#Family Health Guide
puppyeared · 5 months
for like 3 weeks i was wondering why i was sleeping so much and felt listless. and just now I managed to email 3 people and responded to a month old message in the span of an hour because I got back to TAKING MY FUCKIN MEDS..........
#MOTHER FFFFUCKER#to be fair. my doc said I could stop taking them while im on break since i wouldnt need to be constantly pumped on stimulants#im not sure if it was a side effect but i managed to take like 3 different naps in one day and STILL managed to sleep thru the whole night#at least 2 days into my break. the weird thing is i didnt feel more or less rested afterwards. but mentally i think im in a good place rn#to really put the level of awakeness im at rn i feel weirdly confident i could start one piece. also bc of that sick new opening it BANGS#the song is really good and im in love with the animation style. did some digging and it seems one of the lead animators is masato mori#but i could be wrong. it seems he also did some work on mp100 which could explain a lot lol.. he uses smear frames really well to convey#consistent movement and fluidity!!! someone else might have done color design but it works really really well esp with odas style!!#just love the overall vibe and aesthetic and id really love to study it and incorporate a bit of it into my art.. especially the thick#outlines which i think helps to separate characters and objects on screen. though i have to say the style is definitely more suited to#animation bc of the simpleness and smears. maybe that will help me explore shapes and perspective when i draw... i wanna get better#at drawing poses and angles but i have a hard time wrapping my head around space and using perspective guide lines NGHHHH#i wonder if it has to do with my dogshit ability to judge distance. not depth perception but like. judge how far smth is in metres etc#im also wearing an N95 for the first couple weeks back bc of the wave. absolutely NO BODY is wearing a mask its so fucking over#where im sitting ive heard 5 different people coughing probably not into their elbows!!! and im just. head in my fucking hands#there was a kid sitting a couple seats away in class coughing as he pleases and i wanted to grab him in a chokehold so badly. PLEASEE#ive been annoying my family by asking them to mask up and reminding them to bring masks when they go out and showing them news articles#but at least its working bc we ordered some KN95s and my mom is at least taking me seriously so. please dont be afraid to speak up abt your#health. take care of yourself and others however u can!! wear that mask indoors at your maskless friends house!!! stay home when u can!!#im wearing a surgical mask at home too bc my parents have '''a dry throat cough''' and they are so bad at coughing into their sleeves#also im pretty sure dry throat isnt transmissible bc my brother started coughing too so.. i also tested negative but they havent tested yet#im also not a doctor but i have to keep reminding ppl whenever i can that covid and flu work differently. covid is new and too recent to#have nearly as much research done on it. it seems its also compounding so instead of building immunity it weakens the body and spreads to#to other systems which might explain brain fog and muscle weakness. i remember someone early in the pandemic got infected and it messed up#their smell/taste receptors so bad that they cant eat most foods and that stays in the front of my mind when i think abt covid. christ#yapping
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strawberrybyers · 16 days
what in the fuck did the universe put in 2024??? this year is actually cursed lmfao. and may has been a month from hell. i actually haven’t had a good moment at all this month??? and it’s ONLY getting worse as it nears the end???
