#“The Amber Attack!”
chrollohearttags · 4 months
never thought I’d see the day that people would be angrier about a rap bar than they would about actual child predators but here we are lmao.
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bloodybosom · 3 months
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Amber Heard as Kristen THE WARD (2010) dir. John Carpenter
Thanks @mysticalpiraterebel
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cyanide-sippy-cup · 2 months
Okay I literally never do this but episode 7 was so good I gotta do an episode review.
Spoilers ahead obviously
First things out of the way: FUCK FUCK WHY IS SHE HERE FUCK OH MY GOD JESUS CHRIST. When she slammed Mark into that crater I legit began hyperventilating (albeit very lightly). I was so not ready for her to show up and oh my god, the terror conveyed in Zazie's voice acting was legit. That fight scene absolutely kicked ass though, I got hyped as hell when Mark dropped that "no". Now that she's in the show I really hope she doesn't garner any fans because WOW they are gonna be in for a shock. And lastly FUCK YEAH ALLEN KICK HER ASS.
The breakup scene was fantastic. The episode focusing on so much of their relationship kinda made it clear something was gonna happen but when Mark changed up his schedule for her I was like "oh that's really nice" and then she showed up. As I said that was all fantastic, from Cecil's panicking to Amber's terror the presentation was great. Although now that they're broken up, I really hope they go somewhere else with Amber that isn't... that storyline.
REX IS THE GOAT. I love how he just tells Mark "pick a day and we'll cover for you". An absolute bro for sure, I'm loving his character arc. Can't wait for everyone to learn his origin and be like "oh shit" like after Eve's special. Speaking of which, do ya think we're gonna get a Rex-focused special about his origin like we did Eve?
Donald talking Rick down from the ledge and learning about himself in doing so was fantastic. We stan Donald. And man, am I glad they replaced Justin. Like, I know they had to after his actions came to light but also if I'm being honest I despised Rick's voice. Justin was good for silly characters but if I had to listen to him try to do the emotional segments I would've pulled a Rick (sanchez) and put my head in a lazer.
Still don't like Immortal's sad arc. Don't get me wrong, they're doing an awesome job with everything post Kate's "death" but the fact that we literally never saw anything more of their relationship than a shower fuck kinda makes it hard to feel anything when he talks about how sad he is.
Last but not least, OH SHIT OH FUCK IT'S HIM IT'S... *checks notes* Langstrom Sleazy...?
Look I'm sorry I like Angstrom and that end reveal was AWESOME and I am so scared and excited for what's definitely gonna be the plot of season 3 but also I can never remember his fucking name for the life of me and I have no idea why.
Anyway with Anissa here at least that means Thragg's not far behind. Hell we might see him next episode what with the whole prison thing.
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natjennie · 1 year
i loooooove the aesthetic of the blink sharks in ethersea because it's like. sharks aren't generally scary in real life I know this, but fiction sharks are pretty menacing. in an ocean full of water that has been polluted by all the fucked up scientific/magical damage humanity has done, the sharks are bound to be pretty wild. they glow green and they fucking teleport. imagine living in the ocean and it's impossible to go on land. and then when you do come across a shark. it can go invisible and teleport like. indefinitely. you see a green flash and then you're in a sharks jaws. how fucking scary is that.
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satturn · 1 year
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what if i killed someone
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owlrageousjones · 1 year
I’ve been getting back into dwarf fortress now that there’s a steam release (and relearning the menus because they went and moved things about)
I’ve created a nice, flourishing little fortress, and I tried my hand at making paper and creating a library, and assigned my best (only) thinking dwarves to it to come up with new ideas and write them down
so far they’ve written ‘Shapes: Fact or Fiction?’ and ‘Shapes: A New Approach’, so I can only assume that my dwarves do not believe in geometry and are having arguments about it
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spyderschaos · 3 months
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Some Gold-Silk doodles!!
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illbeyouranchor · 2 months
Top 5 Songs (of the moment)
Tagged by the lovely @psychicbouquetlove to list the songs that have stolen a space in my mind at the moment. Anyone who knows me, knows I’m always listening to music. Music is one of my very favorite things on this earth, and when I share it with someone, that is love for me. So with that being said, these are the songs that captured me lately.
1. Amen-Amber Run:
I’ve lost a lot of people in my life and this song captures just what that’s like. (A heavy one). But with such raw feeling there is always beauty.
2. Paradise Circus-Massive Attack
This one is a seductive lullaby. It both entices and calms me.
3. Forever-Dee Dee
A classic trance song from my younger years, that I forgot about and hope to never forget again. Still gets me. “I dreamed that our love will last forever.”
4. Strange & Beautiful- Aqualung
This one signifies hope to me. I know it’s fourth on the list, but it’s probably my favorite. @noleftexit put a spell on me with this one.
5. What The Water Gave Me- Florence + The Machine
The feeeeeeeeling evoked by this. A masterpiece.
Thanks for coming on this journey with me. Tagging all music lovers.
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staar5384 · 1 year
Stolen Hearts
diluc x reader
You're a well known thief in Mondstadt that just so happened to catch the attention of a certain tavern owner. reader is gender neutral
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Footsteps thundered through the streets of Mondstadt as multiple Knights of Favonius chased you through the streets. This was a weekly occurrence; you steal because it’s the only way you can make a damn living in this so-called “City of Freedom”. Towards the end of the chase, you would lose them by charging through the backdoor of Angel’s Share, where the tavern’s owner, Diluc Ragnvindr, would greet you. 
“Close one there little thief,” He extended his hand out to help you onto your feet. You grabbed his hand, allowing him to hoist you up. “What did you steal this time?”
You reached in your pocket, showing him the little purse filled with Mora. It belonged to one of the Knights, which seemed to make Diluc laugh; more like huffed out air, but you took that as a laugh. 
“You really love creating enemies here in Mondstadt, don’t you?”
You shrugged, adjusting the mask that covered your mouth and nose. The only feature of yours that stuck out was your eyes. It was safer to stay silent, and hide all parts of you that don’t matter to getting your job done.
“Well, I’m assuming you will be leaving soon?” Diluc crossed his arms, leaning back against the door. You nodded, glancing at the door behind him. “How unfortunate. You are my favorite form of entertainment while I work.”
You smiled, hoping he could catch it. He reached out, squeezing your shoulder gently before stepping aside so you could leave, “Be careful. Don’t get caught just yet.”
You gave him a thumbs up and zipped out the door and down the street. You never understood Diluc’s kindness, considering he was a businessman and associating himself with a thief could eventually end in his downfall, yet he always helped you, and you always went to him for help.
As you arrived at your hideout, you pulled your mask down and your hood off, letting your face and head breathe. You ran a hand through your hair, tugging the twisted knots out with your fingers. You stepped inside and tossed the bag onto your bedside table. 
The hideout was nothing special; a bed, a table, a small kitchen, and nothing more. You were more than content with the small space you’ve taken up. It's close enough to the city that traveling to and from is easy, but also far enough away that most Knights wouldn’t think to come looking for you here.
You plopped down into your bed and stared at the ceiling. Your mind was still stuck on Diluc, though when you weren’t busy scheming you usually found yourself thinking of the man. The way he treated you was unlike anything you were used to, and it was refreshing to know you had an ally, even if it was dangerous for him to be your ally.
You close your eyes and let out a soft sigh. You had to be up bright and early tomorrow because it was time to plan out your biggest scheme yet, the one that would finally get you out of this sorry country; stealing the Holy Lyre der Himmel.
You tried not to spend too much time in Mondstadt unmasked, however you had to plan your entrance and escape routes for your plan. The guards recognized you, but not as the thief, as a traveler who spent most of their time away from the city.
You entered the city and began walking the walls. You made a few stops so as to not look suspicious; the blacksmith had made you a new custom knife, which was one you planned to use once you left for Liyue, the Good Hunter for brunch, and the souvenir shop to purchase a few items you wouldn’t be able to pick up in Liyue.
Once you finished your “shopping”, you approached the Cathedral and gave it a good once over. You scanned the windows and doors to try and find any signs of weakness. Eventually you settled on a spot on the roof where the ceiling seemed particularly thin. You may not have had a Vision, but you had incredible observational skills. It’s what has kept you alive this long.
By late evening, your route had been secured and planned out. You began to leave Mondstadt, but unfortunately bumped into someone as you reached the gate.
“My apologies,” You said softly, not allowing your voice to be much louder than a whisper.
“No need to apologize. I wasn’t paying attention.”
Your eyes widened, glancing up to meet the eyes of the person you bumped into. You instantly recognized him; it was Diluc.
“Are you alright?” He asked, that usual softness in his voice slipping through as he spoke to you.
“Yes, I’m okay,” You needed to get out of here before he recognized you.
“I’m glad to hear.” Your eyes locked and for an instant you felt as though the world around you faded into nothing. This was his first time seeing you without the mask, yet he had not a clue who you truly were. “You look… familiar,” He said and his words knocked you from the trance he had you trapped in.
“I-I highly doubt it,” You rubbed the back of your neck awkwardly.
“I feel like I recognize you though,” Diluc kept going, and the more he talked the more nervous you became. 
Before you could get another word in, someone approached you from behind. “Diluc, don’t you have a bar to be running?”
“That’s funny coming from a Knight of Favonius. Aren’t you notorious for not doing your job?”
