#yes i used a steven universe quote
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Okay, real talk. This shit is beyond sad and pathetic.
I have never seen a fandom react this poorly to criticism before, even the most hardcore Steven Universe, My Little Pony and Sonic fans would look at this and say "Alright, calm down. It's not that serious."
Viv's fans are incapable of accepting criticism, they see it as this negative thing that needs to be shut down because they've so used to living in a toxic echo chamber. Where nothing but blind praise and admiration is allowed.
Yes, I realize I'm talking about the lowest hanging fruit imaginable, seeing as this person likes to call everyone who criticizes Helluva Boss a homophobe. But that doesn't change the fact that a majority of people within the Hazbin/Helluva fandom cannot accept any criticism that's directed at Viv or her shows.
And another thing, I love how they're claiming that the internet would be singing Blitzo's praises if he was quote "Straight and neurotypical." Completely ignoring the fact that the internet has always complained about straight male characters since its inception.
The Joker, Batman, Homer Simpson, Spider Man, and Steven Universe are just some of the examples that come to mind.
Blitzo is just a badly written character, most of the criticisms I've seen of his character have come from queer individuals. So this notion that the only people who hate Blizto's character are right wing reactionaries who whine about everything being "woke" is silly.
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tarothouselattier · 11 months
I’m doing good, I’m on some new shit Been saying «YES» instead of «NO» - - the 1 by Taylor Swift
What you need to say "YES" to,
instead of the usual "NO"
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all the images are from pinterest
This reading turned out to be not what I was expecting, but I feel like this is even better. There are some heartfelt moving messages and also some harsh necessary truths that will ultimately benefit you. I just hope you enjoy this one, like I did!
PLS feel free to share your thoughts and impressions with me in my ask box or message me. There is nothing I value more in this blog than human connection!!
If you're not sure how to choose a pile, what I like to do is observe image, close my eyes and while taking a few deep breaths I repeat the question in my mind and ask spirit to guide me to my pile. After I open my eyes observe the piles again and one or more usually stands out to me. It just buzzes with energy. | just can't tear my gaze away.
No matter what, I come back to that pile.
If this is not your way of doing things, I asked my spirit guides to help me choose a photo that correlates specifically with you and your energy. Even the text "Pile" I chose for you based on your energy. So, feel free to just choose what you like.
PILE 1 🫸🫷
SAY “YES” to:
choosing yourself as you are rn and crowning yourself as a Queen
moving yourself and your world forward
taking the sword in your own hands
you are my lady in waiting. Which is weird because you’re actually the Queen of swords, all of the Queens in tarot are bad bitches and they’re the leaders of their own life, but it’s like you are waiting for someone to give you your sword. You need to realise that that sword is your life and all your life energy it comes from you not out. You just really remind me of the Timothée Chalamet quote “you need to realise that the life comes from you and not at/to you” yeah, something similar he said.
honestly pile 1 am flabbergasted with you. Can you imagine, IMAGINE the Queen of swords. LITERAL Queen of swords, like an actual real-life figure and she’s waiting for someone to give her a sword. Is she really THE Queen of swords if she’s waiting for someone to give her her own sword.
YOU NEED TO MOVE. It’s like if your leg was cranking up and making you uncomfortable you still wouldn’t move it. Nobody’s gonna do it for you.
You need to say YES to yourself, to your potential, to your actuality, to your abundance, to the money that you want and you know I don’t know why but like fame and recognition are coming through strongly. Create your own World. Collect all your Ls and be like okay, okay goodbye I’m taking this and I’m going away. And at least, AT LEAST .I’m moving .
Yeah, you may be down, really really down but you still got you you still can move, and that’s truly all you need to say yes to. MOVING. Because it’s like you you’re making it seem like you were stuck, I don’t even know, up with ivy and you’re just cornered into a wall and you were glued.
Obstacles and your past are not the things that are stopping you from your abundance and you living your best life and being the most incredible version of you. Yeah you may have made mistakes but your mistakes aren’t holding you back, you are holding onto your own mistakes. You are stuck in the labyrinth of your own mind. You need to move. forget about the past I just need to move. You thoughts don’t make your life. YOU make your life. It’s OK to grow and change. What is not OK is thinking you can’t!
Pile 2 ☀️ You are my sweetie honey-pumpkin pie. Here's a hug and a celebratory hurray for what's ahead of you!
you need to say YES to:
start getting dressed more fancy, the way you like.
say yes to your graceful elegant side.
Also you need to say yes to being more gentle with yourself. It’s okay to not rush with your feelings if you still feel hurt and shocked.
"Start looking forward and stop looking back" - What's the use of feeling Blue? Song from Steven Universe. My personal favourite quote for situations llike this. (You won't believe it but I once channeled it from Jinx oddly enough. She gave me great advice)
getting excited about your own life!
It’s like you feel that you missed your chance on something, or something in your life did not turn out the way it was supposed to it’s over and you just can’t accept that it’s over.
I can't make this shit up. The card that flew out next was the 2 of cups.
Did you go through a breakup recently?
If so, then I am with you. To be honest, I’ve noticed that people are literally collectively going through breakups right now. Doesn’t matter if it’s a relationship that lasted for years or several months. EVERYONE is breaking up right now. I swear to you. Me included. I’m with you, honey🥹❤️❤️
Okay, I fully understand now what I need to say to you.
I know how much it hurts. Trust me, I’ve gone through the same thing a week ago. It was a 4 year relationship. But it was dying. There is no saving the wilted flowers. They blessed your life with their beaty, served their time and left space for the next amazing thing to come in their place. Say yes to letting it go! Say "yes"! Understand, this was for the best! And you need to start thinking about yourself. What is over is already over and done with. You cannot get it back, you cannot change it. You need to understand, this break up, this thing, it happened. "There is happiness after you, but there was happiness because of you" I PROMISE YOU you need to get excited honestly say yes to getting excited. This is a new chapter in your life and let me tell you, I feel like you’re gonna be, man.. if I like you were in the dark, this whole whole freaking time and you’re kind of amazed how it’s over, but somehow there’s a glimmer of hope and you might actually feel better than you thought you would. And I keep hearing "bedazzled". You need to be out there at the frontlines of your life. You need to let your spark shine, don’t feel guilty. Feel sad, but also understand that the person may not have been your future but they did turn out to be your past instead. And they were there and it’s amazing, and now is the start of your next chapter and let me tell you, it’s gonna be exciting!! You need to like, you need to get excited about this, truly. Move don’t be pushed around by the paast that you own. Don’t stay stuck in the same place. Don’t let these thoughts and whatever there is overcome you. There is no need, you’re the Queen! The boss of your own life! Think about the fancy stuff that you want to buy for yourself, the concert tickets that you want.. I might be projecting, but truly this is a collective thing right now so I feel like I’m speaking to you as a friend, but also this is literally what the cards are saying. Your life will literally glimmer and shine as the Sun and the stars. Take control of your life. Be the leader of change. All of the things that you want to do. It’s time! it’s time to make plans and make them come to life because this is the going forward. It's the only thing that will make you feel better, not dwelling on the past. It’s over. It’s okay to relax into your bright future. HELL, into your bright present. Notice how you feel lighter. It's like you finally cleaned out your old closet. Like you felt heavy and stressed all this time without knowing why. And when you broke up you realised that the person that you so loved was the last thing holding you back. And you finally feel fresh. Finally feel like you have your whole life ahead of you. Breath and breathe out. The only one you need to love you is YOU!
