#I hope the same happens with Yuuta
cursedvibes · 1 year
1,2,10 for gojo and geto
Thanks for the ask! Oh boy here we go...
1, My first impression of them
Funky hyperactive manchild. Some weird opinions about women and men (as a demographic) sometimes, but points to him for wanting to change the system. I also liked that his goal wasn't entirely self-less. He told Yuuji he's still gonna die but like...later.
2. When I started to like/dislike them
Generally, I like him for what he is, although I think he's way too powerful as you can see by him being turned into a McGuffin for the story to progress. Unlimited Void looks nice and I like his fight in Shibuya (even though I still haven't forgiven him for killing Hanami like that). Have to say I like him as a high schooler way more though. There he's still somewhat inexperienced, fumbles and has to figure himself out. As an adult he feels a bit...stationary. Also I can't tell you how much I hate how he treats Ijichi or less powerful sorcerers in general. I recently read the second light novel and while it's nice of Gojo to bring Ijichi out for dinner and tell him how much he appreciates his work, he only gives him even more work after he comes back from his day off (first one in 5 months or so). This only cements the feeling in Ijichi that he can't even be absent for two days or Jujutsu Tech is literally gonna collapse, leading to him seeking less time off. Because he's a nice guy, he says he appreciates that Gojo relies on him, he wants to feel useful, but his body is literally shutting down from stress. Just give the guy a real break jfc. And it's not just Ijichi, Gojo doesn't care much for non-sorcerers or windows either as we see with Hana and Tsumiki. Makes sense with his strength and upbringing, but doesn't make me like that part of him more.
10. Describe the character in one sentence
Too powerful for his own good.
1, My first impression
A villain with long black hair? Shouldn't be too difficult to like. But then-
2. When I first started to like/dislike them
-he opened his mouth. It's incredible how much bullshit this guy talks. His ideology doesn't make any sense. His plan doesn't make any sense. Say he did kill all sorcerers who opposed him (somehow...), what was he gonna do then? Even if he killed all non-sorcerers, sorcerers can have non-sorcerer children, was he gonna enforce eugenics nationwide? How even, he killed over 50% of the population, particularly the people making up the government, who all seem to be non-sorcerers. He doesn't seem the type who wants total chaos, so how was he gonna reorganize society? Just stupid and I can't stand any kind of supremacists in general, so he already lost me there. Comes off even worse when I have to listen to his speeches of bs in Vol 0 where his positions are virtually unchallenged. At least Sakurai made him a little more entertaining in the movie. There I can shrug him off more easily as just some Disney villain. Hidden Inventory explains how he got to that point, which I appreciate, but that doesn't make his ideals any better or less nonsensical. Also, I think he was only marginally better as a teenager. How is he the popular one when he's such a stuck-up ignorant little runt? At least you can have fun with Gojo, but him...he's gonna report you to the principle.
10. Describe the in one sentence
Failed his way through life and does the same in death as he got replaced by someone who's literally better than him in every way.
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uzurakis · 22 days
hii again!! I’m here to request a Drabble/headcannon (doesn’t matter to me :3) where the reader gets approached by two strangers n one of them goes ‘hi my friend thinks you’re cute’ and motions to their friend next to them even though the jjk men (yuta and Megumi but feel free to add anyone else!) is literally RIGHT next to them (this happened during lunch a week ago n all my friends laughed at me 😭😭😭)
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featuring: gojo satoru. fushiguro megumi. yuuta okkotsu. itadori yuuji.
n. hi baby! i supposed you’re the same nonnie that requested the stalker one? thank you for trusting me with your requests cause yours are always enjoyable to write and your ideas are *french kiss*. i hope ya like this one and please if you have any ideas you wanna share, hmu! ill always write yours bby. mwaah xoxo
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hey, excuse me! my friend thinks you’re cute . .
ITADORI YUUJI. you exchanged a surprised glance with itadori, who cracked a smile sheepishly. "oh yeah? thanks," he replied, clearly missing the implication. the stranger nudged their friend, urging them to speak up. "uh, yeah," offering a nervous smile. "you're really cute."
your boyfriend only chuckled, oblivious to their intentions. "right? my girlfriend is the cutest!” he said proudly, pinching your cheeks infront of them. “yuu, we’re in public..”
the strangers shared a bewildered look, realizing that their attempt to strike up a conversation with you had been unintentionally thwarted. "uh, yeah, you’re really lucky," the stranger managed to mumble before they awkwardly excuse themselves and slipped back into the crowd.
you and itadori watched them go, bemused expressions on your faces. "did you catch what they were trying to do?" you asked, stifling a laugh. itadori shook his head, still clueless. "nah, but it doesn't matter. i already know who the cutest one here is," he said, planting a kiss on your cheek, causing you to giggle at his oblivion.
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GOJO SATORU. before you could respond, gojo stepped forward, subtly clearing his throat. you shot him a puzzled look, wondering what he was up to. “yeah? well, she's taken," declaring at once, voice laced with amusement as he wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him.
the strangers kept eyeing you curiously, seemingly undisturbed by the statement he made. "oh really? too awful," one of them remarked, maintaining a smile.
gojo raised an eyebrow, exchanging a knowing glance with you. it was clear they weren't getting the hint. with a sigh, he cleared his throat again, this time louder, as he firmly took your hand and started to lead you away. “sorry, folks, but we're kinda busy," your boyfriend said with a charming smile, gently steering you in the opposite direction.
as you both walked away, gojo grinned down at you. "just making sure they know who you belong to, darling,” he said, pulling you closer as you continued your walk through the path.
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FUSHIGURO MEGUMI. you immediately glanced nervously at megumi beside you. however, your boyfriend remained silent, his expression unreadable as he gazed at the strangers.
unsure of how to reply, you gave the stranger a hesitant smile. megumi didn't express his jealousy, but it was obvious that he was still very much in the dark about it. the stress was literally radiating off of him. "um, thank you," you managed to murmur, feeling awkward under megumi's scrutiny.
the strangers seemed unfazed by megumi's silence, continuing to chat amicably with you. they asked questions, trying to engage you both in conversation, but megumi remained aloof, his attention solely focused on you. you glanced at him, catching the tightness in his jaw and the furrow in his brow. he was clearly uncomfortable, but he didn't make a move to pull you away from the strangers. rather, he only stood there, sulkily contemplating.
sensing his unease, you subtly shifted closer to him, hoping to offer some reassurance. megumi glanced down at you, his gaze softening ever so slightly before returning to the strangers, "hey, you done talking?" he shot at the strangers with thinly veiled irritation.
he then sighed, a hint frustration crossing his features. without another word, he gently took your hand and pulled you away from the conversation, his grip firm but not forceful. as you walked, you stole a glance at megumi, finding his expression softened slightly, his jealousy dissipating now that you were out of the strangers' reach. “i didn’t feel it like has to be said, but,” a tint of red swelled on his face, his eyes denying your gaze. “yeah, you’re always pretty. and if you need someone to say it, just,”
“just ask me, okay?”
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YUTA OKKOTSU. you responded with a timid smile, sensing yuuta's comforting presence beside you. he let out a soft chuckle, his laughter soothed the situation as you thanked the compliment. "i appreciate it.”
yuuta's casual reaction didn’t appear to dismiss the strangers, as they continue to strike up a discussion as though you’ve been friends for years. while yuuta stays a silent yet watchful presence, they kept the questions going.
after a while, yuuta's smile widened, his eyes crinkling with amusement as he glanced at his watch. "it was fun talking to you guys," he said, his tone gentle but firm. "but me and my girlfriend need to be somewhere else."
you blinked in surprise at his sudden intervention, but the strangers took it in stride and finally offering their farewells. after they walked away, you turned to yuuta, curiosity piqued by his unexpected assertiveness.
"you’re not going to say anything about it?” you commented, impressed by his ability to not get jealous or anything else in between. yuuta brushed your hair, his gaze warm with affection. "cause they weren’t wrong though. you are the cutest.”
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@uzurakis — reqs are open! <3
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willows-peak · 5 months
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*・゚✧ JJK Character's Fav Positions
tags: multi character x reader, gn! reader, fluff, acute descriptions of cuddling, sfw and nsfw below the cut, the students aren't included in the nsfw portion dw
word count: expected 2.2k
a/n: im struggling with a geto wip so have this for tonight :3c i wonder if u can tell whos my fav to write
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⋆。˚ ♡ spooning: reserved for the clingiest of people, those who wanna feel your warmth no matter what, snuggled tight holding your back to their chest under a blanket and falling asleep to the slow breaths you make in your slumber
nobara: she's a girl with a very busy life, socially and academically, so when she finally gets to come home and relax into you, her back being embraced by you and held snugly to your chest as she sighs in content, she's as happy as can be. especially after a nice warm shower to wash the day's work away, curling up in bed in her jammies and taking a well deserved nap is all she needs. she gets very irritable if (god forbid) she cant be with you for a while
yuuta: he's a very sweet boy, even when sleeping. if u two end up cuddling, you'll somehow always end up being spooned, no matter how you two fell asleep. yuuta claims he has no idea how this happens, but youre starting to doubt him when you fell asleep at the foot of the bed and woke up with a snoring yuuta behind you. though, you dont have it in you to push him away, considering the way he grumbles and reaches out for you until youre back in his arms
getou: while he wasn't the one to initiate being the little spoon, that seems to be the role you gave him when you first started sleeping in the same bed. even while he was relaxed, his back muscles seemed to entrance you enough to want to stare at them while he slept. he wasn't surprised or offended at your reasoning of course, quite the opposite. you were fueling his already huge ego so how could he deny you? now, he'll rest with the feeling of your deft fingers combing through his hair, while your other hand was running across the bumps and crevices of his back.
⋆。˚ ♡ hugging: for the cuddling enjoyer who also wants to smoosh your face with their chest. legs tangled together, the comforting scent of your shampoo in their nose and their hand gently cupping the back of your head
gojo: speaking of the clingiest man alive. he treats you like a stuffie half the time while you two sleep, hugging you tight to his chest and having your face buried in the crook of his neck while he snoozes away. much like yuuji, the pressure of you against his body helps relax him, but unfortunately for you, that means this 6'3 man squeezing you as tight as possible and stacking on blankets on top of your combined bodies. let's hope you two live somewhere cold
inumaki: he always slept in fetal position before you two started dating, so this was just naturally how you two began cuddling. inumaki either slept at 8 pm sharp or he'd still be awake when you got up in the morning, so who was cuddling who was never consistent. sometimes, inumaki slept with his arm thrown across your hip and his face squished against your side, and others he'd hook his arm around the small of your back and hold you while you slept
⋆。˚ ♡ head on lap: sometimes you don't wanna go all out with cuddling your partner, and for those occasions look no further than the thigh pillow ™ for when you or your partner are too tired to move from the couch to the bed
maki: few words are ever spoken when you two do this. you could be catching up on your schoolwork, or talking with maki, or watching the tv, but often times you'll simply stop and roll over to lay on her lap, neither of you questioning or even batting an eye to it anymore. even when you first did it, there was only a moment of confusion in maki's face before she shrugged and continued talking to you
choso: when you asked him how he liked to cuddle one day, he shrugged his shoulders and answered with "whatever makes you happy." and while he meant it, you couldnt deny the pattern you noticed when you were lounging in bed, or sitting down, where choso would inevitably end up cozied between your thighs, his head resting on your tummy with his hand around your back. pro tip, he makes happy hums if you put your hand on his head
⋆。˚ ♡ head on chest: who needs blankets when you have a whole other person? the classic and well loved position that lets them hold u as close as they can, arm snagging around your waist and holding you tight as you drift into dream land
megumi: you may have thought this meant youre laying on his chest. nope. it took a while for him to open up with what he wanted with you, physically, but it very quickly turned into routine how he'd wordlessly crawl into your arms and flop down against your chest, grumbling incoherently when you asked him what was the matter. you'd sigh and resume whatever you were doing, combing through his messy hair until the soft sound of snores filled the room minutes later.
