#was he afraid of going on stage? or of being called a fairy?
never really occurred to me before but the troops giving Steve shit in CATFA...
mooning him, throwing fruit, calling him ‘tinkerbell’ and ‘sweetheart’
they thought he was a draft-dodger.
how could someone that size avoid the draft?
guys. they thought Steve was gay.
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forest-mouse · 8 months
1. Stede killed for the first time. Everything inside me tightened when I saw that scene. I probably felt what Ed felt. His emotions in that moment were hard to watch. As someone who has experienced all the shit of pirate life, he didn't want Stede to go down that path. He didn't want Stede to become the person Ed despises in himself. I prayed to all the gods that Stede wouldn't do it, that someone would stop him. But it happened. He believed he had to do it for the sake of the crew, for himself, and for his development as a pirate. But it's complete self-deception because it goes completely against his nature. That's what his childhood flashbacks showed. It hurt him back then, and it hurts him now.
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2. The sex, I think, was a mistake as it happened. Both of them. Ed asked not to rush, and Stede accepted that, but they both just gave in to it on emotions to release the emotional tension. The sex wasn't about feelings, emotions, or each other; it was about saving themselves and escaping from their traumatic experiences. And it's understandable why Ed regretted it afterwards. I think it would have been better if Ed had stopped Stede from acting impulsively and talked to him. But blaming only Ed for the missed opportunity is wrong because they were both not in a good place.
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3. Stede and Ed currently have different ideas about their future together, and I dare say that there isn't one yet. They still have a lot to discuss and find compromises on. When Ed was talking to the kids, he told them that he and Stede are hotel owners, not pirates – it was said as a joke, but it's not a joke for Ed. It's the future he wants with Stede. But he didn't say it to Stede's face because he's afraid (remember 1x9) that Stid will run away again and won't agree to retire with him. That's why he keeps silent.
And it's precisely for this reason that he decided to leave and become a fisherman on his own, without telling Stede. He's afraid of being rejected again. So, it's better if I do it myself. He's incredibly tired of pirate life and wants to escape, while Stede is still at his peak.
They are at different stages of the same journey. I don't think we will see Ed Blackbeard's growth and development because they show that through Stede. The whole journey from beginning to end. And I think at the end of the road (at the end of Season 3), Stede will realize that this isn't for him, that he played pirates enough, and he'll get tired, and only then will he be fully ready to settle down with Ed in a quiet place and manage the hotel. This will happen only when it becomes the limit of Stede's dreams.
Do you know why this will definitely happen? Murders, cruelty - they completely contradict Stede's essence. They didn't show us flashbacks from his childhood for no reason. He has always been and will remain inclined towards beauty and tenderness. Let's also remember that Jenkins constantly talks about toxic masculinity in society and what it means to be a man.
For Stede, piracy was a way to escape from the boring routine, an idealized fairy tale, an adventure, but not killings and cruelty. That's why he called himself the Gentleman of Pirates.
And when he realizes that his true nature contradicts the real pirate life, when he gets tired of the cruelty, only then will he truly understand Ed and see his dream as his own dream, and only then will they truly be happy together.
Ed has already gone through this path. Ed has already realized the horrors of such a life. Stede still has it ahead of him.
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yuurei20 · 11 months
Leona Info Compilation part 15: Leona, Riddle and Idia
Riddle says Leona may be “ill-suited” to being a Housewarden due to being born into a wealthy family (a point that was removed from NA), but whenever the two overlap they seem to get along well:
Riddle compliments Leona’s stage management during Book 5 and they interact quite comfortably together during Vargas Camp and a vignette, without any insults or back-handed comments, which is unusual for interactions at NRC.
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During Book 2 Riddle even says that it pains him to see Leona in one of his collars (which he has never said about anyone else whom he’s collared in the game—Riddle usually seems to enjoy it).
Riddle even recommends that Leona tries to calm himself down in his own room after Leona nearly kills Ruggie which is a very lax reaction for Riddle.
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The two Housewardens seem equally unamused by Crowley during the first Tsumsted and during Fairy Gala IF, and in Book 6 Leona lets an unconscious Riddle use his lap as a pillow for three hours.
Fairy Gala IF begins with Leona actively baiting Riddle into nominating a Heartslabyul student for the event by insinuating that Heartslabyul students are “herbivores with zero initiative who’re totally helpless without their housewarden.”
Riddle takes offense and proudly nominates Ace in order to best Leona’s nomination, Jack.
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The exchange concludes with Riddle extremely pleased with the situation while Azul reflects, “Leona just played Riddle like a fiddle.”
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Idia is afraid of everyone, up to and including Leona, but this does not stop him from mumbling disparaging things about him during Halloween.
After Idia trips in the forest behind the school and blames Leona mumbling “I bet you’re just skipping out on your dorm duties” to his face Leona reveals he can hear everything he says.
Idia claims he was joking.
Idia’s costume gets tangled with Leona’s tail (after Idia falls on him), and Leona cuts a part of the ivy on Idia’s outfit rather than his own fur as Idia incorrectly assumes.
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Idia reacts with “This is why I hate Savanaclaw students. They’re just a bunch of hooligans.”
Despite this, however, even Idia admits that Leona is objectively attractive.
In a line that was removed from NA Idia blames Leona’s long legs on being in his way in (“Are you just bragging about how long your legs are?”), and during Phantom Bride he says that Leona and Malleus’ faces are both “mega-striking.”
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Idia is very fond of cats and it seems he would likely be a fan of Leona’s for this reason, if only Leona were more “docile”.
Neither Leona nor Vil are interested in saving Idia’s life during Phantom Bride, and they call him out for trying to sacrifice them to Eliza in order to save himself.
While considering Idia to be a “blubbering coward”, Leona seems very much aware of Idia’s strengths, saying, “These ghosts are no match for your magic and smarts” when Idia gets possessed.
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Despite his presumed dislike of children Leona seems more patient with Ortho, saying that he is not at all like Idia.
Ortho has a voice line about trying to tie up Leona’a tail, “…but he noticed me. I’ll do better next time!”
Leona also does not become upset with Ortho during Book 6 when he presents Leona with a video game that has been proven to be popular with house cats, despite how it leads to directly to mockery from other students like Vil.
He excuses himself from the situation with the reasoning, “They’re absolutely right. I’m beholden to my feline nature, so I get REAL sleepy during the day. I’d love to play more, but I know I’d conk out before long. Go ahead and let someone else play.”
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spnexploration · 1 year
Collared part 29
Pairing: Dean x Reader eventually
Series summary: Sam and Dean save a woman from where she has been held as a slave by a witch. But things turn dark whenever they try to take her magic collar off, leaving them with a slave to look after and a curse to break.
Episode summary: Sam and Dean loosen up their protections a little.
Warnings: none particularly
Word count: 1.8k
Series masterlist | Supernatural writing masterlist
A/N: Had to queue this up while I'm away, so apologies for not updating the mastlist or providing links to other chapters yet. Fixed now!
Part 28 <- -> Part 30
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“Y/N,” Dean started at breakfast the next morning, “I think maybe Sam and I have been a bit, uh, overprotective and maybe it hasn't really been helping you adjust.” He'd been thinking a lot about what you'd said yesterday.
“Oh?” you said. He was pleased to see that you hadn't instantly reacted negatively to him.
“So, we have a suggestion, if you're up for it. There are some woods around the bunker, pretty secluded. We umm, thought you might want to go outside for a bit?”
Your face lit up, but then was overtaken with fear again. He wanted to wipe away your fear forever, but he knew he couldn’t.
“We’ll be with you the whole time. I, uh, I don't think it's a good idea for you to go out alone yet. But, we don't want you to feel like you’re, you know, stuck in here.” He hated how nervous he felt, how nervous he was clearly coming across as.
“Uh, whenever you want. I just gotta grab some angel blades and we'll be good to go whenever you want.”
“Angel blades?” you said, biting your lip. Crap, he thought, he didn't want to scare you more.
“They work on demons too. But don't worry, we are 99.9% sure absolutely nothing will happen. We're just grumpy buggers who hate being caught unaware.”
You nodded. “Umm, can we do it after breakfast?”
Dean made you wait at the bottom of the stairs with Sam while he checked outside.
“Do you always do this before you go outside?” you asked Sam.
“Well, no, but I'm a 6’4 monster hunter with concealed weapons on me at all times,” he said with a grin. You laughed.
“Ok, point taken.” After a pause you added, “Do you really have concealed weapons on you at all times?”
“Umm, yep, pretty much.”
Dean called out to say it was all clear and Sam gestured for you to head up the stairs first. You felt suddenly apprehensive, you hadn't been out since the failed shopping attempt. You even remembered being afraid of sunlight, with the collar on.
“We don't have to do this if you're not ready,” Sam said quietly behind you. “But I want you to know that I think you can do this.” He reached out and squeezed your hand. You took a deep breath and started to walk up the stairs.
You felt the sun on your skin. You breathed in the scent of the trees. You could see a horizon. It was magic.
Dean gave you an encouraging nod as you started to walk towards the woods. He and Sam trailed after you, staying close enough that they could get to you but giving you space. You quickly forgot about them, caught up in the experience.
There were birds. You had forgotten what they sounded like. They weren’t flashy or particularly impressive, just... Birds!!
You reached out and touched the trees. You picked up a leaf, crunching it in your hand. You could smell a sort of... freshness. It was beautiful.
You saw the perfect tree. Sturdy looking branches starting low enough and spaced a good distance apart. You ran to the tree, laughing, and began to climb up.
“You get up that thing, you better be able to get yourself down!” Dean called, a smile in his voice. “I am not rescuing you from a tree!”
“You wouldn't have to,” you called back. “I'm barely higher than Sam’s eyebrows!” You heard them both laugh.
You climbed higher, feeling a sense of elation and purpose.
“We sure she's not still delusional?” Dean stage whispered to Sam. “This has pretending to be a fairy written all over it.”
“How do you know I don't pretend to be a fairy all of the time?” He laughed.
You sat in the tree for a while, watching the world go past. “You boys should see the view up here - it's beautiful!”
“Dean's too stocky for trees,” Sam teased. “Bow legs can't hold on either.”
You sat there for a while longer, taking it all in.
Finally, you decided to climb back down. For all of Dean's jokes, he certainly seemed concerned watching you climb down. His arm came up behind you as if to catch you. It was sweet, although you were fine.
“Gonna have to give you a new nickname,” Dean remarked. “That was far from Bambi-esque.”
“She can't have Squirrel, that's you,” Sam laughed. “Although in your case it's because you look like one, rather than any skillset.”
Dean glared at his brother, “Shut up, Moose.”
“I think our Y/N still has some wide-eyed Bambi in her,” Sam said affectionately. “Even if she is swinging through trees like a monkey.”
You laughed, enjoying spending time with them. “You wanna do some more, Bambi?” Dean asked.
“Nah, I think I’d like some water now.”
The trio started to walk back to the bunker in a companionable silence. Just as you got to the door, you said quietly, “Thank you.”
“No worries, Y/N. Any time you wanna come out here, just let one of us know.”
You headed to your room after lunch, but after a while started to feel restless. Perhaps spending all of your time hiding away wasn’t the best strategy.
You went looking for the brothers.
You found Dean sitting at a table, surrounded by an arsenal of guns. One was in pieces in front of him. He looked up at you, “You ok? Something wrong?”
“No, just, umm, bit sick of my room.”
He smiled. “You're welcome to stay here and keep me company while I clean, if you'd like. Or Sam might be able to find you a book, or there's always the TV.”
“How- how do you clean them?”
He looked at you thoughtfully, “You making conversation or are you interested in me teaching you about guns? I can do either.”
You bit your lip, hesitant to ask for what you want. His body language was open, relaxed. You took a steadying breath, “I think I'd like to learn.”
He smiled encouragingly. “Ok, what do you know about guns?”
“Only what Sam told me when you went after the witch, and I'm not sure I can remember it all.”
“Ok, no problem. Learning how it all fits together is a good first step anyway.”
He was patient, explaining what he was doing and answering all of your questions.
“Why do you have so many?”
He laughed, “Because Sam is a slacker who doesn't like doing it. You see Sammy field stripping his firearm and you start wondering what he's worried about.”
You laughed with him. They never really complained about each other when you had the collar on, but now you were getting to see more of their good-natured ribbing of each other. Dean kept up the conversation, teaching you more than you'd ever known there was to know about guns.
“Ok, now push that in and slide this piece backwards,” Dean said, encouraging you to learn how to pull a small handgun apart. You were struggling with it, unable to get it to work properly. Dean reached over to help you, his hands wrapping around yours to guide your fingers.
You froze. You suddenly felt trapped, even though you knew exactly what he was doing and why. Your emotional response didn't seem to care about that, it just detected danger and went with it. You felt your breathing quicken.
Dean seemed to realise you'd stopped trying. He looked up to your face and then quickly dropped his hands.
“Crap, sorry Y/N. I didn't mean to scare you.”
You dropped the gun. It clattered to the table, and you jumped at the sound.
Dean backed away from you, hands up in surrender position. “I'm not going to hurt you,” he said in a calming voice. “I'm going to go now, I think I'm scaring you. I'll get Sam, ok?” He backed away slowly, out the door. You heard him down the corridor calling “Sammy!”
You tried to calm your breathing. You weren't even sure why you were panicking, you weren't afraid of Dean. But his strong hands enveloping yours around the cold, hard surface of the gun triggered something. You couldn't remember a particular instance where something like that happened, but the feeling of a strong man's hands controlling you was familiar.
Sam appeared, looking worried. “Hey, Y/N,” he said in a soft, calm voice from the other side of the room, “How are you going?”
“I’m- I’m- I'm ok.” He edged closer to you, watching your reaction. It didn't trigger your fight / flight / freeze this time, so you gave him a small nod. He moved closer again. “I just,” you continued, your voice still a little shaky, “I dunno, suddenly I was panicking.”
He stood closer to you and opened his arms. You stepped forward gratefully and hugged him.
“It's ok,” he murmured. “You're safe.”
You let yourself be hugged for a minute or so, calming your racing heart and breathing.
“You wanna talk about what happened?” Sam asked gently when you pulled away.
“I don't even know. I wasn't scared of Dean. I just, I dunno, suddenly felt trapped.”
He rubbed his hands gently up your arms. “It's probably not what you want to hear, but unfortunately sometimes these things might just happen. You went through a lot and it takes time.”
