#yet people think 8 should always be immediately obvious and never confused with anything else
Reading my descriptions of 8, they sound a lot like how people describe 7… the stuff about being impulsive and seeking experience > deep thoughts and needing to get in touch with your inner curiosity. which makes me wonder if I’m a mistyped 7. But then I go back to the fundamentals of what 7 is — loss of Holy Plan, and all the 7s in my life who embody this as their core fixation by constantly living out 10000 half-baked plans — and I’m like… nah. I relate heaps to 7 as any 8 will (plus my fix is 6w7), but there are strong differences between me and 7 cores. Mainly… they are hyperactive and struggle to stop moving. I’m hypoactive and depressive, even though I have an active mind and I will be determined af when I make my mind up. The 7 cores go wide, and I go deep. They have 483838 games in their steam library and are constantly seeking to try new media. I obsess over the same six games and struggle to detach from my attachments to these same six games to try new games. The 7s are just faster and shallower than me. They resist 5, I disintegrate to 5 and I have a bunch of 5 stuff constantly occurring in my life, such as aforementioned minimalism and over attachment to the little I let myself have. With being so hypoactive I would sooner be a 9 core than a 7 core. But all 8s I’ve met even crazy jail going 8w7 murderer gang lord 8s have this slowness and heaviness to them which distinguishes them from 7s.
7 and 8 are supposed to be similar and difficult to distinguish. Even 7w6s and 8w9s. The same way that it’s impossible for someone who isn’t well versed in ennea and isnt one of these types themselves, to tell 4s / 5s and 1s / 2s apart, it should not be straightforward to tell 7s and 8s apart. 8 is not always obvious. 8 is not the obnoxious boss screaming in your face archetype. That’s Superego and Competency types (with the exception of 5). I stand by my conviction that 8 was ruined by all these obnoxious Te 1s and 3s and 5-fixed 8s who injected all their Te competency shit into 8. 8s can behave domineering and control our space (we often do without even realizing) but all this stuff about us knowing who we are and where we’re going in life is crock. 8s are almost equally as chaotic and lacking in foresight and true introspective ability as 7s are. including 8w9s. 8w9s have an illusion of stability and groundedness and normalness (7-8 liners truly have none), we often tap into the 9-ish ritualism behavior instead of constantly pushing forward with new endeavors and imposing ourselves onto the world like our double assertive siblings. We fall prey to addictions a lot. Anyways dig beneath the surface and you’ll quickly see the retarded impulsive behavior and lack of direction in life and all over the placeness in any 8w9. It’s almost always written off by dumbogram people and Te people who think they’re 8s as something else. Becuz they made 8 into a type that’s all about *marina voice* I know exactly what I want and who I wanna be… but this isn’t 8. It never was.
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cinnamonest · 3 years
Xingqiu - Yandere Profile
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I actually just got my sweet bookworm boi to his next to last ascension, my hydro baby, my angel, I love him even if bc of him I have to marathon fight the oceanid
I’ve had a lot of reqs for him & Chongyun dating back to January again lol but it only felt right to wait until I finished both so I could release them at the same time, so, Chongyun’s will be up immediately after this!
TWs: fem reader, yandere, confinement, manipulative behaviors, mentions of homicide, gaslighting, Xingqiu being a spoiled arrogant brat
TWs (below cut): noncon/dubcon, manipulating and guilting reader into sex, overstimulation, fluids/cumplay, humiliation 
Since there's no canonical age but he has a bit of the rounded young face I'm tagging with the sh*ta tw as well!
Severity Scale
Intelligence/Perceptiveness: 7 Brutality: 3 Physical capability: 4 Mental/emotional instability: 6 Restrictiveness: 7 Sexual sadism: 5 Stubbornness: 8
What are they generally like? Lucid, aware? Obsessive? How do they behave?
Tries to buy his way to you, initially. He's grown up seeing the power that money holds over people, and, well, his father can always just wave a bit around and get whatever he wants from most people, so why should you be any different? He goes for stereotypical "girl" things like flowers and jewelry at first, unless you have some prominent and well-known interest, in which case he'll invest in something related to that.
Honestly, for all his chivalry and all that, his maturity is something of a faux one, a sort of projected self-image of the gentlemanly figure he strives to be... but when he lets that slip, he can be something of a childish spoiled brat. The thing is... he's completely unaware and refuses to acknowledge that he can be so immature. He likes getting what he wants, when he wants it, exactly how he wants it, and being denied the things he wants isn't particularly common in his life. So rejection comes not so much as a disappointment so much as a shock. No matter, you're just... a brat, yourself. You think you're too good for everyone, he reasons, so you play hard to get.
Really, after recovering from the initial shock, he realizes he likes things this way. He likes challenges. It would be no fun if you came to him easily. You may be a brat, but in the end, the one thing he refuses to ever do is lose. Chivalrous gentlemen are fine with having to earn their things, so really, he's thankful that you reminded him of his morals, of his desire to truly earn the things he wants. It will make it that much more meaningful.
So he goes heavy on the idea of "courting", following whatever old and prudish traditions may exist in Liyue. If you're from somewhere else, he figures, that could be why -- clearly he hasn't followed through on whatever is normal for your culture. Silly him. He makes an effort to research whatever those traditions may be, and goes to the absolute maximum on performing them. Lavishes you in gifts of all kinds, constantly giving you compliments. He even goes to the effort of, if all else fails, reading romance novels targeted at women to get a better grasp of what exactly you're supposed to like, and emulates those behaviors.
Overall, though, in later stages Xingqiu slightly more mild for a yan, allowing you to have interactions with others (even if he’s irritated), such as his family, family servants, and his friends, and will even take you outside now and then. However, he will cut off your ties to those friends you had before that weren't mutual friends. He's also one of the least likely yanderes to ever kill someone, and will avoid hurting people if possible -- if anything, he prefers more discreet methods like ruining their life socially or financially.
He's also a lot more moody behind closed doors than he is to most people. His attempts to be oh-so-mature eventually kinda crumble, and the more comfortable he becomes around you, the more he lets his immaturity show.
He could assign family servants to looking for you, but really, he prefers to do it himself, this is about love after all, he doesn't want to assign them to a task they would never perform as diligently as he could. But rather than stalking, he chooses to just kind of... stay with you. He's somehow always where you are, "coincidentally" running into you everywhere and then somehow nothing having anything to do, because he clings to you for hours until you finally have to go home, and even then, he'll just follow you to continue the visit there if he can. No point in watching from a distance when he can be right there with you. And again, he's actually surprisingly unaware that his clinginess is so obvious, he's oblivious to how obvious his infatuation is. Which is a bit odd, considering that he's usually fairly perceptive, but he's so confident in the fact that he is normally perceptive that he allows himself to slip into abnormal behaviors without really realizing it, because he's not constantly on guard in the way some less socially adept yanderes are.
On a genuinely sweet level, there's one little thing he keeps hidden from you. He's actually written a lot of love poetry for you, verses about you and all of the things he loves about you so much... Despite usually being fairly confident in his work, he can't bring himself to show it to you. He's too flustered. And considering your negative reactions to his affection (read: not wanting to be kept like a captive animal), he is actually a bit sensitive to that perceived rejection, which further discourages him. He keeps them all stashed away, stuffed into some fairly hidden drawer. Should you ever come across them and bring them up, it's one of a very few things that will genuinely make him super embarrassed, and he'll just insist they weren't about you, even though the details make it obvious they were, and storm off, never bringing it up again.
How likely are they to kidnap their darling? How quickly will they do so?
It's not kidnapping. It's... relocating. He's far too chivalrous to resort to something so brutish as kidnapping! He'll make sure you want to come with him. He can easily arrange for there to be rumors and reports of... occurrences near your home. Criminal activity, maybe false rumors of mysterious disappearances. Hell, he'll get Chongyun to testify that your house has demonic spirits in it. Something to make you want to move out. Maybe some things start happening to you -- you get the feeling you're being watched, you get threatening messages mailed to your home, you have strangers (read: randos who will do anything for some mora he gives them) telling you you're not welcome in the area and to get out. It's all incredibly confusing and scary and you have no idea what brought it all on!
Luckily for you, you have a rich, generous friend who makes it more than clear you're welcome to come stay with him for a while at any time. Eventually, no matter what it takes, he can push you to a point where you'll take him up on that offer. Something feels... oddly ominous about the way the gates to his family estate close behind you once you walk in. Like they're sealing your fate.
And once step one is done, step two of his plan goes into place - make sure you never want to leave. He can make that happen, there's plenty of space here for you to roam, plenty for you to do, and even when he's not there to entertain you, there's plenty of servants to keep an eye on you and make sure that whenever you try to leave, they'll smile and tell you you can't go just yet miss, there's this or that going on tonight! The young master said he had something important for you when he gets back later! You can't go out now, there was just an attack by some deranged person in the town still on the loose! Just... go back inside for now.
Of course, it's wishful thinking, but he likes to maintain the delusion that he can just keep this going indefinitely, that you won't finally one day put your foot down and tell him you've been stuck here nearly a month and you're ready to at least go visit home. He might even entertain it a bit - sure, you can go visit your old house with him and collect some of your old things to bring back with you, but he makes sure to make it look at though whatever problem he made up is still occurring. Nonetheless, if you're insistent, or at whatever point you finally crack and catch on, demand to know what's going on - well, it's not pretty. He gets into something of a tantrum if you don't comply, but ultimately, in his own little huffy, ticked off way, says you can't leave, and that's that, no more questions allowed, and no more of this ridiculous demand to leave. Of course, darling is taken aback at first, even thinking he's joking, but it soon becomes very clear he's completely serious, and intends to enforce that command.
How difficult is it to escape from them? How do they keep you restrained? How do they deal with attempted escape? 
When he's with you, he's tends to be pretty clingy, both physically and in conversation, never ceasing talking about this or that, and he's actually a sleep-clinger as well, keeping an iron grip around your waist when you sleep. So, whenever he's at his home, he insists on you being in his presence, usually physically touching, so you won't really get an opportunity while he's just in another room or something because you can't get any privacy to begin with. When you're in public, he's incredibly watchful over your every move and incredibly clingy then as well, so don't expect such a chance to arrive either.
Thus, your best bet is to try when you're under the watch of guards, whenever he's gone for whatever reason. They've been instructed to watch you from a distance, you see, he doesn't want them interacting with you directly, so you'll have a few chances here or there where they get distracted or their backs are turned. There will likely eventually also be a time where there's a scheduling error, you end up unsupervised! However, physically getting out of the estate is still difficult. There's still posted guards everywhere. So all in all, it's fairly difficult, especially in broad daylight, the only time he's not with you.
When you're inevitably dragged back kicking and screaming by some poor guards that aren't getting paid enough to deal with this, after getting back and hearing the report he deals with it in that unnerving saccharine way of feigning ignorance to try and get a reaction. Now, he knows you weren't trying to get out... right? Surely you got distracted by a bird or something, right? That's the only reason why you'd ever try to leave, right? It's obvious he knows better, and is just fucking with your head, but it's best not to lie. What he wants is an admittance of guilt and an apology, preferably down on the floor begging for forgiveness.
How easy are they to trick, deceive, or manipulate?
Moderate, leaning towards difficult. He's perceptive, and intelligent, but that intelligence is largely a sort of book-smarts type of intelligence. He's generally crafty and a prankster himself, so pulling things over on him is difficult because he's familiar with the mindset and methods of doing so, but he can be tricked if you put on a believable enough act. Basically, a darling who is a good actor stands a much better chance.
However, he's ultimately a learner. You can get away with some tricks or plots once, but he won't fall for the same thing twice. Any sort of escape or deceit you've tried once, he'll make active efforts to guard against and prevent in the future.
Manipulation, though, you can forget it. He's way too proud and stubborn to be emotionally manipulated, in the end getting his way and what he wants takes priority over making you happy, so don't expect to be able to manipulate him based on the notion of something making you happier.
How lenient are they? What privileges can you have, and what will you be denied?
Fairly lenient, actually. You get a lot of access so long as your behavior is good, so really it's wise to be on your best behavior in the long term of things. He can get you anything you want, especially reading material. And you actually get to go outside, yay! He's like my earlier Childe profile on that -- he likes to go on dates, and he's actually really enthusiastic about it! He's big on date planning, wanting to see everything there is to see and do everything there is to do together. The rules are that you just need to be physically attached to him in some way -- you can hold his hand, grab at his sleeves, or he can do so to you (although he'd prefer you cling to him. He likes the image it projects to people around you). He actually gets really hyped about said dates whenever you plan them, he'll talk to you for hours plotting out all the things to do on this particular outing. At one point, his smile drops and his voice goes low and he tells you that, just a reminder, you know the rules for dates, right? ...Good.
Similarly, if you ask, he'll let you accompany him on more trivial outings as well, say if you'd like to go grocery shopping, and he certainly won't turn down a trip to the bookstore. The same rules apply, although he's a bit less excited for something so mundane.
One thing he won't do, surprisingly, is let you have anything to do with Guhua arts or skills. He won't teach you anything he knows nor let you learn, and if you were a follower of it before, he'll cut off your access to any material. His reasoning is that he just doesn't really think anything to do with combat suits you. You're better off learning more passive skills and hobbies.
In reality? He can't stand the thought of you ever being able to present a challenge to him in that sense. It would kill his ego if you ever managed to do something related to the Guhua arts better than he can, or even half as good as he can.
What kind of rules do they have? What kind of punishment would they use?
Well, to occupy your time, he has things that need cleaning you know... Honestly, he's messy, and he's already used to having maids, so he kinda treats you like one to some degree. Of course, he's active in his little heroism adventures, but when it comes to his own living spaces and such things he can be a bit lazy. So, he'll give you tasks to do sometimes, he likes the power rush too that he gets from ordering you around a bit. It soothes the ego.
Outside of your strolls together, you can't be going outside (and you don't get to choose when you do go on your little walks and dates, he does, although he may grant you the wishes of your begging). Also, don't actually try to talk to the guards. They're there to watch you, nothing more, so pay them no mind, and by no means should you ever have a reason to make conversation with them. If there's an emergency or something you need, you may inform them and get help, nothing more. And really, they're more afraid of this rule than you are -- you'll have difficulty finding one even willing to talk to you, they all take the warnings they've been given very seriously.
He eventually gets nitpicky and makes all sorts of little behavioral rules, it's incredibly obnoxious. But honestly, suffering his bratty tantrums is enough of a punishment, even if he didn't usually follow it up with actual punishment, which, for him, tends to be something perverted in some way.
How do they deal with rivals, or perceived rivals? Will they get rid of them? Will they kill them themselves, or find another way?
He actually gets jealous rather easily, often over people who are no real threat. You can never be too nice to anyone -- even after he introduces you to his father and older brother, he expects you to be happy to meet them... but not that much. If you show too much excitement or happiness over any other being, he gets pouty, especially other men, but also your friends, male or female, family, even animals. His first reaction isn't to kill, rather, just an increase in isolation. Drag you back home and make sure you get a lot of time to yourselves, seeks reassurance that you really love him. If it's his own family, he might get grouchy towards them, snap at them a bit, bitterly drag you back off to your own room, where he'll then proceed to get equally grouchy towards you until you have given him enough reassurance he deems sufficient. In his own time, when you're not around, he makes sure to make it perfectly clear to those around him that they aren't to get in between you two.
He's one of the better yans to have in this regard, though, because he's unlikely to resort to killing anyone. He's got too much of his self-image invested in the idea of morals and justice to be able to do so, he can't delude himself into believing it's right or acceptable. It's not impossible to push him to that point, but it wouldn't just be someone you show any positive reception towards -- if Xingqiu did end up killing a rival, it would have to be one for whom you have very blatantly made clear you have actual romantic and sexual affection, someone who poses a genuine, real threat.
Xingqiu is a sort of open book when it comes to jealousy -- it's obvious to everyone around you that he's mad at someone else for even looking at you, and he doesn't try to hide it. It makes him that much angrier if someone doesn't obey his silent demand to stop interacting with you, doesn't seem fazed by his glares and coldness. He'll meet with them privately and make things clear verbally, since he tells himself maybe they're just dense and too stupid to understand. But they only get one more chance. Cross him twice, and they'll likely find themselves in financial ruin after pulling some strings through the connections of his father and brother.
What would make him significantly more likely to kill someone is someone who poses a legal threat, someone who catches on to what's going on and threatens to get him in serious trouble for it. Even if he tried bribing them, well, they'd likely just pretend to accept, and someone so bold likely wouldn't bow to threats.
This is where he can slip into the mindset of a delusional yandere. He once again projects the image in his head, that knight he wants to be for you, and hey, sometimes to save the princess, the heroes in his martial arts epics have to get their hands dirty, have to unfortunately get blood on their hands for the sake of the greater good. And hey, then it's usually called character development. Most of his fictional heroes tend to have killed at least one person in a sort of epic battle to defend something precious to them. This is no different. Of course, ambushing an unarmed person and running them through hardly counts as an epic battle, but he doesn't really take that part into account.
How easy is it to make them mad? What does their anger look like?
Again, a bit of a spoiled brat at times. He's pouty, gives you the cold shoulder, yet dramatically inserts himself in front of you and whatever you're occupied with so you can't do anything. Basically he's forcing you to acknowledge his pouting and ask him what's wrong so that he can pull the "oh, nothing" until you ask again, and maybe he'll eventually bitterly, passive-aggressively make it clear what you did wrong. The bright side is he's easily soothed - an apology and some groveling will fix his attitude pretty quickly, although he'll have an infuriating air of superiority about it all, telling you he's glad you were able to understand what you did and have, hopefully, learned to correct the behavior in the future.
Worse offenses, things that make him genuinely and truly infuriated, are significantly worse, but rather uncharacteristically for him, he's quiet. And that's what's do frightening about it - for once you almost wish he would blabber or complain or whine like you're so used to, but his fury is dead silent. He moves without speaking, harsh motions that will either shove or tug you to wherever he's trying to maneuver you, and he shows how he feels through actions rather than words - he slams doors and objects, stomps, everything about his body language is frightening enough to make you stiffen and jolt.
Thankfully, Xingqiu is a milder yandere when it comes to severity of things he'll do to you in moments of anger -- he's one that can control himself well enough not to severely hurt you, break bones or anything like that. When it comes to his flashes of anger, at worst he might slap you in his tantrums, but he has at least enough self-control and empathy for you to manage better than a lot of yanderes.
So they see you as above them, beneath them, or equal to them?
Below. It's mostly that he thinks rather highly of himself - he's an important person you know. He saves people, he goes around doing his little vigilante thing, and he's not afraid to flaunt sometimes.
If you happen to also be from a rich family, you can earn a little bit more respect from him, you're cultured and sophisticated. If you're intelligent, you can get some validity in his mind as well. He'll still consider himself more intelligent and higher status, something you'd be mindful to remember, but he'll begrudgingly acknowledge it.
A commoner darling, though? God forbid an airheaded one? Forget about getting any respect - you're more like... A cute little puppy to him. Dumb and loud and clumsy, but nonetheless very cute and loveable. You were just... Made to be something of an accessory to him. And he loves and values you, you mean the world to him really, but that's all the more reason why you should accept your place as such.
How determined are they for you to love them? How hard will they try to make it happen? Or are they content just having you?
It drives him up the wall. You know, his father could arrange his marriage to a ton of young rich daughters in Liyue who would be more than happy about it, but he can't get the attention of ONE girl he likes? It's infuriating. And it makes him all the more insistent to have specifically you.
For Xingqiu, it's a mix of both desperation and a pride thing as well. One one hand he desperately does truly want his feelings to be returned, he wants you to love him, he wants the fantasy he has in his head of you two having a long, happy future together. On the other hand, rejection is also a mark on his pride, and that irritates him beyond comprehension.
So don't expect him to ever give up, really. Unlike a lot of loving yans though, he doesn't blame himself, he directs the rejection hurt outward - maybe you're just so spoiled yourself that nothing is good enough for you. Maybe you're just playing hard to get. Maybe you just think constantly turning him down is funny, it's amusing to you, and, well, he doesn't take lightly to you trying to play games with him. So while he'll continue to try and earn your love, don't be surprised if it results in an irritated mood swing every now and then.
Bonus: Is there anything that makes them unique, in comparison to other yanderes?
A lack of desire/hesitancy to resort to violence or more morally wayward methods. He stakes a lot of his pride and self-image on being a chivalrous, upright, just person, someone who should exemplify right and punish wrong, and unfortunately for him he's not a delusional and can't convince himself that he's doing the right thing. He wants to be a gentleman, your knight in shining armor, the storybook hero he projects in his head that always comes to save his princess, who in turn is receptive and showers him in praise and affection and gratitude. You're the problem, you see, you're not following through on your role in all this.
As such, he really, really hates having to dirty his hands in any way, or do anything that he knows is wrong and will consequently drag him into guilt. Not that he can't be driven to it, because he certainly can, but if it reaches that point, that means you didn't cooperate with him to begin with, which would have made things so much easier, so he'll definitely rid himself of that guilt by redirecting the blame to you, or deluding himself into some bizarre justification.
Another thing... his family's compliance. Honestly? His dad is far too busy and far too done with Xingqiu's shit to expect any help from him. His son tends to be picky, whiny, and demanding -- now that you're here, he's finally satiated, finally actually paying attention to the important matters his father wants him to be involved with, finally not causing nearly as much trouble now that you're around. You can bet he's more than happy to put in some extra funds and personnel to restrain some random commoner, so long as his son is satisfied. His brother doesn't really agree with it all, but his brother wants this and his father is supporting it, so... his hands are tied. He turns a blind eye. And the staff, the servants? They're getting paid far too much to care, and besides, the family is incredibly influential -- should they get fired, it could smear their reputation. It’s kinda really discouraging, being surrounded by so many people, but none of them willing to help you.
General perverseness: how sexual of a person are they? What’s their drive like? How touchy do they get? Do they have any reservations about sexuality?
Bounces back and forth. On one hand, he wants to maintain, again, a gentlemanly and sophisticated image, and in his mind, such people don't normally think about such things, don't behave in lewd or degenerate ways. On the other hand, he's a nasty little perv that secretly sinks to the absolute depths of depravity. There's not much he can't get off to. If his poor brother hadn't been so busy being concerned about the martial arts books under his bed, and had dug further, he would have found that those books are actually just a cover-up for a different set of nasty, gross materials he's spent years accumulating -- some of the most vulgar smut you've ever seen, stuff you question how he ever even got ahold of. Surely the book house wouldn't sell this kind of material... it's honestly a mystery how he manages to get so much.
With his first few interactions, he tends to display the former image, but the more time he spends with anyone, the more that inner little pervert side tends to come out. He's definitely one to get touchy, his light grazing little touches become firmer and more daring, his hands always rest just at a point that's right on the boundary of being inappropriate. Sometimes he'll straight-up grope you and pass it off as teasing. He's also like Kaeya in that he intentionally tries to embarrass you by making your mind go to lewd places, making obvious innuendos and euphemisms, then pretending like he doesn't know why you're looking at him like that... oh, is that what you thought he meant? Wow, you must have such a dirty mind, you little pervert.
How forceful are they? Do they care about your willingness?
Something like rape is barbaric! Of course he would never, eeeeever do something so awful, so unbecoming of someone like him. And he really never will. He's another yan that will simply... Secure your consent by whatever means necessary.
In the end he'll most likely guilt trip and gaslight his way into it. I mean, you're staying with him for free, he took you in, he feeds you and clothes you and you can't show one little bit of gratitude? He treats you like a wife and you can't fulfil your end of that role? Don't be selfish. He loves you so much... He'd do anything for you... don't you want him to be happy too?
He'll try different approaches. If seduction doesn't work off the bat, he'll try gaslighting, if that doesn't work, he'll try guilt tripping, if that doesn't work, he'll make up a bizarre lie - he has to have sex or he'll die, somehow! You get the idea. If you really, really, really push it, he may just resort to a vague threat of sorts - nothing too bad or deadly, but hey, it would sure be a shame if this recent market crash affected your family financially... Not that he knows anyone who has power over the local commerce or anything.
With a more timid, soft darling, you're likely to end up essentially... Dubcon'ed. Half-noncon'ed. He just kinda... Slowly goes for it, and at your protests insists no, it's ok, you'll feel good... And a timid darling too afraid to stop him doesn't exactly fight back or resist, so hey, silence is a green light.
What sort of kinks or fetishes do they have, or would they fill?
As I've said, he's a nasty little perv deep down, and he can get off to, well, a LOT of things. And he loves to try new things out, no matter how weird it may be. He's one you can get into a lot of things involving toys and objects, or physical forms of things applied to the body (think temperature play, hot wax, nipple clamps -- anything that has to do with objects being used on you). Part of the fun of it all is having something new that he's never tried before! Even if it turns out to not be his favorite thing, he'll still enjoy the trying it out, and those things he DOES find himself liking, well, he'll just have to add them to the little mental list of favorites.
