#while family isn't the only important thing it's still painful when they don't truly see you
uncanny-tranny · 1 year
Hey! Just want you to know I find your blog very encouraging and helpful! I’m from a transphobic family and am trans so I’ve been trying to learn more about myself and others and your blog is wonderful!
I'm really glad that you're here, but I wish your circumstances were different. While you're here, know that I'm thinking of you (have some flowers 💐)
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fun-k-board · 1 year
AVATAR 2009 with a Human ! S/O who adores Christmas
Characters included: Jake Sully, Neytiri, Tsu'Tey
Pronouns: They / Them
Relationship: Romantic
When text is in bold that means it's spoken in Na'vi, I have no clue if Na'vi have gender neutral language so sorry if this isn't accurate.
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Jake Sully
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Jake never understood about Christmas, he wasn't one of the lucky few on Earth who had a rich family nor did his family particularly show an overabundance of affection.
He and his brother weren't to close, it hurt when he died of course, but at the end of the day he wouldn't see him for years when he went to Pandora anyway.
So, your sadness over not being able to celebrate it was confusing, but Jake cared for you and tried to comfort you despite this.
"You don't look so good." Jake mumbled and sat down next to you, his eyes stared into you intently as he waited for a response.
"I just miss my family, we use to celebrate Christmas and..." You trailed off, your ears down and tail curling on your thigh. A whimper escaped you as tears began welling in your eyes.
"Oh." He paused, sucking in a large breath "I'm sorry. Maybe we could make last minute presents for each other?" Jake quietly suggested, pulling a shy smile that showed off his sharp teeth.
"That'd be nice..." You quietly whispered, smiling back softly at him while you tried wiping away your tears as calming your breaths.
And so you made whatever you thought would be best for Jake, I could imagine him getting you a weapon or maybe some type of neckwear that would give you a sense of pride.
He doesn't really try to expand it to Neytiri given the cultural differences, but I see Norm getting into the holiday spirit, maybe Grace if her present is a cigarette.
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Neytiri taught you and Jake the ways of the Na'vi, to which you both listened, adapted and overcame the differences in your cultures.
However, you still missed your old life. As horrible, polluted and poor Earth became, you still missed family. Apart of family was Christmas, giving to others even outside of who you considered family just to see their smiles, it was something you hadn't experienced in years. You missed that. And you'd never get it back.
"There is something on your mind." Neytiri plainly stated, her words catching you off guard, looking you up and down as she handed food to Jake on her right.
"It's a time of year at home." He replied, looking to me in pity. "Where you can participate in a tradition on Earth, I'll let them explain the details if they want." Jake awkwardly looked away, munching on an unnaturally large amount of teylu. Neytiri turned to me expectantly.
"It's one about family and giving, cherishing those you love, those and even the things around you." You nodded as you spoke even if there was no reason to, awkwardly smiling while Neytiri smiled sweetly.
"It sounds like a wonderful tradition. What is it called?" Her stare bore into your eyes, her own were soft.
"Christmas." You sighed, continuing only because the silence would be unbearable. "We hurt our great mother and caused a lot of pain, it became harder and harder to celebrate as time continued. Now almost nobody truly celebrates it as it was intented, instead a shallow reminder of what it originally was." Neytiri held your hand and nodded.
"I am understanding of your pain, I hope all sky people learn to see as you and Jake have."
She doesn't go out of her way to celebrate it, but notes the general time it happens around and maybe gives you little trinkets that would be meaningless to most.
I can definetly imagine Neytiri showing you in depth Na'vi culture, as she already does, but with more pride as she realises how important you can take cultural and traditional events. But, most of all I imagine you'd be spending time with each other, even if she personally doesn't believe in Christmas, she believes in you. Neytiri sees you.
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He mainly made fun of you and Jake for being 'demons', so getting to know you was a lengthy process and required patience on both ends.
Given you were already learning of Na'vi culture from Neytiri, he didn't find the need to teach you anything other than fighting and flying, so when you asked him about something the explanation was very short and simple.
Tsu'tey couldn't say he was too interested in sky people or their traditions, but he noticed you weren't doing too well for the past few weeks. Your sour mood showed in your training and pushed you back, so it was garunteed he would speak on it eventually.
"Why are you sitting here? The ikrans are-" He was momentarily stopped in his words by your tear stained face. Not only was your face uncanny for him with your features unlike natural Na'vi, but beyond that, you were hurt.
"What... What is bothering you?" You noticed his switch to English as hesitantly placed a hand on your shoulder, lowering into a kneel as he stared deep into your eyes.
"Us human- uh, sky people, have a tradition." You began, Tsu'tey was interested in your words and the curious look he had told you to continue "This time we begin giving gifts, we spend more time with family, friends and... Significant others." You coughed shyly, unsure of the word in Na'vi before remembering "Mates." You clarified.
"It sounds like a prosperous time for your people." He nodded respectfully, holding your hand and looking comfortingly into your eyes. "I see your pain, and I am sorry brother/sister."
He, like Neytiri, doesn't go out of his way to celebrate. Mainly taking part in spending time and showing how much he loves you. Sometimes it can be awkward and stiff, but Tsu'tsy is quite literally an alien who viewed all humans as demons. Unless you explain to him how you view Christmas, he's unsure of how important it is to you and doesn't want to come off as offensive.
In turn, I can imagine him pointing out things similar to his own culture, feeling like a part of him was always with you even before you met.
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autistichalsin · 8 months
Here is an analysis, line-by-line, of why Halsin's conversation with Oliver persuading him to return to Thaniel is so lovely.
Halsin: Oliver, nobody is making you leave. This is your home.
First, using Oliver's name establishes a bond and familiarity. It shows that he knows Oliver is a person.
Then, the "nobody is making you leave. This is your home." This shows that Halsin is both aware of Oliver's wants and needs, and acknowledges that they are just as important as anyone else's- even if Oliver is just a child spirit, and even if he was once part of Thaniel. He's still his own being, and Halsin acknowledges this fully.
Halsin: But it is dark, empty... lonely. I don't want you to be alone. I want you to be with Thaniel.
Now, after acknowledging why Oliver wants to stay, Halsin, in the gentlest tone imaginable, tells him why it can't be so. It's not just because Halsin said so, or even just because Thaniel himself needs Oliver: it's because this place, shadow-cursed and dangerous and lonely, is unsuitable for a playful child. It isn't about what Oliver can do for them, even though there are things they need; it's about Oliver's safety.
Halsin: No. You were stolen from each other. Neither of you are to blame.
In a few different branching dialogues, if the player doesn't have Halsin handle it, Oliver laments that everyone likes Thaniel more than him. He feels unwelcome- he knows on some level he is just the remnant from Thaniel, that no one sees him as Oliver, but as something "wrong". Halsin, here, reasserts Oliver's status as his own person, and one who has nothing to be sorry for.
Halsin: And I know your pain. I truly do.
This establishes empathy, of course, but more than that; by showing that he, a very big adult, has these conflicted emotions of loss as well, he is modeling for Oliver how this process goes- as the next few lines show.
Halsin: Thaniel was my friend also. I played with him, grew up while he stayed the same. He made me who I am today, and then he was ripped away from me, same as for you.
By emphasizing childhood memories first, he makes the pain more understandable for Oliver, who, in the brief glimpses we have seen, is hurting due to not having friends or a family. Halsin is validating that pain by showing Oliver that it hurts him, an adult, just as much. Thaniel was important to him too. It's okay to feel devastated and lonely without him.
Halsin: But you need not be alone any longer. You need not invent friends. Thaniel is back. He is waiting for you.
And again, Halsin is centering Oliver's needs. Yes, Thaniel needs just as much from Oliver, but this isn't about that, right now; right now, it's about Oliver, who is lonely, friendless, family-less, and how there is a boy his own age, a boy he was once a part of, waiting for him so they can be playmates. It's okay to feel sad and lonely, but here is a solution to that, right here- they can help each other.
And all said with the softest, gentlest, but not at all condescending tone. The way you should address a scared, lonely, lost child.
I could make a thousand posts about how much I love this sequence and it still wouldn't be enough.
The only thing I don't like is that in this exchange, you don't get to see Oliver teasing Halsin for crying (and Halsin crying period) like you do when you're the one to persuade Oliver.
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kerubimcrepin · 5 months
Episode 9: The Legendary Unikron
The post where I finally make the naming format of this blog more sane
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This is the same place as the one, where in the episode "Heads for no Tails" it will be revealed that Kerubim obtained the legendary, life-draining Heads for no Tails restraint while pissdrunk. Y'know. The one meant for an Ondine created by Djaul to trick the dragon Aguabrial into creating a Dofus.
Yeah, I will not think too much about the fact that it is flipped. To me, they're The Same Place. I guess he's been drinking here for decades. Kind of cute.
And yeah I guess it means the Ondine named Ondine, from the episode Like a Snapper in the Water is literally just named "Siren the Siren". I guess her mermaid parents weren't very creative. I'll mention this when I liveblog that episode too, but I would feel bad, if I didn't mention this here too.
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We will talk about my feelings on Kerubim leaving the legendary demon-killing life-draining shackles somewhere Joris, in his shelf-climbing corridor-running wisdom, could reach, later.
We'll get there when we get there.
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Glad to know there's a reason Kerubim and Joris live in a bad neighborhood. And that reason is that Kerubim wouldn't be tolerated anywhere else.
Love his scary and off-putting behaviours.
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Okay, rant incoming:
Firstly, this is a customary french drink bowl, to stop any wondering from the non-french aware readers. It's normal for French people to drink coffee, milk, and tea from a bowl, soup-style, in the morning and in the evening. So this part is normal.
Now onto more sillywhacky part of this: What the fuck is Joris doing here, exactly?
As we can see, his Bowl of Liquid is steaming even before he starts pouring the chocolate milk into it. Is he adding chocolate milk to hot milk? Is he adding chocolate milk to cocoa or hot chocolate? (I will fight people who don't differentiate between them, they're two different things, you heathens.)
Is he, mayhaps, adding it... to tea?
We will never know, yet the question is haunting.
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Interestingly, it seems that one of Simone's jobs around the house is polishing swords. Also, her being here so late means that, quite predictably, she is a live-in maid.
(You can see that like, 50% of this blog is me paying to random details that could only be useful in like, extremely faithful fanfiction, and 50% getting whacky with this show's storytelling.)
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I love Simone so, so much. Truly, she is Joris's cooler aunt.
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No comment besides this image.
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Joking. I do have a comment, actually. Imagine me putting on a tinfoil hat here, btw.
I think it's kinda telling that Joris's main fear, the one that re-occurs a multiple times during the show, and always, without fail, makes him break down in tears, is Kerubim dying.
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The facts that are important to keep in mind are: They've been living together alone for Joris's entire life, Joris knows he's adopted, and Kerubim himself is an orphan, which he doesn't really hide.
Which leads to multiple conclusions, which all coexist:
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1. Joris is a kid who's very aware of the mortality of parents/guardians, and that, above everything else, that he is lucky to have a home and a semblance of family. That if Kerubim wasn't there, he may not have had that.
Which is uh... a pretty stressful thing for a kid his age to know, I suppose!
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Especially considering the fact that Kerubim is an old man riddled with back pains, and for 7 years had such a level of post-lou-divorce post-battle-with-julith depression that he could not figure out how to get them into a clean, non-shitty non-hazardous home.
And now that their home IS clean, still can't make it non-hazardous.
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2. Joris and Kerubim are much closer than most parents and children, because they literally have no other relatives, and Kerubim has pushed away most people who would consider him a friend in the past. Only relying on one another isn't the best or healthiest idea, but what choice do they have?
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You can't just show up at home, be like "i would be dead, if it wasn't for you giving me water, my jojo <3" and not expect to inflict some eldritch horror levels of psychic damage onto your son.
Especially considering the fact, that he KNOWS, from your own shitty stories, that when you're gone, and it IS a when, because you're an old man who's constantly complaining about his health, he's going to be fending for himself all alone.
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It's pretty obvious, then, why Joris would put Kerubim on a very high pedestal and, as will be shown later, prioritize the man's feelings over his own. Kerubim is his best friend, his role model, provider, guardian, AND the only one family member he has.
Besides depending on him, Joris knows papycha is a very, very lonely and sad person, — and who is he, not to try and make the life of the one person, who's most important to him, better?
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If Kerubim isn't always happy, both in general and with Joris, then that's the worst thing ever, and if Kerubim isn't amazing, all-capable, and Not Going To Die Within The Next Couple Of Years Due To Being Old As Fuck, then their life is Over.
So Joris has to put in a lot of work.
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This analysis isn't even picking apart the nitty-gritty of Kerubim being an orphan and having abandonment issues, or the way those things make him latch onto Joris the same way Joris latches onto him — as if this child is his Only Hope and Savior, Who Won't Leave Him Like All The Others.
