#and louis moved all the way to us and they literally stood side by side laughing and sharing a cigarette
fakeoutbf · 1 year
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astranva · 4 years
Falling Duet
Word Count: 2.4k
Category: Fluff but it’s so 🥺
Warning: Nothing
Request: harry dating singer!reader: he has to perform at some awards and he invites her to sing with him but no one else knows? love your writing🤧❤
Summary: You and Harry sing an unreleased version of Falling at an award show.
The lyrics used are of “Falling (other POV)” by THE cutie, Ally Naso 🤍
// masterlist //
**reposted bc tumblr is messing up the tags & nobody can view it. sigh.
It all started when a friend of yours had recorded you singing in your school’s bathroom during senior year.
7 years ago, you wouldn’t have believed it if somebody told you that you would be a 13-time Grammy nominated artist, as well as having 6 of that very award sitting on your shelf at your childhood home – one for Best Artist, and one for Album of the year.
You would have laughed even.
But it wasn’t a joke nor was it a dream you wished to never wake up from; it was as real as life could be.
You were successful in the industry and if any of your fans were asked, they would say that it was because of your immense talent and unproblematic, empathetic, kind character.
It was one of the many reasons why so many people on the internet had shipped you with a certain English man, him having been only 20 when you went viral and got signed.
A year into the industry, it was one day when you remember your Twitter notifications going crazy;
“omg pls tell us you watched 1d’s interview with jimmy kimmel”
Looking back at that memory, you remember how you were a shaking and overwhelmed mess as you had clicked on the link everybody was sending you.
The video had begun with the audience cheering as the camera was on Jimmy and the 5 men near him.
And there he sat; in a black suit with a white shirt underneath, medium-length hair looking like he had run his fingers through many times, his hands clasped as he looked at Jimmy.
“Who’s most likely to let a woman split the band?” Jimmy had asked.
They had looked at each other, not answering for a moment before Niall chimed in with a laugh as he pointed at Harry, “Harry would let his celebrity crush do that.”
Harry rolled his eyes jokingly as his bandmates agreed and laughed, slapping his hands against his thighs in feigned annoyance.
“Who is that? Who’s your celebrity crush?”
“Just this talented person.” He had tried to smile his way through the question, but no one was having it.
“You know Y/N Y/L/N? She’s an amazing singer,” Louis told Jimmy.
“Y/N!” Jimmy beamed, “We had her on the show two weeks ago.”
“Yeah, he watched that.” Liam had gestured towards Harry.
Hiding his face in his hands for a moment, the audience cheered as his friends continued to laugh.
“She’s amazing, isn’t she?” Jimmy asked Harry in a teasing manner.
Having had decided to get it over with, Harry nodded as he clasped his hands together again, “She’s very talented and beautiful.”
“Lovie, can you help me with the necklace? My nails are still drying.”
You looked up from your place on the couch, sitting in your long dress looking so beautiful that Harry had lost track of time of getting into his own suit because he was too busy giving you a photoshoot on his phone.
Standing up, you reached and clasped his necklace for him, dusting his shoulders to signal that you were done.
Turning, you were met with your boyfriend of 4 years beaming at you before he leaned to press his lips against yours.
“You look so good.” You smiled up at him, “So beautiful.”
“Have to try to catch up with how you look tonight,” he replied with a wide smile, “Nervous?”
“Not really.” You admitted.
Amusingly and completely and utterly in love, Harry tilted his head slightly, “Any reason why you’re not? You usually hate those.”
It was true. You didn’t really like award shows because of how tiresome all the process was; hair, makeup, dressing up, walking only to pause every second, the repeated questions you have been answering for years, how more judgmental the world was on nights like these.
But it was always when Harry was able to be by your side that you liked the night, and the tall man knew it, but he had always loved hearing you say it.
To feed his ego, you wrapped your arms around his neck, “Because you’ll be there.”
“Music to my ears.” He joked, shaking his head slightly.
“Just feeding that already overfed ego of yours, baby.”
“Excuse you.” He pecked your lips, “Let me add food for Evie then we can leave.”
“I’ll do it, don’t mess up your nails.” You patted his chest before moving away to attend to your cat.
The fans and reporters all had anticipated the moment of yours and boyfriend’s arrival, and the both of you knew it.
You were fairly private with your relationship. While everyone knew you were together, the both of you didn’t always post about one another but when you did, it went viral – something you and Harry, shamelessly, enjoyed.
It was why during moments like this, everyone was eager. Reporters were hungry for content, all having different intentions, but you spend enough time in the industry and you sort of begin knowing what to say and how to say it.
Harry was scheduled to perform, something everyone knew of, but it was the fact that you were joining him not on the red carpet, but on stage that they didn’t.
Getting out of the car together, the screams and flashing lights were then doubled.
Harry closed the door behind you with a polite smile to the security standing. Bending a little, he adjusted your dress’s short train for you as you looked back at it before you looked up at him.
As if they weren’t snapping pictures like crazy yet, you reached and fixed Harry’s hair at the front, his eyes looking up with a smile as you did so.
“Thanks, love.”
With that, Harry placed his arm around your waist as you walked to the first spot on the red carpet.
“When was the last time we appeared together? They’re going mad.” You whispered, looking at Harry as he smiled to the cameras.
He chuckled, looking at you, “I think we deprive them too much.”
“Let’s give them enough content to last a year.”
Nobody but the both of you knew what you meant, and it was why the flashing lights and camera shutter sounds were then tripled the moment Harry’s lips were on yours in a soft kiss.
“Can we sign stuff?” You asked a woman standing on the sides, “Can we see the fans?”
When she nodded at you, you and Harry ignored posing for a few minutes to converse and meet fans.
“I love you and Harry so much!” One fan said shakily as you signed a paper for him.
“Thank yo- Hey! I saw you in Amsterdam last year, right?” You grinned.
And that was another thing not only your fans loved about you, but Harry, too.
You were no stranger to connections. You were no stranger to making people feel seen and treating them in a way that no fan expected to be treated – a friend, and you remember friends.
“Harry, do you think Y/N will win Songwriter of the Year?” A fan asked.
Harry shrugged with a smile, “I hope so but we all know she is anyway.” He waved his hand with a joking manner, making the closest fans laugh.
“What about you? Do you think you’ll win Artist of the Year?”
“I don’t know,�� he smiled, “There are so many amazing artists. I wish them all the best.”
“He’s a humble man,” you teased, patting his shoulder, “We all know he is anyway.”
You were confused as they, Harry included, laughed in shock. “What?”
“He literally has just said the same thing about you.”
You laughed, looking at Harry, “Shut up, no way!”
“The both of you have been doing that for years.” One fan commented with a grin, “It’s adorable. It’s like telepathy or something.”
“Oh yeah, we are telepathic,” Harry nodded, “It gets a little scary sometimes.”
“Heeey!” You laughed, “It’s actually helpful. One of us would be just walking at home and we’d look at each other and know that the other just means something like “feed Evie” or “take out the trash””
“This is so cute!”
“Harry, what are you performing tonight?”
“You’ll find out in a bit.” He pointed.
Shortly, you and Harry had to take more pictures and do interviews before you were escorted inside.
It was the little moments that fans also lived for; how Harry held your hand as you sat so discreetly, how the both of you chatted and giggled among one another and those around you, how Harry fist-bumped the air the moment your name was called to receive your award of Songwriter of the Year before kissing you. It was how they knew this was real – how love wasn’t something you only listen people sing about or write novels for.
It was in how Harry’s eyes didn’t move from you as you gave your speech, a wide smile on his face and eyes resembling twinkling stars for crying out loud.
It was in how you ended your speech with: “This is to the man who has inspired and pushed me forward to write every single day. I love you.”
It was in how you looked more nervous than Harry himself when his category was called before you were the first to get out of your seat with a happy “yes!” once they announced that he won.
It was in how Harry cupped your face that moment to kiss you before walking to receive his award.
It was in how you remained standing, those behind you only smiling instead of being annoyed, with your hands clutched together against your heart, tearful eyes, and the brightest smile in the room.
“You’re going to tell me this is cheesy,” Harry chuckled slightly, giving a shrug as he looked at you, “But I wouldn’t be standing here, holding this, if it weren’t for you. I love you, too.”
But then Harry was about to perform and you weren’t in your seat.
The award show had decided to make a skit of it, the host being Miley had held her microphone as she stood in the empty isle beside yours and Harry’s empty seats.
“We know Harry Styles is performing in minutes,” she said, looking at the camera with a playful smile, “But where is Y/N Y/L/N? We know, we know,” she nodded, “Probably backstage for some extra good luck but-” people laughed, causing Miley to pause and chuckle, “But seriously, guys. There’s a show and it must go on.”
“It’s going on.” Harry said from backstage into his mic before the stage went dark.
It wasn’t until piano tunes sounded that the arena grew dim, a spotlight on the piano at the center of the stage where you sat, your fingers gentle against the keys as you played the beginning notes of Falling.
“I'm in my bed,
And you're not here
And there's no one to blame
But the drink in my wandering hands.” Harry sang as he came on stage, holding the mic in his hand before taking a seat beside you.
Everyone had expected him to sing the next verse, but it wasn’t his voice that they then heard.
“I'm in my bed
Instead of yours
Cried to sleep turned off all of lights and locked all of the doors.” You sang, eyes on the piano keys.
“Forget what I said
It's not what I meant
And I can't take it back
I can't unpack the baggage you left.” His eyes were on you, body turned slightly towards you as he felt like the both of you were in your living room in front of your white piano.
“I replay what you said
Don’t know if it’s true
Left with two broken hearts and there’s nothing that we could undo.” You sang, closing your eyes as you got ready for the chorus.
“What am I now? What am I now?
What if I'm someone I don't want around?
I'm falling again, I'm falling again, I'm falling.”
“What am I now? What am I now?
Don’t want to cry ‘cause I can’t stand the sound
I'm falling again, I'm falling again, I'm falling.”
The both of you sang together, your voice being softer and quieter than Harry’s.
“What if I'm down?
What if I'm out?
What if I'm someone you won't talk about?
I'm falling again, I'm falling again, I'm falling.”
“What if I'm down? What if I'm out?
What if you’re someone I can’t live without?
I'm falling again, I'm falling again, I'm falling.”
It was a version nobody had heard before, and it was why everyone was quiet, the only sound coming from you, Harry, and your lone instrument.
It was something you had written together following a rough patch of your relationship, and everyone knew that it was more personal with the way the both of you sang.
When his eyes weren’t closed, Harry sang as he looked at you, and he knew that performing this song meant more to the both of you than anyone could imagine. One look at your face and Harry knew you were reliving the night of when the both of you had written this; eyes a little red from crying, bodies hot, Harry wearing a hoodie of yours while you sat in your underwear with his purple fluffy robe on.
“Can I do this alone without ever needing you again?”
“And I get the feeling that you'll never need me again.”
You both sang the bridge together, yours being shorter than Harry’s note as you carried a softer tone, closing your eyes as you played the piano, feeling your throat close up before gulping.
He knew.
It was why the final chorus was sung softer and quieter, Harry’s forehead resting against your temple for a moment as the both of you sang.
“I’m falling again, I’m falling again, I’m falling.” Harry finished, putting his mic down as he stared at you with a small smile, watching you in your element as you played.
Managing to look at him as you played single soft notes, you sang, “I’m falling again, I’m falling again, I’m falling.”
You played the end single notes, looking at Harry with tearful eyes and a bashful smile.
It was like you were unaware to the erupted cheer and round of applause, you threw your arms around Harry, feeling his arms wrap around you instantly.
Crying from the overwhelming emotions, you were thankful your mascara was waterproof. You called it.
“I love you,” Harry whispered in your ear, “I love you so much.”
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raysofcrosby · 3 years
Give us the preview bestie 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽
hehehehe i also have ethan’s reaction typed up too if we want that 🤪 but without further ado, here it is💛
*wltay bonus chapter spoiler beneath the cut—unedited of course*
She shut the drawer and walked into her and Matt’s bathroom, leaning against the bathroom counter and staring down at the box as she exhaled heavily, opening it and tilting the three tests out of the box and into her right hand. Suddenly, she felt that same fear she had back when she was 17, even though she was older now and her situation was different. Caroline wasn’t a 17, almost 18 year old high school senior whose boyfriend was going off to live and play hockey in another country. She’s a 28 year old woman with two degrees, a successful job and is set to get married in two weeks.
But standing in right now holding the box of pregnancy tests, she was more nervous than scared. Her and Matt had talked about having another baby, but were going to wait until after the wedding to actively try for one. That gave them enough time to settle down and unpack in the house they’d bought in the same neighborhood that Gio and Lauren live in and came highly recommended, just at the end of the season and were set to move into in August.
Which meant that they weren’t going to try for another baby until that August and September time frame, which would put them at a summertime delivery, where Matt wouldn’t have a 50/50 chance of being away for a game or God forbid, a long road series in the States or anywhere else in Canada.
Yet if any of these tests said positive, then that meant they could be sitting at a much earlier time frame— depending on how far in the pregnancy she was…if she was even pregnant. For all she knew, the stress and fatigue she’d felt really were from dealing with school and finalizing the wedding details. And that sudden craving could’ve just been her body saying “hey, calm the fuck down and have some ice cream and fries,” instead of “hey, lol…you’ve got a baby in here!”
“Hey, we paused it for you cause I know how much you love Tim Riggins,” Matt laughed, walking into the bathroom, his right thumb pointing back over his shoulder as he stopped in the doorway “What’s that?”
“I bought it at the gas station before we picked you up.” Caroline handed him the box, still clutching the three tests in her right hand as she draped her left arm across her stomach. Matt turned the box over, his eyebrows furrowed until they raised as his eyes skimmed the pink front.
“Have you taken them yet?” He asked, lowering the box as he looked at her.
She shook her head, sighing heavily. “I’m 28 years old. I’ve been here before…” she looked at him, a frown on her face. “So is it bad that I’m absolutely terrified?”
He placed the box down onto the counter and walked in front of her, stepping close and trapping her in front of the counter as he reached up and cradled her face. “You’ve got me this time,” he whispered, his thumbs brushing against her cheeks. “I’m right here and I’m not leaving. I’ll be with you every step of the way.”
“This...it’s earlier than what we wanted,” she whispered, looking down at the tests in her hands. “We’ve got so much stuff to do to get settled...if these come out positive and I’m pregnant, then–”
“Then we’ll just have to shake it up,” he replied, getting her to look at him again. “There’s nothing that can’t be pushed back and we’re not doing this alone, Care. We’ve got our families, we’ve got friends here to help us out. We’ve got this...so stop psyching yourself out and pee on the sticks, okay?”
Caroline laughed and nodded, standing up and resting the tests down onto the counter, before standing in front of the toilet and turning around. “Can you get me a cup?”
“A cup?” Matt asked, furrowing his brows. “Don’t you just pee on the sticks? Why do you need a cup?”
“Because it’s three different tests and each needs to be peed on for a certain amount of seconds, Matthew. And who’s to say I know how long I need to pee for,” she sighed, looking at him. “Please, just get me one of those plastic cups from the pantry or something?”
Matt nodded and walked out of the bathroom, sliding the door partially closed behind him. Caroline unbuttoned her jeans and slid them down along with her underwear before sitting down on the toilet, awkwardly waiting for Matt to come back.
“Okay one, Ethan’s FaceTiming Melody and says to tell you hi,” Matt said, pushing the door open before walking into the bathroom and closing it behind him. “And two, here’s your solo cup.”
Caroline took the cup and looked at him. “You’re staying here?”
“I mean…yeah? You peeing in front of me isn’t something that bothers me. I’ve literally been inside-“
“Okay but please just…wait out in the bedroom or something? Just so I can pee in peace without you staring at me.” She sighed.
“Sure, I’ll let you pee in peace,” he laughed, walking over and kissing the top of her head before walking back towards the door, sliding it open and walking into their bedroom before sliding the door closed.
Caroline tried not to think about how nervous she was or how stressed she was going to be if she was in fact pregnant. Instead, she focused on their upcoming wedding in two weeks. How everything back home in St. Louis was prepared and all of their stuff for the wedding had already been shipped down. Now all they needed to do, was make sure their mail was redirected for the summer, their fridge and freezer were empty and make sure they were at the airport in two days time to catch their flight.
She folded up some toilet paper, placing it onto the counter before resting the cup on top of it, then moving to finish up before going on to washing her hands. Her hands weren’t even shaking as he unwrapped each pregnancy test and unfolded the instructions, making sure using this cup was an okay method to do.
One by one, she dipped each test into the solo cup, holding it for the allotted time before resting it back on top of the instructions until all three tests were done. She rid of the cup, pouring it into the toilet before flushing and tossing it into the bathroom trash can, reminding herself to empty it before they went to bed.
She washed her hands one more time before she walked over to the door and opened it to see Matt leaning against the wall just outside of it. “Permission to come into the bathroom now?” He smiled, standing up straight.
“Permission granted smartass,” she laughed softly, rolling her eyes.
“How long does it take for a result?” He asked, leaning against the bathroom counter and looking down at the three tests.
“They’re three different tests,” she said, reaching behind him and grabbing the box, turning it around. “The digital is three minutes, the rapid test is 45 seconds and the early result is a minute.”
“Oh shit,” he huffed, looking at her. “Do you just want to wait the whole three minutes before looking at them all? That way if there’s a mixed result we’ll know?”
“Yeah, that’ll probably be best,” she nodded, crossing her arms as Matt pull out his phone.
“Three minutes starting now,” he said, starting the timer and putting his phone down on the counter before grabbing her hands and leading her out of the bathroom and over to the bed. “And we’re waiting out here so you don’t stress yourself out staring at the timer.”
Matt sat down first, reaching out and holding her hands again as he pulled her closer and she stood between his legs. “What are you thinking about?” He asked, his hands coming up the backs of her thighs.
“Just how I can’t believe I might be pregnant. I’ve never missed a shot, and we’re always careful about having sex near the time period where I’m set to get a new shot.” She sighed, resting her hands on his shoulders before moving them down his back. “And if we do, we use a condom just to be sure.”
“Maybe you’re not pregnant and you’re just stressing yourself out,” he shrugged, tilting his head up at her. “Why do you think you’re pregnant anyway?”
“I was craving a milkshake and fries.”
Matt snorted. “That’s it? All this panic because you wanted a milkshake and fries?”
“It was one of my top cravings when I was pregnant with Ethan,” she pouted, linking her fingers together at the nape of his neck. “But I’ve always been stressed, exhausted, a little achy-“
“You also just wrapped up your first school year here while planning a wedding in St. Louis and I literally had to carry you to bed last week because you fell asleep grading extra credit assignments on the couch.” He laughed, fingers brushing against her thighs. “Maybe your body is just telling you to relax a little and indulge in some sweet and salty treats.”
She slid her left hand down beneath the collar of his shirt, fanning them out across his back as her right hand fiddled with the chain of his necklace. Matt’s gaze still on her own as she sighed. “What are you thinking about?”
“What we’re going to do if you’re pregnant or not,” he said, shrugging.
“And? What’s that?”
“Well, if you are pregnant, then once E goes to sleep we’ll celebrate in our bed,” he smirked, wrapping his hands around her thighs before tugging her onto his lap, her knees on either side of him as he rested his hand on the curves on her ass and placed soft kisses up the side of her neck. “And if you’re not, once E goes to bed we’ll come right back in here and spend all night trying until you are.”
Caroline rolled her eyes, trying to shove him back. “You’re so annoying,” she laughed, trying to wiggle out of his arms as he blew a raspberry against her neck. “Matthew!”
“Might not want to do that,” he laughed, holding her tight in his lap. “I really don’t want to have to walk back out into the living room with a raging boner, where our 10 year old son is currently waiting to finish the show.”
“Speaking of raging boners,” she sighed, leaning back against his arms hugged around her waist. “That book my Dad told me to order? The one that’s by the same Doctor who wrote that care and keeping of you book I had when I was 10, but this one is for boys puberty? It came in the mail and is currently sitting by the front door, waiting for you to open it and present it to your son.”
“Oh, now he’s my son?” Matt laughed, groaning soon after. “Do we really have to? I mean he’s only 10-“
“10 and already needing to wear deodorant, Matthew. Boys start puberty at 11, but can start as early as 9. He hasn’t asked any questions yet, but I think it’s best if you just sit him down one day and go over the book.”
“Why don’t we go over the book, hm?” He smiled, pressing a kiss to her lips. “I’m sure he’ll want the mom support there.”
“I’ve already dealt with 4 year old Ethan asking how to get his penis to go back to being floppy, Matthew. At the breakfast table, with my parents and Andrew sitting there.” She smiled, patting his shoulder. “I’ve done my duties of awkward boner talk, now it’s your duty as his loving and supportive father. Besides, I doubt he’ll be comfortable asking me any questions. He still can’t be around me in his underwear unless he has shorts on.”
Matt pouted, sighing. “Fine. Tomorrow we’ll go out and have a fun guys day before I ruin it with your puberty book. Or I could pull an ultimate embarrassing dad move and do it on the plane,” he smiled.
“That’s guaranteed silent treatment,” she laughed, kissing him. “But Ethan’s pretty good with body talk since my Dad’s a pediatrician and I’ve always answered questions as appropriately as I could whenever he did ask. He just won’t want to talk about it with me.”
“Yeah, well I-“ Matt’s generic iPhone sound erupted from the bathroom, signaling that the timer was done. They both looked over towards the bathroom before back at each other, Matt’s hands moving up towards her lower back. “Are you ready?”
“Yeah,” she nodded, kissing him one more time before sliding off of his lap and standing up on the floor with his assistance. Matt grabbed onto her hand and intertwined his fingers with hers before bringing it up and kissing the back of her hand.
They walked into the bathroom, Caroline stopping just before they reached the tests and turned around, looking at him. “I take one and you take one? Should we pick up all three?”
Matt laughed. “Relax. We’ll each grab one, then, if needed, we’ll pick up the third.”
Caroline nodded, staring at the tests before picking the one up on the left, Matt reaching for the one in the middle as they both looked down for a result. Caroline had picked up the digital test, because her answer was staring right back at her.
“Did you get a defective test?” Matt asked, furrowing his brows. “I thought the lines were supposed to be super faint or something.”
Caroline looked over at his test, seeing the bolded second line before grabbing the last test on the counter and seeing the same result. “No, they’re not defective. That just means I’ve got some serious hCG levels going on.”
“So you’re pregnant?” He asked, looking up from his test.
Caroline nodded, turning the other two towards him and laughing quietly. “I’m pregnant.”
Matt exhaled softly, blinking as he stared at the three positive results before the corners of his mouth turned up into a smile. “You’re pregnant. We’re having a baby.”
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1dmonthlyficroundup · 3 years
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1D Monthly Fic Roundup
Hi, and welcome to the 1D Monthly Fic Roundup for May 2021! Below the cut you’ll find 17 One Direction fics that were all published this month in the order they were submitted to the blog. We hope you’ll check out these new fics! If you would like to submit your own fic, please check this post on how to submit or visit our blog @1dmonthlyficroundup.
New York Kiss by wordsnnotes / @quelsentiment
[Louis/Zayn, Mature, 47k, tumblr post]
“Also, in case you hadn’t noticed, I’m quite the narcissistic type, and I didn’t want that cute guy to have a bad opinion of me for the rest of his life.” “Who, me?” Zayn bats his lashes jokingly, ignoring the fact that his heart skipped a beat at Louis’ words. “Yeah, you. So, shall we go?” Louis drops what remains of his cigarette on the floor and steps on it to light it off. Meanwhile, Zayn makes a reckless decision. “Alright. Lead the way, De Niro.”
Or: A strangers to lovers AU where Louis is an actor, Zayn is a writer (among other things), and they meet each other literally by accident in NYC, just as the world is about to turn upside down.
I Love The Very Blood Of You by lovelarry10 / @chloehl10 
[Harry/Louis, Explicit, 129k, tumblr post]
“I don’t just like him …” Harry muttered, fiddling with the string at the waistband of his jogging bottoms that had definitely seen better days. “I love him, Zayn. I’m in love with Louis. With a vampire.”
He looked up just in time to see a small smile on Anne’s face, and she reached out with a hopeful look. Harry couldn’t resist, and put his large hand in hers, letting her comfort him for a moment.
