shingodzillaa · 3 months
gonna start giving the forest gods a sacrifice every week until there’s a rent freeze and then all the scumbag land scalpers will be forced to sell their extra properties, thus flooding the market with homes and making it easier for people to buy their own fucking house 💚
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liveyun · 7 months
𝐓 𝐎 𝐍 𝐈 𝐆 𝐇 𝐓 — KSJ.
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title : tonight
pairing. seokjin x female reader (oc)
genre. fluff , students au , romance
w. love at the first sight(?) ; oc is struggling a lot ; foul language ; some mentions of stalking (no one is stalking) ; dad jokes ; softness <3
wc. ≤ 4k
You've never ever been so excited to go to the school cafeteria before until one day you noticed him.
Those games were always boring to you, only if your friends didn't force you to join in. Backing off while your brain scrambles to think of an excuse when your back suddenly hits a firm and muscular back as you spin back, in slight shock, those broad shoulders never leaving your sight. That person was visibly taller as he turned to you with the same, hurried air, flurries of apologies coming out through splutters.
“I’m-I’m so sorry,—”
His friends swarm around his shoulders, petting him with short praises and yells. That feeling in your stomach was immaculate. At that exact moment your breath hitches in your throat and you momentarily forget what is breathing. Your heart thumps as if it was going to burst out, and your throat dries up.
Tresses of silk-like raven hair rested on his forehead, parting to give him the perfect forehead you'd ever seen. His face glows with the lighting of the room, and you'd easily believe the glow outdid the sun easily. With those almond shaped, curious eyes which radiated the warm aroma of fresh melted chocolate, he had those squishy cheeks paired with cranberry pillowy lips. An instant dazzling smile highlighting the sculpture of his face instantly made your heart throb at the very first sight.
Even though the encounter was just for a matter of seconds which can be surmised to be long forgotten, it was anything but. That was imprinted in your heart as if it's meant to be within those deep treasures of the sea, a Siren’s voice by the sober shores of the coast. Each recollection of the memory left your heart pulsing like small jitters of the first snow and butterflies fluttering inside your tummy as if they're playing with a young, playful kitten.
It didn't leave your brain at all at times, especially when you returned to the cafeteria where the incident took place. Sometimes, as much as you're basful to admit, you'd visit to come back to the fleeting happiness you'd felt back with a slight exchange of formalities with the guy who stole your heart from you, and doesn't seem to be seen anywhere afterwards.
Choosing the table closest to the window, today you're alone as your stomach rumbles with hunger. you sit down with your plate in your hand, ready to eat after a long day.
The aroma of the warm bowl of dubu jigaetguk calms you down as you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding on. Being a student with a part time job as waitress in a pub wasn't easy to say, to some point. Sure, you're used to the strain you're putting on your already tired body from your tedious routine, but when you realize how you hardly get any rest for yourself.
Whether you like it or not, whether your social batter is on the verge of dying, you again have to reach school on time after getting an ounce of rest, or sometimes, even not. Getting dozens of assignments and projects to finish and much less time to compete with,you end up in the library finishing them, often starving yourself in the process. Then again, cycling back to your workplace, the foul, shitty pub where a single mistake can earn thousands of souls, weird looks and mockings from that ass manager of yours.
Or sometimes, even deduction from your paycheck if the humiliation doesn't feel enough to him. It's almost past midnight when you reach your rented apartment. Your muscles are sore, aching, and screaming for a break with your social battery already dead by the time you fall back to your bed, trying to fall into a dreamless sleep.
Well, if you're particularly clear, there wasn't anything to do; if you wanted to continue your precious education you had to do this. The sun can shine only so brightly when it burns just as strongly, yes?
Eh, apart from the poetry. . .finally after weeks you got some time to eat. A quick peek at the huge windows and you know that there's a sudden drizzle which has people rushing about for a shelter to the unexpected rain. You notice a few people rushing into the cafeteria too, and a happy thought strikes your head at the new crowd. Him. Your heart begins racing and all the memories flashes again as if they're happening right now. The hopes of finding him again thaws in your chest and your lips quirk up to a smile unknowingly.
Him. . . .who was he and what had he done to you? What was his name? Once again you felt your heart pick up its that it felt like it was drumming with happiness inside; Was he of the same school as yours? Obviously, it had to be or else what he would be doing in the cafeteria area.
But you'd sometimes even see the students from other nearby schools during competitions or fests here, so it could be a possibility.
He seemed to be pretty much popular within his friends, you assume. You could, by just looking at the number of people who'd swarmed around him at that moment and when your small interaction was over, their giggles and laughs were enough to prove he was a good friend of theirs indeed.
It was a bit too overwhelming sometimes as a part of you is hurt to think that you've actually fallen for a stranger within some seconds when you can't seem to find any traces of him so far, or you don't know anything about him. Pining for a stranger who might even not be single has your breath shaking.
A sigh leaves your quivering lips. Why did your heart have to do that ? Your head drops to your hands, your thoughts pulling yourself down to your loneliness once again.
Fiddling the spoon on your bowl while you stare with your head empty at the mushy mass of tofu floating in the seasoned soup, long gone cold. Your brain is on a loop thinking about all those, his perfect face, his possible popularity, the way he was just surrounded by his friends. If he wasn't nice , how could they hang out with him? A true person makes a true friend, and for sure that thought kind of convinced you that he maybe wasn't. . ..in your league.
Or so you'd convince yourself somehow that you had no chances with him. You, the loner who always has been avoiding people, making excuses to avoid interaction, easily losing interest. Being a social butterfly wasn't your thing, really. Making stoney faces and uninterested replies was your thing, and you were used to those stares at the pub bar and in your school where God knows by what names and what assumptions were you being called so, and you couldn't care more. Your heart may have pumped warm blood, but its veins carried numbness and no signs of interest for the hate. Times have made you that way, and you still are.
He was. . .just an acquaintance. Or even something less. You didn't even know his goddamn name ! You know that your heart will have a hard time understanding what your brain already has, but sooner or later you'll have to, afterall. It was already a month following this incident, and you had to distract yourself to move on.
Shaking your head to let go of those thoughts, you're now mentally scolding yourself for overthinking, again and you just wanted to forget him, that incident which took place both in the cafeteria and in your heart. There are some extremely alluring and beautiful things in this world which are craved by many, but are achieved by only a few.
That's it; you now wanted to finish up your meal and as soon as you'd completed today's schedule, you wanted to go home. Yes, home.
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The bell rings, finally.
And now, it's time for the teacher to depart. As soon as she leaves the class you switch on your cell and your eyes fall on the texts from your co-worker oblique friend Grace.
grace ⭐ : OoO
grace ⭐ : Big Newsssss
grace ⭐ : no work today!!
SEEN. 1:00 PM
you : huh?
you : ??
grace ⭐ : Manager called in a day 😵‍💫
grace ⭐ : He says it's some ‘Personal Stuff’ He has fallen into😶
Sighing, your thoughts run up to your warm bed among soft,warm sheets to the fact that you have your biology exam tomorrow leaves a frustrating aftertaste in your tongue. You decide to stay back in the library, at least you'd be studying and it would be a nice distraction from all those non stop floods of thoughts.
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You didn't realize the time flies so soon that you've actually completed memorizing the final two chapters without any fail sitting in peace with all the focus on your book and notebook and no other distracting thoughts inside you.
A wave of satisfaction floods over your body, as you close your eyes and let out a little breath. You just keep still for some moments like that, cherishing your little victory until you felt the seat beside you was occupied. You didn't pay much attention to it since it was a school library; anyone could come in and you didn't care less. You just buried your head in your book and slowly, your signs of exhaustion were clear. Your eyes felt heavy to be kept open, getting watery each time you yawned.
Fuck, sleep sounds way too good now. Your burning eyes close for a while. Heaven. Your head is almost about to fall down on your book when you suddenly feel a tap on your shoulder. Jerking with a silent breath, you turn to the source of the tap.
Your sleep-riddled brain is already clogging up and your breath is again caught up. Your heart begins thumping at such a rate that it's starting to hurt a bit, and a small gasp leaves your lips.
That same face, those same plush lips and that glow. Those chocolate brown eyes softly staring at you, while his lips adorned a gentle smile causing his cheeks to puff up slightly.
“Hey..” fuck. His voice is so fucking smooth and soft, you feel like you're floating on a cloud. Nah, it cannot be real. He cannot be real. You must've fallen asleep at this point.
“Are you okay...?" His voice echoes in your ears at the lack of your reply and your dazed expression,.presently tearing you out from your daydream.
“We—we met at the cafeteria that day, if I'm not—”
“I remember you,” you cut him off by a murmur, thinking of how vividly you remember him ever since that meeting. You put a hand on your chest as you blink, breathing heavily with your heart still thrumming hard.
A water bottle was passed to your hands as you looked up at him again, his eyebrows furrowed slightly. He started apologizing as he thought that he disturbed your study session and kind of caught you off guard. You decline and shrug it off like nothing much happened, as you feel your tummy already swarming with a forest of butterflies at even the bare minimum. The way he's so. . you don't know, but whatever it is, it's doing nothing good to your poor heart. You already feel your cheeks ignite at its very thought of looking at those warm, soft, roasted coffee eyes.
“I’m Seokjin. I realized that I should’ve introduced myself to you that day, but by the time I did, you already were gone,”
He quips with a laugh,taking out his books on the table as you realize it's your turn to introduce yourself. As soon as you do it, you wished if you weren't so nervous and didn’t sound so small to him as you did to yourself; but a sweet smile was given off as a response.
“Erm..for that day, I'm really sorry. Those brats wanted me to join a frat party, and while I told them how much I hate frat houses, I didn't realize that you were behind me,” he rubs the back of his neck with a nervous laugh almost as if he's embarrassed.
“It's..it's quite rude that I left without an apology.” His eyes are even softer, melting your heart even more.
“But you did apologize to me?” You laugh off, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear as you feel his wide gaze at you as he breaks down to a fit of nervous giggles.
Did you see correctly that his ears were flushed red?
“I finally found some time to study, so I decided to be here. Just when I was passing by, I saw you and thought of. . .well, apologizing properly this time,”
He's rubbing his neck again as if he's embarrassed to speak it out and itches to speak more. You ask him to continue. Clearing his throat, he says, “I wanted to be friends with you. I've seen you pretty many times in the local bar. Each time I'd try to find you, you were always scuttering away into the chambers. Much to my surprise I found you in our school cafeteria.”
“I actually wanted to talk to you, even before our bumping happened and I never got to see you after that. . .”
Your eyes flick up to him as he suddenly jumps on his seat, shaking his head violently with wide, shaking pupils.
“Nono!! no!! Don't, don't get me wrong,” he chokes out, “I wasn't stalking you or something like that, I just. . . couldn't at all get a grip on my curiosity. . .” he's rubbing his neck again, and you bet you saw his cheeks pink this time. He's so adorable and it makes you giggle, a surprising sound which you think you haven't heard of before.
“So, you're a regular of the turquoise villa?” He looks up at you, somewhat relieved to not have been perceived as a stalker. “Well, not really regular, you know? I don't drink often, but it's like I've been dragged there at times for the birthday celebration of my homies. Or when anyone needed alcohol to let go of their grief,”
“So like I've been there thrice or twice, and I've seen you all the times I've visited.” You are quite surprised yourself. Thinking of the fact that he wanted to talk to you as much as you wanted to have blood rushing up to your cheeks. You're trying your best not to react so openly at this, but you're having a hard time controlling your heart. It beats so loudly that you feel your blood rushing up to your brain in your ears.
He asks you again if you're ok.
You shrug again.
“You could've just. . .heh, joined me at the library since I'm here after lunch,”You laugh, embarrassed at your own loss at words. He flashes a sweet smile your way, suddenly flicking his wrist to get a look at the time on his watch.
“So, is it a day off for you?”
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Months have passed after your friendship with him began to bloom, and you find yourself falling more and more for him. You feel your mask slip more and more each day when you're with him. He was totally how you expected him to be, understanding, radiant, intelligent and humorous. And not to mention, had a face carved by God themselves.
All of your bad days seemed like nothing when you had him, whether it was his sweet gesture of sharing his ramen with you during lunch; Encouraging and comforting you when your thoughts spiraled downwards. Whether it's just him and you sitting in silence, basking in each other's company, or cackling like dumb idiots at his dad jokes which were in abundance with him. Your colorless life seemed to have suddenly filled with rainbow colors, as sparkles lit up your numb heart which seems to have known him, and beats only for him. You feel utterly selfish at times, but him saying that he enjoys hanging out with you just as much as you do somehow puts you at ease.
As if apart from pumping blood his existence was the reason for your heart beats, that subtle drumming was felt by you each time whenever his face flashes in your mind, as if your heart knows him. You couldn't really help yourself, it felt like you were rolling and rolling down continuously an inclined hill for him and those feelings were just too much to bear. Yet, you have decided to keep cool cause lord knows for what you didn't want to confess.
Perhaps it's the fear of losing a friend who meant so much to you, you wanted to go with the flow and just endure it.
Apart from being a really sweet guy, his sense of humour is impeccable. You two are pretty good friends now. Even if you don't meet each other at the school due to the different routines, you two have regular contact through text and calls, which kind of is. . . awaited for you to listen to his voice and his pretty little jokes.
A chilly night as it was tonight, your grumbling manager is dismissing the employees a bit early. You rumble your bag to keep your uniform back and sling it up your shoulders, waving goodbye to Grace who seems equally as tired as you. Stretching your aching and sore limbs, you sigh and rub your shoulders. Waves of exhaustion flows through you, as you yawn, cursing at your own self as you take small, tortoise steps towards your house.
You're lost in your own world when you feel a tap on your shoulder out of nowhere and your breath is knocked out of your lungs. You're nearly screaming as you jump, startled, but suddenly you smack your lips as you see that taller boy laughing loudly, broad shoulders shaking with each squeak.
You snort, “Seokjin, you ass, you scared the living shit out of me.” He is laughing breathlessly and you smack his shoulder, earning a small ow from him. Soon, he gently holds your shoulders and calms himself down.
"But hey, what are you doing here, Seokjin? We're already closed for the evenin—”
“Hm,I was up for a walk and I suddenly felt my limbs carrying themselves here. Muscle memory, maybe?” He rubs his chin as if in deep thought, and you nearly huff.
“I haven't seen you for a few days. But it turns out that you're already leaving, so I thought of walking you home, as I see you're quite tired, if you don't mind.”
“Ha, are you gonna carry me or something?” you chirp as you walk along, suddenly all of the exhaustion vanishing away from you.
“If you'd let me, I surely would.” You fake a gasp and try to ignore the fluttering in your stomach once again.
You walk down the pavement with him by your side.
“Yes?” you're curious as you look up at him.
“What do you say when you're busy on a call, and want to talk to a person later?” his eyes are twinkling by the time he finishes his question. You're thinking, hard, what possibly could be his joke.
“I’ll.. I'll call you later?”
He groans,“Don’t call me later. Call me Seokjin, please.”
“Wh—” you stop by your tracks and roar a laugh, him squeaking along with you. Fuck, your stomach hurt with that. You pant as you near your apartment, sighing happily.
A chilly wind blows through, and goosebumps flood all over your skin as you rub your arms with your hands, feeling a bit cold. You wished if you would've stuffed the hoodie inside your bag, then you wouldn't have been facing this right now.
Suddenly, you feel two hands wrap around your shoulders softly as you turn and you find that his black bomber jacket is wrapped around your shoulders.
This awkward position where you basically have your face craned up to look at him, has his face just a few inches away from yours. You feel his breath gently brushing your face. Your eyes winden themselves, as your blood rushes up to your cheeks, and your heart is thumping, again. Your lips part slightly, seeing him this close where you can smell the faint but enchanting scent of his woody cologne could be described just as a dream . . . and now it's true.
You can't help but gasp with your heart thundering inside your chest, warmth radiates from his jacket, his soft smile contrasting with his beautiful eyes twinkling in the starry night.
“Seokjin. . .” fuck. You did sound small.
“Hm? Are you still cold?" He asks with a soft voice as your chest is almost hurting with its fast beats. “No. . .” quite the opposite. You pull your hands to your chest again, as he chuckles lightly. You look down with completely flushed cheeks. You feel like you're about to burst at the close proximity.
“I. . .” You close your eyes, unable to confront your shyness. Fuck, you've never been ever this close to him, you've never ever been so close. . . ! His strong arms snakes around your waist inside the loosely hanging jacket, spinning you so that you're facing him. Your eyes nearly pop out of your sockets, but the somewhat hesitant look in his eyes explains that he's nervous, too. You relax visibly in his hold, your body turning to putty under his eyes. He smiles as he sees your pupils dilate, breathing wild.
His hold on you is gentle gentle gentle, and if you'd die here, you happily would, if this is what heaven feels like. His nose nearly brushes by your own with how close he is to you, and his soft, long bangs tickle the apples of your cheeks as he pulls you even closer. Fuck. Fuck. This really is happening.
By the time he speaks again, the entire world stops for you and all that you can hear is his silent, but delicate voice in your ears, “I just want to ask you if I can keep you warm with me by your side, holding hands just like this.”
Oh, fuck. You cannot beleive what's happening. But whatever is, you just want to do. . . cherish. You hope you'll be talking about this later, too.
You nod.
A toothy grin spreads all over his lips, his face lighting up instantly.
He tilts his head to lean in more and whisper a small thank you. And then, his lips press so softly against your own, and you feel yourself smile as your hands reach up to his neck, pulling him closer to you.
You'd let him keep you warm forever.
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a/n : missing seokjinnie a bit too much lately (⁠。⁠ノ⁠ω⁠\⁠。⁠) i hope you enjoyed reading this smol drabble <3 don't forget to drop a reblog if you did, it helps a lot 🤍
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blaxcunicorn · 5 months
Heeey! I just wrote something random as I felt a bit inspired after reading Just kids by Patti Smith. I have been busy with my exams which is why I've been gone for so long but we back!
Content: fem!reader, NSFW warning, Rockstar Eren before fame, friends to lovers, poverty
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You hissed as you cut your pinky finger on a thorn while making a flower bouquet for a customer. You sucked it up and gave the sweet lady her bouquet with a smile. “It’s perfect, thank you. My daughter is going to love it.” She smiled. Her smile warmed your heart. Being a florist wasn’t the most fulfilling job, but making people like her smile motivates you. Well, that and putting food on the table. You grew up in the city's poorer side, so there weren’t many opportunities for you after high school. The florist job was the best thing you could find, it isn’t all bad, the owner has been nothing but kind to you. You heard the doorbell ring as Mrs Johnson came walking into the shop with bags that smelled like heaven. She and her husband owned the bakery next to the shop, and they would always bring you the leftovers of the day. “Here, my love, it’s not that much, but hopefully, it is enough for a day.” She smiled gently. You opened the bag; it was a sandwich, a croissant, and a whole loaf of bread. “This is more than enough, thank you.” You said gratefully, setting the store ready for closure. 
You walked into your tired apartment building, greeting the tired landlord who was seated at his usual desk spot. He gave you a sad smile as you stood outside your brown door with an eviction note taped on it. They were increasing the rent, and you were already struggling to meet the current increase of the last one. You had to sell your bed in order to afford last month’s payment. You opened the door to your small yellow-walled studio. You put the bakery bag on the counter, grab the sandwich, and cut it in half, leaving the other piece on the plate. As you sat down with your sandwich, you noticed a pair of pants with holes on the left knee on the table. You shook your head and pulled out your sewing equipment. As you almost finished stitching the pants, you heard the familiar sound of the heavy steps of construction boots.
Eren entered the room, greeting you with a warm grin. “Man, I’m exhausted, Gold, but how was your day?” He asked, putting his yellow helmet on the counter. He has called you Gold since childhood, which you never entirely understood. You and Eren grew up as neighbours in the very same building. You lived in another apartment with your grandmother, and Eren lived with his parents. Life dealt the two of you shitty cards, and Eren’s mother was killed in a robbery gone wrong when you were only five years old. His father passed away from a heart attack when he was fifteen, and he had to drop out of school to find a job. Your grandmother didn’t have the financial means to help him, but she would cook him meals as often as possible. Unfortunately, that didn’t last long, as she passed away when you were sixteen. Eren offered you to move in with him so that you didn’t have to drop out like him. Mrs Johnson, who was your grandmother’s friend, helped you get a part-time job as a florist. You managed to finish high school, and well here you are. 