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And how that might lead to him REALLY liking Joris idealizing and putting him on a pedestal, despite the guilt he might feel knowing that that's kind of a... not-good parenting tactic.
...Man this post isn't even a rewatch liveblog anymore, it's just an analysis post, innit? 💀
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vaehbae · 8 months
Peace. Quiet. Calm.
Ezra Bridger could only have dreamed of such things during his time as both an orphan, and during his time in the Rebellion. He may have experienced some of it while isolated on Peridea, but this was something he preferred more.
The view of Lothal's capital city was something that literally came from a dream. He remembered first seeing it vividly alongside the spirits of his late parents during the night he learned of their deaths. However, the dream became a reality.
The galaxy was indeed shaken following Thrawn's return, but over the past few months, the tactical genius was no match for the stubborn will of New Republic military officials, and the famous Heroes of Endor, whom with joined hands of the Heroes of Lothal, turned the tables and put Imperial Remnants to route once again.
Regardless if there was nothing safe or sacred, it was a much deserved moment of relief Ezra wished he had earned earlier. For all the strife, fighting, and death that had to resume over the desire of totalitarian madmen who wanted to reclaim control over the galaxy and restart their ideas of suffering, the best thing he could do was live for all the good people that were lost. And for a very important reason...
He had been entranced by the shining and bustling beauty of the previously envisioned city when Sabine Wren -- his wife joined his side on the balcony. In her arms, the artistically destructive Mandalorian held a still bundle in her arms. Their ninetine month old daughter, Mira Wren-Bridger.
"Everytime I see you come out here, it's like you're always distracted by something that isn't even calling your name." She quipped. Sabine sure knew how to deliver sassy remarks, even after her life changed through marriage and motherhood.
"It's a good sight to go to sleep to." Ezra replied innocently, giving off a small chuckle when he felt his longtime best friend elbow him on the side.
"Well, I don't blame ya. I remember you mentioned seeing this after realizing what happened to your parents."
In the past, Ezra would have felt a tang of pain hit his heart about such a cruel and unfair reminder, no matter the wording, but he knew he was no longer the only one to have lost family after Sabine vented to him about her Clan getting slaughtered on Mandalore.
"It's not just that anymore."
Sabine looked over at him with a questioning gaze at his comment, making sure she still maintained a fair grip on little Mira in her arms, and so that the baby would not be awaken and make a fuss.
"We've made it happen, Sabine. All of us. I know deep down, my mom and dad would've been proud to see this. Right now, however, I just don't think I could ever thank you guys enough for helping to achieve this."
"As a Mandalorian, I don't take even the smallest of promises lightly. And as much as it's exhausting to bring up... you were counting on me at the same time."
That phrase had become very synonymous with Ezra's faith in his longtime best friend, and he already knew that when she brought him home, her promise had been fulfilled. There was truly no better person than Sabine that he could ask to ensure such things were sought through to the end, and he would never have it any other way.
"And you've kept your promise, Sabine. Thank you." He told her, turning his head to meet her gaze as his lips curled up to a warm smile. That smile was shared as they kissed briefly, before finally retiring inside their tower for a good night's rest.
Ezra was still unsure what new challenges awaited him for the future, but with Sabine by his side, he felt more at ease and ready to face them head on.
It felt like I just had ASMR cleanse over my brain cells reading this. It was so nice and welcoming oh my goodness. All the stress of the final episode just washed over me with this beauty!
Thank you for submitting! Genuine, It's the perfect amount of everything but not too overwhelming and so freaking cute!
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bonesandthebees · 2 years
Random thoughts and tiny details time!
Tommy is the one who called the servants for an ice pack in the morning. When Puffy asked if he needed an ice pack last chapter he said no even though he really needs one. So if other people did not take care of the bruises for him, Wilbur would just walk around in pain because he either doesn’t have the energy or is too stubborn to admit that he needs help.
Phil looking at the back eye is a parallel to that time he did it in the library and told Wilbur he always bets what he wants. Both times it is a display of possession. This time it is much softer. Also this time Wilbur isn’t scared even if he isn't particularly comfortable. Not for a lack of Phil’s trying. He is slowly getting more and more touchy.
The fact that if Wilbur lost Tommy, he would always feel like he was dying. Tommy is his lighthouse, his guiding light. If he lost that he wouldn’t know what to do with himself. His only purpose would be trying to get it back, but if that isn’t an option... He would still be alive, but he could never truly live again. Meanwhile, without Niki it feels like some part of him is always missing. Without Niki, he has no one who can help him process his thoughts and emotions. He’s functioning at half capacity which means it costs extra energy to achieve the same outcome. So continuing like half of him isn’t missing is draining his energy and making him so exhausted faster than he would if she was there.
Also, I just realised that Phil postponed the negotiations because he has to catch up on other work, yet he still makes the time to talk to Wilbur every day. Can’t really blame him for wanting to keep an eye on Wilbur’s rapidly deteriorating mental state. He’s going to run that conversation through his head a couple of times trying to figure out what caused Wilbur to storm out and how to avoid it.
Also, I want to compliment you again because this conversation has such a nice balance of Wilbur simultaneously getting better and worse. He’s no longer repressing stuff so he’s dealing with things which could avoid a breakdown, but talking about it also hurts and makes him sad and gets him closer to breaking.
wilbur is literally SO stubborn yes he wasn't gonna ask for an ice pack and tommy knew that, so he just beat him to the punch (ha) and called for one anyway. stubborn dumbass.
YEAHHH IT'S A PARALLEL things are very different now than they were in the library, so it's an interesting contrast to look back on. their dynamic has shifted so much. before it was a threat from phil, now there's care and concern. and like you pointed out, wilbur's not afraid this time.
I wanted to emphasize with that that both tommy and niki are extremely important to wilbur as a character. tommy is his brother, his family, the kid he practically raised. tommy has essentially been his purpose for his entire life, so without him he literally would cease to function. niki is his best friend, and while he could live without her, he also relies on her for just about everything. so yeah, without her he's functioning way worse than he usually would. so yeah that's why i had to leave her behind on zephys iv lol wilbur would not be doing nearly as bad if niki had come along.
if he's not able to see the stubborn prince he's trying to gain the trust of every day through negotiations, of course he's gotta make time for him in other places. he's definitely trying to check in on wilbur's mental state though. it's obvious to anyone with a pair of eyes that wilbur isn't doing well, and while phil wants wilbur to trust him, he doesn't want to break him. now that it's obvious how unstable wilbur is, he's treading much lighter than he was before
ahhh that's so kind of you to say!! I am trying SO hard to balance wilbur's shifting mental states throughout these chapters. i don't want it to feel like nothing's happening, but i want to show that he's gonna keep swinging back and forth. he's really just not doing well overall but it's not a static thing. it's just new issues popping up for him as time goes on
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nian-7 · 6 months
helloou I saw that you accept yandere so I was wondering if I could ask for some hcdns about that for kanata, toma, hajun and iori, that would be all thank youuuu<33
hi!! yes, i can do that! enjoy!
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Kanata, Toma, Hajun, Iori x gn!reader
✧yandere headcanons
✧cw: yandere tendencies (violence, manipulation, etc)
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-Kanata can't hide the fact that he's so overly protective of you to the point he goes as far as threatening people and even getting into fights just because a guy looked at you the wrong way.
-Usually, he doesn't really care if he's showing his more violent side around you because as long as you're safe and you still love him, he doesn't care. You and Nayuta are the only things that matter to him.
-Although, in the dead of night you'll occasionally catch him arriving back home, a little more battered up than usual. Everything he does is to protect you. What would he ever do with himself if he lost you too?
-Kanata will always tell you that he's doing it to protect you but really he just wants to keep you all to himself. In a little space for his eyes only.
-On the other hand, if you seem to be talking to someone who you're getting a little too close with for his liking, he'll take care of it, don't worry!
-He obviously wouldn't lay a hand on any of your family members as he understands how important they are. But friends who seem to be moving in too closely to you? It's fair game to him. Whether it be a threat or a very physical warning, he'll be there to be your shoulder to cry on when yet another one of your friends has ghosted or blocked you.
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-Toma acts the most normal around you. He treats you just as he would with any one of his other friends but in reality he can't help but stalk you and make sure that you're not secretly going out with anyone..
-He doesn't really do much about the person if he does find that you have a secret lover but he might just try to scope them out online or even going as far as to send some nasty comments their way. They're the one whos in the way after all, right?
-Toma isn't really a possessive person in general but he does get that feeling that he hates whenever he sees your secret lover or someone who seems to getting too close to you. He'll create a bunch of new accounts just to go out of his way and say things about you that pain him but, anything to get them away from you.
-When you come crying to him about how your most recent s/o had dumped you, he'll be there to comfort you and tell you how great he thinks you are and how bad of a partner they were to you. It's slow but eventually he'll have your heart all to himself.
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-Hajun could honestly be so blatantly rude to you and still want you. He will be so brutally honest to you whenever you ask him about a new friend you made or a partner you got with and he'll tell you all their red flags he sees because well, you don't need them of course. Only him.
-Although he likely wouldn't go off in a fight with someone, the mental toll they'd take just from running into him would be enough for them to leave you be for a long while.
-It's not very obvious that he's doing this because he loves you and rather that he's just being a protective friend, warning you when you've made friends with a bad person!
-He does have a very clear soft spot for you though, it's very obvious to both Anne and Allen whenever Hajun decides to take you into his room and comfort you after you get upset about another one of your friends leaving you for a reason they won't tell you.
-He's more of a manipulator than anything and won't physically hurt anyone but will manipulate those around you and you if he truly has to so that he can keep you to himself.
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-Iori has many connections and so if he did have to do something he could easily. He tends to be openly possessive over you, intimidating anyone he needs to while he stands behind you.
-Truth is, he'd rather let you handle it but he just can't seem to let it go when someone gets too touchy or flirty with you and he ends up taking care of them once you're safe and sound. He doesn't want to get you wrapped up in such things!
-To you, Iori is just your average protective boyfriend who just wants to keep you safe! Reality is, he'll do anything to keep you safe and keep your heart with him.
-He would rather not go as far as to having to manipulate you into staying with him but he always makes sure to cater to exactly what you want and to make sure you truly just want him over everyone else.
-Similar to Kanata, he wouldn't dare to hurt anyone in your family. He knows how important family is and wouldn't ruin that for you. They're allowed to be as close to you as he is even though he still would like to keep your heart mostly to himself.
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please do not repost any of my work without my permission, thank you for reading.
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savingthrcw · 9 months
under request: Queen Freya - the Evil Ice Queen
wanted interactions: fantasy characters. Important that you read this page before you try interacting because she's NOT a nice healthy character. She will not interact with villains who are hunting children down/harming children, and a hero coming to kill her should also be plotted seeing as the only way to deal with this that isn't one of them dying is her capturing the hero. potentially open to shipping with: male characters. Either villains or heroes who make her genuinely feel loved and important (good luck). She will never fully trust them, though, and will always need to feel safe even if it means being able to keep distance whenever she's insecure, and/or revert to old attitudes for a bit. FC: Emily Blunt, iconless for now.
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trigger warnings: canon child death (see trigger warnings page) because her baby has been canonically killed by her sister Ravenna (who forced the baby's father, the duke of Blackwood, to do it) - obviously since I intend to keep her a villain / anti-hero ready to be swayed in whatever direction your character may push her but who starts as still obsessed with power (so that she can at least protect herself from further hurt) you should also expect toxic/evil behavior if your character is the hero/non-villain type, and possible 'encouraging villainess' if she's around your villain character. And of course we could write her getting her very own 'witch's knight' as in finding someone who will become loyal to her while she does evil things. If it's a cliché I'm probably into it.
Writing should be plotted first, seeing as she's impossibly powerful and not a very friendly character (though if she's interacting with other villains who aren't threatening her, she may be calmer and even supportive of them), and I don't want to godmod nor make anyone uncomfortable with potential hostility.
Ways to interact could be: -she has your muse captive (for company?) -she is temporarily powerless and wounded due to a curse/enchanted object that suppresses her magic, and your muse is helping her/keeping her, whether they know who she really is or not can be decided -a muse becoming loyal to her, whether because she inspired it with her enormous power or she chose them as her one bond to keep so her heart will stop bothering her about missing connections, as long as they obey (the witch's knight type as I mentioned before) -she's visiting your villain muse because a deal can be made / because your muse came in posses of one of her enchanted objects, which were stolen from her palace and spread across the lands while she was in a coma after her 'last battle'
What are the canon divergences/where is she? Who is she again? below the cut!
First of all, canon divergences: she didn't die at the end of the Huntsman story, and was changed by the events at the end of the movie. She was in a coma and when awake she fled. Everything she had worked on was lost, and many of her belongings have disappeared and she wants them back. 'Love' was not weakness (though 'trust' might be) as proved by Eric and Sara (the latter feeling truly like an adopted child to Freya). It's just something Freya doesn't trust, but that she also misses now that she remembered what it feels like.