“I could tell there was love between you,” she confessed softly, a light blush on her cheeks. “When I met you, I knew you were smitten with each other. I won’t pretend it doesn’t make me nervous, but … I can’t tell you who you can and can’t love, sweetheart.”
A vampire. A human. A broken arrangement. A love long since forbidden. Hunted by hate. Destined.
One More Taste of Your Lips by MsHydeStylinson @mizzhydes and @canadianlarrie
[Harry/Louis, Explicit, 80k, tumblr post]
It had been eight years since the hiatus began, and Louis had spent that time writing and recording music, touring and making it safely through the pandemic. When the opportunity arose to go back on tour with One Direction, Louis knew he'd be a fool not to take it. Sure, life on the road would be different after all this time apart, but he was looking forward to experiencing that comradery again.
What he hadn't realised was that living the better part of nine months in each other's pockets was bound to dredge up issues from his past. And when one of the pockets belonged to Harry, who he'd had a rather unconventional friendship with that drifted apart during their last tour, life on the road again would upend both their lives in irrevocable ways.
Harry wasn’t that sixteen year old boy anymore. Nor was he the young man in his late teens who was on the cusp of conquering the entire world.
But some traits seemed to remain the same; his vibrant green eyes, the dimples set deeply in his cheeks whenever he laughed earnestly, or his curls that were the same shade of cocoa that Louis remembered fondly.
And yet, Louis had absolutely no idea who this man that stood a mere twenty paces away was today.
take my hand, wreck my plans by amomentoflove / @daggerandrose
[Harry/Louis, Teen & Up, 38k, tumblr post]
Louis meets the man in the center of the room, feeling every eye on him.
“Mr. H,” he whispers.
The man smiles brightly and laughs as if he can’t believe his eyes. “It’s you,” he says breathlessly. “I didn’t think I would see you again.”
“Nor I you, especially under these circumstances.”
“Even so,” Mr H says, his eyes bouncing from Louis’ eyes to his lips. “Will you do me a great honor and join me in leading the first … um…”
Mr. H laughs and nods. “Yes, that’s the one.”
Louis bites his lips and doesn’t hesitate before whispering, “Yes.”
Mr. H beams and reaches for Louis’ hand. Sparks fly at the touch and a zing of excitement shoots through Louis’ body. His face heats up as he’s afraid his scent would give away his feelings towards the other man.
Winter Light by wordsnnotes / @quelsentiment
[Liam/Zayn (Liam & Louis, Harry/Louis), Teen & Up, 58k, tumblr post]
“Do you think this place is dead?” he suddenly asked, his eyes focused on one of the two oaks, whose bark was grey and trunk cracked. 
“What do you mean?” Zayn inquired, joining him by the tree. 
“Well, it’s winter now, so obviously everything looks dead anyway,” Liam said. “But do you think come spring, this place might look like the way it looked before?” 
Zayn took his time to think about Liam’s question. “I think all things are salvageable,” he eventually answered. “Including this garden. You just have to try hard enough.”
After his mother’s death, Liam is sent to live at his estranged uncle’s manor in the North of England, where new friends, mysterious places and family secrets await him. A Secret Garden inspired Soulmate AU
Cake and Kiss by @loulovehome
[Harry/Louis, General, 2k, tumblr post]
The one where omega Harry didn't like cake and wants to throw up when his alpha kisses him.
Love After the End of the World by writing_practice / @mercurial-madhouse
[Harry/Louis, Explicit, 150k, tumblr post]
“Wait. Just so I’m clear in me fucking noggin,” Niall says. “An international worldwide takeover is well under way and the only thing standing between having hot showers and a second end of the world is us five fuckers?”
Society shattered when all electricity suddenly cut off across the globe, plunging the world into darkness. Now, Prometheus Industries is the sole remaining supply of power, a saving grace to those who survived Lights Out. As fugitives in no-man’s land struggling to break into Prometheus HQ, death lurks around every corner for Louis and Zayn. Things get complicated when a routine recon falls apart and Louis collides with Harry and his mates Niall and Liam, survivors with their own agenda.
When staying alive is already a constant battle, the deadliest weakness is to be in love. For Harry and Louis, finding each other sits on top of the endless list of What Else Could Go Wrong.
Hometown by @allwaswell16
[Louis/Harry, Not Rated, 2k, tumblr post]
On the day Harry gets his driver’s licence, he drives through the suburbs, heartbroken that he can’t drive home to Louis.
Baby Blues by @kingsofeverything
[Louis/Harry, Explicit, 12K, tumblr post]
8 mpreg Harry snippets originally posted on Tumblr. Mostly smut ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
But If This Ends by nonsensedarling / @absoloutenonsense
[Harry/Louis, Explicit, 107k, tumblr post]
Harry’s life as a vampire is routine. He spends his years moving around from place to place, learning as much as he can, and falling in love whenever the universe sees fit. When he tries to move his casual relationship with Louis to something more, it all gets turned on its head. As they navigate confusing thoughts and complex emotions, Harry finds himself torn between the love he feels for Louis and everything he thought he knew.
Featuring pet names, love letters, secrets, meaningful friendships, and two insecure boys desperately in love.
Pretty in Pink by lovelarry / @chloehl10
[Louis/Harry, Explicit, 18k, tumblr post]
“Love? Can I come in?”
Harry sniffed and shook his head before he realised Louis couldn’t see him. “No. Go home, Lou. Please.”
“I’m not leaving,” the Omega insisted, his voice full of concern. “And I’m not judging either. Just… talk to me, Haz.”
Harry briefly considered changing or at least ripping everything off and greeting Louis in his boxers before he realised that might actually be worse, that Louis had seen him dressed up and there was no need to hide anymore. He meekly shuffled over to the door and pulled it open before he backed away, refusing to meet Louis’ eyes.
To the Omega’s credit, he walked straight over to Harry and wrapped his arms around him from behind, resting his cheek between Harry’s shoulder blades.
“This top feels nice. Soft. I see why you like it,” Louis said quietly from behind him.
Alpha Harry loves to secretly dress up and be pretty. He loves his feminine side, even if it’s not typical of an Alpha. But when Omega Louis finds out, it might just the start of something even more beautiful for them both...
Plant New Seeds In The Melody by @vintageumbroshirt / 28sunflowers
[Louis/Harry, Explicit, 58k, tumblr post]
After losing his husband in a tragic car accident, the last thing Louis needs is to keep running into popstar Harry Styles, who David was quite fond of.
Obviously, that’s exactly what keeps happening.
But as their unlikely friendship blossoms, Louis realizes that, maybe, having Harry in his life was the only good thing that came out of his adverse circumstances. Harry could be just the right person to help Louis find trust and intimacy in someone new.
We are the same, you run in my veins by @vintageumbroshirt / 28sunflowers
[Louis/Harry, General, 4k, tumblr post]
When the time for Louis to become the Alpha leader of his pack comes, he can’t rise to the occasion for not being yet bonded. A series of trips to neighbouring packs in search of his soulmate is fruitless until he meets one of the other packs’ Alpha heir.
The world seems to stop turning for a second and then it shifts, clicking into its axis. All the distress and wrongness he felt until that very moment suddenly disappears. Louis is finally whole.
But two Alpha leaders from different tribes soulbonding is something unheard of before.
evergreen, evermore by docklands / @hershelsue​
[Louis/Harry, General, 2k, tumblr post]
The year is 1979. Their entire lives, Harry and Louis have lived in Chichester, home to the best watermelons in the world. An unruffled life in the country has always served their long term friendship well. It all shifts when Harry has to move away to a bigger city due to his mother’s job, albeit his love for his hometown and for Louis. It’s even harsher when the moving truck leaves on his birthday, of all days. When all seems lost, Louis ends up having to pull some strings to ease the pain in Harry’s heart.
When The High's Too High, and the Low's Too Low by DaysLikeMasquerades
[Louis/Harry, Mature, 22k+ (wip)]
Two perspectives of growing up neurodivergent
Some days Harry wondered if he would ever find a friend who could look past all the things he couldn't change. Someone who didn't care that he could spend hours talking about his latest fascination without calling him obsessed. Who didn't laugh when he couldn't stop his hands from expressing his emotions. Who didn't care that he was 13, but he'd start crying if he went into too many stores, because they were too bright, too loud, too smelly, and it was all just too overwhelming. Some days he thought someone like that just didn't exist.
Most nights Louis wondered if there would ever come a time when he didn't hate himself. When he would learn to control his emotions and the mood swings that seemed to take over everything and leave no room for himself. He wondered how he could live with himself when he only seemed to hurt the people he loved. His teachers thought he was a wonderful boy, but he knew the truth. Most nights he cried himself into exhaustion wondering how it was possible to feel so broken at only 15. He wanted to be happy, but he didn't know how and that scared him more than anything. Most nights he just hoped he could figure it out before it was too late.
Make You Never Wanna Leave (so Don’t) by @beelou​ / cherrylarry
[Louis/Harry, Explicit, 3k, tumblr post]
“You look hot in plaid.” “What?” “I said you look like a dad.” “No, you didn't.” “Yes, I certainly did, Harold. You have no proof.” -- Or, the one where Harry wears plaid.
a little tenderness by @disgruntledkittenface
[Harry/Niall, ​Not rated, 10k, tumblr post]
“Listen, my alpha and I broke up and it turns out that all of our friends were really his friends and I need someone to help me through–”
“No,” Harry practically shouts, the word bursting out of him unbidden. He cringes when he sees the shock on Niall’s face, his pale skin flushing lightly. “I’m sorry, but my answer has to be no. I don’t help omegas through heats. I’m really sorry, Liam knows that, so I don’t know why he would give you the idea–”
“It’s not heat, Harry,” Niall interrupts. “It’s depri.”
“Oh. Fuck.”
Touch deprivation makes a lot of sense now that Harry thinks about it. Niall seems generally unwell; he appears to be weak, his skin is pallid and his lips look chapped, and his breathing is ragged. He’s wearing a cozy-looking sweatshirt, but even over FaceTime, he kind of seems cold, hunched over with his arms wrapped around his body. Harry’s never been around an omega in depri as bad off as Niall looks; most of the time, there’s an alpha friend or family member who can help out with scenting and physical contact.
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capochinootea · 3 years
How the Shishigumi met Baby Louis
Me thinks Baby Louis and Shishigumi wholesome time ^-^
When Free first met Louis, it was in the middle of a shootout. He was 17. Young, brash and bold. A few weeks into the Shishigumi, and he's already considered an elite, impressing those who have climbed the ranks for longer.
It was an unfortunate time when Free was met face-to-face with a child, a herbivore child, no less. Guns drawn, ready to fire at their leader’s command. In all Free’s years of living in the Back Alley Market, this is by far, the most ridiculous thing that has ever happened.
Members of the gang yelled for back up. He was ready. Ready to take on their opponents, but what he sees is a much taller, more mature lion- Ibuki, he realizes, blocking his way, hands extended.
Confused and slightly irritated, he was handed a child and the lion left to help his comrades. Poor and confused 17-year old Free sat there, as the fawn- aged 6- he guessed- giggled at him, oblivious to the danger they’re both in.
Livestock. Ibuki never fancied the business. Even for a gangster lion like him, selling livestock- he thinks of it so immoral. You must be completely fucked down to the core if the mafioso lion has more heart than you.
When news travelled to the Shishigumi of a livestock trafficking ring not having paid their share, Ibuki breathed a sigh of relief. An excuse, he thought.
But when he got there, it was like a place after war. It smelled of filth, abandon and decay. The building barely stands, it’s pillars a breath away from collapse.
In it lay a single fawn, blood stained but alive. A living, breathing being surrounded by death, of carcasses and corpses. The fawn looked as though he was the god of death himself, mortalized in a fragile being, cursed to wander the earth, leaving death in his footsteps.
For a lion who’s lived in the market for more than 2 decades, he thought he had seen it all- the mundane, the gruesome, the ridiculous. Hell, the Shishigumi is proof of that. But somehow, not even the pole dancing mice could top this.Standing there, by the mansion’s gates was Ibuki, a sleeping fawn in his arms, bundled in his suit jacket. If he were any more shocked, his jaw might have hit the ground.
Surely the trip to the livestock trafficking ring didn’t hit Ibuki’s head. If not, then that’s probably not Ibuki at all. He was pretty damned sure that if anyone in the Shishigumi were to replace the old chief (should his ultimate demise were to ever happen- he hoped soon), it would be Ibuki.
Yet he stands there, a soft look in his eyes, the happiest he looked since he joined. He can’t help but feel dumb. The market is just full of surprises.
It was Wednesday night. The mansion silent and empty, its corridors barely illuminated by the hanging low light above . Almost all of the lions had left for the night, sans a few lower goons keeping watch over the gates. Sitting by the hideout’s make-shift home bar, nothing felt out of the ordinary.
He cradled the cheap whiskey in his hands and circled the drink slowly. He watched the drink as it created a mini whirlpool, his reflection on the glass.
His brows furrowed in confusion. Something was amiss. This isn’t right.
His tail moved back and forth, fur standing, mind on edge. Someone foreign was in the mansion. He continued to watch his reflection, but there was no sign of the intruder.
Too late did he realize, as a creature suddenly latched onto his leg. He would've kicked the stranger out of instinct, but when he caught a glimpse of wide ears flinching, the smell of lion on him, all sense of dread died.
Looking down, he sees a fawn, toothily grinning at him, hugging his legs like they were pillows.
“What are you doing here little guy?” Hino crouches, hands folded so as to not hurt the tiny creature.
The fawn giggled, clutching his face in his mini hands. They’re warm, he noted. .
“Mr. Lion!!” He cackled.
And like a child calling for its mother, Ibuki came running up the stairs, his glasses out of place, strands of his mane flying everywhere. He looked like hell.
“Louis!” he called and bolted right after where he sat.
Such a strange sight to see. A huge lion cradling a fawn, no bigger than Ibuki’s hands. A smile found its way to Hino’s flawless features. It’s a beautiful Wednesday night.
He’s getting old, he realizes. His mane is getting harder to grow, his joints more prone to aches. He wonders if growing old is a gift, with what dangers lurking in the Back Alley Market. You’re lucky if you still have all your limbs intact by the age of 30.
Sitting by the kitchen counter, he closes his eyes. Ah, well it’s not like he could complain. In fact, he’s lucky to be alive, limbs and all.
He cracks one eye open.
“Up! Up!” Standing there, a creature unlike him. A fawn. No older than 6 he thinks. Clutching what he assumes is a stuffed animal, a small pout laced its face.
He had so many questions.
“Up! Up!!!” The fawn demanded, now running around, making soft tap tap taps against the floors of the mansion.
How youthful, he thought, picking up the child, giggling as his arms wrap around its tiny waist.
“Funny lion man!” it cackles, now trying to climb his head, to touch his mane. He assumes his mohawk is a different sight from what the fawn usually sees.
He still has so many questions.
He let the fawn play with his mane, not minding the strands that now fall against his face, covering his eyes.
“Ibuki!!” the tiny fawn suddenly shrieked, hurriedly trying to climb down from his now lopsided mane. He watches the young fawn dash to the other, who caught him as he propelled himself in the air.
How youthful, he thought again.
It’s not like he’s not used to the fearful looks most herbivores and even the lesser carnivores give him. He’s big, brawny, a lion through and through. A literal king of the beast. To say he was used to the wary stares, the jealous glares, is the simple truth.
His footsteps alone are enough to spook a sheep down to its very core. He need not speak to intimidate a room full of hyenas, no. Even baring his fangs would be too much.
Which is why he found this whole ordeal completely and utterly ridiculous.
A tiny fawn stood before him, staring up at him. Fearless, he thinks. No! He was awestruck… mouth agape and ears perked up. He looked at him like he’s something to behold.
“Big Lion Man!!!” it cackles.
It was so odd.
He felt his heart swell beneath the hard muscle, beneath tendons, flesh and bones. Never before has a creature looked at him with such delight. From a herbivore no less.
Jinma and Dope
If there’s any duo more suited to work together in the Shishigumi, the title befalls on one Jinma and Dope. Another successful negotiation. Another night of festivities.
Tonight, the table was decorated with an assortment of meals, meat cooked to perfection. A flawless buffet. An impeccable occasion.
Until Jinma caught a glimpse of movement beneath the table covers. An intruder? A spy? That’s impossible. It just is. He knows no one would have balls big enough to go alone in the Shishigumi headquarters unscathed.
He eyed the table covers with great intensity. He squints, watching the creases of the fabric, waiting to see any sign of movement. Nothing. Not until a foreign tiny hand slipped under the covers to grab a lone piece of meat sat atop the table.
In an instant, he lifted the white sheet, uncovering the thief hidden below the covers. He expected a young lowly canine, or mayhaps a racoon, only to find a giggling fawn munching on the small piece of meat he’s stolen.
“The fuck..” he heard someone mutter behind him. Dope, he thinks.
“Hello!” The young deer greeted, mouth full of meat.
This is weird.
Jinma watches as the fawn finally moves to unveil himself out of the white sheets, walking towards Dolph, who picks him up like it was something he’d done before.
This is so weird.
The two lions watch with their heads tilted to the side. Confused, they see Dolph smile at the tiny fawn he was cradling, who was still chewing the meat he’d stolen.
“The fuck” Jinma mutters.
“What??” Agata squawked, hands balled into a fist. How could they do this? To a lion, barely the age of 16.
“I.. I can’t! I’m not sure how to?” he countered, looking anywhere but the scene before him.
A child, clinging to the cuffs of Ibuki’s suit jacket. A fawn, 9 or 10 years old- by the looks of it.
“Agata, it will only be for an hour or two,” Dolph explained.
Like that’s going to change anything.
“But! Dolph-san, why? We don’t even know who this kid is? I mean.. Why can’t we just give him back to his parents?” He blurted.. The words left his mouth before he could process what he had just said. He prayed to whichever gods listening to him to please not make him babysit a child- and a herbivore child too!
Ibuki furrows his brows, before sharing a look with Dolph, who looks as equally as upset. A beat, and then,
“Louis stays with the Shishigumi,” Ibuki stated, like it’s the most obvious thing.
“You can’t be serious!” Agata whined, his arms flailing. It was a fight he couldn’t win. He frowned.
It didn’t take Agata more than a second to realize that his outburst had caused Louis to hide more behind Ibuki, his teeth bared, eyes burning with passionate hate.
Ah... He really did not like babysitting.
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angsty-omi · 3 years
pull the trigger.
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CEO!Akaashi x Agent!Reader
synopsis: You were assigned to kill one of the richest businessmen in Japan, Akaashi Keiji. How? by getting close to him. By pretending to be an innocent, naive little girl. By pretending you actually enjoy his company. By pretending that you actually loved him. The plan was simple enough, and if you were successful, you’d be rich enough to retire for yourself and your future grandchildren. So, what happens when you couldn’t pull the trigger? Even worse, why didn’t he flinch?
“Agent Y/N, you’ve been assigned.” your boss notified.
It’s been so long since you had been assigned. After you accidentally blew up the evidence last mission, your boss hasn’t been to keen depending on you. This was music to your ears, so what did you do? Jumped gleefully and instinctively squeezed your boss. You realized what you were doing and how unprofessional it was, so you slowly latched off of her. Your boss just coughed awkwardly before she began, “This assignment is a big one, meaning there must be no flaws to this plan. One mistake and you’re done for, literally.” ending with a slit-throat gesture. You were confident in your skills, and aside from that one mission, everyone depended on you. No wonder why your boss came to you for this. You glad-fully shook her hand, in which expressed your disparity for a new high.
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To start, you had to change your look a bit. See, you researched Akaashi Keiji, from his likes and dislikes to his convictions. Every conviction he got away with money. Dirty bastard. Every single job left you guilt-less because you knew these people were corrupt and somehow reasoned that your job was ethical. First, you started with a trim. Your split ends would’ve definitely caught the eyes of the girls from his front desk. Then, you used the budget money for this mission to buy luxury items. From Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Hermes, was this really for the mission or for yourself? No one really knows. Finally, and most importantly, you had to snatch a job as his personal assistant. The organization already falsified documents for you. After today, you go by ‘Akiyama Ami.’ As you walked out of your office, your coworkers couldn’t even recognize you. One even put a gun to your head, and having to state who you are.
You smirked, “Matsuda, I am deeply saddened if this is how you treat your advisor,” whispering in his ear. 
“Senior Y-Y/N?,” he stuttered, putting his gun away immediately. You grabbed his arm and forcefully pushing it to his back, “please make sure you never make that mistake again,” you stated. 
“Y/N, leave him alone already,” a voice joked.
You knew that voice. It was your long time partner, Atsumu. From when you both were rookies, you guys worked cases together quite often. Never more than that. 
“Atsumu, this is my first case without you... aren’t you going to miss me?” you pouted. 
“Don’t give me that look, idiot. Be safe out there okay? I can’t always save your ass like from that time you exploded our only evidence.” he shook his head in disappointment.
You punched his shoulder, and he ‘over-dramatically’ ached in pain. “I’ll be fine, Atsumu. Plus our person literally looks like a prissy privileged boy, doesn’t he?” you pulled up Akaashi’s Business Insider profile. For the next ten minutes, you guys were bullying the hell out of him. Until finally, you had to go. Your cab was already ready for you, so you hugged Atsumu goodbye. Platonically, you always thought you’d get married to him. He was handsome, strong, and witty. And he knew your job situation, so you never would have to feel judgement from him. 
From the cab ride, you got to fly in a private jet. There, was your boss, two intelligent analysis, and a linguist. This was your team, and who’d you tell your intel to. The whole flight consisted of breaking down the plan, even down to what time you have to walk in the elevator. The destination was in Tokyo, where Akaashi’s main headquarters lived. 
“I’ve made an appointment for your job interview,” One of them said.
“Here’s your resume,” The other said.
As you skimmed through, you spit your drink.
“I can speak more than five languages?!” your eyes widened.
“壊れた日本語で話せます” you quoted.
“What does that mean?” your boss asked looking at you surprisingly.
“It means I can only speak broken Japanese,” you nervously scratched your head.
“It wouldn’t matter, the job application is asking for english-speakers” the linguist stated.
As the plane started to screech, due to the wheels contact with concrete, you knew it was your time to shine. You practiced all your lines during the flight, so confidence soared through your body. On sight, there was a limo waiting for you. You waved goodbye to your team, and entered the lanky vehicle. 
The condominium the organization gave you was luxurious, their budget must’ve been high-grade. Broad birched doors, huge window panels that let in a lot of natural light, and a master bedroom. Your first move was to jump on the feather-light bed. Your feet sunk deep into the mattress every hop. Leaving you tired, you went straight to sleep. 
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Today was your job interview. Even though everything was fake, you couldn’t help but feel nervous. If you didn’t go down the agency path, is this what you would’ve felt as a normal person? While the coffee was brewing, you decided to look at your grand closet, not knowing what to wear. There was already an outfit set out for you. With it, there was a note:
Good luck! ;) -Atsumu
As you read it, you couldn’t help but roll your eyes. The outfit he picked wasn’t even that bad. It was an emerald green two-piece, with a pale blouse underneath. 
“Not so bad,” you thought, while looking at yourself in the mirror. 
There, stood the building where the infamous person lived worked. Heels tapping the black marble, you stood in front of the front desk. The girls that worked there looked roughly young, around their early 20s. As they stared at you up and down, you could feel their judgement. 
“Welcome to Fukurodani Headquarters, how may we help you?” One girl asked.
“Hi, I’m Akiyama Ami, I’m actually applying for the personal assistant job. Where could I meet my interviewer?” You warmly asked.
The girls bursted into laughter. What was so funny? Did you miss out on the joke?
��Excuse us, its just... that’s one way to call Akaashi Keiji,” 
“Akaashi Keiji... is the interviewer? That’s even more stressful than a random person. It does make sense though, as a personal assistant there should be a close relationship,” you sighed.
“Close relationship? Please, you’ll be lucky if you can even give him coffee. Get in line.” The front desk scoffed in agreement with each other. 
“That’s enough,” a voice commanded.
“Are you Akiyama Aki? I’m ready for you.” 
Your face went pale. As you slowly turned around, there he was. The man himself, Akaashi Keiji. As an agent, you’ve went through strenuous training, so from the outside you looked relaxed as ever, but on the inside the butterflies in your stomach started awakening. He was a very attractive man after all.
“You must be Mr. Akaashi, let’s begin!” you enthusiastically smiled, while following him into his office. 