“Hello, Gold. Are you okay?” He asked, looking concerned. You jump a little as you had zoned out, I mean, how could you not? The construction job had made Eren quite built, he literally looked like a Greek God. “I’m fine, sorry. Just a little tired, that’s all.” You smiled while finishing the pants throwing it at Eren. “Thanks, you’re the best!” He grinned, caught it, and grabbed the other half of the sandwich. His smile disappeared the moment he came closer. He held your hand and stroked your finger with his thumb. “Don’t worry, I just cut myself a bit at work”, you smile, trying to ease the tension. Eren doesn't respond, his eyes are focused on the scar. “I will provide you a life where you don't have to take jobs that will leave you scars” he muttered. “Huh?” You said, looking confused. “Nothing..Hey, I brought a surprise!” He grinned, pulling out two bottles of cheap white wine. “What are we celebrating?” You smile, folding his pants. “The guys and I finished fixing the van! We are leaving for LA  by the end of next week!” He said excitedly, pulling out two plastic cups. You swallowed hard but tried to put on a smile for him, although your eyes were stinging. 
Eren learned how to play guitar from Armin’s grandfather at the age of fifteen. He owned an instrument shop and noticed that a couple of kids were interested in the instruments. It was first Connie who came in looking at the drums. Armin’s grandfather sat the bold boy down and taught him how to play the instrument. The second time Connie came, he brought his friend Jean. Jean was mesmerised by the beautiful black and white bass. Which after a few weeks, it became his best friend (after Connie, ofc!).
 Lastly, we have Eren, he was on his way home from work when he saw Armin’s grandfather struggle with some boxes. He offered to help, which the elderly man accepted. One of the boxes contained a black electric guitar. Armin’s grandfather offered Eren to try it out as he saw his green eyes glow at the sight of it. Weeks later, he introduced the three boys to his grandson Armin who could play both keyboard and guitar. The boys quickly became friends and started playing together in the evenings. Armin’s grandfather believed that it was better for the boys to be distracted from the crimes in the city, and what better distraction than music? The elderly man passed away four years later. From there on, the boys knew that they wanted to start a band and make it out of the city. They found an abandoned van that they spent a year fixing with the help of Jean’s mechanic background. The plan was to use the van to drive to LA and sleep in it if they couldn't afford a Motel. Now it being done meant that Eren would soon leave to follow his dreams. 
You took the cup, he offered you, “Cheers to you for making it in LA!” You said, smiling. “Cheers for the two of us making it in LA!” The Chestnut-haired man said, correcting you. “Us? As in..” 
“Would you think that I would leave you behind in this shitty city?” Eren asked, looking at you like you had stated something silly like the moon was made out of cheese. “Yeah, I mean…ehm”, you played with your fingers. The guys always referred to you as their fifth member. You weren't a direct member of the band, but you had sewed them a few pieces to wear when they’d do free bar performances. “I could never leave you behind, it’s you and me against the world. Like it always has been.” He grins, toasting his wine before downing it in one go. It warmed your heart to know that Eren would never forget about you. After finishing the bottles, the two of you are pretty drunk. “Eren, could you please play something for me?” You ask, batting your eyelashes.
You look so damn cute drunk. How could he say no? “Sure, what song?.” He says, picking up his guitar. “This Charming Man!” You say excitedly. You danced to Eren’s angelic voice, “Ah, a jumped-up pantry boy who never knew his place!” You shout, and Eren gets up and dances with you. One day, I will write you a song that will make you dance like that, he thought to himself.  The two of you danced like you had no care in the world, as putting food on the table was not an issue, as you weren’t surrounded by crime and death. 
The two of you lie in bed, dizzy and out of breath but happy. You turn your bodies to face each other. “Eren, did you mean it when you said that it was the two of us against the world?” You ask for reinsurance. “Of course I did, I can’t imagine any other woman by my side but you.” The alcohol in his system was exposing him. You smiled while massage his ear lobe. “Is that so?” You whispered, dying of happiness on the inside. He doesn’t respond but looks at you like a lovesick crackhead. Your cheek burned, and you turned your head to face the cracking roof in embarrassment. 
Eren cupped your cheeks, forcing you to face him again. You leaned into the warmth of his rough hands. “What am I to you, Eren?” Your lips were almost touching, and the smell of wine filled your nose. He leans in and kisses you passionately. His lips were a big contrast to his hands. You felt a needy heat growing between your legs, it seemed like Eren was reading your mind as he slid his two fingers under your dress. “Already wet for me?” He whispered. “Yes,” you whined.
 Eren removed your dress and underwear, and you hissed in the chilly air. Eren doesn’t break eye contact with your as he spreads your legs and gives your cunt a long lick from the bottom of your vulgar, covering his tongue with your sweet juices. “God, Gold…you…taste…so…good”, he whispered, diving into your cunt. “Ah, Eren” you moan. You were confident that your neighbour Eric on the other side of the wall heard you.
 All Eren cared about right now was to make you cum, to release you from all the stress from your everyday life. "'I’m gonna cum," you whimpered, realising all over his mouth. “Good girl”, he whispered, kissing you, letting you taste yourself. “Eren, can you please fuck me?” you asked pathetically. He flipped you on your stomach. He leaned over and growled in your ear, “You don’t have to ask me twice. Get on all fours,” and kissed your back. You did what he demanded, feeling shivers all over your body.
 Eren collected cum from your vagina and smeared it all over his veiny cock. He gripped tight around your hips and hissed as he was entering you. Eren pumped slowly back and forth, the air was filled with your moans as your pussy was getting used to Eren’s colossal size. “Fuck”, he moaned as he started speeding up, digging his finger further into your flesh. “Gold, fuck me back. Fuck your cock back, it’s all yours”, he growled. Being the obedient woman you were, you threw your ass back. “Harder” he demanded, spanking you. “Ah, fuck Eren”, you moaned as your arms gave up on you and collapsed on the bed. That didn’t stop Eren as he lifted your hips and placed his cock inside of you. “Fuck, your pussy feels good. Keeping this from me for six years,” he groaned, continuing fucking you. Your face was on the pillow, which was a good thing as you were a moaning mess. 
Your eyes teared up as you felt your second climax blossoming. Eren could tell as you clenched around him, “Give it to me, give it to me.” He growled, feeling you squirt all over him. “Gold, I’m not finished. Take this cock.” He demanded, filling the air with your whimpers and the sound of your skin slapping. You used the last energy to get on all fours again, fucking him back “Ah, fuck! You want me to get all out, too, all this fucking frustration. Fuck it all into you.” He groaned. “Yes”, you moaned, throwing your ass back. His thrusts became rigid and slow as he was filling you up. 
Eren collapsed on the bed next to you while catching his breath. He kissed your forehead before you went to the toilet to pee. You walked out to see Eren comfy in bed. You lay down beside him, and he wrapped his arms around you. “Eren, you never answered my question, " you said, turning to face him. I’m in love with you, silly. Always has been, and always will be.” He said, yawing.
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eddiernunson · 1 year
Trapped | Eddie Munson | Epilogue
Prev Part | Master List | Prequel
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader (reader grieves Eddie)
Word Count: 3.1k
Warnings: a lot of talk about grief.
Author's Note: I didn't think I'd get emotional while preparing this post, but boy did I. I had a lot of joy writing these characters. But, guess what? I'm not through with them! I have a prequel planned that takes place when she works at Scoops Ahoy and I have a long form sequel planned (that is very different from this but an intriguing concept nonetheless.)
I gave the story an ending that could either A) Lead you right into the sequel or B) let her story finish on a higher note.
If you enjoyed this story enough to keep reading thank you, I appreciate you.
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As you close the door to your apartment behind you, tossing the keys onto the counter, the sound of the TV on in the living-room greets you. You weren’t expecting it, your roommate out of town for the week visiting family in Florida. When the bathroom door from down the hall opens and Steve Harrington walks into your line of sight everything clicks.
Steve greets you with an open smile on his face, opening his arms as you walk into them comfortably. “Don’t you have a home you don’t have to pay rent for?” You mumble, half joking.
Truth is, you weren’t looking forward to spending the night alone.
“Don’t you?” Steve shoots back as he always does.
You sigh, the polyester of the grocery store uniform shirt feeling gross against your skin. You make your way to your room, a downsized version of the one you had sitting at your parents’ house. You quickly get dressed into some pajamas as Steve waits for you on your couch. Having given him a key, you supposed you should be used to him coming and going as he pleased.
It still startled you every time, though.
You land onto the couch right next to him, watching an episode of The Golden Girls. “How was work?” He asked, and you notice one of your bags of chips right in front of him, nearly empty.
“Shitty.” You comment, snatching the bag from him. “You know, for someone with a full pantry at home you sure steal my chips a lot.” You glance into the reflective bag, only a few handfuls and some crumbs left.
“Good thing I brought more.” Steve says, gesturing to some of the grocery bags on the floor.
The same one you worked at. “When did you go to Kroger?”
“This morning before you worked.” Steve says dismissively. “Vickie asked me to pick up something for a surprise for Robin.”
Your stomach grumbles, and you get up to make some instant noodles, too tired to make anything else.
“Why was your day shitty?” He asks you tentatively. For the record, a shitty day sometimes meant your grief overwhelmed you out of nowhere while restocking shelves. Sometimes, it meant you had a panic attack in the bathroom. Sometimes a shitty day just meant shitty people. Luckily, it was the latter.
You gulp, filling the cup of noodles with water. “Uh, there some girls talking in the break room today and one of them said the uh…” you pause, you can say it, “Munson Murders.” You place it into the microwave, the beeps loud in the silence that follows.
“Are you okay?” Steve asks you, absentmindedly eating the rest of the chips.
“I’m used to them, by now.” Unfortunately, with this job came new coworkers. Some of whom believed the media when the ‘truth’ of the earthquake came out. You’ve gotten used to attempting to ignore them, but they had their moments when they got to you.
As you take the noodles out of the microwave, Steve says something, and the conversation is like clockwork. “You know a way to avoid that—” he starts.
“Don’t say it.”
“The way to avoid his name or reputation altogether—”
“Steve.” You plead with him, your mind tired.
“Is to move, yeah?”
He tells you to leave town at least once a week at this point.
“As soon as you’re able to tell me that you guys have successfully gotten rid of Vecna.” You answer him, a version of what you say to him every time.
“If—” Steve sighs, running his hand through his hair. “if you left town you wouldn’t have to be the girl with the dead boyfriend anymore. You could talk about him without any fear of someone asking his name.”
“And what, be okay with Eleven risking her life on a semi-regular basis? Nancy? Robin? You? Dustin? Mike? Lucas? Erica? Will? Jonathan? Hopper and Joyce, for Christ’s sake? You guys are out there, fighting the good fight and trying to prevent Vecna’s vision to Nancy from coming true, while I’m working at a cash register and restocking aisles every day. I’m on desk duty. Worse. You won’t even tell me what’s going on anymore.”
“Last time you convinced us you were ready you had a panic attack.” Steve emphasizes, his voice stern. “You’re clearly still affected by it.”
You look down to your right hand, the ring Dustin had managed to grab for you providing a great deal of comfort.
He relaxes into the couch, his heavy heartbeat calming down. “If the panic in your eyes when I say his name out loud has any indication, you need the distance if you want to be helpful.”
You roll your eyes to this, ignoring the gnawing feeling you’ve had for about a month that distance from Hawkins might’ve been exactly what you needed.
Problem was, it was already September of 1987 and colleges weren’t accepting any applications until the spring term. Another problem was that it’s October next month, and last October was so hard for you that you could barely recall it.
Memories of Robin, Nancy, and Steve finding you with a tear-streaked face surrounded by tissues and a tape inspired by his taste in music was playing on your stereo. You were fast asleep on your couch, polaroids you’ve been too scared to look at finally seeing daylight again.
You had cried yourself into a coma that night.
This upcoming October had you apprehensive about your tendencies to self-destruct that you’ve developed over the last seventeen months.
“Get out of Hawkins for a bit. When you can say his name, or better yet, tell a story about him without crying, you’re good to come back and help us out.” Steve tells you, rubbing your shoulder absentmindedly. “We want your help and trust me when I say I wish I could tell you about what we’ve learned but.” Steve stops suddenly, and it doesn’t need to be said.
You thank him for attempting to speak it into existence for another try but let him know you weren’t going anywhere. At least, that was the plan as you showered and made your way over to your bed that night.
The next day you had plans to go to your mom’s house to see her, a rare visit back home. You sat at the kitchen island, watching her cook as she continues to ask about your life. She really attempts to hide the fact that your life is killing her from the inside at the moment.
You weren’t going to school. You weren’t planning to, as far as she knew. No plans for the future, and she was sure if she wasn’t careful you would end up working at Kroger for over 30 years and become a shell of the girl you once were.
“Are you sure you want to stay in Hawkins?” she asks, her voice soft as she leans forward to you on her elbows against the island counter.
Usually, a resounding yes would’ve left your mouth. This time, however, you hesitate in your answer.
Something about what Steve had said finally started to get through. Truth is, you were tired of feeling like this.  All of your emotions, everyone’s voices, the weight still sitting on you, pulling you down and denying you energy to even muster the want to care felt like you were stuck under water. You weren’t sure if it was your body telling you the grief had become too much to carry or if Steve had finally gotten through to you but something about yourself felt different…like you…wanted to get better.
“Where would I go?”
You knew you shouldn’t have let her talk you into this. You sit at a restaurant from down the block to your dorm, twiddling your thumbs as you wait for the person your college dorm-mate set you up with to walk in. The pictures she’s shown you were…decent. He wasn’t a bad looking dude, but you found yourself comparing him to Eddie, anyway.
Getting into college and into normalcy felt like coming up for air after being stuck underwater for so long. It felt so nice you wondered why you didn’t want to in the first place.
Grief had a hold on you that you finally managed to wring yourself out of, and now it’s just a creature on your shoulder. Sometimes the creature is loud and obnoxious, but most of the time he just sits on your shoulder swinging his legs.
Finally, someone pulls out the chair, bringing you to the present. “Hi! You must be y/n.” He says sitting without so much as a handshake.
“Hi. Nice to meet you. Mark, right?” He nods his head politely, the brown curls reflecting a shine in the overhead light. “So how do you know Nadine?” you start the awkward small talk.
Mark gets into it, describing how he met Nadine on his first tour of campus, and they just seemed to be kindred spirits. He goes on to describe how Nadine showed a picture of you to him and he begged her to set up a date for the two of you.
As this was your first date in over two years, it took a lot of convincing to get you to even consider a date.
“So, what brings you all the way to Montana State?” he asks you, starting up the conversation with some small talk.
“I needed some space.” You answer, and you knew the only reason you haven’t gone to Washington was the rainy weather it was notoriously known for.
“Shitty break up?” He asks you, and you’re nearly surprised Nadine didn’t disclose it to him already.
You take a minute to consider how to respond. “Is it considered a shitty break up when one ends up six feet under?” You ask, your hand fiddling with the black ring that found home on your right hand.
“Oh, I’m so sorry.” He apologizes, and it’s nice that you can tell he genuinely feels bad.
You shrug. “Honest mistake.”
The small talk continues, Mark talking about growing up in New York and why he had chosen to be a teacher instead of a doctor like his dad had planned for him. You listen to him, slowly finding comfort in his expressive story telling.
Something catches your eye and you flicker to it and you suddenly wished you hadn’t, the little demon on your shoulder now shouting in your ear obnoxiously. You attempt to blink back the tears threatened to fall and Mark falters out his story, worry invading his features. “It-it’s ok” You breathe, wiping away the one tear that succeeded.
You exhale slowly, and close your eyes, allowing yourself to sink into the memory that was triggered by the happy couple in the faraway booth sitting a little too close to one another.
An image of Eddie flashed across your face, the vague reminder of the nervousness you felt just being so close to him, and the knowledge that he wanted you to be there with him and his dimpled smile.
It’s a quick memory, but you find the more you allow yourself to think them through than push them down, the less likely you end up in a full-on meltdown.
You open your eyes again, now relaxed, and the sight of the happy couple didn’t make you want to throttle them. Progress.
Mark is staring at you, and you can’t decipher the expression on his face. You smile closed mouthed. “Sorry. If I don’t process the emotion in the moment, it just gets worse.”
“Does it have to do with—”
“Yeah.” You interrupt him, wanting to move passed it.
“You want to tell me about it?” Mark asks, and you give him a bewildered look. The fuck?
He laughs, taking a sip of his water. “You’ve been letting me talk about myself this whole time, and I’ve come here to get to know you.” He starts fiddling with his napkin. “It seems this…loss you feel is something you’re still dealing with and therefore a part of you. I want to get to know you, so tell me about it.”
You squint, afraid to give in to his bizarre request. “Isn’t talking about an ex on the first date a bit of a red flag?” You ask, and it occurs to you this is the first time you’ve ever referred to Eddie as an ex.
“On the normal occasion, yes. But this doesn’t seem normal. Tell me about it.”
You sigh, and for the first time in over 2 years, you tell a story about Eddie Munson that doesn’t end in tears.
In fact, you were laughing at his antics with Mark, remembering his dimples as he laughed and the animated movements of leading his club in another night during Hellfire.
The date with Mark does end on a good note, him still asking questions about Eddie conversationally. As he walked you back, Mark insisted he didn’t mind talking about him. “I think you needed to talk about him more than you needed a date, if I’m gonna be honest.”
You smile gratefully to him, a relief hanging on your chest. It might’ve felt crazy, but the demon on your shoulder felt smaller. “I don’t think I’m ready for dating yet.” You admit, and Mark accepts it so gracefully, you felt bad for thinking he looked like he would’ve bullied Eddie earlier in the evening.
As you close the door to your dorm room Nadine pounces on you, asking how your date went. “I think it went pretty good. It established I’m not ready to date again, yet, but Mark was so sweet it was worth it.”
Her face breaks out in a smile, ignoring what you said about not ready to date yet. “That’s so amazing! Tell me how it went!” You open your mouth to tell her when the phone rings, a personal landline for your room. Nadine answers it, closest to the phone. “Oh, yeah she’s right here.”
Nadine’s eyebrows waggle as she passes you the phone, and you know who it is before she even tells you. “Hi, Harrington.” You answer, all love in your voice.
“Hi, there, y/n.” He responds, sound of laughter in your voice. “Hows it?”
“Actually,” you put the receiver away from your phone, asking Nadine to go for a quick walk so you can tell Steve something. She nods her head quickly, leaving the room with the door closing quietly. “Sorry, I just wanted to say I had a really good night. I just got back from…from a date.” You admit out loud.
You could hear his jaw hitting the floor. “Oh shit. How-how’d it go?” Steve was failing to hide how excited the prospect of you going on a date apparently made him feel.
“It was ok…at first. We talked about him for a good first part because the moment someone decides to ask about me I have not much to say except I’m dealing with a loss that has affected every day of my life until about three months ago.” You pause, pursing your lips. “Then I saw this couple, and they looked just like me and him back at the fucking Chef’s Table on our first date and I just…” you inhale, the same feelings bubbling up to surface. “I let myself feel it, think about it, then I was ok.”
“How did he react to that?”
“Better than you would think.”
“Oh? Explain?”
“He insisted if I didn’t talk about myself then what I had gone through must’ve been enough to be who I was for a bit. Which, granted, feels reductive to amount me to my grief but he was right.”
“I’m not finished. I talked about Eddie, Steve. I told him probably about six stories I haven’t thought about in years and I didn’t shed a single tear.” You find yourself tearing up right now at the mere prospect of being able to remember Eddie happily. “Mark is a good guy because he said at the end of the date, I was clearly not ready to date again but I did need to talk about him. He was right. Steve, I want to talk about Eddie again.”
