#Feel free to add more if you want ofc!
thesoundofanicefall · 2 years
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Happy International Family Day guys!!!
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bylrndgm · 1 year
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summer 1985, hawkins.
byler week 2023 | day iv: summer love song used
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ghostbnuy · 29 days
the thing is i think that like. afab and amab as terms arent like. a bad thing?? like if you're talking about urself and ur assigned gender happens to be relevant and is preferrable to another descriptor (eg if ur dysphoric abt ur body to some it may be easier to say ur agab rather than describing ur features) or describing a situation where thats relevant then like. sure! its just like any other word u just use it cus it makes sense- (note this only applies if YOU'RE using the term when you're talking about YOURSELF)
the problem is that when other people use or ask for someone's agab there's some kind of weird implication that it somehow changes how you behave, and that based on that you can put people into a new binary which shouldnt exist and negatively effects all trans people
people ask if you're amab expecting that to mean you're inherently more patriarchal, dangerous, "masculine" - and if you're afab expecting that to mean you're inherently more quiet, sweet, "feminine" - and BOTH of these fucking suck!!
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Super random, you don't know me lol, but I was looking through the notes of the most common breakfast post and I was wondering if you'd be willing to share your breakfast cookie recipe. I've been wanting to make some but the one recipe I tried I didn't like, and I haven't been motivated to look for another one
i actually love this ask and that's partly because @averymayhemeveryday just asked me for this a few days ago and i typed it all up into a discord server we're in, so i'm just editing that braindump into a slightly neater recipe and including the pictures i took on my most recent batch. still, i made this up from nowhere and i cook on vibes, there is precious little exact measurement in here so you will have to do your own experimenting and figure out what you like.
step one: soaking your grains
i mix about two cups old fashioned oats, a couple tablespoons or so of chia seeds, about a cup of unsweetened applesauce, and enough (oat) milk/water to get it fairly loose, then let it sit in the fridge for at least a few hours to let the liquid soak into the grains. overnight is better. i've done it for over 24 hours and i really like the texture i got. i tend to mix in a bit of instant coffee granules at this point for taste and caffeine content, maybe a tablespoon or two. you can add cinnamon or other spices before or after soaking, i think i've done it both ways. iirc em said they put in cardamon after soaking and wished they did it before so it would soak into the grains more.
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step two: mixing in the rest of your stuff
after soaking, i put in a generous amount of peanut butter, maybe like a third/half cup? i don't measure it at all really, just scoop it in. sometimes i add a bit of molasses, you could do brown sugar too. might be nice to do that before soaking so it soaks into the oats, idk i don't think i've tried it. usually like a big spoonful. i frequently do mini chocolate chips, but i usually do sweetening OR chips, not both, that's just a lot of sugar. then if it's too stiff i put a bit more water or milk in, i get it a little looser than traditional cookie dough but still thick enough to hold together.
left picture is straight out of the fridge after soaking, right is ready to bake
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step three: baking
i use a cookie scoop but if you don't have one a spoon is fine it's just more work, flatten them down because without any butter or some kind of fat they won't flatten themselves, you can pack them onto a cookie sheet tightly cause they won't rise or spread, whatever shape you put them into the oven in, they will stay that shape and size. bake about 25 minutes at 375f. might want to check them at 20 depending on your oven. they get a bit brown around the edges when they are done. i use two cookie sheets stacked together, it's a trick my mom taught me that decreases the risk of burning the bottoms.
EDITING THIS TO ADD: please grease your cookie sheet or use parchment paper you do not want to try to bake something without any fat in it and then get it totally stuck!
i find that it makes enough to eat 6-7 a day for a week, i keep them in the fridge so they don't try to mold or anything, i just split them out into individual storage containers so i just grab one each day and eat on the way to work. i usually take the container out of the fridge the night before so i'm not eating them cold because that's a misery tbh.
for the weekend i usually crumble up that day's portion into a bowl and mix in more applesauce and milk so it's a bit of variety.
my friend em doesn't like peanut butter so we talked about ways to replace that for texture, since it helps it hold together in addition to adding protein. obviously another nut butter or sunbutter would be great if you need to eliminate it for allergy reasons. we talked about using cream cheese instead and i tried that this week, that's the batch those pictures are, i used half a 16oz block and still put in a little peanut butter, and honestly it may be the best batch i've made yet.
honestly it just now, as i am editing this for tumblr, occurred to me that you could add an egg or two in place of pb for protein+holding them together. i'm allergic to eggs so i didn't think of it before and i'm not sure how the texture would be but it might be worth a try.
this week's cream cheese variation, baked, with bonus roasted veggies that were in the oven at the same time, sunday is batch cooking in my house cause i never have any energy (or executive function) by the time i get home from work on weekdays.
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they really are more of a cookie by shape than anything, the texture is not at all what a traditional cookie would be, but i quite enjoy them. even on the weeks that they don't turn out quite as well, it's something to nibble on the way to work and i'll eat practically anything half awake at 730am if it means i won't be shaking with hunger halfway to lunch. this week they are so good i am really sad when i reach the end of the day's portion and i will for sure be doing cream cheese again.
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kyoupann · 8 months
To all my neurodivergent besties out there, here's the situation :
So I've been in therapy for about two months now and a couple sessions ago I told my therapist how when people recommend stuff to me like books and shows, to me it feels like I'm getting to know the person. I'm learning about them through media they like; and that if I feel said media is gonna teach me something new about the other person, then I engage with that media. In my mind, it's a scale "will I learn anything new about them? Yes/no"
I rarely ever have interest in new stuff, but when my friends get into something new I like to ask the why's and how's first because I'd love to understand. In a way, it's something I do out of interest for my friends. And yeah, sometimes I've felt like I'm being more annoying than anything else but—that's besides the point; I like to watch new things to understand people, I watch things with people in mind. I read and I like finding a scene that makes me understand why this person recommended this story. My love language some would say lmao.
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casualavocados · 2 years
the true eclipse
Buckle up, folks, this is going to get long.
What seems to be the most popular theory people have derived from the symbolism in this series casts Akk as the sun and Ayan as the moon in an eclipse. @grapejuicegay (kk) and I, through a number of posts and a bunch of dms, have been breaking that idea down to its barest functions, starting with:
“I don’t actually think that Akk is the sun. I think that credit belongs entirely to Suppalo, and Akk, [...] is just a representation of that sun.
I think the eclipse is Ayan’s influence on Akk blocking out the influence of the sun.” (ref: kk)
Suppalo's emblem is literally an image of the sun. And it’s not just Akk being affected here by the moon! It’s everyone! It’s Kan, Thua, Wat, and the entire student body.
“During an eclipse, when the moon covers the sun the sun’s influence is reduced. So if control over the students is through the sun, the moon covering it would mean the loss on control.” 
- (ref: kk’s post about lighting and cinematography)
That made me think though about Ayan saying "even if i wasnt here this would still be happening" - so yes Aye is the moon to Akk, and a figure many of the characters go to for advice - but as a whole The World Remembers group is actually the moon to Suppalo.
And while Ayan supports The World Remembers, he’s not actually behind what they’re doing. The protests started before he joined the school. He’s given them encouragement, but lately they’ve been growing their own support from others in Suppalo, and they’ve done that all themselves.
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And kk had something absolutely galaxy brained to say about that too in our dms:
The World Remembers WOULD still be doing everything they're doing now without ayan around and they WOULD reach the same conclusions and the only reason we don't think that more is because this show has been diverting our attention this entire time. i've been rewatching old episodes a little bit and the only reason there's any connection between world remembers organising stuff and ayan is because AKK KEPT SAYING IT and he was always wrong but he said it so much that it just became this thing that was like, yeah ofc.
WHICH ALSO. SUCH a good way to show brainwashing??? they're not even showing it, they're just doing it to us [the audience] so that at some point we might realise it's happening and it's like you're not special, it can happen to anybody. everybody is susceptible to propaganda.”
And here’s the real kicker: BOTH of these parties - The World Remembers group and Ayan - have differing motivations that are leading towards the same goal. Both are devoted to searches for the truth, and are uncovering oppressive regulations in the process. Aye is searching for the truth about Dika, and The World Remembers is searching for the truth about the curse - asking for a proper investigation into who could be trying to hurt the students and tearing down Suppalo’s credibility as they go.
