#Op: Endgame
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dykealloy · 6 months
supernova idiots supercut
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deancasforcutie · 20 days
Misha on Cameo talking about how Cas and Jack are doing in Heaven right now ("it's like running a big country, it takes a lot of infrastructure, and I think Jack and Cas probably have their work cut out for them")
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rennered4real · 1 year
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Suits him, right?!
Jeremy Renner at Phoenix Fan Fusion 2023
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sanaserena · 7 days
Doffy stretched out a wrist.  “Why don’t you try it?”
You stared at him.  “Are you serious?”  He was suggesting you test seastone on him; he who had devil fruit powers.
The grin on his mouth never once wavered.  “Do I have any reason not to be?”  With that smile, Doffy was always almost serious.
You wound the loose cuff around your finger. “You will be at my mercy.”
“Is that right?”  The corner of his mouth tilted up a fraction higher.  “And what will you do, hmm?”
The bracelet slipped around your hand, heavy against your wrist.  Heavier than your last pair of cuffs.  Your hand wrapped around his, and the cuff slid onto his wrist.
The effect was immediate.  The moment it touched Doffy’s skin, his hand tensed in yours.  Disgust touched his grin as he lost connection with his devil fruit. 
You pushed the cuff to his forearm where you felt the band stretch.
“It has a locking mechanism, or so I’m told,” he said.  “Twist the top half and it will snap the cuff into place. General rule is to do it quickly.”
It took you a few fumbles before you realised what it meant to twist the top half.  The moment you did, the cuff clicked several times and became rigid under your hand, constricting and tightening around Doffy’s forearm. 
Doffy grunted.  “Tight.”
It might be only one cuff.  But the sight of Doffy with even just one arm wrapped in a gilded seastone cuff with a bleeding heart insignia in the centre was appealing.
You slid your hand along his arm, far too aware of the veins that were popping with Doffy’s arm tensed the way it was.
“How does it feel?” you asked, resting your other hand between his legs. 
He flexed his hand.  “Interesting.”  You were sure it was.  It wasn’t often—perhaps never—that someone managed to cuff Doffy in seastone.
“Interesting.”  You leaned in close, the movement catching his attention. 
Suddenly he was no longer focussed on the cuff around his forearm, but on you.  And the way your lips brushed his.  His mouth parted to capture yours in a deeper kiss.
“I take it you like the gift,” he said when you pulled back. 
“I do.” You braced your hands on either side of him and tilted your chin up to look at him.  “I’d like to thank you.  Any preference for your entertainment, Your Majesty?”
Doffy hummed, cupping your face with his hands, and pressing a hard kiss to your lips.  “What do you have in mind?”
You smiled and slipped your head out of his hands.  Catching a hand, you guided him off the table and onto the chair.  He dropped down with his legs spread and you pressed a hand to his stomach. 
“Relax,” you told him, though Doffy was never someone who had to be told twice. 
He leaned back, resting his hands on his thighs.  His face was calm, expecting. 
Your hand slid down his abdomen. “I would strip, but the bandage on my back isn’t very sexy.”
“That’s a shame.”
You kissed him again.  A brief kiss that filled the room.  Your hands smoothed down his chest as you captured his lips in another slow kiss.  Doffy didn’t move his hands.  But his tongue met yours as your next kiss went deeper.
You tugged on the buckle of his pants; it snapped undone.  Doffy was accommodating, lifting his up slightly to allow you to drag them down. 
Breaking away from the kiss, you breathed, “I really, really, really hate your pants.”
‘Doffy and reader have a chat’ scene of my ongoing canon (intended) compliant fic, Doffy’s Whore, over on AO3 (Doflamingo X reader and Rosinante X reader pairing; Aokiji X reader endgame - the relationships are a little complicated, see AO3 notes, mind the warnings.)
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wesleysniperking · 1 month
Usopp, Beast Boy, Sokka, and Tony Stark
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In a recent chat with my mom, we dived deep into the intricate character arcs of some of my all-time favorite fictional heroes: Sokka from "Avatar: The Last Airbender," Beast Boy from "Teen Titans," and Usopp from "One Piece." As I animatedly recounted their epic journeys, my mom dropped a truth bomb that added another layer to their transformations.
Picture this: these characters start off as the comic relief, the ones who bring the laughs with their quirks and antics. But as their stories unfold, they undergo incredible growth, especially when the stakes are at their highest. Take Sokka, for example. From being the goofy guy cracking jokes, he evolves into a seasoned warrior and strategic genius, stepping up to lead the charge in the ultimate showdown against the Fire Nation.
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Then there's Beast Boy, the carefree prankster of the Teen Titans. In the face of overwhelming odds, he steps into the role of a true leader, rallying his remaining allies to take on the forces of evil and prove that he's more than just the team's comic relief.
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And let's not forget Usopp, the cowardly sniper from "One Piece." Sure, he may start off as the guy who's always running away from danger, but as the series progresses, he finds his courage and steps into his own as a vital member of the Straw Hat Pirates. And here's the kicker: many fans speculate (myself included 👀) that in the final showdown of "One Piece," Usopp might just surprise everyone and emerge as a key player, showing just how far he's come from his days of trembling in fear.
