#Coronavirus Infection
i-amusemyself · 2 years
PSA: Covid Effects and Complications
Alright fekkers this is how we’re doing public health announcements now that society is collapsing :))
This isn’t a post to tell you to avoid it, but to ask you to read the headings and make sure you make an informed decision if you wanna go out and get infected. If you do take risks, remember to avoid very young/old/pregnant/unwell/vulnerable people, test regularly and wear a mask (yes, they work).
Covid is Not Just A Respiratory Illness
COVID-19 routinely affects organs throughout the body, not just the respiratory system, including the brain, heart, liver, GI tract, endocrine system and skin (Gupta et al., 2020)
Covid can be seen as a blood clotting disorder masquerading as a respiratory illness. (Janardhan et al., 2020)
Covid Causes Brain Damage
Mild Covid infection shows significant orbitofrontal cortical atrophy (shrinking of parts of the brain) and cognitive decline (Crunfli et al., 2022)
Mild COVID-19 infection can cause impaired neurogenesis (nervous tissue growth), myelin and oligodendrocyte (nerve insulation) loss and increased neurotoxic molecules around the central nervous system (Fernández-Castañeda et al., 2022 *preprint)
MRIs of 401 patients done before and after Covid infection showed reduction in global brain size, grey matter loss (orbitofrontal cortex and parahippocampal gyrus) and cognitive decline. (Douaud et al., 2022)
COVID increases the risk of neurodegenerative disorders- Alzheimer’s disease risk is 3.5x increased; Parkinson’s disease risk is 2.6x increased; ischaemic stroke risk is 2.7x increased and intracerebral haemorrhage (bleeding in the brain) risk is 4.8x increased. (Zarifkar et al., 2022)
Risks of cognitive deficit, dementia, psychotic disorders, and epilepsy or seizures are increased for at least 2 years following Covid infection. (Taquet et al., 2022)
In 25% of mild Covid cases, visuocontructive cognitive deficits are seen, associated with changes in brain structure and metabolism. (de Paula et al., 2022)
Hospitalised Covid patients cognitive loss is similar on average to that sustained with 20 years ageing, and equivalent to losing 10 IQ points. (Hampshire et al., 2022)
People reportedly recovered from Covid show decreased intelligence and significant cognitive deficits. (Hampshire et al., 2021)
Covid Causes Alzheimer’s-like Pathology and Accelerates Existing Alzheimer’s Disease
Covid invades cognitive centers of the brain and induces Alzheimer’s-like neuropathology (Shen et al., 2022)
Covid is associated with accelerated progression of Alzheimer’s disease (aaic.alz.org) 
Covid produces proteins that form cytotoxic aggregates which damage neuronal cells, which parallels Alzheimer’s disease mechanism (Charnley et al., 2022)
COVID increases the risk of neurodegenerative disorders- Alzheimer’s disease risk is 3.5x increased; Parkinson’s disease risk is 2.6x increased; ischaemic stroke risk is 2.7x increased and intracerebral haemorrhage (bleeding in the brain) risk is 4.8x increased. (Zarifkar et al., 2022)
Risks of cognitive deficit, dementia, psychotic disorders, and epilepsy or seizures are increased for at least 2 years following Covid infection. (Taquet et al., 2022)
Covid Causes Kidney Damage
Mild Covid infection is associated with increased risk of kidney damage (Bowe et al., 2021)
Covid infection triples risk of End Stage Kidney Disease, requiring dialysis or kidney transplant (Bowe et al., 2021)
Covid Causes Diabetes
Covid patients have a 40% increased risk of being diagnosed with diabetes after first infection (Xie et al., 2022)
Covid infection is associated with an 81% increase in Diabetes incidence for 12+ weeks following infection (Rezel-Potts et al., 2022)
Mild Covid infections increase risk of Type 2 Diabetes development (Rathmann et al., 2022)
Covid infection leads to an average of 42% increased risk of Type 1 Diabetes across all ages. Risk increases most in pediatric patients- by 584%. (Quedan et al., 2022)
Covid Causes Cardiovascular Illness
Covid infection, even when mild, substantially increases risk of cardiovascular illness up to at least 1 year later (Xie et al., 2022)
Capillary density (how many small blood vessels are present) is reduced by 41% in sufferers of Long Covid 18 months after Covid infection (Osiaevi et al., 2022)
Acute Covid infection results in 6x increase in cardiovascular diagnosis; 11x increase in pulmonary embolism (blood clot in lung); 6x increase in atrial arrhythmias (abnormal heartbeat); 5x increase in venous thromboses (blood clot in vein). (Rezel-Potts et al., 2022)
