herself off. You evilly cackle to yourself loud enough to hear.
Later as your team received a corner you would take your postion and felt a strong presence behind you. You glance to see Millie. She stood next to you as she got ready to fight in the air. You felt her hand on your waist.
"Oh Millie" You said in a fake shock but flirty voice. To which Millie give you a seconed look and glared at you. But heard McCabe cackle and you saw Kerr in front of you starting to chuckle. And a friendly bump on the arm by walker. But at that moment you heard the whistle and the ball was kicked in by Hemp and you locked on to the ball and was about to jumped but saw Haaland jump into the air for the header. You would jocky agaisnt Millie and you managed to throw off balanced so she couldn't challenge Haaland who buried it into the net.
Thr crowd cheered as the team chased Haaland but before you ran, you looked to Millie who was in the ground.
"That wasn't the brightest idea, Brighty!" You said before running off. Not noticing Rachel Daly heard the pun and couldn't help but feel proud at the pun. "It'd beginning to look like you gonna be wearing that spurs shirt Leah" Daly said as he walked past a worried Leah. Millie was being broken down slowly.
The game was 1-1 and you weren't slowing down with the jabs either, you tell Millie irratation was rising. "You seem to not be enjoying the match Millie. What could be wrong?" Nothing. You were standing behind her and couldn't see her face as you started to walk in front of her getting ready to make a run for the ball as the counter attack was coming "It's a nice view by the way Millie"
"You backside"
"E-excuse me!" You heard her say in a shock voice as she stuttered the sentence out. In that moment before she could register you sprinted off towards the goal as Son lobbed the ball towards the goal as the chased it. "LITTLE SHIT!" You heard Millie shout trying to chase you down. The sentence threw her off long enough for you acceleration to get distance on her. You saw Maguire coming in for a tackle to which you did a Ronaldo chop to the left sending Maguire sliding in embarrassment. The crowd rained oohh and cheers, as you continued but the slight delay of the move let Millie catch up and you then would pull off a Cruyff turn which resulted in something the world rarely saw with Millie Bright. You sent Millie falling face first onto the ground, you didn't looked back as you ran towards the goal you were one on one with Eddison. Calm and collected to curled the ball past the Brazilian into the goal which led to cheers and claps as you ran off to find Son to thank him for the assist. "LETS GO SONNY BOY!" As you embraced each other and felt others join the bundle. Not knowing Bright was at her limit
Half time would come along and you would walk back to the locker room not before noticing a glare from Millie
You sat down waiting for Pep to talk about the game plan and you felt hands on your shoulders "I can't see much from my postion but I think you winning this bet L/N" you hear Mary Earps say. You turn to her "yeah I feel bad though, hopefullyshe doesn't kill me" you grimaced "Oh she is gunning for you. I saw her face and know what that face means. Whatever happens Just apologise after the game. Hopefully you haven't pushed her too far that we never see you again" She said patting you in the back. Rest of the team walked in over the next couple minutes.
After the talk about the game plan and getting ready to go back out, you see Leah "You seem quiet Leah" Leah sighed
"Cause she bit off more then she could chew" Foden cheekly said as he grabbed a drink "Are you really gonna make her wear a Tottenham shirt? Couldn't be me" Declan Rice said giving you a friendly punch on the arm Leah groaned in annoyance "I'm getting annoyed here" She voiced in the room "So is Bright, You gonna be a good assistant" hear McCabe say as you and her step put of the locker room "ATLEAST I DIDN'T GET BOOKED A YELLOW!" You hear Leah shout at Katie before the door shut behind you, leaving you and Katie laugh as you walk back to the field
You were running into the box as a counter attack was on and Rice lobbed the ball into the box and you went to for the ball but felt a pain in your back sending flying as you jumped and just narrowly missing the goal post and falling to the ground. You gasped the wind was knocked out of you and winced "Jesus" you said sat up and saw Millie staring at you "Oh are you ok? I didn't break you did i?" She said in a sarcastic tone. You smirked "Yeah I deserve that one" you winched as you sat up "Yeah ya did brat" as she walked towards to you and extended her hand. You accepted her hand "Though I must say, You hit me so hard I started to angels. Then one helped me up" You winked at her "Oh for the love of"
*Whistle blows*
You notice the sub board
You run off to the sideline not before clapping and sending love to the crowd, high fiving the team and the enemy team
You glanced at Leah and wiggled your eyebrows. You won the bet and she looked miserable and fearful for that 24 hours
You approached your replacement Bethany England who became a close friend of yours during the All star team training.
You doubled high fived her "She all weared down for ya Bethy" She smiled and shook her head "GO GET ONE" You shouted to the the Tottenham captain
The match ended 5-3 to your team. You would shake hands and show respects
"Oi Millie!" You saw her coming towards you, You put your hands up as a sign of meaning no harm "You really a tough defend-Oof" She shoulder barged you into a stagger and walked to her team. You looked at her leave and then glanced at Daly who gave you, you are in trouble and I fear for your life look. You were shaken from your thoughts by two Tottenham players calling you. You turned with a smile and jogged to Son and Bethany for the trophy lift.
You be lying if you said you didn't feel bad about Millie. You admit you did a bit much especially in efforts for a bet. You found yourself in a secluded area of the hotel both teams would away for the night. You asked Leah if you could have Millies contact details in efforts to apologise. To which she did even after the endless teasing from the team after losing the bet. The team all agreed that Millie cleary let you in her head. You messaged the lioness
"Hey Millie, it's Y/N. Leah gave me your number. I wanted to apologise for my actions I got carried away and went to far in my shit talking today and I am at the hotel and I wanted to apologise in person. If you want nothing to do with me I understand"
"What door number and I will you at 11 pm"
You responded with the door and was left on read thus leading to you waiting outside your door with it open with anxiety building
"OI L/N!" You eyes snapped to the voice and there she was a furious lion that was Millie Bright marching towards you that you would say was murderous intent. Oh she gonna kill you. You put your arms up in defence
"Ok Millie, I'm sorry I really messed and you are very right to be piss-" You were cut off by Millie shoving into your room sending you stumbling. You hear the door slam and felt Millie grabbed you and put you agaisnt the door. You breath quicken as her face was inches away from yours as her breath was heavy and her eye were starring into your soul.
You gulped
------------------Mature Content-------------------
She grabbed both your wrist pining them above you head as she aggressively captured your lips with hers, shocking you, you tried to fight out of it. but couldnt help kiss back. She put her hand under your shirt rubbing your abs and grinded against you. You couldn't help but submit to this lioness. The frustration you gave her today made her lose it
You started to moan as she controlled you like her own toy. You could feel Millie smirk before slipping her tongue in your mouth. You were in bliss, Millie was pushing all the right buttons like you pushed hers on the field.
She stopped for a breather "Holy-"
She then kissing your neck lightly making you shut up tried to fight back moans.
"Such a brat" her kissing became harsher and harder making you curl your toes and move you hands against Millies hold but she was freakishly strong.
Millie stopped and locked eyes with you
"You are going to make up for today" you looked at her helpless as you felt her hand move from your waist to your backside and she grouped. "I can't wait to see that view." She said in a devilous voice as she grouped your backside You were in a trance, you couldn't look away from her and you were still trying to control your breathing.
"But since I didn't get a trophy today, I'm going to take another one and mark it" She said lickling her lips before biting down on your neck and sucked on it. Making your wide eyed. Squeezing you fists and your voice caught in your throat. You let herself submit under her control as she continued to grope and pull you towards her grinding movements. "F-fuck M-millie" you said as you felt her mark your neck
"We will" She said grabbing you and throwing you onto the bed and pinned you down. You were still trying to process what was happening.
"What's wrong? I thought you like it rough?" She said in a seductive voice lifted up your shirt to your neck. "And this postion" you placed kisses from the top of your abs and went lower
Making you feel scared but filled with excitement
She went Iower
You moaned as you closed your eyes
She went lower
It was at this moment you was Millies trophy for the rest of the night
-----------------Mature Content End--------------
You eyes fluttered open as you felt a hand play with your hair and stroke your head. You turned into the body you were intangled with and pressed your face into thier chest.
"Morning my Trophy" you heard the voice of Millie as you felt the vibrations of her speaking and looked up to her still half asleep. You felt her move strays of hair out of your face "You look cute when your all tuckered out" she said teasing you giving you pleasant flashbacks of the events of last night. "You say it like I didn't enjoy it" you gave a weak smile "Oh I know you enjoyed" She sat up slightly and drew you closer to her as she pecked your lips "I heard you enjoy it" You started to sheepishly smile, she pecked you again "I felt you enjoy it" you hid your face in her neck, pecking her neck and ribbing you face trying to hide
"Looks like I figured out how to finally shut you up"
The End
Well that was a different type of story I'm used to writing well the end part. I hope you guys enjoyed it and got a laugh and a gasp out of it.
I really wanted to write a story involving male and female footballers and I tried to make it work. Please let me know if you liked that idea btw
Please send feedback, If you want more Millie imagines request them 😁
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kaylor-lovestory · 1 year
Disclaimer: this post is taken from Reddit and it was put together and posted by this user : OddDragonfruit6179 I just made it into Tumblr post.
This is for people who might be new to Gaylor side of the fandom and to those questioning the “betrayal” surrounding Taylor Swift and her masters and Karlie Kloss. This is also an answer to anonymus messages about the line in the song It’s time to go believed to be about Karlie Kloss / When the words of a sister come back in whispers that prove she was not in fact what she seemed not a twin from your dreams she's a crook who was caught.
PSA - Personally, I exist as a Gaylor because I love interpreting Taylor's Queer themes that don't specifically revolve around certain muses & the beautiful way they can exist on their own. I am also not 'Late-Stage'-Anything, haha. But, saying that, it's amost impossible to ignore the elephant (or Giraffe) in the room when it comes to Karlie & Taylor's storytelling since Reputation. It seems there are some very firmly-held beliefs about 'what happened' (including Gaylors), and a lot of them revolve around the idea that Karlie 'betrayed' Taylor during the Master's Heist era of June/July 2019, 'feeding information to & siding with Scooter Braun' - which are often used to debunk Gaylor interpretations as a blanket shut-down. Given the latest drama with Selena & how she recently spoke up about slandering Taylor on TikTok, it reminded me of how we have a lot of evidence from both Taylor & Taylor's inner circle that this was probably not actually the case, and how quickly rumours & interpretations get adopted as 'fact' without any proof - something I think Taylor's also tried to get across with her music, too. I wanted to do a little deep-dive into this side of things to remind us all that we simply cannot believe everything we hear - there's always a lot more to celebrity stories than the loosly-held general beliefs :)
What was the big 'betrayal' in 2019?
If you're new here, welcome! The supposed 'betrayal' revolves around Taylor's Master's Heist in summer 2019, when Scooter Braun (millionaire celebrity manager) bought Taylor's entire back catalogue of music, leaving her without ownership of all her previous music. Taylor was at a turning point in her career, having just ended the 13 year contract that she'd been tied into since she was 15, and was just about to release her first fully-owned album 'Lover' She wanted to buy all her past music, allowing her to have full freedom & ownership going forward - yet it was allegedly sold to Scooter from underneath her, meaning he would be the one profiting from all of her life's work from Debut to Reputation & leaving her without any ownership rights of all her past work. (This is now why she's re-recording her 'Taylor's Versions' of her past albums.) How does Karlie tie into this? Karlie had been a huge part of Taylor's life since 2013. As Gaylors, most of us believe they were much more than friends & Karlie was the main muse for Reputation (2017) & multiple songs on Lover (2019). Karlie had signed with Scooter Braun in 2015. In 2016, Scooter was involved in the Kimye 'Taylor Swift is over controversy', being included in a photo Justin Bieber posted online to taunt Taylor (which Justin later said Scooter had nothing to do with). As she was Scooter's client, Karlie was immedietly caught up between Scooter Vs Taylor rumours, leading her to tweet this:
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In early 2017, as the Kimye drama grew, Taylor stopped sharing her private life on social media. From 2017-2018 she releases Rep, goes on tour, ends her contract with Big Machine & begins working towards releasing Lover. All the while, rumours are consistently following both Taylor & Karlie about 'whether or not they're still friends' because they'd not been seen together. A lot of people believe they were still in each other's lives (there are multiple masterposts going into the possible romantic side of things), but the narrative is all over the place: In March 2018, Karlie tells the NY Times: 'don't believe everything you read' & that she and Taylor as still 'very close'. In July 2018, Karlie announces that she's engaged to Josh Kushner and Taylor doesn't publicly comment. In August 2018, Karlie attends the Rep Tour & is brought to the front pit when Taylor sings 'Dress'. In October 2018, Karlie has her first 'wedding' with Josh (up for personal interpretation if this is Lavender or not) - Taylor doesn't publicly comment. The same month, Karlie's YouTube shows her apartment is still full of photos of Taylor & her family/friends (not Josh):
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In the first half of 2019 Taylor is finishing writing Lover, which include themes indicative that she is extremely up/down, full of anxiety & has push a 'lover' away: "I'm terrified if you ever walk away" (Cornelia Street), "We were crazy to think this could work, but we might just get away with it" (False God), don't wanna keep secrets just to keep you" (Cruel Summer), " jump from the train, I ride off alone" (The Archer), " blew things out of proportion, why'd I have to break what I love so much? I need to say hey, it's all in my head, I'm the one who burned us down, sorry that I hurt you, I don't do this to you, I don't wanna loose this with you" (Afterglow), "Saying goodbye is death by a thousand cuts, I look through the windows of this love, even though we boarded them up, chandalier's still flickering here" (DBTC)
What actually happened in Summer 2019?