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transfloridaresources · 6 months
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[Photo ID: Purple and white graphic from Thrive Lifeline. Text reads: 'Holiday Guide. Seeing your family can be challenging over the holidays. Here are some ways to reduce the impact and care for yourself and your relationships!' /End ID]
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[Photo ID: Text reads: '1. Set boundaries when you can. This can look like saying "If you make negative comments about my partner and/or identity, I will leave the holiday celebration."' /End ID]
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[Photo ID: Text reads: 'That is not your fault and doesn't mean you set them wrong. Despite our best efforts, we cannot always control how others interact with us. 2. Sometimes family members won't respect your boundaries.' /End ID]
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[Photo ID: Text reads: Give them a heads-up about specific triggers in family situations, expected tensions, and when/how you want them to step in. 3. Prep your partner or anyone you bring to family events.' /End ID]
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[Photo ID: Text reads: '4. Have a reason to leave if needed. This can be going home to take care of pets, a friend who can call and ask for your help, a work commitment, or even something like picking someone up from the airport. You don't need to give your family all the details, you can give a vague time estimate and move it as needed.' /End ID]
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[Photo ID: Text reads: '5. It may not be easy to set all the boundaries you need. Some of us rely on family for housing security, economic security, job connections, etc. Know that this may impact your mental health immediately and in the future. Find the balance that causes you the least amount of harm.' /End ID]
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[Photo ID: Text reads: 'Planning aftercare, ideally with people who support and validate your identity and experiences, is important. Make time to vent and share stories, and make time to do things that bring you joy! 6. Have aftercare planned.' /End ID]
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[Photo ID: Text reads: 'This can be a challenging time, and know you are not in it alone. Text THRIVE if you need to talk, day or night. +1.313.662.8209. 7. If you need to talk, text us.' /End ID]
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harmonyhealinghub · 6 months
The Unsung Heroes: Postpartum Doulas - Nurturing New Moms and Families
Shaina Tranquilino
December 11, 2023
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Becoming a parent is an incredible journey filled with joy, love, and countless challenges. While the focus often revolves around the miracle of childbirth, we must not overlook the significance of postpartum care for both mothers and their families. In this blog post, we will explore the vital role of postpartum doulas, shedding light on who they are and what their invaluable support entails.
Who are Postpartum Doulas?
Postpartum doulas are trained professionals who provide physical, emotional, and informational assistance to new parents during the delicate post-birth period. They offer compassionate care to nurture not only mothers but also their entire family unit as they navigate through the early weeks or months after childbirth. These skilled individuals are equipped with expertise in breastfeeding support, newborn care education, maternal recovery guidance, and overall postpartum well-being.
The Role of Postpartum Doulas
1. Emotional Support: Postpartum doulas understand that every mother's experience is unique and may be accompanied by feelings of uncertainty, exhaustion, or even overwhelming joy. With empathetic listening skills and non-judgmental attitudes, these doulas create safe spaces where moms can express themselves freely without fear of being judged. Their unwavering emotional support eases anxiety and fosters confidence in parenting abilities.
2. Physical Assistance: The physical demands of caring for a newborn can be daunting for any parent. Postpartum doulas lend a helping hand by assisting with daily household chores such as meal preparation, laundry duties, and light cleaning tasks. By taking on these responsibilities, they alleviate some of the burdensome workload from new moms' shoulders so they can focus on self-care and bonding with their baby.
3. Breastfeeding Support: One significant area where postpartum doulas excel is in providing breastfeeding guidance. They possess extensive knowledge about lactation, positioning techniques, and troubleshooting common nursing challenges. By offering practical advice and reassurance, they empower mothers to establish a successful breastfeeding relationship with their infants.
4. Newborn Care Education: From swaddling techniques to diaper changing tips, postpartum doulas are a treasure trove of newborn care wisdom. They educate parents on the essentials of baby care such as sleep routines, soothing methods, and recognizing signs of infant distress or illness. Armed with this knowledge, new parents gain confidence in meeting their little one's needs effectively.
5. Advocacy and Information Sharing: Postpartum doulas act as bridges between families and the vast network of healthcare professionals and community resources available to them. They help navigate this complex landscape by connecting parents with reliable information related to pediatricians, support groups, mental health services for mothers experiencing postpartum mood disorders, or even local parent-baby activities.
In our society that often focuses solely on the prenatal journey and childbirth experience, we must acknowledge the significance of comprehensive postpartum care. Postpartum doulas play an invaluable role in supporting new moms during this transformative period by providing emotional stability, physical assistance, breastfeeding support, newborn care education, and acting as advocates for their well-being.
As we strive towards nurturing healthier families overall, it is crucial to recognize the incredible dedication of postpartum doulas who work tirelessly behind the scenes. Their unwavering commitment helps new parents transition into parenthood with grace and confidence while fostering a loving environment where both mom and baby can thrive.
With that being said, the journey of welcoming a new life into the world is filled with both joyous anticipation and immense love. However, sadly, not all pregnancies end in the expected celebration. For families who experience the devastating loss of their baby during pregnancy or labour and delivery, navigating through grief can be an overwhelming and isolating experience. In these trying times, postpartum doulas play a crucial role in providing compassionate support and helping bereaved families cope with their grief.