(there's already been a lot of analysis into the other ideas they represent: the fight for no uniforms which has led to a criticism of homophobic society and the way oppressive systems benefit from heteronormativity specifically - so i won't say more of that here)
The point is...the real eclipse is truth and knowledge outshining fear and oppression.  
...But surely Akk has a bigger role in this, right?
To us, Akk can't be the sun because he isn't being covered up, or smothered, like the moon does to the sun - he's being brought out of his shell instead.
And so here is a special shoutout to @singharit​’s theory that made kk and i lose our minds:
“something something the way how akk is associated with water and the sea and how so many moments i can think of that involve him opening up to ayan also involve water in some way. [...]  
the way how ayan is the moon, steady and sure [...] being not just a light in the dark for the other students wrt truth and justice and the concept of shame, but also the very thing that controls the tides with its gravitation pull.
We both adore this idea, not just because water is the exact opposite of fire, but also because it's a symbol of change and erosion. The longer Akk spends around Aye and his influence, the more he opens up, the more he changes, the more he questions, the more his original brainwashing by Suppalo/Chadok/the sun to focus on rules wears away into embracing the freedom of expression and being himself. 
“the way how during an eclipse, the tides are the highest that they’ll ever be.”- ( @singharit​ cont.)
As Akk’s relationship with Ayan grows, the eclipse draws closer, which leaves only one question left to ask: What will happen when the eclipse arrives and the tides reach their peak?
TLDR; The real eclipse is truth and knowledge (the moon) outshining fear and oppression (the sun). Akk is affected by the moon, changing like the tides the longer he is in it’s influence.
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nullbutler · 1 year
I think the assumption "oh autistic people will always exist outside of social norms, and it's either they mask and act like neurotypicals or are just completely Not" is very false. with my autistic friends, it kinda feels like there's another book of social norms that we make for ourselves. some of those rules may include
taking turns info dumping -- remembering to pay attention during the other's info-dump and asking relevant questions. with that, second hand investment. generally leads to more meaningful relationships
remembering each other's sensory needs. like if I'm in a crowded room and I see my friend is acting noticeably out of it (or vice versa), suggesting to go outside and just talk one-on-one or even a simple "you ok?" helps
the 'do not hate on each other's hyper fixations' rule. if someone likes something to THAT point, immediately shitting on it hurts! it's like...hyperfixation-talk and regular-media talk. ex "I like trains" "trains are fucking stupid" like WHat
always intervening when you hear another person shit talking your friend on the basis that they're autistic
the old "this made me think of you" texts, pictures, gifts, etc
understanding that sometimes it takes a lot of time for one person to get in the right headspace to reply to a message, and not holding that against them
the very niche type of humor that comes together when two very mentally ill people are put in the same room lol
the way our tone can be kinda off, but we still know what the other person means. not because they particularly sound sarcastic, but because we know what sarcasm sounds like coming out of that person. similar with joking, etc
no shame when you need breaks from each other or are socially tired
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the-n3w3st-g1rl-g1rl · 7 months
monster food is already different to human food (does not pass through a monster's whole body, does not spoil, etc.)
but then there's also ghost food (like the ghost sandwich blooky offers you). so like I guess there's sub-categories of monster food for different monster types sometimes?
humans are capable of eating some monster foods (Frisk can use consumable items and Chara lived underground for a while so they had to be eating something). but no one other than incorporeal ghosts can eat ghost food (even if they were a ghost but they now have a body)
ghosts might be able to eat other types of monster food (didn't Napstablook have a flier for the spider bake sale? so maybe they can eat that)
just wondering if there are other types of monster food and what sort of properties they might have…
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 8 months
how to ruin jugdral characters and make them into shitty modern tropes: have two teenage girls cat fight over their romantic feelings for a grown ass man and make them aggressive rivals
#DCB Comments#we all knew they'd ruin jugdral as soon as they could but it still hurts to see#i knew they'd add in things that were never there and butcher the characters but... still painful#and ofc it's the females that suffer that treatment when they were actually good characters originally#but modern FE doesn't allow for that anymore alas. can't even say edelgard is free of it#bc she's obsessed and in love with byleth. not even a villain can escape that nonsense#fe12 is the last game i can think of that had decently written women (if boring but not... /this/)#and that was over a decade ago. siiiigh#like yeah lakche is in love with shanan but not as directly as this??? ever???#she's actually very reserved about it and doesn't behave like a banshee abt it lol#lakche was one of the better female characters overall and ofc since she's one of the most popular#IS uses her as much as possible and puts their little romantic modern spin on her#like they can generally write men just fine but when it comes to women i swear they think all women just#think about nothing but romance and will fight each other over it. worst part might be that i saw this exact issue coming#another reason why i don't want a remake of these games: supports possibly existing#and ruining characters more than they have been already /just from heroes/#i have a lot of feelings abt this lol i am watching my favorite game of many many years just be#basically ripped to shreds by modern fe bullshit. it's upsetting#and before anyone shouts ''kaga elitist!'' might i remind you that tellius did not have this problem either#hence modern fe and not post kaga fe. micaiah was arguably very bad with her romance for her ''he's my brother!'' love interest#but from memory she was the only rly bad example from tellius#and let's NOT forget that gaiden got a remake and what did they do?#created a brand new female character whose only purpose for existing was to be madly and obsessively in love with a man#like thanks i hate it IS get your nasty modern inability to write women out of jugdral bc i bite and munch#DCB Heroes Stuff
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chisatowo · 1 year
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Quick doodle of Jonny! Might change his eyes a bit but overall I think this is a fine design for him :3
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lady-phasma · 1 month
Don't look away
Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen x F!Reader
Stand alone, cross posted on AO3, app 2,800 words
Warning: 18+, NSFW, others I should add but it's Feyd
Summary: Feyd lives rent free in my head now. I’m working on an unrelated piece with an ofc but I wanted to share a pwp because this man is essentially walking and talking sex. Enjoy. Please ignore typos. This was a rush job LoL
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my gif
You hold your breath as Feyd-Rautha circles you, appraising. His head is tilted down and he looks at you from under his brows. Your chest is tight. He is almost exactly what you expected after watching him in the arena. Yet, not quite. He steps in front of you.
“She’s acceptable,” he says to the Reverend Mother without looking away from you. You begin to slowly exhale. His eyes slide down to your parted lips. He slowly licks his.
“Leave us,” he growls and the Reverend Mother, the younger Bene Gesserit sister, and his Harpies slip out of the room. You glance over your shoulder as the door slides closed behind them.
“No,” he whispers as he turns your head back toward him, guiding you with his hand on your chin. His blue eyes flick from your eyes to your mouth then back again. As he smiles, you see the tips of his blackened teeth for the first time and catch yourself staring.
“‘No’, my lord na-Baron?” Your voice is barely above a whisper. He is standing close enough to hear you regardless. He nods once and drops his hand from your chin, grazing the backs of his fingers down your neck. He impertinently flicks the hood of your cloak off your head before dropping his hand to his side.
“You won’t look away from me. You will watch everything I do. No looking away, no closing your eyes.”
You swallow and attempt to nod but you feel like you cannot move. You want to move. You almost want to run for the door but you can imagine Feyd blocking your path with speed and stealth. You look at his mouth again, the lips curling, black teeth catching the light, and his tongue…
Feyd’s grip on your upper arm snaps your attention back. He undoes the clasp at your neck and slips the cloak off your shoulders, tossing it on the floor. You feel the goosebumps spread up your arms as the cool air of the room hits them. You are suddenly aware of the low neckline of your dress as you inhale. Your cleavage swells and you feel exposed, like prey out of cover.
He licks his lips, slowly. You fight conflicting urges to stare and to look away. You let your gaze travel up to his eyes. He isn’t looking at your face. He is stalking around you again, this time stoping behind you.
His hands are cool on your upper back and you shiver. Feyd makes a sound in response, a satisfied groan that is so low that you think you may have not heard it at all. His hands slip under your dress and are no longer gentle. He rips your dress down the back along the seam. He slings the shoulders of the dress down and you feel him step closer.
Feyd licks your neck, slowly, from the top of your shoulder to your ear. You bite the tip of your tongue to hold back a moan. You don’t want to like this, you don’t want to want him, but your nipples are hard and your body is a furnace.
“Let it out,” he growls in your ear, lips brushing against the lobe. “I want to hear you.”
You do. The sound comes out as a sigh and a moan. His reaction adds fuel to the fire in your core. Feyd growls next to your ear. His exhale tickles your cheek and you shiver again. Then you feel the fabric of his shirt press against your exposed back. Longing rolls over you as you realize you don’t want his shirt against your skin. You let the smallest groan escape your lips, a whining sound.