“So Akiyama, tell me about yourself?” Akaashi read off a list.
“Well I was born in the states, but my parents are foreign. They enforced me to take a lot of language classes, hence why I know quite a lot.” You were dying inside. It was a half-true statement though, you were from the states and your parents are foreign.
“It says you speak French, Aimez-vous boire l'eau des toilettes?” He smirked. 
You had no idea what he just said. The silence was deafening, so you just laughed it off. You’ve been told your laugh is very contagious, so you used that to your benefit. Your laughter increased, his did too. 
After you both calmed down, he continued with his next question, “Out of all of the candidates, why should I hire you?”
“Well I guess my stats match up with everyone else, but what’s not on the textbook is my characteristics. I am dependable, calm, and honestly easy to work with. I will do my best to help you any way I can, and keep your stress levels at ease.” You smiled with confidence. 
“Any way huh?” Akaashi whispered to himself. You acted like you didn’t hear his whisper. As an agent it was also one of your many talents to keep an ear out for anything. 
“Akiyama, congratulations! you’ve gotten the job.” Akaashi put his hand out.
“R-r-really? That was only two questions” you tilted your head to the side. You could feel his glare as a response.
“Well, thank you anyways! My parents will be pleased.” you gushed as you shook his calloused hands. Parents? Please, more like your boss. You swore you could hear a ‘cha-ching’ sound effect in your head.
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Over the next couple of months, you’ve been working under Akaashi. If he was staying up til’ 2 AM at the office, so were you. Continuously brewing coffee, while also printing papers, and keeping him company. 
However, one day the routine changed. Prior to this day, your boss had just kept you up for the next order, so you were extremely tired. During the 2 AM session, your eyes slowly started to drift off, feeling the wave of drowsiness pound into your head. Akaashi walked into your office and was going to ask you for copies, until he saw you sleeping head down on your desk. At first, he was going to viciously shake you awake, but seeing your dainty face in the moonlight he couldn’t bring himself to. This was the first time he saw you vulnerable. Typically, when he would ask if you were tired, you would just shake it off with a bright smile. However, he knew. He could tell that you were pushing for him. So, he draped over his blazer around you, in hopes to insulate some warmth and went back to his office. Minutes later, you jerked yourself awake. You felt a strange piece of clothing around you, so you pinched at it while analyzing. Does it look like a weapon? No. Does it have any toxins? No. Could this harm you in any way, shape, or form? It honestly just looked like a plain blazer you thought. As you checked the shoulder pocket, there was an ID. 
“Akaashi’s jacket huh?” you said to yourself, not even noticing the smile that crept up on your face. As soon as you caught yourself, you immediately slapped your face. Oh no. Quickly, you sent a picture of the ID, so that the agency can create a replica for future secret documents and shoved it back inside. 
Knocking at the entrance to his office, he looked up at you with bagged eyes. His sleepiness radiated off of him, so you did what you promised on the first day-- relieve his stress levels. You pulled down the shutters of his clear office so no one could look in. In addition, setting up the couch to where there was a pull up bed under it.
“Miss Akiyama, if you’re trying to seduce me you could’ve just said so,” He flirtatiously grinned. You rolled your eyes in response, and grabbed him to the bed.
“I like where this is going, Ami, I didn’t think you were so bold.”
“Just shut up and get some rest, I’ll appoint some things out so your projects aren’t due.”
As he opened his mouth, you anticipated that he was for sure going to deny. However, no words came out of his mouth, instead he grabbed your wrists and pulled you onto the bed with him. 
“I’ll accept, on the conditions that you, too get some rest.”
Too tired to argue, you complied. As you both fell asleep, with his arms wrapped around you.
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a/n: i was planning on making this a one shot but i feel like this might be a multiple part-er(?)
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murderousginger · 4 years
She’s A God - Part 2
Peaky blinder fic (Part 1 here)
Warnings: Sass. Alcohol. They’re criminals guys, they do bad things.
Word count: 3,954
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Finn was standing at your desk, shyly smiling down on you exactly ten minutes after your shift ended on Monday. Most of the women had packed up and left quickly, shooting odd glances at you as you continued working past the bell. You might as well do more work as you waited for the boy.
Finn's face was flushed and he looked like he had just ran there -- probably from whatever errands his brothers had him on. His clothes were slightly baggy, probably to give him room to grow in, and his hat hung off his head at an angle that gleamed the razor sewn into the cap. Your face broke into a warm smile as you stood up from your desk. 
"Hello Finn, I'm (Y/N)," you said as you extended your hand to him. 
He smiled and shook it, surprise etched on his face you even offered. 
"Hello Miss (Y/N), Tommy told me to meet you here for lessons?" Finn fidgeted as you took his shoulder and guided him into Tommy's office, grabbing a book from your desk at the last moment. Tommy had been elsewhere most of the afternoon, so there was no awkward passing after his housewarming, thankfully.
"Shelly told him a woman had snuck into his study," Lizzie whispered to you at lunch, her face a mix of amusement and annoyance. "He had bought a London whore for the occasion and thought it might have been her. Imagine his surprise to find you there. Shelly knew it was you, of course. Jealousy looks ugly on all women."
"Yes," you said, trying to keep a kind tone. The poor boy seemed nervous and out of place. "Your brother said you had trouble with reading and asked if I could help. Is that alright with you, Finn?"
Finn looked at the floor and shuffled his feet. 
"I don't have no issues with reading," he grumbled. "The letters and words rearrange and get all weird sometimes. I can read."
"I have no doubts you can, Finn," you reassured as you motioned to one of the two chairs in front of Tommy's desk. "You seem like a bright boy. Maybe you can just read some of this book to me, then? You'll be doing me a favor, really. Tommy said he would pay me to help you out. And I brought candy, so any page you read, I can give you some."
You pulled a handful of hard candies from your pocket as you sat down next to Finn. He eyed you cautiously. 
"They treat me like a baby," he said. "I'm not. You shouldn't treat me like a baby, either. I'm 16. I've cut people. I'm a Blinder."
"I have no intention of treating you like a child," you said solemnly as you looked out the door and leaned into Finn conspiratorially. "I just thought, since you have no issues with reading, we could sit here and read together, eating sweets, and tricking that brother of yours out of money. You help me with this, and I'll happily bring you cookies tomorrow."
Finn leaned in with his brows raised. 
"Any kind you like," you said as you handed him a candy before popping one in your mouth. "Now read me a page or two, please."
Finn put the candy in his mouth as he squinted at you much like his brother had at the party days before. You held your gaze to his and pushed the book closer to him.
"It's about pirates," you lilted as you nudged him with your shoulder. "They have even better adventures than your brothers do."
He ran his hand over the front before he opened it. 
"Treasure Island," he read slowly, "by Robert Louis Stevenson." 
You nodded for him to go on and he began reading slowly. You let him read at his own pace, only helping him sound words out after he could not get them figured out himself. You praised him, handing him another candy after a particularly hard word or completed page. It was slow going, and you had only finished a chapter or two in an hour, but Finn was looking more and more confident in his reading and he was quickly becoming interested in the story. 
"I think that's enough today, Finn," you said as you reached for the book and dogged the ear of the page and closed it. "Tomorrow we'll start chapter three."
"But I want to find out why Billy Bones attacked Black Dog!" He said excitedly. "That fight was legendary. And why do these people like rum so much? Everyone knows whiskey is better."
"And how would you know that?" You raised a brow as Finn blushed. 
"Everyone knows it, (Y/N)," he said. "That's why all my brothers drink it."
"Maybe it's only pirates that appreciate rum," you mused as you nudged him. "Rum is for mischief."
"Whiskey is for business, and we are businessmen."
The low rumble reverberated, making both of you jump and look at the man in the doorway. Tommy leaned against it, watching you with a small smirk on his face. 
"Just thought I'd check to see how you two fared," Tommy said. "Finn, how do you like her, eh?"
Finn slowly looked between Tommy and you, giving you a mischievous curl of his lip before he grinned and nodded at Tommy. 
"(Y/N)'s a good tutor, Tommy," he said as he stood from his seat. "I think I'm getting better already."
"Good good," Tommy nodded before he jerked his head to the side. "Off you go."
Finn looked back at you to be met with your grin and nod goodbye. He bound for the door and his brother, only to spin and take his hat off to look down at it in his hand. 
"Can you make lemon bars for tomorrow, miss (Y/N)?" 
You chuckled at the boy's attempt at propriety in front of Tommy. 
"Yes, Finn," you said smiling. "Read me chapter three and four tomorrow best you can and I'll send you home with the whole pan."
"Promise?" He said excitedly before elbowing Tommy. "We never get lemon bars at home."
You nodded and Finn spun around Tommy and ran out of the room, excited for the next chapters and his reward. Tommy stood like a statue leaning against the frame. 
"Did he mind well?" He asked, searching his pockets for a cigarette and light. He took his eyes off you to light the end, shuffling the lighter back into his pockets and blowing the smoke above his head. He quirked his head to the side as his eyes found yours again and he waited for your answer. 
"Finn was darling, Mr. Shelby," you said stiffly as you gripped your chair. "He will be an avid reader with wonderful comprehension in no time. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll leave for my own home."
He didn't move, so neither did you. 
"I've talked to my brothers, (Y/N)," he said. "Arthur couldn't pick you out of a crowd and John said you've only ever been professional with him despite his normal comments. Michael works in the office ten feet away and he says you are the only woman in the office that doesn't gossip and keeps to your work when the bosses aren't looking. I'm convinced the lot of them only heard you say 'Yes Mr. Shelby' or 'No Mr. Shelby.'"
You mirrored the tilt of his head with yours.
"Yes, Mr. Shelby," you said with a raised eyebrow.
"Is there a reason you hate my family?" He said as he squinted his eyes. "Have we killed someone you love? Are you related to someone I'm not aware of? Or is it just me you actively despise?"
"Have you ever seen locusts swallow a field, Mr. Shelby?" You asked, meeting his eyes with the same intensity of a forest fire. "Without the right checks and balances, they'll decimate a field in a blink. You've swallowed Birmingham and you're already moving on to London."
"We've always made sure families were taken care of," he started. "Especially Birmingham families. And I've said to call me Tommy."
"In the aftermath, Tommy," you said as you stood up and went to grab your coat. "It's an afterthought. A reaction after your family hurts others. After your plans have consequences."
"And Finn is the only Shelby without blood on his hands, is that it?" He said as he kicked off of the doorway, taking up the exit as you stood under his gaze. 
You refused to flinch. You had been under a Shelby's nose your entire life, this wasn't new, just more literal than usual.
"Finn is a sweet boy that is willing to learn," you huffed. "I can find traits in all of you that I find admirable, but together you care for nothing but yourselves."
"Admirable traits, is it?" He said as he crossed his arms and raised his brow. "Do tell me. You've read enough books from the library I'm sure. Tell me about my family."
You faltered as your eyes went back to the ground and your tongue rushed to press against your teeth. 
"No," he stated simply as his hand tapped your chin to raise your eyes back to his. "I want to know. From a self-learned outsider, tell me about my family."
You sighed and rolled your eyes before you took a deep breath and straightened your back.
"Polly is strong but impulsive," you said quickly, as if reciting notes. "Arthur is obviously a sweet-hearted empathetic man that's been broken by his leaders and his vices to become the erratic explosive man he is today--"
Tommy scoffed as he raised his eyes to the ceiling. 
"Obviously," he said somewhere between a statement and a question. He waved his hand. "Go on."
"John wants the world handed to him on a platter and knows his charms and smile are the best way to get it. His aspirations barely go above women and drink. Ada, who I've seen rarely, is smart for wanting nothing to do with this operation. She tries to help those around her, from what I've heard of her in London. Michael was raised a nice village boy but has your ambition. I fear the day he actually gains power. And Finn is sweet and wants so badly for you to include him that he's willing to do anything. Dangerous for a young man his age."
"And you," you exhaled tiredly. "Are very smart but your ego could suffocate anyone else in the room with you. Are you happy now? May I go?"
"No," he said as his arms dropped to his sides and he eyed you. His tone gentled to the point of startling you and you eyed him back. "You've noticed us, our strengths -- what you consider weaknesses--"
"Are weaknesses," you corrected as you crossed your arms and leaned on one hip to better look up at him. 
"Our weaknesses," he ground out. "Why?"
"You can't walk three steps in this town without hearing about a Shelby," you sighed. "You may not have noticed me but your family is impossible to avoid. Why do you think I work here? Better to work for the wolves than be preyed upon by them." 
"Is that some other latin phrase I should know?" 
Your smile held no joy as you watched Tommy Shelby finally remove himself from the doorway to let you pass. 
"No," you said as you stopped beside him and looked into his eyes one last time. "But here's one your family should learn if you ever want to stop ruling this town in fear: Ut ameris, amabilis esto."
"And that means?"
Your smile finally reached your eyes and you stepped out of the doorway. 
"You're a smart man," your mouth held in a tight line. "Look it up."
Tommy rolled his eyes and closed the door to his office behind her before he walked to his desk to put out his cigarette. He rummaged for another in his pocket and lit it. He inhaled slowly with his eyes closed before he sank into his chair and started shuffling the paperwork he needed to finish before he headed home. 
He looked at the door for a moment, knowing she would have been out the front door and walking through the city to get back to her place by now. He smiled softly as he leaned back and scoffed at the ceiling. He took another long drag of his cigarette and watched the smoke above him disappear. After a moment he finally leaned forward to work on his papers, pushing her and her words from his head. 
Once he got home, he nodded to the maid that greeted him and declined her offer for tea. 
"Not tonight, no thank you," he murmured as he moved silently through the house. 
He went into the study and poured himself a drink before he leaned on the shelf and looked back at his desk. The image of her leaning on it floated into his mind and he scoffed again, rolling his eyes at himself as if to shake her image away. 
Walking to the bookshelf that she had been looking through, he fingered a book out and sat down at his desk, taking a drink of his whiskey before he leafed through the pages. After quite some time, he chuckled and leaned back in his chair, looking at the ceiling. He closed the book, chuckling to himself as he finished the whiskey he had forgotten about. 
"If you want to be loved, be loveable," he said softly.
The next few weeks went as they ever did. Other than the addition of working with Finn for an hour after work and the extra roll of money once a week at your desk, nothing seemed to have changed. You did your work, kept your head down, and thankfully the other Shelby's returned to ignoring you. 
You enjoyed your afternoons with Finn, and had easily made enough baked goods to fatten the boy up had he not been so active otherwise. He was always hungry and you had no problem feeding him as a reward as he progressed. He was quickly devouring the first book -- reading faster and more pages every day -- and you had happily picked out a few more books you thought he would enjoy that now waited in your desk drawer.
Tommy had been polite and distant, always out of his office before Finn appeared. One afternoon, you had walked into his empty office to see a note folded with your name on it. You looked at it, frozen for a moment, before you picked it up and opened it. It was a simple phrase, printed carefully. 
Amore et melle et felle es fecundissimus.
"Love is rich with honey and venom," you murmur with a smile. 
You slipped the paper into your pocket before you picked up a blank piece of paper and wrote your reply, Vincit qui se vincit. He conquers who conquers himself. You folded the paper and placed it on top of his seat as Finn came in. 
"Ready for today?" Finn asked, sitting down in his seat. "I bet we finish the book."
"I think you can," you answered with a smile as you rounded the desk to take your seat. "I have another I think you'll enjoy for after."
Finn opened the book to his marker and started reading. You allowed yourself a moment as you bit your lip, looking across the desk to Tommy's chair. Were you smart to play this game?
After that, a note appeared on your typewriter. You smiled when you opened the paper to read 'Aut viam inveniam aut faciam,' I will either find a way or make one. You scribbled your response, 'Malum consilium quod mutari non potest,' Bad is the plan that cannot change, and left it on his desk after your lesson with Finn. 
You continued passing Latin phrases back and forth every few days. Some of them were silly, others were motivational, but all of them had an undercurrent of a double meaning that you couldn't quite place. You both continued to be proper and professional with each other in person, but the cheeky Latin notes felt like they should be between two people far more close.
One afternoon, Finn showed up with a lopsided grin on his face. 
"Tommy told me to give you this," he said as he shoved the paper at you. "I tried to read it but that's not English, innit?"
You opened it carefully to read a scribbled 'Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo.'
If I cannot move Heaven, I will raise Hell.
You smiled. 
"No, it's not English," you said before playfully glaring at him. "What are you reading other people's notes for anyhow?"
Finn smiled sheepishly. 
"They never tell me nothin'," he said. "I wanted to know if it was about me."
You laughed. 
"It's not about you, Finn," you reassured. "Now, let's start your book."
An hour later, you hugged Finn bye. 
"Finn!" You called as you finished writing and folded the paper. "Give Tommy this."
"Tommy?" He questioned with a smile. "I think that's the first I haven't heard 'Mr. Shelby.'"
"Just give him the note, cheeky brat," you laughed. 
Finn stuck his tongue out at you and opened the note. 
"Desti-" he read and knotted his face, "destitutes vent--"
"Destitutus ventis, remos adhibe," you laughed. "It means 'if the winds fail you, use the oars.'"
"What's that even mean?"
"It's not your note, is it?" You taunted. "You don't need to know."
Days later, you found a note stuck under a bottle of wine in front of your door. You opened it, immediately recognizing the messy writing that had replaced the clean letters of the first few notes as time passed. 'Audentes fortuna iuvat,' Fortune favors the bold. You smiled and looked around to find no one. You brought the bottle in and locked the door behind you. 
You wrote your response, unsure of how to give it to him after the bottle of wine on your door. You held onto it, hoping you would find a perfect opportunity. 
"I don't think you'll need me anymore after today, Finn," you said as you hugged the boy one Friday months later. "You've read through that last book with no problems. Just keep reading and you'll be great."
"If I woulda known that, I wouldn't have read so fast," he frowned as he closed the book he just finished. "I liked seeing you in the afternoons. I even looked forward to it after the weekends."
You laughed. 
"You can still see me around and we can talk books if you like," you smiled. "Tell you what, you can come around on Sundays. I'll feed you lunch and you can tell me what you're reading, how's that sound?"
"You promise?" Finn asked as his eyes lit up. "Deal."
"Inviting Shelby's into your home now?" Tommy called from behind them at the doorway. "Did Finn break the Shelby curse and warm your heart?"
"Tommy," you said evenly. "I was just telling our Finn that he won't need me anymore, but he was welcome to talk books with me anytime."
"If you think he's done, I suppose it's done," he said. "Our Finn, run on home and we can talk about your future once I get there. I'll need a word with (Y/N)."
"Yessir," Finn said as he looked at Tommy's serious expression. He gave you a friendly smile and was out in a flash. 
"Thank you for the wine," you said quietly once Finn was gone.
"Thank you for getting my brother's reading up to speed," he said. "In only a few months, too. I should make my other brothers see you."
"I don't think they would be as receptive," you laughed and he smiled. 
"Probably not," he chuckled. 
"I haven't found a note knocking around my desk," he said, taking a step forward from the doorway as you stood from your chair. "Did I lose it?"
You watched him carefully, but couldn't help but smile. 
"No, Tommy," you said. "You haven't lost it."
"Tommy, you say," he teased as he stepped in front of you. "I've finally lost the chill of using proper names."
"Tends to happen when you trade notes like children. Or spies."
"Well?" He said as he smiled and raised his eyebrows. "Where's my note?"
You tilted your head to look up at him to properly meet his eyes. 
"Do you pour over them by candlelight, trying to decipher them with your books you hadn't read until I upset you in your study?" You teased, smiling up at him. "Do you look forward to my responses, desperate for the challenge?"
"I've not been desperate in a long time," Tommy said, looking over your face as he leaned closer. "But I do look forward to a challenge."
"Happy to give you one, then," you said, looking down to his soft lips before meeting his bright blue eyes. 
"Are you talking about yourself or my next latin phrase, (Y/N)?" He growled as his own eyes dipped to your lips, causing you to smirk. 
"Acta non verba, Tommy," you said as you circled around him and out the door. "Goodnight and have a good weekend, Mr. Shelby," you called as you walked away. "I'm sure it will be filled with dubious adventures and women who find criminal activity all too attractive."
One afternoon a few days later, Tommy called for you and Lizzie from his doorway, leaving the other ladies in fits of whispers as to what was going on. Lizzie and you both shared a look, cautiously walking together into Tommy's office. 
"Close the door," he waved at you as he sat down, "I need to speak with both of you."
You closed the door quietly and turned as Tommy sat behind his desk. He shuffled some paperwork and motioned for you both to sit. 
"Now," he said as he cleared his throat. "I've been thinking about investing, or rather creating, a foundation for the orphan children of Birmingham."
Lizzie immediately stiffened before she went to say something. 
"Now Lizzie is already bogged down with my other ventures," Tommy said as he spoke over her before looking at you. "And you have a good head on your shoulders as well as an eye for bullshit. This foundation is to be above board and not to be mixed with my other operations, and I'd like you to set it up and run it." 
"Me?" You stammered, "I don't--"
"Lizzie will help teach you the paperwork and such," he said as he leaned back with his hands on the desk. "I'll trust you to set it up and keep it running. You'll report directly to me about it, and hopefully it will do some good around our city. What do you say, (Y/N)?"
"I don't-- I'm speechless," you said, looking between Lizzie's shocked face and Tommy's cool expression. "I'm not sure I'm fit for the job."
"You're fit as much as anyone else," he said evenly. "I trust you'll make yourself an expert overnight with that brain of yours. That'll be all, ladies, I'll fill you in more as I gather the pieces."
Lizzie stood up and went to walk back out the door but you sat shocked, still looking at Tommy's placid face. 
"Why me?" You asked barely above a whisper. "Why not Polly or Ada or Lizzie?"
"Someone once told me 'deeds not words,'" he said with a twinkle in his eye. "I fully intend on living by that."
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legoshi-plz · 4 years
Late Night Visitor Part 2
Summary: Late Night Visitor Part 2. Things continue to escalate with Riz and you feel as if there’s no way out. Help comes in the form of an unexpected ally.
Part One
Warnings: Smut (NSFW 18+), Rape/Non-Con, Threat of Violence, Language, etc...
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“Deeper, don’t make me have to say it again,” Riz growled, his grip on the fur on the back of your head tightening. You opened your jaws wider to allow more of him down your throat while fighting your own gag reflex.
“Mhm, that’s it. Looks like old dogs can learn new tricks,” he chuckled at his own demeaning words. You closed your eyes to try and remove yourself as much as you could from the situation but it was hard with him stuffing nearly every orfice you had.
He currently had three thick digits stuffed inside your dripping entrance while he fucked your throat raw with his monstrous cock. He was completely filling you and the worst part was that you could feel your orgasm coming at any moment. That would be the final blow of shame for this evening, him berating you for ‘enjoying’ it when you literally had no choice. You had long ago lost control over the pleasure functions of your body. No matter how much you hated him with every fiber of your being, there were certain stimulation your body couldn’t ignore.
“You’re fucking soaking my fingers, Y/N. It’s getting late but fuck it, I gotta have you,” He groaned, slapping your face with his free hand to get you to let him go. You didn’t see what difference it would make what time it was, the two of you were already late to Drama club. Most evenings when he made you give your body to him, you were usually too fucked out to even show up at all.
You started to get up off your knees but apparently you were moving too slow for Riz, so he picked you up by your waist and slammed you into the abandoned classroom wall forcefully. Without a word of warning, he pushed the entirety of his length into you. You winced at the burn this stretch always caused but were relieved it wasn’t as overall unbearable as it usually is. You hated that you were grateful for him forcing his fingers into you earlier.
“C’mon baby, you know the drill,” his voice was husky and you knew if you played along this could be over quickly.
“Oh my god, Riz, your dick feels amazing,” you moaned. You could feel him quickening his pace already at your words.
“Tell me how much you love it, FUCK!” He growled, his thrusts pounding your cervix to punctuate each word. You knew he was desperate now and that you could end this in a few mere words.
“I love it when you use me like this. I love being your whore. And I really love it when you cum inside me.” His face was buried into your neck and he had his entire weight pinning you to the wall, nearly crushing you.
“Say you need it, say you fucking need it, slut!” His voice was high pitched and beginning to crack. It was all over now.
