#also as someone with a bug phobia that’s gotten so bad
moonfurthetemmie · 7 months
Will the horror squad like torture(?) person w like some sort of mental disorder ( like for example eating disorders, depression and etc.) ALSO TAT COUNTS PHOBIAS ( not the basic one like scared of death, heights, bugs but more srs ones ( aka maybe through trauma like Byte's phobia ))
Not sure what all you’re getting at beyond “do they torture people”, but nope. They don’t torture people
That’s Gouge’s thing. The horror squad just does murder and death mazes
IF someone pisses them off, they will probably make them go through the maze and close the exit, and make their death a extra painful, but they don’t do torture
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fnrrfygmschnish · 13 days
For some reason this post was sitting in my "drafts," and whenever I originally typed it all up (..and there's a lot of it, hence the "keep reading" doohickey that I rarely use) I just kinda... never posted it?
Not sure why.
It bugs me when I see people talking about clones and assume that if someone made a clone of you, it would be exactly like you and it'd be very difficult (if not impossible) to tell the two of you apart.
No. Unless you're talking about a "magical duplicate" type scenario, that is not how it would work at all.
The biggest difference, of course, is that a clone created through scientific methods wouldn't have your memories and life experiences. The clone might have some of the same phobias or mental disorders as you (since those, or the predisposition toward them, tends to be at least partially genetic), but fears and insecurities you've developed as a result of bad experiences in your life would not be present in the clone... and fears that you had at a younger age but have since gotten over might still be more of an issue for the clone. Experiences that have lead you to enjoy certain things more than you used to also wouldn't have happened to the clone... so your clone might not like the same foods or drinks or music as you, for example. The clone might share some of your basic personality traits (or at least have a predisposition toward them), but most people change a lot throughout their lifetime. Your clone wouldn't have the "muscle memory" for certain things like typing, using certain tools, riding a bike, driving a car, or playing certain sports unless they were specifically trained to have those skills. Your clone wouldn't know that one random obscure bug/dinosaur/shark/etc. fact that's been stuck in your head since you were 7 years old. Your clone wouldn't have picked up the phrases and mannerisms you did, because they never met the people/groups you picked them up from. Heck, your clone might not even have the same accent as you or speak the same languages, depending on who created and raised the clone. Your clone wouldn't use the same slang as you, wouldn't get the same references, wouldn't understand the same inside jokes. Mentally and in terms of behavior, your clone would not be "like you" in any real way at all. The two of you would seem more like siblings separated at birth than like two copies of the same person; you might look very much alike but you would be very obviously two different people.
But that's not all! Even in a purely physical sense, a clone would not be exactly like you. A clone created by purely scientific methods would only be "exactly like you" in one way, which is their genetics. And even that isn't 100% guaranteed because you never know when some random burst of radiation, fluctuation in temperature, or even just a glitch in the mechanism of cells dividing could lead to a mutation. Possibly a very small one that will be barely noticeable, but possibly something more significant.
A few other ways a (non-magical) clone might be noticeably different...
Scars, injuries, dental work, lingering issues from disease, etc. A clone did not suffer any of the injuries or ailments that the original person experienced growing up. A clone of me would not have that scar through my right eyebrow from a fall when I was 2 or 3 years old, or the one on my right hand from 5th grade. His big toenail on the right side would grow in differently than mine, because he never had that toenail get so severely ingrown that a doctor had to cut parts of it out. He would not have my surgical scars from when my gallbladder was removed. He would not have any of the fillings I've gotten in various teeth that had cavities back in the days when I drank way too much soda and hadn't started flossing yet. A clone of anyone who's had broken bones in their lifetime could be told apart from them on an X-ray if you looked closely enough, especially if the original person's bones healed back slightly "off" in one way or another (like how my dad's legs were never quite even in length ever again after he fell and broke his hip later in life.) A clone of a medieval longbow archer would have very different bone structure in the arms unless they were also trained to use a bow. A clone of Louis Braille wouldn't be blind, because he would have never suffered the childhood eye injury that damaged his vision. A clone of Franklin Delano Roosevelt wouldn't need to be in a wheelchair, because his legs wouldn't have been paralyzed by the long-term effects of polio. And so on.
Sun tanning. A clone has not had the lifetime worth of sun exposure that the original person had, so they would either be paler all-around or have a different degree or pattern of tanning than the original. This is probably the easiest thing on this list to "fake"... but even then, whoever's making the clone has to know what parts of someone's body are more or less tanned than others, since most people get tanned by being out in the sun with at least some clothes on (hence patterns like bikini lines, "farmer's tan," etc.) rather than exclusively by way of nude sunbathing or a tanning bed.
Tattoos, piercings, implants, etc. Okay, this is probably the easiest one on the list to "fake," for obvious reasons... but it's also the easiest one for the maker of the clone to "miss" if they didn't know about something like, say, a nipple/genital piercing or a tattoo in a place that's usually covered up by the original person's clothes.
Height and weight. A clone of someone whose bad living conditions or illness growing up led to stunted growth might turn out an inch or two taller than the original. And vice versa, a poorly-treated or malnourished clone of someone who grew up in good conditions might turn out a bit shorter than the original. And while there are definitely genetic factors involved in your body's tendencies toward gaining or losing weight (and how much), external factors are also involved. A clone of an overweight person might very well be skinnier than the original, while a clone of someone who's severely underweight is likely to be plumper than the original. And weight isn't just from fat of course! A clone of someone who's built a lot of muscle over their lifetime isn't going to just get all that muscle for free without going through a similar amount of training and exercise. Heck, what kind of exercise and training someone's gone through makes a difference too -- a martial artist, an Amish farmer, and a basketball player are all likely to be "more muscular" than the average person, but each one is going to have certain muscle groups that they've used more than others. Unless you put the clone through very similar working conditions, they won't be equally muscular in the same areas when compared to the original person.
Sexual orientation and possibly gender. We don't have a complete understanding of how either of these features of a person comes to be just yet, though thanks to what research has been done it's pretty obvious that they're complex things that have multiple factors involved (not as simple as a single "gay gene," and definitely not a mere "lifestyle choice" like the anti-gay/anti-trans people often like to claim.) From what I've read here and there, it seems pretty widely agreed upon that there are both genetic factors (probably several different genes involved) and others such as hormone levels in the womb; all stuff that's determined before you're even born, but originating from several different sources. Anyway... my point is, while the clone will have all the genetic factors that lead toward being one way or another, the other factors aren't necessarily going to be the same (or present at all.) Hormone levels in the womb, for example, aren't going to be a factor that's easy to replicate in the cloning process unless whoever made the clone has been monitoring your parents since before you were born specifically to keep track of every possible condition that could have influenced your development. And since this is something we don't have anywhere near a complete understanding of yet, it's especially likely that whoever's making the clone might goof up somewhere along the line... so depending on exactly what factors are involved and which parts of someone's orientation are more hormone-level-influenced vs. gene-influenced, you could end up with gay clones of someone who's very straight (or vice versa!), asexual clones of someone who's not even on the ace spectrum, and so on. And of course, cloning a trans person who's undergone any medical transition procedures is going to result in a very different-looking person than the original for obvious reasons! Even someone who hasn't had any surgical procedures, only hormone therapy, would look drastically different than their clone in most cases... even beyond the obvious stuff, HRT affects a lot of different areas of the body such as bone structure, hair growth rates and patterns, and so on.
So... yeah. Unless they're a magically created copy of the original person, a clone is never going to be an exact duplicate in every possible way.
And heck, in some cases even a magical copy might have some quirk to it that gives away which one is the clone. Whoops, turns out the cloning spell that the evil wizard used was mirror-themed so the clone's features are all "flipped" relative to the original! Look to see which one is right-handed and which is left-handed (...and hopefully you know which hand the original person actually used), or check to make sure scars/tattoos/birthmarks are on the correct side.
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lumilasi · 3 months
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Updated these two to add them to NCP. Also decided to change Silas into a girl instead, as otherwise their mom (design pending) would be stuck with FOUR gremlin boys lol
The Faylunes are probably the most well-adjusted family in this story (alongside the Knights), but even they aren't without tragedy in it.
(Noticed I hafta go edit Hayden's bio image now...)
Info below:
Age(s): 18
Heights: they're both roughly 167 cm tall
Milo: Gremlin I Celine: Cece
Alternate name: Celine & Milo Danau (Danau is the Fae bloodline surname)
(coming from the latin name danaus, referring to a tribe of tiger butterflies)
Family: older brothers Claude and Hayden, Mother (name pending)
Friends: Adam Knight, sometimes they also hang out with Ichirou's group. (Ichirou, Marco, Janus & Clover)
Occupation: High school students.
As a SPD, he can merge with shadows and traverse through them. He can also paralyse people by, er, chomping them, or in case of small children, just by staring at them.
His kind feed off of fear their presence causes, and so he naturally gives Spooky Vibes when in demon form, which can cause paranoia, anxiety or small unease in people. (His vibes aren't as strong as Hayden's yet)
As a moth/bug type, he can also fly and shrink into a tiny size if he wants to.
Having a fae heritage means he is able to summon his wings (and extra pair of arms) in fae/human form without needing to transform fully.
He's pretty good at smacking things with staff-like weapons.
She is highly intelligent, able to process information quickly and is curious/persistent enough to dig out things she doesn't know about, even if its hard
Excellent swordswoman, Celine's skill with her dual blades is considered highly impressive for her age.
She is incredibly stealthy, able to sneak up on even her brother Hayden, which is not an easy feat.
Fairly fast and agile at flying, though not as fast as Hayden who is Very Speedy Boi
Milo: A friendly, kind of a chaotic gremlin with himbo energy. Means well but has a bad habit of breaking things and causing chaos accidentally. Temperamental and ready to throw hands for his friends and family anytime. Dumb enough to not realize if someone has a crush on him, unless he gets told directly (might still not connect the dots lol)
Celine: Smart, seemingly the polite and level-headed one. An absolutely mischievous gremlin in truth who likes messing with people and causing chaos just like Milo - only intentionally, and she is typically able to cover her tracks. Really loves learning about new things and is pretty competitive, often wanting to prove she's smartest in the room, for better or worse.
Milo: Due to witnessing their father's death, Milo has a phobia of tight places/being buried alive and therefore doesn't enjoy being in cramped rooms or crowds that get too big. He is mute that does sometimes cause trouble with communication, as not everyone understands sign language, and he doesn't know any telepathy spells and struggles to learn such magic.
Celine: Sometimes a bit too smug for her own good, where she overestimates her own capabilities. Her competitiveness can lead to problems where she might lash out at her friends and family if she loses, and generally act kind of mean. She always does apologize once she realizes she's gone too far, though.
The Faylunes had a fairly normal and happy family life living at the glow apple farm they ran.
Things changed however as their father was crushed in an accident during a storm, where the barn collapsed onto him; a lightning had struck it and he'd gone there to try and put the fire out.
Milo had rushed to try and help his dad when he'd gotten stuck under fallen debris and due to being disoriented hadn't been able to use his shrinking ability to escape,. Unfortunately, Milo didn't make it on time, and the resulting sudden flash of fire from the collapse also hit Milo, resulting in him losing his other eye and later wearing an eyepatch. (There is regenerative magic in this world, but trying to regenerate such delicate organs like eyes to another person is very risky and often not worth the effort)
Since he's the only one who directly witnessed the event, he was hit the worst out of the whole family, going mute and developing severe fear of tight places that seem to threaten to collapse onto him, like the barn collapsed onto their father. (He didn't develop a fear of fire given it ultimately wasn't the blaze that killed their dad, and had he not gotten trapped, their father could've probably managed to put the fire out.)
Fun Facts
Every sibling in this family has a clothing piece referencing their butterfly/moth wings and theme made by their mom; Celine has her long-sleeved shirt, Milo his fluffy cardigan coat, Claude his jacket, and Cecil his knot shirt/poncho thing.
Milo's SPD form is very similar to Hayden's, only his is blue as the inverse of his wing colors is bunch of blues, where Hayden had purples.
Celine is a huge fan of Avane Faydream, as she's seen how incredibly good fighter and tactician she is.
Another person she finds cool is Adam's oldest brother Chester(Azul) who is currently "away," (he's a wanted fugitive for stealing something highly valuable and dangerous from the Overshadower Council, a branch of their world's government), but Celine doesn't know that)
generally, she tends to dig confident and intelligent people, who are able to use their tactical skill to defeat an opponent instead of brute forcing it.
Milo is closest with their oldest sibling Claude among the bunch, but generally all 4 siblings are fairly close and have their own inside jokes that others don't get.
Celine in turn is closer with Hayden than Claude
Milo's wings are based on Atlas moth, and Celine's the tiger butterfly like their older brother Claude's wings.
Milo tends to want to keep his cardigan on even during summer, when its honestly too warm to wear. This tends to lead to him stripping naked apart from the said cardigan, up until his mom tells him off
Milo's shirt has the logo of his favorite in-world rockband, the Showman's Lament. His sister also loves it, and owns a similar shirt, just white instead of dark grey.
While, like their older siblings, the two go to school in the capital Chrysalis city, they always travel back home to their mom for weekends and holidays, as she's currently mostly by herself otherwise.
Their dad was the Sleep Paralysis Demon, while their mum is the tiger butterfly fae
The siblings' style tends to be kind of a mix of urban, sporty and punky fashion when in the city, but at the farm they do wear more practical clothing to help out their mother. (Hayden and Claude do the same ofc)
Milo has a ravenous appetite and will easily devour meals meant for three people.
When he's stressed, Milo might monch on canvases, including their home curtains sometimes which are full of 'mysterious' holes as a result.
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spitzyyyy · 1 year
self indulgent rant under the cut
TL;DR: people who put phobia causing images in the thumbnails of videos without warning that aren’t specifically educational videos are assholes, and they should fuck off. this goes for any phobia: trypophobia, arachnophobia, etc. i’m fine with nature channels doing this, since. i know what i’m getting when i subscribe to one. but for non nature channels it’s a bitch move.
as a severe arachnophobe: content creators who put spiders as the focus in the thumbnails of their videos can go fuck themselves /gen. like. they don’t have to be in the FUCKING THUMBNAIL unless you are a channel that does that shit regularly. i don’t want to be on my phone, checking my youtube dashboard, and get hit with a close up of a black recluse!! i understand 100% if you’re a nature channel and that is your job, but if it isn’t then like. idk don’t fucking do that??? i’ve gotten into the habit of avoiding videos about bugs because the odds of there being a picture of a spider somewhere in there without warning is really high! when someone says “tw: bugs” i think BUGS, not spiders or scorpions!! fuck you if you call spiders bugs in the first place: THEYRE NOT. spiders aren’t bugs, they’re arachnids! there’s a distinction. and if you’re arachnophobic, there’s a huge difference between being afraid of spiders and being afraid of other insects!! i fucking love insects but i can’t look them up without having to worry if i’m going to have a breakdown because of images of spiders being mixed in! putting a spider in the thumbnail is rude as hell, especially if you don’t usually make videos that cover spiders/bugs—your audience has no warning! and not putting an arachnophobia warning in the video or description is also bad! sifting through comments to see if there’s any mentions of spiders is NOT easy either: it’s so EASY to miss any mentions that if i’m worried that i’ll be hit with a picture of a spider then i’ll not watch the video—even when the stuff genuinely interests me! and that doesn’t even get me started on videos that drop images of spiders with no prompting! i’m trying to watch a TED talk about that astronaut that went blind in space, and he drops a picture of a brown recluse with no prompting or warning!!
spiders genuinely make me feel icky when i see them: we get them on the door in the summer, and i will genuinely wait for someone else to come and open the door rather than get anywhere near a spider. i don’t like being in the same fucking room as them! there’s a reason i have them blacklisted and why i’ll ask someone else to look something up if im worried that there might be spiders in the results! scorpions don’t bother me—i think they’re badass—it is literally just spiders.
i’m. very opinionated about this. as someone with a genuine fear which makes me incapable of enjoying things, fuck people who put pictures of spiders in the thumbnails of their videos and don’t properly warn about it. those people are fucking assholes.
i’ll say this again: nature channels which focus specifically on nature and informational videos about that are different! you EXPECT that to come from them, since that’s they’re job!! i wouldn’t get mad at casual geographic for putting spiders in a video that he dedicated to bugs: if i watch that, i sign up for it. that’s on me. or if i watch a yt short about why you shouldn’t eat bananas with white spots on the peel (it could be a sign of mold or spider infestation, neither of which you want to eat) then i signed up for it!! if i watch a kurzgesagt video about the ant kingdom and warrior ants that will beat the shit out of everything (including tarantulas) then i expect that i might get hit with an animated spider!! in those cases, my panic response is under control, because i ANTICIPATED that i would be dealing with it! but if daily dose of internet puts spiders in the thumbnail without warning, then what the fuck. i don’t expect that! it triggers my panic response near instantly (which is to instinctually throw the thing with the spider on it away and to curl up into a ball) and i become WAY too self conscious!! i literally go into a fight or flight response with spiders—it’s flight. nature channels: i expect! non nature channels: i do not expect and it freaks me out. there’s a difference between me watching videos with bugs in them and being aware of the risk vs me watching a gaming video and being shown a spider.
i know people genuinely don’t mean harm when they do this, but it’s not THAT hard to not have spiders in the thumbnail. it’s not that hard to put a “cw: spiders” or “tw: arachnophobia” at the beginning of your video OR in the description! if you can warn about blood or death, then you can warn about spiders, as it’s one of the most common phobias!
