#← light bulb. art idea
mrmosseater · 4 months
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my magnum opus gray art
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embroid-away · 1 year
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from Secret Empire #10 (2017) by Nick Spencer and Rod Reis
A 2021 Marvel Trumps Hate ( @marveltrumpshate​ ) commission - Part 1 of 2
Completed with embroidery floss, watercolors, acrylics, gouache, and iridescent fabric on 22-ct aida cloth in a 5″ diameter bamboo hoop.
Bonus for the sparkles and shine:
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fortunaestalta · 3 months
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ninja-boo · 3 months
i hate this drawing
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jeffpennington · 1 year
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A lil animated doodle of my personal mascot Lumen! I created him cause I just really love mascots for stuff and wanted one. He’s a space alien and also a light bulb somehow? He’s a complicated little guy.
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cottageimp · 1 year
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A self portrait!! I left it up to a poll to see if folks wanted me to draw myself painted or lined and lined won! This was very fun!
(Though I may do the painting one still... I had a particular idea for it)
I enjoy my little colorful lines!
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lenashobbyhandmade · 1 year
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Whether it's used to show the main character getting an idea in a comic book, or simply being used as a source of light, light bulbs can be an amazing source of inspiration. The same way they inspired us to create this wall ornament for you. The piece is made of wood. For more information, please visit our website :)
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twl-cyan · 1 year
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Day 306
In this picture,Teslo has an idea and Jet & Katelyn agrees.
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fuxuannie · 1 year
↳  pairing(s) : various hsr men x gender neutral reader
↳  synopsis : you never realized how pretty your boyfriend was when he was covered in your lipstick kisses.
↳  authors note : THAT TIKTOK TREND DRIVES ME MAD MOSTLY BECAUSE IM JEALOUS !!! i will confess to my sins i wish i could do this with someone pls,, also this is a really cute idea 
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DAN HENG stands next to you as you do your makeup, staring at your various little brands of makeup that sit on your desk. As you do your eyeliner, he picks up one of your various colors of lipstick and stares at it. “Pretty shade..” He thought, resisting the urge to put some on his own lips as it was yours and really didn’t wanna possibly ruin it (or look like a fool if he did it wrong.)
You notice this, and a small light bulb pops over your head. “Do you wanna try it?” And you smile as he shyly nods, but there’s a quiet confusion when you take it from his hands and began to apply it to your own lips. 
He’s not given a second to process before you begin to kiss his lips, then his cheeks, then his neck and eventually all over his face. You’re giggling to yourself as he stands there and takes it, not complaining but there’s a fluster and red blush all over his cheeks and a tint of it on his ears. 
“It’s a perfect shade!” You exclaim, laughing at how red your boyfriend had gotten after that small interaction. 
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“JING YUAAAN.” You call for him, the General walking into your room not long after as he sees you, chair facing the door and sitting in front of your mirror with two different lipstick brands in your hand. “I don’t know which one to use..” You frowned, but all he could focus on was the slight smudge of lipstick at the end of your lips.
He falls to his knees due to his height, and you can’t help but notice how pretty he looks from that angle. His golden eyes looking up at you with utter adoration, as a hand reaches out to the corner of your lips to cleanly clean it off with his thumb. “You’ll look pretty with either one, my dear.” He chuckles.
You have no idea what came over you, but you grab his face and just kiss him. Going from his lips to his cheek and to all over his face until you were decorating his soft skin with your lips. Jing Yuan doesn’t protest, in fact he’s laughing in amusement while you do so.
“Guess it was prettier on me if you were so insistent to kiss me.” He hums, pulling you close.
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Your boyfriend was such a pretty sleeper, you loved to lay on top of him as he slept somewhere like the couch and just smile at how peaceful he looked as he slept. One of your favorite activities is softly kissing all over his face. he would always tell you how it brought him peace as he would rest and it was something you were happy to do for him.
One night, after a party, you two were exhausted and wanted to rest. As per usual, the blonde asked if you could kiss him to sleep.
You, completely forgetting you had the smallest bit of lipstick on your lips, was surprised at the lipstick marks all over GEPARD’s face after you sleepily kissed him. “Oops.” You’d softly chuckle, but it didn’t really have you stop. Continuing to use your boyfriend as a canvas for the art of painting his face with your pretty kisses.