She's still the Ice Queen and a tyrant; she conquered another kingdom far away and anyone who breaks any rule is killed immediately. She doesn't order people not to love, but anything that reminds her of her pains, like seeing a betrayal of any kind or deciding a family isn't being 'good family enough', leads to death, and her opinion is the only one that counts. Disobeying her leads to death. Complaining leads to death. Also she still wants power: MORE than she has had, so that no one can hurt her. But is fighting with the fact that her heart has awoken and makes her want to care and to be cared for, which at the same time feels weak and terrifying. There is no real balance so it's probably your character that will push her in one direction or the other. This makes complicated to interact with her; she will not accept to be abused, obviously, despite the fact that she'd hurt the people she captures. Keep in mind that:
-She'd try to keep distance from people but it grows difficult if she finds like-minded villains who have the ability to care for her OR heroes who keep trying to make her care again (instead of trying to kill her) -she'd held people captive for company -if she sees you harm children you are dead (see the evil queen from ouat who sent them to die eaten by the Hansel and Gretel Witch)
[if you don't know the movie: Freya is the sister of the Evil Queen Ravenna, and is led to believe her lover has killed their baby because already meant for another woman, setting the room on fire; she becomes the Ice Queen because her tremendous pain unleashes her powers, she seizes a kingdom and makes it a 'sin' to love, starts taking other people's children to teach them how to live without love and face war so that they won't be as hurt as she was (but she calls them 'my children' later on, so it's obvious she's also subconsciously filling the void left by her baby girl), learns that it was all her sister's doing, helped the heroes kill her sister, watched them triumph and be happy and in love, remembered some of her empathy and apparently retrieved some of her iced heart and "died".]
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angievores · 2 years
PETE and TRAUMA(a little bit about pete mentality)
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here seeing this reaction of pete many people are assuming that he likes violence and is dark and twisted like Vegas. But there is more to it. Both Vegas and pete uses smiles as facade but Vegas hides his weakness, slyness and pain while pete hides his trauma(I'll get to it later). Now why pete didn't even flinched because
1)he has either seen Or suffered something more horrible than this. Either this scene was very familiar to him or nothing as compared to what he has gone through.
2)he is mentally very strong because of something happened in his past
3)he is intrigued and this reaction is related to masochism as many people are saying ( I don't have in depth idea of bdsm so I'll talk more about his probable emotional relationship with Vegas)
There's a dialogue as "Dont scare someone to the point that he would even forget how to be scared anymore" seems to describe pete's mentality. He seems to me a very broken character who hides his pain behind his smile.At the same time a mentally very strong person who decided to pick up his pieces and survive.
Now let's talk about how probably he came into this line of work. According to kim bodyguards are either specifically qualified (ex soldier or mercenary) or raised by korn. But pete doesn't seem to be very qualified (his vibe is different from big, ken, arm, pol and match more second family bodyguards). And he isn't raised by korn.In fact it seems he has a pretty normal childhood away from any mafia background with a clear sense of right or wrong like in black and white, where he played with his friends (as indicate in his dialogue of fighting with friends to play superhero after watching movies). For a moment let's talk about his expression in this scene
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he seems to reminiscing happiness he has while playing with his friends. Those were very normal days of his life and last time he was truly happy without any burdens
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he seems to be mocking himself (that he fought to play hero, to strive for justice, rights and helping others ) for being so naive
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this time he seems sad and reminiscing the incident that changed his world
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here he shows resentment and anger towards this world which denied him justice or wronged him which forced him to come to this conclusion
I think he has been taken by korn in more or less in the same way as porsche. In fact either kinn Or most probably korn has saved him from some hell like situation or did a life saving favour on him. That's why he vows absolute loyalty to them. He was a very good person but when was wronged and denied justice, korn was the only person who helped him. Now paying him back seems the most right, even if it means doing others wrong. He seems to me one of the most trusted person and second in command after chan(in ep 7 he can order big to stop and is obviously above arm who has access to weapons and phone). He is still a good person and won't hurt anyone otherwise but doing anything in favor of main family is his priority. He takes work very seriously and cares about discipline and rules but otherwise is a clumsy person.
But when you look at his eyes and smile when porsche complains to him about the lifestyle there, it says this is not something of major concern for him because whatever the situation is,it is much more times better than what he was into and that there are other important things to be dealt with.
His smile express him like when people complain to him about bruises when he has stab wounds. (2nd pic) .He has dealt with harsh reality very early in youth. Also about the endearing smile he give to porsche mostly shows maybe porsche reminds him of his past self. (He has many different kinds of smiles that I can do a whole meta on them)
Now the question is what could be that incident or trauma? Did he witness his parents murder or something? Was he kidnapped by a serial killer before?I watched if the show gave us any hints about it. Here are the incindences when Pete is alerted
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sudden intimacy (look at his hands trying to cover himself) , he suddenly found porsche very close to him. Porsche and his reaction is complete opposite.
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Sudden touch by stranger (he didn't see it coming) and Vegas is very unfamiliar to him
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sudden appearance (very close) ,sudden touch and condom(his soul left his body in the whole interaction here) ( he didn't expected anything of that sort happening) but he was comfortable with pretending to make out with pol which he himself initiated. Plus his and pol reaction to condom was very different. Pol even asked him why he screamed so loudly.
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I don't know what was that bodyguards deal but he did made pete very uncomfortable (on a sidenote look at arm getting foodgasm , he must be saidraised by korn so never served unhealthy food)
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Here too Vegas appears suddenly and stands closer and proposes to take him to his room and comes very close. pete isn't comfortable with Vegas coming into his personal space at all and touching him. He really wanted to break off here. His body language is very tensed.
also when kinn and Porsche caught him half naked in his room (but that was pretty normal reaction in fact most of the above ones too in some way)
I don't know what to make of these incidences. One thing is clear he has very strong sense of personal space and don't like anyone to come very close to him. He doesn't like any unfamiliar touches and gazes and the ones that aren't initiated by him
Maybe he is scared of Vegas but he was pretty comfortable in doing missions with him in ep 7. Even questioned him about his plan about torturing casino guy, was alone with him while escorting drug dealer to don and pretty comfortable. In ep 5 when he comes for Porsche that time too he didn't showed any discomfort
Maybe because Vegas caught him spying so nervous laugh then what about main family dining table scene
Some people say he is affected by Vegas sex appeal (maybe true or maybe not)
All these scenes have one thing in common ,unfamiliar physical touches and gazes.Is his trauma related to physical touch or torcher? I don't know.This must be an overanalysation
I take it as he is just sexually closed off. And he doesn't like any sort of unwanted physical intimacy or sudden touches especially from Vegas who comes off very quietly and pries into his personal space very much even when they have no significant interactions. When Vegas captures him I think he would prefer to be tortured to death than any, even little bit sexual touch from him or maybe he'll surprise us by another side.
Maybe all of it just means he hides an another actual side of him and doesn't want anyone to know but Vegas keeps on coming quietly and catch him off guard so he always fails in front of him and gives off fake smile. Vegas will uncover something that no one has idea of, not even audience and that seems something painful to me.
But he does have a very sad, heart wrenching backstory. His eyes says it all.The show will tell us later . Something that will make Vegas feel that his problems are not all, even pete has same darkness but still carries light with him, and is still able to keep his original self alive.
I also wanna talk little bit about his reaction when drug dealer was in jail and he refused to help. Pete seemed somewhat angry there. I think it was just him taking work seriously. Or does he have something against drug dealers. I don't know but he does have no sense of right or wrong when it comes to deal with main family business.we still have more to uncover from this character. But I still believe outside of work he is good.
It got so long , I have to study but I can't get them out of my head. Please suggest if you have another opinions.
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ralsei-appreciation · 2 years
I miss you! -Ralsei
Ralsei prepares for Kris and Susie's return to the darkworld between the chapters of 1 and 2.
Darkners can last forever! Didn't you know that? Once solidified in the mind of Lightner, they can never truly dissappear. If you want to see them again, simply find a similar version of their light world counterpart and they'll live as long as you!
Ralsei finishes writing that in the new manual. He gently blows on the ink in an attempt to dry it faster so he doesn't smudge it while adding the stickers and glitter. Plus its always been a pain to get out of fur. But it didn't really matter. No amount of ink stains or glitter in his clothes would stop him. This manual was for his friends after all! Kris and Susie. The bringers of hope and light. The saviors of the dark world.
Ralsei smiles, adding a doodle of himself at the top of the page. He's getting better! Surely they'll be impressed. He wonders when they'll come back. It can't be too long, right? Ralsei looks at the clock. Oh right, they only went back a few minutes ago. Its fine. They had a long day anyway. Sealing a dark fountain takes alot of work after all! Plus they have family and friends in the light world. Its fine.
Ralsei realizes he's overthinking again. Its ok to be worried but this is just too much! Even if Kris and Susie are pretty much his only friends. No no, that's not true! What about Lancer! And, er, Seam? Oh dear. The two aren't even here! Ralsei will have to tell Kris to go get them when they get back. How long is that again?
Ralsei looks at the clock. Its only been a few minutes. Gezze time sure dose move slow. Much slower than when he was waiting for Kris and Susie to show up in the first place! It felt like years... Probably because it was. Lonely lonely years...
Ralsei grabs a crayon to color in his scarf when he suddenly remembers something important, nearly causing the poor guy to break the crayon in two. How could he have possibly forget?! If the others are to join him in the castle, he needs to prepare the place. But more importantly, the outskirts!
Ralsei blows some glitter off the manual page before shutting it and quickly standing up. The manual could wait, he had to take care of this before he forgets. Those wobbly things and the puzzle and... there are no railings! How did he forget that?! He was supposed to put those things in ages ago! What if Kris or Susie had gotten hurt when they first arrived here? Luckily they didn't but still!
Ralsei grabs his supplies and rushes out of the castle in a bit of a panic. It may not be a matter that need to be attended too immediately but it still worried the lad. He had so much to do! So much planned! But safety most certainly comes first. Ralsei couldn't forgive himself if his friends got hurt due to his negligence. He should have safety proofed that place ages ago.
Ralsei gets to the steep cliff. It scales so high up, you can't even see the top from here. Ralsei frowns. Lancer managed to get up there, right? That couldn't have been safe. He should probably set the entrance point to the dark world into the castle town as well while he's up there.
Ralsei makes his way up. Darkner magic is a wonder you know. There's a few stray spade attacks Ralsei picked up along the way. It definitely hurts but its better than someone tripping on one. Besides, thats what healing magic is for!
Ralsei sets his building supplies down so he can clean up faster. He dose heal himself before hand, of course. He can't exactly heal himself if he's down. Ralsei begins picking up more spades and placing them in the hazard bucket to be disposed of later. They kinda sting, like getting a paper cut and getting shocked at the same time. Ralsei wishes he'd brought gloves or something but it'd be a pain to go all the way back down now. Besides, these don't do much without Lancer around.
Ralsei gets to another spade. Gezze, this one is kinda stuck isn't it? Ralsei pulls and pulls. The initial sting and shock are gone. It feels more like the buzz of magic flowing into his paws now. Going up his arms and making his fur frizz. Its getting loose now, just a little- POP!
The spade is freed from the ground. It goes up into the air, sending Ralsei stumbling backwards due to the sudden lack of resistance. The force and momentum soon causing him to fall...
Directly over the edge and into the void.
Ralsei didn't seem to comprehend this at first. One moment, there was ground and now theres... A point of light in front of him, growing further and further away from his reach. He reaches a paw out too it. As if the light... something.. someone, anyone would grab it and keep him from plummeting over the edge and into the deep dark abyss.
In those moments, everything was silent. But the reality of the situation pulled him back, practically tugging at his soul and causing him to snap back to reality. It was loud as air rushed passed and his ears flopped around. It became darker yet darker. Not in a gradient but in waves. Each layer feeling like a punch to the soul as he fell faster and faster.
Soon it was darker than darkness. The kind you see when you close your eyes. The kind in blank dreams... No, this wasn't darkness, it was nothingness. Void. The absence of existence. The only way Ralsei even knew he was falling was because he could feel it. It started to hurt. It felt like hours but it was probably only minutes. But in meer minutes, the force of wich he fell weighed so greatly on his body that it began to grow almost painful. Almost...until...
Ralsei hit the floor with a sickening crunch. He'd been going so fast that he practically bounced when hitting the ground, causing him to now land face down. It didn't really hurt. Not at first. Ralsei was still in shock. His whole body was still in shock. He couldn't move. He felt nothing and couldn't move. He couldn't breathe or blink or anything. Ralsei thinks he's going to pass out. He can't really tell...
As his eyes drooped closed, and his hazy mind blurred his thoughts, he gets jolted back to reality by excruciating pain. It made him more alert than ever. His heart raced, becoming so loud it challenged the muffled ringing in his ears. Or just ear... the other one was almost silent aside from the pain. Was pain even a sound? It sure felt like it.