nanami: this man does not play around about two things, children and his sleep. he's very particular with how he rests, as in you *will* be with him while he sleeps, and you *will* be placed on his chest, held tight as he snored away. youre his wonderful break from monotony, a shining ray of sunshine in his cold and unwelcoming world, so forgive him for being clingy while he rests. though, this does come with the downside of him becoming restless if you're ever away. dont worry! he has a pillow with your scent sprayed onto it for this very occasion, just in case
toji: he wasnt huge on cuddling at first, both not used to it and finding it inconvenient to deal with if he needed to do anything at night. he didnt sleep well before you, and even if that hasnt changed, you snuggling up to him like a huge teddy bear at least gave him something to focus on in those sleepless fits he often has. on the rare occasion he sleeps before you awaken, youre extra careful to press a kiss to his chest as he silently rested underneath you
⋆。˚ ♡ in their lap: cuddling doesn't always have to mean sleeping, of course. sometimes its just a really really long hug with your partner. for times like this, curling up in someone's lap while you laze your time away sounds like a paradise
yuuji: at first, scooting you into his lap was just an easy way to keep you close while he had nothing else to do, arm secured around your waist while you either scrolled through your phone or talked to him about your day, the mundane things he loved about you. but, as he soon found, you on his lap added the extra bonus of pressure! a sturdy weight and warmth on his body, allowing him to relax and melt into you in those moments of silence shared between you two.
sukuna: lets just say you're lucky he's touchy at all with you. he'll tolerate surprise hugs or pecks on his shoulder, but the only physical touch he seems to ever enjoy is when you're slotted in his lap, free to touch and poke at whenever he pleases. you'd whine if he pinched your cheek, squawk if he pressed his nails into the meat of your thighs, glare at him if he groped your ass. all those lovely reactions are a fair trade for you scooting yourself into his lap and using his chest as a pillow, he deems
⋆。˚ ♡ cowgirl: save a horse, ride a cowboy seeing you take control is unbearably sexy. pivoting your hips up and down on their dick while your hands grip at their shoulders, or having their hands grab at your ass while you slowly grind down against them. either way theyre yours for the taking
ino: a loveable, yet irritating trait of your boyfriend, is that he struggled to fuck you again after a round. you couldnt blame him, with how fast and hard he pounded into you and how he'd always make sure to hit your sweet spots until you were spasming and cumming around his cock. but when you werent satisfied just yet, he spared no time lifting you up into his lap, eagerly offering his cock for you to use as you pleased. and really, how could you pass up an offer like that?
getou: why should he have to do the work when you look this good riding him? his eyes never leave yours while you're bouncing in his lap, the slap of your skin against his backing up your huffs and whines of pleasure, looking at him so pitifully when he backs his hips down out of you. "you want more? come on honey, work for it. thaaat's right, move your hips just like that f' me" he'd egg you on so sweetly, smiling at your pout while you spread your legs and angled your hips to take him deeper inside
⋆。˚ ♡ doggy style: nasty mfs who live for seeing your ass jiggle with every thrust or slap they give you. the way your tiny waist arches down and your chest is pressed flat against the sheets while they're pounding away at you is unbeatable to them
yuki: behind every woman with a big ass is an even bigger strap, and yuki is the prime example of that. she loves to fuck you in front of a mirror in this position too, cooing at you for being so good at taking her dick while fucking you with aimed precision, making you look at yourself while shes thrusting deep inside you. its enough to make you melt into the sheets and wail at the onslaught of pleasure going through your body, but dont worry, she still has so much more to give you
⋆。˚ ♡ against the wall: can you say desperate? they love this position so much, sloppy makeouts that lead to pinning you against the nearest surface because they feel like they'll die if their lips leave yours for even a second
gojo: call him a showoff, because its true. in this position, he can show you just how small you are compared to him, size and strength wise. bouncing you up and down on his cock until your pretty head doesnt work anymore, seeing your eyes oggle his flexed arms and the space where he was fucking up into you. this paired with fucking you inside his office? his dick has never been harder. the thought of someone hearing how good youre getting fucked, coupled with your horrible attempt at muffling your cries and moans makes him so fucking turned on
shoko: shes a true switch, which means its a toss up for whos gonna be on the wall in this position. it all depends on her mood, and who shes had to deal with today. if it was a slow day at work, she'll happily make out with you and grind her knee into your crotch against the door of your apartment for as long as she pleases. though, if her day was more hectic, shes not so subtly grinding herself onto your lap and pressing her fingers into your mouth, sighing woefully about how stressed she is until she expectedly pulls out her fingers, waiting for you to offer yourself to help her
⋆。˚ ♡ 69: they love the competitive-ness of this position. being able to grab your hips and shove them down onto their flat tongue, getting harder when they can feel how much you're struggling to focus from their mouth. but when you grind down into their mouth while bobbing your head on their cock? hooh
toji: hes so mean when he has you like this.. ruthlessly bucking his hips up into your tight and wet throat, sloppily licking and sucking at you and twitching at the feeling of you gagging when he hits the back of your throat. you can barely move your head, your brain getting fucked out by toji's tongue and lips expertly taking you apart piece by piece. you never lasted long when he had you like this either, much to his delight. eagerly lapping up your cum while you moaned and hopelessly squirmed in his grip felt better than any orgasm hes ever gotten, though your throat comes at a very close second
nanami: nanami can at times forget this position is for the both of you, with how into it he can get. hes good about it at first, groaning into you from the way your tongue licks and swirls around his thick cock. but the more he tastes you, the more ravenous he gets with his sucks against you, licking up any stray wetness that threatens to fall down your thighs as the pace of your sucking slows and breaks. you can try to lift your hips away from his tongue, but good luck with that. the grip he keeps on your thighs is near impossible to break, even if your an orgasm or two deep into the session
⋆。˚ ♡ mating press: whispers of them others name falling right into their lips as their hips rock into you, thighs pressed tightly against your chests and your legs shaking on top of their shoulders. the closeness of this position never fails to rile them up, allowing them to see every little face you make, and hear all those noises they fuck out of you
sukuna: youre helpless underneath him, and thats the way he likes it. you can barely move around when his large, muscular frame is pinning you plush against the sheets of your bed, arms forced to clumsily hold onto his shoulders as he fucks you so deep, so harshly that you choke on your own breath from the power behind his thrusts. "sssuku-na, please, too mm-! is' toomuch, oh" your pleads fall on deaf ears, his thrusts never faltering nor easing up with their intensity.
choso: he honestly thinks he'll die if he isnt pressed up against you while hes fucking you. it all feels so intimate when hes got you with your legs bound to your torso from his chest, his thighs holding your body steady while hes all up in your guts. he feels so wonderfully deep inside you like this, hardly able to get out a full sentence from the way you squeeze and milk his long cock, crashing his lips into yours as tears start to well up in his eyes from how good it all feels
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churipu · 6 months
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featuring. toji fushiguro, yuuta okkotsu, choso x fem! reader
warnings. absolutely nothing
note. anon, first of all, again, i'm so sorry i accidentally put your post up in the queue list when it was unfinished and the pen symbol wasn't there so i screenshotted this before deleting the og post. i hope this post comes to find you by itself :(( second of all, thank you for liking the first part, means a lot to me <33 last of all, hope you enjoy this one!
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TOJI FUSHIGURO. i feel like he's the kind of person who doesn't mind having a sleepyhead gf, in fact he'll gladly sleep with her no matter what time or place. he'll just look and then you're asleep, all of a sudden he's asleep too.
people find it odd how you and him are able to just doze off anywhere, especially toji being a pretty "busy" man. would ditch his work sometimes just to have a nap with you, and i feel like he's the type of guy who would use you like a bolster when you both sleep. so you just lie there, arms by your side — while he on the other hand, is all up on you, holding you close to him.
sometimes toji would chuckle upon seeing you asleep at the most random time and places, in a diner, in a fast food restaurant, in the park standing up (and you woke up because apparently a kid bumped into your leg), just anywhere. he finds your sleepy habit quite interesting really.
"toji... 'm tired."
"when're you not, hm?"
he absolutely loves it when you just clung onto him like a koala for a nap, makes him feel proud (oh and i feel like he's the type of person who would take pictures if you sleep with your mouth open with a string of drool coming out of your mouth, he says that it's adorable. you don't think so though).
YUUTA OKKOTSU. yuuta is just so adorable. i feel like he gushes out a lot when you fall asleep on him, like he will silently fawn over you but at the same time he doesn't know what to do. should he let you be? wake you up so you could sleep in a more comfortable place? or carry you to the said comfortable place?
he just ends up waking you up because of how fidgety he is, "yuuta?"
"i'm so sorry, did i wake you up? sorry.."
honestly, you don't even care about the whole wake up thing. you just wanted to sleep so you always end up latching onto his side like a baby, "five more minutes."
it's never five minutes, longest is twelve hours. although yuuta doesn't mind — he even joins you for a bit, and if he has to go, he will make sure you're tucked in well and comfortable with a pillow fort he built just for you incase something (the monsters comes for you) happens.
CHOSO. i feel like he gets confused at first to why you're always falling asleep near him, he even asked this "Google" to that — and Google did not in fact help, but instead drove him into a state of panic because it told choso that you were dying. so when you fall asleep the next time, choso wakes you up almost immediately.
"don't die on me."
you didn't know what he was talking about and assumed that he was just messing around so you closed your eyes, and he had a full blown breakdown because he thought you were actually dying.
but when you told him it's because you feel safe to sleep near him, he's never been so much happier. and whenever you fall asleep, he always has a blanket ready for you both. so here's how it goes, you fall asleep and lean your head on his shoulder, he drapes the blanket over the both of you, he leans his head onto your head and falls asleep.
you both always end up in such an uncomfortable position after (either with your hand or foot in his face, or vice versa), but you guys never cared, at least the sleep was good.
"cho, get your foot out of my face before i bite them off clean."
"'m sorry, it just happens."
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sixosix · 1 month
m m m m maybe blanket plus yuuta plus hurt/comfort maybe. maybe 🤞
in which rika likes you because yuuta definitely, definitely does.
warnings wc 800, mention of injuries and descriptions of blood !! careful when u read <3 also i took hurt comfort literally BWHAHSAH hope i did your expectations justice nyx ily
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“Yuuta. Yuuuuta.”
Rika’s voice echoed in the quiet hall. Yuuta winced, wishing Rika would keep it down; it was 2 AM, and no one would appreciate being woken up around this hour. But he knew that if he said so, Rika would be sad, and he didn’t want to hurt Rika and cause a worse scene.
“I’m fine, Rika-chan, really,” Yuuta murmured.
Rika growled unhappily. Yuuta, too, knew that he was lying. Although his wounds weren't life-threatening, he still needed to get them treated before they got infected. But Yuuta had just come back to this room—he was so, so tired. Sleeping in wouldn’t hurt anyone but him, right?
“Yuuta!” Rika snapped. It reverberated and shook the walls.
“Shh, Rika-chan,” Yuuta whispered hastily. “Please, our friends are sleeping.”
Both Yuuta and Rika fell silent, alarmed. That voice certainly wasn’t Rika’s, and it most definitely came from the door.
“Yuuta?” you asked again, followed by a knock. “Are you okay in there?”
“I—I’m—I’m fine!” Yuuta yelped.
“Didn’t you just come back from a mission? Why are you here instead at Ieiri-sensei’s?” Your voice was muffled by the barrier that separated you both, but it was still enough of your voice to have Yuuta’s ears reddening.
“I was! I’m resting now!” Yuuta lied straight through his teeth, embarrassed beyond belief. In truth, he didn’t want to disturb her.
“Yuuta’s a liar!” Rika chose not to stay silent at the worst time. “Liar!”