The Knight stood beside you, and you recognized him as Captain Kaeya. You were now stuck in a very uncomfortable and unfortunate situation. Kaeya, the man who wanted you brought to justice, and Diluc, the man who helped you avoid said justice, were now surrounding you and you felt naked. They could see your face, your hair, every feature that defines you as a person without a mask.
“I’m just talking to a regular,” Diluc sighed. “I didn’t realize a bartender couldn’t converse with his customers outside of work.”
“I’m sure that’s what you’re doing. You know, you’ll never pick someone up by being a weirdo.” Was Kaeya teasing Diluc?
“That is not what was going on,” Diluc stepped away from you. “I’m sure I’ll see you later?” He glanced down at you. Hesitantly, you nodded. Shit. “Wonderful, I’ll have your usual ready for when you arrive,” Then Diluc walked away, leaving you behind with Kaeya.
“That man,” Kaeya crossed his arms, taking an opportunity to look at you. Immediately, you avoided making any eye contact. Diluc was fine, he wanted to help you, but Kaeya was an enemy. He could not see your face. “I hope he didn’t bother you too much, he’s pretty weird.”
“I’m alright,” Your words were quick.
“Well, I’m glad,” Kaeya patted your shoulder. “Safe travels outside the city.” Then Kaeye was gone, leaving you entirely alone.
You quickly left the city and went back to your hideout. Whatever happened today was not good in the slightest, and you were now incredibly worried about your next excursion in the city. You never cared if the lesser Knights knew your face, but Kaeya was a dangerous man, and without a Vision you were virtually useless against him.
You threw your stuff down and sat on your bed. You weren’t sure what to do, but you realized it was probably best to get this done tonight and leave before you attracted any more attention. 
It took you only a few hours to suit up and throw together the rest of your plan, and by midnight you were ready to go. You strapped a sword at your side. If it was going to get violent at all, tonight would be the night. 
You opened the door to your house, stretched out your arms, and stared into the distance at the City of Mondstadt. This was the last time you’d ever see it, and then you realized the sad truth; you’d never see Diluc again.
Getting into the Cathedral was shockingly simple. The guards didn’t seem to pay much attention to you as you slipped in at the exact spot in the roof you noticed earlier. There were no guards inside either, which put you more on edge than if there had been any at all.
The lyre sat neatly in the middle of the room, you grabbed it off the pedestal and waited for something to happen. Nothing.
Even with how suspicious you were, you made a break for it out the way you came. That’s when you were faced with hordes of guards. You cursed quietly to yourself and jumped down the roof. You felt the bones in your feet strain as you made contact with the ground, but you had no time to stop. It was a damn trap, you should have fucking known.
Your first instinct was to run to Angel’s Share, but you couldn’t drag Diluc into this, not when so many guards were chasing you, not when you could feel the presence of a much stronger opponent approaching.
Kaeya made his appearance right by the walls that surrounded the city. He used his Cryo Vision to hit you with a wave of freezing air. It made your skin burn, but you pressed on. The Knight followed close behind you, and as you began climbing the wall to get away, another familiar Vision holder appeared behind you; Amber, a Pyro user with advanced archery skills.
The Outrider drew her bow and as you were about to reach the top, a searing hot pain shot through your right arm. She had hit you with an arrow, and fire was creeping on your skin. 
The pain was unimaginable, but if you stopped now, you would surely have been killed. You jumped off the top of the wall and felt your already sore feet almost crumble underneath the weight of the fall. With nowhere else to run, you dove into the water and swam to the other side. You could hear the screams and calls from the city as you got further and further away.
You reached the shore, pushing yourself out of the water, and went straight back to running. The pain in your body was starting to weigh on you; the ice burns, the arrow that was still deep within your forearm, and the bones that were shattered in not only your feet, but your legs as well. You hadn’t noticed it because of the adrenaline coursing through your body, but now it was fading and your senses were coming back to you.
After a while of running, your body finally gave out. You collapsed to the ground and felt yourself roll down a hill. When you hit the ground, your head smashed into what could have been a rock or a tree, but what it was didn’t matter because within an instant you were unconscious.
When you awoke, you could barely move. Your body hurt all over, and your head killed. You stared at the ceiling above you and it was entirely unfamiliar. You inhaled sharply, a pain shooting through your lungs. 
You then realized your mask and hood were missing. Actually, most of your usual clothes were missing and had been replaced with something looser and much more casual.
Footsteps approached from somewhere outside the mysterious room, then a door opened. “I’m glad to see you’re still alive, little thief. I knew I recognized you yesterday.”
“You gave me quite the scare,” He moved into your view, staring down at you. “What the hell were you doing?”
You weren’t sure what to say, or even how to talk to him now that he knew your identity, “My usual.”
“Ahh so you do speak,” He reached his hand down to gently brush your hair away from your face. “Clearly it wasn’t your usual because the entire city is on lockdown, and you look like you were crushed by a Mitachurll.”
You flushed at his gentle touch, “I broke into the Cathedral and stole the Lyre.” The Lyre you had lost on your way out, ultimately making this entirely pointless.
“Jeez little thief,” Diluc sighed, scratching the top of his head. “You really are something else, aren’t you?”
“I feel like an idiot,” You admitted. “I did all this just to lose the Lyre and destroy my body in the process.”
“Why were you stealing anyway? There had to have been some other way to live.”
“Because I’ve always hated Mondstadt, the city, the country, the people. I’ve been stuck here alone my whole life, and I’ve wanted nothing more than to leave, but it was so hard. I don’t have a Vision, I don’t have money, and my combat skills are mediocre at best. I couldn’t just leave until I had the means to, so I stole. I took money, weapons, whatever I could. Then you came into the picture.”
“What about me?”
“You helped me, even while knowing I was a thief. And even now after I’ve committed the worst crime I’ve ever done, you’re helping me. Part of me didn’t want to leave because I knew you were here, and I knew you would always protect me,” Your face turned red.
Diluc gave you a small smile, “You wanted to stay because of me?”
You nodded, “But I was so far gone into this thievery that I felt if I stopped, you wouldn’t care the same way if you knew me.��
“Oh little thief, I would never stop caring about you,” He leaned closer to you. “I would have cared for you regardless of who you were behind that mask of yours.”
“Do you mean it?”
Diluc nodded, resting his hand on yours, “Of course.”
You smiled, feeling your heart begin to hammer in your chest, “I’m glad to know you, Diluc. I hope to let you know the real me.”
“And I cannot wait to get to know the little thief who stole my heart."
. . . .
an~ i've never written genshin fanfiction before, so if it's a little wonky that's why. thanks for reading <3
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theamberwriter · 1 year
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I'm not SUPER great at settings n backgrounds n shit - but here! Another for the Perfect Blend, lmao Also, I'm working on a lil project behind the scenes!
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sequenceofmind · 1 year
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cici and tara on the phone, wearing pink, about to get attacked by ghostface
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Attack Of The Winter Wolf: The Nomad's Demands
Summary- 6.1k Alpha Steve x Little One. Brock is dead, The White Wolf and Bucky have returned to the Pack and Steve has to come to terms that he was forced to hurt you. Both you and Steve are recovering at Stark Towers but not all things can be fixed so easily.
Warnings- Angst. Mentions of pain and blood. We have a very guilty Alpha on our hands. This is an 18+ Only Blog.
A/N- Last Chapter for Attack Of The Winter Wolf. Those of you that have followed this series, thank you for all the encouragement and love you have given to Alpha Steve and Little One. I am also really sorry about this chapter. Thank you @drabblewithfrannybarnes for tackling this one. Dividers made by @firefly-graphics Comments and Reblogs are so appreciated.
Chapter Nine / Masterlist
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Sam proved himself efficient in all the ways that counted. He immediately got everything in Brock’s compound organized and running for the pack to be able to use while they worked on dismantling it, collecting any data they could on Hydra’s operations. Unfortunately, there wasn’t much, it appeared to simply be a holding facility, Sam suspected a storage place to keep alphas until they could be transported. The rooms of cages left them all unsettled, picking up scents of fear and panic in them.  
Tony flew out a medic team to help out the wolves in need of treatment as well as monitor those still recovering from the compulsion. Those that were stable enough started the expansive search of finding their remaining family members. 
Sam sensed the immediate hostility towards Bucky, but with his support, no one made any kind of outward accusation against the man. Whispers traveled amongst the wolves, particularly those not from The Pack. It would only be a matter of time before another Alpha challenged Sam about Bucky. The wolves who lost their packs were grieving and grief often hid in anger and hostility. 
Bucky did his best to stay out of others' ways knowing how Sam was barely hanging onto control amongst the chaos, but it was really just a matter of time before he was challenged. Guilt and deep sadness was making the White Wolf sink far away from Bucky’s consciousness, making him feel alone and a bit lost in how to respond to those around him. No one outwardly said it to him, but it wasn't hard to tell how many of these wolves hated him now. And he didn't blame them. 
So he stayed with Steve where it was the safest for him right now. 
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The Alpha went through a barrage of anger as soon as they refused to bring him to You. Removing the collar was proving to be more difficult than they anticipated and Steve wanted to see you right now to make sure you were okay.
Steve kept picturing the way his hands circled your neck and squeezed, how it felt to feel you struggle against him but he was too powerful for you to get away, how the look on your face accepted that this was it, and even though there was real genuine fear in your eyes there was also a pang of sadness.
It ate at him, made his hands shake and clench, he hated his strength now. All his life he appreciated being a strong alpha after having grown up a runt, Now he hated that he almost ended the most important person in his life and he couldn’t stop it, had his own power used against him. Being human was almost too hard, he let the Alpha take over for a while, the Wolf just having one focus, going to you. 