Everything was agony. It felt like all his bones were broken... Did darkners even have bones? Did they have blood? In the light world, no, but this was the dark world. Was Ralsei even a darkner? What was he? Where was he? Ralsei felt like he was choking. He tried to cough up whatever was in his throat but just breathing made everything hurt. It was a burning hot pain. Like being boiled alive from within his own fur... His insides a soup of disgusting organs and bone, now broken beyond repair.
Why did he even have organs and bones? Darkners don't need them... was it to be closer to his friends? Was it to be closer to Kris? To try to feel how they feel? Humans had organs, but why? They just hurt... it all hurts so much. If this were a battle, Ralsei wouldn't have to be awake for such agony but this wasn't a battle. Not the kind he's use too. There's no mercy in this battle. No way to run or escape.
He couldn't even move. He couldn't even heal... He couldn't grab the dark candy in his pocket due to his paws being mangled beyond repair. He hadn't noticed that until now. They burn... and look God awful too. Bones bent every wich way, only keeping some semblance of form due to not being able to break through his fur and skin. Just useless sacks of mess...
With every tiny movement. Every second, every thought, the pain becomes more and more unbearable. Past the point of unconsciousness. So much so that Ralsei couldn't sleep if he tried. He can't call out for help. He can't even see the light. There's nothing... In all directions. Even the ground itself feels like a transparent sheet of glass, allowing Ralsei to peer further into the void.
It feels like an eternity. There's no way to gage time here. Ralsei can't even focus on counting. It feels like his senses are mushing together. He can see the smell of blood. He can taste his pain and agony. He can hear the disgusting metallic taste in his mouth... It can't be real... nothing feels real. This is just a bad dream. An overreaction to his worries. He'll wake up soon. Then he'll definitely safety proof the clifs. Soon...
Who knows how long its been. Its cold. His blood never dries. What did he do to deserve this? Was he not good enough? Did fate no longer deem him worthy of guiding the lightners? Who would replace him? God... he's never been replaced before. Would he be the same? Probably not after this. He'll definitely do better next time.
He will. He'll do better. Way better! He'll be the best prince ever. Just...give him a chance. Ralsei will do anything. He'll change his ways, forgo his form. Completely change himself just for the prophecy. He just wants to see his friends again. He just wants to get out of here... He wants to feel his legs...
Its getting colder... why is it so cold? His body feels like its falling again but nothing is happening. He isn't moving. He wants to move... He wants to do something, anything! He can't even hum.. Mot a sound can escape him. Not that the void cares... Not that he could hear it anyway. It feels like his ears are crying...
It feels like years. Maybe its only been minutes. Being surrounded by what Ralsei can only now call 'oblivion' is enough to drive one mad. But it doesn't feel like he's alone at least... The oblivion has a... warmth too it. Or maybe thats just blood in his eyes...
Time is irrelevant. Ralsei's entire body feels in sync with...a rhythm? A heart beat? He can't tell. It feels like something is pulsating with him. It's growing more and more intense as time goes on. Its starting to feel... separate from him. As if a form unknown to him is writhing under his skin. Amongst crushed bones and mushed organs.
Its almost...peaceful...Ralsei is able to close his eyes now. Though, it doesn't look any different than when they're open. Everything is silent...
Darkners can last forever. Didn't you know that? Once solidified in the mind of Lightner, they can never truly dissappear. If you want to see them again, simply find a similar version of their light world counterpart and they'll live as long as you. They'll never be the same though. Its never actually the same one. But you don't need to know that. And you don't need to know where the broken ones go.
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aquanology · 3 years
Yo so I've reached 50 followers a long while ago and I wanted to do something big but I hesitated and didn't know what to do...I thought a lot about it and it's here. The long awaited She li analysis, I was waiting for the new chapter so I can make this. Anyways I hope you enjoy it (or maybe not?)
So from far away people wo see She li as a Bully Mo and when they learn that his family posses good amounts of money, everyone would see him as a rich brat and I wouldn't blame them, Though that's not all there's to it. it's much deeper and yes I have 5000 IQ how did you know?
Now his childhood wasn't that great looking at how he was surrounded by maids and not his parents most of the time, mostly because they were busy working and when they weren't busy doing work they would be busy arguing about things that little She li didn't know much about.
It was pretty lonely even if people would surround him be it the maids, the other adults or even other kids he wasn't getting the attention of his parents. He might've thought that he wasn't important enough for his parents to spare a moment or two to spend time with him or atleast for his parents to look at his way. He hated their noisy fights and so, like any kid who didn't want to listen to his parent's loud arguments!that might've seemed like a broken record for him at the time, he would go outside to distracte himself. I don't know how many times he had to do this to ignore the pain that his parent's loud fighting has been causing to him, and I don't know how long he spent his time doing that (probably as long as the fighting continued) but I'm pretty sure that what we saw from She Li's flashback wasn't his first time doing so. And I'm sure he was trying to inflict physical pain so he can forgot the mental pain. At that point little She Li might've felt a bit...empty because no one really seemed to genuinely care for him or spend time with him and he didn't seem to have a special relationship with anyone either, he might've felt like he wasn't a human because of all of that.... he might've been sad and angry that he can't experience love and affection perhaps he thought that it's his fault for feeling down all the time, when in reality it was his parents fault for not using the spare time they have for providing She Li with affection and quality time instead of arguing most of the time. I'm sure he felt less of person because he didn't get what he really needed as a kid. But little did She Li know that he will feel less of human the next time his parents argue loudly.
That had started with the routine of his parents fighting and She Li looking for something to distract himself with, he ended up digging for worms and I suspect that he did that for a long while that day in which might've explain the bleeding. Later on he got diagnosed with Guillain-Barre' (Ghee-Yan Bah-Yan) syndrome this syndrome is a autoimmune type, in which a persons own immune system damages the nerves causing muscle weakness or paralysis, it can cause symptoms that last from few weeks to several years however most people recover fully while some have permanent nerve damage.
His thoughts were seemingly messy I wouldn't blame him if he still thought that his parents didn't care about him, I mean it was kind of their fault for not asking about what he does when playing outside or with whom, or for the least bit leaving a maid or two to check on him from time to time. But it was that day when he met a certain person in that hospital.
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It was Mo Guan Shan that he saw at the hospital. A kid who was capable of feeling pain both physical and mental, not only that but he has a caring mother who seemed to care about her kid. At that moment She Li must've felt envious, a kid whom he didn't know had everything that She li didn't, he had the ability to feel pain and suffer and on top of that he had someone who cared about him who loved him and gave him attention when he needed it the most.
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Perhaps She Li thinks that if Mo Guan Shan would become a happier and a healthier person then he would be superior to She Li, because then he would have something that is far away from She Li's reach and capability.
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That's why he keeps on hurting Mo over and over again whenever Mo is feeling better or even worse. Maybe She li feels superior or on the same level as Mo when he stops him from feeling truly happy and at peace with his loved ones. As if only then the gap will become bigger than it was before. Because She Li thinks that he won't be able to be the same as Mo is, I mean he might get his syndrome treated and he might be able to feel the pain (both physical and mental) but She Li isn't sure of he can actually be truly loved or if he will be capable of loving and making someone as happy. And that is why he says things like this:
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Of course it's not only to make Mo feel bad (cuz like no would want to be told that they are the same as She Li is) but to also make himself feel like they are the same (be it on the same level or the same type of people) when they are not.
I do think that She Li admires Mo for how human he is and he doesn't want him to be anymore of a human he wants Mo to be the same as him, someone who can't have anyone care about him, someone who might numb out and stop being a human for their own desires and someone who can be as hurt and heartless as She Li is regarding that he is hurt inside. I also think that She Li and He tian are similar I mean both of them were not met with love and affection from their family except He Cheng tried to rub the illusion of their fathers love on He tian, though it didn't work quite well. A relationship where you have to sacrifice everything to receive approval isn't and wouldn't be ideal from He tain's perspective, as well as She Li never talk about how he felt (he most likely didn't) the pain that he got from his parents inability to raise him properly like other parents do (by loving him and spending some time with him). However I'm not blaming everything on his parents they had their reasons yet that doesn't mean that it's justified to argue outloud most of the time and pay less attention for your kid than you with your job and arguments. Also I want to make that this post isn't here to justify She Li's bad actions against other people but to just look at him as something other than a snake, to look at him as a human and to hold accountable are both as important as the other is, and I don't want She Li to just have his actions bite him back but to also learn how bad his actions are. I want him to know very well that he hurt others and I want him to feel guilty and I want him to change, remember staying ignorant can not only hurt him but everyone else but learning where he made mistakes and holding himself accountable can help everyone not only the people hurt by him, us too will highly benefit.
Hey so this is me- the present me since I don't do this all in one day (cuz I'm a lazy person) so I hope ypu enjoyed this analysis and I hope I made it clear enough that this isn't for justifieing She Li's actions but an attempt to try and understand him. Also I'm sorry cuz I made a post a long while ago about She li and I though he had a different illness than the one in the manhua and I linked a website for that illness, however I deleted the post and I apologize for the big mistake...
This is the link for She Li's actual syndrome if you want to know more about it.
Anyways this was my "Why is She Li a bitch" post- wait, shit this the wrong script...welp can't change it now I guess. Again thank you for 50+ followers stay healthy and don't be a bitch like She Li.
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vodkassassin · 4 years
My dude, my gal, or maybe nonbinary pal (just to be sure, don't know your pronouns) you gave me the light, you have opened my eyes. All this ships I didn't know I needed and now can't get enough of. Your writing is a DELIGHT. For a prompt, how do SQH's disciples see him? What about the demons under MBJ? That one shot of LQG getting jealous of MBJ in which the underling backs away slowly means this isn't the first time that has happened right?
Thank you so much! It really makes me happy to hear that people enjoy reading my stuff. It’s half of what makes writing it so enjoyable for me. Another part I enjoy is how I seem to be dragging all you poor fools down with me into my shipping abyss of rare pairs. God bless.
I went with the demon perspective! Might do a disciple perspective next time? Idk. @quiensecomioelpie
As an agent of the Northern kingdom, Mao Liang is required to attend strategy meetings whenever they are present within the palace. Regardless of whether they had just returned from a long, grueling mission in the field only the day before, or not.
Luckily, there’s never that much attention brought to them, and Mao Liang is never expected to share their opinion or thoughts during the meeting, only directly to his majesty and the advisor afterwards. A relief, because if Mao Liang had to speak to the dozens of generals and high ranking soldiers and fellow agents that stand around the colossal, war room table alongside them… Well, that’s a crowd, isn’t it? If Mao Liang was forced to publicly speak, they might actually die.
Someone who doesn’t seem to ever have a problem with addressing a crowd of demons, though — be they gruff soldiers or generals or a glowering, looming king — is someone that is worth admiring.
Lord Shang pulls his furs around his shoulders more tightly, attention directed almost entirely on the maps sprawled out over the table they’ve all gathered around today. His head tilts toward the side just slightly, like a predator whose eyes have zeroed in on his prey, and Mao Liang has to fight the urge to shiver at the sight.
The odd twitches that they see in their fellow demons tells them that they, too, experience the same unease, so at least they’re not alone in this.
It was an odd thing, at first, to fear a human — much less a cultivator. In the beginning, as Lord Shang was just ascending into his climb for power in the Northern Kingdom, it had been something Mao Liang had been almost offended by. Just as any demon in their right mind would be, faced with such a slight, twitchy little thing, whose eyes rove to and fro as if they are a frightened animal. It screams of weakness, to any demon eyes.
Any demon that doesn’t already know better, at least.
Within the decade, however, it became clear that this feeling did, indeed, have its place in Mao Liang’s heart. That they were not experiencing a falsity. That Lord Shang, despite his diminutive appearance, is deserving of this respect, and not just because his majesty is so fond of him.
Not only is the cultivator powerful — Mao Liang still shudders in remembrance, whenever there is a storm in the sky strong enough to birth lightning — but he is conniving. He is intelligent to a terrifying degree. He is scarily efficient, productive, and reliable.
When Lord Shang says something will be done, it is done.
When Lord Shang says changes need to be made, they are made, no matter how many voices make their dissent known (nor how many idiots have, over the years, attempted something much more underhanded — they all fail, each and every one of them, and eventually the attempts were fewer and fewer, before just completely grinding to a halt).
If Lord Shang decides you are not fit for a position….
Well. In the beginning, he’d have just taken care of it himself. Through varying means, all of them increasingly terrifying, according to the rumors Mao Liang has heard over the years. Now, though…
Now, if Lord Shang decides someone has to go, the king himself is ever so obliging to make sure that it happens, often post haste.
So much power in the palm of a single person, even if he is an immortal master — it’s awe-inspiring.
So, Lord Shang indeed deserves the respect he commands from the heart of every Northern demon, and even those beyond their borders. However long it had taken them all to realize (and then accept), the state of the kingdom in recent years has been thriving more than it ever has in the past. Things haven’t been this good since perhaps the early golden age of the current Mobei Jun’s great and mighty ancestors. And they all know exactly who to credit that for.
