lanternadosafogados · 2 months
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Full Stop
The cloudy sky wasn't exactly inviting. The cold wind practically forced those who ventured out to wear some warm clothing.
Sugawara's hands were steady on the steering wheel. The route of his journey was clear in his mind despite everything. The last stop of his trip.
Koushi woke up early that day. It was going to be a somewhat different day.
He got out of bed and walked to the bedroom window. He didn't even need to fully open the blinds to see that the weather forecast had been wrong the night before. The sun didn't show up, instead, there were clouds too dark to be from a passing drizzle. The wind howled as it collided with his building.
Koushi allowed himself to stay there for a while. Just watching the street until he finally decided to change clothes.
Sugawara had never realized how loud that wall clock could be. It seemed that the more he focused on the clock, the louder its sound became.
Loud and annoying. Hammering in his head as he tried to have his coffee.
That's when he snapped out of it. Was he really getting angry at a clock?
It had been a long time since he had been in that apartment. Maybe he hadn't chosen a more opportune moment to get out for a bit.
Sugawara parked his car under a tree. Not that it made much difference with that weather anyway.
That was Sugawara's first stop. A coffee shop. It was a small and simple business. Managed by the same family since its doors were opened to the public.
There weren't many people when he entered the establishment. The same college student occupied a table in the back to work on her thesis, the same old man read his newspaper, the same couple had the same discussion about moving apartments.
There weren't many people, but the usual people were there. And that gave him a strange feeling. As if everything was different and at the same time... the same. And no one else seemed to notice except him.
"Good morning," he greeted the attendant. A helpful and friendly tone of voice. "Do you need anything?"
Automatically, Sugawara's lips formed a small smile.
"Not for now. Thank you."
With a nod, the boy returned to his previous task, cleaning the counter. Koushi took the opportunity to choose a place.
It was funny. It was on a day somewhat like this one that they discovered that coffee shop. The only difference was that at the time Sugawara didn't have a car and they were both surprised by the rain while strolling. It forced them to find a place to wait for it to pass.
[Name] was the first to see the place. Her hand held tight to his as they ran inside. Looking back now, he wondered if they really needed to do that. It's not like they were made of sugar or anything.
But anyway, fate presented them with a nice place to go to once in a while.
Unlike other people, he and [Name] never had assigned seats, but that didn't stop them from having good memories there.
The first thing that came to his mind was when she caught his attention with some urgency while he sweetened his coffee.
When his gaze met hers, he could see what looked like a broken toothpick in her mouth, simulating vampire fangs.
She took them out shortly after, burying her face in the table to laugh. Koushi followed almost instantly. Now the memory made him chuckle softly, it was a bit pleasant to remember that.
[Name] had grown up with a sister who repudiated childish behavior. So, when she had the opportunity to play a prank, she took it.
Sugawara's gaze found the beautiful plant that stood in the corner of the establishment. So silently imposing with its branches always very well trimmed.
He had a small specimen of that at home. When [Name] saw it, she practically fell in love at first sight.
Koushi didn't even understand what she said before he saw her rushing towards the counter, bombarding the attendant with questions about that plant. She just wanted one like that.
The plant belonged to the boy's grandmother. Sugawara had to hold back a laugh on the day they went for a walk and the lady gave him a little seedling. [Name] looked like a child at Christmas when she received that little pot.
Currently, it wasn't as big as the one in the establishment, but it already took up a nice space in the corner of his apartment's living room.
Maybe Sugawara had allowed himself to stay longer than necessary in that coffee shop, but he didn't mind much. At least he had a snack for later waiting on the passenger seat.
When he was back in his car, the wind was stronger, colder. He thanked himself for wearing one of the heavy coats; they were the warmest.
His hands held the steering wheel firmly. He knew exactly where he was going now.
For an hour, the radio was his company as the city and its everyday sounds were left behind.
Occasionally, other vehicles appeared and soon disappeared from his sight, but where he was going, it was very likely that only he would be there now.
The strong wind whipped his face, but the sight of the empty beach in front of him made him not pay much attention to it.
He had been there so many times. With family, club members... But never with [Name].
Thanks to the sneakers he was wearing, Koushi couldn't feel the beach sand as he approached the sea. It was a pity, he quite liked that.
He stopped in front of that blue expanse. The first memories that came to his mind were of Tanaka and Nishinoya with their idiotic antics in the water. Hinata teasing Kageyama, because apparently, the other didn't know how to float.
[Name] knew all these stories and many others. And no matter how many times he had told the same story, she always laughed in the same way. Truly, the period when he studied was full of characters.
When he told these stories to [Name] for the first time, she confessed to him that she had never been to the beach and it was one of the things she wanted to do the most.
Sugawara promised her that as soon as they got a car and time, he would be sure to take her, especially to see the sea.
In the end, he never fulfilled that promise.
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When he opened them again, he was looking at the sky, at the dark clouds.
At that moment, Koushi felt peace. Maybe not the way he wanted, but somehow he hoped that, from up there, the bride had seen the beach and liked it as much as he always did.
Suddenly a drop of water fell on his forehead, making him blink reflexively. The small drop was the pioneer of a rain that made Sugawara run back to his car. He ran so desperately that he seemed to be made of sugar.