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wesimpforxiao · 3 years
Inception: Chapter 4
"Tch!"  Your forearm blocked a particularly heavy strike from Childe.  It was sure to be bruised tomorrow, but the pain was so freeing.  Maybe you should be attacking the Fatui more often if fighting made you feel THIS good.
"Don't tell me you're tired already," Childe smirked.  "I haven't even gotten to see you use your vision yet!"
The lanterns lighting the city below vaguely illuminated the mountainside in which the two of you were fighting.  It was the perfect view of both city and sea.  Childe was interested in seeing the fantastic firework show, but the way things were going right now, he was more interested in testing your limits.
"Enough about that already," you growled and thrust your elbow into his side.  The small 'oomph' that he exhaled made you a little too happy.  He's wanted a fight with you ever since he came back that day, and even more so since you reunited.  Who were you to refuse him now?  Sure, you've refused in the past, but the anger and bitterness that came flooding back while you were at the festival needed  relief.  Ajax needed to know how much he hurt you all those years ago, whether you directly told him or not.  
Childe, oblivious to the reason behind your sudden willingness to fight, was more than delighted to fight you.  You must've been pretty desperate to change the subject of your phobia if you chose fighting as the alternative!  That didn't stop him from feeling a little bad for pushing the subject, but the thrill of battle soon overcame the guilt and a new fascination overwhelmed his senses.
He was right.  You are like him, even if it's just when you're angry.  He can hone that: train you into becoming a warrior to be reckoned with.  Childe held no intentions to convince you to join the Fatui, but instead prevent your potential from being wasted.  He'd give you the opportunity to grow from amateur to expert.  If you managed to surprise him in this moment, only archons would know exactly what he thought of you.
The harbinger steadied himself and threw his forearm out in time to block your swing, then countered with one of his own to your gut.  It wasn't often that he trained in hand-to-hand combat, but that didn't make him any less deadly.  He had to pull his punches to prevent from hurting you--though if we're being honest, he completely forgot to do that after the first couple minutes.  It's not like you minded anyway. Childe was also slightly impressed at your strength; your looks were definitely deceiving and it worked to your advantage.  He had underestimated you.
No wonder his men were complaining about the vigilante so much.
He caught your roundhouse kick aimed for his head and threw you off balance.  The grass didn't soften your landing.  The sole of his boot sat square in the middle of your chest as he towered over you.  "Not bad," he praised with a raising of his lips.  "I can see why you chose antagonizing the Fatui as a hobby."  Something flashed in your eyes, but Childe wasn't sure what it was.
Your fist slammed into the side of his knee, knocking him off of you.  As he fell you grabbed his arm so he'd land on his back.  You were the one on top of him now with your knees pinning his shoulders into the grass.  "Do you even remember?"  
Childe blinked, and the bloodlust and thrill that was in his eyes was gone.  Remember?  What are--  You were struggling with something dark; your hands pulled the grass out from besides his head, eyes wavering with the slightest bit of hope swirling in the depths of pain.  Seeing your expression, Childe parted his lips to speak.  "Reed--?"
"Heh, forget it," you sniffed, swiping the bottom of your nose with your thumb and sitting up straighter as you vacantly analyzed the blood that now painted your finger.
BOOM! C-r-a-c-k-l-e....!
The Mingxiao lantern exploded somewhere behind you.  The lights from the explosives cast a prolonged glow that illuminated Childe beneath you, but you were still staring at your hand.  It was hard not to think about that night with your father.  What could you have done to change the outcome?  What could have helped you reach Ajax when he returned a different child?  Based on your fight just now, he's never stopped looking for something to take his anger out on; a cruel contrast to the friendly toy seller demeanor.  Meanwhile, Childe: What would've happened if you had fallen into the Abyss with him?  
The lights were beautiful from Childe's point of view, but not for the common reason; they were blocked out save for the ones peeking out from behind your shoulders and head.  You were backlit with bright colors--reds, blues, greens, yellows and oranges.  Each cast a soft glow to your silhouette.  The thoughtful look on your face while you refused to look his way was enticing, what with the sweat that slowly rolled down your temple and the forming bruises splattering across your arms.  And the bloody nose he gave you--the blood that slowly trickled its way down to your upper lip--sent a pleasurable chill down his spine.  You were a breathtaking mess of art.
He briefly wondered if you thought the same of him, but you never glanced down even after the lights of the lantern had faded.
A few miles westward, at the base of Mount Tianheng. Ten minutes before the release of the Mingxiao lantern.
"Alright boys," a dark figure emerged from the shadows of the mountain and scanned the crowd of twenty-plus men all dressed in black robes.  The gruff voice that erupted from the man was enough to silence the hushed whispers between comrades in arms.  "Our scouts confirm the whereabouts of the target in the Northland Bank.  Security is minimal as expected.  Our primary objective is to retrieve those documents.  Understood?"
Silent nods all around.  Not one uttered a word, their obedience absolute.  This was the man that compensated them fairly compared to Her Majesty the Tsaritsa.  Injustices laid out against them by their superiors in the Liyue division of the Fatui will be paid in due time. Now that there were enough committed to the cause, the master's plan will be put into action.
"The Fatui will fall," he bellowed.
"The Fatui will fall! The Fatui will fall! The Fatui will fall!"  The servicemen dispersed as quickly as they heeded his words, shouts of determination fading into murmurs then silence.
"Charlie," the leader gestured towards his right-hand man.  "A word."
"Yes, sir?"  The brunette's wolf-like ears perked up at the voice of his master.  It wasn't unusual that he was given a separate mission during times like this, so he prepared himself with a jaw clenched in anticipation.
"Though I doubt any of them would be caught in this operation by either party, I am not risking you for...obvious reasons.  I have a separate matter to discuss with you."  Eyes like a snake's watched Charlie with both thoughtfulness and pride.  Charlie was by far the most trustworthy, being one of the few recruits that were in this group the longest.  He's succeeded all expectations, to say the least.  "You've mentioned before about a rogue citizen attacking the Liyue Fatui?"
"Yes, sir."
"Any new information on them?"
"Well," Charlie shifted his weight to his other foot and pulled at the collar of his jacket.  "According to one of the agents, it's a she.  The lack of evidence she leaves during expeditions indicate she's had some time to plot her attacks and escape routes...she's more of a threat to them than those who are joining our ranks--at least on the agent-level.  Master Childe seems rather unconcerned with her."
"I see.  Well, if you're up for a greater challenge, find her.  And when you do, recruit her.  With her skillset, the destruction of the Liyue Division will happen a lot faster."
"Yes, sir."  This challenge wouldn't be easy.  It was unusual for there to be someone like him in the ranks of the Fatui, but perhaps this could be an advantage for finding this vigilante that's been the talk of the Fatui for so long.
Childe had parted ways with you a few minutes ago and decided to check in with the bank before bed.  The city streets were still bustling with partiers and night owls, so he took the shortcut through neighboring alleyways to avoid the foot traffic.  
He still couldn't figure out why you went quiet after sparring.  Wasn't sure if he missed something--a cue, a word, a phrase...what was it?  And why was it bugging him so much?  His chest was tight and palms sweaty, his heart was even racing a bit.  It was unusual for him to be so on-edge.  His worries were rudely interrupted when he reached the stairs that led up to the bank.  
"Why aren't you helping us?! We told you everything we know! We need those documents back!"  Nadia was practically screaming at one of the authorities.  "I told you, those documents are im--" Spotting Childe, she let out a sigh of relief.  "Oh thank Her Majesty--We've been robbed, Master Childe."
"Mm, yes.  The safe was broken into, but not a single mora was taken.  The reception desk is in disarray, as is Andrei's office...papers are strewn about this way and that, and the documents Andrei was holding for you are missing."
"...I see."
"And these...these imbeciles aren't helping!  They're saying there's nothing to do but make a report!"
"I understand the situation.  I'll be taking it from here.  Please return to your post, Nadia."
She turned on her heel.  "Yes sir!"
Childe faced the Millelith again now that it was just him and them remaining.  "Any leads?"
"N-No, sir." The taller one, who was seemingly the one in charge of the investigation, held a stern expression as he stared eye-to-eye with the harbinger.  "No witnesses.  Whoever pulled this off did so with help.  The theory is at least five people were involved."
"Five?"  Childe couldn't help but scoff at such a ridiculous idea.  "And there were no witnesses at all? That's not possible."
"No! You don't understand.  That's impossible.  Our security is too tight for even one person to slip through.  There had to be someone.  Are you sure you crosschecked those who are on duty?"
The guard just shrugged.  He wasn't even interested in hearing what Childe had to say!  Even the other guards that were accompanying him appeared bored and even annoyed that they had to deal with the Fatui.
Seeing this, the harbinger pulled at his hair.  Steady now, he reminded himself, Don't lose your temper here.  "If I may, I'd like to speak with your leading supervisor."
"You're lookin' at him," the lead guard answered with an arrogant smirk that pissed Childe off even more.
"Tch--Whoever's in charge of you."
"Sorry, but he's off-duty at the moment.  You can speak with him at the civil affairs tomorrow evening."
"Right."  Childe grit his teeth and took an extra deep breath to calm himself.  Of course, it didn't work.  Damn them!  If I could have it my way, they'd be lying in a pool of their own blood right here and now for their audacity to ignore a crime against us--We fund them, for crying out loud! Perhaps I should send for the Tsaritsa's wisdom-- If it weren't for Lady Signora keeping him in the dark in regards to Morax's gnosis, he wouldn't feel like a dog on a tight leash right now.  The great weapon of war forced to heel for the sake of the cryo archon's image.  Childe made his way for Andrei's office with clenched fists.
Sure enough, it was trashed.  Every document, every book, every folder lay strewn about or trampled on.  Nadia and another agent were busy sorting through and placing each in their respective places; Andrei was out near the docks so it would be awhile before anyone managed to get ahold of him...
Childe knelt at the safe under the desk that sat before the set of double-paned windows.  It was empty.  Every single letter from the Tsaritsa was inside; each detailing next and future steps for the Fatui and Northland Bank; classified documents that updated him of the politics occurring in the Motherland; evidence of...certain matters that would no doubt give the Qixing enough power to ban the presence of Fatui in Liyue.  All of it was gone.
Who'd go to such sophisticated lengths to get their hands on these?  The Qixing abide by the law, so they wouldn't do something so unorthodox.  The Millelith were definitely biased and held grudges against him, so they're not entirely ruled out...What was the suspects' goal?  A smear campaign?  If it is, they got it.  
If he hadn't been away from the office, surely they wouldn't have been so bold as to pull off a bank heist.  But one good thing came out of this:  You definitely weren't involved since you were with him.  Wait...whoever did this must've been watching him.  You could be involved if you had help, but you've never mentioned anyone helping you.  So you and this situation were completely unrelated.  That had to be the case.
Regardless, his every move is being watched.  The only question that remains is, by who?
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Summary: A prank Loki pulls has much worse consequences than he anticipated. OR Loki doesn’t really know how to deal with his feelings. [Set after Ragnarok but IW and Endgame doesn’t happen]
Warnings: language, spiders, arachnophobia, panic attack
Word Count: 2492
A/N: This idea has been bouncing around my head for a while so here it is! 
In Loki’s opinion, the Avenger’s compound in upstate New York (apparently the ‘State’ was called New York but the city he had invaded almost a decade ago was also called New York, those strange Midgardians) was as ugly as a pile of horse shit. It was short and wide, plainly white with large windows. Completely different from Asgard’s beautiful golden towers and spires. The only thing he would have enjoyed was the forest surrounding the compound. Keywords being: would have.
The fucking ‘Earth’s Mightiest Heroes’ didn’t trust Loki enough to let him off of the compound’s property. Thor had vouched for him but then he had left with the Valkyrie to find a good location for the people of Asgard to rebuild their lives. Thor had said that Loki has changed and had helped save the Asgardians. Obviously the Avengers didn’t trust Loki.
He felt like a goddamned child being watched constantly and he knew that they felt the same. That they were babysitting Loki. To earn their trust, the infamous God of Mischief began his stay on his best behavior, but he was just that. The God of Mischief.
And he couldn’t stay out of trouble for long…
Now, first things first, there were a few more all righteous Avengers than the last time Loki was on Midgard.
There was the Witch. Loki thought her abilities were quite remarkable. When he had first been brought to the group of heroes, she was the one who probed his mind for malicious intent. Although he wouldn’t admit it, Loki was surprised at how powerful she was and how easily she had gotten into his head. She had gotten her powers with the use of the Mind Stone from his staff.
The same Mind Stone sat on the Vision’s forehead. It didn’t take long for Loki to deduce that there was something going on between the Witch and the android.
There was a kid. Parker always called him ‘Mr. Loki’ when he got the chance to speak to him. And every time Loki spoke to Parker was interesting, he was a clever kid, until Stark whisked him away.
There was another supersoldier like the Captain. Apparently the metal armed man was the Captian’s friend from long ago. He had been forced to be an assassin by an evil organization. The same organization that had given the witch her powers. The assassin didn’t talk much but Loki had quickly learned not to get on Barnes’ bad side.
The same couldn’t be said about the seemingly always joyous ‘Falcon.’ He wasn’t enhanced and relied on a suit like Stark or the James Rhodes who occasionally popped in and out of the compound.
Then there was the Siren. Another victim of ‘Hydra’ (their emblem wasn’t a hydra at all, but rather an octopus. Fucking idiotic Midgardians.) To say Loki liked her or was curious about her would be an understatement. Obviously, though, he hid his interest well. The Siren wasn’t just called the Siren because she could control people with her words, but also because she inexplicably called to him in a way he could not resist.
The first day he spoke to her, she had shocked him with her quick, witty replies that could rival Stark’s, and dare he say even his. Loki remembered her sauntering off with a smirk and a swish of her hips before he could recover from her unexpected remark. It didn’t make him mad as he had expected. What made him mad was the feelings in his chest and stomach whenever she was around. He didn’t know what to do.
