#Earth’s rotation
mizelaneus · 2 months
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solsticesday · 2 years
Misconceptions about the solstices.
If solstices mark the brightest and darkest days of the year, why don’t temperatures reflect that?
In short, it’s because it takes time for Earth’s land and water to heat up and cool down. In the U.S., the year’s coldest temperatures set in after-mid January, roughly a month after the Northern Hemisphere’s winter solstice. Likewise, thermometers hit their high in the U.S. in July and August, weeks after the summer solstice.
Some believe, too, that since Earth’s rotation is slowing down, each new solstice sets a new record for daytime length. But that’s not the case.
It’s certainly true that Earth’s rotation has slowed over billions of years, as Earth loses angular momentum to our planet’s tides. Growth lines on fossil corals show that more than 400 million years ago, days on Earth lasted less than 22 hours.
But Earth’s gradual slowing down isn’t the only factor at play. Picture a figure skater twirling on their skates; they can speed up or slow down their twirls by how much they tuck in their limbs. In much the same way, changes in the distribution of Earth’s mass—from the winds of El Niño to the melting of Greenland’s ice—can subtly tweak our planet’s rotation rate.
Taking all this into account, it’s thought that the longest day since the 1830s occurred sometime in 1912. It lasted less than four milliseconds longer than the recent average.
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miralyk · 5 months
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another orbit around the sun finished...! here's to continuing on 🎇
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thebrainrotsreal · 6 months
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When I tell you I am still so speechless over this episode.
When I tell you I am thinking about Mark who we know really ingrained Nolan's speech back in s1, only see that Nolan looks like he meant every word. That Mark was replaceable, his mother was just a pet. When I tell you I'm constantly thinking about Mark, who only saw his father cry over a planet he's only known for months, and not the family he's had for years. When I tell you I'm thinking about Mark finally calling Nolan 'dad' again only to be immediately choked and yelled at. When I think about the parallels of s1's fight and this one.
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ookamihanta · 3 months
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robin and supergirl have to go undercover at a ball
without text ver lol
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curious-chaosmagiic · 1 month
i want to ask other witches or anyone really who works with magics opinions on this!
i feel a more personal connection with the concept that the sun and moon are rules by one entity, maybe this entity controls the earth and allows us to see these celestial bodies? i don't know how to explain it- but i feel as tho the sun and moon are very connected sort of how cats and dogs can have one owner sort of thing?
i've never really heard of a deity or divine being that rules over both the sun and moon, it's usually two deities, and i do understand why that is! and it does make sense to me! but i feel like there is also a deity that controls the way the sun and moon are perceived? does any of this make sense
point is i just wanted to get that out there to the world :)
i'd love to hear others thoughts about the moon and sun, your beliefs around it and such!!
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humming-fly · 8 months
Do you ever think about the fact that Edward and Alphonse stopped going to school when they were like ten. What kind of stuff did they miss
oh yeah i think about the fact winry was probably the only one to complete primary schooling all the time hahaha
all things considered though they probably didn't miss that much? resembool is a farming community and from the very tiny snippets we see it looks like their classes are sort of an outdoors area presumably with kids of a variety of ages, so probably older kids help teach the younger ones etc. - i'd have refresh my knowledge of how small schoolhouses like that worked historically but I assume most kids are just in school to learn the basics of things before leaving to apprentice in whatever trade they plan to go into
most of em probably go into farming/sheepherding based on their community's focus, and similarly winry trained in automail with her grandmother also at presumably a very young age- I always assumed she'd started her apprenticeship around the same time ed and al were off training with izumi
if a kid did want to educate themselves more beyond that level I imagine they'd have to travel to another town or city to learn more, which is sort of what ed and al ended up doing so other than 'graduating' a few years early probably wasn't all that odd that they skipped town!
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Yall ever think about the fact that miles spider sense didn't go off while he was in the wrong universe because seeing his uncle made him so comfortable he didn't recognize any danger?
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thefirststarr · 7 days
Comparing how fast the planets spin, and their tilts!!
Credit: Dr. James O'Donoghue
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discordiansamba · 3 months
Sam's debriefing to the Garrison in burgundy is going to be so funny to think about because it's just like... 'you remember that one cadet that we all wrote off as a runaway? the one who got expelled after he decked Iverson? yeah he was actually a member of an elite alien resistance group who infiltrated Earth to search for the blue lion for them'.
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sewi-li-suwi · 11 months
Fact: The Earth rotates very quickly. As a result, different parts of the Earth move at different speeds - the equator at about 1670km/h, and the poles at none.
Fact: Summon Object can be used to move an object from any location to a space near you.
Thought: By summoning an object from the equator, it will be moving West at a significant speed. Likewise, by summoning an object from a pole it will be moving East at a significant speed.
Fact: I live in England.
Fact: England has a longitude of roughly 54⁰. The radius of the Earth is roughly 6321km.
Thought: If my maths is right, England moves at roughly 1324km/h.
Fact: 1324km/h is a reasonable speed for a bullet.
Fact: 1324km/h is Faster than the speed of sound.
Conclusion: By casting Summon Object on rocks in The North Pole, you can create bullets from thin air.
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angelsdean · 2 years
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➥And the angel Castiel said to the Righteous Man, “I’ll watch over you.” 
