#Is my WIP folder already suffering
halcyone-of-the-sea · 7 months
M...m...m...Mandalorian!Ghost AU
Brb I gotta write this down
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waveoftheocean · 11 months
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06.10.23 happy birthday iwa-chan!! sorry for inflicting paperwork on you for your bday but at least you have oikawa to help (coughdistractcough) you 🥰
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flyiingsly · 3 months
Pairing : The 501st x reader
Summary : Early mission's briefing and night out at the 79' aren't the best match for you and your fellow troopers, much to Rex's despair.
A/N : Just a (really) short thing that was waiting in my WIPs folder for several months already ... It was inspired by a very early and boring meeting I had one day at work, I was nearly falling asleep on my chair and the only thing I was able to think about to stay awake were our favorite Boys in Blue. It was quiet efficient actually ! Enjoy ❤
It was early in the morning. Well, not so early in fact, but it felt like. You were unusually late to the briefing, not that much, but late enough to arrive after Anakin, who was already here, visibly struggling to stay upright.
You were supposed to leave for a simple recon mission this afternoon with the 501st. Not a dangerous one, only routine on a neutral planet near Coruscant, just to make sure everything was still alright there.
The problem was, last night was not really relaxing. You and the boys had spent most of the night at the 79’ with your General, which wasn’t often, for most of the nights he spent on Coruscant, he stayed with a certain Senator. But not this time. She had been sent on a diplomatic meeting somewhere else in the galaxy, so he gladly joined you at the bar when you asked him. And it was even more funny than usual this way.
But now that you were all here standing in front of General Kenobi, all sleep deprived and some still sobering up, it wasn’t really funny anymore. Of course, it wasn’t your first night off at the 79’, and it was more than worth it, but still, waking up the next morning was always a bit hard. Only Rex and Dogma were good looking, the first because he stayed at the base finishing reports (and yet you tried your best to make him come with you, in vain) and the second because, well, he never seemed to suffer from lack of sleep, strangely (and he left the bar a bit earlier than anyone else, but still, it was far from enough sleep anyway).
It was glorious, Echo and Fives were leaning against each other, trying their best not to fall on the ground, Kix was staring into space, dark circles around his wide opened, completely empty eyes, his third cup of caf in his hand, Anakin was trying to yawn in the most discreet way possible, when Hardcase was, on the contrary, yawning widely, showing all of his teeth to a glaring Dogma. Even Jesse, who was usually doing his best to look as presentable as possible, was a mess, and you weren’t feeling very good neither to be honest. But most of all, Tup was missing, and nobody was able to tell where he was.
Obi-Wan and Rex decided to start the meeting anyway, it was already late enough, you’ll resume it to him when he’ll show up, you thought.
Staying focused was difficult as hell, and Ahsoka couldn’t help but grin at all your sleepy faces. But soon, Fives legs couldn’t take it anymore, and he suddenly collapsed on the ground, dragging a very surprised Echo in his fall. Rex’s eyes widened with embarrassment while Obi-Wan held a smile back. Dogma looked absolutely outraged, but the rest of the company started to laugh uncontrollably at the sight of the two ARCs laying comically on the ground, too tired and stunned to get up.
“ARC Troopers, stand up, immediately !” Rex screamed at them, cheeks turning red.
The poor Captain was so done it showed on his face. He was trying to stay composed, but the expression he wore was so priceless it made the scene even more funny.
You and Anakin helped the two soldiers on their feet, Echo’s arm grabbing your shoulders tightly not to lose his balance again. You were doing your best to contain your laughter, but the lack of sleep and the nervousness due to the multiple cups of caf you ingurgitated right before weren’t helping.
Nobody was able to calm down anyway, and since even Obi-Wan seemed amused by the situation when he turned toward him in search of some support, all that was left for Rex to do was facepalming heavily, probably asking himself was he was doing with his life right now.
The sudden scream coming from one of the nearby technicians working on the company transport ship suddenly made everyone stop laughing, all faces turning toward the origin of the noise.
Then you heard Fives murmured with a mischievous smile on his lips.
“I think someone finally found Tup !”
Rex looked at him with a horrified look on his face.
He didn’t got the chance to have an answer for a technician showed up in the second, asking him to come and see what he had just saw, because, apparently, one of his men was “asleep, snoring and duct-taped to the cockpit’s celling”.
You swear you caught the Captain’s head begin to steam as everyone started to cackle again, hurrying to follow the shocked technician to the said ship. Passing by Fives, who was laughing his ass off, he sent him a frightening death glare.
Needless to say that some troopers received a huge amount of chores to do after that failed briefing.
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physalian · 6 months
Writing with Executive Dysfunction (or how to lower the barrier of entry)
So you want to write a book, but all you have is a cool one-liner, a niche super power you want to explore, and the blurry image of a love interest with a two-syllable kind of name. You don’t know where to start, what to tackle first, how to jump in the deep end.
Can you write the ending first? What if you want this really cool gimmick in a fight scene but can’t write action to save your life? Do you start in media res or with a prologue, or with the character starting their daily routine? Do you write the villain’s POV first?
Or do you start with an outline, character sheets, a title, summary, your themes and motifs? How many pages and pages of worldbuilding notes should you have built up before you’re good to tackle the first page? You’ve heard time and again the critical importance of the first three sentences. The first chapter if your audience is generous.
The pressure mounts to be unique, but not try-hard, descriptive but not flowery, intriguing, but not confusing, all in the first hundred or so words. You sit there staring at the little blinking black line on your blank page… and the idea gets shelved for another day. It collects virtual dust in the backlogs of your computer, forgotten until you have to clear out space on your hard drive and stumble across unspent potential.
Everyone and their dog has their own bits of writing advice and I’m sure I’m about to echo tips that have been around the block once or twice, but there are a few I don’t see talked about enough.
Whether you suffer from severe procrastination, fear of failure before you even begin, the overwhelming limitlessness of choice, or just can’t sit down and dedicate any time to see what happens, this list might be for you.
1. Write Every Day
This is nothing new, but I’m going to tackle the implementation of such a habit over why it’s important. You already know why it’s important. Writing every day doesn’t demand a full page of a Word doc, or 200 words before you can get up and do something else. Sometime a witty dialogue exchange comes to mind while you’re doing dishes – write that down.
Or you saw a cool name for a character in a commercial – write that down.
Or you had a dream about your characters in a high-octane street chase – write down the synopsis.
Personally, I use Apple Notes. It’s free, I can log-in to iCloud through a browser and keep writing, and my phone is always with me. I have dedicated folders to sort which notes belong to which concepts.
Disclaimer: Apple Notes is meant for exactly that: Note taking. I take it to the extremes, but it’s not a word processer. It’s not meant for anything more strenuous than putting virtual pen to virtual paper.