Second things second. Loki was tired of being good and compliant. He wouldn’t do anything bad, but Wilson gave him an idea when Loki watched the dark-skinned man placed magnets on Barnes’ arm. Pranks. Loki could, and would, cause a little mischief through small and harmless pranks.
He made hallways seem longer than they actually were; leaving his victims confused as to why it took them five minutes to walk fifty meters. He made it look sunny outside when it was actually pouring; chuckling to himself when they came running back inside, soaked to the bone.
There were definitely some members of the team he avoided. Barton definitely still held a grudge against him. No need to make it worse. Stark, the Captian, and Banner were the same. As was the Widow, but he avoided her because, in all honesty, Loki did not want to be on the bad end of her wrath.
There was too much history with the Avengers he had fought in the past so he picked on the new members, save for Barnes.
The Witch was tricky. Rub her the wrong way and she could absolutely decimate Loki. She could also predict when something was going to happen. It was either because she heard his thoughts or from the experience of someone pulling these things on her before. Loki heard she had had a brother.
The Vision was quite naive which made him a good target.
Parker, when he was around, was also very trusting. But he was also still a kid and Loki would be facing Stark’s anger if he ever took it too far.
The Falcon, who was wary of Loki, still enjoyed a good prank. The god had to keep an eye out for possible retaliation, though.
He didn’t know why he usually picked on the Siren. Or maybe he did. To deal with these feelings? Especially when she was always understanding and patient with him all while still shooting him smart remarks. Especially when she seemed to… could he call it reciprocate if she didn’t know how he felt?
Loki would notice her beginning to stumble over a few words. She would sit next to him, laugh at the snarks he mumbled under his breath, comfort him when she found him awake at strange hours of the night. But was it just hopeful thinking?
He wanted her to notice him. To keep smiling at him. To keep talking to him. For a terrifying moment, Loki found himself wishing he was more like Thor: a magnet for the ladies. Or even more like Stark with experienced charm, but he quickly waved those thoughts away, not even giving them another glance.
One day, she gave him inspiration. An idea to bring her right into his arms. 
It was a quiet morning in the compound. Loki was sitting by a large window reading a book while people still kept their distance. Then, a sudden shriek, her shriek, pierced the silence. Everyone rushed to the kitchen where she was, prepared for anything.
What they found was the mighty Siren standing on top of the counter wide-eyed and chest heaving. Wilson, who had gotten to her first, was shaking his head as he threw a crumpled ball of tissues away.
“What happened?”
“What’s going on?”
“Are you okay?”
The questions spilled from everyone’s mouths.
“It was just a spider,” Wilson explained. He held out a hand to help her down from the counter. Loki wished it was his hand she had taken.
“A spider?” Barton raised an eyebrow. “You screamed bloody murder ‘cause of a fuckin’ spider?”
“It was a big spider,” she said as Wilson behind her shook his head and brought his pointer and thumb together to demonstrate the actual size of the arachnid.
“Honestly,” the Widow smirked, “I’m a bit offended.”
“Haha,” she rolled her eyes. “You’re so fucking funny, Nat.”
It has been a week since your spider incident and it seems like the rest of the team had forgotten it. For now. It was only time until someone brought up the embarrassing experience at dinner or at one of Tony’s many parties. No need to tell more people about your phobia.
You hated that you hated spiders. Really any bugs. Anything creepy crawly. Anything with more than four legs. You were supposed to be this powerful being who could bend anyone to your will just by speaking to them. There was one thing behind this. Behind everything: Hydra.
Fucking Hydra. Always had a hand, or should you say a tentacle, in your life. Your parents were esteemed Hydra agents and your brother was eager to follow in their footsteps. When he discovered your power, he wanted to exploit it. He tortured you to make you compliant. Tortured you when you weren’t. Torture, torture, torture. That’s all Hydra really does now. Fucking torture.
The worst one was when he tied you to a chair and…
No. Don’t think about that. Don’t think of the reasons behind your phobias.  You’ll only spiral and there will be no one here to help you. Everyone was either on a mission or at home with family. The only other person in the compound was Loki. 
Everyone had wished you luck before they left, but you liked Loki. You didn’t have any bad history with him and he honestly seemed to have redeemed himself. He was an interesting character with a tragic backstory like most of the other people on the team. Bucky and Nat have been able to redeem themselves, so why wasn’t the rest of the team giving Loki a real chance? 
You really liked Loki. He was clever and definitely a looker. Fuck, did you like him that way? Maybe? It wouldn’t be a bad thing, but you never really had feelings like these before, your history didn’t give you much time for crushes. 
You pondered over your feelings for the God of Mischief while eating your cereal. Unbeknownst to you, the man in question stood around the corner. You didn’t know of his plans and when you picked up a spoonful of cereal, it wasn’t cereal. The metal spoon held a multitude of spiders of all sizes.
You were paralyzed. Your only movement was the shaking of your hand.
You couldn’t breathe. Fuck, just breathe.
You couldn’t move. Not until the arachnids moved first, crawling up the handle towards your fingers. The spoon fell back into the bowl, causing spiders to crawl out of the ceramic as well. You fell off your chair and landed roughly on the floor.
You blinked and suddenly they vanished. Droplets of milk and spilled cereal replaced them. But you could still feel them.
You could still feel their legs crawling along your body. Crawling into your nose, ears, and mouth. Don’t breathe them in.
You had to breathe.
Don’t let them near your eyes. Close your eyes.
But when you did you saw your brother. Standing over you, a terrifying glint in his eyes as he watched the waves of arachnids wash over your body.
You looked up and it wasn’t your brother standing above you. It was… it was… who… He was speaking. You couldn’t hear him over the sound of your rapid heartbeat and the blood rushing through your ears.
Get the spiders off you. Get them off.
He was speaking. Just breathe. He was trying to get an answer out of you.
Don’t speak. Don’t let them use you. Don’t let them hurt anyone else.
A sharp pain made you look at your arm. Had a spider bitten you? Was it venomous?
You saw blood. And long, angry marks on your arms. You had to get the spiders off.
His voice pierced through your panic. Loki. It was Loki. He was telling you to breathe. Calm down. It was if he spoke directly to your mind. Calm down. Breathe. You flinched when he brought his cool hand to your hot forehead, but then your mind was flooded with memories. Pleasant memories.
Get the spiders off.
You were laughing with your friends.
Don’t let them use you.
You were sketching a picture of the forest outside.
Your brother.
The delicious smell of your favorite homemade meal. The glorious colors of a sunset. The soft sounds of waves on a beach. The warmth of the sun on a fine spring day. Breathe.
You opened your eyes and saw the raven-haired god kneeling by your side. He held your hands in his. To stop you scratching yourself, you figured, reevaluating the marks on your arms. Obvious worry and… guilt? was etched on his face. His eyes searched your face for any other signs of distress.
“Are you okay?” Loki said when he found none. You nodded. Then shook your head. Then shrugged. You didn’t know. Loki understood. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”
He helped you to your feet and slowly led you to the kitchen table. A first aid kit appeared on the table in front of you. Loki took one of your still trembling hands and examined one of the particularly deep scratches.
“I’m sorry,” he murmured. Why would he be— oh. It hit you.
The sudden appearance and disappearance of the spiders. The guilt on his face. It had been one of Loki’s little pranks. Well, you wouldn’t have called it little.
“Why,” your voice was hoarse. You swallowed dryly and tried again. “Why did you?”
“I- I don’t really know.” Loki pulled out the antiseptic spray and you braced yourself for the sting. “Maybe I just— sorry,” you had let out a small whine when the spray hit your wound, “I just wanted your attention.”
“You could have just talked to me.” You watched as Loki gingerly bandaged the scratch before moving onto the other arm. “I would always talk to you.”
“I’m sorry,” he said again. “I didn’t mean to… bring up bad memories.”
“It’s not your fault I’m fucked up.”
“You’re not.” Loki’s eyes met yours. “If anyone is fucked up here, it’s me.”
“You’re not fucked up either, Loki.” You felt the need to explain yourself. “My-my brother, he was so—”
“You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to,” Loki interrupted and you nodded your appreciation. “Are you alright?”
“Yes, I’m okay. Just a bit tired.”
“I’ll let you rest.” He got up to leave.
“No, wait.” You grabbed his arm and led him to the living room. You sat on the large couch and motioned for him to do the same. “You said you wanted my attention, talk to me.”
“I don’t want you to feel like you need to do this,” Loki said still standing.
“I do, though,” you assured him hastily, face growing warm. “I don’t want to be alone.” He nodded and sat next to you, though his posture stayed stiff. “Tell me a story.”
The two of you hardly moved throughout the rest of the day, only to get more snacks from the kitchen. Loki finally relaxed around you, even to the point where he draped his arm over the couch behind you. When Sam and Natasha returned from their mission, they found you asleep on the couch. You were tucked to the God of Mischief’s side and your head on his shoulder. His arm was around you as he slept next to you.
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secret-time-is-here · 4 years
The King and his Aid
Chapter 8: Happiness is with you
Notes for characters at the end.
Previous - First (Season 1) - First (Season 2) - Next
The boring talk of the court washed over him, nothing but background noise to the sounds of his soul beat and the gentle glide of his rough hands against Edwin’s soft gloves. Their hands stealthily interlocked underneath the table. A silent conversation speaking of love and want. Their faces blank aside from the slight tug of a smile, one only noticed by the other two Royals in the room. Both of which happy for them.
Slowly, they traced letters into the other’s palm, promising and screaming all their souls worth, a thing they would never be able to under the roof of their society. The phobia of anything different, the fear of someone breaking the mold. It’s not like he could care anymore.
He’s broken the mold since his creation.
Nodding on occasion and paying attention enough to agree when necessary, he continued to talk with his love. Sharing fantasies and wishes for the future.
Do you want to go out in the woods? He traced, expression relaxed and happy.
What brings that up, Neil? His aid traced, curiosity and confusion clear in his aura, but happiness mostly clouding over his other emotions.
After lunch, it’s been so long since we’ve gotten time together away from the castle and everything, and it’s been even longer since we’ve been back to our spot.
Everyone at the meeting started to pack up, and the King to be released his grip on his servant’s hand, but not before feeling trace back an “OK”
“Ready to get heading to the gardens?” His brother asked as more and more court members and their guards started to flood out of the room, all of the royals, as well as Edwin, only just starting to get up from their seats.
The elder Prince gave a nod getting up and extending a hand to his aid, helping him up as Dean did the same for the Queen to be.
As they started to walk out to the gardens, his younger sibling started to pull him back, but not too far from Cecil and his more than a friend. Far enough to be close, but not too close that the people near them could hear. His brother’s guards some feet behind them.
“So,” His other part started, “What made you so happy during the meeting?” He gently whispered to Neil, not turning his head towards him, as to not raise suspicion.
“Nothing much,” He smiled, voice teasing and withholding, his brother gave a nudge of his elbow, “Impatient much?” He chuckled, he got a glaring glance, “Edwin and I are going to be going to our spot after lunch.”
“Figured it had to with him.” The younger laughed, a smile overtaking his features.
He walked away and back with the other’s before the King to be had a chance to rebut. He quickly followed, finding a place beside Edwin, their hands brushing against each other as they walked. The smiles tugging at their cheeks finally showing.
The garden quickly came into view, the winding paths once again appearing, long since picked from the trees and starting to grow again with spring coming once more. Grass, bushes, and leaves growing to brilliant green, large and thin trunks of trees aged and new a pale brown against the dark watered dirt they sit on. The air was chilled with late winter, but showed a promise of a warm summer.
They all sat down, Edwin by his side as always as well as his brother across from him and now his fiance joining the table in the middle. The heads of departments were to join soon as well, filling up the empty seats left.
The elder Prince felt his soul spark as Dean offered both of his guards’ seats by his side, his small smile growing in size. He caught his brother’s eye and gave him a proud look, to which the younger gave a joyful shrug back, rolling his eyes slightly as if to say it wasn’t a big deal.
Minutes later and the table was filled, Heads of different offices showing and a few other members of high status. The Head chef joining after helping his workers bring lunch for all of them.
While his appeal for reports got vetoed, he was able to meet the court in the middle, having a meal with all the heads and important high people of the castle once a month instead of a day of trying to get to all of them separately. The trial run of the appeal went well, and for nearly a third of a year, they have continued with the new report process.
“Kieth, Douglass, how has the military and guards been? And if I may ask, how have you been?” He asked, grabbing some steak, salad, and biscuits for him and his aid.
“My team and I are still working on the weapons, but have prototypes for upgrades to the current weapons for our guards.” The head of Military Sciences reported matter of factly, before moving to the second question, “Nothing much has changed at home, although Philip and I did get to have some bonding time last week. On the other hand,” He continued, “Keith and I are working on a better medical solution to heal scars and wounds.”
Neil hummed in approval, it was good for Doug to get some time with his brother. When the two of them had met during the interview, back when the skeleton was only aiming for a role closer to home in the military and not at all it’s Sciences’, he was not much more than 16. His poor and scarred little brother 6.
He had been able to learn more about their situation over time, but it was still difficult to process. To lose near all of your family in a night was a terrifying thought. Philip was barely saved as it was, the mental scarring from the event deep and unhealing. Doug had worked hard to climb up his career latter and get his brother the care he needed.
“More troops were recruited and the casualties of winter have been replaced.” Keith reported, just as matter of factly as his coworker before relaxing, “And like Doug here, nothing has changed at home, just a few more carving blocks added to the shelves.”
“Still no one catching your sockets?” Neil lightly teased, happy to have such a friendly environment with his workers and friends. The General gave a hearty laugh.
“Please my Prince, I’m an old bag of bones, even more so than you. Nothing’s catching these empty eyes and no one’s seeing them.”
“Tell that to your pile of fan mail,” Douglass muttered just loud enough to be heard, making Kieth’s eyes twitch.
Neil laughed, the General deserved some love and attention, he was older than any of them, being General and all, and had gone through worse than any of them. Leading armies into war and protecting the Kingdom from any threats, bringing Father’s and the occasional Mother home.
Anyone who got any sort of injury that could stunt their work was immediately pulled out. Any limp. Any broken bone. Anything that could lead to fatality. Their army was strict, and Keith kept it that way, but Neil understood why. Being orphaned so young, especially after such a large attack against his home, he would make sure parents can get back to their families too.
Their armies barely found him, unconscious under the ruble lof his home. Scars under his eyes, his attackers trying to tear the magic out of his eyes and kill him off that way. They left him for dead, but he was stronger than that. The scars healed over time, but his eye magic did not, only able to be dim and barely seen. Even now, decades later, he is only able to have one eye come aflame.
Afterward, he was taken into an orphanage. Not wanted, he got out of there as soon as he could and got in the military, rising to the head and General he is today.
“How have thing’s been for you Howard, expecting nothing has been happening in the kitchen?”
“Nothing in the Kitchen,” He reported, “On the other hand, the bakery is still doing well, and so is my family. Rachel just turned four, Faye and I could never be prouder.” He smiled, “Willis is growing tall as well, Samuel’s convinced him and Joel are going to get as tall as the house one day.” Howard laughed.
Howard hadn’t had as much difficulty as the rest but grew up in a dirt poor house in a bad town. Starving normal and meals occasional gifts. His parents dying off quick in the environment, leaving him with his brother. They had escaped the town and made it to their Kingdom miles away, Howard asking for a job in the military and quickly earning his rarely used Nickname, Horror. Both used for his terrible past and his near beast-like fighting in battle.
However, he gained a head wound in battle, one that made him lose an eye light. Keith, with his strict policies, pulled him and out and told him to find work in the castle, to go to Neil for help, to which help he got. He got a simple job as cook, and eventually saved enough for a barn-like house on the outskirts of the kingdom, acres of land around and part of the property. Time passed and he found himself happy with a family, a brother that went unharmed through the whole ordeal, and a bakery of his own.
