#Wolf Of Antimony
tarotmafia · 1 year
Again, thank you so much for my sigil. Wait till you see what I've done with it ❤️
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demi-shoggoth · 2 months
2024 Reading Log, pt 2
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006. Gardening Can Be Murder by Marta McDowell. I honestly thought that this book was going to be about something else. With the subtitle “how poisonous plants, sinister shovels and grim gardens have inspired mystery writers”, I thought it was going to be about, you know, that. True crime themed to gardens, discussions of poisonous plants, that sort of thing. The book is actually about the mystery books that have gardening as a theme. And while the author’s dedication to not spoiling anything (seriously, anything, even 150 year old stories like The Moonstone or “Rappacini’s Daughter”) is admirable in its own way, this leaves the book feeling like endless buildup without any payoff. Big fans of murder mysteries might enjoy this—especially the last chapter, which interviews writers about their gardens—but I found it more boring than anything else, and finished it only because it was very short.
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007. Antimony, Gold and Jupiter’s Wolf by Peter Wothers. This book is about how the elements got their names, and most of it deals with the early modern period, as alchemy transitioned to chemistry and then into the 19th century, when chemistry was a real science, but things like atomic theory were not yet understood. The book goes into fascinating detail, and has a lot of quotes from primary sources, as scientists then were just like scientists now, that is, opinionated and bickering with each other over their preferred explanations. And names! Many of the splits between elements and their symbols (like Na for sodium) are due to compromise attempts to appease two different factions with their preferred names. A book covering arcane minutia of history always has the risk of feeling like a slog, but this is a fast and fun read.
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008. Doctor Dhrolin’s Dictionary of Dinosaurs by Nathan T Barling and Michael O’Sullivan, illustrations by Mark P Witton. This book is an odd concept, but one that I was immediately on board with—a D&D book written by paleontologists with the intention of bringing accurate and interesting stats for prehistoric reptiles to the game. The fact that it’s mostly illustrated by Mark Witton definitely clinched my backing that Kickstarter. And this book is a lot of fun. So much so, that I read it all in a single sitting. I don’t know how accurate the stats are (like, a Hatzegopteryx has a higher CR than titanosaurs or T. rexes), but they seem like they’d be fun in play, and the writing does a good job of combining fantasy fun with actual education. Even for someone not running a 5e game, the stuff on how to run animals as not killing machines, and the mutation tables, could be useful. There are multiple types of playable dinosaurs, all of which seem like they’d work well at the table and avoid typical stereotypes, and a lot of in-jokes and pop culture references (like the cursed staff of unspared expense, which looks like Hammond’s cane in the Jurassic Park movie).
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009. Romaine Wasn’t Built in a Day by Judith Tschann. I’m a sucker for books about etymology. And this one, on food etymology, is a pretty breezy read. I had fun with it, and it even busted some misconceptions that I had, etymologically speaking. Like, there’s no evidence that “bloody” as an explicative originated from “God’s blood”? Wild. Etymology books tend to be written in a sort of stream-of-consciousness style, where talking about one word may lead down a garden path to the next one. The book also has a couple of little matching quizzes, which is something I haven’t seen in a book since like the 90s.
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010. The Lives of Octopuses and their Relatives by Danna Staaf. I was previously a little disappointed in The Lives of Beetles, another book in this series, but I knew I liked Staaf, who wrote the excellent book Squid Empire about cephalopod evolution and paleontology. I’m pleased to report that this book is also excellent. Staaf takes the “lives” part seriously, and the book is arranged by ecology, looking at different marine habitats, the challenges that they pose to living things, and the cephalopods that live there. Cuttlefish get slightly short shrift in this book compared to squids and octopuses, but that’s about the biggest complaint I had. I like how the species profiles cover more obscure taxa, and information about the best studied (like Pacific giant octopus and Humboldt squid) is kept to the chapters.
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blood-orange-juice · 2 months
About Imunlaukr, the hero from the Blizzard Strayer artifact set again.
From the Sacrificial Greatsword description:
"In the eyes of the Imunlaukr clan, combat existed not for protection, for glory, or for gaining territory. Rather, it was for the amusement of the gods, high up in the heavens, for whom little else could serve to entertain."
It kiiind of fits the philosophy that Childe describes. And for some reason Imunlaukr's story is found in artifacts from the same domain as Parsifal's story (although one could argue that both are just relevant for Old Mondstadt and leave it at that. a clan founded by an outsider and someone who left their clan and became an outsider).
The description of Starsilver Claymore belonging to Imunlaukr suggests it was a philosophy born of despair, but then people lie about their motives, and legends embellish things, and the sword itself is found in the tomb with these murals:
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The murals have been analyzed to pieces by now. Something something forbidden knowledge.
