#I saw that refrence -w-
judaismandsuch · 5 months
On...This Nonsense
So, I saw this graph in a group I am a part of, and it is so increadibly wrong that I need to rant about it:
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K, this is dumb for .... a lot of reasons. I am sure Muslims and Christians can see a load of issues that I can't, but that aint my focus.
I'm just going to talk about the Jewish religions, the flow, and use Christian and Muslim religions as comparisons.
First of all, the term of the parent religion: "Judaism". The term comes from "Judean" or basically members of the tribe of Judah.
The first definite use of it as a general term for Hebrews is in the Scroll of Esther where it calls Mordechai "a member of the tribe of Benyamin, a Jew" (paraphrased for clarity). That takes place around 480-350 BCE (scholars argue about which Emperor is the one mentioned).
(the term is used elsewhere/earlier, but usually a refrence to a member of the tribe of Judah, or else in a way that could go either way).
Now the reason I mention that, is because:
"Northern Tribal" would never have used the term, as they are from the ten lost tribes, and had a separate kingdom (Israel) VS Binyamin and Judah who had the southern kingdom (Judea).
Samaritans consider themselves to be descendants of the tribe of Manasheh and Ephraim, so wouldn't use the term either.
So the top religion should really be Bnei Ysrael, or Hebrew, or Isrealite.
Next: what the fuck is "Northern Tribal"? The split b/w the ten tribes and the 2 was political, not religious. They remained the same religion until they stopped existing/were lost/ the Samaritan split happened.
I even googled "Northern Tribal Judaism" (and variations) and couldn't find jack shit. It really shouldn't be on there.
Now, when/how Samaritanism and Judaism split is both a theological and historical debate. (to the point that talmudically there were issues with drawing lines between the 2). Hell, I have hear people use the term "Samaritan Jew" before. But tbh, it is innacurate, and insulting to both religions imo.
But either way the first split should be: Judaism-Samaritanism
On the same level in the chart it has Saducee, Pharisee, Eseen, and Christianity.
Which is bonkers. There were difference between the three groups, but they were not on the level of being schisms or seperate religions like christianity.
If you wanted to argue that they are, then Christianity would be descended from one of them (or all three). Because there wasn't a monolith religion for all 4 of them to come from. The split was there when Jesus was born.
So After Judaism you either have "Christianity" Or you have "Pharisee" "Saducee" "Essene" and then a line below you get christianity.
Next Line: "Karaite" "Orthodox" "Sephardic"
That is the most bat shit thing I have seen in my life.
First of all: "Sephardic" isn't a religious movement or theology. It is a culture and set of traditions. Putting it in a flowchart as its own heading, the same way Christianity and Islam do is insane.
Secondly, even if you do so, the others in the split should be: "Ashkenazi" "Temani" "Mizrachi" and a couple of others. not "Karraite" and "Orthdox" Next, while Karraite does deserve it's own spot (I can do a dive into the theology of it later) It Should be as a descendent of Pharisee with the other branch being Rabbinic.
Next: "Orthodox" with descendents of "reform" "conservative" etc.?
No! The term "Orthodox" exists as a counter to those! And only (until very recently) in Ashkenazi Judaism!
Now maybe the reason that they divided Sphardic it's own heading was to indicate that they don't have sects like the Ashkenazi do, but still, wtf?
And Splitting Hasidic that way? like it is equivalant to any of the splits in Christianity or Islam is batshit.
So really after "Rabbinic Judaism" you should get: "Ashkenazi Sectarianism" and "Not that"
And put all that shit under Ashkenazi Sectarianism.
Anyway, this graph sucks, Maybe I'll improve it later.
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im-houstons-problem · 2 years
would you be okay with doing a platonic gn!cade!reader fanfic w/ the curtis brothers (maybe a ponyboy x reader if you want) where reader has past self harm scars? they’ve been clean for over a year but they still have visible scars and just the reaction to the boys seeing them?
it’s okay if you’re not comfy w/ writing this! i totally understand
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Things Are Rough All Over
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Pairing ;; sodapop x cade!reader Pronouns ;; they/them (gender neutral) Warnings ;; sh mentions/refrences
A/N ;; if this is possibly triggering, please don't read this for your safety. and to anyone who is struggling with self harm, i strongly urge that you seek out help. there's plenty of hotlines, resources, and safer outlets, it does not make you a burdern to ask for help.
on another note- i do plan on doing two other parts of this, should i do seperate parts or all of them a story piece that go with each other in the end?
and ONE FINAL THING- thank you for the incredible patience. i've settled a bit more, so now i should have a more consistent schedule :>
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it's pretty easy to spot the cade twins
namely because you both wore jean jackets
so when soda was working the pump at the dx and spotted a small, denim clad figure in the near distance
he had a 50/50 shot at guessing who it was
but man, seeing you wearing sleeves in this heat?
You walked up the road holding a steering wheel. With nothing better to do, you had nabbed some car parts to bring to Soda and Steve. You saulted the middle Curtis, wheel in hand. "Hey, Soda."
The blonde beamed back at you, wiping gasoline off his hands. "Hey- what's up Shortcake?"
You scoffed at the nickname. Johnny had Johnnycake for obvious reasons- The group had struggled coming up with one for you, seeing not a lot of names rang with 'cake' as well as your brother's. It was only when you came back to the house, small carton of strawberry shortcakes in your arms that they'd decided on Shortcake.
"Oh, y'know. Was jus' walkin' and saw some spare parts on the ground." You offered the car piece with a sly grin. Sodapop chuckled, none the less taking it. "Yer brother was actually just here with Dal' and Pony with a windsheild wiper. Guess the DX owes the Cade twins, then, huh?"
"Guess so, speakin' of, where's Steve?
"Awe, he's in the shop. Bastard left me to man the pumps in the heat."
"Yeah, 's pretty hot ain't it?"
"You can't say it's hot when yer wearin' a jacket in this weather, Y/N," he teased.
Despite the light tone, you were still stricken with a chord of paranoia. You knew why Johnny always wore his jacket. It was a gift from their parents before they turned to whiskey and bruised knuckles. You weren't as sentimental, the jacket enacting as denim armour instead.
It'd been a over a year since you last touched a blade like that- but the scars still lingered. The only people who knew were yourself, Johnny, and Ponyboy. It was never brought up unless you did, which was a scarce occasion. And Johnny had only caught a glimpse of the pale lines along your forearms once. You forgot to bring a towel with you to the shower so you had called your brother. Admist the moment where you blindly groped for the fabric behind the shower curtain, Johnny had seen the healing skin- which was how he found out in the first place.
"-rtcake? Y/N/"
Sodapop's voice snapped you out of your thoughts. You ran a hand through your greasy hair, a sheepish smile on your face. "Sorry, what were you sayin'?"
"Nothin' important. You alright? I mean I was just teasin' before but maybe you oughta take that jacket off, Y/N."
"I'm fine, as is, Soda," you insisted. Still, the middle Curtis didn't look too convinced. He sighed, and you thought he was gonna drop the subject and move on. But of course, Sodapop proved he wasn't as dumb as he said he was- taking the moment of relief to tug at your shoulders of denim.
As you struggled between the material and his grasp you told him to lay off.
"Awe- c'mon, Shortcake! It's what? Ninety somethin' degrees out-"
You cursed the lean muscle that was Sodapop Curtis as he managed to take hold of your sleeve, taking the jacket with. He was laughing, clutching the jacket tight as he did. You knew to the blonde this was all some silly game over a denim coat, but it didn't make you any less pissed at him.
Defensively you crossed your arms, waiting for him to cut the cackling. You looked off with a scowl, hearing Soda come to a stop. "Don't be like that, Y/N," you could hear the grin on his face, "You'll thank me when your brother passes out of heatstroke. They left before I could wiggle him out of his." Sodapop went on about something, but you weren't really listening.
The lines along your arms burned with shame and regret, tucking them further against your chest. "Can I at least have it back? I don't need yer dirty hands soiling my jacket. And as careful as you were trying to be- you made a mistake. You extended your arm, reaching for the fabric.
The blonde had chuckled, going to hand it to you when his eyes landed on the now exposed scars along your arms. He would ask what they were from, automatically assuming maybe it was from a rumble or a tussle with some Socs. Maybe some risky game with Curly Shepard. But the pink scores were too neat for something like that. It was methodical, something really meant to hurt.
He dropped the denim onto the concrete, reaching for your other wrist as well, "Who did it? Was it your parents?"
Soda was launching question after question and it took you a second to process. He had your arms in hold, gawking at the scars, a look of worry- wait, gawking at the scars?
You retracted your arms, holding them against your chest once more. "No one. It ain't important," you said sternly
Dull anger burned in his brown eyes, "Y/N, please- who did it? Ain't no one can hurt my family like that and expect to get off."
There was a beat of silence and you knew it couldn't be prolonged. Soda would probably worry his head off to Steve, who in turn would go to Two-Bit, who'd go to Ponyboy, who'd go to Darry, who'd go to Dallas, who'd go to Johnny and well; something about it coming to a full circle.
"Me," you whispered, "It was me."
sodapop didn't really understand at first
but then you explained to him the dark times you had gone through
he'd tear up, pulling you into a tight hug
he'd tell you how much you meant to him and the gang
he asks if anyone else knew and you tell him just johnny and ponyboy
you tell him how you swore them both to secrecy, that'd you'd go to them if you started thinking like that again
soda asked to be notified too
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opinated-user · 2 years
Wait I just realised, does Lily even have like asian ocs? For someone so selfrighteous about representation I don't remember having saw any asian/middle east/Jewish/etc characters, just plenty of white american or europe like lesbians (ascentia, anevay, caida, all look mostly the same, there's also old!Elethyn but she's Lizzy's). And even if they are somewhere there they definitely have a lot less attention from their creator than all the characters above. Not gonna talk about cultural representation or just basic respect it's pointless.
well, just so happens that LO herself has provided us with a handy refrence picture containing all her current OCs, the ones that are relevant enough to have gotten fanart at least.
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let's evaluate if LO passes the diversity quota or not. first, a few rules: i'm not counting characters who are non human (so bonnie, g and mara are out; the elves are humanoid enough to count, at least according to LO) and i'm refering to all of them by their position on the chart if i don't remember any name. if do, i'm add them with their number. LO!comic and Valitria both don't count because those are self insert/representations of LO herself (a culturally appropiated one at that). i'm working on my own memory an what i can quickly found out on my own so if i have some detail wrong, let me know. i'm starting with 100 points as a default. 10 points will be taken away for particular things about any character. 20 points for issues that LO has criticized on other creators. 30 for particularly egregious issues. right off the bat, all of the characters we have left with are sapphic as far i'm aware of. as far i could tell only 7, sutanu, is pansexual, with 13, tolrah, and 17, spectrum, are bisexual. everyone else on the scar universe is either gay or otherwise not established so they don't count. no other variations has been found immediately. no one that is asexual or aromantic (and human). minus 20 points since LO always goes about how other people should include more diversity on their writing and if they do, it should be the right way because "ace people deserve better", right? all of the characters that count are cis female, femenine presenting and gender conforming. the one and only exception is spectrum as a femme cis boy. no one is non binary, trans or has any other gender identifications. no one is masculine. LO has made a big deal about accepting all the people across the gender spectrum so this is 30 minus points. racial diversity, at least as far i can tell, goes from number 1, alaina, to 5, ellie, 7, sutanu, and 13, tolrah. i'll also count 15 just to be generous because i'm not entirely sure who that even is. still, only 4-5 characters who are POC when LO has so many fictional universes on her own? compared with the rest that leaves us with 6-7 white human characters, 10-11 is we do count the non human ones. minus 20 points. 30 minus points because there's not a single east asian character.
other 30 because there's not a hispanic or latine one either (despite LO using spanish words as quirky names, 10 points minus for that). that character that i don't know who that is, minus 20 points because representation has to be explicit and clear at all times in order to be valid on LO's world. 1, alaina, has a bionic leg when LO bothers to remember it, and 7, sutanu, is blind. those are only 2 characters with a disability in the middle of all these other abled ones. 10 points and only that because LO has never cared about representation of disabed characters anyway. sutanu originally was blinded as a punishment by her self insert, 10 minus. neurodivergency is only present on the self-inserts or non human characters. 20 minus because representation with non human character doesn't count. 30 by the sheer lack of them among all. let's count what we have then. sexual diversity: only one pansexual character and two bisexual ones among a bunch of gay ones. that's a staggering difference. gender diversity: even worse than the sexuality one. racial diversity: better but it's not good enough. white characters are still the norm and some ethnicities are just never brought up, unless it's for a quirk name for a character that isn't that ethnicity anyway. abled diversity: just as bad as gender diversity, if not worse because alaina's missing leg is very rarely an actual thing anyone concern themselves with and sutanu was turned disabled as punishment. neurodivergency diversity: the worst of all. not a single one openly neurodivergent character we can count. final count: -80. or as LO would put it...
