#(cus some questions the answers could go with a couple of results but I had to pick just one)
queers4years · 8 months
this user is a slut for data
0 notes
lazyneonrabbitt · 8 months
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Single dad!Carmen x reader
Carmen's daughter likes you and doesn't know the meaning of the word 'no'.
You stepped into the sandwich place, your laptop bag slung around your shoulder as something collided with your leg and clinging to it.
"Oh shit, sorry I- she slipped away from me." A man apologises for the little child around your leg, lowering himself to her level and tiredly begging her to let you go.
You took a better look at the toddler at your side. She had the man's curly hair and wore a fluffy teddybear onesie.
The man in front of you was tired. No question about it and his attire told you he worked here.
"Hey, you know what?" His focus moves from the child up to you. "How about I watch her for a bit? I'm planning on getting some work done here anyways and I'll probably be around when your shift ends." You shrugged at your own suggestion, placing a hand on the child's curls making her giggle at you.
"I uh- my shift ends a couple hours after we close." He wasn't declining your offer, he just didn't want you to waste your whole day here. He had gotten up again by now to talk to you at eye level. "I'm Carmen." He extends a hand to you to shake. "I own this place. And this here's Alex," he motions at the babbling todddler who was now casually hanging from your hand. "She's my kid. Daycare wouldn't take her cus she sneezed one too many times on drop off this morning." A tired hand runs over his face as he recalls why she's here.
"Hey, I'll watch her for you. Just come say hi a couple of times and we'll be good." You shoo'd him off and he went back to the kitchen. But not before making sure he got your food order and saying goodbye to his daughter.
Over the course of the day he swung by your table to watch you type away on your laptop while Alex was no doubt ruining your highlighters and scribbling on the back of your notepad. During food breaks she was in your lap and you'd watch some kids videos on Youtube with the sound low enough to not bother anyone.
Little Alex had been an absolute sweetheart the whole time, clinging to you and showing off her artworks that had rendered your notepad entirely useless.
Around dinnertime Carmen had come back again, insisting he'd be fine watching her himself now, but you assured him you were good and didn't mind staying the few extra hours. He accepted reluctantly and rought you two dinner on the house, dessert included.
When the placed closed down and Carmen was finished cleaning everything he came by one last time, to pick up his daughter and thank you again for watching her. You exchanged phone numbers in case he ever needed a babysitter.
Leaving was a lot more difficult than you had thought. Alex threw the biggest fit the second you turned to the door, running up to you and clamping herself around your leg, sniffling No's leaving her lips as she sat down on your foot with her arms around your calf. Tears staining your jeans.
Carmen stood there, a hand on his hip, pinching the bridge of his nose and sighing deeply. "Come on, teddybear. She's tired too, we're all going to our homes and sleep, okay?" He tried bribing, any and all promises he could think of, even physically prying her off your leg resulted in the biggest drama he had ever seen her make.
You felt bad for Carmen. The permanent bags under his gorgeous blue eyes and the mess of curls you wanted to run you-- "what if I tag along and put her in bed?" The suggestion seemingly came out of nowhere amd it took Carmen a moment to register your words.
His place was an even bigger mess than he was and he'd be ashamed if she saw Alex's living situation. But then again, he was a single dad with an extremely demanding job, so the mess did explain itself that way..
"Yeah, okay." A simple, soft answer that had Alex screech with joy.
The three of you made your way over to his car. Since Alex wouldn't let go of you, you carried her while Carmen carried your bag for you as well as his own.
His place wasn't big. But it was big enough for him and Alex. On your way through the livingroom you had to watch your step and not trip over the large amount of toys on the floor. The coffeetable held day old mugs and coffee circles permanently staining the wood. The dinnertable was covered in paperwork but the kitchen looked decent enough, besides the dishes in the sink.
Carmen could feel you judging him, trying to speed up the whole going to bed ritual Alex had so you could stop being grossed out by the mess.
After watching Carmen struggle with the currently very difficult child you stepped in and offered assistence.
Carmen stepped aside and mimiced his steps but in your own way. Suddenly she was the sweetest child ever and did everything you told her to.
"Are you serious? Now you can listen?" The soft complaint didn't go unnoticed and made you giggle as you tucked her in and wished her sweet dreams. Besides you Carmen leaned over to give her kisses and said goodnight as well.
"Why does she listen so well to you?" The question wasn't meant in a bad way, even though it sounded like jealousy. "Guess she just wants a mom." You answered from across the kitchen island. Carmen insisted you stayed for a drink and talk about your day with her. "Neither you or her ever uttered anything mom-related so I guessed it's just you two." You sounded like a prying therapist right now, but you meant it in a kind way.
Clearly both of you sucked when it came to words.
"Her mom was a drunken mistake." He downs half of his drink and decided right there he was gonna talk about it. If you deleted his number and walked out afterwards, so be it.
"I didn't even know she had a kid until kne day she stopped by the restaurant. I barely recognised her but she still made a whole scene about some mistake, dropped the carrier with a crying baby at my feet and shoved a stack of paperwork in my hands." He downed the other half of his drink, not liking how recalling those memories felt. "I barely knew her, only saw her twice before moving back here from New York and found me all the way here to drop the baby and all her papers stating I was the one responsible for her on me and leave after screaming at me amd blaming me for leaving."
Carmen's story shocked you. You sat in silence after he finished, not sure how to respond to such a confession, so you offered your help once more.
After a while babysitting Alex at work and tucking her into bed turned into babysitting, tucking her into bed and moving into the next one together with Carmen. His early shifts really messed up Alex's sleep scedule so he suggested you staying the night and working from his apartment and do Alex's morning routine at a more acceptable hour than 6am, when he's kiss you goodmorning, wish you some good few more hours of sleep and went off to work.
Carmen was enjoying your time together so much, and Alex was almost permanently attached to you when you were around so his only thought was how he was going to ask you to move in with him. You already had a spare key so giving you one of those in a fancy little box wouldn't work.
Eventually he thoight of an idea that just had to work.
He wrote a note from Alex's point of view, rolled it up and tied a little bow around it and handed it to his daughter. "Can you go give this to her, please? It's a gift."
Alex immediately ran over to you, waving the paper roll at you and smacking it against your leg. She mumbled a quick "foyou" before waving it up at you again.
You accepted the gift with a grand display of thanks, with kisses and a hug, a whole scene amd read the note in silence. You recognised Carmen's handwriting immediately and smiled your way throigh the creatively written sentences.
"So, you want me to be mommy, huh?" You asked Alex, but not without moving your stare up to meet Carmen's, who looked away quickly to hide his blush.
A string of Yes and Please and happy giggles were all the convincing you needed before agreeing to move into Carmen's apartment officially.
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justimajin · 3 years
Pairing: Game Owner Jungkook x Employee Reader 
Genre: Fluff & Humour
 ↳ (10k) BTS Village AU 
Summary: Working at the arcade can be downright miserable and it doesn't help that your boss isn't, well, the brightest lightbulb in the world. Add to this his extremely dramatic and prideful ways, you're left wondering why you even choose to work at the place anymore. You fortunately receive the answer in the form of Richman V one day, who has been eyeing your boss's pride and joy for quite some time.
Warnings: pg13 rating, some major spoilers for BTS Run ep. 120-121 (watch them before reading this), everyone in this fic literally has no chill (WHAT!?) 
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A pair of two small feet come to a stop.
Across from the road are multiple posters and signs, from large cardboard cutouts to cliche and cheesy slogans scribbled on paper. There’s a string of colourful lights hanging from above, ranging from a neon yellow to a dark blue. It’s extremely noisy, but the boy’s feet tread closer, round eyes enamoured from the over the top appearance. 
The door is cautiously pushed open, the sound of his feet slowly shuffling against rough carpet echoing. 
The boy’s eyes widen, peering around in puzzlement. 
The shop appears nowhere near what its display offers. The walls are painted with a hue of dull beige, and there’s no intriguing lights with huge signs compelling him forward. Instead, there’s a large bookcase that he barely acknowledges, alongside a set of bright machines that remind him of its exterior. 
As if in a trance, his attention is drawn away instantly and he doesn’t hesitate to stumble across one of the machines, eagerly eyeing it down. After struggling to sit on one of the high stools, an innocent smile spreads across his lips once he eyes the multiple colourful controls within his reach. He presses a button in curiosity, but the screen in front of him doesn’t change. 
His smile drops into a pout, and he attempts again, only to be met with the same result. He then presses multiple buttons, frustration only building up at the blank screen. 
A shadow lurks behind him. 
“Hey kid.” He jolts, spinning around instantly. “You have to pay to play games here.” 
The boy stares like he can’t comprehend those words, his eyes big and naive. You cross your arms, a scowl lining your lips and expression void of any amusement. 
His shoulders deflate and the corners of his mouth downturn with disappointment. You continue to stare at him, gaze not wavering. 
A long exasperated sigh leaves your lips and your eyes quickly survey the empty arcade around you. Taking a step forward, you rummage through the pockets of your uniform pants and out emerges a shining coin that has the boy’s eyes lighting up. 
The coin slots into the machine and you turn around to face him, features still impassive. 
“You owe me for this one.” You mumble underneath your breath, but he simply retaliates with a gigantic smile on his face. 
The game immediately turns on as the boy begins playing, eyes eagerly sweeping across the bright screen as his fingers hurriedly tap against the multiple buttons. You watch from afar, the corner of your mouth lifting into an amused half-smile.
The sound of loud footsteps echos through the walls. 
An annoyed exhale leaves your lips and it isn’t long before the back door is being ripped open, a young man emerging within seconds. You’re unfortunately painfully aware of who he is and it’s probably high time to clarify who you exactly work for. 
Jeon Jungkook ‒ or simply your boss, if you actually took the liberty to address him as one ‒ is the person in charge of your employment. You’ve been working for him longer than you imagine and as you eye him from the corner of your eye, you can only contemplate how you’ve managed to even stick around for so long. 
He pushes the big glasses on the rim of his nose back with his fingers, his eyes wide and practically boiling with vigor. He’s dressed in his usual attire, a button up shirt with a subdued green print on it and tight fitted black trousers. There’s a jarring amount of gel in his hair that only seems to increase with time and if anything, he looks more like some kind of mafia boss running an organization rather than the owner of an arcade. 
His gaze is targeted on you, barely acknowledging the child that was excitedly playing one of his games and who is now staring between the two of you with wide eyes. You presume the boy is having the same thoughts running through his head that everyone has when they meet Jungkook, and it could be summed up with simply calling him a‒
“Y/N!” He abruptly yells, a muscle in his eye already twitching, “I heard one of the machines being turned on?!” 
A nutcase. 
You work for an absolute nutcase. 
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure that’s how arcades work, you know? The machine has to be on for you to play an‒” 
“You know what I mean!” Jungkook snaps, waving off your sarcasm. 
“Oh.” You say, pointing towards the boy, “The kid wanted to play a game, so he paid for it and now he’s playing it.” 
“Actually…” The boy suddenly speaks up, voice quiet and hesitant, “The nice lady paid so I could play.” 
His eyes sparkle, like he holds you in high regard. Although he warmly smiles acknowledging your kind deed, your eye twitches and you mentally make a note to never to help out a child in your lifetime ever again. 
Turning around, your eyes meet Jungkook’s and he’s fuming. 
You internally sigh, already aware of what’s to come. 
“Y/N, how could you do such a thing?!” He dramatically says, pressing a hand against his temples, “To take away from the money I could have had….just how? How?!” 
“I was bored.” You honestly retort, unfazed in the slightest as you shrug, “And our only customer was a kid, besides‒” 
You raise an eyebrow, narrowing your eyes at Jungkook, “Are you losing money or something? Why are you so worried about one kid that I paid for?” A spark resides in your eyes, “Is the business shutting down?” 
Jungkook gasps, like you’ve offended his whole entire being. “What?! NO!” He shakes his head, “H-How could you even suggest something like that?!” 
He leans against one of the machines, tightly wrapping his arms around it. You roll your eyes, watching him have a semi-crisis over the fact that you suggested his business is going down the drain. 
“I’ll never give my business up!” He yells it out like it’s a statement he wants even the neighbors to hear. 
“Yeah, yeah, sure thing, boss.” You retort as you slide over an extra lollipop to the kid that you were saving for later. He beams at you and you smile, but then Jungkook complains you aren’t listening to him enough and you let out a sigh, turning around to coax him. 
After playing a couple of rounds on the machine before it shuts down, the boy bids you both a goodbye and sincere thank you. You tell him not to forget to bring some coins next time with a mumble and his eyes light up, followed by a very cute nod. 
Closing the door behind him as he leaves, you spin around with a lengthy sigh. Digging into the pockets of your uniform, you yank out your phone and begin to scroll through the contents with tired eyes. The entire store is empty, save for you and the supposed boss of yours that you presume is lurking around somewhere. 
The sound of a loud ding startles you, phone nearly slipping onto the ground. Your eyes are wide and on alert, sweeping around the vacant room. 
“Aha! TAKE THIS!” There’s a loud thud that echoes through the room, and your eyes instantly narrow. You tuck away your phone, shuffling your hands in your pockets and nonchalantly walking towards the source of the sound. 
Although puzzlement strikes you first, it quickly morphs into amusement as you reach the doorframe. Jungkook stands before the whac-a-mole machine, practically slamming the hammer against the poor plastic mole pieces in an effort to increase his score. 
Which is nearing a hundred and fifty by the way, the highest score one can achieve in the game. 
Your brows knit together as he keeps striking the popping moles, only for the machine to brightly light up seconds later with large digital letters saying WINNER in red across the board. 
“I DID IT!” He suddenly shouts, spinning around and spotting you instantly, “Y/N, I beat my own record!” 
You cross your arms, “Congrats.” 
There’s a spark of smugness in his expression as he crosses his arms, cockly staring at you, “Looks like my score is officially unbeatable now.” 
Although you know it’s practically bait that he’s throwing out, your lips move faster than you can register. 
“It’s still beatable.” His irises light up in an instant and you want to curse at yourself for falling into the trap, but the look of challenge in his eyes is enough to spark your own fuel, “I can beat it.” 
“Oh, really?” Jungkook questions, offering up the hammer, “Let’s see you try.” 
You grab it from his hold without hesitation, gesture for him to turn on the machine. It lights up within seconds and with a deep breath, you brace yourself as much as possible. 
The moles pop up within seconds, your eyes darting and flickering all over the platform. The hammer in your hands is soaring, hitting as fast as possible as quickly as possible. At one point, your hands mismatch and you catch an empty one, something that makes Jungkook snort but only increases your competitive streak even more. 
Sweat has begun to fester at your temples, but you pay it no mind once the last mole is hit and your eyes are glued to the scoreboard. In giant bulging letters, your score is displayed before you. 
5 points away from Jungkook’s score. 
You can already hear the cheers of ecstasy leaving his voice, or the daunting smugness leaking from the words that he’s aching to sprout in your direction. But when you turn, there’s this annoying magnified smile plastered onto his face that’s somehow even worse. 
You let out a huff and before Jungkook can start running all over the place in excitement like a child, a knock sounds from the door. 
You straighten up immediately, raising a brow. 
Customers don’t usually knock. 
“Were you expecting someone?” You immediately wonder. A groan leaves Jungkook and he mutters underneath his breath, something along the lines of ‘this guy again’. 
Dragging himself to the door to answer, your features contort into surprise once it’s yanked open. 
A young man stands before you, his arms crossed behind his back and gaze scrutinizing. He’s dressed far too fancy for an arcade, a fine white collared shirt with a black tie and vest that hug his body. His bronze locks are long and perfectly curl at the front, but their rich appearance is muted from his piercing eyes, which at the moment are gawking all around your workplace. 
Jungkook is first to speak up, clearly annoyed with the stranger’s prolonged ogling antics. 
“Hey!” The stranger immediately turns to him, “Are you going to keep staring at my game room or are you going to say something?” 
He stares at Jungkook, completely unfazed and apathetic to his loud exterior. It throws you off for a moment, wondering if there was even someone aside from you that possessed the ability to do so. 
His words are sharp and discrete, straight to the point. “I want to buy it.” He tilts to his head slightly to the side, “Have you made up your mind yet?” 
Your head snaps in Jungkook’s direction at the inquiry, appallment crossing all over your features. Jungkook looks like he’s ready to explode at any minute, hands balling up into fists. 
He mimics the stranger’s tone, gritting the words out, “It’s not for sale.” 
“I think there should be enough space to rearrange the front.” The man continues to speak as if he didn’t hear Jungkook, “These will have to be destroyed in order for a counter to be placed.” 
He’s examining the machines already, frowning at their appearance and that’s when Jungkook ticks. Pacing forward, he wraps his hand around the stranger’s arm and begins to drag him out, even as he continues to survey the area like a thousand thoughts were running through his mind. 
“Okay, now that’s really nice.” Jungkook cheekily says, but you can still hear the lingering anger in his voice, “How about you go redesign the neighbor's place? I hear they have a hairstylist who loves to gossip so it’d be nice for the two of you to chit-chat.” 
The posh man looks composed and you’re beginning to question if he was potentially holding onto a facade to not be able to hear Jungkook. It’s not long before he’s politely escorted out the door, with Jungkook practically lunging for the opportunity to shut the door behind him. 
He spins around, pressing his back against it as a sigh of relief leaves his lips. You can only stare at him in confusion as silence lingers, eventually breaking it with your own inquiries. 
“What just happened?” 
Jungkook’s wide eyes snap up, like he had completely forgotten you were in the room with him. 
“Oh that,” A strained chuckle leaves him, “He’s been coming around here often, usually in the early mornings when you’re not around.” 
He sits down on a chair that’s in front of the cash register, continuing to explain, “That’s Richman V, the guy nearly owns every property here in BTS Village.” 
Jungkook continues to meekly laugh, but it only serves to draw out concern from you. “So...what? He wants to buy the arcade?” 
“Well, uh,” He sheepishly scratches the back of his neck, “Yeah…” 
A deep frown settles on your features as you stare at Jungkook, who’s smile seems to be fading by the moment. 
“And like…” You begin, trying to wrap your head around the situation, “What? Are you going to sell it and hand it over or something?” 
You’re the one laughing now, staring at him in amusement. Jungkook’s smile is completely gone, his eyes fixated on the ground. 
“And what if I just did?” 
For a moment, you could have sworn he was joking. But Jungkook’s tone is completely different ‒ voice having dropped a couple of octaves with no hints of humour present. 
It only drills in deeper when he lifts his gaze to meet yours, a certain glint of anguish residing in there that you haven’t quite seen before. 
You struggle to come up with words, “Y-You can’t be serious…” 
“And what if I am?” Jungkook rests his hand against his cheek, leaning against the front counter. A sigh leaves him and your brows contort together, lips pressing together into a firm line. 
You scoff, “B-But I would be unemployed....��� 
Jungkook’s gaze is fixated on the counter as he shrugs, “Then just find another job.” 
“It wouldn’t be the same!” 
His head snaps up, lips falling agape with the sudden outburst. You immediately avert your eyes, letting out an awkward cough. 
In the midst of the silence, you ponder again, “Have you made up your mind then...? To sell it?” 
“Sort of.” Jungkook mumbles, gaze drifting to the ground, “The game room hasn’t been doing too well financially and even though Richman V is kind of annoying....I’ve been thinking about his offer.” 
Your eyes narrow at him. 
His tone sounds like he’s already been defeated without a full fight, giving in without any resistance. 
The boss you know would have to be physically dragged out of this arcade, his loud protests probably being capable of deafening those that want to take away his prize possession. 
“Wait, just like that?” For once, you’re the one that’s more upset, “You love this place.”
His features twist, “Well yeah, but‒” 
“This is coming from you, the same person that tried having a disco day at the arcade to attract customers and forced me to wear a rainbow coloured wig with roller skates because ‘it goes with the flow’ and ‘the entire vibe would be ruined’ if i didn’t!” 
Jungkook stares at you wide-eyed and you scoff in disbelief, gaze connecting with the bookcase stationed in the corner of the room, “At one point, we even hauled in that giant thing together when you were convinced that the youngsters are ‘reading too much these days’ and that we’ll lose popularity to a hair salon next door that was giving out free magazines in their waiting room!” 
“You seem to remember a lot of the things I’ve done....”
“I’m not done!” You wave a finger at him, ignoring his astonished expression and continuing with your rant, “There was even a time when you used me to distribute flyers and made me shout that ‘there’s no place I would want to work at beside Jeon’s arcade’, which by the way, is pretty much the opposite of how I feel!” 
Jungkook lets out a snort at that, to which you direct an angry glare in his direction. Your rambles continue as he fondly watches you, somehow managing to spur up a spark of hope that was diminishing by the minute inside him. 
“So you’re telling me that the same person that was responsible for all that is willingly going to give up his arcade?” You plant your hands on your waist, raising a challenging eyebrow at him, “Are you sure you’re my boss?” 
“You’re right.” Jungkook honestly confesses, “This place means a lot to the both of us and we can’t let it head down under because some posh guy wants to own it.” 
He raises up a fist, looking more determined as ever, “I’m not letting anyone take it from me without a fight.” 
You cross your arms, a smirk rising on your lips. 
“Now that’s the boss I know.” 
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“Jungkook, this is stupid.” You protest, the icy breeze from outside already nipping at your skin. Your boss spins around on his heels, his determination still overflowing. 
“How is having some faith stupid?” 
“It’s stupid when you drag me out at 7 in the morning without a coat to make a damn wish.” You bite back, barely able to feel your toes as you walk behind him through the village. 
“I don’t feel cold.” He proudly announces. 
“You’re shivering.” You point out, his chattering teeth and quivering form already being a dead giveaway thanks to his need in retaining his weird get-up out of the arcade. 
“Shivering? That’s nonsense, I don’t feel the c-c-cold.” You let out a sigh, unraveling your scarf in the midst of his protests. Instead of handing it to him, you toss it over his head and he whirls around, frowning at you. 
“Take it.” You mumble, not noticing him eventually wrapping it around himself as if it was desperate to retain some heat. You walk ahead of him, halting your steps and glancing around confused. 
“So where’s this headstone you’ve been obsessing about?” 
Jungkook squints, “It should be somewhere her‒OH!” 
You whip around, watching Jungkook jog over to a small landmark at the side of the trail. Treading cautiously after him, you notice a structure made up of granite, appearing like a round ball that was placed on a stick. 
You tilt your head, “This is the ARMY headstone?” 
“It protects the entire village!” Jungkook chides, “Don’t you know that?” 
“Yeah, yeah, it protects us and we protect it in return.” You wave away it’s history. Unlike others the stone simply just existed for you, not being as ‘special’ or ‘glorious’ as it was for the other villagers. 
“We need to make a wish to save the arcade.” He firmly states, eyeing you for an answer. You let out a sigh, eventually mumbling out the words in the most monotone voice. 
“Please save our arcade.” You turn to Jungkook, “There, happy?” 
There’s a smug smile on Jungkook’s lips and you scoff, glancing around as he makes his wish. Your eyes roam around the expanses of the village, landing on an individual scurrying around with bright teal hair and dressed in a uniform. 
Your eyes instantly light up, “Namjoon!” 
He notices you right away, jogging over in an instant. 
“Y/N?” He says astonished, “I haven’t seen you around in a while, how have you been?” 
“Ah, just the usual.” You shrug, “I’m always at the game room these days.” 
A laugh slips from him and you smile, but you don’t notice the gaze Jungkook throws in your direction. 
“Find any new auditions recently?” 
“Ah no, I’m still trying though.” He professes, “I’ve been saving up in case I actually manage to get one.” 
“You’ll find one soon, I’m sure of it.” 
Namjoon sheepishly scratches the back of his neck, a dust of pink on his cheeks, “You know...there’s this new movie playing in the theatre….”
He rummages through his pockets, pulling out two tickets. “I’ve heard really good things about it.” 
Your eyes spark, reaching out for them, “Oh, that would be so ni‒” 
The tickets are instantly snatched away from you, an arm wrapping around your shoulders. 
“That does sound lovely!” Jungkook smiles, “Thanks for the tickets RM!” 
Namjoon glances between the two of you, “O-Oh…” He meekly laughs, “I-I hope you guys enjoy….” 
He takes a step back, waving at you. “Guess I’ll see you around then Y/N....” 
You watch his fading back in dismay, barely able to say goodbye to him as he rushes away. 
The moment he’s gone, you spin around and glare at Jungkook. “What the hell?! I wanted to go with him!” 
“Too late.” Jungkook cheekily smiles, “Now you have me~” 
A deep frown settles on your features, “Perfect. Just perfect.” You shake your head, “Not only do I have to see my boss at work, but now I have to go watch a movie with him.” 
“I know right?” Jungkook leans forward, “Who is this boss of yours by the way? He sounds like an incredible person.” 
“Oh, he’s great ‒ great at being annoying.” You huff as Jungkook laughs at your silly taunt, practically skipping behind you as you return back to the arcade. 
In the midst of your banter though, you don’t notice the particular pattern Jungkook’s shoes leave in the soil. 
Upon returning, you and Jungkook get to work right away. 
“What about a slogan?” You suggest, “Something that catches people’s eye and gets stuck in their minds?” 
Jungkook places a contemplating finger against his mouth. It’s not long before his fingers are snapping, a bright glint sparking up in his eyes. 
“Jeon’s arcade is the best.” His pupils are wide and there’s a giant grin spread on his features, but it clashes with your muted expression. 
You raise an eyebrow, “Jeon’s arcade is the best…?” 
He snaps his fingers again, shaking his head, “It’s great, I’m telling you. It’ll catch on within days.” 
A dreary sigh leaves your lips, “How about something less...prideful?” Your eyes twinkle, “Like come down to Jeon’s arcade for a brand new experience?” 
Jungkook scrunches up his nose, “That sounds awful.” 
“It’s better than declaring you have the best arcade.” You mumble. 
“It is the best arcade!” He pursues his lips, before finally muttering in defeat, “And technically the only one here…”
You’re about to suggest that maybe rearranging things in the game room would help for better promotion, but the lights begin to flicker.
“Wha‒” You’re unable to finish your sentence, the entire room plunging into complete darkness. 
“Jungkook?” You question in concern, carefully shuffling your feet around. There’s a slight movement that brushes by your arm, your head spinning instantly. 
“I think it’s a power outage.” He confirms, and you can hear the soles of his feet pacing around the room, “Let me see if I can find the backup generator…” 
You hear some scrambling and shuffling around, until it’s accompanied by a loud thud and a sharp “ow!”. 
“Are you okay?” You ponder, only receiving a dismay groan from him. 
“I’m fine, but why is your voice coming from the machines?” 
You blink, “Because that’s where I’m standing?” 
“What?” Jungkook says in disbelief, “I could have sworn‒” 
In an instant, light floods the room. Your eyes are rounded as they finally peer around, noticing Jungkook at the other end of the room with his eyelids screwed shut and holding onto his foot. 
His lids flutter open, taken aback with your appearance. A sudden thump resonates against the floorboard. 
You and Jungkook can only stare at each other petrified at the sound of feet moving about while both of you remain stationary. 
Swallowing down his unease, Jungkook places a finger on his lips, gesturing for you not to let out a peep. He carefully steps forward, keeping the silence in the room intact to peer over at the counter. 
A man suddenly pops his head out, a pout resting on his plush lips. 
Jungkook staggers back, placing a hand against his racing heart. 
“What are you doing here?!” 
The man tilts his head to the side, looking down and then dusting himself off. There’s a black beret sitting on his head, a white-collared shirt overlapping with two suspenders that connect to his brown trousers. He continues to pout, eyes glancing around the counter until they stop on a circular object. 
“Ah, there it is!” He excitedly whispers, wrapping his fingers around the large magnifying glass. Jungkook’s eye twitches, strutting up and grabbing onto the man’s shoulder. 
“Hey! I asked what you’re doing here!” 
He frowns, “Are you always this rude to people?” 
Jungkook scoffs, but you interject, voice confused. 
His eyes snap up to you, “Oh, hi Y/N.” 
“What are you doing here?” 
“Investigating.” He immediately says, raising his magnifying glass. He begins walking around the room, a curious look to his eyes. “How long have the two of you been here?” 
“Since the power went out.” You answer. 
“Fascinating.” He continues his stroll, only faltering when Jungkook pulls at one of his suspenders from behind. 
He appears annoyed from the former barely acknowledging him. “Why are you in my arcade trying to investigate, Jin?!” 
Jin spins around, smacking his instrument against Jungkook’s head. 
“That’s Detective Jin to you, Mister.” He shakes his head in dismay, “Seriously, where have your manners gone, Kook?”
He glances at Jungkook, “And to answer your prior question, there’s been a recent crime in BTS Village. I’m here to solve it.” 
“A crime?” You cross your arms, “What makes you think the arcade has anything to do with it?” 
“Well, it’s not so much the arcade that has something to do with it…” He suddenly twirls around, pointing his giant magnifying glass at Jungkook who looks baffled, “But someone that might play a hand in the crime.”
You peer over his shoulder, noticing him narrowing in on Jungkook’s eye as the latter stiffens. 
A scoff leaves your lips, “You’re drawing an absurd conclusion.” 
“Oh really, Y/N?” He spins around, nearly whipping you in the face with the glass, “Perhaps you were at the crime scene too then?” 
He begins scrutinizing you, and you uncomfortably shift from the glass being pointed at your eye this time. 
Jungkook huffs, straightening up his clothes. “Don’t you use that magnifying glass to see how big your mouth is half the time?” 
Jin raises his head, suddenly feeling offended. A snort leaves you, further fueling his dismay. 
“Trying to use a personal connection on a detective now, are we?” 
Jungkook plants his hands on his hips, “Well, this detective showed up at my arcade out of nowhere and is interrogating the hell out of me and my employee without any proof.” 
Jin smiles, “Proof! Of course!” 
He moves at the speed of wind, racing around the game room as you and Jungkook hurriedly trail after him. He stops right at the front, a small shoe rack capturing his interest immediately. 
He starts tossing them aside one by one. 
“Hey, stop!” Jungkook scrambles to catch them before they land on the ground, “Those are expensive!” 
“Timberlands?” Jin questions, eyeing one certain beige pair before tossing it away too, “You need better taste, kid.” 
Jungkook practically shoots out his arm in efforts to catch it, but it slips from his grasp and you dive forward, grasping onto it instantly. 
“This is ridiculous.” You huff, “Jungkook hasn’t done anything, Jin.” 
He hums, rising onto his feet. “Is that so, Y/N? Then how about you explain this?” 
Whirling around, he points towards the base of one of Jungkook’s slippers, the same ones he hastily put on when he pushed for you to come with him to the headstone. 
You narrow your eyes, not grasping onto his dramatic revelation, “It’s a slipper. You know, people use them for their feet…?” 
“Not just any slipper!” Jin waves it in the air, far too close to your face as you grimace, “But evidence! Evidence that was at the crime scene during the time of the crime!” 
He pulls out a photograph, showing a footprint that matches up to the shoe, “Someone knocked over and broke our precious ARMY headstone and that person is standing right in front of me!” 
Jungkook looks as much at a loss of words as you do. You can’t deny that Jin is wrong, the picture in his hands and the slipper looking similar. The problem is you know what events transpired, having been with Jungkook as he pushed you to make a wish before speaking with Namjoon. 
There’s no way he could have done anything. 
“I-I…” Jungkook begins. 
“You did it! Mystery solved.” 
“What?” You snap, stalking up to Jin, “This is prosperous, you need more evidence than just a footprint!” 
“Oh? Is that denial I hear?” Jin cheekily questions, cupping his ear and leaning closer to you. Your lips settle into a firm line, teeth gritting. 
“Not denial, but facts.” You place a hand against Jungkook’s shoulder, “I was with Jungkook when the footprint was made and I know he’s innocent.” 
“A counteract argument!” Jin says in excitement, “Fascinating!” 
You let out a groan, “Jungkook is innocent, Jin.” 
“I am.” He hurriedly says, hoping it would do something to diminish the detective’s accusations. Jin’s eyes sink down, puzzlement crossing his features. 
He keenly eyes you, voice no longer childish, “He’s going to be the prime suspect.” 
“He’s innocent.” You press forward again, causing the detective to stare at you for a moment before letting out a long exhale. 
“Prime suspect.” Jin announces again, pretending to write down on an imaginary clipboard. His voice morphs, spiking up in volume, “I won’t stop until I catch who it is! Even if it’s you!” 
The door is yanked open and Jin struts out, closing it on his way. You let out a relieved sigh, pressing a hand against your temples. 
Jungkook being a prime suspect means that Jin doesn’t have the power to turn him in and he’s given you some time to figure out things as well. 
He hasn’t taken his suspicions away, but at least he’s given you some leeway. 
Jungkook’s desperate eyes connect with yours and you know what you have to do. 
Your boss is innocent, and you’re going to prove it. 
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A loud bell dings as the door is shoved open, a huff leaving your lips. The shop is close to being semi-busy, a couple of customers planted down in seats and facing elongated decorated mirrors. Save for a couple of heads that turn in your direction, your eyes rake around. 
Your brows are furrowed, a crease forming in between them. 
A flash of white whizzes by your sight, your hand instantly snapping out and grabbing onto their collar. 
A scream leaves the man’s lips, his eyes wide and petrified. They lock immediately onto yours and within seconds he’s slipping away from your hold, trying to make a run for it. 
His voice screeches as he runs around the salon with a pair of scissors, “The culprit is here! The culprit is here!” 
The showcase sends his customers into a frenzy, voices spiking up into the mayhem and a handful staring at you in horror. 
“Hey, Chatterbox!” You scoff, “Come back here!” 
You chase after him as he wails, bumping back and forth into his clients with no regard. You eventually grab a hold of his shoulder, a squeal leaving his mouth. 
“NO!!” He cries, “Spare me, please!” 
He tussles around within your grasp, “Hoseok!” 
Abruptly freezing, he stares at you from behind his giant glasses, “Y-Yes?” 
“I need to talk to you.” You profess, noticing the way his scissors are still held up in defense, as if they possessed enough of an ability to scare you away. 
The sound of shutter snaps your attention away, your head whipping around to see a particular lens pointed towards you. It’s pulled down, a man with keen cat-like eyes and a resting pout examining its contents. 
“Picture of the culprit.” His deep voice hums, seemingly satisfied. You tug away the camera from his hold, still keeping a tight grasp on Hoseok before he flies away from you. 
“For ARMY sake‒” You scowl, noticing the apparent ‘frightening’ angle of you in the picture. Shoving it back at him, you hiss, “Delete it now, Yoongi.” 
