#Leo Garcia
prozdvoices · 2 years
here’s Episode 73 of the ProZD + Pals Podcast featuring special guests Angel Lorenzana and Leo Garcia
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bocadit · 4 months
Lo loco que debo estar,
Sé de lo que no me doy cuenta.
Sobresaltan las cosas,
Su último marco de ceguera.
Lo loco que debo estar,
Digo más de lo que siento.
Recuerdo alguna cosa al azar,
Y termino soñándote, soñándote,
Y es que vos sos la luz de mis ojos,
Aunque no tengas nada mas que ver conmigo.
Y es que vos sos la luz de mis ojos,
Aunque no tenga nada mas que ver con vos.
Con vos el amor fue ciego.
¿Eras vos o era tu voz
la que estaba cuando no te veía?
Y es que vos sos la luz de mis ojos,
Aunque no tengas nada mas que ver conmigo.
Y es que vos sos la luz de mis ojos,
Aunque no tenga nada mas que ver con vos
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edisilva64-blog-blog · 11 months
"A Bênção": Quais os Impactos Dessa Nova Droga na Vida dos Personagens?
A série brasileira “A Bênção” está disponível para streaming nas plataformas Looke, Claro TV+ (Now) e Vivo Play. Ela gira em torno da criação de uma droga revolucionária que promete eliminar o medo da morte e como isso afeta sete personagens principais. Criada por Frederico Ruas e Leo Garcia, a série combina drama, suspense e elementos de ficção científica. Os oito episódios são dirigidos por…
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candycatstuffs · 8 months
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been rewatching pnf and being So Normal About It
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intopower · 3 months
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Themed Collection #46: “Healthcare Professionals”
Joey Leo RN, Dr. Marcel Orletti, Dr. Yazan Abou-Ismail, Dr. Joey Koo, Andrew Garcia NP-C, Dr. Marco
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windydrawallday · 8 months
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"Hablas de mi y no sabes quien soy, a quien ame y a quien odie de veras, nunca sabrás si digo la verdad, porque no se que mentira quisieras."
A little two-sided folded card I printed for my own enjoyment ♥
I originally made the artwork as ventart days ago and then I found about an empowering song in my language (Spanish) and I couldn't resist giving it lettering and the rest is history!
I did an English version too but the Spanish one was the only one I managed to print, was a bit troublesome with the type of printer I got sdjfhdhf I guess I will keep practicing.
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itsmyfriendisaac · 9 months
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♌ August 8th: Professional Boxer, Ryan Garcia.
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silena-laney-laney · 2 months
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i mean…. when you’re right, you’re right.
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sublecturas · 5 months
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"El amor en tiempos del cólera", de Gabriel García Márquez
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danwhobrowses · 2 months
One Piece Chapter 1109 - Initial Thoughts
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Late on arrival but finally we're back to One Piece
The old stella is likely dead, but he's left a big broadcast behind Is he gonna spill all the tea? Let's not wait any longer
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release
We're getting a Wano cover story now too, starting with Onigashima sent underwater (ok but how like it's massive!) atop Old Wano
I wonder what it'll focus on particularly? Yamato? Momo? Tama? Kaido and Big Mom statuses? Drake and Hawkins statuses?
Vegapunk's message however is a bit of a tease because of course it is
Shaka chimes in to mention how such a message will likely be blocked and intercepted, so they discuss piggybacking off of the Navy's comms
Thus, the Navy are unable to stop the transmission, as it spreads across everyone who has a Den Den Mushi
Vegapunk though also wants to provide time for people to set up the Visual snails for a picture, which'd take time for them to set up
Vegapunk gives people an hour, but Shaka advises against that since there will be those looking to censor them, so it's reduced to 10 minutes
Luffy and the crew are aware of this broadcast as well, they are curious about it though
Sanji just take a pulse and give it up
The Gorosei can still converse with Saturn all the way from Marejois!? Is it some telepathy maybe?
