#also I think I have to leave when I said I’d leave bc my internal shameometer prevents me from telling my male roommate I’m staying
tomatoluvr69 · 9 months
useless complaint post literally you don’t have to bother reading this it will just help me to rant a bit
This is sooooo not a real issue I’m just in the throes of pmdd but like I have a bunch of semi-expected (but way earlier than I’d thought) unemployed time so I’m using its alignment with the warm weather to go backpacking/live out of my car in [nearby national park and national forests] but right now I feel zero enthusiasm and I really hope it’s not gonna suck bc my heart’s not in it…like if I’m kind of doing it out of obligation bc it’s unusual to have such an extended span of time off when you’re an adult, then am I going to have the drive to get thru the parts that suck, like the exhaustion of steep trail days, the days when it storms so hard you have zero dry gear, etc. but really the part that I’m the most trepidatious about is the loneliness. But it’s so weird bc I’m struggling socially here and I really think some extended alone time would help?? But it’s always hard and I don’t want to lololol. Honestly what would help this the most is to just wait until after my fucking period. But as it is right now I feel like I’m just going thru the motions. If I could fucking live in my house for the equivalent amount of time without my social life encroaching I absolutely would but I’m so burnt out from my close friends leaving and from my last dear relationship here being at times really tough (it’s one that feels like my well-being rides on it— when it’s good, I’m on top of the world, when it’s not I’m hurt and confused and crawling out of my own skin). I still have a community here but it feels like it’s my roommates’ world, and I’m a guest whose presence is like…anodyne at best? And I really think I’ve just latched onto the idea of my trip as a vague mental escape hatch and haven’t really grasped the idea of the fact that I’ll still be present in my ailing brain and treacherous body when I go on the trip— I’m not just taking a nap from my (admittedly spoiled little baby) problems. And when I did the same thing for 3 or 4 weeks last summer I was dropped off & picked up, which created a really nice incentive to stay on trail— to leave, I’d have had to somehow communicate & coordinate with the relatives who’d agreed on a set date to come pick me up, i.e. effectively trapping me in the woods so I’d stay when I got all grumpy or sad or began semi-hallucinating human voices or was ready to throw it all away to get my hands on a slice of pepperoni pizza and a big old kombucha lol.
Anyways this is such not a real problem but me ol’ paranoid ass is convinced a whole passel of my irls have this blog’s url so I can’t freely complain about what’s really bothering me, which is that I’m starting to see harbingers of the devastating dissolution of my closest relationship. Or, even worse, my relegation to a much more distant connection. And I’m trying desperately to convince myself I should stay in this fucking town, because I’m suuuuuuuuper prone to just fleeing when I start to feel [inaudible], which is a super unsustainable way to live my life and o know it’s not [city] I’m trying to flee but myself which scientists are telling me I can’t physically do…but is that the truth?? Or is the truth that I actually do need a clean break from [redacted]…or is that just a convenient lie I’m telling myself so I can flee again. Or is THAT a convenient lie I’m telling myself so that I can keep my head in the sand and keep [redacted]. It’s so cool how you can’t trust your own heart and mind and you might just suffer from uncertainty forever and you’ll die chasing happiness with the grass always greener but also like pmdd and I don’t really want to go on this trip but I think I must. I think…
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riordanness · 6 months
bad blood - [h.haddock]
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8.2K wordcount
warnings: death mention, panic attack mentions
requested: no
a/n: i usually don’t do author’s notes on my fics bc i don’t think i have really anything to say lmao. however. i wanted to say a quick word about this one, as it’s a kind of old piece but one i was extremely proud of and worked really hard to complete. i loved the humorous parts i wrote, loved the character arc i gave y/n, and just in general really liked how my writing turned out. also, it’s the second longest one-shot (currently) i’ve ever written! anyways, enjoy my lovelies <3
I disliked Hiccup Haddock more than anything else in the entire world. I didn’t like him at all for a very long time, but… well, here is our story.
“Hey love.” A voice appeared next to my shoulder, and I rolled my eyes.
“Go away, Hiccup,” I demanded, refusing to look at him. I was carving a spear out of a wooden stick, so I kept my focus on my knife running back and forth along the wood.
Even without looking at him, I could tell he had a smirk on his face. “Oh love,” he whined. “I want to talk to you.”
He tugged on one of my small braids that ran down the sides of my hair. I whacked his hand away, still not looking at him. “I said go away,” I said again.
He laughed. “I know.”
“So leave me alone.”
A moment’s pause. “But why?”
“Because I hate you and don’t want you around, annoying me to death. I’m busy.”
“But you’re fun to annoy.”
I turned on him, fiercely glaring up at him. The worst thing about Hiccup was how tall he was compared to me. He wasn’t even that tall, I was just super short. Hiccup was a full head higher than me.
Hiccup had a smirk playing around his mouth. “Hey shortcake.”
I hit him. “Shut up, Hiccup.”
“Aww, c’mon sweetheart. I’m bored.”
“That’s nice.” I crossed my arms protectively. Not that Hiccup would ever actually hurt me. Honestly, if it came down to me being in danger, I was pretty sure he’d defend me. I’d known him longer than anybody else I knew.
I might hate him, but it was the truth. Hiccup was an asshole, but I knew deep down he didn’t absolutely hate me. I guess I didn’t hate him, either. He was just a total pain.
“Go ride Toothless or make a friend or do something. Just leave me alone. I don’t care to see you.”
Hiccup sighed, running a hand through his ruffled brown hair. His green eyes flickered with amusement. “Okay, love. I’ll see you later.”
“Don’t call me that.”
He winked. “Sorry love.”
I resisted the childish urge to stamp my foot. “Hiccup!”
He held up his hands. “Okay… okay.” I almost thought he might actually be genuine, until he smirked. “I’ll stop calling you love… darling.”
I knew there was no shutting him up. I turned on my heel without a word, and stamped angrily into my cabin, slamming the door behind me.
Three seconds passed, then there was a knock on the door. I opened it. “Hiccup, go away!”
Hiccup stood there, grinning mischievously. “Fine, fine. Bye, you.”
I rolled my eyes and shut the door. I’d only just turned around when another knock sounded. I gritted my teeth. “Stupid little —“
I opened the door again and stopped short. “Oh! Stoick. Um, hi.” I swallowed. “Sorry, I, uh, I thought you were Hiccup.”
Stoick looked amused. “That’s alright, y/n.”
“Um, would you like to come in?” I offered.
Stoick nodded, and stepped inside. I suddenly felt very conscious of how messy the place was. I didn’t spend much time here, preferring to roam outside or stay at Astrid, my best friend’s house.
“How are you faring up?” Stoick asked.
I shrugged. “I’m okay. Still getting used to the fact that they’re gone, but, you know. It’s okay. I’m okay.”
Stoick nodded. “If you ever need anything, feel free to let me or Hiccup know.”
I groaned internally. “Yeah, like I’d ever ask him for help,” I muttered.
I hadn’t intended for him to hear, but Stoick chuckled softly. “He doesn’t hate you, you know.”
“Sure,” I said. “Because he thinks I’m fun to annoy.”
“That’s not it.”
I waited, but he didn’t elaborate. “O…kay…” I said slowly. “Um. Great. Well, it’s getting late, so if you don’t mind, uh…”
“Oh! Sure, sure,” Stoick said. “Have a good night, y/n.”
A long time after he left, I stood in my empty, cold house, staring at the door, wishing for something to come and fill the hole that was forming inside of me.
“Y/n, did you hear?”
I turned to my best friend. “Um. No. What happened?”
Astrid brushed her hair out of her eyes. “Stoick just told Hiccup he’s going to become chief soon.”
“Cool.” I returned to making the leather straps I’d been softening for my future dragon’s saddle.
See, the thing is, I don’t have a dragon. I know, that’s so weird, everyone in Berk has one, but I’m, well… a dragon killed my parents a few years ago. I’ve never liked them anyways, but after that, I’ve struggled a lot with my feelings about dragons. I’m sure one day I will overcome this fear inside me and own a dragon, but right now? No way.
“That’s all?” Astrid looked offended. “Y/n, that’s so much cooler than cool.” She suddenly laughed. “You know what this means?”
I frowned a little. “No..?”
“Hiccup has to choose a bride.”
I blinked. “Really? Um, so?”
Astrid rolled her eyes, elbowing me as she sat beside me on the ground. “You know you’re in love with him, y/n/n.”
I pretended to gag. “Ugh, as if! Astrid, you know I hate him. I don’t care at all about him in any way, especially not in a romantic way. I don’t care a single little bit if he has to choose a bride.”
“Sure.” Astrid smirked. “You’re secretly hoping he’ll choose you, aren’t you?”
I shot her a glare that warned her to shut up. “He’ll choose you and you know it,” I said.
Astrid wrinkled her nose. “I doubt it,” she said. “Hiccup and I literally never talk. Besides, everybody knows that me and Stormfly are a forever couple.”
I shook my head at her, but I had to smile. “Well, he won’t choose me, and I don’t care about it anyway.”
Astrid looked like she wanted to argue, but she shut her mouth when she noticed someone walking over to us. When I saw who it was, I sighed.
“What do you want?” I demanded.
“Gee, you’re lovely today, darling,” Hiccup teased, plopping himself down next to us.
“Excuse me,” I pointed out. “We didn’t invite you to sit with us.”
Astrid glanced at me, a smirk playing around her mouth. Her eyes were twinkling. I glared at her. I hate you, I mouthed.
I swung one leg over the log so my back was to Hiccup. “So, Astrid,” I said, a little too loudly. “What do you want to do this afternoon?”
“I’m taking Stormfly out for a ride,” Astrid replied. “You’re welcome to join —“
“No,” I said instantly. “Uh, I mean. No thank you. I’m good.” My hands trembled ever so slightly. I coughed, swallowed, and picked up my leather strap, gripping it tightly to stop the shaking.
Hiccup poked his head over my shoulder. “You know—“
I elbowed him in the ribs so hard he tumbled off the log. “Whoa!” he yelped. “Jeez, y/n!”
“Sorry,” I apologised. “I- you startled me.”
Hiccup rolled his eyes. “No I didn’t. You just like hitting people.”
My mouth tightened. “No I don’t. And stop calling me a liar!”
“When did I call you a liar?” He got to his feet, one arm cradling his ribcage. “You’re violent for literally no reason.”
I glared at him. “You just said I was lying. And I didn’t even hit you that hard.”
Hiccup winced. “Uh- yeah you actually did. I think you broke a rib or something.”
I slammed my work to the ground, getting to my feet and facing the boy. “Stop avoiding the fact that you called me a liar! I never ever ever make up anything.”
My eyes glittered with unwanted tears. Involuntary memories sprang into my mind. My parents hugging me. My father’s voice in my hair, my younger voice begging them to promise to return soon. “Of course we will return, darling,” my father said. “We’ve never lied to you, have we now?”
I blinked, forcing the tears away. I hated crying in any situation, but I wouldn’t be able to stand crying in front of Hiccup. I’d never live it down.
“Whatever.” Hiccup glanced at me. His voice suddenly changed. “Want to see something amazing?”
“Yeah,” I grumbled. “The retreating back of your head would be great, thanks.”
Hiccup rolled his eyes. “I’m serious.”
“So am I!” I turned away from him, and only then did I realise Astrid was nowhere to be seen. She must’ve snuck away while Hiccup and I were arguing.
Hiccup’s hand grabbed my shoulder and spun me around. “C’mon,” he pleaded, and his voice sounded genuinely kind. “It’ll be fun.”
I rolled my eyes. “If I come with you, do you promise to leave me alone after?”
Hiccup nodded.
“Fine,” I muttered. “Where are we going?”
He grinned mischievously. “You’ll see.”
Hiccup turned, and I had no choice but to follow; partly because I was curious, and partly because I wanted him to leave me alone, and this was the only way to guarantee that.
We entered the woods that surrounded the village, and I began to get suspicious. “Hiccup?” I asked. “Where exactly are we going?”
He didn’t answer for almost a minute. “You’ll see.”
I rolled my eyes. “First, that’s not a proper answer. Two, don’t you think that you should tell me before you drag me off somewhere?”
He laughed. “C’mon. Don’t you ever do anything adventurous or risky?”
“Yes,” I answered. “I talk to you.”
“Hey!” He shot me a playful glare.
I managed a smirk. “No, but seriously. Where are you taking me?”
He glanced at me over his shoulder. “Okay. Just stay here a moment. I’ll be right back.”
I frowned, and opened my mouth to complain, but before I could say anything, Hiccup had disappeared into the trees. I had no choice but to wait where I was.
Only a few minutes later, I heard a rush of wind, and a midnight-black dragon landed in front of me. Hiccup sat astride Toothless, one hand in the air.
I yelped, taking a few quick steps backward. “I- shoot, Hiccup. Why are you…” My voice died as Toothless stared at me. A shiver ran down my spine, making me feel sick to my stomach.
“Y/n, it’s fine,” Hiccup assured. “He won’t hurt you. Will ya, bud?”
I shook my head, my throat tightening. “I- no. I can’t do this, Hiccup.” I took another step back, my entire body beginning to shake. This. This what had killed my parents. Dragons couldn’t be trusted. No matter how much Hiccup had tried to convince the village, I would never trust anyone, or anything, ever again.
Hiccup frowned. “Fine.” He leaned down and patted Toothless on the neck. “C’mon, bud. Let’s go.”
Without another word, Toothless spread his wings and they soared into the air.
I stood stock still for a whole minute before I realised I was holding my breath. I let it out all in a rush, and staggered a little. I reached out to hold onto a tree truck for support. My legs felt wobbly and unstable.
I decided it was best if I headed back for the village. I didn’t want to hang around in the woods today anymore. I had a sour taste in my mouth, and I needed some water.
I was twenty meters away from my cabin door when suddenly the ground beneath me was swept away. The village got smaller and smaller, and then I realised what was happening.
“Hiccup Haddock!” I shrieked. Toothless was holding onto my forearms, and I was suspended in the air.
“Yes, m’lady?”
“I am going to kill you!” I yelled up at him, panic temporarily pushing aside my utter agony at being defenceless against a dragon.
“Toothless, put her down,” Hiccup commanded.
Toothless flew around a huge pine tree that was significantly taller than most of the forest, and promptly dropped me onto its highest branches.
I clung to the tree truck, shaking. Tears clogged up my throat, and my legs were so trembly I thought I was going to fall and die.
At the sound of Hiccup’s voice, I slowly turned to face him. He looked almost sorry, but I knew that was impossible. The little wretch was trying to make me terrified, for what reason I could only guess. This was his biggest prank yet.
“Hiccup,” I said, trying to keep my voice level (and failing), “you will get me down from here, now.” I gripped the tree tighter. “You will take me home this instant, and you will never ever talk to me again. Do you understand?”
He blinked. “But—“
“Do you understand?!” I yelled.
“Fine,” he sighed. “Here.” He held out his hand.
I stared at it for a second, then gingerly reached out and rested my fingertips on his palm. A tingle ran up the length of my arm. He gripped my wrist, and pulled me up onto the dragon behind him.
Every part of my body that was in contact with the dragon’s felt heated up, like I could burst into flames at any moment. My head pounded in sync with my heartbeat, and my palms were getting sweaty. I was, in short, absolutely terrified.
“… let her down slowly.”
I realised Hiccup was talking. “You got that, bud?”
Toothless made an exasperated grunt, sounding more like a sarcastic teenager than a dragon. That didn’t make me feel any better.
Toothless slowly spread his wings, and for a second, I almost relaxed. Maybe he would fly down gently like Hiccup had asked.
The next second, my illusion shattered. Toothless took off so fast I almost toppled off. I was forced to grab onto the nearest thing to stay onboard (on-dragon?). Unfortunately, that thing happened to be Hiccup.
Whatever. I’d rather not die today. I gripped his shoulders so tightly my knuckles turned white. I squeezed my eyes shut tightly, as if not seeing would make it better for me.
The wind whipped in my ears, blowing my dark hair all around my face. I was so scared, so worried, so distraught I felt like crying. I couldn’t, though. I wasn’t dumb enough to cry in front of Hiccup. He would never let me hear the end of it.
Suddenly, I felt the dragon beneath me twisting sideways. We started spinning, twirling in tight circles. My grip tightened on Hiccup’s shoulders.
Someone was screaming, and I was like eighty-five percent sure it was me.
“Toothless!” Hiccup yelled. “Stop this right now! You’re scaring her!”
Toothless took that as a challenge, and dove toward the ocean a hundred feet below. He showed absolutely no signs of slowing or stopping in any way. I opened my eyes, wanting to at least be able to see something in case I died because of this.
“Thanks for nothing, you useless reptile,” Hiccup muttered. I slowly began to realise that maybe Hiccup wasn’t the one at fault here. Of course. It was the dragon’s fault. Dragons weren’t to be trusted, which was exactly what I’d been thinking this whole time.
Just as we were about to hit the water, Toothless opened up his wings. We shot upward, soaring towards the sugar-spun clouds above us.
We levelled out, and my muscles lost some of their tension. Toothless floated in the air, almost flying gently now. I remembered how to breathe, and let out a long, breathless sigh.
“Hiccup,” I managed, my voice hoarse. “I am going to murder you.”
I melted into him, partly in relief that I wasn’t dead, partly in exhausted terror. My arms went around his waist, my forehead falling to rest on his back. My eyes fluttered shut, and a lone tear streaked down my cheek.
Hiccup didn’t say anything for a long while, and so neither did I. Toothless flew long and slow and level, giving me the slightest chance of not murdering him, too.
I’m not sure how long we stayed like that. All I remember is Hiccup’s voice saying softly, “Sweet dreams, love,” before I fell into the welcome arms of sleep.
I woke slowly, curled in a ball inside a warm, soft bed that didn’t feel like mine. When I finally opened my eyes, I realised why it didn’t feel familiar. I wasn’t even in my house.
