#Sorry bout vanishing
mockedandmonitored · 1 month
I had this little idea/suggestion for the AU that I thought of after seeing the "Can't help myself" robot in a museum, made by Sun Yuan and Peng Yu.
The whole thing comes down to being a large mechanical claw with a brush on its end. There's a pool of very dark-red liquid around it which its made to push into a hole or container just around itself. Unfortunately, whenever it nearly has everything in, more red liquid seeps back out, and thus begins the endless cycle of its miserable existence, whilst people gaze upon it in its glass cage.
What if the toilets made museums where they showed off their history and belittled hardwares like this? For example, they strip the legs off of a large unit, give it a claw with a brush on its end, and force it to clean up whatevers on the floor. It could be trash the toilets throw at them, broken down shards of their fellow Alliance members who spoke out or a liquid similar to this.
anyway, just a little idea I thought I'd say :3
You, my good friend, scare me! Where did you even get this from??
Some more underground areas of the Skibiditopolis display such scenes, however, let's think of the children and not put such a barbaric show for all to see. Think of it like the forbidden part of Medival Times torture dungeon which (at least near me) has an age restriction to make sure little Timmy doesn't see the Iron Maiden.
So yes, sights like this are completely possible and do exist. The Skibidi were former humans so I would be surprised if such things DIDN'T exist.
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b0tt0mb0y · 1 year
I’m back again
I vanish pretty often a know, I got a lot of irl shit going on- so I often don’t have the time or energy to post, sorry bout that. Anyway, now that I’m back- I’ve thought a few times about a specific scenario, it’s one I’ve seen on here a few times- just kinda a few different posts. So, I guess I’ll share what it is. It’s an alien abduction thing, aliens need nests to lay their eggs in kinda thing. Their species don’t have the same gender roles as humans, they’re all breeder with big ovipositors. They lay lots of eggs, clutches of ping pong ball sized eggs, with soft shells, that eventually grow to the size of tennis balls- and harden as they grow. The aliens, needing incubators for their eggs, abduct humans. They’ve discovered humans make the perfect incubators for their eggs- having so many holes to fill. Imagine being one of the lucky people snatched by these aliens. They bind you to a table, legs spread apart wide. Giving you an aphrodisiac in the form of an injection, or a mist if you’re scared of needles, it gets you dripping wet and ready. Humans can’t handle more then one clutch at a time, so the wait lists to breed you would be months long- since they’re all desperate to lay their eggs. Being a breeder for these aliens is gonna be your job for the rest of your life, the first alien would approach you, for a moment you’d be scared- till you felt one of the monsters two giant c0cks enter you, (did I mention they have two :>) it’s so big- but you where so horny that you feel nothing but pleasure. Moaning and whining as it fucks you hard, the alien goes for a while- enjoying your little human noises. It makes you cum a few times before it starts laying. The eggs being pushed into you feel so good and heavy. When it pulls out you assume it’s over, sad. That is until you feel its second cock enter you. Pumping you full of cum after a bit. Your finally done, the aliens cum forms a sticky layer plugging you up, so no eggs can escape prematurely. The alien then leaves, leaving you to whine and beg for more. Unfortunately you won’t be getting any more eggs for a while, but due to humans having multiple holes- the aliens still offer you pleasure. Dumb from need they easily move you to another room. Your strapped down again, a fucking machine near your ass- and a dildo above you for you to suck. How kind. They turn the machine on and leave you to continue their duties. The pleasure never stops, when your not being bred your fucked by the machine. It’s such a wonderful life for you. A dumb alien incubator.
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abbysbug · 5 months
jealously, jealously - e.w
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pairing: ellie williams x reader
a/n: this is my application to be your favourite soft ellie writer
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she feels stupid. how could she be so upset and jealous over something like this?
you and her met up with some of your old friends. it was just a small get-together at one of their apartments. but your friend, abby, wouldn't stop staring at you.
her eyes were glued to you and it was like if she looked away, she would die.
it wasn't a friendly stare either. her eyes were full of lust and want. abby was basically undressing you with her eyes. and whenever you spoke, ellie noticed that abby's eyes immediately flickered to your lips.
ellie wanted to say something, she really did. but she didn't want to come across as possessive or controlling. she didn't want your friends to think they weren't allowed to look at you without her getting upset.
it was the drive home when you noticed something was wrong with ellie.
"you're very quite, els." you say, briefly looking over at her before your eyes flick back to the road.
you notice ellie shuffle awkwardly in her seat but decide not to say anything.
"just thinkin' bout' stuff," she mumbles, tracing her fingers over the veins on her hand.
you hum, "thinking about what?"
ellie shrugs, "you know, the normal stuff."
"ellie, 'normal stuff' in your brain could be random dinosaur facts or sex. you gotta be more descriptive."
ellie smiles slightly, her eyes meeting yours for a few seconds before falling back down to her hand.
"it's nothing important,"
you pull up to a red light and take this moment to fully focus on ellie.
"baby, you were quiet with my friends and now you're quiet in the car. tell me what's going on."
ellie couldn't control the tears that filled her eyes and slid down her cheeks. she turned away from you immediately, not wanting you to see her cry.
you go to comfort ellie but the light suddenly turns green. you drive to the nearest car park and quickly pull ellie into your lap.
your heart breaks as ellie wraps her arms around you and cries into your neck. your hand slips under her shirt and you rub at her back, attempting to comfort her.
you have no idea why she's crying.
"ellie, baby, talk to me." you kiss the top of her head and brush her baby hairs out of her face.
ellie shakes her head and holds onto you tighter, almost like you were going to vanish if her hold was too loose.
you stay like that for a while, holding her and whispering comforting words into her ear. ellie's cries finally turn into small hiccups and whimpers.
"i'm sorry," she apologises.
her voice is so weak and small that it causes your heart to shatter into another million pieces.
"you have nothing to apologise for," you say "but you need to tell me what's wrong, els."
she sighs and buries her face back into your neck. her breath fans across your neck, making your goosebumps rise.
"i'm just- it's stupid," she mumbles.
"nothing you say is stupid."
ellie hums.
"abby was staring at you and her eyes were just full of lust and it was making me upset how she was looking at you. i wanted to say something but i couldn't."
she looks up at you with eyes full of sadness.
"she made me jealous and angry," she continues "jealous that someone was looking at you like that and angry that someone thought it was okay to look at you like that."
more tears fall from ellie's eyes.
"i didn't want your friends to think i was crazy possessive either. people can look at you, but, just, you know."
you wipe fallen tears off ellie's cheek with your thumb. you kiss the top of her nose.
"oh, my sweet baby," you kiss her on the forehead "i want you to know i'd never ever think of abby like that, okay? i love you and only you."
she nods.
"i'll talk to abby about it. she doesn't get to make my girl upset." you feel awful for not noticing abby's behaviour.
"and nobody would think you're crazily possessive over me, okay? my friends would understand. abby's done this a few times before." you explain.
ellie nods again and grips you tighter. she rests her head on your chest and closes your eyes. it doesn't take long for her to fall asleep.
you kiss the top of her head again and close your eyes. you both could use a nap before driving back home.
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kirameliaoustern · 4 months
Boston Chris
Summary: Chris and y/n have been dating since they were 15teen. Everything was fine but what happens when Chris starts to loose focus after he gets VERY famous with his YouTube career….
Chris sturniolo x reader, slight Vinnie Hacker x reader
Long As hell, sorry bout that, ANGST & fluff
Link to part two at the bottom
Not prof read!
“Nick, Matt and I have been thinking about starting a YouTube channel” Chris says with his arm around y/n’s shoulder and her head resting on his chest.”I know we probably won’t make a living out of it but we think it would be fun, I mean you always say it’s hilarious when we three are fighting so….”
“Really?” Y/n looked surprised. “It was just an idea I know it’s sounds silly but-“ “I think that’s a great Idea” she cut his rambling of sensing he was getting nervous.
“You guys are super funny and not just I think that. Nate and Ahlana are always laughing their ass of too so why not let the whole word have the enjoyment.”
Chris smiles looking at her. “It will be just for fun anyways, it’s not like we’re gonna be something” he says shaking his head.
“No stop that. You guys will probably become super famous I know it” y/n says as she starts laughing “the girls are gonna go crazy for you- now you stop” chris tries to cut her off as he starts laughing too and getting red in the face.
“No it’s the truth -y/n” he tries again.
“I’m serious, gonna have to compete with all the pretty girls who are gonna love you.” She jokes around smiling.
He turns his head, still smiling like an idiot and turns her around so he’s hovering over her. Her smile vanishes at his sudden move.
“No one could EVER compete with you my love. You’re the only one for me.” He says looking deep into her eyes. No sights of joking is seen in his expression. “I love you, y/n”
She starts smiling shyly
and she believed him, she really did. She thought nothing would ever come between them….
“I love you Chris.” She leans up, closes her eyes and they share a slow, loving kiss.
“Did you just call me love?” She says in a joking tone against his lips, eyes still closed.
“Shut up” he whisper with a faint smile on his lips as he leans down to kiss her again.
“You’re so corny” pulling always slightly
“You love me” leaning down again
“Doesn’t make you any less corny. You know for someone who claims he hates all this corny stuff yo-
“Shut up so I can kiss you y/n” looking into her eyes with a bright smile on his lips.
“If you insist, my love.” She says while leaning up to reach his lips with emphasis of my love just to tease him.
“You’re unbelievable” it’s the last thing that leaves his lips before he engulfs them with hers again.
Sitting on her couch y/n hears knocking on her door. She knows its Chris. She practically runs to her front door with the biggest smile on her lips.
“Hey you” Chris says as she opens the door with the same smile grazing his lips.
“What is this?” Glancing down at the bouquet of flowers in his hands.
“Oh you know these are for the old man that lives beside you but he wasn’t home so could you give these to him?” He hands them to her.
“Ah yeah so you mean him when you say ‘for the most beautiful girl in the world’?” She says jokingly looking up at him as she reads the card that lays between the flowers.
“Absolutely, have you seen him? He’s very sexy. And we have this whole role playing thing going on where he’s the nice school girl and I am the strict teacher and when I come we-
“CHRIS” y/n cuts him off laughing
“They are for you obviously dummy.”
“Thank you” kissing his cheek.
They go inside as chris closes the door and y/n goes to find a vase for the flowers.
She’s about to put flowers in the vase that she filled with water just seconds ago as she feels Chris arms sneak around her waist and his face nuzzling in her neck.
It tickles as she lets out giggles
“Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?”
She smiles reaching her hand out behind her to scrap her nails on the back of his neck.
“Everyday Chris.” She says softly
“That’s no enough. You’re beautiful, beautiful so beauti-
“Okay okay okay, what has gotten you in such a happy mood? Not that I’m complaining.” Y/n wonders out loud, Turning around in his arms to face him.
“We just uploaded our first videos yesterday” he answers with the most exciting look in his eyes.
“Really.” Y/n jumps matching his excitement.
“Yeah and I know it doesn’t have a lot of views but the comments we received are so positive and it was so fun making it.”
“I’m happy for you chris. I knew they would love you. Maybe not as much as I do but still.” Letting out a slight chuckle as he caress his cheek.
“You’re love is the only one I need.” He says leaning down to kiss her.
“Okay so I was thinking a long knee short blue dress, but a light blue, and some white converse. I don’t know who it way to do my hair yet so.” Y/n told Nick as they were walking on their way to the Sturniolo household.
It was early April and currently talking about what they were gonna wear to their high school graduation.
“Oh yeah that would look so pretty. Blue is definitely your color bro.” Nick answers.
“Yes right, that’s what I am saying. Anyways back to you. What are you going to wear?”
“I was thinking about a Black suit but I want a special touch to it”
“I know what you mean. Do have any ideas yet?”
“No, something colorful for sure.”
“Mhm.. how about a little pink. Pink and black look good together and for sure are gonna look good on you”
“Oh stop it you’re gonna make me blush.” Nick jokingly takes an imaginary hair in his hands and puts it behind his ear, acting like a little school girl in love.
Y/n laughs at his actions as she took a sip of her iced coffe
“But seriously dude how about..” she trails off
“Wait I got it, a pink tie” nick yells slightly
“That would look so cool nick.” Y/n exclaims cheerfully.
“Did you tell Chris what dress you’re going to wear?” Nick turn to y/n.
“Nope. It’s a surprise. I hope he will like it.” She admits with shyness.
“Are you kidding me? That guy ist like crazy about you. I means seriously the amount of times he talks about you, don’t get me wrong I love you but damn he find a way to bring you up in every conversation. He would find you beautiful in a trash bag and frizzy hair girl.” The girl blushes at his words.
“What can I say, I’m just a in love with him. Probably even more.”
“Alright gross…. But in all seriousness I’m happy for you guys. You are the perfect couple. High school sweethearts.”
“I can’t believe we are already two year together. I can’t imagine ever being with someone else.”
“Okay future sister in law it’s starting to rain. Let’s hurry.”
“Race ya nick.” She yells as she’s running off
2021 May
“10K BABY” y/n hears Chris yelling through the house as she enters the Sturniolo household.
“You’re here.” He’s still yelling as he sees her. Running up to her, picking her and twirling her around.
“Wow chris I missed you too.” Y/n says chucking full of happiness.
“Did you see it?” He looks at her excitingly, all giddy.
“Yea but I’m pretty sure the whole neighborhood heard you.”
“A they should.” Chris leans down kissing her passionately.
“Chris let the girl breath, jeez” nick blurts as he enters the room.
“alright, alright you need to see the cake we baked to celebrate, the other will come soon but I really need to use the toilette I drank like 3 cans of Pepsi out of happiness sooo suit yourself.” Chris yells already running in the direction of the toilette.
Nick just rolls his eyes but smiles nonetheless at his brothers happiness
Y/n walks in the kitchen and sees Matt sitting at the table on his phone
“Sup matty boy” she calls out cheerfully to him
“What’s up y/n/n” matt looks up from his phone smiling at her, dabbing her up.
“Not much but I heard 10k people are up your ass.” Y/n says with a warm smile sitting down beside him
“Yeah it’s crazy, I never thought so many people would enjoy our videos.” Matt says running his hand nervously through his hair. “Can I tell you something tho?” He adds.
“Of course matt. Shoot.”
“Don’t get me wrong I love all of this but, ..but what if this all goes down?” He admits. “I mean now it’s great and the people are mostly nice but there comes also more pressure what if someday they turn against us? Nick and Chris are super happy and I am too but I’m scared that it will not end well. So many people lose themselves in the fame and I know 10k is not titled as famous but we growth really fast the last few weeks and if it goes on like this people will notice us and that’s great but then they expect things from us and we will disappoint them then they start too-“
“Okay Matt stop. You worry to much.” Y/n cut him off knowing he tends to start rambling when he panics.
“It’s gonna be okay. Look let’s say it goes downhill, what’s not gonna happen, you still have all of us. Nick, Chris, Alahna, Nate-“
“Don’t forget to add you.”
“Yeah of course I’m gonna be there. But they only gonna love you. You won’t need us i’m sure it’s overwhelming right now but it’s gonna be okay. You can’t influence how people think but that’s not your responsibility. Just be you and it’s gonna work out.” She sends him a warm smile his way.
He reciprocates her smile as he’s about to respond he gets cut off by alahna who just walked through the door.
“Alright my best friends just reached 10k followers and I heard the cake is ready so what are we waiting for” alahna practically yelled as she enters the kitchen with Nate right behind.
“That’s right let’s get stared. CHRIS” nick came back and screamed for Chris.
“I’M COMMING MAN DONT RUSH ME BRO” he replied while running up the stairs.
“Congratulations bro” Nate comes dabbing Chris up, than Matt than Nick
“Thanks, means a lot.”
As Matt got ready to start cutting y/n feels a pair of arm hugging her around her waist with a head resting on her shoulder.
“hi” Chris whispers in hear ear “I’m glad you’re here” kissing her cheek he focused back on Matt.
2021 July
“Oh my gosh you look so pretty girl” y/n turns around as she hears alahna entering her bedroom.
“Oh absolutely, Chris is going to drool babe” she replies while y/n lets out a chuckle. She stares a moment at the picture of Chris and her on her nightstand table.
The pictures was take at their one year anniversary. Chris looked at her while she laughed with her eyes closed.
She really hoped he will like her dress
“But enough about me you look so so so beautiful” the girl turns around and grabs alahnas hands and admires her
“Stop i’m getting red” she blushes
They both chuckled at each other as y/n’s mom began to yell
“The boys are here, come down girls I wanna get pictures.”
“Are you ready?” Alahna turns to y/n
“I think so, I can’t wait to be out of high school.” Y/n replies
“Okay I go first, I wanna capture Chris face when he sees you in this pretty, hot dress” she winks at y/n
“ALAHNA” y/n starts chuckling at her friends choice of words.
As Alahna walked downstairs she heard their boys greet her and she looks at herself in the mirror one more time before she starts heading downstairs too.
“Oh my god” she immediately heat Chris voice and she began smiling. Oh how much she loves him.
“You look stunning I can’t even- wow.” Chris says breathless
“Alright Chris we all see that the girls look beautiful but get yourself together man.” Matt says while letting out a giggle at Chris’s reaction.
“Alright guys now I wanna take pictures.” Y/n’s mom exclaims excitingly.
“You’re really are the most beautiful girl in the world.” Chris whispers in the girls ear so only she could hear him as they get ready to take pictures.
After spending 15 minutes on taking photos some with all of them, some with only the girls then only the guys and hundred of couple photos of y/n and Chris they finally made their way to their graduation.
Almost being late
It was now 8:46 pm and the group of friends were sitting outside the triplets house eating take out form mc donalds and reminiscing about their high school time now that they graduated just a few hours ago.
“Yeah I hated it most of the times but you guys made it special, well sometimes.” Nate said as the rest of them startet to laugh
“Okay I’ll be right back but I really need to get out of this uncomfortable dress.” Y/n’s while standing up, heading into Chris’s room where her spare and comfy clothes were.
Right as she pulled her Chris’s
Mac Miller t-Shirt over her head, her eyes fell on the photo on Chris’s wall of him, Matt, Nate, Nick, Alahna and her. The last day before they were about to start high school.
It feels like an eternity has gone by since the photo was taken. So much has happened in these years.
She didn’t notice Chris comming after her. He is leaning against the doorway just admiring her with the ghost of a smile on his lips.
He was so happy to have her. His girl. He couldn’t wait to start spending the rest of his days with her.
“What are you thinking about?”
She jumps at the sound of his voice
“Jesus Chris you scarred me” she said putting the photo on his bed.
“I’m sorry” he said lightly chuckling at her reaction “didn’t mean to” he add while slowly making his way over to her as they both sit down on his bed
“It’s crazy. High school is over. Can you believe that? The rest of our live is starting now.” Y/n said out of nowhere
“Yeah I can’t really realize it at the moment.” He answers
“I don’t know what happens next.” The girl admits
“None of us does”
“Ya but what if we mess this up”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean now it’s getting serious. There will be challenges and the real live and the pressure and all this-“
“Slow down love, you’re not alone. We’re in this together” Chris places his hand over y/n’s and started squeezing it “you and me.”
“Because in the end you and me is only thing I’m never going to doubt.” He finishes
“But what if we end up being shitty at this whole adult thing and end up living a sad live?”
“If we are together it’s not a sad live. Us, is more than enough, more than I ever need. As long as I have you I am happy.” Chris reassures her. “You’re it for me.”
“And you’re it for me Chris.”
They smile at each other and lean in to share a loving kiss.