Taylor begins promoting the release of Lover. In April 2019 she unveils a butterfly wing mural which looks extremely similar to Karlie's butterfly wings from the VS Show where they met & then continues to be ridiculously gay-on-main. She releases You Need To Calm Down, where she's the Sherriff of the Gay trailor park with Bi hair, and ME! on Lesbian Visibility Day... there's endless flagging in clothing/theming. She was getting very 'loud'. Many people believe she may have been leading up to 'coming out' officially, either with the album and/or the Miss Americana documentary that was in the process of being filmed. On 23rd/24th June, Karlie has her second 'wedding' (a big party). Taylor doesn't attend. Scooter does (he's close friends with Josh).
Within a week after he's at this party with Josh & Karlie, Scooter then flies to Nashville and completes the sale of Taylor's masters. The sale is partially funded by the Carlyle Group, who is in business with Kushner Companies (Josh's family's business).
On 30th June (the following weekend), Taylor announces that the Master's Heist has happened & how distraught she is. Lots of celebrities speak up against Scooter & many of his clients (Demi Lovato, Justin Bieber etc) speak up in defence of him. Karlie remains silent & doesn't make a statement either way.
On 3rd July, Perez Hilton starts stirring shit by saying that 'Taylor is no longer close to Karlie because she found out Karlie was telling things about her & her career to Scooter! It began circulating that 2 of Taylor's close friends, Ashley Avignone & Claire Winter had liked the tweet, 'confirming' that this was the case to those that follow gossip sites. Karlie is then photographed at events/lunches/trips with Scooter multiple times throughout the rest of 2019 - further ‘cementing' this idea for fans.
The final blow for this theory came when Taylor released Folkmore (2020): in the song 'Time to Go' she sings "When the words of a sister come back in whispers, that prove she was not in fact what she seemed, not a twin from your dream she's a crook who was caught", which many fans immedietly assumed was about Karlie.
Where are the cracks in all this?
Taylor's other friends: Obviously, social media is only a partial glimpse of a story, but it is very suggestive of behind the scenes information. The reaction to the current Selena controversy was what reminded me of her friendship with Taylor, after she stuck up for Taylor on a video of Hailey Bieber. Selena's been very close to Taylor since they were teenagers. In October 2019, shortly after the Master's Heist, she did an interview where she was in tears talking about how important her friendship with Taylor was, and how much she loved her & her family:
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...so she would've been very much on Taylor's 'side' if Taylor has had an awful betrayal from Karlie, right? Yet in November 2019, just 5 months after the Masters Heist , she's very publicly supporting Karlie, too:
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..and they have both consistently continued to support eachother ever since, right up to Selena's latest birthday:
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In terms of social media, many of Taylor's current close friends & people she's worked closely with continue to follow Karlie (despite following a very limited number of people). This includes Taylor's oldest childhood friend, Abigail (who only follows 285 people - Karlie still follows her back), Haim The Band, as well as Danielle & Alana Haim on thier individual accounts, and Sadie Sink:
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Karlie also continues to follow Taylor herself and Taylor's brother, Austin:
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We also have two more of Taylor's very close circle, Ryan Reynolds & Gigi Hadid, liking posts about Karlie's 30th birthday in 2022:
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What about Perez Hilton's claims? Baring in mind this is the ONLY 'evidence' that exists to support this story, I tried to find the original tweets about 'Karlie telling things about Taylor to Scooter', and low & behold: they're ALL gone. That includes Perez's & the 'Taylor Swift Updates' tweet that was supposedly liked by Taylor's friends. Gone, deleted, non-existent. Why would they have been deleted if they were true & Taylor wanted that story out there? Who made sure they were, from all accounts involved, and only those? Interesting.
What I did find, however, was some tweets and likes from the same friend, Ashley Avignone, discussing how none of Scooter's clients have been able to speak out against him or leave him because of their contracts (this would include Karlie):
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What about Karlie 'siding' with Scooter & continuing to work/hang out with him? There were definitely pictures of Karlie continuing to spend time with Scooter after the Masters Heist. However, she was under contract. She never defended him or tried to reason about what he'd done. In fact, she left Scooter as soon as she possibly could. She hasn't been seen with Scooter since 2019 & she signed a new contract with a different manager in 2021. It's also relevant to note that Taylor's other close friend, Ed Sheeran, was also managed by Scooter at the time & didn't speak up publicly either. Taylor reportedly attended Ed's wedding in September 2019, yet Ed continued to stay with Scooter & publicly party with him well into 2021 (so, clearly, if there is an issue with Karlie it wasn't just because she continued to work with Scooter in 2019).
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Last but not least, the music:
Throughout her albums since the Masters Heist, Taylor has consistently written about heartbreak & betrayal in different ways. Although 'It's time to go' has been grabbed by many fans as 'proof' that Karlie betrayed her, but most stories just aren't that simple. Taylor is a storyteller. One song doesn't equate to every emotion/situation that Taylor was feeling. As many of us do, I believe there's a clear arc of Taylor painting a picture throughout multiple songs, of how she thought she had been 'betrayed' & the pain of that, but later realising she was just blaming the person she had loved in order to get through it all. Others have done amazing, full analysis of these songs, but in terms of 'betrayal' specifically: In Hoax we see the raw pain of feeling hurt by the one she loved alongside what happened with the Masters Heist (this song is full of Karlie references & Taylor very clearly says she was writing about both love & the Masters Heist in the LPSS): "My eclipsed sun, this has frozen my ground / You know I left a part of me back in NY / You know it still hurts underneath my scars from when they pulled me apart, but what you did was just as dark, darling this is just as hard."
In Closure, we see that she's harbouring a lot of anger & isn't ready to move forward or past her pride: "Yes I got your letter, it wasn't right the way it all went down, looks like you know that now / I know that it's over, I don't need your closure / I'm fine with my spite / Guilty, guilty, reaching out across the sea that you put between you & me"
In Coney Island, we begin to see her taking accountability for her own role in the relationship breaking down in the first place (which ties in with Afterglow): "Sorry for not making you my centerfold / It gets colder & colder as the sun goes down / What's a lifetime of acheivement if I pushed you to the edge / Did I leave you hanging every single day / Did I paint your bluest skies the darkest gray?"
In Happiness, we see this accountability clashing with the hurt she still feels about the way it all ended, but ultimately acknowledging she can't make Karlie the villain (suggesting she never actually was one) & wants to forgive her whatever role she did play (when she's ready). Hope she'll be a beautiful fool who takes my spot next to you, no sorry, I don't mean that, I can't see facts through all of my fury / I can't make it go away by making you the villain, guess that's the price I pay for 7 years in heaven / All you want from me is the green light of forgiveness, You haven't met the new me yet, but I think she'll give you that"
Later, in The Great War, we see a continuation of reflecting back on the same themes - telling the story of feeling hurt & betrayed, shutting the other person out, but realising the other person was also being equally hurt by it all / was never the person she should've been blaming: "Cursed you as I sleep-talked, tore your banners down, took the battle underground / I drew curtains closed, drank my poison all alone" (processing her pain through putting an end to the loudness of Lover & writing Folkmore). "Somewhere in the haze got a sense I'd been betrayed/ telling me to punish you for things you never did, so I justified it" (Taylor's acknowledging once again that the other person hadn't actually done what she thought they had) "You drew up some good faith treaties / Tears on the letter / My hand was the one you reached for" (could be a callback to the letter' in closure & suggests the person was trying to make peace). "Your finger on my hairpin triggers, soldier down on that icy ground, looked up at me with honour & truth, broken & blue, so I called off the troops" (icy ground could be a callback to 'you have frozen my ground' back Hoax).
So where does that leave us?
Who the hell knows? No one does, but I love reading all the theories when the rest of the music is tied into it all! But in regard to there being a 'betrayal', given how there was never any concrete evidence that Karlie did anything wrong in the first place (& how the only tweets alluding to it have mysteriously dissapeared), the continual association with Karlie from some of the closest people in Taylor's life, Karlie leaving Scooter at the first chance she got & the arc of the 'thought i was betrayed but I was really just heartbroken & being dramatic' story from Taylor, I am now a firm believer that there wasn't a 'big betrayal' from Karlie in regard to the Master's Heist.
The rest of it is all up for guesswork. Taylor definitely felt betrayed by something at first. We know there were already break-up songs on Lover written before the Master's Hiest which suggest Taylor was the one to push her lover away, yet they were still dappled with hope that she'd get them back. Potentially, Karlie had already been pushed away & had sought security in her long-term partnership with Josh/decided to marry him. After the engagement & 1st wedding, this is when we see Taylor's very 'loud' Lover Era - could this have been an attempt to 'prove herself' to Karlie & make a statement about what she was willing to do? However, Karlie was already comitted to Josh & had gone through with the 1st wedding. Within a 1 week period of June 2019, Karlie doubled down on going through with her 2nd wedding to Josh & her manager bought Taylor's Masters, making it extremely risky for Taylor to continue to make a career-changing choice of 'coming out' (if that's what she'd been intending to do). Could it have been orchestrated by Scooter (& Josh?) in order to keep Taylor closeted? Could Josh have been involved financially in order to put a stop to the rumours about Karlie after they'd already comitted to marriage & keep his business deals/ family connections safe from speculation? Could Karlie simply have been trapped in the middle of all of it & torn between her loyalty to both Taylor & Josh, causing an already heartbroken Taylor to 'kick the cat' and initially put the blame on Karlie for the way it all happened? (If you factor in the possibility that both Karlie & Josh might be closeted & had eventually comitted to a consentual Lavender Marriage, it makes the risk of Taylor exposing them even bigger. Josh was tied up in Billionaire conservative circles & relied heavily on his business partnerships in the Middle East & Asia, as well as pressure from the Trump side of the family. We have no idea what kind of pressure he & Karlie may have been under behind the scenes).
Who the hell knows - but if Karlie had directly, intentionally been involved in such a big betrayal to Taylor, I HIGHLY doubt her best friends/family would be having anything to do with her.
Folkmore shows a clear theme of working through different, conflicting emotions, & then in Midnights we're back to seeing the Karlie-coded songs being portrayed as a big, authentic love (not one that was hate-filled or hurtful)...so at the very least, I'm definitley on the team of believing they have worked through whatever they needed to & have drawn a line under it all :) + a little update since the Eras tour started we have seen some of Karlies friends attend the show such as Derek Blasberg (her long time best friend), Cara Delevingne…Gigi Hadid revealed she will attend the Eras tour and go to as many shows as she can and she was just recently seen with Karlie in Mumbai. I hope this post made some things more clear for everyone not knowing this side of the story.
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cowgirlcherrie · 11 months
⬭ 𓈒 hey there! all star. chapter two: the pink pen
╰   * rockstar! ellie x singer! reader x rockstar! abby
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synopsis: At All Star University deviance isn’t tolerated. When the band room is up in flames with 3 music students to blame, community service at a band camp in the summer is in order.
warnings: 18+, MDNI, smoking, mentions of arson, fighting, sexual undertones if you look closely, jealousy, slighty dark! ellie n abby, descriptions of blood, stabbing (with a pen), touching, jabs at hooking up, crazy-exes, if you watched tsitp (like a team conrad vs team jeremiah type beat), big feelings denial
a/n: (9k + words) There is definitely a change of speed this chapter, now for the fun, a lot of stakes a presented this chapter which lines up for future chapters, thus why there is one flashback to the fight scene, and some gaps of events — as always my inbox is open I would love to hear your thoughts on this chapter if you ever wanna pop in to talk about it, I would love to hear theories as well
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previous. next chapter
02. the pink pen
You wish you could super-glue your eyes shut. 
The heat scorned your back, as the light layer of sunscreen you applied started to melt. The terrible air circulation from the broken bus fans didn’t help how sticky you felt against the red leather seats of the school bus.
Of course, apart from the 3 of you that had to volunteer, some other campus students were there as well; naturally volunteering out of the kindness of their own hearts. They were often plastered on the University’s Instagram as appreciation for their service.
Recognizable to you was first, Nora, who walked onto the bus with a pep in her step, followed by Dina and Jesse who you knew as friends of Ellie, Manny -- Abby’s practice buddy, and the silhouette of the last person who made your heart drop. A scowl appearing on your face as you brought a hand up to your face in shock.
Elora was the last campus student to enter the bus. 
The smug look on her face made you want to walk right up and slap it off of her. This was ridiculous. In this very moment, you hated the fact that you signed up for this – you should have just taken the expulsion, this was fucking awkward. You turned your head to look at Abby who was already looking at you as if she wanted to slam her head into a wall. 
With a loud – thud, Abby’s head hit the window, while you slowly slid down in your seat.
“If you act like you don’t see IT…it’s not even there” Abby whispered, referring to Elora as ‘it’ - making you only groan in response.
Ellie was to your right in the 3 seater, making you sandwiched between the two. Squinting at the two of you in confusion. The loud screaming music of her headphones masked any sounds your lips were making – so she tried to read lips. 
Ellie only got “don’t look” “not… there” and she eventually just tilted her head forward to mind her own business. Ellie was quiet this go round, you were waiting for her to just unclip her seatbelt and try to switch with Nora, who sat with Dina. Mentally, you thought she probably had enough of you and Abby’s shenanigans. 
Ellie wore long jorts in the heat, her leg rubbing against your own; one leg slightly further out in the middle aisle but her left leg still touching yours. You could feel Ellie’s cold hands slightly brushing at your knee from its position that it had on your own. You were overstimulated at this moment. Between Elora looking at you, Ellie being basically on top of you, and Abby throwing insults about Elora in your ear, it was too much. 
Abby and yourself went from cracking jokes and laughing to now trying your best to be invisible and unseen on the bus. 
“It’s hard not to she’s literally looking at me.” You hissed lowly back to Abby, who popped up from her slumped position like a popcorn kernel to look back at Elora as she twirled the drumstick in her hands some more. Abby pretended to throw the drumstick at Elora’s head, clicking her tongue and pretending that she hit her target. “Maybe I should wack her…again”
“Maybe you shouldn’t”
“Nah maybe I should, ya know…poke her eye out or—”
“The bitch can’t even read music!”