I sat up, looking around, trying to work out where I was. With a start, I couldn’t even think of a time I’d been inside any other houses in the village except for Astrid’s. I had no idea whose house this was.
“Morning, m’lady,” said a deep voice from the top of the stairs.
I groaned internally. “Oh, gosh, of course it’s you.” I found myself pulling my fingers through my hair, brushing it as nearly as I could, straightening my shirt, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.
I dragged myself out of the bed. I was still dressed in the same clothes as yesterday, my usual top and skirt combo, with leggings underneath for warmth. My boots were lying on the floor, so I yanked them on.
I glanced up at Hiccup, who was hanging over the banisters, watching me. With a jolt, all the memories of yesterday flooded in.
Red-hot anger filled me. I clenched my fists. “Are you gonna come down here, or should I just murder you up there?”
Hiccup’s eyes widened. “I- what?”
“You heard me,” I muttered. My knife was missing from my belt, which was just great. I’d probably lost in on that horrific flight yesterday.
I stomped up the stairs, stopping on the one below the one Hiccup was standing on. He leaned against the banister, raising an eyebrow at me.
“Hey shortcake,” he whispered teasingly. “Sleep well?”
I gritted my teeth. “You are so beyond dead right now, Hiccup.”
He chuckled. “Hey. Blame Toothless, alright? There was nothing I could do!”
I wanted to roll my eyes. “Um, okay. And he’s your dragon.”
“That doesn’t mean I can control him!”
I didn’t answer, my gaze sliding away from Hiccup. I sighed, laid my palm on the cold wood banister. “I don’t ever want you to talk to me again, okay? I don’t want to see you; I don’t want to hear you. I don’t even want to know you exist.”
I felt a glistening tear streak its way down my cheek, dripping off the bottom of my chin. “Just—“ My voice broke. “Just leave me alone.”
I turned, and ran out of the house, leaving his door wide open. I headed for the only place I could think of; the woods.
I didn’t stop running until I was deep in the forest, surrounded by unfamiliar trees. I dropped to my knees in the dirt, buried my face in my hands and cried.
Hours later, I slowly rose to my feet. It was growing steadily dark, and the cold was seeping into my bone. I shivered, and wrapped my arms around myself as I walked around in a small circle.
I realised, horrified, that I was completely lost. I had no idea whatsoever where I was, which direction the village was, or what time of day it even was right now.
I eventually sat down on a rock, pulling my knees up to my chest. The darkness was growing. Soon, I didn’t think I would be able to see a thing. I began to get worried.
Who knew what things might be hiding in the shadows? My hand instinctively went to my belt, my my knife was gone. I cursed under my breath, and stood, pressing my back against a tree. I figured it would be safer than sitting on an exposed rock.
I shivered, wrapping my arms tighter around myself, my eyes turning towards the sky, hoping, for some insane reason, that someone might be out there looking for me.
Who was I kidding? Who was there that even cared about me that much? I didn’t have parents who were waiting back at home, wondering how late I was going to stay out. I didn’t have siblings who would notice my absence.
Astrid wouldn’t notice this late at night. I tended to wander during the day; she was used to that, but at night it wouldn’t even occur to her that I was anywhere but home.
Hiccup briefly crossed my mind, but I truly did not think he cared about me that much. I didn’t even want him to. I was still so mad at Hiccup, thinking about him made it hard to breathe. I hated him.
“I hate Hiccup Haddock,” I whispered under my breath, trying to make myself feel better. My breath made a wisp of steam in the cold air. I watched it as it floated into nothingness.
My vision suddenly blurred, but I couldn’t tell if it was because of exhaustion or tears. I slumped down to the ground, my legs giving way. I drew my knees close to my chest, hugging them to me. My chin rested on my knees, gazing out at the woods, though I could barely make out anything anymore. I couldn’t even see my own hand clearly, let alone anything else.
I’m not sure how long I sat there, but eventually, I slipped into a deep sleep, half-frozen, chilled to the bone, alone and crying in the darkness.
“Y/n! Y/n? Y/n/n?!”
My eyes fluttered open. I groaned in pain. I felt someone’s arms encircling me, carrying me, but I couldn’t make out anything. Everything was blurred, hazy. The person carrying me was talking, but it sounded far away and watery.
I slumped against the person’s shoulder, closing my eyes. I was tired: so, so tired. Everything ached; my head pounded and throbbed.
I don’t think I feel back asleep, but I wasn’t really aware of anything for a long while. Finally, the person slowed to a walk, and laid me down on a couch or a bed or something. A cup was held to my lips, and I gratefully accepted the water.
I blinked several times, and my eyes focused on a very familiar looking boy, who’s green eyes were staring down at me, full of concern.
“Hiccup?” I asked weakly. “What are you…?”
“I found you in the middle of the woods,” Hiccup replied, his eyes darkening slightly. “Are you okay? Do you need anything else? More water? Are-are you warm enough?”
I laid my head back, rubbing my thumb against my throbbing temple. I let out a long sigh, whether it was of annoyance or exhaustion or pain, I wasn’t sure.
“I hate you so much,” I muttered.
“Gee, thanks,” Hiccup answered. He held the back of his hand against my forehead, testing my temperature. “You don’t seem to be too sick. I think you’re going to be okay,” he said, almost to himself.
“I’m not sick at all,” I said firmly. “I don’t even know why you’re taking care of me. I don’t need you. You—“ My voice suddenly broke with emotion. “You did this to me.”
Hiccup’s eyes filled with sorrow. “Look, Y/n/n—“
“Don’t call me that,” I snapped.
He blinked. “Y/n. I-I am so sorry for what happened yesterday. I, well, I thought it might make it better if you saw that dragons aren’t always vicious. Um…” He glanced down, rubbing the back of his neck. “Toothless didn’t really get the memo.”
He looked at me. “I’m really sorry, Y/n. And I hope that maybe someday you can find it in you to forgive me.” He stood, brushed off his pants, and left, closing the door gently behind him.
I lay there for a while, staring up at the ceiling. I hadn’t noticed it at first, but Hiccup had brought me home. I was in my bed, in my house. I could hear small noises from downstairs, which meant that Hiccup was still here. I wasn’t sure what he was doing down there, but I didn’t really care.
What I cared about right now was what he’d said. And what it had made happen inside of me. Was I really as mad at him as I thought I was? After all, he’d gone out and found me, brought me home, taken care of me. Maybe he’d been trying to be nice, and it really was Toothless who had been doing all those things to me. (Which just proved all my theories that dragons weren’t to be trusted).
I thought again of Hiccup’s eyes staring down at me, his sad voice asking me for forgiveness. The worry in his expression when he asked if I was okay. I hated how much I’d liked that. I hadn’t ever been in love, or even had a crush on anyone. I wasn’t sure if this even was a crush, but if it was, I didn’t like it.
I didn’t like the swirling in my stomach when I heard Hiccup’s voice. I hated how much I suddenly wanted him near me. I disliked how I kind of trusted him. I didn’t want to be in love. I didn’t want to have somebody I believed in again.
Last time I’d loved someone, trusted someone, all they’d done was break my heart and leave me forever. My parents. I wondered if part of my hatred inside was because I’d never truly forgiven them for leaving. For dying and not coming back for me like they’d sworn they would. I blinked back tears, brushing my cheeks with the back of my hand.
I swung my legs out of the bed, standing. I swayed a bit at first, but I forced myself to be steady. I yanked on my boots and slowly pushed open my bedroom door. I stepped out onto the landing, peeping over the edge of the banisters.
Hiccup was down in the kitchen. I was shocked at how much cleaner everything looked. I barely ever tidied up. Not that things got particularly dirty, as I spent little time here, but dust had certainly stocked up over the years. Hiccup had scrubbed away the five years of dirt from my home, and it was sparkling.
Something smelled good, too. It hit me like a brick wall that the fire was going, and Hiccup was cooking something over it. It looked like soup or something similar. I hadn’t had a home cooked meal for ages. I hated cooking, so I just lived on things I grew in the garden, or tidbits from friends.
I shifted slightly, and a floorboard underneath me creaked. Hiccup glanced up, and when he saw me, a slight smile flickered across his face. “Hey,” he said.
“Hey,” I said back, not sure what else to say. I mean, I’d just yelled at him, and made it pretty clear I didn’t ever want to talk to him again. What do you say to someone who’s just cleaned your entire house and taken care of you after you told them that? “What are you making?”
Hiccup glanced down at the pot he was stirring, then back up at me. “Chicken and potato soup. Want some?”
I hesitated, but nodded, with a small shrug. “Why not.” I slowly walked down the stairs, my eyes on Hiccup the whole time. I couldn’t seem to tear my eyes away from him.
He noticed me staring and smiled nervously. “What? Am I in trouble?”
I found myself slowly shaking my head. “No, I don’t think so.” I allowed myself a small, watery smile. “At least not yet.”
Hiccup grinned. “Good. Now sit down and eat.”
I obeyed, setting myself down at the old dining table. I wiped my palm on the wood, expecting it to be coated it dirt, but it shone with new cleanliness. My eyes suddenly filled with tears.
“Hiccup…” was all I could manage.
Immediately, Hiccup knelt in front of me. “What’s wrong?” he asked, almost urgently, staring up into my eyes. “Are you alright?”
I swallowed. “You-you cleaned the house… you’re cooking… I- you…” I let out a broken sob.
For so long, so one had cared. Astrid cared the most, but she was busy with Stormfly and her new baby brother and life in general. She’d offered a few times to have me stay with her and her family, but I’d known that would be far too hard for them. I’d always politely told her I was just fine on my own, thank you. But I wasn’t. I knew that. I needed someone to care so badly that now that someone did, someone cared, it almost hurt.
“Hey, hey,” Hiccup said softly, grabbing me by the shoulders. I realised I was shaking.
“It’s alright,” he assured me. “Come here.” He brought me into a hug, which at first both startled and scared me, but then I melted into it. The hug felt unfamiliar, different, awkward. But nice, somehow.
But this was Hiccup. I untangled myself from him. “Uh,” I stammered, tucking my hair behind my ear, eyes flitting away. “Thanks.”
Hiccup shrugged. “It’s fine.” He stood slowly. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
I nodded. “Yes. I mean, no. I-I guess? I’m not sure…” I stared up at him. “Hiccup, why are you doing this?”
His eyes narrowed slightly. “What do you mean?” He gestured around. “You needed help. You need help. I am the son of the chief; soon to be the chief myself. It’s my job to help the village.”
Something inside me wilted a little. So this was just part of the job to him? The rest of me internally yelled at that bit to shut up, and that we hated Hiccup, so it doesn’t matter what he does. But why did I hate Hiccup?
Thinking back on it now, I really didn’t think he had ever done anything truly bad towards me. Yeah, sure, he’d been a total tease, but I was a rude, bitter, secluded brat to be honest. I didn’t deserve any help from him.
I blinked back unwanted tears. “Um, well, I really appreciate it,” I said. “It was really nice of you to come looking for me.”
Hiccup studied my face for a moment, then pursed his lips and nodded once. “It’s okay, Y/n/n.”
Something inside me jolted. No one had called me that in years before today, when Hiccup had started to. It was the nickname my father had given me. Hearing Hiccup use it had just opened up a deep wound inside me I hadn’t even remembered.
“Please don’t call me that,” I whispered, staring at the floorboards. My feet hung limply in the air just above the floor.
Hiccup glanced over at me from where he was standing, stirring the soup. “Um, okay. Sorry, Y/n.” He stressed my name, saying it slightly slower than the rest of his words.
There was so much tension in the air, and I realised it was all my fault. I made the room awkward and made Hiccup have to watch everything he said. I was a terrible person.
I’d even told Hiccup never to talk to me again, right after I’d woken up in his house. It hit me that he must’ve taken me there after the awful flight on Toothless. Then, I’d screamed in his face that I hated him, and gotten myself lost in the woods because I was selfish and prideful and full of hate.
Even then, Hiccup had gone out and found me. Who knew how long that had taken him? He’d brought me back here, cleaned my house, made me food, and for what? For me to be snappy, harsh, and rude.
I ran my tongue over my lower lip, staring resolutely at the floor. “Hiccup?” I managed finally.
“Why are you doing this?” I looked at him, leaning forward with my elbows on my knees. “Be honest.”
Hiccup hesitated, stirring the wooden spoon listlessly around the soup. “What do you mean?” he said finally.
I sighed, sitting up straight and brushing off my skirts. “You know… helping me.” I have a little laugh. “Heavens knows you don’t need to. So why are you really doing all this?”
Hiccup chewed his lip. “Because I’m going to be the Chief of Berk pretty soon. I need to be able to protect my people.” His gaze fixed on mine. “Even when they don’t like me, or want me to.”
Under his fierce eyes, my insides crinkled. I felt exposed, as if I was being examined under a bright light. I dropped my gaze.
“I’m sorry…” I managed, the words sounding funny in my mouth. I hadn’t apologised to Hiccup, for anything, ever.
“It’s okay.” His voice sounded surprisingly even, like he wasn’t even bothered about all this. So it was just me feeling all these things, was it? He was truly just doing this out of a sense of duty. And honestly, why shouldn’t he? I’d already told myself I was a rude little brat, to be totally honest. I didn’t deserve to have people look after me, at all.
I didn’t meet Hiccup’s eyes. “Um, that’s cool. But thank you, really.”
Hiccup nodded, and handed me a steaming mug of hot soup. “Eat up,” he said. “I’ll leave you the rest… have a good night, Y/n.”
And with that, he disappeared. The house felt suddenly very small and lonely, and I shrunk into myself, staring into the fire, sipping tiny bits of soup until I was all warmed up inside.
I gazed around the cabin. It looked so different, all shining and clean. It made me feel like maybe I might be able to move on; get over them leaving me. I shook my head. That would never happen. I didn’t think I was capable of letting it go, of moving forward with my life. I was seventeen years old, and I still held a grudge against my parents for ‘abandoning’ me when I was twelve.
Thoughts whirled through my brain, at an almost dizzying rate. I left my mug on the table, and went to stand by the open window, facing out into the main road of Berk.
A few children were playing in it, kicking a round wooden ball to each other. I watched them for a minute or two, before an absurd idea struck me. I pushed open the front door. “Hey!” I yelled.
The kids turned to look at me, momentarily forgetting their game. “Can I join you guys?” I asked, feeling brave.
The oldest girl looked confused for a moment, then after a brief pause, gave me a smile and a nod. “Sure!” she called.
I grinned, and shut my door behind me, jogging over to them. Playing ball was something I hadn’t done in years, but it felt good to just relax for a while. Plus, it was amazing to see others doing an activity that didn’t revolve around dragons, so I could join in.
Dragons. I shuddered a little, remembering the awful ride on Toothless, and making my feelings around Hiccup even more complicated.
After a good long play, I collapsed to the ground in a heap, blowing up my breath. “Gosh,” I managed. “I can see why kids like playing ball. It’s fun.” I offered the girl who’d let me come play with them a small smile.
“You’re Y/n, aren’t you?” the girl asked, her eyes narrowing slightly.
I hesitated. How did they know who I was? I never really talked to anyone except Astrid, Hiccup and a few other people. Certainly not the children.
“Yeah, I am,” I said slowly. “How do you know my name?”
The little girl allowed herself a smug smile. “Hiccup told us about you.” Turning, she threw the ball to one of her friends.
I was dumbfounded. “Hiccup?”
The girl nodded. “Yeah. He told us you guys used to be friends but now you’re mean to him and won’t let him be nice to you anymore. He said he misses being your friend.”
I wrinkled my nose, staring at her. “Hiccup said he misses me?” I scoffed finally. “There’s no way. You must have heard him wrong. Hiccup hurt me incredibly badly when we were six years old, and ever since then he’s teased and bothered me almost to death. I will never be his friend again.”
I stood, suddenly angry all over again. Angry about how hurt I was, how much I hated Hiccup and my parents for hurting me. I clenched my teeth. “Thank you for letting me join you. Bye.”
I turned and began the walk uphill to Astrid’s house. Right now, I really needed to see my best friend.
When Astrid opened the door, she immediately noticed something was wrong. She frowned. “Are you alright?”
I shook my head. “Everything is so hopeless, A.”
Astrid made a sympathetic face and pulled me into a tight embrace. “It’s okay,” she whispered into my shoulder. “Come on, come inside. It’s freezing.”
Maybe it was. I felt so numb I didn’t think I would’ve noticed even if it was cold enough to give me frostbite. I felt like my insides were frozen, unable to feel anything at all.
Astrid pulled me inside, sitting me down on a chair beside the roaring fire. She knelt down in front of me. “What happened?” she asked, staring into my face.
I shook my head, looking away from her. “I… I don’t even know…” I began to cry, dropping my head in my hands.
Astrid pursed her lips, hugging me again. “Is it your parents? Hiccup? Tell me.”
I took a deep breath, and slowly began to tell her the entire story, beginning yesterday, when Hiccup took me into the woods and the whole, horrible ride on Toothless began. I kept my eyes steadily fixed on the fire as I spoke, quietly recounting the flight, the fight, being lost in the woods and then Hiccup rescuing me and cleaning my house. I even told her about the awkward hug.
The only thing I couldn’t manage to admit to Astrid was how I felt about Hiccup. I couldn’t decide if I hated his guts, or if I wanted nothing more than to be in his arms again.
When I was finished, Astrid let out a long sigh. “I’m sorry, babe,” she said. “But if you ask me… Hiccup wasn’t at fault for what Toothless was doing during that flight. I think he might be telling you the truth; that he just wanted you to see that dragons aren’t dangerous.”
I nodded slowly. I was beginning to believe that. Of course, that just made me hate dragons even more, but there was no point saying that aloud. Astrid knew I hated dragons even more than I hated Hiccup. I would never, ever trust a dragon.
Astrid studied me. “Do you want to know what else I think?”
I glanced at her. “By the look on your face, no. But I guess you’re going to tell me anyway, so… sure.”
