ideaalert · 1 month
Idea Alert: Me me want meemy!
It's a millenial parody of our phone centric lives (Movie)
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elektromatti · 1 year
It's the summer of 1969 and the city of New York is preparing for the Gay Pride Parade. But this year, something special is going to happen - a revolution! A group of Muppets, featuring Kermit the Frog as their leader, are planning to take over the parade and to tell their untold story - the story of Stonewall.
In order to make sure their voices are heard during the event, Kermit and his team have come up with an ingenious plan: they will perform a musical telling the story of Stonewall using only songs from Drake and Britney Spears.
The plan doesn't end there. To drive home their message even further, they enlist a group of automated cars that have failed their driver's exams to join them in their mission.
On the day of the parade, everyone is in shock as they witness these brave Muppets singing and performing in front of thousands. Their musical tells a powerful story
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Civilization Film Based On The 1991 A.D. Video Game
Poster Taglines = 
On The Map 2026 A.D.
Think Racism Was Weird? 2026 A.D. 
Plot of Film = Battleship From The Year 2013 Meets Lord of the Rings from 2001 A.D. Type of Vibe
Casting Calls = 
Cardi B or Megan Thee Stallion as Cleopatra of Ancient Egypt
Billy Ray Cyrus OR Harrison Ford OR Woody Harrelson OR Christian Bale OR Jay Baruchel as Julius Ceasar of Rome
Robert Downey Jr. OR Sacha Baron Cohen OR Moises Arias as Saladin of The Arabs
Writers = Nathan Eric Schwab 
Producers = Nathan Eric Schwab 
Executive Producer = To Be Announced a.k.a. Coming Soon
Directed by = To Be Announced a.k.a. Coming Soon
Distributed by = Universal Ltd.
Rated PG-13 for Civil Violence and Language And Substance Abuse
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dysquirkinix · 9 months
Is it just me or does a sci-fi movie where vegetables have become giant mutant creatures thanks to a Mad Scientist are taking over the world sound cool.
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Like seriously have there be four main characters, a chef, a college biology student, a guy who hates eating his vegetables, and the comic relief, team up together to fight the mutant vegetables and deal with each of their vegetable related issues.
The characters(and who I think would play them)
-The Chef: Michelin chef, uses his cooking skills to fight the vegitables as he has been trained to know how to prepare a vegitables and therefore knows their weaknesses. Would be played by Hiroyuki Sanada
-The biology Student: She is super smart and nerdy. Goes to an Ivy League school. Her part in this is personal between her and the scientist who made the vegitables evil. Played by: Letitia Wright
-The Vegitable Hater: Hes just a not so smart gym jock who watched the vegitables kill his family. He has no benefit to the team, he's just out for revenge. Played by: Dave Bautista
-The Comic Relief: Scared of everything but pretends to be cool about it. Actually has some pretty good fighting skills but is just too scared of the mutant vegitables to use them. He would have to be played by: Page Kennedy
-Evil Mad Scientist: Don't really see much of him until the end. Keeps creating more evil vegitables to throw against the main characters. Played by: David Tennant
Slowly throughout the film learn that the biology student accidentally helped create the formula that turned the vegetables into mutants and only he knows how to reverse the process.
About an hour into the film, the comic relief character dies dramatically saving the chef's life then in the third act when all seems lost have the comic relief show up again but like with cyborg parts or something to save everyone.
I would watch that film.
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greatmoviestowatch · 11 months
Top Thriller Movies That Will Keep You on the Edge of Your Seat
Thriller movies are a genre that never fails to captivate audiences with their suspenseful narratives, unexpected twists, and intense atmosphere. From psychological thrillers to action-packed suspense films, the genre has produced some unforgettable cinematic experiences. In this article, we will explore a collection of gripping thriller movies that will leave you breathless and yearning for more.
"Se7en" (1995): Directed by David Fincher, "Se7en" is a dark and twisted thriller that follows two detectives (played by Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman) as they hunt down a serial killer who uses the seven deadly sins as the inspiration for his murders. With its gritty atmosphere, expert storytelling, and a shocking climax, "Se7en" is an undisputed masterpiece in the genre.