But still, I love you! ❤️❤️☀️
Songs you might enjoy at this particular time(besides:
Bejeweled - Taylor Swift
Happiness- Taylor Swift
Midnight shy - Miley Cyrus
Truth hurts - Lizzo
Break free - Ariana Grande
Clean - Taylor Swift
Thank u, next - Ariana Grande
Honestly, the Renaissance album is the vibe rn, but skip the love songs, if you’re still uncomfy.
Additional picture-messages for you that I channeled
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Pile 3 My dragons🐲
I strongly feel you were given a precious gift in this life, a divine gift, truly.
When I was channeling your pile:
What I meant to say: “my caterpillars, turning into butterflies”.
What I actually said: “ah, my butterflies, turning into caterpillars”. 💀
Crying rn.
Believe in yourself, no matter your doubts. You’re actually turning into a butterfly. You not believing in yourself is the only thing stopping you from seeing it. Believe and speed up the transformation.
I then heard “my dragons” ssoooo.
It’s you. You are my dragons.
I feel so strongly for you pile 3!!!!!! DON'T YOU DARE be careless with your gift, whatever it may be. Weather it refers to your inner power, or maybe an idea that you want to bring to life. Don’t you dare miss this opportunity because of your fears or your disbelief in yourself. You are this powerful for a reason don’t you dare give it up!!!!!!!! Don’t you dare be careless.
This is as much of a warning as it is advice and I advise you, I demand of you strongly! Don’t you dare pass up this opportunitybecause you think you are incompetent or not good enough, any of that crap. You doubt yourself for literally no reason, don’t let it cloud your judgement or stop you from taking action. You might believe what you believe but still do it anyway. You have a brain, you have hands. You may not think the best of yourself rn, but at least rage and be like: "like hell I'm about to let it go with the wind!!! NEVER." Because I feel like you’re extremely gifted psychically, or you have something to offer that only you and no one else can. it’s like you have a spark in you, it’s amazing. YOU are the one who is meant to bring it to life. I am just, wow. This is so incredible that I am kind of speechless and all I can do is be like "don’t you dare be careless with that, don’t you dare be lazy, don’t you dare doubt yourself"
You need to be worried about giving up, so don’t you dare give up!!! See it through whatever idea that you have. I don’t care, no matter what, put your blood sweat and tears into it and all of your burning passion and desire and your life force and see it through. BRING THIS SHIT TO COMPLETION. You will receive something MAJOR. the divine is on your side. Don’t you dare lose this halfway. Don’t lose yourself. This is crucial right now.
I keep hearing this part of a song, and the words “like I believe in you” . I was thinking whether it’s like a Disney song but I believe this is a Steven universe song and I love my animation, It's an incredible song. the song is called "Who we are". it goes "and I believe in them, and I believe in yOuuuuu". The whole song is a bomb that you need rn. Listen to the song or catch these hands.
like oh my God say yes yes say yes all "t baby can you bring me all the way" from a Beyonce song on the Renaissance album. Now it is not time to give up. Now it’s not time to suddenly be like "oh well, guess I’m not good enough, guess it’s not bringing me anything" SAY NO TO BETRAYING YOUR VALUES. SAY NO TO BETRAYING YOUR OWN SELF". I know this reading is supposed to be about what you should say YES to, but in order to lit a fire under your ass I need to be counterproductive like you seem to be right now. Don’t give up cause you fucking doubt yourself, okay!? I’m mad right now because I believe in you so passionately and whloeheartedly. I would literally, I don’t know, fight you and shake you by the shoulders with how much I believe in you and how much I want to see you shine it’s crazy. I swear like DM me or put an ask in my ask box and tell me what it is that you want to do in this world because oh my God, oh my God, I’ll be your listener, your viewer...not your buyer at this moment because I don’t have money right now, but I will definitely be your supporter!!!! I want you to win, baby, so win!
The universe wants you to win, most of all you are the 1. You have to be the one who wants you to win the most!!! There’s nobody stronger than you. Forget even "higher power" Only pay attantion to yourself. You are the force!!!! so bring it on!!! Also, by the way, I’m a pile three girly as well, like strongly. You are my spirit friend, spiritual siblings, so I also have some dreams. So if you like, feel free to message me or put an ask in my box.
I love you and I am moved by your extremely powerful energy. I was like welling up with inspiration and drive. I feel like Nicki Minaj right now with this particular quote: “barbz, don’t you dare be lazy. Stay in school”
Additional picture-messages for you that I channeled
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Okay, can we talk about this for a moment?
Rose's whole quote here is:
When a Gem is made, it's for a reason. They burst out of the ground already knowing what they're supposed to be, and then… that's what they are. Forever. But you, you're supposed to change. You're never the same even moment to moment; you're allowed and expected to invent who you are. What an incredible power, the ability to "grow up."
So Rose states here that Gems are incapable of fundamental growth and change. Which is... Kind of an insane thing to say considering the Crystal Gems.
Every day Rose comes home to an Amethyst who seems to prefer food and shape shifting over fighting, a pair of different gems who choose to live as an illegal fusion out of love, and a Pearl who is both a swords- and spearmanship master as well as a tech expert. Not to mention, she herself has not only flipped her inherent skill set in the opposite direction from destructive to healing, she has lead a literal rebellion against her purpose of colonizing planets and using them to make more gems.
So why would Rose say that?
Regarding Rose herself, the explanation is pretty easy. Not even the most fervent, uncharitable Rose Anti hates Rose as much as she hates herself. I have no trouble believing that Rose would be able to convince herself that everything she's done as Rose is a pretty facade and she is still the monster she has made Pink out to be deep down.
But what about the others?
I find it a bit hard to believe that Rose would deny that they have deviated from what Homeworld thinks they are. But then I realised: While Rose might realise that they aren't what Homeworld wants them to be, she could feasibly interpret their actions as still holding on to some basic principles Homeworld instilled in them.
Yes, Amethyst is more interested in fun and relaxation than fighting, but other Amethysts tend to like those things too. And Amethyst is still fighting, just alongside the Crystal Gems instead of as part of Homeworld's army. It wouldn't be too farfetched to assume that the basic programming is intact here.
Pearl is lightyears away from the "stand around and look nice" ideal Homeworld has for Pearls, but Rose is all too aware that Pearl is still has the single mindedly devoted to her. Sure, Pearl's fantasy about her and Rose removes the ownership relation, but, whispers Rose's self hatred at the back of her mind, would a Gem as great as Pearl really choose Rose if her choice was truly free?
Garnet might be harder to explain, but still, aren't Ruby and Sapphire always together this way, just as a Sapphire and her Ruby guard are supposed to be?
If you think about it like that, I could see how Rose might talk herself into some kind of Gem determinism and decide that the only way for herself to truly change would be to stop being both herself and a Gem and be reborn as part of a human child.
But she's wrong.
We know she's wrong because Steven Universe showed us.
Amethyst leaves combat behind as soon as it's unnecessary and becomes a teacher. Ruby and Sapphire regularly do their own thing by SUF, and Ruby proposed to Sapphire to make being Garnet their own decision. And then, of course, there's Pearl.
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All of the Crystal Gems reinvented themselves in the exact way that Rose didn't believe Gems ever could.
And in doing so, they also proved that Rose was wrong to think of her own growth as a lie. She didn't become a perfect person- nobody in this show was or will ever be perfect. But she became a genuinely kind and nurturing person who was loved and admired by many for good reason.