Daichi and Asahi helped him organize the last boxes of his move in the trunk of the car. Sugawara had found a job in the neighboring town. It would be good, he said. A change of scenery, of faces; a fresh start.
That's why he went to the coffee shop and the beach. They were important places for him, they had their weight in his life. But perhaps both had too much weight.
It wasn't easy. It took quite some time until he finally had enough courage to, following Asahi's cliché yet efficient analogy, put an end to it to start a new chapter.
"Come on. What's this?" Sugawara said with a smile as he saw his two friends struggling not to cry "I'm just going to the neighboring town. No need for this."
"Good luck, Suga," Daichi said as he hugged him.
"Yeah," Asahi did the same - "Good luck."
Soon Koushi got into his car. His friends waved as he drove away, until they disappeared from sight.
The feeling of anxiety in his chest was normal, but he was also content as he turned on the radio to enjoy the trip.
Also posted on Spiritfanfics, Wattpad and Ao3
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lanternadosafogados · 3 months
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Pet Father
It was already late into the night when Angel finally returned to the hotel. Curses aimed at Valentino spiraled in his mind as he walked towards his room, wishing for nothing more than his bed and the company of Fat Nugget.
He opened the door as he arched his back, a not-so-subtle crack following the movement along with a long, drawn-out sigh. Being so focused on seeing his beloved pet would be an understatement to say that hearing the snoring of the little pig as soon as he entered the property caught him off guard.
Angel could feel his head spinning with the speed at which it turned to search for Fat Nugget in the room. That's when a mop of red hair came into his view.
Alastor was sitting on one of the sofas in the hotel's living room, humming a tune and seeming distracted. Normally, Angel would be happy to see his boyfriend after a tiring day, but currently, he was confused. Fat Nugget was with Alastor?
He approached a little hesitantly and curious. He loved that man, but he didn't care that Alastor was a Overlord or even God himself. He would kick his ass hard enough for the sole of his boot to become a tattoo. Fat Nugget snorted again and seemed… happy?
Two of Angel's hands covered his mouth in a gesture of surprise. His little pig was lying in Alastor's lap, who was stroking its head. Oh, my Satan. Angel needed to take a picture of this scene.
"Should I remind you that I have no desire to have my photo taken with that thing in your hand, my dear?"
Angel only had time to take his phone out of his pocket and let out a somewhat embarrassed sound of surprise. He hurried to put it away and take a seat next to Al and his pet. Fat Nugget didn't hesitate to leave Alastor and snuggle into his owner's lap.
"Daddy Al took care of you, baby?" he asked in a baby voice to the little pig. Alastor rolled his eyes, but didn't seem truly bothered.
"I suppose this little thing was just missing you in your absence."
Angel raised an eyebrow as he smiled at Alastor. His hands covered by light pink gloves held Fat Nugget's front paws, making him stand up in his lap.
"Na na ni na no, daddy. I'm your cute little thing too," Angel said again in a childish voice as he petted the pig.
Being a father, especially to an animal, wasn't part of Alastor's plans, but he could make an exception this time.
Also posted on Spiritfanfics and AO3!
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lanternadosafogados · 3 months
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◍⁠••⁠◍✧⁠*。Minhas demais contas ◍⁠•⁠•⁠◍⁠✧⁠*⁠。
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lanternadosafogados · 3 months
Qual é a fórmula correta para escrever uma história?
A resposta? Se você estava esperando que aqui eu iria pontuar uma grande lista de "ain, não faz isso. É feio e eu não gosto de ler". Sinto muito por te decepcionar, mas a resposta é que não há algo totalmente certo ou errado.
Claro, eu vou ter um probleminha com quem romantiza relações e situações abusivas, mas se a sua história for para se aprofundar nisso e você não romantizar nada eu tenho muito respeito por você.
O real motivo de eu ter decidido escrever isso é porquê ontem @lanternadosafogados veio até mim me contar que existem alguns posts aqui que querem ditar a maneira como vamos escrever nossas histórias. Claro, não confunda com os posts que as pessoas realmente dão dicas legais para a escrita. Já usei alguns em minhas histórias e foram de imensa ajuda.
Aqui estou falando daqueles posts, aqueles que você, escritor dedicado e que só quer que esse espaço seja divertido, revira tanto os olhos e suspira pesadamente.
Aqui estou me referindo sobre posts como "Como escrever personagens em imagines para que eu me sinta representado". E quando você lê é uma pessoa chorando as pitangas dela porque, veja só, uma personagem de um Imagine não age como ela agiria.
Bom meus leitores aqui eu devo dizer Lyra Belacqua não age como eu agiria em muitas situações e ainda assim eu me identifico e acho ela a minha protagonista favorita dos livros.
O que quero dizer com isso? Que 1• Escritores não vão ter bola de cristal para vigiar você e escrever histórias com alguém 100% igual a você. 2• Se quer uma personagem que seja você cuspida e escarrada abre um docs no Google ou world e escreva você, eu não estou recebendo para escrever e muito menos para aturar gente chiliquenta.
