#2022 wrapped ao3 edition
marmolita · 2 years
AO3 wrapped 2022 writer's edition
Based on this ask game going around but I figured I'd just answer all the questions for fun!  All 30 answers under the cut.
1. How many words have you written this year? 42,048 on AO3, and I have another 20k or so that's not published yet
2. How many works did you publish this year?  10, which includes my Yuletide fic that's not revealed yet but not my consent issues fics which aren't quite done, and I guess also includes the ones I wrote for holiday stuff last year that got posted on like Jan 1.
3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)? how many spruces grow on the moon?
4. What work of yours has the most hits? workout
5. What work of yours got more feedback than you expected? definitely also "how many spruces grow on the moon" because it's such a niche rarepair!
6. Favorite title you used this is also how many spruces grow on the moon lol
7. If you use song lyrics, which artist’s songs did you pull from the most? actually none of my titles are song lyrics for this year
8. Pairing you wrote the most for this year?  I didn't write much this year but I did two for Aho/Jarvis so that's the winner
9. Favorite pairing you wrote for this year?  ...that's also gonna be Aho/Jarvis based on what I've written so far I think.
10. What work was the quickest to write?  escape because it's like 300 words I splatted into a tumblr post
11. What work took you the longest to write?  hmmm, I'm not sure!  I think it was either team bonding or workout because it's always hard to manage that many characters together
12. How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year?  well, I have two that are nearly done that I'm planning to post for consent issues so those will be this year but also revealing like Jan 1, and I have one hockey wip that I would like to not abandon since I put so much work into it already but idk if it'll happen.
13. What’s your longest work of the year? team bonding at 10,130, but one of my wips for consent issues is longer
14. What’s your shortest work of the year? escape at 362
15. What WIP are you taking into next year with you?  I guess the Aho/Jarvis omegaverse wip that I haven't finished?  I don't know if I will finish it or not though, but it's not getting done this year for sure.
16. What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag?  Apparently it is "2021-2022 NHL Season"
17. Your favorite character to write this year?  I am having a blast writing Tim Stoker right now so it's gonna be him at the moment.
18. The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year?  Roope Hintz for sure, idk why I had trouble with him!
19. What’s one pairing you want to explore next year?  Jon/Martin for TMA, although I feel like I'll end up writing weird stuff that's just about one of them or the other but with that as a background throughline?  idk we'll see
20. Which work of yours have you reread the most?  ngl it's probably workout
21. How many kudos in total did you get this year?  702 on fics that were written this year, I'm not sure how to calculate how many I got on older fics during this year
22. Which work has the most comments?  how many spruces grow on the moon
23. Did you do any collaborative works this year?  well the actual real book I self-pubbed was a collaboration, but I don't think that counts?  All my fanfic is like a pseudo-collab between me and the people I complain to about it constantly while I'm writing lol
24. Did you write any gifts this year?  Yes!  This year almost all my fic was gifts actually.  Of the 10 that are in AO3, 4 of them are gifts, and my two that are finishing up for consent issues will also be gifts.
25. Did you receive any gifts this year?  Yup!  4-5 depending how you count Dec 31/Jan 1 posting dates.
26. What’s your most common category?  M/M
27. What do you listen to while writing? nothing usually, maybe hockey on the tv in the background lol
28. Favorite work you wrote this year?  it's gonna be how many spruces grow on the moon, I felt like it was a fun concept to base it on Duolingo, and a cute little romance and like....not coming-of-age exactly but kind of?  and it was much better received than I expected given that it inaugurated the ship tag.
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?  Martin telling Jon "I've never been afraid of you watching me" in see you later because I'm obsessed with it as a character beat
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year?  I guess the biggest surprise of the year is finding a new fandom?  Or maybe the fact that I randomly wrote a Stargate Atlantis fic in the middle of this year sometime, definitely wasn't expecting to do that!  Also the good reception for my Aho/Jarvis fics, that was a nice surprise.
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ctrsara · 2 years
For the writers game #22 and #30! :)
22. Which work has the most comments?
“Cracks In the Soul,”but it’s also the longest, so…
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year?
Having never written creatively, other than a few short stories for class assignments 20+ years ago, I have been so surprised at how much of what happens in my stories (dialogue especially, but also events) just happens while I’m writing. There is very little planning, and the characters taking on lives of their own is the weirdest phenomenon!
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icedmatchatae · 2 years
No Kisses | KTH (Series)
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Pairing: Captain of the Football Team fuckboi Taehyung x Class President goody two shoes Reader
Genre: FWB AU-ish, enemies to frienemies? with benefits to lovers, smut, fluff, angst?? I guess
Summary: It's championship week! The most anticipated week of the school year; however, leading up to the events, you and your council must collaborate with the football team to promote school spirit and pride. Unfortunately, you're forced to work with your number one enemy, Football team captain and fuck boy, Kim Taehyung, known for having a mysterious "no kisses" rule.
Warning: AIGHT LETS GO Dom Taehyung/Sub Reader, semi Switch Taehyung/Switch Reader, big-dick Tae (like super huge), virgin reader, first time sex, dry humping, orgasm denial, fingering, exhibition (semi-public~ poor school areas), oral (m and f receiving), GALLONS of squirting, corruption/innocent kink, sir/daddy kink LMAOOOO, A LOT of dirty talk (tae tae has a filthy mouth), praising, pet names, degradation, blindfold (brief), rope bunny/rigor, multiple sex scenes??? (insanely a lot for someone who doesn't write smut and it's been a while), light anal play, possessive/jealous tae, multiple orgasms, multiple sex scenes, overstimulation, unprotected sex (like all the time but be sure to wrap it up bc this is a fanfic not real life), cream pies, there's also alcohol consumption, ditzy/ahegao reader (gets dicknotized but in a good way), tae being an asshole flirt but in a good way kinda, smol revenge, they're idiots who have been pining but they have a shit way of expressing it
Word count: 56.8k :D
A/N: I like to point out that this was intended to be a one-shot WGEGHIWEHGI but things happened. I divided them into chapters to make it easier but yeah, I like to consider it as a one-shot. It took me months writing and editing this. I was on the verge of cracking. But next time, it's not gonna be this extensive. Okay bye. Enjoy!
I've also cross-posted this originally on AO3 as well! Enjoy~~~
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Chapter List
I: Captain vs. President
II: Let Me Remind You
III: Uncalled Punishment
IV: Agreements
V: Hush, Hush, Okay?
VI: Boo Found Her Kitty
VII: Let's Confess!??
VIII: Idiots at the Pre-Party
IX: Kiss and Make Up
Epilogue: No Kisses
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All rights reserved for ©️ icedmatchatae 2022 (。●́‿●̀。)
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fensherohair · 4 months
Until The End (Charlie Weasley x Fem Reader) Oneshot
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Words: 2.5K Warning: Mentions of Characters' death, injury, and loss. Also On: Quotev, AO3 and Wattpad Note: Originally written around 2011/12 - Edited 2022
The Battle of Hogwarts was raging on around (Y/N). The once great castle she had called home during her teenage years resembled the ruins the outside muggle world saw it to be on a daily basis. The collapsed areas brought a tear to her eye as she remembered her mischievous antics from when she was a student attending the school, how she used her ability as a Metamorphmagi to impersonate professors and ghosts alike, often ending in detention. Even how, in her final year, she had stood by your best friends and helped them rebel against Umbridge, letting her patrons loose in several areas, scaring most who come into contact with it.
(Y/N) was a brave Gryffindor student and a member of the D.A. (Y/N) Black, the daughter of Sirius Black and his school sweetheart, although she had been raised by Remus after her mother had been killed in the First Wizarding War and her father had been sent to Azkaban for a crime he was innocent of. During the battle, she was stationed in one of the many corridors near the moving staircase; (Y/N) could see Fred and Percy nearby, much as she could hear Fred joking about something. George was also close by at the end of the corridor, although he occasionally disappeared when he had the upper hand on whichever Death Eater he fought against. (Y/N) knew others were around somewhere as well, yet unfortunately, she didn’t have time to scan the area as she had her hands full with another Death Eater. (Y/N) knew he was one of the many to escape Azkaban during the two mass breakouts, much like she knew he was a loyal follower of Voldemort. Rodolphus Lestrange.