“I need your cum, Riz. I need you to cum inside me,” you moaned and your body suddenly jolted at your own orgasm washed over you unexpectedly. Riz was right behind you, shooting thick white ropes into you until it reached capacity and began spilling down the sides. You turned your head in disgust while he watched the sight as if he’d just discovered gold.
“It’s like you get tighter and tighter every time. Keep this up and I’ll have to carve you open just to fuck you,” he chuckled, pulling out of you. You didn’t laugh.
Once he set you down, you adjusted your uniform as best you could, trying to hightail it out of there as quickly as your wobbly legs would carry you. You made it to the hallway before he gripped your arm and jerked you back towards him, nearly ripping your arm out the socket.
“Aren’t you forgetting something?” He said almost pleasantly as if he didn’t just force himself on you yet again.
You silently reached up on your tippy toes offering your lips to him. He had to bend down to complete the kiss, his lips burning against your own. The kiss was hungry and all-consuming, much like everything else about Riz.
“There you two are!” A chipper voice rang down the hall and you felt your insides turn to ice. You could tell by the way Riz’s grip on your arm tightened that he had been caught off guard too.
Juno bounced down the hallway, her usual bubbly self. She had a knowing smirk on her face indicating she’d caught you two kissing. You prayed that was the only thing she noticed.
“Louis sent me to come find you, Y/N. He was gonna announce the parts for the Winter showcase but held off since everyone wasn’t there. He’s pretty angry,” Juno said as Riz loosened his grip on your arm and slid it down so it looked like he was holding your hand, not previously yanking you about in a death grip.
“We were just about to head there now,” Riz smiled as the two of you followed behind Juno. You wanted to make an excuse so you could head back to your dorm and scrub every trace of Riz off of you but his hand in yours told you that wasn’t an option.
“So how long have you two lovebirds been dating?” Juno chirped, smiling back at the two of you.
“We’re just really good friends,” Riz said pleasantly before you even had a chance to process her question.
“I see, keeping it under wraps for now. Oh how romantic! I wish a certain someone would notice me like that but he barely even notices I’m alive,” She sighed in her own world.
“Well that can always change, sometimes even overnight,” Riz said throwing you a shit-eating grin. You blanched at the memory of that first night.
The rest of the walk there was uneventful and Riz let your hand go the second the two of you neared the auditorium. The moment you two stepped inside it was as if he didn’t know you at all, barely even looked at you. You felt a minuscule amount of weight lift from your shoulders.
“Y/N! My office!” Louis barked the second he laid eyes on you. And just like that the stress was back on again.
You followed him in, barely making it inside before he slammed the door crudely.
“You want to explain yourself?” He said in a condescending tone as he plopped down at his desk.
“E-explain myself?”
“I was under the impression you actually wanted the solo slot for the Winter showcase yet your actions have done nothing but prove otherwise.” Louis admonished and you hug your head in shame. Ever since Riz took it upon himself to make you his own personal fucktoy at his every beck and call, the Winter Showcase was the last thing on your mind.
“I’m sorry, Louis,” You uttered lamely. You didn’t even have an excuse you could admit to him.
“That much is obvious. And the most disappointing aspect of this whole situation is that the part was already yours but you couldn’t even be bothered to show up....” Louis voice trailed off and he suddenly stood from his desk, approaching you rapidly. You tried to inch away but your back quickly made contact with the wall.
“There are bruises all over your neck... and your arms...” Louis examined you and seemed to finally take in your disheveled appearance.
“Did someone.... do this to you?”
“N-No!” You answered too quickly. That was all the clarification he needed.
“There’s been another member from the art department that happens to usually be missing the same times as you. It’s awfully convenient...,” Louis carefully lifted up your skirt, the view of Riz’s cum seeping out of you on full display.
“How long?”
“How long has this been going on, YN?”
“A... a few weeks now,” you could have died right there from the shame you felt. It was one thing to be regularly abused by Riz but for someone to find out? It was a new level of mortification.
“Y/N, I need you to listen to me very carefully. You need to leave and scrape the very trace of him off of you okay. Does anyone else know about this?” Louis’s eyes were filled with concern and you felt the tears start to well in your eyes.
“J-Juno saw him kiss me but that’s it.”
“Okay, good. She’s very forgetful, especially about.... sensitive subjects. You’re dismissed, go straight to your dorm and stay there for the rest of the night. Do not be alone with him again. Do you understand?” Louis said sternly and you nodded.
“Alright well you better get going then. I’m going to take care of this for you, Y/N.” The tears started to spill at Louis’ promise and you couldn’t help yourself from wrapping your arms around him in a hug of gratitude. He hesitated then slowly returned the gesture.
“Okay, that’s enough. You reek of mating pheromones,” Louis smiled gently, pulling you off of him.
You followed his orders and went straight to your dorm and scrubbed every trace of Riz off of you. You went to bed that night with your mind racing with different scenarios of how Louis intended to ‘handle’ this. What if he just made things worse for you? What if he tried to talk to Riz about it and Riz killed him?
What if Riz killed you?
You didn’t get hardly any sleep that night.
The next day you drug yourself to class as usual to find it abuzz with gossip.
“Didn’t you hear-”
“They drug him out in handcuffs-”
“It took like three of them to even muzzle him-”
“Wasn’t taking his government issued suppressants-”
You tuned into the chatter only to discover that apparently early this morning, the police came and carted Riz off for the murder of Tem. You were shocked and horrified that you’d been getting raped by a literal murderer for weeks now but you also felt an enormous amount of relief and strangely enough, a tad bit of guilt as well.
What if you had been putting other students in danger by allowing him to do that to you for as long as he did and not speaking up about it?
That’s when Louis suddenly flashed to your mind. Had he been the one to orchestrate this? Had he been the reason Riz was being hauled off to juvenile detention. Did Louis really have this type of power?
You rushed straight to his office as soon as Drama club began to find out some answers.
“Louis, did you hear? About what happened to Riz?” You asked. Louis glanced up at you, a knowing look in his eyes.
“Yes, it is regrettable we had to lose such a dedicated member of our club in such a manner. Close the door behind you, will you?” He nodded, and you came fully into his office and closed the door.
“Lock it.” He ordered and you complied.
“Come here Y/N,” he said calmly and you walked to the front of his desk.
“Here,” he said curling a finger in his direction. You approached the side of his desk next to where he was sitting and he pulled you down into his lap suddenly.
“L-Louis! What are-”
“Did I tell you to speak?” He said sharply and you quickly shut up.
“Now, Riz is no longer an issue. I took care of that for you, just like I said I would. Isn’t that right?” He uttered, allowing his hand to creep up your thigh and under your skirt.
“Answer me!” He snapped and you nodded quickly.
“Y-Yes sir,” you could feel how hard he was beneath you even through the fabric of his uniform.
“Good girl. Now we just need to figure out how you’re going to pay me back for that. That’s one hell of a favor, so naturally it comes at a steep price.” Louis groaned as he moved your panties to the side and slide a long finger into your entrance.
“Do you know how you’re going to pay me back?” Louis slid another finger into you and began to pump slowly.
“N-no,” you said, squirming in his lap, the friction only serving to get him harder.
“I didn’t think so. Hop on the desk so I can taste you. That’ll be a start,” Louis’ eyes was full of lust as he watched you sit on the desk in front of him, spreading your legs for him. He quickly pulled your panties down and pocketed them.
He pulled you closer to the edge by your thighs and inhaled the scent of your core, his eyes fluttering slightly in satisfaction. He dove in, pressing his hot tongue against your slit and lapping at your arousal.
“Your scent has haunted me ever since yesterday. It’s so intoxicating, I had to restrain myself from taking you right then and there,” he moaned inbetween eating you out, “I knew your scent was divine but god you taste even better.”
Your hips bucked lightly at his words, giving away just how much he was turning you on.
“I see someone’s eager,” Louis placed the two fingers from earlier back into your aching cavern. “Be patient, my dear, we have all the time in the world.”
Despite how aroused and shocked you were at Louis’ actions, you couldn’t help the little voice in the back of your mind that rang in alarm.
You were getting the feeling you had only traded in one monster for another.
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Clark Kent imagine
Author note: I cannot remeber writing this..and since i haven’t wrote anything for a while. I figure hey why not!!!!! So Sorry if it doesn’t make sense LOL 😂😂 I will be posting more soon promise.!!
Did i proof read: .... I honestly dont remember writing this soo.. you BET your tooth i didn’t proof read
Rating: fluffy!
Fandom: DC
God your such a big Dork!”
Laughing loudly your sides hurt , Clark just tripped and slide right into a lamp and somehow managed for the shade too be on. His head. You reached over helping him chuckling softly tracing your hands over his broad shoulders making sure he wasn’t hurt. Those Hurting Clark was physically impossible. You still worry.
He chuckled softly saying sorry, you just laughed giving him a quick kiss on the shoulder as you shifted too move too your sofa.
Loving Superman had it’s perks and downsides, the biggest one was that Loris Lane was Furious that you “stole” her profit. Clark always said that Louis never abused their relationship too get articles or too gain more popularity. But she was literally the Only reporter in the entire City that Had Full access too the most talked about man in the entire world.Getting raises left and right when She got a “in-depth “ conversation with Superman and ally he deets on a attack. Whatever way Clark spelt it out. You hated that she abused her relationship for gain at work. It felt wrong. She was literally Sleepign with the subject too information.
It didn’t help that your relationship with her was tense even before you knew she knew about Clarks double life. You were one of the few humans too know about Clarks ability before he became Superman. You grew up right down the road from Clark, same grade, best friends all thru school. Clark would show off his powers too you when you were younger and you were the only one outside he’s family too know. After he left and ran off too find himself you stayed and helped his mom and then Superman arrived and you reconnected with your oldest friend and you moved toot he city after a awful breakup and you just always were around. And Louis hated it. You tried too be friendly towards her. But once Clark discovered she was In bed with lex Luther. (Right in the middle of the Act.) he was furious And heartbroken and he broke up with her and you were secretly glade you didn’t have too pretend too be friends with her anymore.
Dating the man of steel happened so naturally you can’t even remember when it started or how it started who made the first move it just felt Right. Clark was smiling cupping your face looking at you “what you thinking about?”
Poking his stoumch you look up at him grinning, “how I’m so lucky too have my Dork.” He chuckled reaching over kissing your head. “I have too go surveillance with Bruce you be alright tonight?”
Nodding your head weakly. You were use too having too share Clark with the world. Honestly how can you complain when he’s Saving the literally world?
“Oh Ask Bruce How The Hell do you connect the light too the speakers? Too do that flashy thing.he’s instructions Suck!”
He chuckled saying okay.
He walked off. As you grinned excited too have the apartment too yourself. You walked over too your room getting out of your Jeans and into Shorts and a shirt of clarks you always steal it had he’s favourite football team. Making dinner for you, and a dessert. You grabbed your Tablet (making sure too put sticky tack on both lenses after reading how easily the cameras’ are hacked you always put Sticky tack on it if your gonna watch something in the tub.
Getting the Tub ready you started binge watching a the musketeers. When you finished having a relaxing bath you got into your cloths again and watched it on the tv. The actors were Hot as Hell. And the voices. Melting! Clark had that affect on you. He’s voice was smooth and deep and Hot. Those every aspect of your boyfriend is Hot.
You looked around realizing the place was empty as you went too the freezer as you pulled out your container of Icing. Before retuning too the sofa and warming it up as you had your spoon from your ice cream and mixed it as you watched tv. An hour passed when jumped gasping at some scenes. Then you heard the deep chuckle of your boyfriend.
“what are you doing?” You turned looking at Clark seeing him in his uniform as you had a spoon sticking out of your mouth as you spoke, “I’m- what are you doing here? I thought you were going too be late?”
“I came too check on you- what are you watching?” Getting up as you grabbed the icing container as you spoke, “Mustkeers.- what- aren’t you suppose too be hanging with a bat?” He chuckled walking over pulling you into a deep kiss it was unexpected as he pulled back as he spoke, “good icing.” You laughed hitting his softly as he grinned holding your head. “You smell nice.”
“had a bath with my good stuff.” He chuckled softly rubbing your cheek with his thumb.
“thank you.”
“For. Bathing?”
Clark chuckled kissing your forehead as he spoke, “No for being you.”
“thank you?”
He kissed you again before dashing off as you got ready for bed.
Standing in the shower in the morning getting cleaned you turned seeing Clark standing in the bathroom smiling as you spoke ‘what?”
Seeing him pulling off his Shirt, which even after a year of dating. Still left you breathless seeing him shirtless. He was curved and caved from the Gods! It still took you back that he was yours. That this guy. Who looks like a god, has powers As if he was one. Was your you giggled seeing him quickly undress and Joining you in the shower. Quickly pulling you into a deep Kiss,
Perfection can only last for so Long.
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It was wrong place at the wrong time. You were In a Church helping your friend choose a location for her wedding when a machine came Crashing into the Chapel destroying it. And the impact flung you backwards and you were pierced thru the stoumch by a pipe it slipped thru you like butter. You were pinned too the wall as you looked up seeing Lex Luther appear from the robotic machine he laughed loudly seeing you.
Superman arrived instantly you saw him just in time too loose vision from loosing so much blood. You heard him screaming No! As you drift.
Clark Dashed over too you seeing you impaled and pinned too the wall. He’s screams broke windows of the church as he fell down onto his knees realizing that you were gone. The girl who Never treated him like anything then a boy. The boy she has known her whole life. Who once learning about everything about him. Simply asked if she kissed him could she get the ability too be super strong. The girl who use too help him practice how too control who would sneak over too play with him. Who was his first kiss. The women who idea of a fun night in is. Watching a fantasy show and be bare legged and as comfy as possible. Clark felt his soul breaking seeing you. The Girl he was going too marry.have a family with.
Luther said giddy seeing Clark in so much pain. Before Clark could find the strength too move. Luther dissapeared.
Clark screamed NO. You were gone..
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Weeks passed with No sighting of Luther, Bruce ended up going toot he funeral, so did Diana , and Berry who you once meeting the flash instantly wanted too bet that Clark was faster. And you and him would have in debut conversations about Harry Potter. Wonder women was close with you also. You worked in a museum , and she would telly you stories a bout the greek gods. And the Amazon women. Cyborg was amazed a girl of this time. Couldn’t figure out how too do anything technical. You were as clueless as a 80 year old man trying too make a call on a smart phone.
Arther arrived toot he funeral with the others as he stood up too talk.the funeral was beauitful, and the wake was Sad. Clark’s Mom invited all the justice league too her house. Where Clark was staying since Luther has been MIA.
“when I first met that feisty women. She asked if I could really talk too whales and asked what they liked talking about. Then she told me I this insane theory of whales being fictional. Apparently that girl lived on the coast for two years. And Never saw a whale.Clark took her too my dads lighthouse and I got a few too pop up too show them off. I never seen a happier person in my life. She acted like a kid on Christmas Day .she was- something special.”
They all chuckled as Clark was silent holding his hands tightly as Diana stood up. “When I first met Y/N. she was covered head too toe in dirt and Mud. She was playing football with Clark.- She looked like the happiest girl in the world. I knew excatly at that moment she was madly in love. I remember looking like that at Steve. She asked me too help scare Clark it was- apparently her mission in life too scare him Once.-“ Diana went quite Seeing Clark was stiff. She knew excatly how he felt. Hallow inside with going thru the motion.
Bruce was about too speak when the front door opened. Seeing Y/N covered in dirt. You stood in the front entrance covered in dirt wearing the dress you were buried in. You coughed loudly as Clark Rushed over too you griping your face tightly, “how- How is this possible?”
“what the hell happened?”
Everyone looked at each other stunned as Diana heard a fast beating sound.
“Y/N? Is that you?” Clark was crying too hard too hear anything as Diana stepped over as she kneeled down pressing her ear too your stomach.
“it’s a heartbeat.”
“WHAT?” Gasping loudly as Clark was too stunned too take any of that information in. But your ears were working. “Shut up no it’s not! I- I was. In the church wasn’t I when that bastered- how- I woke up in the graveyard what the fuck! Is going on?!”
“how did you get out of the grave.. you were just Barried this morning.”
Rolling your shoulders you shook your head, “I woke up up above ground.. I wans’t- you buried me? What the Hell why!” You hit Clark as he gripped your face tightly as he spoke, “you scared the Shit outta me! How- I don’t understand you were died.”
You rolled your shoulders, “Don’t look at me! The last thing I remember was being in the church.. what- what happened?”
“you died..But I think your baby protected you.”
That’s when Clarks ears started working as he turned too wonderwomen. “Excuse me? Baby?”
“Oh Boy..’
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peeterparkr · 4 years
perfidy;tom holland|14
chapter 14: the side-stories
enemies to lovers au/enemies with benefits
chapter summary: harry, tim, the oh shit moments and the ice cream. 
pairing: tom holland x y/n
warnings:  swearing, alcohol mention, smut mention, angsty (?) 
word count: 8k
here’s a playlist
and here’s another one
and here’s another one inspired by 1D
social media before you read (IMPORTANT FOR THE CHAPTER) :
before boarding: Haz wants free breakfast, Tim reaches out, and James gets protective
On flight : Tom joins a club, y/n tweets from the sky and Emma reaches out 
previous chapter next chapter series masterlist wanna be tagged?
So, the chapter came earlier because I had time and inspo and because I really wanted to get to this chapter already. Anyway, huge thanks to @hxpeysuenxs​ for helping me out to get my ideas straight and also... PLEASE! 
Go read ‘the moment’ by @jambrosemc​ it’s a spinoff which I consider canon for Tim and y/n’s relationship. 
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In movies they always manage a “meet-cute” moment, you know the guy who's walking his dog and the dog runs off to the girl of his dreams, or the clumsy— why is she always clumsy?—The clumsy girl who accidentally spills coffee on the guy and then he immediately falls in love with her. Stupid and cliché but they never fail. The repetitive script that we all know and adore. 
The guy who ends up with the girl, the girl who’s always so different from the rest. The girl who gives up her dream for a guy. You know, those incredible moments at airports when she runs to him and he declares his love, or he stops traffic or… any kind of cute crap we all know and adore. Those breathtaking moments. 
The movies, however, never show the “oh shit” moments, the moments when you realize that you’re way deep in love with them. The moment when you know that there’s no going back. The moment when you feel like you’re screwed.
Harry knew of those. Especially of the ‘oh shit’ moment, he’d had it with Y/N, when she’d turned 16. He remembered it, she had only started dating that idiot, Louis. Complete idiot, but y/n didn’t realize it until he dumped her hours before prom, but we already know that story. 
But when she turned 16, Louis had thrown her a party, under the … stars and the sea? It didn’t make any sense, not for y/n’s style. But Harry had taken her out after the party, to this café. And after hours and hours of talking and laughing. He remembered seeing y/n look outside, at the cars, and then chuckle to herself. And Harry thought she was the most beautiful girl he would ever see, with the most melodic laugh the most perfect smile. 
And that’s when Harry thought: “Oh, shit.” 
Harry also knew of the typical “meet-cute”, he’d heard of one and he’d lived one. Which wasn’t exactly how they’d met but… how one of them had realized of the existence of the other. 
Timmy and y/n had had one, long before they officially met. Harry had heard from Tim how he’d “met her” long before they’d met, the meet cute turned into the ‘oh shit’. 
Tim had already seen her, they had a class together, and the way Timmy described it, Harry knew it. Tim was perfect for y/n. 
“She’d walked in, 16 minutes late to the lecture, she didn’t even have to explain what had happened. Her head was soaking from the rain, she was carrying like twenty bags and she was holding her car keys, to the convertible, now I know exactly what happened….and she’d bit her lip and tried to quietly make her way to the back, and she failed because she dropped everything, and I remember seeing her, stare at her stuff, scoff and then she cursed under her breath, pulled out her soaking notebook and glared at me because I laughed. And I thought she hated me, but I just—I saw a main character, you know? She literally just—God, she looked so pretty. And I thought oh, shit, I don’t even know her and I’m already in love with her.” 
They were probably each other’s endgame, and Harry knew that.  How difficult it had been for him to finally accept it when they had initially started dating. 
But Harry wasn’t bitter about it, because Harry had seen y/n’s light turn off before Timmy. And slowly Timmy had brought y/n back from the death, if that made any sense at all. Y/N smiled again with Timmy, and she would laugh again and she would be herself, and that’s all Harry cared about. 
Harry knew that y/n’s sudden downfall had all to do with Tom, even though his brother never addressed that matter. Harry was completely sure that Tom and Y/N would always have unresolved issues because even if Harry didn’t like to admit it to himself, Tom and Y/N made sense, in the most stupid way they could. Even if they didn’t. Such a complicated relationship that Harry knew was only a redundant way to cover up for the fact that they probably both loved each other. Yes, Harry was not dumb and he knew Tom probably had always reciprocated y/n’s feelings. In his own particular way. 
It’s easy, when you’re in love with someone you see who else is, because you’re observant, because you know how it feels. Harry wasn’t observant but he knew his brother too well not to notice that Tom practically drooled every time y/n would walk into the room. 
No, Harry wasn’t stupid. But Harry had probably been the only one who knew. Or he thought so. 
He was very conflicted about Tom, because sometimes it genuinely seemed like y/n was his biggest enemy and that Tom was actually trying to destroy her. But there were other times when Tom wasn’t as good to hide up the fact that y/n made him blush. 
Our bodies never help us to hide up our feelings, no matter how good we think we are at hiding it and no matter how good of an actor he was. We all get weak. Specially when we are in love, it seems to be the best way to tumble down our walls. 
The eyes, Chico, they never lie.  And Tom’s eyes didn’t lie. Whether he said he hated y/n or not, Tom’s gaze was only for y/n. 
“Y/N only likes me because I’m a movie star,” Tom said once. 
But Harry didn’t stomach why Tom had never understood how y/n had loved him way long before he even considered being an actor. She’d said to Harry after Tom had gone to prom with her, how she also quite could figure it out. 
Harry remembered how Tom had broken her heart back then, he’d just been cast as Spiderman. 
“Congratulations, you now get to say Spiderman took you to prom.” 
Harry knew Tom and Y/N had kissed back then. 
“I think it’s funny how Tom always forgets I loved him before he turned into whatever he is today.” 
Tom often did forget that. Tom often forgot that y/n had loved him for a long while now. And he couldn’t really understand why his brother would continuously rip y/n’s heart apart. And why did she choose Tom over the course of the years? Harry had been right beside her, always. But he never said anything. 
Harry had almost told her how he felt before she left for Rome. He hadn’t, but he thought that she knew it. 
And it had almost happened. 
Y/N was almost finished packing, she was roaming around the room. 
“I mean it’s the whole summer,” she explained. 
“But you’re gonna wash your clothes, y/n,” Harry laughed. “Hey, what if we—take a break? You know, let’s order a pizza or something and then we will come back and finish with all this mess.” 
Y/N didn’t hesitate twice. 
Harry barely remembered how it happened, they’d ended up on the couch. Like any other night, it wasn’t special, it was just another rainy night in London. The lights went out after a lightning stroke, and y/n only jumped to his arms. 
Harry held her close, and she only hugged him back. This wasn’t weird, y/n was affectionate but of course, Harry somehow felt it was his last chance. 
He only stared deep into her eyes, and she sensed it. His eyes travelled down to her lips, and they stayed quiet, for a bit. Harry hesitated on whether he should make a move or not. He only leaned in slightly, and her gaze was scared, but she was leaning over, too. But maybe they had been tired, or maybe it had been the moment. But both of them knew it was wrong, and both of them pulled away before they could even get closer. She stood up quickly, out of his grasp. 
“Uh, I’ll… I’ll continue packing, sorry, I uh…” She didn’t say anything. “No…” 
“I’m sorry… I yeah, let’s get to packing--” 
And they had, so vigorously ignoring what just had happened. 
“Y/N about what happened-” Harry had said before he left her apartment. 
“We will talk when I come back.” 
But they hadn’t. 
Harry had noticed about three years ago just after she’d come back from Rome, how y/n’s eyes would brighten up even more each time Tom smiled, and how Tom would stop to listen whenever y/n spoke. Harry didn’t mind if they were dating. 
Not really. 
Though it was a burden to bear, the reminiscent smiles were only a hint for it. 
Of course he’d be heartbroken, we can’t control our emotions and feelings. But he’d be happy because if anything, Harry cared too much for his brother. And he genuinely loved y/n too much to impede her from being happy. 