You nodded. You were trying to reassure yourself that it was to be expected, not your fault.
Suddenly, you remembered- “Dean! Is he ok?”
Sam smiled at you, “He's fine, Y/N. He just wanted to make sure you were, and he didn't think his presence was helping you calm down.”
“Where is he now? I want to apologise.”
“You don't need to apologise, and you don't need to put yourself in any situations that make you feel uncomfortable.”
“No, I want to talk to him. Where is he?”
Sam studied your face for a moment before relenting, “I don't know for sure, but my best guess is the garage. He often works on the car when he's feeling stressed.”
Dean looked up and saw you walking into the garage. He couldn’t get over the look on your face when he’d tried to help you with the gun, but you looked better now. He wiped his hands on the grease cloth and stepped out from under Baby’s hood.
“I’m sorry about before,” you said tentatively.
“You have nothing to apologise for, sweetheart. I should’ve known not to touch you.”
“I don’t- I don’t want you to avoid touching me, Dean. I just freaked out, but it wasn’t about you. I wasn’t scared of you. I was just, I dunno, scared for some reason.”
“Ok,” he said sincerely, “thank you for telling me.”
“So, um, what are you doing out here?”
He chuckled, “Honestly? Checking you didn't break anything when you were poking around in here.”
You laughed. He was relieved, he’d been worried that joke would tank. “Do you, umm, mind some company?”
“Of course, sweetheart. Any time.”
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mirrormazeworld · 1 year
TWST Theory : Malleus Character Overview, Analysis and Diasomnia Chapter Prediction (Part 1)
In honor of my most favorite NRC student's birthday, Malleus Draconia's birthday I'll try to do a little bit of character analysis and a bit of prediction for Diasomnia chapter. This is actually not a serious theory like what I did for Grim, just me blabbing nonsense. I decided to write it into two parts since it would be too long to be explained in one go.
Malleus's Character Overview
Some said that Malleus had been to different universes in search for happy ending and he's also the cause of time loop after what was happened in Endless Halloween and chapter 5. But I don't think so, since Maleficent (evil fairy) can't really turn back time in whatever version of fairytale she is in (Disney remake and the real fairytale). Besides, Malleus said it himself in the game:
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Which means, what he did was simply repair the damage caused by force/magic (for example like when you cut bread into pieces) but not by time (like molding bread or decaying something) Just like how he repaired VDC stage in chapter 5 and returning back Vil's beauty in chapter 6.
Malleus generally doesn't value time and keep losing track of it. This has been shown in some of his voice lines such as :
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Because as fae he has a very long lifespan which naturally would have plenty of time to achieve something compared to human.
In his lab coat card, it shows that he even looking down on what in 4 years time people can achieve. He even seems to be looking down on how short a human life is. But at that time he doesn't realize that if it's fate, all the people that he loves will go when it's their time to go no matter how much theirs and his lifespan is. He has been taking times for granted. Well, I don't really blame him, he is a fae and is not a human so he doesn't know how it feels being a human. Besides he is usually feared by human so he didn't have any human friends he could get attached to....
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...until there's one only human in his life who isn't really fear him and still think of him as friend and also still treat him as an equal even when they finally know who Malleus really is. And that is, the human who lives in his most favorite place in NRC, Yuu the prefect of Ramshackle dorm. Even the abandoned place (Ramshacke dorm) that he loves so much doesn't really feel the same anymore without them. That's when the first time he finally feel attachment to a creature with short lifespan called human.
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That's when Lilia thought Malleus finally understand the reason why he enrolled as a student in NRC even though he is already one of 5 strongest mages in Twisted Wonderland: So that he can appreciate those around him and treasure every moment with them while he still can. So in that way, he can value time and life even more.
And so Lilia said this to Malleus :
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Lilia feels like Malleus has learned something that he always wished Malleus could experienced it himself. So he thinks he can now leave him in peace because now Lilia isn't really needed by his side anymore since he already taught what he can and thus his main purpose enrolling as a student in NRC as Malleus's guardian is already fulfilled. (No, I don't think Lilia is going to die. It's more like fatherly feeling that he is ready to let go of his child because they've matured)
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But because Malleus just learned about that feeling for the first time, the painful truth that he could lose anyone dear to him no matter what the circumstances are, the pain is just too much for him to bear.
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That just shows Malleus can't really reverse time back even more if he is so afraid that fate will come upon those he loves and eventually taking them away from him.
End notes : I'm done with Malleus's character overview so let's move on to analysis and prediction for Diasomnia chapter.
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kiwikipedia · 11 months
More Agravain stuff from my brain since his likelihood of arrival is nil in GO abut anyways
Here’s the last post on Akkun stuff
Under the cut is a BUNCH of dialogue - side note, I didn’t really know about the FK in depth when working on this so I went off of his preexisting relationships with Gawain, Lancelot, and Morgan (for Bao) . I also wanted to include more but I figured 22 is a lot (20 if you arent counting the other fan servants) and I ended up cutting the three Hassan and xaunzang.
This is mostly just servant interaction, working on cleaning up the bonds and extra dialogue (likes, dislikes, combat, etc)
Dialogue 1:
What do you need? Do not bother me with frivolous things.
Dialogue 2:
Hah. What a handful of a Master you are.
Dialogue 3:
If there is work to be done, leave it here. I will handle it.
Dialogue 4 (Lancelot, both):
You-!! Do not speak to me! Do not even look in my direction unnecessarily, the mere idea of working with someone like you makes me ill.
Dialogue 5 (Gawain):
Well met, Gawain. Hm? A request? Urk- no, no. I will not refer to you as such, not even in an informal setting-! Gareth might call you ‘big brother’ but I have no intention to do so! (Sigh.) fine. Simply calling you brother should be sufficient. No? … Don’t push your luck.
Dialogue 6 (Mordred):
You look well, Mordred… hmph. As rambunctious as ever, aren’t you? Don’t go an cause problems for our Master or King. Go on, get out of here. Yes, yes, don't wait up, as you say.
Dialogue 8 (Garath):
Good to see you, Garath. Hm? Ah… please do not call me as such, Gawain is much more suited to be called ‘big brother’ than I. Urk-! G-Gareth… [sigh] very well… if it makes you happy, you can continue to call me as such.
Dialogue 9 (Carmilla):
They say that you are a master of torture. Perhaps a conversation on techniques is in order?
Dialogue 10 (King Hassan):
Hm. It appears that donning amor isn’t as scarce as I expected from Assassins. Though this is the progenitor of Assassins… despite our differences- Well met.
Dialogue 11 (Any Knight of the Round Table):
Indeed I am here as well. If it makes you uncomfortable ignore me, it doesn’t matter what you do as long as the job gets done.
Dialogue 12 (any Arturia):
Ah, my King… if there is anything you wish of me to do, I will do it. Hm? Rest? Ah… well… if you insist, my King.
Dialogue 13 (Morgan le Fay):
Urk-!! (He looks like he’s looking for a way to escape)
Dialogue 14 (any Faerie knight):
Ah. Hmm. I’m afraid I just do not understand what exactly is going on…
Dialogue 15 (any Alter Saber):
To think that this is… no, this being is not my King.
Dialogue 16 (Gray):
Strange… truly, you resemble the King but… at the same time, you are very different. Your responsible nature is admirable, though. Should you need advice from a dour man like myself, as a… distant… blood relative, my door is open.
Dialogue 17 (Fairy Knight Gawain/Barghest‎‎):
You’re… Gawain, you say? From your world? I… Hm. I suppose I can see the resemblance and why that woman would give you that graph.
Dialogue 18 (Fairy Knight Tristan/Baobhan Sith‎‎):
I warn you, if you start calling me ‘brother’ as Gareth does, I will remove your head from your shoulders. We may share a connection through that Woman but that is all.
Dialogue 19 (Fairy Knight Lancelot/Melusine):
To think that fool would be represented by a waif of such stature in that place… I suppose holding animosity towards you for being that rabid dog’s counterpart is… unbecoming of me
Dialogue 20 (Ching Shih, Clear Eternal Summer Stage):
[Sigh] We meet again, Crimson Pirate. Please get off of me, we are not— watch where you’re putting your hands, woman!
Dialogue 21 (Vincent Van Gogh (True), Clear Eternal Summer Stage):
Ah, so you are here as well painter. You should not hide yourself away like that, though. I’m certain there are many others who wish to see you.
Dialogue 22 (Romani, Clear Eternal Summer Stage):
Hm… I did not expect to see you again, Doctor of Chaldea, and as a Servant, no less. I understand that I am not one to talk, but even as a Servant you should not overwork. Especially as Chaldea’s beloved doctor.
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edith-moonshadow · 1 year
Love Was Only True In Fairy Tales Part Two
Every girl at Hawkins high wanted Billy Hargrove but Tracy was determined to be the one to capture his attention.
This chapter isn't a continuation but an accompaniment from a different character's POV. (Part One)
Written for the March 2023 Billy's Birthday Bonanza Harringrove Week
For the prompt Lesley Gore Passing The Crown: Outsider POV
Billy Hargrove swept into Hawkins like a breath of fresh air. Living in a small town meant that everyone knew everyone else. Everyone came with history and connections. Being a teenage girl could either be heaven or hell in these circumstances. Tracy had experienced both. She had only had two steady boyfriends but she had admired many from afar yet due to the intricacies of high school dating many were off limits. Being a cheerleader it was expected of her to only date within a certain group of people. However many of the boys in this group were either taken or had once been someone else's. Both were off-limits.
She'd seen first-hand what happened to anyone who broke the rules and it was never pretty. Girls who weren't popular, didn't care about their reputations or their friendships were in abundance but it rarely worked in their favour. Tracy's mom had been a cheerleader and now was involved in PTA and various charities around town. She was expected to follow in her mom's very prestigious footsteps which left little time for relationships. However, she was only human and she wanted what Betty had. Betty and Ryan were high school sweethearts. They had been together since they were juniors and they only had eyes for each other. They were confident in their feelings and weren't afraid to show them.
Betty had been her best friend since their kindergarten teacher Mrs Jones had paired them together to paint on their first day. The arts and crafts section of the room had two easels and they had stood side by side, sharing paint and something cemented between them. They would cry if separated from each other and became known as the twins even though she had light blonde hair and grey eyes and Betty had dark brown hair and green eyes. They continued being inseparable throughout school even though they had other friends independent of the other.
Tracy found love first. It was silly puppy love. A boy called Jack who she had English with. It only lasted a few months and they did little more than share lunch and hold hands. She had dates in-between but it wasn't until high school that she met Paul. He was on the basketball team and a friend of her friend Carol's boyfriend Tommy. By this stage, Betty was so wrapped up in Ryan that she didn't want to admit it but she was jealous. So when Carol suggested a date with Paul she accepted. This relationship was a lot more hot and heavy. He had a way of making her feel like she was the only person in the world. They were serious for around six months but it was a relationship that burned hot and fizzled out quickly.
They broke up a few weeks before Billy came to town. Betty had been trying to get her to go on a few double dates with her, Ryan and another jock called Richie. She came very close to accepting anything to get Betty off her back and move on from Paul who was already with someone else. Everything changed when she saw Billy in the hall talking to Tommy. He was tall, muscular and blonde. There was a look in his eyes that drew her in like a magnet. His arrival didn't take long to spread through the school. He had a car that roared through the parking lot. He dressed in a way that showed off his amazing physique. Best of all he was a complete mystery. He felt like a puzzle that she needed to solve. The only problem was she had competition.
Hawkins' rules didn't apply to Billy. He didn't care about the well-established hierarchy that dictated who you could and couldn't date. As long as someone was single and interested he didn't have a problem. He caused a lot of girls to break the rules. He became very popular especially after he joined the basketball team and showed up Steve Harrington on the court.
Soon cheerleading practice started to overlap with basketball practice and she couldn't help watching him as he delighted in messing with Steve. He seemed to come alive on the court. Most of the time he was so intense and didn't speak much but every time he took the ball from Steve his entire face would light up. He was a very aggressive player constantly slamming into Steve and whispering things in his ear to throw him off his game. It was a strange sight to see him so flustered at how much better Billy was than him. She knew Steve more by reputation than personally but she knew that he wasn't thrown off balance easily.
The more she watched him play the more fascinated she became. She would daydream about all that intensity being directed her way. She couldn't help listening closely when the girls he'd been on dates with talked in hushed tones. A date with Billy wasn't a universal experience. Some girls would blush and bite their lips as they talked quietly about how the date had gone. Others with shame as they admitted that he didn't seem that interested and cut the date short with barely a glance back. Over time he started to slow down but he didn't pick anyone to go steady with. He seemed to be preoccupied with something else. It didn't stop Tracy's dreams that she could be the one who finally caught his eye.
Billy's rivalry with Steve seemed to bleed out from the court into the halls of Hawkins high. He could be seen staring him down as though always waiting for a challenge. She didn't understand why. Steve was pitiful after the whole Nancy debacle. He'd chosen someone less popular than him over everything else and she had humiliated him by abandoning him for the school freak.
She'd heard all about it during history with Carol. Tommy was livid and he wouldn't forget easily. He had turned everyone else against Steve who was practically an outcast at this point. Billy had well and truly taken Steve's crown. He probably could have taken it even if Steve hadn't embarrassed himself in front of the whole town. Yet Steve seemed to command all of Billy's attention as though he were waiting for something. Amongst the cheerleaders, the prevailing theory was that Steve had done something that had royally pissed Billy off. Maire thought he'd cut him off in the parking lot. Clare was convinced that they'd had a confrontation in the locker room. The least popular was that Billy had developed a thing for Nancy and was jealous that Steve had gotten there first.
Tracy held on to the belief that Billy wanted to be the best at everything he did. This included basketball and even though Steve had lost a lot of his popularity he was still the closest thing he had to a rival on the court. She watched him closely and patiently waited for her chance. It took most of the school year but finally, she got her chance. It was a Tuesday afternoon when she found herself trying to muster up the courage to tell him he was leaning on her locker. He was too busy looking past her to further down the hall where Steve was getting something from his locker. Billy's eyes seemed to burn brightly as his tongue ran over his teeth. In one hand he had a lighter that he ran through his fingers. She knew he smoked and wondered if he was waiting for an opportunity to slip out for one. She took a deep breath.
He grunted at her his eyes never leaving Steve.
"It's just I need to get something from my locker."