“I haven’t heard you joke since …..” was the last thing (Y/N) heard before she was forcefully thrown off her feet towards Rodolphus, who seemed just as shocked about the sudden explosion and rubble as she was. Nonetheless, he instantly got to his feet and ran from the scene. Leaving (Y/N) lying on the floor, she expected he would come back eventually, or at least another Death Eater would see her and take their chance to eliminate another who opposed their master. Through her lack of hearing, (Y/N) could about hear someone shouting for another to wake up, yet she couldn't distinguish who it was she could hear, much like (Y/N) couldn’t see much through her blurry vision. The moment she attempted to sit up, (Y/N) felt excruciating, almost torturous pain in her right shoulder. Making attempts to blink away the blurriness so she could get a better look at what was causing such pain, but it did little to help. Soon enough, her hair had changed from its natural (H/C) to the light lavender color to symbolize being hurt or in pain.
“(Y/N),” came the familiar voice of Percy, as hands wrapped themselves around (Y/N)'s midsection as he attempted to pull her to safety. “I’m gonna get the shards from your shoulder, but it's gonna hurt,” calmly spoke the third Weasley brother, (Y/N), who had almost forgotten what he sounded like when he was caring; his cold and Ministry-loving way had almost completely overshadowed it. Just as he said, (Y/N) felt the pain ripple and rip through her shoulder, arm, and neck. She felt as if her veins were on fire as dizziness returned once more. However, her vision began to return a little bit. (Y/N) couldn’t find the will to form words, instead opting to nod in thanks. She didn’t dare look at the wound she had sustained, suspecting her arm would be mangled if the pain was anything to go by. “Look after Fred for me; I’m going after Rookwood, the one who blew out the wall,” added Percy before running off down the hall. (Y/N) watched him go, unable to ask him where the others both cared for were. The only comfort was knowing she wasn't alone; she had Fred, unaware he had been killed in the explosion.
(Y/N) must have been huddled behind the armor for what seemed like hours. The shouts of spells being cast echoed around the corridor, despite that (Y/N) was able to summon the strength needed to move and help those fighting to defend the castle. She wasn’t able to summon the words to cast the spell; all she could do was sit there with Fred, in pain and hope no Death Eater found them to finish off the job they had been so close to succeeding in. (Y/N) soon lent against Fred, almost finding his green jacket interesting as they waited, the fear taking root and grew with every fast-paced and often thunderous footsteps come down the stone corridor.
“I do not wish this. Every drop of magical blood spilled is a terrible waste. I, therefore, command my forces to retreat. In their absence, dispose of your dead with dignity. Harry Potter. I now speak directly to you. On this night you have allowed your friends to die for you, there is no greater dishonour. Join me in the Forbidden Forest and confront your fate. If you do not do this, I shall kill every last man, woman, and child who tries to conceal you from me.” The words echoed around the ruined castle and the grounds, yet this time, there would be no girls screaming out in terror. Instead, there was only silence for what felt like hours. (Y/N) didn’t hear a soul speak a word or even footsteps to indicate someone else was around. Soon enough, the peacefulness was interrupted by familiar voices. One brought happiness to (Y/N) even.
“Percy said they were hidden behind a suit of armor,” uttered Charlie, his voice filled with concern about what he might find. From Percy’s warning, he knew Fred was already gone, and his love was seriously, perhaps even fatally injured; he hoped he was in time to save her even when he knew the pain it would cause if he weren’t. “(Y/N),” spoke the red-haired dragon tamer she'd called your own for so many years. He had spotted her boots and quickly began to struggle to move the armor. Thankfully, Oliver Wood lent a helping hand. The pair of them and Neville stood there for a few seconds before Charlie regained his senses and leaned down to (Y/N), examining the injury to her shoulder and observing the blood pooling around her, his heart already broken to see his younger brother deathly still, cold and with the last smile from his unfinished joke still etched upon his lips. He couldn’t lose you, too; his already broken heart would be shattered beyond repair if (Y/N) left him, much like George would truly be lost if she were to die.
“It's cold,” (Y/N) uttered, looking up to the second son of Molly and Arthur, no longer having feeling in her likely mangled right arm or anywhere around her shoulder; all of it had gone numb at some time ago, although she couldn’t say when. Charlie soon leaned (Y/N) against the wall, blocking her view of Neville and Oliver as they took Fred’s body away, ever more so upon realizing she was none the wise of his fate. Instead, the dragon tamer took his jacket off, gently placing it around her, watching as she snuggled into the warmth it offered. Appearing completely oblivious as to where she was or the concern etched on his features. “Ow!” (Y/N) yelled when Charlie attempted to pull her to her feet; having assessed her injuries, he knew it was far worse than Percy had originally thought.
“Come on (Y/N). Let's get you to the great hall. See if one of the healers can spare a few minutes,” softly spoke Charlie as if he hoped the words to escape his lips would soothe both his growing concerns and looming fears. His memory soon took him for a trip through past events, how the pair had eloped shortly after going into hiding, the dance they shared at Bill and Fleur’s wedding where he had asked you to marry him, even the Quidditch World Cup a few years prior where he had first professed his love for (Y/N) and the Yule Ball that Christmas serving as a lot of firsts, including first dance and kiss. The whimpers of pain to escape (Y/N) brought him more concern, much like he was beginning to hate the rule that no apparition could happen on school grounds. “The others would be happy to see you. George needs you,” whispered the taller redhead as he attempted to get (Y/N) to the Great Hall with as little pain as possible, eventually opting to carry her there to prevent further pain.
Upon walking through the golden doors, Charlie placed (Y/N) back on her own two feet, quickly noticing her lack of balance and how pale she'd gone in the minutes it had taken to get to the hall. Just by looking, anyone could tell (Y/N) had been through hell and back. Her ever-changing hair stuck to your face, as had the dust and dirt from the explosion, and a few scratches scattered her beautiful features, most notably beneath her left eye. Her focus, however, was on those who had been killed during the battle so far, seeing Collin Creevy and Lavender Brown amongst the dead, yet nothing hurt more than seeing Tonks and Remus next to each other, holding hands as they lay motionless on stretchers. Soon enough, her attention was drawn to the rest of the Weasley Clan, Bill, and Fleur looking down in sorrow; Arthur stood nearby with Percy, who at least looked relieved to see you and Charlie. Ginny stood behind Molly, who was leaning on the floor, stroking the hair of one of her twin sons, your heart sinking upon seeing George in tears at the feet of his twin. However, his attention was soon diverted to (Y/N) when Percy pointed in the general direction. Ron was nowhere to be seen, which only caused worry about his whereabouts and well-being.
“I was with him,” whispered (Y/N); Charlie could only look down, knowing she had been unaware she'd essentially been protecting Fred’s body the entire time they were hidden behind the suit of armor. “When did this happen?” she asked as her heart began to break as she tried so hard rack her memory for the answer. George slowly made his way over while Charlie went to get a healer, hoping for the best as he did so. “I was with Fred; when did this happen?” (Y/N) questioned, her hair going light blue to suggest she was upset, hints of the lavender still in there from the pain constantly tormenting her. George could see the obvious confusion, thankful Percy had told him, yet it still broke his heart further to see some he loved in such a way,.
“The wall explosion,” whispered George in response, not daring to speak any louder, knowing if he did, the pain would only grow and strengthen. “He was killed instantly by the rumble,” added the younger of the Weasley twins, watching as it dawned on (Y/N) she had been stowed away with the body of one of her closest friends, his protector against any further harm. “Percy didn’t want to tell you after he saw the injury you had sustained,” finished George as he caught (Y/N) when her knees gave out, the tears staining her dusty cheeks. George was well aware there was little anyone could do to help outside of being there. Just seconds later, Charlie reappeared, sadness in his eyes as he looked upon the one he called wife, knowing there was so much left to do together. There was so much he still wanted to do with her. He still had all the I love you's left to spend on her and his dragons. George quickly realized what the sadness meant and could only look to (Y/N) with a new sense of brokenness, especially when Charlie shook his head to confirm his suspicions. 