Neil still goes to visit the family every now and again. His wife, despite being mute, being welcoming and children well taught, strong, as well as well-nourished. Howard and his brother Samuel, nicknamed scream or screech for his scratchy voice, always welcoming and offering fresh-baked pastries, bread, as well as plants from their ever-growing garden.
“Ian, how have you been? You’re not normally able to make it to lunches.” Neil asked, not used to seeing the Royal painter and Secret keeper outside of their office.
“I’m only able not to make it because of court meeting, my Prince.” Ian, cleverly nicknamed Ink and also a close friend to his brother, reminded, “But nothing of importance has come up, aside from your wedding preparations of course, but I have managed to spend some time with George after weeks of bugging him.”
“George? How has our retired General been?” He could see Curtis, one of Dean’s guard’s flinch out of the corner of his eye, but ignored it for now. Knowing the relationship between the guard and General wasn’t close by any means.
“He has been well, and so has his wife.” Ian smiled. Julia, George’s wife, once worked in the science district of the Military, and after some years as close co-workers, love blossomed and eventually kids. Curtis being one of them, and his brother Patrick being the other.
Neil turned his attention away from the artist.
“Curtis, Bernard? How are you two? I hope Dean isn’t too much to handle.”
His brother’s guards looked up in surprise from their lunches, not expecting to be addressed, as it is the first time to be asked such a question from Neil or even sit at a table with either of the Royal brothers. However, Bernard was quick to take the opportunity.
“Prince Dean isn’t much trouble, my lord.” He smiled
“Then how have you been? I don’t think I’ve ever gotten to speak to you before.” Bern nodded his head in agreement.
“I have been well, although I hope soon that my days will be even better.”
“How so?” Neil smiled, knowing from Edwin how energetic and talkative the guard usually is, and from that information, how much emotion he is holding back right now to be mannerly in front of his Royals and highers.
“I plan to propose soon to my girlfriend, Caroline, and we’re possible with child.” The guard gave a smile tight smile, but from his aura, both brothers could tell that Bernard was overjoyed with the chance of being a father.
Neil didn’t know much about Bernard, but he knew some things. His brother Harvey and he were part of the guard, Bern having a special position of protecting Dean while his brother stayed at a sentry station outside the castle. He also remembers Caroline, a higher class adopted child of one of the many Dreammur families.
“And you, Curtis?”
“Much like General Raha, Nothing of importance comes up for me, although I have finished moving into my house recently.” Ian gave a nod, agreeing. The two weren’t close but were a slight bit closer than the guard was to his father.
He knew a good bit about Curtis, having known his father and remembering when the guard was born. George often being put on babysitting duty for him. Making sure he didn’t run off too far, often running far away and giving the castle a run for their money.
Despite being calm as he is now, both his brother and he were energetic children, nearly never resting, and always with a guard nearby. Although, he had lost his guard when he met Edwin those years ago. His best friend becoming his guard and aid so they could stay close.
With the final how are you’s, the chatter started to grow among them, Keith and Douglass starting to converse over their new solution while Howard chatted with Bernard about being a father, Ian joining in to talk with Bernard every now and again, and Curtis and Dean having a more quiet and relaxed conversation together. However, Neil and his aid were silent. Waiting.
Lunch went by all to slowly but blurred past them nonetheless, and joyfully, the two of them prepared to head out to the woods.
Changing out of his normal formal wear and into something more casual, he pulled on his old beige pants and weathered jacket, letting his necklace rest underneath it, the crescent as polished as the day he got it.
A few quick knocks rang out, and he dashed to the door to open it, revealing the person he loved most.
Edwin was wearing better clothes than when they met, the torn shirt and barely recognizable pants replaced with an aged star t-shirt and comfortable slacks, the pale jacket he once had replaced with a warm overcoat. A blue knitted scarf wrapped snug around his neck and matching gloves over his long white ones he already wore, keeping his scared and rough but graceful and quick hands warm.
“Are you ready?” His aid asked, looking at how underdressed he was for the weather. Neil looked down at himself, before giving an apologetic shrug. “What am I going to do with you?” He sighed, laughing some.
Reaching into the Prince’s closet and to a corner less known, his aid opened a weaved box full of knitted gifts, all from his number one of course. Edwin pulled out a mauve-purple scarf and some black fingerless gloves, one of the few gifts in the box sewn and not knitted.
“There, now we can head out.” The servant smiled, handing the accessories to Neil, giving a peck on his cheekbone. The Prince slipped them on happily and leaned into the loving affection his aid gave.
It was cold out, even colder than it had been at lunch, and thankfully they were prepared for it, Edwin having grabbed a blanket and thrown it in a bag just in case. That just in case turned out to be very handy, as the larget cut out of fabric was pulled tight around the two of them as they walked through the woods.
They traced their steps back to the beginning, and follow the path their souls had marked out to the aid��s small dinky hut, however, something caught their eye along the way.
Just off the path was a less used and old one, one leading to a wooden structure farther out, surrounded and protected by trees and nature. Exchanging looks, they changed their path and followed, soon finding a cabin they only hoped to have and never thought they would see come to life.
A small aged cabin lay in the middle of a clearing. Window’s dirtied by dust and time, moss and vines growing on the outside, mold claiming the foundation. Log’s stacked on log’s, squares and rectangles cut out for various windows of different kinds. A roof and few walls lined by old a plain brick only filled in by tiling and wood.
A small clearing of grass around, enough for a small garden and another single tree, a small river gurgling and washing by, a natural railing of bushes protecting anyone from falling in.
Silently, they walked in the baren house, not a light switch or plumbing in it, but a place far off from anything. A place they could call home.
Thye felt their souls’ pulse in unison at the thought, and they stared at each other. They gave relieved and happy looks before wrapping each other in their arms, giving a tight hug. Slowly falling to the floor in joyful tears.
A day, nearly a year ago from the present, he thought different than now.
Before his friend could hurry on without him, Neil grabbed his hand, and pulled him into a quick hug, just breathing in the last moments they would have alone together. Likely for the rest of their lives.
They have found their safe place, and they can be together again.
They can do something now.
Nightmare and Dream belong to @jokublog
Error belongs to @loverofpiggies
Ccino belongs to @black-nyanko
Cross, XGaster, and XPapyrus belong to @jakei95
Horror, HorrorTale!Frisk, and Scream belong to @sour-apple-studios
Dust and Phantom(DustTale!Papyrus) belong to @ask-dusttale
Killer belongs to @rahafwabas
Blue, Honey, and UnderSwap!Chara belong to the Undertale Community
Ink belongs to @comyet
Rachel, Wilis, and Joel are not actually ship children between Horror and his frisk but are simply used for his story and character, not claiming them to be any version of any already made ship child. But nonetheless, they all belong to me.
So for most of the characters, I have concept art and general backstories for all of them, I had them laying around so I kinda incorporated it into this chapter even though it’s just filler. Everything is under the cut.
Here are the notes in order of appearance:
Douglass (29, 5′10)
While he was away in the army, a thief robbed his home, killing his parents and nearly his brother
Nearby houses heard the commotion and ran for guards who were able to stop the thief before he did any physical damage to Douglass’s brother Philip(20, 5′9)
He works hard daily to take care of his brother and devotes all his spare time to him.
His brother is scarred mentally from the attack.
His brother has a nurse when Douglass is away, and in modern days would be considered under the effects of severe PTSD and mentally disabled.
His brother acts more like a child because of this and his brain is still mentally stuck as a child despite being 20.
Keith (34, 6′2)
Unlike Killer sans(OG) he was orphaned at a young age after an attack on his home town, he barely survived and grew up in the orphanage.
His goal became to be a general and make sure no one else was orphaned from war.
The scars under his eye aren’t battle scars, its a testimony against the people who attempted to murder him.
His medals (On his suit in concept art) are from the many wars he’s lead and bean apart of.
Howard (25, 5′9)
(CHANGED, but feel free to read the early version of Howard’s past) Drafted into the military as a teen for his brute strength, he worked well there and loved protecting his town.
He was given the nickname “Horror” after a few battles but was pulled out after an attacked caused his skull to cave in and damage one of his eyes-also damaging his aim.
He got a major concussion and couldn’t be helped much, but being in the army was his main source of income-and with low staff-Neil hired him as a chef.
Howard quickly became Head chef after some moths and now works happily in the castle making dishes and goes home to tend to his farm with his brother, wife, and kids all of which love his cooking.
His wife Faye(24, 5′5) is mute and struggles to speak, so he and his three kids-two boys Willis(7) and Joel(5), as well as a girl, Rachel(4)- are all fluent in sign language, so is his brother Samuel(22, 6′5).
Bernard (16, 5′8)
Works as a personal guard for Dean with Curtis, he is also one of Dean’s best friends, Ian the royal Secret keeper and Painter being the other.
On his breaks, he goes out of the castle and visits his brotherHavery(21, 6′1) at his sentry station.
He has a girlfriend, a woman-that lives with her adopted family-named Caroline(15, 5′5).
Bernard plans to propose soon
The tow of them believe they might have a child on the way
His blue bandana is tied around the sash on his uniform.
Bernard is ecstatic at the idea of a child, he just worries about what the Dreamers(Caroline’s, the mother’s, adopted family) would think, the money for the child, and a home for the three of them.
Curtis (18, 5′11)
Lives alone near his parents and brother but close to the castle
There isn’t anyone special in his life but he does have a few friends through his job and connections
He is one of Dean’s personal guards with Bernard.
His dad(George, 39, 6′5) is a retired veteran and trained many in the guard, he had even trained the current General Raha or Sir Kieth
His mother(Julia, 31, 5′7) works at the science district of the military, Curtis does his best to drop by for a hello to her during his breaks.
His twin brother(Patrick, 18, 6′0) aspires to be part of the guard but Curtis and their parents don’t want to lose him to it so they try and give him other interests.
His friends are Bernard, Edwin, and the Royal brothers, but he does have connections with Douglass, Keith, Howard, and Ian through his father.
His father trained Douglass, Keith, and Howard but had been close work buddies with Ian.
Ian and Curtis don’t get along too well after his father spoiled the friendship with a project of his, one that ended in the explosion giving him the scar on his cheek and his red eye(The red scar OG Cross has from X!Chara)
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ioneseseri · 4 years
Character Development
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1. Height? 
2. Eye color? 
3. Do they need glasses? 
4. Scars and birthmark?
She has plenty of small scars from tripping and scraping herself on the forest floor. No birthmarks but she has freckles that litter her nose, cheeks, and lips.
5. Tattoos and piercings? 
No piercings, but she has a small tattoo on her wrist of two arrows that match with the rest of the Anari rangers.
6. Right or left handed? 
7. Any disabilities? Physical or mental. 
None at the moment.
8. Do they have any allergies? 
9. Favorite color? 
She loves the shade of orange where it’s just dark enough that you wouldn’t label it as yellow.
10. Typical outfits? 
Anything comfortable, usually. She likes to wear tighter pants with knee high boots and a nice blouse and usually she has a cloak on. She’s gotten into a habit of not wearing a lot of color when running in the woods, but if she had an off day, she tries to wear something with a pop of color.
11. Do they wear any makeup?
If she has time she’ll wear some mascara and some lipstick, but she doesn’t always have the time.
12. What weapon do they use, if any? 
Her long bow.
13. Are they more optimistic or pessimistic? 
She tries to be both, it depends on what the situation calls for, to balance it out, but she definitely sides more towards optimistic.
14. Are they introverted or extroverted? 
15. What are their pet peeves? 
Chewing with an open mouth, drumming fingers, and lying.
16. What bad habits do they have? 
When she’s nervous she can’t stop talking, about anything, even if it doesn’t have anything to do with the conversation. Not a bad habit, but she had a terrible fight or flight response and has punched a few people who have snuck up on her. 
17. Do they have any phobias? 
She’s terrified of being alone, the thought of it is enough to scare her, and she is still afraid of the dark, less so if she is with someone.
18. How do they display affection? 
She will shower you with gifts, big or small. Giving and receiving gifts comes less with a smaller income, and being able to give gifts to her close friends was something she always loved doing.
19. How competitive are they? 
She never was, growing up a single child, she didn’t have to compete for anything, but after running with Anari’s rangers, they would all have friendly competitions for the sake of just having fun. She realizes that not everything is a competition but she won’t back down from a good invitation.
20. If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be? 
She actually wishes that she had more freckles than she actually has.
21. Do they have any obscure hobbies or routines? 
Her beetle and bug collections aren’t strange to her, even if others claim it is.
22. What are the names and ages of their close family members? 
She never met their father, but their mothers name was Zia, she was only 43. The Glynwarren’s were always in her life and were the first people that made her realize that not all family is connected by blood. 
23. Is their family alive and are they still in contact with them? 
Her mother passed away when she was 17.
24. Where are they from? City, nation? 
She’s from Anari, from a small village called Corduff.
25. Did they have a childhood best friend? 
A girl named Alea who she met in grade school. Alea was a tough love kind of friend, but Ione wouldn’t have traded her for the world. She still lives in Anari.
26. Have they had any pets? 
When she was younger she managed to convince her mother to take in a stray cat, who she lovingly named Miss Moo due to his black and white fur. It was a male cat. She loved and cared for her bee’s and considered them as her pets. When she lived at the Glynwarren farm, she saw all the animals as just large pets. 
27. Did they grow up rich or poor? 
She wasn’t so poor that she had to worry about where her next meal would come from, or if she had to wonder if she would have shelter, but she had enough to get by, but would probably be labeled on the poorer side.
28. What is their educational background? 
She had some education, but after her mother got sick she didn’t have time to balance school and the inn.
29. As a child, what did they want to be when they grew up? 
She wanted to be just like her mom
30. What advice would they give to their younger self? 
Don’t let anyone try and tell you what you should and should not like.
31. Growing up, were they ever bullied or were they the bully? 
She would sometimes get bullied by the kids in school for her preferred passtime, but she never let it get to her.
32. Who do they look up to/who is their role model? 
Her mama.
33. Do they currently have a place of residence? 
Yes, her small inn in Myrefall.
34. What is their most treasured possession? 
She has a piece of an elk’s antler that she keeps on her person at all times for good luck. She also has her mother’s ring stashed away safe in a small hidey hole in her room in her inn.
35. What is their drink of choice? 
She will drink anything put in front of her, but she loves a good whiskey.
36. Which king/queen are they loyal to, if any? 
Queen Kaylynn.
37. Have they ever killed anyone? 
38. What was their last promise and did they keep it? 
She promised Amaria that she would travel safe to Hegaehend. She did keep it, she didn’t get into too much trouble getting to Myrefall.
39. What was their first kiss like, if they’ve had one? 
She was in school at the time, she was about 13 and there was a girl who was eating some chocolate. Ione asked if she could try some and the girl said okay and kissed her. They became best friends later on.
40. Are they in a relationship/have a love interest? 
She is not in a relationship and she isn’t looking for anything serious, but won’t say no to a night of fun.
41. Have they ever been in love?
Yes. She was recently in a 5 year relationship.
42. Have they ever had their heart broken? 
43. Do they follow a god, if so who? 
She doesn’t really follow a god, but was surrounded by followers of Melora when she ran with the rangers. She respects Melora, as well as all other gods and goddesses but doesn’t follow a particular deity.
44. What do they think happens to them after death? 
She believes that she will become with the earth below her, and become one with it, will be apart of every tree or plant or blade of grass or stone.
45. What is their spirit animal? 
A lioness.
