#was wanting to talk abt other sorts of pronouns too but this is
Been a while since I posted any of the kel dor conlang, soooo here's a nice big summary talking about pronouns in keldeorinyaa. :D
There are five pronoun sets in common use:
Neutral (sapient animate, used by adults)
Diminutive (sapient animate, used by children)
Strong (sapient animate, used with family, to flirt, and to pick a fight)
Animate (non-sapient, used for animals)
Inanimate (used by droids and for non-living things)
Generally, they show up in the topic of a sentence, once or twice at the start of a conversation. They're frequently dropped after that, especially where context makes the meaning obvious.
Case is not marked on pronouns at all - this is done by postpositional grammatical particles. Pronouns do not reflect anyone's gender - the three sapient-animate sets display social status and attitude more than identity.
These are the 'standard' set, used by most adults in most situations. They're not so much polite as a neutral option, appropriate in most everyday interactions.
⸻1st Person
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Singular er is equivalent to I/me. Dual en/lan and plural egen/lagen are likewise equivalent to we/us.
Neutral pronouns are part of the 5th noun class (eyaan sadinan, used for all sapients), but do not pluralise according to class rules (eg. the dual and plural forms of er are not erka/erke but en/egen.)
"I am tired." ⸻ "er di ksaligheni." "We (two) ate fish." ⸻ "en di yanttoo ikazdal." “We all ate fish.” ⸻ “egen di yanttoo ikazdal.”
Keldeorinyaa distinguishes first-person dual and plural pronouns by clusivity—whether ‘we’ refers to both speaker and listener (inclusive) or includes the speaker and a third person, but not the listener (exclusive). en and egen are inclusive; lan and lagen are exclusive.
“We two (without you) went to Coruscant.” ⸻ “lan di korasanti de nadal.” “We (without you) went to Coruscant.” ⸻ “lagen di korasanti de nadal.”
ksaligheni — to be weary, to overexert oneself. You’ve had a full day and you’re ready to have a good long rest. Technically a verb; think of ‘I need a rest’, or ‘I tired myself out.’ yanttoo — fish, collective noun. Dorin’s fish tend to be sinewy and full of bones, and the usual kel dor practice is to just eat the bones as well. nadal — past tense form of nadi, to go/come/move about. Always comes with a word or phrase that names/describes where you’re going/have come from; in this sentence it is korasanti, Coruscant.
⸻2nd Person
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Singular ke is equivalent to you, dual kan/lakne might be equivalent to you two, and plural kalak/kakne might be equivalent to you all.
“You are my friend.” — “ke di tvassiyar.” “You two are pests and troublemakers.” — “kan di tawidawi ivooliyetka.” “Have you all eaten?” — “kalak di ikazdal kya?”
Second-person pronouns can also be used to make a clusivity distinction; in this case, the inclusive dual/plural kan and kalak indicate that all of a group is present and being addressed. Exclusive lakne and kakne indicate that the people being addressed have been singled out of a larger group, or that one or more of their group are not currently present.
Typically, exclusive lakne/kakne are used by teachers addressing two or more of a class of students, or more broadly by community leaders and other authority figures speaking to subordinates, usually in the context of assigning, delegating, or checking up on tasks to be done. Swapping between inclusive and exclusive pronouns may be done in the same conversation in regards to the same people; for example, a manager at work checking in on your progress with a task and then joining in on the general conversation.
“Have you two finished?” — “lakne di anzandi kya?” “You lot have finished early.” — “kakne di nenssoode anzandal.”
tvassiyar — friend, specifically your own personal friend; the concept of friends in general is tvassiyaan. tawidawi — usually a quantifier meaning ‘too many’, but also used for household pests and, colloquially, for noisy energetic children. This speaker has used the neutral pronoun rather than the diminutive, so they’re probably talking to nearly-grown teenagers. ivooliyetka — troublemaker (affectionate). From ivooli, trouble you’ve made yourself, and the gentle agent suffix -etka. The non-affectionate version is ivooliyaan. nenssoode — early, ahead of schedule. anzandal — past tense form of anzandi, to finish a task, to complete.
⸻3rd Person
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Third-person pronouns drop the inclusive/exclusive distinction, since the topic is now removed from both speaker and listener. Singular ze is the equivalent of she/her, he/him, they/them, and any other pronoun set you might use when speaking about a person, living or dead. Dual zan might be translated as those two, and plural ussa might be they or they all.
“She is waiting for dinner.” — “ze di meoykapsa iya mattaki.” “He is running.” — “ze di ssagiyar.” “Those two are going away.” — “zan di kon de nadi.” “They will help.” — “ussa di aysakitta.”
meoykapsa — night meal, evening meal, dinner. The main meal of the day. mattaki — to wait. Use of the present form implies momentary rather than ongoing relevance. ssagiyar — ongoing form of ssagir, to run. Use of the ongoing form implies that the running is probably planned for exercise’s sake rather than, say, running to catch the bus. aysakitta — future certain form of aysaki, to assist, to help.
Diminutive pronouns are used primarily by children, and occasionally in informal settings by adults who are trying to sound cute, non-threatening, or possibly obnoxious. The transition from diminutive to neutral pronouns typically occurs around age 16/17, once the child’s tail has been fully absorbed during the third-stage growth period. Children are referred to by these pronouns, and use them among themselves; past a certain age, they switch to using neutral pronouns for adults.
Neutral pronouns are part of the 6th noun class (halmi sadinan, used for children and small precious things), but do not pluralise according to class rules (eg. the dual and plural forms of imi are not imigha/imikoy but imer/mani.)
⸻1st Person
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Singular imi is equivalent to I/me. Dual imer/lam and plural mani/lemi are likewise equivalent to we/us.
"I saw a holo." — "imi di holo ksanadal." "We (two) went to the forest." — "imer di kalsala de nadal." “We all are going to Dorshan.” — “mani di na deorssan i naditta.”
Diminutive pronouns also maintain clusivity distinctions. imer and mani are inclusive; lam and lemi are exclusive.
“We two (without you) saw a shooting star!” — “lam di tol a ksanadal!” “We (without you) ate flowering urchin for breakfast.” — “lemi di sikapsa kyol kena ikazdal.”
ksanadal — past tense form of ksanadi, to see. Tends to imply you didn't pay much attention to it or weren't thinking about it, probably watched it for something to do. For more close observations, use ksameli. kalsala — forest, woods, a biome dominated by trees. Somewhat noteworthy on Dorin, where trees frequently get flattened by storms. deorssan — Dorshan, the largest city and de facto capital of Dorin. The name means great mud; it's located on and around the edges of a gigantic tidal mudflat. naditta — future certain tense of nadi, to go/come/move about. Paired with na intentional particle, meaning this is a planned event. tol — meteor, bolide, shooting star. Particularly exciting on Dorin, where dust clouds often obscure the stars. sikapsa — breakfast, firstmeal, more loosely anything you eat in the morning. kyol is a regional variant of the ksoli instrumental particle, here indicating what was eaten. kena — flowering urchin, a very common seafood all over Dorin. Basically a sort of sea urchin with long fleshy grabbing tendrils.
⸻2nd Person
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Singular ani is equivalent to you, dual alan/lakne might be equivalent to you two, and plural alak/kakne might be equivalent to you all.
“You are too loud.” — “ani di tawidawi kaagi re.” “You two ate all the snails!” — “alan di naidaa deolorre ikazdal oro ya!” “All of you, listen up!” — “alak di kaalidi ge!”
Second-person exclusive pronouns take the same form in the diminutive set as in the neutral set—potentially to practice usage of a less-commonly-used but socially and grammatically important function. Children use these almost solely in play to begin with.
“You two made a real mess of it.” — “lakne di khooto ravedal me.” “You lot will make the bread.” — “kakne di itek gelitta ge.”
kaagi — a loud sound. Used as an adjective here (see the re qualitative particle). naidaa — quantifier meaning all of a given group or class. Whatever you’re talking about, the sentence applies to all of it. deolorre — snails (plural), class noun. Snails on Dorin can be quite large and fast-growing, and many species are fundamental to kel dor cuisine. oro ya — the negative form of the ya moral particle, used to pass judgement on an action. Dad found out you and ur brother ate all the snails and now he’s pissed… kaalidi — to listen, to pay attention, plus the ge imperative particle, which turns the verb into an instruction or command. ravedal — past tense of ravedi, to make a mess. Used with me judgemental particle for emphasis, so whatever task was given here, it’s been fucked up big time. itek — bread (Dorin style). Dorin bread tends to be flat, not risen much, and can be sweet or savory. The definition includes a lot of things we might call pastry. Making it is a simple task, often delegated to children to keep them out of the way. gelitta — future certain tense of gelissi, to make. Used for things you physically make. gelissi is a slightly irregular verb; the usual i-verb conjugation here would be gelissitta, but ss /ʃ/ and tt /tʃ/ make such a similar sound that the third and fourth syllables merged.
⸻3rd Person
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Third-person diminutive pronouns again drop the inclusive/exclusive distinction, since the topic is now removed from both speaker and listener. Singular mez translates to they/them, dual mizan to roughly them or those two, and plural ssuma to they all.
