#But its an interesting challenge and I had fun doing it so eh
pushing500 · 8 months
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Oooh, a mysterious asteroid! I wonder what it could be?
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It's very blue, and has eleven strange space creatures attached to it. I'm sure this will cause no problems at all.
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Ah, so they're electric space eels. Neat. Next time someone can take the thrumbos when they're hunting these things.
Rogan the rottweiler did his best but unfortunately seems to have lost his left eye in the mess. I'll see about getting Fafo to make him a bionic eye because he's a very good boy, and he did his very best to protect Hazrov and Baz during their scuffle with the arcturan sky eels.
Hazrov is fine, by the way. Doctor Brennan dealt with the heart attack swiftly, and then Irwin used his 'preach health' ability just for an extra boost. Baz is also fine. He only had a scratched eye and a bruised arm and is already back to mining the sky steel.
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bronx-bomber87 · 5 months
Happy Monday evening all :) Ewww an Ashley episode. Such a bummer after the last episode haha Not a ton of Chenford content but what we do get is good. There is a case involved but they're not in it enough to analyze anything. Oh also this ep is the intro of Chris so double eww. This episode is just one giant display of why Ashley and Chris aren't meant for either of them. But we knew that already didn't we? Let’s get started eh?
4x10 Heart Beat
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Start our episode off with why Ashley isn’t right for Tim. Hit the ground running and the reasons are plentiful. First off Tim doesn’t even think to make Ashley anything. This is all for Kojo. Which I friggin love btw. The animal lover in me adores how spoiled Kojo is. Also imma need some more of this pup in S6. You hear me writers? I need this dog back. Ashley says she’s not a breakfast person but still the least romantic morning ever. They are very early in their dating period and its pretty tame. The way he moves around her. No intimacy at all. Avoiding her as he makes his way over to Kojo’s bowl.
Shows more affection towards his dog than her haha It’s the complete opposite of Tim and Lucy in 5x20. Where there is zero space, lots of touching, flirting and food to be had. Can't keep their hands off each other. The blahness that is Ashley is prominent in this opening scene. Also her judgy tone when she mentions that’s what he gets? If I was dating a man who took that good of care of his dog? I would be a goner. But this is Ashley so….
She is far too vapid for Tim. I looked up the definition of that word to reinforce my point. “Offering nothing that is stimulating or challenging.” If that isn’t the definition of their relationship and her as a character idk what is. Tim has found the very opposite from Lucy in Ashley. She is blah, doesn’t challenge him in any way and definitely doesn’t stimulate him whatsoever. All things he gets from Lucy. Interesting...Almost like he shouldn't be dating her....
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She continues down her ‘Why she is wrong for Tim path' When she is afraid/doesn’t like Kojo. I already didn’t like her but this didn’t help her case. If I was dating someone and they didn’t like my dog?Goodbye sir. Twas fun while it lasted LOL Maybe it’s the protective dog person in me but I can not stand her first thought being ‘dangerous’ with Kojo. Just because he didn’t like her at first. Tim telling her he took him in cause Lucy couldn’t keep him.
He tries to help her adjust to him but she isn't about it. Just wants to leave. To me if my dog doesn’t like you that is far more telling than anything else IMO. Dogs have a good sense of people so this would’ve been telling to me as a dog owner. Ashley was already on my 'I don’t like you list.' But the not liking Kojo part plummets her to the very bottom…Also watching Tim with Kojo is ovary explosion for me. Way he pets him and loves on him. My heart. That's his kid.
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We join our couple in their shop. Lucy asks how it’s going with Ashley? Tim says good but there was some weirdness this morning. Tim mentions he thinks she doesn’t like Kojo. Lucy’s reaction cracks me up. She could not be more telling when she says 'So you broke up with her? Thats too bad….I liked her…’ 'Lying liar. You know she was hoping he did. We all want that.
The way he loves that dog it actually would make sense. To Lucy as well her not liking Kojo is another strike against her anyways. It’s a valid response to anyone who is a pet owner really. Unfortunately we are stuck with her for a long while. Bleh. My dislike for her is very strong. Because she is everything he doesn’t need or want.
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Tim says since when? Knowing she has never liked her. That Lucy had been giving him crap cause she’s a lifeguard ha I mean I can't say I blame her. I would too. Her sarcasm continuing with her reply. Fairly certain none of us considered it a career until Ashley came into the picture. Tim defends the training she had to go through. That it was rigorous training at the fire academy. Trying to make her job sound more prestigious than it is in just the name alone. Lucy doesn’t press it further and says my bad with a smile even though I think she is still secretly judging her LOL
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Lucy has such a dog-mom moment here. I love it so very much. As she states his full name above LOL I bet you she has supplied that boy with many chew toys he’s destroyed. Makes me happy to think of Lucy going over to Tim's just to deliver treats and toys for their shared fur-child. Seriously going to need some couple moments with him in S6. It's a crime we haven't gotten them yet.
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Lucy's transparency continues when she tells Tim 'Clearly Ashley has to go.' If only it was that easy. Saying it’s a moot point if she doesn’t like Kojo. Now anyone can see she isn’t right for him. The person who knows him the best? Can see it from a mile away the multiple reasons Ashley isn’t right for Tim. So might as well cut this off right now in her opinion. The look they share haha Even when talking about his relationship they are flirty af. So married in their disposition with one another. I love it. Also he's not really disagreeing with her...
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Lucy ends up getting a phone call and it’s Ashley… She is confused but intrigued by this phone call. Idk how the hell she got her number. LOL Now you know Lucy is in love with Tim when she gives such solid advice to Ashley. It’s the way she talks about Kojo being like Tim. Girl is so gone for him. Something she continually tries to suppress this entire season. Like she is warding it off really.
Ashley tells her she likes Tim but she’s scared of his dog. Asking why she gave him away? Asking if he was too aggressive? Ugh I hate her animal ignorance so much. Maybe it’s because been I've been in dog world for over a decade but I cannot stand her going right to ‘aggressive.’ Lucy defends her boy says 'No! Not at all. He just wasn’t meant for her living situation.'
Lucy asks if she doesn’t like dogs? Secretly hoping she says yes heh Ashley tells she had a bad experience once. Lucy empathizes and says she gets it. Goes on to say Kojo is the sweetest guy. It’s here we see her switch over to gushing about Tim. It’s the way she’s looking at Tim in Grey’s office that gets me. As she explains how Kojo is just like Tim. Careful Lucy your feelings are showing.
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He’s big, gruff, and a whole lot of bark but underneath is a sweetheart. I mean Tim is for HER. Let’s get that clear first. Tim is only soft for Lucy. I adore her helping out in this situation though. She didn't have to but it's Lucy. If Ashley could see how she was looking at Tim. She might feel a little threatened. Not only that but her deep knowledge of Tim. Might catch on she’s just the littlest bit in love with him lol But then 4x12 happens later on so.... How she didn’t break up with Tim after that display idk. So maybe she wouldn’t put 2 and 2 together.
I'm giving her too much credit haha Lucy speaks from a place of love about him. She probably has no idea how she is coming off but it's so obvious. Clearly not talking about Kojo in that tone. She loves that good boy but loves his owner more. Lucy tells her to talk to Tim about it. Ashley replies no that she’s not going to make him pick between her or his dog. That there is a whole genre of country songs about that. Before Lucy can defend Tim more or why she should Ashley cuts the convo off and says good night. Awkward…
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It’s then we meet friggin Chris Sanford. *glares* The epitome of meh. Earlier in the ep they arrested young boy dealing drugs. He is one of James’s newest mentees. Lucy being the empathetic soul she is cites him out on a lower charge. That way he gets a fighting chance with James to turn his life around. Just has to attend his court date and such. Very kind thing of her to do for this young man.
He comes in like a mega douche. Instant dislike for his character for how he comes at Lucy. Trying to shame her for citing him out like she did. Calling her naive and basically being an absolute asshat. Lucy CRUSHES him in her reply above. I dislike Chris so very much so this was glorious to watch. Tim Bradford doesn’t stand a chance most days against her. You think your puny ass with 4 months of experience had a chance of winning that argument? What a putz…
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Lucy catches Tim in the parking garage before he leaves. Ah this glorious place where all our wonderful moments occur. Lucy tells him it was Ashley who called her earlier. Gotta love how open she is with Tim always. As usual Lucy is toeing the line of personal boundaries with him. Possibly overstepping by bringing this up. But that’s kind of their thing.
Also like to note how telling it is that Ashley felt more comfortable coming to Lucy and not her BF about this. That she didn’t think he would listen to her but Lucy would. Because well she did. Lucy does get the other side of the story with Kojo. That is not a dislike but bad experience on her end. Which to be fair is valid when you’ve had a bad experience with a dog. Now that being said I still dislike so very much.
What I’m trying to get at here is Lucy interpreted this as Tim not fulling listening to Ashley’s concern. It’s not surprising Tim gets a little hard headed about things. Especially things he loves. So he’s instantly defensive about said things. I’m the same way. Lucy knows this about him. Which is why they’re having this conversation. So she can bring his attention to it in way only she can. Because Tim actually listens to Lucy. This scene really is more about their bond than his issue with Ashley. How Lucy is the only one who can ever get through to Tim. Her super power really.
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He doesn’t listen to anyone the way he listens to Lucy. Especially when she is doling out advice for him. This is a kindness she is doing for him. Letting him know one his GF called her and two the reason behind it. That she is scared and he needs to listen to her about it. Tim shrugs it off like it’s nothing. Which you can see Lucy is a little taken aback with. How instantly shut off he is to this conversation. But like i said earlier he is defensive about things he loves. He LOVES that dog.
This is their dance with advice he is defensive or dismissive at first. Then it sinks in and he truly listens to what she is telling him. She may not like Ashley. (None of us do..) But she would be remiss not to share her opinion on this with him. Tim instead of thanking her for the advice deflects. Because well Tim. Asking why she is so invested in his love life? Asking with a little smile some sass in that question of his. Also gauging what her reaction will be. He is truly curious.
It is interesting how his love life is the only one she intercedes in. Not Nolan or any of his. She didn’t with Jackson for either of his love interests. Just Tim. Because that shows the level of importance this man has gained in her life. Saw some parallels to this moment and 2x03. When she was trying to pair Tim up with Rachel. How Lucy once again is involved in his love life. It’s true that she just wants him to be happy.
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Also Tim’s interest in why she is interested in his love life is far different than 2x03. He didn’t question it then. Just thought it was apart of their bet. In S4 he is a lot more aware. Like I said in the last review their bond and their awareness of each other is far stronger than it was in S2. He is so genuinely curious why she is so invested in it?
They’ve had a lot of intimate moments and work flirts since 4x01. Tim can feel the shift that has happened between them. So it makes him curious why she is helping him like she is? Lucy does some deflecting of her own for his question. Saying she doesn’t want to drive around on patrol while he is moping around about this girl. He is so offended by her saying this it's so funny. That if he likes this girl he should listen to her. It’s funny all the things she’s telling him to do with Ashley he naturally does with her. Funny old world lol
Tim’s reply back cracks me up. Saying when has he ever moped? That he doesn’t even know how to. Oh but you do my love. You perfect it in S5. While you pine for her while she is still with Chris the putz. But ok sure you don’t know how. His eye roll is so damn funny Eric always crushes it when he does this. Her little Mmhmm as she walks away smirking. Has this man wrapped around her finger. She drives him insane and Tim absolutely loves it.
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Tim follows through on Lucy’s advice and listens to Ashley’s fears. Really Lucy extended this relationship when it was destined to fail. But she cares so much about Tim and his happiness she gave him solid advice. This bit made me chuckle. Saying Kojo needs to be bossed around a little to listen. heh. Just like daddy. There's a reason he only listen's to Lucy.
Kojo being just like Tim of course he needs a strong woman to boss him around to listen. I wouldn't call Ashley strong but she got the idea. I mean that scene in the parking garage kinda a parallel to this one in that regard. Doesn’t listen at first then eventually comes around when they're bossed around ha. Not a ton in this ep for them. Solid moments nonetheless. Sadly we are saddled with a Chris and Ashley for a little while. But we get tons of goodies between all that so it helps.
Side notes- non Chenford
I do love James and Wes starting up their bromance. They cute.
Thank you to all who continually support these reviews. Your likes, comments and reblogs make it all worth it. See you Wednesday with 4x11 :)
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mspandorasart · 4 months
Thoughts about Undertale Yellow
Greetings, I just returned from binging through Undertale Yellow, True Pacifist Route specifically, and am seeking a place to let out some thoughts (and steam). It's the first time I'm doing this type of "review" on my blog, but since my thoughts on it are quite strong, I thought, "hey, why the heck not"? Spoilers for the game and its ending ahead, fellas. Buckle up.
First off, let me begin by stating that, for the most part, I had a blast playing through it. The music is amazing, the boss themes real bangers, the environmental ones great as well. My favorite track was the OST that played in the Dunes: a really catchy western vibe with Flowey's theme in it as well, an earworm that filled me with Determination while running through the sandy fields. Then we have a beautiful pixel art style, gorgeous sceneries, great gameplay with challenging and fun boss fights (side note: although I couldn't fully appreciate Ceroba's fight since it had a couple pretty much unavoidable attacks. Or is it just skill issue on my part? Anyway, that part annoyed me more than it should have. Moving on, lmao.)