It's all connected somehow but I can't understand.
I still think that The Boar Princess tells the story of Imunlaukr and how he came to Sal Vindagnyr. I think he brought something that resulted in Celestia nailing the place. The story then has been erased from Irminsul and all that we have now is a pathetic fairytale book with some vague hints.
Also. Childe's shoulder ornament resembles the one angelic dude wears, Childe's scarf ornament resembles the alchemical symbol for antimony (associated with wolves and the penultimate step to purifying gold. idk, western esotericism is weird), the description of the Boar Princess wolf's mental state change sounds uncannily similar to Childe.
Also the squirrel from the tale. "Of all the beings in the ancient world, none were more evil than Woobakwa — not even demons and dragons." ("extremely evil technique" repeatedly encountered in CN names of Childe's skills and constellations), and Surtalogi being called "Extremely evil knight" (极恶骑) in Chinese.
You know, I think there are enough parallels to assume at least the same samsara if not the same martial art with the same teacher. I think Surtalogi or someone who taught him had a hand in whatever happened to Sal Vindagnyr.
(and also whatever technique Childe wields, it has a potential to get a place nailed)
Sal Vindagnyr destruction also predates Khaenri'ah and the Cataclysm by five hundred years, so either this guy was not initially Khaenri'ahn (and, by association, maybe neither was Gold), or we have to brace ourselves for levels of powerscaling previously unknown to science.
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apollotarot · 6 months
Exploring the Enigmatic World of Sigils: Unveiling Wolf of Antimony’s Mystical Creations
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Harness the enduring energy of your personal sigil wherever you go. Explore our captivating collection of Sigil Necklaces and make your connection with the mystical world truly enchanting. Shop now to wear your magic close to your heart!
Sigils are a fascinating aspect of magical practice. They are symbols designed to hold a specific intention, making them powerful tools for manifesting desires, intentions, and spells. In this blog post, we will delve into the concept of sigils, explore their significance, and showcase examples of sigils created by the Wolf of Antimony.
Understanding Sigils
Sigils are magical symbols typically created and charged with the intent to bring about a specific outcome or desire. They are often used in various forms of magic, including chaos magic, ceremonial magic, and witchcraft. Creating a sigil typically involves the following:
Writing down a statement of intent.
Removing duplicate letters.
Reworking the remaining notes into a unique, abstract symbol.
Once the sigil is created, it is charged with energy and intent through various rituals or practices. The energy built into the sigil keeps the desire or intention alive in the subconscious mind, continuously working toward its manifestation.
Wolf of Antimony’s Sigils
The Wolf of Antimony is known for exploring sigil magic and has shared a variety of sigils designed to manifest different intentions. Let’s take a closer look at some of these sigils and the intentions they represent:
Sigil 1: Attract Money and Wealth
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Harness the enduring energy of your personal sigil wherever you go. Explore our captivating collection of Sigil Necklaces and make your connection with the mystical world truly enchanting. Shop now to wear your magic close to your heart!
Sigil 2: Receive Enough Money to Live Comfortably
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Harness the enduring energy of your personal sigil wherever you go. Explore our captivating collection of Sigil Necklaces and make your connection with the mystical world truly enchanting. Shop now to wear your magic close to your heart!
Sigil 3: Receive Money Easily and Frequently
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Harness the enduring energy of your personal sigil wherever you go. Explore our captivating collection of Sigil Necklaces and make your connection with the mystical world truly enchanting. Shop now to wear your magic close to your heart!
Sigil 4: Make the Right Choices
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Harness the enduring energy of your personal sigil wherever you go. Explore our captivating collection of Sigil Necklaces and make your connection with the mystical world truly enchanting. Shop now to wear your magic close to your heart!
Sigil 5: Sigil for Good Luck
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Harness the enduring energy of your personal sigil wherever you go. Explore our captivating collection of Sigil Necklaces and make your connection with the mystical world truly enchanting. Shop now to wear your magic close to your heart!
Sigil 6: Promote Joy and success, Attract Opportunities and Blessings
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Harness the enduring energy of your personal sigil wherever you go. Explore our captivating collection of Sigil Necklaces and make your connection with the mystical world truly enchanting. Shop now to wear your magic close to your heart!
Sigil 7: Bring Forth Personal Luck, Good Fortune, and Prosperity
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Harness the enduring energy of your personal sigil wherever you go. Explore our captivating collection of Sigil Necklaces and make your connection with the mystical world truly enchanting. Shop now to wear your magic close to your heart!
Sigils can be an intriguing and practical aspect of magical practice, and each of these sigils represents a unique intention and desire within the realms of finance, success, and personal well-being.