When you think about it, the only part of Homeworld that she couldn't let go of was the image she had of herself.
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lizaluvsthis · 4 months
IF I were to suggest a song for the Indigo Boyfriends (yes thats right the mordetwi colored ass fruity boyfriends SMG34 obvs)
Also thanks to @anartisticalniche for giving out the song suggestion of Pork Soda- Us Frog Trio listened to this and it was fantastic! I can imagine the whole thing happening! Thank you for that again!
One More Night - Maroon 5
Not another song about Love - Holywood Ending
Love Like You - Rebecca Sugar (the most infamous song from Steven Universe where as)
OMG What's Happening - Ava Max
Never Getting Rid Of Me - Waitress Original Broadway Cast Ensemble
One More Night reminds me how these two were the ones who both used to be "enemies" (when aka right after the event there came a so called "push comes to shove" quote so theyve both started goin real soft)
Not another song about love reminds me of three singing this out loud that he hates smg4 and how he hates everything about him (which is the most opposite points)
Love Like You shows how right after these two became friends, Three and Four developed something else. (AND THEY WERE ROOM MATES, THE E-) "shaken by how long it took" where Three cries (IN the main event from IGBP)
OMG whats happening is also for three's POV "Ive got everything I wanted but you're everything to me" this kind of shows an old design of smg3 whos obsessed for taking down the guy for years and he keeps having weird tingles or feelings from him. (Portraits to how he dealt his emotions while developing this so... yeah)
Never getting rid of me is focused on SMG4 saying how he loves Three and that he'll never get rid of him XDD
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jwcartoonist · 1 year
It feels like with the Disney remakes (and even some of the newer animated films) Disney feels afraid of any criticism aimed at their movies, so they want to make sure their main characters are as flawless as possible and that every single action they do is justified.
An example of this is the Pinocchio remake. In the original he skips going to school to become an actor, leading to him being imprisoned by Stromboli as punishment later on. In the remake he goes to school and gets kicked out, which is supposed to justify him skipping school to become an actor, but the whole plot of Pinocchio is that he's supposed to learn how to be a good boy. It's supposed to teach important morals; like go to school, don't go with strangers, listen to your parents, let your conscience be your guide, don't do stuff you know is wrong otherwise you'll turn into a donkey. In the remake they make the moral of "don't be bad" kind of pointless as Pinocchio did do the right thing, but he got punished for it anyway, so it feels like the moral of the new version is "Do whatever and you'll get the same results."
It feels like Disney saw all of those Cinema Sins videos with all the nitpicky critiques of their older films and took them all seriously, leading to the current state we're in where even "Poor Unfortunate Souls" the villain song in The Little Mermaid sung by the villain (AKA the character who is evil and we are not supposed to root for) has to be corrected to be "Progressive."
I'm all for progress and updating stuff, there are several pieces of media I love that fit in that category like Steven Universe, and the Netflix She-Ra series. Now some people don't like those, and I'll admit they have their flaws, but here's the thing... It's okay for media to have flaws, it's okay for characters to have flaws, you know why? Because people have flaws, it's what makes us human. It's how we deal with them and learn from them that makes us who we are, and what makes characters and stories so much fun and unique. If you give us nothing but main characters who never do anything wrong and already know the right thing to do... Well it's just kind of bland.
Are there elements of past stories in media that haven't aged well? Of course. Can some of these elements be seen as harmful? Yes. When retelling these stories should we try to update them properly? Yes. But we shouldn't try to avoid our stories and characters having no flaws whatsoever. Because to quote Duckman:
"The risk is better than the alternative: a steady diet of innocuous, child-proof, flavorless mush!"
Those are my thoughts anyway. Remember wether you're creating your own stories and characters or just a fan who enjoys them, it's okay for them to have flaws. Maybe it's accepting the flaws in characters which makes it easier to accept the flaws we have as humans.
Now to end this, a couple of Cartoon Network quotes which sum up my feelings:
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dekusleftsock · 2 years
I’m emotional and can’t stop thinking so, the indomitable human spirit. What is it?
This is a form of philosophy, actually, but it’s also a meme right now and that’s just so fascinating to me!
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It is the embodiment of hope that you as a human being have. The hope to get up in the morning, smile, laugh, or hope for the days in which you see those things once again. And in a world in which you are surrounded by drought, corrupt politicians, food shortages, and a recession, hope can be the only thing you have sometimes. Everyone wants to make the world a better place, it’s in our nature. Everyone wants to be a hero.
And this meme? Shows that. It shows that we will always be fighting. THESE KIDS?
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They will do the very same.
The indomitable human spirit will prevail over the nihilism we often surround ourselves in. It’s a story, it will forever reflect reality just as reality will always reflect a story. They are two halves of the same coin; a story will change and grow just as much as you will.
One of my favorite quotes about the human experience is from Steven Universe. As Rose says, “But you, you’re supposed to change! You’re never the same, even moment to moment. You’re allowed and expected to… INVENT who you are! What an incredible power.”
It is able to completely encompass that you? Yes you, are allowed and expected and are SUPPOSED to change! Change yourself, change the world. You can choose to be nihilistic or hopeful, naive or wise, you are allowed to be anything and that’s what makes being human and being alive so incredible.
I don’t live out of spite for others, I live in hope for a better future for those to come. And that’s a CHOICE. A choice I made, and a choice I will continue to make. Whether that makes me naive or wise doesn’t matter because the line can become so blurred. The nativity of a child can be a lesson you learn as you grow old. Or the wise knowledge you once knew can become naive because it stops you from thinking of anything different.
The perspective of hope becoming something to cherish on the internet, to be the norm is something I have always wanted. I hate tragedy, I always have and always will. I choose to believe in hope for the future.
I choose to believe that someway, somehow, an lgbt male main character in a shonen can happen. That there is still time for us to stop global warming from baking us alive. That the corruption in my own country can make a turn for something better.
The corruption and power imbalance in the world survives bc we do not hope for a better future. Because we feel all too helpless in the inevitability of death and sorrow. When in reality, our life and meaning is about what we want it to be. What we choose it to be about. Making the world a better place or putting ourselves in the position of power, it’s all a choice. Just as you, my friend, the one reading this post are thinking that you can’t do anything compared to the entire system; you’re right. You can’t. Not individually. However we have always been good at socializing, and working, and being better people. We are able to grow and learn together, stop those things together. Because trying to take on the world alone, like a hero, like Izuku, will only mean the downfall of our hope. We are human, we have gotten as far as we have because we have worked together.
We choose to hope. We choose our indomitable human spirit.
Edit to this lol: the most beautiful part about this meme? It was born out of a trend about the cruelty of the world. The darkest, shittiest, and most slimiest parts of what we as humans and the universe has to offer. It became a counter trend, something to spike hope in people. It is exactly like the protagonist in a story who sees the evil in the world, an antagonist, and learns to grow and defeat that antagonist. For the trend, the antagonist is the world itself. And the current arc is the one following the protagonists darkest moments. What a beautiful thing to happen right after Katsuki coming back to life?
Also, this philosophy is actually born out of religion! Forgot to mention that. It is a belief that god gave you the indomitable human spirit so that you could prevail even in the darkest moments. The thing that makes you unique. And I love that. I love that it’s a philosophy that was made into a meme. It’s something I haven’t had a word for but have followed for a very long time, even when I saw my parents or peers around me loose themselves to nihilism. My mom, specifically. Don’t let yourself stop hoping. Continue to live for a better future, if there’s nothing left then we can build it back brick by broken brick.