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edward-lygma-ballz · 1 year
2006- Batman Begins: Gosh this movie is so good if I'm not being biased this is objectively the best movie in the dark knight trilogy. One thing I will say is I wish Scarecrow had more scenes in the movie but I absolutely love the one scene where he does spray Falcone but I wish I could've seen more. This was peak Christian Bale looks wise and I realized this last night when I was watching the movie. The Ra's Al Ghul plot twist was actually surprising the first time I watched this movie. Alfred was peak overall just amazing. VICTOR ZSASZ MENTION!?! Side note we need more live action Victor Zsasz. I would have to say this movie is S tier.
2008- The Dark Knight: HEATH LEDGER WAS EMACULATE. I do agree that he's just a film bros wet dream for the joker BUT I still love it. This move produced multiple iconic memes just overall so freaking good. If you want my biased opinion this is they best movie in the dark knight trilogy. I can quote most of the Jokers lines by heart and I once watched this movie 3 times in one day. The two downfalls of this movie are Rachel and Two-face. (Refer to meme in pt1) Harvy himself is fine but Two-Face just ain't it chief yknow. And I know Rachel's thing is that she's not like scared of criminals and not scared to stand up for what's right but something that really gives me the ick is when in the penthouse scene during jokers schpeel she just stands and and says "alright, that's enough." Or something like that. Idk it's just like did you really think that was going to stop this insane man?? This movie is A tier as well.
2012- The Dark Knight Rises: If mid was a movie it would be this one. While I absolutely love Bane in this movie I can't stand Catwoman (which is really weird for me cause I usually love her, and I've tried loving her but I just can't.) It's not like a horrible movie it's just not fantabulous. C tier.
2016- Batman Versus Superman: I saw it when I came out in theaters then never watched it again. It was okay??? Idk not much input, I was more interested in the origins of the other members of the Justice League tbh. C tier.
2016- The Killing Joke: Did not like the first 30 minutes. This was the first time I'd ever seen an animated movie based on a comic and don't know what I was expecting but it wasn't to see batman and Barbara Gordon make out w/ implied sex on a rooftop. The first 30mins aren't in the original comic at all. Last half of the movie sticks to the source material almost entirely and it was executed greatly. A tier.
2018- The Lego Batman Movie: OH GOSH this movie is really good. I can watch it with kids when I babysit and we can both enjoy it. Witty remarks, Robin is absolutely adorable, REFRENCES BATMAN (1989) MULTIPLE TIMES!!! Joker isn't a complete dick to Harley. PEAK JOKER DESIGN!! No bad remarks. S teir.
2021- The Long Halloween Pt1 and Pt2: Loved these movies. Wished they made Sofia Falcone look more like Carmine like they did in the comic but her character was still great. I also wish they would've kept the catwoman suit the same as in the comic. Was very easy to sit through almost 3 hrs of movies. Harvy Dent was portrayed amazingly. Once again nothing bad to say about these movies. A tier.
2022- The Batman: I LOVE LOVE LOVE INCEL RIDDLER AMD BATMAN!! I love paul dano in general but God he was so good even though he only had like 15min of screentime throughout the 3hr movie. Zoë Kravitz fucking killed it as Catwoman. Can't forget #daddyoz literally amazing. "what's black and blue and dead all, over? yyyoOOUUU." Bussin soundtrack, got me back into Nirvana tbh. I love the casting for Carmine, wait no I take that back. I love the casting for the whole movie, it was absolutely spectacular 👌. S tier
Anyway that's all guys, if you want to hear my rankings for other movies just ask and I can put them all into a big post. I can put this into picture format if yall want to see it but I'm too lazy to do it rn.
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novaalexander · 2 years
Grew Apart [TASM!Peter Parker x Reader Oneshot]
Based On Grew Apart by Logan Mize and Alexandra Kay
Warnings/Before you read : ANGST ANGST ANGST maybe i’ll do a part 2 if people want it. Cursing aswell but thats to be expected in my works. Theres only one part where its refrenced briefly, but pretend TASM!Peter faced Defoe’s Green Goblin. Also totally not proof read i rushed this
Word Count : 1244
everything novaalexander
A/N : writing this because it’s easier than writing my personal essay for common app ... if yall have advice for college essays tho lmk bc idk what to do ... anyways on w the story
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     I don’t tell ‘em all the things you said      I don’t tell ‘em ‘bout the night you left
     “Either you’re gonna tell me what the fuck happened last night, or you're gonna stop bouncing your leg around and watch the game,” Harry sighed as Peter huffed in response, crossing his previously bouncing left leg over his right. He’s been like this since Harry got there and it bothered him; not knowing why y/n’s stuff was gone when he entered Peter’s studio apartment. Honestly, the open room felt slightly deserted without what used to be traces of Peter’s girlfriend. All that his best friend told him is that she left the night prior.
     “I hate you,” it came out more like a cry than the statement y/n meant for it to be, “I hate you so, so much. And I can’t believe I wasted two years waiting around, BEGGING for you to care.” Whether she believed it or not didn’t matter, because her words stung Peter. She wanted them to hurt, she knew they would; because y/n l/n knew everything there was to know about Peter Benjamin Parker. 
     “Then leave..” He whispered, jaw clenching tighter with every step he took towards the girl.
     “What did you say?” y/n’s eyes squinted in mock confusion, mixing with the sadness that was quickly bubbling to anger. Head tilting upwards slowly, keeping eye contact with Peter until the very second she could feel his hot breath against her eyelids.
     “I said leave.” 
     And that was all y/n needed to hear in order to push past the boy, storming to the dresser near their shared bed and putting almost ever single one of her belongings into the brown luggage under her side of the mattress. 
     “It wasn’t anyone’s fault,” Peter finally said, and it felt like he was breathing for the first time, almost like he has been holding his breath since the second y/n closed the door behind her. “It just didn’t work out.” 
     Brown eyes lifted to meet blue, and Harry felt sympathetic. Not because he believed Peter, no. The sympathy stemmed from the knowing feeling that his best friend was lying, that he was truly hurting and was lying about why. 
     “She’s a good girl-”
     “She just wasn’t the one. We wanted different things...” another breath, this one deep and shallow in an attempt to keep his voice from shaking. “We had a good run.”
     Harry was frustrated, and he didn’t know if it was at or for his bestfriend because he knew he didn't have the full story. “Do you remember what you told me last week?” Harry gripped Peter’s shoulder, sharpening his gaze in attempt to get Peter to break, “All you did was go on and on, saying how you thought you were going to marry her one day, ” he lowered his voice, “and you want me to believe that nothing happened in the last four days since I saw you. That you and y/n just-”
     “We grew apart”
     “Oh that's bullshit, y/n”
     In response, y/n kicked her feet up on the coffee table and waved around the chocolate covered spoon in her hand. “Its not bullshit, Gwen. Breakups happen all the time, sometimes you just know when its time.” y/n stabbed the spoon into the remaining ice cream, placing the tub on the table by her feet.
     “You’re right,” y/n sighed in relief before Gwen continued, “breakups do happen every day.” She paused to think, not knowing how her next sentence would affect y/n. “And you’re right, sometimes you just know when its over. But is your two year anniversary really the time to decide that?”
     Y/n winced slightly at this, Gwen’s eyes softened.
     I could tell ‘em how you came in late
     I could tell ‘em how you looked me in the eye
     And told that lie with a straight face
     Two hours is how long it took y/n to get ready for their anniversary dinner.
     Two more hours is how long y/n spent sat on the couch, pacing around the kitchen, and ringing Peter’s phone numerous times, before finally deciding to wash her face and put her pajamas back on.
     Two more hours is how long it took Peter to come home.
     “Where were you,” y/n huffed out, eyes not looking up from her phone in an attempt to keep the little self control she could muster.
     “Work, but I’m here now,” Peter walked to y/n’s side of the bed, “with flowers...” he trailed, his girlfriend’s eyes still not meeting his as he leaned down to kiss her head.
     “Don’t you get tired of lying?” She finally looked up, a condescending smile played on her lips, contrast to the shakiness in her breathing. Standing from the bed, she spoke again. “Unless there’s a fight club under the Bugle, you’re gonna need to come up with something better.” She took Peter’s confused expression as fuel to keep arguing, watching as he reached up to wipe blood from the cut on hip lip. 
     “Is this how its gonna be, Peter? You’re gonna pretend to be confused, not gonna tell me where you REALLY go every night?”
     Peter knew he shouldn’t get riled up, knew not to burst when she was this close to losing it on him. The thought of spilling the truth came and went with each breath he took in and let out.
     Spider-man a voice in Peter’s head nagged. The voice of Green Goblin, then of Dr. Connors, then finally, y/n’s voice. Teasing him as if she already knew, like she was waiting for him to spill it out so she could dump him for putting her in that sort of danger.
     “Work,” he said again, jaw clenching as his eyes shifted from the ground to y/n, then down again.
     A forced laugh fell from y/n’s lips, and Peter felt sick. “Fuck you, Peter Parker. This,” her pointer finger moved between the two of them, almost accusingly. “This isn’t healthy. I waited till eight-fucking-thirty, on our anniversary, for you to pick me up for a six-thirty fucking date.” She screamed. For the first time since Peter walked through that door, y/n yelled until her face was red and throat sore. “I called you fifty fucking times, Peter. I burned a hole in the floor, pacing, worrying that something happened to you,”
     She knows is all Peter could think
     “Until I realized that you were just late. Typical Peter Parker, couldn’t even be on time to his own FUCKING anniversary dinner that HE planned. Couldn’t stay true to one fucking commitment, Peter. Is this how I’m supposed to spend my life?” y/n needed to breathe. 
     When Peter didn’t respond, y/n forced another laugh. This time it was hoarse, and it burned slightly when she felt it leave her throat. “I hate you”
     “He’s better off, and so am I.” 
     When y/n looked up, Gwen smiled; it was an understanding smile, not laced with pity or forced sympathy. She knew y/n wasn’t going to talk down on Peter, even if he deserved it. She wrapped an arm around the other girl’s shoulders, allowed y/n to lean her head against the blonde.
     Gwen didn’t say anything when she felt her friend shake, and a few drops of salt water fell onto her hoodie.
     “We just... grew apart”
A/N - i hope yall liked it !! today has been a surprise return to writing after quite a few years, so please lmk your thoughts bc im defiantly a little rusty !
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jujutsubabe · 3 years
h-hi 😳 you said tiktok prompts are okay so like i found this one where you record yourself showing your hand in front of your s/o to see what they would do w it and can i have hcs for itadori, fushiguro and gojo for that one hehe thanks !!
This was cute 😌 thank u for requesting this I squealed while watching all those tik toks for refrence💗
The two of you were on an outdoor date, just hanging out until you all of a sudden remembered that tik tok! You had to do it now that you remembered!
He was ordering ice cream, so you had time to set up the camera without having him notice...
When he came up, you held out your hand and he twisted his head, not because you were holding your hand out, but rather how you were holding your hand out... it was just straight in front of him like a high five.
He looked between the ice cream and you. Slowly pushing it at your hand,,,, but you didn’t grab it so he kept bumping it into your hand until he scratched his head. “That didn’t work huh?”
He set the ice cream down and just curled your hand into a ball, and positioned his the same way, “Rock paper scissors?”
