#Traumatized children
furiousgoldfish · 1 year
abused kids daydreaming: but what if there was a situation where I got hurt... and someone cared and comforted me? what then??
abused kids: oh no I'm selfish and stupid for imagining this! How could I think my pain would matter enough for someone to comfort me, I need to get over myself and start living in the real life! Comfort doesn't exist and if I'm not tough I'm not going to make it!
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randomartist-1 · 5 months
hollowhead rant bc i've been obsessing over ava/avm and i cant stop thinking abt the hollowheads
victim is that character i want to beat the shit out of and then hug them until all their pain goes away. omfg victim was completely ripped from any chance at a normal life. he was deleted not even 2 minutes after they were created, and when they get to live, they say "fuck you alan" and create a whole ass company out of spite. and if hollowhead age is 0 years old at creation, that means he was not even 16 when he made rocket corp a thing. all because they couldnt let his deletion go, which honestly, completely fair
chosen. oh, chosen. the universe really said "hey wouldnt it be funny if we made that one guys life a living hell" and threw everything at him. he was thrown into a "survival of the fittest" situation the moment he was created, and alan just used him as an ad blocker like he was nothing but a tool. the first ever true friend he made was created to kill him, and the friendship failed bc neither knew how to fucking communicate. and then hes tortured on his GODDAMN BIRTHDAY. his BIRTHDAY. BY HIS OWN BROTHER. WTF VICTIM?? he dragged second along to help him bc he was desperate to escape the mercs but all he accomplished was getting them both captured. he must be feeling so much guilt rn omfg (to be fair it was a shit move to pull but also i completely understand his decision)
we dont know much abt dark, but it must be difficult being coded to kill your best friend. maybe the code was altered when she took chosens hand, but as far as i can tell all it did was give it powers. so assuming the code stayed, that means that dark had to fight with its own code for however long she and chosen were living together. i know for a fact its exhausting to fight with your own brain, and i cant imagine having to do it for however-many-years straight. i dont know if i want dark to make a comeback in later episodes, but i definitely wanna know more abt her.
second coming is such a fuckin sweetheart. theyve been through sm and they havent deserved any of it. they literally watched rest of the cg get ripped from them FOUR TIMES (alan ending rygb, dark murdering rygb, chosen kidnapping second, parkour episode) like they must have seperation anxiety or smth like that at this point. also claustrophobia like theyve been forced into too many tiny boxes. they literally just accepted the fact they were gonna be helping chosen when second was literally forced. they still went out of their way to try and save chosen. theyve attacked whoever hurt their friends when rygb all go down. if we continue to go with the "all hollowheads are 0 when created" logic, second is nine. NINE. turning ten this october but WTF. THAT IS A CHILD. NOT EVEN DOUBLE DIGITS
ALL THE HOLLOWHEADS ARE CHILDREN WITH THE "0 at creation" LOGIC (i mean, cho and vic are technically like 16, but still) can i PLEASE just shove them into a massive pillow fort with blankets and hug them?? is that SO MUCH TO ASK ALAN
anyways im gonna go make a playlist abt them cya
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rat-n-atty · 11 days
Adding more to this what if? scenario
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I feel like both Smg5 and her Dad would both wake up in the middle of the night due to nightmares because of Smg3.
I might also do a comic if ya'll want idk 👀
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misschidouin · 1 year
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they just like me frfr
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apollo-sol-pawpaw · 2 years
I wonder if it'll ever truly hit the teens just how similar their parents are to themselves. In true teenager fashion they are angry, completly furious at absolutly everything; The world, the doodler, but especially their dads and i don't think they understand that despite going through such particular experiences there are people who went through the exact same thing. The loss of innocence, the fear, the anger and it's the people they are directing their hatred towards, because they are the easiest to blame.
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gas1le · 1 year
Curious cat and Neo knew how to teach emotional pain to these two two
(Любопытный кот и Нео знали, как причинить эмоциональную боль этим двоим)
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camrinthefox · 1 year
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queermentaldisaster · 4 months
Okay so the kids in ‘There's a Revolution Coming’.
Here's their information.
(under the cut)
Kelly (left) and Kiram (right)
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They're twins, both fourteen. They were born on January 15th in 2010, so both are Gen Alpha. Their skin is paler than it should be because of the lack of sunlight. They were kidnapped, along with their parents, at four years old. They are wingless demons. And they sound like British versions of Velvet and Veneer from Trolls.
Evelyn (left) and Winnie (right)
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Winnie is nine and Evelyn is eight. They were born to two separate demon couples under Meister's...influence, for lack of a better word. But they're so close, that they're like sisters. They see Kelly and Kiram as older siblings as well. Their wings and powers have not developed yet. They sound like British versions of Pacifica (Evelyn) and Mabel (Winnie) from Gravity Falls.