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bcbdrums · 3 months
Hi! I read your fic hxjxnx and I ADORE it, your characterization is on point! And the writing was so addicting and flowed sk well :)
I just have a question, in the comments you said that you have a post on your tumblr on how you think Spirit didnt actually cheat and was just overcompensating for his failures. I havent been able to find it though :( I would DIE to hear your thoughts on him 👀💗
Hello!! I saw your second ask naming Cadenza, thank you!! Just to briefly mention the story - I truly think that after the incident in Italy, Spirit recognized what a great weapon partner Soul is to Maka. I don't think we really see him pick on or degrade Soul again in either anime or manga canon, and specifically reaches out to Soul more than once in the manga. So I wanted to write some of Spirit being a Good Dad to Soul too :) I'm SO glad you enjoyed the fic!!!
Here is the post you are looking for. I know it's typical practice to take canon at face-value, but Spirit Albarn and the way his story unfolds reminds me a lot of Greg Universe (from Steven Universe).
To use Greg as comparison... When we first meet him in one of the earliest episodes, we see a guy who looks like a deadbeat - unkempt, living out of his van, seemingly unemployed and unattached, and why isn't he living with his son who adores him and who he clearly loves in return?? He is set up as a character you should dislike and not be rooting for. BUT THEN... The story unfolds and you realize how this is so incredibly far from what's actually going in on his life, in Steven's life... Yeah. (Anyone who hasn't seen Steven Universe, give it an unspoiled watch. Don't read the wiki or look at fandom...watch it unspoiled. Take my word for it.)
So Spirit Albarn... Same thing. Episode one, he is set up as a character to dislike, to root against, with certain assumptions set in our minds about him by his daughter and other characters. But just like Greg, VERY quickly you start to see there's a LOT more going on and we just may be dealing with a very unreliable narrator. In the manga canon (like all characters) his situation gets more fleshed-out and we learn a lot more about him, and he demonstrates repeatedly that is not the "cringefail loser" that most of the fandom likes to call him (yes that is a quote from someone). But even in the anime we do see things that immediately send up red flags about how he's initially presented, and even how his relationships with Stein and his ex-wife are presented (that again, get more time in the manga simply because...there was more time).
I go into great detail in the post I linked about how the evidence of his cheating is, well...let's say flimsy and circumstantial. I could even add more now than I did then. I hope you'll find it a valuable read.
Thanks for the ask!!!
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murdockmeta · 11 months
Mike Murdock Headcanons
Has the goofiest laugh. He rarely laughs for real but when he does its something like *loud snort* hyUH hyUH hyUH
He likes watching animated shows, stuff that's usually meant for kids, like adventure time, kim possible, steven universe, over the garden wall, gravity falls ect
This extends to movies, he does watch Disney movies and he will sing every damn song, he can quote tangled off the top of his head
If you ask he will tell you his favorite ghibli film is princess mononoke (he did have a crush on her when he was younger) but it's actually my neighbor totoro and he tears up every time he watches it
He's bisexual, he does not discriminate at all
Enjoys lots of anime like hunter x hunter and jojos bizarre adventure and full metal alchemist ect
wants to fuck hisoka from hxh SO bad, he's attracted to so many anime men it's embarrassing
Wears the most ridiculous t-shirts ever:
One has a shitty print of Jesus holding a Cadbury egg, he wears it around Easter. One has "boyfriend to some, girlfriend to others." One has "my girlfriends husband fights for your freedom" and then there's one of Kermit the frog surfing on the great wave off kanagawa and one that says "the men's bathroom is for gay sex and the women's bathroom is for doing coke" the list GOES ON he has DOZENS like this
Has an ass tattoo he got on impulse. It may or may not be a shamrock because he's a fucking idiot
Torrents basically everything
Likes to draw
His favorite subject in school was science
Has stolen every pair of sunglasses he owns
Has his ears peirced
Doesn't get the catholicism stuff and doesn't consider himself catholic
Has cross-dressed for funsies
Used to smoke cigarettes but not anymore, does smoke weed on occasion
Has tried most recreational drugs
Super messy but he always knows where everything is
Longest he's spent in jail is 10 months, it was originally a year but he got out early on good behavior
Drools in his sleep
Has traveled all over the country
Knows a bit of Spanish along with a couple other languages but isn't fluent in any
Took the LSAT cause he thought it'd be funny if he scored higher than Matt
He didn't but he'll swear up and down he did
Has freckles all over his back/shoulders
Has started so many bar fights it isn't even funny
Will go to a protest simply with the hopes he'll have the chance to punch a cop
Always a 50/50 chance he'll be chewing gum, this increase to a 115% chance if Matt's around because Mike knows he HATES it
Is like. So good a Mario Kart it's concerning
He can sing, actually, but rarely does he try. He'd rather belt out things horribly off-key or sing under his breath
Is the older brother
Uses "man" and "dude" way too much (this is basically canon)
Has an accent that gets so thick when he's tired you can barely understand him
Yes i have more but this is all for now, thanks for reading, I love this fictional man like he's my actual husband
Also If some of those sayings on the shirts sound familiar or you like them go check out Girl of Swords shop on bonfire.com :)
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lumity-poggers · 1 year
My thoughts on Watching and Dreaming
I watched the episode when it premeired last night but i hit post limit so couldnt post about it. Spoilers under the cut. sorry if anything is out of order lol im sick and im just throwing everything i thought last night down on this post.
-Luz being attacked by Amity genuinely made me cry
-"My girlfriend is too big a nerd to misremember an Azura quote" -luz probably
-Lilith having the haircut from For the Future but color scheme from season 1 is a nice touch
-"Dont you recognize your siblings" Ok damn man didnt need to go THAT far
-The giant stone Flapjack in Luz's nightmare killed me and not in the good funny way but in the sad crying way
-in the words of @minty-creator "BELOS FUCKETH OFF" (We were both watching the ep and screaming to each other about it)
-at first I thought belos was gonna try and possess king but then I realized no he's going to possess the fucking boiling isles titan
-I actually kinda liked that The Collector had no concept of death. They're a kid, an IMMORTAL GODLY KID. Of course they wouldnt know what death is
-Pacman Collector will haunt my nightmares
-The Collector needs a hug. I want to give them a hug.
-"You know this cant last forever" that was said to the collector but it feels like it was also aimed towards us
-The Archivists 🤝Pink Diamond "Wanna play a game?" *leaves them lonely*
-ok no but seriously the archivists telling Collector to play with the titans only to wipe them out leaving Collector all alone is just fucking cruel
-The Collector is just a lonely kid LET ME HUG THEM
-Me seeing Raine fight back: YES YOU GO
-Goo Belos in this episode looks like William Afton. Like- Remember that fucking fnaf 3 image where the springtrap head was open showing William? Thats what Belos looks like. Or burntrap from SB take your pick.
-Raine my beloved
-The Belos possessed Titan looks like a fucking dragon holy shit
-"Now that's a spinoff I'd watch" You and me both Luz
-The Collector picking up Raine's earring and realizing that the Raine talking to them wasnt actually Raine, and then looking upset is just AAAAAAAA LET ME FUCKING HUG THEM
-I LOVE that when the collector uses "Kindness and Forgiveness" on Belos IT DOESNT WORK. I FUCKING H A T E THAT TROPE OF POWER OF FRIENDSHIP REDEMPTION. It was one of the few things I genuinely hated about Steven Universe (SU is still a good show tho they just kinda overused villain redemption. And yeah yeah you could argue MLP overuses that too but MLP was ABOUT friendship)
-Luz, Eda, and King's expressions when The Collector hugs Belos is so funny tho. Literally just 👁👄👁
-I literally screamed at Luz's sacrifice. S C R E A M E D.
