#James will follow Regulus to the end of the earth
Regulus “You make me so happy, it turns back to sad, There's nothing I hate more than what I can't have, You are so gorgeous it makes me so mad, You make me so happy, it turns back to sad, yeah, There's nothing I hate more than what I can't have,Guess I'll just stumble on home to my cats, Alone, unless you wanna come along,” Black
James “Sometimes I wonder; when you sleep, Are you ever dreaming of me?, Sometimes when I look into your eyes, I pretend you're mine, all the damn time, 'Cause I like you” Potter
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tiredofthehumanlife · 28 days
A happy home (realizations pt 2)
Title looks like a Midwest emo song name dude 🙏give me strength
Barbie dolls: Jegulus x reader (James, Regulus, Your punk ass).
Words: 2.4k ish
Summary: Reggie is all like muh I don’t deserve love I’m just a poor peasant boy then he’s all like muh i should ignore all my friends bc I’m just a poor boy from the bourgeoisie and then you and James are like no 🥺 pookie and then hilarity ensues
Warnings: it's kinda angsty but it ends happy trust, mentions of panic attacks, mentions of Remus' dick, Harry Potter possibly mentioned, James has a mustache for about three sentences, regulus is all emo, its alright guys first one waa better ngl
Pt 1
After you and James used the classic kiss & run technique on Regulus, his mind was swamped with questions. Baby Black was having yet another crisis. Barty and Pandora had started a tally board marking up all his catastrophes. He was somewhere around the double digits at this point. Regulus wanted love, as any poor emo poetry loving teenager, but he felt he didn’t deserve love. He wanted. He wanted so much. Regulus wanted a house with a screeching screen door. He wanted a wrap around porch. He wanted beautiful tiles in his bathroom. He wanted nick nacks. A cluttered home is a house full of love and life. He wanted color in his home. Regulus’ parents’ house (attention to house not home) was cold. Regulus wanted a home. He thought of it frequently, planning the decor and colors. He would go to his little home in his head for comfort. After panic attacks he found himself pressed into a rocking chair, sitting on his wrap around porch and staring out at the beautiful garden in the backyard. His book open in his lap, his favorite pen between his fingers, tracing over his initials. Next to his chair was a small table with a mug full of his favorite tea.
With the more time he spent with you and James, he felt his fantasy home adapt. Suddenly when he visited he found your sweater flung over the back of his couch, James’ pictures on the wall. Which he could accept. Friends left their things at each others’ homes all the time. Friends made it onto each other’s walls frequently. He could handle your friendship infiltrating his home. Regulus appreciated you both no matter how much he threatened to kill you. It was his love language.
Regulus seemed to pull away. Suddenly you never saw him in the library, he didn't appear next to you, he didn't even hang out with Sirius and the others. He was actively avoiding you both. You tried to pretend you were wrong and just making things up. You knew it was true after you saw him in the Gryffindor commonroom again. 
But after you both kissed him, granted on the cheek, he malfunctioned. Regulus’ home changed rapidly. He was rocking in chair again, following the vines of the tomato plants with his eyes. His train of thought interrupted by the squeals of a small child. Regulus wondered what on earth was a child doing in his fantasy home. A small boy, no older than three or four, ran around the corner of Regulus’ porch. His little bare feet stomping on the wood. Regulus felt himself smile like nature. The boy was decked in jean overalls, a red shirt underneath. A small truck printed on the shirt was peaking out from under the edge of the overalls. He looked like James, Regulus realized. The boy heard louder footsteps following after him and squealed louder. The boy jumped into Regulus’ arms muttering something about ‘papa’. Regulus looked up from the boy to see James. Though now he had grown out his mustache, and wore matching overalls with the boy. James scooped the boy out of Regulus’ arms. James pecked Regulus’ cheek before dropping the three year old back to his feet. He ran off, zooming around the garden patches. James quickly went after him. James raced after the boy. They both laughed. The boy squealed when James caught him and tickled him. Regulus tore his eyes away when he felt someone touch his shoulder. He found you sitting next to him, in a matching rocking chair. You moved your hand up to his hair. You looked older, like James, not by much but enough for Regulus to know you all had left Hogwarts. You kissed Regulus on the lips gently. He felt warm. You leaned closer and leaned into his ear. You whispered to him that you loved him. Regulus felt his eyes prick with tears and his throat dry. You stood up and took his mug off the table. You walked away muttering about him drinking so much tea people will think you’re dehydrating him like a raisin.
It was change. Regulus didn’t like change and he didn’t like identifying his feelings. He couldn’t like you and he couldn’t like James. You were in a relationship. He can’t. He couldn’t. But he wanted. Regulus knew he wasn’t ever good at controlling his wants. So he avoided you and James. Regulus knew if he made eye contact he’d fall all over again. If he fell his heart home would be crushed. Regulus had to protect his home.
Regulus was sitting with Sirius. They were both talking and laughing comfortably. It was one of the few times you've seen Regulus without his journal in front of him. He caught sight of you standing at the steps of the Gryffindor commonroom. Regulus' smile fell and he quickly stood up. Regulus muttered something to Sirius before swinging his bag over his shoulder. As he breezed past you, you whispered a goodbye. He didn't return it, he didn't make eye contact, he ignored you entirely. Sirius had asked you what that was about but you just left the commonroom as silently as Regulus.
You brought it up with James. He was just as upset as you. The one thing you both feared was making Regulus uncomfortable and that's exactly what you had done. You and James had to have burned your trails into the floors with all your pacing but you decided on what to do. You'd confront him. Even though it seemed all Black relatives hated confrontation it was all you could do. You confront and apologize and beg him to come back to the group. You both missed his insults so much you felt sick. You looked for him everywhere. Days went by before you were finally able to find him. He was hunched over in the library. Regulus was sitting as far away from his regular table as possible. He was scribbling away in his journal, as usual. He glanced up when he noticed people approaching. Regulus quickly shut the journal and went to grab his bag.
"Please." James whispered. James sat in front of Regulus. You sat next to James. Regulus stared at the ceiling before gently letting his bag drop to the floor again. He sat back in his chair and rested his hands on top of his journal. You steeled yourself, clutching James’ hand under the table for support.
“We’re sorry. For everything. We didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. We were just being-“ You paused. You wanted to make everything make sense to Regulus. You needed to explain yourself, you couldn’t live with yourself if you left this thread hanging. “Brainless. We were just trying to harmlessly flirt and we would’ve stopped the second we felt you uncomfortable. We misread you, obviously. We miss you. You’re avoiding us and the rest of our friends. We need you to come back. We’ll leave you alone, we won’t even look at you if that works for you, so long as you come back. So.” You stopped and cleanched your jaw. You felt like you might cry if you kept talking. Though you already seemed to do a lot of that. James dropped your hand to rub your shoulder.
“So, we’re so sorry.” James finished for you. Regulus stayed silent. He looked between you and James. You saw it in his eyes, hatred, disgust, repugnance. You felt sick to your stomach, knowing you’d only see his distaste in his eyes. Never seeing all of Regulus in his eyes again, made your throat close and tears collect in your eyes. You pressed your hand against your mouth, looking away from him. You would not cry in front of him. You would not make Regulus feel like this was his fault. James squeezed your shoulder, moving his soothing hand to your back.
