#Corona Warriors
rangpurcity · 2 years
Sonu Sood to host reality show Roadies in South Africa
Sonu Sood to host reality show Roadies in South Africa
Digital Desk, Mumbai. Sonu Sood, who won everyone’s heart as Bollywood actor and Corona Warrior, is now the new host of the reality show Roadies, this time in South Africa. Recently the actor has announced this news through a video. In this video, he is seen talking about his new project while relishing samosas at a roadside stall. With this he says, “I am going to host the new season of Roadies.…
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rudrjobdesk · 2 years
सालभर बाद याद आये बैंककर्मी, संस्था बोली-शाब्दिक प्रशंसा नहीं, कोरोना योद्धा घोषित करें!
सालभर बाद याद आये बैंककर्मी, संस्था बोली-शाब्दिक प्रशंसा नहीं, कोरोना योद्धा घोषित करें!
नई दिल्ली. देश में फैले कोरोना संक्रमण (Coronavirus) के दौरान फ्रंटलाइन वर्कर और कोरोना योद्धा के रूप में अपनी सेवाएं देने वाले बैंक कर्मचारियों को सरकार ने सिर्फ शाब्दिक प्रशंसा का हकदार ही माना है. डिपार्टमेंट ऑफ फाइनेंसियल सर्विसेज और इंडियन बैंक्स एसोसिएशन (Indian Banks Association) को कोरोना के एक वर्ष बाद याद आया है कि बैंक कर्मचारियों (Bank Employees) ने कोरोना महामारी (Corona Pandemic)…
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awakenedsylvari · 1 year
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inspired by @mystery-salad‘s wonderful GW2 takes on Gideon and Harrow, i present the Tridentarii twins. because they live rent-free in my brain at all times
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x-heesy · 6 months
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Little Slut in Las Vegas
Only dreams of wearing Verssasse
Suck my dick, kiss my ass 😜
What is life worth without Verssasse?
We pronounce Versace, Baby
We pronounce Versace, Baby
We pronounce Versace, Baby
We pronounce Versace, Baby
Little Slut in Las Vegas
Will sell his ass for Verssasse
To be famous is so nice
We forget everything in Verssasse
We pronounce Versace, Baby
We pronounce Versace, Baby
We pronounce Versace, Baby
We pronounce Versace, Baby
We pronounce Versace, Baby
We pronounce Versace, Baby
We pronounce Versace, Baby
We pronounce Versace, Baby
Little Slut in Las Vegas
Lick the window at Verssasse
You know the deal, you know the price
To succeed you need Verssasse
We pronounce Versace, Baby
We pronounce Versace, Baby
We pronounce Versace, Baby
We pronounce Versace, Baby
We pronounce Versace, Baby
We pronounce Versace, Baby
@frenchpsychiatrymuderedmycnut 🇫🇷
Verssasse by Rebeka Warrior v3
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in my MK AU, i don’t have Coco using fans as a weapon, since Kitana already uses them. but in p much every other AU, she has fans as a weapon of choice, plus in p much every modern AU i have, she does fan dancing. a lot of it looks like this :3
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bryanfrosadoart · 1 year
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For the Character Design Challenge! Facebook group back in 2020, theme was "doctors and nurses". I see our health professionals serving on the front line as a shield against this pandemic, protecting everyone, so I chose to represent them as knights in armor (inspired by protective suits) and with a great magic shield as a weapon. Thank you!
PORTFOLIO Website Artstation DeviantArt
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celestialtarot11 · 3 months
How to reach your higher self according to Esoteric Astrology 💻💗
Hi friends! Welcome back to another post 🧿🪬 Today we’re looking at your Sun sign to see how you can reach your higher self. Enjoy! Please like comment and reblog to spread the love 🎉
First of all, why the Sun? Contrary to what modern astrology may present, in Esoteric Astrology the sun is meant to be tamed, not necessarily boosted. The sun represents the personality, the 3D self conditioned by opinions, narratives, and constructs created by other people.