I build up so many variations of scene ideas and concepts for character arcs that my ‘notes’ for any given book can be as long as a full-length novel. Most of the time, admittedly, those ideas get outdated fast as I move on to bigger and better things, but the point is this: I never would move on to better things if I didn’t have somewhere to start.
I have a personal grudge against OneDrive for a sync failure losing 20k words of a WIP, so most of my writing is done through Google Docs and saved to Google Drive. It’s not the most powerful word processor, but you don’t have to worry about formatting until the very end and can export later. It’s free, like Apple Notes (assuming you have an iPhone), and the smart phone app for Google programs works phenomenally better than the MS Word app – so once again, the barrier for being within reach of places to jot down ideas is lowered. My phone is always with me.
It doesn’t have to be digital – carry around a journal or a notebook or a legal pad if you want. Whatever gets your creative juices flowing. The point is to have somewhere to take all the ideas you have in your head and get them onto paper the moment inspiration strikes.
2. Writing is Supposed to be Fun
The dreaded writer’s block, scourge of authors everywhere. You’ve reached the point in your manuscript where you’ve caught up to the epic adventure you’ve written in your head. The little writer in your brain has gone on strike and you’re left in the doldrums of how to transition from one chapter to the next. One idea to the next. One scene, one line of dialogue.
Answer: Skip it.
Unless you have a hard deadline to make, writing is supposed to be fun. Your best work comes when you’re passionate about doing it, not when you’re holding your fingers hostage to put something on the page or else.
When you start getting frustrated, walk away. When you get stressed, walk away. The manuscript will still be there once you’ve slept on it for a day or two and you’ll be glad for it. Or, write a different scene. Write a hypothetical scene (more on this point later). Write anything you want and come back to the hard parts later. The gaps will fill eventually, and if they don’t—consider what about that transition or scene is so hard and consider axing it entirely. If it’s frustrating for you, it’s probably boring or unimportant to the reader.
3. Script it
My favorite writer’s crutch is to make a skeleton of the scene I want to have, fill it with dialogue, and move on. The pretty thematic narrative can come later. It’s halfway between an outline and a first draft and, for me, someone to whom dialogue comes easier than narrative, this is another barrier removed to letting creativity flow.
I don’t have to think about dialogue tags or movement of a scene or how exactly I want to structure a sentence or describe the setting. Scripting lets me sus out the pacing of a given scene, test run a conversation I have in my head to see if it might really work before investing all the time and effort of a fully fleshed out first draft, only to erase it all later.
You can do this mid-narrative, too. If you just want to skip over a couple lines that aren’t coming naturally to you, script a vague sense of stage directions until you get to easier narrative and come back later.
When I say scripting, mine look something like this:
Character A (ChA): [position within the setting, tone of voice, any notable gesture or action that enhances the dialogue] “Dialogue.” [specific dialogue tag, if necessary] … (often a paragraph break) … “Dialogue.” Character B (ChB): “Dialogue.” [emotion, reaction, details about the setting that are now important, new revelations by the narrating POV] … “Dialogue,” [action. Tonal shift. Movement] ChA: “Dialogue.” [action] … (scene continues)
In practice:
… ChA: [kicks back against the wall of the room, arms crossed. Annoyed, waiting for ChB to speak first, but they don’t] “Why didn’t you tell me you wanted to leave?” [head tilts, still waiting on an answer ChB isn’t giving] “All you had to do was ask.” ChB: “You were having fun,” [quiet, wringing their hands in their lap on the edge of the bed] “You wanted me there. So I was there.” [huffs, flips their hair back. Not sure how many times they’ve had this conversation. Will always hate parties, not going to suddenly like them just because ChA is there] “You can either have me there, or make sure I’m comfortable. You can’t have both.” ChA: “So now I’m the bad guy.” [foot thumps on the floor like a judge’s gavel] …
Scripting also lets you fill a scene with multiple new characters before you figure out their names or descriptions, tagging their lines with the bare minimum. I often test out entire action scenes (which I loathe writing) in script form, so I know I’m satisfied with the pacing, blocking, and amount of movement before I lock it in and write the first draft of actual narrative. It also forces you to make sure your characters are taking actions and not just sitting at a table like talking mannequins.
Transitioning from script to narrative can be mighty tedious sometimes if you try to fit in chunks of narrative in the exact places you left on your initial pass. Fictional prose is organic, so let it breathe.
Maybe you let a character monologue for too long, or they have too much movement in a scene that becomes unnatural and clunky. Or the entire scene ran away from you because the conversation was just that good. Whatever the case, a script, bare minimum, gets your foot in the door.
4. Write Fanfic
I like sci-fi and fantasy. I also like taking my sci-fi and fantasy characters and throwing them into ‘fanfics’ to test out relationships and start to get a feel for what makes them unique from the rest of the cast.
Sometimes the setting changes to something mundane, sometimes it’s a hypothetical scene that the current pacing of the narrative just doesn’t have room for, or it’s a flashback you’ll never include but want to have written so it’s concrete when you reference it in the present.
It also helps you fall in love with your characters when you can write them without consequence, doing whatever, doing whoever, saying whatever, going wherever. In fanfic, their personalities can start to write themselves and you discover them as you write them. And, hey, sometimes you come up with a concept so good, you change the entire real narrative around to fit it.
All your attention doesn’t have to be on the story you’re actually writing.
5. Keep All of Your Deleted Scenes
I keep so many of mine, the ‘deleted scenes’ doc of one book is 40k words longer than the actual manuscript, filled with numerous variations of the same scene written over and over again in vain trying to keep something that no longer works.
Keep them for several reasons:
It reminds you of how far you’ve come.
You can pick through the bones for bits of dialogue and setting descriptors even if the majority is trashed.
You remind yourself of what didn’t work before, so you don’t fall in that same trap again.
If you change your mind, all you have to do is copy-paste it back in.
6. Remember First Drafts are First Drafts
Let the word spew flow forth from your fingers and don’t look back and start questioning every decision and all its flaws until your creativity tank starts sputtering on empty. It’s supposed to be messy, it’s supposed to have plot holes and typos and inconsistencies and things to fact-check. If you start hyper-fixating on making sure your manuscript has absolutely no errors before moving on to the next chapter, it will never get written, and you’ll convince yourself you’re a terrible writer.
Writing is easy. Revisions are hard. Just as storytelling doesn’t have to be linear, neither does the writing process. If that critical first line just won’t come to you, stuff a mediocre one in its place and move on. Write the ending first. Write all the romantic entanglements first. Write the big climactic argument first and figure out how the rest falls into place around your beautiful centerpiece.
But remember: You do, at some point, have to write the hard stuff. Hopefully, when the time comes, you look at all the rest you’ve written and are proud enough of your progress that those daunting scenes that looked impossible before become much more approachable now. Do it for your future readers who want to know how it ends. Do it for your characters. Do it for you.