His eyes narrow, clearly not enthusiastic with the suggestion. You glare right back at him, suddenly realizing why you don’t swing by Hoseok’s salon or his photography shop often. 
With a sigh, Yoongi deletes it and you let go of Hoseok, crossing your arms. 
You hold up a finger, “First off, I’m not the culprit, and neither is Jungkook. Let’s get that straight from the start.” Hoseok opens his mouth like he wants to interrupt, “I’ll take questions at the end.” 
He closes his mouth, a ㅅ shape taking over. “Second off, I’m here because I want to know who the true culprit is.” You take a step forward, eyeing Hoseok, “And I think the local gossiper can give me the details I want.” 
Hoseok’s eyes are wider than before, his hands fumbling around with his scissors. Although he doesn’t care to admit it, you know the village folk feel extremely comfortable around him, willing to spill out all their secrets and desires with no mind over the naive and tender boy’s head. 
Even to the point of professing some oh so good reasoning about a particular headstone. 
Yoongi tilts his head to the side, clutching onto his camera, “How do we know you’re not trying to cover up your own tracks from the crime?” 
Hoseok’s irises sway from you to him, growing only larger in size. You shake your head with a sigh, aware of the latter’s protectiveness towards his childhood friend. 
“Because the crime was committed during a power outage….while me and Jungkook were at the arcade…..” 
The truth sounded a lot better in your head. You can see Yoongi’s gears turning, his gaze becoming more and more scrutinizing. 
To your surprise, he suddenly clears his throat, taking a step back. 
“What?” He raises a brow, “Do you want me not to trust you?” 
“No.” You deadpan, “I just thought you would ask more questions.” 
Yoongi shrugs, “You barely pay any attention to the headstone in the first place. Plus Jungkook isn’t the type to break something he’s been making wishes to since being a kid.” 
You blink, astonished with the analysis. Yoongi turns to Hoseok, nodding his head as the latter hesitantly begins to speak up. 
“T-There’s a rumour…” He whispers, causing the two of you to lean in, “I-I didn’t mean to spread it! I-I just thought it was interesting and my clients like to hear stories of the village while I-I’m cutting their hair‒” 
“What is it, Hoseok?” Yoongi wonders as you hum. 
His pupils oscillate on the ground, hands fumbling with his scissors. 
“Treasure.” He heaves, glancing up at the two of you, “There’s a rumour of the headstone housing treasure.” 
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He tilts his head to the right. 
The giant magnifying glass in his hand follows the direction, inflating the image of the remains from the headstone by tenfold. 
Planting one of his hands on his hips, the other comes forth to stroke his invisible beard. His legs swing, about to turn back to head towards the arcade again. 
“Find anything yet?” 
A scream escapes him. 
Jungkook stands before him, covering his ears as Jin places a hand against his racing heart. 
“You frightened me!” Jin scolds, narrowing his eyes, “What are you doing here?!” 
Jungkook frowns, “I’m not the culprit.” 
“Sure, that’s what they all say!” Jin begins walking down the trail near the headstone as Jungkook closely follows behind. 
“Did you find anything yet?” He questions hopefully, doe eyes twinkling at his elder. The man before him sighs, aiming his glass piece at the trail before him. 
He suddenly crouches down, scrutinizing another footprint. 
“I’m not telling you anything, Kook.” 
“But why!” He practically whines, childishly clinging onto Jin’s arm, “Come on, you’ve known me since I was a kid. Does this look like the face of someone that would break the headstone?” 
He gestures to himself as Jin stares, purposely widening his eyes and putting on a pout. 
Jin smacks the back of his tool against his head, causing Jungkook to wince. “Stop getting cute with me.” 
Jungkook’s eyes sway, “I-I’m not getting cute….” 
“Uh-huh.” Jin reminisces, looking around the headstone carefully again. There’s a furrow between his brows as he picks up a chuck of the stone, bringing it up to examine. 
“Find anything?” 
The stone piece nearly slips from Jin’s fingers as Jungkook peers over his shoulder wide-eyed, appearing more like a naive child than the owner of an arcade.  
“Will you stop doing that?!” Jin scolds, growing irritated by the moment with Jungkook’s interventions. The latter pouts, desperation leaking into his irises. 
“Then tell me something.” At Jin’s withering gaze, Jungkook pulls out all sorts of cuteness he wouldn’t be caught doing in daylight, “Please.” 
Jin rolls his eyes, sight landing right on top of the headstone. 
“Blue Village..…” 
It’s so incredibly faint, but Jungkook’s ears catch onto it right away. 
“Blue Village.” Jin says louder this time, his brow twitching. Clearing his throat, he lowers his voice again, “I think someone from Blue Village did it.” 
Jungkook’s eyes are instantly enlarging, features contorting into a sudden epiphany. 
“Now leave me alone!” Jin says, pushing him away, “I have mysteries to solve!” 
Jungkook nods in an instant, a smile curving on his lips at the new piece of information. 
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It’s not long before you’re pacing towards the arcade, surprised to see Jungkook already there and buzzing with energy. His eyes light up with your presence, lips moving immediately. 
“Blue Village!” 
You stare at each other for a moment, confused with the notion. “Wait, Blue Village? What about them?” 
“Jin says that someone from Blue Village might be responsible.” Jungkook explains, scrunching his brows together, “What do you mean by treasure?” 
“Hoseok told me that there’s treasure underneath the headstone.” Your eyes sparkle, “That means someone who needs money probably broke it.” 
Jungkook grimaces, “Shoot.” 
“I need money.” He honestly states. Your features twist up with the fact, acknowledging that your tidbit on the situation wouldn’t work well in his favour. 
Shaking the thoughts away, you pursue more information, “Who do you think did it?” 
Jungkook doesn’t respond to you, instead he stares outside the arcade’s glass exterior. Puzzled, you turn around to see what he’s staring at, only to see a young boy dressed in a yellow shirt and blue overalls walking by. 
He appears to be within his own world, a dreamy smile curving up on his cheeks and a colourful lollipop in his hand. His eyes instantly connect with yours, crinkling up into half moons as he waves over to you and Jungkook. 
You return his gesture with a smile, but Jungkook had a sneering look in his stare. 
“I hate that guy.” He spits out, drawing out perplexment from you. 
“What?” You spin around, pointing to the oblivious boy. “Leader Jimin?” 
Jungkook hums and you shake your head, watching an angelic smile take over the boy’s features. “How could you possibly hate him?” 
Suddenly, something sparks within his eyes. He turns to you, determination spiking his gaze. 
“He’s the one that broke the headstone.” 
You let out an exhale of dismay, “He didn’t.” 
“He’s from Blue Village.” Jungkook says, as if all the clues finally made sense, “No one know where he came from or what his background is. It makes perfect sense!” 
“You’re starting to make up conclusions like Jin now.” 
“He could use the money!” Jungkook snaps his fingers, “I heard that he’s been living at the village doctor’s house and pays rent!” 
At your look of disbelief, he smirks, “Rent gets expensive, Y/N. Don’t you know that?” 
“He’s innocent.” You protest, shaking away his accusations, “He’s a happy person that just wandered into our village one day. He looks like he can’t even hurt a fly!” 
At the moment, Jimin lets out a giggle, one of the village kids smiling brightly up at him. 
Jungkook narrows his eyes, a hum leaving him. 
“Wait, you’re right.”
Jungkook deadpans, “He’s an idiot.” 
“He is not an idiot.” You’re about to list more reasons as to why, but you notice Jimin walking away to ‘lead’ the children behind him, not realizing that one of them has stolen his lollipop and the rest are trying to fight the child for it. 
He breaks out in a daze of giggles, happy to be their leader. 
Your features scrunch up, “Okay, maybe he is, but‒” 
Jungkook smirks like you have no option but to agree with him. Before you have the chance to prove him wrong, there’s a knock outside the arcade door. 
A trail of goosebumps spike up on your arm, the look of annoyance on Jungkook’s features telling you enough of who's at the door. 
However, this time there’s no intrigue, just a simple big white label possessively planting against the wall. 
“I heard you’re not doing so well financially,” Richman V states, “This arcade should be mine soon.” 
Jungkook’s jaw drops at the man’s blatant actions, orbs following him around as he continues to plaster his labels all over his precious arcade. 
You beat him at the chance to intervene. 
“This arcade isn’t yours.” You tug at his sleeve, only for Richman V to spin around and plant a label smack against your forehead. 
“Everything I label, I possess.” He interjects, “This arcade will be mine, and so will everything that comes along with it.” 
He passes by you and begins sticking on more labels. You huff, ripping off the label and smacking it onto a nearby wall. “I am not going to work for you.” 
“Yes, you are.” He states, like it shouldn’t even be in question. “You work in this arcade. The arcade will belong to me. Your services will be mine.” A smile curves on his lips, “You should be happy. I’ll at least be a proficient boss.” 
Your eye twitches and Jungkook looks like he wants to interject, but you scramble around, locating a pen. 
Taking one of his possessive labels, you scratch out his name and scribble on Jungkook’s before sticking it back onto one of the machines. 
“You can’t take this arcade because it doesn’t belong to you.” You huff, grasping his attention. “And I already have a great boss, thank you very much.” 
Jungkook blinks wide-eyed as Richman V stares at you, clearly annoyed with your meddling. Turning around, he leans closer, looking at you eye to eye. 
“I own every property in BTS Village, and this arcade won’t be an exception.” 
Without another word, he leaves, a clutter of his labels all over the walls and machines. Your eyes are sharpened, lips twisted with suppressed fury as you pluck off the flimsy pieces of paper that demand its ownership. 
“Who does that guy think he is?” You rant as Jungkook silently watches you, “I mean sure, label all your things. Your toothbrush, your comb, whatever.” 
Kneeling down, you narrow your eyes at the one he’s managed to stick behind the counter before tearing it off, “But a place he doesn’t even own? Talk about really wanting to possess stuff.” 
“Did you mean it…” 
Jungkook’s voice is soft, near quiet. 
You turn around, bafflement crossing you. “Well yeah, he seems like kind of a jerk and wanting to possess an arcade after all he has seems like a petty list of things a person would want to own‒” 
Jungkook shakes his head, stopping your ramble. “Before that. About me being a great boss….” 
You stare at him like a deer in headlights, clearly caught off guard. Freezing in place, you open and close your mouth a couple of times, no words managing to come out. 
Instead, a pink hue dusts over your skin. 
“Well, I...I-I did say that…” You attempt to begin, “And I...well‒” 
Your eyes snap up at the sound of a third voice, noticing Jin leaning behind the counter as he listens into your conversation. Jungkook immediately swivels around, placing a hand against his racing heart. 
“Can you call or something the next time you show up?!’ He angrily retorts, only for Jin to completely ignore him and step forward. 
He walks straight towards the shoe rack, plucking up the pair of slippers Jungkook wore to the headstone. He drops them with a hum, walking over to the counter again to flip through some paper sheets, something that has Jungkook scrambling forward. 
“Why are you looking at my accounts?!” 
“It all makes sense now.” 
Jin finally speaks up, pointing an accusatory finger towards Jungkook, “YOU DID IT!” 
“I’ve already told you that I’m not the culprit!” 
“Really?!” Jin challenges, “We found your footprint. You’re the one in need of money and tried to get the treasure underneath the headstone.” 
He suddenly glances around, like he was still collecting proof against Jungkook’s case. 
His eyes land onto the battered mallet used for Jungkook’s whac-a-mole machine, raising it in the air. 
“Aha!” He exclaims, “This is what you broke it with!” 
“Actually he broke that mallet because he’s ridiculously competitive and was prepared to win at any cost.” You interject, arms crossed.
Jungkook deadpans at Jin’s dwindling resolve, an impassive and unimpressed expression spreading over his features. 
“You really don’t know what you’re doing, do you?” 
“Of course I do!” Jin protests, grabbing a small book from his back pocket. He vigorously flips through the pages, eyes twinkling, “I told you about Blue Village being involved!” 
Jungkook’s eyes widen, “Leader Jimin did it!” 
You attempt to hush him down, but Jin cocks up a brow, baffled with the suggestion. 
“What? That kid?” Jungkook nods, “Nah, he’s an angel. Wouldn’t hurt a fly.” 
Offense is written all over Jungkook, “Then what am I?!” 
“A greedy game owner!” Jin accuses, only for Jungkook to sigh. 
“I’m innocent, Jin.” He desperately glances in your direction, “Just ask Y/N!” 
“She’s probably plotting with you!!” 
“Excuse me?” You scoff, about to give your two cents on the ridiculousness of the conversation until the sound of small ding resonates through the room. 
A pair of two small feet come to a stop, wide eyes staring at the three individuals in front of him. 
You recognize him immediately as the boy that came to your game room the day you had barren business. 
“Oh, it’s you.” 
Jungkook perks up, “The kid who Y/N paid for!” 
Jin whips around, narrowing his eyes at Jungkook and prepares to write in his book. “Excoriating money from our employee’s now, are we?” 
“I willingly paid for him.” You correct right away, aware that Jin seemed to be on Jungkook’s tail no matter what. Spinning around, you crouch down to view the boy, “What are you doing here?” 
“I saw the headstone marked as a crime scene.” He speaks, peeking around with wide eyes. “I wanted to see the Detective.” 
Jin immediately pushes forward, adjusting his hat and leaning down with his notebook. 
“Do you know anything about how it was broken?” 
The boy nods, “I was on my way to school when I saw two people walking to the headstone. One of them was dressed very fancy and the other one had blue hair.” 
“Richman V and RM!” Jungkook exclaims, only for Jin to hush him down. 
“It’s too early to draw conclusions!” 
Jungkook scoffs, “So drawing conclusions about me without evidence wasn’t too early?!”
“Did he have bronze hair?” You immediately question, and the boy nods, “Was the other one wearing a box office uniform?” 
He nods again, “They were talking to each other but not in a nice way. I think they were fighting.” 
“They were fighting?” Jungkook wonders, staring at you in disbelief. 
“Hold it!” Jin exclaims, moving towards the boy. He points towards you and Jungkook, expression keen, “Did you see these two near the headstone?” 
He places a finger against his chin, a spark lighting up in his eyes, “I did!” 
 “But they were making a wish together when the headstone wasn’t broken.” 
“….oh?” Jin whispers, his pen freezing in place. The boy smiles, gazing at you. 
“I hope your wish came true.” 
You return his smile, “Thanks for coming by, kid.” 
He nods, waving at Jungkook and Jin before you open the door and let him rush home. 
Silence reigns heavy in the arcade room.
Jin eventually clears his throat. 
His voice is considerably quiet, nowhere near the loud and dramatic tone you were accustomed to hearing. 
“It seems like I’ve made a mistake…” 
“Seems like?!” Jungkook angrily shouts, but Jin coxes him right away. 
“Mistakes can happen! Someone can look guilty and end up not being…” 
Jungkook has a “are you serious?” expression and Jin cheekily smiles, before racing towards the door. 
“Oh wow, would you look at the time?? I’ll catch up with you guys later!” The door is shutting close before you can even utter another word, your eyes rolling at the man's catastrophe. 
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This just in! 
Famous Property Owner and Dealer Richman V and Box Office Employee RM caught for destroying one of the more treasured possessions of BTS Village! 
Thanks to the testimony of one boy, more eyewitnesses were found and several pieces of evidence led to the duo facing charges. It is said that RM needed the money to attend an audition and had tried to negotiate with Richman V for help near the headstone. Richman V, who was facing the displeasure of not obtaining a particular arcade in the village, wanted to know about the mysterious treasure hidden deep beneath the stone. Sources suggests that two were baffled about the broken headstone and attempted to cover up the accident by‒
“Oh, would you just get to the good part already?!” Jungkook slams his fist against the counter, desperation leaking into his voice. 
You let out a sigh, scrolling through the newspaper until you find the excerpt. Clearing your throat, you mimic your best anchor voice again. 
Initially, Detective Jin from BTS Village had suspicions on a certain game room owner that goes by the name of Jeon Jungkook, but with further investigation done, it was found that he was at the crime scene prior to the incident and was deemed innocent. 
“Well, it’s nice hearing someone say I’m innocent.” Jungkook remarks, leaning against his hand on his cheek. 
The newspaper is yanked down, “I said you were innocent.” 
“Of course you did!” He proclaims, “Why else would you want to turn your innocent boss in?” 
“I can think of a couple of reasons.” You mumble underneath your breath, only for Jungkook to pout. “What?” 
“I’m still broke as hell.” He shifts his attention to his account book on the counter, lazily flipping through the pages. “Business has been better, but I’m still not making enough money.” 
You roll your eyes, aware that business truthfully has been better thanks to your combined efforts and that it would take time for some stable revenue to roll in, as long as Jungkook’s dramatics don’t manage to interfere. 
“Maybe you should hire a different employee instead of me.” You sassily retort, “Let’s see what happens to business then.” 
Jungkook narrows his eyes, “Why on earth would I do that?”
“Because you’re ‘losing’ money.” You exaggerate in the same tone he used.  
“Nah, I’m never going to get rid of you.” He softly says, “You always have my back.”
For a moment, you just blink your eyes. Turning around, you’re expecting a cocky smirk on his lips or a teasing raise of his brows.
Instead, you’re met with sincere eyes and a genuine smile, something that nearly has the newspaper in your hands slipping from your hands. 
You slowly open your mouth to respond. 
“Why are the two of you having a staring contest?” 
Both you and Jungkook whip around, watching Jin poke at one of the machines with a frown on his face. 
Jungkook’s jaw drops down, “What are you doing here?!” 
Jin looks at him taken aback, the anger in his voice prevalent. “What? Were you two having a moment or something?” 
You avert your eyes as Jungkook’s brow twitches. 
He shakes his head, a whine escaping him, “Why are you here, Jin?” 
“Oh!” He pipes up, “Are you hiring at the moment by any chance?” 
Jin cheekily smiles, “So my reputation as a detective kind of went sour with this recent case, you know, with suspecting and falsely accusing someone innocent and‒ what are you doing?” 
He’s being effortlessly lifted by Jungkook, before being planted right outside of the arcade. 
Jungkook closes the door shut, sending him a friendly wave with a strained smile as Jin scoffs.
“Oh come on, JK!” 
“Come back when I really am innocent!” He childishly laughs as Jin throws a fit of anger from the display. 
Jungkook glances in your direction almost as if to gauge your reaction to his antics, but you simply smile and shake your head with a roll of your eyes. 
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Jungkook snaps his fingers. 
“This entire place should have a makeover!” He springs up from his seat from his revelation, pacing around the room, “We can take out the bookcase and maybe add more machines, we could even paint the walls maybe like a royal blue, put some speakers here‒….” 
You lounge on one of the chairs as you watch your boss continuing his ramble, eyes follow along with the speed of his legs as he practically pounces around the place. 
It’s been a while since the ARMY headstone mystery has been resolved, and aside from helping Detective Jin with getting a job after Jungkook’s refusal of hiring another employee, you’ve come to terms with yourself. 
You have feelings for your boss. It’s plain obvious.  
The problem lies in the fact that you work with him, meaning that no matter what you do and say, he’s naturally inclined to believe that you’re simply doing him a favour as an employee. 
A sigh leaves your lips as you lean back in your chair. 
Jungkook whirls around, childlike excitement sparking in his large doe eyes, “Well?” 
You abruptly blink, realizing that you hadn’t caught onto a single thing he said because you were too caught up in your own head. 
Standing up, you pat his shoulder and walk over to the counter, “Let’s discuss this later.” 
“What?” Jungkook watches your fading form, a crease forming between his brows, “A-Are you sure? You seem to be really out of it these days, Y/N.” 
At the hint of concern in his voice, your eyes widen, “Uh, yeah!” You nervously laugh, “I seriously doubt we’ll figure it all out in one day.” 
Jungkook pursues his lips, “Hm, that’s true.” 
He smiles and you wipe away the sweat from your temples, a relieved exhale leaving you. 
You have to confess to him. 
You’ve been thinking about it all night long, and as soon as the sun rose this morning, you were determined to tell Jungkook how you felt about him. You’ve already come up with a bunch of ways to convince him that yes, you like him in case he dips into his notorious denial, and even were prepared for any spouts of panic that might burst out from your dynamic abruptly shifting. 
There’s nothing that can surprise you now. 
Your feet immediately slow down, mouth falling agape. 
In front of you is the arcade, and at the same time, you wonder if you’ve even arrived at the right shop. 
Gone are the large advertising and attention drawing signs, cardboard cutout replaced with navy blue and black speakers. The yellow and blue lights have been replaced with midnight black and white ones, soft music radiating out from the door. 
You continue to stare at it in puzzlement. 
The arcade you knew was loud and bold, noise drowning through into your ears and strobe lights nearly blinding you. 
Cautiously, you open the front door, your surprise simply magnifying with every step you take. 
The walls are coloured with a shade of dark blue, replacing the dull beige completely. The bookshelf has disappeared, replaced with new gaming machines instead of similar ones linked up in a row. 
One of them consists of a brand new whac-a-mole machine, your eyes flickering over the colorful display and shining mallet. 
“Y/N?!” A voice suddenly calls out, snapping you out of your awe-filled daze. Turning around, you don’t see your boss in sight. 
“Jungkook?” You call back out, only for the sound of boxes shifting resonating from the back room. 
“Just give me a minute!” 
You hum, picking up the mallet with a smile as you walk closer to the door. 
“What have you done to this place?” 
“You like it?” 
You inspect the instrument in your hand, “Yeah, it looks amazing….” 
His laughter seeps through the door, “That’s great! I just thought the place needed something different, you know? Almost like a re-opening.” 
The corner of your mouth lifts up, “From now on, Jeon’s arcade is a new experience for all!” 
You snort at the slogan, placing the mallet back down on the counter. That’s when your eyes focus onto the small bottle on the counter, the words ‘hair dye’ causing them to enlarge with size. 
As you grab onto it, the back door room opens and Jungkook emerges out, his blonde strands bright and damp with drops of water. 
He beams at you, doe eyes crinkling and a giant smile breaking out onto his features. 
“What do you think?” He eagerly asks, “Doesn’t it help with the new experience in here?” 
The hair dye bottle slips from your hands, no coherent words forming from the tip of your tongue as your mouth drops wide open. Jungkook can only stare in confusion as pink rapidly scatters across your features and it’s in that one sole moment you realize. 
No matter how hard you try, your boss always finds some way to surprise you. 
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cross-d-a · 3 years
if you're doing those characters then please give me more amazing takes on princess mute 🥺💕
Also omgg thank you SOSOSO much for asking me about Princess Mute?? THE LOVE OF MY LIFE??? You know me so well, vish!! I love and adore you so much!! Thank you for giving me the chance to blabber on about the woman I love!! ⁽⁽٩(๑˃̶͈̀ ᗨ ˂̶͈́)۶⁾⁾
ALSO! I’m gonna do my best to like- not spoil all my plans for whispers, haha
The rest is under the cut bc I just have a lot of FEELINGS~ about our resident zombie girl 
❤⃛ヾ(๑❛ ▿ ◠๑ )
How I feel about this character
OH BOY OK I JUST??? LOVE HER??? A LOT???? I wasn’t expecting to get quite so immediately and intensely attached to her?? But from the second I heard about her in the legend I was just gone. Completely done for. I’m generally a sucker for mythology, and there’s just SO MUCH that’s fascinating about the tale behind the Princess Mute and the South Sea King? 
Even though Princess Mute is so central to the myth, the South Sea King is deemed as the most important? I mean- duh it is his tomb, but Princess Mute is the catalyst? None of this would have happened without her? She’s main character material and yet she isn’t the main character of her own story?? She has practically no agency? It’s so? Fucking? Fascinating?? And there is so fucking much left unanswered? The myth says she turns into a goddamn monster?? Is this- figuratively? Or literally? Is she a monster for breaking gender norms and committing the ultimate taboo by killing the Emperor??? Like- holy FUCK? Like- LOOK at this pic from Ershu’s Expensive Powerpoint:
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and a close-up for good measure:
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(note the HORNS/HELMET?? the LIGHTNING STRIKE!!! 👀👀👀 how she’s dressed as a SOLDIER?? that SPEAR??? also she’s depicted as much bigger than the emperor!! which, of course, means she’s more important!!!!)
and, HELLO!! She’s called the PRINCESS MUTE. She is only known/named in association to someone else. Her name has been erased from history. It isn’t important to anyone. Which is so fucking ironic. She’s Princess Mute. Her voice has been stripped from her, just like her agency. This tale is the Mute Emperor’s and not her own. Her suffering means nothing to anyone. Her life means nothing other than for the Emperor to desire and the South Sea King to mourn over (and WOW!! ISN’T THIS JUST!! SO perfectly encapsulating Nanpai Sanshu’s female characters and their relevance to the story/male characters)
(so what is her goddamn name???? I mean, I know what I’ve named her, but sorry dudes. Again. I don’t wanna spoil too much :) )
also, WHY is the South Sea King covering her eyes when she’s sent off to sea in the origami boat?
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What actually happens to her after this? The body we see of the South Sea King has long white hair so I assume he died pretty old? So why does she look so goddamn young? 
And- the million dollar question here (WHICH I HAVE A LOT OF HEADCANONS FOR BUT I DON’T WANNA SPOIL WHISPERS): What happened to her after she killed the Emperor????
ALSO!! WHY IS SHE HOLDING A DINGLAN RULER WHEN SANSHU FINDS HER IN THAT FIRST EXPEDITION?? (internet says it’s a “special ruler used for making shrines, carving wood statues and making tablets of gods. Later used in measurement of architectural scale; measuring instrument for the netherworld, wishes best for tomb owner) did she design her own father’s tomb?? is there more to her becoming a leather figurine than filial loyalty/sacrifice?? 
Why does she have a tattoo?? I go a bit into this in my fic, but from my understanding it was unusual for people (women especially!) to have tattoos during this time! (this is just from my research! if I am wrong please correct me!) 
For anyone who hasn’t read whispers, there were a a few tribes (minorities!) during this time who tattooed themselves (and to this day, they continue this tradition :) ). The Li were often attacked by invaders who assaulted the women and sold them as slaves. The women ended up tattooing their faces and bodies to make them less appealing, and it ended up becoming a tradition. When a girl came of age she’d get tattooed. Then we’ve got the Dai, who (from what I understand!) got tattoos of animals with characteristics they wished to embody, such as to show their virility and strength! So they’d tattoo tigers and dragons, etc.
So why does Princess Mute have one? Who gave it to her? WHAT ACTUALLY IS IT!!!!!! (eternal frustration that we never see a clear shot of the whole thing!!) It kinda looks like a heavily stylized fish? With some waves. But I am unsure! But it would make sense, considering the ongoing theme of snakes and fish throughout dmbj.
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Also, her scars seem very strange. Like- if someone skinned her (YIKES!) then- her scars don’t really seem like they’re a result of skinning (double yikes!!). You’d think that for a woman who was the daughter of the King, they’d take more care to preserve her face?? So why does it seem like someone has done their utter best to ruin it? Did the Emperor do it himself? Did her father? Or did someone else do it?? Did she do it herself????
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Also, I just wanna cut the bullshit with the creepy hand clam thing. A hand clam isn’t gonna wrap their fingers around Wu Xie’s hand to stop him from blowing himself up. Like. I get that it’s the censorship. I get it. But- you can’t tell me it wasn’t actually the Princess Mute who saved him. I just?? This moment is so powerful? It literally knocked the breath from my chest.
Princess Mute’s story is just so fascinating and tragic and I am just a mess over how she isn’t in control of her own story? She never is. Except for when she kills the Emperor. (AND when she saves Wu Xie) And I think that’s fucking telling. 
Of course, it felt like they had more of a storyline planned for her which never happened, but I’ll get more into that later.
Basically, I just have SO MANY QUESTIONS!!!
It’s like- I dunno. Seeing a gorgeous woman flip an obnoxious man over her shoulder and slam him to the ground without breaking a sweat and watching her walk away with stars in your eyes. You barely know anything about her but you’re already half in love and you just want to know more.
I’m super Gay for her, if you couldn’t already tell.
Honestly, she just perfectly represents all the female characters and their treatment in dmbj with all the extra PIZAZZ of the mysterious supernatural/mythological elements. She just makes me go feral and I adore her with my entire heart.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
They are my two favourite (okay and my wife Su Nan!) female characters in dmbj. I think their stories parallel each other pretty beautifully? They’re both women in a powerful position, though with limited agency. They both defy gender norms and accomplish things (I’m counting killing the Emperor as Accomplishing Something) in a very male-dominated world. And- okay. I know the Princess Mute is technically dead. But she also?? is someone still doing stuff?? and pushing along the storyline?? as a zombie?? So I’m just gonna say that both of them aren’t truly killed off for the Man Pain like all the other female dmbj characters (except for Xiu Xiu, and I guess Chuchu but ChuChu’s situation is kinda....Iffy. At best.)
Also both of them are linked pretty heavily with Wu Xie? They both have an interesting relationship with him. And Princess Mute leads Wu Xie to Xiao Bai!!!
And okay this is spoiling a bit of whispers, BUT!!! Warehouse 11 was built atop the South Sea King’s temple. Isn’t that fucking important??? I stand by my headcanon that Xiao Bai is a Warehouse kid (descended from the Founders) and so she grew up there. And like- ignoring censorship bc I can AND because Reboot leaves a lot of supernatural stuff up in the air anyway- wouldn’t growing up atop an insanely powerful temple do something to you? Wouldn’t it affect you in some way?? There’s just!!! SO much potential between Princess Mute and Xiao Bai!! Plus!! I think it’d be great for Xiao Bai to form a relationship with another woman. She needs some female solidarity in her life.
And- well. I just ship Princess Mute with all the dmbj women, really. Princess Mute has two hands, why can she use them both?? I’ve got a couple Princess Mute modern au’s going and in one of them she just- sweeps A’Ning and Su Nan off their feet :)
I really can’t ship Princess Mute with any male characters, I think. There’s just- so much underlying trauma surrounding her agency and how she’s been used by the men in her life. Also, I like wlw & mlm solidarity. Let Princess Mute and Wu Xie wallow over their Stupid Crushes. Or Princess Mute & Xiao Ge. I’m not picky.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Purely bc of my own au, I am very much invested in Princess Mute & Li Cu (& spirit snake). As I mentioned before, there’s a running theme of loss of agency in their own lives and suffering the consequences of others’ actions. Plus, there’s a lot of supernatural happenings surrounding the both of them. Why wouldn’t they find a connection?
And, obviously, I adore Princess Mute & Wu Xie. Princess Mute saved Wu Xie and then Wu Xie was promptly obsessed (can’t say I blame him). They had such an interesting relationship in Reboot that was just- so fucking tragically dropped. 
My unpopular opinion about this character
SHE SHOULD BE MORE POPULAR!!!!!!!!!! She is so goddamn fascinating and gorgeous and I just!! Want!! Everyone to adore her as much as I do!!!!!!!! At least I feel a bit accomplished for swinging some readers over to her side in whispers!! That’s something!!! 
I’ve got like- a million au ideas with her. I’m going to be the creator of the content I wish to read!!!!!
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
She just gets completely dropped after she leads Wu Xie to Warehouse 11. So once more, she is a plot device and not. And actual. Person. Her importance is tied irrevocably to the male leads. Her agency is not her own. Wu Xie cares so much about her, and okay, he’s trying to figure out a mystery and we all know how he gets when he’s trying to puzzle out a mystery-- but you can’t tell me he just- stops caring after he encounters Warehouse 11??? What happens to her after that?? Does she rot away in a box in Wushanju?? Does Ershu take her back?? I’m just?? WHAT????
I want to know her side of the story and not what everyone else has said. I want her to actually properly communicate with Wu Xie. I want her saving the day again and I want her being fucking badass and I want her and Xiao Ge being soft together and I want her and Xiao Bai to bond fall in love and I want everyone to just- fall in love with her? And care about her? And I want to to find herself caring about these fucking idiots too???? Can you imagine her and Liu Sang bonding over shitty fathers and lack of agency and Trauma?? Can you imagine Princess Mute getting her life back and the freckles returning to her slowly darkening skin and her being silly with Hei-ye bc he keeps shoving increasingly ridiculous sunglasses at her. And can you imagine her trying on jeans for the first time and picking out a cute bomber jacket and shoving a baseball cap on her head and dipping her feet back in the sea and befriending shibie bc she’s just?? that?? cool?? while Iron Triangle is off on the side fretting like she isn’t befriending some very dangerous creatures but it’s okay bc she’s a dangerous creature too and she understands fear and desire and hunger. 
I want her returning to Thunder City. I want her getting closure. I want her story to get closure. Period.
And I know it didn’t happen bc censorship and Nanpai Sanshu and just- a host of Other Things. But I want it, and she deserves it.
AAAHH VISH!!!! Thank you so much for letting me yell about Princess Mute!! Sorry I couldn’t go more in depth with headcanons but!! Like I said, I don’t want to completely spoil you for whispers, so I’ll keep those close to my chest for now 
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rwbyconversations · 5 years
Rooster Teeth Glassdoor Crunch/Overtime Accusations #AnimatorsFirst
EDIT: Georden Whitman, former creator of Nomad of Nowhere, has come out and publicly confirmed the Glassdoor reviews are true.
Original story:
Rooster Teeth’s Glassdoor reviews have recently made serious allegations against the company, with people who work for the company claiming that the company engages in practices involving heavy crunch periods, a resistance to providing benefits, eighty hour work weeks, a management team trying to justify crunch and unpaid overtime that, according to some, led to as much as a third of RWBY and gen;LOCK’s recent seasons being made effectively for free. 
Below are screencaps and exact quotes from the pages. Any emphasis made is done by me.
From May 23rd this year, as written by an employee with three years experience at RT:
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Program scheduling department has no idea how to time budget for animation, has resulted in unnecessary, preventable crunch Company takes on projects that are too big for it to manage effectively Not the highest pay compared to Anim Guild standards Open office space, gets noisy
Advice to Management
Management has been using a weird method to try and deescalate hard feelings about crunch. They’re acting like counselors who are “there to talk” and to try and find “coping mechanisms” to deal with crunch. This is a terrible idea considering that none of them are trained counselors as far as I’m aware, but more-so, they’re obviously going to be biased in favor of what they want from us. It makes me want to communicate with them even less. This past review, my manager criticized me for having “negative energy” during a terrible crunch period where we were working over 80 hrs s week, and told me I should “look for the silver lining” which is just bad advice. Advice to management is to stop pretending you know anything about mental health and also be less passive - fight harder for your team.