Understanding the Role of Postpartum Doulas: Postpartum doulas are skilled professionals trained to provide emotional, physical, and informational support to families during the postpartum period. Traditionally known for assisting new parents after childbirth, they have now extended their expertise to offer guidance specifically tailored to those experiencing perinatal loss.
Compassionate Emotional Support: Losing a baby is a deeply personal and heart-wrenching experience that often leaves parents feeling isolated and emotionally shattered. Postpartum doulas who specialize in supporting families dealing with perinatal loss understand the unique needs of grieving parents. They possess remarkable empathy and compassion, creating a safe space where families can openly express their emotions without fear of judgment or misunderstanding.
These doulas offer active listening skills, allowing parents to share their stories, memories, hopes, and fears surrounding their lost child. By offering non-judgmental companionship through active mourning rituals such as holding ceremonies or participating in memory-building activities like journaling or creating keepsakes, postpartum doulas help parents process their emotions while honouring their baby's memory.
Physical Care and Recovery Support: In addition to emotional support, postpartum doulas also assist bereaved parents in managing physical aspects related to pregnancy loss. These may include helping mothers recover from labour, providing guidance on self-care practices and nutrition, or assisting with practical tasks such as meal planning, household chores, or arranging for support from family and friends.
Navigating the Complexities of Grief: Grief is a complex journey that affects individuals differently. Postpartum doulas who specialize in perinatal loss possess an understanding of grief's unique dynamics and can help families navigate its complexities. They provide vital resources and information about various grieving processes, counselling services, support groups, and other bereavement resources tailored to the specific needs of each family.
Advocacy and Education: Postpartum doulas also play a crucial role in advocating for bereaved families within healthcare systems. They facilitate communication between parents and medical professionals, ensuring their concerns are understood and addressed sensitively. Additionally, they educate families about their rights, options for memorializing their baby, and assist them in making informed decisions regarding funeral arrangements or obtaining keepsakes like handprints or photographs.
The pain of losing a baby during pregnancy or childbirth is immeasurable, but no parent should have to face this heartbreak alone. During these challenging times, postpartum doulas specializing in perinatal loss offer invaluable support to grieving families by fostering understanding, empathy, and compassion. By acknowledging the significance of their experience, these doulas help parents honour their baby's memory while navigating through grief towards healing and hope.
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I feel like the bakers with the best energy should stay in the tent even after they are eliminated just to cheer everyone on and to remind everyone to remove the pressure off their shoulders and relax a bit.
At the end of the day, it is just cake and pies and one competition for an engraved cake stand. They bake because they love it. The people they share their baking with know that. That's all that matters.
Also whenever Paul and Prue spout some nonsense that has a baker questioning their entire existence, these baker-cheerleaders can drown the judges out with their warm support and encouragement.
Noel and Allison are great but they have not elbow deep in dough in the tent. Baker-cheerleaders have. They know exactly what the struggling baker is going through and can get through to the baker and lift them out of that slump.
Because if everyone is close enough to form a WhatsApp group, I'm sure that being able to see those friendly faces right after Paul and Prue have spend five minutes scowling at your creations is a boost in spirit for sure.