Feyd leans down and drags his lips over your shoulder. You almost relax into the feeling until you feel the pain as he bites down into the muscle. You gasp. It surprises you more than it hurts you. He releases his hold on you but his mouth stays against your skin.
Almost as unexpected as the bite, you feel the weight of his smooth head rest against your neck. He leans his weight in the crook of your neck and sighs. His hot breath makes you ache. His teeth are still grazing your shoulder. You want to relax into this feeling but he is too unpredictable.
Your mind races in an attempt to understand this man, to glean some insight. His sighs and groans make your core hot and tight. But the press of his teeth against your skin conflict with the gentleness of the press of his head against you. You can’t sort your thoughts and you can’t focus.
Suddenly, Feyd grunts and pushes away from you. Before you can decide to turn to look at him, he pulls your dress all the way off your arms and pushes it down your hips, leaving it in a puddle around your feet. You can’t think straight. You instinctively cross your arms over your breasts but it’s a fruitless action. He is behind you and you cannot cover the lower half of your body. You aren’t sure but you think the whimper you make is too quiet for him to hear.
“Stay,” Feyd growls. You do. You don’t move. You stare straight ahead at the wall opposite you and focus all your attention on listening, trying to decode the sounds Feyd is making behind you.
You hear cloth moving, one light thud, followed by another, then more cloth. Then you hear what is unmistakably bare feet on the stone floor. Then you feel him, not pressed against you (yet), but just behind you. He is still taller than you and though you cannot see him he feels like a monolith, looming and intimidating.
Feyd doesn’t speak as he runs his hands over your shoulders and down your biceps. He presses your arms against your sides and you acquiesce. Then his large hands cup your breasts as he steps forward into you, pressing the length of your bodies together. You feel lightheaded and sag slightly against him.
“Yes,” he hisses and somehow you can hear the smile in his voice. “Yes, my pet, that’s it.” His hands slide down the rises and hollows of your belly and hips. There is too much stimulus for you to focus on any one thing. The cool heat of his palms against your skin, the silkiness of his chest against your back, and the press of his erection against the curve of your buttocks.
This bliss is fleeting and you remind yourself of who he is, what you have seen him do. But the images of the arena can’t push the feeling of him on your skin out of your mind. You are almost powerless in his hands.
He guides you to turn and face him. You look up at him and involuntarily lick and bite your lower lip. For the first time you see hunger in his eyes. His head dips down and you fight the instinct to close your eyes as his lips press against yours. Not until you see his eyes close do you do the same. His mouth is bittersweet and gentle at first. Then his teeth nip and pull at your lip, his tongue pushes into your mouth, and he growls. You can’t stop yourself from pressing against his chest. Your hands find his arms as you try to get closer to him. As you pull him toward you the taste of blood crosses your tongue.
Feyd pulls his mouth back and you open your eyes immediately. The red on his lower lip is a stark line against the white skin. He slowly drags his finger across it. He gazes at the red on his fingertip as if he has never seen anything so entrancing before. Then he presses his finger against your lip and you pull the tip into your mouth. He moves before you can understand what is happening. His hand is in your hair, wrenching your head back. His other arm encircles your waste and he looks down at you, black teeth glinting in the pale light of the room.
His sneer is terrifying. Your fingernails dig into the flesh of his arms as you grip him. You don’t push him away; you can’t move. His eyes dart around your face searching for something. For defiance? He finds none and his mouth crashes against yours in a rough kiss that is mostly teeth and breath.
Something inside you gives way and you claw desperately at his arms. You kiss him back, finding his tongue with yours, inviting him into your mouth. His body is warm stone in your arms. You search for purchase, some place to anchor yourself, his chest, his arms, his neck. Then you push your hips forward, almost without thinking. His cock presses against your belly and he growls again. That sound draws wetness from between your legs and you moan back into his mouth. His hand begins to loosen its grip on your hair and you feel him smile against your lips. When you look at him you see it isn’t a kind smile.
“So that’s what you want, pet?” His smile is mocking, almost cruel. His voice is low and deep. His hand slides out of your hair to the side of your face. He caresses your cheek with his palm and rubs his thumb across your lips, lulling you with his touch.
“You want me to fuck you now?” Your response is the most undignified whimper. You are surprised by the desperation in the sound. As he straightens up to his full height you immediately miss the feeling of his skin. His smile softens briefly. Then he grips the back of your neck, hard, and walks you to the bed. Your heart pounds and you fear you won’t be able to keep your feet. If you trip you have no doubt he will drag you.
You look away from him, glance at the bed. He catches you and turns you to face him as you make the last few steps to the bed. It presses against the backs of your knees and you nearly fall. Feyd doesn’t let you. A brief flicker of understanding dawns on you: he doesn’t want anything to hurt you, only he can do that. It’s a perverse comfort, but his control is seductive. You don’t let yourself think “protective” but that’s the closest word. Then all words leave your mind as he lets go of you and you sink back into the bed.
Feyd kneels on the bed, spreading your legs with his knees. He isn’t gentle but his touch is soft. Every part of his hairless body is smooth and cool and graceful. His giant arms frame your field of vision as he props himself above you. His lower lip glistens and you want to risk defiance. You press yourself up to meet his mouth, to suck at that lip, bite and tease.
His reaction is quick. His hand presses you back onto the bed, wrapping almost entirely around your neck. You lick your lips and sneer up at him. His eyes flash with understanding. He grins. Using his hand on your neck and his legs to hold his weight he slips a hand between you and finds your slick center. He trails his fingers through your wetness and your last vestige of pride falls away. You actually whine as you raise your hips to find more of his fingers. He obliges for a moment and lets you press against them. Then he pulls his hand away.
The pressure on your neck is not yet uncomfortable. You let out panting breaths. Your mouth hangs open, eyes locked with his. Before you realize his hand is gone from your neck, you feel his wet fingers in your mouth and taste yourself. Without needing to be told you suck gently on them. You watch his face soften with pleasure. Barely opening his eyes, Feyd slides his fingers from your mouth, down your body, and under your thigh. He guides your leg onto his hip. As he leans his weight onto his other arm he guides his cock into your slick folds. You hold your breath. You don’t stop watching him and he notices. He looks at you, lewdly, as he strokes himself through your dripping cunt. You feel yourself blush, a bit too late for embarrassment, but there it is anyway. He groans as he presses the tip of his cock against your opening.
“Please, Feyd,” you groan. “Oh please.” His eyes widen at your words, at the sound of his name.
“Beg for my cock, pet. Tell me how much you need it,” he commands, his face only inches above yours.
“I need it so badly it hurts, na-Baron,” you watch for his reaction to the use of his title and you aren’t disappointed. “I need to feel you. Please.”
Feyd groans and his head dips lower, almost resting his forehead on yours as he begins to slide into you. The feeling is intense as he stretches you. You open your legs a bit wider, sliding your foot up the curve of his ass to his lower back. He presses deeper, harder, and you exhale his name. You don’t dare close your eyes yet but his are closed tight and his brow is furrowed. You gingerly slide your hands over his head and grip the back of his neck. You pull him to you slightly, giving him permission to rest his head against your neck. He rubs his head against you like a cat and you smile to yourself as you close your eyes.
Feyd’s hips press into yours, spreading you wide as he buries his face against you. He pulls out slowly and slides back in, so you can feel every inch of him. His free hand searches up your side to your breast and squeezes. His thumb grazes your nipple as he starts to pump into you. You gasp as he pinches your nipple, twists it slightly. You moan and press your lips against the smooth skin of his head.
“You take me so well,” Feyd mutters into your chest. “Such a good girl taking all of me.” The gravel in his voice makes you shiver and mewl. On his next stroke in, you slip your other leg over his hip and circle your legs around his waist. You pull him into you, as far as you can take him, the head of his cock pressing against your deepest core. He makes the most satisfied sound imaginable. You feel his lips, then his teeth against your collarbone. Your grip on his neck tightens as he slides out of you and rams back in, hard and quick.
With the next stroke, Feyd raises his head to look at you. You let your hands slide to his shoulders, still holding tight. There is no softness on his face now. His lust-blown pupils have swallowed the blue of his eyes and his brow is furrowed as he focuses on fucking you. He squeezes your breast quickly then moves his hand to your hair. He holds your head still and leans down to kiss you when he thrusts. You dig your fingernails into his skin and groan.