The mystical world of sigils remains a captivating and often misunderstood aspect of magical practice. With their explorations of sigil magic through the lens of Viadescioism, Wolf of Antimony provides a glimpse into the creative and highly personal realm of esoteric knowledge. These sigils serve as examples of how individuals can channel their intentions and desires into powerful symbols, inviting the universe’s energies to assist in their manifestation.
If you wish to delve deeper into this fascinating topic and explore these sigils in greater detail, take a moment to visit the Wolf of Antimony’s resources. Sigil magic is an art that blends symbolism, intention, and metaphysical knowledge, allowing individuals to tap into the cosmic forces that shape their realities.
Support Wolf of Antimony’s (@wolfofantimonyoccultism) work and explore more of their insights and sigil creations by visiting their Ko-fi page: https://ko-fi.com/wolfofantimony.
Source: OpenAI. (2023). ChatGPT [Large language model]. https://chat.openai.com
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jasper-pagan-witch · 1 year
As far as pcp goes, how would you go about creating and worshipping your own deity, if thats possible?
Hello hello!
As requested, I am tagging @alter-altars and @janhasnoplan in this answer. For convenience, I'm breaking this down into three headers - Don't Get Caught In A Cult, DIY Gods, and Religions From A Writing Perspective.
Don't Get Caught In A Cult
Cults are fucking terrible. And the worst part is, the more immune you THINK you are to them, the more likely you'll be to fall for their tricks.
The New Age to Alt-Right pipeline is a big example of this in metaphysical spaces, but many people have also drawn parallels between Jehovah's Witnesses, the Amish, or Mormons and cults - not because the model is wrong, but because groups that are cults often get away with it in many parts of the United States.
You may not be trying to start a cult for your DIY divinity, but it's important to be aware of the warning signs. People much smarter than I (or at least have the PhDs for it) have written many things about how to identify and escape cults, which brings us to:
Important Links
Steven Hassan’s BITE Model of Authoritarian Control on the Freedom Of Mind Resource Center
Mind Control - The BITE Model on the ex-cult Resource Center
The BITE Model of Cult Mind Control Explained by Joseph Sherwood on A Little Bit Human
How to Recognise a Cult; How to Avoid Cults That May Try to Convert You; and How to Leave a Cult on WikiHow
What To Do When You Realize You Accidentally Joined A Cult ​by Carrie Saum on Ravishly
How To Help A Loved One Who Joined A Cult by Stephanie Gomulka on Oxygen: True Crime
@pondering-the-kaiju's entire pinned post
DIY Gods
People have been making up gods for their needs for as long as we've had gods. Aradia (the creation of Charles Leland, fuck that dude) has one book as her source. Cernunnos appears on maybe one cauldron. People make up Greek gods all the time because there were just so many of those guys, what's one more? (Good examples of this are Mesperyian and, arguably, Makaria.) And, of course, we can't get through this without mentioning Robert Graves (fuck Robert Graves) creating the White Goddess as his wife's self-insert.
So yes, creating your own god is possible and has precedent. You could even argue that every god was created by someone at some point, because that's just how humans work. We see an idea (often because we're introduced to it by someone else), we go "Oh, that's neat!", and then we take the bits that work for us and we add new stuff that helps flesh out the divine in question. It's how Aphrodite evolved from Astarte, it's how Dionysus got developed and changed over time, and it's how we have the two Wiccan divines.
I recommend studying other religions and how they came to be, because that will also help you learn about how the gods in question came to be. Who moved where? What gods got brought along and turned into other gods? I particularly recommend looking at the Romans and how they went "Wow, everyone worships our gods but with different names! Neat!"
Important Links
Literally anything by Overly Sarcastic Productions that goes into detail about the origin of various deities (which is mostly on Red's end) - namely these ones about Aphrodite, Dionysus, Hades and Persephone and Demeter, Hermes, and Loki
Anything broadly about deity work and religion, frankly, because in the course of developing your divine figure, you'll have to come up with their offerings and portfolio and what they may help you with
Wolf Of Antimony Occultism - aka @wolfofantimonyoccultism here on Tumblr, they're creating their own religion that's really cool to see
Religions From A Writing Perspective
At heart, I am a worldbuilder. I build worlds. That's what I DO. My Kephea project is a great example of this, though I have others as well. In particular, I love building magic systems and religions.
I will accept any chance to talk about my Kephea project, but this is about building a religion. Generally speaking, religions like to talk about the following three things:
How did the world come to be?
How should we act towards one another?
What happens when we die?
Not every religion (real-world or in media) talks about all of these. Hell, some don't touch on any of them. Here's a fictional example of a religion that has some things to say: the Church of Avacyn (the plane of Innistrad in Magic: The Gathering):
Doesn't discuss how the world came to be.