He glanced her way. She thought she saw annoyance flash behind his eyes but she hoped it was just a trick of the light. He moved a few lockers down but kept looking forward. She meekly walked to her locker and quickly changed over her books for her last two classes. She watched him carefully out of the corner of her eye trying desperately to think of something to talk to him about. She ran through everything she knew about him. She tried to calm her racing heart. She knew that he hadn't been on a date in several weeks at least not any that were known about. So if he had the girl in question wasn't bragging because it had gone badly which gave her hope. She dug her nails into the palm of her hand and turned towards him. Just as she opened her mouth to speak he took off down the hall and out a side door. She quickly looked around her feeling her face heat but no one was paying her any attention.
That afternoon at practice he was strangely absent. She couldn't help noticing that Steve was also missing. She discreetly asked around wondering where they were. No one knew but after some discussion, they decided that Billy had finally confronted Steve and it must have gotten physical. The coach must have benched them both and they decided to skip rather than face the anger of the team.
That night she couldn't stop thinking about her humiliating experience by her locker. She rationalised that he didn't realise that she wanted to speak to him. She'd seen how distracted he was and if they were right about him and Steve fighting he probably needed that smoke to calm him down. Next time she'd be ready.
It happened almost like fate. She was walking out of school with Betty who was talking about some movie she was going to with Ryan when Billy appeared. He was walking towards his car and she knew it was now or never. She told Betty she'd be back in a minute and ran after him.
He turned towards her with a bored expression. She smiled nervously at him.
"Are you busy this weekend?"
He sighed and leaned back against his car.
"Dunno Sweetheart what did you have in mind?"
She motioned over her shoulder at Betty.
"That's Ryan's girlfriend Betty and they're going to see a movie at the drive-in, I was wondering if you'd like to go with me?"
He pulled a packet of cigarettes from his jacket pocket and placed one between his lips. He lit it almost absentmindedly as though more through habit than want.
"So like a double date?”
She swallowed thickly and nodded. His eyes became unfocused as though he were transported somewhere else. The silence between them stretched on for so long that he had to tap the accumulated ash from the end of his cigarette onto the ground. His eyes ran over her as he seemed to consider his words and her heart started to sink.
"Sure thing…"
He looked at her expectantly. She laughed nervously.
"Tracy right. Can you catch a ride with Ryan and I'll see you there?"
She had never felt such relief.
"Yes, that's perfect. The film starts at seven so I'll meet you there around six?"
He took a long drag on his cigarette and nodded before he turned and got into his car. She watched as it roared through the parking lot. She ran excitedly back to Betty to tell her the news.
She couldn't sit still in Ryan's car while they teased her. It was six-twenty five and she worried that she'd be one of those embarrassed girls on Monday who had to admit that Billy found her wanting. Just as she was losing hope he appeared at the car window and she practically leapt from the car in her excitement. His car was practically at the back of the drive-in and her heart started to race at the implications. She slid into the passenger side and smiled at him. He looked so good dressed up just for her. In school, he was generally a little more conservative but she'd heard about how he looked on dates and she wasn't disappointed. She moved closer to him, desperate to feel him close.
He ran hot and cold over the next several months. His mind was always somewhere else and he seemed distant until he showed her some affection and then he took her straight home. He never wanted to hang around after he'd gotten what he wanted. When he was affectionate he left her breathless and wanting more but his coldness made her think she wasn't the only person he was seeing. She'd been sure that she'd spotted his car down the street from her house long after he'd dropped her home or stood her up.
On more than one occasion she'd heard something that suspiciously sounded like Stacey muttered into her neck. However, the only Stacey in their group was currently taken but that only made her more suspicious. If he was going to cheat it made sense that he'd pick someone unavailable as it would be a shared secret. She was so angry that she could barely sleep wondering if Stacy was getting passionate with Billy while she spent the night alone. He never mentioned it which only infuriated her more. She sometimes wondered if he really wanted Stacey and if she was just being used as a smokescreen.
Soon everyone accepted them as a couple and she pretended that everything was perfect to the envy of half the squad. She would talk loudly about their dates near Stacey but she never reacted any differently. She was determined to at least make it to the end of the school year. At least that way they'd be old news by the end of summer. Betty continued to persuade her that he had to be serious. To this point he hadn't cared about decorum so why start now? She held onto that hope tightly.
Soon graduation was fast approaching and the annual senior parties started. She bought herself a new dress and lacy lingerie. Billy had been growing more distant lately. Their dates were becoming few and far between and she feared he'd finally grown bored of her. She saw him more at school than outside. She would slide under his arm relishing the warmth of his body but he barely acknowledged her. He was always looking down the halls or buzzing with excitement to get on the court. He seemed his happiest on the court and she couldn't help the nagging feeling that it was because she couldn't follow him there.
She was determined to make tonight special. She would get them back on track. Billy seemed on edge that night. It was like he was filled with a mixture of excitement and dread. She couldn't understand why as they had been to dozens of parties before. They arrived late but she could feel the envious stares of many girls at the party when they arrived. She knew she looked good in her dress and Billy was wearing his favoured jeans that he looked so good in and his still-tanned skin was on full display. He looked like he'd also put in extra effort tonight and she hoped against hope it was because he knew things were bad between them and wanted to fix it too.
She followed him to the drinks table even though she wanted to dance. She watched him closely waiting on tenterhooks for something, anything to show he still wanted her. She leaned closer to him and wrapped her arm around his. He took a long sip of his beer. Suddenly his body stiffened and his attention was stolen by someone walking through the party. She tried to look around the people in front of her to see who it was but she was too short to see past them. Billy threw down his beer and pulled his arm free.
"I need a smoke."
He walked briskly towards the front door and was gone before she could protest. She poured herself a drink and watched the other people dance. She watched the door intently but he never came back. Finally, she swallowed her pride and decided that she would go and get him. It was better than standing here all alone. She expected to see him standing out the front either passively smoking or engaged in conversation with someone. However, he was nowhere to be seen. She wondered if he'd left his cigarettes in his car and walked in the general direction he'd parked.
She stopped when she heard hushed voices that sounded as though they were arguing. She moved as silently as she could and hid between two cars. Steve Harrington's back was pressed up against his car as he was cornered by Billy. He had a desperate look in his eyes. She couldn't believe he'd left her all alone at the party to fight with Steve. The words out of his mouth shook her to her core.
"Billy let's not draw this out…it was good while it lasted but…"
Billy moved so quickly that she let out a small gasp as he pinned Steve to the car and kissed him with more passion than she'd ever seen outside of the basketball court. Steve whimpered desperately and she felt acid swirl in her stomach. Billy kissed his way down to Steve's throat and whispered something against his skin which made Steve's eyes widen in shock. Suddenly he laughed. It was relief mixed with joy.
"We're both idiots."
Billy pulled back to look at him and she would have given anything to see the look on his face. She could feel bile rising in her throat as she realised she didn't need to see his face. She knew without a shadow of a doubt that he had that same intense expression on his face that he always had when he looked at Steve. His eyes filled with yearning at one end of the hall in the school. Filled with delight on the court. She heard his strangled groan against her skin and heard Steve loud and clear. Billy's car was parked a few doors down from the Harringtons. She had been a distraction for everyone else so that he could have the one thing he wanted above everything else. It had always been about Steve.
"As long as we can keep being idiots together."
She felt envy like she never had before when Steve smiled softly and leaned in to kiss him. She turned abruptly and stormed back into the party. She purposely stamped her feet hoping it would disturb them but she couldn't resist glancing back to see them completely lost in each other.
She stormed through the door and straight into someone causing them to spill their drink. She took a strange satisfaction that someone else's night wasn't going according to plan either. She looked up and into the bewildered eyes of Richie who gave her an uncertain smile.
"Tracy…I…where's Billy?"
She shrugged.
"Probably getting drunk with the other asshole basketball players."
Richie laughed nervously. His face flushed as he watched her closely. She leaned closer to him and whispered in his ear.
"Meet me at the top of the stairs in five minutes."
His flush deepened as he nodded enthusiastically. She gave him a sweet smile and walked towards the stairs. She paid a lot of money for this lingerie and someone was going to appreciate it.
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dotster001 · 2 years
Hii! I’d like to take part in your 500 event! Could I please request a romantic matchup with a character from Obey me? <3
I’m Italian, my pronouns are she/her and I’m asexual biromantic. I’m an ESFJ and a Gemini. I have green eyes and short purple hair. I dress with fairy core/ fairy grunge clothes. I wear lots of rings and love to exchange them with others.
I’m the mom friend of the group, always there for everyone and my friends say that I’m really good at comforting people. I’m also calm and responsible, I usually am the one that takes care of other people. I’m very optimistic, I always try to see the good in everything and I often put other’s needs before my own, I would do everything for the people I care about and sometimes I’ve been told that I’m too kind for my own good. I have a sarcastic humor and I love making others laugh, people say that I should be more serious and that I shouldn’t joke around so much. I don’t like when people tell me what to do and I’m not afraid to stand up for myself or for someone else.
All my friends tell me I’m very smart, I get very good grades and I do well in school. I also try to help my friends with study and school as much as possible. I’m also very ambitious, I always try to achieve my goals.
My love languages are physical touch and words of affirmation.
I absolutely love listening to music, it helps me relax and I really like reading. I also love watching horror movies even though it’s impossible to scare me. I also play Dungeons and Dragons with my friends anytime I can. also, I absolutely love musicals and I’m definitely a theatre kid.
I really hope I did this right, have a great day :)
(ACES UNITE! Okay, okay, look, I know all humans are multifaceted, but it was really hard to pick someone for you, cause you have so many diverse aspects to your personality. Honorable mentions to Levi, Asmo, Barbatos, and Mammon, but in the end....)
I match you with Simeon.
He is also the mom friend of the group, so you both become everyone's moms. Literally, Luke starts calling you mom at some point. Both you and Simeon will melt, I can guarantee it.
He doesn't want you to change, at least not if you don't want to. Obviously, if you personally decide to make a change of your own free will, he will support you full force. But he is never going to be an instigator. He likes you the way you are.
He starts buying rings so that he has some to exchange with you should the moment arise. The first time you give him one, he melts. He's died, and been sent back to heaven. He adored it.
Your love language being physical touch and words of affirmation... He's perfect. Based on his surprise guest lines, I hc that he's a cuddler, and that he tells you every day how much he loves you. He's a warm cuddler, the kind where you just feel so soft and safe. He also is a hand holder. You can't prove me wrong. He holds hands with you everywhere you go, and he doesn't even realize it.
He's a writer, so he is ready to play D and D at a moments notice, both as DM and as a character. He is also secretly writing a musical where you two get to fall in love on stage while the brothers and Solomon are background characters and the chorus.
You're watching a horror movie and laying your head in Simeon's lap, as he runs his hand through your purple hair. He's humming a little tune. The tune freezes and he stiffens as another jumpscare hits the screen.
"Ah, Simmy, did that one get you?" You grin, and he smiles down at you.
"Yes, but I'm safe with you here," he smiled softly. He used his free hand, and threaded your fingers together, drawing your joined hands to his lips to press a soft kiss to the back of it.
He then pulls your hand and holds it to his cheek, where he nuzzles against it with a satisfied hum.
"That's better," he says just as another jumpscare happens. He stiffens, and you smile softly.
"Simmy, we can turn on something else, it's okay," you say, but he shakes his head.
"It's fine, really, your love is protecting me," he leans down for a kiss, and you meet him halfway. Another jumpscare happens, and this time it doesn't get him.
"See? All better," he grins, and shimmies down a little so that you are both laying down and cuddling, his arms around you, not tight, but reassuring.
The rest of the movie, if he was spooked, you could only tell if his arms tightened around you, or if he whispered a soft "I love you" to you. Even though the movie hadn't frightened you, you realized the safety went both ways, and that in his arms, you were certain nothing could ever hurt you.
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wasabipoptart · 1 year
"Honey" and Why Being Loved for the Wrong Reasons Might be Worse than Not Being Loved at All
It's hard to pinpont Roger Miller's style, because he was so prolific and so varied, but I'm not thinking about the silly songs, or the folksy songs, or even the gospel songs...I'm thinking about "Honey." Take a look at these lyrics. There's a LOT going on here, so I'm going to highlight the pertinent passages:
See the tree how big its grown
But friend it hasn't been too long it wasn't big
I laughed at her and she got mad
The first day that she planted it was just a twig
The first snow came and she ran out
To brush the snow away so it wouldn't die
Came running in all excited
Slipped and almost hurt herself and I laughed till I cried
She was always young at heart
Kinda dumb and kinda smart I loved her so
And I surprised her with a puppy
Kept me up all christmas night two years ago
And it would sure embarrass her
When I came in from working late cause I would know
That shed been sittin there and cryin'
Over some sad and silly late late show
And Honey I miss you and I'm being good
And I'd love to be with you if only I could
She wrecked the car and she was sadAnd so afraid that I'd be mad
But what the heck
Though I pretended hard to be
Guess you could say she saw through me
And hugged my neck
I came home unexpectedly
And caught her crying needlessly in the middle of the day
And it was in the early spring
When flowers bloom and robins sing she went away
And Honey I miss you and I'm being good
And I'd love to be with you if only I could
One day when I wasn't homeWhen she was there and all alone the angels came
Now all I have is memories of Honey
And I wake up nights and call her name
Yes now my life's an empty stage
Where Honey lived and Honey played and love grew up
And a small cloud passes overhead
And cries down on the flower bed that Honey loved
And see the tree how big its grown
But friend it hasn't been too long it wasn't big
I laughed at her and she got mad
The first day that she planted it was just a twig...
This is really fucking dark stuff:
We don't know if the woman's real name is Honey, or if that's a pet name.
It's implied she committed suicide and he came home and found her.
The man is caught in a grief loop and is unable to process or move forward.
Even as a small child I understood this song to be about a woman who suffered from clinical depression that was exacerbated by a partner who didn't take her seriously. This man just does not get it. He infantilizes her, laughs at her, and brushes off her mood swings as "embarrasing," "silly," and "needless." He gives her a puppy for Christmas and refers to his life as a "stage where [she] played." His memories, which are "all [he has]," are saccharine snapshots from a fairy tale. The angels came? What the fuck, dude.
One has to wonder how often this particular scenario played itself out in the days before women had access to prozac, birth control, and agency. How many women stayed in miserable marriages because they had no other options? Conversely, how many men also stayed in miserable marriages with no clue that their partners felt trapped?