“What is up with you guys?” Ellie’s voice boomed as she took out her headphones to look at the two of you. Her sea green eyes were deep into your own, suddenly feeling yourself shake slightly under her gaze. Now that you got to see her features up even closer, she was more beautiful than your brain sought her to be. Her freckled face is slightly red from the sun and glossy from the sunscreen she wore as well. A cropped Guns & Roses muscle tee on her body, exposing the familiar tattoos on her arms. Sunglasses on her forehead – mirroring Abby. You broke the contact, your eyes pleading with Abby to help you.
Deny Deny Deny 
“You know…ex-flings” Abby blurted out, making sure to emphasize the word ex making you gasp and jab an elbow into her hip. Abby let out a huff at your unexpected jab. 
Abby entirely missed your que. 
You could feel your body getting jittery, your cheeks warm as your lips were slightly parted. You were not about to tell your crush about your failed situationship that nearly set you off. 
“I wasn’t asking you, rookie, I’m asking y/n…” Ellie interrupted, not breaking eye contact with you. Great. She was staring you down like a hawk watching its prey. She was onto you. Ellie bit her lip leaning into you “Y/n…?” 
You couldn’t focus. Between Ellie’s peppermint, eucalyptus scent that was hovering over you, your mind almost shutting dow; you looked past Ellie to look at Elora, who was already staring at you. Like you were a hunk of meat. It grossed you out, body shifting under her gaze, you could feel her eyes shifting to parts of your body that were exposed. Looking at places that she shouldn’t. Like your thighs, or your cleavage that was showing as your boobs pressed against each other in the tight pink halter top you wore.
Abby, on the other hand was twirling her drums got faster…and faster – to the point where you can hear the whizzing of the wood slapping against her flesh fingers.
You swore the wood was going to snap.
Ellie followed your train of vision, her lips shut as she looked at Elora. You could feel Ellie tense next to you, taking her hand off of her own thigh to crack her knuckles briefly.
“You fuckin’ around with Elora?” Ellie sounded disgusted, “ooh you could do better” she sang, reaching down to fix your signature necklace that was slightly crooked at the center of your chest. Your hand gently grabbing at her own, but still looking elsewhere.
You were still hyper-focused on Elora, Ellie periodically looking back between you and Elora to see if she stopped looking.
“I’m not– I didn’t,” you sighed “We used to talk she kinda fucked shit up it’s just awkward to see her here…and now she won’t stop looking at me” Your voice was small, soft, almost whining.
Ellie could feel that you were uncomfortable. So could Abby to your left who fallen awfully silent. Your discomfort makes both girls grow angrier by the minute. Ellie didn’t like Elora. It wasn’t even for the fact that you were previously entangled with her but Ellie had her personal beef with Elora. 
Starting with the fact that Elora swept her own ex-girlfriend from right under her own arms and was pretty determined to make sure anything Ellie touched would be briefly removed from her hands. Ellie’s hands gripped the backboard of the seat in front of you, her knuckles turning white.
“Stop staring back at her, just look at me” Ellie whispered aggressively making you blink rapidly out of the haze you were in. 
Her raspy voice was like a siren call, making you instantly submit yourself to do whatever she said, whatever she wanted “Want me to do something– say something? Cuz I will” Ellie whispered her voice, dark.
Ellie looked murderous at the moment. What the fuck were you doing to her? Ellie hasn’t felt this way in months. Jealousy nagged at her heart, enraging her head until all she could see was red. She hated the way Elora looked at you, it wasn’t in a saying hi to an old friend way, but like she was stirring the pot in her head cooking up the most chaotic and disruptive recipe. 
No sugar, bitter table-salt. 
Given the opportunity to put Elora in her place, she would do it any day free of charge. A scowl made home on Ellie’s face. In the moment she was rather expressive– extremely expressive, in comparison to her stoic face 10 minutes ago. Ellie dug into the front pocket of your shorts taking out your pink pen that was peaking out. Double clicking it a few times. The clicking becoming obnoxious to the ears, like nails on a chalkboard — Abby sat up this time watching Ellie’s hands as her eyes flickered to Elora who of course was aloof as ever.
Ellie spoke up again, 
“Say the word…” 
You couldn’t find it in you to speak. Your silence defies the room. Ellie bounced her leg steadily growing irritated at the fact that you weren’t giving her an answer. The minute your supervisor turned to sit in her seat after doing attendance checks, Elora took the chance to give one final glance at you - Ellie’s jaw clenched as she felt the pen almost liquifying in her hand and flying uncontrollably.
Ellie held the pen like a dart as it whizzed in the air whacking Elora in the face. Elora turned around holding her cheek, letting out a groan that could be heard throughout the bus. Abby laughed to your left in amusement at Ellie’s sudden behavior;  your mouth going wide staring at Ellie who only sunk back into her chair with a smug I don’t care - look on her face. Ellie’s head was skewing out different curses. The red she was seeing was pulsing, like a beating heart. 
Two could play that game. 
“So you let her do it but not me?” Abby shamelessly admitted, trying her best to conceal her laughter against the window. Even though she wasn’t the one to do it Abby found the situation entertaining.
Elora turned again, trying to figure out who threw the pen, locking eyes with Ellie who was already staring her down.
“Next time…” Ellie croaked,  raising a hand to point at her right eye “It’ll be your fuckin’ eye” Ellie’s voice was prominent, threatening; sending Elora a cocky wink to finalize her statement. 
It was safe to say that Elora didn’t look at you for the rest of the bumpy ride. Eventually, your head slumped against Abby’s bulked arms letting out silent snores as you slept peacefully for the 30-minute bus ride to the cabins. Abby was doing the same her head against the glass of the window while her hand was gently on your thigh.
Ellie looked like a guard dog, a Doberman, protective and alert – wired headphones returned in her small ears, zoning out ahead. Occasionally boring a hole into the back of Elora’s head before hitting the skip button to the song on her phone.
Ellie’s green eyes tilted down to Abby’s hand that was protectively over your leg — like a blanket keeping you warm in the winter. She wasn’t sure why she was feeling jittery all of sudden, she knew better than to think anything more of it.
Just a friend…
Abby was just a friend, right?
Arriving to the camp-site, smelling the air filled of freshly cut grass, merky salt water from the lake, a boost of serotonin ran through you. When summer calls and nature picks up the phone it was truly a sight to see. The buzzing of the bees – working overtime in pollination and flies out for blood put you at ease. 
Stepping off the bus, you took your bags from the lower compartment to sling the pink duffle over your shoulder. Waiting in front as Abby did the same thing. Abby rightfully brought her drumsticks, tucking them in her butt pocket like she always does, while Ellie had her guitar case strapped to her back. A guitar pick hanging from her neck around a ball-chain silver necklace. 
It truly reminded you of the times there was marching band practice during high-school summers. 
Certain cabins with labels on them indicating the music rooms, dorms, and dining hall, nostalgia hitting you like a wet brick. A navigation stick at the center with arrows pointing at different locations of the camp. 
The bee’s decided that your perfume was perfectly sweet, making you swat your arm around your head at the bees that were effortlessly trying to kiss your ear. 
Abby, slid into the empty pocket of standing distance next to you, as you turned slightly to point at Abby’s sunglasses – your way of asking to wear them, to which she gracefully handed them to you with a smile.
Abby cleared her throat, “Ehm…Robin, hope you didn’t forget about our deal” 
Right. The fucking bet, you wanted to forget the bet and honestly just ditch it. Feeling ridiculous and immature for making the deal in the first place — words slipping out of your mouth uncontrollably. You looked like you just got caught doing something you shouldn’t – shrouding bashfully away from Abby, looking up at her through your tinted glasses.
“How about we delay that til’ fall?”
“It’s too late we already swapped spit” Abby grumbled, pretending to do the act of spitting in her hand and shaking an imaginary one in front of her. 
You puffed out your cheeks, rolling your eyes as you did so, letting the air deflate “I’ll bump it up to $40”
“Hey…you have one little interaction with the punk and now you’re giving up?” Abby began, nudging you with her arm “She got you feelin' hot and wet don’t she?’' Abby teased, her voice low and cunning almost as if she was daring you to try something. 
Abby slyly put two fingers in her mouth, slowly sucking on her fingers – humming out a low moan deep in your ear before pushing her fingers out of her mouth with a loud pop! 
Abby wasn’t wrong you were hot and bothered, probably not in the way she was thinking but definitely in need of a long cold shower to kill any sexual desires arising in your psyché. 
Lewd thoughts attacking your neurons, sending shots of dopamine throughout your body – wondering what sweet nothings she would whisper in your ear, lips grazing your ear – before meeting your jawline, running her tongue against your skin. Then swirling her tongue at your neck occasionally giving the flesh a bite like a vampire, creating art on your body and leaving you in violet hues.
Was it normal to have such lewd, unholy thoughts about your best friend? 
You couldn’t— no you shouldn’t. It felt almost illegal like you have been committing a crime.
No…you didn’t feel some type away it was just how she was. Maybe it was how she flirted you like always, but that was who she was, that was just…Abby. You needed to distract yourself - refocus, so you chose Ellie.
It didn’t help with how good Ellie looked under the sun’s gaze either. Shifting your gaze to where Ellie stood talking to Dina and Jesse who were giving very animated responses back to the girl. Ellie’s hands were on her hip slightly applying more pressure to lean on one leg. You could see the pack of Marlboro Reds in her back pocket, peaking out just a tad. Her cropped muscle tee lifts up every few minutes exposing the hemline of her boxers. You could feel the lace of your underwear in your denim light wash shorts, feeling stickier and wetter.
You were frustrated…extreemly frustrated, sexually.
Was it the sun beaming or was it her?
Maybe it was the way Abby was seductively trying to get a rise out of you that was turning you on even further.
Snapping out of your trance, that had you tilting your head in different directions, biting at your pink glossed lips while your fingers played with the ends of your hair.
Abby was an asshole, an asshole that was causing your heart to palpitate in an unusual manner. She was a little devious devil on your shoulder pushing you to the edge.
“Dude seriously! – gross”
“Whatever you say dear” Abby sang putting her hands up in defense – a shit-eating grin on her lips. “Ellie’s about to make you her bitch…watch…not like it’s hard” Abby swiftly looked you up and down.
Not that you would mind – sitting at her feet begging her to touch you, it was your perfect wet fantasy.
But you wanted to prove Abby wrong. You wanted to be in control and call the shots, you desperately wanted the ball to be in your court.
“Yeah…we’ll see”
As if on cue, your supervisor tucks the clipboard under her arm giving a triple clap to grab everybody’s attention. The woman appeared to be in her 50s and the name tag on her her breast pocket saying ‘Adalaide’ sealed the deal for you. Her smile was wide, and looking up at everyone through her visor, she almost looked robotic – artificial. 
“Welcome counselors to All-Star sleep-away band camp!” She shouted, bringing up her hands to give a mini applause. No one else followed suit to clap. It was almost humorous.
“We are so pleased to have you here! Helping to aid our student ran camping program is a big responsibility and the All-Star University family thanks you! At this table I have your staff shirts and name badges which you will be expected to wear, if you don’t wear your staff shirt because it gets dirty or unsanitary at any moment, name pins must be worn. Upon receiving your shirts you will initial next to your name, which has your cabin number at the top. We typically have separate cabins for the counselors…So that line of cabins,” 
Adalaide pointed to the row of cabins down the rocky road from where you were standing
“...has two beds and a bathroom. On the desks of each bedroom, there will be a clipboard with rules and the group you are running or teaching. We will be meeting back here – at this central spot,  around 12:30 which is when the campers start arriving”
You turn around to give Abby a slight smirk, taking off her sunglasses from your face and putting them on your head this time.
“We ensure you have a great experience, we hope you can make this a responsible and fun summer for the kids” Adalaide finished her announcement with an ear-splitting smile, the woman out of breath, clasping her hands together to make a loud clap. 
The group of you made your way towards the wooden picnic table, picking up a woefully ugly red shirt with the word STAFF bolded in white lettering on the back, it was definitely something you had to personalize.
 Initialing your name with the blue ink trailing your painted nail across the thin paper seeing your cabin number and bunkmate.
You mentally cursed at yourself, it was as if your downfall was being prayed upon. It’s not that you didn’t want to bunk with Ellie, but the thoughts of her that possessed you drove you insane. You didn’t think you could hold yourself back in a room alone with the girl.
Tilting to look at Abby, you let out a sigh seeing that she was occupied.
Abby got into a good conversation with Nora, Abby smiling, occasionally pushing her bangs out of her face. She was beet red, fiddling with the shark tooth around her neck.
Your small grin turning into a frown at the sight of it. It’s not that you were jealous…of course not — but Abby looked at Nora with such admiration, like she was the most beautiful girl you have ever seen.
You wanted Abby to look at you like that— no
You wanted someone to look at you the way Abby looked at Nora. You let out a growl at the conflicting voices in your head.
Looking around the mix of counselors you saw that Ellie had already disappeared off into the cabin. Deciding it would be best to just walk off on your own.
Heading down the trail, your white vintage classic rebooks got dusty. The sand gravel blowing onto your feet from the breeze of the trees. You walked into your cabin, the door letting out a loud creek as it slammed behind you.
It was homey – definitely smelled of slightly rotting wood and water from the lake, and was rather small; It was going to do the job for the month. Ellie’s bed and your own are across from each other with a desk at the center of the room. The in-cabin bathroom is small and in the corner of the 4x4.
Ellie’s eyes shifted up, eyebrows raised in amusement as she saw you come into the cabin. Looking at you up and down with a small smirk across her lips.
“Hey roomie, it’s an honor to share a bunk with you” Ellie teased taking out clothes from her bag and putting them into the bedside drawers. Her tone was cocky, almost poking fun at you.