Saturn all but confirms that Vegapunk is dead, telling the others that Kizaru dealt a killing blow
But they are quick to realise that the message is as a result of a dead man's switch
Focus looks to turn onto the Labophase, despite being highly protected...nobody tell them that Kizaru can pass through the barrier
Pythagoras also chips in on the message for what they should do during the wait, since having a coffee may not be a good amount of time
The world is preparing for Vegapunk's message, including places we're familiar with
Dressrosa first; Kyros and Rebecca seemed to have been sparring
Leo is alive and well after his incident with Marejois, but true to the Tontatta he bought into the headlines that Luffy kidnapped Vegapunk
Foosha Village are also hearing about it, but they don't have a video screen, because iconic mayor Woop Slap don't have the money
Here's hoping they don't miss something important there, and that Makino is safe, the bar doesn't look damaged at least
The village already think this is gonna be Luffy slander anyway
At Water Seven it's late at night, so Iceberg is tired but amassing screens anyway, conducted mainly by Alice, the child assistant who is way past her own bedtime
But she does have Tyrannosaurus on her head so we'll give it a pass, she's in capable paws
Morgans also has the video up, with Vivi still worried about the crew
Morgans is quick to deduce that it's a pre-recorded message though, but expects that Egghead has already been wiped out
The other seas also prepare for Vegapunk's message, it must be kinda surreal for some of them since this is the first time they're seeing Vegapunk - plus there's 3 of them
Plus all 3 of the Vegapunks in the message are dead
The Revolutionaries also have the message, wondering what it's gonna be about
Dragon thinks back about Shaka's message though, and then continues to not do anything else
At the least there's a Sabo cameo there
Back to Luffy and he notes how Saturn and Kizaru keep coming back for more
He dodges an Eye Laser and a Poison leg, but he doesn't relinquish his hold
He's gonna keep fighting till his crew are safe
Gomu Gomu No Booming Dawn Cymbal squishes Admiral and Gorosei together
And with both flattened he continues the disrespect, spinning them like pizza dough
And then flinging them away like frisbees
Kizaru crashes into a warship, but Saturn pulls some boomerang action to come back at Luffy
Kizaru has had a headache just all day, serves him right too
Luffy avoids the poisonous buzzsaw return that Saturn poses, but the other Gorosei are intent to not let Vegapunk's message go out
Franky, Bonney, Kuma and Atlas make it to the Giants' ship, but still no word on Lucci vs Zoro, or how the Sunny intends to not crash into the barrier
Saturn agrees with his fellow Gorosei 'I shall perform the summoning'
Four cracks of black lightning strike Egghead
And now, there are Five.
Oh god oh jeez oh god oh jeez oh GOD oh jeez ALL THE GOROSEI ARE HERE.
I don't think Luffy can last a 5 on 1 of the Gorosei, Zoro stop dicking around with Lucci, Sanji you gotta drop the old man, Jinbe navigate Zoro and yourself to Luffy and someone else come for support (Robin is injured plus she would be a focus target so probably not her, Usopp? Nami? Brook? Chopper?), or maybe the Giants can back him up? Or the Sleeping Giant?
Things are heating up but now we have more situations to deal with; we can't leave the island too soon or else the Gorosei will stop the message, but if we linger then the Gorosei could do a lot of damage.
There's a break to deal with first of course, but god(a) we need some answers! And we need some things to wrap up, because we still don't have a solution for how those in the Labophase are gonna get out, also I hope Sentomaru got out, bit of a rough day for him; the man he was hired to protect died at the hands of his 'uncle', he betrayed the marines for the former and it was for naught, gotta feel bad for the guy.
We might be seeing all of the Gorosei's powers next chapter though, but it makes you wonder, if all five are here does that mean they won't be in the endgame?
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Yo he visto el mundo, y al verlo, me he percatado de que hay gente que parece atada a sus defectos.
Gótico, Silvia Moreno-Garcia.
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angel-of-chaos13 · 11 months
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Inspired by this post
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icecreampizzer · 1 year
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Silly thing I thought about! I categorized all of my story protagonists into what type of protagonist they fall into in relation to the plot. I haven't talked about the rest of these guys in detail, though I'm looking forward to perhaps sharing more of these guys in the future :3c
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dreamingawaits · 10 months
AOS and CM 14/?
• since I have started Agents of Shield, i’ve been thinking a lot about making incorrect quotes for them. seems like it could be fun to do also keeping the Criminal Minds ones up-to-date but i’m looking at templates currently for the Criminal Minds ones
• in the next following days there’s a possibility that i might upload incorrect quotes for AOS and CM
• also, i’ve been thinking about making a tag list so if you want to be included tell me which ones you want to be added to. leave a comment or reblog the post with AOS or CM so i’ll know which
• alright, that’s all for tonight, thanks for reading :)
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ofginjxints · 6 months
closed for @aconites
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The past few weeks had been a bit of a blur. Leo had gotten media attention before for dating but they had been lower key, his most recent ex from last year being a up-and-coming model. But Eleanor Gardner? She was something else entirely. She had fans from across the globe, even if they weren't fans she was known, the very definition of a household name. He had his own career, his own fans, but he was aware that was within the football world, his own bubble. Now, instead of just being star player for Devon Park, he was now 'Eleanor's new boyfriend', 'El's beau', or 'E-Gardner's man'. They were all monikers he wore with pride though as he took her hand in the tinted-windowed car.
"We don't have to do this yet if you don't want to - we can just carry on doing low key things at home if it's all a bit too much."
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mugiwara-lucy · 11 months
I have to wonder with the actions of Sai and Leo in the last chapter if this is any indication that the Straw Hat Grand Fleet will show up in Egghead:
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Remember, there’s supposed to be a incident that takes place in a day that will shake the world.
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And with the impending arrival of Saturn as well as the Blackbeard Pirates:
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Who would better help “Shake the World” than the Straw Hat Grand Fleet??
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Remember they were said to have been involved in an event that would “shake the world” and if not Wano, I think Egghead would be PERFECT for their reintroduction!!
Or….maybe I just wanna see Bartolomeo and Cavendish again 😅
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