#I need to read it before the season
macaulaytwins · 9 months
if I can’t consume the book with a voracious intensity and have the book consume me back then I don’t want it
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notemaker · 7 months
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For all time? Always.
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jamiemaybeme · 2 months
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made this in like year 8 (seventh grade i believe? around 12/13 years old) and it kinda slaps
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bramsnumberonefanboy · 7 months
Why hate on characters or have ship battles when we can just ship all four of them? Behold my case study of vanitas ship chart that will satisfy all viewers:
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Noe and vanitas are in love, vanitas and Jeanne as in love, Jeanne and Dominique are in love, and Dominique and Noe are in love.
Dominique and vanitas are like don't really care about each other at all and kinda have a mutual dislike.
And Noe and Jeanne are kinda buddies (not that close tho just like maybe respect) with a bit of jealousy on noes behalf cause remember Noe was like "I'm vexxed cause jeanne got to drink vanities's blood first"
An easy way to remember this is just, the black haired people are in love with the white haired people and the white haired people are in love with the black haired people
And now all parties are satisfied and there is no need to hate on characters or ships in the name of shipping!
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suddencolds · 1 month
getting into a new fandom and finding 0 fics for it on ao3 😭 is it over
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ehhlien · 10 days
Somewhere online I read a post that said "Lestat topped Louis and now Louis tops Armand" and I really didn't think too deeply about it; I don't think about things like that much. But also I felt like "mhmm.. Armand seems to exert so much power over Louis, I'm not seeing it". But then Armand was so vulnerable in this episode, and you could see how much he yearns for the love of someone who is eternally occupied by someone else, whether or not he knows it, and he later refers to Louis as 'maître' and now I do in fact believe it.
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party-lemon · 1 day
no you don't get it crowley literally kissed aziraphale that is an actual thing that happened. let's set any meaning or motivation behind it aside for a second, crowley kissed aziraphale.
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are....are people seriously telling Nintendo to DELETE Shiver from the game because "Japan always votes for them"?
You....you know how that sounds right?
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rimouskis · 1 month
I am genuinely upset about Andi! WTF is FSG doing? She's one of the best in the entire league! The pens online presense was top tier but with ITR gone last year, and now Andi, I don't have any idea what their plans are. Please let Jen be safe! I'm sure Andi will find a place. I'm not too worried for her. The Pens media department tho
I really wish her the best in whatever she does next. She was at the helm at the peak of the Pens' social media engagement and prominence, and while that fell off as she ascended the ladder and became a VP/further removed from the day-to-day posting, I think she did a ton of good work here.
I'll be very interested in how the department reconfigures in her absence. There seem to be a lot of power vacuums right now, with lots of people with long tenures at the Pens departing. Part of me hopes there's a chance for young blood; other teams have been doing more innovative, more curious, and more creative stuff in terms of their media. While losing legacy employees is a loss, I can only hope that there's an infusion of youthful, out-of-the-box thinking coming our team's way. It's the best we can hope for.
#I'd be galled if jen were let go frankly. like sure no one is too high up to be safe w/e but she is HIGH UP#and she's very ingratiated w/ the players (think about geno's “I want to go home jen” lol)#while I don't doubt andi was a familiar face to them I think they rely on jen a *lot*.#I think about her interview she did where she said she thought of some of them (kris/sid/g) as her kids lol#but also I thought andi was safe when I read the announcement today so clearly this is all conjecture and I don't claim to KNOW anything#I think our media has been falling behind in the past several years admittedly.#it's hard because I *did* join the fandom when the team was at its peak and I think that makes media/fan engagement easier. you're a winner#but I think it's just a matter of fact that we are not as cutting edge as we once were on our socials#the loss of ITR blows and I'm still mad at FSG for that#but I think they have a chance now to prove they care about getting back to innovation. I don't know that I trust them to execute it though#also I don't want this to be a critique of andi. especially when she's freshly off of losing her role.#this is more about the org itself needing to refocus on being innovative.#they've been a bit too comfortable in a lot of aspects in the past few years. having been to more arenas now and seeing more teams do thing#I have found it easy to say it feels like other teams/orgs are TRYING harder.#seattle puts on a show every game. their in-arena partners are cool. they have live music before every game. they have a freakin' drum line#y'know? pittsburgh had.... a really annoying train airhorn this season that they abandoned halfway through lol#the spirit of innovation has been gone for a few years now. if this gets it back... well we'll all be lucky IF that happens.
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lil-lesbian-historian · 11 months
Fanfiction has ruined some of y’all’s brains so badly. Gaiman said to expect 3 seasons of Good Omens. That’s how much content he has planned for the show - meaning there’s a definite end he’s looking towards.