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1 2 4 7 8 9 13 18 20 26 27 29 30 32 39 40 41 43/44 45 46 49 51 53 55 56 57 59 63 65 that is. so many dghsdghsdgv I'm sorry I just see an ask meme and go crazy aaaa go stupid aaaa. You can just answer whichever u like from those!! also 69(nice): you seem rly nice and funny from your 🅱️osts and I appreciate u... I hope you can find better irl friends who aren't trash
HDSKFJKS I completely understand but lucky for u I LOVE to talk !!
1) How are you?
Pretty good, actually!! Which is a nice change of pace. I went to Walmart with some friends yesterday and got a few things, baked a family recipe that my friends LOVE, and finally did my laundry (it’s been a couple weeks we love depression and executive dysfunction dfhkjsfd). I went to Cracker Barrel with some friends and earlier and played a 4-way game of Tetris after. :3c
2) Post a picture of yourself.
Here you go !!
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4) What is your entire name?
Sierra Alexis and my last name is something constantly misspelled so I’ll give you the name of a historical figure whose name is a letter off from mine: George B. McClellan, to whom I may or may not be related because last name variations are fuckin’ WEIRD.
7) Your zodiac/horoscope and if you think it fits your personality.
I’m a Capricorn sun and moon, and Libra rising !! And from what I’ve read on Twitter from various astrologers, like Milkstrology, I LOVE her, I’d say it’s pretty accurate with my personality!! I like to say Capricorn’s aren’t cold bitches but, I Have A Tendency To Be One !!
8) What did you do on your last birthday?
God what DID I do on my last birthday… it was in January, so like, I SHOULD remember… OH I went to IHOP with my friends !! I share a birthday with another friend and I got a JoJo notebook and something called a Fuggler! They’re stuffed animals more or less but designed to be “ugly.” I got one that looks like Philadelphia Flyers mascot Gritty because I LOVE Gritty… he’s so fun and funky.
9) What is one thing you’d like to accomplish before your next birthday?
Get all my requests in my inbox over on my writing blog done KJHFDJKSF it’s been a few months and life has been. Hectic to say the least.
13) If you could change your eye color, would you?
There’s so much weird as hell brown-eye-phobia so like… I think blue eyes would be pretty neat. OR PURPLE… give me some unnatural eye colors pls...
18) Do you have any tattoos?
Not yet!! I’m going to get one the next time I go back home for break. :3c And I have a few ideas for other ones!! I wanna get a big-ass “Dragon Age: Origins” tattoo that’s the dragon on the cover on my thigh. I also wanna get a DA2 and “Inquisition” tattoo… and the Joestar birthmark… too many ideas… 
20) Left or right handed?
Right-handed !! I could have been left-handed or ambidextrous if I broke my arm AFTER I started kindergarten, but alas that was before.
26) Something you are working on right now:
This !! But also the script for my next podcast episode that I record on uhhh Monday I think. Should probably figure that one out dsjfjhsf
27) Do you have any “rules” about food?
I answered that in the last ask !!
29) What would you say is your best quality?
I also answered this in the last ask !!
30) What do you think you’re really good at?
Writing, I’d say! And memorizing trivia about the stuff I’m super into. If it’s stuff pertaining to “M*A*S*H” or old movies or TV shows or actors or specific historical events, I will know that shit FOR LIFE. Don’t ask me to do math pls thank u
32) What talent do you wish you’d been born with?
I wish I was able to do stuff with music. That was never really in my blood, despite all the music classes they make you take in elementary school. I just never learned how to memorize or read sheet music. :/ I would have loved to play violin, tho… my friend plays and she says I would have been a good cellist.
39) Do you sleep with a stuffed toy?
YES… have for years. I still have my Care Bear from when I was 5, Gritty as mentioned above, a plush of my school’s mascot, and a little Fugo !! He’s so tiny.
40) What do you think about the most?
Everything and constantly and all at once. But the past really because I can never let stuff go and even the small things I mess up on haunt me forever… Wish that wasn’t the case but it is !!
41) Share two habits:
Biting my nails and having a very specific routine in which I get ready when I wake up. Like, I’ve gotta go brush my hair before I put my important cards in my left pocket, then put on my silver bracelet, then my beaded bracelet, then my earbuds in my right pocket, then put my earrings in. I HAVE to do it in that order…
And other oddities that include, like, if I need to go around something I HAVE to follow the urge to go one way and not the other, lest I feel the need to go back and fix it. And then which foot goes first before I reach a crack in the sidewalk, or up or down a curb, etc.
43) What are your career goals?
If I can just make people happy or get some kind of joy out of the things I do, I’d call that enough. :)
44) What is your ideal career?
Mmm, either a film historian or a film professor !! Preferably at the college I’m at right now but wherever the wind takes me, I’ll go! Or a Twitch streamer or YouTuber, it really depends on my mood jdhfjskf
45) Is your life anything like it was two years ago?
It was pretty much the same !! Freshman year was pretty lively, I didn’t have a job on campus yet though, or my podcast. Everything else is basically the same!
46) Do you replay things that have happened in your head?
CONSTANTLY… good or bad it’ll play back over and over and over again.
49) Do you have any phobias?
HOO BOY, DO I… fear of heights; fear of insects/bugs/arachnids/bees/wasps; I have a strong dislike of the number 13 but I don’t know if it’s a phobia, I just. REALLY hate it; the unknown, more or less what lurks somewhere beyond where I can see. Not so much a fear of the dark with that one, just what could BE in it.
51) Are you allergic to anything? If so, what?
I answered this in my last ask, as well!
53) Ever come close to death?
Two or three times, maybe? Two of them involved what’s called a laryngospasm, typically it can happen when your sick, which is what happened to me both times. Basically your throat just closes up on your for a hot minute and you can’t breathe. The first time I genuinely thought I was going to die (and my dad still sent me to school that day… HOE), the second time I was also sick and was losing/had lost my voice DURING A JOB RETREAT and it happened in the middle of the night so that was funny sitting there gasping for breath in the pitch dark.
At the FIRST retreat I went on for that job, you had to take pictures as part of a scavenger hunt, and the place used to be an old military fort, so there were still the old bunkers there. We had to take one on top of it and I was taking the picture, and it’s a wide shot so I go to take a step back but before I do I look behind me. If I hadn’t I would have fallen a good 10-15 feet down onto solid Civil War-era bunker concrete. I’d consider that being a “close to death” moment because I really could have died!
55) A random fact about yourself:
I have a half-brother !! My sis and I finally found him after her 23andMe results came back (which she decided to do despite us being like THE GOVERNMENT WILL COLLECT OUR DATA) and we didn’t think our mom would be happy she found him but she was !! My sis might reach out and contact him, she just wanted our mom’s permission first to do it.
56) What are three things most people don’t know about you?
Well, that I have a half-brother. I don’t mention it a lot. Aside from y’all on here and my sister, most everyone else doesn’t know I’m nonbinary! Everyone else knows I’m bi though lmao. And that there were times I’d stretch or bend the truth or lie about something just to impress someone else. It’s a… Bad Habit. Another thing is that most people don’t know I like coffee? Like I need to put a shit ton of creamer in with it because I’m a Bitch, but yeah.
57) An unknown fact about your life:
I wouldn’t call this an “unknown” fact but I’d used to go to work with my dad every now and again when he worked at the Home Depot and he was assistant manager. I’d either chill in the back room which was an office he shared with two other guys, or walk around the store with him. I had my own apron, too, which was my name with “Mini Mac” next to it, “Mac” being my dad’s nickname and something easier to say than my last name. I actually helped a few customers out so I wonder if I should have gotten paid for that despite being like, ages 9-13 when I’d go jshfkjd
And I guess I technically tested video games as a kid? Basically, when my dad was stationed at Fort Knox, they’d get demos of video games that hadn’t come out yet to test I suppose? and I still have a few somewhere. He’d hand them off to me and I’d play them so there’s that.
59) Five weird things that you like:
Eating globs of wasabi for no reason.
Scaring my friends also for no reason.
I wouldn’t say using cotton swabs to get wax out of your ears because it feels good is weird, just more medically inadvisable if anything.
When I was younger I’d like to floss really hard because the slight pain from it felt good. Young me was a #Freaque KJHDFJJDHF
I don’t know if being fond of alphabetizing and reorganizing things is considered weird but I LOVE doing that.
63) A quote you try to live by:
“It matters not how strait the gate, / How charged with punishments the scroll; / I am the master of my fate: / I am the captain of my soul.” It’s from the poem “Invictus” and the last two lines are what I’m getting tattooed !!
65) Weird things you do when you’re alone:
Practice the “Lucky Star” dance. I GOT THE LYRICS DOWN… JUST NEED TO DO THE DANCE NOW…
69) Leave me a compliment:
“you seem rly nice and funny from your 🅱️osts and I appreciate u... I hope you can find better irl friends who aren't trash”
Anon pls 🥺 I do my best to be nice but my friend really do test me sometimes... my feelings bounce back n forth like if they do something my feelings can switch to angry or like, hate, and then if they do something nice I’ll like them again. It sucks but ! I just take it one day at a time. Anon I care for u 💜💜💜
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beyondthetemples · 5 years
{{ “Be Honest” mun meme
{{ Questions list taken from here:
What would prevent you from following someone? Not trigger-tagging, or not using cuts for ns//fw scenes. (I have really intense emet*phobia, so if you don't tag for that, or won't tag for it upon request, I absolutely cannot follow. Savior catches most posts for me, even if they're not tagged, but there are just So Many Euphemisms and Various Ways to Describe It that it only works 75% of the time.)
Are aesthetics important to you? If they are, why? As far as blog theme, not really-- I just like fiddling around to find something that evokes their General Vibe, and seeing what themes other muns like! I won't judge by them though. When it comes to thread aesthetics, I actually prefer to leave them utterly unformatted and plain-text as possible. I have ADHD and Fancy Unicode and Symbols and All That makes it really hard for me to focus on what's going on in the thread, not to mention I don't have the attention span to match another mun's Styling like that. (Also, fun fact: I always have my Tumblr Dash at 75% zoom, and Dove’s theme already has text at a Very Readable Size, so nothing ever needs to be Smallified for me.)
What current rp trend do you hate? I don't think there are any I "hate", though I get confused on all the Different Verses that everyone has. (In all my years of writing fanfic, I've only ever written Exactly One (1) AU, and I never read them outside of rp. AUs just aren't my thing.)
How do you explain rp to someone in the real world? "Taking turns writing what the characters are doing." Everyone afk has been pretty supportive. (They all know I'm a writer, so like... it's Nothing New.)
Do you prefer interacting with male muses or female more? Why? I genuinely don't care either way! Guy, gal, nonbinary pal: as long as they're fun to write with, I don't mind a bit. (And Dove has no preference, either.)
Do you prefer writing male muses or female more? Why? Statistically, I have 3 female muses (4 if we count Evangeline as her own person and not just A Part of Dove Manifested)... and only 1 male. (And technically, both Srentha and Leyla are genderqueer, so it's really only Dove and Kary that are cis women.) But that's not intentional? Evangeline is feminine because Dove is feminine, and Kary was originally my girlfriend's-- if she was a male I still would've hardcore adopted him. It just kind of worked out that way. I just enjoy writing people, not gender roles.
Name any three things about the rpc that bother you. 1.) The aforementioned Verse Thing. (It doesn't really bother me, I'm just easily confused by Similar-Except-Vaguely-Different Things due to the ADHD.) 2.) Some people still don't know that godmodding isn't okay. 3.) The distaste for OCs??? I guess that doesn't exactly "bother" me either, because people are allowed to have preferences... but, I mean, I spent several years active in, and then Actually Running, a group of 1300 members on dA completely DEDICATED to OCs, and it was a blast, so I just don't understand why people don't like rping with them as much as canon characters. I personally find OCs more satisfying to explore, more surprising in every thread because you just don't know what to expect, and you have a LOT more freedom for plotting and reactions! Like! You can Shed the Constraints of Canon and Revel in your Newfound OC-Based Freedom!! Truly Become your Character's GOD!!!
What is your opinion on exclusivity? Do you practice it? Why / why not? Nah, I love the variety different muns can bring to the same muse! Other people can stay exclusive if they like. Being an OC mun, it doesn't exactly affect me. 8F
Have you ever had a bad experience with commissions? As either someone who makes them or as someone who buys them? (I don't really know how this pertains to RP?) But there was one time when someone gave me a really vague commission request, out of the blue, for a fandom I know absolutely nothing about, and just kept saying things like "Whatever you think they'd do!" when I asked for plot, characterization, or preference details... I never finished it because I Didn't Even Know how to START.
What do you know now about rp that you wish you knew when you first started? The reply doesn't have to be perfect. Or dramatic, even. Not every reply is going to shatter someone's heart or absolutely make their day. And that's perfectly okay!
Have you been involved in drama? Do you regret it? Nnnnot on Tumblr. (There was a LOT of drama amongst admins of the dA group, which strongly attributed to the decline of me RPing on dA, but I definitely do not regret standing up for myself. I do wish I'd been able to foresee it, though, and brought someone else on staff who was actually going to, you know, do the job they applied for?)
Have you ever thought about leaving rp? What caused it? What changed your mind? Never! Well not on Tumblr anyways. There was a period where my favorite partners were all going inactive, and I couldn't find anyone who wanted to interact with Dove, so of course I was despairing, wondering if I'd ever get to explore what I wanted to explore with her. But then I decided, you know what, so what if I can't find any canon Titans to advance her Tumblr timeline? I'll just fill in the blanks with fanfic canon, and work from there! Making that decision was so freeing.
Do you think rp has had a positive or negative affect on your life or you as a person? Oh, positive, absolutely. I may be too busy to really attend to it much nowadays, but my writing style has improved DRAMATICALLY, I've made so many friends, and I've learned things about Dove that I never would've discovered in the stories alone. (Or at least, it might've been discovered on a ten-year delay. 8F)
How has rp changed you personally? I was able to find fast friends, make connections with people over common interests, and my very first experience with leadership happened because I hung around a TTOC dA chatroom (because, specifically, I’d gotten ADDICTED to rp), came to love the people and characters, and decided, when the current admins had to step down, I would like to step up.
If you could change one thing about rp on tumblr, what would it be? Why? I'd like tags to stop breaking, that'd be nice. (But that’s an issue with Tumblr itself, not the rps.)
Have you ever sent a message to yourself on anon? Why? Pff, no. Mostly because if I really want something to happen, I'll either post an open, OR I'll do what I'm doing here, and just answer the questions myself. 8F I have a lot of fun doing this with headcanon question lists.
Have you ever sent hate to yourself on anon? Why? No, but that's because I'm all about learning (+spreading) positive self-talk, de-escalation, and avoiding drama. Drama doesn't serve anyone.
Do you delete anon hate or post and address it? Why? I address it and then block the sender, because I want everyone to know I don't stand for that. And I have this stubborn streak about standing up for myself, so, you know... Gotta Address It First. (And I've defended Dove from Mary Sue accusations since I started posting about her in 2006, so it doesn't bother me, but I love pointing out all the reasons that, Jack Rider voice: You Are Wrong!)
Have you ever felt pressured to write something you weren’t comfortable with? Nope, but that's because if I can't or don't want to, I'm open and transparent about it. (Not on Tumblr, anyways. There was one particular person in the dA chats that kept trying to make RPs All About His Muse, but we shut that down too.)
Have you ever followed someone because you felt like you had to, not because you wanted to? Hell no! I've never Automatically Followed Back, and it's right there in my rules, I need a little communication before I start interacting.
What would make you block someone? Anon hate, reblogging/replying to rps that don't involve them, starting their own rps on my posts, Bad Takes in the Tags, shipping something I genuinely can't stand... I use the block button pretty liberally. I just don't need that stuff in my life, in my tags, or on my dash.