“Holy shit. If I knew sending you out on a date would’ve pulled that trigger, I would’ve taken you out years ago,” he jokes.
There’s a knock on your door, Nadine wanting to know if she could come back in. You call her in and turns out she had a package. “Hey, this just came in the mail for you.”
“I actually called to talk to you about that. I found something I’ve been looking for and I sent it to you the moment I got my hands on it. Take good care of it, will ya?”
“But Steve, you haven’t even told me what it is.” You protest, holding the package delicately, noting it was compact but had some weight to it.
“You’ll know.”
He hangs up, letting the mystery of the package settle in. “What did he say?” Nadine asked, already had checked the return address from Steve.
“Just that he’s been looking for it and I’ll know when I see it.”
“Then open it!”
You shrug, following her orders, using the tab at the top of the plastic to rip it open. As soon as you pull the light blue denim out, you’re hit with a wave of emotions.
Holy shit. His vest he lent to Steve. “For your modesty.”
You hold it out in front of you, and the brown tint to it tells you Steve didn’t even wash it. You breathe it in, and a smell you have long forgotten hits your nose, and you wondered how it stayed all this time. “Smells just like him.” You mutter, giving Nadine a teary smile. “I thought I’d never be able to smell him again.”
That night, you end up exchanging funny stories from high school. The relief cascaded you as you both laid on your beds staring at the ceiling because you were finally able to tell stories about it without feeling like the earth was being ripped open. Thank God.
Spring Break was right around the corner, and as you told everyone you were coming home, most were hesitant on your decision, wondering if his death anniversary was a good time.
For once, you knew it was the right call. In fact, if the situation still seemed dire enough, you had no plans on returning to school and planned on giving Vecna the hell he deserved for wringing you through the grief that he did.
The road trip is a long one, but you had wanted to take it regardless.
Maybe you could even stop by Eddie’s grave. Visit Wayne. Whatever the occasion, you were somehow finally ready for it.
Please reblog/leave comments on what you thought I love reading them and they help support me.
Taglist: @emturtles @yourthebrokengirl @steeldaisies @skrzydlak @thirddeadlysin @sammararaven @bebe07011 @prettylovley
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cobrakatharsis · 2 years
abo au where terry is johnny's alpha and robby is their pup. terry and robby are always fighting because terry is a terrible alpha, and in one of those fights terry got tired and told robby to get out of his house. robby ends up like he was at the start of cobra kai, stealing and doing dirty stuff. terry gave johnny the chance to talk to robby face to face once in a month because the omega got way too anxious and worried to even work.
robby starts to work in daniel's company after he reminded his mom's old stories the only dojo that could stand a chance against cobra kai – miyagi do.
ohhhh my god i love this
poor robby growing up in an environment like that. he’s viciously protective of his mom, grows that way out of necessity, but he’s nothing against his father. he knows this. he fights anyway. it’s no real surprise when he’s subsequently kicked out in the aftermath of a vicious fight, but johnny starts crying at terry’s decision and terry won’t let robby anywhere near his mom to comfort him. johnny begs terry - on his knees, sacrificing every bit of pride - for robby’s sake and it makes robby nauseous, watching the way terry looks down at johnny like he’s something pitiful and pathetic. like he’s just embarrassing himself, crying for his son’s safety.
it doesn’t matter anyway. he still has to leave, and he leaves with the knowledge that terry’s mad at johnny again, and whatever happens in that big house behind him he can’t stop, can’t even get in the way of. he hates it. he hates his dad. and a small, childish part of him hates his mom too for staying, but the rest of him understands it’s not nearly as easy as johnny just following robby out the door.
so, robby starts work on making a place his mom could come to. he gets a shitty room to rent and pays out of his mediocre savings as he scrounges for work, but soon enough his savings are gone and he’s stealing and committing petty crimes to make it up. he’s already burnt out to hell when his dad contacts him for the first time a couple months later, saying he’s allowed to see his mom, and despite his burning resentment robby of course jumps at the chance. he’s missed johnny so much, been worried sick, but the person he meets in the garden - they’re not allowed in the house, terry said he didn’t want robby “getting any ideas” coming inside - is like a shell.
johnny is tired and thin, dark circles under his eyes, smaller than robby remembers him. he’s trembling as he pulls robby to him and holds him tightly and presses kisses to his son’s hair, clearly trying not to cry. he tells robby he’s sorry, like this is all johnny’s fault somehow, and robby wants to throw up. he wants to kill terry. but terry’s watching them from the deck, as tall and terrifying as he was when robby couldn’t even stand yet, calmly sipping a glass of whiskey, and he’s like a monster.
“i’m gonna get you out of here,” robby promises his mom, whispered against his neck so terry can’t see. johnny holds him tighter and doesn’t say anything, in the way he always does when robby says stuff like that. like when robby was eight and promised his mom that he’d “break dad’s face” if he ever pushed his mom like that again, or when robby was twelve and shouting and screaming because johnny was covered in bite marks and bruises and couldn’t even stand up properly and terry was just going to work and leaving him like that, and that’s not how alphas are supposed to be, right? that’s not how it’s supposed to be!
robby has to leave soon after, as terry’s decided. terry descends from the deck and puts an arm around johnny’s shoulders, and johnny goes silent. he looks so sad. terry tells robby, tone clipped, that he can see his mom once a month - “for his sake,” terry says, and the exaggerated, almost mocking, sympathy he wears as he strokes a hand down johnny’s arm makes robby want to rip him apart with his teeth - but robby agrees.
“make sure he’s eating,” he says as he leaves, to terry, a moment of sincere vulnerability in request of his mom being taken care of. terry’s eyes just narrow, and robby doesn’t hold out much hope.
he’s feeling more worn down than ever when he gets home. he curls up on his shitty mattress and allows himself to imagine the days he’d be curled up in bed with his mom, when terry was away for work like he so often was. when johnny would hold robby and stroke his hair and tell him stories, sometimes made-up and sometimes about johnny’s old life - he always called it his “old life”, meaning his life before terry - and with the recalled stories a connection suddenly lights up in robby’s brain.
the next day, after his shitty 3am-noon shift at a gas station, he heads to larusso auto, the place he’s seen advertised almost his whole life. he’s just intending on finding daniel larusso himself and hitting him with every question he wants to ask, but when he comes face-to-face with another suited alpha, all his nerve suddenly disappears.
daniel’s nothing like terry, though. he must pick up on something, somehow, because before he even knows what’s hit him, robby’s got an internship at good pay and daniel’s gotten him lunch. “standard fare,” he calls it, but robby doesn’t doubt that he just looks like shit. he wishes somebody could do this for his mom too, but it’s not until a few shifts later, full of daniel clearly doing everything he can to build a bond with robby, that robby finally asks.
“did you know johnny…” he hesitates, trailing off. he doesn’t know his mom’s maiden name, terry never let him mention it - it’s always silver, silver, silver - but daniel’s eyes light up with recognition anyway.
robby beams before he can stop himself. that’s it! that’s his mom’s name!
daniel asks him carefully where robby knows that name from, and his face is a picture when robby confesses, “he’s my mom.” a lot of different emotions pass daniel’s face, most of which robby can’t recognise or understand, but he feels relieved. this is really the daniel larusso, the man who knew his mom, the man who stood as miyagi-do and faced off against cobra kai.
the man who could do it again - could beat terry again.
daniel asks robby, very gently, why his mom isn’t around, why robby’s all underfed and overworking himself, and robby hesitates again. he’s quick to defend johnny, assure daniel that johnny isn’t a bad mom, didn’t just abandon robby, but continuing makes his throat want to close.
“he’s…he’s in a bad place,” he explains softly.
“how so?”
daniel looks concerned. sincerely, earnestly concerned, and he puts a gentle hand on robby’s shoulder, and suddenly it’s all spilling out. robby cries as he talks about his father, a terrible alpha who’s always treated johnny like dirt, always used him and then left him to fend for himself, always pushed him around and made him feel worthless, who has johnny still and robby wasn’t strong enough to protect his mom and he doesn’t know how to save him, and by the end of it robby isn’t crying out of sadness so much as crying out of rage. daniel pulls him into a hug, tight and fatherly and honest, something terry’s never done as long as he’s lived, and when robby’s calmed down he asks robby what his father’s name is, in that same careful tone, but this time robby can feel the danger simmering beneath it. protectiveness.
it turns into something far closer to the rage robby feels, when robby says the name “terry silver”.
daniel asks further questions. asks where terry and johnny live, asks if robby thinks johnny’s in immediate danger, asks for more details about the sort of stuff silver’s done, and robby answers it all. daniel listens attentively, and he expresses understanding and sympathy to every bit of vulnerability robby is forced to bare, and when he’s finally got enough information he pulls robby into another hug.
“listen to me,” he says, pulling back enough to look right into robby’s eyes, all care and earnestness, “we’re going to get your mother out of there.”
and when daniel’s beaten terry to the floor, and steps right past him to get to johnny but doesn’t touch him until johnny falls into his arms, at which point daniel holds him tight and promises him everything’s okay, robby feels assured for the first time that he’s seeing a good alpha. that his mom’s in good hands.
(he feels even more assured when daniel calls robby over too, and robby’s slotted between them to be held too like he’s a tiny pup, face buried against his mom’s neck as johnny cries. daniel squeezes them both tight and presses kisses to both their heads in turn.
yeah, robby thinks. they’re both in good hands.)
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eskawrites · 2 years
ALSO speaking of AUs it’s halloween weekend so i’m contractually obligated to think about night in the woods idek how niche this is but i’m writing it out anyway bc i’m suddenly obsessed okay
NitW au where Nancy is Mae and Robin is Bea
Nancy finally gets out of Hawkins and goes to college, where she quickly finds out that she can’t for the life of her move on from her trauma
Nancy, who is haunted by what happened to Barb. everyone knows she was there the night Barb died. there are whispers that she did it. the only reason no one says anything is because her family is nice, and it’s a small town. people don’t say those kinds of things to your face
Nancy who is angry, and hurt, and lonely, and scared, and so, so, so lost. And she can’t keep it together anymore. She has a breakdown at school. She drops out and drives all the way back to Hawkins, alone
Meanwhile, Robin has always wanted to get the hell out of Hawkins. She did everything right: good grades, extracurriculars, worked as much as possible to save up money. But then her mom died, and her dad is no help at all, and she gets stuck working a dead end job in a dead end town for the rest of her dead end life
Robin who tries to be polite when she sees Nancy again, but mostly she’s just tired. She looks at Nancy and all she sees is the girl who had everything she ever dreamed of, then just threw it all away
Nancy trying to adjust to life back home. What has changed and what never will. the guy who owned the diner died. there’s a new grocery store out by the highway. a few people have moved. most of them have stayed.
She learns that Jonathan and his little brother disappeared one night, finally running away like they always said they would. Neither of them have been in contact with anyone since.
cue weird shit starting to happen in Hawkins. kids go missing. Nancy sees something she’s not supposed to on Halloween. 
she starts investigating, and she drags her friends into it, too--Steve volunteering, Eddie going where Steve goes, and Robin tagging along because she has nothing else to do in this shitty town
the kids are there too! Max as Lori, just a lost, lonely, vaguely angry teenager who clings to Nancy the instant Nancy turns out to be nice to her
Dustin as Germ, just a weird, lovable guy who’s been hanging out around Steve and Eddie lately. somehow the only vaguely well-adjusted person in town
something-something the Upside Down instead of a weird cult, and no one in town is listening to them as they keep investigating
Nancy having horrible nightmares and gradually deteriorating as she gets closer and closer to uncovering the truth
Reconnecting with Steve, the only one who seems genuinely excited to see her. Building a friendship with Eddie.
Slowly breaking through Robin’s walls after Robin seems to effortlessly knock down hers. Between getting trashed at a party in the woods and sitting quietly together in a graveyard, they’re reminded of all the reasons why they fell apart, and all the reasons why it’s so easy to come back together again
(idk man, the ‘is this just proximity?’ conversation lives rent free in my mind. and give me messed up Nancy, traumatized Nancy, sometimes completely unhinged Nancy next to a world-weary Robin who eventually learns to bask in all the love and care and passion--good and bad--that Nancy puts into the world)
Robin running away from a party in the city. Nancy sprinting through the rain, panicked, trying to find her again.
Robin losing her mind when Nancy gets hurt; Robin becoming clingy and tender and not letting Nancy out of her sight after that
i’m gonna go replay nitw and think about this now, byeee
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boyd-connors · 2 years
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BOYD CONNORS. 29. Downtown. Mechanic. Father. Brother.
I’m hungry and hollow and just want something to call my own. I couldn’t make you love me and I’m tired of pulling teeth.
About Page
Summary: Single father with an 8 year old daughter. Soft, sad boy with repressed rage issues who was maybe destined for greater, but sacrificed everything for his family.
Boyd was born and raised in Providence Peak; he’s the oldest of four, and his family always struggled to make ends meet — even more so when their father abandoned them to start a new life with his mistress.
Boyd was 10 when his father left, and despite being still being so young himself, his mother really relied on him to help keep them afloat. That meant stepping up as a father figure to his younger siblings and doing what he could do bring in extra money. He started working under the table at his uncle’s mechanic shop when he was 12, and got an official after-school job there when he was 15. He would have dropped out of school to work there full time, but his mom and uncle refused, saying he was too smart and deserved to go to college and get a “real” job that could bring in serious money.
He went to Providence University and majored in business. He got himself a serious girlfriend, and everything seemed to be going perfectly until she got pregnant in the middle of his junior year. It was pretty overwhelming to think about becoming a parent so young, but he always knew he wanted to be a father and he only had one more year of school, so he figured they could swing it. 
Nine months later, his daughter Matilda was born, and Boyd was over the moon. But his girlfriend, it seemed, as not, and she ran away in the middle of the night a couple weeks later, leaving Boyd to take care of their child alone. He was forced to drop out of school and got a job full-time at his uncle’s mechanic shop to support them. He rented a shitty two bedroom apartment with his best friend to help save on costs. 
At his core, Boyd is a survivor. He has major abandonment issues because of his father and Mattie’s mother, but he buries any emotions he feels don’t help him survive. He wants to be loved, but fears being left, which results in him often seeking comfort in the arms of a one-night stand or casual hookup. He would do anything to protect those he loves, but sometimes struggles to express how much they mean to him.
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rozcdust · 3 years
She’s so mean
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Pairing: Kokonoi Hajime x f!reader
Genre: Crack, SMAU
Word count: 1.5k
Warnings: Canon divergent, profanity, suggestive, ooc, violence, substance abuse, jokes about suicide, the reader is tired and a bitch
Synopsis: Koko thinks she’s the best thing ever. She wants to put a boot through his teeth.
pt. 1 | previous | pt. 4 | next
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Quietly unlocking and shutting the apartment doors behind you, you slipped your shoes off by the entrance, careful to not awaken anyone in the house.
With a click of a table stand lamp in the darkness, warm light ominously lit up one side of Chifuyu’s face as he crossed his arms on his chest.
“Where have you been, young lady? Do you know how late it is?” He asked in a serious tone, sounding like a disappointed father, his green eyes glaring at you.
Rolling your eyes, you made your way to the kitchen.
“How long have you been sitting in darkness, waiting to say that?”
His act fell as he let out a giggle.
“A few minutes.”
You silently raised an eyebrow.
“Half an hour.”
“Two hours.”
Letting out a small tch as you turned the overhead lights on, you sat down on the couch next to his armchair.
“Insomnia fucking you up again?” You lit up a cigarette, ignoring Chifuyu’s disappointed look.
“Yep, barely managed to escape Kazutora’s death grip. You shouldn’t smoke.”
“Kei smokes, Tora smokes, you suffer in silence. Besides, you literally buy me cigarettes. Your point again?”
“Checkmate,” He sighed, slumping further into the armchair, “How was work?”
Groaning, you closed your eyes.
“Per usual. The restaurant was boring, and Sota was late to the gas station again so I’m also late.”
“Huh. That’s shitty.”
“Ya think? I wanted to throw the entire soda display at him.”
Nodding in understanding, he said nothing, softly tapping the armrest.
“You know we could help you with tuition, right?”
Groaning, you opened your eyes to glare at him, taking a deep breath of your cigarette.
“I know you said no, y/n, but you’re running yourself down, working 13 to 16 hours a day 6 days a week isn’t healthy for anyone, and you’ve been doing it for months. We’re worried, and we barely see you.”
“Chifuyu, I’ll pay for my shit myself, and besides, you guys already let me live with you rent-free.”
“We make you pay for utilities and groceries!”
“After I threatened to move out and take Pochi with me if you didn’t. I’m not going to leech off you guys for tuition too.”
Frowning, he sighed, giving up on arguing with you.
You have had this conversation with them multiple times, all of them trying to jump you on different occasions to ask, always bringing up your working hours and that they were worried, which, honestly was valid.
Your answer stayed a firm no every time. You knew their pet shop was well off, and they had enough money to live comfortably, but they certainly didn’t have enough to throw around.
And besides, capitalism is a game you intended on winning without anyone’s help, even if you fucking die in the process.
“So, we know tomorrow you don’t work at the gas station, so you can be home by 11,” He started, sounding hopeful, “We thought to have a game night with you? Snacks, you can pick the game, relax a bit-“
Your heart hurt.
“Sorry Fuyu, I’m working tomorrow too. Akio called, they need a bartender.”
His face fell.
“Well, some other week then?” He rubbed his temples, eyes closed.
“For sure.”
“Okay. You should go to sleep, you look half dead, Kei is staying home tomorrow until 9, he can wake you up if you’d like?”
“Sure,” Nodding, you stood up, “Night Fuyu.”
“Night y/n. Kazutora cooked you some miso soup, it’s in the fridge, and chips and Luckies are on your desk.”
“You guys are the best.” You smiled, leaning down to hug him.
“Don’t mention it.”
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Apparently, when Akio said “we need an extra bartender” he meant 4.
Because there was no way in hell you and the pair working the night, who introduced themselves as Kazuo and Ayumi, were going to be able to handle the busy Roppongi club filled to the brim by yourselves.
It suddenly made sense why was hourly 5k, it’s for the therapy you will need after this fucking night. Kazuo was manning the register and washing the dishes to speed things up, while Ayumi and you did your best to avoid body slamming each other as you ran around, grabbing bottles left and right.
You were grateful you opted for a short leather skirt and a crop top, it was hot beyond belief in the club and you were exhausted after only the first two hours of pretending that throwing bottles, glasses and shakers around for cocktails and liquors was easy.
At least you got to yell at assholes.
“Hey! Hey!,” A guest was getting impatient, clicking his fingers in your face, “I’ve been waiting for 5 minutes already! Why are you fucking ignoring me.”
Glaring at him as you rushed to put the ice into the mixer, you shook it violently, pretending it was his head.
“It’s busy! Click in my face or curse at me one more fucking time, and I will kick your ass out of here!” Your tone was sharp, skipping him to serve a group of young ladies, flipping him off when he started cursing again.
The minutes felt like hours, but at least you got to have some fun when a guy tried to go shot by shot with you, going as far as paying for both his and your shots.
That didn’t end well for him.
“Is he still breathing?” Kazuo questioned, standing on his toes to glance at the man now passed out on the floor.
“I assume so.” You shrugged, handing him the now empty shot glasses.
“You look totally fine. I’m impressed.” He nodded at you.
“Call it practice.”
It was so busy and the time moved so slow, you wanted to punch a wall.
At least you got to cause some pain.
A creep tried to slip something in a girl’s drink while she was chatting with her friends, probably assuming no one would notice.
Now, you could ignore almost everything that wasn’t your business, but you had a line and he fucking crossed it.
Grabbing his hand and slamming it against the counter, bending his fingers at an odd angle, you enjoyed the yelp he let out, getting into his face.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?!”
He tried to stammer an excuse, but got interrupted by Ayumi passing next to you to grab the tequila.
“What’d he do?” She questioned, nodding her head towards the death grip you had on him.
“Tried to roofie this girl’s drink.”
She raised an eyebrow, now glaring at the guy as well.