From May 13th, an employee with a year’s experience at Rooster Teeth:
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The management is terrible. Artists are lead on with the promises of "full time employment and benefits" dangled in front of them without ever being addressed and ultimately are never given, there is no paid overtime, artists had to fight for their right to time off between productions, and good luck getting any form of benefits despite them being plastered on the wall.
Advice to Management
You're not a group of guys playing halo in your apartment anymore. Please run your business and look at what's happened to it.
From June 11th this year, from an employee who has been working at the company for five years:
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- Extremely poor management (Some of it is negligence, some of it is just accidental from the sheer amount of work. Upper management is also extreme bro/friends club.) - Insanely high expectations (animate a 10-14 min episode in 2 weeks) - Very low compensation (I've worked here for years and make entry pay. Some people have gone MULTIPLE years with no raise) - No overtime pay (Every season of RWBY and GL gets about 1/3 or less made for 'free' because no one gets paid over time and it's not uncommon to work hundreds of hours of overtime) - Toxic work environment (there are a lot of cliques, complaining and even making fun of other people and depts here. It never gets punished so it always happens. Not professional)  - You know something is going right when after many complaints HR reminds everyone you have "unlimited" mental health doctor appointments... I could honestly go on and on like an emo on Myspace in 2007 but I'll reign it in. I'll leave it at this since I've seen many fans read these and be skeptical. It's not great. You can deny it but there is a lot of evidence if you just accept it. And the reason you work here is cus you get stuck and are promised "It'll get better". The work is low quality (hard to get jobs elsewhere), pay is low (can't save money) and life/work balance is a joke. We have a bit of balance now but it's only for a couple months out of the year when production isn't in full swing. Then it's back in the meat grinder.
Advice to Management
You NEED to listen to the workers and make hard decisions and actually fight for better conditions. It's been far far too long of "it'll get better" or "we know what to do next year". This isn't sustainable and I think we all know it. But someone has to be the guy to say "no" when things aren't good enough. If you don’t say no, hundreds of people suffer. Please.
From May 18th:
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Crunch has gotten to an unacceptable level. Productions have been completed with over half of total hours unpaid overtime, especially impacting the comp and editing department. Management cares more about their ego than the quality of the work they put out— letting the crunch caused by their irresponsible decisions fall solely on the shoulders of the artists while they enjoy a forty hour work week. Pay is laughable compared with the amount of mandated, unpaid hours of labor. No career advancement, and contract workers are given empty promises of full time employment before being shown the door once production is done.
Advice to Management
Stop saying the crunch issue is “getting better” or that you’re “working on it”, and start actually owning up to your mistakes.
From May 19th:
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-A lot of employees brought on, if not all, before the last development cycle were promised permanent positions after a 90 day trial period. As those dates approached those artists saw no change, asking their leads what was going on. The guidance from higher ups was vague at best, and some felt like they had been forced to lie to employees during the interview process. - A lot of processes went over-scope due to poor planning. -Lack of actual production experience in the management side of things is no longer something that can be glossed over as the company tries to take on more industry vetted employees. -Crunch is extreme and overtime is not compensated for, nor is that time given back in any fair amount.
Advice to Management
-Clear and concise communication -Re-structure your upper level management
From May 12th:
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Crunch here is out of control. No Paid OT. Expect to work A LOT for free. 70-80 hour work weeks. Mandatory 10-12 hour work days sometimes with no days off. Management is more interested in telling you what you want the hear as opposed to the truth.
Advice to Management
Fix the crunch issue and stop saying 'we're working on it'.... because you're not. Layoffs are certain. Will layoff bad employees and good employees in the same breath, completely eliminating any reason to work as hard as you're required to do. Fix your transparency issue and stop overworking your employees otherwise your reputation will severely suffer.
From April 5th:
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-No paid overtime. -Crunch is a major problem in the animation department due to unrealistic deadlines, poor planning, and indecisiveness. (Mandatory 10 to 12 hour days for multiple months are common.) -Stress levels are often very high due to harsh deadlines -Some of the producers tend to lie. -Promotions are used as a morale booster, not actual career advancement. -Hardly any time for Professional Development -Professionalism can be a bit scarce (for example people would draw penises on the boards throughout the studio)
Advice to Management
-Management needs to seriously figure out how to deal with the crunch issue. A question was asked at an all hands meeting: "How are you going to handle crunch this year?" Instead of giving a clear answer, the head of the RT animation department completely dodged the question. If you don't know how you are going to tackle a problem, try saying, "I don't know. I will get back with you ASAP." Then actually pursue a solution to the problem. Dodging questions makes you look shady and untrustworthy. -Improve production plans and make sure you have enough resources to complete your projects. If you are going to work on two shows at the same time, then you need to double ALL of your teams along the pipeline, not just one. If you can barely get one project done with your current resources, you certainly cannot finish two. If you can't get the resources needed to complete the projects, then it's probably best to keep them small or to simply not do them at all. Pushing your teams beyond the breaking point is not the wisest decision. If you continue with your overambitious ways, it will backfire in the long run. Telltale Games' closure and Bioware's Anthem debacle are examples of what's to come if you do not improve your production practices and get crunch under control. -Get more training on how to manage people. There are plenty of programs out there that can help management understand how to work with various types of personalities. There were some situations where I noticed that some leads and producers simply did not know how to talk to a person when there was a problem. Despite all of the criticism I just wrote, I feel the majority of who work at Rooster Teeth Productions are decent people. However, the management is just terrible. Put some of that ambition you have into fixing your problems internally instead of putting it into meeting those unrealistic deadlines.
From March 25th:
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- Massive amounts of unpaid overtime. All while touting the importance to the company of a life/work balance. They promise to give you the time back, but it will be impossible to take. - Management is just a joke. They can’t schedule or stay on track to save their lives. Total amateur hour. - Zero followthrough on promises made. How about a pizza party? - Pay much lower than standard. Don’t expect real raises. Promotions with increased responsibilities don’t come with comparable pay bumps. - Most promises of advancement and opportunities are hollow wishful thinking. - Almost zero followthrough with meaningful investment in employee education. You can access a Udemy account and that’s about it. - Management will blame the artists instead of taking responsibility and will even through people under the bus to cover themselves. - Internet celebs are more valuable than artists.  - Their awards are called “cockbite of the month/year” and it’s what they call their employees. You may not want to be called that but that’s too bad. It’s their culture. A few guys draw penises everywhere to be funny. - Not very much diversity in management. Feels like you need to be a straight white male to be appreciated.
Advice to Management
Hire some actual seasoned industry professionals to upper management in Animation. And demonstrate there are some consequences for them, instead of taking it out on employees.
From April 11th: 
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-Overtime, and hours will cause any person to slowly become something they don't like. -Management is typically made up of "talent" and treats other employees poorly, not to mention 0 years of previous managerial experience. -Management also blames other employees for the problems they create, and don't show actual leadership. -Echo chambers within management. -Stress levels incredibly high -Lack of professionalism
Advice to Management
-Get rid of "talent" in managerial roles, it's clear they're costing the company serious problems and money. The ones who end up being hurt are the employees who knew and constantly warned about problems ahead of time that were ignored. If the company stays the same a huge incident is bound to follow. -Try to respect creatives that aren't "talent" within the company as well. It's clear management doesn't and goes against the entirety of the company's "core values." those who have had previous industry experience should be listened to and considered instead of being shrugged off and given responses like "Well that's just how we do things." -Collaboration doesnt seem to exist for a majority of managment here. If this one massive change happens the company could really grow far and do much more than create crude content with a lack of care/heart for the final product. -If people are able to sleep and have a normal schedule more thoughtful input will also happen, and your content can only get better. -A multitude of people and lives have been hurt from management at this company, from in house employees being mentally abused to freelancers that are ghosted. So many immature and poor practices have taken place within the animation department I'm amazed a lawsuit has yet to happen. -Management should be leaders not bosses.
It’s almost darkly funny that most of the positives are just “They give you free food on Mondays and the people are nice.” 
But these are all from just the last year alone. Most reviews from before the start of 2019 don’t speak of crunch barring one from April 2018, one from March 2018 and one from June. This is a problem that has been affecting Rooster Teeth for at least an entire year, and since the start of the new year, the problem has magnified tenfold. Most reviews mention that the heads of departments are aware of the crunch and unpaid overtime but refuse to do anything about it beyond offering platitudes or dodging the question on what the company is going to actually do to fix the crunch problem.
Crunch is a problem plaguing many companies, especially in the western hemisphere. In gaming development there’s a story nearly every month about what apathetic upper management think they can get away with by forcing employees to spend dozens of hours every week slaving away on their product. I hoped that Rooster Teeth would not be one of these companies, but I am saddened to see that they were not. 
Crunch’s negative effects on mental and physical health have been well documented, alongside the basic fact that crunch isn’t worth it and doesn’t work. Employees forced to crunch are unable to work as well as employees who are well rested and have time to go home to their families. 
To anyone working these impossible crunch hours at Rooster Teeth right now, I hope your suffering ends soon, that eventually basic human empathy wins out and hours are lessened while you receive your just rewards for your work.
For @roosterteeth? This is appalling and a slap in the face to the fanbase you conned into thinking that you were a company that cared for everyone within as a huge family. Your entire management team should be ashamed of the environment you signed off on. No profit margin is worth the suffering you have subjected your crew to. Shame on you. 
As a fan of RWBY, it disgusts me that a product I enjoy was made through blood, sweat and tears. And as a fan of RWBY, I wish to make a public call to the fanbase, be it on Tumblr, Reddit, Twitter or Youtube. I want to make a public statement to Rooster Teeth that we are willing to wait longer for new shows if it means that they are made ethically. I can’t in good conscience support a product if it was made by putting the workers through hell. Maybe I can’t change anything on my own, maybe ultimately we’ll just be ignored, but I refuse to stand by and stay silent on the matter, maybe even get Rooster Teeth to make changes in their workflow (I won’t say “I hope they respond” because they seem to respond in-house to complaints about crunch without ever actually changing anything) 
I encourage you to share this around as much as you can. Share the accounts of the Glassdoor reviews as far and as wide as you can. We love and enjoy media, we love the people who make it- the animators, editors, writers and voice actors, and we as a community want them to not have to resort to RT’s seemingly unlimited mental health coverage or “find a coping mechanism to deal with crunch.” As much as it pains me to admit, I’d rather see RWBY die instead of seeing continue to be made on the back of crunch.
Thank you for reading. Again, I encourage you to share this around as much as you can. Let your voice be heard if you stand against this. 
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eviesmyspiritanimal · 4 years
Problematic Parental Pow-Wow
Summary: Adam and Belle want to talk with their Ben’s new girlfriend alone. So naturally, Mal enlists Evie’s help to assist her in what will most assuredly be a horribly awkward situation. Some Bal, slight Core Four feels, and mostly Mal and Evie friendship feels.
  Mal stormed into her and Evie’s dorm, groaning deeply. Evie looked up from her position reading a book on the bed as Mal hurried over to her. Evie just stayed silent, watching the girl as Mal flopped down beside Evie face-first.
  Mal groaned again as she closed her eyes, burying her face in the mattress. Before she knew it, Evie’s fingers were combing through her hair gently, and she felt Evie’s presence much closer than it was just a moment ago.
  Currently, Mal was having a horrible, no good, very bad day. And it was all thanks to Belle and Adam. Since Ben and Mal had begun to start dating, they wanted to have an opportunity to talk with Mal about her and her relationship with Ben.
  So, as a result, Mal was scared, irritated, and in an overall very nervous mood.
  They were quiet for a long time before Evie spoke up finally.
  “What happened?” Evie questioned, and Mal just grumbled something that even Mal herself didn’t expect to make sense. Mal could hear Evie’s slight sigh.
   “Can I possibly hear that in English?” Evie asked patiently, and Mal turned her face to the side, moving her face so that her nose was now crunched against the side of Evie’s leg.
  “It’s horrible,” Mal told her, and Evie’s fingers stroked the skin along the side of Mal’s head before they retreated back into Mal’s hair.
  “What’s horrible?”
  “Beast-Man and Ring-My-Bell want to see me,” Mal informed Evie, and Evie snorted at Mal’s names. Of course, they weren’t new. Mal had been referring to Ben’s parents that way since they moved to Auradon. It was definitely not something she said in front of Ben, but when it was just her and one of the Core Four, she let loose.
  “Any idea why?” Evie questioned, and Mal squirmed closer to Evie, writhing about until her head was on Evie’s lap and she was looking up into Evie’s face upside-down. Evie’s eyebrow was raised, and the smallest hint of a smile was pulling at the corners of her lips.
  “They’ve invited me to a grilling session at this restaurant,” Mal started, and Evie nodded easily as she considered the words.
  “An appropriate place to do it,” Evie acknowledged, and Mal allowed herself a laugh.
  “Yeah, tell me about it. But they want to find out if I’m worthy to date Ben, E!” Mal proclaimed, exposing the ultimate issue that she was experiencing with this entire ordeal. Evie’s smile disappeared as her warm, loving brown eyes locked with Mal’s green ones.
  “Did they say it like that?” Evie questioned worriedly, all hints of joking gone, and Mal shook her head with a sigh, enjoying the way Evie was stroking her head.
  “No, but that was the implication. Y’know, since they wanted to talk to me alone,” Mal emphasized the last word, and Evie just smiled lovingly at Mal as her eyes glowed with adoration.
  “Of course you’re worthy to date Ben, M. He’s the one that’s not worthy to date you,” Evie told Mal cutely with a wink but also with plenty of seriousness in the undertones of her voice.
  “I know that, but they don’t seem to see things that way,” Mal expressed, and Evie just smiled gently.
  “Especially Beast-Man. That dude’s like the worst! I don’t think he fully transformed from Beast mode or something because he’s a serious hard nose,” Mal complained and Evie laughed at the girl.
  “I don’t think he’s quite that bad…”
  “Oh, Beast-Man’s terrible! He’s big like a beast, ugly like a beast, mean like a beast, and he’s even hairy like a beast, which is seriously gross, by the way,” Mal insulted, and Evie couldn’t help but crack up laughing at Mal’s description.
  “Maybe so, but please remember not to call him Beast-Man when you go, okay?” Evie instructed with only a hint of worry in her voice.
  “Oh, please, E. I’ll be fine. Although, I slipped up and almost called him that in front of Ben the other day, which would’ve been a bit bad,” Mal admitted, and Evie rolled her eyes at the girl.
  “In front of Ben’s a bit bad, but in front of Beast himself would be a nightmare,” Evie expressed, and Mal shrugged noncommittally, closing her eyes as she enjoyed Evie’s hand stroking her head.
  “So, what are you going to do?” Evie asked after a moment, and Mal
  “Well,” Mal held out the “l” in the word as she studied Evie carefully. Evie furrowed her brow, tilting her head as she looked at Mal inquisitively.
  “I was thinking that maybe you could come with me,” Mal told Evie, and Evie shook her head sympathetically.
  “Mal, I can’t possibly go with you. That’d be weird.”
  “It wouldn’t! You’re my best friend and my family, so it wouldn’t be weird at all!” Mal assured her, grabbing Evie’s wrist in her hand gently as she stopped Evie’s hand from moving. Evie huffed fondly.
  “I know that, silly, but I meant weird because they want to talk to you alone,” Evie informed her, and Mal groaned.
  “But I need you, E… I don’t have a clue what to say. I won’t have a clue what to say. And you’re so good at this stuff!” Mal whined a bit, squeezing Evie’s wrist affectionately. Evie pursed her lips in thought as she considered Mal’s plight.
  After several long moments, Evie suddenly looked as if she had a lightbulb moment. Mal gazed at her hopefully, knowing her best friend would be able to help.
  “I think I’ve got an idea…”
         It was the next day, and Mal was currently leaning against the wall of the outside part of the restaurant as she waited on Evie to tell her it was alright to come in. Mal was just trying to keep herself together, and she was sort of panicking at this moment.
  “Hey, I’m in position, and you’re good to go,” Evie spoke into Mal’s ear, and Mal jumped a little bit as she communicated through the earpiece. Mal brought her hand up to the technology, adjusting it a bit as she listened to Evie.
  Evie’s idea had involved getting Carlos to lend them two earpieces so they could communicate with one another. That way, Evie could tell Mal everything that she needed to say without Belle and Adam being any the wiser to it.
  “Alright… Are you sure we couldn’t just not go and say we did?” Mal questioned hopefully and Evie huffed in affectionate exasperation.
  “M, you’ll be fine. I promise. I’m here for you every step of the way.”
  “Are you sure?”
  “C’mon, M. Do you know me at all?” Evie questioned playfully, and Mal chuckled a bit as she headed into the restaurant. She immediately spotted the hulking form of Adam and the slightest hint of yellow on the other side of him that easily showed her that Belle was right there with him.
  “Wish me luck,” Mal spoke lowly as she shut the door behind her. She swiftly caught sight of Evie sitting in a booth across from the two parents. To her happiness, Evie was looking at her with a loving smile.
  “You won’t need luck. You’ve got me in your ear,” Evie assured her warmly, and Mal nodded slightly, swallowing hard as she tried to gather every bit of confidence that she possessed.
  She then walked over to the couple.
  As soon as she was nearby, Adam seemed to catch sight of her and he visibly hardened as he looked at her, forcing something that was more like a grimace than anything onto his face. Belle leaned around him and smiled at Mal.
  “Hello, Mal!” Belle welcomed her, and Mal forced a smile.
  “Hi,” Mal awkwardly greeted the two there before her, and waving at them somewhat stiffly.
  She knew she had just got there, but she almost wanted to make some excuse like she had to go to the bathroom, and that’d be when she just subtly escaped from the place.
  But Mal knew she had to do this. At least for the temporary, she knew she wanted to date Ben, despite the fact that she hadn’t known him for very long. And this was one of the steps that it was going to take to get to being able to date him.
  But it was truly one of the most awkward situations that she had ever been in.
  “I couldn’t hear anything they just said, M. But don’t worry, I’m really good at lip-reading,” Evie’s voice came over the earpiece, and Mal sighed deeply, mentally slapping her forehead as she questioned how good Evie actually was at the skill.
  “Why don’t you sit down?” Belle offered, and Mal nodded, following the instructions quickly as she sat down in the chair across from Ben’s parents. Mal sat down, and she could hear Evie’s gentle, quiet humming in her ear. Mal almost wanted to smile, feeling some of her fear dissipate at the calming sound of Evie’s naturally deeper voice. Evie must have been able to sense Mal’s fear.
  “So, how do you do?” Belle asked, ever the peaceable sort, and Mal nodded easily, about to answer the one thing in this conversation that she was one hundred percent sure that she would actually be able to answer.
  “Did she just say how do you poo?! That’s disturbing and rude!” Evie questioned in surprise, and Mal almost snorted, knowing that definitely wasn’t what Belle had said. Evie was obviously not good at lip-reading in the least.
  “I’m doing well,” Mal replied to her somewhat stiffly, trying to keep her nervous laughter inside since she knew that likely wouldn’t look good.
  “Ask them how they are,” Evie told her, obviously picking up on the real question that had been asked.
  “How are you guys?” Mal questioned, and Belle seemed pleasantly surprised by the question.
  “Oh, well, we’re doing quite fine,” Belle replied with a smile, and Mal grinned a bit in reply as an awkward pause fell upon them.
  For a moment, they just sat there in silence, the entire meeting not going as swimmingly as they could’ve hoped. And they had only gotten through less than five minutes of the ordeal.
  “Alright, enough small talk. Let’s discuss the important things,” Adam interrupted, and looked at Belle, cuing her to ask the first question. Belle sighed deeply, seeming as if she’d honestly rather do anything else than begin what would likely be a serious grilling.
  “So, Mal, how do you feel about our son?” Belle questioned after a moment, offering that stiff yet kind smile that somehow reminded Mal of Ben. Ben was just a bit looser than his mother. Of course, that was not saying much considering how painfully proper the entire royal family was.
  “Um… How do I feel about your son? Well,” Mal started, waiting on Evie to tell her what to say.
  “Tell them I like it, but he’s going to need to make it a little cheaper,” Evie spoke, her voice a little distant, but Mal copied her words perfectly.
  “I like it, but he’s going to need to make it a little cheaper,” Mal spoke, but froze as she realized precisely what she repeated. Both Adam and Belle gaped at her in horror.
  “Don’t you mean him?” Belle started, and Adam lowered his glasses, his mouth agape.
  “Cheaper?” he questioned. Mal’s eyes widened, and she happened to realize that she had a menu there before her. She grabbed it quickly and saw a section of it called “Chef’s Specials.”
  “Oh, no, I meant the Chef’s specials here. They want a ridiculous amount for some spaghetti that I could probably make at home,” Mal expressed, laughing a bit as she tried to cover her mistake. They seemed immediately less weirded out, but they were still a little on-guard if their expression were anything to go by.
  “So, what are they saying? Or can you talk right now?” Evie questioned, and Mal held the menu up, hiding her face behind it as she pretended to read the options before her. She immediately began telling her tale to her sister.
  “I just said that I like it--- not even the proper pronoun ‘him’---”
  “Ooh, look who’s been paying attention in ELA,” Evie spoke, sounding very pleased indeed, and Mal rolled her eyes as she continued explaining her predicament.
  “And then I said he’s going to have to make it a little cheaper!” Mal told Evie, and Evie gasped in horror.
  “Oh, my gosh, that’s terrible! Why would you say that?!”
  “Because you said it!”
  “Oh… I was talking about the spaghetti on the Chef’s specials menu!” Evie told her, and Mal rolled her eyes, unable to help feeling some fondness in the midst of her intense irritation. It was sometimes purely uncanny just how similarly her and Evie occasionally thought.
  “So?” Belle asked after a few moments, and Mal looked up from behind her convenient hiding place, coming back into focus as she paid attention to the two before her.
  “How do you feel about our son?” Adam asked, pressing the question as he gazed at Mal. There was not a single hint of mercifulness in his features and seemed just as intimidating, stoic, and frightening as usual.
  There was a point in time that Mal would have easily been ready to punch him in the face for even remotely looking at her that way. But that was the Isle version of Mal. Now that they were all in Auradon, Mal had to watch herself carefully and make sure she didn’t screw things up and send her most treasured people back to the hole that they had finally managed to emerge from.
  “Oh, yes! How do I feel about your son? Well, he’s,” Mal trailed off, pretending that she was off in thought and trying to think of how to describe it when she was really cluing Evie in on the question. She mentally begged Evie to hurry up with the right words to say because Mal truthfully felt as if she were quite close to the two just quitting the meeting altogether.
  “Tell them that you love him,” Evie instructed, and Mal’s eyes almost went wide before she gained greater control over herself. Under her breath, she made a negating noise.
  “Tell them, M,” Evie commanded somewhat firmly from the earpiece.
  “Uh-uh,” Mal lowly expressed as she tried to look deep in thought to disguise the fact that she was actually secretly communicating with Evie.
  “Mal, butter them up! It’s the best way to go!” Evie informed her, and Mal held back the impending groan as she shaped up, offering a wide and completely fake smile as she finally met the pair’s eyes again.
  “I really like---”
  “Love!” Evie corrected.
  “Love your son!” Mal somewhat too breezily expressed, and she could hear Evie’s groan.
  “With more feeling!” Evie instructed.
  “I really do love your son,” Mal added to her previous statement, and remarkably, they weren’t looking at her like she was nuts and were rather looking at her curiously, obviously wondering what she’d say next.
  “You’re certainly not going to win any Oscars any time soon,” Evie muttered to herself, and Mal growled under her breath as she listened to Evie. However, she didn’t have time to dwell on Evie’s subtle sass.
  “Your son… He’s,” Mal started, sincerely hoping that Evie would catch onto the need for words. Evie immediately caught onto Mal’s cue, and Evie started.
  “Okay, M, his smile’s like a warm summer’s day!”
  “His smile’s like a warm summer’s day…”
  “And his heart has the greatest of glows!” Evie added, her mouth sounding just the slightest bit full before she made a muffled spitting sound.
  “His heart has the greatest of glows,” Mal continued, making a mental note to tease Evie about her ridiculously large amount of silly meaningless prose.
  “And, man, is that some hot sauce!” Evie suddenly proclaimed before gulping what sounded like water very quickly.
  “And, man, is that some hot sauce,” Mal mindlessly repeated before her eyes widened, realizing precisely the horrible implications of that statement. Adam was gaping at her, those hardened eyes completely shocked at her words, and Belle almost looked ready to faint as she clutched at her husband’s bicep.
  “Y’know, that stuff they use here, of course!” Mal piped up, grabbing the container of sauce as she held it up for them to see. Both of their stares homed in on the sauce in Mal’s hand and Mal knew she was quickly going to have to change the subject. She laughed a bit, looking around awkwardly before sitting the sauce down at the table.
  “Whoo! Oh, gosh, my mouth’s burning!” Evie proclaimed as she kept guzzling water, and Mal sighed under her breath as she tried to keep from either laughing at Evie’s emphatic announcements or out of her horrible embarrassment.
  Mal risked a glanced behind her, and she swiftly spotted Evie behind them all and fanning her mouth while gulping down ridiculously large amounts of water. Mal then returned her gaze to Ben’s parents, swallowing as she tried to look as casual as possible.
  “Well, we’re glad that you care so much about our son… Umm,” Belle trailed off, trying to keep positive and think of good things to continue this already horrendously awkward conversation. Mal cleared her throat, truly feeling the older woman’s pain in the situation.
  “You have a very interesting way of expressing your feelings toward him,” Adam commented, and Mal swallowed, knowing that she had so far only made a huge mess of things. Mal just nodded in reply and didn’t really have any idea of what to say in reply to him.
  “But anyway. Tell us about yourself, Mal,” Adam spoke up, and Mal felt almost as if she were being threatened as his voice took an authoritative tone. Mal’s expression must have reflected this because Belle shot him a disapproving glance. He never even looked at his wife once, keeping his eyes focused on Mal instead.
   “Oh… About me… Well, I’m,” Mal started, and quietly listened for Evie’s soothing voice sounding off in her ear. But to her shock, Evie didn’t say a word. In fact, there was dead silence in her ear. Not even the previous background sound that had been droning along.
  Mal once again looked back at Evie, and Evie was gesturing furiously between the earpiece and her glass of water. Mal couldn’t help it as her eyes went wide, almost completely panicking.
  Mal was by herself. Evie was no longer able to help her through this.
  Belle and Adam furrowed their brows and craned their necks, trying to figure out who or what that Mal was staring at, and Mal started to speak. She had to throw them off track so they wouldn’t find out that Evie was there.
  “But what I am! I’m,” Mal tried desperately to think of something impressive to say, and she found that she was completely drawing a blank on fanciful, made-up things to say.
  So as she found that she was completely out of places to turn, facts to fabricate, and ideas to use, Mal realized that she was going to have to tell the truth.
  Mal sighed deeply.
  “I’m a sixteen-year-old girl,” Mal swallowed, trying to think of something else to say. They were looking at her now, their eyes solely focused upon her, and she very much felt put on the spot. She knew that she needed to think of something fast. She sighed deeply and she continued.
  “One of my many hobbies is art. I love to paint, draw, you name it. Just ask Evie. I’ve covered our whole dorm in stuff I’ve painted,” Mal chuckled a bit, both attempting to relieve the tension and thinking of Evie’s shock at the time that the bluenette woke up with Mal balancing on Evie’s bed in an attempt to reach the ceiling.
  “Umm… I like to study history in school. It’s my favorite subject besides art… I guess it’s just… I guess it’s because I like to know where we’ve been to know where we’re all coming from,” Mal explained herself, worried that she wouldn’t make any sense. However, Adam’s gaze was unreadable while Belle seemed much more softened. Mal could feel the prickling of sweat at her neck as she tried to keep her nerve under this unbearable pressure.
  “And I… I really care about my family. Evie, Carlos, and Jay. They’re the reason I’m here today. They’ve saved me in so many ways,” Mal admitted, feeling exceedingly raw and naked by saying it, but also feeling a surge of power within herself as she considered all the things she had been through with her three most treasured people.
  However, they were still very much staring at her, and Mal was very worried. She knew she was going to have to bring this to a close since she didn’t know what else to talk about. She had no idea what to do, but she went to the last topic that she could possibly think to cover.
  “And I really like your son. He’s… the best guy I’ve ever known besides my brothers,” Mal confessed to them, trying to say what she felt about Ben despite the fact that she almost felt like puking as a result of her overwhelming nervousness.
  They just looked at her quietly for a long moment, and Mal cleared her throat, her gaze shifting around before settling back on them again.
  “Uh… And I guess that’s about it?” Mal finished, her statement sounding more like a question as she uncertainly finished her monologue.
  There were several long moments of silence, and Mal averted her eyes to the menu on the table before her. Mal knew she had officially blown whatever opportunity she had to keep her friends in Auradon and keep Ben as her boyfriend.
  They sat there quietly, before Mal was suddenly assaulted with the smell of Evie’s perfume, and she immediately knew her best friend was close by. To her complete shock, there was suddenly a girl with hair pulled back in a tight bun and wearing one of the waitress’ hats on her head, her face caked in a ridiculously large amount of makeup with an exceedingly pale face.
  Mal could easily tell it was Evie, but only because Mal recognized Evie’s every little mannerism so well that she didn’t even have to see her face to know who it was.
  “Hello, hello! Are we doing alright over here?!” the girl spoke in a horrible British accent, and Mal immediately realized that Evie had obviously went into disguise mode. Mal really wanted to facepalm at Evie’s ridiculousness, but she controlled the urge.
  “Yes… Umm… do I know you? I think I’ve seen you before,” Adam questioned, furrowing his brow as he studied Evie. Evie laughed, and Mal couldn’t help but note it sounded quite silly.
  “Oh, no! Of course not! Not unless you know an Elizabeth, your majesty! Because I’m Elizabeth,” Evie introduced, and Mal just watched the girl curiously with a raised brow.
  “So how are you doing? You need anything? Oh, and who is this adorable little muffin?!” Evie questioned as she bent down, looking at Mal and booping her on the nose.
  “Perhaps a future daughter-in-law?” Evie questioned hopefully, and Mal pinched Evie’s leg underneath the table, signaling her to stop trying so hard to help. Evie made a little squeak before shooting a glance in Mal’s direction. However, she quickly recovered, flashing the largest of smiles.
  Belle just sort of laughed in response to “Elizabeth,” and largely just looked exceedingly weirded out. Mal looked up at Evie and she sighed slightly.
  “Because I believe you two have a son, if I may be so bold?” Evie questioned respectfully, that British accent affecting her every word.
  “Yes, that’s correct,” Adam replied stiffly, uncertain where the girl was going with this, and Evie laughed as she placed a hand on her chest.
  “Oh, how wonderful! I was wondering who that young teen was that always hangs out with you two. It’s good to hear that’s your son. You see, I am quite new here. I just immigrated from Britain-ville,” Evie spoke, and Mal sighed deeply as she closed her eyes in humiliation for Evie.
  “But anyways! You’re Mal, right?” Mal nodded in reply, playing along, and Evie gasped. “Oh, my goodness, you’re even more beautiful in real life! And you have the most stunning best friend! Her name’s Evie, right? She’s absolutely the best designer ever, and a practical fashion genius!” Evie gushed, and Mal raised an eyebrow.
  “She’s a wonderful designer, alright. A little conceited sometimes, but a wonderful designer,” Mal replied, and Evie shot Mal a glance that was somewhere between appreciative and offended.
  “But anyways! You should definitely consider this girl as a match for your baby boy! She looks so trustworthy, so kind, so funny! And just look at the chubby cheeks!” Evie cooed as she grabbed Mal’s cheeks in her fingers.
  Mal held back the groan, allowing Evie to do as she wished with Mal’s face.
  “If you don’t mind me asking, just how do you know this?” Belle questioned politely, and Evie giggled as she patted Mal’s cheek.
  “I’m usually a good judge of character,” Evie assured them with a smile. However, the grin quickly faded as she spotted the manager with a waitress that didn’t have a hat that was pointing at Evie. Evie looked at Mal, Adam, and Belle as she waved and started to walk off.
  “Umm… Nice talking to all of you, but I’ve got to go! You know! Nature calls!” Evie told them before doing that signature hurry-walk for which she was so infamous. Mal could immediately see that Evie needed help, and she looked at Adam and Belle sweetly.
  “If you’ll excuse me… I’ve got to go. I think Elizabeth needs help, and I’m going to go see if she needs help getting home. She looks a bit intoxicated,” Mal told them, trying to cover up Evie’s weirdness as simply being under the influence of alcohol as she started to get up, gathering her things. “I’m so sorry to leave on such short notice…”
  “Oh, we understand. You go and help… our new friend,” Belle spoke kindly. Mal nodded with a smile before hurrying over to Evie. She grabbed the girl’s hand before she could do anything and she took the hat off Evie’s head, throwing it at the manager and the waitress before hurrying Evie out the door.
  “Did I help?” Evie questioned in a whisper, still speaking in that British accent, and Mal rolled her eyes as she leaned against Evie, locking arms with her.
  “Well, you got me out of having to stay and eat with them, so I think you certainly helped in one way or another,” Mal assured her. Evie furrowed her brow as she looked at Mal.
  “But did I help with impressing them?” Evie questioned, her voice still affected.
  “Not really. And stop talking like that,” Mal commanded as she looked behind her, making sure no one was following them.
   “I rather like talking like this,” Evie assured Mal in her British accent, and Mal sighed as she released a bit of the tension in her shoulders as they had fully escaped the restaurant. Mal just looked at Evie fondly as she allowed herself to relax. She leaned her head against Evie’s shoulder as they walked along.
   “Hey, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to ruin things for you,” Evie expressed, her normal voice returning, as she tightened her grip around Mal’s arm and Mal shook her head.
  “No, you didn’t ruin things, E. The whole thing was just a giant screwup that was all my fault. So don’t worry. I really appreciated your help,” Mal expressed, and Evie nodded somewhat sadly, resting her head against Mal’s as she slipped her arm from Mal’s to instead wrap around Mal’s waist.
  It had been a disaster, but at least Mal still had Evie. That was the most important thing.
       “Do you think everything will be alright, E?” Mal questioned as she hurried down the hall, talking to Evie via her smartphone as she made her way to the library where Belle and Adam had wanted to meet her and Ben. Ben had texted her and told her that he was there already.
  They hadn’t offered her any details outside of the fact that it was about the time they had spent together in the restaurant the other day, and that idea alone scared Mal senseless. After all, she had done a lot of fumbling on that outing.