My sister said I had it all wrong, that in her mind Honey simply wised up and took the puppy and left his gaslighting ass, courtesy of Angel's Moving Company. I like that story better.
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Forget me not
Fandom: Katekyo Hitman REBORN! Pairing: Hibari x Reader   Wordcount:  2,210
Summary: Hibari is a weird man, famous for his rather aggressive aura. After he moves into your neighborhood, an oasis inside a big neon town, Hibari Kyouya brings with him the weirdest situations into your life, as he makes a startling entrance with an accident with his "co-worker", Yamamoto Takeshi.
This is an entry for #khrevents April Angst 2021/ Day 8/ Yearning, Longing/ Reincarnation AU/ "I don't want to forget you."
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30658199
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The glass door from your coffee shop and gardening club swings open, you don’t really care to see who’s there because it’s almost the end of your shift and you’re really entertained with social media, though you did greet the person entering. “ Good evening. Welcome to the Daily Lily.”
“Good evening, I’m afraid we’ll have to check out your storage.”
“Are you the police?”
“...No.”  The voice seemed hesitant, you notice.
“Then I can’t help with that, we have a promotion on cheesecake today though.”  You smile and finally look up, afraid it might be a man trying to mess up with you. Well, it was two men, in fact. You’ve heard the rumors around the neighborhood, that Hibari Kyouya was a man with a weird aura that just moved in alone with some exotic pets, while he seemed delicate and handsome, he just had this introverted, aggressive aura and you’d never expect him to show up in your small business as the companion of another guy. Tall, tan skin, dark hair, buff, a scar on his chin in contrast with a bright gentle smile. He seemed to carry a baseball bat in his back, which made the combination of sports and their suits really off, they both seem to be either Japanese or Korean.
While Hibari, the  grumpy one, seemed to not be so happy about being with the other guy. Like a puppy and an old cat. "We don’t wanna bother you, but-..." The baseball guy was cut off by a loud noise coming from the back of the store. Normally you would be worried that your co-worker got hurt or something, but today? You’ve been alone for the second half of your shift. It’s not supposed to be noisy there, you’re frozen in the spot.
Hibari immediately bursts into the staff-only area of your shop, and before you can protest, the other guy gently grabs your shoulder. “Everything will be fine, we’ll take care of this situation. I just need you to hide in the restroom.’’
“Excuse me?!” No time for excuses, you heard someone grunting and the loud noises start getting too repetitive. Your phone was given in your hands and you basically got pushed into the room by the taller guy. “Sorry, huuh I really need to go there… ” He said as the door slammed on your face. The restroom was cozy enough, you had it decorated as you wanted, and you were firmly holding your phone in case you needed to call someone...But then, who would you be calling? The police would probably make things worse, especially because they seemed to be armed, or worse, maybe these guys are the police in disguise. You fidget your fingers along the cold black surface as a way to calm down a little, it seemed pointless. The noise was too loud to just put on earbuds and ignore them, but you realize: And if this is all a scheme? Rushing to peek at the door, as your eyes meet the pastel walls of the store, you realize it seems like no one’s here at all. Until you hear the cranky storage door opening, and as soon as you see the Baseball guy again, you close the door. Don’t want him thinking you’ve been spying on whatever happened in the storage, with your heart racing, you hear a gentle knock on the wooden door, accompanied by his voice. “Everything is fine! You can come out. I’m sorry I didn’t say my name before, I’m Yamamoto Takeshi and my company here is Hibari Kyouya.”
Decide to close the shop soon as you could for the day,  you come out of the restroom, greeted by the two men.
“I am not your partner, Yamamoto Takeshi.”  He mutters, Hibari looks completely clean, you could still mistake him with a businessman. While Takeshi seems to have bruised his hand a little. You offer him your first-aid kit which he accepts, then you close the curtains so there’s no curiosity about that’s going on inside. “So, what happened in my storage?”  You cross your arms, with a cotton stained with blood between your fingers, slightly annoyed by the whole situation. Making mental notes of what to tell your therapist later, then going back to cleaning the dry blood on Yamamoto's calloused hand.
“Two burglars, they were armed but easy to deal with.” Hibari finally says something directed to you, maybe it’s the first time he bothered to look in your eyes. Not that you’re annoyed by that, perhaps he’s just introverted. But at the same time, now that he looked at your face, it's like something inside him got frozen, awkward. It's such a weird feeling, especially since he doesn't really show it off, you just can tell. “Are you guys police officers?”  You change the subject, brushing it off your mind, Hibari looks away, you can’t tell if he’s offended by being compared to a cop or something else. “Not at all! We just know how to handle them. We’ll send you a check to compensate for the damage and the working time you spent in the restroom as well.” Yamamoto finished his bandage and happily hands you paper and pen. “Just write down your shop’s address and info and the check will arrive in 3 to 5 days.”
You couldn’t really believe in such kindness, or at least knowing how to deal with the consequences of their vigilante work but since they already know the shop you write it down anyway. “ Are you all putting me in some pyramid scheme? You two seem like stage actors.”  They do look like handsome actors, you think.
“We aren’t.” Hibari actually pulls out an unused bullet from his pocket to show  they’re not lying, effective but scary. He just turns away and keeps browsing the plants you got for sale, examining the quality of an English Ivy’s vine. “Don’t scare them, c’mon. Isn’t this shop your neighbor now?”  Yamamoto jokes around, Hibari sends him a deadly look and you decide you won’t touch the neighbor subject ever again.
“If you two excuse me, I have to close the shop and go home. It’s getting late and I don't plan to work more today.” You operate the register and turn off your computer for the day, swinging the keys in your index finger. Anxious to get home to your cat and a nice hot bath to relax. “Thank you again for your kindness, next time you visit the shop anything from the coffee and plants is on me. But don't do crazy stuff again.” You smile as everyone leaves the inside area with you. “By the way, who’s going to take these two burglars out? Did you guys called the police?”
“Kusakabe already took them, before you got out of the restroom.” Hibari says in a beat, interrupting Yamamoto before he could say something else. “Who’s that?”  You raise an eyebrow, the Baseball guy blurts out, dismissing any curiosity you might have. “He’s a friend of ours who’s actually a cop!” That’s weird, you didn’t even see a vehicle, and usually, when cops stopped around they were always noisy and had the blue and red lights on. Off-duty cops, detectives, spies, what are these people doing around? Your curiosity around these two can only grow. It’s not like your hometown has anything important in the first place. Anyway, you say your goodbyes and already invited them to come once more. Perhaps it will be good to have these two around, at least against burglars.
Hibari turns to Yamamoto as soon as you disappeared in a street corner, with earbuds on, bursting your playlist for a nice walk and everything “That’s why we shouldn’t operate with any civilians nearby, we might be compromised now.”.
“It wasn’t that bad, I think they got to sympathize with us, it’ll be just a weird day on their life.”  Takeshi stretches his arms, it’s quite complicated to deal with you and Hibari all at once. “But, still if we didn’t interfere these guys might take them hostage, steal the shop, or whatever their intentions were. We’re lucky you saw they had guns when passing by the street.”
“I am sure Kusakabe will find out their true intentions, but meanwhile we cannot afford to bring attention to us. No more.” Hibari walked down the street, ready to get to his new apartment. “And, Yamamoto.”
“If you get back here in the shop, don’t do anything weak and stupid.” A threat, how much that suits him, it must be a serious matter, no wonder the Foundation decided to settle in that small town for a while. Once Hibari got home, greeted by Hibird’s singing, he lets out a long sigh. What happened today? Two Mafia men going out for a civilian’s small business as if it’s a serious matter for them. But especially, the Cloud Guardian feels like he just knows you from somewhere. Your voice and eyes seem oddly familiar, but if he was to put this feeling into words it’ would simply smell like bullshit. Herbivore bullshit. He takes a long shower, and gets to bed to read something before sleeping, but can’t concentrate on his book. It can’t be, he even loses sleep and feels exhausted, only falling asleep when his body couldn’t take it anymore.
He wakes up in a bad mood, feeds Hibird and Roll, and opens his fridge: nothing, just a bottle of water. Well, he has to remind Kusakabe to do his groceries, but for now, he’ll be ok with going to your shop for breakfast. He gets changed from his kimono to casual clothing, it’s 07:00 AM when he walks down the block and notices no one’s inside the shop beside you, as he opened the door a ring is heard, you turn your head to see who’s there, the shop seems clean and decorated with paper and fairy lights hanging on the wall, plus with the plants of all sorts, making the place lively, with soft lo-fi music in the background. “Hey, good morning Sir.” He murmurs a response and orders blueberry pancakes with a black coffee on the balcony. “Thanks for coming after yesterday, I came here earlier to clean but your partner Kusakabe was waiting at the door to help me out.”
“Good.”  As you manage the register, he notices you have cupcakes with colorful glaze and cutesy decor right beside you, and a poster that he can’t read from that distance. You see he’s staring at something and offers him one of the cupcakes. “Today I’m throwing a small event here, the shop will celebrate 2 years of business, come by if you want to.”
“I’m not letting you give me everything in the shop for free.”  He rejects and suits himself a table nearby the window. “I don’t like parties, or crowded places so I’ll stop by tomorrow.” This hurts your ego a little bit, but it would probably be embarrasing to have a stranger around, he’s quiet most of the time. You wonder if Yamamoto is more of a party person, then, your thoughts drift to the question: Is Yamamoto Takeshi single? He doesn’t have a wedding ring, and neither does Hibari. 
 You shake your head before you could turn red in front of him. “Well, I’ll save you a piece of cake my parents made then.”  You say, as you get  prepared to do everything for today’s menu ready.
“You don’t have to.”  Ouch. You decide to not offer him more things, but this behaviour makes you wonder if he has a jealous partner.
Usually you let everything sort-of-ready so you just need to heat them in the oven on the back of the balcony. Cooking is time-consuming, but at least it’s pretty lucrative. “I think I’ll take around 30 minutes since you’re an early bird. You can use a laptop to work or shop for flowers if you like stuff like gardening.”  You turn your head to talk to him, but to your surprise, he’s already looking at some pots and examining some other gardening products you have around, you didn't expect him to be this kind of person, gardening takes nurturing, care, and a lot of attention towards a living being who doesn't even communicate like animals. He does like gardening apparently, you expected him to pull off a MacBook and have an online meeting over his meal or something, maybe doing finances of whatever organization he's probably the leader at, at least that's what his expensive suit tells. When you get to serve his plate, the spare chair has a basket full of gardening materials, seeds for fruits and veggies, some pots, a small rake, and a trowel.
As the clients come in and you get busier, he didn’t want to be a burden, so he just sat there and tried to enjoy his breakfast, even though the place was a little more crowded than he would like to. But still, Hibari can manage that for a bit, and then he realizes how the situation just got weirder to him, how come he’s doing that for you? And why did you felt so familiar? Spending most of his life there, just occasionally traveling he never noticed a person that matched that specific scene in his head. Is this some Herbivore bullshit? Maybe. Hibari is still pondering over this subject but as long as no one from the Foundation or Vongola finds out, he just found out a place with good pancakes, open from Monday to Saturday, how convenient. The whole saved your business and life thing or the fact that you’re attractive is just a small detail.  When he’s done, Hibari gets up from his table and your co-worker comes to clean his spot. He takes his basket to the balcony for payment, but not before adding a purple flower to his shop list. When he gets to pass all the products, which usually the clients would take one or two plants, but he got around seven, letting the purple flower for last.
A small vase blooming with forget-me-nots, as you pass it on the register, you read the silly little tag you put in some pots as decoration, each has a quirky phrase or pun with the names, that one reads:
“Don’t forget about me”.
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hes-writer · 4 years
Favourite (2)
Summary: harry loves one of his children less
Warnings: angst
Word Count: 1804 words
A/N: y’all know I’ve been feeling sensitive about posting this piece so if you have any comments BE NICE BE NICE BE NICE 🥺
Part 1
The events from the previous weeks rattled the Styles’ household. Caleb woke to a tense morning the next morning where his dad was nowhere to be seen and Beatrice was holed up in her room. Dinner was even more awkward when silence draped over their backs like a cold blanket. Y/N tried her best to continue a dwindling conversation but there was only so much she could say until Beatrice’s silence towards Harry’s questions started to suggest that she didn’t want to speak to her dad. The youngest daughter, Ruby, seemed to be the holy grail of each family dinner when she babbled about her day in pre-school.
Beatrice was set to leave home in exactly two days. Y/N could feel a sense of pride seeing her eldest leave the family home, setting off to university and becoming her own person. Y/N knew that Beatrice had a difficult time separating Beatrice, Harry Styles’ daughter, to just Beatrice. Y/N looked back to when Beatrice was younger--an unexpected surprise that she learned to love when she felt the first symptoms of morning sickness--how she was bound to change her and Harry’s life forever. 
Y/N wasn’t sure if her brain blocked out the memories of Harry being hostile to their first child until recently; maybe it was a denial that there was no way Harry could blatantly show anything less than love for their child. But the more Y/N thought about Beatrice’s birthdays, recitals and school events; all she could see notice now was Harry’s distanced posture. His distraction when Beatrice performed on stage, the excuses when she had a dance recital, and unenthusiastic greeting of ‘happy birthday’. 
Harry leaned his shoulder against the door frame of the barren room, observing the bed and bedside table as it was stripped bare of the flower-printed sheets, watching his wife flip through the photo album filled with Beatrice’s accomplishments. The parents could not help but let a wave of nostalgia wash over them. The lamp on the bedside table lit the entire room. The fairy lights that were hung on her wall were taken down a few days ago; one of the items that Beatrice packed last. 
“She asked me to help her put the lights up,” Harry whispered, tracing his fingers over the cream walls, walking over to where Y/N sat on the mattress. “I told her I was busy and she did it by herself,”
Y/N sighed, lifting her head to direct Harry to the spot beside her, “I know,” She sunk with Harry’s weight at her side, his slouched shoulders further emphasizing his despondent mood. “We raised a good done, hm?”
Harry shook his head in disappointment, “No..not me,” His chest ached with missed opportunities to bond with his daughter; all because he couldn’t get over the fact that she came as a surprise. He was at the peak of his career and he wasn’t too glad that he was forced to push everything back--his album release, promo, and tour--to the next year all because of a child that he didn’t even plan on having in the first place. 