-Gaster Blaster Belos Real
-"Eda, King, looks like we're going to be split up again. I feel like I should be used to this feeling by now, but I still dont know what to say" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
-I like that Luz becomes lights. Not only was the light glyph the first one she learned but her name literally means light.
-Eda, King, and Luz are such a found family I love them
-"I should have thanked them" SCREAMING AND CRYING
-I love that King's dad basically said "Fuck gender"
-I also love that he has a bad girls coven shirt
-Eda makes alchoholic apple blood confirmed?
-Titan Luz is so gender
-Camila best mom
-Luz and King doing the WEH together is so fucking cute.
-For some reason I thought Luz was gonna die again when the titan magic was fading. Like I thought that was keeping her alive.
-Anyone gonna talk about the fact Eda gave Raine a little kiss when saving them from the Belos goop
-the entire episode was so anime but the fight scene between Titan Luz and Belos was just anime as fuck and the smooth animation makes it even better
-Look at how fuckin anime this is I love it so much
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-Luz looks so badass btw idk if I mentioned that
-Belos trying to bullshit his way out of this and Luz having NONE OF IT is so great. I hat the "[insert curse/supernatural thing] made me do it so im innocent" trope if it's done poorly or with a character like Belos. Love that they smashed that into the ground with Luz having fucking none of it.
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-I like the touch that Titan Luz isnt affected by the boiling rain
-King's dad is A PUN MASTER
-the reuniting. oh my titan the reuniting. I cried. Gus doing a little illusion with his dad, Amity hugging Alador (with Odalia rightfully in the sidelines), Hunter telling Darius about wolves, Willow and her dads!
-Darius and Eber so want to beat the shit out of Terra, Vitmir, and Adrien.
-Camila pulling Eda and King into a hug with Luz is just. YES.
-Yassified Hooty go brrr
-King giving The Collector Francois was so sweet
-All the kids as adults are so fucking gender. GIVE ME YOUR GENDER.
-All the photos on Luz's bulletin board are so amazing. Especially the one with Hooty dropping from a tree that one made me laugh so hard. Also the Bi Pride pin next to the graduation photo was amazing.
-"Stringbean's Corner" AWWWE
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-ik im doing two screenshots in a row but LOOK AT THIS PICTURE OF STRINGBEAN
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-When I tell you I screamed with joy when I saw there was a working permanent portal to the Boiling Isles I mean I SCREAMED WITH JOY
-I love Willow's leaf headband. It just fits her so well.
-I love that Hunter is a palismen carver and carved a Blue Jay to be his new palismen (according to Dana on twt the name of the palismen is Waffle. I love it.), but I also love that Hunter was (or maybe still is) Dell's apprentice by the looks of things
-The grave for Flapjack made me sob. And then the "Thank you for finding me" on it im just. I need a moment.
-Also I just realized now they all have matching Flapjack tattoos. Im gonna cry you guys.
-The way Darius just slides over after shaking Alador is the most tsundere anime thing ever.
-Theres a little abomination in Alador's pocket :0
-Raine with white hair is actually so fucking cool
-Gus looks so cool you cannot tell me otherwise.
-Everyone thought Eda would have like a robotic/abomination arm but no SHE HAS A HOOK AND IT'S AWESOME
-King had a growth spurt lets go!
-The quinceanera being called a king-cenera is just perfect. King is mastering the art of puns just like his father.
-King having his own glyph shapes is just perfect I love it!
-Collector making fireworks shooting stars is amazing
Im going to miss toh. It was one of the best shows Ive ever watched.
Edit: I hat the new post editor istg
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pinketine · 1 year
Kiki my darling dear can you please explain to me the premise of. Whatever the fruity men with wild ass names is because I am going insane /silly lighthearted.
The premise of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure?
Oh boy
The explanation is going under this cut because of how long winded this will be
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is an anime series focused on a family, and their bizarre adventures, shocker. There are 9 parts, each focusing on a different member of the family, all of whom can be referred to by the nickname of JoJo. Part 9, JoJolands, has very recently just released its first chapter.
JoJo is welll known for being over the top, especially in the anime with the constant colour palette changes, ridiculous character designs and poses. And yeah, it does end up being extremely gay. This is evident in the often homoerotic dynamics the JoJo has with their "JoBro"
There's also a LOT of musical references, especially with Part 4 onwards.
Parts 1-6 follow one universe, with part 6 being reset by its main villain, causing a new universe. CONTRARY TO POPULAR BELIEF, this new reset universe is not parts 7-9. They are 2 separate stories about two separate Joestar families. The first 6 parts are this:
Part 1, Phantom Blood, is Jonathan Joestar, a young man in early 1900s England, who is the adopted brother of Dio Brando. Dio is evil as shit as a child, seemingly mellows out, until the pair of them are both about 19 or so, when it's revealed that Dio is still a power and money hungry little shit. He turns into a vampire and the part then becomes about killing him.
Part 2, Battle Tendency, is Joseph Joestar, Jonathan's 19 year old Looney Toon character (not even a joke, he deadass quotes Looney Toons) grandson, and starts in 1940s America before moving to Italy. He and his friend/JoBro Caesar Zeppeli are tasked with having to fight ancient Aztec Gods, the Pillar Men (yes, really).
Part 3, Stardust Crusaders, is Jotaro Kujo, Joseph's 17 year old deliquent grandson, as he, Joseph, Noriaki Kakyoin (the JoBro!), Jean Pierre Polnareff and Muhammed Avdol go on a 50 day cross contiental trip to Egypt to fight Dio in the late 80s. Yes, the same Dio. He's a vampire, ya know?
Part 4, Diamond is Unbreakable, is Josuke Higashikata (the kanji for the suke in his name can also be read as jo), Joseph's illegtimate 16 year old son in the summer of 1999 in Japan. He and his friends track down their local town serial killer, Yoshikage Kira, 33 years old, lives in the North East section where all the villas are-
Part 5, Vento Aureo, is Giorno Giovanna (Yes it's pronounced JoJo), the illegtimate son of Dio and Jonathan Joestar (it's GENUINELY not what it sounds like.) in 2001 Italy. He and his band of friends all named after Italian foods go on an adventure to kill the leader of the Italian mafia, Diavolo/Doppio Vinegar, in order to stop drugs being sold to kids.
Part 6, Stone Ocean, is Jolyne Kujo, the 19 year old deliquent daughter of Jotaro, and takes place in 2011 Florida. She and her friends break out of prison, save Jotaro and stop Pucci, a priest and follower of Dio, YES THIS GUY AGAIN, from resetting the world.
Those are the first 6 parts, and the first 6 JoJos. We then leave this universe, and join a completely new one. Important side note: Stands are only introduce in Part 3, with Parts 1-2 having this type of magical breathing named Hamon!
Part 7, Steel Ball Run, is Johnny Joestar, who is this universe's Jonathan, in 1890s USA. In order to regain mobility, he partners up with JoBro Gyro Zeppeli in order to win the Steel Ball Run horse race to learn the Spin and collect the corpse parts of Jesus Christ. He ends up having to kill the US President, Funny Valentine.