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She's the oldest of the group, at fifteen. She was born in Fuldabrück, Kassel, Germany, on June 16th in 2008. She was three when her parents were kidnapped by Meister. She's the 'mom' of the group, always taking care of the younger ones no matter what. She will kill to defend her family (the other kids) and she'd given up all hope for rescue...until Soap came along. She sounds like a German Alice from Alice in Wonderland (1951)
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deerdovelove · 1 year
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This is my oc's wife from the previous post
She's from Eastern Europe
She's a vampire because, apparently, that's where vampires originate from...
She is very sweet towards her wife
She more pale than the other characters in the show
Also She is still in WIP
She was born in Eastern Europe
And lived a normal life, but in her late 20s she got turned into a vampire
She felt disgusted by her new appearance
And she fled to Megapolis, which is a coastal city in china or before that....
She lived in solitude and resented her appearance to the point where she would scar her body, but it always healed, which made her cut deeper
She has a lot scar on her body...
After living in solitude more than 500+ years old
She left her house and met Her
They talked, and eventually, they married each other
Mk - She doesn't like nor hate mk(She refuses admit she cares for Mk Tsundere Mother figure), but she thinks he should get a better mentor,And he should not be in the hero business.
Sun wukong/Monkie King - She dislikes him and He should not be MK mentor but respects him for trying to be a good mentor to Mk
Tang - She quite likes tang for being quite acknowledgeable in history, and she likes listening or reading history. So when she's feeling quite bored she goes to tang and listens to his stories including MK
Redson - She Doesn't have an opinion on him.
Mei - She absolutely loves mei for her sunny like energy and thinks she should adopt her along with mk and Bai he but she can't admit it.
Bai he - Loves her and cares for her, and She fought Macaque for custody 🤣 but it was decided to let bai He visited Macaque for about a week after that week she gets to go with her and her wife.
Macaque - Respects him for his determination, trying to fight whose right is to adopt bai he.
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ivyprism · 1 year
The Wandering SOULs Chara and Temmie (Info Dump)
Warning: Traumatized children!
Sailor - The Wandering SOULs: Swap Chara
Personality: Sailor has no recollection of their AU. Sailor is a curious child who wound up in the Void for unknown reasons. They were perplexed at first as they fell. They were finally accosted by Quest (or Q). They took Q on their trek into the multiverse. A kind, gentle, and sweet person who has been through a lot in life. They sincerely care about others and they stress out over wounds. They are very polite and tend to keep their feelings to themselves for fear of alienating their pals, but they rapidly discover that they will never be alienated from their friends.
Appearance: They were 4'5" because they are ten. They have a small scar on their right eye.
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Quest (Q) - The Wandering SOULs: Swapfell Temmie
Personality: They don't remember their old AU. They're a skittish and adorable plushie. They rely heavily on being close to Sailor. When it comes to Sailor's protection, they can be quite aggressive and protective. They are very sweet and loving to their friend. They are very polite and sweet, but they can be a little rude when they are worried about Sailor. They used to believe the multiverse was a lost cause until Sailor began to travel through it. They worry constantly and are often sleeping because they're quite emotionally exhausted.
Appearance: They're a very scarred Temmie. Their ears have injuries (with stuffing appearing). They have stitches on their waist and eye.
@kioko-noodles / @kiokodoodles @miscneilleaneous @und3rwat3r-a5tr0naut @hearty-dose-of-ranch @buff-borf-bork
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cupidpuppylove · 27 days
(hey guys. i mean i promised i would release it soon ahhshaaahahahahahaah. Please like this i worked vewy vewy hawd on dis bbg)
Clink. Something clattered to the left side of me. Despite my heart telling me not to open my eyes, I followed my brain’s words, curiosity clawing at my mind. It felt as if I was wrenching open a locked door with only a toothpick. Once I finally fought off lethargy, I came to see a figure staring down at me. Too lost in my thoughts, I jerked when it spoke, “Finally awake? Good, we need to do some more testing,” the figure, to which I now know is male, paused and glanced at the door a few feet away, as if waiting for someone, “I was not able to perform all the tests without you awake. Lets get you off of that table.” I barely had time to process those words before he reached down with a small key grasped in his hand and unlocked the shackles I had just now become aware of. He set the key down, and strided off to another part of the room momentarily, presumably to go and fetch something. I sat up, taking this time to observe the room around me. There were multiple cabinets, and a desk with an office chair lousily pushed in. Multiple posters were up on the walls, all having information on whatever this man does, I’m assuming. I couldn’t see what they said from here, as the room was large and the walls wide apart. The table felt cold against my legs. The man finally came back, now with some strange mechanism in his hand. He then proceeded to raise it to my neck, to which I slightly backed away. He payed no mind, and clasped it around my neck. I soon learned that it was a collar of some sort, but I wasn’t sure what kind. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to know. I unwillingly found that out almost immediately after, that it was a shock collar, due to the man pulling out a remote. “If you misbehave in any way, just know I won’t hesitate.” He said, oddly cheerful. I begrudgingly nodded, and he made his way to the door, motioning for me to follow. 