E agora algo que eu já vi com meus próprios olhos. Uma vez, em outro site de fanfics, uma guria publicou um texto onde ficava reclamando que autores não terminavam suas histórias do Denki Kaminari, sim o Pikachu de bnha. Em nenhum momento ela disse que o autor podia estar passando por um bloqueio criativo ou por um momento difícil na vida ou só sem tempo e saco mesmo. Não, não, a alecrim juntou um pequeno número de pessoas para ficarem reclamando sobre histórias descontinuadas e como o autor não podia fazer isso com elas.
Foi aí que eu não me aguentei. Eu mesma já recebi várias mensagens do tipo: "Po, vc excluiu tal história? Gostava tanto dela" ou "Vc vai continuar tal história? É a minha favorita sua". Então eu resolvi ir até lá e comentar algo do tipo: "Sinto muito que vocês não estão podendo ler as suas histórias favoritas desse personagem, mas se eu posso dar uma dica de amiga eu recomendo que vocês tentem escrever uma história do jeitinho que vocês querem. Assim, quem sabe, vocês vejam como é difícil escrever e não vão mais cobrar o autor assim".
E sabem qual é a melhor parte? Enquanto os comentários defendiam o ponto de vista dela ela respondia com o maior gosto do mundo. Só que depois do meu ela simplesmente excluiu a história. Juro que eu queria colocar um monte de risadas aqui, mas isso quebraria o texto. Mas saibam que estou rindo muito enquanto escrevo essa parte.
Gente desse tipo só sabe cobrar os escritores, se soubessem o tanto de tempo que dedicamos a uma história ou o quão frustrante é passar por um bloqueio criativo vocês não fariam isso.
Ah, e se você acha que o absurdo já acabou, não meus queridos. Ainda tem mais desde que abri essa caixa de Pandora dos infernos.
Vamos ao último, e ao que eu considero o pior de todos. Em meados de 2016 ou 2017 se não me engano meu tio faleceu devido a uma doença contra a qual ele estava lutando havia anos. Para lidar com o luto, tal qual fiz quando perdi meu pai, eu escrevi uma história em sua homenagem. Só que eu acho que eu não estava tão bem psicologicamente para escrever algo desse peso, sabe? Saber que eu estava escrevendo essa história para alguém que morreu mexeu muito comigo então pelo meu próprio bem eu deixei essa história de lado. E qual foi a mensagem que eu recebi? "O luto acabou e você desistiu de escrever?".
Juro, se eu estivesse 1% melhor da cabeça eu já tinha mandando a pessoa a merda. Só que estava tão para baixo que só arranquei o app do meu celular e por um tempo pensei em desistir de escrever.
E, só para não fechar esse post com histórias de dar nos nervos eu digo, eu decidi voltar e não deixar essa pessoa mal amada e mal educada me atrapalhar de fazer o que eu mais gostava. E quanto a ele? Depois de me mandar a mensagem nunca mais nem triscou na conta naquele site. Então acho que cada um de nós fez ótimas escolhas nesse ponto.
Isso é tudo! Muito obrigada por terem lido e um forte abraço a todos ♥️
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lanternadosafogados · 4 months
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Writing Thogether
Alastor hummed the rhythm of Cuban Moon to himself as he walked through the hotel. He had just finished helping Charlie with some papers and, as adorable as the company of the Young lady could be, he was content as he walked alone through the long corridors.
The impeccable place due the services of Niffty. The portraits on the walls are perfectly aligned and free of any sign of dust. The wood floor tarpaulin shined. Alastor would keep to himself the feeling of pride he felt with how well his friend was nailing the job.
But then he stopped walking and humming. Alastor noticed that he didn't see the little one all day till now. Taking out his pocket watch he looked at the hour, 3:28 p.m. “where could she be?” He thinks. Returning to his walk, Alastor decided to cheek at her.
It didn't take long for Alastor to see the little one, but she wasn't alone. Seated in front of the bar counter of the hotel was her alongside Angel Dust.
Both with their phones seeming to be writing something and then showing to each other. The sound of both of their giggles was a little… cute, Alastor would admit.
It was nice to see Niffty getting along with the hotel people, but with Angel Dust…
It was not like Alastor didn't like the boy. Their personalities were so opposite to each other, their tastes different apart from music. About that the overlord had to give credits to the arachnid.
Alastor just didn't know Angel that well, but sincerely wanted to.
He was watching both from a little afar when Angel noticed him. Offering to Al his characteristic smile.
“Hey, Smile. Whatcha doin?”
“Besides looking forward to neither of you burning the hotel to the ground?” He joked as he approached the pair “But could you two make me aware of what seems to be so funny?”
Niffty glowed up with the question.
“I was showing Angel my fanfics.” The smile on the little one's face made it clear that the other liked her work “I helped him make his account on HO3 and now we're working on a story together.”
She lost Alastor at the word fanfics. Being as old as he was he can't help but have a little hard time keeping up with these short of things, but Niffty seemed happy and even Angel was. Two adorable dorks.
*Oh, a story I see. And what tt's about? If I may ask.”
“Good try, shorty. As we would tell you our best seller plot.” 
Angel playful showed Al his tongue while Niffty chuckled. 
“C’mon, Angel. They are just drafts. Besides, Alastor would never do something like that.”
Alastor then grabbed a chair and seated beside the other two as he listened to their drafts and possible ideas. He could help with some opinions and grammatical corrections and had a genuine fun time.
Suddenly Niffty attention went to the hour on her phone. Her big eyes widened in surprise.