“All we can do is make her comfortable,” whispered the elder Weasley as he once again picked (Y/N) up, holding her bridal style. Despite everything, hearing her sweet echoing giggle somehow gave him and George the false hope they needed to believe she would be okay, that she would survive. The same innocent laugh they knew would haunt them for the rest of their lives. The dragon tamer soon sat on the benches to the side of the hall near his family; (Y/N) was resting in his lap with her head against his muscular chest, his arms wrapped around her with one of her hands securely in his, George hugged Ron when he entered the hall. Not daring to speak about what the pain he knew was to come. Bill soon left Fleur’s side to join the pair of you. You were his family, too, the reason his younger brother broke his own vow of never marrying, the reason he spoke of something else other than his dragons.
“When this is over, can we all be a happy family again?” (Y/N) asked with a dazed look in her glazed eyes, not even noticing Hermione appear with concern. All either brother could do was shake their heads to give her the silent answer to her equally wordless question. “The laughter, mischief, love. The never-ending pranks. No war or threat to everything we know and love,” whispered (Y/N). Charlie could only press a soft kiss to the top of her head, his only wish that she would stay with him, yet he knew it wasn’t to be. So, he pulled out his wand, knowing what he was going to do was likely to be his last show of love and affection for his beloved wife.
“Expecto Patronum,” chanted Charlie as he swished his wand, showing his Patronus had changed to match her own. There were tears in his eyes as he saw her smile upon seeing the silvery dragon fly above before disappearing. “It will always be for you (Y/N) until the end,” added the heartbroken Weasley, confessing he wouldn’t love another as he had allowed himself to love her. There wouldn’t be anyone who could ever replace her as his love or soul mate. “Goodbye (Y/N), I know your love will guide us,” cried Charlie as he watched her tangled hair turn from the blue, it had been back to its natural black color for the last time; her body had already limp in his arms. All he could do was refuse to let her go, just holding her in a tight grip, knowing there was nothing he could do to bring his (Y/N) back. “I’ll see you again,” whimpered Charlie as Bill placed a comforting arm around his shoulder, tears of his own staining his cheeks. The toll of the war had come at a heavy price for the Weasley clan; all they could do was hope (Y/N) and Fred’s deaths weren’t in vain, just as he hoped none of those who defended the castle died for nothing.
With Voldermort’s death came the end of the war. The Weasleys huddle together, yet Charlie soon looked around him when he could have sworn he heard your soft voice. “I love you, Charlie, forever.”
Fen's Masterlist
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writeblrfantasy · 6 months
lila's 2023 writing wrap up!
we continue my yearly tradition of taking stock of what i wrote this year!! this year was a little different, in two big ways: the first was that i spent months editing and proofreading and publishing two books.
the red king's mystical suitors, which is out now
and the lover with five names, which drops january 23rd!
as well as managing all the work of being a self published author. (tldr it's no joke! not for the feint of heart! i feel a bit like the meme of the boy drowning!)
the second reason was that i spent a huge amount of time writing fanfiction this year, which was huge for my mental health but not forgiving when it came to original books. these two things combined means that i didn't spend as much time drafting new books as i typically do. not something i'm unhappy about, or am ashamed of, just a change! without further ado:
projects i finished this year:
skyriders (73k)
jack of fools (65k)
queen of crowns (74k)
the night auction (73k)
and 230k of fanfiction across 3 different fandoms! (hannibal bullet train and loki if you're wondering. if you want my ao3 then message me lmao)
unfinished things i wrote this year:
king of aces (51k)
weavers (17k)
untitled wip i called art gays: 12k
daybreakers: 11k
miscellaneous other 10k, let's say
projects planned for next year (a fun addition because i almost never end up going through with what i have planned, fun to look back on from the previous year)
the night auction sequel
secret wip #1 (mlm romcom)
secret wip #2 (sapphic romance)
secret wip #3 (no hints on this one)
i tried out secret writing for the first time this year, too! won nanowrimo for the first time since 2019, and it worked an absolute dream! 10/10 would and will do again.
(edit: realized i actually did win nanowrimo in 2021 and 2022. i'm an idiot)
until next year, everyone!
GENERAL TAGLIST: @worldbuildng @muddshadow @nikkywrites @47crayons @directionoftime @chayscribbles @magic-is-something-we-create @rodentwrites
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lilolilyr · 5 months
✨ao3 wrapped 2023✨
Haven't seen this tagging meme around at all yet this year, so I thought I'd start it myself!
Works published: 74, very similar to last year! a bit less but the year also isn’t over yet :D edit: by the time I’m getting around to post this, it’s on 86! Yay!
Wordcount: 118254 I’m happy I made it past 100k! That was my tentative goal and I didn’t think I’d make it with how slow it came along for most of the year, but with flufftober and the events I did manage :D
Kudos: 3184
Hits: 31833
Bookmarks: 267
Subscriptions: 114 and I’m at 157 user subscriptions right now? Who follows my multifandom mess of an Ao3, doesn’t that completely clogg up your email inbox? Maybe I’m just biased bc I rarely check my fandomy email and when I do it’s always a mess xD but I think tag lists on tumblr are so much more useful
Most popular by kudos: Gave myself a Fright, a Mirandy (DWP) fic with 301 kudos
Most hits: same fic, 2404 hits
Longest: lonely hearts on remote roads with 10811 words - Milippa road trip AU my beloved!
Shortest: I wrote nine drabbles (100 word ficlets) this year, they’re the shortest ones :)
Most Comments: my podfic of the Mirandy longfic Jigsaw has 14 comment threads - damn, that’s a year with few comments! In past years the whole top 5 commented on fics had more than that. Oh well!
Fics that made me cry: Grief, a fanfic where I project my own feelings about a dead pet onto Myka, and recording the Jigsaw podfic also made me really emotional a lot
Fics that made me smile: so manyy! For example the Berena fic Happiness surrounded by Snow
- the first chapter of ‘Time Dilates’ by @barbarawar as my Bering and Wells gift exchange gift back in February, thanks!
- ‘Blame it on Circumstance’, a wonderful sequel to the fluffy fic @squishmittenficfan made me for the Berena gift exchange in 2022, and another sequel Blame it on Love posted just a few days ago I haven’t actually gotten around to read yet but am already very excited for!
- ‘never borrow Helena’s clothes’, a fic for the Bering and Wells advent by @jesstrel that I have beta read for them :)
I have gifted some fics as well this year, I tend to gift people fics when they helped me with it by beta reading or cheering me on, or when I was writing to someone’s prompt! I know I adore getting gift works on Ao3 and I love to share that happiness :)
Halloween fic and art collab with @thewalkingmeepa, that was fun!
Drunken Considerations, a Bering and Wells collab fic with @lavendelhummel :D first time I made a collab while actually in the same room with the other person xD
Both collaborations and part of an event were the fic & podfic works Where No Flan Has Gone Before (Star Trek humor) with @bookgirlfan and Which Mere Modernity Cannot (modern Dracula) with @artax-risen, and the Bering and Wells Advent Calendar with @lavendelhummel @purlturtle @akittennameddaisy @viharistenno @jesstrel @sallysetonbw @violetren @thiakerrigan @tryingthisfangirlthing that is still ongoing! finished now, I take too long for tagging memes xdxD
- Flufftober (I managed to make something for every single day of the month, yay!)
- Berena advent
2022 version
Tagging, if you want to do it, everyone already tagged above as well as @die-schwanenkoenigin @amysnotdeadyet @lesbianlotties @guardianrock @73chn1c0l0rr3v3l @danisnotmyname @batnbreakfast @sapphicscholar @tabsolanya @sterenheart @wibblywobblyida @forestcircle @ongreenergrasses and everyone else who sees this!