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This once, BLADE let you use his lap as a seat as you do your make-up. He’s on his phone as you apply your concealer, humming happily as he doesn’t really mind having you sit on him. He just doesn’t usually do it because he’s a busy man, but for once Kafka let him have a free day since she and Silverwolf were on a side mission that didn’t require his assistance.
“Blade?” You catch his attention, having him look up from his phone as you’re wearing a shade of lipstick he was unfamiliar with. “Did you buy a new one?” He asks, and you nod in response. “Mhm.” You answered, but he steals a kiss before you could even form a coherent response after that. “Ah-”
You stare at the small smudge that got on his lips, seeing him chuckle and your heart racing at the sight. “You should kiss me again. You picked a good color.” He says with a smirk, pulling you closer to him by the waist as you were never really one to refuse your boyfriend.
He doesn’t care about the potential embarrassment that could come from going to meet Kafka with all your marks all over him, he simply shrugs off the laughter coming from her as Silverwolf was simply disgusted. 
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verysium · 4 months
Hi please ignore this if you aren't taking requests but I have this very specific idea if you could do it:
Sae cheating on Model S/O with their rival model right before a big modeling competition which the now ex S/O wins and to kinda take revenge the now Ex S/O saying to the rival model "say hello to Sae for me"
I know this is super specific and it's up to you if you would like to take this request or not I'm currently looking for a modelling agency IRL
i took some creative liberties with this one. it was heavily inspired by yasmeen khan's 1001 nights. i do not know much about professional modeling, so most of the actual references are obscure. hopefully, this works for you though:
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instead of a heart, you were born with a wound, a three-by-five inch gash that allowed the light to pass through.
doubt festers like an aperture, a brief shutter of the lens before your eyes blink away all uncertainty. in the confines of your dressing room, the mirror replaces your face with sloshing light, the silver streams of your reflection dripping down through stained fingers. it's nothing compared to the brightness of your screen, the damning evidence of a murder scene splattered across dry text.
who the hell is she? what do you mean? are you fucking cheating on me sae?
there's a knock on your door. it's alessandro, the stylist. his voice cuts through the silence, reedy and skin-tight. he wants to know why you've walked off mid-shoot, when you'll be back to rejoin the other girls on set. you think twice before you respond to his call, taking a deep breath before you face your interrogation.
there's blood on your gown, right above where your heart used to be. a fist-sized prism flashes within your chest, shot through with the hue of your arteries. crimson for the knife-thin glint in your eyes. poppy for the withered petals of your lips. scarlet for the salt encrusting your mouth. ruby for the iron ore of your tongue. red was always your color.
the photographers line up before you, judgement painted on their faces, both sets of eyes unblinking. tears with mascara make a good cover shoot, but a scornful lover with his other woman make for an even better story. you've long run out of tears to cry, tried your hand in the art of storytelling. the only way you know how to love is to angle your face towards a crowd, to bite your lip until it bleeds. your smile never wavers in its sharpness, every confession clasped tightly between white teeth.
snap, snap: once upon a time, there was a boy who weaved lies. click, click: once upon a time, there was a girl who fell for them. flash, flash: once upon a time, this could have been a love story.
there are harder things to hold than a pose, and your resolve becomes nigh unbreakable. in front of every shattering bulb, you hold strong against the impact force of time. your body is sanctified in the golden light, a yellowed blade across the horizon.
perhaps the next girl would be softer, bleeding flowers into aching mouths. perhaps the next girl would be beautiful.
but for now, you remain cold and hard and bright. you stare directly at the sun. you crush every bud beneath your fingertips, cut your flesh on its thorns. down to its very bone, every wound becomes a scar, every smile becomes a story.
when the shoot wraps up and the other woman steps in, you grin with enough light to cut shadows into her body.
"you're his new girl, right? say hello to sae for me."
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indieyuugure · 5 months
I want to say I love your comic ❤️
I was wondering what inspired you to do the crossover with 2012 and 18 because it is really good. 🎉
Who is your favourite character in TMNT? (Mine is Mikey🧡)
Which version of TMNT do you like ?
You are amazing especially with your art work and I am rooting for you and your amazing awesome future comic.
Don’t let anyone say otherwise 😁❤️
I'm glad you like my comic!