In retrospect, Harry should have known better. He should have reacted like a mature adult, a father-to-be and became an actual dad to Beatrice instead of holding a grudge to an innocent little baby. He still had a successful career that he always dreamed of but he can never turn back time for all the shortcomings he had with his child. 
Harry felt extremely guilty for missing Beatrice’s childhood, so he tried to compensate for the guilt looming over him by presenting his younger children the type of love that he failed to give her. How daft was he to not notice his actions would only push her away from him? That, to Beatrice, it was Harry’s way of highlighting the fact that he would never accept the way she was conceived? 
“What’s this?” Harry mused, tilting his jaw on where her hand rested to keep the page bookmarked. 
“Jus’ some pictures over the years. Wanna see?”
Here Harry was, flicking the glossy pages of an old photo album, looking at a dopey-smiled Beatrice on her first day of kindergarten. Her hair was in pigtails done by Harry that morning because Y/N had an early day at work. She was saddened that she couldn’t go but Harry reassured her that he will be there every step of the way. It was a half-lie. Harry dropped her off, took a quick picture and left the premises as soon as he could, missing the way his daughter’s eyes glazed over. Lips formed a pout and her tiny chin quivered as she watched her dad drive off in his black Range Rover.
The next photo was 7-year old Beatrice in her pink long sleeve and a wispy tutu wrapped around her waist. Her hair was pulled back in a ballerina bun; this time was done by Y/N if the slickness of her hairstyle was anything to go by. The left page was of Beatrice on the sidelines of the auditorium. The room was partially filled. Harry concluded that it was before the performance because of the dimple printed on her cheek since the right page showcased a sullen girl surrounded by her dance mates and their parents. Harry could remember Y/N’s frantic phone calls that night, asking ‘where are you?’ and ‘what time are you getting here?’ as the faint music blared through the speakers. 
Harry gulped at the memory. He came home to find Beatrice asleep in her costume, a plastic tiara gripped in her hand. Y/N said that she wanted to give it to him. Beatrice could at least give him something from her performance because he didn’t make it.
Y/N’s phone buzzed in her pocket, halting Harry’s thoughts as she answered the call. She pointed towards the door, mouthing silently that she had to answer it. “It’s Beatrice,”
Harry’s brows perched on his forehead, nervousness filled his body at the sound of her name. He didn’t even make things right before she left; too afraid of rejection when he deserved it. 
His fingers flicked through the pages. Beatrice’s piano recital. 
She was fourteen at that time. Caleb was sat on the seat next to him while Ruby was being nursed in Y/N’s arms. Beatrice peeked through the curtains, wanting to make sure that her dad was planted in his seat. She was excited to showcase the skills she learned in the past year. She was hoping to impress Harry in musical terms when she won first place. Beatrice was sure of it! She practiced for long hours until her fingers were stiff from overuse. Her other tries to catch her dad’s attention garnered her little-to-no attention and this was her last idea. 
Y/N gave her daughter a thumbs up as Beatrice walked towards the grand piano center stage. 
Beatrice was in the middle of her piece when she heard her Caleb’s curious voice over the silent crowd, “Dad, where are you going?”
She looked up just in time to catch Harry’s emotionless eyes. His expression was painted in annoyance and his phone was clutched in his hand. Beatrice’s fingers jittered with a shaky breath, feeling her fingertips trace over the wrong keys and eventually stopping altogether. The crowd gasped, murmurs flittering in and out of her ears as she stared at her lap. She tried to compose herself, maybe even pick up where she left off and continue playing as if she didn’t stop. The show must go on, right?
When Beatrice gathered enough courage to continue, she took a deep breath and lifted her head towards where her family sat. She was certain that her dad took his seat again but she could not be more wrong. Beatrice was just barely able to see Harry’s blazer flapping as the door closed shut behind him. 
“She ran off stage after that,” Caleb spoke from beside him. “Didn’t want mum around. She kept asking for you but you left or something,”
Harry closed his eyes tightly, tears dripping from the corners as he breathed out a sigh. He did. He left the building as soon as he could. The urgent phone call he received was from Jeff relaying that the media claimed to have found where his kids went to school. He couldn’t jeopardize their safety because of people wanting to meet him; because of him. There was no way he would let anything hurt his children. 
“I know I haven’t been the best dad to your sister,” Harry shut the book softly, wrapping his arm around Caleb’s broad shoulders. “But I really do love her,”
Caleb’s curls tickled his ears as he nodded, “She knows,”
Harry’s eyes widened in surprise, “Really?”
“Yeah. Before she left, she was talking about everything she was gonna miss. She said she was going to miss you, even if you, and I quote, ‘might not miss her’,” Caleb formed his fingers into bunny ears.
Harry desperately wished that he was brave enough to fix his mistakes. A simple, wholehearted talk with Beatrice might’ve been all he needed to start mending his relationship with her. But he stood back like a coward; hiding from his own daughter because of an irrational fear of rejection. Instead, he walked by her room, door left wide open as Beatrice gathered clothes from her closet to pack in the next box. Each time he would pass by the hallway to his and Y/N’s room, more of her items would be packed up, taped and ready to go. Packed boxes slowly filled the hallway and her closet emptied as her clothing was folded in an organized manner.
First, it was her desk. Her pens and notebooks leaving the cluttered space empty. Then, it was her hangers stripped off her dresses, jackets and coats. Her shoes were the next to go, leaving more space in the downstairs closet by the door until only one pair remained unpacked; the one she used to walk out of their house. Next, it was her dresser packed with moisturizers and makeup closed tightly to prevent spillage. Beatrice peeled off her duvet and bedsheets to wash the night before she left, opting to sleep next to Ruby on her final night at home. 
One image that he kept reeling in his head like a film projector was Beatrice climbing the metal steps of the ladder from the garage. She placed it sturdy on the floor before she stretched her hands to unhook the fairy lights from the wall. Unlike before where Beatrice knocked on his office door, hesitantly asking for help to put up the fairy lights--she didn’t ask for Harry’s help taking it down. 
A/N: I know that a lot of people might've wanted a full circle ending where Harry apologizes but I'm pretty happy with this ending because it's open-ended. 
Permanent Taglist: @fangirl-moment-x @kissme-hs @agoddamnmango @harrys-kingdom @harrysstyleseyes @calums-sugarbaby @queenbeestuffs @ashkuuuu @kettxo @send-me-styles @littledreamybeth @trustfulhaz @harrysfeastedflower @harrystxleslx @befourep @moonandstars-xox @babebenhardy @particularnarry @mendesromano @harrystylinsince1994 @juliassgem @miscll-fangirl @little-dragon-ate-my-heart @myfangirlworld @haroldssfedora @winchesterwife27 @wOwfxck @arypesanchez @harriemelonsugar @someinsanefangirl @derangedcupcake @bobo-bush @peachesaquari @shawnsnovel @ivegotparticulartaste @adore-you-hs2 @combativehood @simonsbluee @hockeyschmockey @belovedcherry @harrysahottie @adore-you-hs2 @splendidsunsetsx @turtoix @la-cey @harrys-watermelons @softkidinlove
Favourite Taglist: @thollandx @angeloficaruss @immajustreadwritereblog @lillymitl @all-my-love-for-harry @imperfectophelia @littlewolfieposts
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scxrlettwxtches · 4 years
[11:25p.m.] kiss in the bedroom + missing each other | lee minho
warnings: hints of depression, self-esteem issues, mentions of anxiety
requested: yes!
a/n: i’ll be super honest. i haven’t been feeling great these last few weeks. i’ve had a crazy amount of work piled on, and even now it’s like looming in the distance. im always stressed, and i’ve gotten max like 5 hours of sleep every night. i don’t usually like talking about my personal problems here on this blog, but this drabble was sorta my way of venting i guess, so i thought there might need to be some context. anyways, i hope it wasn’t too angsty for you, anon! as always, i love y’all so much, and i’m always here to talk if anyone needs it! <3
Minho wasn’t quite used to the feeling of missing you.
Of course, he’s longed for you before, wished that you were sitting next to him rather than only being a crackling voice over the phone, but this felt different. Normally, he was the one leaving, he was the one that had an utterly impossible schedule, the one that would drop by your shared apartment for only a few minutes before heading off again to god knows what.
He quickly realized that this feeling of being the one left behind? Yeah, he hated it with every fiber of his being. 
The poor man had been utterly over the moon when he got a week off of work, and Minho had every intention to spent every single minute of it with you. Except, your schedules didn’t seem to line up this time, and for the last three days, you’ve probably been home for no more than a few hours, rushing off to your school’s practice room in preparation for a big piano competition. 
Minho was bored. But more importantly, Minho missed you. He wanted to feel you lie in his arms, wanted to see your puffed up cheeks when he woke up before you and didn’t want to get out of bed. He wanted to cuddle with you on the couch along with his cats. He had created a whole checklist of things he’d wanted to do with you this vacation, and none of them have come true yet.
So now, Minho was plopped down on the couch, sulking as one of his cats sat comfortably in his lap, looking up at him. 
Reaching down, his gentle fingers stroked Dori’s cheek as he mumbled, “Do you think your Mama’s going to come home today?” Dori only meowed in response, obviously just as distraught about your absence as he was. 
Minho glanced over to the kitchen with a forlorn gaze. On the table sat a perfectly good meal of ddeokbokki, rice, and whatever side dishes he was capable of cooking up. He wanted to surprise you, after all. Spending all this time without you but also without anything to keep him busy made him realize just how much he needed your company, how much he longed for it. It made him marvel at the fact that you haven’t broken things off with him yet, especially since you felt this sort of unresolved longing almost on a weekly basis. 
But by now, the ddeokbokki was already growing cold, and Minho felt the thorns around his heart constrict the more he waited for you, the more he could only wish that you were with him. 
As if the heavens had answered his prayer, his ears suddenly perked up at the sounded of someone punching in the passcode to the apartment. Dori pushed off his lap immediately, rushing to the door along with his two other cats, and Minho wasn’t far behind. They were all eager to welcome you home. 
What Minho didn’t expect was for you to open the door sopping wet, your clothes dripping water onto the doormat as you shivered, probably soaked to the bone. What scared him more, was that you seemed almost entirely oblivious to this fact, only standing at the door with your shoulders hunched.
“Y/N!” He gasped, snapping out of his stupor and rushing over to you, fluttering around you like an anxious fairy. Taking your wrist, he pulled you into the bedroom and immediately grabbed one of the towels that he’d cleaned that morning when he’d reached peak levels of loneliness. 
“What were you doing walking out in the rain? You should’ve called me,” he scolded lightly as he dried your hair, bending down to do so. His hands froze midway, however, when he caught sight of the expression on your face. 
There was no other way to describe it except that it chilled Minho to the very core. The utter hopelessness in your eyes, the way your cheeks seemed to be drained of their usual rosiness. Your lips were pale, and you looked the farthest from okay that he’s ever seen you.
His hands slowly came down and he placed the towel on the bed before very delicately cupping your face with his hands, “Y/N? Are you with me?” He asked, his tone cajoling and gentle. 
You didn’t answer him, your gaze still unfocused as if you were looking through him, not at him. Minho was frightened, to say the least. This hasn’t ever happened before, at least not to this degree. You’ve hit slumps before, but you were always able to let it out, throw a little tantrum while Minho was happy to indulge in your rather adorable anger. But now, you looked almost like you didn’t even know how to let anything out, as if everything had been bottled up inside for so long that you were incapable of shedding yourself of whatever burden you were carrying.
“Y/N?” Your name fell out of Minho’s lips again as he grew more and more concerned by the second. He stroked your cheek with his thumb, but you were entirely unresponsive, only staring out in the distance as if you were seeing something that he couldn’t.
Minho was just about to pull out his phone and frantically call Bangchan about how to help you when you croaked out, your voice hoarse from lack of use, “I’m tired of this.”
For a brief moment, Minho felt panic like he’d never felt before. He panicked that you were referring to him, to the two of you. He panicked that he was going to lose you. He panicked that he’d never be able to walk home and see you slumped on the couch waiting for him to return. 
But, he kept his cool, because he knew the last thing you needed was someone to act out of anger in any way, “Tired of what, babe?” he cooed softly, gazing into your eyes and trying to get you to look at him. 
“Everything,” you spoke softly, and finally, your eyes shifted up to gaze into his. The dullness of your eyes, your normal sparkle completely extinguished, it hurt Minho more than he could even put into words.
“I’m tired of practicing. I’m tired of music. I’m tired of getting up in the morning. I’m tired of having to shoulder the weight of my entire fucking school’s expectations on my shoulders. I’m--” you choked on your words as tears begin to roll down your cheeks, and Minho pulled you into a tight hug.
Minho could feel the moment you physically let yourself melt into his embrace, and he was ready for it. He held up your weight easily (far too easily, he noted), and swept you in his arms, taking this as a cue to help you get ready for bed. 
In a rather impressive feat, he helped you change out of your sopping clothes, all while making sure that he always was touching you in some way. That was something he’d discovered over the few months of dating you; you loved physical touch, craved it even more than some of his band members. Especially when you couldn’t control your anxiety and your hands would tremble ceaselessly, it was his touch that always calmed him down.
There was nothing sexual about the act as he slipped off your shirt and jeans, replacing them with his oversized t-shirt and your warm sweatpants. He pressed kisses to your lips whenever he could, understanding your rather unusual silence and taking it all in stride. It wasn’t his place to judge, only to shower you with all the love he could give you. 
When he was all done, and you were as comfortable as physically possible, he swooped you into his arms, carrying you to bed.
“Minho,” you murmured his name when your head lolled against his chest, startling him as you quietly began to play with his shirt. 
“Yes, babe?” He answered, setting you gently down on the bed and beginning to tuck you in the soft blankets, knowing how much you’d benefit from a decent night’s sleep. 
Before he could walk away, you grabbed his sleeve, keeping him standing beside your bed as you asked softly, “Why am I never good enough?”
Minho’s eyes widened as he bent down, brushing the stray hairs away from your face, “No. No, no, darling, who told you that? Where did you hear such nonsense from?” He asked sternly, now genuinely having to struggle to hold his anger down as he wiped the falling tears from your cheeks. 
“You are good enough. You’re more than enough, Y/N. You’ll always be enough, no matter if you come home with the medal or not. If you slip up on stage one day, you’ll still be enough. If you don’t get the grant that you were working for, you’ll still be enough,” Minho said softly, sitting on the bed as he comforted you in the only way he knew how.