For ease of copying: Works published: Wordcount: Kudos: Hits: Bookmarks: Subscriptions: Most popular by kudos: Most hits: Longest: Shortest: Most Comments: Fics that made me cry: Fics that made me smile: gifts: collaborations: events:
sapphicscholar purlturtle die-schwanenkoenigin amysnotdeadyet squishmittenficfan viharistenno lesbianlotties bookgirlfan
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doks-aux · 23 days
Fic Repost: In the Wee Small Hours
Fandom: Our Flag Means Death
Characters: Izzy Hands, Sam Bellamy, original cat character
Relationships: Sam Bellamy/Izzy Hands
Rating: PG-13/Teen
Contents/Warnings: Domestic fluff (with a brief and vague allusion to the Toe Incident and other Acts of Ed)
Summary: Izzy woke up alone.
Notes: Originally intended for No Angst November 2022 (prompt: warm drink) but not completed in time. Set in a post-canon, everyone-went-to-pirate-school-together-style AU; all you really need to know is Sam is Izzy's childhood friend, now-lover and Izzy has a cat. Post-Season 2 I've made edits to the original text to incorporate some elements of the updated canon.
Word Count: 1235
Read on AO3
Izzy woke up alone.
This wasn’t exactly unusual. He’d slept and woken alone most nights and their subsequent mornings since being appointed Blackbeard’s first mate and gaining the associated perks--namely, his own cabin and a berth he didn’t have to share with two other crewmates at minimum. Even accounting for the night’s when he’d opted for company, squeezing in next to Fang and Ivan belowdecks on the Queen Anne or more recently above deck on the Revenge, and for the bed-hogging mouser that had claimed a portion of his space for herself the past year, that was still the majority of the last decade or two that he’d spent waking alone. So, no, it wasn’t out of the ordinary at all.
It just wasn’t expected. He’d woken the past three mornings to Sam wrapped around him like a boa constrictor and drooling in his hair, and he’d had every presumption of doing so again today and each following day for the foreseeable future. The Revenge was currently sailing with the Whydah Gally en route to another of Edward and Bonnet’s harebrained “adventures,” giving Sam the excuse to hop over to the formers’ ship and stitch himself to Izzy’s side twenty-four hours a day (probably half the reason he’d been so encouraging of this little detour in the first place). It had become routine already: Izzy rising early and sliding himself out from under Sam’s comforting weight, leaving his lover to sleep another hour or so while he began the day, brewing himself coffee in the galley, and then stepping out on deck to relieve the night watch and enjoy the quiet break of dawn with only the cat at his heels for company.
It was downright domestic, and he’d quite gotten to like it. But today he was alone. No Sam at his side, no cat across his ankle, and only the blue-gray twilight outside his tiny window to let him know he hadn’t overslept.
He didn’t have time to be more than curious about it before the door to his cabin creaked open, years of conditioning (and more recent happenings) having him fully alert and clutching the knife under his pillow within the instant. A figure loomed tall in the doorway, staggering to a stop and clutching something close to its chest. It lifted its head to peer at Izzy through a tangle of long, black hair.
“...Sam.” Izzy sagged in relief, relaxing his grip on his knife and dropping his cheek against his pillow. “Fuck are you doing up?”
Sam, swaying listlessly, gave a full-body grunt at being addressed and shuffled stiff-legged into the room, escorted by Izzy’s errant feline. The Bell Witch chirruped merrily as she darted between Sam’s unsteady feet a few times just for the sport of it before leaping onto the bed and bumping her face insistently against Izzy’s.
“Right, alright, you little monster. Good morning.” Gently shoving the cat back, Izzy squirmed upright, kicking free of the blanket and swinging his thighs over the edge of the mattress to meet Sam as he reached the bedside, absently rubbing the stiffness from his residual leg. “And you. Did the Witch get you up? Never seen you conscious at this hour.” His gaze fell to the thing Sam held, unable to make it out by the still dim light. “What you got there?”
A softer grunt answered him this time, and Sam pressed forward, passing his prize into Izzy’s hands.
“C’rf’l,” he slurred, patting Izzy’s fingers as he wrapped them around the tin cup. “S’hot.”
The smell of fresh, strong coffee wafted up from their hands, and Izzy’s eyebrows lifted in surprise. Getting a better look at Sam’s face, it seemed “conscious” had been a generous assumption. His lover’s eyes were bleary and barely open, and he still wavered dangerously on his feet, half-awake at best. How he’d managed to make his way to the galley and back in this state, much less successfully make coffee, Izzy hadn’t the foggiest. Sam had never been an early bird. He’d acclimated to a sailor’s schedule by necessity and with no shortage of mulishness. Izzy recalled at least three separate mornings in their shared youth when the bosun had stormed in to personally flip Sam out of his hammock. Briefly reprieved of captainly duties while aboard the Revenge, he’d been reveling in sleeping in just that little bit more than he’d been able to in years.
But not today. Today he had woken up before even Izzy and dragged himself barely coherent down to the galley to make coffee. For Izzy. So that he wouldn’t have to.
Izzy looked down at the cup wrapped in his hands, at Sam’s hands wrapped around those, and swallowed against the sudden tightness of his throat.
It was all he could think to say in the moment, but it seemed enough for Sam.
“Mmm...” He bumped his face against Izzy’s much like the cat had and gave him a pleased smile. “...G’night.”
And then he turned and collapsed face-first into bed, asleep before he hit the pillow. The Bell Witch leapt out of the way with a yowl, turning in an indignant circle before hopping onto his bare back to begin pointedly kneading.
Izzy remained sitting at the edge of the bed, the heat from the coffee seeping steadily into his hands and up his arms, warming him to his chest. Or maybe it was staring at Sam that was doing it: dead to the world, hair caught in his half-open mouth, and the most beautiful man Izzy had ever seen.
The Izzy of a year ago would have been embarrassed (and the Izzy of later today might be as well) by how badly he was tempted to crawl back into bed with Sam, to tuck himself securely into the cradle of his body and sleep just a little more, indulge in his presence as long as he could. There was only so often they could be together, only so many excuses they could reasonably find for their ships to meet, so many detours they could make. And Izzy would need every moment he could steal with Sam to tide him over until the next one.
But work was work, and Buttons was expecting to be relieved. He’d be needing some sleep himself after a full night of whatever the fuck it was he and the moon got up to. Izzy was needed.
Maybe next time.
Taking a gulp of the still quite hot coffee, Izzy let it scald his mouth just enough to rouse him from his woolgathering and to his feet--one in the traditional place and the other set with care in easy reach. He dressed in the dark so as not to disturb Sam and lingered once more by the bed before leaving. The cat had made herself comfortable on Sam’s back, curled up and purring loudly as she blinked her one green eye at Izzy.
“Keep him warm for me, Bell,” Izzy said, smiling as she stretched up to meet the knuckles he gently ground against her scalp. He used the same hand to tug the hair from Sam’s mouth and bent to brush a kiss to his temple.
“See you after sunrise, Sammy.”
Closing the cabin door quietly behind him, Izzy took a slow, savoring drink of his coffee and headed above deck to watch the morning come in.
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august-anon · 2 years
Pray for Mercy
Tickletober 2022, Day 18: Chase [LATE]
this was actually the first fic i wrote for this year's tickletober, months ago when i first finished the prompt list, before i ever officially posted it lol. i have not reread or edited this! i simply do not have the time or energy unfortunately lol, but hopefully its alright and not too messy!
Fandom: Supernatural
Ship(s): Destiel
Characters (lee/ler): Lee!Dean/Ler!Castiel
Word Count: 2736 words
Summary: Dean should've known there were consequences to tickling an angel. Even one with such a cute, innocent smile like Cas.
[ao3 link]
Dean raced down the halls of the bunker, skidding around corners and almost slipping every other step thanks to only being in his socks. The bunker was supposed to be safe, after all. Why would he need to wear his big, heavy boots everywhere when he could finally live in comfort? Well, Dean certainly felt like a fool, now.