A spike protein found on Covid-19 virus particles uses the body’s immune response to damage and inflame heart muscle cells. (heart.org)
People with Covid exhibited increased risks and 12-month burdens of incident cardiovascular diseases, including cerebrovascular disorders, dysrhythmias, inflammatory heart disease, ischemic heart disease, heart failure, thromboembolic disease and other cardiac disorders. Risk were evident even in those without prior cardiovascular disease. (Xie et al., 2022)
Risk of stroke more than doubles even with mild or asymptomatic Covid infection. Median time of stroke is 2 months after Covid diagnosis. (Tu et al., 2021)
Covid infection increases heart attack risk by 3-8x and stroke risk by 3-6x (Katsoularis et al., 2021)
Covid infection increases risk of deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism and bleeding in the months following acute illness (Katsoularis et al., 2022)
Long Covid is associated with presence of microclots throughout the body. (Pretorius et al., 2021)
Long Covid patients may face an increased risk of abnormal blood clotting. (uclh.nhs.uk)
Covid Accelerates Biological Ageing
Accelerated biological ageing is seen in Covid infection (Cao et al., 2022)
Covid Damages the Immune System
Covid causes T-cell exhaustion, meaning the immune system is less able to fight off pathogens (Loretelli et al., 2021)
Previous infection with earlier SARS2 strains can lead to impaired immune responses to Omicron (Reynolds et al., 2022)
Covid infects and kills T-lymphocytes (key cells of the immune system), causing low T-lymphocyte counts 1(Guan et al., 2020), 2(Shen et al., 2022)
Long Covid patients show reactivation of latent Epstein-Barr (can cause MS) and Varicella Zoster (can cause shingles and Ramsey Hunt syndrome) viruses (Klein et al., 2022 *preprint)
2.8% of Long Covid patients reported Varicella Zoster Virus reactivation, leading to shingles, following Covid infection. Primary risk factors for VZV reactivation are age and immunodeficiency. (Davis et al., 2021)
Covid infection causes immunodefiency in recovered patients by downregulating a specific protein on B Cells (a type of immune cell). (Jing et al., 2021)
Covid Causes the Body to Attack Itself (Autoimmunity)
Covid causes production of autoantibodies which target the immune system, vascular cells, coagulation factors and platelets, connective tissue, and organ systems, including lung, the central nervous system compartment, skin, gastrointestinal tract and other tissues. (Wang et al., 2021)
Asymptomatic Covid infection can lead to severe Ulcerative Colitis (an inflammatory bowel disease). (Mora et al., 2022)
Mild Covid infection can produce significant levels of autoantibodies for 7+ months. (Bhadelia et al., 2021)
Covid infection precedes new appearance of autoimmune and inflammatory diseases. (Galleoti and Bayry, 2020)
Covid infection linked to development of vasculitis, arthritis, lupus and sarcoidosis. (Gracia-Ramos et al., 2021)
Autoantibodies linked to Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, immune thrombocytopaenia and autoimmune haemolytic anaemia found in patients following Covid infection. (Moody et al., 2021)
In a group of non-hospitalised healthcare workers with Covid, 54% tested positive for autoantibodies- these targeted skin, smooth muscle, neutrophils (a type of white blood cell of the immune system) and gastric parietal cells (cells in the gut). (Richter et al., 2021)
Covid May Affect Both Male and Female Fertility
COVID-19 virus can be found and continues to replicate in the testes even after death (Costa et al., 2022 *preprint)
COVID-19 infects the testes and damages spermatogenesis (sperm production) (Ma et al., 2020)
Covid virus particles found in penis tissue of men infected 6-8 months earlier, who later experienced erectile dysfunction (Kresch et al., 2021)
Study shows total sperm number lower in men infected with Covid at 3 month follow up (Best et al., 2021)
Testes of Covid patients show significant seminiferous tubular injury and reduced Leydig cells- cells that produce testosterone. (Yang et al., 2020)
11 of 26 (42%) men with mild/moderate Covid infection showed incidental (asymptomatic) epididymitis on Doppler ultrasound - a condition that can cause infertility (Carneiro et al., 2021)
A case of premature ovarian failure due to Covid infection (Madaan et al., 2021)
