#Eerie Stories
weirdlookindog · 2 years
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5 Random Pulps
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jonasbedlam · 8 months
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Hello! I'm very happy to share with you this new collaboration we are working on. Eerie Stories of the Unnatural & Paranormal it's a Lo-fi horror game, about the horror stories we hear in our daily life. Writen by Irvin Morales and artwork by Jonas Bedlam.
This game is for you if you like creepy pastas, horror stories, scary internet videos and having fun with your friends invoking demons and/or lemons.
The game is coming out around halloween 2023 it will be available in español first but an english version its on the works.
You can help us by sharing this with your ttrpg enjoying friends, We'll keep you posted!
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impmarkona · 26 days
The Room Two: Final Chapter
Time to make our way one last time in The Room Two… The Laboratory! Batteries. Bugs. Criss-crossing lights. A hand. So much left to uncover and so little time. What will unfold in this laboratory? Watch closely. Read the notes. See what gets uncovered in this final chapter. Peace Out!~Markona~
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urfriendlywriter · 9 months
Horror/Eerie st0ry prompts:
(feel free to use<3 tag me when yall writeee )
"[name], w-why is there blood on your face-"
hyperventilating because your feet just touched blood but there's no body.
"it-it's--fuck, it just moved-"
"stop breathing at my ear, [name] --" and turning around to find nobody beside you.
looking at the mirror but the reflection isn't. looking. at. you.
"we need to get out, this is--a bad idea!"
being stuck in a nightmare.
"don't look back, please, i b-beg you, 'name', don't!"
"look at me-no! hey, no, don't, just focus on me, okay? okay, u got this!"
talking to a person and suddenly they turn weird-their face, and voice changes. their eyes turn white.
learning about whatever that is haunting you
"Do you know (an item that you found) belongs to?" and their face go white. "how. did you. find this."
"we need to run, you moron!"
lights flickering so hard
hallucinating shadowy figures
having your actions controlled by a shadow figure that's moving right outside your room
finding dark bruises all over your body you have no recollection of getting (ok but whys this creepy as fck)
having all things shake violently, fall and break
that gut feeling something is following you (if ure that mc, you'll def go investigating what it is. which DEF WILL GET YO ASS IN TROUBLE)
^ or that it might be progressively getting darker as you walk down a road where not a single life is seen
blacking out and waking up somewhere else
if you lift your head up and acknowledge it's presence-then you're done.
you blink once it's there. you blink again it's not but when you blink once again, it's on top of you, choking you.
"i shouldn't die, damn, i haven't even had my first kiss yet TT " (the comedic relief friend in horror stories lmao)
"are you haunted ?! sigh. do i need to save you? " "if you're not gonna piss your pants, yes please."
"if it ever comes between you and me-" "I'm-" "choose you." "obviously choosing you." "no. no! you are choosing you or i am going in there without you. i don't need to lose you too. understood?" ".... okay."
crying out loud, heaving and shuddering but nobody can see you breaking down
having blood smeared all over you
having to watch yourself slowly loose your identity and go paranoid
not being able to be alone anymore.
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gunthermunch · 4 months
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[Transcript under the cut]
Billie: Max. Billie: Maaaaaaaaax Max: WHAT!!!!!! Billie: could you PLEASE get your phone? i'm trying to sort my stuff here and you know i need extreme concentration Max: can't you just- slam it against the wall or something? i'm drawing. Billie: just pick up your phone girl it's as hard as taking a couple of steps [door slams open] [quick angry steps] Max: you know what? i'm picking it up. but not because you told me so. Billie: sure, it's over there. um. are you trying to drive someone insane? because it sounds like it Max: i am. Randy's been a complete bitch these days and won't leave me alone. Billie: all this just for that punk wannabee rat man? Oh my god you could've told me sooner so i can have an excuse to dislike him coming over. Max sighs Max: … Billie: …soooo Max: shit Billie: shit? Max: it wasn't Randy. It's Lucas Max: i completely forgot to text him back Max groans Max: --and Randy junk. Told you. Billie: i don't see you texting him back Max: Randy? eh, i'm calling him later. Billie: you know which one i'm talking about, boy Max: yeah, yeah… Max: …nooot now. Billie: just like that?? Max: i just think he can handle himself! c'mon, he's a big boy, not a whiny little baby. Billie: hmm that's something Elsa would hate to hear Max: oh come ON!! I'm just kidding! besides, I'm… doing other stuff Billie: if that's not the shittiest thing you've said this week Max: he knows me. nothing has changed since the last time we saw each other Billie: man i sure hope so! Billie: hey are you doing something tonight? thought we could reschedule tommorrow's movie night. Max: i am, actually. you can stick along tho Billie: no thanks. i'm playing Titania Summerdream in like three months and i need to get eerie and whimsical soon. Max: what does that have to do with anything? Billie: the proccess! it's theatre babe.