The door swung open. Yuuta didn’t have enough time to hide a steadily growing red shirt or his pretty much the same face. The air thickened as you drew closer, and Yuuta struggled to tell if it was because of Rika or his reaction to you.
“Okkotsu Yuuta,” you said, deceptively calm. Yuuta felt the hair on the back of his arms rise in alarm. “Yuuta, don’t tell me that the stain on your shirt isn’t from ketchup.”
It was his blood, so Yuuta obediently stayed silent.
You sighed and spun around to leave the room. Yuuta’s chest ached as he watched you leave. His lip trembled, and he looked over to Rika, who seemed to be giving him that same stare of disappointment.
Yuuta shrunk in on himself. “I think I made Y/N mad…”
“Stupid Yuuta,” Rika trilled. “Yuuta is an idiot!”
“I know, I know,” Yuuta cried. “I get it now.”
As he was preparing to wallow, Footsteps emerged once again. You burst into the room with a first aid kit and a stern glare that made the protests die on Yuuta’s tongue. Strangely, Rika was silent.
“Let me see,” you demanded.
Yuuta’s face flamed with embarrassment, but he obliged and tugged on his shirt. Most of the injuries were cuts on his torso that would surely hurt once he showered, but again, it wasn’t anything worth all of this. He braced himself for the stinging pain once the cotton grazed his open wound, but instead, he found himself too flustered by your proximity to even notice you were already working on his wounds.
The room was dead silent, save for Yuuta’s labored breathing. Rika had disappeared; Yuuta chalked it up to him not being in danger anymore. 
“Yuuta, if this happens again, come to my room, okay?” you said softly. 
“I can’t—”
“Yes, you can. I’m asking you to.”
Yuuta deflated. “I can’t just disturb you.”
“I want you to disturb me.”
What a dangerous thing to say. Yuuta’s gaze went sharper. “You don’t mean that.”
“I do.” Your touch was too gentle. You faced Yuuta’s gaze head-on, fearless. “And you would do the same for me. Aren’t you the one being unfair?”
Yuuta sighed. He could never win when it came to you, anyway.
“Thought so,” you mused, carefully pulling his shirt down again. “You should learn how to ask, Yuuta.”
“I’m trying,” he muttered.
You tugged on the blanket folded neatly by his side and draped it over his shoulders. The heat of your touch remained in the blanket's warmth. When you stepped back to grin proudly at your work on a flustered and helplessly endeared Yuuta, you then frowned.
“Hey, where’d Rika go? I thought she wanted to share the blanket.”
“I think she wanted you to share it with me,” Yuuta said before he could think about it.
“Oh.” You blinked. “Is that so? Well, I guess that’s not a bad idea.”
Liar, he could hear Rika’s voice. Well, he never denied it.
Yuuta laid down carefully and lifted an arm from under the blanket. You crawled inside and settled beside him, launching into a ramble about how you were worried sick when Yuuta didn’t return early. He still struggled to ask for what he wanted, so he would settle for this.
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just-jordie-things · 9 months
hey jordie :) can i have jjk boys when you wipe off his kisses just to see his reaction? 🤭
if you wipe his kiss off your face, you will be attacked. hollow purple with more kisses.
you did it as a joke ofc, simpling brushing your fingers over your cheek where satoru had casually left a little kiss. and you're not surprised when he gapes at you in offense. but before you can laugh it off and tell him you were only trying to get a rise out of him, he's tackling you into the couch cushions and smothering you in kisses.
these kisses are more deserving of getting wiped off of course, they're loud and wet and he's shouting a dramatic "mwah! mwah!" between each one.
(if this happens in your shared apartment with megumi and tsumiki just down the hall, they're racing to shut their doors)
"you don't lave to like it, but you will accept my love!"
"satoru! i was only messing with you!" you screech as you try to paw him off of you.
"well i didn't like it" his kisses soften as they pepper over your nose.
"you mess with me all the time" you huff.
"yeah, well, that's okay. cause it's me"
your eyes are rolling, but when he leans in to give you a proper kiss, you can't help but reciprocate. your play-kiss-fighting definitely turns into a full and proper makeout session. ___
pls don't wipe his kiss away. he will not take it as a joke. he will think he did something wrong.
he'd just sat next to you on a bench in the courtyard. you were reading your book and he had nothing better to do than keep you company- which happened to be his favorite thing to do. he pecks your cheek softly and casually in greeting, and when he saw you raise your hand to wipe at the spot, his heart plummets.
you don't turn to him, opting to keep an eye on him in your peripheral, so you don't quite catch the way he's crestfallen by your action.
"everything okay, sweetheart?" he asks gently, hoping maybe you'd just had a rough day and it had nothing to do with him.
"yeah, i'm fine" you hum nonchalantly before turning a page.
megumi frowns.
"did i do something?" he asks, disappointment smothering his tone. "are you upset with me?"
you're abandoning your book then, head swiveling quickly and eyes wide as you realize he was taking your little joke all wrong.
he looks so hurt, you couldn't bear to keep up with the bit any longer.
"no- gumi i was just messing," you say, setting your book aside to scoot closer to him, laying your hands around his jaw comfortingly. "it was just a joke, i'm sorry"
he wants to scoff at your idea of humor- this one really rivaled gojo's- but he sticks with the dramatics and pouts further as he leans into the warmth of your hands.
"but you wiped my kiss away," he sighs. "you sure you haven't fallen out of love with me?"
your lips part in anguish before you're seizing forward, catching his lips with yours passionately, deeply, making sure to pour every ounce of your love for him into it. he's trying to keep up the act of pouting at you but it's a bit harder with the butterflies and whatnot. he has a feeling you've seen right through him when you give him a look for his blushing cheeks and lazy little half-grin. ___
wipe his kiss away and he'll just give you another one real quick. because, of course, he wants his kiss to stick to your cheek for the rest of the day so you can carry it with you while he's away from you.
so loverboy kisses you a second time in the same spot. and once again, the back of your hand smears it off.
he frowns, but doesn't say anything. simply leans over a third time and kisses you again. it's difficult to keep yourself from laughing as you repeat your action.
this time, yuuta doubles down. he cups your face and turns your attention towards him so you can see his deep frown and furrowed brows. then he turns your head so your cheek is presented to him once more, and he places a soft kiss there. he can feel your skin heating up in his hands, and then he's smiling, happy to have an effect on you still.
"don't wipe my kiss away," he mumbles, placing another one there for good measure. "makes me feel bad"
you giggle, taking one of his hands in yours and squeezing it affectionately.
"i was only teasing, you know" you tell him.
he lets out a strangled, fake little laugh.
"yeah," he scoffs. "yeah, i knew that" he says, in a not very believable manner.
you try not to laugh too much at him, opting instead to press a sweet kiss to his lips to keep yourself from doing so. ___
thinks it's sort of funny when you wipe his kiss off. were his lips too moisturized for your liking? did he smear a little on your cheek? he immediately assumes it's some silly reason like that, not assuming for a second that you could be upset with him.
so when you wipe at your cheek and go back to what you were intently doing without a word or even a second glance, toge's pulling his collar down again...
... and licking your cheek.
"toge!" you scold, wiping the wetness away with the back of your hand. it was annoying, sure, but you can't help but laugh at how proud his little grin is. "what was that for?"
he wipes at his own cheek the way you had previously when you wiped his kiss away. you roll your eyes and huff.
"it was a joke," you explain through a smile. "i was just messing with you, to see what you'd do. i didn't think you'd lick me!"
he brightens then, happy that you hadn't wiped away his kiss for any other reason. when he leans in and kisses your cheek a few more times, he's glad you let him, and you leave them there, too. ___
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saintobio · 4 days
trust me when i say, this is the last thing i want to write on here. but i really, really want to stress the difference between being “inspired” by an existing work, to outright copying the plotline, the characterizations, and basically just rewriting the story overall.
i myself have so many inspirations when i write my fics, and i always write into detail what they are based off of (since i do take heavy inspirations from books, movies, and a hell lot of manhwas). but scene per scene? plot per plot? i would never dare. and i don’t have the guts to take inspos from other fanfic writers, because i don’t want them to feel uncomfortable or that i am trying to take a piece of their hard work and transforming it into mine.
you know who you are. i don’t want to expose you. and i would never, ever wish to send hate your way.
the reason i’m writing this is because i saw a series that has the same exact formula and line of events as sincerely not, and that i had not been reached out to ask if it was okay to take “inspirations” from my series.
i understand that similarities can naturally happen between two fics. after all, there are so many existing fanfiction in this space that it’s not impossible to see the same ideas being executed in a story.
however, when you write a fic that follows the exact same flow, same themes, and same format as another fic, especially after saying you were inspired by “fanfic x”, then that tells a different story.
arranged marriage? normal trope, sure. ceo gojo, again nothing new. but writing your first chapter the same way how sincerely not went, writing their “first night” the same way i did, writing their “bora bora” trip the same way i did, creating a character exactly like sera, even down to eula and yuuta, and gojo’s abuse from his father, is no longer just being “inspired”.
that is stealing someone else’s intellectual property, and completely rewriting it as your own.
i have spent sleepless nights writing that series, building my plot, and molding my characters, only to see someone else write their own story using my ideas and it pains me that i have to keep writing about this here, and that it’s a recurring issue that keeps happening not only to me but to other writers on this app. please, all we want is for our hard work to be respected and appreciated without being stolen. this has become such a taxing issue to deal with and i am hoping, begging, that this be the last time i ever talk about this.
so please, respect the author’s work and do not steal.
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abc-91 · 6 months
Yuuta's Cursed Angel
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OkkotsuYuutaxGnReader, reader dies and turns into a curse
Part two (NSFW): https://www.tumblr.com/abc-91/740632435189022720/yuutas-cursed-angel-pt-2-nsfw
719 words
Warnings: slight gore
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After Rika, Yuuta thought he’d never fall in love again, but you were such an angel to him. He couldn’t help but fall deeply in love with you. Due to what happened to Rika, his biggest fear was losing you. Today, his worst fear became reality.
Yuuta stands frozen at the top of the building, staring down at your body that lies limp five stories below. The two of you were sent on a curse exorsicing mission together at an abandoned part of Tokyo. It wasn’t even the curse that killed you; while trying to chase the curse, you misstepped, fell off the building, and the impact to your skull killed you before Yuuta could even look down at you. He just continues standing there and trembling slightly as he watches more and more blood seep from your skull.
Yuuta silently sits in the back of the car as one of the assistants drives him back to campus. Someone else was sent to exorcize the curse and deal with your corpse. Yuuta is far too distraught and far too used to feeling your presence to notice that he can still feel you next to him, that he can still feel your cursed energy. After getting out of the car, he heads straight to his dorm and curls up under his blankets with his face turned towards the wall. Just as he’s about to break down, he feels a cold hand touching his shoulders. When Yuuta turns to see you he feels a mixture of shock, hope, confusion, and horror. 
“Yuuta? It’s so cold… Help.” You’re shivering, and Yuuta can see the desperation in your eyes. Despite being a curse now, you look the exact same, but your body is cold and your cursed energy is stronger and more unstable than when you were still human. Yuuta rolls onto his back and pulls back the blanket.
“C-Come here.” You climb onto his chest under the blanket and he wraps his arms around you. This was always both of your favorite ways to cuddle, and it doesn’t seem like that has changed after your death. Yuuta can feel your body beginning to warm up as he holds you and you nuzzle your face into his neck. You each lay like this for a few moments in silence, and Yuuta once again feels caught off guard.
“You still love me, right Yuuta?” He can hear the worry in your voice, and you sound like your cursed heart will shatter if he tells you no.
“Of course I do; I could never stop loving you. You’re everything to me.” He tells you truthfully, and he can tell that his words make you relax slightly.
“I love you too, Yuu… Are- Are you going to let me stay with you?” 
“What do you mean? We can stay in bed like this for as long as you want.”
“No? Do you not want to stay in my arms for longer?” Yuuta feels confused, and also a little hurt.