Well…I guess I kinda got the idea when I was watching through 2012 and saw some other people’s silly little crossovers. I drew a few of my own which you can see HERE and HERE. That is, when I got to the first 87 crossover in the 2012 Space Arc which got me thinking “hey what if there was a TMNT 2012 x ROTTMNT crossover? Like a full length, or at least multiple episode story comic?” So I decided to dig around on the fandom to see if there was anything I liked and was pretty disappointed by the lack of stuff I could find, until I found this picture: (sadly I still don’t know who “L|\|N” or “LNCARTOON” is, if someone could send me a link, that’d make my day)
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Seeing these little comic panels gave me a light bulb moment of “Well, if I can’t find any crossovers I like, then I’ll just make one I like!” I started thinking on it some, and soon enough I had drafted a plan for my own 2012xRise crossover. One that didn't drag either series through the mud and was everything I could’ve wanted from a Rise/2012 crossover. And that’s how Rise of the Parallel came to be :]
My favorite is Leo and always has been 💙 I vibe with him so hard, especially 2012 Leo :]
Aw, thank you! You’re very sweet ^v^ I’m excited for my future comics too!
Good questions! :]
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solarisfortuneia · 1 year
— 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐬.
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diluc is hopeless with grocery shopping. luckily, a kind stranger is more than willing to step in and help.
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✦ info: diluc has no idea what he's doing and neither does the author, modern au, strangers to lovers kinda, possibility of ooc-ness, grammar mistakes may be present, there is absolutely no logic here, 2k+ words.
✦ warnings: none.
✦ notes: well, it's this fic again! thought i'd repost it because i'm in the middle of working on a sequel. though with my time management please don't expect it to be posted anytime soon lmao (and don't worry! i still have the original taglist saved.)
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would it be far fetched to call grocery shopping an art? and to call one able to navigate the labyrinthine aisles efficiently nothing short of a master? 
perhaps it would be. 
though, if it was an art, you'd be but a mediocre artist. not horribly unskilled, but no one would be in awe of your nonexistent prowess at brandishing coupons at cash registers. 
you shake your thoughts away. what are you thinking? who made you so eloquent in the middle of aisle seven? you ask yourself, gaze scanning the various items on the shelves. focus on your groceries, dummy.
okay, let's see, now. you stop in the middle of the condiments aisle, recollecting the items you need.  ah yes, ketchup and mayo. hmm, where would they be? 
aha! you see two familiar bottles on the second shelf, and you carefully place them in your cart. a glass jar with a green label and a red lid catches your eye. chili paste? you consider your potential purchase. eh, i'll get it. it's on sale.   
now, let's get some rice.
you round the corner to get to the grain aisle when you see a man, clad in a brown coat and incredibly polished shoes, with hair so red you'd think his head was on fire, just. glaring. at a bag of rice. you sneak a glance at him, wondering if the rice had wronged him in some manner.
deciding to ignore him, you pick up a five kilogram bag, then heave it into your trolley. and as you prepare to push it with the extra weight, you spy the man picking up the exact same bag, brand, weight and all. huh.
thinking nothing of it, you continue on your merry way, hoping to get your shopping done as quickly as possible, assuming that it'd be the last you'd ever see of the man.
but it appears fate had other plans. you spot him once again in the canned foods aisle, glaring at another innocent, harmless grocery item. the victim this time, you ask? a can of baked beans. 
you throw another sideways look at him, lightly tapping the pads of your fingers against the handles of your trolley. who even is this guy? you silently watch as he picks up the same brand you've put in your cart moments before. ah, he was probably just confused.
however, you’re still a little concerned about the man. does a grown man truly not know what he's doing in a grocery store? you scan the shelves for a random item, and your eyes land on a can of baby food. a light bulb goes off in your head, and you decide to test something. quickly, you grab two of them.
you open your mouth the second after he moves to get the same thing. “can i help you, sir?” he freezes at the sound of your voice, hand halfway between his body and the shelf with the exact thing you just picked up, baby food in hand. you raise an eyebrow, "are you aware of what you're buying?" 
he sheepishly rakes his hand through his hair and shakes his head. "i'm afraid i'm not." he clears his throat, color beginning to creep up his neck. 
you grin at him. “check the label on the can.” you watch as this giant of a man turns the can around, and slowly turns into a human stop sign with the way his face blazes. you know you probably shouldn’t find the sight of the man with such an intimidating expression turning to a flustered mess so adorable. 
“my apologies,” he clears his throat again, then rubs the back of his neck, eyes averted. “i’ve never been shopping before.” he sets the can back, refusing to meet your eyes.