“They didn’t do it.” — “mez di orodal.” “He helped the tooka.” — “mez di tooka aysakal.” “Those two live in Dorshan.” — “mizaan di deorssan de legantiyeh.” “They all haven’t got a garden.” — “ussa di tessala opali orodiyeh.”
orodal — past tense form of orodi, a verb form used broadly to negate ideas and deny your own involvement in actions. Roughly equivalent to ‘did not’. legantiyeh — ongoing form of leganti, to occupy/inhabit. tessala — garden, orchard, cultivated forest. Broadly, an area where the growth of plants is being deliberately managed for some reason. opali — to keep, to maintain, to save for the future. Implies deliberate effort; not used for something you put away and forgot about. Gardens take opali because maintaining them requires work. ‘They’ in this sentence may have land for a garden; they just aren’t taking care of it or using it.
Strong pronouns are part of strong speech (rrumyarinyaa), a register of keldeorinyaa used most traditionally to signal intimacy, among close family and friends. Over time, usage of strong speech expanded to encompass flirting — an implication that the speaker might like to know the listener more intimately — and picking a fight (probably as a deliberate breaking of the taboo). Usage of rrumyarinyaa in these less traditional manners is limited, as only context can tell you which one is intended—most people will refrain unless they’re very sure they’re giving off the right vibe.
Strong pronouns are part of the 5th noun class (eyaan sadinan, used for sapient people), but do not pluralise according to class rules (eg. the dual and plural forms of tveta are not tvetaka/tvetake but udi/dev.) The clusivity distinction does not appear in strong pronouns.
⸻1st Person
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Singular tveta is equivalent to I/me. Dual udi and plural dev are likewise equivalent to we/us.
"I asked for alcohol." — "tveta di nikta a kyalaiya tya." "We (two) might go to Dorshan next year." — "udi di lelanggavari deorssan i nadiya dekho naa." “We all slept well.” — “dev di kohti aliikal naa.”
nikta — alcoholic drinks. Very strong (by human standards) as a rule. kyalaiya — strong form of kyalai, to ask. Tense information sometimes disappears in strong verbs, usually where it's implied in context. tya — desirability particle, used to indicate something you want or would like to happen. lelanggavari — next year. In formal grammar this would be lekde anggavari; strong speech often involves contractions of this sort. nadiya dekho — future uncertain tense + strong form of nadi, to go/come/move about. The speaker is entertaining the idea, but hasn’t decided either way yet. kohti — good, high-quality, a general expression of approval. aliikal — past tense form of aliiki, to sleep.
⸻2nd Person
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Singular tatva is equivalent to you, dual uda might be equivalent to you two, and plural dima might be equivalent to you all.
“You haven’t got a house.” — “tatva di ta lenka orodi.” “You two need to leave!” — “uda di kon de nadi ge!” “All of you, please help with the cooking.” — “dima di ge paksi aysaki.”
lenka — house, dwelling. Typically large, may host multiple extended families. Dug into ground in many locations. paksi — to cook, to prepare food. Used with the ge imperative particle; this is an instruction, not a request. (ge and the la request particle are considered equally polite; there’s no need to soften ge the way ‘please’ is used in English.)
⸻3rd Person
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Singular tvaza is equivalent to they, dual azdi might be equivalent to those two, and plural degi might be equivalent to them all.
“They are an absolute disaster.” — “tvaza di datsiganyetka naa.” “Those two are very handsome.” — “azda di kagatsi naare.” “I heard they all missed the train.” — “degi di tse veyrrewani lessoode me.”
datsiganyetka — ‘absolute disaster (affectionate)’. From tsiganyi, an event which causes major negative consequences indiscriminately, plus the intensity marker prefix da-, plus the gentle agent suffix -etka. This might be a very clumsy or socially inept person, or someone with incredibly bad luck, but you feel sympathetic towards them rather than annoyed. kagatsi — emphatic form of katsi, meaning beautiful, handsome, or aesthetically pleasing in general. Can be used on all genders. Given the strong pronoun in the sentence, this specific usage could be translated as ‘hot as fuck’. tse — hearsay particle, used to indicate that the information you’re talking about is second-hand and you can’t personally swear by its accuracy. veyrrewani — train, more or less. From rrewani, a single-file column of linked vehicles, plus veyni, an adjective meaning fast or swift. lessoode — late, after the scheduled time. Plus the me judgemental particle; the speaker here is probably gently mocking the subject.
Inanimate pronouns originally were used only in the third person, to refer to inorganic items and plants. Development of AI capable of holding a conversation led to the coining of first and second-person inanimate pronouns, to avoid the awkwardness of combining pronouns from two different noun classes.
Inanimate pronouns are part of the 10th noun class (nin sadinan, used for random items and things that don’t fit in the other classes), but do not pluralise according to class rules (eg. the dual and plural of dessa is not dessari/dessarie but deggada.) Unlike other pronoun sets, the dual and plural numbers are merged in first and second-person (third-person dual and plural remains distinct). Clusivity distinctions are not made.
⸻1st Person
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Singular dessa is equivalent to I/me. Dual/plural deggada is equivalent to we/us.
"I am a protocol droid." — "dessa di purotnisen dorroy." “We were made on Corellia.” — “deggada di correli de gelissal.”
purotnisen — partial loanword: protocol + nisen, law. Really only used in the context of offworld things. dorroy — loanword from droid.
⸻2nd Person
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Singular deona is equivalent to you, dual/plural ggedina might be equivalent to you all.
“You will be fixed soon.” — “deona di maakedi kyakohgitta.” “You all work on the ships.” — “ggedina di nakssi de kokiyeh.”
kyakohgitta — future certain tense of kyakohgatti, to be fixed/repaired. nakssi — ship. Can mean spaceships, water ships, or atmospheric transports. kokiyeh — ongoing form of koki, to work, to labour.
⸻3rd Person
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Singular nin is equivalent to it or that one, dual nan might be equivalent to those two, and plural ninan might be equivalent to those.
“It is pale blue.” — “nin di khapu re.” “Those two cost five hundred credits on Bilbringi.” — “nan di bilibringi de kohgopali kedit a ninteral.” “Those won’t grow in this climate.” — “ninan di nakyaran ade boli oroditta.”
khapu — pale blue, light blue, shading into purple. Dark blues are kher. kedit — loanword, from credit (originally borrowed as keredit) ninteral — past tense of ninteri, to barter, to trade. Also used for buying things outright; this speaker technically did trade five hundred credits for whatever they’re showing off. nakyaran — local climate, from proximal particle nak + yaran, weather. ade — locative particle, delineates environment or conditions under which an action or event occurs. boli — to grow. oroditta — future certain form of orodi; more or less ‘not going to happen’.
Animate (non-sapient) pronouns are used for animals. There is no first-person, on the basis that anything capable of comprehending language enough to understand pronoun usage is almost definitely sapient.
Animate pronouns are part of the 7th noun class (tanssir sadinan, used for terrestrial animals). They do not perfectly pluralise according to noun class rules, but are closer to it than the others. Clusivity distinctions are not made.
⸻2nd Person
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Second-person animate pronouns are not used in formal or neutral speech; they are exclusively used in the sense of sentimental babytalk directed at a beloved pet.
Singular gita is equivalent to you, dual tanta corresponds to you two, and plural tenanta might be equivalent to you all.
“You are so small!” — “gita di giya naare!” “Time for bed, you two.” — “tanta di aliiki loy naa.” “Why must you all eat so much?” — “tenanta di kya tawidawi ikazdizi me?”
giya — small. Addition of the naare emphatic-quality particle makes it more like ‘very small’. loy — time, particularly the present moment. kya — question particle, sort of a verbal question mark. Usage of kya + the me judgemental particle is super common in rhetorical questions; the speaker knows the answer and is resigned to it. ikazdizi — habitual form of ikazdi, to eat. This speaker’s pets are big eaters, perhaps.
⸻3rd Person
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Singular gi is equivalent to it or that one, dual tan might be equivalent to those two, and plural tenan might be equivalent to those.
“It looks healthy.” — “gi a katigati ksameli naa.” “Those two have been traded.” — “tan di ninhayal.” “Those haven’t got enough water.” — “tenan di torowi yan tyagi.”
katigati — healthy, vigorous, living well. ksameli — to observe. Used for observations you've thought about, and descriptions in a fairly literal sense: “This is what it looks like to me.” ninhayal — past tense form of ninhayi, to be bartered or traded. The passive verb equivalent of ninteri. torowi — quantifier meaning ‘not enough’, ‘rare, or ‘only a small amount’. yan — water. tyagi — to need, to require. The formula "torowi [x] tyagi" is commonly translated as "needs more [x] than it has."