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Currently resisting the urge to blackmail my father into therapy
#At this point I’ve almost said “well if you don’t talk about your Jehovah’s Witness trauma with someone; I will#because yours is directly related to mine due to having vented on me about it since I was six”#I’ve almost said it ten times within the past hour#exjw#And this is the congregation he thought was our family’s eternal salvation from my apostacy. Ha!#“Jehovah is guiding us here” Jehovah didn’t do shit for you except give you PTSD-induced gout and kidney stones; come off it#Get out of her my people#I’m not even sorry for him. What the elders said to him wasn’t his fault; but he 100% got himself into this mess#for my benefit (to strike the fear of god into his disgusting homosexual sinning boygirl daughter with raging hormones)#And his homophobic rant he went on… please just call me a faggot#I’m having it out with him before I go for no other reason but my own satisfaction#ex cult#”I can’t talk to a worldly therapist because they won’t want to worship Jehovah when someone preaches to them”#Why — pray tell — will they react in that way? Because it’s a cult#Cult: spelled “C-U-L-T.” You didn’t listen to the content of my diaries (which you read against my will) and now you’re suffering#Play stupid games win stupid prizes#He’s the most traumatized out of the two of us as a direct result of him trying to “fix” me…#also because I don’t keep touching a hot stove after it burns me. JWs are a toxic cult; so I no longer believe them#My mental health is better as a result#I have worldly comfort media and I swear liberally (which is proven to soothe physical pain)#I’ve accepted myself as queer. I’ve accepted my dark tastes in music and media.#I’ve started doing something with my life to get out ASAP.#Life isn’t good but it’s gotten better once I changed my mindset and stopped being a close-minded homophobic asshole#Just because a couple gay guys were creepy towards you doesn’t mean they’re all like that#Straight guys have been creepy towards me and I never said I wished death upon all straight men#A creep is a creep is a creep; sexuality doesn’t make you a creep — being creepy makes you a creep
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marthashlyn · 2 years
When you are not part of the family of keys on THIS piano, you simply don’t have a key.
No need to find your note.
You should’ve been a dotted whole rest the whole time.
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heartlakemed · 17 days
Walk-in clinics are a convenient option for getting medical attention for a variety of non-life-threatening conditions.
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sanjay-tallani · 1 month
Discovering Home Remedies with the Home Doctor: A Must-Have Resource
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Introduction to the Home Doctor Book
In my quest to enhance my understanding of home remedies and basic medical knowledge, I stumbled upon the "Home Doctor – BRAND NEW! Book." This printed guide claims to equip its readers with practical medical tips and solutions that can be implemented at home. Intrigued by its promise, I decided to delve into its pages.
First Impressions of the Book
Upon receiving the Home Doctor, I was immediately impressed by the quality of the print and the layout. The book is well-bound, making it durable and easy to handle, which is crucial for a reference that I anticipate revisiting frequently. The clear, concise table of contents allowed me to easily navigate through the different sections.
Content Quality and Usability
The Home Doctor is filled with a wealth of information, covering a wide range of topics from common illnesses and injuries to less frequent but crucial medical know-how like CPR and emergency response techniques. Each chapter is meticulously detailed with step-by-step instructions, accompanied by illustrations and diagrams that make the content easily understandable for someone with no medical background.
Personal Experience and Learning
As someone who prefers natural remedies and likes to be prepared for any minor health emergencies at home, I found the Home Doctor incredibly useful. The section on natural remedies for common ailments, such as colds, headaches, and minor burns, was particularly enlightening. Implementing some of these suggestions not only helped alleviate symptoms but also added to my confidence in handling these issues at home.
Reliability and Expertise
What sets the Home Doctor apart is the evident expertise behind its content. The book is authored by professionals who clearly understand the needs of non-medical readers. Their advice strikes a perfect balance between being practically applicable and medically sound, ensuring that the guidance is both safe and effective.
Final Thoughts and Recommendation
The Home Doctor has proven to be an invaluable addition to my household. Its comprehensive coverage of medical care, combined with the ease of understanding, makes it a standout resource. I highly recommend it to anyone looking to expand their knowledge of home-based medical care or simply to have a reliable resource at hand for unexpected health issues.
In conclusion, my experience with the Home Doctor book has been overwhelmingly positive. It has not only enhanced my ability to manage minor health issues at home but has also provided me with knowledge that could be life-saving in emergency situations. For families, individuals, or anyone interested in self-care and natural remedies, the Home Doctor is a worthwhile investment.
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Peace of Mind in Print: A Review of The Home Doctor
Living in a remote area, far from a hospital, has always made me prioritize self-reliance, especially when it comes to healthcare. That's why I decided to invest in "The Home Doctor" – a comprehensive medical guide specifically designed for home use. After a few months of browsing its pages and familiarizing myself with its contents, I can confidently say it's become a valuable addition to my household preparedness kit.
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Empowering Knowledge for Everyday Ailments
"The Home Doctor" isn't a replacement for professional medical care. It is, however, a fantastic resource for handling common ailments and injuries at home. The book covers a wide range of topics, from treating cuts and scrapes to managing headaches, fevers, and even allergies. The clear instructions and illustrations make it easy to understand even complex medical procedures, giving me the confidence to handle minor emergencies until professional help arrives.