“No, I mean,” you pause and bite your lip for a moment. 
“You released Rika’s soul, so are you going to do the same to me or are you going to let me stay with you? I want to stay with you forever, Yuuta. I’ll be good; I promise. I won’t hurt anyone, I’ll listen to you, I’ll be nice to everyone just like I was when I was alive, and I’ll help protect you if you need me too. Please, Yuuta. Please don’t make me go.” He can hear you becoming more and more distraught as you continue to speak, and he begins to feel a few hot tears falling out of your eyes and onto his neck.
“Shhhh~” You feel one of his warm, calloused hands reach down and wipe the tears from under your eyes.
“You’re going to stay with me, okay? I trust you; don’t worry. We’ll be together forever just like you said.” He plants a gentle kiss on your forehead.
“Really? You’ll let us be together forever?”
“Yes, of course I will.” He hears you sniffle a few times and nuzzle your face closer against his neck.
“Thank you. I love you, Yuuta.”
“I love you too, angel.”
It doesn’t matter that you’re a curse; you’ll always be his angel.
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appleblueberry-pie · 4 months
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HI, welcome to my page! I love writing on here as my main platform and I enjoy all comments and support under my works, it gives me the boost I need to keep going!
@curse-king is my Sukuna +18 roleplay account if you want to check that out as well.
Wanna be cherished by Yan Satoru and Yan Suguru
Wanna be cherished by them rant part 2
Yandere Scarface Gojo
Nurse Geto x Doctor Reader
Dominant Yandere Nurse Geto Headcanons
Yandere Nurse Geto x Female Nurse Reader
Small rant about writing about Sukuna
I need a quick outlet.
Sweetheart Yandere Satoru Gojo
Yandere House"wife" Gojo
Lovesick Nanami Kento Drabble
Broke Yandere Toji
Explaining your First Love to the Yandere's
Diamond Buried in the Dirt Suguru Geto
Suguru Headcanons
Yandere GF Yuki + Yandere Various! JJK Characters
Okkotsu Yuuta
Nanami x Brat ramble
You Are Everything Yandere Gojo
Obviously American Reader x Yandere Gojo x Yandere Nanami
Miles Morales.
Miguel O'Hara blurb
I want him SO bad, you guys.
More Yandere 42 Miles Headcanons
You Deserve More Than Me Yandere 42 Miles
Even More Yandere Earth 42 Miles Headcanons
Things Yandere 42 Miles has done without your knowledge
nothing yet lol
Yandere Nanami with Darling who was harmed
Soft Yandere Nanami with Darling who found his wall of dedication
Let Me Take Care of You
And Let Yourself Heal
Yandere Gojo Satoru Soulmaaates!
Yandere Toji Fushiguro New Girl, Same Old Me.
Yandere Yuuta Hungry, Starving, Greedy...
Yandere Satoru Gojo Nobody Has to Understand
Don't separate those lips to tell me. I already know.
Short Submissive JJK Headcanons
Who pays the bills?
Yandere Geto Skin Deep
Darling Accepting Choso and his love
Broke Gojo x Rich Reader Headcanons
Safe Space Yandere Gojo + Yandere Yuuta(separately)
Rejecting Yandere Gojo Satoru
Dehumanizing Yandere Okkotsu Yuuta
Taking complete control over Yandere Satoru Gojo
Finding out Yandere Gojo killed your friend (smau)
Yandere Yuuta as the father of your kids
Yandere Nanami Kento accidentally neglecting his darling
Yandere Yuuta around your mother
Yandere Suguru getting rejected by darling who loves Gojo
Taking care of Yandere Yuuta
Rejecting Yandere Gojo who would never harm you
Divorcing Yandere Gojo Satoru
Accidental Whimper audio(several jjk yanderes SMAU)
Softly Rejecting Yandere Satoru Gojo
Sub Gojo x Dom Reader's first time
Trying to get Yandere Gojo help
Surprising various Yandere JJK men
Possibilities for why Yandere 42 Miles is the way he is now
Yandere Miles nearly losing it when you get asked to prom
Yandere Miguel O'Hara Mine All Fucking Mine
Yandere Miguel O'Hara Dinner is the Dessert
Yandere Earth 42 Miles Morales Pain Isn't Strong Enough
Yandere Miguel O'Hara What Isn't There to Love About You?
Yandere Miguel O'Hara Blood Moon
Yandere Miles Morales Be Mine? Yes or No.
Reader who isn't into Yandere Miles
Yandere Miguel O'Hara Bittersweet
Drabble of your future with Yandere 42 Miles Morales
Trauma bonding with slightly yandere Miguel O'Hara
Earth 42 Miles Morales x Brazilian Reader
Yandere Miguel O'Hara I Thought You Knew Better Than This?
Yandere Miguel O'Hara Half-Way to True Love
Yandere Levi finding out you didn't come back with your squad
About Yandere Content Out There.
Never thought this would happen
What I do write:
fem reader
gender neutral reader
anything regular that's not Yandere
What I don't write:
incest/pseudo incest
trans reader or male reader(i don't think I know enough about how it would physically work, in terms of smut)
drug usage
Part 2's
I hope you enjoy going through my stuff. There is one post I want to put on the masterlist that I literally can't find at all. But nonetheless, this is all of my work so far. I will continue adding works on here as I post more often. It's about time. I want to expand the things I write, but for now, it's just this.
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y2kuromi · 2 months
⭑ : 呪術廻戦 ❛ 𝗟𝗢𝗩𝗘 𝗛𝗬𝗣𝗢𝗧𝗛𝗘𝗦𝗜𝗦 : yuuta okkotsu x reader
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࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔 synopsis: the thin line between being friends and lovers is one you thought yuuta would never cross, until he does
contents: no curse au. a smidge of angst. fluff! mutual pining. kissing (how scandalous) maki and toge play cupid. second person pov.
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it's early spring, the sun had long since set and the cherry blossoms were in bloom. pale pink petals drifted on your window sill as you gazed out the misted glass.
you were trying to focus on the paragraphs about active sites and substrates in front of you. you'd read the same lines over and over again without absorbing anything. your heart simply wasn't in it. you wanted to talk to someone, not just anyone. your best friend.
if you could even call him that with how distant he'd been over the last few weeks. the two of you had known each other for as long as you could remember and had always been inseparable, but that wasn't the case recently
he was almost a stranger when you talked, barely acknowledging you or any of your actions and his responses to your messages seemed detached when he bothered to text you back
you glanced down at your lock screen. streams of messages varying from toge asking you to play fortnite with him to maki telling you about the gossip she'd heard from nobara. but nothing from yuuta.
you exhaled loudly as you tossed your phone onto your dresser. you missed him but you wouldn't push it. after all, you didn't even know why he'd suddenly fallen off your radar.
you flipped through your biology textbook absentmindedly, skimming over detailed diagrams of organ systems and leaf cells. the words seemed to float above your head and your thoughts circled back to yuuta.
did you do something? no. that wasn't it. if you did maki wouldn't have been able to keep it from you. your mind raced, trying to figure out what could've caused so much distance between the two of you you're so engrossed in your thoughts that you don't hear your door creaking open
"hey" a familiar voice makes you snap your gaze up to find yuuta standing in your doorway. you're startled, undeniably so and for a second you think you've conjured him up. you blink once. twice he's still there.
"i hope you don't mind me coming over, your mom let me in" yuuta rambled "do you have minute to talk?"
you know you should tell him you don't have a slither of time for him. you know you should tell him to get lost. but you don't. because somehow every single thought you have is drowned out by his dark blue eyes.
"sure, i've got a biology test tomorrow but it's just on enzymes and transport in animals so i can study later"
"great!" he grins, shutting the door behind him. he pads softly over to your bed and sits cross-legged beside you. his smile turns more sincere as his blue iris meet your (e/c) ones. he watches you intently and you feel slightly self conscious under his scrutiny.
it's shallow, but you wish you'd opted for studying in a more flattering outfit instead of an oversized t-shirt and sweatpants. it's stupid because yuuta doesn't seem to care about what you're wearing.
"what did you want to talk about?" you asked, closing your textbook and setting it down on your bedside table. a sick twisted part of you hoped he wanted to talk about the two of you.
it wouldn't happen, there was a line between what was left of your friendship and anything more that you and yuuta would simply never cross. you knew that. so you didn't understand why the words he uttered next had your heart shattering into tiny fragments.
"i've got a date tonight" he fiddled with the hem of his shirt as he spoke, blissfully unaware of how the words ate you alive. of how they chewed you up into a pulp and spat you out ruthlessly.
your smile faltered briefly, it was barely noticeable — you were quick to mask it with a wobbly grin. your throat suddenly felt incredibly dry as your gaze dropped to your hands. they were balled into fists as you dug crescents into the soft flesh of your palms.
"i asked this girl in my geography class out, you don't have any classes together so i'm not sure you know her...." he says, raking a hand through his dark hair. his voice sounded distant. as if someone else was speaking for him. like he wasn't really there
maybe you really were dreaming. you had to be. yuuta wouldn't do this to you, he couldn't be that cruel. you knew that. yuuta would never hurt you. you were his best friend, he loved you. his love was pure and blameless. it was anything but cruel ( it was everything but romantic )
"....she's really nice, i think you two would be good friends" he beams. it was slowly sinking in that he really had a date — a date with someone else. a date with someone who wasn't you. it stung.
you couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy tugging at your heart strings. the twisted feeling was closely followed by one of guilt. it wasn't right to be jealous. you were just friends. that's all you'd ever been.
"i'm really happy for you" you say, the words dripped from your tongue slowly, deliberately — drenched in false sweetness and blind loyalty. he deserved to be happy , you just selfishly wished it was with you
"thank you" he says softly, dark azure blue eyes sparkling. the expression on his face was so warm. so familiar. you wanted to reach across and take his hand. to hold it tightly. to keep him close to you so he wouldn't leave again. but he wasn't yours. and you were sure he never would be.
"so...why are you here? shouldn't you be getting ready for your date?" the questions came out harsher than intended, but yuuta wasn't fazed. he's oblivious to the bitterness in your tone, he's oblivious to your feelings.
"i need your help" he admits sheepishly, "i've never been on a date before so i thought you could teach me the basics" the confession brings a slight flush to his cheeks and his fingers tap nervously against his knees.
you blinked once, twice and then shook your head lightly. you'd waited so long for him to notice your feelings. and now he was asking you for advice?
the universe was cruel. undeniably so. it seemed to be laughing at you. mocking you for thinking your best friend could ever view you in such a light even if you only dreamed about it subconsciously.
"let me get this straight" you sighed, rubbing your temples " you want me to teach you how to go on a date?" yuuta nodded earnestly, a small pink tint creeping across his cheeks
"yes please" he was so cute. so perfect. you couldn't say no to him. even though he hadn't spoken to you properly in weeks. you wouldn't say no to him. not now, not ever.
"there isn't much to say in all honesty, it'll come naturally to you so just be yourself. you're a really sweet guy yuuta, any girl would be lucky to have you" you felt tears prickling at the back of your eyes
you weren't lucky. you were absolutely, unequivocally, cursed.
"what if she wants me to kiss her? i've never kissed anyone before i'm kind of nervous about it" he said shyly, his cheeks reddened with embarrassment as he stared intently at your covers.
"i doubt it'll come to that" you murmured, "you don't have to kiss on the first date, it's better to take things slow"
"have you ever kissed someone on the first date?" yuuta asked curiously.
"that's a bit of a personal question isn't it?" you mused, "but i have" you reflected on the clumsy clashing of lips and wandering hands you'd experienced after mediocre first dates. nothing worth writing home about.
there were no sparks flying, no currents coursing through your veins. just unfeeling touches as you tried to find someone, anyone to fill the void. but they were never anything special. they weren't yuuta.
"can you teach me?" the question caught you off guard. he was staring right at you, those deep blue eyes searching your soul.he seemed nervous, unsure of himself.