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arolesbianism · 26 days
Thinking abt how much I love oni's writing again... In particular, "a seed is planted" continues to be one of if not my favorite logs because despite the troubling details and implications that come with it, it's the one thing in the entirety of the decaying corpse of gravitas that genuinely leaves us with a grain of hope (a seed if you will) and makes oni as a whole a lot more bitter sweet as while earth may not have survived, the dupes did, and after their horrible origins and the shit that many of them went through, in due time they'll finally get to just live, they're free now, and even if Olivia's sleep is end of a tragedy, the world will keep moving forward with or without those who've been lost
#rat rambles#oni posting#like I guess I just rly love that oni both manages to commit to being a tragedy while also leaving a world still in motion#like Im glad that olivia didnt get a bittersweet ending and instead got a fucking miserable one#while at the same time the dupes are still left there to keep moving forward#well ok more so I like how the narrative shifts into smth quite beautiful when seen from the dupes perspectives#which is also why I like that the dupes are rarely talked abt directly in the lore logs#idk I just feel like a seed is planted wouldnt hit as hard to me if the dupes were talked abt more#its the same sort of incedental storytelling that I like abt the rest of oni's writing ig#also I just think them being a major part of the lore logs would rly take away from the greater horrors and tragedies of gravitas#like idk I think it would have been a lot more boring if a third of the logs were just jackie going so yeah I tortured dupes some more#it makes the pre end of the world world feel so much bigger while still mostly remaining within gravitas itself#enhances the feeling of glimpsing into a past world#like every now and then I think abt what oni story could have looked like and am filled with joy at what it is now#I fucking love being into fiction thats good god it feels so good to like shit thats just like actually good#it honestly makes me almost wish there wouldnt be new lore but I do think theres room for more#as in theres plenty of room to make shit up and also we need to see more of the scientists pls#as for actual quote unquote plot stuff idk just give me like one jackie and olivia college year video transcript or smth and we're good#theres other stuff that make me lose my mind but for narrative consistency I think itd be best to not touch those two too much#especially olivia I rly think she doesnt need almost any new content the only stuff Id want with her is if it expanded upon jackie#because rly jackie is the only character I think would super heavily benefit from elaboration even if I stand by her not needing much#as Ive said a billion times just smth small to show us her in a more casual setting and we're golden I think#show me that woman being genuinely happy so I can fill in the blanks as she slowly gets crushed by the consequences of her actions#shes a part of this tragedy too and god damnit I want to see the life she ruined along the way of ruining many others#I want to see a woman whos eyes once shined and then when the lights have dulled I want her to say it was worth it with no conviction#metaphorically ofc I dont actually want to see most of it because thatd go against the narrative philosophy already established#rly all this means is I wanna see jackie and olivia doing laundry together or smth#oh also I hope they specifically give otto a whole other log just to clear up my pronoun woes#idc what its abt just have them talk abt their gender offhand or smth#just mi-ma being like how do you do young man and otto is like they and mi-ma is like ah yes young they
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tf2shipswag · 1 year
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last updated: AUGUST 27TH, 2023
#tf2octourney <-anything related to the tournament
#tf2ocpropaganda <-propaganda posts
#tf2ocpolls <-poll specific posts
character specific tag guide for searching in the account tag search thing: #tf2 [username] [character full name or class name]
sorry abt that one being more complex, some ocs have the same names so this is the best i could come up with for organizational purposes. message me if you have trouble!
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winner of the first tf2 ship swag tournament, 2023: heavymedic, also known as red oktoberfest! [bonus winners: anonscout, speiffel tower, and zhanna's and heavy's mom]
winner of the polycule tournament, 2023: boots n bombs n brawn, AKA demoman x soldier x zhanna!
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mutual aid posts will be tagged as such
any posts with a generally known trigger will be tagged with corresponding tags, [ex: if you dont want to see blood, block #blood], but if you want me to add a warning to a post just send me an ask :3
#not a poll - any post that isn't a poll of any sort
#misc - any post unrelated to anything going on on this account
#not my poll - any post related to other polls
old tags:
#tf2polyswagpropaganda- this will be the tag used for any polycule poll propaganda!
#tf2polyswagpolls- this will be the tag used for exclusively the polycule poll posts!!!
#tf2polyswag2023- anything related to the polycule swag polls!
#propaganda <- the tag for the first competition's ship swag propaganda!
#tf2shipswag2023 <- anything related to the first tf2 ship swag competition.
#tf2shipswagpolls <- tag for the poll posts for the first competition exclusively.
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the first tf2 ship swag tournament: lasted february 26th through april 24th
the tf2 polycule ship swag tournament: OVER BUT DONT REMEMBER HOWW LONG IT TOOK<3
the tf2 oc swag tournament: NOW
the tf2 ship swag rematch tournament: final planned tournament as of current!
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hi, i'm @fr0ggs, the poll runner! i'm 15 and use he/it/clown pronouns:>>
if ur not sure abt smth, feel free to message me abt that too!!!!!! i love when people message me so even if it's not for a commission, im down to just talk most of the time:>>>!!!!!!!
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emocl0wnpp · 8 days
The hyperfixation is getting worse soooo
Time for a terribly written infopost about my creepypasta oc Claws :D
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☆Basic infos☆
Before "shit went down" infos(the red head and the purple ghost pics basically):
Name before death: Nicolas Marshall Rhodes Nicole M. Rhodes
Date of birth: 29th of October, 1978
Age before death: 27
Pronouns: He/Him She/her
Gender: MtF transgender
Sexuality: questioning everything
Nationality: Hungarian,British
Height: 195cm/ 6"3
Personality: naive,anxious, shy, nervous, smart, quiet, people-pleaser, workaholic, overworked, tired, reserved, introverted, a bit loud around friends
Other stuff idk how to categorize-
She lived in Hungary until she was 6, after that her family moved to Britain(specifically Liverpool)
She had 2 older brothers(they were twins), and a younger sister(she's on the picture with Claws before her death-)
Her dad was Hungarian and her mom was british
HUUUUUUGEEE horror fan, ESPECIALLY a BIG BIG fan of IT and Pennywise in general-
Owns every exsisting piece of merch of Pennywise
Wanted to become a detective
She studied at Oxford University and got her diploma there too :3
(The plush doll on the picture of her as a human will later on become her body)
Picked up the habit of smoking and drinking out of stress
Ended up in hell as a purple ghost/soul like being (i will talk abt this more i promise--)
Cause of death:
Stabbed by her ex 15 times on her back (i will make a post/edit this one with her backstory I PROMISE😭😭)
Date of death: 25th of December,2005
☆After death info :D☆
Name: Claws
Age: doesn't really matter anymore cuz yk she's dead
Pronouns: still She/her
Sexuality: demisexual,panromantic
Species: now a plush ragdoll
Height: 300cm/ 9"8
Personality now: sarcastic, smart, cautious, observant, still workaholic, honest, loyal, obedient, competitive, sharp-tongued, secretive, serious, stubborn, sometimes violent, rather cold hearted (though she's a real sweetheart under those sharp claws and teeth)
Uhhhh random fun facts cuz im terrible at writing bios-
Still a huge IT and Pennywise fan
Best friends,later on dating with Laughing Jack(ironic considering how much of a Pennywise fan she is)
Best friends with Laughing Jill
Works as Zalgo's proxy (not by choice tho-)
Literally no bones or internal organs,just plush stuffing
She's hella flexible too
She doesn't need to eat or drink but still does for the taste
Still smoking and drinking at times
Zalgo makes her do all sorts of jobs, not only is she an assassin,she's also his secretary and the babysitter for his kids-
She's a shapeshifter :D
A playlist for her:
I'll probably edit the post when more stuff comes to my mind lol
Thought i'd add this here too-
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noodlefluid · 1 year
I HAVE A RISE X READER ASKKK post krang invasion. donnie and reader are hanging out in his lab. donnie is upset bc he misses his old lab and the tech he had, now he has to build everything from scratch again. reader is chilling on one of donnies many spinny chairs and gets curious abt how his life was before the krang invaded, reader starts asking questions abt his lab and life n stuff.
he tells them how cool his lab was and the adventures they had and how they fought villians, then donnie brings up jupiter jim and the reader is like “what’s that??” and from then on, donnie is scavenging the base, looking for the comics (maybe the comics can be in leos room and they have a lil argument bc leo wants to know why donnie needs his comics and donnies ashamed to admit he wanted to get them so he can read them to reader) after donnie retrieves the comics he shows them to the reader and the two of them chill w each other, reading all of the jupiter jim comics
Never the same | Donnie×Reader
Donnie gets nostalgic about his past life and start talking about it. After you ask him about one of his favorite super heroes, Donnie decides he have to show it to you no matter what.
❥Type: Fanfic
 ❥Characters: Donnie Leo Reader
 ❥Reader's pronouns: no mention
 ❥Relationship: Crush (implied)
 ❥Autor notes: Hi, sorry for the delay. This is my first request and therefore I wanted it to be the first one I published,I think this ended up being more focused on donnie and leo, but I hope you still like it . Also, please remember this is my first time writing and that english isn't my first language, any mistake either in writing style, grammar or just any suggestion in general is welcome, but please be kind :)
Warning: probably ooc leo and donnie, Angst, verbal argument, y/n is bland as hell lol, minor swearing
Word count:3225
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“ugh…” Donnie was looking at one of his latest invention, it didn't go as planned and it was starting to annoy him, this was already fifteenth try and it was going nowhere 
You were sitting in a chair beside him, spinning to beat the boredom and just trying to disconnect with the world for a moment, but as soon as you heard the sigh leave the purple turtle’s lips you stop what you were doing “What's wrong?”