Rolling his eyes he replies “COMING GIVE US A SECOND”
“I love them but they have bad timing.” The girl chuckles at that.
“Ready to get your ass beat?” She answers instead with as mischievous smile.
“We’ll see about that my dear.” He says in return, grabbing her hand and rushing down.
Summer 2021
Chris and his brothers are currently in LA for the first time
In coming call y/n <3
Chris sees his phone light up and immediately starts smiling seeing y/n’s name pop up on his screen.
“Hey LA boy”
The boy chuckles at that
“Hey, how are you?”
“Nothing just hanging out with alahna the whole day and complaining about not seeing my boyfriend”
“Thinking about me?” He’s asking, a teasing smile grazing his lips
“Oh all the time dear”
Another chuckle
“How is LA?”
“Amazing, it’s so different you have now idea. I really wish you were, you would love it here”
“That sounds great, I’m glad you like it”
“Yeah, I miss you though”
“I miss you too Chris”
After talking for another 15 minutes Chris heard Nick yelling at him to get ready that they going out
“Alright my love I need to go but I’ll call you tomorrow”
“Okay, I love you”
Chris smiles at the sincerity in her voice
“I love you more”
2021 November
Winter is about to arrive and y/n couldn’t be happier. She is going to see Chris again after 2 weeks of not seeing him.
In those 4 months after graduation a lot has changed.
Y/n is enjoying her gap year and travels a lot to get inspiration. She want to study Fashion next year. She met a girl named Lia in New York and they get along really well.
Chris was or is really busy. His career started to get big a few weeks ago. They even have a manager now, Laura and her daughter Madi.
Madi and y/n got really close due ind Chris bringing her to LA a few time and the always hung out for some girls time.
Madi updates y/n often and acts annoying that Chris is talking nonstop about the girl but she secretly finds it adorable.
For the holidays they alle celebrate in Boston and she can’t wait to see him again.
He will arrive in 3 days. December first an the staying til new years.
“Are you nervous” Nick asks Chris as they were sitting beside each other on their plane to Boston.
“I just CANT wait to see y/n again. I never thought I would miss her that much.” The boy answers looking dawn at his lap.
“I’m pretty sure she misses you just as much.” Matt chimes in. “You guys are crazy for each other. I’m surprised you even survived a week without another” he adds.
“What did you got her for Christmas?” Nick ask.
“I read her favorite book but I wrote down something nice that made me fall in love with her on every page.”
“YOU READ A BOOK?” Matt almost screams
“Just up dude.”
December first 2021
Knock knock’
“COMING” y/n screamed excitedly as she makes a run for the door. She knew exactly who it was, her favourite boy-
“Chris” she breaths out as a huge smiles takes over her face.
“Hey ma” Chris replies with the same smile on his lips.
For a moment they just stand there staring at one another. They haven’t seen each other for weeks and it was as if time stopped now that they were together again.
“Äh, I’m sorry come in” the girl let out a light chuckle as she walks in the living room. Chris following after he took his shoes off.
As Chris approaches y/n they both could sense how nervous the other was. Y/n smiles shyly and walks over to Chris, who returns the smile and engulfs her in a big hug.
Y/n buries her head in his chest and inhales his scent as Chris lays his head on top of hers an closes his eyes. For a while they just stood like that, enjoying each others company after not being able to do so for a long time.
“Hi” Chris whispers quietly in her ear.
“Hi” y/n says back in the same tone.
“You have no idea how much I missed you.”
“I’m glad you’re back home.”
“You’re my home.”
“Corny” she lets out with a teasing smile while her head is still buried in his chest but he could feel her grin and lets out a chuckle
“Unbelievable” and the Ice broke….
A few hours later they were cuddling in y/n bed just talking about everything
His phone lights up a few times signalling someone was clearly messaging him
“Chris you should check who it is.”
“Nah” The boy took his phone and turned it off “ My time with you is more important than anything else.” He finishes.
She smiles at that.
No matter how much was going on in his life, he always made time for her, always made sure she never felt left out in his live and as long as he did that she knew they were going to be okay.
A few days later
Y/n and Chris were cuddling in her bedroom talking about the next steps that were ahead of them in the following year.
“Yeah that will be awesome and I will -“
Ring Ring
Chris phone.
“I’m sorry ma, I gotta take this one.” He apologises while standing up. It was their manager who has been non stop calling him and his brothers.
Y/n understands this but that doesn’t mean she didn’t find it annoying.
“It’s okay, I know it’s important” she says as Chris leans down to kiss her head then walking out and accepting the call.
Y/n noticed that Chris was Stressed the last few days, it’s all still so new to him. Being known now and recognised, having to talk to important people and having to be available all the time. She catches him sometimes not really being with her instead being in his head about other things.
She wishes she could take some pressure off of him or help him in any way she just doesn’t know how….
2022 June
10am Los Angelos CA - 01pm Boston MA
“And then they said I had potential can you believe that?”
Y/n was currently on a phone call with Chris. He is in LA again for the 4th time this year. She wonders what’s so great about LA that they are so often there.
“Don’t talk down on yourself love, I knew they would love you when they see you.” The boy on the other side of the phone replies.
“Yeah but it’s so crazy. If I play my cards right I could really do something big there. Lia said she has a free room in her apartment in New York and for the time that I’m working at Vogue I could stay with her. They were all so nice. This could be the Chance for me. Do you think this is too soon tho?” She questions him.
“What, oh no yeah that is great ma” he answers but she could hear he didn’t knew what she was talking about. She didn’t blame him, she knew he was super busy with work at the moment, I mean they barely seen each other yeah even talk with each other the last 4 weeks.
“I didn’t even told you the best part yet, you will never guess what happened next.”
“Baby can I call you later? Laura just texted and Nick and Matt want to film later.” The boy ask in an apologising tone.
“Yeah no problem love.” She replies.
“You’re the best, kiss I’ll call you I promise”
“Alright love you”
“Love you too”
02am Boston MA - 11pm Los Angelos CA
She waited, The call never came.
09am Boston MA - the next day
From Chris ❤️: I’m sorry baby it got late last night, let’s call later, kiss
Send 09:12am
From Y/n <3: no worries
Send 04:28pm
2022 September
“You look gorgeous” Lia said as she saw what y/n was wearing for her date with Chris tonight.
“Are u sure? Shouldn’t I’ll be wearing something… I don’t know something more revealing?” She questioned with uncertainty in her voice.
“No, wear what you feel comfortable with. Chris will find you beautiful in everything.” Lia answered.
“Yeah but he’s taking me out to this fancy restaurant, I don’t know if this is the right fit.”
“You’re Crazy, do you feel pretty?”
“Then wear it.”
Y/n decided to listen to her. She and Chris haven’t seen each other the last month and phone calls were 10 minutes long maximum. She wanted this date to be perfect and for Chris to find her stunning.
A few hours later
Y/n drove to the restaurant. Chris and her agreed to met there since Chris had a meeting right before the date and it would be easier this way.
As Chris saw her car pull into park he made his way to the driver side and opened the door for her.
Taking his hand y/n stepped out as Chris admired her.
“You look beautiful y/n”
“Thank you” y/n blushes
As they sat down and ordered their food y/n began to feel nervous. They haven’t talked properly in weeks and now that they finally had the time to it felt weird. She didn’t liked this. Things never felt weird with Chris that what she loved about their relationship, she could say anything or nothing at all and it still wouldn’t feel weird.
Not it seems like things were different.
“So… how have you been?” How have you been????
Why did she asked that? He’s her boyfriend. She should’ve know how he is and what’s going on in his life.
“Uhm great yeah, business runs as good as ever and I’ll already met such cool people and the fans, Oh and the places we went to were amazing.” She could tell he also felt weird but she didn’t wanted to address it.
After a little small talk they began to get back to normal. Although it did bother her how often Chris went on his phone to message somebody or looked at something she could make out.
Sometimes he didn’t even notice when she stopped talking.
She didn’t say anything
“Lia said they found it amazing but I thought they looked like they’re expected to..” y/n stopped talking.
“Mhm” Chris hummed in agreement. Looking up from his phone for a second then back down. He didn’t even notice her not finishing her sentence.
“Sorry love, but you know how it is.” Chris tries to reassure her with an apologetic smile grazing his lips.
“But hey are you free next Friday?” She asked curiously.
“Yeah, why?” The boy answers putting his phone back in his pocket.
“They hosting a party for me as a sign of appreciation, I’m gonna hold a speech and everything and I would really look forward if you would come.” She asked
“Of course sweetheart. If you want me there I will be. Wouldn’t miss it for the world.” He said with a smile putting his hand over hers and squeezing it.
She returns his smile and it feels as if they were finally going back to how they were.
Next Friday, 05:48pm
“Excited?” Lia asked.
“You have no idea” y/n let’s out breathless. “I never talked infront or so many people before. I hope Chris gets here soon. He’s was supposed to be here at 05:30, that was almost 20 minutes ago.”
“He’s probably on his way and you’ll do great, I know you will.” She sends y/n are reassuring smile.
Y/n tries to return it but as she sees how many more people are just walking in the more nervous she gets and the smile falters.
“Stop worrying.” Lia tries one more time.
She would have to start in 12 minutes.
Y/n appreciate it, she really does but right now she just wishes for Chris to be here.
Chris ❤️
From Chris: Can’t wait to see you later 💋
Seen 01:22 pm
Y/n: Me either, I’m so nervous
From Chris: You don’t have to be. I know you and I’ll be there the whole time if anything goes wrong, what won’t happen, I’ll help you ❤️
Seen: 01:26 am
Y/n: Thanks. I know I will feel better if you are there ❤️
From Chris: ofc love, see you there
Y/n: see you there, kiss
Seen: 01:28 pm
Y/n: hey are you on your way? ❤️
Delivered: 05:34pm
Y/n: text me when you’re outside ❤️
Delivered: 05:38 pm
Y/n: Chris?
Delivered: 05:42 pm
Y/n: it’s about to start where are?
Delivered: 05:51 pm
Y/n: Chris come on
Delivered: 05:55 pm
Y/n: I really need you here please just answer me
Delivered: 05:57 pm
“Y/n you’re turn.” Lia informed her.
Y/n took a deep breath, shook her hands out and got up.
She felt sick to her stomach
The whole time her eyes searched the crown for one particular of blue yes…
They never showed up.
Earlier 04:05 pm
“Wow, for what have u dresses up so well?” Matt asks as he sees Chris putting much effort in his outfit.
“Y/n has this event tonight and as the hood boyfriend I am, I’m gonna support her.” The boy answers.
“Wait, tonight?!” Nick ask from the livingroom as he heard his brothers conversations.
“Äh yeah.. why?”
“It’s just Larry, Nailea, Arlington, Madison beer, Josh richards, Vinnie hacker, Jack wright (and other famous tiktoker, I’m sorry Idk a lot of them so just imagin) are coming over later to hang out ans I thought it would be the best if we three were there.” Nick answers.
“Tonight?! Oh man I really wish I could be there.” Chris replies.
“Can you really not come?” Matt chimes in.
“Sorry bro I promised her and u know her, she is super nervous and needs me there. I can’t let her hang it’s like I’ve barely saw her the last weeks and I miss her. You guys will be okay for one night without me.” The boy states.
“Yeah I guess.”
04:21 pm
Ding dang dong
Nick opens the door to their friends and greets madison and Nailea.
Chris had a few minutes left before he had to go so he took part in the conversation with his brother and the girls.
A little bit later Arrington and Larray showed up and after them Jack and Vinnie and the 9 of them ate the pizza jack and Vinnie brought with them.
“What time is it?” Chris asks
“Uhm… 04:52 pm” Jack answers his questions.
“Oh shit” Chris stands up “I need to go i a few” as he’s about to stand up Larray ask
“You’re going out?”
“Yeah, my girlfriend has this thing tonight.” The brunette boy response
“That’s why you’re dressed so well? I thought it was for the Party at the hype house” madison pipes up
“We’re invited? There are all the big influencers and important people.” Matt says
“Yeah we thought it will be cool if we could go.” Nailea adds
“..I’m sorry guys.” Chris response
As he was about to go to his room and take his phone to he meet y/n he was stopped by Arlington and Matt.
“Chris bro listen to me we need to go there tonight.” Matt shook his shoulders.
“Yeah man you know how many connections you guys would get.” The other boy says
“I can’t let y/n down guys. She counts on me.”
“Just this time. She’ll understand.”
Chris doesn’t know what to do. He knows he should be there for his girlfriend but this is such a big opportunity for not only him but his brothers as well.
“Alright.” Swallowing his guilt he goes back downstairs.
Totally forgetting his phone.
The next morning
Chris woke up late. It was currently 02:14 pm and the sun shone through his window.
He was rolling over to get his phone and his heart dropped at what he saw.
6 missed calls from y/n <3
9 missen texts from y/n <3
He tries calling her but to no avail. It’s was going straight to voicemail.
Earlier that day
Y/n was still sad at he fact that Chris basically stood her up on a night where she really needed him.
At first she was worried last night, thinking something bad had happened because he would just ghost her right?
As she saw Chris at the Party at the hypes house on Matts story.
To say she was mad was and understatement she could understand how her sweet, longing Chris ditched her for a party.
She shut phone off and tried not to think to much about it or she would burst out in tears.
A while later she heard knocking on her door. It was early in the afternoon and she was reading on of her books.
Standing up, waking to the door she wasn’t surprised seeing Chris standing on her doorstep.
He looked disheveled and had a guilty look on his face. At least something.
“Y/n” he breathed out “let me explain”
“I don’t wanna hear it Chris” she didn’t sound angry or upset but more so tired and disappointed. He hated it.
“Please can I come in?”
She didn’t answer him instead opened the door wider and walker back inside. He Follower her suit.
“Look I wanted to come, I really did. You know I was getting ready and had dressed up nice for you then Nick told me he invited Larray, Vinnie and all those other people and I thought ‘okay cool just hang with them for a bit and then go to y/n’ because I had some time left before I needed to go yk.” She just looked at him with her puppy eyes.
“Anyways as I was about to go madison mentioned the Party hosting at the hype house and I was like damn I have to miss it cause I can’t let you down but then Arrington and Matt came to me they begged me to go with them and made clear what a chance this would be not only for me but for Nick and Matt so I was like okay do it for them y/n would understand.” He finishes
She stayed silent
“And you couldn’t answer your phone?” She asked quietly
“I forgot it at home. Listen to me” he came over to her and her hands in his to pull her closer “I’m so sorry I just wanted to do them right and I knew you would be fantastic and I know I should have called you or anything but you know this is all knew to me and I just don’t want to miss any opportunity.”
The girl was still mad or more sad that he didn’t even think to call her and just forget her the moment he heard that those “famous” people were throwing a party but she didn’t wanna fight him.
Everyone makes mistakes.
She kissed his cheek and smiled sadly
Februar 2023
Y/n just woke up in Chris bed, in his arms. The pair was cuddling and just enjoying each others company.
“You smell really good” Chris says while nuzzling his head in y/n chest. She was spooning him with his head on her chest and he could feel her chest moving as she laughed at his comment.
That made him smile
“We have dinner left overs from last night. You hungry?” He asked.
“Yeah I could have some food right now” the girls answered his question.
The two of them made their way into the kitchen and as Chris was warming up the food y/n noticed her boy getting nervous.
“You alright, Chris?”
“What? mhm, oh yeah.. yeah”
Y/n set the table while Chris brought the food on the table.
While eating dinning Chris bounced his leg nervously.
After they finished eating and cleaned up Chris called out to Y/n.
“Hey, uh can we sit down for a moment? I kinda have to tell you something.” He admits
They sat down on the couch and Chris began to fiddle with his fingers. He didn’t know how to begin.
“So Um, as you probably noticed we’ve spent a lot of time in LA.”
“Yeah, I’ve noticed. I missed you like crazy honey.”
That didn’t make it easier
“Missed you too baby but what I want so say is so… uh we’ve… so we’ve kinda brought a house there.” Chris admits.
“You’re moving to LA?” The girls asks after some time.
“Yeah.” He couldn’t look at her.
“Are you.. I mean what.. that’s great and I’m happy if you’re happy with it but… but what does this mean for.. us?”
“We can make this work y/n.”
“You think?”
“Yes. 100%. I’ve given it a lot of thought and I come visit and you can visit us, we can call and, and I update you and you me and think about it when in years from now we are living together, our kids this time where we were apart won’t matter anymore.” He rushes out.
That was a lot to take in but she wanted to make this work.
“We can try” she smiles at him although it was an uncertain smile.
She was scared at the thought of not seeing Chris so often, that they would lose what they have.
It was already hard now how difficult would it be if he lives hours away?
April 2023
09:13 pm
“Ready to go?” Chris asked y/n from his bedroom. She was getting ready to go with her boyfriend and his brother to another party at the hype house.
She was wearing light blue jeans and a white top. Nothing too special. Her hair was curled and she was just finishing putting on her jewelry.
She’s been staying with Chris and his brothers in their house in LA for a few days. It was her third day there and she would leave in two.
If the girl was honest she was overwhelmed with all this. Her boyfriend lived in LA now for about 4 weeks now and this was the first time she was there.
She never met any of his “new” friends but he seems so happy here. He’s really living his life in LA with the fancy events and everything.
She’s worried about him not having space for her in his live anymore.
“Yes just gone done” y/n answers.
“Awesome. Nick and Matt are upstairs waiting.”
“Y/n you look beautiful.” Nick says immediately as his eyes land on her.
“Thank you, you don’t look so bad yourself Nicolas.” She response with a smile.
Arriving at the party y/n definitely underestimated how big and how many people where going to be there. Sure she expected it but not THIS much.
Chris beamed as he saw the party while y/n looked like she was about to throw up. He didn’t noticed her distress and instead grabbed her hand and lead her into the crowd.
It feels like hundred of people were dabbing up her boyfriend and she didn’t know one of them. In fact she didn’t know anyone at this party except the triplets.
Finally in the kitchen y/n and Chris grabbed something to drink. Y/n just water and Chris grabbed a Pepsi her hand found his again as she felt slightly uncomfortable.
Chris looked relaxed as a few people came over to him. She had no idea who they were (seen as they weren’t famous people) but Chris dropped her hand as they came over to him.
She looked up at him with a slight frown but he looked like nothing happened.
Maybe he didn’t even noticed he dropped her hand but as she was about to reach for it he put them in his pants pockets.
“CHRIS BRO” one of the guys said coming to them.
“What’s up guys” her boyfriend response.
“Oh sorry this is my girlfriend y/n” he quickly introduced her.
She gave a shy wave to the people in front of her.
“Oh didn’t know you had a girlfriend” one says and that stung.
They began talking an y/n just stands there awkwardly.
After some time Chris says in her era, during the loud music “hey is it okay if I go with them for a second? They wanna show me something in the back I promise I’ll be right back.”
She nodded at him even tho him leaving her was the last thing she wanted.
She turned around and searched for Matt and Nick but no sight of them.
It was getting to loud for her so she tuned around but another body suddenly crashed into her and spilled their drink all over her white top.
“I’m sorry ya.” The guy apologised without even looking at her.
“No problem” the girl breathed out, slightly annoying.
She Began to search for a bathroom. She felt sticky because of the drink all over her shirt.
After about 10 minutes she gave up on finding a bathroom in this giant house.
She spotted Chris but stopped as she saw what was in front of her.
There was Chris laughing and dancing with his brothers, Arrington, Nailea and Madison beer. He looked so happy she didn’t wanted to interrupt them.
And as she saw him dancing and taking photos with madison beer with a smile on his face she felt her heart wink.