“Something tells me I’m gonna regret it” You challenged cracking a smile. You slammed your bag down on your bed, which was followed by your body resting against the hard mattress that almost was the equivalent of sleeping on a box. Ellie was moving with great speed, picking up her fitted linen sheets and putting her blankets on the bed. She was almost finished packing. There was silence between the two of you. Mutually comfortable as you both did your own thing. 
Ellie fluffed out her pillow one last time and looked up to where you were resting. Her eyes skimmed over your exposed skin: from how your shirt rode up and the way your shorts rested on your thighs. Ellie bit her lips looking closely at your waistline to see the light-pink underwear strap peaking through. She felt dirty for doing so, but she couldn’t help it. Your eyes were closed long eyelashes poking at your cheeks, giving your under-eyes butterfly kisses.
“Need a hand?” Ellie spoke up gently, as you heard a drawer close from her end, followed by the creaking of her bed. 
“…y-yeah I could use the help juuust taking a breather” you whispered, bringing up your arms to block your face almost as if you were about to start a game of 7-up. 
“You don’t mind me touching your stuff right,” Ellie asked, dipping a knee into your mattress and she fiddled with the puffball at the zipper of your duffle bag. 
“No no– go ahead, do your thing” you responded, mentally counting to three before pulling your body weight to help. The two of you put away your clothes, followed by your sheets and blanket in silence.
You tried to ignore the fact that Ellie was gracefully putting your intimates in the top drawer with ease, her fingers running across the hemlines and edges of your bras and underwear as she slid them into the drawer.
Was it bad that you wanted her to take one?
“The shirt they are making us wear is fucking ugly” Ellie confessed, as she pulled down the remaining corner of your blanket, her muscles flexing as she moved. Ellie shifted her body this time, collapsing on your bed as she watched your body move. Ellie thought you were attractive – she always did, but granted the right person wrong time was very much real, the both of you were somewhat involved in relationships before she could make a move.
Ellie was smitten for you, hell half of the shit she would do for you, she definitely didn’t do for her ex. 
Lifting up the red shirt and the pair of scissors on the desk, you pretend to snip air “Ugh I know, I was about to cut it into something” you began.
This wasn’t uncommon for you, fixing and revamping old clothes has been your creative passion since you were 10. Freshly in the 6th grade making your outfits yourself no matter how badly the colors matched. It was you; came strongly from your large heart. This was one of the moments where you could express your authentic self freely.
You rested the shirt flat on the desk, cutting a vertical slit at the neckline to create a small v-line and splitting the bottom into two halves so it would be easier to crop and tie in a knot. Smiling at your work you swiftly pulled the pink-halter top off –  ignoring the presence of Ellie who was gawking at you. Her eyes glossed over your boobs admiring how nicely they sat in your push-up bra. The glittery lace compliments your skin well. Her thoughts were interrupted when your previously displayed bra had been covered by the red shirt.
You were teasing her.
Giving her a show — just enough to where she wanted to taste you and then pulling it back with that typical sweet look that was placed back on your dolled-up face. You tied it off in a knot at the bottom, the shirt fitting as you turned around to face Ellie fully this time.
“Ta-da!” you sang giving a twirl as Ellie whistled at you from her positioning at your bed. Ellie bit her lips watching the way you playfully danced. She wanted to grab you by the waist and pull you on top of her. Grabbing at your hair and your face like it was her last time touching it. 
Ellie walked over, slightly tugging you aside by the waist as she set down her own red shirt on the table cutting off the sleeves – the shirt now in a muscle-tee format. Ellie mimicked your actions, disregarding her black top over her head leaving her in a Calvin Klein sports bra as she put the red top on. Ellie wasn’t breaking eye contact with you – like she always does. Staring you down as you adjusted her shirt to her body. It seemed like she got the hint – perhaps you were teasing her, maybe you did want her to look at you.
You DID want her to look at you 
“That’s more like it…” Ellie mumbled, stretching her arms in the shirt. 
“Looks like we are going to be having a lot of fun this summer” Ellie whispered, her fingertips ghosting over your waist, as she trailed her fingers along the side of your exposed skin, before picking up the clipboard behind you. You exhaled at the feeling of her cold tips on your skin sending shocks through your body at the sudden temperature change.
Your body being hit with flashes, from cool to warm and eventually burning hot, as if someone turned on a heater and blasted in your face. Heart thumping in your ears like rolling thunder.
You quickly cleared your throat trying to push the out of body experience you were having out — followed her actions. Turning around to face the desk–  lifting up your own clipboard to see the thick layers of paper. A stack of 4 to 5 pages. 1-2 being rules, 3 being your attendance sheet and any dietary restrictions, 4 being the section you were teaching – which in this case was vocal lessons, and page 5 was your daily hour schedule. 
“So…where did they place you?” Ellie inquired, tilting her head to try to get a glimpse of your board.
“I’m at vocal lessons, with Jesse…” you mumbled eyes furrowing at what you were being expected to teach “Who were you so lucky to get?”
“More like unlucky… guitar lessons with your little weird friend, Elora” Ellie snickered bitterly, you almost choked on the air at her words. It seemed like a never-ending slope of bad luck – now would have been a good time to tape a clover to your chest. When things were doing just fine they would eventually reach the lowest of lows that you have seen them. Perhaps it was your karma for your negligent and careless way of thinking. Perhaps this was being done to punish you. 
“She’s not my friend”
“I know, just teasin’” Ellie shrugged, as she grabbed the sunscreen off the table to quickly reapply the aerosol. You watched as her body started to glisten, almost twinkling under the dim overhead light in the cabin. The thoughts of Ellie and Elora possibly working together escaping your thoughts. “Want some?”
Ellie shook the bottle of sunscreen in front of your face. You nodded faintly reaching for the bottle and making Ellie slap your hands away. Ellie took the initiative to spray the sunscreen for you, hitting your arms legs, and your exposed neck. Settling down the can with a faint smile. Ellie was sweet to you – from helping you avoid creeping Elora, unpacking, and now she was applying your sunscreen. You tried to keep your head screwed on tight. She was just being nice. You were convincing yourself that every little inkling or intuitive tingle you had about her liking you was untrue. You couldn't believe it. You didn’t want to. The bet also reappears within your head in flashes.
What Abby doesn’t know – won’t hurt her right?
That was your best friend, why did you suddenly care what Abby thought, what she felt?
You couldn’t grasp why that had such meaning for you.
So what if you got close with Ellie…fucked around – kissed and maybe even profess your liking. Wasn’t this all you wanted? Your happily ever after?
Ellie was making her way out of the door, while you were preparing to follow suit. Looking around swiftly for your pink pen – noticing its absence on your body. Right…it was probably with Elora after Ellie chucked it at her head. 
“Wait…Ellie!” you called out, rushing out the door with the clipboard tucked under your arm like a blanket. “Can you get my pen back?” 
Ellie smirked, casually rolling her eyes at your request. Of course, she’ll do it, she’ll do anything for you. 
“What– you’re gonna die without it?” Ellie teased abruptly turning around to face where you stood on the porch of the cabin, “Of course I’ll get it, back in blood” Ellie sent you a wink. 
By the tone of her voice, you couldn’t tell if she was joking or if it was just her dark-humored nature. Nodding your head to yourself, trailing behind her to get back to the main campsite. 
Taking care of children was free parenting to you. The runny noses, spontaneous injuries; “he said” – “she said”. It was enough to make you never want to have children. Today went rather peacefully than you expected. Naturally, the campers were settling in, making best friends with their bunk buddies, provided with a tour from Adalaide, meeting with the counselors briefly for an introduction and schedule update, and now they were briefly in the lunch rooms for a quick lunch break. 
The dining hall was well cleaned and put together, wood against wood with fairy lights hanging through the ceiling. It was a cute attraction – something that the youth definitely would enjoy. On the wall there were plaques with BEST CAMP and CHEF OF THE WEEK engraved in the metal. Paddles hanging from the wooden banisters made years prior at the camp. 
With a sharp inhale, you dove head first for the table that sat all the counselors. Parking yourself next to the empty seat that Abby had left open for you. You felt like you haven’t seen your best friend in hours – so caught up in the camping activities it was like you didn’t exist to each other. Abby gave a comforting smile as she patted the wood next to her. You of course sitting at the table. The rotation was rather odd, Jesse, Dina, Abby, and Nora sat at this table but two familiar faces were missing. The absence of the cocky redheaded airhead was gone. 
Ellie and…Elora. 
“Where’s Ellie?” you question, looking at the empty spot next to Jesse. The mood of the table shifted at your words. Everything suddenly became awkward, Abby letting out a small unprovoked cough – Dina taking an awfully large sip of water and Jesse suddenly finding interest in the ice pop that was melting in between his lips.  You quirked an eyebrow, lips apart as you analyzed the faces at the table everyone was silent – avoiding eye contact. “Uhm..hello?”
Jesse coughed, “Infirmary [seriously Jesse!]” 
As soon as the words left his mouth everyone at the table tried to hush him up, Abby muttering under breath, Nora had her head in her hands, and Dina was jabbing at him in his hip. Scolding him. Something was up. “So…why is Ellie in the infirmary?” you pushed fiddling your thumbs against the wood of the table.
“Elora stabbed her hand with a pen” Dina finished, making everyone at the table groan. Ellie’s familiar words of Back in Blood ringing your head. 
“Now that the cat is out of the bag” Abby shot a glare at Jesse and Dina “Special delivery for you” Abby lifted the pen, your pink pen from her back pocket handing it to you gently. Taking it within your hands you felt almost guilty – like a criminal holding a murder weapon, your once cute and pink pen was now splattered in a crimson gooey mess – blood cleaned but spots noticeably there. Ellie’s dry blood was on your pen, staining the plastic. If you knew that Elora would have spontaneously jabbed a pen at her you would have never asked Ellie to fetch it for you.
Elora had her own intentions with Ellie – their beef running deeper than Ellie and Abby’s ever could. 
“Great…” you dragged, grimacing and almost gagging at the blood on the pen – carefully rotating it so your fingers wouldn’t touch the pen.
“This is a fucking biohazard”
Taking a napkin from the napkin holder you gently wrapped the pen with the cotton - briefly walking it to the trash and sitting down again.
“So why did this happen?”
“Payback from getting hit with it earlier, according to Ellie it was unprovoked”
Ellie was pacing in the room, walking around the group of kids doing a headcount – having them stand around in the circle. Ellie just had gotten finished reading the rules and expectations and playing a gentle round of icebreakers for the day. Everything was going fine – apart from Elora staring down Ellie like she wanted to kill her, everything was presumably fine.
“Okay, looks like everyone is here you are all free to go to the dining hall – no running right! We don’t want an injury” The students nodded pushing and shoving their way out of the cabin as Ellie let out a breath of air at the slam of the door. The students were gone. Ellie’s mouth was dry from all of the talking she had been doing. 
Sliding her guitar off from around her neck, she launched it into the stands – backing away to where her water stood on the floor. Picking up the bottle as the lukewarm liquid traveled down her throat, making Ellie groan in satisfaction.
Elora was hunched over in a chair. Watching Ellie as if she had been plotting something rather devious. 
“Is there something on my face or…” Ellie spoke up. Tightening the rest of her water bottle, before tossing it to the floor with a loud BANG! 
“Nah, I’m not even looking at you” Elora spoke up bluntly, her eyes still focused on Ellie. Are you fucking kidding me? Ellie thought. With the absence of people around leaving the two of them alone, she wouldn’t hesitate to send a fast blow to Elora’s rather punchable face.
“Yeah, the fuck you are– you got a real staring problem…do we have a problem?” Ellie was raising her voice, clearly irritated at Elora fucking around with her. Ellie’s hands crossed her chest as she looked at Elora up in down in disgust. 
“You know Cat warned me about you”
Ellie froze at the mention of her ex's name. Cat, who was vastly swept off of her feet by Elora and whatever bullshit lies Elora was feeding her. Ellie felt that her love for Cat was real – rather raw, one of the happiest points in her life. Then Joel died and every strip of happiness faded away into black and grey. She didn’t wanna see Cat anymore – enraged by anything and everything, she didn’t like how open Cat was about their relationship – now everything she did was catching up to her at full speed. Cat confided in Elora who whispered sweet nothings and “Ellie doesn’t know how to treat you right” in her ears.
Elora was a demon sent straight from hell.
“Warned you about what?” Ellie laughed, bitterly,  walking closer to Elora who had stood up from her seat.
“About how reckless you are…how you hit and quit…serial heartbreaker…a cheater, a player” Elora spat making Ellie roll her eyes at her statement. 
“Notice how she only said that after you stole her from me – you stole my girlfriend”
“Same fuckin’ shit!” Ellie fussed, throwing her hands up.
“She said since the death of your father you got reckless… that you get possessive to bitches n’ groupies you taped once…that you’re a freak who can’t control her anger” It was all true. Ellie feeling betrayed by the exposure. But for Ellie’s sake, she would deny it. For your sake…she would deny it too.
Deny Deny Deny.
“Tis’ not true” Ellie then thought about the situation again. “That would be the pot calling the kettle black don’t you think?” 
“Sure about that? Wonder what Y/N would think when she finds out her little crush is no better than her last” Elora shot back, with a shit-eating grin on her face. Ellie was rather startled. 1. By the sudden mention of your name and 2. That Elora was so far up her ass to bring you into this mess and 3. The fact that you liked her. It seemed wrong to come from Elora – your personal feelings had nothing to do with her. Ellie felt herself heating up. 
“Our issues got nothing to do with her” Ellie confessed “She doesn’t want anything to do with you either!” 