“Oh my, look at the time. I better start the preparation for dinner.” Quickly she got down from her chair “Have fun, you two. See you later.”
In a Blink of an eye she was gone, leaving Alastor And Angel alone in the bar area.
The silence between the two was almost deafening. It was heavy and strange. Alastor thought it was better to break it, but Angel was faster.
“She is really something, huh?” Angel clearly Was talking about Niffty. Alastor could notice that the tone in the other man's voice wasn't a teasing one like before, now it was full of affection.
Alastor didn't hide the smile that formed on his lips. Knowing that Niffty made friends that cared for her at the hotel bringed a feeling of happiness to him.
 “She is. I would say it's part of her charm.”
Angel chuckled. Alastor couldn't help to think that the young man sounded cute.
“Wanna a drink, Smile? On me.” Alastor raised an eyebrow at the offer. Well, one cup of whatever the bar of the hotel had to offer wouldn't be the end of the world.
“Why not, my feminine fella? Bring me your poison.”
Husky was cleaning some cups not much afar from them, but chose to stay quiet in his place keeping an eye on Angel as he grabbed one bottle of wine and two glasses. Just to be sure he wouldn't make a mess on his bar.
Angel filled the two cups before passing one to Alastor, who accepted with a smile.
Alastor liked to think he has a strong resistance when it comes to alcohol, but the way his voice started to get a little slower showed the opposite. But, well, to hell with that. He was having a good time talking with Angel.
“So…” the Radio demon started, his eyes never letting go of his cup as he moved his hand in circles watching the little waves form in his wine. “Who would think that a person like you would enjoy something like writing.”
Angel just laughed at the comment.
“What? Can't a hottie come with a hint of culture?” He teased Alastor's arm with his elbow. Alastor just chuckled at the remark “Well, to tell the truth I liked to read when I was alive. I write a thing or two, but never really had time to write a full story or something.”
Alastor noded.
“And you are having fun writing?”
“Heck yeah.” Angel answered with a big smile “It's fun and Niffty is helping a lot with that.”
“That's a pleasure to hear, my friend. Even if I don't understand much of that… Fafinc thing.”
“Fanfic.” Angel corrected Al with a giggle.
“Yeah, yeah. That's what I said.”
“You're an interesting character, tooth. Maybe I will write about you some day.”
“First we would have to make your grammatic in texts a little better, but a part of that… would be an honor.”
Angel’s face was coloured with a hint of pink. It was cute, even to the Overlord.
“That's good to know, Al. Because I may have some questions about that.”
“And I might have the answers.”
Also posted on AO3
Also, happy New year! 🎉
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lanternadosafogados · 4 months
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Observing the stars Akaashi Keiji x Fem! reader
Akaashi tried to be as quiet as possible. Getting up from where he was lying felt like walking through a minefield. He lay between Konoha and Bokuto, and both were a bit, just a bit, spacious.
Finally, he managed to stand up and walk to the door without stepping on the arms or stretched legs of the two and exited the place.
He navigated with the flashlight of his phone. The corridors of the place became incredibly dark and confusing at night. The previous night, he had bumped his shoulder against a wall while turning a corner, so maybe it was better not to risk it now.
When he finally reached the outside, he spotted a familiar figure lying on a blanket spread out on the grass. It was (Name), the manager of his club, who smiled when she saw him.
"Lie down here," she said, patting the empty space beside her. Akaashi didn't hesitate to comply.
This wasn't the first time they had done this. Since the camp began, none of them had much time for each other, but a few minutes looking at the stars together wouldn't hurt anyone.
And so they spent their time. Lying side by side with the sides of their bodies pressed against each other. They looked at the stars in a comfortable silence, just enjoying each other's company.
Eventually, (Name) broke the silence, lying on her side to get a better view of the player.
"The night is beautiful tonight, don't you think?"
"Yes." Akaashi mimicked her action. A small smile played on his lips.
"Do you know who else feels like this tonight?" Keiji seemed curious and prompted her to continue - "Me."
Alright. He didn't expect that, but he couldn't help but laugh a little when she did. His hand lazily resting on the girl's waist.
Whether it was a joke or not, he could only agree as he leaned in to kiss her.
!Also posted on Spiritfanfics and Wattpad!
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lanternadosafogados · 4 months
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Show off Lev Haiba x Fem!reader
Kenma was making that face again. That face he always made when it came to Lev. The freshman always caused some sort of headache for him or Yaku. And now was no different.
"He's late," he complained to Kuroo.
"Don't be too hard on him. He must have a good reason," Kuroo replied. "At least, I hope so."
It was then that two people entered the gym. One was Lev, finally, and the other was (Name), a classmate of his. Kenma had nothing against the girl, but he wasn't thrilled to see her there. Kenma stood up from where he was, soon followed by Kuroo, a scowl on his face.
"Lev, come here," he said.
Meanwhile, Lev was being reprimanded from a distance while keeping his eyes fixed on the ground.
"Who said you could bring your girlfriend to practice?" the setter concluded.
There was something slightly pathetic but endearing in Lev's embarrassed figure when the girl was mentioned.
"S-She's not my girlfriend."
Kuroo smirked as he draped his arm over Kenma's shoulders, offering support to his friend.