“I don't know Sam, maybe I should just take him.” Bucky shrugged outside of Steve’s room in the hallway, running a hand through his hair. In the room, they could hear Steve had shifted, the Wolf pacing the room in agitation. “Eventually he is going to just go himself without us. If I’m there and he is triggered, I can contain him.” 
Sam rubbed at the lower part of his face thinking about what Bucky was suggesting. He didn’t like it, unsure of what was going to happen. The likelihood anything would happen was slim, Brock was dead and no one had turned up yet to indicate they were taking his place in whatever Hydra was up to. But expecting the unexpected was a safe rule to follow. He took another glance through the room's glass to see Steve pacing, the Wolf looking almost run into the ground, refusing to settle down after being separated from you. “Sara texted me and said it was bad. Y/N has a crushed windpipe. They don’t want to move her but Tony has it so she will be brought to Bruce tomorrow.” Sam’s jaw flexed in agitation, his own wolf anxious at how unstable Steve seemed. “Prepare Steve for what he will be seeing Buck and keep a close eye. As soon as you think he might be unstable, pull him out. She will probably be sleeping or drugged. The likelihood she will know he’s there is slim.” 
“She will know, but I hear you.” Bucky stated before he pushed open the door. The Alpha rumbled, shaking his heavy head to dislodge the collar but like all the other times, it was still lodged against his skin, the spikes biting into him but he didn’t care. If he thought he could rip it off, he would have. Bucky stayed near the door, cocking his head towards the exit. “What do you say Steve, wanna go see your girl?” 
It was almost automatic that the man stood before him, going for clothes to pull on. 
“You going to be there?” Steve grunted, pulling a shirt over his head.
“Till the end of the line, pal. Think you’re bound to lose your mind if you can’t at least see that she’s safe. But Steve, just…” He grabbed a hold of Steve’s arm before he could bypass him out of the room. “Listen, I know you already know, but she is going to look bad. The best way you can help is to try not to go in and fix it okay? You can’t just fix this, she needs to be able to heal.” Bucky paused, waiting to see Steve’s reaction. 
“I know, I just need to see her” Steve’s eyes were tired but determined. “You are going to be there in case anything happens with this fucking thing.” His hand went to the band of metal still around his neck. “I gotta see her Buck, it’s killing me.” Steve pulled from his hold, already halfway down the hall by the time Bucky closed the door to the room and followed after his Alpha. Bucky really hoped he made the right call. 
Steve was quiet during the ride, drawn inwards while Bucky drove. The Wolf rambled in his mind, the beast so anxious to make sure you were okay that it made Steve’s stomach twist and his chest feel tight. 
<This is really the best place for her?> 
Yes, we really injured our Little One, she needs to recover. 
<We should see about her returning home as soon as she’s ready.> 
Not until we have this thing off, who knows what would happen if we go under again. Our mate might not be ready to see us, or even want to return home. We hurt her. Steves brows furrowed at his own thoughts. She might not feel safe with us again. 
The Alpha snarled at Steve’s words. <Don’t do that, you always assume the worst,> 
Steve felt himself sink further, the Wolf was being optimistic but Steve suspected he would know what they would find. You would have fear in your eyes and shrink away. His hands clenched at his thighs, recalling the way your neck felt. How you struggled and looked so scared. He did that, all with a simple command. How could he be that weak? 
“Steve?” Bucky reached over to shake at his shoulder and Steve snapped out of his thoughts, noticing they were parked. “Are you sure about this?” 
“Yeah, I just need to see Y/N, make sure she is okay.” He pulled away, quick to escape the confines of the car and Bucky’s questions. 
No he wasn’t sure about this, he might be hurting you even more just by being there, but he had to know. See you with his own eyes. 
Steve missed the flash of concern from Bucky when he used your name and not the nickname he gave you the day the two of you met. Constantly Steve sought out the bond connecting you two, even knowing it wouldn't be there, none of your warmth and passion filling him. 
He shattered it in seconds in his own desperate attempt to keep Brock from having access to your mind through him. 
Bucky indicated which way to go, and two massive shifters maneuvered the busy human hospital. People naturally moved out of the stalking men’s way. Steve continuously inhaled, searching you out. 
Sickness and antiseptic assaulted him, so many different people that he wasn't familiar with, where were you in all this? He growled lowly a few times when someone made the mistake of bumping into him, Bucky kept him going until Natasha poked her head out of a room, closing the door most of the way. 
“Sam texted me that you guys were coming.” She braced a hand against Steve a moment, maybe partially pausing him from going into the room, partially in solidarity. The Wolf wanted to push past but Steve slowed, letting her direct him to the window to look in. She pulled up next to him and Bucky, he stuck behind Steve, watching the Alphas back while he took in the scene in front of him.
“She's comfortable, I promise. She really just looks worse than she is, Steve.” Natasha said softly, keeping her gaze forward. 
This was all too familiar to Steve, you looked so small in the sterile white bed, your neck in a brace this time and various monitors around you. The Wolf stood alert, inspecting you as best he could, he ached, the Wolf ached to find his Little Wolf and Steve ached in knowing he did this to you.
“Has she been able to talk yet?” Steve’s gaze followed a line that fed into your mouth. 
“No, Y/N’s windpipe is just too bruised right now. They have the tube in to help her breath. They said they will be able to remove it soon.” Natasha confirmed.
“I did this.” Steve said almost to himself and Bucky clenched his jaw, hearing him plain as day and desperately trying to keep from snapping at his best friend. Natasha wasn't going to hold in such restraint though. She folded her arms over her chest, looking up at Steve. 
“I’m actually putting my money on Rumlow, Steve. She’s been asking for you” Natasha said.
That made Steve stiffen, the Wolf hopeful and pushing to go into the room. Steve was cautious moving through the door. Your sweet scent finally filled him, and he ached to reach out to pull you close. His chest tightened catching your scent, doing his best to drown himself in you. He was cautious approaching you, seeing you flinch in your bed. 
Because he was there? 
“Oh Little One…” He whispered, the Alpha lowering with a whine of his own. He stayed silent while Steve brushed his fingers against your hand, watching you curl your fingers protectively. You were smart too, who knew when he would be pulled under control again. 
How easy Brock was able to just command him to kill you and he was that close to actually doing it. Steve remembered the sensation of actually wanting to do that. It made his stomach roll now, the nausea sweeping through him at the memory of how you felt struggling underneath him. His jaw clenched and he twisted to leave the room because right now just being there was unsafe for you.  You never woke up enough to see him. 
Steve breezed past Bucky and Natasha, jaw clenched tight to keep from loosing his control. Bucky and Natasha glanced at one another before they sprinted after there Alpha. 
“Steve! Where are you going?” Bucky pulled up alongside him, long strides taking them outside of the hospital with Natasha right behind. 
“Away from Y/N, this thing on me… it’s just not safe..” Steve snarled out and Bucky made a grasp for his arm to make him stop. It caused Steve to recoil, wrenching his arm out of his best friends hold. “Don’t Buck, I know what you are going to say…” Steve raked a hand through his hair. When he swallowed, the band around his neck tightened, a cruel reminder that he wasn’t completely in control of himself.
“Do you Steve?” Bucky responded, bristling at Steve. “I saw the same fucking thing you did, I was made to-” 
Natasha darted between the two men before Bucky finish, her hands at both of there chests to keep the alphas apart. “Listen you two, this isn’t going to help Y/N right now.” She said firmly, fighting back the urge to submit to them. The air was saturated with there tension and it wouldn't take much for Steve to command her back. 
Natasha breaking into the space was enough to make them both step back and look away, trying to reign themselves in. Natasha took a deep breath and turned to Steve first. 
“Right now getting your collar off is crucial. Go to Stark’s, okay? Y/N is right behind you and you two will talk properly. After it is off Steve.” She glanced at Bucky, levelling him a look, “And Bucky is gonna drive you.” 
Bucky gave a nod in confirmation, his frustration tempered. Having recently been hit with the same realizations Steve was going through right now, he could understand some of the confusion Steve was dealing with. Hell, he still hadn’t begun to process it himself, trying to just focus on what was going on right now in the moment. 
Steve glanced from Natasha and Bucky, breathing out in a huff releasing the last of his current anger. 
“Fuck, I’m sorry Buck- I shouldn’t have talked to you like that.” Bucky waved it off with a roll of his shoulders. 
“Let it go Punk, we’re all stressed out and trying to deal.” He held his hand out which Steve clasped. Natasha eased up, hugging Steve briefly. 
“I’m gonna go back to Y/N and I will ride up with her to New York. So see you tomorrow.” 
“Thanks… for everything you do. Don’t know what I would do without you Natasha.” Steve admitted before letting her go and she smiled back, winking. 
“Hey she is family to me too, nothing I wouldn’t do for any of you. Go on now… get that fucking thing off before it really drives you mental.” She gave a playful shove to his chest and twisted herself around to go back into the hospital. Bucky stuffed his hands in his pockets, waiting while Steve gave the hospital one last look. 
“I hate that she is here.” Steve murmured.
“She won't be for long… Come, we got a long ass drive to New York.” The men turned and retreated. The Alpha struggled to stay with you, making Steve have to shut him out that much more. Now that there was a solid plan, Steve needed to stay present, not let the Alpha take over once more. 
