#4:42 am
Caramel Frapechino runining my life....
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batmecha · 2 months
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also extra v1 v2 vocaloid cosplay doodle under the cut :3
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zerozerozio · 2 months
can't believe they wrote an episode of Star Trek that consisted entirely of Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock making sweet passionate love for around 50 minutes. yeah it was never aired but they wrote it and it's accepted as canon. yeah, it actually won best cinematography. my source is Trust. i would never lie to you
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lolathepeacocklord · 9 days
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galaxythreads · 3 months
okay, posting this to hold myself accountable, my goal is to reach page 100 for book 3 in my og series by Monday. i'm currently on page 58. We'll see how this goes. I am tired of being stuck.
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thedoodlebuggo · 9 days
y'all do i stay loyal to older ideas and start working on the blindfaith oscar animatic or do i give in to the demons and start working on the new john animatic idea that has me in a chokehold
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turtlemurmurs · 9 months
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What he said: Btw earlier I pretended to kill this rabbit in front of you to cruelly manipulate you into thinking we implanted something to explode your heart if you tried to escape
What I heard: Look at my pet bunny, his name is Eight and I carry him around in my satchel
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q-uzi · 2 months
if you put 4/20/2024 backwards its 4202/02/4 4202024 4202024
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kxokiemonster · 2 years
Barty once called Evan "daddy" as a joke. It wasn't anything sexual, just your classic and familiar best friends with way too much tension between them doing their daily bickering and never kissing, only that one of them is a brat.
They were sitting in the library, unfinished homework all around them and a musty sandwich Dorcas had sneaked from the kitchens almost five hours ago resting on top of the Astronomy book.
"Oi, Barty, feet on the floor," Evan scolded.
Barry, with his feet resting on Regulus' "History of Quidditch" on the table put them in the floor with a loud noise just to annoy Evan.
"Sure, Daddy," the brunette teased with a roll of eyes. It sounded less flirty than usual but he was running on low sleep and all the caffeine he could find so, could you blame him? Nonetheless, he put his best smug smile to bring up the act.
Evan knocked his ink bottle, dropping it all over his essay with a soft "oh, fuck" which only made Barty laugh.
"Fuck me," Regulus complained looking up from his book about Quidditch strtegies. "C'mon, Rosier, don't tell me that turned you on"
"Did not," the blond mumbled too focused ln cleaning the mess.
"Your ears are red. You're lying!" Regulus shooked his head with disapproval. "Kinky bastard. Didn't want to know so much about you"
"It doesn't turn me on!" Evan said so loud a few people looked at them with interest. That's the last thing Evan wanted. He lowered his voice to keep the conversation private. "It sounds strange. Don't like it, just took me by surprise. That's all," he assured.
"No daddy then". Barty lift a finger to poke at his bottom lip as he thought. "What then? Kitten? Bitch? You look like my bitch"
"Bold from someone who would beg to be anyone's bitch," Regulus breath with no real interest in the conversation. He just wanted to annoy his best friend.
"Rude," Barty complained. "True, yeah, but rude. No bitch. What are you into then, Rosier?"
"Not into much," he tried, hopping Barty would drop it. He wasn't so lucky.
"Just tell me, la mia rosa," Barty purred.
Oh. That had an effect on him. His spine filled with goosebumps, glad to see Barty hadn't catch him. He was safe, almost...
"Shit," Regulus barked a laugh. "Speak more, Barty! More Italian!"
"Cosa vuoi? Ora vuoi imparare l'italiano? Sei un monello, [What do you want? You want to learn Italian now? You're a brat]" Barty let out all in one breath.
With each word, Evan became a deepee tone of pink until his face became as red as blood.
"He's into Italian," Regulus concluded with a satisfied smile.
"Is that so, la mia rosa? You like when I speak Italian? Quando ti dico quanto sei bella tutta arrossata? Ti bacerei subito se me lo permettessi [trad: when I tell you how good you look? I would kiss you right now if you would let me]"
And Evan wasn't sure if he liked the Italian or he just liked Barty.
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prolibytherium · 3 months
Does anyone know what the instrument(s?) most prominent from 2:22-2:52 is. I love these noises
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akkivee · 9 months
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stage gentaro is just letting his imagination run wild in this particular scene lmao but if ramuda was spliced from nayuta theory is real, what are the chances nayuta is currently 44 years old lol
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Chrono, making coffee in the morning: Can we just all agree that today is a good day? The sky is blue, it’s a Sunday so we don’t have any stress about anything, it’s gonna be a good day today!
Setsuno: *staring at him, eyes wide*
Chrono: what?
Setsuno: who are you and what have you done with Chrono?
Chrono: what do you mean?
Setsuno: it’s- it’s not natural- that’s not natural, who are you? Am I in an alternate dimension?
Chrono: what? No- I’m just saying it’s gonna be a nice day today.
Setsuno: Suspicious. I’m gonna tell overhaul about this.
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svtellify · 2 years
kotlc book 10 predictions
this is just for fun lol i haven’t given all of these much thought nor have i let stellarlune properly process sO
( i say for fun like they aren’t all dramatic and me jumping to conclusions but hey, writer things <8)
1. keeper of the lost cities: elysian
2. keefe dies from the power or whatever step 3 of stellarlune is
3. fitz dies from jumping in front of lady gisela when she attacks sophie and elysian agrees to bring him back OR save keefe and keefe says save fitz and he dies instead
4. idk my money’s on one of those two dying or being seriously injured bc it would hurt if it was one of the other characters, but not in the way it would if it was keefe or fitz
5. elysian’s test is having keefe kill lady gisela to see if he can live with it in order to earn the power. either the guilt breaks him and elysian decides he’s “good” enough to save or he’s too numb to feel it and elysian abandons him
6. idk sophie probably convinces him to save keefe though and lady gisela’s dead so it’s a win
7. but this would be the very beginning of the book so maybe they have to leave the “dead character” with elysian who saves them anyway bc they’re kindhearted or smth and they show up later as a plot twist
8. kenric is elysian (we’re really jumping to conclusions here)
9. kenric is still extremely relevant - he cuts a deal with fintan to figure out more about elysian but fintan “betrays” him by faking his death and letting him escape
10. idk how kenric benefits but maybe he’s playing both the neverseen and the black swan for his own ulterior motive
11. idk kenric is suspicious now but i couldn’t tell you why
12. freaking idk alvar shows up for more drama
13. cadfael does kill king dimitar and ro is now the queen of ravagog, which makes bo the consort (technically???) keefe possibly writes another verse in the ballad of bo and ro
15. if fitz doesn’t die, he kills someone and ends up going rogue or something after learning the rest of the vacker legacy
16. except unlike tam and keefe, he’s not playing double agent, he’s hunting down alvar to figure out the rest of it and fulfill it out
17. cue an EPIC vacker sibling battle with biana absolutely blasting fitz for it
18. “it has to be me” type beat but dex helps biana out with some tech but she takes it out to knock him out or something bc she’s sTRONG
19. idk but we better get some keefe and gradaline bonding, sokeefe or not, give my poor boy some parental love
to be continued. . .
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blindbisexualgoose · 1 year
Ok now that we know the 42 is VERY important and we have started noticing it everywhere I want to draw attention to the leap of faith scene.
Yes yes, very nice, cinematic masterpiece but oh-
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A six? How is six related to 42?
...... how is 6 related to 4 and 2?
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prussianmemes · 1 year
i think cooped up every day half studying half procrastinating for the last 3 weeks and the next 3 might be making me a little demented
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critdeeznuts · 1 year
love it when a good new picrew drops and i have to stay up til 1am making ALLLL of my little guys on it
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