And Harry himself had always been skeptical about his own feelings towards y/n. Had it been only a whim caused by a stupid childhood crush? No, it was love. 
It was love. There is nothing more painful than to love and know you’ll never be loved back. 
But he had accepted y/n and Tom were secretly dating back then, or whatever they were doing. Big was his surprise when they’d seen each other at the club. 
Which brings us to our meet-cute, going back to y/n and Timothee. 
Harry perfectly remembered how that night had gone, and he knew y/n, and he knew Tom. And Harry wanted an answer, if there was anything that Harry hated was the fact that Tom never admitted it. Why didn’t he? 
Or was Harry too dumb and too jealous and blaming the fact that y/n didn’t love him back that he had made himself think that Tom loved her too? 
Maybe Tom had never loved her. 
But he’d seen y/n fade away that night, he had seen how happiness had left her body. Harry could swear he had heard y/n’s heart shatter on that nightclub when Tom was kissing that pink shirt. 
And it wasn’t like this was the first time Tom broke her heart. He’d seen it again, and again, and again. And he’d seen how y/n would only take a deep breath, look away, and ignore the usual cold tear shedding. Harry would always silently offer his shoulder. 
But that night, he hadn’t. And he wondered what could’ve happened if he had. Timmy had made her smile even at that precise moment when y/n’s heart had broken into pieces. That’s how incredible Timmy was. Even in the darkest time, Timmy had made y/n smile. 
And Harry remembered wanting to fight Tom the very next day, without addressing what was really going on. He only wanted to kick his brother's ass and tell him off for breaking y/n’s heart again, but he hadn’t. Because Harry himself didn’t understand it, if they had been dating why had Tom so deliberately crushed her heart? 
That’s what Harry never understood, why would anyone do that? Make them fall in love with you only so you could hurt them? And Harry had seen Tom do it again, and again. Gaining y/n’s trust only so he could break her, betray her in any possible way. 
However, nobody had seen what had happened. Tom hadn’t gone home with that pink skirt, after y/n had left with Sam, Tom had drifted away from her, and then had left with Haz and Tuwaine. 
Tom had only pulled an act to mess with y/n. 
Harry had stayed with the other group, the one with Timmy and Emma. Emma… that was another story. 
And the very next day, Harry had seen Tom with tears in his eyes in the kitchen, looking up and asking questions to the ceiling. Swearing to himself. 
Harry didn’t talk to him initially, until he saw him coming back with yellow flowers. He seemed nervous. 
“Tom, were you and y/n on a date?” Harry had asked him. 
Tom watched him. “No.” 
“Did she know that?” Asked Harry with venom. 
“Are you fucking sure?” Harry snapped. “You are very aware that she’s got feelings for you.” 
Tom looked away. “Well she’s dumb,” Tom said. “She should clearly be in love with you instead.” 
“That’s not what we are talking about,” Harry sassed. “Did she or did she not know that it wasn’t a date?” 
“What was it, then?” Harry asked. “And why did you buy her flowers?” 
“How did—“
“Yellow flowers? She loves them.” 
“I will go and apologize for making her believe that I could—I dunno.” 
“Why do you insist on breaking her heart?” Harry wondered, “she’s—She’s the most amazing girl and you’re so fucking lucky that she loves you. Why would you insist on hurting her? She’s done nothing wrong to you, and her fucking biggest sin is that she loves you, and you did that? You think I didn’t see you? Strolling around giving her hope and making her fall in love with you? Go and tell her you don’t love her, because deep down she thinks you do, and she’s so stupid for believing that. But I swear Tom if you dare to keep that door open for her it’ll only get worse, let her be, and stop playing with her heart. Close that door forever.” 
And he saw him leave and then come back, with a bag full of dirt. He saw him, kicking the couch, he heard him yelling and then he saw him, downing beer after beer. 
Tom hadn’t spoken to anyone for a few days. 
And then y/n hadn’t spoken to any of them for months, she barely answered his texts. She would cancel on their lunch, and she would blame it on school. He’d seen her on campus, without her smile and the usual sunshine that followed her. He’d try to reach out to her but she would back away.
But Harry saw someone there… Tim. Little by little he saw the green eyed fella walking with y/n more and more. And little by little, y/n’s sunshine was coming back. 
He had seen her in the halls, walking with him. How Timmy would always make her smile, and blush. And Harry loved seeing that again. 
Harry knew that they were probably made for each other. Initially, when Timothee had appeared he wasn’t as fond. You can never be too fond of someone who is also in love with the girl you’re in love with. But for Harry it was different. 
For each and every rom-com he’d watched, for research purposes, he claimed, he had seen the perfect meet cute and the guy whom the girl is supposed to end with. And when Harry had once again heard y/n’s melodic laugh back, he knew Tim was her endgame. 
And he decided that it was time to move on. And he had, exactly with his “meet cute”, Emma. 
Emma had accidentally spilled her drink on Harry. And Harry would be lying if he ever said there wasn’t a strike of electricity when he’d looked into her eyes, like in movies, when the guy meets the girl. 
Who initially wasn’t fond of y/n, because of course, the girl didn’t even look at her best friend, and there was Timmy, all smitten with her. But Emma had become the perfect friend y/n could ask for. 
And the perfect girl Harry could never imagine. 
Emma had told him a lot about Timothee. 
“It's amazing we bumped into you guys that night, Timmy here had always had a crush on the girl with the cute jeans and dirty sneakers.” 
And he fell in love with Emma as an accident. He hadn’t planned it, and neither did Emma. Because it all started as two people hanging out because their respective best friends were in a relationship. Not because they had to, because they had wanted to. And they started to hang out, and Harry knew it, it had been one night under the stars, when Harry knew he was finally over y/n. 
And it was great. Until… y/n broke up with Timmy. Old feelings resurfaced. But when it occurred, Harry remembered how she had walked in, around New Years. 
He remembered how conflicted he’d been, trying to hold her hand, and how he had briefly opened his heart to her, but it hadn’t felt right. He knew it, he was over her. And though it hurt seeing her like this, he didn’t… feel the same. All he could think about when y/n was crying on her shoulder was Emma. And y/n had become a bittersweet song, an undermining memory. 
Emma was an accident, and she’d changed all of Harry’s plans. Initially, she had become a distraction, from whatever Harry was doing at the time, but slowly she dug her way into his heart. Emma was someone Harry would’ve never thought he’d fall in love with, but she was someone who now he never wanted to lose. That’s why he had proposed. 
But he had been… conflicted. When Emma told him she’d ask y/n to be her maid of honor...it felt weird. 
Why did he feel weird? It was normal, right?
Maybe it was weird because he had a feeling that Y/N probably was again falling into Tom’s spell. 
Of course, he had asked Haz and Sam. And they’d denied it. He had asked James, though. He hadn’t denied it, he didn’t confirm it..
“I don’t know.”
Simple answer. 
And Harry didn’t, either. 
Because maybe it hurt him. But it didn’t hurt him in the way one would think, it would hurt. It hurt in the way that he knew where Tom would go. Again breaking her heart. 
So he wondered why y/n was so stupid. How was she going there again? And was she? 
Did he have to reach out for her? And why did she keep ignoring him? 
He knew he couldn’t be for her this time. Or did he have to? 
Why did she keep ignoring him? Why did it bother him so much? 
Harry knew. Because y/n was his own first love. And it hurt to think of it that way, but he looked back at it. Like an old memory. An old song. 
And he found it funny, how y/n was someone who planned ahead and stuck to real thoughts, and yet she was always finding herself at the crazy curveballs. Which made her stay out of her lane. Out of Harry’s path. 
But maybe they were meant to stay that way, with their paths never touching, and their words never colliding. Only for a friendship. 
Maybe Harry had to let go off the plan, because he had a new one. With Emma. 
That didn’t stop Harry from reaching out to her. 
“Hello? Harry! Hello!” Y/N answered facetime. She was in the lobby, and she seemed tired, but her smile brightened up as soon as she saw her best friend. 
 “Hey!  How is it going?” Harry grinned as soon as he had seen her. 
“Good, good, uh, Tom and I just checked in on the hotel,” she explained, her voice was muffled then. “Wanna say hi to your brother?” She moved the phone and Tom gulped but waved. 
“Hey!” Was all he said. 
“Uh—y/n, I actually had to talk to you, I’ll talk to Tom later so maybe—“
Y/N stayed quiet. “I’ll—give me a sec.” She had turned off the camera. 
Harry was sweating, he didn’t understand why he’d taken up the courage to call her. It was late for him, but he couldn’t sleep unless he reached out to her. Because he knew all of this would go wrong and he couldn’t be right beside her. 
A muffled Tom could be heard, barely, but he was there. “Yeah, yeah, see you in a bit.” 
Which had Harry wondering, were they in separate rooms at the hotel? And why the fuck did it matter? 
“Harry!” A cheerful y/n said after she’d turned it back on, she still seemed to be somwehere in the lobby which only made Harry’s suspicion higher.  “Hola.” 
“Y/N,” Harry grinned. “Salut.” 
It was a very stupid tradition they had. They had taken Spanish and French lessons together, yes y/n had learned french even before Timmy and it had stuck, they would randomly say words in either language. 
“How’s New York?” Harry asked. “Finally you get to go to your dream place.” 
“Well, the airport was nice,” she laughed as she plugged in her earphones. “And so far I’m… in love with the city, Tom said he’ll give me a tour because he…” She laughed. “Knows it so well because he’s Spider-Man,” she mocked 
“Oh, don’t trust him, he’ll get you lost in five minutes,” Harry chuckled. 
“Wait, it’s like 1 am over there isn’t it?” Y/N chuckled. “Why are you awake? Long day filming?” 
“Yeah, a bit,” Harry admitted. “Gosh, it’s been crazy.” 
“I bet, but you’re having fun aren’t you?” She wondered.
“A lot,” Harry admitted. “But uh-- I wanted to talk to you about something.” 
Y/N cleared her throat. “Uhm… Is it about Emma’s… request?” 
Harry didn’t answer. Had she not accepted it yet? 
She smiled. “Because I haven’t had the time to answer her, but I’m going to say yes, don’t worry! I just wanted to sit down and write down a whole ass--” 
“No, no, it’s not about that--But great!” Harry gulped. “No, no, it’s…” 
“It’s about Tom.” 
The end of the line stayed dangerously quiet. She licked her lips and looked away. She didn’t move. 
“Yeah, I’m here,” she sighed. “I… What about Tom?” 
Harry licked his lips. “I know you, y/n, I just… Don’t let him fool you again.” 
“He’s not fooling me, I--where are you even coming from?” She coughed, she’d turned stiff. “I.. We’ve become friends and that’s it. We’re getting along.” 
“I don’t have to be there to know you’re crushing on him again,” Harry explained. The tweets, the pictures, Tom and y/n constantly bickering on the group chat. James’ answer,  the way Harrison had denied it so intensely and...The way that Tom had been ignoring Harry. Harry knew something was going on. 
“I’m not,” she answered, but she had bit her inner cheek. 
“Look, y/n,” he clicked his tongue. “I’m only worried because I don’t know if I’ll be able to be there with you, and--Tom sooner or later will hurt you.” 
“Then you should call him up and tell him not to, don’t call me, I’m not… doing anything,” she snapped then squeezed her eyes shut. “Look, Harry, I can take care of myself, I’ve done it before and…” 
“And how did that work out for you?” Harry frowned. “I’m just saying this because I’m your best friend.” 
“But are you really saying it because of that, Harry?” 
“What?” Harry frowned. 
“No… Nothing, I’m just… I know where you’re coming from, but this time I won’t let him hurt me, and I.. I am not crushing on him.” 
“Fine, I’m just… worried, okay? And I know it’s hard already...Having Timmy there and-” 
She pinched the bridge of her nose. “I--Harry, I’m tired from my flight, okay? I need to go and take a shower and just…You know? I’ll call you tomorrow, okay?” 
“Y/N I didn’t mean to-” 
“Love you, bye!” 
He shouldn’t have mentioned Timmy. 
And Timmy truly  didn’t know where he was standing. Timothee didn’t want to be too intrusive, but he couldn’t help it. He was jealous, that was unequivocally an understatement, Tom drove him insane. And Tim was getting prepared exactly just for that. Could anyone be prepared to see the love of their life happy with someone else?
Timmy had learned where they were staying. He had debated to himself whether or not he should bring her flowers, but over the course of the years he’d learned that y/n loved flowers, so it might give him a little… advantage. 
There was possibly no way that he’d be able to bump into them. He didn’t even know when she’d arrive, and was it creepy? He probably was being creepy. He was standing in front of a hotel with little to no information of whether y/n would be there. He held the peonies as he headed to the entrance, he had to leave this was… no. He was being crazy right? 
But he walked in, and he saw her, sitting down, bummed. Her hair resting against her hand, her hair falling down. She looked tired, but radiant at the same time, she looked like a summer song. And he wondered if this was the perfect movie moment, when the guy cheers up the girl and they fall back in love. He could easily run up to her and ask her to love him, and somehow, she’d do it. 
But he couldn’t. He just watched her from afar, and if he knew her well enough, he knew she was about to shed a tear. She took a deep breath and tapped her foot anxiously. 
What was troubling her? Maybe it had only taken a flight for Tom to break her heart. But… that wasn’t her ‘Tom screwed me over’ face. She seemed angry. 
Tim was frozen, he wanted to approach her and be there to comfort whatever Tom had pulled this time but just as Timmy had finally managed to move, he saw Tom getting out of the elevator. Strutting with arrogance. 
He stopped to watch the scene, he expected yelling. He thought y/n would turn around to Tom like she always did and yell at him. And Tim wanted to see the bickering, the usual fighting. But there… wasn’t any. Instead, Tom had come to wrap his arms around her from behind and placed a sweet kiss to her cheek. A smile came back to her face as she turned to face him, and they didn’t kiss this time, but the smile she dedicated him was all it took to break Tim. The glance y/n directed at Tom was the gaze Tim had fought so hard to get. 
And it only took Tom a stupid kiss on her cheek. 
Tim felt it again, the knife all across his chest as he watched them leave for the elevator, her hand clinging to his arm as he would lean over and whisper to her. And time stopped. And Timmy wished he hadn’t walked in to see that, he wished he hadn’t had the incredible idea to give her flowers. He wouldn’t have seen that, he shouldn’t have bought the stupid peonies. 
Honestly, he would never get used to seeing that. He felt like someone had cut off a piece of his heart and crushed it right in front of him. Timmy never really understood why she loved Tom. However, he knew y/n didn’t know it either. She’d deny it, she’d avoid the subject. She’d never speak of Tom, unless it was to assure him she despised him. And yet, as the elevator door closed, he saw her, slowly placing a kiss on his lips. 
That image had kept Timmy awake all night long, he’d blame it on the jet lag but it was unbearable. Because he wondered where had it all gone wrong? When had he stopped reading y/n? 
But had he really? 
The next day on set it got even worse, he saw them arrive, fingers locked and that smile Tim had gotten familiar with. The usual tender chuckle. But… was she happy? 
She seemed to be, but… Maybe Timmy hadn’t completely forgotten how to read her. She seemed confused, was she? 
Tim had brought the flowers again, though he probably shouldn’t have. He should’ve thrown away the peonies. But he couldn’t, y/n loved peonies.
Of course, he couldn’t… give them to her, so he just arranged someone to leave one at Tom’s trailer. Even when he knew that y/n could think they could come from Tom. 
But maybe y/n hadn’t forgotten that Tim’s signature flowers were peonies. Hopefully she really hadn’t. But Tom did take the credit for, he’d seen y/n kiss Tom’s cheek. 
And it hurt Timmy, but then she saw him… when she saw him, it felt like she knew. She just gave him a sad smile. 
Filming for the next few days had been…painful. Y/N and him hadn’t talked, not really. Tom didn’t let her be around, not that he had forbidden it but anytime Tim would get close, Tom would rush in, and pull her close to him. 
However, Timmy hadn’t stopped with the flowers, not big arrangement every day, a single peony every now and then, and he’d seen y/n with one, outside the trailer, confused...but she was too busy with Tom. And Tim had gotten to the idea, even if they hadn’t really talked about it. It was obvious. But Timmy faked blindness, even when it was too much to handle.  
Like that day when Tom and Mad had slipped while dancing, and y/n let out a loud laugh as she rushed to see him...to see Tom. 
“Did you just laugh?” Tom asked, chuckling. 
“No,” but y/n couldn’t stop laughing. “Well—I—I… its cause you—“She let out a loud cackle that could even be confused with a snore.
Tim smiled to himself, he missed that laugh. The messy one, the one that told Tim she didn’t care anymore. 
“You are still laughing,” Tom now started to laugh with her, as they threw their head back. 
Timmy saw it, and he felt it. The way Tom has probably felt throughout their whole relationship. Because what hurt Timmy the most wasn’t that he couldn’t kiss her, what hurt Timmy the most was he wasn’t the reason for her smile anymore. 
“Stop laughing!” Tom said. 
And then y/n kissed Tom, repeatedly. Her hands cupping his face as she only smiled against his lips. 
Well, maybe it did bother Tim. 
Because there was just so… much kissing. It seemed like Tom never missed an opportunity to get his lips on y/n. It was so annoying, especially when Tim was around, he seemed to have a magnet to her lips, and his hands always on her waist. 
They were disgusting. Other people called them adorable, but Tim called them disgusting. 
Because it bothered him, and because he had been right. About all of this. That troubled Timmy enough, let alone the fact that they didn’t care if he was seeing, it was the fact that he had been right all along. 
Never would have Timmy thought he’d end up with a cigarette on his mouth as he listened to a pianist on a New York bar. He had a scotch in his hands, and he could only wonder where y/n was. Probably with Tom, Tom probably was taking off her clothes and kissing that sweet spot on her neck that drove her crazy. Her clothes probably were on some fancy hotel floor, and her lipstick would be tattooing Tom’s body. And she probably was smiling, and Tom would get to hear her laugh, and she’d probably be moaning Tom’s name. 
And Timmy couldn’t believe it. Where had he gone wrong? What in this world did Tom do to have y/n making a fool of herself for him? 
And Timmy cried, even though he wasn’t really a crier, he couldn’t help it. Really, he couldn’t help it. But he soon forgot it, he started drinking with some random girl he’d met at that bar, with pretty eyes and a southern accent, she told him she was there looking for her dreams. And they had gone dancing instead because the piano had bored him, for the first time he was bored of a conversation, and he told her: I just want to dance, and the blue lights had barely helped him to forget y/n, as the girl kept grinding against him, and wrapping his arms around Timmy, but he could only think of y/n and how they were always dancing. But he kept drinking and smoking, and dancing. But y/n stayed on his mind, in his imagination. No matter how loud the music was going, and no matter how good looking the girl was, he couldn’t see anyone but the image of y/n. Because she was everywhere, in the music he was dancing to, in the shirt he was wearing, everywhere.
And Timmy wasn’t the guy to have a one night stand, and yet... He found himself walking out of a random wannabe New Yorker small studio to go back to his hotel. He wasn’t pleased with himself. That wasn’t him. But he had felt lonely, and he wasn’t over her, so he really only wanted to get his mind off of it. It hadn’t helped. 
If anything, this was y/n’s fault, because he couldn’t help but think about it. He’d slept with a stranger, but that wasn’t what was bothering him… It was the fact he had danced with a stranger. And dancing, dancing was their thing. 
Timothée was crying on the subway. 
“I fucked up,” he texted Emma. “I miss her so much and I can’t stand this.” 
Emma had called him immediately. 
“Talk to me, Tim.” 
“Did I wake you up?” 
“No, I was… already awake, tell me,” Emma said. 
“It’s just hard, Em,” he explained. “I don’t even know what to tell you, now, I feel like I’ve lost her and now, I just I know I fucked up by proposing but I--” 
“Timmy, don’t say that.” 
“But that was it, she faded away when I proposed, and that’s on me,” Tim sighed. “I should’ve known she wasn’t ready and that we--fuck, I don’t even know, I just want to win her back and be how we used to be, I miss her and her smile and her laugh and-” 
“Aren’t you guys talking? I thought you told me you were on talking terms,” Emma answered. 
“Not here, not in New York, and fuck, it makes it harder, New York makes it harder,” he explained. “Just before the proposal, we were planning on coming, you know? We had our whole trip planned, and in my head, I would have been walking down this city already engaged, and here I am, walking down to my fucking hotel after hooking up with some-”
“You hooked up with someone?” Emma questioned. “You?” 
“Oh, then it must be bad.” 
“I… just, I can’t stand seeing her with Tom,” Tim said. “I just… out of everyone.” 
“Hold on-Tom?” Emma asked. 
Tim bit his lip, did they not know about this? 
“Yes, Tom… I thought you would know,” Timmy frowned. “Didn’t Harry tell you?” 
“I don’t think Harry knows this,” Emma explained. “Which… is technically better for me, I guess.” 
Timmy didn’t answer. 
“I asked her… to be my maid of honour,” Emma explained. “Which I know, I’m sorry I would’ve asked you but…” 
Timothée kept quiet. 
“We both know she’s got history with the Hollands,” Emma sighed with sadness. “And although these are bad news for you, it…” 
“I know.” 
“Is it wrong?” Emma asked. “I know you love her Tim but… Is it wrong I still fear how she’ll act around Harry?” 
“It’s not her who you’re worried about,” Tim sounded convinced.
“You’re right, but… You know what they say, keep your friends close and your enemies closer,” she explained. “And though she is not my enemy per se, I just can’t help but be anxious around her, after all she was Harry’s first love, and you’ve heard her say it.” 
“True love might only be the first one,” Tim answered. “I know, but… I really think you shouldn’t worry.” 
“And I really think you shouldn’t worry about Tom,” Emma insisted. “After all, he’s her enemy, and she might just be doing the same thing I’m doing, keeping her enemies close, and we both know Tom will eventually fuck up.” 
“You’re right.” 
Tim had texted y/n afterwards begging to go out for dinner, and y/n had eventually agreed, but it wasn’t really dinner she’d agreed on. Still, Tim was thinking about it. How  he’d been right all along. 
Tom did have feelings for y/n, and even if y/n had never admitted it. She had feelings for Tom. 
And Timmy knew this, but it’s easier said than done. He couldn’t stomach and map out any emotions, how could he? He had been right, this whole time. But he also knew y/n, and he knew that y/n was someone who always had her mind busy. Thoughts, creativity, lists… many lists. And guilt, y/n would often have to settle down her mind at night if something was bothering her. Even with simple stuff, like if she hadn’t tried an ice cream flavor even when Tim would assure her she wouldn’t  like it , she’d have to go the next day to try it. Or whenever a new movie came out and y/n would read the reviews and know she’d hate it, but went and watched it anyway just to be disappointed by it. 
So maybe that was what was going on. Tom was the coconut-pistachio cheesecake ice cream y/n so wanted to try, but wouldn’t like in the end. Y/N was dating the terrible reviewed movie right now. 
However, the ice cream bumped into Tim, anyway the same day he’d go out for dinner with y/n, holding a peony that Tim had given her that day.
“What are you doing?” Tom frowned. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Tim said, looking down at the schedule he had to follow, he spoke then through the radio and walked past Tom. 
“You really think I don’t know these are yours?” Tom frowned. 
“Well, I’m helping you out, man, take the credit, for all I know you already are taking it,” Timmy rolled his eyes. 
“Why are you doing this?” 
Tim watched him. “I just gave her flowers man.” And really that’s all he’d done. He hadn’t even tried to talk to y/n. He didn’t want to intrude. One flower a day didn’t hurt anyone. 
“No, no, no, why are you trying to-” 
“I’m not trying anything,” Timmy answered calmly. 
Tom clenched his jaw. “You lost your chance.” 
“It’s funny you out of everyone say that,” Tim snaked. “Seems like chances are given for free.” 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” 
“Why are you angry?” Timmy shrugged. “She is your girlfriend, you don’t have to worry about me--” 
Tom didn’t answer. 
“Ah, she’s not your girlfriend, yet.” 
“Well but she might be.” 
“Then why are you worrying?” Tim cackled dryly. “If she is in love with you then she won’t even look at my flowers. And as I said, take the credit man.” 
“Exes don’t give out flowers,” Tom frowned.  
“Well, I do, I love giving her flowers, and at least I know for a fact she doesn’t cry whenever I give her flowers,” Tim shrugged. “Now, if you’ll excuse me-”
“You don’t have the right to mention that,” Tom frowned. 