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starheirxero · 3 months
I've been thinking a lot about Lunar's different designs, and would love to ramble about them a bit, if you don't mind!
All of this is, of course, completely self-indulgent, and my own interpretation!
Now, Lunar has three official VR models. There's the most iconic one, with the crescent moon, the cuter version of moon, and of course his current one! For simplicity, I will refer to them as "Crescent", "CutieMoony", and will call his current one "Pastel".
There was one other design, his very first, which was shown in the thumbnail, though in the actual show was just a very pale recoloring of moon, and only shown in reaction videos. Though it was never canon, I do still have my own interpretation to that as well! This one, I will refer to as "Pale".
"Crescent" is most important design, as it brings meaning to the rest. It lays the foundation for everything else, as it is his real design. It's what he automatically glitches into when he's under high stress. Most importantly, it's what he's been shown to look like in every other universe. Lord Lunar, Lunara, swap Lunar, all of them are the same. Crescent is universally shown to be his real self.
"Pale", on the other hand is, simply put, what Eclipse wanted him to be. Something easily pushed into the background, something mild. Something to sit by quietly, to take what is thrown at him. Pale is the opposite of who Lunar actually is. Interestingly enough, his design in the thumbnail changed the day Moon returned, the day Lunar finally decided to cut off his puppet strings and reject Eclipse. That day, he rejected the image Eclipse had crafted for him, and his design, pale and barely there at all, bloomed into something bright, something noticeable. Lunar finally became themself, no longer bound to their purpose.
"CutieMoony", is the opposite of Pale, as it's what he chose to be. This design, to me, truly underlines Lunar's relationship and appreciation for old moon. He already has an actual design, one designed by his brothers, one that's truly him, in this universe and every other, and he can change into everything he wishes to be, yet he chooses to look like old Moon. Old Moon, who knew him best, right after Monty. They have shared the same body, and old Moon has seen the dents and hurt left in Eclipse's wake. He is the one Lunar ran to, when they couldn't bear the abuse anymore, the one they cried their heart out to. And despite what Lunar did, even under the influence of someone else, he met them with nothing but care and concern. He listened to them, and visibly tried to reach out, only to hesitate and hover instead, for his hands were only ever used to hurt before, something Lunar knew. He didn't force them to stay outside, and took their place, didn't even hesitate when Lunar asked him to be his brother. He is the first one who tried so hard to be a loving brother, arguably trying to be what he couldn't be for Sun, at least not in the beginning. He actively supported their interests, remembered what they liked. When Sun scared Lunar in a horror game and made them cry, Sun panicked because Moon would hear, showing just how much of a protective barrier old Moon was for Lunar. By taking his appearance, Lunar truly showed how much they looked up to him, and how safe he made them feel, considering they took this appearance while they were trapped by KC. Another thing to note is the red and yellow accents, very reminiscent of Sun, showing how much their bond has grown since the rocky start.
Last but not least, there is "Pastel". This design definitly has a lot of interpretation to give, but my favorite to focus on is the raw wrongness of it. Because we know what Lunar looks like. He's supposed to be vibrant and blue, yet this body is purple and mellow. Ironically enough, it's very similar to "Pale", the very personification of what Eclipse wanted him to be, showing the permanent mark he has left on them, as well as their mental state. Their energy isn't genuine anymore, it's a distraction and exaggeration to run from the mess left in their head. There is also the divinity inside of them, reflected in their eyes, showing them that now, they are more than just Lunar. They are part of something much bigger than themself. This body, in every sense of the word, is not their own. It's something they might never see as a home either. Another irony is how it once again links them to Eclipse, who himself is in a body not his own.
His body is a literal copy after all, not to forget that his "real self" was universally shown to look like Solar, minus God Eclipse.
This was a rather long ramble, but I really needed to get it out of my system! The brainrot's been growing steadily-
Thank you for reading!
I don't even know what to say other than these are all a fantastic observations and that I am wholeheartedly accepting these into my soul forever I think
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aurosoulart · 2 years
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the livestream went great and I made a ton of progress already! thank you to all who showed up 💙
don’t forget to tune in tomorrow night for the Colorado Healing Fund charity stream with me and Keving Ang!
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deerlisteners · 1 year
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felix will rlly b like “it’s not my job to make sure dimitri’s ok” & the very next scene he’s like “hey dimitri stop being so sad” like……… he’s SO subtle
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yukipri · 9 months
I feel like over the month+, I have like 1-2 hours a day max where I feel relatively awake, and every other hour I'm fighting bone-deep exhaustion. I'll bring it up with my doc at my check up on monday, but tbh i know the solution so idk if she can help
And I can work-work when I feel half-dead, or rather I force myself to because I don't want my cats to starve, but when it comes to creative stuff, it's like my mind is slippery sludge dribbling out my eyes...
The Solution, of course: just stop working 3~10 AM every day (and then taking a short nap, working during the day, and then taking another short nap, hours vary but repeat), and maybe get at least 6, ideally 8 uninterrupted hours of sleep at least every other day, ideally every day.
But do I see that happening? No.
Like rn I know I desperately need to edit fic and reply to comments and do several arts but I'm nodding off at my desk after boss DMing me work at 5 AM and dealing with repair people since 8:30 AM...
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