Have you ever stolen something from someone else? Well I have adopted a couple of headcanons re: Canon Characters from the teentitansheadcanons blog. (Like hc that, one time, Beast Boy was a bug and someone almost squished him, so now they put all the bugs outside, just in case. I love that for some reason, so I adopted it.) And every now and again I'll see something in fanfic I like: Azarath Has Two Suns, I saw that in a fanfic and it just felt so RIGHT, so I adopted that too. But, I mean, rping as an OC, there's really not a lot I can steal. 8F
Have you ever had something stolen from you? If so, how did you handle it? Not on Tumblr, but somebody once stole a picture of Srentha from dA and used it in a random webs-page blog about their dreams? ??? I have no idea why they used him, or how they even fOUND him, but I kinda just shrugged and let it go.
Are you open to duplicates? Why / why not? (Isn't this basically the same question as "are you exclusive"? Because I have the same answer. I am, because I like seeing other muns' interpretations of the same character.)
How do you feel about vague posting? Use your own judgement for your own blog, but it's not something I do myself. If I have to vaguepost to vent something, I'll usually go on a more private blog, or at least stick it under a Read More.
Do you follow people even if they don’t follow you back? Yes! I like reading rps almost as much as I like writing them.
Do you read people’s rules before following or interacting? Always.
What is your opinion on “reblog karma” and do you practice it? I try to! Sometimes I can't figure out what to send in for the blog I get in from, but most of the time, I'll send something any time I reblog something. I really appreciate it when people send something in before reblogging from me, personally. c: (I get it if you can’t or don’t want to. But it sure is nice!)
How have you responded to popular slang used on tumblr? Do you use it in every day life? Do you use it at all? Not really, but I rarely use slang at all. Unless I'm actually talking about rp, muses, muns, etc, then I'll use those words.
Is there something you don’t know the meaning of but you haven’t asked anyone because you think it’s supposed to be general knowledge? Was there ever something you had to ask someone to explain? I'm that Ravenclaw who always asks questions as soon as I encounter I don't know, and I don't use words without knowing what they mean. Kinda defeats the purpose of words that way.
Have you ever experienced discrimination? Well, Dove has, since people have that "I don't like OCs" mindset. Or "she's related to a canon character, so she's automatically a Mary Sue". It's not as big of a Discrimination as sexism or racism, don't get me wrong! But it HAS limited our scope of interaction, and I personally think it’s a little unfair to make judgments like that.
How do you feel about personal blogs following your rp blog? Go for it.
Have you ever cried while writing a reply? Mmmmaybe once? More often my heartrate just raises a little in an exciting moment, or I write out a ten-paragraph response in a one-hour fit of delighted manic wordsmithing, but I've definitely been touched. (I'm just... not very good at crying when I'm focused on writing. 8F)
Do you read other people’s threads or do you only read your own? There's definitely a bias towards my own! (Before my EHD died, I had about a hundred and fifty rps saved as word documents.) But I also enjoy reading others' threads.
What’s one thing that other people seem to hate that doesn’t bother you? Hmm...Spelling and grammatical errors. When I was copying chat rps to word docs, I started editing the replies for readability, and that habit kinda transferred to Tumblr, so when I'm not in a hurry, or I have an Unusually Long Attention Span, when I copy the replies, sometimes I'll just edit them, but I'm not mad about it. Just got into that habit.
How do you feel about tagging triggers? Do you tag them? How do you determine what is triggering content and what isn’t? It is absolutely ESSENTIAL for me to have triggers tagged for ME, so of course I extend the same courtesy to others. I don't presume to know what triggers people; I've made it very clear that if anyone needs something tagged, they just have to ask, and I'll tag it. No questions asked. (Though if they want to vent about it, I'm open to that too.)
What advice would you give to someone new to rp? Just GO for it! I know it can be scary and intimidating and overwhelming to see a great writer and think, "Gosh I want to interact with them So Much".. .and you know what, sometimes you will get rejected. Sometimes you just won't mesh with muns. Sometimes your characters don't have a very exciting dynamic. But you'll never find those Goldmine RP Partners if you don't at least ASK.
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elnorasims · 5 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
simself tag
i was tagged by the amazing @surreysimmer and @dawsim thank u lovelies :3
im not sure who has done it and i think im kinda late on the bandwagon so if you want to do it feel free to say i tagged you xo
traits: foodie, goofball, lazy [and i included my doggo bc he is my son]
You have to make a simself and put whatever you wish there, traits, anything about you.  After the keep reading thingy are +100 questions I found that you can answer if you want, but you don’t have to. i’ll put it below :]
What is your full name? abbiegaile
What is your nickname? abbie, ab, abz, fannyanne [lol dont ask pls] and my last name
Birthday? december 28th binch it’s comin soon
What is your favorite book series? oof idk maybe lord of the rings and tmi
Do you believe in aliens or ghosts? maybe im too skeptical 
Who is your favorite author? idk oops
What is your favorite radio station? um idk maybe capital fm or smooth radio
What is your favorite flavor of anything? coffee yum
What word would you use often to describe something great or wonderful? cool, amazing, ‘wow’ (also its bugging me that this font size is bigger idk how to fix it im not that tech savvy)
What is your current favorite song? i honestly couldnt choose
What is your favorite word? lol idk maybe like pipette or something
What was the last song you listened to? gold dust
What TV show would you recommend for everybody to watch? oof i have a lot - big mouth, south park, game of thrones and outlander
What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? i love me some rom-coms like idk maybe 10 things i hate about you
Do you play video games? yup - maybe a little too much
What is your biggest fear? the unknown (so pretty much everything lol)
What is your best quality, in your opinion? idk maybe that im approachable?
What is your worst quality, in your opinion? i over-analyse situations a lot
Do you like cats or dogs better? dogs 100 percent
What is your favorite season? either autumn or winter
Are you in a relationship? yes <3
What is something you miss from your childhood? lol this is dark and deep but not having to worry about things like i do now
Who is your best friend? my boyfriend
What is your eye color? blue
What is your hair color? it’s technically blonde n im naturally blonde but it’s gotten dark over the years so my roots are brown but i have blonde highlights and this was a complicated answer to such a simple question wow
Who is someone you love?  my family, my dog n my boyfriend
Who is someone you trust? my boyfriend
Who is someone you think about often? um
Are you currently excited about/for something? christmas tbh
What is your biggest obsession? i have way too many obsessions i look at something for more than 5 seconds and im obsessed its unhealthy
What was your favorite TV show as a child? bear in the big blue house as a little kid shout out to that fkin og show
Who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone? boyfriend lol
Are you superstitious? boy do i 
Do you have any unusual phobias? i guess i have a phobia of bellybuttons lol
Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? behind definitely
What is your favorite hobby? reading
What was the last book you read? the help by kathryn stockett
What was the last movie you watched? um idek i havent watched one in so long
What musical instruments do you play, if any? lol i wish
What is your favorite animal? polar bears
What are your top 5 favorite Tumblr blogs that you follow? i can’t choose just 5 its impossible
What superpower do you wish you had? teleportation
When and where do you feel most at peace? in my room lying down in bed reading
What makes you smile? a lot of things 
What sports do you play, if any? lol no
What is your favorite drink? caramel frappe from mcdonalds yum
When was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody? hm idk maybe a card if that counts for my sister
Are you afraid of heights? nah
What is your biggest pet peeve? when ppl scratch the carpet with their nails lol
Have you ever been to a concert? yes
Are you vegan/vegetarian? no
When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? a singer
What fictional world would you like to live in? id love to live anywhere in middle-earth but most likely the shire *_*
What is something you worry about? everything
Are you scared of the dark? no
Do you like to sing? yh
Have you ever skipped school? yeah...too much
What is your favorite place on the planet? my room or tokyo
Where would you like to live? somewhere peaceful
Do you have any pets? a dog called brandy
Are you more of an early bird or a night owl? a night owl def
Do you like sunrises or sunsets better? sunsets
Do you know how to drive? no
Do you prefer earbuds or headphones? earbuds r more comfortable but i prefer headphones
Have you ever had braces? no
What is your favorite genre of music? indie chill
Who is your hero? my mom
Do you read comic books? rarely
What makes you the most angry? horrible people
Do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book? real book
What is your favorite subject in school? psychology
Do you have any siblings? an older bro n an older sis
What was the last thing you bought? mcdonalds lmfao
How tall are you? 5′8
Can you cook? no
What are three things that you love? my fam/dog/boyfriend, cuddling up in a warm blanket on a cold night and peace
What are three things that you hate? horrible people, my anxiety and um idk
Do you have more female friends or more male friends? idk i think equal
What is your sexual orientation? i dont rlly like putting labels onto things
Where do you currently live? england
Who was the last person you texted? friend
When was the last time you cried? yesterday
Who is your favorite YouTuber? david dobrik, pewdiepie, um i also have a fkin love for like study youtubers 
Do you like to take selfies? nah
What is your favorite app? idk lol i dont rlly have one
What is your relationship with your parent(s) like? ..
What is your favorite foreign accent? australian most likely
What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? tokyo
What is your favorite number? 2
Can you juggle? no
Are you religious? nope
Do you find outer space or the deep ocean to be more interesting? space but they both scare the shit out of me
Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? no way
Are you allergic to anything? no
Can you curl your tongue? yes
Can you wiggle your ears? no
How often do you admit that you were wrong about something? if im wrong i admit it 
Do you prefer the forest or the beach? forest
What is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you? to just ‘do more of what makes you happy’ and that it’s ok to feel bad emotions it’s just important to control them
Are you a good liar? nah
What is your Hogwarts House? hufflepuff
Do you talk to yourself? yeah
Are you an introvert or an extrovert? introvert
Do you keep a journal/diary? i do if my anxiety is hella strong i like to let it all out
Do you believe in second chances? depends on context
If you found a wallet full of money on the ground, what would you do? probs hand it in
Do you believe that people are capable of change? depends on context
Are you ticklish? a little
Have you ever been on a plane? no
Do you have any piercings? ears
What fictional character do you wish was real? hmm idk maybe jamie fraser from outlander
Do you have any tattoos? no
What is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far? to stop caring about what other ppl think of me
Do you believe in karma? sort of
Do you wear glasses or contacts? i should bc im short sighted but i cba
Do you want children? yes but not until im a lot older
Who is the smartest person you know? my boyfriend
What is your most embarrassing memory? um
Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? yes
What color are most of you clothes? black
Do you like adventures? yes if im not being lazy lol
Have you ever been on TV? dont think i have
How old are you? 18 
What is your favorite quote? dont have one im boring
Do you prefer sweet or savory foods? savory
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hypersensitiveheart · 5 years
Questions for fun
All about me  1: Full name: Duchess is the only name I give online 2: Age: 30  3: 3 Fears: Men, Pigs, bugs 4: 3 things I love: JJBA, sweet foods, Soda 5: 4 turns on: Intelligence, Common sense, Well Read, Sense of Humor .6: 4 turns off: Arrogance, Rudeness, Drug use, Drinking  7: My best friend: He-man ( My husband), And Wonder Woman (My mother) 8: Sexual orientation: Demisexual 9: My best first date: My first date with He-man, at our local mall 10: How tall am I: Tiny. Three inches over five feet. 11: What do I miss: My grandma. 12: What time were I born: 11 am. Which is weird considering I hate mornings and mostly sleep through them.  13: Favourite color: Blue  14: Do I have a crush: He-Man, Jotaro, Sabretooth, And many other fictional characters.  15: Favourite quote:  16: Favourite place: My sisters house.  17: Favourite food: Tacos  18: Do I use sarcasm: So often that I am always asked if I am serious or not.  19: What am I listening to right now: Motley Crue .20: First thing I notice in new person: Eyes. Height.  21: Shoe size: 9  22: Eye color: Greyish Blue 23: Hair color: Now, light brown, natural Blonde.  24: Favourite style of clothing: Comfy, or punk.  25: Ever done a prank call?: No.  27: Meaning behind my URL: Simply, my name for my blog.  28: Favourite movie: I have many so I’ll just pick one this time and say Boo York, Boo York.  29: Favourite song: True Colors- Cyndi Lauper, My idol.  30: Favourite band: Blondie 31: How I feel right now: Not great.  32: Someone I love: Opal.  33: My current relationship status: Married 34: My relationship with my parents: Great. We all love each other and live together.  35: Favourite holiday: Christmas.  36: Tattoos and piercing i have: 3 tattoos, 3 piercings. 37: Tattoos and piercing i want: I don’t want any more piecings, but many more tattoos.  38: The reason I joined Tumblr: My friend showed it to me, back in like 2009? 39: Do I and my last ex hate each other?: He didn’t love me, like at all, but I was crazy about him for years. I should have the word idiot tattooed on me.  40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?: No.  41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?: Considering it was He-man, yes I did.  42: When did I last hold hands?: Walking with He-man Saturday 43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?: I’ve never timed it. I wake up, Brush my hair ETC. I don’t wear make up and usually just put my hair in a pony tail.  44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days?: No.  45: Where am I right now?: My home.  46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?: I don’t drink.  47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?: I do both depending on what mood I am in.  48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad?: Yes, and we couldn’t be happier to be together.  49: Am I excited for anything?: No.  50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?: He-man.  51: How often do I wear a fake smile?: Not very often. I’m not the best at hiding my emotions.  52: When was the last time I hugged someone?: Like 30 minutes ago.  53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?: Probably immediately die from a broken heart.  54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?: No. I barley trust anyone. There’s a reason I don’t ever put my photo on the internet, and it is not what people would think it is.  55: What is something I disliked about today?: Everything. But I’m trying to turn a negative into a positive.  56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?: A respectable Pastor, who is not a snake oil salesman like all the ones I’ve met, who I could actually talk to.  57: What do I think about most?: He-man, and Wonder Woman. Also I’m haunted. So that takes up a lot of time.  58: What’s my strangest talent?: I can bend my toes backwards.  59: Do I have any strange phobias?: Pigs. Bugs. Water, all sea life.  60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?: Behind. I refuse to have my photo taken.  61: What was the last lie I told?: I’m okay.  62: Do I perfer talking on the phone or video chatting online?: Neither. Texting or instant messenger.  63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? Ghosts, yes I’ve seen them. Aliens, I have no clue, and don’t honestly care. 64: Do I believe in magic?: Certain types of it yes.  65: Do I believe in luck?: YES! And I only say this with such assurance because I have the worst luck in the entire universe.  66: What’s the weather like right now?: Sunny. It’s disgusting. Where is the rain, and dreary days I love so much.  67: What was the last book I’ve read?: Mara Wilson’s book.  68: Do I like the smell of gasoline?: No.  69: Do I have any nicknames?: Yeah.  70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had?: I’m having a complete hysterectomy, with removal of the ovaries and tubes so I’m assuming that will be it.  71: Do I spend money or save it?: I don’t have any to do either.  72: Can I touch my nose with a tounge?: The very bottom.  73: Is there anything pink in 10 feets from me?:Yes 74: Favourite animal?: Swan 75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM?: Reading 76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is?: Sample.  77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?: Heart of glass- Blondie 78: How can you win my heart?: It belongs to He-man. Sorry. 79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone?: Finally Free. 80: What is my favorite word?: Pamplemousse  81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr: I don’t know.  82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?: Love each other. Be kind. Stop all the hatred.  83: Do I have any relatives in jail?: Yes, I also have quite a few that belong there, and have been in and out their whole adult life.  84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power?: Flight.  85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on?: What do you look like.  86: What is my current desktop picture?: Monster high 87: Had sex?: Yes 88: Bought condoms?: Yes 89: Gotten pregnant?: No 90: Failed a class?: Yes91: Kissed a boy?: Yes 92: Kissed a girl?: Yes 93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?: Maybe? It wasn’t anything romantic.  94: Had job?: Yes .95: Left the house without my wallet?: Yes 96: Bullied someone on the internet?: No.  97: Had sex in public?: No 98: Played on a sports team?: yes 99: Smoked weed?: Yes 100: Did drugs?: No 101: Smoked cigarettes?: Yes 102: Drank alcohol?: I have before, but I really don’t like the taste 103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan?: No. I don’t like meat, but there is some certain types that I will eat.  104: Been overweight?: Yes.  105: Been underweight?: no. 106: Been to a wedding?: Yes 107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight?: Yes, I’m a writer.  108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight?: Yes 109: Been outside my home country?: No 110: Gotten my heart broken?: Yes 111: Been to a professional sports game?: A college basketball game. 112: Broken a bone?: Toes 113: Cut myself?: Yes 114: Been to prom?: Yes 115: Been in airplane?:no 116: Fly by helicopter?: No 117: What concerts have I been to?: I saw ted nugent play at our county fair. 118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex?: No 119: Learned another language?:no 120: Wore make up?: Yes 121: Lost my virginity before I was 18?: no 122: Had oral sex?: Yes 123: Dyed my hair?: Oh god yes.  124: Voted in a presidential election?: Yes 125: Rode in an ambulance?: No 126: Had a surgery?: Yes 127: Met someone famous?: Locally famous, yes.  128: Stalked someone on a social network?: No 129: Peed outside?: No 130: Been fishing?: Yes 131: Helped with charity?: Yes 132: Been rejected by a crush?: yes 133: Broken a mirror?: Yes 134: What do I want for birthday?: I already had mine this year.  135: How many kids do I want and what will be their names?: None. 136: Was I named after anyone?: My grandmother and my aunt suzi and I all share the same middle name. 137: Do I like my handwriting?: no 138: What was my favourite toy as a child?: Polly pocket and my little pony toys 139: Favourite Tv Show?: Matlock 140: Where do I want to live when older?: Who knows. 141: Play any musical instrument?: No.  142: One of my scars, how did I get it?: I have one scar on my leg from when a dog ripped me open and took out a big hunk.  143: Favourite pizza toping?: Extra Cheese 144: Am I afraid of the dark?: Sometimes. 145: Am I afraid of heights?: Somtimes 146: Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad?: Yup 147: Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?: Story  of my life yo.  148: What I’m really bad at: Math 149: What my greatest achievments are: A happy Marriage.  150: The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me: There’s too many of these to pick. I get told something like this every single day of my life.  151: What I’d do if I won in a lottery: pay debt, buy a house.  152: What do I like about myself: I have good hair.  153: My closest Tumblr friend: Taima.  154: Something I fantasise about: Flying.  155: Any question you’d like?: No thank you. �㫲���kS�}
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joshmspicer · 6 years
lets get personal.