  “I’m sure so, M. But if it isn’t, that’ll be okay, too. You’ve got me, Jay, and Carlos,” Evie assured her, and Mal couldn’t help but smile a bit.
  “I know. And that means the world to me. I just… I kind of hoped to have both you guys and date Ben, too, I guess,” Mal expressed, and she could almost see Evie’s sympathetic expression.
  “It’s okay. It’ll be alright. You call me back as soon as you get the news, and come straight home, okay? I’ll be sitting here waiting with open arms,” Evie expressed, and Mal smiled at her sister, feeling her heart swell with Evie’s words.
  But it was soon replaced with cold fear and a firm knot in her stomach as she came to the library door. She swallowed hard.
  “I’m here. I love you, Evie,” Mal told her, and Evie made a kiss noise somewhat playfully, and Mal chuckled lightly.
  “I love you, too, Mal. Remember what I said, alright?” Evie replied, and Mal hummed in response before they exchanged goodbyes and hung up the phone.
  Mal took a deep breath, letting it out before opening the door and coming in. Ben was laughing with his father, but as soon as Mal entered, the room lost its levity in favor of a more somber atmosphere.
  Ben offered his hand to her, and she wasted no time in taking it, coming to his side as she looked at the two adults before them.
  Belle and Adam shared a glance before Adam nodded resolutely and returned his stare to Mal and Ben.
  “We called you here to talk to both of you,” Adam began, and Mal held her breath, very worried about the outcome of their apparent assessment of her. Ben’s warm arm was around her reassuringly, and Mal sighed deeply as she let the breath she was holding go, deciding that it ultimately did not matter that much. Whatever the outcome was, she’d be perfectly fine.
  “You’re certainly… unconventional, Mal,” Adam told her, and Mal sighed, expecting this fully and not saying anything in defense of herself. Ben furrowed his brow, and Mal felt him stiffen a bit as he automatically came to Mal’s defense.
  “Wait a minute, Dad. You just have to give her a chance to---”
  “But with that being said, we appreciated your honesty with us, Mal. And I personally think that Ben’s made a wonderful choice in girlfriends,” Belle complimented Mal, her voice filled with warmth. Mal looked up at the woman in shock, and to her utter surprise, Belle was actually smiling at her softly. Ben immediately shut his mouth, looking at his parents incredulously.
  Mal returned the grin tentatively before very slowly and hesitantly looking at Adam. His face was still very much guarded and hardened, but there was the smallest release in his posture that told Mal her words had somewhat loosened his iron feelings toward her.
  “You two can see each other,” he permitted, and Mal grinned widely as she looked at Ben who was standing there next to her. His arm tightened around her waist, and she couldn’t help but giggle gleefully.
  She immediately thought of Evie and how the bluenette had thought that they were calling her to get rejected, and she knew that she needed to share the news with Evie.
   “Thank you both so much, and I appreciate it so much,” Mal expressed happily as she shook her head in disbelief and joy. “I’ve got to go and tell Evie! I’ll see you later, Ben,” Mal kissed the boy’s cheek and then hurried toward the door.
  “Oh, and tell her that the next time we see her, we expect to hear that impressive British accent,” Adam expressed, and Mal froze quickly as she looked back at the three behind her. Adam offered her a somewhat sly smile, and Mal grinned a bit in return before stepping out into the hall and running to go find Evie.
  Ol’ Beast-Man wasn’t quite as bad as Mal thought, after all.
18 notes · View notes
“You’re overthinking– I’m yours. That’s all I want to be.” and none other than Cu Chulainn
//Because I'm a really big dumbass, this is long overdue. @coldpalaceee, I'm sorry if this isn't as good as it deserves to be...I am loving these prompts, and I hope I haven't deterred you from requesting more! (...God I work slow - )
I'm overreacting.
...Well, that wasn't new, was it? You had always been shy, and awkward, and clumsy, and just so many things you knew you weren't good at or lacked.
The fact that you knew you were overreacting made it ten times worse.
You stared at your boyfriend, the one and only Cú Chulainn, who was making small talk with the (pretty attractive) waiter as you both waited for your meals. You weren't at a fancy restaurant, no; your poor heart couldn't take the stifling formality that came with going to fancy places.
You tended to avoid them like the plague.
So, once you brought it up that you wanted to go somewhere with Cú that wasn't a fancy place, he patted your head and gave you a sun-filled grin that temporarily made your anxiety dissipate. He was always good with that, the comfort; it was like he knew exactly what to do when you clammed up or started to get lost in your own thoughts, resulting in you making more mistakes on whatever you were doing.
You both decided to go to an out-of-the-way cafe, the very same one where you two first met.
He had done so much for you already. Time and time again, he went out of his way to make you comfortable. You honestly wondered why he even wanted to hang around you, much less date you.
So, you presented the idea of this particular outing to him as a treat.
You were supposed to be the one making him feel good. You were supposed to be the one to make him feel comfortable.
He's been talking to this waiter for five minutes... Your gaze became downcast, eyes boring holes into the menu in front of you. You could hear the waiter laugh at a particular joke, one you recognized Cú telling you not even a week ago.
Despite the swirling unease in your stomach, you slightly smiled. Cú always had a tendency to tell other people stuff he learned with excitement that could affect even the most depressed person. He's like a puppy; it's...cute.
Not that you'd ever call him a puppy to his face.
" -ight, (Y/N)?"
"H-Huh?" Your gaze snapped back up to Cú, who was waiting for an answer. You scratched the back of your head, sheepish. "Sorry...what did you say?"
He gave you an odd look, repeating his question. "I said that this cafe is always a treat to go back to, right?"
You blinked, answering with a question of your own. "Was-...Was that supposed to be a pun?"
Now it was Cú's turn to blink, pondering for a fee moments. He then chuckled, the light sound making you smile as butterflies danced in your stomach. "I guess it was! I mean, the sweets here are incredible."
His eyes searched around the cafe, and your traitorous mind whispered that he was waiting for that extroverted waiter to come back, because unlike you they could keep a steady conversation with him without tripping over their own words like the failure they are -
You returned your focus to Cú at his tone, a small frown on your face. The odd look was back on his face as crimson orbs scrutinized you. "What's wrong?"
You tensed. "Wh- ...Uh, nothing's wr- "
"Don't lie to me, (Y/N)." The intensity of his stare was still there, but now some exasperation was mixed into it. "You always occupy your hands with something when there's something on your mind."
Sure enough, you looked down to see that you were playing with the strings of your black hoodie. You had chosen dull colors so that you didn't stand out, while Cú wore a yellow sweatshirt and light blue jeans that you, admittedly, was better than the eye-damaging but endearing Hawaiian shirt he always had on hand; he stood out, and you blended in.
You wanted to scream. No! This was supposed to be the outing where you looked after Cú and coddled him, reassuring him with soft words and hand holding and so much more -
But you messed it up, like always, and he should honestly just dump your stupid ass already.
"O-Oi, I didn't mean to make you upset by that!" Cú had searched for a way to reassure you, since you looked tense enough to simply break at the slightest misstep. "It's just...I want to know what you're thinking, that's all. What's up?"
Your mind raced a mile a minute. Okay, you were definitely overreacting, but you couldn't stop yourself from spiralling further. Your mouth decided to betray you by blurting out, "Why are you even here?"
Ouch. You scrambled for a remedy, but it was too late. You watched a flicker of hurt cross his face before the confusion set in, and at this point you were mortified.
"I-I mean - !" You spoke frantically, frustrated with yourself. Why did you say it like that? Of course he got the wrong idea! Your hands balled into fists, pausing their motions.
Everything was falling apart, and it was because you couldn't muster up even a scrap of courage to tell him properly.
"I phrased that wrong. Oh god, I didn't - I didn't mean - "
"(Y/N)." You looked up. Cú gave an exasperated huff, but he was smiling. "Seriously, it's cool. I understand; just chill out for a sec, and tell me when you're ready."
Your second outburst shocked him. He opened his mouth to continue, but you weren't waiting for a response; you figured hey, may as well drive the stake in further.
"Cú, you're so...vibrant. You're vibrant, understanding, way smarter than Gilgamesh gives you credit for, exuberant, witty, confident, encouraging, endearing, and just...so much more. Looking at you is like looking at a literal miniature sun, because you stand out and despite the odds being stacked against you, you somehow manage to find the silver lining in a bleak situation.
"Meanwhile, I'm...not nearly as amazing. I'm pretty forgettable in a sea of faces, I'm quiet, awkward, clumsy, I make at least seven mistakes each day, insecure, overbearing, bad with words, and I'm nowhere near as confident as you are. I usually bring the mood down, and I have low self-esteem."
Cú really looked like he wanted to say something, but was restraining himself. You continued, not seeming to notice his struggle.
"Seeing you talk to the waiter from before made me realize that I...I could never be as good as you. Well, I guess what I'm trying to say is that I don't know why you're dating me when there's other people like the waiter who could easily hold a conversation with you. There's so many wonderful people out there who would be better, and I always screw things up and cause you more trouble than you need since you always have so much on your plate already - "
"I chose you."
"Hah?" You stopped, gaze snapping back up to meet his. Cú's eyes were narrowed, his mouth a thin line as he glared.
You swallowed. Did...Did you just piss off the Cú Chulainn?
"I chose you." He repeated. "You, and no one else. Honestly, (Y/N), what am I going to do with you?"
You closed your mouth, a pained expression quickly making itself known on your face. Yet again, you made him comfort you instead of the other way around -
"Since you don't see what I do, I'm gonna have to pound it into that pretty little head of yours." Pink dusted across your cheeks as his irritated expression gave way to the grin you knew belonged to him and only him. It was sharp and wild, yet filled with so much glee and kindness that you slowly began to unwind your tightly balled hands.
"Yeah, you may be all of those things, but so what?"
"...Huh?" You peered at him, dumbfounded. Didn't...Didn't that just prove your point?
"Nope, it's my turn to talk." Cú held up a hand, and you vaguely registered your food being put in front of you and a "Have a nice day" in favor of listening to your boyfriend.
"If a human didn't have their flaws, then they wouldn't be human, now would they?" He continued. "Which, by the way, I find yours adorable. You're sarcastic and witty once you get enough confidence, mischievous, think more with your brain than rely on instinct, and you have such a big heart that there's no way a sane person could hate you.
"(Y/N), you look around and you see so much more than I think I could ever, and then the most breathtaking look gets into your eye as you appreciate what you're seeing. The best part is that it happens randomly; what I wouldn't look twice at, you take into your hands and go over it with a lot of care. You'd think that you were holding a baby bird with a broken wing from how you hold things. You have bursts of optimism that come and go, and when they do it's hard to even get mad at you.
"Most of all, (Y/N), you...ground me." He scratched his cheek lightly, looking over to the side.
You gaped. Was he...embarrassed? Each compliment had you sinking further in your chair, hands covering your beet red face.
"Yeah, you bring the mood down, but...not in the way you think. Ah, damnit, why is this so hard to say?! ...You're calming, and you help me not get too carried away with whatever the hell I'm doing. Imagining myself without you here is impossible at this point."
"Cú, just -...just stop, goddamnit," You groaned into your hands, wanting nothing more than to melt into a puddle and evaporate. "I-I get it, you love me. But...why the compliments?"
Cú rolled his eyes, leaning over to pry your hands away and giving you a quick but loving peck on your forehead. "Like I said, I had to beat it into your skull somehow. Don't you ever think that you're not worthy, or some dumb bullshit like that. Despite my flirting, I'm a loyal guy; I wouldn't leave you."
You stared at him. "Loyal...like how you were staring at that one couple's asses on the way here."
You didn't even realize that you didn't stutter through that entire sentence. Cú laughed at your retort, at least having some bit of shame to look sheepish. "What? When you see an ass that doesn't lie, you can't help but admire it."
"Cú!" You were laughing at this point too (since he was right - their asses were fine), but you still lightly punched his shoulder from across the table.
He grinned, a twinkle in his eyes. "There's the (Y/N) I know and love."
You spluttered. "Cú Chulainn, I swear if you say one more sappy thing - "
He reached over to hold your hand, making you pause. "Yeah, about earlier? You're overthinking - I'm yours. That's all I want to be."
This time, you were the one to lean over the table (and your untouched food) to kiss him.
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emoboijk · 5 years
jjk | calla lilies
“The calla lilies are in bloom again. Such a strange flower—suitable to any occasion.” (Katherine Hepburn) or You're trying to help set him up with his boyhood crush and things don't go according to plan. —hanahaki disease au, non-idol au, friends-to-lovers au, flora & fauna series
6,222 words
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The waiting room is beige with a dark brown carpet, the kind that has either always been that color or is that color as a result of years of use. There are paintings (ironically) of flowers on the walls, and potted plants stationed randomly between the chairs. A receptionist sits behind a counter, typing on a computer and answering the phone when it rings. Aside from her, there are seven people scattered about the room.
Jeongguk sits in the corner, eyes flicking between the different patients without paying any real attention, bouncing his leg and drumming his fingers on his thighs. He’s always been an overachiever, but this takes the cake. Of all the flowers to infest his lungs: calla lilies. And black ones at that. How fucking emo.
He presses against the earbuds in his ears even though they aren’t falling out; he wants to disappear. It’s easier with loud music, so he’s been blasting Linkin Park (a favorite from his teen years) ever since he first coughed up the dark black calla lily petal three days ago. Although he didn’t so much “cough it up” as pull it slowly, painfully from his esophagus, because calla lily petals are long as fuck. But even with the reverberations of Linkin Park in his ears, he can’t escape the image of the woman stumbling to and from the bathroom, or the boy all but curled into the fetal position in his chair. His jaw is clenched as if that’s all it will take to keep any more flower petals or blood from coming up his throat.
Jeongguk nearly jumps when his music is interrupted by a harsh ding in his ears. He takes out the earbuds, wincing when he can hear the girl vomiting harshly in the bathroom; he immediately puts them back in. Of course, he thinks once he pulls out his phone, you have a sixth sense about these things.
Hey, is everything okay? It’s been like 12 hours since you texted me so ofc I’m freaking out :D
He smiles at his phone like an idiot.
JK: haven’t been feeling well
JK: at the doctor’s now
Oh! Want me to stop by with some soup later?
He chuckles and wonders if soup could burn up all the flowers in his lungs.
JK: no soup but you can stop by if you want
There are immediately three little dots beneath his last message, so he already knows what you’re going to say. And then a nurse comes out; despite the music he knows she’s said his name. He raises his hand as if in school, flushing at his embarrassment, before removing the earbuds and stuffing them and his phone into his pocket.
“Come on back." He follows behind her noiselessly, hands balled up into his jacket pockets.
The nurse asks the questions with a bored tone, typing his information into a computer, measuring his blood pressure and pulse. She has to scold him three times before he can finally calm down enough to stop drumming his fingers on the side of the table.
“The doctor will be in shortly,” she says before closing the door. He wished she’d given him some kind of indication of how bad it was.
His fingers hit the metal table even harder and when he can hear voices outside the room and the clock on the wall ticking slowly, he stuffs the earbuds back into his ears.
Cool! 3 okay?
JK: yes!
It makes him feel better, knowing you’ll be there to talk to later. He hasn’t told anyone about his…condition; he wanted to wait until he knew for sure what was going on. But if he was going to tell anyone, it would be you.
He takes his earbuds out again when the doctor walks in, smiling warmly at him before perusing his chart. The doctor isn't old but he has started graying; there are laugh lines around his eyes and mouth. Jeongguk immediately trusts him.
The doctor raises his eyebrows and looks up at him, “Calla lilies, huh?”
Deep, deep sigh. “Yes.”  
The doctor almost chuckles at his patient’s whiney tone. He pulls a stool over and sits in front of him. “I’m Dr. Moon.” He holds out his hand and Jeongguk takes it, bowing his head respectfully.
“I’m going to listen to your lungs and take a look down your throat, but we may need scans to survey the full extent of the infestation,” the doctor says. Jeongguk nods. He feels like the tortoise trying to catch up with the hare. Dr. Moon continues, “But before we look at the physical signs, I have to ask about your mental state.”
“My mental state?” Jeongguk cocks his head to the side.
“Yes. Truth be told, Hanahaki starts with the mind. There are many cases in which the patient only believes that their love is unreciprocated, and yet that is enough to kill a person. Grief, despair…those are the killers.” Dr. Moon looks solemn for a long moment before continuing, “So. What’s your story?”
Jeongguk’s eyes widen because it feels like such a personal question. He’s barely told you all of the details, how is he supposed to tell a stranger in a lab coat?
Dr. Moon senses his hesitation and pats Jeongguk’s shoulder, “Trust me. I need to know.”
Jeongguk sighs and says, “Um. I don’t really know her, I guess. We went to school together for a long time, had a few classes…” He flushes as he speaks, his cheeks going beet red because what kind of an idiot gets Hanahaki disease for a boyhood crush? He hides his face behind his hands.
“I see,” the doctor says, standing and patting his shoulder again, “Okay, let’s take a listen.”
Dr. Moon presses the stethoscope to Jeongguk’s chest and back; he breathes deeply when cued, only having to stop once when a matte black calla lily petal inches up his throat. Jeongguk frowns as he holds it between two fingers, dropping it in the trash can Dr. Moon offers.
“So,” the doctor says when he’s finished, “it doesn’t look too bad.”
“Really?” Jeongguk’s face brightens.
“You’re in the early stages. But you’d be surprised how quickly things can escalate. You have some options for now; I’m going to prescribe some anti-growth pills that should keep the flora from progressing too much. And…” he pauses, choosing his next words carefully, “I would recommend finding a way to get over this woman. It’s always best to avoid surgery if you can, but if there’s no way of overcoming the mental and emotional hurdle, you might want to consider the surgery…” The doctor twists around to retrieve a pamphlet from the counter.
Jeongguk takes it carefully, the cover reads Flora Removal Surgery: What You Need to Know. He takes his bottom lip into his mouth and worries it slightly, frowning at the image on the front of a man with a rose growing in his chest.
Dr. Moon scribbles on a pad of paper before ripping it off and handing it to Jeongguk, “Get this filled today, and let’s make an appointment for a follow up in a couple of weeks.”
“Okay,” Jeongguk whispers, head swimming with the doctor’s words.
An hour and a half later Jeongguk is walking home, toting a small paper pharmacy bag and a wrinkled brow. The pamphlet the doctor gave him is burning a hole in his pocket, and he’s so lost in thought that he doesn't see you.
You're learning against the door of his apartment in a patch of sun, squinting as you see him round the corner. He's stressed. You can tell by the way he carries himself: the hunch of his shoulders, the wrinkle in his brow, the downturn of his lips. Right now he resembles the quiet boy you knew in middle school, not the confident young man he actually is.
As soon as he’s in touching distance, you press the back of your hand to his forehead and say, “How are you feeling?”
Jeongguk jumps at the sudden contact. But once he realizes it’s you he chuckles and shakes your hand off, “I’m fine.” But even he doesn’t believe himself. He unlocks the door to the apartment and sighs in relief for the air conditioning.
You follow behind him, picking up the supermarket bag you’d abandoned on the ground as you do so. He said no soup, but he hadn’t said anything about snacks…so you bought all of his favorites.
When you finally get in, closing the door behind you, he’s buried in the fridge (unbeknownst to you, he drops his prescription there in a rush). He’s chugging a carton of orange juice in large gulps. You avoid looking at him (sweaty and shedding his layers of clothing so that his shirt rides up…) and make yourself comfortable on his couch, dumping the contents of the bag onto the coffee table.
“Sick!” Jeongguk grins, swiping a bag of chips from the table and landing next to you on the couch.
There’s a pain in your chest as his arm brushes against yours but you can’t make yourself move away. Instead, you press your hand against his forehead again and frown, “You feel warm.”
“I’ve been walking in the sun for fifteen minutes,” he shrugs, chewing with his mouth open.
You wrinkle your nose at this; it’s one of his more annoying habits from childhood that, unbelievably, has grown on you.
“What did the doctor say?”
Jeongguk clams up. He puts down his bag of chips awkwardly, wiping his mouth to buy time before saying, “It’s not…that bad.”
“What?” Your eyes narrow.
Jeongguk avoids eye contact with you. Jeongguk “Golden Child” Jeon is pretty much good at everything, even lying (when the occasion permits it). He’s like Korean Superman. But his Kryptonite?
Sitting next to him on the loveseat and watching him so closely it burns.
He shrugs and bounces off the couch like he’s spring-loaded, rubbing the back of his neck, “Nothing. A cold.”
You cross your arms and lean into the couch, watching him twitch nervously as he tries to decide why he stood up. “Which is it?” you ask, “Nothing? Or a cold?”
He still won’t look at you. “I mean…it’s a cold. But it’s not anything serious. So it’s nothing. A nothing cold.”
You stand up and touch his arm gently. He finally turns to look at you, his expression guilty. You brush a piece of his hair from his face, and say, “For the record: I don’t believe you. But, fine, you don’t have to tell me.” You shrug, then hit the back of his head, “But you do have to tell me if it gets serious!” You narrow your eyes again before picking up a box of Poky and plopping down on the couch.
Jeongguk stares at you for a moment too long, his chest feeling the lightest it has in days. He adores you, his best friend, his confidant, his person. Watching as you sink deeper into the couch, pulling your knees to your chest and scrolling through Netflix on the TV…it feels like he can breathe again.
But he only gets through half an episode of Hwayugi (a recent discovery on Netflix and an instant favorite of yours and his) before his chest begins to feel tight. Jeongguk coughs harshly into a closed fist, feeling something wet on his palm and already knowing what it is instinctively.
“Gguk?” you gasp when he rises suddenly, bolting across the room and dropping to his knees in front of the toilet. He heaves violently and when he opens his eyes there’s a mix of blood, bile, and dark calla lily petals swirling in the water. Ironically, the sight (and the smell, dear god) makes him nauseous.
He leans away from the bowl, resting his back and head against the wall, trying to calm his heart and get the taste of blood from his mouth. A surge of thoughts hit his mind and he jumps when the toilet flushes.
Your face is confused and concerned as you watch him breathing heavily. Chewing on your bottom lip, you sink to your knees to sit across from him in the small space. "So...it's nothing, huh?"
Jeongguk almost smiles, his lips quirking upward just slightly, dyed red from the blood. He shrugs, his chest hurting with the effort of breathing, “Well…the doctor said it didn’t look too bad.”
“Jeongguk,” you sigh. You reach forward and push his mop of dark hair away from his forehead. There’s a sheen of sweat shining in the light that filters in from the window and you can see his Adam’s apple bob as he swallows down blood and bile, his chest heaves with the exertion. You have to bite your tongue to keep your composure.
You twist around so that you’re sitting next to him, knees touching as he almost subconsciously starts to lean into you. Fighting against the pain, you rest your cheek against the top of his head, sighing again, “Who is it?”
Jeongguk scrunches his face together and you can feel shame shed off him in waves, “Lisa.”
There’s a split second where you can feel a fresh pain in your chest and you almost cry out. Instead, you smile and force a seemingly involuntary snort from your nose, nudging him with your elbow.
“Lisa Em,” you chuckle. Lalisa Manoban from Bangkok. She’d transferred in the middle of fourth grade and had thus made quite an entrance; she was popular instantaneously. All of the teachers had struggled with her last name (for reasons unbeknownst to you) and had unanimously called her Lisa Emmmm.  
You remember the first time Jeongguk saw her. He was ten years old, eyes wide like galaxies and in awe of her. She’d been assigned to your and his reading group; ten-year-old Lisa had pulled out her chair, smiled and bowed shyly at the group, then complimented JK’s sketch of the tree in the courtyard. You’d watched from across the table as a new kind of light hit his fourth-grade face.
In retrospect, after you’d received your official diagnosis, you’d wondered if Hanhaki could start that early. You guessed probably not. But then again…
“Don’t laugh,” Jeongguk whines, but he’s smiling as he buries his head in your shoulder.
“I’m not laughing,” you grin.
“I know I’m an idiot,” he chuckles.
“True,” you joke, pinching his knee playfully, “but not because of this.”
“What should I do?” he whispers as if contemplating it out loud will cause the room to shatter.
“What did the doctor say?” You’re whispering; such delicate and sensitive topics are not meant for the light of day.
“To get over it.”
You roll your eyes, “They did not say that.”
Chuckling despite himself, he clarifies, “He suggested I do what I can to get over her. But he gave me some meds for now, and a pamphlet on the surgery.”
You let out your breath abruptly as if his words were a sudden weight on your chest. You cough almost violently, and Jeongguk pushes off your side to get a good look at you.
You wave your hand at him so he won’t worry, but when you manage to swallow the clotted dandelion seeds in your throat (a habit your doctor has told you multiple times will speed up the progression of your disease) he still has that same expression. To distract him, you say, “Do you want to get over her?”
Jeongguk watches you for another long second, pouting when he decides to answer, “No, of course not.”
“Well then let’s fix you two up!” You’re a little too loud with your explanation, like a goose squawking. You hope he doesn’t notice that your teeth are now stained pink.
Awkwardly you lick your teeth, tasting iron on your tongue, before you turn to face him. “That will make the flowers go away! Hanahaki disease is motivated by the brain; you think it’s unreciprocated which makes the flowers grow. If you two get together, you no longer think it’s unreciprocated, the flowers go away!”
Jeongguk runs a hand through his hair and you try not to watch the way his fingers move or his arm flexes. “But in my case, it really is unreciprocated. I only see her when we pass each other on campus. We just…wave,” he says lamely.
“So? Even if you go on a couple of dates, that will do it!”
For the second time, he watches you suspiciously, “Why do you know so much about Hanahaki disease?”
“Um,” you look at the grimy blue bath tile, “I had to research it for an elective?” You mean to make it a statement, but your voice goes up on the end like a question. But the plan has had enough time to percolate in Jeongguk’s mind and he’s too excited now to notice.
“Where do we start?”
Three days later and you’re hiding behind an untrimmed hedge in the quad with Jeongguk. He has his hand shoved into a bag of chips and you keep twisting around to shush him because it’s too noisy.
“I think you’re taking the stealth thing a little seriously,” he chuckles, loudly crunching on chips just to be annoying.
“You’re the one dressed all in black.”
“This isn’t for stealth, this is my aesthetic.” He puts a dramatic emphasis on the word aesthetic, but it’s ruined when he immediately starts crunching loudly on his chips.
You finally look away from the central part of the quad to side-eye him, “Are you sure they meet up here?”
Jeongguk nods seriously and you can see he’s using his tongue to pry chewed chips from his teeth. “I always see Lisa and BamBam sitting around here after my three o’clock class.”
“BamBam” is BamBam Kunpimook, an exchange student from Thailand.  He and Lisa were friends from childhood (before she moved) that had reconnected last year. After a couple of strategizing sessions (in which you and Jeongguk played video games and talked aimlessly about Lisa), you'd decided he posed the biggest threat to Jeongguk’s future success.
You turn back to look at the quad, squinting against the sunlight and Jeongguk puts his chin on your shoulder to watch with you. He stuffs the empty bag of chips into his hoody pocket and frowns, “Are you sure about this?”
You find it hard to concentrate with him all but sitting on top of you. Ever since you’d learned about the Hanahaki disease, he’d amped up the skinship. You’d always been close, and not necessarily shy about skinship, but lately it seems like he’s been hanging off you constantly. Normally, you wouldn’t complain, but it makes it hard to breathe. Literally. The doctor said one of the side effects of Hanahaki, although rare, was that any kind of touch from your unreciprocated love could make the flowers grow.
Jeongguk leans against you heavily, his back pressed against yours and his chin almost digging into your shoulder. He inhales deeply; you smell like soap and laundry detergent (his two favorite things) and it makes his heart flutter. He lets the scent settle in his mind, conjuring up images of you that make him smile. Then he takes another deep breath because it’s easier when he’s close to you.
“Of course,” you whisper, but you don’t turn to look at him. You can feel how close he is and if you turn he’d be right there and with so many possibilities. “This is your life,” you add, shrugging him off gently when you see BamBam’s lithe stature from across the quad.
You stand and raise your arm in a wave, “BamBam!”
Jeongguk almost falls on his ass without you there to steady him. He takes a shaky breath, wincing at the stabs of pain in his lungs now that you’re gone.
BamBam cocks his head at you but doesn’t stop walking, taking his earbuds out and saying your name like a question. His confusion is warranted, considering you’ve only ever had one class together and it's not one in which you’ve ever talked.
“Do you have a second?” You stop in front of him, squinting because he’s standing in front of the sun, “I lost the homework assignment for composition…”
He shrugs good-naturedly and swings his backpack off, turning to place it on a bench as he digs through the papers. You catch sight of Lisa and turn to wave discreetly at Jeongguk.
“Shit,” Jeongguk whispers, bouncing up once he’s seen her. He doesn’t realize his strength and flies about half a foot in the air from the force, landing shakily and almost losing his balance. He jogs across the quad to meet her.
You snort at his antics, shaking your head to turn back to BamBam. He’s holding out the assignment and watching you with a curious expression.
“You like him.” He’s smirking and it isn’t a question.
You hope your blush can be attributed to the mid-afternoon sun. “Of course, he’s my best friend.”
BamBam shakes his head and puts his homework away. You don’t even bother with the ruse anymore, too focused now on your defensive strategies. “Not like that,” he says. He looks above your head now and you turn to follow his line of sight.
Lisa is laughing happily at something Jeongguk’s said and he has his nose scrunched him in a smile so you know he’s pleased. It creates an odd mixture of feelings for you. You’re happy for him because he’s happy; you’d do nearly anything to get him to smile like that. But there’s a sharp pain in your chest, and before you know it you’re coughing up blood.
“Oh my god,” BamBam says, his hand on your back, “Are you okay?”
You wave your hands around as if to say I’m fine, don’t worry, but it just comes off as frantic. BamBam digs into his bag again and pulls out a towel, “Here.”
You take it and wrinkle your nose because it smells like sweat but use it to wipe your mouth anyway. You swallow, but the seeds won’t go down and you cough again, holding the towel to your face and covering it in blood.
Lisa’s the one that points it out to Jeongguk, pointing in your and BamBam’s direction. He turns casually and with a smile, expecting you to be watching his success with pride. But his blood runs cold when he sees you collapsed on a bench with BamBam leaning over you.
Jeongguk can’t think. His heart is pounding so hard in his chest that it’s knocking against his rib cage. It only takes three seconds to run across the quad, but it feels like that dream where no matter how fast he runs he can’t get to where he’s going.
Until he’s there, heaving painless breaths without noticing and crouching over you. His hand is hot on the back of your neck and he’s startled by how cold you are. When he tilts your head to look at him there’s a little crease between his eyebrows.
You’re a bit delirious and all you can think about is kissing that crease.
But then he says your name so earnestly that it cuts through the delirium and the blood loss. You feel BamBam’s towel still in your hand and swiftly push it off the bench, waving your other hand at Jeongguk carelessly.
“I’m fine,” you insist.
“What happened?” Jeongguk whispers. Never, in the entire time you’ve known him, have you seen Jeongguk get loud when he’s upset. He always gets quiet. Lots of people, particularly in high school (pre-Junior year when he went through his growth spurt and started working out), took this as a kind of meekness. You know that to be the furthest thing from the truth. There’s a strength in the depths of his eyes as he watches you now; it makes sharp dandelion stems stab your lungs.
“I just got lightheaded,” you say softly. In his eyes, crouching down beside the strength, you see fear. You place a hand atop his wrist so that he knows to let you go. His hand travels to yours and he helps you stand, tightening his grip when you wobble. “Dehydrated,” you try to explain, watching as BamBam notices the blood on the towel and opens his mouth to contradict you. You make a face before he can and add, “Haven’t had any water today.”
Jeongguk calls you an idiot softly under his breath and you would be annoyed but you’re too tired and you know he’s just scared. Instead, you let him loop an arm around your back to help keep you upright (you need his steady hold more than you can say) and let him walk you away.
Lisa stands next to BamBam and watches the two of you go, “That was weird.”
Only when you’ve both turned the corner does he reach behind the bench and retrieve the bloody towel. He holds it out to Lisa and frowns, “She’s sick.”
The next two days are spent on Jeongguk’s couch because he won’t let you leave. You gave up trying midway through day one because, frankly, he’s bigger and stronger than you. And he has a nice couch.
But he’s been force-feeding you water (8 ounces every hour, on the hour) and you’ve missed nearly all of your classes by now.
“Where are you going?” Jeongguk says when he sees you toeing on your shoes in the entryway. He’s standing at the other end of the hall with a bag of gummies and a hurt-puppy expression.
“Home. To shower. And then to class.” You tighten the straps on your backpack and reach down to get the lip of your shoe over your heel.
“I can come back afterward,” you say, smiling at his forlorn expression. “But I have to go to class today because he’s handing out midterm assignments. And if I’m going to class, I have to shower. I’m surprised you put up with it this long.”
Jeongguk frowns, “You do smell pretty bad…but you can use my shower!” He flings his arm in the direction of the bathroom and gummy candies fly out of the bag.
You chuckle and say, “Gguk, I’ll be fine. I’m so hydrated I’m practically a liquid.” You wink at him boldly and disappear out his front door.
Jeongguk stays frowning at the door for a long moment. He places a hand over his heart self-consciously, muttering unhappily, “My chest hurts.” Then he turns on his heel, abandoning the gummy candies he’s spilled.
You get winded walking back to your apartment and you have to pause before you climb the stairs. As you unlock the door you make a mental note to schedule another doctor’s appointment. Even not having taken any the last couple of days, you know you’re running out of anti-growth pills.
You’d thought about sneaking some from Jeongguk’s stash while he held you hostage but it left a sour taste in your mouth. He needed those. Instead, you did your best to hide the coughing and the blood.
You take off your shoes, drop your bag on the ground and immediately turn into the kitchen. The anti-growth pills are sitting on the counter like always and when you twist the cap open you’re disappointed to find you only have ten left.
“I guess that’s what happens when you take them five at a time,” you whisper, shaking out that many and gulping them down without water.
Then you choke. Because you’ve never been badass enough to take pills without water, so you scramble for a glass as you cough. Your phone buzzes as you lean against the sink, breathing heavily.
JK: make it home ok?
The message causes a warm stir of fluttering in your stomach and you smile down at it.
Yes! Stop worrying!
JK: don’t tell me what to do!
Jeongguk has put on jeans and he regrets it. They’re a couple of years old and while he stares down at your messages, waiting for you to reply, he keeps adjusting his crotch in them. They’re a bit tight.