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asummersday · 10 months
i want to talk about this because it's a multi-chapter project i have in my WIP folder that i know i won't touch until all the ashes in my wake wraps up, so i'm gonna share it here.
a while back, i came up with an idea. a very angsty silly idea inspired by Jason Todd, the Robin who died and came back practically a brand new person.
and this idea is very simple: what if Leo died when he was rescued from the Prison Dimension? like, for several minutes, and had to be revived, because there's no fucking way he didn't suffer critical damage at the hands of the Krang, poor guy :((
so. Leo dies for several minutes-- heart not beating, not breathing, dead in every single way. and then he's brought back. but he comes back wrong. but wrong in just a subtle enough way that it doesn't go noticed at first.
i think it's the small things, at first. a shift in tastes. leo doesn't like to eat sugary cereal for breakfast anymore. he's a bit quieter, not laughing as loudly, not grinning as widely. he likes his food with a bit more salt. he doesn't like it as spicy as he did before. he wears more layers because he gets cold more easily now. he's more touch averse, he doesn't seek out his brothers as often anymore.
and Leo knows he came back wrong. he knows there's something so deeply wrong with him. he shouldn't be here.
he no longer belongs here.
to Leo, he's still dead. he's already dead. he died before he actually stopped breathing, when he locked himself in the Prison Dimension and cleanly severed his link to his ninpo, to his family.
Leo can't ever be the person his brothers think they brought back, and I think it drives him a little insane.
and i think, in part, it's Leo's family kind of ignoring all the signs and pretending that everything's okay. there's nothing wrong, because Leo's alive and here, and yeah there's something off about him, a little off-kilter, but he's breathing and it doesn't matter much beyond that, right?
because how do you start grieving a brother who's still breathing? who sits at the breakfast table with you, and smiles at jokes and watches movies with you in the living room? how do you grieve someone who's so alive?
honestly. the idea isn't a very happy one. it's just a bittersweet little thing i've been thinking about on the side.
quick lil thought i wrote down for this the other day under the cut <3
im just basically saying the same thing but ehh
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(i covered up my nickname bc this is like my personal discord and im using my real name and im too lazy to change it ahfjdkd)
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shanaraharlyah · 24 days
For the WIP Folder Game, DAI Trespasser and your original fiction An Elven Tale please 👀
Thank you for asking @sillyliterature!
DAI Trespasser is my Dorian x Lavellan fic. Everything I've written so far is after meeting with Solas. It's filling in the blanks between scenes that we don't see and trying to expand on Kartaelin's relationship dynamic with Dorian and the others. You can read a good bit of it with the artwork here and here, but I'll add another snippet for you here! ☺️
Kartaelin smiled at the Tevinter mage as he wrapped his good arm around Dorian’s, “Lead the way, ma vhenan!” Dorian took hold of the elf’s shoulder as well as his hand and gestured to the others to begin the trek back.  “Oh, and Sera, I did use his name, just for you,” he said smugly with a wink. “Pffft.” Sera blew a raspberry as she rolled her eyes, “Arse.” Dorian sighed, again, and leaned in toward the Inquisitor, “Tell me again why you invited her along.” Kartaelin chuckled. “Because you get along so well!” he teased.  “But really, you can’t tell me that you don’t enjoy the verbal jousting.” “I think the word you’re looking for is abuse, verbal abuse,” Dorian said loudly.  “That’s not the only ‘jousting’ I enjoy,” he added under his breath and raised an eyebrow at the elf.  From behind them, Sera burst into a fit of laughter.   “I’d hit you for that if I had another arm to do it with.  Gods, you are such a dirty man sometimes,” Kartaelin mock scolded.  Dorian frowned at the mention of his arm, but didn’t let it ruin their playful banter.  “You know you love it,” he responded, with a smoldering look at the Inquisitor. The elf laughed, “I do, truly.”
An Elven Tale honestly doesn't have much written yet. This story and the characters have lived rent free in my head for 20+ years in some form, but fandom always seems to suck me in before I get very far writing wise. There's a general outline, a few notes and a couple scenes written. And a bunch of art/renders in various forms of completion. It's the story of Sarovanya and his companions, coming of age and trying to follow their hearts. Most of what I have written and finished art wise involves a love triangle between Saro, Tarwen and Morcundu, so I'll link some of those here and give you a little snip from the file.
Morcundu had spent the afternoon readying the old ruin for this evening.  The place had always been important to him, being somewhere he could escape to, but the time he'd spent there with Tarwen had made it all the more precious.  They were to meet here again this evening and he'd already built a small fire in the fire pit they'd constructed on the old stone floor.  In anticipation of the coming rain, he'd gathered dry wood to feed the fire and stacked it in the far corner.  He'd brought with him furs in case the rain turned chill and lit candles to brighten the place as the forest had already turned overcast. He stood back from their makeshift table and smiled.  Tarwen's acceptance and love in spite of the tension and hatred between their respective races filled him with hope, and he would do anything to foster this relationship and bring their people together.  A lofty goal he knew. There was so much bitterness in the hearts of his people toward the elves who had left them behind, but there were so many others suffering for the hate of the few.  And it was the actions of those in power that drove the others around them to fear and hate.  He had to believe in hope and Tarwen had been that light for him.
Love Is Colorblind
A Safe Haven
Love Will Keep You Up All Night
Hope you enjoy! And always up for questions if you've got any! :)
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lucywrites02 · 2 years
Casual Friday
Main masterlist
A/N: This was supposed to be a drabble, but ended up being a bit longer heh. It's just a little scenario that I've been meaning to write down for ages. I already have a fic with similiar concept in my WIP folder :3 I just like to imagine Stephen in comfy clothes and I will write 10 more fics about it if the motivation stays with me.
Pairing: Stephen Strange x gn! Reader (platonic or romantic)
Summary: It would take so much more than a weekend to clean all that mess. Who even allowed this room to be so…. Terrible? Disgusting? Stephen couldn’t think of a good adjective that would describe how much pain it caused him to think about all the work he was about to do. Even with the aid of his magic it would take ages. But thanks to him you appeared, offering help. But will you actually help him clean? Yeah… no
This gif is not 'comfy Stephen' enough for me, but it will do
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Stephen exhaled loudly, looking at the storage room with tired eyes. He promised Wong he would clean  and organise it this weekend.
He actually lost a bet with him, but he was too proud to say that. The doctor knew Wong cheated, because it was impossible that he could beat Stephen at chess every single time. The sorcerer suspected that his colleague was stealing his pieces when he wasn’t looking, but couldn’t prove it. And here he was- in the middle of a room that looked like a ruin, with a single broom in his hand and a frown on his face. 
It would take so much more than a weekend to clean all that mess. Who even allowed this room to be so…. Terrible? Disgusting? Stephen couldn’t think of a good adjective that would describe how much pain it caused him to think about all the work he was about to do. Even with the aid of his magic it would take ages. Damn Wong and his stupid game nights!