"what?" you resisted the temptation to gulp audibly
"can you teach me how to kiss ?" he asks slowly, pronouncing each syllable carefully. like he was testing the waters to see how far he could get.
"kissing isn't something i can teach, it's just something you figure out besides how would i even go about teaching you how to kiss?" you rambled, wringing your hands in your lap.
"you could kiss me" yuuta suggested with a bright, hopeful grin, he held your gaze with unwavering intensity. his voice was unusually steady and clear.
"i can't do that" you splutter. the words tasted bitter on your tongue. yuuta's face falls and he's quick to avert his gaze.
"why not?" he sounds genuinely perplexed. it was a good idea, a great idea even. he didn't understand why you were so adamant about saying no.
"because, we're friends" you say the words through gritted teeth "and i'm not going to kiss you when you're going out with another girl. it's not fair to her" and it especially wasn't fair to you.
not when he'd ignored you for days— not when you were hopelessly in love with him.
yuuta stared blankly at you, brows furrowed in confusion as the words processed slowly in his head. you watched him, gnawing at your bottom lip. this sucked more than being ghosted. you wanted to cry. to scream. to do anything but deal with this.
"you should go yuuta" you said quietly, "you're going to be late for your date" you forced a smile which only served to make him frown even more.
"are you upset with me?" he asked anxiously. this wasn't supposed to happen. if maki's hypothesis was right, pretending he had a date tonight should've result in you blurting out a confession and ending this stalemate "i'm sorry"
"don't apologise" you sighed, "i'm not upset....maybe a little, i just think you should get going. it's rude to keep your date waiting"
maki's hypothesis was wrong. so wrong. he'd gotten his hopes up for nothing. it had taken him time to process his feelings for you, and he'd gone about it in confusing ways. this was a last ditch effort to fix things. and it was a bust.
he could see your friendship — his whole world — falling apart because of him.
he wasn't sure how to tell you that you consumed his thoughts wholly. that you were the first and last thing he thought of every day. that he couldn't envision a future without you. he was trapped by his feelings for you and he selfishly prayed the truth would set him free.
"there isn't one" he admits, " there's no date.. i lied so you would kiss me" his gaze met yours again, you blinked owlishly. none of this made any sense.
"you wanted me to kiss you?" you repeated incredulously. "why would you want that?"
"i don't know if you ever noticed but i'm in love with you" he says firmly, a serious look etched onto his features. your lips parted slightly, and your breath caught in your throat. "i needed time to process how i felt and being around you made that too difficult"
you sat in silence for a moment, trying to process what he'd just said. yuuta okkotsu was in love with you. not the girl from his geography class that he'd conjured up. you. you didn't expect to hear these words coming from him. never in a million years.
"i understand if you don't feel the same way. it's selfish of me to say such things after being so cold to you and i'm sorry i lied" his words crashed into each other," not that it changes anything it was maki's idea. i asked her if i had a chance and she told me this would answer my question—"
"why would you listen to maki?" you interrupted, bewildered. he shrugged, it had seemed reasonable at the time. though he should've been able to tell she had something up her sleeve from the glint in her gold flecked eyes.
"she knows you better than anyone and i was desperate because toge told me someone asked you out after school today and i was going to lose you if i didn't do something quickly" he confessed, running his fingers through his dark hair
"you've always had me" you said softly, this sweet, caring, innocent, adorable soul, had no idea how much you liked him. and it was the most obvious thing in the universe.
he lets out a breath he wasn't even aware he was holding. relief floods over his pale skin, the smile on his face is so wide it looks almost painful. "that's a relief"
"you had me fooled" you laughed, "maki'll thank you later, i was a few moments away from calling her in tears" it's a bit embarrassing to admit out loud, but honesty seemed to be the theme with both of you tonight.
"you care that much about me?" he asks hesitantly. it's almost impossible for him to believe it. you'd both placed each other on a pedestal, thinking that you weren't good enough for the other. but sharing the mutual understanding that you were better together
falling in love with your best friend was no longer deemed an unfortunate curse but a blessing "you don't know the half of it" you admitted, brushing his hair away from his eyes.
the lines between friends, and what you are now are blurred mosaic tiles that cloud your vision. yet all you can see is yuuta. he's yours. wholly. his beautiful smile and his kind heart, every inch of him.
the sound of his heartbeat filled every single inch of your brain. it drowned out the obnoxious ticking of your pochacco alarm clock, it drowned out the chiming of your phone — probably with texts from maki and toge — it drowned out the giddy feeling in your stomach as his blue eyes lingered on your lips
"can i get that kiss now?" he asks shamelessly. you can feel your heart hammering as his hands brush against yours. you nod silently.
you could feel yourself drowning in the oceanic pull of his eyes. the tides are threatening to pull you under. but yuuta is holding your hand and pulling you impossibly close to him until your noses brushed against each other softly and you could smell the spearmint and cherry blossoms lingering on him
you're not sure who closes the gap as your lips ghost over each others. it's tentative and hesitant but it feels right. he tasted like love, in every sense of the word.
he was different from the boys you'd gone on dates with. yuuta kissed you gently, with feeling. he kissed you like he meant it. that's all it took to make fireworks explode inside your chest. that's all it took to make you fall in love with him all over again
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© Y2KUROMI 2024. please do not plagiarise, repost, or translate any of my works on here or any other websites.
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sashi-ya · 7 months
東京 NIGHTS mini event
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𝑰'𝑳𝑳 𝑩𝑬 𝑾𝑨𝑰𝑻𝑰𝑵𝑮 ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ 𓂃 ࣪˖ okkotsu yuuta x fem! reader
⤹˚ synopsis. some years have passed since the incident; he moved overseas, you stayed... however, you never forgot, and you always waited
requested by: Anon ➡ hi sash, I saw you love Yuta so can I ask for our sweet boy with a fem! reader and the prompt "meet me at Hachiko statue in 3 yeas"? thank you! tw: sfw. sweet, romantic. fluffy. based on Hachiko's and his story. there might be a second part of this story, with 18+ cont. You can tell me if you want me to post it ~ wc: 1.4k masterlist
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“Meet me three years from now at the Hachiko Statue” “Shibuya? Again?”
Three years have passed, the incident left your hearts barely hanging from the tiny strings of an undeveloped love.
Waiting, day after day. Night after night.
A light rain plays a soft melody against the transparent surface of your umbrella. Your lips tremble, even if you fight for your façade to look as serious as possible. The doors of the subway station feel like the holy tori of a sanctuary; after all that happened some years ago, looking at the “to Shibuya” signs still makes you dizzy.
You watch youngsters coming back from school, other enjoying themselves as they probably get ready to visit karaoke bars tonight. And you remember that you used to be exactly the same as them… even if from the corner of your eye, creatures of many different types appeared to make you late.
This time, however, there was no creature. No curse. No ghost. But only the feeling of what once happened there. How many of you have lost much more than what you could remember…
You check your phone; no message from Okkotsu still. Will he be there? At least, is he in Tokyo at all?
You swallow and swipe the card on the ticket gate; the “beep” allows you to keep walking, but the sound of your heart beating fast covers it all. Soon enough, the subway train arrives perfectly in time, and letting other people go in first, you find a seat waiting just for you.
Once again, you check your phone. Nothing.
“He is not coming, why am I doing this? he probably forgot about me and this, and I can’t blame him…”
Sweaty palms make your phone get steam marks on its screen, but you don’t mind. Your leg bounces softly, the music in your earphones have absolutely no importance to you right now.
You close your eyes, wondering how he looks like now. Does he still have those dark beautiful circles under his eyes? The little reddish hint that always made him look as he had just stopped crying? The blackest messy hair, or maybe his narrow frame… “I just hope you haven’t forget about me, even if you don’t come”  
It takes very little for the subway to finally reach Shibuya station. Or maybe it was just you lost in time, that you didn’t notice.
As you walk up the stairs of infinite steps, you begin to feel the soft breeze of the busiest crosswalk in the world. It cools off your cheeks, already burning because Yuuta has always been your secret crush.
The rain has stopped, and there are just some pools on the ground reflecting the neon lights of the newly reconstructed Shibuya… this place used to look a lot different a few years ago.
The beat of the traffic lights sounds synchronize with your heart beating; the laughter of young people, the imagery of couples joining after work, the memories of painful and bloody happenings… everything surrounds you, turning your quivering legs a lot more weak than before.
You check your phone one last time before crossing; you need to get to the statue of Hachiko. That was your meeting point. Such a curious choice you had; Hachiko waited for his owner at the station until he died, because he knew one day he would come back…
As you cross, your eyes scan for the place. Looking at the faces of every man you could find, your disappointment grows bigger and bigger. None of them are him; none of them will be either.
You decide to wait for 10 minutes. Nothing more. Nothing less.
A few tourists stop you once you get to the statue, distracting you. They need to know their way to a certain restaurant, so you take your time to help them. But when they are finally gone, you are back to your loneliness.
“I’m going to check my phone one last time…” you think; unblocking your device. Nothing; again. “Yes, you are not coming… I hope you are fine, Yuuta” you whisper, low enough just for you to hear it.
With your head lowered, defeated, you begin to walk away. The rain has started to fall again, but you don’t even care to open your umbrella. It’s ok if your hair gets wet. It’s ok if your make up fades.
You wait at the traffic light to turn to green, you only want to hop on the station of your nightmares to go back home. Once and for all.
As the mass begins to move, and you put a foot on the street, something catches your attention.
A big bouquet of purple flowers covers the face of a tall man asking to forgive him while he opens his way through the crowd.
“Ah… lucky girl. Late but at least with such a big bouquet…” you smile, with your eyes turning a little shiny from incipient tears.
“(Name)!!” he screams, the moment that flower man reaches you. He bumps into you with the flowers, and he has yelled your name. You blink repeatedly, only looking at the hand holding the bouquet. A silver ring shines on his hand, and it makes you shiver…
There, right in the middle of Shibuya cross, under now a pouring rain, the shy face of a man sprouts from in between beautiful purple flowers.
“(Name)! My flight was delayed, but I wanted to buy you this before I came. I’m sorry, I am so happy you didn’t leave” he chimes, with a soft smile that hasn’t changed. He is a man now, stronger, taller, mature… but Yuuta is still the softest little boy you once met at the academy.
Your lower lip shakes like a leaf, and the tears start going down your cheeks. Maybe the rest won’t notice because of the rain, but Yuuta does. You can’t speak, no words come out of your mouth.
Violently crying now, you let yourself fall into his arms. The bouquet hangs from his hand to the side, while you nuzzle on the crook of his neck.
“(Name), don’t cry! I am here! are you ok?!!” he desperately asks, hugging you hard against his chest.
You sniffle and nod, inhaling his sweet perfume. Another thing that hasn’t changed a bit; his skin scent has always been the same. Even if the times you were able to enjoy it were barely twice, you can’t forget it.
“I… I thought you had forgotten” you murmur, as both walk hugging back to the sidewalk.
“Wh-what? I’ve been counting the days to see you again” he whispers, with his lips resting on the crown of your head. “How could I forget? I missed you so much”
You look up searching for his eyes, a sweet beam garnishes your face. He still has those dark circles; he still has that enchanting pouty lips. “You haven’t changed a bit, Yuta…” you whisper, allowing the warmth of his embrace to protect you from anything around.
He giggles, that pure laughter that makes you melt. “And here I thought I was getting older… you did, however, change (Name)…” he says, kissing your forehead after.
You gasp, the old Yuuta would have had a stroke before even kissing you. Or at least his cheeks would have become as red as tomatoes – to say the least.
“You look even more beautiful than before” he finishes, leaving you absolutely breathless.
You swiftly look around him; you don’t want to get killed by Rika. Once you positively check you are safe, you stretch your neck to reach for his lips.