“Fuck no, the owner doesn’t like shit like that happening in his bar one bit. I’ll call the bouncer to kick him out, you can mess him up a bit, the owner won’t mind.”
Nodding, you gladly did so, making sure to tighten your grip on his hand until you heard a satisfying crunch.
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“I am cutting you off.” You glared at the man now sitting at the bar as he tried to ask for another shot of soju.
4 a.m. approached, and while it was still packed, the customers chilled off for a bit, too busy either dancing or fucking in the bathrooms.
“Noooo, ‘m fine, not drunk at all.” He slurred, his bicolored eyes lidded and face flushed.
“Buddy, you don’t look drunk, you look on verge of alcohol poisoning. Did you come with anyone? Can I call you a cab?”
He shook his head, burying his head into the crook of his elbow with a groan.
“Dude? Come on, I can’t let you die on top of my fucking bar. Who do I call?”
The only thing you got in response was a soft snore.
You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose.
Deep breaths, y/n.
Taking his phone off the bar top, you found it to be Face ID protected.
No issue at all.
You grabbed a handful of his dark blue hair, forcing his head up to scan his face with the phone.
When the iPhone unlocked, you let his head fall back down with a thump, causing him to let out a groan.
Opening his contacts and going straight to Emergency, you found yourself in a dilemma.
There were 4 numbers on there, and you had no idea which one to pick for this situation.
‘Boss’ seemed inappropriate, and also a strange choice to have saved as an emergency contact, so you ruled that one out, but the rest were just names that told you nothing.
Clicking on the next one, named ‘Koko’, you sighed, bringing the phone up to your ear.
As it started ringing, you glanced at the floor, raising an eyebrow at Kazuo.
“What’s their deal?” You pointed to the two men sleeping next to the trash, their suits and bright hair disheveled.
“Oh, they crawled up here and passed out. The purple one is the owner’s brother so we’ll let him stay here until the owner shows up. What’s with your guy?
“Tracks. This dude’s done for so I’m calling his emergency contact.”
Just as Kazuo went to say something, the person on the other line picked up.
“Kakucho, what the fuck?”
The voice was way too familiar for comfort.
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Taglist (open):
@1818cigarettes @babu-haitani @dilf-city @wakasa-wifey @lagrimasdeglitter @kisekihany @missarabellla @bajifairyy @cryszus @r-xochitl @hana-patata @uchioni @crybabylisa @spookydraken @lovelybimbo @rorobaijifuyu @yukihime-mikeys-girl @toobsessedsstuff @sammcaav222 @emilywaters @agoddess-inashell @levistiddies @t04dxm @brokencoinlocker @qualitygiantshoepsychic @chilledraft @inumaki-s-onigiri (please let me know if i forgot to tag you!)
a/n: we’re moving along folks 🤪 i’ll do my best not to do the thing that i always do make everyone root for anybody but the love interest so if i see simping for anyone but koko it’s on sight 😤/j
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I'm so excited for your gyu fic that I started thinking about another gyu plot lmao.
So y/n is in her 30s, got heartbroken many times, gave up on love, does her job. But then she meet gyu, the new employee at her work. The literal sunshine. He was absolutely sweet and he reminds her of her youth. He looks like someone she would have a crush on in highschool.
And of course, even now she finds him endearing. Beomgyu was straightforward with his intentions. He likes her.
But no matter how much her heart flutters when she's with him and how she finds him absolutely precious, she's now mature enough to not let her heart have it's way.
She doesn't wanna get heart broken again.
She knows Gyu is a good person but she learnt from her experiences that even a good person can hurt you. And so she wanted her and Gyu's friendship to just stay the same.
She's even prepared to congratulate on him if he ever find someone else.
But Beomgyu get only more frustrated with each rejected attempt from you. He one day decided to spread rumours at your work place. You felt smaller day by day as people whispers about you, your boss discriminating againt you and all those stares.
But Beomgyu was there to make you feel better. He tell jokes, bring you to amusement park, hang out at your house... and convinced you to quit your shitty job.
He convinced you that with your skills, you can get into a better place. Of course he was lying. But you believed he was saying the truth as a good friend. Only to end up being jobless.
But don't worry because he'll always visit you and bring you food and stuffs when your budget isn't enough. They he asked you to move in with him if you are short on rent.
And that's when you enters the tiger's den.
TW: somnophilia, noncon, impregnation
You lay unconscious under him, just like every night after he slips you something into your evening tea so can have his way with you.
He’s been behaving the entire day, acting like your sweet, loveable goofball friend and not letting on that he wants to pin you to the floor and raw you until you get it through your head that you’re his. Now he gets to let all his frustrations out, your body giving way to his frantic thrusts. He’ll never get tired of the sight of your half-naked body--your shirt haphazardly pulled over your tits and your panties bunched to the side because he couldn’t control himself long enough to undress you properly. 
“I’m close, noona.” He grunts, one of his hands reaching up to grope your breast roughly. You’ll be feeling all kinds of sore in the morning, just like every time, complaining upon waking up that you feel like you’ve had a rough workout but not mentioning your soaked panties. But Beomgyu knows how flustered and confused you get when you wake up to find yourself dripping wet yet again. It’s his favorite part. You don’t even know what he did to you. 
“I’m ready to give you my cum. You want it, noona?” He moans, his head getting light with ecstasy. “Want me to fill you up with my milk just like every night?” 
You know--he tells himself. You know and you want it too.That’s the only explanation for why you never once asked him any questions. You willingly drink that tea and lie down in bed for him to fuck you and breed you. You hide it but he knows you too well. Why else would you be here in his apartment, sleeping in his bed? 
“There you go, noona. Take it all.” He spills inside of you, his sweaty and shuddering body looming over yours. 
He lets his seed sit inside you for a while, to make sure it takes before he wipes you down and straightens your clothes. It’s been two months since he started doing this and you should start to show soon. He’s so excited to see your reaction when you find out you’re carrying his baby. 
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bananarantanen · 2 years
jack hughes, scene one - james dean and audrey hepburn, #4. maybe like u struggling with him being in NJ and things are changing from when u first started your relationship???
word count: 1.2k+
“how the hell did we end up like this?” ► scene one - james dean and audrey hepburn by sleeping with sirens
he was late.
this wasn’t the first time he was coming home as of late and it never was an issue for you… until now. he’s just been working extra hard at the rink, you remind yourself, trying to ring out the end of the season on a high note whether the devils make it to the playoffs or not. going into the relationship you have always understood the trials that come with dating a hockey player, let alone one of the league’s key stars. but, it doesn’t mean you have to fake smile through the needles that are pricking the back of your mind.
when you first dating jack in high school, life was simple. he would pick you up in the mornings so you could have breakfast together, eat lunch with the rest of your friends while holding hands underneath the table, and would make a night out of every single one of the ntdp’s home games – you two couldn’t stand being apart. you catch yourself reminiscing about those old moments as you scroll through vsco, smiling at oversaturated pictures of you in the stands of usa hockey arena in your “hughes” jersey and some others of you two laying on the dock at his family summer home. the adolescent grins on the screen had no idea the late night jumps into the cold waters of the lake were nothing compared to the dive into adulthood.
back then, there was no rent to worry about and date nights were constantly exciting every time they came around. you still get butterflies in your stomach whenever he’s around. though ever since you moved in with him at the beginning of this season, moments you used to cherish, like cooking together or friday night movie sessions, now just seem like passing-by movements; sometimes almost like a chore.
“hey, y/n. sorry i’m late again,” he drops his bag at the door and drops down to kiss your cheek as you sit on the cold couch. “ty wanted to get chipotle after practice and there was mad traffic.”
“no problem,” you sigh as you stare blankly at the television screen, flipping through the channels.
“were you watching something?” he questions as he scrambles through your cabinets, probably about to make a protein shake. he scours through every part of your kitchen, opening jars and bags and doesn’t even bother to put anything back in its place. you grit your teeth knowing you’re going to be the one to clean it all up later.
“mhm,” you reply through tight lips. you had gone through every shitty romcom you could find on netflix throughout the day and there was nothing that could fill that jack-shaped hole in your heart.
he finishes up his shake and makes his way over next to you and you slide perfectly right into his arms. “so,” he begins. “what’re you thinking for tonight? or did you manage to get ahead in ginny & georgia without me, again?”
you know he was just teasing you but the true response you wanted to get across to him was stuck at the bottom of your throat, leaving you tense while still in his embrace. yeah, you might’ve jumped at your alone time and managed to finish the show without him. but, it’s because he’s not around enough to actually get to it nowadays. or, he’d be too tired after practice or a game to spend time with you.
it made you feel like shit.
“hey, wait, did you actually finish it without me?” he says looking down at you, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“i’m gonna go to bed.” you stand up from your laden position and start to head down the hall to your guys’ room. as much as you’d like to finally relax with him, you know the night is just gonna end with him falling asleep halfway through whatever episode you two last left off together.
“you’ve got to be kidding me, y/n,” he groans.
you turn on your heel and glare while he’s sitting in the same position as you left him, shoes not even taken off since he’s gotten to the apartment. he mimics the darkened look on your face and you could feel the burning in your throat from before slowly rising. “what? can’t a girl sleep?”
he stands up straight, walking towards you with light footsteps, feeling like if he moved with more weight, he’d break something in you – he wasn’t sure exactly what but he knew something was up. “hey now, i didn’t mean any harm. i just miss you.”
“well, if you truly meant that you would be here more. or at least on time,” you murmur to yourself, sinking into the sleeves the sweatshirt you had stolen from him during his 2019 world juniors trip.
“what do you mean? i’m right here?”
then that was it. it was a minor comment, though enough to blow fumes from your ears. you knew that if you kept shoving down the fire in your throat, it’d leave a blister. and, that is something you don’t know you could deal with forever.
you throw your hands up. “you know what i mean, jack! you’re never home! and please don’t give me the bullshit excuses of practice or more training or team bonding or whatever the fuck you can muster right now. i don’t want to hear it.”
“but i-”
“but you what?” you taunt, taking a couple steps towards him. “you’re doing it for us? our future? god, how could you talk about such things despite the fact that we’re barely together anymore aside from bed?” you're so riled up at this point you don’t even realize you have dug so far into your palms that the marks of crescent moons were on the brink of bleeding. while you were speaking your mind to jack, excessively gesturing out all your frustrations, your sleeves rolled down to your elbows and he takes notice of the state of your hands.
you stare deeply into his eyes, waiting for a response, and all he does is take your hands into his own and tenderly rubs the marks you’ve made.
you want to be angrier with him right then and there. however you both know that whenever you’re at the point of breaking, he’s also the only person in the world that can calm you down.
his thumbs trace the lines on your palm before properly looking back at you and within that one moment, that one action, you could feel your walls slowly crumbling down.
“listen, i am so sorry if you feel this way,” he coos as he tugs you into his arms tightly. “i should’ve known something was up and i should’ve tried listening to you.”
you sniffle, “i know i’m super upset at you right now because it's mainly your fault but i’ve been pretty bad too. you just said you should’ve tried listening to me but how could you if i never said anything in the first place? sulking doesn't say much.” you shove your face in the crook of his neck as you continue letting the tears drip down your face.
he rests his chin on top of your head and he likely thinks you can’t hear him amongst all the chaos in your head and his heart. yet, you hear him whisper “how the hell did we end up like this?” and your heart takes a hit.
god, you knew loving jack hughes was going to be hard. still, you did it no matter what others had warned you about.
was this the bright red sign everyone was talking about?
taglist (click here to join!): @sorryjustafangirl @corneliakatelyn 
lol i forgot i made one so if u read this already and just are getting the notif rn sorry 
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apocalypticgargoyle · 3 years
Dream smut or fluff where reader and him are high key mean to eachotjer despite having so many mutual friends, but then something (very vague i know I’m sorry) makes them have to get close and the develop feelings? Sorry I’m shit at requests but thank you!!!
i know this is shitty im sorry akjsdh bls forgive me
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𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐕𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑. ♘ 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
± warnings: dream being a dick, slight slut shaming, toxic behavior, vulgar/suggestive mentions and language, sexual harassment on a bus (not by dream, you can breathe)
⋆ song recommendation: When the Night is Over by Lord Huron
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You pulled a blanket beneath your chin, yawning slightly at whatever the tv was playing. You only had it on in an attempt to drown out the noises coming from your roommate's bedroom as she smoozed her date. You were honestly shocked the two hadn’t moved in together yet with all the time they spent wrapped up.
Her door opened, her eyes widening slightly at the sight of you sprawled out on the couch. He marched toward you quietly, hovering over your shoulder. You peered up at her hesitantly. “What are you watching?” She asked, voice barely above a whisper. You furrowed your brows, opening your mouth to speak but she hurriedly cut you off. “Do you mind watching it at Nick’s instead?”
You raised your eyebrows. “You’re kicking me out again?” She gave you an apologetic smile, making you roll your eyes as you stood up and pulled on your jacket. “This would hurt less if they also paid rent,” you mumbled, with a small glare.
She thanked you repeatedly, holding onto your arm as you gathered what little belongings you needed for the night. “I promise I’ll make it up to you,” she courted, opening the door for you. “Tomorrow, dinner’s on me okay?” You sent her a tired look and she apologized again. She stopped you as you stepped out into the cold night, leaning through the space between the door and the frame. “Maybe you can cozy up to that Clay guy? You guys have such a good vibe,” she mocked, making you chuckle lightly.
You shook your head, waving to her. “Enjoy your night. Please, for the love of God, clean the bathroom afterward,” you called, hearing her laugh at your statement.
The bus ride was quiet due to the time of night and the weather, both of which you didn’t mind. You knew Nick’s house would be warm and loud. Before you knew it, you found yourself in front of his apartment door, kicking at the concrete ground as you heard someone stumbling to let you inside. The door opened swiftly, Clay’s large frame blocking the light from the kitchen. He leaned against the doorframe mockingly as he looked at you.
He wet his lips. “Who’s the lucky guy tonight?” He joshed.
You rolled your eyes, brushing past his body to get out of the cold. “Whoever’s dick you’re not sucking, I guess,” you quipped back, making him laugh darkly. You kicked off your shoes as he shut the door. “Where’s Sapnap?” You asked, shrugging off your jacket. You’d texted him ahead of time to ask if you could stay over, which he readily agreed to.
Clay sent you a smug look. “You guys have a fun night planned?” He made a gesture with his hand to insinuate you were there to give Nick a handjob.
You bit back a chuckle. “Why? You wanna join?” You shot back. He bit his lip and moaned pornographically.
“Cut it out, Dream,” Nick grumbled as he walked into the room. He pulled on your arm to follow him.
Dream scoffed exasperatedly. “Me? I’m not the one who started it!” He called after the two of you.
As Nick pushed you out of the room, you turned your head. “You most certainly did!” You answered. You heard him chuckle at your words as Nick shut the door to his room. You plopped down on his bed as he sat in his chair, swiveling to look at you. “Why does Dream pick at me so much?” You mumbled, fishing in your pockets for your phone.
“He’s jealous,” Nick answered absent-mindedly. “What's the date look like tonight?” He asked, referring to the reason you were there in the first place. This wasn’t the first time or the last time your roommate had kicked you out. It was becoming a more frequent occurrence for you to end up on Nick’s couch or at their place in the middle of the day with your toothbrush and a change of clothes.
You moved to lean into his pillows. “I don’t know, it's the same granola fucker she’s been hanging around,” you answered.
He rubbed his chin with a slight smirk. “There’s a subtle justice to knowing she’s still with that asshat,” he commented, making you snort.
A week later, you were on your way back to your apartment after a lecture when someone felt you up. It was the straw on the camel’s back for you as you spin around to smack the guy, stirring up a few of the bystanders. You’d walked the rest of the way home, stepping through the door to be met with your roommate and her hookup twisted together in the kitchen.
You clamped your hand over your eyes, mumbling about how you just wanted to take a nap when you were once again sent to Nick’s. You let subtle tears fall as you trudged your way across the city, hoping to get out whatever darkness you had to your attitude. The last thing you wanted to do was confront Clay looking like you did. He was like the troll with the keys to the bridge. That was really the only reason the two of you ever talked, so you knew he’d be waiting to berate you before you could get to Nick.
As you walked into the building, you spotted Clay carrying a large box, his hair slightly disheveled and his hands dirty. You knew almost instantly that he was probably attempting to fix the kitchen sink and got a call because of the size of the package. That sink had been dripping since they’d moved in, making it Clay’s mission to futz around with it every Friday afternoon. You tried helping him one time, only ending up with a deflated sense of confidence and the second wave of your childhood anger issues.
He nodded at you as you held the elevator door open for him. “What’s up, babycakes?” He chirped, popping his gum. When you hesitated to answer, he looked at you fully, scoffing. “Damn, walk of shame gone sour?”
You crossed your arms over your chest, inhaling deeply to try and calm your nerves. “I’m not really in the mood today,” you muttered, tucking your hands between your back and the wall.
He snorted, setting the box down between his feet. “You’re always in the mood! Isn’t that like your thing,” he continued to jeer. “You look like you had a fun night though-”
“Clay, stop. I’m serious,” barked at him. His expression twisting at your use of his name.
He raised his hands in mock defense. “Sorry, I thought we had---like a bit thing, um-” he cut himself off, awkwardly shoving his fists in his pockets. After a beat of silence between the two of you, the elevator came to a sharp halt on the wrong floor, the light switching to red. The two of you shared a look, knowing that the landlord was probably flipping the wrong switches again. Clay texted Nick to see what was going on.
It began to grow colder in the elevator, as it usually did. When it was off, the cold from outside usually seeped in through the elevator shaft. There was one time you were stuck in the elevator for a few hours with one of your neighbors and Karl when he had come to visit. Back then, the three of you played Uno on the guy’s phone. It was also summer, so the chill creeping up your legs wasn’t as intolerable as it was now.
You rubbed the arms of your sweater in hopes of generating some kind of warmth. Clay watched you carefully, his hands moving to grip the bar behind him. “Do you want my sweatshirt?” He offered. You shook your head, sliding onto the ground and hugging your knees to your chest. He hesitantly slumped down beside you, kicking his long legs out towards the door. The red light filling the space made his features look softer.
He nudged your arm gently with his own. “I know I’m not Sapnap, but…” he chewed on the inside of his cheek, shrugging slightly, “I mean, we’re stuck in here. We can talk about it.”
You blinked away the tears threatening to spill once again, your eyes burning and tired. “I haven’t slept with him, you know?” You stated, turning to look at him briefly before moving to sit cross-legged, planning with your fingers. “I’ve never even kissed him. I’ve never kissed anyone,” you scoffed. Clay was silent, but out of the corner of your eye, you could see him watching you intently.
Being this close to him, you could smell the smoky vanilla undertones of his cologne. The scent reminded you of a masculine version of the candle your aunt always burned when she went out for a night to spite her ex-husband.
Clay leaned his head back against the wood paneling, his soft blond hair flattening in the back to spread against the wall. You swallowed, sighing slightly. “I haven’t even had my first kiss yet and I’m getting groped on the bus and kicked out of my damn apartment because my roommate and her fucking boyfriend have to hook up on every surface. Nothing is sacred.” You shook your head, wiping away some stray tears with the back of your hand and sniffling pathetically. “You can keep making slut jokes, I don’t care. But I swear to God, I haven’t done anything with Sapnap. Or Karl, or Quackity. No one.”
He chuckled softly. “I know. That’s why I used to make those jokes,” he mumbled. “It was like… ironic humor. And then it got so far that the only way I knew you’d talk back to me was if I was fucking around with you,” he admitted. You chuckled slightly at his words, taking a deep breath.
“Oh, Dream,” you sighed. “I would have hooked up with you if you weren’t such an ass,” you chided. His laugh made you feel better. He held his hand out to you, more for support than anything, but as you laced your fingers with his, your heart eased, feeling safe beside him.
After a beat of silence, he spoke up again. "I can ride the bus with you now... if you want..." He offered, a shyness that seemed so foreign to his character shown through his eyes. "I promise I won't grope you," he joshed, making you roll your eyes.