Another case of premature ovarian insufficiency in a 34-year-old following Covid infection (Wilkins and Al-Inizi, 2021)
Ovarian injury, including declined ovarian reserve and reproductive endocrine disorder, can be observed in a study of women in China infected with Covid. (Ding et al., 2021)
Study finds men who had seemingly fully recovered from Covid infection developed decreased sperm count and motility and abnormally shaped sperm. (Ghosh et al., 2022)
Covid Causes Erectile Dysfunction
Covid virus particles found in penis tissue of men infected 6-8 months earlier, who later experienced erectile dysfunction (Kresch et al., 2021)
A Long Covid survey found 15% of men reported sexual dysfunction and 3% reported a decrease in genital size. (Davis et al., 2021)
Prevalence of erectile dysfunction 3x as common in men after Covid infection (28% vs 9% in controls) (Sansone et al., 2021)
Prevalence of erectile dysfunction in Thai men reported as 65% following Covid infection (Harirugsa et al., 2021)
Another study showing risk of erectile dysfunction triples following Covid infection. (Katz et al., 2021)
Study finds that Covid infection leads to 6-fold increased risk of erectile dysfunction, which worsens men’s mental health. (Hsieh et al., 2022)
Covid Causes Autonomic Nervous System Dysfunction
30% of 4000 Long Covid patients met the criteria for a diagnosis of Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, a type of dysautonomia (Davis et al., 2021)
Dysautonomia (autonomic nervous system dysfunction) may be responsible for fatigue and hypoxia in Long Covid patients. (Barizien et al., 2021)
Covid infection frequently causes abnormalities in autonomic nervous system tests, as well as worsening pre-existing dysfunction. Abnormalities included orthostatic intolerance, fainting, heachaches, burning pains, excessive sweating and lightheadedness. (Shouman et al., 2021)
67% of Long Covid patients have moderate-to-severe autonomic dysfunction, regardless of severity of initial Covid infection. (Larsen et al., 2022 *preprint)
Covid infection could result in gastric dysmotility and paralysis (stomach and intestines become unable to move food through). (Coles et al., 2022)
Covid Can Seriously Harm Children
SARS2 causes increased hospital admissions, mortality rate and absolute numbers of deaths in children, compared to Influenza (Shein et al., 2022)
Asymptomatic infection in children can lead to a serious, multiorgan hyperinflammatory syndrome (Riphagen et al., 2020)
An epidemic of hepatitis in healthy children could be linked to previous COVID-19 infection (science.org)
Pulmonary dysfunction persists even in children considered to be recovered from Covid (Heiss et al., 2022 *preprint)
Covid leads to a 3x increased risk of psychotic disorders in children (Taquet et al., 2022)
Children are twice as likely to develop epilepsy or seizures following Covid infection, compared to following other respiratory infections (Taquet et al., 2022)
Children are at an increased risk of epilepsy, encephalitis, nerve, nerve root and plexus disorders up to at least 2 years after Covid infection (Taquet et al., 2022)
Intracranial (brain) bacterial infections have increased during the Covid pandemic, occuring during or just after Covid infection. One Michigan children’s hospital reports a 236% increase. (Khuon et al., 2022)
235,000 children in England have Long Covid symptoms lasting 12+ weeks that affect their daily life (ONS.gov.uk)
21% of Year 13 pupils missed 4+ weeks of school due to Covid for the 21/22 academic year in England (suttontrust.com)
Children and teens who’ve had Covid are at greater risk for blood clots, heart problems, kidney failure, and Type 1 diabetes (Kompaniyets et al., 2022)
5.2 million children have lost a parent or caregiver to Covid infection. (Unwin et al., 2022)
Covid infection leads to an average of 42% increased risk of Type 1 Diabetes across all ages. Risk increases most in pediatric patients- by 584%. (Quedan et al., 2022)
Covid Can Endanger Pregnancy and the Growing Baby
Covid infection during pregnancy increases risk of preterm delivery (Edlow et al., 2022)
Covid infection at delivery increases risk of stillbirth (DeSisto et al., 2021)
Covid infection during pregnancy increases risk of neurodevelopmental disorder diagnosis in babies by 2.17x during first year of life (Edlow et al., 2022)
Risk of severe Covid infection is higher in pregnant women. (Rad et al., 2021)