"The Silence of the Lambs" (1991): This psychological thriller, directed by Jonathan Demme, revolves around a young FBI trainee (Jodie Foster) seeking the help of the infamous cannibalistic serial killer, Dr. Hannibal Lecter (Anthony Hopkins), to catch another serial killer. With stellar performances, taut suspense, and an unforgettable antagonist, "The Silence of the Lambs" became the first thriller to win the Best Picture Oscar.
"Gone Girl" (2014): Based on Gillian Flynn's best-selling novel and directed by David Fincher, "Gone Girl" is a gripping tale of a man (Ben Affleck) who becomes the primary suspect in the disappearance of his wife (Rosamund Pike). Filled with twists and turns, this psychological thriller keeps you guessing until the very end, challenging perceptions and exploring themes of deception and manipulation.
"The Usual Suspects" (1995): Bryan Singer's "The Usual Suspects" is a masterclass in narrative complexity and suspense. The film follows a group of criminals brought together for a heist, but the true intrigue lies in the enigmatic and manipulative Keyser Söze. Featuring a legendary performance by Kevin Spacey, this mind-bending thriller will have you questioning everything you thought you knew.
"Prisoners" (2013): Directed by Denis Villeneuve, "Prisoners" is a gripping and emotionally intense thriller about a father (Hugh Jackman) who takes matters into his own hands after his daughter goes missing. The film delves into the dark corners of human nature and explores themes of justice, revenge, and the lengths one can go to protect their loved ones.
"Shutter Island" (2010): Martin Scorsese's psychological thriller stars Leonardo DiCaprio as a U.S. Marshal investigating the disappearance of a patient from an asylum located on a remote island. As the investigation unfolds, the line between reality and illusion blurs, leading to a shocking revelation. With its atmospheric setting, superb performances, and intricate plot, "Shutter Island" keeps you guessing until the final frame.
"No Country for Old Men" (2007): Based on Cormac McCarthy's novel and directed by the Coen brothers, this neo-Western thriller follows a man who stumbles upon a drug deal gone wrong and finds a briefcase full of money. As he becomes the target of a relentless hitman (Javier Bardem), the film takes viewers on a tense and unpredictable journey, exploring themes of fate, morality, and the darkness within humanity.
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autistic-singer515 · 3 years
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Here’s my fan art of one the scenes I want in the Pinky and the Brain live action movie from my Pinky and the Brain movie idea list. That’s where CGI Pinky got shot with a bullet in the heart by the police or any other organizations in the live action world. As a result, Pinky dies from his gun shot wound due to him not being a 2D animated toon mouse anymore. That’s what caused the Brain to choose to save Pinky over world domination. They went back home in the 2D animated world. The Brain turns back into a 2D animated toon mouse, but Pinky was still dead and CGed. But the Brain’s 2D animated teardrop dropped on Pinky and it turned him back into his normal 2D self as well as bringing him back to life as the live action bullet slips off of his cartoon chest due to his friends deep love for him. Here’s a fun bit of trivia, the same finding the gizmo in the real world plot was originally going to be in the rejected Pinky and the Brain movie back in the 90’s both thought up by Kirk Tangblad and Russel Calabreese both from the original show. But in that version, Pinky and the Brain were both turned into humans who both would’ve been played by their own voice actors from the original shows and the reboot, Rob Paulsen and Maurice LaMarche. But it was ultimately rejected by Warner Bros because it was deemed too expensive. I heard about that planned idea from TV Tropes and the AnimaniCast podcast when they reviewed the comic book issue 12 of Animaniacs.
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realchrisilluminati · 5 years
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I smell a blockbuster. #movieideas https://www.instagram.com/p/B0wtcyeABcL/?igshid=1cshynqaeuo3s
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wildtige429 · 5 years
A Toffee Movie
Dear thanks to Julayla for posting it on her page here and Twitter to share this suggestion.
 There has been some movies about villains like Maleficent, Joker, Brightburn and so on if you guys can recall. For the Toffee fans out there, I had a little imagination movie trailer moment and well, what if Disney makes their own version of Joker, but with the main villain of SVTFOE, Toffee AKA the Lizard. 
We don't know much about him but with this kind of movie, a mix of CGI animation with live-action (You can think which is better, cartoon animated or live action), we would understand the reasons behind this former rogue general.
 Perhaps when Toffee is in his youth (kid to teenager, the teenage form he once had in Meteora's Lesson), he could be voiced by Joaquin Phoenix. His voice fits him OH SO WELL with him. Give me your thoughts, guys.