Had the bunker always been this complex? It felt like a labyrinth, unrecognizable and unending, trapping him no matter what turn he took. He thought he knew the place inside and now by now, explored all the nooks and crannies during the late nights where he couldn’t sleep knowing what horrors were awaiting him behind his eyelids. Apparently, he thought wrong. Or maybe that was just the scratch of fear slithering down his neck seeping into his mind, muddling things that he knew that he knew.
Footsteps echoed around him, seeming to come from everywhere and nowhere all at once. Truthfully, Dean couldn’t be sure if they were even real, or just a figment of his own mind, traitorously adding to his torment. In a blind moment of panic, he threw open a door on his left, whipping around to shut it as quietly as he could.
The room was dim, but it was quiet. In fact, his own heavy breathing sounded deafening against the concrete walls. He was tempted to hold his breath to hide it, not wanting to give away his position, but if he was found, Dean knew that he would need it. He backed slowly into the room, eyes trained on the door as he shuffled his feet, moving slowly and carefully so he wouldn’t bump into anything and alert anyone, or anything, to his current location. As long as he was quiet, he would be safe here. Please, let him be safe here.
There was a quiet ruffle of feathers behind him, and Dean barely had time to register the sound as danger before backing into a solid chest, not having caught himself in time to stop moving. He did, in fact, stop breathing for a moment, though.
“Hello, Dean.”
“Dammit, Cas, you–!”
Dean didn’t get a chance to finish his sentence, not that he really knew where he was going with it in the first place. He was quickly silenced – well, not silenced, more hindered – by Cas’s arms wrapping around him in a tight embrace, using the hold to sneak fingers into all the weak points he could reach along Dean’s sides and ribs.
Dean doubled over in his laughter, trying to claw Cas’s hands off his torso with weak and trembling fingers. Even though he knew it wouldn’t work, Dean was still offended when Cas’s hands crept high onto his upper ribs, making his arms slam down in an involuntary defense. He jerked his torso back and forth, trying to loosen Cas’s grip or dislodge him somehow, but Cas followed easily with every twist and turn. Dean wasn’t gonna get out of this so easily.
“Cas– come on!”
“Sorry, Dean, I can’t quite understand you through your laughter. Would you mind repeating that for me?”
Dean did, in fact, mind. Even if he hadn’t said anything worth repeating. So instead, bicep still pressed tightly to his ribs, Dean raised up his hand showing Cas his middle finger as best as he could.
Cas tutted. “Really, Dean, you should know better to antagonize me at this point. Did you really think you could get away with this morning’s antics without recompense?” 
Note to self: never play Scrabble with Cas.
“Now, do you regret it, yet?”
Dean shook his head. Hell, no. It had been hilarious. And maybe a little adorable. Not that Dean would admit that to Cas’s face. No, Dean would keep all his thoughts about Cas’s gummy smile and his bright, bubbly laughter all to himself, thank you very much. But he certainly didn’t regret it.
Cas sighed. “You will, eventually.”
And then, surprisingly, Castiel let him go. The torment stopped, his arms unwrapped from Dean’s torso, and he took a few steps back from where they had stood, pressed together from shoulders to hips. Dean wobbled and wavered for a moment, having to readjust to holding his weight up on his own again without Cas to steady him through his remaining giggles. He shot a confused look over his shoulder, but Cas stood there as impassively as ever, appraising Dean with a calculated look.
“You have a fifteen second head start,” Cas rumbled, raking his eyes over Dean’s body, “before round two begins.”
Dean’s eyes practically bugged out of his skull. “What?”
Castiel narrowed his own. “You heard me.”
Dean didn’t need to be prompted a third time. He turned tail and ran, damn his jellied legs and trembling knees to hell, sliding down the halls in his stupid patterned socks once more. He wondered if he had time to sneak into his room and change clothes, because he suddenly felt very bare in the t-shirt and boxers he’d been lounging around in all day with Sam being gone, or if Cas would corner him before he got the chance. Ultimately, Dean decided it wasn’t worth the risk, and he kept running, directionless. He could only hope it took Cas a little longer to find him, this time.
Dean was hardly even aware of the twists and turns he was taking, his only goal being “get as far away from Cas as possible,” so when he blindly whipped around a corner and slammed directly into Cas’s body, he couldn’t help but wonder if he’d just gone around in a circle at some point. Either way, Cas let out a low, growling chuckle into his ear, this time sliding his hands up under Dean’s shirt in the embrace.
“Goddammit!” Dean spat.
“Now, now,” Cas said, his voice infuriatingly calm for how much Dean was struggling in his arms. “Let’s not bring my Father into this.”
Cas sighed. “You Winchesters never learn, do you?”
Dean let out a mortifying little yip as Cas’s fingers started spidering all over his back, jerking forward and only further encasing himself in Cas’s arms. He buried his face in Cas’s neck, not wanting Cas to have the pleasure or reward of seeing his face flush from the embarrassment of his own giggling.
“Tell me, Dean, which tickles more. This?” Cas scribbled and spidered his fingers all along the backs of Dean’s ribs and sides. “Or this?” He scratched his fingers ever-so-lightly up and down Dean’s back, the feel-good tingles warring with the building ticklish feeling into a dangerous combination.
“Both, you fucking– Cas!”
Apparently, answering both meant that Cas would do both, which Dean found entirely unfair. He whined through his giggles, so far past embarrassment (at least, for this round), squirming forward and back in Castiel’s grip like either direction would get him anywhere. And then, just as quickly as he swooped in, Cas vanished from his personal space, leaving Dean wobbling once more. He leaned against the wall for a second, trying to catch his breath through his giggles.
“You have ten seconds,” Cas said.
Dean’s head shot up. “Ten?!”
Cas raised an eyebrow. “I am being incredibly generous, giving you these head starts. Are you sure you wanted to waste your time arguing with me?”
A slew of expletives slipped out of Dean’s mouth. He pushed himself off the wall and bolted past Cas, nearly tripping over himself with how shaky his legs were. Dean had been a hunter his entire life, stalked by monster and man alike, but never before had he felt more like prey than this moment. How was Cas finding him so easily, every single time? All he needed was a moment to think.
He did not get that moment. Instead, he skidded to a stop on his stupid socks, almost falling on flat on his ass, as Castiel emerged from one of the doors ahead of him. He glanced over and walked in Dean’s direction, calm and cool and collected, and Dean felt himself get even more frazzled in return. He turned on his heel and sprinted in the opposite direction, chanting lose me, lose me in his mind all the while.
Only for Cas to emerge from a different door up ahead in this direction, once again starting a calm walk in Dean’s direction.
Dean felt a wave of indignance go through him, remembering all the things he’d read about humans being endurance hunters. How they would tire out their prey, track them calmly, letting the prey spook and race off, only to be found and repeat the process again. Eventually, the prey would tire out, be too exhausted to keep it up, and that was when the human would strike. Then again, the post Dean had read was about pet owners trying to catch their escaped cats, so who knew what the truth was to that.
Cas may not have been a human, but that just gave him a sharper advantage. As an angel, he couldn’t exactly tire, but Dean, the so-called endurance hunter, could. Cas was one of the only things above humans on the food chain, and Dean was about to become lunch. The endurance hunter becoming the endurance hunted.
God, it was fun. Not that he’d ever admit it, even under pain of death.
Dean whipped around and jogged down another hallway, taking a multitude of twists and turns to try and throw Cas off his trail. Then, because it had worked so well the first time, Dean picked a door and ran inside. He almost locked it, before remembering that it would only be a detriment to himself when he would inevitably have to run away again.
Dean tried to steady his breathing, backing slowly away from the door, before he remembered where that got him last time. He whipped around, eyes scanning the dark room and ears straining for the sounds of ruffling feathers. Don’t find me here, Dean pleaded in his mind. Don’t find me here, don’t even look here.