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bricktoygrapher · 2 years
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Objects in mirror are closer than they appear 💀
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lonelyzarquon · 5 months
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“I'm not getting scarier, look at me! Look at the state of me!” [x]
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relate-all · 14 days
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weirdlookindog · 3 months
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Edgar Allan Poe's The Fall of the House of Usher
by Tom Sutton
from Eerie #20, March 1969.
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ivqks159 · 2 years
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my entry for @hermithorrors zine!! I had a lot of fun drawing this piece, thanks for having me :D
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tea-earl-grey · 6 months
you know it might be unpopular but i kind of disagree with the fandom opinion that Voyager mishandled the Borg. tng's portrayal of the Borg as a mass unknowable and undefeatable entity – a Collective that assimilates by force and eliminates individuality as a natural and perfect opposition to the Federation that expands through peace and is endlessly multicultural (at least allegedly) – is very good. there's a reason that Best of Both Worlds is still regarded as one of the best tng episodes. but the thing about villains that function through fear and the unknowability is that every time you meet them they become less scary and less interesting. (see what happened with the Weeping Angels in Doctor Who as an example.)
if the shows continued with the same portrayal of the Borg then it would have gotten very old very very quickly with a limited number of possible stories. but then if Star Trek ignored the Borg entirely after their few tng episodes it would have felt unrealistic – there's this all powerful alien race that's invaded half the galaxy and can easily overpower the Federation and we're just... never gonna bring them up again? that's not really gonna fly.
i actually think that Voyager's approach to the Borg is refreshing. we're not going to focus on them as the terrifying unknown entity, we're going to focus on their personal effects mostly through Seven. i don't think Voyager ever really treated the Borg as the generic villain because the Borg were presented on an interpersonal level and opened up the box for more stories instead of just constantly rehashing Q Who and Best of Both Worlds. Voyager followed up on tng's question (introduced in I, Borg) of "what if a Borg was separated from the Collective?" and continued to ask things like: "is it ethical to forcibly remove someone from the Collective against their will?" "how is a collective of humans better than the Collective of Borg?" "can a person ever fully lose their humanity?" "if humanity is lost then can it ever be regained?" "can an individual be responsible for deaths dealt by a collective group?" "if they are responsible then how do they live with themselves? how do they atone for atrocities they never chose to commit?" "is prejudice against the Borg just a reflection of our fear of loss of control and humanity?" "what even is humanity?"
i'm not saying voyager's (and other post tng shows) portrayal of the Borg was great in every way. it definitely wasn't. (i'm still like. mildly baffled by the idea of the Borg Queen and how she's written. there are definitely episodes that veer too much into the action flick genre. and even as much as i love Seven there's definitely an oversaturation of her episodes compared to the rest of the cast in later seasons.) but idk i've heard a lot of people say that Voyager ruined the Borg but from my perspective they just took a character based approach to exploring them rather than a science fiction based approach. some people might prefer one to the other but i think a lot of people missed that Voyager was never trying to replicate the Borg we see in early tng. yes they make them a bit toothless in comparison but that's because we're exploring them through the lens of personhood. it's a feature not a bug imo.
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impmarkona · 1 month
The Room Two: Chapter Five
Drifting through The Room Two we go! With Chapter Five…. The Crossing! Watch those waters closely. You never know what you might miss. 😉 As always, pause to read the notes as they do tell part of the story. Enjoy the puzzles! Peace Out!~Markona~
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republican-resource · 1 month
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eerieluzt · 5 months
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The Never-ending Catacombs
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