Astrid suppressed a smile. “You know me too well,” she said. “But, what I think is, you don’t hate Hiccup at all. You’re just angry. At your parents mostly. But Hiccup hurt you too, years ago. You’re alone now, so you’re taking out your anger on the only person you have any sort of justification to do so to.”
I was silent. Sadly, her words rang hard and true. I could finally see that, yes, my hatred of Hiccup was really just anger at myself, and my parents. It had honestly nothing to do with Hiccup himself. He’d just been unfortunate enough to annoy me all those years ago, so now I’d decided to hate him because of it.
I shook my head in disbelief. “I’ve been so stupid,” I muttered.
“Not stupid,” Astrid said. “Kinda crazy, maybe, but not stupid.”
I looked at her. “I think… I think I should go and apologize to someone.”
She smiled. “Go.”
I jumped to my feet and ran, leaving her front door swinging open in the wind.
I didn’t stop running until I reached Hiccup’s house. I burst inside without thinking about knocking, but stopped short on the threshold.
“Stoick!” I gaped, trying to find the right words. “I, I am so sorry—“
“Y/n,” Stoick replied, getting to his feet. “What brings you here in such a hurry?” His eyes narrowed. “Are you alright?”
I nodded breathlessly. “What? Yes. Yes, I’m fine, thanks, I just —“
“Were you looking for Hiccup?”
I pursed my lips. “I might’ve been.”
Stoick chuckled. “You’ve got spirit, lass. I like that about you.”
I blinked. “Um, thank you?”
“He’s at the beach.”
I smiled. “Thank you, Chief.”
The path that ran towards the beach was thin and steep, covered in loose rocks that skidded under my shoes. More than once I almost fell off the cliff side.
When I reached the beach, I was surprised at how small it seemed. Then again, I hadn’t been here since I was little. I guess my memories of it had faded. With a start, I realised that the last time I had been here was probably with Hiccup himself, back when we were small and best friends.
I spotted Hiccup’s figure walking through the surf a few hundred meters away. I started toward him, slowly in case I scared him with a sudden approach.
The beach itself was small and rocky, round black stones instead of proper sand. The waves here were little and inconsistent, barely making a splash. Sometimes in the summer, we would have a day or two of good weather, and the waves would be bigger, but that was a pretty rare occurrence.
I reached Hiccup, who was now standing with his hands buried in his pockets, his eyes fixed on the horizon.
“What do you see?” I whispered.
“Freedom,” he replied softly, turning to look at me. “When I’m riding Toothless, nothing is impossible. Me, a human, can fly on the back of a dragon. There is something magical about that, Y/n.”
I chewed my lip, considering his words. I guess there was something amazing about that fact, but still… dragons.
“Um,” I said. “I came here to apologise.”
Hiccup’s green eyes turned a darker shade. “For what?”
I dug the side of my shoe in the sand, my eyes sliding away from his. “For… everything.”
He waited, his eyes roaming my face.
I swallowed. “For not being your friend when I should have been. For hating you and your love for dragons. For being a terrible person. For hitting you and hating you and making your life miserable.” During this little speech, my voice had gotten higher and louder. Now it broke, and I felt tears brimming to my eyes. “I’m so sorry, Hiccup,” I cried.
Hiccup didn’t say anything. He stared at me for a count of five, while tears began to stream down my cheeks. What was wrong with me this week? For years, I’d barely cried at all, hiding my emotions inside. Now I was crying, again.
Hiccup did something I didn’t expect. He grabbed my face between his hands. They were tougher than I would’ve thought, calloused and hard from working with metals and wood and materials. He stared into my eyes for long enough for my tears to stop flowing. “Y/n,” he said. “It’s okay. You were forgiven years ago.”
He pulled me into a tight embrace. A week ago, I would’ve fought and hit and yelled at him, but now? I melted into Hiccup’s body, burying my face in his chest and wrapping my arms tightly around him, letting my tears flow freely.
For the first time since my parents died, I felt at peace.
For the next three weeks, I tried my hardest to start a routine. To start cleaning my house, cooking meals every day, and (the hardest part of all), going out and talking to someone each and every morning.
Sometimes I just talked to Astrid, when it got bad and I truly couldn’t get enough emotion energy to talk to anyone else. But sometimes I managed. I talked to the kids playing in the streets, to the other girls I never really talked to before, to the guys helping out in the dragon-saddle-making workshop.
But mostly, I talked to Hiccup. I talked to him as if we’d never stopped being friends, as if we were six years old again. It honestly surprised me how easy it was to get along with him now that I didn’t have an eternal grudge against him. Hiccup was still the same person he’d always been. It was me who had changed.
I made an effort to even start working. I’d never done anything like it before, really, but it was honestly alright. I had a few shifts at the dragon workshop a week, and it was kind of fun after a while. Yeah, sure, I still got terrified when someone actually brought their dragon to the shop, but for the most part it was good.
Hiccup worked there sometimes as well, and so did Stoick. Astrid didn’t, because she was a dragon trainer and didn’t really have the time. I would’ve liked it if we were able to work together, but there was no way I would be able to train dragons. At all.
But, you know, life was pretty alright. I still had scars, deep and hidden and probably incurable, but I also had friends. And hope. And maybe, just maybe, a future.
I woke up screaming. My bedsheets were clutched tight in my fists, a tangled mess around my legs. Hot tears were still rolling down my cheeks, and my chest heaved, as if I’d just run the length of the island in my sleep.
I tried to swallow, tried to even out my breathing. My mouth was so dry I could barely swallow properly. I reached for the glass of water that I always had beside my bed, and gulped it down.
I could still evision the awful images from my dreams. Hiccup, Astrid, my parents, all trapped in a circle of flaming dragons. They were screaming for me, calling my name. I couldn’t move, my legs seemingly stuck to the ground. I could do nothing but watch as the dragons slowly spread over the bodies of my loved ones, devouring them. I sank to my knees, screaming in agony.
I shivered, climbing out from under the sheets. I needed to get out of this empty house. I didn’t care if it was the middle of the night, I had to see someone.
I hurried down the stairs, bursting out into the night. Stars glittered in the sky, the night quiet and bright. The cold wind hit me like a wall, and I shuddered. I hadn’t thought of grabbing my jacket.
My feet moved faster than my mind, taking me somewhere that I didn’t even know I wanted to be. I slipped inside Hiccup’s house, tiptoeing to where I knew his room was.
Outside his door, I finally realised what I was doing. Sneaking into Hiccup’s room in the dead of night? What was I thinking? Was I crazy?
Maybe I am, I thought, slowly pushing open Hiccup’s door. I stood still on his doorway for a moment, before quietly slipping over to the side of his bed.
“Hiccup?” I breathed, almost soundlessly.
“Y/n?” Hiccup was instantly awake, sitting up in his bed. “What are you…? Why are you here? Are you okay?” His voice was hoarse from sleep, and he squinted at me.
I hesitated. What was I supposed to say? Oh, I just had a dream about you dying and it terrified me so I’m here to make sure you’re still alive? Of course I wasn’t going to say that.
“I had a nightmare.” I bit my lip, shifting from foot to foot. Maybe this hadn’t been such a good idea.
Hiccup’s dark eyes gazed into mine. He leaned back slightly, so he could see me more clearly. “Why did you come to me?” he asked quietly, his voice ragged and raspy.
I dropped my gaze. “You were the only one I thought of coming to,” I whispered. “I knew you wouldn’t mind.”
“Of course I wouldn’t mind,” Hiccup said. “Do… do you want to stay here? Or do you want me to walk you back to your house?”
I hesitated. “Could I please just stay here, with you?” I met his eyes for a brief second.
He smiled. “Anything for you.” He said it so flippantly, I might’ve missed it any other time. But my brains snagged on the words, turning them over and over in my mind. Anything for you…
“Thank you, Hiccup,” I whispered. We were both silent for a while. “Can I… can I stay with you until morning?” I asked.
Hiccup stared at me, then nodded. I slowly crawled onto his bed, leaning against the bed-head. Hiccup glanced at me, then lay back down on his pillow. After a moment, I snuggled down next to him, hyper aware of every part of my body under the sheets.
We were nose to nose. I could feel his hot breath on my face. His green eyes glittered in the darkness.
“Goodnight y/n,” he whispered groggily. “I hope you don’t have any more nightmares.” With that, he closed his eyes, and I heard no more from him.
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mdr-writings · 6 months
Streamer!Eren x reader pt.2
A/n: I'm sorry I took so long to get this part out. I was very busy with my classes, I had relationship problems, family issues, I was a hot mess. But after rewrite after rewrite I can finally put this out. How convenient that its on Final Aot day. Honestly, I'm also glad that I am putting it out today bc I'd rather be hot and bothered rather than sad and sobbing. Btw I am gonna fix the first part because I feel like it lacks a lot of things. If you still want to read it, it’s linked below
Part One
Cw: slight teasing of weight, oral ( fem receiving), overstimulation, heavy kissing
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” So does Eren behave himself when he talks to you guys,” you ask the chat as you sat down on his lap.
“What? you know I always behave myself,” he cocks his head towards you grinning. “Sure you do,” you said rolling your eyes. You know that he rarely behaves himself when it comes to you. So, you could assume he’s the same in front of an audience. You point your finger towards the camera. “Look, seems like the chat knows you better than yourself.” 
Eren’s attention shifts to the screen to see the chat flooding with comments siding with you. “It’ll be your own people huh?” you let out a quick chuckle while picking at your nails.
“Do you guys have anything you wanna ask her,” he questioned. 
You speak up, “Yeah, you guys can ask me anything “. You didn't know where this sense of comfortability came from. Maybe it was Eren's aura or the way he communicates with his audience. It’s a possible reason as to why he has such a big following.  
Eren has always been transparent about how he feels whether it’s about something or someone. The guy has a hard-on for conflict, but the way he is authentic with himself is admirable. “Anything?” Eren raises his eyebrows in amusement. The sound of a notification alert pops up on the monitor. A monotone robotic voice booms from the computer’s speaker” what is the freakiest thing you've done?” 
 “What do you mean?” you furrowed your eyebrows together. Of course, you were not going to show that side of you. Who do they think they were trying to ask a question like that? Perhaps you do tell them, then what? You become the biggest streamer’s slut? Smart remarks filled your head ready to be spat at the viewers. Though, integrity got the best of you and decided to remain quiet.
 “Aww come on, you can’t let the audience down now” he teases. Eren begins soothingly stroking your thigh. As he strokes, he draws patterns of circles, leaving you to accidentally shudder in his grasp. He then intriguingly raises his eyebrows. 
“Oh my god, I'm literally slipping off of you” you grab on both sides of his thighs to try to push yourself up. “Geez you’re like a fucking slip and slide, what did you do bath in, butter?” you mumbled. Eren looks down to your bottom half and notices your butt touching his knees. “It’s okay, I got you,” he murmured.
“Goddamn, you’re heavy as fuck.” You whipped your head to face him to strike him a glare. He then adjusts himself with you on top, making your bottom rub against his crotch. A low groan escaped his mouth. You felt heat brewing on your face. 
“Uhhh let’s see, is there any more questions?” you ask desperately looking at the screen. “Y/n you didn't even answer the first one” he raised one eyebrow and lowered the other. You stop your internal thoughts as you once again feel a hot sensation on your thigh moving. You try not to acknowledge the hand with clear intentions of riling you up. 
“You gotta toughen it out y/n.”
 “Actually,” you start. Eren eyes shot up in interest. “I can recall, the time I... you know... to a professor in a class,” you stammer over your words. Instantly, a wave of regret crashes into you. Somehow you forgot Eren attends this same college and classes you take. You silently cursed at yourself.
“Oh?” Eren’s lips curled up into a smirk. “And who might that professor be?” he questioned. Learning this fun fact about your sexual deviances aroused Eren's curiosity. In a millisecond, your ear is set ablaze as pressed his Eren's lips against it. “Would that be Professor Erwin or Miche?” His warm breath brazes your ears which ignites a fire in your stomach. “Or maybe Professor Levi?” his hand slithered its way towards your inner thigh. Your legs quickly squeeze together in hopes to stop the throbbing that started between them. Luckily, Eren was just in time to snatch his hand away from the trap. Your face was twisted up in frustration. 
This hasn’t been the first time that Eren has teased you. But this felt different, it’s almost as if you don’t want it to stop. The words he’s throwing at you don’t feel like feathers this time around. His hands on your thighs feel like it’s burning through your skin. The heartbeat in your core seems to pulsate harder and faster. You didn’t want it to stop but you were fighting to not look desperate.
Satisfied in your response, Eren clasped his hands together. “Alright I'm gonna end it right here make sure you share the stream with your friends, follow Y/n on her socials and repent, toodles” he sings. Eren leans over to hit a hotkey on his keyboard which he assumes ends his streams. He then swivels the knobs on the computer’s speaker on mute. He once again lays a hand on your thigh. You let out a short hum clearing your throat. He then leans back to take notice of your stiff position in his lap. Eren lightly squeezes your arm,” You, okay?” 
“I’m fine,” you pull away from his grip. Eren can tell when he goes overboard. He could just make it up to you by buying your favorite food like he always does. But for once in his life, he would rather be mature and talk it through.
“Hey, I know this was your first time on here and I know it was a bit overwhelming,” he breathed. “I do apologize if I made you uncomfortable.” 
“I said I’m fine Eren,” you raised your voice. Eren was taken aback by your sudden attitude towards him. His once loud and lively room was now clouded with silence. “I think we should head down now,” he placed his hands upon your plush waist. Gripping the chair handles, you turn around allowing your legs to lay against Eren’s waist. “I lost my appetite,” you whispered in monotone. 
You couldn’t understand yourself as to why you suddenly opposed his suggestion. Wasn’t your main objection being to take him downstairs? You could just walk away from him and have that same gut-wrenching feeling in your stomach. But your body wouldn’t allow you to move. Something snapped, those times of playful bickering started to build a form of lust and desire. Maybe now was the time to reveal the real reason behind the constant squabbles.
“Y/n, I said I’m s-”
“You know,” you started. “Our little fights always end up leaving me confused,” your gaze pandered between his dark forest green eyes and plump lips.
 From what you could remember, Eren constantly had some girl hooked up on him. Hell, he even got Mikasa wanting to try him out. But for some reason he could never really settle. His mind always seemed to wander to the same person, you. The squabbles could be played off as friendly but the feeling of wanting it to go further lingered. But as a result, it left you reaching for more, wanting him more. 
Eren’s heart pounds loud against his chest. He always felt as if going further wasn’t an option. He had his moments where he just wanted to hold you so close, as if he would die if he let go. Moments where he wanted to make you his. Perhaps if he did the things he thought of doing to you, how would he face the friend group, what about his fans, and Mikasa? He decided that acting upon his true feelings towards you was too risky.
“We’re friends Y/N” he confirms, his eyes soften under your gaze. Your eyes then pondered around his room. “Is that all you want to be?”
He huffs out an air of defeat. The sound of the ventilation buzzing was consuming the room.
“I-I” he stuttered as the pounding of his heart was breaking his sternum. He raises a hand to cover his rose-colored face.” Y/n what’s the point of this,” he audibly muffles. You reach up to pry his hand away from himself and hold it in your palms.
“I’m doing what I feel is right to me,” you reply with reason.
As corny as it felt, you no longer had interest in letting the feeling of desire leave you again.
“So, antagonizing me is what feels right to you? “Yup, that sounds just like you,” he speculated. Your face drops into a frown,” No dumbass.” Your fingers hook in the crevasses of his. Eren scrunches his eyebrows together in uncertainty. “Then what?” You place your intertwined hands over your heart that was protected by your flesh. “Us” you replied in a hush tone. It seems like Eren’s face couldn’t get any redder. Your hands enclosed over his, touching your chest, it felt as if he were in his recurring dream. This time, he was hoping there would be no interruptions to wake him.
“Are you fucking with me,” Eren interrogated in disbelief. Your skin began to spread warmth to your face. “Yes, I mean... no but I want to- if you know what I mean,” you ran over your words frantically. Still not connecting the dots, Eren’s head cranks his head to the side. You inhale a shaky breath” I can’t believe I’m saying this but…”
“Eren, I like you,” you sheepishly state. It was as if you could hear a needle drop on the floor. To make matters worse, the screaming vents were now hushed. “Well?” you quizzed. His eyes darkened as he stared through your soul. Your heart tanked to the lowest part of your stomach. Your confession has left you embarrassed and empty handed with no response.
That same damn feeling.
Your frustration grew as you started to pull your legs away from his waist. A hand jumped out to grasp at your thigh pulling you closer. You jump at the sudden movement. “I want you to say it again.” You could feel your blood pressure rising by the second. He got some nerve to try to humiliate you. “Hey, I finally have the courage to tell you- “
“Y/n, I want you to say it again,” he repeats while his eyes were capturing your psyche. You silence yourself as you can sense his serious demeanor. His eyes were dissecting every part of your face.
“I like you,” you whispered.
Suddenly, you felt your lower half become weightless. Your arms quickly wrapped around his neck for security. Eren’s arms gripped the back of your thighs as he moved towards his bed. It was like time was strolling through Molasses. You begin to study his face. So, tense and stern as if it was in concentration to finish a task. Just minutes ago, you were just stopping by to send a message from your friends. Now you were in his bed waiting for his next move.
Dropping you onto the bed, he stands in front of you, sighing while his eye sweeps over your face. You bite your lips anxiously not wanting to make any other part of your body move. Once again, the room continues its loud humming.  
 “I try so hard to resist, but you always seem to reel me back in.” You remain still as your thoughts race in your head. “Do you not care about what people will say,” He harshly grips his biceps.
His jaw clenches tightly. Why couldn’t you understand how risky it is for the both of you? The possible backlash of his viewers that was also used to seeing Mikasa on the stream. Mikasa possibly being jealous that the two of best friends are entangled in each other’s arms. He thought of the many outcomes of the situation which were all negative.