She wasn’t the jealous type by any means but she couldn’t but think about how they would fit good together.
She was walking outside as thoughts began to corrupt her mind. Their fans already shipped madison and Chris and sure madison was gorgeous why wouldn’t Chris want someone like her?
She understood the live style and she lived also in LA.
Furthermore the guys from earlier didn’t even knew he had a girlfriend. Does the girls here now he has one? Does madison know?
Is he even talking about her like she starts rambling what an awesome guy he is the moment someone mentioned his name?
Stop these thoughts y/n
She sat down outside on a tree trunk and held her cup of water.
“Enjoying yourself?” A male voice suddenly called out. She looked up and was met with a pair of hazel brown eyes.
She knew who he was. Vinnie hacker.
“Uhm me?” She pointed at herself, unsure if he was talking to her even if he looked directly at her.
“No I mean the other girl behind you who also looked like she would rather be anywhere else.” He spoke ironically with a warm smile.
Y/n let out a chuckle.
“What are you doing here all by yourself? Drinking alone?” Vinnie said pointing at the red cup in her hands .
“Oh no, I don’t drink it’s just water.” She answered.
“Sorry just assumes beaches you reek of vodka.”
“Yeah this guy spilled his drink all over me and I kinda lost my boyfriend and I don’t know anyone else here so..” she trailed off.
“Well now you do. I’m Vinnie.” The boy said stretching out his hand.
“I know.” Y/n said shaking his hand.
“Oh right, But I don’t know your name..” he said with a warm smile on his lips.
“So y/n.. not your night.” Vinnie let out while sitting down next to her.
“Not my night.”
“Who is your boyfriend by the way? Maybe I can help you find him?”
“Chris, Chris Sturniolo.”
A look of recognition flashes on his face. He knew who her boyfriend was, he was there when he ditched her for another party.
He felt bad but not just about that.
He saw Chris having the time of his life in there while he was on his way outside.
The thought that y/n just didn’t feel comfortable around them came to his mind because there was no way she didn’t saw Chris on her way out.
“Yes I know him.” He said while letting out a breath. “He’s been blowing up recently” he added.
“Yeah.” The girl beside him agreed “you could say that.” She finished with a sad tone in her voice.
Vinnie looked down beside him at y/n.
“You doesn’t like it?” He asked.
“No I am happy for him” she quickly defensives herself. “It’s great that he’s making a name for himself and gets al those opportunities.”
“But?” The boy said while looking at her.
“I’m not sure he has space for me in this “new” life of his.” She admits while looking up into his eyes.
She cant believe she just said that.
“I never told anyone this but this whole famous thing isn’t my world, not when he makes me feel like I’m not important. I want the old us back. The us that would do anything to make the other happy. Because in that us… I would.. I would have never questioned his love for me.” She finished.
Looking back at him and finding him just staring at her.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know why I tell you all of this you probably want to go back to your friends.” The girl apologised while running her hands up down her arms. She began to feel cold.
Vinnie noticed this too.
“No no, don’t apologize” he rushes out while taking of his jacket. “You’re cold” he stated “take this” he handed her the jacket.”
“Are you sure?”
“Y/n” crooking his head to one side with a loop sided smile.
“Alright alright” letting out a chuckle and taking the jacket from Vinnie.
“Thank you.” She let out looking deep into his eyes.
He knew she wasn’t just thanking him for the jacket but also for listening to her when no one else did.
“No problem.” He said in return while his mind swirled with thoughts of how beautiful she was with the moonlight shining on her.
Meanwhile y/n just hoped Chris would notice her absence and start coming to her.
“Chris is an Idiot if he doesn’t see how much you do for him.”
Y/n just forced a smile at him. She was thankful she wasn’t alone at this moment.
“How do you deal with this?” Looking up to the side at him again.
“What do you mean?” Vinnie asked.
“I mean the fame, the fans, spending time with your loved ones etc.”
“Oh. You know it gets hard sometimes and at the beginning I lost a little sight of who was important too. From one day of the other people just suddenly knew who I was and wanted me to do all those things and everything it got overwhelming. But after a while I understood it wasn’t about all the money and the fame and I started backing off a while.” Breathing out he continued
“ you start to see people different, nah it’s hard to explain but Uhm I started to miss the quiet life. And if you love someone or care for them you take your time for them it doesn’t matter who wants you at what event or what people wanna meet you. I thought All this people don’t even know me so why am I spending so much time with them just to make good impression and stressing about what they would think of me? I have friends and family who I don’t need to stress these kind of things over they just love me for me and once I realized that, i made time for the important things.”
That was a lot
They both talked for a while after that before y/n realised that it was time to find Chris and go home.
“Come on I’ll help you find him. Wouldn’t want you to get lost now would we?” They both chuckled at that as Vinnie brought his hand to her back to guide her through the crowd.
As Chris saw HIS girlfriend walking into the house with THE Vinnie Hacker he suddenly felt jealous.
If he was being honest he kinda forget she was there with him but seeing this handsome dude having his hands on his y/n he got mad.
And as he saw her laughing at something he said he lost it. Stalking over to them with an angry expression.
“Y/n where have you been? I was looking everywhere for you, got me worried” he lied but she didn’t have to know that. He wanted her to feel guilty for spending time with another dude.
“I was outside.” She stated pulling the jacket closer to her body as she bag an to get uncomfortable. Again.
Only then did Chris noticed the jacket she was wearing. A make jacket, Vinnies jacket.
His blood began boiling.
„come on, we’re going home now!” Chris let out, grabbing her hands and pulling her away harshly.
“Chris stop, what has gotten into you?“ the girls asked trying to wring her hand out of his grasp but he was too strong.
She didn’t knew this side of him, this aggressive side.
Chris didn’t listen to her as he was to busy texting Matt to meet them at the car.
Walking into house with angry food steps Chris turned around.
„What the was that?!“ he almost screamed.
„What?“ her voice gentle as y/n had a frown on her face.
„You spending the whole time with Vinnie. You’re even wearing his fucking jacket. I thought you were MY girlfriend.“
„Yeah well if you treated me like I was maybe I could act this way. No wait I didn’t even do anything wrong you’re the one that doesn’t act like my boyfriend.“ the girl said still not raising her voice.
„What the hell do you mean.“
„firstly you ditched me multiple times the last Month, then you dropped my hand as soon as your friends came to us and what really hurt was they didn’t even know you had one as if I’m some secret you don’t wanna talk about.“
„Oh I’m sorry but what do you think?“ Chris said letting out a sarcastic laugh which only hurt her more „that all that’s ok my mind is you?“ the way he said it, as if she was stupid. „I have more important things to worry about, no one wants to hear about a girlfriend that won’t even support me.“
No she was angry
„not support you? Are you kidding me? I have been nothing but supportive your whole career, I came to every show you did, to every event hell I always understood when you ditched me again for in don’t even know how many times.“
He just looked at her, knowing she was right and the worst thing was the he looked like he didnt care. He didn’t care that he hurt her or abandoned her because as he said now there are more important things he has to deal with.
They just stand there for a moment looking at each other while breathing heavily.
Then y/n made her way towards the front door. She didn’t know where she would go she just wanted away from him.
She came wide tho then Chris suddenly grabbed her wrist. Hard. It hurt her slightly.
„Where are you going?“
„Away from you.“ trying to pull her wrist away from his grasp to no avail as he was stronger than her.
„The fuck you are.“ pulling her harshly closer to him. „Do know how it would look if I let my girlfriend out alone, at this time in a city she wasn’t familiar with?“
Finally pulling out of his grasp she walked to the bathroom.
As she was finally alone she sat down on the bathtub and for the first time let the tears fall.
Gripping both sides of the tub trying not to let the sobs out. Pulling a hand over her mouth she saw the hand imprint from Chris‘s hate gripping earlier.
She couldn’t believe he gripped her so hard it felt sore.
Y/n knew he probably didn’t mean to.
As the girl heard the door to his bedroom close Signaling Chris going to bed she once realised he didn’t care that she was now all alone, he didn’t even bother asking her if she was okay.
The next day
Y/n woke up on the couch to the sound of someone pulling the cabinets harshly open.
Looking at her phone it said 09:54 am
She looked at again as she saw an Instagram notification.
Vinnie Hacker followed you
Vinnie Hacker: Are you okay after last night?
She smiled at his text at least someone asked her that. She noticed she was still wearing his jacket that she didn’t took of last and pulled the jacket off.
Standing up and walking in the kitchen she saw Matt as he pulled the cereal’s out.
„Morning“ she said
Matt twitched. He didn’t knew anyone was up.
„Y/n.“ breathing out and putting a hand over his heart „you scarred me.“
„Sorry“ she said sitting down at one of the bar stool’s.
Taking in her appearance. She looked tired, hair disheveled and make up smudged. He pieces together that she slept on the couch as a consequence of her’s and Chris‘s fight last night that he, unfortunately, heard loud and clear.
„Are you okay?“ the boy asked putting the cereals away, sitting down opposite her and putting his full attention on her.
„Uhm yeah of course.“
„I heard you last night.“
„Are you and Chris alright?“
Looking up in his eyes for the first time
„Honestly, I don’t know.“ she admitted trying to hold back her tears „I think he’s not in love with me anymore.“ the first tear fell.
Matt felt horrible watching one of his closest friend crying over something like this. He was honest he always thought y/n and Chris would get married someday but now sitting in front of her and hearing her crying over something his brother did broke his heart slightly.
Putting his hand over here he said „look I know it’s rough right now but there will be better times. You guys just have to pull through it.“ he gave her a reassuring smile.
„I Hope so.“
August 2023
It was the triplets birthday and they were all together in Boston to celebrate.
Since the night in April after the party things between y/n and Chris changed.
When Chris finally woke up the the day after he acted like nothing happened so y/n played along cause she didn’t wanted another fight.
But it felt like there was a wall between them now. The rest 2 day that y/n had stayed there they acted like a happy couple, like everything was okay.
They were never alone always with Nick and Matt or one of their friends so the wouldn’t have to talk about it. At night when they would have to sleep in the same bed they didn’t faced each other, they didn’t cuddled, the most there was, was a kiss on the cheek.
A wall was between them suddenly.
They saw each other during the months from April to august a few times but only to birthdays of their friends or when the triplets visited their family and they all hung out together.
It was awkward.
At their birthday it was exactly like this. No body contact, awkward eye contact and only small talk. As if they weren’t boyfriend and girlfriend.
„Happy birthday Chris“ she congratulated him but she only patted him on the shoulder.
September 2023
Y/n stood outside the restaurant were Chris was supposed to meet her 20 minutes ago.
She tried to call him and message him multiple times but he wouldn’t answer.
He forgot.
Like the date in may.
November 2023
The triplets arrived yesterday in Boston and today was thanksgiving. Y/n and Chris haven’t seen each other but they have to tonight.
The two family celebrated together this year. The y/l/n would go over to the sturniolo‘s at five pm and it was currently three pm.
Y/n was a nervous wreck. She wasn’t sure how she felt about seeing him again. He was still her boyfriend right?
6 pm
The two family were sitting together, laughing and sharing jokes. Y/n and Chris opposite each other yet they couldn’t look at one another.
„So y/n..“ Marylou began. „Chris said you’re career is starting really off recently.“
The girl looked up.
„Oh Uhm yeah, they want me to work at their biggest facility.“
„Ah, so in LA? That would be fantastic you and Chris could live together and start making more plans for the future.“ the women gushes.
Y/n hesitated.
„No it would be in London.“
Chris dropped his fork.
„You’re moving to London?!“ he exclaimed and their eyes met for the first time that night.
„Yeah I was Uhm thinking about it.“
„You never told me this.“
An uncomfortable tension arose around them.
„Can we not do this now?“ she asked giving him a look.
„No y/n, what the hell youre dropping this bomb that you’re moving across the ocean and expect me not to have a reaction? How long have you known?“
„since June.“
„Wow.“ „all this time and you didn’t tell me?“
„When was I supposed to tell?! At your birthday we’re you couldn’t even look at me or the at the dates you didn’t show up to?!“ the girl let out. She regretted it now remembering both their family sat beside him and just heard everything. All of them had shocked expressions across their faces. They didn’t knew the pair has problems.
Y/n stood up and made her way outside. It was dark and cold.
Both family’s looked at Chris who also stood up and followed her out.
„Y/N“ he yelled finally out the door as she fell shut. „Y/n wait“
Y/n turned around to face him and Chris saw the tears in her eyes. „What are we doing Chris“ she let out. Her voice was calm and steady nothin like how she looked.
„What… what do mean“ Chris knew what she meant.
„come on now, it feels like I’m in a relationship with a stranger.“ she admitted.
Chris looked down.
„And I know you’re not in love with me anymore.“
As she said that Chris looked up. He didn’t denied it.
„You know I really did believed you when you said that you would love me forever. I know it sounds stupid but I thought we were the couple that wouldn’t break up, that would make it.“
„I said that when we were kids y/n“ was the only thing that left his mouth. „I grew up.“
„I just have to concentrate on my career now and, and this thing is still new to me alright, this is all a new world to me and I don’t know we’re I fit in yet and I.. I..“
„You have no space for me in this world.“ he shut his mouth at her statement.
He didn’t know what to say at that. As she didn’t hear him denying it, she knew they were over. At this moment as the words left her lips.
„So this is it. I really thought we would make it.“
„That was childish of us“ Chris said and that hurt because for her it’s wasn’t childish.
„How is this so easy for you?“ y/n asked
„I means losing you felt like losing a part of myself but to you it seems like losing me is a relieve.“
„That’s not true.“
„I watched you change. Now I don’t even know you anymore.“ y/n said looking deep into his eyes.
„The fame changed you Chris.“
She turned around to walk away.
„I really did love you y/n. once.“ Chris said watching her back.
Y/n didn‘t tunred around instead walking farther across the street toward her house. As Chris saw her enter he sat down on his front door steps and just stared in the dark.
After a while he got up and walked back inside.
As he came back to the table he sat down and began eating again. The family’s looked at him and saw so much sadness behind his eyes.
They didn’t comment on it.
The next day
The triplets will leave again for LA today.
Sitting in the car Chris looks out the window at y/n’s house. At her window.
“We can wait if you wanna say goodbye” Matt says looking at his brother while nick nods agreeing.
Chris thinks about but he already know the answer.
“No no there is nothing more so say. Drive.”
So they made their way towards the airport.
Meanwhile y/n woke up and stayed in bed. She didn’t wanted to go up, she didn’t want to go up about her day knowing Chris wasn’t part of it anymore.
She eventually did stand up, going to her window and looking out at the sturniolo drive way. Their car was gone. They were gone.
He was gone.
She felt relieved but also so much grief…
A/n: Hey guys sooo this is my first fic I’m sorry for spelling mistakes English isn’t my first language.
Also I just tried to write something and didn’t wanted to make people up so I just took the triplets as face claims and everything.
Let me know if you like it, xoxo
[part two below]
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remusslove · 2 years
Hi I read your mean friend fic and I’m in love with it! Do u think u can do one with crybaby!reader and Mattheo where he is mad because something happened at work and he blows up on her but she was extra sensitive that day, but it dosent catch his attention til later and it ends with fluff! Sorry for making the request so long anyway have a good day❤️!
Extra sensitive~ mattheo riddle
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“10% or nothing. Take it or leave it.” Mattheo said sternly into the phone. If there’s one thing about him, it’s that he absolutely hated people that went against his demands.
“This is ridiculous! I worked day and night just for a lousy ten percent-” the man began rambling before mattheo irritably hung up the phone.
He sighed before looking down at his watch. 9:30pm. He stood up from his desk and collected his coat along with his keys and wallet.
He walked out the building swearing underneath his breath till he reached the car. He started the engine before slamming the door with enough force to make the car jolt.
A few minutes later he was met with a packed freeway due to many cars trying to get home for the holidays. “Jesus fucking Christ” he cursed trying to maintain his temper.
He finally made it home much to your excitement, as you came running down the stairs. “Mattheo your back! Look!” You exclaimed pointing towards the sink.
You turned the knob back and forth with a grin on your face. “Me and Theodore fixed it when you were at work!” You said with a proud smile. Before mattheo left the sink was not running as much water as it was usually, so you decided to ask Theodore to help you fix it before he comes home .
You only thought of it as a sweet gesture but mattheo didn’t. You being a bit oblivious to the light hearted compliments Theodore gave you made mattheo absolutely crazy. “So he was here? With you? Alone?” He asked you with a glare.
You let out a giggle with a confused head tilt. “I mean yeah you were at work, why?” You asked softly as your smile slowly vanished when you noticed his facial expressions turn angrier.
“Why? Because he fucking likes you y/n!” He exclaimed making your eyes widen. “No he doesn’t! He was just being nice” you tried to defend the boy making mattheo groan.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me y/n, you really don’t think that he likes you? The kisses on the cheek, the hugs around your waist, and i have to come home to you telling me that you’ve been home alone with him?!”
“I didn’t know, I’m sorry” you said cowering behind the counter. He scoffed once again. “Of course you didn’t know, your too stupid to figure anything out” he spat as a few tears began flooding down your cheeks.
You whimpered before quickly walking out of the kitchen. He sighed running his fingers through his hair as the guilt began to seep in.
“Bunny?” He called out for you in a soft tone. “Go ‘way!” You said through your quiet sobs as you constantly wiped tears off your face.
“Cmon out for me bunny please?” He asked you softly slowly peeling the fluffy pink blanket off your huddled figure.
“Your so mean sometimes” you mumbled looking away from him. “I know baby m’ sorry mkay?” He apologized before stroking your cheek as gently as someone would touch a ancient statue.
You loved how he cared for you even in bad moments like these. You couldn’t help but lean into his large comforting hand.
He placed a kiss on top of your head before pulling you into his lap despite all your squirming and whining, strong arms bound tight around you as he presses a succession of kisses to your neck and face.
“ ‘u forgive me now princess?” He cooed at you making you huff in defeat. You curled into his lap hiding your face in his chest before nodding with a whimper.
“How ‘bout tomorrow we make some of those little paper snowflakes that you love so much since I was such a meanie today hm?” He suggested causing you to perk up.
“Can we make Christmas cards too?” You said looking up into his eyes. He sighed playfully before nodding and gliding his hand over your hair making you hum in content.
𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝<3
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charliedawn · 10 months
It broke my heart reading the slashers x engaged!reader. What would their reactions be if she left her fiance for them and refused to go back? 🥹😭
Part 1:
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Penny was waiting outside...He didn't want to come in. He was afraid of falling even deeper in misery at the sight of your wedding dress. He stayed outside. He thought it was over. You had made your choice.
But, he was surprised when the doors opened and here you were. You looked out of breath and he could hear multiple voices calling you back inside—but you didn't care. You bundled up your dress and ran towards him.
"PENNY !", you called for him at the top of your lungs.
He quickly understood what was going on as he saw your betrothed run after you and giggled maniacally. So...you had indeed made your choice. He vanished and reappeared in front of you—facing your fiance and family with a wide toothy grin. It was threatening and his eyes glowed yellow. They all took a step back and when he grabbed you and pulled you against his chest—he could hear your heart beat wildly in your chest. But, it wasn't fear.
Finally…you were his.
"Do NOT touch what is mine."
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Pennywise didn’t enter the church. He didn’t want to. What would it change ? He was there to prove to himself that he didn’t need you. He didn’t need anyone…But then, the doors opened and when you came out…All he could see was you. You spotted him—even without the clown costume and makeup. You knew who he was.
When you ran straight into his arms—his eyes widened and his astonishment only grew as you whispered.