“oh, don't tell me.” you tease, lightheartedly. “is it a case of a rich boy living on his own for the first time, without anyone to do things for him?”
the look on his face answers for him. his eyebrows nearly climb to his hairline, and he blinks. you laugh, incredibly surprised at your assumption being true. “in that case, let me help.” you hold out your hand, taking pity on the man. “do you have a list?”
he fishes out a hastily scribbled list from the depths of one of his coat pockets that simply says bread, milk. 
sigh. “it seems i have my work cut out for me.” you take a gander at the items in his cart and spot the rice, the beans, along with three varieties of bread and a two liter bottle of milk. well, at least he got the items on his list.
you pick up the bottle, skimming over the other details to find the production and expiry dates. “just out of curiosity, did you check the dates on the milk?” 
he slowly shakes his head. “i figured as much.” you gesture to the numbers, and motion for him to take a look. “this expires in two days. i doubt you’ll be able to finish the whole thing by then, so you should probably find a bottle with a more recent production date.”
if there ever was a god of grocery shopping, diluc ragnvindr would be the bane of his existence. 
why were these stupid stores so confusing? why were there so many brands of everything? why in the hell were there so many types of oranges? and these trolleys, good lord. just why were they so difficult to maneuver?
all the aisles blend into each other, and all diluc can do is stare emptily at each product he finds, unable to make a decision. 
he'd have better luck finding his way around if he was randomly dropped in a venetian calle.
diluc has no idea what he's doing— in the store, at home, even in life. 
living on his own for the first time since his dad passed away, in an apartment much tinier than the lavish mansion he was used to, struggling to keep his head above water, the young ragnvindr only knew ingredients once they'd been taken home and properly organized in containers and shelves. 
he'd rather the world not see him fumbling, though. so he decides to do the only logical thing one can do in his situation. he picks a person and does exactly what they do. 
after all, when one is in rome, do they not do as the romans do?
in hindsight, he should've just researched online. he should have decided his purchases earlier. or ordered the damn groceries online. because then he'd be able to avoid the embarrassment of being tricked with a can of baby food. 
baby food, of all things! why couldn't it be something a little more dignified? 
he watches you quickly replace the offending item on the shelves and push your cart in another direction before he could react. “come on, then. off to the dairy section we go.”
not wanting to be left behind in this headache inducing location, he hurriedly pushes his trolley too in an attempt to keep up with you. kaeya would never let me live that down, he thinks as he does. 
with a pang, he shoves down the memory of his brother as far and as deep as he can, choosing to focus on the present, lest he end up in another spiral.
you lead him to milk he was supposed to get, and he watches you carefully as you examine the dates on the bottles for him. moments later, you beckon him close with a curl of your palm. leaning slightly, he peers over your shoulder. 
“always try to get the one most recently produced,” you tell him, and he nods. he follows the movement of your finger tapping your chin, clearly pondering. his gaze travels a bit higher, and as he sees your lips move, he realizes that he completely missed what you were saying.
“pardon?” he stumbles ungracefully on the initial sound. 
“what's your favorite fruit?” you repeat. “that'll be first on our list on what to get for you.”
his favorite fruit? he didn't think he had one. “peaches,” he blurts, finding himself unwilling to disappoint you with his lack of proper response, his eyes falling on a peach milkshake drink. 
his ears note your change in tone, voice turning excited. “oh, they're one of my favorites too!” warmth engulfs his gloved hand and he finds himself being dragged to the produce section. 
“what about the trolleys?” he asks, mind still reeling from the sudden hand grabbing on your part.
you wave off his concerns. “oh, they'll be fine parked to the side.” you all but drag him to the peach display. “now, pay close attention, okay?”
as if he needed you to tell him that. “i'm listening,” he says. 
you pick up a peach with bruising. “when you're sorting through peaches, look for the ones with no blemishes. they don't spoil as fast. same with apples and pears and such.” now this, he knew. but he still nods along, a picture-perfect student. he sees your eyes and wonders how anyone's could be so gorgeous.
later, he dutifully nods a little more as you explain the specifics of choosing potatoes. 
“the potatoes should be firm, and there should be no signs of green,” 
should he be taking notes? he stamps the involuntary urge to hunt for a notepad in one of his pockets down, deciding he did not want to embarrass himself any more in front of you.
you seemed to glow even under the unflattering light around you, hair lit by it as you tell him about how to look for the right cauliflowers and broccoli. 
how could someone look so ethereal while standing next to onions? 
diluc ragnvindr. get. a. grip. they're only talking about vegetables. 
you ask him to tell you the price of the eggs while you sort through carrots for both him and yourself. he walks over a couple of yards, carefully examines the label and returns to report the number. 