Furthermore, the game also has charming characters! They are the ones that kept me going and really ignited my interest. Not gonna lie, it took me until the town in the Dunes to become really invested in the game. Martlet is charming and cute, sure, but North Star and his gang, no, that guy specifically sold it for me. Charismatic, funny, very expressive sprites (well, all facial sprites are quite colorful, but it took me until North Star to appreciate/notice just how many there are for each character) and an interesting internal conflict with wanting to entertain others so they forget about the pain of being stuck underground, but at the same time being so absorbed in his persona that he temporarily acts like a douche towards his pals and forgets who he truly is. He also features my favorite joke in the game when he proudly proposes to the salesman that "he wants to buy a gun for the child". Freaking hilarious, love him, huehehue.
Story-wise, I was pleasantly surprised and taken aback by the dark twists of Ceroba and her husband Chujin. And I appreciated how the flashbacks got intigrated within her final boss fight. I don't know about you, but my biggest motivation to play RPGs are not just the gameplay, it's mainly the characters and the story. If the gameplay is amazing but the characters/plot boring, then I lose interest quickly. To me, the real rewards of a tough battle are story progression and seeing just what the characters will do next. Therefore, I greatly enjoyed the breaks between Ceroba's phases in which we saw parts of her backstory. They even made me cry!
...Although, to be honest, I don't exactly understand why we had that insight into her mind in the first place. Why did we survive so many hits to the point of 0.00001 HP? Where's that coming from all of a sudden? Why did time stop at some point like Za Warudo? Maybe that random plot armor (that happened the first time and never again) is explained in another route, but anyway, moving on-
This review-style blog entry only exists because of the True Pacifist ending. I'll be blunt, I hate it. Why?
So it ends with Clover sacrificing their soul for the monsters so they can eventually break free. Which is fine on its own. Clover is for the most part a blank slate of a character, only driven by their desire to seek the lost humans, that's basically it. Maybe it would have made a bit more sense for Clover to see an actual physical proof of their demise before they give up on them completely, but eh. I'm also wondering whether they are really okay with potentially another, possibly innocent human falling down sometime in the future only to get killed by the monsters. But oh well.
(You know, now that I think about it, I actually am a bit salty about Clover's decision to sacrifice themselves, lmao. Would've been kinda cool if it was up to the player, have another ending split.)
Anyways, the issue I'm having is how our cast of supporting characters, Martlet, North Star aka Starlo and Ceroba react to Clover's decision. They are shocked first, but... agree surprisingly quickly?? What?? Excuse me, the entire hassle we went through to get to this point was to stop Ceroba from taking Clover's soul. Now with Clover volunteering to sacrifice themselves, the gang is cool with it??
Of course they don't agree immediately, but are easily swayed within a few arguments back and forth. Man, what friends you are, guys. The reason I'm having this pet peeve in the first place is because we as the human, who has known these guys for just a day, did a lot for them, alright? They all tried to kill us at one point, but we took the beating, the hard battles, forgave them and were there for them during their internal conflicts. We were a pretty decent friend, if I may say so.
Especially with Ceroba! We did a lot to change her mind and path of self-destruction! Yet our so-called friends don't put in the same amount of effort when it comes to convincing us otherwise- or heck, use force if you must- get Clover away from there, lmao. Wouldn't it have been an interesting act of redemption on Ceroba's part, by the way, if she tried to stop us? Being touched by our mercy and refusal to give up on her, she does the same for us?
I suppose the reason I am so baffled by all this is because of Clover being a blank slate, the player character really felt like me, like I was going through the journey and not like I was controlling another character. It felt like my decision to spare them all, to talk to them and wanting to get to know them better. So the group of characters I have really grown to like giving up on me within about a minute of back-and-forth just felt... wow. Thanks, guys.
If I compare it to Undertale's True Pacifist in which every important supporting character gathers up after the confrontation with Asgore, all agreeing with the decision of me, the player, staying in the Underground with them, then oh boy, it really stings. Just would've been a cool, wholesome sign of friendship if Martlet, Starlo and Ceroba decided that "nah, even for the surface, we won't give up on Clover". By the way, in this game, we don't even really get to see why the monsters want to return to the surface so badly. They keep saying they want to, but what are the reasons exactly? More freedom, I suppose. Yet by expanding the Underground with the Dunes, the Mines, the Factory, and some of Snowdin, the Ruins and New Home, their habitat seemed so much larger than in the OG game- What I wanna say is, their desperation should've been shown way more instead of told, so the player can understand the monsters' aspiration better.
The thing is, it's a shockingly easy issue to fix if you really want "the canon ending" with Clover ending up dead and their soul taken: have Clover still have their moment of doubt and realization, remembering what the monsters told them throughout their journey. Then they go to Asgore with their gang, hoping to convince him. It doesn't work out, so Asgore starts a fight. During the battle, Clover realizes it's useless to fight back, it's better to have their soul taken for the monsters, so they allow Asgore to kill them. Their friends are not powerful enough to stop him. There ya have it.
Siiiiigh. Is it just me, being annoyed by that ending? As a whole, the finale felt a little... rushed? Was New Home always meant to be so empty? Is it to build up atmosphere? Yet there were two silly NPCs in the first screen of New Home, making me assume that maybe, there was another plan originally? (If it has been stated in a devlog or any other comment by the creators, then I apologize, I haven't read those fully.)
Anyways, if I didn't care about the game, this rant wouldn't even exist in the first place. I was really invested in the game until the ending just left me... kinda sad, not gonna lie. It will take me a while to process it all.
If you got this far, then thanks for reading. Am I the only one feeling this miffed about the ending? I might go back and edit this post if I find out there are things to be corrected. Buuuut as of now, happy holidays!
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fogsblue · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
thanks to the wonderful and lovely and hard working @little-box-of-wonders and @crackinglamb (sorry its taken so long)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
82! didn't realise it was that many.
2. What's your total A03 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently just Horizon (HFW mostly)
Previously Doctor Who and briefly Stargate, Arrow and one crossover with Firefly.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Chase the Dark - Doctor Who (Ten/Rose) (E) - 1,146
How to Control Your Time Lords - DW (Ten/Rose/Master) (E) - 452
Chase the Dark: Epilogue - DW (Ten/Rose) (G) - 346
Still Cute - Arrow (Felicity/Sara) (T) - 267
Metacrisis Jack - DW (Ten/Rose/TenToo/Jack) (E) - 266
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
yes, because if someone read my fic and took the time to leave a comment, even if it's just a 🧡 I want them to know I appreciate it!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
hahahahahaha... No.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I mean, I always do happy endings (yeah, both types 😏) but... maybe Secrets of the Forest?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
On the fics themselves, no. I did have some vague blogging about a few of my fics years back in the Doctor Who days...
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, lots of smutty. frequently fluffy, oneshots, though it's also common in my very rare longer fics too.
It's mostly F/M but as seen above, sometimes it's ot3 or more
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I've only written one crossover, which was Doctor Who and Firefly, as a gift. more likely to write an AU.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't know of any being stolen, but admittedly don't look past ao3 really
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
not that I'm aware of
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
nope, but it sounds like it could be a fun challenge!
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
oh see now this is tricky... at this point in time, I'd say Aloy/Kotallo!
not sure I have an all time favourite? I've only got like... 4? that have lasted and while I don't engage with the older ones right now, I still love them, but... eh, who knows!
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I don't really have any wips ... oh maybe one? but I don't really have any interest in finishing it
16. What are your writing strengths?
hmmm, fluff? is that a strength? I do like taking slightly ridiculous ideas and trying ground them so they feel possible, and I *think* I do ok with that?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I get caught up on little details sometimes, and make them an issue, and definitely no good on flow-y writing... hopefully it's still enjoyable though!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
if it makes sense for the story and there are translations included, I think it's fine. not something I'll do, as someone who never learnt another language.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Doctor Who, the Doctor and Rose caught be by surprise and I fell into the fandom and fic and then eventually tried my hand and writing my own...
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
seeeeeeee, this is hard too...
Secrets of the Forest (Horizon, Aloy/Kotallo (E)) has such a special place in my heart, I had so much fun with the world and their story and it's a smutty fairytale in a lot of ways and I'm happy with how it turned out 🐂
but also...
Kotallo versus the Goose (Horizon, Aloy/Kotallo (E)) was such a crazy idea, but I wanted absolutely ridiculous and very sweet and I think I achieved that... HONK! 🦢
tagging, only if you want to, @nyxianthe @mrscullensrutherford @poppypopp @every-raindrop77 @wafflesrock16 aaand @pikapeppa 🎉
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swiftscion · 9 months
TOA anniversary munday!
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing!
Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together.
tagging: you. yes, you.
Name: Orokara
Pronouns: he/they
Birthday (no year): February 3
Where are you from? What is your time zone? Canada; EST
Roleplay experience: I have no idea but probably something like 7 or 8 years at this point
Got any pets? Just a few fish, if you can count those
Favorite time of year: Spring! It feels really nice when the days start to get longer
Some interests and things you like: Mythology, music and playlist making, reading, animanga, cooking, random video essays, biology
Some fun facts & trivia about you: I used to moderate a few roleplay groups and a Pixelmon server myself, though those interests all died. I share a birthday with Hilda Goneril. I have an awful habit of starting things and then never finishing them. I like wearing bracelets and golf clothing. I crack my neck like all the time.
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? Currently, Honkai: Star Rail, League of Legends, and Flight Rising. I'm also a big fan of the Pokemon series (and fan games), Project Moon games, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, Ultrakill, and Omori. Currently looking for people to play Stardew Valley with me ehe
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: Ghost and Grass. I used to be a grass-type gym leader on the Pixelmon server i helped run, and Appletun was my ace. Did you know that due to its ability thick fat and partial dragon typing, it actually resists fire moves? Many of my challengers didn't ;) my other faves are Hisiuan Zoroark, and Altaria!
How did you get into Fire Emblem? I liked Ike from Smash Brothers Brawl and on a whim decided to play Path of Radiance one day. It was one of my first emulator experiences. I let Rhys and Soren die on the first map they were available and never reset for them. It was bad.
What Fire Emblem games have you played? All mainlines at least once, plus feh
First Fire Emblem game: Path of Radiance!
Favorite Fire Emblem game: Blazing Blade, Binding Blade, and Genealogy in no particular order
Any Fire Emblem crushes? Kagetsu, Shannan, DIECK, Tibarn, Gerik, Selena/Severa
If you’ve played the following games, who was your first S support? Awakening - I don't remember but most recent is Chrom. Fates - Selena. Three Houses - Marianne. Engage - Mauvier
Favorite Fire Emblem class: Swordmaster but I use early game pegasus knights and thieves religiously. Dodgetanking is my favorite thing ever
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class? Navarre archetype myrmidon
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? Fear the Deer baby!
If you were an Engage character, which Emblem would you Engage with? Emblem Ike so I can run into an entire pack of enemies and slap the great aether button
How did you find TOA? Got invited after i was struggling as like. the only fe4 fan in a discord group that mostly wrote modern fe titles
Current TOA muses: Larcei, Owain, Sain
Who was your first TOA muse? If you don’t have them anymore, could you see yourself picking them up again? Larcei! Though she has come and gone
Have you had any other TOA muses? Ough I might not remember them all but I think the list is: Lewyn, Elm, Sirius, L'Arachel, Ryoma, Idunn
Do you think you have a type of character you gravitate towards? This might sound crazy considering my muselist but edgy swordsmen... I think people who grapple with feelings of revenge, hatred, and guilt are so interesting to delve into the psychology of. Lif is probably my all-time fave, if that says anything about me
What do you believe you enjoy writing the most? Slow and steady character growth. I like it so much when my muses become long-term friends with other ones. Owain and Julius, Larcei and Edward, Sain and Caeda, etc etc. Gaining a new reason to wake up in the morning and all the implications of that is always a joy to hash out over the course over multiple posts
Favorite TOA-related memory: The time Sirius and Est kept being forced to attack eachother by an arena boss, but whiffed all their rolls. Darcy and I wrote it with this little tongue-and-cheek bit where they kept saying "now isn't the time for sparring" before misdirecting yet another attack and writing Sirius' feelings regarding her, his past in Archanea, and the present state of that arena was real fun. Shoutout to N's Leif for the incredible setting of a really dark cave, too!
How do you pronounce TOA?: Sometimes I pronounce each letter individually and sometimes I say "towah". I am mad inconsistent sorry
Got any delusions that didn’t see the light of day in TOA that you’d like to share? Fuck it have my whole delusion list: Rutger, Fergus, Lif, The Vaike, Lewyn (again), Osian, Melady, Orson, Zihark, Louis, Kagetsu, Libra, Lon'qu
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Chef Lonk
Co-authored by @newtsnaturethings who always has top-tier headcanons.
Part 3 of Adventures in Invertebrates. For Linktober Day 1: Bird (but my silly "Lonktober" entry). Rated teen for a little bit of suggestion.
Zelda loved listening to Link cook.
With the sweet, warm spring weather, he'd taken to using the cookpot outside more often than not.   Then he'd built a firepit.  Then he’d surprised Zelda with a sudden desire to visit Goron City for a few days (“It’ll be fun!  The Gorons love the warmer weather!” “Link, for goodness’ sake—it’s hot up there even in the depths of winter.” “Come onnn. Yunobo’d love to see you."  “Yunobo is terribly intimidated by me.” “Eh, he’s intimidated by everyone.”  “You don’t seem to frighten him.”  “True.  Huh.  That’s weird.”  “It’s not weird at all, Link.  You have a way with people.”  “Maybe he just thinks I have mind powers.”  “I doubt it.”  “Ooh.  Maybe he feels bad for me because he thinks I think I have mind powers.”  “…That… seems more likely, now you say it.”  “Great!  When do we leave?”  “Link, I’m in the middle of documenting the life cycle of these irksome ricemeal moths-“  “Yeah, I know.  Jerks.  Quit eating our stuff!  Hey, do slugs eat moths?”  “They don’t hunt.”  “Aw.  Oh—maybe we shouldn’t go.”  “That was sudden.”  “Our slugs’ll be having slug babies soon, won’t they?  They need us!” “Heh.  Link, they’ll be fine for a few days in their terrarium.  They need plenty of water and food available.  The moss will help retain the moisture.”  “Cool.  So, we can go, then!”  “Ah- oh…”).