“Nothing, it’s just…this stupid thing doesn’t work” you could see the frustration in his face, he was agitated, he groaned out of frustration “This wouldn’t happened if I just had my old lab”
Curiosity began to flourish from the moment these words were uttered. Even when the four brothers were seen as heroes, no one really knew too much about them, and no one could be bothered to ask either, we were in and out of danger every single day. Still, the atmosphere of this half-built lab make you feel nostalgic, you were starting to miss normal even when you sometimes complained about how boring was your past life, you were missing those exact moment of boring.
You met the brothers once they saved you in one of the many rescues they performed after the krang began to invade New York and finally the whole world. A world of suffering, where humans and yokai struggled together trying to survive the apocalypse. Maybe it was because of the way you encountered them for the first time, but it didn't take you long to get attached to them.. Especially, the purple one, Donatello, he never left the base unless necessary since he was responsible for maintaining the shields, because of that you saw him often. Donnie took his job seriously, always making some sort of gadget  to make missions easier and faster. You spent a lot of time around him, it seemed to bother him at first but now he was more used to your presence. It was probably because of this that you started to feel curious about the past of the turtles that saved your life, and this was just the perfect moment to ask
“How was it?” You asked, looking at the ground due to nervousness
“hmm? what do you mean?” The mutant looked away from his work to pay attention to you
“your lab, how was it?"
Donnie's face immediately light up “Oh my dear y/n, it was magnificent” He turn his whole body to you, noticeably excited to talk about it “I had so many inventions and material, you would be impress, a-and” The excitement make him trip over his word “Not to brag but the aesthetics were, heh, just marvelous, if I say myself, the purple LEDs and my incredible organization make my lab the best room in our...home” he sigh that last word, leaning back on his chair “I’m sure you would have loved it...I use to spend days in between those walls. I had this drone named S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N, he was sometimes annoying, but he was my pride, almost like a son to me, he was severed damage in a fight, and just when I managed to bring him back… this happened” He looked annoyed but you could feel the sadness on his words, he keep talking. “I just kinda wish this lab could make itself, you know?, now it just messy and doesn’t look scientific enough, my old lab had everything a turtle could wish, it was perfect”
“Well, I think is nice tho” you felt stupid for saying that and gave yourself a mental slap in the face, he didn't need kind words, it was a dumb
“Yeah…it is "nice", but I miss my old one, and…well, I guess my whole life in the lair” He sounded a little down there, looking somewhere between his work and blueprints
“How…how was your life before?" You feel imprudent for a moment, you already make him quite sad, and you were just putting salt on an open wound. Sometimes you hated your curiosity “if…if you don’t mind me asking, I-I understand if you don’t…” your voice reflected a bit of shyness as you spoke faster than usual, it didn't matter if you were friends with the turtle, he still was your superior, and most important,the hero of the apocalipse, you always tried to treat him with respect, but the familiarity was such that you sometimes forgot to put your filter on
Donnie gives you a little smile “It's okay." Of course the turtle was oblivious to your thoughts, he didn't care about ranks between you two "Well…hmm" He started talking "we were just hiding in the sewer, we couldn’t really go out that much. I think It is one of the few things I like about now, we can interact with humans without scaring them away” He looked puzzled, hesitant, probably asking himself what was worth telling “we were…usually fighting again some mutant who was dumb enough to use their power for evilish things, those oozquitoes where quiet the trouble”
You opened your eyes, news were full of strange event about people turning into monster, one of them being the world famous chef Rupert Swaggart, but you actually never pay too much attention to it, since it always ended up solving itself in some strange circumstance, now you knew the true “Wait, it was you? that it's so awesome” Your eyes were sparkling of excitement, just when you thought they couldn’t be cooler "Those incident were everywhere, I actually thought they were just some kind of stuff TV came up with for the audience or something like that, b-but it was you?, it must have been fun, you're amazing Donnie" This just add to the reasons you admired the turtle brothers
Donnie's cheeks burn at the compliment, he try to hide it “Yes, it was fun. Although I preferred it when we were just relaxing in the lair, making fun of the last stupid thing Leo did, playing video games, and when the only fights we had were over who got the last slice of pizza or which Jupiter Jim movie we were going to see first, you know?” He spoke softly, looking down and making a few gesture with his hands here and there while speaking
You looked at him confused. “What's that?” you asked
“What's what?”
“That umm.. Jupiter…Jim?” you were quiet for a few seconds trying to figure out if you had said it correctly, after deciding that you did you start talking again “What it is?”
Donnie looks at you like if you had insulted all his ancestry “Captain Jupiter Jim? you don’t know who captain Jupiter Jim is?!” You started thinking that this had to be really important for one of the Hamato brothers to be this defensive, maybe it has something to do with their training? perhaps a really important figure in the ninja world?. Donatello looked thoughtful you were gonna ask about it but you were interrupted as the soft shell suddenly stood up with a determined look “I need to go” and with that the turtle walked out his lab leaving you even more confused
« • ❁ • »
Donnie went into Leonardo’s room, he was the biggest fan, so it wouldn’t be weird for him to have the comics and maybe the movies that were saved from the lair. He was searching in the bookshelf
“What are you doing?” the sudden sound of a voice make him jump, slamming his back against the shelf and knocking some things over., it was his twin brother
Donnie didn't know whether knowing who the voice was coming from made him panicked more or relieved...he was panicking obviously.  “uh- um…no-nothing?, nothing! not searching for anything here” the soft-shell turtle picked up the thing that fall from the bookshelf while speaking
Leo looked at his brother with obvious oddity “uh…sure” the blue turtle throw his odachi on his bed, he was just arriving from a mission and totally didn’t expect to see his brother trying to steal something, he keep making eye contact with Donnie, he knew how to get responses from him “so?”
“s-so what?” Donnie try to maintain the eye contact
“What ya looking for? Need your big brother's help?” Leo smiled teasingly, it was weird to see Donnie so nervous, and he was gonna tease the hell out of him to get answers
“I just said I wasn’t looking for anything, and for the last time, it is obvious that I’m the older Nardo.”
“uh-huh…yeah, sure” Leo looked unimpressed of both statements
“As I say, I wasn’t looking for anything, since anything that belong to the such of you it’s probably unworthy” Donnie broke the eye contact first, looking at the door, obviously wanting to escape from this situation
Leo saw his intentions and immediately put himself as a barrier between his brother and the door “Well, if my belongings are so unworthy, what were you doing in my chambers?” he made a mocking gesture along with the last word, kinda proud of himself for using book words
“I-I…um” he stuttered trying to find the correct words to leave this situation “You know…I was just doing normal typical brotherly things, just uh…wanting to spend time with my favorite brother” Those last two words had a bitter taste in donnie's mouth. 
Leo couldn’t help but laugh “I’m your favorite brother?” he continued laughing so much that tears started to come out “That was a good one Dee hehe…so what do you want?” The face of the blue turtle turn serious with the last sentence
“I said it was nothing” Donatello hissed annoyed “...but just by chance, have you seen those jupiter jim comics?” He finally admitted,
“Ah ha! you did want something” Leo shouted victorious, just to realize about something not even a second later “Wait…Why do you want my comics?” Leonardo knew his brother, this was suspicious behavior, Donnie was something special when it comes to comics.
“Why do I have to tell you everything? Do you have them or not?” The soft-shell bark his words at his brother, trying to hide his embarrassment, if Leo was to know the reason, he would never hear the end of it
“I do have then, but I'm not giving them to you if you don’t tell me, so start talking” Leonardo insisted, it sounded like a command which make Donnie even more nervous
“I’m not telling you” 
“Then you won’t have the comics”
“But I need them”
“Then talk."
Both twins were known for their stubbornness, they never gave to others, much less to each other.. Their fight could last hours if you let them, and one of their brothers always had to interfere. They stared at each other once again with flaming eyes, trying to intimidate the other
“Why do you want to know?”
“Because" The other replied "I’m talking to the person who cried when he had to open his comic without gloves” 
“I didn’t cry!”
“You did!”
“Ugh! whatever, just give me the comic for einstein sake” Donnie’s fist clenched
“Just tell me why you want them!” Leo demand once more
“I just want to...read them”
"Why can't you just tell me the true?" 
"I JUST DON'T WANT TO" The soft shell shouted, making his twins take a step back, both looking at each other surprised. The purple turtle covered his own mouth, he wasn't expecting to yell
Leo sighed, he didn't wanna fight with his brother for some dumb comics, he has more important thing to worry about, and knowing Donatello, he knew he wouldn't tell a thing if he didn't want to "Fine…no need to yell, I was just teasing" He sighed once again, not dearing to look at his brother
Donatello had a complicated expression. Back in the lair, they would keep screaming at each other until Raphael or Michelangelo made them stop, they would keep teasing at each other, maybe go physic, but at the end of the day they wouldn't even apologize, at least not with words, they would hang out in one of their room or Donnie's lab and have those unspoken conversations they always had. But this wasn't the lair or their past lives, there were just so much that wasn't the same, even when they were still living together, they never see each other, they were starting to feel like strangers, and it make Donatello feel insecure "I-I'm...sorry…I didn't- I" he spoke tripping over his own words. Donnie felt pathetic, starting to fidget with his fingers, his breath a little accelerated, avoiding any eye contact
"Hey, hey, It's okay, don't worry" Leonardo tried to comfort his brother, smiling and making sure the other knew he wasn't angry or anything while searching for something under his bed. A cardboard box "Here..." Leo offer the box to the other mutant
Donatello took a closer look at the box, inside there were not only the Jupiter Jim comics, but also some action figures, posters, among other stuff from the franchise "umm…thanks" both brother were uncomfortable, neither of them were good with "feelings" and "sincere moments"
"Yeah yeah, but next time just ask, don't come to my room to snoop around like a creep, you weirdo." Leonardo teased Donnie, trying to make the atmosphere a little less serious, it was starting to suffocating them both
The comment make the other laugh a little, but he covered his mouth to not give the him a clue "Scoff" he looked away
"Oh, shut up."