"That's really not something we should be joking about," you mumbled, wiping away the rest of your tears on your sleeve.
His thumb brushed against the back of your hand soothingly. "I mask my awkwardness around you in dark humor. I'm sorry."
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Content warning: homelessness, disability, poverty, the usual from your friendly neighborhood screw-up: AN UPDATE, PART TWO
This is an update to this post.
Links ahead of time:
Ko-Fi | PayPal.Me | Needs Wishlist | Car Wishlist | New Place Wishlist
As always, PayPal and cashapp are both tashabot. If it says Nova, Cat-Thulu, or has a delivery address where my name starts with an N and the zip code is 89701, that's all me.
We were supposed to sign a lease on a shitty refurbished motel room today but 1. They wanted to charge pet rent on assistance animals, and 2. They wouldn't let us have one of the rooms with an apartment-sized fridge because those rooms aren't pet-friendly, so we're back to me not being sure of what the fuck to do. I need to be able to grocery shop and prepare food because I'm fucking diabetic.
So my Toyota, the better of my two cars that I wanted to get fixed, got repossessed yesterday (March 17 - luck of the Irish, my ass). That means any of the things I needed in relation to it are gone, but it also means that I have to pay more in gas, and that I need to fix the Kia up hardcore because it's not an option anymore. I also need to drive to Sparks (~45 minutes away or so) on Monday to get my stuff out of the Toyota car, because I wasn't sure where my keys to the car were while it was being towed. And while I've paid a few things, new things have come up.
Total raised as of today: $538/$2797
Below the cut is an updated list of stuff.
First is that I need to re-home Kono. I've been crying about it for a few days, but it's just not fair to confine her to 250 or less sqft with Emily, who picks on her. Emily is Raven's therapy cat, and she does wonders for their mental health, but she picks on Kono something fierce. So I need to figure that out, on TOP of everything else. If I'm short on updates, this is why.
Most of the physical stuff needed can be found on the wishlists. We get SNAP benefits, so we have food covered, although I will NOT turn down unused fast food or pizza place gift cards. Also useful would be gift cards to auto parts places and tire places, or really any other gift card.
Car stuff: $50ish, depending on taxes/shipping. It’s the first three things listed on the Car Stuff wishlist.
Car insurance: I paid the late balance, but now I owe this month's. I haven't called Geico yet to remove the Toyota from my insurance, but as of now, that's, $73.
Phone Bill: I now have two months of bills because of a SNAFU, but I was able to work out a payment arrangement. The downside is that now it's for two months' worth of bills. This means I have to pay $345 on March 29th, and $345 on April 12th. Total: $690. I need to get caught up with T-Mobile so I can take one of the lines off of my plan when I move.
Title Loan: I now only have the one title loan to worry about. It's a much more reasonable amount. The next payment is $129 and it's due on April 4th. It's $395 to pay off in full.
Storage: Because we’re going to be in such a wiggly situation, my mom has agreed to let us store some of our stuff at her house, stuff I can’t or won’t get rid of (my dad’s notes and journals, my books, baking stuff, things like that), but it’ll be stored outdoors. This means I need weatherproof totes now, as well as the regular ones. I found a four-pack, and I’ll need around eight of them. They’re on the needs wishlist going for $130 a four-pack. I also found an 8-pack of the regular kind for $71. Total for totes: roughly $220 with tax.
Cat carriers: $100. If I re-home Kono I want to include a cat carrier.
U-haul: (And dump runs on the days leading up to move -we’re getting rid of a lot of stuff too. Also gas. I’m probably underestimating, fuck.) $300, including deposit.
Cat food: $25.
Cat litter: $35. We recently discovered that clay and crystal litter hurts two of our three cats’ feet and are looking to switch to a corn-cob based litter, and it’s a little pricy, but they’re legit ESA’s. They take care of us, so it’s up to us to take care of them.
Allergy meds: $9. Still need these.
Gas: Recently shot up in price to $5 a gallon so probably $200ish. Hasn't changed.
Sundries: ~$150. Raven and I both desperately need underwear and we are running out of toiletries and toilet paper.
Cigarettes: $150.
The unimportant thing on this list is still a computer. I had listed a Chromebook before I realized we may very well be traveling around a lot and I won’t be able to rely on my giant desktop computer. I need a Windows laptop in order to do freelance work (graphics, video, sound, writing, etc.) and reliably try to find jobs. The cheapest one with a screen I can reliably see (and a hard drive that isn’t laughably tiny) at my local Walmart is this one. Trying to find something equal on Amazon is frickin’ impossible so I’m left allocating roughly $400 for a new laptop. This is literally last on my list of shit I need, but it’s still important.
If you’ve made it this far, thank you so much. I appreciate you, regardless of what your situation is and whether you can financially help out. Please consider signal boosting here and on other platforms - I could use the help.
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letskookandbaek · 3 years
Rightfully Yours: Chapter 1 | Jeon Wonwoo
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Soulmates doesn’t necessarily have to be in a form of a romantic relationship. 
But when feelings grow between two best friends, will replacing the friendship label jeopardize everything?
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆  。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆  。・:*:・゚
- Wonwoo x Fem Reader
- feat Mingyu, Yeri (RV), Seokmin, Jihoon, Minghao, Soonyoung, Chan, Seungcheol, Jennie (BP) etc.
- Word count: 2495 words.
Genre: Best Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Fluff, Non-Idol! au, College! au, Romance, Slight Drama, Slight Angst.
- Series Warnings: Cursing, Suggestive scenes, Insecurity, Family Issues, Food, Violence (let me know if there are more).
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。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆  。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆  。・:*:・゚
“Fuck” you cursed under your breath after looking at your phone. It was 7.45am and you were about to be late for your World Cultures class again. Professor Lee was most definitely going to call you out in front of everyone if you didn’t reach on time. 10 missed calls. Your best friend Wonwoo was definitely not going to let this go, especially when you confidently told him recently that you are a changed woman and will be able to wake up for morning classes. As if. You quickly kicked the blanket off your body and rushed to get your clothes ready before taking a quick shower.
“I hate Mondays” you thought to yourself. You were dressed in Wonwoo’s oversized hoodie, jeans shorts and a baseball cap since you had no time to style your hair. To top off your grab-whatever-you-saw-first outfit was of course your favourite worn out sneakers that Wonwoo kept asking you to throw away. The hem of the sneakers were already coming apart but you insisted it still looked fashionable. You checked your phone as you ran down the stairs of the student apartment with your backpack, thanking the heavens for renting right in front of campus. cCrsing and breathing unevenly, you ran what felt like the longest lap in your life,
A guilty sorry escaped your lips every time you bumped into someone which made you to regret all the times your lazy ass turned down Wonwoo’s running invitations because man your stamina was really shitty. It was 8.01am when you reached the front door of the lecture hall. “Shit” you muttered as you tried to catch your breath, one hand on the doorknob and the other clutching your stomach. After a few seconds of heaving, you adjusted your cap and quickly walked in, immediately scanning the room for a familiar face.
Wonwoo lazily waved his hand from the third row as you quickly made your way up. He greeted you with a low whistle.
“Looks like someone’s early”
“Shut up, Professor Lee might notice!” you snapped as you slumped in your seat, trying to hide yourself.
“If you paid attention, you’ll realized he’s not even here” he was clearly tired of your bullshit as he jotted down some notes from another class. “Oh wow it’s my lucky day” you half-whispered in surprise as you sat up properly. As Wonwoo’s gaze shifted to you, he started to scan your outfit choice and squinted his eyes. “You didn’t pick up any of my calls and now you’re wearing the hoodie that I thought I lost?” the annoyance and disbelief in his voice was crystal clear.
“I swear I didn’t hear anything when you called and as for the hoodie..” you dragged your words, knowing full well you had no excuse. You definitely kept the hoodie to yourself because it was comfy and even made Wonwoo think that he had lost it somewhere. You didn’t have to explain yourself because from the look he was giving you, it was obvious he knew. Ever since he became close to you, he could always read you like an open book. “I’m taking it back later” were his finals words before Professor Lee entered. “Someone’s early for once” the middle-aged man spoke through the microphone as he called out your name, making you laugh nervously
Wonwoo let out an “Ow” after you kicked him under the table for giggling. It had only been the third week of the new semester and you’ve already made a name for yourself as the girl who was always late for 8am classes. Just great. It is not your fault you’re not a morning person. Just last week you had to sit through an earful from Professor Lee who advised you to be more serious about your punctuality since you’re a final year student. Who says I’m gonna work at a 9-5 were your rebellious thoughts. But on a serious note you knew he meant well.
Wonwoo on the other hand was always getting the perfect grades and was almost always punctual for every class. Sometimes you wondered how does he do it when the two of you spend most of your time with each other. At this point you’ve accepted the fact that maybe you were just not that disciplined compared to your best friend. Wonwoo was good looking, kind, and smart. No wonder everyone adored him. But you would never admit any of that to his face because he would definitely use it to be cocky around you. Since the two of you are so close, none of you would ever openly compliment each other much. Insults on the other hand were definitely the more common method used by the both of you to express affection.
You first met Wonwoo during your university’s orientation day. Both of you entered as freshmans at the time and ended up taking the same major which was Mass communications. You were both acquaintances for a while as you felt tough to get close to Wonwoo. He was more of the quiet type for the most part and you found it a little intimidating at the time. It didn’t help that he was slowly getting popular for his good looks too. But when the both of you were paired for an assignment, you realized how quickly you connected with Wonwoo. It definitely took some time for him to warm up to you though, the boy was quite shy and reserved, only communicating strictly about assignment matters at first.
Not that he was rude or anything, it was just his personality. But after you both finished the assignment together, he slowly started to become more comfortable around you. He enjoyed reading during his free time and was also into watching documentaries and general knowledge, all of which you were really passionate about. Not to mention you both have a thing for scary movies. Ever since then the both of you were basically inseparable.
Not long after, many people started to suspect that you both might be dating each other and even gave the label “It” couple because as much as Wonwoo had the looks, so did you. While girls were busy crushing on Wonwoo, boys were busy drooling over you. You were cute, confident, and definitely carried yourself well. Not to mention your usual choices of outfits to college are always quite revealing and tight (but not distasteful of course). You were the tank top, crop top and high waisted jeans kinda girl or if you’re feeling lazy on some days a cute bodycon dress would just do the trick. However today was one of those days where you just didn’t bother to look good at all especially since you were already in your final year. You honestly just wanted to fucking graduate.
As your only first 2 hour class ended for the day, your tummy made a loud rumble which caught the attention of a few students near you. “I’m starving” you grabbed Wonwoo by the arm and dragged him across the lecture hall, embarrassed by the situation. Wonwoo patted your back and shook his head. Cute he thought. “Let me text the rest to see if they’re tagging along” he pulled you to a corner outside the hall and right on time Seokmin came crashing into the both of you. Your loose fitted cap almost fell off and you stumbled a little bit while Wonwoo remained steady as a rock. Seokmin was lucky he was a sweetheart because if it were anyone else you wouldn’t have showed any mercy.
”Ya’ll heading to the cafeteria? I just finished literature class” his happy and cheerful voice was the opposite of your mood that was close to commit murder due to your empty stomach. Wonwoo gave the poor boy a look and he immediately understood the situation. “Of course our princess needs to eat, let’s head there first! The others will come eventually” Seokmin rested his arms around the both of you as the three of you quickly head to the cafeteria. Seokmin was a Theatre major and was in his final year. Wonwoo used to be neighbours with him and so you came to know Seokmin through Wonwoo. At the cafeteria, your eyes immediately fell on Mingyu and Jihoon who were happily stuffing their faces. “Ayy they’re here early!” Seokmin exclaimed and went ahead to join them first. You soon followed after alongside Wonwoo.
“I know I’ve said this a million times but man the Tonkatsu here is super good” Mingyu greeted the both of you, shoving his bowl to Wonwoo. Mingyu was a Video Productions major and was also in his final year. Wonwoo and Mingyu have been friends since high school and had a pretty tight friendship. You have also gotten pretty close to Mingyu recently as you found him easy to be around with. Wonwoo took a bite of the Tonkatsu that Mingyu fed him. “Not as dry as the other day, today’s better” he nodded in approval. “Isn’t that Wonwoo’s hoodie?” Jihoon interrupted after putting down his phone, examining your outfit. Jihoon was a Music Production major in his final semester. You knew Jihoon through a family friend a long time ago and didn’t know years later he would share the same group of friends with you. The world was way too small.
“Oh my gosh, what’s the big deal?! He leaves his things all around my place anyways!” you dramatically made gestures with your hands in the air. “Like the couple you are you mean?” Jihoon teased. Mingyu snorted and almost choked on his Tonkatsu as he held back a laugh. Seokmin had to pat his back a few times to make sure he was alive. You rolled your eyes at Jihoon and grabbed Wonwoo’s arm to get yourself some food before you really blew.  Wonwoo got himself Kimchi fried rice while you settled for Bibimbap . As you were busy wolfing down your meal, you felt a pair of hands covering your eyes from the back.
“Guess who is it?” a feminine and gentle voice appeared. “Of course it’s you Yeri, I only have one girl friend” you didn’t bother to take her hands off of your face as you continued chewing. Shortly after you heard a male voice clearing his throat. “She’s my girlfriend, miss” Minghao interrupted while hugging Yeri by the waist which made her to release her hands from your eyes. A bunch of Ews and barfing sounds were made so you turned back to look at the sight. “Stop making me feel single you two” you glared. “Says the one who already has someone” Yeri wiggled her eyebrows to Wonwoo’s direction. You rolled your eyes. “I swear to God if any of ya’ll think we are a couple one more time you’ll have to open a bottle for us at the club” you threatened. Wonwoo who didn’t lift his face up from his bowl ever since he started eating suddenly turned to face you with an unamused expression. 
“You’re terrible at handling alcohol” his tone was purposefully insulting which incited low whistles and burns from the group. 
You scoffed in disbelief. “I only ever puked that one time!” you defended yourself.
“Couple fight incoming” Jihoon chimed in. 
“It’s not just about that, do you remember that time during our second year where you almost went back with some stranger?” You didn’t expect Wonwoo’s directness to hit you as much as it did. In that moment you felt embarrassed that your best friend brought that up to the rest. Was it even necessary?. The group went quiet as they noticed your shock reaction.
“That night wasn’t that bad though! You and Wonwoo ended up-” Mingyu tried to save the situation but the clumsy man only made it worse.
“Ended up safely with me” Wonwoo finished, eyes still on you. You know you can do whatever you want but don’t be reckless like that” his voice was gentler now before he continued to finish his meal. 
“Yeah, Wonwoo is right. We all care for you” Seokmin added and gave you a kind smile. You nodded in return. You had always been impulsive, slightly hot headed, dominant at times and independent. You didn’t listen to most people but you didn’t know why you always ended up listening to Wonwoo even if you didn’t admit it. He was level-headed, calm, and a great listener and confidante. Maybe that’s why you needed him in your life.
“Yeri and I are gonna head out to Starbucks, see you guys” Minghao waved while Yeri gave you a tight hug. “He cares for you, don’t be upset” were the words she managed to whisper into your ear. Truthfully you weren’t upset at Wonwoo. Everyone knew about that embarrassing moment anyway. You were just shock at how much he cared for you even though you’ve only been friends since first year of uni. Wonwoo didn’t express his feelings that often so maybe that was why it still surprised you whenever he does. Your thoughts suddenly started to drift to what Mingyu said earlier. Ended up…? . What did he mean by that?. The last thing you remembered before you got drunk off your ass at the club that time was dancing with Yeri.
You didn’t even remember the random guy that tried luring you back to his place as dangerous as it sounded. The last thing you remembered of Wonwoo was when he carried your drink for you before you head off to the dance floor. The next day you woke up at your place in the same outfit with an awful hangover. Wonwoo explained that nothing happened between the both of you that night and he even contemplated many times whether to change your clothes for you as he was worried you would be uncomfortable. He then decided not to because you already passed out and he didn’t have your consent. The most he did was removed the makeup off your face. He thank God he found your makeup wipes that night.
You ended up feeling extremely touched by Wonwoo for taking care of you and also felt bad that you made him go through all the trouble. According to your friends the next day, you were a handful when you were drunk. You were so lost in your thoughts that you didn’t realize the table was already empty with only Wonwoo next to you, nudging you to go to the library with him.
 “Let’s brainstorm topics for our next public speaking assignment” Wonwoo suggested with your bag already over his shoulder. 
“You don’t have to carry it for me” you stood up and grabbed your bag from him, still reeling over the memory. 
“Wasn’t gonna carry for you. I just held it up first because you always take such a long time to adjust your bag” You almost found his gesture sweet until it ended up becoming an insult as usual.
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆  。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆  。・:*:・゚
Series Masterlist
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after-witch · 3 years
Dabi babe I’m sorry-I didn’t mean to lash out at you. My boss, he just..overworking me. And I know I shouldn’t have taken it out on you.
notes: yandere, unhealthy relationship dynamics, emotional abuse, vague mentions of self-harm
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As the muscles in Dabi's shoulder loose their tension, the mucky, humid air built up in your apartment deflates, slowly leaking out the tiny cracks and crevices inherent in an apartment that had seen better days.
He sighs, running a hand through messily styled hair, and you instantly feel horrible. You're the one who always gets him worked up like this. You're the one who always insists he pay his rent on time, who nags him about cleaning up, who complains when he pins you to the touch and insists you stay home with him, just this one, can't just you be a good friend for once and stay with him when he's really fucking stressed out?
But no. You go to your job and your night classes and come home and bitch, bitch, bitch to Dabi about it all. About how you're tired from work and your homework is too confusing. About your professor docking you points for falling asleep in class. About the new guy at work who keeps asking to walk you home--at least he quit (without notice, the jerk) shortly after that.
And the more you rant, the more pissed Dabi gets. He tells you to quit. He tells you he'll think of a way to cover the other half of the rent. He tells you he'll tell your boss you quit, if you're too chickenshit to do it.
And the more pissed Dabi gets, the more you get pissed; telling him he's not your fucking father, telling him to mind his business, telling him if he's so smart why he is stuck in this shitty apartment in a shitty part of town with a former-stranger for a roommate?
And when you get like this, when you yell at him, the more likely he is to hurt himself; to start fires he can't control, to rage flames across his skin and you know he has trouble controlling his quirk and you know shouldn't be doing this to him.
So you apologize, every time.
And somehow, he forgives you.
Like right now. He slings his arm around your shoulder and pulls you into a hug and you apologize again and again.
He shushes you and rubs your back, hands warm, body warmer. Comforting you. Letting you know you didn't destroy your friendship.
You really don't deserve him.
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adonis-koo · 3 years
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| 26 |
↳ Summary: You came with the intentions of your best friend landing a job as a stripper. You never meant to catch the eyes of the king stripper of the establishment- Jeon Jungkook, yourself. With what was supposed to be a harmless way of paying off college debt faster you find yourself falling into a very odd and passionate relationship with your new mentor. Between infidelity, passion and jealousy there’s never a dull moment at Cherry Bomb.
↳ Pairing: Stripper!Jungkook/Reader
↳ Genre: Smut, fluff, angst, drama, slice of life, relationship problems without the relationship, reader is such a shy baby protect her, MUTUAL pining, so much sexual frustration,  
Word Count: 11k
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Song Mood
Warning: This story touches on both sexual harassment and abuse, please read with caution if any of these things are triggers to you. Additional warnings will be given when a chapter present them.
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Sweat beaded down his neck as he noticed the sun going down, shit if he didn’t start running faster he was going to be late…! Jungkook didn’t make any effort to stop by the two girls who had obviously been hoping to talk to him. He didn’t have time for that, not when he just got this next round of pay. 
Pausing at the cracked pavement of the apartment building he took a deep breath, wiping the sweat from his brow before calming himself down, inner excitement buzzing inside him as he felt accomplished. Five hundred, that was the number he had made this week. Five hundred, that would be enough for food…! Or- or maybe they could squeeze rent in with it too!