Their visit to Goron City had been sweltering indeed despite their copious supply of fireproof elixirs.  Link had acquainted Zelda with the Goron hot springs (which she enjoyed thoroughly as long as Link joined her or she found an interesting species or phenomenon to observe while soaking), but he also made frequent, secretive visits to Rohan’s smithy.  Zelda chose not to tail him—if he wished to be private about it, she wouldn’t pry—but she did take to wondering whether he’d hired Rohan to make some manner of gift for her.  She’d imagined a hefty pair of iron boots with which to sink deep in a lake to make observations—she’d need some manner of helmet and air supply, of course, but she would rise to the challenge if such boots appeared.
While she hadn’t been entirely correct, she’d been nearer the mark than she tended to be with Link’s whimsies.
On the third and final day of their visit, Link emerged from Rohan’s shop carrying what appeared to be a miniature set of prison bars in cast iron.
“Check it out, Zelda!!” Link shouted across the molten rivers between them.
She’d been confused.
Then they’d come home, and while Zelda refreshed all their animals’ bedding, food, and water supplies, Link had added two tall brick-and-mortar walls to his firepit, seasoned his cast-iron bars with cooking oil, and placed them directly over his fire.
“Ya-ha-ha!” he’d laughed (to catch her attention, of course), and made rather a show of gathering a smattering of fresh, early spring vegetables from their garden to cook on his new apparatus.  He’d even taken some of Zelda’s precious tall-stalk-lettuce leaves from the atrium add-on (which wasn’t a greenhouse exactly but had given some plants a good indoor start) and thrown them on the hot metal.
Zelda had been dubious at first.  Surely the leaves would burn.
She ought to have had more faith in Link and his devotion to delicious cooking.  Those lettuce leaves, lightly caramelized with just a hint of oil and salt, had become one of her favorite foods.
He now tended his grill in the late afternoon just as she tended to her plants, animals, and studies of all kinds in the atrium, its doors thrown open wide to the soft spring air and Link’s soft voice.
“Hup.  Hmm hm hmmm hm hm hmmm... doo dudoodoo..."
Zelda giggled as quietly as possible.  The show tended to take an amusing turn if Link’s personal sense of privacy remained in place a bit longer.
“Dahdumdum.  Dunkalunk.  Dripalip.  Hurry up.  Uuugh, the waiting!  Worth it, though.”
Link’s vocalization of the dredging process found Zelda’s pen-tip unable to move.  She’d never be able to write neatly while shaking so.  She bit her lower lip.
“Hmm hmmm hm hmmMMmmmyes!  Flour and seasonings for you, pigeon breast.  You’re going to be so good.  Don’t give me that look.”
Zelda clamped her snort down hard.
Surely he wasn’t speaking to the meat.
“It’s not like he wasn’t already dead.  Next.  Dunkalunk, dripalip.  Dah dahhhhh.”  Link cleared his throat.  The sound of the meat hitting the flour mixture followed.  “Look, I know what I’m doing, okay?  This isn’t just for show.”
Zelda profoundly hoped he was speaking to some other creature out there with him.
“Dunkaluuuuuunk,” he sang in a surprisingly good operatic tenor.  “Maybe I’m chef dunkalunk.  Dinkalink- hey, that’s my name!  Sounds stupid, though. Donkalonk.  Hahahahh, Lonk, ahhhh hahahahahaha!“
He kept laughing as the third cut of meat hit the platter.
“I am SO glad that’s not my name.  Lunk’s bad, but LONK?  That’s… that’s….”
The sounds of Link’s laugh-wheezes accompanied his next dunking round.  Zelda attempted to note the status of her third group of moth larvae.
“Hollo, O om Lonk.  Oh my Goddess,” he sniggered.
Zelda stilled her pen with the realization she’d just spelled ‘specimen’ ‘specimon.’
“Lonk, the Horo of Horole!  DONK.”
Zelda put her pen on the rugged table and took both her lips deep into her mouth, pressing them together with her teeth.  Presumably ‘dunk’ had become ‘donk.’
“Yeah, that sounds more like it.  I am the horo.  I’m not heroic, I’m horoic.  Too bad that doesn’t sound like much of anything.  Ho!  Hore roic OH no! No.  That sounds awful.  Roe?  Ick!  …This just keeps getting worse, doesn’t it?  What’s the matter with you, Link?  No ‘o’-based puns in your brain-pocket today?”  Dredging sounds sped along with his speech.  “Too bad we named our slug buddies already.  Donk and Lonk would’ve been fun.  Eh, but I couldn’t be Lonk, then.  No, I definitely want that one for me.  I Lonk when I DUMB.  Or just when I feel like it.  Or when Aster gets sick of the Bolson Construction dance. I can make up a ridiculous Lonk one for her or something.  The kids’ll get a kick out of that.”
Zelda slid from her tall stool (which Link had carved for her) and placed a card in her journal to hold her place.  A violent hiss announced the rapid onset of dinnertime, and Zelda’s stomach gave a rumble—Link apparently couldn’t hear it over the sizzling.  She took a half-step toward joining him outside-
“Oh, chef Lonk donnnnks the food-“
-and stopped dead, cheeks and lips bitten for good measure against Link’s impromptu songwriting.
“Chef Lonk lonnnnks for donnnnnnked foooooood-“
She would not allow a burst of laughter to interrupt him.
“Birdie, birdie, breaded, burny-“
Nor would she snort.
“Well.  Hopefully not burny.  Uh.  Lonk loves eating youuuuuuuuuuuuuu.  That was bad.  Really bad.  Worse than normal.  0-for- uhhhh.  How many puns did I try?  Crap.  I’m too hungry to think with anything other than my eating-parts.  Or… it could be your beady little eyes on me.  Or the fact that Zelda’s obviously not listening because she hasn’t laughed or told me my new name is even stupider than I am.”
“I would never say such a thing!” she said.
“Ah-ha!”  Link’s head appeared sideways in the doorway.
She huffed a laugh.  “You sound as though you’d been searching for me.”
“Only searching for your attention.”  His eyes glittered.  Somehow, his sideways smile did, too.
“You always have my attention.”
“Uhhh-huh.  Even when you’re measuring how long all those squirmy little larvae are?”
“That’s delicate work.”
“Kind of my point.”
“Well, I become engrossed, certainly… but you needn’t perform for my benefit.”
“Oh?  What else could I do?”
“…You could… keep me company.”
“I do that a lot.”
“You could keep me company more intimately.”
“Oh, I see,” he said with a sage nod. “…Hang on.”  He disappeared.  No new hissing commenced—she presumed the pigeon need not be turned just yet.
Link and his sparkling smile reappeared in the doorway, his hands busy scrubbing themselves with a towel.  “So,” he said, “how intimately are we talking?”
“How intimately can we get away with considering you’ve pigeon on your grill?”
He took half a step over the threshold with just a bit more lopsidedness in that smile of his, stopping for a moment to hang the towel on a hook outside the door.
Then he took another half-step over the threshold and stopped.
Zelda leaned a hand on the high countertop and tried not to pout or appear too confused as Link eyed his left sleeve.  He held his other hand gingerly to it, barely touching, and it took Zelda a moment to spy the tiny creature wiggling its way onto his middle finger.  Once it had freed itself from Link’s shirt, he swept his hand toward the table and encouraged the spotted caterpillar to investigate that, instead.
His task complete, his eyes found her again—and his face split into a huge grin.
“Wow.  That’s—I don’t know what face that is.”
“Come here and find out,” she said, her very royal nose up in the very air.
He did.  Quickly.
She gasped as his hands found her hips, as he slid one across her belly as he slipped behind her.  She covered that hand with her own, and he kissed the nape of her neck.
“Is it a sad face?” he asked with his lips against her skin.
She wound her other hand through his hair to scratch his scalp.  “Why would I be sad?”
Link’s laugh-hum entered her skin through his lips, and she shivered.  “I don’t know, but you had a little pout going on there, and your eyebrows were way in and down.”  He kissed her neck this time.
Zelda’s back arched involuntarily, and Link pulled her tighter against him, planting tiny, connect-the-dot-kisses up her neck, along her jaw, to her mouth, and she turned her head to meet his lips with hers.  They kissed, gentle and warm, his front to her back, their hands anchoring them to each other.  Zelda’s heart thumped and her blood roared in her ears as it always did when he touched her like this—every single time—and when she felt too breathless, she melted against him, her neck arched back, her head resting on his shoulder.
“Was that more intimate?” Link asked, his voice roughened.
She swallowed, her eyelids heavy.  “More?  Yes.  Enough?  No.”
A deep dimple appeared along with his smile as he ran his nose along her cheek, hissing-
Link’s eyes blinked wide open.  “AH!” he yelled, sliding his arms from her and bounding outside despite Zelda’s (rather uncharacteristic) ‘meep’ of protest.  The sounds of rapidly rotating meat followed.
“Oh dear,” Zelda muttered as she strode to peer outside, but the sight of Link’s face—totally focused, as if hunting gold bokoblins (as opposed to flipping bird chunks coated in egg, flour, and whatever seasonings had generated the sublime, earthy-sweet aroma)—set her laughing with quiet relief.  His poise meant their dinner had, in fact, been rescued, but the resolution in his gaze, in the set of his jaw, directed at a problem such as this—and not of war, of loss, of Calamity—warranted a celebration entirely its own: that he could feel such freedom to devote himself to pursuits so removed from their violent past.
The past.
Zelda didn’t want her smile to fade.  He’d notice—he always did.  He’d attuned himself to her.  Even without seeing, he always knew.  Something in the air must change—something in the depth of her silence.
Grease spattered from a pigeon thigh and scattered tiny stains on the lower half of Link’s shirt.  He didn’t seem to notice, but Zelda knew a project when she saw one.
An apron: that’s what he needed.
She would make him one—embroidered, of course, perhaps with a likeness of his imaginative cooking apparatus.  In war, she’d emblazoned him with the white sword.  In peace, she thought it only fitting his new garment should reflect his new instrument.
Perhaps she could include his name, as well—or an inscription!
Linkadink?  Dinkalink.  That was it.  He’d thought it ridiculous- though not quite as ridiculous as donkalonk.
As though summoned, the tune he’d invented issued as a hum from his throat.
Zelda giggled.
Link smirked with sidelong suspicion, his eyes darting toward her after each vegetable he deposited on hot metal, steam from their moisture obscuring his view of her.  He leaned sideways with pursed lips.
“To what do I owe that look, Sir Knight?” she asked.
“Hmm.  To you giggling when nothing’s funny.”
“Something’s funny.”
“Is it my face?”
“Now you mention it, it is rather amusing in its current state.”
“Wait ‘til you see it full of grilled pigeon.”
“I look forward to it, though I expect your after-dinner faces to be funnier.”
“Funnier?” he said with a scandalized flip of a lettuce-stalk.
She snorted, but her retort disintegrated on her tongue as she salivated.  She did love that grilled lettuce.
“Is it after dinner yet?”  Link asked, his head resting lopsided in the crook of his upturned elbow on Zelda’s worktop.  It wasn’t comfortable, really, but at least it was different from standing and looking over her shoulder or sitting straight-backed on the stool or leaning heavily on the table with an elbow with his cheek on his fist or madly dusting and tidying the rest of the workspace or standing with his neck craned to stare straight up at the ceiling or-
“It’s been after dinner for quite some time,” Zelda finally said as she finished transferring several moth larvae to a separate container.
“I knooooow,” he groaned.  A smile tugged the corners of Zelda’s mouth, and he loved watching that, but if he kept watching that it would be harder to wait.
If he kept waiting much longer, he’d be hungry again, too.
He’d already cleaned and covered the grill, chopped another day’s worth of wood, scoured their dishes, and planned tomorrow’s meals in his head (finalized, really, since he thought about cooking days and days ahead most of the time).  There wasn’t anything left he needed to do.  He could wander off and find something to occupy his time (other than watching Zelda or standing around in her general vicinity), but what if she forgot about him and started a new task while he was gone?
He understood Zelda couldn’t just stop.  She’d started this ricemeal-moth-life-cycle experiment and she’d finish it with his blessing and much cheering —but wow, did he want her to be done for the night.
His half-glazed eyes slid to her open notebook on the countertop.  For lack of anything else (except Zelda) to concentrate on, he began reading her notes.
Bunch of numbers… yesterday’s date.  Bunch of notes on her specimens… oh look at that, they were basically the same length yesterday as they were today but she took an average and it’s just a tiny bit bigger today, cool—oooOOoh and she made a graph!  Graphs were helpful to Link.  He understood those.  Nice, chunky pictures showing when things were what.
Of course, Zelda sometimes went a little Hinox on the labels.  Other scientists probably preferred it that way: super-detailed, the space jam-packed with as much info as her tiniest print could fit.  Link, on the other hand, liked giant letters that said things like BIG and SMALL or TIME and didn’t list it with a bunch of those weird little decimals or those x 10 to-the-somethings.
