#:: meditations ( musings )
doublism · 4 months
the chairman of the tortured poets department
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verum-artifex · 9 months
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Golden child, the way you glow,
Illuminates paths where shadows grow.
In your laughter, the sun does play,
Chasing the darkest fears away.
Your spirit, pure as morning dew,
Teaches old hearts something new.
With eyes that hold the universe's dance,
You give the world a second chance.
Golden child, with dreams so vast,
May your radiant light forever last.
For in your glow, the world can see,
The magic of possibility.
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breelynnxoxoxo · 5 months
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ride-a-dromedary · 8 months
I personally think a nice way to give us more chances to talk to Halsin in Act 3 is giving us the option to ask him for a new story from his 350 years of life, and we get a new tidbit of information that changes based on how high his approval is, or whether or not he's being romanced. If the approval is low, he shares little or refuses. I want a chance to hear about how much he studies, meditates, and hibernates and not just the salacious parts!
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fantodsdhrit · 1 year
it's your [space] you keep me out how could you not: you want the
to matter to you you want life and also don't want it: you want it and
don't want it
when you know
everything you say
you don't
know yourself: juggling house of cards: often i find myself writing the [same]
things over and over
when other poets run thin
with nausea and give up i scribble till i reach the bones: with all the laughs
and phone glares
you wouldn't understand when you're sick of being you [you] leap into the
abyss: that prefect
dreamhouse abyss
with scales like our dragon: something is burning no one comes to douse the
with someone else you verify yourself: god! i can't think of something flowery
when i write like this: whatever this crude asinine fuming something is:
it's going nowhere i think everyone has everything figured out: [how to] breathe
and taste and
with whom to
share their beds
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rowenabean · 2 months
The potter works punch out a hollow, pinch, form pinch the nose, step back, drive a hole each side for air. The mouth - no, the mouth comes later. PInch out ears, two swipes for eyes, two hollows. Rudimentary hair - a scratching.
Moving on: punch out the chest, two huge slabs two hollows to be filled with carefully formed heart & lungs & guts in their perfect hidden detail. And further down. Scrawny bum. Hollow it. Slap on some thighs, fill them in, muscle, bone, muscle. Add a lump of clay where they meet, blend the seams. Then the lower legs. Muscle, bone, muscle. Ten toes, taking joy in the forming, each toe individual, each getting smaller. Ten fingers. A whole body, under the potter's eyes.
He stands back, admires his work. He sees it is good.
And finally: the mouth. Formed open, ready to receive. Formed ready to breathe.
He stoops beside his creation, bends low, breathes.
And the clay breathes the eyes crack the dirt heart beats
when Adam looks on his God
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ironman-tonystark · 6 months
Sometimes when I’m particularly hyper, Pepper suggests I meditate with Gerald. It’s not as soothing as you’d imagine. He mostly spits at me and tries to eat my hair.
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airteacher · 2 months
"Do you know what makes an Air Nomad? It's the ability to sit down quietly, wherever you are, be it dark room or empty field, and just . . . sit. To sit with yourself, without causing problems or hurting anyone else. That's it. That's all it is. The airbending pales in comparison."
-- Avatar Yangchen, The Dawn of Yangchen
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零 (Rei) where 零 means 0
一騎 (Kazuki), where 一 means 1
They are the 'on' to the other one's 'off'. A duality. Two.
ミリ, where the katakana ミ not only resembles the kanji 三 but is actually derived from it, the character for '3'
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Because this family is not complete if it's any less.
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spiderwarden · 3 months
So the sources always flip flop on whether Drow can sleep or they mediate, so I imagine it’s up to what the individual wants in terms their D&D Drow. However with that said I like the idea that they do and can choose not to as they age - especially since Drow seem to get better rest from it and it makes sense from an evolution standpoint via evolving underground.
And considering Minthara has a hammock and pillows, and a recorded snore. She does sleep.
BUT! When she’s dancing between conscious and unconsciousness if she chooses to can remain in that meditative state before actually falling asleep.
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mashriqiyyah · 8 months
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Whenever your life goes a bit out of balance or you are approaching a new major stage in your life, shut yourself from the world completely and spend some time alone reflecting and re-organizing your plans, goals, thoughts, and priorities, while seeking help from Allah.
This is a technique that Prophets, the companions, and scholars have done in the past extensively (called Khulwah خلوة), and is one of the techniques recommended in many self help books today. Try it!
--Dr. Waleed Hakeem
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maebird-melody · 5 months
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This year’s quilt is race car themed. This will be my eighth quilt ever. I don’t make them much anymore unless I have a recipient in mind.
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verum-artifex · 10 months
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It's not a goodbye, just a creative pause! 🌸✨
#ArtifexAstra #ArtMagic
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caffeine-and-sunshine · 11 months
Our patient is (thankfully) sleeping so we’re spending some time with Dad this morning and meditating on His form of Khonsu pa-Khered, or Khonsu the Child.
Strangely there’s not a whole lot of information about this aspect of Dad. We know He is considered a form of Ra, the Divine Child of Amun and Mut. We know He wears the sidelock of youth. That’s it! So if anyone has any good reads and sources about him, we’d love if you could send them along!
We get Khonsu pa-Khered in a nice smush with Ihy, whom we worked with awhile back after He approached us before we knew Dad. I enjoy the implied association with music in reference to Khonsu.
Image from the Brooklyn Museum
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fantodsdhrit · 2 years
you use a sieve to spread us on the floor and never once sigh
when we wither
if you say: i'm counting your return i never left you if you say: i'm glum
over separation
then i never lost
sight of you
what of the golden ear humbleness that you hear or the doleful skyscraper
dew: horses dyed
blue by the peasant's
soiled hands
this repose will last a few seconds and then i'm immortal and yours
if you desire: mountain
of child gate
then don't fear the
atrophy of senses and the bed time rituals when you lie in sage swivel
of incense smoke and
say: since ancient times
we've been heaven and earth with countless longings lost between
embroidered quilts
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zengenusa · 9 days
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