“Why can’t we keep it a secret, nobody has to know,” you crossed your arms against your chest. Eren walks towards you, stopping close as your legs almost touched. He leans over, his face nearing to yours. His minted breath tickles your nose.
 “Because Y/n, being around you, I can’t be secretive.” His closeness has you yearning, you crave him. Your eyes frantically search his, you could almost feel your heart jumping out your chest. Not waiting a second more, you crash your lips into his. Releasing years of tension and desire, you melt as your lips mesh together.
 He loses balance as you pull him on top of you. Regaining his composure, he leans in closer to your face. You hastily reach up to grab a hand full of his locks, enclosing his hair in your fingers. Eren groans as your grip tightens. His groan sends millions of nerve shocks to your core. You let out a soft moan into his mouth. A sudden wave of clarity hits you as it feels like you haven’t gotten his full approval. A quick smack could be heard as you pulled away from his lips.
“Are you okay with this, we can stop,” you inquire trying to steady your breathing. Eren chuckles as if your question were nothing but a joke. “I don’t think now is the right time to start asking questions.” You smile brightly leading him back to your lips. He then pushes harder into the kiss making you needlingly whine.
 He begins tugging at your bottom lip with his teeth. He sweeps his tongue in between your lips, exploring your warm mouth.  You lower your hands towards his pants, rubbing his hard print. Eren quickly pulls away from your mouth while pushing you back flat against his bed.
He now feels the temperature of the room increasing by the minute. He pulls the hem of his shirt over his head. Your eyes scan his toned body as he studies yours. He decides he wasn’t going to be the only one shirtless. “Arms up,” he commands you. You lift your arms over your head as he pulls your shift off. Now bare breasted you cover yourself up. “Don’t be shy now, should I cover mine too,” he joked covering his tanned nipples. You let out a short giggle, rolling your eyes revealing your chest. Eren smiles as he trails his lips down towards your breast.
You shiver as you feel his tongue leave hot kisses on its journey down south. He latches on to your hardened nipple, sucking and licking as he flicks the other in his hand. You jolt up panting from his touch. The sounds of you moaning tighten the grip of print in his pants. “Eren” you whimpered; your core was leaking more of your slick.
“Feels good?” he asked with a labored breath. “Mmhm,” you moaned. His fingers began to run up and down the sides of your legs. Your head grew hot and dazed, the warmth of his touch scorched your skin. He then lowers his head to peck your thighs leading down to your heated core. Your heart rate spiked as you knew these course of events officially change everything about your relationship with him. Eren’s eyes reach yours to ask to continue. You harshly swallow the hard ball of saliva stuck in your throat.
You then nod your head while swiping your tongue on your lips as the heat made them chapped. Your legs felt a strong pull as thighs were raised to the sides of your stomach. Swiftly, your panties were snatched away from your body. Then you look down to see his head ducked below your thighs. A wet long stripe swiped across your lower lips. Your legs quickly try to shut but eren’s reaction time was faster, catching them in his hands.
“You want me to stop?” He asks. You shook your head side to side in desperation for him to continue. “Then keep still, ‘kay?”
“Okay,” you responded.
Settling back in between your thighs, you felt another long stripe now on your folds. “Oh fuck,” you cried. Your breath was hitching, you felt air being sucked out of your lungs. Eren could felt his cock get more sensitive as he rubs it against his pants. He towards the top of your pussy and puckered his lips around your needy bud, giving it several pecks.
“Oh my god, “ you moaned loudly. Your hands were clawing at your chest not having another place to settle. The sensation was overwhelming your body, the heat from the room and his mouth set you aflame. You felt a long intrusion prodded at your sopping hole, entering you slowly. You let a high-pitched squeal as you squeeze your eyes shut. Eren gazed up at your face turning in satisfaction. He lets out groan around your hard bud buzzing it into more pleasure.
“Yes, right there,” you screamed out. Eren works his fingers harder and deeper into your hole. Stretching and curling his long digits. The squelching of your dripping core and screams echoed around the room. Eren began to feel the grip of your walls tighten and loosening, letting him know you were close to your speedy climax.
“Eren, more please,” you needily whined pushing yourself closer to his face. He then removed his fingers and plunged his tongue into your hot core, swirling it around. Once again glancing up, he peeks at your pleasured face, lips falling into a perfect “o”. His fingers start to circle around your clit. Your feet curl up and down over his broad shoulders. While soaking and scavenging your hole, he brushed over a small plush button. Your thick arousal dripped on to his black satin sheets leaving a damp puddle underneath you.
You gasp hard as you arched your back off the bed. He smirks as he hits the sensitive spot over and over. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as your stomach clenched.  “I’m gonna cum,” you panted wearily. You felt his pace on your bud and hole quicken faster than before. He presses deep into you, numbing the spot that weakened your senses.
“Ahhh, yess” you hiss in despair. The band in your stomach begins to ripple harshly. He pinches your clit tightly in between his fingers, yanking the nerves upwards. In an instant, your walls clench and stutter profusely.  Panting and crying out, as Eren decides to rub you through your orgasm making you whine in pain.
“Eren, no more, please!”
He shushes you while enthusiastically applying more pressure on your bud. The sensation of you needing to release again ached you. Fluids suddenly began spurting from your overstimulated cunt. You cry out as drool seeping out your gaping mouth.
“goooood girl,” he praises you, slowly drawing circles on your clit. As your breath settles, he slowly removes his fingers from you. Looking over, he presents his dampen fingers to you. “You might wanna get a- “
Eren slipped the wet digits into his mouth, licking and slurping your juices from his hand. Blood drained from your face as you watched him pop his fingers out of his mouth. He smiles at your astonished reaction.
“You taste good,” he smirked. “Shut up!” you angrily yelled. He then began moving closer towards you. 
“Wanna try?”
“Eren, I swear to god, get away from me,” you shouted grabbing the covers from underneath to protect you. “Come here~” he teases. He quickly makes his way to your side while cackling. You shriek, a gasp of wind grazes you as he rips the blankets away from your bare body.
“NO,” you scream out as his face is inches away from yours. Eren halted his body from moving further. “You actually don’t want to try it?” he questions. You slightly turn your head away from his deep green eyes. 
“Well, I- uhm”, you nervously stammer out. Eren softly smiles at your demeanor in enjoyment, “it’s embarrassing,” he finishes for you.
“It’s embarrassing,” you shyly confirm while nodding your head. His fingertips rest at the bottom of your face, tenderly pushing it back to face him. Your eyes attach to his, occasionally shifting to his plump lips. “Listen, I’m not gonna force you,” he assures.” But it was funny watching you scream,” his dimple forms on his cheeks as he breaks out in laughter. You frown in humiliation but soon, bits of giggles spill from your mouth. Your joined laughter filled your bodies with happiness, neither you nor he wanted it to fade into the abyss.
Eren laughter dies out as he focuses once again on your face. His thumb reaches your lips, gently brushing over them. Your eyes saturated with temptation, inching closer to his warm lips. He understood your command, closing the thin gap between the both of you, your mouths gracefully settled on each other. You could feel your chest twist and twirl in excitement.
 Could it be love? No, no, that’s a tad bit heavy to use the L word on the same day of your confession. It felt too light label it as a crush. Whatever it was, bonded the cracks of your heart that formed each day that came before this one.
Letting the kiss linger a second longer, you could taste a reminisce of a sweet and tangy flavor on his mouth.  You pulled back from him allowing a sigh to slip out, “I wanna try it,” you confessed. Eren’s eyebrows slanted in confusion, “You already did”.
“No, I did- OH!” You shouted covering your mouth. You jokingly smacked your lips together to taste yourself again, “you’re right I don’t taste bad”. Eren smiles at your blatant wittiness, it’s one of the things he most admires about you. The quick jabs you throw at him and the rest of the group, it seems he’s the only one who manages to keep up. 
The mention of the group assisted in his daze to drift to the main purpose of you being here. “Y/n, we should probably head down now, it’s been while since you left them”. You slid your shirt over your head as you hummed in agreement. He follows your lead and begins to put his shirt on.
Time seems to pass on fast, in a span of minutes you were introduced and teased on his stream, let out your confession and allowed the man you have been eyeing out on for years to devour you.
“Dammit,” you stoop down to look under his bed. “What are you looking for”, he inquires also tilting his head down. Your hands blindly wander under his bed frame, “I can’t find my underwear”. The constant slapping of your hand against his floor was tiring and the lack of light in his room didn’t help with your searching.
 “Oh, you mean these”, your head turns up towards the brunette boy. His hands hold the panties, balled up and enclosed under his fingers. You stride towards him quickly as he grins, eyeing your exposed lower parts.
 “Eren, give it to me,” you warned sternly. He backs up raising the panties behind his head, “it was so good you’re begging for more huh?” he taunts.
You angrily step closer to him, “Eren!” you gritted your teeth. “I don’t know I think it’ll kind of be exciting to free ball it, don’t you think”, he laughs still steps backwards. 
“Fuck you,” you angrily retort.
“Ah, we’ll get to that another time, don’t wanna be too needy”.
Finally reaching him, you stare with dagger in your pupils. Not a peep could be heard as he stares back with levity, seeing this as nothing but fun. Your eyes shift between the parallel green ones, fury congests your stomach. Eren fights the urge to grab your face and push your soft lips on his. 
“Whatever”, you huffed out in defeat, going to put your shorts back on. He smiles lightly, retreating his prize into his top dresser drawer. You make your way towards his door ready to exit but something still nagged at your thoughts.
“Eren, what is this now”, you questioned in concern. He slides the band out of his hair, making the brown locks frame his face and shoulders. “You mean, what’s going on between us,” he asks with vagueness. “Mmhm” You hummed wanting him to continue. 
“Oh yeah, your mine for sure”, he carelessly raked his fingers through his tresses. You felt heat flash across your cheeks, flustered by the fact that you were now in his possession. 
Eren then bites the band while gathering his hair into one fist in the back of his head. The back side of his biceps strained; veins flexed as his grip tightened on his hair. You stare at the voluptuous muscles that fought against his flesh. The boy finally places the band in his other hand then ties it into a somewhat presentable bun.
“Even in front of them”, you questioned referring to your joined friend group. The door was now ajar, the light of the hallway bled into his room making the luminesce shine on your body. “We’ll talk more later, let’s eat,” he mumbled nodding his head into the lit-up hall. You whispered a quick “okay” as you made your way out and soon, he follows right after.
Darkness had absorbed every spec of light in the room, except one blinking spot of red on Eren’s desktop.
   ⌢⌢⌢⌢⌢୨୧⌢⌢⌢⌢⌢ ⌢⌢⌢⌢⌢୨୧⌢⌢⌢⌢⌢ 
“And I even got the chance to hold one”, Armin boasted proudly. The other remaining friends gathered around the table excited to hear about Armin’s oceanic studies. Food was placed on the counter waiting to be consumed, mainly waiting to be consumed by Sasha as she anxiously stared at the thinning steam that rose from the pot.
“Don’t you think that’s a bit dangerous to only be for a general research assignment”, Jean asks in genuine concern for the blond. “No, not at all”, Armin answers while swiping between photos on his phone of the sea animal he held. Jean sighs in defeat, what a way to be reckless for an extracurricular class.
Mikasa sat in between the 2 blondes, patiently waiting for you and eren’s arrival. She pondered at clock resting against the wall. It’s ticking reminding her every second and minute goes by without the appearance of her 2 friends up the stairs. 
“It’s going on fifteen minutes now”, she informs the group. “I'm sure they’ll be down in a sec”, armin reassured while glancing at the time on his phone. 
“Yeah whatever, who’s idea was to wait for him anyway”, the food fiend groaned.  Armin and Mikasa accusingly pointed their fingers towards Jean. “ I thought it would be a nice way of gathering together”, his face painted in pink.” “Mama’s boy”, Sasha muttered under her breath. 
“ Hey, I heard that! ”
Connie, too consumed by his phone to engage in conversation decided to do a check up on his socials. Twitter was the first choice, he laughed obnoxiously at a couple of tweets from people he followed closely. Afterwards, he viewed the current top 10 trending topics.
 Elon Musk, a copycat.
Megan thee Stallion, she can step on me.
One Piece Live action, mid.
Jaegermeister exposed, about damn time.
 It wouldn’t be surprising if eren did a tip slip, that wouldn’t be the worst thing he could’ve done. Connie, not anticipating the unexpected, lazily pressed the bolded subhead. Automatically, the top video began to play out, his breathing came to a sudden pause; pupils dilated in shock.
  “No way”
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@sofamochi​   @bootlegroach   @nafi-2004  
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altsvu · 4 months
more than just my intern
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pairing: sonny carisi x fem!reader
wc: 1.3k
summary: sonny was eager to take you under his wing when he suddenly realizes he was eager for more…
tw: none i can think of 😅
a/n: y’all PLEASEEEE don’t be mad at me but this was sitting in my notes for ALMOST A YEAR bc i wanted to add smut but it was HARD. so i got rid of it, but if y’all want a part 2, i can definitely do it! also this gif is just *chefs kiss*💋 its so fitting for this lowkey
law and order svu masterlist! ✯ taglist!
“I like you so much, I wish you were more than just my intern.”
“Well, those arrangements can be made.”
You enjoyed being a detective, but you wanted more. You followed in Sonny’s footsteps for as long as you could imagine and now it was your time to shine. You and Sonny had been partners for about 4 years when he announced he was applying to law school. You were there for Sonny when he got his acceptance letter, and when he had mentioned before his acceptance that he was applying to Fordham night school to become an ADA, it had become a surprise to you because you were actually looking at that school, among many others in the area. A few years after Sonny finished law school, you got one of the best news of your life.
“Sonny, you need to come over ASAP.” You said over the phone.
“Why, are you okay?”
“I just have something here that I’d like you to witness.”
“Okay, I’ll be there in 20.”
When Sonny came over, the both of you curled up on your living room couch staring at your laptop.
“I got an email from Fordham.”
The clock ticked slow from the time you opened up the email to the time you clicked on the link to log into the portal.
“Is that what I think that is?” Sonny said.
After you logged in there was another thing you had to click on in order for you to see your application status. Then, a whole bunch of confetti popped up on your screen.
“OH MY GOSH I GOT IN!” You screamed.
You and Sonny screamed and laughed for a few moments, living in the moment. You got accepted into law school!
“I’m so proud of you Y/N. You deserve it.” Sonny said, pulling you into a hug.
“Aww thank you.” You beamed. “And look at you, thriving as an ADA already. If anything I’m proud of you!”
Sonny also had a wide smile on his face. “It’s no easy thing, so thank you. These accomplishments deserve a little celebration, dont’cha think?”
“Oh yea,” You agreed.
And with that, your life changed.
Fast forward a few months, you went through orientation and all those get to know you stuff and you were now taking your official classes. Sonny on the other hand was doing great as an ADA and you were extremely happy for him. Juggling law school and working as a detective, not to mention you got promoted, was something you were learning to handle one day at a time. You didn’t know how Sonny did it.
Throughout the semester, Sonny occasionally popped by to check on and see how everything was going, and he even helped you with some of the classes that he previously took. When you had your spare time on the job you went to visit Sonny to see how he was handling Hadid and the cases he had to work with. On the days he had to work late to prep for trial, you were reluctant to leave him, you were curious about this aspect of being an ADA. He gave you advice and other words of wisdom that you kept with you throughout your time in law school.
A year and a half passed by and Sonny was taking off with his career and you were still in school, doing everything you could to get high grades in your classes. On top of that, dealing with all the changes Manhattan SVU was going through was taking a toll as well. It was about that time for you to start gaining experience. Sonny let you sit in cases, live cases, in the courtroom, as you took notes on his techniques, just as he did when he learned from Rafael.
“You know, you might as well be an ADA now with all these cases you’ve sat in with me.”
“Not yet, Counselor. Give it about two more years. For now, I’ll be your little intern.”
That brought a smile to Sonny’s face. “Intern, huh?”
“If you’re serious about it, I can make arrangements with the DA… it can be your part time.”
Your eyes widened. “Sonny…”
“I know, I know. You don’t have to act on it right away, I just want the best for you. I didn’t get the chance to do this, but I want you to have it.”
You didn’t know what to say, so you hugged Sonny.
“Thank you. Seriously, for everything.”
“Of course. Anything for my partner.”
After many conversations with the DA’s office, the bureau chief, and even Benson, you got your official position as ADA Sonny Carisi’s intern. Part time internship kind of situation. It was needed as one of the requirements for one of the classes you were taking so it fit.
Your days consisted of looking over some of the cases Sonny had on his docket, taking notes for your own practice, as well as observing during cases. You did get paired with other ADA’s on the eighth floor, but you always drew yourself towards Sonny.
One night, you were in Sonny’s office looking over a case with him when he decided it was best for the both of you to have a nightcap.
“Hey, you’ve been taking notes on that case file for a while. Unwind with me.”
You looked up and saw Sonny pull out a bottle of wine and glass cups. You watched him pop the bottle open and pour the red liquid in both of the cups. He handed one of them to you, hoping you would accept it. You sighed, plopping the case file on the table. Taking the glass with a smile on your face, you followed Sonny to the couch he had in his office.
“You know, I don’t think I ever told you this, but it’s beautiful how dedicated you are to becoming an ADA.”
“Aww, you think so?”
“I appreciate it a lot. I think a part of it was also your doing. You inspired me to go further in my career. Further helping victims of all walks of life that don’t have a voice of their own, victims that want to be free from the shackles of their toxic situations, victims that are tired of their bodies being used forcefully for sexual desires.”
“Maybe I did inspire you. You’ve really been a great advocate for everyone that walked through those precinct doors and it shows.”
“Cheers to that.” You smiled, raising your glass.
Sonny clinked his glass with yours and smiled. “Cheers.”
“I’m glad you’re my intern.”
You raised an eyebrow, setting your glass down. “Oh?”
“Yeah. I get to spend more time with you, for starters.”