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Stark Towers always seemed to loom over everything, Steve craned his neck up while Bucky shifted next to him, anxious. Steve could feel his nervous energy and assumed it was because they were in the city as well as being in another Alphas territory. Steve shifted closer, silently sharing some support as they made there way into Stark Towers where the receptionist looked up, immediately noticing the alphas. 
“Hi, I was told to expect you two today. Steve Rogers and James Barnes?” 
They both nodded at the receptionist and she waved a hand to them to follow her to the elevators, plugging in a security code it promptly opened. 
“Bruce is waiting on the 35th floor for you, go down the hallway and to the left. I’m sure Tony is up there with him as well. If not Bruce can call him.” 
Giving their thanks, Steve and Bucky stepped on the elevator. She hovered a moment, seeming to want to say something more. 
“Thank you… for what you all did. We have been managing calls all day trying to reunite alphas freed with there families.” With a small smile, she let the door close before Steve or Bucky could say anything. Riding the elevator up, Steve glanced at Bucky who seemed to withdraw in his thoughts. 
“What are you thinking about?” 
Bucky gave a bit of a sigh and his hand went to brush against the back of his neck, trying to relieve the tension. “They never would have to be doing that if I didnt go all destructive. How many shifters are never going to make it home?” He confessed and Steve grasped his shoulder, making him look at him. 
“That wasn’t your fault Buck, from the moment that collar was put on you, that was on Brock and Hydra.” 
“Maybe it wasn’t my fault, but the beast and I were still made to do it. You don’t just kill without consequences.” The elevator clicked open to a lab of sorts, cutting off anymore of the conversation as Bruce was already waiting at the entrance for them. 
“Uh- Yes! Hi, good to see you two again.” Bruce moved back so they could step in, taking a real interest in the collar around Steve’s neck. “Hmm, nasty piece of work there, lets see if we can’t take it off, right?” He smiled at them and had Steve sit on a stool while Bucky hovered near the door, instinctively watching the hallway while Bruce grabbed at a set of glasses perched among the mass of his curly hair, perching them on his face to get a better look at the vibranium around Steve’s neck. 
Just let him do his thing. 
<If he can get it off then you will not have any fuss from me.> The Alpha stated. <Means we can go back to our mate sooner.> 
“Im going to be careful but I might tug a bit on these barbs, I’m sorry.” 
“It’s fine, can you get it off?” Steve didn’t care about the pain of it, he just wanted the thing off him. 
“Yes, I’m pretty sure we can get it off. Tony is just getting some stuff and we will start right away. I would like to know what they did to this vibranium though. It is emitting weird energy” His fingers tapped against the metal. He muttered softly to himself while he stepped away, wrinkling his brow with concern.  
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You felt the Little Wolf nudging in your consciousness, the little bit you had. The foggy feeling of drugs still had you feeling out of it right now. You didn't open your eyes yet, not ready to see the situation you were currently in. You still felt the loss of your bond as you sought out Steve. Is Steve here? You questioned your Little Wolf and she whined. 
<No, I don’t sense him. But Natasha has been here…> She paced, tilting her head. <We moved also, when you were out they flew us somewhere. We won’t know till you open your eyes.>
You outwardly groaned at this, you really didn’t want to. There was something blissful about being unconscious. 
<Open them, you can’t pretend any longer> The Little Wolf snapped at you and you relented, blinking at the dim lights and staring at a sterile wall of white. You shifted, cautious because you were so sore, but you could still move around if you wanted to. Blankets were draped over you, heavily to keep you warm but it was almost stifling. Pushing them off, you took a moment to glance around. It looked like a hospital room. A fancy one with all the monitors possible to keep tabs on you, but still a hospital room of some kind. 
“Hel-” Your voice croaked painfully and your hand shot up to your neck, breathing in raggedly. Your neck was still messed up, so you weren't out for too long. Oxygen kept blowing in your nose to help you breathe and you tugged the line off over your head. You were wheezing when you breathed, but you felt like you were being suffocated with the oxygen line stuck in your nose. 
The door eased open to Natasha coming through, a smile breaking out on her face. “About time you came back to us. I know they put you on some good drugs but I’ve never seen anyone sleep so long.” She settled on the bed next to you, looking you over. “You look better too. But you better put the oxygen back on?” 
You shook your head, your brows furrowing. There was only one thing you wanted and that was to see Steve. You open your mouth about to talk when Natasha interrupted you. 
“I haven’t gone to find him or Bucky yet. Yesterday when I messaged Buck, he said that they were struggling with getting that collar off.” 
<We must be at Stark towers.> 
Sam wouldn’t let me stay at the human hospital for long. You exhaled painfully and Natasha flashed you a sympathetic look. 
“How about I go see if I can’t find them?” She offered and you gave a nod and smile in thanks. You moved to get up, like you were going to go with her when she pushed you back onto the bed. “And you can stay here till I get back. I don’t need to find them and then loose you wandering around this place.” 
You relented, knowing that Natasha would find them a lot faster than you would. You settled back into the bed, leaning back with closed eyes, trusting Steve would be joining you soon. The Little Wolf settled down as well, quiet for a moment while she just listened to your surroundings before she spoke up. <Are you ready to see Steve?>
Why wouldn’t I be? Your tone was irritated, hiding some of your own fears that you were ignoring. 
<We lost the bond, there isn't the connection anymore. Not to mention he attacked us. I know it wasn’t him. That Steve would never hurt us, he loves us. But it was a lot. It feels empty without the Alpha.> The Little Wolf whined in defeat as she curled up on herself. <I know he is going to blame himself for all of it.>
Steve is our mate, he can be dangerous if under control, I'm not denying it. But we could be in a similar situation one day. I'm not going to live scared of him, not when we always live in a world of unknowns. When he caught our scent, he eased back. I think that was enough of a sign to know he would never willingly harm us. A slight shiver of unease rolled through you while thinking about what had happened. Pulling away from him now will just break him that much more. 
<You are ready for his guilt?> She asked next, curiously. 
I’m ready to help him work through it, it was his trauma as well as mine. You said firmly, unwilling to push your Alpha away. He was still your safety in this dangerous world and you wanted to be his comfort when he needed it.
Your Little Wolf visibly relaxed after that, content with your answers.
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It was a long night and removing the collar had proved to be trickier then any of them had anticipated. Tony and Bruce converesed several times while Bucky stayed with a very stressed out Steve. 
“Okay Cap, we were talking to T’Challa about how to use the vibranium to cut vibranium. It’s uh… got some kind of… well I don’t know what it is built into it but it’s putting off ridiculous amounts of energy” Tony explained.
“It is quite fascinating actually,” Bruce said excitedly, fingers tapping at a tablet. “Something in that collar is emitting a powerful energy, if-” He stuttered out a correction when Bucky growled a warning at his words. “-When! When we get it safely off you Steve, I will need to contain it.” 
“Brucy wants to study it, huh?” Tony smirked from where he worked on sharpening pieces of vibranium to fit on pliers. “This is gonna pack a bit of a punch from what Shuri tells me… so uh Cap, be ready.” 
This wasn’t helping Steve stay calm. The Alpha was aggravated, growling and snapping being under such stress and having the others, even Bucky, in his space. He desperately missed his mate, it didn’t escape him how much she was his rock. 
“I'm ready, more than ready. Get it off.” Steve snapped a bit, settling on the stool so the two men could work on the collar. He tilted his head as Tony worked a small gap between the side of his neck and the collar, Bruce made the first attempt to slide the tool around, trying to get the sharp edge to slice through, but he couldn’t get it to work through. 
“Shit,” Tony growled as he tried to, straining against the collar but nothing. Bucky pushed off the wall, approaching the trio. He could see Steve was at the end of what he could tolerate, Steve’s hands fisted in his lap and jaw clenched while streaks of blood ran down the front of his shirt from where the barbs were digging in. 
Tony let go of the handle when Steve growled out in frustration, Tony’s hands falling to his hips as he looked at the whole situation. “Maybe it won’t go through like T’Challa thought.” 
Bucky approached Steve, his left arm flexing, the steel plates clinking together with the movement. 
“Stay still Alpha.” His hand wrapped around the crudely made tools handle. Bucky felt Steve struggling with himself, being vulnerable once more was messing with the Alpha’s fight or flight instinct. The metal on metal started to creak and groan under the pressure of Bucky pressing on it, the barbs that were digging into Steve’s skin started to twist as the metal warped and with a final harsh squeeze, the muscles in his arms and shoulders straining, there was a loud crack and Bucky felt himself get thrown back and slammed into a wall, Steve slumping over onto the floor from the shock. Tony and Bruce stared for half a second wide eyed before rushing to Steve. 
Steve never felt that before, it felt like his whole body was hit with some unseen force and stunned him, even the Alpha was in shock as they both started to come too, blinking to see Tony tapping on the side of his face while Bruce wrapped a bandage around his neck to stall the bleeding pulling out the collars barbs did to him.
“Hey, come on Cap, talk to me. I know you’ve been hit worse than this before. Fury told me all about that time a shell practically exploded in your lap” Tony teased, playfully.
Steve pushed at Tony to get him to stop, using his hands to push himself to a sit while rubbing at his temples. 
“The shell was a dud so I was never in any danger. What the hell was that?” He was groggy as he looked to see where Bucky was thrown too, seeing that he too was pushing himself up and trying to make sense of what happened to them. 
Bruce picked up the now useless collar, turning it in his hands. 
“My best guess? Some kind of energy field, maybe whatever was messing you up and putting you under the compulsion. But how I have no clue, it’s like… some kind of magic? But thats not right, magic isn’t real.”