It’s not that he couldn’t understand those things.  He’d just rather see all the zeroes.
They put things in perspective.
Like how many seconds he’d been staring at the page with his eyes crossed—because there was no way she wrote ‘specimon.’  Zelda never wrote things wrong.
He squeezed his eyes shut tight, then opened them as wide as possible before refocusing.
It still said ‘specimon.’
No way.
It had to be him.
It had to be him, right?
Zelda never made spelling mistakes.
He looked again.
And again.
Then he skimmed the previous page just in case he’d read the other instance of that word wrong the first time.
He hadn’t.  On the other page, she’d written ‘specimen.’
Of course, he could easily be wrong.  Maybe ‘specimon’ was right and ‘specimen’ was just him being a dumbass.  Like a cross between ‘special’ and ‘men.’  But these weren’t men, these were baby-moth-worms.  Special moths?  From specimoths to specimonth to specimon?  Did she think the life cycle was a month long?  Or two months?!  Did this have meaning and he was just too thick to tell?!?!  And once again he’d forgotten he could easily be mistaken and specimon was in fact the correct spelling and specimen was NOT but if so why did she write it that way the first time?!?!?!
Zelda’s confused voice mingled with her wide-eyed stare and snapped him from his spiral toward a spelling-induced existential crisis.  “Um.  Yeah?”
“Are you alright?”
“I’m great!” he said far too brightly, his breath fluttering her notebook’s pages.
“You appear to be horrified by my synthesis of larval growth rates.”
“No!  No, not at all, I…” he stared into her eyes as they flicked between his.  “I just… well… how do you spell ‘specimen?’”
Zelda blinked.  Then she blinked some more, those corners of her mouth raising a hair more with each of her eyelids’ closures.  “Link.  I’d thought you in a panic.”
I kind of was.
“This is about the ‘O’ right here?”
She grinned.  “You have your vocalized vowel-replacements to thank for that.”
“…My….oh!”  Link sat up straight.  “Lonk donnnnks the fooood- that?!”
“I believe it was ‘Chef Lonk donnnnks the fooood,’ correct?”
“Ahhaha, yep—that was it.  I—wait.”  Link eyed the page, his face brightening with each passing instant.  “I distracted you… Princess Zelda… so much… that you spelled something wrong?”
Link made sure his eyes took the slowest, most pointed, most torturous journey he could possibly make it from the journal to Zelda’s face, and the effort proved worth it.  By the time their eyes locked, Zelda’s otherwise composed features had turned a shade a whole lot like Sayge’s beetroot dye.
They burst out laughing at the same instant.
“Mission accomplished!” “Mission?! What mission?!” “The quest for Zelda’s attention!” “You HAVE my attention!”  “Not like THIS I didn’t!” “Of course, you did!”  “Really?!  Can I see the others?” “The other what?”  “The other mistakes!” “Wh- n- there aren’t any!” “Aww.  Yeah, that’s what I thought.”  “Link, my work being correct doesn’t mean I’m not listening-“
“There’s a difference between just hearing me and being totally distracted, Zelda, and today, at that moment, when you were writing that word, that gap was breached!”
“Link, for goodness- it’s simply what you were saying was so absurd-“
“Now I know. Absurd is the way to go.  Got it!”
“Link, you needn’t be ridiculous in order to get my attention.”
A sudden inspiration finds his hands at her waist and lifting her to sit on the countertop, followed by him falling to one knee.  “OhhhhhhhhHHhhhhhhh Chef Lonk LONNNNKS for youuuuuuuuu-”
Zelda’s impact with his chest cut his serenade short, but he couldn’t complain.  He’d been waiting for after-dinner-time, after all.
Six days later, a box appeared atop Link’s (cool) grill.  He pulled the twine, tore the brown paper, and removed a rugged, white fold of fabric which he opened with his customary curiosity.
The apron’s collar, ties, and border boasted bright green lettuce leaves, red tomatoes, and purple wood pigeons in bold embroidery.  A spectacular likeness of his grill and firepit adorned its center along with a few puffs of embroidered smoke, and rising above it, in an exquisite imitation of Hylian cursive wrought in thread, were the words “Chef Lonk.”
He sputtered a laugh before the words fully registered and put the loop over his head, tying it around his midriff with a deft bow.  Still chuckling, he was about to set the box aside in favor of getting his fire going when he saw a folded card in the bottom.  He snatched it up.
O love you, Lonk.
P.S.: I thought perhaps after dinner you could give me a spelling quiz.  You earn points whenever I misspell something.  I earn points whenever I don’t.  I’m uncertain what precisely we earn with these points.  Perhaps you have some ideas?
The tips of Link’s ears got real hot.
He had lots of ideas.
Lots and lots.
He had time.  She’d be in town for the next hour or so, and by then he’d have finished cooking—and he’d have a long, long list of words waiting for her.
“Link, that’s hardly difficult-“
“Still asking it!”
“Hehhh.  S-A-F-F-L- oh!”
“Hehe, nope!”
“Link, you cheated!”
“All part of the game.”
“But you- oh- oh!“
“Wow, a U and two more Os?  That’s not even close!”
“You’re insufferable.”
“That’s a great word—spell that one!”
[Note: This is very silly.]
[Note: I had far too many ideas for Linktober for the same prompts.]
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21 notes · View notes
My Notes on Her pt. 1/???
The subject is a 6'6? 6'7??...
Caucasian?? (I have no idea what her exact nationality is) - Nor her name but everything in its time.
Most of her victims are males. She enjoys it when they challenge her and put up a fight, however, quoting her "but weak, pathetic ones are fun too. You're safe though, not my type." I don't know whether to be relieved, offended, or disappointed.
Technique: brutal and messy. Keen on leaving as many non-lethal cuts/bruises before the finishing blow. Likes to play with her food. Takes her time. In my opinion, she should add more pizzazz to it.
Dunno, pose them in a way?
Throw flowers on the bodies?
Carve her initials???
I am not expecting much but yeah. Her kills have nothing that makes them stand out only that many are men and are extremely brutal. But even that can be confused as gang activ Fight gon
Eh, I have no idea. There aren't even gangs around here and the neighborhood is fairly calm minus the odd stalker here and there haha winkwink
Inhumanly strong and durable, surprisingly quick-footed as well. High pain tolerance. She broke her left hand due to exertion but is still using it. Need to buy more bandages and those wrist thingies for her.
She seems to like challenging games or anything that makes her solve hard riddles or puzzles.
The subject tends to be more talkative when making sarcastic remarks, which is always. Yay...
Apparently graduated from philosophy (red flag) with a minor in psychology (even bigger red flag!)
According to her... Had a good childhood too... odd but not unheard of for her to be like she is.
Unwilling to share more information about her family or her growing up.
Her favorite movie is "Heathers," so one has to wonder if her personality is really her own or... she does tend to act like a J.D. wannabe at times. She even tricked me by using his backstory as her own... fuck me I guess.
Can crack jokes at any occasion which is both hilarious but disturbing at the same time.
Affirms that she is 100% lucid when doing the slaying; "no voices in this head." Which makes it 10 times more terrifying than if she WAS hearing voices telling her to kill. Kind of sad about that, it might have made an interesting plot for a book or movie. Add some crazy Supernatural elements and boom! A blockbuster like all the 5000 others.
Comments that the first time she killed she vomited and had to clean up and move the body far away from that big patch of DNA. Didn't come out of her room for 3 days. I can't prove nor disapprove her claim but knowing her I should take it with a grain of salt. Hasn't given me any reason why she reacted like that. People don't tend to puke their guts out when doing something they like (even if that is gutting someone up.)
First victim was an alcoholic, probably smoked some shady shit too, was known for picking fights and beating his wife, hated by his neighborhood.
"No one would miss him..."
What I found weird was that apparently his spouse was searching for him and crying too...
Kinda glad that was the case for the guy.
Not for the woman but... why would she cry for a guy like that? I will never understand women who stay with those types... or anyone for that fact. If that was my father I would h..., but she finished him off too quickly. A quick stab, no momentum, no signature, no show.
Too bad. Bastard probably deserved more.
I also asked her why him exactly.
She replied, "Easy kill, was constantly drunk, not very smart or strong. No one would make a fuss about him. In fact, everyone seemed relieved when he didn't come back the next day... or the next month. Seemed perfect."
If you ignore the scars, homicidal tendencies and the super human strength along with the extreme apathy she possesses, she looks like a normal chick.
A tall, normal chick.
A tall, muscular and scary, normal chick.
I just saw her painting her nails (where did she even get the polish in the first place...) and watching some cheesy high school drama on TV with almost a hint of interest. She seems to enjoy those a lot I noticed. The messier and dumb, the better.
She's... odd.
Totally different from what I imagined her being like based on the newspaper articles.
I like her.
10 notes · View notes
bangtanintotheroom · 2 years
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Unlikely Proposal
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• Pairing: Rapper!Namjoon x Businesswoman!(F)Reader
• Genre: Non-Idol!AU, Rap Group!AU, Humor, Enemies to Lovers(?)
• Rating: 18+
• Words: 830
• Summary: You’re approached with an interesting offer by the last person you expected it to come from.
• Warnings/themes: Joon is still a dickhead, swearing, wandering eyes, flirting, Y/N is a boss, mentions of choking (not the sexy kind), hookup(?)
• Notes: What a request, the way I screamed 💀 this is a very interesting scenario and it was fun to write out this unlikely couple for a little ‘what if’ drabble! This takes place after night two in Holiday Inn ✨
• Taglist: @parkdatjimin @jimilter @joontied @highly-functioning-mitochondria @swweetnightt @sunshinerainbowsbts @minttangerines @miscelunaaa @sugalaritae @herecomesjoon @sopeorsoaporsoup @cris1984love @kookiecrumb @codeinebelle @ssaboala @sexyuntitl3d @aliimac @i-dont-give-a-fok @kookieswanan @joonbo
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Was this a big, sick joke?
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me, babygirl—”
A tongue slid out and ran over full lips.
“You gonna let me slide into that tight skirt of yours and see what’s hiding underneath?”
You couldn’t believe the sheer audacity of the hulking man standing in front of you right now. The two of you were cussing each other out the prior night and now he was asking to…do God knows what, with you today?
“Am I going to— Have you hit your head?”
“What? What’s the problem?”
“You called me a party pooper!”
“You called me a wet blanket!”
“Okay, and?”
A growl escaped. “You told me to get some fucking ear plugs. And you talked shit about my pantsuit!”
“…oh yeah, I did. Eh, ear plugs work wonders and I guess your pantsuit wasn’t too bad.”
Did your eye just twitch? It must have after the nonsense you just heard coming out of Namjoon’s mouth. All the insults he spouted at you and he had the audacity to ask to hook up with you?
Now, your eyes weren’t blinded to what was in plain view. He was a good-looking man and seemed to take great care of his appearance, judging by the clean-shaven jawline, the neatness of his haircut and the jewelry that didn’t have a speck of dirt on them.
But it was his attitude that brought him to the bottom of the barrel for you.
He was worse than his lanky friend, having little tact with the way he spoke and the nerve to assume that you were going to throw yourself at his feet the second he flashed those dimples at you. Like it would erase all of those nasty things he said.
Your next instinct was to tell him to go suck a fat one and leave but a lightbulb went off.
Maybe you could have a little fun with the meathead…
“Not too bad? That’s all?”
Namjoon poked his tongue into his cheek, dragon eyes traveling from your inquisitive face all the way down to your feet.
“Yeah. I mean, I’m not gonna front, you’re bad as hell—” A smirk. “But that outfit wasn’t doing you justice. This one, however…”
His gaze unmistakably lingered on the curve of your hips, emphasized by the skirt you donned.
“This one is a winner.”
…okay, maybe you felt a little something at the way he said that. Only because of his deep voice. He was still a prick, though.
Your lips curled a mite, folding your arms across your chest.
“I see…but why me? Clearly you’ve got a swarm of women vying for your attention, why go for your uptight neighbor?”
Namjoon hummed to himself, shrugging those broad shoulders of his.
“I like a bit of a challenge sometimes. That, and I’ve been noticing how Hobi’s been looking at you. I wanna see if I can get a taste of you before he tries anything.”
Hoseok? Looking at you in that way? Yeah right. Those looks he gave you the last time were probably just to get your guard down so your noise complaint wouldn’t make its way to the front desk.
“So whaddya say, babygirl?”
Namjoon stepped forward, forcing your neck to crane a bit to look into his cocky face.
“Wanna step into your room and get on a better page this time around?”
Your eyes wandered all over his figure, looking for a tell that said ‘psych, I’d never sleep with your bitchy self’ but you couldn’t spot it.
This guy was dead serious.
You remained silent for a little longer before motioning the taller man to come closer with a crook of your finger. As soon as he leant down, your impassive expression morphed into one of thunder. Balling his shirt into your fists, you tugged him in and hissed in his ear.
“I will never, in a million years, touch your vulgar, womanizing ass. I’m not one of your groupies or fans so don’t try that shit with me, understand?”
You didn’t even give him a chance to respond before pushing him back, eyes still narrowed.
“And you can tell your friend that if he tries to come after me next, I’m choking him out with that stupid chain of his. Goodbye.”
Brushing imaginary lint off your pressed skirt, you spun on your heel and made your way to the elevator, only waiting for a few seconds before the lift arrived. The metal doors shut, leaving the rapper gaping after you still.