“that much?!” you eyes widen. “my goodness, that should be considered robbery!”
...was it? he thought it was a reasonable price for a carton of eggs. still, he blindly agrees. you smile, having caught on to the fact that he had no idea what the price should be, and he can't help the pride that spreads its wings in his heart. (though he probably shouldn't be, considering why you smiled, he was glad that he was the cause of it.) 
the rest of the shopping goes in a similar manner. you tell him things. he nods, he observes another one of your features, then notes down whatever you tell him mentally. 
by the time you reach check out, both of your trolleys are filled with the exact same items in the exact same quantities. except for two items in his cart that he reached for out of instinct when he saw them on the shelf: a chocolate his brother liked, and a snack his father used to eat often. 
he contemplates leaving them behind, but decides against it at the last minute just before the cashier scans them.
he sees you reach into your pockets for a wallet, and sees an opportunity to repay you for your help. 
he's quick to pull out his own and hands his card to the cashier before you can say a word.
“i insist,” he says, when you protest. “it is only fair i do this in return for you helping me,”
you sigh, giving him another one of the smiles he had started to adore. “alright, thank you.”
the two of you walk outside the store together. cool wind ruffles both of your hair. “well, i guess this is where we part ways,” you say with a laugh and a wave. he manages a soft smile in return. 
“farewell, then.” he watches you walk away, still standing at the entrance, shopping bags in hand. "dammit." he curses under his breath.
he'd forgotten to ask for your name.
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haoboutyou · 1 month
hi!! ur mornings with u with wonu fic is so so so sweet ahhhh 😭😭 i was wondering if you’d be open to writing a seungkwan version? i hope this is okay to ask!!
to love to the point of invention | boo seungkwan
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fluff | 574 words | food mention: a lot of tangerines
an: fren i’m so sorry this took awhile!! you must understand i wrote two entirely different drabbles and then made @bluehoodiewoozi choose 😔🫶 thank u for reading the wonu fic!! hope you enjoy this one too 👉👈
wonu ver. | coups ver.
a weekend trip to jeju-do meant that your little apartment was now stocked up with a whole carton of tangerines enough to last you a whole month. naturally, you’ve learned to get creative with it. cake, sorbet, marmalade– you name it, you’ve probably already done it.
maybe that’s why you’ve resorted to scrolling through pinterest for ideas. all you’ve found so far are just even more variants of the aforementioned desserts.
you sigh, looking up from your spot in the kitchen. seungkwan’s seated on the sofa, nose buried deep in a book he bought at the jeju airport before your flight back earlier this morning. it may have been 4pm now, but his hair is still a little mussed from accidentally taking a nap in the plane earlier. you giggle to yourself, inwardly cooing over how your boyfriend looks like a teddy bear.
oh. a light bulb dings in your mind.
this time, you carefully carve out a little bear head, arms and feet out of the peel. it sticks out of the tangerine like a little round teddy bear.
the pitter-patter of your feet causes him to look up from his book, nestled comfortably on the sofa. setting aside the book, he gestures you to take a seat next to him.
you tuck in your legs under you on the sofa, all while balancing a plate with your hands. the sweet scent of tangerines flood his senses. you’re grinning at him, proudly showing off your latest work of art as you extend the plate towards him.
“is that a bear?” you nod enthusiastically.
he tilts his head as he takes the plate from you, rotating it and examining the poor tangerine from all angles. he scrunches his nose and frowns, much like a highly-established critic judging actual artworks. it doesn’t take long for him to break out into a grin as big as yours.
he holds the tangerine-bear to his face. “how is it? do we match?”
“aigo, our y/nnie is such a talented artist!!” he balances the plate on one hand, swinging his free arm around you to pull you into a hug.
the sudden momentum causes you both to fall back on the sofa, you landing on top of him. it’s a miracle that the plate hasn’t spilled over, you think.
your little yelp draws a giggle from seungkwan, and soon enough, you’re both doubled over with laughter.
laughter finally bubbling down, you pull yourself away from seungkwan’s cozy embrace. you take the plate from seungkwan and set it down on the coffee table in front of you.