"No problem. Show her a place where she can stay."
"Really?" Lev smiled as he walked back towards (Name). The scene only made Kenma sigh in irritation as he distanced himself from Kuroo.
"Why did you do that?"
"Some lessons, we let them learn on their own."
Lev jumped confidently. He was so sure he would hit that ball that he only realized it had hit his head when his feet touched the ground.
He could feel his face burning as he turned in the direction of his classmate.
"I-It's not always like this, (Name). We're just warming up."
!Also posted on Spiritfanfics and Wattpad!
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lanternadosafogados · 4 months
Ok então, vamos para um pequeno texto de desabafo aqui.
Ships, todos tem seus ships favoritos. Eu sei que eu tenho os meus, Lumity e Lapidot são exemplos.
Porém, eu tenho visto que muitas, muitas mesmo, pessoas que estão querendo caçar criadores de conteúdo de ships que eles não gostam só pra botar o nick dessa pessoa em uma lista de bloqueio como se fossem os exilados do mundo.
Sabem, eu nasci em 2000, então eu cresci vendo vídeos de ships saficos e nos comentários alguém surgia e dizia que o ship não era canom. Qual era a resposta dos fãs do casal? "Nós não estamos tentando mudar o canom, nós só gostamos desse casal e ponto".
E outras respostas nesse nível. Era tipo "Respeitem meus ships se quiser que eu respeite os seus".
Ah, e acredite quando eu digo que já vi gente escrota brigando por casal até do lado que eu estou, tá? Já vi mulher de trinta anos na internet assumir com orgulho que caçava fanfics de um ship hétero só pra xingar ele nos comentários. E ainda comparou injustamente uma fic do ship dela com um outro ship hétero, não pegando fanfics no mesmo nível de escrita para fazer isso. Era como se você pegasse um bombom de marca super renomada como a Cacau show e quisesse comparar ele com o bombom mais vagabundo do mercado. Não vai ser uma comparação justa, entenderam?
E agora chegamos no ponto que eu queria. Se antigamente a gente queria que respeitassem os nossos ships, se antes nós brigávamos para defender o direito das pessoas curtirem o que quisessem porquê hoje estamos tão fechados para deixar pessoas gostarem de Hunter x Amity ou Luz x Hunter, por exemplo?
Uma fanfic Lunter vai fazer o casal principal da série ser trocado? Não, não vai.
Ships não vão estragar nada da obra cara. Eu sinto falta daquelas pessoas que defendiam que você podia gostar do casal que quisesse em uma obra e o resto que se exploda.
Só que parece que agora só tem gente que não aceita uma vírgula fora da linha imaginaria dela.
E eu entendo porquê Lumity é tão importante. É um marco que um casal lésbico tenha sido formado com uma personagem protagonista, já que estamos tão acostumados a ver isso somente em personagens secundários ou terciários, e ainda fica na dúvida, nunca confirmado.
Mas a gente não pode também censurar os casais que a gente não gosta. Igual a gente não queria que fizessem conosco lá atrás, nós não devemos fazer o mesmo com essas pessoas agora.
Isso só vai fazer as pessoas desistirem de criar conteúdo sobre o casal que vocês gostam. Porque vão ter medo de como vão receber a obra.
Eu mesma já desisti de escrever fanfics de Ordem Paranormal, um pouco por conta do Cellbit, mas ainda mais porque a fandom é simplesmente surtada e fez um cara sair do RPG por conta do hate que ele estava sofrendo por conta de UM PERSONAGEM QUE NÃO EXISTE, FAZENDO SEU PAPEL DE VILÃO PRA CIMA DE PERSONAGENS QUE TAMBÉM NÃO EXISTEM.
Por favor, parem de brigar por conta disso. Enquanto isso os criadores desses shows estão lá, nem aí para essas fanfics que vocês querem odiar com unhas e dentes.
Eu só peço para que respeitem os outros como querem que respeitem vocês. Por favor, vamos fazer a nossa parte e vamos ser mais gentis com os outros.
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lanternadosafogados · 4 months
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Unexpected encounters
Amity felt her cheeks burning with embarrassment as she entered the bookstore. Her intention was simple and obvious—to buy one or more books. But why did she need to feel like everyone was watching and judging her as she walked towards the romance section? Why did the wooden floor creak so loudly with each step? The fear of encountering someone from Hexside weighed on her chest. What would they think if they saw the serious, number one student of the entire school looking for clichéd and sugary stories?
With more caution than necessary, Amity sneaked into the desired section, sighing in relief to be surrounded by books. Feeling calmer, she began searching for a title that caught her attention. She passed the shelf reserved for crime novels, feeling tempted to delve into worlds that would provide her with crimes, mysteries, and, of course, romance. However, Amity decided to explore her options a bit more.
It didn't take long for Amity to find herself in front of the three-story shelf filled with fantasy romance novels. Magic, romance, and a different world? Alright, now she was interested. She reached for one of the copies to take a closer look.
The shelf was close to the aisle, perhaps too close because someone hurriedly entered the section where she was. This resulted in nothing more than a collision and the book Amity was holding heading towards the floor.
"Sorry. I didn't…"
The familiar voice caused a bitter taste in Amity's throat along with flushed cheeks. In front of her was Hunter, one of the main names in Hexside's Flyer Derby.