“Seems like I already did,” Timmy rolled his eyes. “Look, I don’t want to argue with you, you go be happy with her.” 
Tom watched him. “You don’t even know what we’ve gone through, and we are very happy.” 
Timmy stared at Tom. He truly didn’t understand why Tom was being so bitchy about this, yes, probably it wasn’t fair play giving her flowers. But honestly, Tom had been worse while y/n and Tim were dating, always big gestures, that of course would be erased by any kind of mean words Tom directed as y/n. Always hurting y/n. Yes, Tom had never been a fan of Tom, because he always managed to turn y/n’s light off, only with a glance and y/n would be on the verge of tears. Tom was a monster to y/n. Why the hell was y/n now sprinting with him? Why the hell did y/n kiss Tom the way she was kissing him? 
“I don’t have to know much to understand you’ve broken her so many times,” Tim argued back. 
“I’ve changed.”
“Have you really, Tom? And does she know that?” Tim had started to walk away.
Tom stayed quiet for a bit, “She does.” 
Tim turned around. “I think you’re scared because even if you know her from your whole life, you don’t actually know her.” 
Tom frowned. “I know her perfectly.” 
“But for your own conveniences, you know how to make her cry, you know how to break her, but that’s it,” Tim raised his arms, shrugging. 
Tom clenched his jaw. “You’re just angry that she’s screaming my name now,” Tom snapped. 
Timothée had to look away. “That’s the issue with you, Tom. You don’t know the magic of y/n,” he told him, shaking his head as he stared down at the floor. “Maybe you managed to get her in bed, but you won’t get to have her completely and you know that, because it’s the little moments that count for y/n, and you don’t get that, you always have to put up a show for her.” 
Tom rolled his eyes. “You dated her for only two years, what makes you think you know her more than I do? I’ve known her my whole life.” 
Tim chuckled. “I didn’t buy a Polaroid, for instance, I don’t have to fake around her,” Tim explained. “I made her smile with a single peony, because I know she doesn’t need whatever big flower arrangement I know you’re already planning to give her. I know her.” 
Tom scoffed. “I don’t need to give you any explanation, and I don’t even know why I’m bothering to argue with you, y/n doesn’t even love you, if she did she would’ve accepted your proposal,” Tom snapped with venom. “Now please stop sending her flowers, and don’t dare to bring her flowers tonight.” 
With that, the bad-reviewed movie had walked away. Tim looked away, he was hurt. But not because he’d said that. But because y/n had told him. It just… Didn’t make any sense. 
They’d meet at her hotel’s bar. A less formal thing, and Timmy understood.
He had seen her walk out of the elevator, and… Tom had, too. They seemed to be tense, but Tom kissed her cheek anyway before leaving for the entrance.
Timmy really didn’t like elevators anymore.
Y/N walked over to Tim, she didn’t seem… excited. 
“Hi,” he greeted her. He hadn't brought her flowers this time. Not because Tom had asked him to, but because he knew it wasn’t the place for it. 
“Hey,” she gulped as she watched him. “Let’s… go for a drink, shall we?” 
And it was awkward at first. They’d never been awkward but she had been this time, quiet, and she looked sad. They were sitting on the tallest stools in the bar, where y/n was swinging her legs, trying to get a hold of the film canister she’d pulled out at the beginning of their conversation. She had Toyed with it, long enough for Timmy to wonder which of the many film canisters was it. He’d given her thousands of them, with notes, with films… and one with a ring. The canister seemed more interesting than Tim himself. But she looked beautiful, and Tim only wished and longed to go back in time, and have her smile at him like she used to. 
Instead they were barely even looking at each other.
“So, have you been exploring the city?” Tim asked her. 
Y/N shrugged and smiled. “Not...really,” she admitted. “We—“she cleared her throat. “I’ve barely had the time, you know? Always filming and then I am tired but—Tomorrow I might,” she told him. “Tom has a free day so—“
“Yeah,” Tim watched her. “Anywhere special you want to go? New York has always been your dream.” 
“Dunno yet, Tom probably has something planned, something big,” she smiled to herself. “He only keeps surprising me…” 
“So uh, you and Tom huh?” Tim had asked as smoothly as he could’ve. 
“I… well,” she shifted on her sit. “I guess.” 
“It’s okay, I knew it was coming,” he smiled. “I’m happy-“
“Timmy I’m sorry I—“ she looked at him, finally looked at him. 
“No, no, I’m happy, as long as he makes you happy,” Tim lied with the most convincing smile he could pull. 
“I’m very sorry Tim,” she sighed. 
He reached over for her arm, “Y/N, no, I don’t want you to be, really,” he squeezed her arm and then pulled back his hand. 
“Are you okay?” She looked at him. 
“I feel like I am, but I mean, you can’t really—I mean, I’m as fine as I can be,” he chuckled to himself. 
“Tim,” she gave him a sad smile. 
“I’m being honest, y/n, one can only be as cheerful as they can while they see the love of their life taken away,” he had said and he’d felt his heart become smaller as he said it. 
Y/N watched him. “You really think I’m the love of your life?” 
Tim looked at her, she timidly smiled. “I know it.” 
Y/N bit her lip. “How do you know that? Who the love of your life is?” 
Timmy watched her. Somehow that question felt like an old conversation, of the ones they used to have. He didn’t know why she’d asked it. But maybe his answer would get her back to her senses.
“Well, you feel it. You know?” Tim chuckled. “It’s that breathtaking moment y/n,” he explained as he looked at her. “I guess it’s the person that makes you feel like you’re watching your favorite movie, the one you know you’d never get tired of,”he looked at her lips and then at her sight, she seemed conflicted but she was listening. “The person you feel calm with, the one you only need a smile from and everything turns better,” he grinned. “It’s walking under the rain and feeling warm. It’s… you.” 
She looked at him, and then stared at the film canister again. 
“What’ve you got there?” He looked at it. 
“Ah, nothing,” she gulped. “It’s—Nothing,” she smiled at him. “But uhm, have you had time to explore New York?” 
“A little bit, yeah,” he chuckled. More than he wanted to, if he was honest. “I actually got lost in the subway, you know how distracted I am—“
“You’re kidding,” she smiled again. 
“No, no, but—“And he started telling her stories, like he used to do. And she listened, and she laughed and she smiled. 
And eventually, she put the film canister back in her purse, making Tim wonder what the hell was in it. But it didn’t matter, because she was finally smiling again, and with every single story and with every single sentence, he felt like he was falling back in love all over again. And hours went by, and they didn’t even notice how time had passed. And it felt like old times. Older...times. 
But eventually she kissed his cheek goodbye, because she of course had to go back to Tom. Who had walked back into the hotel. But maybe had imagined it, the whole conversation maybe hadn’t gone as espectacular. And this wasn’t a movie, the girl and the guy probably wouldn’t fall back in love just after a conversation at the bar, and maybe it wasn’t breathtaking.  And he saw her walking back up to Tom, and kissed his lips. Not his cheek, his lips. 
But Tim did have an oh shit moment, it was different from that moment when y/n had walked into the lecture, 16 minutes late. It was the oh shit moment when Tim realized it, the repetitive script we’ve all learned and adored from movies wouldn’t replicate in Tim’s life. Not for now, at least. Because y/n, for once, had liked the ice cream.
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vintagedolan · 3 years
1 on the prompt list 👀
@blindedbythelightt: Ohhh 1 with Ethan 😬😬
Name and presentation? 10. Taste? A 2, on a good day. Nonetheless, you felt quite put together with your Manhattan in your hand, newly manicured nails tinkling against the rim of the glass while you sipped at it, careful not to spill any down your dress. The wedding was crowded - the Dolan’s were a large clan after all, but close enough that everyone knew everyone enough to at least make conversation. 
You’d never heard of Lorenzo Dolan, or his new wife Destiny, until the save the date had appeared at the twins mailbox in LA almost 6 months ago. 
“He’s our second cousin on dad’s side, we used to fuck shit up at the family reunions in Long Beach all the time,” Grayson had explained. It didn’t surprise you, and you could picture a much younger Ethan and Grayson running down the beach alongside another dark haired boy. 
The surprise came two months later, when Ethan and Grayson were debating on whether it was too much of a ‘flex’ to wear Louis Vuitton to a family wedding. Ethan turned to you, a pair of dress pants in his hands. 
“Well, what are you gonna wear?”
“Huh?” You looked up from where you were lounging on Ethan’s bed. 
“Do you have a dress for the wedding?”
“I wasn’t aware I was going to the wedding,” you laughed, sitting your phone down on the comforter.
“What do you mean? You’re always my plus one.”
You hated the way that it made your stomach tighten, the way your blood moved faster in your veins. He wasn’t wrong. You’d been his plus one to plenty of things: Wakeheart launch parties, influencer parties, Juanpa parties. But you’d never done anything family related with him. 
“Well yeah, but this is a whole ass wedding.”
“Yeah. So you need a nice dress.” He said it so casually that you couldn’t get a read on him to save your life, though you tried. 
And that was the last it was spoken of until November, when the flights to New Jersey were booked and the suitcases were packed. Which was how you ended up at a very fancy bar at the wedding with a bitter drink in your hand, with your eyes on Ethan, who was having a hushed conversation with his twin.
“Bro. Did you leave your balls in LA or what? You said you were finally gonna tell her!”
“I fucking will bro, I just gotta find the right moment,” Ethan huffed, toying with the top of the letters on his Vuitton belt. 
“Well, Patrick has been eyeing her all night, so if you’re gonna do it you better do it soon.”
Ethan’s head whipped over to the table where another one of his cousins sat. Sure enough, his head was turned towards the bar. He followed his gaze, blood pressure rising when he realized that Patrick really was looking at you, standing there in your dark green dress, with your heels and your curls and your smile and your drink. He suddenly wished the two of you were still on the plane you’d been on the night before, where his heart had soared when you settled into your middle seat and fell asleep against his shoulder instead of Graysons. He’d been the only one allowed to look at you then, and he preferred it that way. 
It took until Patrick stood up at the sound of the first slow song for Ethan to finally go over to you. You swallowed the rest of the bitter liquid and tried not to sputter, chasing it down with some water as he walked over. 
He didn’t say a word - all he did was take your hand and lead you through the arrangement of tables and chairs until your heels clicked against the dance floor. 
“Oh, so we’re dancing now are we?” You teased him in an attempt to distract him from the blush that was spreading across your cheeks with a reckless abandon as his hands landed on your hips. 
“We’re gonna try,” Ethan laughed, and he seemed a bit breathless, eyes darting around, moving to the left over your shoulder every few seconds.
“What are you looking at?” You moved to look over your shoulder, but Ethan caught your chin gently, keeping you looking at him. 
“My cousin Patrick keeps looking at you.”
“He’s creepy.”
“Gotcha. Is that why we’re dancing? You protecting me or something?” 
“Yeah.” Your heart sunk as you looked up at him, but you watched the way his brows furrowed, the way they always did when he was debating with himself. 
“And because I wanted to dance with you.”
You both swayed in silence for a moment, letting the fact that he’d actually said those words out loud. 
“As... as friends?” You asked quietly. If you hadn’t moved closer to him in the silence, he probably wouldn’t have heard it.
He paused for a moment, that little smirk that you’d seen so many times, and it spread into a wider smile that literally sparkled under the lights before he spoke.
“We’re not just friends and you fucking know it.”
You sucked in a breath, and then you were smiling too, at the way he was right there in front of you, and the way he pressed on your hips to bring you just a tiny bit closer. The way his shoulders seemed to relax as the weight of getting it off his chest began to settle in. 
You laced your fingers behind his neck, thankful that your heels put you closer to his level, close enough for him to hear you whisper.
“Prove it.”
Ethan Dolan never backed down from a challenge, but you still didn’t expect his next move, which was to turn and dip you, kissing you softly in front of everyone, with the muffled sound of Grayson cheering him on somewhere else in the reception crowd. 
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horansqueen · 4 years
Stuck With You - Chapter 1
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Chapter 1 : SICK OF ME (already)
College Enemies To Lovers AU
characters // masterlist // story page // tag list (to come soon)
Why can't you just admit it, you've had it, you're sick of me, you're fed up with my almighty attitude... sick of me. So you got your problems, so you've got your worries, do you have a conscience? do you have a need? well I'm sick of you too.
       Switching universities in the middle of the year was probably the worst idea I had ever had but at the same time, I knew it was exactly what I needed. New place, new teachers, new friends, new everything, and even if I normally hate changes in any size, shape or form, this time, I was happy and ready to start over.
If It was possible, I would erase the last two years of my life gladly in a heartbeat. I had so many regrets and the feeling of guilt seemed to follow me everywhere I go. Have you ever had this feeling that everyone is looking at you? That everyone is talking about you? Secretly judging you? In my last college, that was the feeling inhabited me twenty four seven. I couldn't get rid of it, and It was slowly driving me insane.
I needed this change. I needed to be somewhere no one knew me, to start from scratch. I deserved it.
I stared at the piece of paper in my hand as I walked up the stairs and frowned when some random guy bumped into me, pushing me against the wall despite himself .
"Sorry." he just said, frowning too, before rushing down the stairs.
"Whatever." I whispered to myself.
It was true, I was never the kind of girl to enjoy being the center of attention, but in this new school, no one knew me, and all my life, everyone had told me to just 'be myself'. Unfortunately, it had always failed me, so perhaps, trying to be a bit different couldn't be bad? I finally reached the right floor and walked slowly in the wall, my eyes moving from door to door. My heart skipped a beat as I stood in front of what would be my room for the rest of the year and I placed my bag on the floor. I had managed to stick all my stuff in my brother's old sports bag and it was a miracle, but now, I was not sure the idea was a good one. After all, I could clearly remember the smell of my brother's hockey equipment and secretly, I hoped the odor didn't stick to it. I was so used to the smell that it was possible that I just didn't notice it anymore. With luck, my new roommate wouldn't comment on it, or even notice it. I made a mental note to spray my bag with my favorite perfume and took a big breath before knocking.
I heard movements and a curse word coming from inside, making me hold my breath. My mind went blank until the door swung open and a question immediately popped in my mind. Should I even have knocked anyway? After all, it was my new room, too, and it felt a bit ridiculous to knock, but what if my roommate was busy or half-naked?
I just stood in front of a brunette who frowned at me and I sent her a shy smile before clearing my throat. I was nervous, and I knew it was normal for me to be, but I didn't want to show it. I relaxed my whole body, making my shoulders fall, and raised my eyebrows.
"Wrong door." the pretty brunette just said to me before taking an other swing at the door.
It closed in front of my face in a loud noise making me scoff in surprise. If I wanted to be respected, which was something I clearly lacked at my old college, I was going to have to demand it, no matter what it would cost me. I breathed in, my smile now completely gone, and knocked again. A few more curse words and the door opened again, showing the same girl but now more annoyed.
That makes two of us. I just thought, letting out a louder sigh of annoyment.
"I said wrong door." the girl repeated. "Go."
She tried to close the door again but quickly, I moved my foot to stop her and placed one of my hands on the frame, taking a step closer.
"This is the right door." I argued, moving the sheet I had been given as a proof. "I'm your new roommate."
The brunette's frown turned into an amused smile and she chuckled slightly, crossing her arms on her chest. I used those few seconds to study her and I had time to realize how beautiful she was. It suddenly made me feel self-conscious but I barely had time to compare myself. She turned her head and yelled at someone in the room.
"Dude, you have a new roommate." she let out a bit louder. "And she's got boobs, too." she added before turning to me. "Sort of."
It took only a few seconds for a guy to appear. I frowned as his eyes moved from my eyes down to my chest and legs before moving back to my face. His lips curled into an amused smile too and he raised his eyebrows in a condescending way. I hated him already. I just hoped he was not dating my new roommate, or I knew I'd have to see him more often than wanted.
"Wrong door, love."
I sent him an annoyed smile but before I could say anything, the girl kept talking.
"It's worse than that, you're in the wrong building. The girls are on the other side of campus."
I frowned, feeling my heart suddenly jump in my chest, and moved my sheet up to read again what was written. I read it twice, three times, four... and when I looked up, both of them were still staring at me with a big smile. I could read in their eyes that they thought I was stupid, and I had to admit I did feel ridiculous, but I was not going to let them know.
"This is the right building, and the right door."
With an other chuckle, the boy snapped the paper of my hands and I let out a "hey!" before his eyes met mine again.
"Can I?"
I didn't answer and his gaze left mine to focus on the paper. After a few seconds, he frowned and finally looked back at me.
"There's definitely a mistake." he argued. "You're a girl."
"Wow, Sherlock Holmes got nothing on you." I replied with sarcasm, making him frown at me. "I'll get this sorted out. And hopefully I don't have to see you both ever again."
"Wishing the same thing." the guy just replied before pushing the door roughly.
It took me by surprise and I held my breath as it closed. I finally sighed and rolled my eyes. It was the second time a door closed in my face today and I hoped it was the last time.
An other door had closed in my face on that day but this time, it was metaphorically. They had, in fact, made a mistake. Apparently, Devon Eaton sounded like a boys' name and my file had been placed in the wrong category. It was pathetic how this seemed to be the story of my life and after arguing for way too long, they made sure I was on the waiting list for a place in the girls' dormitory, as if it made any sense to leave me with a bunch of horny, immature and just-out-of-their-teenage-years boys. What was this? A bad tv movie?
The worst was that I actually had to go back to the room I was assigned to, meaning that my roommate was not the pretty girl, but the annoying boy I had met and somehow, it made my day even more horrible. I stood in front of the door, staring at it for a few minutes, not really daring to knock at it as I anticipated the face of the guy I had argued with about an hour earlier.
"Come on, Dev." I whispered to myself, breathing in and closing my eyes. "You're not the shy and soft girl you used to be. You're a stronger version of yourself, now."
That pep talk seemed to be something I repeated a lot recently and normally, it helped, but this time, I could literally feel my heart threatening to jump out of my throat. I jumped when I felt a hand gently placed on my arm and took a step away, my eyes meeting light blue ones.
"Sorry love, I didn't want to scare ya."
I sent the guy a small smile and licked my lips. "No, it's cool, no problem."
"You know darling, the girls' building is on the other side of campus."
I raised my nose up and nodded. I felt like I was going to have to explainb my story a lot in the next few days and it was annoying me.
"Oh I know, there was a mistake. Apparently, i'm stuck here with the boys until there's a place with the girls."
The cute guy's lips curled and he chuckled. "Fook, is that a bad tv movie?"
I chuckled in surprise and raised my eyebrows before nodded again. "Yea! That's exactly what I thought too!" I let out with a smile. "Devon."
"Nice to meet you, Devon. I'm Louis." he let out before turning his upper body and pointing a door. "That's me room. You're always welcome if you want to escape this mess." He then pointed my door and I grimaced. What did he mean exactly and did I really want to know?
"Let's just say me and him didn't have a good start."
Louis nodded slowly, sending me a sorry smile after diving both his hands in his pockets. "Is that why you've been staring at the door for about ten minutes now?"
Had it been that long? Really?
"Mm, yea, I guess." I replied, raising my nose up in a grimace.
"Hey, it's your room too, so don't let him intimidate you." Louis added, taking a step closer. "Here, let me help you."
Without asking, he knocked at the door and I held my breath. I thought my heart would stop beating but instead, it started thumping in my chest so loud I thought everyone was able to hear it.
"You're welcome!" Louis added with an amused smile.
I thought he'd run away but instead, he waited with me by the door and it seemed to suddenly calm me. It felt good that a stranger was ready to be there for me and I tried to remember if it ever happened to me before. I decided that it never did just when the door opened again. This time, the guy seemed to be alone and his eyes fell on me before he glanced at Louis.
"Does that mean I'm stuck with you?"
I tried not to show how annoyed I was and just licked my lips, letting my shoulders fall down. "That's not how I would actually say things." I just replied, making him raise his eyebrows.
"And what would you say, princess?"
In his mouth, the word sounded totally pejorative and I knew that he was trying to insult me. I was never qualified as a 'princess' before, whether it was nicely, or meanly, but now that I had heard it, I knew I deeply hated it.
"I'd say that I'm stuck with you."
Louis chuckled next to me while my new roommate's lips curled again. "Well, I guess everything is relative, isn't it."
We stared at each other for a while and I finally raised my eyebrows. "Are you gonna let me in?"
The more amused he was, the angrier I was getting, but there was no way I would show him how easily he could get on my nerves. I had the feeling it would make him way too happy and a bit scared that it would incite him to continue and make it worse.
"Niall, come on." I heard Louis next to me as he took a step closer.
I could feel the skin of his arm brush slightly on mine and held my breath. When was the last time I actually had human contact with someone that was not part of my family? Niall's eyes moved to my new friend and after a few seconds, he moved away and pushed the door more open.
"Alright, of course." he gave in with a sigh. "It's your room too, apparently."
I turned to Louis who winked at me and pointed his door again. I loved the way he didn't need to say anything but I still understood everything he wanted to tell me. I nodded and sent him a smile before taking a big breath and walking in. I let my bag fall next to one of the beds and started unpacking. I could feel Niall's eyes on me and it was making me nervous. I didn't want him to look at me, I didn't want him to even acknowledge my presence and at the same time, I wanted to study him, too. I wanted to look at his side of the room and find out what kind of person he was, even if he made every nerve of my body quiver in annoyance and displeasure. I was sort of fascinated by him and irritated at the same time. I hated this feeling but I couldn't help it.
"Is that really your bag?"
I turned to him and my eyes met his for a second, making my heart jump in my chest. "That's a stupid question."
"I'm just asking because I've never met a girl who smelled that bad."
I could have told him it was my brother and that he played hockey, but then he would find out things about me and would probably end up asking more questions, and I was not in the mood for that at all.
"Thank you." I just said without looking at him before he chuckled.
"So how long will I be stuck with you?"
"I'll be stuck with you until there's a vacant place in the girls' building." I corrected him and answered his question.
"Why did you switch college in the middle of a year?" he asked, still sitting on his bed. "Did you get kicked out? Wouldn't surprise me, that cheeky attitude probably didn't help. Got you in trouble, didn't it, darling?"
I wanted to tell him that if someone's attitude would cause them problems, it was probably his but when I glanced at him, I noticed he was holding himself with his arms a bit behind on the bed, his knees slightly spread, and the almost-laying position he was in made me feel slightly uncomfortable. That's when it hit me that I would have to share a room with a boy for at least a few weeks.
"You know what you're talking about, don't you?" I finally replied, rolling my eyes. "Pretty sure your narcissistic nature got you in a few problems yourself."
"Actually, everyone loves me."
When I turned to look at him, he was sending me a smirk and I knew why everyone loved him. Oh yea, he was an annoying prick, but he was extremely charming and what emanated from him was something that could draw anyone to him. Not me, of course, but everyone else. Personally, I didn't want to kiss him, I wanted to hit him behind the head. I wanted to slap away that smirk off his face. I wanted to-
"Stop staring, darling." he laughed, making me feel suddenly extremely stupid. "Five fucking minutes and she's already in love."
"Oh you wish." I just let out without thinking, sending him a frown. "That's not gonna happen."
He got up and I allowed my eyes to roam on his face, noticing the way a lock of his light brown hair fell gracefully on his forehead. Who the hell looked like that in real life? As if he could read my mind, he passed his hand in his hair but the lock fell back where it was and I blinked a few times. He was so close that I could smell him : the mix of expensive perfume and something else I couldn't pinpoint. Perhaps it was his personal odor and I hated to admit that it smelled amazing.
"If you say so."
The more I stared at him, the more his lips curled, and I suddenly wondered what he could read in my face, or even in my eyes. I could easily hide my feelings and I was used to do it, then why did it feel like he could read my soul?
"Don't worry, you can take all your time to unpack tonight." he added, taking a step back. "There's a party and I may not even sleep here. The room's yours."
He turned around and grabbed his keys and phone, putting everything in his pockets before turning around and raising his eyebrows at me. Did that stupid smirk ever leave his lips? Probably not. In fact, I bet he still had it when he was asleep.
"Have a nice night, Devon Eaton."