Check your sun sign below ⬇️
Aries sun 🍵- Since Aries in esoteric astrology is seen as the rule setter, the creator of conditions, and also breaking that, in order to reach your highest potential you have to transcend the past versions of yourself. Transcending the versions of you that were created out of fear and survival is the utmost important. Aries also represents duality by the horns, the depiction of Aries is a bull or ram. This duality of Aries is spirit and physical matter. Aries can easily find themselves frustrated with the spiritual world and physical world, navigating and struggling to balance the two can cause a separation from the higher self. For example, following what others think vs. the intuition. Doing something different than what the norm thinks. Aries is also a sign of death, even if it’s exalted in traditional astrology. It’s important for Aries to allow themselves to experience ego deaths. The reason being is this: Aries is also described as experiencing a purification process through fire, their personalty (ego) burning to the ashes to see the way ahead of them. The purification signifies the end of narratives, false perceptions, and constraints created by society.
Leo ☕️- The representation and experience of us in a non physical form. To get closer to your higher self, let go of the physical world and the burdens attached to your energy. Experience yourself as greater than your physical form, and capable of more than just physicality. The sun plays three roles. Corona (what we see of the sun physically in the world) the heart of the sun (develops heart and soul) and lastly the Core which sustains our higher development. When Leos look away from inner work is when they can struggle to get closer to their higher selves. It’s important they continue shadow work to actually shine, as no light can exist without shadow. Leos have a vast life experience as well, and their heart and soul are meant to transcend in this lifetime. They are much more than their fears and anxieties, and past. Shadow work is Leos key to their higher self. As deeply as Leos can get attached to their ego, they can go very deep into connecting with consciousness. Leos have to maintain their individuality aside the masses. Its important to their connection with their higher selves, maintaining boundaries, self worth & value. Leos are represented by the Lion-essentially an Empress. Lastly, Leo reached The Child state. The free, individualistic, and pure soul. Pure regardless of others, regardless of their past, regardless of their fears. They remain true to themselves everytime.
Sagittarius ⌛️- What is important to Sagittarius is connecting with their intuition. A lot of us know the bow and arrow is famous for representing this sign, but sometimes there is a Doe at the side of the warrior. That Doe represents the seed of intuition, the subconscious, and the receiver. To get closer to your higher self get comfortable with receiving messages from your intuition, trusting your inner compass, and the path even if there are unknowns. Sagittarius can block out intuition to remain focused on the physical realm, and this leads to a blockage within themselves. So it’s important in this lifetime they allow themselves to feel safe enough to listen to themselves. Sagittarius benefits from having clear goals on what they want to focus on spiritually to grow, for example, meditation to help access their inner child once a week. Once they have their eyes set on what they need to heal, Sagittarius opens the doorway for greater awareness. Its also important they keep seeing opportunities for healing within the dark. Circumstances or situations may not be what they expected, but there is a lesson gained, a milestone gained, awareness gained, or self love gained. There is always abundance no matter what. A chance to grow again.
Libra 🌹- Balance. Inner harmony and ease. Shadow work to reach the light, and experiencing the light. Balance with spirituality and practicality. Seeing the facts and embracing intuition. Libra is represented by a flower, when the flower is shut it can’t receive, light and proper nutrients. When the flower opens and eases, Libra can receive intuitive downloads and embrace the spotlight. Contemplation is also another way to connect with your higher self. Avoidance of sitting down with yourself can cause separation with the higher self. The mind shouldn’t be neglected here entirely, rather, working with the mind in balance can help the journey. Overthinking suggests intuition needs to be present. Release the need to dominate, win, compete, and have a sense of control. To get to your higher self is to realize there is no competition required to meet yourself. Your mind can take you back to the familiar old ways, but the intuition will hold you and guide you. There is a need to follow a slow evolution and to slowly reach a point of equilibrium. Libras growth is not meant to be a fast paced, fiery journey. Rather a slow and steady process.