“Mmm, yeah, I miss you at SVU sometimes. It’s not the same without you.”
Sonny nodded. “I get that.”
There was a moment of silence between the two of you, just completely comfortable silence and long looks.
“I like you so much, I wish you were more than just my intern.” Sonny admitted to break the silence.
You were startled at first, but then a smile crept on your face as soon as you knew what he meant.
“Well, those arrangements can be made.” You whispered. You took one more sip of your wine and scooted closer to Sonny.
“Oh yea?” He said in a hushed tone, moving closer to you as well. At this point, the both of your thighs were touching each other. You felt a major spark between you and him. You were feeling a certain type of way and it wasn’t from the alcohol.
“Yea.” You whispered.
Sonny gently took your face in his hand and kissed you.
After the kiss, the both of you were smiling, holding each other’s faces in hands and touching foreheads.
“I want more,” you said. “That was beautiful.”
“Beautiful indeed, my little intern.”
taglist: @detective-giggles , @lapaquerette , @itsjustmyfantasyroom , @ssaic-jareau , @averyhotchner , @blackbeautifulqueen , @redlipstickandplaid, @storiesofsvu , @hotchsbabygirl-blog, @deiondraaa, @wandas-wife , @ellevandeberg
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softspiderling · 8 months
but i need your lips on mine | d.h.
summary: derek hale is a mystery you have yet to solve
pairing: derek hale x reader
warnings: none
word count: 1,9k
author's note: hello guys the teaser for the long awaited college au is finally here. i hope you guys like it :) tagging @stilinskiderek bc i’ve been annoying charlotte about this fic for ages and i know she’s been waiting for a derek fic😭 side note: this is a teaser/accompanying fic to the actual fic boy, you write your name (I can do the same) which will be out on thursday! meaning this is NOT an excerpt of the fic, but offers more background of the relationship derek and the reader have, and also where the nickname CJ comes from
“Are you actually washing the car or are you just waiting for someone to pay attention to you?”
“Oh ha ha, you’re hilarious,” Derek said dryly, wringing out the sponge and tossing it in one of the soapy buckets. You grinned at him, tossing him a water bottle, which he easily caught, drinking quickly as you leaned your hands into your waist.
“Sure,” you replied, looking around. It was quite busy, every single member of the frat seemed hard at work. “Pretty nice turnout, huh?”
Derek shrugged in a way that meant he was agreeing with you, but he didn’t want to look like he was bragging. He was humble like that. You scoffed, brushing your hair back over your shoulder, and Derek zeroed in on the bikini strap under your top, a grin forming on his face.
“You come here to lend a hand?”
“Oh please,” you rolled your eyes at him with a snicker. “I was thinking ahead. With you standing in the sun for the whole day and Isaac around buckets full of water? I was bound to end up soaked, thought I’d save me a trip to the laundromat.”
“Now you’re basically begging me to drench you,” Derek drawled, picking up the sponge soaked full of water, advancing on you.
“Don’t you dare!” You hissed at him, giving him a shove.
“Are you doing a special?”
While you and Derek were wrestling around, ending up with both of you getting a soak, you hadn’t noticed the Mini pulled up next to you, windows down, a pretty girl smirking at yoi.
“Nah, I’m just here to support my friends,” you said, gesturing to Derek, wiping your wet forehead with a laugh. “It’s his frat that’s organizing this car wash. Derek, this is Amanda, she’s in my Women’s Writing class. Just transferred from Palomar.”
“Hey,” Derek said, leaning against her car. “You here for a full wash?”
“Sure am.”
Derek nodded, leaning back. “Isaac! Grab some boys and a couple of buckets, we got another one.”
Isaac saluted Derek, his wet curls hanging in his face. Glancing over to you, he grinned, wagging his eyebrows when he caught you staring at his bare chest, turning on his heel to grab the buckets, but not without teasing you.
“Take a picture, CJ, it’ll last longer.”
“CJ?” Amanda asked, raising a brow. You groaned internally when Derek only smirked at her, clearly ecstatic that he got to tell the story again.
“Right, you’re a transfer, so you don’t know where her nickname comes from. Well, let me tell you, you’re in for a treat. It was a really nice summer day-”
“Derek, I’m not letting you tell the story again with the exaggerations,” you scowled at him, though in jest, shoving him gently. You turned back to Amanda, sighing softly. “Anyways. It all started when I was a freshman, a couple of weeks into the semester. I was taking Deucalion’s class for Intro to Ancient History….”
An incessant ringing pulled you out of your deep slumber, but your head barely rose from the pillow as you poked the screen of your phone until the alarm stopped, leaving you to your slumber again. You had fallen asleep around 4:30 because it had taken you that long to finish your paper on Caesar. Usually, you never left your assignments for the last minute, and to be fair, you didn’t really. Leave it to the last minute, that is. The assignment was done, sitting in your folders waiting to be printed for about a week or so. But then you caught up with your study group, where you found out that Deucalion always knocked you down a letter grade if he didn’t agree with your opinion. And he loved Caesar. You didn’t. Which you made exceptionally clear in your essay. So being the freshman that you were, wanting to get good grades in your first semester, you decided to rewrite all 8 pages with the deadline looming in less than 10 hours, because he insisted on collecting the assignments right at the beginning of the class. Not the smartest thing you’ve done. Around one am, the library had closed, in the middle of your hot streak, and by the time you reached your dorm, you lost your train of thought and it took you two hours to find it again. And it was not because you fell asleep for 20 minutes. When the alarm blares up again, you groaned loudly, reaching for your phone to silence it, stilling when the phone pinged, announcing the arrival of a text. You narrowed your eyes at the screen, your eyes bleary as your vision slowly cleared.
[Stevie]: where r u???
Your heart plummeted when you read the text, and while you checked the time, you had to resist the urge to throw yourself out of the window.
08:13. Deucalion’s class started at 08:15.
Scrambling up from your bed, your legs tangled in the blankets and you nearly brained yourself when you fell to the floor. Getting up, you located your paper on your desk, making sure it was still where you left it, before you headed to the bathroom, quickly brushing your teeth. With your toothbrush in your mouth, you tugged some jeans and a shirt out of the closet, laying it on the bed to get changed when there was another ping.
[Stevie]: hes l8 if u hurry up u mite make it in time
Your eyes widened, the gods must’ve heard your silent prayers and you rushed to the bathroom, spitting out your toothpaste, and splashing some water in your face for good measure before you grabbed your stuff, backpack on your arm, phone and paper in your hand, running across campus to get to the lecture hall. When you finally skidded to a halt in front of the doors of the lecture hall, you slowly opened the door, peeking into it. There were two lines down the stairs, so the other students must be in line to drop off their papers at the front. Sighing a deep breath of relief, you squeezed yourself through the gap in the door and inconspicuously walked behind the last person in line. As the line moved forward, you dropped your backpack in between the seated rows, making it seem like you’d been in the class from the beginning. As the line slowly moved forward, you caught a glimpse of Professor Deucalion at the front. Only, it wasn’t him… Narrowing your eyes, you eyed the guy that was standing by the desk, his arms crossed. He had dark hair, a faint stubble and a scowl on his face. Must be Deucalion’s TA, though you didn’t remember ever seeing him during lectures, though he did look quite familiar. By the time you reached the front desk, you lifted your head, your eyes meeting the TA’s. He raised an eyebrow at you as you dropped your assignment on the stack and the way the corners of his mouth curled up made you furrow your brows.
“What?” you asked defensively and he uncrossed his arms, leaning his hands on the desk.
“Nothing… Just. Cute jammies.”
You heard the class let out laughter as you stared at him before glancing down at yourself, flushing when you realized you were still wearing your pj’s, which was just a tank top and arguably your worst pyjama pants: Teal and pink Hello Kitty pants. Snapping your head up, you glared at him, but before you could say another word, the side door opened, and Professor Deucalion walked in.
“You better take a seat, CJ,” the TA said with a smirk, collecting the assignments in his hand and you bit back a retort, finding an empty in the back row as Professor Deucalion started the lecture. As he droned on, your eyes kept flitting over to the TA in the first row, glaring at the back of his head. Even hours later, when you were at some fresher party a frat was throwing, the incident was a topic with your friends.
“It was crazy. I couldn’t take my eyes off of you.”
Stevie nodded as you only rolled your eyes, taking another sip of your drink. “Seriously, she was staring with her mouth open and everything. Which I get. I just have more self-control.”
“You guys are ridiculous. He was making fun of me,” you pointed out and Audrey stared at you, her eyes nearly bugging out of her head.
“Dude. He wants to bang you.”
With a snort, you shook your head at your friends and their crazy conspiracy theories.
“Come on, I didn’t come here to talk about our lecture. Let’s go find something to do. I think they’re playing beer pong in the backyard,” you suggested, dragging your friends through the house and out into the backyard, which seemed to be just as crowded as inside. Walking over to the beer pong table, it looked like they were in the middle of the game, so you just tapped on the shoulder of one guy.
“Hey, is it possible for me and my friends to play a round?”
“Sure,” he replied without turning around, throwing the ball and scoring. “You guys can just- oh hey, CJ!”
Of course it was fucking him*. The TA from Deucalion’s lecture was standing in front of you, an amused grin on his face.*
“My name is-” you started, but he waved you off snickering.
“I know what your name is. But CJ is fitting, isn’t it?” He took a sip from his drink, giving you a brief once over and you ignored how Stevie’s grip around your arm tightened for a second. “I see you changed, though I must say I did like the pants.” You gave him a look and he offered you his hand.
“Derek Hale.”
“There were a lot of people at that party. And I guess the name just stuck.”
“Huh. So everyone just calls you CJ?”
You shrugged. You didn’t really mind the nickname, it was cute. At this point, it was odd to hear someone call you by your government name unless it was a professor or someone from the faculty. Everyone addressed you as CJ. It was just the story that bothered you, mostly because Derek liked to add details that were unimportant. Also because he cracked up all the time telling the story like it was the funniest thing he’d ever experienced, that jerk.
“You have to admit it’s a cool nickname,” Derek cut in, and Amanda laughed.
“Guess so… So how does that work with you being a TA and you two dating?”
“We’re not dating.” “He’s not actually a TA.”
Really? That was what he chose to correct? You side-eyed Derek but he just gave you a subtle wink as Amanda perked up, looking at you curiously.
“So, you’re single?”
Even before you replied, you noticed how Derek clinked himself out of the conversation, walking over to the waiting cars leaning against the door. Every time you thought you had figured him out, he went ahead and did something that confused you even more. Sometimes you thought back to what Audrey and Stevie had said to you about Derek before you even really knew him. You glanced over to him as you handed Amanda your phone so she could put her number in, and it was as if Derek could feel your eyes on him, he turned his head in your direction, giving you a small smile, flashing his teeth at you. Some day you will just flat out ask him.
But not today.
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babygirllinds · 1 year
WIP Masterlist
kitten - Icemav
Mav wears the collar Ice bought him to get what he wants in order to cure the feeling of emptiness he woke up with.
Very smutty (remember that self-indulgent fic I said I was writing a couple weeks back? Yeah, this is it)
Includes: dom/sub, cockwarming, slight daddy kink (I might indulge in this one more, but idk yet), dumbification/degradation, and I guess you could say petplay because Mav wears a collar and Ice calls him kitten/kitty, but Mav does not act like a cat
cowboy like me - Icemav
Song/lyric fic. Ice tries really hard to ignore the temptation of danger that is Maverick. He worked really hard to get where he was and his feelings for Mav could crumble that in seconds. Maverick is just in love and wants Ice to see that loving him might be worth the risk.
Smut/angst fic
This fic deals with Ice’s internalized homophobia and how he’s trying hard to ignore his feelings because it feels wrong, but also so, so right.
you’re my favorite secret - Icemav
Rear Admiral Tom Kazansky spent his whole life fighting to get to where he was. He’s the best of the best; entirely focused on his career and climbing through the ranks. That is until he meets a young lieutenant by the name of Pete Mitchell. He risks everything just to get a taste of life with Maverick in it.
Smut fic
Power imbalance relationship with a higher ranking military official. Obvious older man/younger man relationship with an age difference of 20 years (Ice will be in his 40s & Mav in his 20s)
stay in my arms - Icemav
Ice and Mav’s leave time lines up after months of not seeing each other and Mav invites Ice on a last minute road trip to go see Carole and Bradley. No matter how aloof Ice acts, he’s excited to be spending his time off with the man he’s in love with.
Smut fic that will most likely be turnt into a multi-chapter
Includes lots of mutual pining and only one bed trope!!!
words aren’t enough - Icemav
Sarah brings by a box of letters Ice had accumulated over the years, all addressed to one Pete Mitchell. Never sent and never seen, but holding all of the words he wasn’t brave enough to say. Maverick mourns a new loss in his life after already mourning the physical loss of Ice.
This is not smut! Surprise! I’d say it’s more T rated because of cussing and descriptions of homophobia, but it’s relatively tame for the most part, but lots of angst!!!
Descriptions of anxiety attacks and Maverick’s own internalized homophobia. Mentions of Ice’s death and how Maverick is navigating it.
the babysitter - Icemav
Pete is babysitting for the perfect family for extra money while in college. He adores the kids and the parents are absolutely gorgeous. He can’t help his budding feelings for the dad when he starts working from home rather than being out all the time for his job. He doesn’t plan on doing anything about his feelings, but then Tom Kazansky makes things difficult when he makes the first move.
Smut fic
Another power imbalance fic bc why not??? Obvious age gap relationship, but everyone is of age (Maverick is in his early 20s and Ice is in his late 30s)!!! Ice has a wife and kids in this one, folks, so cheating will happen
smooth operator - Icemav
Pete is straight… or so he thinks. He can’t stop thinking about Tom Kazansky — asshole extraordinare. He calls a phone sex line to help find where he stands on his sexuality. He asks for a man and winds up with someone named Ice. Ice is nice and comforting and he makes him feel good. He soon finds out that his true identity is someone he knows all too well…
Smut fic (I’m planning on making this a two-parter from both of their perspectives, but I only have some of Mav’s pov written at the moment)
AU!!! Frenemies to lovers type beat. Baby gay Mav trying to navigate his feelings for men (specifically Ice)
Let me Teach you a Lesson or Two - Icemav
Chapter 7: Tom decides it’s time to address his missing book but also rewards Pete for taking his pills consistently along with getting good marks on his recent exam.
Smut fic
Slips further into dom/sub relationship dynamics & soft dom!Tom really comes out to play (Pete finds out the wonders of being a rope bunny)
I saw him first - Slicemav
Chapter 2: Slider finds an opening when he catches Maverick alone in the locker room. Ice stumbles upon the two of them while looking for his RIO. The door ends up locked and Maverick finds himself being propositioned by both men. He’s shocked to say the least, but he’s not entirely opposed to the situation at hand.
Smut fic
Locker room sex because why not?
obey the motto - Slimav
Slider lives by the motto: flying comes first, loyalty comes second, and short pretty brunettes come last. Slider loves the feeling of being in the air, so he ensures he’ll do whatever it takes to keep that. Enter Iceman who becomes his pilot and makes sure they stay at the top by the way he flies. Then comes Maverick, the prettiest short brunet he’s met in a while. Then he witnesses the way Ice stares at Maverick and suddenly he’s reminded of his loyalty because without it, he’s not in the air being the best of the best.
Smut/angst fic
Lots of pining and unrequited love in here (between literally everybody). There will be lots of angst for Ice because Slimav is endgame in this
sweet on you - Slimav
Slider’s public distaste for Maverick to others is far from the truth. He finds himself with a soft spot for Maverick and enjoys the way they interact. It’s never-ending taunts and jokes that Maverick matches head on and makes Slider feel like he can be himself. Now he can’t stop picturing him in his bed and seeing how sweet on him he really was.
Smut fic
Friends to lovers and lots of pining
could this be more? - Slimav
Maverick keeps finding himself in someone else’s bed and then sneaking out in the middle of the night, but this time he finds himself sneaking out of bed with someone he knows personally. Slider proposes a solution.
Smut fic, possibly a multi-chapter fic
Friends with benefits to lovers!!! I’ve never done a FWB fic before so this is new, but I absolutely love the idea with Slimav
hungry for you - Slimav
Slider is face to face with temptation. Temptation’s name just so happens to be Pete “Maverick” Mitchell. Slider takes the leap and Maverick pulls him in further instead of pushing him away, much to Slider’s surprise.
Smut fic
Based on this post
you’ll always be taken care of - Goosemav/Icemav
Goose had always taken care of Mav — loved him with his whole heart. Then he dies. Goose watches Mav fall into a deep depression without being able to help. He aches to find a way to make Mav feel better again, but he can’t hear or see him. He then enlists the help of the one person who happens to hear him — Ice.
Starting out as an angst/fluff fic, but will most likely diverge into smut later on (if I decide to make this a multi-chapter)
Includes notes of depression & mentions of Goose’s death
shoulder to cry on - Icemav/Slimav
Slider is there for Maverick through his grief over losing Ice. Slider is hurting just as much at losing his best friend, but right now he’s just worried about making sure Ice’s husband is taken care of per his final request. Maverick knew that Ice was his soulmate, but somewhere along the way, Slider carves a spot into his heart.
Angst fic that will most likely diverge into a smut fic bc I can’t help myself
Everyone is hurting, then some pining happens
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casual-crying · 2 years
⋆My Random Michael HCs⋆
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Warnings: Recreational drug use (Cannabis), toxic behavior I think?, a bit OOC Michael, and Michael himself is just a warning lmao
Quick Author’s note. This is my first time writing fanfics again in 8 years so sorry if there’s mistakes here and there. OG Michael is my fav, but you can really put in which ever version of Michael you like here. Also- Y/N is going to be very self indulgent.
Right off the bat I’m gonna say Michael is definitely a night owl.
So unless you want to be terrorized out of your sleep I’d suggest you get a couple of energy drinks and fix your sleeping schedule to match with his.