Donnie finally had the comics, now it was time to show them to you, were you gonna like them? What if you didn't like them? He went through all those problems, if you didn't like them he would probably cry internally. 
« • ❁ • »
Donnie sends you a message to come to his lab. You were still confused about the events from early on, but maybe he needed you for something important, it wasn't weird to ask you to test his inventions. When you arrived at the turtle's lab, he was on his desk looking at something, but you couldn't see it.
He then noticed you standing on the entrance "Finally!" the mutant spoke, he get up of his seat and walk towards you, taking you by the shoulder and sitting you on omce of the chairs, you then saw the thing he was looking at, there were various comics with Jupiter Jim as the title in it
"What's all this?" You asked 
"This, my dear y/n, is one of the best comic and movie franchises of all. And I just can't be friends with you if you don't know about this" Donnie has bright eyes, you could see how they were sparkling on excitement
"So...It's this the thing you talked about early?" You take on of the comics and give it a quick look at it, all your theories of a great and important ninja figure collapse with one glance, it was just a comic
"First of all, you can't call it "thing", this is a super valuable collection of Jupiter Jim merchandise" He takes the comic off your hands "second, you shall treat it with respect" he sat beside you. You couldn't help but laughed at how serious he was about those comics, it was hard to believe that the great Hamato Donatello, the smartest living being and one of your saviors, could be so excited about sometime so childish, your heart feel all fuzzy and warm inside.
The mutant searched sometimes inside the box, it looked like he was looking for something specific “ah ha! found it” the turtle beamed at the comic book in his hands, after giving it a quick look he gave it to you “here, read this one. It's one of the best to begin with”
You took the comic, staring at the cover. Just like the one before, the pages had the title “Jupiter Jim” in bright yellow, a dark skin man standing heroic, dressed as an astronaut with a little funny looking red fox on his side. You started reading the first page “The colors are so pretty”, it was the first comment you made, colors always had been a focus point for you
Donnie was just staring at you while you kept reading in silence, nodding or adding a few “I know, right” to your occasional comments. The purple turtle started to order the comics, trying to decide which one to give you next, there were a few chapters missing, he put a piece of paper to remember what needed explanation from a previous loss episode. He then just stared at you some more, it was quite interesting for him how focus you could get at something
“Wow…” You proclaim, closing the comic book and looking at the distance for a few seconds, trying to process what you have just read, and then looking at the turtle “That was such a roller coaster of emotion, like- like the fights a-and…“ You spoke fast, as if you were trying to put all your thoughts in one word "It just so awesome!! I can't describe it, I don't know how I have been living without knowing this" You kicked your feet with pure joy
Donnie was flapping his hand while listening to you talking about your first impression of the characters, story, just the whole thing! he didn’t want to interrupt but at the same time he wanted to ask so many questions about your thoughts. He felt himself over the moon just listening to you talking about one of his favorite things, he could barely conceal his delight “I know! I told you, this is a history treasure” he shouted, not being able to regulate his voice.
“I feel so foolish for thinking of such an amazing creation as childish, I shall regret my words and promise to worship this great creation.” You hold the comic with both hands, putting it in the air as a  sign of respect for a few seconds before snapping “Please, please!! show me some more” you got a little too close to the contrary 
Donnie would have usually pull you back, but his joy was just enough for him to not care and unconsciously put you closer instead “Oh dear y/n we are just getting started, this is not even a fraction of how amazing Jupiter Jim is” he took another comic book, holding it with both hand with the cover facing you, it was quite close to your face so you couldn't actually read the title “This is one of my favorite, buy I would need to explain some things, since to my sadness the first episode of this saga is missing” He put his chair closer to yours, opening the first page, you also got closer to get a better look “First…” He started explaining “The previous episode ended with this big battle between Jupiter Jim and…” You both began to read the comic, laughing and sharing your thoughts of the story. Time seemed not to move forward as you both enjoyed your time together, just having a fun time in the middle of this chaotic world, which may never be the same again, but for that moment you both forgot about that.
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I was wondering if I could request a romantic matchup? I really love your writing! I’d love it from Star Wars or marvel ( both if you’re feeling particular nice but either one will do)
My pronouns are she/her and I would like to be matched with a man.
A little bit about me: I love psychology and literature and I’m a very big family person.
I love to read and write the occasional poetry. I loveeee dogs ( I have one right now) and I’m pretty funny.
I get pretty self conscious, but on the off days I’m not in kinda like the life of the party and I’m very hyper sensitive to people emotions and reactions.
I’d say I’m pretty smart and focused; and if I have a goal in mind I almost always get it done. I tend to be a little hard on myself but I’m working on it and o have a really sassy streak.
I love making people laugh and feeling included; but I’m still searching for my ‘person’ yk? I’d say I’m pretty smart and sorted and I love trying new things.
I’m pretty spontaneous and I love my culture (I’m Indian) a lot. My favourite tv shows are friends and Brooklyn 99 because I love things that make me laugh; and my secret pleasure is that I loose soft toys.
My love language is definitely physical touch and words of affirmation, and I love talking to people about anything.
My favourite artists are Taylor swift, one direction, Sabrina carpenter and Gracie abrams to name a few and I’m really into cricket and f1!
Yeah that’s a little bit abt me hehe; thank you ik advance !!
Here ya go! I always do all listed fandoms, (my longest matchup request was 10!) they are never a burden to do and always fun so I don't mind doing them! You are free to even request more too. Anyhoo, I hope you like your matchups! <3333
Star Wars;
Han Solo:
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🌙 You met Han before he met Obi-Wan and before he met Luke; just maybe a couple of months before - though, you weren't a bounty hunter or anything, you were just doing your own thing
🌙 For some reason, the two of you worked together, traveling space together - you and Han work well together - though you and him sometimes butt heads - you get the work done; somewhere down the line, you and Han became a thing
🌙 You and Han, when not bounty hunting, you and Han chillax. Resting in the Falcon, you reading while Han fidgets around with some tech that he's trying to fix - though sometimes if you have no more books to read, Han is more than willing to teach you how to fly the Falcon, (he probably won't let your fly all the time, maybe if there is an emergency, but it's fun overall)
🌙 Han is always there to listen to you - he'd be a good listener - just sitting down somewhere together in the Falcon, just listening to you talk about literally everything and everything; this chatting will probably lead to cuddling, maybe even a nap
🌙 You and Han are a pretty powerful couple, the both of you are persistent and do what you can to get what you want - it's hard for the other bounty hunters to track you both down; you always run away scott-free, hand in hand, your laughter ringing throughout the air
Matt Murdock:
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😈 You actually met Matt when you were called to the stand as the Psychologist in some smaller-lesser known crime court thing - Matt though, when he heard you speak, he was like (★‿★)
😈 After the case thing, and though he could see in a cooler/different way, he was able to follow your voice as you spoke to someone outside the courthouse - he may have slightly spooked you, and you may have been a bit nervous, but when Matt complimented you about your knowledge and how impressed he was; well, swoon
😈 Once official, which may have taken some time, you and Matt move in together and you did a lot together - going to the gym, and listening to your favorite music
😈 A lot of cuddling, just staying up at night - when Matt's not fighting crime - staying up at night together, playing with each other's hands, soft music playing in the background, whispering sweet nothings to each other
😈 And if you're feeling down, Matt will be there for you, trying to soothe you, but if you want some alone time, Matt is more than willing to give you some time and space - he'd probably just go out and fight a baddie, and bring Chinese food home when he does
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yawnzzznnn · 6 months
hi ! I’ve been wanting to request a sumin x reader one shot for a while but I haven’t got the inspiration , while I checked your song prompt list I saw Jk’s ICONIC song. Still with you. So here’s more context cuz my mind went CRAZy abt this. sumin and reader met in college , they both were in the same arts class , with their commun friend , Jinsik. Reader is an outgoing person , they (you can use any pronouns I don’t have preference ) are the type of person who isn’t scared to talk to new persons or to make new friends. And actually reader is quite popular for their bubbly personality too. So reader and Sumin met at their usual art class. Everything’s went well during the year and they grew closer and closer. Until prom. The party ended , and it was raining , everyone went back home , but sumin and reader. Sumin told reader about his and jinsik’s idols career and reader told about their career too , like reader is either a trainee under a big compagne like hybe or jype, up to you! And sumin’s thought are the lyrics ykkk
Time flew by and they don’t talk as much as they used to , if I may say they don’t talk at all lately. But they both are stuck in each other’s mind , so one rainy days , after a long time no see each others , they met. They both were walking alone in the rain , reader with an umbrella and sumin just walking , soaking wet from the rain. But when he met reader’s eyes all his thought vanished and he wasn’t thinking about anything but reader and his feeling for them
This kind of vibe yk! Like old lover type of stuff
you don’t have to follow what I wrote at all it’s just for u to see what I meant by that and the kind of vibe I want
anyways have a good day! Love !