You shook your head, a smile starting to break on your face. “Gojo think.”
He put a finger to his chin, really trying to figure out what this was...
Then! The realization set as he let out a very audible “oh!” he went on tik tok a lot, so of course he knew this trend! (At least he thought he did,,,,)
He leaned forward and rested his head on top of your palm with a grin. He looked so confident he did this trend right, but you were too amused to tell him differently. Instead you just laughed before cupping his cheeks and pulling his head forward for a quick kiss.
Itadori was playing on the switch! Probably animal crossing tbh. So while he showed you every rare fish he caught and played around you scrolled through tik tok and saw a cute couple do the hand trend.
And you really wanted to see what he would do, so you angled the camera to where he couldn’t see it before turning to him with a waving hand.
When he didn’t notice, you cleared your throat, “Yuuji.”
He hummed while looking up, only pursing his lips when his eyes met your hand, “What’s this?”
When you didn’t say anything and just wiggled your fingers, he blinked a few times before a big grin grew on his face.
He placed your hand right atop his head, looking at you expectantly until you started to scratch his head. He visibly relaxed when your fingers laced through his hair, humming contently as he leaned into your hands.
You quite certainly, couldn’t help but coo as he got even cuddlier with your hands in his hair. He looked so soft and kissable. So you did just that, smooshing your lips all over his cheeks until he turned around to do the same.
He’s... he’s like a puppy...
You two were sitting on some benches outside waiting for Kiyotaka to give you a ride back to the dorms, since it was so late.
Megumi was focused on his social media while you tried to scroll through tik tok with a very low internet connection. The only tik tok you were able to watch without it freezing up just so happened to be that one. You had nothing else to do, and you had a good few minutes to pass, so you pulled out the camera.
Megumi didn’t notice you holding your hand out until you began waving it and cleared your throat. He turned to you, furrowing his brows and looking between you and your hand.
When you gestured toward your hand again it seemed as though a switch went off in his head! He assumed he knew what you were asking for and as light as a feather held your hand between both of his, like a mama chicken laying on her eggs to warm them up.
You literally did not expect that. You couldn’t help but stare but he only looked away from the intensity of your eyes, “You could have told me your hands were cold.” He ran his thumb over your’s and you felt your heart melt.
He squirmed for a good second, while you sat there giggling and pressing a kiss to the back of his hand.
“You’re so sweet Megumi.”
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jkknight98 · 3 years
Fear less, Forget, and Forgive
Here’s a short little story of Tommy and Techno finally addressing the awkardness around one another after the events of my gift for Altobug83. I may have made Techno a bit more emotional than how he’s normally portrayed, but I felt the urge to write this ending. I hope you guys enjoy while I try to rewrite the Skeppy and BBH fic sitting in my drafts~
warning: this does refrence back for my gift that had some hard vore moments, not in the same detail, but they are mentioned.
“Look, Tommy, me and Will are going out to get a few more things from the market, you stay here with Techno and hold down the house alright?”
In any other circumstance, Tommy would have loved to have nearly free reign over the house, but after what happened a few weeks ago, he still didn’t want to be anywhere near his piglin like brother, especially not alone like last time. He gave a soft whine as Phil tried to remove him from his shoulders, but he was quick to try and hide between the soft black feathers that coated his father's wings, not wanting to be removed in the slightest. “But Phil, I don't want to be stuck at home, what if you and Will get to see something cool while I'm stuck here, it’s not fair.”
What he didn’t realize was that his father and the rest of the household had noticed Tommy’s hesitance and near refusal to be anywhere near Techno, they all agreed to try and find out what was happened, especially since Techno didn’t know the reason himself, facing the issue head-on was the decided course of action. Tommy gave another whine as a pair of giant pale fingers gently pulled him from his feathered hideaway and quickly sat him on the wooden table, but swatted at them in annoyance as they ruffled his blond hair. Phil was quick to leave him on the table as he moved for the door, and Tommy could see the tiny mop of brunette hair that was seated among the giant's blond, and the two left Tommy on his own; but not really. Tommy could help but freeze as Techno entered the room, face still holding the impassive look like always, but his eyes couldn’t help but focus on his mouth. The memory made his arm twitch in phantom pain and he was quick to try and leave,” H-hey Techno, I'm going to head off to my room to play some games, good?” He tried to make his way off the table as quick as he could, but couldn't help but yelp when he found himself gripped in familiar pink-tinted hands and nearly jumped out before the fingers softly wrapped around him.
“Yeah no, we need to talk.” Techno had no idea why Tommy had been acting like he was terrified to even be in the same room as him, but he wanted answers as to why he had found that scrap of Tommy’s shirt between his teeth. He didn’t like how he could feel the tiny heartbeat fluttering like mad under his fingers, as much as he wanted to hide it, it was clear that Tommy was terrified to be in Techno’s hold. He slowly brought his little brother close to his chest as he moved to walk towards the living room, hoping that the sound of his own heartbeat would soothe him, just like how it did when he found the boy passed out on his chest late in the night.
Tommy shivered as he was brought upwards, but thankfully not towards the face, he might have really screamed if he was. He was surprised to be held to the chest, he had forgotten how comforting the sound of his brother's heart was, it had been drowned out by the noises of his other organs the last time he was this close to it. He gripped the fingers holding him tightly as the two of them moved to the living room, Techno moving to sit on the couch and still holding him close. “ W-What do you want to talk about?”
Techno couldn’t help but snort slightly,” I think you already know, you've been avoiding me like I’m a monster, I have to say that's not a nice feeling when it comes from your little brother.” He kept his grip on the tiny but moved to make it less caging so as not to freak him out. It was hard to put his feelings into actual words as they raced in his head, giving him a mild migraine and making him slightly regret telling the other two to leave the house. “ I want to know what happened, especially since I found a scrap of one of your shirts stuck between my teeth. Did you do something to me in my sleep because you haven’t been near my mouth any time I've been awake; what happened?”
This made Tommy shiver slightly as he thought back to that day, Techno was fully awake when it happened, just unknowing. He didn’t want to talk about it, he really didn’t, but even he could see the barely visible look of pain in Techno’s eyes at how Tommy had been acting around him lately. “ You were awake when it happened, you just didn’t know I was there, and I don't know how I’m alive.” The tears flowed freely at this point as the memories resurfaced and he turned into the comfort that the fingers still provided,” You didn’t know I was hiding in the bread when you rushed out of the house, you didn’t hear me scream, not even when you made these.” He held out his arm to fully show the marks that rested on his skin, not wanting to look at them himself as he continued to cry.
Techno could help but be confused at Tommy’s wording,” What do you mean I was awake- '' as the boy continued to talk, and couldn’t stop the sharp intake of breath as he realized what happened. He remembered clearly how he thought he had cut himself with his own teeth when he tasted blood,” oh gods.” He felt his stomach turn and his face pale, the taste of blood, the weird noise he heard, and the weird way the lump of ‘bread’ stuck in his throat. He had eaten his own brother and had no idea he did until now, his own hands started to shake as he thought how alone Tommy must have felt despite being so close to him, it made him feel so sick with himself. He felt unfamiliar wetness start to slide down his face, he was crying.
Tommy looked up when the hands holding him starting to shake,” hic- why the fuck are you shaking?” He had never seen his brother's face so expressive in his life, the fear, sorrow, the self-anger, each emotion was as clear as a brightly lit sign. The thing that really caught him off guard was Techno crying, the massive red eyes were redder than usual as they looked down at him, and had multiple tracks of tears running down his face as he couldn't stop them,” Techie….Your crying.” He yelped when the hands lifted upwards and he was mildly frightened to see that he was being lifted back towards the giant face, but he was met with the giant nose being softly pressed into him as his brother shifted his hands to be hugging him against his face as he continued to cry.
“Fuck Tommy, I'm so sorry, I can’t believe that I hurt you… Fuck I’m so sorry,” He held Tommy close to his nose as he continued to softly cry, his ego prevented him from crying any harder, but his emotions were also too strong to stop the tears that did escape him as they rolled down his face and caused his throat to clench in pain. “ You have to understand that I would never willingly hurt you, whatever happened on that day, I swear on my life that it will never happen again.”  The piglin hybrid let out a shaky sigh as he felt his brothers arms wrap around his nose and fully lean into his touch, he normally didn’t like to be touched, but by the gods was he happy to feel his brother hug him,” I swear I will make it up to you Tommy, I don’t want you scared of me, I’m not a monster..” He signed in relief as he felt the smaller boy nod against his nose as he also cried, he knew that it still would take a while before Tommy would fully be over what happened, because who would be able to get over that level of trauma quickly. Techno would be with him every step of the way, he couldn’t take back what his body did to his little brother, but so help him if he didn’t try to ease as much of the pain as he could.
“Do you think the two of them made up yet, or are they fighting like before, even that would be better than the awkwardness that has hung over everyone lately.” Phil could only sigh as his eldest child kicked his legs lightly against his shoulders, hoping that he would find the house peaceful or in a wreck instead of a field of glass.
“I'm hoping for the first, but you're right about the second one being just as favorable, but I hope we have a house to walk into when I open the door.” Phil was slow to open the door and was happy to see that the house wasn’t in shambles, but was concerned when he didn't see his other two children anywhere. “Boys… Techno… Tommy?”  He started to make his way towards the stairs after seeing that the kitchen was completely empty but was stopped by a sharp tug on his ear,” What the fuck Wil-” but he quickly saw what his son was trying to show.
On one of the couches was a softly slumbering Techno who still had some easily identifiable wet spots on his shirt, and resting over his heart with a protective hand covering him was Tommy. The two apparently had such an exhausting moment together that they must have passed out completely when the emotions calmed, but it seems like things have fully been mended. Phil smiled as he turned away from the peaceful site and went back towards the kitchen,” Let's make some good food for when the two wake up and don't you dare tease your brothers for finally showing emotion.”
“Fiinnee, you're no fun Phil, but I’ll leave them alone. They both needed this.”
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translytherins · 3 years
Unaccepted Permission Slip {Part 1}
Peter's P.O.V
[A/n: You can use the picture at the bottom as refrence also the picture isn't mine]
"Mr. Parker i will not accept this permission slip"
"Why not?!?!"
"Because your permission slip is signed by Tony Stark-Rogers and we both know that your internship is fake so just give it up and go home"
I was fuming "Fine!!!" I shouted and stormed out of the classroom. If your wondering what happened. Let me explain.
I accidentally fell asleep in science class because well... I'm not dumb. I already know this stuff. Having Tony Stark-Rogers as a dad and as a mentor before that while also having Bruce Banner teach you has it's perks. I was woken up from sleep by Ned who was trying to shake me awake which definitely worked. Obviously. I lifted my head from my table only to see the teacher glaring at me. I don't know why but the teacher hates me with every bone in her body.
"Now that Mr. Parker is awake" she said glaring at me before she continued.
"We will be going on a field trip next week on Friday. The location will be a surprise but until then everyone must take one permission slip for your parents to sign.
Class dismissed"
Everyone packed their stuff and got up from the seat while mumbling excitedly about the trip. I couldn't care less about the trip but..whatever. I took one permission slip while receiving a (not so) deathly glare from the teacher and walked out of the classroom.
-End Of Flashback-
When i was a few blocks away from my school, i saw Happy waiting for me next to a limo. I went up to him and gave him an apology for the slight delay. He accepted and we both got in the limo with me at the back while Happy sat at the drivers seat and started heading home with me not talking much because i was still mad. Happy kept looking at me frome the rear view mirror but i payed no attention to that and kept looking out the window.
I got home and saw that none of my family members were at home probably on a mission. I walked into the living room and saw my (h/c) boyfriend reading on the couch. I smiled, walked over to him (sneakily) and backed hugged him making him drop his book while mumbling something under his breath in surprise. I started giggling at his cute face that he made.
(M/N) 's P.O.V
I was reading a book while waiting for the others to get back because even though I'm the newest member, they said it was "too dangerous" for someone as young as me (although I kicked all of their butts in one go)I was so deep invested with my book that i didn't even realise that someone was sneaking up behind me. When i did realise it, is when i felt someone back hugged me.