 “Bullshit it isn’t real.” Bucky snarled as he rolled his shoulders and pushed himself to a stand. “Haven’t you all see what Wanda can do? Manipulation, mind control. I know, I’ve seen Brock make her use it several times.” 
Bruce glanced at Tony and Tony shrugged. “Listen, science doesn’t always have the answer. You with a Beta Human and Alpha Wolf defy what would be considered scientifically possible.” 
Bruce then said serious as could be. “Then thats what I would best describe it as, magic. As for what kind, I’m not the one that can answer that for you.” 
At this moment Steve didn’t need the answer. Even though he should question it more, he was too tired. Bucky tilted Steve’s head slightly, baring his teeth at the way the wounds were weeping slowly. “Medic needs to treat these now. They are festering, maybe infected.” 
“I’m fine.” Steve pushed up to a stand, his head swimming and making the Alpha snap at him as well as Bucky sigh behind him at his stubbornness. “Y/N, where is she?” 
Tony pried himself away from the collar. “Your mate showed up last night and is one floor up, which happens to be a decent set of medics up there who can.” He waved a hand at his neck, wincing. “Clean all that up for you Cap.” 
“Good, right where she needs to be.” Steve clenched his jaw, withdrawing into himself while Bruce worked on putting a bandage around his neck. 
You were here because it became too dangerous to be around you with that collar and although Brock was gone, wherever that collar came from and whatever magic happened to be used on it, that was still out there. 
Meaning, that it could happen again. To him, to Bucky, to any alpha. That thought didn’t sit well with him, it made the Wolf uneasy, and aggravated, wanting to go on the hunt to take out this threat. He glanced at Bucky, his mind set now on what they had to do.
“We got to hunt down the head of the snake.” 
Tony and Bruce glanced at each other with worry, but Bucky’s face hardened at his alpha.
“We both just got out of there, you are bleeding all over the place right now” Bucky’s hand waved towards Steve’s neck. 
“It is the only way this is going to end.” Steve pushed up to a stand. “I will go get treated, then we go.” He strode out of the exam room, Bucky following quick on his heels out to the hallway. 
“And what about Y/N?” Bucky paused him, making Steve stop in his tracks. 
“It’s not safe-” 
“Don't you fucking do that Rogers.” Bucky snapped, glaring at him. “You get this whole ‘I have to save the world’ shit in your head, you did it back when we were working the Howling Commandos. Just because you are Alpha doesn’t mean you get to take the decisions away from Y/N.” Bucky clenched his hands, resisting the urge to punch his best friend for how he was so willing to walk away from you in his twisted attempt to keep you safe- from him. 
“I already broke our bond Buck, I crushed her windpipe and I would have killed her if you hadn’t shown up when you did.” Steve hissed back. “Whose to say it can’t and won’t happen again.” He glanced at his hands, clenching them harshly. “All that was so easy for Brock to command me to do.” 
“I get it Steve.” Bucky said. “Trust me, the things Brock made me do.” He sighed almost in defeat. “The White Wolf tries to shield some of it from me, but it doesn’t change what I did, all those Alpha’s I took away from their packs and their mates? Brock had me destroy them in front of their families. Happy, Cassandra… It’s all with me.” 
“That wasn’t you,” Steve insisted.
“I never would have done that if I was in control. You think your mate is going to hold that against you, what you couldn't control?” Bucky asked.
“It scares me how close I came.” Steve admitted. Bucky felt some of his words must have sank in, cause Steve looked a bit lost in what to do. 
“Come on, lets go get you fixed up before you bleed through that bandage job Bruce did.” Bucky directed Steve towards the elevator when Natasha popped around the corner, relief crossing her face seeing the two Alpha’s coming her way. 
“Y/N is awake and asking for you.” She paused when she saw Steve trying to keep the bandages in place, her eyes widening. “Christ, Alpha, You look like hell.” 
“Well I feel like it.” He growled, not in anger just frustrated. Natasha got the elevator door opened and everyone headed up a floor. 
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I wonder if I should go look for him. You wondered when Natasha had been gone for a while. The Little Wolf grew impatient as well, a flick of her tail and shake of her heavy fur trying to ease her tension. She huffed out with a growl. 
<No, this place is a maze and we have only been through a part of it in our visits. We don’t want to get lost.> A soft knock caused both of you to go silent, glancing at the glass on the door. You could see Steve just on the other side. You pushed up from the bed to a stand, pulling off the oxygen you had placed back on for Natasha’s sake. 
Steve stepped in and although it stung your throat, you inhaled deeply, drawing him in. Your eyes slipped closed at the sensation it caused, savoring the way your body warmed, feeling safe now that your mate was nearby in the unfamiliar place. Your body still reacted just as it always did to him, the soothing urge to go to him and curl around him. 
“Little One.” His tone was deep with sadness, his blue eyes looking you up and down, lingering on the dark bruises on your throat. 
You didn't miss the bandages around his neck and you stepped closer, to reach him but he put his hand up to stop you. 
You felt your Little Wolf shrink at his rejection. “I'm sorry, but right now it's simply too dangerous” Steve insisted.
“Dangerous?” You croaked, your throat on fire but you ignored the pain. “We are in Stark towers, this is the safest place to be.” 
Steve kept the space between you two, seeming to be in an inner war with himself. Being stuck on the outside, not knowing what your mate was feeling, you ached for that connection once again. “We still don’t know where Brock got that equipment that was used on us. It would be easy to use it on us once again.” 
“Yeah, so?” Your voice was still harsh to use but you pushed to continue, ignoring Steve’s alarmed look at the strain. “Then we will start looking for the culprit.” 
“We are Little One, Bucky and I.” Steve said softly, letting it sink in. Your features changed, eyes growing defiant at your Alpha. 
“You want to leave me behind” you snarled.
“It’s safer.” Steve said, his eyes dropping once more to your neck, his finger prints still imprinted in a crude purple blotchy pattern around your throat.
“Bullshit Steve.” You folded your arms across your chest, glaring at your mate. “You and Bucky are Alpha’s and although strong, can be forced to submit if you two run across someone stronger. I'm an omega.” You pointed at your chest. “Little Wolf and I make our own choices, when I submit to you it’s because we are choosing too. Try again.” 
Steve could feel his temper rising, the Alpha warning him not to push you too far right now, but the beast craved to take you home, hole you up inside your nest in the bedroom and keep you there, safe, even away from them. “What happens in that scenario Little One?” He pressed closer, looming over you in a very aggressive alpha way. 
You refused to back down to him. Steves hand pressed to your face, grasping your chin in a way he had never done before, keeping you still in his hold. “You couldn’t escape from me before when I told you to run. What are you going to do if we are made to hunt you down?” 
You forced yourself to stay still, glaring up at Steve as he matched your look. “I will survive, I always have before.” Your Little Wolf whined harshly, her ears pinned down as she tried to make herself smaller, but you refused to give him what he wanted. Not this time.
“Not good enough Little One.” He softened just a bit, letting you go. “You will either stay here or go home to Sam and Sara.” 
<He is leaving us behind.> The Little Wolf shrunk on herself, trying to make herself small in her pain.
No, he wouldn't. Steve knows we are stronger together.
The Little Wolf pinned her ears back, whining. <He thinks he hurt us, that he is too dangerous for us.>
It wasn't him...
“Steve…” You took a deep ragged breath, trying to quiet your screaming mind and the Little Wolf started to whine in her own distress, a cross between relief seeing him alive and being furious at him for trying to keep you safe once again, from him of all people. “I’m asking you, as your mate to not do this, don’t shut me out from you. Sending me away from you won’t keep me any safer than before.” 
“Ever since you have been with me, you have been hurt Y/N. When have I ever actually been able to keep you safe? I already freed you from me Little One.” He paused at the door, his hand on the door handle, and pushed through, never once looking back at you. You felt yourself break somewhere deep inside, watching his retreating form leave you behind.
The End
Sam proved himself efficient in all the ways that counted. He immediately got everything in Brock’s compound organized and running for the pack to be able to use while they worked on dismantling it, collecting any data they could on Hydra’s operations. Unfortunately there wasn’t much, it appeared to simply be a holding facility, Sam suspected a storage place to keep alphas until they could be transported. The rooms of cages left them all unsettled, picking up scents of fear and panic in them.  
Tony flew out a medic team to help out the wolves in need of treatment as well as monitor those still recovering from the compulsion. Those that were stable enough started the expansive search of finding their remaining family members. 
Sam sensed the immediate hostility towards Bucky, but with his support no one made any kind of outward accusation against the man. Whispers traveled amongst the wolves, particularly those not from The Pack. It would only be a matter of time before another Alpha challenged Sam about Bucky. The wolves who lost there packs were grieving and grief often hid itself in anger and hostility. 
Bucky did his best to stay out of others ways knowing how Sam was hanging onto the control amongst the chaos. Guilt and deep sadness was making the White Wolf sink far away from Bucky’s consciousness, making him feel a bit lost in how to respond to those around him. No one outwardly said it to him, but it wasn't hard to tell how many of these wolves hated him now. And he didn't blame them. 
So he stayed with Steve where it was the safest for him right now. 