“You have to do more than stare at the mess for it to disappear.” Your tired voice pulled Stephen out of his thoughts, making the sorcerer jump and curse under his nose. 
You were amused when Wong told you about the bet, but couldn’t leave poor Stephen alone in this. Your good heart wouldn’t allow him to suffer alone with those boring and mundane chores. On the other hand, he was the guardian of the New York sanctum and it was one of his duties to keep the storage room tidy and organised. But that didn’t matter now.
“I thought you could use some help.” You spoke again, swiping the dust of a nearby shelf with your pointer finger. Yeah, it would take more than two to accomplish anything. 
“Oh, I could definitely use some help.” Stephen sighed and gave you an awkward smile. 
It was only when he turned to face you when you noticed his attire. He wasn’t wearing his sorcerer robes- Stephen swapped those for a pair of comfy grey sweatpants and a simple black t-shirt that you could see peeking out of his half zipped burgundy hoodie. He looked so….. Regular. His hair was still messy which meant he must have woken up just a few minutes before you. It might sound weird, but it suited him. If you had to compare his appearance you would say that Stephen looked very much like a tired dad of 3 who had too little free time and too much work to do around the house. 
You have never seen him wearing anything else than his robes before. Okay, you have seen him in jeans and sweaters, but never in sweatpants and a hoodie! And he looked sooo good like that. 
Stephen cleared his throat, putting his hands into the pockets of his pants. "I think we should slowly get started."
"You know what?" You spoke, leaning on the wall and looking up at the sorcerer. "I didn't have breakfast. Did you?" 
"We have so much work to do and you want to eat?" Stephen smirked. He was about to say something sarcastic, but his stomach spoke up before he could..
"I will take that as a no." You sighed and took Stephen by the sleeve of his hoodie. "We need some energy or we will pass out from looking at all that mess."
Stephen didn't question you- he was no procrastinator, but nothing bad would happen if he didn't clean the storage room right away. And he was really hungry. 
It’s not like Wong would scold him for not doing what he was supposed to do.
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"I feel like we forgot about something." The sorcerer said, wiping away the remains of his sandwich from his shirt on the pavement. The two of you decided to take the metro and go have breakfast on the other side of the city. Stephen proposed it, justifying his decision saying that he knew a great place. It was a sunny day in New York and it would be a shame to spend it all in the sanctum. That’s why you decided to eat in the park- something Stephen and you did regularly. Sometimes you sat there in silence, but there were times you would talk for hours, only stopping to eat whatever it was you bought to eat. Stephen cherished little moments like this. 
And today you couldn’t stop talking. It wasn’t even anything important. You started by discussing the newest episode of the soap opera you watched “out of boredom” and somehow ended up rating your favourite LEGO sets. Neither of you knew how much time had passed, but as long as the planet wasn’t in danger you could take things slow.
"Then I guess it wasn't important." You shrugged, laying down on the wooden bench, head in Stephen's lap. He never had a problem with you randomly laying down or leaning on him- on the contrary. The doctor really enjoyed being close to you. There wasn't a time he didn't feel comfortable around you which said a lot about how much he trusted you. “Let’s just stay here for a while. The weather is nice today.”
“Yeah,” Your friend exhaled loudly, hesitantly putting his hand on your shoulder. Thankfully you didn’t seem to mind- you just smiled. His heart skipped a beat. “Let’s stay here.”
You took your friend’s hand by the wrist and turned it to look at his watch. Realising it’s been almost 4 hours since you left the sanctum you smirked. Time always seemed to fly by when you were with Stephen. It was so peaceful.
Suddenly you gasped and sat up, almost hitting Stephen’s face. Life disappeared from your eyes and was replaced with fear. 
“Wong is gonna kill us.” You whispered. Something in Stephen snapped and the sorcerer was soon on his feet, taking your hand and running as fast as he could. 
“We are so dead!” He screamed, but you could hear his laugh through all that panic. 
You can deal with the consequences of Wong’s wrath if it meant that Stephen Strange would hold your hand like this again.
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Tag list: @gaitwae  @funsized-mimi  @queenjosielaufeyson @mischiefmanaged71 @eternal-silvertongued-prince @evelynrosestuff @andysnewgroove @jotaros-bara-tiddies
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Did you like it? Would you like to read more fics like this one or do you enjoy stories with more plot? I would like to know so that I know which fics I should focus more on (because I have plenty ideas- some would have more parts and some would be under 500 words depending on the plot)
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dyrewrites · 22 days
WiP Titles Tag
@owlsandwich wants me to suffer, I guess (I kid). ^.-
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it!
Let's spread the suffering! @stesierra @rmgrey-author and @pb-dot -- what you got hiding in your folders? =P
I have folders for what things are, so we'll arrange by that.
And, to keep it less ridiculous--because this is already so long--I'll only share ones with actual bits written...instead of all the ideas and notes and random dialogue. It needs some prose in there or it won't count.
Also I am just sharing snippets, because it is easier than trying to explain what they are for me. >.>
Shorts -- Horror
I have 6-7 of these planned out but just the one started
The Roommate
I'm starving. It's been a week now since you went shopping, since you made a meal, and there's nothing to eat. Nothing to sup or chew or even gnaw.  And I see you, every day I see you, in this deafening quiet that used to be our home. You leave our bedroom, eyes forward, steps stiff and dig in a closet by the kitchen. Rope then in hand, you check the front door but you don't open it.  On your way back to the room you turn on every light. They're blinding, crackling, begging to burn out and still you leave them on.
Rite of the Dinfa -- Mar Sidestory -- dark fantasy/romance
One of four planned sides-tories for the Children of Mar series.
Ophmit is the name we were instructed to use for our Cardinal. An Imaryn name, but not one given by family. It was one she had earned through lust and sacrifice, as one of us soon would, and I wondered then of names. As the lights wore and the Glaer crashed upon our caves, slaking the thirst of the Teeth we crowded in, I lost my focus to that wonder. What power must rest in names, that we clutch some so close and toss others as freely as stones into the sea? Her tale burned brighter; brighter and hotter than the fire that stung our nostrils and squinted our eyes. It wetted us deeper than the sea-licked air and drew us - every one - into the dance of her shadow.
Mr. Friendly
Did I do it wrong? The shadow wondered, from the quiet darkness of the closet, it’s three little taps first, then again, then three more, and then quicker ones, right?…or was it slower ones? Was I not s’posed to tap the door after? He had tried this before, many times in fact, more than he could count–maybe more than anyone could–and it always ended the same. No matter which way he did it, no matter how many patterns he tried, they ran away.