Newborns born to mothers who had recovered from Covid 10+ weeks prior to birth show viral mRNA and proteins in their stool and signs of intestinal inflammation. (Jin et al., 2022)
Covid infection destroys the placenta, starving the baby of oxygen, resulting in increased risks of stillbirth and neonatal deaths. (Schwartz et al., 2022)
Covid Can Lead to Development of New Allergies
Mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS) may be triggered by Covid infection, resulting in new allergies and risk of anaphylaxis. (Afrin et al., 2020)
Mast cell activation symptoms are increased in Long Covid (Weinstock et al., 2021)
Covid Worsens Mental and Psychological Health
Covid diagnosis associated with increased risk of mental health diagnosis and neurocognitive decline (Xie et al., 2022)
Risks of cognitive deficit, dementia, psychotic disorders, and epilepsy or seizures are increased for at least 2 years following Covid infection. (Taquet et al., 2022)
Covid Reinfection is Common and Increasingly Detrimental to Health
Reinfection with Covid increases risk of hospitalization, death and long covid by more each time 1(Al-Aly et al., 2022 *preprint), 2(World Health Organisation)
Covid reinfections are common. Mean time between 1st and 2nd infection is 79 days, and between 2nd and 3rd infection is 65 days. (Al-Aly et al., 2022 *preprint)
Covid reinfection is possible as soon as 19 days after initial infection. (Ren et al., 2022)
Long Covid is Common, Serious and Potentially Disabling
1 in 5 (20-30%) develop a new health condition following Covid infection (Bull-Otterson et al. 2022)
Just below 1 in 10 (9.3%) triple vaccinated people are not recovered 4-8 weeks after Omicron infection in the UK (ONS.gov.uk)
1 in 7 (14%) of 11-18 year olds have symptoms 15 weeks after COVID-19 infection (Stephenson et al., 2021)
Long Covid causes disability and unemployment (theguardian.com)
Two million days of healthcare staff absences were lost to Long Covid during the first 18 months of the pandemic in England (the guardian.com)
On average, healthcare staff absent with Long Covid are off for more than 80 days in England (theguardian.com)
A US Long Covid group reports that 44% of those affected are out of work (longhauler-advocacy.org)
235,000 children in England have Long Covid symptoms lasting 12+ weeks that affect their daily life (ONS.gov.uk)
21% of Year 13 pupils missed 4+ weeks of school due to Covid for the 21/22 academic year in England (suttontrust.com)
The proportion of people unemployed and not seeking work due to Long Covid has doubled in the past year in the UK (theguardian.com)
Long Covid survey of nearly 4000 finds 45% required a reduced work schedule and 22% could not work due to illness (Davis et al., 2021)
88% of Long Covid sufferers experience cognitive dysfunction and memory problems (Davis et al., 2021)
80,000 people estimated to have left employment due to Long Covid by March 2022 in UK (Reuschke and Houston, 2022)
2.9 million people of working age in the UK have had, or currently have, Long Covid (Reuschke and Houston, 2022)
Long Covid has over 200 symptoms spanning 10 organ systems. (Davis et al., 2021)
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Graph via @davidsteadson on Twitter
Vaccination Does Not Fully Prevent Long Covid
16% of Covid infections lead to Long Covid after 3 vaccinations (Azzolini et al., 2022)
Just below 1 in 10 (9.3%) triple vaccinated people are not recovered 4-8 weeks after Omicron infection in the UK (ONS.gov.uk)
Vaccination only reduces risk of Long Covid by 15%. (Al-Aly et al., 2022)
Covid Persists in the Body after Initial Infection
Covid can persist throughout the body and brain even following mild/asymptomatic infections, for at least 230 days (Chertow et al., 2021 *preprint)
COVID-19 can persist within the gut for at least 7 months after infection 1(Gaebler et al., 2021), 2(Natarajan et al., 2022)
Residual COVID-19 virus has been found in the appendix and breast tissue, 175- and 462-days post-infection, respectively (Goh et al., 2022 *preprint)
COVID-19 virus can persist in the eyes after initial infection (Armstrong et al., 2021)
COVID-19 virus can be found and continues to replicate in the testes even after death (Costa et al., 2022 *preprint)
Covid virus particles found in penis tissue of men infected 6-8 months earlier, who later experienced erectile dysfunction (Kresch et al., 2021)
Viral Persistence Can Cause Serious Illness Many Years Later
We do not know the long term effects of Covid Infection and Persistence.