His control starts to falter and he exhales into your mouth. His hand in your hair gripping tighter as his strokes shorten and his pace quickens. You slide your hand down from his shoulder to touch yourself. His facial expression changes momentarily as he feels you grip tighter around his cock. You grin up at him.
“I need it, Feyd,” you whisper, holding his eye contact. You wait a beat and arch your back as your fingers and his cock bring you closer to your climax. “I need to feel you cum.” You groan. The wave of your pleasure begins to crest, your eyes squeezed tightly shut. Then you feel his teeth clamp down on the flesh above your clavicle. Your orgasm overtakes you as the sharp sensation clashes with the low, throbbing pleasure between your legs. You murmur his name through clenched teeth.
Feyd pushes through your spasms around his cock. Growling and grunting but not releasing you from his bite. He fucks you through your orgasm. His rhythm stutters and his grip loosens. He lifts his head, a string of spit pulled from his bottom lip. He grabs your head with both his hands and, panting just above your mouth, he cums. The heat fills you and you moan his name again. He closes his eyes and rests his forehead against yours as he presses into you one last time.
Then he stills, his forearms holding him up, but lets some of his weight press you together so he is almost lying on top of you, not pulling out yet. He exhales deeply and raises his head. He looks down at you.
You can’t catch your breath and your legs are heavy. You let them slide down his hips. Your neck throbs where his teeth marked you. You want to wrap your arms around him, pull him into you, stroking and soothing this wild animal. Instead, you grab the back of his head and pull him down to your mouth and kiss him until you taste red.
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heehoonieluvs · 9 months
Work up a sweat
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Sunghoon x reader
The way that the members are depicted in this story has nothing to do with how they really are or how I feel they are. It is all solely for the storyline so please bear that in mind 🫶
Summary: Your friends got a free tryout with a personal trainer at the gym that they just started at. The handsome PT was VERY hands on with his work and let’s just say, he could make your legs shake from more than just exercising
Warnings: MDNI, Y/N’s friends are low-key pick me’s 🙃, cursing, french kissing, exhibition?, dry humping, oral (f & m receiving), 69, unprotected sex, ass play (f receiving), squirting, use of pet names, just straight up porn (please do let me know if I need to add more warnings 🤍)
Series masterlist
You don’t know what came over you when you agreed to join your friends Amy and Lily for a free tryout with a personal trainer. There was a moment before you all got ready to leave where you considered dropping out, but it would’ve be almost impossible to considering that your friends had been pestering you about doing it for weeks. And also, you didn’t have to pay for this one time session so what’s the harm?
At the moment, you were all waiting for your PT to show up so Amy suggested to warm up on the treadmill for a few minutes. The two of them were busy checking their reflections and taking selfies but you weren’t interested being a part of that. Amy and Lily were the type to use the gym as an opportunity to attract their gym crush of the day. You didn’t blame them though, they were gorgeous (you are too ofc) but it did mean that they kind of use you as leverage to flirt with guys.
Since you were a lot more shy and insecure compared to them, it was easy for them take advantage so you were guessing that they brought you along to feel better about themselves.
“Hey ladies, are you here for a private session?”
The 3 of you turned around and saw quite literally a wet dream in a human form. He wore a white tank top that showed off defined muscles and his black joggers made you all wonder how much he was packing underneath. His gorgeous smile supported with his dimple made you thank the heavens that you decided to join your friends.
“I’m Sunghoon and I’ll be your PT for today”
The three of you gave your names and he shook your hands. However you couldn’t help but notice that when he got to you, he held your hand for a bit longer and sent you a wink. Oh this session is going to be fun.
As you all followed him to the private gym on the second floor, your friends couldn’t help themselves and whispered about how hot he was and what they wanted to do with him. You never would’ve admitted it out loud but you most definitely agreed with what they had to say.
You entered the room and Sunghoon went to the corner to set up the speakers and blasted some upbeat music
“So Sunghoon, are you single?” Lily asked
Sunghoon just smiled and replied “Yes”
And obviously Amy had to pry further “Are you seeing anyone or looking for a partner?”
“No I’m not seeing or looking for anyone. Ok so let’s start with a few stretches” you were so glad he diverted the conversation. You’d rather the ground swallow you whole than listen to you friends’ unbearable flirting.
The 3 of you followed his directions behind him and reached down towards the floor. And when you thought it wasn’t over, your friends started again
“Hey Sunghoon. Could you help me stretch a bit more? I need a bit of a push” the two of them snickered and Lily added
“Me too. I love a good stretch and need you to stretch me more”
You thought to yourself “Omg have I just landed myself in some cringey storyline at the start of a porno???”
Sunghoon, being the professional that he was, turned around and just slightly pushed down on their backs before returning to his previous position in front of you.
Lily then looked in your direction. You weren’t the most flexible person so it was a bit difficult for you to keep your hands planted on the floor
“What is that Y/N? You’re not very flexible are you? You should stretch more” she laughed
If that wasn’t embarrassing enough, Amy had to add on “Sunghoon you should’ve seen her when we tried yoga. It was like watching a grandma haha. Lily and I go often though, we can show you after if you’d like”
Well didn’t you just feel on top of the world right now. You felt like a tomato and it was not because of the stretching
“Please refrain from talking about anything outside of this session. I am just doing my job as your trainer and I would appreciate if we could keep things professional thank you.” You could sense from his response that you weren’t the only one getting annoyed by your friends thank god.
“Ok so we’re going to reach down again but push further and hold it there. To make things easier, close your eyes and it will help you level your breathing”
Both Amy and Lily bent down to stretch but you took a moment to shake off your legs when you saw Sunghoon turn around and walk towards you. He came behind and placed his hands on your waist.
“Let me help you stretch a bit further pretty” he whispered in your ear and lightly rubbed your waist.
You felt the hairs on your neck prick up from his breath fanning again your neck. He then pushed your shoulders down and dragged them down your spine the further down you bent. As he pushed down on your lower back, you felt him slightly grind onto your heat.
It seemed like the other two didn’t notice anything since they weren’t making any noise. You never felt so alert but you could help it when you pushed back onto his crotch. The two of you carried on slightly grinding on each other for the entire stretch until till he brought his hand back to you waist and left to go back to his mat.
“Now we’re all stretched and can get onto the workout”
Damn it already felt like you had a whole work out with how heavy you were breathing. Obviously, Amy had to point out
“Damn Y/N how are you already out of breath. I don’t know how you’re gonna survive whatever Sunghoon’s gonna make you do”
You didn’t say anything back but you saw in the mirror in front a slight smirk on Sunghoon’s face. Oh if only you knew Amy
Throughout the whole session, it seemed like Sunghoon couldn’t keep his hands off you. If anyone was to walk in, they would’ve thought it was just the two of you working out together. Because he made the 3 of you do a circuit, the other two weren’t able to pay attention to Sunghoon feeling you up for each exercise. You didn’t know how much more you could take before you’d say fuck it (quite literally) and just jump his bones. Even if your friends were present.
To your relief, Sunghoon announced that the workout session was over and it was time to cool down. You thought that this would be your time to actually relax your muscles and focus on getting your heartbeat steady again. But instead it started to speed up again when Sunghoon spoke up again
“So the next stretch, you’re going to spread your legs apart and reach forward to put you hands and forehead on the floor”
He got up and added “I don’t want you to injure yourself so I’ll help you with this one”
Oh god
Once again your friend proceeded to stretch and Sunghoon made himself comfortable behind you again and mumbled so quietly that you could barely hear him
“Don’t make any noise princess”
He used his left arm to pull you back and hold you against his chest while his other hand dragged down your front and cupped your heat. You almost let out a gasp but quickly bit your lip to stop yourself. He carried on rubbing his middle finger up and down between your legs and when he dragged it to your clit, he brought his middle three fingers to put pressure onto it and rub circles before repeating the process again.
The view in the mirror in front of the both of you was so dirty yet so arousing. The thought that there was a chance that one of your friends could just look up and witness your act made you feel a bubble of excitement in your stomach
Sunghoon remembered that the two of you still had some company to he quickly ordered “Now keep your heads down and reach over to stretch on your left side”
It was getting more difficult for you to not moan out loud so you moved your head back to lean on his left shoulder and lightly panted into his ear. He turned towards you and leaned in for a kiss. It was so wet and sloppy and made you gush even more. If it wasn’t for the loud music playing, you were sure that your friends would’ve picked up on the lip smacking as you carried on swapping saliva. With a wet smack he pulled away from you lips.