Because Michael can and will do anything just to get a rise out of you.
It’s just amusing to him to see you get scared.
But, just because he feeds on fear doesn’t mean that he doesn’t care for you at all.
Truthfully at first he didn’t. I can’t lie to y’all lmao, but over time (and fairly quicker than you would think) Michael will grow attached to you.
Him being attached to you means that the stalking will get 100% worse.
Out with friends? At work? Even just running errands? There’s Michael somewhere off behind a tree or in a bush being a creeper. In his mind he’s just protecting you.
Did I mention this man has a sweet tooth? Because he absolutely loves anything with sugar.
His absolute favorite dessert is cookies, and this wouldn’t be a bad thing in any scenario except for the time he accidentally ate edibles.
Michael was definitely surprised when they kicked in, but overall his experience was an 7.5/10.
It would’ve been better if he hadn’t devoured 3 of the 500 mg cookies
He might try to smoke with you after you explained to him what it was, but he’d definitely try edibles again.
High Michael is 10/10.
He just chills on the couch and actually listens to your music without any huffs of annoyance or completely destroying your speaker (which one happened once bc you kept playing Poker Face on repeat)
It’s 10000% facts that Michael loves Greta Van Fleet. His favorite song by them is Broken Bells.
He’d never admit it, but his favorite movies are Coraline and The Rocky Horror Picture Show.
On the outside he acts like he tolerates it, but deep down he gets excited when you pick these movies out, not only because he likes them but because it makes him a lil internally warm that you actually cared enough to remember.
This man loves to know that you actually care about him, but he would NEVER be vulnerable enough to let you find that out, even though you can pick up on the small hints of it.
Sometimes, and I mean extremely rarely, if you wake up before Michael you can catch him smiling in his sleep.
Don’t say anything about it though, because you’ll ruin months of hard work and trust it took just for him to sleep next to you with his mask off.
Being completely honest with y’all, the communication in the relationship would be little to nonexistent. It’s not that Michael doesn’t care, but he just can’t allow for himself to be vulnerable enough with anyone like that (not even himself).
If he ever upset you and you made it known, he would apologize in his own way. Like leaving his mask off longer than usual because he knows you like to see his face or just doing a few chores for you while you’re at work.
Michael is a tidy person so he’ll always pick up and clean after himself, even if he was out doing 🔪festive🔪 activities.
He never really expects anything from you other than meals, but this is only for the fact that he literally cannot cook to save his life.
He’ll never demand any food from you, but he will ‘tell’ you if he wants you to make him something. Say he wanted a cake, he’d leave a box of cake mix on the counter. Or he’d send you links to Pinterest recipes.
I do think Michael would have a phone, bust bc the fics I’m writing take place in the present time, and said phone is definitely stolen. You even had to help him reset it and destroy the old SIM card.
Just because he has a phone doesn’t mean he knows how to use it correctly. This is even funnier to me if Peepaw Myers is your go to guy.
So you’ll definitely get random emojis attached his texts, random pictures, and lots of accidental audio messages.
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sendinthehuskies · 2 years
as an england nt historian could you pls provide background for john/joe hart as both an irl working partnership and a fictional ship? bc i have been deep diving 2016/2018 internationals content to forget about the upcoming one and i see there is a lot of....well intimate touches and looks going on. not on a disgusting and marital level as with stonesford but still noticeable. the 'caption this' vid john did with dele ft. harty walks and lallana (remember him lol) is a strong blatant example. sidebar but my deep dive has also taught me that dele and walks had some animosity at england camp back in the day which does not seem to come up much in fic of the time, kind of funny to me. how was this our 3lions squad and our vibe only 4/5 years ago too? it feels like over a decade, completely different times
Joe Hart was an England stalwart and wore the Number 1 jersey for nine years from 2008. He was with City and a double premier league winner for 12 years from 2006.
For John coming up through the England youth teams, Joe was iconic. He has been vocal about the fact that he was a fan growing up and how special it was for him to get his first call up in 2014 to finally play alongside Joe:
“I couldn’t believe it; I’d watched Harty for years as a young guy; playing for England. Obviously training with him was something special.”
John didn’t get a whole lot of time playing for the senior team when he was first called up, but it didn’t matter - he was there, and Joe Hart rated him. At the World Cup in Brazil, Joe said:
“I think we’re all incredibly excited. We’ve all worked really, really hard as a unit – I include John Stones and Jon Flanagan in that, they’ve been absolutely fantastic and a great example of people who want to be involved in this World Cup.
“We want to make them proud, we want to make the people at home proud as well.
“I’ve got a role whether playing it’s John Terry playing in front or whether it’s Stonesy starting his international career,” he said.
“I’m always going to try and fulfill my role in the team.
“But I trust every single one of these players at this level. They’ve proved it at their Premier League clubs and deserve to be in the squad.”
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Joe took John under his wing and they absolutely clicked from the get go. At a time when John wasn’t too highly rated and was extremely junior in the England NT, the goalkeeper that he’d looked up to for so many years was determined to see him succeed.
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Things changed in 2016 when Man City hired Pep Guardiola. Hart was excited that Pep wanted to sign John but he didn’t know that he wasn’t to be included in Pep’s plans himself:
“Joe Hart personally convinced his friend, John Stones, to join City and the “ambitious project” in 2016 - only to be shipped out on loan to Torino the same month.”
Still, when John arrived at City - very nervous and without people like Kyle Walker - Harty was there for him:
“John Stones on the first player he met at City: “I think it was Joe Hart. I came in with Harty, I didn’t know the way to the training ground. So I rang Harty asking if I could come with him.
I was nervous. Very nervous. I had friends from England, Raheem Sterling, Fabian Delph and Joe Hart - he especially made it so much easier. It's a big period as you know where nothing is, like the canteen, where to be, what time to get there and he coached me through, putting an arm around me. I've still got a note in my locker from him when he went to Torino - I won't read it out as it has some naughty words - but he told me to just be me and not change who I am.”
Joe was gutted to leave City but he didn’t anticipate that he’d then be let go from England. He was part of England’s qualification for the World Cup in 2018, but after an injury ruled him out for a game, Jordan Pickford was given a chance to step in. He did not fumble his audition and was given the number 1 spot for the World Cup. Harty said:
“Not going to lie, I'm gutted. After two years of trying to make the most of a really tough situation, this is hard to take.”
A few months later, he posted on Instagram ahead of the World Cup:
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John smashed it at the World Cup, and so did Pickford, and arguably it was the way they played together that made them do so well. It is unfortunate that this connection is what would ultimately cement Pickford as number 1 and see Harty dropped for good:
“Jordan’s positioning allows the team to stay spread and dispersed a lot wider. When we have the ball, he becomes what you might call a ‘second-pivot,” explains Dittmer.
“When you play with a back four, you can use the goalkeeper as the pivot to bounce the ball around. When you play with a back three - like we have done in Russia - you already have that pivot there with the central player which has been John Stones.
“As a goalkeeper behind a back three, you need to become the second pivot.
“You have to position yourself between the central defender and one of the two outside centre-halves to offer receiving positions to help the team play out.
“Those positions are quite complicated and complex to take up but he’s done that really well.
“Jordan’s positioning stops the centre forward from just closing down one option.
“If the forward runs towards Jordan, he’ll play through the pressure. If the attacker presses the central defender, there’s an option to use Jordan and get out round the other side.
“It gives the team more opportunities to play out from the back and retain possession.
“His understanding of positioning has really helped the team stay dispersed, rotate the ball and play forward in a positive way. It’s great to see and it has given confidence to everyone.”
But Joe and John stayed obsessed with each other. When they met at Tottenham years later they were physical and friendly, and Joe always has kind words to say about John - never once has he not been John’s biggest cheerleader.
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Joe will always be John’s first England number 1. He was pivotal in John’s City career and the love between them has never dimmed. They will always be famous. The end
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aroaceconfessions · 2 years
i’m still very new to the whole “being aspec” thing (i’ve kinda known i was gray-ace (tbh may change that label soon) for all of my teen years but it’s only now like fully connecting for me) but i think it’s so strange and kinda scary how quiet and subtle a lot of my internalized aphobia is. like i’m not surprised that it’s there but it shocks me with its stealthiness. when i was little my parents actually were so okay with me masturbating (not in a weird way they were just pro sex-ed) that at age 10 i thought i HAD to because they never explained to me that it’s a choice. i spent like a year or two thinking i was “doing it wrong” because i felt nothing but now it’s obvious to me that i’ve just never had an interest in that stuff. i didn’t id as ace for years despite knowing that i’d never once felt sexual attraction because “what if i’m just a late bloomer.” sometimes i get bored and think “people normally watch porn when they’re bored right?” so i try thinking maybe this time something will happen but it’s just as boring if not concerning so i just leave the site feeling kinda gross. i’ve never actively thought “something must be wrong with me” but it’s like an overtone for all of my actions and thoughts surrounding sex. i have two sidenotes for this actually. 1- big fuck you to the guy in middle school who said he didn’t understand 13yos iding as ace bc “nobody has sex at that age” that set back my realization some time. and 2- i’m actually very grateful for my friends being so open talking about sex because hearing their stories about horniness helped me realize “oh shit i don’t do any of that.” for a long time i thought people exaggerated horniness for a joke but they’d be like “i got a new bullet it’s so awesome” and i was just sitting there thinking “that seems like a lot of effort for something so unimportant oh shit wait it actually matters to them.” i should also say i’m incredibly happy about how well my friends treat me knowing i’m aspec and having other aspec friends is a big relief too. keeps me from feeling like my lack of attraction is some kinda defect
no clue where this ask was going i just have. thoughts. i’m also a little worried that i might be arospec and i’m in denial because i’m such an incredibly hopeless romantic but. i’m not gonna worry too hard about that thought bc i’m guessing i’ll figure it out eventually. also i’m just not ready to unpack it rn lmao. too busy undoing the acephobia in my brain atm. and also figuring out what my full opinion is on sex in general
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underjumble · 9 months
Okay I KNOW you said it isn’t canon but I will RIDE on the “Chara looks young even tho they’re old as shit” hill until I die bc IT MAKES SENSE LIKE THINK ABOUT IT
We’ve already been shown external and internal traits in hybrids with Chara and Sans (the only two known canonical hybrids unfortunately)
The external traits being sans (mainly a monster on outside) having humanoid like hands (though I also hc that his bones melded to look more human) and Chara (mainly a human on outside) with these tiny ass horns + red eyes (that I also hc grow bigger with strong emotions leaving them to get headaches after powerful emotions from the growth/degrowth)
Internal traits being their SOULs, sans being able to absorb another monster SOUL and to cross the barrier with his more “human like” SOUL and Chara being UNable to (assumably) absorb a monster cross the barrier with their more “monster like” SOUL.
THAT BEING; unlike a human, and more like a monster, Chara’s features stay the same and stuck as younger as they grow, not that they don’t grow, but they grow at a slower pace. They looked a child as a teen, a teen as an adult, and all together not the age they really are. This leads to a lot of problems for them emotionally on the side, but the upside is they don’t deteriorate with age as humans do. Making being captain of the Royal Guard making more sense at their 50 (or whatever their canonical age is) years of age. NOT to say Chara will live for centuries long like monsters do, but they’ll live to like maybe 115 (a perfectly obtainable age with a healthy body and shut Tom of good genes) and look like 90 while they are.
SANS don’t live as long as monsters do, he ages faster (not that it’s really noticeable at first bc he’s a fucking skeleton) and lives until like maybe 150 years old.
MEANING that even if Sans and Papyrus weren’t dumb dumbs and didn’t try to cross the barrier, Papyrus would outlive Sans as a TRUE monster and EVENTUALLY have to see his older brother die. I think that makes a great fic idea =)
Also, after all of this, I have a question:
How THE FUCK did they figure out Sans was a hybrid, and not a monster (which he very much looks like) like I can see some ways but… I’d like some canonical sans lore please 👀🧎‍♀️🙏
P.S: i did not read this over so sorry for any mistakes 😔😔
Oh no don't apologize I am like a school girl kicking my feet and giggling rn
At the start they just assume he's a normal monster at first. But there are some strange things that make him stick out. Not only is his hands more human but his head barely resembles a skull unlike his adoptive family. His soul is tinted and although you could think it's just your eyes or the lighting at first glance due to how subtle it is, but it's there, and a couple more things (although they barely noticed.)
The real kicker was when he was minorly injured. You can decide what happened, getting cut from a cooking accident to something more unfortunate.
He bleeds.
Sans doesn't realize it's that big of a deal until everyone acts like ○_○ he tries to calm them down and they run some tests on him, confirming what they suspected due to the blood.
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danothan · 2 years
im hoping i didnt misread your tone reading the tags and you do want to hear violyn shippers out but if u were /gen the reason that they appeal to me so much is the fact they are very different in every single way down to how they were raised but at the same time they are very similar with their motivations and goals in life they both want to help people and do good and while they certainly have quite a few hurdles to jump over they work together well and clearly trust each other very much despite their contrasts and differences and how they do have to jump a few hurdles to have a strong bond and might not click instantly but that doesn't mean the potential isn't there. also yeah youre right im a basic bitch and like tropes when ur a lesbian you gotta settle sometimes when it comes to rep. anyway hope u enjoyed the rant because it was a struggle to not make this longer
yes i was being genuine! i like getting other ppl’s perspectives, esp if it’s on smth i don’t understand. warning tho, i get pretty negative and definitely wordy underneath the cut
i think “potential” is the keyword here. i get the whole oil vs water metaphor in concept, but the execution leaves more to be desired. like you said, they’re fundamentally opposed in their upbringings and values. i mean after all, the first scene in arcane is the destruction caused by enforcers, ending on a shot of young vi glaring at them as she’s being carried away from her dead parents. that’s the kind of thing that sets the tone for the rest of the show, so it makes me wonder why we never feel the weight of that trauma after act 1. you’d think being wrongfully imprisoned for 6-7 years would make vi’s resentment grow even MORE, but i feel like she’s just toned down from her younger self if anything. before, she’d have a shouting match with vander over his betrayal of making deals with enforcers. couple episodes later, she’s teaming up with an enforcer herself? what changed?
i feel like they don’t have many shared goals either, esp not anything to bond over. so far all they really have in common is that they want to find jinx (for very different reasons) and they want to stop silco, which isn’t very romantic common ground lol. i’m not even sure i’d agree that they have the same motivation to help people bc vi is completely out of touch with the current political state of zaun and pretty much only has tunnel vision for finding her sister. and while caitlyn definitely wants to help people, she isn’t willing to listen to vi or ekko’s criticisms bc she gets too defensive over the idea that she might be part of a corrupt system. they’re barely ever on the same page
you say they clearly trust each other despite their differences, but i don’t think they should given this history. OR, if they did, it should be like my bookclub partner said and have vi fall headfirst into the relationship. and if this were to be the case, it would have to lean into vi’s emotional immaturity + lack of experience and give caitlyn growth + more awareness of their situation. but neither of these options happen, so caitvi toes the line without being able to commit to either side. it makes their relationship feel inconsistent and trivial to me
my bookclub partner and my sibling also brought up separate but enlightening points on the portrayal of their dynamic. f0r mentioned how they would be generic and frustrating to watch if the main conflict of their relationship was internalized homophobia, so it was a good writing choice to not include homophobia/sexism as a part of their society, and i agree with this. it’s an overdone trope used in place of actual substance, fantasy bigotry being a 1-to-1 with the real world just feels lazy. then my sibling noted that even though they technically don’t use this particular trope, their dynamic still carries the same story beats. their struggles and resistance towards each other feels subjective instead of being based on core themes of the story, like it’s a personal issue or a difference in personality and not the fact that they represent opposing sides of a class war?? this is why i don’t get what the big deal is over their break up. it felt like forced tension bc i wasn’t all that convinced they were in love after a few days, not to mention the breakup didn’t even last, so narratively i don’t see the point of having them separate if they were immediately going to get back together
again, if you’re going to use the oil vs water metaphor, lean into their differences. it shouldn’t be brought up when drama calls for it (“what, you don’t have parents?”), it should be the foundation of all of their interactions. i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again, jayvik represent the oil vs water metaphor better with the way external forces play into the difference in their values and create a divide between them despite their history and compatibility. hell, i feel more of that zaunite vs piltovan conflict between cait and jinx bc at least jinx’s trauma is written into their interactions
it almost feels like they’re having fun on their secret mission until vi remembers she’s supposed to hate cait. it’s the whole forbidden lovers trope that doesn’t actually feel forbidden bc there are no consequences for them being together. everything is just inferred because, well, they’re supposed to be opposites! so of course they’re on-and-off! but drawing conclusions from character fun facts is not the same as seeing those elements being purposefully utilized. this is what i mean when i say shippers have to rely on speculation. ultimately, caitvi is an underdeveloped on-and-off relationship that doesn’t commit to being either enemies OR lovers. it just feels like a messy high school love story in the middle of more interesting politics, found/unfound family, xenophobia/classism, magic, drugs, and terrorism
it’s a shame you say you have to settle, especially in a show like arcane where they don’t pull their punches for heavy and nuanced subjects. i feel like they set the bar too high to settle for a basic shipping trope. the other relationships in this show are intrinsic to and enhanced by the plot, and vice versa: you know they love each other but external forces play into their personal values and dynamics. caitvi deserves the same complexity and chemistry given to these other relationships
and for the record, i like both characters individually. i can see myself enjoying their relationship as it gets more developed. i think they have a lot of good moments in the show. but as of right now, based on canon only, caitvi is the weakest part of arcane’s writing
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otrtbs · 2 years
First of all, his mom. Loved her, mourned her. When she was in the museum and she was like “it’s crazy but I think I could spend the rest of my life staring at the same 5 paintings, I can’t think of a better way to go insane.” That’s not an exact quote but like SO TRUE.
Then Welty in the museum and Pippa and omg like him just casually being like my mom loved this painting and this guy wants me to take it? Hell yeah I’ll do it. But also, yeah I’d do it too.