Persistent Hepatitis C infection increases risk of Hepatocellular carcinoma (liver cancer) (Mitchell et al., 2015)
Persistent Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection causes cervical cancer (Sudenga et al., 2013)
Persistent HIV infection leads to immunodeficiency and AIDS (Pauza, 1988)
Persistence of Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) can cause development of multiple sclerosis (Ruprecht, 2020)
Persistence of varicella zoster virus (VZV), which causes chickenpox, can result in shingles and Ramsey Hunt Syndrome (Gershon et al., 2015)
These effects of Covid are not easy to learn about, but it is essential that people know the risks. This is not fearmongering- it is not “what if”s and “maybe”s- these are events that are happening right now, around the world.
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theradicalscholar · 1 year
🌡️⚖️ Bacterial Pneumonia: Lessons from the Past, Relevance to COVID-19 🦠🔍
The 1918 influenza pandemic taught us about the significant role of bacterial pneumonia, overshadowing the primary viral infection. This knowledge remains relevant to COVID-19.
🧪 Unveiling the Evidence: Autopsy findings showed that secondary bacterial infections were the primary cause of death during the 1918 pandemic.
⚙️ Viral-Bacterial Interplay: Combining influenza viruses with bacteria led to severe disease, highlighting their synergistic effects.
💡 Pandemic Preparedness: Recognizing the importance of bacterial pneumonia is vital in preparing for future outbreaks. Preventing, diagnosing, and treating bacterial pneumonia should be prioritized.
😷 Finding Balance: While masks are essential in curbing the spread of COVID-19, excessive and indiscriminate usage may have drawbacks. Research has raised concerns about certain mask types potentially increasing respiratory infections.
💪 Navigating Complexity: We need a comprehensive approach that balances mask usage with overall health considerations to create a resilient society.
🌍🤝 Building a Healthier Future: By learning from history, we can prioritize public health, prepare for future pandemics, and minimize unintended consequences. Let's stay vigilant and #StopTheSpread.
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quixoticanarchy · 2 years
what’s really ironic about the “just let everyone get infected w covid!! herd immunity!!” arguments now is that letting the virus run rampant through the world has actually achieved the opposite: everyone may get infected, but then they’ll just keep getting infected. delta infections didn’t protect against the original omicron variant. omicron BA.1 doesn’t protect you against BA.2.12.1. none of them really protect you against BA.4 and BA.5. mass infection is not going to create mass immunity, it just means that with every infection you’re rolling the dice on what this unpredictable and very creative virus is going to do to you
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newsrds · 2 years
COVID symptom that is more effective than fever, loss of smell and taste
COVID symptom that is more effective than fever, loss of smell and taste
With the onset of winter, COVID cases are increasing in the United Kingdom and other European countries. This points to a new wave of infections in the coming days. The National Statistical Officer informed that there has been a 14% increase in infections in a week, however, the exact reason behind the increase is still unknown. Professor Tim Spector, co-founder of the COVID ZOE app, commented,…
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nando161mando · 1 month
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fauci saying “vulnerable people will fall by the wayside” and that some will die but that’s ok because we’re not going to see the “tsunami of cases” we’ve seen before is so dehumanising. so babies with no immune system, elderly people, disabled people, and people without adequate access to healthcare can all die of covid. but it’s ok guys because actually they’re just falling to the wayside and everyone else will go back to normal and be fine (sarcasm).
my death or the deaths of my family or friends wouldn’t be us “falling by the wayside”, it would be us being failed by our government, healthcare systems, and communities who have refused to take coronavirus seriously despite mounting anecdotal and scientific evidence of the harm this virus does. fact that people can accept the deaths of vulnerable groups just because they want to eat in a restaurant or don’t want to wear a mask is horrifying
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a-star-that-fell · 7 months
really pisses me off when people frame catching covid as an individual moral failure
the first time i got it from my dad who was wearing a cloth mask and got it while getting a haircut the second time was either from some point where i couldn’t wear a mask (post surgery when i was literally unconscious and had no one to advocate for me or dentist for an infected tooth) or my mother bringing it home from work
you cannot always control other people’s spread. yes wear a good mask yes try to keep your air clean with purifiers etc if you can but like. it is not a moral failure to get sick in a society that has little to no institutional mitigations for preventing illness.