Was it foolish of him to attempt that? Yeah, but Kim Namjoon wasn’t a quitter; he didn’t get this far in his career by giving up whenever someone said no. But something about that fire in your eyes as you warned him made him decide to back off.
Huffing, he checked his shirt for wrinkles before heading back to his room.
Forget her. Maybe he should leave her scary ass for Hoseok to deal with…
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©bangtanintotheroom, 2022. Do not repost to other sites or copy without permission.
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frogs-in3-hills · 1 year
so dgs case 3 huh
hmm this was a really good case-- definitely avoiding case3 syndrome, at least. i ended up getting really invested as the trial went on, though i felt the traditional mystery was a little bit lacking. i didn't have as much fun presenting contradictions because, eh, idk it didn't really make me feel smart as a player like in other cases/games. i am noticing a few things about the two new mechanics, pitting jurors against each other and group cross examinations. with them, there isn't as much evidence presenting! hopefully the cases will continue to get more difficult since so far things have been pretty simplistic, i miss having the really complicated trials in other games where you just had pages and pages of evidence and profiles to present. :( hopefully dgs will know when to lay off these features or make them more challenging because i feel that, while they are very cool, they really bring down the difficulty.
anyways that defendant huh... its not the first time we've had a potentially-actually-guilty client but it is the first time we've had an unjust verdict! i think that's super interesting, especially since this is rather early in the story. i'm seeing a pattern of our victories being kind of unsatisfying, with two characters getting off scot-free despite probably being guilty, and one character being extremely sympathetic and evoking a feeling of unfairness despite being the murderer. as i said last post i'm really interested in how that pattern relates to asougi's motivations.
speaking of asougi you know who looks a lot like asougi?? van zeiks. like he has the same face shape, the same weird scar, and also seems to have a sword hilt peeking from under the prosecutor's bench and you KNOW these games know exactly what they're doing with design choices like these and this game is no exception (i see you ryuunosuke doing phoenix poses.......) OH AND why would he come back after five years of prosecuting huh?? maybe to go against a certain visiting lawyer???? also am i looking into it too much or does he look like he could be a von karma ancestor? idk i think it's just the cravat and the weird jacket fastenings. anyways he's cool i like that he is goth ToT. i will be honest he really is not all that scary, i dunno if i really get what his deal is. hes just a guy. kinda serving more klavier vibes than anything, i think he's gonna be more helpful than harmful. i love his politeness that is such a good bit and also a nice character trait that differentiates him from other prosecutors, but the downside is that he doesn't really have the demandingness or presence that i was expecting. his fantastic animations are really doing all the legwork there (OMG HIS LEG) but i don't think it's quiiiiiite enough. i want like 10% more tension with him and i'll be satisfied yknow
i know that was possibly more complaining than usual but i'm still enjoying it, obviously having not finished the game i have no idea how any of these things will turn out, maybe they will make more sense in hindsight.
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itsdelicate · 1 year
aw thats so cute omg and a vv good cause <3
noo i loved music i just never knew what artist to start w lol and there never seemed to be enough time. why thank you for that honour i do really love fearless ajshjbd. omg really? yk what that is so valid. its not my fav but i really love the ironic satire of it all njcvnjf. cardigan is my fav mv!! its so prettyyy and the colours are just so ahhh. willow is a close second. what ab u? YES YES EXACTLY OMG im so desperate for at least a cruel summer mv i dont think there is a single thing bad ab that song. it is SO GOOD!!!! ikr like he was def a catalyst to my swiftie era and i love him for that <3 lmao yea its perfection and i def would not mind 5 more mins of it jndkm.
AWW and LMAOFJEWIF it is so valid to be singing mamma mia all day its so good like the second i hear those opening piano notes i will scream. OMG that is so very iconic tho i love that!!! teachers shouldve been proud u had such good taste so young <3 omg yes do it cause i think the radio overplaying me! made me unable to really appreciate it. like the second ur a bit eh w it, change it to smth elsee
yea it doesss!! oh thats fair but i really could not live without them lol. bUT i do love happy songs too
omg i have not watched most of the mcu movies just like some of the latest ones and i honestly am not into them really. and we're actually gonna watch the avatar movie!! i havent even watched the first one lol. there IS a lot and i dont have the patience or the interest to actually watch ALL of them lmaoo. okay cool cause i really do talk a lot adjomfm
when's ur weekend trip? if its this weekend, have fun!!
xxx ur secret santa
yee i love him so much <3
ahdjf i get that i find it hard to get into new artists cause there’s so much!! and idk how to start!! ahdjfj i think it was her whole look in the mv 🫣 same omg willow is my fav followed by cardigan! i love how they’re connected <3 she literally put drugs in cruel summer istg the first time i heard he looks up grinning like a devil changed me 😮‍💨 do you still go to lessons with him? no you’re so right @/taylor make all ur songs 10 mins long challenge xx
exactly!! i really want to take my mum to see abba voyage next year she loves their songs so valid 😌 ahdjf tbh it took me years till i got a bit older to realise why they were laughing i thought they were laughing at me cause i was bad at singing or something and i was so self conscious about it for years later until it clicked 💀 yeah omg the moment it gets to that point where it’s like “hm not this again” i Have switch it or i’ll never be able to listen to that song ever again lmao
okay tbf i think it depends on the music for me cause if it’s a sad song but still a bop i love it but if it’s sad and slow i’m 🥲
shdjf i don’t think i’m ever going to watch any of them honestly 😭 oooh did you like avatar? i never saw the first one either LOL
oh it was last weekend when i got the tat!! but it was lovely thank you 🥰 any weekend plans for you? it’s the 25th tomorrow god december’s flown by!
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Dbd Asks | Accepting
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2. Favourite chapter?
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So I've been playing dbd since a tiny bit before blight or a tiny bit after I can't remember, so I'm going to split it up into favorite chapter I've been at the release for and favorite chapter in general.
Favorite chapter release was probably Hellraiser, because I love the franchise so much and even with all the "making a mountain out of a mole hill" that went on around the chapter release, I fucking love his voice lines and I think he's a really fun and dynamic killer to play as and play against. (unless you're solo then he's kind of a solo stomper tbh) Though I am very well aware I am unique in that I love playing against killers that don't let me sit on gens and make the match more engaging like Wesker, Knight, Singularity, Pig etc.
Favorite chapter in general: Demise Of The Faithful. I fucking love the Plague, I love her design, I love her lore, I lover her game play, her cosmetics are fucking incredible, she genuinely is one of the killers that I am delighted to see every time I see one. I love Aldiris. Especially since they added one corrupted fountain, it was such a minor buff, but changed how you'd play her and play against her in such a positive way. Like how it went from basically being an m1 killer, because no one would cleanse to "Oh shit I actually have to think about when I want to cleanse now."
I think she has some really fun add ons that aren't just your usual buffing her power and genuinely she is such a fun strategic killer to play. She is both a set up and projectile killer and its so much fun, plus she came out with Corrupt Intervention that is a key perk for a lot of set up killers in the game currently. Genuinely if you've never played the plague would highly recommend, she has such a high skill ceiling and expression.
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5. Favourite killer to play as?
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Normally I'd say the Knight, but as I keep talking about, because it's come up a lot online this week from my own circles: he's is such a buggy fucking mess that you cannot play him. You play him and set down a patrol path just to get stunned by a pallet you're 50 feet away from because you ended your path near it, you can't use your power 90% of the time because you're "too close to an object", map of the realm is needed to get any use out of your guards 99% of the time, even then your guards move so slow they're never going to get a hit and their ai is so easy to trick, you have to sit in place to even use your patrol paths to break pallets or gens, so you're ultimately losing more distance than you gain 99% of the time you use it, etc. etc.
He has so many issues and it's past the point of frustration in playing him for me to just me being sad that I can't play my favorite killer, because he's virtually unplayable most games and this is after he was kill switched for 1 or 2 months. All of his bugs and issues remain the exact same, because of how poorly coded he is. Genuinely he is incredibly fun and interesting when I can play him, but to just be able to play him is a challenge in itself where you're fighting the game every 3 seconds.
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7. What's a license you'd like to see added to the game?
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Look I'ma be entirely honest with you all: I do not care about what license is added to the game. There's ones like f.naf where I'm like eh... I'd rather see a more deserving license added that actually fits the games style, but I genuinely do not care if they're added. (I mean this 100%: I hate S.pringtraps design, I'd rather it be V.anny or N.ightmarrionette if anyone is added)
I guess if I had to pick one though it'd be like The Thing or Outlast.
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12. Favourite perk to use?
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Old Blast Mine, no contest. I literally have no idea why they nerfed it, it was such a meme perk that had no real use to it.
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15. Favourite chase music?
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Legion, Oni, or Knight- I'm a slut for drums to be honest.
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evereinefaust · 28 days
. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐀𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐤 ࿐ྂ
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Pairing: Pizza X afab!Reader
Synopsis: After being interrupted in her solo concert, MC introduced Pizza to karaoke and bonded over singing one song.
Word Count: 1,530
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Puttin’ my defenses up 'Cause I don’t wanna fall in love If I ever did that, I think I’d have a heart attack​​​
A young [h/c]-haired female sang the first few lines of the song, her hand making a fist as if holding an invisible microphone. The booming music of the song echoed throughout the whole mansion. She had her lids shut tight and mouth still agape while screaming/echoing the last word of the song.
When the beat dropped, she instantly did a head-bang and continued to have a concert in the living room of her mansion.
Never put my love out on the line Never said yes to the right guy Never had trouble getting what I want But when it comes to you, I’m never good enough
[Y/n] continued to move and dance according to the lyrics of the song, waving her arms up and down, swaying along with the beat, twirling around, or just randomly moving all about. She pranced around the large space, careless about whether she'd cause injury to herself or break some furniture. Even the music was booming from the stereo and it's a miracle that no one even notices her or scolds her for that. And even more, it's truly surprising that [Y/n] didn't have an ear bleed yet.
When I don’t care, I can play 'em like a Ken doll Won’t wash my hair, then make 'em bounce like a basketball
"Huh? Is that [Y/n]-chan?" a blonde food soul noticed a mop of [h/c] bouncing in the living room, he wasn't sure since he couldn't see her face due to her short stature.
The male entered the living room and had to cover his ears once he took a step into her territory. He walked around the couch just to make sure that it was his master attendant who was singing in the middle of the room. And to make sure to stop the music or just decrease its volume. Sure enough, the small girl who was dancing was his master attendant.
The journey toward the stereo was challenging since he was getting closer and closer to the source of the booming sound. Fortunately enough, he was able to turn the volume down without making his ear bleed. The blonde sighed in relief afterward.
"Eh? What happened?" [Y/n] asked herself, surprised and confused as to why the music had stopped. However, when she turned around to check the stereo, she saw a tall blonde instead. "Pi-chan?"
"Sorry~ Your music is too loud and I feared that you might hurt your ear," Pizza apologized, rubbing his cheeks sheepishly.
The girl pouted slightly. She was upset that Pizza stopped her small shenanigans. Since most of her food souls were either working at the restaurant, running an errand, or just having their free time, she thought that she could hog the mansion all to herself. After all, nothing was interesting happening and she was bored to death. This is one way to release the stress of everyday life and have a fun time alone. However, she can't be angry at the male since he's concerned about her well-being and it is also his responsibility to watch over her.
"So... What brings you here, Pi-chan?" she asked, wiping her face with a towel.
Pizza slumped on the loveseat and pouted. "Cassata said that he had an errand to do and Cheese was currently serving a VIP customer at the restaurant balcony. So I decided to come home instead to play games."
[Y/n] can't help but chuckle at the male's childish behavior. It reminds her of the times when she would act as an older sister to this child. Pizza continued to stare blankly at the marble floor. The [h/c]ette glanced back at the television set and her [e/c] eyes trailed down to the storage cabinet underneath the flat-screen television. An idea popped into her head while sporting a bright smile.
"Hey, Pi-chan," she called, glancing back at the male.
"Hm? What is it, [Y/n]-chan?" he asked, his attention focused on her.
"Since you've disrupted my mini-concert and you have nothing else to do, how about we sing karaoke instead?"
"Huh?" golden brows creased up in utter confusion.
"It seems that you don't know what karaoke is, do you?" the girl chuckled.
"No," Pizza shook his head and looked up at her, oceanic hues contained excitement. "Please tell me what it is!"
The teen instructed Pizza to help her set up the karaoke while explaining to him the activity that they'd be doing. After that, [Y/n] turned the television on and handed the mic to the older male. She waited for the program to start and occasionally watched the male beside her. She noticed his curiosity and innocence though nervous since he was still new to this kind of thing. As the music boomed through the speaker, indicating that the karaoke could now start, Pizza shrieked in surprise. He instinctively jumped onto the girl, trying to find a scarf to hold on to though when he didn't, he just buried his face in her arms.
[Y/n] burst out laughing at the scene unfold and tried her best to soothe the trembling blonde by caressing his golden locks. "No need to be jumpy, Pi-chan. It's just the opening sounds."
Pizza carefully removed himself from his master attendant while calming himself down. However, it only proved futile when he could feel his racing heart due to the embarrassment of clinging to his attendant like that. He then held the mic with both of his hands and thought of something else. After ensuring that the male was okay, [Y/n] then proceeded to input her selected song into the karaoke.
Before she hit the play button, she first turned to Pizza and then smirked. "The first line is yours. Good luck on catching up with me~"
The music then started and a familiar tune of piano playing was heard. Pizza immediately recognized the song and internally panicked when the countdown started. He replayed the tune from earlier in his head and tried to sing the lyrics correctly.