“They will now…the way I see you looking at her like you want to eat her.. I dunno fuck her – let her see how much of a crazy bitch you are…bring the lion out rockstar”
Ellie snapped, “Well she’ll be screaming my name over…and over…and over again – and not yours if that's what your insecure ass is worried about” 
“Oh, not for me…I think you should be worried about Abby” Elora warned, making Ellie furrow her eyebrows. Abby? What the fuck did any of this have to do with Abby either? That was your best friend like hell she had to worry about Abby. But Abby did sit a little too close, grab at your waist, call you names, kiss your forehead– do friends do that?
Elora smirked watching as Ellie began to rethink every interaction she saw between you and Abby. Like the day she returned your pen and Abby just had to drag you away. Her arm around your shoulder rubbing circles into your skin. No No No, Elora was just trying to get in her head, Abby wasn’t a threat to her and she knew that.
“And what about her?” Ellie squinted 
“Anderson’s got a wandering eye…y/n might be screaming her name before yours – she’s been 2 steps ahead of you this whole time,”
Ellie poked her tongue in her cheek about Elora’s warning, choosing to ignore it and change the subject. She couldn’t think about that right now she didn’t want to. Fuckfuckfuck! Elora was already enough. Ellie looked down to the clipboard on the chair remembering what you said about the pen. Perfect time to change the subject during this brief period of silence. 
Ellie swiftly pointed at your pink pen in the clipboard “Oh and I need that back” 
Elora turned around to look at your pen, darting her eyes back and forth between Ellie and the pen. The mood shifted again it was hostile, like the moment of peace and tranquility before everything goes terribly wrong. Ellie felt her intuition bubbling, sharp pains jabbing in her stomach – Elora was up to no good.
Before Ellie could say anything else Elora bolted for the pen jabbing it into the flesh of Ellie’s left hand making Ellie let out a blood-curdling scream. Blood pooled out of her gash as Elora twisted the pen-point side allowing the tip to dig into her bloodstream. Ellie shook off the pain bringing up her free hand to right-hook Elora in her face. 
“Fuckin’ bitch – and you’re calling me crazy?” Ellie shouted, reaching for the pen in her hand and taking it out with an animalistic growl. While Elora was still trying to recuperate from the sudden smack, Ellie took this as an opportunity to tackle Elora to the floor, straddling the brunette as Elora’s hands grabbed at Ellie’s face. Ellie bit her finger in a rush, sending another punch to Elora’s face with a loud THUD as Elora’s skull bounced against the wood floor.
The thud almost matched Ellie’s heartbeat - the adrenaline pumping through her veins as she felt herself reaching euphoria at Elora’s displeasure. Ellie always wanted to punch Elora, get the deed out of the way and she didn’t particularly care if she looked like a bad person now. Ellie wasn’t pulling her punches.
With each punch Elora’s words kept on playing in limbo at the back of her head ‘what would y/n think”
What would you think if you walked in at this very moment seeing Ellie on top of Elora hitting her repeatedly? That would make anyone pray it wasn’t a dent. Blood on her rings dripping down her hands both from the stab wound and Elora’s now bloody nose, Elora sent a hand up to Ellie slapping her across making Ellie fall back. It was Elora’s turn this time – getting on top of Ellie and sending two punches to her face. Ellie groaned out with each tension-filled punch, watching as Elora’s hand drew back one more time before a big- muscular hand dragged Elora off of Ellie. It was Abby, almost crushing Elora’s hand 
“Get the fuck up…and get this fucking shit off your face you look ridiculous”  Abby spat at Elora, Elora scrambling out of the cabin holding her face.
Ellie was beat…on the floor letting out heavy breaths as she tried to recollect her thoughts. A wave of relief cast over her body at the sight of Abby. Ellie wasn’t sure why she felt relieved or why Abby’s presence wasn’t bothering her anymore. Perhaps Ellie was tolerating Abby, just for you…But Ellie didn’t want to make Ellie an enemy, not anymore.
“Well don’t you look like shit” Abby sneered bringing an arm down to Ellie. A helping hand. Ellie grasped on with ease as Abby pulled her up from the floor. “What happened here?” 
“I was just asking for y/n’s pen and she stabbed me unprovoked – a crazy shit talker too” Ellie spat, wiping her bloody nose at the back of her hand. Ellie recalled your pen, bending down to lift up the pink pen that was tinted red, coated in her blood.
“I’m not giving her this…” Abby pinched her fingers together to hold the pen trying to avoid touching any blood. “Clean it and don’t tell her…just give it back”
Abby ignored her statement, “What’s your deal with Elora?” Ellie let out a sarcastic laugh at Abby’s question. 
“Try having a girl steal your ex-girlfriend and then try to plot on a girl you’ve been eyeing…I’m sure you’d react the same” Ellie breathed out, reaching for her water to take a sip.
“What are you gonna tell y/n?” Abby spoke up again.
“You ask a lot of questions…j- just that I fell” Ellie shrugged skewing a ridiculous lie. She didn’t spend years of heartbreaking to be a shit liar. 
“She’s not gonna buy it fuck-face…what about Elora, I mean come sunrise her face is pretty fucked up too” Abby confessed. Ellie cursed under her breath. She didn’t care anymore. Elora could tell you whatever she wanted – that’s if she could even catch you
“She can tell her whatever the fuck she wants “ Ellie’s voice was monotone. The freckled-face girl dug in her pockets pulling out the flavored stick to her lips realizing she didn’t have a lighter. Sitting on the chorus bleachers that were set up in the cabin for the students. “Got a light?”
Abby dug into her pocket flicking out a black BIC lighter, a replacement for the one from the school fire. Safety broken off, Abby lit Ellie’s cigarette for her – the fresh smell of tobacco filling the room. 
Ellie’s bloody hand was the one to bring the cigarette too in from her lips. 
“She brought up my dad…what kind of fucker does that?” Ellie mumbled as Abby took a seat next to her, “I want to–no I need to get rid of her, she is plotting something against y/n and I can feel it” 
Abby hummed looking at the small smudge of blood against the floor, “I could help you”
Ellie was confused. Why would Abby want to help her? Why would the blonde go out of her way to give Ellie a hand? Clearly, it was not for her but rather for you. Ellie knew that Abby cared about you more than you can imagine or even muster up in words. Abby was your safety blanket, the bell ringer to call you home.
“It’s not for you…” Abby whispered, looking up at the ceiling briefly before finishing her statement “We both don’t like Elora, and we both want to protect Y/n…I say we team up”
“You wouldn’t…”
“You don’t know how far I’ll go…”
“Jeez, I don’t wanna kill her Abby, just fuck around with her a little – make her kiss my boot you know…She has this isolation technique I know how she moves – only a matter of time before she makes Y/n hate you too” Ellie assured, tapping the ash building up at the edge of the bleachers, Ellie spoke like a pro. Abruptly remembering the words that left Elora’s mouth that tormented her.
 “You like her or something” 
Abby was silent, it was evident she was hesitating and thinking before she gave her answer. It wouldn’t be an honest answer of course not.
“Actually scratch that…how long?” 
Abby’s eyes went wide at the question. Ellie wasn’t even giving her any room to answer. 
Abby scratched at her neck, reaching into her back pocket and cursing when she realized her drumsticks were missing. Clearing her throat, she instead played with the bracelets on her wrist, “Uhm…3- no, 5 months”
Ellie cursed under her breath. Ellie only liked you for 3 ½ Abby led the majority and she was a strong believer of first come first serve. Ellie quite frankly didn’t know how she felt about sharing – Elora wasn’t exactly wrong about her possessiveness. Ellie reached into her pockets of Marlboro’s offering Abby a stick – it was her offering solidarity. Abby obliged sticking the slender tobacco in between her lips and bringing a light up to get herself started.
“She knows?” Ellie questioned watching as her cigarette got shorter and shorter.
“Hell no, I’m not telling her either – she thinks I like Nora I wanna keep it that way”
“No, you don’t” Ellie read right through her like a book. Abby ‘nepo-baby’ Anderson certainly didn’t wanna hide it from you it was painfully obvious, no mind reader needed to see! 
“I don’t do the sharing shit” Ellie confessed blowing out the smoke, “But I can accommodate” 
“Let her choose it isn’t our decision…” Abby elaborated, making Ellie nod at the response. She was right. Who were they to choose who gets to have her? Ellie knew deep down you would trade her for Abby any day – she’s been with you through it all. 
“And if she wants both of us?”
“We let her have it” Abby shrugged.
 Abby could care less nor give a flying fuck if she had to share you…She rather it is with Ellie than some dick-wad like Elora. Ellie was a pure reflection of herself – perhaps that's why they clashed so much. Maybe that’s why she hated her. It was like arguing with a broken mirror. 
She was arguing with herself.
 Ellie nodded at Abby’s response, putting out the butt of her cigarette. 
Ellie took her bleeding hand out preparing to shake Abby’s with a mischievous grin, Abby’s lips slowly curled into one as well, taking Ellie’s bloodied hand in her own. A tight firm handshake. Business is business. 
“But seriously… go to the infirmary, it looks is gross” 
After the lunch break, the campers were settling around the burning wood for a quick bonfire and s'mores night. Fire sparks filled the air as the radio blared a mix of recent pop hits while other mini activities and s'more building stations were happening. The sun was down, stars twinkling in the sky like a scene right out of a movie. 
You had enough of the fire. Flashbacks to how you ended up at this camp in the first place peaking through.
When the music room advises no outside equipment, like liquids – don’t bring them. Save yourself the trouble, the fines, and the embarrassment. 
Making a plate of s’mores, you looked around realizing the absence of Abby and Ellie. Other counselors dancing or talking to the kids but you were alone. Your best friend wasn’t around and the familiar faces started blending in with each other. It seemed like since you arrived at the camp this disappearing act had started. If it wasn’t disappearing then it sure was secrecy. Your white pullover sweater rested on your body, while your lower half was still covered in shorts, picking up your flashlight from the picnic table. Now that it was nightfall Adalaide was responsible for the children. She was the one to do bunk checks making the counselors free for the rest of the night. 
You walked down the gravel trail from the main campsite, the flames getting smaller and smaller behind you. Reaching up to your cabin the shiny number 3 flashing under the moonlight brought you comfort, flashing your flashlight around the open air to make sure there was no one else behind you. You haven’t seen Elora all afternoon. Not that you wanted to, nor did you care but it was as if she became a ghost. There one minute and gone the next. 
Approaching the steps, as the wood creaked underneath you, your nose tilted up at the sudden smell of freshly lit tobacco almost lethargic to the nose. The air was potent and spicy which lead you to believe that the people you were looking for were nearby. Deciding to reverse your feet at the steps, pausing to listen if you heard any voices. Hearing Abby’s subtle raspy voice against the wind you fully reversed your steps, turning away from the cabin to follow the voices. This leads you down a mini trail in the gaps between each of the Cabin, finding Abby and Ellie leaning up against the cabin walls, on opposite sides of each other blowing out smoke in conversation.
This was weird – strange almost.
It didn’t make sense to you – last time you checked they didn’t get along. You held up your flashlight at the two flashing it which caused their conversation to stop. 
Abby smirked seeing your figure approach the two, admiring your relaxed state. Her eyes eventually trailed down to the plate of s’mores that you had in her hand, three perfectly placed and put together on the plate. Abby thought to herself about the common phrase, “The best things come in 3’s"
“What are you guys doing here?” you whispered, voice soft as always – angelic and pure. Ellie looked up at you blowing smoke away from your face. This was the first time you got to see her all day, her hand wrapped in white gauze almost like a cast and the plump flesh around her eye was swollen. Hues of purple, yellow, and green blended around her eye, her skin clearly sore from all of the hits she had taken. A frozen ice bag was placed near her temples just above her eye. It was worse than you expected. 
“Well hello to you too…” Ellie spoke up, bringing the cigarette up to her lips for another hit. Abby pulled you into the two of them, her hands reaching down to the plate to take one of your s’mores off of the plate. 
“Thanks for the treat [It wasn’t for you?]” Abby whispered, sending you a quick wink as she took a bite of the rich and sticky dessert. Abby let out low moans in satisfaction at the gooey substance. Ellie looked down at the plate seeing that you had two more smores left. Mocking Abby’s actions and taking one for herself. You weren’t sad about it hell you weren’t gonna finish the dessert anyways. Queasy knots turning in your stomach.
“Why aren’t you hanging out at the bonfire?” Ellie pondered. It’s not like you would enjoy it anyways, ever since the fire incident in May that was enough to have you never want to see a fire again. The burning of the wood was enough to make your chest burn – having flashbacks of your feet feeling cemented into the practice room floor as the instruments melted and melted. Ellie’s tone was kind of cold almost as if you had been interjecting something you shouldn’t have. 
“Sorry…am I interrupting something” Your question was enough to shut up the both of them. Between Abby’s aggressive chewing, she abruptly stopped — eyeing down Ellie, very slowly shaking her head. 
“No, why would you be?” Ellie was reclining from her original tone, giving Abby the quickest glance before focusing on you with a killer smile. The way the light from the moon gently cast onto your face was enough for you to fully see how her eye looked.
“Holy shit…your eye” Your voice was full of concern, pushing the plate with s’mores into Abby’s hands as you walked towards Ellie running your fingers gently along the side of her face, Ellie fluttering her eyes closed briefly as her free hand dusted yours to bring it down, squeezing softly in appreciation.
“You should see the other guy” Ellie joked, putting the cigarette back up to her lips. The joke brought a slight frown to your face, you vastly looking at her hand that was bandaged up to the best security. “How’d you get the..uhm, bruise?”
Ellie cleared her throat, spitting out the build-up of phlegm onto the rocky road to her right, taking a breather – she wanted to stay true to her lie. “I fell, bumped into a table as I was crashing down – I’ll be fine though just have to keep icing until the bruising goes down”
Ellie’s voice was convincing – not a single hint of a lie being there. She was telling you the same story she told the nurse.
Abby cleared her throat making you redirect your attention towards her who was leaning against the wall with your plate of smores, She looked up at you through her lashes, a rather serious tone in her voice “You see Elora?”