"Holy f*cking sh*t" i mumbled under my breath and dropped my book by accident. I heard someone giggling from behind me. I turned around and saw Peter giggling at me. I let out a playful sigh and glared at the giggling boy while picking up my book.
I continued reading my book which is a sign that I'm (slightly) pissed by his actions. He stopped giggling and walked around the couch so he was standing in front of me but i didn't look at him. He took my book, marked the page i was reading and placed it on the table. I was about to protest but he straddled me and kissed me. I melted instantly and kissed back. It got heated after a few minutes and we started making out with Peter on my lap. We we're so distracted that we didn't even realise that the others were back already just staring at us like the creeps they are. We pulled away when we heard someone coughing, trying to get our attention. We turned around and saw the Avengers standing there, some with there arms crossed (Steve, Tony, Loki, Vision, Bruce) while the others we're snickering in the background (Nat, Barton, Pietro, Wanda, Bucky, Sam). Peter was a blushing mess. When he turned to look at me and he saw the mischievous smirk on my face. I gently squeezed his butt and he gave a little squeak in return. He glared at me but my smirk didn't falter one bit. Revenge tastes sweet. He turned back to the others and smiled akwardly.
"Uhm... Hey dad..." Peter said akwardly.
"We'll talk about this later" Tony said with a glare and they left the room.
He turned towards me and smacked my chest while burying his face into my neck.
"I hate you"
"Love you too" i replied with a sly grin on my face.
-Timeskip to dinner-
Peter's P.O.V
Just another dinner night at Stark Tower. My dad was playfully arguing with Uncle Clint (yes i have to call them uncle and aunt except for Pietro and Wanda). Uncle Thor was eating pop tarts for dinner. Uncle Loki was struggling to use his utensils. Pietro was laughing hysterically at him for not being able to use them properly, pushing on Uncle Loki's buttons making him aggravated. Uncle Bucky and Aunt Nat were talking in Russia. The only normal one's were me, (m/n), Uncle Bruce, Vision, my pops aka Steve Stark-Rogers and Wanda. We we're just watching the scene play out infront of us. (m/n) and i was snickering at how childish they we're acting even though we're younger than them (except for Aunt Nat and Uncle Bucky. They looked like they we're talking about something important) until i remembered something.
"Hey Pops???"
"Yes Peter???" he awnsered looking at me.
"Is it okay if i stay home next Friday???"
When those words came out of my mouth everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me suddenly intrigued by what i had to say.
"And why do you want to stay home???" Aunt Nat asked me and i knew i couldn't lie because this is Black Widow I'm talking to and she knows when someone's lie. I sigh in defeat.
"Well...you see..." and i told them about what happend with the teacher not accepting my permission slip and talking trash about me. After i explained all hell broke lose. Aunt Nat was sharpening her knives, Wanda and Loki had magic surrounding them, (m/n) had a little string of (f/c) fire twirling around his fingers, Thor was looking at his hammer probably contemplating how hard he can throw it, Uncle Clint was sharpening his arrows, Pietro feets were looking impatient, Uncle Bruce was turning a little green, Dad was typing something on his phone probably calling his suit, Uncle Bucky was clenching his metal arm and Pops was trying to calm himself down. Well...this is going to be a fun night. (note the sarcasm)
-The Next Morning-
Ned's P.O.V
I was on the bus sitting next to MJ who had her nose stuck in a book and i was looking out the window ignoring Flash yelling insults about Peter being a coward for not coming on this trip with us and about how he was right about his "fake internship" because the teacher told us we we're going to Stark Tower. I have been there on lots of different occasions, most of the time it's because i have an intern ship with Stark industries as well and it was all thanks to Peter. He is most definitely going to be there because he didn't show up to school. This isn't going to end well is it. Oh well... More entertainment and drama for me.
(M/N) 's P.O.V
I was in my room scrolling through my phonewith Peter snuggling into my side. He dies have his own room which is next to mine but he decided to sleep in my room because his dad doesn't really let us sleep in the same room but he does it anyways but i don't mind because i get to cuddle my little spider. I was looking at a cute cat photo which was playing with a leaf when i heard FRIDAY, Starks AI, greeting me.
" Good Morning Mr. (L/n). Tony Stark-Rogers has requested Peter to lead the tour for today at 10 later"
"Thanks Fri. I'll tell him when he wakes up"
FRIDAY hummed in acknowledgement and left. I put down my phone on the bed side table and i turned my body towards Peter which resulted with him cuddled into me and nuzzled his head deeper into my chest (if it was even possible at this point considering about how close we were already)
"Peter, Babe. Time to get up. Your dad said that you need to give a tour to some visitors later at 10"
Peter's eyes fluttered open but he just closed them again and nuzzled his head further into my chest.
"Do i have too? Can't i just cuddle with you?" he said while giving me his puppy dog eyes. I sighed.
"Even if I want to, I need to go on a mission with Clint, Pietro and Tasha in about... *glances at the alarm clock* 5 minutes so I have to go. But don't sweat it, the missions gonna take two hours at least. When I get back I'll come help you with the tour when i get back
Okay??? "
" Fine" he whined and gave me a soft kiss which i gladly returned.
I got up from the bed and went to the bathroom to get changed into my outfit which is a hoddie that is as strong as Steve's shield but still flexible, fluffy and comfortable to wear. I put on my fingerless gloves and headed back in my room. When I entered the room again and saw Peter scrolling through his phone. I smiled and walked towards him.
"Bye Pete, I'll see you later" i gave him a kiss on his forehead.
He smiled at me while i grabbed my shape shifting elemental sword and my wireless headphones. I know what your thinking. Why am i bringing a wireless headphones with me to a mission. Well...that's because i fight while listening to music. It enhances my ability to fight and makes it easier for me to use my elements. left the room while waving at him. I put on my (f/c) mask and headed towards where Pietro, Nat and Clint were at so we can get this mission over and done with.
Peter's P.O.V
I was sitting at the lounging room, waiting for the visitors to arrive while messing around on my phone. I heard the sliding door open and close but i didn't bother to look up because if they were the visitors, Alicia is going to explain how everything works and how to use the badges before giving them it. Only when she was done i would take over and show them the places that they have access to. While I was scrolling through Instagram, i heard Alicia call my name. I got up from my seat and walked towards them while still looking at my phone. When i reached them i looked up from my phone my eyes were wide as saucers because the visitors were my classmates!!! I have a lot of explaining to do aren't i...
"Uhh... Hey guys..." i said while waving at them awkwardly.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE PUNY PARKER!!!" Flash yelled at me with a hint of rage in his voice.
I rolled my eyes at him and responded to him in a sassy tone.
"I'm actually doing something useful in my life other than waste my time insulting someone. What are you doing???"
Flash was fuming with anger but didn't say anything else while the class, Alicia, Mj and Ned were chuckling because Flash just got told off.
"Okay Peter I'll leave it to you. See you later Mini G" she said while walking and waving.
"Later Alicia" i said while waving back at her before turning back to the rest of the class with stunned faces except Mj and Ned who were chuckling at Flash's stunned face.
"Anyways... I'm going to be your tour guide for today. So, unless you want to spend the rest of the visit outside the tour while the others have a good time, i suggest you keep your mouth if you have nothing nice to say because people at Stark Tower does not tolerate bullies especially Mr. Stark and Mr. Steve Rogers"
I didn't say there actual name which is Mr. Stark-Rogers because it isn't public yet that their married and no one definitely knows that tgey adopted a child aka me. But later on we're going to have a press conference revealing their marriage and me to the public. Flash looked slightly pale but didn't say any insults (or anything in that matter) and Mrs Warren was glarring daggers at me but i couldn't care less about what she thought about me at this point because all i want to do is get back to bed, wait until my boyfriend gets back from his mission and cuddle with him.
"Ok everyone. You need to scan the badges you got from Alicia and walk through the metal detector. You are also not aloud to take pictures during the tour. Any questions???"
Nobody raised their hands and i ushered them towards the scanner and the metal detector. One by one, everyone scanned their badges and walking through the metal detector (their phone don't count). F.R.I.D.A.Y announced their names, badge level and wether or not they have weapons or anything else dangerous. I let Flash walk through for demonstration (don't know why i did), F.R.I.D.A.Y announced his name in the same bored tone she always uses when it wasn't any of the avengers, me, Ned or Mj.
"Eugene Thompson, Omega badge level 2, no weapons"
He looked at me like he finally achieved something in his life. I rolled my eyes at his shit eating grin, scanned my badge (even though I didn't need to because I can scan my face and enter the building without having to waste my time with these badges) and walked through the metal detector.
"Peter, Delta level 10,no weapons detected. Hello Peter nice seeing you use the door once in a while" F.R.I.D.A.Y said with slight sarcasm in her voice but i just sigh in relief because F.R.I.D.A.Y didn't use my full name. But Flash just had to open his goddamn mouth and say something stupid like he always does.
I just ignored him which I do like 90% of the time and waited for the others to get through. While checking my watch to see how long i have left until (m/n) joins us.
Almost everyone has gone through except for Ned and Mj. Mj scanned her badge and walked through the metal detector without looking up from the book because she comes here to help Pepper with some business stuff. Oh!!! Did i forget to mention you that Mj is Pepper's assistant. I didn't??? Oh well moving on.
"Michelle Jones, alpha level 8, no weapons detected. Glad to see you Mj" F.R.I.D.A.Y greeted her happily.
"You too Fri"
Everyone's mouth was gaping because the Ai system recognised Mj. The last person was Ned and he got the same exact reaction from the class.
"Ned Leeds, alpha level 7, no weapons detected. Good evening Ned, i hope you enjoy your visit"
"I will Fri"
Flash was slightly annoyed that he didn't get the same treatment but beggars can't be choosers. I coughed slightly to get everyones attention and lead them towards the elevator so we can get started with the tour.
We reached the fifth floor so that they can look at the Avengers exhibition for the oldest and newest avengers. Everyone was looking awed and starstruck including Ned (who has been here loads of times) and excluding Mj (because she was still reading her book).
"Ok everyone you have an hour to look around and if you have any questions, you can come and ask me"
And just like that everyone was scattered all over the place looking at all the suits and weapons displayed. Of course they were just replicas of it. I walked around to make sure that they were no inconvenience. Everyone was mostly gawking at my iron spider suit that i got from dad and Elemental's mask, hoodie, headphones and his shape shifting sword especially Flash. He can only dream of wearing our suits. Let alone hold (m/n) 's shape shifting sword because have you seen that thing??? It's pretty epic if i do say so myself.
"Hey loser. Maybe you should explain more about the suits everyones gawking at" Mj said with a knowing smirk and looking up from her book for the first time since she entered the tower.
It's not really a surprise that she knows my relationship with (m/n) because the whole tower knows and thinks were a cute power couple. I returned her smirk and started to explain about the origins of the suits and (m/n) 's weapon.
"Well the Iron Spider was designed by Mr Stark for Spiderman when he was first offered a spot as an Avengers. He turned down the offer at first deciding just to stick on being a friendly neighbourhood Spiderman but he joined in the end after some complications"
I finished my explanation for the Iron Spider and looked at everyone. They were all listening to me very intently on the origins of the Iron Spider (with the exception of Mj who was still reading her book). I countinued onto Elemental's origin.
"Elemental is the newest member of the Avengers who joined almost a month ago. His sword can shape shift to any kind of weapon you can think of such as an axe, a bow and arrow, a bow staff and much more but i think that it be too long of an explanation if i kept going on. He can control natural elements which are fire, water, wind, ice, light, dark, and nature. Whichever power he choses has it's own abilities. He can also transport the elements into his weapon. For example if he was using an axe as a weapon and he transported his fire element into the axe it would turn into a fire axe. Any questions??? " I saw somebody raise their hand at the back.
"Yes you at the back" i said while pointing at the person at the back.