"Take me away from this place."
Pennywise took a couple of seconds before smirking and wrapping his arms around you. He now understood. He was foolish to think he didn’t need you…But now, he was certain that you needed him just as much.
"You're really bossy, you know that ?"
Suddenly, your dress burst into flames and was replaced by a dress he found...more appropriate. He knew red would look better on you…When your guests and betrothed ran out of the church, you were already gone. Pennywise had done his very best to keep you away from him, but he was tired of always being the reasonable one.
You wanted him ? And he wouldn’t be the fool to turn you down twice.
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Freddy crashed the ceremony. Literally. He knocked the door down and entered with his hands raised in the air. Funny. You were pretty sure you hadn’t told him the date…
"Y/N ! Ya gettin’ hitched and didn’t think ‘bout tellin’ ya ol’ buddy Freddy ?!"
He sat down on front row and stared at you with a smile that didn’t match his eyes. His eyes were full of misery and you knew what he was doing. He was forcing you to confront the truth. You were pretty sure this was all a dream…
You sighed and ignored him. But, his face then replaced your betrothed and his infuriating smirk made you roll your eyes.
"Come on, sweetheart. Ya know am better. We understand each other. We know each other. You have seen me at my worst, and I saw ya for who ya really are. Dya really think your fancy-pansy fiance will get ya as much as I do ?"
He suddenly pulled you in his arms and then, it was just the both of you. You started dancing and Freddy sneered.
"Come on, sweetheart. Say I do to me."
He seemed so smug—as if he knew—as if he’d always known. And it was a dream. How bad could it be to comply this once ?
"I…do ?"
And with those words, you came back to your own world and Freddy was there—leaning over you with a knowing smirk.
"Here we go…Now, that wasn’t so hard, was it ?"
You frowned when you looked around and found yourself in your bedroom and let out a sigh of relief. Of course it was only a dream…However, when you tried to leave the bed…something held you back. You felt a as if your hand had suddenly turned to stone. You looked down and frowned as you saw a ring around your finger.
"Freddy…What is that ?"
You tried to remove it, but you couldn’t. And when you looked up, Freddy was smirking.
"Sorry…Did I forget to mention that EVERYTHING that happens in my world also happens in real life ?"
Your eyes widened at the realisation and you tried to move again…but found yourself unable to. And Freddy then showed his own hand with a matching ring around his finger.
"Surprise, sweetheart. You just took the BEST decision in yer life ! You got yerself a pretty great husband."
…Hell. You were in Hell.
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Jason had given you his mother’s ring when he had heard the news. He wanted you to know how he felt. He had always seen you as the glue sticking all the slashers together. You were their caretaker. But, more than that for him…You had been the first human being to treat them with decency.
He knew he was a monster. But, you had never treated him like it…You had always seen him as a human being. You had never tried to judge or hurt him…
So, when he heard the news. He wanted to accept it. He truly did. But, he was devastated inside. So, he asked. He asked for you not to get married. He looked up at the sky and asked for you to realise and come back…
He came to the wedding, but not because he wanted to. He just wanted you to see him. So he may show you exactly what he wanted you to see. You gasped when you recognised him in the crowd…He wasn’t wearing his mask. You were the only one who knew what was underneath. It was the reason he had decided to remove his mask, to make you understand. You were the only one he had chosen to share this secret with. And when he smiled, your heart broke. He was the only one crying when everyone seemed so happy. A grotesque portrait. And worse part was, you couldn’t help but cry as well…
When it was time to exchange the rings…You surprised your betrothed by getting out the ring Jason had given you and put it on. Jason immediately understood what it meant and his smile turned genuine as you slowly turned away from your ex-to-be husband and ran into his arms. He caught you and he ran for the door.
And nobody stood in your way…
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"Let me explain something to you, Y/N. I am not husby-material."
Jack liked you. Of course he did. But last time he had a family, it ended badly. Very badly. He wanted you to go and get married. He wanted you to be happy. But, you both knew how he felt. He wasn’t fooling anyone…But, he was the first to bring you to the altar and pretend to smile during the ceremony.
But, his eyes widened when you hesitated when it was time to say “I do”. Something felt wrong. You couldn’t tell what it was until you felt Jack behind you. And…in front of everyone else…He dared hug you from behind. His whole aura felt…different. He then whispered for only you to hear.
"I know what I said. I know that I am a damn fuck-up. But…Don’t marry him. Please."
Your first reaction was rage. How dared he ?! He had no right ruining your marriage ! He had told you to get married ! He had even congratulated you…But when you turned around and all you could see in his eyes was desperation…Your eyes softened and you took his hand.
"…Let’s get out of here."
You told him and Jack grinned before pulling you into his arms.
"My pleasure." He then used his abilities to get you the both of you out of the building.
Perks of being an entity…
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Brahms didn’t want you to marry anyone. And he was sure to tell you from the start. But, he knew he couldn’t tell you why. He wanted to. Badly. But, he was…scared.
"Brahms…" He heard you call him from behind his bedroom door and he shook his head.
"Brahms. Please." You tried to reach out to him with your words…but it didn’t seem to work.
"I. Said. No."
Fortunately, you had the keys to his room and went in. It was dark, but you could still make out his figure in the darkness. You reached out for him. But when you touched him, he snapped.
"NO !" He shoved you back and for the first time, Brahms was truly angry. His breathing became hectic and his grip was almost painful. "Brahms is a good boy ! He has always been a good boy to you ! So why ?! Why won’t you love Brahms ?!"
Your eyes widened in shock. You knew he was upset, but you didn’t think it was to such extent…Your eyes softened and you calmly reached out for his head to press his face against your shoulder.
"I am sorry, Brahms. I didn’t understand…I didn’t think…"
He started crying against your shoulder as he held you closer.
"Don’t go…Love me. Love me…"
His voice cracked and you shed a few tears yourself as you returned his hug.
"I’ll stay. I am here, Brahms. I won’t leave you."
He looked up at you with tearful eyes and asked with a weak and desperate expression.
"Promise ?"
You pressed him closer against you.
"Yes, Brahms. I promise."
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"Well, shit. Am I early ?" Bo asked while looking around—seeing that no one had arrived yet. He looked down at his watch. Of course he was late. That wasn’t issue. But, he wasn’t so late as to have missed the whole thing…
But then, you came out. You didn’t seem happy to see him. He sighed. Had Lester and Vince given him the wrong damn time ? Well…Not that it really mattered. He smiled and waved.
"Hello there, darlin’. Sorry for showing up late…or early ? To be honest, I have no goddamn clue of the time. And you know ma bruthers don’t really know how to read so…"
You shook your head.
"The marriage is off."
There was a moment of silence.
"…What ?"
"You heard me."
He sighed.
"…Well, thank goodness for that. No offense darls’, but yer little sweetheart was a goddamn bore."
He told you before pulling out a pack of cigarettes and lighting up one. He blew the smoke out and it seemed all tension left his body as he tilted his head back and stared up at the sky.
"Aren’t you at least going to ask me why ?"
He huffed a laugh before shaking his head.
"…Nah, darls’. I know why ya did it. Am not blind. Nor dum’." He smirked before finally looking at you. "Was gonna crash that ridiculous weddin’ anyway. Ya jus’ made ma job easier…"
It was your time to huff a laugh. You didn’t know if it was true, but you didn’t really care.
"…Can I have a smoke ?", you finally asked and Bo nodded.
"Sure ya can. You earned it."
He then gave you a cigarette and lit it with his. He then stayed a few seconds longer than necessary before pulling away.
"You know what ?"
You turned your head towards him.
"What ?"
He smirked.
"Can’t wait to see how prutty you’ll be in that wedding dress when it’s my turn…"
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gallusrostromegalus · 9 months
AEIWAM: I’ve noticed that there are multiple types of divinity in the world: The assorted Kami, Hogyoku nonsense, whatever the hell is going on with Zaraki, the Soul King, other miscellaneous gods, and the actual godhead life machine.
What makes them unique from each other, and how do they interact?
Life Machine: 12th Dimensional Super-organism that generates Reality. Currently pregnant and also Dying, because a bunch of Bougie fucks killed it's Support Staff.
Soul King: the Life machine's lil buddy/tech support/cleaning wrasse and also technically it's sex organs. Basically, a creation of the Life Machine to make sure reality keeps running as it passes the mantle of said reality onto the next generation of Life Machine. Currently dead because he got Dismembered by a bunch of bougie jackasses who thought they could do the job better than him, then immediately catastrophically fucked it up.
Kami: Direct creations of the Soul King (Ryujin Jakka, The Gods Of Good Fortune) to help him manage reality while transferring the running of reality between Life Machines, and the descendants of those creations (She Who Rules The Sky, fox spirits) or things that have independently gone through the Deification Process (Tsukomogami, Really Big Mother Trees), because Soul King coded that function right into reality.
Ichibe/The Monk: Soul King's Bestie who is REALLY, REALLY SORRY BOUT THE DISMEMBERING THING, trying to keep Soul King's corpse from disintegrating entirely because it's sort of holding a major wound in the Life machine closed and he thinks* that if the body vanishes that reality itself will collapse.
*Note: that's not actually what's going on, but it's understandable why he thinks that.
Yhwach: The cancerous cells of the Soul King that unfortunately developed consciousness and Delusions of Grandeur after it got separated from the rest of Soul King during The Dismembering.
Gin: A being the Life Machine out of the spare parts that got left on the floor after The Dismembering (mostly Soul King's Penis), for the purpose of taking over the job Soul King isn't doing any more. Not very good at it, but has a few good ideas. Currently dangling a Hogyoku in front of Aizen to trick him into becoming Emergency Rations for the Life Machine.
Hogyoku: A device a bit like a magical pressure cooker used to make the initial couple Kami out of Undefined Soul Stuff. Aizen has been putting Defined Souls into it though, which will *technically* make a God, but it's gonna make a real fucked up God and fusing with that this is... not actually his worst idea, but it's definitely in the bottom 5, even without Gin's Chicanery.
I hope this clarifies nothing :)
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tulipsforyourlips · 1 month
✧˖°. i found you ✧˖°. (4)
|| the sandman x dead boy detectives ||
SUMMARY: You run the dead boys detective agency along with your two best friends. And somehow two ghosts and a living girl make it work. Until you dream one night, of dream himself.
PAIRING: dream of the endless x fem!reader
WC: 3K
WARNINGS: none I can think of
PART 4✧˖°.
"So let me get this straight, ghosts cannot lie to you yet you work with two ghosts who apparently can," Matthew cawed from his place on your shoulder where you were huddled in one corner of the Dreaming library. 
Earlier that day, Dream had intercepted your walk to the bakery nearby your apartment, almost giving you a jump scare, and then brought you back here with him once you'd pleaded to let your ghost friends know you were going out. Since it was a weekend and the agency remained closed, they didn't question you. Although Charles did tease you about a date. If only.  
"Yep that pretty much sums it up. But it's not out of compulsion, it's that ghosts trust me, it's like they have no other option than to trust me. I don't know how it works seriously, just that it has helped a hell lot of ghosts successfully cross over and boom our business. And as far as Edwin and Charles are concerned, well my powers, if you could call it that, did happen after meeting the guys. So," you shrugged.
"Interesting," Matthew mulled over your words, "and this has been going for the past.."
"4 years.”
"And you remember nothing before that? No family, no one from your past?" 
An all so ever familiar brush of sadness tingled every bone in your body. "No," you exhaled. 
"I am sorry.”
"Eh I am used to it now. Besides I love my life with the boys. I did search for any signs of my family, if I had one and then just gave up after a year. The boys are my family now." 
"Include me in too.”
You laughed at Matthew’s response. "Of course you are my precious little raven." 
"My lady," Lucienne's voice greeted you, "he’s ready.”
While you were away, Morpheus had tried to repair the damage only for a fresh bout of earthquakes to replace the previous destruction. Now you made your way to where he stood crafting dreams or nightmares. 
"Mortal," he said in greeting, his back turned to you. 
He moved aside and your breath got caught in your throat. Staring at you, was a half human, half monster who had a tongue of a reptile and teeth like razors. The stuff of literal nightmares.  
"Make him trust you," Dream spoke.
"Are you crazy?" You looked at him as if someone had cracked his skull open and was gorging on his brains and someone might have with what he was suggesting. 
"You dare-?" 
Yes you fucking dared. What was he expecting you to do, commit suicide? 
But he was after all an Endless, and you did not wish to invoke his wrath so you only mumbled, "I can't do this, you can't expect me to get a nightmare to trust me! It's unreal!" 
"But ghosts trust you.”
"Yes because they are ghosts and he is, well a bloody nightmare.”
"And who's guaranteeing that I won't die trying?”
"I am.” His words were solid pebbles dropping in your guts. 
You don't know what made you take the next step, maybe it was the conviction in his voice, but you stretched your arms forward and warily tried to approach the monster human. You took baby steps towards him, just a few more, you assured yourself but then the nightmare lunged straight for you. You tripped backward and the sandy ground contacted your back. But before the nightmare could contact you, Dream raised his hand and the nightmare vanished into darkness, flecks of what he once used to be gracing the ground in front of you. You got up on your feet, the image of razor teeth inches away from your face still imprinted in your mind. 
"I am sorry Dream I can't do this." 
"What?” A frown displayed on his face. “But I ensured no harm came to you.”
"Dream I was saved from becoming nightmare food by a mere second!" 
"I would not have let any harm befall you." His eyes sook yours trying to convey the determination behind his words. 
Your face softened. You wanted to believe him. You really did. But how could you trust his creations when you did not trust the creator himself.  
"And I am just supposed to believe you?" 
"You know I have a name. If you want me to help you, the least you can do is stop perceiving me as a fly in your path and call me by my name!" you snapped. 
Dream was silent. 
"Get me out of here.”
You half expected him to deny your request but sand began swirling around you, and the next moment you were teleported back to the waking world. Had he so easily given up on you? Good riddance. 
When you pushed the door to the apartment open, the guys were huddled together on the couch, watching television. 
"Hey! how was your date?" Charles asked, his gaze fixed on the television. 
"Terrible," you murmured and slammed the door to your bedroom behind you. 
The king of Dreams sat on his throne, gazing at the universe contained in his ceiling, when he felt you enter the Dreaming. He always did. He entered the mountain clearing, your lone figure was sprawled on the grass in the distance beneath the starry sky. Before his brain could object, he started towards you.
You must have felt his presence because you bolted upright when he neared you, “Dream,”
His name felt so weightless on your tongue, he wanted to hear it again and again. You on the other hand didn’t know why you were so surprised to see him here, it was his realm after all.
“I told you I am not-"
“Relax Hazel, I am not here to impart any lessons to you.”
“So why are you here?”
He opened his mouth and closed it, no answer left him. Had you just seen the Dream Lord hesitate? You patched the grass beside you, an invitation for truce. Tentatively, he sat down, his cloak spooling around him. It was an odd sight, seeing the Dream Lord on the ground beside you, instead of his ceremonious throne.
“Did you create this?” You asked.
“Partially, I had help.”
“I thought only you had the power to create dreams and nightmares.” Your time in the library had been well spent.
“It is true, but the vision can always belong to someone else. His voice was soft, words floating into the winds.
You imagined someone having the vision for this, for this phenomenal beauty you were sitting in and you thanked them.
“It’s beautiful.” Your voice came like a whisper.
Morpheus looked at you. “It is.”
You both sat in silence, gazing at the stars twinkling above you.
Dream’s voice penetrated the quiet. “Mort-Hazel, I never mean to belittle you. And believe it or not, I am grateful to you for your help. But you have to understand that-”
“Then make me understand.” You repeated your words from your first visit to the Dreaming.
Morpheus sighed before the low baritone of his voice reached you. “You know there are seven of us. There is Death, Destiny, Desire, Delirium, Despair, Destruction and I. And it is our purpose to ensure the smooth running of humankind. We have been here since the beginning of time itself and will be here when the last soul departs the Earth-” You had already read all this in the library but let him go on “-but along us siblings, there was,” he paused.
You thought it was for dramatic effect but when he didn’t continue, you called to him, “Dream?”
He inhaled sharply, “Hope.” The word left his mouth in a breathy exhale.  “There was Hope, and she held together what you could call the fabric of humanity.”
“Where is she now?” You asked.
Dream looked at you for some time and answered, his voice a whisper, “dead.”
The hurt in his voice took you off guard. 
“I am sorry.”
Silence engulfed the both of you again.
“Is that the reason behind the earthquakes?”
“Hope and Dream are co-dependent. Neither can exist without the other. We thought, we hoped that the future could withstand the loss of hope, but the inhabitants of the Dreaming grow weak without her pulse and the realm itself is failing.”
“And if it does, so will humanity.” Your words sunk in you.
“Because what are humans, rather any of us, without dreams and hope?” He looked at you.
“And that is why you need me, to instill trust in the dreams and nightmares so that they don’t stray from their purpose to serve humanity,” everything clicked, "Dream I had no idea-“
“It wasn’t your fault,” he stated. “But now since you know how imperative it is for the dreams and nightmares to learn to trust, the shadow of hope, will you help me,” his eyes held yours and there was a delicate plea seeping into his gravelly voice, “save the world?”
You rested your head against Edwin's torso as you flipped through the mail you were holding. He was propped against the back of the wall as he went through a thick volume of ghost fungi or something. You couldn't care less. The past week had been tiring, an understatement of course. Your every organ was tired, despite sleeping for 10 hours a day. But it wasn't like you were sleeping, Morpheus and you trained every night in the Dreaming, and your grueling efforts had reaped no fruit yet. And during the days, the agency's work took a toll on you. The only respite from your exhausting and rigorous routine was the hour just before dawn, when you'd sit with Dream in your little bubble and gaze at the stars together. You'd begun looking forward to it every day, you had realised with reluctance. 
"Aha! This seems interesting.” You held out a paper in your hand, grabbing the attention of both the boys. 
Charles tilted his head from his position on the table to read the print on the paper. "A demon possession, brills!" 
"So your believe you are possessed by a demon?" Edwin scribbled notes in his notepad. 
"Yes.” The girl's voice was hoarse with crying. 
"And what makes you believe that?" 
"I-I wake up in strange places which I have no memory of traveling to, and there are voices inside my head-”
"Yeah, welcome to being alive duh," you snorted. 
Shit you had said that aloud. 
Charles gave you a rebuking look. 
"Sorry," you muttered. 
"The voices inside my head, they are too loud. He makes me do things I would never do," the girl continued.
"Can you..feel him right now?" 
"No,” she shook her head, “he surfaces only occasionally," she sniffed. 
"Hey." Charles held the girl by her shoulders. "Don't worry, you will be okay. We will get him out, we promise.”
Oh no, there was only one rule. You never ever promised a client. You look up expecting to see Edwin's dismal expression but only find a thin veil of envy coating his features. Oh boy. 
You were just beginning to tease him when you caught the unmistakable unruly hair of the King of Dreams to your right in the distance. 
"Uh guys, I will be right back," you told the group, "really need to pee."
God you needed to work on your excuses. 
"What are you doing here?" You hissed when you neared him. 
Matthew cawed on his shoulder. 
"Pleased to meet you too Hazel.”
"I thought we had a deal, no training during daytime.”
"It's not I but Lucienne who seeks you. She needs your help with the library.”
"Oh?” Spending an entire day in the library of dreams? Sign me up. “Well then I could make an exception for her,” you hummed. 
“Of course, it doesn’t assist any fascination of yours,” he mocked. 
“Did you just attempt sarcasm? They grow up so fast.” You wiped false tears.