Nabbed from @pantherdaemon​ and somehow missed last week
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most? “One Foot”, “Voicemail Freestyle Mike Wiebe”, “A Walk Down the Trail” (though it’s been a bit), “First Time”, “It Ends Tonight”, and “Survival”
2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? @pantherdaemon​ It’s about time bro
3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17. “WWE maintained little interest in scouting, much less signing, Japanese or Mexican talent, widely considered the second and third points of the wrestling world’s triangle.”
4: What do you think about most? “So at what point...?”
5: What does your latest text message from someone else say? “Stopping for tear”
6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on? I gots pants
7: What’s your strangest talent? I can curve my tongue?
8: Girls… (finish the sentence); Boys… (finish the sentence) Girls deserve the fucking world but can go too far. Boys can be rude without knowing they are but can also be endearing.
9: Ever had a poem or song written about you? Not to my knowledge.
10: When is the last time you played the air guitar? A few moments ago when I was listening to “Undisputed”
11: Do you have any strange phobias? Not a fan of little bugs
12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose? Yes
13: What’s your religion? Agnostic Lutheran
14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing? Going to my car or walking into somewhere
15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? In front
16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band? Breaking Benjamin, easy
17: What was the last lie you told? “I’m sick as a dog, can’t make it into class.”
18: Do you believe in karma? A form of it, yes
19: What does your URL mean? It’s my old OC from my Xiaolin Showdown days, Jack Spicer’s brother. Brought it with me during the brony days as my alias and it kind of became more than I ever though it would be.
20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength? Weakness is my need to please everybody. Strength is my ability to listen to everybody and offer advice even if I’ve never personally been in that situation.
21: Who is your celebrity crush? Emily Blunt
22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping? Yes
23: How do you vent your anger? Either my listening to Linkin Park or venting in a text post
24: Do you have a collection of anything? Magazines, video game or animated posters, pictures, and t-shirts
25: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? Phone, never done the latter
26: Are you happy with the person you’ve become? I’m just happy I’m not completely like my dad.
27: What’s a sound you hate; sound you love? I loathe that one stupid fucking bird from Iowa that always does that same rhythm all damn day. I love an animal chirping that isn’t a bird.
28: What’s your biggest “what if”? “What if you stayed in Minneapolis after Dad died?”
29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens? Yes and yes
30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm. A pen and a water bottle
31: Smell the air. What do you smell? My usual media room. I’m used to it so it smells like normalty
32: What’s the worst place you have ever been to? High School Homecoming
33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast? East
34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender? Sydney Sierota
35: To you, what is the meaning of life? Living and breathing in an attempt to survive.
36: Define Art. Creative outlet through various forms with an intent to tell a narrative, vent emotion, or for personal entertainment.
37: Do you believe in luck? Yes
38: What’s the weather like right now? Dark, clear, cold
39: What time is it? 10:47 PM mountain time
40: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed? Yes, YES
41: What was the last book you read? How WWE Should Have Booked The Book Vol. 1
42: Do you like the smell of gasoline? Yes
43: Do you have any nicknames? Toad, Toadman, Spicer
44: What was the last film you saw? Bad Times at El Royale
45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had? Worst pain at the time was a broken pinky. Worst pain over time was a fucked up shoulder that any movement caused it to just drive me into agony.
46: Have you ever caught a butterfly? No
47: Do you have any obsessions right now? Probably
48: What’s your sexual orientation? Rather not put a label on that right now
49: Ever had a rumour spread about you? Yes
50: Do you believe in magic? Yes
51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong? Don’t forgive so easily, much harder to gain back trust
52: What is your astrological sign? Cancer
53: Do you save money or spend it? Spend
54: What’s the last thing you purchased? Technically it would be Patreon
55: Love or lust? Lust
56: In a relationship? Nope
57: How many relationships have you had? None
58: Can you touch your nose with your tongue? Nope
59: Where were you yesterday? At home
60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you? Yeah the envelope that came right My First Girlfriend is a Gal
61: Are you wearing socks right now? Nah
62: What’s your favourite animal? CAT
63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you? God I could not tell you
64: Where is your best friend? Probably at home or asleep in the Canadian wilderness of the BC
65: Give me your top 5 favourite blogs on Tumblr. I am not going to do that. Not sorry.
66: What is your heritage? A whole bunch of European countries. My dad’s side is known to be varied and my mom’s side is the same, but I’d assume mostly Germanic
67: What were you doing last night at 12AM? Reading fics in my bed
68: What do you think is Satan’s last name? Murphy
69: Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off? Of fucking course
70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend? Yes
71: You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do? Save the fucking dog. If I’m that deep in my job that one more tardiness means I’m done than it’s not worth it. Plus, I can explain to them and my future jobs why I was late. I feel like people would understand.
72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid? A. Yes B. If I can, travel places, see all the people I haven’t see in a while or at all, and actually finish things I haven’t ever finished. C. Of course
73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love. Trust
74: What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it? Fuck me for it but “"Crepuscularity” but it’s a sad kind of happy
75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number? Nice
76: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship? Trust and the ability to talk to each other about anything and especially when it’s about that trust or about things that are hurting the other person
77: How can I win your heart? Show genuine interest in me and what I like.
78: Can insanity bring on more creativity? Yes
79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far? Oh god. Um...submitting that audition for “This is Why I Clop”. I wouldn’t know any of my online friends if it wasn’t for that.
80: What size shoes do you wear? 11 1/2
81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone? “RIP: This is empty because there’s no body in it, so feel free to go ham.”
82: What is your favourite word? Fuck
83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart. Alone
84: What is a saying you say a lot? “To be quite honest”, “everyone and their mother”, “to be fair”
85: What’s the last song you listened to? “POP/STARS”
86: Basic question; what’s your favourite colour/colours? Red/orange
87: What is your current desktop picture? Still the ME 2 collage
88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be? I can’t answer that
89: What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on? What’s the one kink you hate liking?
90: One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do? Ask if they can talk. If they can’t and are just looming, try to get back to sleep.
91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power? Control time
92: You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again? Oh this is a good question. That last 30 minutes of the Jan. 2012 BronyCon where I modded the stream and heard “You Only Got One Life to Live”
93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be? Goodbye that sexual assault in the common room
94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be? Always music huh? I’m gonna say Cher
95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go? Los Angeles
96: Do you have any relatives in jail? Probably
97: Have you ever thrown up in the car? Nah
98: Ever been on a plane? Yep
99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say? It’s...it’s not easy anymore. And I know I make a lot of mistakes and whine a lot and am in no position to hate who I am or what I’ve done and I know that I don’t deserve everything I’ve gotten, but...it’s hard to want to live life and enjoy little things when you’ve been told that you’re great at a lot of things and end up never getting there because you didn’t put enough work in or you weren’t lucky enough to get it. And then you’ve got this great big old dream looming over you that you can escape in because it’s so much to imagine what it would be like. But you know that deep down you’ll end up back home working at Menards and ending up just like your father. Well guess what? If I’ll never be shit, duck? Than I’d least like to fucking know if I ever had a chance in the first place.
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malvoliowithin · 6 years
All of the character asks for Charles?
Their physical weak spots: Obviously his face, but he’s also not good at defending himself from behind so if you can hit him from the back you can get him down fairly easily. 
Their emotional/moral weak spots: If you hurt his family you hurt him by default, and he also doesn’t like when people bring up the deaths of those close to him. Or death in general. It’s an uneasy topic. 
Scars or painful spots: He broke his wrist as a child and it healed weirdly so he can’t put a lot of pressure on it. Other than that he doesn’t really have any scars other than typical scrapes and things he’s gotten from everyday clumsiness. 
Best places to kiss on their body: His lips, nose, forehead, the top of his head, or his shoulders. 
Guilty pleasures: Staying up too late writing poetry, complaining about the weather and about the fact that he stayed up too late writing poetry, drinking coffee at 10 pm like a loser. Cop shows.
Their vices (physical or emotional): Emotionally he worries way too much and stresses himself out when he doesn’t actually need to. And sometimes overthinks and gets depressed. Physically… see the coffee thing above.
Their tickle spots: He won’t tell. (under the armpits and on his stomach)
Bad memories/experiences: Losing his mom was one of the worst. His dad, too, but at least he had his mother then, and when she died he had to be on his own for the first time and he really didn’t think he could do it. I mean I could make a full list; he loses so many people it’s ridiculous - both parents (early) two wives, a daughter, a brother (two brothers? I can’t remember if he outlived Jean or not) and who knows how many friends. 
Humiliating memories: Learning to fight properly wasn’t fun since he wasn’t good at it and so he tended to mess up. A lot. There was also the time Dunois put a bug on his pillow and he screamed so loud that his cousins thought he was being murdered. 
Fears/phobias: Mostly, losing people he loves. 
Bad or petty habits: He’s not really that petty, he tends not to be since he knows how easy it is to lose people so there’s no point wasting time being mean. I guess his avoidance could be a bad habit though. 
Grudges and vendettas: Against Burgundy, for obvious reasons. 
What gets them flustered: When Bonne kisses him. When d’Albret kisses him. Generally if anyone kisses him he’s flustered. He’s flustered just thinking about this. 
Ingrained habits/forces of habit: Overthinking, sleeping too little, daydreaming too much, reading as a means to calm down, not paying attention because he sees a very nice bird over there, becoming too irritated and storming off only to feel guilty later. 
What it takes to make them cry: He cries when he thinks about the people he’s lost and the people he could lost in the future. Love is scary. 
Dark secrets/’skeletons in the closet’: I can’t really think of any?
Regrets: He regrets not being able to say goodbye to his father, or to d’Albret, or to Joan or Bonne. Or Louis. Or Suffolk. A lot of people, really. He also regrets not getting proper revenge on Burgundy like he promised he would. 
Things they’ll never admit: He’s more bitter and cynical than he lets on. Usually he tries to act positive so he doesn’t worry or annoy anyone, but…
People they’ve hurt or indirectly killed, and how it affected them: I don’t think he’s indirectly killed anyone? If he did how he felt about it would depend on the person, if it was an innocent person he’d feel terrible and guilty, if it was someone he cared about he probably would not be able to handle that without breaking down, and if it was an enemy… well, accidents happen. 
What-ifs/Alternate Timelines: Modern AU! I also like to consider what his life would be like with d’Albret in various timelines. Or even with Marie or Bonne. Or if Joan had lived. Or if she hadn’t in AUs where she does…
Turning points in their life: His father’s death, his mother’s death, his capture, and his marriage to Marie, mostly. 
People who’ve influenced them greatly: His mother, d’Albret (in some AUs) Joan, Isabelle in a way, Marie, Philippe, Dunois, Bonne, Henry V and Burgundy in ways he didn’t like but they still influenced him a lot.
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bakubros · 6 years
Tagged by @artsytodoroki, @minaaashido, @pilotpig! This was so much fun to fill out, guys! Thanks for tagging me. 💞
Rules: Answer 11 questions, Create 11 of your own, and Tag 11 people!
I’ll tag: @pinkcupofcherrytea, @dekudorks, @lupizora, @enonmia,  @shulksfeels, @mysonisthesun, @a-erith, anddddd.... just about anyone else who’s interested in doing this c; (i’m a lazy tagger, rip.) amy, shy, piggie, i’d love to see your answers as well if you have some free time! 
(questions are at the veryyyyyy bottom of this read more, lol)
Amy’s Questions:
If you were a character in the BNHA universe, what quirk would you want to have? *nervous sweating* I actually have a really detailed OC I made for Hero Aca and now that I have the opportunity to show her off to the world, I’m getting nervous? LOL. I’ll just say that the quirk’s name is tentatively “flying fish” and then leave it at that for now... Until I find the courage to brag about it in depth... (I am actually in love with the idea and character I came up with, I’m just ??? Suddenly nervous for no reason?? LMAO)
Do you know your MBTI? If you do, what is it? INFP!
Are you somebody who thinks before you act or do you act before you think? It honestly depends on the context of the situation. When I’m with friends or people I’m comfortable with or when I’m tired, I act before I think. When I’m skeptical of others or anxious about how I’m being perceived, I think before I act.
What’s your current obsession? Mmm, tough! I’ve been really into watching movies recently, particularly the Oscar-nominated films. I’m sad because I side with the New Academy on a lot of their picks but know that the Old Academy still dominates so rip ;;;
If you ever wanted to change your name, what would it be? I used to hate my name and thought about changing it to “Willow Kathryn” instead of “Jessica Kathryn.” I don’t know what I was thinking when I was younger; I just know that, now that I’m older, I would never go through with such a change. LMAO
Least and favorite subjects in school? Favorite was literature, least favorite was (and will always be) math.
Describe yourself in one or two words. Passionate, Empathetic
How tall are you? 157 cm (though I like to think I’ve grown a bit ;;;;)
Do you have a phobia? I don’t think that any of my fears are strong enough to constitute a phobia? Though I will admit to an awful abhorrence of bugs.
Would you prefer to go where there’s less people or more people? I’m assuming you mean live? And if that’s the case, then less people. If it’s late at night or something though (like now!), I prefer to be around more people.