Aquarius 🌺- As seen, Aquarius is the water bearer usually balancing water and a cup. This represents constant duality and the transmutation of the subconscious. To get closer to your higher self, transmute and alchemize your wounds, fears into self love and acceptance. Work with the ego and soul to create mutual tolerance to benefit from healing. Allowing yourself to find your community is important to connect to your higher self. Recognize what you want to see around you, internally and externally, and what isn’t creating that currently. Remove what isn’t changing for the better. Jupiter is the esoteric ruler of Aquarius, so expanding awareness of oneself is important to Aquarius’s journey. Selfless and unconditional acceptance is important to creating and sustaining a connection with one’s higher self. Jupiter in Aquarius even in traditional astrology can represent this. It can also signify spiritual development and intuitive downloads, so letting oneself experience this can help the native feel guided and inspired. In esoteric astrology, the moon is also seen as the hierarchical ruler of Aquarius. The subconscious, the wounding, and the things that keep us safe. When those sides of us control us and want our attention, and we are incapable of meeting it, it can be detrimental. Look to the subconscious parts to see what is still controlling you or taking the drivers seat in your life.
Gemini 🌟- It is important to actually allow your higher self to speak to you and make itself known. Listening to its divine knowledge over constructive narratives that have kept others safe is important. It’s important to surround yourself with those who are in touch with their spirituality and live in their truth. Allowing yourself to speak your truth and divinely be guided in that is going to help your connection to your higher self. In greek mythology, Paracelsus says, “making commitment with determined resolution is difficult.” For Air signs what will help is consistency in truth, practicing truth and staying disciplined can help a lot. This helps the acceleration of getting closer to one’s soul, and therefore creating a connection with their higher self. Releasing resistance towards internal truth will help the native move forward in their life and connection with the higher self. Once we are open to the truth and practice what we preach, we fully let go of our own judgement and resistance. Letting go of fears related to your higher self is also important. Your higher self will not abandon nor create abandonment. Whatever falls apart is a natural consequence of inner healing.
Taurus 🌴- Attachment to desires can cause a separation with the higher self. It’s easy to think physical factors can fix whats going on internally, but the higher self encourages that we need only our soul. Taureans need to build stability and strength within themselves. They may look externally for relationships, friendships, community which is absolutely a necessity. But when they rely on it is where Taurus limits themselves. Their best relationships is with themselves. Take the time to pursue yourself and focus on a healthy relationship internally, especially with your higher self. In esoteric astrology, when Taurus does the inner work and transmutes their ego, they activate Vulcan as a planet. Vulcan helps illuminate shadows, brings healing and clarity. In fact, Taureans have immense will power and strength and they tap into that when they work on themselves. To get closer to your higher self, remember only you can set yourself free and limit yourself.
Capricorn 🌹- This sign is symbolized by a half goat/fish. This sign is not completely earthy, its watery intuition helps bring balance to its strict, structured and disciplined nature. Building trust and inner respect for your intuition will help you foster a better connection to your higher self. Part of the connection with your higher self isn’t fully meant to be logically understood. It’s an intuitive feeling your body produces that brings a level of balance. In esoteric astrology, the sign of Capricorn represents the full balance of heart and head, although the two may disagree, part of reaching your higher self is to balance these qualities. Accept the unknowns your mind may create, and your higher self will still guide you regardless of those unknowns. Build inner structure within yourself. It’s important to release the confines of your own mind and dive into the spiritual unknown, and practice an open mind. There is no structure when it comes to intuition, and no limit. It has no physicality, but it does communicate through your body and senses.