Says that humans should help and protect each other from the monsters of Innistrad, which include vampires, werewolves, zombies, geists, and even other humans. Later says that humans are inherently sinful during the height of Avacyn's madness and they should be slain to save them from themselves. One archangel and her flight took that second part personally and caused a schism in the church.
Promises a Blessed Sleep that won't be bothered by undeath in either zombie or geist form. This isn't going well now that the archangel and her flight who oversees it are destroyed.
It's important to sit and think about how your religion addresses or doesn't address these questions. Is it more of a henotheistic approach, where any number of gods exist but you only worship some? Is it a monotheistic approach, where there's only a single deity? Is it a polytheistic approach, where there are many deities with a strong connecting thread? Is it an entirely different approach, like archetypes (the Mother, the Child, the Himbo), natural forces (the sun and moon, the forest, the potty pond), or something else? That's up to you.
A lot of my links here will be about polytheistic religions, because those are the ones I build the most. Yes, I have a lot of these links, because this is one of my special interests.
Important Links
On Worldbuilding: Religions [ polytheistic l Avatar TLA l Game of Thrones l Cthulhu ] by Hello Future Me/Timothy Hickson on YouTube (a written version of this video is also Part 12 in his book, On Writing And Worldbuilding volume 1)
So You Want To / Create a Mythopoeia; Fantasy Pantheon; and Stock Gods on TV Tropes
Creating a Religion Guide part 1, part 2, and part 3 on Roll For Fantasy
Common Misconceptions About Old Mythologies & Religions; Basic Tips To Create More Believable Sci-Fi & Fantasy Religions & Belief Systems; How To Create Fictional Structured Religions; and Things That Show Up In Christianity-Inspired Fiction That Aren't In The Bible on Springhole
List of religious ideas in fantasy fiction on Wikipedia
8 Tips for Creating a Pantheon for Your Novel by Jill Williamson on Go Teen Writers
How to Create God Characters for Your Fantasy World by Kathy Edens on ProWritingAid
In Summary
I didn't actually give advice, did I? I just kind of dumped a lot of my resources here. Oh well, hopefully you all get something useful out of this!
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delightingintragedy · 3 months
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Mars Correspondences
From Christian Astrology by William Lilly
(It is mostly word for word. I tried to format it to fit into a nice correspondence list, but the information itself is untouched.)
Zodiac: Aries is his Day-house, Scorpio is his Night-house. Exhaulted in Capricorn, Depressed in Cancer, Detriment in Libra and Taurus.
Nature: Masculine, Nocturnal Planet, in nature hot and dry, choleric and fiery, the lesser Infortune, author of Quarrels, Strifes, and Contentions.
Profession: Princes Ruling by Tyranny and Oppression, or Tyrants, Usurpers, new Conquerors. Generals in Armies, Colonels, Captains, or any Soldiers having command in Armies, all manner of Soldiers, Physicians, Apothecaries, Surgeons, Alchemists, Gunners, Butchers, Marshals, Sergeants, Bailiffs, Hangmen, Thieves, Smiths, Bakers, Armourers, Watchmakers, Botchers, Tailors, Cutlers of Swords and Knives, Barbers, Dyers, Cooks, Carpenters, Gamesters, Bear-wards, Tanners, Curriers.
Diseases: The Gall, the left Ear, tertian Fevers, pestilent burning Fevers, Migraines in the Head, Carbuncles, the Plague and all Plague-sores, Burnings, Ringworm, Blisters, Frenzies, mad sudden distempers in the Head, Yellow-jaundice, Bloodyflux, Fistulas, all Wounds and Diseases in men's Genitals, the Stone both in Reins and Bladder, Scars or small Pox in the Face, all hurts by Iron, the Shingles, and such other Diseases as arise by abundance of too much Choler, Anger or Passion.
Colour: Red colour, or Yellow, fiery and shining like Saffron.
Savour: Those which are bitter, sharp and burn the Tongue.
Herbs: The Herbs which we attribute to Mars are such as come near to redness, whose leaves are pointed and sharp, whose taste is caustic and burning, love to grow on dry places, are corrosive, and penetrating the Flesh and Bone with a most subtle heat: They are as follows: The Nettle, all manner of Thistles, Restharrow or Cammock, Devils-milk or Petty spurge, the white and red Brambles, the white called vulgarly by the Herbalists Ramme, Lingwort, Onions, Scammony, Garlic, Mustard-seed, Pepper, Ginger, Leeks, Dittander, Horehound, Hemlock, red Sanders, Tamarinds, all Herbs attracting or drawing choler by Sympathy, Radish, Castoreum, Aresmart, Assarum, Carduus Benedictus, Cantharides.