Your mouth lingers closer to his, so close they can even touch but not quite yet. The warmth of his breath caressing your lips, yours doing the same thing to his. Maybe you just wait for him to kiss you, or maybe both want to enjoy the little previous moments of something that you’ve been waiting even before than you two met for the very first time.
“Can I kiss you?” he asks, taking his hand to your cheek. The soft caress, the cold touch of the ring grazing your skin… please do…
You nod, pouting just enough to meet his crashing lips. Both closed your eyes just when your eyes could see into each other’s, just when it was time to feel rather than see…
Your first kiss, and then another, and another. And the tourists taking pictures, because what’s more beautiful than a couple joining after years right by the statue of Hachiko who waited only moved by pure love?  💖
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uzurakis · 18 days
in the face of uncertainty and despair, two hearts confront the possibility of loss, grappling with the question of what remains when yuuta okkotsu is gone.
n. wrote this to cope with whatever fucked up mental shit going on in jjk261. god please take away his suffering and triple it to gege. comfort? angst if you squint. the theme is similar to canon. please be safe my glorious morally grey king.. we will miss u..
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“what will you do if i’m gone?”
yuuta's shoulders slump, his eyes reflecting the weight of his thoughts. you notice the tension in his posture, the way his hands fidget nervously in his lap.
“huh?” you ask softly, the sound very audible in the heavy silence that surrounds him. “what kind of question is that?”
he turns to you, expression a mixture of exhaustion and despair. “what if something happens to me, what will you do if i’m gone?”
the weight of his emotions bears down on you as if it were a tangible force as you sit next to him. his breath escapes him in short, jagged gasps, each one laced with doubt.
“then i’m gonna be sad. really, really sad,” you murmur, reaching out to touch his stiff hand. a lump forms in your throat, the thought of losing him too painful to bear. “and i will miss you, every single fucking day.”
“i don’t want to live without you, yuu. i can’t live without you.”
he shakes his head, a bitter laugh escaping him. “but what if i’m not myself again? there’s nothing—“
“shh,” you interrupt, placing a finger against his lips. you pull him into a gentle embrace, hoping to offer some small measure of comfort in the face of his pain. “even if you change, even if you’re not yourself anymore. who gives a damn about that?”
the man’s eyes enlarge, a kaleidoscope of feelings tumbling through their depths. his eyebrows wrinkle slightly as shock leaves its mark on his appearance, resembling cracks in a fragile facade. you can see the desperation for reassurance battling with the unknown.
“so what? i’ll always love you nevertheless, yuuta okkotsu.”
with a hesitant breath, he leans backwards, away from your touch with his hands on your shoulders. his gaze locked onto yours with such intensity. it's as if he's searching for something, something elusive yet vital, within the depths of your soul. you can feel the weight of his scrutiny, the silent plea for truth in the midst of everything uncertain.
“my love for you will always stay the same, yuu. nothing matters beside that, ‘kay?”
and then, like a dam breaking, understanding floods his expression, washing away the shadows of doubt that had clouded his mind. tears began to form at the corners of his eyes slowly, barely noticeable.
and yuuta's breath hitches, his grip on you tightening. "but i don't want to leave you…”
"then don’t you dare die on me, dumbass,” you say passionately. "you’re not leaving me, yuuta. we’ll go through this together, i fucking swear." softly brushing his hair, attempting to provide some comfort in this time of turmoil.
"i need you here with me."
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kenjakusbrainstem · 8 months
Always Staring (Yuuta x Reader)
Contains: Breast fucking, awkward first kisses, Yuuta being strange and off putting, reader probably more of a pervert than Yuuta though.
Hello! Day 2 of kinktober and I chose to do titfucking, despite having never written it before! I also have never written Yuuta despite him being one of my favorite characters. Always too afraid of mischaracterization. No fear of that now though! Crossposted to Ao3 under the same name and shared to twitter as kenjakusbrain. Comment or like if you have any thoughts!
This wasn’t the first time you’d caught Yuuta staring at your chest. It had become something you expected when the two of you went on missions together, at some point you knew you’d look over and see him lost in thought, eyes affixed on your cleavage. You never pointed it out, knowing he’d be far too embarrassed if you said anything. Plus, you didn’t mind the attention from him, as your crush on him had been steadily growing the more time you spent together. 
You were both seated in the back of Ijichi’s car, returning to campus after another successful mission. Only, this time the curse you’d been sent to exorcize had been near a lake, which had led to the two of you falling in at one point. Not the worst thing to happen and you hadn’t thought much of it at the time, but now that you weren’t preoccupied with fighting you could tell he was distracted. It was late so perhaps he felt safer looking in the dark, but you could feel his eyes glued to your now nearly see through white button up.
Not that he was in much better shape, his own shirt stuck to the skin in a way that let you get a better look at his nice chest. Though it was different, you supposed, trying to avoid looking at his shirt. You felt your cheeks flush as you noticed how he was gripping his thigh. He looked lost in thought but you could tell he was exerting some kind of self control the way his nails dug into his slacks.
Without thinking, you reached out and grabbed his hand. The motion startled him and his eyes quickly jumped from your chest to your face. You could see the mix of fear and anxiety mounting on his face, the near permanent worry line on his forehead forming. 
Smiling softly, you tried to diffuse the tension by shaking your head at him. You didn’t want to talk about this in front of Ijichi of all people, you were just hoping to calm him down in some way. The stressed look didn’t quite leave Yuuta’s face, but he nodded back at you, allowing you to take his hand and move it from his thigh. 
You had expected him to pull his hand away, not to leave it resting awkwardly in yours.
A half formed idea made its way to the front of your mind. Perhaps Yuuta wasn’t the only one feeling bold in the dark backseat of the car. You brought his hand over to your own thigh, pressing his palm down onto the bare skin above your knee. You could feel him freeze up, more anxious now than when he’d realized you caught him staring. Moving your fingers along his, forcing him to apply more pressure.
Once you felt him knead your thigh on his own, you moved your hand up, caressing his wrist with your thumb. A half hearted attempt to soothe him after you were the one to stress him out. You weren’t entirely sure what your goal was, but it felt nice to have his warm hand on your skin. Part of you wanted to show him in some way that you wanted his attention, but it's harder to say things out loud than it is to just use your hands. You knew Yuuta well enough that you were sure he’d have a heart attack if you brought this up in conversation.
The two of you remained like that, slowly touching one another in the darkness until the car came to a stop. His hand didn’t leave your thigh when the overhead light came on however, nor when the door opened. You found yourself grabbing his hand again, threading your fingers together this time as you drug him out of the car. He allowed you to pull him, not letting go even as he bowed to Ijichi while you thanked him for bringing you back so late. 
Silently, you both made your way to the dorms, hands still clasped tightly together. It was late, so everything was quiet, you wanted nothing more than to return to your dorm and change clothes.
Passing Yuuta’s room, you noticed that he barely acknowledged that he should have stopped there, following you almost like a lost puppy on a leash. 
Maybe he just wanted to walk you to your room? Yuuta had always been very considerate and polite, so it would make sense. You didn’t want to bring it up and chance him getting nervous, you wanted to show him you cared after all.
Once the two of you made it to your room at the end of the long hallway, you paused. Turning to Yuuta, you opened your mouth to speak, to thank him for the mission and for walking you to your room. But you couldn’t speak, something was off about the look in his eyes. He looked like an animal at the shelter, begging for adoption. His eyes pleading, a strange loneliness in them mixed with something you couldn’t recognize.
“Do you want to stay here?” You asked, unsure on whether it was against the rules to stay with a classmate. You wouldn’t mind letting him sleep in your room, you’d slept in Maki’s after missions before, so it wasn’t entirely too strange to just want to not be alone. 
Thinking of how bold you felt in the darkness of the car, perhaps being alone with him could be good for both of you. The thought had your heart racing as you waited for him to answer.
“Please?” Yuuta’s voice was soft as he spoke. Quiet, as if he thought being too loud might ruin whatever was going on in this moment.
You squeezed his hand tighter and opened the door, letting him follow you in before turning on the light. Fortunately, your room wasn’t much of a mess, just some open textbooks on your bed as clutter. 
Awkwardly you both stood, looking anywhere but at each other. You were about to offer him a seat on your bed, but then you realized he was also still in wet clothing. 
“Our clothes are too wet to sit anywhere, did you want to go back to your room and change? You can still come back,” You offered, feeling a little unsure of yourself now. You had almost forgotten how wet you were, but looking at Yuuta in the light you could clearly see how his shirt clung to his skin. 
Yuuta had noticed as well, eyes once again stuck on your chest. You could clearly see the outline of your black bra against the white cotton. Your cheeks flushed again, part of you wanting to take your hand back from him and cover up. A different part of you, perhaps the same one that urged you to take his hand earlier, wanted you to change clothes right here in front of him and see what kind of reaction you could pull from him.
“No, I don’t want to leave,” Yuuta said, shaking his head at your question. He was a quiet person, usually due to his shyness, but however awkward the situation seemed, you didn’t sense any of Yuuta’s normal shyness. 
“Because you’d rather stare at my tits?” The question left your mouth before you had a chance to fully think about it. You weren’t upset, you enjoyed having Yuuta’s attention and the thought that he didn’t want to leave your side was perhaps what added to you being so forward. 
An undignified sound came from Yuuta, as if the question had smacked him in the back of the head. His eyes flew up to yours, worry now taking over any other emotion that swam in them earlier. There was the Yuuta you knew, stuttering to try and come up with some proper apology. His hand dropped yours as he stepped back slightly, trying to put some space between you.
“Did you think I didn’t notice? You’re always looking at them, how could I not notice?” You asked, more out of curiosity, did he really think he was being discrete?
He shook his head, his cheeks red with embarrassment. 
“N-no, I mean yes I do notice sometimes, but you, you never said anything so,” Yuuta struggled to get out a sentence, tripping over his words as he spoke. 
You felt bad for teasing him, the guilty look on his face making you want to hold him and apologize even if you had done nothing wrong.
“Maybe I like that you look at them,” You confessed. Your words made him freeze, the look of panic on his face turning to one of confusion. Slowly you brought your hands up to the collar of your damp shirt. “Do you want to see more?”
Yuuta blinked at you, still unsure if he was hearing this right. He figured he may have actually failed the mission today because this had to be some sort of heaven. He nodded, eyes drifting down to your fingers, eagerly awaiting what would happen next.
Without a word you slowly began to unbutton the shirt. It wasn’t hard, but you were still a little embarrassed, you’d never exposed yourself to another, let alone the person you’ve had a developing crush on! As your fingers reached the last button you shrugged the damp material off of your shoulders, baring more skin to him.
“Can I?” Yuuta asked, voice eager as he reached both of his hands out, gesturing at your chest. You weren’t completely exposed, bra still on. For some reason, you had a feeling it wouldn’t last long.
Nodding, you held still as Yuuta’s curious hands cupped your breasts. He squeezed them gently through the material of your bra. The pressure felt okay, but you knew that it would feel much better with his warm hands on your skin. You wanted more, and you could tell he did too.
Hands sneaking behind your back, you undid the clasp on your bra with a practiced ease. Yuuta’s hands froze as he felt the material come loose, falling to the floor. 
The look on his face was one you would never forget, his eyes wide and face red, it was cute how amazed he seemed to be. You leaned toward him, shivering as your nipples brushed up against the palms of his hands. 
His hands, rough from using his sword, kneaded your soft breasts. The pads of his fingers teasingly rubbing against your sensitive nipples, it felt so much nicer when he touched you than when you touched yourself. Yuuta didn’t know what he was doing, you knew that, but that didn’t matter when it felt so good.
Wanting to make him feel good too you let your hands fall to the front of his black pants, making short work of his belt before he could stop you. Pushing them down wasn’t hard, but he was trying to keep them up, moving his hips to try and move beyond your reach. He was still too fixated on kneading your breasts that he didn’t even think to use his hands.
While he was distracted, a thought crossed your mind, a bold one not unlike the thought you had in the car. Quickly you decided that you’d rather push this night as far as it could go than wait for Yuuta to make more of a move.