A quiet, rolling noise caught Dean’s attention, and he whirled around to see the doorknob turning ever-so-slowly. He spat out a quiet curse, glancing around the room for a hiding place and finding none. Ultimately, he decided to back up until his back hit the wall. At least this time, there could be no surprises from behind. The door opened with a creak, and Dean tried to wipe all the giddiness and nerves from his expression. He didn’t need to give Cas the satisfaction.
“Hello again, Dean.”
“You have got to be kidding me.”
Cas quirked an eyebrow, walking forward again at that maddeningly slow pace. Dean didn’t see the point in running – the room was too small for him to dart around Cas to escape, and he’d just make a fool of himself in the process – so instead, he pressed himself further into the wall, trying to brace for the coming attack.
But the attack didn’t come, this time. Instead, Cas leaned forward and kissed him, slow and sweet and languid. Dean tried to keep his composure, but it was only seconds before he melted into it, closing his eyes and humming in contentment. Cas guided Dean’s arms up around his shoulders and wrapped his own arms around Dean’s waist, pushing him even further into the wall as he pressed their bodies together. Just when Dean felt like he couldn’t stand it another moment, his lungs getting the better of him after all the running and the repeated tickle attacks, Cas pulled back and he gasped in a few breaths of air.
“Hi,” Dean murmured, a slow smile spreading across his face.
Cas brushed their noses together. “Hi.”
Cas slid his hands back around so that they were resting lightly on Dean’s stomach and hips. Dean kept his own arms around Cas’s neck for the time being, trying to count the hues of blue in Cas’s eyes.
“Are we done, then?”
Cas quirked both eyebrows this time. “No. I was just trying to lower your guard.”
Dean’s face dropped. “Wha–?” 
He cut himself off with a gasp as a light, tingling sensation made itself known in his lower stomach and hips, radiating deep into the nerves. He grunted and shifted, trying to bring his hands down to defend himself, push Cas’s hands away, something, only to find that his arms were trapped around Cas’s neck, and he only succeeded in pulling Cas closer. Fucking angel mojo, tickling him with it and trapping him? That really wasn’t fair.
“You– asshole!”
“Just let go, Dean,” Cas mumbled, leaning forward to nuzzle his stubble into Dean’s neck. “You know you want to.”
Dean let out a choked sound with the added sensation on his neck, smushing his face down against Cas’s to try and push him out. All the while, the tingling beneath Cas’s hands only snuck deeper beneath his skin, growing and building on top of itself until it was almost unbearable, despite how light the feeling was. Against his will, strangled little snickers started bubbling up his throat and spilling from his lips.
“Damn you,” he bit out through it all. “How do you keep finding me so fast?”
Cas cocked his head to the side, the move far more innocent than Cas deserved to pretend to be, like a puppy who ate your lunch and was trying to make you forget all about it. Well Dean would not be forgetting, thank you very much, especially not while the puppy was still actively chewing on his damned sandwich right in front of him.
“Are you aware,” Cas said, “that you have been praying this entire time?”
If Dean could’ve frozen, he would have. Instead he was stuck squirming back and forth as his jaw dropped open, only widening the way for more laughter to escape as the light buzzing radiating out from his core threatened to consume him.
“Praying. Everytime you run, or try to hide, or think you hear me coming, you pray. For mercy, for guidance, for luck. And it seems I must be your default to pray to, because I heard every word, Dean. Every. Word.”
Fucking shit, how much did Dean push into those prayers? How much did Cas hear of his internal monologue? Just how screwed was he?
“You fucking cheat–”
“I don’t recall you establishing any rules. Do you?”
“There was no time–” Dean squealed, cutting himself off, as the tingling buzz swirled down and centered itself solely on his hips.
“Well, that’s your own fault, is it not?”
Oh fucking damn him. Cas played these games too well.
“Don’t worry, Dean. We both know you wouldn’t have wanted rules in the first place.”
“Fuck you.”
Cas retaliated with a raspberry directly in the crook of his neck. Dean’s knees went out, cackling and tearing up with the intensity of it all. Cas pushed into him, pinning him in place against the wall, not letting him have even that escape.
“Are you sorry yet?”
Sorry?? Sorry for what, crying all over his trench coat?
“For attacking me this morning?”
“Yes,” Dean cried out. “Yes! I’m sorry!”
Cas had mercy. He lifted his face out of the crook of Dean’s neck and pulled away his hands, sucking out the vibrations of his grace along with them. A moment later, the invisible bonds on Dean’s wrists and hands vanished and he was able to pull them back towards his body, rubbing away the ghostly feeling the grace tickles left behind.
“You have another ten seconds before round four begins.”
Dean blinked. “But– I said sorry!”
Cas stared at him, his gaze steady and calm. “I don’t believe you truly want this game to end.”
Dean didn’t know how to reply to that. He certainly would not be telling Cas that he was right.
“And since you seem so inclined to waste your headstarts, why don’t we make it five seconds, instead?” Cas smirked. “I suggest you run now, Dean.”
Dean wasn’t stupid enough to earn himself another penality, so he shoved Cas off him and he ran, a grin tugging at his sore cheeks all the while. He wondered what would be waiting for him at the end of the chase this round. He couldn’t wait to find out.
But that didn’t mean he was going to make it easy on Cas.
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yletylyf · 5 months
Fic Writer Wrapped- 2023 Edition
I did this in 2022 and 2021, and am revving it back up for my own personal interest in tracking these things. Tagging anyone reading this if you want to participate!
Like in previous years, this is about fic published on ao3 in 2023 (not amount of words written in 2023, which I don't keep track of).
How many stories did you complete?
I completed one longfic (more than 100k words), eight medium fics (between 15k and 100k), and forty-two short fics (under 15k). Just like last year, I continue to have considerable lag between writing and publishing. The longfic and some of the medium fics were mostly written in 2022, but published and finished this year.
What is your total word count for the year?
547,416 words
What fandoms did you write in this year?
I really committed to the multi-fandom bit. I also discovered an addiction to cdramas. I wrote in Harry Potter, Tolkien, The Grisha Trilogy, Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen, Emma - Jane Austen, Twilight, the Locked Tomb, House of the Dragon, 陈情令 The Untamed, 山河令 Word of Honor, 苍兰诀 Love Between Fairy and Devil, 莲花楼 Mysterious Lotus Casebook, 无量 Wúliàng, and 长月烬明 Till the End of the Moon.
Did you write more, less, or roughly about what you expected?
This year's published word count borrows from many projects that were written in 2022, probably about 150k words' worth. Even subtracting that, I wrote a lot more than I expected. Because I didn't write a long fic this year (123k of Rainbow of Chaos's total of 130k words was written in 2022), I felt like I was unproductive compared to previous years. But I actually I wrote a lot!
What’s your favorite story of the year?
To catch a fox (Grisha verse, the Darkling/Nikolai). I had a blast writing this, it felt like it wrote itself, and I think the fic is so much fun, I still enjoy re-reading it, and I'm really happy about how many other people liked it as well!
What is your most underappreciated story of the year?
This question gets harder and harder to answer every year, because the more deliberately niche I write the happier I am when I get a single comment and feel that is more than sufficient appreciation. I guess if I had to pick one, it's my Aredhel/Celegorm fic, because imo this ship deserves to be more popular than it is!
Biggest fanfic-related disappointment of 2023?
I was riding the high of discovering the Darkling/Nikolai ship after watching the TV show Shadow and Bone in March. A good friend left a prompt that I loved, in an event called Fandom Orienteer, which had a several-month-long writing period and then a posting window in August. I bit off more than I could chew when I started writing Palace in the Dark, found my ideas too plotty, and did not finish in time to post a completed story in August. By the time I actually finished over Thanksgiving, not only did I miss being part of the event, I had lost almost all my WIP readers (except my friends from the darkolai server, shout out to you, you are the best!). It's fine, the fic is finished and complete on my profile, and readers will slowly find it. But I was disappointed in not being able to finish in July for the event and when the momentum from the show was hotter.
Biggest fanfic-related surprise of 2023?