Mao Liang startles, gaze snapping down to the map and zeroing in on where Lord Shang’s dainty (and deceptively powerful, mustn’t forget that) finger is tapping on an outlined enemy outpost.
“Eliminate them, first.” Lord Shang says.
“Ah — my lord?” One of the generals hedges awkwardly, tone coming out rather flat in his attempt not to offend — as it happens with most demons, their accents when speaking the common language does not leave a lot of room for niceties and polite speech. It’s caused a lot of scares with Lord Shang, where the demons under his attention are never certain if they’re about to get banished from the kingdom or executed by the king (which would be a mercy, certainly).
Mao Liang winces, covering it up by clenching their jaw tightly and eyeing the general who spoke from the corner of his eye, as Lord Shang turns his attention directly upon him.
The general is standing ramrod straight, shoulders stiff and brow pinched, when the advisor’s aquamarine gaze cuts to him. The demal shouldn’t have spoken up at all.
“What is it?” Lord Shang asks, pleasantly. Mao Liang feels a shiver wrack their spine.
Lord Shang is always pleasant, right up until he isn’t. It’s when he isn’t, that one has to watch out for oneself. But it’s ever so difficult to know when that caution is required, because Lord Shang is unpredictable, in a sense.
It takes a lot to truly and irreparably offend the honorable advisor. The last one who had…
They’re still scraping the poor guy’s innards off the wall of that conference hall, Mao Liang is pretty sure.
“That outpost…” the General begins, haltingly. He eyes the peak lord hesitantly, searching the neutral mask for any sign of displeasure, before continuing. “It’s not very important in the grand scheme of things, my lord. The enemy does not particularly value it. To expend our forces on its destruction would, I believe, be a waste of our resources at this time.”
There. Succinct and to the point. Mao Liang cranes their head around to peer at the advisor, who stands at the head of the table.
In the shadow of his majesty’s great bulk and dark glower (which is currently directed at the silently sweating General, poor demal), Lord Shang looks so much smaller than he actually is. Almost breakable. Non-threatening.
Mao Liang has never heard a more hilarious joke in their life. Non-threatening, their ass.
“You would think so, wouldn’t you?” And oh, there is cheer injected into the advisor’s voice, now. Mao Liang watches in fascination as the general visibly cringes. “Ah, but that’s where you’d be wrong, General Peng! You see, this particular outpost actually is rather important, especially to our enemy. They’d just like for us to think that it isn’t. The larger outpost, here?”
Lord Shang sweeps his hand across the map to the larger outline that’s much closer to the Northern borders.
“That seems more of a threat to us, just like you pointed out earlier. And I agree, it does seem that way — however, this larger outpost is only a decoy. A red herring, if you will. It’s larger and more heavily manned specifically to distract us from this smaller outpost over here.”
General Peng flinches minutely, having his own contribution to the meeting so effortlessly and nonchalantly thrown back into his face as only an incorrect assumption rather than a logical deduction. He doesn’t speak, though, even to ask the advisor where he’d gotten such information from.
No one ever asks Lord Shang how he knows something. Everyone knows that if Lord Shang knows something, then he just knows it, and you are to trust it, because he is never, ever wrong.
It is frightening enough, having the advisor of the king know your name, personally, without you ever having introduced yourself to him. Small, meaningless facts about you, the names of your family, where your clan ancestral ritual grounds are (something that no demon tells anyone outside their own clan, upon pain of death. And having that just thrown out there in casual conversation? Terrifying.). What you had been doing, while undercover, just the week before….
Mao Liang’s first meeting with the Peak Lord Shang had been memorable, to say the least. They had come out of it with a very, very healthy fear and respect for the man, of course. Ask any demon in the Eternal Winter Palace — hell, any demon in the damn kingdom itself — and they would tell you the same.
“It’s this outpost we have to worry about.” Lord Shang is saying, tapping once again on the smaller outline. “It’s the center of their operations. Everything that actually matters is hidden underneath it. It is absolutely crucial that those of you in the field ensure that it will no longer be a problem. You should take, I’d say, around three platoons.”
Mao Liang glances down at the outline. The outpost is tiny, nestled into the belly of a valley. Just looking at it, they would guess there are only perhaps a thousand demons in total guarding the place. Sending in six thousand soldiers to take it out is a bit of overkill.
But, then again, if the real operations are all happening underground, concealed….
General Peng’s lips thin into a pale line. Then, the demal nods in acceptance. “If Lord Shang says so.”
“I do,” Lord Shang says, quietly, not even lifting his gaze back up from the map, staring down at where his own finger is pressed to the outpost.
General Peng’s entire face goes pale.
Before anything else can happen, like Lord Shang going completely silent and unhelpful (It’s happened in the past, Lord Shang deciding that they no longer required his advice, if they were so certain of their own (always subpar) intelligence on the matter. His majesty’s ire, in response, had been absolutely brutal on everyone even peripherally involved. Mao Liang had been lucky enough to not have been in attendance at that particular meeting, but they’d heard stories.)— before anything like that could happen, the king himself decided that enough is enough.
Mobei Jun shoves off the table and sends them all a sharp glare.
“Well,” his majesty says, powerful voice expanding into the air and filling the cavernous war room like it was something material. “You have your orders. What else do you want? Get out.”
As they all scramble to their feet and head for the door, Mao Liang is at the forefront. They hate tactical meetings. They’d rather be on the field. Or in their quarters, sleeping. Or in their quarters, reading. Anywhere that other people are not. This meeting has already drained their meager energy levels to almost nothing. It’s nap time. It’s nap time.
“Mao Liang,” Mobei Jun’s voice calls, and they fall to an abrupt stop just before the doors. “Stay behind.”
Demons, generals and soldiers and even fellow agents, stream past them, and they quietly despair. Fuck! They’d been so close!
They turn, and step back to the table. They execute a bow, working to keep any expression off their face entirely — especially when Lord Shang smiles at them. Oh, ancestors.
“There’s a mission that requires the best counter-intelligence agent that we have,” Lord Shang begins, as flattering as ever, and Mao Liang knows immediately that they’re in for a lot of work. Dammit. “Here, follow me. There’s no reason to do this in such a drafty, echoing hall. I’ll debrief you on the way to the kitchens.”
Ah! Mao Liang hasn’t eaten since yesterday! And from the glimmer in Lord Shang’s eye as the man smiles, he knows it too.
Another thing about Lord Shang, that Mao Liang particularly admires, is how the man cares, despite everything else. If you ever work directly underneath Lord Shang, you can always be absolutely certain that he will look out for you.
In the Northern Kingdom, there is no place safer.
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indigobackfire · 3 years
HPHM MC Profile ✧
Indigo Silverwood
“ Getting near you is like stretching my hand into an open flame. I know I’ll burn myself, yet I crave the heat. ”
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Nicknames: Indie. Didi (only by family). Silverwood. Silvie (by people who don't bother learning her name).
Gender: Female.
Birthday: 6th of March, 1973.
Born: Edinburgh, Scotland.
Mother: Clarin (née Tramer) Silverwood - Half-blood, Ravenclaw, English.
Father: Palmer Silverwood - Pureblood, Slytherin, Scottish.
Siblings: Jacob Silverwood (b. 1968), Phoenix Nobleworth Silverwood (b. 1973) - Phoenix was adopted after the death of his parents when he was just a couple of months old.
Ethnicity: Scottish, English, (probably with some Spanish roots).
Sexuality: Straight.
Blood Status: Half-blood (by her muggle grandmother on her mother's side).
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor.
Eyes: Naturally yellow/golden/amber (nobody knows why, since their parent’s eyes are brown) but both hers and Jacob's eyes are like this). She wears glasses for her Astigmatism.
Hair: Naturally dark brown, but she asked her mother to turn it red when she turned 8 and doesn't plan on undoing it any soon.
• She’s average tall and reasonably strong build, honey-brown skin littered with scars from venturing with the vaults and being freaking attacked by dark wizards, big hands and feet due to her height. A large chest that grows at once in her 4th year (”Everybody's starring, Rowan!”).
• She keeps her nails short. Her makeup is often down to just some lipstick (mascara smudges her glasses, eye shadow irritates her eyes), her hair is often long wavy and fluffed for extra volume. She often smells like coconut oil from all the creams her mother insisted she used.
• She looks a lot like her father which gives her a rather rough look - like a handsome but wild animal - yet has enough of her mother’s attributes to be considered attractive and poise if well-groomed.
Magical Aspects
1st Wand: Red Oak wood with Dragon Heartstring core, 12″, pliable. "The true match for a red oak wand is possessed of unusually fast reactions, making it a perfect dueling wand. Its ideal master is light of touch, quick-witted and adaptable, often the creator of distinctive spells, and a good person to have beside in a fight." Indigo had good times with her red oak wand but as the years went by, her emotions start affecting the wand's efficiency. The wand would bleed a glowing red light in moments of extreme physical or emotional pain and become extremely unstable.
2nd Wand: Beechwood with Thestral hair core, 13", rigid flexibility. "The true match for a beech wand will be, if young, wise beyond their years, and if full-grown, rich in understanding and experience. Beech wands perform very weakly for the narrow-minded and intolerant. When properly matched, the beech wand is capable of a subtlety and artistry rarely seen in any other wood, hence its lustrous reputation." Indigo has a hard time adapting to her new wand, it's stubborn to her spells and acts upon its own will especially considering its unusual and unstable core, Thestral hair, which is of unknown habilities, except for its use in the mythical, Elder wand. Her wand is one of a kind which is why she has to adapt her abilities to match the wand's requirements. Despite all, it's a remarkable instrument for undoing curses/spells and detecting danger.
Animagus: Somali cat. She's already certain she wants to be a cat animagus - harmless, of easy blend, and enables an approach to humans -, but decides for the Somali breed, during the process, for its sumptuous golden fur and agility.
Patronus: Kangaroo, for its fighting spirit and family values, not to mention its strength. (In-game it's the Abraxan, but only because I thought it would be cool.)
Patronus memory: (During the first times) Her first Quidditch match, not just because they won but because everyone she loves from Hogwarts was there, and she got to cheer their victory together. (Later years) Her family gathering for hot cocoa during a rainy night with Jacob with them.
Abilities: Legilimency, and great emotional influence over magic (Don't get her frightened or angry or she will blow you up).
Boggart:  Her boggart changes constantly - she can't decide if it's either because she overcame the old fears, or if the new ones toppled those, creating a pile of fears. And since the new DADA teacher is always teaching Riddikulus again and again, the famous curse-breaker is always the most awaited in the line.
Jacob, eyes dark and musty, clothes covered in blood, someone's blood. He walks to her and slowly raises his sleeve, the Death mark is craved deep in his flesh and it glows. Behind him, it rises the Dark Lord.
Riddikulus: He turns into a younger version of himself from a photograph she recalls laughing about with her mom (he's running wearing a loaded diaper, crazy hair, rosy cheeks).
For a while is someone in a cloak threatening to cast the killing curse over her friends, whispering each of their names like a snake but she's frozen unable to stop them.
Riddikulus: The cloak falls to reveal a bunch of gnomes piled up wearing wigs and makeup.
For another, very realistic corpses of all of her friends spread at her feet, a dark wizard across from her, it's over and there isn't anything she can do to save them anymore - it was a grim day in DADA, but they all wanted to see it didn't they?
Riddikulus: This is the one time she fails to defeat a boggart, letting the horrible scene consume her, she falls to her knees defeated, and even after Rakepick's shouting, when she tries to cast the spell, it fails again and again.
This last boggart came to show everyone around her how truly terrified she was, not for her own life, but for that of those around her. How despite the confidence she was constantly displaying, in reality, she was afraid she couldn't save them from whatever was trying to get her.
Amortentia: Her Amortentia smells like Jacob's cologne — which he used to borrow from their father which is why she recalls so easily —, fresh Catnip ever since she became an animagus, bakings just out of the oven — extra intensity if there's chocolate involved, and freshly washed sweaters (from hugging Barney and the Weasleys).
Mirror of Erised: She's under the shadow of a tree, Jacob on one side along with Phoenix and Aspen, Barnaby's head resting on her lap, Rowan by her side, and Orion for some reason. They're laughing and reading books, it's an eternal spring afternoon.
Pets: A Sphynx cat, Mocca, a brown and white rat, Franccesca, and (later in her Hogwarts years) a Great Horned owlet, Plum.
Things she always carries with her: Her wand (duh), a handmade Gryffindor bracelet that used to belong to Jacob, the Handbook of Magical Theory, a handful of peppermints, a pouch with some money, a flask of Wideye potion, some Murtlap Essence, and a family photo during Christmas of 1980.