“I’m not good.” Regulus whispered. You quickly looked at him. How could he think that? He was staring down at his journal. Regulus squeezed his own hands, you knew his rings must’ve hurt. Regulus sucked in a sharp breath. “At speaking how I feel. I usually avoid it. I’d rather sit in silence than speak up.” He looked up. His eyes had tears like yours. You hadn’t made eye contact with James since before speaking but you assumed he was probably teary eyed as well. Regulus slid his closed journal to the middle of the table. He stood and pulled his bag over his shoulder. Regulus tapped on the table with his pen twice.
“Just return it.” Regulus whispered before leaving the library. You watched him walk away. You looked to James. Your tears had left leaving behind pure confusion.
“Did we just get told to go fuck our selves in poetry nerd?” You asked James. He looked just as confused as you. He glanced at the journal.
“He did say he’s bad at saying his feelings, maybe he wants us to read his feelings.” You stared down the journal. It was bound in black leather. A small string wrapped around it thrice. It was unsuspecting. You didn’t want to read it though. That felt wrong, going into Regulus’ private brain like that. He was constantly writing. His deepest darkest thoughts, you assumed. You once sneaked a peak at Sirius’ diary and you truly never needed to know in that extreme of detail what Remus’ dick looked like. You looked to James. He stared at you. You pressed your lips together, contemplating. You gently picked up the journal, scared it would shatter under your fingertips. You unwound the string. You pulled the front cover up. You found the first page had Regulus’ initials. You smiled and held it toward James for him to see. He laughed and turned the page. You saw the pages were full of Regulus’ flowing handwriting. Overflowing really. The lines of his poems were pressed up against each other. His letters interning with each other like a lovers hold. If you weren’t already absolutely totally in love with him, you would’ve fallen more looking at his pretty messy letters.
The last poem made you melt entirely. Regulus started speaking of a cold home. All the walls stained with blood and screams. He moved. A nice home with a porch, a reading nook, painted walls, a coat rack, a garden in the back, and you. He moved into a home with his two lovers, their presence sweeping over every inch of the house. There was ding in the doorframe to your shared bedroom, James had pulled a dresser up the stairs and tried to squeeze it through the door. You had painted in small forgotten corners of the house. A sunflower on the side of one of the kitchen drawers, a moon added to the coat rack, a heart on the corner of Regulus’ bedside table. The back door was newer than the rest of the house, James had flung a snowball so hard one winter he shattered the glass. Regulus had started talking of the rocking chairs on the back porch. His sentence fell off, unfinished. You set his journal down, leaning back in your chair. James followed your lead. You both sat in silence for a few minutes. Baby Black liked you both back. Say that 5 times fast. You sighed. You stretched your arms over your head.
“McGonagall did say we needed 20 minutes of reading everyday.” You whispered to James. He nodded and pulled the journal closer between you two. You both held onto it with one hand leaning closer to each other to read Regulus’ writing. You read and read and read and read. Regulus wrote so much he had to get new journals fairly regularly. This journal started a few days before meeting Sirius’ friends. The fast few pages were Regulus stressed with his workload. After that there was the first mention of you. Regulus spent a whole page explaining how gorgeous he found you. He spent another page after talking all about how handsome and beautiful James was. All of which you agreed with.
After that all his pages were dedicated to you two. Slowly as you worked through the pages together, and the candles around you melted, Regulus fell in love. His words were frillier. He spoke of a garden, and tea. Regulus told all about laying in field of flowers. He painted images of you three deep in love and extremely domestic. Regulus wrote of pain. The pain of knowing it could never be reciprocated, you were already with James and James was with you. The pain feeling every touch warm his heart before burning his skin with his own insecurities. He wrote how the kiss situation felt for him. All roses and sunshine until his own sick mind turned it against him, making him think it was all some big joke on him.
“We are really bad at reading people.” James muttered. You gasped and sat forward. Glad somebody said it.
“Right?!? Oh god we just can’t catch a break.” You clicked your tongue. James gently closed Regulus’ journal, wrapping the string around three times. You huffed and stood up. You and James left the Library, it was closing soon anyway. You both decided you had enough time before curfew to go to Regulus.
You returned his journal. Regulus stood in front of you staring and waiting. You and James let it all out. Laughing at your stupidity, apologizing for making him feel like he was some joke even if it was only for a few minutes, and confessing that a wrap around porch and back garden sounded perfect. Regulus was happy. He smiled at you both before telling you curfew was sneaking up behind you. James decided you three would get together and make plans on how to move forward with your relationship on Saturday in the courtyard. Regulus agreed. As you and James were heading off towards your own common rooms, Regulus called your names. He ran over to you from his commonroom door. He quickly kissed your cheek before James’. Regulus skittered off back to his commonroom without a second to spare. You smiled brightly at James. He returned the look. He intertwined your hands, swinging them back and forth. James started skipping down the hall, still holding onto your hand. You joined him. You were both carefree
You didn’t have anything to realize. You already knew you loved them both.
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nikholascrow · 4 months
Christmas at the Potter’s - word count: 673 - merry fucking christmas to everyone who celebrates and big hugs to everyone who’s holiday experience has sucked because of family
It was James’ idea. Why must James Potter be bane of his existence first stealing the heart of his best friend and then having the audacity to be nice to Evan and him as well? Barty did not under any circumstances like James Potter. Ever. But now sitting in the Potters’ living room squished between Regulus and a very Sleepy Evan, maybe Barty liked James a Little bit, But only because the couch was so crowded that Evan was partly in his lap and had his head resting on Barty’s shoulder.
James’ grand scheme began one night in the slytherin dorms a week before christmas holidays,
James propped himself up on his elbows and looked up at his boyfriend excitedly “Reg if i turn into prongs would you charm my nose to glow red so i’d look like Rudolph?”
“So you'd look like who?” Regulus looked somewhere between wildly perplexed and mildly entertained.
“like the reindeer- ya know the one with the red nose?”
Evan glanced over from his bed where’d he’d been writing an essay “why on earth would a reindeer have a red nose?”
“He pulls Santa’s sleigh- ya know to bring the presents?” James was looking increasingly more distressed.
Barty sat up from his place next to Evan and asked the question that pushed James over the edge “Who the bloody fuck is Santa?”
what followed was the most chaotic description of Christmas Barty had ever heard after which James realized not a single one of the slytherin boys in the room had ever experienced a proper Christmas.
Less than two days later James plopped down at the slytherin table next to Regulus much to the confusion of most of the contents of the great hall and declared “It’s done!”
all three boys stared at him blankly but Regulus was the first to speak “what’s done-“
James beamed “You’re all coming to mine for Christmas this year! I’ve already asked mum and told Sirius and Remus and Peter and… what?” as if he had just registered how absolutely confuzzled they all looked.