I'm surprised by how many multi-fandom exchanges I did. I was only dipping my toe into them in 2022 and was not sure the whole thing really suited me. I wrote almost forty exchange fics this year, and got some amazing gift fics in exchange, and it's been really fun.
Something you look forward to working on in 2024?
I think I'll work on more villain-centric fic for MDZS, and also hopefully write more new-to-me fandoms for exchanges.
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ctrsara · 2 years
5, 16, 24
#5 - What work of yours got more feedback than you expected?
I think "Outside Insights." People liked the random OC more than I expected. :)
#16 - What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag?
I'm pretty sure it's Post-Spider-Man Homecoming," since I have so many stories in that (Strands in the Rope) series...
#24 - Did you write any gifts this year?
Yes! One for @lemonlillybee and one for @junker5 - they have both been big cheerleaders for me, and encouraged or gave me ideas for two specific stories. :)
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youcouldmakealife · 1 year
What’s Coming in 2023
Happy holidays, all! I’m not actually here (am being Festive with family) but in the final days of 2022 I’ll have the annual writing and reading wrap-ups, will gather all the stories of the week/month for AO3 (at long last!) and may even have one last story of the year (depending on Festivities).
But first, 2023 is shaping up to be a bit of an eventful year in series, so here’s a bit of an overview of what’s coming (and going!)
First, on the publishing front:
Between the Teeth
I am genuinely afraid to specify further than 'Coming 2023' because I'm bad enough with publishing deadlines without the Ongoing Medical Things. So: coming 2023.
The extras and the stories of the week will begin in January(!). More to come on that shortly, but can let you know now that extras will be on a weekly basis (Thursdays), stories of the week (and updates) on on a bi-weekly basis: the first, third (and occasionally fifth) Monday of the month
A hard copy edition of Thrown Off the Ice in English and Italian(!!!)
On the series front:
What's coming to a close:
The End of ScratchnMoney(’s series. Obviously they are literally inseperable). Winter 2023 (the early one). It's imminent and defined (pt 60 will be the last). This will likely be in January, February the latest.
The end of Bryce and Jared (who knows, whenever Bryce lets me I guess. But 2023!!)
What's coming on the horizon:
TWO dual POV series. TWO!
The Start of Holden and James. Once again, for the umpteenth time, I am attempting hate sex. Whether I will succeed remains to be seen, but I refuse to give up after my failures with David and Jake. And Robbie and Georgie. And Bryce and Jared. And -- I'M TRYING AGAIN, OKAY. 
The start of Brandon and Milan. Fully admit that no hatesex is occurring with this one despite the rivalry, but shenanigans will, and there is no one better to replace the Kansas City Scouts on the docket than the Philadelphia Flyers feat. GRITTY. This one will likely both begin and end in 2023 but I'm not going to jinx myself by saying as much (too late). It will be SHORT. Or at least I will TRY.
What's neither coming nor going:
Georgie(&Robbie) continues. It'll be a new arc starting pretty much...now (following next part), so consider it both an end and a start! And the only series I will not begin/do not anticipate completing in 2023
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scribbling-dragon · 5 months
just thought it'd be fun to do something like this, so here i am!
managed to write a total of 328,510 WORDS which is a lot more than i expected!
my favourite fic/series of the year that i wrote is probably the mer scott series - it's also the series that made f+tm my top artist of 2023 haha
first to fall also holds a special place in my heart, though. mainly because it was something quite different from fics i wrote before. it had a narrator that could not speak, which was very fun to play around with, as well as messing with the concept of death in a series where none of it sticks for very long
even if adaptive nature was not majority written in 2023, i'm still very proud of the ending that i DID write in 2023, and am always a little sad thinking of this world that i created and then had to leave behind when i finished it
crown of antlers is also something that was very important to me last year, even if i put it on hiatus last year as well. it had sat around, outlined and in a docs for several months of 2022, and it started writing it in 2023. HOWEVER, my current plans for it (yes i'm still thinking about it) is to write the entire thing without posting a single chapter. the entire thing will be finished and completed before i even post the first bit of it. this does mean that i will probably end up rewriting/editing earlier chapters too, but i've decided to do it this way because it feels the most comfortable way to do it
welcome 2024 i guess! (gonna be weird getting used to that) and i hope to continue writing a bunch this year even with the final exams i have coming up!
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epersonae · 6 months
1, 5 and 6 for the ao3 ask game! :D
How many words have you written this year?
151,585 words
ok, I'm surprised by that, which maybe I shouldn't be (the most words since 2018)
(this is posted words, which means it includes some of Hungry for love that was written in 2022, but also doesn't include a couple of WIPs, so it probably evens out?)
5. What work of yours got more feedback than you expected?
Speaking of a lot of words, I was blown away at the volume of comments on for the benefit of all the broken hearts. Twice as many comment threads as the longfic that I wrote in 2018 and vastly more than anything else I've ever posted. And such good comments, the kind you go back to for a little ego/mood boost. (I did also hear privately from friends about people they'd seen mention it, and had some lovely conversations in various DMs, and @krakenteacups wrote the most delightfully bananas twitter thread.) It's such a weird off on its own limb piece of writing, I'm forever humbled that it spoke to people.
(I will also consider it "feedback" that several people I know, who would not have otherwise, had Carly Rae Jepsen as a top artist on their Spotify Wrapped. I have never been a music tastemaker once in my entire goddamn life, and this was such a treat.)
6. Favorite title you used
I had some good poetic and/or song lyric titles, and I'm fond of "Commit to the bit", but it really is hard to beat BIGFOOT STOLE MY HUSBAND.
[ao3 wrapped writers edition]
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lurkinglurkerwholurks · 5 months
ao3 wrapped [writers edition]
Created by @floydsin
I literally told @frownyalfred I had strict personal rules about not doing this until the year was actually OVER, but I can tell I won't finish my WIP by the end of the 31st, so I might as well. 😩
For comparison, here's 2022.
1.How many words have you written this year?
19,738 published works. I'm not counting the unpublished WIPs. I'll get credit for them when they're done.
2. How many works did you publish this year?
Five full fics and seven prompt snippets, which honestly is more than I expected. What a killer of a year.
3.. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
Meh. Maybe Hounded or Endless Road, just because they're fun to write. No, you know what, Endless Road because I wanted to evoke that Ted Lasso fic and by gum I got as close as I could.
I changed my mind. The Damian love language snippet. That one.
4. What work of yours has the most hits?
The snippets are within a larger collection, so it's hard to tell what they might have had separately. Of the standalones, There's An Endless Road to Rediscover has 4,253, currently.
5. What work of yours got more feedback than you expected?
No surprises here in terms of more.
6. Favorite title you used?
Hounded's alright, since I love those double meanings. Satisfaction is pretty good, too, though.
7. If you use song lyrics, which artist’s songs did you pull from the most?
I used one Avicii song and one Fall Out Boy song.
8. Pairing you wrote the most for this year?
The math gets weird because of the snippets. Of the twelve works, I wrote:
Tim & Jason: 2
Bruce & Jason: 2
Selina/Bruce: 1
Dick & Clark: 1
Dick & Jason & Tim: 1
Bruce & Tim: 1
Tim & Alfred: 1
Damian & Jason: 1
Damian and Dick also each had sort of solo fics.
9. Favorite pairing you wrote for this year?
Tim & Jason always, though Tim & Bruce is close too.
10. What work was the quickest to write?
The prompt snippets, by their nature.
11. What work took you the longest to write?
Technically Nowhere Safer because I'm still working on it. But all of the true fics took forever. Did I mention this year was a beast?
12. How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year?
LOLLLL. Actually sort of at least started? Five or six. Sitting as ideas baying for attention in my notes doc? So many.
13. What’s your longest work of the year?
14. What’s your shortest work of the year?
The first snippet in the 2023 set.
15. What WIP are you taking into next year with you?
I still don’t understand how this is different from #12. They're not done until they're done.
16. What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag?
The coconuts collection throws this off, because not all of those tags qualify, but it looks like a three-way tie between "Hurt/Comfort" "Whump" and "Loss of Parent(s)". That tracks.