“Mhm no not really…She was at the bonfire for a quick second…seemed like her face was bruised too” You recalled, voice trailing off as you glanced at Ellie briefly squinting your eyes at the girl. Something was up, and you knew it…the two just weren’t telling you. You weren’t to be fooled and you were gonna find out what the issue was – but you instead played it off while the deep intuitive knowing itched at the back of your brain.
“Well if she tries to talk to you, avoid her – come find me or…Ellie for that matter” Abby’s tone was rather serious. You knew she wasn’t the biggest fan of Elora but this time it seemed more advanced than the time that she had comforted you the night Elora broke things off. She was angered.
Your head jolted back in confusion at Abby’s mention of Ellie’s name. Reminding you of all the times she would be throwing insults – jabbing negatively at the girl, what was with the sudden switch up?
“Wait since when were the two of you, friends?”
Abby and Ellie looked at each other briefly – Ellie putting the cigarette back up in silence meanwhile Abby looked back at you, “Not important…– but I’m serious don’t talk to her”
“Not like I planned on it” you shot back, Abby nodded her head – Ellie repeating the nod as well.
“Good [yeah, good]” The both of them talked over each other.
“You guys are being weird…very weird” you blurted out, finally stating what was on your mind. They weren’t doing the best job at hiding it – it was painfully obvious. A thick awkward tension was in the air as well. 
“If the Elora issue was about me you’d let me know right?” you inquired. Testing the waters to see what they would tell you, “Right?” you repeated yourself.
“Yeah…yeah – of course, but it isn’t about you so don’t worry your pretty little head about it” Abby smiled at you reaching to grab at your head, shaking it gently like she had done in May after your meeting in the Dean’s office. Abby didn’t exactly deny that there was a problem though, her poor word choice digging – almost scratching at your beliefs. Abby reached a hand down grabbing you at your waist with one hand before bunching up the fabric of your sweater in the ball of a fist at your back.
“You look sleepy – think you should call it a night?” Abby analyzed your face, pushing the plate with a singular s’more in your hands. You weren’t tired – well at least you thought you weren’t, you couldn’t focus with Ellie’s gaze on you and Abby touching you. As if on instinct you let out a yawn bringing the back of your hand to your lips to block your mouth that was agape. At this moment Ellie knew that Elora’s words were correct. Ellie’s eyes were zapped on Abby’s hand, clenching her jaw seeing that Abby had gentle control over you. Dear ol’ Abby knew what was best. 
and Abby was 2 steps ahead of her.
But she didn’t wanna cave in now, or turn it into some fucking competition when she was already trying to handle Elora – but if she could just sway you to want her and her only, she would do it in a heartbeat.
This might have been the rocky first day of counseling. From losing your pink pen, Elora’s unwanted appearance, Ellie getting into a fight, and Abby and Ellie’s consequential team-up, this only seemed to be the beginning of a dark, wild, treacherous ride. Every action from this night forward would have consequences. Back in blood, definitely meant deeper now.
Eye for an eye…tooth for a tooth. 
@ellsss @rarestdoll @luvrgalore @starologist @destielcore @beforeimdeceased @kissesskittens @emluvselandabs @abbyily @sawaagyapong @zahraaziza
© cowgirlcherrie 2023
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gunkreads · 1 year
Interesting to look at the power dynamic between Ianthe and Coronabeth (less "dynamic" more "leash") through the lens of Patrick Rothfuss' "inherent" vs. "granted" power idea. To summarize: inherent power is the stuff you can do naked and alone in the wilderness (e.g. knowing how to make a fire or cast a spell), while granted power requires a social or interpersonal structure through which you can exert your will because of trust, station, or some other social contract (e.g. having a servant or an army). The following will be a misconstrual of Rothfuss' exact textual intent, but I'm tweaking the idea to match this relationship.
Ianthe is a good mix of both, but mainly inherent; Corona is almost entirely granted, with very little inherent. Crucially, Ianthe is inherently powerful before she's granted any power and Corona is granted power before she's inherently powerful. Yes, of course, Corona is obsessively dependent on Ianthe--it seems fairly clear that she believes Ianthe is the one granting her all her power, which is largely true--but because Corona is both Hot as Fuck and Incredibly Cool (as far as most in-universe perspectives are concerned), people around her are willing to grant her influence at the drop of a hat. Notice how, even with several far more qualified and authoritative opinions in the room, Corona still manages to get her thoughts in the door in Canaan House? Notice how her charisma has kept her and Ianthe's ruse afloat for their entire lives? It genuinely doesn't fall apart until Corona has a complete breakdown. Even with Blood of Eden, who don't seem to want to value her as more than an intelligence asset, seem to actually respect her opinion. This reads like a red flag, to me, indicating that her charisma is obscuring her general lack of functional competency (just like how it works in real life).
Starting in Gideon the Ninth and cementing in As Yet Unsent, we see how Coronabeth is genuinely upset at her lack of inherent power. She's learning the rapier to make up for it. Of course, by Nona the Ninth, she's reentered a power structure at a hierarchical tier that mostly negates her need for inherent power. But what we're seeing here is her frustration manifesting: she's tried as hard as she's able, past her emotional blocks, to shed the power she believes Ianthe has granted her, and to (in her mind) reach her own inherent power.
But Corona doesn't understand inherent power. She's never really had it, not in the way she sees those around her exert. Naberius is top-tier as a House Cavalier. Ianthe is one-in-a-million as an adept (well, two with Harrow around). Corona tries to learn to fight, but can only compare herself to Naberius, which is supremely unfair. She reaches and reaches and reaches for inherent power, something she can do after everyone's left her behind, but she never really grasps it in a way that means anything to her. This leads to the belief that any inherent power she may gain for herself will feel granted.
The problem we see, of course, is that she's building a snow fort (reputation and power in BoE) to stop a lahar (reputation and power in Ianthe's eyes). Sure, she can actually experience something adjacent to self-esteem while she's building the snow fort, but once that lahar comes by, it's over. She's swept back up into her dependency. She realizes that the power she was granted by BoE feels like nothing in comparison to even a smidge of respect, even if it's laden with condescension, from Ianthe.
Corona's reliance on Ianthe parallels Ianthe's reliance on herself. By the time she's reintroduced in Nona the Ninth, Ianthe has been taking a good long crack at this whole "Emperor's Authority" thing and... seems to find it repulsive. Ianthe is all hands, all fingers, sticking them in where work needs to be done and expecting to complete that work before she has to withdraw to do something else. She was raised on the "shut the fuck up and work" principle, where Corona was raised on the "keep talking so nobody notices what's happening" principle. One of the key differences between the two is that Ianthe has been consistently seeing the results of her own inherent power for her entire life. She can hold the results of a project in her hands and feel pride--even if most of the pride she feels is the Deadly Sin kind.
Now that Ianthe has graduated from "inherently powerful" to "inherently powerful, so you're in charge of people", she has to cope with the idea of having somebody else do it. She cannot conceive of "somebody else" doing a job as well as she can. It's just not her lived experience. She's always been the best necromancer in the room, with the best talker in the room at her beck and call. Sure, the charisma she nets by having Corona around is granted power, but it's important that she doesn't see it that way. Corona is HER mouth. Corona doesn't get her own thoughts, and if she voices any, it's a flight of fancy in Ianthe's mind.
Because of the fact that Ianthe doesn't understand granted power, she believes that any power granted TO her is inherent. It's a supremely selfish perspective brought on by years of the self-satisfactory view that everyone else is relying on you, and it's not even hard to do what they need.
The sisters as a pair are obviously deeply mismatched, but I think Ianthe's ascendance to Lyctorhood marks a threshold being crossed (as in the Monomyth) where Ianthe begins to live in a world that Corona cannot touch in any way. There's a level of influence granted by charisma and speeches and hotness in the regular world of the Nine Houses, but once Ianthe ascends beyond that, Coronabeth is vestigial. Ianthe no longer needs charisma and speeches and hotness; she's acquired the physical power and been granted the influence to make all of those redundant. She speaks or thinks and things happen. There are only like five or six people left who can even pose a challenge to her, and half of them are Resurrection Beasts, which don't even count.
This leaves Corona collapsed coughing in the dust, two county lines behind. What the hell is she good for? The same stuff as before? No, in her mind, she's just a sexy leech that Ianthe pried off when she became a Lyctor. A leech without a food source shrivels and dies. She attaches herself to BoE, but after a lifetime of sucking the rich blood of Ianthe's necromantic talent, Corona wastes away on the anemic influence of the new group. Simultaneously, Ianthe has put on nail-shaped goggles, and by god does she have a big hammer. Now that her mouth, Corona, is gone, she has to lean on the belief that she's powerful enough to handle everything she used to get Corona to do with raw power. It's almost sad, but she's such a bitch that it's just pathetic.
I did not proofread this.
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centrally-unplanned · 2 years
Bocchi The Rock! is really hitting sweet spots for me on how it presents its main character’s core plot concept. Bocchi is essentially K-On! but if main girl Yui was too introverted to function instead of too stupid to function; which is a challenge to make interesting. The Yui of this show, Hitori, is a social train wreck who convinced herself learning guitar would substitute for having a personality and make her friends, with the expected 0% success rate. The plot follows her new desperate attempt to achieve friend-dom by joining a band. Which is a character concept that gives us some extremely relatable content: 
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Yet the show does still have the challenge of making a character who sucks at socializing be the main character of a Slice of Life show about socializing. Its a comedy, obviously, but still that can get repetitive fast, these character types are often side characters for a reason. Shows like WataMote keep it fresh by making main girl Tomoko a degenerate scumbag on top of a shut-in, its the *degeneracy* that powers the show; you want to have an angle on characters like these
Bocchi’s angle is both character & directorial. On the character side, what endears me to Hitori is how much she is halfway there on understanding social interaction. She might be a breathing pink stress ball but she isn’t clueless, she knows, kindof, what you need to do to make friends - her panic-attack levels of social anxiety just preclude it. So you get opening scenes like these, where she dresses full-musician to go to school to inspire musician-types to talk to her:
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And it falls flat on her face because she has been there for months already and still refuses to initiate anything:
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But that is what fashion is for! She did look good, in another context this would work (and does accidentally to trigger the ~plot later)
Or when learning about her new also-weirdo band mate Ryo, she goes from “yes friend!!”:
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To, 5 seconds later on hearing that she spends her time visiting ruined buildings & second-hand clothing stores, “oh no, not like me at all”:
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Which is actually pretty smart for 5 seconds of thought, Hitori groks that interests correlate with personality and people relate to being alone differently.
The point is that Hitori’s social failure is stacked on top of social insight, the humor derives from what she gets right vs wrong. Her *almost* getting it is more enjoyable, and more importantly way more likeable, than her just flailing. She holds the stupid ball for sure but you get why, she is trying to throw it away at least, which is endearing instead of frustrating.
More exceptional is how the show communicates her struggle; she can’t talk good right? So tons of her dialogue is internal dialogue - which you have to spice up somehow, static shots w/ voice narration is not very fun. Bocchi has a grand time playing one of anime’s trump cards of having fantastical brain-scape setpieces to communicate mood. That ‘she is a loner’ revelation ain’t settling for some sparkling pink-background; we have a full apocalypse to carry her aborted dream instead:
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Communicating information hits the same struggle as emotion; this is a show about music after all, and another of anime’s strengths its presumption the audience actually is interested in the details of the niche hobby stuff the show is about. But Hitori-in-actuality couldn’t teach someone how to breathe let alone music tips, so instead we get random artistic cutaways to diagrams and explainers by imaginary instruments:
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Which I love! Its expressive, you can shift the artstyle in a way that doesn’t clash, it lets the animators flex technique, and the information gets across without dragging down pacing (a lot of media, *unable* to do this, simply cuts the information out entirely, primarily to spite me). 
And of course since all of this is happening inside Hitori’s head, she is, apparently, immensely creative - I love her now, teach me your ways my gumball princess! Her head would be a great place to be if you could lobotomize the anxiety somehow. All this means that Hitori, while awkward, is rarely cringe - partly because the directing always cuts away from any shots that would focus on cringe, but mainly because Hitori is too interesting to be cringe, you got other things to think about.
All in all Bocchi the Rock is my favourite silly-Slice-of-Life show of the season, and I hope it continues this level of playfulness going forward.
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hanjiesgf · 2 years
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– upgrade.
pairing: yang jeongin x fem!reader (ft han jisung)
contains: power play (?), face riding, masturbation, biting, lowkey sub/dom dynamics, voyeurism, exhibitionism, perv!jisung, switch!afab!reader, switch!jeongin.
word count: 3.1k
a/n: hello !!! i just hit 200 followers and this is my little baby, i had a dream and iris made fun of me BUT encouraged me to write this,,, AND IM SO SLOW!!!!! i loved reader and jeongin’s relationship omgggg,,, also this is my self-birthday gift bc TODAY THAT IM POSTING THIS IM OFFICIALLY 21,,,, and probably this is my only smut ever written (this long, bc i usually don’t write THAT MUCH) so please enjoy and remember to give me some feedback hehe tysm!!!!!
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a screaming match in the kitchen woke you up.
you sighed as you put on a shirt that wasn’t yours and went to see what was happening.
it was very common for you and your roommates to share clothes, after all, you washed them together and sometimes they get mixed up, so it wasn’t a problem at all to use someone else’s clothes.
the han jisung vs yang jeongin live action was happening in the middle of your kitchen.
your classmate seungmin, who was also majoring in photography like you, mentioned that two of his close friends were looking for a place to stay, you hugged him tightly and he blushed hard making you giggle. so after some interrogation on your part, you found jeongin and jisung to be a good fit for so place you called home.
and here they were, a whole year later, fighting for their lives in the middle of the kitchen. jeongin was holding jisung’s arm against his back in some sort of wrestling position, jisung struggling against the kitchen counter with jeongin on his back laughing.
and here they were, a whole year later, fighting for their lives in the middle of the kitchen. jeongin was holding jisung’s arm against his back in some sort of wrestling position, jisung struggling against the kitchen counter with jeongin on his back laughing.
