#Alt Todd
spockvarietyhour · 7 months
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Stargate Atlantis "Vegas"
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dick-the3rd · 2 years
Thinking about the time the entire batfamily accidentally came across the same body
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Just them sharing one brain cell <3
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qweenofurheart · 2 months
Hi I absolutely LOVE your style! And I was wondering if you would be willing to draw the band au of @strange-birb ? Have a good day ^^
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ok i tried my best but i definitely don't think i can capture the vibe right... the designs are so fun tho
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batcavescolony · 11 months
People who say "Batman was better without his kids" must really like the whole ELEVEN issues that Bruce had before Dick was introduced because that's the only time he didn't have a kid. Bruce Wayne/Batman was introduced in ’Detective Comics' #27 and Dick Grayson's Robin was introduced in 'Detective Comics’ #38. Dick was around before Alfred existed, if we can have Alfred why can we have the Robins?
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betterthanbatman1 · 8 months
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I love you Selina but absolutely fucking not
“He almost got himself killed because you taught him to be a good man"
No he fucking didn't. Jason taught himself to be a good man. Jasons life fucked him over and he became a good man despite that. He knows that he has to be the one to protect the vulnerable people of Gotham because no one else will. Because he knows from first hand experience what it's like to be on the receiving end of Gotham's cruelty.
He almost got himself killed because HE taught himself to be a good man.
I hate the assumption that Jason was born to be a fuck up. That he was always going to become a criminal. But NO! ‘Bruce the saviorTM’ saved Jason from his poor worthless self and turned him into a good man!!
It's fucked up and dc should do better.
l know Bruce helped guide Jason, but Jason is who he is despite Bruce. Not because of him.
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sufroyo · 1 year
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some environment practice !! _(:з)∠)_
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feyinvestigations · 12 days
Out of costume intermission
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Pt1 //// prev. //// next
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danny-chase · 10 months
Jason reacting to Dick's "death"
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Batman #649
Vs Dick reacting to Jason's death
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The New Titans #55
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DC Writers: Okay, if you say so
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fishfission-dc · 1 year
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my favorite criminals, inspired by this post :)
(they’d probably both be Ken in this format but Roy is thinking about all of his family members and friends who are going to make fun of him for this. Just another day for Jason though.)
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spockvarietyhour · 7 months
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Stargate Atlantis "Vegas"
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ambrosethedarling · 7 months
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Full doodle page 😋😋
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dick-the3rd · 2 years
Oh my god they did it.
The crazy bastards did it. All the Robins met on the streets AU
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Dark Knights of Steel: Tales from the Three Kingdoms #1
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thecruellestmonth · 5 months
Does the mass-murdering criminal Jason "Red Hood" Todd canonically support the death penalty?
No, I can't find evidence that Red Hood supports the death penalty.
There is a difference between murder (illegal) and state-sanctioned killing (legal). Red Hood commits unlawful homicide. The death penalty is lawful homicide. Jason is a murderer. The death penalty is not legally considered murder. Commissioner Jim Gordon is a decorated military veteran, not a murderer.
Committing violence ≠ wanting the government to have the right to commit that violence. Batman and his allies brutalize criminals; they don't necessarily support the state brutalizing criminals. Red Hood kills some criminals; Red Hood doesn't necessarily support the state killing criminals. Catwoman doesn't necessarily support the state committing burglary. Et cetera.
The death penalty is administered by the criminal legal system. Jason does not like the criminal legal system (see some of his run-ins with the police). He grew up as an impoverished child who didn't believe in the system, he was raised by Batman to believe that vigilantes can make a difference that the system can't, and he became an adult criminal who still doesn't believe in the system. He's not interested in using the criminal legal system. He isn't interested in giving more powers and privileges to an abusive system that has wronged him and the people he cares about.
When Jason started up his villain business, the death penalty was legal in Gotham City. (See Detective Comics #644, The Joker: Devil's Advocate, Batgirl 2000 #19, Punchline #1.) The death penalty was also in place during his Robin run. Jason didn't argue in favor of the state having the right to kill prisoners, and the death penalty never addressed his complaints about the status quo.
Jason has rescued people from wrongful* imprisonment and the death penalty. Again, based on his own firsthand experiences, he has many reasons to believe that the system is broken. *Some of us would argue that locking any people in prisons tends to be wrongful and inhumane by default, but we could choose to accept the standard premises of crime fiction as without endorsing it as moral instruction.
Jason Todd is a criminal: a mass murderer, a terrorist, a villain. He does evil. He doesn't represent or support the legal system. He probably has the least political capital out of all the Batfamily-associated characters. He doesn't promote the death penalty. He commits murder—illegally, as a criminal, state-unapproved.
Some recent comics related to the topic:
Gotham Nights (2020) #11 "One Minute After Midnight", written by Marc Guggenheim
Red Hood and Nightwing team up to investigate the case of a man wrongly convicted of murder and sentenced to be executed. Both of them disapprove of how the broken criminal legal system botched this case.
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Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #8 (2023), written by Matthew Rosenberg
"You familiar with Hannah Arendt's concept of Schreibtischtäter? Desk murderers? It's people who use the state to kill for them, so they don't have to get their hands dirty."
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laufire · 4 months
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batman #683 / batman: gotham knights #43 / secret origins vol. 3 #5
(dc: it's okay bruce was never jason's father it's FINE he was never responsible for him it's ALL GO-)
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sufroyo · 1 year
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ak jason with longer hair.....as a treat.......cause i wish there had been a scene w/o his helmet that wasnt a flashback 💔
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