"How did the Avengers meet Elemental because he was annouced as one but nobody got an explanation"
"Good question. Well nine months before he was announced as an Avenger, the Avengers were in a battle with Red skull. They almost died when he was suddenly frozen and he was shattered tp a million pieces. They saw a silhouette of a person but his face was covered with a black face mask. After months of searching and researching for this person. At first he refused to join but he caved in the end after some persuasion by Spiderman. Anything else???? "
Someone was about to ask another question but Friday said that our time was up and that we had to mive on to the next part of the tour which was the mechanical workshop. I have a feeling that my Parker luck is gonna struck again but when has it not.
When we entered the workshop it was pure chaos. Dad was yelling at Clint something about almost ruining the mission Nat was sharpening her knife. Pietro was next to Clint holding his hand and (m/n) was fixing his motorbike whole wearing his wireless headphones, listening to music. So he was pretty clueless on what's going on around him. They all stopped what they were doing (with the exception of (m/n) who was to focused on fixing his motorbike) and smiled at us.
"Hey Pete boy what are you doing in these parts of the tower" Pietro asked while he suddenly appeared next to me. He put my head in a headlock and messed up my hair a bit before letting me go.
"I could ask you the same thing. Your not exactly trusted here" i said while fixing up my hair a bit. He put his hand on his heart while giving me a mocking gasp.
"I'm offended. Just because i zoom around the place that doesn't mean i broke anything"
Dad looked at him with a 'are you serious' look. Pietro did a damsel in distress look while sighing a dramatic sigh.
"I'm hurt by your words"
I just chuckled at his childish attitude while Aunt Tasha just exited the room. I swear Pietro is more dramatic than dad.
"While it was fun watching you joke around the class has a tour that (m/n) needs to take over. So i think it's time to take our leave. (m/n) time for you to take over!!!
(m/n) didn't move away from his motorbike so I'm guessing he didn't hear dad.
"(m/n)!!! Are you listening to me!!!"
"Don't worry Tony i got this" Pietro said with a mischievous grin on his face.
At the sidelines, everyone was mumbling to each other. Some of them were about being in the same room as their favourite superhero. While the others were mumbling about my internship being true. Flash was flushed red because i got noticed by them and not him.
(m/n) 's P.O.V
I was fixing my motorbike because someone *cough* Clint *cough* thought it was a good idea to "accidentally" knock over an expensive vase (which i think he did it on purpose) and he almost got shot if it wasn't for me jumping in with my motorbike and the latter decided it was a good idea to use an explosive arrows while I'm near the proximity. So, now i have a lot of things i need to repair on my motorbike. While i was fixing my motorbike, i was startled when someone yelled in my ear.
"(m/n)!!! Peter's in trouble!!!" Pietro yelled into my ear.
"What!!! Where!!!" i shouted with slight panic but i accidentally hit my head on my motorbike's turbo booster really REALLY hard because of how fast i lifted my head.
"Ow..." i said while closing my eyes and rubbing my head.
Whwn i reopened my eyes, again and saw a bunch of teenagers (is that the right way to describe them???) staring at me with wide eyes with a laughing Tony and Pietro and a blushing Peter (probably because i was worried about him getting hurt) . I was glaring at Pietro and Tony so hard that (f/c) flames started to surrounding me. They raised their hands in surrender, terrified that i might burn them if they continued. I smirked a victory smirk and the (f/c) flames disappeared. I took off my wireless headphones and walked towards Pietro and smacked his head really hard.
"Ow... What was that for???" Pietro whined while rubbing his sore head.
"That was for scaring me" i said and i started walking towards Peter. He blushed a darker shade of red while the teenagers behind him started giggling and whispering about how "hot and attractive" i was, but i just tuned them out and continued walking until i reached Peter. I wrapped my right hand around his waist and layed my head at the crook of his neck.
"Hey Pete sorry for not joining the tour earlier because someone decided to be stupid" i said emphasising the word someone someone while glaring at Clint who was now, sulking in a conner and was being comforted by Pietro. I just rolled my eyes and gave Peter a peck on his lips.
I looked over and saw a guy wearing a jacket, trying to look cool which he did horrible at.
"Yeah. What Peter never told you he was dating me. Pete, baby how could you not tell other people that you were dating this handsome dude"
I heard Tony snort at the word handsome while Peter just chuckled at my childness.
"As much as i want to mess around more. We need to get on with the tour. I'm assuming your going to be showing us around"
"Mhmm,nothing ever gets by you does it" i said while smiling fondly at him and kissed his cheek before unwrapping my hand around. I walked towards Tony, Clint and Pietro and shooed them out of the workshop. Once they were out , i turned towards the class with a soft smile which made everyone blush and drool (even the hoe of a teacher). I mentally rolled my eyes and pulled my (f/c) mask back on. I clapped my hands together and said,
"Let's get the show on the road now, shall we?"
-59 minutes later-
I looked at my watch and realised that i had one more minute until they had to get to the next part of Stark Towers. I decided to awnser one more question that they might have. For the entire time they've been in here i showed them some of the things that i made. For example, my motorbikes, electric cars, jets, mechanical wings for falcon, guns, Clint's arrows and pretty much anything you need i can make it. They all were impressed that i could make all of this and on top of that i gratuated school pretty early. Oh!!! Did i mention that I'm 17? No? Oh well,now you know.
"Alright everyone i only have time for one question before we move on onto the next destination of Stark Tower. So if anyone of you have a question don't be afraid to ask because you miggt never get this chance again" and instantly five hands were raised up but I pointed at the guy near me.
"How does Parker get not one but two look a like Avengers, fake badges and how much did he pay you to kiss him"
I felt my blood beginning to boil. My bangs covered my eyes but they were red with anger (A/n: Your eyes changes colour depending on the emotions) because how dare he thinks that my Petey will do something like that. The tempature in the room dropped making the class shiver. I started approaching him very VERY slowly with lightning trailing behind me, so i can scare him a little which worked. Everyone made sure to keep a good ten feet away from us. Peter looked terrified about what's going to happen but didn't move because he knew the consequences. ( A little hint. He didn't get kisses and cuddles from me for a week. He can go without those for two days)
When i was right in front of him, i tilted my head to the side revealing my glowing blood red eyes. I pushed him into a the nearest wall, trapping while shape shifting my sword into a darkness knife.
"One more bad word about my Petey. Your head won't be attached to your body after this. Got it!?!??!" i said while pressing my knife dangerously close to his neck. He nodded so fast that i would've mistaken him for Pietro except he got a much more bitchy attitude than Tony when he wants attention from Steve or when Clint was ignored by Pietro because he did a 'breaking up' prank (it was kinda funny seeing Clint begging to Pietro for two hours straight) and that's basically giving them a compliment.
I let go of him and told the others to wait outside to wait for the next part of the tour because I wanted to have a word with Peter. Everyone basically bolted out the room trying to stay on my good side. I turn towards a nervous looking and kinda sweating Peter. He visibly gulped because he knows he is in deep, deep trouble.
Peter's P.O.V
I feel like I'm screwed because not only did i not tell them about my salty teacher much earlier but i didn't tell them that i also have a bully on my track. He crossed his arms while tap his left foot impatiently waiting for an awnser. Well, here goes nothing let just hope he doesn't go on a killing spree.
-Timeskip after the explanation-
When i was done explaining, he was mad but surprisingly calm about the whole situation. He placed his hand on my shoulder and started talking.
"Look I'm not mad that you didn't tell me but if something like this happens again i want you to tell either me or the others because we care about you and don't want you to get hurt. Alright???"
I nodded my head while crying slightly and hugged him really tight like if i let him go i would lose him. I'm really thankful i have someone like him in my life. He chuckled and ran his fingers through my head and kissed my forehead before pulling away. He wiped my tears away and kissed me before pulling away. He pulled away from the hug and extended his hand to me.
"Come on Pete. We have a tour to get back to"
I smiled and took his hand letting him lead my hand outside towards the class to continue the tour.
I looked at my watch and realised that the tour was almost over. We only had two more destination which is the training room on level 20 and after that the class will meeting the rest of the Avengers. I mentally jumped for joy because my suffering is almost over. Not that I didn't enjoy it because (m/n)'s hand is always either on my hip or around my waist. He will give me a random pecks here and there. Mrs. Warren and Flash aren't picking on me because (m/n) kept giving them death glares but they still glared at me (i swear those two are oblivious) . So overall, I'm enjoying myself.
TBC (because I've passed my block limit 😅 but stick around for part 2!!)
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hotchgan · 3 years
The Band
Summery: Aaron asks his father to come and watch his band play.
A/N: Had this idea for a headcannon and decided to make a fanfic of. Credits to @ellyhotchner for helping me with this idea. I also apologize for the band name.
Taglist: @ellyhotchner @unionjackpillow @eleanorbloom
Warnings: Implied/Refrenced Child abuse, child abuse, homophobia
Aaron was in a band. The Southern Street Boys in fact. He joined band when he was a junior in highschool only because his crush asked him to. Connor, his crush, was the leader of the band. He was the main singer. James played the drums and Sam played the paino. All four of them were like a family.
Aaron met Sam and James when he was first joined in the band. Sam was the oldest and was a senior. And James was a sophomore like Connor. Which means Aaron was the youngest in the group. It also mean the three of them like to tease Aaron and his shyness. Connor gave Aaron his first guitar but his father broke it after he got drunk again. When the band found out, they spent all of their savings into buying a new one for Aaron. That's when he knew that they loved him and will do anything for them.
Aaron paced in the living room. The band was having a concert and he wants his father to come but he doesn't know he is still in the band. Soon his father came in with Sean from work. Aaron was jealous of how close his father and Sean is.
"Where's your mother?" His father asks.
"Getting groceries and then she is meeting with some friends", Aaron says. His father nods and goes into the kitchen. Aaron follows him. His father puts Sean on the ground and faces his oldest son.
"What do you want?" His father barks.
"W-what?" Aaron asks, scared that his father raised his voice. This usually means his father was ready to beat him up in the basement.
"You keep following me", His father replies. Aaron makes a silent oh.
"Well I was wondering if ...", Aaron starts saying. He wonders if he should drop the conversation and never tell him about the band.
"Wondering what?" Aaron's father snaps.
"Can you come to my band's concert tonight?" Aaron asks quickly. His father stares at him for a second.
"You're still in that band? I told you to quit?" His father says. Aaron gulps silently.
"Big brother is in a band?" Sean asks excitedly. They both looks at Sean who was listening to them both the whole time.
"Yeah", Aaron says, kneeling down to be the same height as Sean.
"Can we see Aar be in a band?" Sean asks his father. Aaron looks at his father with pleading eyes. His father sighs.
"Fine, we can go", his father says.
"Yay!" Sean says. Aaron sighs. He smiles at his father who just scowls at him.
"When's the concert?" Aaron's father asks.
"At eight but I have to be there by seven", Aaron replies.
"Ok, be ready by then", his father says. Aaron nods and goes to his room. All he has to do is not screw up for the rest of the day.
Soon it was seven in the night and Aaron was ready to go. He was wearing a leather jacket with ripped jean and his band's t-shirt. Sean And his father was also ready.
His father drove them all to the band where there is also many people waiting. His father parks in the back of the school where the band members are supposed to go. All three of them go into the back stage where there is the band getting ready to go on stage.
"Aar!" Connor yells as he walks towards Aaron. He looks at the tall man with piercing blue eyes.
"And you must be Aaron's father. Nice to meet you, Mr. Hotchner", Connor says as he puts his hand out to shake.
"Nice to meet you too ...", his father replies, shaking Connor's hand.
"Connor, James is over by the drums and Sam is the one talking with out music teacher", Connor introduces the band. His father hums looking at the band. Connor has blonde hair with blue eyes, James has light brown hair with brown eyes and Sam has reddish-brown hair with green eyes.
"Anyways, our choir teacher can lead you to the waiting room. We will be on stage, shortly", Connor says to Aaron's father. His father and Sean followed the choir teacher outside where the seats are. Aaron sighs and Connor looks st him sadly. Connor was the only one on the band who knew what exactly his father does to Aaron.
"Don't worry, even if he doesn't approve, you're still a part of our family", Connor says, reassuring him. Aaron nods, still not looking at Connor. Connor wraps his arms around him and gives him a hug. Aaron flinches but hugs him back. Soon it was time for them to play.