Jungkook felt giddy as passed by the dead brush of old flowers, the paint chipping off the side of the wall by the front door just as it always did, vaguely he could remember when his mom complained about never living somewhere nice.
Maybe this wasn’t an upper-class suburban neighborhood, but it was home. Opening the front door Jungkook paused, feeling a little leery at the sight of empty bottles on the table, his dad couldn’t have been home already, right? Jisoo was curled up on the couch, eyes meekly flickering to meet Jungkook’s before quirking into a little smile of greeting before letting her gaze drop back to her homework, “Mom’s in her room, haven’t seen her since I got home.”
Jungkook pressed his brows together in confusion, usually, she was a little more chipper than that, “Oh…” he breathed out before letting his shoulders slump a little, “Alright, I’m gonna go talk to her for a few minutes, do you need help with your homework?” He paused at the entry kitchen where the small circle table sat, takeout boxes piled up and the occasional pizza box underneath, he should really take the time to try and clean up.
Jisoo’s gaze flickered between her brother and her homework as she nibbled against her lip, “...You don’t have to help me Jungkook…” She felt guilty, he could tell instantly. 
Jungkook’s expression twisted a little more stern as he replied, “If I don’t then who will Jisoo?” He cut himself off abruptly as a thick silence hung in the air, Jisoo refused to look at him as she fiddled with her pencil, something she always did when she was nervous. Sighing he ran a hand through his hair, not wanting to scare her though it still disheartened him that she really thought of him like that, “I know I don’t Jisoo, But I don’t mind, okay? Let me just go talk to mom then I’ll be out in a moment to help.” 
She only nodded before letting out a soft sigh, curling up against the pillow she had hugged before Jungkook walked into the kitchen, the door ahead closed and it seemed like the lights were turned off, softly knocking Jungkook heard a crash inside as he opened the door, the TV playing in the pitch-black room where the curtains had been closed.
“Mom?” Jungkook furrowed his brows as she wobbly stood up, the cigarette she wasn’t supposed to be smoking in the house pinched between two of her fingers as she struggled to stand up properly, “Kookie…!” Her voice enthusiastic yet somewhat confused, her brows squeezed together as if she struggled to see him, “When did you get home?” She fumbled around the bed as he coughed, waving the cigarette smoke she had blown in his face on accident out of the way.
“I...I just got home mom, look I know it’s been hard with dad but….” He scratched his neck, feeling a little apprehensive before pulling the thick wad of cash out of his pocket, “I wanted to help out so…! Here, maybe…maybe me, you and Jisoo can go to the store and…!” He felt proud of himself at his mom's eyes lighting up quickly snatching the money from his hands, “Maybe we could get a few new sets of clothes or….mom?” He paused as she finished counting the money with an exasperated sigh as if inconvenienced. 
“You couldn’t have gotten another hundred?” His mom complained, her face saying that this was absolutely not enough, Jungkook felt his lips part, fumbling but no words came out as he felt his previous excitement begin to deflate.
It...it wasn’t good enough…? 
“Jungkook I would have thought you’d be more useful than this,” She sighed as she turned her back, annoyance filtering her features as she waved a dismissive hand, “I should’ve anticipated this though, I can never count on you to be enough when I need it. Go help your sister with her shit.” 
She puffed from her cigarette once more as Jungkook felt the frustrated anger quell in him, stiff in place as he felt the urge to swallow the hard rock that was suddenly stuck in his throat, his mom turned around as her scorned expression furrowed, “Are you deaf in the head? Get the fuck out of here and go do something useful. God you’re so fucking needy.” 
Jungkook had made sure to slam the door on his way out, running a hand through his hair as he felt the anger seethe through his veins, why was it never enough? All he wanted was to help! To be validated and good enough for his mother? Growling he hadn’t even registered when his fist slammed into the wall, again….and again...and again. 
His fist throbbed in sharp pain and it was already becoming swollen as blood trickled against the floor. Jisoo didn’t have the nerve to ask when she carefully wrapped his hand. 
Memories like those were the most prominent, especially after triggering situations such as just a few hours ago in which Jungkook and you had experienced a near kidnapping. The ride home had been painfully silent and it wasn’t until in the shower that you had broken down crying and continued until you could no longer keep yourself awake. 
Jungkook however, wasn’t tired at all, the opposite in fact, his eyes had been staring blankly at the ceiling for the last two hours, his mind filtering memories and briefly wondering, where had he gone wrong in his life? You were curled up against him, your body relaxed and your face buried against his side. 
With you sound asleep, Jungkook didn’t feel the obligation to hold a pleasant expression, and thus his bitter glare at the dirty white ceiling you had commented on painting one day. Where did he go wrong? Was he really that terrible of a person, was he considered a pain in the ass as a child? 
In fact, Jungkook felt strongly when he was younger, about wishing he had never been born, so that he wouldn’t have had to endure such incredibly hurtful parents. Jungkook wanted nothing more than to cherish his mother’s love. His lips quivered a little, his top lip twitching a little at the angry gloss of tears in his eyes, he hated it. He hated that it still hurt him almost ten years later. 
Jungkook hated more than anything, the permanent stain it had left on his heart, the constant need to prove that he wasn’t needy, that he didn’t need anyone, that he didn’t need to rely on anyone. He bent over backwards and compromised more of himself then he possibly could, in hopes that one day, his mother would love him. 
It wasn’t that Jungkook regretted his decisions, he had made plenty of money that he kept to himself, hence buying his first car, he could get his sister new clothes and pay for her meals. But still...he just wished he hadn’t compromised so much of himself, for something he would never have been given, no matter how perfect he tried to be. 
When he first came to Seoul, Jungkook didn’t know who he was, or what he wanted to do. He had spent so much of his life, living day in and day out, hoping he could force himself into the role of perfect son that would somehow fix his dysfunctional life, to the point that when he had left it all. It left him completely devoid inside. And Jungkook supposed he did eventually find himself, somehow. 
Purified sugar and there had to be some kind of strain of acidic flavor in the energy drink Jungkook had just finished chugging, it was his third one tonight and he had just finished his shift. His coworker coming in looking buzzed on something that was definitely not alcohol. 
“Psst- hey Jungkook,” He frowned as he turned to the male, raising a brow as he silently inspected the guys pupils that were widened like saucers, “You want some of this shit before you go? Hits different.” 
Jungkook’s nose wrinkled a little as he watched the guy pull the plastic bag from his coat, pure white powder inside as he offered a weak smile, “No thanks man, have a...good shift.” He offered, not in the least bit interested in that. 
Jungkook had watched his dad drain his whole life away with drugs, he was not about to do the same thing. Pushing his hands into his sweatshirt as he pushed the backdoor to the convenient store open. Life was shitty, but at least he was by himself, alone, and able to do what he wanted. The motel was a pretty far walk and these parts of Seoul weren’t the hottest but hey, it was a pretty lively area. Groaning Jungkook pulled up his hood, keeping his head low as he began to weave through alleyways as a shortcut to the motel, he was making, barely enough money to pay for it with the discount of ramen but admittedly...his stomach ached and growled in need of substance that he was beginning to get tired of living on. Was the rest of his life going to be this bleak? 
Jungkook had debated on enrolling for college but it seemed like a bad idea and a lot of debt he couldn’t afford to get into when he was barely putting a roof over his head. The idea of being an escort didn’t sound horrible but…
His lips twitched. No, he wasn’t going back to that. It was still too fresh in his head and he couldn’t handle anymore predatory older women preying on him. Ah great, his clothes were practically soaked to the bone. He’d need to find a day job at least to start saving money for actual food- take out at least and new clothes. 
Jungkook hadn’t even realized where he was walking until he smashed into someone, he didn’t mind it much but to be fair he was on the giving end, the guy taking a tumble before he growled, “Hey fuckin’ watch where you’re going kid.” Jungkook kept his head low, knowing damn well it was too late and he was too hungry for this shit. 
He just wanted to get out of the cold rain before he got sick, “Look! Little fucker thinks he’s better than us!” The friend called out, walking up as he got in Jungkook’s face as he followed beside him, “Hey shithead, you ran into my friend! I think that warrants an apology!” 
Jungkook paused, lifting his chin a little as he closed his eyes in exasperation, these guys were really fucking annoying, they both began cackling at his reaction as he turned to face them both, “Fuck off.” Jungkook could hardly contain the words tumbling from his lips, this wasn’t a good start given it was a 2v1 here. 
“Ooh, little man thinks he’s a badass.” The friend mockingly awed out before Jungkook was suddenly shoved, “Because you’re so rude to your elders, I think you should give us money as compensation for not beating your ass.” 
Compensation? In what world? 
Jungkook scoffed, a smirk coiling on his lips as he cocked his head into an annoying cocky expression, “The only compensation you’ll get is having the luxury of kissing my ass.” Knowing this totally wasn’t in his favor he suddenly shoved the first guy which made him slam into his friend before he booked it down the alleyway. 
Heavy footsteps pounded on the pavement following after him, making his way out of the alleyway he made a sharp right but didn’t make it two feet before he slammed into multiple bodies, “Out of the way assholes! He’s dead meat!” Jungkook scurried behind the two men who didn’t budge an inch. 
They were around his height and yet...they both definitely went to the gym, “Ew, they look like hetros.” The one on the right said as he wrinkled his nose, he held an umbrella that shielded his friend and Jungkook as well who leered, looking ready to run again if needed, “What are you doing over there idiot?” He twisted around and Jungkook was somewhat taken aback at how stunning this man was...was he a model? 
More importantly his brows furrowed in confusion, he knew neither of these guys, why did they act like they knew him? The man spoke once more as he looked at Jungkook as if he knew him well, “Got into trouble, again?” 
The man on the left spoke up as he tutted, “Sorry for our friend, he’s young and doesn’t know any better. Ah...It would be best if you just go…” His voice was methodical and smooth. He was a little taller than Jungkook and the other man, a pleasant yet tense smile on his face. 
The two guys looked at one another before glaring at Jungkook once more, who only let a snide smile appear on his face as the two grumbled their apologies, even giving a short bow before slinking back into the depths of the alleyway. 
Both the men turned around, the one on the right who looked like a model snorted, “You know this kid?” 
“Nope.” The other one said as he shrugged. 
Jungkook could only look between the two men, suddenly stricken with gratitude at the realization that, despite not even knowing who Jungkook was, they stuck their necks out for him to get these guys away. He looked a little doe eyed before he offered a boyish smile as he bowed, “Wow you guys really saved my ass! Hey uh-” Jungkook couldn’t put his finger on why, but he wanted to get to know these two better, “I can make it up to you! I could buy drinks!” 
“No!” The model immediately rejected, his hand on his mouth as his nose wrinkled, “I mean your welcome but hard pass, i’ve already drunk twice my weight in liquor for the night.” He winced a little as if trying not to gag. 
Jungkook frowned as he rubbed his head...oh...okay…? He turned to the other man, suddenly feeling a bit odd at the way this guy was staring at him. It wasn’t creepy or as if he had ulterior motives, but it was as if...he was evaluating him. Jungkook felt a bit uneasy and at this notice the man offered a weak smile, “Say, if you’re struggling for money, get off work early and come back here tomorrow kid. You’d be a hot take here. Come on Seok let’s go.” 
The other man shrugged before they walked away leaving Jungkook thoroughly confused and somewhat dazed as rain began to pour back over him again. Puzzled, he turned to face the building the two men had exited from. 
Cherry Bomb. Huh, interesting.
The thought of those two men lingered in Jungkook’s mind the whole day as he debated on what to do and in the end, he figured, what the hell? Why not just go for it and see, he was a bit leery admittedly at the man's words about making money. Last time he did that, he became an underage escort and a drug runner. 
His nose wrinkled as he carefully made his way through the alleyway, careful to not run into anyone this time. It was two in the morning and he figured, this would be early enough, right? Unless...No he’d give it a try! 
Jungkook nodded in determination as he stood in front of the bright neon red sign with the words Cherry Bomb plastered on it, what even was this place anyways? He paused at the two bouncers out front, checking ID’s as he got his ready, showing it before they nodded and let him inside. 
Jungkook had expected a lot of things, what he didn’t expect was the foggy atmosphere, cherry red neon lights, tables packed with people and screams of cheers. Making his way through the crowd his nose wrinkled a little before he got a good look at the large stage, thinner in the middle and circled out on the sides. 
His lips immediately parted at the sight of...naked women...dancing...wrapped around poles. His ears were burning as he frantically looked away, feeling like he was intruding on a private event before his hormones got the best of him. His eyes looked back at the stage where the woman kept swaying her hips as she parted her legs. Her tits were perked and her thong left little to the imagination and…
Jungkook tensed at the sudden feeling of arousal shooting down below, his cock throbbing against his jeans as he awkwardly shifted. What the fuck was he supposed to do with this...was he even in the right place…? 
But...if he wasn’t...wouldn’t they have been more specific…? Jungkook peered around, feeling a little hesitant as he scanned the crowd before...Oh! Oh there he was! Jungkook shuffled through the crowd as he found the man at the bar, laughing with the bartender before they met eyes, “Oh good! I was wondering if the environment would scare you off,” He laughed, “You look like a boy coming of age.” 
“..I…” Jungkook paused, not used to this type of talk being so...free, feeling apprehensive he asked the only question he could think of, “What is this place?”
The guy snorted, looking amused as he spoke, “A strip club…? Hey how old are you?” 
“Twenty…” Jungkook replied, a little reluctant as the man laughed, almost endeared as he squared his shoulders a little, he wasn’t a kid! He just...had never...Jungkook felt his ears burn as his eyes narrowed, sex wasn’t everything! 
“Okay good! That means you’re legal!” He wiped a non existent sweat off his brow as he offered a dimpled smile, “I’m Kim Namjoon,” He nodded in greeting, “I work here as a Soloist.” Jungkook’s lips parted a little as he looked at Namjoon before at the stage, “Yeah, I’m a stripper.” 
A male stripper? Jungkook had never heard of such a thing before as he furrowed his brows before he connected the dots, suddenly bursting out laughing as he sat in a seat, “You think I would be a stripper!?” 
Namjoon lifted a hand as he spoke, “I mean, you showed up didn’t you?” Jungkook paused as Namjoon smiled cunningly, “Mhm, listen, I get it. Everyone’s a little reserved when they first get in the business but, we have it good here at Cherry Bomb.” 
“...I’m not a stripper,” Jungkook’s nose wrinkled a little, looking at his knuckles before up to the bartender that was busy serving several other customers, “I’m not even experienced-” 
“Pause,” Namjoon cut him off as he looked at him in wariness, “That’s what’s good about Cherry, we accept people with zero experience. They’re called trainee’s, which means they have an experienced stripper show them the ropes of how everything works.” 
Jungkook didn’t speak for a moment, as he swiveled his chair around, looking out at the stage where girls were dancing as raunchy as possible but...his eyes landed on the money that was flying...that had to be fifty, “....And you want me as what…? A trainee?” 
Namjoon smiled patiently, “Pretty much, I’m particular in who I train but, you have the face for the job. I feel like you'd generate a lot of profit. For yourself and Cherry.” This was where Jungkook frowned, wariness filling him once more. Profit for Cherry Bomb...He couldn’t shake the feeling that, this seemed too good to be true…”So what’s the catch?” Namjoon tilted his head as Jungkook spoke, “What’s the catch, where’s the draw back? This can’t just be me flashing everyone my dick and getting paid for it.” 
“Right…” Namjoon smiled a little as he curved a brow, “You won’t, salary is cheap because technically our tips make up for it. But starting out as a trainee means nobody knows you and, nobody is going to throw money at you.” Jungkook tilted his head a little, “See we have a hierarchy here. First we have bottom feeders, trainee’s, they’re new, they’re awkward, nobody knows them and nobody wants to give them money when something better waits. Then there’s fillers, those girls up there who dance between the main shows, which are soloist’s who dance by themselves. They’re what everyone is waiting for.” 
Jungkook frowned, “So unless you’re the main attraction there’s no point in dancing.” Then why bother with this place, weren’t most strip clubs self employed anyways? Why be a bottom feeder here when you had greater success somewhere else? It didn’t sound appealing to Jungkook. 
“Because,” Namjoon chuckled as the stage went dark before the lights turned on, Jungkook immediately recognized it as the male he met last night, “Everyone likes a big ego and an even bigger wallet.” He hadn’t even started dancing and money was already being piled onto the stage. 
Jungkook couldn’t help but watch in awe at the way he kept a crowd which, surprisingly held many females who all gushed and screamed for him, the power he held in his performance and all the money that floated down on him as he swung around the pole. Jungkook was...interested. And besides, what’s the worst that could happen with this place?
“Alright,” Jungkook leaned back in his seat as he looked at Namjoon, a cocky look in his eyes as he smirked, “I’m willing to talk.” 
That was a turning point in Jungkook’s life. He stretched out a little, careful not to move too much as he didn’t want to wake you, you had shifted with a little yawn before your face pressed back against him. His lips ghosted into a smile as he looked down at you, his hand tethering gently against the back of your neck as you curled against his touch, you were just too cute. 
For a moment everything was okay before he frowned once more, no matter what you said, it was his fault you were put in the position you were, if he had just...Jungkook silently groaned in frustration, he had lived his whole life like this. 
It wasn’t anything he wasn’t used to. 
But it frustrated him to no end, he could’ve done a lot of things in his life differently but he didn’t. And now you were having to deal with all of his baggage he had secretly hoped he could bury with time. But this situation was just a bitter reminder that no matter how fast Jungkook ran, the past would always catch up. 
“Mmm fuck, that’s it you little slut.” Sweat beaded against the back of Jungkook’s neck, the tight space of the bathroom stall making his body heat radiate and his skin flush as a low moan escaped him. His hand fisted into the girl's hair, her lips eagerly wrapped around his cock as she bobbed her head against it. 
Jungkook’s brows creased as he guided her movements, her cheeks hollowing before carefully taking him down her throat as he hissed, “Fuck, I bet you like choking on cock don’t you baby? Such a slutty brat.” He growled, forcing her head still before sharply snapping his hips into her mouth, his orgasm was so fucking close. 
She was gagging and clawing against his thighs as gurgled whines escaped her, her little throat tightening around his cock making him let out a long moan as he rutted one last into her mouth, his cum warm and thick as it slid down her throat. 
Jungkook needed a moment to recover before pulling himself from her mouth, heaving in breaths as he rasped, “Jesus….thanks.” 
The girl- Yuna stood up as she wiped her lips, a bright smile adorning them as she laughed, “My pleasure, you should probably go talk to Namjoon though, as nice as your dick is it’s not why I came to get you.” 
Tucking himself away Jungkook glanced up at her as he gave a half smirk, though it seemed more like a lopsided smile, “I didn’t hear you complaining. I’ll go talk to him. Did he say what he wanted?” Namjoon, his mentor, was always on the more relaxed end of Soloist’s, not quite having the energy to debate with Jungkook. 
“Mmm dunno,” Yuna shrugged as she opened the stall, fixing her hair as best she could before rubbing her eyes, taking a quick look into the mirror to make sure she was somewhat decent, “You said you weren’t into degradation last time we fucked.” She raised a brow in curiosity as she glanced at him in the mirror.
Jungkook paused, running a hand through his hair as he looked away briefly. He did say that beforehand, trying to degrade a girl just felt….wrong...It almost always made him feel like an asshole and for the longest time he never saw the appeal. Jungkook shrugged as he replied, “Well, one of the girls I slept with was really...like really into it, and she explained that everything was consented and that if she had a problem with anything I called her she’d tell me. I wasn’t really into it at first but if it’s what she wanted,” He shrugged once more as Yuna turned around, tilting her head, “But after seeing how much it turned her on, and how weak she got anytime I called her a slut...It was kinda hot.”
Jungkook’s brows pressed together in thought, it was weird but, if the girl was okay with it then, that made it okay, right? He still felt somewhat at war with himself, maybe he should’ve asked Yuna? Even if she was the one that was practically begging him to call her a whore to begin with, but still. 