Part 8, JoJolion, is Josuke Higashikata, nicknamed Gappy, who is clearly this universe's Josuke in 2011 Japan. I never read JoJolion, so I'm not too familiar with the plot, but I do know that Gappy is actually two men. Like. He's a Steven Universe fusion of Yoshikage Kira and Josefumi Kujo. I'm not shitting you.
And now, we have the newly released Part 9, JoJolion! This is 15 year old Jodio Joestar, and we don't know much of the plot yet due to us having only one chapter. He seems to be this universe's Giorno, but maybe not a son of Diego Brando was ran over by a train. Apparently, it's the story of how he got rich. Right now, he's a drug dealer who was born in New Jersey and now lives in Hawaii in the present day with his sister (IDON'TCAREWHATARAKISAYSSHEISATRANSWOMAN) Dragona Joestar and his mother.
Something interesting to note is that the 7-9 JoJos are very much unlike their counterparts. Jonathan is a gentlemen, Johnny is a pretty selfish cold blooded killer. Josuke is a sweet kid, Gappy kills without remorse. Giorno resents drug dealers, Jodio is one.
So that's the premise for each part! I could go even more indepth, but I think this gets the point across. JoJo's premise is that it's a bunch of bizarre stories 2 families go through.
Anyways, part 3 is my favourite and my favourite character is Kakyoin ^-^ but my favourite JoJo is Johnny
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artzychic27 · 1 year
Hmm… Steven Universe quotes for SB&IB?
Marinette: Hey, Kaalki. What do you call this? *Points to her nose*
Kaalki: A sense sponge.
Ikati Black: Huh?
Marinette/Scarlet Beetle: *Laughing*
Marinette: Okay! What’s this? *Points to her eyeball*
Kaalki: Vision sphere.
Ikati Black: Kaalki, that’s-
Marinette: Wait, wait! Ikati- *Giggles* Kaalki, these? *Wiggles her fingers*
Kaalki: *Getting annoyed* Touch stumps.
Marinette: *Points to her foot*
Kaalki: *Getting angry* Gravity connectors.
Marinette: *Points to her backside and smirks* This?
Ikati Black: I need to be able to protect you!
Scarlet Beetle: But if you're the one protecting me...Then who's the one protecting you?!
Alix: You can’t outrun me! We both have short legs!
Cosette: Wait! Why are you here, Simon?
Simon: Me? Nothing, I was just, uh… Well, you know how I always say… Um… I just, uh… I like to watch my friends sleep sometimes. And by “sometimes,” I mean “often.”
Juleka: Hey! Cut him some slack!
Rose: It’s not his fault!
Luka: Just let him be a gay polyamorous angel!
Roger: Wha?
Ivan: We just wanted Xavier to have some fun. I don’t know what’s going on with Bob sending those priests to abduct him and him hating his own body so much, but it sounds like he’s got a lot on his mind.
Rose: I think Wayhem is asking you out… On a date!
Marinette: … Well, that ain’t happening.
Adrien: Nope.
Rose: Why not?
Marinette: Adrien’s already in a relationship.
Rose: Wait, really?
Marinette: Well, yeah. With Luka and Xavier.
Rose: Oh yeah… So I guess this date with Wayhem is out of the question.
Adrien: Four can be a crowd.
Wayhem: Adrien! You’ve come! You can tell your friends about all the wonderful things you’ve wrote to me in your missive! *Holds up the letter*
Adrien: … I didn’t write that.
Monarch: What do YOU know about the Wish?!
Volpina: Apparently more than you! You… CLOD!
Monarch: … WHAAAAAT?!
Volpina: Uh… Uh… I revoke my own akuma! *Transforms back into Lila*
Donatella: *Looks up to see Scarlet Beetle floating in the air* Oh, there’s Scarlet Beetle. Just flyin’ around. *Walks away*
Scarlet Beetle: No! Donatella! Come back!
Donatella: Wait. Can Scarlet Beetle fly?… Yeah, I think I remember that… No! No! I’m thinking of Monarch!
Ismael: You have to pull over to the side and show them your license.
Zoé: I don't have a license!
Marc: What?!
Denise: But you're old enough to drive!
Zoé: What was I supposed to tell the DMV, that I’m from America?! I’m not exactly a French citizen, Denise!
Max: Hey, how's it going? Are we winning?
Marinette: Ummm... *chuckles nervously*
*Marinette then sees Marc giving instructions to Nathaniel on how to kick a soccer ball properly*
Marc: Now, what you want to do is kick with the top of your foot. *Nathaniel kicks the ball* Yeah. That's pretty good. Let me show you again.
*Denise watches Marc and Nathaniel, and then glances towards Marinette with a look of suspicion*
Marinette: Well, haha... *hesitates* We're doing just fine. Everything's gonna be A-Okay. *Walks nervously back to the field*
Max: You’re lying to me!
Marinette: To make you feel better!
Max: Thank you!
Denise: Listen to me. You are not two people. And you are not one person. You are an experience! Make sure you're a good experience. Now... Go!... Have!... Fun!
Senti-Beetle: This is Prince Paon’s line.
Donatella: Is that a Senticreature?
Komodo: *To Scarlet Beetle and Ikati Black* Who are they?
Scarlet Beetle: Ugh. We don’t know every Senticreature who looks like us, Komodo.
Senti-Beetle: Who authorized you to make this call?
Volpina: No one, b-but it's an emergency!
Senti-Beetle: That's no excuse to call him out of the blue, and expect-
Prince Paon: Senti.
Senti-Beetle: Yes, Father?
Prince Paon: Why is there an someone calling me?
Senti-Beetle: I don't know. I was just about to tell her that-
Prince Paon: I'll take it from here.
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Welcome to my blog!
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❥Very important! Please, please, please customize your blog a bit before following/interacting with me. If your blog only has a profile picture but is completely unchanged other than the pic, I will block you thinking you’re a bot even when you’re really not ❥
❥Hello everyone and welcome to my blog where I post art, write stuff for ocs and more! ❥
❥I’m Noelle and I’ll be your guide whilst we venture through the murky deep that is also known as this blog ❥
❥Just to know me a bit better, I’m Filipino and I speak a couple of languages like English, Tagalog, Spanish and some Japanese. I have ADHD and I’m still in skewl. I mostly post about fandoms I’m in and occasionally post about what I’m currently doing irl❥
❥Basically everything else you need to know about me is in the pic above! Same goes for the fandoms I’m in ❥
❥You can send me asks, messages and tag me! I don’t really mind:] ❥
❥I feel like this post is going to be very long so just press ‘Keep reading’ if you ever want to know about my tags, other socials and extra stuff about me because... yes❥
~~Where you can find me~~
(Red means I’m on there practically always, Orange means I just use without actually posting/making/doing something and Green means I rarely ever use)
YouTube: couchpotatowithartistictalent
Tiktok: random_fanart_24
Wattpad: Apollo_Justice11
Archive of Our Own: Call_Me_Potato
Reddit: u/Apollo_Justice11
Discord: ApolloJustice_11#9834
Facebook: Noelle Elleon
Amino: Call_Me_Potato
DeviantArt: RandomFandomMess
Character.AI: OcsAreFunToMake
Janitor.AI: RandomFandomMess
Quotev: CallMePotato
Roblox: DumMeatBread
~~All tags I use~~
(These are only the tags that I use frequently. This doesn’t include tags that I used for like, two posts)
(But then again this list includes the tags that I haven’t used yet ((I think)) )
Nicholas Marcus
Stanley Parry
Mariella Parker
Cyra Kristine
Karter Green
CN McArthur
Kristine Krupp
Ellie Jamison
Ellen Jamison
Adriana Maddison
Simon Tolentino
Naixil Seyer
Leon Seyer
Kristen Write
Nelson Sneedly
Grayson Sneedly
Chris Sneedly
kindergarten 3
very extremely flippin random
me and my b e s t i e
pinned post!<3
potato reblogs
potato reblogs a reblog
potato draws
potato doodles
potato randomly talks
potato’s classroom shenanigans
potato fics
‘what ifs’ from potato
potato’s kinda sensitive
potato’s fears
potato dreams weird things
potato fun facts
potato quotes
reblogging for... reasons
(Yes, there is a specific section of tags where I simp for Melvinborg)
melvinborg can obliterate me and i’d be thankful
bbg fr
augh he is so hot
~~Fandoms I’m In/Used To Be In~~
Just Shapes and Beats
Obey Me!