So here Barty was crammed on a couch with Remus, Sirius, Peter, James, Regulus and Evan, his best friend who he definitely did not have a Crush on. Remus, his favorite of the Gryffindors, kept shooting him knowing looks and he was Rapidly dropping down in Barty’s ranking of everyone squished onto the crowded couch at the moment. Barty just glared back at him. Honestly He thought Evan was asleep until elbow jabbed painfully into his ribs and he looked over to see Evan's terrifyingly unreadable Hazel eyes.
then the dazzlingly beautiful blonde had the bloody audacity to smirk at him and push a small perfectly wrapped gift into his hands “merry christmas Bee”
Barty eagerly ripped away the perfect emerald green paper and opened the small box it had encased, the box contained a small oval locket and within that was a picture of him and Evan taken sometime during the summer before 5th year Barty had one an arm draped around Evan and they both wore lazy content smiles Barty remembered that moment it had been perfect he’d prayed it would never end. Bartys face went red and the butterflies that followed could be more accurately described as a rabid raccoon clawing at the walls of his stomach. Barty opened his mouth to thank Evan to say anything but nothing came out, a few minutes of silence later in which Barty was painfully aware of the way Evan was smirking at him he managed to form a complete sentence
“merry christmas Ev” he shoved his messily wrapped gift into Evan's hands unceremoniously and looked anywhere but Evan. Said target of his unfortunately placed affections slowly unwrapped the gift careful not to rip the delicate navy paper, and held up a pretty beaded bracelet Barty has made himself detailed with a silver rose charm. Evan didn’t say anything, just slipped the bracelet on his wrist and curled back up against Barty.
God he was gonna kill James.
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moonsflowerco · 1 year
"Before Regulus ever found the sun in James, Sirius was the brightest light he knew; his guiding star. Regulus would have followed him anywhere, to the ends of the earth and beyond, and he still will even now. "
i am not okay :)
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regulus-books · 5 months
Save - 84 Words - @jegulus-microfic
this one and tomorrow's are probably going to be short but sweet, currently sick and can do the bare minimum 😭
warnings: needle/piercing in the first little line.
"God save me." Regulus groans as James sticks the needle through his ear.
"All done, baby," James leans back to look if they're even, "beautiful." James kisses Regulus softly, it's short lived but still makes Regulus' body warm up under James' touch.
"Shut up." Regulus hides his smile, and jumps off of the kitchen table, walking to their room after picking up their cat.
James follows him of course. He always has and always will, until the end of the earth and even further.
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queerregulusablack · 2 years
The thing is, Regulus does believe in love.
He believes in the platonic kind, obviously. While his true, lasting friendships are few, they are important to him, and he values them extremely highly. He would do unspeakable things to protect Pandora, would help Dorcas at the drop of a hat if she asked him, would follow Barty and Evan to the ends of the earth, through hell and high water, and do horrible, awful things if it means he could stay at their side.
The romantic kind is more complicated, but he still believes in it. He knows Narcissa loves Lucius, and he knows it’s real, and good, and true. He knows his grandfather, Arcturus, loved his wife to the point of his own downfall; that the loss of her broke him apart, and that it’s because he loved her that Regulus has not seen Arcturus since he was a small child. He knows it’s real, and powerful, and if he feels the flutters of it when he looks too long at Sirius’ best friend, well, that’s no one’s business but his own.
His life has seemingly been ruled by familial love, and belief seems like a paltry term to attribute to hit. He loves his parents against his own better judgement. Walburga is a tyrant and Orion is a ghost but he loves them completely, entirely, and is desperate for their love in return. The way he loves Sirius eclipses every other experience of love he’s ever felt; Sirius is the person he would die for. For Sirius, he would give his life without ever needing to be asked, or any expectation of thanks, or even acknowledgement. Regulus believes in familial love the way someone ‘believes’ they have bones, or blood; the proof is irrefutable. He is made of the stuff.
But Regulus’ every experience of love has proven to him that just as real as it is, it is also painful, and destructive, and if possible to be avoided.
Arcturus’ love for his wife destroyed him when she died. Andromeda’s love for Ted Tonks took her away from her family, and in line with that, Narcissa and Bellatrix’s love for their sister caused them immeasurable pain when she left.
Regulus loves his parents, but they hurt him over and over and over again.
Nothing has ever hurt him or made him more miserable than the love he feels for Sirius; and it was the love of Sirius’ friends for his big brother that gave him the confidence to leave. The reality of how fiercely Sirius is loved by people who are not Regulus is precisely why Regulus is left alone, in a house with parents who do not love him but who he loves fiercely.
So he washes his hands of it. Of the love he can help feeling, of the squishy, pathetic romantic kind that makes Narcissa soft and Sirius stupid, the kind that he can anticipate in butterflies in his stomach and strangle before it takes a hold of him, he washes his hands entirely.
It always hurts. Loving people always ends with him hurt. So Regulus refuses to do it.
It would take someone incredibly stubborn and determined to make him change his mind. Someone who believes in love just as much as Regulus does, but has evidence to prove it doesn’t always cause you pain.
Luckily - or unluckily, depending on who you ask - James Potter has a reputation for being particularly hard to get rid of.
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lucigoo · 8 days
Weekly Roundup: 15th April - 22nd April
Whoop, Sunday, tht means weekly roundup and recs (were going to pretend it is NOT Monday lol) So, I have writtn 13,184 words this week, and have uploaded 2 fics this week (technically it's three, but the Thorin Spring Forge fic is revelaed o the 25th) So, on to the recs: Not All That Glitters (Is Good For Your Health) - comatosecombat - The Hobbit (Bilbo/Thorin, post quest for Erebor)
Summary: In his attempt to distract Smaug from attacking Lake-town, Bilbo accidentally destroys the One Ring of Power, saves the day and brings peace on Middle-Earth.
When it comes to him and Thorin, that resolves absolutely nothing. An Unexpected Addition - karategal - The Hobbit (Bilbo/Thorin, this whole series is pure gold imo) Summary: All of the dwarves survive the Battle of the Five Armies, but Bilbo must return to the Shire to sort out his old life and make way for a new one in Erebor. Over one year later, Bilbo comes back to the Lonely Mountain with a recently orphaned Frodo. King Thorin isn't quite sure what to make of this new, tiny addition to his Company. far across the distance - LinguisticJubilee - The Hobbit - (Bilbo/Thorin, schmoopy Thorin has my whole heart)
Summary: Balin blinks, shifting backwards. “Laddie, it’s—it’s been a year. Bilbo has returned home, to the Shire.” He looks at Thorin, then says more gently, “I did not realize you counted the hobbit among your treasures.” i've loved you in a million different ways - dotty456 - Harry Potter (Sirius/Remus, James/Regulus, this is one of my fav Hogwarts-No voldy fics ever)
Summary: An everybody lives fanfic that follows the Marauders from before their first year to the end of Hogwarts - may include mentions of their children/marriages and future stuff because I can. Dumbledore is a douchebag, Voldemort doesn't exist and the Black cousins join together before the elder Blacks start burning that damn family tree. One Flash Of Light, But No Smoking Pistol - Ludo_ten - Harry Potter (Sirius/Remus, Zombie Au)
Summary: Nov 1981: Sirius wakes up hungover in a stranger's bed when an emergency radio broadcast warns of a viral outbreak and instructs everyone to stay inside.
Isolated and homeless, Sirius has no choice but to reconcile with his estranged brother. Their uneasy alliance plants the seeds for buried family secrets to surface. Together, they venture to Wales in search of the man he never told he loved before it's too late. What to do when one has died? Dig of course. - DBlack13 (Bilbo/Thorin, Afterlife fic, I repeate Afterlife fic (not that i have a fav trope or anything .....)
Summary: After death, Bilbo is bored. He misses his adventures, and although Yavanna’s Garden is everything a hobbit would wish for, Bilbo can’t help missing his friends in the Company, and above all, a certain blue-eyed leader… Hopefully theres at least one for you there.