What did you really think s2 was going to be? The two of them running around and then being at the Ritz just like s1? That’s not an interesting show, it’s just fan service fluff. (Which is obviously fun and all but not something you should base 3 seasons of TV show on)
Gaiman told you what has to happen for Crowley and Aziraphale to be together in the show: Aziraphale has to heal from his past ‘relationship’ to be in a healthy one with Crowley. What Nina says about her and Maggie is not just a character talking to fill up run time, it’s the show saying something too.
TL;DR: Aziraphale is in a toxic relationship with heaven and needs to get out of that mindset before he can be with Crowley. It’s natural story progression and some of y’all have fanfic brainrot where everything must be instantly gratifying.
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tevinterspirit · 6 months
Blorbo wrapped 2023
was tagged by @coffeeworldsasaki ❤️used this template made by @virgo-dream :)
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tagging: @seapasture | @ashiromina | @sstrawbearies | @shizukais | @suigintou if you'd like to do it 💕
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clarkegriffins · 2 years
i think the funniest thing about almost all stancy and mileven hate is that 98% of it is based on misinterpretation and bias towards another ship, seriously almost EVERY post i’ve read on this site hating on them is something that actually didn’t happened or it’s a misinterpretation of canon, mfs really make shit up and call it a day, it's always the same people putting words in steve and mike's mouth, misinterpreting their actions, and etc.... like u can hate a ship all you want, that’s normal, it’s fine. but stop making shit up and twisting canon to fulfil your narrative, it makes you look desperate and tbh....a bit pathetic
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blackhholes · 2 months
okay so i was thinking about season 5 deals with death but more specifically with the action of killing someone, because we have two situations where a main character kills someone that the narrative treats extremely differently.
the scene at the end of lie ability between lydia and vallack mirrors the scene at the beginning of a novel approach between stiles and donovan to a certain degree. in both situations lydia and stiles are acting out of desperation and it's a last resort kind of thing that they aren't even really cognizant of. lydia screams because this man has drilled a hole in her head and he's about to kill her because of his own obsession, the voices in her head are getting too loud and she just needs to get it out. stiles pulls the pin because he's been backed into a corner by donovan and he doesn't feel like he can do anything so he does the one thing he can do and it ends up killing him.
so then why when the scenes are so similar does stiles' turn into a season long arc and lydia's is never mentioned again? i think in large part it's because of their own feelings towards the events. immediately after donovan dies we see stiles panic, he calls the cops but leaves the scene before anyone can arrive and when the body disappears he becomes hysterical he starts doubting if donovan is even dead, it feels eerily similar the nogitsune when he would lose time and couldn't trust his own mind. but this time he can't blame it on the nogitsune he did it himself and i think furthers the shame and guilt he feels because before he was capable of explaining what he did as the nogitsune as not being him, that's not something he would be capable of, but suddenly he has to face the fact that maybe he is.
he repeatedly brings up how terrified he is of losing scott when it comes out because to him scott is this all-good person who would never stand by stiles after supposedly proving that there's something rotten about him. this forces him to retreat and pull away from everyone leading to the worst break up scene in television history between him and malia when she reveals she knew but it didn't matter to her. to him this is proof that the nogitsune wasn't completely a foreign entity from him so for someone to tell him it's okay is unfathomable.
this shiftiness and isolation is also why i believe scott was so quick to believe theo's version of the story, because to scott it makes sense that a violent murder like theo described would lead to stiles pulling away like that. he doesn't understand why stiles would act this way if it truly was self defense. i think reading the sciles breakup in season five as a latent showcase of nogitsune trauma for both of them illuminates both of their actions a lot better than if you were to read it as an isolated incident.
so back to lydia how come her killing vallack is never brought up again? it's because she doesn't feel the same levels of shame and guilt as stiles. she's a lot more pragmatic, she did what she had to do to survive and she understands that scott and the rest of the pack understand that as well.
so really what i'm trying to say is that the narrative weight for both these events has less to do with any perceived objective wrongness of their actions and is moreso a narrative tool to explore the emotional weight it applies to the agents over time.
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thebeautifulfantastic · 10 months
how unfortunate that i have two hyperfixations, several side interests, and a load of homework all clamoring at the same time for priority in my brain
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looselipssinkships-x · 9 months
Run longways to the gym!
- helena - my chemical romance
- the phoenix - fall out boy
- bad side of 25 - patrick stump
Key gym songs
- america's suitehearts (fall out boy) as i was zoning out between sets on the hip adductor machine it brought me back ngl v good song
- death valley into run dry into hold me like a grudge the shuffle gods have shown favor on us tonight
Run home <3
- halloween - noah kahan
- (first verse and chorus of) love from the other side - fall out boy
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lilithsaga · 8 months
Important Announcement
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I will see you in a couple weeks, my beloved friends.
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