Lucky Amulets: She has a dream catcher made by Phoenix from feathers he shed during transformations and a "broken" knight from Murphy's chessboard who decided to leave the game for good and now sleeps on Indigo's nightstand with its horse, she likes stroking the horse the night before every Quidditch match
Best Friends
Her brother, Phoenix, takes the crown in matter of importance because, well, they're siblings who grew up practically like twins, but their relationship deserves their own detailing.
Rowan has got to be the first. Not only they share the same adventurous nerdy spirit, but Rowan also is the one to stick around even when everything is dark and uncertain and Indigo's popularity plummets. Indigo is always excited to hear whatever Rowan has to say - most times about books or Bill Weasley - and she's rarely fazed by the weird things Rowan does.
Murphy McNully is a close second, having officially met in the middle of her second year, they're both still fresh in a matter of friendships which allows them to open up, both in desperate need of company and support. He's often a companion in the girl's library and common room study sessions and sits with them during meals.
Charlie Weasley has her heart and soul from the moment they first speak during year one, but it actually takes a while until they form any real bond, which begins after he finds out she has been seeking his brother's help to search for the cursed vaults.
Ben is a friend she cherishes deeply but often finds it hard to break through his protective shell which makes him feel distant even when he opens up to her. Unlike her friends, she grows more liking towards Ben after he has his change in personality, as he feels more open about himself.
Chiara is a friend she deeply appreciates for her courage in reaching out for her help in times of need and trusting her with her secret. In Marauder fashion, she likes keeping an eye on her on the nights of full moon - which is good to train her cat tree climbing. They often have afternoon tea together and she teaches Indigo useful healing spells.
Andre and Indigo didn't have a great start, as she thought of him as arrogant and inconsiderate, and he thought she was careless and selfish. But when she helps him with a transfiguration mishap during their 3rd year when he was trying to be creative - and the reason he now has a two-headed cat - they start opening up to each other and begin a friendship. He's a good friend to confide in about the mundane aspects of her life and Quidditch intrigues.
Orion means to her more than she can put into words. Not only he is her team captain, but also a dear friend whom she turns to in times of emotional instability cause she knows he'll be the one to successfully help her clear her mind. They enjoy each other's company even if they don't have anything interesting to say. They sit together during every Divination class for as long as the subject goes.
She has no "rivals" as she finds that sort of labeling quite petty, but would definitely punch Emily Tyler on the stomach and perhaps Face Paint kid for all his eavesdropping.
She has an easier time bonding with her fellow Gryffindors since they spend most of their time together in classes, lunch, and hanging around in the common room.
Dormmates: She and Rowan got placed in a room for three people, as the ones for five were already full, along with a girl called Tanya. But at the beginning of their 4th year, they find out she has bailed out to another dorm room claiming they 1. Snort and speak in their sleep on a regular basis, 2. Will eventually endanger her with their cursed vault shenanigans, 3. Will get her killed - which, spoilers, actually happens, oops. So they basically have the dorm for themselves.
Favorite Classes:
Magical Theory
Least Favorite:
History of Magic
Favorite Professor: Kettleburn. Despite CoMC not being on her top favorite subjects, she enjoys her time in his classes and reminds her of her grandfather on her father's side who's a highlander wizard.
Least Favorite: Binns. Just retire you old man!
Quidditch Position: Chaser. Despite enjoying her time as Gryffindor's beater, she notices the position takes a toll on her physical wellbeing, having to carry a heavy bat and being injured by bludgers more times than she can keep track of. So she returns to her chaser position after a year.
Favorite Team: Montrose Magpies. She never had an interest in Quidditch before she began playing but decided to pick a team to support. Of course, it had to be a Scottish team and settles for MM because of professor McGonagall who's also a supporter.
She's not indigo's face claim, but it's hard to find good red-haired characters out there.
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I guess I'll leave her background and history for another post since it interweaves very tightly with her sibling. And since I'm still exploring her story.
Well this is just an intro to my beloved MC
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hazard-queen · 4 years
When he break up with you (riddle/leona/idia/ malleus X Mc)
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Riddle rosehearts
• You left everything in your hand when you knew riddle called for you, you know...he's more important than anything, you made your way to the dorms as you expected him waiting for you, what could it be? Did he tell his mother about you? Or he's inviting you for a tea party and prepared some cake for you? Soon you will know....
• You knocked the door before getting in, on hearing "come in" you opened the door and walked in with a wide smile, "riddle, you called for me?" You asked with a joyful smile waitng for him to answer, his face had a mixed expression of sadness and worrying, "yes, please take a seat" he pointed to where you can sit and he sat by you not even making an eye contact with you which made you even worried.
• "I told you I'm going to tell mother about you that's right?" Riddle's eyes rised from the ground to your face then, "yes....did she accept the fact I'm being your gf?" You said with a worried smile, he lowered his gazes before he spoke again "no.....she didn't"
• You took riddle's hand into yours still smiling as you spoke " it's ok riddle, she will change her mind, I'm sure!" You tried to look him in face only to see a bitter expression on his face, "she won't and I'm afraid..." he pulled his hands from yours as your heart sink preparing yourself to the worse..
• "We have to break up"
• Time has stopped when you heard those words out of his mouth, he's not saying this is he? You laugh as you couldn't believe this, "are you joking? You're leaving me? Haven't you said you will stay by my side no matter what they said? ANSWER ME!!" you couldn't help it but screamed at him at the end of your words unable to hold your tears anymore.
• "I have no choice...I'm sorry"
• On hearing his words you couldn't handle it anymore, you ran out of the room slamming the door by you, riddle's eyes began to tear, it's harder on him more than you, he was angiry and all against it.....but he has no choice.
• Weeks passed and you were a crying mess, not even attending any lessons or talking to anyone, but in the last few days you began to come back again but this time with a brighter smile than ever, riddle decided to ditch everything and all orders he took to not talk to you anymore and decided to talk to you.
• "(Y/n) i was thinking....i don't want to listen to her orders again....i want to be with you!" Riddle was all determined talking to you, you gave him a smile preparing to speak again but that's when kalim dashed towards you giving you a big hug.
• "Finally found you! Come on, jamil has prepared lunch for us and then we will go in a trip on the magic carpet" kalim held your arm dragging you with him away from riddle before you even speak, he held his arm in sadness as all he could think about was your bright smile when you were with someone else,someone isn't him.....
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Leona kingscholar
• "Come again?" You're not sure if you didn't hear him well or he's joking or what is it anymore, is he seriously saying he wants to break up with you or this is one of his jokes...
• "Again, we have to break up" Leona sigh before pushing those heavy words from his mouth, he couldn't handle saying it once so you made him say it twice now,"and that's for?" You tried your best not to seem hurt as you rised an eyebrow questioning.
• "They arranged a marriage to me, they want me to marry a silly princess from a nearby kingdom to make an alliance with this kingdom that's it" leona closed his eyes as he tried his best not to get mad while speaking about them.
• "And you agreed?" You crossed your arms on your chest not liking what you just heard, " they are driving me mad and farena doesn't stop talking about this....they even want me to get engaged with her next holiday!" Leona hide his face with one hand as he spoke.
• "And since when you listen to anyone? Especially farena?" This time you began to get mad , you admit you even wanted to slap him!, "you don't understand anything"
• "Fine...and i don't want to understand, if breaking up is that what you want then you got it...i wish you happiness with someone else!" As stubborn he is you were also stubborn doing your best hiding your feelings..the daggers were staping you in your heart, once you closed the door and took some far steps from his room you begain crying and wailing, you think he didn't hear that? He did and it broke every inch of his loving heart to you, he squeezed his eyes shut, headache was already getting the best of him but breaking your heart was worse than headache.
• That was rough two months on the both of you, him being moody and getting mad at anyone and you for not trusting anyone anymore and not event talking with others, you just decided to keep your feelings for yourself but things can change sometimes.
• Leona saw you more active and all fresh new, did you forget about him that quickly? He moved by your direction as you were in the hall, you were speaking with someone else and laughing it was like you're finally back happy, leona take a hide as he moved closer but he was torn to see that you're talking to lilia! The vice of that lizard?! Why him!? He decided he's going to talk to you about that as he stopped you for a talk.
• "Can i talk to you alone?" It was more like a command not a request, you looked at lilia asking and he nodded and left you alone with a wide smile, "well actually i didn't expect you after being the girlfriend of a prince to become a friend with the lizard's servant I'm impressed!" Liona rised an eyebrow to you as he spoke in a sarcastic tone holding your arm into his grib which you of course didn't like...
• " well i prefer to be with a servant that truly loves me than to be with a prince that threw me away only because he was ordered to! Unfortunately....i thought myself valuable for you....." pulling your hand from his grib you walked away to catch with lilia who was watching over you from afar leaving leona hurt alone standing in the hall...
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Idia shroud
• "(Y/n)! You have to decide now, it's either you stay with me forever or go back to your world!" It was the first time idia seem that serious with you, it's not like you're going to your home now since no one found you a way yet so you decided to laugh it off with idia, "idia what do you mean? I'm always here for you!"
• "Not forever! One day you will leave me! And i will go back to be alone again, if you're going to leave then we have to break up right now!" Idia gave you his back as he spoke out, it was the first time you see him like that...."break up?!"
• "Yes! If you're going to leave me then there's no need for me to get attached to someone will leave me at last.....I HATE TEMPORARILY PEOPLE!" idia shouted made your heart jump from it's place, you ran to him to comfort him, you held his arm trying to face him as you tried your best to not seem sad from what he said...he didn't mean it, right?
• "Idia, i will always be by your side as long as I'm here but when it's time to go back i have to....i have a family waiting for me..." you were going to hug him and that's when he pushed you away, "then it's your choice to leave me then....I'm sorry (y/n) we have to break up!"
• "IDIA WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?! Are you dumping me for that reason? Was i a game in your hand to toy with and leave it whenever you're tired? If that what you think of me then i will give you what you want and i will leave you...but when you know your fault don't come talk to me!" You shouted at him as you pulled him from his jacket to face your crying ones, you collected your strength to speak again "it was my fault i loved someone like you!" You threw him to the ground, you left him and ran back to your room crying, he was on the floor hugging his knees hiding his face with his hands almost crying, he felt a hand on his shoulder...it was ortho..
• "Nii san....why didn't you tell her the truth?" Ortho looked at idia in sadness as idia burst out into tears hugging his little brother tightly, "i had to do that , it's better if she don't know....when they knew im in love with a normal human they were going to get rid of her...it's all for her good to stay away from me"
• It hurts idia deeply what he said to you and what have you also said to him before you leave, but as long as you're safe then it's going to be ok, but he wasn't ok seeing you playing board games with azul every once in a while and spend time with him....and most importantly your smile that you used to bright up his day with are no longer his, he held his chest tightly crying, it was all for your own good.....
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Malleus draconia
• He was worried, not like every time he used to be, he's not that joyful person but at least not by you, you grew more worried as he was avoiding your gazes to him and that's when you decided to speak, "malleus...are you ok?" You looked at him with a questioning expression unable to read his face for the first time.
• He took a deep breath before he looked at you with a serious face, "i think we should break up" you froze for a second not knowing how to react to this sudden decision that he made all alone, " why should we? Have i done something that made you mad at me? Have i said something wrong or that's because of my carefree actions? I'm sorry, i will change it all but Don't leave me!" Your eyes began to tear, you didn't know what you did wrong!
• "Look....it's better if you stay away from me....that's my problem not yours" he looked at you with a frown as he spoke, he seriously want to break up with you? , "have i complained? I accept you with all your problems in all your forms!" You reached your hand to his back as he was facing the wall, what you couldn't see back then the pain into his face, he really doesn't want this....
• "(Y/n) it's all over between us! And....there's another one in homeland that is going to be my partner, one day you will go back to your word and i don't want to be alone anymore"
• "Malleus, have you replaced me?" You cried out you lunge as your tears were running down your face like a waterfall, your crying squeezed his heart , it's not easy for him as well, "i stood by you when no one was here, i never feard you, i loved you from the bottom of my heart...and what i got in reward that you replaced me?!" You held into malleus' back crying even harder, "please tell me you're not doinf this to me, tell me that is not real!"
• And that's when you heard another voice in the room " you're not the appropriate mach with malleus, we already found him the better ones so please calmly leave the place with no more struggling!" Your eyes widened on hearing lilia's words, it was the first time you ever hear him speaking to you in that tone, you left malleus back and took your way out of diasomania.
• Poor malleus stood there, he squeezed his eyes shut as he can't believe what he has done to you, you really were the most kind person towards him and he didn't want all of this to happen...
• "You did the right thing" said lilia before leaving malleus alone into his room..
• Time passed and you stopped hearing about malleus or even want to talk to him again, you were out of class waiting for someone, malleus saw you standing there and without thinking he began to walk towards you, but only to find another blonde guy running towards you, you were so happy to see him, " o mon fleur, sorry if i kept you waiting" it was rook hunt, he took your both hands and placed a Kiss on each one as you giggled on his action he continued, "come on, i will prepare us some tea and then we will do some skin-care routine!!" The happy guy took your hand walking you away from malleus' sight , he deeply wanted to go talk to you again but he will never do that after what happened this day.....