Aaron's father sits next to a man with a clipboard. The man nods to him and Aaron's father nods back. After a couple of minutes, it was time for the Southern Street Boys to play. They were playing an original song called "Yellow Sunflowers". Aaron's father starts unconsciously tapping his foot on the ground and Sean looks at his brother with wide eyes.
"Is that you're son?" The man next to Aaron's father asks. He points to Aaron who is playing the guitar.
"Uh yeah", Aaron's father replies.
"I'm Nick Joneson of Goerge Washington University", the man introduces himself.
"Michael Hotchner", Aaron's father says. They both shake each other hands.
"What's a guy like you doing here?" Michael asks, curiously.
"Just finding students with talent to hand out scholarships to", Nick says casually.
"And so far, your son is on the top of my list", Nick adds. Michael stares at him.
"Wait, my son? The one playing the guitar?" Michaels asks to make sure he is talking about Aaron.
"Yup, he is one talented kid. You should be proud", Nick says. Michael doesn't say anything and looks at his son. He's right, he should be proud of Aaron.
Ten minutes past and the concert is over. Sean clapped the loudest and Michael surprisingly clapped too. He was good at the guitar and he already has a scholarship as a junior. He was actually impressed. He almost regrets smashing his guitar and forcing his son to quit.
Aaron and the band run to the back stage. They were all laughing at all the applause the audience gave them.
"That was amazing!" James says.
"That was the biggest applause we got!" Sam says agreeing with James.
"Now your dad can't let you out of the band", Connor says to Aaron. Aaron blushes.
"Yeah! The guitar riff you did at the end was super cool!" James compliments Aaron.
"Yeah, good job kid", Sam says ruffling Aaron's hair. Aaron blushes at the praise. Soon James and Sam's parents came and it was just the both of them. They both say down in the couch waiting for their family. parents came and it was just the both of them. They both sit down in the couch waiting for their family.
"Hey, can I tell you a secret?" Connor asks to Aaron.
"Sure", Aaron replies. Connor leans in and kisses Aaron. Aaron freezes but then kisses him back. They both kiss each other softly before Aaron pulling back.
"Wait... what's the secret?" Aaron asks. Connor looks at him and then laughs. Aaron laughs back.
"The secret is that I want to be your boyfriend", Connor says to Aaron. Aaron blushes.
"Me too", Aaron replies. They both kiss again but was interrupted by Aaron's father. Aaron freezes, realizing that his father saw them. Connor looks at him sadly and tries to say something but Aaron's father pulled Aaron away from him. Soon when they were out of anyone's view, Aaron's father grabs his son's hair.
"What the hell were you doing?" His father barks at him. Aaron can feel tears forming in his eyes.
"I-I'm sorry", Aaron says to his father. Michael scoffs at him.
"Didn't look like you were sorry. Maybe I should sent you to boarding school, to get you straighten up", Michael threatens. Aaron's eyes widen in fear.
"N-no, please papa. I'll do anything. I'll go do the chores for a year. You can hit me whenever you want but please not there", Aaron pleads at his father. Suddenly, Michael hits him across the face. Aaron winces in pain. Michael grabs his hair again making him face his father.
"I'll be nice to you. You will do whatever I say for the rest of your life. You will take every hit you deserve and you won't cry like a pathetic baby. But as soon as you graduate this year, I'm sending you to a summer program at the boarding school. Deal?" Michael snarls. Aaron looks at him knowing that he doesn't have a choice.
"D-deal", Aaron stammers. His father hits him again and bruises his lip.
"You fell on the ground that's why you bruised your lip", Michael says making up an excuse for Aaron to use. Aaron nods and they both walk to where Sean is and go back in the car. But the whole time, Aaron can't stop thinking how Connor wants to be his boyfriend. Despite the hits he received from his father, Aaron smiled because Connor wanted to be his.
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Re ice core: I pointed this out to a friend a while ago & they went ":O!!" @ it so I'll share here too: canonically Danny DOESN'T have a ice core, & ghosts "having" cores is fanon. In fact the word "core" is only used ONCE ever in canon, in refrence that Danny's core/body GENERATE cold. so he probs DOES just develop w/e power he needs atm. saw a post forever ago a/b Sidney's line "you have all our powers on the human plane" means Danny LITERALLY gains all ghost powers at some point. hc accepted!
hell yeah! i love me some op characters! - Hestia
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shsl-otaku · 4 years
Where Greed Goes, Despair Follows: Chp. 18
Y/N: Raven Sin of Despair
Tag List: @asgleo16 @yuri-2018 @vialuciferscage @commanderawkward @chidayasays @misfitgirlwrites @amberfoxcosplay @catlover7722 @shiggi-trash @supremetodoroki @happynoodle @remikay313 @milkysamu @kageyamis @yogurthdecoco @alysplxnet @i-understand-that-refrence
"Step right up! Get your swords from a skilled blacksmith!"
"This fine specimen was found in the tomb of a king!"
You, Ban, Meliodas, and King strolled through town, merchants and markets left and right.
"You expect us to look through all this, Captain?" Ban asked, hands in his pants pockets. You snickered as he walked next to you wearing his red leather pants and a white apron that had the Boar Hat logo.
"You’re really just wearing an apron," King said, looking at Ban with a criticizing look. You laughed at his comment, causing Ban to glare at you.
"Let’s ask an arms vendor," Meliodas said, leading the way.
"Looking for anything in particular? Or are you in the festival?" A voice said. You looked to see an old man sitting on a stump of wood. He appeared to be drunk. You blinked, raising a brow.
"Nope, we’re looking for a weapon. A hammer," Meliodas replied. "We heard there was one here."
"Oh, that’s easy," the man said, stroking his mustache. "See that?" He asked, pointing to what looked like some sort of incredibly large boulder with a tiny building on top of it. "It’s behind there."
The four of you thanked the old man and walked to the far side of the boulder. Your eyes widened at the large hammer that was leaning on the boulder.
"It’s Diane’s Gideon," King exclaimed.
"It really was here," Meliodas said, smiling.
"Oh my god, how has it not broken that hill yet," you said, looking at the hammer with wide eyes.
"Now, let the annual Vaizel Fighting Festival begin," a shrill voice called out. You looked to see a large crowd of men standing in front of you guys. The voice came from a tiny figure who was mostly hidden by a small helmet.
"The use of weapons is strictly forbidden," he yelled. "Men who let their fists do the talking should sign up right away! The winner gets 100 gold coins and we’re throwing in this Giant’s war hammer as an added prize!" The men all cheered and raised their fists.
You hid your face behind your hand to hide your laughter. "How can someone take home that prize when they can't even move it? They're like ants compared to it!" Ban laughed at your comment.
"What a barbaric festival," King sighed, shaking his head. "Right, Captain?" He turned to look at Meliodas, only to gasp in dismay to see the three of you looking at the ring, grins on your faces.
"We’re signing up, right?" Ban asked, grinning at you and Meliodas.
"Let’s see who’s the best," Meliodas said.
"Those extras don't stand a chance," you said, grinning.
"Hey! Count us in," Meliodas yelled at the referee, dragging King to the ring.
"Count me out," King yelled. You and Ban cackled as King tried to scramble out of Meliodas’ grasp.
A man suddenly grabbed Meliodas by the collar, holding him up. "This is no festival for kids," he yelled. “Beat it!”
You suddenly jumped up and landed a drop kick on top of the man’s head, causing him to yell out in pain and drop Meliodas. He rubbed his head and looked to glare at you, only for his eyes to widen when he saw your cold expression.
"Keep your hands to yourself you disgusting pig," you said lowly, making the man's eyes widen in fear.
"Hey, buddy," a man said, putting his hand on the other man’s arm. He had big, dirty-blond hair, purple eyes, and a muscular build. He wore a pale yellow vest over a sleeveless green shirt. "Don’t spoil the fun, okay? This is a festival. Plus, you should be more polite to young ladies like her."
The large man glared at the blonde man. "W-Who do you think—?! You know that I’m Taizoo, the winner of this festival three years running, right?" He spared a glance at you again. If looks could kill, he would've dropped dead when he met your eyes. He shuddered then turned to trudge away towards the ring.
The blonde scratched the back of his head then looked at you. "Are you alright, Miss? Did he try to hurt you?" You quickly changed the deadly expression on your face to a more lighthearted one.
"Mhm, I'm alright. Thank you," you said, smiling politely.
The blonde's eyes widened at the sight of you. He blushed furiously. "H-He was definitely not being a gentleman! What kind of man would try to mess with such a beautiful lady as yourself?" He folding his arms over his chest. Ban’s eye twitched at his sentence.
The blonde cleared his throat. "A-Anyway, I’ll be going to participate in the festival. Let’s all have a good time," he said, smiling at you and the other Sins.
You nodded. "Of course. Thank you again for earlier." He blushed and waved at you all before walking deeper into the crowd.
Once he disappeared from your view, you turned around, only to tilt your head in confusion. The three Sins sweatdropped.
"What?" you asked.
"Nothing," the three said, sweatdropping at how you scared Taizoo earlier.
King floated back a few inches away from you, nervously. Ban shook his head and wrapped his arm around your shoulders. Your eyes widened and you looked up at him quizzically.
"What are you doing?" You asked him, raising an eyebrow.
"What does it look like?" He said. "Making sure you don’t get lost. Or harassed." You turned away from him so that he couldn't see the slight blush on your face.
The four of you followed the crowd up to the top of the large boulder/hill, where a flat stone fighting ring was in the middle. Some men were standing on the ring, while others crowded around it. You leaned closer to Ban to avoid getting touched by other people.
"The Fighting Festival elimination round will now begin," the referee called out. "Fighters, step into the ring!"
Ban and Meliodas jumped into the ring, grins on their faces. You stepped onto the ring, bringing the attention of many men onto you. You ignored the stares and blushes and whistles that went around as men saw you pass them.
"I wish I’d stayed behind with Diane," King whimpered, hesitantly stepping onto the ring. You laughed.
"Okay! Let’s get Diane’s sacred treasure back," Meliodas said cheerfully.
Men chattered and flexed their arms everywhere, their wives and children waving at them from the crowd. They averted their attention to the referee.
"The referee will be yours truly, Love Helm," He said in his shrill voice. "The rules in this round are simple in the extreme! Knock your opponent out of the ring! Throw them out, okay! Push them out, okay!" Your e/c eyes glinted in anticipation. A smile slowly made its way onto your face.
"Punch them all in the air, also okay! If it’s barehanded, okay! The nine contestants still standing will move on to the finals!" You, Ban, and Meliodas grinned at each other.
"Without further ado, let the elimination round begin!" Love Helm yelled, causing the men to all cheer. They all launched themselves at each other, breaking out into fights.
Two men made their way to you, grins on their faces. "This isn’t exactly a contest for girls, but since you are one, we’ll go easy on you," one of them said, grinning at you.
He reached his hand out to you, which you responded by grabbing his arm and throwing him over your back. He grunted as his back slammed onto the ground. You grabbed his ankle and threw him out of the ring, yelling. His friend gasped.
"Y-You threw him out of the ring," he said. He growled and tried to punch you, only for you to jump up and do a spin kick to his head, making him collapse onto the ground. You grabbed him by his collar and threw him out of the ring.
Ban yawned, standing across the ring from you. "Elimination rounds are so boring," he said. He turned to look at you, a smile on his face as he saw you throw men out of the ring, your e/c eyes fierce and full of fire, your hair following you as you moved, your s/c skin bathed in the light of the sun. Ban threw men left and right, not taking his eyes off of you.
You caught a brief glimpse of Meliodas and Ban chatting as they fought off their opponents. You rolled your eyes and smiled, until a man yelled out and charged at you. You ducked and did a low spin kick to his ankles, causing him to collapse with a yell. You then nonchalantly kicked him off of the ring.
You turned around as you heard the grunts of many men. Your eyes widened when you saw a girl who wore a purple hat and cloak, hiding her identity. You knew who she was right away and grinned.
You gasped as you saw a large man charging towards her, her back facing him.