♡︎보고 싶었어요 - Sumin♡︎
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♡︎Title: I Miss You
♡︎Special Thanks Too: strawbe3rryyayy, Sumin, Xikers
♡︎Note: sorry this took so long I've been writing short formed story's since that's all I have time for so sorry if this seems rushed or anything of the sort, also remember I have a 25 days till Christmas prompt going on rn your free to request whatever prompt and whoever you want (EMF pump is a small box that puts off lots of energy used for ghost hunting)
♡︎TW: slight angst : cursing : gender not specified but I probably called reader a girl :
♡︎Prompt: Still With You - Jungkook
♡︎Words: 1011
♡︎Taglist: @eumppappasgrippers @mxlly143
You never took your popularity for granted, never joining the group of girls who think they're hot shit, taking everything with a grain of salt. You had a decent amount of friends. Always jumping to help others, always conversing in the halls during free time, a people-person, is what people would describe you as. A normal day in art, you and your good friend Jinsik were sitting and talking, “oh right, my friend Sumin is supposed to transfer today, he’s a lot like you, i think you'll like him” Jinsik said, sketching an eye on his paper. “Like me? You mimicked, looking up from your own paper, in response Jinsik nodded, “yeah, he's super friendly you’ll balance each other” Jinsik said, lifting his head to look at you.
“What makes you think I'm willing to get along with him?” you teased, Jinsik dead panned at you, a few small giggles left your mouth “ok sorry your friend sounds lovely” you giggled. Jinsik rolled his eyes, focusing back on the drawing in front of him, a few minutes later a group of kids called your name drawing your attention to them. Getting up you quickly walked to their table, sitting in the empty seat, giggles and laughter echoed from the table as you helped them with their work. “All I'm saying is if you want an A use black paper with a white pencil, the teacher eats it up” you giggled, the students laughing and listening. Almost 20 minutes later you made your way back to your desk, stopping to see a male with green hair in your seat. Putting on a huge smile as you made your way in front of your desk, the guy looked confused “told you someone sits there” Jinsik giggled.
“Dont worry about it, you can have my seat” you said quickly stopping him from standing “what's your name?” you asked, pulling a chair up sitting in front of him. “Sumin” the boy now known as Sumin giggled “what's yours?” Sumin asked tilting his head slightly to the side, “yn, nice to meet you Sumin” you giggled holding out your hand waiting for a hand shake, Sumin reached up shaking your hand energy raiding off him like an EMF pump. “Sorry for taking your seat” Sumin rubbed the back of his neck slightly embarrassed, “don't be it's fine you just wanted to sit next to your friend i understand” you giggled, Sumins eyes slightly lit up “your even kinder than Jinsik said!” Sumin giggled. 30 Minutes of you and Sumin talking and Jinsik being the third wheel later, the three of you made your way to the cafeteria, you and Sumin slightly ahead of Jinsik talking.
“damn , kinda feel like a third wheel..” Jinsik mumbled, you and Sumin bursted out laughing, the three of you sat at a table in the middle of everything, “do you normally sit here” Sumin asked, before you got a chance to answer Jinsik answered for you, “people like to come up and sit with us” Jinsik said getting comfortable in his seat, “they really need to put better seats in here” you mumbled shifting uncomfortably in your seat, Sumin and Jinsik hummed in agreement, you and Sumin started talking again, kids came and left, this routine went on for a year till the end of school.
“Yn i think you should go, it's the end of school for our whole lives.” Jinsik said laying on your bed, “yeah he’s right, it’ll be fun you won't even have to stay the whole night” Sumin said, “are you two working together now?” you giggled, after hours of convincing from both of your friends you agreed, “What y’all think about this one?” you said holding up an outfit, Jinsik scrunched his nose “too revealing” He said, Sumin sighed “you'll look great in it” Sumin said standing up holding the outfit out to see it properly, “your so weird” Jinsik said rolling on his stomach, Sumin slightly rolled his eyes, causing you too giggle. “Finally!” Jinsik said dramatically, standing up. “Woah…you look…” Sumin said trying to find the right words “ugly? Throw up? Death? Absurd? Disgusting?” you asked jokingly,“nono amazing!” Sumin said a faint blush forming on his face, Jinsik took notice of the faint blush, chuckling making his way out your bedroom door.
The party went just like you thought, slightly overwhelmed by the amount of noise, making your way outside breathing in the fresh air, you heard the door shut, “partied out?” Sumin jokes “overwhelmed too much noise” you giggled, Sumin nodded in response “we’ll still be friends after college right?” Sumin asked doubt falling on his face, “I hope so, we never know what the future has for us, so I can't confirm nor deny” you sighed, turning to face Sumin, you noticed people start leaving “id head home before the rain starts” a girl said passing by. You and Sumin walked home together. 
Jinsik sent a text saying he had already arrived home. “It's just…yn look….me and Jinsik are in a boy group called Xikers…once collage ends tomorrow, we won't have as much freedom as we do now..” Sumin said, looking down at the ground, “Sumin..” you mumbled grabbing his attention “im a trainee..i understand” you said grabbing his hand reassuringly “a trainee?” Sumin questioned “yeah under hybe, so i wont have free time either but we can try thats all that matters” you said softly, rubbing your thumb on the back of his hand. 
That conversation was the last you'd have with Sumin, Jinsik old text left with a thumbs up from your end. That was until you and Sumin crossed paths 4 years later at Kcon “Although I'm standing still under the frozen sunset, I want to walk towards you one step at a time, Still with you, Dark room, no lights, I shouldn't get used to it, but I'm used to it again” Sumin thought to himself before making him way up to you, rebuilding the forgotten friendship, this time growing to something much more.
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screampotato · 14 days
as a transmasc whos had a complicated relationship (haha ship boat ship) w hearing people talk about objects w the same pronouns as they talk abt me, and also more primarily as a transmasc who likes to think HUGE, why dont (or moreso, why cant we now) refer to boats (at least/relevant thing for rn) as he? i mean the huge brained thing would be designing neos for your boat (id love to hear the discourse between marine workers abt what pronouns the boat would have. can you imagine) but idk, whatd happen if you he/him'd a boat? would your peers take the change in stride after thinking about it? would there be some sort of strange peer group split about people deciding he/him should be valid vs staying she/her?
anyway sorry if this is insane im autistic but instead of only failing social situations i also think of novel insane social situations. i think we should just have more fun w weird pronouns in situations like that. the "being out at sea for too long" generated pronouns would go really hard i think.
Hi there! This is a more elaborate version of a question a lot of people have been asking. The reason boats are she is steeped in a lot of (most likely sexist) history. These days people in the marine industry are not thinking of the pronouns in that way, really, or in any particular way, except as a way to vaguely personify the boat, because that is just how we see them. It's not explicitly granting her feminine characteristics, it's just respecting her totality, as an individual (very few boats or ships are identical to another, they tend to be unique) and as more than the sum of her parts, and from my point of view as a designer, sort of arguing for the need to respect her as an integrated whole where every system affects every other system, not just an assortment of independent systems.
Could you call a boat "he"? You could. I remarked in a couple of other places that if you wanted to make it stick, you'd have to actually make it part of the name, like "Empress Sophia (he/him)". Actually register him like that and paint it on the hull. It would be hilarious. Whether people would respect it or not I don't know, no doubt some would, others might try but forget because the she habit is so ingrained, others would just ignore it altogether. You might run a risk of people just reverting to "it" in confusion.
If I personally just started using "he" for boats in a professional setting, people would find it very weird, but also funny, and would eventually put it down to a personal eccentricity, of which there is no shortage in this line of work. They would be unlikely to follow suit.
As an aside, the fact that calling a boat she doesn't confer feminine characteristics also means that you can say amusingly gender-bent phrases like "she's a big lad" if it makes you happy.
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itsgivingfaggot · 2 months
Thinking about the time I went to this group therapy thing for a diagnosis I had gotten a couple months prior. But It started half a year before i got my name (& gender marker) legally changed. So I had to give the organization my deadname when signing up. This wasnt too much of a big deal, they used my actual name in therapy, my pronouns, didnt out me in the group or anything, things were fine.
Now after nearly completing the whole year of group therapy I overhead one of the women running it talking about a seperate group that sounded perfect for me, that they didn't seem to advertise in their flyers etc so I never had heard about it. So I decided to approach her after one of the last sessions and ask her about it. She seemed excited about me joining it but told me she would need to do a pre interview first. We set an appointment for maybe 2 weeks later.
Now, in the most vague terms, this was a group For Very Traumatized people. I show up to the sort of "interview" a little nervous, expecting questions abt my biography, effects of trauma I'm dealing with, how I'm coping with them, blabla. She basically opens up with "so I asked the other group members about a Man joining them, and when one of them expressed that she wouldn't be comfortable with it, I explained your situation to her!" With a big smile on her face. My "situation". She outed me to this random group of people I had never even met before. This group was not once meant to be a womens space. She simply should've given everyone the option to decide if they were comfortable with this. That's all. Not fucking outing me. For the woman who wasnt comfortable with me as a cis man? Sucks for her. But that doesnt mean this worker gets to potentially endanger me for that womans comfort. But of course she did.