Even a hundred apologies will never cure broken hearts....
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liibrii · 3 years
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Chapter 2: Tattered 
Ojiro Aran x fem!reader
Series Masterpost || Ch. 1
wc: 3.2k
warnings: swearing, internalised guilt and shame, intrusive thoughts, self doubt, depression.
a/n: I don’t really have anything to say other than I’m enjoying writing for Aran so much. if you wanna be tagged in future chapters lemme know, and as always feedback is greatly appreciated! 
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Aran knows people don't always mean what they say.  Even he had done it before and it destroyed a few of his relationships. Knowing that doesn't make your words hurt any less.
He tries to convince himself you didn't really mean it, still a part of him wonders if that's how you really feel. How you've always felt. For all those years he was assured of your friendship and now you've pulled the rug from under his feet. None of your words align with the image in his head. Perhaps you've never been the person he remembers. The you in his mind is just that, a memory, a perfect picture he created from bits and pieces he chose. Has he truly always seen only what he wanted to see?
Thoughts of you run through his mind as he stands on the back line. One more serve before he wraps up. Bam.
To always see good in people is what he was thought growing up and what he still tries to do to this day, even if years had thought him people aren't only their good sides. He always thought of you only at your best and failed to even get to know you properly. What kind of friend does that? You're in pain and he can't help because he has no idea where the wounds are. He has no idea where to look for them because he refused to see. 
Perhaps he is a terrible friend after all.
Bam. The ball gets caught in the net and falls. Aran watches it roll away before picking up another. He breathes deeply. It's all about focus, he reminds himself, even when his mind wants to slip he has to remain focused.
All of his teammates have left already. Home, to their partners, their families. What will he return home to? An empty apartment with take-out he'll eat on the couch. Alone. Maybe he should get a pet. But when will he have time to care for it?
He should call home. Check on his friends. Maybe if he had checked on you more often then-
What use is pondering over what could've been? With each serve his palm aches more, his muscles already sore from practice but he doesn't want to stop yet. One more.
“There's a difference between training hard and overdoing it, you know?“
Perhaps life is just memories of days long gone sipping into present.
When he turns to face you uneasiness rises in him. Any other time he'd be elated to see you. Now even words to greet you with escape him. You come closer, shoes softly squeaking on the gym's floor. “Doorman let me in. After a little bit of convincing.“
“No, I slipped past while his back was turned. How long are you planning on staying? I saw all of your teammates leave already.“
Aran turns the ball in his hands. It's becoming slippery from all the sweat. He can't bring himself to look you in the eyes. “My serves are gettin' sloppy. I need more practice.“
You stay where you are, watching and fiddling with the strap of your bag, until you can't bear the silence anymore and speak up. “Aran, I actually wanted to talk to you. About you know... what I said.“
“T's okay. I know ya didn't mean it.“
“I did.“ Your voice eerily echoes in the otherwise empty gym. “As shitty as it is, it's how I felt.“ You're eyes stay fixed on the floor. “I'm sorry.“
Aran catches the ball he just threw in the air for another jump serve. When he looks over at you you're still intently focused on your shoelaces, gripping the strap of the bag so tight your knuckles turned white. Why are you beating yourself up so much? If you feel something, you feel it. What reason for it do you need to have? Knowing how you felt hurts, that much he can't deny. And yet he can't hold it against you.
He puts the ball on the top of your head, just like boys used to do back in high school to annoy you. “If ya really insist on apologisin' then I guess I have no other choice but to forgive ya.”
As his words sink in you shyly glance at him. “You sure?“
“'Course I am,“ smiles Aran, balancing the ball so it doesn't roll from the top of your head.
“You're not angry? At me?“
He takes the ball and starts throwing it from one hand to another. “Not really. Very surprised. A little hurt.“
“I'm sorry-“
“Yeah, yeah, I know,“ he cuts you off. “Set for me and we'll call it even.”
“Aran, my sets are in no way near the level you're used to.“
“So?“ he asks already walking over to fetch the ball cart. “Ya still remember where to stand, right?“ he teases, cackling softly when you roll your eyes and take off your bag and jacket, all while trying to hide a smile creeping on your lips.
It takes a few tries for you to remember how to make an overhand set. Aran's filled with giddy warmth when you manage to send the ball in the right position for him to spike it over the net. Perhaps all those lessons with Atsumu years ago didn't go to waste after all. Your little victory jump makes him burst into laughter and he rewards you with a high five.
It really is an echo of history.
Your skills are rusty, something that makes you apologise profusely every time you mess up, even after he reassures you he doesn't mind, and ruffles your hair.
With each set you relax more, till every smile and laugh seem sincere. Only now Aran realises how he missed this carefree side of you. Time always flies too fast when you're around and soon enough, out of breath and wiping the drops of sweat from your forehead, you call an end of this individual practice.
He hurries with showering and changing into fresh clothes, not wanting to leave you waiting for too long, especially since you have morning lessons tomorrow. He buys you a drink from the vending machine. It's not much, but staying hydrated is important, he tells you when you tease him about it.
“You know, that brought back a lot of memories,“ you say while walking to the train station, then poke his shoulder. “Thanks.“ The smile dancing over your lips makes his cheeks warm up. You glance over to the sky hiding behind a golden halo that city lights cast over the rooftops. “Do you ever miss Hyogo?“
“I miss the stars.“ You kick a small stone from your path. “You've become quite a star too you know. With all the fans and attention I really wonder, do you get lonely?”
Your question catches him off guard. “I'm too busy to get lonely,“ he lies.
“I get lonely sometimes,“ your eyes still search for a glimmer of a distant star. “And tired. Some days I just want to sleep all day. Do you ever get the urge to do that? Skip practice and stay in bed?“
“No. If I skipped practice how will I become better?”
You purse your lips and nod. “That's why you're a professional athlete and I'm just trying to figure out why I have to separate blue and red laundry.“
“Those are two very different things.“
“Both are just some pieces of cloth. Why do I have to separate them? If they got problems with each other they should grow up and talk it out.” 
That’s not what he meant, but your slight annoyance over technicalities of doing laundry still makes him laugh.
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In the coming days Aran checks his phone every chance he gets, just to see if you already wrote back. No matter what you talk about he wants to hear it; be it about your day or the delivery man being late with your order. His teammates notice and tease him about it yet he denies you're anything more than just a friend, and they exchange knowing looks when his back is turned. Even if his entire body heats up at the sole mention of your name Aran isn't ready to admit to himself, let alone others, he wants you to be more.
Not when he isn't sure if his feelings for you are being muddled by his memories.
That Tuesday you grab a dinner together that turns into a late night walk through the streets. It's not a date, Aran keeps reminding himself. It's just two friends hanging out as you've done a thousand times before. So why is his heart threatening to thump it's way out of his chest?
After that night weekly hanging out with you becomes a regular occurrence. Sometimes you go out to eat, sometimes you drag him along when you go shopping, saying he has a good eye for colour combinations. It has nothing to do with the fact he buys you ice cream every time. Some days you come to his place to play video games or watch movies. Seeing his favourite series making you laugh warms his heart.
As you become more comfortable around him your facade slowly, bit by bit, starts to crumble. He's scared to see what lies beneath yet at the same time he wishes it would break already. He can't help you if he doesn't know, can he?
Whatever is troubling you he wishes you'd trust him enough to confide in him. In the back of his mind lingers the question he's too scared too ask.
Does Kita know what's on your mind? Do you still talk to him?
You used to be close to the team. The one they relied on. The one who so lovingly tapped their fingers before each game. Do they know your eyes are puffy? Do they know every sleepless night that goes by makes the dark circles under your eyes harder to hide? Do they know his heart breaks every time he sees the tremble of your lips when you force a smile?
No matter how bad he wants to hold you, tell you it's going to be okay, the mere thought of reaching out paralyses him.
What if you don't want his help?
If you did, you would've asked already, right? Not even practice can stop him from thinking about you. His disappointment grows a little when he sees no new messages. Perhaps you don't want to talk to him after all.
He's just leaving the gym when his phone lights up and seeing it's your name makes his heart flutter. He eagerly picks up. “Hi!“
“H-hey.“ Already in the first word the strain in your voice is apparent. “Um, am I interrupting you?“
“No, of course not. I just finished with practice. What's up?“
“I-“ He hears you take a deep breath. “Um, I don't, I don't feel so good...“ Your next words are almost a whisper. “Could I come over?“
“'Course ya can come over. I'll be home in about an hour.“
By the time he arrives you're already there, standing by the entrance nervously stepping from one leg to another. You give a shy wave when he approaches. He noticed you've been acting weirdly sheepish around him and he's not used to it. You're friends. What's making you so nervous?
You trail behind him, hands tucked deep in your pockets. You don't even pull them out when taking your shoes off.
“Tea?“ he offers when you make your way towards the sofa.
“Sure,“ you nod, sitting and tightly hugging a pillow. “Sorry about that,“ you say when he joins you with two cups of tea, “I just... bad day, you know? Didn't want to be alone.“
With a smile he assures you it's no problem. You're welcome to come by whenever you want.
You tell him about college, about work. “Boss is a shit bag,“ you complain. The working hours make you late for your lessons and even professors are getting fed up with you always being late. Not to mention your classmates aren't keen on lending you notes to copy.
It's all too much, you say, work, college, the pressure of everyone's expectations. Your fellow students give you funny looks sometimes, you tell him. It's only a few years but you're still older than them, at the age where your parents are asking when you are going to settle down. Have children. Get a stable job. Well how could you when you haven't even gotten your degree yet? It all makes you feel like a failure.
And yet something tells Aran that's not why you're here. Maybe it's the nervous fumbling with the hem of your clothes. Maybe it's because you don't look at him at all. A silence falls on you as you sip your tea. Aran considers asking out right but you gather the courage before he does.
“Shin called.“  
“Ah.“ That's all he manages to say.
“He's doing good, in case you're wondering. He asked if we have any plans on visiting any time soon.“ Your eyes skim over his face. “That would be nice, don't you think?“
Aran forces a smile. “Sounds great.“ Once again your words threaten to shake the ground he stands on. All he hears is 'seeing Shin would be nice'. His grip on the cup tightens and he puts it away before he'd crack it.
“Do ya miss him?“ he asks, words coming out more choked up than he intended. He clears his throat when he leans back on the couch's backrest.
You think over his question. “I miss my best friend.“
He asks. Even if he doesn't want to know the answer, he asks. “Will you get back with him?“
“No.“ Your answer is quiet, but firm. You readjust yourself to lean on the backrest, facing him, the pillow still tightly squeezed in your grip. “Shin is a great guy just... not the right for me. Wasn't easy to accept but that's how it is.“ You fumble with the thread sticking out from the stitch. “I wasn't good for him, you know?“ you quietly continue. “He protected me since we were kids but at some point it all just... fizzled I guess. I was so used of always being by his side the thought of living without him terrified me. He was that stability I craved. For a long time I believed he would give me a goal in life, or something similar.“ You chuckle. “Try getting through seventeen-year-old-me's head that's not how relationships work. I knew we wouldn't work out. But I stayed because I was selfish and stupid... and scared. I think he knew. And it started to take a toll on him. So I left before he'd break.“ Tears start forming in your eyes. “Shin could never understand why I'm so sad without a reason... Maybe if I left sooner... well, it doesn't matter now.“
“Ya can still go back,“ hearing his own words shatters Aran's heart, “once ya feel better.“
The brief laugh you give almost sounds like a sob. “Can I?“ You forcefully wipe the tears away. “Even if I could it wouldn't be the same as I remember now. It's hard to explain but somehow, what’s in your memories is always better than reality. Know what I mean?“
He knows. Memory is the thief of future.
The lump in his throat grows larger, heavier as he watches you try to hide tears starting to run down your cheeks. He's lost, not knowing what else to do but to pull you closer, tucking your head under his chin. He hugs you and softly caresses your back. “It's alright,“ he whispers when you apologise through sobs and tears. He keeps repeating, it's alright. What else could he possibly say?
You relax in his arms and your sobs slowly turn to muffled sniffles. Aran only wishes you feel safe in his arms, your head leaning on his shoulder, your arms shyly wrapping around his middle. It's not the most comfortable position but he's to scared to readjust. He hears your hitched breathing sync with his own as he runs his hands up and down your back and, exhausted from your crying, you're soon fast asleep.
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Perhaps for the first time in his life Aran's starting to really understand you. It pains him, knowing your struggles. You, who were always so full of light, you who were the pillar, tall and unyielding, one he could always lean onto. How memories managed to muddle his perception of you so much is beyond him. The only thing he can do is promise himself to never let them deceive him again. After all, who needs memories?
He messages you more frequently. Not too frequently, he doesn't want to appear nosy or pushy. Just often enough to let you know he's there for you if you need him.