Virgo 💗- Release the idea of self perfection and mastery. In order to get closer to your higher self, it’s important to accept that this is not necessarily a destination but a journey, and there are no means to an end. You cannot master something that is still unfolding continuously. Release the grip of the physical, although it presents facts in front of you, its not all there is. To get closer to your higher self, its important to recognize that both shadow and light play a role in your healing. Virgo in esoteric astrology is all about blending duality, oneness, and creation. Creating light from understanding the shadow. Virgo in esoteric astrology is associated with motherly love and care, it’s important to heal mother wounds and allow yourself to receive guidance from the spirit realms, even if we don’t understand it fully. Know it is there for you and still accepts you. Work on the wounds relating to the mother, and nurture your inner child. The time needed to heal your relationship with yourself, and to create a relationship with your higher self will take the time it needs. Allow it to bloom. Make room for your soul to be born. Virgo is also represented as knowledge being put into synthesis or action, spreading and sharing. Share to yourself this vast spiritual healing and you’ll reap the benefits. Let healing be your mission, liberation your reward.
Scorpio 🌟- The relationship you have to your higher self is almost always near, throughout your trails and tribulations in life. Accepting the reorientation of your soul (lessons, truths, healing wounds and releasing the ego) can help you foster a better relationship with your higher self. In esoteric astrology scorpio is the sign of initiation, the souls opening, the beginning and ending. Work on opening to your higher self, and allowing your higher self to reveal to you all that has been hidden through pain and suffering. Working with your higher self can actually being harmony through conflict, as in esoteric astrology Scorpio’s 4th ray passes through harmony. This allows for consciousness, awareness and mindfulness in newer relationships. Even in oneself. Once you tap into the devotion you have for yourself, being with your higher self will begin to make a lot of sense as your higher self has the same for you. It wants simply the best and better for you all of the time. See the passion in standing up for the past parts of you, see the passion in choosing you over and over. Go back to your higher self for guidance on how to give yourself a better experience by being a better you.
Pisces ✨- Rejuvenation and rest is the way to meet your higher self. Find a way to tune out all the noise (ego, distraction, constructs made by others) and listen to yourself. Get to know yourself behind the filter and projections placed by others. Hold yourself in the most rawest and vulnerable states. As depicted by the two fish, one is life, the other is death. Subconscious and conscious. Forever the two dance together, so its important to realize having your higher self is the balance to your life. You spend so much time in the subconscious of others, absorbing wounds. Your higher self is the consciousness waiting to bring balance. Pisces in esoteric astrology is about letting the ego go, all of its attachments, personas, facades, dependencies. Finding true and real meaning in yourself. Fall back and trust your higher self (your other half) to guide you. The ego cannot survive in the healing of the soul. Know this and continue the journey. By finding the balance internally, your external will shift gradually. Give back to yourself.
Cancer 💫- Your higher self holds a ton of old age knowledge, so it’s important to be open minded to this information. Tradition may be important to you, it isn’t for no reason. In a way, when you pay homage to those traditions/knowledge, you give to your higher self. To your ancestors essentially. Cancers ray in esoteric astrology passes through intelligence. With your emotional and spiritual intelligence, your higher self is channeled through you. Let yourself learn about the deep nature of your feelings, the expression of it all. Turn it into psychological knowledge for yourself and others. Your higher self is apart of your family, it is part of your foundation and self support. Receive its guidance. The more you heal and discover yourself, your planetary ruler in esoteric astrology Neptune will heighten your consciousness. Your depth, awareness and magnitude makes you resilient and intelligent. Neptune also dissolves issues in the solar plexus the more you heal. You self confidence and trust within yourself heightens when you follow your gut, and build a healthy relationship with your higher self. Meditation, journaling, mindfulness, will help a lot in connecting to your higher self.
Thank ya’ll for reading! Its very much appreciated. Please comment, like and reblog for support 🌹✨ your feedback is appreciated!
Paid readings 💗🌸
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evilios · 7 months
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Versions of the color reconstruction of Apollo Belvedere done by Stephen Chappell, an American digital artist. These pieces were done for the exhibition Qui es-tu, Apollon? (Who are you, Apollo?) that is currently held by the Juliobona museum, Lillebonne, France.