Now, on to my fics <3 I'm real, I'm here. Open your eyes and see. (For @flashfictionfridayofficial prompt 249, Siirus/Remus)
Summary: Remus often dreams about Sirius and it makes him reluctant ot open his eye to the nothing he knows he will find when he does. But will he? Has he really lost everything? Thank you for giving me the stars (Sirius/Remus, an Animal Au based of this amazing art by @depsidase)
Summary: Remus and Teddy are outcasts, on the edge of Axolotl society, but Teddy makes a new friend and it looks like Remus may make a something more who is willing to show him the stars. Have a good week all <3
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elilelibeli · 4 days
They are doing a painting date night. Wine bottle is open, paintbrushes scattered around the table, they each have their own water cup that now has a strange color from all the mixed paint. The new vinyl they got today is filling the space with warm sounds.
James and Regulus spent a sunny Sunday together, out and about. You know those day where you don’t really have to do anything but the weather is so good you come up with special errands to run or go to places you would not really get to go if you were busy. That’s how they end up in Sunday Market Extravaganza this morning, getting everything from fancy pickles to rings and handcrafted elf ears for Reggie. And then terrace lunch and walk through the park followed by shopping spree at arts&crafts shop for their impromptu painting night date. That is how they are finishing their already lovely Sunday with small molberts in front of them, wine glass in one hand and paint brush in the other.
The objective of the night is to paint each other. Regulus will paint James and it will turn out amazing and beautiful and museum worthy as James describes and James will try to paint Regulus as he really tries to not mess up but “honestly even I can’t mess up Reggies beautiful face”.
Regulus was a bit skeptical, he really likes painting but it is his alone time activity, he doesn’t really like to share the process or the product. But seeing James focusing with his tongue slightly out and brows furrowed is convincing him that sometimes saying yes to things you don’t want is good because my god James looks really adorable.
Regulus has studied James’s face, like he doesn’t even need to look at him to paint him, but every chance he gets to really look at the love of his life’s face he takes it all in. The messy curls dancing with every little head turn, smile lines around his eyes because he really does smile with the most beautiful and the biggest smile ever. Lopsided grin and jawline that could kill a man. So he is sitting there staring and painting and staring and painting and he is so so pleased.
It’s really everything Regulus loves. Days spent slowly, holding James’s arm, talking and walking and just existing submerged by warmth and love. He knows how lucky he is and feels how truly happy he is, sitting here in his home full with comfort and hugs, shared secrets of the dark, midnight snacks and morning sex and he is giddy with the feeling, he smiles at the thought that he is sitting there with his elf ears and paintbrush in his hand and he has never felt more loved or at peace and oh life is so worth living like this.
“Reggie to Earth” James’s honey coated voice pulls him down from the clouds of happiness, “Are you finished?”
“Umm..I think so” Regulus is looking at his painting, “Are you done?”
“Yes it’s done, it’s the best it can get I am afraid and if I do more I’ll just ruin it.” James is focusing back to his painting. “Show me yours please”
Regulus holds his painting up and takes a picture of it and James’s face side by side. They look identical, warm eyes and grin and everything. Regulus chuckles, he is pleased with his skills and turns the painting around to show it to James.
“Oh my god love, this is amazing” James’s eyes tear up in seconds. “I love this so much, I love you, oh this is going straight to my parents they will love it” he smiles at Regulus.
“Go on show me yours” Regulus interrupts the string of compliments eager to see how James did.
James takes a breath in and slowly turns his painting around. Only it’s not a painting, it has words on it, carefully written with love hearts around it. And suddenly Regulus’s breath hitches because his brain registers what the words say and he is looking at James on his knee and back at the painting and back at the most beautiful ring he has ever seen and oh my god he is crying.
He is crying because James is saying how much he loves Regulus and how he can not wait for another week to start without being engaged with him and how he is so beautiful and so lucky to have him and he is saying Regulus’s full name and asking the question and oh my god Regulus will marry James!
If you’ve ever seen the night sky on new years illuminated with sudden bursts of thousand fireworks you know how Regulus feels. He is full of love and fireworks of happiness are going off in his whole being.
He jumps up from his seat and cries “Yes”, the best word he has ever said, to James and hugs him with full force.
The ring is beautiful, he is hugging his now fiancee, who to nobody’s surprise is sobbing happiness tears and he oh my god is still wearing the ridiculous elf ears and sweatpants and he is engaged to the love of his life like this and it’s ridiculous and so happy. Happiest, in the arms of his forever love and a beautiful, beautiful ring on his finger.
Heavily inspired by this tiktok
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incandescentwarmth · 22 days
Filtered Sunlight
Angsty jegulus super short micro-fic? Micro-thoughts? There's not really a story just bad metaphors about light and colors. wc: 322
Regulus was familiar with the sun. It was comforting to know that he was deemed lucky enough to feel the warm touches of it on his skin. To wake up to it in the morning smiling back at him. To say goodnight, certain it will be back to shine the next day. He sat beside it and took what he could get, choosing to bask for as long as he could.
In a perfect world, a prism would exist in him. Regulus would take the sunlight James gifted him gently in his hands and create beautiful rainbows between them. The light would bend with him, follow him to the ends of the earth. It would be twisted and changed in ways that create something even more beautiful and rare. He would take what was offered and shine beauty into the world with it. 
That wasn’t Regulus though, Regulus was a filter. He would take the light and absorb all the best parts of it for himself, only allowing the blue darkness to pass through. The intensity would be dulled with him. The colors he made from the distortion might be pretty for a time but they would never be as pure as the sun. He could never hold the possibilities the sun held. He would take and take and take, allow the sun to selfishly shine through him until he began to blister and crack under the heat. Until eventually he will be destroyed and the sun will shine right through him, leaving no color behind.
And that was the thing about the sun. He can’t be turned off. He will continue to burn even if he leaves destruction in his path. He never wants to hurt anything but the sun will keep giving with its whole being, oblivious to what will be burnt. James will keep sending his waves of light and Regulus will be taken by the current every time.
~This may or may not be about gel color Rosco 79~
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theo-notts-doll · 3 months
i love the ship names sunseeker and starchaser for jegulus because it goes deeper than just quidditch positions.
starchaser implies that james will chase regulus to the ends of the earth when he tries to close off from james, because of course he does. regulus will spend the first year (at least) of the relationship torn between not feeling good enough for the literal sunshine that is james and yet selfishly not being able to let him go. so regulus will bounce back and forth indecisively between what he wants and what he thinks james deserves, while james will always be a step behind him because he won't give up on regulus for anything.
sunseeker indicates the same. regulus doesn't feel that he, the slytherin from a broken home with an even more broken heart, is inherently good enough for james, who, by all accounts, shits rainbows. he is expected to follow voldemort and uphold the family name and be everything sirius can't be because he knows his brother isn't what he was born to be. because sirius, at his core, is the same as james. looser morals, maybe, a craze in his eye when the family madness catches up to him, perhaps, and the same broken heart that regulus carries with him, of course, but sirius is good. the black brothers are made from the same materials, but they were molded, contorted into different shapes. sirius knows he is good and he sleeps next to his wolf with a smile knowing this, knowing he is above their mother and beyond their family and more than he was meant to be. regulus feels too shattered by the world to be enough for james, but can't stop seeking him out because his sunrays are healing and god, if he isn't the centre of regulus' world. he is the light in the constant darkness of regulus' life.
regulus doesn't want to let him go, but luckily for him, james won't let him run.