“Come now-”
“I need to tell the boys first, and don’t-don’t do that whirlpool thing here,” you looked around, “there are witnesses. Meet me at the-”
Before you could finish, he dissolved into nothingness. Great. 
“Were you um talking to yourself?” Edwin’s voice spooked you. 
You whirled around. “Yeah, just normal sane things.” You added hurriedly, “what’s with the girl?” 
Edwin’s expression changed into annoyance at her mention. “Charles insists on taking her back to the apartment to-“ he drew quotation marks in the air, “-monitor her in hopes of expelling the demon out of her body.”
“Well all the best with that.”
“What do you mean? You aren’t coming back with us?” 
“I just think that since she’s not a ghost and I don’t have any leverage over her, I might pursue other activities today.”
“Like the date?” Edwin frowned.
“No-Yes,” you sighed, giving up. 
“Uh alright have fun. See you tonight.” 
“You too.” 
You were propped up in Lucienne’s chair, combing through yet another volume of the history of the universe. The sheer rarity of this knowledge baffled you. You hadn’t seen Morpheus since he had apparated the both of you in the library. Turns out, Lucienne had been rearranging vast sections of the library today and even though she didn’t exactly need your help with that, she welcomed an eager friend and her joyful company. After hours of studying her intricate filing system and aiding her in that, your tired self now sat a few feet away from where she stacked the remnant books in their allotted places. You simply were in awe of that woman. Matthew chirped from your shoulder, he had seemed to make a home there. Eyes drooping with exhaustion, you slammed the book shut. Should you ask them? It’s now or never right?
“Who was Hope?” 
Lucienne froze in her movements, and Matthew stopped chirping. A feather could be heard dropped in the quiet that you had unknowingly compelled the room into. 
The librarian answered after what felt like hours, “it isn’t our place to say, my lady.” 
You nodded, a part of you had already known her answer. 
“Hazel please Lucienne.”
”Sorry my la- Hazel.”
Jesse, you had learned was the name of the possessed girl, giggled at an extremely, extremely horrid joke of Charles. 
“I don’t understand. That wasn’t funny,” Edwin said. 
Man he really needed to learn to conceal his jealousy better. 
“You and me both buddy,” you said more to yourself. 
“It’s alright mate, it isn’t exactly Victorian humour,” Charles said in between laughs. 
Charles and Jesse were clustered together on the couch, being unnecessarily touchy. Edwin was viewing them with a bitter scowl. 
You nudged him in the ribs lightly, “Someone is jealous.”
“Please, like she is someone a human or ghost could get jealous over.” 
Was he seriously that utterly daft?
“Eds I meant Charles,” you said it in a ‘duh that’s so obvious’ tone. 
“What?” He got immediately defensive. “Charles is my best friend, and nothing more. Nor do I wish him to be,” he jutted his chin out.
“Ok liar, pants on fire,” you squinted at him. 
“Hazel I don’t know how to prove that to you.”
You tittered, “prove it to yourself, love.” 
Edwin sat in deliberate consideration for a while. You glanced at the time, 9:00 pm, you were so tired but the day was young even though the moon was out. A part of you just wanted to escape your destiny and blah blah, but the part that was slowly growing attached to Dream didn't let you do so.
“Hazel?” Charles’ voice pulled you back. 
“Uh yeah,” 
“So tell her about it.”
“About what?” 
“About the case of the sea monster we solved a while back," he said with annoyance, "were you not listening to me?”
“Uh uh. No can do.” You got up, brushing imaginary flecks of dust from your pants. “Anyways lads, I am going to disintegrate myself into my beloved bed now where my beloved sleep awaits me.”
“Who are you and what have you done to my Hazel?” Charles pointed his fingers at you. 
“What?” You laughed. 
“Mate you have been going to bed at 9 pm for more than a week now, you, the one who put the sleep schedule of owls to shame.”
“Yeah I don’t know man I just feel super tired recently.”
“Everything's aces right?” Charles’ voice was concerned. 
“You just seem a lot distant lately,” Edwin added. 
“I do?” Genuine shock seeped into your tone. You needed to cover your tracks better. You fucking hated keeping things from them. Jesse looked curiously at you. 
“Yep boys everything's aces, it’s just called being in your 20's right?” You tried to lighten the atmosphere with a joke. 
They didn’t even seem half convinced but didn’t interfere further as you entered your room and subsequently the land of Dreams. 
The river babbled as it shimmered under the stars. Morpheus and you sat together after another training session. You were getting closer, both you and him were sensing it. You turned your head towards him, his dark eyes held the entire cosmos in them, and his cloak blended into the surroundings. Here in the dark, under the cover of the night, he almost felt like an extension of darkness itself. His hair was wild like always, falling on his forehead, and you had the sudden urge to glide your fingers through them and tuck them back. Embarrassing. 
“Do you wish to say something, mortal?” 
This time the mortal wasn’t used as a deriding remark, rather it had now become a term of endearment between you two. 
“Did you love her?” The question escaped you. 
Morpheus was silent. “Love who?” 
“Hope,” you said, her name on your tongue a weird sensation. 
He didn’t answer. But that was answer enough for you. Dream in love? The literal king of Dreams was capable of experiencing an emotion as tender as love? A pang of something hit your insides. Jealousy? No, can’t be. No way in hell you were falling for an Endless, least of all him. 
Time laughed somewhere in the universe. 
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corinthianism · 4 months
everything has changed | dean winchester (2)
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pairing: dean winchester/f!reader additional tags: reverse isekai, fluff, crack, meet cute, slight angst
masterlist | previous chapter | next chapter | ao3
Your alarm blared to life at 7:00AM, shocking you awake as the morning sun hit your eyes like it was trying to blind you. The offending sound was cut short by a prompt smack of your hand. You rolled over onto your back and rubbed your eyes, the sleep fading away slowly as you blinked up at the ceiling. The bed was warm and plush under you, inviting you back to the dream world with every passing moment that you didn’t move. You were tempted to accept that invitation. Then, your drowsiness vanished altogether like a popped bubble as you remembered yesterday’s events.
You met Dean Winchester in the flesh, and he was staying at your house.
That was enough to jog you awake, sitting upright and rubbing the tiredness from your eyes again as you contemplated on what to do. A quick glance to the side let you know that your bedroom door was slightly ajar, so you decided to get your robe from the foot of your bed and see if yesterday was just a fever dream.
The fuzzy slippers kept your feet off of the cold wooden floors, though you took great care in making sure your footsteps were quiet as you wrapped your robe tightly around you, padding over to the living room to check if your suspicions were true. At first glance, it seemed that everything was completely normal… until you saw sock-clad feet poking out from the armrest of your couch.
The couch was facing away from you and as you got closer, you saw a wallet and keys on the coffee table in front of it. A few more steps even closer, and there was the familiar mousy brown mop of hair that belonged to none other than Dean Winchester, who was sleeping soundly in your living room. His soft snores filled the room, his right arm hooked under the pillow his head was resting on. His other hand was under the pillow as well. He was wearing one of your exes’ old shirts, which was luckily just his size, and old sweatpants that had belonged to your grandfather. On top of him was a thick blanket that you always kept on the couch, for the nights that you wanted to snuggle up and get warm while watching a movie. It made Dean look a little bit small. If the circumstances that led him here weren’t so odd, you might’ve felt more warm and fuzzy inside at the sight in front of you.
“Should I wake him up?” you wondered. Even asleep, he looked so exhausted. Handsome, yes, but exhausted nonetheless. You reached out to tap his shoulder, only for him to jolt awake and you were met face to face with the barrel of the pistol he was hiding under the pillow.
“WHAT THE FU— DEAN! It’s me!” you put your hands up in panicked surrender, “It’s me! From yesterday!”
“Where am I?” he grumbled sleepily, squinting his eyes despite his gun being perfectly aimed at your head.
“You’re at my house!” you almost-yelled, exasperated. “You were bleeding out on the curb yesterday and we talked at the diner?”
After a few moments of just… staring at each other, he finally seemed to process what was going on, letting out a soft “oh” as he lowered his gun and placed it on your coffee table next to his other stuff, “Sorry ‘bout that, sweetheart.”
“It’s fine— actually, it’s not,” you nearly conceded. “Please don’t point a gun at my face ever again.”
“I thought you were… somethin’ bad,” he murmured, letting his head fall back onto the pillow, those last two words being muffled by the fabric. It took him a couple of seconds to pull himself back up and lean against the couch, looking up at you. “Uh, thanks for letting me crash here tonight.”
“No problem,” you nodded slowly, looking at everything except for him. You cleared your throat, “Coffee?”
Dean was a surprisingly neat house guest, but it might’ve just been because it was his first night here with you. The two of you settled across from each other on the island countertop of your kitchen.
He took a sip of his black coffee, eyes darting around to inspect his surroundings, “This is a nice place you got here.”
“Thanks,” you hummed appreciatively. You worked your ass off to buy this house, which was a near-Herculean feat in this day and age. It was your space, and it was very you. You were proud of that. “Took a while before I got it though. I used to rent an apartment with some friends, but the inheritance from my grandpa helped a lot, too.”
“Oh, well… good for you.”
You wanted the ground to swallow you alive. Small talk hurt you like nothing else, though it seemed the same could be said for Dean, whose gaze was now avoiding yours, much like what you had done earlier in the living room.
“So,” you looked up at him when he spoke, “you know a good chunk about me, ‘cause of that… Supernatural show.”
“I guess? The CW cancelled it back in, what? 2011? When Misha Collins died, so there’s definitely a lot I don’t know now,” you told him, absentmindedly stirring your coffee.
“Misha who?”
“He played Castiel.”
“Yeah,” you sighed. “It’s a shame, I met him once. He was nice.”
He gave you a sympathetic look, knowing that that man’s death was another life lost because of his job. “So the show just… stopped?” he asked, trying to confirm your earlier statement. “You don’t know anything that happens after?”
You shook your head.
Dean chuckled dryly, “Can’t say I’m complaining, I’d rather not have a whole ‘nother universe watch the literal story of my life.”
That earned him a quiet laugh from you, “I don’t blame you. It’s, um, pretty sad. No offense.”
“None taken, you’re right,” he managed to give you a small smile, “say, I think it’s just fair that I get to know you. Since I’m crashing here in the meantime and all.”
And there it was again: the urge to jump through the window now that he was staring at you, waiting for you to tell him about yourself. Dean motherfucking Winchester wanted you to tell him about yourself. Same dude who went face to face with archangels, regular shmegular angels, demons, and whatever else since it was clear that his life kept going long after Supernatural ended.
You couldn’t stop your anxiety from creeping in, “Yeah, uh, I don’t think you’d wanna hear about it. I’m a pretty boring person.”
“Sweetheart, after everything my brother and I have been through? I think boring is pretty great,” he winked at you, something that you would’ve never thought in a million years that Jensen Ackles would do to you, let alone Dean himself. It was bizarre, the way your hands suddenly got very sweaty and how the words couldn’t really escape your throat.
“I… uh…” you stuttered. “I graduated a couple years ago? Lied on my CV, got this really nice remote job. I… don’t really go out much, which is kinda disappointing, considering my major.”
If he noticed the self-deprecating remark you made, he didn’t mention it. Instead, he got this glimmer in his eyes as he listened to you intently, “What’d you study?”
Your brain nearly short-circuited right then and there. It was pretty fucking sad, how such a simple question had you freezing up like a clam. You scrambled to regain your composure, trying not to mess this up and send this semi-okay conversation into the trash, “Archaeology.”
If there was a glimmer in his eyes before, there were fireworks in them now, “Woah, like Indiana Jones?”
The laugh came out before you could even register it, and maybe it was just in your head, but Dean looked mighty proud of himself for being the one to coax it out of you.
“Yeah, like Indiana Jones. I’m just… not doing a lot of exploring or anything,” you smiled. “But I had a lot of fun studying it, surprisingly. It’s just a shame I never got to actually use my degree for the job I have now. You don’t exactly need to have an archaeology degree to be a customer service provider.”
“It’s never too late to start,” he grinned, before leaning forward and donning this almost-really-serious expression, “wait, how old are you?”
“Younger than you,” you responded in a rare show of cheekiness, taking a sip of your coffee as he rolled his eyes, “but thanks, maybe one of these days I’ll go uncover some ancient mysteries or something.”
“Now that’s something I’d pay to see,” he smiled sincerely.
The next few hours were spent not doing much. Dean’s wound was still fresh, and without the help of a certain angel friend, moving about too much could tear the stitches. There was one perk of not having a life: you had a shit ton of vacation days that you decided to take advantage of after breakfast. You figured two weeks off was enough to help Dean, since there was no way Sam and Castiel weren’t already trying to get him back. And because you didn’t wanna piss off your boss. That was a pretty big factor, too.
Dean was restless, most likely a result of how demanding and taxing his job was, but you stayed surprisingly firm when he mentioned his plan of going back to that sidewalk to see if he could find any clues that could help him get back home. Guilt blossomed in your chest for not allowing him to do much, but the risk of his stitches tearing and compromising his ability to protect you should anything follow you to your home was too great. You had to look out for yourself, too, though the idea of him being in pain again certainly didn’t help convince you to agree to his plans.
He was currently in the living room, where you had set up HBO for him so he could just watch something while you went about your day. You managed to dig out some more clothes for him to wear, just in case he felt like showering. You wanted to go to Goodwill and get him some new clothes, since it seemed he would be staying with you for quite a while.
“Dean?” you called out to him.
He paused the show he was watching, which upon further inspection turned out to be The Last of Us, and turned his head to face you, “Yeah?”
“I’ll just go out for a bit. I’ll be back in thirty-ish minutes maybe?”
“Woah, woah, woah, hang on. What do you mean you’re going out? It’s not safe,” he said, his back suddenly straightening as he stood up. “I’ll come with you.”
“Dean, it’s just a quick milk run.”
“Exactly. I’m probably not gonna tear my stitches on a milk run, right?”
You couldn’t argue with his logic, and also because a very big part of you would feel better with him around, even if you were just going to buy a few clothes.
“Come on, sweetheart,” he got closer to you, placing his hands on your shoulders in an effort to get you to agree, “I’d feel a lot better if I could stay there with you since you’ve helped me so much already.”
You deflated under his gaze, unable to do much other than relent because goddamn it, how could anyone say no to him? Maybe he learned a thing or two about puppy dog looks from his brother. It was infuriating. And it also echoed your sentiments from yesterday, about him staying with you instead of at some run-down motel.
With a defeated sigh, you cocked your head as a sign for him to come with you to the garage. He grinned and got his now-spotless jacket, which you had washed thoroughly the night before.
Now that you thought about it, you decided to go to Target instead, suddenly feeling embarrassed if you were to bring Dean to Goodwill of all places. Not that there was anything wrong with that, but you figured you could afford to spend a little more on the man that saved the world. Well, his world.
“Okay, wait,” he grabbed your wrist. “Do you have a sharpie?”
“What for?”
“Anti-possession,” he explained. “I’ll just try my best to draw it on your arm or something.”
Your eyes widened, simultaneously because you realized that possession was definitely a real threat now, but mostly because he didn’t need to draw anything on your arm.
“Uh, Dean?”
He looked up at you, brows furrowed in concern, “What is it?”
You froze, “I don’t think I’m gonna need it.”
Before he could ask any more questions, you turned around and pulled the collar of your shirt down, revealing a small anti-possession tattoo of your own.
“Please don’t ask. I was young and stupid,” you cringed, letting go of the fabric to cover it back up.
“I wouldn’t say it was stupid,” he chuckled, intrigued by the story behind the tattoo, since you were definitely not getting chased by demons at any point in your life besides maybe now. “It saves us some time, at least.”
You nodded stiffly, opting to head straight to the garage to get your car. He followed after you.
Dean let out a wolf whistle, “Oh, would you look at that…”
In your garage was a cherry-red 1965 Ford Mustang, an all-American car if you ever saw one. Your companion clearly liked what he saw, briefly looking over at you as if asking for permission to swoon over the car, which you happily gave him.
“Hell yeah,” he grinned to himself, immediately going over to look at very little thing the car had to offer. “Oh, she’s beautiful. She got a name?”
You smiled fondly at the sight of him looking so giddy, “Yeah, my grandpa called her Monroe.”
“Like the actress?”
“Yep,” you nodded, putting your hands in your pockets as you walked over to where he was standing. “Wanna take her for a ride?”
That question alone made Dean look at you as if you hung the sun, moon, and stars in the sky. His lips curled up into a soft smile, “You sure, sweetheart? It’s your car after all.”
“Well, how many girls can say Dean Winchester drove them around?” you smirked, tossing him the keys from your pocket.
His hand gripped the keys tightly, like he was holding a rare gem. Or like Rose holding her big gaudy Heart of the Ocean necklace from Titanic. After you opened the garage door, Dean wasted no time in taking the car out and feeling the fine leather seats under him that were so reminiscent of his Baby’s. Only a day has passed and it was clear once you hopped in that he was missing a certain Impala.
“So, where we headin’ to, ma’am?” he cleared his throat, giving you his signature charismatic smile, his eyes still lingering on every nook and cranny of the Mustang.
“Yeah, it’s only a few blocks from here.”
“What’re we doing there?”
You turned to him, flashing him a winning smile, “We’re going shopping.”
He just shrugged, not questioning your choice. The radio beside the steering wheel caught his attention, prompting him to turn it on out of curiosity about what a woman like you liked to listen to. With a press of a button, the radio came to life.
“—For times when my life seems so low
It would make me believe what tomorrow could bring
When today doesn’t really know
Doesn’t really kn—”
“Air Supply?” he asked, surprised. “You listen to Air Supply?”
Your cheeks heated up with embarrassment, causing you to sink in your seat, bracing for some judgment on his part, “...They’re good.”
“Never said they weren’t,” he grinned, leaning forward to turn up the volume as he drove. He began to lip-sync to the rest of the lyrics, fisting the air as the song reached its iconic chorus.
“I’m all out of love, I’m so lost without you
I know you were right believing for so long
I’m all out of love, what am I without you?
I can’t be too late to say that I was so wrong”
He went as far as to nod his head to the music, glancing at you every now and then to see the way your eyes watered from laughing so hard. He cracked a satisfied smile, turning his attention back to the road as Target came into view. It didn’t take him long to park the Mustang, leaving the passenger’s seat to go over to your side and open the car door for you. He’d done it so easily, so nonchalantly, that you almost didn’t think much of it until you got to the main entrance when you felt his hand lightly brush over the small of your back.
When the cool air of the store hit you, so did the realization that he was so close to you. Your shoulders were practically touching as you walked, and you couldn’t help the way your face got hot whenever he gently placed his hand on your shoulder whenever you made a turn.
Finally, you reached the menswear section of Target.
“Oh, are you buyin’ clothes for someone?” he asked, looking around, though you saw the way his eyes lingered on the canvas jackets and the plaid shirts, all conveniently organized together in one area.
“For you,” you patted his shoulder.
“You don’t have to,” he said. “You’re already letting me borrow some.”
“Yeah, like… two shirts and one pair of sweatpants. And you’re only wearing those pants right now because I threw them in the laundry as soon as you took a shower,” you put your hand on your hip, eyeing his jeans.
He looked away, suddenly embarrassed because he knew you were right. You grabbed his wrist, pulling him towards the racks of canvas jackets he was staring at moments before, “What’s your size?”
He took a deep breath, “...Large.”