And he, honestly, enjoys the little reactions you often have to the notions of this or that -- the shock and sudden fear on your face when he tells you today you'll do this or that, and how you shake your cute little head so rapidly. It's not that bad, he promises, and he's done a lot of research and reading to be sure he does things correctly, so no worries!
Body writing
It's kinda comical because you can't make out a word. With his canonically horrendous handwriting, but fondness for the act of writing, it makes for what essentially looks to you like abstract art on your body -- but just know it's the lewdest, most degrading shit you can think of that he'll get all over your thighs and stomach, marking you as his. If nothing else, he gets off to it, and based on the little things he whispers in your ear, you know it's the same sort of humiliating things. If he takes his time, he can write better, but he gets caught up in the heat of the moment.
He's a fan of lacey, frilly things. And he will definitely invest in as many as he can buy, ornate and intricate things, stockings for your legs that have pretty lace patterns at the top of the thigh, bras and panties that are somehow both lacey and perfectly see-through. He's also a big fan of things that have holes in them for easy access, so you can wear it the whole time. And, if he's feeling meaner, he'll definitely have you walk around in just that for a while -- not out where anyone else in the estate could see you, of course, but in his room with him.
He's not a sadist per se, and doesn't really put you in pain, but he loves your submission. And no better way to exemplify submission than with service. The little bastard already makes you act like a maid outside of bed, but now he likes it even more -- there's a certain rush of power to laying out a command and seeing you follow it. Not to mention the cute look on your warm face as you follow though with the degrading shit. Oh, and you'd better believe he gets humiliating. It's not necessarily degrading in the sense that he says or makes you say bad things about yourself, but rather, just the commands themselves, getting on your hands and knees and crawling over to him, and demanding you slowly strip down. Make it cute, give him a show, you know? He won't be cruel in the things he says about you, yet your pride is still wrecked by the end of it all.
Voyeurism/masturbation instruction
He loves to watch you get off, honestly. It ties into the slave thing to a degree, making you follow every little command, telling you exactly how to touch yourself and move your hands. He'll sigh and tell you no, you're going to fast, you can't do it that fast yet... and if you get too overexcited, he'll just have to make you stop, since you can't seem to listen, and maybe not get to cum until tomorrow, so you can learn to behave better about it next time.
He has something of a fixation with all kinds. He loves seeing the trail of saliva from your mouth when you pull off his dick, the way cum drips out of you and runs down your thighs. He also likes seeing it splattered across your face, your chest, in your hair, something about the sight of it nearly has him hard immediately after and ready to go. But he also likes how it will gross you out, leaving you tied up so that you can't wipe it off, are forced to just stay there with it dripping out of your holes and down your skin in a way that makes you shiver. And, really, he loves your fluids too, sweet salty slick that's just so mesmerizing to watch coat his fingers and face. But his favorite thing, probably has to be running his fingers through your own juices and slick, collecting it on his fingers, holding it up to your mouth and telling you to suck them clean. Somehow, it's even hotter when you're licking your own fluids off of his fingers, although you doing so with his is certainly nice too.
How do they feel about pregnancy or babies? Do they want them?
He’d like an heir one day. He's one to want a kid, maybe two, but not a whole lot. Just enough to have a proper family structure, much like the family he was raised in. It's the proper thing to do, he thinks, a natural part of the social order and continuation of a legacy. As a natural extension of his spoiled brat tendencies, he often doesn't think very responsibly in regards to preventing children, so, lucky for him, that ideal will likely come to fruition eventually, if physically possible.
What kind of (nsfw) punishments would they use?
Absolutely uses overstimulation. Whatever sorts of toys exist in Teyvat, he's rich enough that he can easily obtain them - little things he can attach to you and leave buzzing, or thick plugs and internal toys to stuff you full and leave you there to suffer in stimulation and stretching for hours on end. And he doesn't leave you alone, no, he stays close by, leaving you tied up and blindfolded, the occasionally lazy checkup of "oh, how are you holding up over there? I almost totally forgot you were there!" in a mocking tone while he goes about reading his books or practicing or jerking off to the sight.
Also ruined orgasms. Ugh, he's the worst. Gets you right to your peak, likely also after hours of edging, and then just... stops. Right as you reach the high, stops all motion, leaves you whimpering and sobbing, it's literally painful to actually reach it, and then still have that orgasm taken from you. And he'll be sure to remind you that if you were good, you could experience it in full, he could make you feel so good and let you ride out that high... but so long as you insist on being such a stubborn little princess, unfortunately, he can't just give you that. He hates this too, you know, he says. He'd love nothing more than to share pleasure, but you insist on being difficult.
What body parts of their darling do they like the most?
Legs and thighs. He likes the aesthetics of legs, the softness, the way the flesh feels in his hands. The way touching them can make you jolt, the sensitivity, the way they leave little marks so perfectly if he sucks and bites at the skin. It's just really pretty.
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hxseok-honee · 3 years
sundress || part 8
written portion under the cut!
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sundress [part 8] || weirdly normal
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a/n : ['cause you're a one in a million // there ain't no man like you] streets x doja cat
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Saturday, 18 September, 4:33pm
“No sex.”
“Not even a little bit of sex?! Just like, once a week!” Y/n lifts her head to level Yoongi with a glare, one that has him shrinking back and whispering ‘okay, no sex’. With a shake of her head, she’s dipping her head again, focusing in on the roll of parchment in her lap.
They’re sitting face to face on her bed, each holding some parchment and a quill as they try to ‘negotiate fair terms for their arrangement’, as Y/n had put it when Yoongi had complained about not needing rules.
Y/n’s making the final list of rules on her own parchment, Yoongi tearing off scraps of his and submitting suggestions, most of them sexual in nature. There’s a pile of rejects next to him, but he’s yet to lose hope. Ripping off another piece of paper, he scribbles ‘blowjobs?’ quickly and folds it in half, handing it over to her with a smile. She doesn’t even look up or open it, immediately crumpling it and throwing it back at him. It hits him squarely between the eyes.
Blinking once, he tears off another piece, unfazed - this one says ‘so no head?’. Somehow that one also hits him between the eyes.
“Okay — what do you think?” Y/n sits up straight with a smile, offering Yoongi her draft of the Rules List. He looks it over, eyebrows raised.
No sex!!
Romantic affection is to be kept to public situations as much as possible.
Saturday Night Routine is to remain untouched and untainted.
Min Yoongi must keep his scumminess to a minimum in private.
He finishes reading before looking up, eyes deadpan.
“You are so fucking boring.” Y/n scoffs, reaching out to take the parchment back, but he’s holding it above his head, grabbing for his quill. Quickly he scribbles a fifth rule, one that says “MAKE JEON JUNGKOOK SUFFER” in his chicken scratch. And then he looks up at her, another thought on his mind.
“We should have practice sessions.” Y/n furrows a brow, eyeing him with suspicion.
“What does that mean, and why do I already not like it?” He taps a finger on Rule #2, underlining the words ‘public situations’ lightly with his quill.
“We’re gonna be doing most of this stuff in public, so you’re gonna have to get used to getting freaky with me in public spaces. Library, broom closets, empty corridors and classrooms — that’s what I’m known for.” He looks almost proud when he says it, and Y/n can’t help her amused smile even as she shakes her head in disappointment.
“How are you so fundamentally gross as a person?” He grins back because she’s clearly fond of him, so he feels no shame in how he is, only explaining further.
“If the entirety of Hogwarts is gonna believe I’m taken and off the market, you’re gonna have to keep up with me, babe.” Y/n rolls her eyes, knowing he’s right despite not wanting to admit that. If Yoongi’s putting in the work to make it seem like he’s committed to her, she should at least meet him halfway. And Min Yoongi is a lot of things, but being a total sex fiend is what most people know him to be. She is gonna have to keep up.
“You realize it’s obvious you’re just trying to find somewhere to let out all your sexual frustration, right?” He doesn’t respond, only lifting an eyebrow, silently asking if she’s okay with that. After a moment, she’s sighing, pointing down at the list in his lap.
“Alright, fine. But we need rules for that, too.” He groans, throwing himself backwards onto her mattress dramatically.
“Why do you enjoy ruining every good thing in my life?” When she kicks at his thigh, he’s rolling over onto his stomach, flattening the parchment out in front of him so he can write the word ‘Sessions’, underlining it quickly. And then he looks at her.
“What are you comfortable doing?” She purses her lips, a smile dancing there, because she notices that he doesn’t make it about him and what he is and isn’t allowed to do. He makes it about her and respecting her boundaries. And she knows, by the way he’s tilting his head in confusion when she only smiles down at him, that he has no idea that he’s made that distinction. If he were anyone else, she’d be incredibly attracted to him right now.
But he is him. So she’s blinking that thought away, humming as she considers his question.
“Nothing below the belt…” He nods, writing as she speaks.
“Can I touch your butt?” When she lets out a noise of confusion, he’s looking up at her again. “Like, hand in your pocket while we walk, ass grabbing— that stuff.”
“Oh.” She hadn’t thought of that. She nods after a moment, not seeing the harm in him doing that. “Sure? Not my boobs, though.”
Immediately, he’s flopping backwards onto the bed again, whininess coating his voice when he complains.
“But I already felt everything in the shower! What’s the difference—Ow! Okay!” She’s pushed her feet up against his torso, kicking at him aggressively until he’s rolled away to where she can’t reach him. And then he’s pouting, making grabby hands at her for emphasis while he continues, at a distance now where he can complain safely.
“You know I’d pick tits over ass any day! You’re just doing this to hurt me.” Y/n only smiles mockingly, reaching out to tap a finger on the paper.
“Don’t forget to write ‘no boobs’ there, too!” Yoongi grimaces, rolling back toward her and picking up his quill, angrily scratching the words into the parchment.
“Okay, anything else?” He’d made a big fuss about not being able to touch her boobs, but he’s already over it, and — again — Y/n finds herself full of adoration that Yoongi will never push her boundaries, already having accepted them even when he was complaining about them.
You’re just all bark and no bite, aren’t you?
“Actually, I do bite. I like biting. Why do you ask?” Fighting the urge to smack the palm of her hand to her forehead at the realization that she’d said that aloud, Y/n shakes her head at Yoongi, who seems innocently confused. He shrugs when she doesn’t explain, his eyes lighting up when he thinks of something.
“We should do kinks.” Y/n rolls her eyes.
“Absolutely not—"
“Why not?! We’re gonna figure out what we like eventually if we’re doing these practice sessions, so why not talk about it?” He looks childishly enraged, his pout returning. She only laughs at him, shaking her head.
“Because we’re not doing anything sexual, so what’s the point?” He sighs, sitting up and facing her, crossing his legs as he goes.
“Kinks don’t have to be sexual, you big nerd. It’s not about the sex — it’s about the trust.” Y/n blinks, not having expected him to say something so serious.
“Okay… but if it’s about the trust, how are you acting on all your kinks with the other people? You don’t really know them.” He smiles softly, shaking his head.
“I usually don’t, actually. I just do whatever they want.” Y/n gapes at him, unable to believe that Yoongi had been holding back this whole time.
“So, if someone’s into choking—"
“It’s up to them if they want to trust me to do that for them. Obviously, I’d never go too far, but everyone’s trust thresholds are different. Mine’s just really high, so I always made it about them instead.” He shrugs while he says it, as if they’re talking about what he’d had for lunch and not the surprising weight he puts on trust in sexual situations.
“And you wanna explore that stuff now? With me? We’re not even together.” He tilts his head in confusion again.
“Yeah? There’s no one I trust more than you.” Y/n thinks her head might actually start spinning, because Min Yoongi’s brain is just not wired the same as hers. His ability to be both incredibly simple about his life outlook and shockingly nuanced about the inner workings of his mind — he’s more than just confident and sure of himself. He’s completely self-aware. It’s not the first time she’s been stupidly fond of him, but right now, she thinks he’s amazing.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Y/n blinks, realizing she’s just been staring at him that entire time. She shakes her head, slightly dazed, not even noticing that Yoongi’s looking at her with suspicious eyes. Pointing back to the list, she clears her throat awkwardly.
“Yeah, sure, kinks. But — I’m not telling you shit, it’s embarrassing. Figure it out yourself.” Eyebrows flying to his hairline, Yoongi reaches for the quill slowly, uncertainly.
“For real? You’re down?” She nods, trying to move on already, but Yoongi’s not letting it go, even as he writes it down. “Like… a game, then? We just test shit and see how we react? Because I already know you like having your hair pulled—“
“Oh my— Yoongi!” He snickers at her embarrassment, shaking his head. She has no reason to be shy, he thinks to himself. I’m the last person she has to worry about.
“So…” He glances up at her from where he lies, his eyes full of mischief. Y/n eyes him suspiciously, because he’s definitely about to say something stupid.
“Should we start now, then?” Lifting himself up onto all fours, he starts to crawl over to her, a smirk dancing on the edges of his lips — one that’s hidden quickly by the hand Y/n’s planting on his face, stopping him from coming any closer.
“Get out of my room, Yoongi.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Redirecting, Yoongi heads for the edge of the bed, sliding his sneakers on before standing. “I’ll be back in a couple hours—“ Turning, he cuts himself off, leaning down into Y/n’s face and smiling fondly when she backs away, rightfully wary of him.
“Kiss, please.” She’s immediately glaring, and he’s pointing down at the list on her bed, affronted. “You said Saturday Night Routine has to remain untouched — I still have like 2 hours until then. Kiss, please.”
With an irritated sigh, Y/n leans up, cupping Yoongi’s face and pressing her lips gently to his. Even knowing he’s probably got something up his sleeve, she’s unprepared for him to nibble at her bottom lip, trying to deepen the kiss. Pulling away quickly, she’s smacking at his arm indignantly, glaring when he laughs openly, his shoulders shaking as he does. He leans down quickly, pressing one last kiss to her lips before ducking out of the way of her swinging fist, chuckling to himself as he slings his bag over his shoulder and heads for the door.
“Don’t forget to choose something for us to watch while I pick up our food, okay? I’m not tryna let my dinner get cold because you’re indecisive.”
“That only happened once!” He shoots her a grin over his shoulder as he’s pulling her door open, his eyes amused.
“Love you!” Y/n rolls her eyes at the sing-song way he says it, responding with an annoyed ‘yeah, love you too’ as he’s closing the door behind him. She sits on her bed in silence for a few moments, vaguely disgruntled as she looks down at their list of rules and thinks about that entire conversation.
That was… weirdly normal.
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doienseatee · 3 years
One with the Star
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Pairing: Doyoung x Reader
Genre: Strangers to Lovers, Fluff, College
Note: I haven’t proofread this (as always) but here it is! I’m so sorry it took me so long to finish this one. I wanted it to be perfect (at least for me sksksks) next chapter will be in Doyoung’s POV so stay tuned for it i guess? I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Here’s a list of the songs that I listened to while writing this (they’re not exactly relevant to the plot but they made me feel good and set my mood to write hehe)
Your likes and (especially) comments are highly appreciated :> Thank you so much if you’re still here and I hope I won’t disappoint you. I can’t wait to write this story in Doyoung’s POV and I hope you are too :> Thank you so much and enjoy! 
Word Count: 2.6k
Summary: You developed a crush on the school band’s vocalist and somehow got close with him when you friend, Jungwoo, joined them. You’re too shy to make a move and so you are more than happy to be friends with a star like him.
previous chapter
next chapter
A lot of things were going through your head when you read Doyoung’s text message. 
“Did he really say “date”??”
“Why is he inviting me again?”
“Is he interested in me or he’s just naturally friendly?
“Did he mean “date” in a romantic way?”
“Is it really Doyoung who texted me??”
are just a few questions that you can’t seem to find the answers. You didn’t know how to react and most certainly, you didn’t know what to reply back. You didn’t want your response to come off like you’re excited and gushing over his invitation. You also didn’t want to seem like you’re being forced because certainly you’re not. You didn’t know what to do and the fact that your 2 hour class is already halfway through and you still haven’t responded to his message isn’t helping at all.
“Sure!” too boring
“I would love to” too obvious that you’re excited
“I’ll check my schedule” sounds like you don’t have intentions to go
You’re not even listening to your professor anymore at this rate and Doyoung is all that you could ever think about. You’re afraid of your reaction coming off as “overreacting” so you’re thoroughly thinking about it (yup, for more than an hour) because it really doesn’t make any sense to you. 
You were going through so many thoughts but your ears rang when you heard your professor say “due in 2 weeks” for a project you are totally not aware of so you forced yourself to forget about his message and direct your attention to the man’s lecture in front of you. 
It was about 5PM when your professor in your last subject of the day finally dismissed you and you were on your way to meet Jungwoo in the cafe near the university since he basically bailed on you in the morning because he slept too much. 
He was already sitting in your usual spot when you arrived and you saw two cups of frappe on the table. It was supposedly his “peace offering” to you for missing the practice and leaving you alone especially he was the one that was supposed to be there since it was his first day of practice. 
“I’m sorry for not showing up but you should thank me for giving you a chance to have a date with your crush” 
and you almost spat your drink when you heard him say those words because you never told him that you are crushing on Doyoung 
“What? Do you expect me not to notice when you’re all heart eyes when you see him?”
Your shoulders fell when you realized that you weren’t lowkey at all and that Jungwoo was actually aware all this time. You felt like you were betrayed by him for not telling you that he knows but you were mostly sulking about the fact that you weren’t discreet and Doyoung could’ve found out already. 
“Seriously though! I’ve been with you for the past 3 months so I know that you have the hots for the man and I confirmed it on the audition day. You were stiff as a rock when you saw him and tried to play it cool. So not you!” 
And as much as you wanted to defend yourself, you had nothing else to say because it was all true. 
“OH RIGHT I DIDN’T TEXT HIM BACK YET!” you suddenly remembered about his message since you were occupied by your classes. 
“What?” was all that Jungwoo could say with his confused face. So of course you explained everything from the time that you ate after the cancelled practice to the exchange of numbers and to his text message asking you to have a “snack date again” tomorrow.
“DAMN!! HE LIKES YOU TOO!!!” he exclaimed while grinning from ear to ear and you hit him jokingly because his words were absurd
“No way!! He probably just meant it as a friendly date or what” you tried to deny it but you actually had some hope at the back of your head but of course you didn’t want to assume. 
“I bet my entire semester allowance that he’ll ask you out to date him after your little snack date tomorrow” he looks so confident and you just wanted to smack him for that 
 As much as you still wanted to argue with him, you needed to answer Doyoung’s message as soon as possible. He might think you’re ignoring him or what so you ask Jungwoo what to reply in his point of view of a guy and not as your friend 
“I’m down for it!” will definitely make me happy and probably Doyoung too” was his advice but you asked him if it’s okay and doesn’t make your feeling too obvious 
“Just go for it!! I swear, he’s interested in you and your reply will give him hope!” so you just shrugged and started to type your reply.
As you were about to send your reply, you hesitated and put your phone down but Jungwoo snatched it away and he sent it instead and so you hit him again for the second time of the day
“Trust me on this one please, you can unfriend me if things will go wrong” and you did trust his words and let a little hope ignite in you. 
You went on and asked him how he found out about your little crush on his now bandmate and it consists of “your interest when i introduced you to them on the acquaintance party”, “i caught you stalking his instagram profile”, “i saw your eyes form a heart shape when you saw him passing by in the school cafe” 
You were thinking of what excuse to say although there was no escape when the both of you were interrupted when your phone rang indicating a text message was sent to you. 
“It’s probably Doyoung! Check it!!!” Jungwoo was so excited (and you) and you tried to check your phone screen only to see that he did replied to you 
“See! He instantly replied!! He’s interested in you!!!” you tried to dodge him and his assumptions and composed yourself to reply to whatever Doyoung sent but again, Jungwoo snatched your phone so he can “read it for you”  
“Great! I thought you’ll reject my invitation, I was kinda waiting for your reply” 
“See! I told you!! He likes you too!!” he reacted and you just snatched your phone away from him to confirm if what he read was true and indeed it was real. 
“WTF” was all you could say 
“Reply to him ASAP!!!” your friend was urging you to do so but again you didn’t know what to say, it’s not as if you could say “I didn’t know how to reply so sorry lol” or “I was overwhelmed so I didn’t know what to reply” 
“Just tell him you’re busy and didn’t see his message until your last class, that’s enough to put him under the impression that you were just busy and not trying to ignore him or whatever” Jungwoo did make sense so you tried typing 
And so your conversation went like: 
“Oh no! I was just busy with my class so I didn’t notice your text message :)”
“I was worried that you didn’t want to be with me that’s why” 
“I enjoyed your company a while ago! I won’t say no to you”
“That’s a relief! Would you mind if I take you out on a lunch date tomorrow instead of a snack date?”
“I’m up for anything. My class starts at 2PM tomorrow so it’s all good”
“Should I pick you up or something?”
you were shocked with his offer but you actually liked it but you didn’t want to admit it since you might be a nuisance to him if you’ll agree.
at this point, Jungwoo’s trying to peek at your conversation since you’ve been texting non-stop for the last 10 minutes and completely ignored his presence but you didn’t mind him and continued to speak to Doyoung 
“It’s fine! I don’t want to disturb you. Let’s just meet up somewhere?”
“I insist and besides, I don’t have any classes tomorrow so I’m free all day.”
“Are you sure? I can just take the bus or something”
“I’m 200% sure. So can I have your address? :)”
“Why? What happened?” Jungwoo immediately asked you when he hear your voice 
“He’s picking me up on our house tomorrow”
“What did I tell you!! He likes you!!!!!” he was so adamant and you calmed him down to avoid getting attention from the people in the cafe 
“I won’t agree until he directly tells me okay? I’ll just assume this is a friendly date” but you know deep inside that you were hoping 
30 minutes later, you both separated and went to your respective homes. Jungwoo didn’t say his usual goodbyes and instead wished you luck with your “future lovelife” and wished to see you holding hands with Doyoung the next time you’ll meet. 
You are not a morning person and so being up at 8 AM is an achievement but your excitement didn’t really let you sleep that much and the 3 hours of sleep felt just like a blink to you. A lot of things were going through your head as to how your day will go by with Doyoung. 
You actually talked to him until 10PM the night before and just pretty much talked about yourselves and it was like a continuation of your conversation when you were eating.
He radiates comfortability and he feels like home with the short span of time that you talked to him and now you weren’t feeling awkward and you felt comfortable with the thought of being with him. 
Although the thought of him liking you does still bother you and is making you nervous but you tried to convince yourself that whatever happens, you’ll still consider him as your friend and that’s more than enough. 
He’ll pick you up at 11AM yet you were up at 8 to start preparing and look decent enough. You know your fashion and makeup so it shouldn’t be a problem but it still did. 
You tried to scrub every part of your body to look and feel good. You didn’t notice that you spent almost an hour in the shower doing all of the excess rituals than your usual half an hour and short routine when taking a bath. 
Nothing in your closet seems perfect enough to your liking. It was as if half of your wardrobe was gone but in reality, they’re just the same and you just can’t pick an outfit.
After a good 30 minutes of debating with your closet, you settled with a white surplice top and blue culotte pants paired with a white doll shoes and you were now left with the makeup look. 
It was either a natural look or an almost full glam look but you went with a natural look. You put on Powder, Mascara, Blush and a coral toned Lipstick to finish your makeup and unknowingly, the simplicity brought out your confidence and you thought that you were now ready to meet Doyoung. 
You were still finishing your overall look around 10:30 AM when he called you to say that he is now on the way to your house to pick you up so you hurried and backpack filled with the things that you need for your class after your lunch “date” with Doyoung. 
Although it’s true that you are now comfortable with him, the lunch date with him is still different and you suddenly became nervous but you tried to keep it cool while you were waiting in your living room. Your mom did ask you where you are going but all you said was “to school” so she won’t ask you further questions if you’ll say “a date”. Knowing your mom, she’s talkative so your conversation won’t end and you promise to tell her everything after. You were too occupied thinking of Doyoung to chit chat with her. 
The screen of your phone lit up with Doyoung’s “I’m here” text message so you said goodbye to your mom and went out to greet Doyoung in his black BMW car. 
The window in the passenger’s seat was open and he was waving from the inside. He was wearing a black polo shirt with a pair of white jeans and black sneakers. You were about to drown in your thoughts of how good he looked but he started to talk and ask how was your sleep so all the time that you were traveling to whatever restaurant he’s bringing you,  you just talked to him like how you texted. 