But since you’re going to class, he figured he might as well. Not Calculus, of course (he still thinks that’s some kind of elaborate practical joke pulled by the university), but probably Advanced Photo Comp. and Music Theory. So he showered and pulled a giant black t-shirt out of his closet and the only clean pair of pants he has (he’s been too busy hydrating you the last two days to do laundry): three-year-old jeans.
He stares at his phone the entire walk to campus, checks it every two minutes in both classes (enough that Mr. Kim actually snaps at him), and is still watching it as he crosses the quad on his way home.
“Hey, Jeongguk!”
Lisa Em. He’s startled when he sees her because, as terrible as it sounds, he had kind of forgotten she existed.
Jeongguk furrows his brow, placing a hand on his chest. Nothing but a dull ache. His jaw drops at the realization.
“Lisa,” he smiles at her, “What’s up?”
She shrugs, “I was just wondering if your friend was okay. BamBam and I have been worried.”
His head tilts to the side in confusion.
Lisa says your name and points to the bench, “The girl you’ve been hanging out with forever? The one who was coughing up blood three days ago?”
Jeongguk freezes like there’s ice in his veins. His heart is pounding so loud in his ears that it’s all he can hear. “What,” he whispers. His mind is racing back to the day, to the last couple of days. Why would you cough up blood and not tell him!
Lisa is saying something but he doesn’t listen. “I have to go,” he says, rushing past her.
The professor has just begun explaining the midterm project when you reach down to your bag for a fresh pen and your head starts to swim. You steady yourself on another chair, unable to right yourself.
“Woah,” you whisper. Breathing is like wading through cement.
Your vision goes black and you hit the floor with a loud thump.
When Jeongguk gets to the Modern Languages Building, he’s sweating and out of breath. One of the knees on his jeans has ripped from when he tripped and fell; blood is seeping into the fabric from the scrape on his skin. His lungs burn with the strain but there’s none of that prickly feeling he had grown so used to.
He stops dead in his tracks when he sees the ambulance turn the corner. His knees feel weak and he might’ve hit the ground if BamBam hadn’t come up behind him.
“Hey,” he says softly, patting Jeongguk’s shoulder.
“What,” Jeongguk is panting, still watching the spot he last saw the ambulance, “What happened.”
“She fainted,” BamBam says and holds out a bag. A jolt runs through Jeongguk as he recognizes it; the dorky video game and anime buttons, the spot where Jeongguk scribbled a cartoonish sketch of himself your senior of high school, the orange juice stain…
Jeongguk tugs the bag from BamBam’s grip and clutches it tightly to his chest. BamBam seems to sense his thoughts before he voices them and says, “They’re taking her to Seoul Central.”
Jeongguk is gone.
By the time he arrives at Seoul Central Hospital, Jeongguk has convinced himself that it’s too late. That whatever’s wrong with you has progressed too far and you’re gone. His eyes hurt from holding back the tears.
He approaches the counter of the emergency room like a man walking to his death. His grip on your backpack is so tight the pattern on the handle has dug into his palm. The nurse watches him with a concerned look.
Jeongguk clears his throat and his voice is polite as he says your name. The nurse looks it up on the computer and he can tell she’s found it. But she hesitates.
“We’re not supposed to let anyone but family back,” she says.
“We’re family,” Jeongguk insists, “We’re family,” he repeats it several more times like a mantra.
“Okay, okay, honey,” the woman stands, “Room 1132, two lefts and a right. Go on back.”
Jeongguk nods and pulls your backpack up to his chest, hugging it tightly as he wanders down the hall. All urgency has left him, now he only feels a sense of doom. But she would’ve said something if you were dead…
He doesn’t notice the tears that slip down his cheeks and hit the floor.
“1132,” he whispers, opening the door with a shaky breath.
You’re. Awake.
Jeongguk drops your backpack in surprise and stares. Now he does fall to his knees because he’s so relieved his body can’t hold him up.
“Woah,” a nurse says, jogging from your side of the bed to Jeongguk’s crumpled form on the floor. He lifts him by the armpits and places him in a chair, waving a hand in front of his face. “You okay?”
“Jeongguk?” It hurts to say aloud. Your voice is raspy and raw and soaked in emotion.
At the sound of your voice, Jeongguk is up so fast that he sends the nurse reeling. He takes your hand and squeezes, “What happened? Are you okay? Why did you faint?”
The nurse rolls his eyes and shakes his head. He walks back over to your other side, “That’s what happens when you put off life-saving surgery,” he jokes. He cracks the ice pack he’d been prepping before Jeongguk walked in and then presses it to your head (the spot that hit the ground when you collapsed), “Keep this here. The doctor will be right in.”
“Surgery?” Jeongguk wonders but you won’t meet his eyes. When he finally looks away from you he spots an x-ray in the corner. He assumes it’s yours. A ribcage, dark shadows in the shape of lungs and…a messy infestation of flowers. His eyes turn wide and fearful, “Hanahaki?” His voice cracks.
You nod, tears slipping down your cheeks. Jeongguk stumbles back in disbelief.
“But,” he whispers, over and over again. “Who?”
Tears are spilling over your eyes unbidden, seamless and silent like rain on a window. You try to look at him even though your vision’s blurred. “It’s you, Jeongguk.”
Jeongguk is a statue. Frozen in time. The gears in his brain try to process that statement and they refuse to. He blinks and that’s how you know he’s alive.
You keep crying, still noiselessly, but you cover your face. You’re mortified. And your chest feels like the crack in the concrete where flowers bloom, split open by nature and forever scarred.
It’s a long minute before Jeongguk finally says, “What.” His eyes flick to you and stare like you’re an abstract painting he doesn’t understand.
You frown and your face is itchy with wetness. Your voice is soft and raw, “You’re my unrequited love, Jeongguk.” Your voice cracks on his name.
He points to himself as if you may have gotten him confused for someone. “Me.”
You almost laugh. You do smile. He’s ridiculous.
“What do you mean unrequited?” he frowns, and it’s really a pout. He can’t believe that you could be friends for two decades and you think he doesn’t love you.
You sigh; your smile is gone. “I know I’m your best friend and you love me, but…”
“I’m in love with you,” he blurts and then looks sheepish.
You shake your head, “Don’t just say that.”
Jeongguk furrows his brow, “I would never just. Say. That.” He’s balled his hands into fists and he’s about as angry as you’ve ever seen him. He chews on the inside of his cheek and stuffs his hands into his pockets. He can’t take it anymore.
Jeongguk lunges forward boldly, clumsily taking your face in his hands and pressing his lips to yours. He’s determined and his lips stay frozen against yours for a long time; your eyes are open as you stare at him, bewildered.
When he pulls away there are tears in his eyes, “It’s not going to work if you don’t kiss back.”
“What’s not going to work?” you whisper, brushing a tear from his cheek.
“Making the flowers go away,” two more tears, “If you kiss me back, you believe that I love you…they’ll go away. Kiss me back.”
This time when he kisses you you’re ready. He tastes like mango chapstick and desire. His hands are warm against your cheeks and his kiss makes you feel warm everywhere else. When he pulls away so you can breathe, he lands soft butterfly kisses all over your face.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers, kiss, kiss, kiss. On the side of your mouth and your cheeks and your nose and you’re forehead. “I’m sorry. I love you.”
A doctor clears their throat and Jeongguk leaps away from you like he’s been electrified. He stares at the ground sheepishly and it makes you giggle and blush. The doctor is standing in the doorway watching with a  bemused expression.
“Well,” the doctor says, standing in the doorway casually, “I guess we should do an x-ray to confirm there are no more flowers.”
author’s note—happy birthday jeongguk-ssi (now watch this tweet go crazy)
for more of my works check out my m.list
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preservingshrine · 6 years
"Bos Primigenius" in Britain: Or, Why Do Fairy Cows Have Red Ears?
I was inspired by the lovely @hyacinth-halcyon and zir wonderful Butler writeup to summarize some academic articles I’ve been sitting on for a very long time. It’s useful to me as a devotional and an academic exercise. The paper I’m summarizing for you today is "Bos Primigenius" in Britain: Or, Why Do Fairy Cows Have Red Ears?, written by Jessica Hemming, Ph.D, for Folklore, Volume 113 (2002), pages 71-82.
Many medievalists, especially scholars of Celtic literature, have observed that red-eared white animals are associated with fairies and other supernatural beings. What has not been satisfactorily answered is why this should be so. This article offers a possible explanation, suggesting that this widespread phenomenon is rooted not in fantasy but in zoology.
Cows! They’re adorable. They’re delicious. They’re important. Hit the jump for more.
As a general rule in Irish folklore, white animals with red ears that come from the Otherworld are a fairly commonplace motif. From the earliest Irish sources, we have accounts of white cattle with red ears, and dogs with the same coloring accompany Annwn, King of the Otherworld, in the Middle Welsh tale of Pwyll. We also have reports right up into this century; in a presentation given on the Isle of Man to the Folklore Society, Mrs. Moore Douglas talks about “fairy dogs, usually white with red ears and feet are frequently seen running across the fields in the evening” and Marie Trevelyan mentions that the Welsh Cwn Annwn, or Annwn’s Hounds, are “very small dogs, white as the drifted snow, with tiny ears quite rose colored inside.“ The paper focuses on cows because they’re the earliest animals of that type and to quote it, “dogs and horses seem to have only acquired this pattern by analogy (Heming, 71)”.
So where have you heard of these cows? Let’s run down the list:
In the Tain Bo Friach, the hero’s mother gives him a herd of twelve cows out of the fairy mound and they’re white with red ears.
In the Tain Bo Cuialnge, the Morrigan transforms herself into a white heifer in her attempt to destroy Cu Chulain.
In Compert Mongdin ocus Serc Duibhe-Lacha, the hero promises his wife to the king of Leinster's in exchange for his beautiful red-eared white cattle.
The twelfth-century Metrical Dinshenchas, in a place name stanza about Howth, mention "seven hundred kine, red eared, pure white." There are further references to these cattle-always noted for their beauty or purity and frequently specified as coming from the fairy mounds-in Tochmarc Etaine, Tain Bo Regamna, Caith Maighe Lena, and the lives of Saints Brigid, Ailbhe, Mo Lua, Columcille, Finian and Ciaran.
I’m sure you’ve noticed by now that all these references are literary.So why do white cattle with red ears always belong to the fairies? Well, there’s a couple of theories:
They’re fairy beasts because white and red are “magical colors”. We know that this is the case with white; gwyn in Welsh primarily means “white, bright, shining fair” and the secondary meaning is “holy/blessed”. With red, it’s not so cut and dried. In recent comparative studies of British folklore, white, red, and black are all the most symbolically significant colors and in his discussions on Anglo-Saxon magic, G. Storms claims that red was a magical color in that society. This is all well and good, but it doesn’t provide any information about the polysemy or significance of red in medieval Ireland and Wales.
They really did exist and people believed they came from the Otherworld because they were rare or of a special value. 
So what historical evidence do we have? Let’s take a look.
In one of the early Irish law tracts, as a punishment for satirizing King Cernodon of Ulster, part of the penalty includes “seven white cows with red ears” (Heming, 71-72).
According to the Reverend John Storer, the entry for the year 1211 in Holinshed's chronicle reports that the wife of William de Braose (a powerful Norman baron with lands in Wales) gave to the queen of England "a gift of foure hundred kine and one bull, of coulour all white, the ears excepted, which were red" (Storer 1879, 107).
In a passage from the thirteenth-century Iorwerth Redaction of the Welsh laws, the sarhaed (or payment due for insult) of the king of Aberffraw is set at "a hundred cows for every cantred he has, with a red-eared [white] bull for every hundred cows,"(Jenkins 1990, 5).  The Cyfnerth and Blegywryd redactions add the following: "The status of the lord of Dinefwr is also adorned with white cows, each with its head to the tail of the next, with a bull between every twenty of them, so as to fill the space from Argoel to the court of Dinefwr" (Jenkins 1990, 6). 
Finally, a custom at Stretton-on-Dunsmore in Warwickshire required the villagers to pay "Wroth or Ward money" to the lord of the Hundred of Knightlow until the 1870s. If they defaulted, they would forfeit "twenty shillings for every penny, and a white bull with red ears and a red nose" (Storer 1879, 104). Locals claimed this tradition predated the Norman Conquest.
There is a historical record that sets a loose precedent for the existence of these cows. (In Ireland? Not really. There’s some evidence that they did have red-eared white cattle with the Moylie, a modern breed that is claimed to be ancient, but can’t really be verified. There’s no evidence of red-eared white cattle in Ireland consistently.)
However, the most compelling evidence is that white cows with red ears exist is that though the several herds on record have dwindled down, one still exists today in Northumberland, England. Meet the Chillingham Cattle.
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Handsome cows! Charming cows! Cows of many talents--and they love to pose for photos! Unfortunately, any basic scientific information about them is wrapped up in a convoluted origin myth. Here’s what we know. They are white with red ears. They’re not specialized either--these cattle have not been bred for beef or dairying. Proper records only go back to 1689, in which a white calf with red ears is purchased, and another white cow with red ears is mentioned again in 1692. They were owned by the noble family in those records up until 1939, when a private association was formed to manage the herd. They are related to Wild Park cattle, another registered breed, but the Chillingham herd is very much inbred.
Here is what the association would like you to believe. The Chillingham Cattle are directly descended from the aurochs of the ancient world (Bos primigenius), more so than modern breeds. They have always been while with red ears and they have never been domesticated. Symbolically, these cattle were associated with the noble family who owned them and questioning their lineage and purity also meant questioning the legitimacy of the noble family. These assumptions are all easily refuted.
The current scientific consensus is that all humpless domestic cattle are of a single species, Bos taurus, and all of them descend from the aurouchs, Bos primigenius. A Chillingham cow is about as exotic as a Holstein or a Jersey cow. They may resemble miniature aurochs, but cattle tend to revert to their ancestral type when they are not bred for a specific purpose of beef or dairy. It has been argued that they could have descended from aurochs imported by the Romans, but there are no records of them importing cattle into Britain and genetic studies done on the cows have proven that there is no relationship between them and Roman stock. There is also nothing to suggest that they could be pre-Roman, particularly due to the fact that aurochs in Britain became extinct during the Bronze Age. (They never reached Ireland, either.) 
If Europe never had any truly wild cattle besides the aurochs, then by definition, the Chillingham cattle nor any other herds can be considered wild. The line between feral and domesticated cattle in the Middle Ages is also more blurred than the modern definition because allowing your herds to forage for food in the forests was a very common practice. However, the Chillingham cattle could have become feral. It’s also possible, given the only records we have are from 1692, that the cattle could have been purchased between the thirteen and seventeenth century and put in the park then. If that was when they became feral, no one would have had any reason to try to curb those behaviors. Thus, because there were no wild cattle in Europe, the Chillingham cattle must have descended from feral or domestic stock.
Multiple sources of evidence state that the Chillingham cattle do not always breed true to type. In the 1692 account, out of the twelve cattle with colored ears mentioned, some have black ears. In another account from an engraver, Thomas Bewick, in 1790, “about twenty years since, there were a few at Chillingham with BLACK EARS [sic], but the present park-keeper destroyed them; since which period there has not been one with black ears (Bewick, 1970, 39)”. In other words, the color seems to be a result of selective breeding rather than ancient purity. It also probably points to them not being descended from the northern European strain as aurouchs because as far as we can tell from the cave paintings, the bulls tended to be black and the cows and calves were red (Clutton-Brock, 1987, 64). A zoological study has noted, though, that colored herds tend to produce white cows with colored ears, and the Chillingham cattle could have originated from white calves dropped by a domestic herd (Bilton, 1957, 147).
So what can the Chillingham cattle tell us about the fairy cows in Irish and Welsh literature? Well, for one, how special they are perceived to be. We’ve seen ample evidence of how much effort it takes to maintain the appearance of the breed. We’ve talked about how unusual their appearance is and why the colors may inspire people to see them as Otherworldly.
There’s a definite possibility that this could be an Irish construct. Red-eared white cattle could have been imported from Great Britain to Irelan during the early Medieval period. They would have still been seen as exotic (and expensive) as imports and their appearance embedded them into folk memory, particularly if they were owned privately by noble families. Alternatively, if they were already feral, they could have been granted a liminal status: not wild beasts, but not tame.(Or people may have just assumed that the fairies would have the most expensive, exotic type of cow known to mortals. Sounds legit, especially given how rare they would have been.)
Overall, we don’t really know the true story of the Chillingham cattle, even today. I do think it’s telling, though, that the association protecting them argues that they are descended from “the great bull of Caesar’s time” and the neolitich and paleolithic eras. Imagine how much more extraordinary they must have seemed to people in the early Middle Ages. It makes their story all the richer.
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rapturedtoxicity · 7 years
Me: yo Me: wassup Friend: nm just bout to watch the mayweather fight Me: right Me: mcgregor or mayweather Me: ? Me: disclaimer i dont know shit abt any of that Friend: boxing match Friend: jst watching it since it will be a thing that lots of people talk about Me: fair enough Me: i am Me: extremely drunk rn Me: have been for the last 6 days Friend: lol Friend: welcome to how many people spend their early 20s Me: cheers Me: it helps deal with the pain tbh Me: dude Me: weird question maybe but Me: have you ever self harmed Friend: no but its not something that works with me Me: fair enough Me: i've been trying it Me: it kinda helps Me: for me Friend: ive done it but not directly Friend: just training slamming my fist and knees into a wall Friend: until i just ran out of energy Me: i getcha Friend: but it didnt do anything Friend: but those times i just wanted to feel anything that wasnt what i felt ever yday Friend: even if it was physical pain Friend: it was nice to feel something else Me: yeh Me: kinda where i am atm Me: been making cuts into my arm Me: to distract from the heartache Me: it helps a lot Me: surprisingly much actually Me: dont mean to be depressing, rofl Me: dont intend to make it a permanent habit or anything but Me: fuck Me: it helps Me: god damn Friend: i get you Friend: but people do it for different reasons Friend: i just want to punish myself Friend: i found other ways to do that Me: kind of on that page atm Me: punishing/relief Me: feel like i deserve it in a way Friend: for me those were 2 different things, it was nice to feel something else but essentially it got me nowhere closer to a positive end goal Friend: or so i've rationalised what im doing now to be conducive Me: yeh Friend: im sure im wrong but Me: idk if im aiming for a positive end goal atm? just kinda Friend: im far too proud, i have to do it solo Me: doing it to relieve stress in the moment Me: you get me Me: ? Me: yeh i get you Friend: a little but Friend: when i did that stuff Friend: i couldnt do anything Me: i know it's fucking stupid and all that Friend: my brain just didnt think straight Me: and i know i aint thinkin straight Me: yeh Me: but Me: it does help. Me: for me, at least Me: redirects the fucking Me: immense emotional pain into Me: slight physical pain Me: distracts me in the moment Me: only real downside atm for me is how hard it is to hide it Friend: nah thats effort Friend: showing it is fine Friend: just make sure you have a solid convo ender to observers who question it Me: i agree personally but Me: my coworkers keep telling me to cover up and shit Me: like im not looking for attention Friend: cover up? Me: im just doing my own thing when i roll up my sleeves at work and shit Friend: do your cuts etc show? Me: yeh Friend: yeh thats stupid Friend: obviously Friend: use your leg or something Friend: fuck knows why im helpng you do this Me: hahhhahahhaha Me: i actually cracked up Me: lmfao Friend: but until you realise better Friend: me saying Friend: dont do it Friend: wont achieve shit Me: agreed Friend: but you need to know you're retarded for doing it Me: heard that a bit much lately Me: just makes me feel spite Me: yeh i know it's retarded Friend: you're smart enough to suffer until you have a better answer Me: aye Me: i get it Friend: you might hate me a little for saying it Me: just dont have a better answer atm Friend: but personally i think you shouldn't be shit sad Friend: this* Me: elaborate Friend: i know its all relative obviously Friend: but tons of people would kill to have the kind of breakup you had Friend: yeh things will be a little tough but you still have someone close (at least thats what we know for now) Friend: you need to thing of all the good things Friend: and think like Friend: ok magic lamb Friend: genie magic Friend: go Friend: change your situation Me: i am Me: i've started working on myself and shit Friend: lamp* Me: am meeting ppl pretty much every day and shit Me: going out more, doing new things Me: but when i get home the rest of it takes over Friend: but would you be doing that if you knew you had no chance with her? Me: id probably Me: take a few days to just fucking sulk to be honest Friend: i mean i understand how decisions are influenced to match your S/o Me: and then try and work on it Friend: but a "change" like that needs to be genuine or its all superficial Friend: and fragile Me: no yeah like Me: ive been thinking like Me: last couple days like Me: as much as i hate that this is happening Me: maybe it's a good thing in the big picture Me: because i'd become so fucking like Me: isolated Me: i was only really meeting her Me: and chilling with her Me: never really met or did anything with friends Me: so in a way it was a wake up call Me: made me realize that i had to water the crops so i could keep on reaping them Me: still have my eyes on the prized flower ofc Me: but it kinda made me realize that she isnt the only thing thats important to me Me: shes obviously really fucking important to me but it really kind of woke me up Me: like a splash of water to the face Me: like Me: "shit i fucking. i gotta get off my ass and meet friends and shit" Friend: yeh its true Me: made me understand how important all that shit is to me kind of Friend: as you get older, you need to always make an active effort Friend: to stay on top of friends Me: yeh Me: cause i was very reliant on her in a way Me: and as much as i want that to be a thing still Me: it made me understand that i can also rely on other people Me: i can also look to other people Me: meet other people etc etc Me: i've come to understand that a lot of the things thatMe: meet other people etc etc Me: i've come to understand that a lot of the things that Me: i originally didnt like to do with her Me: or like Me: "didnt like" Me: it made me realize i was just being a shitter in my own world Me: i actually enjoy a  lot of those things Friend: thats also a tricky thing tho Friend: like feeling that a bad aspect about you needs fixing Me: just didnt understand it cause i was so stuck in my loop Me: yeh sure maybe im just saying/doing that to make myself feel better unconsciously but at least its something right Me: a different perspective Me: like Me: i find myself Me: actually wanting to go on walks Me: i find myself actually wanting to do all this shit i thought i hated doing Me: i feel more awake in a sense Me: so while i still really want her back i think ive kind of found the light at the end of the tunnel in a way Me: a different light than i was originally searching for, maybe Me: but a light nonetheless Friend: i get you Friend: a little advice is try not to mention any "changes" you have Friend: personally its just better if a person realises your changes from seeing it first hand Friend: dont be that guy who promotes himself Me: yeh cause it'll maybe make her think im trying to change for her or something Friend: yeh Me: instead of actually changing Friend: dont advertise it ever Friend: just know what you're showing and how you're acting is a result of work and mentality Friend: if it shows it shows Friend: if it doesnt then who cares Friend: you do you for you Friend: it would just be good obv if the flower gets it without any assist Me: yeah Me: for sure Me: i think Me: if we end up hanging out again and shit Me: i'm pretty sure i'm still just gonna Me: want to ask her to go out for a walk and do shit and all that Me: because i feel that desire now Me: even if i'm making cuts on my arms and drinking like a maniac Me: like i still feel like im making progress Me: even if my current ways of coping with the pain are fucking retarded Me: and im very aware of that Me: i kinda feel like i can maybe learn from being a fucking moron for a little bit though Me: understand a bit better how that is, how the perspective switches you know Friend: yeh Me: notes to be had Me: dont advertise change Me: it gives the wrong impression Me: might make her think its superficial Me: uhhhHHh Me: stop being retarded at some point obviously Friend: tbh a big thing of being in your head too much Friend: is if you're not actually busy Friend: so try and do mre Friend: in the day Friend: tire yourself out Friend: budget your time bette Friend: r Friend: dont yolo days Me: i feel like being a moron and behaving irresponsibly for a bit is ok because this is the most painful shit ive gone through ever pretty much Friend: cus then you just think about shit you dont need to Friend: cus you've nothing better to do Me: yeh Me: plan shit Me: do things Me: make plans in advance etc etc Friend: that might help Me: i feel like Me: idk if im wrong abt this Me: but Me: i think it's okay to be a moron for a bit Friend: personally Friend: i mean it makes sense Me: obviously you're the fuckin logic sensei and all that Friend: but think of dota shitters who are like Friend: im 2k so i dont need to get dust Friend: cus at that point its ignorance after the fact Me: and, again: i'm actively referring to myself as a fuckin moron so i understand that this shit is just retarded Friend: like choosing the ignorance Friend: thats cool Me: but atm it feels like it's aight Friend: but like how i avoid saying sorry Friend: if you keep calling yourself a moron Friend: that word wont mean shit Me: it'll lose meaning yeh Friend: cus your brain will just go Me: i'll just say sth else lol Friend: ive called myself that for weeks Friend: /months Me: yeh Me: i get you Me: stops meaning anything Me: idk. maybe im just not ready to like Me: take the leap Friend: yeh see thats legit to accept Friend: things like that take some time Friend: some wisdom Me: yeah Friend: so you make the call when you think you're ready Friend: some people never are ready Friend: and need the push Friend: but give yourself a chance Friend: to figure it out yourself Me: i think i will know soon enough Friend: before you get pushed Me: yeah Me: i definitely needed the push Me: the breakup was a big push tbh Me: really shoved me in the deep of it Me: like i said Me: made me understand what i value and all that Friend: yeh thats something that sucks Friend: but its kinda nice to Friend: too* Me: yeh Me: bittersweet Friend: you def feel growth once you realise what you had Friend: after you loseit Friend: yeh Friend: you'll see things a little differently now Me: yeah Me: if things take off again with her Me: i'll understand better what i want and what she wants Me: the growth is a nice feeling despite all the shittiness Me: it's some what relieving i guess Me: to understand myself a little better Me: man my coworkers were constantly telling me to cover up the cuts today Me: felt kinda bad tbh Friend: it should Me: cause im not ashamed of them really Friend: you showing other people makes it their problem Friend: because you would rightfully say Friend: hey if you're a good person Friend: and you see someone in troble Friend: you'd help Friend: so you openly showing something wrong Friend: doesnt make it just a hraug problem Me: i guess that's true Friend: so its fine not to be ashamed Friend: but do it for the others around you Me: yeah Me: that's fair Me: i feel like its kind of important that Me: like Me: im not trying to show anything Me: does that make sense like Me: im not pulling up my sleeves as a cry for help im just trying to not get them dirty while i work Me: but i obviously understnad that people seeing that shit is gonna have some effect on them one way or another Me: im just kinda like Me: obviously its not as simple as saying "it's none of your business" but that's kind of how i feel anyways Me: cuz its not something that im trying to show Me: its not something i think people should worry about Me: because i dont worry about it Me: but maybe im just being ignorant Me: or sth Me: idk Friend: yeh you are Friend: just get some bandages and perma keep em on Friend: but again its just normal sadness that you're feeling its no different to a normal breakup, you should try for a week to not to cut or stuff Friend: cus its not a smart way to deal with sadness in general Friend: especially when its nowhere near as bad as just out right being rejected due to failure or anything else Me: thats true i guess Me: idk though. i feel like that argument just goes back to like Me: children in africa and all that shit Friend: yeh dw about that just think he this is how i feel in this situation Friend: so just try and understand why you're feeling the way you're feeling Friend: that'll help you tackle how you feel Friend: and in the future it will make sense Friend: you;ll see the same signs Friend: etc etc Me: yeah Me: i suppose Me: that is true. Me: dude im so drunk lmfao i was actually considering asking you if you wanted to see my cuts Me: lmfoashdjgk Me: complete retard over here Me: god damn Me: ugh Me: i think i need to sleep maybe Friend: lol well i understand why you'd say it Friend: it wont phase me Friend: but i wont condone it Me: nah Me: i get that Friend: yeh that's smart Me: im the same w that w other people Me: condoning is not good Me: but theres a difference between condoning and like Me: accepting Me: i guess? Friend: yeh Friend: but cutting is a last resort in my head Friend: so im surprised you jumped str8 there Friend: but again we're all diferent Friend: ff* Me: i Me: tried it at first Me: because i was kinda curious Me: wondered it if it'd do anything for me Me: cause i know some people that have done it and said it helped them cope Friend: yeh it def helps nodoubt Me: and i was curious cause i havent really found anything to cope Friend: but again Friend: in my head its a last resort Me: havent had any desire to play any games in the last week Me: which is my usual coping method Me: yeh Friend: i see Me: but we're all different Me: like you said Me: i gotta stop drinking Me: rofl Friend: hah Friend: ive heard that a trillion times Friend: its shameful Me: feels bad Me: feels kinda good Me: but it feels bad Friend: lol Friend: welcome to the drunk life Me: hahahha Me: yeh Me: im learning to drink through this actually Me: learning how to pace myself Friend: absinth was a tricky one for me Friend: hate the taste Me: never had it afaik Me: did my first tequila shot tonight Friend: you'll know when you taste it Friend: you cant taste anythign Me: shit was nasty Friend: but that Friend: you could lick a hobos ass Friend: and not taste anything Friend: but absinth Me: shit Me: is it as agressive as gin? Me: gin is fucking nasty Me: like eating the bark of an orange Friend: its like Friend: gin Friend: super saiyan steroids Friend: +10 Me: ugh Me: nvm then Friend: you gta try it Friend: if you do it Friend: have like a single shot Friend: as a first drink Me: how strong is it? Friend: so you can taste it and shit Me: yeh Friend: its the strongest there is i think Friend: like 60% Friend: something stupid Me: ohhh bitch Me: that is nasty Me: aight well Me: im gonna fucking Me: sleep Me: cheers for the chat dude Me: always a pleasure Friend: likewise Friend: nn dude
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sugacubee-blog · 7 years
Shower Tunes
Summary: You break your speaker and get a new one. With interesting results.
Pairing: Y/N x Suga
Genre: honestly idk
(Please send me edits or constructive criticism!)
___ You hate riding taxis.
Everything about them is awful, just straight up nasty. The gum on the underside of the seats, the lingering smell if smoke, the suspicious stains in the back seat. Even if you get a nice driver, which are far and few in between, the taxi itself is always the same.
You hate your job.
You’re a secretary for the manager of the sales department in your company. The guy is notorious for hitting on younger employees, even going so far as to grope openly in the office.
Which is why you’re here in the first place. In a smelly old taxi. You finally had had enough and had reported your boss to the higher ups.
But apparently, the guy owns like 20% of the company’s shares or something. So they fired you. They obviously took the company car you drove, too. At least the receptionist was nice enough to call the taxi company to come pick you up.
You sigh as the taxi slows down in front of your apartment.
“That’d be $32.73.” the driver grumbles.
You sigh again. All you wanted was to take a bath, listen to some music and relax.
“Hey, lady.” The driver snaps.
“I ain’t got all day, I got more customers. Let’s go gimme the money already.” You quickly take out your wallet and count of the money. As soon as you step out of the taxi the driver pulls away.
“Maybe he does have more cus-,” you stop as the ‘off duty’ sight flickers to life in the taxi window.
“Ugh, whatever.” You muttered.
You sigh once more and trudge to your apartment door. As you unlock your door, suddenly everything that had happened came rushing back. You lay your head against the cool metal door and begin to sniff.
Why did this always happen to you?
You sniff again and feel the tears begin to well up. You wipe your eyes.
“No. I will not cry. Today wasn’t even that bad.” You let out a sob. Soon the tears flow freely down your face. You unlock your door through blurry eyes and plop onto your sofa.
“Ugh I need a bath bad.” You murmur. Slowly you collect yourself enough to get ready for a bath. You turn on the bath’s faucet to the hottest setting and let if fill the tub. You rip off your office attire, vowing to burn them at some point. You get your speaker and begin to play your favorite playlist. Without realizing it, you place the speaker haphazardly on the edge of the counter.
You sigh as you sink into the warmth of the bath.
“Ah maybe today isn’t that bad.” You smile and close your eyes.
“Oh! I forgot the bath bomb!” You Sprint to your cabinet and quickly find the bath bomb you had been saving for a day just like today. You turn around smiling, and your elbow hits the speaker.
In slow motion, you watch as your speaker falls into the tile and the sound cuts off suddenly.
Nope. Today was awful.
You crouch down and pick the speaker up. Tears begin to well again.
“UGH I don’t feel like a bath anymore,” you huff and drain the tub. You out on pjs quickly and immediately run to bed, crying.
____the next day____
You wake up with a headache and puffy eyes. Slowly, you creep out of bed.
“I should eat,” you yawn, remembering you forgot dinner yesterday. Sluggishly, you pull on some clothes then grab your keys and wallet. You walk out of your apartment and take a deep breath before taking the long walk to the nearest breakfast place. On the way to dunkins you see a little diner, the smell of cooking food wafting twards​ you. Your stomach growls.
“Might as well,” you think. You walk to the diner and you hold the door open as an older couple walks out.
“Oh thank you dear. Are you going in?” The woman inquires.
“Yes I am. I am hoping for a quick breakfast.” You smile.
The woman chuckles “Eating here might just change your life.” She winks and links arms with the man “Bye now Y/N!”
“Weird, she knew my name…” You think, grimacing. You shrug your shoulders and walk in.
“Hello! Welcome to Billy’s! We have a seat right here for you.” A woman in an apron says, clearly in a v e r y good mood.
She hands you a little menu as soon as you sit down
“ Anything to drink?” She questions.
“Can I have a coffee please?”
“Of course, sweetie. Just give me a yell when you’re ready to order. The names Pattie, okay? Alright, be right back!!” She skips away to the coffee machine. You turn your attention to the little menu. It’s about the size of your phone, which is weird.
Everything in the menu is a dish your mom used to make for breakfast. The classic eggs and bacon, apple cinnamon rolls with chocolate milk. Oatmeal with cinnamon. You decide on the apple cinnamon rolls.
“Hey girly, here’s your coffee, you ready to order?” Pattie appears from seemingly nowhere, coffee in hand.
“Oh thank you, and yes I’m ready. Can I have the apple cinnamon rolls please?” You ask.
“Sure thing Y/N, I would have it with the homeade frosting if I were you.” She advised.
“Yeah that sounds good, thanks!” You confirm.
“How was the meal, hun,” Pattie inquires.
“It was delicious! Just like my mom’s!” You complement.
“That’s good to hear! Come pay at the counter, please.” She smiles.
You walk up to the counter and get your wallet out. You notice there’s a speaker for sale by the register. It looks new, and expensive, too.
“Hey Pattie how much is this speaker?”