17. Your favorite character to write this year?
Always Tim or Jason or Bruce.
18.The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year?
Selina, because she was and is a mystery to me, and her fic was more about her perceptions of Bruce than her own interior anyways.
19. What’s one pairing you want to explore next year?
I've deeply missed writing Bruce and Clark this year and I didn't do ANY Dev, which is a crime.
20. Which work of yours have you reread the most?
One of the Mutual Aid fics, probably. They're good boys.
21. How many kudos in total did you get this year?
2,214 plus however many from the collection came in this year.
22. Which work has the most comments?
Setting aside the collection because who knows, It might be your wound, but they're my sutures has 44 comment threads.
23. Did you do any collaborative works this year?
24. Did you write any gifts this year?
Yes. One for @frownyalfred, one for both @frownyalfred and @audreycritter, and one for @a-canceled-stamp. Which means without gifts I would've written like nothing.
25. Did you receive any gifts this year?
Yes! One from @frownyalfred about a conversation we had in our group chat and my beloved Poison Fic Sequel from @audreycritter. Also, a podfic!!
26. What’s your most common category?
27. What do you listen to while writing?
28. Favorite work you wrote this year?
See #3
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
Jason’s stomach shriveled to the size of a bean. If they could forge Alfred’s handwriting, he would never trust another piece of paper again.
or maybe
That didn’t mean that he didn’t miss her. He did, fiercely, but with the empty yearning of standing in the sand as the receding tide sucks water and earth alike from beneath your heels. Hers had been a slow, stretched death. He had missed her long before she was gone. So when Jason would lie in his too-soft bed and stare across a room that was his and only his, he would press on that stone-bruise ache to feel it hurt, then roll over and try to sleep. He didn’t know any other way.
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year?
How little I actually wrote. This year took it right out of me. And apparently I need the sharp stick of Whumptober in my side to really push me over. Now I know. Also, anecdotally, I feel like commenting has dropped off a lot on AO3, which makes me sad.
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lord-aldhelm · 10 months
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Welcome to my blog.
I decided to create this thing to keep all my insanity contained in one location. This currently encompasses a laser-focused obsession and hyperfixation on the above ↑↑↑
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About this Blog:
So, I originally started this blog so I could reblog all the Aldhelm posts I had been bookmarking over the past year and a half, keeping them all in one place since I did not want to post them on my main art blog. I also wanted to use it to post my fic, since I finally decided to take the risk and publish it for better or for worse, and also share all the screencaps I had been taking for drawing references (and just for my own pleasure let's be honest here).
I am rather late to this fandom, having binge watched this show in the middle of last year (2022) just as season 5 was released. It was sitting in my watchlist on Netflix for a few years, but I neglected it, thinking it was just another Vikings ripoff. Boy was I wrong. This show has really gotten to me in a way that no other TV show or movie has. I have never been so obsessed with a TV show or movie in my entire life.
But what compelled me to make an Aldhelm blog? Well, for starters, it had become apparent to me that, although many in this fandom like his character, very few consider him to be their favorite character, and far fewer still are obsessed about him in the same way that many are about Sihtric or Finan, for example. I still can't wrap my head around that, but maybe I am the weirdo, so oh well. I will create another post about why I love him so much at a later date if anyone cares to read it.
There are tons of blogs for the show in general and for other characters, and most of Uhtred's "pretty boys" get lots of love on here, but not so much for Aldhelm. I don't know if anyone else will really care about anything on this blog, but it is honestly not why I made it. This is more for my own sake than anyone else's, and if anyone else gets anything out of this that is great too.
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My Tags List can be found in my archive or on the sidebar of my main blog or below.
My Own Fanfic/Writings (LadyAldhelm on AO3)
Springtime in Saltwic (AO3)
Get To Know Them Alphabet (Tumblr)
My Collection of Essays
Aldhelm Character Analysis
My Own Screencaps
Season 2 (2.03, 2.05, 2.06, 2.07, 2.08)
Season 3 (3.01, 3.02, 3.03, 3.04, 3.05, 3.07, 3.08. 3.09, 3.10)
Season 4 (4.01, 4.03, 4.04, 4.05, 4.06, 4.07, 4.08, 4.10)
Season 5 (5.01, 5.02, 5.03, 5.04, 5.05, 5.06, 5.07, 5.08, 5.09, 5.10)
Lord-Aldhelm Edits (which includes caps and memes)
My Gifs
Season 2 Gifs (2.03)
Season 3 Gifs
Season 4 Gifs
Season 5 Gifs
Other Tags
Aldhelm Fanart (including my own)
TLK Gifs (others mostly)
TLK Memes
Official Promo Photos
Behind the Scenes Photos
Con Photos
Side Blogs
LadyAldhelm: for reblogging writing resources and other things
James Northcote Fan Blog
TLK-kingdomsource: Source Blog for The Last Kingdom
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malexsanta · 1 year
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Dear everyone,
The Malex Secret Santa 2022 exchange is wrapped. All gifts have been posted, and once again, our participants have created so many beautiful Malex presents!
15 Malex fics
2 pieces of Malex fanart
2 Malex gif set
1 Malex Mood Board
1 Malex playlist
We’d like to thank all our wonderful participants for taking part in the final edition of this exchange. We are so grateful to all of you for putting so much love and effort into creating gifts for your recipients.
Thank you for making December cosmic one more time! ✨
We’d also like to thank all our followers and readers for reblogging, liking, commenting, reccing, and leaving kudos. ❤️
All fics can be found on AO3, please check out the
12 Days Of Malex 2022 Collection
And here’s the list of all gifts with links to Tumblr and AO3.
🎄Day 1
Fanart The Guerins enjoying a nice Christmas Eve by @slynella for @infallible-dreamers • Tumblr
🎄Day 2
Fic Traditions: Yours, Mine, and Ours @theatrehands for @secret-guilty-pleasure • Tumblr
🎄Day 3
Fic Just cut me down the middle and count my rings by @jule1122 for @winged-fool • Tumblr | AO3
🎄Day 4
Fic we're made up of a thousand scars by @bloggingbisexually for @dankmalexmemes • Tumblr | AO3
🎄Day 5
Fic in all the world, it's you I choose by @andrea-lyn for @pendragonsandbuckleys • Tumblr | AO3
🎄Day 6
Fanart The Crashdown double date by @momecat for @slynella • Tumblr | AO3
🎄Day 7
Gif set Sunshine and Roses by @pendragonsandbuckleys for @changingthingslikeleaves • Tumblr | AO3
🎄Day 8
Playlist Malex Secret Santa by @alixoxox for @angrycowboy • Tumblr | Spotify
🎄Day 9
Fic When Christmas Comes to Town by @alex-guerin for @moderngenius94 • Tumblr | AO3
Fic Where’s My Love? by @mander3-swish for @jule1122 • Tumblr | AO3
🎄Day 10
Fic You're the winter sun by @infallible-dreamers for @alixoxox • Tumblr | AO3
Fic Weekend Lover by @winged-fool for @mander3-swish • Tumblr | AO3
🎄Day 11
Fic i still like the way your name sounds by @bekkachaos for @momecat • Tumblr | AO3
Gif set Looking There, Loving Here by @angrycowboy for @theatrehands • Tumblr
🎄Day 12
Fic nothing starts without you (we become the stories we’ve always wanted) by @manesalex for @alex-guerin • Tumblr 1/2/3 | AO3
Fic the honeymooners by @moderngenius94 for @bekkachaos • Tumblr | AO3
Fic A New Beginning For Christmas by @secret-guilty-pleasure for @bloodspeckledraphael • Tumblr | AO3
Fic With Love Overflowing by @changingthingslikeleaves for @andrea-lyn • Tumblr | AO3
Fic boys will fall by by @dankmalexmemes for @manesalex • Tumblr | AO3
Mood Board boys will fall by @dankmalexmemes for @manesalex • Tumblr
Fic The Answer is Always "Okay." by @burntotears for @bloggingbisexually • Tumblr | AO3
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