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behindthesefangirleyes · 11 months
Before Regulus ever found the sun in James, Sirius was the brightest light he knew; his guiding star. Regulus would have followed him anywhere, to the ends of the earth and beyond, and he still will even now.
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maybesomemilo · 1 year
“I will stand with you between the heavens and the earth, I will tell you where you are, do you love me?!”
Nobody can tell me that this isn’t handmaiden!Lily screaming at King!Regulus when he’s freaking out over being forced into an arranged marriage (Lord!James), scared to let somebody in, scared to let his illness overcome him, and Lily’s there, five steps behind him as she has always been, his pillar, his flower, ready to follow him anywhere and pull him back to himself when he drifts.
Aka a Jegulily queencharlotte:bridgerton Au
I need 500,000 words, I need hurt/comfort, I need multiple pov, I need lord/servant wolfstar, I need plus-size!Lily & Desi!James, I need slowburn jegulus & jily, I need matchmaker Lily slowly falling in love, I need dancing under the stars, I need he is your king but I am you QUEEN, I need Lilly running an entire empire so that Regulus doesn’t have to, I need walpurga being put in her place by James, I need LadyDanbry!Sirius & Brimsley!Remus, I need Regulus constantly breaking protocol by making Lily walk BESIDE him, I need Lily climbing over a wall when they were children and James falling over one on the wedding day, I need angst with a happy ending, I need Starchaser bonding over Reg’s love for the stars and calling James the sun (Venus), I need it, I need it, I need it!
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bunny175 · 1 year
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Liquid Courage
A/N: anyone ask for ANOTHER angsty but super sweet Jegulus short? No? Well have one anyways :) no smut, sorry to disappoint :( In my mind the characters are 17/18 in this fic. This is not to be interpreted as underage,
Summary: Just an anxty but also very fluffy ending fic about how a seemingly innocent game of spin the bottle leads to tears and revelations between our two faves (Jegulus). See notes in link for TWs.
This is part 1 of a series of angsty marauders spin the bottle fics!
Link to ao3 work (please leave a comment/kudos if you enjoyed! <333 )
James isn't sure when Regulus stopped looking at him as though he'd torn the stars from the sky and made the go world dark.
He's sure its recent, somewhere in between when Regulus and Sirius showed up at his house; soaking wet and beaten bloody, and those soft summer nights which followed; playing cards and stargazing to the tune of Sirius and Remus' gentle flirting.
He thinks maybe it was a gradual process. That Regulus' gaze began to soften that first night, when James dragged them both inside and smothered them with family, and warmth, and home; all in some sort of childish attempt to fix whatever mess Walburger had tried to drown them in.
He thinks maybe it began when he took Regulus' feet; torn soled and bare, and held them between his hands to warm them, unable to let go until his father gentled him out of the way and healed them himself.
Or maybe it was That Night. The night where the third summer storm of that week hit and Regulus crawled into his bed and let their fingers brush beneath the sheets.
Either way, James doesn't know quite when Regulus started to drop his guard. To smile in that soft, sweet way that James knows is reserved only for him. To let the slightest dusting of pink colour the space between his freckles. To let James invade his personal space, if only to give into the temptation to lean his head against the older boy's shoulder.
He doesn't quite know when it started, but he certainly knows when it stopped.
1 hour earlier
It had been Dorcas' idea; teeth gleaming in a flirtatious grin as she eyed up Marlene.
They'd all been more than a little tipsy, gathered in the Gryffindor common room for their first get together of the new school year.
Its not that difficult to get everyone to agree.
Its just them. Well, the 8 marauders + three stray slytherins. Honestly, James isn't sure he wants to know how Barty and Evan made their way into the tower, but having Regulus there, after all these years, makes something warm blossom in his chest.
Somehow, James is sure that everyone present has at least one person they're desperate to snog. Be it Remus and Sirius, Mary and Lily, hell, anyone would have to be blind to miss the way Barty and Evan were dancing around eachother; eager to explore something new whilst desperately keeping their distance.
And James? James is looking at Regulus.
Even now, as he takes in Regulus' sock clad toes across the circle, James feels something protective bubble in his stomach. Its all he can remember. That confused, niave question of why on earth Regulus was barefoot in the rain echoing around his head. Regulus whose expression was completely blank. Regulus, whose bare feet curled against the jagged concrete of their walkway; leaving speckles of blood in their wake.
Regulus is laughing, now, leaning into Barty's space, so soft and sweet in one of Remus' old jumpers; nuzzling against the mischievious boy in a way James knows he only does with those closest to him.
James can't control the strange, jealous, pang that sits heavy in his chest.
He ignores it as best as he can, of course. Partly because for the first time ever, Regulus seems completely relaxed; basking in the warmth of the gryffindor tower, surrounded by his friends and family.
"So, who's going?"
It's Lily who moves first, a mischivious smirk on her lips as she takes in her options.
She takes her time, long, elegant fingers wrapping around the bottle as she gets just the right angle. James wouldn't be surprised if she was calculating some sort of muggle equation to get exactly who she wanted, genius that she is.
There was a time where he would've given anything for the bottle to land on him. But somehow, somewhere in the last three months, that desire had completely evapourated.
They all watch, drunken and giggling as she makes her spin. It rotates once, twice, three times before landing somewhere in between Peter and Mary.
"Huh." She says, pausing for a second as she stares at the bottle before looking up at them. "Guess you'll both just have to share. "
James chokes on his drink.
From there on things just seem to get messier.
Sirius is first to pounce on the bottle, spinning it recklessly before cackling as it lands on Dorcas. The latter of which grins like a cat, then crawls across the circle so that she can straddle Sirius, laughing as he lets his eyes wander over her curves. Their kiss is messy and wet, more a jokey performance than anything, but James doesn't miss the way Remus' knuckles have turned white where they hold his bottle.
It continues from there, with Marlene kissing Barty; something sweet and patronising that lets him know he never had a chance. Followed by Evan getting Peter, who grins and pecks the younger boy thoughtlessly on the lips; laughing as he watches Barty sidle up to the blond boy afterwards, a small frown pulling at his eyebrows.
When Remus spins, only to land on Lily, Sirius positively squawks, demanding a replay as he preaches about bad spinning technique and unfair games.
Remus only rolls his eyes, leaning over to kiss Lily. It leaving her slightly breathless when he pulls away.
Sirius scowls for the next three spins.
When the bottle finally reaches James, he's worked himself up into some sort of panic.
He's been calculating how things are going, his drunken mind convincing him that based on some sort of balance of probilities, there's no chance that he's going to get to kiss Regulus tonight.
So why is he so nervous?
He leans forwards to grab the bottle, purposely not looking up as he lets it spin.
It's like watching it move in slow motion, each full circle seeming to take a life time to complete, but then suddenly, so suddenly that James feels like he's gotten whiplash, it stops.
It stops.
On Regulus.
"No. Absolutely not. That's incestuous-"
"Sirius, you can't just protest to every single bottle spin. It defeats the purpose of the game-"
"I can and I will. James, don't you dare-"
But it's too late.
Already, James is leaning in, his hand reaching out to cup the side of Regulus' face, their eyes meeting as James checks that this is okay.