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kirby-the-gorb · 2 years
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they sent my wife home from work ostensibly for using a cane, even though it didn't interfere with her duties as a medical resident and the whole point was she was well enough to work with the extra support. (even the most charitable interpretation, that they assumed the presence of a mobility aid meant she was too ill to work regardless of what she said, is a serious issue.) happy disability pride month I guess, kirby's fixin to start whackin.
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pochapal · 8 months
i hauve covid
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thehiddenworld · 1 year
Covid 19 wasn't enough
 Covid 19 wasn't enough so besides the train derailments contaminating water, factories burning down they now invented a fungal that is not curable by antibiotics or any kind of medication. 
The fungal is called Candida auris or C. Auris. They are saying it is a yeast type of fungus that is spreading through health care facilities.
 Apparently it was only in 3 states back in 2016 but has spread to 20-27 states in 2022 but now is in 30 states.
 Why are they just now sharing this? Why are they just now talking about it now that the Covid has died down and no longer causing a panic?
This is probably to lead to another panic and pandemic as if the train derailments, the factories burning down and everything else going on in the world is not enough.
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advicerlaara · 2 years
How to Keep Your Ears Clean
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Cotton swabs are recommended by some, while ear candles are recommended by others. Maybe you’re one of those people who believes that you should never clean your ears.
Putting anything inside your ear is a horrible idea, which is about the only thing doctors agree on. Your ears normally clean themselves and don’t require any special attention. Cleaning them is only necessary to soften or eliminate earwax from the outside of your ear canals. And you’ll need to know how to do it wisely if you’re going to accomplish it.
⭐ Why Do Your Ears Produce Wax? The substance called cerumen, sometimes known as earwax, is the reason we feel compelled to clean our ears. It’s natural for your body to create it, and it aids in the protection and lubrication of your ears. Your ears would be uncomfortable and dry if you didn’t have earwax.
It even has antibacterial characteristics, so your ears will clean themselves. Earwax acts as a filter for your ears, keeping hazardous substances such as dirt and dust out while trapping them so they don’t get too deep within.
You can help transfer old earwax out of the ear canal to the ear entrance by chewing and moving your jaw. It frequently dries up and falls out there. Earwax, on the other hand, is created in the outer region of your ear canal, not in the deep part.
So the only reason you have an earwax blockage against your eardrum is that you tried to clean your ears with a cotton swab — or something similar — and pushed the wax further in.
Other dangerous complications can result from swabbing or inserting pointed things inside your ear:
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01. Infection 02. An eardrum rupture is a condition in which the eardrum ruptures. 03. Hearing loss that is severe
⭐Is It Necessary to Clean Your Ears? No, your ear canals shouldn’t need to be cleaned. However, if too much earwax builds up and causes symptoms or prevents your doctor from doing a full ear check, you may have cerumen impaction. This indicates that earwax has completely filled your ear canal, which can occur in either one or both ears.
⭐Cerumen impaction causes the following symptoms:
01. In your ear, you may have pain or a feeling of fullness. 02. Do you have the sensation that your ear is plugged? 03. Partial hearing loss that worsens over time 04. Tinnitus is a ringing in the ear. 05. Itching, drainage, or an odor emanating from your ear are all signs that 06. something is wrong. 07. Coughing
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This type of earwax buildup is uncommon, although it does occur. However, if you’re suffering from any of the symptoms described above, don’t blame it on earwax. Make an appointment with your physician. They can examine your ears and determine the source of the problem. Your doctor can use a special gadget to look into your ear canal and remove any earwax with small devices, suction, or irrigation.
⭐How to Clean Your Ears and How Not to Clean Your Ears You can gently wipe the outside of your ears if your problem isn’t serious but you feel like there’s too much earwax buildup. All you need is a washcloth. To soften the wax, you can apply a few drops of baby oil, hydrogen peroxide, mineral oil, or glycerin to your ear. Or An over-the-counter wax removal kit can be used.