“did you like it?”
he leans in to plant a peck on your cheek. “it’s adorable. i love it.”
“great, because i made like five more in the kitchen!”
his jaw comically drops at your words, and it only serves to make you laugh even harder. instead, he chooses to wipe your diabolical grin with a kiss, effectively silencing you. he grabs onto your waist, pulling you in once again as he leaned back down on the sofa. wrapping your arms around his neck, you can only succumb to his addictive lips as they chase after yours fervorously.
is this what they call to ‘love to the point of invention’? you shrug off such a silly thought. surely that’s not marvel enough to be called an invention of love.
maybe you’ll try making tanghulu tomorrow.
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xiaoshengnu · 5 months
𝕰𝖒𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖘𝖊𝖘 𝖎𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝕻𝖆𝖑𝖆𝖈𝖊 - final review
overview : episode no - 76 episodes, genre - historical (gongdou)
a timeless classic, the slay to end all slays (and I mean literally and figuratively) empresses in the palace follows the story of zhen huan as she experiences life in the palace, hardening her from a sweet young girl to a stony empress dowager. 
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l⃣e⃣ t⃣’ s⃣    b⃣e⃣g⃣i⃣n⃣
when I say you will never find a more iconic show ever in the whole of cdramaland, I mean never. empresses in the palace is an absolute juggernaut of a drama, it is absolutely insane, the writing, the drama, the characters, the absolute minute little details and its respect of the viewer’s intelligence- an A* and beyond. and it's internet and cultural presence in china? IN. SANE. 
o⃣u⃣t⃣     o⃣ f⃣     t⃣ e⃣ n⃣
𝖕𝖑𝖔𝖙 - 9/10
𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌 - 10/10
𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖘 - 10/10
𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖉𝖚𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 - 10/10
𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕒𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕒𝕘𝕖 - 9.8
o⃣u⃣t⃣    o⃣ f⃣    f⃣ i⃣v⃣ e⃣
𝖍𝖎𝖉𝖉𝖊𝖓 𝖌𝖊𝖒 𝖛𝖆𝖑𝖚𝖊 - 💎💎💎💎💎
[ I know that when the drama first came out, it was considered pretty unique for how brutally it presented harem life, but even years later and amongst so many newer dramas which have borrowed tropes and ideas from it, I don’t think you’ll be able to find such an incredibly solid drama. a five gem.  ]
𝖗𝖊𝖜𝖆𝖙𝖈𝖍 𝖛𝖆𝖑𝖚𝖊 - ✨✨✨✨✨
[ it is so incredibly long and a pretty emotionally tolling drama - even longer than legend of haolan but it is just incredible, a full five star rewatch value ]
‘keep reading’ for detailed review
oh my god this drama.
oh my god.
where do I even begin? I remember watching my parents watch this drama when was I was still really young so I didn’t know what the show was called and what it was about, and although I didn’t remember the whole of this drama I could still remember some hazy snapshots pretty iconic scenes- like at the end where she does to sleep, or when she gets sent to the island- so when I finally decided to watch empresses in the palace a light bulb went off and I suddenly realised that THIS was the show that I'd remembered from my childhood. THIS was it. so it is quite nostalgic for me. 
it is honestly such a timeless classic, there’s nothing that will ever beat it. nothing. every fucking second of this thing has a purpose, and everything the characters say and do- and even the background of scenes have minute details which relate to the overall plot and trajectory of these characters. like the amount of YouTube videos analysing this one drama is insane. when critics praise a piece of visual art as a “living breathing organism”, “a masterpiece”- they mean this. 
𝖕𝖑𝖔𝖙 - 9
just. amazing. what can I say. there’s absolutely nothing that can beat this drama with how it wrote the plotting, the intrigue and the absolute cunning the women had to possess to stay alive in the palace. the ending of the drama is literally perfect. SO perfect. younger me thought legend of haolan was good- but compared to this? this is really truly another level. there’s so many instances in the drama where the drama never really tells you what exactly happened, but at the same time gives you just enough information to just guess what had gone on. equally, there are some times where there really doesn’t appear to be any scheming but with close analysis (and with the help of trusty youtubers) suddenly things become thrown into light. 
however, I had to knock down a few points because every plot has flaws and for this drama, I think it was mostly the use of tropes and the ‘female lead syndrome’ that sometimes quite clearly shows in the drama. There are also some areas in the drama where the plot does get shaky, but there is never not a reason why a scene is included in the drama. its just such a watertight drama. if you ever need to learn the art of show but don’t tell, this drama has it all. I love that sometimes it leaves it up to the viewer to work the plot out, which mirrors the way in which the concubines had to guess and predict in order to survive- which wasn’t always for certain or always accurate, almost literally pulling the viewer into the world of harem life.
𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖘 - 10
I LOVE THE CHARACTERS UGH. I love them. they’re slays to end all slays. from zhen huan (the original girl boss, gatekeep, gaslight- FIGHT ME) to su peisheng- honestly so iconic. every single major character was well written, well developed and multi-dimensional, and no-one was evil purely for the sake of earning the drama cash. everyone in the drama gives you a reason to root for them, I found myself even feeling for the emperor in the end. 
𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖉𝖚𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 - 10
the production was beautiful- the lighting, costuming and makeup were literally so perfect it's unreal. so many iconic scenes came out of this drama- like the yimeiyuan (plum blossom garden) scene with it's beautiful moonlit set and plum blossom decked in snow.
 I love the designated colour palettes of the various concubines everything seemed very thought out to fit their personalities. consort hua was decked in bold colours and extravagant patterns, consort jing being calm and gentle was consistently dressed in soft blues and greens, while shen meizhuang is seen wearing mostly purples and pinks. one particular costume that lives in my mind rent free is zhen huan’s blue outfit with the white plum blossom embroidery in the episode 28- absolutely stunning.
𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌 - 10
honestly, if you took a shot for every time I've described this drama as perfect, you would definitely be on the floor by this point. The acting was absolutely now flawless. at no point in the drama did I ever feel drawn out of the story by the acting- sun li is jaw-dropping as zhen huan, her duality is absolutely insane and her crying scenes- ugh omg so good. 
favourite character(s) :
zhen huan ( if your favourite character in this drama isn’t zhen huan, what are you doing???? she is an absolute icon in her own right. it’s literally impossible to not root for such a wonderful character- team zhen huan all the way )
consort hua / nian shilan ( ik ik, ik now she’s evil and everything, but I love her- she has a baseline which she will not cross and she does have a loyal heart. she loves the emperor almost unconditionally and while she would kill a concubine, she would never harm an unborn child. she seems to care for her servants, who are loyal in turn and I would argue that her being willing to employ a crippled eunuch is a sign of her more softer and caring side. and do I need even mention her snarky one liners?? slay. anyway that’s my essay in defence of consort hua )
ye lanyi ( a queen fr, she takes no-one’s shit )
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖈𝖗𝖊𝖜 (source mydramalist)
lead actors : sun li, chen jianbin, cha silfun
director : zheng xiaolong 
screenwriter : wu xuelan
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almostarts · 2 months
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Gaetano Pesce (8 November 1939 – 3 April 2024)
Moving against the stream of rational, functional modernism in the 1960s and early 70s, Mr. Pesce experimented with materials and production methods to create furniture pieces imbued with political or religious meaning for brands from Cassina to B&B Italia.
Many would go on to become icons of Italian design including the Up5 chair – an innovative vacuum-packed chair designed to resemble a female prisoner – which he designed for B&B Italia precursor C&B.
Pesce moved to New York in 1983 and began to move away from mass production to create "standardised series" in everyday materials like resin, adapting conventional production techniques to create varied and imperfect outcomes.
The result are pieces such as the 1884 Pratt chair, which toe the line between functional design and decorative art, helping to create a new category that would later become collectible design.
Mr. Pesce was born in the Italian city of La Spezia in November 1939, only two months after the start of world war two.
As was common at the time, he trained in both architecture and design, studying first at the University of Venice and later at the Venice Institute of Industrial Design.
Among his architecture projects is the Organic Building in Osaka from 1993, with its plant-covered facade made of orange fiberglass that served as a precursor to today's vegetation-covered green walls.
But Mr. Pesce's most pioneering and well-known work happened in the world of design. In the late 1960s, he became one of the leaders of Italy's Radical Design movement, rejecting modernism's rigid focus on forms dictated by function.
Instead, Pesce focused on the idea that functional objects, much like art, could carry a deeper message.
One of the most famous examples is the controversial Up5 chair from 1969, which manufacturer B&B Italia describes as "the first product of Italian design with a political meaning".
Rest In Power !