“when are you going to behave, hyung?��� jisung groaned, getting more and more frustrated with every passing second. you watched it all from the door, giggling.
“why are you bullying your hyung, innie?” both of them snapped their heads towards your voice, watching you lean against the door with a smile.
“why are you bullying your hyung, innie?” both of them snapped their heads towards your voice, watching you lean against the door with a smile.
jisung instantly freed himself from jeongin’s grasp when he was distracted by your presence, jumping quickly away from him with a fight stance. “don’t ever do that to me again.”
“then don’t be stealing my food when i repeatedly asked you if you wanted some and you said no three times.” jisung raised his eyebrows in annoyance, then he turned his head towards you like he was expecting you to say something.
“what are you looking at, jisungie? he told you.” jeongin winked and you, grabbed his food, and walked quickly to his room without saying anything else, brushing his arm with yours as he walked past you.
jisung scoffed, starting to make some breakfast for himself after the whole catastrophe he had just suffered. you walked to the refrigerator and got yourself some cereal and milk, watching how jisung was fuming making himself some sandwich.
“stop frowning, you look ugly.” that’s a lie.
his eye twitched, “shut up, you didn’t say anything to defend me.”
you scoffed at him, eating your cereal unbothered. “literally it was none of my business, chill out.” he rolled his eyes and took a seat in front of you on the table.
you both ate in silence for a few minutes, occasionally glancing over to watch the other. until you broke the silence.
“do you want to watch a movie or something with me in my room?” jisung choked on his sandwich, making you laugh. “are you okay?”
“no thanks, i have other important things to do now.” he looked away, you looked shocked for a few seconds, then quickly regained your composure. was he still mad for the fight thing?
“sure.” you stood up from the table looking at him one last time, leaving your plate in the kitchen sink. “have fun then, i’ll ask innie.”
giggling on your way to jeongin’s room you thought about jisung, he never rejected the chance to spend time with you, even to the point to cancel his plans to hang with you, you shrugged it off and knocked on jeongin’s door.
“come in!”
you opened the door to see jeongin sitting with his legs crossed still eating his food and watching some anime on his laptop. “hi.”
jeongin nodded at you, mouth full of food, he paused the anime and put the bowl of food on his nightstand. “hey, what’s up.”
jeongin was wearing an oversized graphic tee, with a pair of shorts that left almost nothing to the imagination, his marked thighs from working out daily against the fabric, showing off more because of the way he was seated on his bed.
“jisungie rejected my invitation to watch a movie in my room, y'know, i have an actual tv.” you grinned, wiggling your eyebrows, you were set on watching a movie with someone, it doesn’t matter if it was jisung or jeongin.
“is this an invitation to fuck?”
you smirked, “i mean if we are in the middle of the movie and you get hard i’ll think about it.” jeongin chuckled.
“that depends on the movie.” he raised his brows, with a playful smile.
“you think we are watching fifty shades or what?” you grinned.
he shook his head, standing up and getting closer to you, then you noticed his wet hair, he had showered before the breakfast incident probably. he smelled good, and he was looking extraordinarily handsome today.
“well, are we going or not?”
you rolled your eyes as you followed him to your room. he got himself comfortable on your bed and took the lead to pick the movie, you went to see if jisung was still in the kitchen, but he wasn’t there, so on your way back to the room you clashed with jisung who was leaving the bathroom.
“sorry,” you glared at him, he looked at you weirdly and peeked on your open door, seeing jeongin getting comfortable on your bed, covering himself with your blankets. “oh… you went to jeongin instead?”
you scoffed, “of course, i want to watch a movie, weren’t you busy?”
jisung looked away, “yes, sorry.”
“good luck, bye.” you entered your room and closed the door on jisung, leaving him speechless.
jeongin looked amused by the whole situation, “i’m still winning after all.”
you jumped on the bed and took your spot beside jeongin, who was looking very cozy with your blankets on top of him. he had already put a movie on, it was a horror movie and you were happy.
“we’ll watch a movie adaptation of the book it by stephen king.” jeongin murmured, getting comfier and putting his head on your shoulder. you nodded and rested your head against his soft hair.
you could count with two hands the actual time the both of you watched the movie. the protagonist’s little brother was about to die to the ugly ass clown hiding in the sewer when jeongin’s hand gazed at your thigh, at first you shrugged it off but the second time you felt his fingers against your skin, you knew it wasn’t an accident.
“are you truly getting horny with this scene?” you chucked, caressing jeongin’s hair with your hand.
he grabbed your thigh and stroked it gently with his long and slender fingers. “to be honest, you’re not wearing pants.” was he a genius?
“i’m wearing underwear, that’s how i sleep, that’s not an excuse.”
“you literally invited me here to fuck.” you gasped offended.
“i did not,” you pushed his head off your shoulder making him look at you frowning. “bro i just wanted to see a movie in peace but you horny gremlin and the other angry gremlin cannot do this to me.”
jeongin smirked, quickly pausing the movie and looking back at you as he sat on your lap. “what are you-” he took off his shirt and looked down at you. “what the fuck jeongin.”
“at least are you thinking about it?” of course you were thinking about it, he was literally shirtless in front of you, his toned chest from working out and his biceps at your display.
you traced your hand around his chest, playing with his nipples as he shivered. he placed his arms around your neck as you played with his chest, scratching his pecs with your nails.
“you’re fully thinking about it.”
you nodded, tilting your head to the side and watching him stare at your lips, his chest slowly expanding with each breath he took and licking his lips more times than he could count. you pouted, your doe eyes working hard and fast on him.
“so are you going to kiss me or not?” he grinned as he leaned on, capturing your lips in a kiss. and he was good, slowly sucking on your lower lip making it a hundred percent hotter than it should be.
still sitting in your lap with his arms around your head, holding you up to keep you in place, kissing him. his hips started working against your lower belly, the bulge on his shorts growing hard with each thrust. “oh?” he giggled like he got caught doing something bad.
“was this your plan all along?” you asked, after a long kiss. jeongin was lowkey breathless, so he just nodded.
he was kissing you again, one hand caressing your cheek and the other holding your head. his tongue made expert movements inside your mouth, wanting more and more from you.
your hands were still on his chest, making him tremble against you every time your hands caressed his torso. you could feel his already hard cock against your belly, taking the initiative, your hand wandered down to his shorts making him jump slightly, he smiled against your mouth when he realized what you were doing.
“take them off?” he rolled his eyes as he struggled with letting your lips go.
he got up from your lap, quickly taking all of his remaining clothes off and smirking when your eyes went down to stare at his hard leaking cock shining with precum on the tip, he made a mocking sound.
“i mean, it’s a pretty dick, why are you laughing?” he just shook his head as he got closer to you, kissing you deeply leaving no room between the both of you as he got on your lap again.
you wasted no time getting your hands and mouth on him, watching him gasp at the feeling of your hand on his cock and the other playing with his balls. your mouth attacking his neck leaving very notorious marks that he enjoyed by the sound of his pitched moans, his hands traveled to your hair, pulling it as you jerked him off.
between the sweet sounds of jeongin’s moans on top of you, grinding his hips against your hand to gain more friction, you heard some shuffling on your door, it was now a little bit open but you didn’t pay it any attention, your lock was broken anyways.
jeongin’s breath got erratic and your head snapped in his direction, feeling yourself getting hornier just by his looks, sweaty hair, and gaping mouth. “i’m going to-” he gasped, closing his eyes shut, his whole body shaking on top of you. he came in your hand, with a few last pumps he began to whine result of the overstimulation.
he moved himself to the side so you could step out of the bed and get yourself cleaned, you had fluids all over your arm and hand, and some on your shirt too.
“come back here, you’re going to sit on my face.” as you were wiping your arm with a wet cloth jeongin made himself comfortable again on your bed.
“is that so?” he nodded enthusiastically, sticking his tongue out.
you teased him lowering your underwear, which was soaking wet, and throwing it close to the door. jeongin licked his lips as you walked closer to him until you were towering over him only wearing your shirt.
“c’mon, sit.” he didn’t have to ask you twice, you got yourself on top of his head, getting yourself comfortable on the bed and with his head between your legs. the moment you lowered yourself into his mouth he did a long lick on your folds, taking it all in.
you moaned loud, damn he was good.
he traced his tongue all around your folds, alternating between your hole and clit, making you jump when he pressed his tongue in the spot you liked so much. your hand flew to his hair, pulling it hard to make him keep doing what he was doing perfectly fine under you.
jeongin puffed air on your folds as he separated his mouth from your core, you exhaled shakily as you looked down to see him smirking at you. “you look so pretty on top of me.” you rolled your eyes.
“that’s why you stopped?” he quickly grabbed your thighs to pull you down on him, sucking on your clit with a mission on his mind.
jeongin was good with his mouth, in every way that could sound. he was an excellent singer, the best student in his university debate club, and of course, a god giving head.
your hands flew to his hair again, pulling him up so he could continue doing what he was doing, jeongin didn’t fight you and accepted it happily. his hands were gripping your thighs to keep you in place on his face, after a few seconds he started to move you to ride his face, and you were happy to comply with it.
the sounds coming out of your mouth were music to jeongin’s ears, he speeded up his movements on your clit making you whine riding his face harder. he was grateful if his death was between your legs, giving you oral.
with a few last movements on your part, you came on his face with a loud moan, your legs quivering as he held you up in place to keep you from falling to the ground, licking all of the fluids that came from you gladly. when he finished doing that, he slowly removed himself from under you skillfully, and you were still recuperating from the orgasm now laying on the bed.
“round two?” he proposed from the other side of the bed, you exhaled, preparing yourself mentally as you nodded.
“get yourself hard, my hand is sore.” you joked, totally willing to suck him off and then fuck.
“don’t worry, i’m ready if you are.” confusedly you looked at him, and to your surprise, he was rock hard, probably from eating you out.
okay, that was hot.
“do you have condoms here? or should i go to my room for one?” he teased you with a wink, and you suppressed a laugh.
“maybe you should ask your hyung for one, huh?” he looked at you incredulously, you snickered and pointed to your bedside table smiling wide.
jeongin got to work, and quickly got the condom from your drawer looking at you funny because you had a LOT of them in your drawer, you shrugged. your mouth watered at the sight of his hard cock, ready to wreck you. you were still wearing just the shirt, you got ready on the bed as jeongin jumped on you, accommodating himself between your legs with the condom on, as he should.
he took his time teasing the head of his cock between your folds, smiling every time you complained, he played like that for at least a minute, between kissing you and putting just the tip inside of you, taunting.
“such a big cock and no use for it?” you pouted mockingly, already wanting to get fucked dumb and stop being teased.
“shut the fuck up.” it wasn’t just the tip now, it was the full package inside you.
“holy fuck, that’s it!"
he grinned as he pistoned his hips hard and fast, his hands went directly to hold your waist and the other to keep himself against the bed frame. It was impressive how he fucked you swiftly without losing balance, your cries made him go vigorously faster, it was like you were cheering him on to make you come again.
"baby right there!” he was going feral, growling at your sounds and reactions from his cock.
he was pounding into you like there was no tomorrow, his face buried in your neck and not putting any of his weight on top of you so you could bounce on his cock freely. your hand went to your clit and the other to his hair, pulling it hard making him moan, it was obvious that he liked it so much.
the sound of skin slapping, your cries, and jeongin’s grunts almost made you not notice the door opening a little, making your head turn that way.
what you didn’t (or you did?) expect, was seeing jisung jerking off with your soaked panties on the doorframe, the door was a few centimeters open but you could see him clearly as a day touching himself with your underwear standing there, gawking at jeongin’s dick entering your hole quickly.
jisung hadn’t realized that you had caught him looking at you, he was stuck watching jeongin fuck you. the hand movements on his cock were painfully slow, your panties probably burning his skin as he jerked off with them, his precum drenching your panties more than they were before.
you were in a trance watching how jisung enjoyed the situation just like you, and how probably he was standing there for a long time before you realized. as his movements were getting faster, his sight flew to your face and you saw how the blood left his face just as fast his hand was pumping his cock.
“hi, jisungie,” you said beaming, jeongin raised his head and turned it towards the door while continuing to fuck you, smiling wickedly when he saw the situation jisung was caught in.
“i told you hyung was a pervert.” jeongin said groaning, psyching himself up to continue without being interrupted again.
“i-” jisung stuttered, frozen in site.
you threw your head back, getting yourself back in the mood with jeongin biting your neck. ignoring how jisung tried to explain himself as you enjoyed your second flawless orgasm of the day, your whole body shaking with jeongin holding you tight seeking his own release.
“fill me up, please.” he came with a cry, falling on top of you breathless.
jeongin snuggled into your neck, hugging you with his dick still inside you getting softer with every passing second. you embraced him back ruffling his hair and chuckling.
“you’re wearing hyung’s shirt, you know that right?” jeongin whispered, caressing your arm softly.
“tsk, i know.” you looked back at the door, which was now closed jisung nowhere to be seen.
you both giggled like kids.
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© all content belongs to @hanjiesgf. do not copy / plagiarize / repost or translate my work on any other platforms.
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everlastlady · 1 year
Alastor VS Vox: Denny's Fight
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☕Author's Note: Hello! My little imps, demonic sinners, & powerful overlords. Welcome to this little story this is a gift for the lovely @melody-pearl so I hope they enjoy this story and go check them out. They are a delight. This is also based on the poll I made, I also hope when Hazbin Hotel comes out we see some funny enemy trope between Alastor and Vox. Because they are my favorite Overlords next to Rosie. If you enjoyed this story, don't forget to comment, like, and reblog.