Regulus' guard seems to completely drop, the way it only seems to do when him and James are alone; the way it only does when James' gentleness has taken him by surprise.
He's looking at the older boy, wide eyed, lips parted, as though he can't fully comprehend what's happening. As though he can't quite believe his luck. Like- Like-
Their lips are touching.
It's warm. And soft. And impossibly gentle. And instantly, James knows. Knows that Regulus has been saving this for him. Knows that whatever Regulus is handing over to him right now is fragile and sweet and so, so, important.
He lets his hand move, slowly, gently, to cup Regulus' face; hands like his have hurt Regulus before and the last thing he wants is to break whatever bubble seems to have surrounded them.
Regulus make a tiny, hurt sound at the action; melting into the kiss as though it's the last thing keeping him breathing.
James grins, letting his thumb brush over Regulus' cheek; all delicate skin and fragile bone.
He feels infinate, as though he could do this forever; take Regulus apart and put him back together again and again until the sun falls out of the sky.
He feels Regulus move into the kiss, a subtle hint that he wants more.
Before James can stop himself, he's giving in; letting his tongue soothe over Regulus' lower lip, pressing forwards until he feels Regulus' lips part and a warm tongue pressing back against his own.
Suddenly, there's a wolf whistle and James yanks himself backwards, embarrassment heating his cheeks as he realises they've gone on too long.
He glances up at Reg, a shy grin already forming on his lips, only to find that Regulus is staring at him like he's been caught; eyes wide and wild like a deer in headlights.
Because it's a game.
It's a game and he's just embarrassed himself.
"Reg-" James tries, but its too late, and before he can reach out, Regulus has dissappeared out of the hole behind the portrait.
"What the fuck was that?" Sirius asks. Because he's Sirius, and apparantly completely fucking oblivious.
Even so, James flinches at the words.
He'd known that this would be a mistake. Of course he'd known. He'd known since Regulus had fallen asleep on his shoulder during one of their many summer movie nights, only to leap up in embarrassment the second he'd realised that it was James he was sleeping on. He'd known since the kid would stutter incoherently and flee the room whenever the topic of sexuality and crushes emmerged within their friendship group. He'd known since he realised that the Regulus he knew; the eager, contemplative, affectionate Regulus, that soothed his own sharp edges just in case they came into contact with James, only existed when they were alone.
And sure, he'd tried. He'd tried not to unearth everything with that kiss. Not to let the others see just how much he wanted it, how much Regulus wanted it too. Not to ruin the sweet thing they had blossoming between them.
But he was drunk. Drunk and stupid and so helplessly wanting that all he'd succeeded in doing was tearing the other apart and leaving him wide open for show in front of everyone else.
He's a fool. A fucking fool and all he wants to do is curl up and scream-
"Go. After. Him."
It takes him a second to realise its Barty that has grabbed him by the collar and is hissing instructions in his ear.
It takes him even less time to get himself up off of the floor and out of the portrait; ignoring the confusion he leaves in his wake.
The thing about Regulus, is that he's always been slightly predictable when it comes to hiding places.
Sirius would always claim that it was yet another thing that held Regulus back from being the superiour brother. Loudly and frequently retelling the story that no matter how many times they'd play hide and seek, he'd always find the younger boy curled up under Sirius' bed, often just below where Sirius was counting.
In hindsight, it probably has more to do with the fact that the only place Regulus ever felt safe, when he was playing a game as childish as hide and seek in their mother's home, was beneath his big brother's bed. But it's one of Sirius' only good memories of their childhood, so James has always kept that thought to himself.
As a result, James finds him exactly where he'd expected.
Well, almost.
What James had expected was to find Regulus restless and pacing around the astronomy tower; all pent up anger and ready to strike.
He'd been prepared for insults, and viscious declarations; that the kiss had meant nothing and that James was stupid to expect anything other than a punch to the fact for the shit he'd just pulled.
What he gets instead, is exponentially worse.
Regulus- well, Regulus is curled up in the corner of the room, his face pressing into his knees as his shoulders shake with the force of his silent sobs.
James' heart drops.
"Reg?" He calls out, mindful of startling the boy as he approaches.
Regulus just curls tighter in on himself, as though if he gets small enough, James won't be able to see him.
James swallows thickly before trying again.
"Hey." He says, softly, as he slides down the wall to sit beside the boy.
"Go away." Regulus says. His voice is weak, and James fails to contain his rioting heart as he stuggles to disguise a sniffle.
"Reggie." James repeats, his voice even softer; as though his heart can't cope with anything stronger. "I'm sorry."
Regulus shakes his head, curles bouncing as his breath stutters between tears.
"Reggie, look at me a sec." James' hand is half outstretched; the desire to gather Regulus up in his arms and never let go almost to strong to resist. "Please." He adds, because Regulus has never once denied him when he begged.
Slowly, cautiously, Regulus lifts his head, his eyes red rimmed and glassy as they skate around the room before finally landing back on James.
"There you are." James whispers, unable to help himself as he reaches out, his touch feather light as he soothes a thumb across Regulus' cheekbone.
Instead of calming the boy, like James thought it would, the tears that had clouded his vision spill over.
"Reggie." James breathes, his heart cracking in his chest. "Reg. Please don't cry. I don't- I'm sorry- I thought it would be okay. I'm drunk. And stupid. And you're just- well you're you and I like you and- no, what I mean is- I didn't think it would hurt you-"
"How could it not hurt? You- James, you're not oblivious- You must- You can't just kiss me like that to play a game. Not when you- not when its clear that I-" Regulus cuts himself off, sucking in a breath as he wipes furiously at his eyes.
"What are you talking about?" James asks, his eyebrows pulling down in the middle as he stares at the younger boy. "You- That wasn't- Reg, you think I kissed you like that, for a game?"
Regulus stares at him blankly.
"God, for someone so smart you can be really fucking stupid." James laughs, and then suddenly he's pressing his lips against Regulus'; taking his time to unpick each any every insecurity as he gentles his way through Regulus' defences, deepending the kiss unil their tongues are tied and he's holding the boy against him like his life depends on it.
And this. Oh, this, is what he'd wanted. No audience, no game, nothing except the stars and the sky and the two of them.
Its Regulus who pulls away first, laughing softly as James chases his lips.
"It really wasn't just for show?" He asks, once James' eyes meet his.
"I mean, it must've been one hell of a show. Not that Sirius will have much enjoyed it." James grins, laughing when Regulus smacks his chest before sobering up. "Of course it wasn't. I've wanted to do that for months. Hell, I think I've loved you for months."
"Good." Reg mumbles, breath still hitching slightly as he moves to hide his face in the crook of James' neck, nibbling softly at the skin there. "I think I've loved you since the night you pulled me in from the rain."
"Reg, you were completely out of it."
"Hm." Regulus huffs, pulling away so that he can rest his forehead against James'. "Maybe it was just infactuation, then. Sirius had always said you were like warmth in human form. But I think that was the first time I really realised how cold I'd been."
And oh, Merlin, James is fucked.
Truly and utterly, fucked.
2022 © all content belongs to bunny175 or bunny17 on ao3. Please don’t repost my work anywhere <3
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orionchildofhades · 6 months
A Beginning and Perhaps an End
orionchildofhades ao3
summary : On the night of October 31st, Regulus Black walks into what is left of Godric's Hollow. He finds the young child of Lily and James Potter, and swears to right every wrong his past Master has ever done to him, his loved ones, and the child.