Him staying at Andy’s? HIS DAD SHOWING UP??? Oh my lord when he met Hobie and started learning about antiques, I love them and also that later Boris calls him Potter and Hobie’s name is James? I was like, yeah that’s his real dad. But the fact that his dad showed up with Xandra and he’d been cheating on Theo’s mom? Outrageous.
Then BORIS. Do those two have severe issues? Yeah. Did I love their relationship with all of my heart? Also yeah. Like when Theo is leaving to go back to NY and they KISS and then they like both know that he isn’t saying the thing he really wants to say which is I love you? WHAT?!?! SO GOOD. Like I love Boris and Theo’s relationship and then how Pippa sort of plays into it. I mean like especially when Boris shows up in NY later and Theo just immediately trusts him. Like he does basically everything Boris asks of him without question. It’s adorable. Honestly I feel like Pippa was more of a left over of his mother and his love for her was obv not normal (hopefully that’s a generally accepted opinion).
But yeah then him almost marrying Kitsey? Also him charging so much extra on antiques? I’m not gonna lie I’d do the same thing. But then Amsterdam???? MURDER??? BORIS STOLE THE PAINTING?????
Omg and then the end. The last few pages made me cry and then I sat down and wrote a draft of my college application essay about the lines “we can’t choose our hearts. We don’t get to choose the people we are.” I’m not even kidding. Also I’m pretty sure you said that AHB was inspired a bit by this book and I could tell when reading The Goldfinch, in a good way obviously. I’m not even joking I feel like you’re writing reminds me of Donna Tartts. Anyway I’m never going to stop thinking about this book <3 I love you for recommending it
❗️The Goldfinch and Art Heist Spoilers Below!!!❗️
ohmygosh ahhh!! (i'm sorry this took me so long to get to, I had to wait until I was on my computer so I could TYPE hahaha)
Theo's mom is so amazing :,) I love her too :,)))
WELTY IN THE MUSEUM (reg's death in ahb! is HEAVILY inspired by Welty's death scene) and poor theo is so so naive in those moments too when he knows that Welty's not breathing but then he tries to be quiet as he's leaving anyway "just in case he was asleep" :(((((((
DUDE AND THEN WHEN HE GOES TO FREAKING ANDY'S UR LIKE,,, MAYBE HE'LL BE OKAY-ISH and I can talk abt andy 5ever how he always was afraid of water and hated sailing and he died in a boating ACCIDENT LIKE WHAT ?? ALSO THEO WANTING TO BE ADOPTED BY THEM ALSO ALSO when theo was as good and as polite as humanly possible bc he didn't want to inconvenience the barbours and then when he meets Mr. Barbour back in nyc after vegas and he's like "no free hand-outs" I SOBBED I LITERALLY SOBBED SO HARD
okay yeah!!!! the fact that his dad showed up w Xandra and they took his mom's stuff :,((( please i hate them, i hate them so much it breaks my heart
THEN BORIS AND OKAY THE WAY THAT THEY ARE IN LOVE! but like theo has internalized homophobia to the MAX and the way he's jealous of Boris' girlfriend like soooOOooo jealous and they looked out for each other !
Pippa!! Pippa is the morphine lollipop for theo. just enough of his past life, just enough of his mother to dull the pain for a little while but it's never enough!! and it's unhealthy!!!!! (yeah theo is like obsessed w her in a not healthy way :( it wasn't love)
and then AND THEN theo charging so much for antiques and when he tells hobie finally and goes to the kitchen to get water and he's like "that's what my father always did" and when his mom was like "you sound just like your father" right before she died and when theo was like "i hated looking just like my father" SCREAMING CRYING THROWING UP BANGING MY HEAD AGAINST THE WALLLLLLL
when i found out boris stole the fucking painting,,,my heart like plummeted in my chest,,,,,like that's why he didn't go w theo to nyc,,,that's why he got involved w all these people,,, to get theo's painting back and THE WAY THEO JUST FORGIVES HIM?? THEY'RE IN LOVE IDC IDC
ahb! was inspired in part by the goldfinch and the fact that you even said my writing was remotely close to donna tartt's make me TEAR UP YOU HAVE NO IDEA I WILL THINK ABT THIS COMPLIMENT FOR THE REST OF MY LITTLE LIFE
IM SO SO SO GLAD YOU LIKED THE GOLDFINCH!!!! AND THANK YOU FOR SHARING UR THOUGHTS WITH ME!! <33333 AHHH (so sorry for the extremely over enthused ramblings on my part!! <333 )
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2, 18, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 30 and 35 for the fanfic asks
2. Where do you get your fic ideas?
Almost always from either prompts, being particularly mad about something in canon, or being particularly mad about an aspect of fanon lol
18. Do you enjoy research?  Which fic of yours required the most research?
I do! But I try to avoid it for fanfic. My original fiction is usually historical or historically inspired fantasy so I try to not get bogged down in too much research for fanfic purposes lol. But that being said, my Grishaverse time loop fic has required the most research, both in just constantly referencing the books, but also I’ve had to look up appropriate food and specifically wedding customs when I ran out of worldbuilding/wanted to change it up a little bit.
22. Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process?  How do you come up with titles?
Sometimes during, most often after! I usually either use a quote from the story or try to string together something random lol. When I’m really stumped or on a time crunch that’s when I go digging through classics and steal a line. For instance “Drop by drop upon the heart” is from Aeschylus. “Leave them and walk with dust” is from Cain by Lord Byron. and “And I said to the star: consume me” is from a Virginia Wolfe poem iirc? But I think that’s about it, I otherwise try to come up with my own titles.
23. Is writing the beginning, middle, or end of the story easiest? Hardest?
Hmm probably the ending! I often just struggle a little with how to end fanfic. Because while I do loosely outline, it’s usually not structured— which is how I would plan original fiction. So sometimes I do struggle with not knowing the ending or feeling like the story kind of just stopped instead of ending. With shorter stuff it’s easy because it’s a single scene, so ending the scene is enough. But I have the most trouble with ending fics that have multiple scenes.
24. How do you choose whose POV to write in?
Most of my fic ideas tend to center on something emotionally. Like a character learns of something difficult, is confronted with something, is trying to move past x thing, etc. So that tends to pretty intuitively lead to a POV choice. If I am doing multi POV however or otherwise undecided then I just try to pick based on whichever character has the most interesting internal thought process going on and/or whose emotional situation is least translatable via external markers.
Like if I’m writing a scene with and it boils down to on the one side, “Alina is sad” and on the other “Zoya is in love with her but she’s trying to hide it” then the latter is both more interesting and harder to get across from the alternative POV. So if I was weighing the two options, I’d write from Zoya’s perspective. (Which makes me a liar bc that was the last scene I just wrote in a fic and since it’s all Alina POV… I did not write from Zoya’s perspective)
25. What’s your favorite part of the writing process (worldbuilding, brainstorming/outlining, writing, editing, etc)?
Brainstorming/outlining hands down. Everything else sucks and I hate it 💖
26. What’s your least favorite part of the writing process?
Drafting for sure. Also the last like 10% of editing really gets me. When something is close to done but not enough to post it. I just get frustrated and impatient lol.
27. What area of writing do you feel strongest in?
Probably matching character voices and keeping things ic, at least to how I perceive the character?
30. How much do you edit your fics?  Do you edit as you write or wait until you finish the first draft?
I try to keep editing at a prose level minimal tbh just bc I’m already really slow as a writer and my biggest challenge is just getting things written and finished. So I try to avoid any obstacles that’ll cause me to drag my feet. But also if I end up fucking hating a character choice I’m not averse to scrapping a scene and starting over. And again I will rearrange dialogue etc endlessly if I feel like it’s not working on a character level.
35. Do you use a beta reader/editor?
No but I would love one 😭😭 Fanfic Ask Game
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tiredassmage · 2 years
loyalties & betrayals
Aka that thing I said I’d play with about Iokath. Or at least it’s first rendition. An ambitious first rendition, because apparently I decided “let’s tackle (a) Tyr’s feelings about Acina saying that, (b) my desire to see Malavai Quinn and Tyr in the same room, and (c) that bastard new agent on the block who’s absolutely an ass for causing problems and let’s do it all in the same little fic.” Or at least introduce it.
So, while I stew over whether or not that is WAY too damn ambitious for me, lmao, I will merely release it here and it can maybe get added to the ao3 collection once I decide whether or not I want to keep all three of those pieces in the story. Bc right now it’s just my three latest and hottest ideas all squashed into one little fic and internal me is still trying to figure out whether or not that’s a little insane.
Anyway, the only warnings for this one are some minor spoilers for the premise of the War on Iokath, no content warnings apply, etc, etc. Featuring primarily Tyr and Theron (bc ofc) and potentially introducing Wraith as an Actual Problem for them and also potentially introducing Malavai Quinn as a new variable for Tyr and Theron, oopsie.
TLDR? Acina tells Tyr what she really thinks of his Intelligence career, Theron and Tyr try to wrangle with how a former successful Cipher-turned-Alliance Commander siding with the Galactic Republic totally burns more than a few bridges, and I unleash Wraith upon them all to potentially (definitely, if I let him) cause many, many problems relating to this whole incident for them much, much later.
“Intelligence should have retired you when they had the chance!”
The stinging barb had barely registered with him in the moment it flew from Empress Acina’s lips; the immediate attack of Imperial forces on the Republic position had left him no time to lick the reopened and salted wound.
Tyr closed his eyes. He’d dreaded a day like this coming. As the Alliance’s efforts shifted to recovery in the aftermath of Vaylin’s defeat on Odessen, the inevitability of being made to choose sides once more crept back in slowly, lacing subtly through his veins as a slow-acting poison would.
Backed by the Eternal Fleet and a remaining standing army, he’d always known - or at least suspected - that the Empire and Republic would not long tolerate their presence.
He’d still desperately hoped that Valkorian’s defeat would finally leave him free of his last ties to the Empire. Foolish.
“... Commander..?”
Tyr blinked. He’d not heard anyone approach him; luckily for him, it was only Theron’s voice that finally cut through his troubled thoughts.
“Yes..?” He looked over his shoulder, confirming it was, indeed, his lover that had joined him.
“I thought you might want to know that a team caught up with Major Quinn,” Theron reported as he joined Tyr in overlooking the Republic base. “He’s being brought into custody as we speak.”
A slight frown pulled at Tyr’s lips. “Any sign of the other one, the sniper?”
Theron shook his head in the negative. “The troops reported a minor firefight, but couldn’t confirm his presence and they found no sign of him when they apprehended the Major. For now, the Major has claimed ignorance about his associate’s orders. Not sure how much of it I believe.”
The Commander’s frown set more deeply into his features. “Then we can probably assume he went scurrying back to Acina,” he said, a faint, anxious growl tainting his words subtly. “That bodes ill for all of us.”
Theron folded his arms across his chest with a concerned frown, watching his lover carefully. He’d barely met his gaze once. This wasn’t like him. “Tyr..?” His name barely caught his attention. “Hey…” He butted an elbow into Tyr’s arm, unwilling to accept ‘no’ for an answer. “What’s up with you? You’ve been off-balance ever since the fighting stopped.”
And why wouldn’t he be? Theron realized. He couldn’t lie; he’d been relieved he wouldn’t be fighting the Republic today, no matter how awkward the family reunion would be. (Little could have made it worse short of choosing his former-Imperial Cipher boyfriend over the Republic, so he was grateful he wasn’t going to have to explain that one any time soon).
But Tyr would. If they hadn’t started shooting first, he supposed. That he’d chosen the Republic, Theron’s advice, over a standing arrangement with the Empress, his own home, he…
Well, he’d been trying to avoid ever thinking about what that might be like. And yet he’d all but begged Tyr to do exactly that.
“What?” Tyr asked, finally half-dragging his gaze from the soldiers filing back into the Republic base below them. The glaze over his eyes seemed to finally start dissipating.
Theron frowned worriedly. “Tyr… Are you alright..?”
Where to even begin..? Tyr shook his head slightly, but turned away from him to drag a hand over his face.
Cipher. Outlander. Commander. Traitor. It was all catching up to him and he wasn’t any better prepared to face it, even with an entire Alliance behind him, than he had been on Marr’s ship, or Ziost, or, hell, the frontlines of the battle for Corellia. It was hard to make contingency plans for shit like this when he’d expected his… “stunts” to catch up with him much earlier than this.
“I’m… It’s been a long day, Theron.” And there’s so much I haven’t told you. And now was not the time to begin. Not with Acina doubtlessly seething and plotting their demise - and in the middle of a Republic military base.
Some sick irony this was, wasn’t it? This was not how the double agent had ever quite imagined revealing his cards.
And they still didn’t have the Eternal Fleet back online. Some alliance they offered, huh?
“I admire the line you walk between ingenuity and obedience… Just ensure it does not leave you without recourse.”
Doctor Lokin would have been disappointed, he thought. He’d quite thoroughly burned his bridges today between scorning Acina’s partnership and putting military support behind the Republic forces here with no real guarantees. If that superweapon was half as powerful as Lana’s predictions, he didn’t like the idea of anybody having it, even the Alliance alone.
“I… I can’t imagine what I’ve put you through…”
Pain laced through his chest. He looked sharply back at his boyfriend and shook his head, certainly this time. “Theron, don’t,” he pleaded softly, “I made the call. I knew what the consequences might look like.”
It was sickening and… almost funny, in a twisted way… A part of him had longed for the day he’d be able to say those words, and yet, now that it was here…
Well… A part of him had dared to hope for better circumstances than these, no matter how naive it’d been in the first place.
“No, I… I asked you to do something I… I’m not sure I’d be able to do… Or handle half as well, at the very least,” Theron said, his hands settling on his hips as his gaze fell to the ground. “It… took a lot to stand up to Acina like that, I’m sure. And… I’d be lying if I said it… wasn’t what I wanted you to say…”
A weak half-smile crossed the Commander’s lips. “Theron, if I didn’t value your input, I wouldn’t have asked for it,” he said. “And… need I remind you that I love you..?”
Theron smiled faintly in return. “Yeah… I just… If I pressured you today…”
Tyr shook his head. “No,” he said. “Acina broke our standing agreement. She knew that when she brought her forces here. We didn’t win a war against Zakuul just to submit to demands closer to home.”
That’s… what he’d maintain, at least. It was the answer for the Alliance.
“Besides, I… have my history with Acina… I… I should have suspected something like this sooner rather than later.” Darth Acina, formerly. He should have known better than to be taken in by their alliance on Dromund Kaas after it had been the Council that-
“Tyr?” Theron’s brow had knitted in concern again. “Is there…?”
The Commander’s head dropped and turned away from his lover once more, lest he reveal the weakness that threatened to break him.
“Not here,” he said. “It… It was a long time ago. We have a war to worry about.”
A ring on Theron’s holo saved him from scrambling for any further covers. It rang again as Theron hesitated, watching him in his worried way.
Tyr cleared his throat and shook his head, slipping back into the collected facade of Commander. “That’s probably your team,” he said. “Put them through. I’d like to speak to the Major upon their return.”
“Not now,” Tyr clipped, though it hurt to cut off the one person he knew he could have spoken to. “Later, I promise…”
“Alright,” Theron sighed. “But I’m here for you if you need it, alright?”
“I know.”
“Alright... Then let’s see what they’ve got,” Theron said as he pulled out his holo.
“Commander!” A soldier flickered into view and snapped off a salute. “Glad to see you, sir! We have the Major in custody, as requested.”
“Very good,” Tyr replied, “If it’s alright with Commander Malcolm, I’d like to speak to him. Alone, preferably.”
“I’m sure it can be arranged, sir. I will inform him at once. He can meet you at the center of base, sir.”
“Very well. We’ll be there soon.”
The soldier offered a final salute in closing and Theron stashed the holo again. “Wanna let me in on your plan for this one?” he asked.
“Major Malavai Quinn,” Tyr said, “Lana’s told me a bit about his service our people managed to dig up. I want to see if I can convince him of some reason.”
Theron cocked his head curiously. “‘Reason?’ You want to turn him on Acina?”
“He isn’t the first one the Empire has used and left behind,” Tyr said with a mildly grim frown, “If I can get through to him, the information he has on her operations could be invaluable. And we need information on that agent she sent with him. Codename ‘Wraith.’ If that’s the same Wraith I know about, it can’t be anything good.”
“Well, that sounds delightful. Do I wanna know why?”
“Former Sith Intelligence agent, and a young hotshot Cipher operative promoted when the Treaty of Coruscant went up in flames, back before the Council gutted Imperial Intelligence,” Tyr explained. “Brutal. Reckless, even, some said. But overall efficiency kept him on the payroll - not to mention the influence of a few Sith Lords.” The Commander frowned, rolling his jaw in consideration. “I want a strict do not engage order out to our forces if they find him. He’s dangerous, Theron. And we don’t know nearly enough about what he’s doing at Acina’s side to risk tangling with him yet.”
“Understood. I’ll get the word out while you have a chat with our Major. Shall we?”
“Yes,” he agreed. “The sooner we find an advantage over Acina, the better.”
