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March 8, 2023 - Feminists clashed with riot police at the barricades around the National Palace in Ciudad de México on International Working Women’s Day. [video]/[video]
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ybne · 1 year
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It’s almost been a month since my top surgery and my confidence is boosted as fuck.
I just think I look good like in general nowadays
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seoz-seoz · 2 years
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✨️Everything's better when we're smashing together ✨️
More punk/antifa AU with Sakura x Ino!
Ok these girls are badass motherfuckers and kishimoto did NOT do them justice let's be real... under the current shinobi system kunoichi have to endure so much systemic sexism and violence,, so they're definitely fed up and ready to throw down.
I have so many thoughts about sakura and ino but then itll make this post too long lol
Also PSA don't wear sleeveless shirts and flash your tattoos at protests,, let's pretend they just took off their long sleeve jackets in a safe location for this picture, lol I just wanted to draw tattoos
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ughstephyy · 10 months
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sontagspdf · 8 months
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on gender in native american tribes
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nando161mando · 9 months
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as long as violence is considered an inherently masculine trait, patriarchy will be codified and enforced by states
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queerographies · 1 year
[Nessuna sottomissione][Chiara Bottici]
Nessuna donna sarà mai libera se ogni altro essere vivente non lo sarà. Abbiamo bisogno di un approccio multiforme al dominio che sia in grado di tenere insieme voci diverse, egualmente finalizzate allo smantellamento dell’oppressione.
Nessuna donna sarà mai libera se ogni altro essere vivente non lo sarà. Abbiamo bisogno di un approccio multiforme al dominio che sia in grado di tenere insieme voci diverse, egualmente finalizzate allo smantellamento dell’oppressione. Solo un pensiero anarcafemminista è in grado di rispondere alle sfide del nostro tempo perché tiene insieme la specificità dell’oppressione delle donne e la…
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anarchist-art · 15 days
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March 8, 2023 - Anarcha-Feminists fought with riot police and set fire to the entrance of the Government Palace in Monterrey, Mexico on International Working Women’s Day. [video]/[video]/[video]
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jrisper · 2 years
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seoz-seoz · 2 years
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Rin for my punk/antifascist AU??!! Yes!!!! 💜
She's a seasoned street medic at actions and works part time at a harm reduction non-profit.
Her favorite anarchist saying is: another world is possible // the people are unstoppable
Also I gave her a neck tat because I think they're cool af.
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prole-log · 1 year
★ At the beginning was movement: anarchism does not mean absence of order, but rather searching for a social order without an orderer. The main orderer of our established ways of thinking about politics is the state...
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“The majority of women are already oppressed by both the government and by men. The electoral system simply increases their oppression by introducing a third ruling group: elite women. Even if the oppression remains the same, the majority of women are still taken advantage of by the minority of women...When a few women in power dominate the majority of powerless women, unequal class differentiation is brought into existence among women. If the majority of women do not want to be controlled by men, why do they want to be controlled by women?"
Why Anarcha-Feminism? A rich reflection on “anarcha-feminism” by Chiara Bottici, followed by a recorded video of the same, as well as an earlier lecture on anarchism: https://autonomies.org/2022/03/chiara-bottici-anarchafeminism/?fbclid=IwAR3TraHYJvR-_5yQMEnbt2YpdSpWZuQ0lWHns4pNh11YO2wxGE98GtQXJj0
Hooded, dressed in black from head to toe, organised in small groups, a new generation of feminists is raising their fists in favour of the recognition of women's rights. Far from the model of the previous generation, that of the mothers of families who marched in silence, these anarchist activists who demonstrate with violence claim to be part of the "Black Bloc" movement. Mexico: The Feminist Revolution I ARTE Documentary:
Anarcha-Feminists and Women's Rights in Bolivia: https://www.radical-guide.com/anarcha-feminists-in-bolivia/
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cock-holliday · 11 months
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Cropping out anon's manifesto about the differences between ra/dfe/minism and liberal feminism and why one is superior to the other because...
Fuck both!
Yeah liberal feminism sucks ass, hasn't moved goalposts very far if at all, and like most liberal policies relies on groveling rather than action. Doesn't mean fash-collaborating "feminism" is the only other option, though I know y'all love your binaries.
I employ principles of intersectional feminism, particularly along the ideals of transfeminism and anarchafeminism. Hey whoa 3 whole schools of thought we didn't mention!