☕Word Count: 1783
☕Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
☕Story Contains: Vulgar Language & Violence.
☕Request: Open.
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“ What delightful weather! “ The radio demon said, he looked up at the sky and saw the clouds in the sky knowing it was going to rain. He strolled down the street, the demonic deer had plans and those plans were to meet someone at Denny’s not for a meal of delicious pancakes, no it seems like Alastor upset that overlord Vox on the platform called Voxtagram. Instead of Vox deleting Alastor’s account he decided to challenge Alastor to a fight. Alastor happily agreed and whoever won had to dress up like a maid. Alastor finally arrived at Denny’s parking lot and saw Vox sitting there. “ Vox! Good to see you. “ Alastor said while tilting his head to the side. Vox stood up his screen glitching a bit while he looked at Alastor. “ So the soon-to-be roadkill has arrived let’s get this over with, your red piece of shit. “ Vox said, ready to fight with Alastor. The radio demon chuckled. “ What’s your size? “ Alastor said with a large smile. “ My size? “ Vox said in confusion. “ I want to know what size maid outfit to send you in the hospital along with a get well soon card. “ Alastor said chuckling. Vox’s eye twitched and his screen glitched again. “ You! You’re the one who will be in the hospital, I’ll knock that stupid grin off your face along with your teeth! “ Vox screamed. He tried to punch at Alastor, but Alastor was quick to step to the side and Vox fell to the ground. It began to rain and Vox stared up at Alastor with his screen glitching.
“ Are you done yet? “ Alastor asked with a hum and walked towards the door. “ Where are you going, we aren’t finished!? “ Vox screamed and jumped up. “ Breakfast, you can’t fight on an empty stomach my friend, that’s probably why you don’t punch fast enough. “ Alastor said and turned his head to look at Vox with the most devilish grin. And walked into the restaurant. Vox sat there in the rain. “ …..Fine. “ Vox stood up and followed Alastor inside, the citizens of Hell whispering to each other when seeing Alastor and Vox together. The whispering annoyed Vox and he stood there crossing his arms while tapping his foot and yelling. “ What the fuck are you dirt worms whispering about eat your food and shut up! “ Vox said. Alastor grinned and picked up the menu. “ Inside voices, Vox. “ Alastor chuckled while staring at the menu. Vox glared and sat down then snatched up a menu. Both were in silence until Alastor started humming. “ Do you always have to be humming? “ Vox said annoyed. “ Maybe if you hummed, you have a stick up your behind, my friend. “ Alastor said, while he decided to get a black coffee and eggs with sausage. “ I don’t have a stick up my ass and stop calling me, friend because we aren’t friends. We came here to fight and here you are turning into some brunch date hangout! “ Vox said and slammed his hist down on the table almost knocking over the salt and pepper.
Alastor chuckled. “ But here you are eating with me like a friend, come to Vox and learn to live a little. We already tried when we were alive. “ Alastor grinned. But Vox just scoffed. “ And look where that landed us in Hell. “ Vox rolled his eyes and decided to just order a coffee and a burger. “ Would you rather go to Heaven with those annoying angels and be a nobody? “ Alastor asked, as he thanked the waitress for the coffee. Vox looked at Alastor. “ Of course not! “ He said and watched Alastor drink the coffee. “ Then be glad we are down here. We are powerful overlords, well I’m more powerful than you but down here people fear us and wish they were us, how delightful is that! “ Alastor set his coffee down. Vox sighed he agreed with Alastor but not him being more powerful than him. “ I agree but you aren’t more powerful than me roadkill, “ Vox said while adding sugar and cream to his coffee. “Let's agree to disagree. “ Alastor smirked.
Vox growled not knowing he was putting too much sugar in coffee. Alastor chuckled when noticing. " Want some coffee with your sugar? " Alastor asked. Vox noticed and muttered in disgust and pushed the coffee away. The waitress finally came over with their food. " Finally! " Vox said. He began to eat and Alastor thanked the waitress. The two ate in silence which Vox preferred, he was glad not to hear Alastor's annoying humming or talking. But he was hoping Alastor would choke on that sausage he was cutting and eating. " You want some? You keep staring at me. " Alastor said. Vox glared and looked down. " No. " Vox finished his own food and stared at Alastor who was taking his time. " You eat slower than Velvet, don't understand why that girl feels the need to post anything she eats online. " Vox rolled his eyes. " At least it's more interesting than what you post. " Alastor wiped his mouth and smirked. " All you do is post about records and deers! " Vox said while glaring. " And you created the platform yet I still have more followers, views, and likes than you. " Alastor snickered and finished off his coffee. " Not if I delete your account… " Vox mumbled and the waitress dropped off the bill. Alastor looked at the bill and then looked at Vox. Who looked at the bill and at Alastor. " Well, I guess I should be hitting the old dusty trail. " Alastor said, standing up and stretching. " If you think I'll be paying this bill, you are mistaken for your fireplace decor! " Vox stood up to dash out the door but Alastor grabbed Vox by the collar and threw him to the floor.
Vox grunted in pain and grabbed Alastor by the ankle, sending the radio demon to the ground. Vox crawled on top of Alastor and punched him in the face. Everyone in the restaurant pulled out their phones to take pictures and record. Alastor was no longer smiling. “ You flat face bastard! “ Aalastor kicked Vox off of him sending the overlord flying into a table of a family who was eating. Vox broke the table on impact and was covered in food. The little baby at the table clapped and poured the syrup on Vox who glared at Alastor. “ Well done child! “ Alastor said with a grin. Vox grabbed the knife from the father who looked in shock. Vox threw the knife at Alastor and it hit him by an inch scratching Alastor’s face a bit as the black blood slides down Alastor’s cheek. The radio demon slips out his tongue and licks the blood from his cheek and smirked at Vox who looked flustered for a second. Alastor and Vox continued to brawl in the restaurant. Throwing silverware, food, menus, and even people at each other. A couple was walking the restaurant and chatting, the demon bull stopped and got one knee and pulled out a small black box, and opened it showing a blood-red ring. As the Cat looking demon girl squealed in delight. “ Oh! Johnny yes, I’ll marry you! “ But this sweet moment was interrupted when Vox came flying out the window and was knocked into the couple. Alastor stepped out the broking window with the black tentacles following behind him. “ Do you give up? “ Alastor asked. Vox got up off the couple who groaned in pain.
“ Got to hell! “ Vox yelled and grabbed the tiny black box and threw it at Alastor who caught it and stared at the Vox. “ One we’re already in Hell and two Vox I’m flattered about marriage but you aren’t my type. “ Alastor laughed and sent the tentacle flying at Vox who rolled over to dodge it. “ Ha! You missed! “ Vox said. But Alastor grinned and pointed up. Vox looked up and saw a large potted plant falling. “ Ah, shit. “ The planted pot hit Vox and cracked his screen, knocking him out. Alastor had won the fight. He walked over to Vox and looked down at him. “ Thank you for that fun fight Vox, I’ll send you that maid outfit and card soon. “ Alastor was going to walk away,until the police surrounded him and Vox. “ Freeze dirtbags! “ Alastor sighed and put his hands up, while Vox regained concision and saw what happened he to put his hands up. And they were both put in the back of the police car with Vox screaming that it was Alastor’s fault.
In the holding cell, Alastor had called Charlie about what happened. Vaggie was screaming over the phone to leave in prison and not get him out. “ Val! Get me out of this shithole, this deer bastard got me arrested and dropped a pot on my head. Get you and Vevelt’s ass down here now! “Vox gave back the phone to the officer and sat down in the cell, Alastor hummed and smirked. “ Knock knock. “ Alastor said. “ Shut the fuck up! “ Vox said his broke screen glitching. “ You’re supposed to say who’s there. “ Alastor said. Vox decided to ignore Alastor. Charlie and Vaggie eventually came to pick up Alastor and Vaggie came him an earful. Alastor walked passed Vox with a large grin. Seeing him get made fun of by Velvet and Valetino who had come to pick him up. After getting back to the hotel and Vox was back in his place. The two didn’t talk for a few days. But Alastor did send Vox that maid outfit. After getting his screen repaired. Vox sighed and slipped into the maid outfit and took a picture. He quickly changed and posted the picture. He sat there scrolling through his platform and stopped as he wanted to snap his phone in half, he saw Alastor in a photo wearing a maid outfit that looked much more expensive than what Vox had worn but what ticked him off more was the caption Alastor put was. ‘ Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better, Vox ‘ The overlord’s screen glitched and he broke his phone.
“ Fuck that deer… “ Vox sighed and called it a day. Meanwhile, back at the hotel in his room Alastor walked over and grab the phone from Niffty. “ Thank you. Niffty dear. “ Alastor let out a hum and looked at the photo knowing he pissed off Vox. “ Looking good! “ Alastor turned around to see Angel Dust grinning, Husk with a look of horror on his face, Charlie looking confused, and Vaggie looking disgusted as they stared at the radio demon the all-powerful radio demon who toppled overlords and made people fear him, was in a maid outfit, but he made that shit work.
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wingedcatastrophe · 10 months
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About Me
☆ Harrow, 26, he/they pronouns, gay and trans ☆ I like space a normal amount ☆ I have two cats I will never shut up about ☆ I use my likes as a bookmark system, to hold on to things I want to check out/add to my queue until I have time to do so
About My Writing
☆ I primarily write sci-fi and fantasy ☆ I write characters from a variety of identities and sexualities ☆ Not every story I write features romance ☆ I am always open to tag and ask games, as well as general asks! I participate in theme days like sts and wbw. ☆ I never really know what to post from my own stuff, but I reblog a variety of stuff from those I follow
What I Want to Follow
☆ I love love love superpowers, fantasy, and sci-fi stories ☆ huge fan of found family, old/dead gods, bastardization arcs, and extensive character/world building ☆ I love conlangs and would love to talk with other writers who have conlangs ☆ Mutuals can ask me for my discord!
The Chaos In Justice || First Draft || Max Greenwich has just gained acceptance to the Grand Chaos Institute, home of the next generation of the world’s worst supervillains. It’s not long before he finds himself uncovering a plot to end the world, and he must team up with a group of heroes and villains alike to protect everyone. found family ; what it means to be good/evil ; fate vs free will Lantern’s Light (title pending) || First Draft in Progress || Sorran would be the first to admit they’re not a great person, in fact, they’re kinda a bitch. But when they happen to extend a bit of kindness to someone in need, it turns out the “someone” is actually an old god. An old god who has now decided Sorran is her new champion, and now they’re stuck babysitting the reborn champion of the gods in some epic quest to defeat a threat to all of existence. found family ; redemption/bastardization arcs ; mix of high and modern fantasy ; parallel story arcs
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fountainpenguin · 1 month
Your fic "Shut Up and Fish" got me thinking... are you implying that Grian's snail is a spark?
"Shut Up and Fish"
"That's hard," Grian concedes, not looking up. The pink snail's watching, its tail patting the dirt. Grian cradles the turquoise snail's limp eyestalk in his hand. Snails are tricky creatures… They don't signal their injuries with the crook of their tails like dogs do, and they're not immune to fall damage like cats. Gingerly, easily, he brings the snail's neck to his chest and gives it a little hug. He makes a little noise. This world is beautiful if you know where to look. "Please," begs the voice in the wrinkles of his damp and dripping clothes. "You'd be a better dad to Tim. You'd be a better husband- I want what YOU have… That's MY life. Give me back my body!" Grian ignores this, peppering sloppy kisses on the snail's sweet head. It nudges into him, cuddly and sloppy and alive. Beautiful, sparked son of a thing. He'll tell Grumbot sometime, but Grumbot might not love to know he's got a snail for a younger brother now. And he laughs again, because it's stupid. It's just… It's really stupid. But he nuzzles the snail and the snail nuzzles back, and the voice in his head wails and scratches at him in the strain of Gem's boat anchor against the pebbles and sand.
In the Pixels Imperfect canon, a creature or build that is portrayed as having sentience beyond that of its basic mob AI (if applicable) needs an AI spark. Grumbot and Jrumbot are perfect examples of "portrayed as sentient" vs. "offhand joke about the build being a child, but not followed through with." Jrumbot is a non-sentient build and Grumbot is a sentient one.
Grian's snail is played as sentient - Grian even makes a huge deal about Scar "not playing the game right and making the snails do things they wouldn't do" - so in the Pixels canon, the snail is a sparked build.
Sparks don't have to be perceived as offspring- they simply embody whatever the intended roleplay was. Grumbot initially referred to Grian and Mumbo as Creator 1 and Creator 2 in Hermitcraft canon, then swapped to addressing them as dads after a certain point (to their surprise), which underscores the idea that in-universe, he is sentient and making his own decisions.
That said, Grian considers the snail his biological son, yes. His baby boy who does crime.
I have some news about Box from Double Life, wheeze...... BigB made it VERY clear in canon that Box is sentient enough to "say its first word," and Ren jumped up and down all giddy exclaiming that he was "such a proud papa," confirming that he sees it as his child.
When they're in couple's therapy, BigB explains that he "knew Ren would like it if Box had a hand so it could reach out and give him a hug." Also, special spotlight on BigB bragging about how "Box is going to need to find a soulmate" because that's so funny. I like how after BigB goes red, he invites Martyn to Box, he says "We look forward to seeing you. That's 'we' as in me and Box."
Shout-out to Martyn and Cleo getting "We will take care of Box in your absence" signed and agreed by Ren and BigB "by law and by will." Sorry you two are horribly broken up, but congrats on ur giant son. They will not nurture it, but they will definitely look at it and go "... Huh."
Guess who has one thumb, canonically wears a monocle and walks around looking like it's been "punched in the face," is technically in the Clocker family tree via Martyn, rocks he/it pronouns, and is heir apparent to Dogwarts in the Neighborhood Watch AU.
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