(PIZZA) You never put your love out on the line You never said yes to the right guy You never had trouble getting what you want But when it comes to you, I’m never good enough ([Y/N]) When I don’t care, I can play 'em like a Ken doll Won’t wash my hair, then make 'em bounce like a basketball (BOTH) But you make me wanna act like a girl ([Y/N]) Paint my nails and wear high heels (BOTH) For you (PIZZA) You make me so nervous, that I just can’t hold your hand
[Y/n] was surprised that Pizza was able to catch up with the tune of the lyrics and sing it correctly, though what amazed her was his wonderful singing voice. It makes her wanna stop singing and just hear his voice instead. Though she knew that she couldn't do that. They boomed through the chorus and the girl could see the incitement in the blonde's eyes.
The duo continued until the end of the song and they both panted like crazy due to singing their lungs out. They waited for the screen to change and once it did, their eyes were glued to the television, anticipating to know what their score was. The digits rocketed from zero until...
"100!" they both cheered after seeing their scores. A sign appeared on the screen saying 'congratulations' and a tune to go along with it.
Instinctively, Pizza lifted the [h/c]ette off the ground and hugged her. His arms wrapped around her thigh and his cheeks rubbed her stomach. At first, [Y/n] was surprised by the act and it made her emit a cute squeal. Her face was blushing but it didn't stop her excitement and laughter. After the male placed her back down, it was her turn to hug him. Said boy was caught by surprise when the shorter girl launched herself at him, arms wrapped around his neck. He then wrapped his arms around her back for support.
Both exchanged waves of laughter and giggles as they stayed in that position for a while. Then after, [Y/n] let go of the blonde. The silence was interrupted when claps entered their hearing. Their head swiftly turned to the source of the sound and who they saw stupefied them.
"My, my~ What an intriguing sight. Right, Cheese?" Cassata snickered, placing his hand on his waist.
"You're right, Cassata. I can't even imagine Pizza singing, yet here he is, singing a duet with [Y/n]-chan," the mouse maiden added.
"I even admire their encore performance, you know~" Cassata implied, winking at the two who blushed furiously.
[Y/n] and Pizza were left speechless and the snickers and giggles of the two were the only ones filling up the living room. After a while, [Y/n] regained back her composure and scolded them. She chased them after, leaving a dumbfounded Pizza alone in the living room.
"Pft! Ahahaha!" the blonde suddenly burst out laughing. "[Y/n]-chan is so cute and interesting." A smile then etched on his handsome face, softened eyes staring at the door where the three exited.
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a-pale-azure-moon · 7 months
Random TotK Thoughts #5
Sheesh, it's been forever since I made mention of my progress. I'm bumping against the 200 hour mark and I am somehow still not bored. At all. I'm not done with the main story either, though I've found all the Dragon's Tears and done the four regional phenomena. I'm at 143 shrines completed, 83 lightroots found (finally making some progress in mapping the Depths), and 402 Koroks collected (no I am not aiming to find all of those, just what I need to get all the inventory upgrades).
I'll cover my thoughts on the Dragon's Tears in a different post, so this will be primarily about the Gerudo section and what happens when you complete the four regions.
-The Gerudo section started off a bit disappointing with the main obstacle being a sandstorm again, only worse than before. I did get pleasantly startled encountering Gibdos though, given that it's been awhile since their last appearance. Glad that I had a ton of fire fruits on hand!
-I'm relieved that Link no longer has to change clothes to enter Gerudo town, because that got annoying in a hurry when it was still required even after clearing the Divine Beast in BotW. I do miss having the disguise itself though, since he looked very cute in it, plus it was free heat protection even if its defensive stats sucked.
-Seeing the Gerudo hub as a ghost town was great for establishing the creepy atmosphere. And then finding the underground shelter was neat, if a bit predictable. I'm not saying I want the Gerudo to come to harm, but finding out everyone's fine chilling underground does undercut some of the spookiness of the zombie village above.
-Riju got a lot taller. Everyone in this game is taller than Link except for small children (and I think Robbie and Josha?), which is hilarious to me. Her ability is pretty cool, though really none of the other three come close to matching Tulin's utility.
-I really enjoyed the segments where you protect Kara Kara and then Gerudo Town from the Gibdo hoards. They fun and frantic but not in a way that felt overwhelming. I wish there was a way to repeat the town siege to see if choosing different groups to protect different gates made things easier or more challenging.
-I also liked finding and networking the various mirrors in the desert. It felt more in the vein of a classic Zelda puzzle, and then that shot of the Lightning Temple rising out of the sands was appropriately epic. I also liked that you confront the boss outside before she retreats to the temple. That was more interesting than the lame minibosses in the Goron and Zora sections, or hunting down random mooks in the Rito section.
-I'd heard stories that the Lightning Temple was the one most like a classic Zelda dungeon. I can see where people said that, but...eh, it's still definitely a BotW/TotK dungeon. Networking mirrors/manipulating light beams was a nice nostalgic callback, but I thought it was done better in previous games. (particularly the Ikana Canyon/Stone Tower area in Majora) The Temple certainly had a grand scale that I appreciated, but it seemed very empty, and once again it was just a matter of figuring out how to reach certain points so you could use the Sage's ability to activate a device. I finished this dungeon the fastest of the four.
-Queen Gibdo was a chaotic boss that was satisfying to beat but also very annoying, especially since I spent a good part of the fight chasing Riju down. It wasn't nearly as annoying as Mucktorok (thank god), but Colgera definitely sits as the best boss of the four regions, and the competition isn't even close.
-Why did we have to watch the same post-dungeon cutscene four times? There had to be a way to modify this part dependent on whether or not you've completed another region already. I've been craving some new insights or information about the Imprisoning War but each time I got bupkis.
-Overall, I give the whole Gerudo scenario a B+. I can't definitively say that I liked it better than the Zora section, but I liked it just as much.
-Naturally, I had to spend several hours running around hunting for shrines and farming for materials before I returned to Lookout Landing. The whole "evil Zelda" thing is the weakest part of this game's story; even if I hadn't already found all the Dragon's Tears at this point, I was never fooled into thinking this was the real Zelda. I suspect that no one else was either. I wish they'd cut out this thread entirely, or at least re-worked it so it was far less contrived.
-I like that they removed "Zelda" from the blood moon cutscene after this event. That's a nice detail.
-The best part of chasing fake Zelda was that I got to collect a bunch of monster parts quickly. I also found some great weapons scattered throughout the castle that I missed on the cursory pass I did much earlier on (I'm still carrying around the first Dusk Bow I found sometime after I finished the Wind Temple).
-I enjoyed the Phantom Ganon fight. It might've been more of a surprise if I hadn't already encountered him from the Grabby Hands, but at least this wasn't just a bland repeat of those encounters. Liked having all the Sages show up for a Power of Friendship moment too.
-I'm obsessed with the demonic horse Ganon was riding in the following cutscene. I desperately want to be able to tame and catch that beast because it looks amazing. I'd give it an ill-fitting name like Sugarcube and parade it all around Hyrule.
-I've just barely started the fifth Sage quest, in that I found the special clothes and cleared the storm from the sky islands. Since I'm invested in trying to clean up the remaining shrines and lightroots, it'll probably be awhile before I finish this quest. Even with Mario Wonder and the Mario RPG remake looming, I'm still enjoying TotK too much to want to rush to the end. Yes, even after 200 hours. It's going to easily overtake my BotW playtime at this rate, and that's assuming there really won't be any DLC.
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(new) Radio Broadcast sound art piece 🌈🌈
Abridged by L Gallacher
Sound Piece too Large for Tumblr visit link for full copy
This sound art piece was Inspired by daily personal experiences and has been abridged from https://lgbtcouplecounselling.co.uk/weblog/2022/08/26/heterosexuality-questionnaire/
🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈Radio conversational interview🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈
 Hetty script:
LG: Hello, welcome how are you?
David:  Lesley, I’m grand it’s great to be here and thanks for having me.
LG: Your welcome it’s lovely to see you, you’re looking well.
David:  Thanks, you too.  I’m looking forward to our discussion
That’s grand I’m just wondering to start off what is your relationship to politics? Does this mean anything to you?
David: I’m not that interested I don’t relate to it, just people bickering about inequality and this and that, I don’t get involved.
LG: Ok, I guess I’m just wondering what do think caused your heterosexuality?
Haha It is just who I am
LG:  So when did you first decide you were strait?
Well, it’s an interesting question, I suppose it I have always just known.
Lesley:  Oh right okay, what about the idea that being strait comes from a neurotic fear of others of the same sex?
: Eh I don’t know about that.  
Lesley: SO why do you think that a lot of straight people have histories of failure in gay relationships?    Do you think you may have turned to being straight out of fear of rejection?
 I’ve never really thought about why I’m straight and whether its due to some sort of fear
Lesley: Is it possible that you being strait might be just a phase you will grow out of?
(lol) For me I don’t think so as its just who I am
Lesley: Isn’t it possible that all you need is a good gay partner? 
David: (lol) possibly.
Lesley: If you’ve never slept with a person of the same sex, trans or intersex person how do you know that you wouldn’t prefer that?
I’ve never slept with someone who is gay, non-binary, intersex or trans so I don’t really know
If I would prefer this.
Lesley:  Why do you think if being straight is normal, that there are a disproportionate number of heterosexual mental patients?
Yeh it’s a good point and I don’t have an answer, I’ve never really thought about it from that perspective
Lesley: So who have you told about your straight tendencies? And How did they react?
I can say I have never told anyone about my straight tendencies.  I’ve never needed to.
 I can just be publicly strait without any issue.  I mean I get esteemed for being straight, a kind of immediate societal acceptance from family my community, pretty much every institution I engage with.  Free reign on just being straight so YEH, I’ve never had to analyse my heterosexuality before now.  Gosh, it probably comes across as quite arrogant and offensive.
Lesley: I mean no worries your heterosexuality doesn’t offend me.  I mean as long as you don’t try to force it on me, obviously.  
 (lol) I’ll try not to
LG Why do you think that strait people feel compelled to force everyone to be straight?
Yeh I can see that effect.  We just don’t think past our straightness often forget about our role in protecting diversity.
Lesley: Why is that?
David: Eh I don’t know Cos society tells us being straight tis the norm and something like diversity as a topic is just too political, it not a fun, light or a worthy topic.  That its nothing to do with my straightness.  Which I can see is a flawed belief.  
Lesley: Okay what about the questions about kids would you want them to be straight knowing the problems they would face with mental health issues, overpopulation and divorce?
 I would want my kids to be happy.  But come to think about it again I just have never thought about how my straightness enables any consequences for anyone else
Lesley: How about the fact that the majority of child molesters are heterosexuals. Do you really consider it safe to expose your kids to strait teachers?
It’s an interesting point I hadn’t ever considered this.  
Lesley: Have you thought about not making a public spectacle of your straightness, I mean can’t you just be who you are and keep it quiet?
I have no idea about what keeping it quite would be like, or having society impose this on me.  I think being able to be who you are involves actively displaying oneself publicly, so I don’t think I can keep it quiet that would involve suppressing myself which would be psychologically harmful.
Lesley: Okay what about the idea that being straight deliberately limits your from being a whole person?  You know by choosing to obsess on a compulsive, exclusive, cis gender choice. You know, and avoiding your god given  gay potential?   
Yeh, I guess I just have to be okay with being half of a person.
Lesley: Strait people are known for obsessively sticking to stereotyped sex/ gender roles even when it doesn’t fit.  Why do you think there is such a clinginess to these stereotypes you know like this unhealthy role playing?
I don’t know it’s what society expects of me.
Lesley: Oh I see.  I’m just trying to understand this, if your engaging in these stereotype roles how then can you enjoy a satisfying sexual experience and deep connection with the opposite sex when there are so many differences between you? Like how can a man understand what pleases a woman sexually, or vice versa? 
I don’t know I haven’t ever thought about it I just get what I want from relationships and sex
Lesley:  I see why do you think straight people are so promiscuous?
We just enjoy sex and breeding, I suppose, so we just do it unquestionably
Lesley: Okay, do you have any thoughts on why the divorce rate is spiralling when at the same time marriage is given a lot of societal support?   I’m just wondering why are there so few stable strait relationships?
We don’t think too much about it past societal expectation – we don’t think much about intimacy and healthy relationships or diversity for that matter.  I guess we just do as we are told, have sex, get married and breed.  But yeh, it’s an interesting point I’ve never thought about it before.
Lesley: If everyone was straight, and considering the menace of overpopulation, high levels of divorce and mental health problems, how can the human race survive  ?
It’s a good point.  Again, I really have never taken much notice.  I suppose I’ve always thought these things are someone else’s problem, they are too sort of political for me, not something that I have ever taken any personal accountability for.  It’s certainly food for thought, there does seem to be a lot of unhappy straight people out there.
Lesley: What do you think about the idea that you might be able to change if you really wanted to? And have you ever considered trying aversion therapy?
Yeh I belief people can change; I didn’t think I had a problem as I am just doing what society tells me to do.  Em, no I haven’t ever thought about aversion therapy. I suppose again I just thought I’m normal and I’m fulfilling my cis gender role.  But yeh I take your point, there’s a lot of negative consequences about being straight for people who are diverse, I really  had not thought about it before now.
Lesley Could you really trust a strait therapist to be objective and unbiased? Don’t you fear he/she might be inclined to influence you in the direction of her/his own feelings?
Eh No I would expect a therapist to be objective, no matter what their sexuality is.