After a good 15 minute drive, he declared that you were now in your destination and you prepared to go out of the car but he told you to stay put and he rushed to open the car for you. You just mumbled a small “thank you” for his gesture even though it’s melting you on the inside. 
The restaurant wasn’t that far from your university since he didn’t want you to be late for your class and you mentally screamed at how thoughtful he was. It wasn’t a fine dining restaurant but not something that students are usually going to hang out at. It has a chill ambiance and you loved it. 
“Do you like the place? I’m sorry I still don’t have any idea of what you like so I brought you to one of my family’s favorite.” Doyoung had an apologetic look while he said those words to you but you assured him that it was fine and you liked it.
“You can choose the restaurant next time” he offered but you were shocked with the “next time”
so you asked him 
“Only if you want to because for me I would love to take you out on a date again after this” and how could you say no to him when he was smiling like an adorable bunny
The food, the place and the person you’re with were all great and you had a good time so you were really happy and you thanked Doyoung as you were both walking to the parking lot. 
“I should be the one thanking you for accepting my invitation. I thought you’d say no to be honest”
“Why would you think that I won’t say yes?” you asked him as he was about to start the engine of the car 
“You’re too beautiful for me, I didn’t think I had a chance. Plus I really thought Jungwoo was your boyfriend” 
“What do you mean beautiful? I’m not” you tried to laugh your confusion because between the both of you, he was the one that’s unreachable so it was crazy to hear those words from him 
“I’m not kidding! I like you!” he stopped trying to start the car and looked at your eyes with conviction 
“what?” you were a mess and you were trying to understand everything that’s going on although you kind of prepared yourself for this but you were expecting the worst case scenario so you’re still confused as hell.
“I like you, a lot! And I actually invited you today to ask if you’d like to go out with me but I got too shy when we were eating.” he looked away after his confession and you also didn’t know what to do
your face displayed nothing but shock and confusion with his confession and you just can’t believe your crush actually likes you so all you can say is “what?” and he just grabbed your hands and interlocked them with his while saying
“I like you so much and I’ll do everything for you to be my girlfriend”
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aros001 · 3 years
First time read through light novel vol. 8. Random thoughts.
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...So...does anyone else feel a little uncomfortable with that cover image between Reinhard and Felt? I mean, I know he's not going to do anything sexual to her and she's not as young as I originally thought she was (I think vol. 1 said she was 15, while ever since the anime I thought she was like 10 or something), but she still is underage, being forced into wearing and doing something she doesn't want to by a grown man, and I think just the way he's got his hand holding her bare thigh makes it feel more sexual than it should be.
Also, is Wilhelm floating? The heck is he sitting on?
Subaru was afraid of death. Dying constantly trashed his life with an unbearable sense of fear and loss. He thought it was like that for everyone; he assumed that was how it had to be. Subaru, who had experienced death more than anyone via Return by Death, didn’t want anyone else to know what it was like.
I'm definitely seeing more similarities between Subaru and Ferris here than I did in the anime. I like how they both have a more unique perspective on life and death than most people would; Subaru from his Return By Death and Ferris from being such a powerful healer (to the point he can even regenerate himself from near death, I guess). Again, for a series where death can be undone so easily, it really knows how to use that premise to show just how weighty and serious death is. While the two will and do kill, it sits with them more than it does for others because they know just how awful death can be.
Something I've really enjoyed when reading through various LN series after watching the anime first is that I end up liking certain characters that I didn't in the anime. I didn't hate Ferris but the cutesy way he talked really bugged me and I didn't focus on him much. Here though I'm definitely getting a better feel for his character, especially with how much he values life, cursing at the suicidal witch cult members for tossing theirs away so easily. He and Subaru's back and forth makes the ending feel that much more heartbreaking when Ferris has to mercy kill the possessed Subaru.
Also, just to clear up any confusion I have, is Ferris in drag or does he identify as a woman? I don't have any problem referring to him from now on as a "she" (I never had that problem with Magne in My Hero Academia) but I'd prefer to get my facts straight. Ferris also makes a joke about Subaru swinging over to his side of the fence but I'm not sure if that means he's gay or not. It's a little hard to tell how far his affection for Crusch runs, for example.
Similarly, there's Julius, a character I never disliked in the anime, but I can definitely see more of a path to him and Subaru becoming friends here. It is funny that a comment from Ferris got me thinking how something to two have in common is how easy it is for them to get others to immediately dislike them just by talking. For Subaru it's because he too often talks without thinking, shoving his foot into his mouth, and for Julius it's how unintentionally snobbish and "better-than-you" he can sound. It's also nice that the story is getting Subaru to try and work through his issues, acknowledging that he's being unfair towards Julius, whom really has done nothing wrong aside from unintentionally pricking at Subaru's inferiority complex.
Like Subaru, I thought demon beasts and monsters were just so common in the world that a barrier around a lord's domain was a very common thing. But from how the other characters in-story are talking, it sounds like Roswaal deliberately put his domain and the village in the center of (or at least nearby) a demon beast habitat. Even in the anime I always believed he knew more than he let on but here he feels like a straight-up mastermind with everything he's been pulling behind the scenes and all the things he's done that, as of yet, have no explanation or reason behind them. Just what is he up to?
One thing I'll say about this series in comparison to some others I've seen/read; the dark magic here, like with the Witch of Envy, Return By Death, the White Whale, and the Unseen Hands, really feels like DARK magic. I've seen series that have their own version of dark magic that'll make bad things happen or summon demons or sacrifice people, but this? Everything to do with the witch feels creepy and unnatural, like it's not or should not be part of the world. With how much suffering it's caused, the mystery behind the gospel, just how unhinged Petelgeuse is and his body jumping, it all feels like stuff you should really not be messing with. Even at the end with Subaru running off and Julius finding him, getting no response at first from Subaru, feels like something out of a horror movie.
Subaru keeps getting asked if he's Pride, to which I'm assuming they mean if he's the one to become the Archbishop of Pride. Personally, my theory is that because of how much the witch seems to "favor" him, Subaru is Envy, like, well, the Witch of Envy and the only one of the seven sins they never mention to have an archbishop, given Satella destroyed the other witches. If that's the case, I can only imagine how much that's going to piss off all the other archbishops, that after all their shows of devotion some schmuck came to their world out of nowhere and became Satella's favorite.
“Lending one’s strength does not mean merely swinging one’s sword. It means challenging the same foes, worrying over the same obstacles, sharing the wounds and the weight of the burdens. This we can do. This is the lesson I learned in the past.”
Obviously this is meant primarily for Subaru but I can't help but think it can apply to Rem and Emilia as well. With the exception of Puck, Emilia tends to go out of her way to avoid involving others in her problems or having them feel they owe her anything when she helps with theirs. Rem dedicated a good chunk of her life to live as her sister's replacement after Ram lost her horn and tried to kill all the demon dogs on her own after Subaru was cursed saving her. They both seem determined to bear the weight of their burdens solely on their own, like they're the only ones who need to suffer. Subaru goes back and forth on how much he involves others in his problems, but while he's more than willing to help ease the burdens on others, his problem for the longest time was that he was so fixated on "swinging his sword", as he thought fighting and strength was the only way to help (probably because strength would honestly solve a decent chunk of his own problems).
“Two days ago, the forest around the mansion became unnaturally calm... to the point that even my eyes could catch nothing. Thereupon, an armed group appeared bearing the crest of the House of Karsten, which had declared war with the blank letter... Surely you cannot blame my little bird’s heart for being on the verge of breaking?”
Ram, I had no idea how much I missed you until you came back.
Namely, that someone out there had swapped his letter of goodwill, aiming to turn Emilia and Crusch against each other.
I don't think a line or speculation like this was in the anime, which it probably should have been. Without it, it just seems like Subaru's an idiot and made a stupid mistake, but now it seems like someone is directly manipulating events behind the scenes. Personally, I'd say my money's on Roswaal if I didn't have terrible luck when it comes to gambling.
“Silence! Cease your prattle! Give that book back, right—”
“Hey, don’t shout. If you get too angry, you know—your brain’ll shake.”
“G...gah...! How dare you, dare you, dare youuuu! My disciple of love!!”
“Don’t gimme that, you’re the one who mixed us up! Tunnel vision! What, are you lazy?!”
Overlord was the first light novel series I read (the only other LN I'd read before was Death Note: Another Note - The Los Angeles BB Murder Cases and that was years ago), so naturally it's the series I tend to make the most comparisons to for the other series I've been reading. In this case, something I really like about both Ainz and Subaru is that, despite how they're presented sometimes, neither is actually stupid (though they too often suck at reading the room). They're both just in situations way over their head and they have no frame of reference for how to deal with these fantasy world situations. Subaru, like with tricking Sloth into getting attacked by demon beast or figuring out what was up with the flowers, has plenty of times where he shows he can come up with decent plans or quick thinking that can pull off a win. His flaws are based more in his own immaturity and need to grow more as a person.
Honestly, Ainz and Subaru are fun to compare because, of the LN MCs I've read so far, they both seem to get every break the other doesn't. Ainz is obvious. He's got actual power, tons of resources, and numerous people whose faith in him is absolute, while Subaru has almost nothing save for the curse and the clothes on his back and has to continuously struggle to make any difference. On the other hand, Ainz has no one in his life he can relate to or be his real self around, making him feel incredibly empty and lonely, while Subaru has attracted a surprisingly wide web of people around him whom, despite some hiccups, do genuinely believe in the real him.
I am 90% certain Emilia and Puck fighting Sloth wasn't in the anime. Well, no wonder anime-only fans have trouble liking her when you cut out nearly all of the character's best sh*t! [Edit: I was wrong. Another post pointed out it was at the end of ep 23. Like I said, it's been a bit since I saw the anime and I remembered none of this fight. Though I still stand by that LN Emilia is better than anime Emilia] Like I've said before, it's not like anime Emilia could just be replaced with a sexy lamp and nothing would be different, but compared to the LN version she really didn't get a lot to do in the anime outside of the first arc. She wants to be queen and sometimes heals people. Otherwise she was mostly off-screen or serving as Subaru's object of affection (and sometimes obsession). Just being able to fight isn't everything but Emilia here certainly feels like she has a lot more fire to her personality and does more when she appears. She's not just a nice, pretty girl for the MC to fight for.
Somehow, he’d died again. He’d probably lost it all once more.
He surrendered everything to the abyss. This was the familiar embrace of failure after he pathetically lost his life.
Look back at the world.
Look back at your failures.
Don’t forget. Don’t forget. Do not forget.
Ferris’s tear-filled voice. Wilhelm’s lament, shaking with regrets. Julius’s resolve and remorse, so great he probably gnashes his teeth over it—Don’t forget, ever. No matter how low you are, don’t ever let go.
Is this Satella saying this to Subaru? I'd assume so since it ends with the "I love you" line Subaru's been getting before he RBDs. But if so, why is she saying this to him? One theory is that she has her own regrets from her life and is giving Subaru a chance not to have the same. That assumes she is a good person and that the stories around her are wrong. Another theory, given the Witch of Envy title, is that she's insisting Subaru never let go of what's his. It's his (and hers, since he is hers) and no one else can have it. I mean, that applies more to greed than envy, I suppose, but stretching a bit you could say she'd be jealous of a world moving on without her.
Original Reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Re_Zero/comments/gwjfwy/novels_first_time_read_through_light_novel_vol_8/
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violetwolfraven · 4 years
If you’re still taking requests maybe 1+4 for Sprace?
Canon-era in general
Soulmate AU
I am always taking requests, my dude. Anyway here we go! This is mostly in the musicalverse but if I reference a few movieverse characters as older Newsies during Race’s childhood...😏 Also there are a couple of ocs in here, and it gets a bit angsty towards the end. Enjoy!
Tw: Underage drinking, a couple of side characters are mentioned to have died, and homophobia is kind of implied, I guess?
Race had grown up knowing that he liked boys, and that didn’t really match up with what people said love was supposed to be, but that was just how Race was.
And it wasn’t like it was hurting anyone, was it? Being only a little kid, Race was too young to actually do anything, and if he sometimes paid attention to the way a friend looked really cute when he’d just woken up, it didn’t matter. It wasn’t like he had to or even could act on those little crushes.
It was like Manhattan’s leader, Waffles, said. He called it ‘puppy love’ when Jack snuck glances at a girl his age on the street or Crutchie shyly gave one a flower when he handed her mother a pape. Nobody actually acted on these things.
Little baby crushes when you were a kid meant nothing, and that meant that Race would outgrow this and start liking girls in time to meet his soulmate, right? Because soulmates meant a boy with a girl, and nothing else, right?
At least, that was what he thought, until he and Jack walked into an alley when Race was 8 and Jack was 10 and found a couple of older boys kissing—which Race was pretty sure you were only supposed to do with someone you loved.
Snitch and Itey jumped apart, staring at the younger boys in shock. Then they each grabbed one and dragged them into the Lodging House bathroom to tell them that Race and Jack could not tell anyone.
Race was too scared to speak (Snitch and Itey were significantly bigger than him) but Jack stepped in front of him and demanded to know why.
That was when Itey sighed, said that maybe it would be better if Waffles explained this, and gone to get their leader.
Race hadn’t really believed it at first when Waffles sat them down and carefully explained that Itey and Snitch were soulmates.
“That ain’t possible,” Jack argued, “They’s both boys.”
“Yeah,” Waffles said, “And maybe it’s a cruel trick of fate or a mistake or whatever the church thinks, but here with the Manhattan Newsies? We don’t care. Okay? We’s a family. We don’t turn on Itey and Snitch for somethin’ they can’t control.”
“Why would we turn on them?” Race asked, confused. That was what this was; confusing.
Waffles sighed, “Look, among family, it’s okay. We don’t care who your soulmate is. But the rest of the world does, okay? Adults don’t know nothin’. They think boys lovin’ boys and girls lovin’ girls is wrong.”
“Would Itey and Snitch get hurt if adults found out?” Jack asked.
“Yeah, kiddo, they would. And that’s why you can’t tell no one, okay, boys? Nobody outside the house finds out and no new kids either ‘till we know we can trust ‘em. Okay?”
“Okay,” they both said, and though, like most people, Itey and Snitch kept their soulmarks covered, as it was something intensely personal and none of anybody’s business, from there, Race started realizing that he should have seen something between them a long time ago.
It was fairly obvious, in how they shared a bed, snuck off occasionally, and sometimes let touches of reassurance or affection linger a bit longer than they probably should.
Race started noticing how the other older kids covered for them. How Skittery would knock something over, allowing them to slip out together under the excuse of not wanting to help him clean it up. How Boots would make a joke to draw attention to himself if they started getting too obvious. How Waffles would take on any new kid thinking of selling with them, himself, so they had an excuse to keep being just the two of them.
It was... nice, in a mushy kind of way that they had that support. And Race didn’t really think seriously about kissing his crushes yet, but he did wonder if he would have that if he did.
Race’s soulmark—the first name of his soulmate that appeared on his wrist on his 10th birthday—was Sean.
It was a boy’s name. That scared Race a little.
But every time he saw the older Manhattan kids go out of their way to make sure nobody noticed Itey and Snitch, he got a little less scared, but still a bit confused
He stopped being scared, at least mostly, when Jack came to him, nervously confessing that he liked girls and boys, and his soulmark said a boy’s name; David. There was something less scary about being different when you didn’t have to be alone in it.
Of course, among the Newsies, finding your soulmate was always a little complicated, because damn near everybody had nicknames. Honestly, Race‘s soulmate could be almost any of his friends for all he knew, but he liked to think he didn’t. He liked to think he’d know immediately if he found him.
Race was 10 when he started selling at Sheepshead, having a deal with a Brooklyn girl, Palomino. She got to use his cuteness for easy sales, and in return, she taught him to weaponize just the right combination of friendliness, flirtation, and annoyance to get people do to pretty much whatever he wanted.
Race asked her when he was 11 what she thought about soulmates, particularly same-sex soulmates. He wanted her opinion because while Palomino was kind of an asshole, there was one thing she was really good at, and that was survival.
And Race wasn’t sure what he thought about the fact that his soulmate was a boy yet, but he knew that just living as someone like that, you had to be careful to survive.
‘Mino just shrugged, “Love is unreliable, Racer. It never does what you want it to and more often than not, it’s a liability. Soulmates ain’t an exception just cause they’s supposed to be together.”
“What about boys lovin’ other boys and girls lovin’ other girls?”
“The fuck did I just say? Love’s a liability. Feelin’s get ya hurt—even more so if those feelin’s is illegal.”
Race struggled to get what he was really asking across, “But if it’s illegal... does that make it wrong?”
‘Mino’s face softened infinitesimally. No one who didn’t know her would even recognize it as softening.
“What did I teach ya, kid? Long as ya don’t get caught, nothin’s illegal. Whether ya love girls or boys or both ain’t my business—it’s still stupid. Now, come on. If we place our bets right, we can both go home with some extra dough.”
Yeah... Race never mastered the whole ‘winning bet-placing’ thing. He never accepted Palomino’s offers to teach him to pickpocket, either, though there were winters where he wished he did.
And he never believed her when she said love was stupid. Because Palomino might have a cynical, angry outlook on life, but Race didn’t. Whenever he asked Waffles or Jack or any of the kids back home in Manhattan, they always said love and soulmates were good things.
Of course, it wasn’t like her opinion mattered anymore. After that winter when Race was 11, he never saw his old mentor again.
Sure, Race didn’t know anything about love besides the platonic bond he had with friends, but he still believed in it with how he saw pairs of his friends fall into it more and more as he got older. Love and soulmates made people happy. That much, he could tell.
Race was 16, Jack was Manhattan’s leader, and he’d been selling at Sheepshead for years when he learned that it wasn’t always that simple.
He and his friend Spot were a little drunk, probably, because Spot had gotten hurt in a fight and hadn’t wanted to drink his cheap booze to dull the pain alone.
Race had met him when he was 12 and Spot was 13, not long after Spot became King of Brooklyn. In the last 4 years, they’d become close friends. He was Race’s best friend, to be honest, besides maybe Albert. Of course, Jack and Crutchie didn’t count because they were more Race’s brothers.
And if Spot was like, really attractive, that didn’t matter. He wasn’t interested in Race. Race didn’t even know if he was interested in boys, period. It was just never something they talked about.
Spot didn’t seem like a Sean, anyway.
“Hey, Spot, buddy, do you ever think about... like... soulmates?” Race asked, trying not to slur his words.
Spot laughed kinda tiredly, “Sometimes. Why?”
“Just ‘cause...” Race tried to think despite his mind being fuzzy, “What do ya think about ‘em?”
Spot just shrugged, “Love’s a liability. Soulmates ain’t an exception.”
“Ooh, I see you’s usin’ Palomino’s philosophy.”
They both laughed.
Was it just the booze making Race slow, or were Spot’s eyes lingering on his lips as he put his cigar in his mouth?
“Oh, Palomino,” he muttered, “That bitch. I ain’t thought about her in a while.”
“That ain’t nice—she’s dead, Spottie.”
“Yeah, which means she ain’t here to care what I say ‘bout her.”
Race’s laugh sounded drunk even to him, “She tried to teach me to pickpocket.”
“She did teach me to pickpocket.”
“Spot, you son of a bitch, you actually let her teach ya to steal?”
“She taught all the younger Brooklyn kids when I was little. She was older and smarter than me, so’s I kinda did whatever she told me. I don’t steal nowadays though, if I can help it. Ain’t worth the trouble with the bulls.”
“She was pretty smart,” Race admitted, “I dunno if she was right ‘bout soulmates, though.”
Spot looked away from Race’s face, taking another swig of alcohol, “She was.”
Race took another sip of his own drink, a bit disappointed, for some reason, “How do ya know?”
“Because Waffles was hers and they both knew it and it just hurt ‘em both.”
“Oh,” Race looked at the floor, “I didn’t know that.”
“Yeah,” Spot laughed, “One pair of Newsies actually landed right side up and it was the one where both of ‘em died.”
“That ain’t funny, Spot.”
Race hadn’t thought about ‘Mino in a while, either. Honestly, he hadn’t even thought about Waffles, and that made him sad because they both deserved to be remembered and—
“Hey, hey, Racer, it’s okay. Don’t cry. That was stupid of me.”
Race remembered to hug Spot gently as his friend embraced him. They were drinking for a reason, so Race avoided touching Spot’s ribs. Instead, he wrapped his arms around his neck.
Spot didn’t hug often, but when he did, it felt special. It felt warm and safe, like home.
“I’m sorry, Race, I just... they actually wound up as a girl and a boy and they wasn’t together, but they should’ve been and... I’m sorry. Don’t cry.”
“I ain’t gonna cry.”
Spot pulled away enough to look him in the eye to make sure he wasn’t lying.
Race couldn’t say he was sorry that Spot kept holding onto him. Their faces were very close together.
“Do ya really think love is stupid, Spottie?”
Spot shrugged, “Everyone I know what’s in it gets hurt. I mean... you’s seen what it does to Cowboy and Mouth, right? Knowin’ all it would take is one bad person findin’ out ‘bout them.”
“But they makes each other happy,” Race pointed out, “Ain’t that what’s really important?”
“I dunno, just seems easier not to have to worry ‘bout it. Soulmates is just another person who can hurt you or be used against you, and besides— just cause the universe says you’s supposed to be in love don’t mean ya have to. I sure don’t give a damn about whoever mine is.”
Race smiled, tapping the piece of cloth Spot used to cover his soulmark, “What’s the harm in your best friend knowin’, then?”
“Why?” Spot teased, “Hopin’ it’s you?”
“I’m fairly certain it ain’t,” Race said, “We’s known each other for years. If we was soulmates, we’d’ve found out by now. Still, ya never have shown me your mark.”
“You haven’t shown me yours, either.”
Race thought about it for a second.
“What if we showed ‘em at the same time? I mean, ain’t no harm in it, right? Only one of my close friend’s Marks I ain’t seen is yours.”
“Yeah,” Spot muttered, “Same for me, I guess. Showin’ ‘em at the same time sounds fair.”
“Course it is,” Race let go of him, still staying sitting pretty close, and untied the strip of cloth from his own wrist, “Ready?”
Spot untied his, “Set.”
They showed their soulmarks at the same time. By the time of day, it was almost too dark for Race to read the text on his friend’s wrist.
“Shit,” Race mumbled under his breath, “Oh my God.”
Spot was still silent, just staring in shock at the name on Race’s wrist.
Any chance of it being a different Anthony was gone, now, by the look on his face.
Spot finally looked him in the eye, and Race could see pain there, but also some kind of... relief.
Race knew exactly how he felt. He’d somehow... well, he hadn’t expected it, but it wasn’t surprising, either.
He was glad it was Spot. He was glad it was someone he already knew. Someone he already... already loved.
Race dared to lean a little closer, knowing Spot would read his intentions and pull away if he wanted to.
He didn’t pull away, though his deep breath was shaky.
Their faces were close enough that Race could smell what they’d been drinking on Spot’s breath.
He didn’t see any signs of him not wanting it, so Race leaned forward enough to kiss Spot as softly as he knew how.
For a second, he thought maybe Spot was kissing him back, and then hands were on his shoulders, gently pushing him away.
When Race opened his eyes, his soulmate had an extremely pained look on his face, and he was already grabbing his strip of cloth to cover his wrist again.
“Don’t be sorry, Race,” he said quietly, “Just... go. You’s gonna have to run for it or you’ll miss the last carriage to hitch a ride home.”
A small part of Race was hurt and angry and wanted to argue that, no, they needed to talk about this and they needed to talk about it now.
But Spot looked agonized enough as it was, and the larger part of Race didn’t want to cause him any more pain.
He stood up and walked all the way back home.
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sweetcici-123 · 4 years
Why Won’t You Love Us?~
Female Twins~
Backstory~ The Akiyama twins actually have become quite popular. They didn't have a rich upbringing so that means they didn't always get the best food and sometimes they didn't eat everyday, but what they did have was talent. They were raised by a single mother who had tried her best, but in the end it wasn't enough. Their dad had a debt to some bad men, but had left the debt in his ex-wife's name, without her knowledge. So after a few years of an unpaid debt, they killed her. The twins were only 11 when she was killed. Their mom used to sing to them and they always loved it, sometimes the twins would sing to their mother if they felt like she was sad because singing always made their mom happy. Their mom used to tell them that singing was going to be their way out of their terrible lifestyle. She was right. After their mom died they lived in an alley, and barely survived for about 5 months, only singing to each other for comfort when they were over heard by a business man. (Long story short) He helped them become singers with a luxurious life now.