He felt the tension that was constricting his heart start to loosen as you began to respond more to his touch, leaning your cheek into his hand, closing your eyes as you basked in his warmth, “Y/N, please,” he asked, still biting his lip with thinly veiled concern, “who put those thoughts into your head?”
Oh, how he wished it was some outside person. How he wished it was someone he could confront, someone to whom can be forced to deal with the true force of his wrath. But just from the look on your face, he knew it was more complicated than that.
Your smile was bitter as you looked him in the eye, “Myself.” 
Minho sighed, having already assumed that was the case, “Baby…” Suddenly, his eyes widened, and the dots clicked in his head as he looked towards you with horror, “is that why--were you...avoiding me?”
“Not exactly,” you said slowly, “I was totally overwhelmed with practice this week, a-and I was afraid of what you might think of me when I’m running on three hours of sleep and one too many energy drinks.
You looked up at him, gently squeezing his hand, “I wasn’t trying to avoid you, but I was afraid to come home sometimes.”
Minho shook his head, feeling his heart shatter at your confession, “You don’t--you don’t have to make yourself look perfect for anyone’s sake, especially mine,” his voice trembled slightly as he leaned forward to he could rest his head on your chest, still clutching your hand tightly before he spoke not louder than a whisper, “Y/N, do you know how much I’ve missed you?”
The words struck your core, and the dam collapsed. Tears flowed freely down your cheeks as you slowly combed your hand through his hair, watching as Minho’s shoulders shook, and he held onto you as tightly as he could without hurting you. You could feel wetness drip onto your shirt as he cried into your chest, and the two of you held each other, comforting and loving each other with all of your hearts. 
When all the lights in the bedroom were turned off save for a dim nightlight on the bedside table, and you were comfortably nestled in Minho’s chest, he murmured softly, his chest rumbling, “Please don’t spend all day at the school anymore. Overpractice won’t make you better.”
You hummed in acknowledgement, your eyes already closed, “I’ll try to come back before sundown every day. Deal?”
Minho huffed, not quite satisfied but knowing it was all he was going to get, “We’re not going to get to anything on my checklist as this point,” he mumbled childishly to himself.
“Checklist?” your ears perked up at that, and you tilted your head to look at him, “What checklist?”
His cheeks grew slightly pink as he explained, albeit very quietly, “I made a checklist of things I wanted to do with you this week.”
If that wasn’t the cutest thing you’ve ever heard, you didn’t know what was. Your lips quirked up into a smile as you let your arm drape around his waist as you looking up at him, “Oh? Care to tell me a few items on your list? Maybe we can knock some of them out quickly.”
Minho was silent for a moment, obviously weighing the consequences and the rewards of spilling his closely held secret. Finally, he said stubbornly, “I want to kiss you every night before going to bed.”
The request was so utterly simple, and yet it made your dulled heart flutter in a way that you didn’t know it could. Feeling warmth, Minho’s warmth and affection, slowly trickle back into your worn out body, you scooted up so your lips were just inches away from his.
“If you want, we can start that today,” you whispered, gazing into his eyes.
Never one to deny you of anything, Minho gave you a soft smile before cupping your cheek with his hand and leaning down, capturing your lips in a gentle kiss. Even in the softest of kisses, Minho had the ability to take your breath away, to make you feel more special than you ever believed you could. His lips caressed yours, gently nibbling and nipping at them until he was finally satisfied.
“I’ve missed you,” he breathed out before nuzzling his nose against your soft cheek. 
“I’ve missed you, too,” you repeated the sentiment, leaning into his touch and basking in the love that he always showered you with, especially in the intimacy of the bedroom.
Eventually, he settled himself back on the bed as he pulled you back into his chest, always loving the weight of your head resting on him. It was as physically close as the two of you could be, and he could always wrap a protective arm around your waist like this. 
You mindlessly drew circles over his torso as you asked, “What else is on your checklist, darling?”
Minho’s smirk went unnoticed, and he answered your question smugly, “Well, there were a few positions that I wanted to try--”
“Goodnight, Minho.”
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mika-13 · 4 years
So, with the help of the wonderful @wandering-horizon, I came up with a Legend of Zelda / Linked Universe AU where every Link is a Zelda species that isn’t Hylian So here’s what I came up with and how it influenced their respective stories
Sky - Rito
When Skyloft was raised above the clouds by Hylia, the Rito were already there
The Rito helped the Hylians get accustomed to life above the clouds and the two species quickly came to rely upon each other
Link is born a Rito and grows up on Skyloft, where things are pretty similar to the original story, he is best friends with Zelda and studies at the academy to become a knight
When Zelda disappears beneath the clouds, he draws the goddess sword and follows her
Things continue on quite the same way as in the game, just with Link wielding the sword with both his "hands" and foot claws, because him flying around and cutting down enemies at the same time is just really neat
He also pecks out one of Ghirahim's eyes at one point because he can
Four - Minish
I've had this headcanon, that the Hero of Men, the one before Four who made the picori blade, was actually a Minish who came through the Minish door (which transformed him into a Hylian for the time) to protect Hyrule
So yeah, basically that
Link is Ezlo's grandson who is also an apprentice with Melari and when Vaati goes rogue he helps his grandfather in defeating him
I imagine him being really confused by being so tall at first and that he still retains some Minish like traits
Time - Kokiri
Link is an actual Kokiri in this, with Navi as his fairy
His life in the Kokiri forrest is pretty peaceful, though Mido still bullies him, because he's best friends with Saria and Mido is jealous, until the Deku Tree calls for him
The Kokiri Emerald allows him to leave the forrest unharmed and so he goes to help Zelda
The rest of the story is pretty much the same, except that he doesn't age when he goes into the future, because he really is an immortal forrest child this time around
Let's just say that Ganondorf is pretty angry about being beaten by a 9 year old
At the start of Majora's Mask when Skullkid steals the ocarina and Epona, he also imprisons Navi in a bottle
Tatl is kind of shocked about that and that plus the fact that she can sense his Kokiri nature result in her trusting and liking Link much sooner
Link manages to free Navi when he gets back his ocarina and from then on it's another adventure, this time not just with his mom but also with his newly acquired older sister Tatl
Twi - Twili
His story is quite different from the one in the game
With him growing up in a completely different world and such
In the beginning he lived a relatively simple life, getting by by doing odd jobs for other people
When Zant staged his coup and started turning helpless Twili into Shadow beasts, Link tried his best to help people escape in time
Zant really didn't like this and sent the beasts after him
Not wanting to fight his people, he ran, stumbling onto the portal to Hyrule
Eventually, Zant caught up to him and tossed him out into the light in the hopes of killing him
Instead of dying, Link is saved by the triforce, which transforms him into a wolf which let's him survive in the world of light
He knows he needs to defeat Zant before the usurper can destroy both Hyrule and the Twilight realm and so he sets out to free Hyrule from the Twilight
The light spirits give him their protection and with the master sword he gains the ability to keep his Twili form even in the light
Of course he also travels with Midna, though he meets her later in the story
Also he obviously knows who Midna is, since the name and the vast amount of magic she possesses is kind of a giveaway
Legend - Zora
He's a sea Zora, so he's different from the rather mean ones in his Hyrule, since their tribes lost contact a long long time ago and he looks more like an ocarina of time Zora
A pink one
He washes up at the beach one day when he's still a tiny little kid and a Hylian man (his uncle in the game) takes him in and raises him
He has to deal with a lot of crap from people because he's Zora and most Zora in his Hyrule just really like spitting fire balls at people
It's also why people don't believe him when he goes out to help Zelda and say he's kidnapped her instead
As for Kohilint, the storm hits him when he's out looking for his family and Marin is also a Zora
He ends up being afraid of storms at sea after that whole debacle and just kind of avoids the ocean after it
Hyrule - Fairy
What can I say, he's the original fairy boy after all
He's not just a regular fairy though, but a very young great fairy, young enough that his usual form isn't that different from a regular fairy
However, he possesses a lot more magic and even has the ability to grow to Hylian size for a time, enabling him to wield sword and shield and fight the various monsters and Ganon
One of the reasons he travels so much is the fear of being bound to a single place once he's grown up, being a great fairy and all and he wants to see all much of the world as possible before that
Wind - Korok
He lives in the forest on outset island and is best friends with Aryll
Once Tetra shows up and Aryll gets kidnapped, he decides he needs to go out and save her
So he asks Aryll's grandma for the sword and shield (grandma is kind of surprised since it's the first time she's ever seen a Korok and she wasn't quite sure Aryll didn't just have an imaginary friend) and sneaks onto Tetra's ship
She discovers him, being able to see him even when he doesn't want to be seen, triforce of wisdom and such, but she's so impressed by him being able to sneak onto her ship that she lets him stay
He has fun with the crew, flying over Nico's obstacle course with Korok magics, and infiltrates the forbidden fortress
From there on it's much like in the original stories though everyone is really surprised and shocked that a usually peaceful forest fairy can wield a sword with such devastation
Needles to say, Ganondorf is even more surprised when he's stabbed in the face this time around
Wars - Gerudo
He's Gerudo, he's trans and he's here to end Ganon's whole career
He isn't a Hylian soldier in this but a Gerudo warrior and the first part of the war takes part without him
Which also means that it isn't going too well for the Hylian forces and Ganon revives way faster
The Gerudo haven't dealt much with the rest of Hyrule for many decades, but they take the return of Ganon in the form of a Gerudo as a personal insult and immediately join the war, turning the tide, especially with War's proving himself to be an unrivaled warrior as well as the hero
Wild - Sheikah
With all the Sheikah tech in his game it only makes sense
Before the calamity, he was Zelda's personal bodyguard, the way Sheikah often are for the royal family
Him and Zelda got along pretty well, having known each other for a long time, but they sort of drift apart once he draws the master sword, as Zelda envies him for his easy his destiny came to him, and he kind of struggles with the burden of the whole world, as his life was kind of all laid out for him before the master sword
Once the calamity strikes everything goes pretty much the same way, but his interactive with the yiga clan are way more intense this time around, because he's a Sheikah as well as the hero
So yeah, there you have it, my personal Zelda AU
I hope you like it
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izabellq · 4 years
Costumes -> Tamaki Amajiki
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summary: you accidentally match costumes with tamaki. prepare yourself for a whole day of endless shenanigans.
contains: MAJOR FLUFF, language if you squint (ik canonically, mirio is in 3-B, but for the sake of this plot, the big three are all in 3-A) also, i tried to make this gender-neutral, so if there’s any specified pronouns, let me know and i’ll fix it ASAP!
THIS IS MY HALLOWEEN SPECIAL! (im very much aware i posted this a day late oop)
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UA had decided to hold a special event where students could wear their Halloween costume to school. You weren’t planning anything special or unique, just something to get the job done. So, you decided to dress like a cute puppy. It was only a simple onesie: topped with cute floppy dog ears on your hood, and a tail that attached from the bottom. You weren’t expecting to get a lot of attention, which was perfectly fine with you because you were never the type to seek the stage. You topped off the simple look with a black spot on your nose and one around your eye. And just like, you were good to go.
When you walked into school, you couldn’t help but feel a tad bit insecure. It seemed like everyone had decked out for this special occasion. You passed by some anime cosplay, food costumes, group oriented costumes — everything you could possibly think of. And as you made your way to your class, you wondered what Tamaki would be wearing.
You couldn’t help yourself. It was undeniably true that you had a rather large crush on him. Everything about him was enticing. He was so shy that it was usually you who initiated conversation, but that wasn’t enough to make you falter. You understood he wasn’t the most socially active person around. To be frank, it was rather comforting to know that not everyone at UA was a egotistical narcissist.
Finding your assigned seat, you scanned the class. Some of your peers also took the simple route which put some of your thoughts at ease. Others, the more competitive students, were quite impressive themselves.
You turn towards the doorway when Mirio’s booming voice gathers the room’s attention. He was wearing a... whoopie cushion? Oh dear lord. Mirio was a stickler for humor, so of course, he’d wear practically anything that could rise a laugh out of someone. Only, his jokes kind of sucked and no doubt would the class of 3-A be subject to awful fart jokes for the rest of the day. You weren’t so worried about that as you were worried about the two other students usually attached to his hip. One of them being Tamaki Amajiki.
The next one to stop into class was Nejire Hado who was absolutely breathtaking. Her costume, which was nothing more than a fairy, seemed to capture her true personality perfectly. Although, an angel would also be very accurate in her case. She turned towards the entrance way and stuck her head out into the hallway, “Tamaki! Don’t be shy! You look so cute!”
Your heart began to beat just a little bit faster.
“Mirio! Come help me out with him,” Nejire stomped into the hallway, the fluttering of her makeshift wings dissappeared, only to be followed by a laughing Mirio.
When they returned, their hands were clasped over Tamaki’s wrists, forbidding him from turning around and sulking out in the hallway. When you saw him, you’re taken aback. The smallest of gasps erupt from your lips when you notice his costume choice. A onesie, similar to yours, but instead of the dog ears; replaced with cat ones, and a longer tail attached to the back. He had the same minimal face paint (lined whiskers and a nose) as you did, curtesy of Nejire.
When he looked up, his cheeks were flamed with embarrassment. He found your gaze, and if it were possible, he became even more sheepish. You weren’t any different. The thought of having a matching costume with Tamaki, despite not having any prior arrangements, made you equally embarrassed. Now, all you wondered was, did he notice?
Well, if he didn’t before, he sure did now when Nejire spoke up, “Hey Y/N! Oh my– are you a puppy? How cute! Wait! You’re matching with Tamaki! Now you two look like an adorable couple!”
Her excitement, plus her lack of censorship, made the class laugh— everyone’s attention on you and Tamaki. “Nejire...” Tamaki muttered. He stared at the floor, wishing it’d just swallow him whole.
“You guys should take a picture together,” Mirio suggested, walking over to where you sat and giving you a hand. You hesitantly took it, positive that you looked about ready to vomit or pass out. Maybe both. In that order.
Dragged to stand next to Tamaki, you spare him a single glance. He has his left hand up to his face, doing a shoty job at covering his red cheeks. To you, he seemed... more embarrassed than usual? Perhaps he just didn’t wanted to match costumes with you. It saddened you, but it wasn’t like you could do anything about it now.