"Look out," you yelled, sprinting to the man and doing a jump spin kick, sending him flying out of the ring. She looked at you and gave you a nod of appreciation. She gasped when you hooked your arm around her neck.
"Hey, Diane," you whispered in her ear.
Diane looked up at you, her purple eyes meeting yours. "Aww, you knew already?"
"Of course I did," you laughed. "I know my best friend’s strength. How the hell did you get this small though?"
"I’ll explain later," she said, smiling. She pulled her hat down so that it’d cast a shadow over her face. "For now, let’s just beat these guys!"
You grinned and got into a fighting stance. "Right."
The two of you took down opponents back to back, a pleased smile on Diane’s face and a mischievous grin on yours.
"Wow! Talk about moves as fast as lightning! These two girls are taking multiple men out of the ring all at once! These two are the definition of dangerous and beauty," The referee called out.
"Wow, Y/N’s doing pretty good," Meliodas said, looking at the two of you. "But who’s that other girls with her?"
Ban raised an eyebrow at the girl who was fighting with you. "Don’t know. I’ll ask her in a bit."
Meliodas looked at Ban, who was now wearing a a jacket that looked suspiciously identical to the one he used to wear, and raised an eyebrow. "Hey, where’d you get that top?"
You crossed your arms, looking at the now almost empty ring. Your eyes scanned to see who was left. You recognized the blondie, Taizoo, a very muscular man who you didn’t know, Ban, Diane (who is still undercover), and Meliodas.
Your eyes widened when you recognized the drunk old man from earlier, who was now standing in the ring. 'Huh?!'
"So, who is still standing in the ring?" The referee called out. Your eyes widened when you realized that there were only 8 instead of 9 people left in the ring.
"There’s one more who hasn’t fallen out of the ring," a man yelled, pointing at someone. You followed his finger to see a traumatized King clinging to his floating pillow.
You laughed at his expression as the men in the crowd were complaining that he was "cheating."
"I admit that it’s playing dirty, but no weapons were being used," Love Helm said. "Therefore, I’ll allow it!"
"Yeah! Go, King," you yelled, laughing but also feeling bad for the poor fairy.
"Good for him, winning by playing dirty," Ban said, snickering.
"Nice way to cheat," Meliodas yelled at King, giving him a thumbs up.
You smiled and made your way to him and Meliodas, shaking from trying to not laugh. You stopped laughing when you realized that Ban was now wearing a jacket that looked just like the one he wore before Guila destroyed it.
"Uh, Ban?" You asked, sweat dropping. He turned to look at you, raising an eyebrow. "Where’d you get that top?"
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radicalbee · 4 years
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EhEheh so uh i refrenced a picture of two cats for this are you proud also im sorry they just make me happy 🥺
Also enjoy the short lil fluff i have for ya good day to you lovelys
Billy held tightly onto Laurie's hand as she led him through the garden. Billy looked around the flourishing garden, admiring the current setting. It was currently sunset and the garden was full of a variety of flora. "W-Wh-Where is p-pretty Laurie taking Billy?" Billy stumbled over his words. She looked over her shoulder as she continued to lead him down the path, "Somewhere very special" .
Laurie led him deeper into the garden. What could be so special? All he'd ever really need is her in his life, so what could be so special in this garden? They went up a set of stairs, Billy looked over the side as Laurie led him up the stairway. He saw a beautiful pergola, covered in overgrowth and flora. Across from that he saw a well taken care of ramada covered in vines and in between of the structures was a pool with beautifully clear water, he almost felt mesmerized by the water.
As they got to the top of the stairs they went under an arbor overgrown in flora. "We're almost there, Billy. I promise", he nodded in response as patient as ever-- atleast for her. Eventually they came to a gazebo, Laurie pulled open the opaque curtains that shown the entrance. "After you," she gave him a smile that he grown very fond of, yet it still seemed to make him as flustered as ever. Billy stepped into the gazebo and sat down at a seat resting against the cushions. Laurie entered and sat beside him, resting against the cushions as well.
After a few moments of silence Billy spoke, "W--Wh-Why did pretty Laurie bring Billy here? D-Did Billy do something wrong?". Billy was fidgeting with his fingers and occasionally the ends of his sleeves, he was scared that he may have something wrong. "Hm?- Oh! No, you didn't do anything wrong, I promise. It's because it's special. It's my happy place", he's never really seen her so relaxed. He always knew her to be hard working and very busy. "H--Ha-Happy...P-Place?" He stammered, "...Garden is....Happy to Pretty Laurie?". She'd nod, a quiet exhale followed. "I--Is....Billy...P-Pr-Pretty Laurie's...Hhh--Happy place too?...", he gave her a nervous glance as his leg would bounce purely out of anxiety.
"Of course. You make me happy, Billy", Billy lifted his head and looked at her, he was pretty confused actually. "..But....B-Billy is....Weird... Billy i-is...Crazy---A-And--" his hand began to shake as he was starting to panic. Laurie sighed quietly before laying down on her belly, she reached her hands motioning him over. He was confused, but he hesitantly layed down on his belly beside her, allowing her to wrap her arms around him and rest her head atop his. He rested his head on her chest.
"Billy, I need you to understand that being weird only makes you who you are. And to me you are beautiful just the way you are", Billy yet again felt his face heat up. He felt so happy when he was with Laurie. "Besides, you're not the only one who's crazy here", Billy lifted his up off her chest slightly to look at her "Wh-".
Laurie snickered, "Crazy for you, ya little possum". Billy snorted, he hardly ever laughed- genuinely that is- but he felt comfortable, safe even, in Laurie's arms. He rested his head back onto her chest, "Billy's crazy for pretty Laurie too." Laurie spoke once more, "Hey, its getting pretty late outside. You ready to head home?-" Billy shoke his head. "Longer. Billy wants to stay here longer with pretty Laurie", "Alright. We'll stay here as long as you want."
They'd stay there for what felt like hours. Billy would've wanted it to last forever honestly.
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sunnysviolin · 3 years
♫ sunny! - ⚜️
Ahhh bean boy!!!! Fleur you lil genius you <3 I am a l w a y s ready to talk about my son
Far From Home by Five Finger Death Punch- This song first off is really really good, and the guitar in it is so intense. But it’s specifically these lyrics in it. “The memories are shadows, ink on the page, and I can't seem to find my way home...and it's almost like your heaven's trying everything to keep me out”  First off chills everytime I think about it. Second off it just hits different when you think of this during the four long years where he continuously falls into his Black Space and out of it. Yeah this song....yeah it hits hard
Danger of Hell by Thomas Newman from the Green Mile soundtrack- First off Stephen King refrences for the win, when I saw Stand by Me in omori I immedaitely texted @omorimewo because both of us consider that one of our top favorite movies. This track has this really intense melancholy feeling that reminds me so much of Sunny
Paint it, Black by Ciara- So I go back and forth about this song because I also sometimes think about it as an Aubrey song. Ultimately I think it’s a combo of Omori/Sunny and specifically the scary parts of Omori that Sunny succumbs to
Like Real People Do- I’m a hozier stan we were not going through this ask game without getting at least one Hozier song on here. Like Real People Do is a sunnflower song, but it’s also just Sunny, It also is a song about the night of the recital
A Quiet Moment by Marco Beltrami from A Quiet Place Soundtrack- Sunny playing the notes from this on Mari’s piano after she dies...that is all..that’s all you need
Thank you for this ask fleur!! You’re such a sweetie!!!! Also I know these might not be some people’s choices, but it’s just my opinion lol
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kuraijen · 3 years
hey i saw your tags on my dont interact w antis post and i reworded it because i didnt intend to make it seem like i thought the penis smp was anything but a bit hfjzksk
i meant the baiting in refrence to antis but it was worded super wierd so ty for pointing it out
Oh yeah np! I didnt have any malicious or critical intent in regards to your original post or anything if you were concerned about that. Glad you were able to improve with ur post tho :)
I was more or less trying to spread awareness to help keep the general fandom’s reputation chill on tumblr, haha. I really appreciate your post though, i shared it with some other folks who were going a bajillion miles per hour at this whole thing. Also thanks for being my first ask! Have a good one
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boleyn-falcon · 4 years
LiW week day 3- Maggie!
hehehe have a slightly angsty fic... as a treat
and yes the title of the fic is refrencing Bessie buuuut you’ll see why, i promise its abt Maggie heheh >:}
Wordcount - 1947
Triggers - slight blood and injury
Tour universe!
                                        Pop goes the Bassist...
      The Theatre in Glasgow was almost dead silent, with the exception of the plucking of bass strings and soft notes of a keyboard. The Ladies in Waiting arrived early to try and set up before the queens so they could start warmups a bit earlier than usual. Without the Queens’ normally loud laughter and voices filling the air, it was peaceful for Bessie and Joan to practice and set up in peace. The two light-haired musicians were enjoying the low energy of the theatre, Maria was out on a walk so there were no loud drums and Maggie was… nowhere to be seen? They had seen her get out of Joan’s car when they arrived, hell they even saw her enter the theatre and put her stuff down, but after that she just dispersed without a word. At least that what they thought until a loud bang erupted from the door by the stage, to reveal the guitarist with her hands behind her back.
    “You guys won’t believe what I found in a store down the street!”, The brunette moved her hands out in front of her to reveal a black hockey stick and a puck. She walked forward just enough to make it onto the stage but was stopped by a justifiably concerned pianist. “Maggie it’s cool and all but why? And why would you bring them up here, that’s just a bad idea waiting to happen..”, the shorter woman scoffed and gave an offended look and moved past her to the center of the stage, “C’mon Snowy-Joey it’ll be fine, I won’t do anything stupid I promise! When have I ever done something dumb on the job?”.  Joan just gave a defeated look and stepped to the side, “Well other than the basketball incident with Cleves, the volleyball net fiasco with Cathy, and-”, the pianist was cut off with a groan, “Well.. okay fine you can have the stick and puck up here for now, but don’t do anything that could cause trouble, please?”, Maggie just gave a small nod and a sly grin in response. “O-oh Mags! Maybe after the shows you could prac-”, the silver-haired Bassist was cut off by a laugh, “Oh dear, dear Bee-Bear… Why would i need to practice? It looks easy enough on TV, all you gotta do is hit the puck as hard as possible, observe!”
    Maggie placed the puck on the stage floor about 2 feet in front of her. She stood with her back facing where an audience would be watching and aimed her body to the left wall of the stage. She separates her feet and bends her knees, looking oddly concentrated. The stick is firmly grasped with both hands and its toe on the ground parallel from the black disk. Like an amateur golf player, the guitarist lifted the stick’s heal behind her head, and swung at the puck with all her might. “Wait Maggie I said-”, before Joan could finish, the rubber puck flew across the stage at what seemed to be the speed of light. It hit the top of the left wall with a loud cracking noise and ricocheted off the surface with near the same speed. Before anyone could move or say anything, the runaway rubber puck found its way to the side of the silver-haired unit of a bassist with a loud smack, followed by the sound of Bessie’s body hitting the ground with a thud.
         Maggie quickly dropped the stick and ran towards the unconscious woman before Joan could even start to mutter a ‘wait-’. She dropped to her knees beside her taller friend and turned her over, followed by Joan, obviously just as worried. “Shit shit SHIT!”, Maggie began to shake Bessie’s limp body vigorously before Joan grabbed her wrists and pulled her hands off of her limp bandmate, “Shaking her like that won’t fix anything Maggie! I told you to be careful and not do anything stupid!”. Joan didn’t necessarily sound angry, just panicked, disappointed, and even a confused, all the brunette woman could muster was a mixture of ‘I’s and ‘Um’s before she just gave up. “Well okay as long as Mari-”  “What in the Lord’s name is going on?!”  “Uh oh..”, Maggie and Joan turned to see a very angry looking Maria with a disapproving look plastered across her face. The drummer gave Maggie a side glare that basically just said, ‘you have five seconds to explain what you did before I rip you a new one’. Maggie stood up and walked over to Maria, meeting her eye to eye, “Okay so bought some hockey stuff and I wanted to prove I didn’t need practice to use it well and I kinda hit the puck so hard it flew off the wall and hit Bessie square in the side of the head…”, Maria’s nose started to flare and she was about to say something but Maggie continued, “I-I didn’t mean to hit her I swear! It was an accident! She’ll probably just wake up in a few minutes, as long as we don’t tell the Queens we’ll be fi-”  “Oh no young lady, not ‘we’ YOU, and since all you seem to care about is saving your own tail and less about our friend, you’re going to stay here and make sure she’s okay while me and Joan,” Maria strides over to Joan and grabs her by her frail arm, “are going to go have some coffee down the street. This is your chance to learn some responsibility for your actions”. Maria stomped off the stage with Joan still in her grasp, the pale girl could only turn her head and mouth a quick ‘good luck’ before they were out the door, leaving Maggie with a blacked-out Bessie, still laying on the floor by her bass.