Yandere Tendencies/beginnings~ At the start of their rise to fame they had 1 main friend. She was always there for them and helped them get adjusted to their new life. No one knew who the twins were, well at least they didn't think so. The same people who killed their mom found out she had kids and had tracked the twins down. When they had planned to kill the twins with a sniper somehow they didn't noticed their best friend who had jumped on one of their backs and got in the way. The twins watched the second person they ever felt connected to (after their mom) die right on one of their backs. When the reality sank in, the twins stopped trying to build relationships and be happy. They're now cold, slightly unforgiving, and blunt. They put on happy personas for their audience but that's it. They have isolated themselves for the fear of letting another get close and then dying.
With all of this though, this is the reason of their obsession. When they finally bring themselves to care for another person, they'll not know how to handle these emotions. They won't even need to be strong emotions, if they feel a connection they'll automatically assume it's love for their lack of connections and love in general. Because of this, they'll want this person to stay with them, and they'll have the continuous feeling that their "loved one" needs to be protected. That will lead to this "loved one" being isolated because the twins are already isolated and they won't let their "loved one" leave them.
Lilah Older twin. The girl on the right. She's always looking down on people. She can't see herself equal to anyone except her twin. She would be overly protective of her twin to the point where no one should dare look at her wrong. She would also probably be the one who would initiate the first act of physical abuse to their "loved one" when they act up because of her protective nature.
Her audience persona on the other hand is very happy, but still very protective. She is considered the mom out of the twins and is shown to love all her fans never treating anyone badly, her favorite fans are all of the kids because they remind her so much of young LeAnn.
LeAnn Younger twin. The girl on the left. Yes she is also cold, but more on the naive side. She doesn't dislike people she just doesn't want to be around them in a personal atmosphere. Unlike her twin she does enjoy performing though, and making people smile does make her feel better but she is just as capable of being as cold as her twin. Her problem is she doesn't know her limits. If she happens to get angry and hurt her "loved one" she probably wouldn't be able to control herself. She's the twin that holds everything in, so when she lets it out, she lets out just about everything.
Her audience persona though is always cute and smiley. She's innocent and adorable, and even sometimes forgetful. She acts the part perfectly of the completely loveable younger twin.
Male Twins~
Backstory~ The Hano twins are from a very rich family. They are always able to get what they want because they're being raised by their grandparents. Their parents died in their old mansion, when the twins were only 8 but they were there. Both of the twins have burn marks in different areas. When the twins were saved it was found out that the burn marks weren't the only wounds they had. They had bruises and scars and whips on many covered parts of their body. It was found out that their parents would constantly abuse the twins. When their grandparents found out, they could tell it had done mental damage to them along with physical. Both of the twins barely spoke and always seemed to have a blank stare. Their grandparents had hoped by spoiling them, and giving them everything they could ever want/need, they would become happy. Over the years, the boys did build up emotions and they did find happiness but it was pretty obvious they weren't normal. Sadly their grandparents did get them doctors to heal their wounds, but not anyone who could help them mentally, and that was their mistake.
Yandere Tendencies/Beginnings~ When they were with their parents, they learned at a young age to only obey, don't do anything wrong or else you would be punished. Look presentable at all times and never talk back. They were never told any of this, but they learnt it. Along with learning those lessons, they watched their parents relationship. Never saying anything about it, but they always watched. There was yelling and things were thrown whenever one of their parents faces got red. Father would hurt mother, but sometime later apologize. Mother would scream at him and cry but also forgive. If father wasn't forgiven in a day, the twins would get punishment because it was their fault. Mother might do something bad and when father would find out he would cry while in return mother would scream. Someone would leave and they would completely neglect the kids. This was a never ending cycle until their grandparents took them in. Then the twins watched their relationship. The constant "I love you" with loving looks and careful movements. Always making sure the other was okay. Gentleness, with every hold. Passion and sweet kisses. It was all new to them. But the twins did know that they longed for that kind of contact.
With that longing it became a full blown desire. The only problem was their lack of social communication. They had a hard time being in contact with others but they still wanted that relationship. They didn't know any kind approaches, so ultimately their approach would come from their parents in an aggressive way and they would think it's okay, because it's what they want, and their grandparents always gave them what they want. They would automatically try to be loving but because of their "lover's" fear, it wouldn't work out, leading to the twins confusion and anger making them aggressive and doing things their parents way. When it gets results it'll make them happy and they'll constantly switch from sickly sweet to aggressive. All because they were completely unstable and didn't/don't understand love.
Lector Older twin. The boy on the left. He's more so the patient one. When things don't go his way he would be more passive-aggressive about it. He didn't completely grow out of his quiet stage after being abused, and he does still tend to give his blank stare but not all the time. He does still lose his cool sometimes but he strongly dislikes himself when he does. He tends to be more frightening than he means to be but he can't help it when he loses control.
But when he tries to be sweet it seems like he's being cold but it's just his inability to completely show his feelings. When he's happy, he might have the smallest smile, but it truly means a lot to him. He would be more gentle and his voice would never be loud, but calming yet quiet.
Lincoln Younger twin. The boy on the right. He, unlike his twin, grew out of his quiet and blank stage. He grew accustomed to being spoiled and that's all he is. Despite his age he often acts like a bratty child. When things don't go his way he immediately flips out and gets angry. He doesn't have a way to control his anger, so much like a child, he might break things or hurt others, like he saw from his parents.
Whenever he's trying to be nice he is also like a child. He plays games and offers things if he feels like he is sorry. Often worried after his tantrums that his "lover" hates him. He would be more innocent and would share things, probably in attempts to make his "lover" more comfortable with whatever they have to do/wherever they have to be.
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Crescent || Chapter 8
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Fandom(s): ATEEZ
AU: Treasure Hunters
Genre: Action, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Relationship: Everyone x Everyone, Established Hongjoong x Yunho
Language: English
Status: Ongoing
Chapter WC: 4,473 words
Warnings: Character Death, Stabbing, Fighting, Blood, Aliens, War, Funerals, Kidnapping, Attempted Kidnapping, Mentions of Child Abuse / Child Work, Explosions, Murder Attempt, Robbery, Homeless/Runaway Character, more will be added.
Chapter Warnings: Fighting, Blood
"What is going on?!" Hongjoong asked as he approached Jongho, noticing the mob himself. "Good fucking lord I'm gonna have to talk to Yeosang about this." He groaned.
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Tagged: @angel0taiyo​
San managed to sneak away from the crew when Hongjoong and Yunho locked themselves in the main quarters and he was forced to wait before he could go back to work. Instead, he went down to the hold and made sure there was no one there but him. Once he had made sure, he took out his communicator and contacted his boss. When he answered, San knew just by the look on his face that he was in trouble.
"Soldier San, code CS-710-28, reporting sir." San saluted.
"Fancy seeing you, code CS-710-28!" His boss replied with sarcasm. "You know, it's been quite impossible to get a hold of you, I wonder why that is?"
San didn't have an excuse. He had been thinking about his mission over and over, but each time he found himself less willing to commit to it. It wasn't only because it was difficult. San hated to admit it, but all the people he had killed before had deserved it to a point, at least most of them. Hongjoong, on the other hand... He just wasn't sure there he did.
"My apologies, sir." San bowed deeply. It was nothing to appease his boss, of course, but what else could he do.
"Stop with the useless apologies!" He yelled, and San cringed, looking around to make sure the sound hadn't brought unpleasant attention.
He didn't find the idea of killing Hongjoong very appealing anymore, but he absolutely detested killing people who weren't his target, even for the sake of fulfilling his mission. When nobody came to check what was going on, he exhaled deeply and stood straight, looking at his boss. His boss' face expressed perfectly all the anger he was feeling, and San hoped things wouldn't escalate.
"I imagine you haven't even fulfilled your mission yet, have you?" His boss asked, pointing a finger at him.
"No, sir..." San bowed his head slightly, knowing that not even looking sorry would be worse.
"You fucking-!" 
San was quick to mute the call as his boss began to yell, his heart racing as he looked around once more. This had been a terrible idea. He should have used the opportunity and left the ship in order to make the call, and although the sound outside provided a bit of protection, there wasn't much he could do if there was someone outside of the hold. When his boss stopped yelling, San unmuted the call.
"Did you mute me?" His boss asked, face race with anger as he sat down again.
"Yes, sir." San nodded. "Sorry sir, I didn't want to bring unwanted attention to the place I'm in currently."
"At least you still have some brain left in that useless head of yours," his boss huffed. San tightened his lips but didn't say anything. "I want progress code CS-710-28, I don't care if you lose a limb or die for this mission, because if you don't, they're gonna want to have my head on a silver plate."
"Understood, sir." San nodded.
As soon as the call ended, he put away his communicator and sighed. This was starting to get out of his hands and he didn't know what to do about it anymore. The more that time passed, the less he saw an opportunity of getting alive out of this mission. It was a problem that he didn't even feel particularly moved to do anything about it, especially since waiting had become the only way to extend his life.
After taking a few minutes to calm down, he exited the hull and went up to the deck. He didn't notice Hongjoong and Yunho right outside of the door until they called for him, startling him enough to make him yelp. He walked towards them, a mild feeling akin to panic settling in his stomach. They couldn't have been listening in to his conversation, right? They wouldn't look so calm if they had.
"San, come here for a moment," Hongjoong beckoned him over, motioning for him with one hand.
"What is it, Captain?" San asked as he approached them, heart beating fast in his chest.
"I told you to call me Hongjoong..." Hongjoong complaining, frowning. San blushed slightly, peaking at Yunho who looked amused at most.
"You said to do so when there's no one else," San muttered, looking back at Hongjoong, who laughed at his reply.
"Yunho barely counts as a formal crew member," Hongjoong said jokingly, shrugging it off when Yunho complained at him about the amount of work he got in that case.
San stared at them bicker softly for a moment, bewildered. He knew, from the information he had read to prepare for his mission, that they were both dating. Yet, it was so weird to see them interact like that in reality, so intimate with each other even at moments when they weren't alone. San had never been like that with anyone, and he couldn't help but feel curious.
"Are the two of you dating?" The question escaped his lips before he could even think it over properly. He already knew they were, why had he even asked? "Ah, sorry..." He apologized quickly, but Hongjoong broke in a fit of giggles.
"Damn it! I lost the bet," he complained, pushing San softly. "Why did you have to ask first?!" San looked at him in complete confusion, the situation made absolutely no sense to him. What bet? And why was he part of it?
"We're gonna have to pay Siyeon," Yunho chuckled. "We could not tell her, you know? Since she wasn't here."
"That's lying Yunho," Hongjoong pouted. "I don't like lying."
"I'm sorry, but what are you talking about?" San interrupted, slightly annoyed that he didn't know what was going on when he was, somehow, involved.
"I'm sorry, please don't be mad." Hongjoong was quick to apologize, face turning into one of worry in just seconds. San felt bad for making him feel bad, and he didn't like that.
"To answer the multitude of questions in your mind, yes, we are dating," Yunho intervened, calmly taking over the explanation. "We're not particularly akin to keeping it hidden though, but we didn't want to be obvious about it either. Siyeon and Hwanwoong are close friends of ours, and we decided to bet who in the crew would ask first."
"I honestly thought it would be Jongho, he has caught us more than a couple times." Hongjoong sighed, pushing his hair back.
San couldn't help but notice how his brown roots were starting to show, and he caught himself swallowing. Hongjoong's pink hair had already been losing color when they first met, and had looked closer to white more than anything, but now his roots were beginning to show, and it gave him a completely different look. Yunho seemed to notice if his grin was anything to go by when he touched Hongjoong's hair while looking directly into San's eyes. San had the decency to look away instead.
"I thought it'd be Mingi, with the way he always gets so flustered around everything," Yunho shrugged. "You need to touch up your roots." The comment was simple, but it was enough to make San's cheeks burn red.
"Why did you want to speak with me?" San was quick to change the topic, wanting to just leave the two be their disgustingly cheesy selves in peace.
"Ah right," Hongjoong seemed to remember why he had beckoned him in the first place. "I just wanted to know if everything was alright with you? I heard you say something weird when we first arrived to the planet and it worried me a little..."
San looked at Hongjoong with mild confusion and tried to think back to their arrival. Had it been when he mentioned how Tebos reminded him of his own home planet? Was Hongjoong worried about him? It was obvious he was trying to push him to say something, but if San revealed where he came from, they would immediately suspect him. It was sweet, but really unhelpful to his will for fulfilling the mission.
"Well, you don't have to tell me anything if you don't want," Hongjoong was quick to add when he noticed San wasn't going to speak up. "Just know I'm here if you want to talk."
"Thank you Cap-" San interrupted himself when Hongjoong gave him a warning gaze, and quickly corrected his words. "Thank you Hongjoong, I'll keep it in mind. I'll go if you don't need me for anything else?" 
Hongjoong and Yunho both shook their heads no and so San left. He went all the way to the Forecastle Deck, wanting to get away from them as much as possible. Once he was there, he let a long, relieved sigh out, and leaned against the railing, just grateful that he had been able to get away from that one. For all he was trying to delay his inevitable death, everyone seemed to want to make it an impossible task for him.
"What did I get dragged into...?" He sighed, ruffling his hair. He needed to make a decision quick, before it was too late.
They took a detour from the main streets and used all of the alleyways Yeosang knew of.  They couldn't go too fast because of Mingi's leg, but at the very least the lack of space would make it more difficult for the mob to chase them.
"Why are they chasing you?!" Mingi yelled as he did his best to follow Yeosang's pace.
It hurt him every time he had to step hard onto his wooden leg, but he didn't complain. If he stopped even for a second to do so, the mob would catch up to them, and he didn't feel like being beaten with sticks and pipes.
"Promise you won't be mad at me!" Yeosang yelled, looking back briefly to assess the situation, and then making a sharp turn to his right. "Or that you won't think differently of me!"
"Why would you be worried about that?" Mingi was worried, was it something that bad that Yeosang was worried.
"I want us to be friends!" Yeosang yelled, blushing slightly. Mingi gaped at him for a few seconds, before nodding. Then he realized Yeosang wasn't actually looking at him.
"I promise!" Mingi shouted back.
"I stole from all of them!" Yeosang explained.
"You what?!"
As they made another turn, the port became visible to them, and both began running faster now that they were so close. Jongho was waiting for them and he seemed confused at their running until he noticed the very angry mob running behind them. He quickly turned to alert the rest of the crew.
"What is going on?!" Hongjoong asked as he approached Jongho, noticing the mob himself. "Good fucking lord I'm gonna have to talk to Yeosang about this." He groaned.
Hongjoong was quick to descend the ship as he noticed Mingi trip. Instead of running, Yeosang went back for him and threw himself over Mingi, he wasn't very big, so he couldn't offer much protection, but it was him whom they wanted anyway. They quickly disappeared from Hongjoong's sight as the mob closed in on them, and Hongjoong ran towards them with his sword transformed into some sort of baton.
Yunho and the rest of his soldiers quickly followed him to protect him, not even waiting for his orders. Yunho wasn't particularly worried about Hongjoong, having seen the glare he had directed at the poor people that had decided to attack one of his own. Hongjoong descended on them with fury and speed, quickly diverting the attention of some of the assailants towards him, who weren't very happy of someone interfering with their revenge.
Their Captain wasn't kin on hurting people for fun, so he was holding back, but even then the townspeople were no match for him. Honjoong disarmed a couple of men by hitting their arms with the baton. Not even the nasty cracks that could be heard from some of his hits deterred him. The rest of his soldiers were quick to help him, and soon, they had managed to make a path to Mingi and Yeosang.
"Get up, quickly!" Hongjoong yelled as he kicked one man in the stomach, pushing him to the floor. "Hwanwoong, get them to the ship!" He ordered.
Hwanwoong hit a man on the leg, making him fall to his knees, and then bashed him on the head to render him unconscious. As soon as he was done, he made his way towards the pair and put Mingi's arm on his shoulders, helping Yeosang carry him to the ship. Hongjoong was right behind them, making sure no one got close enough to hurt them, and Yunho joined him right after.
As soon as they were far enough from the biggest part of the mob and Yeosang and Mingi had boarded the ship, Hongjoong whistled to get the attention of his crew. Everyone immediately began to back up, running towards the ship while trying to keep the angry mob at bay. Hongjoong waited on the ground, wanting to make sure his crew was safe before boarding.
When almost all of the crew had made it up, Hongjoong heard a gunshot. It didn't hurt anyone, fortunately, but he could clearly see the dent on his ship where the bullet had broken through. His eyes darkened as his baton morphed into a sword, and electricity started flowing through it, crackling like a thunderstorm.
"You dare fire against my crew?" He growled.
Everyone froze around him. Hongjoong advanced towards the townsfolk that had previously been attacking them and now stood frozen in fear. If Hongjoong had possessed the ability to kill with his eyes, everyone would have fallen dead by now, but the threat of his electric sword was far more real. 
The people moved away as he walked towards the man that had fired the gun. Yunho focused on getting the rest of the crew aboard the ship, and then followed Hongjoong, ready to pull him back and run away. Finally, Hongjoong stopped in front of the man and raised his sword, pointing it directly to the man's chest.
"Come on, do it," Hongjoong dared him. "Fire the gun against my crew again, and I'll stop your heart." His tone was low and dark.
The man had begun sweating profusely. The hand that was holding the gun pointed towards the ship shook as he lowered it slowly, dropping the gun to the floor. Hongjoong scoffed before letting out a laugh, he was still holding his sword millimetres away from the man's chest as everyone looked at them. 
"That's what I thought." Hongjoong put his sword down and walked away.
He didn't turn around or try to keep an eye on the man, he knew he wouldn't be picking up that gun again any time soon. Yunho gave him a warning look, but Hongjoong only smiled and shrugged it off, the dangerous look disappearing from his eyes. All of the crew was looking at him with a mix of fear and amazement, but Hongjoong paid them no mind, he was used to it.
As soon as they boarded the ship, Hongjoong made his way to the wheel and ordered them to pick up the anchor. Soon enough, they had set sail, and with the new location marked in their map, Hongjoong left Hwanwoong on the wheel and went to check on Mingi and Yeosang. He could still feel the way his heart had dropped in his chest when he had seen the crowd engulf them.
Handong, the ship's medic, was tending to both of them in their little infirmary. She had already finished patching Yeosang up, who had nothing but a few scratches and purples blotches where the crowd had hit him while he was covering Mingi. The latter, on the other hand, was lying on the bed with his eyes full of tears of pain. 
The stump of his leg was red where his wooden leg had dented when he fell and had scratched him all over as it came loose. It wasn't a serious injury, fortunately, but he still seemed very upset and in pain. As Handong healed his wounds, Hongjoong sat down next to him and held his hand softly, trying to bring him some consolation.
"I'm so sorry Mingi," Yeosang apologized, and by the look of Mingi's face, Hongjoong could tell this was not the first time he had done so.
"I told you it's fine," Mingi sniffled, trying really hard not to cry, especially now that he was being given such sweet attention from his Captain.
"I'm really sorry though, you should have told me it was hurting you to walk so fast," Yeosang looked distraught.
"You're worse for wear, why would someone do something so dumb like covering me?" Mingi retaliated, even more upset. "You're so small too, it should've been the other way around."
"I'm not small! I just didn't want you to get hurt because of me-"
"Alright, I'm stopping you two right there," Hongjoong intervened, raising a hand. Handong shoot him a grateful look as she finished patching Mingi up. "What is this? A lovers' quarrel? You two met yesterday." He joked, and it seemed to work well enough as they both blushed but stopped arguing. "Mingi, are you alright?"
Hongjoong decided to ask the miner first. He had been with him for longer and seemed to be the one upset about the situation the most. Mingi nodded, but didn't dare to look at Hongjoong, and he wondered if it was because he had gotten scared about his little 'power demonstration' from earlier. He decided not to insist and focus on Yeosang instead.
"How about you Yeosang?"
"I'm okay, a little roughed up, but I'll live." Yeosang replied, unable to hold back his mild sarcasm. Hongjoong laughed it off and nodded.
"That I can see..." Hongjoong sighed. "Thank you for protecting Mingi, even though the situation itself was pretty much your fault." Hongjoong added, carefully observing Yeosang's expression. Yeosang pursed his lips but nodded.
"I know, I'm sorry..." Yeosang sighed. "I really didn't think that would happen."
"It's alright." Hongjoong smiled. "The good thing is you're both safe, so rest for now, I have to go do other things."
He made sure they were comfortable before leaving the room. As he was walking out, he stumbled upon Jongho who was hurrying into the room, looking worried sick. Hongjoong thought of stopping him halfway and telling him it was alright, but in the end he decided to just let him go and figure it out himself.
Yunho met him at the main deck. He had just finished giving instructions to the crew about what they would be doing next, since they needed to take care of the fight that had happened in Tebos and also get safely to another planet to fill their tank. Yunho gave him an unimpressed look as Hongjoong approached him with a wide smile.
"You made one hell of a show down there," Yunho commented offhandedly. Hongjoong's shoulders raised with pride as he gently pushed his boyfriend.
"It was fun, I have to admit I do miss the battleground a little bit," Hongjoong chuckled.
"To be chased by an angry mob for serial robbery is not, in my opinion, fun." Yunho huffed. Probably only someone like Hongjoong would say it was fun. Everyone else in the crew had looked very stressed out when he had jumped right into the battle without giving it a second thought.
"I guess not," Hongjoong shrugged, smile still on his face.
"You know, if you miss it, you can always ask me out on a duel." Yunho suggested, looking at Hongjoong.
"Don't you mean ask you out on a date?" Hongjoong looked back at him, slightly confused.
"No, I meant a duel, I know you miss sword fighting and all that," Yunho smiled at him, but his voice was serious. "We can ask the crew to keep away from the deck for a little while and spar, it might also be a good way to deal with the tension you've been getting from the whole... treasure hunt."
"You know what?" Hongjoong smiled, grabbing Yunho's hand. "That's not a bad idea, thank you."
"Oh, are we doing more public displays of affection now?" Yunho raised an eyebrow.
"Why? We can't?" Hongjoong smiled teasingly at him, interlacing their fingers. "It's not like we did a great job at hiding it before."
"You're very right about that, but..." Yunho let go of his hand and turned him around, using his hands to push Hongjoong towards his quarters. "I'm afraid you have work to do, Captain, we'll have to be affectionate some other time." 
"Unfair!" Hongjoong complained, but he still let Yunho guide him. 
"Only to you," Yunho smiled. "And usually in your favor anyway, so you can't complain."
"Fine," Hongjoong huffed. "See you later then." He pulled Yunho down from the neck of his shirt and kissed him. But just as Yunho was leaning more into the kiss, Hongjoong stepped into his quarters and closed the door on his face.
Yeosang's dream this time was calm and almost empty. He was sitting on a small deck, with his feet dangling inside the waters of a lake. Wooyoung sat down next to him and looked into the water at their reflections. He met Yeosang's eyes through the reflection and smiled at him, Yeosang smiled back before looking up and looking at the real Wooyoung.
"Did it go well?" Wooyoung asked. He tried his best not to show how he had been worried sick about Yeosang's situation. He had been waiting impatiently for the time to pass so that Yeosang would go to sleep again and Wooyoung would be able to check on him.
"Yeah! I got a really bad beating, but it wasn't from the crew." Yeosang smiled. "I'm a crew member now, actually... And Hongjoong risked his life to save me, as well." He mumbled the last part, and Wooyoung looked at him in surprise.
"He did?" Wooyoung asked, leaning closer to Yeosang. That was not something he had expected.
"Well, he didn't do it only for me, Mingi was there too... Actually, he might have done it for Mingi, it just so happened that I was there too." Yeosang chuckled. "Still, I want to repay him."
"Oh, believe me, you will." Wooyoung smiled. "Your time will come."
Yeosang smiled and they went back to looking into the reflection. They stayed in silence for a little while, just admiring the little waves their feet made in the water, and playing with the occasional fish that would come visit them to the surface. Eventually, Yeosang turned to look at Wooyoung with a serious expression, and Wooyoung couldn't help the way his heart pressed hard against his chest.
"Wooyoung..." Yeosang began, claiming his attention.
"Hm?" Wooyoung didn't want to look at him though, feeling nervous from the serious mood that had settled upon them.
"Thank you for talking to Hongjoong, I really wanted to get out of that place," Yeosang explained, still looking directly at him. "But can I ask you something?"
"Sure, go ahead." Wooyoung nodded.
"What are you?" Yeosang finally asked, but his question came out more breathless than he had intended. "You said you're not just part of my dream, so what are you?"
Wooyoung sighed and pulled his feet out of the water, hugging his legs close to his chest. This was the question he had feared the most. He was afraid of exposing himself, afraid of being found outside of his planet and being captured and sold to the highest bidder. However, this was one of the people destined to be with him, so he had to trust him. Wooyoung was going to choose to trust Yeosang.