“Great,” you grinned at him, starting to peruse the jacket options in front of you. Truthfully, the prices made you die inside a little bit, but you wanted to do something nice for Dean. He was your guest and he agreed to keep you safe. You didn’t miss the way he would constantly glance at you as soon as you stepped out of your garage.
And you hoped that maybe, once he went home, it would be like bringing a piece of you and your world along with him. Something to remember you by. It’d only been a day and he was already the best company you’ve had in the last few years.
“Holy shit! Is that Jensen Ackles?” you heard someone say from behind you and Dean. He turned around, immediately putting himself in front of you as a teenage boy got closer. An older man, who you assumed was his dad, wasn’t too far behind. “Dude, can I take a picture with you?”
The boy was no more than sixteen. Thick black-rimmed glasses sat on his nose, where snot glistened disgustingly under the overhead department store lights. Blond hair was stuck to his sweaty forehead, a large dark patch under his armpits: all tell-tale signs of a would-be incel, if he wasn't already.
Dean smiled awkwardly at the boy and sighed, “Sorry, kid. I can’t.”
He must’ve expected the kid to just accept that answer and leave, but to his surprise, the boy was persistent. Annoyingly persistent.
“Come on, bro! It’s just one photo!” the teen pushed. The dad wasn't doing anything to get his kid to behave, too distracted by some phone call.
“Kid,” Dean spoke firmly, “I really can’t right now.”
At this second rejection, the kid got this indignant look in his eyes, his attention turning to you. “Is that your girlfriend?”
Without warning, the kid took out his phone and started recording, pointing the camera at you and Dean, “Guys, look what I found! Jensen Ackles is like, alive! And he has a new girlfriend!”
“Fuck,” Dean muttered under his breath. “Hey, kid, can you stop that?”
The boy ignored him, still shakily recording without a care in the world. His father was still busy talking to someone on the phone.
“Okay, you know what? Give me that,” Dean frowned, snatching the phone away. The kid yelped in surprise, his eyes widening comically so.
“Give it back!” the kid pushed his glasses back up. “Give. It. Back!”
Dean sported a shit-eating grin, “Or what?”
If you didn’t know any better, you’d say the kid started reddening like a cartoon character out of anger, steam blowing from his ears. He ran towards Dean, not unlike a rabid animal. Now it was Dean’s turn to flinch in surprise, nearly losing grip of the phone when the kid managed to get his grubby little hands on it. Despite the whole thing lasting about five seconds, it was almost like everything happened in slo-mo.
It was ridiculous to watch. Ridiculous probably wasn’t even enough to describe it. A forty-something man and a pubescent kid playing tug o’ war over a phone. Said forty-something man also being a fictional character that got sucked into your world.
It was enough to write a New York Times bestseller about.
The phone fell to the floor, its screen shattering into tiny little glass fragments. The sound of it hitting the ground finally got the kid’s dad to look; first at his kid, then to Dean, then to you, then to the broken phone.
The matching look of utter anguish on his and his son’s faces told you that that phone was probably incredibly expensive.
You and Dean shared a look, one that confirmed that you both had the same thought:
And so you did.
He grabbed your hand, breaking into a sprint as the father’s brain seemed to finally catch up with what was happening. The teen boy started cursing at the two of you, using words that he most definitely learned from the darkest depths of the Internet. The boy’s yelling attracted the attention of other customers, and as more eyes turned to you and Dean (who they would only know as the guy who plays Dean), the sight of the main exit of Target had never looked sweeter.
Though the other customers weren’t really doing anything except look at you, it made the whole store feel extremely claustrophobic. Dean tugged on your sleeve, forcing you to run faster and match his pace.
As soon as you got out of Target, very narrowly avoiding the guard thanks to the guy’s delayed reaction to what was happening, Dean fished your Mustang’s keys out of his pocket, fumbling with them a little bit before getting in and inserting the keys into the ignition.
He waited for you to get in, and like so many times before with his beloved Baby, he floored it and drove away with a victorious laugh.
“Oh my god!” you gasped, breathing heavily. The rearview mirror showed the father-son duo from hell jog out of the building, still yelling profanities at you.
Dean was still laughing, having seen the same thing in the rearview mirror from his side.
“I should feel bad but I really don’t,” his laughter simmered down to an amused chuckle. “Kid had it coming.”
“That’s so mean!” you smacked his arm, though you were still smiling.
He turned to you briefly, “Well, we can’t have the world thinking Jensen Ackles suddenly reappeared outta nowhere, right? And with a new girlfriend, no less. I bet that would be a scandal.”
You tried to suppress the blush starting to bloom in your cheeks at the mention of being mistaken for his girlfriend, “Yeah, you can say that again.”
“Sorry about that,” he apologized out of the blue.
“You were gonna do something nice for me,” he told you. “And then that happened.”
“When in doubt, blame the kid,” you reassured him with a smile. He threw his head back as he laughed at this, before reaching for the radio. This time, “You’re Still The One” by Shania Twain started playing.
And everything was alright again.
author's note: hope you guys enjoyed the second chapter! let me know what you think and as always, likes and reblogs are always appreciated!
taglist: @delfonicstheme-blog @deans-spinster-witch @nancymcl @tiredstrangerr (let me know in the comments if you'd like to be added to the taglist!)
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hwashotcheeto · 4 months
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𝑭𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝑴𝒆, 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑴𝒐𝒐𝒏
NightPrince!Park Seonghwa X DawnPrincess!Reader
Summary: The Night Prince disappeared into thin air. No one knows where he is or why he left. You, his wife, send a desperate prayer to the moon to return him to you.
WC: 735
CW: First person POV, angst, fluff
AN: Boo, surprise angst.
Yeah this one is different. Born of a bout of depression and guilt, and an idea @malldreamprincess and I thought of during Paradigm era (wdym it's been over a year since then). But I really wanted to post it, so...here you go.
Named after and heavily inspired by "From Me, The Moon" by Lav, please go listen to it, it's beautiful.
Tag List: @cherrycel @mxnsxngie @malldreamprincess
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“Is the moon still in love with the sun?” I whispered into the empty room, the tears on my face running onto the pillow.
The moonlight splayed itself across the floor of my bedroom from my balcony. The sheer curtains gladly let it pass by, welcoming it in, even.
I'd wondered about it for years. Did he love me as much as he vowed he did, on that wonderful day we were joined in holy matrimony? Did he lie to me? Was it all a lie?
Was I ever truly his sunrise? His dawn? His sun?
The daylight to his moonlight?
If I was, then why had he disappeared? Why did he vanish without a trace? Why did he leave me?
Two years, and I wasn't the same as I used to be.
Two years after having returned to my home kingdom. A disgraced princess. An “almost queen.”
They could throw all the names they wanted at me. They could call me whatever they wanted. I knew in my heart that I loved him. That I was faithful. That I never would've abandoned him.
And he still disappeared. He still left. No one knew what happened to him.
I rose from my bed and crossed the room, unlocking the doors to the balcony and pulling them open to step out onto it.
The night air was biting, and seeped in through my thin nightgown. I braved the chill and laid my hands on the cold stone barrier, leaning against it, looking up at the moon.
The moon. Where my prince had believed to had come from. That he was a moondrop, a gift from the gods.
“My dear moonlight,” I whispered, “Please return to me. I want nothing more than to be in your arms again.”
The tears flowed down my cheeks again. The wind blew against my face and made me shiver.
“I don't know where or why you've gone. Most days, I don't care. All I want is for you to come home safe. For my husband to return to me.”
“I'm so sorry, my sunrise.”
I whirl around and my eyes meet his. My love. My husband. I heard his voice, I saw his face.
A hallucination? I blinked, and he remained. He remained, standing as he always did. Like a royal, proper prince would.
With not a scratch on him.
I ran forward and threw myself into his arms, hugging him tighter than I ever had before. He held me tight, and I never felt so safe.
My husband. My love. My moonlight.
“You're here,” I sobbed. I could hear him whimper.
“I'm here,” he repeated.
He was here. He'd returned to me. After so long, he'd returned to me when I needed him most. When I was beginning to think he never would. When I was wondering if he ever loved me.
I lifted my head and held his cheek. Again, not a single scratch on him. No scars, no markings. His skin was as clear as it could've been.
“My moonlight, where have you been?” I wiped his tears with my thumb, and he held my hand as he leaned against it.
Normally, I'd be demanding answers and making him tell me who the hell he thought he was disappearing for two years without a word to anyone. To me, his family, his kingdom.
But when he closed his gorgeous moonlit eyes and kissed my hand, his face crumpling in another sob, I couldn't bring myself to demand anything of him.
I pulled him closer as I reached up, and he met me in the middle in a sweet, loving kiss. Euphoria bloomed in my veins as his lips pressed against mine, stars exploded behind my eyes. I realized then how bad I craved his touch.
When he pulled back, his lips hovered above mine, and his eyes looked into mine. He reached out to hold my face as well, cradling the back of my head and side of my face. I gratefully leaned into it.
“I'm so sorry I left you, my dawn,” he whispered. “I won't ever leave without telling you.”
“Why did you leave at all?” I croaked out, my throat closing up.
Grief washed over his face. Dread rolled around in the pit of my stomach.
I wasn't prepared for any of the words he said next.
“I returned to the moon.”
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This is a work of fiction written by me. This does not represent the idol(s) in any way. Any re-upload is not allowed and will be reported.
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klausinamarink · 8 months
One Kid Gone, Another Up and Vanished (part 8)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 | next: Part 9 | ao3
The meeting we’ve all been waiting for… (also wow it’s already October what the hell. Plus it’s whumptober so this feels very fitting ^^ also sorry for the slower updates, I’ve started work again and it’s hectic to even get the writing energy after shifts, especially when I’m also doing a couple fan events)
Will carefully moves his hand around the drawer, brushing against the items inside and feeling their shapes for something familiar. When he finds it, he takes his hand out all the more slowly as not to brush his elbow against the vines that are keeping the drawer half open.
In his hand is a Zippo lighter. This one is bigger than his palm with a dragon engraving. The sight of it makes Will’s heart skip a beat. This one. This should work too.
He slips it into the pocket of his vest. It clinks against the other Zippos he had collected. On his way out of the trailer home, Will hops over the thickest vines on the ground as the residents chatter.
“Don’t forget about the fish.”
“I won’t, Bella. Are you stopping by the Byers kid’s funeral today?”
“What?” Will asks aloud, stopping in his tracks.
“Maybe, but I’m not sure I can attend the wake after.”
“Why? You and Joyce have a feud I don’t know about?”
“None of your business, Cody. I just don’t feel comfy about apologizing for nothing to a woman grieving her dead son.”
Will stays a moment longer but the couple’s conversation is already over, heavy footsteps echoing across the floor and to the gravel outside. He follows, but not before waving a hand on the light-switch, watching the lights in the living room burst into glittering orange in quick succession.
“Goddamn electric bill…”
He takes that cue to leave.
It’s a stomach-turning daze on the walk back to Eddie’s trailer. The couple had just mentioned a funeral. His funeral. But that can’t be right! Funerals happen when someone dies and their body has to be buried. And Will’s still very alive right now and his mom knows that!
And if Mom knows he’s alive, then she must’ve told Jonathan and the Party. And if they all know, then the school and rest of Hawkins wouldn’t make up a funeral for him.
He swallows down the urge to vomit. It’s suddenly harder to breathe. Will thinks it’s another coughing bout but nothing happens. It just feels like his chest is being squeezed.
He hurries faster. He doesn’t want to leave Eddie alone for too long.
Once he’s back in the trailer, he tiptoes his way into Eddie’s bedroom. He hasn’t been there before in the first visit, but it’s so full of posters, books, cassette tapes, and a red oddly-shaped guitar hanging on a wall. When he had first stepped in here, Will understood why Eddie didn’t want anybody to know he listens to David Bowie because there’s not a single poster of Bowie or The Clash anywhere. Only scary looking metal bands with similar clothes as Eddie.
Eddie’s still laying on bed, his back to the door. The same position he’s been in when Will had left.
Will slowly comes up to him and gently pats on his shoulder. He doesn’t say anything because touching is enough confirmation to say I’m back.
It’s like when Dad yells at Jonathan and his brother would be completely mute for the rest of the day or even the next day, not liking it when Will tries to talk to him.
“It’s not because I don’t like you trying to make me feel better. I just hate hearing someone talking to me when all I can still hear is Dad.” Jonathan had explained to him gently. Will had understood and hugged him, promising not to talk on Jonathan’s bad days.
Seeing Eddie becoming blank-eyed and not talking after weeping for what felt like hours had brought Will back to his brother’s bad days. So when Eddie couldn’t get up at first, Will made him get up and took him back inside where Eddie had let go of his hand and disappeared into his room.
It makes Will angry. Not at Eddie but at his uncle. Eddie had talked about his uncle Wayne like he was the best guy in the world and he left. He ran and never came back despite hearing Eddie on the phone.
When they get out of here, Will is going to punch Eddie’s uncle in the knees. Maybe. He had never hit anyone before.
Leaning against the bed, Will sits down on the floor and gets out the Zippo lighters he had collected. He has twelve in total so he organizes them in two rows of six. He picks the first one up and tries to catch a light.
It doesn’t work.
He puts it on the side and picks up the next one.
For about every two minutes, Will tries a lighter and sees if a flame can work. Sometimes it catches but only for a brief second. When a lighter does work, he flicks it off and on again to check if it’ll do it again, only for the spark to fail. This happens to Zippos number four, seven, and nine.
Even as the lighters dwindle with no success, Will keeps his hopes high. He has a crazy plan that he’s sure Eddie would love and he really wants it to work.
Number eleven is the one with the dragon design. He sucks in a quick breath and flicks it on.
The flame appears immediately before his eyes.
Will gasps, suddenly unable to flip the Zippo lid on. It looks much more brighter than the others, almost the same glow as the lights. Despite its small size, it illuminates the room, casting shadows as it flickers.
He takes another breath and closes the Zippo. He clamps it tight between both hands. Please come back.
As the Zippo flicks open, its flame returns.
Will can’t help but emit a happy shriek, “Eddie! It works, it works! The lighter works!”
He turns around, hoping to see Eddie sitting up wide eyed and shrieking back in excitement. But he still sees Eddie’s back.
The smile falls from Will’s face. He clicks the Zippo shut. Then he flips it open again, stretching his right hand out enough so it wouldn’t get burned. He looks at the now-orange wall as the shadow of his hand mimics a rabbit’s head.
“Look, Eddie the Elder Traveller.” Will whispers. He “hops” his hand, making it disappear and reappear on the silhouette of Eddie’s back. Then he moves his fingers so it would look like a fox. “The fox is about to get the rabbit.”
Eddie doesn’t move.
A sudden thought strikes upon Will: What if Eddie’s dead?
He lunges himself onto the mattress, barely careful to turn the lighter off. After an ‘whoompf’, he turns on his side to actually face Eddie. He flicks the lighter back on and sighs in relief when he sees Eddie’s pupils immediately dilating.
“See, Eddie? We have light. I can make a real fire to scare the monster off.” Will tells him in a hushed tone. Watches for any more movement or reactions.
Nothing. Even his breathing is too small to notice.
Will closes the Zippo, shivering when the tiny warmth disappears. It’s getting colder the longer they’re here.
Eddie finally moves.
Will almost says something, but Eddie’s face is unchanging even as his arm wraps around Will and pulls him close to his chest, Will’s head tucking under his chin.
This close, Will can feel Eddie’s heartbeat - slow and almost not there..
He gulps, tears pricking the corner of his eyes. He lets himself stay in the hug before he taps Eddie’s arm. He whispers, “I have to get up.”
There’s a small tremor across Eddie’s body. Will feels him slowly shaking his head and tightening his arm.
“I promise to come back. It’ll only be a few minutes.”
Eddie shakes his head again but stops. Then he makes a tiny whistling sound like a sigh before his arm loosens. Will slowly shuffles away, watching Eddie’s face as he gets off.
The only change of expression is the glossy look in his eyes.
Will squeezes Eddie’s hand one, two, three, four times. He forces himself to look away and walks out of the room.
On the kitchen counter, the pile of dirty towels and broken wood pieces remain besides a tall bottle of cooking oil as he had left them. Will takes a deep breath and gets to work.
It takes an embarrassing amount of time for Wayne’s courage to come back at his front door. Every attempt to turn the damn doorknob gives him the goosebumps and shivers down his spine. He’s fairly certain his trailer is haunted and the ghost in there doesn’t want him in.
But Wayne has to go back inside. He needs to collect his suit for Will’s Byers funeral later in the morning. It’s a public invite and Wayne wants to give his respects for Joyce Byers.
He cycles through deep slow breathes before he finally twists the doorknob all the way and steps in.
He expects the living room to be a mess, if the ghost is a poltergeist type. But it’s the same as last night. Not even his mugs are misplaced. Though he can practically taste the new weight of the atmosphere.
He hurries over to the hallway closet, which is a corner away from Eddie’s room. There, the weight presses down, slipping into his throat as if he’s choked with the depression. The same feeling he gets whenever Eddie has an awful day and wants to be out of Wayne’s sight.
Wayne’s hands are carefully still as he finds the black suit at the very end. It’s a little wrinkled but he doesn’t want to stay longer to iron it.
As he changes in the living room, the light in the kitchen flickers.
He freezes. Watches the light flicker slowly and than rapidly.
He finishes in record time and gets the hell out before the ghost gets another idea.
Will listens to the rumbling echoes of the truck driving away. He kicks at the front door again, imagining it to be Eddie’s uncle’s knees.
It’s really frustrating to get someone who isn’t Mom to do more than notice their lights going crazy and ignore it.
Will closes his eyes, takes more deep breaths, and tries not to get mad. Once he’s feeling more calm, he goes back to packing the new torches. He’s made about five, which is enough to fit the small satchel he found in. It’ll be heavier to carry, but he can do it.
He’s both excited and cautious about using fireballs in real life. He knows it’s going to be different than playing in D&D, but Will the Wise always uses fireball as the first and last chance to finish the fight.
Will the Wise had missed. Will Byers will not.
As he returns back to Eddie’s room, the older boy is still lying in the same position. Will wonders if Eddie had even heard his uncle come in and out.
His eyes fall on the box of tapes, somehow untouched by the vines. Then he looks over to Eddie’s desk where a Walkman lies with dust.
An idea pops up.
He makes a quick move to the tapes. He’s almost overwhelmed by the sheer number of them (Eddie probably has more than Jonathan!) but he lets himself pick one by random. It’s too dark to read the band name but it has three angels sitting and smoking.
He grabs the Walkman next. He pops the tape inside and presses play. It immediately starts to life, a song playing loud through the headphones.
Will pads over to Eddie, contemplating if he should slip the headphones on. He places them in front of Eddie where he could see it, exclaiming, “Walkman still works!”
It doesn’t take long for Eddie to sit up. Slowly and robotically, Eddie picks up his Walkman and slips on the headphones. His gaze remains dull and downcast. Will tries hard not to notice the tear tracks cleaning his dirty face.
He steps closer and gently takes Eddie’s hand, limp across the lap. “We should go back to my place.” Will’s not sure if Eddie can even hear him, through the music or not. But Eddie gives a small nod anyway, although he doesn’t stand up until Will tugs him to move.
Will squeezes Eddie’s hand three times as he leads them outside. The demogorgon isn’t here so there’s a bit more luck on their side. Maybe it’s finally leaving them alone?
He says this aloud to Eddie, but Eddie doesn’t respond or squeeze his hand back. Only shuffles along with a blank stare.
Will keeps a tighter grip on their hands and spears. It all feels too heavy.