Nejire laughed, “Say cheese!”
Tamaki mumbled something that you could only assume was in response to Nejire. In a small pickle of confidence, you grabbed his hand and entangled your fingers with his just before the camera went off.
That was first period.
When lunch rolled around, Tamaki had face planted himself on the table.
Nejire and Mirio sent each other a knowing look before moving to console him.
“I don’t understand why you’re not happy, Tamaki! You’re matching costumes with them, you got a picture with them, and they also held your hand!” Nejire listed off the things that happened before the bell rang, signaling the start of first period.
“I am happy...” Tamaki muttered, lifting himself up from the table, “But they probably hate me now.”
“I wouldn’t say that!” Mirio added, “Haven’t I told you that they most definitely have a crush on you?”
“No offense Mirio... but I’m not too keen on taking advice from a literal walking whoopie cushion.” Tamaki propped his arm on the table, before leaning his head into the palm of his hand. The same one you had so eagerly held. He wished to repeat the notion a million more times. Only now, he was afraid he had messed up his one and only opportunity.
Mirio gasped, “I’ll have you know that I got many compliments today!”
Nejire giggled before turning back to Tamaki. “Why don’t we just call them over here?”
“I- um, no... I’d rather not do that,” Tamaki rushed out. He wasn’t sure if he could handle another awkward occurrence with you. You’d surely find him weird.
“Where are they anyways?” Mirio asked, not before sinking his teeth on the apple provided on his lunch tray.
“Oh I see them!” Nejire not-so-subtly pointed at you. Tamaki couldn’t help himself as he turned to look in your direction.
You were laughing at something someone had said before adding your own little quip. You were so cute, he thought. Nejire was the one who suggested he wear a cat-themed costume due to the running joke that he was a ‘cute little kitten’. He was prepared to arrive in his normal uniform but Nejire’s persistence was unwavering. And if he knew what you’d be wearing— would he have accepted the costume more easily? You deserved better than him, he knew, but a small part of him fantasized about the ways you’d love him in a way no one else had before.
“Earth to Tamaki,” Nejire sang, snapping him out of his thoughts. “They’re coming over here, straighten up!”
“Hey Y/N, care to sit?” Mirio asked.
Tamaki’s looking down by the time you got there, so he barely registers it when you sit beside him. Your shoulder rubs against his in brief contact and it makes him shudder. He hopes you didn’t notice.
“What’s up guys?” You brought over a juice box from your other table, sipping on the straw of your drink rather intently.
“Tell Tamaki that my costume is funny!” Mirio piped up, distracted from the match-making he was SUPPOSED to be doing.
You nervously giggled, “Well... your costume is certainly an attention-grabber!”
Mirio seemed pleased with that answer, not having considered the fact that you dodged the question the best way you knew how. Tamaki stared at you, adoration etched into his irises. He didn’t realize he had left out a soft laugh until you were staring at him.
He choked up, “Uh- sorry... I didn’t mean to laugh.”
You smiled, a picture definition of the word perfect. Everything about you, he loved. He just loved you in general. “You don’t need to apologize Tamaki! Your laugh is very cute!”
You pinched his cheek before continuing your previous conversation with Mirio and Nejire. Did you even realize what you were doing to him? He hid his face in his arms and rested on the lunch table. Tamaki knew his face was probably several shades of red and pink. He was only wondering how long it would take before you’d actually kill him with your presence.
And that concluded lunch.
The last period of the day came and went uneventfully. And soon enough, class 3A had returned to the dorms, agreeing to remain in their respective costumes until the clock striked midnight. Some students had decided to spend the night on a scary movie binge, while others payed no mind to the event by studying and finishing thier cumulated late assignments.
You on the other hand we’re stuck in the kitchen, preparing some coffee to get you through the night. Mirio and Nejire had wanted to pull an all-nighter as well, which meant you had to figure out a way to not fall alseep before midnight hit. You already had a messed up sleep schedule as it was, so one more added incentive should make the whole evening smooth sailing.
You turn towards the kitchen doorway where Tamaki stood, a bit shellshocked from your presence. Still in that cat onesie, you could see his whiskers had become a bit smudged.
You smiled at him, an ache wrapped around your chest became noticeably present to you. “Amajiki! Shouldn’t you be up in Mirio’s room with Nejire? I’ll be up there in a second, I just gotta finish this.”
“Ah, well,” Tamaki moved into the kitchen, fidgeting with his fingers as he talked. “You were taking a while, so they sent me to check up on you. I’m glad you’re o-okay though.”
You hummed in acknowledgment, turning back to the light stirring of the coffee machine. Your fingers uncoordinatedly tapped the kitchen’s counter, a melodic beat strung to match your voice. Tamaki watched with amusement— nothing like the sight of you in your element could make him any happier.
Actually, there was one thing that would be slightly better.
Slowly, he approached you until he had occupied the space beside you. You noticed him almost immediately, but had pretended to take more interest in your coffee than him. Your heart rate picked up, leaving you to mentally curse your inability to remain calm.
“I have a question,” His voice was hushed, a bit unsure of itself. You turned to look at him but his vision remained on the counter.
“What’s up?” When the coffee machine stilled, you pulled your mug out and carefully placed it in front of you. The smell of the roasted beans infiltrated your nostrils and you couldn’t get enough of it.
“Do you- I mean... I think I’m... no that’s not right. I think it’d better if I just show you...” He bit the inside of his lip, whilst finally mustering the courage to look at you. You’re eyes were widened with curiosity, the reflection of the night settling in your skin.
He moves slightly closer, and when you don’t move away, he softly places his hand on your cheek, angling your face so your centimeters away from each other. Tamaki tries to speak, but he honestly didn’t even think he’d get this far. He’s left utterly speechless. Perhaps if Fatgum were here, he’d supply him with the confidence he needed to pull this off. His anxiety-prone thoughts began to take initiative and he starts to pull away, believing to have bit off more than he could chew. He really did believe you deserved better than him.
But your still there. You’ve always been there. In more ways than one. You grip the front of his onesie and pull him back to his previous spot. His hand recupped your face, and you take this opportunity of surprise to place your lips on his. Nothing more than a second long, only the brush of your lips before the tingling sensation had dissappeared all together.
It wasn’t enough. For either of you. You can’t remember who surged forward first, but it couldn’t have mattered less. The only thing that was being even remotely processed was the heat of your frenzied kisses. Tamaki poured all of his emotions into that moment; from the way he felt when seeing you in your puppy onesie to the butterflies that clouded his mind whenever he thought of you.
You were the first to pull back out of breath. You don’t care that your makeup is beyond repair, or that his is either. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you muttered six words into the smooth crevice of his skin, completely forgetting about the coffee you were prepping for yourself. “I love you, I always have.”
Tamaki smiled, though the nervousness hadn’t completely disappeared. “I love you too.” He admitted, feeling his heart flutter at the mutual affection. It wasn’t one-sided after all, not one bit.
Maybe he ought to take more advice from his friend the whoopie cushion.
Then again, maybe not.
“There waiting for us you know,” Your voice was a bit muffled, having been the after-effect of hiding your face in his neck. He understood you perfectly nonetheless.
“They can wait a little longer,” His arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you impossibly closer.
“Kiss me again,” You pleaded.
And so, he did just that.
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Bølger (2)
Merman!Kae x Reader.
Words: 3,183
bølger means waves.
Chapter 1.
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Merfolk were almost divine to your eyes, living near the coast gave you the blessing of discovering these amazing creatures, well, or the thought of actually seeing them. 
You were 7 when your mother gave your guard to your aunt Betty, your mom grew sick and she wanted to be sure you would be cared for when she passed. But it took her cancer to reach stage 4 to allow you to live with Betty. 
The thing was, your mother hated the coast, the town, and the ocean.
When Betty went to visit you, she would take small cards with fairies, merfolk, werewolves painted on it. She would tell you to believe in magic and accept that we aren't alone on the big blue planet.
Which made your mother mad because she hated the mere idea of mermaids, so much that the little mermaid movie was never allowed. But she had to swallow her revulsion to be sure you would be cared for and not thrown on the orphanage in the end.
So you went to live on Walrey Coast with your aunt. She was a good woman, a bit light-headed but good nonetheless. She taught you how to cook, even though you hated it, taught you how to work in her small restaurant and how to read and love Julio Verne's work. 
The house was small but notably comfy and colorful, each room had a color and somehow it didn't get overwhelming. Your bedroom had fairies painted on the walls, and a lamp with a mermaid painted in gold.
But you never saw a mermaid or a merman in your life.
And since your city was a small place each person ended up knowing another.  You were homeschooled till your 11, but Antony -your aunt friend- told that his nephews were your age and that his sister could teach you too.
Antony's nephews were three, a girl called Hope, and two boys, Archie and Hunter. Hope and Archie were twins, and Hunter was a year younger but their mom taught them the things at the same time so they could always be together if they ever went to a "normal" school.
So, with your 20's and seeing Archie leaving the town to persuade his dream university made you happy, but sad in seeing Carla's tears, after all, she always wanted her kids together.
"C'mon, Y/N, I consider you like a daughter so let us re-form your brother's bedroom..." Carla tried to smile through her tears, Hunter hugged you and Hope rolled her eyes at her brother's trial of reaching your interest, the poor boy has been crushing over you for 6 years already.
You kept your routine of woking at your aunty Betty restaurant, Antony tried to coax you to leave town and go to uni -as every elderly person tries to tell us to-; But something held you in Walrey Coast, maybe it was the trauma of the last time that you left your home was due to a loved one passing, or maybe Betty being abandoned in her big picturesque house... or who knows, perhaps something else, something unseen, or forgotten.
Hope didn't want to go to university, she craved to open an auto-shop, Carla said she didn't mind, but everyone knew deep down she wanted her small girl to be the perfect wife-to-be. And Hunter wanted to become a biologist, the boy adored the sea more than the air he inhaled and after years and years of Antony pulling his ear telling him that the idea of being a professional surfer was as idiotic as his hair, he swallowed down and picked another profession that connected the sea, too.
You loved them, and the town, but you were lonely. You had your first kiss, and even that you studied in "not a homeschool but it was basically one" you knew the other people in town, the men in their 20's that lived near and also the visitors that came and go. And working in the restaurant you saw lots of people, soldiers, biologists, families, even sailors, travelers, wanderers, et cetera. 
So you had your 'first times' but nothing serious, and even that Hunter tried several times to date you, you couldn't see him farther than a brother. He was attractive, smart, polite, liked animals as you do but he was... a brother. Through and through.
So your life was based around this minimalist and simple presence. Waking up, helping Betty at home, go to the restaurant, visit Carla and your dear friends, go back to the restaurant, sit in the pier where Antony lived while you ate your dinner looking at the sea, go home, shower and sleep.
Antony tried to make you go swimming or try to surf with Hunter, but you were terrified of the ocean, you loved it, it was fascinating and very very beautiful, but scary.
Yet, gazing at it brought you a level of peace that couldn't be accomplished in any other form.
So finishing your meal and making sure to set any trash inside a bag so you could throw in the trashcan later, you stood up and gave one last look at the dark waters and went home.
Deep in the waves, stood Kae, gazing at you leaving your favorite spot in the docks, each day you went there and in each one he approached the surface to make you company, a silent one.
Sometimes you hummed a song, one that of course he had not heard before. And sometimes you would put music to play in a small black device he saw humans carrying around all the time, the music was a mixture, but he enjoyed them, and loved when you sang along.
Merfolk took singing into high consideration, it was important to lull food, to find a good partner, to... well, everything!
And he hummed back with you, but he knew you didn't hear him. You didn't remember him.
It was funny how different worlds that co-existed, should know about another, should collide.
Humans are evil, everyone says. But what Eros did with you wasn't it? Hurting an innocent cub, or better saying: a child, and bringing your unconscious body as a trophy was the most repugnant thing he ever witnessed. After that episode years prior, Kae never glanced at his cousin in the same way, Eros was still family, but he wasn't the good merman Kae thought he was.
And with their adult forms and getting the spot of protectors of the ocean society, the mating season was approaching. 
Jaxi was in love with a mermaid that was from oceans away, they found each other in a hunt for food and after that, they've been planning their wedding ever since. Melin grew to be an insatiable lover, the mating season was an open feast to him, especially since it didn't involve a mandatory loyalty. Eros had the most beautiful sea creatures he could find, he was handsome and strong, but he was a player, which wasn't so shocking.
And Kae had some encounters, had his first sex in his 16's but he didn't like the notion of marrying and being away from the bare soil, away from his little friend that didn't even remember his existence.
He wonders if you still have Eros's nails wounds scarred in your skin, or maybe you healed after he rolled the algae around it? The alkaline water helped sea beings to heal and regenerate their skin, maybe oxygen did it too to humans? And if it hasn't healed, have you ever questioned the origin of it?
Kae didn't see himself as a stalker, he was more of a curious merman. And after leaving you in the waves near the sand, he has been reaching the surface searching for you. Ecthelion realized his peculiar interest in you, so he at least told Kae that his human friend, Antony, has told him that you were alive and well. And that the human's healers said you declared that you floated too deep in the ocean and the waves took you away.
Only that.
And as much that was a relief to hear you didn't remember the evilness Eros committed, Kae was still disappointed that you wouldn't remember him, or Jaxi and Melin that were also very much curious about human's anatomy and helped to save your life.
He wanted to talk to you, to see how different you are, would it be shocking for you to see him? Would you run away seeing his different form? He was very pretty, and one of the most desired young merman between the merfolk, but their physiology are different for various reasons. Maybe you wouldn't think he is pretty, his monster form would push you away. Scare you.
Hunter lost his mind, inviting you to go surfing? Insane.
"You know I'm afraid of the sea,  Hunter!" You told him and your friend only shrugged.
"Y/N, i know but we can try. There won't be big tides today, and I'm an expert at it."
His sad voice made you feel bad, you loved him dearly but couldn't answer his romantic feelings. "Is just... we are not kids anymore and with our brother away and Hope getting you away for 'girls night i barely have time with you. And i don't want to be an asshole, i swear, but that accident that happened years ago was an accident. You were a kid and now you're all grown."
Yu chuckled and hit his shoulder slightly. "All of this only to convince me to go with you?"
He narrowed his eyes and gave you a shy smile. '"Only if you say it worked."
"It did. But! If the waves get too big or anything we will come back, alright? Don't try to prove a point."