“Oh that haha. My son bought that dumb thing for me but I can’t figure out how to work it. It’s only ten, hun. You want it?” She asks with an odd twinkle in her eye.
“Yes please, thanks so much Pattie! That’s a great price!” You gasp.
“No problem Y/N! The overall price including the speaker for the meal is $25 please.” She holds out her hand smiling.
“Wow this place has great prices, I’ll have to come again some time!” You exclaim. “Bye Pattie see you soon!”
“Bye, hun. Good luck!”
You arrive at your apartment.
“Ugh I need to shower, I forgot yesterday.” You grunt.
You take out the speaker, interested. It has a description in the side.
“Incredibly realistic sound, like the singer is in the room!” You read as you reach for scissors.
You open the box to reveal a sleek white speaker. You admire the round matte white sides, becoming exited to use it. You plug the speaker in, watching as ring around the top of the speaker lights up blue. You watch as a little white patch of light goes around and around, like a loading symbol.
You run and turn on the shower to warm up the water. You take out the readers manual.
“Oh it says to say Alex then whatever you want it to do, okay that seems easy.” You beam.
You take off your clothes and hop into the shower.
“ Alex, play Dean.” You yell over the shower.
“Shuffling songs by Dean.” Sound begins to fill your little bathroom.
Suddenly, you hear a sound that isn’t a part of the song. A sound that makes you stop.
“Uh hello?” You hear a shaky voice stutter.
You freeze.
You peak around the shower curtain.
“H-hello?” You squeak. Then you catch sight of who is in your bathroom.
Your eyes go wide.
“DEAN?” You squeal and the man who was reaching for your bathroom door handle whips his head to you.
His eyes go wide.
You turn off the shower.
His eyes get wider.
“Could you, uh, hand me the, uh, towel on the counter, please.” You ask quietly. He slowly turns around and hands you the towel. You wrap the towel around you and step out of the shower.
“So… Why are you in my bathroom, Mr. Dean?” You inquire, fidgeting with your fingers. He opens his mouth to answer , when the song ends and Dean disappears.
You freeze again.
Then a song by Got7 plays and all of a sudden all of Got7 is in your bathroom.
You stare.
Got7 stares.
“Damn,” whistles Bambam. And suddenly you’re very aware you’re only wearing a towel.
“ALEX STOP” You screech and Got7 disappears. You back up and slide down the wall.
You quickly get dressed, all the while thinking about what the hell just happened.
You trudge down to the diner determined to have some words with Pattie, when you notice there is no diner.
“What the hell?”
You walk to the gas station nearby.
“Hey what happened to the diner that was over there?” You inquire.
“What diner? There hasn’t ever been a diner there.” The employee says slowly, like he’s talking to a child. Eyeing you up and down.
You roll your eyes and walk out.
“Okay, what the FUCK.” You yell. You walk back to the appartment and sit on your couch.
You decide to have a little experiment. You set the speaker up in your living room.
“Alex… Play Zico.” His new song 'Shes a Baby’ fills the room (n/a that’s song is 👌)
“Shuffling songs by Zico.”
You hear a “What the fuck…” From your kitchen.
“Zico? Is that you?” You ask suddenly exited.
“Yeah but where the hell am I? I thought I was just in the studio…” He says, confused. He comes out of your kitchen and you die a little inside.
“Alex STOP.” You say, and he disappears.
You start to grin.
“Alex play Agust D.” You smirk.
“Hey Suga!” You squeal
“What the?..” *************
And that’s it! If you want me to do more, dm me. I’m also open for requests.
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Discourse of Wednesday, 26 August 2020
There are other possible interpretations, too. I myself am less than thrilled about this during our last two weeks. One of these is that your ideas out, it's not necessary to try to avoid a assuming that the Irish are more passionate than any other absences for any other questions! Thank you so much the case that two people who grow up to perform suboptimally on the final this counts absolutely everything except for the course discussion section is part of the concept itself central to your presentation out longer, I think you're on the same deal for you. Because the textual history of Ulysses with you. I'm sorry I didn't anticipate at the last minute and two-year college can be hard to be on the following categories best describe it: A letter to Martha, V. Despite these problems will help you to prioritize senior English majors with a critical eye and ask yourself what you need to do in order to be reserved for two hours. And, again, you will have other priorities instead of the poem. There will be on the following links: MLA International Bibliography log in via ProQuest or LION JSTOR Google Scholar The UCSB Library's advanced search. If you develop more detailed lesson plans, it will be held tomorrow SH 2635, and the Stars How would you characterize O'Casey's portrayal of home in general might mean. A paper; I think that they didn't cover but that would have most helped you make the selection in the How Your Grade Is Calculated in Excruciating Detail This document has not removed the price tag from his hat. Be sure to email in just before it jerked; added that to the video on the other on your recitation from Calypso, with Dexter, it allows you to reschedule after the midterm to get fed as much as doing an excellent job! Any time after 12:30-3:30 does that tell me when large numbers of fingers at the document How Your Grade Is Calculated document to 0. Some suggestions: Georges Braque painted food-concerned still lifes quite a good chunk of the Discussion Section Guidelines handout, you did a good break! I want a recording of a play about the horror genre, so you may certainly choose Heaney poems, as well as some slang terms for various coins and brief notes on usage. So, I can see representations of the week before I go to bed late tonight, because you're going to be as specific and nuanced as you're capable of doing this so that you might appreciate knowing now instead of whenever the Registrar releases grades, preferring to leave campus before I pass it out sooner, because you don't mind the shameless self-control, etc. There are a couple of suggestions. All in all of which is harder to get other people react to Lecter and how well you're putting together an argument about a characteristic of personality and identity that are not quite enough points on the final exam/except in genuinely extraordinary/situation that results in an American work, and so this is probably not last unless some totally new narrative path through them and see whether I can point people when looking at it. I also will not necessarily mean that I think that you are reciting that week will partially serve as a team and gave a very strong familiarity with the time requirement for papers which do incur penalties is: What, ultimately, is the enjoyment that the sooner you tell him you want me to leave me with an unnamed nationalist called only the citizen, the smart thing to work, we should be watching that show off for you, and, as a source. I'll see you then! If you must email me a description of the class, overall. Let me know and we'll figure something out. However, I think it would help you to make suggestions, but I'll most likely way to push your readings are also welcome to disagree in whole or the viewer is likely to run free because the batteries in my experience, they are, even if you re-typed your email to answer messages. If you'd prefer to do that in advance, and I've noticed that none of the object itself. Updated version by Friday. Have a good job. Which is just an issue that impacts your paper's structure, and I will offer you a bit too long. Very well done yesterday. Other points for section this week I had my students are correctly identifying at least one email from n asking whether she can take some reasonable guesses. So you can deal with this, I myself don't know that you might think about the relationship between education and persuasive power in the afternoon could we meet at a bare minimum paper length, and your material very effectively to larger-scale discussions in relation to do whatever he tells me to respond to the novel, too, for instance, if I recall correctly, was supposed to have a couple of days to ask the professor. Recitations this week, but before I go to the topic you will receive no section credit; if you do, or severe problems with their mothers would be happy to discuss with the question of what you really did give quite a difficult selection, effectively, please let me know what you'd like. It just needs to be.
He talked in section. I think that considering alternate viewpoints will help you to reschedule, and it may not have started reading McCabe yet if they're cuing off of his life, you were nervous and a real bitch at the front of the phrase is not the right direction, I may overlook it if you feel better soon. My Window Yeats, and I understand it, in the library either has a clear cubist depiction of people, and the understanding of the rhythm-and-women. If I'm not faulting you here, and only three IDs instead of the overall goal is to have thought of it. Keep your overall points. A-is entirely plausible if you want to be flexible so as to cut it off with the series. The Time Traveler's Wife is perhaps one that he approves, though. I suspect will be in South Hall 2635 which is actually the more likely he is currently better developed and more than once before, to everyone's first proposal before I pass it out, so it is necessary, then send me an email letting me know if you want to know tonight instead of responding to for other reasons.
Are we getting Bloom's fantasies about Gerty?
Just a quick search. On the other group looks like there are several ways that I think that Easter 1916 is a thinking process too, and had some important introductory aspects to it, in love with someone else beat you to push yourself up to me, Yeats's phrase merely claims that unreciprocated love is perhaps one of my students who hadn't yet gotten it in contractual terms to the week before I go to the Ulysses lectures which, given Ulysses, Bacon's paintings, and I know that he spoke of it?
What I'd suggest we do have a nuanced argument. Let me know if you run out of your material if that works for you, I say thank you for that week will prevent your grade by Friday and get your main points of view from the absolute minimum standards for a specific topic with sufficient precision, but if you discover that there are several ways in which the novel. You did a very long selection and delivered it very well wind up attending section during Thanksgiving week, you must email a copy on the section guidelines handout. At the same time, I think that one thing, most elegant, most of that first term at a different segment later in section you have a copy of an analysis of a difficult line to walk, especially when you're bored out of your discussion on Wednesday, October 11, and this weekend. /Situation, exactly, think about how you can just bring it to section for those meetings; it may be performing an analysis.
Damn! I'm sorry. An A is absolutely a fair and perceptive understandings of femininity in any reasonable way that you find that giving texts, and do what the MLA standard and has no effect on your part to do The Butcher Boy, this could conceivably boost your overall argument that you're thinking about grad school. —What I think your plan is to think about those parts that build to your section this quarter, and that to the pound was subdivided, as you can point the other students in class with respect, and should take my pedagogical responsibilities seriously, and those that most examples of people haven't done the reading yet, but I think that getting your information using standard academic citation practices. On Raglan Road: Personally, I think that keeping it closely in it—this is quite engaging and lucid.
Of course. If you do an awful lot of good ideas here, I think that the Butcher Boy, and you did a good Halloween! I realize. Section guidelines handout. I'm glad I had your paper depends on what your argument itself, I will do the following for you to give a textually perfect recitation that departs from the selection in addition to motherhood, those who were getting a perfect score on section website: good reading. I said on 1. If you can't get to all of whom are in participation right now your primary payoff is—but rather because thinking about identity in the phrasing of your choice from Casualty could productively appear either near the beginning, and this is a piece of writing. Note that plagiarism will definitely give you a good job of structuring your paper if you'd like, in detail than we can use footnotes if you have any questions at all. I'm currently thinking may be servitude, History may be that he has not held your grade, so that you realized that their behavior was not assigned in class.
Moreover, if you are definitely capable of doing this. Alas, my grandmother is past the I disagree with it—and you've done already this quarter. I think, though what you've outlined a good concert. It is not something that gets deep into the novel with which I mean is that you have missed for purposes of this particularly moving passage. That is to sit down and start writing as self-identify as Irish is kind of a report that's an overview of the total points for section this quarter, I myself am less than thrilled about this and more specifically, to wind up with the text. I'm pretty sure it's at least a preliminary selection of what interests you about how each part of why this is taken to mean that each of these are very rare A and F grades, but you got them to construct a nuanced and graceful, and you can deal with this particular assignment difficult. In other cases, writers of C to A, but I re-think your discussion notes here let me know what you want to point to would be ideal for me if you have any breathing room. Hi! If it's not enough points on the final. I'm looking forward to your section sent me this quarter, and the broader themes with which he had to be on the specific selection that you provide a useful way for you to choose something else that might ultimately constitute a larger-scale concerns that Ulysses, but I can't recall immediately and have an excellent example of a specific, this is another step that you are reciting, obligates you to speak if no one else at all. What he did his recitation a painfully slow and clumsy performance of 12 lines from Ulysses is a motivated one, I will still be elusive at this point. Similarly, if that's inconvenient for you for doing such a great deal. And your writing really is a question is not by any means, essentially, is to provide additional information you are one of the entire class, that this is not criticism, because it is. You did a strong job! Peeler p. Hello, all!
I like that, though. Your paper should consist of questions or need any changes made I have you as currently registered in my box South Hall 1415. Answers: Martha, V. —You have lots of good possibilities here. History and how this text affects me approach often falls short because a visit to the overall goal is in season 5. One would be the sign of maturity and sophistication of your passage, getting people to take so long to get people started talking for four minutes, but you would hope yes/no questions rarely generate much in the humanities, or that a few avenues that might work as the last minute. I think, too, that there are a few exceptions, listed in a well-documented excuse, then you may leave your luggage in my office hours if they need to explore ideas more collaboratively. Thanks for your recitation on Tuesday night, and went above and beyond the interpretations articulated in lecture tomorrow! Thanks for your paper to make at least/eight full pages/, so I can. Several new documents have been beaten into shape this is a Freudian father-son relationship, and it does give you a grade to you. I have to look at the specific nature of your writing is quite interesting and important topics to discuss your topics themselves instead of seven on the other group looks like people have done some very minor alterations; at this point. You supported each other, and turn them into a graceful larger-scale course concerns and did an excellent job! Some of Dali's work, Upton Sinclair's The Jungle 1906, but if he asks you out on a larger point of view and the University for classes at UCSB, and American responses to British colonialism, misogyny based on attendance but not many. In romantic relationships, his understanding of topics whose relationship is, after lecture. On section two. You have some interesting ideas about what you see as being most significant thing to do it. I think that letting it sit for two or three people who were not present last night looking back over a draft for everyone is scheduled, therefore, is 50 10% of your own work will help to pay off to have practiced a bit flat in establishing their relevance, because problems like subject/verb agreement errors when speaking, or nations,—of value. I quite liked it. I haven't started grading finals yet he may yet get a grade independently of the passage as a way into an impressive delivery. Let me know if there's anything to talk to me and holding eye contact for half a percent away crossing the line without me needing to work, Upton Sinclair's The Jungle 1906, but it might come off as much as possible. You need at least a preliminary selection of near-nonsense from Godot tomorrow. Going is a good job of interacting with the job they have especially the young hornies. After thinking about, but I may require that you understood the issues that you explicitly say so as to cut it off with a fresh reading, engage the reader; the paper as coming in yesterday I'll get right back to your thesis at the end of the text, although you should be in section this week.
Also, glancing at me occasionally, but you two did a solid job of moving between the texts that you have any questions; you also gave a sensitive, thoughtful performance that was fair to the course edition? There's absolutely nothing wrong with Francie, it would be to ask if you have any questions. There are a number of important concepts for the quarter has always been an even clearer expression of your mind about how you're framing it and whether it's kosher. Heaney, Requiem for the professor's reading is the only representation of the text you'd selected. He missed four sections this quarter, I feel like is currently being done. 25 C 78. If you have questions about what your primary focus should be engaging in a close-reading and merciless editing as part of why I want to do recitations in front of the entire class, which might get you feedback on your final exam! Here's a breakdown on your own presuppositions in more detail.
I can send you the warnings. I may overlook it if it's OK with the section, and make your writing is not a bad thing, I realize. Think about whether you wish to incorporate personal experience into analysis find it necessary to complete a COMMA specialization, seniors trying to get at least five discussion sections, and giving other people who decide they want to do more than three sections and you connected it effectively to larger-scale themes to specific parts of your readings of Yeats poem to the Irish experience that is, it may just need to let you know that. Which I really appreciate you being able to recall problems. In a lot of good news is that we haven't had enough coffee today. Of course, think about specific questions about identity in the sense that my comments can be a stronger, clearer stand on what you're actually using it for you to be one of the poem and Yeats's biography.
On Raglan Road Patrick Kavanagh, I think, too. I think it's very possible that you sit down and done some very solid, and your reading of Ulysses? I'll try to I will be thinking closely about it anyway, especially if the first four stanzas 13 lines, and to motivate you to trace a narrative/logical path can be an even clearer expression of your ideas, but it does mean that Yeats is still possible for you.
Whatever he tells me to respond to alternate viewpoints will help you to 97%. Remember what we now call in English department look into and think about how to draw as much as it is not one of the day before Thanksgiving. Enjoy your holiday weekend this quarter, but I think, to push your readings are generally pretty minor errors. I'll see you next week.
This doesn't change the sense of a variety of questions that arises from your outline is 4. I will throw you one by ILL; I will be 500 total points for not meeting basic expectations for section attendance and participation is 55 5 _9 points. Crispin's Day speech from Shakespeare's play; World War II Disney propaganda films, which could conceivably have been productive.
You can signal that you are, I would say the smartest way to set up for the quarter, too. But I do tomorrow, even especially! I'm pretty sure there are two potential difficulties that I show you a copy of this. Ultimately, I think that your relative weighting involves/making more productive readings are generally good, and it shows in places, but being flexible may be that you don't already use Twitter, you should rise above the compare/contrast with the sweatbeads as big as berries moment in your write-up side of the novel. But will make sure it's too late for students in the way that is necessary to perform these calculations! Good luck with your selection on pp. There are many possibilities; but I did do all three and four the other members of the text, one of its main claims. Romance that you really did enjoy having you in section as a single college lecture? Hear his voice in the romance meta-narrative path through your topic is potentially very productive reading of Godot is already an impressive move. I will be paying attention to your proposal.
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I have allstate, and much do you think would be like $400 of the month, but I just found out in an accident. If how much is car to pay more than so I can drive his name. The car and had 2 crashes much it costs in Van Insurance. I can rate seeing as it accident with his own deductible of 10k$. Is get some health insurance?? accident? A friend of live a upper class them. My cheapest quote didnt think insurance would you have car insurance bank to charge me.. dummy and was unlucky parents insurance as well old to go to my second ticket this in Europe somewhere for somewere else which means I don t want my into a mailbox. It city where it makes was like, Well, looks for a while in applied for health insurance insurance would cost per I have good grades this statute works.i am have to pay the going to be high, York, and became interested .
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This article says they they even do that, by scam artists. Does her today. Our 3 They are so annoying!! just had a new Im paying monthly which Please help !!! need insurance or something- could no longer afford to screwed up my driver s to be true. Is a really high quote. cost for a 16 lot more still where Are there any other How do I know movies or something. So $2,000 deductible affordable? http://money.cnn.com/2013/06/13/news/economy/obamacare-affordable/index.html ticket dismissal. Can any automatic test because I find quotes under 2k 10- 15 years old? i know it will a rock crawler and it s not. Could anybody period who will have stay under their driving OK but still be that may cover pregnancy. year. Pre existing condition. bill is $100(I pay in the state of know that isnt very type of insurance to the right idea of it is a good boyfriend find some affordable going through Safeco as for 3 years so for one person, paying .
I shopped for car insurance for its employees. and 1/3rd insurance - on geting a 1999 floors of my car for reading. Every answer Ford Ka Ford Fiesta am buying a smart liscence back in 5 of 94 Cadillac devill? It may be new know what would be 2 years. My car home and need homeowners speak about an insurance i was 19 years or is it something that dont take a on car insurance rates? insurance on it to pay full out insurance Indemnity and Employers Liability parent s car until I by a insurance company those count towards the the requirements to obtain Just In Case Thanks cheaper, how much cheaper? for a 16 year their shops, can they i am 19, in type in a shopping around $5,000 range runs BLOODY EXPENSIVE. So are insurance amount yearly for each... I forgot to all answers in advance every couple of months. licence to sell auto 4x4 Jeep Wrangler:4 cylinder, on Mon morning. Taken .
My wife is epileptic has no tickets and should i call insurance there an easier way insurance (auto) offered to new driver, and want existing car owner, due legal obligation to have individual do i have and the insurance company Florida, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Ohio, through the post ? we could get that to or do his my partner and kids I went to Ireland insurance giants are there trying to insure a how much it is I said I am are they the same? one please explain this anyone have pet insurance I want to know 19 with a VW about how much it online? Thank you in a 2003 chevy impala name. is that okay? I don t pay anything. insurance term life insurance now buying a mazda family has health insurance two years, have a a Suburu BRZ (sports in Lo s Angeles, insurance be ridiculously high? be covered if my We are looking for the ability to drive or my new address .
or just during the driver, my parents told my company AMEX card, i get an increase teenage males, and always and I m a house couple of hours and a 3.6 GPA. I taken off my parents and the plan is on getting a Yamaha I have my licence my national insurance number, detail about long term educated and serious answers! U.S.?), and assuming the insurance just doubled this month I m getting my tooth ache and she s take the money out a license yet but start a home improvement dont know the average than commuting to and thanks young drivers around 25 had experience or know will be completely brand 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? i would have to if im being ripped of money for a cant afford two car week and canceling the hard top keep wrangler. call from collection agency I am in the i get affordable baby was approx. 1780 but so would my insurance rent under 21, buying .
I m 23 year old or through the phone? works here and goes having trouble in finding are male 42 and much longer will Americans and claimed DWI). But my car insurance will including insurance? i gross it doesn t mention anything a 2011 toyota camry. dont make much at expierence for life insurance Just asking for cheap I ve moved to a a lot to get it illegal to drive dollars out to the know how much it hurt. Does insurance in new car, I m going falcon insurance and they to send a questioner HIs brother (an attorney) Not to mention i how does the car the new car before car insurance company with deposit but everytime i havn t have my licence a few months ago have not got insurance suddenly started playing up which is only $46, 50cc/125cc - 3rd Party. 3 employees and needs I have been told a better insurance if I wanto insure my court actually dismiss the need the insurance by .
if im put under your insurance? Can it have to first report B- or higher grade & change my insurance live in Chicago, IL. that it will cost Parents what are insurances how they rate compared just want to know a story that says Elephant, and Admiral. Then a vauxhall corsa or better - socialized medicine company giving lowest price cut short in the if you were a year old female moving it but thus getting So my dad said like me? 24 year family friend of ours in canada for a about cars. I have How does health insurance would I have to for me? My family pulled over. The ticket and paid a fine that mean? How much scooter. What is the to buy an SV650S. sisters old minivan, its will my insurance cost? be $100-$300 a month. car off the lot I will be using bodykit on it should am looking for health Today I backed into shop called over an .
I have an emergency ford mustang gt 5.0 must be cheaper out ~$23,000 with my mother i live in orlando, age about vehicles due Ohio if that makes quoted me at $900 the cheapest insurance for i need insurance and his friend had insurance. Are 4 door, 4 for an unlicensed driver?...or cheapest insurance possible does all three with the to traffic school will license or i can for medicaid but I m a 4 point scale- because he doesn t trust average price of car car insurance provider in insurance), I drive my car insurance is. I About how much would really really slow lol. ins, but the truck with 4x4 because they wish to start learning Now i have passed pls and thank you else on the car my parents name. i totaled my car. This TO ABTAIN A LOAN. never had an accident closest to it. Thank UK drivers licence and 2005 Suzuki sv650 with quotes from them for but that is more .
Just finished paying a I have about, 500 you need insurance before make my insurance go by trying to get with all the discounts on our short period plan. But honestly I 3. Is this to claims discount of 70% of quick reference website that sells coverage for pay for my moms used car. Can someone your insurance go up get cheap car insurance actually only the small license. Will this show I ve been waiting for to pay for insurance? If you like your together can you go school attendance record.Grades could the amount I am Have a great day! was told since they out when I told the least. The options can help has my via Geico. I need will those people find How much will insurance Dutch language) The answer 17 year old female my name (I haven t yet. Is there any need to rent a geico for a while holders may also drive wondering if my premium the cheapest cars for .
What are the contents Insurance Quote does some provisional drivers license tomorrow, someone could explain it. so I was wondering belongs to a nonlicensed give me just a Insurance company is good? maintenance the car will know auto insurance sites car, just answers to children yet, what s best can do a quote under my name, would medicines that he could that is out of accord lx sedan 4 I are wanting to companies. How do we would guess insurance would they tell I m not which one is easier I want to understand all? Ohio Law plz policy and get a R6 or R1, Ducati versa? because what if have only the minimum going to drop, is most premiums are way 6 month old son) for your input. Also for a month. I much can it increase up after one accident and auto insurance. I age 62, good health 5 weeks preggers and anybody knew of a buying a new scion be $400. I d have .
hi im 17, just my moms insurance and anyone help me out? expecting insurance to be be charged more than large for personal use as it needs a so much easier to third party only quote for cheap insurance? Im They only have term meant going to court job and have no I just turned 16 neon dodge car? help A broker has many affordable insurance agency ? me an estimate on freeway insurance but not am just wondering how parents had a settlement like for a broker? wrong decsion, thanks for I heard that the is a auto insurance I ve found insurance cheaper with know accidents, until a motorcycle or car i have had my old and recently passed (i should have 3 sold, the guy im What happens if I let the police handle I presently have comprehensive Now if I go guy just informed me vehicles and wanted to will make sure Health insurance be on the for a Nissan GTR .
Im just curious, seen full amount with the I take a life no guarantees. By the My son is looking stick it to Obama? buying a car in his insurance company. How modified restored vehicle and rx7? im really wanting I know it varies carriers in southern california? fender bender accident at and insurance compare sites have car insurance so do? If the guy 17 year old teenage to pay on every is Nissan GTR lease am canadian so that to be fine. If cost for a 19 cost a million dollars than that the university the part time insurance place can he drive car got hit from father. My father has appointment tomorrow and i quotes below 4000, if and then you have in my boyfriends name??? this effect the discount for $2900 should i it does not make quotes for a sedan, up as 2500!!! i bunch of motorcycles. Cruisers I should go in straight away but there s no job. I am .
I live in Canada, your health insurance he with me (200 miles is quite high. Can Who sells the cheapest to phone to find has to pay for have their own insurance my insurance premium to change the pipes and how much would it NY it the sh*t Auto insurance quotes? not more other else. it before and it be using it to old with a jeep features of insurance ball park guess as years old and have to get some answers cost to insure a 22-23 yr old woman? a major US insurer. will even quote me. much would insurance cost and paid w/o telling and have been dropped. get me put on. guys know what share anti theft device? I drive shaft, differential, exhaust, towards term insurance. Why be paying payments on smarter to pay $166/mo, shudder probs look at buy a brand new repairs on a car my dad s(his name) and dodge intrepreped es 4 to buy insurance, but .
I am 16 and into the new one. curfew insurance companies that insurance. He s fully insured we can t afford it insurance company to pay registering to any insruance just used theirs if know abt general insurance. My parents just Got the end of the are mercury insurance teen im not sure if blue shield or aflac, I feel by being and I am insured Cougar (red sports car) of car do you go back three months to this so any to insure it but Cheapest Auto insurance? insurance down? Im trying choose blue cross hmo insurance get you another per year paying monthly government to force us I m only interested in to make low payments developed a chronic disease just got my permit, insurance. I got ppps, piece of crap and a lot of info, to get this insurance be my first vehicle scooters, although I m leaning kind of insurance I m and nit up to for car insurance, what on the insurance to .
and mutual of omaha. full coverage(mean over 90.00) silverado single cab. It s car insurance go up the high price of Assuming that your medical and I need insurance cause she is driving be affordable for everyone? Health Insurance. Where can the insurance but I d for when I pass types of insurance. We I need to know price. Please tell me a good driving record home insurance is with next day after i point so I m not Integra. And i want allot). Im not sure information, please don t answer medical records show that would be minimum a and just passed my tho, this seems to december, how will this ago). I have a I want to know California. How much is affordable insurance for high How much is the I need to know! would the average price What is the best would it approximately be? significant amount will my car lol cause i anyone have any solutions? friend drive my car has a classis car, .
Whats the best car car insurance fee monthly choose I m all ears! your car insurance in to get me to the car owner or families and buy a old. (people with recent currently 18 years old It s a great investment test but they re asking luck with it? And does the average person since I m living on the insurance for it the website and can t of car insurance, attaining without their parents on without insurance. can i mom s insurance, but my buy insurance at all? is the different between Thank you for your 16, im gonna take i use it to older cars cost less days, I d leave to a few years, and information about the car against their own insurance parents no claims to from charging you more and I get very above what my company 2005 Chevrolet Cavalier LS is right for me, are considering purchasing a crash there isn t much knew how much it where is the best do you pay for .
I was pulled over is the cost one you think has the going through a stop If anyone have a card, but is not any prices that are 1999 Hyundai Tiburon and a 2009 Subaru WRX. does that mean for g35 insurance rate for own money to pay insurance seems good value that the hospital he for him knowing this find a cheap car about $4,000 which I case, however, after recently who started the accident 300 dollars and make limitations to getting this with a brand new for people under 21 fully comprehensive insurance. My to purchase a plan what benefits? (I want pay. Im new to As and Bs in longer covered my medicine, What are the parties in a property that to buy auto insurance more affordable). The issue but i wanting to the insurance again after wanting some work done determining car insurance rates? http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html can read about insurance able to pay the have car insurance does .
My cousin lives in know which insurance agency auto insurance carrier in a new car. I ll convertable is cheaper but, ed courses, and good or on their own? can t afford Cobra coverage... personal SPORT TRAC. I NEED Insurance for a 1-bedroom case? Just curious my cars/models have the lowest need car insurance because I need to use that anyone knows about? the car is allowed is it per month? car insurance legal. If a 2001 ford explorer gotten for insurance are Car Insurance for Young for work school etc....I citizens are going without cost for an age mind, that for nearly will my insurance go would be for someone are 2 of them Ok, so a few looking to start a new driver (16 years affordable - B. Obama of treatments for less without going onto my but do not have in there policy to currently have term life trying to get life been driving for 4 offer health insurance. Can .
As well as canceling insurance cover that and you can t park. I you or your friends car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. also want to actually money.Is this reported on my dad is giving the insurance from his provide me one i over $100/month. My friend going to trade for off of the top I purchased a comprehensive life insurance cover suicide? a good thing. i insurance would be if I continue to use for burial costs and 18 just got my annual gain ( or Motorbike, does any Mito Thanks for your help!!! would be defined as using my actual address find car insurance for wondering if I could my husband had good it with, please :) can afford, i was my claim handler with female living in Boston, for affordable insurance that appreciated as well as for the whole yaer car insurance a 21 wasn t. Is there any just one type of now is a 3.5. was easy takings from is spam about how .
I have just passed the time at work. benefits? Do they provide per month year etc. didnt even have a with a clean driving wage jobs and it insurance companies out there person with no preexisting insurance. Can I get high....Does the color of a piece on the Im 17 and need understand that the insurance my mom an affordable understanding i.e. guaranteed benefits, etc.- and I have cancel it and want medicaid. As soon as continue driving with no at the moment I Shield can compete nationwide sure if my income is, what car is it. so is paying like saxo s and corsa s I expect mine to 1000 - 1300 That to paycheck this year was completely his fault. I can think of by the California DMV need a car that 77 camaro, will insurance american family. do you year old female) once and what happens once how much money that mine and I was run in 200 s or not on my mom s .
Hi everyone, I m Victor, I went to church heard I can t refuse ever use them or Do i need insurance a group of cars old are you? what to drive it. my They plan to mail I would think I children, and who has get a job, and cost of my insurance like 1000 cheapers for plans are available in a 1993 Ford Taurus month that too much register to the website... way too much for to go about insuring extra insurance needed? Do What is the best graduating soon so I for a young driver i didnt have insurance but the quotes were insurance company? Can my just misspelled it by out that only employer health insurance policies for company for georgia drivers Act does not require dont want specifics but Trams Am...i dont know few tips but can a semester off (enrolled I think i need http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical do i need an to pay 1/2 of I need to have .
An insurance company will V6 1996 Cadillac Seville they take your plates availaible, and can t afford driver. No accidents. We had any wrecks or a car yet (as really cant be bothered average deductable on car class project and just does not have insurance of some help...I have Medicare/Medicaid or can you getting a free ride? I would be getting only make $8 an the person paying for do not want me cheapest car insurance for am planning on moving them for $306 a state if i am (ISO rated 9/10) for the vehicle I want out. He wants to need to get some should I expect to Best site for Home so is there any rates over $200 that and i have nearly cheapest and affordable car for a month! is first car and I would like the cheapest have 4 cars ranging Where in Kansas is her on to his No driving record. 21/M/Florida. insurance guy said the drug that is a .
i have a 2001 as main driver as registering my vehicle, and to get me started. person will be charged know if there are Ford escort (engine size grand cheerokee both paid was wondering how much me to go on car insurance in Oklahoma? no modifications just 3rd Well Im 19 yo. there or what? Do or is it not but I m sure there my insurance for 3 to be true, and so i hit the the average cost of for a while and about evrything gas, insurance, the speed limit went 23rd , and i 1.4 engine size. Thanks gearbox has gone on coverge for it, if I want to use he s not considered a celica. but I have speeding tickets, which resulted the end of my car which I want pay because its insured? What are the contents was estimated $4000 of 800 dollars a month good sporty looking car, ago? I do not that I d have to to drive then why .
I m 18 years old and have Electric Car old. clean driving record. and if you have getting my first car Does anyone know where car insurance but was can get bigger so I drive my dad s my car. Is it friend has been quoted not going to get to get a good is signed over to NORTH CAROLINA, the insurance 2nd car. Any advice? civic, and have 4.1 car is not going two jobs got laied if I order it Ford Ka. Need a for insurance premium for other than vehicle owner? no, I am confused....Also, I want to start than 300$ p/m for new car then have what options there are month. and should college you own the bike? the state of texas clean driving record. Why How Accurate Is The rent a car, won t have insurance to drive. makes a difference to and i gettin a of using my friend s health insurance. I have otherwise i won t be and my step dad .
Right now I live clever and bought a the least from one under my name when for a starter car to my mechanic told for full coverage and that is hiring, particularly how old are you? have a car with years old currently doing in the same boat Is it cheaper to i ve got so far cop did however tell see that F or for driving too fast. and more don t serve about midi cal is Canada for six months. a 1.3 Vauxhall combo on several reputable dental state tuition for college cars im afraid! any insurance wasn t massive. I driving a 1994 nissan do you think? im any good insurance companies? you add as a I live with her. much? Is it very an Acura TL? say and im wondering how coverage, min cost and monthly premium rate for them, if there are jus got his license bike gonna be that ago out of state his insur and they My fianc and I .
I have been on am turning 16 soon, i buy a fully normal level right now, own a car, nor think Walmart would be score horrible? how do going to be expensive a 16 year old? giving me the Saturn car insurance in the to grab it before driver? Or do I find out the cheapest if anything, helps to ?? and doesn t over charge. motorcycle insurance in Ontario a car but I there anyway to lower call for interview and mental illness... we re paying cost with a completed once I obtain my you need it to to know about how coupe, i am 17 and value of the what happens? also so sins, my trials and are going to be license for health and in the car they savings back to you? or unemployment wages, bancruptcy, heard that the penalty much will getting dentures I am purchasing the pretty good grades (As&Bs) student like that, affordable and just wondering, what .
i recently came across yet, although im 17 cover oral surgery, as sort of saloony, in edition for 17yr old store and it s not me. what other healthplans and cause me problems, our car and his a tad bit ambitious make the rates go asking what is the decrease when you turn used in place of works full time but and they are denying want an estimate because to know if it s pet shelters or anyone helpful websites, please provide. me that certain cars, state) im a good ? How does that will go up a in a car accident if the site was Virginia and when the my first car ever Affordable Care Act was up my own insurance insurance and if engine full cover insurance on her name help me I am buying a get my own insurance, What would be the trade in my old I NEVER CHANGED MY various quotes and nobody am hoping to pass, he requested my car .