This is my personal favorite part of the artist's explanation as to why he chose specific colors for this statue (beyond those derived through polychrome research):
As for the chlamys (cloak), I felt the color red was appropriate for this moment where Apollo is a death bringer, a warrior. This isn’t Apollo the kitharist, the musician; this isn’t Apollo the lover. This is the sun god with his corona of golden hair, loosing a golden arrow to kill the monstrous python. His cloak had to be red.
The exhibition will be open until November 30, 2023.
More on the process behind it and the exhibition: 🏺
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raayllum · 3 months
this isn't how i'm writing it in fanon s6 bc i can pace things however i want with zero time constraints but this is something i could see s6 doing + i like being self indulgent so
They'd been stupid to trust the Celestial Elves.
It was the only thought running through Callum's brain as he stared in horror, the corona sealed back glass, the Nova Blade a weapon no mortal could wield, and Rayla—
On her knees, the leader holding an ordinary but no less terrifying blade to her throat, his face still a bit scraped up from his and Rayla's earlier scuffle. She'd been the one to catch the elf reaching for Callum's bag when they slept that night; she'd be the one to draw her sword first and engage him, quickly overwhelmed by the time Callum and her parents had arrived.
They were all talented warriors, but rusty after two years in a coin—Runaan unable to draw his bow with only one arm, and something long range was needed here. Some way to kill the leader and give Rayla time, even if he held her in a vice grip, pressing down hard enough on her throat there was thin, scarlet line growing.
"You have something we need, boy," the leader hissed, breathing heavily through a broken nose. "You know what it is."
Runaan's voice broke through, sharp and demanding—"What is he talking about?"—but Callum couldn't tear his eyes away from Rayla. She was struggling to breathe, let alone speak, but gave her head the barest shake. No.
"What are you going to do with it?" Callum says as neutrally as he can, stalling (there has to be a spell or a way out of this) even if he already knows the answer.
What else could they hope to do with something called the Key of Aaravos?
"I'll tell you what we're going to do your elf girl unless you give it so us," the Celestial elf snarls. "On the count of three, I'll slit her throat. One—"
Two hadn't even left his lips, Callum having an excuse to look away from Rayla's glaring, tearshot eyes now as he digs the cube out of his bag. It feels like it weighs a thousand pounds as he holds it up.
On Finnegrin's ship, at least he'd been able to hide what he was doing—what he was willing to do—in the shadowy depths of the ship. Here, in the light, there's nowhere to hide.
Callum holds it out, taking a few steps closer. "Lower the sword first," he says.
"And have her wriggle free? I don't think so."
"Callum," she wheezes. "Don't—"
"Fine then," Callum snaps. "At the same time—an exchange. On my count of three. One—" He looses his grip on the cube, the ring of celestial elves watching eagerly. "Two—" It's not ideal, him and Rayla in front of where any of her parents could join the fray; there will have to be distance before anyone can fight either way. But then, he's not doing this out of the certainty he'll get the Key back, that it won't end in disaster.
Just for her safety. Just for himself, because he can't live without her.
This was his destiny, what Aaravos was banking on. And he was right.
The Celestial elf takes his blade away and shoves her forward at the same time Callum tosses the cube over. It's caught in one shiny blue hand, the elf towering over him as Callum slides to his knees, catching Rayla as she careens forward before she can hit the floor. She coughs weakly in his arms, bleeding at the throat, but it seems shallow.
The celestial elves make it maybe five five away with their prize before her parents leap into action, swords clashing, but Callum grabs his staff and constructs a funnel of wind around him and Rayla, a thick enough wall of air to keep anyone else out momentarily, as he helps her sit up.
"Callum." She's crying, but alive.
"Let me look at you," he murmurs, lifting up her chin. He uses his scarf to wipe away the blood, relieved when more doesn't follow. A shallow cut just to scare him, but it'd worked. He pulls her into his arms next, just needing a moment to feel her heart beating against his.