But my mom dropped some serious wisdom on me. She said it's not just about "getting serious" when the going gets tough. It's about these characters realizing their own strengths and stepping up to the plate with a newfound determination and confidence. It's about accepting the challenges before them and saying, "I got this."
Even characters like Tony Stark, known for his snarky comebacks and larger-than-life personality as Iron Man, go through a similar transformation. His ultimate sacrifice in "Avengers: Endgame" proves that when push comes to shove, even the most unlikely heroes can rise to the occasion and do what's necessary to save the day.
So, what's the takeaway from all this? These characters remind us that growth and transformation are possible for anyone, no matter where you start. They show us that even the most unlikely heroes can rise to greatness when the chips are down. And that, my friends, is the power of storytelling at its finest.
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last part of thoughts here ❤️
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wolfgirlfloof · 2 months
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aminta · 11 months
people will go ohhhh clearly mcwexler will never see one another again and will go their own ways after the finale oughhhhh as if in their final scene together wasnt meant to be a nostalgic callback where they share something silently between themselves that doesnt need to be spoken, shared sentence shared smoke, the music that carries their emotions as familiar even though time has left it darker and deeper, as if that last scene wasn't a direct reflection of the first in which their relationship has only begun, as if the entire episode hadnt compounded on the idea of turning back time before it ends with the two of them, though changed, returning to one another in a mirror of the beginning of their life together in a way that was not at all done with any other characters in the show. but whatever
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santapedra · 1 month
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aokozaki · 1 year
God I love Miorine Rembrant. She's prickly and difficult, needy while still being distant and cold, but she still desperately needs that affection because her attitudes are only the results of how she's been raised as someone to be sold off for marriage.
And ironically in trying to free Suletta from being associated with the political backstabbing that reduces people to gamepieces, she's ended up repeating her own father's mistake's verbatium, and hurt Suletta much more than she realized.*
And then when the penny finally drops and Miorine realizes she's been used, again, by an adult as part of a complicated political gambit, she doesn't curse out Prospera at all - Miorine simply looks at the gurella warfare before her and says "I did this".
Because oops! She got played!
*(Of note, unlike the audience, Miorine doesn't know about Eri. When Suletta talks about Aeriel being her sister, Miorine just lumps it in with the rest of Suletta's "odd mercurian bumpkin" traits. She didn't realize Prospera's proposed plan literally involved stealing Suletta's sister from her!)
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the-obnoxious-sibling · 3 months
I noticed the more mainstream fandom either hates buggy or they think he represents the lost potential. Do you agree with that statement? Why? And if so do you think narrative points out to him finally rising?
ah, mainstream fandom, who needs 'em!
that said, i do think there's something to the "lost potential" concept, though i wouldn't phrase it that way myself. rather, i'd say buggy represents another way of looking at the concept of freedom—because when individual choice is sacrosanct, that includes bad choices.
if people have true freedom, that includes the freedom to self-sabotage, to make choices not in your best interest. that includes the freedom to choose greed over friendship, or even safety over freedom.
so i guess you could consider buggy making those decisions a sort of lost/squandered potential, but idk, something about that phrasing rubs me the wrong way. who are we to claim we know the kind of man buggy could have been? the person who raised you doesn't determine the kind of person you'll become.
anyway, idk about the lost potential perspective leading to a buggy Good Ending, but i think my freedom of choice take certainly allows for it. all buggy has to do is be brave enough to make the harder, better choice. and then the harder, better choice that comes after that, and the one after that, and… you get the idea.
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ariadne-mouse · 1 year
they really committed to making every Vax and Gilmore interaction Like That and it's really sweet
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itsnotashow · 9 months
Am I the only one who thinks Nami's endgame (besides drawing the map of the world) will be motherhood? Since the time skip, Oda put a lot of focus on her being extremely protective of children.
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(Still hoping for a Zonami endgame. I know it won't happen, but a girl can dream)
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theclearblue · 2 months
I just saw the last line of the text spoilers for One Piece 1113 spoilers...ODA WHAT THE FUCK
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steviethenarwhal · 2 hours
How would you write Carlos and Oscar’s relationship be in a/b/o setting please 🙏
Hmmm… well first I would preface that I am basing my initial ideas for my Alpha!Oscar characterization from this lovely snippet which I recommend everyone read. Because I think they nailed it with the whole “Oscar is an alpha who is kind of cringed out by alpha culture/alphas who make their dynamic their whole personality.” This aligns with what I think perfectly. Because I don’t know nearly as much about Oscar’s family as Carlos’s but in my mind I would headcanon Oscar came from a family that was almost all alphas… like his parents and sisters were also all alphas. And when everyone is an alpha… is anybody really an alpha? That's the question we have to ponder...