Lesley: Being a cis gender male do you think there is any truth in societal messaging about misogyny, diversity hatred and distrust towards people of the same sex, gender non conforming people and women? And do you think this is what makes you heterosexual?
Eh I again can see your point em, I suppose I may have been a bit 
Complacent in just performing my stereotyped gender role.  Eh, I guess without taking any responsibility for negative effects.  Yeh I can see my role might negatively impact others. I guess then I’m somehow perpetuating a problem.  Yeh I can see that.  I don’t know how to act differently, I suppose I could take a interest in something other than cis gender straightness.  It feels unfamiliar but maybe I could feel this fear and do it anyway.  I can certainly see it might help me get out of this kind of toxic stereotyped role I’ve been enacting. Especially as I really don’t want to harm anyone.  God I’ve never really thought about it I feel a bit ashamed now.
Sounds like you recognise you have been complacent about your straightness?
Yeh that’s fair I suppose I have; gosh I’m going to have to make a concerted effort you know not take my straight privilege for granted maybe be more of an LGBTQI ally.
Oh right do you think that showing an interest in diversity and politics might help you to challenge your complacency and toxic patterns of privilege?  Maybe open up some new ways of being straight? Of being inclusive?
Yes I definitely can see that now
Lesley:  What’s your relationship to politics now?
David : Wow I think my answer has changed, feels like the opposite, but gosh I realise that the personal is political and I’m engaging in politics whether I like it or not.  I guess each time I’m complacent I’m just avoiding responsibility for the negative effects of my strait privilege for queer folk.  When I evade my standpoint and positionality it enables inequities.  I feel like I’ve put myself on notice thank you!  This has been really helpful.
Lesley: Wonderful thanks so much for sharing 
David: thankyou Lesley
0 notes
iisuya-simps · 3 years
Hello! May I please request headcanons with the buster bros (+Samatoki? If that’s okay!) with an S/O who is into anime + idol (rhythm) games? Thank you! Hope you’re having a good day/night 💙
A/N: *Rubs hands together* Buckle up yall, this is a long one. I may have had too much fun writing this... :p lol enjoy~
Ichiro Yamada
Ichiro first saw you at a manga cafe rocking some merch from your favorite game franchise and had to go over and talk to you
he also found out that you're into anime too
he may try and quiz you to test how into games/anime you are
his eyes light up and his heart pounds but he plays it cool
after a long interrogation conversation, he asked if you would meet him back at the cafe next week
he lent you the latest issue of a light novel that you never got around to reading
now he would have an excuse to see you again
a few months later one of your favorite animes was being played in the theatre once so you both went on a date to see it
if its a sappy rom-com he will 100% deny that he cried and brush it off as an eyelash caught in his eye
but he totally did
to be fair you did too
though he may prefer light novels over anime most times
he will totally sit down at watch the new season of an anime you two enjoy together
prepare for a brain malfunction if you tell him you're into cosplaying
"oh yeah I cosplayed them a year ago"
"y-you wouldn't happen to have any pictures, w-would you?"👀"
*cue nosebleed*
"That's it, I've found my soulmate" he says he's kidding but actually means it
him being a weeb
Ichiro is also well versed in rhythm games
he will tell you if your waifu/husbando is trash or not
you both have your own little superstitions and rituals you do before gacha pulls
you might use a certain finger to click the screen because that's the lucky one
Ichiro turns the volume up and closes his eyes before clicking
"AHHH thank you y/n! Look at them! They're so cute!"
you both marvel over the cute characters
he is totally impressed by the songs you can do on pro/master
"NO WAY A FULL COMBO?!?!! You're amazing!" 😍
he will totally challenge you to see who can get a better score
but you always win
he did come close a few times
but gets flustered and flubs it up at the end when you're watching over this shoulder
he finds it cute when you're humming along to the songs while DESTROYING the beat map
*you unbox a package left on the doorstep to find a scanty cosplay* "Ichiro, what is this?!?" "What? I thought you would look cute in it" ;p "I'm not dressing up as your favorite idol!" "wh- babe why not?!" :"( "ok maybe..."
Jiro Yamada
Like Ichiro, Jiro is a big nerd too
you two met in a soccer match of all places
you were taking a break during halftime when you quoted a line from some weird obscure anime
"No way you watch ___ too? I thought I was the only one!"
you haven't seen each other before because you're on different teams from rivalling schools
after the game he gives you his number then the rest is history
you two end up messaging each other all night talking about other animes and games you enjoy
he likes sports animes along with action and adventure
you also found out he plays rhythm games too
after a while, he'll invite you over to the Yamada household and show you his collection of light novels and games
"There's more where this came from, my big bro is a bigger nerd than I am."
you'll sit down on his bed and show each other your cards and play a few songs
"Jiro why is your tap sound louder than the music!?!?"
"I need to hear the beats or I'll fail the stage!!"
He might challenge you to see who can get a higher score
you both play on hard
but you're pretty evenly matched
"Haha! That's a point for me, y/n!"
"No fair! I don't know that song very well..."
If you don't have the best gacha luck Jiro will cry with you during your loss
he's not much better...
and because of that, this boy spends all of his allowance on gacha...
"Jiro, don't tell me you actually bought a gacha pass..."
"Here Jiro I got you this." He excitedly opens the package. "No way! A ___ Figure??!" "They're your favorite right?" "YESS" He sets the figure down and bear hugs you. "Thank you y/n, I'll treasure this forever!"
Saburo Yamada
Saburo picked up anime from his brothers
they would all watch action animes together as kids
until Saburo started a fight with Jiro and they tried to one punch each other out of existence
ahem. moving on...
Saburo is a nerd too
but he may be a bit more casual (in his own way)
he spotted you playing a rhythm game in the corner of the hall during lunch break
"Is that _____? I play ______"
"Oh really? Whos your favorite?"
"What? you like them?!? You have no taste..."
"W-what?! Shut up! their cards always have good stats!"
"But look how pretty this one is!"
you two quickly become friends and meet up every lunch and discuss things like your methods to preserve gems
Saburo likes making charts and spreadsheets to predict what event will be next and what characters are featured
"Haha! look y/n I totally called it!"
He likes collecting cards and comparing the stats
cause that's fun too I guess :/
He must assemble the best possible unit
I can see you two having competitions to see who can get the best score
or who can rank higher in an event
Saburo is very good at analyzing the beat map at first glance
he will also point out patterns he sees to try and help you understand the rhythms
he usually plays on hard and pro
while you do pretty well on normal or hard
he likes a good action/fantasy anime
but he likes sci-fi too
maybe even mystery
he was nervous asking you over to his place to watch anime
because you suggested a slice of life rom-com
does this mean he makes a move or you just watch it together and that's it O_o
"Yes! New high score! Y/n, did you see that?" You giggle. Good job Saburo. You lean over to kiss his cheek then see the smoke coming out of his ears. "Y-y/n!" *blush blush* "Hehe, you're so cute when you're nerding out.
Samatoki Aohitsugi
Rio invited Samatoki out to a neat cafe because they offered cool exotic blends
When they walked in Samatoki was intrigued spotting your crazy colored hair and tattoos from the corner of his eye
which was weird cause that's not his type
or maybe it was
After ordering the coffee and sitting down Rio noticed that he was distracted
"I see you staring, why don't you go over and talk to her?"
"I wasn't staring! But there's just something about her..."
you were sitting in the corner of the cafe reading manga when he approached you a few minutes later
"uh hey, I like your tattoos"
"Oh thanks! Do you watch___ too?"
*casual panic* "Oh yeah totally, what are you reading?"
You knew he was faking it but continued anyway
"Eh, what's the difference?" 😮 "The difference is--"
He didn't know much about what you were saying but he loved watching you talk about something you were obviously passionate for
through an hour or so of conversation, you realized you both had more in common than you thought
he asked if you would like to do something like this again and gave you his number
You were happy to explain plots of random animes and games to him
Samatoki may not get the appeal but he likes seeing you happy
You go on a few dates and make your relationship official
he's absolutely fascinated by you and your nerdiness
"BABE!!!" "What is it?! Are you ok!?" "I JUST GOT A SSR CARD OF (insert favorite character here)"
Tch, *rolls his eyes. "That's good, right?" "LOOK HOW CUTE THEY ARE!"
he may get a little jealous watching you fawn over you your fav
"Hmmph, why would you want a fictional character when you have a real man right here?"
*author sobs* :")
you let him try a song on normal difficulty
but it is still hard for him
"What the hell! Why are these notes coming at me so fast?!"
He doesn't pick up any manga or light novels
but he likes watching anime with you though
preferably a good action and or adventure one
he may become more interested when the female lead shows up on screen
hey, eyes up here buddy >:(
he won't say it but he secretly likes romcoms
maybe cause Nemu used to watch them growing up
I can see him getting so invested he'll yell at the characters
"Are you stupid?? She's trying to confess to you! Moron..." he huffs
(he does this with cooking shows too)
"Samatoki come on! The next episode of ___ is airing! You rush into the bedroom. "Hey, have you seen my pho-" "Shut up, I'm trying- to win." You laugh hysterically at him stealing your phone to get a full combo. "You got this babe, I believe in you!"
Thank you for reading!
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hypmicdaydreams · 3 years
"A kiss that is really a bet on a few yen"
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-pairing: dice arisugawa x gn!reader
-genre: fluff 
-summary: a game of pocky between you and dice becomes way too intense for its own good
-word count: ~4.2k
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a bet, for nothing more than the couple of yen you had left, lying around in the empty depths of your pocket. 
to anyone else, this was a downright ridiculous bet, one not even worth betting on in the first place. it was only a few yen, after all, not much to buy things from even the cheapest stores around. what could one even do with the three coins or so you had forgotten that you carried in the left pocket of your hoodie, all of varying monetary value? it wasn’t worth much if anything. 
and yet, to dice, this seemed like just the opportunity he was waiting for. he was eager, a bit too eager for what was nothing more than money one spent on a singular yet small piece of candy from the nearest drug store, to get those coins from you. they were practically calling him. hell, it’d be worth more than what he currently had to his name, which honestly says more about him than you who had taken him up on the offer or even suggested the idea in the first place. 
“let’s play,” you announced, placing the three or so coins in the center, right between where you and dice had been sitting and taking out a small box of pocky in the process. he only looked at you with curious eyes, a sort of glint in his gaze. 
usually, dice never was one to play for cheap pocket change, which was a generous way of putting it given the amount you guys were betting on. such games were much too boring. there wasn’t enough excitement, no threat of losing everything in mere seconds looming over your head. dice didn’t care for losing or winning such small amounts of money here and there (well, most times when he wasn’t dead on broke that is) since they never did make or break his lifestyle. it was whatever, and winning it never did give him that same sort of thrill he got each time he hit a jackpot in the casino or won big. yeah, he may have won like...a few hundred yen? but what would that even do? such bets were of no interest to dice who sought out that specific sort of adrenaline, the life or death situation. there really was no better feeling than winning big after months of tireless effort and tries coupled with the fact that he may have even lost everything in an instant. betting on such small amounts could even be seen as some kind of an insult to dice who took his gambling quite seriously. 
but this time around, whether it was due to his pure, undefeated boredom of being cooped in the house as of late or simply because he was betting against you specifically, dice felt compelled to play along and accept your offer. if he won whatever challenge you’d suggest, then he’d get those glorious one hundred yen coins with a few lint and loose yarn strands thrown in as a gratuitous gesture. truly a one of a kind prize. besides, dice couldn’t quite recall the last time he had made a bet with you, so even if this was so small and worth practically nothing, he was, nonetheless, excited at the prospect. see, betting and winning against someone he was close to was more fun than doing so in a casino, in a room full of strangers he’d probably never see again. he got to victoriously gloat over you, and seeing your crushed face of defeat would surely be worth it (this was all in a loving sense, of course). 
“soo,” dice rubbed his hands together, a smirk much too mischievous for its own good playing on his lips. he really couldn’t wait to start. “how do ya’ play?” 
“it’s simple, really,” you smirked back in retaliation, almost as if tempting him, able to read his thoughts and begging him to just try and win against you. honestly, this game was already getting too serious for its own good. it wasn’t a life or death situation. you were simply two dumbasses betting on three hundred yen for nothing more than entertainment. 
you opened the box of pocky and took one out. “the name of the game is that two people hold on to the stick, one at each end, and they slowly inch forward. whoever breaks the stick first or lets go loses.” then you placed one end, the chocolate dipped one, between your lips, motioning for dice to do the same on the other end, well, unless he didn’t want to. all that meant is that he’d forfeit and you’d win back your yen, but more importantly, it also meant that you got to be the one to gloat about winning against the self-proclaimed gambler, the one who knew all the rules of the game, both inside and out. and that truly would feel glorious. 
it was done purposefully, the fact that you left out the most crucial element to the pocky game, what made the pocky game the pocky game, rather notorious. you never did mention the fact that it’d surely end in a kiss if neither one of you wanted to let go, too stubborn to accept a loss, not that it’d take a genius to figure it out. you, however, had only wanted to fluster dice, which really wasn’t an easy task. you bet red would look so good on him, but alas, you’d never know. besides, it’d be quite funny to see his mind racing in real-time, words jumbled and sentences incoherent. that’d be a win in and of itself. 
dice, however, quickly caught on to the memo. yes, he certainly was a dumbass at times, but not always. that was only a part-time job of his, next to being a full-time rapper and gambler. it didn’t take long for him to figure out your true intention. certainly you just wanted to kiss him, which you simply could’ve told him straight up. there was no need for this roundabout way (i told you, being a dumbass wasn’t his full-time job, but he still was one). jokes aside, he knew exactly what you had intended on given by that devilish smirk on your face. besides, the thought of a kiss with you wasn’t really the first thing that could fluster him, nor was it the last on that note. he simply didn’t think much of it. 
and so, he gave a smirk back of his own, placing the biscuit end between his own lips and staring you in the eyes rather intensely, if only to intimidate you. and it certainly did work to some extent, not that you’d ever let dice know that. it was too late, however, as dice already saw the way your cocky smile faltered for less than a second, which surely only gave him an ego boost. 
you began first as a sort of retaliation against the man you loved, irritated at the fact that he had the audacity to think he could win against you. so you took your first nibble forward, savoring the sweet chocolate taste between your taste buds. it tasted just as good as you remembered, but it’d taste even better with victory on the side. 
then it was dice’s turn, who moved forward twice the amount you did, which surprised you and caused you to unconsciously break the stick, though it certainly wasn’t your fault, not at all! the sticks were honestly quite fragile, a bit too much in a way, and it was definitely unfair on dice’s end for him to move so quickly. if he did that, then the game would end right before it could even begin! and then where was the fun in that? sure, you’d get that kiss, but at what cost? at the cost of getting flustered and giving dice a reason to tease you? well, that wasn’t worth it at all then. it didn’t sound too pleasant, especially not for your ego. 