Yuna gave him a smile as she opened the door waving him out as he followed her, “You’re telling me all I needed to do was give you an educational lesson in BDSM? You’re so innocent Jungkook.” He glared at her as she laughed holding up her hands, “I’m just saying, you’re a natural in bed but you just always seem to...hold back…” 
Walking out of the hallway the main floor of Cherry Bomb was packed as always in the morning, girls going over their routines, people conversing with one another, Jungkook had come to love it here, it wasn’t the nicest place, but it wasn’t like he grew up living a nice life, “Well,” He huffed as his memories of his earlier experience when it came to sex flashing through his mind, “It’s not like I was with someone my age willing to guide me through it.” 
He immediately regretted his words, mentally chiding himself at saying too much as Yuna furrowed her brows, glancing up at him as she frowned. He was thankful she didn’t seem to say anything on the matter though, maybe knowing it wasn’t a good idea. 
“Well regardless, I’m proud of you.” Yuna patted his back as he rolled his eyes, leave it to her to keep things surface level before flashing him a grin and parting ways. Jungkook’s eyes scanned over the room, clacking his tongue as he sighed, Namjoon was probably in the soloist room if he wasn’t out here.
Making his way back down the hallway he pushed the door of the room open, glancing up at the small stage where Seokjin was working with Rose, “Done with your quick fuck already Jungkookie?” 
Jungkook’s shoulders tensed and his gaze deathened as they landed on the insufferable figure that stood ahead, freshly dyed platinum silver hair that covered thick bushy brows, the smirk crept on none other then Kim Taehyung’s face, what a fucking tool, “At least I can get my dick sucked without having to beg people to do it.” 
Taehyung snorted as he curved a brow, running his fingers through his hair as he replied, “Sorry what was that? Couldn’t hear you over being Cherry Bomb’s Playboy, girls would be fighting to the death to suck what I got.” 
Jungkook gritted his teeth as he rolled his eyes, refraining from rearranging that pretty face of Taehyung’s, he didn’t give a shit if he had only been working there for two weeks when Taehyung won SSU he still thought it wasn’t deserved. Taehyung was conceited garbage beneath Jungkook’s feet. He wasn’t going to groval over him just because he was a soloist now.
“Jungkook,” Namjoon sighed, curving a brow as he glanced between the two rivals before rolling his eyes, “Come on, over here.” He waved over his trainee who gritted his teeth before reluctantly walking over.
Jungkook raised his brows in question, not understanding why his mentor wanted him, most days he wasn’t even really training with Namjoon anymore, it had been almost a year of him working here and Jungkook personally thought becoming a filler would be easier than this. Training for over a year was just so ridiculous though, he was used to stripping, he could spend the whole night with girls at a table. And yet these people still treated him like he was a trainee, just because of the title. 
“Look I need you to be on your best behavior tonight okay?” Jungkook pulled up a chair as he sat across from Namjoon at the small table as he curved a brow, “Seasonella’s reps are coming tonight to choose and you’re definitely going to get onto the list if you put on a good show. But, I wouldn’t blame you if you want to take tonight off.” 
Jungkook was like a toddler beaming, he didn’t know all the ends and outs of Seasonella, but he knew it was guaranteed to be promoted from trainee to filler, hell, maybe even...He dismissed the idea, the last thing he needed was to get ahead of himself, “Why would I do that?” Jungkook scoffed, a cocky smirk on his face as he continued, “You know how I feel about still being a trainee. If I have even the slightest chance of climbing up from this shitfest I’ll take it.” 
Namjoon grimaced a little, of course his trainee was stubborn hard headed ass, sighing he ran a hand through his hair before replying, “We don’t just strip there Jungkook. We’re treated as prostitutes as well, I don’t know what the deal is but they make it like we have a choice when we don’t. It’s...not really pleasant.” 
Jungkook didn’t think much about his words, only snorting as he lifted his chin in that cocky manner he always had, “So I’ll get paid to not only strip but to fuck too? Where’s the loss in that?” This sounded like a pretty good gig in his opinion, what were the drawbacks supposed to be?
Namjoon shook his head as he sighed, figuring this would probably be the kid's reaction despite coming from a rough background himself, he had hoped, Jungkook would exercise a little more caution than he was. But then again Namjoon also understood that he was young and immature. 
“Nevermind. Regardless, if you want to go you need to be on your best behavior and…” Namjoon looked away somewhat wryly, “Don’t....don’t piss anyone off tonight, last thing I need is for you to try to knock the client's son’s teeth out.” Jungkook only puffed his chest proudly as he leaned his weight back and he shoved his hands into his pocket. 
Jungkook felt the urge to laugh at how stupid he had been, how arrogant and immature his actions were to not heed Namjoon’s warning. It’s why he couldn’t be upset with you. He was even worse than you his first year at Seasonella. True he didn’t go as far as shut it down, but then again, Eva didn’t waste time in digging up his whole past and dangling it over his head to keep him coming. 
But if he heeded the warning then- he cut himself off, what was the point in always thinking this way? Admittedly, it was getting tiring to beat himself up constantly, to wish for things to be different when they weren’t. 
Jungkook, just wanted to put everything behind him, and start fresh. He had friends who he considered his family and….well he had you. His eyes flickered to your figure that wiggled a little to get comfortable before stilling once more. Sighing he shook his head, he almost lost you last night. Or you almost lost him. 
He couldn’t live the rest of his life like this, he couldn’t. 
“So...are you um…” 
Jungkook leaned back against the headboard, running a hand through his sweat ridden hair, his muscles admittedly had been aching but it had been a great weekend honestly, what even was Namjoon talking about? He turned to face the girl he had been accompanying the whole week, Eva Friar. 
Jungkook felt a flow of ego filter him at the reminder, that’s right. For only being a trainee, he bagged the client’s daughter, she was just a year older than him and hey, she had money. And lots of it. By this point Jungkook would be able to get that apartment near Gangnam like he had been hoping. 
“I’m taking it you’re single?” Eva squeaked out, a shy smile on her face as she covered her nose with the blanket in an attempt to try and look cute. Jungkook curved a brow, single…? It hadn’t even crossed his mind honestly. 
Jungkook was neutral if not a little confused before he spoke, “...Yeah…? I mean, I doubt anyone would wanna date a guy like me.” He laughed a little despite it sounding tense- that came off more self-deprecating then he had wanted...But it was true and honestly...Jungkook couldn’t do love. 
Not right now at least, it was too soon and memories of home were too fresh. The only love he had ever been exposed to was well...It wasn’t love and...how was he supposed to express something he had never been given? 
“Oh?” Eva perked up, giggling a little as she fumbled to sit up, pulling the sheet against her chest despite Jungkook having already fucked her three times thus far today, “W-well that’s hard to believe! I mean, look at you!” 
Jungkook frowned a little, looking down at himself, true he had gotten a membership at the gym and he had obviously worked on his stroke game but...He was just...himself, “And…?” He asked as he furrowed his brows. 
“You’re the whole package Jungkook!” Eva exclaimed as she smiled brightly, “I- I mean...any girl would be lucky enough to date you…” She trailed off coyly as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. 
“Really?” Jungkook cocked a brow, not sure if he actually believed her, Jungkook wouldn’t….exactly consider himself a catch, given...well literally everything outside his appearance. 
“Well I mean…” She shuffled a little closer to him as she fluttered her eyelashes, “How about you take me to dinner tonight and I’ll show you…” 
Jungkook immediately leered back. Dinner!? Where did him being a stripper here for the weekend, say he was taking her to dinner, he knew it was an invitation but....”No thanks,” He offered a semi awkward smile, “I...I’m not really into relationships…” 
Great now he felt like an ass. Jungkook tried to recover as he forced a laugh that admittedly sounded light, “Yeah! It's just...you know, being a stripper and all. It doesn’t mesh well with relationships. You understand yeah?” 
Eva’s lips trembled a little and Jungkook had a difficult time looking at her, god this girl was so pitiful, “No totally! Ha..ha. I’m gonna use the bathroom!” She suddenly fumbled and before Jungkook could say a word, she was gone. Collapsing back against the bedboard he groaned, god dammit. 
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Jungkook wasn’t sure when he actually fell asleep, it was difficult telling, but what he did enjoy was waking up to you every single day now, you were already awake and on your laptop most likely doing something miscellaneous or maybe working on a art history project you had been putting off for the majority of the summer time. 
His lips briefly twisted in a small smile as he set his chin on his arms admiring your side profile as you had yet to realize he had woken up. Your brows furrowed a little and your lips pressed together before jutting out once more as you paused typing. 
Then your eyes met his, a sleepy smile on his face as he watched you huff a little embarrassed for no reason at all but simply just because, “Morning babygirl.” He spoke up, his voice a little raspy and dehydrated from the long night. 
Jungkook’s smile turned more affectionate as he watched a shy smile appear on your lips as your eyes trailed back to the laptop screen, “Morning.” You mumbled out as you began to type again, your expression looked a little clouded compared to most days and briefly Jungkook wondered why before it hit him what had happened, “I tried waking you up to help me with breakfast but you were out of it. So I figured I'd just wait for you to wake up.” 
Jungkook said nothing at first, rather he studied your focused expression with a little frown as an odd feeling set in his stomach at how detached you appeared, not wanting you to catch on though he spoke, “You don’t have to wait for me to make breakfast,” He smiled lovingly, his eyes still sleepy as he looked up at you, who broke away from that cloudy look unable to  help but share the same smile as your nose crinkled a little, “I burnt toast last time you tried to get me to help.” He commented rolling onto his back onto his side, looking up at you, at first anticipating you would bring up what had happened but….
“Because you said putting it on a higher heat would make it cook faster.” You clacked your tongue making him chuckle, it was his fault the toast came out like a brick but truthfully he hadn’t used his toaster in almost a year until you started staying over. 
He closed his eyes briefly, you were an amazing cook, no matter how much you tried to coyly dismiss him, he’d shower you in compliment after compliment when it came to what you made in the kitchen. Jungkook would admit he was suspicious about all the food you had gotten at the grocery store but he stood corrected, you were making use of it all.
Jungkook couldn’t even adequately describe how much he loved you and everything you did for him, it was quiet for a moment as he stared up at you with his lips twisted into a tiny smile, his lack of reply making you turn to look at him as your nose crinkled again, “Hey babygirl….” Jungkook hummed out making you raise your brows, he sat up tenderly as he ran a hand through his hair, feeling a little apprehensive as he mumbled, “...Baby are you okay…?”
“Don’t….” Jungkook immediately frowned at your sharp words as you curled away from him a little, your expression a shards of distraught could be seen in your expression which only made him want to hold you closer, “Jungkook I…” you closed your eyes, lips quivering a little as you mumbled, “Can we not...talk about it?” 
Jungkook frowned as he stared at your curled up figure earnestly, not talk about it…? Jungkook didn’t want to make any assumptions but it was difficult to not when you were acting like this, “Baby…” Jungkook sighed before tenderly reaching out, pulling you closer as he rested his chin in your shoulder, “We can’t ignore what’s going on.” 
Your lips drew together tightly and he could see the way your eyes watered as you inhaled sharply, trying your best to keep it together as you mumbled, “We can, what else can we do besides that?” You looked up at him, a tear having escaped as it began to trickle down your cheek, “Just for a few hours, please?” You mumbled.
Jungkook sighed, weak for you and he could never do something with the intention of knowing you’d cry, cradling your cheek he thumbed the tear away, “Just a few hours baby.” He leaned up, pressing a kiss on your cheek as you crumbled back against him, basking in the warmth he had to offer as he tenderly trailed a few kisses down your neck. Time passed slowly and tenderly as silence took over for a long while, Jungkook still felt mildly concerned but he wouldn’t push you, especially like this.
But pretending like last night didn’t happen wasn’t a good idea either, Jungkook felt helpless as he pressed a kiss onto your head, feeling lost and unsure of what to do. This wasn’t healthy for him or you at this point and your alarming detachment was only making him more and more worried for your safety, pretending things weren’t going on was only going to give you a false sense of security that didn’t exist. 
“...Can we go cook now...,” You whined with a mumble as you closed your laptop before getting out of bed, “Come let go, let’s go, let’s go!” You bounce a little, a silly pout on your lips and a surprising amount of energy for someone who hated waking up early, let alone with everything going on, the large t-shirt covering close to your knees before you hurried from the room. 
Jungkook shook his head, letting you have your temporary moment of relief, a smile on his face before groaning as he got out of bed, rubbing his head, “You’d be more successful without me burning anything!” He called out in one last ditch effort to go back to bed. 
“I want your help!” You sang back not taking no for an answer as he shook his head, getting up as he yawned once more, rubbing his eyes before he grabbed a sweatshirt that was hanging off the side of the laundry hamper. You both were supposed to go to the laundromat this morning to get some clothes done.
‘I can’t believe you don’t have a washer and dryer, this is so gross!” 
Your words echoed in his head and he wanted to laugh all over again, truth be told he only lived a block away from a laundromat and he didn’t mind taking early morning walks to get laundry done, even if it was an inconvenience. 
Jungkook couldn’t say for sure if those plans were still on given what had...happened last night, despite only happening it still felt like a hazy dream that only filled him with dread any
Pulling the sweatshirt over his head he couldn’t stop another yawn escaping him as he padded out from the hallway to where the kitchen and living room were, his eyes landing on you softly as you had already gotten to work. Wordlessly he walked up to you before wrapping his arms around your waist, pressing his face against your shoulder, “Koo! I can’t mix this properly when you’re trying to use me like a couch!” You whined out trying to tug away. 
Jungkook pressed a kiss against your shoulder as you wiggled once more, only he swayed with you as he whispered in your ear, “Can’t I just have you for breakfast?” 
“No!” You spoke sharply, obviously flustered at his words making him chuckle, forever endeared at how easy it was to make you all flustered over something you both had done time after time. Jungkook would never get tired of you, he was sure of it. 
Jungkook and you had cooked together this morning and with your gentle, patient direction Jungkook was surprised he had managed to actually be of some use and help to you. Breakfast was….rewarding, in a way. 
He could understand why you enjoyed it so much, you had told him recently that it was a pastime hobby to make tasty things. Jungkook had never gotten to experience waking up early as a child and helping the family making an early breakfast or even sitting at a table together bantering while enjoying what had been made together. Jungkook knew you often felt like you couldn’t offer him anything exciting or new, given you were a big introvert and he was the opposite, but little did you know it was the tiny things such as this that was new and he’d forever cherish.
Jungkook rested his cheek against his hand, a soft smile tugging on his lips as he listened to you ramble on about how when you first started cooking you had ended up misreading the recipe and using a half cup of baking soda instead of a teaspoon. You didn’t even realize just how much you gave to him in these little moments, he would always cherish it.
After breakfast Jungkook had loaded up his laundry with you before heading out onto the streets, Jungkook had rationalized that it was still daylight out and it was a busy morning with a large crowd, surely...things would be okay. 
Jungkook could tell you were leery of walking on foot but he had managed to convince you, after all, you wanted to have the morning to at least enjoy yourself and Jungkook would provide that to the best of his ability. Yet still, any time it was silent between you both a large cloud hung over the both of you, an unspoken tension that he couldn’t stand. 
And so Jungkook did what he always did when he didn’t like the atmosphere, he made conversation, something easy to talk about and he knew you enjoyed decorating, so he volunteered to ask what you wanted to do to the apartment first. 
Jungkook only had a tiny smile on his face as you immediately launched in the dozens of small things you wanted to get done first, a wash of relief taking over him at you now being a mildly distracted and the walk only being ten minutes, “That’s another thing i’d like by the way,” Jungkook hummed as he turned to face you, who had just been rambling on about this and that, “A washer and dryer in the apartment!” You exclaimed with a pout now enthusiastic about getting the apartment in better shape, “I don’t wanna have to walk a block every week just so our clothes can be clean! How do you live like this Jungkook?” 
Jungkook chuckled a little as he replied back, “Like anyone else! Not everyone can afford that babygirl. Have you stopped to think for a moment that maybe, maybe I’m just too poor to afford it.” He cackled at the sour expression on your face. 
“You just dropped over two thousand on a new gaming setup three days ago, Jungkook.” You groaned as you grabbed your head making him smile once more. 
“Not a setup, it’s all the parts for a new PC baby, I gotta prep my drip for Cyberpunk 2077 when it comes out. Which takes precedence over a washer and dryer,” He shrugged, just enjoying the way you’d flail and react, “However,” Jungkook exclaimed dramatically before he grinned, “I’ll make an exception, just for you.” He cooed as he wrapped an arm around you making you squirm, “But for real, I enjoy the experience babygirl, it’s not about having to walk once a week. It’s the fact that I get to walk once a week, and just enjoy myself.” 
Your nose wrinkled a little making him snort, he knew by your expression you didn’t understand at all but you also clearly didn’t want to invalidate him either. That’s what he really liked about you, he supposed, no matter how much you disliked something, you always tried your best to understand. 
For the sake of those you loved. You were delicate like that, or so Jungkook liked to think. 
“I think, you totally like her,” Jungkook whipped his head around faster than he could actually comprehend Taehyung’s words, just what in the hell did he hear his best friend say? “Just look at you dude, you won’t stop smiling every time you see her.” 
Jungkook leered away a little at his words, true it had been nearly a month of training you and there had never been a dull day in between but still… “I smile at everyone…” Jungkook frowned a little as he pointed it out, it was true, he did smile a lot, he liked to smile, it meant he was having a good time. 
“Yeah but,” Taehyung curved a brow, looking way too amused to be possible, “You never look like that.” He shrugged a little as Jungkook’s face soured a little, “Come on, don’t look at me like that, it’s the truth, why not just take her on a date. You’d do it to any other girl at this point.” 
Jungkook had to think about it for a moment, why hadn’t he taken you out on a date…? He frowned a little before sighing, “Because she isn’t a girl i’d just take on a date and fuck and never see again,” He answered steadily, that was the biggest reason truthfully, he didn’t know how to feel and the last thing he wanted was to let his hormones get the best of him and dive head first into a girl he really knew nothing about and…His jaw clenched a little, look what happened the last time he tried that.
“Isn’t that a good thing…?” Taehyung frowned a little as asked, obviously confused as to why this was a bad thing. 
“Because!” Jungkook flailed his hand a little, his back turned to the stage where some assortment of fillers were providing cheap entertainment, “She just…! I don’t…” He inhaled sharply, frustrated at himself, “Look I can’t deal with feelings and shit, not again, not after Soo Jin.” He rolled his eyes a little, “Taking her on a date is like a gateway for all that crap and I can’t deal with it right now.” 
Taehyung whistled a little, “That’s a little cold, even for you.” Jungkook puffed a breath as he continued, “And besides, what’s the difference between a hangout and a date anyways? You both go out together all the time as it is…” 
“Could you shut the fuck up please and just make my drink.” Jungkook complained, not wanting to be confronted with all of this. He didn’t want to think about because if he did he knew he was gonna freak himself out and end up doing something dumb and hurting you. And more than anything, he didn’t want to hurt you. 
So yes, he was going to drag out...whatever this was with you...as long as possible to ensure that he knew who you were, and what your intentions were with him. Not to assume he thought you had any type of intentions, you couldn’t hurt a fly honestly, unless provoked. 
But still, if Jungkook had learned any lessons, it was to not jump into love so fast as he had before. Not that he was in love with you...or anything like that. It was just platonic! He enjoyed platonic relationships- friendships! And you were the kindest, sweetest…his eyes trailed to your figure that was seated next to Rosé both of you talking to a table of frat boys who were eating you both up like candy...prettiest...friend he ever had! 
“Whatever, all I’m saying is if you break her heart- legally I’m obligated to beat the shit out of you.” Taehyung offered a boxy smile as Jungkook rolled his eyes as he slumped in his seat. He wasn’t going to do anything, Jungkook and you were purely, friends, good friends. That’s all. 
“She what?” 
“Yeah me and Rosé were pretty surprised she jumped to that conclusion.” Jungkook snorted at your words as you swung your feet back and forth, sitting on the seats they had set out in the laundromat while you both waited for your clothing to finish drying. 
“Taehyung is not gonna like hearing that, have you told him yet?” Jungkook snorted at the way your expression contorted before you flailed. 