Beyond Band-Aids: Preparing for the Unexpected
What truly impressed me was the book's focus on preparedness for unforeseen circumstances. "The Home Doctor" includes sections on dealing with natural disasters, power outages, and even biological threats. It provides practical advice on creating a first-aid kit, stocking essential supplies, and even performing basic medical procedures in the absence of a doctor. This knowledge empowers me to feel more prepared for whatever situation may arise.
A User-Friendly Format for Easy Reference
The printed format of "The Home Doctor" is a major plus for me. Unlike online resources that require internet access, this book is always available, even during power outages. The clear layout, logical organization, and comprehensive index make it easy to find the information I need quickly, especially during stressful situations.
Focus on Natural Remedies and Self-Care
While "The Home Doctor" doesn't shy away from conventional medicine, it also emphasizes the importance of natural remedies and preventative self-care. The book includes information on using herbs, essential oils, and other natural remedies for various ailments. This holistic approach aligns perfectly with my belief in natural health practices.
Investing in Peace of Mind
"The Home Doctor" is more than just a medical guide; it's an investment in peace of mind. Knowing that I have access to this wealth of information allows me to feel more prepared and in control of my family's health, especially in situations where immediate medical attention might not be readily available.
Overall, "The Home Doctor" is a valuable resource for anyone looking to be more proactive about their health and well-being. It's a comprehensive guide that empowers you with knowledge and practical skills, all in a user-friendly format.
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✒ DWIGHT THOMPSON'S WORK BOOK AND VISION JOURNAL is an introductory guide to building a vision board, bullet journaling and planning
🔥Find the ignition to writing and chronicling your ideas and becoming a poet again. 🔥
🚫 This is not a daily planner.
🚫 This is not a task tracker.
This is a work book with writing guides, essay writing tips, structuring a business plan, organizing your goals and focusing on actionable items. 📑
This is a vision journal, filled with mood trackers, habit builders, 200 writing prompts and daily affirmations, the words you need to either become expressive as a poet and/or a published author. 📖
✒ DWIGHT THOMPSON'S WORK BOOK AND VISION JOURNAL provides that safe space you need to express yourself as well as the structure and organization you need to discipline yourself.
⚡ Accomplish Your Professional And Personal Goals By Writing Daily. Tap In With Me For An Accountability Partner And Journaling Guide. ⚡
Now no more talking. Let's get to it. 🖊
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fastlane-freedom · 6 months
Preparing for Parenthood: 10 Essential Steps Before Birth
Becoming a parent is one of the most significant and life-altering experiences a person can go through. The arrival of a new baby brings joy, excitement, and a sense of responsibility. To ensure a smooth transition into parenthood, it’s crucial for expecting parents to prepare themselves physically, emotionally, and mentally. In this blog, we will explore 10 essential steps that couples can take…
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wellhealthhub · 10 months
Type 2 Diabetes and Jardiance: An Exhaustive Guide to Holistically Managing the Condition
Welcome to this all-encompassing, in-depth guide on Type 2 Diabetes and Jardiance—an indispensable resource for those who yearn to delve deeper into the intricacies of this pervasive health condition and its multifaceted management. This comprehensive article endeavors to furnish you with not merely the rudiments but the nitty-gritty details surrounding Type 2 Diabetes. Expect a profound…
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gender-euphowrya · 1 year
OH so there's like the opposite of abled parents who base their entire personality around having disabled kids, in the form of abled kids who base their entire personality around having disabled parents
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ushoptions · 1 year
Finding the Best Health Insurance Companies: A Comprehensive Guide for Your Family's Coverage Needs
“Health insurance is like a hospital gown- you’re never quite covered as much as you want to be.” – Erma Bombeck Introduction: The US healthcare system, despite having some of the best medical facilities in the world, has struggled with accessibility and affordability for years. As a result, health insurance has become an increasingly essential part of modern society. With the rising cost of…
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wikiingblog · 1 year
Choosing the right family medical center is an important decision that can impact the health and well-being of your entire family. The sheer number of options could make it daunting to know where to start.
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