“Ok remember to keep your heads down and now stretch on your right side”
When he went back in, the both of you stuck your tongues out and he started sucking you tongue in and out of his mouth. You needed to feel more so you bent your knees and planted your feet on the ground to start grinding into him palm even more as you both wiggled your tongues together. You felt the heat build up in your stomach and whispered to him
“I think I’m gonna cum”
He pressed your foreheads together and said with a smirk “Not yet baby”
You nearly let out a whine and he reluctantly removed himself from you
“Now slowly lift yourselves back up and slowly stand up”
Although you weren’t the one who had been stretching, you got up with a slight wobble from the uncomfortable feeling of wetness in your panties along with your denied orgasm. The other two didn’t question anything since it had been a hard workout.
Sunghoon clapped his hands together “That’s it for the session! Thank you for your hard work” and bowed
You and your friends thanked him back and went to gather your belongings.
“Wait Y/N, I know you struggle a bit more with your flexibility. Would you be able to stay back for a bit so I can help you out? I would feel terrible if you didn’t feel properly stretched after a workout and you don’t want to pull anything” Sunghoon said to you with a smile. And who were you to turn down such an opportunity
“Oh ok! You guys don’t have to wait up for me if you want to go home and shower?” You really hoped they would leave and not question anything since it was quite sudden. Fortunately they agreed and left, leaving you alone with the hot trainer that hadn’t taking his eyes off your ass.
Once the doors closed he grabbed you by the waist to spin you around and immediately attacked your lips with his in a wet kiss. Both of you tongues fought till he stuck his tongue all the way out into your mouth. He licked all around the inside your mouth and slightly moved back to suck your tongue all the way into his. His hands snaked down to grab a handful of your ass and you finally let out a moan. He took the opportunity to slot his thigh between yours and moved you back an forth over his solid muscles. All of a sudden he stopped everything and panted out
“Ok baby, let’s stretch you. Be a good doll and lie on your back for me” he slapped your ass and went over to lock the doors
When he returned to you, he kneeled at your head and moved you so that your head was on his crotch and you could feel his hard dick “Such a good girl. You take orders well don’t you sweet thing”
You were breathing so hard with anticipation that your squeaked out a small “yes”
He then started to rub his arms down your body, starting from you shoulders, slowly rubbing small circles over your clothed breasts and moving them down to your thighs. He took his time rubbing the creases where your thighs met your crotch and smoothed over the outside of your pussy.
Your breathing was slightly shaky and he could see from the way your chest moved rapidly so he chuckled “Are you nervous baby? You don’t need to be nervous. Daddy will take great care of you. Just take deep breaths for me princess”
As you deeply inhaled, you felt his hands grab the sides of your thighs and pulled your legs up towards your chest. You carried on focusing on your breathing as he stretched your legs so that you were bent in half and he slightly leaned forward to place your feet on his broad shoulders
“God baby what a beautiful sight. Look how much you can stretch pretty. Maybe you were faking it when we were warming up huh?” He teased
When he looked in the mirror, all he could think of was how he could easily he could shove his hard dick down your throat. If he wasn’t already rock hard, he most definitely was now
He then let out a growl and slowly bent down towards your centre “Fuck babygirl, with the way you’re stretching, you make it so easy for me to just… eat… you… up”
Without any warning, you felt his hot tongue run from your clit and all the way down the seam of your leggings and he shook his head side to side, addicted to the smell of your arousal. You could feel him take a deep intake through his nose where your clit was and he carried on licking your clothed core. But he wanted more, so he lifted your hips back off the floor and pulled the back of your leggings and panties all the way past your ass. He was too needy to pull your leggings and underwear off your legs so he bunched them at your knees and used his upper arms to press the back of your thighs down till you were bent in half.
Your head had moved so it was on the mat and his hard dick was almost pressed against your face. You could feel his breath against your exposed pussy as he brought his fingers to spread your glistening lips.
“I’m telling you, this has got to be the prettiest pussy I’ve ever seen baby. You’re so creamy and look so tasty”
He took another whiff before saying “Ah daddy’s gonna drink up your juices so well princess”
And with that he dove in tongue first to lap up at your entrance. He tongue fucked your pussy and sucked at your clit harshly. God he thought at this moment that your pussy would be his new addiction and he need to taste it everyday for the rest of his life.
The music playing from the speakers did absolutely nothing to cover the pornographic sounds that came out of your mouth. Even with Sunghoon eating your pussy so deliciously while holding you down so you can’t escape, the sight of his dick on top of you was absolutely mouth watering. You brought your hand up to his hard cock and gave it a squeeze before moving you hand up and down.
Finally, Sunghoon detached himself from your pussy to let out the most delicious moan you’ve ever heard and started to grind into your hand. His moans alone would’ve probably made you cum right there.
“Oh yeah that’s right baby squeeze daddy’s cock. You wanna suck on it too? Lick it like a lollipop my gorgeous girl”
He reached down to his joggers and pulled them down just enough to release his dick. It sprung out and slapped your cheek before resting by your face.
“Suck daddy’s dick princess while daddy eats up your creamy pussy” he growled before eating you out again
You lifted your head off the ground to take his hard, warm dick into your mouth and sucked as hard as you could. The suction made him moan so loud that the vibrations felt more intense than any vibrator you had ever used. You almost wanted to scream from how good his tongue felt. You both carried on making each other feel the most pleasure either of you had ever felt. And the vibrations from your moans only intensified that pleasure.
You were so concentrated on making him feel good that it took you a moment to realise that Sunghoon started to bend your legs further back. Without any warning, his tongue flickered across your clit a few times before it ran all the way down to your asshole. It was the first time anyone had touched your other entrance and it felt so good.
“Oh fuck daddy please do that again. That feels so good” you moaned out and took his cock back into your hot mouth.
“You like it? Such a greedy baby. But daddy will give you whatever you want” he said smugly
He used your ass as leverage to pull you back and forth. His flattened tongue stroked up and down your crotch from your puffy clit to your winking rim.
“Oh shit baby I can’t get enough with your taste. This is the most delicious pussy and ass and it’s all MINE”
The slurping and moaning was so hot and the both of you could feel your orgasms building up. Sunghoon started to rut into your throat and groaned into your pussy. He so desperately wanted to moan out load and let you know how well you were sucking him off, but he wanted you to come as well so he started to suck and vibrate his moan onto your clit.
If it wasn’t for him grinding on your face, you would’ve screamed from the overwhelming pleasure. You needed to cum right now or you’d explode. So you brought your hands to the back of his head and pressed him further into your pussy. He loved the feeling of you using his face to get off that he started to thrust in your face even more. At this point you didn’t care if it was desperate, you just needed to cum, so as you pressed his face in your centre, you started humping vigorously into his mouth. The both of you were getting closer and closer. You wouldn’t stop humping each other’s faces and it was so hot.
All of a sudden, Sunghoon’s thighs started shaking and you sucked so hard as his cum spurted into your throat. It turned you on so much how YOU make his legs shake and how YOU got him to release the most beautiful moans.
He carried on twitching but he still needed to make you cum. He was craving for it. So he returned his mouth back onto your clit and created a vacuum whilst moaning from his own pleasure
“Yes. Yes. Cream in my mouth princess. Daddy wants to squirt all over his face. Drown me in your juices omg. Use daddy’s face. Hump me baby hump me”
So you carried on grinding on his face and quickened your hips when you felt an overwhelming amount of pleasure wash over you.
You screamed so loud as you squirted hard into Sunghoon’s mouth. He was completely obsessed with your taste and drank up everything you had to offer. He held your shaking leg back from closing as he slurped at your entrance.
You laughed and tried to push him away from your overstimulated pussy
“Sunghoon I’m sensitive”
“Uh uh let me drink you up baby. I’m not done cleaning you” you felt him smiling against you
At last, he slowly lowered you legs and moved so he could hover over you and kiss you.
“You did so well baby. Can you taste yourself?” he mumbled against your lips and stroked your hair
The way he looked down at you made your heart skip. This all felt so… natural
“I know this is all fast and probably a weird time, but I’d really like to get to know you. Would you like to go out for dinner with me some time soon? Of course you don’t have to say yes, I completely understand” he started to ramble with a slight tint in his cheeks
How could one be so cute after giving you the best head?