"No, it's okay. I was already leaving. Feel free," Amity said hurriedly, her face turning even redder as she spoke without pauses to breathe.
As she turned to leave, Hunter reached out his hand.
"Wait. No need to leave."
It didn't take a genius to realize that Hunter was as uncomfortable as Amity with the collision. His cheeks were slightly flushed too.
Then Hunter's gaze fell on the book on the floor. He stooped down almost chivalrously, picking up the book.
"Were you looking at this one?" he asked, reading the title. Amity just wanted to leave — "It's good, but the ending is a bit downer…"
Hunter's eyes widened as he realized what he had said. His cheeks blushed even more.
"N-no… it's just that the ending…" Hunter sighed, composing himself. "Sorry. Didn't mean to give a spoiler."
Amity's nervousness was replaced by surprise. He, one of the prodigies of Flyer Derby, had already read this romance novel?
"Do you know the story?" she asked.
The question made Hunter relax a bit.
"Yeah. I like other works by this author, so I decided to read it," he explained while assessing if any damage had been done to the book due to the fall. "It's good, but I still prefer her other works."
Amity could swear she had a similar expression to the "surprised Pikachu" that Willow found so adorable. Did Hunter and she share the same interest in romance books?
"Okay. I was just browsing," she said.
Hunter nodded in agreement as he handed her the book. That seemed to be the end of the awkward conversation as they were now silently looking at the options on the shelf.
Amity occasionally glanced at the guy from the corner of her eye. This was the first time she had met someone with similar interests. And, even though he still counted as a Hexside classmate, it didn't seem so bad to have run into him.
"Do you like romance stories?" she asked shyly. A second or two passed in silence until Hunter said something.
"I do. It's a good distraction when I'm at home."
Hunter's tone was serious. Did he have issues at home, just like her? This time, Amity nodded, but for some reason, she didn't feel rushed to end the conversation.
"Do you… have any recommendations?"
Hunter looked surprised in her direction. His cheeks blushed slightly again before a small smile appeared on his lips.
"Sure," he replied quickly and too enthusiastically. He coughed a bit embarrassed before speaking again, "Sure. No spoilers this time. I promise."
Amity couldn't help but smile at him.
When she entered the bookstore, she hoped not to encounter any students from her school, but now that she was with Hunter talking about books, she couldn't help but be happy.
An hour passed before the two left the store together. Both with bags of chosen books thanks to exchanged recommendations.
Amity turned to Hunter with a shy smile.
"Thank you. For the company and recommendations."
Hunter returned her smile.
"No problem, and thanks too. It was fun."
Amity felt a warm sensation in her chest. For the unexpected encounter and the sincerity in the guy's voice.
"We can plan to do this again sometime… I mean, only if you want."
Hunter's expression seemed like that of a child on Christmas.
"Really? That would be cool. No spoilers this time."
Amity couldn't help but chuckle. She also couldn't help but find him cute.
"No spoilers."
Also posted on Spiritfanfics by the account Infamouwitch
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lanternadosafogados · 4 months
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lanternadosafogados · 5 months
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Photoshoot Vil Schoenheit x Gender Neutral! Reader
[Name] was once again in the leader's room of Pomefiore, Vil Schoenheit.
Deuce and Ace were still surprised by how close they had become after the singing and dancing competition.
[Name] found Vil interesting when allowing others to get to know him better.
He also showed himself to be affectionate.
Especially when applying makeup to [Name] for a photo together. It was always simple makeup, not to hide the natural beauty that Vil saw and loved in [Name].
Even though, on the other hand, he always reminded [Name] to use certain products to take better care of the skin, while at the same time always reminding [Name] to maintain good posture.
That made [Name] think that the nickname given by Floyd, "Shrimp," had a different meaning than just their height compared to him and his brother.
"Ready," Vil said, finishing applying a bit of gloss to [Name]'s lips. A satisfied smile appeared on his face. "Well, well. If I'm not a talented makeup artist."
Looking at themselves in the room's mirror, [Name] felt a bit strange with that makeup, even though it was simple. Vil could be seen in the reflection. He seemed admiring, both of [Name] and his own work as a makeup artist. That brought a smile to [Name]'s lips.
"So, what do you think?"
"I love it, Vil."
Schoenheit didn't bother hiding his inflated pride with [Name]'s words as he prepared his phone camera for a selfie.
It was expected that the post would receive an overwhelming number of likes and comments given Vil's fame, but [Name] wasn't used to exposing themselves to so many people. A bit of nervousness could be felt in their chest.
Vil seemed to sense their discomfort, as he hugged their waist while kissing the top of their forehead.
That never failed to make [Name] feel better.
Also posted on Spiritfanfics and here, but in portuguese.
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lanternadosafogados · 5 months
At that table
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Shorter Wong x Fem!reader
Without saying a single word, Nadia placed a glass in front of [Name]. She only knew that the drink came from the restaurant's alcohol stock but hadn't paid enough attention to the other woman to be sure what it was.
Despite her body being present, her mind was very, very distant.
Her hand reached for the glass just to spin it while absorbing the news in the heavy silence. Absorbing the news of Shorter's death alongside the muffled sound of the ice in her drink hitting the glass.