   Maggie had no idea what she had gotten herself into. The first thing she could think to do was get Bessie off the stage and into a dressing room. Walking back over to the bassist, she stopped and grabbed Bessie’s limp forearm and started to drag. After about ten seconds of dragging, she dropped the arm, accidentally on Bessie’s face, and needed a better way of moving her. “Okay Bess we got this”, she leaned down and grabbed Bessie’s hips, and throwing her upper half over Maggie’s should like a sack of potatoes. The guitarist may be short, but she had some muscle, she’s able to lift things double her size and weight but this ability to having to lift all the band’s heavy equipment, apparently know even unconscious bass players. She jumped off the side of the stage and made her way towards the dressing rooms, deciding just to go to the first one she found. Opening door after door, she finally found a dressing room, and thankfully it even had a tiny grey sofa in the corner. Maggie dropped her friend on the sofa and stood back to get a better look. It had already been maybe ten minutes since she got knocked out cold and she didn’t show any signs of waking up soon, Maggie was starting to worry. “Okay okay Google prolly knows if this is normal or not, I bet this is all okay, yep Kathrine totally won’t murder me for this!”, she pulls her phone out of her pocket and began to type like there was no tomorrow, ‘how long do people normally stay knocked out for?’. She felt her heart sink slightly when she got her answer, it was only at most supposed to last five too ten minutes at most. She tried to calm down slightly and decided maybe getting Bessie’s hairband off might help? The smaller woman’s hand reached over and took the black band off but stopped once it was off, Bessie’s silver hair that was once hidden by the hairband...was stained red.
       Maggie dropped the hairband and started to shake. It may not have been the most blood, it was easily covered by the band, but it was enough to send the guitarist into a new level of panic. Seeing the crimson spot in her friend’s hair threw all of Maggie’s rationality and sense of reality out the door. She rushed to her unmoving bandmate’s side in an instant, grabbing her shoulders and trying to hold her upper half up slightly. Her shaking hand touched the spot of red in Bessie’s silver hair, she moved the hair to the side to see a small cut in her scalp. ‘Oh god oh god what have I done?!’ the thoughts screamed in her brain, it was almost as loud as the beating of her heart in her ears. All mind just kept racing and racing, screaming things over and over, ‘you killed her’ ‘this is your fault’ ‘Maria was right, your selfishness just killed Bessie’ ‘you could have prevented this, you know what this is? Its Anne… all over again, but this time the blood really is on your hands’. The last statement was the breaking point, she broke down. Her gross sobs began to rock her body, grabbing Bessie body she buried her head into her bandmate’s chest, her sobs started to even sound like muffled screaming. “God Bessie I’m so sorry!”, she stopped to take a shaky breath and to let out another sob, “Bessie I’m sorry! I should have listened...God your dead and its MY FAULT!”, those last two words became a scream that echoed throughout the backstage area. Maggie didn’t have the strength to continue forming sentences and just repeated pained ‘I’m sorry’s and ‘Please come back’s. The ocean eyed woman was so out of it, she didn’t even notice the arms that wrapped themselves around her body.
 “Calm down Little Pine Marten, calm down”, the now conscious woman began to shush the sobbing woman clinging to her. Maggie stiffened and pulled back, still crying. “You...You- your not-”, Bessie chuckled slightly and sat up fully, “Of course I’m not dead you idiot! Why in the world would you think that?”. The guitarist shushed slightly and cast her eyes at the ground, not daring to look at her very much alive friend in the eyes, “Do you remember what happened..?”, Bessie gave a small nod and waited for Maggie to continue, “Because I… I-I hit you with th-the puck and you hit the ground...It’s been over ten minutes and you-you weren’t waking up and… I took your hairband off and you were b-b-ble-”, Maggie’s own sobs cut her off. Bessie just gave her a warm smile and pulled maggie back into a hug. “And you c-could have d-died and it would have been because of ME!”, the small shriek that accompanied that last word made the silver-haired woman’s heartbreak. She pulled the smaller woman off of her and tilted her head up to meet her eyes, “Margret Lee listen to me”, Bessie’s smile made it obvious that she wasn’t mad but Maggie was anxious anyway, “Did you make a stupid decision? Yes, but everyone does. Yea it got me hurt but look I’m fine see? Trust me I’m nowhere near dead, and I’m not mad, I could never be mad at you Mags. Just next time, think before you act okay? So nothing like this happens again, It’s just a lesson to be learned”, the bassist finished her lecture with one last hug. Maggie could only cry more, but this time it was a mix of leftover guilt and gratitude, gratitude that her friend was okay and that she had learned something. She learned she really should think about others, but she also learned that her friends love her… no matter what.
here have a cursed edit i made while in the middle of writing this!
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shatteredviaart6557 · 4 years
Isn't it,lovely?
A lesbian story of Moonlight and Angelica
(Moonlight and Angelica are my OC'S,so I confirm they both as lesbian girl's)
Moonlight wake up with her tear's,she didn't know what happen to her. Then,She remembered that she had a mirror girl nightmare's
(Please,don't think its Lapis Lazuli. Why? Because Angelica is not Lapis)
"Ugh,why I keep thinking about that mirror girl?! That's just a girly mirror or...maybe its like a barbie mirror? Ha! Ha! Ha....ha..."
Moonlight stop laughing about a mirror girl,She also started to cried.
"Why am I laughing about her..? Its not even funny..."
Moonlight stand up and look at the mirror then sigh
"Angelica? I'm sorry for insulted you...I didn't meant that,I also being an as*h*** at first,and your right Angelica...I was a big bully. I didn't know a girl like you are so calm and emotionally"
Moonlight sigh again then wait for her respond
"Its alright,Moony. I wasn't mad"
Angelica replies Moonlight with a soft voice,Moonlight blushed what Angelica did just call her
"Angelica? Why do you call me 'Moony'?"
Ask Moonlight with curious face,Angelica blush too
"I'm sorry...I just wanted to give you a cute nickname..."
Moonlight chuckles
"Its okay Angelica,I just like to hear that you admit"
Angelica blush more then laugh
"Oh my,I didn't knew I was admitting!"
Moonlight laugh and wipe her tears
"I also have a cute nickname for you"
Angelica smiled
"What is it? "
Asked Angelica with a cute smile
"Your nickname is...Angel~"
Said Moonlight then Angelica blushed even more
"W-wow,that's umm a cute nickname heh"
Angelica blush more and more
"Angel? You alright? Your face are so red. What's wrong?"
Angelica started to giggle at Moonlight question
"Nothing,I just love being red "
Moonlight laugh's at Angelica jokes
"Oh my god,I never know that you are HILL-arious!"
Angelica also laugh
Angelica laugh even more
"I don't know babe"
She blushed,and ask Moonlight
"Moony? Why do you call me 'Babe'? "
Moonlight start to blush and sweating at the same time
"W-whoops,I'm sorry! Sometimes,I can't control my words!"
Angelica start to feel uncomfrotable then stop talking with her
She noticed Angelica was uncomfrotable with Moonlight,She started to cry again
Moonlight scream until Zoey came in
"What's wrong honey?"
Ask Zoey then Moonlight cries and explain.
After,she explain to Zoey. She started to shock and realize her daughter was a lesbian.
"Daughter,I also have that pain since mom was 16 years old. Mom called her 'Baby' and she uncomfrotable with me then stay away from me,she said "Why do you call me baby? We are friends,y'know?". Mom didn't notice what mom just said and I said "I'm sorry,I just umm I has a crush on you since I saw you before you become a popular girl" she started to mad at me then scream "WE ARE NOT FRIENDS ANYMORE!!" She left mom with angry expression"
Moonlight start to hug Zoey with her will
"Mom I didn't know that mom are heartbroken with a girl"
Zoey hug Moonlight back
"I'm sorry to tell you this,but mom is Bisexual"
Moonlight suprise then smile's
"Its okay mom..I understand"
"Go back to sleep now,Moonlight"
"Alright mom"
*Moonlight started to sleep
(Aye! You know where I take this refrence?)
Moonlight Nightmare
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She wake up in a beautiful place which has a cherry blossom tree and beautiful flower's. She look everywhere and the place is glitched
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Moonlight walk away then fall's into a mysterious place which is called...
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Deppresing room..
She open's the door and saw a female with blue dress
"Moony..I'm sorry...I shouldn't just be quiet and left you.."
Moonlight keep listening what Angelica just said then Angelica stand up and goes to door. Moonlight panic and hides somewhere.
"Moony,isn't it lovely to be a lonely female that lives in lonely place?"
Moonlight keep listening then decided to stop hiding
"No,it wasn't lovely"
Angelica shock and look at her
"Moonlight??? What are you doing here??"
Moonlight sigh
"It wasn't very lovely to be alone"
Angelica look at her with confusion face
"What do you mean by that?"
Moonlight look at her with despair face
"I'm lonely too but..that was suck for being alone.."
Angelica suprise and notice Moonlight is blushing
"Why are you blushing,moony?"
Moonlight get close to her then look at her with angry face
"Y-you...You don't love me...right?"
Angelica shock
"No. I don't hate you! I love you!"
Angelica shock even more
"What did I just say...O-Of course I don't love you Moonlight!"
Moonlight started to cried again and again..
Angelica feel bad and mad then yelling
Angelica also cried then Moonlight start to stay away from her
"I don't wanna be feel love again..."
Moonlight runs away...
Moonlight wake up again then stand up and searching knife
Moonlight take knife and cut her arm's
Angelica don't love me
She hate me...
I don't desserve to live
I want to free her...
Zoey goes to kitchen then shock that Moonlight is cutting her arms
Moonlight suprise and runs to her room then locked so Zoey won't come in..She lay down at her bed with her tears
"I can't believe what have I done..."
She sleep again...
To see Angelica...
Moonlight are back but in diffrent place which have many glitches on those door
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Moonlight open the door and saw her room is glitching as well
"Angel!! I'm sorry!! I'm the one who make's you hate me!!"
Angelica look at her with expressionless
Moonlight shock then lay down and cried
"I'm Moonlight...I...I...I hate myself...Angel? Please...don't glitching yourself...your important than I do..."
Angelica looks at her with confusion face
"But I love you Angel...I care for you than my life..I love you Angel"
Moonlight start to kiss Angelica lips and her memories are back.
Angelica kiss Moonlight lips back
"I love you Angelica you are the matter to me"
Angelica cried and hug her
"I love you too Moonlight,I have been so selfish for a long days..."
Moonlight hug her back with a happiness
"Can I get you out from this place?"
Angelica smiled and nod
"Sure thing,Moony"
Moonlight wake up at 7:00 A.M. and hold a mirror
"Hold on there Angel"
She tries to use her powers as strong as she can
*Angelica already get out from mirror
"A-angel? Y-you are real?!"
Screamed Moonlight
"I am real now,Moony"
Moonlight smiles and blush
"You are so cute,gotta admit~"
Angelica blushed and kiss Moonlight
The End
Me:yay,now I can sleep!
You:wait! Since you start writting these?
Me:At 12:21 A.m. until 2:01 a.m.!
You:Why are you still typing?
Me:Forget about it! Ask me questions before I sleep!
You:Will be there any MoonLica?
Me:Yep! I would love to do that!
You:any other ships?
DarVia(Dark X Via)
MystSe(Myst X Rose)
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