"And which point would that be?" He seemed offended.
"That you know how to suffer."
"Right, I won't do anything stupid."
Carrying Hope's board firmly you questioned if the straight material could hurt your palms. "Come on." Hope yelled cheering you up, she agreed with Hunter that it would be good for you to test the waters. Being afraid of it was a dangerous thing.
Hunter extended his hand while his other one was carrying the board under his arm. "Trust me?"
"Yeah, but please if I want to come back help me."
"Don't worry."
You held his hand and walked to the waters, Hope clapped her hands a couple of times yelling "you got it" to give you motivation.
It was a pretty day, the sun was out but it wasn't awfully warm Some seagulls flew through the skies and you admired the blue water touching your skin.
The water wasn't cold, and so far no big waves came and snatched your nor Hunter's life.
"Now in the way we tried back there." Hunter held the surfboard you were firmly grasping and helped you to jump on it. He did the same on his and held your hand looking at you with nothing but honesty.
You laid your chest on the board and moved your arms in the water to push you a bit far from the sand. Hunter was smiling, he adored the ocean and adored you so he was very happy.
A small wave came and you looked at him. "Hunt!"
He didn't tell you to go, he gave you a tiny nod and told you the two of you could swim around until you felt more relaxed.
After some minutes you tried to surf in a tide, it was small, amen for that, and Hunter seemed proud. He went to the bigger ones and even when he fell in the salty water he would emerge smiling and laughing.
Hope entered the water too and swam around, you never swam with your friends before.
Some minutes passed and you lost your fear from the ocean, the salty water, the rays of sun, Hunter's smile and Hope's laugh was a blessing and you wondered why you never gave Hunter a chance when he asked you to surf with him since you two were 12.
A medium-wave came in, and you told them you would try. Hunter has surfed and tides four times bigger so he was secure you wouldn't get hurt.
You moved your arms in the water to push you near the growing wave, you managed to feel it moving the surfboard, and you got on your feet and yelled in euphoria when your body kept firm above it. It was amazing, a sensation of pure joy.
The adrenaline, the beauty on it.
Hope and Hunter were cheering you up, and you smiled at then before noting a big movement near the tide, head got out of the ocean and the creature knocked your breath out of your lungs.
Was it... a mermaid? Well, better saying a merman?
"What?" You lost balance and fell into the water, the string holding the surfboard to your ankle made a pressuring pull and you whimpered at the pressure. You shut your eyes as the salty water burned your eyes but soon your foot was realized from the surfboard-pull.
You opened your eyes terrified that you lost the board because you were being dragged further in, but you saw something, someone. 
The strong features, the gills on his neck, the floating long hair... the tail. 
"Y/N!" Hope yelled. "Where are-", "Y/N!" Hunter yelled too.
He swam to you and leaned in, you got terrified, the water was burning your eyes, the lack of oxygen making you anxious and this creature was placing his hands on your cheeks. The cold hands made you stare at him but he only leaned in to kiss your forehead and then your nose. 
Hope's and Hunter's yells going deaf to your ears. You could only stare at the merman.
Before you could do anything else he smiled and touched your feet pushing you up to find oxygen.
You broke out of the surface and coughed as Hunter pulled your body to his chest. "Jesus Christ! You scared me." He said and kissed your forehead over and over making sure you were alive under his touch.
Hunter's kisses were gentle, urgent, and you enjoyed them, but it wasnt like the creature's touch. 
The monster's touch that could certainly snap your neck in a fraction of seconds, but the same touch that made your heart beat faster a moment prior.
And when he held your feet... you thought he would pull you in, to kill and eat you.
He launched you up, assisting you, freeing you!
"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have brought you." Hunter cried and you leaned in his touch, holding his neck and looking over his shoulder seeing familiar eyes gazing at you miles away in the water.
Sitting in Hope's bed and having her blow-drying your hair, you told Hunter for the 45° time that you were okay and wasn't his fault. He gave you a cup of hot chocolate and checked your fingertips again searching for any hint of extremity cyanosis. He was terrified of losing you, shit, he even argued with Hope when he told her he wanted to help you to take a shower. And even if crushing on you, his intentions weren't sexual, he only wanted to be sure you were warmed up.
"It's okay, it was my fault. I thought I saw something. I got distracted."
Hope brushed your dry hair and you held Hunter's big sweater closer to your chest, he was taller than you so his clothes were the most comfortable. "Hope, i'm sorry for-"
"No no, it's okay. The thing was old anyway." She hugged you from behind and assured you it was okay the loss of her surfboard. "But i wonder how the safe-string got out of your ankle."
You remembered the pressure the string was making, remember the relief it was when it was snapped away from you... the merman did it.
"I don't know either." You lied and tried to get up, only to have them push you back in Hope's bed and ordering you to rest.
Hunter called your aunt to tell her it was all okay and that you would have a sleepover.
You fell asleep, dreaming of waves and gentle touches.
Waking up you looked at the covers and searched for a clock to see how long you've slept. It was 2 AM and Hope was passed out, you gently got up from the bed and grasped a pair of Hope's boots.
You got off the stairs and unlocked the door discreetly before closing it behind you.
You walked to the docks and sat in your dining-spot. The vision of the water moving slowly under the stars always eased your thoughts. 
Yes, you consumed a bit of seawater but you didn't imagine what you saw. "Hey, uh, thank you for saving me." You spoke, feeling stupid and looking over your shoulders to be sure no one was near to listen to your nonsense.
"I... nearly drowned and if it wasn't you... I... Fuck!" You swore under your breath. The quietness of Walrey Coast at the dark night was comforting, silence was everything, it meant peace.
Holding your legs together and leaning your head on your knee, tears formed in your eyes. You missed Archie, you felt bad for making Hunter so worried, for destroying Hope's surfboard, the silence that engulfed you, and the thought of going crazy.
As tears drop reached the water, Kae got the courage to break out of the surface. He cursed himself so much earlier on, he should have reached you, if you haven't seen him you wouldn’t fall. So saving you was nothing less than his obligation. 
And touching you... well, that's another story. He couldn't help himself, you were so soft, so grown and stunning. Watching you from afar was something, but perceiving you centimeters away was enchanting.
With your eyes closed, you moaned a song that you loved, and even that the music spoke about heartbreak and a lost lover... it was beautiful.
Stopping to hum while you cleaned your nose, you opened your eyes startled when the song kept resounding,
Widening your eyes you looked at the water and placed your hands on your mouth to avoid a scream to leave your mouth.
There he was, the same thing that saved you.
"Hm, hi-hi!" You gagged.
Kae looked down at his torso, he hated how the human guy held you in his arms early on. His chest was free of hard skin, freed of scales, his skin color was near yours... it wasn't pale as his.
"Maybe you don't speak my language, I, uh actually I'm sort of believing i'm dreaming. My name is Y/N."
The smile on your features was all he could see, the previous shriek apparently wasn't from his ugly self. But surprise, or so he hoped.
"I know," His stark tone of voice made you gasp, he spoke! He could speak, and your language! "Hi, little human."
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introvertguide · 3 years
Influential Directors of the Silent Film Era
Upon hearing that I am a fan of silent era film, people will ask if I have a favorite actor or movie from the time period. However, when I am asked about my favorites from other fans of silent film, it tends to involve my favorite director. This is because silent film actors had to over gesticulate and performed in an unrealistic way and could not use their tone or words to convey emotion. The directors also did not have a way to review as they shot and would have to use editing skills and strategic cover shots to make sure that everything was done properly and come out the way they imagined it. It was up to the director to be creative and they were forced to be innovative and create ways to convey their vision. Luckily for many average or poor directors of the time, audiences were easily impressed. However, today's more demanding and sophisticated audiences can look back at some of the genius behind the films of silent era Hollywood.
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Alice Guy-Blache: Matrimony's Speed Limit (1913) and The Fairy of the Cabbages (1896)
Art director of the film studio The Solax Company, the largest pre-Hollywood movie studio, and camera operator for the France based Gaumont Studio headed up by Louis Lemiere, this woman was a director before any kind of gender expectations were even established. She was a pioneer of the use of audio recordings in conjunction with images and the first filmmaker to systematically develop narrative filming. Guy-Blanche didn't just record an image but used editing and juxtaposition to reveal a story behind the moving pictures. In 1914, when Hollywood studios hired almost exclusively upper class white men as directors, she famously said that there was nothing involved in the staging of a movie that a woman could not do just as easily as a man.
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Charlie Chaplin: The Kid (1921), The Gold Rush (1923), City Lights (1931), Modern Times (1936), and The Great Dictator (1940)
It is unfortunate that many people today think of Chaplin as silly or for screwball comedy when, in fact, he was a great satirist of the time. He created his comedy through the eyes of the lower economic class that suffered indignities over which they had no control. He traversed the world as his "Tramp" character who found his fortune by being amiable and lucky. The idea that a good attitude and a turn of luck could result in happiness was all that many Americans had during the World Wars and the Great Depression. He played the part of the sad clown and he was eventually kicked out of the country for poking fun at American society. Today he is beloved for his work, but he was more infamous than famous during a large part of his life.
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Buster Keaton: Sherlock Jr. (1924), The General (1926), and The Cameraman (1928).
That man that performed the most dangerous of stunts with a deadpan expression, Buster Keaton was a great actor, athlete, stuntman, writer, producer, and director. It is amazing that you could get so much emotion out of a silent actor who does not emote, but Keaton managed to do it. He was also never afraid to go big, often putting his own well being at risk to capture a good shot. Not as well known for his cinematography or editing as many of the other directors of the time, he instead captured performances that were amazing no matter how they were filmed. Famous stunts include the side of a house falling down around him, standing on the front of a moving train, sitting on the side rail of a moving train, and grabbing on to a speeding car with one hand to hitch a ride. If you like films by Jackie Chan, know that he models his films after the work of Buster Keaton: high action and high comedy.
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Cecil B. Demille: The Cheat (1915), Male and Female (1919), and The Ten Commandments (1923)
Known as the father of the Hollywood motion picture industry, Demille was the first director to make a real box office hit. He is likely best known for making The Ten Commandments in 1923 and then remaking it again in 1956. If not that, he was also known for his scandalous dramas that depicted women in the nude. This was pre-Code silent film so the rules about what could be shown had not been established. Demille made 30 large production successful films in the silent era and was the most famous director of the time which gave him a lot of freedom. His trademarks were Roman orgies, battles with large wild animals, and large bath scenes. His films are not what most modern film watchers think of when they are considering silent films. That famous quote from the movie Sunset Boulevard in 1950 in which the fading silent actress says "All right, Mr. Demille. I'm ready for my close-up," is referring to this director.
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D.W. Griffith: Birth of a Nation (1915) and Intolerance (1916)
Griffith started making films in 1908 and put out just about everything that he recorded. He made 482 films between 1908 and 1914, although most of these were shorts. His most famous film today is absolutely Birth of a Nation and it is one of the most outlandishly racist films of the time. The depiction of black Americans as evil and the Klu Klux Klan as heroes who are protecting the nation didn't even really go over well at that time. Some believe that his follow up the next year called Intolerance was an apology, but the film actually addresses religious and class intolerance and avoids the topic of racism. At the time, Griffith films were known for the massive sets and casts of thousands of extras, but today he is known for his racist social commentary.
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Sergei Eisenstein: Battleship Potemkin (1925)
This eccentric Russian director was a pioneer of film theory and the use of montage to show the passage of time. His reputation at the time would probably be similar to Tim Burton or maybe David Lynch. He had a very specific strange style that made his films different from any others. The film Battleship Potemkin is considered to be one of the best movies of all time as rated by Sight and Sound, and generally considered as a great experimental film that found fame in Hollywood as well as Russia.
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F.W. Murnau: Nosferatu (1922), Faust (1926), and Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans (1927)
I think that most people would know the bald-headed long-nailed vampire Nosferatu that was a silent era phenomena. It was so iconic that the German film studio that produced the movie was sued by the estate of Bram Stoker and had to close. Faust was his last big budget German film and has an iconic shot of the demon Mephisto raining plague down on a town that was the inspiration for the Demon Mountain in Fantasia (1940). Also, Sunrise is considered one of the best movies of all time by the AFI and by Sight and Sound as well as my favorite silent film. Fun facts: 1) more of Murnau's films have been lost then are still watchable and 2) he died in a car wreck at only 40 when he hired a car to drive up the California coast and the driver was only 14.
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Erich von Stroheim: Greed (1924)
Maker of very strange German Expressionist films, Stroheim films are often listed as Horror or Mystery even though he considered himself a dramatic film maker. His most famous movie Greed was supposed to be amazing with an 8 hour run time but it was cut drastically to the point that it makes no sense and was both critically and publicly panned when an extremely abridged version was released in the U.S. Over half the film was lost and a complete version no longer exists. Besides this film, Stroheim was even better known for being the butler in the film Sunset Boulevard as a former director who retired to be with an aging silent film star. He also made a movie called Between Two Women (1937) that told the story of a female burn victim that was inspired by the story of his wife being burned in an explosion in a shop on the actual Sunset Boulevard.
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Victor Fleming: The Wizard of Oz (1939) and Gone With the Wind (1939)
Although not known for his silent films, Fleming did get his start during the silent era. He was a cinematographer for D.W. Griffith and then Fleming directed his first film in 1919. Most of his silent films were swashbuckling action movies with Douglas Fairbanks or formulaic westerns. He is the only director to have two films on the AFI top 10 and they happened to have come out the same year.
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Hal Roach: Lonesome Luke films starring Harold Lloyd, Our Gang shorts, Laurel and Hardy shorts, and Of Mice and Men (1939)
It is not really fair to put Hal Roach in the silent era directors because he was influential at the time but he had a 75 year career. He was a producer and film studio head and even had a studio named after himself. His biggest contribution to the silent era was his production of Harold Lloyd short comedies and he continued to produce films in the early talkies including Laurel and Hardy shorts, Our Gang shorts, and Wil Rogers films. Roach was the inspiration for the film Sullivan's Travels, in which a famous director who only did frivolous comedies goes out into the world to find inspiration to find a serious drama. Roach did direct a single serious drama, Of Mice and Men, but it came out in 1939 and was buried underneath the works of Victor Fleming. The wealthy cigar smoking studio head that many people think of when they picture a film studio suit is based on this guy. The man would not quit and stayed in the business into his 90s and lived to the ripe old age of 100.
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