“heh, that was too easy!” dice grinned, already beginning to gloat at his perceived victory, though he didn’t seem to eat the remainder of the stick. 
“this time didn’t count,” you proclaimed, starting to feel the heat rush to your cheeks, whether it was from bewilderment or irritation, that you didn’t know. and it only worsened once dice shot you another cocky smirk, presumably one calling you a sore loser. 
“you win some, you lose some.”
“i shouldn’t be hearing that from you of all people.” you could only roll his eyes at his continued teasing. ugh, such a child, not that you’d act any better if you were in his place. well, this wasn’t going according to plan at all. “you’re not even supposed to take big bites. that’s unfair! and against the rules actually.”
at this, dice certainly did look a bit confused and perhaps even somewhat spooked. against the rules? he had never heard of that, though then again, he never did hear about the pocky game until you brought it up a few moments ago. this was all your own doing, however, grinning as you finally got dice where you wanted him, confused and at your mercy. in fact, you didn’t know if it actually was against the rules or not, or if there even were official rules in the first place. you simply didn’t want it to end this fast, to lose your couple hundred yen, but more importantly, to lose to dice of all people. if that made you a sore loser, then so be it. your pride was on the line (a bit much, eh?). 
“yep, so we gotta play again, and this time,” you pointed the stick at him, almost in a threatening-like manner, only furthered by the fact that he had an all too guilty look on his face, “you better play fair and not take big bites.” 
you grinned, “good.”
and so, you took the stick, placing the chocolate end once more between your lips; it was the more delectable part after all. dice quickly did the same to the other end, and the game began once more, this time the two of you concentrating a lot more than before for whatever reason. those coins of yen were looking really nice right about now. 
almost like déjà vu, you took the initiative once more and got the first nibble, inching in closer to dice who seemed to pay no mind to you but rather focusing on the stick that was the only thing separating you two. hm, was this a sign that he was growing flustered? that’d surely be a welcome surprise, a delight if you will. i mean, he wouldn’t even look you in the eye right now, so that must be the reason. alas, you knew that that most likely wasn’t the reason, though it certainly was tempting to imagine. 
dice responded by inching closer as well, this time actually taking smaller bites than before, ones almost the same size as yours. this particular game was turning out to be a delight already, even if you could feel the heat rush to your face once more for whatever reason. you had been the one to suggest the pocky game to dice in the first place, so why were you the one getting all flustered now that his face was slightly closer to yours while he wasn’t? in fact, he didn’t seem to be showing any emotion, well, other than the typical aloof grin he had on and that oh so adoring gaze. ugh, why did he have to be kinda cute this up close? that was an understatement, however. 
trying your best to brush those thoughts away, you nibbled the next bite, trying to calm your beating heart so that dice wouldn’t be able to hear it, if that was even possible. perhaps it would be considering how loud it sounded to you right at this moment. and it only increased in intensity as dice also took the next bite forward. 
you felt as if you were reaching your limit, as if you were going to break away from the stick and end the game, losing not only your money but your pride as well after having boasted to dice about how you’d most definitely win against him. you hated, absolutely despised, the very thought of that happening, but you also didn’t know if you could keep this up. at this rate, even if you won, dice would almost certainly tease you about how embarrassed you got and how loud that heartbeat of yours was, so loud one could hear it from space even. so who would be the true winner of this? 
thankfully and fortunately on your end, before you could break away, dice did so first, eating up the rest of the stick with that same grin on his face that you had undoubtedly fallen for after being exposed to it for the hundredth time. it only seemed to grow cuter with each passing moment. 
you didn’t even know why you had said that in the first place, sounding somewhat disappointed that the game had ended so soon. you had won. now the yen was all yours and the permission to rub it in dice’s face, and yet, you somehow found yourself hoping that it’d drag on for just a bit longer. did you possibly want to kiss dice? to have dice kiss you, to feel his lips against yours? even if this wasn’t your first kiss with dice, you still found yourself longing for his touch much more than usual right now. it was an unexplained phenomenon, one that you couldn’t even begin to explain. all that you knew was that you wanted to kiss dice, and badly at that. 
however, you, of course, didn’t want to accept that, especially not in the middle of such an intense gambling match. so you tried your best to hide these feelings, this sensation of being too touch starved for your own good, by staring at dice in a rather angry manner, or at least, the angriest you could muster. in all honesty, it was more of a teasing and fun glare, but a glare nonetheless. 
“ah, sorry.” dice sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck, an action that you found too cute for words, one that was as such that your heart couldn’t help but skip a beat, all the blood and heat rushing to your cheeks, the sensation you had in your arms and legs leaving. now really wasn’t the best time for your love for the man to flare up yet again. but...perhaps you’d consider hearing this apology out. “i wondered what they tasted like, so i wanted to try one.” 
hngg...fine, you’ll accept his reasoning.
but just this once!! of course. you’d never want to give him the benefit of the doubt, to give him second chances just because you were fond of him. pfft, that was such an utterly ridiculous thought. that’d never be the reason. it was only because you didn’t want the game to end right then and there, to win your yen back so easily. besides, if one thought about it more, it was technically a tie. you had broken the stick on the first run-through of the game, and now on the second, it was dice. technically speaking, neither one of you won or lost. only a third and final game would determine that. 
“fine.” it was nothing more than a mutter, a soft one at that. you didn’t know where all that confidence and charisma you had at the beginning had gone. it must’ve vanished somewhere after all. things simply can’t disappear out of thin air, at least, without turning into something at first. first law of thermodynamics after all. “but if either one of us breaks away, then i win by default.”
“oi! that’s not fair!!-”
you suddenly cut him off by shoving the biscuit end of yet another pocky stick in his mouth, which prompted him to shut up completely. much better.  
“oh hush you.”
smirking once more (something you guys seemed to be doing a lot of in this game) at the sight of his pout, you took the chocolate end between your lips once more, this time even more determined to get your kiss from dice um uh i mean to win the bet. yeah, that’s totally the end goal here, not some measly kiss. where did that idea even come from? there was no way you possibly could want to feel dice’s lips on yours, not how they seemed to fit perfectly, how soft they felt, how...surprisingly good he was at kissing. he was quite good, even if he did use his tongue a bit too often, but it still felt nice, especially when he licked your lips, a sensation that you couldn’t even describe, simply reminiscing in that electrical-like feeling. 
wait, no!! that was beside the point. don’t lose focus. the main thing here was to win against dice and prove to him that you were a much better gambler than he was. forget the fact that this was some dumb betting idea you had come up with, you only wanted to show off to him. that was what you planned on from the start anyway. kissing dice was only in place for you to win. that was the objective of the pocky game after all. it did end up in sweet, chocolate-filled kisses, but that was the fun of it. really, all that mattered was winning, or at least, that’s what you tried to tell yourself. 
shaking your head free from any of those...intrusive thoughts, you focused on the fragile little edible stick in front of you, trying your hardest to ignore the attractive man named dice who so happened to also be in front of you. 
what a complete coincidence, i know. 
for one final time, you took the initiative once more, moving forward just a bit but nonetheless noticeable. the chocolate on your tongue no longer tasted that good; rather, it felt nothing more than something that you were tasting. it was alright at best right now, though perhaps that was because you were craving something a bit sweeter this instant. 
dice moved in closer as well, still seeming as nonchalant as ever, well, as nonchalant as dice could get in the first place. 
the two of you continued on like this, worming in closer, able to feel your breaths against each other, but also concentrating on not breaking the stick that was undeniably shrinking by the second. this was the farthest you’d actually ever gone in a game of pocky, so of course, you were starting to feel the heat, in more ways than one might i add. 
you were so close, so close to victory. you could practically taste it, and no, that wasn’t the melted chocolate on your tongue. yet, you couldn’t find it in yourself to continue. the only thing on your mind right now was the thought of kissing dice, of connecting your lips and capturing his own in a sweet and passionate kiss. gosh, you just wanted to kiss him already, to feel him underneath you, to simply feel his touch and warmth. you couldn’t wait any longer honestly; you were growing more and more impatient. 
yet, you couldn’t find it in yourself to close the gap, to seal the deal and win once and for all. taking the initiative at the end and kissing dice on your own terms? now that was much too embarrassing. it was difficult to think straight right now, to think of anything that wasn’t how good it’d feel to kiss dice. your heartbeat could be heard all the way in your ears, and it was getting much too hot in here, almost suffocating to a degree. you didn’t know if you could handle this warmth anymore, or if you could handle the growing uneasiness and antsy feeling that you were experiencing right now. geez, being this close to dice, seeing him all serious and the like, in the element as when he is while gambling, it was all too flustering. 
but just as you were about to break away, to give in and throw in the towel, deciding that gaining bragging rights simply wasn’t worth it in comparison to being flustered when the two of you eventually kissed, dice did what you least expected him to do despite you knowing full well the extent of his spontaneity. 
dice closed the gap between you guys, kissing you deeply and finishing the remainder of the pocky that was left hanging in your mouth. 
it was a sloppy and wet kiss, rather characteristic of dice as a person as well. his kisses seemed to always encapsulate this sorta feeling, not that you minded all that much, however. it was also a bit rough, though not a lot, only a bit to give it some excitement, not that this scenario could be any more exciting than it already was. and mixed in with the sweetness of the now melted stick and chocolate, the kiss only felt and tasted even better. gosh, this was beyond your expectations. this was way better than what you had imagined in the first place. and right at this moment, you forgot all about the bet, if only for a few seconds, and relished in this kiss. it truly did feel a lot like dice, even if the only reason he kissed you was for a bet for a couple hundred yen. right now, you didn’t care, though when he pulled back, you’d certainly have a much different expression. 
“damn,” he muttered, wiping the remaining chocolate around his lips (the one that came from your very own mouth given that deep kiss he just gave you) with his finger and then proceeding to lick it, a rather attractive and hot action mind you, though perhaps you only felt that way because you too felt quite hot right now. “that is good.” 
you didn’t even have the guts or the correct mindset to fire back at him, to come up with a good comeback. you could only sit there, a flustered and bewildered expression as you try to come to terms with what had just happened. you wiped your now wet mouth with the back of your sleeve, only feeling the butterflies once more as you saw a few light chocolate stains on it once you pulled away. what...just happened?
“heh, don’t mind if i do.” 
dice paid no mind to you as he scooped up your yen from the floor, tossing them in the air a couple of times simply to hear that beautiful clash of metal that he oh so dearly loved. it was one of his favorite sounds after all. but how could he be so nonchalant about this? how could he turn away and look at the coins, sparkle in his eye, right after he gave you a deep kiss out of the blue, as if it required almost no thought out of him? gah, this was particularly frustrating. all this time, the thought of kissing dice was the only thing clouding your mind, the only thing that you could think of that wouldn’t dare leave your head. hell, you even began doubting if you were strong enough to carry out the bet you suggested in the first place! yet, here was dice, thinking nothing of the kiss you had longed for, for so long too (at least, it felt like it). it was only natural to get annoyed. 
“oh no,” he cut off, assuming what you were going to say already, even though it was far from correct. “i won this fair and square. i played by your rules too.” 
it was a small giggle that erupted from you, one that you couldn’t suppress given how cute it seemed that dice got all defensive over some yen you could find lying on the floor of some convenience store or parking lot. he really was a dumbass, but so were you to an extent. dice really was too cute, and you couldn’t stay mad at him for too long, not like this anyway. he could be a bit airheaded at times after all, and you knew that that kiss really wasn’t supposed to mean much, especially not when it was only because of a bet. really, you were feeling too many emotions at that moment, and perhaps it’d be best for you to rest as of now. this had been quite the rollercoaster, from start to finish. 
you took out another pocky stick and began snacking on it, staring at dice rather adoringly as he, just as promised, began boasting about how awesome he was to have won, not that it required much effort in the first place. he was dice, after all, the most notorious of gamblers here in shibuya. every casino must’ve known of him by now, and not because of the fact that he was sort of a popular figure around here. honestly, right now, you didn’t even care that he was bragging, simply content, albeit embarrassed, at the outcome of the game that you had suggested in the first place. 
pocky did taste a bit sweeter now with this memory fresh in your mind.
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