Standalone Novels
Before Deluca -- vampire romance //tie-in to Bloodhound Series
Yet we are discussing the night before 1700 began, when my future sauntered off one of those ships. Whether I wanted it, asked for it, agreed to it…well, that was as unclear then as it is now. But his presence heralded magnificent, insurmountable change. Ethereal, that presence, there exists no other word. He glowed in the light, near pearlescent skin a mesmerizing contrast to the bronze complexions I was accustomed to. Never mind the litheness of his figure, the feline grace in every twist and curve as he walked the dock. I couldn't look away; in fact I shifted to chase him, sliding my hands along the railing to keep him in my sights. He sang to me, all of him sang, and I ached to dance to that melody...
Ruddy Cheeks -- mystery/thriller
It was warm, balmy and bright that summer. The sort of weather that itches, that burns redhot on any bare scrap of skin not slathered in sunscreen. An average summer for the land without seasons. The city of sun and sea, of transplanted palm trees and overreaching cartoon mice… And it was during that painfully average summer that Lexi died. Her heart continued to beat after, her blood pumped, her neruons fired and she even reacted to outside stimulae. She smiled, she laughed, when appropriate, when expected. But, despite her best efforts, Lexi wasn't alive and, as she stared into the too-clean mirror of her bathroom at the emptiness overtaking her eyes, she worried. No, she concluded, with absolute certainty; she never would be again.
Gravedust -- horror/mystery/comedy
They say that, in my line of work, there are no accidents. That is true. There are eons of intent and planning. You have to make it look like an accident, however, or the critters start to get suspicious. Natural disasters are the easiest, of course, but you try getting all of that chaos to line up in just the right way every time you need it to. The second best are crashes; whether plane, train, ship or automobile. A crash is hard to top, plenty of shades available to paint the scene you want without drawing any attention. These divisions are considered menial labor, any fresh bag of bones off the rack can handle faulty brakes and an icy road.
Series Novels
Children of Mar -- dark fantasy/horror -- quadrilogy
I only have the first one, which is essentially finished, only notes written for the other three but including them anyway
Weald and Wen
The Nothing screamed. Its hollow wail pierced the disquieting gray and cyan of the Darklands. Fyrni lands, Loahl's lands...and he heard it, loud and dreadful through the stillness and prayed to the Lady that the younglings did not. With their ears twitched tall on their youth-rounded heads, his younglings scrambled behind him, eyes alight in vibrant blues. Blues that should have been yellow, burning with the fiery tether of their shadows...but those shadows were lost.
Wake and Glare
Flicker and Din
Heart and Breath
Tales of Morne -- urban fantasy/absurdist -- trilogy
Pale Blood
Opinions held for good reason—as far as he was considered—as he’d been kissing their asses and doing whatever was asked of him since he fucked up and fell from the grace of Upper Dolor’s majestic towers. A fall those crusty old relics wouldn’t let him forget. Jealous fucks the lot of ‘em, he’d remind himself whenever their teeth sunk too deep, or their words cut too wide, can’t stand that I can do what their ancient asses can’t. And he was right, in a way.
Light Thieves
That fancy little auto may have been much smaller and faster than ours, but it was getting awfully close…with no signs of losing interest. “And whose fault is this?” Delilah asked–more sneered, but who could blame her. I didn’t need to answer, and she would’ve clocked me if I tried…but it was my fault. I couldn't help it! We had jars upon jars of the shine and there was no time when we grabbed it to really look. So, as soon as we were free of the transport, and free of the drones, I looked. A peek, really! Worth it, if you asked me–and someone would, later, probably with knuckles involved. But I didn’t care.
One by one the street lamps flickered and went dark. The roar and hum of the vehicles on the street faded, the birds ended their nightly songs with sudden and uncomfortable silence. She was alone. Well, that was nothing new really - but alone in a few blocks of parking lot with no lights and no sound was certainly new.  Waiting for her sight to adjust to the lack of a light source, she stood completely still. Eyes sliding back and forth, scanning the area - what did she expect to find?  Monsters, surely. What else would cause such a scene just for her. What else could.  "What else indeed." The voice was close, familiar too. 
Chronicles of Ash -- urban fantasy/mystery
Notes in the Undersong
only one I have anything for, but I know it's going to be a series...
The blood dried up, but not before that soft round face—that was surely something to look at when it was flesh and bone instead of dripping ectoplasm—poked out of the wall in front of me with its tongue out. “You're no fun when you're workin’,” she whined, echoing voice vibrating a bit too loud. “And you've never been any, what's your point?” Bit harsh, I'll admit, but she ruined three potions and half a grand of materials. I had a right. The pout did hit me though, a tad, but I could bring her some cat bones later, and add a feline to my ever-expanding menagerie of spooks. She'd love that.
Bloodhound -- urban fantasy/mystery
Another one that'll be a series, but I only have a scene in the first book so far
But, at the moment, with the sun rising—throbbing its heat in time to his veins—Deluca was more concerned with getting home before his daughter woke for school. While she was old enough to make her own way there, she would smell the man on him—werewolf senses were something one never got used to—and deride him for it. Her list of ‘things to shove in Dad’s face when I want something’ was long enough… He had to get home and shower before she had the chance to add to it.
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free-to-be-impaled · 25 days
WIP Folder Game
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs. im not tagging that many people @kayliemalinza wants me to suffer 😔
Here are the fandom wips on my one note, they haunt me <3
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I don't want to tag people kaylie already tagged IoI, so @ididitallofitforyou you're up! if you want.
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klausinamarink · 4 months
WIP Weekend
tagged by @penny00dreadful!
The Rules
Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
heads up, they’re… a lot 😅
RBB fic (can’t post about this one, sorry!)
Robin is taken to Russia
Robin’s in Russia, Steve suffers
Will and Eddie in UD sequel
TLT Steddie
Eddie gets Vecna’d
s3 rewrite
If Wendigoon made a video about Hawkins
csm steddie
hanahaki is really about repressed emotions baby
Bloodborne steddie pt3
what if Angela was nice?
No Pressure Taggy Tags
I feel like whenever it’s my turn to tag people, lots of you already are so it’s hard to know who hasn’t lmao. but if you weren’t tagged already then (keeping this a low count because that wip list is long) @vegasol @momotonescreaming @xocowilde @soaringornithopter
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WIP Whenever
@miraakulous-cloud-district tagged me to share some of my writing (Thank you 😀).
Since I don't want to spoil ACoS and don't have any worthwhile excerpts from my active WIPs I haven't posted already, have something from ye olde "Ideas I will get to someday, I swear" folder.
Tagging (writing or artwork): @elavoria @nostalgic-breton-girl @friend-of-giants @alma-amentet @katastronoot @the-sunlit-earth @skyrim-forever
Spoilers for my version of the CoW questline. Also, there's a placeholder left in there because I still couldn't be bothered. Sorry 😬
With muffled steps, Rethul snuck in through the door, past the garden and around the wall behind which the archmage's bed was located.
In a chair next to it, Rashkan sat motionless except for his thumb stroking the back of archmage Aren's hand. He was mummified with blankets, sleeping, his head and neck wrapped in bandages and stabilized by some ungodly healer's contraption. 