You shut his rambling up with a peck and responded “I would love to get dinner with you Sunghoon”
His precious smile just made you want to squeeze his cheeks! He gave you more pecks and leaned down to suck on your neck
“I’m still so hard baby” he groaned
“Oh yea? You wanna fuck my pussy baby?” You teased back at him
He moaned and begged “Yes please doll. Let me fuck you so hard”
“Ok then Hoonie”
After hearing that nickname and your approval, he quickly stripped you from your clothes and ripped his off himself. His well-sculpted body was everything you had fantasised about in your wet dreams. And the fact that is was paired with the gorgeous face of a perfect man written by females themselves, was just icing on the cake.
He spread your legs and spat onto your pussy (not like you needed it) before easing his way into your heat. His girth stretched you so deliciously that you felt like drooling. It was the most perfect dick ever. And it felt perfect inside you as well.
He rutted into you and stared into your eyes, leaving his mouth hanging open. The sweet melody of your moans together and skip clapping was something that people would pay to get off to. The mirrors were fogging up from the panting and intensity.
“Baby please ride me” Sunghoon panted. He did want to carry of fucking you at his own pace but he was so close to cumming and he really wanted to watch your bare tits bounce in front of him when he came.
You both flipped over and you quickly started to grind on his dick. Now that he had helped you to stretch, your hips were rapid and you angled your clit to drag along his pubic hair. It feels so good omg
Sunghoon looked down at your pussy and the way your juices coated his pubes and pelvis, he moaned out so loud
“You’re so hot oh my fucking god princess. Yes! Ride my dick like that. Can I cum inside you baby?” as he held you up and thrusted up into you, angling his hips to hit your g spot
“Oh fuck yes daddy cum in me! You’re gonna make my cum again”
“Cum with me baby. That’s it”
And just like that, you both came hard. He filled you up so full that it started to leak out of your pussy
You were both shaking so hard that you collapsed and layed on top of him.
You were both trying to catch your breath as you snuggled up together. You could feel him press sweet kisses to your hairline and he dragged his fingertips up and down your spine.
“You good princess?”
“Yea” you respond with a happy sigh and lift yourself up to sit on him
He looked up at you with such fond eyes and stroked you waist. There was a fainted mischievous smile as he brought his fingers down to where your were both connected to gather his cum that spilled out
“It’s taking all of the strength in me to not make you sit on my face and have you drip in my mouth” he groaned whilst staring at your soaking pussy. “If you’re free after this, maybe we should continue this at mine and we can find out how many times I can make you cum?”
You slowly lifted yourself off his semi hard member and situated yourself on his lower stomach. You still wanted tease him a bit more so you started to grind on his abs. Sunghoon moaned at the warm feeling and layed his head back down to try and control himself.
“I guess I’m free to do that. But only if you let me cum on your abs and suck you off in the shower” you flirted back
He bit his lip with a smile “Deal”
Oh weren’t you glad that your friends dragged you for a workout
Author’s note: Well… I did not expect for this to be that long but sleeveless Sunghoon just makes me go feral 😅 Thank you so much to those who voted for this fic and waited so patiently for it, I hope it was worth the wait 🫶 And thank you for taking the time to read my work 🩵
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belphiesreverie · 1 year
Hi! I absolutely love your platonic harbingers posts and was wondering if i could request yandere platonic harbingers with a very shy/quiet reader?
Yes ofc!! If you want anything more detailed, feel free to request for specific harbingers!!
Pierro thinks it is a good thing overall. If you were bold and outgoing then you’d be much more likely to want to be out and about where him or the others can’t constantly supervise you. Yes, having you willingly shy away from strangers makes his job much easier
Capitano is very overprotective. He has a sort of sixth sense as to when you’re feeling overwhelmed or someone is making you feel uncomfortable. People don’t normally have the luxury of being able to approach you or even be able to be around you at all, but they’re definitely not going to be getting any closer with Capitano lurking behind you
Columbina finds it ever so adorable!! She’s always looking for new ways to get cute little reactions out of you, whether it be sneaking up for a surprise hug or dedicating songs to you! Only she’s allowed to tease you about it though, anyone else that tries is bound to end up regretting it
Arlecchino let’s you rely on her. She knows from looking after the many children in her orphanage that enabling your behaviour will only make it worse, but she can’t help herself but to let you whisper to her what you want and speak for you. She can’t help but enable those behaviours that will lead you to becoming dependant on her
Dottore thinks you’re ever so fun to rile up. Finding out what things bother you and to what degree is quite a fun experiment for him. Of course, he’ll never take it too far… but coming to help you juuust before it’s too late always gets the best reactions from you and gives him an excuse to be as harsh as he wants to the ‘danger’
Signora wants to help you become more confident. She knows your worth, and she wants you to know it as well so she sometimes comes off a bit harsh with her words to you. But just know that it all comes from a genuine place in an effort to help you be the best you, and her words don’t hold the same biting chill as they do when speaking to those who even dare to look your way
Pantalone loves spoiling you constantly. The way you’re too modest to want to accept the gifts but also not assertive enough to reject them makes for a very interesting reaction. He can practically see the gears turning in your head, but is always very pleased when you accept it each time. Just be sure he’s the only one who’s gifts you take so earnestly
Sandrone wants to add you to her collection. She has a variety of puppets, big and small, tough and timid; but you’re so unique and well… you. She just has to have you. You’re so docile and sweet and follow along with her every command already, now she just needs to find a way to keep you by her side
Tartaglia’s older brother instincts constantly kick in around you. He just wants to spoil you and coddle you and make sure no harm can befall you. He’s ever so gentle with you, making sure never to displace a hair on your head, but anyone who even thinks about inconveniencing you will get some extra brutal treatment
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kentophilia · 11 days
HIIII SALEM i hope ill be ur first req :3 can i have making out w TA geto in like your dorm room or smtg - i love that secretive/will they get caught dynamic <3 u can make it a little steamy but all in all i just want geto to relax after stressing over his masters 😇
contains: teaching assistant!geto, established relationship, afab!reader, making out, some suggestiveness (dry humping), shoko cameo, pet names (my love, angel, baby)
word count: 1.1k
a/n: WAAAAH i finally got to writing this!!! i hope you're doing well seline, i miss you :( reminder that my requests are still open, please read my rules!!
reblogs and feedback are greatly appreciated!!
minors and ageless / blank blogs will be blocked immediately!
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sugu bear <3: can i come over?
sugu bear <3: need ur mental support for submitting my thesis pls
you smiled at your phone, responding with ‘ofc baby get ur ass over here rn’ in light speed.
ever since he started his position as a teaching assistant, he has been even more stressed as usual. there was no doubt that he was enjoying it, sometimes even taking over the class for the day and doing the meticulous work of grading essays and tests. however, it would take up a lot of his free time and subsequently, your time together as well.
sure, you'd see him on campus and in your shared classes, sneaking in as much physical contact as possible. but you missed spending actual time with him. watching movies, cooking together, going on dates, you name it. you got used to it, but sometimes you would feel a bit lonely. so you were elated to hear him coming over.
even better, your roommate shoko was out on a date with her girlfriend so you’d have the dorm to yourself. getting all giddy, you decided to tidy up a little for your boyfriend.
just a short time later, there was a knock on your dorm door and you rushed to see your sweet suguru standing there. he had a nervous smile on his face, his laptop in one hand and a small bouquet of your favorite flowers in the other.
“this is all i could get, hope you like it,” he murmured. you flung yourself onto him, inhaling his familiar scent. oh, how you missed him.
you squealed, “are you kidding, sugu? these are beautiful, you didn't have to get me anything!”
his smile grew wider, walking you backwards into your living space and closing the door behind him with his foot. you parted from him, placing a kiss onto his plump lips. he leaned into it, closing his eyes with a soft hum. soon enough, you broke the kiss and took the flowers to put them in a vase.
while you were rummaging through your kitchen, suguru made himself comfortable on your couch. he opened the laptop and got to work, finishing up his thesis. he had stressed about it for so long, he was scared about making typos so he read over it until his eyes burned. you soon joined him, curling into his side as you watched your boyfriend add the last finished touches to the document.
after a few minutes of comfortable silence, suguru let out a heavy sigh.