The Alpha went through a barrage of anger as soon as they refused to bring him to You. Removing the collar was proving to be more difficult then they anticipated and Steve wanted to see you right now, make sure you were okay. Steve kept picturing the way his hands circled your neck and squeezed, how it felt to feel you struggle against him but he was too powerful for you to get away, how the look on your face accepted that this was it, and even though there was a real genuine fear in your eyes there was also a sadness. It ate at him, made his hands shake, clench, he hated his strength now. All his life he appreciated being a strong alpha after having grown up a runt, Now he hated that he almost ended the most important person in his life and he couldn’t stop it, had his own power used against him. Being human was almost too hard, he let the Alpha take over for a while, the Wolf just having one focus, going to you.   
“I don't know Sam, maybe I should just take him.” Bucky shrugged outside of Steve’s room in the hallway, running a hand through his hair. In the room, they could hear Steve had shifted, the Wolf pacing the room in agitation. “Eventually he is going to just go himself without us. If I’m there and he is triggered, I can contain him.” 
Sam rubbed at the lower part of his face thinking about what Bucky was suggesting. He didn’t like it, unsure of what was going to happen. The likelihood anything would happen was slim, Brock was dead and no one had turned up yet to indicate they were taking his place in whatever Hydra was up to. But expecting the unexpected was a safe rule to follow. He took another glance through the room's glass to see Steve pacing, the Wolf looking almost run into the ground, refusing to settle down after being separated from you. “Sara texted me and said it was bad. Y/N has a crushed windpipe. They don’t want to move her but Tony has it so she will be brought to Bruce tomorrow.” Sam’s jaw flexed in agitation, his own wolf anxious at how unstable Steve seemed. “Prepare Steve for what he will be seeing Buck and keep a close eye. As soon as you think he might be unstable, pull him out. She will probably be sleeping or drugged. The likelihood she will know he’s there is slim.” 
“She will know, but I hear you.” Bucky stated before he pushed open the door. The Alpha rumbled, shaking his heavy head to dislodge the collar but like all the other times, it was still lodged against his skin, the spikes biting into him but he didn’t care. If he thought he could rip it off, he would have. Bucky stayed near the door, cocking his head towards the exit. “What do you say Steve, wanna go see your girl?” 
It was almost automatic the man stood before him, going for clothes to pull on. 
“You going to be there?” Steve grunted, pulling a shirt over his head.
“Till the end of the line, pal. Think you’re bound to lose your mind if you can’t at least see that she’s safe. But Steve, just…” He grabbed a hold of Steve’s arm before he could bypass him out of the room. 
“Listen, I know you already know, but she is going to look bad. The best way you can help is try not try to go in and fix it okay? You can’t just fix this, she needs to be able to heal.” Bucky paused, waiting to see Steve’s reaction. 
“I know, I just need to see her” Steve’s eyes were tired but determined. “You are going to be there in case anything happens with this fucking thing.” His hand went to the band of metal still around his neck. 
“I gotta see her Buck, it’s killing me.” Steve pulled from his hold, already halfway down the hall by the time Bucky closed the door to the room and followed after his Alpha. Bucky really hoped he made the right call. 
Steve was quiet during the ride, drawn inwards while Bucky drove. The Wolf rambled in his mind, the beast so anxious to make sure you were okay that it made Steve’s stomach twist and his chest feel tight. 
<This is really the best place for her?> 
Yes, we really injured our Little One, she needs to recover. 
<We should see about her returning home as soon as she’s ready.> 
Not until we have this thing off, who knows what would happen if we go under again. Our mate might not be ready to see us, or even want to return home. We hurt her. Steves brows furrowed at his own thoughts. She might not feel safe with us again. 
The Alpha snarled at Steve’s words. <Don’t do that, you always assume the worst,> 
Steve felt himself sink further, the Wolf was being optimistic but Steve suspected he would know what they would find. You would have fear in your eyes and shrink away. His hands clenched at his thighs, recalling the way your neck felt. How you struggled and looked so scared. He did that, all with a simple command. How could he be that weak? 
“Steve?” Bucky reached over to shake at his shoulder and Steve snapped out of his thoughts, noticing they were parked. “Are you sure about this?” 
“Yeah, I just need to see Y/N, make sure she is okay.” He pulled away, quick to escape the confines of the car and Bucky’s questions. 
No he wasn’t sure about this, he might be hurting you even more just by being there, but he had to know. See you with his own eyes. 
Steve missed the flash of concern from Bucky when he used your name and not the nickname he gave you the day the two of you met. Constantly Steve sought out the bond connecting you two, even knowing it wouldn't be there, none of your warmth and passion filling him. 
He shattered it in seconds. 
Bucky indicated which way to go, two massive shifters maneuvered the humans busy hospital. People naturally moved out of the stalking men’s way. Steve continuously inhaled, searching you out. 
Sickness and antiseptic assaulted him, so many different people that he wasn't familiar with, where were you in all this? He growled lowly a few times when someone made the mistake of bumping into him, Bucky kept him going until Natasha poked her head out of a room, closing the door most of the way. 
“Sam texted me that you guys were coming.” She braced a hand against Steve a moment, maybe partially pausing him from going into the room, partially in solidarity. The Wolf wanted to push past but Steve slowed, letting her direct him to the window to look in. She pulled up next to him and Bucky, he stuck behind Steve, watching the Alphas back while he took in the scene in front of him.
“She's comfortable, I promise. She really just looks worse then she is, Steve.” Natasha said softly, keeping her gaze forward. 
This was all too familiar to Steve, you looked so small in the sterile white bed, your neck in a brace this time and various monitors around you. The Wolf stood alert, inspecting you as best he could, he ached, the Wolf ached to find his Little Wolf and Steve ached in knowing he did this to you.
“Has she been able to talk yet?” Steve’s gaze followed a line that fed into your mouth. 
“No, Y/N’s windpipe is just too bruised right now. They have the tube in to help her breath. They said they will be able to remove it soon.” Natasha confirmed.
“I did this.” Steve said almost to himself and Bucky clenched his jaw, hearing him plain as day and desperately trying to keep from snapping at his best friend. Natasha wasn't going to hold in such restraint though. She folded her arms over her chest, looking up at Steve. 
“I’m actually putting my money on Rumlow, Steve. She’s been asking for you” Natasha said.
That made Steve stiffen, the Wolf hopeful and pushing to go into the room. Steve was cautious moving through the door. Your sweet scent finally filled him, how he ached to reach out and pull you close. His chest tightened catching your scent, doing his best to drown himself in you. He was cautious approaching you, seeing you flinch in your bed. 
Because he was there? 
“Oh Little One…” He whispered, the Alpha lowering with a whine of his own. He stayed silent while Steve brushed his fingers against your hand, watching you curl your fingers protectively. You were smart too, who knew when he would be pulled under control again. 
How easy Brock was able to just command him to kill you and he was that close to actually doing it. Steve remembered the sensation of actually wanting to do that. It made his stomach roll now, the nausea sweeping through him at the memory of how you felt struggling underneath him. His jaw clenched and he twisted to leave the room because right now just being there was unsafe for you.  You never woke up enough to see him. 
Steve breezed past Bucky and Natasha, jaw clenched tight to keep from loosing his control. Bucky and Natasha glanced at one another before they sprinted after there Alpha. 
“Steve! Where are you going?” Bucky pulled up alongside him, long strides taking them outside of the hospital with Natasha right behind. 
“Away from Y/N, this thing on me… it’s just not safe..” Steve snarled out and Bucky made a grasp for his arm to make him stop. It caused Steve to recoil, wrenching his arm out of his best friends hold. “Don’t Buck, I know what you are going to say…” Steve raked a hand through his hair. When he swallowed, the band around his neck tightened, a cruel reminder that he wasn’t completely in control of himself.
“Do you Steve?” Bucky responded, bristling at Steve. “I saw the same fucking thing you did, I was made to-” 
Natasha darted between the two men before Bucky finish, her hands at both of there chests to keep the alphas apart. “Listen you two, this isn’t going to help Y/N right now.” She said firmly, fighting back the urge to submit to them. The air was saturated with there tension and it wouldn't take much for Steve to command her back. 
Natasha breaking into the space was enough to make them both step back and look away, trying to reign themselves in. Natasha took a deep breath and turned to Steve first. 
“Right now getting your collar off is crucial. Go to Stark’s, okay? Y/N is right behind you and you two will talk properly. After it is off Steve.” She glanced at Bucky, levelling him a look, “And Bucky is gonna drive you.” 
Bucky gave a nod in confirmation, his frustration tempered. Having recently been hit with the same realizations Steve was going through right now, he could understand some of the confusion Steve was dealing with. Hell, he still hadn’t begun to process it himself, trying to just focus on what was going on right now in the moment. 
Steve glanced from Natasha and Bucky, breathing out in a huff releasing the last of his current anger. 
“Fuck, I’m sorry Buck- I shouldn’t have talked to you like that.” Bucky waved it off with a roll of his shoulders. 
“Let it go Punk, we’re all stressed out and trying to deal.” He held his hand out which Steve clasped. Natasha eased up, hugging Steve briefly. 
“I’m gonna go back to Y/N and I will ride up with her to New York. So see you tomorrow.” 
“Thanks… for everything you do. Don’t know what I would do without you Natasha.” Steve admitted before letting her go and she smiled back, winking. 
“Hey she is family to me too, nothing I wouldn’t do for any of you. Go on now… get that fucking thing off before it really drives you mental.” She gave a playful shove to his chest and twisted herself around to go back into the hospital. Bucky stuffed his hands in his pockets, waiting while Steve gave the hospital one last look. 
“I hate that she is here.” Steve murmured.