"You can't tell anyone about this, alright?" Wooyoung warned him, finally looking at Yeosang. "Honestly it's probably still too early to tell you, but I don't think it'll interfere with the flow of things." Wooyoung mumbled. "Just promise me you won't tell anyone, yet."
"I promise," Yeosang's face paled slightly, suddenly fearful of what Wooyoung was about to say.
"I'm a Somnum, I can see visions of the future and the past in my dreams, and I can also travel to other people's dreams." Wooyoung let out all at once. His chest felt lighter once he did, relieved that he could finally tell someone about it. 
"Wait, Somnum are real?" Yeosang almost yelled, clearly shocked at the revelation.
"W-What...?" Wooyoung looked at him, almost equally surprised. "Of course we are real, I'm here in your dream, aren't I?" Wooyoung scoffed.
"W-Well, yeah, but..." Yeosang laughed, awkward. "I didn't think your species was real... I'd never seen one of you before, you look... human."
"Why? Disappointed?" Wooyoung smiled, feeling slightly mischievous. "Would you prefer me to look like something else?"
"No, actually, it's kind of relieving that you're not... weird looking." Yeosang mumbled, shaking his head. Wooyoung raised an eyebrow and smiled at him, leaning closer. 
"Why is that?" He asked, pressing against Yeosang's shoulder.
"Nothing, stop being annoying." Yeosang pushed him away, making him laugh. "Why my dreams, though?"
"Well, every Somnum has a mission to achieve in their life, and that mission is revealed to us through a dream." Wooyoung explained, looking into the water again. 
"Was I in your dream?" Yeosang asked, feeling slightly daring. Wooyoung looked into his eyes and smiled.
"You were, actually, and some others." Wooyoung remembered the faces of the rest. Everyone was in the ship now, except one, and he wondered how they would find him.
"Who else?" Yeosang asked, excited at the revelation.
"That... I cannot tell you yet." Wooyoung smiled mischievously. "Believe me, you'll figure it out."
"Is Captain Hongjoong one of them?" Yeosang asked out of the blue, making Wooyoung open his eyes wide. "He is! Isn't he?" Yeosang laughed as Wooyoung tried to deny it, but there was no point. "You should get better at hiding your reactions if you don't want others to know what you are."
"Mind your own business." Wooyoung muttered. "One more thing, Yeosang."
"What is it?" Yeosang put his arms behind his back, leaning back.
"Can you tell me where you are heading to? I need to try to catch up." Wooyoung explained.
"I don't think you'll manage to catch up to us on the next planet, we're only going there to fill up our tank," Yeosang explained, looking a bit sorry. "But we're going to Umeri."
"It's okay, I'm not supposed to reunite with you just yet, you're gonna have to wait a little more." Wooyoung smiled, putting his feet back in the water.
"Sure thing," Yeosang smiled, looking up at the star-covered sky of his dreams. "I'll wait for you."
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The Sitter-Five
The Case
Hotch x neutral!reader
Warnings:swearing, canon-typical violence, mentions of reader’s family’s death, mentions of child death
A collab with the lovely: @flightsoffandom
Tags:@icantswimhalp @hommoturttle
The car ride wasn’t incredibly long. Aaron used this time to ask you questions and get at least a basic understanding of what happened. When you get to Quantico* Aaron leads you inside the large building. You followed Aaron to the conference room where the team was already gathered. Garcia looked at the unit chief and said, “I actually don’t have any information about this case, sir.” As she finished speaking you noticed all eyes on you. The team was curious about the person they had never met standing in the room. “They’re probably profiling me.” You thought. “That’s because we haven’t been called. This is not an official case yet, so anyone that agrees to work the case will be doing so on personal time. You can leave now or wait for the details and then decide.” Aaron looked at each member of his team. Not a single team member flinched when offered the chance to leave. Aaron walked to what could be considered the head of the round table, “It’s a five-year-old triple homicide. A man, a woman, and a child. Leaving one survivor.” Aaron motions over to you. Even as Aaron spoke each team member alternated looking over at you. You tried to slink back into the shadows so you could hide. You only knew the team members from scattered descriptions Aaron had given you when talking about his coworkers. So you had a vague idea of who they were. A muscular man, who you were assuming was Derek Morgan, spoke up, “No offense…” Derek looks right over at you before turning back to Aaron, “Even with three murders, there isn’t any proof that it’s serial.” Aaron practically throws the taunt of a birthday card down onto the middle of the table, “We at least have a threat of further violence. I think that is enough to warrant us looking into it.” The card is passed around as each member looks it over. When it reaches an older gentleman who must be David Rossi, “Normally I would say get this to forensics but it seems a bit too late for that.” Rossi turns to look at a brightly colored woman sitting off to the side, who could only be Penelope, “Garcia, look and see if you can find any similar murders.” Rossi hands the card to the much younger man next to him as he finishes speaking, “I have a feeling five years ago wasn’t his first time and he probably hasn't stopped killing for five years either.” Penelope gets an annoyed almost repulsed look on her face, “Unfortunately one of the things I have learned working at this job is there are a lot of icky... icky people out there. I don’t think that will be a small list.” A young man with long hair was now holding your card, studying it intently as he speaks, “Birthdays are held in very high regard in some places while others find Name days more important.” As soon as he started talking you knew that this was Spencer. Spencer kept going, almost like he was lost in his own train of thought, “Harvard University did a study. From 1973 to 1999 the most common birthday was September 16th. This was later updated by a different study with September 9th being the most common birthday from 1994 to 2014.” The whole table just stared at Spencer trying to figure out where he was going with this. A blonde-haired woman, presumably JJ spoke up, “Spence!” Spencer looked over at JJ with a confused look. JJ tilts her head and rubs the side of her neck, trying to redirect her friend, “The point?” Spencer’s eyes go wide for a moment before refocusing back onto the card in his hands, “Try narrowing it down by seeing if any of the children were murdered on their birthday.” Your throat closes up for a moment. You had let yourself get lost in how the team worked together for a moment. Under different circumstances, this would have been morbidly interesting. But as soon as murdered children got brought up, mental images of Sammy’s last birthday came crashing onto you. You felt yourself getting emotional again. You tried to control yourself, not wanting to go into a full-on breakdown in front of new people.
Aaron noticed your reaction immediately. He addressed the team, “That’s a good start for now. If you are all fine with continuing this case on personal time then let’s get to work.”
Aaron walks over to you but before he can say anything a dark-haired woman speaks up. Even if you didn’t have a description of what she looked like, there was only one last team member, Emily.
Emily stands up, “I agree we have a case but we will need to talk to them for more information.” She offers you a smile, trying to comfort you.
Aaron replies without even looking back at Emily, “Not right now.”
Aaron’s voice came out slightly harsher and more defensive than before. You noticed it and the collective looks the team shared revealed that they clearly noticed as well. Aaron doesn’t say anything else to the team.
Aaron starts leading you out of the conference room, “Why don’t you sit in my office while me and my team keep working on this?”
Aaron’s voice was already noticeably sweeter than it was a few moments ago. If you were less emotional you would have questioned it more. You were just glad to be out of that room for a moment. You wanted to help any way you could but it was too much in such a short period of time for you that you were glad for the break.
Aaron led you into his office, “Make yourself comfortable. If you need anything you have my number. I’ll be busy but if you call I’ll answer.”
You sit down on the couch in his office and offer a nod, “Thank you.” You weren’t sure what else to say given the situation.
Aaron went to leave but he stopped, “Please stay in the building. I can keep you safe in here.”
You give him another nod, “Of course.”
As Aaron leaves, the look on his face is so intense you're not sure if you’ve seen him like this before. Figuring he must always act like this at work.
After Aaron left you left completely alone. Just sitting in his office by yourself. You were exhausted but couldn't sleep even if you wanted to. Not that you wanted to, considering you could practically feel the nightmares that would come to you in your dreams. Sitting on the couch for a while you started to notice that every time a team member walked passed the office windows that they would try to ‘discreetly’ look at you through the window. You would think that profilers would be better at not being so obvious. Feeling like you were in a fishbowl you couldn't help but pace around the office. You're not sure how much time had passed but you were still pacing and on edge. Someone opened the door causing you to practically jump out of your skin. You turned to see who it was.
Penelope had a guilty look on her face, “I am so so sorry. Didn't mean to scare you.” She walks further into the room, “You must be starving. Some Triple-S is inorder and Triple-A isn’t just for cars, honey.”
You give her a confused look, not sure if you heard her correctly, “Sorry, I’m not sure what you’re talking about.”
Penelope laughs “I have a secret snack stash and absolutely adorable animal videos that you have to see right this moment.”
Penelope didn't even give you a chance to answer before she grabs your wrist and starts leading you out of the room and down the stairs. She wasn't giving you much of a choice but you knew Penelope was being nice and trying to make you feel better. Penelope led you out of the bullpen and down the hall before pulling you into a room. It was full of computers and would have looked like what you'd expect a government computer room to look like, except for the additional decorations. Lots of brightly colored objects filled the room. Small stuffed animals, squishy stress toys, fuzzy pens. It may not have been your style but you'd be lying if you did not admit that it was somewhat comforting to see all these cute things.
Penelope sat you down at an extra chair in front of the computers, “I have a whole hard drive full of cute stuff that always makes me feel better.” She pulls up a folder and clicks on a video.
Penelope then pulls out a huge bag and places it in between you both. It was full of every snack you could think of.
You couldn't bring yourself to eat at the moment but you appreciated all the effort, “Thank you it means a lot.”
Penelope offers you a big smile and lets out a happy hum as she grabs a snack for herself and joins you in watching videos. A few videos in you actually find yourself being able to relax and almost forgetting the reason you came here. It was still in the back of your mind but suppressed enough that you found yourself able to laugh along with Penelope as you both kept bingeing cute animal videos. Easily losing track of time.
Penelope's laptop over to the side dings. She rolls over and starts typing away, working on something. She then pulls out her phone and starts texting someone on. You watch Penelope for a moment, setting a range of emotions on her face.
Once she gets a response to her text she looks up and smiles at you, “Looks like our little heartwarming party has to come to a close” She stands up and offers her hand to you, “For now.” She says it in a playfully menacing voice.
You take Penelope's hand and she helps you up. Penelope proceeds to lead you back out of her office and towards the bullpen. When you get within earshot you can hear Aaron speaking. You walk into the room and Aaron watches you for a moment before wrapping up.
“It’s late everyone. Everyone go home and get some rest. We’ll meet back here in the morning at 8.” Aaron announced to the group.
As everyone filed out of the room Hotch called for you to wait, “y/n, I think you should stay with me tonight. It’s not safe for you to go home and be alone. Especially when we know that the killer knows where you live.”
“I can’t do that Aaron. It’s bad enough I’m endangering all of you guys, I can’t put Jack at risk too.”
“How about this, stay with me tonight while Jack is at his sleepover, and tomorrow we’ll find somewhere else for you to stay?”
You hesitated but you knew he wasn’t going to give up on this so you agreed.
The two of you walked inside and he showed you the guest room. That’s when you realized something.
“Dammit. I left my suitcase at my house so I don’t have any clothes.”
“You can borrow some of mine to sleep in and you have an outfit in the bottom drawer of that dresser.” He pointed at one of two that were in the room.
“Thank you, Aaron.” You smiled graciously.
He brought you some clothes to sleep in and you both got ready for bed. Before he went to his room you said, “Hey Aaron, do you think you could teach me how to shoot tomorrow?”
He looked at you and nodded, “Yeah, we can go to the gun range tomorrow morning if we go in early.”
“Sounds good. Thank you. For everything.” You said earnestly.
“Of course y/n. Goodnight.” With that, you both went to bed.
The two of you had eaten breakfast quickly and made coffee before heading into the gun range in the FBI building.
He started going over gun safety with you in the car. He wanted you to have that down before he taught you how to actually shoot.
“Alright y/n, treat, never, keep, keep?” This is the last question he had for you.
“Treat every weapon as if it was loaded. Never point a weapon at anything you don’t intend to shoot. Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot. Keep the safety on until you are ready to fire.” You smiled at him.
“Good job y/n. I think you’re ready.” He gave you a small smile back.
He had his arms around you with his hands over yours on his handgun. “Remember to squeeze the trigger slowly.”
You didn’t respond, instead you leaned back into him and pulled the trigger.
After emptying the magazine, he got your target to see how you did.
“Good job y/n! You’re a great shot.” He gives you a tight hug. Your heart fluttered. You decided to ignore it.
He let go of you and you smiled at him, “Thanks, Aaron. You’re a good teacher.”
“We better get going,” Aaron said checking his watch, “The rest of the team should be in soon.”
When the two of you walked into the bullpen, Rossi was the only one there. The rest of the team arrived over the course of the next twenty minutes.
Now you were in Aaron’s office with him, Agent Rossi, and Agent Reid. You and Aaron were sitting on the couch next to each other situated so that you were facing each other. The other two agents were standing by his desk.
Aaron was speaking to you in a soothing tone. “Y/n, I want to do a cognitive interview okay?”
You nodded even though you didn’t know what that meant. Your confusion showed on your face so he explained what was going to happen.
“I’m going to have you close your eyes for me and we’re going to go back to the day it happened. Rossi and Reid are just going to observe. I’m going to walk you through it.” He looked at you with concern in his eyes.
You just nodded and closed your eyes in response.
“Okay y/n, go back to that day. Start right before you leave your house.” Aaron said to you.
“I had hidden Sammy’s gift at my friend’s house to make sure they wouldn’t find it. It was something they had been asking for for months.
’I’m going to go pick up Bean‘s present,’ I told my family after lunch. ’I’ll be back in 45 minutes.’
“Okay honey, see you soon.” My mom said, kissing the top of my head. ‘Drive safe, love you.’ My dad called out to me. ’I will! Love you too!’ I called back.”
You had tears running down your face at this point. Aaron had put his hands over yours at some point.
“Okay, what happened when you got home?” Aaron asked.
“‘I’m back!’ I called in a sing-song voice as you opened the door.
’Sorry I’m late. Traffic.’ I set the package inside and closed the door before walking into the living room.”
Your eyes shot open and you started breathing harder until you were hyperventilating as you got to the next part of the memory.
Aaron rubbed his hand across your back until you were breathing normally again.
“I know it’s hard y/n but can you please try to remember for me? Can you go back?”
You nodded your head and continued, tears still running down your face.
“As soon as I was in the doorway, I screamed. My entire family was laying in the living room, covered in blood. ‘Sammy! Mom! Dad! What happened?’ I yelled frantically as I dialed 911 and ran over to Sammy. Eventually, the police and paramedics arrived but it was too late.”
“Okay y/n, I know this is a lot but I need you to go back to when you opened the door. Look around. Is there anything out of the ordinary?”
“Um-there’s uh-a vase missing off of the shelf.” You hoped this helped somehow.
“Okay, now I need you to walk into the living room and see if it’s there.”
You started shaking but did what he said. You looked around and tried your hardest to keep breathing. You felt his arm around your shoulder.
“No it’s not he-oh it’s in pieces. There’s pieces of it all over the floor.”
“Where at y/n? What part of the floor?”
“It’s over by Sammy.” You said. And with that, you lost it. You were shaking and crying and you could barely breathe. “I can’t-I can’t Aaron. I ca-can’t”
“Shh shhh. It’s okay y/n.” He was rubbing your back again. You heard his door open and close as the other agents left. You had forgotten that they were here.
“Couldn’t keep them safe.” You mumbled.
He wrapped his arms around you and held you against him. “What did you say?” He asked quietly.
You looked up at him. “The night before they came into my room because they were afraid of monsters. I promised Sammy that I would always keep them safe. I failed.”
“It’s not your fault y/n. You can’t blame yourself.”
You opened your mouth to argue and he cut you off, “Trust me. I’ve been there. You’ve seen me there. I was there after Haley died. It doesn’t help anything.”
He wrapped his arms back around you and just let you cry for a little while.
While he was holding you, you realized something. You felt safe. For the first time since you found the notes on the flowers. You also realized that your love for Aaron had grown past that of a friend. You were in love with him. And you felt guilty for feeling such things in your current situation. You decided to deal with that later though.
After a while he got up to help the team work the case, “I’m going to go help the team catch this guy, okay? You can stay in here as long as you need to.”
You nodded at him and offered a small smile before he walked out the door.
You walked to the conference room but stopped outside the doorway, hidden from the view of anyone inside, when you heard your name.
It was Aaron and Dave talking. “We’re just good friends Dave. They watch Jack for me and we have gotten close, but that’s all it is with y/n”
“Whatever you say, Aaron.” Rossi replied with a smirk.
They ended the conversation and you waited a few seconds before entering so that they wouldn’t know you had been listening.
A note: sorry for weird formatting I’m on mobile
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obsidianfr3sk · 4 years
Rise of the Renegades (Chapter 8)
Summary:  Heroes come from the most unexpected places. Heroes sometimes feel a little too different, a little too scared, a little too alone. But heroes also know when enough is enough, and that before saving the world, they need to save themselves. And they cannot do it alone.
They were going to be the hope of the world. They were going to call themselves the Renegades. Even if they didn’t know it yet.
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Hi!! I honestly didn’t expected to update today, but here we are:’) I hope you enjoy this chapter!! If someone wants to be added or remove from the tag list, tell me haha.
Tag list: @nodrianbcyes @dawniebb @healing-winston-pratt @cerenoya @ marissagustrerbenson
Getting cold hands?
Now I understand what you tried to say to me,
and how you suffered for your sanity,
and how you tried to set them free.
They would not listen, they did not know how;
perhaps they'll listen now.
Hugh put his hand over his mouth to shut him up and Simon felt his cheeks turn red when he realized a couple of older boys had turned to see why the hell he was yelling. Their faces contorted in disgust and continued with their chat.
Because prodigies were disgusting.
He immediately regretted his decision to come back to school.
Hugh removed his hand from his mouth. “Don't be mad at me,” he whispered.
“I'm not mad at you,” he replied in a lower voice, “it's just that I'm surprised you did something so impulsive and so, so… so stupid.”
Hugh bit his lip but couldn't hide his laugh. “Wow, Simon, watch your language.”
He kicked him to silence him. “I am serious,” he replied. “You gave my address to a complete stranger—"
“—To make a plan for which we have no ideas—"
“I do have many ideas.”
“—and who will bring a friend we don't know.”
Simon went silent, waiting for Hugh to answer with the friend's name. But he did not.
That only further proved his point. “From the beginning, your plan was very wrong.”
And I should have been there to warn you.
“No, my plan was golden from the beginning,” Hugh argued, “because Georgia is not a stranger. I met her at Joe’s Basket and she turned out to be a really nice girl. She likes mystery novels, wears white pajamas to sleep, and can fly. I consider that a very specific profile.”
“I consider her a stranger. You don’t even know her last name.”
“Does she has a middle name?”
Hugh ignored him completely. “If you just had heard her speak, Simon. She was absolutely right about everything,” he continued. “Georgia is a good person. She returned my notebook even though she didn't have to. And look what she did.”
Discreetly, he took a sheet of paper out of his back pocket. It was the drawing he had been working on a couple of days ago. Propaganda. “She repaired my drawing with washi-tape. It’s… kind of pretty, isn’t it?”
It was the most adorable washi-tape Simon had ever seen. “Too girly,” he growled.
“Girly? The— the washi-tape?”
“Yes,” Simon answered. “It’s too girly. I don’t like it.”
“Oh, no, I don’t like it either,” Hugh answered. “I just thought the contrast was… funny.” 
Simon said nothing more. Hugh put the drawing back before anyone else saw it. “Look, that’s what would make us a great team. We all have different strengths. And also… she’s a girl. An older girl. And she likes Wonder Man.”
Simon decided to draw the line there. To hell with her pretty washi-tape. “Why does it matter she’s an older girl who likes Wonder Man? I like Wonder Man too.”
Hugh adjusted his glasses, confused. “But… you don’t like it,” he reminded him. “You say Wonder Man is an idiot.”
I do say that.
“What I mean is,” he said evasively, “like ... I mean, what does strengths does she has? Because being a girl is not one of them.”
“Her vision,” she replied. “She has a way of seeing things that are surely different from ours. Not just because she's a girl, but also because I bet she has experienced the world in a way we haven't and has more experience with certain things that could help us. How many times have we talked to someone who isn’t part of the school?”
Simon rolled his eyes. “We don't talk to anyone at school,” he muttered.
They hate us. They really hate us.
Or do they fear us?
Is there a difference?
“Well, when have we talked to someone... other than the two of us? Or your dad, or your sister—” and he smiled playfully “—or my aunt.”
He immediately realized he was trying to make him laugh. But at that point in the conversation, Simon was fed up with the entire female gender and he wasn’t even willing to smile at him.
Hugh hugged himself. For some reason, he was not wearing a jacket that day... “Where’s your jacket?” he asked in a soft voice.
“I gave it to Georgia,” he replied. “The one she had didn't protect her from the cold.”
Then Simon remembered that they were arguing and that Hugh was an idiot who gave his address to strangers and did not deserve his compassion. “Well, it's her fault. Why does she wear a jacket that looks cools but doesn't protect you from the cold?”
“Maybe she’s… passionate about fashion?” he said, half-joking.
Simon didn't find it funny. “Maybe she puts fashion above basic needs.”
Hugh realized that it was useless to keep trying to make him laugh. He put his hands in his pants pockets. “Simon…” He glanced at him. “You... that someone you mentioned last time—“
“What’s with that someone?” he asked sharply.
“That someone still wants me to believe in him, right?”
At that moment, Simon realized that throughout the entire conversation, he had had his arms crossed as if he were throwing a tantrum.
Stars. How childish Simon looked. And how worried Hugh looked.
The last thing he wanted to do was worry him.
Simon wasn't even quite sure why he was reacting like that. Like, of course, he had been annoyed that Hugh had made a move without first consulting him, especially one involving his home.
However, it didn't take long for him to realize that that other emotion he felt, in addition to the obvious annoyance, was fear. Fear that he was going to leave him for that new friend he had made. Which he knew didn't make sense because Hugh wasn't the one who abandoned others.
That one was Simon. Simon had abandoned him the other day.
Simon was the bad person here. 
He leaned against the wall. “Yes...” he acknowledged. “That someone still needs you to believe in him.”
Because that someone needs you maybe a little too much.
Hugh seemed suddenly calmer. “Good,” he sighed. “I was starting to get a little worried.”
“You don't need to apologize.”
“Sorry,” he repeated.
“Simon, stop.”
But he couldn't. “Sorry.”
Hugh just laughed and leaned against the wall too. “Well, you know, since we're on the apology thing… I'm sorry I didn't consult you before giving the address to someone who is a stranger. For you,” he added quickly. Simon kicked him. I told you that she is a stranger. “It's just that… I got excited. I have never met someone like Georgia.”
Simon nodded and felt a lump in his throat. He knew what Hugh was talking about.
He had never met someone who believed in themselves because the only person Hugh hung out with was Simon, and Simon…
Simon didn't believe in anything. Not even himself.
“Are you sure we can trust her?” he asked in a small voice.
“She promised me he would be there,” he replied. “And I had to promise her that I would be there too. Simon… can you promise me that too?”
Simon scoffed. “You will be at my house.”
“You know what I mean—“ he tapped his hand with two fingers. “Can you promise me you'll be there?” he repeated.
Simon ignored the feelings that light touch gave him.
He had always been good at ignoring.
So he nodded.
The bell rang and the few students in the courtyard began to enter. Hugh chattered his teeth and hugged himself again.
“You are cold, right?” Simon asked him.
Simon didn't want to go to class yet. He wished he could stay out a while longer. Simon loved cold days because he could put on a lot of layers of clothing and people saw less of him.
But the truth was that he didn't want to go to class yet because he wanted to stay talking with his friend a bit longer.
Even if he made him angry.
“I’m freezing,” he answered. “Look, feel my hands.”
He put a hand on his cheek. Simon could feel his face turning all red again.
Ignore it, ignore it.
“Yes. They’re cold,” he answered.
“Told you. Cold can’t kill me, but is surely a pain in the ass.”
Simon gave him a lopsided smile, trying not to look like he was doing his best not to imagine… that.
Don’t think about his ass.
In a desperate attempt to distract his mind, he searched his pockets for the gloves his father told him last night to wear when leaving the house. He stood up and handed them to Hugh. “Put them on. I don't like wearing gloves anyway.”
They headed for the school entrance while Hugh struggled to put them on. They were a little too small for him, but if he didn't move his hands a lot they would surely cover them well. “Thank you,” he mumbled with a smile.
Simon shrugged. It was the least he could do.
The rest of the day, he was the one whose hands were freezing because his school had no heating since always. Yet the thought that Hugh was wearing them and that his hands were warm made him better able to ignore the cold.