She takes a second to hold him back and then does so, tightly, and his heart settles as they sit there shaking. She hasn't forgiven him for it yet, maybe—but she will.
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amethysts-angel214 · 4 days
I've made another AU named the Space AU
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Ok, so here's the info:
Popee's the prince while Crescent's a soldier in this AU
Papi's the king, obviously
Kedamono's an advisor and Frog/Kaeru... is just there. :\
Marifa's the princess X3
Stain's the bard, Palvan's his carriage and Lifa's the bard's wife
Boron is the evil overlord while Nora is like a GODDESS
Corona is a chef! :3
Funny... idk what she is (idk how royalty works with cousins)
Asura is an even EVILER overlord
The Mole family has a lil food shop in the kingdom
PTP!Blanche is a VERY loyal friend to Marifa
FunnyPets!Blanche is a nurse for everyone, including the royals
Masked Monkey is a blacksmith while Squeezed Dog is the cobbler
Alien is there for Papi... like a friend lol
Rings is the bartender
The Pylon family helps the Mole family with the business
That handsome boy from Funny Pets (I call him Marshall bc why not) is a warrior
Charady is also idk (again... idk how royalty works with cousins)
Chobotan helps Rings out for the bar (Chobo needed a pair of arms but he doesn't have enough money for it lol)
Bath Buta is the newsbringer
Half of the girls from the PTP manga are dancers while the other half are helping out with businesses like doing modeling and painting
Girl Rings is the bartender's wife lol
Kimono Beauty is one of those virtual idols like Hatsune Miku but for modeling
Handsome Stain is just... there... and so is his wife! :D
If I update something in this AU, it's because I learned something.
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paperdollheart · 1 year
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The Barbie meme, but make it Locked Tomb (original art: Gideon Harrow Ianthe Corona Camilla Judith Dulcie Mercymorn Nona Alecto).
[Image  ID: Ten slides of the Barbie poster meme.
1: A drawing of Gideon Nav in front of an orange sparkle with the caption “This Barbie is lesbian Jesus.”
2: A drawing of Harrowhark Nonagesimus in front of a purple sparkle with the caption “This Barbie is a perfect penitent nunlet.”
3: A drawing of Ianthe Tridentarius in front of a yellow sparkle with the caption “This Barbie is the Saint of Awe.”
4: A drawing of Coronabeth Tridentarius in front of a yellow sparkle with the caption “This Barbie is a beautiful lie.”
5: A drawing of Camilla Hect in front of a blue sparkle with the caption “This Barbie is a warrior, not just a cavalier.”
6: A drawing of Judith Deuteros in front of a red sparkle with the caption “This Barbie is kind of a square.”
7: A drawing of Dulcinea Septimus in front of a green sparkle with the caption “This Barbie is horny for revenge.”
8: A drawing of Mercymorn the First in front of a pink sparkle with the caption “This Barbie is thinking about acid jail.”
9: A drawing of Nona in front of a green sparkle with the caption “This Barbie is six months old and she loves you.”
10: A drawing of Alecto in front of a blue sparkle with the caption “This Barbie is the death of the Lord.” /.End  ID]
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tangledbea · 8 months
This sort of sprang into my mind just now so maybe it isn’t well thought out but what if Cassandra had gone with Edmund and Co. to the dark brotherhood instead of going on a nondescript journey of her own?
Cassandra never really expressed a desire or need to explore, she just wanted to fight and be recognized for her efforts. Somehow even with all the back-bending the show did to give Cass attention in S3 they still managed to give her an unfulfilling ending in my eyes. I think it would’ve been cool if she’d gone with the DK characters to help fix it after she had stolen the Moonstone and put TDB under mind control, especially since we never see her really interact with anyone from the Dark Kingdom past S2.
Cassandra could help fill the hole Quirin (had likely) left behind in manpower and could truly fulfill her dream of being a royal guard, even while outside of Corona. I feel like this would be a cute fic concept and wonder how many people have thought about a concept like this.