Moving gracefully on his heels, he turned around and left, the door closing behind him. It's only when he was gone that I realized I was holding my breath and I filled my lungs with air again. It took me a few seconds to understand how he actually knew my name but I remembered he actually checked my file earlier and I pressed my lips together, remaining motionless next to my bed. My name sounded so different in his mouth and I was not sure why, but I couldn't pretend I didn't like the fact that I could get used to this room without having Niall watching my every move. He was intimidating and I had to find a way not to go back to the person I used to be. There was no way I would let Niall (or anyone) walk all over me. I was a new person, and the new Devon wouldn't let anyone intimidate her, especially not a cheeky boy, no matter how charming he was.
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unmaskedagain · 5 years
Day and Night
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Okay I got this prompt and as soon as I saw it, I knew I had to write. I’m a huge Tim Drake fan. Its how I got into reading Batfamily fanfiction. I love Marinette. So I thought I’d give it a shot.
           The café was small, empty, in a little nowhere town that had the unfortunate luck of being built in the middle of nowhere; somewhere in a part of England most people never heard of. The café, and the town, wasn’t the type of place you went searching for. Anyone who ended up there, that didn’t already live there, always happened upon it be accident. Usually because they were lost.
           The two sole customers in café were most definitely lost. A boy and a girl.
           The boy-The young man had dark hair, the iciest blue you could imagine, and a broken look on his handsome face. He sat near the window, on one side of the café, watching the rain poor down. He looked tired, forgotten, and lonely. His name was Tim.
           The girl- A teenage girl, still growing into herself, had blue-ish black hair and the deepest, brightest blue eyes imaginable. She said on the other side of the café. A solemn expression on her lovely face. Her eyes sad, and just a bit red. Exhaustion seemed to have set in her bones, and held herself in way soldier who just came home from war did. She was jumpy, scared, and above all looked absolutely heartbroken. Her name was Marinette.
           He was from Gotham. She was from Paris. And at that moment, there were no two more lost souls in the world.
           The café owner was a kind elderly woman who had taken her tea in back to account inventory; she hadn’t seen any harm in leaving the two kids by themselves for a bit.
           Tim had gotten to the café first, and had known the moment the girl had entered.
           Marinette noticed the boy sitting, alone, in the quiet café as soon as she walk inside.
           Neither had talked to each other. They hadn’t had the energy that day to feign niceties. However, as the rain came down harder, the lights flickered, and Billie Holiday’s Good Morning Heartache played its sweet melody… Something just came over the two.
“Running away,” Marinette asked loud enough so the boy across the café could hear her. He couldn’t have been much older than her, she noticed.
           Tim gave her a small bitter smile, “Is it really running away if you don’t have a home to run from? Or if no one cares or notices you’re gone.” He closed his eyes for a moment as wave of emotion hit him. “When does it stop being running away, and starts just being leaving? What about you?”
“I think I’m doing both,” Marinette answered honestly. Her throat dry, and tears burning in her eyes. “Running away from everything, and still doing the right thing by leaving a bad situation.”
           Tim nodded. He was in the same boat. “Where you coming from?” Though he figured France from her accent.
“Paris. And you?”
“No one waiting for you?” Marinette asked. He shook his head. “Me either. Aren’t we a pair?”
           It went quiet. Billie Holiday still filling the silence.
“I lost all my friends to a liar,” Marinette said. “My partner, uh, teammate was five seconds from having sexual harassment charges filed against him. He got… fired. Now I have to do everything by myself.” If Tim noticed her slip, he didn’t say anything. My parents don’t trust me.” She failed to stop Hawkmoth again and again. She failed to keep her friends from falling into Lila’s clutches. She failed her parents with all her lies and excuses of where she was going and where’s been to the point where they couldn’t deal with it. Too scared and weary of what the daughter they no longer recognized had become. They asked her to leave; move out. Then it was Official Marinette had no one. Marinette was lucky her grandma had apartment in the city she never used. Or she’d have been homeless.
           Tim did notice though. “I thought… I thought I belonged somewhere I didn’t. Thought I had found a family; a real family like I always wanted. Turned out I wasn’t wanted. I was a just a placeholder. Not a brother. Or a son.” He had nearly died several times, had lost his spine literally, broke through time, fought aliens and world conquerors, rescued batman from the time stream; dome more than humanly possible. But it hadn’t been enough. Or maybe it hadn’t meant anything to the Bats. A part of him had it all to prove he belonged, that he earned the cowl; that just because Batman hadn’t picked him like had his other Robins, but just let him stay, hadn’t meant anything. But it did. And Tim knew the truth the world had been trying to get him to see. He was just pretending; pretending to belong to and with the Batfamily, pretending he had been a good Robin, pretending they had wanted him.
“I’m a failure,” The bluenette said.
“I’m a pretender,” Tim shrugged. “Name’s Tim though.”
           She got up and walked across the café and sat in the seat across from Tim. “My friends tossed me aside from something shiny and new. I’m been thrown away.”
           Time gave her a nod “The people I thought were my family don’t care that I haven’t been to the manor in almost two years. Or didn’t realize. I’ve been forgotten.”
“Been there.”
           Tim leaned forward in his seat, “I make one mistake. And B acts like I tried to end the world. I was rash. I acted out. I made a mistake. I’m human. It doesn’t even matter that I fixed it. He just refused to let it go.” Captain Boomerang killed his father. Tim had wanted to make him pay. It’s not like pointed a gun at villain. He just set the bastard up in a way he couldn’t walk away from. “He never listens to me. I get it, though. I wasn’t what he wanted. He didn’t want another son. He didn’t choose me.” Tim blinked hard, his fist clenching. “No one ever chooses me.”
“Everything I do has to be perfect,” Marinette whispered. “I can’t mess up. I can’t make mistakes. I have to stay in control at all times. Not like everyone else. I don’t get to be human. I have to be more. I have to be better. I have to be an example,” She hissed the word. “The world’s burning but I still have to be perfect. I still have to be strong and righteous and good. I have to take the high road.” She closed her eyes. “When all I want to do is scream. I have defend the world when no one even bothers to defend me.”
           Ilene Woods’ So This Is Love started playing. They listened to the song play, a weight off their shoulders left. Not all of it but some. And at that moment the ridiculousness of their situation hit; they had left their countries, ended up god knows where, stuck in a café to avoid the rain, and were complaining to a perfect stranger about how horrible their lives had been as of late. And they laughed. And laughed until it hurt.
“Why we do put up with it?”  Marinette leaned back in her seat. “I mean, I know why. But really. Why?
           Tim shrugged, a smile still on his face. We know why. We’re doormats.”
           Marinette nodded, “They only want us when they want something. That’s the only time we matter.”’ She looked up, right into his eyes. “But that’s why we’re here, isn’t it? Because we can’t take it anymore.”
“And we know we shouldn’t,” He nodded firmly. “Because we shouldn’t and we’re not.”
“Never again,” Marinette swore. And then stood up. “Pardon, I must use the restroom.”
           Then she left. As soon as she was gone, Tim pulled out his phone and looking up any superhero activity happening in Paris. There was a lot. Mostly about a hero named Ladybug, who loved more than just a bit like his new friend.
           Marinette, on the other hand, left to Speak with Tikki and Plagg who had fighting to get her attention. As soon as she was alone in the bathroom, Plagg stated, “Him! I wanted him. He’s my new Kitty!”
“I like him too,” Marinette said softly.
           They convinced Marinette that Tim would be a good hero; and she needed help.
           When Marinette rejoined the table, neither said a word. They went back to telling each other a bit more about their sorrows and heartaches until a relative peace settled between the two. Feeling freer than they had in months.
           Marinette drank her, now, cold tea. She placed down the cup, “So Tim, any plans on going back to Gotham. Cause if not, I’d like to make you an offer?”
           Tim smirked, the thrill of a potential adventure hitting him, “Is Marinette asking me? Or is Ladybug? For the record, it’s a yes either way.”
           Marinette smiled, glad that her new partner was seemed to have high intelligence. “How do you feel about Paris?”
“Love it,” Tim stood up. “I get to design my own look though. Unlike you, I don’t look good in skintight anything.”
“Oh I don’t know about that…” She teased her blue eyes sparkling. “That might be something we’ll have to find out.”
           The young man held a hand out, “Care to dance?”
“Thought you’d never ask,” The young woman said as took his hand in hers.
           They swayed to the music, laughing and twirling around. An elderly woman watched as once again her café worked its magic like it did for every lost soul that wandered in.
           Louis Armstrong’s What a Wonderful World started to play in the background as icy-blue eyes met bright blue. The rain slowly stopped as two lost souls, alone in the world, found each other.
I see skies of blue and clouds of white
The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night
And I think to myself what a wonderful world…
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the friends we made along the way [1]
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“A renowned adventurer, a wounded knight, her protégé, a fiery healer, an exasperated mage, an infamous thief, a squirrel whisperer, a double agent, a mysterious witch, a soft-spoken artist, and a perfectionist chef all go on an adventure to save the princess.
“It sounds like the opening of a bad joke, but no, rats are invading, the kingdom is in distress, and if this group of misfits don’t save the princess from the rat king, Grengresh, before he drains her magic and uses it against them… then they’re all pretty screwed.”
Y'all ever wake up and just write something completely unprompted that is 100% self-indulgent and that literally no one asked for?
Well, I do and here's the first part.
Read on AO3
[i] a dark and stormy night a rat scurried across the floor
The parchment remained bare, with only the exception of a wet ink dribble slowly spreading along the lower-left corner. 
Even with all the magic flowing in her veins, ready to ignite with a mere flick of her wrist, Violet still couldn’t make words pen themselves to the page. Somehow, writing a letter had become the hardest thing she’d done all day. 
First, she thought perhaps it was too stuffy within the bedroom, so she opened a window. The warm night air carried the scent of early spring-- blooming lilacs and cold soil from the gardens swirling with the early indications of rain, something lovely enough to clear her head, she thought. 
When that hadn’t worked, Violet paced about the room. With arms stretched high above her head, she then bent down to touch her toes. When that did nothing, she even spun around with as much grace as a land-stranded fish would. She thought if she could get the tension out of her shoulders, her focus would center. Then, she could write this letter. 
But, spinning around with nothing-- rather, no one to hold onto only reminded her of those long-gone days of dreaded dance lessons. 
Violet’s mouth twisted at the thought. The king thought it best she learn, as it’s something most princesses in other kingdoms excel at. 
Ben quickly realized Violet did better in other physical activities, such as archery, rather than dance. Then, once her magic grew stronger, there was absolutely no more time for dancing. At least, not that kind of dancing. 
Violet stilled, gaze stuck on the floor absently. 
Did Brody think about those days, as well? The days where after hours of archery practice, Brody took her sore hands in hers and spun them around as they laughed and embraced? Or was she too preoccupied with secret treasures hidden within abandoned caverns, with fighting off dangerous, mythical beings with the most renowned hunters? 
“You could come with me.”
A long, miserable sigh escaped as Violet plopped back down in her chair, knees brought to her chest for her chin to rest up as she stared out at the night sky, or rather, the disconsolate clouds that night sky hid behind. Judging by the dark color and the faintest rumbles of thunder, Violet predicted rain would fall over the lands of Erisonia quickly, within the hour. 
At least Ben would be pleased, Violet thought. King Ben had a thing about the rain. He saw it as a gift for their crops and gardens. While that may ring true for him, for Violet it brought bittersweet memories of that night two years ago-- the night Brody asked her to leave with her. 
Violet twirled her pen between her fingers, hesitating to dip back into the dark ink. More thunder grumbled in the distance as faint rain began to fall. Even so, Violet didn’t move to close the window. She welcomed the rain tonight. 
“You could come with me. With your magic and my grand sense of direction, we could travel the world together-- see everythin’ it’s got to offer.”
A bird with striking blue feathers fluttered in gracefully, perching itself on the window sill. It didn’t shy away when Violet reached out, instead drawn to her. The bird kept its balance on her fingers as she admired it. 
Two years, she thought. Two years since Brody left Erisonia in search of excitement, adventure, and treasure. Brody left everything and everyone behind--including Violet. Her leaving was premeditated, of course. Brody always knew she would become an adventurer one day, having let Violet know years in advance that one day she’d walk out of this kingdom in search of something greater. 
What had been a shock was that Brody wanted Violet at her side. 
At first, Violet thought it to be a joke, that surely Brody knew she could abandon Ben, the kingdom, and her other companions. 
“Why not? It’s not like we’ll never come back, and if King Ben needs ya, which knowin’ him, he will... then he’ll call.” 
Violet wanted to agree. As they stood close together, seeking shelter from the rain under the garden’s gazebo, Violet wanted to look Brody in the eye and agree. 
She wanted to go back to the castle that night and pack all her essential belonging, inform Ben that she would be leaving with Brody and that nothing would stop her, say her goodbyes to Clementine, Louis, and the other knights and companions she’s grown to love over her years, then get on Brody’s horse and ride out of the kingdom just as the sun began to rise. 
That’s not what happened, though. 
Violet made it clear that she couldn’t go-- her brother needed her by his side to run this kingdom, and the most selfish parts of her hoped that would be enough to keep Brody there with her.
But, her love’s mind was already made long before they had ever met. 
Brody, while hurt and anxious at their impending departure, didn’t push further. Instead, she took Violet’s hand in hers and pressed a long, delicate kiss against the inside of her wrist. A silent promise, they both knew. 
A promise that Brody would return for her.
She left that very next morning. 
They exchanged letters, but as time went on, Brody wrote less and less. Sometimes, Violet’s letters would be brought back as Brody wasn’t anywhere in the area she addressed anymore, and she’d have to wait weeks for her to write with apologies and a new contact address. 
Many rumors and stories began to surface about the girl, stories of the things she’s conquered. If they’re all to be believed, then there isn’t a doubt in Violet’s mind that Brody’s time was hardly wasted on letters to her. 
The bird chirped at her, fluffing up its feathers in a huff before taking flight. It moves about the room in a panic before soaring out the window. Something heavy takes hold of her gut, squeezing as she watched the bird disappear in the distance. A bright flash momentarily blinds her, and only seconds later, a deafening clap of thunder growls. The rain had gone from light to a downpour, so Violet finally closed the window to prevent her parchment from getting soaked. 
“Be safe,” she murmurs, thinking of the little blue bird who paid her a visit, then once more of Brody. 
Her empty letter mocks her, so she starts with something simple-- Brody’s name. 
Easy enough, but if only the rest of her words flowed so nicely. 
Sure, she could describe the mundane weather the past few weeks brought them, or update her on how much her archery had improved, or even detail the story of Ben accidentally firing off all the fireworks gifted to him from the kingdom of Richmond during his birthday celebration, setting the food court aflame and angering chef Omar, who then proceeded to chase Erisonia’s king around the yard with a ladle.
Violet grew tired of paint-by-number letters, but every time she sat in her chair ready to pen her feelings, it’s as if she forgot the entire language altogether. And as Violet sat there, watching rain droplets trickle down her window and listening to the angry thunder, it occurred to her that if the feelings for Brody hadn’t run so deep-- if Violet didn’t still love Brody as much as she did even after all this time-- then she could find the words, could write an easy letter inquiring of Brody’s adventures the way old friends did. 
It was that thought that terrified her.
Violet crossed Brody’s name out, then crumpled the paper. 
An erratic banging startled her, forcing a curse to pass her lips as she jerked her leg right into the hardwood of the desk.
“Violet! Vi, get up!” a familiar, muffled voice calls from the other side. Violet, that sunken feeling returning to her gut, hurried from the desk to across the bedroom and unlocked all three locks. Before she could even pull the handle, Louis forced himself in, knocking into her. 
Luckily, she was able to catch herself. Before she could open her mouth to chastise him for bothering her so late, Louis slammed the door shut, relocking it. He panted heavily, unable to catch his breath as he wheezed out her name. 
“Vi, thank God, you’re okay!” Louis wheezed out, turning to press his back against the door. “We gotta go! Grab your bow, pack up- gotta get to the tunnels!”
“What?” Violet interrupted. “No, what’s going on? What-” 
She noticed the blood caked along his forehead. The gash wasn’t too deep from what she could tell, still oozing fresh blood. Upon further inspection of his overall appearance, Louis was a mess. Blood smeared across his armor and stained the sword at his hip, his face somehow both flushed and pale all at once, and his dark eyes wide with a million thoughts. 
“Louis, what the hell happened to you?”
Louis ignored her question and checked the door once more. After a moment, he moved in closer to rest his hands on her shoulders, and that regretful look in his eye uneased her.
“Vi, Grengresh is here- there have to be about thirty rats, I-” Louis took another deep breath as tension overtook Violet’s form. “King Ben sent me and Clem to get you but- but we got jumped and she stayed behind with the others to make sure they don’t get here- They’re back for you and we- we need to go! Get you somewhere safe!”
The blood ran cold within her, but the magic flared. With teeth sunk deep into her lip, Violet searched for any indication on Louis’ features that this wasn’t real. At another clap of thunder, he flinched and peered behind his shoulder with a fearful grunt. That was more than enough for Violet. 
Grengresh-- or rather, King Grengresh, as the rats knew him-- was back for her. After his last unsuccessful attempt to steal her away in the dead of night many years ago, he came back with reinforcements. There had been word that more and more rats were showing up in the mountains, that Grengresh was forming an army, but--
Memories of that night come flooding back, paralyzing her where she stood. 
Claws digging into her thin arms, the hot, rotting breath along her neck that woke her, lips curling over fangs, and those horrifying yellow eyes staring delightfully down at her-- Grengresh’s tail whipping around to knock her down as she cried for help--
“Vi, hey,” Louis spoke, lightly shaking her shoulders. “I know. I know, but we need to move. The rats know where we are but he’s not going to get you again, we just need to- we need to get through the underground tunnels. C’mon.”
He let go of her, moving over to the closet where she kept her bow and quiver with specially handcrafted arrows. 
“Ben-” Violet choked out. “What about Ben?”
“With Clementine,” Louis answered, and his voice trembled with obvious unease. “They’re buying us time, but there’s only so much--”
“We can’t just leave them,” Violet took the bow and quiver of arrows from him, gripping them tightly. Small sparks left her fingertips, running along the bow. “We- we should help. This isn’t like last time. I’m not a kid anymore and with my magic--”
“I know, trust me, I tried to stay behind. I said the same thing but we can’t let him get ahold of you, Vi. Clem made that perfectly clear,” Louis told her. “Look, I don’t doubt you, but you know what’ll happen and I- I can’t-” he wiped at the blood dribbling down his brow, unfocused, “-they’re strong. With Clementine leading them, the rats have no chance, but we will have no chance if they take you away.” 
Something deep swelled inside of her, some sort of toxic concoction of fear, rage, and bravery that fueled the magic to spark in her palms, illuminating up her arms as she secured the quiver on her back. This caught Louis’ attention. 
“Violet, please, we have to move. Open the passageway and we can-”
The hardwood floors beneath them rumbled as an explosion vibrated through the castle. Violet’s breath caught in her throat, unable to move at the sound of crumbling walls and faint cries. 
“Oh no,” Louis panicked, unsheathed his sword, and rushed back to the door. “No, no, no, Clem-”
He froze only when the voice that haunted Violet’s nightmares drawled close from behind the door. 
“Oh, sweet princess~” Grengresh chuckles in a scratchy, singsong voice. “I can smell you hiding in there.”
The sparks grew brighter, vibrating with her accelerated and angry pulse as Violet glared at the door. 
“Even now your sweat carries your fear, sweet princess… and the boy, your protector, he cannot hide the terror and anguish. How is your heart, boy?” 
Louis gripped the handle of his sword tight, dark eyes wide. 
“How is your heart? Heavy, no doubt!” Grengresh sneers. “To leave a lover to her doom with not even a kiss goodbye- Oh, how is your heart, boy?”
The other rats joined in, laughing as they continued to claw the door. 
From beside her, Louis cursed weakly, head hung low as tears threatened to spill over. With no time to crumble under the rat king’s cruel mockery, he grabbed Violet’s free hand and winced as her magic burned him. He tried desperately to pull her back towards the wall where the secret passage was to open through her magic. 
But Violet couldn’t think of such things-- all thoughts of escape were long gone. Now, all Violet could think of was getting her hands around Grengresh’s thick, furry throat. 
“You could make this so easy for us,” Grengresh continued. 
Enthusiastic scratching tore at the door, loud and frantic. They would be through soon, and the irrational, furious side of Violet longed for Grengrash to appear for when she got her hands on him-- 
“Come with me and no more of your people have to die tonight. Not that you have many left… your poor, poor brother is going to have such a mess to clean up, and so many new knights to hire… well, assuming he’s not already dead, of course.”
Violet rushed the door, but Louis’ arms wrapped around her, jerking her back towards the other side of the room despite the sparks of magic shocking him. 
“No,” he begged in her ear. “Violet, please, we have to-”
“It’s not all bad though,” Grengresh continued, a heavy bang-- possibly from the full force of another rat’s weight-- punctuating his words. “My fellow rats have many limbs to snack upon for the ride home now!”
The other rats cackled with delight, and Violet saw nothing but white. 
The door flew off the hooks, bouncing off the bed and into the wall with a deafening sound. 
The rats were quick, but Violet was quicker, drawing her bow and charging an arrow. It flew and hit the first rat inside, now on the floor jerking about with the arrow sticking from its neck and blood staining its brown fur. 
"Vi, go! I'll-"
More rats of various colors and sizes-- five, perhaps-- all with bared teeth and nasty grins, swarmed them. Louis leaped ahead, his sword piercing a speckled rat with a broken fang who cried out and attempted to lash at him. Violet shot her charged arrows swifter than ever before-- if Brody could see her now-- and she managed to take down two more before a smaller white one tackled her to the ground. 
Drool spattered over her face at the rat nipped at the air inches from her face, only being restrained by her arm against its neck and legs kicking into its belly. Violet focused the liquid hot magic into her palm, shoving her fingers into the rat’s blood-red eyes, sending pulse after pulse into the rat’s brain. It cried out in agony before the skull shattered, and the rat fell limp over her. 
Louis’ sword got stuck in the belly of a rat that pinned him against the wall. Its tail whipped around, cracking against the cement walls. Louis pushed, shoving the rat away. However, the rat gripped the sword, and with its final bits of strength, thrust its claws into his shoulder, piercing the armor. 
Louis staggered back and pushed the rat off him. The body fell, the sword sticking up for Louis to grab, but Grengresh himself got there first. The rat king’s pointed nails threatened to break the skin as he wrapped a hand around Louis’ throat, forcing him back against the wall. Another rat leaped forward and pinned the rest of his body down.
His gagging caught Violet’s attention, and in seconds she was back on her feet and lunging at Grengresh with fiery white magic swirling around her.
“Violet, no-!” Louis choked out. 
Violet was so close, but the other reminding rat intercepted, tacking her to the ground. Though she shocked him, the magic frying its insides, she couldn’t get away fast enough. Grengresh’s tail cracked along the back of her head, and Violet’s vision went in and out of the darkness. 
Grengresh smirked down at her, his yellow eyes wide and merry as he sunk his teeth deep into Louis’ shoulder, getting a tight grip before ripping away, breaking away a chunk of armor and flesh.  
Grengresh dropped him to the ground and whipped his hard tail across the back of his head. 
Louis laid there, unmoving.
“Louis! Fuck, shit- Louis!”
More rats surrounded Violet, clutched onto each of her limbs, and held her down as she struggled. Her magic, though weaker, still managed to hurt them until Grengresh’s tail slapped down on her stomach, knocking all the breath from her lungs. 
Something cold and heavy locked around her wrists, and within moments, the magic sparks fizzled out. What felt like lead weighed down her bones-- the cuffs, Violet realized much too late. They're enchanted!
“Get off!” she demanded. “Get the fuck off me!” 
“Now, now,” Grengresh cooed, amused. “That is not the language used by a princess.” 
Violet spat at him, her spit landing on the dark fur of his chest. 
“Unladylike,” Grengresh shook his head, sending his tail down against her stomach once more. “That won’t do.”
Violet coughed, hacked up what tasted like blood. Grengresh’s nose twitched high in the air. He hummed, eyeing the door.
“Help comes for you, sweet princess. Too bad they’re too late for you and the poor boy,” Grengresh said. “Don’t worry, you won’t be killed. You’re far too valuable for that.” 
Grengresh moved down on all fours now, creeping closer to her. Despite herself, Violet felt as though she were a child again, and the monster beneath her bed had come to take her away. But this time… this time Violet knew the guards wouldn’t make it in time, and Louis--
She glanced at his body, still unmoving. Blood pooled around him.