That and the fact his cheeks were still red.
I'm not abandoning you again, Hugh.
I’d rather be dead.
When she arrived, she did not make her classic introduction. She didn't say "Honey, I'm home!" nor did she hold Molly in her arms and ask her how school went. She only greeted Tamaya, gave her the bag with the few provisions that she could offer her, and dropped onto her mattress.
It was more comfortable than one would expect to. She didn't understand why Tamaya said it was uncomfortable.
Tamaya didn't seem to notice that change. And if she did, she said nothing. Georgia would dare to say that she was just as quiet as her.
She lay down beside Georgia. They were shoulder to shoulder, staring at the old roof of the abandoned store. Tamaya fiddled with her broken locket.
“Who goes first?” Georgia asked leaning on her shoulder.
“Who tells her problem first,” she clarified.
“Oh.” Tamaya dropped her locket. “You. You go first.”
Georgia wanted to refuse. She knew that if she started talking, there would probably be no one able to stop her. And it was already difficult to get Tamaya to open up…
But she had to tell someone. She couldn't hold that secret inside her for another second.
She turned to see her. “I met someone.”
Tamaya did the same. “Someone?”
“A boy.”
“A boy,” she repeated. Sharply.
“Not like that,” she clarified quickly. “He's a literal boy. So yeah. It would be kinda gross, to be honest.”
Tamaya relaxed her expression. Only a little. “What did he do to you?” she asked.
“Stars, Tamaya,” Georgia laughed. “He did nothing to me. But he gave me this.”
She reached into the pocket of her jeans. Georgia hated wearing jeans because her legs were too wide and she could never find jeans that actually fit her. However, that day all her skirts were too dirty to wear. And she also had to keep that paper in a safe place.
They both straightened up as Georgia unfolded the paper with her fingers.
It's made of glass, Georgia. Like your hopes. Like the future of the world.
Be very careful.
She opened it without breaking it and passed it to Tamaya.
To a very confused Tamaya.
It's made of glass, Tam. Please don't break it.
“Is this his address?” she asked, confused.
“No, it's his friend's address.”
Tamaya crumpled the piece of paper rolling her eyes. “What the hell do you want to tell me, Georgia?”
“Be careful!” she screeched, snatching it away.
She put it on her leg and began to try to flatten it with all the strength of her hand. Luckily she had rescued it in time...
It’s made of glass! It’s made of glass!
Tamaya hid between her wings. Immediately, Georgia could recognize what he was trying to tell her by that.
She was afraid. Altered. She didn't like being yelled at.
And Georgia knew it. “Sorry...” she mumbled.
Tamaya nodded.
Why did she have to be so loud?
“Tamaya... who are you?” she asked.
Tamaya rolled her eyes. “I think you just answered your own question,” she mumbled, annoyed.
“No, I mean ... what are we?” she asked. “Look where we are—” she pointed around her “—look where we ended up.”
“I don't know if it's time for you to make me feel bad about where I live.”
“No! It's not that, Tamaya, it's just that…”
 And she stopped.
“Is it just what?”
The same question was in her head.
What's your excuse now, Georgia?
She fought the urge to cry that suddenly washed over her. “It's just that I haven't stopped wondering if we've been on the right side of history,” she replied, standing up. “And it's something that I hadn't really asked myself until yesterday, you know? Until they gave me this address.”
Tamaya's shoulders hunched more. She was still hidden behind its wings.
Jeez, Georgia, can't you lower your voice a bit?
Georgia knelt beside her friend and put a hand on her shoulder. She did not reject her or bite her. Good. “Tamaya, what are we?” she insisted. “Are we women?”
“Well... yes,” she replied with a frown. “Or at least you are.”
“No, Tamaya, I am not a woman. I'm a girl,” Georgia said. “I am a girl who continues to live in the fantasy world that she designed to survive all the trauma she went through. It doesn't matter I have grown physically, on the inside… on the inside all I have done is hide my head between my books and my dolls and your friendship, because I am too much of a coward to do anything for the outside world.”
She covered her mouth with her hands as she turned her back to her. Don't cry, don't you dare cry.
Georgia did not cry.
Tamaya stood up. “Are you... are you okay?”
“Yes,” she replied with a sigh. “All good. You? Are you okay? Do you forgive me for yelling at you?”
She did not reply. For a second, Georgia thought she was going to hug her. How childish of her to think that. Tamaya never hugged people. She didn't know how to do it.
So Georgia hugged herself.
She always hugged herself. There was no one left to do it.
“I still do not understand—”
“These kids—” she showed her the slip of paper “—these kids are not cowards. And they are children. How are they braver than us? What has happened in their lives that have made them so brave?”
Tamaya pushed her fist away from her face. Georgia had accidentally put the paper on her to just below his nose.
She looked into Tamaya's eyes and realized that many things had happened to her in her life that had made her brave. Because yes, Tamaya was brave for the sole fact of her existence.
Tamaya was born with wings, which although Georgia found them wonderful, for her they were the constant reminder of everything that was “wrong” with her. Her parents despised her, she lived locked in a cage, like...
Like a bird.
But Tamaya was not a bird. Or a monster, as she called herself. She was none of those things. She was a woman.
And a brave one. Georgia wished she could see herself the way she saw her. 
No, there was nothing wrong with Tamaya. Who was wrong was the rest of the world.
And that world was so different from the one Georgia had created when she was little. One that writhed in pain and hurt whoever dared to help it. Georgia was so scared of pain.
But she was more afraid of continuing being the coward in the story.
Coward. Coward. Coward.
Last night, intoxicated by the smell of vanilla and the taste of freedom, it had seemed easy. As if giving the notebook back to a child was going to make the difference the world needed at that moment.
However, as the effects of adrenaline left her body and Hugh began to speak more and more, she realized that things were more complicated than she had initially imagined. That a simple act of kindness was not going to take away the suffering from the world in which she lived. She wished it did though. I want to help you, but I'm not sure how.
Was she going to have to take the pain for the world?
Coward. Coward. Coward.
She turned to see her friend again. “Tamaya, I want to stop being a girl,” she whispered, taking her by the shoulders. “I want to stop being a coward that hides in her own imaginary world.”
Tamaya grabbed her wrists. “And what do you want to be then?”
“I want to be a woman,” she replied. “One that goes out into the real world and does something to save it.”
She nodded. Georgia decided to venture out to ask her a new question. “What do you want to be, Tamaya?”
Tamaya held on tighter to her.
Although she wasn't hurting her Georgia wondered if she was holding her tighter so she wouldn't hurt herself. “I just know I want to stop being a monster, Georgia.”
Georgia wrapped her in a hug. Tamaya reciprocated by surrounding her with her wings.
Yes. This is better than a hug.
Then a putrid smell suddenly hit her. She discreetly sniffed Tamaya's body. It wasn't her.
Good. She wasn't quite sure where she could have found a soap that could remove that.
"What’s that smell?" she asked.
There was a foam plate right behind her friend. Georgia broke away from the hug and took the foam plate in her hands. She opened it, and the retching she felt was enough to make her realize that it had been a horrible decision.
The smell was of rotten fried rice. “Tamaya!” she screamed “Why do you have this here? It's disgusting.”
Tamaya came up behind her and closed the foam plate. The scent lingered in her nostrils still, but Tamaya seemed unaffected. “It is my reminder.”
She sounded so distant, so empty...
Had she sounded like that?
She put the foam plate at the other end of the room quickly. When she returned, Tamaya was sitting on the mattress, hugging her legs. Georgia took Molly and held her out. Tamaya took her doll and put it on her lap.
Georgia sat next to her.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
Tamaya shook her head. She undid one of Molly's braids and started doing it again. “Give me ideas.”
“Ideas for what?”
“Ideas for what I could be. I don't know anything else.”
Georgia undid Molly's other braid. “How about... being a superhero?”
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nerianasims · 3 years
Billboard #1s 1976
Under the cut.
Bay City Rollers – “Saturday Night” -- January 3, 1976
They prove they can spell Saturday a lot. Anyway, he's going out to dance with his girl on Saturday night. The song is bouncy to a fault -- I feel like the repetitive, samey beat is following one of those balls the mind-controlled kids bounced in A Wrinkle in Time. It sounds like a cheerleading chant. Something to do aerobics to, not to dance to.
C.W. McCall – “Convoy” -- January 10, 1976
So, besides the cb radio fad, 1976 was also the year of the OPEC oil crisis and basically, it seems the reason truckers became folk heroes evading The Man in popular consciousness had its roots in international relations. Anyway, it's a baritone story song, but about truckers instead of cowboys. I like the verse, "Well, we shot the line and we went for broke/ With a thousand screamin' trucks/ An' eleven long-haired Friends o' Jesus/ In a chartreuse micro-bus." It's a silly song with a lot of trucker lingo (or fake trucker lingo, idk), and I don't exactly dislike it, but I'm not gonna listen to it again either.
Barry Manilow – “I Write The Songs” -- January 17, 1976
It's obvious from the first lines "I've been alive forever/ And I wrote the very first songs" that Barry's not singing about himself. It turns out "music" wrote the all the songs. Except that's obnoxious too. People wrote the songs. Also possibly birds, but definitely people. And it's musical goo.
Diana Ross – “Theme From Mahogany (Do You Know Where You’re Going To)” -- January 24, 1976
It's a song about regretting letting an ex go, and probably more. There's a ton of orchestration that sounds like it belongs in a lightweight movie, and Diana Ross doesn't put much emotion into it. It is a thoughtful song, rather than one calling for melodrama, but I would like to hear some emotion here, and I am not getting it. A trifle light as air.
Ohio Players – “Love Rollercoaster” -- January 31, 1976
It's a funk/disco thing. I've listened to it three times trying to get anything from it at all. The lyrics are dumb, asserting love is like this or that amusement park experience. I'd think "love rollercoaster" would be about how there are huge highs and terrifying lows, but it's not. It's horribly repetitive. I guess it's danceable. But I find it dull.
Paul Simon – “50 Ways To Leave Your Lover” -- February 7, 1976
I love how pared down this song is. It's sort of funky, without all the funk orchestration. The simple drums are the main focus. The melody's also simple, without being dull. And the lyrics aren't complex; a woman is encouraging the narrator to leave his official lover for her. "Just get yourself free." But she's doing it so very nicely -- "I wish there were something I could do to make you smile again." Not that the song expects us to believe she or the narrator actually are nice. Or that it's really all that easy to leave your lover. But it doesn't tell you what to think about the situation either. An excellent song.
Rhythm Heritage – “Theme From S.W.A.T.“ -- February 28, 1976
Apparently, there was a TV show about S.W.A.T., and this was its instrumental theme song. Which is exactly what it sounds like. Not a good TV theme either. I looked up 1976 shows, and here are some shows with better TV themes from that year: Charlie's Angels, Alice, M*A*S*H, Happy Days (which surprisingly only hit #5), All in the Family, Barney Miller, Welcome Back Kotter (which hit #1 later), The Jeffersons (that Movin' On Up doesn't seem to have been a hit is shocking), The Mary Tyler Moore Show, Sanford and Son, The Bob Newhart Show... look, all of them. All shows in 1976 that I can find had better theme songs than S.W.A.T., often to a staggering degree. But songs don't reach #1 for being good. Still, usually I can hazard a reason for them. I can't for this one.
The Four Seasons – “December, 1963 (Oh, What A Night)” -- March 13, 1976
It's about the narrator getting laid for the first time. He didn't even know the name of the woman, which completely undercuts anything happy or fun about this song for me, and makes it icky. At least it's not falsetto. I wasn't born when it came out, yet it was overplayed on the oldies stations in the 90s so much that I developed a deep and abiding hatred for it.
Johnnie Taylor – “Disco Lady” -- April 3, 1976
This is a song about disco that isn't a disco song. As such, it confuses me. It's kind of a mild funk/soul song, and it's about how turned on this guy is watching a woman disco. Johnnie Taylor can definitely sing, and I'd like to hear some more traditional soul/jazz stuff from him. This isn't doing it for me.
The Bellamy Brothers – “Let Your Love Flow” -- May 1, 1976
I saw the title and immediately the song shoved itself into my head. It's such a mellow song, but the hook is still monstrous. The song is about how it's the season for love, so grab your lover and "let your love flow." It's one of many 70s songs about sex that sounds like it could be a song about how pretty trees are. It kind of is about how pretty trees are too. I rather like it.
John Sebastian – “Welcome Back” -- May 8, 1976
Welcome Back, Kotter was not on Nick at Nite or WGN or anything else that ran old TV shows when I was watching TV (rather than the internet), so I've never seen it. The theme song lays it all out -- someone moves back to his old neighborhood, where they need him. As TV theme songs go, it's fine. Just fine, though. When "Movin' On Up" and "Love Is All Around" were also theme songs for TV shows in 1976, why this one? The rewards of mediocrity I guess.
The Sylvers – “Boogie Fever” -- May 15, 1976
It's literal. You come in contact with someone who can't stop boogie-ing, and you will catch the Boogie Fever yourself. Listening to the song will certainly make you want to boogie, unless you are immune. A fun dance song, and I wouldn't be surprised if Tik-Tok made it a hit again in the next year.
Wings – “Silly Love Songs” -- May 22, 1976
"Some people want to fill the world with silly love songs / What’s wrong with that?" Nothing.  Paul even emphasizes something important in it: "Love isn't silly at all." Still, I can't say it's one of my favorites. I get tired of it about halfway through, and it's a long song. A silly love song shouldn't be nearly 6 minutes long.
Diana Ross – “Love Hangover” -- May 29, 1976
It starts with Diana Ross making sex sounds that I find embarrassing. Then she goes into singing about how she doesn't want to get over "the sweetest love hangover", and a minute and a half in it becomes a disco song. I find the entire thing irritating.
Starland Vocal Band – “Afternoon Delight” -- July 10, 1976
"Afternoon delight" is sex, but these doofuses may as well be singing about tea and scones for all the excitement this song has. It still doesn't deserve the hatred it's gotten. But it's not good either. The number of sexless sex songs in the 70s is just... ugh.
The Manhattans – “Kiss And Say Goodbye” -- July 24, 1976
He has to break up with the person he's been cheating with. It's an achingly sad Philly soul song. It also manages to be way sexier than the vast majority of 70s sex songs. Real emotion (or the ability to fake real emotion) does a lot, as does being able to sing like this. And beautiful backing music. It's so sad, and so good.
Elton John & Kiki Dee – “Don’t Go Breaking My Heart” -- August 7, 1976
This song isn't mutual. Elton John's the one who sings "don't go breaking my heart," and Kiki Dee's the one singing "I won't go breaking your heart." It is all and entirely and completely about the male character's feelings. Of course it's an Elton John song so I wouldn't like it anyway, but I really don't like this one, especially because it still gets airplay.
Bee Gees – “You Should Be Dancing” -- September 4, 1976
I hate the Bee Gees. Not on a personal level -- as far as I know they're perfectly decent people -- but their music. And I have a particular hatred for Barry Gibb's voice. His horrible falsetto has caused me immense pain in my life. If I should be dancing, then they need to shut up and sit down and let a band that I can dance to take the stage. As it is, I feel like a dog during the 4th of July; I just want to hide under a bed.
KC & The Sunshine Band – “(Shake, Shake, Shake) Shake Your Booty” -- September 11, 1976
Here's a command to dance that I can get behind. Or that my behind can get behind. Again, a great song for dancing but not for listening to from KC & The Sunshine Band.
Wild Cherry – “Play That Funky Music” -- September 18, 1976
Good for both dancing and listening. How you can listen and not get into that funk groove even when sitting, though, I don't know. Play that funky music till you die.
Walter Murphy & The Big Apple Band – “A Fifth Of Beethoven” -- October 9, 1976
This was the #1 hit the week I was born. It's a good one for me; it's by a guy who loved classical music enough to write contemporary music based on it. Whenever I'm faced with questions about what kind of music is my favorite, my answer is "the good kind." Anyway, this is a fun song.
Rick Dees And His Cast Of Idiots – “Disco Duck (Part 1)” -- October 16, 1976
Billboard used to base their hit songs on calling record stores and asking what was selling. I think that's how this stupid, stupid song reached number one. I think it was a prank by a bunch of stoned college kids who co-ordinated it over cb radio or something. It's about a duck. Who discos. With an obnoxious voice and obnoxious music. It's by a radio dj, and is as painfully unfunny as radio djs usually are.
Chicago – “If You Leave Me Now” -- October 23, 1976
This song makes me have a weird reaction. It gives me the warm, comfortable fuzzies, and makes me want to sleep. That last part might not be too surprising, as it is a soft song, but to me it is very much more than that. I have always had trouble sleeping at night, since birth. My parents hit on putting me into the car and driving around with soft music playing to get me to go lights out. I need to ask them if they played Chicago during that. I can't think of any other reason for my hindbrain association with this szzzzzzz....
Steve Miller Band – “Rock’n Me” -- November 6, 1976
Good bar rock, since it's the Steve Miller Band. Lyrically, it's also more complex than most of its genre. At first, he sings "I got to please my sweet baby, yeah." Then he starts singing about all the places he's been, including "Northern California where the girls are warm." And then "Babe, you know you are a friend of mine/ And you know that it's true/ That all the things that I do/ Are gonna come back to you in your sweet time." Well then. I can totally see @katatty's Duncan Huckleberry singing this song. And getting away with everything. It's a fun song, though (because?) the narrator is likely a dirtbag.
Rod Stewart – “Tonight’s The Night (Gonna Be Alright)” -- November 13, 1976
It's a sex song, and it is hugely skeevy. "Don't deny your man's desire/ You’d be a fool to stop this tide / Spread your wings and let me come inside." No, asshole, cover it up if you want to come near. And how about if you want her, you care something about her desire? This was a huge hit from a huge star, but I have never heard it until now. Ugh. I need to shower, this is gross. Also I hope whoever he's singing to is packing mace.
BEST OF 1976 -- "50 Ways to Leave Your Lover." I don't even think it's an amazing song, just a very good one, but the 1976 #1s don't leave me much to work with. Fleetwood Mac released some singles, but people wanted "Disco Duck" rather than "Over My Head." Tons of great music has survived from 1976, but most of it is not on this list. WORST OF 1976 -- "Tonight's the Night (Gonna Be Alright)". "Disco Duck" is stupid, but it doesn't make my skin crawl.
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Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4 , 5 , 6 , 7, 8 , 9 , 10 , 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26
Chapter Twenty-Seven:
With everything that had been going on, the last thing that you had imagined happening was getting a text on your phone from Kwangsun. It was sort of off-putting to think that after the busk he would even want to see you again. Much less hang out with you after you practically rejecting him in front of some of your only friends.
But when you woke up one day with a text from Kwangsun on your phone asking you if you wanted to hang out, you couldn’t help but feel a little surprised.
You knew that you probably shouldn’t be. He had made it pretty clear in the past that he liked you and wouldn’t stop at anything to win your affection, but even knowing that it still felt strange. You didn’t feel like the sort of person that should have all this attention on them? Two people looking at you at the same time and thinking that they could love you was pure insanity.
Not that you were unattractive, you just had always been under the impression that people fell in love with you when you were in the best place emotionally. And these days? You honestly felt like you were at the bottom of your own self dug pit.
You rolled up to a sitting position in bed, staring at the text on your phone. It was simple enough- completely and utterly innocent: Want to grab some lunch with me today?
So why did it make you feel so nervous to receive it? It wasn’t like he was confessing or anything. Or asking you out on a date. He just wanted to hang out with you, and quite frankly you owed him at least that.
Still, you felt like you shouldn’t meet up with him without telling anyone.
You bit down on your bottom lip nervously, and switched your phone on, turning to text not Kwangsun, but Jihoon. You stared at your phone screen quietly for a moment, not sure if you should really text something to him or not.
You weren’t sure why you were nervous to text Jihoon. He was your boyfriend (Was that getting a little exciting to say? Jihoon was your boyfriend), you should be able to do small things like text him and tell him what you were worried about without freaking out.
And yet, there was still always that one small part of you that warned you that you shouldn’t risk it, and that you should just play it safe and not message him. Of course, not texting him was risky as well. If you didn’t text him for too long would he think that you didn’t like him anymore and start to move on from you? And if you texted him too much would he think that you were too clingy-
You mentally slapped yourself not wanting to go back into another pointless spiral. Before you could continue to think too hard about all of the reasons why you should or shouldn’t text Jihoon, you swallowed your pride, and sent him a message.
Hey, uh, Kwangsun wants me to get lunch with him today
You weren’t expecting a quick response. After all, Jihoon was a busy person, who was always promoting and working hard with his group to make sure that all of the content that they put out was perfect for their fans. So, you were notably surprised when you almost immediately received a response.
Is that... A bad thing?
You fought the sudden racing of your heart at his quick response. You suddenly regretted every word in the message that you had sent, wondering why you phrased it like that and why you were dragging Jihoon into something that didn’t really have anything to do with him.
well... I don’t know.
And then, after only a second you added: Do you think it is?
This time Jihoon took a little longer to respond- not that a few extra seconds was really even a big deal.
Not really. Kwangsun know’s that you don’t like him so it should be okay.
But if you wanted I could come with you. Be a good overprotective boyfriend
You snickered at the text and fell back on your pillow as you typed back a response: I’d definitely feel a lot better if you were there honestly. Meek people like me? We need big strong people to protect us
You wondered what he was doing. Taking a glance at the time you assumed he probably had practice, but then again you weren’t really sure. He hadn’t told you much about his schedule lately, and it made you think that maybe they were preparing for a comeback and he didn’t want you to see.
Haha, I would have to go to protect him from you. You can be assertive when you need to be according to your friends
You hummed at the response and glanced back over the rail of your bed to where Caitlin was sitting, calmly reading a book to herself. You didn’t say a word as you stared at her, but still, it was only a moment before she looked up at you from over the rim of her book.
“Hello,” she murmured. She picked up a stray bookmark, placing it carefully between the pages of the book and set it down beside her. “See you’re finally up.”
You ignored the comment and waved your phone through the air at her.
“Do you talk to Jihoon about me?” You asked bluntly. At first, Caitlin just stared at you, as if she were trying to figure out whether you were being serious or not. Then she burst out laughing.
“You really are something aren’t you? Of course, we do! How else is Jihoon going to get to know your stubborn ass?” She snorted and rolled her eyes. “Seriously you won’t even admit that he is your boyfriend.”
You wrinkled your nose at her, reminding yourself that she didn’t mean anything by the words, and that there was no reason for you to dwell on them. Jihoon loved you, that was something you were completely positive about. And Caitlin was just teasing you. There was no reason to overthink what she had said.
“Actually, we’re sort of official now,” you countered back. You swung yourself out of bed, noting her surprised silence with a sense of triumph. “I can say it- Jihoon is my boyfriend.”
Caitlin’s eyebrows raised at that, and- as if it would help her to hear you better- she pulled her long dark hair out of her face, and stood up, getting closer to you.
“Sorry? Can you say that again?” She asked, clearing her throat. You rolled your eyes.
“Jihoon is my boyfriend,” you repeated, this time a little louder. Her mouth dropped at the statement, and before you could tell her off for so obviously overreacting, she had run out of the room and was calling Julia’s name.
You laughed to yourself as she started frantically telling Julia the “news” and before they could come back you looked down at your phone and took a deep breath.
Yeah Kwangsun, sounds good! I’ll meet you in an hour?
“Okay so be completely honest with me. Who is your bias in Seventeen?”
You looked up at Kwangsun in surprise, your eyebrows shooting up.
“Seventeen? Why do you want to talk about them?” You asked, trying to push your suddenly high nerves down deep into the pit of your stomach. So far lunch with Kwangsun had actually been quite a bit of fun. Kwangsun had cooled it down a lot with the flirting, and while he was a little touchy- wanting to hold your hand and such- he was pretty good at respecting your boundaries. You two were pretty much done with your meals, and now all you were doing was picking at the leftover food on the plate before you.
“Oh, come on, stop playing these games,” Kwangsun said with a roll of his eyes. “I know that you are a Carat, so don’t play dumb, who is your bias?”
You crossed your arms over your chest in annoyance, not looking at Kwangsun to express your frustration.
“Okay, fine I’ll guess,” he retorted back just as stubbornly. You looked over at him, your eyes widening in surprise at that. He hummed, placing his hand on the table and he began to drum as he thought carefully through the members.
“Okay... You tend to stick to mostly dance or vocal parts,” he mumbled. “Assuming you do that because your bias is in one of those units, I can cut out hip hop unit.”
You opened your mouth to inform him that your dance parts in your group had nothing to do with any of this, but before you could he was talking again, and so you ended up just rolling your eyes and sitting back.