So that's over. Can we finally get to the interview? Of course. However she opens up with "oh you know, I've just been super interested in how things were for you growing up. If you could tell me about that." I go "with the. Abuse?" She doesnt react. "....The autism?" "Oh, no no! The trans thing!"... I sit there a little confused. I give a short one or two sentence answer thinking we will move on to the actual topic of this group. But no. She keeps digging. What about your family? Did you have ~the surgery~ yet? How was school? What about your partners? What about your extended family? What about-
And i was unable to tell her to stop. I answered everything as vaguely as possible. But as a trans person you're always seen as fucking representative of every other trans person. You're not an individual you're either a walking advertisement for corruption or a fascinating oddity of a mystical group to disect and test and observe. If I had told her it's none of her business what's in my pants, it's not actually important to this group how my uncles reacted to me coming out? No I dont want to tell you in great detail the effects of testosterone on my body? Etc. Maybe she'd make a mental note of "trannies = rude and combative. Secretive. Dont want their ~allies~ to be educated about their experiences (why?!)" and I dont wanna be responsible for that in a setting where that person holds so much influence over someone's access to mental health care. So I mumbled my way through it.
In the end the "interview" for a fucking trauma group was 30 minutes of me being increasingly uncomfortable by being prodded over being trans, and roughly 5 minutes of her telling me about some rules in the group and asking a single question about how to best handle me when past trauma gets triggered. I ended up not joining anyways for mostly (!) unrelated reasons. But like. What the fuck was that. I dont understand how some cis people who are interested in trans experiences wont just like. Watch a fucking documentary. Read a book. Theres people who make it their lives mission to share their experiences. That Does Not Mean every random trans person you meet will wanna do the same.
Also again dont fucking out people without their consent. I cant believe we still have to say this oh my god
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first of all. they/she robin supremacy
they don't cut their hair but they start keeping it kinda short. short enough that it's basically a flatter version of steve's hairstyle. he jokes that she's stealing his look and she jokes back that it works better on them. it does
they start wearing some of steve, eddie, and jonathan's old clothes, mixing shit up and getting some of her own pieces until their wardrobe is perfectly curated to their style
she wears steve's old khakis when they want to be a little fancy. eddie gifts her a pair of loose black cargo pants that didn't turn out to be his style at all. jonathan's tshirts and sweaters end up in their closet but they never admit to stealing them. jonathan doesn't admit to leaving shit at robin's house for them to "steal"
robin is a pioneer of dirtbag lesbian chic. she wears ties over tshirts and layers flannel and jean jackets over everything they wear
steve takes her shopping somewhere far away from hawkins and they get a nice pair of steel-toed work boots. they love stomping around in them and generally causing a scene. she and eddie have a competition to see who can wear the highest platforms
now that she's out to their friends, the party starts experimenting with their genders too! el still doesn't like her shaved head but she starts wearing mike's button downs. lucas tries wearing more jewelry and max finds that she really likes buying it for him (for his birthday she organizes the whole party into getting him a bracelet with a charm for everyone on it. it's very heavy but he loves it). eddie tries a skirt and loves it but really only wears one with ripped jeans under it. dustin surprises everyone by immediately declaring that their pronouns are they/them too because "that just makes so much sense, like, why do I have to be a he just because I was born a certain way?"
most of the time they act all loud and proud abt being a butch lesbian (bc they're more comfortable in their skin and because their friends are all so accepting) but it's still hawkins indiana and it's still dangerous, so they make sure they don't go out alone too often or at night at all. the guys and nancy usually have her back and drive them wherever they need to go
another sad one: robin finds that now that she's presenting more masculinely, other girls don't want to talk to her anymore. they don't want to be called slurs or assumed gay just because they hang around robin. this includes vickie and robin is Very sad about it
nancy comforts her saying that the right girl will love robin for who they are and not what other people think of her. they'll like robin's new self and not just tolerate it. robin only sort of believes her but nancy is really adamant so she might be onto something
"any girl would be lucky to have a boyfriend like you, robbie"
oh! boyfriend sounds nice!
robin didn't even know that about herself, but nancy's so smart (and beautiful and thoughtful and funny and amazing and-) that she figured it out and just put it out there! like it was nothing! but it's everything robin never knew they wanted
sometimes when robin needs to revert back to her old self, maybe for family stuff etc, nancy will lend them clothes and do their makeup, and nancy will almost cry at seeing how miserable robin looks
she will then gently wipe all the makeup away and say "there you are!" when robin is clean-faced and back to themself. she'll put together a Real robin outfit and clap excitedly when robin is finally smiling again
then nancy will stand on her tiptoes and kiss robin on the cheek and say "it's good to see you again" as robin blushes bright red
later that night robin calls steve and tells him everything because goddamn it's nice being nancy wheeler's boyfriend and they will brag about it until the end of time
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eroswmorals · 10 days
5 & 15 :)
This is gonna be rly long ;-;
5. How did you figure out your oc's identity?
All of my ocs have some aspects of myself in them. Since you didn't specify which oc you wanted me to talk abt I'm gonna talk abt my main three.
For Bobby, he's the closest to me bc he was kind of like who I aspired to be when I'm older (I mean he's really developed now tho he's a sex worker and he does rly stupid shit I probably shouldn't want to do). But I figured xyr identity out by looking at myself and being like "Okay that, but cooler." And ofc I (mostly) got rid of the things I don't like about myself.
For Jayce, I made him the polar opposite of Bobby. Nearly every aspect of Bobby's identity is inverted for him. I did this because I wanted an opposites-attract sort of thing going on for them. While Bobby cares about every little detail about his appearance, Jayce is unkept. When Bobby is upset, he destroys other things, whereas Jayce destroys himself. Etc., etc. I think I made Jayce like this to have an outlet for things I don't like about myself.
Crowley was the first oc of the three that I created. I made him to be a sort of comfort character. I made him easily overwhelmed, nervous, and just kind of a soft character because these are traits I often overlook in myself and it was sort of like making a character to highlight these because I forget that it's okay to be like that. I also made him aroace because I'm a-spec and I wanted one more character in the world with an a-spec identity.
15. Do any of your ocs use neopronouns? Which ones?
None of my ocs give a shit about what pronouns you use, but for different reasons.
Bobby uses any pronouns because xe is on the genderfluid spectrum. Jayce just doesn't give a shit because fae won't respond to you anyway because fae hates everyone. Crowley is sort of a demigod and that kind of affects the way ze fews zir gender and so ze uses any pronouns too.
Sorry, that was rly fucking long lol
Since you've seen all three of my main ocs, which one is your favorite and why?
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dexholderr · 1 year
finally drew Vin, my agent 4 :D !!
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miscellaneous info abt them below the readmore :]c
>full name is Corvin Undertow, though they prefer and introduce themself as Vin
>turf handle is VinVexing
>goes by any pronouns, is a lesbian
>strawberry squid
>the earring they wear use to be matching with an old friend they don't talk to anymore, though they still wear it out of sentiment (and they think it looks cool)
>when not in her agent uniform, she usually always wears some type of mask (the annaki mask is most common)
>big Chirpy Chips and Bottom Feeders fan
>was 18 when he came to Inkopolis with his younger half-brother Tyde (who was 16 at the time)
>lived in a small, quiet town with her and Tyde's dad, who made sure they could see each other at least once a year
>left for Inkopolis a few months after turning 18 when stuff (/neg) happened, and Tyde asked to join her (his mom said he was allowed as long as he kept in touch)
>moved into a cheap apartment building, the same one as Tyde (Tyde lives three doors down on the same floor)
>works at a cafe and plays ranked to pay for stuff (their favorite modes are rainmaker and clam blitz, and they main vdualies and later the new squiffer)
>after feeling as though he was growing distant from Tyde (both got super busy with work and other life stuff, it wasn't on purpose), he ended up following Marie down the drain to Octo Canyon after seeing her and feeling he had nothing better to do, ending up as Agent 4
>Tyde started to get suspicious of what Vin was doing, since she started to look more tired than usual whenever they would cross paths, eventually following her and ending up in Octo Canyon too, soon becoming Agent 5
>Vin and Tyde start taking turns on going through kettles (Vin tried to protest this, not wanting to risk Tyde getting hurt, but Marie thought it was a decent enough idea and Tyde insisted), though Vin is the one who fights Octavio
>slowly develops a crush on Marie after everything, but doesn't do anything about it for months
>Vin is the shortest member of the NSS despite Tyde being the youngest, everyone teases her for it (she genuinely doesn't mind, thinks it's funny)
->Can and Will climb onto counters to reach the top shelf
>they tried learning how to use chargers to impress Marie, but could only sort of get the hang of the squiffer
>did i mention that he's a lesbian?