It's not a bad idea, but I, for one, am perfectly happy with her ending. Personally, I always felt like she went on a journey of not only finding out who she really is and what she really wants, but where she really belongs. Because Corona ain't it. She was completely unsatisfied with her life there, even at the best of times.
It would be nice if she made amends to the Dark Kingdom by helping them rebuild, but I don't personally feel like she felt like that was her place, either. After all, she's never trusted Adira and only ever faced Hector in unwarranted fights. She barely interacted with Edmund, but somehow subjecting herself to the possibility of him grilling her for information about Eugene and Rapunzel doesn't seem to me like it would be a good time for her. Cassandra is not a people person, and committing herself to hanging out with a group of people she has a shaky relationship at best with doesn't seem like an ideal "finding herself" thing.
I think part of Cassandra's problem is that she's spent her whole life trying to be what others expect her to be. She even told Eugene, "I don't have time for dreams," and even though that was a lie, it was something she believed about herself. So now that she's on her own, after everything she's experienced and done, she gets to learn who she really is, what she really wants. She kept talking about taking her destiny, but one of my complaints is that she never defines what that is. Maybe that's because she herself doesn't know.
We don't even know that she wants to be a guard anymore. That was her grand goal for her life in Corona, but she was very willing to be a warrior in Ingvaar. Cassandra wants recognition for her skills, talents, and knowledge, and she wants to not have to do what other people want her to do anymore. "Take orders," if you will. That doesn't seem like someone who would thrive in a Guard anywhere, unless she was at the top, and she certainly wouldn't be able to walk in, a stranger, at the top. She too opinionated and has seen and done too much to not look at the reason for every mission or order given. Even being a guard seems to stem from wanting to follow in her dad's footsteps and wanting a visible position that had potential for singular recognition for outstanding service. She wanted him to be proud of her and respect her, because he's her parent. And yes, weapons and combat are things that genuinely interest her, but one can be involved in those things without being a guard.
No, I'm perfectly happy with her traveling alone, finding herself, seeing what she likes to do and who she likes to be when she's not beholden to anyone.
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sigelfire · 8 months
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Diego Luna and Cyrill Gutsch, founder of Parley
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"Running down these streets with Eric Liedtke and Diego Luna feels like having millions of Ocean Warriors behind us. The two represent our two strongest partnerships: @adidas who joined us first as founding partner and believed in our vision when nobody did - who unleashed their innovation power to make it work. Our new partner @corona who explored with us remote places, and launching the '100 Islands 🏝Project'. Who empowers us with their thunderstorms of passion to shake up the beverage industry. The movement is exploding. And while the waters out there in the sea reach boiling temperatures - we are leaving the General Assembly Hall transformed. Jedi feelings grow. May the force decide to be with us."
Adding the video. I know is well known, but I wanted to have it here:
+ Biggest size photos from the coverage of the campaign by Publimetro:
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itsthatswordlesbian · 5 months
TTS Character Hyperfixation Headcanons (Tho Some Of Them Are Canon)
Rapunzel - I honestly think that she's too interested in everything to have hyperfixations on specific things (besides art)
Cassandra - Anything and everything related to being a warrior/adventurer (obviously), animals, history, culture, music, tradition, heritage, ancestry, religion/spirituality
Eugene - The Flynn Rider books (of course) and survival skills
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ravenxbones · 1 year
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so many stars in the sky, and i don’t know why
they always have to fall on me
mistystar will always be one of my favorite characters…she’s had a hard life. and she was so old by the time she finally died…she was probably pretty lonely. design is by @meroaw !
[ID: a drawing of mistystar from warrior cats. she’s a blue-grey molly with a star symbol on her forehead and greying muzzle and chest. she is sitting with her head bowed, a golden corona with a halo of teal stars behind it. the background is a lighter, duller blue-grey than her coat. end ID]
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Cassandra literally says : Corona isn't show me respect when I'm a warrior.
They show me respect when they need warriors because of me
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