When Nadia told her, there were no tears, strange as it might seem. Instead, there was a profound surprise loaded with anguish capable of numbing any other feeling.
[Name] remembered the times when she would visit the brothers at the restaurant after work, thanks to her busy schedule.
The memory of the bear hugs Shorter used to give her along with the daily special on the house. The memory of the three sitting at the table, spending a few minutes chatting, came to her mind.
The memory of this kind of routine repeating itself while everyone took their places around her favorite table in the restaurant, the same table Nadia occupied now.
Only the two of them were at that table now; Shorter wouldn't accompany them anymore, and his absence was impossible to overlook.
The longing he left behind hurt [Name] and Nadia deeply.
Also posted on Spiritfanfics in portuguese. Based on the song "Naquela mesa" by Nelson Gonçalves.
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lanternadosafogados · 5 months
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Jacket Kenma Kozume x Fem!reader
That was just another weekend. [Name] went to Kenma's house so they could do homework together. It wasn't the most exciting way to spend those two days, but it was nice to spend time together since they barely saw each other during the week with classes and club activities.
"Feel free to go upstairs if you want," he said. "I'll check if there's something in the kitchen."
Kenma was the type to prefer snacks while studying, so [Name] knew they would do homework with some simple and questionably quality food.
Still, [Name] simply climbed the stairs until reaching her boyfriend's room.
She had been there so many times that the first thing she did was drop her bag on the floor, near the bed, while lazily lying down.
The boy's room was always the same, but today there was a small exception.
On the chair in front of the computer was a red piece of clothing draped over the backrest, and [Name] recognized it immediately. It was his volleyball club jacket.
[Name] sat on the bed, looking at the open door. She didn't hear any sounds from the stairs.
She stood up, trying not to look suspicious, and approached the chair. Soon, she held the garment in her hands, examining it more closely than usual. It was light and soft, with the team's name written in white on the back.
Perhaps it was a silly, somewhat childish idea, but [Name] thought about putting it on. It would be quick, and Kenma wouldn't even notice.
And that's what she did.
Kozume's wardrobe had a mirror on the door, so she took the opportunity to see how it looked.
Although the sleeves were a bit long, the jacket suited her well. Who would have thought that the red color would complement her?
"[Name]," he called, standing at the door with food in hand.
The girl quickly turned toward him, a surprised expression on her face as she felt her cheeks warm up.
"I was just trying it on," she said. "I'll take it off now."
However, before she could do so, he interrupted her.
"You can wear it if you want."
Kenma didn't seem to mind much about the scene he had just witnessed, but his cheeks had more color now. He just grabbed his backpack and sat on his bed, placing the food in front of him.
"All right," was all [Name] said as she joined him and reached for her bag.
She was looking for a specific chapter in one of her books when she heard him say that.
"Red looks good on you."
Also posted on Spiritfanfics and Wattpad!
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lanternadosafogados · 6 months
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Painting the nails Kuroo Tetsurou x Fem!reader
It was that. Kuroo Tetsurou was officially bored. He tried to watch a series recommended by Kenma, but he gave up on the first episode.
This seemed to be another dull weekend when he saw his girlfriend coming back from the room with something in her hands. A small lilac plastic box, similar to a briefcase.
Kuroo watched her as she settled at the dining table in the corner of the room. She took some nail polish and nail clippers out of the box.
"[Name]," he called out curiously, "What are you doing?"
"Killing time," she replied.
Tetsurou thought for a moment. He had hardly ever seen his girlfriend with painted nails, except for social events. He believed she simply didn't like it, so it was a little surprise to learn that she had that small set.
"I'm not a big fan of these things," she said, "But I decided to occupy myself with something."
[Name] played music on her phone. Soon, "8 Legged Dreams" filled the room.
[Name] occasionally glanced at her boyfriend. Kuroo tried, but he couldn't hide it. He was looking directly at her.
"Do you want me to paint your nails too?" He looked away before answering.
Kuroo's nails were painted with a bold shade of red that he had chosen himself. He stretched his hand to get a better look, a slight smile always on his face.
The girlfriend returned to focusing on her own nails. Meanwhile, he picked up the nail polish he had used to take a closer look.
In addition to obvious labels like long-lasting, he also saw a name, of sorts. Seduction. And he couldn't help but hold back a laugh.
"Hey, [Name]," he called with a hand on his chin and a teasing smile, "Do you feel more seduced by me now?"
The girl was about to laugh at the joke, but noticed something on the guy's hand.
"Your nail polish smudged."
Kuroo looked at his own hand. It was true. The nail on his pinky finger had smudged nail polish.
He wondered how. He knew he had to be careful, but apparently even the air smudged that crap. His posture slumped almost instantly.
"Could… you fix it?"
Also posted on Spiritfanfics and Wattpad in portuguese.
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lanternadosafogados · 6 months
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Memorie of the first kiss Yachi Hitoka x Fem! Reader
Yachi and [Name] had been dating since their last year in Karasuno High School.
Now, in their second year of college, that beginning seemed like it had happened a long time ago. Especially with Google Photos insisting on showing photos from years ago, making [Name] feel old.
But, despite its age, the photo the app showed her this time filled her with nostalgia. You could see her and Hitoka, as red as humanly possible, smiling for the selfie [Name] took. A memory from the first month of their relationship.