“I’m going to assume it’ll be one of the members that is the hardest on themselves and works the hardest,” he continued. This time you did manage to interrupt him.
“And what’s that supposed to mean?” You blurted. He just ignored you.
“So that leaves Dino, Hoshi, and Woozi,” he decided. You scoffed.
“Literally all of Seventeen is hard on themselves and work hard,” you insisted.
“Yeah, but those are the ones that I think you are the most like,” he retorted. He seemed to think in silence about the three people and then, a slight frown crossed his lips. “That’s odd...”
You felt your heart seize in fear at the statement, wondering what could possibly be going through Kwangsun’s head that he would say that. He slowly rose his gaze to yours, his eyebrows only furrowing deeper.
“God, it might just be me but... Your boyfriend Yangwoo-”
“Changwoo,” you corrected. He waved a hand in the air.
“Whatever- he... He looks a lot like Woozi from Seventeen.”
You suddenly felt like you couldn’t breathe. How was Kwangsun the first person at one of your busking events to put that together? Out of all of the people that could have looked at him and thought that he looked like Woozi, it was Kwangsun who pieced it together. You knew most of the people there were fans there, and Jubilee especially should have been able to recognize him but she had yet to say a word.
And she had even seen the obvious ass way that you two always acted around one another at fanmeets, and never commented on the fact that you were just a little too familiar with Seventeen to just be some random fan, so maybe thinking abuot it she just hadn’t said anything for your own sake.
“What?” You managed to ask, letting a look of confusion cross your face as well.
“Oh my god he totally looks like Woozi, how didn’t I put that together when I first saw him?” Kwangsun blurted back. He leaned forward, placing his hand on his forehead. You could practically see him racking through his very few encounters with the boy, and all you could do was scramble through your brain to try and figure out how to keep him from figuring out the reason why Changwoo looked so much like Woozi.
“Now that I think about it, he’s the same height as Woozi too-”
“Hey, we don’t height shame in this household,” you interrupted. Kwangsun chuckled and looked up at you, raising an eyebrow.
“Is that why you don’t want people to know who your bias is in Seventeen?” he asked, his voice suddenly dropping to an airy teasing tone. You pouted.
“Because you don’t want people to realize how obvious your type is?” He snickered back. He reached forward and bopped your nose lightly with his finger. “You like Woozi so much you started dating someone that looks just like him.”
You could almost feel yourself physically relax at those words, but halfway through the action you realized you needed to make it a little less obvious that you were relieved by the statement.
“Shut up,” you snorted back, smacking Kwangsun’s hand away from you. “I don’t have a type. You’re just looking too far into it.”
Kwangsun only laughed again louder.
“You’re just mad because not only did I find out your dirty little secret, I also figured out your Seventeen bias is Woozi.”
You didn’t deny it, but you didn’t stop an annoyed look from settling across your face anyways.
“Well, then I suppose it’s not too late to admit to you that I’m also a trained assassin back at home, and I am not afraid to take you out.”
You leaned in close to Kwangsun, narrowing your eyes at the boy in front of you.
“So, you better keep your mouth shut pretty boy.”
Kwangsun burst out laughing at the serious tone you had suddenly taken, and the laughter made you smile a little bit too. It felt... Nice to not be so worried about how everyone felt about you constantly. You couldn’t help but feel like getting out of your head, actually living in the moment was making you a lot happier.
People around you were smiling more. You were smiling more. This was the sort of person that you had used to be. The sort of person that you still so desperately pretended to be. You remembered always being the one to be able to cheer up anyone in a room, saying whatever it took to bring the mood back to a cheerful one. That used to be so completely effortless for you...
Friends would always amend you for you. Tell you that you were so courageous for being able to say what you said and do what you did.
It wasn’t really fair to blame others for your own anxieties, but you thought maybe that was one of the reasons you hated to be so outspoken nowadays. Because you behaved the way you thought was normal for people to behave, and people just wouldn’t stop in their efforts to assure you that no- that was not how most people worked.
“I promise, your secret is safe with me,” Kwangsun assured you, placing his hands in the air. “Now, there’s another thing I’ve actually been curious about you...”
As Kwangsun spoke, your phone buzzed to light. You looked down and noticed that one of the blogs that you followed on Tumblr had made a post. You glanced at the alert, reading the small snippet quietly: So I was going through my videos from when I was in Japan and I noticed this girl and this boy...
The story trailed off, and you let your phone screen fade back to black, turning your attention back to Kwangsun with a smile.
Chapter Twenty-Eight
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chilly-me-softly · 4 years
Last Friday Night • (Part 9)
Chapter 1      Chapter 4     Chapter 7 Chapter 2      Chapert 5     Chapter 8 Chapter 3      Chapter 6
Tag: @lfcxlouise @walkeers @mwdders
The next morning, Claire wakes up with her head pounding, blaming the tears and falling asleep exhausted around four in the morning. Without any further hesitation she gets up and plugs the headphone cable into her phone, music has always helped her through the hard times of her life and can help her with headaches. Her mother always says she works in reverse, right her mother.
She shakes her head going to the bathroom and throws some water in her face while a random song pumps in her ears. She tries to avoid her reflection in the mirror as much as possible and after putting the hairbrush in the drawer she decides to go down to the kitchen.
She almost trip over the doorway, a tray with food outside her door. She lowers down and first takes the paper stuck between a bowl of raspberries and a bowl of cereal, 'Eat something, Ben'.
The girl's gaze automatically ends up on his door in front of hers finding it ajar, a sign that Ben is not inside. A small smile as her gaze falls again on the tray contents, thanking him mentally for the gesture but her stomach just doesn't want to eat anything.
So she takes the tray and goes down the stairs, being careful not to spill anything. Arrived in the kitchen, however, she finds Ben sitting on a stool and remains petrified on the spot. She was convinced he wasn't there otherwise she would have waited to come down, she's not yet in the mood to have a discussion. A thousand thoughts in her head that she hadn't fully listened to yet.
The two guys look at each other for what seems like an eternity, but it's only a few seconds, without saying anything until Ben mimics the gesture of taking the headphones off. Claire then hurries up to the counter to put the tray down and take them off, "You haven't eaten anything" he observes, taking a quick look at the tray and the girl.
"Um do you have a painkiller?" she asks him without answering the obvious question while she's busy closing the music app and putting everything on the table.
"Depends,will you tell me what's on your mind?" he tries, but Claire doesn't even seem to want to look at him that morning let alone talk. So he sighs, "In that cabinet" pointing at the cabinet behind her with a nod of his head and she turns around, starting to look at all the stuff he's got and then turning around with two boxes in her hand.
Ben watches her swallowing two pills with some water and then approaches him with the other box. "It swelled up" she murmurs, looking at the bulge on the boy's eye. And he's about to brush it off when she takes his chin with one hand, raising his head slightly, while with the other she applies some pomade to his bump. He looks her in the eyes while again her gaze never really falls on him but only on the injured part, while calmly and professionally applying that cream. "Will you take me to James?"
That question comes in like a cold shower, he jerks and moves the girl's hand away from his chin. "Absolutely not" he replies scornfully as she goes to wash her hands and put what she took in its place.
"Then tell me where he lives" she tries again, but he's quick to shake his head. "No way" it's too soon for him to go back to dealing with the guy who's his best friend. The whole situation reminds him why he hated him at first, when James was Northwich's number 10 and he was the Leicester defender who wanted to break his legs at all costs. Always so cocky and self-confident, aware of his skills and even annoying at times. Then you get to know him, and you can't help having that energetic volcano around you.
"I'm not coming" less than an hour later they're in his car parked in front of James' house, Ben arms crossed looking ahead and Claire smiling almost amused by the situation. "I won't be long" she leans towards him unbuckling her seat belt, leaving a kiss on his cheek to thank him and he turns his head towards her as she approaches his friend's front door. He should be there with her, she's nervous he can tell as she keeps playing with the sleeves of her jersey and passing them over her jeans. He knows that, but something's blocking him.
Claire knocks on the door hoping to at least put a dot on that equivocal situation, it almost seems like the more she wants to stay out of trouble the more she's attracted to it lately.
James opens without checking who it is, slightly opening wide his eyes when he sees her in front of him. He's shirtless, still in his pajama bottoms, and his hair is slightly messed up as if someone had slipped the fingers into it and he hadn't noticed. "Claire, what are you doing here?" his voice higher than usual followed by a slight nervous giggle, his hands in his hair again messing them up even more.
He stepped forward, slightly closing the door behind him and leaning to his side, "Is Ben all right?" he asked immediately afterwards, leaving no way for her to speak. She smiles a little as she sees the worry on his face and nods slightly, "He's in the car, didn't want to get out"
A little oh comes out of the boy's lips in front of her before he asks her again why she's there. "I wanted to-" but she's interrupted by a noise inside that seems to panic James. "Uh, look, I know we need to talk, but now's not really the time"
"It'll only take a m-" but again the girl is interrupted by James mumbling something and closing the door in her face. Leaving her confused and even more in a bad mood than before.
Ben sees her standing there staring at the door for a few minutes, tightening the steering wheel so tightly that his knuckles turn white. He breathes in hard through his nose to calm himself, he doesn't know why but seeing how he has just treated Claire makes his blood boil. He swears that if he was rude, it won't take him long to get out of the car and knock on the door so hard that he will break it down.
The girl gets back in the car and quietly fastens her seatbelt. He starts off without saying anything and he doesn't even know where he's driving, but he has to. If music is Claire's escape valve, driving is for Ben. After football.
But after a few laps he has an idea on where to bring her, a little peace and quiet can only do well at that moment.
And Claire doesn't know the city well, but surely she knows that's not the way home. She turns to the boy who seems focused on the road and sighs. His eyes fall on her figure, sensing the slight movement before returning to the street. "I hope you don't have anything else to do because we're not going home" he states and she nods, more to assimilate the new information than anything else.
Ben takes her to one of the most beautiful parks in the city, it's only a kilometer from the town and he always goes there when he has something to think about or just to take a walk away from everyone. The place is big enough to easily find a place to hide for a few hours.
Claire looks around amazed, she's never seen anything like it. It's gorgeous. She lets herself be dragged hand in hand with Ben as she looks at everything as if she were a child, the problems left behind in front of so much magnificence. The green spaces, the lake, the bridge, the trees, everything contributes to making that place magical and more publicity should be made in the world for places like that. Because it's really worth visiting them once in a lifetime.
"Why did you want to go to James?" Ben looks at the lake in front of him, sitting on a bench while he asks her the question. There are few people around not like the usual, thanks to the cold weather in those days, when a bit of sunshine comes out that place is always crowded. He has so many things going on in his head and he would like so much to get rid of them, that she would talk to him as she has done with any other nonsense since the whole thing started.
"I wanted to sort things out. He's your friend, I don't want you to fight over me" a cloud of cool air comes out of her mouth as she hides her hands in the pockets of her coat. He scoffs looking up at some little stones not far from there. And she sighs, throwing herself into a story that includes what she had heard from Marc, the misunderstanding and not knowing whether the whole situation could benefit both of you. Not even a month in that fake relationship and he had already argued with one of his childhood friends, she and her family were not on good terms and clearly both were not at peace with themselves.
"He might as well have told me"
"Are you serious?" she rolls hey eyes turning slightly towards him and bending her leg on the bench, "Would you have told him?" he looks at her and sighs, "Probably not"
"But- hell, I got so much in my head, I thought at least my friends were on my side, you know?" he says exasperatedly, puffing and moving a lock of hair around on his forehead. Claire slides forward, shivering when she comes into contact with the cold part of the bench, laying one hand on his knee. "In his own way he was protecting you"
"A little too much" he mumbles clearly referring to the bump on his face and she shakes her head slightly. "Friendship as well as romance is made up of stupid gestures. You may not understand the twisted reasoning behind a gesture, but the important thing is that it's always done in good faith. And James was, a hundred percent"
And to her surprise, Ben turns his back and then let himself fall and rest his head on her legs. His feet dangled at the end of the bench, but almost touching the ground due to his height. Claire doesn't know what to do but after a while she tentatively puts her hand in his hair, who smiles looking her in the eyes. "I don't think I'll ever be able to understand you Claire" and something inside her moves, the image of her lowering herself to kiss his half parted lips fills her mind. She's afraid she might actually do it at any moment, and in a moment of panic she puts her finger on his eyebrow making him whine in pain. "Why did you do that?"
 Chapter 10 
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valkerymillenia · 4 years
Umbrella Academy
season 2, episode 8
Once again- live blogging my thoughts and reactions in one post to avoid spamming.
So this is how the FBI gets their hands on Vanya, huh? Seems most fan theories were wrong.
Oh, Sissy's last name is Cooper!
I did wonder about that -how did remember her name despite forgetting everything else? If she knew her name then she should have been able to remember other little fragments.
Of course the feds focus on the fact that her name is Russian. Cold war bullshit. I guess they think she's a spy or since Russian sleeper soldier or something.
"I'm not Russian" -you kinda are though 😅 Tatiana was Russian and gave birth to you in Moscow sooo...
Is that one of the 7 languages that Reggie all the siblings or....? Does it... Does it have something to do with her powers or her birth place?
"simple-minded boy"? FUCK YOU.😠
"communist threat" there it is 🙄
Oh no, she's losing her cool. Here come the powers... I keep wondering how she does that 'sucking the life' out of someone thing. 🤔
That's a lot of puke.
Poor Five, he's starting to crack under the stress.
Why is Ben gagging? He's dead, he shouldn't be able to feel or smell the puke.
Loving Robert's real curls starting to show.
"I regret nothing" -hmm.... Yeah, that's what I'm afraid of.
"there's a giant dead white boy on my couch" 😆
"Oh, I see. It's gonna be one of those kind of nights, huh? So are we burning or burying?" -this is why I love Klaus! He doesn't even flinch, he doesn't care what happened, he doesn't ask, he just immediately decides that he's going to help his sister get rid of a dead body like it's the most natural thing in the world.
Although, it would be interesting if Klaus actual saw the Swede ghosts too. I just want Klaus to be seeing ghosts everywhere again, ok? I want that struggle from season 1 to be brought back and not swept under the rug for plot convenience. As a writer, if you make something an important character trait, you stick with it and they haven't done that with Klaus, they are half-assing his struggle with his powers.
It's the Swede really going to...? Oh good, saved by the cat.
Oh! So that's what "lavender" means! I was right, it was the perfume, it was probably obvious but I'm a little dumb.
Ah! Lila is trying to hire Diego for the Commission???
Diego is so confused.
"colorful history" sounds so wrong and sexual 😣
Diego is so full of bullshit. His loyalties absolutely lie with his family, he's just too defensive to admit it.
Reginald FRAMED Pogo's family drawing? So he's a better dad to the chimp than his own kids, huh?
THE TELEVATOR!!!!!!! PLANS FOR THE TELEVATOR!!!! I love comic references, please tell me we'll see a real televator in the show!
So Reggie really is planning something about JFK...
"are you involved in something nefarious?" "Quite often. Did you have something more specific in mind?" -at least he owns it 😆
"shaggy man" -ah! Poor Diego!
Reggie really loves this Grace, huh? But she has a point.
Five is losing it a bit, huh?
The baby powder 🤣
"I have to find myself" -RIGHT! I was wondering when this would come up! Old!Five was there for the JFK thing so Five just has to find his old self and his briefcase in order to correct all this mess. More comic references!
"arguably the most dangerous assassin in the time-space continuum" -DAMN RIGHT 💯
"paradox psychosis" 🤣I know it's supposed to be super serious but the symptoms are so funny...
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"a spotter? What is that? Like a wingman?" 😆 This parallels that "Body man? What's that? Like a masseuse?" line in s02e02 where Five is the confused one.
Five, do you really think your brother can stop you if you spiral? Because I don't.
Luther doesn't have a great attention span, does he?
Harlan's drawing is interesting... I get a feeling it's important.
Shit, they are torturing Vanya!! This is so bad!
LSD? LSD?????? No, that's a terrible idea with her powers!!!
Eeeewwwww the eyeballs! 👁️
That's a hell of a bad trip... The way the music makes with the visuals reminds me of my synesthesia though.
Oh! So this is where the scene of all the adult siblings in the Academy uniforms is from!!! (I remember someone saying it was Diego dreaming of having a drugged hallucination in the asylum, they were pretty close! It's Vanya drugged by the FBI instead!)
"I get you" -that is not the face of a person that gets this at all, Luther!
"Don't freak out." -like that ever worked 😆
Lila trying to have her cake and eat it too with her mom and Diego.
That informational video 🤣🤣🤣
Free coffee! Weekly donuts* (*fees apply)! Wow, so tempting 😒
"whatever your skill, education, or comfort level with moral ambiguity (...)" 😆
Are the Fives just having a staring contest? 🤣🤣
Ah! How can Five be bitchy and aggressive to HIMSELF 😆
"all those years on the apocalypse, we never stopped working about our family." -why does Luther look so damn surprised to hear this?? Why the hell does he think Five is doing so this for?!
Wow, Five is really bitter about his body, isn't he? He's making old!Five so nervous 😅
Oops, there's stage 4 for old!Five!
And there's stage 3 as well and stages 5 and 6 for little!Five.
I get a feeling Five doesn't really have the accurate calculations, he's just lying and using the originals.
"I don't trust him!" -he's... He's you...14 days ago! How do you not trust yourself?
"but he's you" "exactly" 🤣🤣🤣
I'm so afraid how what Diego is going to do. I get a feeling hell fuck up trying to be a misguided hero again...
"I'm Diego. I have a knife." 😆
"it's very shiny" 🤣
So Diego is a legend, huh? 😏
"there's been a coup d'etat" "what's that? Cadillac?" -don't play dumb, Diego, I don't believe for a single second that you don't know what a coup is.
So the new apocalypse WAS Vanya's fault but by proxy (actually more the FBI's fault), she was just a small domino. So literally the only one that didn't actively do anything to impact the timeline ends up being the one doing the most damage (again)? PLOT TWIST!
No, I refuse to believe "she will always be the bomb" 😠😠😠😠
LOL, hi, Dot!
These dumb siblings exhaust me
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"little jerk-off" -why are you insulting yourself, you weirdo? 😆
Old!Five with all the PP symptoms and yet he says he never felt better in his life 🤣
"you're getting paranoid" -you both are, and sweaty, itchy and gassy. All that's missing is the homicidal rage at this point 😅
Vanya's hallucination shows us a twisted paranoid view she has of her siblings and it's very interesting:
-Ben is protective, defends her, he can do no harm, probably because he died young so nostalgia blurs her memory of him
-Allison defends her but is also arrogant and condescending, speaking as if she's implying that Vanya is weak, probably because Vanya feels that Allison is perfect and has an inferiority complex
-Luther is just as arrogant and looks down her, calling her lazy, but does so without malice (more mockery than anger)
-Klaus is accusing and suspicious but still on the fence and excitable, probably reflecting Vanya's own doubts and how she herself sees Klaus
-Five just stares, judging and silent but unable to look away, probably because she trusts him but she also doesn't know him, there's the same nostalgia effect as Ben but because Five came back (to stop her) the inferiority and fear of judgement is still there
-Diego is completely different, awkward and detached, this one is the most interesting because he's one of the people that was most vocal and mean against her in season 1 but apparently she sees a kindred spirit in him to an extent, either that or she fears she means nothing to him
Maybe I'm overanalyzing again...
I totally predicted the dishes would be brains but it's still gross.
Ew, the chewing... 😫 It's giving me the creeps.
Why is she seeing Harlan's drawing? She was gone already when he made that particular drawing (I knew it would be important), is she connected to him now??
And how does she remember her own birth??
Holy shit, Harlan is feeling Vanya's pain!!!😲😲😲
"why are people so much heavier when they're dead?" "You got a lot of practice at this?" 😅
Ben and Klaus conversation actually makes me feel a bit better about the possession but it makes no sense at all 🤣
Poor Ray keeps meeting in-laws in the weirdest situations 🤣🤣🤣🤣 his face! 🤝
Ray is having a nervous breakdown 😣 poor guy...
The moment Lila notices Diego is missing, the intercom chimes "Loyalty isn't a choice, it's a lifestyle" and if that isn't foreshadowing for Lila choosing sides then I don't know what is.
This is a really painful way for Vanya to recover her memories but it's so well done!
Holy shit... 😳
Klaus asking the real question here. She's being tortured, Klaus, go help!!!
No, no, no,no, no, no nononononono! This is so bad! A child with a disorder that makes emotions hard to regulate suddenly having an apocalyptic level of power that connects directly to emotion is just a recipe for disaster!
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dbh-is-a-crime · 4 years
All Dbh Chapters
@kaydel your reply to my ask has inspired me to give my thoughts on each of the chapters.
Chapter 1: The Hostage
Is honestly a good first chapter, the tension and stakes are high, it pulls you in. There's a reason people who played the demo were hyped for the game. And regardless of what I think of Cage's writing, it's not the first time he's done a solid intro to a game. (Swiftly followed by garbage but I digress..)
We learn something about deviancy and how it starts, we get a sequence of dialogue based gameplay to set up how important it is to the story, and we get a taste of Connor’s somewhat underdeveloped investigation gameplay. 
I will admit that there are several lines I kind of like in this scene (’You can’t kill me, I’m not alive’ I’d like this even better if Bryan didn’t love it so much) And most of the outcomes are very cool! 
Chapter 2: Opening
Is not a chapter, it's the opening credits. It's not really interesting, but it's not as bad as Heavy Rain's, only because it's about half as long. Kara was robbed.
Chapter 3: Shades of Color
What a title am I right! And no, it's not just because of the paints. This chapter, title aside, isn't bad! We don't learn anything about Markus but it sets the world up nicely. It's one of the cooler open areas. It shows off the graphics nicely. 
And all of that is promptly ruined by the overly heavy-handed scene with the protesters. With the follow up of the back of the bus! Also the preacher guy is weird what was the point of that.
Chapter 4: A New Home
Easily one of the most (if not The Most) boring chapters in the game. Mundane QTEs? We all looooooove those! At the end of the chapter you get some exposition to a very nice composition (this game really would be nothing without the music) and that part is actually ok. But the mundane housework gameplay doesn’t get a pass, even if it is to give context for what the life of an android is like. Would be 100% better if there was 40% less housework.
Chapter 5: The Painter
A solid chapter! Learning about Markus through his interactions with Carl? An actual good narrative device? Unbelievable. At surface level their relationship is sweet and Carl is so supportive of Markus growing beyond his programming. Though there is a darker undertone that mirrors the caged android birds. And that it’s all a gilded cage. And I like both of those interpretations, they’re interesting. 
The music mini game is interesting the first time you do it but after that I’m never picking it again, chess it is from now on.
Chapter 6: Partners
Connor’s return after 5 chapters. I think that might be the longest break between appearances for any of them. Anyway this chapter is mostly fine. It sets up Hank and Connor’s troubled partnership and shows us what most of Connor’s gameplay is going to be. (Detective work and trying to reason with Hank) It would be interesting if there was an option to let Ortiz’ android go, seeing as there if a version of the scene where you don’t find him. But I guess it’s too early for Connor to be disobeying.
Chapter 7: Stormy Night
Classic David Cage has women being abused by men! Unfortunately this is one of Kara’s best chapters. The tension from the very first moment if real, and as soon as Alice runs up stairs, you just know what’s going to happen. Without fail, every person I’ve ever watched, immediately tries to follow her. Honestly? Solid way to make me care about the kid. 
I know some folks have problems with showing child abuse on screen, but my opinion is that they kept the worst of it as implied, like in the failed ending of the chapter, you don’t see it actually happen. So I’m personally okay with it, but I can understand why some may disagree.
10/10 for the chase/escape scene. It’s stressful as hell but honestly the music just makes it...like idk the moment Kara deviates? I nearly, literally screamed the first time. The build up to it is so good, and you as the player are determined to protect Alice and will fight through the programming to do it.
Chapter 8: Broken
Gonna be honest, Markus’ deviating scene falls a little flatter for me. I’ve watched several people play for the first time and actively not want to break programming and retaliate. Which makes the fact that its a scripted event you can’t avoid frustrating to them. I guess we just haven’t seen any anger from him yet so it doesn’t feel like the reaction you expect? (I get that it’s supposed to be him finally cracking, the story just...doesn’t convey that very well.)
Also the fact that you get punished for staying silent with Carl dying is shitty.
Chapter 9: The Interrogation 
Talk about fucking tense! This scene is a real challenge, in either difficulty. Unless you don’t care about the android self-destructing? 
I don’t have much else to say, it’s not a bad scene but there’s not a lot of substance to it. The ‘the day will come when we will no longer be slaves’ line is...the start of the truly terrible writing choices in this game.