“want me to submit it for you?” you offered when you saw his shaky hand hovering over the touchpad, the mouse set on the big red submit button.
he quietly spoke: “you know what? yeah, i’d like that. no way to back out now.”
you took the laptop from him, setting it on your lap and clicking the button. as the confirmation screen lit up, you closed the window and laptop to put it on your coffee table. turning towards him, you noticed how pale he had gotten over the course of the last few minutes.
“are you okay?” you giggled, tucking one of the stray hairs behind his ear.
he sighed, “yeah, it's finally done.”
he pulled you on top of him, making you squeal. you settled on his lap, looping your arms around his broad shoulders and playing with the hairs on his nape. suguru placed his large hands on your waist, their weight and warmth comforting against your skin. you squirmed a little to get more comfortable as he leaned back with a sigh. with his eyes closed, his long lashes cast tiny shadows on his cheeks.
opening his eyes after a few breaths, suguru looked up at you with adoration in his eyes. a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips, mirroring yours.
“i'm proud of you, sugu. you've worked so hard. i was worried you’d get grey hair by the time i’d see you next.”
his heart thumped in his ribcage, threatening to burst out.
“don't i deserve a reward then, my love?” he mused. you chuckled, knowing what he was insinuating.
you leaned forward to gently cover his face in kisses. starting at his forehead, going down his warm cheeks and sharp nose and lastly, his lips. they were roughed up from all the biting but still plump against yours. after a few light pecks, suguru gave you a small appreciative hum, his hands sliding around to your back to pull you closer to him. the warmth of his body made you melt into his touch, your chest pressed against his as close didn't seem close enough. your eyes fluttered close, a small whine getting stuck in your throat as suguru’s lips locked onto yours.
his tongue swiped over your bottom lip and you obediently opened your mouth, gently pulling at his now disheveled hair. he moaned quietly, his scalp tingling from your ministrations. your tongues swirled around each other in a tentative dance, the air getting hotter by the minute. spit was exchanged, deep inhales through the nose as you got drunk on each other. one of his hands settled on the side of your neck, tilting your head to deepen the kiss further.
shivers ran down your spine at his gentle touch, the pit in your tummy getting hotter and hotter. your hips started gyrating on top of his needily, feeling how hard he was getting just from your lips on his own. a low rumble erupted from his chest at that, his hands sliding down to grip your hips tightly. guiding you gently, he bucked his hips up to your heated core, making you part from him with a whimper.
a small string of spit connected your mouths, heavy lidded eyes watching as you gripped his shoulders for leverage as your hips grew a mind of their own.
“missed you s’much,” you whined, placing your forehead against his. you were watching how he parted his lips to pant as your clothed core rubbed against his boner so deliciously.
he let out a small moan, “missed you too, angel. i’m sorry for neglecting my poor baby.”
his mouth stretched into a grin as he watched you use him to get yourself off, desperate to feel his skin on yours. suguru slid his hands under your shirt, drawing figure eights against your blazing skin.
you could feel yourself getting wetter and coming closer to your peak when at the cusp of it, a harsh knock resonated through the living room. following that, shoko’s voice came muffled through the door.
“can we come in or are y'all still humping each other?”
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tags: @sttoru @kizoken @prncessrindou and thank you to @screampied and @redskyvenus for proofreading!!! :3
© kentophilia 2024 — all rights reserved. please do not plagiarize, translate or steal any of my works.
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yourlocalstranger123 · 7 months
Hello I luv your writing may I request a yandere Nanook (if you write for him) with a Aeon of wind reader who's like Venti
U don't have to write this if this makes you uncomfortable is it fine if it's fluff?
ofc! Also, i appreciate you putting what kind of theme you wanted, like fluff. Bc I sometimes I add angst to a fluff bc they didn't exactly tell me what kind of theme, so I just take it as a free for all...(I still feel guilty-)
Also, im not too familiar with the lore, aeon's, and stuff. Especially his personality, so I might get it wrong. So I'll just go with the typical yandere who goes softer with you? For the fluff and since you said reader who's like venti, I view him as free going, so there won't be too many dark things about him being a yandere (and since it's mostly fluff)
Why every time I read my own writing, I think of the wattpad 😨😱😭
Warning: Murder mention
×Beauty of destruction×
Xx×—' and life ♥︎ '—×xX
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× He wasn't interested in you at first, only focusing on destroying things. He sees the creation of the universe as a mistake and sought to destroy everything. As he was busy with his own plans, he felt a gust of wind thrown at him. He turned around to see you playfully laugh.
× he scoffed in annoyance but didn't bother to kill you.... but your alluring chuckle caught his attention. Seeing you directly gift your blessing to the people who walked your path so easily... Smiling as if something new and wonderful has been newly created and brought upon the world. Why were you so...happy?
× his dead "heart" started thumping against his chest as he watched you... he never felt so intrigued with something or someone. Did you do something to him? Why is his heart beating so hard against his chest? It hurts....but it hurts so good
× he was bothered by this new feeling...it felt confusing. He wanted to hear your voice, touch you, embrace you... but the most cunfusing part for him is that he wants you to be his, his only, but he wants to be yours too... it's simple, really, but why..? Why does he want that? He wanted to know more
× He read books in his own time of how to approach you, and he tried many times, but he just... he couldn't. Like something was stopping him. Hesitance, perhaps? He wonders why. There wasn't any bad relationship between him and you, so why was he hesitating? He's been observing and made every preparation of trying to make a conversation with you for days, so why?
× While he was in the middle of his thoughts, he flinched and quickly turned around, then saw your startled face. He stood still, mind racing of what to say. His heart thumped against his chest painfully. He felt like he was suffocating. He wanted to clutch his chest and make it stop. Why did he feel this way?
× The feeling was soon replaced immediately the moment you touched his shoulder, asking if he was alright. He felt... free, felt as if all the burden on his shoulders were lifted off. He lifts his head up to see you, your gentle eyes gazing into his,,
× he was stiff while having a conversation with you; only replying with dry responses. (Dryer than the Atacama desert) He wasn't much of a talker, so he listened to your stories, your daily life, your complaints, anything honestly. He simply laid their with his head resting on his palm as he watched you talk.
♥︎ oh, how he was soooo new to these kinds of feelings. But don't worry! You're here with him for a reason :) You're gonna help him, right? You guided him through these complicated meanings of it, so of course you will! You're the one responsible for it so you should take the responsibility!
♥︎ He takes mental notes about you, even the smallest details like he always notice that whenever your presence is near, a slight wind blows around the area you are in. So, he is able to quickly notice your presence. (You didn't even notice it yourself until he told you-)
♥︎ He always accompanies you everywhere. Every. Single. Place. (Maybe even the place you rest at..) And if you ask him why, he always says that it's was quite a coincidence, purely luck for him to cross path with you. Or that he thought that you needed protection (sir...[name] is an Aeon, how does- nvm, hes just delulu) and etc...
♥︎ and if you say no? He'll try to convince you. If that doesn't work? He'll be sadden, frowning(pouting), and looks with you with teary eyes. (those be fake asf-) ah....what a wonderful way to guilt trap you because it definitely works.
♥︎ Oh, the first time he smiled at you? You were memorized. (But if someone else, they would think he was planning to finally destroy the world now...) you happily and giddily told the other Aeons about this, and they looked at you H.O.R.R.I.F.I.E.D. Like, what do you mean the most mass of destruction is smiling innocently? They decided to secretly watch you from afar.
♥︎ He brings you small little gifts like flowers that are shaped as a crown (Your his emperor/empress) or a ring (He wants to marry you since he thinks that marriage is a powerful contract of loyalty and love...and maybe wants to prove to you that he is worthy of that-)
♥︎ He softens whenever you're around. He feels like he's wrapped around a warm blanket whenever you praise him or comfort him in any way, so he always seeks for your approval (and attention). You are his world, his everything, his only reason to not already destroy this universe.
♥︎ Oh, how he's sooooo obsessed with you! It's like seeing a teenager obsessing over their crush! Whatever you give him, even if it's the most basic thing ever, he takes care of it and makes sure it's in its top shape and condition! And if anything or anyone dares to damage it or even touch it, he'll make sure they'll regret it... (Of course, if it's you, he doesn't mind! He can just simply try to put it back in shape, and if it doesn't work, he'll ask you for another one! He's even saying, please....)
♥︎ He even has a cute little (huge) shrine of you! He used something called a "camera" and took pictures every time you looked in high spirits like when you smiled, fascinated, grinned, etc. And of course, he took it with your consent....he doesn't want his love to be upset now, would he?