"Good evening," Rethul whispered, feeling as though his voice could do even more damage.
"What do you want?" Rashkan hissed, granting him not a single glance. 
Rethul moved closer and carefully sat down at the foot of the bed—that did earn him a glare, one that would have made Alduin himself quiver with fear.
"How's he doing?" Rethul nodded at the archmage. "Not gonna croak, I hope."
[Something something if looks could kill] 
"Part of his neck cracked when he hit the ground. Colette fused and stabilized the bones as best as she could but… The brain, nerves—such complex things; even the most skilled of healers are likely to do more harm than good should they choose to meddle with them. And if there is internal bleeding…" Rashkan sighed. He looked tired—regardless of whether the undead felt tiredness at all; that was a question Rethul would ask at a later time. "If he ever wakes," Rashkan continued, "there is a good chance he will suffer lasting damage. Alas, Do not pretend you are asking for his sake."
Rethul flicked his tongue. Of course he was not here for the archmage's sake; the man had caused him more trouble than the damn Imperial Legion.
"Rude and sharp as always, I see. You're correct though, I've come to ask for help."
"You don't even know what I was gonna ask."
"Yet my answer persists."
"But—But someone needs to help me survive Mzulft. Mirabelle's request, ya know. Gotta track down the Synod. Can't do that if I die to a bear or bandit on the way. C'mon we were a good team at Fellglow Keep."
"If you are too weak to handle miniscule distractions such as wolves or bears on your own, ask the students or one of the erudites. I am going nowhere and that decision is final."
Rashkan's gaze wandered back to the sleeping archmage. There was a fondness in his eyes, a desperate plea that transcended words. Prickly as the grumpy vampire was, at least one person avoided getting stung. Somewhere in the back of Rethul's head, a voice demanded 100 Septims for winning a nonexistent bet.
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Are u looking for smut prompts?!!?!? Cuz if so 13 for Jacob/Kit, but if not uhhhh disregard and have a cool day :p
I am so sorry this took me so long to get to, sometimes the smut just doesn’t want to come (excuse the pun) and this has sat in my wip folder half finished for forever. But it’s finally here and it’s definitely on the darker side of things.
@strangefable also asked for this one. So without further ado, the prompt fill for “Get back down here, we’re not done yet.”
Taste the Pain
18+, NSFW (Minors DNI)
Warnings: NonCon, References to torture and starvation, Fingering, Finger Sucking, Exhibitionism, Threats
Words: 1799
Pairing: Jacob Seed x Female Deputy (but Staci’s there too)
Read on AO3
Muffled groans were held back behind duct tape, like the sad sounds of a dying animal. By all accounts he was, or at least that’s what he was intended to be. Wide eyes searched the room desperately, trying to find something to focus on other than the cold stare that struck him full of so much fear.
Staci's mewling bit at her, burning through the ice that had frozen her veins for so long. Seeing him so worn out, so broken, and thin. He was emaciated, made weak since the last time she'd seen him, Jacob hadn't lied about what he intended to do with the traitor. He’d been trapped down here for seven days, the same seven days she remembered waking up to, feeling as though her stomach would start eating itself any given second, knowing that her brain had already started the process, and having that same sadistic grin looking down on her while she suffered. 
Here they were all together, down in Jacob's bunker. The steady dripping of a pipe in the corner caused water to pool in the middle of the room where a small drain sat. Staci's cowboy boot slipped against the slick concrete, his foot kicking out as Jacob grabbed him by the hair, pulling his head back, exposing his throat. A temptation for the killer instinct in Kit. 
"Look at him, this pathetic piece of meat has been sniveling for days. Just won’t die though, so sure you'd come for him."
She closed her eyes, dragging them away from the bound man before her. His brown eyes brimming with tears. Snot running down in streams making the grey tape glisten in the gloom of the bunker’s lighting. 
"Leave him alone, Jacob." She warned, not sure if her words would mean a damn thing at this point. 
"You hear that Peaches, she's lookin’ out for ya." A cold chuckle drifting from him at the small defiant glance Staci shot in his direction. He hadn’t broken entirely yet, he was stronger than he looked, he had to give him that. "But you and I both know she didn’t come back here for you.” He squeezed Pratt’s shoulder, fingers digging into the space below the collar bone. “She's here because of me."
"This is fucking sick!" She snarled.
Jacob stalked around Staci, leg swinging with each prideful step. His pet had been the perfect bait to catch her, to get her to come back home, and now he’d get his chance to gloat. "Doesn't he deserve to know? His hero, the Deputy, is with the enemy." He pointed his finger at her as if she were on trial, a witch about to be burned at the stake. 
Pratt's eyes went wide as a calf's at the revelation. A tear slipping down the side of his face while he looked at her with a furrowed brow. She could only imagine the things he was thinking about her now. 
“Doesn’t he deserve to know about the things you’ve done for me? With me?” Jacob smirked and white teeth shone from the corner of his mouth.
She was of the mind to punch the look off his face. “No. I'm not...not like this.” She turned to climb the stairs back out of the bunker, back to where the fresh air blew, where she could think clearly again. 
“Get back down here, Deputy. We’re not done yet.”
That growl of his stopped her feet dead in their tracks. Something that spoke to the most basic part of her. He knew how to command her, and just like how an animal is able to obey, understanding only the tone of voice, so too did she come to heel. 
“Good girl. Now get your ass back where Peaches can see ya.”
She dragged her feet along the concrete floor, jaw clenched as her fists were held at her sides. Her heart pounding in her chest thinking about what Jacob might have had running through his head right now.
He circled behind her and she went rigid like she was under inspection, her muscles tensing, reacting to his proximity. Cold fingers wrapped around her neck and then grabbed at the collar of her jacket as he ripped it down her shoulders and arms, throwing it into a dark corner of the room. She wore just a tank top and dozens of scratches and bruises scattered across her chest, neck and arms suddenly came to light. He ran his thumb over the freshest of the batch, deep and purple, right at the curve of her neck causing her to wince as a twinge of pain shot through her muscle.
“Ya see I heard a rumor about our little pal Peaches here. I heard that he liked to flirt with ya." 
Staci's head dropped, chin pressed to his chest. In a moment of weakness he had confided in the wrong person. Shoulders lifting and then falling with a heavy sigh.
Jacob's cruel grin made his eyes narrow, taking so much joy out of the deputy’s suffering. His nose pressed to Kit’s neck as his hand grabbed the chunk of hair at the nape just above her braid making her teeth grit. "Can hardly blame him."
He pushed her forward, legs stumbling under her like a foal. Grabbing at her sore point, he pushed her down to her knees. She could look nowhere but up at Staci, at his broken skin, all bruises and dried blood. The guilt began to eat at her and all she could do was mouth she was sorry - what little good that would do either of them now. 