Trees: All Trees which are prickly, as a Thorn, Chestnut.
Beasts: Panther, Tiger, Mastiff, Vulture, Fox; of living creatures, those that are Warlike, Ravenous and Bold, the Castor, Horse, Mule, Ostrich, the Goat, the Wolf, the Leopard, the wild Ass, the Gnats, Flies, Lapwing, Cockatrice, the Griffin, Bear.
Fishes, etc: The Pike, the Shark, the Barbel, the Fork-fish, all stinking Worms, Scorpions.
Birds, etc: The Hawk, the Vulture, the Kite or Glead, (all ravenous Fowl), the Raven, Cormorant, the Owl, (some say the Eagle), the Crow, the Pye.
Places: Smith's Shops, Furnaces, Slaughterhouses, places where Bricks or Charcoal are burned or have been burned, Chimneys, Forges.
Minerals: Iron, Antimony, Arsenic, Brimstone, Ochre.
Stones: Adamant, Loadstone, Bloodstone, Jasper, the many coloured Amethyst, the Touchstone, red Lead or Vermilion.
Weather: Red Clouds, Thunder, Lightning, Fiery impressions, and pestilent Airs, which usually appear after a long time of dryness and fair Weather, by improper and unwholesome Mists.
Winds: Western Winds
Angel: Samael
Planetary Alliances: His Friends are only Venus; Enemies all the other planets.
Week Day: Tuesday
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Correspondence posts for the other planets: [Sun] [Moon] [Mercury] [Venus] [Jupiter] [Saturn]
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beck-beck-goose · 1 month
Stuck in the car for a few hours, so here’s some little bits of Wolfstar from my fic “The Last Great Pureblood Dynasty” to bless your feed:
Remus is a head taller than Sirius, but he’s also a lanky lad, made up of mostly legs. Sirius, on the other hand, has broad shoulders, so when he steals Remus’s jumpers, they’re not too baggy. He does, however, struggle to keep the too-long sleeves from falling over his hands. Remus secretly loves when he rolls them up over his elbows.
Sirius gets his leather jacket in the summer before his sixth year, after he runs away to the Potters’. Effie takes him shopping in muggle London, since he had only grabbed a few things from Grimmauld Place. They go into a few of the more expensive stores downtown before Sirius spots a charity shop across the street with a leather motorcycle jacket displayed in the window.
For Remus’s 17th birthday, Sirius bought him tickets to see The Kinks and Tom Petty in Paris. They skipped class to go and were both sore the next morning from dancing. Remus doesn’t find out until he returns to Hogwarts to teach that McGonagall had known their plan to sneak out the entire time, but let them anyway. Sirius considers this to be one of the best days of his life.
Sirius’s first tattoo is the alchemical symbol for Antimony in the center of his sternum, also called Lupus Metallorum. It’s represented by the grey wolf, due to its Latin name, and has ties to the Philosopher’s Stone. Remus holds his hand the entire time and helps him take care of it after it heals.
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viadescioism · 4 months
Viadescioism is a contemporary spiritual and philosophical system rooted in the synthesis of various religious, spiritual, and magical traditions. It is a path that emphasizes the interconnectedness of all things, the practice of ritual, and the pursuit of understanding and enlightenment. The system draws from a diverse range of sources, including but not limited to, traditional pagan, shamanic, and esoteric teachings.
The term "Viadescioism" is derived from Latin, combining elements that translate to a deep understanding of one's path or way. "Via" means road, way, highway, or path; "de" signifies "of" or "from"; and "scio" translates to "I know". The suffix "-ism" implies a practice, system, or doctrine. Collectively, Viadescioism means "The way of 'I know'", reflecting the teachings of the religion and the self-knowledge obtained through this path. The word Viadescioism is pronounced as vī-ah-de-shi-oh-ism​​.
Historical Context and Development:
Viadescioism emerged in the early 21st century, synthesizing elements from various historical and cultural traditions. Its development reflects a broader trend in contemporary spirituality that emphasizes eclectic, personalized spiritual paths. Viadescioism was founded by Jackson E. Thomas, also known as Jaxa, The Wolf of Antimony. Officially established on December 10th, 2017, it marks the beginning of a new religious movement, integrating elements of religion, philosophy, and practice. Since its inception, Viadescioism has evolved and expanded, encompassing a broad range of concepts and practices. It is recognized as a religion of existence, emphasizing the interconnectedness of all beings, wisdom, and divinity​​.