“She wont be for long… Come, we got a long ass drive to New York.” The men turned and retreated. The Alpha struggled to stay with you, making Steve have to shut him out that much more. Now that there was a solid plan, Steve needed to stay present, not let the Alpha take over once more. 
Stark Towers always seemed to loom over everything, Steve craned his neck up while Bucky shifted next to him, anxious. Steve could feel his nervous energy and assumed it was because they were in the city as well as being in another Alphas territory. Steve shifted closer, silently sharing some support as they made there way into Stark Towers where the receptionist looked up, immediately noticing the alphas. 
“Hi, I was told to expect you two today. Steve Rogers and James Barnes?” 
They both nodded at the receptionist and she waved a hand to them to follow her to the elevators, plugging in a security code it promptly opened. 
“Bruce is waiting on the 35th floor for you, go down the hallway and to the left. I’m sure Tony is up there with him as well. If not Bruce can call him.” 
Giving their thanks, Steve and Bucky stepped on the elevator. She hovered a moment, seeming to want to say something more. 
“Thank you… for what you all did. We have been manning calls all day trying to reunite alphas freed with there families.” With a small smile, she let the door close before Steve or Bucky could say anything. Riding the elevator up, Steve glanced at Bucky who seemed to withdraw in his thoughts. 
“What are you thinking about?” 
Bucky gave a bit of a sigh and his hand went to brush against the back of his neck, trying to relieve the tension. “They never would have to be doing that if I didnt go all destructive. How many shifters are never going to make it home?” He confessed and Steve grasped his shoulder, making him look at him. 
“That wasn’t your fault Bucky, from the moment that collar was put on you, that was on Brock and Hydra.” 
“Maybe it wasn’t my fault, but the beast and I were still made to do it. You don’t just kill without consequences.” The elevator clicked open to a lab of sorts, cutting off anymore of the conversation as Bruce was already waiting at the entrance for them. 
“Uh- Yes! Hi, good to see you two again.” Bruce moved back so they could step in, taking a real interest in the collar around Steve’s neck. “Hmm, nasty piece of work there, lets see if we can’t take it off, right?” He smiled at them and had Steve sit on a stool while Bucky hovered near the door, instinctively watching the hallway while Bruce grabbed at a set of glasses perched among the mass of his curly hair, perching them on his face to get a better look at the vibranium around Steve’s neck. 
Just let him do his thing. 
<If he can get it off then you will not have any fuss from me.> The Alpha stated. <Means we can go back to our mate sooner.> 
“Im going to be careful but I might tug a bit on these barbs, I’m sorry.” 
“It’s fine, can you get it off?” Steve didn’t care about the pain of it, he just wanted the thing off him. 
“Yes, I’m pretty sure we can get it off. Tony is just getting some stuff and we will start right away. I would like to know what they did to this vibranium though. It is emitting a weird energy” His fingers tapped against the metal. He muttered softly to himself while he stepped away, wrinkling his brow with concern.  
You felt the Little Wolf nudging in your consciousness, the little bit you had. The foggy feeling of drugs still had you feeling out of it right now. You didnt open your eyes yet, not ready to see the situation you were currently in. You still felt the loss of your bond as you sought out Steve. Is Steve here? You questioned your Little Wolf and she whined. 
<No, I don’t sense him. But Natasha has been here…> She paced, tilting her head. <We moved also, when you were out they flew us somewhere. We won’t know till you open your eyes.>
You outwardly groaned at this, you really didn’t want to. There was something blissful about being unconcious. 
<Open them, you can’t pretend any longer> The Little Wolf snapped at you and you relented, blinking at the dim lights and staring at a sterile wall of white. You shifted, cautious because you were so sore, but you werent contained into one spot. Blankets were drapped over you, heavily to keep you warm but it was almost stifling. Pushing them off, you took a moment to glance around. It looked like a hospital room. A fancy one with all the monitors possible to keep tabs on you, but still a hospital room of some kind. 
“Hel-” Your voice croaked painfully and your hand shot up to your neck, breathing in raggedly. Your neck was still messed up, so you weren't out for too long. Oxygen kept blowing in your nose to help you breath and you tugged the line off over your head. You were wheezing when you breathed, but you felt like you were being suffocated with the oxygen line stuck in your nose. 
The door eased open to Natasha coming through, a smile breaking out on her face. “About time you came back to us. I know they put you on some good drugs but I’ve never seen anyone sleep so long.” She settled on the bed next to you, looking you over. “You look better too. But you better put the oxygen back on?” 
You shook your head, your brows furrowing. There was only one thing you wanted and that was to see Steve. You open your mouth about to talk when Natasha interrupted you. 
“I haven’t gone to find him or Bucky yet. Yesterday when I messaged Buck, he said that they were struggling with getting that collar off.” 
<We must be at Stark towers.> 
Sam wouldn’t let me stay at the human hospital for long. You exhaled painfully and Natasha flashed you a sympathetic look. 
“How about I go see if I can’t find them?” She offered and you gave a nod and smile in thanks. You moved to get up, like you were going to go with her when she pushed you back onto the bed. “And you can stay here till I get back. I don’t need to find them and then loose you wandering around this place.” 
You relented, knowing that Natasha would find them alot faster then you would. You settled back into the bed, leaning back with closed eyes, trusting Steve would be joining you soon. The Little Wolf settled down as well, quiet for a moment while she just listened to there your surroundings before she spoke up. <Are you ready to see Steve?>
Why wouldn’t we be? Your tone was irritated, hiding some of your own fears that you were ignoring. 
<We lost the bond, there isnt the connection anymore. Not to mention he attacked us. I know it wasn’t him. That Steve would never hurt us, he loves us. But it was alot. It feels empty without the Alpha.> The Little Wolf whined in defeat as she curled up on herself. <I know he is going to blame himself for all of it.>
Steve is our mate, he can be dangerous if under control, Im not denying it. But we could be in a similar situation one day. Im not going to live scared of him, not when we always live in a world of unknowns. When he caught our scent, he eased back. I think that was enough of a sign to know he would never willingly harm us. A slight shiver of unease rolled through you while thinking about what had happened. Pulling away from him now will just break him that much more. 
<You are ready for his guilt?> She asked next, curiously. 
I’m ready to help him work through it, it was his trauma as well as mine. You said firmly, unwilling to push your Alpha away. He was still your safety in this dangerous world and you wanted to be his comfort when he needed it.
Your Little Wolf visibly relaxed after that, content with your answers. 
It was a long night and removing the collar had proved to be trickier then any of them had anticipated. Tony and Bruce converesed several times while Bucky stayed with a very stressed out Steve. 
“Okay Cap, we were talking to T’Challa about how to use the vibranium to cut vibranium. It’s uh… got some kind of… well I don’t know what it is built into it but it’s putting off ridiculous amounts of energy” Tony explained.
“It is quite fascinating actually.” Bruce said excitedly, fingers tapping at a tablet. “Something in that collar is emitting a powerful energy, if-” He stuttered out a correction when Bucky growled a warning at his words. “-When! When we get it safely off you Steve, I will need to contain it.” 
“Brucy wants to study it, huh?” Tony smirked from where he worked on sharpening pieces of vibranium to fit on pliers. “This is gonna pack a bit of a punch from what Shuri tells me… so uh Cap, be ready.” 
This wasn’t helping Steve stay calm. The Alpha was aggravated, growling and snapping being under such stress and having the others, even Bucky, be in his space. He desperately missed his mate, it didn’t escape bypass him how much she was his rock. 
“Im ready, more then ready. Get it off.” Steve snapped a bit, settling in the stool so the two men could work on the collar. He tilted his head as Tony worked a small gap between the side of his neck and the collar, Bruce made the first attempt to slide the tool around, trying to get the sharp edge to slice through, but he couldn’t get it to work through. 
“Shit.” Tony growled as he tried too, straining against the collar but nothing. Bucky pushed off the wall, approaching the trio. He could see Steve was at the end of what he could tolerate, Steve’s hands fisted in his lap and jaw clenched while streaks of blood ran down the front of his shirt from where the barbs were digging in. 
Tony let go of the handle when Steve growled out in frustration, Tony’s hands falling to his hips as he looked at the whole situation. “Maybe it won’t go through like T’Challa thought.” 
Bucky approached Steve, his left arm flexing, the steel plates clinking together with the movement. 
“Stay still Alpha.” His hand wrapped around the crudely made tools handle. Bucky felt Steve struggling with himself, being vulnerable once more was messing with the Alpha’s fight or flight instinct. The metal on metal started to creak and groan under the pressure of Bucky pressing on it, the barbs that were digging into Steve’s skin started to twist as the metal warped and with a final harsh squeeze, the muscles in his arms and shoulders straining, there was a loud crack and Bucky felt himself get thrown back and slammed into a wall, Steve slumping over onto the floor from the shock. Tony and Bruce stared for half a second wide eyed before rushing to Steve. 
Steve never felt that before, it felt like his whole body was hit with some unseen force and stunned him, even the Alpha was in shock as they both started to come too, blinking to see Tony tapping on the side of his face while Bruce wrapped a bandage around his neck to stall the bleeding pulling out the collars barbs did to him.
“Hey, come on Cap, talk to me. I know you’ve been hit worse then this before. Fury told me all about that time a shell practically exploded in your lap” Tony teased, playfully.
Steve pushed at Tony to get him to stop, using his hands to push himself to a sit while rubbing at his temples. 
“The shell was a dud so I was never in any danger. What the hell was that?” He was groggy as he looked to see where Bucky was thrown too, seeing that he too was pushing himself up and trying to make sense of what happened to them. 