You pushed on his hips just hard enough to send him falling onto your bed. Softly bouncing in surprise as he hadn’t expected that. Yuuta looked up at you, wondering if he had done something wrong. You watched his eyes grow even wider as you got on your knees before him. Reaching out, you looped your fingers into his waistband and pulled his pants and underwear down, revealing his cock, hard and curving up toward his belly button.
Wonder and lust mixed inside you as you moved to feel him, your hand wrapping around him slowly. A gasp left his lips as you felt just how soft the skin on his hard cock was, it felt so perfect in your hand.
Before you could do anything else, a hand tightly wound in your hair, pulling you up just enough to meet Yuuta’s lips in a desperate kiss. The kiss was messy, your teeth bumping together as your tongue brushed up against his. Both of you were wound tight with excitement and a yearning for each other's bodies. 
As messy as the kiss was, it was your first kiss. Sloppy and frantic, but it somehow felt like you both were just excited to be intimate with one another. You felt Yuuta’s hand leave your hair, allowing you to pull back enough to breathe. Looking up at him made you want to kiss him again, his lips wet and mouth open slightly.
“I, figured we should, you know, have our first kiss before, well before whatever you're doing,” Yuuta’s nervousness could be felt as he spoke, tripping over his words as you continued to kneel before him.
Yuuta’s lapse back into shyness from his demanding kiss made your heart swell. No matter what was happening, he was still just as adorable as always. 
You smiled up at him before returning your eyes to the leaking cock in front of you. You could tell just how excited he was, and you couldn’t deny you were excited too.
“Ever since I noticed you staring at my tits so much, I’ve thought about how much you probably want to feel them,” You explained, nervousness making you feel awkward as you spoke. “I thought you’d like this too.”
You cupped your breasts in your hands, adjusting the way you sat until you were at the right angle to lean forward and envelop his cock with them. A needy whine left his throat as you squeezed Yuuta’s cock in between your soft breasts. You could feel his thighs tremble as you slowly moved them up and down, enjoying the feeling of his throbbing cock between them.
Yuuta didn’t know what to do with his hands, lifting both of them to his mouth to try and keep all the sounds he was making inside. Neither of you wanted to wake anyone that would stop this. With every pass of the head of his cock in between your soft flesh you could feel him leaking all over your chest.
The noises you pulled from Yuuta had devolved from soft moans to whimpers the longer you stroked his cock. You weren’t sure how much longer he would last, but if his strained cock was any indication, he was close. The flushed head stood out against the skin on your bare chest.
Your movements felt euphoric to Yuuta, your skin so much softer than he could have imagined. The way your flesh cradled his cock made it hard for him to keep going. You just made him feel so much better than his hand could. 
Yuuta’s hips moved, following your lead. After a few shallow tries he was thrusting earnestly into your soft breasts. You tried to match his pace, but his eagerness proved more impatient. Slowing your motions, you allowed him to fuck himself until he couldn’t any longer.
Yuuta came suddenly, release hitting you on the chest and face. Neither of you had expected it to happen yet. His thrusts slowed as he settled back on the bed, allowing you to keep up your movements, milking every drop from him. 
Reaching behind you, you grabbed your discarded shirt and wiped the mess off of your face and chest. He had laid back on your bed as you cleaned yourself up. Crawling up next to him, you kissed his cheek, there would be more time to explore each other later.
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kawowoa · 2 months
how to (not) get the guy you want!
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☆ step six ; impress him! not with looks but with food
cw - death jokes, long chapter
series m.list here!
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6pm rolled around faster than you wished. you wondered if you could skip out on this ordeal to save you any semblance of face, just the thought about seeing sukuna’s scary—very attractive—face sent shivers down your spine.
it even made you think inumaki and yuuta actually prayed for you.
you shook the thoughts out of your head, your nerves really making you go stupid enough to even think that. with sudden vigor, you marched your way to the football field—obviously not without stopping at the vending machine on the way. what type of snacks like sukuna like? or does he even eat snacks at all? does he really eat women—
“okay, yeah. i’m losing it” you mumbled to yourself, dragging a hand down your face, practically glaring at the snacks displayed beneath the glass.
“um, excuse me.” you heard a voice behind you say. you flinch, whipping your head around and coming face to face with the exact same person you met—not really met but you saw them—the other day.
you squint. it wasn’t the one laughing, no, that was the other white haired one. the one you swore you hated even though you don’t know him. this one was the other white haired one, shorter and seemingly more mature than that other bastard.
“oh, uh, sorry.” you muttered, quickly stepping to the side. a wave of embarrassment flooding your body.
“it’s no problem. you’re on your way to see sukuna, aren’t you?” they glanced over at you for a quick second before pressing a few buttons on the vending machine.
you blink at them. how the hell did they know? was it written on your back? hey! i’m going to see sukuna after embarrassing myself in front of him!
“that look on your face. you’re wondering how i know, aren’t you? i remember you and.. what you did.” they cleared their throat before continuing, a sudden faint blush on their cheeks. “i’m uraume, a close friend of sukuna’s.”
you nodded stiffly, glancing around anywhere and everywhere to not look uraume in their eyes. “uh.. yeah.. i’m yuu, pleasure to meet you, i guess?”
you secretly cursed yourself for how awkward you sound. but could it really be blamed? the whole situation felt awkward, but if this was how one of sukuna’s closest friends, just imagine how awkward it would be to talk directly to sukuna.
“the pleasure is mine.”
your eyes discreetly looked at uraume, their eyes meeting yours almost instantly. scary! they had a small smirk on their face, arm stretched out and holding out the most pinkish bag of strawberry pretzels you ever seen.
(it’s like a unicorn designed the bag, when the hell did the school vending machine carry these?)
“before you ask, sukuna likes these. you should give it to him when you see him.” uraume explained, urging you to take the bag.
you took the bag from them with a slight hesitation. “oh, thanks. do you do this to all the people you run into that’s trying to get his attention?”
“no, just you unfortunately.”
uraume shrugged, no wonder they were considered one of sukuna’s closest friends. so cold!
“well.. i’ll be off now, good luck with sukuna.” uraume said with a slight bow, dismissing themselves as they brushed passed you.
after that fateful encounter with uraume, the time flew by faster than you hoped. a whole thirty minutes passed after you were supposed to make your impromptu visit to sukuna.
you weren’t a runner, the track team would’ve denied your try-out before you could even attempt. but today, you were. your legs carried you farther than your brain could keep up, as if you were running on autopilot.
it didn’t take long, reaching the field was merely ticking off one part of your list. you still had way more to do now.
the field was absolutely huge, bigger than you thought. luckily for you, it was fairly empty. of course it was, the football team was practicing, an actual game wasn’t happening.
even so, you couldn’t see sukuna anywhere. you were determined to see him at this point, you did not run a whole marathon for nothing.
scanning the field, you tried looking for that familiar tuff of pink hair. maybe yuuji was lying to you? that couldn’t be right, the boy had no lying bone in his body. maybe you were just too late.
“the hell do you think you’re doing?”
you’d have two pennies for the amount of times people jumpcared you from their voice alone. it wasn’t a lot, but the fact it happened twice in the same day is questionable.
the voice was familiar though, you whipped your head around (the risk of whiplash is getting higher!) coming face to face with that familiar scowl you’ve grown to be crushing on.
“oh! sukuna—uh, shit. here! uraume told me to gives these to you when i go and apologize again and i’m here to.. apologize again, for the other day but i don’t know if you forgot so—“
“you talk a lot,” sukuna interrupted you, a bored expression on his face. you were always told you had a habit of running your mouth under pressure. “i don’t care, ‘m over it. you came this way for nothing.”
you sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose. “yeah, probably but it was eating me alive. just accept my second apology, please and thank you.”
sukuna shook his head, arms crossed over his chest. he stared down at you, totally freaking you out. you couldn’t make out his expression at all or gain any sense to what he was thinking, it was weird!
“fine, whatever. i accept your apology.” he finally said after an excruciating long beat of silence. “though, i hope you know there’s other ways of getting my attention than doing the shit you did the other day. remember that next time.”
that was it. he snatched the pretzels from your hands, smirking at the look of pure shock on your face, heading off to the other side football field to meet with his team.
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srry for a super long wait, writers block is beating my ass rn
tag list (CLOSED!) : @lysaray @maisy1111 @morinuu @bladesoap @minzxec @bozos-r-us @shotenvinsoot @e2lya @absolutedookie @soupieoopieisloopie @lavender-hvze
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em1e · 1 year
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˚༉ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs |  angst but it gets better i swear
˚༉ ɴᴏᴛᴇs | first fic on this acc :) send some love 2 my inbox 
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Toge Inumaki’s life has always revolved around his voice. Or, the lack thereof honestly. Having such a limited speech always left him wondering about what his life could be like if he could actually say the things he wanted. Would he still be on the same path as he was today? Would he still be a third year at Jujutsu High? 
Would he still be pining after you, too? 
He’s had a thing for you since you joined in the middle of his second year, and everyone has managed to find out about his little crush. Everyone but you, it seems. Yuuta and Panda tease him for it, always whispering between themselves when Toge finds himself alone with you for any reason - and he enjoys being alone with you, so it happens pretty often. But the two of you whisper between yourselves, usually with Toge writing what he has to say with a neat font in his notebook or typing away on a phone. He finds you endearing when your face is illuminated by the phone screen, eyes sparkling as you skim over whatever silly message he’s curated for you and only you to see. 
And just once, just for a second, his deepest desire is to spill his guts out to you. He wants to be able to say how he feels. To whisper it like you are now about Maki’s ever growing crush on Yuuta, to scream it from rooftops and let everyone who could ever wonder how he feels know that this is it. That you are for him, and he hopes and wishes and prays that maybe he is for you. 
But, he can’t. 
He is always brought back to that fact. When you’re pressed against his side for movie nights on the tiny couch in the common room with Itadori and Megumi, the reminder hammers itself into his chest, and he feels like he has to hold his breath as he watches you laugh at something Itadori says. These people, your friends, his friends. You can have real relationships with them. You can joke around with them and have them banter in return and he doesn’t get to have that. When he makes his way back to his room that night, he feels that same bitter swell in his chest. 
You have a small feeling something is wrong with Toge. After the movie, his entire demeanor seemed to shift and he left without so much as a goodbye. It hurt, honestly. If something was wrong, he’d come to talk to you about it . . . right? Maybe he felt like it was something he couldn’t bring up to you? But that was silly, he can bring up anything to you. Your internal argument was cut short by a soft knock on your door. You almost jump at the sound, crawling out of bed to see who could be there. Toge stands in front of you, eyes widening as if he didn’t expect you to actually be in your room. His fingers flex against his notebook, staring at you for a second longer than necessary before he looks down at the page already open. 
“Is something wrong, Toge?” You ask so softly, he relishes in the way your voice is laced with concern. 
He flips to a new page and scribbles onto the fresh sheet. He turns the page to you. 
I’m ok. Just wanted to say goodnight. 
“All the way here for a goodnight?” Your small laugh makes him melt, and he’s happy he decided to not rot in his room alone from the earlier emotions, “You could’ve just texted me,” you continue, ”but I’m glad you came by.” 
Your sentence runs off like you want to say more, but there’s a pregnant pause that turns to comfortable silence. You lean against the doorframe when he continues to write on the page. 
Glad why?
“You left so suddenly after the movie.” You hum, eyeing him for any little motions that could show you what he’s thinking. “I was just worried.” He’s glad his shirt covers his cheeks, or you’d see him flush pink.
No reason to worry, he writes, I’m fine now
“So something was wrong earlier?” You accuse him and he hates how easily you can read him, hates even more how your smile turns to a frown. But, neither of you move to clarify further, your arms crossing over your chest and staring at him in what feels like a battle of wills. Toge isn’t faltering, though, fingering at the previous page he’d written on but not breaking the eye contact as if it’d make you back down instead. 