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jiminrings · 2 years
I love a good jealous jungkook ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 when i first read the glimpse i thought maybe we’d see oc leaving the house and jungkook trying to convince her to stay ? maybe more angsty? don’t really know but i def did not expect to immediately jump into drinking with yoongi™ but i LOVED ITTT!!!! even tho we really didn’t see a lot of oc With jungkook in part one, it was still good seeing her without him, or really just without ppl she knows super well. her and yoongis dynamic (and unexpected backstory !!! ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥) was so fun to read and also figuring out that oc wasn’t even mad abt him not contacting her after getting that big role was so interesting. i think it says a lot abt her bc if i was in her position i’d be a little mad 😭 especially after sticking together for so long!! i truly truly love this oc she is everything i wanna be 🙏 OMG and when yoongi confessed my jaw DROPPED i seriously was not expecting that but i was so happy 😭😭 i knew one way or another it would lead to jealous jungkook. idk if this is a question u can answer right now bc maybe it’ll be touched on later but will jungkook ever find out about yoongis crush? does he even know about their history? cant wait to see if we get those answers 🤞 jungkook getting angry but also getting immediately shut down when oc said she wanted to go to her house was soooo satisfying bc i think no matter what jungkook knows this will linger and that he’s in the wrong so he has no place to be angry. i also wonder how he found out she was there bc i do not think a media entertainment intern could get a post approved and posted that fast so why is he at a bar ???? maybe i am thinking too far into it but maybe i’m also not and these all get answered in future parts 😭 Either way i cannot wait!!! thank u for sharing ur work with us ❤️‍🔥 - 🌟
HEEHEEEEE i intentionally made the glimpse ala 2013 clickbait styles so i’m glad it served its purpose <3 i loved that fresh atmosphere too!!! oc n yoongi’s backstory rlly plays an integral part for 478 so u will all see eventually 🙏🙏 her reaction for when yoongi got too big for her is really telling of how she is as an individual bc she’s somewhat sentimental before getting actually angry y’know??? yoongi is kinda gutsy but man did he not regret admitting his crush lmaooo n those answers u are looking for rn..... i’m afraid i can’t comment rn 😁😁 also would elabroate on this later but since it’s a minor detail, jungkook found oc bc they r a loving couple n have each other’s locations turned on like dat <3 thank u for being the best mwah
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f1nalboys · 2 years
Hi 👋🏼, this is my first time requesting😅. I was wondering if you could write sidney x tatum x afab reader smut?
oh anon of COURSE i can do this <3333 i used fem pronouns a few times in this fic so im sorry if you wanted GN D: also i ended this at a kind of weird spot bc i was running out of steam but i might come back and revisit this to add stuff on
Tatum Riley x Fem!AFAB!Reader x Sidney Prescott
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WARNINGS: nsfw, oral (afab receiving), threesome, thigh smacking, dirty talk, porno lol, sid and tate have bushes because im right, face riding, implication of more sex, not proofread
You’ve been close to Sidney and Tatum for a while now but this is the first time you were invited over for their weekend sleepover. It’s something they did every weekend; on Friday night Tatum would go over to Sidney’s house and they’d hang out, talking and laughing until the sun was rising, and then they’d curl up onto Sidney's bed and sleep.
When Tatum asked if you’d be up for it, you could feel your stomach do a flip. This wasn’t your first sleepover, obviously, but it was your first one with these two and you were so fucking nervous. “Yeah! Yeah, I’d love to!” You cringed internally at how excited you sounded but Tatum gave you a warm smile.
“Great! Meet me and Sid at the fountain after school tomorrow and I’ll drive us! We normally grab something to eat and a movie to watch before we head home.” You agree, watching her with a dazed look as she walks off. Tatum was hot. Sidney was hot. Both of them were so fucking hot and you were going to see them in their (hopefully) tight and short pajamas.
You try to forget about the upcoming sleepover but your thoughts keep drifting. Apparently, it was quite obvious to tell that your mind was somewhere else because when you were packing up your things at the end of class Stu is snapping his fingers in front of your face. “What? Why are you doing that?”
“What are you thinking about?” He has a stupid grin on his face, per usual, and you roll your eyes. “I heard you’re having a sleepover with the girls tomorrow,” He wiggles his eyebrows at you and you scoff but you can’t bite back the smile. He laughs, punching you on your shoulder. “Fuck yes! Listen, not to be a perv, but you gotta tell me what happens next time I see you.”
“I’ll be sure to do that, Stu.” Your voice is dripping with sarcasm and you walk off, leaving him to yell ‘You better!’ after you. That night you think of Sidney and Tatum. You don’t even know if they’re into each other like that; they could just be really close friends. But do close friends look at each other the way they do, let their touches linger like theirs?
And the way they act with you, surely that’s not completely platonic? You allow your eyes to flutter shut as you remember the time Sidney had been drinking and had hugged you, her head in the crook of your neck, pulling back to kiss you. She missed your lips, instead kissing your cheek, but when she pulled back it didn’t look like she was as drunk as she said she was the day after. “I can barely remember anything,” She had told you with a laugh. You didn’t mention it.
Your hand dipped below the waistband of your shorts, pushing your underwear to the side as you sigh. The pads of your fingers brush up and down your slit, ghosting over your clit, and you think about them.
You know you shouldn’t think about your friends like this, but you can’t help it. You think about Tatum's lips, Sidney’s soft hands, what they’d sound like when you fucked them.
Friday can’t come soon enough. All day you were antsy, watching the clock, unable to focus on anything else. When the last bell rang you practically sprinted to the fountain and you were out of breath when you arrived. Tatum and Sidney arrived shortly after, both of them hugging you hello. “You got here quick! I thought your class was on the other side of the school.” Sidney says as the three of you walk to Tatum's beetle.
“I got out early, had to use the bathroom and just decided to head down here,” You lie, hoping it was convincing enough. You get into the backseat and Tatum drives you to the video store.
“What are you in the mood for?” She looks at you through the rearview mirror and you shrug, looking out the window. “C’mon, it’s your first time with us! You have to choose,” She says with a grin.
“Fine. Maybe something scary? Classic sleepover shit, right?” Her and Sidney agree and all the way to the store and back home you occasionally join in on the small talk. It was obvious to the two that you were nervous, if not a little awkward, and they did everything they could to calm your nerves.
Sidney ordered the pizza while you and Tatum set her room up. “Me and Sid normally sleep in the bed together, there’s plenty of room for you too,” She flushes, tossing another pillow onto the bed. “I mean, if you’re cool with that. I could set you up in the guest room if not.”
“No, it’s cool!” You reply quickly and she smiles at you. For a second you think you see her eyes dart down to your chest but that was clearly in your imagination. By the time the pizza arrives you and Tatum had just finished setting the room up.
There were blankets and pillows on the bed, a soft lamp light to fill the dimmed room, and the tv on with the movie paused. The three of you got into bed, you in the middle of them both, and started the movie. It was a classic slasher; a big breasted girl who can’t act running away from a killer, ignoring the front door.
“This is my favorite part!” Tatum says and you watch as the girl whose name you can't remember runs up the stairs, the killer grabbing her by her hair just before she can run into a room. You wait for the knife to sink into her chest, her scream of terror being cut short, but it doesn’t come. Instead, the killer drags the knife down her chest slowly, reaching the waistband of her shorts which you’re just now realizing is extremely thin..
“Tatum, is this porn?” Sidney asks, her voice light, like this was a normal thing for her to do. Tatum laughs, laying back against the pillows. Your eyes are stuck on the screen. The girl's shirt had been cut, her chest bare and the killer was working on her shorts. She wasn’t fighting back. Instead, her hips were bucking into his touch.
You can feel a breath on the back of your neck and you shiver, turning to see Tatum. She had moved closer to you, her arm wrapping around you and rubbing your arm. “It sure is, and it seems like our dear friend Y/N is really into it.” A shock noise leaves your mouth but you can’t disagree. You were into it. Of course, it’s not something you’d watch normally, but seeing the way the girl’s body moved each time the killer's fingers slid over her nipples, hearing the soft noises she made. It was almost too much.
Sidney looks at you and you find it hard to meet her eyes but you do. She has a small grin on her face. “Y/N, are you horny?”
“What?” Your eyes widen at the question, your face burning. Both her and Tatum laugh and you feel like you’re suffocating. Tatum is so close to you, her fingers grazing your skin and raising goosebumps, and Sidney is sitting close enough for her face to be just in front of your own. “No, no I-I’m not. It just took me by surprise, that’s all.”
“So if I reached my hand down your pants you wouldn’t be wet?” Tatum laughs at this, placing her chin on your shoulder. You stutter; what the fuck was happening? “Because I can practically smell you. Have since we got in the car. And if I didn’t know any better,” Sidney leans in closer, wetting her bottom lip with her tongue. “I’d think you were into us.”
Silence. The movie is still playing, the girls moans loud, the sound of the killer grunting as he fucks her almost too much to bear. “Maybe… just a little bit,” You whisper. You were still staring at Sidney and her smile widened at this. “Are you?”
“Are we into you?” She looks at Tatum and her face softens. “Of course we are. We wouldn’t have invited you here if we weren’t. Now,” Her eyes dart down to your lips and you take in a slow, shaky breath. “Can we kiss you?”
A nod of your head has her leaning in and the second her lips touch yours you’re melting. There’s no way this is really happening; just last night you had thought about this, about what it would feel like to be with them, and now it was coming true. Sidney bites at your bottom lip as she pulls away and you let out a small whimper.
Her brown eyes darken and she's kissing you again, harder, her hand resting on your throat. Tatum hasn’t said a word but her hand hasn’t stopped moving, abandoning your arm in favor of your hips. “Y’know, me and Sid, we talked about this before,” She whispers into your ear, placing a small kiss on your neck.
You groan into the kiss, tilting your neck to give her better access. “What… what did you guys talk about?” You ask, pulling away from Sidney's lips. A string of spit connects you both and Sidney breaks the string, grinning at you, her eyes darting between you and Tatum.
“You wanna hear all the dirty details, is that it?”
Nodding your head, Tatum bites at your throat and you yelp, both in pain and pleasure. Her tongue swipes over the blooming bruise, soothing it. “Tell ‘em, Sid. I’m sure they’re dying to know.”
“When we first met you, we thought you were so fucking beautiful.” Tatum, her lips still on your throat, glides her hand down your leg, pushing your thighs apart. Sidney slots herself in between you, keeping them open as Tatum pushes her hand into your shorts. “That Friday night, we touched each other, talked about what your cunt might taste like.”
Her words have you breathless and you collapse into Tatum when her fingers press against your clit. “Fuck!” Tatum giggles into your neck, pressing down harder, circling your clit before pressing her fingers inside you slowly.
“Just last week, actually, I had Tate bent over right where you’re sitting, fucking her as hard as I could. Even left bruises, but the whole time we were talking about how if you were here, she’d have her face buried in that pretty pussy of yours.”
“Please,” You whimper. Sidney’s words were affecting you almost as much as Tatum’s fingers, which were pumping into you lazily. It felt good, so fucking good, but you needed more.
“Please what?” Tatum asks, her hand stalling and for a second you panic thinking that she’ll stop, that she and Sidney will laugh at you, telling you this was just a prank, that you were a perverted freak for even thinking that they’d actually be into you.
Sidney repeats the question, her voice mocking, and you swallow hard. You never, ever, would have expected this kind of talk from Sidney. She was sweet, bordering on shy, but here, now? She had a dark look on her face and a smile with no humor behind it. “Please touch me…”
“Aww, you hear that Tate,” Sidney coos, grabbing ahold of your shorts and underwear and pulling them down quickly. You were bared for both girls now and Sidney’s gaze rakes down your body, muttering a curse at the sight. You were wet, your slick dripping down your thighs and ass, a small wet spot appearing on the bedsheets under you. “She wants us to touch her.”
“So sweet.” Tatum says, grinning at Sidney. Sidney drags a finger down your thigh, avoiding your cunt purposely. You whine, moving your hips a tiny bit only to let out a yelp when Sidney gives you a harsh slap onto your thigh. “I don’t think she wants you to move, pretty girl,” Tatum remarks, kissing your shoulder.
You nod, taking a deep breath. Patience is a virtue after all. Sidney resumes her movements, eyeing you intently; any movement and you’d get another smack to your already marked thigh. “You alright with this?” She asks you finally and you can see a flash of worry in her eyes. “If anything makes you uncomfortable, you say the word and I stop, alright?”
“So sweet,” You say, parroting Tatums words from just a moment ago and Sidney snorts, elbowing your knee gently. “I promise I’m alright. This is…so hot,” You grin. “Like, I literally came to the thought of this happening last night.”
“That so?” The dark look is back on Sidneys face. “Tell us. I wanna hear everything that dirty little mind thought of, and if I like it enough, maybe I’ll be as kind as to turn that into a reality. Sound good?”
You give a hesitant nod, feeling your face heat up. This was not part of your dream, that’s for sure; all the things you wanted to happen just did, no communication necessary, but it was obvious Sidney and Tatum wanted to hear you as a way to embarrass you. It shouldn’t get you as wet as it does.
“Well… it started off like this, kind of, but instead of it being me, Tatum was getting teased.” Tatum lets out a fake scoff but you can hear the smile in it. “We made her cum god knows how many times and then it was your turn.
“I got to eat you out while Tate rode your face and fuck it was hot. You taste so good, I just know it.”
“She does,” Tatum says and suddenly she's grabbing ahold of your hair and pulling your back closer to her chest and then Sidney has her ass in the air while she bends over, her mouth on your pussy. Tatums hand wraps over your mouth as you moan, cooing into your ear about how beautiful you look like this.
Sidney’s tongue is moving quickly and expertly, her fingers digging into the flesh of your thighs. Your clit is her main focus and she switches between swirling the tip of her tongue over it and sucking it into her mouth. Your muffled moans only urge her on and she adds a finger, humming as it slides in easily.
“You’re doing so well baby,” Sidney says, pulling away from your cunt for just a second before diving back in. “Fuck, you’re tight,” She mutters, slipping in another finger. Your hips buck when she scissors them inside you and Tatum sucks in a sharp breath.
At their last sleepover, she and Sidney had imagined what kind of noises you’d make with one of their tongues buried inside you and here she was, witnessing it. It was fucking angelic. She was soaked watching this and grabs ahold of one of your hands, pulling it back to put inside her underwear. She wanted - no, needed - you to touch her.
You try your best to touch her, your movements sloppy and inexperienced, but she’s moaning into your ear and grinding down onto your palm and it makes Sidney's mouth feel that much better. There's no warning before you cum, the coil that was winding in your stomach suddenly snapping more intensely than it ever has before.
Tatum moves her hand away from your mouth as you cum, your moans of both their names etching into her brain like a prayer. Your hand never stops moving as Sidney fucks you through it and suddenly Tatum is cumming too. She’s grabbing your hand and pushing down hard against her clit, cursing loudly.
“God, you’re both so fucking hot,” Sidney says, sitting up now, her face and fingers covered in your juices. She leans in and Tatum grabs the back of her head, pulling her in for a kiss, sloppy and heated and beautiful. “C’mon, turn over. I need to fuck you,”
“I haven’t even gotten a taste yet, Sid,” Tatum pouts and you can feel your face burning at this; they were fighting over who got to use you next. “Plus, I’m sure she wants your cunt in her mouth already. That was a part of her fantasy, remember?”
Sidney considers this for a second, eyes darting between you two before sighing. “Fine, only because I’ll have plenty of time to do the things I want to do to both of you.” Tatum nudges you and you move down the bed, leaning back with a single pillow under your head. You watch as both Tatum and Sidney strip and you let out a small groan at the sight.
Neither of them were wearing bras. They were taking each other's clothes off and Tatum dropped to the floor as she pulled Sidney's thong down, breathing in her scent. “God, I could be down here all day babe, you know that?”
“Yeah, you say that every time you get to eat me out,” Sidney teases though she lets her head roll back and a sigh escapes when Tatum’s finger slides down her slit. “C’mon, I’m antsy,” She says finally, helping Tatum off the floor before kissing her. “Plus, we’re leaving Y/N out.”
“Trust me, I could watch that all day.”
“We have plenty of sleepovers coming up so don’t you worry about that, sweetheart.” Tatum says, taking her own underwear off. You sit up and pull your own shirt off now; you didn’t want to be the only one with your tits covered. “God you’re so sexy.” She says, crawling onto the bed and positioning herself between your legs.
Sidney walks over to the side of the bed, leaning over and kissing you. You can taste yourself on her tongue. She swings her leg over your body, scooting forwards slightly and positioning her cunt right above you. You can’t help but run your hands over her body, starting at her back and running down, your nails digging into her skin just a bit.
Your hips buck when Tatum buries her face in your cunt and then Sidney is grabbing ahold of your hair and holding you still as she grinds down onto your face. She tastes even better than you could’ve dreamt. “Fuck, your tongue,” She moans, her thighs squeezing around your head. You wanted to suffocate here, the taste of her on your tongue.
Tatum is still eating you out and her tongue was fucking magical, dipping inside you and pressing against the spongy walls like it was made for it, like she knew exactly what to do to get the response she wanted from you.
“Fuck! God, you’re so fucking good at this,” Sidney says, grinding down against you again. Your nose was bumping against her clit, your tongue mimicking Tatum's. “I’m so fucking close, wanna cum in your mouth so bad baby, please,”
She didn’t have to ask; you were desperate for her to. You weren’t sure how you had survived this long without having her cunt on your face in all honesty.
Tatum hums against you, her hands in between her own legs, her hips grinding down against her palm. “Close,” You get out, somehow, lightheaded beyond belief, but there was no fucking way you were going to stop eating Sidney out.
You cum just before Sidney, your body twitching and your eyes squeezed shut. Tatum hadn’t even used her fingers on you and it felt like she had used three of them and a vibrator on you. When Sidney cums it’s with a loud whine, low in her throat, and she’s still grinding down onto your face roughly.
Your nose brushes against the tangle of hair on her, something both she and Tatum shared, and she finally moves, collapsing beside you with a huff. Her hair was sticking to her forehead, her cheeks bright pink and her chest heaving.
Tatum is still between your legs, her head in her hand and a sly grin. “So? Is it everything you’ve dreamed of, Y/N?”
“So much better.” You sit up onto your elbows, staring down at Tatum. “Though I do want to taste you.”
Let’s switch places then,” She says, biting at her bottom lip. Sidney was watching you both intently, her pupils dilated. As you and Tatum switch spots, Sidney reaches into her bed side table drawer, searching for her strap. It was a decent sized one with ridges that felt fucking godly when you were being pounded into the mattress.
“You ready to live out another one of your perverted little fantasies?”
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