"From what I hear Peaches has been around the block a time or two. So I'm sure he can tell where all these marks came from." His hand slid from her shoulder, calloused palm rubbing against the tattooed flesh of her back. “Stay right there. Don’t you move a muscle," he whispered to her, his voice creeping into that part of her brain that aimed to please.
She didn’t try to run, didn’t try to fight. There was no point. Doing that would only mean harm would come to Staci, not to her. That was the unspoken rule, she already knew it. Staci was the errand boy, she was the real pet. 
Returning to Staci’s side, Jacob grabbed at the corner of the tape on his mouth. Ripping it off in one foul swoop, like tearing off a bandage, portions of Staci’s stubble coming away with it. Patches of red scattered around his mouth, while the tape residue clung to his black whiskers. 
His scream echoed around the confines of the damp basement, but Jacob didn't notice, he just kept right on talking. Unfazed by the horror he inflicted on others. "I'm willing to cut a deal here. I'll let Peaches live, hell he can even stay in the bunker, but he needs to know his boundaries, he needs to know where the line is drawn."
Kit could feel the swell of anger bubbling up to the surface once more. "I'm pretty sure he has an idea. You've made your point. Right, Stace?" She looked at Staci with pity in her eyes, knowing all too well that the young Deputy only had so much left in him after all that he'd been through. 
He nodded his head fervently at her in return until Jacob yanked back on his hair, holding him in place once more. "He needs to know that what's mine is mine and it better stay that way, and the best way of doing that is getting used to a scent."
Her eyes flared up at Jacob, disgusted by the insinuation of what was going to come next. 
"I don't share. And knowing that he's already been sniffing around you, well I need him to be aware of just who you belong to."
"What the fuck are you talking about?" She snapped.
"He set you free thinking you'd come back for him. Thinking you'd escape together. I think Peaches here has a crush. Let's give him a taste of that freedom." He clapped his hands on Staci's shoulders, his cold stare directed at her. "Stand up."
She rose to her feet, swallowing heavily, dreading the soldier's next move, but unwilling to disobey.
"See how well she listens, Peaches. I never have to tell her anything twice. That's why she's not tied to a chair like you are."
Jacob chuckled to himself as he strode back over to her side, standing behind her, his pale stare focused now on Staci as his hands slid down her hips and over her curves. Unbuttoning her jeans, his hand slipped down the front of her panties. 
A breathy, shaking sigh escaped her as his fingertips began to toy with her clit, rubbing rough circles against it. Sliding down her slit, petting her, slipping up into her until she was soaking wet and his digits were dripping with her slick.
Her eyes squeezed together tightly, wanting to grab his hands and pull them away, a bright red flush overtaking her. Turned on by the way he made her feel. Embarrassed to have an audience. Shocked to learn how much she enjoyed being taken by him as others watched.
Pulling away from her, he left her empty and wanting. His fingers glistened in the dark as he shoved them under Staci's nose, forcing him to smell the scent of her upon them. 
Kit's heart sank as his eyelashes fluttered, his eyes closing as he took in her scent. Her salty sweet musk was a kind escape from the scent of wet earth the basement had surrounded him in. 
Grabbing Staci by the jaw, Jacob forced his mouth open, shoving his fingers inside the younger man's mouth, allowing him a taste of her. Swirling his fingers against his tongue, stroking stripes against it, pressing down and making Pratt gag.
"How does she taste, Peaches?"
Staci tried to speak around the fingers in his mouth but it was no use. Saliva dripped down from the corner of his mouth and settled into the hairs of his beard as more tears fell down his cheeks.
"You better get every last drop of her, pup, because this is the one and only time you're going to get this."
Dragging his tongue between thick fingers, Staci’s cheeks concave as he sucked his master's digits clean.
"Good boy."
His eyes rolled back into his head, the conditioning still having an effect on his mind. Even as Jacob yanked his fingers free with a wet pop, Staci was not yet ready to have them leave. 
"Now I hope I've made myself clear." Jacob wiped his fingers on the arm of Staci's shirt, smug as ever, his focus returned to her. "She's mine."
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smallblueandloud · 3 months
2023 fic roundup
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2023 was the year of the comeback. in 2021, i wrote about 25k; in 2022, i didn't even keep track. meanwhile, my total wordcount last year was 119,226 words. while that doesn't come close to my 200k from 2020, i am arguably prouder of last year and what it represented. my writing isn't dead! my abilities haven't vanished! i can have fun making art again :D
as always, the summer was the most productive for me. you can see that i wrote more in the spring than the fall -- this roughly corresponds to how i was doing during those times, lol. i had a Much Better spring semester than the fall. september was very rough, i had a very bad time, and it meant my mental health suffered for the rest of the year. but hey, at least i was writing essays :')
some more scattered thoughts:
i was arguably pretty consistent this year? may/june/july all had about the same wordcount (roughly) and i think that's cool. my goal isn't to be doing NaNos, it's to be writing consistently, so i'm very happy with this
ao3 says i published 67k in 2023. minus the first chapter of something out of a dream, which was published in 2020, i believe that's 65k or so total. i wrote 72k of fanfic last year, meaning that there's about 8k from last year still sitting in my google drive (a rough eyeball at my WIPs folder confirms this). these numbers don't QUITE make sense to me, since i used a fair bit of old material in what i published last year, but i'm not going to think about it too hard
i published fic for a whopping fifteen fandoms in 2023. nine of those were fandoms i'd never published anything for before! i am so, so proud of this stat. i remain multifandom as all hell and seeing that represented in my work makes me really :D
two fics -- be amazed by the sky and i got your back (and you got mine) -- were crossovers! i'd only ever written one crossover before (stay all day in the sun, which i still love dearly) and it was fun to play in these playgrounds (mostly by sticking the librarians into other universes, xD)
i published 25 fics last year! and five of those fics were less than 1k, which i also really love. this year i really tried to let go of my idea that my fics Had to be more than 4k (and super polished) before they could see the light of day. i think my writing has been more fun and less stressful because of that.
i polished off 4 multi-year WIPs last year: but the verse is sweet, something out of a dream, don't wanna see you go (but it's not forever), and all we can do today. it felt so, so good to finally get those out there. the only one i have left from The Great Hiatus of 2021-2022 is éponine de bergerac. i will finish that someday, but i'm letting her take her time, because she deserves it. (i DID make good progress on that fic, which is something at least!)
most popular fic of the year was sit there in your heartache, which. is a spirk fic written right after a relevant episode, so not a surprise lol. the fic that surprised me most is actually the sisterhood of the travelling main character plotpoints -- i kinda expected that one to vanish quietly, but the hatchetfield fandom is WAY more active than i expected! which is very cool :D
the fic with the fewest hits was sidenote, which doesn't surprise me, since the librarians isn't a very active fandom and it's a rareship within the fandom anyway. the people who DID read it were very sweet, so i am very grateful for them. (i'm doing fic with the fewest hits because i feel like it's better to focus on that than What Didn't Get Kudos)
i started 2024 with 5 WIPs. i actually already finished one (and then immediately started its sequel, whoops) (shoutout to the ds9 modern au, i'll make a real post about that sometime). none of these fics are particularly progressed, but i'll keep working on them and try to find the Finishing A Project Dopamine from ficlets if i need it.