The development of Viadescioism has been significantly influenced by various spiritual and esoteric traditions. It primarily draws from New Age, Neo-Paganism, Chaos Magick, and other forms of occultism and esotericism. The influence of the Dominic Christian culture of the 2000s, both Protestant and Catholic, is also notable. Viadescioism is a part of the Western esoteric tradition, which includes streams of thought from Chaos Magick, Wicca, Thelema, and Ceremonial Magick. This heritage informs many of its concepts, including the use of spells and magical practices ("magick" with a "k"). While it has numerous influences, some extending beyond the Western paradigm, the core structure and essence of Viadescioism are rooted in the Western esoteric tradition​​.
Yamasa, Divinity, and Divine:
Yamasa is a term used in Viadescioism to denote aspects of divinity and spiritual entities. It is a gender-neutral term that encompasses the traditional concepts of gods and goddesses, reflecting the inclusive and broad perspective of the Viadescioic system.
In Viadescioism, the concept of divinity centers around Oxakna, which is the primary divine entity of the religion. Oxakna represents the entirety of existence and serves as the starting point for all aspects of Viadescioism. It is described as the main divine, and its significance is such that it interpenetrates everything, essentially forming the foundation of the religion's cosmology and philosophy​​.
In addition to Oxakna, Viadescioism recognizes other divine entities, which include Damakna, Dasakna, Madaqa, Ladaqa, Sadaqa, Ukna, Nakna, Shakna, and Dakna. These divines are seen as emanations of Oxakna and collectively constitute the existence as understood in Viadescioism. They are to be honored in the same way Oxakna is, reflecting the interconnected nature of these divine forces within the religion's framework​​. Central to Viadescioism, these terms refer to the ultimate reality or the source of all existence. Unlike traditional concepts of a gendered deity, 'Divinity' in Viadescioism is gender-neutral.
This structure of divinity in Viadescioism is integral to its understanding of the cosmos and the role of individuals within it. It emphasizes a harmonious existence where the divine is both a part of and beyond the individual, guiding the principles and ethics that shape the practice of the religion​​.
In Viadescioism, a philosophy and religious practice, Kna is a central concept, embodying the idea of energy or life force. It is a key term within the treatises of Viadescioism, replacing more conventional terms like "energy" to align with the unique perspectives and teachings of the practice​​. Kna is not just a passive force; it is seen as an active principle that permeates existence, influencing and interconnecting all things. This term reflects the intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something, that determines its character in Viadescioism.
Rites and Ritual:
Practitioners of Viadescioism engage in various Rites and Ritual. Just as a single goal can be achieved through different rites, each rite can include multiple rituals, each offering unique pathways to the desired outcome. This diversity allows practitioners to tailor rituals to their individual needs and circumstances. The relationship between rituals and rites in Viadescioism can be likened to the process of cooking soup: making soup (the rite) represents the overall objective, while the various recipes (rituals) represent different methods to achieve this goal. These rituals often involve the use of symbols, chants, and the manipulation of kna. The use of divine masks in rituals is a distinctive practice, allowing practitioners to connect with and embody different aspects of the divine.
The Viadescioic Virtue Ethics:
These ethics are utilized in Viadescioism as a guide for resolving conflicts in complex situations in a harmonious manner. The ethical system of Viadescioism encompasses 10 specific virtues, namely xaoxa, najaar, umao, a'jau, laarda, tau, vadaska, davaabt, xaeua, and abtgha. Each of these virtues represents a mean between two extremes, which are considered vices. These vices are characterized by either overindulgence or deficiency of the virtues. In this system, virtue consists of correct reasoning guiding actions, while vice is seen as faulty reasoning. This emphasis on virtues is a central way of understanding one's current state, and the avoidance of vices helps in making better decisions​​.
Lajava Ona, The Sacred Script:
Lajava Ona is a significant aspect of Viadescioism, serving as its lingua franca. This term refers to a language adopted as a common means of communication among speakers of different native languages. In the context of Viadescioism, Lajava Ona fulfills this role for its practitioners, uniting them in a shared linguistic framework.
"The Divine Treatises Of The Emanations," also known in Lajava Ona as "Ja Yamasa Lausha Iba Lajava," is a central text in Viadescioism. Initially composed of multiple treatises, it was later recompiled into a single comprehensive volume. This text is pivotal in laying down the fundamental principles and establishing the knowledge base of Viadescioism.
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fallenrazziel · 1 year
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Alchemical Bestiary ~ 20. Wolf
"In alchemical iconography, there is talk of lupus metallorum (the "metal wolf") who devours gold to "redeem" it. This is a process of purifying gold using antimony, antimony being the "grey wolf" of the alchemical laboratory."
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~Child Of The Storm~
Nikolai Lantsov x OC
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Image by - @brokendreamtale2
Warnings- none
A/N- Let me know if you'd like to be added or removed from the taglist!