You've been busier with college lately, so weekly hang outs turn to late night phone calls. Hearing your voice feels like a refreshing cool breeze on these hot summer nights.
He collapses in his bed, only half listening to your rambling on about one of the professors. He didn't catch her name.
“Aran? You still there?“
“Yeah, I'm still here. T's been a long day, t's all.“
He hears you hum and he can imagine the way you lean your head to the side. “Coach in a bad mood?“
“Not really. I'm just not feelin' my best. Couldn't sync with Aritsura's sets. But ya know, more practice 's all we need. How was your day?“ he asks, forgetting you just told him a few minutes ago.
“It was alright,“ you say instead of repeating what you already told him. “Actually, I wanted to apologise. About last time. I shouldn't have dumped all my problems on you.“
“How many times do I need to repeat it's okay. I'm here for ya.“
“Still. I'm sorry. It was a lot. I... I don't want to be a burden.“
His brows furrow. How many times does he have to repeat it? Why don't you get it? “Yer not.“ Your low chuckle makes him irritated . “I mean it. If ya ever need to talk just say, alright?“
“Yeah, yeah I will... Thank you. It's just that... I don't want to ruin this friendship too. That's all. Tell me when I become too much. Please.“
What are you talking about? “Whatever is on yer mind I promise I can handle it.“
“Can you? So you not being able to play your best has nothing to do with me dumping all my problems on you?“
Something in the way you say those words pushes the wrong button. He's only trying to be here for you, why can't you see that? “I don't care enough to let it impact me.“ Fuck. Even before the final word leaves his mouth he knows it came out wrong. “I'm sorry, fuck, y/n, I didn't mean it like that-“
“It's okay,“ you interrupt. “You're right.“
“Get some sleep Aran. You have practice tomorrow. G' night.“ You end the call before he gets the chance to say goodbye.
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Ch. 3: In the light, your name
Tags: @rosecaffelatte, @aonenthusiast
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misstrashchan · 4 years
Pyre/Greedling Meta:
I remember in the earlier volumes that a fair amount of people in the FNDM would compare Cinder to Lust from Fullmetal Alchemist, due to her femme fatale persona and voice seeming like an impression of Laura Bailey's Lust.
But as we learn more about Cinder and meet Salem in vol4, it's very clear that the version of herself she likes to present herself as is meant to come across as an impression, an imitation. Because she's trying to imitate Salem, the person who defines what power is to her.
And as that facade crumbles and we slowly start to see how deep Cinder's desires really run, it's far more clear to me that her character and story have much more in common with Greed, not Lust.
:read more:
Greed is the only homunculi who is willing to follow his deepest desires to the fullest, regardless of where that placed him. He was certainly willing to do evil, but wouldn't if that evil didn't personally benefit him. And, over time within the series, Greed comes to realise that his obsession with power, glory and seeking to become God, were nothing more than vain attempts to cover up his true emotional emptiness caused by a lack of connecting to others. And once he finds a cause and people to support who help and support him in turn, his character arc finishes with him, Greed, looking on all that he has, his friends, and is grateful. Content.
Which ties into the lesson of the Fall Maiden in the Tale of the Four Maidens in which Fall begs the Hermit to look around at all he has and be thankful. To be satisfied and content with oneself, which is a lesson Cinder has to learn in order to truly become a Fall Maiden.
Greed's desires are similar to Cinder's own ambition for power driven by her fear and insecurities, seeking to become a "godlike maiden badass" wanting to fill the emptiness and craving she feels, not yet realizing that this will not be what brings her true satisfaction to her, well, greed.
"Greed may not be good, but it's not so bad either. You humans think greed is just for money and power! But everyone wants something they don't have"
"You Atlas elites are all the same! You think hoarding power means you'll have it forever. But it just makes the rest of us hungrier! And I refuse to starve"."
I think it's very important to point out that Greed doesn't become good or redeem himself because he sees the error of his ways and wants to atone for the things he's done, rather he starts on the path to redemption by refusing to be a pawn to Father any longer, when realizing the power and glory he craves he wouldn't be able to obtain by staying and working underneath Father like the rest. His greed and dissatisfaction are what motivates him, though it is ultimately Ling who gives him the final push and convinces him to side with the protagonists.
And Cinder at the end of vol7 seems to be heading towards a crossroads of whether or not she'll stay with Salem, given how the Grimm arm that was "gifted" to her by Salem seems to be slowly consuming her body, she might have doubts about whether the kind of power Salem has promised her is really the kind of power she wants, and whether she's prepared to sacrifice herself to obtain it, or whether she could choose to strike out on her own. Again, some villains start on the path to redemption solely out of self interest.
It's also not just Greed's story I think Cinder's is remarkably similar to, but the stories of Ling and Pyrrha and the role they play in Greed and Cinder's stories, as their souls and stories are intrinsically intertwined.
The ouroboros tattoo and its meaning was the first thing that caught my attention, as it the ouroboros symbol represents eternal cyclical renewal. Of life, death and rebirth. And how that aligns with Pyrrha's incantation used to unlock Jaune's aura:
"For it is in passing we achieve immortality. Through this we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all. Infinite in distance and unbound by death, I release your soul, and by my shoulder, protect thee"
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Cinder also has a tattoo of her own symbol that appears after connecting to Amber's soul and taking half of her power, just like the ouroboros tattoo appearing after Greed and Ling's souls were intertwined and he had taken over his body. Cinder takes the other half of the maiden powers after Pyrrha had been bound to them as her and Amber's aura were intertwined, making it likely that Pyrrha is a part of Cinder in the same way Greed and Ling are.
Both Pyrrha and Ling are considered to be people in positions of power and prestige with great expectations placed on them that they intend to live up to. Ling as an Xingese prince, Pyrrha as a world renowned champion fighter and promising huntresses, the "invincible girl". Both agree to becoming a maiden/homuculus respectively, despite the inhumane means of doing so and risk to their body, soul and life, as they believe obtaining this power will help their people.
"We can't transfer Amber's power to you but we can give you what those powers are bound to."
"Her aura"
"Her life... would become intertwined with yours. The question is-"
"What's that gonna do to you?" - (RWBY Volume 3 Chapter 6)
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Greed and Cinder's stories are body horror stories about what you'll sacrifice for power, and the power they are "gifted" by their masters, Father and Salem, is concentrated in their left arm.
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Interestingly, Greed's power that transforms him into an inhuman monster is his "Ultimate Shield" that makes him invulnerable, which is the exact opposite of the "power" that Salem grants Cinder that slowly crawls up her left arm threatening to turn her into a monster makes her more vulnerable than most, because she doesn't have aura to protect those parts of her.
Both Greed and Cinder are the most defiant of their masters wishes, and often Father and Salem experience losses and failures because they underestimated Greed and Cinder's ambition. What should have been an easy win at Haven for Salem failed because Cinder was overly ambitious in her need to to win, to feel powerful, and Greed's betrayal of Father is simply because his own ambition is greater than his, thus he would never be content to work underneath him, to be less than him.
Both are charismatic individuals and good at convincing others to work with them. They like to surround themselves with others and both are the only ones under Father/Salem to have their own subordinates (Wrath doesn't count since it was always Father's intention to have him become Fuhrer). Despite them clearly needing human connection, their relationship with their loyal subordinates we are introduced to alongside them is... Not Super Great. They might care about them to a certain degree, but at the end of the day they ultimately view them as useful tools and possessions.
Both of them speak of an emptiness they feel inside of them:
"All of these souls inside of me, and yet I still feel so... empty"
"It's... an emptiness. It burns. Like a hunger."
It's ultimately Ling thst acts as Greed's consciousness, as when he doesn't show any remorse over killing Bido, the last of the old Greed's followers, on the orders of Father, Ling is the one who drags out all of his repressed emotion, being able to feel his pain and see his memories, he forces Greed to face them and how terribly he treated his "friends", and to reevaluate his priorities and self, pushing him away from Father.
"It's nothing personal. I'm just doing my job. I am sorry, honestly!"
"What have you done, Greed? Are you determined to prove you're a monster? What kind of sick creature... would kill his own friend!?"
"He wasn't my... friend..."
"Then why do you remember him? And are you gonna try and tell me Bido was just making everything up?"
"Those were the last Greed's memories! They're not mine!"
Pull yourself together, Greed. I'm warning you. I'll take this body back if you drop your guard"
"They aren't mine... Father purified me and purged the old Greed's memories. Those memories aren't a part of me any more!"
"No! You're wrong Greed! It's not that easy! They'll always be a part of you! You can't just erase them from your soul! They were the only part of you that you chose!"
"Look at them! Can you not hear their souls crying out? You abandoned them. Your real family! You threw them away like trash!"
"Fool. If you turned your back on something you wanted, YOU DON'T DESERVE TO CALL YOURSELF GREED!" (Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood episode 44, Greed and Ling)
If Pyrrha were to return, it's likely she would manifest and communicate more directly with Cinder than maiden predecessors usually do (though in all fairness we don't know the details of if maiden predecessors do or not), being more similar to Ozpin and Oscar's situation, rather than just being a part of her soul, because of how unnatural her interference with the fall maiden's power transfer was. The way Ozpin looks and speaks about it makes it clear he knows there is a very good chance he was recreating his own curse the GoL bestowed on him, and that this isn't like when he was the Hermit, giving his magic happily to the Maidens.
There's also the parallels between Ozma and Pyrrha's situations too, and how readily they accept their mission and fate, and in how they die, and I believe we still haven't seen the full payoff to those parallels with Pyrrha.
When Ozma reincarnates the first time, it's implied that he completely overtakes Ozma 2.0/ Oisín/Diggs (why do we have so many names for him), having not yet learned how to live with the souls with which he had been paired. It's not until much, much later when Oz is beginning to have doubts about whether he should stay with Salem , but still continues to go along with her plans that Oisín makes himself known, (and we know Ozma isn't used to him communicating with him with how suprised and shaken he is by this, which is strange considering he's been paired with him for a long while, unless Oisín hadn't made himself known before this) and is the one who finally pushes Ozma to leave Salem.
"What are we doing?"
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With Cinder returning to Salem's side, full of doubt of whether she can go through with Salem's plan for her, to hurt and destroy herself for this power, and Emerald and Mecury (probably Neo too) likely betraying and cutting ties with Cinder too, which is going to leave her full of even more doubt, hurt, anger and additional feelings of betrayal and confusion. And more than anything, alone. Which would be the ideal time for Pyrrha to say to Cinder like with Ozma, "What are we doing?" To push her to reevaluate her priorities and self.
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Imagine Pyrrha finally being able to manifest or communicate with Cinder, realizing she's bound to the woman who killed her. Knowing her emotions and memories in their entirety, feeling her pain and anger as if it were her own. And Ruby describing her as "Pyrrha thought that if there was even the smallest chance of helping someone that it was a chance worth taking" the Pyrrha who told Jaune "Everyone needs a little help sometimes" understanding what Cinder went through, and that if she couldn't save the world or make it better by attempting to kill Cinder, then, maybe as she is now, the one thing she can do to help save the world, to make it a better place, is by helping Cinder be better, helping her use her talents for good, like a true maiden should? (On a more fun note, imagining Pyrrha deciding to help Cinder but not missing any opportunity to be a playfully snarky little shit towards her. Because what is Cinder gonna do? Kill her again? Like tell me Pyrrha would not Do Both. And Cinder's not sure which she hates more: Pyrrha teasing her or feeling sorry for her)
Another interesting thing is how in The World of RWBY: The Official Companion states that Salem's goal is to possess all four relics, and to absorb the power of all the Maidens, which she means to at some point, absorb Cinder's power. It's likely part of why she favours Cinder and has such an intimate relationship with her (the Relic of Choice might have played a role in why Salem chose Cinder specifically) That transition of maiden powers from Cinder to Salem would be made much more seamless for Salem if she was grooming Cinder to be more like her, and was slowly becoming more Grimm, if she was treating Cinder like an extension of herself, because to Salem, she would be. Which is again, similar to Father and Greed, as Greed literally was an extension of Father created from him, and absorbed back into him when he became too disobedient and remade and reborn again.
The finale of Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood has Father absorbing Greed's philosopher's stone in an attempt to claim his power, but Greed ends up sacrificing himself by inverting his Ultimate Shield inside of Father, making his whole body incredibly fragile and vulnerable so Ed is able to defeat him. In the end, Greed ends up being the key to their victory against Father.
I want to make it clear that I don't personally think RWBY will end with Cinder dying or "defeating" Salem. At least, not in the traditional sense. I can draw as many comparisons as I like between Greed and Cinder but at the end of the day they're two different stories with different themes. And I don't believe that kind of ending would align with RWBY's. One of the themes of Cinder's story is to find a way to keep living no matter what. And as for Salem, the only way she can "die" is to learn the value of life and death, which would require a much more different approach.
But either way, I do believe Cinder will end up being their key to victory one way or another, similar to Greed.
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