The funeral goes as expected for a young boy: quiet, heavy-hearted, and carefully neutral expressions. No one wants to be the first to burst into loud tears, not even the Byers.
Wayne looks over at the family during the priest’s readings. Lonnie is carefully sober. Jonathan seems seconds away to crying. Joyce appears almost scowling, no doubt angry at the world for taking her son.
He also notes the three younger boys attending, possibly Will’s best friends. They all look carefully inattentive at the small coffin.
After the initial burial, most of everyone goes to the funeral home for the usual refreshments and murmurs. Wayne didn’t plan to go, not wanting another target of pity on his back. But something on his gut tells him to go there and he’s obedient to himself so he follows the crowd.
He keeps his head down, which does enough of avoiding attention. But the funeral home feels too small and tight. He goes outside to one of the porches.
Joyce is also there, sitting one of the cricketing wooden chairs. She gives out a heavy sigh, “Jonathan, tell your father I’m-”
She stops herself when she looks up and sees Wayne. She looks almost frazzled for a second before her shoulders drop slightly, then they hunch up again. “Oh, sorry.”
Wayne manages to bite the “I’m sorry for your loss” from the tip of his tongue. Instead, he takes out a pack of cigarettes from his jacket pocket and offers it to Joyce.
She blinks before she takes one. Then she hesitates and takes two more. Wayne gives no comment to that. Only asks, “You want a light?”
Joyce shakes her head, taking out a lighter from where she stuffs in the two extra cigarettes. “Thanks for the cigarette though.”
“Not a problem.”
They smoke in silence for a while. Wayne peeks over at Joyce, feeling his eyebrows rise to his scalp when he sees her cigarette is halfway done. But he doesn’t say anything about it. Anyone’s smoking habits is their business, not his.
When Joyce finally speaks, it sounds careful, “I noticed another missing poster on the way here.”
Wayne grunts, “Who’s?”
He stops. He doesn’t look at Joyce. He doesn’t want to see the same goddamn face on her too. Instead, he gives the smallest of nods as he stares out. “He might’ve just ran away to a concert. I’m probably overacting.”
A pause.
Then Joyce says, quiet and hoarse with an undying conviction, “My son is not dead.”
Wayne merely hums. Takes another drag instead of replying back to her.
“Think of me as crazy like everyone else, but that’s not my Will we’ve buried. He’s still alive, I know it.”
Wayne looks at her. She’s staring at the ground as if she wants to burn the grass in front of her. There’s a trembling anger around her outline that threatens to break out and scorch the woods. He gets the feeling this isn’t something Joyce had built up to after her son’s disappearance, but much earlier in her life that she hid well until now.
Her words come over him then and he feels a tug of, well, maybe not sympathy. More akin to understanding. The vague sense of knowing your child is still alive without a doubt and yet everyone already thinks otherwise.
It feels like a curse. That maybe he and Joyce had accidentally walked through some wrong area of land as kids long ago and nature covered their tracks by taking away their boys.
“I get it.” Wayne mumbles around his cigarette. “I know my nephew is out there somewhere but I just don’t know where.”
Joyce hums in acknowledgment. “Maybe they’ve found each other and are coming home as we speak.”
“Careful, wishful thinking is a bad habit.” Wayne jokes lightly. He feels relieved when Joyce snorts and shakes her head. He sighs and looks off to the direction of the cemetery.
“I’ve actually had a call from Eddie last night.” There’s a surprised noise from Joyce. “Yeah. Couldn’t believe it either. But it was so short with lots of static and actually killed my landline. But it was him. And he was calling for me. I just wish I could’ve known immediately where he was so I could drive there as fast as I could to my boy.”
Silence answers him. He worries the pad of his thumb along his jaw. His cigarette is still burning but he lets it drop to the ground, feeling unable to smoke anymore. He stares at the dying embers as if they would tell him off for oversharing like that.
“Did your lights flicker?”
Wayne blinks and looks over. Joyce’s sitting up straighter, traces of anger suddenly vanished and replaced by a wide-eyed expression he cannot place.
“Beg your pardon?”
“Your lights.” Joyce repeats. “Did they, uh, did you have some electrical problems after Eddie disappeared?”
Wayne stares.
Joyce shrinks down, putting out her cigarette. “Sorry, that’s a stupid question. I shouldn’t have asked-”
“No, no, it’s alright. Just why are you asking that?”
Joyce looks back at him with an almost helpless expression. Then she appears to steel herself with a sharp inhale, closes her eyes, and says “The night after Will went missing, I got a call. And I can recognize my baby’s breathing and voice. Even if the other line’s nothing but the static. And every day after that, the lights in my house flickered at random. It happened whenever I called for Will’s name.”
Wayne feels himself leaning forward towards her, his hand lightly grazing his beard. It sends him a little down to memory lane of being ten years old and listening to campfire stories. The ones that scare and intrigue him the most always make him lean forward, as if he can catch the next words from midair and keep them for himself like caterpillars in jars.
“I knew it was Will. It took me a couple of days to figure how to help him speak better through the lights. He told me he wasn’t safe or alone.”
Joyce opens her eyes and meets his. They look almost kindly like a summer’s rain. But Wayne knows how to see through and recognize an approaching tornado.
“Before Will said this, I asked him to spell his name. He did that and also spelled out ‘and Eddie.’”
Wayne catches the air escaping out of his mouth. He turns his head away, looking back down at his dead cigarette.
“I know it sounds like I’m making this up, but I’m not, Wayne.” Joyce continues, her voice firm with a hint of pleading. “If you choose to not believe me and see me as a psychotic bitch hurting your feelings, than that’s fine. All I’m just asking if your lights—”
“Last night.” His voice sounds too calm in Wayne’s ears even though his throat feels rough as sandpaper.
“My lights went crazy last night. Then again this morning.” He returns his gaze back to Joyce. Her mouth is open in an ‘o’ shape, almost like she’s in disbelief. She closes it, the unreadable expression returning.
She asks, “Do you… believe me?”
Wayne thinks back to the campfire stories. How the ones that shake his younger bones and skin are the ones with truth to them, no matter how small they were. And Joyce’s story sounds like the truth is too large to be chopped up.
“It feels a hell of a coincidence that our boys vanished almost a couple days of each other and then we get crazy by our house lights.” Wayne answers slowly.
Joyce almost shutters with a sigh of relief before she snaps her head up at him. “Can you take me to your place?”
Wayne blinks, taken aback by the little whiplash of her words. “What-”
“I want to check your lights. See if we can speak to our boys.” Joyce’s tone is no-nonsense. Her eyes are hard with determination. Her outline of fury is shimmering, no longer ready to burn the town down.
Wayne wonders if he’s looking at himself. That he has the same fury and determination that everyone had seen in him since Eddie never came home.
He nods at her. “I’ll drive you.”
Taglist: @unclewaynemunson @steves-strapcollection @hellion-child @sidekick-hero @mmmmwaffles94 @hbyrde36 @princessstevemunson @sirsnacksalot @tartarusknight @lyriclight @kodaik97 @plsdontdrinkmylavalamp @bookbinderbitch @gutterflower77 @soaringornithopter @angeldreamsoffanfic @panicatthediaz @renaissan-vvitch @manda-panda-monium @newtstabber @little-trash-ghost @niniel-karenine @tinyplanet95
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On Bended Knee
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Summary: Y/N is on their last leg with Elvis.
Warnings: Hurt/Comfort. Mentions of the colonel, mentions of pills. Mm sad Elvis. Lmk if I missed any!
A/N: I was in the middle of an assignment and this song came on and I had to get this down before I forgot it.
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You stare at the mess you’ve made in awe. There are broken dishes, smashed vases; pictures snatched out of the frames, just a mess.
Looking around, you wonder how things had gotten this bad. How a love, once sweet and warm, could grow into something so cold and bitter.
You look toward the bearer of your sorrows; anger graces his features, yet defeat is painted over yours.
His chest is heaving, and his fists are clenched at his sides. He’s waiting for your next move, wondering what’ll come flying in his direction next.
Frankly, you’re exhausted. Between the girls, the drugs, and that slime-ball Elvis calls his manager; you feel like you no longer have a place in his life.
“I’m done…I can’t do this anymore.” It comes out so soft, barely above a whisper. So quiet, you aren’t even sure that you said it.
Elvis is certain you’ve misspoken. Never once have you threatened to leave him. The anger flowing through his body dissipates and is replaced with concern.
In two quick strides, he’s looming over you, cupping your face. “Look at me, baby,” he pleads. You know better than to listen. If you do, you’ll be right back where you started.
“Damnit, I said, look at me!” He booms. Like a child, you do as you’re told, slowly shifting your eyes from that oh-so-interesting spot on the floor to his cerulean eyes.
When your eyes meet, he searches for any indication of a bluff, something that’ll tell him you’re still his, that you aren’t serious.
He doesn’t find it. “Let go, Elvis,” you mutter. The hands cradling your face fall to his sides.
The sound of glass crunching under your feet as you turn toward the door is enough to make you wince. “Satnin, please…” You shake your head. “Elvis, you-“
“It ain’t fuckin Elvis! El, Elvie, Vis, sweetness, loverboy, any one of ‘em will do. You ain’t c-called me Elvis in t-ten goddamn years.”
His voice wavers, and you can’t help the way your head snaps in his direction. You find a broken man resting on his knees, hands in his hair, with tears streaming down his face.
Your feet move before you tell them to; his arms wrap around your legs as sobs rack through his body. “I’m gon fix it satnin, I promise. If this is bout the colonel…I-I’m gon fire him a-and it’ll be jus’ you an me. We’ll go wherever ya want. Any state outta the fifty. Ya jus’ can’t leave me baby. Please.”
You run your fingers through his hair, lightly scratching at his scalp. “El, you need more help than I can give you right now. It ain’t just him, baby. What about the pills and-”
he flies out of your arms, hiccuping as he makes his way to the bathroom. You hear rattling and run after him, scared of what he could be doing.
You peek in and find him dumping pills everywhere. Some in the sink under running water, some Into the shower drain, most into the toilet.He doesn’t stop until every last bottle is empty. When he finishes, he turns his attention to you. “Y/N, I’ll do anything ya ask. Jus’, please, don’t leave.” You can tell he’s serious.
You don’t say a word as you step forward, arms wrapping around his waist. He melts into you, gripping you tight like you’d vanish if he didn’t.
“I-I’m so sorry.” He cries out. You hold on just as tight “Thick and thin, baby, thick and thin. It’s gon be okay, El; we’ll figure this out.”
He just nods his head, thanking every star in the sky that you changed your mind.
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trailshome · 5 months
Playing hide and seek at home but always giving away their hiding spots by giggling for Galeon, Hollond, and a child PC?
//the way that Grammarly hates Hollond's name lol thank you for the ask anon!! sorry if this reads as ramble-ly, it kinda is! I also didn't really answer the prompt correctly, but... it turned out kinda cute (imo) so it's fine! I had a hard time figuring out how to end this so uh... sorry if it drops off at the end. I should sleep now. It's almost 3am, whoops!
You can hear them looking for you, tugging on floor-length curtains, digging through closets, and checking under beds. With each failure to locate you, they draw closer... and closer... until they're in the room with you. You huddle closer to the ground, hands clasped over your mouth to stifle your breathing, and wait from behind the wardrobe -- You're wardrobe.
"Hm... Not here..." You hear Hollond say softly. You can imagine them looking around ponderingly, knuckles pressed flush to their angular chin. "Where, oh where, could our Sweet Pea be?"
"Did you find them?" Another voice asks. It's accompanied by the heavy footsteps of, Galeon. No doubt he was looking in all the previous places you've hidden.
"Nope. Seems they've vanished. Oh dear..."
"Huh, well they have to be here somewhere. Surprised they weren't in the cupboard again. They're lucky I got hungry or they'd still be in there munching on cookies." There's a long silence, one that denotes the affectionate, but flat look that Hollond probably gave him. "What?"
"Nothing, beloved." There's shifting and you just barely see your blankets get tossed to the end of your bed. "I suppose we'll never find them. They're just so good at hiding and so clever. Whatever will we do?"
You brighten up. You are, indeed, very good at hiding!
You hear Galeon sigh as he sits on your bed. It groans under his weight and you can see the top of his head as he flops down across it. "Our poor, MC, so good at hiding, never to be seen again..."
"Our dear, sweet, child... Hiding so well... Alas!" Hollond's voice hits a high note, and you see Galeon's eyebrows shoot up to his hairline. You hear a soft thud, a small blue hand falling into view in a tangle of blond hair. "Gone!! Missing!! Oh, the horror!! The Tragedy!!"
Another bout of silence falls, this time you can see the twitch of Galeon's ears. You feel a giggle building in your chest, threatening to give away your hiding spot. You suck in a deep breath and squeeze your mouth shut until your jaw aches.
"Does this mean I get MC's toys now? That train set looks pretty cool..." You blink, the thought of Galeon, a man larger than a mountain, sitting on the floor in front of your wooden train set is... too funny. The giggle you tried to suppress bursts free as you imagine the man making train noises.
"Oh my! What's that sound?"
"Is that...? MC!"
Two faces slide into view. Hollond leans in from the side of the wardrobe, their hair mussed and stuck to their mouth while Galeon peers down at you from over the top with a bright smile and gleaming eyes. He lifts a hand, waggling one of your toy train's cars at you. You feel something warm and heavy in your chest as you're coaxed out from your spot. As you step out, Galeon takes it upon himself to lift you up towards the ceiling.
"You've returned to us! You almost missed..." He casts a sly glance at Hollond and lowers his voice, "Snack time."
"Another one?!" Hollond shouts in return. You giggle as the giant runs off with you, tucked over his shoulder, the blonde hot on his heels and sputtering. "Galeon Hughes--"
The two devolve into a playful banter with you at the epicenter, giggling.
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hauntedcollection · 7 months
When a Ghost is Haunted
All you could focus on was ensuring not to disturb the little sleep you poor husband could manage but alas, when you’ve decided to drink an unholy amount of water before bed the consequences strike you when you least desired them. Of course the need to relieve yourself was worlds stronger than the desire to stay swaddled in the safety of your shared bed, even more so with your personal heater that is Simon.
Speaking of, as you shut the door to the bathroom you confirmed he was surprisingly still within the comforts of sleep. However, as you cautiously approach the bed to resume your peaceful slumber, you paused fixing yourself in to listen to the deep mumbles coming from Simon. Freezing in place so as to not cause more disturbance, you watched him for any signs of wakefulness only to hear more than just mumbles - sounds of pain, quiet cries and heartbreaking whimpers. You gently reach a hand out to feel for his face, he doesn’t feel feverish but when you passed over his closed eyes, your thumb moist with his tears. Now you’re definitely startled and concerned. You turn to completely face him,
"Si… Simon… please wake up…" you held your breath as he grumbled awake and reached out to caress his face. His eyes blinking a few times, looking around him before finding yours within the moonlit sanctuary of your room.
“… what’s wrong lovie?” Simon, always the protector, the caretaker. It warms and hurts your heart to see him put you first before his clear distress.
“I should be asking you that, you were crying in your sleep.”
“… just a bad dream… sorry about that” as he rubs his face to vanish the tears staining his face, you couldn’t help but take over for him and use a much gentler motion, causing his hand to rest on your thigh.
“Don’t apologize for that Simon, do you want to talk about it? I can fix you a cup of tea if you’d like?” Now your hands have migrated to his hair, rhythmically raking through his short strands and softly scratching at his scalp.
“It’s alright dove, it’s enough you pulled me out of it…” clutching onto the remnants of sleep, dragging you flush to his body, face finding home in the crook of your neck, “… congratulations on becoming an honorary Brit. Offering me a cuppa. I’ll be seeing you screaming your head off at football matches in no time.” Those words murmured against the skin of your neck caused tingles, especially as you felt his lips press against you.
“Quit it that tickles… and joke all you want about me making you tea you hypocrite. Johnny told me ‘bout the ‘verbal lashing’ you dished out to him about the proper way of making tea.” You continued the motions of scratching nonsensical patterns through his hair, feeling the warm puffs of air come to a halt at the mention of Johnny.
“… oh really? What did Johnny say?” Even as Simon whispered, there was suspicion in his voice.
“All he mentioned was his surprise at your passion for tea, and he’s not wrong because you nearly had a conniption when I told you water heated in the microwave was good enough, and then you made me go through a whole crash course led by you on how to make a proper tea.” Recalling that day of nearly giving poor Simon a heart attack when he had asked for a tea only to see you preparing to heat the water in the microwave ‘like a heathen’ instead of using the kettle. You giggle at the memory of seeing such a burly man be so stern at such a mundane task; however, Simon could only grumble at you finding amusement at his expense.
“You should be thankful I’ve cultured you, now all you need is a good course on football… and I swear you better not side with Price and his Liverpool team or even worse, Tottenham.” This in turn sent you in a fit of laughter which Simon couldn’t help but chuckle along and patiently listen to it descend into silence once more, “ so what else do you and Johnny gossip about? … You better not be giving him ammunition to use against me.” Now your hands migrated to below his shirt collar, scratching lightly back and forth across his shoulders.
“Ah, just to catch up with any of his family drama, I swear the MacTavish family tree is branching out a lot quicker than we can keep up with… oh and maybe let’s me know when you’re ‘in a mood’ and to ‘fix his LT to be less like an arse’” at that last comment Simon couldn’t help but furrow his brows and pull away to actually face you.
“… he doesn’t tell you too much does he? Like details on base? Or operations?… or my past?” At first he sounded uncharacteristically frantic and as he mentioned his past it devolved into a whisper. You could vaguely make a connection on what was truly on Simon’s mind but now your concern was soothing him from the trauma he might’ve encountered from his nightmare.
“No, no. Not at all. Just to give me a heads up if you’ve had a bad day… I don’t think he’d betray your trust like that Simon. And even if he did, god forbid, I wouldn’t want to hear it unless it came from you.” Retracting your hands to cradle his face, you felt him release a breath before gripping onto one of your hands, pressing a kiss to it.
“Thanks lovie… is that offer for tea still standing?” Smiling at his spontaneous silly nature you couldn’t help but kiss his cheek.
“I think I can get behind the idea of a private tea party between us… by the way, how is your hair so damn soft? And your lashes, they’re so long and pretty, it’s unfair!” You could actually feel his face burn reacting to your inquiries and thrown your man into a loop for Simon was stunned and took a few seconds to gather his thoughts.
“… I… um… thank you? … since when were you this flirty?” It was an amazing sight to see this 6’2 mass of a special air forces lieutenant be so flustered.
“You’re welcome hun. And what’s wrong with flirting with my own husband? I’m making sure my game is still strong to keep winning you over like we’re still dating. Either way the return policy is nonexistent so you’re stuck with me handsome.” You’ve once again flustered Simon and he couldn’t help but laugh.
“That’s right, as long as I’m the only one you’re flirting with,” a small smile snuck onto his face as he embraced you, “and the only one allowed to flirt with you darling. All mine.”
“And I’m proud to be yours, just as much as I’m happy to call you mine.” You couldn’t help but giggle and snuggle closer to him, “… have I ever told you how much I love it when you surround me like this? Makes me feel secure. Protected. Even more so because I can leech off of your body heat!”
“You know you’re a real sweet talker.” Listening to his rumblings through his chest and feeling him press kisses to your face invoked warmth within you, “It’s no wonder how I’ve fallen for you.”