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toastedcactus118 · 5 years
I am a simple person all I want is a zombie movie where the zombies have memories of their past life and the macarana or YMCA comes on and theirs this huge hoard of zombies chasing down the main characters while dancing the macarana
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mikevv782003 · 5 years
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I like the American Werewolf franchise and I think I have some GREAT ideas for future movies:
American Werewolf In Mexico
Mexican Werewolf In America
Canadian Werewolf In Mexico
African Werewolf In Russia
Palistenian Werewolf In Israel
South Korean Werewolf In North Korea
Eurasian Werewolf In Central African Republic
Southern Caribian Werewolf In Central Papua New Guniea
Saskatchewanian Canadian Werewolf In Reykjanesfólkvangur
South East Sulawesian Werewolf In Julagon Maharastra
St-Gilles-Croix-de-Vienian Werewolf In Les Cerqueux-sous-Passavant
Tell me what you think.
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Does this make sense to anyone else 😂 #theplotthickens #Movie #timetravel #reincarnation #pastlife #timeisnotlinear #timeisanillusion #movieideas https://www.instagram.com/p/Cb2mra2ru9T/?utm_medium=tumblr
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gabrieletheman · 4 years
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An Idea i had in my mind for a long time about an half fusion with half of Cake (@_honeybeest_’s fursona) head and maybe parts of her body and clothing fused with me after maybe touching a fusion gem or crystal! ~ #honeybeest #fusion #fusions #concept #conceptart #furryconcept #furryconceptart #furryconcepts #furryart #furry #furryfandom #demon #demons #art #arte #tribute #movieidea #movieideas #movieideas🎥 #moreiscoming #morecomingup #idea #ideas #furryartist #furryartists #furryartistsofinstagram #humandemon #demonhuman #demonhybrid #hybrid https://www.instagram.com/p/CEm7H1_Jof_/?igshid=5dcfhhai77wi
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pikkiidesign · 4 years
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just-cruisin · 4 years
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Like this if you believe this would be a great crossover and worth watching. #movieideas #peppermint #equalizer #taken #denzelwashington #jennifergarner #liamneeson https://www.instagram.com/p/B-2T_mVgIVQ/?igshid=thyceqst48cz
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cantsleepshow · 4 years
Brightburn is SUCH a good concept. I love horror superhero movies anyway and it needs to be done more. In fact lemme list a few of those I have.
•A group of soldiers in ww2 hear stories about an enemy soldier is a monster. He tears men in half with his bare hands and can’t be put down no mater how much you shoot. They spend some time bonding and acting chummy, then get into battle and get picked off one by one by wolverine. He’s not shown as a hero or given any lines, he’s just an animal in a berserk rage killing his enemies.
•A patient at Arkham who isn’t violent bust out with the rest of the inmates. It’s an Arkham Island situation and he’s trying to escape while dodging Batman’s psychopathic rouges gallery. He’d run into scarecrow victims screaming and having heart attacks. Witness various psychopaths like Zsasz mutilate people. Run from killer Croc in the sewers as he hunts him for sport. He teams up with Mr. Freeze to escape but it leads to beef with Two Face. You all get the picture. In the end batman puts a stop to everything and the patient gets put back in his cell
•Somwhere in the middle of nowhere Bruce Banner loses it and demolishes a town. He rips it to pieces like a living tornado. This one is less developed but hey, I’m not making this movie rn.
The point is that this is such a rich topic that hasn’t been explored very heavily. The main thing in lots of good horror movies is an inhuman unstoppable power, something that no matter how hard you try you can’t win. You’re just outclassed. A lot of times there’s one specific way you can kill them. It’s the same principle as classic superheroes. A thug fighting someone with super powers would feel like a teenager fighting jason. Especially if they had loose morals. The two genres just lend to eachother so wel it has to happen more
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rabideyeartist · 5 years
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Ok so movie premise - Rob Lowe is BACK for Bad Influence Part 2: The Bad Influencer - he’s over the hill and up a creek- out of work and needs to get on the Instagram highway but fast - but how? He makes all the same mistakes you made, but doesn’t actually learn, and barely gives a sh*t! Coming Fall 2020! #movieideas #jinxicopyrightedthisyoudoop (at Powell River, British Columbia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzhHz-gDBP7/?igshid=12sp96dli100y
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