Even if her head were clear, she couldn’t describe aloud the pain she felt both within her, and along her skin. The metal cuffs soaked up all the magic she had, and with the bodies of the rats holding her down, everything burned. 
“Shredard,” Grengresh addressed the rat on Violet’s left, with dark eyes and pure black fur. “Give that concoction of yours a whirl.”
“Yes, sir,” Shredard said. 
Only a moment later, a cold cloth was placed over Violet’s nose and mouth.
No matter how hard she struggled, darkness took her. 
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Past The Point Of No Return (Epilogue )
Pairing: Safin x F!Reader
Summary: Five years later, you are a changed woman. You will never go back to normal with the past haunting you every hour. Safin wasn’t going to be leaving your life anytime soon. 
Word count: 3.3K
Warnings: N/A
A/N: No!! It's the epilogue (the end)!! 🥺 I'm gonna miss writing this piece. It was so much fun to do. I wanna thank you guys for ALL of your support. Reading your comments literally makes my day so much. Safin is such a wildcard to write. I cannot wait until November comes. When NTTD comes out, this won't be canon. I might come back and make changes, but I like the way I left this. You never know what the future holds. I'm working on an Ahkmenrah x Reader so stay tuned. Always remember that I'm taking requests at the moment. If you would wanna leave one, please check out my masterlist! I get really bored hehe. I have school, but I would love some ideas (especially for rami characters!) ;) I hope you guys enjoy this and thank you for this fun ride❣️
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Safin was always watching.
Safin had been there that night. Even with three years in confinement, his cold heart couldn’t find a reason to hate you. You were the only reason he kept living on. The woman who had ruined his life was the woman he loved so dearly.
You saw Safin in the corner of the room. Nothing had changed about him; his hair had a few gray strands, big sorrowful bluish-green eyes, and disfigured skin still remained the same. The burning candle in your room only revealed half of his figure. Knowing everyone’s walking pattern, you knew it was him. But instead of being afraid, your shoulders had softened. His footsteps slowly approached the front of your bed, looking upon you. The candle shined in his race, revealing Safin.
When your [y/c/e] eyes met his sad ones, it was like you had been punched in the stomach. The last time you had even talked to him was three years ago in his cell. You promised that you raised the child he left you with, never allowing him to see them.
Along with leaving Safin in the past, a promise you were determined to make was to never love him again.
You broke your promise.
Almost no words were spoken between you two. He walked over to you and wrapped his arms around you, burying his face in your hair. You wanted to protest since it was the right thing to do. But instead, you responded by accepting the hug.
“I missed you.” Safin cooed. Moving his face away from yours, he made sure to get a look at your face. Three years, and you hadn’t changed at all. You were still his little dove.
“Safin…” You muttered, holding his calloused hands in yours. “How..?”
“It doesn’t matter. All that matters right now is that I’m here, with you.”
As he tried to kiss you, your hands gently pushed his chest as you walked back to get a better look at time. Safin’s hair had outgrown into unruly curls with his disfigured skin paler than before.
“It does matter. If they find you, yo-”
“Kill me?” Safin rolled up his sleeve to reveal that he had taken out the chip inside of his body. Without it, it would be tricker to find him. He wasn’t one to quit so easily. “I have escaped my death. All of my years in that glass cell were years not wasted. I am free.”
Walking past him, you walked towards the window that overlooked your neighborhood. Safin followed and stood beside you, hands behind his back. You and Louis had relocated to Covent Gardens. In the daytime, it was bustling. But at night, the beautiful lights shined upon the navy sky. It was taken off M16 records and to stay safe from SPECTRE, but of course Safin had found his way. He always kept to his promises.
“What are you going to now?” You asked to break the silence. “The island was destroyed. All of your work and men are gone.”
“Not all was lost. Primo and Serrano survived. They are planning to relocate to Switzerland, where Heinrich had left his work. I plan to meet them in the Underground.” He didn’t even turn to look at you. “I was coming to say goodbye to you. I know you will not come, I understand that. But, I ask of one favor.”
Safin most likely wanted you to stay silent since almost everyone at M16 knew he was after you. A sigh escaped from your mouth as you turn to look at him.
“I want to see my child.” Safin requested, polite, and low. You rolled your eyes, about to walk away. Seeing your disgust, he followed after you, subtlety begging. “I will not take him, or tell him of who I am. Just one look at him.”
You were sick of his bullshit. All he came for was the child. Steal him away and make him his little minion since he was one of the lite. Safin wasn’t a man for emotion. He was a sadistic monster who simply wanted power and control. With one click of a button, all of M16 would have their forces over to your flat in under five minutes.  Safin grabbed your hand, causing you to stop.
“Y/n, please. ” He whispered, squeezing your hand. “I will never bother you, or our child again. Once I leave, you will never have to worry about me.”
Louis was asleep. He never woke up to anything. You would have expected Safin to beg you to come, but something about him was different. What was he going to do now that everything he had once known as once. His men had been imprisoned, his work had been mostly destroyed, his island decimated, what did Safin have left?
His wife and child.
It was stupid, far from ideal. But it would take anything to have Safin leave you alone. You started to lead him down the hall, still holding his hand. “His name is Louis. He’s three. Just..be quiet when you enter his room.”
Creaking the door opening, a light shined upon your sleeping child. Louis was curled into a small ball, holding a Moomin plush towards his chest. His room was full of books and toys that had been bought for him by your friends (mainly Bond and Q). A soft, cute mumble escaped from his lips, drool coming from the side.  Safin had done the same thing; as a child and a man. Everything about the little boy was Safin. Louis was Safin’s true reflection.
Safin looked at you, a gentle smile on his scarred face. It was the first light of hope he had felt in years. “Y/n...he’s beautiful.”
“Louis...everyone loves him.” You cooed back. Safin and you tiptoed over to his bed, not wanting to wake Louis. Resting yourself besides your child, you move an unruly curl out of his tiny face. “He’s a good boy..”
Safin decided to bend over to get a better look at his son. His creation. He was identical to Safin, especially as a younger child. It was like looking in the reflection, only that Louis was innocent. He had raised in a good home with a good mother. No lab work, tests, or scarring. He got loved, something that Safin had never experienced.
“Louis is so pure. I’m glad he has you as his mother.” Safin explained. He shifted himself right next to you, a hand on your thigh. He whispered, “I’m glad he got his mother’s beauty.”
“I’m going to guess you were a cute little boy, then,” A subtle smile appeared on your face was looked down at your son. Safin’s fingers lifted your chin, getting lost in his bluish-green eyes.
“Your eyes...are sad.” Safin noticed. “Your skin is cold. Your shaking in my arms. Even if you were away from me, you were still sad. You’ve always been sad. You haven’t truly been happy in years.”
“Louis is the only reason I’m alive.” You confessed. “He’s my rock. I look at his face and smile. Out of all of this shit, Louis was the only good thing. I try to be a good mother, but it’s hard. I’ve always had a fear of dying alone. But I’m not anymore because I know it’s coming. Louis will grow up and leave me. It’s just happening faster than I was expecting…”
“Then come with me.”
You were confused by his statement. “What..?”
“You and Louis can come with us to Switzerland. We have a house right in the Alps. Escape all of this pain. Never worry about being alone or struggling to put food on the plate or pay rent. You can disappear from all of this. M16 will never find you or Louis. I will never force myself upon you. I’m not doing this for myself, but for Louis. For you, my love.”
“ I cannot stand to hear you talk about yourself in that manner. You will never be alone if you come with me. I will take care of you. Seeing you like this...I will be unable to live myself.”
It was a lot to take in. Safin was right; you weren’t happy. You had been through so much pain in the past decade; losing a limb, having a child, and so much more. M16 hadn’t done much to help you after your return to civilization. Money was still scarce for you. You wondered if it was better for Louis to live with another family since you were afraid that you would have a breakdown. You loved Louis more than anything in the world and would do anything to make sure he was happy. Now here you were, your husband sitting in front of you, offering a new life. Safin wasn’t lying to your face. He seemed oddly soft and hurt as well. His eyes were full of sadness, just like yours. Looking at him with a conflicted expression, a sigh escaped from your lips, unable to form words.
“What is it going to be, y/n?”
The sky was as navy as it could be, not a cloud in the sky; the grass was unrealistically green and the mountains were decorated in snow. The stars twinkled in the star with the moon illuminating your room. Your Chalet was so closed off from the whole world. No longer did you listen to sirens and mumbled laughter. All that could be heard were the chirping of birds. Closing your eyes, you let the sun beat onto your cold skin. It was pure bliss.
Five years ago, you were a different woman. Someone who was scared and alone. When you had been offered a second chance, you had taken it. Not for yourself, but Louis. Safin had kept to his promise. That fateful night, you packed a bag for you and Louis, saying goodbye to London. It was you, Safin, Louis, Serrano, and Primo now. They were your family now. You made sure to leave a note for your former family and friends; statting that you wanted to disappear. It was hard at first, but you had overcome it. With Louis and Safin, you were truly happy.
Louis, like any child, was scared of Safin at first. His face had scared him, causing the four-year-old to run out of the house. There was a wild hunt for the young boy in the alps. Instead of Primo finding him, it was Safin. Louis had come back with Safin, a connection sparking between them. Now Louis’s was Safin’s little boy.
Safin, under the name Armando, worked in the local town with the mob. You made sure to stay out of it, raising your children. But here and there, you would help new recruits train with there weapons. Even Primo, a skilled mercenary, was impressed by your skills. But just because Safin worked didn’t mean he left you to raise Louis alone.
Safin had spoiled the two of you. He made sure Louis was the happiest little boy in the world. Serrano and Primo could never say no to him. You and Safin had left off on a rough note, but eventually fell back in love. It was hard at first. Being around him was so alien. But you learned that Safin truly cared and loved you. He didn’t take you for himself. All he wanted to do was make you happy, which you finally were.
The chalet was silent as everybody had been preparing to retire. The last time you had seen Safin was at dinner. He placed a kiss on your head as you sat by his side, a hand on your thigh. No matter where you were, he always wanted to have a part of you near. It was the same thing with Louis. Whatever free time Safin had, he wanted to spend it with Louis or you. Whether it be a shooting lesson or an intimate dinner, he always made time for his family.
You peeked into Louis’s bedroom, which was a floor below yours. Louis was growing older and wanted to be more independent. He tried to deny your goodnight kisses and stories. Safin had heard and sat down with him, trying to tell him that it was okay to show emotion for his mother. You, being yourself, decided to eavesdrop. You remembered the words Safin had told Louis.
“If I were you, I would never deny a kiss from your mother. Your very lucky to have a woman like her in your life.”
Louis, from that night on, had proceeded to kiss you every single night, not denying it once.
Louis had been fast asleep. His light had been turned over as his Tintin book was sprawled on the sheets. He still held onto the Moomin plush you had bought him as an infant. He had an odd connection to it and hated to admit it. You tiptoed in and placed a kiss into his curls before exiting the room to find your husband.
You found him in the bedroom down the hallway. The nursery was cozy with the interior of a cabin. Safin stood in front of the crib, holding your little girl, Diana. Safin and you had made another, beautiful creation. Like Louis, Diana had been the mirror image of you. She had your eyes, skin, hair, everything. Safin was enamored with the child. Whenever it cried, he was always the one to comfort it. He would fall asleep in the rocking chair, Diana cuddled in his arms as he snored.
Walking behind Safin, you place a hand on his shoulder to overlook at Diana. “Hey, you two…”
Safin turned his head and placed a gentle kiss on your forehead before looking back at Diana. “Y/n. I haven’t seen you all day.”
“Three hours ago,” You reminded him. Looking down at Diana, a smile curved on your lips. She was fast asleep in Safin’s arms. “God, she’s an angel.”
“Just like you, my love.” He cooed, placing Diana in the crib. She squirmed before positioning to be more comfortable. Safin placed a hand on your shoulder, pulling you close. “You’re the one who saved me.”
You smirked, quirking an eyebrow. “Someone’s flirty tonight.”
“When I’m around you and our children, of course, I would be happy.” Safin smiled. You playfully rolled your eyes as you walked back to the master bedroom. The two of you had changed into your pajamas. As you sat on your side to take off your prosthetic, Safin had come over and bent down. “Love, let me take it from here.”
“Safin, I-”
Safin simply ignored your stubbornness and grabbed your thigh. It was his way of spoiling you. Upon hearing about your leg, his heart broke for you. He believed that no one such as yourself deserved such loss. You had become used to not having a leg, not really remorseing it as much. But Safin was your husband and was overdramatic about almost everything. He gently slid the prosthetic off and removed the cover, revealing the small stub on your foot.
Safin looked at your stub with a remorseful expression on his face. A smile appeared on your face as you ran your hands through his curls. “It’s fine. It doesn’t hurt at all.”
“You didn-”
“Safin, it’s okay. Please.” You reassured, holding his face. “It’s the past. Just come to bed, please.”
The former anarchist crawled right next to you, holding you in a tight embrace. His nose was buried in your hair as he played with your end. In response, your hands snaked around his back, holding his close. You looked up with him, smirking.
“Five years passed, and you still haven’t told me about how the hell you found my old flat.” You remarked.
Safin raised his eyebrows, breathing the scent of your vanilla shampoo. “The devil works hard, but I work harder.”
“Come on,” You poked your stub at his thigh. He shifted in discomfort, with a snort coming out of your mouth. “Tell me.”
“Why do you care so much about the past?”
“Why did you care so much about a crippled cryptographer?”
“Good one, my love.” He remarked, pulling your closer to his face. “All these years later, and your fire still burns.”
“Why do you love me?” You asked as you traced little figures into his back.
He furrowed an eyebrow, perplexed. “That shouldn’t even be a question. I could go on for hours about why you are my one and only. If you wish, then I-”
“I took down your whole empire. I let them imprison you for three years, yet you come back for me.”
“I was angry, I will admit,” Safin confessed, stroking your hair. “But...I couldn’t let you go. Knowing that you were alone, raising the child I had left you made me feel horrible. You were so special to me. I married you for a reason. But I was so naive to love. I had never experienced it until I was with you. Being by myself made me realize that...love took time.
“I had forced you to fall in love with me because I was so desperate for the touch of a woman. Every day I thought about your face and the time we had spent together. All I wanted was to make amends with you. Knowing that I had hurt you pained me. I knew that you would want to stay with your job and raise Louis. I had contemplated going to visit you in your flat. I thought you would say no, but look at where we are..”
Your hand caressed Safin’s cheek as you looked into his bluish-green eyes. “Look at us. You have given me two amazing children. It took time, but..were happy now.”
“Thank you, my love. For everything you have done.” Safin brought your lips to his. It was a passionate makeout. His lips were like bread as they captured yours. He could taste the coconut chapstick on your lips. As you separated, you remarked.
“Still..you never told me about how you found my place..”
“Must go on about that?”
“Hey, you were the one who made the first move, not me.” You joked, referring to the first time you had met. Years ago, it was something you struggled to cope with. But now that you were older and happier, you joked to cope with it.
“Well then, not such a clever girl now are we?” A devilish smirk appeared on Safin’s face; your faces close and hot.
“Not such a clever man, no?” You snapped back. Safin responded once again crashing his lips into yours. It started out rough but ended passionately. It became more lazier and sloppier since the two of you were exhausted.
It all seemed too unreal to occur. But it had happened. Over the years, you had learned that you and Safin were different yet similar. You two were broken people who had been left behind in life to fend for themselves. Safin had been angrier at the world than you had.
Not only were two angry, but alone. Love had been difficult for you two to find. You would admit that love wasn’t your thing. If Safin had never happened, then you were positive you would have been fine without getting married. But Safin had been different. When Kidnapping you, all he wanted was company. For someone to love him back. You refused to fall for him at first. All Safin wanted was to win. You weren’t someone that gave in so easily.
But here you laid with a man who had kidnapped now, now being your doting husband with two children.
Safin’s lips parted from yours as he held you in a tight embrace, dozing off. You smiled at his face and moved a curl to get a better view. In your eyes, he was absolutely beautiful. Just in a different way. Curling up next to Safin, you shut your eyes with a soft smile. You feel warm and safe in Safin’s secure embrace. Just like your husband, you fell asleep as you drooled onto his arm.
After years of being conflicted, you finally realized.
You were truly, deeply, and madly in love with Safin.
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twopoppies · 4 years
Do you know any fics where H/L are in love with each other but are currently in other relationships? Like I don’t know maybe they are friends and don’t want to ruin that friendship by confessing their feelings so they see other people but are like jealous and longing and the other doesn’t know? Sorry if this is a mess
Ok, I really don’t have fics that fit that exactly, but I think the best way to approach this is to make a jealousy fic rec. I’ll do one for Louis and one for Harry and hopefully some will hit the right notes for you. So….here goes!
Scroll down for Jealous Louis fics!!
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babydoll blues by devilinmybrain / @thedevilinmybrain (E, 112K) At last, the full-fledged, dirty, sugar baby fic we needed. Harry's character is so layered and so beautifully drawn, I just fell in love with him. Louis is sexy and powerful and also tender and sweet, just how I imagine the actual Louis to be. This author wrote one of my favorite fics of 2021, so I was really excited to dive into this one. They really know how to set a scene and draw you in to their characters. Scorching smut scenes, excellent use of side characters, and some angst that fully made me cry. Definitely worth a read! (this has jealous Harry and jealous Louis - two for one!)
Literally Making Love by Brooklyn_Babylon / @twopoppies (E, 30K)
Holding up one of the android's eyes to the workshop’s windows, he smiled as the light picked up the gold flecks in the pale green of his irises. Louis had always paid attention to even the tiniest details.
All Louis intended to do was rescue someone in need from loneliness. He had no idea it would be himself.
Forever, Uninterrupted by sparkk (E, 9K) Written in Harry’s POV, this is one of the few Alpha Harry/Omega Louis fics that really work for me. It’s sexy and emotional, with great dirty talk and some serious jealousy on Harry’s part. I really enjoyed this one a lot.
Stranger Stars by shaylea / @sunshineandhisrainbows (E, 212K) This is a really unique fic that takes place on a 6-week safari through Africa. It’s incredibly detailed and the author does a lovely job with the character arcs and with setting the scene. I think both of them show some possessive/jealous behavior, but Harry’s really stood out to me, so I’m putting it here. LOL! 
for as long as I can remember (it’s always been december) by green_feelings / @greenfeelings (E, 128K) This author always delivers on the angst, so yes…I cried. I loved the sense of the inevitable with these two characters — as in real life, they’re just meant to be. But first they’ll go through hell.
Some Things Take Root by navigator, quitter (E, 50K) These authors always write fics I like and this one is sweet and sexy. Harry tries to help Louis make his ex jealous, but Harry ends up being pretty jealous himself. 
a love reaction by tilthesundies (E, 10K) This is one of the few Daddy Harry fics I really like––their characterizations work really well in this one. friends to lovers, jealous Harry... some good shit.
Tainted Saints and Velvet Vices by Toomanytears (E, 127K) Even if you know nothing about Harry Potter (or don’t care about it, like me), this is such a good read. Great character arc, really engaging story, and smut that’s worth the slow burn wait. Not a ton of jealousy (because it’s mostly hate to love), but there is some and it helps Louis understand Harry a bit better. 
Fertile Ground by Blake (E, 4K) This author explores gender and body acceptance in a way I haven’t seen done much in this fandom, and their writing is so moving. Like, every line packs a punch. This one, in particular, is such a moving portrait of Harry’s struggles with how others see him and how he sees himself, jealousy about what he can and can’t give Louis, and Louis’ support as they figure it out together. 
Victorian Boy by audreyheart (E, 101K) For anyone that hasn’t read this yet, it’s delightfully unique and layered with a little of everything – hate to love, romance, intrigue, action, betrayal, sex, and more. It’s well written, sexy – in a wonderfully Victorian way, and keeps you guessing. Plus, I love slightly uptight virgin Harry being both scandalized by Louis and jealous of those around him. 
kiwi by fondleeds (M, 24K) honestly I have trouble putting down anything this author writes…they just set a scene and detail characters in a way that I find really compelling. This one maybe feels slightly OOC, but it’s such a good read I didn’t care at all.  
(your heartbeat) rang true inside my bones by flimsy (E, 33K) Once again Harry agrees to help Louis make an ex jealous,. Didn’t he learn his lesson already? Canon divergent/fake boyfriend fun. 
The Way You Smile Golden by PearlyDewdrops (M, 6K) Beautifully written slice of life where I just felt everything this author described––from the stuffy bar to the freezing beach to the confusing emotions both characters had. It’s just lovely.
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babydoll blues by devilinmybrain / @thedevilinmybrain (E, 112K) At last, the full-fledged, dirty, sugar baby fic we needed. Harry's character is so layered and so beautifully drawn, I just fell in love with him. Louis is sexy and powerful and also tender and sweet, just how I imagine the actual Louis to be. This author wrote one of my favorite fics of 2021, so I was really excited to dive into this one. They really know how to set a scene and draw you in to their characters. Scorching smut scenes, excellent use of side characters, and some angst that fully made me cry. Definitely worth a read! (this has jealous Harry and jealous Louis - two for one!)
do you know me by heart by HappyPrince (E, 7K) These are complex characters with complex emortions and behaviors. The writing here is visceral and raw and real. Such a good read. There’s also a 10K second part to this series which is really beautifully done. Jealous Louis.  
Pull Me Under by zarah5 (E, 140K) One of the very first fics I read when I came into this fandom…and I’ve read it multiple times since. Zarah’s fics hold up every time. This one has it all, great pacing, ot5 friendship, banter, super sexy smut, etc etc. Plus, Louis being super jealous of Harry’s best friend. Link is to a download.
fuck fake friends by resurrectdead / @artxghoul (E, 30K) Soooo much miscommunication, which leads to sooooo much jealousy and unhappiness. But they ultimately get their shit together. This author always writes a really fun dynamic (and their ability to write both hot smut and witty banter makes me happy)
do you know me by heart by HappyPrincess / @pattern-pals (E, 7K) This author is going to think I’m insane because I keep adding them to lists, but this fic is so well done. As I’ve said before, not a fluffy fic. Layered characters, layered behaviors, layered emotions. But such a good exploration of all of it. Read the tags!
we’ve people to see (let’s put ‘em on hold) by orphan_account (E, 7K) The jealousy here isn’t the main aspect, but Louis mistakenly thinks Liam is Harry’s Daddy. And he’s not happy about that. The rest is just porn. But it’s some good sexy times!
You’ll Breathe Me In (You Won’t Release) by LoadedGunn (E, 95K) Also known as The Driving Instructor fic. This has some of the best pacing I’ve read in a fic, some really well written BDSM smut, and characters I just really enjoy. I know it’s not for everyone. Read the tags.
sensitive to pressure by momentofclarity / @gaycousinlarry (E, 4K) This is so well written and so sexy (and filthy in the best kind of way). TBH, they’re both pretty possessive in this one, but Louis shows his jealous side more obviously. I love the overwhelm and the heady rush of a secret relationship and how much is captured in so few words. 
For As Long As I Can Remember (It's Been December) by green_feelings / @greenfeelings (E, 128K) This author always delivers on the angst, so yes…I cried. I loved the sense of the inevitable with these two characters — as in real life, they’re just meant to be. But first they’ll go through hell.
Some Things Take Root by navigator, quitter (E, 50) I pretty much love everything these authors have written. This one is sweet, charming, and sexy. They’re both a bit jealous in this one TBH.
every universe but ours by @28finelines (E, 50K) How this fic doesn’t even have 3K hits is beyond me. It’s so touching and funny and sexy and I read it all in one go––thankfully just before I published this post! Please go read it because it’s like reading multiple Larry fics in one, each one with that “I would find you in any lifetime” vibe.
rivers ‘til i reach you by embodied / @crossnecklace (E, 29K) I’m going to copy what @thenewlarryclassics said about this fic because they really summed up exactly my thoughts: The writing is poetic and a sparse in a way that makes it feel moody, heavy, significant somehow. The characters are fascinating and the author really captures that uncertainty that comes with falling for someone and not knowing how they feel too. The scenery and atmosphere feels like a third character, but what I really love is how the most is said through the dialogue–and it’s not a lot–it shows so much with so few words. t’s one of my new favorites.
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