"Up 5 & 6" Dressed Up Chair & Ottoman, 1969 – 2014, Polyurethane foam, fabric, Height: 40.5 in (102.87 cm)Width: 47 in (119.38 cm)Depth: 51 in (129.54 cm)Seat Height: 16 in (40.64 cm),
“Square Airport Lamp” (1986/1994). Photography by Elizabeth Carababas/The Future Perfect. Light sculpture consisting of a flexible rubber membrane studded with small light bulbs. Although made from a mold, no two lamps are alike, due to the imperfections that arise from the hand-mixing and pouring of colored urethane. H 92 - W 65 Cm,
"Feltri" Armchair for Cassina, 1980 -1989, Felt, Fabric, Resin, Width: 156 cm, Depth: 80 cm, Height: 129 cm, Seat height:42 cm, Courtesy: Oldera,
"Pratt Chair #7," 1984 2018 (purple), 2018, Transparent polyurethane, :93 x 53 x 53 cm. (36.6 x 20.9 x 20.9 in.),
"The Cabinet of The Tired Man," 2018, Photo: Courtesy of Salon 94 Design and Gaetano Pesce,
"Tramonto a New York" three-door screen, for Cassina, Made of coloured resin, hinges and feet in burnished brass, Width: 221, Height: 199,
"Organic" Building, Osaka, Japan, Completed in 1993 to embody the corporate ideal of Oguraya Yamamoto Co., Ltd,
"La In-Portante" Modular Bookshelf from the "Abbraccio" Series, 2010. Comprising 57 adjustable polyurethane resin shelves. Produced by Le Fablier, Italy. Polyurethane resin, painted wood, lacquered metal, 86½ x 118¾ x 16⅞ in. (219.7 x 301.6 x 42.6 cm) Courtesy of Sotheby's,
La Michetta Modular Sofa,Compostion of 8 by Meritalia, Structure in Lacquered Wood Seat with Elastic Belts, Flexible Polyurethane & Fiberfill Padding, Dimensions: W370 x D245cm,
Unique 'Ireland' table, Made of polyurethane and metal. The table was made and exhibited in 1996 by Gallery Mourmans, Knokke-Zoute, Belgium. It was part of a series of 'EU tables', where all 15 member countries were represented as a table, in this case Ireland. The top of the table has the shape of the outlines of the country and it stands on legs in the shape of question marks. W.80.71 in;H.28.74 in;D.57.09 in; (W.205 cm;H.73 cm;D.145 cm), Courtesy: Incollect.
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dempaboya · 10 months
last post inspired me to seek out fragrances that were made specifically with electronics, electricity or machines in mind! ive made a list. it has a def bias towards things that remind me of y2k/2000s tech/still machinery (tried to mostly steer away from motor oil smells and futuristic notes) bc of what ive got going on so if youre into that this list is for you. list gets more pure electronic-y metallic-y as it goes on i think idk i havent sampled any of these
• bitch arcade by alphamusk
description: overheated dance dance revolution, rubbery worn down carpet, serious static from the vintage pac-man game, ticket stubs, sweaty candy-coated palms
• pc heat by alphamusk
description: puffs of heated electrical wires within warm plastics and heated metals and slight notes of rubber coatings
• tune in by alphamusk
description: post lightning storm static bursts the ozone of dust, sweet grass, flickering tungsten light bulbs, sun kissed garden lemon balm and basil still damp from the rain, fresh soil
• yo6-s by blackbird
description: banana, electronics, agarwood, jasmine and milk
• extreme computer death by smelly yeti
description: singed yet chemically sweet plastic and frazzled wire, brightened by a hint of fizzy cola and bitter red currant, with a puff of acrid smoke which leaves a coppery afterimage in your nostrils
• electricity (sn) by death and floral (in unlisted scents)
[no description found]
• android by aether arts perfume
description: synthetic sheath accord, inner fluids accord, warm power source accord
• machine learning by aether arts perfume
description: aether accord, metallic accord, power source accord
• synthetic sex by aether arts perfume
description: virtual space accord, warm metal accord, seriously sexual accord
• touchstone by aether arts perfume
description: the idea of a cell phone into perfume. aether accord, flashes of color accord, metal and mineral accord
got most of them from this spread so if none of these are for you or you want to see a more broad list of industrial-ish machinelike fragrances here you go https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1A-MowNDCj3xpoYuCZzJW0OlocGM1UTQAPLwZPB3kctg/htmlview#gid=0
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