I sluggishly scooted sideways so that my legs hung off the edge, still drowsy. The table had warmed where I once was, which made it less cold. However, it was now freezing. I slid off the table, landing on the tiled floor not-so-gracefully and almost fell. I quickly steadied myself and walked over to the man uncertainly. He unlocked the door, and speed-walked to his next destination. I wasn’t too quick, so I stumbled while I tried to catch up. I almost tripped several times on practically nothing. I was so focused on attempting to not fall, it hardly registered in my mind that he was talking to me. “My name is Dr. Seinsfield, just so you know. You won’t necessarily need it, but its just in case of any emergencies. You’re here because your parents had sent you only yesterday. Your memory is not so good, I presume?” It took a moment for the words to sink in properly, but once they did, I just barely nodded. He hummed, and spoke again, “Your name is Anastasia Arling, if you’ve forgotten, and you are seven years old. Again, your parents sent you here, although I am not sure the reason why. We will be running tests on you, but don’t worry, it won’t cause you any real harm. Most likely.” I slowed down in confusion. Most likely? Before I could think too much about it, he halted and it was clear we’d made it to whatever place he was bringing me to.
“Ah. Anastasia, Seinsfield, come in, come in.” A woman wearing the same lab coat as Dr. Seinsfield came into view. She seemed to be in her forties, with wrinkles and hair that was starting to turn grey. She waved us in to a corridor, that had what seemed to be a numerous amount of “windows”. It turned out that they were windows, but not the kind that lead outside. They led to small cells. In every cell, there was at least one person in each, which the exception of a few being empty. I noticed they all looked young, almost as young as me. They stared on as Dr. Seinsfield and the woman led me through. “This is where all the magic happens.. well, not necessarily, it’s where we get the resources to do the magic, so to speak.” It disturbed me how she practically referred to them as objects so casually. She walked through the hall, and finally stopped at an empty cell, identical to the others. The woman turned to me. “You’ll be staying in this cell here. Pretty cozy, ain’t it?” She gestured to the room. I didn’t understand what was so ‘cozy’ about a makeshift zoo enclosure. “Well then, off you go.” Dr. Seinsfield spoke, nudging me towards the opening rather harshly. Once I was inside, he closed the door.
They’re just going to leave me here? With nothing? Not even with some food, or water?
That’s it?
I heard a bang sound to the right of me. I looked over to see another girl, most likely around my age. She had tan skin, with dark brown hair and hazel eyes. “Hi. I’m Adriana. What’s your name?” She asked. I stared at her for a moment, and she stared back. “Меня зовут... Анастасия?” I answered. My voice was hoarse. I hadn’t spoken for a while. She furrowed her brows. “What?” Oh. I’d forgotten to speak english.  “My.. name is Anastasia.”  I repeated. 
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headlinehorizon · 9 months
Horror Unfolds in San Antonio: Couple Kidnapped in Daring Home Invasion
In a shocking incident, a couple was forcibly abducted while their children watched, leaving the community in fear and anguish. Stay updated with the latest news on this horrifying event.
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hypewinter · 2 months
During a press conference for the newest Justice League member, Phantom, a reporter asks him "Do you have anything to say to all the children who aspire to be like you?"
Phantom looked at the reporter puzzled before saying, "Children wanna be like me? Why? I'm a bad influence."
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bluerosefox · 2 months
Family Resemblance
I had another 11pm brain worm.
Daniel Wayne, the younger toddler brother of Bruce Wayne and the son of Martha and Thomas Wayne had been kidnapped the night their parents were murdered.
Daniel had been snagged the moment their killer heard people headed to the alley and Bruce in his state of shock didn't realize it until it was far to late and could only scream in horror (from everything) as his baby brother is crying his name. (If you wanna make it even more heart wrenching, make it Danny's first time being able to say Bruce's name right and/or Bruce had said some mean things to Danny earlier after he accidentally broke something of Bruce's, something like 'I wish youd go away' or 'I never wanted a brother, you're such a bother!')
Bruce is being held by Alfred as some police officers are chasing down the Wayne's parents killer while some stay behind to see if they could do something.
Minutes turn to hours and as they wait, praying the police at least found Danny, Bruce is ridden with guilt. From his parents death to allowing his brother to be kidnapped.
Eventually the police return to give Alfred and Bruce the news. And it's not good.
The killer escaped and Danny was nowhere to be found.
And it would take many years before he would be found.
Bruce gets a call from Damian during school hours one day. When he answers he is greeted with Damian demanding him to get to the school and explain himself.
Confused Bruce asks what does he mean and Damian responds with
"The two new students in class today are the spitting images of you and I father! Either they are poorly created clones or you have more hidden blood children!"
Meanwhile the very students being discussed are calling up someone too
"Ellie? Dan? What's wrong? You better not have made too much chaos already, I just paid for the uniforms for that place."
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mmavverickk · 2 months
mmmmm annabeth abandonment issues vs. jason abandonment issues. both tossed aside as children, both raised at camp, both become leaders. but annabeth got a family out of it. first she had thalia and luke. then percy and grover.
jason had reyna, for a while. had leo and piper, for a while. but ultimately jason remained alone. and while annabeth grew with her found family, jason died separated from his.
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wasyago · 8 months
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old men
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