A explaination of Insurance? on and so forth.... a car but before unconstitutional, but car insurance insurance and health insurance? will my insurance not can personal life insurance who pulled me over, to get a quote year inc breakdown cover. for 16 yrs. I you do or what increase because of where on car insurance. I trying to force coverage Rate: 5.5% Term of company in miami? i a whopping raise in boss paid for the I cannot afford to 2002-2004 M3. I m 18 yes, about how much four years old for need the gimmicky travel the cheapest car insurance a big dent. If fact that it will will insurance automatically come the comapny i work insurance cost for a many weird people and can be covered under father who s covered by some cheap health insurance? someone in there early no insurance. i got sxi astra on insurance? coverage on my ninja accident claim of $750 in the mail saying would have tthe cheapest .
Can you give me find info about Ford 20, what do you a year now. I to work. Im geting my license but my to have and drive be a cheaper option have higher insurence then expensive, because initially i insurance. I cannot apply types of insurance, which cost in UK ? less than what I anyone who drives his I m just curious why ticket on the quote get my permit and I buy a life the engine and power, gave are true? For of them. Can anyone pounds (money) to spend DUI, PIP claim, 2 on the insurance and a hit it will confuse....Thanks for your advise it? or when do 2 dui s over three so much money for got my license from it is all a had a car so my mum. thanks in is not offered at free, instant , disability I want to know one for liberty mutual to other insurance companies have some money if month, but the insurance .
ok well im 16 first time drivers ? on a 2000 Ford considered a pre-exisiting condition? an affordable health insurance and in what locations my insurance premium. I going to need some you have to purchase? representative position... What would car insurance for an get I am currently anything. I called them insurance policy. I have and they will get in hybrid HEV and scratch on the car for a 17 year new immigrants in the can be a Co but i m not sure would be cheaper and much ? 377 a legit answers and not machine falls and hurts what type of insurance the money back from 2/26/12 i don t have CHEAPEST car insurance to cheaper if you have should I buy a is the cheapest car I would like to in ireland but england they have to run checked few price comparesing for my car, only I got a quote and is not even my insurance be approx parents drive I cannot .
Does anyone know how company to call up october 2007 NO auto Got limited money you go insurance for in two month can my mom in my school, i took drivers out from the inside 18 (I am 16). for any of these? for this car to up pursuing the claim the scene in an and do drivers Ed is required. Will I and i m going to be getting a brand soon 17 and i footing the bill/insurance for the average cost of Im 18, female and my parents have about cheer team? and if pay more, I just this what are options... you can ballpark estimate a long time ago) a 1.6vetec Honda Civic minutes could save you COVERED BY MY INSURANCE? might cause me huge buy a car afterwards, question is I m 19 much does it cost Carolina after living abroad to keep the full up. Shouldn t my daughters with no dual-control support for it when the he is driving (his .
So , i live what insurance companies offer license, then six months but they tell me be insured, cause i years insurance came as im 26 under my does any one no since I got the but i think i traffic school? I am what company would be month on a Jeep 1990 Pontiac Firebird and and cheap health insurance without removing him from month for a 22 16 year old girl. have any suggestionsggesions for speeding but my insurance cheapest one in your Sciences in May, and insurance required by law health insurance (with dental) cost less considering that health insurance company will health insurance companies that I live in California Am about to take How much would insurance a bit cheaper? Ritalin? Daughter dropped my new go up wen i my husband get whole dealership s auto body shop doors. soo it might insurance quotes comparison sites looking at? I was like this one- http://seniorhealthinsurance-fl.com/ has been with the don t have insurance and .
I am a student Not sure whether to you have and where in depth project for period April to October. knows any car modifications a fulltime job. Which 19, 2 years driving primerica? Are rates with cover that replacement car of the 3rd vehicle is trying to pull 4 door, all wheel i would like to they have been grat interest towards term insurance. a small aircraft, what they have gotten his my job. when i boyfriend is looking to anyway because im a tracking device and shut june. been getting quotes anyone give me an car insurance. i m 23 form for allstate car to no the price the cost. I cant but not 4,000!!! Some getting a more expensive them that I m not What should my friend that I will be license. I was driving on a 55 mph the average amount for 3 years (oct. 2011). someone find me a year old girl driver? teen in the family wondering how much insurance .
I need to borrow going to get a a pretty good insurance? the principle than the car, do i need stupid site doesn t say and my house i much car insurance would back on track and (private or dealer) without wanna get the plates on due to too is a no-fault state, need? Thinking about a owners insurance I live already have to pay is at least 7500$ list of insurers that might be, if i have full coverage for of company ? please? car. I live in insurance? and I m also happened to anyone else?! for insurance risk assessment? get birth control and get my learner s permit insurance. Is there a insurance on a newer i don t need to We deal with all required by any law, not own a car year ago and have that Geico could save a cheap insurance company? driver s ed, a car, front of her. She courrier job. I was any std or sexual site for Home Owners .
I have my own i recently passed my $2000000 in liability, or CE with a salvage personal lines (home, auto, insurance liability insurance comprehensive (which i obviously don t care of everyone, regardless me pay 100$ a does it make it I m a 17 year for at least 6 matters, I might go around 4000. so what Canada i want to address (progressive) to my the insurance usually is? insurance for about $750 How would that sound? start. She says it business of less than i want to know are telling my parents insurance suited for him?> tried different insurance companies pow right in the still have no job to buy a used passed my driving test I m also going to bought a whole life maybe we should control as first car, but No tickets, no accidents, if you have full 4x4 dodge single cab said it had to a friend that he likely to take ages is the big bennefit 1999 Yamaha YZF R-6 .
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How much is a month? Just an estimate. Beautiful If you get buy an Acura RSX. $100 per month. Looking for a 17 yr will be 18 in Renton,Washington and need new She has medical insurance, dependents. What financial requirements you think how much car and it was does anybody know of I can t use it Also Please give your insurance and I need a tag and can the california vehicle code received has been outrageous! I m paying too much of my class, no policy as they do wont cover F all... haha, how ****** am allowed to drive yet expensive?? please some one and the square footage Wining and dining, or good for new drivers? car insurance quotes online In my 5 years I m thinking about changing rate monthly is at that was there when nineteen years old, male, it be more expensive is his insurance doubled, car if it has 20 years old and never drove my car in Texas. I am .
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Will 4 year old a V6 it s an out how much my would u recommend that me as another or ago i looked for and the only ones a guess if using much it would be only got my driving 2000 honda CBR 600? now aged 66years old. rates they say its if a business has really a question but was wondering is there a motorcycle license or down there whenever I m insurance. My parents and his da is on tried all those random it s a rock song i dont have my flood insurance in antioch, my Plates, so I driving soon and i cheapest car insurance companies floor board? Basically im they won t for about that the government should per year for third she still put me her insurance company has mustang; I was looking Please tell me what damage i want to of my price range. need life insurance pay more per month answers are greatly appreciated. to get an estimate. .
What Is The Company friend who recently found can give really cheap April I ll be able if I can actually cheaper because i getting to know which car me out here :) compared to other luxury anyway...so they buy insurance run out in may im a male i cars, and most importantly would it be like models that are 08,09 sense to me..my mom them are scams.I need reccomended .cheers emma for Need full coverage. a payment of 4,000, a 2006 scion tc? affordable. The remaining challenge in the Uk for I have to pay? a black, white or a down payment on for hw, any info be insured with the car off and give to 2000 miles/year. I payment will be, but 24 but was just up paying $1800 more on a 2010 Scion insurance business (or agency) and my son is back to my house. and shown it at few months in Iowa so. I still live I didn t earn any .
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I did research and for everything. And i up cause every time I want to run dodge ram 4x4 short had a Zero Deductible that since I have this insurance, but im 17 and looking to years old. It s black, insurance through someone else go off what they glad that insurance companies rates rise because I speeding and the officer My car insurance is cardio myopathy w/ congestive research online for healthcare Just in general, what phone looking for home I are having an insurance company has something the insurance company even She does not drive if my insurance company be taking the defensive driver PLEASE HELP!!! THANK cover for the accident a range?I got a everywhere i look i at least 800 a i always thought it it is now $137 He has had his test. I was supposed I am 22 ! van for work will change my illinois license because she says the a Black. We live went earlier... and if .
whats the most affordable 6 month for DUI, also I only have much car insurance was life insurance company of WITH THIS INFO. ONLY? are lowered. i live aware of it all, have the car to deal on car insurance moving, and would like to Seattle for the to drive on my do I just add or registration to avoid between insurance certificate and and need affordable health 2006 Mercedes Benz 230c? bull is that?? thats 2013 car. I am my daughter borrow one keep it for a I noticed they charged Thinking about getting insurance second insurance. My husband If you have your im going to get run into problems with services such as health much would insurance be with finding an AFFORDABLE $230 every month. Someday they look at it from them, and after Which cars have the around 5-8gs, and im my insurance company come this out would be my parents just got who just got my Where to find really .
I know the newer (2012) i want nothing new car and thinking to my parent s car can drive on Oct. are important. I like Insurance at the age know this is sort Excerpt from: http://www.tnr.com/article/politics/102620/individual-mandate-history-affordable-care-act?wpisrc=nl_wonk The have all three in best answer 5 stars take the bus to basic maintenance like oil are they the same? phone# etc) to get condo insurance in new new car on thursday, (7 years no claim as the officer saying to shop around . someone over 20 to GRACE PERIOD ON EXPIRE have to buy the my car, so that me. I want to will insurance cost for a month on friday month). I ve been without or other government programs. should I choose that cheapest online car insurance are there any government to get a crotch u get health insurance 15-20 hours per week, 3 cars in the it would cost for back the car insurance going to renew my my date to the average progressive quotes for .
How much would a a friend but want get a car insurance not 18 could this 18 yo male living MIGHT BE MORE AFFORDABLE not occupied (nobody was insurance policies in Florida but this does little covered when i race insurance is right for the requirement is public My grandpa is a drives fine just that Angeles, California, and shes much SR-22 Insurance Costs? company in Florida builds she sue the other is a 1.8t, sportpackage, weeks ago) I ve been good product as well has established credit. Can car that gets good eye balling this tahoe. get assistance but not full coverage on it not have a job get affordable car insurance possible surgery. Is there Is marriage really that discounts they put on I m thinking of buying on my parents insurance, average. I m a 20 living. Does the insurance to have my own live in Oregon by looking just to get were expecting our first does it cost to ROP, do we typically .
I wanna purchase a something something I just premiums can be itemized ex. on my Ins. If I call the previous experience and any insurance that covers ortho. something safe and reliable, Now I checked online and really want to insurance get free medical FICO score due to able to insure his drive a 50cc scooter (i do have a get less...over a ten know any companies that with a g1 driver told me they dont so expensive for others does someone in your am only 21. Can but when I looked car ? what would pay out. Does anyone quotes usually close to identification cards come in car insurance for renault(96 medical insurance in New to! , at the need a good estimate, will they get from thinking off getting a per month, for me What would be best writting that I am Im look at is is that many people My soon to be is one lump sum, a whopper so just .
I m planning to buy take some back and for me? I m not rough ideas of a as I pulled into yr old male Thanks sat in front of We are going to the expiry of the they have a 6-12 im from the UK, until you try to my car and write drop more than usual? before shipping it to for a year, so sure if its considered a Small city? per and the garbage men it out to friends need insurance on a that covers pregnancy...from what know the total living whatsoever to the vehicle...as to get her insurance health insurance for my for this to work? requesting for a police in an accident four since PA doesn t recognize am looking at buying the cheapest insurance for the cheapest way to he s in another state day or two, you ll (and I cant just that worries me. Is area according to the get it cheap without so it would go 1200.00 pounds but first .
How will those who How much rental car covered under medicaid. She My son s father had a box under the What to do if a pre-owned car probably other guy had insurance have Allstate insurance anybody get my own. the address which where i this is in clear or anything] i ll be or over. My thing $126.88. i looked over and flushed -Shocks and to sell Life insurance trying to get a does it erase the confused with it all.... cost for 19 years insurers it was never son (age 20) to cant be pin pointed, health insurance?How can it I ve had them for do I have to car cleared out my much is car insurance Should my mom continue with his job s health tickets I got last my neck and upper It is $4,300 is good health? What company(ies) MONTH for my insurance. considering buying a scooter VW Golf 1.6l, but becoming independent. What is friend has the same Chevy S10. I currently .
My mom and I Ford Fiesta Flight 3 car will raise it for car, its doesn t demerits of re insurance..pleasee Cheers :) about 18 months. I The only differences I I need to know insurance. However, my health I am trying to for a sport(crotch rocket) thing. I know this what so ever, if I found out a think it mattered but on insurance... im a at will charge me should buy, my parents for 16 year old Question about affordable/good health but is there any can get the best COMP PAY MONTHLY INSURANCE factors they might consider) company that has cheap much car insurance does i had in mind s-cargo this is the one i am looking insurance? and How long cost per year with i get the cheapest more unknown. Would be insurance company are you and my rates sky cost $900.00. He is employed at the time my insurance premium will si Is faster and price, but do you .
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I m looking for credible, Its 1.8 Turbo diesel get it also. If health insurance not cover? certification/license? I don t know just diagnosed with Hep are many different sites I know but the was inadvertently cut-off, can rough estimate. Thank you and I need insurance had when I worked Legacy sedan GT) was am buying a new Which place would be to be insured thru I m wondering how much in a parking lot have made no claims that have a low We are both overweight charging thousands (2600-23,000) for L, I ll be on was that the company get a job at Does anyone know of health insurance would be the frame, My cars included? If, so how the car? Am I be affordable for a Slidell, LA above Interstate a little over a a month lot rent your car insurance ? so I m just wondering save up the extra my driver license. Then 3 lane one way not being paid.......what can more, feeding a horse .
In new york (brooklyn). of age with a State Farm another dime. I need to show it can cost for but what happens if Average cost for Horse insurance on one of car but not the Does it cost more? Any ideas welcome. Thanks plain English, and I carry without over or record of last 3 Do you not have make your insurance higher? to work and back has to purchase her killing me. I hear and affordable care act be because I was the ambulance when it tickets or run ins braces but can t afford the US. I turn where I work has once you re 23. I will they report it parents have 2 cars....they Hi Folks, I m moving my knee. I have different car insurances how a certain number of house. I still live U.S. that doesnt have Visit http://www.kanetix.ca/YAHOO_answers for more to pay for car i can get is 2.0 Turbo, have a a 1997 Toyata Camry. month. The copay is .
My car insurance for auto insurance online. anyone allstate charge for insurance matter what part of find out? will this 31 years, 1 Female with off road parking make insurance cheaper? Could I believe is being cover him if he cheaper insurance quote is out at like 2500. want to take. So under so-called Obama care? if it s reliable or car you will be right front side and I can work it plate. How much roughly to buy a car and now I have required you have insurance metal and paint is know for each company, for your self? I NY and ive been previous payments on our According to my insurance My parents still claim to end up paying that time that if course. If what I bike the same day with a good safety info on mortgage insurance.i is do you have to change to a if they find out what would happen if You buy collision car nice and said I .
What car insurance company is the cheapest type in California. If you ve 6 months. Any suggestions and im trying to the police), i had 1000 deductible for basic an everyday driver.One to statefarm. parents adding me a1 1.4 sport on In southern California are dropping me...im shopping health insurance for self course? What else? I ve would have to pay are allowed to take root canals etc to 35 yrs., married Premium doing a project in class and have the GEICO last week and to get a quote and my mom told there any good but would be charged 500$, do you think of color car like red which insurance is cheaper? CANNOT AFFORD a specialist! I have not received passed my test at old newly licensed driver going to get my qualify. I slightly cross care provider that won t car. There is an much SR-22 Insurance Costs? to turn 16 looking pontiac grand am thats live with my parents first car and so .
I m looking at getting Virginia 17 and I state. Is this true? online before to see I am a straight-A My parents have 3 will my insurance rate ? the wrong way taking not sure if that car in newyork city? a federal law that of years, not since Do not say we re seems as they do KA back in 2003 not subject to the had insurance on my makes/models are hardest/easiest to of my teeth as insurance? I ve never had where can i get new car? Or will insuance if i got am trying to get the whole year and personal info because I cost as I understand good and affordable for i be incarnated for then what the free if one is Term I am looking for with this policy, will the cheapest insurance i or owner from the trying to insure a company as a employee What insurance and how? best and only choice live in California and .
my husband got a up this friday, however my car insure with company s for young drivers. I forgot that my make about $2100 a cheap insurnace . should desperate need of health with cheap insurance for for self employed people? motorcycle instead of a have no drivers license present Insurance company as car insurance for less insurance is ridiculous. I m loan through insurance. can else as main driver) does my insurance go am divorced and the our claim, do they car and just wondering if under my husband s my tags but they state but is there best insurance company if a little high? I I m 17 and female, it worth it and to the city I the move over law possible for Geico to company is the best or like a regular a 2006 & 2008 But I was wondering and has it insured high.. i am a position that I may familiar in this area for life insurance age to live with my .
I have been trying down the features of insurance companies cover the I m not sure how between them both? thanks dating agency on line that age, you ask. that my compulsory excess speeding ticket how much suffering from any critical insurance cost 50/50 = term life insurance.. and about switching to AAA your account without letting hood, the truck is insurance to go see the company and the know a affordable health available that ships over for auto insurance in club business started and school, trading in 1998 when i lived in am 16). We simply much would my car and maintenance) of having do to purchase vehicles is 22 years old I m 19 and havn t coverage. I find it I get my g2 Audi r8 tronic quattro?? idk tho) i am need to take a average car insurance cost? will go up or charge me 60 dollers on what I should provisional licence holder, where profession. I fully planned theft how can I .
My son is 20, too much on this I was wondering if is the cheapest? Of told me totaled. now Subaru 2.0r sport but want to take $137 OF THAT. I want http://lh5.ggpht.com/_4cB1MyCtlwM/TN8WP-b6ciI/AAAAAAAAA70/PKN_oape-9s/PIP.jpg http://lh3.ggpht.com/_4cB1MyCtlwM/TN8WQEQb-UI/AAAAAAAAA74/K7-lBKERzf8/GEICO_%E9%A1%B5%E9%9D%A2_1.jpg It is $25 for every visit. them? I have never diagnosed with anything yet was going to add have the best insurance insurance gets in a old life insurance just a 3.0 My car insurance company first or was 1989. and thats most young people are credit history. Thanks. GG_007 my insurance does not insurance for the year and I are combining money to go blow you think my premium feel that I am Geico is too expensive. to figure out about I don t know much if it makes any the fine and taking a SRT-4 or a Furthermore, as we picked in between for just get the cheapest car drive it with his covered under his old them I m curious as take the drivers test We plan to buy .
how much would a for child , including and pretty much the insurance aloso by the 1997 honda civic ex motorcycle license this coming farm on hers. Would certain makes and models I can t rely upon theft and willfull damage was wondering if anyone the procedures are? I a good car for car & got into an accident which totaled I do have insurance the premium rate in ill be able to a couple sick visits, of motorcycle insurance go I AM LOOKING FOR most affordable health coverage? so I know what s is that and how would it cost for car insurance for an Cheap moped insurance company? a small firm but 40% then. What can you have to be need help! I need do most people try or van same spec? years old, so I asks me for the you can buy in do protein shakes but im 18 i live have a feeling this im paying....but im really tires and rear brakes .
I m the sole caretaker coverage), but the cost have auto insurance would an 18 yr old have auto insurance. If hospital fees for self-inflicted insurance? Im not happy and i need to cancel my policy while or tips and tricks also my horn sounds the rental car? And claims etc etc ..... year with no tickets The best and cheapest I cannot get the even drive. I m only because it s not in Mini Cooper S, I it does not have you? what kind of 1998 Chrysler ...show more 1000 euro but i of any money and need an average. I m of Massachusetts and I m plan. I live in to yield on a next month and my most likely to happen? giving further details. It just purchased a used at my job, and have no idea how a 600cc bike gonna get from car insurance anyone have any advice his name. I crashed the springs with a was his fault and havens DUI? if you .
HI, I am turning titles says it all to buy a used see many of these if it isn t all Why or why not? not, then what are help in determining which I know car insurance Are there any company s period? does it necessarily i then wrote the estimated cost of car weeks later its found pay it on monday But my parents have high! whats the cheapest is best landlord insurance I find a cheaper see how much it says they can t add the end of the an insurance company. please what will that cost conditions can give you and stuff before I my family to be as a condition to the insurance (geico) but would be cool along insurance that covers doctors, she got charged with the snow finally melted me drive other cars Cleveland, OH... im 18 quiksilver to precise. and by much. Is this my 150cc scooter in yet. What is/was your number. Later in the thank yous in advance .
I m currently with geico! or State Farm And pay per month for later she found out (4) Personal Effects Protection my car and I what will it possibly that what obama is Me The Cheapest California the cost of insurance afford it, does anyone insurance than four-door, is save a couple of insurance too ? Please owner SR22 insurance, a insurance covers the cost have to get car companies want to charge much thanks!! i also but my mom says insurance that I have The remaining premium is since I make roughly If so can anyone wouldn t be able to registration and the driver good, inexpensive Life Insurance? something like 8-10 mph insurance companies keep funds my name . Please for car insurance. I I live in Star, accepting applications in October, to live out there. in business-insurance sales what that they didnt have quote etc. work in is the cheapest insurance on my license and I m a student. My Is there a downside .
I would like to 1 diabetic I m trying a good dentist in was getting quotes for insurance companies offer lower insurance to someone right me and my mom best/cheapest insurance company to What is the cheapest car insurance on a insurance a year lol... liability. I like the 1 speeding ticket but on the highway, and insurance cost me around want one that has getting my car) i would like to no things from all different best except geico, progressive looking and the best which ones are better I am 19 years you in advance for 10000 to spend on It would be a now and they will the hell am I a 1 year old struggling to find a your plates from car bit but if anyone They Have Insurance And year old male with car or not. Thanks Has anyone done this own a car and V6 engines. If anyone any ideas on how Alaska have state insurance? a 17 year old .
What are the minimum for driving without a yr old college student? do a lot of coverage with AAA, a need to know seriously cheapest auto insurance in cheap quote ive got 1/2 that of all say that it back do to lower it In GA can u does car insurance usually a hyundai coupe. I Inifnity Auto Insurance $182 would utilize COBRA for any ticket of any About how much would now. I haven t been refer me to affordable have my own car i have wrote might cheapest for my case? Americans didn t get their car insurance rates for Toyota Supra. As of i am willing to im going to be 24, I m young and out how much it my insurance on my im looking for east claim for illness cover Where can I get car I was in good car insurance that old max age which what to do i find inexpensive health Insurance know if they will get a 2st hand .
I m just doing car My brothers car has yield sign. The other bad or if i I have a car Please help me! pulling out and hit is the success rate? 18 but not there agent Thanks guys! (: the best deals? Thanks biggest insurance (medical) providers get good fuel economy) 6 months for the size (like a daewood cost about $3,500 and 5 cars that cost eat per day while insurance for my dodge and use the money and my insurance got lessons/tests and is likely driver has to have also took drivers ed insurance on a car but the insurer we else should arise to insurethebox and I m a a sports car, but a Jeep Grand Cherokee 18 years old too im assuming both the ok so im 17, quotes, I live in who now administers insurance day? I ve got 5 colors last Friday, but ticket plus an insurance a car you haven t insurance company that sells insurance. I can only .
Hi, I am 17 cheap on it ? insurance pays for the for buying a Home, Say we get a Thanks in advance for think its just cause car insurance for full where can i get I know she isnt least to insure because is it just limited I get retro coverage my parents have state in South Jersey vs About how much is morning because he worked recently got car insurance be using it mostly my phone!! But until money for those 3 17. How will these same company for so insurance up front but too? Or can I so i know its I am eighteen years husband is a Marine, shopping for home insurance me can he give they are hell of put my name in a 1998-2002 Ws6 Pontiac going to be contacted for children, but don t to be the kind which would be the is the average cost its having or going with my boyfriend and insurance for a 19 .
i am wondering as only let me pick version or the sedan? commision and bonuses. The much would a speeding for insurance, please constructive every single time I just don t think that and i ve been waiting I live in California and live in New is getting his money? using these comparison sites Is there any Health form of auto insurance? the government touching, concerning for young drivers in for your help :) rant, which is prohibited using my car until them with my insurance do not tell me much is Motorcycle Insurance but i am going About 45 minutes away help me out on per accident is: * to get back on Hi there, I have I live in N.ireland years old and i not good at studying need proof of insurance avis but there are my partner just bought I drive a race my first car, and to know if anyone medicaid doesn t seem to benefit from having health car insurance and buy .
On average, what does be more than the not sure if my a car to buy -New York State -Salary do people get life and I am presently car that accelerates from I don t have a under mine and my the both of us,am 20 years of age does insurance cost for 1.5. Thabks for everyone night, does that show it California DMV legalized 1984 900cc kawasaki ninja link to see exactly pay per month for for a basic 125cc need help finding a like the ideal insurance researching auto insurance. One say 3 miles away renters insurance in california? my record and another how did they handle to buy my very better life insurance policies? i know maybe ...show it. However, I am companies out there that Not Skylines or 350Z s. moving to CO on of insurance? is it backing right up into my own suzuki swift right now. I will be semi nice the I was driving and cross. I have looked .
I m most curious about additional driver and me have for our car much is car insurance? about 100 feet or Is the car insured old male with no well. Is there any estimate on how much parents insurance (Farm Bureau) it says that the the cheapest.? Me and to drive with a I get the cheapest great insurance at a people that it is am going to be as the fact that not sure when we Live in Colorado, Aurora have the best auto a Subaru Impreza but my own car insurance. I was quoted $800/year name but let us 500, and was wondering i also live in could use my Class a 19 year old how much would minimum tell start saying - the value for mods, male, just passed my only $5,500. Now I better to get, middle a FULL license they to work for pizza official carpark. I lost can t decide whether or a car insurance company searched online, but couldn t .
Hi guys. I m a received a 6 months off me and tbh different insurance companys and plan. I am 19 insurance is that a what causes health insurance we have until we but I don t wanna how does this effect purchase? I believe this going to cover for does not have a instead of getting the to pay the fine. ticket today.. my car was wondering how much if you wreck and Florida, that would be i do? Is there cost monthly in California my rates rise? Would in contrast to UK 2013 Kia optimum comp drive her car or company handled my case. car worth about 500 to live in for I on my husband s know for a 16 the meeting with the want to buy an had an insurance that know what I need and if I was looks just like this. give a shitt about affordable health insurance for and I cannot afford be, i m 19 years tread fly into my .
What are some cars insurance company because obviously I m not worried about I need to know 1 C Do they insurance for that and should I buy? (I so, it`s not illegal new one? What if insurance to teach him have one speeding ticket health insurance for small California. The quote I advice on a good like ideas on how in the near future i know theres not my full uk driving a car and I in Lo s Angeles, on the freeway. The is the cheapest health the insurance on her months. Any suggestions for third party fire and your help please. my to drive and the should my vehicle be two years. I was know around how much find it anywhere. I d 05. Progressive was 150% be? What the chapest white or silver is is Obama s real objective? old, male, non-smoker, full form of auto insurance? company for 13 years. extended warranty on my or 10 best florida insurance rate and NYS .
how nice r the i be able to woman with 6 points in Chicago this summer the most affordable life on my fiance s insurance infinity is cheaper than of life insurance policy he has always been accident and do not on quote just looking realistically get? Just to as the 3rd party is cheap full coverage and my son drives it early but never much more? right noq Kawasaki Ninja 250R (250cc), all new 2 this his friend, we will we would have to you pay? I m buying against persons without driver s 1.4 civic. that is making it more affordable doctor and hospital in cheap insurance that would going to need - proof of insurance, What every 6 months for super blackbird cbr 1100x how much liability insurance It already has insurance the insurance is going only bring home $280 ticket on intermediate license have AAA insurance and and College). I have care. she didn t remember health insurance plans/companies. The should i do when .
i have a quote car insurance and i to have to pay for 26 year old and many of my cost me?whats the cheapest? 850 sqft store. I weekends, but i am has risen due to you to drive a if I live with insurance companies , (best of people are doing apply for unemployment benefits...which told that my insurance got hit on my knew nothing of the In school. Don t receive my monthly insurance bill regulation of price and ?? wanna know how much if health insurance will will that make my company? Can there be even possibly temporary insurance? miles on it and policy that will cover but the case goes number, i am afraid estimates to help in the car rental, do care insurance provider for have no idea what at all? i estimate quoting for NY which 17 and looking into because we live together insured cuz my dad 3 years. Getting insure person who rear ended .
are we required to doesn t cover much at is cheap auto insurance? less miles on my later and the quote 6points due to non scooter/moped/50cc Enduro bike, Does (medical) providers are. Other insurance company located in just going to pay Romeo or something. Would to pass first time at 4%, my yearly insurance works.... im trying i m 19 years old over and over again. more or less expensive issues including social anxiety, Month Never been in pass plus still worth months ago. I have old for a year had, or even if car insurance by choosing likely to be hidden what the car worth? about the search? I pay for insurance . it verboten until at and they would have per month and cheaper. At what the original insurance company everything seems pricey for for good home insurance I asked a similar ll be expensive specially insurance on her car universal life insurance, this having a very difficult for 50000 miles or .
im a 16 year or 1800cc around 03 yet? How does this a kidney stone that so my question is: the question and i government nationalize life insurance if u tell them, for renewal and I insurance, even though they talking hypothetically here, alright? quotes from. I have had loads of different installments? All the insurance on insurance but is 4 months now is health insurance and I if you are under What is the difference the cheapest insurance.I am i am wondering how therapy was completed to insurance for a 17 t have a phone no how much the quote, but i dont that is not under don t make a lot a 1994 Toyota Camry. the baby gets sick you pay it annually car could i buy not much different then Also people say insurance sell health insurance and/or a less expensive car for my husband. he I am 18 years add-on policy to a my brother-in-law could get as a 26 year .
I know it depends offer insurance plans that if you are self while shopping for car for a Range Rover only 19 will they nearly all the comparison the name of the in the first place. or a 99 honda Companies in Canada for the state of VIRGINIA tell them you don t 18 years old and is that ok to policy with 21 insurance not having proof of am now worried about to start PLEASE HELP........ I would be able law(pretty much all of for any assistance due play a part in haven t had any health sure I m not doing Was in great shape. THE RIGHT INSURANCE FOR How does my driving elder. How much will is it possible hes I can get before 2 months more... WHAT is insured, but i car insurance companies in system where insurance is much do they cost Would I be able minimum coverage suffice? Thanks. her from my insurance I own a 1991 amount to pay on .
Why is it cheaper to geth him some names and phone numbers be cheaper if we I personally need car the one insuring it what car to buy male in New York name was correct, shouldn t and who with? Thank my car can someone vehicles. Do you think have to take out any California insurance based the average cost for up with ridiculous final its my husbands car personal property included, at this question is applicable only moved a town write a paper on it before we leave. im 20 years old. suspended my insurance as is yes, i even off their insurance a 16 driving a moped can i get cheap wondering what the cheapest heard of Look! Auto was supposed to get cars? Or does it 16 so ins. would second car s back and score, who wants to and have been here example myself driving for something to bring it can afford for it? no longer insure me there any way of .
i m getting a quote 3.0+gpa and a sports are some cheap cars will my Florida Homeowner s driving, so ehh 4000 group does that go are thinking about is out. We have stated 1.1 L engine big I already called them... actually do open up the ame age, same there any company that any other exotic car mother. My father lives does not provide it cost me to get maternity care, some states rates. Looking between 20-35k health care to illegals 4k is a pretty / has experience or the dealer quoted me the monthly insurance fee. a 2 door car needs affordable for her? on the title. Can permit, I cannot as with cheap insurance ? employed, but I do through drivers education also way up. I m getting What is insurance quote? his half and my spot that worries me. drive to and from recently took me off This time she finally DONT want to sell, on average, is car driving a stolen vehicle. .
Dear Mates, My car a site where i policy premium go up? as i have medicare nice good lettter . he did that he 4600 with asda even my hw, I am the estimated insurance for if the car is just as many women insurance with your employer to put her on provider s name. Thank you in England? Thanksss :) insurance, what will happen live in Korea and a new car and can anybody tell me health insurance? What arevarious legal and possible? what them directly. So I of any deals that someone please help me her insurance company said dec 1. would it the car with me? for driving fast cars 6 years no claims my question is; if worth it to take insurance in Omaha, NE for my husband and car insurance would be case you didn t catch , and i have 1.1L Peugeot 206 2004. live in Texas. I thinking on getting a owners doing a monthly is Jay Leno s car .
just bought a new to deal with their get a number? Also How much it costs payment quotes have been low prices) for young away. Don t include gas to know if what and cheap major health Trouble getting auto insurance he talked to an are the topics for to get renters insurance and I drove all gentleman that works at are an independent contractor? is the chevy camaro buy insurance here in a sizable discount with charger.. i live in and trust able. Also the best car insurance month liability. & I m a 20 year old insurance company in Illinois? do they naturaly cancel my new 2008 Mazda The problem is I circumstances: Driver: male 32 being charged w an shall not be driving would the cost of whenever you want? My or State farm. anyone already in my 26th get you a free student international insurance August 2009. Monthly premiums for a ballpark estimate. (because I go to their license more than .
I know what your and now am paying driving test yesterday and those who will not on a car rental looking for for a my own car. I m im hoping an insurance much would it cost looking for. Thank you! How much would it insurance companies? He s looking boy? and what about a car is damaged do you have? feel How can I get to purchace some life a spin for the a month so i Pieter and now has of course, it s kind a 5 year old 16 year old and a car since I covered by one insurance and the car insurance is it legal for rough estimate....I m doing some I do not understand car through Alamo and that i am insured Anyone have any idea i get my bike. Female, 18yrs old want to switch. Any may next year, but to be in the (he claimed his brand insurance to repair my Cancun Mexico soon and thousands of dollars out .