Gravity Falls
Total Drama/The Ridonculous Race
The Stanley Parable/TSP:UD
Object Show Community
Steven Universe
Captain Underpants/TETOCU
Miraculous Ladybug
Kindergarten 1/2
South Park (TFBW and PD)
The Owl House
Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney
Cookie Run: Kingdom
Harry Potter (JKR can suck my non-existent balls <3)
Doodle World
Musicals (RTC, Heathers, Mean Girls, Six, Spongebob, etc.)
Blush Blush (Technically?)
My Inner Demons (Aphmau)
Stardew Valley
Friday Night Funkin’
There is No Game
Adventure Time
OK K.O.! Let’s Be Heroes
Five Nights at Freddy's
Team Fortress 2
That's Not My Neighbor
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva Boss
Super Mario
Baldi's Basics in Education and Learning
Bendy and the Ink Machine
~~Facts About Me~~
I am Bisexual, Demisexual, Demiromantic, Genderfluid and Fictosexual
I use all pronouns but I really like He/Him the most
I like drawing and writting but creativity is slowly dying out on me
I really really like fictional characters so much
I make a lot of bots across different platforms but most are currently private
I have a lot of ocs and aus for my fandoms
I would really like to post more gacha content but like stated earlier, creativity is at a massive low
I am very childish
I really like Brennan Lee Mulligan/Adrian Clairmont
I am a mega simp. Once I see a character that checks all of my boxes, I will post all about that character even if I’m not in the fandom
I have like 15 side blogs that I made and like around, 3 or 4 main blogs (diff accs ofc) that I completely forgot about
I have shit memory
I curse sometimes but on other occasions I just say a curse but replace a letter with a sign or another letter (like sh!t or fvck)
I post original stuff like art and oc info pages sometimes but when motivation is running low, I just reblog stuff
I really like being called King, Prince or a title that’s associated with royalty. Just.. Not Queen/Princess
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melsimps · 11 months
So... some lore for my spiderverse oc, Tobias Tulper (the Spider-By-Proxy).
He has a kind of close relationship with Moon Knight in his universe. Mostly because of the whole "working for a god" thing they've both got in common (and yes, it's still the three Moon boys).
They've started acting as a mentor in a way to Tobias, because the three of them have been at this hero game a long time. And so, they help teaching him in different ways.
Steven helps with the more detective-y investigative stuff.
Marc handles stealth and secretive work. Along with some minor self defence training.
Jake definitely helps teach him to fight properly.
...but they are also involved in each other's lives because his mom is dating them. Like, she is fully dating the moon boys (or, their public identities, ig).
And they only found out about the other when Marc was leaving for his Moon Knight shit, while Toby was sneaking back in from his own Spider-By-Proxy shit.
...yeah, they had a long conversation that night.
"You can't do shit like this, kid. Your mom's gonna flip" "Does Mom know you do this?" "...Let me show you how to do shit like this properly."
[It turned into a bonding experience].
Whenever Marc/Steven/Jake are on patrol with him, Araven gets kinda pissy because originally - this was a chance for him to work with his kid.
Lead to a bit of angst where Araven came out and got really mad with Steven - who Toby came to for romantic advice.
Steven kept calm and explained that he wasn't trying to steal Toby from him, just keep him safe - like Araven wanted, too.
Anyway, his MJ is also his universe's equivalent of Harry Osborne.
Nick Doarico. The strong-yet-silent rich kid that Tobias has been friends with since he was four.
They hang out together and listen to music.
Also, there's his Deadpool, Ricky Roberts. He has a bat and plays baseball. :)
The three hang out together and do dumb shit ("boys will be boys" in the best way possible).
Toby and Cody used to be close - but, after Cody got his amulet, the two kinda grew apart.
Cody became more obsessed with his devotion to Silbara, and shut his brother out.
...but Toby will always want to be there, to give his brother a hand if he needs it.
Also, an incorrect quote because I saw a tiktok and had an idea for domestic Tulper-Spector-Grant-Lockley shit:
Steven: New rule! When one of you two start giving your mum an attitude, we're gonna start romancing her.
Steven, to Connie: Hello, darling~!
Jake, deciding to front now: How you doing, baby girl?
[Laughing, playful protests of "No" from Cody and Toby]
Jake: How'd you feel about another child?
Connie, trying not to laugh: No.
Marc, switching to host: What about your-! I could rub your ankles Goodnight.
Connie, laughing: No.
[Marc does that jokey playful flirt growl thing.]
Connie, wheezing: No-!
[Marc makes kissy noises at her. Connie is laughing, while the twins are cringing hard]
Marc: Oh yeah, baby.
[Marc looks to the twins, jokingly]
Marc: Are we gonna adjust the attitude?
Toby, laughing: yes-!
Steven, fronting again: Are we gonna clean without fighting?
Twins, cringing hard: Yes-!
[Toby, Cody, and Connie are all laughing]
Steven: From now on, you give her attitude, we start woo-ing your mother.
Cody: No-!
Steven: And the worse your attitude, the more your mum's gonna blush!
The Moon Boys had a Yung Gravy arc, ig. Fell in love with a milf archaeologist.
And took a Spider-person as a protégé in a way.
Want any more lore? Just ask!!!
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stewpid-soup · 11 months
LOTS OF STEVEN UNIVERSE SPOILERS, ESPECIALLY STEVEN UNIVERSE FUTURE (I’ll leave the ramble below the cut for the ppl who don’t want spoilers <3)
take a funny pic before u leave :3
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(btw, if any info here is incorrect feel free to lmk or even start a calm conversation about your thoughts! I love learning more and hearing ppls perspective <3)
maybe it’s an unpopular opinion but i LOVE steven universe future, like it’s so good?? I was rewatching the last few episodes since I wanna write a fic where Steven stayed longer with Jasper bc i think they had an interesting friendship in SUF lol
But I wish it wasn’t so short and that the episodes were longer and spent more time on the characters working through their issues.
And yes, Steven may not be “Classic Steven” in SU:Future but that’s what I love about it. Trauma changes you. Even if you learn how to be a better person, it doesn’t mean it’s super easy to apply those skills to your life. It’s still so hard. Even when you think you’ve changed and gotten better, old habits seep through and you realize that maybe you haven’t made as much progress as you thought. But what SUF shows is that it’s okay to not be perfect, because that’s what makes us human. We aren’t a monster if we do things wrong, if we hurt people- what matters is that we learn and we actually take the steps to be better. This means taking responsibility. This means not running from your problems but facing them. This isn’t to say that everyone is excused from their actions because they aren’t.