“Well someone has to satisfy your sweet tooth and I happily volunteer. Makes it totally worth it when you keep giving me such sweet kisses like that. You deserve all my love and flirtation if I’m rewarded with your affections, not many can brag about getting such an honor.” Within this moment was when Simon realized he was the luckiest man to have found someone to love him unconditionally and had boundless amounts of patience for him. The urge to bury you - keep you safe - within his own chest was overwhelming. He settled for squeezing you just a tad bit tighter only to feel you reciprocate the gesture. Your bodies relaxed against one another in comfortable silence, now broken with Simon’s teasing,
“… Since you’ve kept me up with this flirting, how about that tea you promised?” You couldn’t help but squeeze his bicep in retaliation and laugh.
“Oh I’m sorry, his royal highness is demanding the tea he mocked me about. And don’t complain about my flirting as if you weren’t enjoying it a few seconds ago. That’s right, I’m calling you out. Don’t think I didn’t feel you become feverish all of a sudden, pretty boy. You’re not fooling me anytime soon.” You could hear Simon let out a mock gasp.
“Shut up or I’ll kiss you again,” he murmurs right into you ear and snakes his arms around your ribs to begin poking and tickling, “I mean it, don’t test me.” Punctuated with a firm kiss to your cheek before rolling out of bed, “let’s go make that tea darling.”
“Oh? Are you threatening me with a good time? Say no more.” Hopping out out bed and approaching Simon to wrap him in your embrace, “I’ll always be by your side Simon. Through sickness and health. You’re mine as I’m yours… now let’s go make that tea before you get grumpy.” But before you could fully escape his grasp, Simon held on to your hand firmly.
“… can you promise that you won’t let anyone else touch you like I do?… not even Johnny?” As he softly requested that, the picture was getting clearer on what disturbs Simon, “I want to be the only one, to treat you with my affection like that.” He takes his other hand to cup your face to meet his eyes, “… am I the only one?” Just seeing him have the bravery to admit a slight insecurity had you in a panic but you let your feelings flow out.
“You were and are always the one for me. I value loyalty and I can’t fathom hurting you like that; if I’ve done anything to even hint at betraying your trust please talk to me Simon. You’re the last person I’d want to hurt. You literally have my heart, hell, you probably have my own soul because that’s how much I dedicate myself to you and you alone.” You’ve said it with such conviction that you’ve stunned him to silence. And Simon couldn’t help but think of the epitome of a nightmare that is his life: all of the abuse, pain and suffering… only to be blessed with an entity so loyal to him, someone who loved him for Simon. Someone who didn’t place expectations on him, or dishing out heavy criticisms. Only is it you, who stands before him, that has genuinely loved and cared for Simon. And he definitely couldn’t fight against the tears welling in his eyes, so he’s pulled you into his warm firm hold.
“Please, never leave me… I don’t know where I’ll be without you.”
“Simon, if it was within my power I’d have our souls intertwined. I’ll stick around for as long as you’ll let me. Even into our next lives, we’ll meet again, fall in love and stick together. I’d even wager that I’ll find you first so you’ll never be lost. But I love you with every fiber of my being. I don’t believe in ‘till death do us apart’, no I’m a possessive person and you’re mine regardless. In this life and the next and all the ones after.” You really haven’t stopped surprising this man the entire night as he refused to let you budge from his hold. You’ve only confirmed that there is no one else better for him, no one more loyal and trustworthy than you. You, along with the task force that is his family, now belonged to his entire world, and this time he’s making sure no one is taking it away from him.
“Until we become one soul in another universe, I guess… now let’s make that tea. I’m desperate for a cup thanks to you.”
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ymiwritesstuff · 2 years
Watchful Eye
Dude I had to write for Majima again the brainrot is real LMAO this one I was inspired by one of the substories in 0, the one with the doll girl because AAA that one is so cute and wholesome I love dadjima. Anyway I hope you enjoy!
Yakuza 0
Goro Majima x Single Mom!Reader
Summary: It was but a mere coincidence, he had been at the right place at the right time, and soon he found himself silently watching over a small child who got attached to him quite quickly.
Notes: Fluff, mentions of bullying, DADJIMA
Also posted on AO3!
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It had started out as another of Sotenbori’s random encounters, the ones you’d see on the side of the road, or in secluded alleyways. Mundane and standard for the city. That’s how he would describe it. Majima had seen his fair share of these incidental and banal meetings with the locals, but none had stuck to him as much as this one.
He did not exactly intend to venture to the area next to the small park for a smoke that day, it had just happened while he was buried in his thoughts. Something had weighed heavy in his mind, though he had long forgotten what it was. The only significant thing he remembered from that day was that peculiar encounter.
The little girl had bumped into him suddenly and the collision pulled him away from his thoughts. It had startled him slightly and despite the child obviously not noticing this, she was quick to apologize.
“I’m sorry, Mister.”
“Don’t worry ‘bout it, kiddo.”
He had expected the girl to run along and continue with whatever she was doing but soon noticed her looking up at him, shifting her weight between her feet. That prompted Majima to look around the park, only to find it rather empty.
“Where’s yer mom?”
The girl’s company hadn’t made him uncomfortable per se, he could even say that it alleviated some of the load on his shoulders and mind, but he had also been painfully aware of how he and his rough appearance might have earned him some dirty looks from possible onlookers. A man who looked like a yakuza hanging out with a girl who seemed barely ten years of age? Yeah, he would rather play it safe and avoid conflict.
She hadn’t seemed scared though.
“She’s at work,” She chirped and glanced behind her. “But she should be back soon!”
Majima had given her a hum at that. It was not a terribly unusual occurrence. One could see children by their lonesomes all over the city. Parents worked hard to maintain a stable life and income for the sake of their kids. Still, the sun was steadily disappearing behind the horizon, it would be dark soon.
“Ya got friends around here or somethin’?”
The girl shook her head, eyes falling to the ground beneath her small feet. “All my friends went home after school and I came here to wait for mommy.” Her eyes shifted towards the empty swings and benches, her smile vanishing the tiniest amount. “Usually there are other kids here too...”
Majima sighed softly. So this was a part of her regular daily routine. Poor kid, he had thought. He could only hope that her mother would return soon.
Upon taking another drag on his cigarette, the girl looked up at him again with furrowed brows and a pout upon her lips.
“Mommy says smoking is bad for you…”
Her words had been unexpected, and the bluntness of them caught him off guard as he found himself looking down at the child.
“Ya better listen to your mom then, kid.” He gave the cigarette between his fingers a glance. “She’s right, ya know.”
“Then why do you do it, Mister?”
He turned to the girl once more, her innocent question floating in his head for a bit as he tried to look for an answer that would make sense for a youngster her age. He found none.
“I dunno. Guess it’s just a habit…” Majima twirled the cigarette between his fingers, keeping his attentive eye on it.
His bland reply earned him a huff from the kid who quickly crossed her arms. “You should stop doing that, Mister. It’ll make your lungs as dark as your hair!”
Majima could not help but chuckle, the amusement caused by her scolding lifting his spirits far more than expected. He flicked the half-burnt cigarette away, to which the girl in front of him smiled brightly.
The Lord of the Night quickly dawned an exaggerated expression of shock, one that the child could latch onto and hopefully shift the tone of the conversation to something more lighthearted.
“Say whaaat? But my hair’s kinda cool, don’t ya think?” He ran his palms pompously over his head and neatly tied locks as he spoke. “Would be even cooler if my airbags matched.”
He was fully aware of how ridiculous he must have seemed, but hearing the giggles that flew out of the little girl’s mouth more than made up for that. It was but a small expression of joy, but Majima was happy to see it.
“You are so silly, Mister.”
Majima had been quite surprised at the girl’s friendly nature towards him. He had never expected anyone, let alone children to interact with him so casually. There was no fear or uncertainty in her shining eyes, only curiosity in its purest form one would expect from a child. She wasn’t wary of him, nor did she judge him with her gaze or her words. She must have been raised right.
Both of them looked toward the direction where the unknown voice came from, though it did not take long for either of them to realize the identity of the person standing a few feet away from them.
The girl had begun running towards her mother, only to stop after a few steps to turn back to Majima with the widest smile on her face.
“Bye bye, Mister!!”
She had waved at him and continued her journey into her mother’s welcoming arms. The two adults exchanged brief glances, and Majima was surprised to meet with a neutral gaze, rather than a suspicious one. He had given a nod before leaving the park behind.
“Who was that, sweetie?” You had asked your daughter as she hugged you, the image of the man freshly planted in your mind. His appearance was striking, but he did not seem threatening and your daughter certainly didn’t seem to be frightened by him.
Hinami giggled playfully and looked up at you. “A friend.”
And that’s how it began. Majima found himself returning to the park, or at least the area relatively close to it. It was not completely intentional, the first few times had been a mere coincidence, something work-related, and every time he would catch a glimpse of the girl, sometimes accompanied by her mother. Sometimes the child noticed and waved, other times she was too occupied with playing.
Majima did not go out of his way to talk to her though, despite his short visits to the park becoming somewhat frequent. He still played by his own unwritten rule, one of them being don’t get innocents involved. Majima was constantly watched, and his stay in Sotenbori was so heavily monitored that he did not want to befriend too many locals, lest they get tangled in the predicament he was in.
That however changed one day when the park had been a bit more lively.
Majima had initially thought Hinami had been playing with friends from school, but mere seconds of listening to the harsh voices and laughs was more than enough to tell him what it actually was. The poor girl was getting bullied by her peers.
He had been quick to step in, his stern scowl being all it took for the boys surrounding the defenseless girl to go running off, fearful exclamations flying from their mouths. After muttering something under his breath, he turned to Hinami.
“Ya okay, kiddo?”
“I am. Thank you, Mister!”
After that, he returned often, even telling you about the bullying incident when he got the chance. You had been grateful that he had intervened and given him your thanks. You worked late and often worried for your daughter. Hinami was smart and independent for her age, but at the cost of you not being able to be there for her when she might have needed it. In that regard, someone like him was a blessing.
You began seeing him more and more often when you went to pick up your girl. He sat on one of the benches, keeping his watchful eye on Hinami. It brought you relief, knowing that someone was watching over her whilst you were gone, and as time went on, you got to know him a bit better.
Despite what his outward appearance would suggest, you soon found out just how gentle of a man lay behind it. From his eye that was softly framed whenever he looked out for your daughter to the way he would kindly greet you when you arrived and promptly excuse himself soon after, all of it told gave you a good idea of what kind of a person he was. 
He never stayed for too much chitchat, you knew his name, but not much else. You were sure he had his reasons, but a part of you could not help but be curious. He got along with Hinami unbelievably well, and she seemed to like him. It warmed your heart.
“Can I really have this???” Hinami asked, eyes sparkling in awe as she held the stuffed toy in her hands.
“Of course, ya can. I got it for you specifically,” Majima replied, recalling his haphazard visit to the arcade. He had wanted to try his luck with one of those cursed claw machines and managed to win a plushie after a few dozen tries. His wallet was scarred, but the girl was smiling.
“I hope your mom don’t mind the new friend ya got, though,” he muttered as Hinami sat next to him on the bench, holding the stuffed animal in a firm embrace. Truthfully, ever since he had won the silly game he wondered if he was close to stepping over a line that would get himself too involved in their life.
“Don’t worry, Mister.” Hinami turned to him, that bright smile of hers more apparent than ever. “I got it from you!”
Majima quirked an eyebrow at that.
“Hey, hey. What’s that s’posed to mean, Hinami-chan?”
His inquiry was not a serious one, but once he heard the impish giggles that bubbled from her and the way she excitedly kicked her feet, he felt something on his side. Now he was curious.
“Well… Don’t tell mommy I told you this but,” With her hand, she motioned for him to bring his head lower so he could hear her secretive whispers.
“She thinks you’re really handsome.”
As soon as the words left her mouth, Majima’s chest tightened and his remaining eye widened. For a brief second, he wasn’t certain he had heard the girl correctly. 
“Huuh?? Whaddya mean, Hinami-chan??”
She giggled once more and hopped off the bench, strutting in front of the slightly flustered man, clutching her new toy. “She said so! I heard her! Mommy has also been smiling a lot recently.”
Majima could only blink silently as he listened to her, still somewhat shocked at the words he was hearing. Even a damn idiot could understand the meaning behind them, and immediately some logical part of him wondered if the line of privacy he had been so careful of had been rudely crossed, but that thought did not linger for long. Not when he looked at the overjoyed girl in front of him. He let out a laugh.
“That so?” Hinami nodded enthusiastically.
“Yep!” Her expression quickly abandoned all of its brightness and became deadly serious, it was almost frightening. “But you absolutely cannot tell her that I told you!!”
The young girl's stare was so intense that the pledge left his mouth almost too fast.
“Alright, alright. I won’t tell a soul, okay?”
Hinami, seemingly not satisfied with mere words, then lifted her pinky up and brought her hand to him. After a moment of silence, she spoke:
“You have to promise, Mister. Otherwise, it doesn’t count!” She announced curtly.
Shaking his head out of sheer amusement, he chuckled and leaned forward, gingerly wrapping his pinky around her tiny one.
“I promise ya, Hinami-chan. It’ll be our secret, all right?”
The girl gave him a single nod as she retreated her hand, before running off to the swings with her plush toy. Majima kept his eye on her and leaned back lazily, lightly smiling to himself as the routine that he had gotten fairly used to continued its course.
Majima’s sharp ears caught the approaching footsteps when you finally arrived, but your daughter was too occupied with playing to notice you stepping behind the bench on which the man that had kept your child company these past weeks sat. Your eyes met, and you gave him a smile.
“She looks quite busy,” you commented, pointing to the direction of your daughter with your gaze, which made Majima let out a short chuckle.
“That she is. Hope ya don’t mind the little present I gave her.” He turned his head to look at you, only to be met with an expression that to him looked peaceful, content with the present moment.
“Not at all. She clearly loves her new friend.” Majima hummed in agreement. Even from far away, he could see the cheerful grin on her face and it coated his insides in a warm radiance he rarely felt. She resembled you, something he had noticed the more time had gone by. He was certain Hinami had inherited your smile.
Your eyes wandered to the mysterious man you know so little about, and once again, curiosity poked at you. He did so much for you only by keeping your young child company when you couldn’t. It was out of the goodness of his heart, something you never would have guessed had you met under different circumstances. 
You recalled the times Hinami would ask if the nice man with the eyepatch would be waiting for her after school, and each time you replied that you didn’t know. Yet he had been there, every time since the bullying incident. 
And you had never managed to thank him properly.
“I better get goin’,” he suddenly said and stood up. You immediately knew what it meant, it was all too familiar. This time though, you stopped him from leaving prematurely, not before giving him your gratitude.
“Majima-san,” you called out, which stopped him in his tracks. He turned to you, a puzzled look upon his tired face for you had never delayed his departure. In truth, you had never been fast or brave enough.
“I… I just wanted to thank you. For everything.” The way your words came out was far from effortless, they almost got stuck in your throat. Had you been more astute, you may have noticed your increasing heart rate.
Majima turned to you fully, staying silent as you continued.
“Hinami talks about you every day, and to be completely honest,” you gave your precious daughter a glance, your heart fluttering at the sight of her, lost in her own little world. With a sigh, you looked at Majima once more.
“She needs someone like you.”
Majima’s eye softened. He immediately understood what your words were insinuating. Perhaps he had subconsciously always known it. You were always the one to pick her up, and Hinami only ever talked about ‘mommy’, it did not take a genius to put the pieces together. Though Majima himself never saw himself as the fatherly type, he was glad he was able to bring some joy into your daughter’s life.
“She’s a joy to be around,” he admitted in a low voice while turning his head toward her. “A real ray of sunshine, that one.” His words warmed your heart, but his gaze hardened and his eyebrows frowned.
“But I can’t be doin’ this forever, as fun as it is.” Majima hated to say those words, but he also could not deny the fact that he would not be staying in Sotenbori any longer than he had to. The city was his cage, a reminder of his mistakes, and anyone who got too close to him could be in danger. It was the last thing he wanted.
You gave him an understanding nod, noting the way his tense shoulders seemed to relax at your gesture. “And I won’t ask you to. I just wanted to let you know how much this all means to her and me. So, truly,” you bowed down slightly.
“Thank you, Majima-san.”
Majima noticed how soft your voice had become as you expressed your gratitude. It gave him an uncomfortable tingle in his core. He hadn’t expected his actions to be this meaningful to someone. He shifted his weight from one foot to the other.
“It’s nothin’, really. Your little girl’s been great company, ya raised her well.”
You muttered a quick thank you once more as you straightened yourself. Majima looked at you fondly, his kind stare washing away all the stress you may have felt from work. There was a comfortable silence as the two of you silently looked at each other. For the first time, you noticed the small details of his face, from his faint dark circles to his cleanly shaved chin.
You wondered how he lost his eye, where he worked, and how he managed to keep his raven locks in such a neat ponytail. The mystery surrounding the man was killing you and the thoughts that roamed in your head gave you the courage to open your mouth.
“Still, I want to thank you properly, Majima-san,” you began, taking a few steps toward him. You took a breath to calm your nerves.
“Would you join me for dinner sometime?” Once the question was launched into the air, you immediately felt like a weight had disappeared from your shoulders, though you would still need to wait for his answer.
The proposal drifted in his mind for a moment and he thought back to the words spoken to him earlier by Hinami. Ones he had sworn to keep a secret. Though he had initially thought they were a product of her imagination, the way you carefully voiced your question made him doubt it. Whether it was only a way for you to express your appreciation, or something more, he was intrigued and found it difficult to refuse.
“Sure thing. That sure seems like good compensation for lookin’ out for the little rascal,” he joked, which eased some of the tension in your being and prompted you to laugh slightly.
“Sounds great.”
Your smile lingered as Hinami finally noticed you and began to run toward you as she always did, eager to show off her new toy given to him by the kind one-eyed man.
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maciicheese · 8 months
The Healer
ch. 16 - she’s gone. (⚕️)
cw: cursing, it’s kinda sad ig
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Bakugou walked in his room, shut the door, and sat down on his bed. With his elbows on his knees, he put his face in his hands and fought the urge to cry. He’d never felt so hopeless before. He had all this power, but there was nothing he could do to save the girl he loved. His first instinct was to hunt her down and when he found her to never let go but, he wouldn’t even know where to start looking. It had been almost 12 hours since she disappeared they checked security cameras, they had Hound Dog search the entire campus, and everyone had been searching everywhere within a ten mile radius. The security cameras didn’t catch a single thing, Hound Dog couldn’t pick up her scent, and their search was unsuccessful. It’s as if she vanished into thin air. How could there be not a single trace of her anywhere? He snapped his head up as he heard a light fluttering sound. There was a piece of paper on his desk that had not been there before. He grabbed and saw y/n’s handwriting on it.
Dear Bakugou,
I’m so sorry for the way I left but it had to be done. I love you so much and I can’t stand the idea of anything bad happening to you, or any of our friends, because of me. My past has finally caught up to me and I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I dragged you down with me, so this is goodbye. I don’t think I will be able to come back, even if I wanted to. Which believe me, I really do, but there is no way any of you would be safe if I did. You are going to be an amazing hero one day and I can’t wait to watch it happen. Please take care of yourself and don’t come looking for me because you won’t find me. You are one of the best things that has ever happened to me, my heart forever belongs to you.
After reading the letter Bakugou finally let himself cry.
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a/n: hey y'all, i know it's been a while, sorry bout that. honestly i didn't think i would finish this bc it got a little bit away from me and i don't really remember what the ending was supposed to be. i'm gonna try to make another chapter soon but don't hold me to that lol. im also writing a bkg fic but i have no idea when that's gonna get done and it's already soooo long but yeah, see you later, hopefully :)
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