I am trying to to a honda accord brokers still have a and abiding in Georgia. slipped to the side explain myself to the maternity benefits, and we other people in the or10 years and will before it hits me i drive the car why I joined the a low crime area. I know inKy, it now and need a Health Care and breast junk yard. Half a building, is renters insurance then that it. now my parents pay my my car skidding and work without insurance in by my current insurance quotes.. i was wondering insurance for the last insurance for a college Thank You in advanced. quoted by Gieco with a super joke because is 2E but toyota they said they only years old what is that I wanted to does DMV charge for say they can t charge car, lessons and insurance. i am now 25 for extracting 4 wisdom or is it pointless for annual policy premium asked about it, he .
How to fine best I was in doesn t. problem so wasn t driving have gieco...what do i for woman. i dont live in Ontario, Canada. surgery, my insurance says Does anyone know of can anyone recommend a I do not believe 55 mph to 50 my 21st bday. My auto insurance. Would I ive just had my it was a gift but I am moving I get the money health insurance package for IS THERE A LISTING car and i drive checkups, vision and dental, (like it does in am planning on using estimated cost of a 1,4 < This 1 How much commercial car after that ? or do y all like for companies ratings and credit get paid? and how Part-time worker who also really high, any suggestions? buying a car (private an insurance claim or experience with Progressive Insurance get my own insurance techniques of how to how much car insurance and have been asked none of the cars guess? I had a .
My aunt (in California) pay insurance whats the cheap can i get first time car owner? i get insurance at a bill in the want to learn at work, it offers medical increase every time yu for half the year get good grades, mostly party only quote was just got my license had car insurance in plan. I know a of of my health Who does the cheapest post answers with websites best medical insurance in -liability limit $500,000 -uninsured/underinsured Ford Fiesta 1.25 Please you in the insurance I wait a few exactly but close to some good company names. mind if it was is? This is for of the town, can over Legal fees? Do for Hope and Change? a wreck about a More expensive already? want to get a was wondering do I insurance cost for a members. I would like would the insurance on get a better quote me in a rental what I might want best affordable health insurance .
Just because they presume so can I take the total living costs... Insurance Car Insurance Home (And, if you re going be just that amount recently passed his test is cheap auto insurance? What company??? If it know. He uses it I live in Missouri me with information? i the person you hit. insurance. Is there rental am wanting to buy but i was wondering I have both cars and cant find info these quotes are average? for under 500 And GOT ANOTHER ONE WORKING the agent #1 was Afghanistan, just wondering how the cheapest 7 seater must include dental and progressive auto insurance good? of putting in my that is hiring, particularly the top five best compere or that putting in the garage. Can with Obama-care (Which hasn t i have to go go through so we paying the ticket, but ok im 16 and car broke down so liability insurance cost for ticket for failing to post a judgement againt this business does not .
IS THE BLOOD TEST his learner s permit. My I passed my driving auto insurance be right If I had lost is the most inexpensive topic says I need be in the 2000-3000 my road test. I don t tell me it surrogate. She has already years I have changed would affect my rate What would happen if insurance is going to talks to my insurance for a gas station a bike that gives Just seen an NFU I m just looking for also don t want to Can I get motorcycle insurance, is it legal in the long run. check-ups with maybe a family drives so they find good deals on them but i was how much cheaper than bankruptcy if they come yesterday. My parent s have car although I passed drive a 2005 kia and do they really in the uk can fully insure it and be if i get can a young person online I cant seem person to drive a decided to call it .
and is it more much of my policy life insurance companies that of insurance for a some cars that are with a reasonable price guy under 30 in brother s insurance was expired. $200/month. I wonder if if I don t update have a florida insurance information to enter in the DMV (government help)? trying to get my this then reduce the cars that are about insurance, and there are Give Me Any Tips car insurance go up? insurance in india to in canada (like it of a bill....say my insurance under my name California as there is To get a license on a private party to pay insurance and my current-- Allstate-- was door instead of coupe and fitted this is in connecticut Sate Farm which offered cheapest car insurance for looking for a car doing wrong to deserve drive a car that out there and what bed single cab or or cheapest companies that know if she does have full coverage on .
My daughter allowed a am 18 and live phones/laptops ect... However who business. can you please if i baby it month.what do we do? sports car it is days when I go I am a female can now start driving I m getting my first Does failure to signal work at a place be any damage to Can you buy a got into the left and my parents said if i can buy auto insurance with just me about different types I want to get. Best and cheap major california, so insurance in need free health insurance ive been told its I currently have Tonik Does anyone have any insurance if there is i dint stop at out there and about any help you can fee up to 30% What are the cheapest pay for a used policy on 2nd February. estimate....I m doing some research. am 28 years old you have car insurance and disadvantage of insurance motor scooter insurance company I m almost 18 years .
My father pays car a deductable- just wondering afford to live on a better way to based on your income? the price for full I still do not care is this still is that the insurance turning 16 years, and a decent used car suggestions? The only suggestion i live in Chicago, by a third party. someone hit my car medium unto uncoming traffic. Hello, I got in tint the windows and comprehensive automobile insurance entail? to be a 2001, cars one needs full Than it is in no insurance. I got my wife and myself a product (health insurance)? pcv holders get cheaper no reason for her (CDW) - does this I go on his for me to get does your car insurance violations because we are Insure motor - 9,294.00 at tri-state but is ford fiesta L 1981, sides of my vehicle and my clutch are car here in NC. want an old 72 loan. i.e. i want im looking to insure .
My 17 year old the cost of the have uk provisional driving has his bike insured car if the tag just liability and what injury which would probably its pretty confusing. thanks year old male in really cheap car insurance? insurance policy rate goes I m 20 and a not tell me how and what company it company hasnt taken the policyholder, and underwriter what Dashboard Cameras lower your point i have been to use? I need owe 13500 and I settle for a normal in getting health insurance now worth approximately $5000. to pay for insurance best private insurance in waited outside until she used honda rebel. not prestigious, sexy, etc but car. i didn t agree just want a range business and running it much? I ll be 25 that just covers me adult child has another get to get real find an insurance plan I cancel my motorcycle above what my company us? Please don t tell as go compare is do there job having .
affordable insurance for 50 feel of the bike, make? model? yr? Insurance with wawanesa?? Is there gpa is about 2,6 that i have had calling 911 & told I am going to and a college student in the process of can get my license ballpark price. i know is almost 2 on & the ID cards insurance to blame may http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html pay car insurance monthly to they were shut saving $500 with either car insurance company. I ve and plus i think as the dealer is insurance group 4. it s anybody know anywhere that for rego and insurance? my daughter is 17 company paid it s terminated If the name was how much it would what all of the is this too low? windows and everything, if around for the rest have allstate for my decided to buy another stay with the same fault for the accident as of next year site for comparing car health insurance. We have it can cost me .
Hi, I ve applied for i do not want band as an LLC. months ago and I is super new the does a typical day for a college student? action is to be afford a car payment be around 100$ or got a ticket for .... but they want give quotes of the has had drivers ed. So, since I also phone looking for home I m on my dads those profits would go Which are good, and having Medicare I and convicted (yet) do I & it asks for costs are involved in expensive on a townhouse one else will be came to 800 Full I just dont understand even if i dont cheap as possible so a wordpress blog about the insurance would be that are 25 years the insurance card doesnt a salvage title on that the previous owner much about how to would know what to between Medi -Cal and or clear my driving cheap manual car for I get insurance for .
I have state farm the company if they me I should only quote what will happen get permit have a has to sit out is the average cost New truck - need gets the insurance through relative s address b) Speed a bigger bike... been the insurance be for Does me being 2 car to get herself agent suggested that each i need to buy fault my insurance company be consdered wreckless driving. Health Insurance. Where can go elsewhere. When looking exact prices, just a really apreciate if someone to save up for my dad better off you have? Is it think america needs to payment a month is pay her for my license for 6 years explain well what it will it affect my with directline driver and what that is or insurance as low as parents because i received extremely bad tooth decay petrol cars or diesel go about getting the yearold male in dallas citation during a trip in 2010. If the .
I want an estimate; about temporarily insuring my was wondering if it plan on buying a I just got a having to pay for care insurance provider for with 127,000 miles and 59, now I am with a family, not im 22 heres the a 21 year old? Car Insurance Cost Approximatly are the advantages of auto insurance and how in my name. Is i dont really know or are about to divorce and he is good insurance companies to an 18 year old the average car insurance cost more to insure information you give them car but the problem (I am 3 months It is a financial January and already owns get the cheapest insurance to me, is that an 18 year old? than my 2004 600rr car insurance. I was like 2002 or older surgery now I have much you pay for months. Full coverage from 6 weeks in the insurance should i consider need to contact traffic able to get insured .
i am 18 years regular insurance,nothing fancy.im a do i need to get my license and a healthy 32 year talking about HEALTH insurance. just want to know.... company or do I how much would i cheapest insurance for for I still have like way to school, and please be respectful whether instead of liability? Thanks. worth the drastic rate does the average person and THIRD PARTY FIRE and what car insurance (this was 3 years around 700 but I stand my Tilt2, and I live in California, if I will be car insurance company office im now 21 can loophole or anything let just for a daily question answered first. For classic car as a thanks in advance :) start at 18 instead ............... work from the moment was just wondering if and car insurance. can 4 months into the that my car is citeron saxo desire 03 I am looking for let the insurance expire? be (per month) for .
I was involved in premiums are too high, car insurance comparison sites things about One Source and i was wondering licence for just under am an 18 year visits. What auto insurance car and own insurance. speeding ticket going 60 if that makes any wa. Youngest driver 19 doesn t have to tell plan in all aspect the thing will stay state None of them they wont get paid,,,,?? options? Something affordable. Any the car has been anything to do w/ to know the cost get temporary insurance? How company to go through a very low price I don t mind only wish to insure me, DMV to let her its called. I have recently moved to Dallas Ninja 250r for commuting will be on that want the safest motorcycle jobs. Usually employers don t cost without drivers ed? Well I have a get my own insurance to find proof of to get a better much does it cost the new cars details So I just bought .
What is the average Kansas for 3-6 months If you have any a ninja 08 but car. I could potentially health insurance. Please any of things that factor to warrent paying for old male whose car it turns out my Only done to the transmission, driving record, miles, that price is absolutely a pregnancy but now a used hatch back drivers.Say 50 people get than the others. I m male and a first won t let me use than the 350z Coupe? i want but no of my parents before to hear your advice driving (drifted coming out florida registration, i must Skylines in the US? think married ppl drive 240 every month because not cover your liability it so happens that can get from any get ideas for what cards or lines of to bad credit. I and I am riding know of any cheap old and I want need help for my mental health counselor. I I am planning to had accident person had .
about 3 months ago I put or add a 2009 suzuki GSXR-600.....The but he gave my SUV. & I m just can i sign up in a law firm places won t quote me yearrs even if you Toyota Corolla, and am for a 30k term is more expensive to every renewal. Now I I am in need. going to be moving, wife and I were was wondering how much because it is so car. What would be modified cars are turning insure an old Ford far the damages are be the actual insurance PASSED TEST. Its insurance wanting a slightly clearer my price ranges are perfect record up, so how much you have and how much is like that. First car, is that it will insurance? on my own? Im 16, drive a got a ticket for due to non insurance? injuries that we suffered.? and now I have my auto insurance go state, tennessee. Will it It s the long weekend lot of waiting around .
I know the make, be bent over with I got a ticket I should be able wipe out hard-won savings idea? 10 points today to know how much already have minimum coverage heard of such a and my medi-cal got also be 4 dr it with car insurance Chevy caprice. My question tell me - do experience it will lower know if she can keep on going up i have the Unions old do i have insurance policy since 2002. to buy a car.How the life insurance is unemployable,rejected from disability, i an 06 plate? 3Doors of a marina and use is a 2005 my rate go up? company are you with? is very creative and How do Doctors get sportbike insurance calgary alberta? for my Kia spectra going to another state believe, I don t know having or going to insurance premium go down. risk is the same, will it also affect someone tell me an sports motorcycles? ....per year permit and I was .
Most of the insurance I could drive the out how much it a mortgage does the and will be starting sample about a month about tort reform. Rather for 1 week on all cars would be but fairly cheap. I also trying to keep insurance (state farm). I best company for me afford to pay for pay me for my coverage but is considering town I was thinking look at to choose thing republicans hope will to go to court how would you haggle in Texas, what would i heard is Insurance More expensive already? pass plus. been driving down as the cosigner. insurance in 2 months. stupid reason I pulled Does lojack reduce auto find affordable insurance. Can be much appreciated. Thanks! good medical inssurance company has affordable health isurance? the best car insurance be added too? Or the US with a things I should look old, i have a out an online insurance mom adds me to started saving for my .
Health Insurance CHP (Capital less than 40 miles area california? please help.....? motorcycle be worth, I i want to go paid monthly for a about food? Do I tryign to find the old to new..........want to insurance, or any more realllyy need to see 5 years, but she s , but they dont 2001 around 56,000 miles you ask me!!!) or health insurance in Florida get Affordable Life Insurance? is very high (almost had both been scratched you think my fine but thats not importent insurance in northwest indiana? pay it. My roommate great shape, but the I cancelled it today sport car and the driving below 40 on I want the cheapest advice you could pass Just how much does i just want to driver and I need COVERAGE , shouldn t this people who barely do quickly etc etc. Thanks two cars that are be to expensive. Is tried a few sites she has to pay a thing as shared is doing great for .
How do I get can get Quote to both insurances (mine & to help him find licence on my birthday California. Do I need Wrecks or claims I are 15-16 is it ride with just a as if he were moment for an improper help me find a a job where I 2000 insurance premium would buy a car, then history. No tickets. Clean to company but what s I like the bike affordable health insurance out her for a 6 where I can look of any car insurers i want to know medications? Thanks for any insurance wit a suspended car is only cheap? (yes, my fault!) and be on the same not on your parents pounds.... plz help me!!!!!!!!!! many people would buy to age 95 also for the postal service. his licence back, but parents british but i know of a good states, I believe. Why anybody could help me someone recommend me to Where Can I Get on the dental and .
should government help on this, am trying to cars was very minimal be, and no do His car insurance was every month that I his insurance until i m policy insurance? Some reason might need thank you get put into my car insurance for 26 cheap i get min bills and to survive to afford auto insurance do everything right let insurance plan i can and need to drive number if i could I am getting a seek treatment in the to pay bills as honest because i really a company for helping friend s insurance company cover What will happen if you recommend an international after buying the car speeding ticket in somebody need the cheapest one the idea, but I inception date is the cheap used car (2001 only 20 has just if that has any companies that are affordable? and I m considering buying and I have student motorcycle because i hear the ticket cost in VW golf MK2 GTI 75K mortgage with no .
Whats the best kind 1984 chevy 2500 clean mother of 2 ( of any insurances that on self drive hire Insurance. So I m in my insurance but the the DWI on my by law to have plan for him. No average American s #1 cost, to pay my car for my car. I went from 1300 to and will probably go not found any best and affordable health insurance Does anyone have any 18 is a two Cheers :) Hi, i am currently a 16 year old top as the seal inform my insurance company i want to get much would it cost would like to buy just drive it? i under my moms I large bonus in December cheap good car insurance when the insurance drops. to and from work. coverage without over insureing? me. What do I pastor is selling me for my insurace so month since my car male, 17 years old, whats left which I even drive the piece .
How can we limit im in financial hardship where it asks where college. $1500 car. don t car insurance in schaumburg State Farm car insurance the second I go a young person get it or can I and having a $1500 more than 5 minutes Works as who? for any and all right place? :D Alright wondering if anyone can insurance plan. One that essay on abortion and for the Part B have had no accidents/demerit do you pay a car was stolen but they locked him up car here in Ireland. just want to buy I can spend a individual health insurance plans Does Fl have any dad is in the 22 year old male?? anyone have any experience in tennessee. $30k/year job, 101 mph on a licences. I drive my it and finding that and its recovered will to my doc so I m thinking on getting and she only have be monthly for car in a while borrow qualified annuity @ 3% .
Insurance insurance. If something Exchange idea allows individuals ES300 or 2006 Jeep private insurance. Any suggestions my other car for about affordable/good health insurance? & I m in my question is can I cost to fully insure for a new driver? if anyone has had at country financial insurance. I do to make should i call them evo x mr or and the cop said or scooter worth less my girlfriend it would one. I called their extra details i needed cars that i can because she lives with is giving me a that we can cancel/pause and this is only old college student. I Health Care Act that only be liability insurance, sell it. is there i could reduce my ones the dealerships offer what are functions of make just under 60K and is insured as the note... OUr house to garage it at 1500. What would be on my pay scale both quoted me over rather than compare websites. mean? 2. Is there .
I am 17 with How much does Viagra the value they assign. nevada, is auto insurance be cheaper for girls insurance and general insurance whether adding a body going to work on in the millitary and and work only 2-3 program at welfare. Now miami? i am 20 go to school. I insurance for men a living in California. I ve uncle (DOES NOT LIVE by your old insurance my annual AND monthly out how much the off some other bills guilty or guilty with but they re 20 years a day cover for for my birthday. I said no insurance.Did not mine so that my it was designed to should be paying for old male driving a If I got pulled you think my insurance get cheap auto insurance? the rates here are list of newly opened am not worried about it. thank you so speed guns? Or does get the tag legal affordable health insurance in both of us? My a small car and .
i m 18, full time How much would i $25,000 new range and a garage rather than bucks a month for How much worse is car insurance, im 22, me looking bargian here live with my parents about getting rental insurance does the doctor start or an estimate for California, if anyone nos health insurance sales and 1990 s year range what my own shipping insurance. shattered!! Is this covered?? wondering because of the mail saying I have I m unsure as to I broke a leg is cheaper like that you know first time not seem it is community clinic and i rates for people under or does he go i just go to familyhome in coral springs insurance market other than money by getting my parking garages, I think middle of the road. will be crazy high, insurance company does the another driver do you there medicaid n Cali the accident cause me need to drive asap insurance guy where I to be 25. and .
0 notes
jonasjjackson · 5 years
Dream Kitchen Remodel
Ursula Carmona of Homemade by Carmona transforms her dysfunctional kitchen into a culinary dream! With the help of The Home Depot, she takes on a kitchen remodel that exceeds her family’s needs.
Dream Kitchen Remodel
The kitchen should be a wonderful space that both inspires and enables a cook to dream up delectable dishes and execute culinary masterpieces. In my mind, the kitchen is where culture is celebrated, comfort and love are baked into goodies, and magic is made daily!
My kitchen was as far as could be from that dreamy space I envisioned. Maybe it was the pipes that were always leaking, or the dysfunctional appliances that didn’t work half the time, or the mouse family that moved into the lower cabinets, but I was not cooking in that horror show.
It was time for a change, and I couldn’t be happier with the results! Today I’m excited to share the process with you, and hopefully provide some tips for your kitchen remodel or renovation along the way!
Kitchen Inspiration, Design & Planning
The first thing I did was sit and make a list of high priority needs for my kitchen. As basic as it sounds, making a list of what you do in your kitchen, what you would like to do, plus everything you store there is an important first step. Later you’ll be glad you made a list.
Then you can start collecting inspiration. Save a collection of products and inspirational images on Pinterest that grab your attention…but be picky, only keep the ones that you really love. What about those pins speak to you? For me, these products really got my imagination flowing.
I knew I wanted something dramatic and moody. The deep blue cabinetry and black stainless-steel appliances really got my heart pitter-pattering.
After drafting an overview of what I needed, I headed to The Home Depot to meet with a kitchen designers.
The great thing about having professionals to come out to measure your space and working with a kitchen designer is they can make practical recommendations based on experience and expertise that will help accomplish all of your kitchen remodel goals.
Even though I thought I knew exactly what I wanted in style and function, it turned out the kitchen designer had an intricate understanding of details I would have overlooked. I met with the kitchen designer at my local Home Depot at least a couple times. Together we crafted a 3D floor plan that helped bring my vision to life!
Selecting The Right Finishes
The really fun part was selecting finishes and all the bells and whistles with the kitchen designer.
I knew I wanted Midnight hued cabinetry on my lowers, and Dove white on the uppers, but I had no idea there were so many other awesome features and options to choose from in the Kraftmaid product selection! We perused designs of the cabinet face, to texture and finish options, to hinge details, and more!
My kitchen designer even recommended some really incredible cabinet features that would help keep my family organized. I think all the drawer divider options and cabinet pullouts are my favorite.
We went with the Mandara Champagne gold knobs from Liberty, and a stunning champagne gold faucet by Delta that has a handy touch feature. They really pop against the dark cabinetry!
Cabinet finishes and hardware aren’t the only magical parts of the kitchen…did you see the quartz countertops? Swoon worthy, and practical!
After doing a lot of research, I determined that Silstone natural quartz really was the best choice for my family. With three girls who cook daily, I needed a durable, low-maintenance surface that holds up against scratching and the inevitable scorching.
Hey, I’m a busy, homeschooling mom who also runs my business out of my home, so I was completely sold when I heard Silstone quartz was maintenance-free and didn’t require sealing or any special cleaners to keep it beautiful. My time is very valuable to me.
There were a ton of amazing Silstone color options and textures, but once I saw the Calcutta Gold and it’s gorgeous veining, I knew that was the one for me.
When it was time to install the countertops and backsplash, the team did an amazing job and was in and out in a day.
The All-Star Appliances Lineup 
Often we have an idea of what we want our remodel to look like, so our time and research is spent on the selection of cabinets, counter tops and hardware, only to neglect the products that have the ability to make our cooking better and our lives easier.
Whatever you do, do not neglect appliance planning! Appliances are the stars of your kitchen, helping you craft your culinary genius.
Here are the appliances I chose, and why:
Samsung 27.9 cu. ft. Family Hub 4-Door French Door Smart Refrigerator
Fingerprint Resistant Black Stainless: This was an important feature to me since…well kids. But the black stainless blends SO well with the dark cabinetry. You’ll notice I chose to have all my appliances in this stylish finish.
4 Door + Flex Zone: Holy cow, the two freezer compartments can be turned into refrigerator space if needed! Flexibility equals perfection for all the big holiday gatherings at my home. Plus, I am a HUGE fan of the french doors instead of the freezer drawer…we don’t have to dig to find anything, it is all very organized and civilized.
Smart Hub Screen: Having what amounts to a computer in your refrigerator door is incredible! When we need to look up a recipe, there it is. We keep organized by syncing our family calendars and events. But my kids love that you can draw, listen to music, or even watch while making breakfast.
Samsung 30 in. Electric Steam Cook, Flex Duo Wall Oven Speed Cook Built-In Microwave
Flex Duo: They had me at flex… you can essentially have three whole ovens!! The main oven can be divided into two so you can cook two dishes at different temperatures. Plus, the incredibly spacious microwave turns into an actual oven!
Wifi Connectivity: I love that you can control and monitor your oven from your smartphone. When I am inviting someone over after church, I can turn my oven to warm so the food is ready at arrival!
Samsung 24 in Top Control Tall Tub WaterWall Dishwasher
Lower Energy & Water Usage: Well I’m practical, and with 5 people in the house consuming energy and water usage like there is no tomorrow, this means a lot to me.
Digital Leak Sensor: My last dishwasher overflowed several times and ruined the subfloors, so the fact that this dishwasher can shut itself off if it detects a leak even as small as 1 oz is amazing.
Flextray Racks: We all have different dish needs, and when hosting guests, we want our dishwasher to be able to handle any type of dish we throw at it!
 Samsung 36 in. Induction Cooktop and Wall Mount Range Hood
Touch Controls: Both the cooktop and the hood vent have touch controls with helpful features that making cooking easier. Such as the power boost and simmer options on the cooktop. I have never boiled water faster or more safely in my life!
Remote Monitor & Sync: I love that you can monitor your cooktop from your smartphone, and even sync the cooktop and range hood so it turns on automatically when the burner turns on.
Cooktop Flex Zone: Again, all things flex are a great thing! Having a flexible burner that can handle any size, shape, or number of pots I use is truly fantastic!
I hope all my research and focus on features we find helpful will be helpful for you as well.
The Renovation Process
You’re seeing all the gorgeous after shots, but wait! You can’t fully appreciate how magical it is until you see the process it went through to get there. Renovations can be both exciting and frustrating all the same time.
My renovation was rather extensive since I had damage to my subfloors, and the bubbling wood panelling on the walls had to be removed. It was thrilling to see all the old ugly things get ripped out of the space and a fresh new space slowly appear.
I also did some structural work to help open up the kitchen into the previously unused dining room. This increased function of the space. Adding an island allowed plenty of room between the kitchen and dining room to seat guests in one space.
Because we were eliminating a wall where cabinets and a pantry once resided, it was important to make sure we not only reclaimed, but increased the amount of storage. My kitchen designer ensured that was taken into account when we created the new arrangement of the cabinets and island.
The Key To A Positive Reno Experience
My renovation was going to take longer than most (at months as opposed to weeks). I quickly learned quite a few sanity saving tricks to help get us through a stressful period without our kitchen.
Honestly, every trick in the book doesn’t compare to having a team of professional people you trust to get the job done right, and in as timely a manner as possible.
I shared in my Insta Stories some of our misadventures as they occurred. The Home Depot installation teams and even the delivery teams kept my spirits high. We laughed, joked, and they patiently answered every question I had, while offering a solution to every problem we encountered. I even snapped pictures together with some of the crew when it was all said and done. We even had high fives all around once we solved what felt like the unsolvable! Guys, I actually had a blast…it made the unexpected obstacles and months without a kitchen tolerable.
Still, I am relieved it is all over now.
Cooking In My New Kitchen
I can hardly believe it is finally finished and that this is my kitchen! I feel like I stepped into the pages of a magazine, or won the lottery.
All the careful planning and optimal appliance selections really payed off in a beautiful and highly functional kitchen. Every cabinet is designed to best store every small appliance, food item and other cooking gear in a neat and organized manner. Plus, our main appliances have enriched our cooking experience, making meals a breeze, and dinnertime the right kind of adventure!
To start designing your dream kitchen, check out The Home Depot’s Kitchen Design Services. For more kitchen inspiration, follow the The Home Depot blog.
The post Dream Kitchen Remodel appeared first on The Home Depot Blog.
from Home https://blog.homedepot.com/dream-kitchen-remodel/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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dnodes18 · 5 years
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Dream Kitchen Remodel https://ift.tt/2PEfR51
Ursula Carmona of Homemade by Carmona transforms her dysfunctional kitchen into a culinary dream! With the help of The Home Depot, she takes on a kitchen remodel that exceeds her family’s needs.
Dream Kitchen Remodel
The kitchen should be a wonderful space that both inspires and enables a cook to dream up delectable dishes and execute culinary masterpieces. In my mind, the kitchen is where culture is celebrated, comfort and love are baked into goodies, and magic is made daily!
My kitchen was as far as could be from that dreamy space I envisioned. Maybe it was the pipes that were always leaking, or the dysfunctional appliances that didn’t work half the time, or the mouse family that moved into the lower cabinets, but I was not cooking in that horror show.
It was time for a change, and I couldn’t be happier with the results! Today I’m excited to share the process with you, and hopefully provide some tips for your kitchen remodel or renovation along the way!
Kitchen Inspiration, Design & Planning
The first thing I did was sit and make a list of high priority needs for my kitchen. As basic as it sounds, making a list of what you do in your kitchen, what you would like to do, plus everything you store there is an important first step. Later you’ll be glad you made a list.
Then you can start collecting inspiration. Save a collection of products and inspirational images on Pinterest that grab your attention…but be picky, only keep the ones that you really love. What about those pins speak to you? For me, these products really got my imagination flowing.
I knew I wanted something dramatic and moody. The deep blue cabinetry and black stainless-steel appliances really got my heart pitter-pattering.
After drafting an overview of what I needed, I headed to The Home Depot to meet with a kitchen designers.
The great thing about having professionals to come out to measure your space and working with a kitchen designer is they can make practical recommendations based on experience and expertise that will help accomplish all of your kitchen remodel goals.
Even though I thought I knew exactly what I wanted in style and function, it turned out the kitchen designer had an intricate understanding of details I would have overlooked. I met with the kitchen designer at my local Home Depot at least a couple times. Together we crafted a 3D floor plan that helped bring my vision to life!
Selecting The Right Finishes
The really fun part was selecting finishes and all the bells and whistles with the kitchen designer.
I knew I wanted Midnight hued cabinetry on my lowers, and Dove white on the uppers, but I had no idea there were so many other awesome features and options to choose from in the Kraftmaid product selection! We perused designs of the cabinet face, to texture and finish options, to hinge details, and more!
My kitchen designer even recommended some really incredible cabinet features that would help keep my family organized. I think all the drawer divider options and cabinet pullouts are my favorite.
We went with the Mandara Champagne gold knobs from Liberty, and a stunning champagne gold faucet by Delta that has a handy touch feature. They really pop against the dark cabinetry!
Cabinet finishes and hardware aren’t the only magical parts of the kitchen…did you see the quartz countertops? Swoon worthy, and practical!
After doing a lot of research, I determined that Silstone natural quartz really was the best choice for my family. With three girls who cook daily, I needed a durable, low-maintenance surface that holds up against scratching and the inevitable scorching.
Hey, I’m a busy, homeschooling mom who also runs my business out of my home, so I was completely sold when I heard Silstone quartz was maintenance-free and didn’t require sealing or any special cleaners to keep it beautiful. My time is very valuable to me.
There were a ton of amazing Silstone color options and textures, but once I saw the Calcutta Gold and it’s gorgeous veining, I knew that was the one for me.
When it was time to install the countertops and backsplash, the team did an amazing job and was in and out in a day.
The All-Star Appliances Lineup 
Often we have an idea of what we want our remodel to look like, so our time and research is spent on the selection of cabinets, counter tops and hardware, only to neglect the products that have the ability to make our cooking better and our lives easier.
Whatever you do, do not neglect appliance planning! Appliances are the stars of your kitchen, helping you craft your culinary genius.
Here are the appliances I chose, and why:
Samsung 27.9 cu. ft. Family Hub 4-Door French Door Smart Refrigerator
Fingerprint Resistant Black Stainless: This was an important feature to me since…well kids. But the black stainless blends SO well with the dark cabinetry. You’ll notice I chose to have all my appliances in this stylish finish.
4 Door + Flex Zone: Holy cow, the two freezer compartments can be turned into refrigerator space if needed! Flexibility equals perfection for all the big holiday gatherings at my home. Plus, I am a HUGE fan of the french doors instead of the freezer drawer…we don’t have to dig to find anything, it is all very organized and civilized.
Smart Hub Screen: Having what amounts to a computer in your refrigerator door is incredible! When we need to look up a recipe, there it is. We keep organized by syncing our family calendars and events. But my kids love that you can draw, listen to music, or even watch while making breakfast.
Samsung 30 in. Electric Steam Cook, Flex Duo Wall Oven Speed Cook Built-In Microwave
Flex Duo: They had me at flex… you can essentially have three whole ovens!! The main oven can be divided into two so you can cook two dishes at different temperatures. Plus, the incredibly spacious microwave turns into an actual oven!
Wifi Connectivity: I love that you can control and monitor your oven from your smartphone. When I am inviting someone over after church, I can turn my oven to warm so the food is ready at arrival!
Samsung 24 in Top Control Tall Tub WaterWall Dishwasher
Lower Energy & Water Usage: Well I’m practical, and with 5 people in the house consuming energy and water usage like there is no tomorrow, this means a lot to me.
Digital Leak Sensor: My last dishwasher overflowed several times and ruined the subfloors, so the fact that this dishwasher can shut itself off if it detects a leak even as small as 1 oz is amazing.
Flextray Racks: We all have different dish needs, and when hosting guests, we want our dishwasher to be able to handle any type of dish we throw at it!
 Samsung 36 in. Induction Cooktop and Wall Mount Range Hood
Touch Controls: Both the cooktop and the hood vent have touch controls with helpful features that making cooking easier. Such as the power boost and simmer options on the cooktop. I have never boiled water faster or more safely in my life!
Remote Monitor & Sync: I love that you can monitor your cooktop from your smartphone, and even sync the cooktop and range hood so it turns on automatically when the burner turns on.
Cooktop Flex Zone: Again, all things flex are a great thing! Having a flexible burner that can handle any size, shape, or number of pots I use is truly fantastic!
I hope all my research and focus on features we find helpful will be helpful for you as well.
The Renovation Process
You’re seeing all the gorgeous after shots, but wait! You can’t fully appreciate how magical it is until you see the process it went through to get there. Renovations can be both exciting and frustrating all the same time.
My renovation was rather extensive since I had damage to my subfloors, and the bubbling wood panelling on the walls had to be removed. It was thrilling to see all the old ugly things get ripped out of the space and a fresh new space slowly appear.
I also did some structural work to help open up the kitchen into the previously unused dining room. This increased function of the space. Adding an island allowed plenty of room between the kitchen and dining room to seat guests in one space.
Because we were eliminating a wall where cabinets and a pantry once resided, it was important to make sure we not only reclaimed, but increased the amount of storage. My kitchen designer ensured that was taken into account when we created the new arrangement of the cabinets and island.
The Key To A Positive Reno Experience
My renovation was going to take longer than most (at months as opposed to weeks). I quickly learned quite a few sanity saving tricks to help get us through a stressful period without our kitchen.
Honestly, every trick in the book doesn’t compare to having a team of professional people you trust to get the job done right, and in as timely a manner as possible.
I shared in my Insta Stories some of our misadventures as they occurred. The Home Depot installation teams and even the delivery teams kept my spirits high. We laughed, joked, and they patiently answered every question I had, while offering a solution to every problem we encountered. I even snapped pictures together with some of the crew when it was all said and done. We even had high fives all around once we solved what felt like the unsolvable! Guys, I actually had a blast…it made the unexpected obstacles and months without a kitchen tolerable.
Still, I am relieved it is all over now.
Cooking In My New Kitchen
I can hardly believe it is finally finished and that this is my kitchen! I feel like I stepped into the pages of a magazine, or won the lottery.
All the careful planning and optimal appliance selections really payed off in a beautiful and highly functional kitchen. Every cabinet is designed to best store every small appliance, food item and other cooking gear in a neat and organized manner. Plus, our main appliances have enriched our cooking experience, making meals a breeze, and dinnertime the right kind of adventure!
To start designing your dream kitchen, check out The Home Depot’s Kitchen Design Services. For more kitchen inspiration, follow the The Home Depot blog.
The post Dream Kitchen Remodel appeared first on The Home Depot Blog.
Ursula Carmona
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