Taglist- @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @sirisuorionblack @nadeleine123n
Ch-22 ~Unspoken agreement~
She sat on a side of the ship with Rabeah by her side. The girl seemed to have attained her jolly personality back. "That was so fascinating, Anaya. I thought you were dead and then I look at the sea and I see this massive tornado. And how you were standing amidst of it, you should've seen their faces" She spoke rapidly with great enthusiasm.
Anaya in turn, just looked at her, slightly smiling. No matter how annoying the girl was, she was just glad to have her back.
Rabeah continued to speak when Alina came to their side, "Hi, umm?" She spoke hesitantly, attempting to remember her name
"Rabeah" she smiled
"Oh alright, nice to meet you. Do you mind if I speak with Anaya" 
"Oh sure, not at all" Rabeah got up and left to the other side of the ship
Anaya raised her eyebrows as Alina sat next to her. 
"Anaya, I wanted to thank you. For helping me back on the skiff and for today"
"Oh, it- it's alright" She responded, hesitantly
"And I, I'm sorry"
"For what?" Anaya raised an eyebrow
"I should've helped you. I, should've taken you with me" she looked at her with concern
"It's not your fault, you tried" Anaya responded, looking away.  She spoke again after a short pause, "Those things, what are they?" her voice a mere whisper
"The Nichevo'ya" she responded, the nothings. "I still couldn't figure out how he created them, but they don't seem to feel a thing"
A moment of silence passed among them before Alina spoke again, "What did he do to you?" she asked, her voice immensely low
Anaya's hands began to tremble as the memories of the shadow monsters came rushing back to her, "It doesn't matter" she responded in a raspy voice
Alina gave her a sympathetic look. She knew the Darkling wouldn't have tolerated such height of treason. He had done something Anaya found no comfort in speaking of, but it was Anaya, the girl seemed to have a habit of being discreet.
"Genya believes in him, I don't even understand why" Alina said
"She has her reasons to. She has been treated nothing more than a mere servant for her entire life. She'd been treated as an object, by the king. Something to bring him pleasure. The royals care about no one other than themselves, so why would she ever want to go back to a place like that?" She responded, noticing her word had seemed to catch the Captain's attention, but he soon went back to his work.
Alina sighed, and chose to remain silent. 
Sturmhond asked one of his crew members to fetch Tamar to tell her that she'd have to share her quarters with Alina and Anaya. Anaya bid her farewell to Rabeah who was to stay with one of the captain's Squallers. She let Tamar lead the way as Alina chose to remain with the boy for a little longer. 
Anaya had asked Tamar to get her a notebook she could write in. She'd already had conversated enough for a week and had no intentions of doing it again, at least for the night. The schooner wasn’t like the clunky whaler they'd just left behind. It was sleek, heavily armed, and quiet beautifully built.
Anaya heard Tamar telling Alina that Sturmhond captured the schooner from a Zemeni pirate who was picking off Ravkan ships near the ports of the southern coast. Sturmhond had liked the vessel so much that he’d taken it for his own flagship and renamed it Volkvolny, Wolf of the Waves.
With a Corporalnik on board, there was no need for an otkazat’sya surgeon. The doctor’s quarters and supply room had been turned into Tamar’s berth. The cabin was tiny, with barely enough room for three hammocks and a chest. The walls were lined with cupboards full of unused ointments and salves, arsenic powder, tincture of lead antimony.
"Does she not like to speak" Tamar asked Alina in a hushed voice, as Anaya continued to write in her notebook
"I'm not sure actually, but as far as I've seen, I don't think so" Alina responded in a similar tone
"You do realize that I can hear you right?" Anaya spoke without looking up
"Well, do you" Tamar asked with a slight grin
"Do what?"
"Not like to speak?"
"Most of the time, no"
"Alright" she grinned
"Oh by the way, the Tidemakers filled the rain barrels,” she added. “Feel free to wash if you like.”
"Sure" Anaya responded faster than anticipated, she really needed to get herself cleaned up. Tamar led the way and both of them followed.
She dunked her head in the bucket and ruffled her short dark hair. “He’s handsome, the tracker.”
Alina rolled her eyes. “You don’t say.”
“Not my type, but handsome"
"There are Kerch in Sturmhond’s crew. Aren’t they superstitious about having a girl onboard?” Alina spoke again
“Sturmhond does things his own way.”
“And they don’t, bother you?”
Tamar grinned, her white teeth flashing against her bronze skin. She tapped the gleaming shark’s tooth hanging around her neck, an amplifier. “No,” she said simply.
In a sudden, she pulled yet another knife from her sleeve. “This comes in handy, too,” she said. 
“However do you choose?” Alina asked.