“Of course not! Taehyung would freak and he’d probably do something stupid that would only confirm it in Yeri’s mind! I think, we should just leave them be, honestly, if it goes on long enough, Yeri will probably confront him.” You answered honestly, as you hugged the basket against your lap. 
“That’s one way it could go,” Jungkok hummed as he fiddled with your shirt making you whine a little, tugging away with him in indication for him to stop only for him to ignore it, “The other could be Yeri leaves and i’ll have my best bachelor bud ba- ow!” 
You swatted his arm angrily making him chuckle a little as he pulled away, “What?”
“Don’t talk like that! What do you have against Yeri!?” You cried out pointedly as Jungkook raised his brow in semi surprise. 
“Woah wait, I don’t have anything against her-” 
“Sure you do! Yeri told me how much of a jerk you were to her when she first started dating Taehyung! And making jokes like that isn’t funny!” Your brows pinched together and Jungkook sighed in exasperation when he realized you were being partially serious, “I just want them to be happy!”
“I don’t have anything against her,” Jungkook replied, this time more stern in his words, “And yes, I’m not gonna sit here and pretend like I wasn’t an asshole to her, I was. But only because I was still bitter about what had happened in the past and I projected that, unfairly onto their relationship. I wasn’t mature in the slightest either about it. I get it, but at the time I was just scared and I didn’t want my friend taken away from me.” He shrugged, “But it’s all in the past now, that’s nearly what? Two years ago now? I’m happy for them, really. I was just being careless when I made the remark.” 
You set the basket down to cross your arms as you huffed, obviously still upset but at least Jungkook was honest, or so he thought. Better to be honest then lie and screw everything up.
“What? Are you gonna be mad at me now the rest of the day?” Jungkook shoved your shoulder gently with his in a playful motion he’d often use to try and lighten the mood a little. 
He internally sighed at seeing you not budge, your arms crossed as you pressed your lips together,  “I won’t,” You mumbled, “I just want you to not be so…” You waved your hand a little as your lips curled with a sigh, “When it comes to Taehyung and Yeri, is it really a crime Taehyung wants to marry her?” 
Jungkook paused for a moment, what? He didn’t….didn’t he just explain? He sighed, “What? Do you think that’s a reflection of my view of marriage?” When you didn’t answer him Jungkook sighed in exasperation, “Alright fine, obviously I have to prove my devotion, again.” 
“Jungkook what- what are you doing!” 
Jungkook couldn’t hold in his laugh at the way you scurried in your seat at the sight of him sliding off his chair to kneel on the ground, grabbing your knees making you jolt, “Let’s go elope baby. Right now- or as soon as the laundry is done-” 
“Get up! People are staring!” You hissed out despite giggles escaping you as you tried to push Jungkook away who grabbed your hands, pressing kisses on them as he pulled you down a little with a whisper. 
“I will when you say yes. This is what this is about, right? You think I got something against marriage? Well let me prove you wrong baby.” Jungkook growled playfully in your ear as you pulled away. 
A loud beep cut him off, making both him and you jump as the washer that held both of your clothes stopped, “I’m not finished with you yet baby.” Jungkook had that dorky half smile on his face as he stood up to get the clothes out of the washer and into the dryer. 
Marriage huh...For a brief moment, Jungkook wanted to snort at the notion, him? Marriage? He never really gave it any genuine thought mainly because he never thought he’d be worthy of marrying, well….anyone. 
And for the longest time he didn’t even believe in marriage, the idea of being together with someone, forever really made him squirm when he was younger, possibly because his only example of marriage was his parents and he wasn’t even sure if they were married in the first place. 
A lot of examples throughout Jungkook’s life were bad examples. It was often difficult for him to try and accomplish a new idea without anything to lead by. But…his eyes trailed back to your figure who was still reeling about what had just happened. Maybe…
Just maybe…
Pushing the button on the dryer Jungkook plopped back in his seat going to speak to you but he paused when he noticed how stiff you were, your eyes were on the door to the laundromat where people were going in and out of view on the busy street, “What baby?” Jungkook furrowed his brows a little, confused as to why you looked so cautious all of a sudden. 
You looked at him briefly as if consulting something in your mind on what to say before you leaned back down in your seat, your eyes on your fingers as you fiddled with them the way you always did when you got nervous, “...Maybe...we should go to the police Jungkook...you know...about what’s going on, what happened…” 
Jungkook paused in his tracks. Police? He didn’t mean to immediately frown but…”Baby listen…” He sighed as he lowered his voice, not wanting to dismiss you as easily as he wanted too because he knew you genuinely cared and you were in a dangerous position being together with him, naturally you’d have a say so in what you both chose to do but...
Jungkook grabbed your hands tenderly as he spoke softly, “I...If it could be avoided I really don’t want the police involved- if they knew about my involvement in…” He didn’t even want to finish his sentence, would the police even care about how long it had been? Or the fact that he had been blackmailed into doing it for his sister's safety? 
Jungkook couldn’t take the risk, he couldn’t. There was too much unknown and risk for him to feel confident they would help rather than simply throw him in prison. You mirrored his expression as you sighed, your shoulders deflating a little as your bottom lip quivered the way it did when you were trying to not let yourself get upset. 
“I don’t think they’d do that Jungkook…!” You whispered and Jungkook couldn’t stand to look at the way your eyes were pleading, “I just- I don’t want anything to happen to you or- or to me! And- and maybe they could at least push these people back, right? I mean...We can’t keep taking risks like this.”
Jungkook lowered his gaze, despite his own fear he could never say no to you, not when you were pleading with him like this, especially when it was this dangerous. He ran a hand through his hair as he closed his eyes, “...I’ll think about it.” He relented, “Just let me think it over tonight okay?” 
It was the best he could do, Jungkook was only human. He wished he could be so much more, for his friends, for you, but he couldn’t. Your expression was still dim but you nodded in respect of his decision before leaning against him, your head resting against his shoulder. Jungkook let his own head rest atop of yours before pressing a kiss against your head while whispering, “Everything is gonna be okay baby.” 
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Cherry Bomb was packed as ever, Jungkook had been helping out the majority of the night and truthfully, he enjoyed the rush of keeping up with lights, making sure girls were on schedule, he liked the busy atmosphere and more than anything he loved watching you dance and swing around a pole.
You were practically blowing competition out of the park left and right and your votes were only going up on Cherry’s twitter account. Not that Jungkook ever had a doubt in his mind about you taking first place, but seeing it on a screen really hit home that you were his baby and dammit could you do anything if you wanted too. 
“I think she’s gonna win!” Rosé squealed in her seat as she clapped her hands, “It’ll be so nice having another female soloist to help with the crowds!” Jungkook leaned back in his seat, saying nothing but his smile spoke for itself. 
“Maybe we’ll finally stop having to listen to Sejin bitch about our numbers dropping.” Seokjin yawned as he stretched out, “She’s pulled a big crowd on her own, who knows.” 
Jungkook clapped his hands together, “What did I say in the beginning?” He hummed as he furrowed his brows, that dorky boyish smile on his face making the others groan, “What was that? That I ah- said she’d make us money? That she’d be amazing? Hmmm? That’s the sound of me being right.” Jungkook chuckled as he listened to the crowd whistling as you exited the stage. 
Jungkook would never stop being proud of your accomplishments. Getting out of his chair he looked down at everyone prominently with a smirk as he crossed his arms before exiting to go find you. He was already semi hard from your performance and he wasn’t about to wait to get home. The bathroom stall was just gonna have to work for tonight. 
The staffing hallway was just as bustling as ever but things had calmed down admittedly, they had put you towards the ladder end of the contest so they could still keep a crowd for the majority of the night and now that you were finished things would soon be lowkey. Jungkook pushed the door open to Rosé’s dressing room as she had been kind enough to let you use it for the competition. 
Jungkook would’ve offered us own but...His nose twitched in an attempt to wrinkle, it was still messy in his room and they were still working on getting it cleaned up. You were sitting in your seat, taking off the earrings you had been wearing before a smile tugged on your lips at the sight of your boyfriend, “What?” You smiled, somewhat shyly as you adjusted your robe. 
Jungkook strutted over only to lean down, his arms around you as he pressed a kiss against your shoulder, “I’m gonna let you choose where I’m gonna fuck you baby.”
“Jungkook!” You jolted with a squeak at his crude words, that boyish smile on his face as he looked back at you in the mirror, “Jungkook!” You reiterated as you twisted around to look at him, your face warm as he raised his brows semi amused. 
Jungkook let his lips press against your neck as he chuckled against your warm skin, “I said what I said, I’m gonna go take a quick smoke and when I come back you better have an answer, yeah?” 
He smiled down at the way your eyes squinted a little at the mention of smoke, reaching up you pulled Jungkook back down, pressing your lips against his too quick for him to truly enjoy the taste of the vanilla chapstick you wore with the maroon lipstick that was probably transferred to his own lips, “You’re gonna get lung cancer if you keep smoking.” 
Jungkook puffed a breath, his lips threatening to curl at the way you were looking up at him softly, “I’m here for a good time, not a long time babygirl. Think carefully!” You shook your head as you watched him exit the room. 
You were happy to be performing again and having some resemblance of normalcy back, even if it was just on stage. Not to mention all the money you were making throughout the contest. Checking your phone your lips curled a little, you were currently in third place in ranking at the moment. No it wasn’t the best, but you’d take it. 
Glancing at the clock you hummed, noticing it had been about two minutes, your mind lingering on Jungkook’s words as you shook your head, a shy smile tugging on your lips. Well...he did enjoy the car after all...Fiddling with your phone you looked down at your lock screen once more. 
Time slowly ticked and eventually after five minutes you frowned, Jungkook normally didn’t take this long to smoke unless he got held up. You sighed, thinking back to your confrontation with Seulgi and how hurt she had seemed, as if it was your fault Jungkook fell in love with you...Well...you guessed in some ways it was. But still...she wouldn’t go out of her way to harass him tonight, would she? She had been talking shit earlier in the dressing room, hence you had decided to move into Rosé’s dressing room as she didn’t mind and you couldn’t be held responsible for whatever you did to her. 
You still didn’t fully understand her mindset, her words lingering in your head. Was she really just that big of a sore loser? The moment you stood up for yourself was the moment you threatened her very being? You just wanted to understand. 
Standing up you finished changing before deciding to go look for Jungkook, his absence after five minutes beginning to make you a little anxious to see him once more. Walking through the hallways you looked around, everyone was busy and with somewhere to be and yet you still couldn’t find him. Not in the dressing rooms, the bathrooms...Well, he did say he was going for a smoke. 
You rubbed your head, who would be out in the back exit beside him? He was the only person you ever used the back entrance anyway. The hall was dark and the red beam of LED cast down making the walls feel more narrow as you frowned cautiously pushing the door open to reveal the dark night sky and dingy alleyway that always made you uncomfortable.
That’s all you saw though. Jungkook nowhere to be found.
Panic flooded your veins at the sight of the pack of cigarettes laying on the ground and a half smoked bud. He was gone. Jungkook was gone. You could be overreacting but your gut was telling you otherwise, with shaking hands you yanked the door back open running room to room and once again, he was nowhere to be found. 
Opening the door to the main building where all the customers were, you hurried towards the bar, overwhelm beginning to flood your body as you desperately blinked back tears, pushing through people to get to the bar that had seemed pretty calm now that the majority of clients were leaving. 
“Hey! I’m glad we caught you just in time before you left-” A familiar face was sitting at the bar across from Taehyung as he greeted you but both men faltered at the sight of your choked voice as you closed your eyes, warm wet tears beginning to spill down your face. 
“Jungkook is gone! I- I can’t find him anywhere!” 
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Note: yayyy!!! another chapter over and it’s gotten even worse!! we only have two chapters left guys I’m not prepared!!! :( lemme know what you think so far and ty for reading!
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machine-gun-casie · 3 years
tavern music
synopsis: corpse hears tavern music coming from your room (gn!reader)
warnings: rpf, reader gets cheated on, kind of unrequited feelings, mostly hurt/comfort and physical affection tho (what im trying to say is that this is mostly self indulgent)
wc: 1.7k
a/n: havent written in a while but i found this in my arsenal, fixed it up a bit and viola. original plans for this was definitely something longer that would end with them being together but im not up for writing rn. been feeling really shitty lately and ive been needing something like this in my life. hope u guys like it ♡
He couldn’t hear it at first. His headset was on and everyone was being so loud on the discord call. When he started the stream, he really thought it was gonna be a long one. But he’s only two hours in and he’s ready to get the hell off because something was definitely wrong.
“Corpse?” His name being spoken finally broke him out of his trance, he only hummed in response. “You’ve been really quiet. Are you sure you’re up for another game?”
“Actually,” he starts as he closes a few tabs, “I think I’ve gotta go. Today was fun, though. Thanks for having me guys.”
After a chorus of ‘goodbye’s and ‘see you later’s, Corpse disconnected from the discord call. “Thank you guys for being here,” he addressed the chat, “sorry I’m ending so early today. I promise I’ll make it up to you next time. Take care of yourselves. Later.”
After hanging up his headset and getting out of the chair he’s been sitting in for far too long, Corpse made the short trek to your room. 
You had only been roommates for less than four months, but Corpse could confidently say that you have become one of his closest friends. Getting a roommate was the last resort that he never wanted to actually resort to. But alas, medical bills were piling up and youtube and music don’t make half as much money as people think they do. So cutting rent in half was the best plan he could come up with. He did have an extra guest room that no one ever stayed in. Of course having someone move into his personal space was terrifying to him. He didn’t just want to post an ad on craigslist or something. So he asked a couple trusted friends to ask a couple trusted friends… And that’s when you came in.
You were the trusted friend of a trusted friend of a trusted friend. When you met, you didn’t make a comment about his voice. Your face sure as hell showed your surprise but you didn’t say anything. To Corpse, this meant one of two things. You either knew who he was but didn’t want to freak him out, or you didn’t know about his online persona and were just genuinely shocked by his voice. It only took a few minutes of knowing you to know that it was the latter. Thank god. You were like anyone your age with social media. You had a few accounts, followed a few people, but mostly used it to stay in contact with friends. 
It only took you guys a week to realize you had way too much in common. After many a late night when he wasn’t streaming, and many an early morning when he was just done streaming, you two became inseparable. Nothing could keep you apart.
Except for one thing.
You had a boyfriend.
There was nothing wrong with your boyfriend, per se. Just the fact that he was your boyfriend and Corpse was not. 
Yeah, Corpse definitely had feelings for you. 
But right now, feelings didn’t matter when he could hear tavern music coming from your room.
He knocked lightly and pushed the door open slowly. “y/n? Can I come in?”
No response came, just sniffles and sobs. The lack of refusal on your part gave him the courage he needed to open the door wider and step into your room. He had only been in your room a couple of times since you had moved in. But he had never been in a room that gave off the feeling of a person so well.
You were curled up on your bed, facing your open laptop screen and the tavern music coming from its speakers. With every sob shaking your chest, Corpse felt his heart break. “y/n,” he murmured softly, “what’s wrong?”
“It’s not working.” Came your reply, heavy with tears. “You said it would make you feel like you're going on an adventure but I still feel like crap.”
“What happened?” Corpse asked as he sat down on your bed, facing you. You slowly sat up and crossed your legs at your ankles in front of you.
“He-” You sighed heavily. “He cheated on me.”
“He cheated on me -has been cheating on me- with my best friend. My little brother found out.” You groaned and dramatically dropped your head onto Corpse’s thigh. His hand immediately came in contact with your cheek as he brushed a few stray tears away.
There was rarely any physical contact between you and Corpse. Sometimes you’d give him a high five, sometimes he’d give you fist bump. And there was that one time you came up behind him at the grocery store and hugged his arm to your chest. You immediately whispered something along the lines of ‘creep won’t leave me alone’ followed by a loud ‘hey babe!’
Corpse could barely admit to himself how much he liked that.
But this? This felt good. Corpse’s large warm hand on your face somehow made you want to cry more but in a good way. The tenderness with which he held your face made your heart squeeze as it remembered moments like this with your boyf- ex boyfriend. But then it remembered your brother’s words.
“Hey, what’s up?” You spoke as you answered his call. Your brother wasn’t much of a caller, so it made you worry. 
“Hey, where are you right now?”
“I’m home, why?”
“y/n… There’s something I gotta tell you.” He sighed and you could clearly hear the guilt.
“Did you break my DS!” It was your first thought as you had given it to him the last time you had seen him. “Dude! I’ve had that since I was seven!”
“No no, I called about something else.” He cut you off mid-whine. “But also I did lose the pen.” You huffed out a sigh of frustration but stayed silent so he could tell you what he wanted to tell you. “I saw your boyfriend at the park today.”
You furrowed your eyebrows. “And?” How did this warrant a phone call? 
“He was with Bob.” 
When you had met your best friend, your brother was only a toddler. He had decided that her name was Bob, so it stuck. You always called her Bob, she was saved as Bob in your phone, your whole family called her Bob. But you still didn't understand. Why was he calling you to tell you that your boyfriend and your best friend were at the park? 
“Why are you calling me about this? You know that they’re friends, right?” You let out a chuckle, albeit still pretty confused. “They’re allowed to hang out without me.” 
“They weren’t hanging out.” You could hear your brother push out a strained sigh. What wasn’t he telling you? “They were making out on the swing set. As in, both of them on one swing. And I double checked, it was definitely them. I-I told mom and she said not to tell you, but I couldn’t not tell you when I’m the one who saw it!”
You couldn’t bring yourself to say a word.
“I’m sorry, y/n.”
There was no lying to yourself, you had doubts about your best friend and your boyfriend. But you constantly brushed it off. He wouldn’t hurt you like that. Hell, she couldn’t hurt like that. Not after everything you had been through together. 
But you had seen his call log by accident one time, he called her more than he did you. She face-timed him one time to ask his opinion about a dress she was going to buy while you were in the changing room. She had done a handful of things since your relationship with your boyfriend started that made you uneasy. If this was their first kiss, which was something you doubted, then they’ve both been emotionally attached to the other for far too long.
All those tender intimate moments, all those dates, throughout everything, he wasn’t faithful. Not emotionally, at least. None of those moments that you cherished meant anything to you anymore. He had played you. With none other than your best friend since middle school. You didn’t know who to be more mad at.
The thoughts of betrayal from someone who you considered a sister and the hurt of being cheated on made you nauseated.
So when the large warm hand on your face stroked your cheek again, you didn’t mind it. This was Corpse. Not your cheating boyfriend. Not your lying best friend. Corpse. And you knew that he would never hurt you.
“He’s been cheating on me for a while I think.” You mumbled against his sweatpants. “Maybe a couple months. I don’t know.” 
Corpse furrowed his brows in thought. You had told him you were going to visit your boyfriend for your one year anniversary next week. “Weren’t you go-”
“And Bob’s been your friend since-”
“Yeah.” Your chin wobbled as you answered. You brought your arms up around Corpse’s thigh and hugged it. It was a strange position, but you didn’t care. He was so warm and nice and hugging him properly required more movement on your end than you were willing to do.
“Oh, sweetheart.” Corpse sighed and reached out to untangle your arms from his leg. He gently pulled you across the few inches of bed between you and sat you in his lap. You wrapped your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist, immediately sobbing into his shoulder. “Do you want me to turn off the music?” You shook your head no against him and he chuckled before he solemnly sighed. “When did you find out?” 
“When I came home.”
“But you came home hours ago. Have you been in here this whole time?” You nodded. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“You were streaming, didn’t wanna interrupt.” You shrugged.
“y/n,” he sighed disappointedly, “you’re my best friend. I can end a stream if you need me.”
“Okay.” Your voice, broken and weak and tired, made him feel so guilty. You had been crying your heart out for over two hours just down the hall from where he was.
He gently grabbed you by your hips and tried to push you away, but you only held on tighter and whimpered. “I just wanna get you some water.”
“I don’t want water.”
“Then what do you want?”
“You.” You whispered. “Please stay.” 
Fuck. How could he say no to that?
So he stayed.
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