I think that’s what made Connie’s entrance on the “I Am My Monster” episode so perfect. Like, YES it’s your fault! And while she was technically talking to White Diamond, I think it makes more sense if she was talking to everyone there. Everyone there, excluding Connie and Steven, are adults. Most of them have been alive for thousands of years for fucks sake. But they trauma dump and push their problems onto a child who already struggled with fitting in already. I think that even the Crystal Gems play a part in Steven’s trauma, because again, they should know better. He was a child and he didn’t have to be forced into this life. Parents are supposed to protect and make sure their child is exposed to as little bad content as possible.
Now, I’m going to use sex education as an example here, because this is a common issue with adults and how they talk to children, especially about sexual topics. If you wanna skip this bit, I’ll use large GREEN text once it’s over lol
So, there’s “two main sides” (i put it in quotes bc of course there’s ppl with loads of opinions, but these are the two most prominent ones and also the most problematic to their child’s development) to this: Some parents choose to shelter their kids from anything even mentioning sex, maybe even to the point where their child just has no genuine understanding of sex and how to deal with those thoughts and feelings. Without talking to their child maturely about these topics, their child will grow up not only being teased for not understanding but also just without a good understanding of sex and what it entails. Plus sex doesn’t just have to be about the pleasure aspect or procreation, what about sex safety and what to watch out for when choosing to go into a situation where there might be people who could potentially take advantage of you.
Now some other parents choose to not keep an eye on what their kid does on the internet or what influence people are having on their kids, and as a result the child might learn things that their brain isn’t ready to process yet since it isn’t fully developed. This can lead to their child having unrealistic expectations when it comes to sex and even get themselves into dangerous situations on the internet and real life. I’m sure many people here and on most social media platforms can understand that, when it comes to unlimited internet access, it can be a dangerous thing for young kids and teens.
However that’s not to say that everything here is bad, there are ways to learn without being exposed to material that your young brain might not be ready for. An example of this is the parental lock on your electronics! You can also TALK to your child, and focus on keeping an open communication. There’s loads of things to prevent either of these scenarios, which I can go into detail abt- but maybe in another ramble
What I mean by referring to this topic is that Steven’s situation can be seen as similar (except in a much more dramatic and complex way lol) There are things that the Crystal Gems and Greg could have done to take better care of Steven. An example being the fact that Steven was pushed headfirst into these life or death threats from such a young age. These were about things he was barely aware of until tragedy struck. So what could’ve helped during Classic SU? There could have been better communication, obviously. Greg could have at least helped homeschool Steven, or use the money he made from the car wash to possibly support Steven and the Gems financially. The Crystal Gems should have sat Steven down and told him about his mom and more about the Gem War. He should have had more of an idea of what he was getting into. The only reason he was so enthusiastic was because the Crystal Gems were his main role models since Greg was often working or just doing his own thing.
Time and time again, Steven had to be the adult in situations like when Greg faked a leg injury or when Garnet split because of the Pearl incident. I could name a million more situations where he had to be the bigger person, but I won’t for my sanity.
The Crystal Gems should have gotten more repercussions for the way they treated Steven, the things they put onto his shoulders despite being a literal child. Greg could have been a better dad, because being a dad isn’t just about having fun. Being a dad is hard and can take a lot of you, but you made the choice to bring this child into the world so you have to take responsibility. At least, in Greg’s case that’s what happened. He knew the risks and he still had a kid with Rose, so he should have been around more as Steven grew up.
anhwyas im exhausted, maybe more rambling tmrow lmao idk
love u guys and take careee
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sharpth1ng · 1 year
lmao about them hooking up in the car to some Hank Williams song that’s the kind of memory that would haunt Billy lmao. - exactly my thoughts tbh lmaooo that's how down bad he is even if he won't admit it. 😌 Also I have clown blood and the Hank Williams song Jambalaya is hilarious to me, so I was thinking of that specifically and I can picture Stu humming it or singing it often after that because his love language is annoying Billy. I was specifically thinking of Johnny Cash for Stu too! I can picture him so clearly singing "I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die" (and his own version aka "I stabbed a man in Woodsboro just to watch him die" about Steven Orth).
Anon ur killing me here I have just gone and listened to jambalaya and the idea that they fucked to this is ending me.
BILLY WOULD NEVER FUCKING RECOVER FROM THIS. Absolute ego death. Any time Stu sings this song after Billy wants to die, like he has an existential crisis, fully reconsiders himself and his place in the universe.
Also yes EXACTLY the vibe with Stu and Johnny Cash.
Also off topic but just because you’re right, Stu’s love language is annoying Billy, and this song was a one-hit wonder in the US in like 91’
Stu knows all the words to this song and it makes Billy CRINGE. I’m also a firm believer than he likes to speak lyrics so Billy doesn’t realize immediately that he’s quoting things.
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justbiran · 2 years
10 fandoms, 10 characters, 10 tags
Thanks @ichiro51 hehe
1) Seo Jeonghu - Healer
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Obviously I'm also picking SJH for number 1. And of course I'm using the sEo JeOnGhU iSnT LiKe oThEr GiRlS gif. He's just so.... UGH. Yes.
2) Glenn Close - Dungeons and Daddies
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(Incomplete) fanart by me
Cries, sobs, shrieks, throws a pillow, dies. I just love him so much. I really walked into the wrong room (motherfucker) when I chose to make him my second favorite character, didn't I. Well, by the end of season one he was my favorite hands down. Freddy just plays the comic relief so well that it slaps you in the face when things get angsty.
3) Montgomery "Scotty" Scott - 2009, 2013, & 2016 Star Trek movies
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I love to quote this man. He's fantastic. I don't have much else to say 😭😭😭
4) Flynn Rider - Tangled
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I just want to be him. I want to dress like him, I want his hair, I want his charm. I also want his enemies to friends dynamic with the horse.
5) Sokka - Avatar the Last Airbender
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Oh I'd also like to be Sokka. I was tempted to get his haircut recently ngl. And his humor is just my kinda humor 🤩
6) Garnet - Steven Universe
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I was that bitch in elementary and middle school constantly singing Stronger Than You. For this I had to pick between my 3 favorite characters which was really difficult. So I picked a gif with two of them 🤩 Amethyst I always wanted to be friends with. Lapis was just gorgeous and I always felt bad for her. AND THEN GARNET. MY FAVORITE LESBIANS. RUBY AND SAPHIRE. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH.
7) Kayden Break- Eleceed
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MY BOY MY DUDE LET'S GO! He's so arrogant and cocky and then he just goes and beats them up. He's so OP it's hilarious.
8) Ahn Giseok - Vincenzo
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HE'S SO RIDICULOUS I LOVE HIM. And he totally has a crush on Vincenzo let's be real 🙄 he's a bit too obsessed with him not to.
9) Wonder Woman/Diana Prince - Wonder Woman 2017
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I scrolled for so long to find that gif. Oh it was worth it. SHE'S JUST SO PRETTY. My aesthetic attraction has a HUGE obsession with her.
10) Villanelle - Killing Eve
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Sorry, just it's true. Still pissed about the ending.
I don't know who to tag (maybe @taylortheanimerangerteen , you're a cool human) just if you see this then I guess it's your turn now 🤷🏼‍♀️
Also this was super hard to pick one person from 10 different fandoms...
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