i didn't really have any Writing Goals for 2023 aside from doing any writing at all, lol. i think for 2024 i want to try to get more consistent with my writing -- instead of doing x number of words per month (which usually happen over 3-4 Big Writing Days), i'd rather try to write for 5 days out of every week, or something like that. we'll see what i can get done.
in the meantime: thank you guys for listening. i'm proud of what i did last year, and i'm excited to see what happens next year :D
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melusine0811 · 11 months
tagged by an amazing human being @nico-demons
post the names of the files in your wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title of what most intrigued them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it. if you want, tag as many people as you have wips (I'm not doing this lol)
SOOOOO Doctor Who:
My very first multichapter fic "The Dream of Atlas," Tentoo x Rose. It was in my very early days of writing so it's a bit of a train wreck but I'm too nostalgic to pull it down. I do plan on writing another post-JE fic about them at some point because I already started working on the first chapter several months ago. Rated E
A Ten x Rose reunion involving a sensory deprivation tank, and trying to contact each other, may or may not involve the Dimension Cannon. He keeps seeing her. He ends up back at Torchwood Estate, and spooky stuff happens. Angsty but happy at the end. Rated E eventually
"Causal Nexus" my current DW wip, centering on the episodes The Stolen Earth and Journey's End. I only have a few chapters left. It's a Ten x Rose reunion AU where the Dalek that ruins their moment is removed from the equation. Still rated T but soon will be rated E.
A Ten x Rose fluffy fic where they visit Disney together
A Thirteen x Rose long oneshot fic where they crash into each other, Rose from the Dimension Cannon and Thirteen in the TARDIS. Lots of telepathic smut at the end, rated E
Mass Effect:
A Femshep x Liara post- destroy ending reunion multichapter fic. It's 4 years later and the Normandy gang are still stranded on an outlying planet waiting for the Mass Relays to be fixed. Liara knows Shep is not dead because she's her bondmate, she'd feel it. EDI lives and so does Legion and the Geth. Shepard has been cared for somewhere in the Arctic, where this part of the Citadel has broken off and landed. Her caretaker is a Keeper, now free of Reaper control. She's suffering from amnesia but slowly remembers Liara and they feel each other's presence. Eventual reunion and lots of emotional telepathic smut
Horizon Forbidden West/Burning Shores:
-Aloy x Seyka fic "The Space Between the Stars" where Aloy returns to the burning shores and they begin an actual relationship while dealing with trauma and the aftermath of what happened with Londra. They will eventually head east towards Nora territory and north to The Cut. Rated E, already lots of emotional smut.
-Aloy x Seyka fic "Orpheus" where Aloy turns around and stays one more night after the kiss, and they go on an adventure to find the dinosaur figurines. T right now, eventual E.
Tagging my BFF @elialys, @drayna who better not bite me, more amazing Horizon friends and my personal Seyloy instigators @katiemcgrathisdaddyaf, @despite-the-nora, @contrivedchaos, My friend and Ten x Rose AU reigning Queen @lastbluetardis, my friend and Doctor x Rose amazing fic machine @thirdeyeblue, Tentoo x Rose mascot and queen @cersxisbitch, the awesome @flamesandpages, Doctor x Rose fandom Queens and dear friends @lizann5869 and @tenroseforeverandever, gorgeous gorgeous Ten x Rose fic writer and friend @loupettes, the wonderful @sunniebelle, If I didn't tag you and you want to participate, go for it! And ask me any fic related questions you'd like.
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justalarryblog · 1 year
The WIP title game
rules: post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it.
thank you so much, Kim @crinkle-eyed-boo for tagging me on this game! it was good to check my WIPs folder haha! I have a few things I need to work on and I hope to do it next year!
Hybrid Louis Fic: I found a prompt long time ago because i wanted to write a hybrid!louis and witch!harry fic, i just wrote a few things for the outline and wrote a small scene at the beginning of the story. i want to go back to it and revise what i have and change a few things!
tired louis: it's also a small scene i started writing but didn't go much further. i have to go back to it so i can give it a proper background and then go from there, but basically louis got home tired from work and harry wants to help him relax ;) i'm thinking about changing it to something @wabadabadaba was doing on our discord. it was a AO3 tag game and what i have written can fit here.
triplets fic: yeah... styles triplets fic! it's also just a small scene so far, but basically the triplets are giving louis a massage.
paper cranes AU: this was the last fic i was writing, when i had to stop all together cause life happened, lol. but louis is a graphic designer and suffers from insomnia and everyday he goes to this coffee shop to get some coffee before work and he sees harry sat by the table making some paper cranes and giving them to the kids from a school nearby.
you were born to be my baby and baby, I was made to be your man: in fact this is a drabble and it's done, i'm just waiting for @laynefaire to say the word to post it! haha harry and louis are having a moment thinking about their lives together and how far they've come.
aaaand that's it! lots of things to work on next year! i don't know who already did this, so please ignore it if you already did! I'm tagging: @wabadabadaba @laynefaire @larrieblr @starsweredible @allwaswell16 @jacaranda-bloom @evilovesyou @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed @haztobegood @londonfoginacup @kingsofeverything @louandhazaf @phd-mama @zanniscaramouche @cyantific
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gracelesslady23 · 2 years
DAY 4 - Favorite type of story that you like to Read and/or Write for this ship?
In terms of writing, whether its a multichapter or a single oneshot I love revealing in the drama and the angst, but always with a happy ending (imo they’ve already suffered enough (esp Sirius)). A lot of my fics start as “what if” scenarios and they are usually the ones I find most fun to write, particularly alternative universes still set in the magical world but with something slightly tweaked. My favourite story to write is one with a long slow burn, lots of mutual pining / UST while Sirius / James work though a difficult situation and find happiness with each other on the other side. I also get a lot of enjoyment out of writing silly misunderstandings (I think this might be why I have so many fake dating fics in my WIP folder haha).
As far as reading, my tastes are quite similar (a case of write what you want to see I guess), but a lot broader. I’ll read pretty much read and enjoy anything for this ship (barring fics where they end up with other people or where one or both dies (and doesn’t come back)), which has honestly been really good at expanding my horizons in terms of what tropes I enjoy (and a lot of it is down to @siriuslystarbucks / camichats’ truly amazing array of prongsfoot fics).
But if I had to give a favourite style of story it would be S/J getting together fic (apparently all I want in life is to see these two fall in love over and over again). I enjoy the full spectrum of getting together fics from angsty & plot heavy, to dark and toxic, to cute and fluffy, but I have a very special place in my heart for the epic multichapter slow burn <3
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