This goes on for what feels like forever, but very well could’ve been less than a minute, before Toge sighs. He knows you well enough that you won’t step down, he doesn’t know why he imagined you would in this moment. 
I’m fine now. He points at the previous scratch of pen on the paper, hoping maybe you’ll drop it if he assures you he’s okay, but you only glance down at the paper then you’re back to staring at him with the same intensity as before. “Why didn’t you come talk to me if something was wrong?” 
He can tell you’re really hurt by the way your jaw clenches. Maybe he was selfish for just leaving while his emotions festered. Maybe he was selfish for not thinking about how you’d feel. He hesitates, flipping back a page in the notebook and skimming over what’s written and then looking back at you. 
In some force of will, he passes you the notebook. 
At first glance, it looks like a whole lot of scribbles. Bundles of words written in various colors of ink with scratches marked through most. Nothing like the neat and tidy font you’re used to, but still more than legible. 
Inumaki holds his breath as he watches your eyes dance around the page, wishing the floor would swallow him rather than have to wait for you to pass your judgment down on him. 
You read the page once. Then twice. Then a third time, just to be sure you're understanding it properly. 
I wish I could  I want to be able to  You are everything to me  I wish I was able to tell you this myself. I hate my inability to actually speak to you. I hate how everyone else can interact with you on a different level.  I want to be able to have what you have with everyone but I can't. I adore care about you so much and it feels like there’s nothing I can do about it. I hate my ability.  I hate what my ability limits me to. I just want you to know I love you I care about you a lot. 
There’s a short inhale from you, before you finally look at him with your lip pulled between your teeth. 
“You serious, Inumaki?” You lean forward to peek out into the hall, looking down both sides as if someone might be lingering around the corner,  “Is Yuuta or Panda putting you up to this? Because it’s not funny-” You look back at him and he gestures back to the notebook. It takes you a full second to understand what he wants, still trying to process what is happening right now, but he gently takes the notebook from your hands himself and writes on the same page. 
I’m serious. This is all me. 
You feel like you could throw up.
“Toge-” You whisper his name and he can feel his heartbeat hammering in his ears, feels his face burning and his chest is aching,  “you swear this isn’t a joke?”
I’m serious. He points to again, then writes I have never been more serious about anything in my life. 
You read that sentence a couple of times over, still chewing at your lower lip, still not looking at him and for just a second, he wonders if maybe this was a mistake. If maybe he shouldn’t of come here and if maybe he shouldn’t of shown you that page -
And then you’re throwing yourself at him, it’s so sudden he thinks for a second the two of you might stumble over and fall, but you don’t. His arms hover at your sides, unsure where to place them or what to do or if this means what he thinks it means. 
“You swear?” You say again, he feels your breath hit against his ear at the whisper, finally moving to nod and wrap his own arms around you and hold you like he’s dreamed of. And you almost laugh at the sensation, leaning back the tiniest amount to look at him, to take in his features and his expression as if you’re truly worried he’d be cruel enough to pull some kind of sick joke like this. 
Then you’re pressing the softest kiss to his lips, and in his panic he’s unable to truly react to it. To you. When you pull away, you leave him chasing you with his own lips, never wanting the moment to end, and you only give a small giggle in return to such a pure action. 
“Swear?” You offer one more time, as if his own reactions aren’t more than enough to solidify your answer. He draws back just far enough to put his hand between the two of you, pinky extended and you laugh such a genuine laugh as you wrap your own pinky around his. A promise made between the two of you.
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niinnyu · 9 days
Here's why I think jjk 261 is bad writing and wasted potential.
I've tried to separate more objective stuff and my opinions so I've made them into separate sections.
1. Jjk 260: I've already stated my issues with how jjk 260 ended and this applies tenfold now with this chapter. Buildup to sidestep to something completely different nullifies your buildup and is jarring to read. You also cannot blame villains in the story for undermining a character if you, as the author, keep doing it.
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2. Okkotsu Yuuta's character: Yuuta's plan and willingness to use Gojo's body if he dies feels incredibly ooc and very uncompelling.
Yuuta is one of the few characters who's been able to see glimpses of the slightly more human side of Gojo "The Strongest" Satoru (he was my one and only/love is the most twisted curse of all). He has *just* seen the catastrophic consequences of a body used by someone else as a weapon. He was willing to go against a villain purely so that Gojo wouldn't have to.
You're telling me the same Yuuta was that ready to use his sensei's body and brought to anger when someone questioned the ethics of it?
Yuuta saying 'if no one else has the guts to then I will' means nothing becauseif his idea of becoming a monster includes using Gojo's body then he is the only one who can do it. All while implying cowardice of the others for "not having the guts to do so" (while being in Maki's presence and with Yuuji's absence, both of whom have been not self described as monsters).
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Yes this is him stepping up to the task of being the strongest. But it doesn't feel like the big sacrifice of his humanity he says he doesn't care it being, if he's okay with it the moment the possibility of having to do so comes into light.
It just comes off as cocky and inhumane. And if that *is* Yuuta's character now, show me reason to believe this shift in personality in him specifically.
Also if Yuuta gets so mad at Gojo for being the "monster alone", why is his solution to do exactly that.
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The easiest way to have the same events play out, but keep characters intact and have it be much more compelling would be:
Yuuta is presented with the plan of using Gojo's body. Have Meimei or Kusakabe, who've never really interacted with Gojo in any meaningful way to see him as more than his power, bring it up. Or maybe while brainstorming with everyone he comes to theconclusion himself with a lot of dread.
Yuuta immediately rejects the plan because he wouldn't do that to his sensei. Him having to throw his humanity away isn't his issue. He won't allow something like this happen again. And especially not to Gojo whom this was used against firsthand. He plans to kill Kenjaku himself.
Yuuta is reminded that if push comes to shove they still might have to if Sukuna continues to pose a large threat, but since he's the only one who can, it'll finally be only his decision. A panel of internal dialogue shows that Yuuta knows this is true.
Yuuta gets the formality "permission" from Gojo. Gojo says "who cares what happens to my body once I'm dead" and Yuuta *then* gets angry because Gojo of all people knows that he should care. Yuuta notices how Gojo also sees himself only as a weapon for others and calls him out on taking the burden all by himself (being a monster alone).
Fast forward to when Yuuta is dying and being kept alive by Shoko, Nitta, and Amai, Yuuta knows that Sukuna is still going strong and he has no choice but to use Kenjaku's CT against all his hopes because he knows he needs to.
Not only does this align with Yuuta's character a bit more, as someone who cares a lot for the people in his life including Gojo, and abides by his concern people at large, it also gives us a moment to see how heavy an ask it is of Yuuta, and forces the reader to be much more sympathetic of the choice he's had to make. How he'd rather not have done this and only went through because he's desperate.
3. Gojo's influence: This chapter essentially disregards any influence Gojo has had thoughout the story outside of having physical.
The main reason he'd not killed the higher ups waaay before now was because he knew the people who'd take their place would continue to pull the same shit.
Gojo ideology and the reason he went into teaching was to bring about a new generation of sorcerors who would know better. To dismantle the system that doesn't see sorcerors as more than dispensable tools for their power balance purposes, from the inside out.
I've seen people talk about how this ending for Gojo is significant because he isn't an exception to the cruel jujutsu system. Yes! True! He's been facing that his whole life! And that is exactly what he'd hoped to change through his students!
Yuuta using Gojo's body for his power feels like something the higher ups would not think twice about ordering. This was the perfect opportunity to show that the kids Gojo brought up *despite* this system are better than what the higher ups were.
And although throughout his life he too was not exempt as a jujutsu sorceror of being seen as solely his power (he'd also never allow anyone to see him otherwise). He sees, right at the end, these kids that he's helped train, and grow, and keep alive, know just a little better. Know *of* the human behind the power even if they don't *know* him.
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OR! If you wanna stay grim about it, show that Gojo failed in this endevour. That the system still continues. Yuuta has made himself a weapon that is used because of his CT and Rika. That Yuuji has only ever been seen as a vessel, he'l he was created solely as one. That Yuuta goes to great lengths to keep his friends safe and Yuuji does so because he's already (kinda) lost them. Show that *they* still hold onto the parts that make them more than tools even if the system still doesn't.
And acknowledge the failure that it is on his part.
Because with this chapter Gojo, even just narratively, continues to be just a weapon.
Below the cut are my pretty coloured opinions about the chapter.
1. Payoff followed by setup and why Shibuya is still some of Gege's best writing: (ended up being long and not specific to this chapter so I'll make it it's own post lol)
2. Okkotsu Yuuta: I am frankly tired by the amount of importance Yuuta has been getting since the culling games ended. The only real narrative significance he has is being a student of and related to Gojo and the previous protagonist. He has no arc, no narrative weight, no personal stakes that other don't have.
He was an interesting character back when he was first reintroduced into the main story. As an unbiased executioner who would be there to kill Yuuji if Sukuna took over, both a threat but also an ally until then. The framing also made him more of a threat against Yuuji than a threat against Sukuna. Interesting!
He also has no personal conflict with the villains. The closest he got was wanting to kill Kenjaku because 'he won't let his sensei kill his Best Friend again', which is personal once removed since it's more for Gojo. Which was also a nullified sentiment because Gojo died before facing Kenjaku anyway.
He is just an overpowered character with no developmental backing. I still won't believe that Yuuta using Gojo's body is stronger than Gojo, because it is still Gojo who had had to condition and train his body to be able to handle the power he wielded. Yuuta has had a lot of groundwork already done for him in Gojo's body so even if he's able to do more damage than Gojo, it's still only because he's standing on Gojo's shoulders. People talking about "are you Gojo Satoru because you're the strongest or you the the strongest because you're Gojo Satoru" will be answered here need to remember this.
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And since when has either of them cared about the Gojo clan looking bad to mention this lmaao what?
3. Kenjaku's relevance: Yuuta copying Kenjaku's CT being such a flippant discussion made me so mad lol. Your telling me they were seeing killing Kenjaku as a minor stepping stone to a bigger plan. When Kenjaku has been alive for yeaaarrrs on end pulling who knows what all shit that got all these balls rolling in the first place?
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I know it easy to do in retrospect with Kenjaku already dead in current time and Sukuna being the current threat. But that's just undermining the threat Kenjaku posed and the "victory" that killing them was (even as anticlimactic as it was).
Seems like Gege had to do his best to brush off Kenjaku since they was proving to be a much more interesting villain than the Big Bad Sukuna, but man way to make your own rather well written character feel lame.
4. Gojo killing the higher ups: While the panels of Gojo wanting to shield his students from the bloodshed he was about to cause was sweet, I still wish the second years had siccesfully forced themselves in and joined him. It's another place where they could've shown Gojo fostering a generation that follows through with his ideology and plans because they get how messed up the system is.
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When the higher ups were initially shown to be killed before Gojo vs Sukuna, the chapter had Inumaki and Yuuta talking in the hallways of the higher ups' hq. The implication that they'd also done it in the month of preparation made it feel like everyone was joining in and getting shit done. Yes it's satisfying knowing that Gojo got to go through with something he's wanted to do for a long time, but almost everyone has the same beef with the higher ups. Give everyone or a representation of everyone a slice of the action.
5: Shoko hate: Completely unfounded. People expecting her to suddenly have so much more agency than Gege has ever given her just because they're sad about their fav is stupid. And if you need to be angry direct it at Gege's writing that chose to use her opinion for comedic purposes.
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Also question why you care about her ability to do something only when it comes to your fav male characters are facing difficult situations. Remind yourself she's the only overworked bloody doctor/ healer assisted by only a 15/16 yo underskilled underprepared child (Nitta) in a society that is still facing the effects of Shibuya. Also go away stop pretending you care.
I have more issues but whatever. Jjk fans who's favs are dead and never mentioned again be glad!! They're safe!!
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