Follows the life of Harry Potter if he had been taken care of by Regulus from the start, a man ready to fight for him, and to not let him fall into traps meant to lure him to his death.
tags: Harry Potter is Raised by Regulus Black, Magical Theory, Past Jegulily, + more to be added
Magic is not born. It is. It is and will be and has always been. It links everything together; through blood and flesh; soils and waters; through the air and the fibres of each and every being, place, and thing on this Earth.
Magic is not good, nor is it bad. Magic exists. One could not call the sky evil or benevolent; the sole reason being that it cannot be either.
Dark magic, Light magic. Black and White. Both are equal. They balance each other and the world around them. They work together; they work against one another. They are zero and infinity, day and night. They are one and twilight.
Neither are inherently good, nor are they bad. The same way water can become flood and rain, blood and tears.
Magic is not something.
It is everything.
In the depth of night there were cries. Loud. Wailing.
A child was crying.
There was nothing else in the night except for the beating of feet on a paved street, of an erratic breath, of pleas whispered to the dark sky, strangely devoid of stars.
It was a dark, dark night.
The house at the end of the street had half collapsed in on itself, light flickering strangely behind the glassless windows.
The cries wouldn’t stop.
Regulus Black stopped in front of the open door. More than open, it had been torn from its hinges, left hanging unnaturally to the side. It swung weakly as the newly November wind swept into the house, chilling the world to the bones.
There was no warmth, no love in the darkness. It was more of a void, an absence of everything else. It was not the Dark that could offer comfort.
Regulus stood there, observing the tragic stage that the house had become. A house he had never seen properly, not in its well-loved and lived-in state, where people who had laughed and lived together.
It was chaos, pictures that had hung on the walls had fallen to the ground, cracks were splitting the wooden furniture. The couch was torn to pieces, sweet cotton clouds, stark white and pure against the madness of the scene.
And there was James.
Silly James Potter. Sweet and brave James, left on the staircase. His head was hanging to the side, dark brown eyes open still. He didn’t even have his wand in his hand.
Regulus entered the house, for it was no longer a home, and, with his heart to his lips, made his way to the stairs.
The cries had not stopped.
Walking down the corridor, floor creaking ominously underneath his feet, he made his way to the nursery.
This door was also broken, thrown through the windows on the other side of the room. The floors were carved from the strength of the spell.
A tapestry of cracks was drawn across the walls, baby green paint split.
And in the middle of it all was a child.
A child, small, and weak, crying for his mother.
Lily Potter, Lily Evans, lay on the floor at Regulus’ feet, in front of her child’s crib. Her hair was a halo, a ghost of the blood she should have lost in her death. Her skin seemed so pale beside it. There was nothing left of her strength, of her temper, of her intelligence.
Yet her child kept crying for her.
And through the desolation, the fire-like lights were still warming up the room, daunting in their liveliness.
There was no one else.
The room would be empty if not for the pleading of the child and the corpse of the mother.
Regulus’ master was gone.
He was gone and the child was not; the child meant to destroy his master; the child a Seer had announced to be his master’s equal. The child had survived and his master was no more.
Regulus felt light headed for an instant, knees weak and hands shaking as he lowered his wand, his eyes settling on the child.
The child who had quieted.
Who was watching him intently. Whose forehead was bleeding in a slow trickle; a bolt of lightning stricken in vivid red.
Regulus went to the crib; knelt before it.
Green, striking green. The same green as the curse which had killed his mother, his father. Something stronger than nature. And those eyes were red with tears.
The small hands of the child reached forward, eyes gazing into Regulus’.
What could he do?
Nothing, except reach for him back. To bend over and take the child in his arms, cradling the small, still shaking body against his chest, and rock slowly in hope to calm his beating heart.
Both of their hearts really.
And Regulus closed his eyes, trying to find enough peace to plan for the next step.
His master had gone, but he was not dead. He could feel him in the mark scarring his forearm, in the ink linked to the magic in his skin and blood.
Lord Voldemort was not done with this life.
But he had not managed to end this child’s life either.
Regulus would not let the opportunity slip.
A thunder of steps on the floor below stroke fear into his heart, startling the child in a new fit of cries.
With a movement of his wand, a charm was placed on both the child and the man. A silencing charm, a notice-me-not. Regulus stepped back into the shadows behind the drapes that were hiding part of the window.
From the stairs came one Severus Snape.
Barely older than Regulus, his robes a sombre black, he fell on his knees before the body of Lily, a sob escaping his thin lips.
His grief felt too loud, even for Regulus who knew it like the back of his hand. He turned around, rubbing circles on the back of the child’s back, leaving the man behind him to mourn his lost love.
Perhaps a few minutes, or maybe an eternity later, Severus Snape’s cries had gone quiet, the rocking of his body, his hold on Lily’s, had ceased. And all that was left was the quiet breathing of both Regulus and the child.
He made his way to the centre of the room, observing the damages done.
The carving in the floorboards seemed more intricate than what he first thought, a careful design set in the wood. With the carpet on the way, Regulus was unable to see most of it. It seemed to be more than solely the leftover damages of a gone-astray spell.
A motor rang outside, approaching at a fast pace. A motor Regulus knew. He might not have had the occasion of hearing if often but the sound of it would always light one dark corner of his heart. And soon enough, just as he expected, Sirius Black’s motorcycle came to a screeching stop by the gate, the man himself sitting astride.
Regulus looked at Harry, the quiet face of pain, trails of blood still drawn across his face. He bent down, put him back in his crib.
Harry would do better with Sirius; his actual godfather, the man James had trusted till the end. He would be safer with him, Regulus supposed. After all, he himself had always felt the safest in his brother’s shadow.
He kissed the dark hair of the child, closing his eyes for a second.
The cries, which had calmed, started anew when, after a long breath, he rose properly.
He took a step back toward the door and picked up Voldemort’s forsaken wand.
He stepped back into the shadows, waiting for Sirius to barge in and take Harry away from the bodies of his parents, to peace, and quiet, and love. Maybe Remus would be there too, by the boy’s side, offering some of the level-mindness Sirius probably didn’t have even as an Auror.
And Sirius did come in. His eyes were half mad already, tears clogging his eyes, stark silver in the warm light of the room.
His eyes were on Harry, then on Lily. A faint sound escaped his lips, like his pain was trying to find relief but his body was too taunt to let it go.
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makeit-tothemoon · 1 month
perhaps God, a soft life?
They lay awake in the dead of the night. Alive and aware, buzzing with a softness that was sweet and warm.
James would breath in and then Regulus would follow suit. Late by a quarter of a second. Then down would go the sturdy chest pressed against Regulus' cheek and Regulus would allow himself to exhale.
Among the disarray of fabrics and billowy white sheets, James would feel the touch of nimble fingers searching shyly for his skin.
A press on the sliver exposed between his cotton pants, then one above the pulse on his wrist and another on his jaw, grazing the stubble that he hadn't been able to grow past a stubble yet.
All of it was shy and hesitant.
Like James was precious.
And to Regulus Black he was. Precious and kind and the sun and the earth. James Potter was his everything.
He could burrow the seeds of his love underneath his skin and without much shine or rain, flowers would blossom.