Bruce picked up the now useless collar, turning it in his hands. 
“My best guess? Some kind of energy field, maybe whatever was messing you up and putting you under the compulsion. But how I have no clue, it’s like… some kind of magic? But thats not right, magic isn’t real.”
 “Bullshit it isn’t real.” Bucky snarled as he rolled his shoulders and pushed himself to a stand. “Haven’t you all see what Wanda can do? Manipulation, mind control. I know, I’ve seen Brock make her use it several times.” 
Bruce glanced at Tony and Tony shrugged. “Listen, science doesn’t always have the answer. You with a Beta Human and Alpha Wolf defy what would be considered scientifically possible.” 
Bruce then said serious as could be. “Then thats what I would best describe it as, magic. As for what kind, I’m not the one that can answer that for you.” 
At this moment Steve didn’t need the answer. Even though he should question it more, he was too tired. Bucky tilted Steve’s head slightly, baring his teeth at the way the wounds were weeping slowly. “Medic needs to treat these now. They are festering, maybe infected.” 
“I’m fine.” Steve pushed up to a stand, his head swimming and making the Alpha snap at him as well as Bucky sigh behind him at his stubbornness. “Y/N, where is she?” 
Tony pried himself away from the collar. “Your mate showed up last night and is one floor up, which happens to be a decent set of medics up there who can.” He waved a hand at his neck, wincing. “Clean all that up for you Cap.” 
“Good, right where she needs to be.” Steve clenched his jaw, withdrawing into himself while Bruce worked on putting a bandage around his neck. 
You were here because it became too dangerous to be around you with that collar and although Brock was gone, wherever that collar came from and whatever magic happened to be used on it, that was still out there. 
Meaning, it could happen again. To him, to Bucky, to any alpha. That thought didn’t sit well with him, it made the Wolf uneasy, aggravated, wanting to go on the hunt to take out this threat. He glanced at Bucky, his mind set now in what they had to do.
“We got to hunt down the head of the snake.” 
Tony and Bruce glanced at each other with worry, but Bucky’s face hardened at his alpha.
“We both just got out of there, you are bleeding all over the place right now” Bucky’s hand waved towards Steve’s neck. 
“It is the only way this is going to end.” Steve pushed up to a stand. “I will go get treated, then we go.” He strode out of the exam room, Bucky following quick on his heels out to the hallway. 
“And what about Y/N?” Bucky paused him, making Steve stop in his tracks. 
“It’s not safe-” 
“Dont you fucking do that Rogers.” Bucky snapped out at him, glaring at him. “You get this whole ‘I have to save the world’ shit in your head, you did it back when we were working the Howling Commando’s. Just because you are Alpha doesn’t mean you get to take the decisions away from Y/N.” Bucky clenched his hands, resisting the urge to punch his best friend for how he was so willing to walk away from you in his twisted attempt to keep you safe- from him. 
“I already broke our bond Buck, I crushed her windpipe and I would have killed her if you hadn’t shown up when you did.” Steve hissed back. “Who’s to say it can’t and won’t happen again.” He glanced at his hands, clenching them harshly. “All that was so easy for Brock to command me to do.” 
“I get it Steve.” Bucky said. “Trust me, the things Brock made me do.” He sighed almost in defeat. “The White Wolf tries to shield some of it from me, but it doesn’t change what I did do, all those Alpha’s I took away from there packs and there mates? Brock had me destroy in front of them. Happy, Cassandra… It’s all with me.” 
“That wasn’t you,” Steve insisted.
“I never would have done that if I was in control. You think your mate is going to hold that against you, what you couldnt control?” Bucky asked.
“It scares me how close I came.” Steve admitted. Bucky felt some of his words must have sank in, cause Steve looked a bit lost in what to do. 
“Come on, lets go get you fixed up before you bleed through that bandage job Bruce did.” Bucky directed Steve towards the elevator when Natasha popped around the corner, relief crossing her face seeing the two Alpha’s coming her way. 
“Y/N is awake and asking for you.” She paused when she saw Steve trying to keep the bandages in place, her eyes widening. “Christ, Alpha, You look like hell.” 
“Well I feel like it.” He growled, not in anger just frustrated. Natasha got the elevator door opened and everyone headed up a floor. 
I wonder if I should go look for him. You wondered when Natasha had been gone for a while. The Little Wolf grew impatient as well, a flick of her tail and shake of her heavy fur trying to ease her tension. She huffed out with a growl. 
<No, this place is a maze and we have only been through a part of it in our visits. We don’t want to get lost.> A soft knock caused both of you to go silent, glancing at the glass looking out. You could see Steve just on the other side. You pushed up from the bed to a stand, pulling off the oxygen you had placed back on for Natasha’s sake. 
Steve stepped in and although it stung your throat, you inhaled deeply, drawing him in. Your eyes slipped closed at the sensation it caused, savoring the way your body warmed, feeling safe now that your mate was nearby in the unfamiliar place. Your body still reacted just as it always did too him, the soothing urge to go to him and curl around him. 
“Little One.” His tone was deep with sadness, his blue eyes looking you up and down, lingering on the dark bruises on your throat. 
You didn't miss the bandages around his neck and you stepped closer, to reach him but he put his hand up to stop you. 
You felt your Little Wolf shrink at his rejection. “Im sorry, but right now its simply too dangerous” Steve insisted.
“Dangerous?” You croaked, your throat on fire but you ignored the pain. “We are in Stark towers, this is the safest place to be.” 
Steve kept the space between you two, seeming to be in a inner war with himself. Being stuck on the outside, not knowing what your mate was feeling, you ached for that connection once again. “We still don’t know where Brock got that equipment that was used on us. It would be easy to use it on us once again.” 
“Yeah, so?” Your voice was still harsh to use but you pushed to continue, ignoring Steve’s alarmed look at the strain. “Then we will start looking for the culprit.” 
“We are Little One, Bucky and I.” Steve said softly, letting it sink in. Your features changed, eyes growing defiant at your Alpha. 
“You want to leave me behind” you snarled.
“It’s safer.” Steve said, his eyes dropping once more to your neck, his finger prints still imprinted in a crude purple blotchy pattern around your throat.
“Bullshit Steve.” You folded your arms across your chest, glaring at your mate. “You and Bucky are Alpha’s and although strong, can be forced to submit if you two run across someone stronger. Im an omega.” You pointed at your chest. “Little Wolf and I make our own choices, when I submit to you it’s because we are choosing too. Try again.” 
Steve could feel his temper rising, the Alpha warning him not to push you too far right now, but the beast craved to take you home, hole you up inside your nest in the bedroom and keep you there, safe, even away from them. “What happens in that scenario Little One?” He pressed closer, looming over you in a very aggressive alpha way. 
You refused to back down to him. Steves hand pressed to your face, grasping your chin in a way he had never done before, keeping you still in his hold. “You couldn’t escape from me before when I told you to run. What are you going to do if we are made to hunt you down?” 
You forced yourself to stay still, glaring up at Steve as he matched your look. “I will survive, I always have before.” Your Little Wolf whined harshly, her ears pinned down as she treid to make herself smaller, but you refused. 
“Not good enough Little One.” He softened just a bit, letting you go. “You will either stay here or go home to Sam and Sara.” 
“Steve…” You took a deep ragged breath, trying to quiet your screaming mind, a cross between relief seeing him alive and being furious at him for trying to keep you safe once again. “I’m asking you, as your mate to not do this, don’t shut me out from you. Sending me away from you won’t keep me any safer then before.” 
“Ever since you have been with me, you have been hurt Y/N. When have I ever actually been able to keep you safe? I already freed you from me Little One.” He paused at the door, his hand on the door handle, and pushed through. You felt yourself break somewhere deep inside, watching his retreating form leave you behind.
The End 🐺
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autism-swagger · 1 year
But shes so cute 🥺
If this is in regards to Tara being insanely tragic, then I say to you, good anon, that they are not mutually exclusive.
Tara has been abandoned by almost everyone she's ever loved. Her dad, her mom, Sam, Amber. And sure, Sam came back, but she still left in the first place, and she only came back because Tara got hurt. If Tara wasn't attacked would Sam have ever come back? Or would she have stayed away, thinking that she was protecting her sister?
Also that's not even mentioning all the physical trauma Tara goes through! In Scream 5's opening scene alone she's stabbed more times than Sidney has been in the entire franchise. That's insane! Based on the injuries she receives, Tara would realistically be permanently disabled, potentially in her leg, and definitely in her hand.
I won't deny that she's very cute though.
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Look at him. Cutie.
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nyxengale · 2 months
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@ambermoonbeanie this is your fault
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ambersky0319 · 8 days
Monspeet why do you have such a stupid commandment
Same with Gloxinia
ALSO WTF IS DROLE'S CURSE WITH THE COMMANDMENT OF PATIENCE "anyone showing an intolerance of pain in his presence will be inflicted with further pain" WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH PATIENCE?????
It's not just their circumstances either!!! Aranak and Zeno had the same curses!!
Like. I get why THEY would be very affected by their commandments
But realistically. What are the CHANCES of anyone else getting effected????
I'm retconning the commandments and how their curses work in Eternal
Bc they literally are not very useful as they stand (in my opinion anyway)
Also I think it'd be fun to see them work around the commandments. Loopholes galore. Give these bastards creativity and also make the DK a bitch in his demands of them basically setting them up for failure
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jazz-kity · 2 months
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mewtwo kill this guy
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