heavenlyserin-blog · 5 years
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• taken some winter day, 8am, at university. The corridor looks pretty when it’s empty and quiet. 🌱
IG: psychiex
YT: studywithanna
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heavenlyserin-blog · 5 years
dear you,
please, no matter what you do, never stop dreaming. hold on tight to every thread of every wish you can remember or fathom, and don’t stop until you reach it. i promise, you’ll have time to find new dreams, but every single one is worth it. please, no matter how hard it is, never stop finding love in things.
when it’s sunset and you’re on the bus home from the city, and your music is playing softly, and you feel in love with the world? smile. tap your fingers against your leg, gaze out of the window, make polite conversation with the little lady who takes the seat next to you; ask her about her day. you’ll stumble, you will. but don’t think that falling means you’re any less worthy of getting back up, and being stronger than before.
you were made to be brave, made to be strong. read new books, or ones you’ve read one hundred times before, and don’t feel ashamed to tell your friends and family. it’s something you love, and that means it’s something true to you, true to your heart. even though it may not feel like it, always know that you are loved. somewhere, someone is waiting for you, whether that be a partner, a friend, a child or even a pet.
you’ll fit in, so don’t worry about being different, because as much as it may seem like it, different is not synonymous with bad. stretch your legs and go for a walk if you’ve been sitting down for too long, turn your phone off and write silly letters freehand, drink a glass of water if you’ve forgotten, and make yourself a calendar to remember things like medication and important dates.
please, no matter how impossible it seems, keep finding beauty in things, because things are made from stardust and sugar; delicate and soft, but safe in the right pair of hands. don’t worry about the ‘not knowing’. “in life, you don’t always know what you want, and that’s okay. it’s knowing who you are that makes all the difference. with that in your pocket, you can conquer the world.”
with love,
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heavenlyserin-blog · 5 years
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procrastination tips by me 🌸🌈
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heavenlyserin-blog · 5 years
i need to clean my desk
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5/14/16 my desk be like
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heavenlyserin-blog · 5 years
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08.05| this week. in the process
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heavenlyserin-blog · 5 years
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16 september 2018
a few snaps of my precalculus notes for ya. just settled into the new school year and i’m trying to be more active and post more on my blogs :) i also made a new booklr you can check out here. want to know what i’m reading? goodreads.
currently listening to: beach boy by aminé
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heavenlyserin-blog · 5 years
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just try your best, try everything you can // the middle // jimmy eat world
today was my last red cross meeting with the 2018-2019 board before elections and i’m excited for elections but also low-key sad. like i’ll miss working with my old board sm?? and they’re both graduating so i won’t see them after this year. 😔
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heavenlyserin-blog · 5 years
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18.2.2019 | monday
revised some basic maths today and got a lot of stuff done. i wish everyone a happy and productive week!
btw, i track the tag #serendistudy now, so feel free to use that tag in your studyblr posts so that i can see and reblog them, i can’t wait to see all your beautiful, inspiring content!
listening to: almost over - aquilo
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heavenlyserin-blog · 5 years
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Greetings | Goodbye Hey guys, today I’m gonna do a quick little post on some general ways to say ‘goodbye’ to someone in Japanese!
I’m off/I’m leaving/I’m going・行ってきます・いってきます
Take care・行ってらっしゃい・いってらっしゃい
I’m off・行ってくるね・いってくるね
I’m leaving・出かけるね・でかけるね
Goodbye. Let’s meet again.・さようなら、また会いましょう
Goodbye. See you later.・さようなら、またね
Bye bye・バイバイ
See you later/around・またね
See you later・あとでね
See you tonight・また今夜・またこんや
I’ll be back in an hour・一時間後には戻るね・いちじかんごにはもどるね
In response to some of the above expressions you can either repeat them back to that person or you could say something along the lines of;
Sure, see you then・分かった。じゃ、あその時に・わかった。じゃ、あそのときに
Enjoy the party・パーティーを楽しんで・パーティーをたのしんで
Have fun・楽しんでね・たのしんでね
Have a good day・よい一日を過ごしてね・よいついたちをすごしてね
Thank you. Have a good day too!・ありがとう。あなたもいい日を過ごしてね・ありがとう。あなたもいいひをすごしてね
Take care・気を付けてね・きをつけてね
Good luck with your exams・試験頑張ってね・しけんがんばってね
Drive safe・運転気を付けてね・うんてんきをつけてね
Have a safe flight・無事なフライトを・ぶじなふらいとを
P.S. Follow my studygram @_learnjp!
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heavenlyserin-blog · 5 years
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hey there~ヾ(・ω・) i'll start my junior year in june :(( today i did a small section of japanese and i reviewed some economics while having luch. many of us study without stopping for a break, which is really bad for you so... please, please, please take a break and walk around, drink water and eat something! a full stomach will give you so much energy(・ω
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heavenlyserin-blog · 5 years
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여러분, 안녕하세요! (´,,•ω•,,)♡ today i decided to do a café lockdown. i'll be taking the topik test in october and it's already so hard :(( there's so many vocabs to remember! i've also been reviewing the grammar rules and honorific forms. if anyone is trying to learn korean and need a little push, feel free to reach out to me!
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heavenlyserin-blog · 5 years
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こんにちは! (hello) i'm having a small session of japanese before heading to my korean tutor class. i think the most important part of learning a language is being persistent. i'm going to try and spend at least 10 minutes learning/reviewing japanese each day. (≧◡≦) 촣은 하루 보내세요! (have a great day)
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heavenlyserin-blog · 5 years
i've been obsessing on reading lately. any one have any book suggestions??
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never stop reading🌙
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heavenlyserin-blog · 5 years
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ig: studylustre
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heavenlyserin-blog · 5 years
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one of the best parts of this year has been learning about french painters in french class. i only know the basics of art history though, please recommend some of your favorite painters for me to check out! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ posted on Instagram - http://bit.ly/2Gbekkh
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heavenlyserin-blog · 5 years
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You think you’re doing fine, THEN it takes you 1 hour to finish 4 pages… Oh gosh, that’s all research is about… I’m sooo tired 😓
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heavenlyserin-blog · 5 years
☆studying a new language☆ 1. learn the letters and their pronunciations first - i guarantee you that this will make learning the vocabularies, grammars, and speaking easier 2. learn basic words and phrases - learn some words or phrases that you can use in daily life and try to use it everyday 3. learn the grammar - start from learning the basic grammar structure and build your way up! 4 know the vocabularies - after you familiarise yourself with the sentence structures, start using new words to add to the sentences 5. practice, practice, and practice! - the only way you’ll improve anything is by practicing. i personally like to use my surroundings as practice. for example, if i’m out in a restaurant i’ll try to see which words do i know in the language. e.g. rice in korean is 밥, chair in korean is 의자.
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