—Xx×《 ~♥︎~ 》×xX—
He was enjoying the feeling of resting his head on your lap, intertwining his hand with yours. He listened to your voice as you sing songs, stories, or even just humming. He really wants to hear your heartbeat, so he pokes your arm to catch your attention. As you looked down, you could see something no one could or ever believe.
His smile. He tapped lightly on the spot where your heart was. He savored the sound of your chuckle as you gently lift his head off your lap and made yourself comfortable before letting him lean closer and put his head on your chest. He closed his eyes as he nuzzled against you. He was like a little cat, how adorable.
He was always so jealous that when you shared your smile with others, he wanted to be the only one to see that. He wanted to keep you from others. He didn't like that your attention was ripped off from him when one of your followers prayed for you. He covered your eyes with his hand and snuggled against you. He huffed and frowned when you tried to get him off.
He glared when he heard the other Aeon trying to call you. Before you could even respond, he pushed you down and hugged you tightly. "Do you really have to go to.....that aeon right now? Can't you stay just this once? Please [name]?" He asks. He would've begged if you didn't respond quickly with a agreement. He smiles and bathes in your warmth once again.
(He's gets jealous quite easily)
He made a ring out of the flowers he found. He tried to secretly slide it onto your finger, which made you smile. You pretended not to know what he was doing and just played with his hair. Once he was done, you finally pretended to just notice it now. "Oh, did someone put this pretty ring on my finger? Oh, how I wonder who the handsome/beautiful person put this ring on me?"
You chuckled as he perked up. He snuggles against your hand that had the ring on it. "Mustn't I put a ring on yours too?" You played along as he blushed lightly. He could see you using the wind to gather up some flowers into your palm, making a ring for him too! His eyes light up as you put a ring on his finger.
He smiles once again. He's glad that he killed all of your suitors before they could even meet you....He should be the only one who you call "yours," and you should only be with him, you don't need anyone else...
He really loves and adores you. He will do anything to keep you with him
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leewritestoomuch · 1 month
hey!! do u think u could write for sasuke, shikamaru, kiba, lee, neji, gaara, and/or sai with a clingy reader who gets jealous easily? love language is acts of service and quality time but she clings onto them a lot too. (feel free to change up the characters/add or omit anyone!! thank you!!)
Naruto Characters with a Clingy/Jealous S/O
Characters: Sasuke, Shikamaru, Kiba, Shino, Rock Lee, Neji, Sai, Gaara, and Kankuro
I wanna include Kankuro somewhere so don’t mind me squeezing him in frfr. Also ofc, I gotta add Shino.
Sasuke Uchiha
He’s acting cool. He’s acting real cool. Dark and mysterious.
You’re throwing that off, but if you’ve got him wrapped around your finger, he can’t seem to bring himself to shake you off.
You’re like throwing off the dark and mysterious with your energy, so he’s gonna act indifferent, maybe even irritated.
Best believe that he clings onto you right back at home. I don’t take criticism on this take.
If you get jealous easy… good luck.
Now he’s not feeding in to these other girls minds that he could somehow care to look their way, but these girls STILL stare at him with heart eyes.
Cue him just walking away from them, telling you to come on already.
He’s not entertaining their bullshit, so you two can go where they will leave you both alone :)!
Shikamaru Nara
Complains, complains, complains again.
“What a drag” “you’re so troublesome”
He’s blushing though, don’t let him lie. It’s obvious.
He secretly finds comfort in your constant clinging. And the way you like to spend time with him. And be around him constantly. You must really like him. He’s secretly flattered.
He just can’t open up so he’s never gonna tell you that.
He’s not really the type that women are just falling at his feet, so you won’t have to worry about being jealous so much.
If a girl on a mission does get a little too close though, he WILL distance himself from her. Don’t worry.
He’ll complain if you step in for him to help get the girl away, but he’ll be grateful for the help (silently, bc out loud he’s saying he can handle it himself)
Kiba Inuzuka
I don’t know why people think Kiba is some player or fuck boy. So I want to go ahead and clarify, I don’t think he would be. I think he’s actually got nervous teen boy crushing energy, no matter his age.
He’s clinging to you too. Lmfao.
Literally you two are attached at the hip, arm, shoulder, whatever. Attached.
Akamaru is always with you two though, but who doesn’t love Akamaru?!
He gets jealous too.
You two are probably unbearable bc listen, hope for everybody’s sake you aren’t as jealous as he is.
If a man looks in your direction, he will whine for the rest of the night.
That being said, he is not accusing you of entertaining or doing anything, he’s just complaining about the guys audacity to even look in your direction.
Shino Aburame
DO NOT LET THIS MAN LIE TO YOU. He gets jealous.
Like petty kinda jealous. He’s a petty mf.
So you are not alone if you get jealous.
He’s also physically clingy behind closed doors, but ONLY behind closed doors.
He asks that you not hang off him like a koala in front of everybody, but he’ll perhaps hold your hand.
He’s clingy in a less physical way. He needs you to stay close to him most of the time, just be there. So if you like quality time, this the guy for you.
Back to jealously, this is the only reason I could ever foresee him being even a little toxic. He trusts you fully, but give a little bit too much attention to somebody and he’ll convince himself he’s like not your first choice and you forgot him like everybody else did.
So he’s more jealous than you, without a doubt in my mind.
Honestly, he takes time and effort to convince to settle down and get out of his own head.
Neji Hyuga
Not a PDA person. I think he might be willing to like hold hands. Accept a kiss on the cheek or something. But really, he wouldn’t be all TOO found of being literally clinged to.
However, he does like to have you around. So if you are just the clingy type in regards to being around them all the time, he’s okay with that.
He wants to be around you too.
He’s not the jealous type himself, and he probably won’t really notice that you’re jealous.
I don’t think he’d appreciate somebody other than you being all over him though, so you don’t have to worry much. He’ll tell a person straight up, no sugarcoating, to get away from him.
If you complain about somebody’s actions later, he’ll realize you were jealous. He’ll probably ask why if he told them off anyways. After a conversation, he’ll probably just reassure you that he will continue to tell people off.
Nobody touches him but you.
Rock Lee
He talks about you all the time to everybody he can. He’s constantly telling people that you’re his partner. Bragging about you.
And since you’re clingy and he’s clingy, you’re probably right there by his side as he does this.
If for some reason, he doesn’t get a chance or remember to introduce you in some flamboyant, glamorous, extra way, and somebody tries to make a pass at him, he won’t notice they’re flirting unless it’s OBVIOUS.
So cue your jealously.
He would be the type to literally push somebody away and say some shit like “I’m flattered, but I have a gorgeous, amazing partner already.”
Sai Yamanaka
(I call him Sai Yamanaka bc it creates a bigger line for the name btw, he’s not married in this case)
He does not mind you constantly clinging to him or following him around. Not in the slightest.
That is because he likes you, so he wants to be around the person he likes, after all. (Sai, yall are dating. That’s obvious, you don’t have to say it)
He probably follows you around a lot because he thinks he’s supposed to. And also, he finds that he likes to be around you.
He might do something a book told him to, get too close to another person, paying no mind to any like reason it could be wrong. He didn’t mean it that way.
And since we’ve established you’re the jealous type, you’d have to explain to Sai that he can’t just get too close to other people like that.
Gaara of the Sand
He doesn’t mind the clinging, but he doesn’t have the time for it :/
When you can cling to him or follow him around without interfering with his focus and work, he’s perfectly okay with it.
And he’ll find himself wishing that when he’s busy, he wasn’t so you could be with him.
A lot of the girls in the village have a crush on him now that he’s kazekage, so you’re bound to be pretty jealous.
But Gaara doesn’t let these girls near him. He’s polite with them, but he’s not entertaining anything at ALL.
You don’t have to worry with him. He’s as loyal as can be.
At home, he’s clinging to you too. He’s touch starved.
And he loves to spend his free time with you.
Kankuro of the Sand
Cling to him in public like a koala. He’s not complaining. He’s BRAGGING.
He’s the type to tease you about it, but if you break away from him because of it he’ll complain bc WHERE ARE YOU GOINGGG?
He would purposely make you jealous. Within reason. He will not disrespect your relationship to do so. But if he knows something simple could make you jealous, like giving too much attention to a stuffed animal, he will do it on purpose
“You wish this was you, huh?”
He’d like it if you wanted to just come sit in his workshop with him while he works on puppets. He’ll talk when he’s not like SUPER focused.
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