Chapter 10: Fugitives
Not a bad scene. Getting to choose to steal a bunch of stuff is fun, and the fact that you can steal all this shit and then go and sleep in the car is pretty funny. I don’t like the house or Ralph, just because it’s another chance to put a female character at risk from a male character. 7/10 I’m never picking the house. (Also did you know you can fail to steal from that guy in the laundromat and he wakes up lmao)
Chapter 11: From The Dead
Ok this is going to be kind of a controversial opinion...but I’m tired of this scene. While it’s true that no scene in the game holds up on the 20th watch/play, this scene lost most of it’s shock value on the 3rd watch. Now that being said, the sound design in the scene is brilliant. And putting the audio processor back in does still give me chills, but the rest of the scene? I mean, I guess cannibalising other androids is a pretty powerful story action. But the fact that you can take all of the things you need from dead androids if you search hard enough kind of ruins that for me. 
Also idk why but everyone collectively thinks that Markus screams when he reaches the top of the slope and I have no idea why.
Chapter 12: Waiting For Hank
Boooooooring. Ok, getting beat up by Gavin after refusing to make him coffee is mildly interesting. But the fact that Hank just hates you in the scene is honestly quite tiring. Like, his opinion of Connor will inevitably go down at least once, you can’t avoid that. Also there’s nothing to explore in the office so...
Chapter 13: On The Run
Both versions of this scene are very tense. And not in...a super fun way. Like ok, Kara has that empowering woman moment where she cuts her hair, great, but the rest of the scene isn’t that good. (And the version with Ralph is downright disturbing.) 
Chapter 14: Jericho
Oh god let’s players cannot do this part. And the amount of time I’ve spent watching people run around clueless because they weren’t paying even the slightest attention or follow the obvious path, makes me hate this chapter. I also hate it because the gameplay isn’t very interesting. Markus’ precog is mildly interesting, but that’s really it. (The end of this chapter has some pretty stunning visuals tho)
Chapter 15: The Nest
Ok, the opening conversation with Hank is cute if Connor is trying to be nice. Though the actual chase is pretty tense. The music is on point as always, because the composers for this game were very overqualified for the job. Also the fact that you get punished for not saving Hank both amuses and vexes me. You don’t catch the guy because you were a shitty partner. But what was the point of taking the risk with Hank if there’s no reward? (Yes I know he still ends up in evidence lock up but that’s hardly reward enough for risking your partner’s life)
I mean okay the pigeons flying through the roof is pretty funny, but the investigation in the apartment isn’t all that interesting. Also I’ve just realised I haven’t mentioned the Zen Garden once but honestly most of the scenes there aren’t that interesting anyway.
Chapter 16: Time To Decide
Wow where do I start on how uninteresting this chapter is. You learn very little about Markus’ companions, you get to have a conversation with a magical minority, and you get a line about an android being dragged behind the back of a car. (After reading the wiki about James Byrd I feel genuinely sick and could not be more disgusted that this was used so clumsily in the game.)
Chapter 17: Zlatko
His name sounds like a brand. Also this is my least favourite Kara chapter. They go to his place for almost no reason (just so they can get caught) and we get a 20 minute scene of Zlatko being a cartoonish monster of a man. Also this has been pointed out and now I can’t stop thinking about it. Why is Kara scared of Luther when she sees him? Like...??? Anyway re-finding her memories is boring, finding Alice is also boring, and hiding from Zlatko is just stressful. Nothing interesting to the story happens here, except that Luther joins Kara and Alice.
Chapter 18: Russian Roulette 
Perhaps the shortest chapter in the game. It’s not like...super boring, but it’s not interesting either. Also don’t forget to notice the picture on the table or you’ll have no chance of getting the good ending later! Seriously, they should have made it a requirement for the scene to move on if it’s going to be that important.
Chapter 19: Spare Parts
The whole freerunning thing at the start is lame. And the fact that you have to grab the android and then release him to get the best outcome is confusing as hell. (I have seen many folks fuck this up.) The part where you sneak around in the guard house is actually kind of cool. Also North go down if you’re nice to people....I love this game.
Chapter 20: The Eden Club
Pity the lesbian sexworker androids!!! In all seriousness though this is a chapter I do not like. The endings are unfulfilling, the whole storyline is gross, poorly written and very Cage-esque. (Also why would you make the two android lovers the same model?! Just make one of them one of the other 8 female WR800 models you have!) I mean I guess I can say that the glowly design of the sexclub is nice or whatever.
Chapter 21: Pirate’s Cove
Ok this is a personal one but I don’t like this chapter. Something about the family dynamic between the three falls flat for me and so the whole scene being about them makes it...ehh. Also Kara under threat again! Woohoo! The scene on the carousel is kind of cute and the scene composition is nice, but the fact that all the Jerrys are standing around watching is a little weird. Also bait us with rA9 crap why don’t you! we’ll just never learn anything about this i guess
Chapter 22: The Bridge
I like this chapter to be honest. I know Pirate’s Cove is meant to be relaxed but I find this chapter more relaxing. Even if it ends with a gun to Connor’s head. I mean it’s not that hard to not get shot really. And seeing Hank start to care and question their mission is interesting. I don’t know, I guess I just like the visuals of the snow and the bridge. (Anyone notices that it goes from raining to snowing like three days later, wtf)
Chapter 23: The Stratford Tower
Now this one is complicated. Because I like the breaking in and getting up to the broadcast department part, I even like the pre-speech tension. Markus carrying the weight of history and knowing his words will shape what people across the world think of androids. 
The music as he gets ready to start the speech is....just so good. But then he starts talking and.....mmmmm press x for civil right yes please! Press square to end slavery? Absolutely! God...the writing in this scene is Bad. Which is a shame! Because it squanders the carefully crafted tension built up until this point. I like the energy going into this scene, the idea that they’re about to take a stand, make history. But it is unfortunately ruined for the sake of a poorly executed racism allegory.
Chapter 24: Public Enemy
Ok, going to investigate the crime scene of what you just did as Markus is pretty good. Its not an original idea, that was the opening sequence for Indigo Prophecy, but it still works I’m not going to lie. Also the cop from the Hostage showing up to thank you if you saved him is cute. The fact that Hank is starting to question Connor and look for signs of deviancy in him is also nice! Also I hate it but going after Simon gives you a more cohesive storyline if you’re going for a deviant Connor route. (Can I get an F for Simon? He can die so many different ways)
Chapter 25: Midnight Train
Can’t believe that the chapter about the underground railroad is literally called Midnight Train. Yeah the dialogue in this? Shocking, terrible, absolutely unforgivable. Rose I am so sorry this happened to you. Also a cop arrives to....put Kara in peril at the hands of a male character again! Can’t go a chapter without that!
Chapter 26: Capitol Park
Hmmmmmmmmm. ‘We have a dream’? ‘I can’t breathe, but I’m still alive’? Hi, yes, hello? David Cage is doing it again, yeah he’s co-opting black history for his story about androids, somebody needs to stop him. Why did no one stop him.  
Ok, most of this chapter other than that is ok. It’s not particularly good, but it’s ok. (wiLL yOu bE gOoD oR eViL?!?!1)
Chapter 27: Meet Kamski
Ok this man is so creepy and emotionally manipulative and as a narrative tool I’ve actually come to love it. Like the tone of this chapter is such a breath of fresh air. Maybe it’s just the fact that they added a new character after such a long time and that he knows more than he ever lets on. rA9 baited again...
Also this is Connor’s turning point in a way. You can still choose to change your path later on, but this is the real moment of truth where a character pushes him to reveal where he’s at. (Also the fucking MUSIC)
Chapter 28: Freedom March
Oh no. I’m so sorry Markus you deserve better. I hate this chapter if you can’t tell. The combo of the black history slogans and the jesus music is too much for me. Also the good ending is locked behind Simon being alive/Spare Parts success route??? Also F for that random android who’s name is John that we hear about twice.
Chapter 29: Last Chance, Connor
I usually keep a low profile with Gavin so I miss out on the beatdown unfortunately. But having the option is hilarious. If you don’t sacrifice at the march, Simon is alive, interrogation bad end, Rupert and the Tracis escape....can you even find Jericho?
Just a thought, anyway this is short but tense chapter. Don’t hate it.
Chapter 30: Crossroads
Kara’s part of this is dumb as hell. The Alice twist literally destroys the storyline but anyway...
Markus has very little to do until the end. His version is ok, but Jesse’s line delivery leaves something to be desired. (You’re one of us....)
Connor’s is easily the most interesting of the three concurrent stories at this point. Going in to capture Markus/North, chasing them through the hold if ur a machine..very good. 
And....going deviant. Okay yes that still gets me, I did actually shout YES!! out loud the first time I witnessed it. The music’s slow build in the scene, and most of the dialogue (if you choose carefully) swells to this point and...and..it happens!! 
Like idk I’ve only been slowly building up to this for 9 hours, sue me.
Chapter 31: Night Of The Soul
I like this chapter! Or Markus’ version anyway. Connor’s...well the Hank version is just sad. The Jericho version is fine.
But Markus? Visiting Carl’s grave or the man himself is such an emotional moment for the character. And the single humanising moment he’s had in several chapters. The conversation is so weighted with his doubts and fears and Jesse Williams gives a beautiful performance! (Also as I’ve said, the alarm system saying ‘welcome home markus’ kills me on impact)
Chapter 32: Battle For Detroit
Is a good chapter. What, did you expect me to say it isn’t? Cause it is. Or some versions of it are.
The tension in all three characters stories, regardless of which version, is perfectly hit at this point.
Kara’s....ah fuck idk I mean the border version is ok? The others....kind of suck? The guy letting them through with high public opinion and Markus doing a peaceful demonstration is kind of cute and sort of makes sense in a way.
Markus’ versions (both in which he is alive) are pretty cool. The revolution is hard, and I do like that it ends with him saying that they haven’t won, they’ve only started a war. The demonstration is kind of dumb, and I actually prefer them getting shot and then the news anchors suggesting that maybe androids are people in their own right that humans refused to acknowledge. (Feels more real, ya know?) Also black folk song!! Why??
Gonna be real, most of Connor’s versions of this scene are pretty good. Cyberlife tower is tense as hell but he’s a fucking badass. Machine Connor on the roof gives us the best line in the game. ‘What’s up lieutenant, ran out of whiskey so you came here looking for trouble?’  
So that’s some of my thoughts on each of the chapters of dbh, I could go into more depth but my eyes hurt and I’ll probably hit post limit soon.
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7-wonders · 5 years
As Above, So Below Ch. 12
Summary: Your average, mundane life as a college student is flipped upside down when the man you thought you knew as your next-door neighbor turns out to be the God of the dead. When Michael lures you down to Hell, everything that you thought you knew about the world is proven wrong.
Word Count: 2878
A/N: This chapter’s sad, not gonna lie :( But it’ll get better, I promise! Feedback is always appreciated and my inbox is always open!
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Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7| Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12: Wish You Were Here
Madison rushes through the doors of Cedars-Sinai’s emergency room, carrying an unconscious (Y/N) in her arms. The journey from the Below to the surface had somehow not killed (Y/N), which Madison had been extremely worried about.
“Help, please!” She yells out, a swarm of doctors and nurses converging around her. Madison places (Y/N) on the hospital bed, almost immediately getting shoved out of the way so the medical professionals can start checking vitals.
“What happened?” A nurse breaks away to stand near Madison.
“I don’t know, she’s been sick for a few days but said she was getting better. Then I came home today, and (Y/N) was passed out on the floor of the bathroom. She was really pale, and barely breathing.” Madison stutters out.
“You’re her roommate?”
“Yeah, one of them.” She mentally gives herself a pat on the back at her acting skills, which are more than believable. “We live next door to the Murder House, so this was the closest hospital to us.”
They had been walking without even realizing it, following the doctors working on (Y/N). The nurse places a hand on Madison’s shoulder, stopping her from walking through the double doors leading back to the restricted area of the hospital.
“I’m sorry, you can’t come back any further. We’ll take good care of your friend, though.” Madison nods, looking the nurse in the eye and performing a quick Concilium spell on him.
“You’ll contact (Y/N)’s other roommates, their information should be on her phone. You’re going to give (Y/N) the best care possible, and an anonymous donor has already paid off her hospital bill. You never saw me, (Y/N) showed up here alone.” Madison commands, watching to make sure the spell takes effect on him before breaking the connection.
He shakes his head slightly, blinking in confusion before walking away and allowing Madison to slip out of the hospital. She doesn’t have to use a Hellmouth traveling back this time, since she’ll be making the journey back home alone. With a quick glance around to make sure nobody’s watching, Madison backs into an empty alley and wills herself to descend to the Underworld. It’s not at all surprising that Zoe finds her the second she stumbles into the hall, having only been gone for twenty minutes in Above time. She wraps her arms around the small girl, Michael’s screams of pain echoing through the castle.
“He locked himself in his office immediately after you left, we’ve heard yelling and crashing since then. I’ve never seen him like this before, Mads.” The lights flicker with another yell, verifying that he’s not okay.
Madison’s never seen him like this, either. The only time his emotions even came close to this level was when Satan had influenced him a couple of hundred years ago to help him with the end of the world, causing Michael to be temporarily stripped of his powers and banished from his kingdom and Olympus. He wandered the Earth alone for a month, desperately trying to figure out how to get back in the good graces of the Olympians. While that was despair, this is completely different.
This is heartbreak.
“I’m going to go and check on him, make sure he’s okay.” Madison kisses Zoe’s forehead, holding her tightly before letting go.
“Is he going to let you in?”
“He doesn’t really have a choice. I’ll break the door down if that’s what it takes.” She walks quickly towards the God of the Dead’s private chambers, heels clacking loudly on the marble floor.
The charm that normally keeps the main door of his chambers locked is broken, Michael not having bothered with reapplying it after he made his way here. His office is locked, but he’s obviously in there. When Madison knocks on the door, the noises abruptly stop.
“Michael, I know you’re in there.” She sighs, leaning against the door and wiggling the handle. “Let me in or else I’m going to bust the door down.”
“I’m being serious, and then I’m going to make sure that you have to rebuild the door from scratch by yourself.” That gets his attention, and Madison can hear him shuffling around again.
The door swings open by itself, and Madison quickly walks through before Michael decides to change his mind. The sight that she comes across has her stifling a gasp; Madison’s seen a lot of things in her long life, but never has she seen this. Michael’s usually-pristine office is a complete wreck. Books have been torn apart and thrown everywhere, paintings are slashed, and the couch cushions are ripped open. The bookshelves lay toppled on their sides, and Michael’s prized desk is in splinters. The blond man sits in the middle of the carnage, head in his hands as his shoulders shake. It’s jarring to see him like this, so uncomposed and not at all in control of his emotions.
“Michael.” Madison says gently, falling onto her knees next to him. Her hand hovers above his shoulder, but she doesn’t dare lay it on him yet.
“Did you get her to a hospital?” He asks quietly, but Madison can still hear his voice shake with tears.
“The best one in the area. They’re going to take good care of her, I made sure of that.” They both sit in silence for a while longer, but Madison can tell that her presence is having a calming effect on Michael’s emotions.
“She’s never going to be able to come back here. She’ll die if she does.” He’s stating the obvious, but Madison has a hunch that he’s still trying to come to terms with the situation.
“Why’d you let her go?” Madison asks.
Michael looks up, watery eyes shooting Madison a half-hearted glare. Tears are still making tracks down his face, which is red and slightly swollen from all of the crying. His hair’s a mess, and she can tell that he’s been yanking on it.
“I couldn’t let her die.”
“I know, but why? If (Y/N) died down here, there’s a good chance the apocalypse wouldn’t even happen. Now, we don’t know-”
“It’s not about that anymore, Madison!” Michael yells, wiping his face with the sleeve of his shirt. “I love her. I never want to see her hurt, or in pain, or even slightly unhappy. If...if being down here harms her, then I have no choice but to let her go.”
“And now…”
“Now I’m never going to get to see her again, because we’ll have to fight Satan for the duration of her mortal life. I’m trapped down here until we defeat my father.” Michael laughs bitterly, shaking his head and looking up at the ceiling. “Well, now I know how (Y/N) felt when I first brought her down here.”
Madison wants to reason with him, to let him know that she’s going to do anything possible to reunite him and (Y/N), but she can’t hide her shock when Michael breaks into a fresh round of tears. In that moment, they’re not gods. They’re not a king and his advisor, or two people working together to run an empire. In that moment, they’re just two friends, one of whom is heartbroken. Madison pulls Michael against her, letting him cry in her arms for the remainder of the night.
Piecing together everything that happened before you landed in the hospital is tough, and it’s certainly not helped by all the drugs the doctors have you on. Luckily, you haven’t had to do too much thinking. If you’re not sleeping, your friends are constantly at your bedside. They tell you stories about what’s been happening outside the walls of the hospital, get you whatever you need whenever you need it, and provide comfort when you just want someone to hold your hand. They try to steer the conversation away from your sickness whenever you ask about it, assuming that it’s still too traumatic for you to hear. It probably is, and you just don’t want to realize it.
The doctors still aren’t sure how you developed such an advanced stage of sepsis, or even how you were still alive when you stumbled into the hospital three weeks ago. All of your organs were shutting down, and you had lost a heart rate three times while you were in a medically-induced coma in the ICU for that first week. Your medical staff is only mildly shocked at how well you’ve recovered, and they jokingly call you their ‘medical miracle’ whenever they see you. You recovered so well that you even got discharged today. You’re grateful to be alive, and even more grateful that there’s no lasting side effects to being so sick, but you’re still confused about one thing: why is everyone saying that you came to the hospital alone?
When you had tried to ask about where Madison was, everyone was confused. There was no Madison, they told you, even after you insisted that she was the one who had brought you here. They were only more concerned when you started talking about what had happened before you got sick, listening as you told them about being kidnapped by Michael and dragged to the Underworld. If you were lucid during that time, you wouldn’t have even mentioned anything, but the morphine took away the filter you normally had. The doctors told you that vivid hallucinations are common with sepsis like yours, and that it wasn’t all that surprising that your mind had dreamt up such fantastical scenarios. Besides, the timelines that you were giving everyone didn’t match up. You described being in the Underworld for weeks, if not months, but your roommates told you that they hadn’t seen you around for a mere two days before you turned up in the hospital.
Even after they told you that you only hallucinated your experiences, you still believed what you saw. Michael may have had to stay behind to prevent Satan from seizing his throne, but surely he or Madison would come visit you to make sure that you were okay? As the days passed, though, there was no sign of either of them. You saw or experienced nothing even remotely supernatural; one night, after being particularly frustrated that nobody was believing you, you had tried to practice your magic so you could show your friends that you weren’t hallucinating. Unfortunately, nothing happened. You spent an hour focusing as hard as you could, willing yourself to use one of the Seven Wonders that you had already mastered.
Nothing moved, set itself on fire, or grew. You didn’t have any powers, and you just ended up looking like you were stretching your arms for an extended period of time. It was, figuratively, the final nail in the coffin that led you to believe that you really had just hallucinated the entire experience of being in the Underworld. Still, even now that you’re back at home, you can’t stop thinking about it. Everything just seemed so real. From the people that you met, to the magic that you learned, to the kisses you shared with Michael. They were tangible experiences, or so you had thought before waking up in that hospital bed with a bunch of wires and tubes attached to you.
You’re still pretty weak, but the cabin fever that accompanies a nearly month-long hospital stay has made you desperate to get outside and experience some fresh air. Your roommates, bless their sweet souls, had gone out and bought a porch swing so that you could be outside without it being too strenuous for you. That’s where you sit now, after taking a couple of hours to shower and take a nice nap in your own bed. Breathing deeply, the sunlight warms your sun-deprived skin while the wind whistles lightly through the trees. It’s incredibly peaceful, and you find yourself starting to nod off while rocking yourself back and forth on the swing.
The distant sound of the traffic passing by on the freeway doesn’t bother you, surprisingly. What does bother you is the dog down the street that won’t stop barking. You can hear it through your music, and it’s only getting louder. Even turning the volume on your music up all the way doesn’t help, so you huff and open your eyes in order to see how cute the dog that’s interrupting your impromptu naptime is. A black labrador runs down the street, a red rubber ball in his mouth. You smile at the sight, but a voice at the back of your head tells you that you’ve seen this dog before.
“...Cerberus?” You say quietly, feeling ridiculous at thinking that you know this random dog.
Although the dog doesn’t respond to the name, the very sight of another human on the street has him changing directions and running up the sidewalk towards you. He’s a sweet dog, immediately sitting down in front of you and laying his large head on your lap. You reward him with hearty scratches on his head, massaging his floppy ears.
“You’re such a sweet boy!” You coo, smiling when he drops the ball next to you. “Where’s your owner? Are you lost?”
“Nope, not lost.” A feminine voice calls from the abandoned yard of the Murder House.
You look up, squinting at the glare of the sun as you attempt to see who this dog belongs to. When the figure finally steps close enough to be more than a silhouette, your eyes widen and your jaw drops.
“Madison?” You don’t really believe that this actually is the Madison of your hallucinations, and you’re fully expecting her to give you her correct name. Instead she smirks, climbing the steps of the porch and leaning against the wooden railing.
“Surprise, bitch. Bet you thought you’d seen the last of me.” You squeal, Madison’s eyes widening when you go to stand up. “Don’t get up, I don’t want you to overexert yourself!”
She sits down on the swing next to you, and this time she’s the one to initiate a hug.
“You’re real!” You hold her tightly, tears filling your eyes while Madison chuckles.
“Why wouldn’t I be real?”
“They told me all the stuff about the Underworld was just a hallucination, and that those are common when you almost die.”
“I’m too iconic to just be a hallucination, babe.” She smirks, studying your face. “I’m so glad you’re okay, (Y/N). I really thought you were going to die.”
“I did, too.” You snort. “Why didn’t you come and visit me?”
“I did, but I cloaked myself so that mortals like you couldn’t see me. It makes things easier and causes people to ask less questions.” She shrugs.
“How’s Michael? Why didn’t he come with you?” Cerberus’ ears perk at the sound of his master’s name.
“He can’t leave the Underworld yet.” She explains gently.
“So Satan’s still at-large?” Madison nods, taking a long drag from the cigarette that dangles between her fingers.
“For now. We’ve weakened him, but we’re still trying to find a way to permanently get rid of what consists of his soul. Michael’s...hanging in there. It’s been rough for him, knowing that he was the cause of your near-death.”
“I want to see him.” You demand.
“(Y/N), you can’t.”
“Why not?”
“Do you remember anything from right before we left?” You shake your head, trying to think back to that day.
“All I remember is the fever. I couldn’t even see your faces because they were blurry, and it sounded like everyone was talking underwater.”
“Well, we figured out why you got so sick. Nothing living can survive in the Underworld.” You furrow your eyebrows, looking at Madison in confusion.
“That doesn’t make any sense. How am I supposed to be the Queen of the Underworld if I can’t actually live down there?”
“We’re still trying to figure that out. For now, though, you can’t visit Below.”
“So I can’t be Below, and Michael can’t be Above?” Madison nods, and you can almost feel your heart clenching in pain at the thought. “I’m never going to be able to see him again.”
You can tell that Madison wants to reassure you that this won’t be the case, but even she knows that it doesn’t look too promising right now.
“He misses you, a lot. We all do. Things are the same without you.”
“I miss you guys, too.” You smile, wondering what everyone is doing right now.
“Listen, I really want to stay but I can’t. Michael doesn’t even know that I went Above, and I need to get back before he realizes that I’m gone.”
“You’ll come back though, right?�� It probably sounds pathetic, how scared you are at the thought of never seeing Madison again, but she just smiles reassuringly and grips your hand tightly.
“Of course I will. I promise.” She stands up, Cerberus following her movements and looking up at her obediently. “Don’t die or trigger the apocalypse while I’m gone, okay?”
“I’ll try my hardest.”
Madison leans forward to kiss your cheek before disappearing, a strong gust of wind and her crushed cigarette butt the only signs that she was here in the first place.
Tag List: @nana15774 @sammythankyou @queencocoakimmie @let-me-try-mom @trimbooohgodplsnoooo @lichellaw @sebastianshoe @pastel-cloudz @ultragibbycentralworld @grim-adventures58 @dandycandy75 @alexcornerblog @dolceandchalamet @everything-is-awesomesauce @langdonslove @ccodyfern @consultingsnowqueen @readsalot73 @jimmlangdon @sloppy-little-witch-bitch26 @hplotrfan @omg-hellgirl @gallxntdean @storminmytwistedmind @venusxxlangdon @langdonsdemon @kahhlo @americanhorrorstudies @antichristwrites @xxxmaterialistic
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