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year
hii ive liked ur art for a while now and i love how u portray the yuukei quartet literally autism central... also im living for ur future designs especially momo (shes so cute im shaking and crying) and shintaro i like how u made them look more similar. my older brother likes amphibia and like a year ago i think he sent me one of ur harutaka posts like "THIS IS THE KAGEPRO RIGHT?" and it was a weird moment but funny. ANYWAY. I understand the unending urge to think and talk abt kagepro so very much so uhmm i'd like to hear ur opinions on konoha as a character but if u also want to maybe talk about what harutaka means to u and ur favorite aspects of their relationship!!!
1. im so glad someone noticed i tried to make momo and shintaro look similar!!! i thought i failed so this made me really happy LOL
2. tell ur brother i am so sorry also ask him if he liked the amphibia ending. there is a correct answer to this. but if all my twitter followers ask then noooo there is no correct answer it is subjective 😃😒
3. MAN.. KONOHA AS A CHARACTER HUH. truthfully, being the haruka fan i am i BARELY make konoha content or even talk abt it. yes it. konoha it its pronouns realness. ok here is my hot take. i dont see konoha as like.... A Guy. to me its more like a kid or something idk!!! a pinocchio sort of case. suddenly i am alive what do i do sort of case. i think its funny to see this thing that is not human and if it was human it would not be an adult controlling some grown guy's body
anyways um i do love konoha. i am very sad to see it go too, and i think haruka (sorry i know this is abt konoha but i cant help myself) would feel very outcasted since she feels konoha was everyone's friend, not him, and fears they might resent him bc they wish she was konoha. ofc everyone misses konoha but they understand haruka is the rightful owner of the body, and in my hc awakening eyes stays within haruka to keep her illness harmless. and he knows it is within him watching out for her and is thankful 💗 ending of steven universe moment with the 2 stevens u_u ok those are the same and haruka and konoha arent the same however one cannot survive without the other and *explodes*
4. bro this reply is already so long. u cannot just ask me that. ill try to be as brief as possible. i got obsessed with kagepro therefore harutaka at age 13 and i am TWENTY TWO YEARS OLD. i grew up with these bitches. while i had and have other interests, kagepro NEVER and i mean NEVER stopped being my main interest. this shit has plagued my mind for years. so what does it mean to me. EVERYTHING!!!!!!! IT MEANS EVERYTHING.
they mean so much to me i cant even Explain. i am so happy kagepro doesnt ever get content canon or even fanon and when it does its never harutaka bc the amount of Control it has over me is something scary. remember the lost day hour comic. my GOD that shit almost KILLS ME!!!!!! and i wouldnt be able to tell u my fave aspects??? i genuinely Dont know why i chose this thing specifically to obsess over, much less why them specifically. but idk i love these 2 so much and i could talk abt them for hours which i have done and will do again.
i love that the disabled characters are the love story of the whole thing and i love the m/f ships where the guy loves the girl so much they just moan and throw up abt it . even tho harutaka is like the gayest hets ever (any pronouns haruka and takane real) ummm ummmm. they are literally in love. Mis wiwis
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verdant-nem · 2 years
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I might have done a rough concept for Arion/Areion redesign both as a god and as a horse. His previous design was so... off-putting to me specifically. I guess it was sort of an original take? Tho the details were few and rushed bc he is just the butt of a funny haha joke.
•But now let's talk a bit about them! First off yes I use he/they pronouns for Arion
•In my rewrite/au both him and Pluto have important roles as they help Kore throughout her journey and have their own arcs
•Design wise, I wanted him too to have a "human form" since we've seen that in LO gods can do that. His disguise is a black horse with white patterns and an untamed messy mane
•The wings are also an experiment, I am still deciding if to keep them or not
• One of my friends on discord suggested I make parallels between them and Zeus,Poseidon and Hades but I'm not sure abt that yet.
•Second thing I think I'll have Arion be born as a horse first, then as he discovered his godly powers he could turn into a more human form, though the resemblance to his father is quite unnerving
•He rarely visits olympus, does it only to attend formal events that Demeter helped him pick to appear a competent god
•Arion is generally a pretty standoffish god who enjoys the company of animals more than other deites, the only exception being his family and the nymphs
•Although he's not as close to Demeter as he is to Kore. Mostly because they are both very awkward around each other. Since Areion
•in their free time they like to help Demeter, also asking his horse companions if they'd like to help with heavy labor
•Another favorite hobby of theirs is hanging out with Persephone. They do enjoy her company, they liked it even since she was a kid, giving her joyrides even in the sky (with Demeter's permission, occasionally )
•They also brought her many gifts from Olympus (he mainly brings her books, new earphones once in awhile and some trinkets, while Demeter brings her jewelry, clothing and decorations for her room)
•Arion likes the Mortal Realm more, he also inherited from his mother and father his love for humans. Sometimes when they find a mortal lost in the woods they'll appear as a horse to guide them through
That's all I have for him.. at least for now
As I said Persephone's brothers will play more important roles, Arion both in her childhood, her arrival and stay at olympus while Pluto will be part of the Underworld arc and Trial.
I'm also unsure whether or not I should make Despoina,,
Anyways this post is more an "open for suggestions" one since they are still rough concepts
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princeofpittsburgh · 11 months
hii! 7. Are you the "token" queer person in your family?
HI i am not! actually my younger sister is bi & uses they/them pronouns think my other lil sister will eventually figure out shes some sort of queer or trans she talks abt wanting to b a boy alot & stuff like that.. so 👀🥚 oh! & my cousin is non binary uses they/them pronouns too :]
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dreamertrilogys · 1 year
If you are comfortable sharing, what's the situation with dani? ofc pls only share if you are comfortable!!<3
i typed up a response to this & then accidentally deleted it TWICE i fucking hate this app. anyway this got long soooo
okay so we first met in english class at the start of the year right (we were both sort of friends with this one girl & like we sat near each other and both spoke up in class a lot). anyway we got this assignment to write a memoir about something that’s happened in our lives. so here i was a week before the due date, still topic-less (we had a month to work on it btw). i half-jokingly said i could come out to the teacher as bi in the memoir bc then she’d HAVE to give me a good mark right (it worked btw i got a 98% on it <3). and then it sort of spiralled into a whole “you should write about someone you’ve dated and being sexuality into it via that” / “i’ve never dated anyone” / “pretend you dated me”. (oh btw dani was already out to me and our other friends from english class as bi at this point). and so then we started flirting a LOT but like mostly as a joke(???). it was definitely more lighthearted at the start but like. well we were still very much flirting. like it was to the point where she’d ask me to go somewhere with her and i’d have to ask “in what way do you mean that” (the reply to that was always some variation of “in whatever way you want me to mean it”). this continued for like months and stuff but i didn’t consider the possibility that she actually liked me until recently (around a week ago ish?) anyway
okay so now it’s ummm. last tuesday(?). there’s a supply teacher for english so we decide to skip together (in a date way. i think). many things happen here:
we hold hands (romantically. she specifically asked me if i held hands with my friends and when i said no she was like ok good)
she kept looking at me and i kept saying what and then eventually she told me she thought i was pretty and that she liked me
this was so. like i had to cover my face with my hands for a bit after this and then i eventually told her she was pretty too and stuff. i couldn’t manage to tell her that i liked her but i did heavily imply it i think
i then came out to her as trans (ok so this was kind of rocky. first i was like would you still like me if i was a guy & she was like (lightheartedly/mostly jokingly) no bc guys have penises
and i was like are you bi? (like not meanly but just she’s sort of been questions if she’s bi or a lesbian and like. yknow) and then we sort of talked abt it for a bit and she was like i don’t know there’s like one (1) guy i’d date but don’t worry it’ll never happen (can’t tell if she only likes him bc he’s unattainable or if she was just clarifying that it would never happen bc yknow she just told me that she liked me)
anyway then and then she was like why tho? and so i was like i’m trans etc etc (MOST EMBARRASSING CONVERSATION OF MY LIFEEEE i genuinely despise the act of coming out to people it’s so awkward). anyway she was incredibly nice about it and apologized for her previous answer and shit (like she was genuinely truly sorry for it trust me). she was also like “for the record i still like you”. anyway she asked what names/pronouns she should use in front of which people etc etc
anyway while walking back to school after the whole coming out business she was like “can i reword something from before?” and then told me she thought i was hot (like in contrast to the earlier pretty). this was SOOOOO
okay so anyway ever since then she’s taken over the spot of the guy who used to sit next to me in english and every class we just spend with our chairs pressed together shoulders touching etc etc. now my PERSONAL issues with the idea of dating her:
i mean. there’s my religious stuff obviously. islamically i technically can’t date anyone but like. i genuinely don’t know where i stand on that anymore it’s quite awful i don’t want to think about it etc etc
there’s the fact that i still have a huge crush on one of my other friends (but like. he’s very definitely currently unattainable so i’m not sure how much this matters)
i’ve never dated anyone before this is so scary 😭😭 she’s dated much more than me and like. idk
she’s so cool and pretty and nice and hot but i don’t truly think we could like be together forever like we simply are just two very different people without enough in common (OR maybe i just have commitment issues. who knows.) (then again we were never really friends like the whole friendship was based on flirting as a joke so really what common ground do we have) (do i really have commitment issues? i mean yes probably but also i genuinely think if my friend who i have a crush on asked me out right now i’d probably say yes. but then again who knows for sure. certainly not me!)
not an issue this is a pro. did i mention she’s SO fucking hot like it’s insane 😳
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