He had never been given anything better.
Even if it all was going to be for a flutter of a butterfly's wing in the grand scheme of time and the universe, lesser than a second in the face of forever; Regulus could always say he once did have a bit of James Potter all to himself.
He got to touch him and hold him, and when he pushed his head upwards and pressed a kiss on James' honey dipped lips - he was kissed back.
With so much softness he thought he'd died and gone away from all the horrible things that came with being someone as rotten as him.
Regulus knew one day it would be the last day. The last kiss.
The end of all ends.
Because one day James would decide he had given enough to him. He would realize just how incredulous it was to have let him sully his face, his body, and whatever bits of his heart Regulus had gotten a hold of.
And so he squeezed him tighter and wished upon a star.
Because maybe he didn't want the end of all ends.
He had never admitted it to James and barely acknowledged it himself, but sometimes, when everything got quiet and he was left all alone for the day, he would sit and think of better days.
A home, a pet, and books on his bedside table. Big windows and a backyard outside with a vegetable patch like Uncle Alphard's. A soft life.
He would dare to think of a warm, open pot of pasta in the middle of a messy table, hot steam puffing out over it, a bottle of soda and quiet eating under a mellow wash of light.
And when they would finish he could imagine a movie to end the night. A big fluffy sofa with a cat or two curled upon it. 'Perks of being a wallflower' on the screen.
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givemearock · 2 years
Voluntary Apnea
Regulus and James visit a hidden part of the black lake and share ‘fun’ facts
based on a headcanon/ edit by skylarihardlyknowher on tiktok posted on July 14, 2022 and a stiles quote
tw: mentions of drowning, angst ???? (icl not 100% sure what that means)
word count: 1,192
a/n: here’s the Marauders oneshot !! Sadly the Stranger Things one didn’t get finish but once I return from my trip it will be the first thing I post after this :))
Regulus Black was often called the second ghost of Slytherin House.
It was rather easy for him to move from place to place making little to no noise, his feet practically floating above the ground beneath him.
No one would ever see him enter a room but his presence would be known and acknowledged as soon as he spoke.
Despite how easy it was for him to get around unnoticed, James Potter always noted how he’d run off down the same particular path almost every day.
He never saw him return, but he’d always see him go.
If James had been closer to the boy he’d probably have asked him where he was going, but seeing that he only knew him through Sirius for now he’d just have to wonder.
“I think I know a spot,” were the first words out of Regulus’ mouth when James recommended they hang out.
They’d become acquaintances a bit ago and James wasn’t about to pass up the opportunity to make someone else his friend, so they needed to spend some quality time together.
“Right, ok,” he tried to hide the smile on his face as he followed Regulus down the path he’d seen him traverse for so many days.
It was so beaten he would’ve believed it was put there purposely if he hadn't known the younger boy had formed it himself.
“How’d you discover this place?” James’ asked, as they were now entering sections of the school grounds he didn’t even know existed.
Regulus shrugged, “Every day I just walked farther and farther away from everyone else until I found a spot I liked, nothing too special.”
James’ didn’t believe anything Regulus did could not be special, but that was just his opinion of him.
Curling around another bend, James made work out of avoiding the branches and brush that threatened every moment to knock glasses off his face with their springy nature.
Soon after he heard and honestly felt the new squelch of the mud beneath his feet, accompanied by a view of a lake. Well, not a lake, the black lake.
Somewhere along the way, they must’ve looped around, because there was no mistaking the murky ominous aura of the most well-known body water at Hogwarts. Either that or James’ had been too busy focusing on the twigs in his hair versus paying attention to where they were going.
Regulus had also not been paying attention, but that was because he knew the area better than he knew the manor he, unfortunately, had to grow up in.
As to what he was using the free time to think about, well, to sum it up quickly, water.
Water was all he could think about.
It consumed every thought without mercy or hesitation.
“I have to let it in,” he muttered to himself as he came to a stop, “I have to-”
“Wow!” James unknowingly interrupted, putting his hands on his hips, a wide grin spread across his face, “it’s beautiful out here.”
Even though the lake was intimidating, it always smelled like a mix of the earth after rain, and whereever you called home.
“So what do you do here, just sit?” He looked over at him.
“Sometimes yeah,” Regulus took a seat and James followed after him. He was unsure whether to tell him the truth. “Just to think things over.”
“Alright,” James looked back at the water, “I’m not the kind to sit and think, but I’ll give it a try.”
Regulus had never seen James look as calm as did during those fifteen minutes he was sitting there.
All the while he would occasionally share a random fact he knew that he found wonderful.
“Did you know humans like the sound of rain, because our brains see it as a non-threatening noise,” his voice slowly trailed off at the end, his lips once again forming a small smile.
“Hm, no I did not know that.”
Despite how bothered others were by it, James never really minded how Regulus’ reactions to things were, lackluster, as some would say.
“Why don’t you tell me something?” James had run out of fun facts.
“My facts aren’t really, I guess, light you would say.”
“It's alright, I don’t mind.”
Regardless of what Regulus might’ve thought, James honestly didn’t mind.
Somewhere along the way the two of them had moved closer to the water.
Instead of stuttering, Regulus just stayed silent for a moment, mulling over what he was going to say.
“You know when you’re drowning you don’t actually inhale until right before you black out,” he started running his hands along the surface of the water.
James made no response but Regulus knew he was listening.
Pausing for a bit, he put his feet in the water, half hazardously deciding whether or not he wanted to stand in it.
“It’s called voluntary apnea.”
At that point, he had lost all regard for the dryness of his shoes and pants and had resolved to wade at his pleasure.
His wandering thoughts brought him back to what he usually did in the lake.
Forcing himself under, purposely preparing to let the water in, as would inevitably be needed.
“It’s like no matter how much you’re freaking out,” he was simply speaking from experience, “the instinct to not let any water in is so strong that you won’t open your mouth until you feel like your head’s-.”
He struggled to find an accurate adjective.
“Exploding,” eyes still closed, James spoke barely above a whisper, but Regulus heard it.
Either the famed James Potter was also an astute mind reader, or Regulus was just that easy to understand. Or at least easy for him to understand.
“Then when you finally do let it in, that's when it stops hurting.”
Regulus had never gotten to that part. If he ever did, there would be no one around to save him.
“What do you do here, Regulus?” James was looking at him now, but Regulus wouldn’t meet his eyes.
There was no way he was going to. Telling that to anyone was a death sentence, and he tried to avoid those.
“I practice,” he finally looked up at him, trying his best to make his face seem warm.
Regulus had never seen James look so cold. He surely would’ve been frozen to the touch.
He knew, and Regulus knew he knew. But neither one of them would ever form the words to confirm or deny the suspicion they both had.
Just silence that would leave both of them dissatisfied.
Regulus never took James back to that part of the lake, and James never went back.
Not because Regulus didn’t trust him, but because he didn’t want to associate James with that part of his life.
James was the only thing still connecting him to the land of the living, and he didn’t need that sentiment muddied up by his funeral planning.
Plus it wouldn’t have been fair for him to know, James didn’t need another thing to worry about, and Regulus wasn’t going to be the person to give him another.
James worried about him anyways.
Tysm for making it to the end and I hope you liked it :) (James saved Regulus by the way and everything was fine no more sadness)
Have a nice day and night !! 🌸
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