"Hitoka," she called out, pulling Yachi out of the necessary concentration to decide what to watch on Netflix, "Look, look."
Yachi smiled at the photo. That smile never failed to make [Name] silly. The smile she had fallen in love with back in the second year of high school.
"[Name]? Is something wrong?"
"Oh, no, not at all," she quickly explained what was on her mind during her reverie, "I was just reminiscing about our school days. When I started liking you."
Yachi wasn't as shy or easily embarrassed as in high school, but a slight blush appeared on her face at her girlfriend's words.
"Really?" she chuckled, "Can I tell you something?"
"Of course," [Name] straightened her back without realizing it. A slight nervous sensation arose in her chest.
"I was surprised when you told me you liked me. During our first kiss, I was so afraid of messing up and ruining everything."
At this point, [Name] let out a little laugh.
"Seriously? You just lifted a weight off my shoulders now."
Yachi seemed confused by this statement. [Name] continued.
"I thought you weren't comfortable with it. I was nervous too and scared of messing everything up."
"You were nervous? But you seemed so confident."
[Name] smiled and shook her head.
"I was about to burst into flames at that moment," she said as she reached her hand to Yachi's hair, tucking the strand that covered her cheek behind her ear, "But despite all the nervousness we felt, I'm glad we gave each other a chance."
After those words came out of her mouth, [Name] gave Yachi a kiss on the cheek. Yachi smiled and returned the gesture with a kiss on the chin.
Also posted on Spiritfanfics and Wattpad!
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lanternadosafogados · 6 months
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Play Time Idia Shroud x Fem! Reader
The signs of regret were already present in [Name].
She had asked her boyfriend, Idia Shroud, to teach her how to play. So they could play together and spend some quality time.
For what?
The normally shy guy turned into someone else right in front of her.
After losing another match to Idia, [Name] slumped into the couch of the dorm room. Huffing with a sulky expression.
Grim watched them play and scolded [Name] for losing, even though he always lost to Ignihyde's dorm leader as well.
"What happened?" Idia asked with a smirk. "It's just a matter of practice until you reach my level."
[Name] shot a sharp look at the guy, but soon chuckled. She knew what she was getting into when she suggested this idea to him.
"Believe me, I'm practicing. Practicing to see how many times I can die fighting the same Boss."
Idia laughed as he reached out for [Name] to hand over the controller.
Whenever they reached a challenging part, he took on the role of getting past that challenge.
Shroud restarted the level and, without taking his eyes off the screen, teased, "Your savior will help you with this."
[Name] rolled her eyes.
"Could you stop saying that every time I ask for this favor?"
Idia laughed, showing some of his sharp teeth, playing as he did with Grim.
And to [Name], that meant war. She would make her boyfriend lose the game too.
It didn't take long for her to snuggle up to her boyfriend's shoulder, catching Idia by surprise.
The embarrassed expression on the guy quickly changed to surprise as he fell due to a mistimed jump on a platform, right at the beginning of the level.
[Name] laughed, hugging Idia's arm.
"Come on, my bad," she said. "Start over, and I'll watch."
Also posted on Spiritfanfics. I'm thinking of opening requests for stories and headcanons. If you, who's reading this story, likes the fandoms of Haikyuu, Twisted Wonderland and Demon Slayer. Tell me If you like the idea. Till there, have a nice day. And thanks for reading ❣️
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lanternadosafogados · 6 months
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Photo Album (Nishinoya Yuu x Male!reader)
[Name] and Nishinoya were taking a big step in their relationship, moving into a new apartment where they would live together from now on.
Of course, [Name] knew he would be mainly responsible for organizing the details of the move, but he enjoyed making the apartment even more to his liking.
While arranging the living room shelf, deciding whether the decorations looked prettier slightly crooked or not, [Name] stumbled upon a box with the word "Memories" written in rather bold letters, but immediately recognized Nishinoya's handwriting.
Upon opening it, he found some photo albums. The first albums taken out of the box were filled with pictures of his boyfriend during his time at Karasuno High School, with the volleyball team. Some photos featured him with Tanaka, both clearly having fun, and a few where he was annoying Tsukishima.
Beneath these were albums that were clearly family-related. [Name] raised an eyebrow, not recalling ever having seen them before. He left his task halfway and sat on the sofa to look at the photos.
The first photo made him smile automatically. A clearly three-year-old Nishinoya measuring his height with a pouty expression. Below that, a picture where he had more food on his face than in his mouth.
With each photo, it became harder to hold back laughter. This did not go unnoticed by Yuu when he returned from the street, bringing snacks from a nearby diner with him. After placing the bags on the table, he approached his partner with a curious posture.
"What are you looking at there?"
[Name] turned to him with a smile.
"Photos. You were so small and precious." Nishinoya was a bit puzzled by [Name]'s strange smile, who looked him up and down. At the photo album and back at him "You're still small and precious, you know?"
That was a tease, and Noya's shocked and offended reaction, along with his flushed cheeks, made [Name] laugh a little more.
Also posted on the sites Spiritfanfics and Wattpad. First time writing for a male reader, Hope you that is reading had liked.
I'm also thinking about opening requests for stories for the works i manly write, Haikyuu and Demon Slayer. Do you guys like the Idea?
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