Ear candles should not be used to clean your ears but instead for cotton swabs or other small or sharp things. According to studies, they are ineffective and might possibly cause damage. The FDA has discovered that these hollow candles, which are designed to be placed into the ear canal and lit at the exposed end, can cause burns and even penetrate the inside of the ear.
⭐Recommended Products — It’s not compulsory for you. it has listing for your easier only. Thank you!
👉❤️ Product 01 — Stainless Steel Earwax Tool Kit 👉❤️Product 02 — Ear Wax Removal Kit with Camera 👉❤️Product 03 — Ear Wash Refill Kit 👉❤️Product 04 — Ear Oil for Ear Infections 👉❤️Product 05 — Olive Oil Ear Wax Drops Softens Removes 👉❤️Product 06 — Organic Ear Oil for Ear Infections 👉❤️Product 07 — Baby Oil 👉❤️Product 08 — Ear wax removal kit 👉❤️Product 09 — Traditional Bamboo Ear Picks 👉❤️Product 10 —Ear Covers For Shower 👉❤️Product 11 — Ear Washer Disposable Tips
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sound-overlord · 1 year
not to be annoyed at ppl who are annoying but if a headline says 'a hundred million americans are exposed to HEART DISEASE bc of VACCINES' and then the subtitle is '2.8 % of ppl studied had elevated protein levels that are known to be heart disease risk factors' then the body of the text says 'we only looked at ppl with extremely stressful jobs' and you think covid vaccines are dangerous maybe you just cant fucking read
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joseywritesng · 2 years
Long COVID was an avoidable tragedy. Some of us saw it coming
Long COVID was an avoidable tragedy. Some of us saw it coming
September 15, 2022 – It should have been the start of a new understanding of a debilitating disease. In May 2017, I was patient No. 4 in a group of 20 who participated in an in-depth and intensive study at the National Institutes of Health to uncover the root causes of myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome, a disease that causes extreme exhaustion, difficulty sleeping and pain. ,…
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whatacartouchebag · 2 years
I am. Sick. Of having. Covid. And being. Sick :))))))
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gregor-samsung · 2 years
“ The scope of her work, Reed told me, encompassed a range of infectious diseases that threaten gorilla health, of which Ebola is only the most exotic. The others were largely human diseases of more conventional flavor, to which gorillas are susceptible because of their close genetic similarity to us: TB, poliomyelitis, measles, pneumonia, chickenpox, et cetera. Gorillas can be exposed to such infections wherever unhealthy people are walking, coughing, sneezing, and crapping in the forest. Any such spillover in the reverse direction—from humans to a nonhuman species—is known as an anthroponosis. The famous mountain gorillas, for instance, have been threatened by anthroponotic infections such as measles, carried by ecotourists who come to dote upon them. (Mountain gorillas constitute a severely endangered subspecies of the eastern gorilla, confined to the steep hillsides of the Virunga Volcanoes in Rwanda and neighboring lands. The western gorilla of Central African forests, a purely lowland species, is more numerous but far from secure.) Combined with destruction of their habitat by logging operations, and the hunting of them for bushmeat to be consumed locally or sold into markets, infectious diseases could push western gorillas from their current levels of relative abundance (maybe a hundred thousand in total) to a situation in which small, isolated populations survive tenuously, like the mountain gorillas, or go locally extinct. But the forests of Central Africa are still relatively vast, compared to the small Virunga hillsides that harbor mountain gorillas; and the western gorilla doesn’t face many ecotourists in its uncomfortable, nearly impenetrable home terrain. So measles and TB aren’t the worst of its problems. “I would say that, without a doubt, Ebola is the biggest threat” to the western species, Reed said. What makes Ebola virus among gorillas so difficult, she explained, is not just its ferocity but also the lack of data. “We don’t know if it was here before. We don’t know if they survive it. But we need to know how it passes through groups. We need to know where it is.” And the question of where has two dimensions. How broadly is Ebola virus distributed across Central Africa? Within what reservoir species does it lurk? “
David Quammen, Spillover: Animal Infections and the Next Human Pandemic; W. W. Norton, 2012 [ eBook ]
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nando161mando · 4 months
“If you live in a rich country, you’re probably not going to get cholera from drinking water. The state accepts the responsibility of waterborne disease elimination as an obvious duty”
Institutional COVID denial has killed public health as we knew it. Prepare to lose several centuries of progress
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