So yeah to work in that family dynamic, I think Oscar would be an extremely laidback alpha especially in a pack setting. Maybe the only place his more “alpha-ness” really comes out is the track and whenever he feels those same urges bubbling up anywhere else, he actively pushes them down. And he pushes it down with ease! Because like I said… that’s how he’s been socialized by his pack. It’s how he grew up! He doesn’t walk in assuming that he’ll get his way or that everyone will listen to him bc he’s an alpha bc that’s not how his family worked. He doesn’t think he’s entitled to anything.
Now contrast this with the Carlos I just described. Carlos has one alpha he is focused on and that alpha does demand everything be his way and that he be given control (which Carlos is happy to give). And in return, he protects Carlos fully. That is such a difference in approaches, Oscar would take one look at the Carlos Jr and Sr dynamic and be like “what kind of regressive freak show is that?” And Carlos would be look at Oscar and be like "no one put that child in charge of a pack, weakest alpha I've ever seen, I'm better at faking this shit than him and I'm not even an alpha!"
Also as we discussed Carlos has been kind of trained to adopt his dad’s alpha traits (especially when talking to other alphas) so when Carlos is posturing and being overly assertive to establish dominance, a part of Oscar would be like “ew I hate this” and the other part would be like “well fuck it 2 can play this game.” Because though Oscar is not overly alpha-ey he’s certainly not gonna take it lying down from someone else (though again I think he’d be less consumed with pack dynamics, so Carlos being an omega giving it to him wouldn’t be the part that bothered him. He just thinks the posturing is cringe no matter who is doing it).
So that’s sort a general description of Oscar’s whole vibes… now how would it play out to make them actually get together… well, I think Oscar would hear through the grapevine (meaning Lando’s a loud gossip) that Carlos was kind of an unusual omega in an unusual hierarchal pack. Like Lando would be all “he doesn’t even take any alphas to his heat bc his dad is that protective!!! Can you believe that???” Or maybe just some rumors of the Charles vs Sainz family feud because the Sainzs don’t like Charles being an alpha would creep over. And initially Oscar would 100% be like “that is not my fucking business.” But then he starts having more and more confrontations/interactions Carlos himself. And he would of course become obsessed because in all CarCar universes it’s important Oscar becomes obsessed.
I do think he would maybe not really know what to do with an Omega like Carlos. Like he doesn’t want to be the guy telling an omega to sit down and be quiet… but also he would really like Carlos to sit down and be quiet!! But not because he’s an omega, because he’s Carlos. BUT it would be interesting if Carlos did bring out those alpha instincts he has pushed down for all these years. But not like… any macho aggressive traits. He isn’t going to suddenly turn into the most testosterone/aggressive riddled guy in the room. But Oscar does have this very quiet assertive-ness in him. He knows he is right and he is confident in his rightness. He does not back down from a fight on track… (see his recent George and Carlos incidents). So what if that same assertiveness started to carry over to off track more and more? What if when Carlos and him were arguing Oscar refused to cave until finally Carlos had to be the one to cave? And what if Oscar got a hot rush of pleasure at that? One he didn’t expect because he always let his sisters do whatever (well, until he didn’t and he stepped in once in a blue moon and said “listen up, children” which I think would very much how Oscar operates as a big brother) so he didn't realize this power would be so thrilling.
And so what if Oscar and Carlos start seeking each other out more and more because Oscar likes that Carlos pushes so far until they hit this brick wall in Oscar’s mind and Oscar straightens up and says “no more.”? And so Carlos always does give first, because he doesn't have that brick wall. He'd let Oscar push all night. Because he is the peacekeeper, he does want people to like him, he has a natural obedience and softness to him that isn’t present in Oscar…. And Oscar loves when Carlos caves but he’s scared that he loves it. Scared what that means about him that he wants to take what appears to be a strong Omega and make him pliant and listening.
Meanwhile, Carlos is sort of just rolling through all the emotions of guilt because he’s never really been inclined to listen to another alpha before—only his dad, only ever his dad. But that’s because usually the alphas cave in their arguments long before they get to this point… They wash their hands of it. Of him. He likes that Oscar doesn’t do that—he likes the prolonged arguments as much as Oscar does and he likes the moment where he give in wayyyy more than he should. It feels like a release in his brain—that moment when he gives up the mask and lets Oscar take over.
Anyway this def turns into sex and eventually turns into Oscar being like “so… daddy issues? Shall we discuss?” And Carlos being like “should we discuss you shutting the fuck up?” I also think Carlos could bring out a feralness in Oscar he didn’t know he had—and at first it would be directed at Carlos himself, but with time it would maybe start to be directed at people who were threats to Carlos (and oh no Oscar is also becoming a Carlos protecter, will the Freud comps never end????). Oscar would deeply resent this—he hates feeling out of control, hates letting his base instincts define him and that would be a whole other fight.
These are just my basic thoughts off my dome that I haven’t fully fleshed out ye, so I might come back to this in 2 weeks and have a completely different interpretations of their dynamic. But this is what I’m thinking at the moment!
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smilepebble · 2 months
octopath merchants will go on fun whimsical adventures with no problems and then get exploded with the most horrifying shit ever in the endgame
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