Ra/dfe/minism appeals to people because it is motivated by anger. Anger at the system, anger at personal trauma, anger at injustice and misogyny and violence...and then rather than becoming a tool for liberation (like intersectional feminists argue, like transfeminists argue, like anarchafeminists argue) it becomes a tool of repression.
The two biggest issues with ra/dfe/minism is that it 1. conflates "patriarchy" (a system) with "men" (individuals) and 2. relies entirely on upholding the carceral state to make progress.
Ra/dfe/minism has moved a rightful critique of patriarchy to a critique entirely of men. Or rather..."men". RFs feel emboldened to BE the one policing rather than being policed. The urge to come out from under a system's thumb is understandable, the desire to inflict your anger onto others is not.
Women who are "too close" to Men are seen as traitors. Butches who present too masculinely, those who go on hormones, those who get top surgery or go by he/him pronouns are traitors. It doesn't matter to RFs if you ARE a woman, if you're doing it wrong you are "helping the patriarchy". God forbid you decide you ARE a man, then you are a massive traitor. Or you are attracted to men and LIKE men then you are a massive traitor. Bi women are traitors. Trans men are traitors. Transmascs are traitors.
You'd think with how many women and women-adjacent folks they push away, RFs would be desperate for allies, so trans women and transfemmes would be welcome, right? In some cases, outright no (TE-RF) in others at the very least they are on thin ice or have to then prove she isn't "one of the bad ones" to join. As if trans women wouldn't already be isolated by Divine Wombynhood and Holy Pussiness.
The RF perspective on vaginal phrases is a pretty good indicator of where shit went wrong. A movement that wanted to normalize a shamed body part warped into a movement where pussy=woman=good, penis=bad=man. A penis is a weapon of mass destruction, it is for violence, penetration is violence, it is conquering. A morally neutral body part got vilified in the quest to normalize another. Because RFs do not want equality or normalization. They want to be in charge. They want to flex power. They want to be the ones to lash out. It is understandable to come out of adolescence angry at the injustice of womanhood. But while intersectional feminists recognized that all women are bound by misogyny--albiet in different ways--and transfeminists recognized the misogyny trans women face and cis women face are born of the same system, and anarchafeminists recognized that the true enemy of freedom along with patriarchy is forced heirarchy...RFs just see anyone who isn't exactly like them as an invading force.
Men can never be allies in a fight that affects them too because men are inherently evil because of...penis, hormones, masculinity, IDing with maleness...take your pick. Women who like men can never be included in the fight because "men are the enemy."
Men are not the enemy. They can be. So can women. A pro-choice man is more of an ally than an anti-choice woman any day. The issue is the system of patriarchy. Like the system of homophobia. Like the system of racism. Like the system of transphobia. Like like like. They are interconnected struggles. You can't separate women's issues from trans issues from gay issues from Black issues.
RF lenses refuse to ever consider other factors than gender in analyzing oppression. Cis women can be the oppressor of trans women. Straight women can be the oppressor of lesbians. And yes, white women can be the oppressor of Black men. And they rely on patriarchy to do it. Women are helpless meek victims who need protected and have no autonomy, so a Black man looks at you wrong he's a villain. The societal issue at play here isn't "ohhhh so women are bad then, not men?" it's that patriarchy is a system anyone with any axis of power can leverage as a weapon.
So they do. White women sometimes rely on police brutality to settle scores with Black men. They recognize this method doesn't work with white men, without ever questioning what is the difference. Or not caring. Or not Karen. All advocacy under RF is tied to punishment. Death penalty advocacy. "Kill your local rapist" "Kill your local pedophile" "Kill groomers" it's a revenge fantasy, not a liberatory movement!
The system is what happened to you and rather than ever challenge the system, you just want to point it towards who you think deserves the violence. You never imagine that moving away from the violence is possible, or worth trying for.
I saw a post once condemning the idea that "feminism helps men" which mostly hinged on the idea that "under feminism, men will lose that cushy pay gap". The post went on to say "feminism will not help men but they should still support it." Well, under that short-sighted take, feminism "won't help women" then either. White women would get paid the same as women of color, and lose their "cushy pay gap."
Intersectionality would level the playing field for everyone, which means women with power to flex would lose it too. Which is a good thing. Anarchafeminism says no one should have power over anyone else, and combating systems of power relies on dismantling it.
Unless of course you were relying on still maintaining power over other women, while then gaining power over men, in which case, that's not "feminism" that's just taking your share of the white supremacist pie.
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