Do you believe that the world is divided into good and bad people or is everybody the same? if so, why? To assume that the world is Manichean feels like an antiquated, small-minded notion; to assume that everyone in the world is the same feels ignorant and dehumanizing. I believe that all “divisions” within our culture (I’m throwing morality into this category for the purpose of this question) are man-made constructs--in that sense, there’s no right or wrong answer. In my case, it’s just fundamental disagreement with the notion, lol. On the question of morality, however, I will say that I believe that all individuals exist on a spectrum and cannot be definitively good nor definitively bad; to label someone in a single category like that limits future perception of them and implies an inability for human change/growth.
Shy’s Questions:
[pre-school teacher voice] What do you want to be when you grow up? I wanted to be a teacher, and then a pediatrician, and then a writer, and then a professor. And now I’m back to teacher. We’ve come full circle. LOL.
What did you do today? GOT SOME OF MY SHIT TOGETHER!! Double-checked my degree audit with my advisers, met with the dean of my college to ensure that I’m on-track to meet the criteria for graduating summa cum laude with the dean’s medal in December, and discussed scholarship funding with some of my current sponsors. I thought that I was going to owe my school money after the summer, but it’s looking like they’re going to be paying me instead. 😎
What’s the last really good fanfic or meta you’ve read? I’ve... honestly been slacking really hard in the reading department for the fandom. I’ve been reading a lot of wips recently (which obviously haven’t been posted), but the last one that comes to mind is cherry chapstick on the tip of your tongue by oliviyay on ao3! 
Do you prefer saying “y’all” or “you guys?” You guys!
What is the last thing you watched? A video of Die Mannschaft’s coach talking about how proud he is of His Boys™️.
How are you feeling? I just really want the semester to be over because I’m tired of the workload? But at the same time I’m really antsy about that because it means graduation is just that much closer?? And idk if I’m fully ready for that?? Like, I know that I am but like... I still don’t feel like an adult lekrjwlekrri
Favorite sitcom? Parks and Recreation, hands down. I binged the entire series when I was going through a bad breakup, and whenever I can’t sleep or need a pick-me-up, the show always has my back. I’m p sure that if Netflix ever removes it I will die.
Anime or manga or neither? I’ve always been partial to manga!
Favorite kind of smoothie? The Beach Bum at the Tropical Smoothie Cafe! I like it because I’m a sucker for chocolate, but the ingredients in the smoothie still make me feel like I’m healthy.
Got any allergies? I’m mildly allergic to dust and pollen. For some reason I’m severely allergic to a certain species of grass. (And, because I have the best of luck, it’s the species of grass that is native to Florida. It’s everywhere I go and I just want to be able to sit in the park without breaking out into hives. ;;;)
What’s the most expensive thing you’ve ever purchased? I just recently paid $800+ for VIP tickets for my parents and I to go see Elton John in concert. But, like, I know it’ll be worth it so I’m not even mad LMFAO
Piggie’s Questions:
What is your favorite soap scent? Ooooh, this is a really tough one! I can’t think of anything specific, but I’m a fan of scents with floral undertones!
What is the talent of yours that you are most proud of? Please go on and on and on about it!! (and don’t say you have no talents because I know all of you well enough to know that’s not true >:’D) Mmmmm, this is tough! This is more of a personality trait, I suppose, but I’m really stubborn when it comes to getting what I want; if I have a goal in mind, I do absolutely everything that I can to achieve it. So far, this has worked out really for  me, which is why I’m considering it a talent? I’m sure that a lot of it is just good luck though. LMAO. I think that I also have really good memory! I remember seemingly insignificant details really well, which makes for fun writing. c:
What is your favorite book and why? Or TV show/anime/movie if you don’t like books? The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien--this book is honestly what inspired me to become a writer and holds a very special place in my heart. Second favorite would be The Mill on the Floss by George, and every time I’m reminded that it’s considered one of the worst books in classic lit I cry a little harder.
Which fictional character do you relate to the most? (And why, if you want?) Bakugou Katsuki, in terms of backstory (being praised when young and letting it go to my head), passion/ambition, and tendency for cursing. I’ve never been outspoken or antagonistic though, so that’s where our biggest difference is, lol. (He is still my Child though and I Would still die for him)
Do you have any collections? If so, what do you collect? Books and video games, I suppose! Though right now I’m also starting a magazine habit that I know I’ll regret in the future...
What are your top three best personality traits, and what is one thing about your personality that you want to work on? In no particular order: passion, empathy, and friendliness. I’d like to be more consistent outgoing when it comes to meeting new people and making new friends. I’ve been given many opportunities to form bonds with really awesome people, but I always get shy/awkward or just fudge it up. I’d really like to change that, haha.
Do you have any pets? If so, what is/are their personality/personalities like? I have a dog named Snowie! When she was younger, she was super rambunctious and liked playing in the dirt--wasn’t much of a cuddler. Now that she’s older, she’s a lot calmer. And she really likes cuddling which I really appreciate.
What is your preferred study method? Depends on what I’m doing specifically! If I’m reading lit or crit theory, I need an empty room, some good music, and soft lighting. If I’m preparing for a test or writing something up though, I need to be around other people. When it’s something that I don’t really want to do, constant supervision is necessary to make sure that I actually do it. LMAO.
What is the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done? Impromptu island hopping and cliff diving on my cousin’s boat during my last trip to the Philippines!
What are your life goals? Oh boy. Although I mentioned that I’m a very goal-oriented person, I’m really bad at designing long-term goals? I think that I’ve only ever gotten as far as five or so years in the future. I guess I’ll say that I want to work in a job that I enjoy, surround myself with people I care about, and do something that makes me feel like I’ve left a mark. (Ahhh, this was such a bad answer! Sorry! ;3;)
What is your favorite part of being on Tumblr? Probably the people I’ve met. The nice ones, ofc!
My Questions
What was your first big fandom? How did you get started in it and how did it inspire you?
Was there ever a fandom that you were a part of that you now regret? (catch me in middle school skipping class to watch the early premieres of the twilight movies and getting into intense debates over team edward v team jacob LMFAO)
If you had to pick an artist to create the OST of your life, who would it be? Why?
Tell me three things a person could say/do/believe to instantly taint your friendship/relationship with them.
I suck at cooking. Do you? If you don’t, what’s your favorite thing to make? (hmu with a recipe and i’ll love you for life lmfao)
If you had to name a daughter right now, what would you name them? What if you had a son? (Alternatively, if you have no interest in children, what name would you like to give a female/male character that you create?)
Let’s say you were to die right here, right now. What would be your biggest regret?
Think of one really, really good teacher you had. What made them so great?
What’s your “origin story”? If you had to explain why you are the way you are by only pointing at one event in your life, which one would you choose?
Tumblr is an actual hellhole. But what do you like about it?
How are you? (I’m stealing Shy’s question because I really like it lmao)
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5sos-aka-life · 4 years
i’m gonna be a massive dick and ask: 1-100
HAHAHAH alright well here we go then. Also thank you from saving me from the world’s most boring lecture rn.
Everything will be under a read more inorder to save people’s dash but feel free to learn more about me haha.
1. The meaning behind my url: 
I feel like its kinda self explanatory. I made this back when I was a giant 5sos fan and I’m too lazy to change it and idk what I would change it to if I did. I might soon though.
2. A picture of me:
Tumblr media
3. How many tattoos i have and what they are:
I have 1 tattoo currently and it’s a pinky promise. I got it with a former friend. I have a couple more planned I just need money for them.
4. Last time i cried and why:
Like 2 weeks ago because I miss social interaction.
5. Piercings i have:
I have my ears pierced but never wear earrings, I have another set of piercings and I used to have my nose pierced but it got ripped out at work one day. Do not reccommend it hurt like a bitch.
6. Favorite band:
Not a band per say but I’ve really been into Tones and I lately, specifically never felt the rain.
7. Biggest turn offs:
Definitely not being motivated. I am very driven and like for sure have goals that I am working towards and want to achieve and when someone just has no goals (even small ones) makes me feel like I’m dragging them along and acting as their mother almost. Also people who can’t keep a conversation, like I’m not really one for small talk like I’d rather talk about the mysteries of the universe you know.
8. Top 5 (insert subject):
You didn’t provide a subject so I’m just gonna say songs:
Never felt the rain - Tones and I
Is everybody going crazy? - Nothing but thieves
Complainer - Cold War Kids
Trampoline - Shaed
Don’t stop me now - Queen (permanently in top 5)
9. Tattoos i want:
I have several lined up. My next is going to be a crow with some minimalist geometric lining in the back and some hydrangeas and delphiniums around it on my forearm. Next I’m going to get a small snapdragon along the outside of my forearm. Then I want to get my thigh pieces done one will be a watercolor tree and the other will be watercolor mountains and it’ll have some quotes underneath them.
10. Biggest turn ons:
I like assertive people who aren’t dickheads. 
11. Age:
12. Ideas of a perfect date:
I’m super easy to please so pretty much any place where we can actually do something because i find that that helps break through the awkwardness of dates.
13. Life goal:
To buy my mom a house and live close to my family
14. Piercings i want:
My nose repierced, maybe like a double nose piercing idk yet.
15. Relationship status:
Happily single 
16. Favorite movie:
Grave of Fireflies
17. A fact about my life:
hmmm I have like 7 siblings.
18. Phobia:
Bugs and spiders, the idea of the feeling of them walking on me freaks me out.
19. Middle name:
20. Height:
21. Are you a virgin?
22. What’s your shoe size?
women’s 8, men’s 6
23. What’s your sexual orientation?
Tbh still figuring that out but pansexual
24. Do you smoke, drink, or take any drugs?
I drink occasionally but not very often
25. Someone you miss:
my awesome coworkers rn
26. What’s one thing you regret?
Not taking time to focus on myself earlier than I did
27. First celebrity you think of when someone says attractive:
Kate McKinnon
28. Favorite ice cream?
Cheesecake or honeycomb toffee
29. One insecurity:
My body shape/size
30. What my last text message says:
“Most likely yes. I know Steven was walking his dog through the park by himself and a cop was giving him shit for it”
31. Have you ever taken a picture naked?
Ooof yeah
32. Have you ever painted your room?
Yeah my childhood room at both parents house and then i had to change rooms immediately after at one and the eother moved houses.
33. Have you ever kissed a member of the same sex?
34. Have you ever slept naked?
Not fully i don’t think
35. Have you ever danced in front of your mirror?
Of course!
36. Have you ever had a crush?
hahaha unfortunately yeah
37. Have you ever been dumped?
Yeah pretty even with the dumped/dumping ratio
38. Have you ever stole money from a friend?
No, if anything i give my friends all my money if they need it
39. Have you ever gotten in a car with people you just met?
Like only people I just me? No. With people that I also know? yeah
40. Have you ever been in a fist fight?
Nah never gotten to that point
41. Have you ever snuck out of your house?
No but I have lied about where I’m going/doing.
42. Have you ever had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back?
Ooof yeah I have
43. Have you ever been arrested?
Nope and I’m trying to keep it that way
44. Have you ever made out with a stranger?
Yeah, it wasn’t very good though
45. Have you ever met up with a member of the opposite sex somewhere?
Yeah for like dates or hangouts
46. Have you ever left your house without telling your parents?
Yeah, it didn’t go over too well but it was several years ago
47. Have you ever had a crush on your neighbor?
Nah all of my neighbors have been way younger than me or like 70
48. Have you ever ditched school to do something more fun?
Yeah I do it with college all the time haha
49. Have you ever slept in a bed with a member of the same sex?
Yeah mostly platonically though
50. Have you ever seen someone die?
No and I’m glad that I haven’t
51. Have you ever been on a plane?
Yeah a ton actually
52. Have you ever kissed a picture?
I’m sure I have in my cringey teenage phase.
53. Have you ever slept in until 3?
Not quite that late as I’m a relatively early riser, the lastest I’ve slept in is like 1
54. Have you ever loved someone or miss someone right now?
I’ve loved people yeah but I don’t miss anyone in that way rn. Like every relationship has ended for a reason.
55. Have you ever laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by?
Yeah it’s a really relaxing thing to do
56. Have you ever made a snow angel?
Yeah but not a huge fan of it cuz i don’t like the cold
57. Have you ever played dress up?
Yeah I’m pretty sure most young girls do
58. Have you ever cheated while playing a game?
Yeah I’m sure I have
59. Have you ever been lonely?
Yeah but I like to try to move past it and not fixate on it, easier said than done though.
60. Have you ever fallen asleep at work/school?
Yeah I was super sick at school one day and fell asleep from all the medicine I had to take
61. Have you ever been to a club?
Nah I’m more of a bar person if I’m gonna go out with people
62. Have you ever felt an earthquake?
Yeah a couple since living in California
63. Have you ever touched a snake?
Yeah my brother used to own one
64. Have you ever ran a red light?
Yeah on accident, I was driving home from a really late night at work and was kinda zoned out so I didn’t even realize it was red. Luckily it was a super small street and it was late enough no one was on the roads.
65. Have you ever been suspended from school?
Nope I’m a good girl.
66. Have you ever had detention?
Yeah I was late too many times for a class
67. Have you ever been in a car accident?
Yeah I rear ended someone on my way to a new job like a couple days after getting my new car
68. Have you ever hated the way you look?
Yes I am not happy with the way I look right now but I’m working on accepting my body and chaning the things that I can
69. Have you ever witnessed a crime?
I don’t believe so.
70. Have you ever pole danced?
No but I’d love to learn sometime.
71. Have you ever been lost?
Definitely, I’m not the greatest with directions
72. Have you ever been to the opposite side of the country?
Yup I used to live in michigan and now I live in Cali
73. Have you ever felt like dying?
Unfortunately yeah
74. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?
Also yes unfortunately
75. Have you ever sang karaoke?
Yeah I love it
76. Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn’t?
Yeah but it didn’t turn out to be that bad
77. Have you ever laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose?
I don’t think so but maybe
78. Have you ever slept with someone at least 5 years older or younger?
No but I have dated someone who was 5 years older than me
79. Have you ever kissed in the rain?
No but I’d love to given the opportunity
80. Have you ever sang in the shower?
All the time
81. Have you ever made out in a park?
No, no one ever wants to go with me
82. Have you ever dream that you married someone?
Yeah but I couldn’t see who it was
83. Have you ever glued your hand to something?
Not my whole hand but definitely a finger
84. Have you ever got your tongue stuck to a flag pole?
No haha those are too dirty
85. Have you ever gone to school partially naked?
Not completely, but there was a time where I was so tired i forgot to put a shirt on under my zip up hoodie and didn’t realize until i went to take it off.
86. Have you ever been a cheerleader?
No but I was a dancer
87. Have you ever sat on a roof top?
No but I want to at somepoint
88. Have you ever brushed your teeth?
Yeah gotta be hygenic
89. Have you ever been too scared to watch scary movies alone?
All the time, I don’t do scary movies
90. Have you ever played chicken?
Yeah a couple of times
91. Have you ever been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?
I don’t think so but I wouldn’t put it past my brothers
92. Have you ever been told you’re hot by a complete stranger?
I’ve had people hit on me at work
93. Have you ever broken a bone?
Yup my right wrist when I was 3.
94. Have you ever been easily amused?
Yeah I’m sure I have
95. Have you ever laughed so hard you cried?
Yeah a couple of times
96. Have you ever mooned/flashed someone?
No not that confident haha
97. Have you ever cheated on a test?
Yeah a couple
98. Have you ever forgotten someone’s name?
All the time, it takes a couple of interactions for it to really stick
99. Have you ever met someone who didn’t seem real?
Yeah but always when I’ve had surface level interactions
100. Give us one thing about you that no one knows.
Hmmmm. I’m a hopeless romantic but don’t like to show it.
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