“Depends on my mood.” Then she flipped the knife over in her hand and offered it to her. “Sturmhond’s given orders that you’re to be left alone, but just in case someone gets drunk and forgetful, you do know how to take care of yourself?”
Alina nodded. 
She then took out another knife from behind her back and offered it to Anaya, "You should have one as well, just don't actually kill anyone" she grinned
"It's alright, I have my own unlimited supply" Anaya responded, rising a bit of water from the bucket and freezing it into a sharp icicle
Tamar looked at her with content. 
She dunked her head again, then said, “They’re throwing dice above deck, and I’m ready for my ration. You two can come if you like.”
 Alina shook her head. “No thanks.”
Anaya had a similar reaction
“Suit yourself. I have debts to collect. Privyet wagered we wouldn’t be coming back. I swear he looked like a mourner at a funeral when we came over that rail.”
“He bet you’d be killed?” Alina said.
She laughed. “I don’t blame him. To go up against the Darkling and his Grisha? Everyone knew it was suicide. The crew ended up drawing straws to see who got stuck with the honor.”
“And you and your brother are just unlucky?”
“Us?” Tamar paused in the doorway. “We didn’t draw anything,” she said as she stepped through the door. “We volunteered.”
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blrowanducks-blog · 1 year
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"I say to you that I am the thing itself, but you must not touch me; within me lies the seed of all animals, herbs and ores." (Conversation between Saturn and a chemist, Frankfurt, 1706)
Once Cronus-Saturn was the proud ruler in the eternally youthful "Golden Age", but since his son Jupiter overthrew him and he, according to the Iliad was, "put under the earth", he is in a pitiful condition: now as Father Death, with his sickle in his hand, he now embodies the destructive aspect of time, and represents the original "gate of darkness" in the 'Work of becoming' through which material must pass "in order to be renewed in the light of paradise". The lowest and coarsest level, the sediment of the world edifice, is assigned to him: stones, earth and lead (antimony). Böhme called him "the cold, sharp and strict, astringent ruler", who created the material skeleton of the world. The influences of his planet were held responsible for all kinds of poverty and misery.
For the Neoplatonists, however, he rose "to become the most sublime figure in a philosophically interpreted pantheon". According to Plotinus, he symbolizes the pure spirit, and Agrippa von Nettesheim (1486-1535) referred to him as "a great, wise and understanding lord, the begetter of silent contemplation" and a "keeper and discoverer of mysteries" (De occulta philosophia, 1510). In this way, he rose to become the patron of the alchemists, and at times their central role model.
"Behold, in Saturn a Gold lies enclosed (...). Just so man lies now, after his fall, in a great, formless, bestial, dead likeness (...) He is like the coarse stone in Saturn (...) the outer body is a stinking cadaver, because it still lives in poison." (Jacob Böhme, De signatura rerum) -continued-
"Therein lies the most evil poison of all (...) and an earthly treasure and an earthly God in whose hands lies the spiritual and earthly law, and who has the whole World in his hand."
Take the wolf, the child of Saturn (..) and throw him the body of the King. And when he has swallowed him, build a big fire and throw the Wolf into it, so that he burns up, and then the King will be liberated again.” (Basil Valentine, Twelve Keys)
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bending-sickle · 2 years
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖 ^^
oh lawd
Love is Just a Bloodsport (Teen Wolf), Kate has second thoughts about killing Derek. (4131 words)
First Impressions (Mad Max: Fury Road), Nux, an untried driver, meets his new lancer, the recently-demoted Slit. Things head off to a rocky start. (1867 words)
Time for Something Biblical, (Supernatural...ish), The apocalypse is in full swing when Chip takes to the road and does his best to avoid the infected. In Kansas City, he reluctantly moves in with Saunders, a widowed grandfather, and twelve-year-old Agatha. They say there's an angel dying upstairs. (53542 words)
Promises and Pie Crusts (Supernatural), Watching the boys grow up from the other side of the counter. (1838 words)
Stonehenge Antimony (Doctor Who & Stonehenge Apocalypse), "Jacob here is at Stonehenge one night in the year twenty-ten. We're at Stonehenge roundabout two-oh-one AD. At the same time." (2929 words)
idek man
and just for comparison, my top 3 by way of readers (by like, hundreds or thousands of hits difference) are: Pervasive, Love From a Distance, and Aftertaste. because y'all are too horny.
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brenaaaaaa · 6 months
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𝓼ꀎ𝓬ꉓ𝓮ꌗ𝓼ꎇ𝓾꒒ & 𝓪꓄𝓽ꋪ𝓪ꉓ𝓽ꀤ𝓿ꍟ
[𝓬ꋪ𝓮ꀸ𝓼; wolf of antimony]
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sigils-to-assure · 3 years
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via pinterest
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routine3456 · 3 years
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